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carlos | "morning" | 04:19 |
daf | heh :) | 04:19 |
daf | did you have an exam? | 04:19 |
carlos | daf: I had, but I was not able to do it | 04:20 |
carlos | I did not finished a program I need to do the exam | 04:20 |
carlos | and I went to sleep at 6:00AM | 04:20 |
daf | ouch | 04:20 |
carlos | yes, really sad | 04:20 |
carlos | I hate powerbuilder!!! | 04:20 |
carlos | it's the second time I have this problem | 04:20 |
kiko | there are worse things in life | 04:20 |
carlos | kiko: I know | 04:21 |
daf | powerbuilder? | 04:21 |
carlos | daf: yes, the program they request use should be developed with powerbuilder | 04:21 |
carlos | grr, I really hate xchat's autocompletation | 04:21 |
carlos | or perhaps was my problem ... | 04:22 |
carlos | well, back to work, that's the important thing... | 04:22 |
daf | indeed | 04:23 |
kiko | SteveA, debonzi is hung up with tla again | 04:23 |
kiko | SteveA, any hope we can get some traction on the issue asap? | 04:24 |
daf | carlos: shall we talk about tasks for a bit? | 04:24 |
carlos | daf: yes, please. | 04:24 |
daf | kiko: I think it's dependent on ddaa | 04:24 |
kiko | daf, ugh, really? | 04:24 |
daf | kiko: from listening in #canonical | 04:24 |
carlos | daf: We should add all remaining ones to bugzilla so we could see what's missing easily | 04:24 |
daf | carlos: good idea | 04:25 |
carlos | daf: here or should we move to #rosetta? | 04:25 |
daf | I think here is ok | 04:25 |
carlos | ok | 04:26 |
daf | what are we missing from Bugzilla? | 04:27 |
SteveA | kiko: I saw lifeless and ddaa discussing it on #canonical. I saw that lifeless asked ddaa to make it a priority. | 04:28 |
kiko | okay, because we're blocked by tla (once again) | 04:29 |
SteveA | carlos: we're not using #rosetta any more | 04:29 |
carlos | daf: the import of all projects we have already inside arch | 04:29 |
carlos | SteveA: ok | 04:29 |
SteveA | kiko: you can still write code, although it will be outside the SCM system. | 04:30 |
daf | carlos: hmm, this doesn't really feel like something that belongs in bugzilla | 04:30 |
carlos | it's a task | 04:30 |
kiko | SteveA, writing code and not committing frequently with arch seems to be a recipe for disaster in our experience :) | 04:30 |
carlos | if we are going to use it as task/bug tracking, I think it belongs to bugzilla | 04:30 |
SteveA | kiko: I can't offer any help above what ddaa can do for you. | 04:31 |
daf | I suppose so, but it feels like abusing bugzilla a bit :) | 04:31 |
kiko | sure, I'm just communicating our situation. | 04:31 |
carlos | daf: It's something that blocks the alpha release :-) | 04:31 |
SteveA | thanks. I understand that it is extremely frustrating. | 04:31 |
daf | carlos: is there anything else? | 04:31 |
carlos | daf: we also need to add "Request new project page" | 04:31 |
kiko | we'll find some more offline work we can do meanwhile. | 04:32 |
SteveA | ok, thanks. | 04:32 |
carlos | and " View recently translated projects on the translator dashboard." | 04:32 |
daf | okay, can you make it a task to file bugs for these things? | 04:32 |
carlos | daf: and I think that nothing more is missing from RosettaAlpha page | 04:33 |
carlos | daf: sure. | 04:33 |
carlos | well, the import projects from arch... | 04:33 |
carlos | has some tasks like the scripts to do it | 04:33 |
carlos | the main one that imports .po/.pot files is done | 04:34 |
carlos | but we need one to create projects and products | 04:34 |
daf | I need to file a bug for the import code | 04:34 |
daf | the import script isn't working for me: all the sequence numbers in the template I import are 0 | 04:34 |
