=== cprov [~cprov@224-21-161-212.DSL.ONCOLT.COM] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] done [12:00] jayeola: yeah, but no biggie. At least it boots ;) [12:00] <|trey|> jayeola: choose "no" then, and add ubuntu to your grub.config/menu.lst [12:00] thanks |trey| [12:00] <|trey|> grub.conf* === Pakal [~manuel@as5-200-56-73-75.mexdf.axtel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Client] === psyklops [~John@] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] btw [12:01] where's grub.conf? [12:01] does it make any diffrent which apt sourses will i add ... ( can i add any debian sourses? ) === joebeastie [~joe@] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] <|trey|> Se7h: on Ubuntu, its /boot/grub/menu.lst [12:01] MyKq3 yes [12:01] Se7h: have u joined and pasted the results of lsmod to #flood? [12:01] for ur platform [12:01] <|trey|> Se7h: Fedora for instance uses /boot/grub/grub.conf though :/ [12:02] that's what i'm using === neuro_ [~neuro@neuro.me.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] <|trey|> MyKq3: I wouldn't include 'main' from regular debian (just add 'universe' to ubuntu sources) ... other then that, you are fine... === npmccallum [~npmccallu@69-162-252-7.ironoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] fedora uses grub.conf not menu.lst? === jayeola nods [12:03] <|trey|> MyKq3: Ubuntu's packages my conflict with Debian's main [12:03] <|trey|> joeyh: yup [12:03] same format though? [12:03] its just that i m getting lots of errors when i m aptget update my list === chutwig [~edmundrhu@nat01-easton-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] <|trey|> joeyh: I think they are linked though :/ === viapanda [~viapanda@nord-1-81-57-49-92.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] hmm [12:03] |trey|: thanks === joeyh [joey@kitenet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Client] === joeyh [joey@kitenet.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] if the file's linked, NP, else d-i should know about the other name [12:06] Se7h: why do u have so many modules loaded? [12:06] ???? [12:06] <|trey|> joeyh: I'm fairly sure they are linked... ask in #fedora though just incase :) [12:06] <|trey|> Haven't used Fedora for like a month, so don't quote me :) === psyklops [~John@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:07] again? [12:07] jayeola i dont know about that [12:07] its the default ubuntu config i guess [12:07] whoa [12:07] anyone know where to get mplayer [12:08] joeyh: yeah, they have a patch to change the name [12:08] is it in any of the ubuntu repositories [12:08] try sourceforge for mplayer [12:08] <|trey|> Dashiva: apt-get.org <-- look for marillat [12:08] yeh [12:08] <|trey|> Dashiva: he is a DD, so you can trust him :) [12:08] <|trey|> Dashiva: still works :) [12:08] it kicks up a host of unresolved dependencies though [12:08] even with universe enabled [12:09] <|trey|> Dashiva: just add a line simular to: 'deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian contrib non-free' ;) [12:09] <|trey|> (main = universal) [12:09] <|trey|> uhh, universe even [12:09] usr/local/games/nwn/nwmouse/libnw/libnw/mdll.c:1: multiple definition of `main' < anyone know what might cause such an error ? ;-)) === cprov_ [~cprov@224-21-161-212.DSL.ONCOLT.COM] has joined #ubuntu === Chriffer [~nargojojo@pcp01379838pcs.levtwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] neighborlee, is it a mouse conflict with neverwinter? [12:10] bollocks_, well [12:10] <|trey|> Dashiva: just add a line simular to: 'deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian sid contrib non-free' ;) [12:11] <|trey|> Missed prolly the most important part :/ [12:11] bollocks_, the issue is mouse yes..but 'libnw' is code that I need to compile cause it creates a binary that extracts mouse files I need to use 'nwmouse' ;-).I know...its a little complicated but thats it ;-))heh [12:11] <|trey|> joeyh: d-i tries to seek other installs of grub and configures it? :) [12:11] ure [12:11] s+ [12:12] <|trey|> joeyh: thats pretty useful :) [12:12] neighborlee, yes, and that's an error i usually get when I have my main() incorrectly set up [12:12] <|trey|> joeyh: tries to configure Windows dual boot too? [12:12] sure [12:12] dual boot with the hurd ... [12:12] sure [12:12] bollocks_, shrug no clue..its not my own code..but this same code compiles totally clean in fedora core2 [12:12] <|trey|> joeyh: very handy :) [12:13] bollocks_, of course i'm not running FC2 I just know it does compile in it as I tried to see...so something about debian is causing this error and I have no clue what part ;( [12:13] <|trey|> joeyh: haven't tried hurd in forever though... was too slow last I tried crosshurd ;) [12:13] neighborlee, then you might be including a header multiple times, or... [12:13] <|trey|> That package really needs a new name I think, but yeah :) [12:13] im here jayeola [12:14] bollocks_ mabye the version of gcc debian uses is more strict than what fc2 is using ? === jayeola is having dinner === goatboy [~tim@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] bollocks_, ic..lemme see if I can find anything here in this guys code [12:14] <|trey|> neighborlee: last I checked, fedora uses 3.4 ... debian is still using 3.3.3, so yeah... [12:14] ah ok thx === hypatia [~mary@dev.bitch-whore.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] neighborlee, that may be it. I've read alot of weird conflicts with 3.3 [12:15] <|trey|> Apparently gcc 4 is going to be very nice... tries to detect possible security holes etc :) [12:15] bollocks_, k [12:15] |trey|, a free \Slint built-in? sweet! [12:16] <|trey|> bollocks_: not entirely sure... just read that someone found a possible stack overflow and fixed it thanks to gcc4 :) [12:16] ah, ok :) === cprov_ [~cprov@224-21-161-212.DSL.ONCOLT.COM] has joined #ubuntu === |trey| doesn't program :( === joeyh [joey@kitenet.net] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [12:18] <|trey|> bollocks_: any chance you could change your username? could be professionals here, might not be too appreciated :/ === bollocks_ used to, till the bubble burst [12:18] sure === jayeola nods [12:18] rrrggg - been a while since I've been in IRC [12:18] <|trey|> bollocks_: /nick === bollocks_ is now known as knarph_ [12:19] <|trey|> Thank you :) [12:19] there we go - needed the underscore for some reason [12:20] :) [12:20] <|trey|> knarph_: if you have registered that username, just identify... else there is someone using it :) === jayeola nods again === knarph_ isn't that territorial === |trey| is 8) [12:20] a rose by any other name would type as l22t [12:21] <|trey|> knarph_: you lost me :( === Baumi [~Baumi@z0703.wist.uni-linz.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] a rose by any other name would smell as sweet - Romeo & Juliet [12:21] don't u mean l33t? === |trey| goes to play on the intarweb for a little while :) [12:21] ok, so i'm rusty === knarph_ is now known as rusty [12:22] heh [12:22] <|trey|> knarph_: I knew that... had to read that play freshmen year :) === Agrajag [~Agrajag@wg03.ucr.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Baumi [Baumi@z0703.wist.uni-linz.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] <|trey|> rusty: just your version confused me... don't read 1337 typo's well ;) [12:23] yah, need more coffee to get the fingers to remember more than UT2K4 === eldados [~REXI@203-213-16-154-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] hi there === tuppa [~tuppa@christie.corvu.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === kmoffat [~ken@drip23.drizzle.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] hi, new user testing ubuntu. Have one question. [12:25] <|trey|> ugh @ sun trying to push java as a plausible desktop language :/ [12:25] <|trey|> They should stick to internet apps :/ [12:26] kmoffat, what is it? [12:26] d/l ubuntu64 and it had problems with my video card (6800) told to d/l the daily iso which i did yesterday but it crap it self during install! the integrity check was good. what's going on? am i ever going to try ubuntu?? [12:26] kmoffat: we recommend you just ask :-) [12:26] I installed ubunto, but when I start gnome I have a cross 'X' cursor left sitting in the middle of my screen. [12:26] this goes away after several minutes. [12:26] Anyone have a clue? [12:27] thiss happens on 2 machines. [12:27] eldados, dailys will tend to crap out regardless [12:27] kmoffat: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2004-September/002085.html [12:27] rusty, how do i get over the hurdle? [12:28] eldados, what exactly is the hurdle? === splinta [~splinta@dialin-168-13.tor.primus.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] it stops during base install an't install something lib 4... [12:29] the original iso does the install o.k but can get x up and going [12:29] Looks like it might relate, although I am not using a laptop, and it no other linux distros have exhibited this behavior. I'll try their answer. Thanks! === cprov_ [~cprov@224-21-161-212.DSL.ONCOLT.COM] has joined #ubuntu === Agrajag [~Agrajag@wg03.ucr.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] I am trying to install cedega from cvs, and it (./configure) says I dont have the X development files. I don't see any xfree-dev packages or anything. help? [12:32] and I must say that this is a very weird grub menu.lst [12:33] eldados, not sure about geforce drivers(I own ATI.) [12:33] one question [12:33] how do i mount a iso image ? [12:33] anyone around know why i can't seem to get nautilus to show hotplugged devices? [12:34] Se7h: mount -o loop -t iso9660 file.iso /mnt [12:34] rusty, it's not even working with dri! don't think ubuntu is quite ready for me just yet... would love to be wrong about it. === ShadowHawk [scott@] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] hello? === Scognito [~artrg@host90-201.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] hello [12:34] My Ubuntu really really broke when I installed the newest kernel. [12:34] hi all [12:34] I don't think it made a proper initial ramdisk [12:35] UziMonkey already did it [12:35] is there a tool to configure the boot removing modules/scripts i don't need? [12:35] ShadowHawk: can you describe the problem? [12:35] And now it can't mount the root filesystem, since it doesn't understand the fs type [12:35] mount: Not a directory === tvon [~tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] Se7h: does the directory exist? or did you get the arguments mixed up? [12:35] ShadowHawk: what is the exact error message that you see? [12:35] Se7h, do you have a directory? [12:36] Well [12:36] my boot is very slow [12:36] I'm on the computer that was booting wrong [12:36] But it's an unable to mount rootfs error [12:36] I can get the exact error if you like, but it'll take me a few moments to reboot and everything [12:36] ShadowHawk: there are a number of similar errors [12:36] eldados UziMonkey sure [12:37] ShadowHawk: which kernel were you running before? === eim [~eim@host152-53.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu [] [12:37] Umm, whatever came on the first preview release CD I think [12:37] Se7h: oh, heh, that'll have to be as root, so add sudo [12:37] ShadowHawk: and what is the type of your root filesystem (it's ext3 if you didn't set it up manually) [12:37] It's reiserfs [12:37] ShadowHawk: sudo modprobe loop [12:37] ShadowHawk: sudo mount -o loop /boot/initrd.img-`uname -r` /mnt [12:37] I think the problem is the resierfs module isn't being loaded in the initrd [12:37] ShadowHawk: cat /mnt/linuxrc.conf [12:37] UziMonkey i did it [12:38] Se7h: modprobe loop? :P [12:38] hello... [12:38] What'll this do? I can't boot into the system ubuntu is on [12:38] UziMonkey lol [12:39] Did you still want the exact kernel panic message mdz? [12:39] ShadowHawk: I want both the exact message, and the output from those commands [12:39] ShadowHawk: you should be able to boot the system by pressing ESCAPE at the countdown, and selecting the old kernel === Agrajag [~Agrajag@wg03.ucr.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] No, I can't [12:40] I'll explain why [12:40] I have /dev/hda2 and /dev/hdc2 on the system. hda2 was my old SuSE system, which I'm in now, and hdc2 was where I installed Ubuntu [12:41] My computer only lets me boot off the first disk, so I added the Grub lines that Ubuntu put on to the end of the Grub script that was on hda [12:41] sorry but I dont know where else to ask this so ...how might I fix this compile error >>> checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp [12:41] configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check < thx anyone ;-)) [12:41] That way I could choose the old SuSE system as normal (using now to talk here), or I could boot into Ubuntu [12:41] It worked fine until I upgraded Ubuntu kernel, which now panics with this. [12:42] neighborlee: apt-get install build-essential === chutwig [~edmundrhu@nat01-easton-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === kmoffat [~ken@drip23.drizzle.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] whatwig [12:43] Agrajag, okay thx..what is build-essential...things that default install doesn't provide but that which compiling software needs ? [12:43] If I look in the /boot section on hdc2 (by mounting it in SuSE), I see only the one original kernel there. [12:43] ShadowHawk: ah [12:43] ShadowHawk: if you used ubuntu's grub, it would automatically update the list with new kernels [12:43] Option "SWcursor" "on" [12:43] build-essential includes gcc, g++ ,and auto* tools, and some other stuff [12:43] I think the package failed to install if I remember right as well [12:43] oh ok [12:43] worked for the X cursor problem, thanks.... [12:43] It told me to reboot, and now I got no Ubuntu :( [12:43] ubuntu doesn't install any dev tools by default [12:43] gotcha [12:44] ShadowHawk: if it failed to install, those are the messages that I would need [12:44] rebooting when the kernel failed to install is a recipe for disaster :-/ === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-0.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] Hello, can someone answer a few quick section [12:44] oops questions [12:44] haha [12:45] ask away [12:45] mdz: I can access the filesystem it was on, where would I find that log? [12:45] ShadowHawk: but from what you describe, it sounds like the new kernel didn't even begin to install, since it isn't present on disk [12:45] ShadowHawk: there is no such log [12:45] you may not get sensible answers, but you can only ask :-) [12:45] ShadowHawk: can you paste ls -l of the 'boot' directory on hdc2? [12:45] ShadowHawk: (not in the channel, but directly to me) [12:46] How do I do that in bitchx? [12:46] thom: do you have access to rince? [12:46] Agrajag, this is turning into a pain sorry but :(..okay that got me past that error now i'm getting this one sadly:: /usr/local/games/nwn/nwmouse/libnw/libnw/mdll.c:1: multiple definition of `main' [12:46] .libs/setl.o(.text+0x0):/usr/local/games/nwn/nwmouse/libnw/libnw/setl.c:1: first defined here..no idea why but this library compiles clean in fedora however i've no intentin of using fedora so i'm hoping to get past this here ;-)) [12:46] ouch [12:46] so anyone had problems with yesterday's daily? I need ideas on how to fix... [12:46] sorry all my bad..had no idea my post was that large [12:46] Ok, well i currently have 2 hard drives in my machine, i tried installing ubuntu to the slave hard drive and the first half of the installation went fine... when i was given the option to reboot i said ok, but the boot loader never started and i booted straight into windows xp. Anyone know whats up? [12:46] :( [12:46] where i can get some info to remove some modules from ubuntu startup? [12:46] Actually I know what I'll do mdz hold on [12:47] it load lots of useless modules [12:47] mdz: i don't, no. (not useful access, anyway) [12:48] Scognito: which modules do you feel are useless? [12:49] so anyone had problems with yesterday's daily? I need ideas on how to fix... === Agrajag [~Agrajag@wg03.ucr.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] No one knows why the boot loader would not load after i rebooted after the first half of the ubuntu install? [12:50] on what is universe based? === polvi [~polvi@polvi.staff.osuosl] has left #ubuntu [] [12:50] mdz, for my system they are cfb* capability commoncap 8139cp ipv6 asus_acpi yenta_socket acpi* cpufreq_* [12:50] because universe has mono 0.96 while debian unstable has 1.0.1 === MoisesC [~moisesc@9.Red-213-96-165.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] Atticus, it's probably because it wasn't installed into the MBR, if it was you would not be able to boot windows [12:51] unless you edit grub ofcourse :) [12:51] Eldados: So i need to install to the same hard drive as the Windows MBR resides? [12:51] Atticus, do you have 2 hd? [12:51] Scognito: apt-get remove pcmcia-cs will eliminate yenta_socket (assuming you don't have PCMCIA hardware, it's not needed) [12:51] Yes [12:52] where is winslows? [12:52] SATA primary main HD, and a ATA133 slave drive [12:52] windows is on the Main SATA [12:52] the Master [12:52] i don't have pcmcia [12:52] Scognito: cfb* you want because they are used for the console, capability you want, commoncap is needed by capability, 8139cp is a driver for a detected ethernet card, ... [12:52] what is the hd boot order in your bios? [12:52] and other modules? i tought they were in /etc/modules [12:52] The slave is not listed as bootable [12:52] I bet it's set to the sata drive :) [12:52] The master SATA drive is the first boot device [12:52] Scognito: if your system doesn't support CPU frequency scaling, you can apt-get remove powernowd [12:53] mdz, for the cards i need only 8139too [12:53] i don't have a laptop [12:53] Eldados, so i create a new partition on the SATA drive, and install ubuntu to this? === comfrey [~comfrey@208-151-246-153.dq1sn.easystreet.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] no, you don't have to, but install grub to the sata mbr [12:54] mdz: Gah my other method didn't work. Contents of that folder: version of system.map, initrd.img, vmlinuz, config, as well as memtest86+.bin and the grub folder === jasona90 [~jason@168-103-82-34.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] Eldados, i dont recall it giving me the option of where to install grub, can i do this from windows? === LinuxJones [~LJ@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] Atticus, not that i'm aware of... try reinstall and choose the sata mbr [12:54] mdz: all owned by root and with rw/r/r permission [12:55] where is a good site to go for Divx codecs [12:55] Eldados, it did not give me the option to choose which MBR to install to [12:55] mdz: folding.tuzakey.com/error.txt [12:57] Atticus, does it ask you where you want to install ubuntu? [12:57] mdz, how can i get /dev/lirc and /dev/mga_vid to not be deleted after reboot? [12:58] Scognito: ideally, fix the drivers to use sysfs :-) [12:58] Eldados, it asked me which partition id like to use, and i used free space i made on the Slave hard drive using partition magic, ubuntu then created the linux partition and swap partition within the free space, and then installed automatically to that partition [12:58] mdz, ubuntu uses udev by default, isn't it? [12:59] Scognito: correct [12:59] ShadowHawk: ok, can you try something for me? [12:59] mdz: sure [12:59] so there will be a way to add something in some file... ( i never used udev) [12:59] ShadowHawk: chroot into the ubuntu root directory (chroot /mnt/hdc2 or wherever it's mounted) [12:59] ShadowHawk: and run "dpkg --configure -a" === lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] ok [01:00] Atticus, I always go for partition myself, don't trust any install to use free space :) that way you ow what you got and it's easier when you need to edit grub [01:00] ShadowHawk: save the output [01:00] So dpkg --configure -a > output.txt or something [01:01] Eldados that is what i did, i had one large partition to start on the Slave drive which i only use for backup, i took out a 15 gb chunk of unallocated space... then i went into the ubuntu install and created a new partition with that space. [01:01] mdz: can't chroot, permission denied on the /bin/bash [01:02] Atticus, do you have a boot manager installed on the MBR of the SATA? [01:02] mdz: (from a root login on the machine...) [01:02] Rusty, for some reason GRUB was not installed to the MBR, or it was installed to the MBR of the non bootable harddrive. === jono-writing [~jono@82-37-194-90.cable.ubr05.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === tuo2 [~foo@adsl-36-114.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] Atticus, what mobo u got? [01:03] Atticus, right. I believe that is because the rest of the installation was on your slave. I think all you have to do is install a boot manager on the SATA [01:03] Intel 875 [01:03] Intel brand and chipset [01:04] hi [01:04] hi === jono-writing is now known as jono [01:04] its the highest end 875chipset mobo [01:04] mdz: chroot dpkg --configure is giving permission denied as well [01:04] Atticus, when you go 2 ur bios under boot options, do you have disk option (or something similar)? [01:04] Im not sure, should i go look? [01:05] Atticus, yes plz, and if you do ( i belive u do) change the boot from the slave first [01:05] Ok [01:06] is it possible to get version info about a driver? [01:06] modinfo? [01:07] modprobe -v? [01:07] cool [01:07] modinfo works [01:07] does someone uses lirc? [01:07] jees three orinoco drivers [01:07] the /dev/ is removed after each reboot [01:07] mdz: I'll be back in about 30 mins, you've been very on the ball on this (and you patched one of my bugs real quick :)) I hope we can talk later [01:07] /dev/lirc i mean === bob2_ [rob@] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] ShadowHawk: you must have mounted the partition with noexec or something === kmoffat [~ken@drip23.drizzle.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] How to add a cups printer using http://localhost:631. It needs a root login, I think.... [01:13] kmoffat, why not just use the gnome cups manager? if you really want to use the web version, set the root password with "sudo passwd" [01:13] kmoffat: Computer->System Configuration->Printing [01:13] the cups admin web interface is explicitly disabled for security reasons [01:13] and displays a note about that on the web page at http://localhost:631 [01:14] kmoffat: was the notice not displayed for you? [01:14] Ah, that explains it, thanks again! === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-170.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] I was asked for a login, which I assumed to be root, as on my other systems. I guess I don't understand the lack of root and the sudo thing. Anyway, thanks for the answer. === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-0.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu === lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] does ubuntu support ntfs? === kmoffat [~ken@drip23.drizzle.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:17] Edlados, I was able to change the Slave to the primary boot device, and i got a screen that says loading Grub, but the system seems to just hang there [01:18] Grub will not actually load [01:19] lupus_: yes, read-only [01:20] wouldn't it be interresting to add ntfsresize to the installer so people can resize there partition === Nomad [~Nomad@cable-68-185-232-128.sli.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] lupus_, just delete the ntfs partition, it will give more room for Linux and will be just plain fun :) [01:21] lol :) [01:22] I want to be able to play my games :) [01:22] lupus_: ntfs resize support will be added to parted [01:22] New as in n00bie [01:22] which will allow ntfs resizing in the installer [01:22] ic mdz [01:22] been using Knoppix, this is better [01:23] Eldados? === nojo [~saywhat@pool-138-89-178-176.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] not that this has to do with ubuntu, but is there a quick command to find the latest modified file in a directory? [01:24] mdz, good to hear about ntfs resizing [01:24] mdz, http://mlf.linux.rulez.org/mlf/ezaz/ntfsresize.html#parted [01:25] theantix: parted just had a new release on 18 sep [01:25] er [01:25] lupus_: ^^ [01:25] it is actively maintained [01:26] punkass, you can do that by piping ls -al into sort I can't remember the syntax for the sort command tho :( [01:26] k I just wanted to show you why I thought it wasn't :) === housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-046-171.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] yeah ok thanks...thats what i figured [01:27] Eldados? [01:28] punkass: ls -tr [01:28] punkass, you could alias the command when you figure it out too :D [01:28] ah thanks...was trying --time=atime === phin_ [~phin@pcp01982168pcs.strl301.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] mdz: also an ntfsresize hack was added to partman very recently [01:32] (in Debian9 [01:32] ) [01:33] hopefully it's the same code that qtparted uses... that works brilliantly for me whenever I try it [01:34] where does grub keep it's configuration files? [01:34] rusty: /boot/grub/ [01:34] /boot/grub/grub.conf [01:34] hehee, me smaart! [01:34] heh [01:35] u da man! [01:35] no grub.conf there, but menu.lst. that'll work [01:36] /boot/grub.conf === suineg [~nickrapp@dynamic-246-025.usc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] ok, here's an oddity. certain web pages give me an 'connection refused' error. gnu.org, grubconf.sourceforge.net [01:38] ping -c 10 google.com [01:38] try that === bob2_ [rob@bob2.user] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] worked fine, 194ms/71ms [01:39] i can see other sites [01:39] ping -c 10 bbc.co.uk === morteoh [~morteoh@cm-] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] ok, ping-c 10 gnu.org worked, but my browser(firefox1.0pre) still gets refused connection === bob2_ is now known as bob2 [01:42] i have just moved from a debian-sarge-install (using evolution 1.4) and i have my ~/evolution folder backed up. Should i just untar this to ~/evolution and then run the new evolution? or do i have to import it into the new evolution? [01:43] untar and run [01:43] evolution do the migration [01:43] nice [01:46] is there a way to choose which filesystem to use when installing? [01:47] sure [01:47] suineg, yes [01:47] if you wanted to use reiserfs or something [01:47] select the "manual partition" mode. [01:47] okay [01:47] hm, is there a repository for mplayer? === sivan [~sivan@] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] morteoh, you might find one at atp-get.org [01:48] morteoh, er apt-get.org === sivan is now known as sivang [01:49] wow - the guy who put together the ubuntu-sounds ought to get some compliments. [01:49] sivang: agreed. [01:49] I just LIKE the gnome bootsplash sound [01:50] yeah, this whole distro is definetly appealing === lemonlysol [~warthurto@wbar10.chi1-4-11-141-080.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] hm, i was using ftp.nerim.net before.. but since the 2.6.8-kernel, i get connection refused.. is there a fix for this? (i was told this had something to do with broken routers) [01:51] ahhh [01:51] i've been having the same problem with certain websites [01:52] would the ubuntu hackers apply a patch to the kernel source to fix a bug? === RichNRockville [~schinnell@pcp09409049pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] Yeah, there are a couple, all of which involve echoing 0 to files in /proc/net. Check linux-kernel. [01:52] jono: Of course! They employ kernel developers and have their own kernels. [01:52] jono: if it doesn't break anything, probably === Jeedee [~jeedee@] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] jono: file a bug on the kernel in bugzilla (or mention it on ubuntu-users) [01:53] ? is there a channel for Ubuntu Real Newbies with questions? [01:53] I have filed a bug - its for the orinoco driver in the kernel, and I chatted to the kismet maintainer and the driver needs to be patched to work correctly === suineg [~nickrapp@dynamic-246-025.usc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] RichNRockville, you are here shoot. [01:55] Kosai: do you remember which files to echo 0 to ? [01:56] This is the first time I have successfully setup a linux/unix box and am pretty excited. I have 4 p4's running server 2003 and winxp. I have a printer on a printserver linksys which has an ip. How do I figure out how to print to it. as ubuntu seems to want to use the lpt port.? sorry to be so long.. === nanotech [~nanotech@kaam0.yokota.attmil.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] morteoh: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn, perhaps [01:56] RichNRockville: show off!! [01:57] lol [01:57] RichNRockville, go Computer>>System Configuration>>Printing [01:57] I paid for more versions of rh than I care to say and this is the first successful install. [01:57] RichNRockville: set up the printer in Cupsys? [01:57] actually, i ahve the same queston, becasue it looks like this distro can go on the GF comp [01:57] Kosai: uhm, permission denied.. (yes, i used sudo) [01:57] The cups server could not be contacted. [01:58] Anyone has a clue why when I am rebooting from the first stage Grub or Lilo wont load (Grub hangs at loading grub... and lilo at L) === jg__ [~jg@h005018015b26.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] RichNRockville: perhaps u would know. how do i edit grub.conf so that i can mutli/boot? [01:59] RichNRockville, sudo -s (enter your user password) then type /etc/init.d/cupsys start [01:59] YOur talking to a real nubie, I just got this up this afternoon. The only grubs I know are in the yard outside eating my grass's roots :0 [01:59] i use fedora core 2. 1st stage of ubuntu went ok. when box reboots it goes straight to fedora. can't see ubuntu at all === Azmodan [~daniel@c207.134.215-12.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu === jayeola groans at a joke [02:01] oh well g'night chaps [02:01] night === ultrafunk [~pd@eth779.vic.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === jayeola [~jayeola@dsl-80-42-86-128.access.uk.tiscali.com] has left #ubuntu [] === nonroot [~nonroot@] has joined #ubuntu === aragirn [~aragirn@aragirn.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === herzi [~herzi@c200124.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] Not to start flame wars or anything but I was wondering how does Ubuntu compare to Fedora. [02:02] try and see [02:02] LinuxJones: why not suggest "sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start" instead? [02:02] fedora gacked on X for me [02:03] LinuxJones: tho cupsys will run as soon as it's installed [02:03] Azmodan, for one you have a lot more packages to choose from in the universe repository than you could get on Fedora [02:03] whats the easiest way to get synaptic to fix broken packages? [02:03] I had no problems with Fedora since FC1 (on FC2 now) but Deb have more package so I tought it might be interesting. [02:04] bob2, I dunno same difference I guess only your is better :D [02:04] And well... Gnome 2.8 :) [02:04] In ease of use, does it compare well ? === cprov [~cprov@224-21-161-212.DSL.ONCOLT.COM] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] morteoh: you need to use sudo differently; sudo echo 0 > whatever does the redirection as your normal user, not as root [02:05] morteoh: try sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn' === phlaegel [~phlaegel@S0106000d88033723.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] yes, i did that now.. but the problem is still present === aragirn [~aragirn@aragirn.resnet.mtu.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:05] can somebody else access ftp.nerim.net? [02:05] yes === nonroot [~nonroot@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:06] no, connection refused [02:06] tseng: ping [02:06] I can, with default ubuntu/warty kernel. [02:07] So, I'd suggest that it's not the kernel. [02:07] Anyone has a clue why when I am rebooting from the first stage Grub or Lilo wont load (Grub hangs at loading grub... and lilo at L) === viapanda [~chatzilla@nord-1-81-57-49-92.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] i can ping anyone, but i've noticed the refusal is sporatic === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-126.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] mdz: Ok, I'm back, but still having chroot problems. Do I need to reboot in single user mode to use it? === schweeb [~chris@schweeb.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] ShadowHawk: you need to be root to use chroot [02:09] and make sure that the partition isn't mounted with the 'noexec' flag or anything funky like that [02:10] (note that 'user' implies 'noexec') [02:10] mdz: I am root. Still getting permission denied, not sure why. [02:10] oh noexec... hmm... [02:10] Kamion: good call [02:10] It's mounted defaults, user 0 0 === djempak [~cory@adsl-68-76-77-136.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] err... Hello people! I'm new both to irc and linux and would like to discuss a problem I got with my ubuntu install. I don't know if this is the right place... and don't want to look intrusive === RichNRockville [~schinnell@pcp09409049pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] ShadowHawk: you'll need to get rid of the 'user' option [02:13] viapanda, go ahead === xTina_ [~xTina@pD9E626AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] ok... first I got a stupid problem with my clock: it's two hours ahead of real time. My time zone is correctly set to europe/paris. Can this be a bug? [02:13] RichNRockville: sporadic by time or desintation? [02:13] er, rusty ^ [02:13] is paris gmt+2? [02:14] er... give me seconds... I don't know for sure :-( === steve__ is now known as steve2 [02:14] bob2: should be only +1 right now, I think. +2 suring daylight savings hours [02:14] no it's gmt+ [02:14] yes [02:14] ah [02:15] I mean, it's not annoying.... but I would like to know if this is my fault or.... [02:15] well, the clock might be set to local time in hardware but you told the software that it is in gmt... or something like that. [02:15] try running ntpdate to set the clock? [02:16] hu.... heu... I said I'm new :-) [02:16] How do I find what process is using a mount? I'm getting busy errors and can't figure out why [02:16] anyone know of webcam software that would be in the ubuntu repository [02:17] viapanda: "apt-get install ntpdate" [02:17] Sorry to be a pia but I went to /etc and typed initd cupsys start and it let me know that it could not find cupsys. any ideas on getting printers installed? tks === maswan assumes that should work in ubuntu [02:17] dommi, try camorama [02:17] thanks [02:17] I went into a root term. [02:17] not listed in a cache search [02:18] ok. ntpdate in, but he says me no server can be use [02:18] RichNRockville, it's /etc/init.d/cupsys start [02:18] hmm.. jur run "ntpdate pool.ntp.org" from the command line once? === alakdan [~alakdan@] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] I don't have a dir called init.d just a pgm called initd. maybe something did not get installed.. === maswan hopes pool.ntp.org is the correct one for generic use too. :) [02:19] mdz: ok I'm chrooted now I'm running dpkg [02:19] RichNRockville, ummm [02:19] RichNRockville: you can't possibly not have a directory called /etc/init.d [02:19] RichNRockville: not and be running Ubuntu at all. :) === warthurton [~warthurto@wbar10.chi1-4-11-141-080.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] OK, I lied, I now am in etc/init.d and there does not seem to be a cupsys file/pgm there? === warthurton is now known as lemonlysol === greebo [~greebo@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] I typed ls -al and there does not seem to be a cupsys? [02:23] RichNRockville, apt-get install cupsys [02:23] RichNRockville, although I thought it was installed by default [02:24] ok, can I type apt-get install cupsys from the root console in the init.d directory? [02:24] RichNRockville, yep === lemonlysol [~warthurto@wbar10.chi1-4-11-141-080.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] Thanks Lunuxjones, seemed to copy it and install. Really appreciate your patience.. [02:25] RichNRockville, now back in root colsole hit the up arrow on your keyboard till you get to the /etc/init.d/ cupsys start line [02:26] cupsys start [02:26] RichNRockville, no problem everybody goes thru this when they start using Linux :D [02:26] so my webcam isnt being detected [02:27] It is firewire, I suppose I can connect the usb cam [02:27] How do I save the entire output of a console thingy? Doing dpkg --configure -a > error2.txt only gave me the first line === cprov [~cprov@224-21-161-212.DSL.ONCOLT.COM] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] that should save the entire output [02:29] Well it's only giving me the first line... [02:29] Hmm... === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-167-111-186.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] Is it because the program is calling another program? [02:29] > error2.txt 2>&1 [02:29] cmd > filename 2>&1 [02:29] it's because some of the output is going to stderr not stdout [02:29] you can also use 'script' [02:29] ahh [02:29] question for you brilliant folks out there... can you think of a reason why someone couldn't connect in Gaim (it just sits forever trying to connect) but everything else works 100% okay (web, ssh, irc all fine) [02:30] theantix: I'd pick a firewall somewhere as suspect no. 1 === viapanda [~chatzilla@nord-1-81-57-49-92.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] theantix: yeah that seems likely. Is it on university internet/ [02:30] Kamion, it works in windows but not in linux, both using gaim, and I've tried various ports === hk-alfa [hk@] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] viapanda: did that work to set the clock for you? [02:31] I'd probably end up looking at it with ethereal to track it down [02:31] oh yeah! [02:31] I lost my connection for some reason, so I wrote a few messages you never got obviously [02:31] thansk ;-) [02:31] Kamion, unfortunately this is my girlfriends computer... oh well, thanks anyways [02:31] viapanda: ok, good. hope it wasn't me that disconnected you. ;) [02:32] how come ? ;-) [02:33] well, you running random commands and then go silent.. [02:33] hihi [02:33] so what I wrote next was: I'm in trouble with my modem - it's a sagem usb 800.... does any of you encountered it? [02:33] is a k6-2 considered a 686? [02:33] for now I plugged it elsewhere on the lan (on a windows machine) [02:34] Then the next problem is probably a gaim bug [02:34] Or does windows gaim work? [02:34] The website talks about a liveCD (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-09-15.8537444623/faq_view) but I can't find it... [02:34] It would be nice if the install CD was also a recovery CD [02:34] But hopefully needing a recovery CD won't happen, heh [02:35] ShadowHawk, you can get to a terminal at the install cd with ctrl-alt-f2 [02:35] I know that, but a recovery CD with a bootable kernel on it kinda like SuSE's. [02:35] is there a liter browser available then firefox? [02:35] ShadowHawk: you can use the install CD as a recovery CD if you know how [02:35] this is way to slow on this k6-2 [02:36] Azmodan: wasn't suitable for release at preview time; updated version should be available soon === kmoffat [~ken@drip23.drizzle.