=== jblack [~jblack@mercury.merconline.com] has joined #launchpad [03:49] !lilo:*! Well, it's been quite a weekend. Finally getting nearly finished with various modifications to services to allow a relatively easy cleanup of nicknames and channels. === stub [~zen@dialup-] has joined #launchpad [11:02] !lilo:*! Okay, I think we're finally there. Since there are 5,500 affected channels, it looks like a bit too time-intensive to go through all of them. If your channel gets expired out, we'll be happy to restore it, though you may need to file a group contact form. [11:02] !lilo:*! If you've already filed a group contact form and it's in our backlog, we'll just make a special effort to activate it quickly. [11:03] !lilo:*! In just a couple of minutes, I'll shut down services and perform the cleanup. It should take 15 minutes at most. Let us know if you have any problems. Thanks! === ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has joined #launchpad === ddaa [~david@nemesis.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad [11:16] !lilo:*! Whoops, still checking, looks as if we're not quite through. [11:17] !lilo:*! Quick rerun in process. === ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has joined #launchpad [11:47] !lilo:*! One more shot, this should do it 8) === ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has joined #launchpad === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad [05:39] carlos: hola === ddaa [~david@nemesis.xlii.org] has joined #launchpad [06:22] daf: hey [06:33] how are the status pages? :) [06:37] daf: yesterday I did a full update and it did not broke anything :-P === doko [doko@dsl-082-083-246-071.arcor-ip.net] has joined #launchpad [06:37] all modules where downloaded, updated and imported into the database [06:39] sounds good! [06:41] does this mean it's ready? [06:42] no, it only means that it's more close to be ready [06:42] I'm working now on launchpad and tonight I will retake it [06:43] cool [06:43] what Launchpad stuff are you working on? [06:45] the password bug [06:45] I mean, the password task [06:54] daf: well, I forgot that also, yesterday I "fixed" the status pages getting 20 new strings to translate... [06:57] oops [06:58] seems like old intltool didn't saw them and I installed latest release that fixes them [07:01] oh, and now gnome-i18n is discussing whether to include them or not [07:02] right [07:02] but I suppose they will be there, tomorrow is the final release and I don't think 20 strings will be a problem for anyone [07:03] I thought Wednesday was the final release? [07:04] daf: I think tomorrow is last day to release packages [07:05] and the final announcement will be on wednesday [07:05] when all mirrors are updated and all things are in place [07:07] daf: from: http://www.gnome.org/start/2.7/ [07:07] 24 September 13th 2.8.0 tarballs due [07:07] September 15th September 15th: 2.8.0 release! Hard Code Freeze ends, but other freezes remain in effect for the stable branch. === cprov [~cprov@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #launchpad [08:39] I cannot understand my brain. I know that in english 'it' is not for persons but I alwasy wrote it in my mails or IRC when talking about someone [08:39] grrrr [08:46] :( [08:51] hmm, seems I've dragged Welsh back up to supported status [08:51] daf: cool :-P === jblack [~jblack@mercury.merconline.com] has joined #launchpad