[12:00] ok [12:01] cya [12:01] britt_: what's the native resolution? i'm running mine at 1280x800 if it would help you to have a look at my x conf [12:03] <|trey|> ogra, removing the Sync values seems to automatically set defaults per "mode"... it works here... [12:03] Do anybody have some pointers to get ssh X forwarding to work with Ubuntu? [12:03] |trey|: tube or flatscreen ? [12:03] lml: ssh -X [12:04] I using a FC2 machine to access an Ubuntu machine via ssh and cannot get ssh X forwarding to work. [12:04] <|trey|> ogra, Flat... but not LCD :/ [12:04] |trey|: i wouldnt like to try it with a tube.... [12:04] |trey|: could burn it [12:05] <|trey|> ogra, if it doesn't like the resolution, sure... [12:05] ogra: Thx - what is the reason I do not have to specify -X when doing this between FC2 macines? [12:05] |trey|: its not only the res.....its also the pixelclock .... [12:06] lml: i dont know why you dont have to specify it on fedora, never used that.... ;) [12:07] lml: make sure you have xbase-clients installed on the server [12:07] |trey|: in ancient times you had to compute your modelines by hand....ive seen many monitors burn in my life :) [12:08] |trey|: made me carefull ..... === loucomballa [~loucombal@115.Red-81-36-44.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] lml: because fedora core probably enables X forwarding by default [12:08] lml: see /etc/ssh/sshd_config [12:09] I need a bit of help [12:09] ljb: Thx - just a bit confused that it is also something that can be set on the server side. [12:09] ljb: like this crap with yes/no on rm ? === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] bob2: got it. [12:10] lml: /etc/ssh/ssh_config will modify the default client settings so that you wouldn't need a -X [12:10] when i try to "sudo apt-get install libpng-dev" I get "You should explicitly select one to install. Package libpng-dev has no installation candidate [12:10] Can anyone help? Thanks. [12:10] Everything is working nicely now - thank you everyone. === shank_ [~shank@pool-151-201-223-105.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427112-94.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] gen: libpng12-dev [12:12] Ok I need a gentle push in the right direction here...I am somewhat familiar with Linux(MDK,Arch) not synaptic or dep packages...sooo [12:12] ogra: Thanks, worked [12:12] Zugwrack: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticTutorial/ [12:12] I was looking to install streamripper..search did not find it...what about enabling universe? [12:13] hah, good guess ogra [12:13] ogra: Been there done that... === macTijn [martijn@linda.net.insecure.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] Zugwrack: did you refresh ? [12:13] streamripper - download online streams into mp3 files === lml [~lml@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:14] it's in hoary's universe, at least [12:14] Yes...but it just says to delete all the options that don't have "deb"...well all the ones I have for Warty have deb in them..except universe is not checked [12:14] can anyone explain to me why I can't select non-ttf fonts in gnome-terminal ? [12:14] bob2: great tool.....use it with streamtuner [12:14] macTijn: "can't select" or "doesn't list"? [12:14] Zugwrack: enable universe [12:14] bob: "doesn't list", sorry :) [12:14] macTijn: nano /etc/fonts/local.conf [12:14] enable bitmap fonts there [12:14] ok if I use vi ? :> [12:14] or maybe it's fonts.conf, I forget [12:15] ah! [12:15] I see [12:15] thanks :) [12:16] Ahhh..however next question...how safe is it to use universe? There was a warning about enabling it.. [12:16] Zugwrack: its ok to use universe [12:16] bob2: I guess I have to restart X for that stuff to work [12:16] right ? [12:17] probably. [12:17] bbl :) [12:17] macTijn: try: fc-cache [12:17] ogra: K thanks... [12:18] too late, restarted X already [12:18] this is great :) [12:18] thanks :) [12:18] Now on to the next question... I ran xsane but it says there isn't a scanner available...however a reply on the mailing list said they have a Canoscan LiDE 20 and it works fine...I have a 30...I am in the "scanners" group...can someone help me? I am running PPC version === macTijn missed his nice console font [12:19] Zugwrack: that was me *g* [12:19] Ahhh...kewl...heh [12:19] anyone have any idea why mplayer would give hundreds of: [12:19] ALSA lib control.c:654:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL /dev/mixer 48% [12:19] alsa-control: mixer attach /dev/mixer error: No such file or directory [12:19] Zugwrack: have you looked with groups ? [12:20] Yes...it shows "scanner" in the output [12:20] Maybe just unplug and re-plug it in? === svenl_ [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-29-196.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === PlaztkEyes [~plaz@] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] Zugwrack: yep and immediately type: dmesg in a terminal after that [12:21] ogra: K...wait one === Hell [~fonske@d51524B52.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9E3123C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Matt| [~Matt|@81-178-68-153.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] ogra: Where to paste the output? I did a tail -f so as not to report back the whole thing.. [12:23] I see nothing about Canon or anything [12:23] I know it worked when I was running MDK 10.1 PPC [12:23] under KDE [12:23] Kamion: you around? [12:23] Zugwrack: did it scroll ? your tail -f ? [12:24] does anyone know how to get bash-completion working with man pages, apt-get install package etc, etc [12:24] ?? [12:24] nope..as I recall it only reports the last 10 lines or so... [12:24] Kamion: oh, n/m [12:24] Kamion: i'm not looking in the right place [12:24] Zugwrack: another way.... open your device manager, see if its there [12:24] Zugwrack, if you want more lines: tail -n 100 -f [12:25] ogra: K...let me search in Gnome to find it...sorry not a Gnome person yet... === yann__ [~yann@p508A5C56.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === macTijn [martijn@linda.net.insecure.nl] has left #ubuntu ["thanks] [12:25] Matt|: K thank you [12:25] Zugwrack: Computer->System Settings->Device Manager [12:26] It is there..with 3 USB devices listed below the main entry [12:26] It shows device unknown though on the right [12:27] Vendor and Device are unknown as well [12:27] Zugwrack: thats bad.... [12:28] ogra: Under the advanced tab it shows the Canon and such === WW [~wweckesse@67-138-144-192.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:28] ogra, does the preferences menu in mrburns do anything? do i need files in there for it to work? [12:28] Matt|: drag n drop mp3 or ogg files from nautilus [12:29] usb.device_product shows the exact model # and such === pips [~chatzilla@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:29] ogra, preferences menu still does nothing: nothing opens === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] Zugwrack: k, just plugged in mine....same here, so its ok [12:29] ogra: I have guests coming to dinner....you be around for a while later? [12:29] ogra, neither the information option [12:30] Matt|: no pref yet.....as i dont know what to put there,,,,, [12:30] Hey, fellas, during the install of Ubuntu, I told it to enable searching the internet for updates, and now my laptop is going thorugh a heck of a lot of files, setting them up. Is this normal for installation? [12:30] sind sie aus Deutschland? [12:30] ogra, oh i c. You could put a "2 seconds between tracks" option [12:30] yes r|meLL0 [12:30] Zugwrack: nope, its 00:29 in germany....tomorrow... [12:30] r|meLLo: yes [12:30] Okay, cool. Thanks. [12:30] just wait a while [12:30] it'll be done [12:30] Ok..I just noticed on your mail it was in German [12:30] r|meLLo, yup it is updating your packages [12:30] Matt|: the window you look for comes if you click the cd === vortex25 [~vortex25@adsl-69-208-48-190.