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] Kamion: right, I did. But I have to manually modprobe everything - to get it done automatically requires going halfway through the install process. [02:36] phin_: lighter than firefox? [02:36] phin_ : Epiphany maybe ? [02:36] phin_: links2? [02:36] ShadowHawk: indeed, going halfway through the install process is the standard approach at the moment [02:36] either that or raw telnet to port 80 and type the GET yourself ;P [02:37] ShadowHawk: you can run up to the start of partitioning entirely harmlessly, and that loads all the modules for you [02:37] ShadowHawk: an automatic recovery option is one of the longer-term d-i to-do items [02:37] Kamion: Modules, yes, mounting, no [02:37] ShadowHawk: sure, but you can't really automate that except in a very narrow set of circumstances [02:37] Kamion, before the release ? [02:38] Azmodan: yes [02:38] phin_: lynx [02:38] phin_: That's about as light as it gets === RichNRockville [~schinnell@pcp09409049pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:38] ShadowHawk: I mean, you could randomly guess hda1 or something, but :) [02:38] mdz: Did you get my message? [02:39] ShadowHawk: yes, busy though [02:39] mdz: k, thanks [02:40] shadow i wouldnt mind graphics :P [02:40] ShadowHawk: mount -t proc proc /proc [02:40] inside the chroot [02:40] and try again [02:42] k [02:43] mdz, should it be: mount -t proc none /proc? [02:43] eldados: the first non-option argument is ignored; 'proc' is more descriptive than 'none' [02:44] k :) [02:44] and easier to remember :-) [02:44] and sounds nicer :) [02:44] mdz: looks like it worked I guess, but dpkg was telling me it was reinstalling === mherweg [~mherweg@ool-18bcfb6f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] mdz: there are no new kernels in /boot [02:44] mdz: so what happened here? [02:45] hi all [02:45] grittings [02:46] i'm having this issue where I can't change my $PATH variable === kmoffat [~ken@drip23.drizzle.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:46] any ideas? [02:47] You need to restart the shell I think [02:47] i've tried that, and restarting the machine [02:47] I just compiled a patched module, tried to insert it with insmod orinoco.o and it said insmod: error inserting './orinoco.o': -1 Invalid module format [02:47] any idea? [02:47] i'm using bash, i would edit /etc/profile, right? === hk-alfa [hk@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:49] ShadowHawk: the initrd.img file should now be more than 0 bytes, while before it was 0 bytes [02:49] dpkg said it wasn't touching initrd [02:49] jono, should it be just orinoco? [02:49] err not touching initrd symlinks === rusty is now known as knarph [02:49] hold on === knarph is now known as knarph_ [02:50] ok it is now nonzero bytes [02:50] I guess I should try booting it now? [02:51] eldados, what do you mean? === boada [~boada@d220-236-86-35.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] jono i don't think you need to put .o or .ko after a module's name [02:52] i.e sis900 not sis900.ko [02:52] eldados, I want to load the module in the current directory though, and not the installed module [02:53] hmmm sorry [02:54] ShadowHawk: yes [02:56] boy, I am having mouse scroll problems on "selected" bugzilla pages..anyone witnessed this already? [02:56] night all sleepy time [02:57] the mouse scroll roller is suddenly ignored, and I must use the mouse cursor to snap out of it. then it can be used again, untill it get suck again at the end of the bugtrail === ShadowHawk [~scott@d160-93-la-rue-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] eldados, no probs, thanks for the suggestion anyway === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] mdz: ok, that worked. Should I file a bug that dpkg was overwriting the initrd file before it had a working one to replace it? IE: no backup? [02:59] mdz: or something else? === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu === cef_work [~cef@] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] morning cef :) [03:01] that wouldn't be dpkg anyway, it would be the package in question === justdave [~dave@] has left #ubuntu ["Poof"] === justdave [~dave@] has joined #ubuntu === xTina_ is now known as xTina [03:01] if i install konq, do i need to install all of kde? i hear konq is pretty snappy === defendguin [~supertux@adsl-222-26-24.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] phin, i would think so... [03:06] konq is a part of kde. I dont think you can just split the 2 apart [03:08] shitty [03:10] phin_, try firefox, it's very snappy on mine:) (with prelinking) === PerdiX [~perdix@] has joined #ubuntu === lonytynch [~Toeknee@0-1pool216-129.nas1.richmond1.va.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] how do i do prelinking? [03:14] hey guys i just ordered 10 cds from the free ubuntu cd project, when do you think i'll get them? [03:14] i thought cedega was available over apt? [03:15] cedega costs money, IIRC [03:15] haven't used linux in a few months and even then i used FC2 :P [03:15] www.transgaming.com [03:16] yeah but you cn get cvs for free and i thought they had buikds of cvs [03:16] s/cn/can [03:16] just build it yourself [03:16] thats no fun [03:16] sure it is [03:17] did anyone order cds from the place i did? [03:17] http://shipit.ubuntulinux.org/ === eldados [~REXI@203-213-16-154-qld.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [03:19] phin_: you don't have to install all of it, just whatever konqueror depends on [03:19] lonytynch: we'll be shipping the CDs sometime around final release time, 20th October [03:20] sweet [03:20] thanks a lot man [03:20] i'm excited about recieving mine :) [03:20] so do you mean that the 20th of october is no longer a beta release? [03:21] whats the best way to set a jpg as the background on x thru the .Xsession file [03:21] mind you im not running gnome, just gnome-panel [03:22] how is 56k connection support on Ubuntu? [03:22] just like how it is on any os, slow [03:22] that and does it have drivers for those shitty Dell OEM Sound Blaster Live! cards right out of installation? [03:22] :P [03:23] yeah but in fedora core 2 i always had problems with being booted and stuff and i had to find my DNS servers for msn just to use it in linux at all [03:23] yes the kernel supports emu10k cards [03:23] lonytynch: correct [03:23] so it supports the (since last time i used it about 3 months ago) beta ALSA driver emu10k1x? [03:24] lx? [03:24] 1x? [03:25] one [03:25] ee emm you ten kay one [03:25] emu10kONEx [03:26] contrary to popular belief, it DOES exist [03:26] since i had to go through the hell of installing it === stratking [~stratking@user-11fa1d9.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=emu10k1x [03:26] its for the Dell model of the SB Live! [03:26] its almost a "winmodem" of sound cards === haggai_ [~halls@pD9EA5F9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === brainchill [~daver@] has joined #ubuntu === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === lobo_nz [~lobo@b002-m003-p058.wgtn.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === goatboy_ [~tim@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu === krischan [~krischan@p5090B0E5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Atticus [~Anonymous@rdrt-164-107-205-168.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] I just installed Ubuntu, i am loving it! === Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@adsl-b4-82-89.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu === aitrus [~foo@67-50-97-21.dsl1.chi.il.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] is there a way to pass a parameter at boot (off the cd) for install to tell ubuntu to load a specific kernel mod? [03:40] it seems that the SATA driver isn't getting loaded [03:40] but if i boot into expert mode and load it by hand, it works fine === Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-2.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu === jamesh [~james@203-59-87-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] aitrus: just switch to tty2 and modprobe it by hand, no need for a boot parameter [03:42] ahh... before i choose my language [03:42] good call [03:42] any time before hardware detection, yeah [03:43] will only work in non-expert mode for modules in the initrd, but SATA modules are among those [03:43] thanks a bunch === Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@adsl-b4-82-89.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu === Agrajag [~Agrajag@68-190-201-37.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-167-111-186.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] what's the service to read cpu temperature? === phin [~phin@pcp01982168pcs.strl301.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] acpid [03:52] so how do i setup prelinking with firefox? [03:52] or if that's running and you want to know the temperature, acpi -V will tell you [03:52] anyone know how I mount an NTFS partition with some form of read permissions? [03:52] or cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature [03:53] /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs users,ro,umask=0222,utf8=true,exec 0 0 [03:53] knarph_: put that in /etc/fstab, edit it to match yours [03:53] k, sec [03:55] line 11 is bad [03:57] is that the line you added, and what's "bad" about it? === hfarberg [~hfarberg@ti112110a060-0169.dialup.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@adsl-b4-82-89.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] aside from the mount point, identical [03:57] well what's "bad" about it? [03:57] dunno, where does mount start counting the lines in fstab? === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] from the first one I'd imagine, but you haven't told me how it's "bad" [03:58] Do you get an error message? [03:59] aha, ok. silly tabs [03:59] i replaced the white space with spaces instead of tabs... sheesh === ShadowHawk [~scott@d160-154-la-rue-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] oh === K [~K@Ottawa-HSE-ppp3653366.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === FX|Laptop [~joe@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] Hidy Ho [04:01] I have a question. I installed vncserver on my server. I logged in to there from here and I really don't have a desktop. How do I go about getting a normal desktop? === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-126.bgk.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:02] how do i start acpid ? [04:03] FX|Laptop: since vnc just gives you a new x session, you have to load everything by hand [04:03] Se7h: it's not running now? [04:03] you could use vino instead [04:03] It should be by default [04:03] nop [04:03] /etc/init.d/acpid start should do it [04:03] lsmod | grep acpid [04:03] lsmod? [04:03] aitrus, I've never usded vino. [04:03] lsmod lists the kernel moduoles you have running [04:03] returns nothing [04:03] ups [04:03] :| [04:03] Se7h: ps aux | grep acpid [04:03] plus all I get on the vncserver I only get at "X" mouse thing. === LifeTLMP [~life@82-33-51-122.cable.ubr05.stav.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] FX|Laptop: that's cause it is running xdm or something like that [04:04] ( Sensors ) CPU Temp: No Sensor found | Sys Temp: No Sensor found [04:04] Hello, is there anyone from the distribution team, or related to the website I can speak to regarding providing a mirror for Ubuntu? [04:05] If I was to replace xdm with gnome in the X11/Xsessions would that work? === comfrey [~comfrey@market.peoples.coop] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] FX|Laptop: i'm not entirely sure what you ahve to change to make vnc load a different window manager [04:06] FX|Laptop: is there an /etc/default/vncserver or something like that? [04:06] Ok, guess not, will try and contact them by email. Bye. [04:06] Let me go look. brb [04:06] some people have no patience [04:07] took you long enough to say that!!!! [04:07] ;) === phin [~phin@pcp01982168pcs.strl301.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mlh [~mlh@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu === wobbler [~wobbler@] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] has anyone here upgraded from debian testing to ubuntu? [04:13] How do I point Ubuntu to a different location for Grub's menu.lst than the default /boot location? [04:13] does gnome-look.org look ok to anyone ? [04:14] I'd like it to automagic my grub file, but the menu.lst my system uses isn't in Ubuntu's /boot folder [04:14] defendguin: i get a bunch of php warnings [04:14] defendguin: nope [04:14] ok whep [04:14] whew [04:14] so, how do i prelink firefox? just type prelink firefox and let it go? [04:15] i thought my browser was acting up [04:18] aitrus, not sure what I did, but its working now. === Pres-Gas [~robert@iub-vpn-76-29.noc.indiana.edu] has joined #ubuntu === chapium [Chap@hltp-e-111.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] I read throught the ssh error file in my /home and it said something about a gnome session already running. So I shut down the vncserver and restarted and now I have a normal desktop over there. [04:18] FX|Laptop: you're just that good. =) === FX|Laptop only wishes that was true and not just luck. [04:19] thanks for the help though. [04:19] anytime === Se7h /|\ NHEKS === wobbler [~wobbler@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:20] so far I'm really enjoying Ubuntu though. [04:21] Installed on all my pc's here. :D [04:22] me too... and i've been a debian-hating red hat user all my time [04:23] I started with RH 9 then went to Fedora/Debian/Arch/Slackware/Fedora and now Ubuntu pretty much in that order. [04:24] I had mandrake installed a couple of times, but it only lasted about 10 mins. each time. lol [04:24] how do you actually like redhat? [04:25] besides it being pretty much the only commercially supported linux distro, what is there to like? [04:25] up till RH 9 i liked them, but i can't stand Fedora [04:25] whats wrong with it? === aitrus didn't mean to start a distro war.... [04:25] subterrific: there is suse too, if you want heavy commercial support [04:25] suse and redhat are great, but i just personally like the debian way better [04:26] maswan: oracle only supports rh9 [04:26] subterrific: so? [04:26] aitrus: i'm not trying to start a distro war either, i'm honestly curious [04:27] phin: there is no decent package management. yum is ridiculously slow. [04:27] subterrific: you are aware you can install apt, yes? [04:27] phlaegel: pong [04:28] Agrajag: it's a silly apt wrapper that uses the rpm database and its broken [04:28] red-carpet is the shit [04:28] what [04:28] it's not a wrapper, it's apt. Apt is separate from dpkg [04:30] Agrajag: my bad, it still uses rpms though. which seemed to be the problem [04:31] man, all the gstreamer [04:32] are there any downsides to prelinking? === polok [~polok@1Cust109.tnt3.wollongong.au.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] I have a slight question about ubuntu, why is it that everything should be integrated with python? === polok is curious [04:33] phin: it's a bad hack, particularly if you don't have a lot of memory [04:34] polok: because python rocks, and is a simple scripting language that can bind everything [04:34] one language to bind them! [04:34] jdub: ah ok, I like python, I was just curious [04:34] bob2: >_< [04:35] phin: i've known some people that had prelink destroy their systems. these weren't new users either, linux gurus [04:35] ouch [04:35] hope i didnt fuck mine uo [04:35] up [04:35] i just ran prelink -all === polok constantly destroys his system [04:35] never happened to me and i've prelinked several gentoo systems [04:35] is there a way to unprelink [04:35] the best way to learn is to make a mistake [04:35] phin: yes [04:36] i woulda just liked to prelink firefox [04:36] phin: prelink has an option to undo that [04:36] or you can reinstall the packages === jamesh_ [~james@203-59-87-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Bill_The_Cat [Joe@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === Bill_The_Cat [Joe@dialup-] has left #ubuntu [] [04:41] ok, help [04:42] I can't seem to get to random web pages. I can ping them, but i still get connection refused [04:42] morning guys [04:42] and it changes from page to page, so I think it's a kernel/network setting issure === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] knarph_: what browser? === chutwig [~edmundrhu@nat01-easton-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] I've tried firefox & mozilla. tried to get opera, but couldn't get to the page ;') [04:45] knarph_: try quiting all instances of the browser and starting over. i've noticed that sometimes firefox dns lookups get borked. [04:45] hrm [04:46] starting over as in running it again, ar as in reinstalling? [04:46] oh, try both [04:47] nope [04:48] knarph_: i had a router once that would cause strange things like that to happen [04:49] i'd be ssh'ed into a machine and then all the sudden it would disconnect me and i'd no longer be able to send any traffic to that ip [04:49] my bro went out and bought a router [04:49] ms router === chutwig [~edmundrhu@nat01-easton-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] so it's at the lower levels, huh? === leonel [~leonel@dsl-200-78-65-79.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [04:51] knarph_: i have no idea. i mean you can get to some websites, just not others? [04:52] *sigh* my onboard marvel network card isn't being seen by the sk98lin driver [04:52] right. the real problem is that they change. I couldn't get to gnu.org an hour ago, but now I can [04:53] knarph_: what kind of connection do you have? [04:53] DSL [04:53] is it SBC by any chance? [04:54] qwest [04:54] with a third party ISP [04:54] could they be having dns problems? [04:55] I though that too, but the windows computer next to me sees them all === axe9dotcom [~axe9@] has joined #ubuntu [04:55] how do I install SMb support? === FX|Laptop [~joe@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:56] For network [04:56] ign [04:56] apt-get install samba [04:57] or search synaptic for samba === maxb__ [~max@202-0-43-124.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] Samba? [04:57] knarph_: i dunno, sounds like a tough problem to nail down over irc [04:57] axe9dotcom: what exactly are you trying to do? [04:58] axe9dotcom: you are talking about being able to access shared drives, correct? [04:58] samba-doc [04:58] The following NEW packages will be installed: [04:58] samba [04:58] 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [04:58] Need to get 0B/2298kB of archives. [04:58] After unpacking 5972kB of additional disk space will be used. [04:58] Media Change: Please insert the disc labeled [04:58] 'Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Unofficial i386 Binary-1 (20040915)' [04:58] in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter [04:58] Yeah [04:58] I need to network my dad's laptop, and the linux desktop [04:58] DoI use the ISO CD I used to install? [04:58] yeah, just do a "sudo apt-get install samba" [04:58] if you're just trying to connect to smb servers, you can do that without installing samba [04:58] I did [04:59] axe9dotcom: did you check the network shares in nautilus? [04:59] uhm [04:59] axe9dotcom: Computer->Network [04:59] yeah, but if he wants to share files from the linux machine, he's going to need samba [04:59] Computer Menu>network [04:59] or smb://sharename in a nautilus browser window [05:00] axe9dotcom: you can also do File->Connect to Server... [05:00] I went to Computer > System Config > Networking [05:00] axe9dotcom: uhh, no [05:00] Computer->Network [05:00] :| === Ceejay [~craig@user-0c6s8k4.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] There's not 'Network' in the computer menu [05:01] hmmm, i take it prelinking with only 64megs isnt a good idea [05:01] axe9dotcom: uhh [05:02] axe9dotcom: it's the 4th item on the menu [05:02] i can't believe that in all the boxes of computer crap i have laying around my place, i don't have a network card [05:02] oops ^^' [05:02] didn't see it... [05:02] aitrus, i picked up a USB to ethernet adaptor [05:02] 12 bux === steveb [~steveb@c-24-20-189-69.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] Ok [05:02] isnt the best, but it'll come in handy im sure :) [05:02] now what? [05:02] ah [05:02] phin: yeah, but i need something now, and there are no stores where i live =( [05:02] need to boot his laptop... [05:03] shitty [05:03] aitrus: you can't manually modprobe the sk98lin driver? === mojo [~mojo@220-244-212-78-vic.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] subterrific: it says "No such device" [05:04] aitrus [05:04] are u talkin about hw_random error? [05:04] mojo: marvel onboard nic (intel 925x mobo) [05:04] i wish these guys would send my friggin bios update already so i can get acpi working [05:05] k [05:05] what's the package for the kernel source? [05:05] ubuntu-source i think? [05:06] ahh... linux-source-2...... [05:07] okay, wth === Skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] it's listed in /var/lib/dpkg/available [05:08] but when i go to install, it says it isn't available [05:08] i get that same thing when i try to install nvidia-glx [05:08] Anyone know if Ubuntu has support for SMP? [05:09] Skreet, yes [05:09] all kernel images have an smp version [05:09] joem: Enabled by default? [05:10] Hi...is there anyone who could help me in getting ubuntu to see my Atapi Zip Drive? I did "dmesg" in terminal and see the drive listed as hdb so I made a line in fstab: /dev/hdb /mnt/zip auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 similar to the floppy drive entry and the entry I made to access the Windows partition on hda1 which works fine. Clicking on the Zip Drive Icon returns an error message that says: "special device /dev/hdb does not exist" [05:10] Skreet, no [05:10] d'oh! it's listed as a "source" of stuff... not as being available [05:10] Joem: Where do I get the kernels? [05:10] I'm running it now and I wasnt sure it was using SMP. [05:10] the apt repository [05:11] Joem: you've lost me. [05:11] :P [05:11] Ceejay: are you sure it isn't something like /dev/hda1? [05:11] hda1 is my Windows partition [05:11] Skreet: computer > system config > package manager [05:11] Skreet, if you aren't firmiliar with apt and managing packages, eek === jono [~jono@82-37-194-90.cable.ubr05.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] hi al [05:11] Other Linux distros usually call it sda4 [05:12] Ceejay: i meant /dev/hdb1 [05:12] just a quick question, and I know it's the not channel for it, can there be named constants in python? [05:12] ya I tried that too [05:12] hey jono [05:12] I just compiled a kernel the debian way on PPC and it has not put a initrd in /boot - is that normal? [05:12] Skreet: search for linux-image-686-smp [05:12] hi joem === ShadowHawk [~scott@d160-154-la-rue-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] joem: I'm familiar with linux basics. And I'm sure I can get the hang of it quickly. [05:12] Ceejay: yeah, when imm or ipp is used [05:12] subterrific, Thanks. [05:12] Skreet, there should be -smp versions for the kernel image and headers package [05:13] is there another command for finding what devices are called? [05:13] restricted modules as well if you use em [05:13] anyone? [05:13] joem I got one result when I did that search. [05:14] polok: yes and no. you can create named variables with values, but they aren't constant. just don't write code that modifies the values :) [05:14] search for smp [05:14] Should I go ahead and Apply? [05:14] okay. [05:14] linux-headers-2.6-686-smp? [05:14] Do I want to mark that as well? [05:14] yea === toyowheelin [~greg@c-67-160-51-63.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] hello everyone [05:15] Skreet: you don't need the headers unless you're compiling kernel modules [05:15] dose anyone know what I can do for a flash player === bad_ronald [~nick@] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] subterrific, I'm assuming they'd be good to download just in case I deside to recompile a custom kernel in the future though right? [05:16] toyowheelin: flash.com download it [05:16] Skreet: well the headers won't help you do that [05:16] Skreet: you need the source for that [05:16] subterrific, ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the [05:16] Macromedia Flash Player installer. [05:17] subterrific, I need both really, right? [05:17] Skreet: nope [05:17] subterrific, Okay so if I just want a stock smp kernel just get kernel-smp? [05:17] erm, image [05:17] Skreet: yeah [05:17] sorry. [05:17] And go through and Apply? [05:17] toyowheelin: not sure how ubuntu handles 64bit stuff, but on gentoo you'd need to use a 32bit browser [05:18] subterrific, This seems way too easy to be linux, am I doing everything right? [05:18] oh [05:19] Skreet: you might need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst after installing it and move the entry's for the smp kernel to the top, but other than that....it really is that easy [05:19] subterrific, Cant complain :) === dommi [~dommi@24-168-14-210.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] subterrific, You using Ubuntu or Gentoo? [05:20] Skreet: both. my amd64 machine is gentoo and i've got ubuntu on a dell and an ibm desktop at work [05:20] Skreet, you have an intel HT proc or something [05:20] toyowheelin, Not on this system, Dual 1Ghz P3 chips. [05:20] oh === Ceejay [~craig@user-0c6s8k4.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:20] toyowheelin, My other is a 2.8 Prescott though. [05:20] HT you gotta do smp too [05:21] toyowheelin, Really SMP applies to logical processors? [05:21] yeah [05:21] gnome-look.org has some nice alternative ubuntu splash screens and wallpapers [05:21] or atleast at school it dose === yusufg [~yusufg@210-177-227-130.outblaze.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] yeah, my ibm desktop at work is a P4 w/ HT and i use the smp kernel [05:21] I loaded mandrake 10 pro at school and they have 2.6ghz HT p4s [05:22] mandrake sees it as 2 processors [05:22] toyowheelin, We had 2.0Ghz Celery at school. [05:22] Well it is 2 Logical Processors. === Ceejay [~craig@user-0c6s8k4.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === trypod [~kljnkl@] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] All changes have been made successfully? nice.. [05:23] I have a AMD64 here and it looks like macromedia hasnt made a 64bit flash player yet === axe9dotcom [~axe9@] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] Ok [05:24] all set up === rabidbot [~rabidbot@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] now how do I get my computer to show up on my dad's network thing, and his computer on mine [05:25] subterrific, Can I safely remove the 386 entries, the updater did put them at the bottom but I just assume get rid of them, right? [05:25] might want to keep them around for at least one boot incase you have a problem with the new image [05:26] Skreet: it's a good idea to leave the 386 kernel around just in case :) [05:26] joem: That is a good point. [05:26] Alright I'm gonna give it a boot, if I dont come back, call 9-1-1... or something. [05:26] Ubuntu has KDE ? [05:27] yes [05:27] but not in main dist [05:27] u have to get it via Synaptic === elcayitas [elcayitas@] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] what has Ubuntu that other distros havent ? [05:28] gnome2.8 ;-) [05:28] Is there some reason why there doesn't seem to be a package for the kernel source for [05:28] gnome2.8 isnt on other distros ? [05:29] I'd like to try to get DRI working, and that won't happen without the source which this kernel was built with [05:29] is synaptic keeping state somewhere, my synaptic ui seems to be borked.. in that it won't show packages any more, i see the proper number counts in the status line, but not in the ui [05:29] trypod, not yet [05:29] trypod: not stable, no [05:29] not even gentoo [05:29] it's still hardmasked in gentoo [05:29] KDE kicks gnome ass [05:29] hi, I was here a littl while aog, asking about networking the windows laptop, and the linux PC [05:29] actually fc3 might have it. [05:29] then use KDE [05:29] I have the hub st up [05:29] and I know it works because I'm getting internet thourhg it [05:30] I happen to think KDE was builtby a 5-year old who was given a box of widgets and told to make a UI [05:30] im using it right now [05:30] Howeve,r I've got no cluie hwo to get the computers to see eachother === merriam_ [~merriam@kbs21.informatik.uni-bremen.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] trypod: see the about ubuntu pages on the website for more info [05:30] axe9dotcom: are you running file-sharing services on both computers/ [05:30] Agrajag, lol [05:31] no tsure [05:31] how do I check? [05:31] Do you have file sharing enabled on the windows machine, and are you running samba on the linux one? [05:31] gonem must be made by some 99 years old guy with alzhamer and parkinson [05:31] Agrajag: i've got the linux-source- package installed :\ [05:31] I couldn't get Samba [05:31] one min [05:31] lemme try again [05:31] subterrific: where did you get it? It tells me the latest package for source is 2.6.7, and that can't be right [05:32] well shit, it found it this time [05:32] hazmat: you probably need to select "Sections" view [05:33] is unbutu aimed at the south african target audience ? [05:33] subterrific, it doesn't matter where i am in the ui [05:33] subterrific, ie sections, search, whatever.. [05:33] are there any docs which would help somebody switching from Fedora understand Ubuntu better (equivalent commands for package upgrades) [05:33] trypod: more like aimed from south africa [05:33] Anyone try using the DRI stuff from here? http://www.freedesktop.org/~dri/snapshots/README.Debian [05:33] subterrific, i basically need to reset synaptic, i'm just not sure where its keeping local state [05:33] Agrajag: yeah i dunno, i installed kernel-source a while ago...it _was_ there [05:34] I have a rage mobility M and I want fceu to stop sucking so bad [05:34] wonder how well KDE works on ubuntu...I heard a few weeks ago it didnt work too well [05:34] its not in ~/.synaptic or /root/.synaptic... hence the question [05:34] subterrific: well it's grabbing it now, I guess the last apt-get update fixed whatever it was [05:34] Media Change: Please insert the disc labeled [05:34] 'Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Unofficial i386 Binary-1 (20040915)' [05:34] in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter [05:34] I put in the only Ubuntu diskI have [05:34] kde isn't going to have dbus/hal stuff till kde4 afaik [05:34] axe9dotcom: so, do that? [05:35] and it doesn't take [05:35] is Ubuntu debian ? [05:35] trypod: yes [05:35] the guy in debian say other ways [05:35] hazmat, what?? whats dbus/hal [05:35] trypod: comment out the first line in /etc/apt/sources.list [05:35] trypod: well, it is. It's based on debian sid. [05:35] why ? [05:36] er wait [05:36] axe9dotcom: so use synaptic and turn off the cdrom apt source. and do an update too while you're at it... [05:36] axe9dotcom: comment out the first line in /etc/apt/sources.list [05:36] k [05:36] goddamnit I hate trying to carry on multiple conversations [05:36] np [05:37] so debian is better than gentoo ? [05:37] now what [05:37] now do apt-get update [05:37] then install samba [05:37] toyowheelin, dbus is a messaging system, hal is a hardware abstraction layer.. there both projects on freedesktop.org, underlying components to the utopia project.. about making the nix world more plug and play [05:38] this distro hasnt got samba ??! [05:38] trypod: gentoo can be a slow to get things insalled and is a bit less preconfigured [05:38] trypod, different... debian is better for lower powered machines imho unless you have a distcc cluster handy for your arch [05:38] hazmat, it should still work with out it right? [05:38] trypod: it took me three days to install gentoo [05:38] trypod: yes, it does. [05:38] toyowheelin, sure [05:38] It's on the CD. [05:38] ok [05:38] as opposed to debian, which only took about an hour [05:38] it's updated [05:38] axe9dotcom just burned a bad copy [05:39] axe9dotcom: ok, install samba now [05:39] but gentoo is better isnt it ? [05:39] what [05:39] i just used ubuntu to wipe a gentoo install on my powerbook that i've had for a year.. staring at upgrade which meant 4 days of compiling straight, was an easy choice [05:39] trypod, for what? for whom? [05:39] Package samba is not available, but is referred to by another package. [05:39] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [05:39] is only available from another source [05:39] However the following packages replace it: [05:39] smbclient samba-common [05:39] E: Package samba has no installation candidate [05:39] gentoo is fucking awful, you wait hours to install everything for what? [05:39] for every thing [05:40] hazmat, do you run KDE on ubuntu? [05:40] a 1% increase in speed, in programs that don't block on I/O? [05:40] toyowheelin, no [05:40] oh [05:40] axe9dotcom: install samba-common [05:40] that might be it [05:40] It says it's already the newest version [05:41] toyowheelin, i gave up on kde for gnome2.6... the kde ui doesn't agree with me. there are numerous mailing list postings on it though. [05:41] in terms of running it on ubuntu.. not sure what the state is [05:41] wait a minute === skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] samba doesn't exist? [05:41] That worked without a hitch [05:41] oh [05:41] oh ok...I just unstalled a bunch of KDE packages... hopefully it works [05:42] axe9dotcom: have you enabled the universe repository? === Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-2.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] The what> [05:42] edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the two lines that say universe near the end === axe9dotcom is a total baby to linux, born last week [05:42] then apt-get update again [05:42] THEN install samba === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] ok I'll be back hopefully [05:43] in KDE [05:43] ah [05:43] vncviewer: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [05:43] axe9dotcom is an M$ bs [05:44] ? [05:44] package manager says it's installed. Any ideas? [05:44] don't tease me T_T [05:44] yes you are === hazmat sighs [05:44] hmmm some reason openbox isnt showing its toolbar [05:44] it doesnt have a toolbar [05:44] trypod: M$ bs? [05:44] what is openbox ? [05:44] oh [05:45] that explains it [05:45] another blackbox type [05:45] i like my box closed [05:45] lol [05:45] its not blackbox at all [05:45] it was rewritten in C for 3.x [05:45] nice. [05:45] yes i know [05:45] I should try it. [05:45] but [05:45] its blackbox like [05:45] Ok [05:45] Same concept. [05:45] now what? [05:45] i do have a few minor complaints [05:45] but i do like it [05:45] its menu handles weird at times, and such [05:46] i think i may go back to flux [05:46] Well, I installed RealVNC and it wont start.. grm. [05:46] i dont use its menu, i use gnome-panel [05:46] I just use gnome. [05:46] wouldnt it be better to have just one GNU linux ? [05:46] i have gnome-panel running [05:46] but its pretty intensive on a k6-2 300 with 64 megs of mem [05:46] lol [05:46] phin: .. wow. [05:47] one that would install has need ? [05:47] how do i download the nvidia-glx package from ubuntu so that i can burn it and copy it to my networkless computer? [05:47] trypod: what [05:47] one linux fits all [05:48] trypod: It's called Windows XP [05:48] and it's nothing like windows. [05:48] erm, linux === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-0.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] or Red Hat. [05:48] That pretty much does all (and has 3 cd's full of .. all?) [05:48] red hat isnt GNU [05:48] hi can someone help me, i have kind of a serious problem and im going to be screwed if i cant get this fixed. [05:48] fredora is, isnt it? [05:49] What's The Problem? === Wop [~pow@c-24-126-110-103.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] one linux does not fit all [05:49] what about something like gentoo that was easy to install ? [05:49] especially retards that want gentoo and KDE to be the one way [05:49] fuck. gentoo. [05:49] i dont like gentoo [05:49] ive never tryed gentoo [05:50] tseng: ping [05:50] Agra, I got samba, and isntalled, now hwo do I get my computer set up so my dad's can access? [05:50] Why would everyone who runs linux want to spend hours upon hours building every piece of software? [05:50] Ok, well i installed ubuntu and everything went fine... after messing around with it for a bit seeing what it was like, i restarted the pc to go back to windows xp (where i am now)... then once i restarted my pc again, the computer just loads into windows with no GRUB select OS screen [05:50] i like debian alot better [05:50] whats bad about gentoo ? [05:50] would you watch the language/bashing please [05:50] it degrades the community [05:50] phlaegel: yes? [05:50] Gentoo is pretty nice, If you have the time to set it up from scratch [05:50] Are linux, and windowson the same hard drive? [05:50] trypod: How long does it take to install... well... ANYTHING? === toyowheelin [~greg@c-67-160-51-63.