
=== jdub__ is now known as jdub
=== npmccallum [~npmccallu@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu
=== npmccallum [~npmccallu@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu
=== __keybuk [~scott@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu
=== __keybuk is now known as Keybuk
=== Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004
=== #ubuntu [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
=== wartylog_ [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004
=== wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004
=== seb128 [~seb@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu
=== npmccallum [~npmccallu@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu
=== seb128 [~seb@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu
=== wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004
=== wartylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~fabbione/warty-rcbugs/ <- now with an index.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by fabbione at Tue Jun 22 14:57:00 2004

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