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] Well, the laptop isn't connected to the interne.t [12:31] That could be a problem, right? [12:31] ogra, huh? [12:31] Matt|: the second screenshot i assumed [12:31] Ok, I have a "problem" on my end obviously with VLC and mplayer, both say "Couldn't open DVD device: dev/dvd" but there IS a dvd in there, log says the directory doesn't "exist", whats the deal? [12:31] ogra: Check you later d00d...thanks for the help..be back l8r === Bliksem [~user@host217-43-93-30.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427112-94.houston.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:32] Zug: have a nice one ;) [12:32] oh [12:32] any way to change the icon size in gnomw? [12:32] ogra, do i need a cd in the drive for the second cd to work? [12:32] *gnome [12:32] Matt|: the second CD ? [12:32] ogra, that second cd button you speak of [12:32] can you help ogra? [12:33] gen, do "ls -l /dev/dvd [12:33] " [12:33] gen: does totem say that too ? [12:33] ls: /dev/dvd: No such file or directory [12:34] gen, ok fine [12:34] gen, what is your dvd drive called do you know? [12:34] gen, something like hda, hdb, hdc, hdd [12:34] cdrom0 i believe [12:34] Matt|: nope... you click on the CD in the first win after you added files to the win.....then you get the options .... [12:34] Tthe laptop isn't connected to the internet, and I think it's searching for the latest packages, but it's setting up things now. Is this okay? [12:34] ogra, i didn't get many options [12:34] oh === ben_ [~ben@pcp03282353pcs.radnor01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] dev/hdc [12:34] gen, ok you need to make a link from /dev/dvd [12:34] Matt|: if you click the cd in the options win, the burning starts [12:34] or put /dev/hdc in mplayer [12:34] the first is a better option [12:35] make a link? [12:35] ogra, oh ok; i understood you to mean that the 2 second between tracks was in that window [12:35] Matt|: will be deleted on reboot..... [12:35] gen, yep [12:35] is there any way to get firefox to render crap faster? [12:35] huh? [12:35] as in.. [12:35] make a link where matt [12:35] deleted on reboot? [12:35] gen, hang on maybe i'm wrong [12:35] Matt|: there is no such option..... [12:35] ok [12:35] ogra, /dev links are deleted on reboot? [12:35] udev creates the devices on boot [12:36] omg [12:36] haha, that explains things [12:36] gen, ok scrap that [12:36] ok [12:36] gen, just put /dev/hdc in mplayer [12:36] that really sux [12:36] so the second option was better [12:36] only have a choice to open Matt| [12:36] and it auto opens [12:36] and gives me that error [12:36] Matt|: you can configure udev [12:36] gen, in mplayer preferences [12:36] how can i make configuring network interfaces go faster? [12:36] on boot up === divad [~david@213.Red-80-26-113.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] gen, use the command gmplayer [12:37] oh [12:37] ben_: buy gigabit [12:37] i see it [12:37] gen, then right click and select preferences [12:37] k hold === bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] ogra, so how do you configure udev? [12:37] ben_: and a fast DHCP server for your LAN [12:37] ogra: huh? [12:37] it works matt [12:37] thanks a lot [12:37] np [12:37] ogra, i am used to adding links [12:37] ogra: is this software side or hardware side? [12:38] Matt|: ls /etc/udev/ [12:38] Matt|: and have fun....breaking your system *g* [12:38] ogra, actually that would have been a good time to say rtfm [12:38] ogra, you don't trust me [12:38] :((( [12:38] so back to mrburns [12:38] perhaps in the preference you could put some options === zenwhen_ [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-180.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] Matt|: i do.... dont ask how often i broke mine whrn udev was new [12:39] ogra, oh well fortunately /dev/cdrom exists ok in my case === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] ogra, you know what annoys me with this cd burning technique? [12:39] Matt|: i will.... mrburns is just in early state [12:39] ogra, dragging files from nautilus [12:39] Matt|: why ? [12:40] Matt|: do you use spatial nautilus ? [12:40] ogra, is there anyway to prevent nautilus taking over the screen when i click and hold on files to drag them (i.e. the target window remains active)? [12:40] i tried the ipv6 stuff and firefox is still slow :( [12:40] boo [12:40] Matt|: nope, i dont thonk so..... [12:40] ogra, there must be :( [12:40] even windows does that [12:41] what is spatial nautilus? [12:41] Matt|: non browser mode [12:41] ogra, i use browser [12:41] can't stand all the windows [12:41] Matt|: ahh, understand.... [12:42] Matt|: if you are used to spatial the burning mehod is just great.....but i will add a load dirctory option in the file menu [12:42] ogra, oh that would be kewl. i'm gonna try and find out if this thing can be solved in nautilus [12:42] is #gnome on this network the main gnome channel? [12:43] Matt|: dunno === lamont_r [~warty@c-67-180-93-19.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] don't think so [12:43] 47 people [12:43] hi lamont [12:44] matt: irc.gnome.org [12:44] Matt|: btw, see the mrburns website, there are the planned fetures listed [12:44] +a [12:44] thanks ljb [12:44] k [12:44] know what channel ljb ? [12:45] no idea :) [12:45] k [12:46] how do I install the java platform, it came as a .bin [12:46] Allright, thanks guys. I'll be sure to come back and bug you later when I have questions about operating Ubuntu. :D Thanks for all your help. [12:46] gen: sh file.bin === helkanaur [~helkanaur@] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] thanks card [12:47] gen: np :P [12:47] I was just wondering why I was only getting 200FPS in Quake 3 at 1600x1200 with 4x AA and it was because I was compiling a kernel in the background. [12:47] xD [12:48] bob2: ping [12:48] zenwhen_: i would do a rm * -rf :P [12:48] zenwhen: i'd like to have that problem [12:49] loll [12:49] cardador: ok the folder is in the home dir, should it be moved? [12:49] gen: not necessarly, you have to export the java path [12:49] Linux sunball 2.6.10-rc1-mm3-barry1 #4 SMP Mon Nov 8 18:24:40 EST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux [12:49] export to where [12:50] I feel like an idiot [12:51] gen use java-package to create a deb [12:51] it will take care of setting paths tooo === BigNastyKid909 [~poO@0-9-5b-96-21-8b.csusb.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] java-package? [12:53] gen: from universe/multiverse [12:53] i see [12:53] doing that now [12:53] yes, it is a tool that creates java.debs from the non-free sun bin files [12:53] I guess i did the hard way === Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] no, you did it the sun way... [12:55] ogra: what were you saying before about dcph or w/e it's called? [12:56] ben_: it was a joke..... === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] ben_: i said gigabit ethernet and a fast DHCP server in your LAN will speed up the network configuration === paulproteus [~paulprote@h-67-102-97-191.