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] sweet [05:50] tseng: any chance of packaging mono.posix? tomboy in cvs uses it... [05:50] agrajag: Thats the idea. :) [05:50] KDE works fine [05:50] mono.posix? [05:50] My server was Gentoo [05:51] Agrajag: gentoo on my amd64 runs fine. kernel in 5 minutes, xorg in 20 [05:51] I don't really know anything about it either :-) [05:51] Don't get me wrong. I'm using gentoo right now, on my desktop. [05:51] phlaegel: where is the homepage? [05:51] Axe9dotcom i PM'ed you [05:51] I'm starting to get sick of it, but I'll stick with it until it REALLY annoys me. [05:51] if gentoo is good for server it must be good for everything else [05:51] subterrific, yeah I tried gentoo but got confused [05:51] But can you imagine gentoo on a 700 Mhz PIII? [05:51] I have XP and Ubuntu right now, but I love Gentoo. [05:51] and went with ubuntu [05:51] a laptop? [05:51] Agrajag, I can imagine Gentoo on a 350Mhz P2 [05:51] Agrajag et all..keep it on topic or hang out in #gentoo [05:51] i cant stand gentoo, dunno why [05:52] I used it for 4 months [05:52] i love fbsd thou [05:52] joem: I am in gentoo. [05:52] And I didn't bring this up. [05:52] boo [05:52] subterrific, it compiles the kernel really friggin quick hu [05:52] then talk about it there [05:52] can one emerge the kernel ? [05:52] tseng: not sure... haven't been able to find a lot of info. there's this: http://www.nullenvoid.com/mono/wiki/index.php/MonoPosix [05:52] trypod: in gentoo? yes. === tseng sighs [05:53] and it compiles right ? [05:53] tseng: it sounds like it's something I'd expect to be included with mono, but... [05:53] yes. [05:53] no [05:53] out of the net [05:53] you emerge the kernel, then set it up and compile it in the next steps [05:53] but go to #gentoo if you want to discuss gentoo. [05:53] oh, right. I thought he was asking if it would compile. [05:53] I'm going to bed, goodnight everyone [05:53] anyway. [05:53] hi, what's diff bw X.org and Xfree86? Are commercial Unix using XFree86 or diff X? [05:53] Install a new kernel in ubuntu is a 30-second job [05:54] you don't wait for things to compile, you just install them. it's already built, everything is modularized as it should be. [05:54] not a custom though. [05:54] the distro doesnt matter [05:54] except gentoo :) [05:54] /topic ubuntu [05:54] kernel building is kernel building [05:54] so is unbutu sponsored by debian ? [05:54] mojo: most commercial unixes use their own X servers [05:54] dudes [05:54] Each distro is different, pick the one for you, but dont flame the other options :) [05:54] get off it. [05:54] phin: Not if you just use ubuntu's kernel package [05:54] tseng, hmm [05:55] http://www.mono-project.com/about/mono-1.0.html [05:55] should be part of mono [05:55] yesh it should. [05:55] agrajag: i used a vanilla kernel [05:55] Agrajag: so commercial X server will have more drivers and better than free server? [05:55] i need to redo it thou [05:55] their own X servers ? dont they use Xfree or Xorg ? [05:55] hey yeah, is there a mono package out? I couldn't find one a few days ago, and I prefer muine to rhythmbox === tvon|x31 likes gentoo [05:55] phlaegel: ^ joem is the man. [05:55] mojo: well it'll have better drivers for the hardware that the OS supports. [05:55] Does anyone know how to edit the windows Boot.ini to get my pc to load into Ubuntu, GRUB stopped working!! help me please :( [05:55] Agrajag, check the user archives [05:56] there is a mono apt repo [05:56] most commercial unixes support a more rigid set of hardware [05:56] yes [05:56] oh cool [05:56] deb http://www.getsweaaa.com/~tseng/ubuntu/debs ./ [05:56] it is quite rocking :) [05:56] oh thanks [05:56] I'll check that out after I try to get DRI working. [05:56] Agrajag: y ppl change to X.org? what about Xfree86 - died? [05:56] tseng: that's what I expected... so why doesn't tomboy compile anymore? it complains about missing mono.posix. [05:56] yeah that guy is my freakin hero [05:56] heh [05:56] mojo: they changed the license, it is no longer compatible witht he GPL [05:56] phlaegel: do you have the -dev libs? [05:56] mojo: no, they are 2 diffrent projects [05:56] Does anyone know how to edit the windows Boot.ini to get my pc to load into Ubuntu, GRUB stopped working!! help me please :( [05:56] or something. [05:57] neither is dead [05:57] x.org started as a set of patches to XFree86 pre-license change [05:57] tseng: libmono-dev? [05:57] prelink is taking forever [05:57] and it's picked up speed and developers, and it's moving along faster than XFree ever was [05:57] phlaegel: make sure you have them all [05:57] i wish i coulda just prelinked one program [05:57] Agrajag: Ive just heard about X.org for a while, are they jut founded? what things they based on to develop new X? [05:57] Check out freedesktop.org for info on it [05:57] Agrajag: ehm, actually X.Org started as a CVS tree last year [05:58] one which mirrored all licence-sane XFree86 code; there were no patches until later on, when we had a basic structure [05:58] Agrajag: so X.org now is better than Xfree86? [05:58] daniels: right, but it started with the xfree source right? [05:58] tseng: I have everything except mono-gac, mono-jay, mono-mint [05:58] eyah [05:58] Agrajag: the licence-sane XFree86 code, yes [05:58] (approximately XFree86 4.4RC2) [05:58] mojo: 6.8.1 is pretty awesome, yes [05:58] mojo: there is plenty of info on xorg availble on the internet. google is your friend [05:58] this code was then refined and improved, bugs squashed, and a new X release was put out [05:58] the COMPOSE and DAMAGE extensions make things a lot smoother [05:59] phlaegel: huh. [05:59] ubuntu's still on xfree until xorg puts out their non-monolithis version though :/ [05:59] whats so great with 6.8.1 ? [05:59] Agrajag: now XFree86 is left untouched --> will it die soon if none Linux use it? [05:59] trypod: as I said, COMPOSE and DAMAGE [05:59] mojo: it's not untouched. [05:59] http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/xorg [05:59] whats that ? [05:59] they're still working on it. [05:59] trypod: two extensions they added in [05:59] http://www.freedesktop.org/Software/xorg [06:00] what for ? [06:00] and it's COMPOSITE [06:00] Agrajag: OK, so for example, If I create my own Linux for commercial, so I can pay for Xfree86 to have the license rite? [06:00] oh right [06:00] trypod: it makes it so, for one, dragging windows across each other doesn't make them smear [06:01] and you can have true alpha-blending in your WM [06:01] translucent windows, etc. [06:01] useless eye-candy for the most part, but sometimes it can look cool === yusufg [~yusufg@210-177-227-130.outblaze.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:01] and you could do shaped windows more easily I think, check out some of the screenshots on freedesktop.org [06:02] do nvidea drivers work on xorg ? [06:02] mojo: no, xfree86 doesn't cost anything [06:02] dude, i got a 2ghz machine with alot of mem and a killer vid card, GIVE ME MY FUCKING EYECANDY!!!! [06:02] lol [06:02] trypod: yes [06:02] watch the language already [06:02] sorry [06:02] mojo: the problem with the license is that it put restrictions on the distributors beyond what the GPL does [06:02] wow, this channel just went to shit. [06:02] lates [06:03] Is there a way to remote control my ubuntu system from windows? I noticed there was an option on it to allow remote connections. =x [06:03] Wop: well, you could run an ssh server, a VNC server, or just use an X server on the windows machine and use X11 forwarding through SSH [06:03] but the simplest is probably vnc [06:04] Agrajag: Xfree86 made wrong decision, it will make Xfree86 become extinct from Linux world, poor Xfree86 guys [06:04] okay [06:04] thanks [06:04] mojo: possibly [06:04] Would tightvnc work? [06:04] whats all this hype about ubuntu ? === liz [~liz@ADSL-063.cust203-87-27.nsw.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] is it hackable ? [06:05] thats it isnt it ? [06:05] Agrajag: I read on their pages, there are a small list of Linux distro been licensed to run, but seems most of them are migrating to Xorg [06:06] mojo: yes, because of the license thing and because of the faster development [06:06] xfree86 probably won't just go away, but we'll see [06:07] Wop: on the ubuntu end, vino (gnome's vnc server) would be the easiest. [06:07] Computer -> Desktop Preferences -> Remote Desktop [06:07] ah [06:07] that would work? [06:07] sweet [06:07] Agrajag: It'd be crazy if...around next year, Xfree86 feels regreat and change back to GPL, it will be too late, Xorg will crush it down1 [06:07] What would I use === nanotech [~nanotech@kaam0.yokota.attmil.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] mojo: they never were GPL. [06:08] on my windows end [06:08] To connect to it. [06:08] vino is a cool start, needs a lil hacking...really need a gnome vnc client [06:08] Wop: tightVNC seems to be what most people use [06:08] Agrajag: lol, then all the times, all Linux distros break the law? [06:08] mojo: what, on [06:08] on [06:08] no [06:08] Thanks [06:08] there are other free licenses. [06:09] Agrajag: what the? I'm confused! can u explain to me pls? [06:09] isnt unbutu just debian ? [06:09] xfree86's license was compatible with the GPL though, and no longer is. [06:09] unbutu is a sarge pre release ? [06:09] Agrajag: what about the Xfree86 developers? Are they also Xorg developers? [06:09] other license for OSS are the BSD license, the Mozilla Public License, and the Apple Public Source License [06:09] mojo: some of them jumped ship to xorg, I think. [06:10] Some contribute patches to both. [06:10] http://www.xfree86.org/current/LICENSE1.html that is the license for xfree [06:10] anyone know how to get my network working on ubuntu?..it says that i dont have smb installed, yet if i do a find on it, its there..i just dont know how to activate/run it so that it will detect my lan [06:10] is unbutu a sarge pre release ? [06:10] Agrajag: k, so at realease 4.4, Xfree86 license is not compatible with GPL [06:10] "Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the XFree86 Project." [06:10] That clause is what broke GPL compatibility [06:10] trypod: Ubuntu is based on Debian, but with a far shorter release cycle, improved installer, many improved packages, GNOME 2.8 with Ubuntu modifications as the default desktop, et al. [06:10] because it places restrictions. [06:10] guys there are thousands of posts about xfree stuff on the web [06:10] Agrajag: is that GPL fault? what if we change GPL license? [06:11] and that can't be done. [06:11] you are really flooding the chan with this stuff [06:11] mojo: It's not the fault of the GPL, and why would we want to change it [06:11] and ive been through the support files, and theres nothing there about it [06:11] liz: client or server side? [06:11] Agrajag: so we can keep going on with Xfree86? [06:11] mojo: you can yuse whatever the hell you wanyt [06:12] any idea on how long it takes spamassassin before it stops downloading spam emails? [06:12] joem: I'm simple responding to questions, I'm getting a bit tired of it myself because there are thing s I want to do and can't BECAUSE I KEEP BEING PESTERED ABOUT GENTOOO AND XFREE86 [06:12] mojo is an m$ bs [06:12] Agrajag, either. i just want to be able to see my home network on ubuntu [06:12] that's not actually the clause which causes issues, but joem is right -- this is way off-topic and flooding the channel. if you want to discuss this, I recommend #xorg. [06:13] Agrajag: X11R6.6, what this means? I dont get this [06:13] liz: ok, have you tried going by IP address instead of name? [06:13] mojo: STOP JUST STOP [06:13] mojo: #xorg, please. [06:13] CHRITSTF{EIRBS [06:13] Agrajag: now, no need to be rude [06:13] liz: you should be able to see your home network without installing samba [06:13] jdub, it doesnt .. [06:13] Agrajag: I just ...want to ask...sigh...okay, I'll go... [06:13] liz: click on Computer > Network [06:13] Agrajag please reduce the caps as well [06:13] liz: what appears there? [06:13] mojo: I sugget google.com [06:13] soooo, any pygtk wizards who run straw with the latest gnome-python packages from ubuntu? [06:14] suggest. [06:14] liz: do you have a Windows Network icon? [06:14] Agrajag: okay, thx for ur help, I will use google.com [06:14] is unbutu safe ? [06:14] jdub, under computer, system config..i have networking [06:14] safe for what? [06:15] for the internet [06:15] in there..it shows my ethernet card.. [06:15] liz: not system config, just computer > network [06:15] anyone have a tutorial on getting one of thouse cool eterms on my desktop? [06:15] i dont have that Agrajag [06:15] trypod: what are you talking about, you'll have to be more clear [06:15] liz: no, Computer > Network [06:15] liz: weird [06:15] ok [06:15] liz: in the list of icons at the top [06:15] trypod: Ubuntu has a no-listening policy per default, which means there's nothing opening and listening to be exploited. That said, we keep very up-to-date on security anyway. [06:15] open a terminal [06:15] run nautilus --no-desktop --browser [06:16] thatll open a nautilus browser [06:16] it has firewalls and stuff ? [06:16] in the address, type smb:// [06:16] liz: if Agrajag can't help, ask me later. [06:16] trypod: there's always iptables [06:16] ok mines under applications..not computer === rage1 [~joe@c-24-0-85-144.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] so iptables are preconfigured ? [06:17] dont ask me why..thats the way it setup [06:17] oh [06:17] You haven't updated yet, that's why [06:17] they changed it [06:17] so is there a windows network icon in your network window then? [06:17] trypod: I have no idea, I use NAT ofr a firewall === haldir [~haldir@] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] stop talking about windows pls [06:17] trypod: but you could always set it up yourself [06:17] Agrajag, yes, its there..that works [06:17] thanks [06:17] trypod: we're talking about samba [06:17] nwo..to get sound working [06:17] i dont know how to set that stuff up [06:17] liz: run alsamixer [06:18] is anything muted? === tvon notes that the Plone package in ubuntu is mighty old [06:18] where is that? [06:18] its not in multimedia [06:18] open a terminal [06:18] oh [06:18] daniels: dpkg -L libgnomevfs2-common | grep dns [06:18] my musics opening in totem [06:18] but i cant hear anything [06:18] daniels: you got a .so file there? [06:18] sorry for a stupid newbie question. where is the changelog kept for ubuntu. i wanted to read over the changes of all the new updates that were just released. [06:18] it's playing, but silently? [06:19] ok [06:19] yes [06:19] haldir: the warty-changes mailing list [06:19] jdub: yeah, libdns-sd.so [06:19] Applications > System Tools > Teminal [06:19] Terminal [06:19] jdub: this is with ubuntu3 [06:19] then run alsamixer from there [06:19] daniels: very odd [06:19] how do i upgrade unbutu from an older release ? [06:19] jdub: you don't have one? [06:19] daniels: because it doesn't depend on howl, and should build with howl [06:19] s/should/shouldn't/ [06:19] trypod: there's nothing actually listening to block access to [06:20] it probably dlopens and doesn't care... hrm. [06:20] yeah, I assume it's all about the dlopening [06:20] but the build checks for howl ;) [06:20] eep..is there antoehr way of doing my sound?..i have no idea how to use this [06:20] which makes sense from a gnome-vfs point of view, 'cause it's dynamic [06:20] jdub: huh? [06:21] jdub: isn't howl ... not quite unrelated, but totally not below gnome-cfs? [06:21] s/cfs/vfs/ [06:21] if i start web browsing ther gona be something open [06:21] gnome-vfs uses howl for dns-sd [06:21] liz: if anything is muted you'll only have to do it once [06:21] the build checks for it [06:21] trypod: yes, but not listening on an external port. [06:21] jdub: oh, howl's the mdns stuff [06:21] liz: all you need are the arrow keys, M to mute/unmute, and Esc to exit [06:21] jdub: if so, then it probably just disables specific functionality, but leaves a stub libdns-sd around [06:21] anything muted will say [Off] next to the mixer name === oseb [~oseb@] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] er, Item name [06:22] daniels: mmm, the so doesn't link with howl [06:22] daniels: but i have howl installed, and it works ;) [06:22] bizarre [06:22] jdub: maybe it tries dlopening howl :) [06:22] thanks jdub. pretty well hidden list. no links from the mailing list page. but i found it [06:22] yes !...sound [06:22] i wonder why it even bothers checking for howl in the build [06:22] lovely..thanks Agrajag and jdub [06:22] haldir: lists.ubuntu.com will list it [06:22] jdub: if it wasn't 1.6MB, I'd download the source to see, heh [06:23] no problem [06:23] whats howl ? [06:23] jdub: i think I'm almost done with making g-s-m gksudo and higgy and stuff [06:23] daniels: oh, sweet [06:23] daniels: you shoulda taken that bug, it was on my list ;) [06:23] trypod: dns-sd library [06:24] so that is a server [06:24] liz: also, if you want to update, run synaptic [06:24] jdub: i asked you about it, sipper :) want me to assign it to myself? [06:24] anyone know how to specify CFLAGS CHOST and CXXFLAGS in a configure script? [06:24] not *really*, although there is a server involved [06:24] computer > system configuration > synaptic package manager [06:24] daniels: yeah :) [06:24] jdub: phat [06:24] is there a GUI samba configuration program? [06:24] jdub: btw, did I tell you my model Snoop arrived? it features the phrase 'seven dizzles a wizzle' on the box. [06:25] $ grep -c dlopen dns-sd-method.c [06:25] 0 [06:25] jdub: bong [06:25] #ifdef HAVE_HOWL [06:25] /* Need to work around howl exporting its config file... */ [06:25] #undef PACKAGE [06:25] #undef VERSION [06:25] #include [06:25] #endif [06:25] [06:25] wtf?! ;) [06:25] hm, how does it manage Howl stuff, then? [06:25] so unbutu isnt very good for serving porposes ? [06:25] maybe it should b-d on howl. [06:25] trypod: er, where'd you get that idea? [06:25] trypod: Ubuntu is aiming to be a Desktop distribution [06:26] daniels: well, yeah [06:26] daniels: but atm it doesn't [06:26] tvon|x31: not true :) [06:26] jdub: weird [06:26] ah [06:26] daniels: so it shouldn't include that so at all ;) [06:26] because theres no firewall and proxie === tvon|x31 puts away his pamphlets of lies and untruths [06:26] trypod: the default install is a desktop install [06:26] trypod: if you want a web proxy, install squid [06:27] trypod: if you want a firewall, you can use iptables (included), and use one of the many firewall configuration tools in universe [06:27] i whant a firewall-proxie thing [06:27] you'll have to describe what you want more precisely :) [06:27] you should use something designed to be one then === steveod [~stephen@69-162-32-99.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] jdub: well, if it includes it just as a stub, that's not so bad [06:28] i dont whant it to respond to pings [06:28] trypod: that's not a useful thing to do, but if you really want to, you can use iptables [06:29] you can do that with iptables === oseb [~oseb@] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] ive read you could do it in the kernel [06:29] how do i get one of those transparent console windows on my x desktop? [06:29] phin: the packages for X.Org will be in Hoary [06:29] trypod: that's what iptables does [06:30] ok? [06:30] phin: you won't get a real one in the current ubuntu [06:30] phin: edit your gnome-terminal profile (for fake transparency) [06:30] something to do with the procs stuff [06:30] btw, is it normal for hotplug to take ages to start when I boot? [06:30] i rather use eterm, gnome-term is to slow on this pc [06:30] trypod: yeah [06:30] daniels: [06:30] $ grep howl /tmp/PANTS [06:30] checking for howl >= 0.9.6... Package howl was not found in the pkg-config search path. [06:30] Perhaps you should add the directory containing `howl.pc' [06:30] No package 'howl' found [06:30] it takes about one second for each line it outputs.. sometimes more if it actually loads a module [06:30] let's see if it makes the stub ;) [06:30] [06:30] it doesnt need to be real transparent === Wop2 [~chris@c-24-126-110-103.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu === knarph [~bollocks@kristif.dsl.pdx.spiretech.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] Hmm [06:32] i whant it o change my MAC adress every 30 m [06:32] can i do that ? [06:32] why would you want todo that?? === mdz [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] for making me intraceable [06:32] ok [06:33] anyone have any luck with nvidia drivers on a 64bit system [06:33] maybe you shouldnt do illegalt hings :-P [06:33] whats that ? [06:33] illegal things* [06:34] nite all [06:34] i dont do that [06:34] daniels: bizarre! [06:34] others do that [06:35] $ find /tmp/poo/ | grep dns [06:35] /tmp/poo/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/libdns-sd.so [06:35] === xTina [~xTina@pD9E626AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] the cops do illegal things all the time [06:36] who is gona arrest them ? [06:36] guys, off-topic discussion elsewhere please [06:36] jdub: i'm tipping it's just a stub that does absolutely sfa [06:36] daniels: but it works! ;) [06:36] what about my hotplug-stuff? is that normal? [06:36] (it taking ages to start) [06:36] Treenaks: yes [06:36] jdub: maybe it's a super-intelligent stub? [06:36] depending on the ages [06:37] daniels: there's like, gobloads of stuff ifdeffed otu [06:37] jdub: about a minute in total [06:37] Treenaks: that can happen, yeah [06:37] Does Ubuntu come with any SSH software? [06:38] SSH cant be exporte out side the US [06:38] trypod: yes it can === doko [doko@dsl-084-057-039-196.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] jdub: that's so weird [06:39] why because its cracable ? === Wop2 [~chris@c-24-126-110-103.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] jdub: howl doesn't provide a libdns-sd of its own, does it? [06:39] whoops [06:39] Wop2: yes, it comes with the OpenSSH client per default, and the server can be installed === tonita [~tonita@d1-226.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] OpenSSH is cackable [06:39] daniels: not the gnome-vfs one [06:39] hmm [06:39] thats why it can be exported [06:39] Where would I find it? [06:39] jdub: bong [06:40] Wop2: for the client, type 'ssh'. for the server, run sudo apt-get install openssh-server. [06:41] how much memory this distro fills up ? [06:41] Thanks [06:41] what, like physical ram? [06:41] yes and swap [06:41] trypod, the more mem is being used the faser it runs [06:41] I'm using 107 of 304 megs ram, and 176 K of 604 megs swap [06:41] in ramthat is [06:42] that's with just gnome-terminal running with apt-get grabbing some stuff [06:42] i need the ram to play armyops [06:42] trypod: anything not being used will be swapped out [06:43] how does one un-pause a printer? [06:43] can i start it to cli and run x-game to start armyops ? === lamont kinda hates cupsys at this point === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-126.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] zenmen [06:44] Agraculture [06:44] zenmen ? === aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006612-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] do u grow corns? [06:44] I use crons [06:45] i use pr0nz [06:45] trypod, plz stop hacking me [06:45] zenwhen: do you use your brain ? [06:46] for something usefull ? [06:46] oh god i bet you are reading my files right now [06:46] i recon not === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-126.bgk.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-126.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] yay I win [06:46] hi [06:46] I compiled something [06:46] :) [06:46] morning guys === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] anybody knows french? [06:47] morning [06:47] nah [06:47] not I [06:47] the spamers are here !!! [06:47] whos spamming? [06:47] ive enjoyed this chann wile it lasted [06:47] time to leave === trypod [~kljnkl@] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [06:48] what happened to it? [06:48] what [06:48] zenwhen: wow [06:48] Im a god of some kind. === eazel7 [~eazel7@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu === steveb [~steveb@c-24-20-189-69.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:50] argh [06:50] no gtk-sharp [06:50] hi [06:50] guess I'll have to try it from source [06:50] I am building mono 1.0.2 [06:51] would you help me to collaborate with ubuntu in the packaging? [06:51] yay KDE works better than gnome [06:52] how so? [06:52] toyowheelin, I can say the opposite [06:52] well I can tell KDE what sound I want to use [06:52] hw:1,0 [06:52] toyowheelin, kde lacks of gimp, kde lacks of gnomemeeting, kde lacks of all gaim features... [06:53] Oh, esound could have bene configured to your liking as well had you cared ot read the documentation. [06:53] thats funny eazel7 cuz I have all of those [06:53] to* [06:53] eazel7: talk to tseng, he has been proposed his updated packages for inclusion in universe [06:53] ??? [06:53] What would be a good ftpd for ubuntu? [06:53] Would proftpd be fine? [06:54] toyowheelin, where did you get them? [06:54] umm the default packages for ubuntu work fine [06:55] I want the 1.0.2 [06:55] I have the gimp 2.0.something I have gaim 1.0.0 [06:55] and I think I have gnomemeeting [06:55] I dont know though cuz I dont use it [06:56] eazel7, if you want the "bleeding edge" gaim just compile it [06:56] I have the bleeding edge gaim [06:57] what I am looking for is for mono [06:57] mono? [06:57] WTF is that [06:57] .net compiler? [06:57] mono is .NET [06:57] eazel7: use tseng's packages -> see the universe page on the wiki for the url [06:57] umm gcc lol [06:57] toyowheelin: flavour du jour [06:57] jdub, ok, I'll do [06:57] why you want .NET [06:57] ioslipstream, what [06:57] toyowheelin: to compile .NET programs [06:58] english dude [06:58] never seen any .NET proga [06:58] mono/.net - flavor of the day [06:58] trendy [06:58] toyowheelin: muine [06:58] toyowheelin: there are a bunch of good apps that use mono. it's just a different development environment. [06:58] mono is the kissing disease [06:58] I am developer of commercial applications too, linux doesn't feed me, ok? what I can do for Open Source I do [06:58] http://muine.gooeylinux.org/ best music player ever [06:59] and it's written in C#, with the GTK# bindings [06:59] Agrajag: how so? [06:59] eazel7, ok [06:59] right now I'm trying to get GTK# installed [06:59] lol [06:59] ioslipstream: it's my opinion, ok? [06:59] hehe === fragment [~chatzilla@ip76.qdsl.openaccess.org] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] I like the album browser [06:59] it grabs album covers from amazon.com [06:59] heh, i was curious as to why you thought so, i wasn't trying to be rude [06:59] well that's my answer [06:59] Agrajag: use tseng's packages, which is mentioned on the wiki and mailing lists [06:59] I just compiled kooldock yay [07:00] lol === suineg [~nickrapp@s77-37.resnet.ucla.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] Hey, downloading the latest ISO and I noticed an error in the jigdo file. [07:00] jdub: that doesn't include gtk# :( [07:00] tseng is my hero [07:00] Agrajag: uh... [07:00] unless I just can't figure out the package name [07:00] tseng: Hehe. [07:00] It should read: [07:00] it's not gtk-sharp? [07:00] Agrajag: just install muine [07:00] [Servers] [07:00] Ubuntu=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --try-last [07:00] jdub: it's in there? [07:00] arachne: its in there dude.. [07:00] Agrajag: you don't need to care about the library package names === baietas [~baietas@CPE00095b6cf17d-CM000f9f7d5d12.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] oh shit [07:00] I didn't think muine would be there [07:00] <3 [07:01] tseng: I'm my own hero too. Not for Mono packages though. [07:01] sup guys... anyone knows if there's a package for the latest RADEON drivers for ubuntu? [07:01] baietas: see BinaryDriverHowto on the wiki [07:01] jdub: Is there someone else I should tell? Email, maybe? [07:01] thank you jdub [07:02] fragment: about? [07:02] There's an error in the jigdo file(s). [07:02] It should read: [07:02] [Servers] [07:02] mail ubuntu-devel [07:02] Ubuntu=http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --try-last === xoz [~xoz@p4253-ipad204souka.saitama.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] Will do. Thanks! [07:03] Kamion: when you're up, there's a problem with the jigdo files posted to -devel [07:03] that should do it :) [07:04] http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/9/28/211242/712 [07:04] new ubuntu article [07:04] jdub: I may try out ubuntu on a coworker's laptop. :) === cef_work [~cef@] has joined #ubuntu === baietas [~baietas@CPE00095b6cf17d-CM000f9f7d5d12.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-124-154.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === tuppa [~tuppa@christie.corvu.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] how do i find out the version of a kernel module? [07:14] something with lsmod right? [07:14] 'night! [07:14] baietas, uname -r [07:15] er sorry, kernel module... stupid me === eazel7 [~eazel7@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:16] how compatible is ubuntu with debian kernel images? [07:17] hmm [07:17] polok: they should work fine, but why? === Azmodan [~daniel@c207.134.215-12.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] mdz: just thinking about getting a kernel the Debian Way [07:19] Does someone have an idea when Ubuntu will be out ? More like early october or late october ? [07:19] Not sure whether or not I'll do it the Debian Way yet, or just compile it from source. [07:19] the synaptic package manager is ubuntu specific or its coming from debian? [07:19] polok: Ubuntu comes with its own kernel [07:19] polok: if you're familiar with debian kernel, the same tools are available for use with ubuntu kernels (make-kpkg) [07:19] I mean, Ubuntu Final Release... [07:19] mdz: ah cool === dasenjo [~dasenjo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] does anyone know anything about old ati card and getting dri to work? [07:21] Azmodan: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/WartyWarthog/ReleaseSchedule [07:21] Thanks, I didn't noticed. [07:21] http://www.freedesktop.org/~dri/snapshots/README.Debian and would this be reasonably safe to try? [07:21] Agrajag, other then that it can be a royal pain :P [07:21] Agrajag, heh heh. [07:21] :/ [07:22] I just want fceu-sdl to run reasonably fast [07:22] Is it possible to dist-upgrade from the actual version to the final release ? [07:22] without X eating CPU time === yusufg [~yusufg@210-177-227-130.outblaze.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] In the past getting full 3d support from my ati cards has often been hampered by the motherboards chipset/X versions/Ati driver Versions all fighting. [07:22] damn. [07:22] Agrajag: which ati model? [07:23] rage mobility... something [07:23] Agrajag: a mach64 based card? [07:23] rage mobility P/M [07:23] no, rage [07:23] Agrajag: iirc that is mach64, not radeon [07:23] r128 [07:23] oh [07:23] I thought rage came between the two [07:23] this is an HP omnibook 6000 [07:24] there is rage which was mach64, don't recall what r128's were called, and then radeon [07:24] let me see if I can find some more info [07:24] if its mach64 its too slow to be worth the trouble [07:24] a laptop? my laptop has a Radeon Mobility [07:24] I don't want 3d [07:24] just reasonable 2d [07:24] this is an old laptop [07:24] hmm p/m is r128 [07:24] then the standard X drivers should work decently well. [07:24] yeah [07:25] Dr_Willis: they don't seem to [07:25] oh well [07:25] how are you even testing them? [07:25] well, I'm trying to run fce ultra === SuperL4g [~colbyirc@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] supposedly r128 is supported by dri [07:25] and it's using about half my cou time on a PIII 700, with X eating the rest [07:25] heck for normal desktop ussage. I cant really tell the diff from useing the standard svga driver :O vs the ones made for my cards. [07:25] http://dri.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/ATIRage128?action=highlight&value=CategoryHardware [07:25] fce ultra - whats that? [07:25] calc: yeah, but running glxgears tells me DRI is missing [07:26] but the logs say it's being loaded [07:26] Agrajag: do you have the kernel module loaded? [07:26] Dr_Willis: an NES emulator [07:26] what module? [07:26] Agrajag, ahh :P sounded familer. [07:26] Agrajag: not sure what its called, but usually you need a kernel module as well for dri to work [07:26] I've never used ati cards in linux [07:26] i recall with the dri/modules in ONE case I had to manuyally load them BEFOR X started - otherwise they dident get loaded right. [07:26] oh, would it be in the standard kernel package? [07:26] for radeon its called radeon [07:26] ok [07:26] maybe r128 or something no idea at all [07:26] I'll look into it [07:26] in another machine I had to be sure that X loaded them [07:26] maybe [07:27] I'll take a look [07:27] i never did figuyre out what was going on. Lol. [07:27] How can I get my wireless options passed to my card, before networking starts? [07:27] (essid, wep key) [07:27] aha, there is an r128 module [07:27] I'll try that, thanks [07:29] windows network works great!!! yey [07:30] ah, it loaded but didn;t seem to help [07:30] I'll try some more stuff [07:30] did you restart X? [07:30] yes === lemonlysol [~warthurto@wbar10.chi1-4-11-141-080.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] Agrajag: is the agp module loaded as well? [07:30] yes [07:30] hmm no idea then [07:30] intel_agp and agpgart both [07:30] Ubuntu is developing one of the things I like about Gentoo so much [07:30] why is the ubuntu nautilus different? i can't find the option to show the folders [07:31] baietas: different from what? [07:31] spatial nautilus has been default since 2.6 [07:31] from the standard gnome [07:31] that is standard. [07:31] Have you been using 2.4? [07:31] Agrajag, hmm ok.. yeah but i know you can open the old view somehow [07:31] Computer > Desktop Preferences > file management [07:31] behavior tab [07:32] check "always open in browser windows" [07:32] i like spatial well enough since it has the folder name at the bottom that can be easily changed [07:32] Spatial has been default for so long I forgot what the browser looks like. [07:32] Is it Ubuntu who bring it back into the menus or it is gnome ? It was anoying to have to go into gconf to change it. [07:32] that will disable spatial browsing and set it to the old behavior [07:32] oh there we go thank you :) i saw that bit i didnt know thats what it does [07:32] Azmodan: I don't know, gnome 2.8 isn't in gentoo stable yet [07:32] spatial reminds me of Windows 95 days [07:32] SuperL4g: reminds me more of old MacOS [07:32] even 95 could easily disable spatial though [07:33] yeah, you just added the folder tab thing [07:33] Azmodan: I don't know, gnome 2.8 isn't in gentoo stable yet <-- LOL [07:33] SuperL4g: it's so buggy still it's not even funny === SuperL4g checks to see if this is still the Ubuntu channel [07:33] I'm not going to even try to install it yet [07:33] anyone here using the philips webcam drivers ? pwcx? [07:33] Agrajag, what is? Gnome 2.8? [07:33] Agrajag, but it's already into Ubuntu ? I'm going to worship that distro. ;) I'm a big fan of Gnome. [07:33] SuperL4g: he asked if the browser checkbox was something added by ubuntu [07:34] hmm gnome 2.10 on March 9, only ~ 5mo away :) [07:34] SuperL4g, yes. [07:34] I don't know, because the only other distro I use doesn't have 2.8 yet [07:34] who has kde installed here? lol [07:34] Agrajag: you a Gentooer too? [07:34] baietas: i do on regular debian :) [07:34] yes, gnome 2.8 is buggy as hell in gentoo [07:34] but not in ubuntu of course [07:34] SuperL4g: yes [07:34] for now [07:34] the only reason i chose ubuntu is gnome 2.8 and i love ubuntu.. never tried debian distros before [07:34] Agrajag: for now? [07:34] for now. [07:34] Until it manages to piss me off, which it's starting to [07:35] In gentoo, I can't run rhythmbox anymore because it segfaults every time I try to play a song [07:35] lol [07:35] but other audio players work? [07:35] I've rebuilt that, xine-lib, gstreamer, built it against both, and no dice [07:35] yes. [07:36] Agrajag, how about you mail me ubuntu??? :( === ndowens [~ndowens@] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] zenwhen: I thought you already had one coming [07:36] I doubt seriously that they will send me a disk. [07:36] dude [07:36] have faith [07:36] before i installed ubuntu i thought i should give windows XP another chance... installed it, drivers and norton... and after i installed ad-ware it found 260 spyware... after 30 min of running [07:36] or soemthing [07:36] With it being slashdotted and all. [07:36] lmao 56k [07:36] its slashdotted? lol [07:36] baietas: it was [07:36] bittorrent [07:36] why do you hate me ;_; [07:37] so is there any bugs in the preview? [07:37] baietas: zenwhen is still on a 56k [07:37] baietas: not hard since it considers cookies spyware === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] baietas: it takes an incompetent user to get any real spyware even on a windoze box [07:37] calc: yeah but 20 were exe's :) === TongMaestro [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] right now i am downloading the preview realease maybe no bugs [07:38] my wife manages to get all this annoying spyware.. not even sure HOW she does it. [07:38] baietas: stop telling gator to install then [07:38] calc: i had a fresh install of xp with firefox... i dont know how they got there but they did [07:38] they don't just get there [07:38] but that's for another time and place [07:38] calc: They renamed themselves "Claria" [07:38] 30 mins. thats it [07:38] Azmodan: shit smells the same no matter what its called :) [07:39] Yes but people learned (finally!) that Gator wasn't their friends. [07:39] Claria/Gator should be included by default in Ubuntu [07:39] it's my favourite utility [07:39] apt-get install bonzi-buddy [07:39] lool [07:40] Why not apt-get install clippy ? :-P [07:40] lol i have clippy in crossover office :D [07:40] yes linux is not ready for the desktop yet it has no spyware [07:40] well i better get to work then :D [07:40] can you use sid resporitories(bad sp) in ubuntu from debian or do u have to use ubuntu's resp [07:41] calc, if it makes you feel any better, just email me your credit card numbers [07:41] it's better to use ubuntu's universe [07:41] damn [07:41] rad [07:41] it just works [07:41] WAAAAY too many modules loading though [07:42] (R) [07:42] jdub: g-s-m now uses gksu and sudo to do all its privileged crap [07:42] nobody here knows about PWCX? (Philips webcam driver?) [07:42] oh yeah.... 74 modules loaded [07:43] hi, is there any documentation for potential switchers from fedora/redhat [07:43] yusufg: you familiar with Nike? [07:43] yusufg, I'm a Fedora user too. What kind of infos are you looking for ? [07:43] jdub: do we need to get rid of the 'always show this' checkbox for higginess? [07:43] equivalent commands for (rpm/up2date/yum) === ShadowHawk [~scott@d160-154-la-rue-2.ucdavis.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [07:44] apt-get [07:44] apt-get [07:44] synaptic package manager.. the best thing i've seen on linux yet === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] yusufg: Their motto is "Just Do It". === Nafai likes dselect [07:44] of course you can use apt-get and synaptic on Fedora as well. [07:45] Azmodan: thanks, is /sbin/chkconfig also available on ubuntu ? [07:45] SuperL4g: I plan to try out ubuntu, right now I am giving Solaris 10/x86 a go (dtrace/zones are very nice) [07:45] No idea on this one. I didn't finished to install Ubuntu on an emulated box... [07:46] in fedora, I can crack open a src.rpm and find a spec file and associated patches via rpm2cpio src.rpm | cpio -it [07:47] how would I do something similar on ubuntu ? does ubuntu have any policy wrt kernel updates (non security) during a release (2.6.x moves quite rapidly) === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-124-154.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === eldados [~REXI@203-213-16-154-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === alias[k] [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] hello again [07:49] hihi [07:49] d/l the daily iso again and going to give it another go... [07:49] last one broke [07:50] does anyone have any idea how to get mounted fat32 drives working properly? [07:50] noticed this on the report html: Binaries from linux-meta cannot be installed: [07:50] linux-restricted-modules-2.6-386(i386) [07:50] alias[k] you need to add it to your fstab [07:51] /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 vfat user,umask=000 0 0 [07:51] /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5 vfat user,umask=000 0 0 [07:52] like so [07:52] I have it in there. [07:52] But I can't access folders [07:52] mkdir /mnt/hdax [07:53] I'll show you my fstab [07:53] made a directory in /mnt ? [07:53] is the above effects the amd64 iso? [07:53] /dev/sda5 /share vfat defaults 0 0 [07:54] should be /mnt/share [07:54] yup [07:54] Does it matter? [07:54] yes [07:54] Okidoke I'll give that a shot. === polok_ [~polok@1Cust18.tnt2.wollongong.au.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] I figured /etc/modules would be the file that specifies what modules are to load at boot time, since that's what it says at the top of that config file, but there's only 5 or 6 lines in there, and 74 modules are loading on my system at boot. How can I thin out the unnecessary crap? [07:55] anyone had success with amd64 and nvidia 6800??? please give me hope :) [07:56] Nah, it has the same problem. I can get it to mount, I can see the files, but when i try to go into a folder I get no response. [07:56] Also - it has the little footprint (unknown file?) === xoz_ [~xoz@p1076-ipad207souka.saitama.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] alias[k] , made a folder /mnt/share ? [07:56] Yeah. [07:57] It mounts fine, but I can only access files through console. [07:57] oh ? [07:57] ($cd /mnt/share/mp3) === punkass_ [~punkass@S01060040f47277e5.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] chmod 777 [07:57] alias[k] , $ df ?? [07:58] df? [07:58] change defauls to user,umask=000 in fstab , see if that works [07:58] alrighty. [07:59] defaults* === EpheMeroN [~EpheMeroN@ca-ontario-cuda3a-g-47.anhmca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] alias[k] , type df in a console .. please .. [07:59] alias[k] , what dasenjo said [07:59] Does this channel have flood control [07:59] Lets find out. [07:59] Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on [07:59] /dev/hda1 39028628 1556476 37472152 4% / [07:59] tmpfs 453372 0 453372 0% /dev/shm [07:59] /dev/sdb1 125376 107792 17584 86% /media/sdb1 [07:59] /dev/hdc 710114 710114 0 100% /media/cdrom0 [07:59] /dev/sda1 43945772 7863096 36082676 18% /windows [08:00] /dev/sda5 28645920 22866032 5779888 80% /share [08:00] /dev/sda5 28645920 22866032 5779888 80% /mnt/share [08:00] Hrm, its mounted twice, would that matter? [08:00] alias , you have made to directories === axe9dotcom [~axe9@] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] make sure the directories exist ... umount both .. remount .. and it have to work .. [08:01] Where do I download codecs for Totem? === eazel7 [~root@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] please [08:02] I need help [08:02] urgently [08:02] just ask already :) [08:02] Don't ask to ask, ask. [08:03] axe9dotcom: what codecs do you need? [08:03] I didn't asked [08:03] DIVX [08:03] eazel7: just ask your question [08:03] and AVI [08:03] something gone bad, and I don't know what [08:03] eazel7, ask. [08:03] any tha tI can get [08:03] Close to. [08:03] ok [08:03] axe9dotcom: uh, it should play pretty much anything alread [08:03] gdm doesn't starts [08:03] Explain. [08:03] already [08:03] I can't do a su -c normaluser [08:03] su - normaluser [08:03] sorry [08:03] it says 'Unable to cd to "/home/eazel7" [08:03] It's not playing AVIs -_- [08:04] A [08:04] ack [08:04] ubuntu boots but many scripts fails [08:04] I don't know what to do [08:04] Are you using totem-gstreamer or totem-xine? [08:04] eazel7: Si prefieres hablar en espanol, hay un otro canal se llama #ubuntu-es [08:05] thanks [08:05] Any plans to have a french channel sometime ? :) [08:05] Claro. :) [08:05] Azmodan: I thought there already was one [08:05] ubuntu-fr? [08:05] The webpage only list he spanish one. [08:05] SuperL4g, you're not there [08:05] Nafai: you around? [08:05] uhm [08:05] I can't seem to umount /share [08:06] You are right. It exists. [08:06] It just says Totem Movie Played [08:06] Player* [08:06] punkass_: Yeah [08:06] what does it say in help > about? === dommi [~dommi@24-168-14-210.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] Unfortunatley. I should be in bed. [08:07] me too :) [08:07] [08:07] still havin troubles running the applet [08:07] underneath that [08:07] eazel7: I know enough to carry on a basic conversation... but not all the technical terms yet. I just thought that .ar was Argentina, and perhaps you spoke Spanish better than English. :) [08:07] Nafai: (pycentrino.py:5293): Bonobo-Activation-CRITICAL **: file bonobo-activation-init.c: line 311 (bonobo_activation_init): assertion `is_initialized == FALSE' failed [08:07] SuperL4g, ok, thanks [08:07] Movie Player using GStreamer version 0.8.5 [08:07] I think my su is broken [08:07] ok [08:07] or sudo, or whatever [08:07] made sure the server file was there etc [08:08] try using totem-xine instead [08:08] :| [08:08] it all started when using gnome and the icons begun to disappear [08:08] apt-get remove totem-gstreamer && apt-get install totem-xine [08:08] brb [08:08] think about me, please [08:08] SuperL4g, I speak Spanish and English ... I think I can help you in #ubuntu-es ... [08:09] punkass_: Can I see your .py and .server files? [08:09] apt-get remove totem-gstreamer && apt-get install totem-xine [08:09] oops [08:09] E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) [08:09] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? [08:09] I did sudo [08:09] dasenjo: eazel7 is the one that needs help [08:10] Nafai: i got them from here: http://www.ugr.es/~arturogf/applets/software/ === kremlyn [~kremlyn@CPE-203-45-62-128.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] version: 0.4-2 === Nafai looks [08:10] whoa. [08:10] or just install xine-ui and use that instead [08:10] My only question now, is about wireless... I have it working, but I'd like to be able to pass my wireless info to the card with iwconfig before the networking scripts start, so I don't have to issue the commands manually... how can I do that? [08:11] kremlyn: why are you surprised? [08:11] SuperL4g, yes .. I know .. but .. I can help you translating ... I use debian ... Im downloading ubuntu now .. :( [08:11] dasenjo: ya se fue eazel7 [08:11] there is a little applet called netapplet for that [08:12] i just made my own little python program to do it.. [08:12] punkass_: you talking to me? [08:12] yeah sorry [08:12] SuperL4g, si .. ya lo se tambin .. [08:12] right on [08:12] punkass_: share! [08:12] :) [08:12] you can try it if you like.. one sec [08:12] punkass_: I'd like the source to that applet too, if it's okay, since it will give me a chance to read more Python code. [08:13] punkass_: This is coming up really slowly. === SuperL4g isn't Diving into Python... he's already in over his head in Python! >:) [08:13] SuperL4g: well theantix has made a deb package of it i think [08:13] punkass_: Where did you put the .server file? [08:13] /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/ [08:14] punkass_: and it's dpkg -i packagename.deb, right? [08:14] punkass_: I get a timeout connecting to that site [08:14] yeah... i am just not sure where he has it...as its not in the repositories yet [08:14] Nafai: one sec === alias[k] [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === SuperL4g has been using Gentoo for long enough, he has forgotten his Debian commands. :) === vincent [~vincent@bonnefoy-3-82-224-105-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] punkass_: When do you get this error message, btw? [08:15] punkass_: Also though, if you're okay with it, I'd like to have the source. I seriously am trying to learn Python and seeing someone else's code would help, I think. === elim [~elim@81-178-216-61.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] Nafai: [08:16] well i didnt right the applet...but you are welcome to view mine..its my first python app so its pretty messy...but it works [08:16] anyone compiled kde on ubuntu yet? === root__ [~root@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] s/right/write === root__ is now known as eazel7 [08:16] hi again [08:16] eazel7: you really shouldn't IRC as root [08:17] I wonder if ubuntu will ever take off.. [08:17] eazel7: that's a bad idea, all the way around [08:17] SuperL4g: help me then [08:17] punkass_: Did you install this with make install? [08:17] kremlyn i share the same question [08:17] I can't run any processes with another owner than root [08:17] eldados: Do you think it will? [08:17] I don't know wtf has been broke, I didn't any experiment [08:17] Nafai: with and without.. [08:17] eazel7: What has changed, since things last worked properly? [08:17] eldados: I'm just wondering why debian doesn't fix its release cycle, we wouldn't need to split resources like this. [08:18] not sure yet, having hard time with my install and it's another debian base... [08:18] SuperL4g: I was compiling mono [08:18] SuperL4g: I updated some packages, like gnome-panel [08:18] there arnt any other ubuntu gdm themes? possibly with a use browser [08:18] punkass_: And when are you getting the errors? Is the Applet showing up in the add applet menu? [08:18] SuperL4g: http://punkass.bookerb.com/2stepdh/pyfi.tar.gz [08:18] kremlyn, the problem with debian is the conservative nature which means slow cycle [08:18] nope [08:19] just trying to run the python file [08:19] SuperL4g: and everything starded to dissapear, the first was the icons, then I couldn't run any new processes, and the next step was the crash of X [08:19] now I do "su - eazel7" and it tells me "unable to cd /home/eazel7" [08:19] but the directory is there, and the permissions are the same [08:19] punkass_: Is fam running? You may have to restart Gnome for it to see the applet [08:19] ah [08:20] punkass 3352 0.0 0.2 2856 1412 ? Ss 22:42 0:00 /usr/sbin/famd -T 0 [08:20] I don't have no idea what happened [08:20] eazel7: did that require you to set up NPTL and get new kernel headers? [08:21] SuperL4g: nptl? mmm as far as I remember, I compiled mono with nptl support [08:21] Nafai...should i just logout then back in? [08:21] punkass_: I *think* [08:21] ok brb [08:21] eazel7: sorry dude, but it's WAY over my head... [08:21] ='( [08:22] i see a bunch of plates overlapping the main immage whenever i run open gl stuff.. any ideeas [08:22] ? [08:22] I don't know what to do, everything is f***** up... === alias[k] [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] brb [08:22] eldados: Exactly. [08:23] What is needed is an open source, community-driven xandros. [08:23] Which ubuntu seems to be. [08:23] any process can't be started without being root here [08:23] I have no idea how to fix this thing [08:24] kremlyn, i think Yoper is on the right track === punkass_ [~punkass@S01060040f47277e5.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === polok_ is now known as polok [08:25] not debian base but from scratch [08:25] Nafai: no such luck [08:25] wtf, I will reinstall from woody [08:26] well guys, bye === eazel7 snif snif [08:26] Does VLC work for ubuntu? [08:26] punkass_: Hrm. You might want to try #pygtk; I'm not an expert on applets...I've done a couple but I have no idea what all of the errors mean [08:26] do they normally show up in the add to panel window? [08:27] Anyone? [08:28] Nafai: ok ill give it them a shot...thanks for your help === leonv [~leonv@ndn-78-149.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] Hi everyone, just installed ubuntu and really like it. Has anyone installed php5 with it? [08:29] punkass_: np. [08:29] SuperLag: thats not the newest copy...the newer one is on my work comp. === eldados [~REXI@203-213-16-154-qld.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === SuperL4g [~colbyirc@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] SuperL4g: thats not the newest copy...the newer one is on my work comp. === thursday [~fab@adsl-63-202-102-20.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] hi! is it possible to customize the default foot menu? (i want to add and remove menu items, for example the Help and About Menus) [08:30] punkass_: I take it that requires I have Glade installed? [08:31] it should just work....check the paths at the top of the py file [08:32] SuperL4g and you have to run it as sudo [08:32] thursday, everything except the foot and about can be edited at applications:/// [08:32] i am going to try and convert it to an applet..one i figure them out :) === kremlyn [~kremlyn@CPE-203-45-62-128.vic.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [08:33] theantix, thanks! i wish i could just type that into the run dialog :-x [08:34] thursday, in the run dialog do "nautilus applications:///" [08:34] ahh it's looking for ndiswrapper [08:34] theantix, woohoo! thanks!!! === suineg [~nickrapp@dynamic-246-025.usc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] oh sorry...forgot to comment that out... thats for me :) [08:35] it's too bad that right-clicking on the menubar applet doesn't bring up a link to applications:/// -- would be handy [08:35] yeah it would [08:36] I'm trying to install the nvidia drivers, how do you shut down the x server and leave only a console? === eazel7 [~root@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] alias[k] : one way to do it is the edit /etc/inittab [08:36] I'm here to cry again [08:36] alias: just use the nvidia-glx package [08:36] What should I change/add [08:36] Ok, I like the sound of that package. [08:37] and I think I'll reinstall from woody (and I dislike this idea) [08:37] punkass_: you can't have one or the other. Both are required. [08:37] huh? [08:37] eazel7: it won't take you long. Just be thankful it's not Gentoo. :) [08:37] alias: just use the nvidia-glx package <-- that [08:38] thats all you need [08:38] thats ill i used and it worked fine [08:38] theantix, that let's me edit the applications folder but i'm more interested in editing the other itmes... like remove "Search for Files...", "Recent Documents", and "Take Screenshot" [08:38] it probably has the kernel module built in then [08:38] yeah i think so [08:38] SuperL4g: I used gentoo one year and never happened this [08:39] eazel7: I use Gentoo as well. It's the distro I use, mainly. Just decided to check out Ubuntu. I'm impressed, thus far. [08:39] SuperL4g: sorry, I am thinking about reply your comment about gentoo in some not-so-nice way [08:39] How can I configure the nvidia drivers for dual monitors? [08:39] I will try a nice dpkg-reconfigure -a [08:39] 3 steps: install nvidia-glx, add nvidia to /etc/modules, edit your XF86config file from 'nv' to 'nvidia' === joem [~joem@c-67-173-77-82.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] alias: goto #flood [08:40] ill send you what u need [08:40] Has anyone used PHP5 with ubuntu? [08:40] thursday, that's exactly right... I think you're stuck with those those [08:41] lol [08:41] so i can't edit the other menu either? [08:41] because there's the "Main Menu" and the "Menu Bar" on the "Add to Panel" thing [08:42] was hoping i could edit one of them [08:42] thursday, not as far I know, no [08:43] SuperL4g: it workin for ya? [08:44] quickest way to view quicktime movies from: http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/the_grudge/ [08:44] anyone know? [08:44] get w32codecs i think [08:45] punkass_: should it keep the settings, so that I don't have to do anything on the next reboot? [08:46] punkass_, don't see it in apt [08:46] thursday: its not [08:46] http://cambuca.ldhs.cetuc.puc-rio.br/xine/ [08:46] punkass_: or am I going to have to use that applet every time I boot up? [08:46] those rpms that u have to convert to deb [08:47] right now everytime you boot up...its like that because it was on a laptop that was always on different networks [08:47] it will remeber WEP key [08:47] bah [08:47] and the essid [08:48] where does that info get stored? [08:48] ~/.pyfi_config [08:48] ++++ pifi Wirless Montior networks file ++++ [08:48] that's what that file contains right now [08:48] yup === Dashiva [~woo@c-67-166-152-8.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] there's got to be a way to do this automatically [08:49] if you connected succesfully to the wifi network and hit the close button it saves it there [08:49] Okay. [08:49] I'll be back. [08:49] what are the risks of ircing as root? [08:50] this is the one time I did [08:50] eazel7: well, if your IRC client is buggy, it might be possible to do evil things with it.. as root.. [08:50] eazel7: remotely.. [08:50] ooh, ok [08:50] well, this is a real emergeny, I think I can risks me a bit [08:52] never run stuff as root... === ultrafunk [~pd@eth779.vic.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] only administration tasks [08:52] what is the difference betwin debootstrap and cdebootstrap? [08:53] Treenaks: if i have done sudo passwd root, is there a way to turn it back off? [08:54] punkass_: make sure sudo still works, and do passwd -l root [08:54] (-l = lock account) [08:54] ah perfect, thanks [08:55] hey Treenaks [08:55] fabbione: I didn't have time to try yesterday :( [08:55] Treenaks: no problem :-) === cray3 [fwuser@] has joined #ubuntu === alias[k] [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] hey cool, my kuro5hin.org review got picked up by osnews [08:59] theantix: yeah they are all over it === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] pitti, I've been using your new utopia packages for a few days now with no problems [09:03] theantix: great to hear, thanks! [09:04] theantix: I will probably upload them today === Agrajag [~Agrajag@68-190-201-37.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === vasi [~vasi@modemcable252.147-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] hey folks...ubuntu just stomped on my HFS+ partition [09:06] hmm [09:06] I installed openssh-server [09:07] Yet when I try to login as root, it just closes =x [09:07] Wop: of course it does === leonv [~leonv@ndn-78-149.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [09:07] Wop: ssh doesn't allow root logins [09:07] hmm [09:07] Wop: for security reasons (log in as yourself, use sudo) [09:07] ok [09:08] theantix, your review is also mentioned now in distrowatch [09:09] Treenaks: is ssh server going to be included in next release? === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] sudo root? [09:09] punkass_: it is in the current release -- apt-get install ssh-server [09:09] Wop: sudo [09:09] oh [09:09] sorry i meant by default === alias[k] [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] deFrysk, cool... thanks =) [09:10] What's a good ftpd? [09:10] Is pureftpd available via apt-get? [09:10] or proftpd [09:10] punkass_: as "no ports open" is the Ubuntu Policy, I don't think it ever will === bad_ronald [~nick@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:11] ah right of course...thanks === Rhymes is now known as Rhy|workshop === Rhy|workshop [~Rhymes@host228-5.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["supercalifragiliblahblah"] === alias[k] [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Mirno [~mirspcm@lns-th2-4f-81-56-180-71.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === theBishop [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] i've been using Ubuntu all day, and it's my new 2nd favorite [09:16] theBishop: after what? [09:16] slack === alias[k1 [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] But based on the Warty release, i think Ubuntu is gonna be a major player in the desktop linux battle [09:17] it sure is... === lothario [~lothario@151.pool4.dsl8mtokyo.att.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] i'd like to see Xorg in there though.... [09:18] theBishop: that's going to be in Hoary [09:18] :-) [09:18] and a little more laptop support [09:18] punkass_: same [09:18] no rush, Xorg 6.8.1 is a disastor with my ATI Rage Pro [09:18] just need it to get the powerdown/sleep/hibernate thing goin [09:19] theBishop: report the problems with the X.org people [09:19] i must say tho the new xorg sounds pretty cool. [09:20] speaking of xorg.. [09:20] daniels: yt? === phin [~phin@pcp01982168pcs.strl301.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] What exactly is xorg [09:20] Wop: www.x.org :) [09:20] I've been hearing that name a lot ;P [09:20] diffrent x branch :) [09:21] Wop: it's the newer X server branch === eazel7 [~eazel7@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] hi again [09:21] hi eazel [09:21] its the fork of XFREE86 [09:21] got a transparent looking console on my desktop now :) :) [09:21] eterm [09:21] phin: u got Xorg running? [09:21] no [09:21] no point [09:21] this pc is to slow [09:21] I'm running it at work atm [09:22] how is it? [09:22] ya i have it at work [09:22] it runs like crap for me thou, i need a better vid card [09:22] the transparency stuff is not that stable yet [09:22] so i cant use the fun stuff [09:22] it's a little silly to call it a fork when it's going to become the defact-o [09:22] but oh well [09:22] I'm not running as root but neither solved anything [09:22] theBishop: true enough [09:22] well that is what it is :P [09:22] eazel7: "solved" ? [09:23] Treenaks: hoary [09:23] eazel7: what problem did you have [09:23] Treenaks: it is and will ever be a mistery === crimsun [~crimsun@crimsun.silver.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] suddenly I couldn't run any process as any other than root [09:23] hahaha, i just got my free ipod yester day! [09:24] free ipod? is that a dream? [09:24] how did you get it? === tuo2 [~foo@adsl-36-114.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] i don't wanna get in trouble for spamming, but it's for real [09:25] theBishop: tell me by private [09:25] aight [09:26] the apple store here in ginza doesnt have any real security. probably could run in grab one and run out [09:26] lol === s-toned [~S-Toned@] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] heh [09:29] that's a fast way of doing it i guess :-) [09:29] got my warp records dvd in the mail today :D has videos from 1984 to 2004. [09:29] warp records owns [09:30] even though i hate most electronic music === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD951897D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] friend turned me on to the realy abstract eletronica. squarepusher, venician snares, etc [09:31] i heard about Warp because Thom Yorke talks about it all the time [09:31] they are probably best known for AphexTwin [09:32] yep [09:32] and Auceture [09:32] (sp) === mizery [~mizery@CPE-24-208-57-98.new.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Baumi [~peter@z0703.wist.uni-linz.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu === dommi [~dommi@24-168-14-210.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] thebisop: autechre === mkyc-ubuntu [bcecau@d220-236-37-3.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] What can I use to get XviD and the likes working? [09:38] Is there a way I can see what packages are available via apt-get? [09:38] synaptic? [09:38] Who was that directed to? [09:39] sorry meant that for Wop [09:39] alias[k1: you could try using the debian mplayer repo [09:40] Okidoke [09:40] mplayer worked for me [09:40] havent found anything it wont play yet [09:40] i added it last night and tried it out and no probs reported here [09:40] apt-cache search [09:41] also found no issues with real player 10 [09:41] (Treenaks): Was that for me? [09:42] Wop: yes [09:42] It returns E: You must give exactly one pattern [09:42] aptitude can do it, I dont recall the options you need to pass though === cray3 [fwuser@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:43] Wop: apt-cache search [09:43] Wop: run synaptic from Computer -> System Configuration [09:43] Wop: that will show you what is available/installed [09:44] hmm [09:44] im trying apt-cache search pureftpd [09:44] Is that correct? [09:44] yes [09:45] its not available it seems [09:46] yes it is. [09:46] daniel@Strauss ~ $ apt-cache search pure-ftp|wc -l => 4 [09:46] pure-ftpd [09:47] 1.0.17a-1 0 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe Packages === cubeness [~cube@170-215-49-81.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === alias[k1 [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [09:48] hrm, synaptic is pretty nice [09:49] hi..can i install ubuntu to sata hd? [09:49] yes [09:49] any special boot options? i didnt see a hd in the partitioing part fo the installer [09:50] cubeness: which sata chipset do you have? === Mirno [~mirspcm@lns-th2-4f-81-56-180-71.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === aPoX [apox@apox.csh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu === trukulo [~mzarza@26.Red-81-45-239.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-126.bgk.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:53] intel something or other, iirc === ProkoTaf [~testuser@] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] hi [09:55] I just have a question : "does anyone ever installed ubuntu ppc on a emac G4 1GHz" ? === mrben_away is now known as mrben [09:56] ProkoTaf: don't think so, but it should work [09:56] cubeness: hrm [09:56] cubeness: that ought to work, i think [09:56] cubeness, works all right here [09:56] cubeness: perhaps switch to a console during install and see which kernel modules are loaded [09:56] jdub, yeah.. i have it working in slackware 10/kernel 2.6.7 [09:57] though I have some strange ide errors, might wanna watch out for that [09:57] but if the install has no problem mounting the cd and all that, you will be fine [09:58] because with mandrake and yellowdog, I had some problems due to my graphic card (to old kernel to recognize it) [09:58] but no boot pb [09:58] hm.. guess i'll try again. [09:58] bbl [09:58] oh man [09:59] http://sinetgy.org/~acs/planner/evo-planner-4sources.png [09:59] wow [09:59] and ubuntu seems to have a newer kernel than mandrake 9 or YDL 3 [10:00] jdub, pretty sweet [10:00] though that theme hurts my eyes [10:00] alvaro just blogged about it [10:00] and brought up the planner postgres backend [10:00] for multi user support [10:00] and how that would just work with the evo integration [10:00] *seriously sweet* [10:01] wow, yea it is [10:02] I'll be back [10:02] ... [10:04] jdub, is there any easy way for my install to mimic the way the live cd goes through hardware detection/module loading stuff [10:04] joem: do they do things differently? the installer should be a bit better === ultrafunk [~pd@eth779.vic.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] jdub, could be a conflict with the sata drivers, but I can't use ide hardware with the install(or from the install cd) [10:05] but can on the live cd [10:05] bong [10:05] not sure why [10:06] What kernel pacage should I be using for a Pentium M - linux-386, linux-686, linux-686-smp ? [10:06] when Kamion, you might want to ask him [10:06] stub: not smp -> that's for multiprocessor [10:06] there is a spy from MS here at #Ubuntu, becareful! [10:06] jdub, yea..have talked with most people about it, can't seem to track it down all the way === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-126.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] hm, linux-wlan-ng doesn't like buiding against ubuntu's kernel-headers. [10:07] So no hyperthreading on the M? 386 or 686 then? === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-126.bgk.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:07] im sure there are several people who use ubunti who work for MS === testuser [~testuser@] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] I am sure that the pentium m is 686 [10:09] stub: hyperthreading is only available on p4/xeon afaik === stevedeo [~steve@hsdbrg64-110-241-207.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] stub: you want 686 [10:09] ta. I thought it was pretty much a P4 but wanted to make sure ;) [10:10] is it possible to disable hotplugging and mount usb device the old way? === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] i've still not been able to mount usb stick ;( === testuser is now known as ProkoTaf [10:11] hi MacPlusG3 [10:11] i'm a mac user too [10:11] :) [10:11] and I will try to install ubuntu on my emac [10:11] tada ! === bloggsie [chris@202-0-37-152.cable.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === MacPlusG3 is now known as stewart [10:13] lothario: Computer > Desktop Preferences > Removable Storage [10:13] lothario: turn it off there === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] jdub: thx [10:14] must I reboot for the change to take hold? === chutwig [~edmundrhu@nat01-easton-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] lothario: no === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-111-1-16-194.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === pupilzeng [pupilzeng@] has joined #ubuntu === silbs [~jane@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu === Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu === beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:20e:2eff:fe27:ea88] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] how do i search for packages? [10:22] phin: use synaptic package manager [10:23] Hi, is there any way to update to ubuntu from sid instead of installing from scratch? === cprov [~cprov@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] stewart, its to slow on this pc to load up everytime i wanna install a package [10:25] phin: 'apt-cache search packagename' and 'apt-get install packagename' from the console (using sudo at the start) [10:25] pupilzeng: if you know a little apt wizardry, it's possible, but not entirely recommended [10:26] thanks === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu === lothario [~lothario@151.pool4.dsl8mtokyo.att.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu === mrben [~mrben@cpc2-broo2-5-0-cust85.renf.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:32] Keybuk, Is there any documents for this? [10:34] hmmm flash doesnt play sound fore [10:34] for me* === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] pupilzeng: nothing official yet [10:36] do you guys know where libusb would be located? === Kinnison [~dsilvers@extgw-uk.mips.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] Morning === peteog [~pete@host81-130-213-211.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] Anyone had problems with USB pendrives and Warty? [10:37] I get I/O errors from mine, but it was mounted automagically [10:38] Kinnison: Morning! Which problems do you have in particular? [10:38] mine fails to bind properly :-( [10:38] pitti: the usb stack won't bring up the pendrive [10:38] Kinnison: does it have a partition? [10:39] i have an issue with removable storage not running but i have not even looked at it as i dont use it on this notebook [10:39] pitti: yes [10:39] pitti: I have a laptop; it *was* running Debian/unstable until last night. I reformatted it with Sounder#9 and now I can't mount my pendrive with my SSH and GnuPG keys on [10:39] Kinnison: About an hour ago I uploaded a new utopia stack. Can you please upgrade and try that again before we debug this? [10:40] pitti: Won't make a jot of difference. the USB stack isn't working [10:40] Kinnison: ah, you mean you cannot even mount it manually? [10:40] Kinnison: that's baaaad... [10:42] pupilzeng: if you feel brave ... http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/sid_to_warty.html [10:42] been having I/O errors as well with USB stick [10:43] Keybuk: could you make the warning on that page a bit scarier? [10:43] Keybuk: like DON'T REPORT BUGS IF YOU DO THIS [10:44] mdz: the FAQ on the website might do with that same addition re mixing debian and ubuntu [10:44] bob2: agreed [10:44] I can't edit the website currently, though [10:45] ah [10:45] mdz: like that? :p [10:45] Keybuk: better, thanks :-) [10:46] Keybuk: we really ought to have an ubuntu-base task [10:46] Keybuk: thanks, if time permits, I'll try it [10:46] I assume that the same magic used for ubuntu-desktop could be applied === lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu === Kinnison [~dsilvers@extgw-uk.mips.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] mdz: I'd prefer ubuntu-base and ubuntu-desktop packages ... that way when people do a warty->hoary they get the new stuff, rather than having to manually do that silly command [10:46] re [10:47] pitti: right; the dmesg when I plug the usb key in is: [10:47] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using address 2 [10:47] usb-storage: probe of 1-1:1.0 failed with error -1 [10:47] ick [10:48] pitti: 2.6.7 on sid worked fine === longsleep|out is now known as longsleep [10:49] <|trey|> http://lwn.net/Articles/98379/ <-- cdrecord problems answered... so I guess 'sudo -s' is sufficient? :/ [10:50] Kinnison: that *looks* like kernel madness ... my current 2.6.7 kernel refuses to detect USB devices properly half the time... I end up with /dev/sd[a-h] or so [10:51] Keybuk: Well; it's the *showstopper* as far as Ubuntu on Stupor is concerned. Either it starts working; or I am stuffed and go back to Debian/unstable === drk [~david@port-222-152-50-213.fastadsl.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] Kinnison: does it work if you use a Debian/unstable kernel? [10:53] Keybuk: I'll have to try that next; I only got as far as working out it didn't work at nearly midnight yesterday === grenouille [~antoine@AOrleans-204-1-8-207.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] bonjour [10:54] hum, hello [10:54] Keybuk: My experience of the Debian 2.6.8* kernels though were that they broke stuff === Qo-noS [~Klinzhai@bb220-255-113-142.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] Kinnison: I think that was upstream ... I've not got 2.6.8+ to boot without panic on my laptop yet [10:59] Keybuk: warty's 2.6.8 seems to boot and run okay; just the issue with USB [11:00] I have a similar issue with stock 2.6.8+ btw (not on warty). === drk [~david@port-222-152-50-213.fastadsl.net.nz] has left #ubuntu [] [11:00] I'm just installing debian's 2.6.7-1-686 now [11:00] Kinnison: the panic *is* somewhere in USB :) [11:01] Keybuk: heh === Kinnison reboots [11:01] fwiw, my usb stick works fine on current warty kernel [11:01] thom: hmm [11:01] One of mine does, the other one doesn't. [11:01] thom: I shall try some other usb devices first === Kinnison goes hunting [11:01] thom: uhci, ohci or ehci? [11:02] okay; if I plug my colleague's bluetooth thingy in; it initialises === MoisesC [~moisesc@9.Red-213-96-165.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] Kinnison: which are you having problems with? [11:03] well the install an emac works pretty fine ! [11:03] :) [11:03] mdz: [11:04] bye bye [11:04] Kinnison: which version? [11:04] how do i find out what libgtk file i currently run? [11:04] root@stupor:~ # uname -r [11:04] [11:04] Kinnison: dpkg -l linux-image-`uname -r` [11:05] Kinnison: by version, I mean package version [11:05] yeah -9 [11:05] Kinnison: try booting with noapic [11:05] Keybuk: ehci [11:05] if not that, pci=noacpi [11:05] mdz: are the kernel-image packages supposed to be still in the archive? [11:05] mdz: okay; I'll be back after fiddling [11:05] Keybuk: they're in universe [11:05] mdz, or nolapic [11:06] mdz: ah... hmm, maybe I haven't actually tried a warty kernel in a while then (I'd forgotten about that odd s/kernel/linux/ thing ... I'll have another play) [11:09] Keybuk: no reason not to have both a metpackage and a task === punkass [~punkass@] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] should be simple to generate a metapackage from the task [11:09] I've been meaning to do it, in fact [11:10] mdz: indeed. Colin will whinge that tasks were invented to avoid meta-packages though, whilst entirely missing the point that tasks don't work because they don't have status :p === zepo [~zepo@host248-109.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === Kinnison [~dsilvers@extgw-uk.mips.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] mdz: noapic didn't help, pci=noapic gives an error that it doesn't recognise that argument [11:13] Kinnison: if not that, pci=noacpi [11:13] (noacpi, not noapic) [11:13] :) [11:13] mdz: Oh right [11:14] mdz: I'll try that now [11:14] Kinnison: as long as you're rebooting, might as well try nolapic also [11:14] mdz: just trying that one [11:14] mdz: Also; I've noticed that my laptop doesn't powerdown/reboot unless the ac adapter is plugged in === davidchart [~davidchar@d62.HaichiFL12.vectant.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] nolapic didn't work === bet1m [~bet1m@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] Hi folks. I have a show-stopping problem... [11:16] The warty-iso crashes Disk Utility (Mac OSX) when I try to burn it. [11:16] This makes installing a little tricky... ;-) [11:17] Any ideas? [11:17] mdz: pci=noacpi doesn't help either === simon__ [~simon@] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] (Further info: OS X 10.3.5, all updates applied.) [11:17] I can't get CD burning to work at all under Yellow Dog Linux, which is my alternative OS at the moment. === drk [~david@port-222-152-50-213.fastadsl.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] davidchart: hmm, this seems to be a bug that we cannot fix in warty :-/ [11:18] Kinnison: I suppose you'll need to file a bug, then. include dmesg output from, and also from whichever kernel it last worked with [11:18] davidchart: what is wrong in YDL? [11:18] davidchart: can you try it directly with cdrecord? [11:18] mdz: I'm trying to get 2.6.7 booted so I can check it with that [11:18] davidchart: is this the preview CD, or sounder #9? [11:18] pitti: In YDL, things aren't getting passed to cdrecord, as far as I can tell. [11:18] mdz: Preview. [11:19] davidchart: try sounder #9 [11:19] the preview was known to crash disk utility [11:19] davidchart: I can help you to call cdrecord directly [11:19] davidchart: which device is your burner? [11:19] mdz: OK. Let me start that going. [11:19] pitti: I'm currently booted into OSX, so I can't check directly. [11:19] I think it's /dev/cdrom, or at least aliased to that. === Zindar [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] hi [11:20] I seem to remember it was last time I tried to get this working... [11:20] mdz: Okay; it works with 2.6.7-1-686 (2.6.7-2) from debian [11:20] mdz: I'm rebooting into the warty kernel to record the dmesg from it [11:20] do we have any ubuntu mailing list admin here? [11:20] Just a moment while I start sounder #9 downloading... [11:20] davidchart: try 'cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom -tao -v -data /path/to/downloaded/iso-image' [11:20] what! no taskselect in ubuntu! [11:20] Kinnison: I encountered several bugs moving from 2.6.7 to 2.6.8, including my USB breaking horrendously, but they're almost all addressed in [11:21] what's the best way to install all the compiler stuff with one sweep === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] thursday: apt-get install build-essential [11:21] nstall build-essential [11:21] mdz: Is sounder #9 the warty-iso coming from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ ? [11:21] (FAQ) [11:21] thank you [11:21] davidchart: no, /sounder-test/9/ === wu_ming [~wuming@220-245-18-168.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> sendak.freenode.net === StoneTable [~stone@c-67-167-111-186.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] davidchart: but /daily/current/ should be fine too [11:22] bob2, apt-get install todo-list "yo momma" [11:22] TongMaster: --top-of [11:22] where can i find a list of those package sets pitti or bob? [11:22] thursday: you mean what it Depends on? apt-cache show build-essential [11:23] no like other package sets like that... like in woody you have dev-system, graphical system, scientific system ... === rburton [~ross@82-44-126-41.cable.ubr03.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] tasksel, I guess. === martink [~martin@pD9EB362F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] not sure if it works in ubuntu or no. [11:24] thursday: we only have a single "ubuntu-desktop" task ... because the standard system is included in that task === Zindar [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] thursday: are you upgrading from woody, or installing fresh? [11:24] i installed fresh === jg_ [~jg@] has joined #ubuntu === Vorph777 [~vorph@] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] hello all... [11:26] anyone know if winex will run on ubuntu? [11:26] almost certainily [11:26] but you'll have to talk to transgaming if it breaks. [11:26] if my new install of ubuntu gets to the gnome login screen fine, but when I login it gets as far as the "ubuntu" splash screen and then gets no further... [11:26] can't think of a reason why it wouldn't [11:26] where should I start looking to fix it? [11:26] :) === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] liz, i was thinking of getting winex(cedega) myself [11:26] Vorph777: read ~/.xsession-errors [11:26] thursday, its not free [11:26] mdz: OK, I'm downloading the current iso now. Thanks. [11:27] liz, i know [11:27] bob: cheers [11:28] ok, I've got a ton of lines saying "/dev/dsp: no such file or directory" [11:28] id like an alternative to cedaga [11:28] liz:CVX winex is free [11:29] CVS [11:29] as in beer. [11:29] so.. any mailinglist admin here? [11:29] Zindar: for? [11:29] for some reason.. mails I send directly to the list never shows up [11:29] ubuntu-users [11:30] but when I reply to another user they do show up [11:30] bob2: it's somewhat free as in speech [11:30] Hrdwr_BoB: unless you try to, hypothetically, package it for Debian. then you get an email saying that if you do so, the cvs will go away completely. [11:30] Hrdwr_BoB, is it easy enough to install? [11:31] mdz: Bug 1913 [11:31] Zindar: if you're Eric Bagfors, all your emails are showing up fine [11:31] liz: there is a wineXCVS.sh thing that makes it trivual [11:31] thom: really... why don't they show up on the web-archive then? [11:31] Zindar: i have two copies of the one you forwarded recently [11:31] nice...ill go look for that then [11:31] bob2: yeah... but that's the thing.. it's kinda free but not [11:31] thom: ohh.... [11:31] phone [11:31] the web archive has been unhappy [11:32] wonder if its in universe [11:32] liz: it's not [11:34] Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 15 [11:34] hdc: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } === drk [~david@port-222-152-50-213.fastadsl.net.nz] has left #ubuntu [] [11:34] that's my cdrom with the ubuntu cd [11:34] thom: alright.. then they do show up.. but not in the web archive.. which is very annoying.... [11:34] thom: thanks a bunch === wu_ming [~wuming@220-245-18-168.