[12:00] nVu? [12:00] realtime editing of html in gecko. im just not sure if its the current gecko renderer being used and not mozilla 1.3 gecko [12:00] wm_eddie : i dont think so [12:00] it uses the gui forms of the mozilla-mail and browser ( not firefox ) no qt or kde libs should be needed [12:01] excuse me, but I'm the #ubuntu-fr channel creator, and i === enabl [~enabl@host81-156-250-38.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === uxi9000 [~tom@ip51-159.pc.jmu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] (sorry) 'd like to know who i need to ask for to get the fr.ubuntulinux.org DNS entry [12:01] wm_eddie: dunno, i've had the kde libs lying around for k3b and such, but i don't know if nvu uses them === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] i don't think so though, should be pretty much like mozilla [12:02] I wonder how long I can go without qt on this system. [12:02] stratos, any progress? :-) [12:02] ElRaton: have you tried whois fr.ubuntulinux.org? [12:02] k3b is nice. === syNapse [~tom@ip51-159.pc.jmu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] wm_eddie: obviously you either don't need lyx :) [12:02] or k3b [12:03] mike_w, ;) [12:03] anyone had any luck installing the mono stuff?? [12:03] mike_w, i want to create it [12:03] mike_w, NOT FOUND [12:03] syNapse: http://www.arslinux.com/~jorge/sources.list [12:03] acamargo, some, but i think i forgot to install some mysql component. === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] i'm asleep already. might as well go to bed === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3b99.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [12:04] ElRaton: *shrug* sorry [12:04] Synaptic wouldnt let me pull it. I wanted to try that Tommy app. Thanks. [12:04] stratos, smells like I need a mysql's php module === suzan [~suzan@p5084640D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] indeed [12:04] stratos, but... where is the package? or... what is the package? [12:04] stratos, what packages did you install? [12:05] dunno, i just no that php needs mysql.so, and that my system doesn't have it :) [12:05] and nvu once again does not work. [12:05] thanks for that sources.list, whats it mean when apt returns a Stat error? === housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-048-066.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === superuser_ [superuser@CPE-65-25-254-130.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] Hmm, back to Windows XP.. :( === superuser_ is now known as Aan2343 [12:06] Aan2343: Did you break the kernel? [12:06] I guess my switch has to wait for another year. [12:06] wm_eddie.. nope.. [12:06] stratos, apt-get install mysql-server [12:06] I tried another prism2 based usb card, and it didn't work. [12:06] Aan2343: man, if I had Ubuntu when I made the switch in 1999... [12:07] So far only linux that was able to connect to wireless net was lindows.. :0 [12:07] eww === NewComer [~NewComer@] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] it's getting there.. [12:07] Aan2343: I'm pretty sure it'll be fixed for 5.3 [12:07] heh.. in lindows 4.5 developer edition, I had all the tools I needed to download and install wlan_ng package.. [12:07] So you'll only have to wait 6 months :) [12:07] heh.. :) [12:08] better than debian stable.. [12:08] yup [12:08] anyone know of a good howto for setting up mutt for external imap? [12:08] I think ubuntu is going to be last linux I'll ever use :D === neighborlee [~icechat5@d2-124.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] wm_eddie, really? [12:09] I like debian.. [12:09] wm_eddieL that good or bad? :P [12:09] i dunno, been using ubuntu for 2 days now, but lots of little things i'm not happy with. [12:09] mike_w: Good! [12:09] lol [12:09] i mean when I use plain ole LAN connection, I am pretty sure I can get it running with all the tools in a few hours.. [12:10] I've tried: Mandrake, SuSE, RedHat, Gentoo, Debian stable, Desktop L/X, Corel Linux... [12:10] i love debian [12:10] im loving ubuntu as well :) [12:10] I've tried red hat, fc2, mandrake, suse, debian (sarge & sid) [12:10] I'm really loving Ubuntu :) [12:10] I have tried Mandrake, fedora, debian stable, debian sarge, slackware, peanut linux, crux linux, knoppix, gnoppix, overclockix among others.. oh, so many wasted CDR's. [12:11] ununtu wins so far, with suse 9.2 potentially coming in 2nd (time will tell) [12:11] i hope the fashion fad called gentoo will go away soon. realy what's the point in waiting 5 hours of something to compile just to make it less stable and/or just a tiny bit faster. [12:11] stratos: what are you unhappy with? [12:11] yeah, i don't want to compile anything unless it's the latest whiz bang release I really wanna try. [12:12] managed to kill my hard drive with mandrake :P (seriously corrupted ptable and fat) === rapha [~rapha@A8430.a.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] seriously, why can't we just have "download and click" installable drivers? [12:12] had to write zeros to fix it! [12:12] stratos: Gentoo was actually a really easy to use system. Worked better (kind of) than all the other linuxes I tried... But it's so ANNOYING when emerge fails to build something! [12:12] the world in general but that's not realy the point here :) nah, i just have too many gentoo fan boys spamming a tech forum i go to often with pro-gentoo crap. [12:12] Hi again [12:12] stratos: I agree on that point definitey ( which is why I used { when I tried gentoo that is} stage3GRP ) but portage is another reason gentoo advocates boast about it....although i've seen alot of problems with it that or the maintaners use of it maybe dunno... === pixelmonkey [~pixelmonk@J33-154.DATANET.NYU.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] apt rocks though [12:13] Aan2343: There are. [12:13] I'm just trying to configure the nvidia driver, but dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 doesn't appear to be writing a config file -- what am I doing wrong? [12:13] jesus, also, it's okay for me to have less than 100% stable system.. just let me download and install drivers...even if it doesn't match my kernel version.. [12:13] Aan2343: I've installed a FC2 kernel module, on a SuSE 8.2 system. it worked fine. [12:14] btw, ubuntu was blazingly fast.. [12:14] wm_eddie, really? [12:14] but then it has to match the kernel version, though... [12:14] yeah, It was the first time I ever did that. [12:14] The site said "Fedora Core 2 rpm, should work with anything though" === wind [~wind@e95.hn.student.liu.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] so I installed it, and it worked! [12:15] but I guess there's stability issues and stuff. But we have the kernel headers in universe. It's not too hard to install a module. [12:15] I am never gonna by generic oem crap ever again... [12:15] how do i get surround working with sis7012 (i8x0) and alsa? [12:16] wind: Surround in Linux doesn't work too well yet. === MornHyland [~julia@linode.magenet.com] has joined #ubuntu === david__ [~david@cpc1-with2-6-0-cust126.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === pixelmonkey [~pixelmonk@J33-154.DATANET.NYU.EDU] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:17] how can i mount my NTFS partition? [12:17] just 5.1 then.. screw surround, but i'd really like to use my subwoofer [12:17] it wasnt auto mounted === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:17] david mount -t ntfs /dev/hdxn /mnt/windows didn't work? [12:17] david__, brush /etc/fstab :-) [12:17] acamargo, well i've just about installed anything that is remotly relevant to mysql. but i'm still not seeing any mysql.so. but i'm no expert either. certainly not on ubuntu [12:17] /dev/hda1 /mnt/win2003 ntfs user,exec,ro,uid=1000,gid=100 0 0 [12:18] add something like this [12:18] actually, my windows partition didn't get auto-mounted either... [12:18] wind, I suggest that instead of spending a lot of hours trying to get it to work, just get a good ole 5.1 Sound Blaster AWE.. [12:18] in ur /etc/fstab [12:18] mine gets automounted once it's in fstab [12:19] ill just do that. . [12:19] anyone running php on ubuntu here? [12:19] im in FSTAB now [12:19] yeah got that running alright. [12:19] what should i add? [12:19] /dev/hda1 /mnt/win2003 ntfs user,exec,ro,uid=1000,gid=100 0 0 === Randomize [~adam@ip68-227-218-14.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === superuser_ [superuser@CPE-65-25-254-130.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] Good evening. [12:20] replace /dev/hda1 with ur own ntfs partition [12:20] If I had 5.1 speakers, I'd get surround sound working just for nighttime Doom3! [12:20] and /mnt/win2003 with the a valid mount point [12:20] make sure the directory exists tho [12:20] ah i dont know what number it is [12:20] did they release doom3 for linux yet? [12:20] and also i cant seem to edit fstab [12:21] don't think so === |trey| [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] yeah they did [12:21] david__ need to edit it as sudo [12:21] stratos: doom3? really? [12:21] just a sec. getting the link [12:21] Le_Vert: you should do a no auto too. [12:21] http://www.doom3linux.com/ [12:21] Auto mounting is annoying I find [12:22] will my athlon xp 2500+, 512MB, ATI 9100 128MB system play the game? [12:22] humm [12:22] Once I get some extra money, I'll buy Doom3 [12:22] stratos: tnxs! [12:22] np [12:22] why SmokingFire ??? === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] because now each time you boot up that disk will be on the desktop [12:22] superuser_, yes and no. i heard people being able to play it, but ati cards seemed to be playing the game rather slow under linux. [12:22] superuser_: Mines a XP 2600+ with 512, and a Nvidia GeForce FX 5200 Ultra. Runs fine on normal mode. [12:22] oh ok [12:22] haven't tried it mysql yet though [12:22] i'm using debian sarge [12:22] Okay got it [12:22] myself [12:22] thanks [12:23] david@ubuntu:~ $ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdxn /mnt/windows [12:23] Password: [12:23] mount: mount point /mnt/windows does not exist [12:23] so there s no problem with this SmokingFire ;) [12:23] If you do the noauto parameter and then click on computer-->disks it will mount [12:23] yeah, you need to wait for a driver update from ATI. [12:23] david__: the mount point need to be an empty directory. === Dekkard [~rightone@adsl-67-38-23-244.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] david__: sudo mkdir /mnt/windows [12:23] mike_w: beat me to it ;) [12:23] nick Aan2433 [12:23] spiv: lol === superuser_ is now known as Aan23453 [12:23] hmm === icec2 [~bmccall@p86.n-atpop06.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] total install time 52 minutes... [12:24] hello all. new ubuntu user here. [12:24] mount: special device /dev/hdxn does not exist [12:24] now to explore apt... [12:24] Would be cool if Computer --> Disk would have Just: CDrom, Floppy, Filesystem and a Folder called Foreign were all other non essential partitions/disk are. [12:24] hmm I don't have permisions to view /mnt/windows/... [12:25] david: substitute 'x' for 'a' (HDD master) or 'b' (HDD slave) [12:25] wm_eddie, I noticed that.. === syNapse [~tom@ip51-159.pc.jmu.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [12:25] david__: and 'n' for the partition number [12:25] mike_w: what about the n? [12:25] (perusing faq before opening mouth) [12:25] You need to be root to mount anything..but then when you try to open mounted files using file manager under gnome, you can't bec. you are a regular user.. [12:25] LOL [12:26] im guessing its partition 1 .. i installed Ubuntu after M$ [12:26] then you must chnage owner from the mounting dir [12:26] Aan23453: No If you have the user part in fstab you don't need to be root to mount anything. [12:26] wm_eddie and Aan234: You just need the correct settings in /etc/fstab [12:26] and chmod it [12:26] david__: try it with /dev/hda1 and see what happens... [12:26] chown username mountpoint [12:26] no need to chmod it [12:26] Or set them at the time you mount. [12:26] chmod 750 mountpoint [12:26] david@ubuntu:~ $ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows [12:26] mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist [12:27] /dev/hdb1/mnt/windows ntfs rw,user,noauto 0 0 === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] why doesn't that work? [12:27] hmm.. [12:27] and I thought Ubuntu was geared towards new users of Linux... [12:27] weird [12:27] Spacing. [12:27] It'll probably take 30 minutes just to read docts on fstab and mount.. and chown [12:27] cya all :) [12:27] /dev/hdb1 .... space .... /mnt/windows [12:27] Aan23453: it is, but not stupid ones like Lindows [12:27] good night [12:27] david__: sudo fdisk -l [12:27] try just sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows [12:28] mike_w, will sudo work? === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] Aan23453: did for me [12:28] i c..will try it later.. [12:28] (albeit a while ago) [12:28] hmm interesting. maybe if I unmount it and change the permissions of the windows folder. [12:28] There should be a migration tool that keep all universal settings (fstab and network) when migrating to a fresh install or other distro. [12:29] SmokingFire: tar czf settings.tar.gz /etc [12:29] Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System [12:29] /dev/sda1 * 1 5099 40957686 7 HPFS/NTFS [12:29] /dev/sda2 5100 12394 58597087+ 83 Linux [12:29] /dev/sda3 24260 24321 498015 f W95 Ext'd (LBA) [12:29] /dev/sda5 24260 24321 497983+ 82 Linux swap [12:29] ah duh [12:29] silly me [12:29] sda [12:29] So you need to mount sda1 === riley [~riley@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:29] that's strange... [12:30] is that sata or something? [12:30] Keybuk: That will just tar the whole /etc folder not? [12:30] How does the ntfs driver handle permissions? [12:30] wm_eddie: read only [12:30] mike_w: even in the 2.6 driver? === cybervegan [~andy@spc2-birk2-3-0-cust163.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] dr-x------ 1 root root 12288 Aug 10 13:19 windows === netdur [~netdur@adsl-81-20-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu === superuser_ [superuser@CPE-65-25-254-130.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] it changes to that when it's mounted. === superuser_ is now known as Aan93449 [12:30] hmm... [12:31] I dont have permissions to view the contents of windows :S [12:31] wm_eddie: as far as I know, yeah. Given the closed source nature of NTFS, I'd want it read only even if it could be supported rw [12:31] ok question, i thought i was going to update this new install to PR1 but according to Synaptic PM, the installed version is 0.99+1.0PR.1+revertedto0.9.3-0ubuntu3 [12:31] new install to firefox PR1 [12:31] how about the new hack? forgot it's name.. ntfs.sys wrapper for linux...seemd to work fine? [12:31] hi - ubuntu/debian newb (but not linux newb) here. [12:32] hmm rythmbox just puked [12:32] david__: try sudo chown david /mnt/windows [12:32] (where david is your username) === jbailey [~jbailey@dragonfly.fundserv.com] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [12:32] mike_w: read onle remember? === homeas [~thomas@177.Red-81-38-178.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] my question is anyone know the status of firefox 1.0PR.1? [12:32] only too. [12:32] are there ubuntu forums? [12:32] david@ubuntu:~ $ sudo chown david /mnt/windows [12:32] chown: changing ownership of `/mnt/windows': Read-only file system [12:33] still cant get in :/ [12:33] firefox 1.0PR pissed me off because they added backspace as the back button. [12:33] I'm recently converted do ubuntu/debian. In my fedora install I tweaked modprobe.conf to choose which of my three soundcards was the first. is there a debianite way of doing the same thing ? [12:33] Dekkard: there are currently unofficial forums at http://ubuntuforums.org [12:33] trying to get sound configured on ubuntu runnuning on an ibm thinkpad 600x. anyone have any ideas? soundcard detected but no sound [12:33] thanks daiels [12:33] daniels too [12:33] I think my previous fstab had something like this: /dev/Y /mnt/windir ntfs users,owner,ro,umask=000 0 0 [12:34] looks.. like one needs to install mp3 support eh! [12:34] cybervegan: do you have alssaconf? [12:34] david__: add uid=david to fstab === C2H5OH [~etanol@129.Red-80-36-215.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] /dev/hda2 /mnt/storage ntfs defaults,ro,uid=mike 0 0 === ToTo is now known as ToTo-Away [12:34] good evening everyone [12:34] just checking... [12:34] then remount [12:34] cybervegan: if you do, back up your modles.conf! [12:34] mike_w: how can i edit fstab? [12:34] sudo gedit /etc/fstab [12:34] cybervegan: then run it and see if it works. [12:34] I am wondering why anyone would need more than two sound cards. [12:34] for read and write ntfs see this: http://freshmeat.net/projects/captive/ [12:35] make sure you leave a blank line at the bottom of the file [12:35] don't have alsaconf... is there a package? [12:35] eek .. its opened up an empty fstab [12:35] cybervegan: alsa-utils but they removed alsaconf recently because it was buggy :( [12:35] that means the file didn't exist, and that is weird [12:35] because of that I have no sound. [12:36] /home/david/ect/fstab is what its opened [12:36] alsaconf discovers the IBM 600(E/X)'s sound card perfectly. [12:36] try cd / and then do it [12:36] is there any story of a successful upgrade to Warty from Sid ? [12:36] sigh, I must get to my homework === bdr [~bdr@benroe.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] that one is blank too mike [12:36] :0 [12:36] Damnit, I need to beg them for alsaconf back! [12:37] you typint etc or ect? [12:37] typint = typing [12:37] anyone know who manages the alsa-utils package? [12:37] got it mike_w === netdur [~netdur@adsl-81-20-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has left #ubuntu [] [12:38] what should i add ? === wm_eddie looks on the bugzilla [12:38] wm_eddie, >> fabbione@fabbione.net [12:38] /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows ntfs defaults,ro,uid=david 0 0 [12:39] LinuxJones: thanks. [12:39] umount /dev/sda1 first though [12:39] sorry, type 'sudo umount /dev/sda1' in the console first === icec2 [~bmccall@p86.n-atpop06.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] then change fstab and save it (making sure the spacing is rights) === MepisBelle [~Old@adsl-68-122-6-135.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] then sudo mount /dev/sda1 [12:40] and let me know if it works so I can go to sleep :P [12:42] david@ubuntu:~ $ sudo unmount /dev/sda1 [12:42] sudo: unmount: command not found [12:42] sorry had to leave the room (baby son kicking off). [12:42] david__ not unmount, umount [12:42] ah [12:42] umount [12:42] then fstab? [12:42] then mount? [12:42] yep [12:42] wm_eddie: any way to get hold of the right version (or a non-buggy on) ? [12:43] mike_w thanns it appears to be working :) [12:43] cybervegan: I'm e-mailing the guy about it, but check out what I found! http://jeremy.zawodny.com/misc/thinkpad-600e-sound.html [12:43] I think it might be possible to use this... === wm_eddie fires up his thinkpad. [12:43] david__: a pleasure, glad to be of help. If you reboot, it should now automatically mount as well... [12:43] :) [12:44] cybervegan: I'm not using 2.6 though, because APM doesn't work. === NewComer [~NewComer@] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] I think I should report that bug... [12:45] wm_eddie: thanx... looking now [12:45] cybervegan: but alsaconf is mostly not needed anymore. [12:45] just for us loosers with old laptops... [12:45] that last longer than most of my friends new laptops have. [12:45] hahaha [12:46] least you got a laptop :P [12:46] 1999 and still going strong! [12:46] see y'all later... === mike_w [~mike_w@host81-154-91-98.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === bowes [~bowes@blk-215-69-91.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] I have to do a dist-upgrade on my laptop. [12:47] jayeola: thanks man! for all help... [12:47] :) [12:48] any devs here? === ushooz [~ushooz@] has joined #ubuntu === tris_ [~tris@cpc2-swin2-5-0-cust85.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:51] wm_eddie: ok, where's conf.modules live on ubuntu then? [12:52] I think conf.modules is depreciated... I'm checking to see if it works verbatim [12:52] I think we'll have to change it to modules.conf... [12:52] Hopefully rcS.d will work. [12:52] yeah, don't use conf.modules [12:53] wm_eddie: is ubuntu standard sysv init? [12:53] modules.conf then? [12:53] I think I'm seeing a bug in the Printers dialog box. Anyone want to check whether it happens for them too? === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:53] hehe, the kernel yelled at me. [12:53] ok rc2.d is where I should put it. [12:54] wow init is really yelling at me. === swim [~joshua@216-161-149-125.tcsn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared is now known as WW_ [12:55] hey folks Im trying to install java as per: http://wiki.osuosl.org/display/DEV/Java+on+Debian but I get to #13 and cannot do: "apt-get install java-compiler-dummy.control [12:55] help? [12:56] swim: http://www.arslinux.com/~jorge/sources.list he has a java repository. [12:56] swim: It says equivs-build, not apt-get install. [12:57] wm_eddie: thanx... have to check that later... error loading cs4232 dev not found, but i'verun out of time. [12:57] ww_ equivs-build not for my version === cybervegan [~andy@spc2-birk2-3-0-cust163.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:58] wm_eddie, is that for amd64 as well? [12:58] swim: probably not [12:59] thats what I need it for === xTina_ [~xTina@pD9E62BC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] ... anybody? [01:00] Sorry, I haven't tried it, so I won't be insulted if you ignore me, but... where does it say to apt-get install java-compiler-dummy.control ? [01:01] ????? ?? ???? ??? SPIM? [01:01] WW_, right on top of number 13 as a note [01:01] swim: I don't see the ".control" in there. [01:02] swim: Neither do I. [01:02] WW_, right, I tried it without .control with the same issue [01:02] sorry to bug.. lookin for a mp3 codec?? [01:02] swim: I think you should paste exactly what it tells you to run, and then tell us what the error is. [01:02] swim: Just checking... do you have java-common installed? [01:02] Instead of typing stuff you don't understand in and asking why it doesn't work. :) === goatboy [~tim@arslinux.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] I get this error: E: Couldn't find package java-compiler-dummy [01:04] WW_, I followed the steps exactly from number 1 === ixus [~ixus@kieren.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === AndyFitz [~andy@203-173-20-190.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [01:04] swim: Sorry again for asking the obvious: Did you do the step before step 1, just above "Install java sdk" [01:04] I wonder what "NOTE: if you are OSUOSL.." means. [01:04] (Since, if you're not, you shouldn't be following that part of step 13.) === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] WW_, hmm I did not do that part [01:05] swim: Ah. [01:05] but wait [01:06] swim: It looks like that is also a required step. [01:06] I do have java-common installed [01:06] but through synaptic java2-common is not available [01:07] swim: java2-common is in universe. [01:07] ah let me try then [01:09] anyone knows how to get connected to a mac os x?? [01:10] can I use a rpm file in ubuntu? === dasmi_2 [dasmi@ip68-107-62-209.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === rapha [~rapha@A8426.a.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] I love how freenode always has what I'm looking for :) [01:11] Anways, Hi, i'm installing Ubuntu as I type this === GOwin [~Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] WHEEEW! [01:11] swim: Well, in theory, maybe, by using alien--but I've never done it. What rpm do you have? [01:11] Iiii'm backinthegame! === rapha got his old GeForce 4 MX to work [01:12] ? [01:12] WW_, realplayer, need to listen to a .smil file [01:12] Has anyone had any luck installing Ubuntu on new Dell laptops? [01:12] swim: what about the realplayer 10 installer? [01:12] Newish, rather [01:12] swim: you don't need an RPM. === Pizbit will be installing ubuntu later today :) [01:13] wm_eddie, oh I didnt see the bin [01:13] swim: run it as root, and install to /opt/RealPlayer [01:13] I'm try to decide between Mandrake 10.1 and Ubuntu for my Dell Inspiron 8600. [01:13] dasmi_2: Ubuntu === ElRaton [~lerat@tofu.eu.org] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] swim: Did the java install finally work? [01:13] Mandrake claims to support the Centrino wireless functions well, does anyone know how Ubuntu will handle it? [01:13] WW_, havent finished yet about to try === xzgv [~unknown@] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] ubuntu is booting on my old compaq box! whee! [01:14] erm I need more ram for it. [01:14] WW_, damn still the same error... [01:15] dasmi_2: I find ubuntu so much more pleasant that I'd probably try the install on that first, and only ditch it for Mandrake if a significant effort still couldn't get it working. [01:15] anyone knows how to get connected to a mac os x?? [01:15] dasmi_2: install icewm/blackbox [01:15] samba? [01:15] xzgv, I think I will, once I get my network up. [01:15] Actually, I don't think I'd ditch it at all, and would just keep playing with the kernel. But, well, that's what I might do if I were someone else. [01:15] The thing with Mandrake is that urpmi mirros suck compared to Ubuntu's apt sources. [01:15] wm_eddie, yes, that's true. [01:15] tiagobugarin: connect ? [01:15] ixus: samba is for windows. [01:15] wm_eddie: That's one of the main reasons why I switched to debian:) [01:16] dasmi_2: i'm using a PII with icewm/128 MB ram [01:16] I know - but I thought he wanted to network to os X [01:16] It's the main reason why I stopped using Mandrake. [01:16] xzgv, this is a PII, 64MB RAM. [01:16] 300 MHz. [01:16] (dpa) According to reliable sources, a new virus is spreading on the internet. The software thought to be developed by a group of loosely-knit hackers around the world is called `Ubuntu' which is Zulu (an African language) and means as much as "Humanity to others". This new virus is unlike anyone we've seen before, says Bill Gates, owner of the once world-renowned software company Microsoft. He points out that `Ubuntu' does not only infect computers runni [01:16] ng Microsoft Windows, but virtually transforms them, and his claims have credibility: this writer is already using it. [01:16] I tried Debian but I couldn't get it to work on my computer due to hardware issues. [01:16] So I had to use Gentoo... [01:16] since it supported Nvidia stuff out of the box. [01:17] I can get some more ram from another box I think, which ought to help. [01:17] amu: yes, you know, get access one to another [01:17] I'm glad the Gentoo nightmare is over though :) [01:17] wm_eddie: you mean, you did not manage to compile nvidia driver so you installed Gentoo?!?! [01:17] wm_eddie: Ahh, the new installer is much improved in that respect, hopefully unbuntu will be all I've heard it to be:) [01:17] dasmi_2: you could also change the window manager in gnome from metacity to icewm by editing your ~/.gnomerc === robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] heya all [01:17] Yes, that's true. [01:18] My desktop's bork after a dist-upgrade [01:18] everything else works but my desktop aint there [01:18] WW_, any more ideas for me? [01:18] tiagobugarin: ssh ? [01:18] actually it's all of nautilus [01:18] First I need to get this thing up and running === Riddell [jr@muse.19inch.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] Zomb: it was nvnet [01:18] God I need my router now! [01:18] nautilus just sits there [01:18] robertj: Haven't heard of that. File a bug, I guess. [01:18] type nautilus at the terminal and it just sits there all quiet like [01:19] nautilus is more than just a file manager. [01:19] Try killing off all copies of nautilus? [01:19] swim: Sorry, nothing comes to mind. Are you trying the "equivs-build" version of step 13? === GOwin [~Miranda@] has left #ubuntu [] === icec2 [~bmccall@p86.n-atpop06.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu === plangent [~plangent@user-0ce2kdq.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] wm_eddie: it manages the desktop right? === aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006612-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] tiagobugarin: sharing files from your os x, you could do it with samba [01:22] WW_, I get command not found [01:22] amu: i would prefer to use nfs for exemple [01:22] question to anyone: How do I turn the ftp daemon on with ubuntu? :) [01:23] amu: samba do not get installed with ubuntu. believe it?? [01:23] icec2: just install one. [01:23] jdub: hmm according to the package manager it is installed :/ === dasmi_2 [dasmi@ip68-107-62-209.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:23] jdub: ftp localhost gives me a connection refused [01:23] icec2: you installed proftpd? [01:24] ah. [01:24] no [01:24] icec2: what did you install? [01:24] which did you install? [01:24] tiagobugarin: well, nfs sucks, the better way is samba, i'm not sure if osx supports nfs [01:24] "ftp" was installed...meaning the client [01:24] anybody get java installed on ubuntu x86_64 ? [01:24] swim: Do have all of the packages installed from "step 0"? kaffe equivs java-common java2-common [01:24] no daemon is installed [01:24] osx supports nfs [01:24] jdub: which is the "supported" FTP server? [01:25] installing proftpd now [01:25] WW_, damn sorry I just figured it was apt-get and skipped that [01:25] icec2: vsftpd is the supported one [01:25] tiagobugarin: smbfs is supported with ubuntu [01:25] amu: installing samba now. anything else the 'aptt-get install samba'? [01:26] (sorry, I got confused :p) [01:26] hmmm... [01:26] WW_, duh of course I didnt have either installed [01:26] Keybuk: proftpd is working now...so I'll stick with it for now :) [01:26] Keybuk: gonna uninstall it once i xfer these files from work... I prefer using scp [01:26] swim i believe the debiam-amd64 howto has info on that [01:26] tiagobugarin: apt-cache search samba [01:27] damn, I have no idea how to get sound working without alsaconf :( [01:27] I really should just run sshd on port 21 as well [01:27] jsubl2, yah Im following it [01:27] wm_eddie: it should be automatic === xTina_ [~xTina@pD9E62BC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:28] amu: if smbfs is installed why it says it is not at gnome 2.8? [01:28] Keybuk: Yeah, well the automatic stuffs are wrong. === superuser_ [superuser@CPE-65-25-254-130.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] Keybuk, jdub: thanks for your help [01:29] wrong in what way? === robertj_ [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === fughidabowit [~derek@c-24-5-249-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] ack, nautilus is now working but my panel is repeatedly crashing : [01:29] :( [01:29] Keybuk: http://jeremy.zawodny.com/misc/thinkpad-600e-sound.html [01:30] can someone point me to that NVidia/ATI 3d card walkthrough page [01:30] i lost the url [01:30] Alsaconf knows that this card needs to run in cs4232 emulation mode. [01:30] have a look @ this >> http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto [01:30] and the link I posted uses old things. I have no idea how to get it working... [01:30] exactly what i was looking for [01:30] thank you sir [01:30] wm_eddie: what module do *you* get loaded ? [01:30] ;) [01:31] none [01:31] wm_eddie: file a bug with the output of "lspci -n" and note what module you think should get loaded for your soundcard; it sounds like hotplug isn't picking it for you [01:31] hmm [01:32] actually [01:32] looking at that page, that's an ISA card, isn't it? [01:32] Keybuk: yup [01:32] non pnp [01:32] WW_, ! worked I just had to follow the steps exactly from the begining which should have been obvious [01:32] swim: Nice. [01:32] swim, LOL [01:33] well, I think the CS 4610 is a pnp card. but it has an emulation mode for cs4232 ISA. [01:33] Which I have to use. [01:33] wm_eddie: ok. create /etc/modprobe.d/cs4232 and put the lines you would put in /etc/conf.modules in there [01:33] ok [01:33] then add cs4232 to /etc/modules [01:34] (I don't know why alsaconf would help, the URL you quoted is for OSS not ALSA) [01:35] Keybuk: I've gotten sound working long ago with alsaconf. [01:35] in SuSE 8.2 [01:36] After nearly 24 hours of reading documents and manuals I stuble upon a "run alsaconf and see" [01:37] and it worked beautifully. [01:37] heh [01:37] I was both relieved and upset. === Keybuk wonders why hotplug doesn't pick up isapnp cards [01:37] Keybuk: I'm sure it does, but this card is an exception. [01:38] wm_eddie, have you downloaded the source from the alsa homepage and tried to compile from source ? [01:38] can you paste me the output of 'lspci -n' in a /msg ? [01:38] WW_, having a problem with step 14 now, when I run that first command, nothing happens just sits there [01:38] You see, it's *not* a CS4232 card, it's a CS4610 card. [01:38] wm_eddie: yeah, but if the cs4232 module supports it, it should declare that [01:38] Keybuk: that would be hard, since My laptop isn't connected to the internet. [01:38] swim: Darn, I thought when you said it worked you meant the whole thing! :-) === superuser__ [superuser@CPE-65-25-254-130.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] wm_eddie: ok, there will be one line which will say Class xxxx: 630e:yyyy - what's the yyyy? [01:40] I don't see a 630e :( [01:40] any ideas WW_ ? [01:40] wm_eddie: what about 1013:yyy ? [01:40] swim: Step 14 is a single command. Did you type it that way? [01:40] oh no I didnt [01:41] WW_, ahh :P [01:41] Keybuk: Class 0401: 1013:6001 (rev 01) [01:42] swim: Strange that the comment in step 14 says "You should now have 5 packages...", but the command only installs 4. [01:42] wm_eddie: hotplug should detect that as a CS 46xx and load the snd-cs46xx driver for it? [01:42] In theory. [01:42] WW_, I didnt even notice that [01:42] WW_, step 16 is just "sudo java" ? [01:43] does that driver not work for your card? [01:43] I don't believe it does. === stone [~stone@c-67-167-111-186.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] wm_eddie: if you 'modprobe snd-cs46xx' do you get sound? [01:43] If it did I should hear sound without modifying a thing right? [01:43] swim: Sounds right to me... but don't forget, I haven't actually tried this yet. === tvon [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] WW_, yes but your saner then I am :) [01:44] wm_eddie: you might have to turn the volume up :o) run 'alsamixer' if the modprobe works but you still don't get sound, and check your volume isn't set at zero [01:44] "/path/to/snd-cs46xx.o: init_module: No such device [01:44] wm_eddie: how interesting [01:44] WW_, step 17, I add those to /etc/profile ? === MojoPete [~pete@pool-141-157-13-55.