daf | I think it's some sort of SQLObject problem | 04:35 |
carlos | daf: I filed some bugs about the export also | 04:35 |
carlos | seems like the code is not in sync with latest interface | 04:35 |
daf | I think I've fixed the export | 04:35 |
daf | but the traversal is not working | 04:35 |
carlos | did you saw bugzilla's bug #1912? is it fixed ? | 04:36 |
daf | yeah, I saw it | 04:36 |
carlos | daf: I was not able to test the traversal because the export bugs | 04:36 |
daf | I think it is fixed | 04:36 |
daf | I will commit and merge soon | 04:36 |
carlos | daf: ok, I will review then the traversal code and finish it | 04:37 |
carlos | is the #1909 also fixed? | 04:37 |
carlos | (the one about the % problem) | 04:37 |
SteveA | back in about an hour | 04:37 |
daf | it hasn't been merged yet | 04:37 |
daf | stub has a fix which we can use | 04:38 |
daf | if we use his Zope branch, there's no problem | 04:38 |
carlos | daf: then I think that's the problem with the traversal to export .po files. But I will review it in case it's another problem... | 04:39 |
carlos | daf: what's lalo working on now? | 04:40 |
daf | I don't know | 04:40 |
daf | I haven't heard from lalo since Friday | 04:40 |
carlos | Could I assume that any task that it's not assigned at bugzilla to lalo is free to implement? | 04:40 |
carlos | hmm | 04:40 |
carlos | ok | 04:40 |
daf | at the moment, anything is up for grabs | 04:41 |
daf | feel free to assign bugs to yourself | 04:41 |
carlos | daf: who is importing code to arch? | 04:41 |
carlos | because I suppose we need to talk with them and know how to get the source to feed our database | 04:41 |
daf | not sure: lifeless or lamont or thom? | 04:42 |
carlos | daf: I forgot another task, we need to create the webpage with the list of projects/products from Ubuntu | 04:42 |
daf | okay, it's another bug then | 04:43 |
carlos | well, and of course, we need "limi's magic" to all pages before release | 04:43 |
carlos | I will see if he has a bugzilla account | 04:44 |
carlos | and I will add also that bug | 04:44 |
daf | the export fix looks like this: http://muse.19inch.net/~daf/misc/export-fix.patch | 04:45 |
daf | does it look sane? | 04:46 |
daf | carlos: ? | 04:48 |
carlos | daf: looking | 04:48 |
carlos | daf: yes, I think it's valid | 04:49 |
daf | in that case, I'll merge it now | 04:49 |
carlos | my question about it is, should that file use the sqlobject api or only the interfaces? | 04:50 |
daf | the exporter should not know anything about SQLObject, I think | 04:50 |
daf | it shouldn't need to | 04:50 |
carlos | ok | 04:51 |
carlos | daf: anything else? | 04:51 |
carlos | daf: who should be the initial owner of the tasks I'm going to add? | 04:52 |
daf | me | 04:53 |
carlos | ok | 04:53 |
daf | unless you know it's something you're going to work on yourself | 04:54 |
daf | in which case it's you :) | 04:54 |
carlos | :-P | 04:54 |
carlos | daf: we should use the QA field | 04:54 |
daf | how does that work? | 04:54 |
carlos | daf: it's someone that gets the bug reports like the owner and it's useful to track the fixes | 04:55 |
carlos | and follow the status of the tasks | 04:55 |
daf | it's like a CC? | 04:56 |
carlos | usually, the project owner is the one added there | 04:56 |
carlos | daf: more or less | 04:56 |
carlos | daf: but it's added by default always | 04:56 |
daf | ok | 04:57 |
daf | where do we set it? | 04:57 |
carlos | I don't know if you have the rights to do it, you should edit the launchpad product | 04:57 |
carlos | and select the rosetta module | 04:57 |
daf | I'm not sure if I have rights to do that | 04:58 |