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [11:38] does anyone here have an i386 system with >= 2GB of RAM? [11:39] anyone know how to get vino or vnc server to work [11:39] I need to know if this bug is only affecting me [11:39] it is installed but not sure on the way to start it [11:40] mkyc-ubuntu, try Computer -> Desktop pref -> remote desktop [11:40] just found that, cheers Zindar === kag1 [~keving@75.0-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] works like a charm, thanks for tghat [11:50] how do i create the db for rpm so i can install me some rpms? [11:50] you don't install rpms [11:50] thursday, use "alien" [11:50] you use alien [11:50] if you NEED to install rpms.. but .. why?? [11:51] ahhh, once again thank you [11:51] oh i found some packages for mplayer so that i could use mplayer with firefox to watch a quicktime movie [11:51] thursday, there are mplayer deb's as well... [11:51] check the mailinglist.. has been discussions about it [11:51] hmmm... in universal? === xordoquy [~xordoquy@] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] hi [11:52] can anyone tell me the difference between the "default system session" and a standard gnome login? [11:52] does anyone has a recent powerbook 17" ? === housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-048-056.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === bloggsie [chris@202-0-37-152.cable.paradise.net.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === psi [~psi@c-ac7e71d5.028-127-6c756c1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] what does it mean when synaptic shows packages with the ubuntu logo next to the name? [11:56] uhm, ok. it means it is installed. [11:57] Zindar, can you tell me where those debs are? :) [11:57] hm, no, it doesn't :) === cprov [~cprov@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] my new powerbook refuses to boot on ubuntu CDs === kremlyn [~kremlyn@CPE-203-45-62-128.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] psi, that are Ubuntu Supported [12:00] so , you can see diferences with universe [12:00] or other repositories === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] right, thanks [12:02] Hrdwr_BoB, have you installed winexcvs on your system? === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu === zepo [~zepo@host248-109.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === xordoquy [~xordoquy@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === josh__ [josh@] has joined #ubuntu === ultrafunk [~pd@insanity.ridge.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] does the default ubuntu kernel support acpi suspend to disk? [12:07] error with rhytmbox: /dev/dsp: No such device ??? totem works ok [12:08] any ideas why "useradd" won't create homedirs for new users? [12:09] Vorph777: use adduser if you want to do that [12:09] use adduser [12:09] what's the difference? and why is useradd even there? [12:09] Vorph777: or use mkdir and chmod. [12:10] Vorph777: it's a UNIX thing. [12:11] according to the man page useradd should set up the home dir etc, but it doesn't... [12:11] anyways adduser works fine, cheers...:) === davidchart_ [~davidchar@d163.HaichiFL2.vectant.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] Vorph777: from reading the manpage, that's what i reckon too. hrrm.... bug, docs should be fixed === zombics [~zo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] ther is a way to instakk ubuntu with no burnner? [12:15] zombics: netboot [12:15] netbbot what's that? [12:16] if you have a network card that supports it, you can tell your computer to boot off a file on the network [12:16] and you can use that to install [12:16] yea? [12:16] (otherwise known as PXEboot) [12:16] i can boot from an ISO? thats on my HD? === linux_mafia [~max@202-0-43-124.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] so wher shold i tell my card to boot from? [12:17] should* [12:18] it will look for a boot server itself [12:18] IF it supports it :) === punkass_ [~punkass@S01060040f47277e5.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === tuppa [~tuppa@c211-30-31-140.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] zombics: you have to do something similar to http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/manual/en.i386/ch04s06.html it's not as easy as booting from cd [12:22] thom: you about? === lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] Keybuk: quite possibly [12:23] I just tried booting my laptop with a warty kernel, and none of the fans came on [12:23] uh? does the initrd have thermal and fan in? [12:23] yes [12:23] and the requisite modprobe lines? === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu === somewhat [~fc@tdma-wlan-gw01.mark.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu === rsilva [~rsilva@] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] where would I find them? [12:25] hi.. any vmware users here? [12:25] /mnt/loadmodules:modprobe -k thermal 2> /dev/null [12:25] /mnt/loadmodules:modprobe -k fan 2> /dev/null [12:27] that looks fine [12:27] yeah, but the fans didn't come on at all [12:27] you should've got "thermal already loaded" and fan already loaded when acpid started [12:27] have they still not? [12:27] it never got that far before powering off [12:27] oof [12:27] would like to know how to not have a res of 640x480.. its like typing into a postage stamp window ;D [12:28] there you have two wallpapers for ubuntu: http://mercurio.homeip.net/ficheros/ubuntu-lion.png & http://mercurio.homeip.net/ficheros/ubuntu-fondo-2.png === jblack [~jblack@dpvc-209-158-45-74.scr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === jblack wondesr idly why updatedb doesn't look to see if there aren't any active users on the system [12:33] hmm... can anyone tell me which config file I need to edit to change the res/colour depth for xfree86? [12:34] Vorph777: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 [12:35] Keybuk: sounds like a kernel problem, then [12:35] thom: yeah, it's annoyingly hard to debug though when you can't actually get your machine to boot with it :-( [12:35] thanks thom [12:35] I've had no luck in one way or another with anything since 2.6.7 === Tritoch|L [~tritoch@ka45c.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] either usb devices not getting detected/loaded right, panic when uhci and ehci are loaded at the same time or acpi not working right === joh [~joh@] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] Kamion: what's the difference between /lib/hotplug/firmware and /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware? [12:45] sabdfl: /lib is on the root fs, /usr might not be === mkyc-ubuntu [bcecau@d220-236-37-3.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] do we need /usr/... then? === mkyc-ubuntu [bcecau@d220-236-37-3.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === lypanov [~alex@lyp.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] anyone working on kde pkgs? [12:46] Riddell: :) [12:46] Riddell: using ubuntu? [12:46] Mithrandir: why would you ever want firmware outside of the root fs? === lypanov is just about to install ubuntu [12:46] and wipe his windows installation [12:46] yeah, because you should use /lib/ for stuff that you *really* need to boot because / might be small [12:46] gnome is better than kde :) [12:46] after switching from linux back to windows 6 months ago [12:46] Keybuk: firmware for web cams? [12:46] mkyc-ubuntu: as i kde devel i disagree :) [12:46] and other trivial stuff you don't need to boot? [12:47] s/i/a/ [12:47] thom: but then why don't we have a /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r) for the same reason? [12:47] lol i guess so lypanov [12:47] Keybuk: dunno [12:47] mkyc-ubuntu: :P [12:47] Keybuk: size problems? [12:47] Keybuk: but i think the seperation is useful [12:47] i thought you could install it already? [12:47] from src? [12:47] i guess i'd like head anyways [12:48] im sure i read something about KDE on unbutu somewhere.. forums or something. [12:48] cant remember where it was [12:48] yeah === polok [~polok@1Cust182.tnt2.wollongong.au.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] you can install it from universe [12:48] is there a generic package to allow installation of cvs repos? [12:48] where is xft installed? [12:48] or a generic package template even [12:49] that handles the cvs up, but still allows development in the tree? [12:49] hello ly [12:49] that would rock :) [12:49] hello lypanov [12:49] Riddell: :) [12:49] Riddell: i'm thinking of getting back into devel [12:49] lypanov: yes, I'm wanting to work on ubuntu KDE packages [12:49] Riddell: awesome [12:49] lypanov: fancy helping me? [12:49] Riddell: devel friendly? [12:50] Riddell: sure :) on one condition, must allow in place development :P [12:50] lypanov: deb http://geeksoc.org/~jr/ubuntu/ unstable main KDE 3.3 kdelibs and kdebase [12:50] awesome :> [12:50] what does in place development mean? [12:50] Riddell: that it does src installs via a cvs checkout and stores the .deb's [12:51] Riddell: so that i can create packages from my current src tree [12:51] (multiple machines, one devel machine, want same version on all) [12:53] you mean keeping the debian/ directory up to date with CVS so you can always make packages [12:53] ? === yuval [~Yuval@] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] Riddell: ummm not sure what that means :P === MyKq3 [~MyKq@] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] lypanov: not quite sure what you mean [12:54] Riddell: :P === Riddell breakfasts [12:54] Riddell: i mean. creating a set of .deb's. from a cvs checkout [12:57] does anyone know where xft would be installed by apt in ubuntu? [12:57] polok: "locate Xft" [12:57] the library is in /usr/lib === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu === Kamel [debian-tor@] has joined #ubuntu === Kamel [~kamel@207-234-129-95.ptr.primarydns.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] lypanov: yes, so currently the debian/ directories in KDE CVS are out of date, they should be kept up to date then we can have nightly CVS .debs aye? === Kamel [~kamel@puma.noncombatant.org] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] Riddell: ah :) yup. that sounds sane === FluFlo [~FluFlo@] has joined #ubuntu === Kamel [~kamel@bleeat.com] has joined #ubuntu === Vorph777 tears out a chunk of hair... [01:13] anyone got any clues as to why gnome would freeze on the splash screen after logging in? [01:13] normally as you have a non-session managed program starting in the session [01:14] move away .gnome2/session and session-manual === lypanov is gonna install ubuntu and see how gnome 2.8 looks these days :) [01:15] Hrdwr_BoB: kde from universe, what version is it out of interest? have you tried it? it works? [01:15] hmm... can't find .gnome2/session or session-manual === Linux_Galore [~logan1@164.c.007.syd.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] :waves === trukulo [~mzarza@26.Red-81-45-239.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] is archive.ubuntulinux.org down? === xTina [~xTina@pD9E626AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] ok, is it bad if ~/.gnome2/session and ~/.gnome2/session-manual don't exist? === amiroff [~metin@] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] sabdfl: /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware's an older name I think, but it really doesn't hurt to leave it there [01:26] Keybuk: tasks work precisely *because* they don't have status :-) Have you never seen the hundreds of people who come to debian-user saying "I tried to remove xterm and it wants to remove x-window-system; why is my whole X being removed?"? [01:26] Keybuk: by the way the default debconf priority in warty is high, not critical === mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] Kamion: but then when things get added to a task, you don't get them [01:28] Vorph777: no [01:30] rburton: haven't been able to successfully login yet so I guess they haven't been created yet... [01:32] Keybuk: true, it's hard to get both properties [01:32] Vorph777: they only get created if required [01:32] I think we'll get pretty fed up of people saying "I tried to remove this package and it wanted to remove my whole Ubuntu desktop!" personally, but maybe that's just me === MyKq3 [~MyKq@] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] Keybuk: oh yes, if you remove a single package you lose your property anyway, it's really fragile [01:33] that's just a UI issue, stick a Task: yes or something in meta-packages and change APT to say "The following TASKS will no longer be TRACKED:" or something [01:33] Kamion: I think that property is more desirable than "I upgraded to hoary and didn't get $FOO" [01:33] Keybuk: sounds easier to have aptitude/synaptic automatically install new packages in tasks you have installed [01:34] aptitude already remembers lots of stuff about your selections [01:34] no reason why it can't remember the tasks you're tracking too [01:34] rburton: alas I'm stuck at the gnome splash screen after logging in, so I guess I'm not getting to the point where they're required... [01:35] Vorph777: the session reads them if they exist straight away. you've got another bug. [01:36] If Esound fails to start, will this halt gnome? === dommi [~dommi@24-168-14-210.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] Vorph777: shouldn't but you never know with esd [01:37] Vorph777: it may be trying to play the login sound and esd is blocking === michiel__ [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === michiel__ is now known as Mitario [01:38] hi all [01:38] hmm, that could be it [01:38] Kamion: it might be confusing for people who stick frmware in there and then don't know why it's not loaded [01:38] i'd really prefer there to be only one directory [01:39] erm, synaptic can't hit archive.ubuntu.com [01:39] does anyone here have news on stallman? [01:39] news on stallman? [01:39] yeah, the car accident [01:39] car accident? [01:40] yes, some rumors goes he has had a car accident [01:40] its not on /. so it can't be true [01:40] he's in hospital, but isn't dead. apparently [01:40] rburton: and even if it is, it must be an evil plot by Microsoft [01:41] thom, indeed [01:41] there really isn't any solid information [01:41] Treenaks: it seems like he was in a car with three others en route from SANE to Paris when a traffic accident happened. One person rumored dead, two hospitalized; stallman supposedly one of the latter. This is all rumors so far. === taloch [~henry@user-4523.l4.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] Mithrandir: hm ok [01:42] lots of traffic accidents lately :( === leonv [~leonv@ndn-78-149.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] Howdey, can one install ubuntu as a server install without the gnome gumf [01:45] leonv, use debian for that === Linux_Galore imagine Bill Gates writing XP code to make the traffic lights crash just as Stalman passes through the intersection [01:45] lol [01:45] in fact thats pretty normal for XP anyway === schalke [~schalke@p508F1F3A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] Linux_Galore: not funny. [01:47] I've just installed ubuntu, but I got no prompt for entering the root password! [01:47] joh: the root account is disabled by default, we use sudo [01:47] so if you get prompted for a password, type your own. [01:47] Mithrandir: ok [01:47] if you, for some reason, want to enable the root account, just run passwd root [01:47] Mithrandir: thanks [01:47] trukulo, battling with a clients intel board with the debian installer beta 4 [01:47] sorry, sudo passwd root. [01:48] Mithrandir: yeah :) thank you === tuo2 [~foo@adsl-36-114.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] the guy who does Gobbo Linux did a good writeup why he doesnt use root either with his Linux distro [01:49] sabdfl: it will be loaded, though, hotplug runs after /usr is mounted [01:49] sabdfl: but talk to mdz, I haven't touched hotplug itself, only the d-i branch where it doesn't matter either way [01:49] leonv, yes, with sarge === manchine [~manchine@cm46024.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] leonv: install with 'custom' [01:50] leonv: dude. with Debian, don't use d-i beta4, it's way out of date [01:51] is there anyway to connect from ubuntu through a winmodem? (it is a tough question, i know) [01:51] Kamion, will download rc1 businesscard edition [01:51] isn't there rc2 now? === y0ann [~y0ann@lejay1.net1.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] rburton: not yet [01:52] Kamion: ok, i'm just eager :) [01:53] sabdfl: hm, we should put the "use free space on disk" back as a (non-default) partitioning option, I forget why I removed it in the first place [01:53] it keeps coming up in reviews [01:54] Guys, is the internationalization of Ubuntu planned? I mean the strings that are not into Gnome and added by Ubuntu team? [01:54] pitti: ooh new HAL, great. [01:54] Kamion: fine by me, go ahead if it's a trivial and well tested codepath [01:54] hal-o-the-day? [01:54] rburton: does it work? [01:54] pitti: i'll find out in a minute [01:54] pitti: i presume the hal postinst restarted the daemon [01:54] manchine, there are ways, "/join #debian-bots" and "/msg dpkg winmodem" [01:55] rburton: but you have to relogin [01:55] hi! I would be pleased if someone could help me with this problem. I installed the Mozilla-Firefox-package from the Ubuntu-Server. After adding the RealPlayer10 and SunJava-plugins as recommended on the mozdev.org-plugin sites Firebird crashes everytime I join a site containing java-content and the RealPlayer-plugin. Is there anothzer way of getting this combination work together? Could this be a specific Firebird-bug or perhaps a Ubuntu-bug? [01:55] Thx very much in advance... [01:55] huh. hit the shutdown button in the computer menu, and the system reboots [01:55] anyone else seeing that? [01:56] logout/shutdown, anyway [01:56] pitti: shouldn't it have an init script? === pisuke [~luis@84-120-64-108.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu === jono [~jono@82-37-194-90.cable.ubr05.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] hi all === nonroot [~nonroot@] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] anyone run ppc ubuntu here? [01:58] rburton: it does restart hal and dbus, but that kills gnome-volume-manager [01:58] schalke, I got java working on debian without problems, I installed a java vm and created the symlinks as described and lo and behold it worked :) [01:58] jono: me [01:59] pitti, I installed a kernel and now it wont boot - is there a way to pass the root filesystem to yaboot to indicate which partition to boot from? === Archimage [~tommy@cpe-69-135-46-151.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] jono: yes, you can pass kernel parameters in yaboot [02:00] jono: so boot 'Linux root=/dev/whereever' [02:00] pitti, how do I specify that my root partition is /dev/hda1 for example? [02:00] ahhh [02:00] rburton: bug #1551 [02:01] jono: Linux root=/dev/hda1 should work [02:01] pitti, is there a way to list partitions in yaboot? [02:01] jono: however, this does not change the boot partition [02:01] jono: I don't know, sorry [02:02] pitti, it says kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) [02:02] jono: may it be that you forgot to add the initrd? [02:02] housetier: Java alone works on my system, too. My problem seems to be the RealPlayer10. It is not listed in the installed plugins. Joining a site, where RealPlayer is necessary I get a white field and together with Java the browser crashes. [02:03] pitti, there didnt seem to be an initrd whern I compiled it === ggi [~ggi@ggi.base.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] jono: which file system do you use for your root partition? Did you compile it into the kernel statically? Module won't work [02:04] jono: did you keep your old kernel? Just boot that [02:04] pitti, my old kernel wont boot - that does complain about the initrd [02:05] Has anyone else noticed that the volume control in Totem defaults to a position that isn't actually within the bar? Perhaps it's just me. [02:05] jono: sounds pretty f*cked up... [02:05] jono: I'm back in three minutes [02:05] how can i enable supermount on ubuntu? [02:05] manchine: supermount? [02:05] pitti, yep it is [02:05] manchine: we don't have it in our kernel [02:05] it's not necessary... [02:06] hal/pmount/nautilus mount everything for me.. [02:07] schalke, its absolutely possible that the plugin is not of the best quality, the browser might have bugs too.. [02:08] carlos, can it be patched anyways? === avih [~chatzilla@DSL217-132-195-195.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] jono: what happened to your old kernel? did you delete the initrd? [02:08] manchine: I suppose, but It's not supported so perhaps it could give you some troubles [02:08] manchine: supermount is really not needed [02:08] hi. any liveCD for ubuntu? [02:09] pitti, no I didnt delete it, but I think it rename a symlink to it with initrd.old [02:09] pitti, can I pass the initrd to the kernel at boot? [02:09] manchine: as Treenaks says, the ubuntu way to do it is using hal/pmount/nautilus [02:11] carlos, what happens then if i eject a floppy without unmounting it? (just like a win user would do) === djuuss [~djuuss@] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] manchine: it works.. [02:11] manchine: I unplugged my USB memory key the other day and it worked fine.. [02:12] housetier: ok. Perhaps I`ll try the 0.93-version. This worked well. Nevertheless the rest of this preview runs perfect. Thx [02:12] manchine: all removable devices are mounted in sync mode so you should not lose any data [02:12] jono: this should be possible [02:12] sod it, I will reinstall [02:12] jono: wait, I power up my ppc [02:12] pitti, ok cheers [02:13] jono: yaboot doesn't support passing an initrd parameter on its command line [02:13] I know of no way to do this in yaboot unfortunately [02:14] jono: you'll have to boot from the CD, run up to partitioning, switch to tty2, chroot, fix /etc/yaboot.conf, run ybin [02:14] Kamion, what d you mean run up paritioning? [02:15] jono: put a Warty installation CD in, boot from it, and do installation up to partitioning [02:16] do switch to tty2 by switching like normal [02:16] (but only up to the start of partitioning - at that point the installer hasn't yet written anything to the disk, but it has loaded all the modules you need to mount your installed system) [02:16] command-f2 or command-fn-f2 or similar, might be s/command/option/ === neuro|laptop [~neuro@] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] Kamion: it isn't possible to pass initrd=... as kernel parameter? [02:16] Treenaks: http://www.wiggy.net/tmp/accident/ [02:18] Mithrandir: wiggy?? [02:18] Treenaks: he's just collecting info about it [02:19] Mithrandir: ah === lothario [~lothario@151.pool4.dsl8mtokyo.att.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] i am switching from kde to gnome. any decent gui to burn cd/dvd (likewise k3b)? [02:20] manchine: right clock on an iso, or insert a blank CD [02:20] manchine: just put an empty disc in your burner and watch the window pop up :) [02:20] pitti: you can pass it if you like but it doesn't work ... [02:20] manchine: or select Places -> CD burner in Nautilus [02:20] Kamion: ugly... [02:20] pitti: I read the code in some detail a while back, there's simply no support for interpreting initrd= as something yaboot should load === jono tries to find his ubuntu ppc cd [02:21] Kamion: I always thought that the kernel loads the initrd... === ircrob [~rob@] has joined #ubuntu === pitti goes to reread the boot process docs [02:21] got it :D === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD951897D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] Kamion: we should talk about how to make d-i into some kind of a rescue system, I think. [02:22] pitti: yaboot certainly loads it if configured to do so ... AFAIK the bootloader loads the initrd and passes a pointer to the start of it to the kernel [02:22] Treenaks pitti, looks promising :) [02:22] Mithrandir: partial preseeding! :-) [02:22] Mithrandir: I think the upcoming live CD will be a great tool for this [02:22] when I compiled the kernel, there was no initrd placed in /boot - does this mean I dont need an initrd entry in yaboot.conf? [02:22] Kamion: hadn't thought of that, but possibly, yes. [02:22] pitti: we want to do it in d-i too [02:22] (anyway) [02:22] pitti: I'm thinking for debian as well [02:23] Mithrandir: sure; I have a 20 MB Mini-Debian rescue cd here [02:23] Mithrandir: preseed everything up to just before partitioning, then present a select list of all your partitions saying "which one do you want to mount as root?", then mount and start chrooted shell [02:23] Kamion: and pass the preseed file as a boot option on the isolinux command line? === MyKq3 [~MyKq@] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] (or whatever you're using as cd bootloader) [02:27] ok, I cant swith to tty [02:27] I tried ctrl-f2, and other combinations [02:27] Mithrandir: I guess you'd configure the bootloader to have a special rescue option that did that for you [02:27] jono: ctrl-f2 definitely won't work [02:27] is it true that ubuntu has its headquarters in the isle of man? :) [02:27] Kamion: that's what I meant. [02:27] jono: try: alt-f2, alt-fn-f2 (pressed in that order), command-f2, command-fn-f2 (pressed in that order) === ircrob [~rob@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:27] jono: it's not alt, it's option (apple) [02:27] manchine: Canonical is incorporated in the Isle of Man === phill_ [phill@203-59-81-157.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] mine has "alt" engraved on the key as well :) [02:27] no luck === free [~free@81-208-74-187.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] jono: Apple+Fn+F2 should really work [02:27] jono: apple key first, then Fn+F2 [02:27] nope === Archimage [~tommy@cpe-69-135-46-151.cinci.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:27] jono,Kamion: Alt and Apple are swapped on the console (#958) [02:27] ahhh got it [02:27] damn, there is not editor in this console === nemo [~nemo@] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] hello... how can i find out to which package belongs a model_path? in Mandrake i could do URPMF (model_path) and it would have told me the rpm package i need. do i have a semilar aptget comand for that ? [02:27] jono: there is: cat > file :-) [02:28] jono: nano === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] weird, it doesnt say nano in the command list [02:28] there is no yaboot.conf file though [02:29] mount your target partition [02:29] chroot to it [02:29] I seem to be missing the help files for Evolution. Is that normal? [02:30] e.g. 'mkdir /mnt; mount /dev/discs/disc0/part11 /mnt; chroot /mnt' (substitute appropriate partition [02:30] ) === balex [~alex@Da53c.d.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] rburton: I took a look at eject to debug your iPod hanging; does calling eject from the console work? === FluFlo [~FluFlo@] has left #ubuntu ["Error] === amiroff is now known as amiroff_marlboro [02:34] ggi: that should be fixed in evolution >= 2.0.1-0ubuntu1 === viridis` [unregister@b15.vu.lt] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] martink: Which hasn't been uploaded yet? [02:35] how do I get back to the installer? === rnz [~rnz@rnz.user] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] ggi: archive.u.c is already at -0ubuntu2 [02:36] ggi: (for i386) [02:36] jono: alt (or whatever)-f1 [02:37] ggi: (and for the other two as well, it seems) [02:38] martink: While the package name ends in 2.0.1-0ubuntu2, 'apt-cache show evolution' gives me 2.0.0-0ubuntu2 as the version number. [02:39] Anyway, I have to be off. === ggi [~ggi@ggi.base.supporter.pdpc] has left #ubuntu ["Bloody] [02:39] now I need to figure out how to fix yaboot.conf [02:40] jono: correct the initrd path [02:40] jono: look in /mnt/boot/initrd* for the correct path and enter it in /mnt/etc/yaboot.conf === ph [~ph@pD958763F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] you should be chrooted to /mnt at this point, so just /etc/yaboot.conf === Kamel- [fuckyou@dsl027-178-156.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] pitti, but I dont think there was an initrd* for my kernel version === amiroff_marlboro is now known as amiroff [02:44] jono: you can fix your old kernel and use that [02:44] jono: so far I only built an initrd once, for a small rescue floppy; in this case they are not kernel dependant. [02:44] you can take out the initrd= parameter in that case [02:44] jono: but in your case they are === leonv [~leonv@ndn-78-149.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [02:45] jono: so if you compiled in the file system support for your root partition, you don't need an initrd [02:45] Kamion, I did take it out, and I thought that was why it broke [02:45] I compiled from the config file ubuntu placed in /boot [02:46] Erk. RMS and Debian devels in a car crash. :( () [02:48] shit hans bakker is dead [02:50] jono: fix your old kernel then and compile the new one properly (i. e. compile in support for root fs) === zenwhen [1001@host-66-20-101-161.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === MrNobody [wicked@gw-elc-2.etlicon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] jono: oh, if you're using that config file then you must use an initrd [02:55] (why did you need to recompile, incidentally?) === axe9dotcom [~axe9@] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] :o [02:56] my computer plays AVI files! [02:56] correctly! === linux_mafia [~max@202-0-43-124.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] OMG! [02:56] Kamion, to patch the orinoco driver - I am testing it for bug 1438 [02:56] \o/ I can watch videos on my computer!!! [02:56] jono: ah, maybe just substituting the single module would be easier [02:57] Kamion, I tried that but it didnt work === axe9dotcom is still trying to fix XP [02:57] axe9dotcom: can you still reproduce the "Ubuntu install makes WinXP rebootable" thing? [02:57] s/rebootable/unbootable/ [02:57] I figured it must be becuase I did not compile the module against the running kernel [02:57] eh? [02:57] Kamion: in this case the old initrd should still work, shouldn't it? [02:58] pitti: probably, unless the module he's recompiling is in the initrd [02:58] axe9dotcom: the bug you reported where you can't boot WinXP after installing Ubuntu [02:58] I will try to insmod the new driver again and let you know what it says [02:58] Kamion: even in this case, would it matter? it should be compatible and he can always unload and reload it [02:58] pitti: quite === parax [~parax@84-122-245-181.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] hi there! [02:59] this technique I used for recovering - does that only apply to debian based systems? [03:00] jono: the details of the technique are d-i specific; the general idea is, well, general [03:00] jono: no, as long as you have a rescue cd (or any other running linux for that matter) it applies to all linuxes which use yaboot [03:00] I need some packages on debian repository (universe component); is it secure to add this? I mean... Are ubuntu packages replaced by universe packages, or universe includes only the others that are not on main? [03:01] parax: it is secure in the way you describe it, yes [03:01] cool [03:01] parax: main and universe are orthogonal [03:01] I DID get my hard drives working [03:01] great! thanks, pitti [03:01] However [03:02] when I take out the liux drive, and set the windows one as master, windows doesn't boot [03:02] ah, dunno about that [03:02] axe9dotcom: did you follow the directions at http://lwn.net/Articles/86835/? [03:02] ok, I moved to my modules dir in /lib/modules/ and did insmod ./airport.ko and I get insmod:error inserting './airport.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module [03:02] after the company screen, it's just black with a blinking cursor [03:02] jono: 'depmod -a'? [03:02] pitti: it was eject from the console, but its stopped happening now... i'll close the bug if i can't replicate today [03:03] ugh [03:03] axe9dotcom: we are looking for people to test http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~cjwatson/warty-i386-new-parted.iso to make sure it doesn't stop Windows being bootable [03:03] kool [03:03] and? [03:04] Kamion, wont that overwrite my modules file with the modules in directory as opposed to my stock kernel [03:04] well, you were one of the people who reported the problem in the first place, so it seems likely that you're in a good position to test [03:04] yeah [03:04] when I get xp working [03:04] I had a friend mail a disk to e [03:04] so it should be too long [03:05] unfortunately the original bug does not happen with my test XP installation [03:05] You got it on two hard drives, with the windows partition as the second drive? [03:05] That's my mistake [03:05] I think === Kamel- is now known as Kamel === thomerz [~thomerz@N560P025.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] axe9dotcom: I don't believe that that's a necessary condition [03:07] pitti, and what if some packages on universe are added to main component? main will replace universe? this class of upgrading will not be done? [03:07] the bug was to do with hard disk geometry, not number of disks [03:07] ah [03:07] :\ === jono wonders if busybox is available in other distros behind the scenes of the installer === Zindar [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] parax: that will happen, but at that point the package in universe will stop being upgraded [03:07] parax: as soon as a package is adopted to main, it is removed from universe, so this should still be safe [03:08] I mean, it'll be removed from universe [03:08] I heeard something about windows liking to always be on the first partition of the master drive, and that it didn't work well otherwise [03:08] I understand [03:08] jono: yes, debian-installer certainly isn't the only installer to do this [03:08] axe9dotcom: it is quite possible that you encountered two problems at once [03:08] ok! thx again, pitti and Kamion [03:08] wow.. just reinstalled my laptop with ubuntu.. first dist ever to use my synaptics touchpad correctly!!! [03:08] Kamion, cool [03:08] wonderfull [03:08] Two problems? === __randy__ [~randy@sclab-25-433.sclab.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] axe9dotcom: the parted C/H/S bug and Windows being a pain about where it's installed [03:09] c/h/s? [03:09] never mind [03:09] i have a problem, when i want to install ubuntu on my laptop, i get a error message at 80%, initrd-tools cannot be loadet and the installation aborts [03:10] does somebody know what i can do? [03:10] I should have got the linux in a nutshell book... [03:10] or a for dummies [03:10] aight [03:10] bye === axe9dotcom is now known as awayz === thomaes [~thomaes@dsl-75-212.utaonline.at] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] can help somebody with the installation of ubuntu on notebooks`? [03:17] <__randy__> thomerz, try cleaning the cd if its failing at the same spot all the time === Ycros [~Ycros@c211-30-14-115.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] if done __randy__, i have burned the cd 4 times [03:17] and same problem with every copy of it [03:18] <__randy__> thomerz, did you burn from the same iso and check the checksum? === womble [~mpalmer@eth1859.nsw.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] yes from the same iso [03:18] hi, i have the same problem like thomerz [03:18] <__randy__> what kind of laptop? [03:19] compaq nx7000 [03:19] from hp [03:19] when the cd installs the base system, he says "can't install initrd-tools" [03:20] when i look in the error logs, i can see that there are some dependencies missing [03:20] thomaes: maybe your CD is broken? [03:20] no it isn't, i tried to burn it 5 times [03:20] <__randy__> I'd probably file a bug with the contents of the error logs then [03:20] always the same problem [03:21] first we thougt it is the cd, but it can't be the same problem on all cds^^ [03:21] i have sound problems, in rhytmbox /dev/dsp: No such device, but in totem all is ok ??? === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === Hrdwr_BoB [hrdwrbob@220-253-39-226.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared is now known as WW [03:22] pitti, hal seems to be workig ok now [03:23] plovs: wrt the gphoto camera? [03:23] both of my cams only work with gtkam and are not identified as cams [03:24] pitti, i was more woriedabout drives mounting as sda and sda1 === ctd [~ctd@203-206-241-119.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] Kamion: Are you here? [03:25] plovs: ah yes, that should be fixed, too [03:25] ubuntu works pretty good :) [03:26] pitti, it seems to be ok now, now /dev/dsp is malfunctioning [03:27] plovs: please don't tell me that this is hal's fault [03:27] pitti, :) no no , you're the man! hal is fine [03:27] by the way: what does "warty" mean?? [03:27] plovs: but what's wrong with the sound? [03:28] thomaes: "Warty Warthogs" is the internal code name for our first release [03:28] pitti, rhytmbox doesn't work, but totem does [03:28] oh, thanks pitti [03:28] plovs: hmm, rhythmbox works fine for me,too. I use it every day as my main source of noise :-) [03:29] plovs: does it say that the device is busy? [03:29] pitti, and i still ahve the bonobo problem [03:29] pitti, /dev/dsp: No such device [03:30] good morning everyone. [03:30] pitti, ls -l /dev/dsp -> crw-rw-rw- 1 root audio 14, 3 Sep 30 12:56 /dev/dsp [03:30] Wow device manager sucks at guessing what an Unknown Device is [03:31] pitti, it's just weird as the sound works, i'm listening to music right now through totem [03:31] plovs: looks pretty normal, except for the permissoins [03:31] plovs: can you close totem and open rhythmbox? may be "not exists" is a wrong error for "is busy"? [03:32] pitti, i changed it with chmod a+rw, but that didn't help [03:32] plovs: that's good, I already thought that udev messed up the permissions === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] plovs: as long as you are in group 'audio' you can access the device [03:32] Is there any way to get a Linux Desktop to allow you to use multiple audio devices at once, like in Windows 95+ [03:33] pitti, rhytmbox says cannot open device for writing, in the terminal it says no such device [03:33] pitti, how can I see what audiodevice totem uses? === Zindar also has sound problems.. sound in the desktop.. but no rythbox working [03:33] xmms works [03:34] Zindar, run rythmbox from terminal see the output [03:34] plovs: You didnt compile rhythmbox for alsa and have oss, or vise-versa did you? [03:34] plovs: try 'lsof | grep totem' [03:34] skreet, i didn't compile nothing [03:34] plovs:looks like gst-register-0.8 solved it [03:34] plovs: okay just checkin' :) [03:35] yeah it did [03:35] works great now === goatboy [~tim@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] pitti, /dev/dsp1 [03:35] Zindar, i'll update/grade [03:36] plovs: just did.. think that's why it happend [03:36] plovs: does that exist? [03:36] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [03:36] pitti, /dev/dsp1 ... yes === haggai_ is now known as haggai [03:37] seb128: plovs has a weird sound problem; is it planned to compile all sound apps to use only esd? [03:37] pitti, i *do* have mplayer stuf installed [03:38] I should probably put speakers on this computer [03:39] What's a good FTP client for Gnome? [03:39] Preferably in the Ubuntu package list. [03:39] pitti, is it possible /dev/dsp is my tv-card or something? [03:39] skreet: gftp? [03:39] gftp? [03:39] Mithrandir, Thanks. [03:39] skreet: or use nautilus [03:40] plovs: could very well be; I even heard reports that it was the modem [03:40] Mithrandir, How well does it work, it's not like IE for windows and it crashes every time you ftp:// is it? [03:40] pitti: what weird problem ? [03:40] skreet: I don't use ftp, so I can't really tell [03:40] seb128, /dev/dsp does not work /dev/dsp1 does [03:41] I'll try it first :) [03:41] plovs: do you use esd ? [03:41] seb128, plovs: unfortunately rhythmbox does not seem to have an option for setting the device [03:41] just use esdsink [03:41] seb128, i use whatever is there, there are no settings on rhytmbox, as far as i could find [03:42] gstreamer-properties [03:42] and pick esdsink [03:42] seb128, plovs: esdsink is already the default on my system. Plovs, maybe this is still from an old installation? [03:43] seb128, esdsink is selected but greyed out [03:43] ANNOUNCE: Community Council meeting in #ubuntu-meeting at 1600 UTC [03:43] seb128, oss is default source [03:44] apt-get install gstreamer0.8-esd === hinoiri [~hinoiri@pcp09510952pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] gstreamer0.8-esd is already the newest version. === Dr_Willis [~willis@12-222-124-154.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] plovs: it's not the source that matters, you have to change the sink [03:46] hi [03:46] I just installed and GRUB does not show up on boot? it is on hda MBR. hda is winxp/linuxswap/ubuntu in that order. [03:46] default sink: esd, esdsink under it greyed out [03:46] isn't gcc installed on ubuntu ? [03:46] y0ann: not by default [03:46] y0ann: apt-get install build-essential [03:47] pitti: ok thank u very mutch :) [03:47] seb128, and in the terminal it says: /dev/dsp: No such device [03:47] y0ann: no problem. the package 'gcc' will work, too, but build-essential brings some other good stuff [03:48] pitti: like libc. := === jsan [~font@177.Red-217-126-40.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] s/=/)/ [03:48] pitti: ok i'm gonna take this one [03:48] plovs: esd is running ? [03:48] Mithrandir: hmm, but there are pretty good changes that he already has libc6 :-) [03:48] pitti: not libc6-dev [03:48] Mithrandir: right [03:48] seb128, ps ax | grep esd doesn't show it [03:49] esd & === WW [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:49] seb128, /dev/dsp: No such device === Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@adsl-b4-82-89.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] plovs: ls /dev/dsp -l ? [03:49] seb128, and again it doesn't show in ps === defendguin [~supertux@adsl-222-26-24.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] crw-rw-rw- 1 root audio 14, 3 Sep 30 12:56 /dev/dsp [03:50] Mithrandir, i installed build-essential but it dl'ed just that, is it just a meta-package? did it not bring other stuff with it because i already had all the packages like gcc etc installed [03:50] seb128: /dev/dsp could be a modem or a tv card [03:50] linux_mafia: correct. [03:50] oh [03:50] ok [03:50] pitti: no idea [03:50] pitti: actually, you can change the device in gstreamer-properties [03:50] i dont think the battery applet works at all [03:50] change the output to custom and set it to e.g. "osssink device=/dev/dsp1" [03:50] defendguin, wireless still working ok? [03:51] i have a full charge on this battery and it says 0 i find thi very disconcerting [03:51] linux_mafia, yes [03:51] defendguin, cool [03:51] goatboy, yo're the *man* that works! [03:51] Does Ubuntu use Xfree or Xorg? [03:51] xfree at the mo [03:52] Next release using Xorg? [03:52] xorg coming in hoary iirc [03:52] skreet: xorg planned for hoary [03:52] I've never used Xorg. [03:52] seb128, off course it *does* leave something to be desired ... [03:52] When's the next release squedualed? [03:52] plovs: cool, I had the same problem. [03:52] God I cant spell that word. [03:52] skreet: april, iirc [03:52] /dev/dsp was my tvtuner. [03:52] anyone know what causes grub to be MIA? [03:52] skreet: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HoaryHedgehog_2fReleaseSchedule [03:53] skreet, ive used both, never really noticed a difference to be honest, but i dont play games, have a very stock card etc, so maybe others have seen benefits i havent === polok_ [~polok@1Cust96.tnt2.wollongong.au.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] apart from the license stuff that is [03:53] pitti, rhytmbox now works ok [03:53] Okay here's an off the wall question: Is there any way to give a Gnome desktop a Working Cursor (Like how in windows when you double clikc something it shows you that it actually did something, lol) [03:53] plovs: already saw it [03:54] plovs: but this should work better, in any way [03:54] linux_mafia, Yea, I dont game on this computer, I have a 2.8E with a 9800 Pro on the other side of this KVM switch :P lol [03:54] pitti, well it's still beta [03:55] skreet, the main reason for change was licensing hoohah, ubuntu, debian, and others (dunno), use xfree from the change with patches backported [03:55] "before the change" that should have been [03:56] Gotcha. :0 [03:58] what is a good app to edit mp3 tags? [03:58] foobar. [03:59] easytag [03:59] easytag [03:59] may have to Wine it :) [03:59] i use 'juk' - part of kde [03:59] skreet, what do you want to do? === lemonlysol [~warthurto@wbar10.chi1-4-11-141-080.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === SuperL4g [~colbyirc@CPE-69-76-188-71.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] linux_mafia, In regards to my mouse-pointer statement? I want a busy cursor for when I use icons on the desktop, I noticed there is a busy cursor when you open a menu item but not any other time. === polok_ is now known as polok [04:01] Dr_Willis, i liked juk, but now i use gnome ... === lilricky [~lilricky@] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] skreet, have you googled for such a thing? [04:01] linux_mafia, I'm lazy. === skreet is now known as Skreet [04:01] much better === igster [~igster@] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] hello all. am wondering if anyone can recommend a good clipboard manager. [04:03] kde! === lypanov runs [04:03] is there such a thing? [04:03] yup [04:03] can't remember the name though [04:03] i've seen a few [04:03] klipper in kde [04:03] the main gnome one looked nifty [04:03] lypanov: load gnumeric and press select all [04:03] but never tried it :$ [04:03] rburton: gnumeric? [04:03] rburton: on a kde developers desktop? :P [04:04] lypanov: gnome spreadsheet. klipper has a fit as gnumeric can easily give it several hundred meg of data [04:04] rburton: anyways. continue with the tale :) [04:04] rburton: yer i know it :) [04:04] rburton: oooh. then gnumeric fucks up the mimetype? === trukulo [~trukulo@docsis65-46.menta.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] lypanov: no, it supports many different formats [04:04] rburton: or it copys as text? [04:04] ah [04:04] rburton: then change the klipper mode :P [04:05] xml, text, csv, ... [04:05] rburton: anyways. x's fault [04:05] rburton: not much that klipper can do to fix it [04:05] yeah [04:05] other than not work :) [04:05] which would make it pretty pointless :) === rburton survives fine without one [04:05] it depends [04:05] i go insane when my clipboard dissappears after i close an app [04:05] that drives me freaking insane [04:06] i paste before i close :) [04:06] blergh [04:06] sometimes i forget :( === lypanov isn't clever enough :P [04:07] thanks for the info. one more question. how often is everyone performing apt-get update/upgrade? [04:07] the repository gets updated pretty regularly [04:07] because it's not stable [04:07] archive updates are every half an hour [04:08] ah [04:08] igster, about every 5 minutes [04:08] heh [04:08] hehe [04:08] well for not being stable it works very well for me. no crashes *knocks on wood* [04:08] Kamion, when I mounted my disk behind the installer, I used /dev/disc/disc0/part6 - is that MAc specific or common with all installers at that point? [04:09] gtg. later. thanks for the info. :-) [04:09] igster, i'm sure i've got an obsessive compulsive disorder, i was like that when i was on debian proper too, i tried fedora for a little while, i went nuts not being able to do it [04:09] jono: partition numbers obviously vary, the devfs-style naming is common to all d-i architectures currently [04:09] jono: it'll probably change eventually, for obvious reasons we want to move away from devfs [04:09] so /dev/disc/disc0/part is d-i specific? [04:09] /dev/discs, but yes, ish === eazel7 [~eazel7@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] hi [04:10] cool [04:10] there are probably one or two other installers using devfs, haven't done a detailed survey [04:11] Kamion, why is /dev/discs/disc0/part(n) used instead of /dev/hda(n) ? [04:11] does anybody know how to make windows "snap" at other window borders and the screen border? [04:11] jono: because the installer uses devfs [04:11] Keybuk: i suspect #1922 is Your Bug (tm) === jsan [~font@177.Red-217-126-40.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:12] Mithrandir, ok === arthurgeek [~arthur@] has joined #ubuntu === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-0.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-0.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has left #ubuntu [] === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-0.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] hello everyone [04:15] jono: when d-i was originally being built there was no sensible alternative to devfs [04:16] I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me with a few issues im having [04:16] Windows has seemed to "eat" my grub installation, and now when i restart my pc... i dont get a boot select screen, it just goes straight to windows [04:17] i dont recall if the install cd has a rescue mode or not. [04:17] It has none that I am aware of [04:17] many distros do . Or tou can boot some 'live cd' and chroot over to your existing install and reinstall grub. [04:18] Dr Willis: i am new to linux this is my first time with any distro [04:18] it does [04:18] I finished installing packages in ubuntu [04:18] debootstrapped from woody [04:18] i use so many distros i cant keep them all straight. [04:18] boot from the CD, run up to partitioning, switch to tty2, chroot, fix whatever you want [04:19] something more automatic will happen at some point [04:19] I wonder why gnome deosn't runs yet, the thing is that it delays up to ten minutes to start, and doesn't starts completly [04:19] Kamion: i have no idea what tty2, chroot, or really anything else means.. ive always used windows until i installed ubuntu linux [04:19] thom: certainly sounds plausible === leonv [~leonv@ndn-78-149.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] it does boot *very* slowly [04:19] Atticus, why don't you wait for a *stable* release? [04:20] if this is known matter in ubuntu, because I had it before [04:20] that's a beta one, only for development [04:20] Atticus: tty2 = the console you get from alt-f2 [04:20] what drivers can I use to get nvidia support in X? [04:20] leonv: install nvidia-glx [04:20] Trukulo, i had no idea it was only a beta release i thought it was 1.0? [04:20] trukulo: if we don't get feedback now we can't fix things for the final release :) [04:21] it was preview release [04:21] Kamion, that's right, but i only note it's not stable and problems are normal === AndyFitz [~andy@203-206-229-56.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] don't want him to think that linux is bad [04:21] rburton: I had a look but it is not available as an app: feta available nvidia , and it is not there (in my source.list file I have universe and restricted) [04:21] trukulo: just don't discourage bug reports please :-) [04:21] When i first installed ubuntu, it went fine.. the computer rebooted during installation and then grub started and loaded into ubuntu to finish up the install and i made it to the desktop and was able to use everything fine, but when i switched back to windows, it seemed to override my grub installation for some reason or another? [04:21] Atticus, of course please use ubuntu and report bugs :) [04:22] only try to be comprensive [04:22] Atticus, have you installed windows AFTER ubuntu? [04:22] Trukulo, no [04:22] its odd that grub 'vanished' === toyo_school [~greg@000e8362107d.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] umm, it's strange [04:23] what windows? XP ? [04:23] perhaps grub is there, but windows is overriding it? [04:23] leonv: its in restricted for me [04:23] Atticus, difficult, as grub boots before windows [04:23] rburton: how do you check that? [04:23] normally [04:23] leonv: apt-cache policy nvidia-glx [04:23] leonv: but it was in synaptic if you want to do it the Ubuntu Way [04:24] Atticus: so, you booted Windows from grub, and then when you rebooted grub was gone? or something else? [04:24] Here is my setup, i have 2 hard drives in my machine, primary master is a sata drive which i have 5 partitions on, 1 = windows, 2= ntfs data, 3= linux main 4= linux swap 5= windows swap [04:24] sounds like XP trashing the boot record as usual [04:24] rburton: when I do a apt-cache policy nvidia-glx it comes back with Installed: (none), Candidate: (none), odd? [04:25] hard drive 2 is just used for backup, nothing to do with grub or linux is on it [04:25] leonv: when you added restricted to your sources.list, did you apt-get update? [04:25] Kamion, yes i chose to boot windows xp from grub, then grub dissapeared [04:25] rburton: yepp ... [04:25] Atticus: listen to rburton, sounds like he knows more :) [04:25] Atticus, AH ! I know the problem [04:25] Atticus, try click tab key at starting [04:26] XP has a habit of "fixing" broken boot loaders [04:26] then you have prompt for Ubuntu and XP [04:26] like grub [04:26] trukulo, will this for sure work? [04:26] Atticus, very probably [04:26] Thank you, i will try this and be back to let you know [04:27] Atticus, it's that you haven't got prompt [04:27] yes [04:27] if you click tab key, then you have === rnz [~rnz@rnz.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:27] ok [04:27] brb! [04:27] that's why boot on windows, because it's default behavior [04:27] if you dont play games or use 3d, is there any point installing the nvidia driver over using the standard nv module? [04:27] it's not a bug, it's only a thing you have to know [04:27] press tab [04:27] :) [04:27] linux_mafia, you may get a little better 2d performance. [04:28] linux_mafia: there is beta RENDER acceleration in the nvidia driver which i don't think is in the nv driver [04:28] Dr_Willis, ok [04:28] linux_mafia, but proberly not much thats noticable. [04:28] figured as much === alias[k] [~alias@c211-28-123-156.eburwd3.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] I have a bit of a problem. I installed KDE, but it seems something went amiss. [04:30] Whenever I try to do an "apt-get install" it tells me I have unresolved dependancies [04:30] alias[k] , try apt-get update [04:30] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [04:30] kdeaddons: Depends: kontact-plugins (>= 4:3.2.3-2) but it is not installed === goatboy_ [~tim@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] bbl [04:31] rburton: when I check on http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/n/ only two packages nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-settings, you using another mirror? === toyo_school [~greg@000e8362107d.click-network.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:32] apt-get update didnt change the situation at all. [04:32] =( [04:32] leonv: my apt line is deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted universe === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-0.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] hi Atticus, r u in ubuntu? [04:32] leonv: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules- [04:32] Trukulo, no.. tabbing at startup did nothing :( === Qo-noS [~Klinzhai@bb220-255-113-142.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] Atticus, you don't have any message before booting windows? [04:33] that's then when you have to press tab [04:33] what package contains the cc1plus binary? [04:33] no message [04:33] rburton: one thing I didn't mention, I am running on an AMD64-bit, could that make a diff? [04:33] Trukulo, the computer loads windows automatically without any pop up or message [04:33] leonv: yes. nvidial-glx is only for i386 [04:33] Atticus, have you pressed tab AFTER memory checking and BEFORE windows start? [04:34] Trukulo, yes, i tried twice just to make sure, i hit tab non stop from start up till windows logo appeared [04:34] Atticus, i know it, it's before booting windows when you have to press tab, but AFTER initial BIOS messages === ahy [~ahy@ti311110a080-0800.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] leonv: i presume someone is working on integrating the amd64 drivers [04:34] Atticus, so, perhaps i'm wrong [04:34] rburton: mm, can one run the nvidia stuff from a changed root environement using something like dchroot? [04:35] leonv: the main part is a kernel module [04:35] does anyone have any ideas how to resolve this issue - i can't install "kontact-plugins" which is a dependency that has been unresolved [04:35] alias[k] , kde is not supported in ubuntu [04:35] Trukolo, yes i think haha.. [04:35] Does ubuntu have to be installed on a primary partition? [04:36] Atticus, aniway, try again, i still think it's that [04:36] Atticus, any partition you like [04:36] I know, but this problem -should- be able to be ironed out. [04:36] Trukulo, i pressed tab as fast as i could from the time i pushed power until the windows logo appeared [04:36] alias[k] , yes, with volunteers [04:36] rburton: I presume the nvidia drivers would imporve the X interface with a nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] card [04:36] -__- === pisuke [~luis@84-120-64-108.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] Atticus, try push it only before windows boot [04:37] my pc boots so fast that its hard lol [04:37] i push power and like 5 seconds later im loading windows [04:37] alias[k] , it doesn't mean you have to be the volunteer, only they need volunteers to do it [04:38] Trukulo, is there a way to view the MBR from within windows? [04:38] I don't exactly understand what you mean, but it seems that other people have to go out of their way for me so i'll just be quiet. [04:38] alias[k] : seems we need a newer version of kontact-plugins, mail ubuntu-users about it [04:38] Atticus, no === StoneTable [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] (kdeaddons, rather) [04:38] Well - I have added some other apt sources [04:38] I don't know if they have updated ones or not. [04:39] alias[k] , what apt sources? [04:39] ftp://mirror.aarnet.edu.au === elim [~elim@81-178-216-61.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Trukulo, when GRUB did actually work, i was given a prompt that i could actually see and if i didnt press anything within 3 seconds, linux loaded automatically, but if i pressed escape, i could choose from the menu list between XP and linux... now i get nothing [04:39] but what's that repos? sid? ubuntu? sarge? what? === toyo_school [~greg@000e8362107d.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Atticus, that's what i was talking about [04:40] yes but now i do not get a message at all [04:40] no option to press escape [04:40] Atticus, so you have boot rewrited (strangely) === jhawkinsvalrico [~jhawkins@6532198hfc06.tampabay.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Atticus, ok, there's a solution [04:40] you can boot with ubuntu in rescue mode [04:40] Trukulo, how can i do this? [04:40] then write: chroot /dev/hdaX [04:40] where X is your partition of ubuntu [04:41] and then write: sudo grub-install /dev/hda === AndyFitz [~andy@203-206-229-56.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [04:41] Trukulo, how do i boot to rescue mode === wiraith [~wiraith@] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] Atticus, umm, press F1 or F2, usually options for booting CD are there === x4m [~xam@192-87.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] (and forget my bad english= [04:42] trukulo, there's no rescue in warthy [04:42] pisuke, ok [04:42] i installed a second ethernet card and i don't see it using lspci ....(the first one is a wifi one) [04:42] Atticus, so using other Linux, as Knoppix [04:42] a live CD [04:42] Could someone decypher this error message left by XMMS - alias@tmg27c30 ~ $ xmms [04:42] libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [04:42] Inconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72: _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result <= _rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed! [04:43] trukulo, i dont understand? [04:43] alias[k] , your problems are from the incorrect repository, as i can say [04:43] Atticus, you have to download a linux live CD [04:43] and then make chroot and grub-install by there [04:44] Trukulo where can i download this from [04:44] Atticus, knoppix.net [04:44] Trukulo: would it be easier to just reinstall ubuntu? [04:44] Atticus, probably [04:44] if you haven't any data in ubuntu, yes [04:44] Trukulo: how do i prevent windows from doing this again? [04:45] Atticus, don't know, first time i heard that :( === LinuxJones [~LJ@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] and i made a LOT of installations [04:45] and have a LOT of friends with linux [04:45] and never heard that [04:45] <__randy__> Atticus, you can't when you reinstall windows it will always overwrite the bootloader === linux_mafia [~max@202-0-43-124.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] Randy: i did not reinstall windows [04:46] i chose to load windows from grub prompt and after that, grub was gone [04:46] <__randy__> I've never heard of that [04:46] Atticus, your computer is inteligent [04:46] __randy__, that's the strange thing [04:46] well i am one of those people who stuff ALWAYS happens to [04:46] trukulo: I provided directions above for getting to a rescue-style prompt [04:47] I should probably put them on the Wiki or something [04:47] like amazing stuff happens to me, i have the worst luck ever [04:47] that's what happens when you boot into windows :-) [04:47] the world hates me [04:47] Kamion, yes, it would be very helpful === patw [pat@amd.co.at] has left #ubuntu [] [04:47] Damn microsoft and their monopolistic software [04:47] <__randy__> has anyone been able to get vmware running? [04:48] <__randy__> I get an undefined symbol error when I try to run it [04:48] __randy__, i use qemu instead of vmware [04:48] Trukulo: i am going to try to reinstall ubuntu [04:48] in wiki you have an article about installing ubuntu in qemu [04:48] Atticus, ok [04:48] Atticus, tell us know [04:48] Dr_Willis, well i installed the restricted nvidia drivers, and youre right, i dont think i can see a difference :) heh [04:48] Ok [04:50] __randy__, same here, but qemu works ok (and is free) [04:50] <__randy__> plovs, I've already paid for vmware [04:51] <__randy__> and all my semi important data is in it [04:51] __randy__, it's not free as in free beer, it's free as in freedom === mxpxpod [~bryan@mxpxpod.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] __randy__, I couldn't get my vmware stuff unning in qemu i'm afraid [04:53] i'm doing an experiment, i am compiling qt, kdelibs [04:53] plovs: what are you trying to run that you couldn't get to work? [04:53] etc... [04:54] and ill see if it all works i havnt really tried out 3.3 === Yone [~Yone@pcp09510952pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] elim: if you read the mailing list, you'll see Jonathan Riddell has compiled up KDE 3.3 for Ubuntu [04:54] sladen, it is possible to convert vmware stuff to qemu but i couldn't so i just reinstalled windows in qemu [04:54] <__randy__> sladen, vmware 4.5.2 [04:55] __randy__: you're trying to run vmware inside qemu ? [04:55] elim: what way are you compiling them? [04:55] <__randy__> sladen, no I'm trying to run it under ubuntu [04:55] plovs: how do you mean convert? [04:55] __randy__: vmware is a commerical product, that whilst nice, doesn't come with source-code, or a free license [04:56] __randy__: did you have any success doing what you're trying to do; but with Qemu instead? [04:56] with auto conf and automake how else? === skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] elim: just wondering if you were playing with debian packages or one of the build scripts [04:56] <__randy__> sladen, I won't have time to try it until maybe this weekend [04:56] sladen, http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/qemu-doc.html#TOC18 [04:56] has this guy built any debian packages? [04:57] <__randy__> plovs, is qemu similar in terms of speed? === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === arthurgeek [~arthur@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Wsquared is now known as W1 === W1 is now known as WW_ [04:57] __randy__: if it's between doing apt-get install qemu and trying to fix vmware; I imagine using qemu might be quicker... [04:57] shame qemu and XP don't get on [04:57] __randy__, a bit slower, but the biggest minus is that the guest has to boot, snapshotting doesn't work (well) [04:57] plovs: I guess it appears that you can :) [04:57] Anybody here familiar with OpenOffice? I can't seem to print from within OO. [04:58] WW_: what's the problem? [04:58] <__randy__> sladen, I'm going to give it a try but I need to be able to convert my vmware disks [04:58] sladen, it *appears* so but i could not unfortunetely [04:58] elim: which guy? [04:58] __randy__: plov helpfully found you the link: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/qemu-doc.html#TOC18 [04:58] the guy from the mailing list you mentioned. [04:58] Hello, I want to show ubuntu and its installataion to my father. Is there any visable bug in the daily build? [04:59] __randy__, and if you get it to work (converting), let me know :) === manou [~manou@AMontpellier-205-1-12-246.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] <__randy__> plovs, I will and I'll look into the gdk-pixbuf problem [04:59] jdub: could i ask for a qemu sync from sid? new upstream and all [04:59] haggai: Clicking on the print does nothing. I tried File->Print, still nothing. [05:00] rburton, the one from the site installs without compiling in /usr/local [05:00] haggai: I don't know if the Printer Settings are correct. [05:00] plovs: i can also grab the new deb from unstable, but that isn't the point :) [05:00] Is it safe to install the daily build? [05:01] rburton, :) [05:01] WW_: does adding 'export SAL_DISABLE_CUPS=1' to your /etc/openoffice/openoffice.conf allow you to print? [05:01] elim: that would be me and I have 3.3 packages for kdelibs and kdebase [05:01] haggai: Under Printer Settings, the Paper Size is blank, and I can't change it. [05:01] yuval: don't know of any problems, will give it a shot in a moment [05:01] WW_, can you print from a gnome app like gedit ? [05:01] WW_: (you could have Debian bug #272710( [05:02] elim: echo "deb http://geeksoc.org/~jr/ubuntu/ unstable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list [05:02] LinuxJones: Yes. [05:02] yuval: Via chipsets are very broken at the moment though [05:02] WW_: the Paper Size bug is already fixed in debian unstable [05:02] WW_, you looked at the OOO printer setup I assume as well ? [05:02] haggai: Would that bug prevent Print from working? [05:03] yuval, safe for the evironment? [05:03] WW_: yes http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=272710 === npmccallum [~npmccallu@69-162-252-7.ironoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] yuval: hopefully it's safe to install the daily build---let people know if you find anything (or pre-test it first!) [05:04] Riddell: the server appears to be down either that or the command u told me to use didn't work. : ( [05:05] Ok, should I chose the preview release or the daily buid? === WW_ is reading the bug report... [05:05] WW_: it's not very helpful, I have to dig down with the sumbitter to find out what the actual problem is [05:05] Riddell: im on a ppc that could be why [05:06] yuval: either Sounder CD 9 or a daily build, probably Sounder 9 === elim is now known as Elim [05:06] elim: ah, right :( [05:06] Ok. I'll try it later and let you know how it work (Sounder 9) [05:07] i changed my name maybe that will be easir for people in the future [05:07] exept it didnt work hang on.. === Elim is now known as Elim_ [05:08] Binaries from linux-meta cannot be installed: === Elim_ is now known as Elim_ppc [05:08] * linux-restricted-modules-2.6-386(i386) [05:09] I'll try the daily build :-) [05:10] that problem isn't important [05:10] the installer doesn't use that package at the moment anyway [05:12] is it installed by default? [05:12] haggai, LinuxJones: I uncommented the line that says "export SAL_DISABLE_CUPS=1" in /etc/openoffice/openoffice.conf, and now I can print. Thanks. Has this bug already been inherited by Ubuntu (i.e. is it in bugzilla)? [05:12] WW_: no idea if it's in the BZ, I'm just the debian packager === y0ann is now known as y0ann|out [05:13] yuval: no [05:13] yuval: linux-restricted-modules- is [05:13] but not the metapackage [05:15] thanks [05:15] Kamion: it would be cool if one in .ssh/config could have a wrapcommand (or something like that) (like luit) === arthurgeek [~arthur@] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] jdub: ping? === arthurgeek [~arthur@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === jg__ [~jg@] has joined #ubuntu === Vermyndax [~vermyndax@pcp01540502pcs.huntsv01.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] whoa [05:20] can someone help me figure out what's wrong with my sound in warty? === froh_ [foobar@180.80-202-117.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] wil it adding packages from debian unstable work, or do i need to backport [05:21] in other words, is ubuntu based on sarge or sid libs? === dalderman [~dan@82-43-57-150.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [05:22] hey guys, I got a slew of errors when I upgraded my hal package just now, would someone like to take a look? [05:23] I think they're related to the hal drop_privelages() problem I had with the recompiled kernel I was using [05:23] haggai: The bug is now #1925 in Ubuntu's bugzilla. :-) === dgm69 [~dgm69@pixpat.austin.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] I want to copy all the png files from /usr/share/* to a folder on my desktop... Im thinking: cp -R /usr/share/* | grep png Desktop/png ? === eazel7 [~eazel7@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] hi again [05:25] peteog: find /usr/share -name \*.png -print0 | xargs -0 cp --target-directory ~/Desktop/ [05:25] Kamion: You work on the installer, right? [05:25] any gnome app delays up to ten minutes or does never starts [05:25] darn, Kamion types faster than i do [05:25] WW_: right [05:25] Kamion: thanks :) [05:25] so, I cannot start the desktop [05:25] eazel7: sounds like you can't ping localhost [05:26] Kamion: After a fresh install, will there be an evolution (or .evolution) directory in the installer's home directory? [05:26] rburton, that's a good point [05:26] rburton, I can't [05:26] eazel7: there you go [05:26] WW_: I don't work on that bit of the installer :) [05:26] eazel7: is the lo interface up? [05:26] WW_: that would depend on the evolution package [05:26] nope === womble [~mpalmer@eth1859.nsw.adsl.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:26] once it gets to the level of desktop packages I tend to consider my job finished unless they fail to install or something [05:27] how do I turn it on? [05:27] eazel7: ifup lo === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-166.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] Kamion: Just wondering about the cause of what I reported in bug 1907. [05:27] the ubuntu packages libpng12-dev and libpng2-dev conflict .. is there a way to resolve this conflict? [05:27] longsleep: no [05:27] well, I tried that before asking [05:27] xDDDD [05:27] rburton: thats bad :) [05:27] Hello again [05:27] eazel7: does your /etc/network/interfaces contain "iface lo inet loopback" [05:28] longsleep: blame the libpng maintainers [05:28] no, it does not [05:28] rburton, hello :-) [05:28] I'll at it [05:28] eazel7: did the install break? [05:28] dalderman: hey. === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] not at all [05:28] rburton, my hal got broke in the upgrade [05:28] rburton: so there is basically no way to install kde and imlib together *g* [05:28] I installed by bootstrap [05:29] ooh, this is marvelous [05:29] eazel7: [plonk] why? huge amounts of stuff isn't configured === rburton stops supporting [05:29] longsleep: not the development stuff, no. [05:30] rburton: damn .. so now i know the reason why digikam isnt in ubuntus universe .. === longsleep grmbls [05:30] rburton, I installed by bootstrap because I already had the packages downloaded and I never downloaded the cd, and in some mistrious way my system broke yesterday === yuran [~anon@line134-238.adsl.actcom.co.il] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] really misterious [05:30] eazel7: you'll have to configure the networking before gnome will work === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === merriam [~merriam@kbs21.informatik.uni-bremen.de] has joined #Ubuntu === [Bas] [~Bas@tuxmachine.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu [05:31] WW_: that I have no clue about, I'm afraid [05:31] rburton, the other time I installed in similar way I hadn't, perhaps I configured it 'by mistake' while installing xDDD [05:32] Kamion: OK [05:33] g'night === eazel7 [~eazel7@host101.200-117-164.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] rburton, thanks [05:33] I closed immediatly 'cause I was as root [05:33] thanks [05:34] darn .. anyone knows another nice photo album tool like digikam? [05:35] longsleep: gthumb? [05:35] konqueror === dalderman [~dan@82-43-57-150.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [05:37] Mithrandir: thans going to try gthumb === dgm69 [~dgm69@pixpat.austin.ibm.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:38] Mithrandir: basically gthumb is nice .. but there is no export feature right? [05:38] it can make galleries of some kind === WW_ [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:40] Mithrandir: well .. it has to do untill i get digikam running :) === tabo [~kenobi@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:41] longsleep, f-spot has some export-functionality, but it is mono-based [05:42] plovs: so i suppose there is no apt source for it === superchillh20 [~Franz@drake-195-94.drake.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] Does anyone know where i can find an ATI driver for my 9800XT that will work with ubuntu [05:42] Or should i keep the default driver? [05:43] does a7n8x and ati video cards work in ubuntu easily? [05:43] ati works fine, with the default driver [05:43] longsleep, deb http://www.getsweaaa.com/~tseng/ubuntu/debs ./ [05:44] plovs, thanks === chutwig [~edmundrhu@nat01-easton-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] ANNOUNCE: 10 minutes to Community Council meeting in #ubuntu-meeting [05:50] sabdfl: open attendance? [05:50] daniels: yes, always [05:51] rad. === ficusplanet [~ficusplan@12-216-226-172.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] Hey, has anyone here ever bought a laptop from PC Club? I'm torn between getting an X40 and one of PCClub's ultraportables. [05:52] x40 works joyfully well for me [05:52] am trying to get an extended battery though [05:53] Oh, are you just using the 4-cell right now? [05:53] plovs, f-spot looks really nice [05:53] sabdfl: you too, hey? [05:53] daniels: see, evil, spreading *nods* [05:53] sabdfl: apparently they're fresh out of both the docks and extended life batteries down here, and they're about a fortnight off [05:53] sabdfl, How long does the 4 cell battery last? [05:54] Keybuk: tuesday (or maybe wednesday) === JulHer [~julio@244.Red-217-125-14.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] ficsplanet 2 hours for me [05:56] ficusplanet: ^ === tof_ [~tof@] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] Phew, OK, better get the 8 cell. [05:56] i though it would be longer :-( === Zindar [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] sabdfl: only two hours on the standard battery? === JohanH [~johan@as9-2-6.b.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] sabdfl, Have you liked everything else about it? Works well with Ubuntu? [05:57] I'd be shocked if there's anything on the X40 that doesn't work with Ubuntu, given half the staff seem to own them [05:57] Keybuk: one of us ... one of us ... [05:57] in particular stuff that doesn't work on sabdfl's boxen tends to get fixed ;-) [05:57] Keybuk, ha, that's what I like to here. [05:58] ficusplanet: very well with ubuntu (wonder why, thom?), very light, very mobile, seems rugged too [05:58] hm, should make sabdfl get a powerbook *plots* [05:58] Kamion: it's quite a shock that current kernels don't seem to like the nc4010, given Linus owns one [05:58] sabdfl: *g* === sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] Keybuk: he probably uses xp on it [05:59] isnt there a nntp reader in main? [05:59] rburton: heh, I know bdale and tbm run Debian on theirs [06:00] Mayday: evolution can do it, can't it? . o O ( I saw screenshots, once ) [06:00] Mayday, pan [06:00] Keybuk, nope [06:00] pan is in main? [06:01] Mayday, oh perhaps not, I am using universe too [06:01] dalderman: evolution has nntp, but it fails atleast for me on gmane [06:01] Mayday, how did you add an account? [06:02] Mayday, ah yes, so it does [06:02] Mayday, my bad [06:02] tools -> settings -> Mail Accounts "+ Add" === Keybuk didn't think he was going mad [06:02] anyone with a network-admin GUI crash when he start it ? [06:02] dalderman: can you get it working? :) [06:02] Mayday, I'll give it a whirl, one sec [06:03] i'm trying to congire my centrino card but network-admin crash every time :/ [06:03] i'm trying to configure my centrino card but network-admin crash every time :/ [06:04] Mayday, added, Loading... [06:04] that is where it stops.... keeps loading forever it seems [06:04] i have tried smaller archives, but still just that "loading" [06:04] Mayday, yep, not network activity [06:04] Mayday, file a bug? [06:04] guess i should head over to bugzilla [06:04] :-) [06:06] has anyone else had trouble with Firefox crashing quite frequently? [06:06] any way to get WMA support into gstreamer on Ubuntu? === punkass__ [~punkass@] has joined #ubuntu === lypanov is now known as lyp|train [06:12] Heh, OK, one more X40 question. Does the "IBM 802.11 b/g Wireless Mini PCI Adapter" with Ubuntu or should I stick with the b-only Intel 2100? === inklingx [~inklingx@u212-239-167-144.adsl.pi.be] has joined #ubuntu === vuntz [~vuntz@fennas.vuntz.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] i'm trying to set up my intel 2100 on my T40 too === jazzyjazz [~dna@98.200-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === kag1 [~keving@75.0-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === kag1 [~keving@75.0-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu [] === Vermyndax wants to get WMA support into gstreamer/rythmbox === Mirno [~mirspcm@lns-th2-4f-81-56-180-71.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] anyone here use a gps reciever with linux? [06:24] is there a way to setup up WEP key for wireless ? === skaught_ [~skaught@S0106000f3d3c620f.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] fabbione: yt? [06:26] I should stop giving away my ubuntu CDs -- now I need one and I don't have any ;) [06:26] *burn* [06:27] tof_, try out wifiradar or kwifimanager. The next release of ubuntu will have NetworkManager, I think. === vincent [~vincent@bonnefoy-3-82-224-105-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] http://gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=332 === Zindaren [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] thx ficusplanet === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === mizery [~mizery@CPE-24-208-57-98.new.