[12:00] ... with no hard disk ... easily fixed [12:03] ... and missing a cable from motherboard to the DVD reader ... [12:08] lol === Gman [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] live cd boots ok on a Via Nehemiah ITX board with 512meg RAM and no hard disk [01:58] cool [02:00] keeping your long-term storage devices safe from it so far? ;-) === bdale stuck a 10G disk in and started an install before heading upstairs to dinner... won't get back down to check it until a bit later yet === Gman_ [~Glynn@219-89-128-29.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu === Gman [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gman___ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gman___ finally gets around to burning a live cd :/ === Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] anyone awake? [06:40] going to sleep soon === Gman_ is now known as GmanAFK === lamont [~lamont@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === spiv [~andrew@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === warthylog [~warthylog@port1845.ds1-khk.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: SSDS | http://wiki.no-name-yet.com/ un: sounders, pw: oink === Topic (#ubuntu): set by Keybuk at Sun Aug 15 21:58:42 2004 === Keybuk [~scott@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === seb128 [~seb@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] morning [10:52] hello jdub [11:11] hola [11:13] hey Oskuro [11:18] It feels great to sleep until 11 :D [11:24] shut up :p [11:24] haha [11:31] heh heh heh [11:31] sorry guys :D [11:32] just one day left! [11:32] 2 [11:33] well, 1 of getting up early. [11:33] Friday/Sat is supossed to be fun [11:33] unless you go to France early Saturday :P [11:36] yes I do :( [11:36] I've to leaver around 7am [11:37] -r [11:37] seb128: ross is here [11:37] I've seen dude [11:37] oh [11:37] the room is not *that* huge :) [11:37] i am slow :) [11:37] haha, thought you were in wootton# [11:37] jdub, you need to go out of the sleepy mode dude [11:37] jdub: you need new glasses [11:38] jdub: damn it... [11:38] jdub: can you tell the bastard that he should have come on tuesday? [11:39] Oskuro, in fact jdub said him that today was a good day to come [11:39] yeh ;) [11:39] shush! [11:39] feeeh! === Oskuro kicks jdub's butt over and over. [11:39] anyway... ross: hello dude. :) [11:40] ross says hi [11:40] see, it's not exciting at all via a second person via IRC === rburton [~ross@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] cursed freenode [12:04] *waves* === ross_ [~ross@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === ross_ is now known as rburton [12:19] Oskuro, dude, you went home! [12:19] rburton: dude, yex [12:19] I mean yes [12:19] you could have come like 24h before [12:19] Is carlos anywhere near? [12:19] I need him to tell me a phone number [12:22] he's only on jabber ... [12:22] s/only/online/ [12:22] k === npmccallum [~npmccallu@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === [lsd] _ [~lsd@220-253-46-47.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] Keybuk: so, what is HCT? === [lsd] _ is now known as [lsd] [01:40] damned screen [01:41] seb128, get a decent laptop [01:41] join the ThinkPadGang [01:42] I'll get a laptop yeah [01:42] this one is an old pII366 from a friend [01:42] rock on [01:42] yeah [01:43] fear the openoffice.org build :) [01:43] rofl [01:43] oo.o takes 18 hours on ppc you know [01:43] yeah, I don't even try this one [01:53] rburton: the Hypothetical Changeset Tool; I'll explain it after lunch if you want [01:53] hypothetical? heh [01:53] sure great [01:53] what is the deal for food here? [01:53] buffet for lunch in 7 minutes [01:53] rock [01:54] $ apm [01:54] Off-line, battery status high: 2% (0:03:00) [01:54] just in time [01:54] rburton, plug my laptop off if you want [01:54] I've my battery full [01:54] my charger is across the room [01:54] oh ok [01:57] are sounders suppossed to join this channel? or is "ubuntu" still under wraps? === Md [md@md.staff.freenode] has joined #ubuntu === lamont [~lamont@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === seb128 [~seb@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === npmccallum [~npmccallu@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] installation completed on the ITX system. once it told me I should be ready to log in, it looked like maybe X was going to start, then I got faced with about 5 dialog boxes with unintelligible text. hit enter to take defaults on all of them, now I'm back at a text login prompt. le huh? [02:59] bdale: hrm, those are the "gdm/x did not start" dialogues === Keybuk [~scott@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] bdale: utf-8 problems with dialog [03:01] (most likely) [03:03] only gdm [03:04] X doesn't display any dialog that it cannot start [03:04] it just doesn't [03:04] bdale can you investigate why X didn't start? [03:33] I just had the same problem as bdale yesterday [03:34] I had to manually add my driver to the XF86Config [03:35] I had the same garbled text dialogs also. [03:35] whiprush: which driver was written in the