carlos | there you have a default assigned and the default QA | 04:58 |
carlos | another option is to use an alias for the team so we can know the status of the bugs | 04:58 |
daf | let's try the QA thing for now | 04:59 |
daf | justdave: about? | 04:59 |
justdave | daf: yep | 04:59 |
daf | justdave: did you follow that about QA? | 05:00 |
justdave | not exactly... you want someone added to the qa for rosetta, but I didn't follow who. :) | 05:01 |
justdave | conversation looks like you, but you're already the owner | 05:01 |
justdave | but that would make sense if you're trying to stay in the loop even if someone else takes the bug | 05:01 |
kiko | or maybe a rosetta-bugs mailing list so everyone can stay in the loop if they want to. | 05:02 |
daf | kiko: hmm, maybe | 05:04 |
=== daf has fun with Bugzilla charts | ||
daf | https://bugzilla.warthogs.hbd.com/bugzilla/chart.cgi?category=-All-&subcategory=-All-&name=181&select0=1&label0=Open+Launchpad+bugs&line0=133&datefrom=&dateto=&action-wrap=Chart+This+List | 05:04 |
daf | justdave: is it possible to save charts? | 05:06 |
daf | justdave: it would be nice to have "open Launchpad bugs" and "open Rosetta bugs" charts | 05:06 |
justdave | people keep asking that, and Gerv keeps telling them "just bookmark it" | 05:07 |
justdave | I had to fight him to keep saved queries :) | 05:07 |
daf | saved queries are very useful | 05:07 |
daf | I think application-specific bookmarks make sense | 05:08 |
daf | it's the same in Rosetta - you want to find certain things quickly | 05:08 |
justdave | Easiest thing for us to do right now is probably just collect the URLs for the ones we want, and stick up a static page with the links on it. | 05:08 |
daf | that would do the job | 05:09 |
carlos | daf: I think we have all tasks now at bugzilla | 05:22 |
=== daf looks at the flood of Bugzilla mails in his inbox | ||
daf | I hope so :) | 05:23 |
carlos | daf: :-P | 05:24 |
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lalo | hello | 06:10 |
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jblack | debonzi: ping | 06:12 |
kiko-fud | jblack, he's out of office right now, how's it going? | 06:15 |
jblack | Its going well. I've got a fix ready for him. | 06:16 |
lalo | hey James | 06:16 |
jblack | lalo! | 06:16 |
kiko-fud | jblack, cool, can you use email, perhaps to launchpad, summarizing and providing the fix? | 06:16 |
jblack | Um, well, the thing about this sort of fix is that its probably not right for you guys to do it unattended. | 06:17 |
jblack | the solution involves artfully dodging race conditions. | 06:17 |
jblack | For a longterm fix, tla needs to change. | 06:18 |
kiko-fud | maybe I don't want to know after all :) | 06:18 |
spiv | Yow :) | 06:18 |
SteveA | oh. we broke tom lord's arch... | 06:22 |
jblack | Nope. | 06:22 |
carlos | lalo: hi | 06:22 |
lalo | hey carlos | 06:22 |
lulu | lalo: howzit | 06:23 |
jblack | You guys are just frequently bumping into a edge case in star-merge. | 06:23 |
lalo | lulu: not sure yet, I'll tell you in a few minutes after I'm done merging :-P | 06:23 |
lulu | lalo:good to hear you're merging! :o) | 06:23 |
lalo | oh, found the thing I wanted in the merge. Then I can answer you, all is well :-D | 06:25 |
lalo | I was worried I had introduced a bug Friday that would require me a few hours of hunting down - but no, it was just a typo and is already fixed by Daf | 06:26 |
carlos | lalo: we are using now bugzilla to track the pending tasks/bugs | 06:28 |
carlos | lalo: I suppose your mailbox knows it already :-P | 06:29 |
lalo | I know | 06:29 |
lalo | yes :-) | 06:29 |
=== lalo figuring out how to procmail it | ||
daf | lalo: good to have you back :) | 06:32 |
lalo | daf: thanks | 06:33 |
lalo | but I wasn't gone for long, just an unexpectedly extended holiday :-P | 06:34 |
=== lalo kisses bugzilla | ||
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lalo | hey Mark | 06:38 |
daf | carlos: can you check whether #1912 is fixed? | 06:40 |
carlos | daf: already done :-P | 06:40 |
daf | carlos: and is it? | 06:41 |
carlos | daf: the export still fails because the #1909 | 06:41 |
daf | oh, right | 06:41 |
carlos | daf: yes, seems like it's working | 06:41 |
daf | I'll change the server | 06:41 |
daf | to use stub's branch | 06:41 |
carlos | daf: which branch is it? | 06:42 |
=== carlos wants to change it also in his computer | ||
daf | stuart.bishop@canonical.com/zope--percentfix--3.0 | 06:42 |
carlos | ok | 06:42 |
carlos | thanks | 06:42 |
carlos | when will it be integrated into the default branch? | 06:42 |
lalo | does the "make testdb" target still apply all necessary scripts to have a working testing database? | 06:42 |
lalo | my ftests are failing with some funny postgres errors that suggest by db is incomplete | 06:43 |
daf | carlos: when lifeless gets around to it | 06:43 |
carlos | lalo: make launchpad_test at launchpad/database/schema should work | 06:43 |
carlos | daf: ok | 06:44 |
lalo | carlos: that's exactly what "make testdb" is a wrapper for :-/ doesn't work for me | 06:44 |
lalo | ProgrammingError: ERROR: column translationeffortpotemplate.id does not exist | 06:44 |
lalo | daf: yay, thanks! | 06:45 |
daf | lalo: hmm? | 06:45 |
lalo | your new bug explains the old one, I think :-) | 06:45 |
daf | oh, right :) | 06:45 |
lalo | I believe, when looking for whether to insert a new msgset or update an existing one, it must be missing the existing one due to it having sequence 0 | 06:46 |
carlos | lalo: do you have a sampledata-rosetta.sql inside the database directory and an empty sampledata.sql file ? | 06:46 |
lalo | yes | 06:46 |
carlos | then I don't know where is the problem, I did a rebuild of my database about 30 minutes ago... | 06:47 |
carlos | it should work | 06:47 |
daf | carlos: okay, the development server is now using stub's branch -- can you try again? | 06:50 |
carlos | sure | 06:50 |
carlos | daf: I get the file | 06:51 |
daf | great! | 06:51 |
daf | I'll close the bug | 06:51 |
carlos | I need to check if it's correct :-) | 06:51 |
carlos | daf: perfect | 06:51 |
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daf | :) | 06:52 |
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daf | carlos: can you also do some testing of submitting/updating translations through the web? | 06:52 |
lalo | daf: do you have a preference on how to fix this? Should potemplate/pofile have methods that return a given msgset *even if* it has sequence 0? | 06:52 |
carlos | hmm seems like all works execpt for this bug: | 06:52 |
carlos | #: a11y/addressbook/ea-minicard-view.c:101 | 06:52 |
carlos | msgid "current addressbook folder" | 06:52 |
carlos | msgstr[0] "carpeta de libretas de direcciones actual" | 06:52 |
lalo | this bug was, I as expected, introduced by removing the allowOld semantics :-) | 06:52 |
carlos | all translations are exported that way | 06:52 |
lalo | carlos: oh | 06:53 |
carlos | daf: yes, I will do it in some minutes | 06:53 |
carlos | lalo: https://rosetta.warthogs.hbd.com/++skin++Debug/rosetta/projects/gnome/evolution/evolution-2.0/export.po | 06:53 |
daf | lalo: well, since new translations from the web have sequence=0, you quite often need to deal with 0-sequenced message sets | 06:53 |