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] ogra: it never takes that long on windows though [12:59] it takes upwards of 2 min and it's really annoying [12:59] ok I still can't get java correctly [12:59] what is it doing? [12:59] that was to ogra [12:59] ben_: i cant compare it, got no windows === hacked` [~hacked`@modemcable088.34-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] guys [01:00] girls [01:00] i just installed amsn linux-i386 installer [01:00] i'm pretty sure that windows loads that crap later [01:00] and its a .bin [01:00] how do i install that guys? === hacked` is now known as schifo [01:00] amsn ? [01:00] correct [01:01] whats amsn [01:01] msn messenger client [01:01] schifo, nice nick [01:01] thanks [01:01] schifo: sh file.bin [01:01] schifo, have you tried running the bin as a script [01:01] ^^ [01:01] sh you mean? [01:01] schifo, or better, installing gaim ;p [01:01] i hate gain [01:01] ogra, thanks [01:02] schifo: why dont you like gaim ? [01:02] ogra: how long does network config take for you? [01:02] gaim is ugly [01:02] amsn-0.94-linux-installer.bin: amsn-0.94-linux-installer.bin: cannot execute binary file === zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-180.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] ben_: hmmm, doesnt convince me ;) === Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427112-94.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] ogra:lolz === h-t [~housetier@dsl-213-023-048-023.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] ogra: Got it...seems after I unplugged it a second time...no worries ;-P [01:03] what's the command in xchat for the nick completer === Pustulo [~cjs@c211-30-100-190.carlnfd1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [01:03] Zugwrack: great ;) [01:03] or how can i turn it on === janga [~janga@dialin-212-144-203-023.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === ogra is now known as ogra_dogwalk [01:04] ogra: Which smp kernel should I choose for my G4 dual mirrored drive box? === zxy [~ralph@host81-154-147-204.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === zxy_ [~ralph@host81-154-147-204.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] Zugwrack: i have no ppc here....probably someone else..... [01:06] how do i get the nick completer to work in xchat? [01:06] ogra_dogwalk:K thanks [01:06] anyone here running PPC with dual processors(G4)? [01:07] Anyone got an iPod working in Ubuntu? [01:07] go to ipod lounge === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] and search for linux [01:07] ben_: Ok thanks [01:08] ben_: Tab, but I think you have to turn it on === robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] wishy: tab what? [01:08] oops [01:08] i see [01:08] nvm [01:08] :) === pjz [pj@place.org] has left #ubuntu [] [01:09] lol, ken jennings is on [01:09] what's the path to the cpufreq drivers? === umarmung [~holger@p54853B53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Matt| [~Matt|@81-178-68-153.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] ben_: find /lib/modules | grep cpufreq === AndyFitz [~andy@] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] The processor modules are in /lib/modules/whatever/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq [01:13] The governer modules are somewhere else [01:13] jdub: gksu and gksudo seem to be the same binary is there a way in gconf to force sudo behavior? === stone_ [~stone@c-67-167-111-186.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] i don't think they use gconf at all === mir [~mir@h36n3c1o1003.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === Lowry [~Lowry@CPE-144-136-201-14.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] hi all === encryptio [~nobody@user-119a28l.biz.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === PlaztkEyes [~plaz@] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] howdy all... [01:16] i'm new to ubuntu, and trying to get the ati driver to install... [01:16] i found some good stuff online, but when I alien the rpm from ATI, it spews out tons of errors. [01:18] don't everybody roll their eyes at once... [01:18] PlaztkEyes: lemme find you the right tutorial :-) [01:18] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@host-097.166.ife.org.mx] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] that be the one :-) [01:18] hypa7il: spank you very much! :) [01:18] erk, wtf is with my nick === hypa7i1 is now known as hypa7ia [01:19] Is there an ati ppc driver option? [01:19] i don't think so Lowry [01:19] but i may be wrong [01:20] does anyone know a lot about metacity? [01:20] nvidia ppc? [01:20] Matt|: I still can't get java installed [01:20] sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver [01:20] yup PlaztkEyes [01:20] it's in the reps :-) [01:20] kicks back with an error... [01:20] gen, you have followed the wiki? [01:20] :/ [01:21] ahh, you need to add restricted PlaztkEyes [01:21] no hold [01:21] didnt know there was one on it [01:21] yeah a whole one i think [01:21] come on there is a metacity expert in here somewhere === Matt| appeals to the chan??? === bilb0_ [tmaster@cpc4-staf1-3-0-cust237.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === natea_ [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] jdub, you can't help me with this one can you? === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === markoni [marko_tasi@P1-225-20009.dialup.ns.ac.yu] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] can anyone suggest a memory light graphical MUA suitible for a new user. [01:22] Matt|, what's metacity doing to you? [01:22] the gtk equiv to kmail would be perfect. [01:23] lamont_r, nothing in particular, it's more what I want it to do === lamont_r is no expert, but has argued with it... [01:23] thunderbird is a bit 800lb gorilla. [01:23] hypa7ia: doing that now. tx. [01:23] Matt|, then you're probably on your own... [01:23] lamont_r, i want the following window focus: when dragging and dropping I would like the target window, if active, to remain active [01:24] like in Windoze [01:24] lamont_r, you know if this is possible? [01:24] no problemo PlaztkEyes [01:24] Matt|, I would love the same behaivor. short of hacking over the source, I haven't found any way to change some of the focus options that I dislike though... [01:24] (opening a child window steals focus, for example...) === Gman_ [~Glynn@222-152-249-69.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] lamont, i've tried all the other focus options i can see in gconf-editor, but they are all even worse [01:25] lamont_r i mean [01:25] damn cloner [01:25] :p [01:25] lamont is the house me, about 1200 miles away [01:25] lamont_r, huge commute [01:25] lamont_r: you using hoary atm? === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> saberhagen.freenode.net === bilb0 [tmaster@cpc4-staf1-3-0-cust237.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] where do ya live? [01:26] jdub: I'm using a warty live CD atm [01:26] hi jdub [01:26] Matt|, live in co.us, currently in ca.us [01:26] lamont_r: so the metacity in hoary has the beginnings of the focus stealing fixes [01:26] Can ppc linux boot from a 2nd or 3rd firewire drive partion? [01:26] jdub, do you know whether metacity is capable of doing those things which I described? === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] jdub: one of the cases that annoys me from metacity is considered to be a feature. [01:27] lamont_r, i'm not good with US states [01:27] Matt|, sorry - live just east of the rockies (actually about 2 miles east of the edge of the foothills), currently left coast, near San Francisco [01:27] omg wow [01:27] what a place to live [01:28] Matt|, love it there [01:28] i bet you do [01:28] lucky you === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] on holiday atm? [01:28] with your trusty warty live cd? [01:28] Matt|: working remotely this week [01:28] guys, i was wondering if anybody has a few minutes to help me recompile my kernel [01:28] although the drive was a bit delayed, etc. [01:28] schifo, we can try [01:29] lamont_r: which is that? [01:29] lamont_r, just a change of scene? [01:29] Matt|: dunno [01:29] my sister's cable modem is not happy with my computer - happy to talk to her windoze box though... [01:29] ah [01:29] Matt, i already followed 2 guides, and it didnt work [01:29] schifo, it's easy [01:29] schifo, why are you doing it tho? [01:29] i boot up with that kernel, and it says kernel panick [01:29] jdub: when I create a new window (by running an app in an xterm), don't *(_^*(^%_(*^ take the *&%) focus, dammit. [01:29] cause i need to patch my wireless card driver [01:29] schifo, did you mkinitrd? [01:29] matt, never even heard of that [01:29] schifo, no need to build a kernel to do that [01:29] lamont_r: the focus stealing changes may help with that [01:30] jdub: which is to say, it's a use model thing.. [01:30] matt, im just following: http://www.kismetwireless.net/HOWTO-26_Orinoco_Rfmon.txt [01:30] jdub: they help by trying to get it down to just stealing the focus in specifically that case, near as I can figure from chatting with seb128 [01:30] schifo, you can just recompile the module, if you need to [01:30] schifo, if the wifi card doesn't work out of the box, report it to someone at ubuntu tho [01:30] >_> [01:30] brb [01:31] matt, my wireless card does work in ubuntu, im using it now [01:31] Matt|: his card works, just not monitor mode [01:31] oh i c [01:31] fine [01:31] just not in monitor mode [01:31] recompiling the module not enough hypa7ia ? [01:31] i applied the patch, i just have to recompile kernel apparently [01:31] i don;t know Matt|, i'm lacking in clue when it comes to the kerne; [01:31] lamont_r, jdub, opening an app from the terminal still loses focus from the terminal in hoary [01:31] x.org? [01:32] GnuHippy, damn hippy [01:32] what kind of a name is Matt| anyway? [01:32] *laughs* [01:32] at least I'm not asking the same question every 20 minutes [01:32] go hug some trees until xorg is out [01:33] ok === janga [~janga@dialin-212-144-203-023.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === GnuHippy hugs matt [01:33] argh [01:33] get it offfff [01:33] schifo, ok since you're nearly there, i'll help you with the kernel [01:33] schifo, for future reference just recompile the individual module tho === SimonT [~templar@cs2417482-84.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] schifo, "ls /boot/" [01:33] thanks matt [01:34] what am i looking for === ^^candy^^ [~no_name@samo364-a070.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] PM me the whole thing [01:36] schifo, any errors from that? [01:36] no [01:36] did it [01:36] ls /boot [01:36] look for the new file === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] initrd.img- [01:37] good === Witigonen [~richardm@c024h163.dorm.reed.edu] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] now, you need to edit grub === bigbrother0074 [~bigbrothe@cdm-24-250-145-115.bcst.cox-internet.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] "sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst [01:38] " === GnuHippy [~jason@blk-222-217-193.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] and make sure that you get the name of that file right === Matt| hugs [01:38] I have a question [01:38] where do i insert it though [01:38] don't... [01:39] hey, i'm having trouble mounting my external hdd..... how might i make it automount from now on? [01:39] x.org? === Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] schifo, you need to make sure it looks like the entry from your default ubuntu kernel [01:39] Is thera GUI to partition hard drives for gnome? [01:39] schifo, PM me the whole thing if in doubt [01:39] qtparted === PlaztkEyes [~plaz@] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] but it isnt for gnome [01:39] Witigonen: you could run qtparted off a knoppix cd [01:40] hypa7ia, Yeah, I've got several boot options, I'm just kind of lazy and don't want to reboot :) I'll do that sometime, then. === GnuHippy is now known as Matt|Hippy [01:40] hey, i'm having trouble mounting my external hdd..... how might i make it automount from now on? === ^^candy^^ is now known as nefertati [01:40] add to your fstab [01:40] hypa7ai: no dice on the ATI driver yet...i installed the restricted modules via synaptic, and i even rebooted. [01:40] sudo gedit /etc/fstab [01:41] PlaztkEyes: did you do all the configuration? [01:41] is it in /etc/modules? [01:41] PlaztkEyes, you might have to run fglrxconfig. I did, at any rate. [01:41] i didn't [01:41] hey [01:41] Matt|, what do i need to add? === robster [~rob@hades.robster.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === mjg59_ [~mjg59@cpc2-cmbg5-4-0-cust206.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] bigbrother0074, depends on what you are trying to do [01:42] what ever the module name is of your externel hdd is [01:42] oh it's the hippys fault [01:42] go away [01:42] I am the real matt [01:42] *laughs* [01:42] he stole my name [01:42] kill my nick then? [01:42] hypa7ia: no, it isn't in etc modules [01:42] sorry.... [01:42] Im a mod [01:42] he stole my password to [01:42] ooooh [01:43] cus he is a 1337 haXx0r [01:43] true [01:43] hypa7ia, I've got an nForce2 chipset with my ATI card, they're known to never work together :) Had to change the external apgart setting. [01:43] PlaztkEyes: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto === Matt|Hippy nick TheRealMatt| [01:43] done matt [01:43] schifo, reboot and cross fingers [01:43] good does it work? [01:44] schifo, i'll stick around a few minutes [01:44] rebooting now [01:44] ogra_dogwalk: thanks, hypa7ia showed that to me earlier... === Matt|Hippy nick TheRealMatt| [01:44] k === Matt|Hippy is now known as TheRealMatt| === alohawulfie_ [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] Gnu|hippy go back to your real name. It was a good one [01:44] Matt|Hippy, i think the module name is sda1 [01:44] no I like this one [01:45] *sighs [01:45] thats not a module [01:45] sda1 is a block device [01:45] https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BreakMyUbuntu Anyone disaprove of my addition here? <.< [01:45] chibifs, hang on [01:45] oh...what would my module be then? [01:45] persumably SATA of SCSI [01:45] TheRealMatt|: its a usb drive i guess handled by hotplug/pmount [01:45] Okay, I have four ten gig partitions in addition to a full very large /home partition. They're linux native, so not formatted yet. So, how can I format it to ext3 easily? Somebody want to hold my hand through it? [01:45] Witigonen, they are detected? [01:45] TheRealMatt|: no need for fstab..... [01:46] probably [01:46] TheRealMatt|, yea, it's usb.... === alohawulfie_ [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] Witigonen, see if you can do it in disks-admin [01:46] bigbrother0074: look in Computer->Desktop Settings->Removable.... [01:46] disks-admin must have a purpose === usual [~colin@alb-69-200-178-150.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] ogra_dogwalk, and then? [01:47] everything checked ? === atariboy [~atari@] has joined #ubuntu === TheRealMatt| is now known as |Ttam [01:47] Matt|, disks-admin? Where is it? [01:47] except exec.... === PlaztkEyes figured out how to use the scroll button...ala Strongbad [01:47] Witigonen, Computer --> sys --> disks [01:47] or type "disks-admin" in terminal; [01:47] ogra_dogwalk, oh...yes it is....but i think it's a diff prob [01:48] ogra_dogwalk, it just worked when i turned it off/on...but it didn't work when i rebooted.... [01:48] Matt|, don't have it. === schifo [~hacked`@modemcable088.34-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] success matt [01:48] bigbrother0074: your disk should show up on the desktop [01:48] good job [01:48] ogra_dogwalk, yea, it does now [01:48] Witigonen, oh damn [01:48] Linux jerkz #1 Mon Nov 8 00:46:03 EST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux [01:48] Witigonen, command line it is then [01:48] ogra_dogwalk, i don't know why it didn't when i rebooted tho.....that's frustrating [01:48] schifo, happy [01:48] :) [01:49] bigbrother0074: if it doesnt just replug or run the Removable media dialog [01:49] sure am, thanks a lot [01:49] Matt|, that's fine. [01:49] schifo, is the card working? [01:49] ogra_dogwalk, ok, thnx for tha help === |Ttam is now known as GnuNotSoHippy [01:49] yep, monitor is listed there [01:49] schifo, gd [01:49] bigbrother0074: most of that is caused by fam....which will get dropped in hoary...so things willget better in april ;) [01:50] damn I wish DMA worked on my drives === cuga [~cuga@HSE-StCath-ppp192944.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === huttan [~huttan@as5-2-4.j.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] GnuNotSoHippy, is the drive incapable of DMA or is it just on Ubuntu? I had the same problem up until this morning. === GnuNotSoHippy is now known as GnotUnix [01:52] yeah it is just ubuntu [01:52] it worked in windows [01:52] and other distros === bloke2 [~blokey@hnllhi1-ar2-4-63-117-241.hnllhi1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] GnotUnix, you need to load the proper kernel drive before the ide-generic driver in /etc/modules. If you have an nForce2 card, it's 'amd74xx'. If not... you can probably find out with a few Google searches. [01:53] nite all [01:53] I tried looking on google [01:53] nite buddy === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@] has joined #ubuntu === telemaco [~telemaco@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:53] it is a via vt800 pro [01:53] kt800 pro [01:54] GnotUnix, I'm sure you can find the proper driver. 'via82cxxx' might be it, but, to be honest, I'm just saying that because it's the only other one I know besides the amd one :) === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu === stuNNed_ has issues with network-admin [01:55] anybody want to answer a stupid question === mercurus [~mercurus@PIPP-p-144-134-201-201.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] k === splotch [~matt@bts-0924.dialup.zetnet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] hrm [01:57] Is hoary vfs/nautilus/whatnot in some sort of package upload transition? [01:57] I'm trying to install livdvdcss2 [01:58] I get an error about needing libdvdread2, but I have libdvdread3 installed [01:58] fam -> gamin thing perhaps.. [01:58] can anyone help me with isntalling ati drivers on ubuntu default kernel ? [01:58] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto huttan [01:58] does this mean that someone has moved the files around at ftp.nerim.net? [01:58] lol, it was still in my pastebuffer from last time :-) === janga [~janga@dialin-212-144-203-023.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] hypa7ia, it doesnt work === drakonim [~drakonim@ool-44c321b7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === scopecrp [scopecrp@always.lagging.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] huttan: did you reboot? [02:01] hypa7ia, yes [02:01] hypa7ia, still using mesa [02:02] darn [02:02] hmm [02:03] have a peek in your XFree86Config === Matt| [~Matt|@81-178-68-153.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] make sure the values got changed correct5ly === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] ummm... after the hoary updates this afternoon, gnome takes much longer to load. Any ideas why this might be? is it because of the removal of the fam package? === draconian [~draconian@ip68-7-178-227.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === nasdaq4088 [sdfsd@tkp-ip-nas-1-p173.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === Mirno [~mirspcm@lns-th2-4f-81-56-180-71.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === ogra_dogwalk is now known as ogra === Mojo_Jojo [~why@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] anyone here use a tdk dvd drive? === mjg59_ [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] ummm... after the hoary updates this afternoon, gnome takes much longer to load. Any ideas why this might be? is it because of the removal of the fam package? [02:07] Hi, i'm having problems logging in, it says ""your session only lasted 10 seconds blah blah blah" then it loges me out WTF!!!! even failsafe doesnt work, the last thing I did was install k3b... [02:07] huttan: what says: lsmod|grep fglrx [02:07] Mojo_Jojo: k3b broke your gnome, sounds like === GoneBoB is now known as HrdwrBoB [02:07] FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [02:08] Mojo_Jojo, I usually have the prpblem when I have permissions problems [02:08] anyway to fix it? [02:08] as of today I nolonger like kde [02:08] Mojo_Jojo: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-05.2946111988/ [02:08] anyone help with hoary? [02:09] fglrx 207876 0 [02:09] Mojo_Jojo: what's it giving you errors on? any further clues? [02:09] anyone have any idea why the install cd cant detect my tdk dvd+/-r(w) drive? [02:09] huttan: looks good !! [02:09] ogra, so how do i get it to work ? [02:09] huttan: sudo sed -i -e 's/"ati"/"fglrx"/' /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [02:10] huttan: or: sudo gedit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and exchange ati with glrx [02:10] +d [02:10] -d+f [02:10] lol [02:10] ogra how does that link help when I cant even login??? [02:10] Mojo_Jojo: k3bsetup may have borked your iceauth file [02:11] Mojo_Jojo: do it in single user.... hit escape on grub boot [02:11] ok [02:11] login to console (ctrl alt f1) [02:11] hypa7ia: even better ;) [02:11] Mojo_Jojo: ctrl-alt-F1, login, sudo su, vim /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [02:11] ogra: what's single user? [02:11] already restarted haha [02:11] bag ? === RuffianSoldier [RuffianSol@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] hypa7ia: next time you reboot hit escape if grub says so.... === Netwolf [~bdelbono@S0106000f66442227.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] hypa7ia: there is a failsafe mode === Mangetsu [~Mangetsu@flitter-mouse.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] brb [02:12] gonna try === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] ok so now I just type in what it said in the link ogra gave me? [02:14] Mojo_Jojo: should help.... [02:14] cool, thanks ogra [02:14] ok, now where is says "user" do I type in user or my username? === Lowry [~Lowry@CPE-144-136-201-14.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] scopecrp: are you using SATA? [02:14] Mojo_Jojo: $USER [02:15] ok === natea_ [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:15] Mojo_Jojo: is the environment variable carrying your username......you can use it in scripts....etc === heavy [~bouncer@S01060010a7021850.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] ok [02:17] sscrew this...we need a warty installer with KDE and lilo by default === bagpuss adds it to the TODO list [02:17] bagpuss: ??? [02:17] should get done by 2007 [02:17] just installed ubuntu, X doesn't come up. What can I check? [02:17] bagpuss: it's called knoppix :-) === aka_daemon [~aka_daemo@222-152-125-35.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] morning.. [02:18] knoppix is not reallyu ideal for lots of other reasons === cef_work [~cef@fw2.amc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] it's i386 specific for a start [02:18] hypa7ia: i dont think even knoppix uses lilo nowadays === natea [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] is ext3 fs able to handle 4.5 GB big files? (DVD Images) [02:18] ogra: ubuntu will use lilo if you tell it to [02:18] just not by default [02:18] Doesn't anyone check links in their mail before they send them anymore? [02:18] lilo is ok [02:18] I want one that does by default [02:18] I do [02:19] bagpuss: so build yur own ubuntu.... [02:19] +o [02:19] aka_daemon, yes ext3 is fine with a file that large... you cannot hardlink it or scp it to older hosts === huttan [~huttan@as5-2-4.j.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] ogra: yeah, I'll add it to the TODO list...should be done before the next oce age (probably) [02:19] ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG it's still doing it :( [02:19] ogra, wont work === ..[topic/#ubuntu:cef_work] : : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ || Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ || Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ || Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ || warty is out, no X.org, please wait || Please don't paste in the channel, use http://www.pastebin.com/ or #flood || CDs shipping now, last orders for Warty by Friday, Nov 12th, 2004, http://shipit.ubuntulinux.org/ || offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic please [02:20] now what do I do since I can't login? [02:20] huttan: post the "Device" section in a PM to me [02:20] drakonim: I tried to copy an DVD image from a DVD to another PC in my network but it just copied 2. something GBs... === Ghent19 [~posthums@pcp09048031pcs.rocsth01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] aka_daemon, thats what im talking about, files over 2gb (x1024) may not copy. [02:21] Mojo_Jojo: ctrl-alt-f1 [02:21] gets you a text console === aethyr [~aethyr@dyn006612-twr2-student.cpmc.columbia.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] hypa7iaok [02:21] Mojo_Jojo: ctrl-alt-f1 to get to the console ctrl-alt-f7 to get back [02:21] drakonim: ok... anything I can do about it? [02:21] aka_daemon, use the split and cat commands [02:21] ok now what? [02:21] now login [02:21] done :D [02:22] kk, thanks! [02:22] Mojo_Jojo: ls -al .X* [02:22] split will cut up the file and cat will put them back together [02:22] aka_daemon, NP [02:22] Mojo_Jojo: ls -al .ICE* [02:22] Mojo_Jojo: sory [02:22] fix whatever's broke? [02:22] drakonim, btw. I don't think winXP has cat?! [02:22] HrdwrBoB: seems mako doesn't.. in the CD news thingy he put the url http://shipit.ubunutlinux.org/ .. doh! [02:22] ogra no such file or directory [02:22] ok [02:23] aka_daemon, oh your copying to a windblows machine huh === Qo-noS [~Klinzhai@bb220-255-116-103.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] ok, it says it owned by root [02:23] gdm doesn't give me anything at all, just a blank terminal on vt 7, what can I check to fix this? [02:23] Mojo_Jojo: chown $USER .ICE* [02:23] ummm... after the hoary updates this afternoon, gnome takes much longer to load. Any ideas why this might be? is it because of the removal of the fam package? [02:23] Mojo_Jojo: chgrp $USER .ICE* [02:24] operation not permitted === aka_daemon [~aka_daemo@222-152-125-35.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] ups.. [02:24] hehe guess useing sudo would help haha [02:24] Mojo_Jojo: oh, sorry.... [02:24] Mojo_Jojo: normally i mention it [02:24] ogra: you can use chown to do both. 'chown $USER:$USER .ICE*' [02:25] cef: true.... [02:25] aka_daemon, i believe there is a flag you can feed copy to not overwrite === ogra is really tired..... [02:25] copy /? and see if its there === Ghent19 [~posthums@pcp09048031pcs.rocsth01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:25] drakonim: overwrite what?? [02:25] YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you ogra :D [02:25] just remember to use a :, not . (the old syntax).. as . can of course be part of a username [02:25] aka_daemon, sorry, i dont have a posessed PC nearby to look it up ;-D [02:25] Mojo_Jojo: I had that too.. nfi what caused it though [02:25] aka_daemon, when you use cp to put things back to gether [02:25] kk thanks.. I'll just have a try :) [02:26] Mojo_Jojo: what for did you install k3b ? [02:26] nfi? [02:26] no f... idea [02:26] aka_daemon, either copy or move has something to put things back together I think [02:26] ogra so I can burn my anime :D [02:26] Mojo_Jojo: VCD ? [02:26] no avi [02:26] and other files too for school [02:26] Mojo_Jojo: nautilus does this too.... === sherpa [~sherpa@pcp572941pcs.wilmsc01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] ...I didnt know haha === jamesh [~james@203-59-50-191.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] lol === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu === sherpa [~sherpa@pcp572941pcs.wilmsc01.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === scopecrp [scopecrp@always.lagging.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:27] ripping/burning audio seems to have issues for me.. I get garbage in the audio [02:28] Mojo_Jojo: in fact nautilus opens up a window if you drop in a empty cd, you just drop your files there and burn ;) nice to use [02:28] ...I wondered why I kept getting a pop up ahhahahaha now I know :D [02:28] ogra: annoying if you drop in a rewritable though.. lacks a few things [02:29] Mojo_Jojo: click on the "File" menu to find the burn option then ;) [02:29] ummm... after the hoary updates this afternoon, gnome takes much longer to load. Any ideas why this might be? is it because of the removal of the fam package? [02:29] cef: there is missing al lot in nautilus cd burner.... === aka_daemon [~aka_daemo@222-152-125-35.adsl.ihug.co.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:29] Matt|, thats a logical guess... im updating to hoary out of curiosity right now.. appx 10 minutes of downloading remains [02:29] cef_work: but it should automatically blank the RW before burning [02:29] Matt|: could be, but that's just a guess from what you've said as I'm not using hoary myself [02:30] Matt|, you should be able to reinstall famd anyway [02:30] ogra: audio is an issue for me [02:30] ok, problem #2 :P when I play UT when I change the resolution to 1024x768 my screen shakes and the graphics look like shit. and when I log out my desktop has the same problem till I restart X === gen [~gen@] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] cef_work: http://www.grawert.net/software/mrburns/ [02:30] ogra: I burn and copy a lot of audio disks, and naut doesn't do that well [02:31] cef_work: coaster is out, but has a long way to go.....(and no audio either) [02:31] anyone? === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] draconian, ok lemme know [02:32] Anyone out there know of a good GUI tool for managing wireless connections (ESSID, etc.)? [02:32] cef_work, i don't really know what fam does, but i noticed it has been replace today so just a guess [02:32] unperson, lemme know if you find one [02:32] ogra: seems ok, but only creates audio disks.. copying could be an issue [02:32] unperson, "computer:system configuration:networking === kandinski [~candyman@gamma.sinetgy.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] hi all [02:33] cef_work: its less then a week old ;) [02:33] cef_work, you can use grip and ograburn [02:33] ogra: ahh well.. hopefully by hoary it'll be better [02:33] anyone Spanish here? [02:33] cef_work: from the first line of code... [02:33] kandinski, /cs list #ubuntu* [02:33] how do I fix broken packages [02:33] ? [02:34] Ohh Matt| I thought you went to bed? [02:34] drakonim, Can't double check right now, but I was fairly sure that capability wasn't in there. Are you sure it is? [02:34] kandinski, what for spanish? [02:34] thanks matt; I just got that list, did not recognise anyone. Anyone coming to Matar in Diecember? [02:34] Matt|: k3b seems to do all this in one package, but hey.. we'll get there [02:34] jndi: i come ;)) [02:34] kandinski [02:34] unperson, yes, if you highlight the wifi card and click properties ((just looked again myself)) [02:34] I meant anyone based in Spain, for RL meeting before Matar [02:35] cef_work, *laughs* [02:35] not that I can get any cd audio burns on this machine to not come out soundling like crap at the moment.. as though its not reading the disk properly [02:35] lol [02:35] drakonim, (Eh, can't double check insofar as it isn't in their right now, unless it is only there when a wireless card is in. I can't have that and my normal nic in simultaneously) [02:35] GnotUnix, yeah i remembered an email === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] I might go there a couple of days; I will be working in Barcelona that week [02:35] unperson, thats correct... it will only give you wireless options if its a wireless card. [02:35] and since i don't have a sound card in this machine.. *sigh* I have to copy them to a machine with a sound card to check the rip [02:36] cef_work, i hear rhythmbox will do it. bit weird idea tho [02:36] cef_work: is it the rip ? [02:36] drakonim, Ah, ok. Does it list all the ESSIDs present? [02:36] cef_work: or the burned cd ? [02:36] unperson, no, you type in the one you want to connect to [02:36] ogra: well without a sound card it's hard to tell.. *grin* [02:36] drakonim, present == on networks currently being picked up [02:36] *g* [02:37] drakonim, Ah ok. Better than nothing but still leaves something to be desired, so I will keep looking around. Thanks, though. [02:37] cef_work: is it crashy all the time ? or just between the tracks ? [02:37] quick question: what can i type in terminal to get quick network stats [02:37] ogra: the machie is really a server class machine, so you'd think it'd be reliable.. *sigh* [02:37] unperson, no prob. I dont think what youre looking for exists quite yet [02:37] draconian, where do i find these ESSIDs? [02:37] soda, my spellchecker here is a combined en-au / en-uk and curiosity is correct in both regards [02:37] ogra: every 4-5 secs there is garbage [02:38] gen: ifconfig [02:38] thanks [02:38] cef_work: hmm, got dma on on the reading deviace ? [02:38] drakonim, Yeah. There's a nice tool in KDE that's included with knoppix, but I don't recall the name. Anyway, I guess if it's KDE specific it'd probably be a drag to run under Gnome. [02:38] ogra: I doubt it's a lack of cpu... dual opteron 246's with 2 gig ram [02:38] unperson, probly a true statement :-D [02:39] ogra: not sure.. I'll check [02:39] cef_work: dma..... [02:39] unperson, not_so_gui but kismet can sniffem out (with a supported nic) [02:39] cef_work: ahh....our conversation has a little lag :) [02:40] Matt|, youd better get my attention by using my name lol... youre wifi access point broadcasts your essid === Safari_Al [~tr@ppp38-150.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] drakonim, gosh sorry [02:40] similar nicks [02:40] question: if i'm going to install an application for ubuntu do i use linux gtk linux motif linux amd64 or ppc? I'm on a x86 box [02:40] ogra: that'd be it.. no dma set up.. grr.. you'd think that a sata controller would have set up dma automatically [02:40] drakonim, i thought that you said that in the networks-admin dialogue you could see all broadcasting networks in the area, but I see now that I misunderstood === kastorff [~kastorff@user-119a28l.biz.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] Matt|, I assumed he was looking for a way to specify his. [02:41] drakonim, nah i think he wants one which finds em all ;p [02:41] cef_work: nope...compatibility... [02:41] Matt|, yeah.. thats a job for kismet :) [02:41] drakonim, And you were right. That was the minimum requirement. [02:41] cef_work, do you think that I should wait on the slow gnome / hoary thing, or report a bug, or mail the list or what? [02:41] ogra: thanks earlier for trying to help me out with my booting problem [02:41] unperson, ah, well glad to have helped in some fashion then :-D [02:42] bigt: what do you want to instal [02:42] bigt: linux gtk, prolly [02:42] drakonim, is it console only? [02:42] wanting to install azureus [02:42] drakonim, kde app? *winces* [02:42] Matt|, kismet has a few UI's but its more for sniffing than just finding essid's [02:42] Matt|: Have you tried wifiradar? I tried to get it working, but couldn't. Then again I didn't try hard. :-) [02:42] one thing i need to figure out also is why it doesn't show my other harddrives :( [02:42] bigt: what is azureus ? [02:42] i have two other harddrives that don't show up in the filesystem listing === drakonim perks ears @ unperson [02:43] torrent software [02:43] unperson, i will look it up [02:43] bigt, check my message [02:43] where at on here or on the linux box? [02:43] bigt: ahh, take the linux-gtk one....like hypa7ia said [02:43] unperson, kwifimanager is probly the thing you had working before [02:44] ok thanks all [02:44] drakonim, YES! That's it. [02:44] ogra: grr.. machine won't allow me to set DMA using hdparm.. argh! [02:44] cef_work: sudo ? [02:44] drakonim, So yeah, sound like a KDE QT app, darn. [02:44] unperson, indeed it is [02:44] This room has helped me so much, just wanted to thank you guys. [02:44] ogra: using the hdparm init stuff.. so used sudo [02:45] cef_work: very bad.... [02:45] ogra: yeah.. time to hit the bios and see if there is an override in there [02:45] For those interested, Wifi Radar: [02:45] http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=332 [02:45] cef_work: yup [02:45] unperson, is not in apt [02:45] Matt| True, but it's just a python script anyway, I think. === BigNastyKid909 [~poO@0-9-5b-96-21-8b.csusb.edu] has joined #ubuntu === janga [~janga@dialin-212-144-203-176.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === AndyFitz [~andy@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:46] Matt|, So I wouldn't sweat it too much. The other annoyance is you have to have it setup to run with root privlidges. And like I said, I couldn't get it working. But I thought it might interest you. [02:47] unperson, if its python, then theres a change it py-gtk and therefore a gui [02:47] *chance [02:47] unperson: i saw a thread on wifi radar on one of the mailing lists [02:47] ogra: just forced it in the bios to UDMA5 (which the drive supports), so now we shall see [02:47] ok real bed now [02:47] cef_work: crossing my fingers [02:47] nite [02:47] good idea [02:48] ogra, 3 am? [02:48] drakonim, Yes, it's supposed to have a GTK+ GUI. [02:48] crazy guy [02:48] yep [02:48] have to get up at 8 [02:48] me too :( [02:48] ogra: Ok, I'll see if I can't find it. Thanks. [02:48] night all === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] OK lets see what hoary has to offer... rebooting. be back in a momento! === mjg59_ is now known as mjg59 === unperson cannot switch to hoary. It would provoke too many "your mom" jokes. [02:55] lol unperson === MoonSweep [~MoonSweep@sanctuaire.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] hello [02:56] (again) [02:56] hi, MoonSweep === eclipse [~eclipse@h000f3d43838f.