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] Keybuk: I would check the volume if I could [01:45] WHOA! [01:45] except I see "No such device" [01:45] (when I run alsamixer) [01:45] I wouldn't have imagined there are THAT many high-quality games for Linux [01:45] rapha: Doom3.... [01:45] you have a PCI card, which a driver claims to support, and yet it won't load [01:46] Keybuk: It's strange. isn't it? === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] But, if I can get it to use cs4232 it'll work perfect. [01:46] wm_eddie: Although that only runs with two specific graphic cards, doesn't it? === rapha only has an NVidia GeForce 4 MX [01:46] rapha: All nvidia's can run it. [01:46] swim: Yes. Or, as it says, the .bash_profile in you home directory. [01:47] your* [01:47] rapha: put it on the lowest graphic setting, and it might work. [01:47] Keybuk: My friend installed Ubuntu using an external monitor now; I filed a bug [01:47] WHOA! [01:47] wm_eddie: well, the existing instructions are fine if you replace /etc/conf.modules and /etc/modules.conf with /etc/modprobe.d/ and remember to add the right driver to /etc/modules === rapha goes and gets the demo [01:47] Keybuk: I tried that :( === JL-Cooking is now known as JL-away [01:48] wm_eddie: what happened when you did the modprobe ? [01:48] ok, so I have the modprobe.d/cs4232 file [01:48] and the cs4232 in the modules file [01:48] wm_eddie: But what's strange is that Quake III won't run anymore. It did run in software (veeery slowly), but now (with the nvidia driver) it just gives me a black screen and has to be kill -9'ed... [01:48] wm_eddie: now run 'modprobe cs4232' [01:48] wm_eddie berfore I reboot, trying to install my realplayer10.bin, I just do a ./realplayer10.bin right? [01:49] swim: chmod 755 realplayer10.bin [01:49] then ./realplayer10.bin [01:49] as root. [01:49] ok thanks wm_eddie [01:49] Keybuk: cs4232: Must set io, irq, and dma. [01:49] then the init_module: No such device... [01:50] wm_eddie, install it in /opt/ ? [01:50] hi, i setup my iptables by hand and then i try save rules with /etc/init.d/iptables save but this script not exist :( [01:50] wm_eddie: and you definitely have a file in /etc/modprobe.d with a line beginning "options cs4232" that sets the io, irq and dma ? [01:50] swim: that's a safe place to put it. [01:51] will apt-get update / apt-get upgrade update my system to the RC? [01:51] wm_eddie, so just /opt/realplayer ok? [01:51] MojoPete, yes [01:51] Keybuk: affirmative. [01:51] swim: no. [01:51] lj: thnx === Mikelevel [~MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] hi [01:52] ;) [01:52] swim: The installer will ask you to put links to /usr/local/bin/ answer yes, and then give it the directory of your mozilla installation. and you are done. [01:52] wm_eddie, its asking: Enter the complete path to the directory where you want [01:52] RealPlayer to be installed. [01:52] what package include /etc/init.d/iptables script? === AndyFitz [~andy@203-173-20-190.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] swim: /opt/RealPlayer/ [01:53] mario, isn't it iptables-save ? === [no] weaver [~none@213-145-178-71.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] LinuxJones, i use iptables-save /var/lib/iptables/active [01:53] but how restore this on startup? [01:54] gah, there better have been a good reason to remove alsaconf... [01:54] a restore by hand using: iptables-restore /var/lib/iptables/active && echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward [01:56] Keybuk: The fact that I'm running 2.4 has nothing to do with this right? [01:56] mario, I usually just load my firewall rules to a script in /etc/init.d/ then run @ boot time. === wm_eddie switches to 2.6 === Zero-G [~sjs298@sjshome.ict.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] wm_eddie: uh, why are you running 2.4 ?! [01:57] Keybuk: Because APM doesn't work in 2.6! [01:57] wm_eddie: "doesn't work" in what respect ? [01:57] As in, doesn't work at all. [01:58] does it work if you add "apm" to /etc/modules ? [01:58] Anyway, I'll go to bed... g'night all! [01:58] If I force it, I still can't get battery stats, and sleep causes the screen to go all strange colors. [01:59] Ubuntu really isn't optimised for 2.4 -- a lot of the hardware detection relies on the 2.6 hotplug stuff [01:59] <[no] weaver> I've got an Apple Cinema 20" Display (the new one), but can't get it to work under Ubuntu. It's all black. I used to run SuSE 9.1, and it worked after I reprobed the system, but the minute I quit KDE it went black again. I've searched high and low for any solutions, but so far without any luck. Somene here with a bright idea as to what I should do? To add to all this, I'm not an experienced Linux user. === ultrafunk [~pd@insanity.ridge.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] Keybuk: I'm trying adding apm to /etc/modules === swim [~joshua@216-161-149-125.tcsn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] Keybuk: when it tries cs4232 it gives me the same "You must set io..." error even in 2.6 [02:02] wm_eddie: does the snd-cs46xx driver get detected and loaded in 2.6 ? [02:02] damn, I had to reboot, anyways after installing java I managed to install my freecol.deb , and now... when I try to run it I get this: http://pastebin.com/110385 === |trey| ponders why discover1 is used rather then discover? === violajack [~michelle@roc-69-201-84-72.rochester.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:03] Keybuk: yes. [02:03] <|trey|> I thought discover1 _was_ for 2.4 :/ [02:03] so far everything works..cept rhythmbox...which i may remove [02:03] and modprobe cs46xx works. [02:03] but alsamixer says No such device again... [02:03] <|trey|> Dekkard: have to add codecs... apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad [02:03] <|trey|> From Universe though. [02:04] wm_eddie: cs46xx and snd-cs46xx are different drivers; which did you modprobe? [02:04] I modprobed cs46xx but the kernel already loaded snd-cs46xx [02:04] wm_eddie, damn get this error when running realplay: /opt/RealPlayer/realplay.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [02:05] do you have libgdk 2.0? === xzgv [~unknown@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:05] wm_eddie: try taking the cs4232 out of /etc/modules, then reboot ... when it comes back up, do an lsmod and see if snd-cs46xx is in there [02:06] ok. [02:06] apm still doesn't work though. [02:06] wm_eddie, umm in synaptic I only list libgdk-imlib-ruby1.6 , libgdk-pixbuf-dev , and other libgdk-pixbuf- stuff [02:07] none install [02:07] ed [02:08] what about gdk? [02:08] hmm.. if you are running gnome, you should have gdk... [02:08] I get gdk-imlib1 , and gdk-imlib1-dev [02:10] Keybuk: It says that it loaded snd-cs46xx sucessfully, but alsa can't find any soundcards. [02:10] swim: try the imlib.. [02:10] wm_eddie: did you change anything else trying to get the other driver working? [02:11] wm_eddie: try dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base [02:11] swim: Sorry, that locale error is beyond me. [02:12] ok did that. [02:12] How do a kill an app? [02:12] is there a step 2? [02:12] SmokingFire: killall name_of_app [02:12] use it sparingly [02:12] wm_eddie: ok, thanks [02:12] or pressing the X on a window a couple of times. [02:13] Gnome will eventually ask you if you want to kill the unresponding program. [02:13] wm_eddie: cat /etc/alsa/modutils/1.0 and look for a line like "alsa snd-card-0 snd-cs46xx", is there one? [02:13] wm_eddie: the problem is thats its rythmbox and its only in the tray [02:13] swim: Oh, and I just check my /usr/lib directory. libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 is there, but I'm not sure which package provides it. [02:13] apt experts: what's the fastest way to find out which packages provides a file? [02:14] swim: if that's a 32bit realplayer you'll need a 32bit version of every lib it depends on. [02:14] wm_eddie: BTW if I don't know the name of the app, how do I find out? [02:14] WW_: dpkg -S [02:14] goatboy, oh crap [02:14] SmokingFire: top maybe [02:15] Keybuk: ooo lookie, I'm running alsa 0.9 :) [02:15] wm_eddie: wait double clicking on system monitor allows me to do it the windows way === [no] weaver [~none@213-145-178-71.dd.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:15] hmm I do have libgdk stuf in /usr/lib [02:15] SmokingFire: that works too. [02:15] wm_eddie: uh, Ubuntu doesn't *come* with alsa 0.9 [02:15] Keybuk: I had to change it to work with 2.4 I think. === wm_eddie goes back into 2.4 === merhojt__ [~jimmy@h34n2c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] So any graphical tool for services/daemons managment? [02:16] wm_eddie: you know those people who hold the trigger of a machine-gun down while pointing down, and then wonder why their foot doesn't work anymore? :p [02:16] SmokingFire: installed daemons start, uninstalled ones don't [02:17] goatboy: Thanks. === mlh [~mlh@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] Keybuk: this all happened because they removed alsaconf [02:17] (and alsaconf freezed on my in the first place.) [02:17] but alsaconf is useless [02:17] yes but I just want to see what I have installed. When booting I see PMCIA (laptop?) and in the task managment I see evolution-alarm-notify, which I don't need. [02:17] it's a buggy, out-of-date tool that has been replaced by other things [02:18] Keybuk: But these things can't get my sound card working... [02:18] from what I can tell, your sound card would work perfectly well under 2.6 [02:18] hotplug detects it, picks a driver that matches your card (and claims to actually support it), I can't see any outstanding bugs against that alsa driver, etc. [02:20] So what you are saying is that after a fresh Ubuntu install, it should work out of the box? [02:22] yeah I can't see any reason why not, with the evidence so far [02:23] Well it didn't. === gabbman [~gabbman@d141-20-2.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] that's nice :) [02:23] There's a reason why you have to trick it into using cs4232 [02:23] I don't know what it is.. [02:23] but you have to. [02:24] if you compiled your own older version of alsa. why don't you use the alsaconf that came with that? [02:25] I didn't compile an older version of alsa. [02:25] then how did you get 0.9 ? [02:25] hmm... [02:25] Keybuk: asking the hard questions :) [02:25] alsactl says it is 1.0.5... but I have /etc/alsa/0.9/alsa === Bromley [~chatzilla@xpress12494.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] "hence why I thought I had 0.9" [02:26] swim: Still here? [02:26] WW_, yup [02:26] and where did you get the alsa modules from for 2.4? :) === JL-away is now known as JL- [02:27] WW_, whats up? [02:27] swim: Just FYI: libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0 is provided by the package libgtk2.0-0. [02:27] swim: (but maybe you figured that out by now...) [02:27] alsa-utils 1.0 still creates /etc/alsa/0.9 [02:27] there's probably some mystic reason why [02:27] WW_, oh no I have not, thank you [02:28] (as in the developers myst-ic) [02:28] Keybuk: Maybe I should compile my own alsa... [02:29] But if most people don't have to use alsaconf, why remove it? === bromley [~bromley@xpress12494.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] damn... cs4232 soundcard not found... [02:30] I'm getting tired of this not found error... === Phr0stByte [~phr0stbyt@ip24-250-124-175.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === JL- [~jl@rrcs-24-92-135-244.central.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["(bah)"] === Phr0stByte is very happy after burning his first video DVD from the command line! [02:31] wm_eddie: security problems with it, mostly === bromley [~bromley@xpress12494.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] :( [02:34] wm_eddie: if you follow the instructions for ALSA on the SuSE site linked on that page, does it work? [02:35] I'm trying that now. === pixelmonkey [~pixelmonk@J33-154.DATANET.NYU.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] has anyone here compiled XOrg for Ubuntu? === jegan [nelsont@asyst12.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] pixelmonkey: daniels, I'm sure :) [02:36] although it says not to modify modules.conf directly so I'm adding this to /etc/modutils/alsa-base [02:36] wm_eddie: I'd modify /etc/modprobe.d/alsa :o) [02:36] (because that's the one that actually matters :p) [02:37] I noticed that Ubuntu doesn't install gcc, bison and flex by default... is there anything else I need to install to compile Xorg? [02:37] is there some sort of download manager for linux? [02:37] also, more general question, does Ubuntu have galeon packages at all? I can't seem to find them in universe or in warty === TML [joey@TML.freenode.osihosting] has left #ubuntu [] [02:37] Keybuk: ok [02:38] pixelmonkey: You an artist? [02:39] Phr0stByte, no, why? === icec2 [~bmccall@p86.n-atpop06.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] pixelmonkey: screen name [02:40] Phr0stByte, ah, no. My nick reflects how most of what we do nowadays is push pixels around the screen like monkeys :) === sum_juan [~vc@AC89F84E.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] pixelmonkey: trying to find someone to help with a Wacom drawing tablet that is stubbern as hell [02:40] what's the nickserv for this channel? [02:41] Phr0stByte, I have a wacom tablet, but haven't yet ever attempted to get it working under Linux... [02:41] I only use it rarely anyway [02:41] pixelmonkey: is it USB? [02:41] Phr0stByte, yep, I think it's the most generic Wacom USB tablet [02:41] pixelmonkey: Well, good luck [02:41] Phr0stByte, I remember researching and I saw that someone had written a driver for it for Linux. [02:42] pixelmonkey: yes - the driver from hell [02:42] Phr0stByte, heh, well. I think most artists don't use Linux, so the market isn't screaming [02:43] god damnit... [02:43] pixelmonkey: There are success stories, but I have not found any on a 2.6 kernel [02:43] hey! === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] no swearing [02:43] hi, can someone pls tell me what the nick server is? [02:43] jegan: uhh... nickserv? [02:44] jegan: "NickServ" [02:44] NickServ [02:44] ok so it's not a specific hostname? [02:44] thanks [02:44] jegan: Use gaim and auto nickserv your username + autologin channel === wm_eddie can't remember a time when the nickserv wasn't nickserv... [02:44] jegan: no just do /msg nickserv help [02:45] pixelmonkey: Do me a favor and see if you cant get yours goin. [02:45] ahh the pain... [02:46] ah got it thanks [02:46] I really want to use Ubuntu on this laptop. [02:46] BTW: Whats the purpose of the livecd? Has it rescue abilities? === bromley [~bromley@xpress12494.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu === lupin_the_3rd [~robert@rrcs-24-92-137-188.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === jega1 [nelsont@asyst12.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU] has joined #ubuntu === lupin_the_3rd [~robert@rrcs-24-92-137-188.central.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [02:47] Phr0stByte, I would if I could, but the tablet's not with me right now [02:47] wm_eddie: if you can get the sound working in another distribution, there isn't any reason it won't work in ubuntu -- the kernel isn't that different === homeas [~thomas@34.Red-81-39-160.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === bromley [~bromley@xpress12494.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] Keybuk: the other one had alsaconf magic :P === jega1 is now known as jegan === bromley_ [~bromley-@xpress12494.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] wm_eddie: apt-get source alsa-utils, build and run alsaconf if you like [02:54] It's there!? === javapgmr [~bromley@xpress12494.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] sure, it's in the source, just not installed in the binary package === octalc0de [~patrick@c-24-13-83-227.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] ARGH - what exactly was the point of making a tmpfs over /dev? [02:55] apt-get source alsa-utils; cd alsa-utils*; debian/rules; ./alsaconf/alsaconf [02:55] ^ build [02:55] what i get from it is 1) half my /dev directory is not accessible, 2) it takes 5 seconds on bootup to do something useless, out of the box [02:55] octalc0de: udev. [02:56] /dev is managed dynamically [02:56] keybuk: advantages of this being? i can't access half my /dev directory === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] octalc0de: your /dev directory automatically reflects what hardware you have installed === Sanne [~Sanne@p5086B761.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] rather than having 2,000 entries, you just have the 20 or so that actually apply to your system [02:58] plus it allows the over-committed major/minor number scheme to be changed to a dynamically allocated one in future === bborkk [~bborkk@SENIOR-FOUR-NINETEEN.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] hrm, but i'm still having problems accessing a USB mass storage device [02:59] it seems to hide my /.dev/sg* [03:00] modprobe sg.ko [03:00] uh, modprobe sg [03:00] :p [03:00] bigamd:/usr/src/linux# modprobe sg [03:00] bigamd:/usr/src/linux# ls /dev/sg* [03:00] ls: /dev/sg*: No such file or directory [03:01] octalc0de: try sd_mod as well [03:01] bigamd:/usr/src/linux# modprobe sd_mod [03:01] bigamd:/usr/src/linux# ls /dev/s [03:01] sequencer shm sndstat stdin [03:01] sequencer2 snd stderr stdout [03:01] you sure you've got a device plugged in? [03:01] scsi0 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices [03:01] Vendor: Genesys Model: USB to IDE Disk Rev: 0002 [03:01] Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 [03:01] is there a following line for the allocation of an sXy ? === pixelmonkey has a major gripe with Ubuntu not including a copy of the kernel source tree used to compile Ubuntu's kernel... [03:02] pixelmonkey: linux-source-* packages [03:02] Keybuk, gracias ;) [03:02] pixelmonkey: yeah, that annoyed me too [03:02] octalc0de: you should also see a line like "kernel: Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0" [03:02] octalc0de, there aren't many people I know who don't have to recompile their kernel to get SOMETHING to work :) [03:03] keybuk: hm, I don't =( === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] octalc0de: do you know what module that needs? [03:05] i wanted to disallow all execpt local logins - is that just a -:ALL EXCEPT LOCAL in /etc/security/access.conf? [03:05] keybuk: I thought that went under USB Mass Storage, which is compiled in? [03:05] octalc0de: it isn't compiled in... that's the usb-storage module [03:05] i'm rolling my own kernel here though [03:06] this doesn't work on the stock kernel either though =( [03:06] 2.6 ? [03:06] yes [03:06] when the kernel allocates a device for it, you should see the appropriate node automatically appear in /dev [03:06] but it doesn't look like the kernel's allocating a device for it [03:09] FWIW, I managed to install from Knoppix. [03:10] http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/InstallFromKnoppixHowto === jamesh [~james@203-59-213-254.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === lupin_the_3rd [~lupin_the@rrcs-24-92-137-188.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === sn0wman [~dan@resnet225-127.resnet.wmich.edu] has joined #ubuntu === normnmiles [~normnmile@c-24-15-102-247.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] everyone smile for a screenshot! [03:18] :D [03:18] :) [03:18] V =P V [03:18] :D [03:18] :() [03:18] =} [03:19] :-) :-) [03:19] #8^) === bromley_ [~bromley-@xpress12494.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] Away: ( t.v ) | Since: ( Thu Oct 14 17:19:19 2004 ) Xlack v1.7.2 [03:19] sorry [03:19] man... not even alsaconf is working... There must be a bigger problem... [03:20] It says can't find the card... === ritalin [~ritalin@12-220-139-216.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] hello [03:21] (Slowly, the realization creeps into wm_eddie's brain that he has just gone deaf...) [03:21] lol [03:21] huh [03:21] cat /proc/dev/usb/devices hangs [03:22] what in the world could be wrong... [03:22] uh s/dev/bus/ === steveod [~stephen@69-162-32-99.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] wm_eddie: . o O ( your soundcard? ) === lupin_the_3rd [~lupin_the@rrcs-24-92-137-188.central.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:22] wm_eddie, lspci |grep audio [03:23] can i add my mounted drives to the "computer:" on Gnome [03:23] how you guyys doing [03:23] MyKq3, yeah, if you add them to /etc/fstab [03:23] im downloading ubuntu now :P [03:24] sn0wman, i have done that but i don't c them on the "computer:" === Hydroxide [user@adsl-98-2.bway.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] if i want to enter them i need to go to /mnt/ [03:24] hi ... quick question for any canonical devs paying attention: am I right in thinking that warty is going to be releasing tomorrow? I seem to recall that as being the plan [03:24] MyKq3, mount them in /media [03:25] sn0wman: I see my sound card. === ushooz [~ushooz@adsl-68-94-202-141.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] /etc/init.d/alsa stop isn't really doing anything... [03:25] sn0wman, so i need to recrate the folder and all ? [03:25] so = do === lamont [~lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] MyKq3, yeah [03:26] wm_eddie, can you use alsamixer? [03:26] sn0wman, thanks [03:26] MyKq3, np :) [03:26] sn0wman: nope [03:27] "No such device" [03:27] Hydroxide: I'm not a canonical dev, but I've heard the release schedule. Release Candidate: Oct 13; Final Release Oct 20. [03:28] WW_: thanks. [03:28] WW_: is that the same for all architectures? [03:28] Ok, I'm going to reboot. [03:28] good luck [03:28] may the swartz be with you [03:29] Hydroxide: I assume so, but I'm sure someone here would know better. [03:29] *nod* [03:29] how can i remove a Dir from the terminal? [03:30] rm -r dir [03:32] normnmiles, thanks [03:32] np [03:32] How is this possible? === salam [~salam@CPE000f665db4fa-CM000f665db4f8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === haggai_ [~halls@pD9EA6844.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] but I have to say, 2.6 is much faster than 2.4 [03:33] ok... I know this soundcard works... === wm_eddie gets his knoppix cd... [03:33] oh [03:34] wm_eddie, you probably haven't tested your card with alsa [03:34] wm_eddie, if you're a former 2.4 user [03:34] hey peeps.. i got a problem here.. i tried to install a dual boot.. xp and ubuntu.. i used grub as the boot manager. but when i reboot, it don't get to the second stage of grub.. anyone else have this problem? [03:34] what do you mean? [03:34] 2.4 didn't include alsa [03:34] only oss === steveod [~stephen@69-162-32-99.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] sn0wman: yes, but my card did work after running alsaconf. [03:35] so I assure you it works with alsa. [03:35] oh, ok === wm_eddie reboots into knoppix [03:35] k [03:35] does anyone get an error when trying to burn a cd that they need to insert blank media, even though it is blank === neuro[ingress] [~neuro@neuro.me.uk] has joined #ubuntu === neuro[ingress] is now known as neuro|laptop [03:36] noone.. i can't be the only one. ;) [03:36] steveod, yep, have not tried since. I have not tried on the laptop. But my desktop has that proble, Desktop has Dual DVD one is a DVD Burner [03:37] ushooz, burning cds has become a real problem in linux, i even tried to use the ide-scsi, which i know is depreciated and that failed because of missing modules [03:38] not sure what to do [03:38] steveod, SuSE works great with K3b. I have had the most success in Linux with that combo. But anymore I use one of my Macs to burn DVD/CDs anymore === salam [~salam@CPE000f665db4fa-CM000f665db4f8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:39] Kernel 2.6.8 has broken a lot of CD burners [03:39] ushooz, never used k3b, normally i just use cdrecord via the command line [03:40] they tweaked atapi in 2.6.8 === icec2 [~bmccall@p86.n-atpop06.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu === Phr0stByte just burned his first video DVD via command line =) [03:41] i'm trying to use regular expressions to list only files starting with a letter [03:41] ahh the slowness of KDE... [03:41] ^[:alpha:] should look for the start of a line starting with a letter [03:41] not working... [03:41] well so far cdrecord is working but it has done this recently only to spit out a coaster [03:41] listing everything [03:42] steveod: cdrecord --scanbus [03:42] see if there is an updated cdrecord that supports 2.6.8 is what I would suggest [03:42] jayeola, i know the device via cdrecord, it is burning right now just they are not turning out right [03:42] and of course nautilus won't work [03:42] then cdrecord dev=x,x,x --dummy blah blah blah [03:43] blame 2.6.8 is what I say :) === tonyknowsnothing [~tony@pcp08982811pcs.trnrsv01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] use dummy first, it turns the laser off [03:43] ushooz, i agree [03:43] Nautilus burning works great here [03:43] cdrecord works for me === myfology [~matthew@user-0c93ota.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] i am just going to try burning very slow, i wish i still had my 12x scsi writer [03:44] mistake getting rid of that [03:44] speed=1 [03:44] when i m trying to install my quickcam i got this error make: cc: Command not found [03:44] hum... finally! to install mysql support for php you need to include universe component to your source lists [03:44] well 1 might be to slow, i will try 8 or something [03:44] any sound-juicer users about? === jkg is finding it's a lot less frequently successful at identifying CDs than, say, gnome-cd [03:46] when i m trying to install my quickcam i got this error make: cc: Command not found ... now i know that i have the make pacage installed do u have any idea what should i do ? [03:46] install gcc [03:46] MyKq3, you need a C compiler [03:46] what does cc -v output? [03:47] steveod, okay i have just ran aptget gcc [03:47] um, install a compiler [03:47] Can someone help me with cd burning in Ubunto? [03:47] i m installing it now.... i hop it will solve it [03:47] tonyknowsnothing, that seems to be an issue, what is your problem? [03:48] I am going to try to burn a CD on this laptop and see what happens [03:48] well mine is working at 8x, kind of takes the point of a 48x writer away [03:48] laptops with cd burner, lucky sods! [03:49] I right click on an ISO...say write to disk...fine but then it says to insert a disc (which there is one in it). [03:49] tonyknowsnothing, same problem here, i just burnt it via the command line [03:50] How ...my name says it all...LOL [03:50] for me it was cdrecord -v dev=/dev/hdc -data speed=8 warty_amd64.iso [03:51] aiee, scary voodoo, cd writing that doesn't involve arsing about with scsi emulation [03:51] tell me it ain't so! [03:51] did some one here tryed to install his webcam .... === Hoodster [~ahood@adsl-11-191-4.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] well i can't get hdc=ide-scsi to work, so that is what i had to do [03:53] sigh... [03:53] i have tryed to install my webcam with this file (http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/) i have quickcam express and when i m runnig the mack all stage i gets lotz of errors ... [03:53] there's definately something different in the kernel or something. [03:53] steveod, appears to work on the laptop. I will do a apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade on the desktop and see what happens [03:55] MyKq3, it might be an issue with gcc, sometimes stuff setup with pre 2.95 won't compile under 3.x [03:55] desktop is a little behind the times on updates compared to the laptop === wm_eddie tries a distupgrade. [03:55] I was supposed to do that in the run box ...right? === gdarel [~gdarel@c-24-16-218-38.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] Good day [03:56] MyKq3: (catching up on the last few minutes of messages) If you are going to be compiling/making/etc, apt-get install build-essential [03:57] Hi all. I am new to Ubuntu. I have tried out the Ubuntu LiveCD and have a few simple questions. [03:57] MyKq3, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/misc/qc-usb-source [03:57] not sure if that will help, but it might [03:58] Is there a way in the liveCD to search for files and directories? For some reason, I cannot find a GUI search utility. [03:58] well i am off to switch from x86 to amd64 version [03:58] steveod, yeah i have just found it [03:59] Hoodster, under computer at the top left of the screen is a search dialog menu selection [03:59] though when i read about the pacage i understud that i need to compile it any way.... [04:00] but were can i find it ? to compile it ? [04:00] Hoodster: Computer > search for files? === djempak [~cory@adsl-69-212-157-205.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] MyKq3: qc-usb-source is in universe [04:03] Please forgive me, but I don't recall that search being in the left hand corner of the screen. I am booting ubuntu now, to doublecheck. [04:04] WW_, what so u mean by that ... i have all ready installed the qc-usb-source package with the Synaptic PM and in the discription it sayed "The qc-usb-source package is a skeleton for creating a kernel module [04:04] to drive Logitech's QuickCam Express webcam and other webcams with [04:04] similar chipsets" that means that i need to complie it m i right ? [04:05] sigh 36 minutes... [04:05] sorry for the flood === JakeandBake [~jake@pcp02391380pcs.nftmyr01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] nah === u_d [~u_d@190.a.002.ham.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] MyKq3: Sorry, I thought you might not know where to find the package. I'm not sure what to do with it. Is there a README among the files that it installs? [04:08] no :\ [04:08] i wish it had... but i think itz the same file as this one http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/ [04:09] In the Ubuntu LiveCD, there is no search option under the 'Applications' menu system that I can find. Perhaps I have an outdated liveCD, is this possible? [04:09] well it have the same name [04:09] MyKq3: get a terminal, type 'tail -f /var/log/messages' === zenwhen_ [1001@host-216-78-81-166.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] them plug the cam in and read the output [04:10] Hoodster: Look under Computer [04:10] jayeola, u mean i should plug out the cam 1st [04:11] yeah, plug it out and wait for a while(2 mins) [04:11] Oct 15 04:11:08 ubuntu kernel: usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using address 4 [04:12] WW. Thanks for the reply. Under Computer there is Home, Desktop, Disks, Network, which just bring up a window that lists the contents but no search. === elliot_ [~elliot@dsl092-147-234.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] MyKq3: looks like it's seen a new deive [04:12] -device- [04:12] i've downloaded celestia [04:12] but i cant seem to get it working [04:12] :| === zenwhen_ [1001@host-216-78-81-166.bgk.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["http://zenhardwhere.com"] [04:12] jayeola, and whay does it means .... [04:13] jayeola, oh yeah [04:13] Has anyone installed on a laptop? [04:13] Hoodster: I see. There have been a lot of changes in the last week or so. On my system, after "Network" I have "Recent Documents" and "Search for files..." [04:14] yes, thinkpad t40 [04:14] I am a real noob and the install went great even KDE was a breeze but I cannot figure out how to get it to go to suspend mode [04:14] Its an old Dell Insprion [04:15] not such a newb myself, but it's still tricky [04:15] Hoodster: I was told that a new LiveCD should be available tomorrow. [04:15] WW_: Thanks. I don't have that option. You have also confirmed that this is a non-issue with a more recent release and available in a new liveCD release. Fantastic! [04:16] gdarel, if it's old, it may want apm instead of acpi to manage the suspend [04:16] Is that a package I need to change? [04:17] One last issue on this particular liveCD. The Device Manager option does not work. I noticed this was mentioned in the forums once. Has this been resolved in a newer release? [04:17] two ways to manage power, apm and acpi [04:18] have you googled for your model number? [04:18] that's the easiest way to find out. [04:18] Does it make a differance if it works under Mandrake and Redhat? [04:19] to be fair, acpi suspend isn't really that fully implemented in Linux right now [04:19] maybe. They might have better autodetection during setup? [04:20] right === mystic0 [~mystic@adsl-216-101-25-242.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] does anybody have monodevelop running? === lamont_r [~lamont@c-67-174-120-66.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] mystic0: yup, I just installed it and it worked [04:21] ok, cool [04:21] where do I go to change the setting? [04:21] Keybuk: from what location did you install it? Did you have to add tseng's mono-repository to your sources.list? [04:21] mystic0: from Debian [04:22] Universe? [04:22] no, Debian itsekf [04:22] Keybuk: I don't understand. Are you using ubuntu? [04:22] yes [04:23] so how did you install mono-develop [04:23] ... [04:23] from the debian resipiroty? [04:23] When is Ubuntu going to add mono into Universe? [04:23] echo "deb http://ftp.uk.debian.org/debian/ unstable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list; aptitude update; aptitude install monodevelop; sed -i -e '/debian/d' /etc/apt/sources.list [04:23] I thought universe was for everything, and main was for the Ubuntu package [04:23] wm_eddie: mono 1.0 is in universe [04:24] gdarel: I'm sorry, but I'm not sure how to switch between acpi/apm in ubuntu [04:24] I assume monodevelop failed to build for some reason [04:24] Keybuk: Well mono is in universe but it can't install. [04:24] because mono-mcs wouldnt build [04:24] OK you pointed me in the right direction I will pop over and see if that helps [04:24] because mono-mcs is needed to build mono-mcs [04:24] and its not installed on the build hosts [04:25] its a bootstrap problem. [04:25] I'm so confused. Mono is in universe but monodevelop is not? ANd what is universe? I thought it was *everything*, and was disabled by default. What you are refering to as universe seems more like main [04:25] ... [04:25] mystic0: main is the supported set of Ubuntu packages [04:25] mystic0: main is Ubuntu supported files. [04:25] yes yes [04:25] universe is everything else that is freely redistributable [04:25] is universe the same as debian universe? [04:25] mystic0: universe = debian main [04:25] there is no debian universe [04:26] so universe is what debian uses? [04:26] multiverse = debian contrib, non-free and anything else === defendguin [~supertux@adsl-157-52-36.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] Keybuk: there's a multiverse? === Pizbit backs up stuff :) === sum_juan [~vc@AC89F84E.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:26] multiverse??? [04:26] is mono in main [04:27] has anyon else been having a problem with gnome freezing after gnome has fully finished starting up? [04:27] no, mono is not a supported package in Ubuntu for warty [04:27] mono is in universe [04:27] ok [04:27] though, as pointed out, mono-mcs and monodevelop aren't due to build problems [04:27] hm [04:27] go read the mailinglist archives, add my repo, and move on with life [04:27] How easy is it to break ubuntu by installing packages from universe? [04:27] but wouldn't they be in universe anyway? I thought universe was for Debian too, and surely Debian supports mono === JakeandBake [~jake@pcp02391380pcs.nftmyr01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] Hoodster: shouldn't break, but if it does you get to keep both bits [04:28] :) [04:28] mystic0: i didnt make the freeze [04:28] mystic0: no, if we can't build them, we can't put the non-existant packages into universe :) [04:28] universe isn't just a copy of the Debian archive, the packages are rebuilt on Ubuntu [04:28] ohhhh [04:28] i thought they were simply debian packages, untouched === speel [speel@24-168-9-226.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === ritalin [~chad@12-220-139-216.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] wow [04:29] tseng: do you have beagle and dashboard? [04:29] no. === fughidabowit [~derek@c-24-5-249-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] really nice distro guys [04:29] Will you some day? [04:29] Keybuk, so, packages from universe really should work with ubuntu, but no guarantees (hehe) [04:29] I can't get them to build :/ [04:29] I suppose I will wait for everything to go to main before using it [04:29] wm_eddie: maybe.. [04:29] i just installed it like 10 min ago and already got it up and running [04:29] is blender in main? [04:29] Hoodster: exactly. they're not supported, so install at your own risk [04:29] notably no security updates [04:29] mystic0: no, universe [04:29] wm_eddie: beagle and dashboard and so on need really bleeding edge software to work [04:29] hey everyone - I just insatlled ubuntu on my dad's PC (Dell Latitude) - i got the nvidia drivers installed however I cannot set the resolution above 640x480 [04:29] Keybuk: I need blender... does anybody have any luck using it? [04:29] yeah, but beagle is amazing. === MojoPete [~pete@pool-141-157-13-55.