=== wartylog_ [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004 === wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004 === wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004 === wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004 === SteveA [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-111-1-9-125.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Keybuk [~scott@host217-37-231-23.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu === wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004 === Keybuk [~scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu === wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004 === wartylog_ [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html === Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004 === __keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu === lamont__ [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu