[12:01] (cprov/#launchpad) sabdfl: /home/cprov/lp_dump-sffmproject.sql.gz [12:02] sabdfl, we're all afrai^Wexcited, too. [12:03] (sabdfl/#launchpad) i just had someone asking me about it [12:03] (cprov/#launchpad) sabdfl: I'm requesting some extra fields like SF "Last Releases" or FM "branches" to Morgan [12:04] (cprov/#launchpad) sabdfl: then we can have more details to add product and its series/releases, as real release date, version, developers notes, etc [12:07] (cprov/#launchpad) sabdfl: some projects as ACPI has almost perfect information, but others are lost cause the names involved doesn't make much sense [12:07] kiko: now that you're an OS X user, you can optimize tla/arch! === cprov can imagine how fast should be use TLA in OS X via SSH from Brazil !! [12:09] bradb: Heh. You've already got me looking at the problem tomorrow. [12:09] Would you rather me look tonight? [12:09] jblack: you can, if you want [12:09] there's some good resources on developer.apple.com [12:10] i'll set you up an account [12:11] I'm crying tears of blood as we speak === jblack wonders if osx is doing something as silly as synchronous writes [12:12] it does zero-filling...no idea of ext3 does that [12:12] i can't imagine that being the bottleneck though [12:12] s,of,if, [12:13] bradb: Want me to email you my ssh key? [12:17] bash-2.05a$ grep -ri open_memstream * [12:17] python/tag.cc: FILE *F = open_memstream (&bp, &size); [12:17] wtf is open_memstream. === kiko shakes fist at python-apt person [12:19] (carlos/#launchpad) kiko: I was playing with python-apt some weeks ago.... and dude, it sucks!! [12:19] (carlos/#launchpad) :-P [12:20] that is SUCH an understatement [12:20] it sucks more than the niagara falls [12:22] (carlos/#launchpad) kiko: it does not have any documentation + it relies too much on real file objects [12:30] (cprov/#launchpad) kiko: what can you expect from C++ code ? apt, dselect, etc sucks as much as you can imagine :) [12:31] jblack, kiko: i'm killing you temporarily now [12:32] Ok. [12:32] pkgSourceList::~pkgSourceList [in-charge] () [12:32] I'm out. tell me when I can get back in [12:32] carlos, dude, what does that undefined symbol mean? [12:34] (carlos/#launchpad) kiko: no idea, perhaps it's a function that creates a pseudo file in memory, like a StringIO, ask Matt, I think he know it better, I was playing with it, not looking at the source code :-D [12:44] some threading problem [12:44] friggin OS X [12:46] (sabdfl/#launchpad) what's a good way to get a python script to time itself? [12:47] (sabdfl/#launchpad) import time() [12:47] (sabdfl/#launchpad) erm [12:47] (sabdfl/#launchpad) import time [12:47] (sabdfl/#launchpad) time.xxx? [12:47] time.clock() [12:47] Return the CPU time or real time since the start of the process or since [12:47] the first call to clock(). [12:48] so you can place one clock() at the end, or calls around the critical region you want to test. [12:48] assuming you want to time something. [12:55] BradB, sabdfl: so where do I file a bug on apt-pkg not running on OS X? [12:55] it hangs. [12:57] (sabdfl/#launchpad) kiko: is apt-pkg a python package in warty? [12:57] let's find out. [12:57] (sabdfl/#launchpad) there's a python-apt [12:57] yes, that's it. [12:57] (sabdfl/#launchpad) if that's got the code you want, file it in thw ubuntu bugzilla using python-apt as a component and assign to mdz [12:57] (sabdfl/#launchpad) i just spoke with him, he's very relaxed :-) [12:58] I should join #canonical, but xchat hates me. [01:13] (dilys/#launchpad) Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: New layout on Sourcepackage Page and Nicole improves (patch-620) [01:28] BradB, can you please create an account on bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org? [01:29] argh. [01:31] i just created bradb@bbnet.ca [01:32] thanks. === kiko is now known as kiko-fud [01:35] bug filed, fud reloadage! === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #launchpad [] === BradB is now known as BradB|away [03:36] (dilys/#launchpad) Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: doap tests (patch-621) === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad [04:08] So, anybody else interested in the OS X problems with arch ? [04:08] me. [04:08] I'm in fud-mode [04:08] but I'm interested [04:08] I'm still diving into it, but it looks like the problem is in the revision libraries. [04:09] I don't know what, as of yet. [04:09] First off, OS X is slow. really slow. Timings tell me that its *1/6* the speed of a linux system. [04:09] But there's something really weird going on in revision libraries. === BradB|away is interested, in a phobic kind of way [04:18] bradb: How deep into swap are you? === BradB|away is now known as BradB === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad [04:20] jblack: top? [04:22] free? [04:22] Processes: 69 total, 5 running, 64 sleeping... 180 threads 22:22:28 [04:22] Load Avg: 6.75, 3.72, 3.00 CPU usage: 70.7% user, 29.3% sys, 0.0% idle [04:22] SharedLibs: num = 128, resident = 21.1M code, 1.36M data, 5.25M LinkEdit [04:22] MemRegions: num = 5644, resident = 90.4M + 5.59M private, 71.6M shared [04:22] PhysMem: 54.7M wired, 131M active, 63.2M inactive, 249M used, 6.79M free [04:22] VM: 2.41G + 76.8M 570775(22) pageins, 555211(434) pageouts [04:22] loadavg 7? on a desktop?! [04:23] yikes [04:23] Heh. this is a low end system. [04:24] top takes 10% of the cpu [04:25] low-end?! [04:26] 858 top 10.1% 0:23.02 1 15 18 348K 288K 444K 13.6M === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #launchpad [] === BradB is now known as BradB|away === kiko-fud is now known as kiko === kiko is now known as kiko-afk === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad === SteveA_ [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #launchpad [03:17] hi SteveA_ [03:17] tests seem nicely organised === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad [04:05] hi [04:06] I'm about to go to a cafe (where it is warmer than at home) and make authenticated pagetests work. === BradB|away is now known as BradB [04:12] SteveA_: this actually works! [04:12] you just need to be a bit careful [04:13] check the pagetests i checked in last night, many of them are authenticated [04:13] SteveA_: sabdfl had simple auth-using page tests working, as did I (except that Connection: closed problem, which apparently sabdfl didn't experience.) If, however, the specific example I gave in the bug report doesn't fail for you guys, I'd be a worried. [04:13] oh, ok, haven't read that bug report [04:13] will keep going till I hit it [04:13] BradB: morning :-) [04:13] hi :) [04:13] get ssh up and running? [04:14] yeah [04:18] I'd like to make the page tests do auth more obivously, so that you can read the test and see what's going on [04:18] right now, we have: ... Authorization: Basic Zm9vLmJhckBjYW5vbmljYWwuY29tOnRlc3Q= [04:19] I want to replace that with simply: Launchpad-authorized-user: mark@canonical.com [04:19] does basic auth have an expiry time? [04:19] no [04:19] you'll still use normal auth in the browser [04:19] but, the tests will come out clearer [04:20] BradB: btw i needed to tweak one of your tests [04:20] the malone homepage one [04:20] changing data? [04:20] it was pretty much looking for a dump of the whole page [04:20] i tweaked it to do this: [04:21] >>> print http(r""" [04:21] ... GET /malone HTTP/1.1 [04:21] ... Cookie: wstyle= [04:21] ... """) [04:21] HTTP/1.1 200 Ok [04:21] ... [04:21] Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 [04:21] ... [04:21]

Welcome to Malone!

[04:21] ... [04:21] so much, much shorter [04:21] basically just tests you got a 200 Ok and a h1 header that looks right [04:21] this way, we can mess around with the page content without it affecting the tests [04:22] i've tried to do all my tests this way, it will reduce the number of false failures [04:22] it's a fine line to walk :) [04:22] well, we can create tests that look for more specific features of a page [04:22] but right now we mainly want to ascertain whether or not a change breaks tests altogether [04:23] breaks pages, rather [04:23] so later we can test that, for example, given a virtual host x you get something on the page like x [04:23] and given a virtual host y you get something different [04:23] but right now we don't have that distinction [04:24] so just knowing the page rendered 200 OK is a huge help [04:24] i guess we'll find out over the next little while if that's enough coverage. :) [04:26] SteveA_: do you have a few minutes now to verify whether the bug report for auth'd page tests fails for you? i may not be around later to clarify if it somehow manages to not fail for you. [04:30] ok [04:31] which bug number? [04:32] 2114 [04:36] BradB: I get at assertion error at step 9 [04:37] ouch, that's another bug i reported [04:37] File "/stuff/code/Launchpad/launchpad/sourcecode/zope/src/zope/app/tests/dochttp.py", line 97, in dochttp [04:37] assert (request and response) or not (request or response) [04:37] AssertionError [04:37] 2115 [04:38] yep [04:38] I can certainly look into bug 2115 [04:38] until i've fixed that, I can't look into 2114 [04:38] ok [04:39] thanks -- the bug report of 2114 is very clear and easy to follow [04:40] cool [04:41] (dilys/#launchpad) Merge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: great WordWord renaming (patch-622) [04:42] dilys: you rock === BradB is now known as BradB|out === BradB|out is now known as BradB [08:21] !dmwaters:*! Hi all! I need to do some quick rehubbing, this won't take long. === ChanServ [ChanServ@services.] has joined #launchpad === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> kornbluth.freenode.net === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad === sabdfl [~mark@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad === justdave [~dave@] has joined #launchpad === mdz [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #launchpad === lifeless [~robertc@dsl-] has joined #launchpad