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] hey how is ubuntu linux .. im dling the live cd right now [04:29] mystic0: I have it. [04:29] its fast [04:30] wm_eddie: how does it work? [04:30] fughidabowit: Did you update your xfree config? [04:30] wm_eddie: no problems? [04:30] speel: sweet, elegant, simple [04:30] mystic0: not a single one, except I had to restart X for it to appear in the menu. [04:30] wm_eddie: thanks [04:30] locking down my ubuntu box for home use - do i need to have postfix daemon running? [04:31] I am so happy that Ubuntu makes such good use of Gnome [04:31] I love Gnome [04:31] Pizbit: what exactly should i update in there [04:31] finally a distro that actually uses it well [04:31] MojoPete: nothing listens on public interfaces [04:31] MojoPete: nothing on Ubuntu should be listening by default (except on localhost) ... did you find something that did? [04:31] gnome, python, debian = heaven === ntl [~nathanl@user-0vvd937.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] mystic0: Ubuntu's Gnome is exceptionally beautiful. [04:31] elliot_: whats do you like best about it? [04:31] I simply love what they've done with the menus [04:31] Pizbit: I ran the nvidia-glx-config enable is tahts what you are referring to [04:31] I am a 6-month gentoo user [04:32] mystic0: doesn't it feel great!?! [04:32] fughidabowit: Change the Drive "nv" to Driver "nvidia", add in Load glx , make sure there is no Load "dri" and Load "GLcore" === wm_eddie is a former gentoo user too. [04:32] keybuk: no was just shutting off thing i knew i wouldn't use - so i can safely leave the default daemons running? [04:32] in (should be) /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [04:32] wm_eddie: to be honest, I am still downloading ubuntu. But it does feel good to ditch all that compiling [04:32] does ubuntu come with the nvidia drivers? [04:32] yes [04:32] Pizbit: aight, 1 second [04:32] I think it's in restricted, no? [04:32] in restricted [04:32] MojoPete: yup, the default daemons are minimal to keep a system running; and none of them listen to public networks [04:32] see BinaryDriverHowto on the wiki [04:32] how would you go about installing them? [04:32] speel: yup you can get them though synamptic [04:32] MojoPete: postfix runs so it can delivery cron mail, and such [04:33] fughidabowit: Then simply restart X :) [04:33] jdub, why can the ndiswrapper be in a repository? [04:33] I hope ubuntu gets bigger and the website gets polished, with official forums like gentoo [04:33] mystic0: the only problem is getting a couple of other repositories for Mono and Java and semi illegal media playing libs. === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ === Topic (#ubuntu): set by Kamion at Wed Oct 13 20:42:25 2004 === #ubuntu [freenode-info] please register your nickname...don't forget to auto-identify! http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup [05:56] woo [05:56] thats odd === chrismurf [~chris@] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] or not... [05:57] lately my box will crash after gnome is finished fully loading [05:57] u see a "Login:" right? [05:57] damnit, it says on the wiki that the sound should work with the snd-cs4236 driver!! :( [05:58] I wish the guy who wrote that left some contact info. [05:58] Se7h, yes the last text on the screen is "Login:" but it is only there for a split second before the flicker/turnoff. [05:58] he says APM works. [05:58] Bobj ah, ok [05:58] thats when the X tries to load it self [05:58] wm_eddie. that's it? i'll try it when i get back home on my ibm laptop. the internal modem and ethernet doesn't work === fughidabowit [~derek@c-24-5-249-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] has anyone installed MythTV in ubuntu? [05:59] GOwin: what type is it? [05:59] CEM56-100BTX [05:59] Bobj but does the monitor realy shuts down? [06:00] fugh - no, but I'm looking for a good tv app [06:00] the laptop is an ibm 1300 [06:00] used tvtime before [06:00] guys with network-admin thers not much i can do, i tryed: -dmesg | grep eth- and -ifconfig eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx. up- but don't know what to put on the numbres:xxx and with -dhclient- it says: DHCPDISCOVER ON 255.255.255 port 67 interval xx- and at the end it says: -failed to bring up eth0- [06:00] Se7h, yup - the little light goes from green to yellow. [06:00] i mean, it should only go blank and then return to the console [06:00] chrismurf: are there any deb packages for it? [06:00] ibm IBM 1161-91J [06:01] hmmmm, try ctrl+alt+backspace when it happens [06:01] so i realy don't know what else to do i'm quite new in LINUX.... :( [06:01] Damn, my 600E is different than his. [06:01] should work but its a try [06:01] the other way [06:01] Se7h - I hit ctrl+alt+backspace and the monitor turned on for a couple of seconds then went dark again. [06:01] ctrl+alt+F5 [06:02] Bobj yes, thats the X restarting [06:02] hit ctrl+alt+F5 [06:02] to go to the console [06:02] Pariente: If it doesn't find eth0 automatically, then it's gonna get a little complicated. Until you find the answer, then you see how simple it was all this time! :) [06:02] login to ur user [06:02] that's the Eddie Postulate of Linux Hardware Problems. [06:02] and then [06:02] sudo XFree86 -configure [06:03] try to find at google your monitor vert/horiz syncs [06:03] it'll come in handy [06:04] Se7h, ok I hit the keys a few more times and the monitor stayed on long enough to see that it was at the login prompt, but now I have a big blue screen and with a message about cannot start x server that it is likely to be a setup problem. There is a server output to view. [06:04] what keys did u hit ? [06:05] when the installation it says that it found the eth0 and asks for a name to be recognized in internet, then it says that everything is ok but at the end when i finaly run ubuntu it does?t work... :( [06:05] the ctrl+alt+backspace. I've now logged in and am at the command line prompt. [06:05] ok [06:05] now [06:05] Let me try the sudo xfree86 -configure [06:05] sudo XFree86 -configure [06:06] anybody have particularly good soundcard luck? [06:06] nope [06:06] chrismurf uh ? [06:06] I've having issues with it recognizing my Via 82xx onboard card [06:06] not for a laptop anyway [06:06] I'm getting a password prompt [06:06] err onboard chip [06:06] had it working on Gentoo [06:06] Bobj write down the user password [06:06] I'm still getting used to this whole binary distro thing [06:07] chrismurf is it a C-Media? [06:07] if it is...i use my onboard soundcard also [06:07] and...100% [06:08] I only setup one password during the install and I know what that is. I tried it but it said command not found [06:08] Bobj: the root password is disabled, so that might be the problem. [06:08] wm_eddie no [06:08] sudo [06:09] will ask for a pass [06:09] that pass is iqual to the user [06:09] Every time I try the sudo command now I'm getting command not found. [06:09] ping! [06:09] Bobj: try sudo su [06:09] Bobj past the console here [06:10] just 2lines [06:10] *paste [06:10] did u write down XFree86 ? [06:10] its case sensitive === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] bob@linux ~ $ sudo xFree86 - configure [06:11] sudo: xFree86: command not found [06:11] X not x [06:11] it should be $ sudo XFree86 -configure [06:12] ok, I must detach now [06:12] ok, much better [06:12] :) [06:12] no configure the X there === TheMonoTone [~tom@themonotone.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] *now [06:13] im dislexique [06:13] lol [06:13] I'm getting some failed to load glide, can't detect my mouse and something about using a command to test the server. === jsubl2 [~jsubl2@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:13] w8 [06:14] have u configured the xfree already? so fast ? === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-81-166.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] I don't think so. I got a screenfull of messages and a message to try a XFree86 command with some parameters. I tried the command and the screen flickered and now is black, but the monitor still has a green light. Perhaps a reboot? === james_ [~james@170-215-49-81.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] cntr+alt+backspace does nothing now as well. [06:16] ctrl+alt+backspace = restart X [06:16] ctrl+alt+Fx = change terminal [06:17] hmm [06:17] what happens when u run the -configure? [06:17] hmm.. i am trying to use my scanner.. but xsane will only see and allow me to use the scanner if i run it from root/sudo.. how can i remedy this? [06:17] I think I need to reboot, nothing is responding. Hopefully you can hang around for a few more minutes. === bahaMut\\laptop [~goren@pool-70-18-156-127.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] hi [06:18] Bobj hit ctrl+alt+del then [06:18] it will start system rebooty [06:18] I installed ubuntu but it doesnt load after install because it wants to load hotplug pciehp and it fails.. === ficusplanet [~ficusplan@12-216-226-172.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] rebooting... [06:19] bahaMut\\laptop do u have external hdd or something ? [06:19] Se7h: no [06:20] pendrive ? [06:20] Se7h: no [06:20] nothing connect6ed to usb ? [06:20] nothing like that [06:20] just my webcam and my mouse [06:21] maybe is just that [06:21] i dont know bout the others [06:21] but when o boot with my external hdd (plugged into usb [06:21] it just breaks on loading === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] ok i plugged my webcam out and put the mouse with ps2 adapter into ps2, lets see.. [06:22] i can only turn it on after booting the os [06:22] yeah [06:22] try that [06:22] Bobj wel...? === Pariente [~Pariente@Dynamic-IP-cr20011847214.cable.net.co] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [06:23] Se7h, reboot complete, I've got the command prompt and entered the 'sudo XFree86 -configure'. I get a message about failing to load glide (?mouse) and then just go back to the command prompt. [06:23] o.0 [06:23] odd [06:23] ubuntu bugzilla sucks [06:24] Bobj hang a sec [06:24] it doesnt hold any information if i click on anything like "assign to" and try to go back [06:24] ok [06:24] also why should i assign a bug to anyone? [06:24] WOO the professor changed the Due date to wednesday! [06:24] defendguin true ;P [06:25] wm_eddie wha? [06:25] My Discrete Mathematics class. [06:25] ahhh it finally assigned the bug to someone and i didnt need to [06:26] So now I have no homework, I can start hacking from today! === wm_eddie starts emacs and hacks away. [06:26] heh [06:26] emacs? === z2nOnly [~nick@cable-68-112-214-178.sli.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] jayeola: emacs, is like what happens when you turn a text editor, into an operating system. [06:26] woo hoo one more big bug to add to the pile [06:26] and it's my text-editor of choice. [06:27] ya, but it's sooo big. i'm tempted to try it out though === ritalin [~ritalin@12-220-139-216.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] so much linux, so little time [06:27] so when i run synaptic how do i know it has a upgraded list of packages? [06:27] Bobj sudo XFree86 -allowMouseOpenFail [06:28] try that [06:28] 000000005ef397f8 01 DOWN TIVO [06:28] yay [06:28] lirc serial thingy I made works [06:28] mythtv is rsn when I get my hw [06:28] y0 00b00nt00 r0x m4n !!!111!1! [06:28] hahaa [06:28] jayeola: try it. ^X-^C is to close, ^X-^S is to save. ^@ (or space) is to set the mark, ^W cuts, Meta-W copy's ^Y pastes. [06:28] jayeola: ^=Ctrl [06:29] and also all these shortcuts are completely configurable. [06:29] wm_eddie: i'll read the man page. i even bought a book (shucks) [06:29] knoppix is wrking [06:29] Se7h, monitor flikered then turned itself off. cntr+alt+backspace doesn't turn it back on. [06:29] ritalin, use apt-get :) [06:29] on question [06:29] apt-get update? [06:29] ritalin, I use synaptic to search install [06:29] Xfree86 can only be run with 1 option [06:29] right? [06:29] sudo apt-get update [06:29] word === TongMaster [~TongMaste@] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] ty [06:30] ritalin: the refresh button. [06:30] sudo apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade [06:30] Bobj ok, lets do it manualy [06:30] lol [06:30] hmm.. where in the /dev folder are my usb things? the device manager sees the scanner, and xsane (as root) sees it, but not the normal user.. [06:31] oh joy [06:31] this is the coolest damn distro on the planet [06:31] sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86config-a [06:31] sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86config-4 [06:31] but.. i've got to reboot now again.. so hold on. [06:31] I like it === mikeb [mikeb@d7-141.rb.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] Se7h, is the plan to set manually to some safe generic monitor setting? [06:33] Bobj no, the plan is configuring the xfree86 config file "a la pate" [06:33] :P [06:33] Ubuntu is close to perfect, when it officially supports mono, xOrg, and beagle. It will be. [06:33] hello all, does the rc of ubuntu now install xorg or is it still xfree86? [06:33] z2nOnly: xOrg is for next year's release. [06:33] XOrg is due for hoary [06:34] wm_eddie, thanks for the info [06:34] Any former amiga users out here?> [06:34] btw, does anyone have Celestia? [06:34] I have a via_82xx soundcard - ubuntu detected the module and loaded it (says lsmod) [06:34] but I'm having no luck playing audio through it [06:34] wm_eddie, any ideas when next year? [06:35] z2nOnly: you don't read the site do you? 5.3 [06:35] Se7h: This is way cooler but only for Windows :( http://learn.arc.nasa.gov/worldwind/ [06:35] chrismurf sorry bout the -non-help, but modules r not with me [06:35] im a newbie on this [06:35] SmokingFire, I am an old Amiga person [06:35] wm_eddie, i will go there now and read up on, thanks! [06:36] ushooz: do you know the program snoopdos for on the Amiga? [06:36] Se7h, ok, booted up logged on and entered 'sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86config-a' and seem to be in an editor. [06:36] SmokingFire, ya [06:36] Se7h no big deal - thanks anyway [06:36] SmokingFire, nice program [06:36] ushooz: any linux equivalent? [06:36] Bobj yeah ur right [06:36] go down and find... [06:36] let me see.. [06:37] anybody have any guesses? Longtime gentoo user - new to debian/ubuntu [06:37] Bobj: have you run through 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' yet? [06:37] Bobj Section "Monitor" [06:37] go there [06:37] Actually, I'm in a blank file at the momment - nothing at all. [06:38] Bobj: you got the wrong file name [06:38] -4 not -a [06:38] tab complete is your friend [06:38] chrismurf: so some other guy talking also about audio, problem usually was solved by loading sequence, however I didn't follow the conversation 100% [06:39] -4 same thing, empty file. I'm logged in as a user not the admin. [06:39] james_:sometimes tab doesn't work on gaim, I don't know why [06:39] Bobj, sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86config-4 [06:39] SmokingFire, meant when trying to edit files in term [06:39] Bobj: have you run through 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86' yet? [06:40] No, I'll try it though. [06:40] or trying to do anything in terminal.. heh [06:40] SmokingFire: any ideas? I'm just grasping at straws at this point === bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] That sounds good, but I don't know how to affect the loading sequence [06:41] its not perhaps in /etc/modules ? [06:41] SmokingFire, nothing that I know of right off the top of my head [06:41] oh, I've got a configure program running now and it want's me to select the desired x server driver. [06:41] ushooz: ok thanks anyway [06:41] s3 is highlighted [06:41] wm_eddie, i have a pc with ati radeon 9800, will this be difficult to install after installing rc ubuntu? [06:41] Bobj whats ur video card? [06:41] ushooz: would have been nice to see all the background stuff. === krem`uni [krem@hons2.csse.monash.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] y0 [06:42] Is there any truth to the rumour that IBM is poised to buy Ubuntu? [06:42] This is an older DELL pc with onboard video. looking inside at the chips, it appears to be an S3. [06:43] Where did you here that? [06:43] hear [06:43] LOLOL [06:43] talking to krem btw [06:43] z2nOnly: good question. It worked fine on my nVidia. [06:43] Should I give up? [06:43] should work fine on an Ati... [06:43] Bobj is it a S3 ? [06:44] krem`uni: I think IBM is going to use Novell linux... [06:44] Yes S3 [06:44] so selct it [06:44] As I remember IBM doesn't want to own any linux, for lawsuits reasons. [06:44] wm_eddie, i thought i read that only nvidia was supported, however, was curious if rc supports ati now [06:45] ati 3d? [06:45] Ok. I'm a little further into the progream now it is asking about whether to use the kernal framebuffer device interface - default is no. [06:45] can they include those? [06:45] z2nOnly: let me check the wiki [06:45] i thought they were binary drivers? [06:45] Bobj go for the defaults [06:45] will do [06:45] hey guys i tried to play an mp3 and it said no plugin installed to handle it [06:45] wm_eddie, thanks [06:45] at least try [06:45] bur[n] er: As for as I know they can but from philosopical reasons many distros don't [06:45] should i just install libxine or something? [06:46] ritalin: ;) you're kidding? [06:46] bur[n] er: binary-only drivers are included. [06:46] yes ritalin [06:46] install totem-xine [06:46] ritalin for me installing gstreamer-08-mad worked [06:46] gstreamer-08-mad is not installed by default? [06:47] you could always install 'beep-media-player' [06:47] z2nOnly: I see the the Radeon 9500 not only works but is auto-detected. [06:47] i find it a bit more stable than rhythmbox [06:47] bur[n] er: not anymore for legal reasons. [06:47] bur[n] er does it stays on tray ? [06:47] wm_eddie, thanks, i will try tomorrow [06:48] legal reasons on mad? [06:48] z2nOnly: if you do get it to work add a row to http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/HardwareSupport [06:48] Se7h: it does not... the one down fall [06:48] but... it plays music ;) [06:48] wm_eddie, will do [06:48] as opposed to my rhythmbox [06:48] ,ad is mpeg layer III = audio = mp3 = frauhofer patents = lawsuits [06:48] mad is for "educational" purposes only, so a company using it... [06:48] it crashes on first 1 second [06:49] == lame codec? is that illegal? [06:49] ,ad = mad btw [06:49] lame is not legal [06:49] no? [06:49] nope [06:49] Bobj any luck ? [06:49] how come so prevalent? [06:49] lame is only for testing purposes officially [06:49] i suppose libdvdcss is prevalent in that respect anyway [06:49] it's for testing? [06:49] heh [06:49] Sorry. I got a phone call. I heard about IBM being interested in Ubuntu Linux on a mailing list. === fughidabowit [~derek@c-24-5-249-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] I mean, it's clearly going to knock the socks off of Red Hat and SuSE [06:50] Who wouldn't want it? [06:50] arg...ever since i opened the Volume Control...the sound quality has been shit [06:50] anything based on debian has got to be better than redhat or suse [06:50] bur[n] er: LAME is an educational tool to be used for learning about MP3 encoding. The goal of the LAME project is to use the open source model to improve the psycho acoustics, noise shaping and speed of MP3. [06:50] is there any way to make this sound output better [06:50] bur[n] er: Using the LAME encoding engine (or other mp3 encoding technology) in your software may require a patent license in some countries. [06:51] no shit [06:51] one last shot - anybody with good alsa juju? I'm having issues. [06:51] krem`uni: With all the money IBM is putting into Novell linux, I doubt they will use Ubuntu. [06:51] Se7h, been through all of the screens now. How do I restart X? [06:51] i've wondered about that for years! [06:51] guess there is a legit reason to go to .ogg [06:51] and so its called: LAME Ain't an Mp3 Encoder. === bur[n] er wonders when the patent is up [06:51] wm_eddie: Stranger things have happened. There have been rumours IBM was going to buy Novell. Buying Ubuntu, and becoming to it what Red Hat is to Fedora would be a smart move. [06:51] Bobj ctrl+alt+F7 [06:52] and the ctrl+alt+backspace [06:52] F7 is the default terminal for X [06:52] or just 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' [06:52] krem`uni: as a community-run distribution, Ubuntu cannot be 'bought' as such [06:53] goatboy more keys pressed ;P [06:53] daniels: IBM could buy canonical ;-) [06:53] I got a blue screen with a white message box "I will disable this X server for now. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly". But now the keyboard isn't responding. [06:53] bur[n] er: but as so many people are using windows, with who a lot of applications come with a free mp3 encoder, I think you havn't seen the end of mp3 yet. [06:53] However as soon as people must pay personally to encode audio then yes. === bahaMut\\laptop [~goren@pool-70-18-156-127.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] hi [06:53] krem`uni: that still wouldn't give them control of Ubuntu, even in the unlikely event that it actually did happen [06:53] True [06:53] i hope we haven't seen the end... i have an mp3 stereo in my car [06:53] :) [06:53] bahaMut\\laptop lucky ? [06:54] But personally I would far prefer to see Ubuntu on an IBM server, than Red Hat or SuSE === chrismurf [~chris@] has left #ubuntu ["au] [06:54] Bobj restart that [06:54] No command line, looks like another reboot. [06:54] everything works fine on ubuntu, the problem is that I have to load a modprobe module at startup, where to add the "modprobe sis900" ? In which file ? It's the last thing I need to know and then I'll enjoy ubuntu :P [06:54] But there is no reason why IBM would buy Ubuntu. === ritalin [~ritalin@12-220-139-216.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] no dice guys [06:54] i installed libxine-devel and rebooted [06:54] bahaMut\\laptop, add the module name to the file /etc/module [06:54] still wont play [06:54] bahaMut\\laptop: /etc/modules [06:54] bahaMut\\laptop wasn't those usb devices ? [06:55] +s [06:55] ritalin no need to reboot [06:55] ./exec sudo gedit /etc/modules [06:55] aaight [06:55] well it didnt work [06:55] ritalin: what are you trying to do? [06:55] let's see if it'll work [06:55] krem`uni: well, we aim to have the widest hardware support possible, so obviously IBM servers are part of that plan [06:55] Se7h: I just pressed ctrl+c :) [06:55] Play mp3's :/ [06:55] and it wont [06:55] just as are Dell servers, HP servers, et al [06:55] bahaMut\\laptop or that.. lolololo [06:55] lololol [06:55] ritalin go to synaptic and install "totem-xine" [06:55] moo [06:55] ritalin: did you install the mad package for gstreamer? [06:56] not the lib [06:56] i mean [06:56] wm_eddie, i just looked at the wiki hardware support and did not see my laptop (gateway solo 5350) which i tried installing ubuntu on several weeks ago. after successfully booting from the ubuntu cd and watching the hardware detection begin, screen went blank and nothing else happened. any ideas? [06:56] yep it worked jesus thanks ahhahahahahahahhaha [06:56] the lib will come after the totem [06:56] I AM HAPPY [06:56] cu lat0r [06:56] LOL [06:56] "one more happy costumer" :) [06:56] z2nOnly: you got me there, perhaps you should disable auto-detection? [06:57] daniels: What would be the main reason for one to switch from using Debian for servers, to Ubuntu? [06:57] wm_eddie, how does one do that? [06:57] well, its 5.57am here [06:57] i need some rest === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] see ya [06:57] i've got a question [06:57] does anyone have celestia? [06:57] shoot [06:57] z2nOnly: I don't know, I've never had to do it :) [06:57] SmokingFire i know.. ;P [06:57] sure do... i think [06:58] i lied, i have kstars ;) [06:58] Se7h, reboot and still doing the monitor shutdown thing. I'm back at the command line. [06:58] hmm I need to learn how to generate an xml file in python... [06:58] Bobj do that "nano" thing [06:58] and check if the file is empty or what [06:59] ok, give me a sec [06:59] bur[n] er the celestia on the repository [06:59] just doesn't work [06:59] lol [06:59] wm_eddie: `python-xml' installed? [06:59] hrm... i couldnt' tell you... i only have ubuntu installed on my laptop [06:59] and i'm on my debian box :\ [06:59] sorry === ritalin [~ritalin@12-220-139-216.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] krem`uni: Where did you hear the rumor anyway? [06:59] crimsun: yup, but it's really complicated. [06:59] grrrr [06:59] no prob [06:59] nuthin works [06:59] i installed the mad lib [06:59] Se7h, installing it now [06:59] ushooz celestia? === pepsi [~pepsi@dsl081-225-034.chi1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] Se7h, yes [07:00] k [07:00] give news [07:00] you have a problem with it? [07:00] no [07:00] it just wont start [07:00] what question do you have? [07:00] ah [07:00] Se7h, empty file [07:00] I did sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86config-5 [07:00] I did sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86config-4 [07:00] Bobj show me what did u wirte [07:01] yeah [07:01] second one [07:01] missed a C [07:01] (just downloaded doom3 :D YEY) [07:01] hmmm [07:01] watch it PWN your computer! [07:01] SmokingFire: On the OSIA mailing lists.. [07:01] ./exec sudo gedit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [07:01] (Open Source Industry Australia) [07:01] ritalin: get gstreamer0.8-plugins (might be big) and then logoff and login. [07:01] Bobj: that command was for you ;) [07:02] ok [07:02] Se7h, seems to work here [07:02] ushooz how ? [07:02] anyone have issues iwth rhythmbox? [07:02] gstreamer0.8-plugin-apps? === bur[n] er thinks it might just be rhythmbox from within xfce :\ [07:02] no such file... [07:02] type the command celestia [07:02] krem`uni: ok [07:02] cause i have it already... [07:02] ushooz just what i've done [07:02] but let me try one more time [07:02] ok [07:02] ritalin: no just without the apps [07:03] Se7h, I take that back I am using the opengl version [07:03] should i get dev ones? [07:03] so celestia-glut [07:03] cause i have regular ones [07:03] -bash: celestia: command not found [07:03] aaahh [07:03] w8 then [07:03] OOo in Ubuntu looks about as integrated as OOo is going to get. [07:03] sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-plugin should do it [07:03] really good job. [07:04] wm_eddie: Any screenshots? [07:04] Well to mee OOo still needs improvement in looks and usability. [07:04] Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugin [07:04] ushooz [07:04] This is the old GTK/Gnome based frontend to Celestia which isn't [07:04] actively developed anymore. It also lacks some functionality compared [07:04] to the [07:04] ritalin: do you have universe enabled? [07:04] EVEN THE DESCRIPTION IS INCOMPLETE [07:04] AHAHAH [07:04] ups [07:04] is it on by default? [07:04] sorry caps [07:04] Cause i havent messed with anything [07:04] ritalin: off by default [07:05] ritalin: what are you using? apt or synaptic? [07:05] synaptic [07:05] i like it [07:05] :P [07:05] um... I could make one... === DeepSpaceAnt [nitinshant@lsanca1-ar41-4-61-130-127.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] grr... wish synaptic would let you do "synaptic install " [07:06] someone make it do that ;) [07:06] I wish there was a open source driver for r300+ chipsets for ati.. [07:06] wm_eddie: That'd be cool.. [07:06] ok, there go to settings --> repositories and enabled the fifth and sixth repository from the top. [07:06] stupid ati drivers never work.. [07:06] synaptic is a frontend of apt === bur[n] er is using ati drivers atm [07:06] bur[n] er: why not just do 'apt-get install for what board [07:06] because newbs like guis ;) [07:06] the description when clicking on the fith and sixth repo should hold the word universe. [07:06] what vid card* [07:06] how do i enable unversal? [07:07] i want to say to ritalin... 'sudo synaptic install gstreamer-08*' [07:07] and ahve it work [07:07] ritalin u can go into apps->system tools->synaptic [07:07] and set reposotories [07:07] and enable one [07:07] DeepSpaceAnt: i have an all in wonder 128 [07:07] ritalin: edit /etc/apt/sources.list [07:07] ritalin: /exec sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [07:07] :) [07:07] ritalin: ok, there go to settings --> repositories and enabled the fifth and sixth repository from the top. [07:07] there, like that [07:07] bur[n] er what chipset is that? [07:07] bur[n] er: and again, I ask, why not just do 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer' ? [07:07] r300? [07:07] DeepSpaceAnt: old ;) [07:08] hah [07:08] lol [07:08] krem`uni: ahh, it's hard to capture it all in a screen shot. It just integreates very well with the brownness of the Human theme. [07:08] kitchen`: there's no gui [07:08] but that's about it. [07:08] and if he runes it from xchat, it won't work [07:08] or even if he runs it from irssi [07:08] err [07:08] it needs user interaction [07:08] I wonder if the human theme will change at all [07:08] for the release [07:08] you shouldn't run either of those from an irc client :P [07:08] can't do that in... well... maybe you can in xchat? [07:08] what's the equivalent of guidedog for gnome? [07:08] why not? [07:08] lazycat === bur[n] er likes giving out /exec commands to news [07:08] newbs [07:09] make it easy for em [07:09] Se7h - I think I found the config file /home/bob/XF86Config.new - there is stuff in it. [07:09] just have them alt-f2 and type in the command :P [07:09] Bobj good [07:09] not a fan of the brown in Ubuntu [07:09] go to "Monitor" [07:09] changed all that === bur[n] er digs scheme [07:09] I'm using a blue theme [07:09] it's not blue like EVERYONE else [07:09] bleh [07:09] heh [07:09] I *love* the human theme. [07:10] <--ChrystalSphere [07:10] windows, mac, kde, gnome... they're always blue [07:10] I prefer blue myslef [07:10] I like the gorilla theme === bur[n] er likes black [07:10] cuz blue is sexy [07:10] AH [07:10] ushooz [07:10] but the beos theme is also very good. [07:10] celestia-gnome [07:10] LOL [07:10] and the ubuntu is fun and different [07:10] blues and grays === wm_eddie is a fan of different. [07:10] seth@devil ~/01-Ext2 $ sudo sh doom3-linux-1.1.1282-demo.x86.run [07:10] Password: [07:10] Verifying archive integrity... All good. [07:10] Uncompressing DOOM III demo............. [07:11] :D [07:11] i don't see any of these themes in the list [07:11] Se7h - the entries seem to not be filled out at all. almost like this is a template file or something. [07:11] very cool [07:11] kitchen`: you need to download them, they are called gnome-themes or something. [07:11] just plugged in my digi cam for the first time and it detected it right away [07:11] It's not hard to install new themes in GNOME [07:11] http://home.earthlink.net/~ushooz/Screenshot.png [07:11] ahh [07:11] GNOME absolutely rocks, I reckon it's the best interface around [07:11] gnome-themes-extras [07:11] get those [07:11] how can i get programs that use /dev/dsp play sounds at the same time? [07:11] from universal [07:11] Bobj google a bit [07:11] alsa stuff works fine [07:11] pepsi: esd. [07:12] and try to studie the xfree86 [07:12] not that hard [07:12] Ok. Thanks for the help. [07:12] most importan r the loaded modules [07:12] monitor [07:12] and de device card [07:12] ushooz: How did you get the cpu monitor to come up on the bottom right? [07:13] krem`uni: right click and add to panel [07:13] gdesklets? [07:13] ah [07:13] or that [07:13] just add the monitor to the bottom bar and unlock all the tools to move it over [07:13] then lock them back down so they do not move [07:13] But where did u get the monitor I mean? [07:13] right click the bar.. add applet [07:13] krem`uni: its included [07:13] part of Gnome [07:13] ahh ok, funky [07:14] Where can one get additional applets? [07:14] funkyyy [07:14] nice word in fact [07:14] :) [07:14] gnome needs some work in file manager aspect [07:14] and it needs an scp client [07:14] krem`uni: its not default? [07:14] but other than that, it's cool [07:14] bur[n] er: yea, fish (kde) is awesome-o [07:14] bur[n] er, I agree scp function would rock [07:14] yes!!! people know of fish :) [07:14] krem`uni: try on the top bar on a empty space and right click and add panel [07:14] SmokingFire: Just want to know how to get additional applets for it [07:14] bur[n] er, Nautilus can connect using SSH, like fish. [07:14] finally a sensible irc chatroom [07:14] i use fish all the time [07:14] ficusplanet: it can? [07:14] my desktop is kde [07:15] SmokingFire: I can add applets to the panel, done that.. looks nice [07:15] But [07:15] ficusplanet: in ubuntu? [07:15] Yeah, file>Connect to Server... [07:15] oh yea that's right [07:15] I forgot about that === bur[n] er uses xfce on desktop... but with konq file manager :\ [07:15] its aliveeeee [07:15] no kidding? [07:15] I just wanna know where people can go to get more applets [07:15] but it's not as nicly integrated as kde and their apps === bur[n] er boots laptop to try it out [07:15] I would geyes to monitor how much my mouse has traveled === wm_eddie uses xfce4 on his laptop [07:15] Yeah, connects to lots of stuff. [07:15] because gedit can't open anything from the ssh [07:15] whereas kedit, kate, kwrite, etc can [07:15] leafpad is cooler anyway ;) [07:16] with fish anywyas [07:16] gedit can so open things over ssh [07:16] not that it can, i just wanted to insert a plug [07:16] heh [07:16] gedit can? [07:16] using gnomevfs? [07:16] yes [07:16] file open ssh:// ? [07:16] hmm [07:16] i'll try it [07:16] sec [07:16] ;P === bur[n] er is rebooting [07:16] can you do smb:// from gedit? [07:16] or from nautilus? [07:16] Once you connect to a server with nautilus, you'll have them positioned with the drives in the file chooser. === ritalin [~ritalin@12-220-139-216.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] smb support kinda sucks to browse, but maybe if i can connect... it'll work [07:17] ok i can play mp3s [07:17] i had to install totem-xine [07:17] wow, it did work [07:17] once catch though === bur[n] er is happy for ritalin [07:17] Keybuk, esd is running, but if i have say rhythmbox playing, nothing else works [07:17] gedit just opened sftp://home/kitchen/new.ldif from my server [07:17] it uninstalled ubuntu desktop..... [07:17] i can have 2 instances of rhythmbox playing though === bur[n] er is listening to new jimmy eat world [07:17] I hope that isnt gonna fsck shit up [07:18] sftp: eh? are those hard to set up? [07:18] and can you view stats of connected folks? unlike scp? === aitrus [~foouser@67-50-97-21.dsl1.chi.il.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] bur[n] er: sftp is ssh [07:18] bur[n] er: open nautilus then file --> connect to server [07:18] scp is ssh... [07:18] sftp is a seperate extension [07:18] bur[n] er: so is sftp [07:18] no [07:18] sftp uses ssh [07:18] if i have ssh... i don't necessarily have sftp ability [07:18] but i do have scp [07:18] if you have scp you have sftp [07:18] try it [07:18] sftp user@host [07:18] no [07:19] no way [07:19] i don't believe it [07:19] to some host with just ssh [07:19] bur[n] er: fine, don't believe me. [07:19] i will [07:19] heh [07:19] i'm booting ;) === kitchen` rolls eyes [07:19] if you're right, i'll stfu ;) [07:19] you're thinking ftps [07:19] kitchen`: you only get sftp access if it's enabled on the ssh server (which it is, by default, in most distros) [07:19] which is ftp over ssl [07:19] jdub: right [07:19] this is pretty much just debian isnt it..... [07:19] jdub: but it's still part of openssh :) [07:19] debian isn't enabled by default [07:19] it is? [07:19] it is [07:20] bur[n] er: it is on every distry i've ever used [07:20] it seems like it to me [07:20] hrm [07:20] bur[n] er: grep sftp /etc/ssh/sshd_config [07:20] i'm still booting [07:20] although ive never used debian [07:20] jdub: will do [07:20] It seems to use all the same stuff it does [07:20] kitchen@serenity:~ $ grep sftp /etc/ssh/sshd_config [07:20] Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/sftp-server [07:20] ritalin: ubuntu is a branch of debian sid, integrated, stablised and supported. [07:20] but more newb friendly [07:20] *cough* [07:20] ok cool [07:20] yea ubuntu is very well integrated :) [07:21] ubuntu rocks!