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === jensens [~jensens@] has joined #ubuntu === Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu === mizery [~mizery@CPE-24-208-57-98.new.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === mako_ [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu === ploum [~ploum@19-94.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu === Zindaren [~bagfors@h188n1fls12o803.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === __randy__ [~randy@sclab-25-433.sclab.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu === chutwig [~edmundrhu@nat01-easton-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === lemonlysol [~warthurto@wbar10.chi1-4-11-141-080.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === fragg [~luis@121.red-212-97-188.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu === lemonlysol is now known as lemonlysol_ === lemonlysol_ is now known as lemonlysol === leonv [~leonv@ndn-79-58.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] maybe a very stupid question, how does one change/add menu items to the Application bar? === theantix [~ryan@80.198.novustelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu === randy_ [~randy@sclab-25-433.sclab.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu === henry-- [~henry@user-4523.l4.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Hmmmmm_ [~sukrit@] has joined #ubuntu === Zomb- [~eb@linda.rhrk.uni-kl.de] has joined #ubuntu === leonv [~leonv@ndn-79-58.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] === noxfu [~reppocs@] has joined #ubuntu === robster [~rob@hades.robster.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === orjan [~orjan@c213-89-49-15.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu === clee [clee@fooishbar.org] has joined #ubuntu === jonathaN [jonathan@beacon.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === joh [~joh@] has joined #ubuntu === aj [aj-irc@azure.humbug.org.au] has joined #ubuntu === froh [foobar@180.80-202-117.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === cbaoth [~cbaoth@0x50c53f3c.arcnxx15.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === sladen [paul@starsky.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu === dieman [~dieman@3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097.org] has joined #ubuntu === tseng [~tseng@thegrebs.com] has joined #ubuntu === lyp|train [~alex@lyp.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === subterrific [~jason@subterrific.net] has joined #ubuntu === whiprush [~jorge@arslinux.com] has joined #ubuntu === xTina [~xTina@pD9E626AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === x4m [~xam@66-86.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] when is kde 3.3 expected in ubuntu? === Mayday [henrik@Anka.ORG] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] Hmmmmm_: not in Warty [07:07] ic [07:07] has anybody tried installing ubuntu on a system with a pcmcia cdrom? [07:07] and when's the next release extected? [07:08] Hmmmmm_, halv a year or so... ubuntu will release every 6 month is the plan... at least what I've read [07:08] Hmmmmm_: KDE is not currently part of the supported set of Ubuntu packages ... it's in the "universe" component [07:08] Hmmmmm_: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/WartyWarthog/ReleaseSchedule [07:09] anyone using wifiradar ? [07:09] i myself am a gnome 2.8 addict [07:09] but my bro uses kde [07:09] jblack: don't believe I've heard installation reports, but in principle it should work (i.e. PCMCIA modules are in the CD-ROM initrd) [07:09] guess i'll make do with kde 3.2 === gommans [~memgomman@] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] I'll give it a try. [07:09] Debian was a *$*$*$* to install on it last year. [07:11] should be fine with reasonably current builds of debian-installer too [07:11] I can imagine woody's installer having trouble [07:11] yup === ish [jason@S010600a04b075cd8.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === mako_ [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu === nawty [~neogenix@amnesia.cs.uct.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] jblack: the current debian installer works pretty well; a great improvement. Ubuntu's is yet again simpler. [07:12] tof_: i gave up on it...cuz it used dhcpcd...and it was causin me grief === punkass__ is now known as punkass [07:13] it used .../bin/say [07:13] the question is whether or not the initrd gets loaded. [07:13] but i cant find it on my system === Nonphasis [~ville@a81-197-192-150.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] Hi! I have troubles getting connected to the internet [07:13] I use dhcp. [07:13] yeah i think i just set say to False [07:13] jblack: the initrd is by definition loaded === madduck [~madduck@80-219-173-32.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] kamion: ok. [07:14] jblack: d-i doesn't exist without it === Qo-noS [~Klinzhai@bb220-255-113-142.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] it's loaded by the bootloader, before the kernel starts. [07:14] tof_:i ended up writing my own little app [07:14] kamion: I know that. :) But sysvlinux couldn't find the kernel in woody, so I'm thinking the same thing might happen wtih the new installers, but with initrd. === __randy__ [~randy@sclab-25-433.sclab.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] jblack: oh, I see [07:15] jblack: there have been syslinux improvements since, would have to read the changelog [07:15] There was a trick though. On this viao, the bios can emulate an ide bus with it, if you pass it the right incantation. === joem [~joem@c-67-173-77-82.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === tvon [~tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === Clint [~asdfasf@user-12hdtek.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] <__randy__> plovs_, Were your vmware disks split into seperate files? === herzi [~herzi@c200124.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu === inklingx [~inklingx@u212-239-167-144.adsl.pi.be] has joined #ubuntu === vuntz [~vuntz@fennas.vuntz.net] has joined #ubuntu === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu === stevedeo [~steve@hsdbrg64-110-241-207.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Vermyndax [~vermyndax@pcp01540502pcs.huntsv01.al.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Kosai [cjb@eigg.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu === vincent [~vincent@bonnefoy-3-82-224-105-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-166.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu === ElRaton [~lerat@pasteur-6-82-229-198-144.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] hello, can someone point me towards a good bit torrent client to use with ubuntu [07:23] http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ [07:23] Atticus: install the "bittorrent" or "bittornado" package? === bdale [~bdale@rover.gag.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] Mithrandir: hi i am very new to linux (this is my first distro), could you tell me exactly how i might install packages... do i use the synaptic browser? [07:24] Atticus: yep [07:25] daniels: ping? [07:26] Kamion: where is the synaptic browser located in the desktop, i cant find it [07:26] daniels: apache2-common 2.0.51-2 fails to configure on a fresh install... [07:26] Atticus: Azureus is a nice bit torrent client...but its not in a package...just have to download it from there site [07:26] daniels: (this is plain debian unstable) [07:26] Scratch that last note, i found it [07:26] Punkass, i am familiar with bit tornado, is azureas better? [07:27] madduck: how so? [07:27] a2enmod userdir returns 1 [07:27] no further info yet. [07:27] yeah, known issue [07:27] aha, okay. [07:27] not sure...havnt used tornado before [07:27] daniels: workaround? [07:27] daniels: bug no.? [07:27] madduck: dunno, in the bts somewhere === bur[n] er [~burner@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] Atticus: just out the site and some of the screenshots [07:27] daniels: ok. [07:27] madduck: there are about five reports, one has a workaround, which is just adding a || true to the httpd -l line, iirc [07:27] i use it on windows and linux [07:27] punkass: ok [07:28] so... anyone else have issues with usb drives not auto-mounting and putting an icon on the desktop? === Kamel [~kamel@] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] i didn't think it was supposed to till i read the article on osnews that states it should [07:29] does it need to be in /etc/fstab? [07:29] What is BitTornado listed under in the synaptic manager? [07:29] Atticus: its java based. [07:29] azureus that is [07:29] Ok [07:29] azureus is smooth :) === bur[n] er tried making a deb for it to no avail though... no idea how to do it on an app that doesn't compile [07:29] punkass: is bittorando listed under GNOME desktop in synaptic browser? === tindust [tindust@] has joined #ubuntu === JohanH [~johan@as9-2-6.b.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] Atticus, just do a search for it [07:30] daniels: fixed. Joost's patch. 273017 [07:30] thanks. [07:30] yeah i just searched for tornado and it came up [07:30] bur[n] er: i did but could not find it [07:30] madduck: no worries [07:31] just search for tornado :) [07:31] ok === bur[n] er prefers apt-get install bittornado-gui, but to each their own ;) [07:31] Atticus: if it doesnt show up, it may be in universe [07:31] I searched for tornado, no result === yuval [~Yuval@] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] anyone have experience with usb drives and HAL/DBUS? [07:32] you have to include the universe repository [07:32] Atticus: in synaptic: Settings > Repositories [07:32] use the one forth from the bottom [07:33] punkass: found it [07:34] just refresh your list and search again..and u should be good === jagy [~jagy@c-baaae253.339-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === ploum [~ploum@19-94.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu === Scognito [~artrg@host90-201.pool8255.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] hi all [07:35] how can i get unrar ? [07:35] Scognito: from non-free [07:35] oh, wait... wrong channel. [07:35] sorr [07:36] y [07:36] eh eh :) [07:36] non-free debian packages work [07:36] you could try universe too === anibol [~anibol@23.Red-83-34-15.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] doesnt look like its in there...you may need to get it from rars site [07:37] i use universe too === LoLoROS [~Rumasa@93.Red-217-125-132.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm === Dave [~blue_tech@pcp09830877pcs.santamaria.ca.santam.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === jagy [~jagy@c-baaae253.339-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] [07:38] punkass: which java client should i download to use with Azureas? [07:39] ok thans [07:39] i believe 1.4.2 would be fine === lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] === taloch [~henry@user-4523.l4.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] where can I get glib-gettext for ubuntu? [07:39] yep [07:39] punkass: RPM file or regular? [07:39] reg === BxCx [~BxCx@] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] punkass: the java site has 2 packages one uses RPM and the other doesnt? [07:40] use the Regular one [07:40] ok [07:40] Atticus, you could use apt-get.org to search for a java repository to apt-get from [07:40] its self extracting [07:40] http://www.pubpat.org/Microsoft_517_Rejected.htm === x4m [~xam@114-67.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] i have deleted the / partion, now that should make more room [07:42] Can anyone help me get X to take up the full screen on Dell 8200 laptop. Installed ubuntu "386" last night...X is a centered 640x480 window on the screen right now. I do not believe nvidia-glx is installed but apt-get isn't able to get proper nvidia-glx it complains that the package can't be found but is referenced elsewhere... [07:42] deFrysk: good to hear :) [07:43] jdub: around? [07:44] and directions on how install Nvidia binaries on the wiki don't seem to be working either... [07:45] punkass: do you have an ati video card? [07:45] nope nvidia [07:45] no, I have an nvidia 440 Go [07:45] anyone have ati? [07:46] I guess im trying to figure out if i need to install an ATI driver? [07:46] Dave: a buddy of mine ran into that problem..but he had an Athlon 64 [07:46] Atticus: check the wiki i think there is a howto there [07:46] punkass: ok, also.. should i update my kernel? === ploum [~ploum@19-106.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] its upto you..i am just using the one that comes wtih ubuntu...cuz i know it will work [07:47] punkass: did he figure it out? I tried editing XFree86-4 file to add higher resolutions to various color depths, but Gnome resolution changer doesn't see any of the new values === jhawkinsvalrico [~jhawkins@6532198hfc06.tampabay.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] no..its because they havent packaged a 64bit nvidia driver [07:48] punkass: ...supported resolutions that is... [07:48] yet :) [07:48] punkass: lol [07:48] punkass: punkass: when i type su into termin, it asks for password.. but it says my password is wrong? is there a default administrator pass that i dont know about? [07:48] i know they are working on it [07:48] punkass: any idea how to get the 'nvidia-glx' module on the system? [07:48] nope you just use your regular password [07:49] why wont it work then [07:49] :( [07:49] Atticus: default admin password is the regular user password [07:49] dave: do i need to be logged in as admin === longsleep is now known as longsleep|out [07:49] Dave: sorry..not really...i just installed them and they worked fine.. [07:49] dave: at setup it made me create 2 users and 1 pass? [07:49] Atticus: there is no admin [07:49] Atticus: try "sudo " [07:49] u are admin [07:49] dont find it in FAQ: is a network-installation possible like with the small netinstall image from debian? [07:50] this is what im trying to do: # At the terminal: Type: [07:50] su [07:50] # Enter the root password. [07:50] # Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type: [07:50] cd [07:50] For example, to install the software in the /usr/java/ directory, Type: [07:50] cd /usr/java/ [07:50] the root password isnt working [07:50] Atticus not su [07:50] sudo [07:51] punkass: im following the directions from the java.com site === stratus [~stratus@] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] are they wrong? [07:51] yes i know...no, ubuntu has just done stuff a little different [07:51] ah i see [07:51] when ever you need to run something as root, just type: sudo yourcommand [07:52] it will ask for a password, and just enter your regular password [07:52] so if i want to install j2re-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin what would i type [07:52] or "sudo -s" for a terminal instance in super mode [07:52] is java 1.5 avaiable for ubuntu as debian package? [07:52] sudo ./j2re-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin [07:53] "sudo ./j2re__blah___.bin" [07:53] where will the app install to? [07:53] and enter your password [07:53] in that directory [07:53] where ever u currently are [07:53] im not sure where i am [07:53] pwd [07:53] how do i change directory [07:53] tells you [07:53] cd blahbla/blahblah [07:53] yes [07:54] punkass: where do u suggest installing java to [07:54] /usr/java is fine [07:54] so i type cd /usr/java [07:54] this is a little off-topic, but can anyone tell me where the information on the other canonical sponsored projects went? [07:54] afk, a sec [07:55] bowes: the other projects are a little vapourware at the moment, so it was better to just announce the ones that exist :p [07:55] why can't I create a new folder in my /usr directory? [07:56] is wine available for ubuntu ? [07:56] sudo mkdir /usr/java === LoLoROS [~Rumasa@93.Red-217-125-132.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [07:56] yay thanks punkass u rock [07:57] ;) === BillT [~billt@216-12-70-20.hb.mvl.intelos.net] has joined #ubuntu === psi [~psi@c-ac7e71d5.028-127-6c756c1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] punkass: one last question, i think haha.. does the ./j2re-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin need to be in the/usr/java directory when i type sudo ./j2re-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin [07:58] no [07:58] you can do it two ways [07:59] d [07:59] err [07:59] you be in /usr/java/ then type: /home/yourusername/j2re-xxxxxxx.bin [07:59] with the sudo of course === cprov [~cprov@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] ok [08:00] or u can move the j2re to /usr/java and type ./j2rexxxxxxx.bin === Yone [~Yone@pcp09510952pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] so what does sudo mean exactly? [08:01] sudo i guess "super user do" [08:01] it gives you root privlages for one command [08:01] so like "super user do emacs myfile" [08:01] ok cool [08:01] right, it's an adverbial command [08:01] "switch user and do" I think [08:01] "do the following in this way" [08:01] su = switch user [08:01] or substitute user [08:02] TIMTOWTDI [08:02] punkass: the system will not let me edit /usr/java so i cant paste the .bin file into the folder... [08:02] I guess , by default super though... [08:02] I'm trying to install the Warty preview on a new mobo (AMD-64, nForce 3 250Gb chipset) and SATA drive, and I'm having some problems with things not getting autodetected [08:02] so do it the first way i said..then u dont have to move it [08:02] BillT: preview won't detect SATA NVIDIA chipsets, try Sounder 9 which should fix that [08:02] BillT: anything other than the disk hardware? [08:03] punkass: that didnt work either haha [08:03] the gigabit ethernet didn't detect either (although the wiki says it should be) [08:03] or: sudo mv /home/yourusername/path/to/j2rexxxxx.bin . [08:03] BillT: does 'modprobe forcedeth' from the alt-f2 console fix it? [08:03] BillT: we fixed some of the autodetection there last night, tomorrow's daily CD should help [08:04] hrm, I'll give that a shot. my first strategy was to drop in a spare eth card [08:04] Kamion: are all these fixes updated when u do and update via apt-get? [08:04] punkass i get this in terminal sudo: /home/myusername/j2re-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin: command not found [08:04] if it doesn't fix it, please send 'lspci' and 'lspci -n' output [08:04] lol [08:04] punkass: not installer fixes, no, but if you've already installed then presumably you don't care [08:05] ah ok [08:05] Atticus: you gotta do some reading [08:05] punkass: lol great [08:05] Atticus: i put username in there so you would put your username [08:05] eg. /home/Atticus/j2rexxxxx.bin [08:05] punkass: yes i know [08:06] anyone know why sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx says: package nvidia-glx not avaible, but is reffered to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obseleted, or is only abiaiable from another source. E: nvidia-glx has no installation candidate [08:06] punkass: i changed it when i pasted [08:06] oh ok :) [08:06] well where did u save the file to? [08:06] that path [08:06] /home/myusername/xxxxxx [08:06] Dave: it's only available on i386 for now; are you on amd64 or powerpc? [08:06] oh [08:06] Atticus: did you 'chmod +x /home//j2re-blah.bin [08:06] ? [08:07] sudo chmod 775 [08:07] lol beat me to it [08:07] Kamion: I installed Warty 386.iso last night [08:07] no === elim [~elim@81-178-216-61.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] whats that do [08:07] Atticus: makes the file executable [08:07] makes it executable [08:07] 'chmod +x /home//j2re-blah.bin so i type that exactly [08:07] change the blah of course [08:07] drop the ' when you're typing it [08:07] nice i have finally compiled fluxbox's most recent cvs snapshot its great have you used it yet its so quick! [08:07] ok [08:08] Hello, can someone help me out? I need to find a repository for apt that has wine. [08:08] punkass are you using wep key with wifi radar ? === x4m [~xam@38.160-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] tof_: im not using wifiradar...couldnt get it to work right... so i made my own app [08:09] ah :) [08:09] which one ? [08:09] ;) [08:09] you can try mine if u like...its nothing super, but it works fo rme [08:10] how do I know if I have, or need to specifiy somehow to apt-get: linux-restricted modules >= like the WIKI says... [08:10] punkass: thanks i got it to work [08:10] with wep ? [08:10] How could I transfer files from my windows system to my ubuntu system over my network? [08:10] sorry for being such a linux noob haha [08:10] Dave: probably best to look through synaptic, it's in the menus [08:10] Atticus: good stuff [08:10] no prob :) [08:10] tof_: yes with WEP [08:11] ok i'll try it if u want [08:11] lol well its not if i want..its if you want ;) [08:11] ok i want ;) === thomerz [~thomerz@N527P024.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] http://punkass.bookerb.com/2stepdh/pyfi.tar.gz [08:11] Wop: Computer -> Network ... your windows system should appear in there [08:12] hiho, i have problems with installing ubuntu ;(/ [08:12] Kamion: it there, and I believe I installed nvidia-kernel-commons recently, but I can't lsmod nvidia, or if I change 'nv' reference in Xfree config to "nvidia"...then X won't load [08:12] Yes but what about from my windows system [08:12] Yone: http://www.apt-get.org/ [08:12] I can't seem to see my ubuntu system [08:12] there just two files in it...and u need to edit a couple lines at the top of pyfi_monitor.py [08:12] Yone: dont bother just go to www.winehq.com [08:12] pie fie, lol [08:12] Kamion: it doesn't look like there's a forcedeth module on the warty preview. If it's on Sounder 9, I'll give that a shot after I've downloaded the CD [08:12] wop, do you have samba installed? [08:12] Wop: install the "samba" package [08:12] :) [08:12] punkass: should i download the GTK or Motif package of Azureus [08:12] gtk [08:12] samba? [08:13] winehq has a rep for me to add to my sources? [08:13] Would apt-get install samba work? [08:13] when i want to install ubuntu, i geht the message: "couldn't retrieve bsdutils" -> bad cd [08:13] can anybody help me please? [08:13] Wop: a server that implements the Windows SMB (SaMBa, geddit) file sharing protocol (aka. NetBIOS, Lanmanager and "what's all this broadcast traffic making the network so slow?") === Yone looks over apt-get.org & winehq [08:14] BillT: hm, should be in the nic-extra-modules udeb, let me look === gommans [~memgomman@] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] Wop: yup, or aptitude install samba, or select samba in the package manager from the computer/system configuration menu [08:14] thank you [08:14] I have installed ubuntu today. [08:14] BillT: it's not in the initrd, but if you run past "loading installer components from CD" in the UI, it should be there [08:15] Yone: no just go to www.winehq.com and download the package then use dpkg to install it [08:15] or better compile it from cvs [08:15] i have downloadet de ubuntu .iso file twice, burned the cd 4 times with every image but none of them works ;/ [08:15] i recommend the last option [08:15] I have problems getting on the internet with my ethernet adsl-modem using dhcp. How do I get started? === evilstoy [HydraIRC@cmung3747.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] BillT: (the installer is basically a mini-distribution that builds itself up on the fly, so not everything is there right at the start) [08:15] (Keybuk): I have installed it and found it on my network. Although it won't let me login. [08:16] Wop: (could you disable the colours, please? they look funny on some terminals) [08:16] ah sorry [08:16] s'ok [08:16] Keybuk, I have installed it and found it on my network. Although it won't let me login. [08:16] there ;P [08:16] elim: i see, i need to read some more about doing cvs... [08:16] Kamion: cool, that makes sense. Yep, that did the trick. Thanks! [08:17] I have problems getting on the internet with my ethernet adsl-modem using dhcp. How do I get started? === neighborlee [~neighborl@d1-226.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] gommans adsl modem from austria? [08:17] BillT: good stuff [08:17] Wop: on your Ubuntu system, you'll need to run "smbpasswd" and set yourself a password for accessing via Windows [08:18] okay [08:18] nope it is a copperjet modem, I use it in the netherlands and it works like a charm running mepis and suse. === Se7h /|\ NHEKS [08:18] How would I setup the username? [08:19] punkass: is there anywork around for a university resnet that has every port blocked? bit torrent cant communicate with my ports :( [08:19] Wop: it'll be the username on your system [08:19] well [08:19] i can't get wine from apt-get [08:19] it seems to set my username as DOMAIN/username when I attempt to login [08:19] Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package. [08:19] Suggestions getting adsl running? [08:20] Atticus: not as far as i know... [08:20] Wop: that's just a windows thing [08:20] yea ohio state sucks [08:20] bah [08:20] Any idea on how to disable that? [08:20] just stick your username in there, I don't think it matters though === Se7h reboot [08:20] i did a port snif and they have every port 1 thru 65,xxx blocked [08:21] Atticus: lol well they have them covered.. [08:21] punkass: yea looks like im screwed haha [08:21] I have problems getting on the internet with my ethernet adsl-modem using dhcp. How do I get started? [08:21] Atticus: i think you can still get torrents but just really slow [08:22] punkass: yea, i had the problem at home until i configured port forwarding in my router [08:22] Atticus: exactly [08:22] punkass it used ndiswrapper ? [08:22] 1 kb/s download [08:22] tof_ oh sorry..that was for me...forgot to comment that out [08:22] punkass: is there a way that i can make a shortcut that will open azureus [08:22] bah [08:22] Cant get it to login >.> [08:23] right click the desktop and 'Create Lancher' then just point it to azureus [08:23] Wop: if you do "smbclient -U your-username -L your-ubuntu-machine-name" does it accept the password you just set? === hypn0 [~chatzilla@host81-7-63-75.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] punkass: do i point to the .jar file? [08:24] nope =\ [08:24] tof_: it should work with any driver.. [08:24] is there a ubuntu like cd yet [08:24] *live cd [08:24] just comment it out..or change it to the driver you use if you want it to load it [08:25] Wop: try "sudo smbpasswd your-username" ... and set it that way [08:25] Atticus: yup i think so [08:25] SO NOONE CAN HELP ME? [08:25] OK I WILL TRY WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS [08:25] gommans: do u have to register your mac addy with your provider? === Oolong [~swan@63-228-161-84.cdrr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] nope. [08:25] Wop: did the smbclient return anything, or did it just bail out? === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] my modem works as a dhcp server. [08:25] Well it had be input a password [08:26] your modem does? [08:26] un-frigging-believable. ubuntu is going to install on this nasty old piece of crap automatically [08:26] jblack: hooray [08:26] punkass: yes, I get an ip adress like [08:26] then it returned Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[WINDOWS 5..] [08:26] etc [08:26] well I can't find nvidia-glx under Synatic...and I have its dependancies listed at the Wiki binaryHOWTO page [08:26] punkass: i recieved this message Details: Failed to execute child process "/home/xxxxx/azureus/" (Permission denied) [08:27] Wop: ?!?! your Ubuntu machine said it was a Windows machine ?! [08:27] I used the pump command using other distro's or it worked out of the box. Just not under mdk 10 and now ubuntu. [08:27] lol [08:27] sudo chown Atticus:users /path/to/azureus.jar [08:27] Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Windows 5.1] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager] [08:27] how do I configure it? [08:27] Wop: that's not your Ubuntu machine [08:27] yes i know [08:28] that is when i type [08:28] you said you couldn't get from your windows machine *to* your ubuntu machine [08:28] yeah === wobbler [wobbler@] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] ok, no clue hey. === neighborlee [~neighborl@d1-226.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] punkass: i got it ;) [08:28] anyone have an idea where to get the nvidia-glx module from? ...i am so frustrated... [08:28] so do the smbclient command with the ubuntu machine as the target; it's a way of sanity checking it [08:28] gommans: sorry..i dont know much abou adsl [08:29] Atticus: good stuff [08:29] well [08:29] I got it [08:29] No problem. Seeya guys. I will have a try or put back my mepis-backup. [08:29] has anyone seen messages about : VFS: no ext3 partitions found < when booting after install?..I used reiserfs so this is strange ;-)) ??? [08:29] I did the sudo passwd username [08:29] worked :) [08:29] afk sec [08:29] Wop: can you now get from your windows machine to it? \\machine should ask for a username + password ... put the right things in, and you should see a share named after your user [08:30] yeah [08:30] neighborlee: probably just trying to guess the partition type, doesn't seem like anything to worry about [08:30] there is nothing cooler than browsing the folders via ssh in nautilus === martin [~martin@h66-59-186-113.gtconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] Kamion, why would it have to guess anything when its clear from the install what choice I made ;-)...okay if you say so but i'm not sure the logic is sound [08:31] Kamion, should I bug this ? [08:32] if you describe exactly where in the boot process it occurs (context, etc.) [08:32] at that point it's possible that the system does not have access to e.g. /etc/fstab, although in theory the initrd ought to know ... [08:33] Kamion, alright ill check when I get back into linux..had to do some invoicing stuff till I get this crappy .mdb converted over for mysql or something ;( [08:33] Kamion,my choice of msaccess years ago is haunting me now sadly ;-).... [08:33] Kamion, are you heading down to the Linux Expo in London? [08:33] I am trying to ghost my machine so that i can put anotherone in my bedroom. but after i ghost it all I get is grub scrolling forever. Symantic gave me a help to fix it, but need a linux rescue disk. does anyone know where I get get one [08:34] k rebooting and ill let you know in a bit.... [08:35] jono: when is it? [08:35] anyone have some ideas [08:35] oct 6th and 7th - stuart langridge and I are heading down for some beers [08:35] Kamion, you should come down :) [08:36] jono: might nip down for socializing in the evening [08:36] probably won't make it to the expo itself but beers are always welcome :) [08:36] probably the 7th, I have karate lessons on Monday [08:37] Kamion, we have to go at about 7pm on the 7th, but we will meet up for sure [08:37] Kamion, I do karate too - which belt and style are you? === jono does GKR and is about to do his Green belt [08:37] white, I have had two lessons so far :-) [08:37] not exactly expert [08:37] Kamion, cool, which club? [08:38] shokotan [08:38] cool [08:38] Kamion: You mean shotokan? :) [08:38] or that [08:38] the 6th is on a wednesday, is there no way you can make it for the big beers that night? [08:38] they will be *big* beers :) [08:38] sorry, didnt read faq 1st time, but where is the live cd, not in downloads [08:38] I will buy you a pint for your help today :) [08:38] jono: oh, I'm just incapable of driving cal, yes, I'll come down on Wednesday evening then [08:39] Kamion, cool [08:39] anyone be able to help me ot [08:39] out [08:40] martin: you want to make a floppy with grub-floppy, iirc [08:40] thanks [08:40] hypn0: withdrawn for the moment as it wasn't ready for release at preview time, it'll be back shortly [08:41] ok :-) [08:41] I keep getting write permission errors when I try to transfer a file over my network from my windows -> ubunto samba system [08:41] Do I have to set certain permissions to be allowed to transfer files over to my unbuntu machine? === cybrjackle|lappy [~cybrjackl@CPE-65-28-47-173.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] martin: or you could try http://www.google.com/search?q=linux+rescue+cd : first link ;) === kagou [~kagou@AMontpellier-251-1-29-116.w83-113.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] hi guys [08:45] Wop: yes, look at the /etc/samba/smb.conf file; it says read-only on the [homes] section. === free [~free@81-208-74-187.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] does someone has succesfully installed java from http://z42.de ? [08:47] j2se-package jdk-1_5_0-linux-i586.bin [08:47] Creating temporary directory: /tmp/j2se-package.XXXXfR6IUH [08:47] Loading plugins: blackdown-j2re.sh blackdown-j2sdk.sh common.sh j2re.sh j2sdk.sh j2se.sh sun-j2re.sh sun-j2sdk.sh [08:47] No matching plugin was found. === lyp|train is now known as lypanov === Dave [~blue_tech@pcp09830877pcs.santamaria.ca.santam.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:48] Hmmm. The install could use a countdown time on waiting for reboot. [08:49] Scognito: yes, but i tried it with j2re-1_4_2_05-linux-i586.bin [08:49] what are the plugin he wants? === neighborlee [~neighborl@d1-226.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] jblack: not supposed to take long; which stage exactly? [08:52] Scognito, i'v succesfully installed 1.5 [08:53] kagou, have you used j2se-package ? [08:53] after the initial packages are intalled, the cd is ejected, and it asks you to hit enter to reboot. [08:53] i think the totem movie player is really bugged, it wont play wmv or mpeg or mgp [08:53] yes [08:53] mpg* [08:53] what's the point about asking me to reboot? :) [08:53] Atticus, install mplayer [08:54] scognito, where from [08:54] do you have p3 ? [08:54] i made a package of it [08:54] no p4 3.2ghz [08:54] sorry Scognito i'v installed java with http://serios.net/content/debian/java.php [08:54] Atticus, deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main === WX [~chris@dhcp-19-157.engr.scu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] add this to /etc/apt/sources.list [08:55] Atticus: install totem-xine [08:55] via apt-get [08:55] kagou, going there [08:56] then use the ftp apt site that Scognito said === StoneTable [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] punkass: i dont know how to apt-get [08:58] use synaptic === ndowens [~ndowens@] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] hey [08:58] search for totem-xine [08:58] sup [08:58] punkass: should i remove the totem thats currently installed [08:58] i'm getting apt-get update errors and in case its something someone should know about here it is ::: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) [08:58] Reading Package Lists... Done [08:59] i believe that synaptic will do it for you [08:59] what's the address in /etc/apt/sources.list neighborlee [09:00] ndowens, should I PM you or paste the line(s) in here [09:00] pm === [SemTeX] [luc@217-114-212-17.kunde.vdserver.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] ok === Keybuk [scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] <[SemTeX] > mmmm [09:01] punkass: sweet totem-xine works like a charm [09:01] <[SemTeX] > something is going wrong after my last apt-get upgrade [09:01] how would i go about mounting an sftp or ftp connection? [09:01] <[SemTeX] > Extracting templates from packages: 100% [09:01] <[SemTeX] > Preconfiguring packages ... [09:02] <[SemTeX] > and nothing happens... [09:02] yeah gstreamer will be good, but its a little behind right now [09:02] i prefere mplayer [09:02] i dont really need a full functioned media player, just something that will get the job done === Makeio [~makeio@77.Red-80-32-109.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] and supports all formats === _AP [alex2@alex.agnon.net] has joined #ubuntu === chutwig [~edmundrhu@pool-151-204-82-236.delv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] if you are a newbe totem xine is good for you [09:03] cool [09:03] yea im a major noob haha [09:03] my first day with linux [09:04] compliments :) [09:04] and i must say, im impressed [09:04] hope yu are enjoying === Treenaks_ [martijn@cl-539.ams-01.nl.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] you picked an excellent distro to begin with [09:04] i am enjoying its alot of fun [09:04] Atticus: these guys have done a great job with ubuntu [09:04] crimsun, slackware is easyer === Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] crimsun, i read a review for this distro on extremetech.com and they recommended it so i thought id give it a shot since i was looking for a good distro to try out. [09:05] ahhahah i'm joking [09:05] lol [09:05] punkass: yea this is a very slick OS [09:05] good, cos i almost hit return with a retort =P [09:05] what's wrong with slack? ;) [09:05] now if only more games would become available on linux === theantix [~ryan@80.198.novustelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] inklingx, i joked telling it is easier than ubuntu [09:06] Atticus, something is avaiable yet [09:06] ut2004 and others [09:06] Atticus: look at applications/games: do you get thet in xp ;) [09:07] i have UT2004, i might try to install it... one question though will i need to get a better ati driver to play? [09:07] Scognito: np -> didn't you see the ";)" :p [09:07] :))) [09:07] Atticus: probably [09:08] do any of you run unreal 2k4 with an ati card? [09:08] i have a p3 [09:08] the maximum i can play is a 640x480 quake3 === fragg [~luis@121.red-212-97-188.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] i have p4 3.2ghz 1gb ram and radeon 9800xt [09:09] would unreal run ok on this distro? [09:09] with those specs [09:09] i would be quite depressed if it didn't === DJCobol [~chris@c-24-11-17-142.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] it runs great on my windows [09:10] fixed === ndowens [~ndowens@] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] Atticus: yeah it runs fine [09:11] is there a how-to out there on how to use apt-get? I'm used to emerge with gentoo and need some help getting going here [09:11] DJCobol: you can use synatpic...a nice GUI interface [09:11] <|trey|> DJCobol: umm, man apt-get ... man apt-cache for starters === ndowens [~ndowens@] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] DJCobol: man apt-get ; but basically: apt-get update updates the list of available packages, apt-get install foo installs foo, apt-get upgrade safely upgrades everything it can, apt-get dist-upgrade updates everything === ctrlz [~ctrlz@ip24-254-113-237.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] is there a search like emerge -s in gentoo? trying to install ethereal and its says not found [09:13] <|trey|> thom: upgrade upgrades packages that won't change package set... dist-upgrade will edit package set... [09:13] <|trey|> DJCobol: man apt-get cache like I said [09:13] DJCobol: try http://survivor.sarovar.org/ [09:13] apt-cache search "term" [09:13] <|trey|> DJCobol: Don't be lazy [09:13] <|trey|> thom: don't tell him so exact! [09:13] Is there a way to add a custom launcher to the Applications menu? [09:13] lol [09:14] thanks [09:14] <|trey|> Atticus: yes [09:14] |trey|: why be unable when it took me lest to type than you? [09:14] s/unable/unhelpful [09:14] <|trey|> thom: because when he looks at your text, he learned nothing more... === xabbott [~xabbott@c-24-129-44-44.se.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] |trey|: how? [09:14] Atticus: open application menu and right lick === jhawkinsvalrico [~jhawkins@6532198hfc06.tampabay.