lalo | carlos: I think the current way the adapters work is a bit baffling for the pofile's __unicode__ method | 06:53 |
daf | carlos: if the export is broken, can you file a bug? | 06:53 |
lalo | carlos: if there isn't a bug, please submit it, I'll fix next thing | 06:53 |
carlos | daf: and the traversal algorithm I did fails O:-) | 06:54 |
carlos | daf: sure | 06:54 |
carlos | lalo: sure | 06:54 |
carlos | :-) | 06:54 |
carlos | daf: are you happy with the .po/.mo URL: https://rosetta.warthogs.hbd.com/++skin++Debug/rosetta/projects/gnome/evolution/evolution-2.0/es/po | 06:54 |
lalo | daf: then pofile.__getitem__ should not require that sequence > 0 | 06:54 |
carlos | ? | 06:54 |
lalo | what about potemplate? a template msgset with sequence 0 is, in theory, obsolete | 06:55 |
daf | https://bugzilla.warthogs.hbd.com/bugzilla/showdependencygraph.cgi?id=1915 is fun | 06:55 |
lalo | pofile.__getitem__ is ok (not broken), so this is just about templates | 06:55 |
daf | carlos: yeah, that would be sufficient | 06:55 |
carlos | ok | 06:55 |
daf | lalo: I suspect that there are a few bogus "WHERE sequence > 0" in the SQL code | 06:56 |
daf | I think I fixed a few | 06:56 |
lalo | but in the case of potemplate.__getitem__ it's not bogus | 06:58 |
lalo | well, before I do anything I must find why my database doesn't want to run the tests :-) | 07:00 |
=== carlos goes to get some food | ||
daf | lalo: how is your laptop now? | 07:02 |
lalo | non-existent :-) | 07:02 |
daf | lalo: how is your desktop now? | 07:02 |
daf | :) | 07:02 |
lalo | healthy | 07:03 |
daf | that's good to hear | 07:03 |
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lalo | new mobo, 512 ram... there are still some some disagreements between hardware and drivers, but I'm not in a hurry to fix those | 07:03 |
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lalo | (eg my video card thinks my monitor is widescreen, so I'm at 1024x512 :-P but that doesn't affect work, so it's ok) | 07:05 |
carlos | daf: I don't see a way to see the spaces when translating strings from rosetta... | 07:18 |
daf | carlos: oh, yeah, I had forgotten about that | 07:22 |
daf | carlos: I tried replacing all spaces with a space marker | 07:23 |
daf | but that causes nasty problems with wrapping | 07:23 |
daf | so I decided it would probably be ok to only mark leading and trailing spaces | 07:23 |
lalo | well, I think I fixed it - now I have to become able to run the tests :-) | 07:23 |
daf | but I haven't done that yet, so could you file a bug? | 07:23 |
daf | lalo: fixed what? | 07:24 |
carlos | daf: sure | 07:24 |
lalo | aha | 07:24 |
lalo | carlos: can you run the ftests?maybe my db is fine but the ftests are not | 07:24 |
carlos | lalo: ok, just a minute I finish testing translations from rosetta | 07:25 |
lalo | np | 07:25 |
carlos | daf: ok, the translation works | 07:26 |
carlos | daf: could you check it's already inside the database? | 07:26 |
daf | carlos: hmm? | 07:26 |
daf | carlos: if it's showing you the translations you put in, it works | 07:27 |
daf | carlos: you could also test it by doing an export | 07:27 |
carlos | daf: it's a way to test if it's not stored into the python objects | 07:28 |
daf | carlos: sorry? | 07:28 |
carlos | daf: I mean, I want to be sure that the information we get is stored into the database instead of being persistent data stored into python objects | 07:29 |
carlos | that will be lost when launchpad is killed | 07:29 |
daf | carlos: I think the database object are destroyed at the end of the request | 07:32 |
daf | carlos: sorry, Python objects | 07:32 |
carlos | ok | 07:32 |
carlos | daf: I detected some bugs, filling them now | 07:32 |