config file? [03:35] apm? [03:35] The entire line was missing. [03:35] ah [03:35] iirc. [03:35] Lemme check the backup. [03:35] yes thanks [03:36] yep, you're correct, apm. [03:36] ok which version of X are you running? [03:37] Version: 4.3.0.dfsg.1-6ubuntu4 [03:37] that's my xserver-xfree86 [03:37] ok.. it is already fixed in ubutu5 === whiprush updates [03:37] known bug :-) [03:37] it's not in the archive yet [03:37] woo. [03:37] it is probably building [03:38] quick question, desktop bugs should go into your bugzilla right? Even if I see the behaviour on my sid box also? ie. They should be reported seperately right? [03:38] * Fix bug in xserver-xfree86 configuration script where failure of [03:38] autodetection would cause the script to think it had detected one X server [03:38] or XFree86 video driver instead ($(echo "" | wc -l) is "1", not "0"). [03:39] whiprush: if you notice a bug in sid pleaase report it to Debian. If the same behaviour happens with warty, please let us know and we will track the bug as well [03:39] ok. [03:58] hey hey wh [03:58] er, whiprush === Keybuk [~scott@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === Md [md@md.staff.freenode] has joined #ubuntu === [lsd] [~lsd@220-253-46-47.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === spiv [~andrew@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === daniels [daniel@fooishbar.org] has joined #ubuntu === thom [~thom@2001:618:400:0:0:0:c336:e42a] has joined #ubuntu === Reformed [~benl@junkybox.pacific.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === whiprush [~jorge@arslinux.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] sorry, walked away for a bit. I'll investigate why X didn't start in a bit, need to help my wife with a problem first. [04:45] jdub: point of no return now, I moved my main pc to ubuntu. fear. === rburton [~ross@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === rburton grumbles at freenode [05:23] whiprush: rad! [05:36] rburton, have you seen this bug http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=148028 ? [05:36] read the last comment if you can [05:37] Is there anyone around who can test a vino package for me in a couple of minutes? [05:53] mjg59: for warty? [05:53] jdub: Built against unstable, so ought to work fine in warty [05:53] ok [05:53] I only have a single machine here, so I want to make sure that it's actually serving properly without resorting to multiple X servers [05:53] source? [05:54] Do you want source or is a deb fine? [05:54] deb-src [05:54] mjg59, just vncclient to localhost [05:54] fun for all the family [05:54] *pain* [05:54] rburton: Doesn't that go horribly wrong? [05:54] no [05:54] its like looking in a reflection of a reflection [05:55] jdub: It's in http://www.codon.org.uk/~mjg59/tmp/ === thom blinks gently at jdub [06:00] mjg59: building [06:00] Rock [06:01] vino totally needs a nicon [06:01] when a connection is open [06:01] notification area action [06:02] totally [06:02] i poked mark about this already [06:02] the sharer knows when someone connects but not when they disconnect [06:03] You guys are having a notification area by default, right? [06:04] yah [06:06] mjg59: works here [06:06] jdub: Rock [06:06] I'll upload it, then [06:06] mjg59: just looked at 1280x800 screen from 800x600 screen ;) [06:07] Is that hideously broken laptop still around?> [06:07] If so, could someone dump the DSDT and send it to me? [06:11] which one? [06:13] mjg59: didn't seem to start the session when i turned it on in the prefs dialogue? [06:13] jdub: It won't [06:13] "oh" [06:13] If it's installed, the default session will run it [06:13] Otherwise you need to add it by hand [06:14] so the prefs panel won't even run it? [06:26] jdub: the c3, dude [06:28] Sorry, yeah, the c3 [06:29] hrm, dunno where it is atm [06:36] No urgency [06:36] The dsdt from the Avertech (or whatever it's called) would be good, too === lamont [~lamont@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === seb128 [~seb@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] mjg59: when i find a network connection for the c3, i'll get you its dsdt [08:34] stupid non-wifi shit [08:38] Thanks === lamont [~lamont@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === Gman [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-2.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu === seb128 [~seb@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu === npmccallum [~npmccallu@canonical.conference] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] elmo around? HP crowd is trying to help get alioth back online and could use help. [11:14] elmo is off at a talk [11:15] he played taxi driver to a LUG or something - kinda expected back no sooner than 15 minutes ago... If I see him, I'll point him this way. [11:16] k, the machine is back to the point that taggart sort of has control of it... not sure what the issues are, but he's looking for help [11:19] ok. === lamont wanders [11:48] jdub: finally looked at the ITX box... had the driver 'apm' scribbled in the X config... [11:50] jdub: changing that to 'via' and kicking gdm helped a lot