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [09:14] er click [09:14] <|trey|> thom: people don't tend to hold stuff in if they are just told to do stuff... [09:14] |trey|: the first thing i said was "man apt-get" [09:14] |trey|: 'man apt-get cache' might not help though :) [09:15] punkass: it will not allow me to right click [09:15] <|trey|> Kamion: umm, I said man apt-cache ;) [09:15] |trey|: being helpful as well hardly hurts [09:15] 20:13 < |trey|> DJCobol: man apt-get cache like I said [09:15] not on the main menu but the sub menu that opens [09:15] ah, you said the right thing earlier though [09:15] <|trey|> Kamion: oh, bah, I just woke up :/ [09:15] punkass: ok got it === yusufg [~yusufg@210-177-227-130.outblaze.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] <|trey|> punkass: pay peticular notice to "hold" features of apt... very useful... also /j #debian-bots and type /msg dpkg hold for a fairly good quick explaination... [09:18] Hello, I recently installed ubuntu. Everything is fine until I reboot after installation. Grub attempts to load and then just hangs...I never get the menu. === Chriffer [~nargojojo@pcp01379838pcs.levtwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] <|trey|> Someone really ought to convince someone to let the bots come here... dpkg(brief howto's) is very useful, as is debhelper(mainly just protects against floods etc) === Treenaks [martijn@cl-539.ams-01.nl.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] xabbott, hmm sounds to me like a bad install unfortunately [09:19] |trey|, agreed [09:20] <|trey|> xabbott: funny thing it... ubuntu doesn't even show you the menu enless you want to see it ;) [09:20] |trey|, bots are VERY helpful...especially in case someone decides to cuss or something === reformed [~benl@junkybox.pacific.net.au] has joined #Ubuntu [09:20] <|trey|> neighborlee: eh, thats a lame use of a bot :/ [09:20] is there anyway to extract a self extracting exe file in ubuntu? [09:20] just unzip it I believe [09:20] Should I do anything different when I reinstall? Like manage the partitions myself? Should I be using a daily build? [09:20] |trey|, is there any other way to do such things? [09:20] <|trey|> Atticus: umm... wine :/ [09:20] Atticus: [09:20] neighborlee: good community leaders [09:21] |trey|, i'm just saying we use a bot to keep cussing down... [09:21] Kamion, irrelevant [09:21] neighborlee: very relevant [09:21] tvon: no option to unzip [09:21] Kamion, IF those leaders aren't 'there' how can it work [09:21] Atticus: What do you mean? [09:21] Atticus: "unzip self-extracting-zip.exe" [09:21] <|trey|> neighborlee: oh.. well ok, I usually don't spend time in anal channels :/ [09:21] neighborlee: why d'you think all the Ubuntu community council hang out on IRC? :-) [09:21] Atticus: that doesnt work? [09:21] Kamion: we use a bot for the time when most members are gone and can't keep things under control..its a just in case scenario of cousre [09:22] Atticus: I'm talking about a command line too, not file-roller or any GUI app [09:22] |trey|, well you know murphys law ;-=))..'stuff happens' even on good channels [09:22] <|trey|> Kamion: seriously though, if you want a different name for the bot... they have the factoid database online, so ubuntu folks can customize it etc too :) [09:22] neighborlee: I think we'd rather not have automatically enforced stuff like that, it tends to produce bad results [09:22] Kamion, well i'm glad the channel is ran so well...;-))..glad you have the numbers to do so [09:22] xabbott: did you try reinstalling ubuntu? is ubuntu the only os on you hd? [09:22] for now, at least :) [09:22] tvon: hmm maybe its not a self extracting file... it didnt work [09:23] do any of you have an nes rom you could send me haha [09:23] Atticus: I think that should work. It is likely an installer or something along those lines..though I could be wrong about it normally working [09:23] Kamion, it can yes...but those cussing should know better anyway so I have little sympathy ;-) [09:23] im trying to test the emuloator i just downloaded [09:23] <|trey|> Kamion: dpkg's database is online, it enforces nothing... I would advice taking out the ~lart stuff etc though... [09:23] <|trey|> (dpkg the bot) [09:23] neighborlee: "Scunthorpe" === cybrjackle|lappy [~cybrjackl@CPE-65-28-47-173.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] is there a way to view my windows partitions from within ubuntu [09:24] (classic case where curse detectors fail amusingly) [09:24] so i can access files [09:25] <|trey|> Atticus: man mount [09:25] neighborlee: in any case we don't want to treat people on this channel with babies; the point is treating people with respect, not a narrow-minded focus on cursing) [09:25] er, s/with/like/, my typing is going downhill [09:25] |trey|: is that easy? [09:25] <|trey|> Atticus: we're not here to hold your hand... google is your friend... [09:25] <|trey|> Atticus: yes, its easy [09:25] sorry [09:26] great work on ubuntu! [09:26] Atticus: we'll probably be putting something into the installer before release to do that automatically, if I have time; Hoary will I think have a graphical interface to mounting partitions === xcasex [~xcasex@h151.hn.student.liu.se] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] inklingx: i have xp on hda1 and i was putting ubuntu on hdb. [09:27] <|trey|> Kamion: *coughborrowthewayyastdoesitifpossiblecough* its the best detection I have seen :) [09:27] my dvdrw device does not get detected by udev. any pointers? [09:27] inklingx: i will try reinstalling i guess. [09:27] Kamion: that is good to hear, awesome work by the way im really liking ubuntu [09:28] Kamion, scunthorpe ? ;-) [09:28] |trey|: generally things like that don't transfer well, but in any case we already have operating system detection, it's a matter of wiring it into the thing that spits out fstab [09:28] neighborlee: 20:24 < Kamion> (classic case where curse detectors fail amusingly) [09:28] <|trey|> Atticus: right now, its Debian with gnome 2.6, not much to be saying you like Yet (tm) ;) [09:28] |trey|: this is my first experience with linux, ever haha [09:29] Scunthorpe is a town in England, but also contains a swear-word; IIRC Compuserve once accidentally banned people from saying it [09:29] <|trey|> Kamion: Joey Hess was saying yesturday that d-i attempts that... never tried a dual boot with it though, so I don't know how successful it is :( [09:29] trey: 2.8 you mean === PoW [~pow@c-24-126-110-103.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #Ubuntu [09:29] Kamion, lol [09:29] |trey|: right, it does, generally works well [09:29] <|trey|> Zindaren: I was only 2 keys off :/ [09:29] |trey|: certainly detects a freshly installed Windows XP, I tried it yesterday [09:29] xabbott: so you have 2 drives? [09:29] trey: :) [09:30] inklingx: yes [09:30] yeah.. me too... dual booting works fine [09:30] xabbott: ok, just checking [09:30] <|trey|> Kamion: thats good to hear... likely to be attempting to use rw on ntfs, or is that still too risky? [09:30] |trey|: don't believe the kernel supports read/write NTFS [09:30] I have two drives also, and i was having problems with dual boot.. grub wasnt loading and windows just automatically started loading [09:31] inklingx: i was just trying to find out if this was common problem. [09:31] i have windows and ubuntu on the same drive [09:31] <|trey|> Kamion: it does, says "experimental" though :/ [09:31] |trey|: as I understand it, you can do it as long as you don't create, delete, or change the size of any files. :-) === vincent [~vincent@bonnefoy-3-82-224-105-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] <|trey|> Atticus: GO SEARCH ON GOOGLE, we will help clearify things you don't understand, but telling you how isn't helpful [09:32] |trey|: calm down, please ... [09:32] |trey|: i wasnt asking for help, i was stating my problem... [09:32] <|trey|> Kamion: hah... pretty much... they certainly don't use the "experimental" tag lightly ;) [09:32] Atticus: there is a known bug about that, I think, it's something to do with the drive order in grub [09:32] hey anyone seen the Yoper site? "Yoper is not dead, but I am on strike today." [09:32] kamion: thanks i will look into that [09:32] Atticus: I believe it's assigned to me (cjwatson@canonical.com) if you want to search for it [09:33] and it's dated october 1st 2004 [09:33] <|trey|> xabbott: *coughnoonecaresaboutyoppercough* [09:33] kamion: ok thanks [09:33] |trey|: ::nods:: [09:34] ok, i know this is a 'stupid question', but where the heck does debconf defaults get set in d-i, which udeb holds them? [09:34] dieman: which defaults? it depends ... [09:34] |trey|, yoper ? [09:34] <|trey|> dieman: umm, cdebconf.udev would likely be a good guess :/ [09:34] cdebconf-udeb is the implementation of debconf we use, but doesn't generally contain defaults [09:35] <|trey|> neighborlee: a pos distro that was popular beginning of last yeah, then people saw how bad it sucked, and things returned to normal :/ [09:35] defaults tend to go in the individual packages [09:35] heh [09:35] <|trey|> Kamion: note, I stated "guess" ;) [09:35] Kamion: im interested in how the 'anna/choose_modules=archive-copier' mentioned in a earlier sounder release is set [09:35] dieman: you mean the translation of kernel boot parameters to debconf answers? [09:36] dieman: rootskel/src/sbin/env2debconf [09:36] <|trey|> Kamion: yup, in the postinst scripts... kinda a pain when DD's decide not to populate those scripts though :( [09:36] Kamion: oh, is the archive-copier thing done from the boot cd via a kernel boot param? :) [09:36] Kamion, any known problems with the 'TOSHIBA' 'DVD-ROM SD-R2312' model in ubuntu/udev? [09:36] |trey|: rather more usually it's in templates === nemo [~nemo@static-] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] dieman: I made it be selected by default by putting it in /.disk/udeb_include on the CD [09:37] Kamion: ok [09:37] dieman: which is an anna-specific hack [09:37] <|trey|> Kamion: stupid question kinda... how simular is the udev implementation in fedora compared to ubuntu? are faq's etc pretty much applicable to both? [09:37] |trey|: should imagine so, modulo version differences [09:37] xcasex: not that I know of, but I haven't had any experience with it [09:37] <|trey|> Kamion: good good, was wondering if I wasted that time last night :) [09:38] |trey|: postinsts are often not there if there's nothing to do in them, nothing wrong with that ... [09:38] Kamion, ah it doesnt seem to work whatsoever with udev [09:38] <|trey|> udev sounds very very nice... [09:38] although they have to be there for a package using debconf, to source the confmodule if nothing else === minghua [~minghua@danube.mems.rice.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] xcasex: people are confusing "udev" and "udeb" here ... === chrisa [~chris@nullcode.org] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] <|trey|> Kamion: wierd, kde 3.3 (while it was in experimental) had one empty postinst script, and due to it, something I didn't even really want made it impossible to install... bitched at calc about it, so I remember it quite well :) [09:39] kamion, hmm? === gwolf [~gwolf@gwolf.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] <|trey|> He said "the packages weren't meant for actual use" :'( === Micksa [~mslade@203-217-18-166.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] whoa [09:40] that was quick [09:40] <|trey|> last time I was running kde actually :/ [09:40] uhm, are you all developers? :) [09:40] <|trey|> Micksa: nope... but the ones that seem intelligent tend to be ;) [09:40] Micksa, no :-) [09:41] |trey|: well, experimental is what it says on the tin :) === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-54.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] <|trey|> Kamion: I expect things to be broken, but not even installable? I think I deserve the right to at least try breaking my box :( [09:42] |trey|: difference between a bug report and bitching, as ever :-) === JefPober [~jefpober@d51A55704.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === Makeio [~makeio@77.Red-80-32-109.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] <|trey|> Kamion: calc is the maintainer, was as good as a bugreport :) [09:42] wow, i just installed ubuntu and it really kicks ass [09:43] JefPober, I agree :D [09:43] Kamion: bascially, im looking into how im going to preseed d-i here. most likely going to have someone put in the network info manually and then have it interrogate a cgi script for the data [09:43] JefPober: yes it does [09:43] Kamion: i've implemented a cgi script to do so for autoinstall, so porting it for d-i will be a simple matter. :) === |trey| can't wait to see how people react to hoary if they already like warty 8-) [09:43] dieman: preseeding is unlikely to work too well in warty at the moment I'm afraid [09:44] we haven't backported joeyh's many changes [09:44] ahh [09:44] well, i'll try anyhow [09:44] <|trey|> Kamion: spent a long time reading about that too... didn't realize just how much d-i kicked ass :) [09:44] dieman: if it's a priority for you, give us a shout [09:44] Kamion: is there a good list of ubuntu specific answers or are they all under the 'ubuntu/' tree? [09:45] I think ubuntu/install-type is about the only Ubuntu-specific thing at the moment, and you don't really need to bother with that [09:45] yeah [09:45] thats all i see too [09:45] ok [09:45] i plan on having to redo the base-config and muck with some udebs locally, anyhow === Yuval [~tanny@] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] need it to be able to get autofs/nis enabled before the first boot, for instance === andred [~andre@h92n4fls310o1120.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] I installed ubuntu on a laptop and I have a problam with my net card driver. I have 3Com 3c556B Card. [09:48] Is it just me, or does the file picker always default to the users Documents folder? [09:49] I think 3c59x is for this network card === aj__ [~aj@191-208.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] hello every1 [09:50] Hi aj__ === chrisa [~chris@nullcode.org] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [09:51] command 0x3002 did not complete! status=0xffff [09:51] I get it when I try dhclient [09:52] knoppix or mandrake worked ok with this laptop === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] check if your network card module is loaded [09:53] it is. I get it from lsmod [09:54] Yuval: try options 3c59x enable_wol=1 in /etc/modules [09:55] Ok, I'll try it. === jonathaN [jonathan@beacon.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] I think it doesn't workm but I'll try to restart. [09:57] kamion: is it possible to edit the grub config to change drive order [09:58] It doesn't work. === holger [~holger@p62.246.83.44.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu === BigInJapan [~bij@wbs-207-219.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === baietas [~baietas@CPE00095b6cf17d-CM000f9f7d5d12.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] Yuval: maybe this thread has a solution: http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0110.3/1027.html ? [10:01] Hey.. when i play mp3's in rythmbox or XMMS, they just go by really fast without sound... in totem-Xine they play fine... [10:01] Has anyone managed to set up Mathematica on Ubuntu? [10:04] BigInJapan: which version you using? === gwolf [~gwolf@] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] anyone knows what could be wrong with my mp3 decoding library? [10:05] BigInJapan: mathematica starts up fine here. [10:06] Um [10:06] Well [10:06] I need to decide which version to download. [10:06] Will "Linux - PC" work ? [10:06] oh [10:06] dono [10:06] i dont install it here, its just installed on an nfs mount [10:06] it should work, as far as i know [10:06] I've got running on XP [10:06] I'll try to install new kernel [10:08] Are the Ubuntu CDs still on schedule? === gwolf [~gwolf@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:08] when i play mp3's in rythmbox or XMMS, they just go by really fast without sound... in totem-Xine they play fine... wnyone know why? === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu === BxCx is now known as BxCx|Tortas [10:12] baietas: could try to reregister gstreamer === MoisesC [~moisesc@9.Red-213-96-165.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] gst-register [10:14] i don't have it === cubeness [~cube@170-215-49-81.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] baietas: make sure xmms is using alsa [10:15] there is a way to make rythmbox to use alsa to..can remember the command [10:15] yeeey works!! !:) thank you :) Rythmbox needs gstreamer right? [10:15] oh ok [10:15] well that sucks.. i installed ubuntu, ran synaptic to grab/install updates and now gnome hangs on load [10:15] can = cant === manou [~manou@AMontpellier-205-1-37-188.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === _AP is now known as AP [10:17] anyone know the command to bring up the dialog box that lets you select Alsa for Gnome to use [10:18] punkass, I didn't know that there was one in Gnome [10:18] punkass, your not thinking of KDE by chance ? [10:19] punkass: gstreamer-properties === ajollyswami [~matt@] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] thom, coll I didn't know about that thnks [10:20] err thanks [10:20] ah thats the one thanks === HcE_ [~hc@66.80-202-212.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] np [10:20] baietas: you should be able to run gstreamer-properties === sc12 [~scott@ool-182de40e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] and change output to Alsa [10:21] Has anyone had trouble with the latest updates of Ubuntu? After installing I cannot get passed the loading screen when GNOME launches. === Netminder [~mcroydon@pcp05133460pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] rock [10:22] sc12, no I upgraded this morning and all is working jsut fine [10:22] partman-auto is *so* nice [10:22] sc12: someone mentioned that about 1min ago [10:22] i wonder if it something they 'just' changed === HcE_ is now known as HcE [10:24] Strange I installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu without the upgrades and all works fine on my Inspiron 8500 minus the screen res. Still having trouble getting my Nvidia card to display over 640x480. So decided to do the latest update and now I'm hung during login. [10:25] sc12, lemme guess.. you login, gnome starts to load, but just sits there [10:26] i have the saem issue [10:26] That is it. [10:26] I know Ive seen this before in Gnome but cannot remember what it was. [10:27] sc12, maybe there's an error message in your ~/.xsession-errors? === sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu === Decayer [~daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] Nothing much in xsession to give me any clues. === Atticus [~anon@rdrt-164-107-205-166.resnet.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu === nojo [~saywhat@pool-138-89-155-118.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] good afternoon [10:29] pitti, upgrading to the utopia packages you uploaded lost my pcmcia card reader icon on the desktop and under "disks" but it still mounts -- you want me to reopen that bug or file a new one? [10:30] theantix: you mean that these icons do not appear any more on plugin? [10:30] theantix: did you log out and back in after the upgrade? Bug #1551 [10:30] pitti, yes but only for pcmcia, usb is fine [10:30] Does anyone know how i can get a boot disk for ubuntu [10:30] I'll logout/login, brb [10:30] mkbootdisk did not work [10:31] Atticus: what do you need it for? [10:31] Atticus: you can use the install CD for repairing === sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] im thinking maybe he can't boot from cd? === theantix [~ryan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] Correct, the cd has no option for repair [10:33] nojo: ah, you want a boot _floppy_? Ugh [10:33] yep [10:33] since the cd does not have an option for that [10:33] nojo: I suppose you have to format one and do an install-grub /dev/fd0 [10:33] aha not me pitti Atticus [10:33] lol [10:33] haha [10:33] nojo: then you should put an appropriate /boot/menu.lst on the CD [10:34] nojo: sorry [10:34] Atticus: see ^^ [10:34] ahah its ok [10:34] Pitti: how do i edit the menu.lst [10:34] pitti: this is my first day ever using linux [10:34] Atticus: oh, sorry [10:34] hehe [10:34] pitti: i need a boot disk because my GRUB for some reason or another doesnt load when i restart my pc and it goes straight to windows [10:35] Pitti: i am currently in ubuntu though [10:35] did u install windows afterwards? [10:35] no [10:35] if so it prob overwrote the MBR [10:35] oh ok [10:35] well.. i get a missing device /dev/dsp in my xsession-errors [10:35] Atticus: I think just copying /boot/menu.lst from your hard drive to the floppy should work [10:35] i think it may have something to do with partition magic [10:35] but duh, i have no soundcard installed [10:35] Atticus oh u dont have that boot magic stuff sintaleld do u [10:36] nope [10:36] just partition magic [10:36] when i ran partition magic in windows it said it "fixed" my partition because it had "errors" on it [10:36] im thinking it may have fixed my mbr >< [10:36] Kamion: ahh, now that im reading through how preseed came to be it looks like joeyh did all of it in like the last two months :| [10:36] lol [10:37] and wuts the reason why u cant boot off the cd..old bios? [10:37] the cd doesnt have a boot option.... [10:37] 4.10 preview release [10:37] eh? [10:38] pitti: whats the command to install grub to the floppy [10:38] sudu install-grub /dev/fd0 did not work [10:38] sudo** [10:38] Atticus: it should be 'sudo grub-install /dev/fd0' [10:38] install-grub: command not found [10:39] Atticus: okay: sudo /sbin/grub-install /dev/fd0 [10:39] Format of install_device not recognized. [10:40] the floppy is in linux native ex2 [10:40] foramt the disk [10:40] iti s [10:41] hehe [10:41] do it again [10:42] mkfs.ext3 /dev/fd0 [10:42] hmm.. looks like gnome is failing when it tries to start esound, but i dont want any sound (for now, no soundcard).. how do i tell gnome not to bother trying esd? [10:42] or fd wherever yoru floppy drive is [10:42] just make sure it's unchecked in the sound panel [10:42] don't bother with esound [10:42] mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy === theantix [~ryan@80.198.novustelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] cd /mnt/floppy [10:42] mkdir boot [10:42] cd boot [10:42] mkdir grub [10:42] chutwig, kinda tought o uncheck things when gnome wont load [10:43] if you haven't customized anything about gnome you could just junk ~/.gnome2 === free [~free@81-208-74-187.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === Tritoch|L [~tritoch@ka45c.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] pitti, restarting Gnome didn't help -- it seems to not even mount the disk any longer [10:44] then copy the images to the directory [10:45] nojo: when i type mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy i get this message :mount: mount point /mnt/floppy does not exist [10:45] theantix: okay, do you have a minute for debugging? === ajollyswami [~matt@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:45] pitti, yes [10:45] theantix: can you pleas open the device manager and see what happens? [10:45] well gnome still doesnt start.. i get the ubuntu splash, and nothing more.. no icons light up across bottom.. nothing [10:45] Atticus: ok then mont it somewheer else or do mkdir /mnt/floppy first [10:46] pitti, for some reason it's no longer in the computer->system configuration menu -- what should I input at a terminal? [10:46] theantix: ah, sorry [10:46] theantix: please install the package 'hal-device-manager' [10:47] theantix: it has got its own package now === scaroo [~scaroo@f0rk.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] theantix: future CD images will install it by default, it's only a transition problem [10:47] right, I understand === |trey| is really starting to like 'sudo -s' 8) [10:49] Away: ( dinner ) | Since: ( Thu Sep 30 21:49:20 2004 ) Xlack v1.8-pre2. [10:49] pitti, I can't seem to locate the device in hal-device-manager [10:49] theantix: hmm, that's bad. Not even after replugging? === MoisesC [~moisesc@9.Red-213-96-165.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] nojo: install-grub gives me the error command not found [10:50] ack! why in hell wont gnome load after doing an update? [10:50] theantix: can you please try 'sudo /etc/init.d/dbus-1 restart' [10:50] Atticus thast becasue its grub-install [10:50] haha oops [10:50] lol [10:51] <|trey|> pitti: maybe Ubuntu should make hal depend hal-device-manager so they still get the expected things? [10:51] nojo: lol i still get the message format of device is not recognized [10:51] |trey|: don't worry, it will be installed by default [10:51] |trey|: it's not exactly necessary for the system to work, though. Just a nice debugging tool [10:52] <|trey|> pitti: doesn't really help those that are upgrading though, have to think of those people too ;) [10:52] pitti, I can now see it in hal-device-manager, but the device still doesn't show up [10:52] what is a really good web frontend to mrgt? [10:52] hmm [10:52] |trey|: again, people normally don't need it [10:52] What would be the correct apt-get package with gcc and whatnot? [10:52] <|trey|> pitti: need and like are different things though ;) [10:52] |trey|: they can install it if they need it, but anyway, it will be installed by default on future CD images [10:53] Atticus, did ureformat the floppy [10:53] hehe.. well, i WAS enjoying my Ubuntu install.. [10:53] theantix: can you please do 'ps aux|grep volume-manager'? [10:53] nojo: yes into ex3 [10:53] <|trey|> pitti: I suppose... maybe at least stick it in the postinst script though, just make it at least inform a user so they don't come here or the mailing list and complain... less headaches are a good thing imo :) [10:53] pitti, no results found [10:54] theantix: then the gnome volume manager has died [10:54] theantix: this actually only happens when you restart dbus while being logged in (bug #1551) [10:54] theantix: wait, you just did that, didn't you? [10:54] yes I did [10:54] pitti, also starting g-v-m manually fixed it [10:55] theantix: so the problem is known [10:55] theantix: the usual logout/login solution, I'm afraid [10:55] pitty, but why did dbus-1 crash or not start in the first place? This was after a reboot [10:55] <|trey|> pitti: maybe even put it into gnome-system-tools ? (would appear to fit?) [10:56] |trey|: the idea is not bad, could be a Recommends: [10:56] Kamion: poke [10:56] <|trey|> pitti: yes :) [10:56] |trey|: but this thing really does not _do_ anything, it just displays the device tree; lshal also can do that === lypanov [~alex@lyp.xs4all.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [10:56] |trey|: but I won't make it a strict dependency; if a user does not need it, he should be able to uninstall it [10:57] <|trey|> pitti: but this is a desktop distro... blah blah... I've already got in one flame here for recommend someone go to the terminal for something :/ [10:57] in .xsession-errors i get "gnome-smproxy: unable to connect to session manager" === EpheMeroN [~EpheMeroN@ca-ontario-cuda3a-g-47.anhmca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] |trey|: for debugging sessions, giving command line commands and results is IMHO much easier than trying to explain mouse gestures :-) [10:57] |trey|: but in general you are right, yes [10:58] |trey|: we do want to install everything an user needs to work _with_ the computer on his own [10:58] lshal |grep foo isn't so bad === sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] |trey|: as soon as (s)he asks us, we can tell her to install some debugging stuff [10:58] joem: that's what I meant :-) Easier than trying to do a screenshot of everything [10:59] <|trey|> pitti: I understand what you're saying, just making recommendations for people that are using the preview release... would have bothered me if someone vanished without telling me ;) [10:59] pitti, is there anything I should do to continue debugging why I needed to restart dbus-1 before making it work? === makkia [~pietro@host209-54.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] theantix: hmm, if you can reproduce the problem, sure [11:00] okay [11:00] is it possible to use framebuffer while booting (by putting vga=xxx) in grub.conf? [11:00] theantix: but I'm afraid that by restarting dbus you killed all traces :-( [11:00] <|trey|> s/someone/something/ [11:00] JefPober: sure [11:01] JefPober: a nice 132x60 framebuffer is a great thing to work with :-) [11:01] <|trey|> JefPober: yes... its what Fedora does for rhgb :/ [11:01] <|trey|> JefPober: psst, you mean menu.lst though, not changed here yet ;) [11:05] <|trey|> grrr... small complaint... how come evolution's "new" toolbar item still won't get rid of text? If I get rid of text on toolbars, I expect all to go :( === BxCx|Tortas [~BxCx@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === theantix [~ryan@80.198.novustelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] pitti, I can confirm that it doesn't work automatically after a full reboot === cprov [~cprov@81-86-111-202.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] theantix: you just rebooted? [11:06] pitti, yes [11:06] theantix: are hal, dbus and g-v-m running? [11:07] pitti, yes yes and yes [11:08] why does ubuntu think my SATA drive is SCSI? [11:08] theantix: ps ux|grep dbus-launch ? [11:08] pitti, and like before restarting dbus and g-v-m fixed it [11:08] theantix: does it work after the second plugging? [11:09] theantix: the current hal sometimes just eats the first hotplug event; I know this bug and have a patch ready === joem [~joem@c-67-173-77-82.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === LinuxJones [~LJ@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] theantix: but I want to hear upstream's opinion before I upload it [11:10] pitti, I'll reboot again and try to confirm that -- I guess I messed it the debugging up by restarting dbus manually === sivang [~kvirc@] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] theantix: thanks very much. === yuran [~anon@line134-238.adsl.actcom.co.il] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] Is there a way to statically define sound module stuff in ubuntu rather than have it (incorrectly) guess the setup? === theantix [~ryan@80.198.novustelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu === Makeio [~makeio@77.Red-80-32-109.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [11:14] pitti, I'm somewhat surprised and annoyed to see that it Just Worked this time on the first plugin [11:15] pitti, the only thing I changed was that I unplugged my USB device before booting -- that might be the difference === joem [~joem@c-67-173-77-82.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] s/USB device/USB flash card reader/ [11:15] ctd, what is the problem ? === holger [~holger@p62.246.100.223.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] ctd, your not runing the sound module you want ? [11:16] theantix: as I already said, the first plugin is kind of a gamble [11:16] LinuxJones: ubuntu is seeing another sound card that actually isn't a soundcard as such. [11:16] theantix: I saw the same behavior, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't === ggi [~ggi@ggi.base.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] pitti, okay I'll give it a rest now until your next round of patches come in -- thanks a lot =) [11:16] theantix: BTW, if the device is already plugged in at boot, it is not mounted anyway (bug #1499) [11:16] LinuxJones: Loading it first, making it the default. [11:17] pitti, yeah I noticed that too [11:17] ctd, you could edit the /etc/modules.conf and comment the module out if it is in there. [11:17] pitti, if I don't have an fstab entry for a device, you guys use pmount to create a mount point in /media correct? [11:17] theantix: so #1551 and #1499 are known and being worked on; also the "first plug gamble" will be fixed in the next days [11:18] joem: yes [11:18] ctd, are you using alsa ? [11:18] :( [11:18] it isn't doing it for my cdroms [11:18] joem: this seems much more safe and sensible to us than fiddling around with fstab [11:18] LinuxJones: That's the other thing, ubuntu also seems to be loading alsa & oss drivers. [11:18] joem: the CD-ROM entries should be created by the installer [11:19] pitti, I had some ide trouble, and didn't fix it until after install [11:19] joem: our current policy does not allow to pmount IDE devices (security reasons) [11:19] ah ok [11:19] ctd, you can tell alsa to ignore oss by adding oss to the /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/alsa-base file [11:19] joem: hmm, then I guess you have to do that manually for now [11:19] makes sense, I'll create the entrys === Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] ctd, gstreamer-properties might be of some help as well [11:20] Is the Ubuntu site down for anyone else? [11:20] ggi, yes it appear to be down === makkia [~makkia@host209-54.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] http://www.ubuntulinux.org ?? [11:21] bad gw ! [11:22] ggi, yes [11:23] LinuxJones: the hotplug file.. putting something in there should stop it from being auto-loaded? [11:23] ctd, yes it will not load oss modules [11:23] makkia: the wiki is currently down, too [11:23] LinuxJones: What about alsa modules? === Kinnison [~dsilvers@haddenham.pepperfish.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] Hi, is there a possibility to get acpi working on a compaq nx9005 without compiling a new kernel. I tried maybe almost each boot option without success. === RichNRockville [~rich@pcp09409049pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === jensens [~jensens@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:24] hi [11:24] ctd, they should be loading for you automagically. === tambooki [~tambooki@pool-141-155-163-53.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] LinuxJones: But can I tell it not to load a specific one? (i.e, the card that's near-nonexistant?)) === sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] ctd, is it a built in soundcard in your motherboard ? === mwh_ [~mwh@port10.ds1-arve.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] LinuxJones: No, a sound card that's supposedly exists on my tv card. === knarph [~bollocks@kristif.dsl.pdx.spiretech.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] ? on video display running on a toshiba laptop: I install and seems to finish but when It comes up with the ubuntu screen, it is in 1600x600 x8 mode and I would like it in 1024x768. I have to pull the plug as I can't do anything. Any ideas? [11:27] ctd, can you dind the card listed in your /etc/modules.conf file ? [11:27] edit your XF86config-4 file [11:28] LinuxJones: Nope. [11:28] god my typing is horrible [11:28] LinuxJones: The hotplug thing didn't work either [11:28] RichNRockville: that was for you [11:28] ctd, is the card listed in your /etc/modules file ? [11:28] LinuxJones: Nope [11:29] What and where is the xf86config-4 file and how do I edit it. (Please be gentile with me as I am a real newbie at this) === neuro|laptop [~neuro@future-is.orange.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] I can't seem to get anywhere to be able to get to a terminal screen.? [11:29] it is at /etc/X11/XF86config-4 [11:29] RichNRockville, don't worry - your'e not the only one ;) [11:29] RichNRockville: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [11:30] I am on another computer with ubuntu installed and trying to figure out how to get to a terminal screen on my laptop. [11:30] ctd, you could rmmod [11:30] LinuxJones: Yeah, but that's a pain doing that every bootup. [11:30] CTRL+ALT+f2 [11:30] I press escape when the first screen comes up but no choices to get to a terminal screen. === Kamel [debian-tor@] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] ah so u cant boot up yet [11:32] actually if u let it boot up, you should be able to Ctrl+Alt+F2 to a terminal [11:32] ctd, it has to be loading from somwhere dammit :D [11:32] pa, It comes up with a graphics screen but it is not readable or nothing can be done, or at least it doesn't look like there is. [11:32] ctd, let me have a look around [11:32] eh? [11:32] will give the control alt f2 and see what happens. thanks. but the impending question what do I do then :) [11:33] login === joem [~joem@c-67-173-77-82.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] then do: vi /etc/X11/XF86config-4 [11:34] is there an easier text editor than vi for someone to use? [11:34] nano [11:34] nano? [11:34] pa, vi I guess is the editor, I am not a dummy with many of them but what do I do once I get in vi? [11:34] nano. [11:35] ok then do a: sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86conifg-4 [11:35] Is the entire internet broken right now? Or is it just every website I try and visit? [11:35] I guess sudo puts me in root super privs? [11:35] with arrow keys scroll down at look for "1600x600" [11:35] yup [11:35] nano -w when working with config files [11:35] Kinnison: internet works for me. [11:36] joem: thanks..all i ever use is vi [11:36] -w does a backup? [11:36] vim4eva [11:36] Mithrandir: I blame my ISP then :-( [11:36] it disables line wrap [11:36] ah [11:36] which can muck up a config file pretty good [11:36] yeah [11:38] Recap, press ctrl+alt+f2 at prompt sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86config-4 -w ?? [11:38] sudo nano -w /etc/X11/XF86config-4 [11:38] then find 1600x600 and change it to 800x600 or 1024x768 ? [11:39] if u see 1600x600 remove them [11:39] yeah its usually set up like this: [11:39] "1280x1024" "124x768" "800x600" etc [11:39] the first value is usually default [11:40] I am going to try it on this machine to see if I can use ctrl+alt+f2 and go into nano with the -w on the XF86config-4 file here.. [11:42] I tried it on this machine, used the password for root. said it was a new file, so I ctrl x out === neuro|laptop [~neuro@future-is.orange.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [11:43] wonder if I have the name correct /etc/X11/XF86config-4 ? [11:44] RichNRockville, you have it right, I got into it just now === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] Good night! === Wsquared is now known as WW [11:44] I opened a terminal window and typed the sudo nano -w stuff.. wonder if I have the file name incorrect or is there a space before the -4? [11:44] RichNRockville, do you have tab completion turned on? [11:44] RichNRockville, you can use tab completion hit /et and it will fill in the rest for you === cbaoth [foobar@0x50c53f3c.arcnxx15.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === ..[topic/#ubuntu:thom] : FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | Just Works: http://spamusement.com/view.php?id=81 | Website/Wiki down till further notice [11:47] where can i get snes emulators? [11:47] snes9x and gsnes [11:47] google [11:48] i know, i mean debian package [11:48] SA, I just looked at the directory in /etc and there isn't any directory called X11? [11:48] xml ? [11:48] http://packages.debian.org/unstable/games/snes9x-x [11:49] it's in non-free === cprov [~cprov@224-21-161-212.DSL.ONCOLT.COM] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] tnx [11:53] am I becomming another pia? [11:54] RichNRockville: if you can run a window manager, there has to be an /etc/X11 [11:57] For some reason when I do a ls -al (and that's about the limits of my unix talk ) I don't see X11 directory [11:57] how about "ls -ld /etc/X*" [11:58] RichNRockville: In case you are not aware of this... all capital letters will come before all the lower case letters. [11:59] what do you know, Now it is there when I do the ls -ld.. tks.. probably another dummy moment on my part.