daf | great, thanks | 07:32 |
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lalo | pff. | 07:42 |
lalo | daf: re "fixed what?" - 1905 | 07:42 |
daf | lalo: ah, great! | 07:43 |
daf | what was the problem? | 07:44 |
lalo | what I just said | 07:45 |
lalo | try: | 07:45 |
lalo | msgset = self.potemplate[msgid] | 07:45 |
lalo | except KeyError: | 07:45 |
lalo | msgset = self.potemplate.createMessageSetFromText(msgid) | 07:45 |
daf | oh, I see | 07:45 |
lalo | potemplate.__getitem__ ignores sets with sequence=0, so it will insert a duplicate | 07:45 |
lalo | I added a new method that doesn't :-( do minimize code duplication, I made __getitem__ a wrapper around this new method | 07:46 |
daf | potemplate.createMessageSetFromText should have probably check against duplication | 07:46 |
lalo | hmm yes | 07:47 |
=== daf is going out for the evening | ||
lalo | the code that did that was removed together with allowOld :-P I'll re-add it | 07:47 |
lalo | ok, cya tomorrow | 07:47 |
daf | I'll be back later | 07:47 |
lalo | cya later then :-) | 07:47 |
daf | and I'll probably be up until some strange hour in the morning :) | 07:47 |
carlos | daf: later!! | 07:48 |
lalo | actually the method shouldn't *have to* check for duplicates... the db should be raising an error | 07:48 |
daf | lalo: hmm, if it's possible for the database to do that, it should | 07:49 |
carlos | lalo: there are still some unique keys missing | 07:49 |
lalo | daf: that's what unique is for | 07:49 |
lalo | and createMessageIDSighting() should *definitely* "allowOld" by default - everything will become too hairy if it doesn't | 07:50 |
SteveA | sabdf1: ping. just tried to phone you. | 07:50 |
lalo | or maybe not, dunno. We'll get back to it later if it causes a problem :-P (yagni) | 07:51 |
daf | I'm getting concerned about update=False and allowOld=False and things like this | 07:51 |
daf | but I'm not going to worry about it too much now | 07:52 |
lalo | getting concerned? I thought these were already removed from existence | 07:52 |
daf | I think there are still a few left | 07:52 |
daf | I'm also a bit worried about having .encode('utf-8') sprinkled over the code | 07:53 |
lalo | we shouldn't | 07:53 |
daf | carlos: #1938 and #1939 are interesting | 07:53 |
lalo | technically sqlo is already fixed wrt unicode | 07:53 |
daf | no, we shouldn't -- that's why I'm worried :) | 07:53 |
lalo | you can, if you wish, schedule a task to "remove these one by one and see which ones are still necessary" | 07:54 |
carlos | phone | 07:54 |
lalo | then find why they are necessary and report them to spiv :-) | 07:54 |
lalo | I suspect we will find that they can all be gone | 07:54 |
spiv | Hmm? :) | 07:55 |
spiv | Where are these? | 07:55 |
lalo | places where we avoid passing unicodes to sqlo | 07:55 |
lalo | I think as of now sqlo is already smart enough to deal with unicodes all the time | 07:55 |
=== daf gone | ||
lalo | yeah, well, 1905 is fixed indeed - the test still doesn't pass due to 1935 :-( | 07:58 |
lalo | carlos: I need a way to test 1936 locally :-) | 08:24 |
carlos | lalo: change rosetta... with localhost :-P | 08:25 |
lalo | are the hooks in-place enough that that would work? | 08:25 |
lalo | traversal hooks I mean | 08:26 |
lalo | what a silly question, seeing as rosetta.w.h.c runs from rocketfuel :-P | 08:26 |
carlos | lalo: the export.po is not the final traversal we will use | 08:27 |
carlos | but it works for testing the export code | 08:27 |
carlos | it will be fixed always to the Spanish translation | 08:27 |
lalo | ok | 08:27 |
lalo | thx | 08:28 |
lalo | anyway I'll first prod the ftest till it runs | 08:28 |