~ [07:21] burner@cerebus:~$ grep sftp /etc/ssh/sshd_config [07:21] Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/sftp-server [07:21] that right? [07:21] bur[n] er: yes [07:21] i dont need that ubuntu desktop package do i? [07:21] it wont mess crap up later? [07:21] f-spot is very cool [07:22] ritalin: don't know with me it also uninstalled with some other package. Didn't notice anything [07:22] no f'in way [07:22] I'd still use debian itself on a server. [07:22] it worked === bur[n] er breaks out gftp for ssh [07:22] er... sftp === baHam [~baham@ip68-10-234-26.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === netdur [~chatzilla@adsl-149-49-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] Unless ubuntu brings out a server fork ;-) [07:22] ok, that doesn't work :\ [07:22] I prefer the Ubuntu release cycle [07:22] krem`uni: ubuntu is a fully supported server OS too [07:23] what does gftp use? [07:23] in my experience gftp didn't work with sftp very well [07:23] jdub: Supported by whom? [07:23] "apt-get upgrade" will upgrade my system from pr to rc? [07:23] krem`uni: canonical + the community [07:23] netdur: dist-upgrade would be better [07:23] jdub: Not good enough for clients yet. [07:23] gftp needs sftp-server command [07:23] jdub: Debian has a good name. [07:23] so hrm... got me [07:23] Based on debian does not ;-) === baHam [~baham@ip68-10-234-26.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] "sudo dist-upgrade" [07:23] know how to view people who are connected and file transferring via scp? [07:24] (sudo apt-get dist-upgrade) [07:24] and maybe see some stats about them like the speed? [07:24] thanks [07:24] bur[n] er: It will only show up as an ssh connection [07:24] wow === baHam is now known as baHam\ubuntu^zzz [07:24] bur[n] er: `who' [07:24] just found a old desktop snapshot [07:24] does anybody know why i can play sounds while rhythmbox is playing? [07:24] krem`uni: 'commercially supported debian' has got a lot of attention [07:24] who? [07:24] cant [07:24] it doesn't show anyone [07:24] woooo [07:25] jdub: I just wanna know who the heck canonical is all of a sudden [07:25] this is pre gnome/kde days [07:25] From nowhere, now they are just there. [07:25] http://home.earthlink.net/~ushooz/default/oldlinux.jpg [07:25] celestia with a high res earth texture....awsome [07:25] krem`uni: www.canonical.com [07:25] Debian has been around 12 years [07:25] And has earned trust and respect [07:25] hardly "all of a sudden" :) [07:25] Canonical/Ubuntu can't expect to get that respect overnight [07:25] krem`uni: canonical is a new company, with deep roots in the FOSS community [07:26] krem`uni: who doesn't show them... nor does a w [07:26] I went to their site, saw it was done in plone and thought "Hmm, can't even put together their own site" [07:26] if they connect with winscp that is [07:26] bur[n] er: Weird.. [07:26] (note that we don't expect to be given that level of trust immediately, it has to be built, but the response so far has been incredible) [07:26] Don't get me wrong, Ubuntu is gold to me. === bur[n] er tried as root too === pixelmonkey [~pixelmonk@J33-154.DATANET.NYU.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] krem`uni: er, dude, plone is a CMS, which is used to build sites... [07:27] Ubuntu is like Fedora to Red Hat, and Dropline GNOME to slackware [07:27] Only, better.. [07:27] jdub: Yes.. [07:27] good analogy krem`uni [07:27] and 2.8 ;) [07:27] I just wouldn't have expected a site for a company like Canonical to use plone :-) [07:27] leading edge stuff [07:27] krem`uni: that's what it's for... [07:27] ushooz: Yeah, I think so too. [07:28] Anyway, regardless of the site, that's just being picky on my behald [07:28] *behalf [07:28] I just want to know why I should go throwing Ubuntu on servers [07:28] As opposed to tried and true Debian Stable [07:28] I do not invision ubuntu as a server OS [07:28] good old shot ushooz [07:28] does anyone actually still put Debian stable on servers? :) [07:28] is that their intention? [07:29] ushooz: absolutely. === bur[n] er puts debian 'testing' on servers :) [07:29] pixelmonkey: Yeah.. [07:29] if you want to run a java application server, you don't even have tomcat4 in debian stable, I don't think [07:29] krem`uni: i led the sysadmin team for an isp, we used woody [07:29] testing, minus the security support.. [07:29] krem`uni: couldn't use sarge, no security support, so used woody and maintained a large set of backports. it was... suboptimal. [07:30] jdub, that's the thing, if you have so many backports you're just paddling upstream [07:30] I think it will take years before Debian people will use Ubuntu over Debian on servers. [07:30] I'm just lucky enough that none of my servers are "production" quality, so I can afford to use sarge/sid on them [07:30] bur[n] er, laugh. Good ole WindowMaker :) [07:30] krem`uni: that'll be reduced with ISV/IHV certification, etc. :-) [07:31] Coming from an OpenBSD (and other BSD's) background personally, I would love to see a cross between Ubuntu and Gentoo. Ubuntu with a ports collection :-) [07:31] jdub: Is that on the horizon? [07:31] of course, what's the point of having a commercially supported distribution otherwise? [07:31] Hmm. How will it compete with Red Hat/SuSE? (is that the intention?) [07:32] it may, it may not [07:32] And moreover, how can Canonical hope to make money from it? [07:32] ushooz: i'm familiar... it was my first window manager with slackware [07:32] leave that to canonical ;) [07:32] krem`uni: you do realise that a large portion of Ubuntu developers are actually Debian people, yes? :) === RuffianSoldier [RuffianSol@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === RuffianSoldier [RuffianSol@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:33] Keybuk: Yes.. === lamont_r [~lamont@c-67-174-120-66.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === lamont__r [~lamont@c-67-174-120-66.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] jdub: As a user, I want to know that in $x years Canonical won't turn around and make a RHEL-spinnoff equivalent [07:34] so why isnt monkey bubble available on apt? [07:34] bur[n] er, it took me awhile back then. I had a false start with Linux after I left the Amiga ranks in early 97. Tried Windows 95 and quickly tried Linux and failed. Ran 95 for about 3 more months then had to get off it and tried linux again. Bingo... ever since [07:34] krem`uni: it says in the front page that they have a strong belief that linux should be free as in beer. [07:34] krem`uni: "Ubuntu will always be free of charge, and there is no extra fee for the "enterprise edition", we make our very best work available to everyone on the same Free terms." [07:35] jdub: Yeah, that can easily be deleted.. [07:35] jdub: Didn't Red Hat start out that way? [07:35] no [07:35] red hat started by... selling copies of red hat [07:35] OK so how the heck will Ubuntu make money?! [07:35] How will they stay afloat? [07:36] jdub, Who leads the Web site development for ubuntulinux.org? [07:36] (For the record, I quit a network engineering job one year out of Uni, and to come back to do an honours thesis relating to Open Source in the enterprise. I really *want* to think this can work). [07:36] ficusplanet: not any one person, really - why? [07:36] krem`uni: step 1) Make the best Linux distro ever step 2)... step 3) profit! see it works!!! [07:37] krem`uni: have you read the website? [07:37] jdub, I'd just like to learn how I could help out. I'm not sure what I could/should do, but I have a lot of experience with PHP, XHTML, CSS, etc. === sw_uBu [~vdr@] has joined #ubuntu === aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006612-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] jdub: yes :-) [07:38] ficusplanet: atm, i'm not sure; the site is built on plone, if you grok python and zope [07:39] I've played with plone a bit, but it certainly isn't my forte. [07:40] bah... anyone know how to kill a [defunct] app? [07:40] i tried kill -9 [07:40] but that did nothing === RuffianSoldier [RuffianSol@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] 5445 ? Zl 0:20 [beep-media-play] === RuffianSoldier is now known as Ubuntu [07:40] Run xkill and click on it. [07:40] Hi [07:40] I created Ubuntu [07:41] heh [07:41] i registered this nick [07:41] heheeheheh [07:41] wow, I found an awesome and easy xml library for python. [07:41] krem`uni: step 1) Make the best Linux distro ever step 2)... step 3) profit! see it works!!! [07:41] Right. [07:41] What goes at '...' [07:41] ? === Keybuk hands Ubuntu a card and in the finest Ubuntu tradition declares "lying". [07:41] krem`uni: It worked for the underpants gnomes! === Randomize [~adam@ip68-227-218-14.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] heh [07:42] xml lib for python? === bur[n] er is interested === jgeorgeson [~justin@user-0ccstr2.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === daniels high-fives Keybuk. [07:42] ficusplanet: i have no window for it [07:42] http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm This is perfect for my project. [07:43] i left it running when i logged out to kdm [07:43] killall beep-media-player [07:44] mmmmmm [07:44] Ubuntu [07:44] killall -9 beep-media-player === Ubuntu is now known as RuffianSoldier [07:45] bur[n] er: the "Z" in "Zl" means it's zombied. that process is probably waiting on another process to exit === billytwowilly [~konversat@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] bur[n] er: so you'll need to find what process it's waiting on and kill it [07:46] mdz you here? [07:46] aitrus: thanks :) [07:47] any way to find out the process it's waiting on? === jgeorgeson [~justin@user-0ccstr2.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === elbi_ is now known as elbi [07:47] hi guys, I'm a bit confused about ubuntu. It's supposed to be easy to use right? Does that mean it has a yast like config program for doing things like setting up printers, network, etc? [07:47] defendguin: yes [07:48] billytwowilly: not yast [07:48] but gnome-system-tools [07:48] bur[n] er: you can try "pstree", but i'm not sure if that will have it or not [07:48] only thing above it is 'init' :\ [07:49] bur[n] er: I'm not familiar with gnome-system-tools, I'm a kde user;) I'll check it out though === bur[n] er hates rebooting :| [07:49] eh, it's easy enough === joolz [~joolz@kiar.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] my centrino doesn't start up on boot though :\ i have to remodprobe it [07:50] bur[n] er: you don't need to reboot... if you can't find the proc, then you can logout. maybe even shut down gdm and see what's left [07:50] oh right [07:50] brb [07:50] mdz, you just responded to my bug report about the crash once gnome starts and during the boot [07:51] I have been known to respond to bug reports from time to time [07:51] heh [07:51] bug 2400 [07:51] aitrus: so i'm at a terminal... no X and no window manger [07:51] just screen with an irssi app [07:52] can't imagine bmp is waiting on irssi? [07:52] it wouldn't be waiting on something you jsut started up fresh [07:53] ? [07:53] eh, i'm just gonna reboot ;) [07:54] oh, i thought you logged out and then logged back in with irssi... sorry [07:54] didnt' pay attention that you never left the channel [07:54] man, Gnome 2.8 is so awesome. [07:54] So far all of the little annoyances, are gone! [07:54] nope... just dropped X [07:54] and closed all services [07:54] and came back to my screen window :) [07:54] wm_eddie: you'll find some ;) [07:55] I just did... [07:55] Seems like I can mount something, but only root can unmount it? [07:56] defendguin: I guess I don't understand what you are trying to tell me [07:56] i really cant get a better discription of the bug im having [07:56] if it has the user flag then anybody should be able to mount and unmount it right? [07:57] no extra output when it locks during boot [07:58] even if i turn off the quiet boot mode [07:59] ahh, no quick and easy open with terminal option... [08:01] All file browsers in linux should have an "Open this folder in Terminal" option [08:01] wm_eddie, user means that the user that mounted it can unmount [08:02] users means any user can [08:02] iirc === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD95E6242.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] users means anyone in the user group can [08:03] joem: that worked, thanks. === Se7h is away: Sleeping === Se7h is back (gone 00:00:04) === wm_eddie added open folder with gnome-terminal but it didn't seem to work === RuffianSoldier is now known as Ruffian-ZzZzZz [08:07] horay for hacks === wm_eddie made a shell script that opens gnome-terminal, and placed it in templates === Randomize prepares to burn a mannequin dressed up as Rhythmbox in effigy, but then resists the temptation. === LeeColleton [~lc@dsl231-061-247.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] what is the minimum spec for running ubuntu? [08:16] LeeColleton: I can run it on a 300 Mhz laptop from 1999 :) [08:16] what about a 233MHz P-II ? [08:17] Well, mine's a P-II [08:17] so it'll run. But note I don't run Gnome 2.8 on it, because it's too slow. XFCE4 works great though. [08:17] I can't find a minimum or recommended spec anywhere in the docs.. [08:19] I think it's 686 processor, 128 megs of ram should be more than enough. === wm_eddie 's laptop has nearly 300 megs of ram though. [08:19] P-II is 586 [08:19] 586 then :) [08:19] i put debian with xfce on a 133 with 32mb o ram [08:19] it worked...but it was slow [08:20] p2 is 686 [08:21] the ppro was a 686 [08:21] 686 then :) [08:21] ppro - p3 is 686 [08:21] I run p3 here, it's 686! [08:21] I figure 233 MHz is pushing the low end a bit.. 96 MB of RAM should be okay.. [08:21] is that toshiba laptop? [08:21] im running ubuntu on a k2-300 64megs [08:22] 2.6 is pretty fast. [08:22] im not running gnome thou [08:22] And (one of) the reasons you get such soft answers about "minimum" requirements is because that's such a shell-game for linux distributions. How you load the machine out has a great deal of bearing on what you need in the way of horsepower. :) === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] for gnome, you just need reasonable ram (256 or above) [08:26] you can run it on slow machines without problems [08:26] Probably depends on your pain threshold, too. People have widely varying definitions of "slow." :) [08:27] i ran gnome on a dual pentium 166 board with 512 mem [08:27] ran fine [08:27] yeah, the system is for my dad.. he wouldn't mind [08:27] well no [08:27] wasnt 512 [08:27] 256 [08:27] maybe a lighter desktop environment would work better [08:28] XFCE4 is awesome. [08:28] I cannot describe how awesome it is. [08:28] if ubuntu is really meant for the maximum possible user base, it seems that it should be pretty easy to set it up for a low end system [08:28] Well, my freedesktop.org.xml file is properly updated, totem movie player can play my m4as, gst-launch can play 'em, and the Rhythmbox folks can't give me any reasonable explanation as to why rebuilding from source would fix their issues, so I think they're just not getting candy and flowers from me until they fix it. [08:28] maybe that would be a good install option for hoary === dalkus [~dalkus@81-86-159-34.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] LeeColleton: I think less options are better. It makes it easier to install. [08:30] from there all you have to do is install xfce4 and log-out of gnome. It's one command. [08:30] wm_eddie: then maybe an autodetect script that could decide the system was "low end" [08:30] wm_eddie: seems easy.. but don't underestimate the ignorance of the common user [08:31] That would be so much more complicated than having the person choose a faster alternative themself. [08:31] wm_eddie: I agree about the less options bit [08:31] wm_eddie: it seems like a good item for the documentation then.. how to install on a low end system [08:32] LeeColleton: You can add it to the wiki really. [08:33] install the base, open a terminal, uncomment universe, aptitue install xfce4, logout. [08:33] Wish the man and texinfo manuals for chmod were more elaborate, heh. I can never figure out that command. Oh well, I'll go find a howto. [08:34] chmod 755 name [08:34] Randomize: what are you trying to do? [08:34] chmod -R 755 name === aj_ [aj-irc@azure.humbug.org.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] Don't worry about it. This is an example of a situation where someone should hunker down and train themselves. But thanks. [08:35] 7 is 111 (rwx) 5 is 101 (r-x) [08:35] And yes, wm_eddie, that's what I was doing. :) Doesn't appear to affect subdirectories though. [08:35] -R [08:35] I am using the recursive flag. :) [08:35] interesting... [08:35] did a chmod -R 777 name and the subdirectories didn't change. [08:36] Randomize: use symbols instead of octal === PandYou [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] easier on the brain [08:36] Well, I cheated, jdub ... I did it via Nautilus first to find out the octal . ;) [08:36] So brain = unhurt. :) [08:37] I totally understood the octal before I even knew it was octal! [08:37] cool, the mono packages made it to universe [08:38] My unix teacher was mentioning chmod, and I mentioned that I've always used it with numbers, then he told me it was binary/octal.. === free [~free@81-208-74-187.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] hazmat: the compiler too? [08:38] yup [08:38] awesome. [08:39] time for bed. [08:40] Mmm, ok, my syntax is correct, but it's just not applying itself to subdirectories. Is there a "force" option, or something? [08:41] ok time for bed. === Seveas [seveas@213-73-236-154.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] NM, got it. === Nep [~lost@ndn-67-107.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === cK-mazE [maze@maze.kapitolsports.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] i am eceiving this error when playing quake3 [08:48] when try to run it actually [08:48] Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display [08:48] seems my opengl is not loading, anyone know whats going on? [08:50] vote bush! [08:50] NOT! [08:50] Wrong channel, Ruffian. :) [08:50] This would be the ... ummm ... vote mandela! ... channel. Or something. :) === mrjive [~mrjive@host-45-42.noicomnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] hi * [08:54] I hate to say it, but I can get AAC's working with Rhythmbox under FC2 and Gentoo without bleeding from the pores, but I can't make it happen on Ubuntu. I'm not sure how to document it though. [08:55] Randomize: what did you try [08:55] Rebuilding all of gstreamer + gst-plugins + rhythmbox from source was the furthest extreme that I reached. === ToTo-Away is now known as ToTo [08:56] Which had zero impact on the original problem. [08:56] (In other words, my problem with a compiled RB is the same as my problem with a clean install of warty.) === GOwin [~Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu === augxwww [~augxwww@pcp04093777pcs.andrsn01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === punkass_ [~punkass@] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] can someone tell me what to do here? my gdm stops on the ubuntu splash screen after i login. === z2nOnly [~nick@cable-68-112-214-178.sli.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] i can't even login from gnome failsafe [09:07] anyone? [09:08] try logging in with a command prompt, without X [09:09] you switch to command prompt by pressing === mindwarp [~mindwarp@cpe-069-133-089-168.twmi.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] ok. i'm in the terminal now === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] amd logging in works? [09:12] actually, that's my default [09:12] yes [09:13] bleh [09:13] someone was on here with my nick [09:13] but nickserv had my back [09:13] what should i look/edit so i can run gdm again [09:13] type ls -al | grep authority [09:13] and paste the result here or in a private window === bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] anyone know if there is a gnome-vwm applet that will respond to mousewheeling on the desktop? === maze [~rsenzon@ool-44c1873a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] can anyone lend a hand with getting my nvidia to run opengl [09:23] i have tried to change the driver from "nv" to "nvidia" per the documention, but x just fails [09:23] and says it can not inialize the kernal [09:24] X runs fine using driver "nv" === Pizbit^ [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] Damn that sucked. [09:25] what sucked [09:25] What, specifically, sucked? [09:25] Who do I chat/email about the hardware detection? === eldados [~REXI@203-213-16-154-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] any ubuntu developers here? [09:26] always [09:26] so anyone have some info about nvidia and glx [09:26] under ubuntu [09:26] maze: sounds like you haven't loaded the nvidia kernel module [09:27] cool :) did you fix the nvidia6800 card detection and proper X configure? [09:27] maze: echo nvidia >> /etc/modules [09:27] so far i got 5 ubuntu costers... :( [09:28] jd, there is no mention of nvidia in there [09:29] maze: that's right -> doing the above will add it [09:29] ok let me reboot and give it a shot [09:29] i shall return :) === ph_ [~ph@pD9E6B6F0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Pizbit [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] Argh, adsl died, only got one message from here after joining. [09:30] Basically the hardware detection really doesn't like my computer:) [09:30] anyone here with nvidia 6800?? [09:31] Pizbit, you are not alone...:) [09:31] eldados: I had expected it to all work. [09:31] Since mandrake picked it up fine back when I tried 9.0 :) [09:32] And the network card chip is common 'n' all that. [09:32] I have to say, the most annoying thing was the sound repeating the same 2 seconds over and over and over again >.< [09:33] Pizbit, I wasted 5 cd's trying to get my 6800 to work but nothing! [09:33] and no one to talk to to get some real answers... [09:34] Heh, isn't that one of the newer cards that isn't supported yet? [09:34] my yoper picked it right away with full gl support! [09:34] On the other hand my / is now 37GiB instead of 28GiB and 9GiB :) [09:35] Did a 'cp -a' to backup my debian install onto another disk and let ubuntu take over hda :) Then copied it back when ubuntu didn't work out. [09:36] I think I'll wait for ubuntu 5.1... maybe... === eldados [~REXI@203-213-16-154-qld.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] === darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] btw, I do get the same error [09:37] uh [09:37] not here === punkass [~punkass@S01060040f47277e5.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === maze [~root@ool-44c1873a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] thank you :) [09:38] quake3 runs like a charm now [09:39] you'd think someone like eldados would wait around for answers... [09:39] Hrhr [09:39] now all we need is value to get its act together and get cs source [09:39] running in linux [09:41] thanks for the help with nvidia and glx [09:41] much appreciated [09:41] maze: always good to check the wiki, btw, most of this stuff is documented === mindwarp [~mindwarp@cpe-069-133-089-168.twmi.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] just made a little app so i can shutoff one of my monitors so unreal doesnt sit in the center of both [09:43] jdub: is there anyway to restart x without having to log back in? [09:43] no === wobbler [wayne@] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] or better yet: is there a way to disable a second monitor without having to restart X [09:44] nup :) [09:45] right now my script just comments/uncomments out the Nvidia Twinveiw stuff [09:45] So, who's the lucky person who gets page of stuff that went wrong?:) [09:45] then i do a ctl-alt-del [09:45] Pizbit: ubuntu-users list, or bugzilla for specific issues [09:45] (Not really that bad, I include some info on my setup) [09:45] nup? [09:45] nup as in no [09:45] is that like no-yup [09:45] lol === tvon [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === port7 [~bob@dsl-212-23-23-232.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] someone should hack gnome for wheel mouse vwm switching... like all other wm's... kde, xfce, fluxbox [09:48] some folks seem to like that === bur[n] er does [09:49] You could probably do it with libwnck or whatever its called [09:49] that nautilus plugin stuff? [09:49] bur[n] er: check metacity's bug reports [09:49] nah, metacity [09:49] someone may have already have done that [09:49] jdub: is it up to a developer of an app to give it to you guys or do you just add them to universe when u see fit? [09:49] tis a metacity thing, not nautilus [09:50] i thought it was a nautilus job to draw the desktop [09:50] you could use openbox for example (or some wm that supports it) instead of nautilus [09:50] er, metacity [09:50] Hey, tvon :) [09:50] hrm [09:50] punkass: atm, universe is pretty much just debian main [09:50] wonder if i could use fluxbox in gnome :) [09:50] nautilus does draw the desktop, but metacity handles the virtualdesktops [09:50] you can [09:50] stevedeo: howdy, hows it goin? [09:50] Good. Have you been converted? ;) [09:50] jdub: ah ok, http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ these guys just have a pretty nice bittorrent client [09:50] would hte stuff i set in "keyboard shortcuts' still work? [09:51] would be cool to have a package for it [09:51] not sure actually, havent done it in a while [09:51] tho its a pretty easy install === bur[n] er tried making a package for azureus [09:51] and how'd that go? [09:51] i don't get how to do it if it's not compileable [09:51] it went horribly [09:51] ah..and its based on java [09:51] i thought i was doing it right [09:51] lol [09:51] doh [09:52] it is based on java [09:52] just install java [09:52] stevedeo: converted? man, I was hear early :) === nuge [~nuge@d206-116-114-69.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:52] extract azureus [09:52] ln -s to make it in /usr/bin :) and bam [09:52] stevedeo: I still have interest in UserLinux of course, but there is more action going on with Ubuntu :) [09:52] yeah i know...its just nice to have everything via synaptic [09:52] agreed [09:53] tvon: Yeah, same. I had to see ubuntu for about 3 seconds before I realized how much better a solution it was. Was just curious if you were still interested in UL. [09:53] it would be nice to have it on the default install === amulday [~amulday@] has joined #ubuntu === housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-048-066.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === amulday is now known as samuel [09:53] yeah that'd be nice [09:53] stevedeo: yeah, still interested. Honeslty I'm not sure if much of the UL community knows wha the aim of the project is at the moment... [09:53] tvon: Ah, good to hear. It's a good project - hopefully it can work cooperatively with ubuntu. I like the idea, but Bruce was having a lot of difficulty motivating a community. === samuel is now known as samuelc [09:54] tvon: Yeah, the goal is pretty nebulous. And Bruce is more than content to move at his own pace, which is pretty slow. [09:54] stevedeo: yeah [09:54] I'm sure by the time UL is quite useful, it will be very closely related to ubuntu ;) [09:54] hah [09:55] The main problem I have iwth it is that the goal is not that clear. At some point I was offering to make custom gnome packages for UL, but hte consensus was that UL was not going to repackage things that were available upstream...which immediately limits what UL can possibly do [09:55] Seriously. Canonical is just too much awesome to let go to waste - UL might as well just kind of create a new market for ubuntu (more or less) [09:55] tvon: Yeah, true. [09:56] Bruce is a pretty big Debian advocate, though. Perhaps a tad too pure. [09:56] tvon: bruce made the expectation that UL was somehow more than debian, which, as it turns out, it is not. [09:56] jdub: He never intended on creating that expectation, I don't think. [09:56] When I first got involved with UL I thought it was trying to be what it turns out Ubuntu is [09:56] The biggest step away from Debian he was willing to make was "possibly binary drivers.... maybe" [09:56] if he'd made that clear upfront, i think it would have made it easier for him [09:56] tvon: Same [09:57] jdub: For sure. His first press releases were too unfocused. [09:57] He made himself pretty clear on the mailing list, though. [09:57] I mean, if you polled the mailing list you'd get 10 different answers to "what is the goal of UserLinux" [09:57] (dissing useful free software companies is not a brilliant strategy either) [09:57] tvon: True [09:57] jdub: ? [09:58] jdub: The whole anti-RH anti-suse stuff? [09:58] yeah [09:58] ah [09:58] I suppose. He has a kind of Stallman-esque view of the industry, though. [09:59] He might be a little to "zen" to make a decent business case for UL ;) [09:59] hehe [09:59] Stallman is kinda nutty [09:59] my fiancee met rms this afternoon [09:59] Seriously - he makes $300/hr, so I'm sure UL seems like a great solution to some of his business problems. But most businesses don't run that way (one-man shows at $300/hr, I mean) [10:00] called to loudly grizzle about how rude and annoying he is [10:00] jdub: Seriously? [10:00] Ha ha ha ha! [10:00] Awesome. [10:00] she had prior warning, but first hand experience is... enlightening. [10:00] certainly [10:00] Hehe [10:01] My main client is pretty close with him...I've heard stories === defendguin [~supertux@adsl-6-104-157.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] jdub: You're in Aus, right? [10:01] oh yeah ? well my sister used to go out with his sister. so there. [10:02] whoops, wrong channel [10:02] They share an office with the Womens Legal Defense Fund (I think they are called)...who had some complaints about RMS when he was visiting [10:02] walking around with no shoes/socks...stuff like that [10:02] tvon: Ha ha ha... that sounds likely :) [10:02] Not to mention funny as hell. [10:02] stevedeo: yes [10:03] hah [10:03] jdub, what did pia and him argue about ? === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] well that kinda enforces some female stereotypes ;) [10:03] jdub: Mind if I ask your opinion of a recent CS Honours grad from middle-of-fucking-nowhere Canada getting sponsored for an Aus work visa? :) [10:03] (In the job market, not at Canonical.) === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3b99.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] mdz, i deleted my kernel log rebooted my box ran memtest , no errors, when i booted back up it froze 3 times after i logged in to gnome after each freeze i had to reboot. [10:06] stevedeo: hrm, dunno [10:06] stevedeo: the work is picking up a bit here, depending on what you want to do [10:06] jdub: .NET/C# development, most likely. Java, if I had to. [10:06] defendguin: NVIDIA drivers installed? [10:07] no [10:07] jdub: Mono, if I manage to land some kind of dream job ;) [10:07] shouldnt be anyway i dont have a nvidia card === Pizbit chuckles. [10:07] stevedeo: haven't heard of too many mono gigs around here yet === Ferry [~Ferry@cust.15.118.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] jdub: Yeah, I imagine they are still pretty sparse. [10:08] stevedeo: nice place to be, but we're going down some of the same stupid roads canada has [10:08] the nvidia common package is installed though [10:08] Consulting, I've tried forcing mono on a few clients (half-assed, at least). But no one I work for atm runs an open source OS to begin with :P [10:08] not sure why it is needed [10:08] jdub: Oh? What roads might those be? (There are many) [10:09] bilateral idiotic free trade agreements with the US, selling off state telco, etc., etc. === silbs [~jane@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] where are the Xsession errors kept? [10:12] howdy === aj_ is now known as aj [10:13] jdub: Ah. Yeah, I can probably deal with that. :) [10:13] mdz, i dont see anything obvious in the kernel log === fredix [~fred@parmentier-6-82-225-62-172.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === digitalSurgeon [digitalSur@] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] how is ubuntu compared to debian === neuro|laptop [~neuro@] has joined #ubuntu === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-12-161.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === z2nOnly [~nick@cable-68-112-214-178.sli.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu === bunglon_ [~uwi@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:20] digitalSurgeon, ubuntu > debian === longsleep|out is now known as longsleep [10:20] ( ubuntu ( debian) ) [10:21] ubuntu is a superset of debian ? [10:21] a subset [10:21] good_linux = (ubuntu)debian; [10:22] lol [10:22] ok [10:22] ( debian ( ubuntu ) ) then :) [10:22] what about gentoo [10:22] haha [10:22] gentoo != debian [10:22] ew [10:22] gentoo is nice too [10:22] i dont like gentoo much [10:22] i like the package thing of debian [10:22] OMG COMPILE OPTIMIZE [10:22] does gentoo have that too [10:22] yes portage [10:22] USE! USE! [10:22] but yoy'll have to love the (./configure; make; debug;)* ./make install things [10:22] but you gotta compile it all [10:23] portage == apt-get ? [10:23] OMG 12 hour install time for ubar 5% performance gains! :) Oh, wait, the install was hosed by hour 10, nevermind. :) [10:23] portage != apt0get [10:23] portage != apt-get [10:23] :P [10:23] portage is more like bsd ports [10:23] except not as good [10:23] yah [10:23] heh [10:23] which package syst is better in ur opinion partage or apt get [10:23] apt [10:23] hands down [10:24] i <3 apt [10:24] why not try both and find out? :> [10:24] and more importantly which one gives me more secure packages [10:24] um [10:24] heh [10:24] package system != security system [10:24] but any ways [10:24] run, let's say for sake of argument debian hardended [10:24] you could s/debian/gentoo/ if you like [10:24] the packages are as secure as the program is [10:24] you'll get "more secure" packages in there than you would stock debian, ubuntu or gentoo [10:24] doubt the packazge system can do much to fix bug in code [10:24] if that's what you want [10:25] but the packaging method itself can't really give you "more secure" packages per se [10:25] i think gentoo has a much more committed community as compared to debian [10:25] huh? [10:25] define committed? [10:25] are you smoking crack?? [10:26] just asking guys [10:26] hehe === neuro_ stops typing into vnc [10:26] most debian guys i know would kill for there distro [10:26] lol [10:26] moo [10:26] hmm [10:26] i have installed debian @ work [10:26] 3 woddy [10:26] and ubuntu at home [10:26] Heh, old woody:) === neuro|laptop hugs woody [10:26] i prefer sid === Pizbit uses sid too. [10:26] how do to re-start all services without rebooting? [10:26] but i prefer ubuntu now === Pizbit will defer judgement on ubuntu until it'll install. [10:27] find the pid for inetd [10:27] kill -9 -1 && init 5 i suppose? :> [10:27] then kill -HUP inetdpid [10:27] Pizbit: tis nice [10:27] ya i like it [10:28] they say woody is secure ? [10:28] i'd say the comparison table should really be setting ubuntu warty and fedora core 3 side by side as "more alike" than gentoo imo [10:28] as compared to sid or testing [10:28] woody is *stable* [10:28] stable != secure ?? [10:28] i didn't say that [10:28] digitalSurgeon: The opposite in fact. [10:29] pizbit: u mean woody is not secure [10:29] ? [10:29] Well, there's a security team for woody (and now sarge because it's due to release) but none for sid. === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] ok tell me one thing [10:29] digitalSurgeon: Why do you keep getting that stupid idea? Besides, a distro is always as secure as you make it. [10:30] i have this woody installed in office: will it update then they release sarge ? [10:30] via apt-ge [10:30] if you specified stable and not woody in your sources.list, then yes === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] pizbit: i'm new dude, help me understand ;) [10:30] dont bve rude [10:30] although why you're asking this is #ubuntu and not #debian i don't know :) [10:30] s/is/in/ [10:30] ya [10:30] use debian [10:30] hehe [10:30] i mean ubuntu [10:31] damn i needs leep [10:31] sleep [10:31] hehe [10:31] i think debian and ubunto go hand in hand :p [10:31] leep, nice word usage :) [10:31] so should there channels [10:31] digitalSurgeon: knoppix is based on debian [10:31] lol [10:31] go into #debian and talk about knoppix [10:31] no, they dont/shouldnt [10:31] so is mepis [10:31] and see how long you last [10:31] digital: its a diffrent distro [10:31] lol [10:31] okies okies guys :p [10:32] any ways i'm going to mess with ubuntu from now one [10:32] on === neuro|laptop claps [10:32] a wise decision, young paduwan === punkass is very happy with ubuntu [10:32] tho it took all the fun out of installing distros every few days ;) [10:33] my distro route: rhl > debian > ubuntu :p [10:33] punkass i've been doing that === neuro|laptop would hate to list his distro route [10:33] "what a linux disto that i like and that works well, how can that be!" [10:33] punkass: You can have the fun of installing the SAME distro every few hours. That's what I've been doing for 4 days. :) [10:33] installed slackware, ubuntu, rhk, debian, suse, mandrake, etc etc [10:33] Randomize: lol [10:33] i installed ubuntu once...and its been fine since [10:33] redhat > stormix > slackware > debian > ubuntu [10:33] thou [10:34] suse -> SunOS -> Solaris -> RedHat -> Ubuntu [10:34] i mostly run freebsd to be exact [10:34] Debian > Fedora > Arch > Debian > Ubuntu [10:34] i love freebsd === michael315 [~michael@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] stormix ? [10:34] but thats for another channel [10:34] lol [10:34] :) [10:34] i need to try that [10:34] Debian -> RH -> MDK -> Debian, Sarge -> Debian Sid [10:34] digital: old debian based distro [10:34] its not around anymore [10:34] hmm [10:34] slackware > debian potato > rhl > { debian woody | debian sarge | fedora | rhel } [10:35] i found slackware to be the most fast distro [10:35] i had a mix of mandrake in there, but we wont talk about that [10:35] oh and stormix, progeny, lindows etc === Tomcat__ [tomcat@laptop-dynip133.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] I love ... chicken from Popeye's. [10:35] "most fast"? [10:35] i hated lindows [10:35] it fked my windows drives [10:35] lol [10:36] serves you right for running windows :> [10:36] hehe [10:36] lol === nyuhuhuu [~gabo@caracas-2706.adsl.interware.hu] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] Backups mean never having to say you're sorry. :) [10:36] amen to that!~ === phin kisses his fileserver [10:36] Which is why I never back up. :) [10:36] hi [10:36] lol @ phin === neuro|laptop hugs his terabyte raid [10:36] I like saying sorry. It's a nice round word. [10:36] terabyte raid...DOH! [10:36] s/his/his employers/, but thinking you have ownership always rocks [10:36] i should get me self a bigger hard drive too [10:37] its really more oblong [10:37] Not hard to get to a TB these days, Punk. :) [10:37] Depends on your accent. :) [10:37] dude i am in pakistan stuff is expensive here ;) [10:37] true enough..but beats my 20GB server [10:37] i'd like to help at translating setup interface and ubuntu specified menu items into hungarian [10:37] what should i do? [10:37] digitalSurgeon, That doesn't make it hard ... just pricey. :) [10:37] -bash-2.05b$ df -h . [10:37] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [10:38] so how can i get involved with ubuntu more [10:38] . /dev/powervault/lv1 942G 18G 877G 2% /export/01 [10:38] hmm === ploum [~ploum@21-30.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] lol @ neuro [10:38] stupid forward slashes mutter mutter === nanotech [~hypershyf@kaam0.yokota.attmil.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu === haggai_ is now known as haggai [10:38] Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on [10:38] /dev/hda1 39G 8.3G 28G 23% / === plangent [~plangent@] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] office server lol [10:38] slight difference then :) [10:38] neuro: exec -o [10:39] all on one drive [10:39] lol [10:39] phin: windows :P [10:39] ah [10:39] lol [10:39] nyuhuuu: talk to jdub, he can probably point u in the right direction [10:39] thx punkass [10:39] next time will need to make iot more organized [10:39] no [10:39] er no prob === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] digitalSurgeon: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community would probably be a good place to start tho [10:42] sleeptime, nite all === michael315 [~michael@dsl-] has left #ubuntu [] === mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === TongMaster [~TongMaste@] has joined #ubuntu === nyuhuhuu [slink@webdevil.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] re [10:47] So, USB mouse, randomly doesn't work on even cold boots. 2.6.x? Hotplug? Using pci=noacpi, nolapic and noapic don't affect the issue. === Godmoney [Godmoney@HFA62-0-171-140.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] hi, anyone here? === della [~della@adsl-87-231.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] ciao della [10:54] ciao [10:55] I got an email yesterday - "Announcing Ubuntu 4.10 (Release Candidate)" - but the version I already have is 4.10 - whats the deal with that? [10:56] Godmoney: there are updates and there will be updates until 4.10 will be final next week [10:56] you can fetch the updates from the network directly [10:56] and it will be exactly the same as if you do a fresh install of Release Candidate [10:57] what do you mean? I'm new to the whole linux thing. can you explain to me how this works? [10:57] Godmoney: well i can try in simple words [10:57] if you don't understand stop me, ok? [10:57] please do [10:57] o.k. [10:58] there several ways to update/upgrade linux [10:58] the basic concept is that you never need to reinstall a linux machine once it is installed [10:58] you can just upgrade it [10:58] to do that you have several options [10:59] the easiest way (for me at least) [10:59] is to use the network updates === polok [~polok@1Cust118.tnt2.wollongong.au.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] now if you have like an adsl line or cable modem that will probably fits you too === kent [~kent@h125n1fls24o825.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] fabbione: from where I get those updates? [10:59] do the "interesting results" mentioned in the ubuntu FAQ for upgrading from sarge to warty mean that my computer will stop working? [11:00] Godmoney: from the internet [11:00] Godmoney: open an xterm [11:00] or a gnome-terminal === miguel [~miguel@133.Red-213-96-217.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] and then write: sudo apt-get update [11:00] hi [11:00] o.k. I think I know what you mean. then what is that release they sent out yesterday [11:00] it should tell you that is downloading some files [11:01] Godmoney: it is just another snapshot. more bugfixes [11:01] please, anyone can help me? i need to make a boot 3 1/2 disk with ubuntu and i don't know how to make it === AndyFitz [~andy@203-173-20-190.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [11:01] Godmoney: it is like preview with all the updates you got from the network until 2 days ago [11:01] then shouldn't I install it anyway just to make sure I have all the important updates? === mrjive is away: [11:01] Godmoney: there are people that can install only from CD [11:02] Godmoney: no. linux is not like windows :) [11:02] o.k. [11:02] Godmoney: if you update from the network you get all of them [11:02] thanks alot :)! [11:02] Godmoney: there is NO need to reinstall :-)) [11:02] sudo apt-get update - do it for me automatically? [11:02] Godmoney: i installed my server approx 4 years ago... [11:02] Godmoney: sudo apt-get update [11:02] and then: [11:02] Godmoney: sudo apt-get upgrade [11:02] 2 steps [11:03] please, anyone can help me? i need to make a boot 3 1/2 disk with ubuntu and i don't know how to make it [11:03] is it the same like the gnome graphical apt update? [11:03] Godmoney: and since then i only upgraded it [11:03] Godmoney: yes. you can use synaptic [11:03] yes - thats what I was talknig about :) [11:03] what is better to use? [11:03] and do you have good sources to connect with synaptic? [11:04] Godmoney: synaptic is sort of "only" a graphical frontend for apt-get === mg [~matt@spc1-leed3-6-0-cust144.seac.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] Godmoney: you can check the sources in /etc/apt/sources.list === Deft [~psh103@vampire.ecs.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] Godmoney: if you want you can paste them to me in prvate and i will check them for you [11:05] miguel: we don't create/support boot floppies.. what about booting/installing from the network? [11:05] thanks [11:05] I have to go now [11:05] I'll contact you in about 2 hours [11:05] thanks again :) [11:06] Godmoney: if i will be around :-) [11:06] what's this multiverse repository about? [11:07] aaps, so i have a problem then... i've installed ubuntu with the windows hd disconnected, so now i can't boot ubuntu anyway without redisconnecting windows hd... [11:07] miguel, do you mean that youinstalled grub on the second hard disk? [11:07] exactly... [11:08] then you need to either chain load grub from the windows boot loader, or install grub on the first [11:08] (note that I'm not sure how to do the first of those) [11:08] i've tried with bootmagic, but grub doesn't work... don't know why.. with knoppix i used to do this and everything went ok... [11:09] what stage does it get to? at a first guess I would think you hadn't updated your menu.lst to point to hd1 [11:10] hehe [11:10] from another channel... [11:10] WTF? [11:10] My ubuntu system is full of some sort of porn. [11:10] eeehm, (i apologize for my English...) the problem is this: now i'm with ubuntu, so i have hd1 phisically disconected... [11:11] so hd1 does not exist. if i connect it i can't boot with ubuntu... [11:11] miguel, uh, ok, what connectors are your drives going to be attached to, and what where they attached to when you installed ubuntu? [11:12] can someone in front of an ubuntu box tell me what I packages I need to install to play frozen-bubble please [11:12] when i installed ubuntu the master hd was disconnected. i did it because i didn't want to loose my windows installation... [11:13] frozen bubble? i have it on mi laptop's knoppix, wait a minute, i will look for it [11:13] ubuntu here i come ;) [11:13] miguel, did you change the other drive to master? [11:14] miguel, and also, thanks, but I need to know what in particular I need for ubuntu, I have the whole dependency list but I don't know what I have installed by efault on ubuntu [11:14] no, if i do it, i will not know how to boot with windows.... :S === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] my idea was this: install ubuntu in hdb, without hda, then run windows and install bootmagic... but with bootmagic ubuntu doesn't boot... so i wanted to make a boot 3 12 disk... but here i'm said it is not possible... [11:17] is there any way to make a boot floppy? [11:19] miguel, so you made your second drive the master when you installed it? in other words, did you install to hda or hdb? [11:19] to hdb === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g2190.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === rocknuts [~reaxion@089-241.onebb.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] hiya [11:24] Can anyone direct me to resources where I can maybe get sound operating in Ubuntu? [11:24] what sound card do you use? === Henrik [~Miranda@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === z2nOnly [~nick@cable-68-112-214-178.sli.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] It's an onboard one on my Dell. My system identifies it as an Intel 82801DB AC'97 device [11:29] via82xx [11:29] rocknuts, Those soundcards are hard to get working sometime.. Its probably not Ubuntus fault. [11:30] Yep, I've had problems in the past. Guess it's time to buy an Audigy! [11:30] Mind you, it worked fine under SuSE, Xandros, Fedora Core 2, Redhat 8/9 and Mandrake [11:30] rocknuts, did you try alsamixer ? [11:31] rocknuts, I have one of those and it workes for me ;) [11:32] Rocknuts: could you post the output off lsmod [11:32] Yep. 2 secs === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:32] Want it in a PM jpvcx? === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === mrjive is back (gone 00:32:43) === rocknuts [~reaxion@089-241.onebb.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] darn === ddaa [~ddaa@nemesis.xlii.org] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] Heya. [11:36] ~hi [11:36] my windows machine is choking :( [11:37] its windows [11:37] its what it does === u_d [~u_d@105.b.001.ham.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] I just burned the ppc rc1 iso. I am able to mount it on my desktop PC, however when I insert it in my iBook and reboot pressing Alt, it does not appear as a bootable device in the OpenFirmare graphical chooser. [11:37] i apt-get installed anacron earlier this week but it doesn't seem to do anything. Do i have to start the daemon manually from some rc script? [11:38] i thought the install would do this but i guess it didn't. [11:38] what is anacron? [11:38] it will run cronjobs scheduled during downtime of the pc [11:38] ideal for workstations that are down during the night [11:38] oh thats cool [11:39] yes it is, if it works :) [11:39] lol [11:39] Even more, it does not appear in MacOS X on my iBook === ddaa begins to suspect a medium problem === frederik [~frederik@p5080C4AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] i haven't even thought about anacron. imo it should be installed by default on such a desktop-oriented distro [11:43] but seems like it's not :) [11:43] does ubuntu come with hte 10mb wlan driver? [11:43] or just the 2 [11:44] i cant figure out how to get mine into 10mb mode [11:44] topyli: even worse, it is not even in supported :-( [11:44] I got Mac OS X working under Ubuntu [11:44] :D [11:44] pitti: grr. i'd consider it a bug [11:45] topyli: me too, I just noticed it myself [11:45] hello everyone :) [11:45] topyli: mind to write a report in bugzilla? [11:45] Hello frederik [11:45] pitti: i'll do that. what do you think it should be filed against? :) [11:45] I thought this might be the right place to point out some problems I encountered after/while installing ubuntu [11:46] or is there a bug tracking system? [11:46] topyli: I'd take UNKNOWN [11:46] pitti: or perhaps ubuntu-desktop should depend on anacron? [11:46] frederik: there is : bugzilla.ubuntu.com === rocknuts [~reaxion@089-241.onebb.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:46] frederik: reports to bugzilla arep preferred, so reports do not get lost [11:47] pitti: ok, thanks. I'm going to first check if I find the problems I had [11:47] topyli: not for warty, in any case; but at least it should be supported [11:47] topyli: the package could be recommended [11:48] For which CPU are Warty's package's optimized? [11:48] i386 [11:48] ah, ok === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> sendak.freenode.net === beezly [~andy@monkey.beezly.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] as it's a gnome based distribution it won't run on anything slower than a pentium anyway, so why not optimize it for eg 586 upwards [11:49] ?! [11:49] well, anyway, I'll have a look at bugzilla [11:50] frederik: good point, i'm for it :) [11:50] ubuntu already is very fast, but the faster the better [11:50] so === jimi [~jane@ASt-Lambert-152-2-5-127.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] if i apt-get install wlan-ng [11:50] i should have 10mb? [11:50] anyone? [11:51] joolz: yes, I was supprised, too [11:51] frederik: I'm not on top of it technically, but they have been discussing that, I remeber lamont talking about such issues in particular. [11:51] hi [11:51] joolz: Is it Gnome 2.8 that turned faster than the older versions?!? [11:51] the optimizations used get the majority of the benefits while maintaining compatiblity [11:51] frederik: no idea, i come from fedora core 2, so that's my comparison [11:51] and fedora is *slow* [11:52] joolz, never used it [11:52] frederik: there are optimizations which schedule the instructions to optimize for 686 while only using the 386 instruction set. [11:52] frederik: empirical evidence tend to show that cpu-specific instructions sets optimizations by gcc tend to actually slow things down. [11:53] At least for generic desktop software. [11:53] They are probably useful for specialize multimedia code, but that's another story. [11:53] frederik: but take that with a grain of salt, as I told you, I'm not on top of it. [11:54] ddaa, I compared Gentoo and Debian on an older PIII 500 and Gentoo, while using the same software, running the same daemons etc. was much faster [11:54] ddaa, but I used prelinking etc. on gentoo, so it's not quite fair === mrjive [~mrjive@host-45-42.noicomnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] same filesystem? [11:54] frederik: that will probably raise interest among the ubuntu devel if you can actually provide measurements of comparable things. Which is easier said than done. [11:54] same kernel? [11:55] frederik: not fair at all. Use a self-compiled kernel with preempt and redundant features removed and compare then. [11:55] what about apps that i install and are not in the menu? is there a way to have a complete menu? === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] hmm [11:55] mrjive:you could add them yourself [11:55] hazmat, as far as I remember [11:56] actually, that is something I will try to compare with a teammate here, soon. He is compiling gentoo right now and is very proud of it. [11:56] mrjive: i found on google that you should point nautilus to application:// [11:56] and then create a link [11:56] but it didn't work for me [11:56] jpvcx, yes, for me it is not a problem, but if i give ubuntu to newbies... [11:57] joolz, ok, but as before.. people look at the menu.. [11:58] what is the policy? i mean, which apps go into the menu? those in main or restricted and not those in univers? ot it depends on the application? [11:58] Zomb, I'm not a gentoo-fanatic at all, I just found the machine quite unusable running debian. Firefox was much faster (and here I'm sure) on gentoo [11:58] mrjive: many unsupported applications are not in the menu by default because they do not integrate well with the desktop, precisely to avoid confusing newbies. I do not know how you can register additional menu entries, but I'm pretty sure you can do it. [11:58] mrjive, it goes by the freedesktop standard === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] mrjive, so it depends on what the app or its packaging decides for itself [11:59] frederik: as said, I will only believe in such claims when I first see it and can compare numbers (under the same conditions) [11:59] ok [11:59] frederik: and I will run usual tests: KDE start (with the same stuff installed), then Firefox start, OpenOffice start, etc. [11:59] mrjive: the policy is something along the lines of "apps in desktop go to the menu", but that is modulated some to avoid excessive clutter. [12:00] ooops, Ubuntu does not even have KDE [12:00] Zomb, hehe [12:00] Zomb: check universe [12:00] Zomb, yeah, try it. I'm sceptical myself [12:01] Zomb, but I'm pretty sure I noticed a real difference with firefox. But as I said, I had prelinking. So at least the startup time had to be shorter [12:01] I believe KDE is in universe. [12:01] ddaa, ok :) [12:01] is martin pitt here? [12:02] mrjive: he's pitti [12:02] maybe pitti ? [12:02] tnx :) [12:03] mrjive: ? What's up? [12:03] hi :) [12:03] pitti: ok, anachron bug filed against UNKNOWN [12:03] btw where should I suggest new features? In the wiki (or not at all ;) )? I think Packet Writing support would be wonderful and it should have improved a lot since 2.6.8 [12:03] pitti, nothing, i just set you an email about automount not working [12:03] topyli: thanks [12:03] i dont want to check universe it's so scary and vast :') [12:03] :'( [12:04] lol [12:04] with the output of dmesg, lshal etc.. [12:04] hi pitti, is there any record of boot problem with the ppc install cdrom? [12:04] ddaa: I heard reports about failed boots on G5 machines === Yngwie [~Yngwie@220-245-76-36-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] at a first look everything seems right, but devices are not mounted automatically..., but no hurry === ddaa suspects he's ibook borken again, which would give a good excuse to go and buy a thinkpad... [12:05] ddaa: it works perfectly on the iBook === della [~della@adsl-87-231.38-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [12:05] i installed ubuntu on a powerbook with no troubles [12:06] eccept the fact that i told him not to install yaboot on the hda mbr, but hi did this the same... [12:06] mrjive: oh, that one, sorry. I looked at it yesterday, but everything looks fine [12:06] pitti: I cannot even seem to get the cdrom device on my ibook... I do not remember the name of the module. You know, my system is a bit crackful... testing updated to ubuntu back in the week before oxford... [12:06] pitti, yes... wery strange... [12:06] *very [12:06] mrjive: but you can mount all partitions manually? [12:07] pitti, yes [12:07] ddaa: why not just install rc on the thing= ? Everything works out of the box now === ddaa is currently updating to the latest packages to try again === ubuntu_noobi [~win@] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] pitti: that's what I'm trying to do, but the cdrom does not boot... [12:07] mrjive: I isntalled 4 partitions on my USB stick to test sth similar, but even that works [12:07] ddaa: does yaboot get active at least? [12:08] hello. how do you start firestarter without having to sudo from a root terminal? [12:08] mrjive: can you additionally do the following, please: [12:08] mrjive: killall gnome-volume-manager; gnome-volume-manager [12:08] pitti: nope, the cdrom does not show up in the openfirmware boot selector and does not mount in OS X... [12:08] pitti: yes [12:09] oh! [12:09] it works now! [12:09] ? [12:09] Next thing i do once the upgrade is done is reboot in osx and try with some audio cd... if it breaks it's probably a hardware problem again... === muelling [~carsten@p5084100B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === ddaa fight an impulse to throw the ibook out the window [12:09] Hello there! [12:10] pitti: how come? [12:10] i think ubuntu is more focused on gnome ? [12:10] am i right ? [12:10] yrd [12:10] yes [12:10] good === Mirno [~mirspcm@lns-th2-4f-81-56-180-71.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] Can anyone please tell som noob like me, where i can find the ncurses devel library so that i can use the make menconfig for a new kernel? :-) [12:11] i like gnome more === pitti_ [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu === yuran_ [~yb@line134-238.adsl.actcom.co.il] has joined #ubuntu === yuran_ is now known as urix [12:11] mrjive: argh, communicatus interruptus [12:12] pitti_: np :) [12:12] mrjive: what was the last thing you heard from me? [12:12] muelling: apt-cache search ncurses dev :-) [12:12] pitti_: kill gnomevm and restart gnomevm [12:12] is there a gui editor for run levels in ubuntu? [12:12] mrjive: please do killall gnome-volume-manager; gnome-volume-manager [12:12] pitti_: and now it works! [12:12] mrjive: and stick inthe stick [12:12] hazmat: no [12:12] mrjive: this gives you some debugging messages [12:12] pitti_: yes [12:13] mrjive: ugh, it works automatically? [12:13] pitti_: yes! [12:13] mrjive: when did you start your session, i. e. how long does your gnome already runs? [12:13] mrjive: can you please verify that it really works by logging out and back in? [12:14] pitti_: my session has been up for 4 hours now [12:14] ok let me log out/log in [12:14] mrjive: hmm, okay === bbr_ [~bbr@ALyon-209-1-7-133.w80-13.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3b99.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === mrjive [~mrjive@host-45-42.noicomnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] great it is working now [12:16] sounds magic...:P [12:20] Could anybody explain why "apt-get install glib" isn't working? [12:21] samuelc: what do you want to do? [12:21] samuelc: there is no glib package [12:21] mrjive: odd, I don't see why it should have failed before... [12:21] Thanks for the help. When i do apt-get update. Does it also update the list of the synaptic-packagemanager? [12:22] pitti_: me neither... but if it work now... let thigs go ;) [12:23] mrjive: that's the odd things about computers ... [12:24] pitti_: yes :) [12:25] i'm very happy to have discovered ubuntu. i alwasy felt the struggle of wanting to install debian as a desktop to friends but thinking that it is too complicated... [12:25] (sorry for may english...) [12:25] muelling: It's the same list:) === Pizbit [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === pbaldanta [~pbaldanta@90.Red-80-32-167.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === war88 [war@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:26] Hi === malte` [~malteo@host116-99.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === rmt [~rmt@pD9EE145C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === hypn0 [~chatzilla@host81-7-59-237.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] hi... where's 'esdplay' in ubuntu packages? === bbr_ is now known as BbR [12:29] ok thanx for now, see you later [12:30] It looks like Ubuntu is popular or something. ;) === cardador [~jose@srt1.dq.fct.unl.pt] has joined #ubuntu === pbaldanta [~pbaldanta@90.Red-80-32-167.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] === thisfred [~thisfred@a213-84-57-72.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === JanneM [~JanneM@gk4.leo-net.jp] has joined #ubuntu === Telep [~danikoski@61-101.dhcp.cs.uta.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] k === martink [~martin@pD9EB3119.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === l3eg0olas [legolas@clt74-126-031.carolina.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] ok.. so I install ubuntu.. now when I say apt-get install snort.. it asks me to insert the first CD-ROM.. why? it can download everything from the net.. [12:44] l3eg0olas: edit /etc/apt/sources.list [12:45] and what do I add in sources.list? === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] you comment the first line [12:47] and uncomment the next two === BluMax [~blumax@] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] and, if you want the universe thing, read the rest :) === RUNE [~NO@] has joined #ubuntu === seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-3-32.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] yes,.. thanks.. === Red|Girl [~oiga@2.Red-83-35-18.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] hi [12:50] wow, ubuntu is in top5 on distrowatch [12:50] =] [12:50] anybody know which input method system that is slated for Haory? [12:51] heh [12:51] input method system? [12:51] for Japanese, chinese and so on [12:52] for the time being I have managed to install uim and it actually works really well [12:52] it would be nice to know what is planned, though [12:53] JanneM: we want to do i* for hoary === Bung_ [~Bungholio@d198-166-18-203.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] integrate it really nicely by default, etc. [12:53] Is there a gnome recommended way to do specific kb hacks? [12:54] rmt: like? [12:54] dont suppose anyones had problems with 'debootstrap' during install? [12:54] base install i should say [12:54] rmt: see keyboard dialogue in desktop preference [12:54] bung : yes [12:54] you mean kernel not installing? [12:54] Treenaks: Like Right-Alt aoue would insert german umlaut chars & euro. [12:55] if thats what that error means ... [12:55] rmt: what jdub said [12:55] base install just errors and i cant skip or anything [12:55] =/ [12:55] if you switch to console 3 during install crash (ctrl+alt+F3) [12:55] ok [12:55] you see what actually causes problem [12:55] ah [12:55] jdub: Recommended way is to create one's own keyboard layout, I guess.. kbd, or other? [12:56] jdub: thing is, I've used i* in the past, and I was surprised how much smoother uim seems to be [12:56] if it is about linux-386 package not installing, this bug is known and they are working on it === fred-loser [~freddy@] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] JanneM: mmm, seems it's the growing standard though - so best to support and improve it... [12:56] perhaps [12:56] JanneM: perhaps we can provide both if it's easy to handle [12:56] well uim went in with very little trouble [12:56] jimi: so if its about linux-386 ... then no ubuntu for me? === fred-loser [~freddy@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:57] iiim doesn't really seem very actively developed, swhile uim, anthy and scim seems very active [12:57] rmt: You can select a keyboard layout in the keyboard settings panel [12:57] bung : you can install unplugging network [12:57] it works [12:57] Treenaks: Yah, but it's not a standard keyboard layout. It's my custom layout. [12:57] then replug cable before 1st boot [12:58] anyway, this should be fixed in 1 day or so === LinSpider [~LinSpider@u81-11-186-60.adsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] good thing i used a cdrw then [12:58] ;p [12:58] rmt: see layout options tab [12:59] a little bug: whenever i close synaptic i can't change desktop wallpaper anymore [12:59] heh [12:59] anyways im on a laptop and cant exactly pull the network cable, there isnt one, centrino [12:59] oh [12:59] when the install process launch, is it asking (and succeeding) dhcp ? [01:00] yea i presume so, no errors when it did the networking bit [01:00] the install continued on its merry way [01:00] hum [01:00] well let me go check that console 3 bit [01:01] you dont have a switch-off for wireless (like vaio's one) [01:01] see what it says [01:01] nope =/ [01:01] :/ [01:01] but thnx for the help [01:01] np [01:01] ill see what it says [01:01] rmt: you know how to make a custom layout? [01:01] maybe its another problem hehe [01:02] Janne: xmodmap or other? [01:02] well 5am, will do it tomoro, thnx again [01:02] rmt: xmodmap doesn't play well with xkb === sanitario [~sanitario@dynamic-45-149.chl.chalmers.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] 5am ? [01:02] Ok, so I must xkb. Ta. :) [01:02] rmt: that is workable in buntu [01:03] where are you? :) [01:03] alberta === pupilzeng [~zsx@] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] ok... good night -_- [01:04] :) [01:04] cya === Bung_ [~Bungholio@d198-166-18-203.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] === ubuntu_noobi [~win@] has joined #ubuntu === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] === pooh_ [~pooh@] has joined #ubuntu === pooh_ is now known as sivang === Bliksem [~user@host217-43-93-30.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] is mem and hdd suspend is working on laptops? [01:11] can I edit my sources.list to include all the packages in packages.debian.org? [01:11] it is not recommeded :) [01:11] Bliksem: you could, but you don't want to [01:11] whenever i try to instal something i end up downloading about 10 dependencies from this site [01:11] "universe sould be enough for everyone [01:11] lol [01:11] Bliksem: it probably breaks stuff horribly [01:13] can someone point me to a guide on how to setup a dialin server? [01:13] please? === cprov [~cprov@] has joined #ubuntu === muelling [~carsten@p5084100B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [01:14] ok, I'll not mess about with it, === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] now onto theming gnome, basic howto guide anywhere? === Walski [~wal@] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] or good source for themes? [01:15] Bliksem: freshmeat? [01:15] apt-get install gnome-themes-extras [01:15] and art.gnome.org === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ === Topic (#ubuntu): set by Kamion at Wed Oct 13 20:42:25 2004 === Treskewl [~Treskewl@c210-49-196-209.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] === fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] Can someone help me setup an IT8212 ide raid card on ubuntu? === kagy [~keving@wire204.info.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu === kent [~kent@h125n1fls24o825.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] === nreid [~nreid@lowell.quallaby.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] 2 === flevour [~flevour@adsl-ull-221-252.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g2139.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === [no] weaver [~none@213-145-178-71.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] hi all [01:57] can i ask here whether i should fill a bug report or not? [01:57] or is there a dev-specific channel? [01:59] just ask here, first at least. [01:59] ok === Juz_moi [~user@ip68-107-182-31.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] i ran livecd rc3 and found a lot of missing translations [01:59] in my language [01:59] for example, programs were launched with english localization [02:00] hi, just wondered if there was an mplayer package for ubuntu now? [02:00] flevour: probably just missing translations, then [02:00] Hi guys, any pointers on kernel recomps? Especially ubuntine methods for patching the source etc. [02:00] Muttley: you can use the debian marillat ones fine [02:01] Lathiat: ahh, no 64 bit though? [02:01] Really want to get acpi standby going for my nc6000. [02:01] not that marrilat provides, at least :( [02:02] I rebuilt his source package as 64bit and it just crashes a lot ;) [02:02] Mithrandir, missing translation for big programs such evolution, firefox ... ? [02:02] flevour: into what language? [02:02] And the smc irda module... but I don't want to compromise any additional patches that are used in the default kernel. [02:02] Ng: sucks :( [02:02] Muttley: i wouldnt know [02:02] Ng: maybe mplayer 64bit just sucks :) [02:02] which would nto surprise me in the slightest [02:02] heh, runs fine here on debian :) [02:03] Lathiat: it is way more useful as a 32bit binary ;) [02:03] especially with all the random codecs [02:03] I was wondering about making a static 32bit version [02:03] only the win32 stuff doesn't work, which means no wmv or qt [02:03] but I'm going to need a 32bit chroot at some point [02:03] but a 32bit chroot solves that [02:03] WTF does this mean "configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check" ? Im trying to install librsvg [02:03] and then insall gnome-themes-extras [02:04] Bliksem: Why are you trying to compile them? [02:04] Bliksem: you seem to be missing gcc -- install build-essential [02:04] Bliksem: Why not use the packaged versions, much cleaner and easier... [02:05] Can someone help me setup an IT8212 ide raid card on ubuntu? [02:05] Is there anything special I need to select during a kernel configuration to ensure that the hotplug stuff works? === merriam [~merriam@82-133-67-221.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] nreid: youll want all the usb module support etc etc etc, whyd you break it? [02:06] Mithrandir, italian [02:06] nreid: kernel hotplugging support -- but why build your own? [02:06] Lathiat: what/where are packaged versions? [02:06] nreid: enable hotplug and lots of stuff as modules :) [02:06] Bliksem: apt tells me its in main [02:06] flevour: I don't know, I don't know italian :) [02:06] Bliksem: ahh gnome-themes-extras is in universe [02:07] Bliksem: enable the universe lines in /etc/apt/sources.list [02:08] Mithrandir, eheh, btw i guess my bug its https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1760 [02:08] I haven't broken it yet, but I feel I need to recomp to get 1) smc-irda (?) module required for HP nc6000 irda support [02:09] flevour: ah, possibly, yes. [02:09] nreid: are you sure that module is not yet in ubuntu ? [02:09] And 2) [02:09] the standby support - forgotten the name of the project. [02:10] swsusp [02:10] nreid: software suspend 2? [02:10] ive been meanign to put up a buntu kernel with swsusp for abit [02:10] I'll wait for hoary for standby stuff [02:10] and mppe and the orinoco scannign drivers as well [02:10] as long as my harddrive spins down.. [02:11] Yep, that's the one - Thanks - been trawling to find it. [02:11] Has anyone tried it? [02:11] (On a recent kernel rev in ubuntu) [02:11] it works fine on the dsame debian kernel [02:12] havnent built th eubuntu kernel yet but i doubt its much different [02:13] I've come from a slack/gentooy type background and it's strange - I never had any hesitation recomping in those systems. === acamargo [~acamargo@201-011-215-170.pltce7002.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] In ubuntu, it's all so complete that I don't particularly feel like breaking it! [02:14] aheh [02:14] A testament to the Canonical guys, I'm sure. === Tomcat__ is now known as Unicat_ === mvo_ [~egon@suprimo-230.ping.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] nreid: You should just rcompile the stock kernel with the additions you need [02:20] check out the source, copy the config in, make oldconfig, menuconfig to ad your changes and use make-kpkg [02:20] im off === hypn0 [~chatzilla@host81-7-62-159.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] Compiling a custom system is just a bad idea usually [02:24] Like on OS X, sure you _could_ compile SSL into finder, but that's a bad idea. === NewUser [~NewUser@] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] Thanks Lathiat! === attitude [~ken@user-69-1-43-106.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] Is there a plan to offer a server version of ubuntu? [02:30] attitude: ubuntu can be used in servers [02:30] attitude: ubuntu is already a very capable server os :-) [02:30] i havent get my ubuntu cd yet [02:30] attitude: if you want a basic install for a server, type 'custom' at the installer boot prompt === rsilva [~rsilva@dhcp033.ime.usp.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] NewUser: they haven't shipped yet [02:31] NewUser: we haven't done the final release :) [02:31] jdub: yeah I am using it as one right now as a matter of fact [02:31] I was just talking about a version more geared for that area === acamargo is now known as ac|shower [02:32] attitude: it's geared up and ready to go ;) [02:32] jdub now ubuntu still in beta? [02:32] NewUser: we've just done our release candidate. final will be released on the 20th. [02:32] NewUser: release candidate went out on Wednesday, final release is this coming Wednesday [02:33] attitude: just use the custom boot option and you won't get X/GNOME installed [02:33] jdub are u workin with ubuntu [02:33] ? [02:33] got you thanks [02:33] NewUser: yes [02:35] btw I am not sure who the devs are but great job [02:35] I love this distro [02:35] first one to get me to move off of gentoo on my main pcs === DXT [~michael@pns03-208-5.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] I am helping a friend to install ubuntu in a machine with an Asus motherborad (P4P800-E deluxe with a Intel 865PE chipset). We are trying to configure software raid for /home and /usr (but not /). Everything goes fine until the moment the installer tries to add grub to the HD. At this moment the system freezes. If I change to the console and try to acess the /target (the root directory of the new system) the console freezes too. Is this a known bug? Is [02:36] there a workaround? [02:37] anyone here upgraded his warty PR to RC? it works smoothly? just install over it? (is there another way?) [02:38] DXT: I've been upgrading daily and everything went fine util now (I haven't upgraded directly though). [02:39] I have been upgradeing nightly as well and all is going good === SamBozo [~user@ip68-107-182-31.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] hey SamBozo ! [02:41] DXT: why would you install over it? just apt-get dist-upgrade [02:41] merriam: forgot the apt-get update first ;) [02:41] i thought he could guess that [02:42] merriam: you are right I was just messing with you [02:42] rsilva: i don't know, but i have used software raid and i know it's complicated and fragile [02:42] hey flevour === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] well everyone it is time for me to sleep [02:43] later === attitude [~ken@user-69-1-43-106.knology.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:43] merriam: What does "fragile" mean? Isn't it reliable? Or is it hard to configure? [02:43] merriam - installing with the cd adds nothing then? only package upgrades? [02:44] rsilva: raid is for availability. i wouldn't go to that much trouble and not mirror the root partition. [02:44] merriam: The data is the most important. And if we understood well you should not raid the /boot, so we deciced not to raid the other volatile parts (like /tmp and /var). [02:45] how long you been running ubuntu flevour ? === warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Topic for #ubuntu: FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ === Topic (#ubuntu): set by Kamion at Wed Oct 13 20:42:25 2004 [02:54] (DXT/#ubuntu) lol haha :P [02:55] I think the archive scripts runs about three times per hour. [02:55] once a half-hour. [02:55] merriam: Price of the 1210sa here: US$ 100,00 (google is good, isn't it?) [02:55] Is there a service that I can active to do the dist-upgrade each x time? [02:55] w000 terminal output [02:55] DXT, man 5 crontab [02:55] oh cron im such a newbie :) [02:55] DXT, man 1 crontab [02:56] DXT: I actively recommend against upgrading from cron === dkg [~dkg@sola.dps.uibk.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] hi! [02:56] why is that? [02:56] there is no mplayer in ubuntu :( [02:56] DXT: upgrades occasionally require user interaction [02:56] and the movie player is not able to play .bin files :( === tuppa [~tuppa@c211-30-44-56.mirnd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] DXT: and dist-upgrade may decide to remove stuff, which could be bad if unattended [02:56] DXT: install cron-apt [02:56] should I mix it with unstable? [02:57] cron-apt is just an implementation of the bad idea, isn't it? :) [02:57] dkg, there is no mplayer in debian either. you can build your deb by yourself downloading the sources and running "fakeroot debian/rules" from inside the source [02:57] Kamion: it is [02:57] ok i'll... think it through :) [02:57] downloading updates but not installing them (i.e. apt-get -d) is more sensible [02:57] rsilva: i see. :) i have one working well as a non-raid controller. one of these days i may be able to say how well it works as a raid controller [02:57] flevour: but in marillat. === fabb1one [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] merriam: Does it has good linux drivers? === Telep_ [~danikoski@61-101.dhcp.cs.uta.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] working well with ubuntu, i mean. recognized, no problems [02:58] ubuntu rocks [02:59] dkg, get the sources http://ftp3.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/MPlayer-1.0pre5.tar.bz2 [02:59] merriam: Great. I am about to buil a new "killer" box for my work. I may want one of these :-) [02:59] i can't give an expert opinion on it. just no hitches [03:00] flevour: or use the debian packages. much easier :) [03:00] Ng, i usually prefer compiling my own deb, but yeah, deb are much easier :P [03:00] brb === rmt [~rmt@pD9EE145C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared is now known as WW_ [03:01] Ein paar leute. [03:01] is there a gui services editor in ubuntu (dont remember where i saw one.. mebbe suse/mandrake)? im just looking how to check what services run on startup [03:03] Are there any unofficial packages for dbus-cvs, beagle-cvs and dashboard-cvs ? [03:03] and another thing, can i configure gnome to react to search-by-typing? (for example in an icon list, when i press k it goes to the first icon beginning with k..) [03:03] DXT, i dont know about gui, but i know about the good update-rc.d script which i advice you to read the man page of [03:04] DXT: I'm not 100% sure about this, but it's possible the ximian setup tools include service runlevel configuration. I think I saw them in one of the ubuntu repositories [03:04] thanks both [03:04] np === PandU [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] DXT, it does automaticly jump to the first one with k, atleast in icons mode. [03:04] DXT, there is also rcconf [03:05] tolle_, it does not react to any keys at least on my gnome.. [03:06] DXT, strange.. [03:06] it was always like that in gnome i think.. i just wondered if i can configure it otherwise.. === blokkie [~blokkie@blokkie.user] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] it only works in nautilus [03:06] at least for me [03:06] is there an enlightenment dep for ubuntu64 ? [03:07] DXT, ah, you want it to work in the filechooser? [03:07] that too [03:07] can it be done? [03:08] DXT, I do not think GTK supports it yet. [03:08] gah. [03:08] DXT: next version :) [03:08] DXT, press ctrl + l [03:08] DXT, and start typing the folder name. [03:08] DXT: for list typeahead find [03:08] i know this one [03:08] :) [03:08] but i hate the new filechooser [03:08] flevour: update-rc.d is really meant only for packages, it's not a user-oriented tool [03:08] why no simple browsing [03:08] why [03:08] :| [03:08] :o [03:08] flevour: (and it has some deficiencies which bite users when they try to use it) [03:08] the new chooser is lovely! :) [03:08] flevour: we'll have a GUI services thingy in hoary, I think [03:08] DXT: I love it, easier to browse different gnome-vfs controlled filesystems. [03:08] bookmarks \o/ [03:09] is there an enlightenment dep for ubuntu64 ? [03:09] blokkie: no need to repeat yourself [03:09] mebbe =\ [03:09] blokkie: dpkg -l enlightenment [03:09] I know it's not in the repo's [03:10] I was wondering if somebody made one [03:10] blokkie: no, apparently it didn't build, don't know exactly why [03:11] Kamion, --build=x86_64 option is needed [03:11] if somebody makes it build they are encouraged to send us a patch === jacob [~jacob@h146n1fls23o1061.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu === noxfu [~nox@] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] that is the only thing it needs [03:11] blokkie: the patch will have to not break i386 and powerpc :) [03:12] I've compiled e16.7 and e17 on amd64 just fine [03:12] In the sources.list, if I uncomment the deb and deb-src lines with "restricted universe", should I then comment the lines above it that just have "restricted" ? [03:12] how can i make mounted drives (perm hds for example) not to appear on the desktop? kinda annoying.. [03:12] ach , I was not aware of that fact === blokkie go's back compiling .. cheers Kamion [03:12] After an update, should I telinit to some other runlevel, in order to restart all processes that might have been updated? [03:12] noxfu: yes. sources.list lines generated by recent versions of the installer don't have this duplication [03:13] Kamion: Ok, thanks. [03:13] jacob: updated packages generally restart themselves [03:13] Kamion, i see. [03:14] Kamion, yes, services do I suppose, but al the other desktop apps and etc. What does the "experts" do? [03:14] jacob: you can log out and log in again if you want to be sure about desktop stuff [03:15] Kamion, ok, but if I'm not sure of what packages got updated, wont two telinit's work? === dkg [~dkg@sola.dps.uibk.ac.at] has left #ubuntu [] === eaon [~mememe@chello213047096087.6.12.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] jacob: if you insist, yes :) [03:16] nice distro peeps [03:16] just one question, how do i get rhythmbox to play mp3s? :) [03:16] jacob: I never bother, personally [03:17] Kamion, hehe 8) ok, seems like a bit too much overkill then [03:17] eaon: Install gstreamer-mad, iirc [03:17] okay thanks [03:17] jacob: kind of defeats the purpose of a system that generally allows you to upgrade with minimal downtime, too === ElBast [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] Kamion, yeah I see your point, still it would be nice to know which processes run forever once booted, so if they arent restarted automatically, one could do so manually === Tank [~Tank@rrcs-24-39-90-43.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] if there's anything which doesn't get restarted automatically I'd consider it a bug [03:22] hmm there's no gstreamer-mad [03:22] eaon: it's gstreamer0.8-mad [03:22] gstreamer-* is in universe, gstreamer0.8-* is in main [03:22] IIRC [03:23] couldn't find gstreamer0.8-mad [03:23] maybe I'm mistaken... [03:23] sorry, it's in universe too [03:23] speaking about processing, is there a way to monitor and detect "ghost" processes (buggy apps not closing properly for ex), so i can be an upt1me l33t :) without corrupting my system time after time [03:23] yes, that's correct, the whole thing about mp3/divx/dvd [03:24] eaon: check out http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=highlight&value=mp3 === BluMax [~blumax@] has joined #ubuntu === Tank [~Tank@rrcs-24-39-90-43.nys.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === acamargo [~acamargo@201-011-215-170.pltce7002.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] or there is just ps and kill :/ [03:27] jimi: how would the system know what a "ghost" process is? [03:27] beyond zombies, obviously [03:27] do some here work with egroupware ? [03:28] NG : good question, i wonder if someone thought about it and have a solution =) [03:29] jimi: I think the effort would be better used fixing the bugs that are making things not close properly ;) === WW_ [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:29] yeah... but that means every one software is coded properly [03:29] is this gonna happen ? [03:29] =] [03:30] it's never gonna be perfect, of course [03:31] but I'd rather not have the system decide my work is going to be destroyed because it thinks the process is broken ;) [03:31] hehe [03:31] it's like the OOM killer [03:31] ? [03:32] Out Of Memory [03:32] the kernel starts killing things when it runs out of memory, so it can free some up [03:32] ok [03:32] how do you select the "correct" thing to kill? [03:32] /dev/urandom [03:32] lol [03:32] that's as good as any answer because there is no right answer outside the mind of your user ;) [03:32] Ng: there are multiple ways [03:33] Ng: a) kill the largest thing [03:33] Ng: b) kill the thing that asked for memory [03:33] Ng: c) Kill a program with a pre-defined name [03:33] jimi: the situation you describe isn't *that* common - you do have to work fairly hard to cause things *not* to shut down correctly [03:33] Treenaks: sucks when you've been modelling a scene for several hours and your very large 3d app that's just asked for a bit more RAM gets slayed ;) [03:33] Treenaks, when kernel goess OOM, it means it has no memeroy available both in RAM and in swap? [03:33] d) dont kill process on defined "vital" process [03:33] process list === timonsn [~timonsn@serv.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] goeiemiddag :) [03:34] flevour: correct [03:34] Kamion : ok, good news :) [03:34] Ng, damn it! that very large 3d app must be a great resource sucker [03:34] jimi: even if a process doesn't clean up its subprocesses correctly, when it exits they all get reparented to init, which cleans them up anyway [03:35] jij ook goede middag [03:35] jimi: if a process gets so screwed that it can't exit properly, chances are 'kill' won't get rid of it either, but that's rare in practice and often indicates other problems [03:35] flevour: sure, if you're hitting OOM it means you need more ram and swap, you can't expect the kernel to magically fix the situation for you ;) [03:36] hum ok === MyKq3 [~MyKq3@] has joined #ubuntu === xortw [~xortw@serv.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] i had some problem at work, using rsync for backups, of rsync processes geting disconnected from target and runing indefinitly [03:36] ooh [03:36] there's a ui for apt :) [03:37] i didnt go further that kill yet [03:37] thanks sanitario [03:37] than [03:37] jimi: using rsyncd or over ssh? [03:37] Ng, well, it could detect a fat32/ntfs partition next to itself (for example, your neighboor pc) and format it [03:37] rsyncd [03:37] flevour: hehe [03:38] rsyncd on windows laptops targeted by linux rsync client [03:38] Ng, may i ask whats the very large 3d app and how much ram+swap you have? [03:38] flevour: it was purely an example, although I'm quite sure I could push lightwave in WINE past the 3gb of ram/swap I have ;) [03:38] oh [03:39] i see [03:39] flevour: my point was about the kernel not being able to tell the difference between a program that's gone mental and stolen all the memory and one that actually needs lots of ram [03:39] what do you guys think about the new artwork? [03:40] not bad i guess [03:40] if a little cheesy.. [03:40] is this realy the way ubuntu is going? [03:40] xortw : i would like a choice with theme preview at install, with no default [03:40] hehe [03:40] new artwork? [03:40] yes [03:40] freedom is choice :) === port7 agrees with jimi === rmt hmms.. ok.. I now have a us_de xkb layout .. will GNOME auto-detect it on restart? It's been added to /etc/X11/xkb/rules/xfree86.lst [03:40] oke [03:41] but it is what people see the first time they install ubuntu [03:42] i personaly dont dislike the theme, but it is not appropriate for anyone i guess (pretty obvious reading the reactions lol) [03:43] so are the 3 nekked people ubuntu developers? [03:43] No :) [03:43] =) [03:43] haha [03:43] lol [03:43] Hiya spiv - when're you getting to Prague? [03:43] no, those are slave given to ubuntu developpers :s === port7 makes note to ask my boss for benefits like that [03:44] nekked slaves [03:45] =] ~ [03:45] hmmm i feel a like a newbie now [03:45] i added the stuff from the howto [03:45] but still no gstreamer0.8-mad for me [03:46] hmm, if alot people ask for it... maybe there wil be a ubuntu version sans those (how do i call them) wallpapers [03:46] xortw: we're watching the discussion, and the boss'll be taking a decision before final release [03:46] it's not being ignored [03:47] oke thnx, I would like te let you know I like the rest of the Ubuntu distro [03:48] i think we should propose a theme with dead animals pictures, so the user actually feels more human and more alive === blumax_ [~blumax@] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] _^;;; [03:49] sod the pictures, turn the sounds off! ;) [03:50] i dont remember whether livecd has an option to make an hd-install [03:50] iirc, it doesn't === rmt [~rmt@pD9EE145C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === x4m [~max@228.160-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === Netminder [~mcroydon@phaser850.connext.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] hand checked now for a gstreamer0.8-mad - thats not there anymore === ubuntugeek [~ubuntugee@] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] eaon: did you check in universe? [03:57] eaon: should be in universe [03:58] universe = gstreamer-mad ? === eaon doesn't know much about apt-* [03:59] eaon: you have to enable the "universe" secion in synaptic or /etc/apt/sources.list (it's already there, commented out) [03:59] eaon: then you can install gstreamer0.8-mad normally [03:59] can i install Thunderbird with apt-get ? === nreid [~nreid@host-212-158-194-154.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] MyKq3: sure, why not [03:59] MyKq3: sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird [04:00] Anyone had problems with the latest rolled-back (9.3.x) firefox? [04:00] I'm segfaulting all over the place. [04:00] Messy. [04:00] nreid: no, they work far better than 1.0... === jacob [~jacob@h146n1fls23o1061.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] nreid: oh, that's bad. Can you report this in bz? [04:00] pitti, hum and i thought it was just aptget install Thunderbird [04:00] thanks [04:00] eaon: both gstreamer-mad and gstreamer0.8-mad exist in the reps [04:00] just checked [04:00] Sure - I think it may possibly be because of the web dev extension I've installed. [04:01] I think it might be .99-1 specific. [04:01] eaon: http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/SynapticHowto mentions how to enable universe through synaptic [04:01] eaon: steps 1 - 3. === rmt pokes spiv. [04:02] I guess I'll be bz reporting via lynx though ;) [04:02] alright, thanks [04:02] works now :) [04:02] spiv: Wie ist dein Deutsch jetzt? [04:03] rmt: I'm staying with a couple of German speakers, as it happens... [04:03] spiv: I've been reading Mary's blog.. Austrians, aren't they? === Chriffer [~nargojojo@pcp01379838pcs.levtwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] But I have not yet managed to learn German, despite that :) [04:04] Ja. [04:04] spiv: So, what do you know about making gnome's keyboard config recognise a new xkb layout? [04:05] Not much. :) [04:05] I encountered a bug related to that, though, iirc. [04:05] Search bugzilla ;) === rmt chuckles. Ja. [04:07] Is there a nice midi playing app for Ubuntu? [04:08] spiv: You must say "Grss Gott" to them.. (that's an "e" said with very rounded lips) === mrjive [~mrjive@host50-233.pool8288.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === AndersAA_ [neuron@] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] spiv: You're in Mallorca right now? When're you heading closer my way? [04:13] About a week's time... [04:13] Lemme check. [04:13] hi * === stone [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] We'll be in Prague from the 23rd. === polok_ is now known as polok === AndersAA_ is now known as andersaa [04:18] (And we'll be there for about three weeks) [04:22] spiv: Hmm.. coming closer, like perhaps Munich at all? [04:22] Prague's ~3 hours away by car .. but ~7 by train.. horrible to get there. ;) [04:22] We are going to fly via Dortmund, I think. [04:23] I've no idea if that's closer... we're not going to be there very long anyway. === rmt nods. No closer. :) === rmt will try to convince some exchange students they want to hire a car and go to prague. === hypn0_ [~chatzilla@host81-7-60-30.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Ex-Cyber [nobody@rdu162-230-005.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === rmt hmms.. bbk === ploum_ [~ploum@21-30.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu === mxpxpod [~forbesbd@eth13.com-link.com] has joined #ubuntu === Linkcr [~flavio@adslsapo-b4-160-112.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu === enabl [~enabl@host81-156-250-38.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === MeAndU [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] whats a linux equivalent to nero? [04:39] k3b ? [04:39] my icons on my task bar ahve suddenly shrank to 0x0 pixels...in the pefrences i can remedy this, but i don't know what the default size was...can somebody tell me what it is? [04:39] nm [04:39] : / [04:39] im using ubuntu, is k3b not for KDE? [04:40] Bliksem: is not windows. You do not need to load Explorer to run notepad. === replicant [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Does anyone know if it's possible to roll-back to previously installed versions of apps using apt-get? [04:40] Bliksem: are you trying to burn a data cd? [04:40] trying to burn an iso [04:40] ah [04:40] nreid: if the version is in your apt cache, install that one with dpkg [04:41] nreid: if you do not have any backup -> bad luck === cthiess [~cthiess@citrus2.connect-austria.at] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] I've found something I recall, but I'm not on my ubuntu right now [04:41] Thanks Zomb. [04:41] you can only roll back with apt if one of the repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list happens to still have the older version [04:41] try apt-cache search roast (or burn) [04:41] nreid: http://sourceforge.net/projects/apt-checkpoint/ [04:41] hello guys [04:42] if i right click the iso, there is the option write to disk, but it tells me i dont have any meida in my cd writer, when i do [04:42] anybody here, who can help me with my ubuntu? [04:42] cthiess: nope [04:42] noxfu: how does it work, using dpkg-repack? [04:42] thanks [04:45] noxfu: thanks, for your 'nope' === plangent [~plangent@user-0ce2kdq.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] anybody else here who can help me with an kernel module compile problem? === lucas_ [~lucas@ca-grenoble-2-59.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] hi === dyn [~dyn@dyn.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] cthiess: You go into a channel named #ubuntu...asking if anyone can help you with a ubuntu problem....you don't expect the slightest bit of sarcasm? === gnitter [~gnitter@pD95269F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === tom_cat [~tomcat@] has joined #ubuntu === MepisBelle [~Old@adsl-68-122-6-135.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === merhojt__ [~jimmy@h34n2c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === amulday [~samuelc@] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu === GeosB_ [~chatzilla@0x503e3d0e.kd4nxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === yz [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu === pitti_ [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] funny to see ubuntu is so young and already has its debianish flame wars ;) === dark_star_away [~ds@bsi-uu.bentley.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] I just would like to ask for clarification : is the default GDM theme the "sexy" one ? === seraph [~kevin@] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] I have a question [05:08] did X break for anyone with the latest update? [05:08] say in the past 24 hours or so? === dark_star_away is now known as darkstar [05:09] mine is reporting all kinds of gl symbol related errors [05:09] even vim isn't working on the command line because of libXt [05:09] seraph: there were no X updates in the last 24 hours [05:09] are you using any kind of binary drivers? [05:10] lucas_: currently, yes. [05:10] fabbione: nvidia === amulday [~samuelc@] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] I'll rerun the installer [05:10] seraph: revert to nv and see if the problem persist [05:10] Kamion: thanks [05:10] seraph: there is no need to reinstall [05:10] seraph: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 [05:10] omg apt just segfaulted [05:10] AIEEE [05:10] things are randomly segfaulting [05:10] seraph: well that's not an X problem ;) [05:10] @_@ [05:11] check the ram === seraph goes to check shit === beezly [~andy@monkey.beezly.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ddaa [~ddaa@nemesis.xlii.org] has left #ubuntu [] [05:11] fabbione: actually no, thats just dpkg [05:11] and I found that nv gives the same results [05:12] __glXFree* === david__ [~david@cpc1-with2-6-0-cust126.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] symbol unresolved === amulday is now known as samuelc [05:13] seraph: i get the same but they are harmless [05:13] omg === MeLaO [~jmontano@sip.telesat.com.co] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] dpkg is totally screwed [05:14] it claims nothing is installed [05:14] at all [05:14] every package I try isn't installed === ntl [~nathanl@user-0vvd937.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:14] seraph: something must be seriously broken on your system' [05:14] really? [05:14] never would've guessed ;_; [05:15] eheh [05:15] seraph: sounds like a hardware problem if your getting random segfaults [05:15] vrln: its not [05:15] try running memtest, my quess would be broken ram [05:15] its a dpkg specific thing [05:15] every apt command I try segfaults it [05:15] irssi etc. work fine [05:15] ssh works fine [05:15] I am so screwed [05:15] seraph: probably the database is corrupted [05:15] is there any way to recover? [05:16] seraph: probably [05:16] it depends at which level is corrupted [05:16] ok [05:18] what do I do? === jbailey [~jbailey@dragonfly.fundserv.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] seraph: what happens if you run: dpkg --get-selections * ? === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] how reliable are upgrade paths from debian sid to ubuntu ? [05:21] fabbione: segfault === trip_out [~trip_out@81-86-89-147.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] seraph: i guess you don't have much you can do [05:23] ouch [05:24] reinstall it is I guess [05:25] seraph: yes. but i would still run a memtest === ermina [~ermina@] has joined #ubuntu [05:26] that kind of corruption is not normal [05:26] hi all, Im a newbee [05:26] I try to install my conexant modem, have any luck with it ? [05:27] fabbione: memtest is clean since < 2 months ago [05:27] hey seraph :) [05:27] assuming that's the #gah seraph ;) [05:27] ubuntu uses kernel 2.6.8 which I couldn't find the kernel source from synaptic [05:27] can any body help me please ?? [05:27] ermina: it is there, linux-source- I have installed [05:28] search for linux-source and it should find it. [05:28] is it in the CD or do I have to download it >>> [05:29] ah [05:29] not sure I'm afraid [05:29] there's probably one in the cd, but it's best to get it online [05:29] if you've updated your kernel to the latest one from the internet then you'll need to get the source from there too [05:30] no, the kernel installed from CD, sounder 9 warty warthog === acamargo is now known as ac|lunch === joolz [~joolz@kiar.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === jsc [~jsc@h-67-101-232-206.lsanca54.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Bliksem [~user@host217-43-93-30.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] OK I will try it now, I hope I have luck [05:31] bye [05:31] thanks Ng [05:32] no probs [05:32] good luck :) [05:32] Ng: yes [05:32] Ng: I am officially screwed atm === MeLaO [~jmontano@sip.telesat.com.co] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === MeLaO [~jmontano@sip.telesat.com.co] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] seraph: doh, how come? [05:32] what switvh do you use to launch an app from terminal, but keep the termianl available for use? === MeLaO [~jmontano@sip.telesat.com.co] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === samuel_c [~samuelc@] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] Ng: might be the fact that there are many people complaining about XFS in 2.8.1 and bad shutdowns [05:33] ie. data loss on non-clean shutdown [05:33] seraph: ohh, sefaulting :/ [05:33] yep [05:33] weak [05:33] Bliksem app_naame parameter1 parameter2 ... & [05:33] the & makes it launch in the backgriund [05:33] ground* [05:33] ok Rythmbox owns XMMS .. [05:33] thank you seveas :) [05:34] Ng: weak? [05:34] david__, it does, but it doesn't play certain files for me :( [05:34] for once my music sounds as good in linux as M$ .. :) [05:34] probably gstreamers fault though? [05:35] eaon: what files.. it plays FLAC fine .. which is what i use.. ive not tried Ogg though [05:35] seraph: as in "not cool" [05:36] david__, oh, sorry, certain mp3s [05:36] i have some frou frou mp3s here which it doesn't want to load into the library [05:36] xmms and itunes play them fine [05:37] eaon: ive not had any MP3 trouble yet.. are they VBR files ? [05:37] Ng: lol === FluFlo [~FluFlo@] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] david__, i think they're normal 192kb files [05:39] but i'll have to look into that deeper later [05:39] busy now - later gys === crash| [~crash_@h139n3fls301o1039.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === ^Asystole [jws@fia188-23.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:40] <^Asystole> hello people === lordaj76 [~lordaj76@ARouen-106-1-3-195.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Nonphasis [~ville@a81-197-192-150.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === blumax__ [~blumax@] has joined #ubuntu === Deft [~psh103@witch.ecs.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu === _LinSpider_ [~LinSpider@u81-11-186-60.adsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu === Sanne [~Sanne@p5086B536.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === JohanH [~johan@as9-2-6.b.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] has anyone had any problems with a complete failure to boot winxp on a machine with ubuntu? this has happed to me twice now [05:55] nope [05:55] Deft: it is happening now to mw with win2k [05:56] im dual booting xp and ubuntu [05:56] NTLDR is missing .. or something like this === Dekkard [~rightone@adsl-67-38-23-244.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] my problem happened immediately on installing winxip, on it's first reboot it failed to start to finish the install [05:58] ntldr just seems to not like something that has happened to the disk; so I then booted to the ubuntu install cd, chrooted to my linux install, reinstalled grub, booted the winxp recovery, ran fixboot to install ntldr to the partition.... [05:58] and now grub just won't start XP, it says it's chainloading to the partition, and then sits there for ever [05:59] is there a way to get ntldr into the mbr to test that out? === blumax_ [~blumax@] has joined #ubuntu === Juz_moi [~user@ip68-107-182-31.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] should I take that as a no? === blokkie [~blokkie@blokkie.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === kagy [~keving@wire204.info.ucl.ac.be] has left #ubuntu [] === YveDeLarc [gefla@kilo.pond.sub.org] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] Ive done something simple, yet so stupid, you know the "task bar" that runs allong the top, I right clicked it and chose hide this panel, how do i get it back? [06:08] :blushes: [06:08] Oh, huh, I didn't think it let you do that. [06:09] autohide? [06:09] it let me hide it === SurcouF [~surcouf@rbordet.net4.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] if you move your mouse to the top, does it pop up [06:09] nope [06:09] or did you remove it completely [06:09] which would != hidden [06:10] it must be removed then [06:10] it doesnt pop up [06:10] hi. Just tried to create a bugzilla account so I can report a bug. Unfortunately, the envelope sender of the password mail is bugzilla-daemon@bugzilla.ubuntu.com which breaks sender address verification (bugzilla.ubuntu.com has no mMX record so the A record is used. smtp connection to that address times out). === Henrik [~Miranda@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] there must be a way to get it back, I only have the terminal to launch apps now [06:11] run gnome-panel? [06:11] Bliksem: do you still have the lower panel? [06:12] yes i have the lower one === chris_ [~chris@chello212186066043.6.14.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] Bliksem: if yes, right-click on a free space on that one and select 'New Panel' [06:12] Bliksem: you might have to re-populate it, though. [06:13] thanks YveDeLarc === SamBozo [~user@ip68-107-182-31.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] Bliksem: you're welcome [06:13] was panicking there for a moment === dmzen [~dale@] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] Hi all, may I ask a Mozilla question? === georgia [~georgia@Georgia.base.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === npmccallum [~npmccallu@69-162-252-7.ironoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared is now known as WW_ === baHam [~baham@ip68-10-234-26.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] lo === Zero-G [~sjs298@sjshome.ict.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] Hello === zenwhen [1001@host-66-20-101-159.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] anyone can define precisly what "universe" and "multiverse" are and how they are build ? [06:20] Does universe contain all debian packages ? [06:20] ploum: oui [06:21] I'm working on a french mini FAQ [06:21] http://frimouvy.org/wiki/FaqUbuntu [06:21] Question: kbuild on ubuntu ? how is it called? trying to install nvidia drivers ,_, [06:21] I've the source main restricted universe multiverse [06:22] but it doesn't seem that I've mutliverse paquet (mplayer) === YveDeLarc [gefla@kilo.pond.sub.org] has left #ubuntu ["ERC] [06:22] I find the term 'multiverse' a bit odd, because it implies that it contains 'universe', which it doesn't ... [06:22] I didn't know about multiverse [06:23] danish translation of g2 going steady, 428 translated strings of core [06:23] wrong channel, sorry [06:24] baHam, for installing nvidia drivers : http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto === ik5pvx [bofh@host27-52.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] deFrysk, My fking mouse doesnt work.. I mean, the scroll doesnt work === hypn0 [~chatzilla@host81-7-60-30.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] baHam, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 === socomm [~jde@adsl-69-104-174-166.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] baHam, and use the deafaults untill the mouse settings , try other settings there [06:27] baHam, and good luck :) === baHam [~baham@ip68-10-234-26.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] yea man, ubuntu r0x [06:30] :D [06:30] asdasd [06:30] :D [06:30] now help me with tha mouz :| [06:30] baHam, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 [06:31] baHam, and use the deafaults untill the mouse settings , try other settings there [06:31] baHam, and good luck :) [06:31] hmz ? deja vu ? [06:31] ;p === tom_cat [~tomcat@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:31] deFrysk, already tried :( [06:31] baHam, in kde ? [06:32] gnome :D [06:32] :D [06:32] gnome > all :P [06:32] well if that does not fix it I doo not know :s [06:33] where r u from [06:33] holland europe [06:33] :P [06:33] not fryslan? [06:33] I just moved to america :P [06:33] yes Fryslan indeed :D [06:34] deFrysk: who would have guessed :) [06:34] hehe ;p [06:35] well, it seems we have critical mass for a Dutch Ubuntu Users Group right here ;) === beezly [~andy@monkey.beezly.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] thisfred: ja, 't is een kwestie van geduld :) === baHam [~baham@ip68-10-234-26.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] my soundcard doesnt work either [06:36] baHam, tried alsamixer ? [06:37] not yet .. on debian it worked without finding the soundcard, by default.. I couldnt control the sound but it was ok.. [06:37] root@ubuntu:/home/baham # apt-get install alsamixer [06:37] Reading Package Lists... Done [06:37] Building Dependency Tree... Done [06:37] E: Couldn't find package alsamixer [06:37] root@ubuntu:/home/baham # [06:37] baHam, run alsamixer , not install [06:37] root@ubuntu:/home/baham # alsamixer [06:37] alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory [06:37] alsamixer as user [06:37] aha [06:37] same thing [06:38] not detected soundacard [06:38] yep [06:38] baHam, buy another one [06:38] a cheap generic [06:38] always works [06:38] aha [06:38] :( [06:39] what model doe you have ? [06:39] doe* do === Gwaihir [~Gwaihir@ppp-13-107.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu === FluFlo [~FluFlo@] has left #ubuntu ["Error] [06:41] deFrysk, it's a i810 [06:43] i810_audio is the name of the module [06:43] do lsmod [06:43] and see if its there === Henrik [~Miranda@henrik.gotadsl.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [06:44] intel8x0 sorry === Sanne [~Sanne@p5086B536.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Good] === kent [~kent@h125n1fls24o825.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] not there === hdunkel [~Harri@p50927849.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] modprobe i810_audio [06:47] try that [06:48] tried [06:48] it did [06:48] but nuthin.. it doesnt work [06:48] sudo used ? [06:48] hm ? [06:48] sudo modprobe i810_audio [06:49] i tried as root [06:49] but doesnt work [06:49] I see === WW_ [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:51] AMD Athlon + AMD 751/756 Chipset UNUSABLE in Linux [Debian] [06:51] baHam, that chipset ? [06:51] 0000:00:02.7 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Sound Controller (rev a0) === justdave [~dave@] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] well you need a specilist for this one === baHam is now known as baHam^eat [06:52] cu later [06:52] the module should be there i guess === kent [~kent@h125n1fls24o825.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] any problems with dualbooting ubuntu and osx? [06:57] shouldn't be === SamBozo [~user@ip68-107-182-31.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === socomm [~jde@adsl-69-104-174-166.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === baHam^eat is now known as baHam [07:01] thk: works for me [07:02] nice [07:02] out of the box [07:02] ? [07:02] i tried getting my ibook dualboot gentoo and osx, but osx don't detect the disc [07:02] after installing gentoo. [07:02] thk: I wouldn't attempt to resize an HFS+ filesystem from our installer if I were you [07:03] but otherwise I've not had any problems out of the box; then again, my OS X installation is a few versions back [07:03] i can't seem to partition the disc when installing osx. should i start with ubuntu? [07:04] OS X's installer definitely had a partitioning option when I used it [07:04] this powerbook came with OS X installed, I reinstalled with the supplied media to make the OS X partition smaller [07:05] deFrysk, what was the link to the drivers? === socomm [~jde@adsl-69-104-174-166.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto [07:05] thk: the partitioning option in OS X is kind of obscure, I can't remember where they hid it [07:06] hmm. i olny got to choose media. maybe there was some more advanced option when selecting.. hmm. === utest [~utest@] has joined #ubuntu === utest is now known as netventure [07:08] is the release candidate out? [07:09] hellow? === nasdaq4088 [sdfsd@tkp-ip-nas-1-p25.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === evilmegaman [~evi@c-67-181-38-6.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] Hi [07:10] netventure: yes, see ubuntu-announce mailing list archives [07:10] evilmm: hi [07:10] kaimon: ok, thanks [07:10] Does ubuntu have good ATI driver support? [07:11] evilmm: what card do you have? [07:11] ATI radeon 9550 [07:11] I think the default installation suports the 9550 [07:11] Ok :) And would it have 3d support? Or what would I do about that? [07:11] you can always download the ATI proprietary drivers through synaptic [07:12] Oh [07:12] Hmmm === maskie [~maskie@196-30-111-153.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === evilmegaman looks up synaptic [07:12] * looks up synaptic [07:12] evilmegaman: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [07:13] Ok [07:13] And one more thing :) I tried the Preview Release but that didn't recognize my cd rom drive.. Will this one recognize it? Only ubuntu and mandrake do not recognize it === steveb [~steveb@c-24-20-170-208.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] did'nt recognize... before install or after install? [07:15] During install [07:15] ide? [07:15] scsi? [07:15] I think so === inklingx [~inklingx@u212-239-167-156.adsl.pi.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] I dunno [07:15] lemme check [07:15] I am stupid about hardware [07:16] ok, so you're not a bot :) [07:17] hmm.. I need some help with ubuntu [07:17] it's IDE === Hmmmmm_ [~sukrit@] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] 1. my mousewheel doesnt work 2. my soundcard doesnt work [07:18] are you on a laptop? those are my friends issues with his laptop.. [07:18] which soundcard do you have? [07:19] netventure, it is a sis [07:19] netventure, Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Sound Controller (rev a0) [07:20] evilmm: when installing, hit alt+f2 and in the console use dmesg|less to see if there's any error message === UpTh3|ron [UpTh3Iron@host125-26.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] ok [07:21] thanks netventure [07:21] baham: try lspci -v to get a more detailed output, that will tell which chip/model it is [07:22] emm: hope you get the drive working... [07:22] gud luk [07:22] Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Sound Controller (rev a0) [07:22] Subsystem: Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.: Unknown device 7850 [07:22] Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 3 [07:22] I/O ports at e000 [07:22] I/O ports at e400 [size=128] [07:22] Capabilities: [48] Power Management version 2 === UpTh3|ron [UpTh3Iron@host125-26.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu [] [07:23] netventure, he needs a intel-i810 module [07:23] ? [07:23] an i810 model for sis audio? [07:23] netventure, baHam does [07:23] module* [07:24] baham told me he had an intel model [07:24] netventure, I dont know.. it is sis and everywhere is written that I have to modprobe i810_audio.. [07:24] deFrysk, it's a i810 [07:24] see ? [07:25] looking it up in google [07:25] http://www.cli.di.unipi.it/~dangelo/G733_en.html [07:25] look here [07:25] there is a guy with the same soundcard [07:26] modprobe intel8x0 [07:26] should do it then ? [07:26] no [07:26] it doesnt find that module [07:27] dun wanna reconfigure the kernel ;_; [07:27] where's the US mirror for getting ubuntu? === deFrysk cannot imagine its not included [07:27] baha,: try snd-intel8x0 === ema [~ema@adsl-ull-254-135.44-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] baham, I'm a little confused, is the link you mentioned, the correct config for your system? [07:28] can we expect warty on monday? [07:28] no netventure, but the guy has the same audio [07:29] it modprobed the snd-intel8x0 [07:29] Hmmmmm_: wednesday [07:29] ok [07:29] baHam, check lsmod [07:29] see if its there now [07:29] deFrysk, now it works [07:29] but like on debian [07:29] cool L:) === ToTo [~ToTo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] I cant control the audio [07:29] :D === lamont_r [~lamont@dsl-140-203.dynamic-dsl.frii.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] control? [07:29] I have to go [07:30] netventure, yeah the audio is just the same if I put it on 0% or on 100% [07:30] ok [07:30] does dmesg give anything? [07:30] just dmesg [07:30] ? [07:30] i810: SiS 7012 found at IO 0xe400 and 0xe000, MEM 0x0000 and 0x0000, IRQ 3 [07:30] i810_audio: Audio Controller supports 6 channels. [07:30] i810_audio: Defaulting to base 2 channel mode. [07:30] i810_audio: Resetting connection 0 [07:30] ac97_codec: AC97 codec, id: CMI97 (CMedia) [07:30] AC97 codec does not have proper volume support. [07:30] i810_audio: only 48Khz playback available. [07:31] i810_audio: AC'97 codec 0, new EID value = 0x05c6 [07:31] i810_audio: AC'97 codec 0, DAC map configured, total channels = 6 [07:31] i810_audio: setting clocking to 48566 [07:31] i810_audio? that's an OSS driver [07:31] blacklisted by default [07:31] don't use it [07:31] if snd-intel8x0 was loaded by default, that's correct [07:32] hm [07:32] so ? [07:33] hm... [07:33] lot of the same stuff on google [07:33] How do I use .jigdo files? I forgot [07:34] do I have to get it from debian.org or something? [07:34] evilmegaman: http://www.google.com [07:34] http://atterer.net/jigdo/ === tuxakka [~tuxakka@dsl-sjkgw2o7b.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] http://atterer.net/jigdo/debian-jigdo-mini-howto/index.html [07:35] thank you :) That's what I found [07:35] That should be enough to get you started. [07:35] sure is [07:36] howto to make ubuntu channel in own language, in my case fi? [07:36] tuxakka: Huh? [07:37] tuxakka: this channel, as far as I know, is english only. [07:37] mdz, just curious, but why is the 810 module blacklisted? === noxfu [~nox@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:37] I have a via82xx, and it's blacklisted too? [07:38] (audio modules) [07:38] daniels: dude. [07:38] daniels: jabber? [07:39] baham, have you tried i810_audio? [07:40] rmmod snd-i8x0 and then modprobe i810_audio === tvon_ [~tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] netventure, doesnt work with i810_audio [07:40] hmmm.. === jhawkinsvalrico [~jhawkins@6532198hfc06.tampabay.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] looks like the driver is broken... [07:40] I read some time ago [07:41] that they are still working [07:41] on the drivers of my soundcard [07:41] not a problem, the volume is ok :) [07:42] yes socomm but somebody said that should ask local channels from here, you know like there is a debian then in my country debian-fi, is it plan to make local channels in difrent languages? [07:43] I mean this ubuntu doesnt even have gdesklets on his repositories ? [07:44] baham: here's something about alan cox from an old archive: http://www.spinics.net/lists/rhsound/msg00009.html [07:44] not a solution, but that's the best I could find [07:44] d archive: http://www.spinics.net/lists/rhsound/msg00009.html === bestadvocate [~bestadvoc@] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] has anyone been able to get radeonfb working on the console? === jhawkinsvalrico [~jhawkins@6532198hfc06.tampabay.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:46] tuxakka: sorry I don't know anything about that. [07:47] baHam: I got gdesklets here. [07:47] ok socomm, I asked cause we keep linux channels and email lists in finland [07:47] socom: is there a console only runlevel in ubuntu? [07:47] socomm, 0.26? [07:48] baHam: 0.26.2 [07:48] and it works ? [07:48] baHam: yes running that cow deskelet [07:49] socomm, how do you do that ? [07:49] netventure: no, the runlevels are left for your own customisation [07:49] baHam: `apt-get install gdesklets && apt-get install gdesklets-data' [07:49] baHam: you may have to update your repos first though. [07:49] socomm, yea I mean, after installing.. how do you run the displays.. [07:50] kamion: can you give me a few tips, having come from slackware, I find it a little difficult to use sysV and debian [07:50] baHam: `cd /usr/share/gdesklets/Displays' [07:50] is there an ubuntu livecd? [07:50] website doesn't mention it [07:51] baHam: 'ls' and 'cd' to whichever desklets you wanna run. [07:51] netventure: all of the OSS modules are blacklisted, because there are ALSA modules which are equivalent or better [07:51] netventure: and you can't mix OSS and ALSA modules on the same device [07:52] baHam: Then run gdesklets and give it the name of the display as an argument. For instance 'gdesklets debian-cow.display' [07:52] hm [07:52] netventure: radeonfb is known to have a lot of problems, that's why it isn't loaded by default [07:52] ok I'll try when the gdesklets site works [07:52] mdz: I'm new to debian, how do I tell the OS, which modules to load? [07:52] eaon: there is livecd but it doesnt seem to be mirrorred in europe [07:52] baHam: good luck, there isn't much documentation for this piece of software. [07:53] anybody running firefox 1.0 on ubuntu ? [07:53] baHam: oh and after you've done that 'gdeskelet desklet.display' run gdesklet so it will appear on your desktop. [07:53] okay [07:53] googling then [07:55] mdz: I've been able to use radeonfb on slackware, it loads on ubuntu, but then the screen is blank during boot until the console font is changed [07:56] mdz: but then again, it's only a plain text console, no fb :( [07:56] help.. === darkersatanic [~hugo@mina.ecs.soton.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] I just dpkg -installed the debian experimental package of mozilla-firefox.. how can I remove it ? ;_; === Olivier_54 [~olivier@dyn-83-155-4-5.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu === pupilzeng [~zsx@] has left #ubuntu ["See] === lobo_nz [~lobo_nz@219-88-205-26.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu === afonit [~afonit@] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] I just dpkg -installed the debian experimental package of mozilla-firefox.. how can I remove it ? ;_; [08:00] for some reason, I can no longer use nautilus to mount ssh volumes === sri doesn't know why :/ [08:00] baHam: `man dpkg' [08:00] baHam: should be 'dpkg uninstall package' === Tiboz [~tiboz@deirdre.via.ecp.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] hello all [08:02] gnomevfs-ls tells me "Internal error" === fabricio [~fabricio@main.prosystemfx.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] Hi Tiboz === fabricio is now known as thursday [08:03] i just installed ubuntu yesterday and i find very cool for the moment [08:03] +it [08:03] but i got errors when i do apt-get update, is it a known issue ? [08:04] Tiboz, paste the output [08:04] tiboz: what was the error(s)? [08:04] Impossible de rcuprer http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) === iain_ [~iain@213-152-53-18.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] gzip: stdin: not in gzip format [08:05] Tiboz, you cannot add that.. [08:05] remove that line from you /etc/apt/sources.list [08:05] looks like the file was'nt properly downloaded, corruption while downloading === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3b99.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] and save and then apt-get update [08:05] i only uncomment the lines for universe packages [08:06] nah [08:06] comment the http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz === LoLoROS [~manuel@93.Red-217-125-132.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] tiboz: I'd suggest using synaptic [08:07] http://paste.husk.org/1796 [08:07] i don't have this line [08:07] here is my source.list [08:07] netventure: i come from debian, so I prefer apt-get ;) [08:07] Tiboz: If you used an older iso the sources for universe have been modified there are some instructions on www.ubuntulinux.org which fixed it for me [08:08] ha ha, ok, point taken [08:08] lobo_nz: i used the warty iso [08:08] Tiboz: The RC latest one should be ok [08:09] Tiboz: I had the gzip thing with an older prerealease iso [08:09] tiboz, did you try apt-get update again? [08:09] again ? [08:10] I mean, are you getting the error everytime you run apt-get update? [08:10] yes [08:10] but i installed it only testerday [08:10] yesterday sorry [08:10] gzip: stdin: Resource temporarily unavailable [08:11] a it just changed === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] now the pb is gone [08:11] very strange [08:12] probably a problem with the ubuntu server [08:12] i got another question [08:12] is there an easy way to use apm rather than acpi without recompiling a kernel ? [08:13] try this: rm -rf var/lib/apt/lists/partial/* === guptan [~Raj@] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] and then aapt-get update again [08:13] netventure: it's ok nom [08:13] now [08:13] netventure: thanks for the help [08:14] at the grub loader, just add acpi=off and test. If all works, you need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and make it permanent [08:14] and ubuntu will automaticly switch to apm ? [08:14] should do [08:14] ok === blumax__ [~blumax@] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] because acpi on thinkpads is not very well supported actually === solsTiCe [~solstice@d80-170-6-14.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] most distros have both acpi and apm modules in case a system does'nt have acpi... === z1nOnly [~nic@adsl-068-016-133-021.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] ok [08:16] hmm.. does it give any errors, or is it missing any required features? [08:16] I wish they would update inkscape [08:16] my bro has a thinkpad, and Iwas thinking him to go linux... [08:16] netventure: it is a known issue [08:16] Hola, does someone help me?, I have installed the enlightment but it(he,she) does not go out for me in the GDM, as do I add it? [08:16] :( [08:16] there is a problem between acpi on thinkpad and hotplug [08:16] oh, ok === bestadvocate [~bestadvoc@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:17] but i read something that makes me hope that the pb should be fixed with 2.6.9 === stone [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu === [Bas] [~Bas@tuxmachine.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu [08:18] hope they do, will be happy to see another linux box at home [08:18] yeah [08:18] loloros: [08:18] good day all [08:18] hy thursday [08:18] hi. just installed ubuntu . i am looking a way to install a basic firewall (don't find how to launch iptables) and [08:18] d00d, it's saturday! [08:19] say to me [08:19] don't know much but I think you need to use enligtenment with gnome... [08:20] not really sure, i'ts been a long time since slackware 7 and enlightenment... [08:20] solsTiCe: fwbuilder - Firewall administration tool GUI [08:20] solsTiCe: you can try this one [08:20] and a way to configure the service launch and a way to stop hotplug to load 8139cp while iam using 8139too modules (blacklist the module ?) [08:20] Tiboz: thx === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3b99.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [08:20] sorry i dont speak english [08:21] solsTiCe: what's your pb with hotplug ? [08:21] loloros: pl [08:21] LoLoROS: french ? === ficusplanet [~ficusplan@12-216-226-172.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] Spanish [08:21] outch [08:21] loloros: ok, I'll make it more simple, wait [08:21] loloros: i'm installing enlit [08:21] Tiboz: I used to use woody and there was a basic script to store and load the iptables config . is there somthing like that in sarge ie ubuntu ? [08:21] gimme a few mins [08:21] 'eh senor [08:22] I'm having trouble getting the NVidia drivers working. I've installed the nvidia-glx package, commented out GLCore and dri from XF86Config-4 but it still won't load. What else do I have to do? [08:22] si [08:22] ya lo instale [08:22] solsTiCe, try modconf go to kernel/drivers/net and try to disable that module [08:22] solsTiCe: normally iptables scripts are in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d [08:22] oui === gorpin [~gorpin@BSN-95-216-194.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu === mt2 [~mt2@ip68-2-22-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] Gnome I like much, but it was for proving(trying) new things === liran [~liran@] has joined #Ubuntu [08:23] hey dear mates :) === smurfix [~smurfix@smurfix.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] I have a question [08:23] flevour: Tiboz thank you i go and see [08:24] solsTiCe: no pbs [08:24] Certainly a lot of congratulations for the distribution, if there is hereabouts algun collaborator or developer [08:24] cool... [08:24] I have domain,i can control it,I want to know if i can use this domain as my hostname ? [08:25] any cool ubuntu wallpapers? [08:25] Anybody here been able to get the nvidia drivers working in ubuntu? [08:25] in the days of gnome 1.4, there was an option to load gnome+enlightement or enlightenment only... not sure === BluMax [~blumax@] has joined #ubuntu === fjp [~fjp@195-240-184-66-mx.xdsl.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] there is a script to install E i believe [08:25] enlightenment-install or something like that [08:25] does anyone know how to increase the resolution of your screen? I know it's possible with my card and monitor, in Linux, to have 1280x1024 but ubuntu doesn't give me that option. Is there any way to fix this issue? [08:25] baHam you can try www.gnome-look.org [08:26] ficusplanet : yes following what said in ubuntu wiki [08:26] they are ugly [08:26] :( [08:26] or art.gnome.org [08:26] thanks netventure & Tiboz [08:27] mt2: you need to manually edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and add the res there [08:27] and other question, how do you see div-x in totem? === The_Bell [~enzo@80-28-169-181.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] you're welcome [08:27] I have domain,i can control it,I want to know if i can use this domain as my hostname ? [08:27] liran: use the hostname command [08:27] netventure, I've tried that, but gnome fails to allow me to change it the resolution, I shall try again though [08:27] loloros: well, thanks to you, I'm trying E now! [08:28] liran: do you have a public IP? [08:28] Tiboz I don`t know how to use it [08:28] netventure what you mean? [08:28] man hostname ;) [08:28] is your ip beginning by 10.0.0 or 192.168.0 ? [08:28] mt2: you need to restart the comp (actually X, but I don't know how in debian) [08:29] Tiboz no [08:29] ahhh, I've got it, control+alt+backspace restarts the x server [08:29] [08:29] is the new version of E out yet netventure? [08:29] what do you mean by having a domain ? [08:29] I was missing one decloration for my display mode, but I had the right resolution for 16 bit [08:30] sorry for wasting your time ;) [08:30] liran: because your actual dns make me think that you don't have a fixed ip [08:30] I have domain that i registered it @ uk2reg.com [08:30] but a dynamical one provided by your fai [08:31] liran: what do you want exactly ? [08:31] i don't really the your point === mt2 [~mt2@ip68-2-22-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] liran probably wants to use his computer as the server for his domain [08:32] that worked beautifully, thank you! :) [08:32] Tiboz my current hostname is linuxphreak and i have this domain ap1c.org so i want that my hostname will be linuxphreak.ap1c.org [08:32] mt2: cool dood === hdunkel [~Harri@p50927849.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:32] I was also wishing to ask, if I may, about Totem crashing [08:33] the app opens fine, but when it plays something, it crashes [08:33] mt2: does it start the audio? [08:33] no [08:33] and the first second repeats over and over? [08:33] liran: it is a dns problem: if you do not have a public IP, you'll have to use something like dyndns [08:33] it just completly crashes [08:33] oh... that's what happens to me with rhythmbox and totem ;) might be a gstreamer thign for me [08:33] mt2: use vlc ;) [08:33] mt2: got a bug report? [08:33] vlc doesn't work for me either [08:33] doesn't even load [08:33] heh [08:33] they used to [08:34] I haven't made one yet, I just installed ubuntu a few minutes ago [08:34] Tiboz i have public ip [08:34] bur[n] er: neither wxvlc ? [08:34] I had problems with totem... I installed gxine, its handled everything ive thrown at it including .vob files from my dvd rips [08:34] liran: is this the computer you're connecting from ? [08:34] yeah === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g2139.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] then you have to ask your fai to put the reverse dns onto your fixed ip [08:35] Tiboz: nope [08:35] netventure, just installed ubuntu and everything is working great! how do i confirm that my ati radeon 9800 card is being used? it appears to be. [08:35] fai? [08:35] sorry [08:35] fournisseur d'acces internet [08:35] it's french [08:35] Tiboz i will try [08:35] internet provider [08:35] question: can one get hoary hedgehog right NOW? [08:36] baham: yes [08:36] and then configure your domain to set linuxphreak.ap1c.org [08:36] netventure, and there is xorg? [08:36] baham: but you need a time machine [08:36] ahahahahahahah [08:36] lol [08:36] when will the first beta be out ? [08:36] bur[n] er: strange [08:36] z1nonly: in a console do: less /var/log/X......log [08:36] and you will be able to see somewhere inthere that an ATI driver has been used [08:37] bur[n] er: did you try vlc -vvv to see what it sats ? [08:38] is gxine avaiable for install? [08:39] nope [08:39] didn't nkow it was there [08:39] one sec === monteiro [~monteiro@] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] tiboz: that's enlightnement.install for 0.16.x [08:39] my writer only writes at 12x :( i have an LG 52x [08:40] netventure: yeah that's it === fjp [~fjp@195-240-184-66-mx.xdsl.tiscali.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [08:40] says i'm missing a .vlc directory [08:40] but i thought it was auto-created? [08:40] yeah i thought too [08:41] bur[n] er: it's the only error ? [08:41] only 'warning' [08:41] that's probably because you never was able to launch it [08:41] I can't find vlc for install either [08:41] is it under a different name? === kent [~kent@h125n1fls24o825.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] mt2: vlc and gxine are in univers [08:42] e [08:42] Gdk-ERROR **: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation) [08:42] serial 367 error_code 2 request_code 45 minor_code 0 [08:42] mt2: in universe [08:42] doh [08:42] that's my error Tiboz [08:42] mt2: i got gxine here http://packages.debian.org/unstable/graphics/gxine [08:42] with vlc or wxvlc ? [08:42] vlc [08:42] thank you [08:42] libhal.c 696 : org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceDoesNotExist raised [08:42] "Service "org.freedesktop.Hal" does not exist" [08:42] bur[n] er: try vlc -I dummy myfile.avi [08:43] i get that as well in wxvlc [08:43] in addition [08:43] how do you add universe to your repository list? [08:43] -I dummy? === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3b99.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] mt2: uncomment the line in source.list [08:43] bur[n] er: deactivate the interface [08:43] mt2: i think the entrys are already in /etc/apt/sources.lst, you just need to uncomment them === zetor [~zetor@h136n2fls32o834.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] netventure, it found and is using my "ati radeon 9800 pro". thanks again [08:44] hi! [08:44] try glxinfo for 3d info [08:44] soo... i get video and no sound [08:44] zetor: hi [08:44] there we go [08:44] bur[n] er: erf [08:44] i have two sound cards would that mess it up? [08:45] i don't think [08:45] netventure, were you asking me to try glxinfo? [08:45] try again with -vvv and check lines about sound [08:45] about /dev/dsp mainly [08:45] z1nonly: just FYI, it'll tell you if DRI is enabled [08:47] bur[n] er: (stupid question) did you check the volume in aumix ? === longsleep is now known as longsleep|out === Solkaris [~niko@c-24-21-32-92.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] with vvv, i dont' even get sound [08:47] er... video [08:47] ;) [08:47] howdy all [08:47] i don't use alsa === smurfix [~smurfix@smurfix.developer.debian] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [08:48] Tiboz: i have a simple script that calls iptables-restore in /etc/network/if-pre-up.d is there another way to do that " la debian" or actually sarge ? [08:48] solkaris: howdy pardner === Telep [~danikoski@a81-197-43-231.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] solsTiCe: for me _this_ the debian way ;) [08:48] bur[n] er: aumix is not alsa [08:48] Tiboz: ok [08:49] Tiboz: i didn't find modconf that flevour mention . is it a dir or a command ? [08:49] i didn't understand what you said [08:50] Tiboz: flevour told me to use modconf to disable a module === JulHer [~julio@244.Red-217-125-14.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] something funny: http://bbspot.com/News/2000/4/MS_Buys_Evil.html [08:50] solsTiCe: a command i think === christophe [~christoph@adsl-207-245-72-75.cust.oldcity.dca.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] all volume is up except mix [08:51] er... mic [08:51] :) [08:51] strange [08:52] bur[n] er: you can ask gibalou on #videolan [08:52] installing Gxine from universe fixes totem o_O === ficusplanet [~ficusplan@12-216-226-172.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] mt2: totem is based on xine [08:52] Is there anyway to hide the "Run Application...", "About Ubuntu", and "Help" launchers? [08:52] I realize that [08:52] i got to leave you [08:52] see ya later [08:52] Tiboz: i'm not too worried ;) [08:52] but installing another ui shouldn't be the fix [08:52] thanks though [08:53] hi, Trying to install warty with netboot, doc says "netboot/pxeboot.tar.gz" but it's not in the cd [08:53] how to edit the menus in gnome? gconf?? [08:53] zetor: goto a submenu item and rightclick [08:53] zetor, I know how to generally edit menus, but it doens't seem possible to remove the items I mentioned. [08:54] zetor or open a nautilus window location to applications:/// [08:54] thks!! === RuffianSoldier [RuffianSol@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] Where can I find netboot/pxeboot.tar.gz ? [08:55] hey all [08:55] Solkaris:thaxs! [08:55] your welcome zetor [08:56] Do some one know a source for apt that have muine? I don't see it in Ubuntu's archive. [08:56] http://www.getsweaaa.com/~tseng/ubuntu/debs/ [08:56] kent, That has all the major mono apps. === james [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] hey, what happened to all the flame regarding the "naked" artwork [08:58] Solkaris: seen this somewhere i the net earlier but forget it...thanks again! [08:58] ficusplanet, thanks alot! [08:58] my pleasure to help zetor [08:58] kent, no problem [08:58] no offense meant, just wanted to know if they've reverted or updates with other slpash nad gdm themes === aitrus [~foouser@67-50-97-21.dsl1.chi.il.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] netventure just change them if you dont like them === jasoni [~jason@blk-222-217-193.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] why can't I sometimes change the background image without logging off and on? [09:00] How do I get dvd libcss working with totem? [09:00] where can I get it? === stratos [~stratos@snoeijs.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] thought that installing totem-xine would allow you to play divx movies. [09:01] jasoni try ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ [09:01] SmokingFire did you install the win32codecs ? [09:01] how can i activate scsi emulation ? [09:02] solkaris: no offense meant at all, but I have a few systems in the office and people asking me if that is the default... [09:02] Se7h, why would you want scsi emultaion? [09:02] xcdroast [09:02] needs it [09:02] its the default splash and gdm for now .. this is not 1.0 yet [09:02] Solkaris: yes i did [09:03] mmm wel i never used xcdroast, but you don't actualy need the scsi emulation anymore to burn cd's. perhaps xcdroast isn't updated yet on that point. dunno. [09:03] yeah [09:03] probably thats the problem [09:03] i can use eroaster [09:03] but returns me .... [09:04] w8 [09:04] netventure just shut off the splash in computer -> desktop preferences -> session and changed GDM computer -> system configuration ->Login screen setup [09:04] ah... never before have so many men wondered how to change the gdm theme [09:05] I guess this is a new claim to fame for GDM [09:05] cdrecord: Drive does not support TAO recording. [09:05] cdrecord: Illegal write mode for this drive. [09:05] /usr/bin/mkisofs: Broken pipe. cannot fwrite 2048*1 [09:05] solkaris: yeah, I already did that... let's drop the topic. === Zero-G [~sjs298@sjshome.ict.ic.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] why the hell.. === SmokingFire [~FireFly@ashanti.xs4all.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [09:06] Ubuntu for x86, is optimized for 686?? or only for 386? [09:06] my burner supports tao dao sao === blumax_ [~blumax@] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] Se7h, too much tech for my knowledge :) when my burner broke i just got a new one :P [09:07] Se7h: there's always k3b :\ [09:07] and there's cdw [09:07] bur[n] er i use gnome ;P [09:08] i use gnome too [09:08] and i use k3b [09:08] and konqueror [09:08] GTK+ based CD mastering and burning program [09:08] gcombust is a GTK+ frontend for mksisofs and cdrecord. [09:08] i never used it... heard it was crap :\ [09:09] mario: you can get 686 optimised kernel and libc6 (which are the main speed setters) via apt-get or synaptic [09:09] Tcl/Tk front-end for burning cdrom [09:09] A Tcl/Tk front-end for cdrecord, cdparanoia and mkisofs; [09:09] netventure, thanks [09:09] im having a problem with burning an iso [09:09] i right click the iso, ad choose write to disk [09:09] mario: you're welcome [09:09] wooo [09:09] A parallel burner that allow you to write to one or more CD-Writer at once [09:10] select the drive and choose burn, it then says no media [09:10] Bliksem is the drive mounted? [09:10] "Reload rewritable or blank media [09:10] Please replace the in-drive media by a rewritable or blank media." Is the error message [09:10] could anyone tell me what is the relation of libGL.so.1 to dri driver *_dri.so? [09:10] libGL is only a "wrapper"? [09:11] Bliksem cd with data or its #broken" [09:11] Im looking for some guies about desing in GIMP === SmokingFire [~FireFly@ashanti.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] bye all, I have to go [09:12] bur[n] er dam, k3b uses many libs from kde.. :| [09:12] later netventure === jl [~jl@rrcs-24-92-135-244.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] Se7h I dont seem to be able to mount the blank cd im trying to burn the iso to, is that normal? [09:13] Bliksem, you can't mount blank discs [09:13] true [09:13] (there's no filesystem on them) [09:13] ok, i understand, still doesnt help me burn this iso though [09:14] Right click on an iso file and choose write to cd [09:14] have you all used the right click -> write to disk feature? [09:14] Se7h: if you find me a comparable gnome alternative, i'm all ears [09:14] ficusplanet that doesnt work === nojo [saywhat@pool-141-150-76-124.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] Bliksem: for .iso's? [09:15] bur[n] er eroaster [09:15] gcc compiler isnt instaleld by default? [09:15] eroaster eh... i'll check it out [09:15] I choose the drive, and clikc write and it comes up with "Reload rewritable or blank media. Please replace the in-drive media by a rewritable or blank media." [09:15] quick&easy way. cdrecord -scanbus dev=ATA:(disk),0.0 to determine where your burner is. cdrecord dev=ATA:(where your device was) iso.file === dmouritsendk [~dmouritse@0x3e42b4eb.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] bur[n] er its simple and user friendly [09:16] Im on AMD64 how can I get dvd libcss installed? [09:16] u need scsi emul stuff? === moyote [~moyote@c1-1e205.neo.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === miesgre [~miesgre@170.Red-80-33-252.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] I tried compiling it from source but totem still tells me it is missing [09:17] jasoni did you recomile totem to take advantage of it? [09:17] Trying to install ubuntu, but when I get to the retrieving bsdutils, the package fails and the base system doesn't get installed. Wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. [09:18] lol i have funny problem in gaim (MSN) [09:18] anyone know how to edit the "Computer" menu? [09:18] bur[n] er no [09:18] i see the incoming messages backwords [09:18] geez [09:18] like hello so i see it as olleh [09:18] gcombust realy sucks [09:18] lol [09:18] can any one help? [09:19] hmm [09:19] im trying to recompile my kernel, but tis tell ing me it cant find gcc [09:19] Solkaris: I tried re-installing the .deb will that work? [09:19] any suggestions? === hypn0 [~chatzilla@host81-7-55-86.surfport24.v21.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] nojo: apt-get install gcc [09:19] Xine_gui also wont play dvds still [09:19] ninkendo: i thought it would be installed already? [09:20] nope [09:20] hmm thats odd [09:20] wow... eroaster on unstable is soooooooo different from the screenshots :) [09:20] it's gtk 2.4 stuff :) impressive looking even [09:20] jasoni Im not sure but seems to me that the support needs to be compiled in .. so just reinstalling a .deb of a version that doesnt support it wouldnt really work [09:20] i see the incoming messages backwords [09:20] jasoni: are you playing dvd disks? or rips? [09:20] thanks Se7h [09:20] like hello so i see it as olleh [09:20] you'll also probably want build-essential, make, libncurses5-dev, and whatever else you can think of [09:20] ninkendo: there are couple version though is this going to break something [09:20] nojo: nope [09:20] the latest is just fine for kernels [09:21] ok thanks il lgive it atry [09:21] Bliksem I am play real store baught dvds [09:22] bur[n] er np ;) === liran is now known as c === c is now known as o [09:22] I'm thinking about installing ubuntu to check it out, I just need to verify one thing. Its possible to skip the "Install a bootloader"-step in the install procedure.. right? :) [09:22] Would I need to recompile Xine as well with Totem since Totem is Xine based? === gorpin [~gorpin@BSN-95-216-194.dsl.siol.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === o is now known as lrn [09:24] jasoni doh probably [09:25] dmouritsendk: yes if i remeber right [09:25] jasoni: wait, you're recompiling xine because it won't play dvd's? [09:25] er, s/xine/totem/ [09:25] solsTiCe, okay thanx =) [09:25] Sure wish I could get the base system to install from CD. :-) [09:25] dmouritsendk: me i first wanted to install grub in /dev/hda10 it don't work then wanted to use lilo and it blowk at 75% of the process i gave up and reinstall ... ;-( [09:26] jasoni: do you have w32codecs installed? [09:26] ninkendo he is on amd64 and had o compile libdvdcss from source .. meaning totem and xine that he has do not take advantage of said new libdvdcss [09:26] ah [09:26] dmouritsendk: and overwrite my mbr sight ;.. [09:26] solsTiCe, daarn :( [09:27] not sure if libdvdcss really would give you that huge of an improvement if compiled for 64 bit, but... [09:27] Ohmer, well, thanks. === vdaro1 [~vdaron@166-116.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === RUNE [~NO@] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] Se7h: i just got a program error :\ is there an active eroaster dev community? === RUNE [~NO@] has left #ubuntu ["#] [09:28] solsTiCe, i dont want to have it do anything. I have a functioning grub, which happily handles all the OS on my box. I just want to add a entry to that one, and use my shared /boot partition to hold the kernel image and stuff. [09:29] bur[n] er what error ? [09:30] dmouritsendk: can't help i have just isntalled ubuntu this morning ... === chz [~chz@voyager1.eng.utsa.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] solsTiCe, you'd allready helped ;) as long as i can skip the bootloader install its no prob :) [09:32] i wonder how i can reinstall grub but in /dev/hda10 so that my other bootloader laucnh grub in /dev/hda10 [09:32] about application.py [09:32] solsTiCe, whats the other bootloader? [09:32] when i select my burner device [09:32] I'm looking for some help about French keyboard .... I'm using DELL Inspiron 8200 with french-fr keyboard. but This keyboard did'nt seems to exists in ubuntu .... I can't use the ^ caracter for example. Any help is appreciated [09:33] bur[n] er restart the program [09:33] hello [09:33] and push only once the selected burner [09:33] dmouritsendk: lilo [09:33] dmouritsendk: the only pb is to install grub in /dev/hda10 [09:34] k [09:34] solsTiCe, just fire up grub and use root() and setup() to install it there ;) === chrismurf [~chris@] has joined #ubuntu === james_ [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] vdaro1, didn't you get to choose language/keyboards etc on installation? [09:35] hey - I just compiled a custom kernel, which fixed major sound issues, but now nvidia-glx is busted. [09:35] dmouritsendk: ok [09:35] any wise words? [09:35] kent, Yes I've the french keyboard, but the spcial caracters are'nt well supported [09:35] solsTiCe, from a prompt just write "grub" [09:36] for example the word : tant^ot [09:36] the ^ must be up the 'o' [09:36] can anybody suggest a good wireless app for my wireless connection?...i need to be able to switch often for my laptop...jumpin from school to home...its a pain havin to change and then reboot with the default ubuntu one... [09:36] later all [09:36] chz: waproamd is handy, provided you have broadcasting of SSID's on === Solkaris [~niko@c-24-21-32-92.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:36] yeah, im not too impressed with waproamd :| [09:37] solsTiCe, then write "root(hd#, #)", this is where the /boot partion is.. and then "setup(hd#,#)" to install grub on the partion you want [09:37] solsTiCe, grub have some tab completion to help you out, if you press tab after "root(hd" you should see your options [09:38] solsTiCe, same goes for the partion numbers === stone [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] solsTiCe, but why exactly do you want two bootloaders? [09:39] chrismurf:can i apply the ones i know instead of it trying to find it?...i know the access points i need to connect to...but i just havin issues resetting it when i get to that location... [09:39] dmouritsendk: because i maybe delete ubuntu after trying it [09:41] solsTiCe, cant you just boot ubunto from your primary bootloader? (by skipping the install bootloader step in the install) [09:41] Will ubuntu also evetually sponsor projects like redhat and mandrake do? [09:41] dmouritsendk: yes i certainly can [09:42] solsTiCe, ooh sorry.. you told me already. it borked @ 75% or something :) [09:43] dmouritsendk: no no it is not that .. [09:43] dmouritsendk: i must reboot to do what you said ? [09:44] solsTiCe, huh? does grub tell you that you need to reboot? [09:44] dmouritsendk: it says invalid device ... [09:44] vdaro1, ? ;) [09:45] Im getting an error saying can't find ncurses library cantb e found when compiling my kernel [09:45] dmouritsendk: no sorry it says now Error 6: Mismatched or corrupt version of stage1/stage2 [09:45] but there seems to be ncurses installed any suggestions? [09:46] solsTiCe, okay. Then there's some version mismatch between the stage files in your /boot dir and the version of grub being runned, are you running grub from ubuntu or from your primary system? === lrn is now known as _liran_ === _liran_ is now known as lrn === chz [~chz@voyager1.eng.utsa.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [09:52] ahh forget it i got it [09:52] lol [09:52] man why isnt nay of this stuff installed as default [09:52] anyone have a usb microphone working on ubuntu? === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared is now known as WW_ [09:53] OK, /etc/ssh/ssh_config has StrictHostKeyChecking as "ask", yet when I try to ssh from the live CD, it says Host key verification failed. [09:53] WTF? [09:54] Also, why no job control? [09:54] Not to mention that it didn't detect my mouse successfully--could be my KVM's fault, so whatever. === Olivier_54 [~olivier@dyn-83-155-4-5.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu === lrn [~liran@] has left #Ubuntu ["gone.."] === stone [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu === _liran_ [~liran@liran-0000002.user] has joined #Ubuntu === _liran_ is now known as lrn === psyklops [~psyklops@] has joined #ubuntu === oteiador [~oteiador@201009179033.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] anyone use the "create archive" feature in nautilus? where do the archives go? [10:07] bur[n] er, in the current dir did'nt ? [10:07] disregard there === michael315 [~michael@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] that [10:08] it just didnt' show up... i had to close the folder and open it again [10:09] I did'nt find the create archive command [10:09] so I can't test it === Bung_ [~Bungholio@d199-126-24-227.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] jimi: u around m8? [10:11] yep (cause you typed my nick lol) [10:12] heh [10:12] sry [10:12] tell me [10:12] if u recall i had that problem last night, well it doesnt have to do with the network, its seems to be a floppy issue [10:12] ive got the error, let me pastebin it [10:13] http://www.pastebin.com/110626 [10:13] that occurs at about 20% during base install [10:13] i was just about to search the ubuntu site too === andril [~andril@adsl-3-168-48.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] hello all [10:14] hum [10:14] weird [10:14] maybe cause i got no floppy on my laptop? [10:14] it should work great without a floppy drive === gxwalk [~gxwalk@] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] greeting [10:14] i tried ubuntu on floppy less computer with no problem [10:15] hi gxwalk [10:15] how can get ubuntu reinstall on my computer right now i am using suse 9.1 [10:15] well i guess ill post the bug, i just searched bugzilla for 'Floppy' and got nothing similiar [10:16] on oct 13 i did dist-upgrade i got cable modem i am tryin figure how get back install === vdaro1 [~vdaron@166-116.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [10:17] can some one help me [10:20] have a solution === yyz [yyz@modem-1509.guenon.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === xocer [~xocer@] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] Does anybody have XFCE 4.2beta working? [10:21] with AMD64 [10:22] i need help gettin ubuntu reinstall with cable modem [10:22] i hate usin suse9.1 what i am usin now [10:23] where do i get ip address it ask for when i pop cd in === Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-89-109.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] 34help === lrn [liran@lrn.user] has joined #Ubuntu [10:25] Im getting errors like this 'Cannot save launcher to disk - Details: Error writing file:///home/lobo/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers/frobate-001a38cf4c.desktop: Access denied' when loggin into gnome on a fresh install of ubuntu, this diddn't happen on my other pc - does anyone know what may cause it? - the file permissions are idenitical as my other system [10:25] HELP === jop [~jpozlovsk@r3ak97.chello.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] how do i get ubuntu install i got cable modem === zetor [~zetor@h136n2fls32o834.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] what do i put in ip address when i am usin cd === z1nOnly [~nic@adsl-068-016-133-021.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] someone plez help me [10:27] hey [10:27] hi all again!! [10:27] HELLO I NEED HELP [10:28] gxwalk, sorry i dont know why its asking you an IP adress [10:28] gxwalk: just fire your question! [10:28] you should use DHCP i guess [10:28] oops, you did already :D [10:28] SO WHAT DO I PUT IN FOR DHCP [10:28] jordi!! [10:28] ID [10:28] wether cable modem will deliver an IP to your computer, or the ISP [10:29] carlos: hola [10:29] gxwalk: please, could you use lowercase ? [10:29] thanks [10:29] gxwalk, DHCP means dynamic allocation, there is no IP to fill === nosilver4u [~sbishop@] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] its the default settings IIRC [10:30] under suse 9.1 it automat do this for me before ubuntu auto matic did until oct 13 [10:31] gxwalk: that is strange [10:31] carlos: what's up dude? === xcasex [~robert@h151.hn.student.liu.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] seems like ppc is borken again [10:31] carlos: we got jabberd more or less restored [10:31] jordi: I'm still waiting for your document about rosetta :-) [10:31] oh dear. [10:31] it's true [10:32] I've had very intermittent access to mail this week :( [10:32] so when i put cd install it say auto configure but it say not savin to default [10:32] don't worry, but it could be really good if I get it next week [10:32] any easy way to get php5 running in ubuntu? [10:32] when i let fall thru it wont connect to net at all === joem [~joem@c-67-173-77-82.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] nod [10:33] will try my best [10:33] so how do i get this work so i can get back usin ubuntu [10:34] gxwalk : mine desnt even finish install process :p === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] it was workin fine until they made rc version and i did dist-upgrade [10:35] why did they change that [10:35] when using nautilus, how can i get it to open folders in the same window? i.e. not in a new window every time? [10:35] i looked through the preferences but couldnt see anything [10:35] anyone know how fix this problem [10:36] Bliksem, you have to manually edit some gconf option afair [10:36] Bliksem: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-10-07.0184507726 [10:36] Bliksem: Edit->Preferences->Behavior->Always Open... [10:36] any one [10:38] where do i get the dhcp it need [10:38] gxwalk, do you have the dhcp package installed? check with "dpkg -l dhcp-client" [10:39] TY spiv and WW_ [10:39] how can i get install i am tryin install from the cd [10:40] use work fine before they made change === mt2 [~mt2@ip68-2-22-12.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] anyone with cable modem got workin under ubuntu [10:41] has anyone managed to get dvd playback inside totem? [10:41] gxwalk, if you want to install it, i assume it isnt installed yet [10:41] help me [10:42] mt2, yea read the wiki [10:42] thanks :) [10:42] gxwalk: yeah === Icky [~IckyTwerp@dsl081-114-182.dfw1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] gxwalk: does it use dhcp to get an ip? [10:42] mt2 did you try gxine? not the solution but gxine is much better imo [10:42] i ahd install but when i did dist-upgrade it disable my cable modem so i reformat my hard drive now i cant get install from cd it get part about dchp [10:43] I installed gxine yes, but I haven't tried playing dvd in it yet === stone [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] gxwalk: have you tried unplugging your modem for about 1 min then replugging it (power cable i mean) [10:44] it is what i need to do when my cable modem is acting funny [10:44] yes still dont work it work fine under suse 9. 1 [10:44] ooo - ok thats weird [10:45] is there a simple command to install kernel sources? [10:45] im trying to get the nvidia driver installed [10:45] what if you do 'dhcpclient ethX'? [10:45] Bliksem: you know there is a precompiled nvidia pacakge, right? [10:45] dunno if that command exists - i am not at my ubuntu machine [10:45] havent tried that [10:45] lies, where [10:46] gxwalk: dhclient ethX [10:46] nvidia-glx [10:46] it exists in fedora anyway :\ [10:46] is that a comman [10:46] yep [10:46] aitrus, so how do i use it? [10:46] Bliksem: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [10:46] Bliksem: install using either synaptic or "apt-get install nvidia-glx" [10:47] Bliksem: yeah, use that wiki entry isntead. =) [10:47] thank you, both of you === Chedich [christoffe@c213-100-0-82.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] do u hav cable modem [10:48] gxwalk: yes :) [10:48] what ver ubuntu u using [10:49] how did u install on your machine === stianh [~stian@c5100AA20.inet.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] i did 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade' last night - so whatever that gave me [10:49] pantz [10:49] is there a good rss-reader in universe? [10:49] from preview cd about 3 weeks ago [10:49] are the ShipIt CDs really 100% free of charge? [10:50] gxwalk: do you have the 'dhclient' program? [10:50] so i guess i miss up when i did a dist-update upgrade [10:50] nope [10:50] yes [10:51] gxwalk: mmm dunno what the dist-update would do - i am still a bit of a debian newbie myself === inklingx [~inklingx@u212-239-167-156.adsl.pi.be] has left #ubuntu ["so] [10:51] but you said you can't reinstall ubuntu? [10:51] i guess shouldnt did a dist-pgrade [10:51] that true [10:51] when i try use my preview cd [10:52] well maybe the dist-upgrade updated you to a mix of ubuntu and regular debian [10:52] you might have some conflicting packages that are messing you up [10:52] what errors do you get when you try to reinstall? [10:53] alright, and java, I've added the blackdown repositories, but which package should I install now? [10:53] it ask do i have ubuntu original cd === stone is now known as StoneTable [10:53] with netinstall [10:53] and for the dchp [10:53] I did a dist-upgrade from sid -> ubuntu, and I'm mostly recovered from it now (without a reinstall) [10:54] so what shall i do [10:54] gxwalk: and when you boot into suse - everything is fine? [10:54] yes because it on another hard drive [10:55] and the first time you installed from that ubuntu cd - everthing was fine too? [10:55] yes [10:55] my problem started oct 13 [10:55] when they came out with rc [10:55] gxwalk: I can't help you, but I'll just say that I installed the original preview release, and I've been upgrading since then, and nothing has broken. (I generally use the "Smart Upgrade" in Synaptic, which is the same as dist-upgrade.) [10:55] mmm - well i would say something hardware has changed ... maybe your disk is not so healthy === sidney [~sidney@68-174-152-195.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === pixelmonkey [~pixelmonk@J33-154.DATANET.NYU.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g2139.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] or maybe your modem (but if suse is fine with it - i doubt it ...) [10:56] is the release canidate the final release for 4.10? [10:56] anyone got a VIA KM400 working with the unichrome project module on Ubuntu here? [10:56] sidney: From what I've heard, the final release is Oct 20. === occy [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] if you don't mind me asking what is unichrome project? [10:56] alright cool [10:56] cant wait [10:56] thanks [10:56] any easy way to get php5 running in ubuntu? [10:56] gxwalk: i'm with WW_ - i have upgraded all along and nothing broke either [10:57] i also had tried everything someone told get java workin i couldnt get to work either in ubuntu [10:57] jr1.4 could never get it to work [10:57] gxwalk: i'm running java 1.5 on my desktop... what seems to be your problem? [10:57] gxwalk: do you have windows on the same disk as ubuntu? [10:58] nope [10:58] any other os on the same disk? [10:58] got java running no sweat on ubuntu here [10:58] how did u get 1.5 work on ubuntu what did u do [10:58] gxwalk: did you download it already? === ogra [~ogra@p508EB79E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] *googles for guide i followed* [10:58] ubuntu on hd by itself 40 g [10:59] gxwalk: you downloaded the self extracting archive right somename.bin ? [10:59] gxwalk: feel like trying to install suse on that disk just to see if it installs ok? [10:59] then at least you know its not the disk [11:00] ok [11:00] and double check all your cables ... [11:00] step gettin java 1.5 workin is [11:00] ok, what package do i need to get php support on my webserver? [11:01] i am lisetenin === michael315 [~michael@dsl-] has left #ubuntu [] [11:01] is better email me step gettin java 1.5 workin which is best [11:02] and gettin ubuntu reinstall [11:02] heres the guide I used, got off the ubuntu site http://wiki.osuosl.org/display/DEV/Java+on+Debian [11:02] it looks daunting but, just follow it [11:02] and it all works :) [11:02] gxwalk: who are you talking to? [11:03] just replace the version numbers they refer to with the version you downloaded [11:03] ok' [11:03] thursday: Bliksem [11:03] ok cool [11:03] thanks for the java link :D [11:03] i am tryin get ubuntu install [11:03] i'll shut up then [11:03] I think I might finally have dvd down, although totem is still not working with me [11:03] nevermind, found it [11:04] mt2, did you install totem-xine? [11:04] sure did [11:04] mt2 did you try in gxine yet? [11:04] libdvdcss2 and all that [11:04] gxine is old and unmaintained [11:04] I don't think it's a problem with the program actually, because it always complains that playing /dev/dvd fails to create a stream [11:05] and full of bugs that will never get fixed [11:05] gxine plays it just fine, not in fullscreen, but it plays [11:05] well for something old and unmaintained it works well [11:05] crashing on full screen isn't works well [11:06] hasnt crashed for me *yet* [11:06] u sayin it may be my cd [11:06] erm, totem says there is no plugin for handling that stream === jacob [~jacob@h146n1fls23o1061.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] mt2, libdvdcss2 installed? [11:06] I can't get Mono working using the repo stated in the FAQ. unsatisfied dependencies [11:06] joem, what is that package about? [11:06] yes it is === Netminder [~mcroydon@pcp05133460pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === zenwhen [1001@host-216-78-112-172.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === suzan [~suzan@p50846EAF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] actually, if I select a .vob file from within totem it will play it [11:07] I guess I'm just missing a "play the whole dvd" button [11:07] i am goin see if this work [11:07] i be back [11:08] mt2, with the latest version of totem, it is suposed to detect what sort of disc you have when you click play disc [11:08] jacob, mono should be in universe now === smeggy [~smeggy2@dsl-203-113-240-129.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] did you make sure the device was set on the dvd drive? [11:08] hazmat: hm, is it working now? [11:08] tseng, i dunno i did a source install of the whole mono stack [11:09] i see. === kent [~kent@h125n1fls24o825.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] [11:09] i noticed it was there though, yesterday for ppc [11:09] well, mono is [11:09] okay, so I click play disk, and it comes up with a prompt to open a file [11:09] yeah no mono develop, tomboy, blam, etc. [11:09] tseng, out of curosity have you tried mcatalog(.sf.net) ? === FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487831pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === solstice [~solstice@d213-103-70-36.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] so I find my dvd drive and click okay, but it goes into browsing the dvd [11:10] joem thanks, didnt know of totem-xine, now my .vob files dont have to use gxine :) [11:10] hazmat: no. [11:10] i tried it out, but it was mostly an effort in patch, recompile, run for 10seconds, crash and burn ;-) but it looks cool [11:11] im not sure i see the point [11:11] How do i mount my NTFS partition with rwx support? [11:11] i have an alphabetized shelving unit of dvds === ewoudj [~ewoudj@62-177-244-46.bbeyond.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] what a mess. after a fresh install ubuntu loads viacxx (oss module) and all the alsa-module too for my sound card . and it loads too agpgart and via_agp and i don't want because i just installed the nvidia drivers (and the module doesn't load automacillay) ow [11:11] its a piece of software i'd like to have.. i have tons of dvds and books, it would be nice to review them and publish them to web [11:11] tseng, but can yo show them off in screenshots [11:11] i'm going to start keeping mine in binders cause shelf space is a premium [11:12] solstice: the oss modules should be blacklisted, are they not? === StolenShoeBox [StolenShoe@CPE-69-76-101-130.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu [11:12] How does one (using gnome) register a global (system wide) from code? hot key [11:12] sabdfl: it doesn't seem [11:12] ah now the osx app has barcoding [11:12] thats neat. [11:12] using gnome-vfs, I can have totem automatically launch, but I accidentially deleted the defualt command, does anyone know what I should call to get it to play the dvd without mounting it [11:12] I think that might be my problem [11:13] totem dvd:// [11:13] totem dvd:// [11:13] thanks :) [11:14] solstice: do you know if the module is required for safe startup? [11:14] sabdfl: and blacklist agpgart and via_agp don't stop them to be loaded ! [11:14] if not, put "skip xxx" (where xxx is module name) in /etc/discover.cong [11:14] f [11:14] ALSO [11:14] you need to make hotplug skip it too [11:14] sabdfl: ok [11:15] alright totem is whining that dvd:// cannot be found === ewoudj [~ewoudj@62-177-244-46.bbeyond.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:15] solstice: so put it in /etc/hotplug/blacklist [11:15] please then let me know if it works [11:16] why do you want to blacklist agpgart and via_agp? [11:16] you'll need to do the same thing === looksaus [~looksaus@D5767EE8.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] sabdfl: i want to use the agp of the nvidia driver (recommended for my chipset) [11:16] any easy way to get php5 running in ubuntu? [11:16] ok === aladdin [~chatzilla@AMontsouris-152-1-11-18.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] we have both discover and hotplug for time-to-release reasons [11:17] we did not have time to remove discover from the installer === azeem [~mbanck@socks-out.lrz-muenchen.de] has joined #ubuntu === ewoudj [~ewoudj@62-177-244-46.bbeyond.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] so that's why you may need to blacklist modules in both locations [11:18] sabdfl: i must put a skip in discover or the module name in blakclist ? the two ? [11:18] well this is good, it works :) [11:18] sabdfl: ok [11:18] though personally, i would just purge discover from your system for good after the install [11:18] how very strange [11:18] I change nothing and it works, thanks :D [11:18] solstice: in discover.conf: "skip modulename" [11:19] I'm going to take a stab at java now ;) [11:19] in blacklist: "modulename" [11:19] sabdfl: ok === dr88dr88 [~dr88dr88@c1220.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] sabdfl: i booted on my cdwqriter with ubuntu cd but the installer don't detect it because it is my second ide cdrom. I had to put the cd in my dvdrom [11:20] hmm playing a DVD disk, takes 100% cpu :O [11:21] system so sluggish [11:21] Bliksem, do you mean your system hard locks? [11:21] or is it just slow? [11:21] solstice: could you file a bug on that please? [11:21] if 1 => DMA-ish probs? [11:22] just slow [11:22] very slow [11:22] dvd skips frames etc [11:22] mouse lag [11:22] solstice: you could try setting the second cdrom as bootable in your bios [11:22] Bliksem: got the right graphics card driver? [11:22] sabdfl: if you want [11:22] app? graphics? [11:22] yep right driver, AGP ti 4200 [11:23] thursday: my bios detects in which cdrom drive a bootable cd is [11:23] Bliksem, with nvidia drivers? or the gpl ones? [11:23] processor usage rockets when i play a DVD DISK, doesnt do it with ripped dvd files [11:23] noi nvidia driver [11:23] ? [11:23] check dma on the dvd drive [11:23] Bliksem: DMA [11:23] solstice: oh so it's just a bug with the installer eh? nm then [11:23] no, im using the nvidia driver [11:24] DMA? I know what it is, but what must i do? [11:24] Bliksem, I'm on a 2.4 Debian system right now, but... [11:24] sabdfl: and the two module 8139cp 8139too were loaded for my NIC but it works because the NIC use the good one ! [11:24] hdparm -v /dev/cdrom [11:24] that'll show you if dma is enabled [11:25] or use the /proc filesystem... [11:25] yeah, there could well be better ways, hdparm is not a good tool for cdroms I find ;) [11:25] sabdfl: i must use the install-report.template or something else ? [11:26] using dma = 0 [11:26] So, any specific reason there's no gaim-dev package? [11:26] solstice: bugzilla.ubuntu.com i think [11:26] sabdfl: ok [11:26] Bliksem: what device node is your dvdrom? [11:26] solstice: debian-installer would be the right component, or possibly discover === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] === solstice [~solstice@d213-103-70-36.cust.tele2.fr] has left #ubuntu ["i] [11:27] brb === littlepaul [~littlepau@pD95FDAB9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === dr88dr88 [~dr88dr88@c1220.upc-c.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === baHam [~baham@ip68-10-234-26.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === WW_ [~wweckesse@67-138-146-101.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] === suzan [~suzan@p50846EAF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] Whats the difference between universe and multiverse ? [11:34] lobo_nz: the latter contains non-free software, AFAIK [11:35] azeem: Thanks === schalke [~schalke@p508F0359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] Do I need both in my apt sources or does multiverse contain the universe? [11:36] lobo_nz: they are distinct [11:36] please, please check anything you get from both of them [11:36] we don't monitor either for security updates [11:37] sabdfl: Right, It just says to use multiverse when installing the nvidia binary driver on the wiki === solsTiCe [~solstice@d80-170-92-222.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Zero-G [~sjs298@sjshome.ict.ic.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [11:41] sabdfl: even with the blacklist in /etc/hotplug/blacklist and /etc:discover.conf the 8139cp agpgart via_agp and via82cxxx are loaded they cause no harm and all is working. I had to add nvidia to /etc:modules to get it auload at boot time [11:41] hi. is there any source where I can find a how-to to configure a PCMCIA ethernet-card on Ubuntu? The installation-process configurated configurated it automatically but after I have deleted of my card I cannot configure it again. The hardware manager recognizes it only as a unknown device. Do I have t reinstall the whole OS? [11:43] schalke try dkph-reconfigure eth0 [11:43] or watever [11:43] it may be [11:43] opps [11:44] "sudo dpkg-reconfigure package" [11:44] thx I`ll try === Mystic0 [~mystic@adsl-216-101-25-242.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] Hi [11:45] i have a problem with the name resolution so i can't surf. I got an ip (dynamic dsl) and the nameserver also exist under resolv.conf but firefox has problems with host resolution. I tried to find a thread under http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/ but didn't find anything. Any ideas? [11:45] I want icons on my desktop [11:45] how do I add Computer, and Trash? [11:45] Mystic0: drag n drop from the menu [11:45] schalke: no. you need to find some documentation :-) [11:46] orga: doesn't seem to do anything [11:46] Mystic0: right, tried it....sorry === Bliksem [~user@host217-43-93-30.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] org: np... I thougth about doing that first too. I know that the icons are just a simple desktop entry [11:47] *orga [11:47] *ogra [11:47] heh [11:47] another way: [11:48] open a locatin window in nautilus by pressing ctrl-l === kmaster [~kmaster@hsdbsk64-110-226-221.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] hmm how can i enable dma on my dvd rom? [11:48] Mystic0: type: applications;// there you can.... [11:49] lobo_nz: which nvidia binary? [11:49] solsTiCe: that is exactly waht I am looking for. But I cannot find any documentation on the Ubuntu-site. [11:49] ogra: ah thanks [11:49] Bliksem: what device node is your dvdrom? [11:49] I see everything but the trash [11:49] Bliksem: /dev/hdXX? [11:49] crimsun how do i find that out? [11:50] Bliksem: check the output of dmesg|grep hd [11:50] /dev/hdd === swoon [~joshua@216-161-149-125.tcsn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu [11:50] hdparm -d1 /dev/hdd [11:51] sabdfl: nvidia-glx [11:51] hmm... i thought that was in restricted [11:51] crimsun, operation not permitted :S [11:51] Bliksem: as root. [11:51] I had been reading http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto?action=highlight&value=nvidia [11:51] Bliksem: so, sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdd [11:51] hi, Im tyring to use this usb mouse Ive got here, and for some reason it simply does not work... (though it works on the windows box) [11:52] yep i did sudo === Chriffer [~nargojojo@pcp01379838pcs.levtwn01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] our policy is that we will only include absolutely essential binary drivers in "restricted" since it ships to everyone, and we stringly prefer free software [11:52] /dev/hdd: [11:52] setting using_dma to 1 (on) [11:52] HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted [11:52] using_dma = 0 (off) [11:53] so i think the core driver is in restricted, but the OpenGL libs which are not needed to boot are in multiverse === jbailey [~jbailey@dragonfly.fundserv.com] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [11:53] Bliksem: does your dvdrom support dma? [11:53] yes [11:53] Bliksem: check with sudo hdparm -v /dev/hdd [11:54] Bliksem: sorry, sudo hdparm -i /dev/hdd [11:54] sabdfl: Right, I just want my nvidia to work then everything else I need is in the standard sources, is there a package search like the debian one? === Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-89-109.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] DMA modes: sdma0 sdma1 sdma2 mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 [11:55] UDMA modes: udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 *udma4 [11:55] lobo_nz: no, we are working on it [11:55] Bliksem: the drive is reporting it's already using UDMA [11:56] oh [11:56] if you want the gl driver you'll need to add multiverse to /etc/apt/sources.list, do an update and then install it [11:56] sabdfl: And a fine job youre doing too :) [11:56] thank you. you don't want to bite my head off for the artwork? [11:56] the problem is that DVD's are really jerky and use 100% cpu usage, everything lags severely [11:57] but no lagging when i play the ripped files [11:57] Bliksem: yeah, there's something odd going on, and I venture that your drive is lying about UDMA being enabled [11:57] sabdfl: its great art, can't wait for the next 6 until hoary [11:57] sabdfl: Heh, only when I installed it for the first time at work and my gnome stuck on the naked people loading screen and diddn't start up [11:57] oops sorry [11:57] why did it hang at gnomesplash? [11:57] how to get it to stop lying? and do what i tell it? [11:58] sabdfl: I seem to be able to start gnome ok now I have made another user [11:58] Bliksem: you'll have to use google to find if others have similar problems, and if so, how they worked around it [11:58] sabdfl: I dont know, it gets error writing to a directory on the first user it made, I will find the exact error for you [11:59] lobo_nz: this is a critical bug if it exists, please let me know when you find the details