lalo | fortunately the ftest output is smart enough to tell me whether the bug is fixed :-) | 08:29 |
carlos | I'm going to test it now here (I was changing somethings from my launchpad installation) | 08:30 |
lalo | the ftests are lost wrt. RosettaProject vs. xxxRosettaProject | 08:30 |
carlos | lalo: FAILED (failures=3, errors=2) | 08:31 |
carlos | lalo: I think you should use DBProject instead of xxxRosettaProject | 08:31 |
carlos | that was part of the SteveA's move to global objects across launchpad applications | 08:31 |
=== lalo shrugs | ||
lalo | for the tests, whatever works is ok | 08:31 |
SteveA | don't use the classes with xxx in the names | 08:33 |
SteveA | they will be removed soon | 08:33 |
SteveA | pretend they aren't there | 08:33 |
carlos | SteveA: are you going to do it with the other objects or should we schedule a task to do it? | 08:38 |
SteveA | I have many other classes done in the code on my machine | 08:38 |
=== sabdfl [~mark@wblv-228-55.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #launchpad | ||
carlos | ok | 08:39 |
SteveA | if it is blockingn any of your work, then file a bugzilla bug on it | 08:40 |
lalo | carlos: 404? o.O | 08:40 |
carlos | lalo: :-? | 08:41 |
lalo | ah, nm | 08:41 |
lalo | I had an error, then inserted the debug skin to see what the error was, and got 404 | 08:42 |
lalo | but it was because I typed "debug" wrong :-P | 08:42 |
lalo | actually... what is the incantation to get debugging, again? Wasn't it either ++skin++debug or ++skin++Debug? | 08:42 |
carlos | the later | 08:43 |
carlos | /++skin++Debug/rosetta.... | 08:44 |
lalo | 404 :-/ seems I have no skin named Debug | 08:48 |
carlos | lalo: you need to copy a file | 08:50 |
carlos | let me check it... | 08:50 |
carlos | I think it's canonical.debugskin-configure.zcml | 08:51 |
carlos | but I don't remember if it's from launchpad/package-includes to launchpad/lib/canonical/ or from the second to the first | 08:52 |
carlos | lalo: check where do you have it and copy/link it to the other directory :-) | 08:52 |
lalo | yes :-) | 08:52 |
lalo | thanks | 08:53 |
carlos | no problem | 08:54 |
=== sabdfl [~mark@wblv-228-55.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== lalo cries | ||
lalo | I'm getting 1909 now | 09:05 |
lalo | what the heck, the ftest is proof enough that the bug is fixed for me | 09:06 |
carlos | lalo: it's fixed if you get zope from stuart's branch | 09:09 |
lalo | ok, thanks | 09:10 |
lalo | confirmed, 1936 fixed | 09:24 |
carlos | lalo: perfect!! | 09:26 |
lalo | ...and merged | 09:50 |
=== lalo looks at the bug list in search of inspiration wrt what to do next :-) | ||
carlos | lalo: if you detect any missing task, just add it there, please | 09:53 |
carlos | blocking the 1915 if it should be fixed before the alpha release | 09:53 |
lalo | ok. But I haven't, yet. | 09:55 |
lalo | (detected missing tasks, I mean) | 09:55 |
lalo | I think I'll try to unearth 1935 | 09:56 |
=== sabdfl [~mark@wblv-228-55.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #launchpad | ||
=== jblack reads the star-merge -H help and puts "rewrite star merge help on his todo list. | ||
jblack | I'm not convinced that is even english. | 10:20 |
carlos | jblack: X-) | 10:22 |
jblack | The first half of it is fine, but then it dives off into lawyereese. | 10:22 |
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=== lamont [~lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #launchpad | ||
lalo | one down, one last to go :-P | 10:40 |
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=== lal1 is now known as lalo |
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