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] I have a really weird problem : i can't get grub booting windows, since I installed Ubuntu === LifesizeKenDoll [~LifesizeK@c-67-167-236-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] it just doesn't start, i reinstalled from a master, and from the install CD : nothing to do, grub just prints "booting windows, makeactive, chainloader +1"... and that's it. Nothing happens. [02:59] I told you it was weird :) [02:59] before you ask... Windows booted normally, before I installed Ubuntu (Debian Sarge/sid) === drakonim [~drakonim@ool-44c321b7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] any idea or clue ? [03:00] lmao the spelling of colour has changed to color!!! [03:00] Not I. [03:00] americanised the gnome packages eh? [03:00] aha === eclipse [~eclipse@h000f3d43838f.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] I foiund a fix for the hal insert on cdrom fuckup [03:00] I have to tell everyone, I love Ubuntu [03:01] does anyone in here know how to create linux cursors? [03:01] gnome does take quite a bit longer to start... looks like it doesnt even try until after the statrup sound is complete === orospakr [~orospakr@CPE000f1f740c6c-CM014500115576.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] sounds like a missing case of the illusive & ! [03:01] does anyone in here know how to create linux cursors? [03:01] don't flood, man === drakonim runs off to try and find the correct gnome file to hackup === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] no one? [03:02] sorry, try Google [03:02] ok [03:02] maybe? [03:02] u know how to how to do it? [03:02] like look up `Linux XFree86 Cursors` or something to that regard [03:03] no, I don't [03:03] alright [03:03] turning off "sound on login" in gdm.conf and restarting gdm... === bap [~cereal@42-183-193.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] brb === MoonSweep [~MoonSweep@sanctuaire.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:03] how changer the user and pass cant use cups on localhost:port [03:03] LifesizeKenDoll, Dittos on the ubuntu love. This distro is the shizzle. :-) [03:04] i have this problem.. === ukasz [~ukasz@CLIENT-gimn-aleks-26.lodz.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] cups is not asept the user and the pass [03:04] from login in localhost:port [03:04] unperson, this is so great, It's like Windows minus suck [03:05] that's one bad thing with cups [03:05] bap [03:05] here's what you do [03:05] sudo passwd [03:05] type in a pass [03:05] LifesizeKenDoll, Heh, indeed. Or my old debian install minus redundant applications and plus decent default config. [03:05] do cups stuff, log in as root:pass [03:06] then get rid of the root password in /etc/passwd [03:06] turn it back to '*' [03:06] whoops, /etc/shadow [03:06] aplic this password [03:07] bot.. no asept.. === unperson now has wifiradar working, apparently. Have to test it out at the office tomorrow. [03:08] bap, are you ok? [03:08] bap, Out of curiousity, are you from south america? [03:08] ajajaa [03:08] yes.. [03:08] :D [03:09] where are you from ? [03:09] bap, Heh, I have some columbian friends, and reading your comments I could hear the accent in my head (S. American, not columbian specifically). [03:09] bap, I'm from the USA. [03:10] I'm from Illinois, US === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] i have a frint this country.. LifesizeKenDoll [03:10] friend.. [03:11] ok === trans_err [~trans_err@hc652727a.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Tufek [Gentoo@Montreal-ppp3532009.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === MoonSweep [~MoonSweep@sanctuaire.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] back [03:12] so, does anyone have a similar problem booting windows with grub ? [03:12] what's your prob? [03:13] bap, you could configure cups with Computer->System Configuration->Printing or `gnome-cups-manager` [03:13] lemme paste.... :) [03:13] alright, man [03:14] (02:57:42) MoonSweep: I have a really weird problem : i can't get grub booting windows, since I installed Ubuntu [03:14] (02:59:02) MoonSweep: it just doesn't start, i reinstalled from a master, and from the install CD : nothing to do, grub just prints "booting windows, makeactive, chainloader +1"... and that's it. Nothing happens. [03:14] (02:59:08) MoonSweep: I told you it was weird :) [03:14] (02:59:48) MoonSweep: before you ask... Windows booted normally, before I installed Ubuntu (Debian Sarge/sid) [03:14] MoonSweep: try lilo? [03:14] mmmh [03:15] why didn't I had this idea sooner ? :) [03:15] I don'ty trust grub...not bec ause there's anything *wrong* with grub, but I've spent *years* getting good at making lilo do what I want it to [03:15] I trust grub [03:15] I know how to deal with it [03:15] I was a Gentoo Junkie [03:15] i'm gonna try it... but i really prefer grub, and maybe i have spotten a bug or something [03:15] ok, MoonSweep [03:15] as long as lilo does what I want/need (and it's never not done that yet) I'll stick with it [03:16] LifesizeKenDoll: http://www.eghetto.ca/~msviolet/Humour/gentoo.jpg [03:16] open up /boot/grub/menu.lst [03:16] Later all. [03:16] done [03:16] ok [03:16] copy-paste the windows part === Sep` [~Sep@modemcable145.248-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] hypa7ia, I take Gentoo humor in kind spirits [03:17] LifesizeKenDoll: excellent./..as long as I can stay in the last century with lilo :) [03:17] i want to upgrade to hoary, i changed all my instances of 'warty' to 'hoary' and did a apt-get update [03:17] do i do a apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade now ? [03:17] bagpuss, I say we have at least 2 centuries left in us [03:17] Is there an ubuntu newsgroup? [03:17] title Microsoft Windows 2000 [03:17] root (hd0,0) [03:17] makeactive [03:17] chainloader +1 [03:17] Sep`, both [03:17] which one first ? [03:17] Sep`, dist-upgrade [03:17] dist-upgrade first right ? [03:17] cool [03:17] just like in debian huh ? [03:18] yep [03:18] yep [03:18] MoonSweep, chainloader (hd0,0)+1 [03:18] MoonSweep, rootnoverify instead of root [03:18] MoonSweep, put makeactive on the end [03:18] after chainloader ? [03:18] MoonSweep, yep [03:19] it's the first time i see that... but i trust you ;) [03:19] is that all ? [03:19] may I reboot and try ? [03:19] MoonSweep, knock yourself out [03:20] what ? [03:20] MoonSweep, I admin about 6 boxes [03:20] MoonSweep, hope I'm right [03:20] MoonSweep, far as I can tell it seems ok [03:20] I admin 3 debian for years ;) [03:20] ok I try [03:20] brb [03:21] MoonSweep, if all else fails, pop in a Win2000 CD->Recovery Console->fixmbr [03:21] or install lilo [03:21] yea === bagpuss whistles [03:21] lilo'd be a safe bet [03:21] at least I grok lilo :) [03:21] ok... by the way : i tried the automatic repair of the install CD, it didn't solve the problem... but maybe it doesn't launch this tool [03:21] brb ;) [03:22] I like grub cause I don't have to run `lilo` every time I change anything :-P === deprecated is away: A lurking we will go... Oh a lurking we will go... [03:22] so where you all live? [03:22] LifesizeKenDoll: *shrug*. Not like I change stuff often, and it's no big deal wo remember to type one command :) === silwenae [~silwenae@CPE-65-25-210-31.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] LifesizeKenDoll: UK === ben [~ben@pcp03282353pcs.radnor01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] Illinois, US here [03:24] canuckistan [03:24] :-) [03:24] hmm, hal *really* sucks :( === jamesh [~james@203-59-50-191.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-180.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === tvon [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === mbp_ [~mbp@ausrel1.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gmail|SLEEP [~Google@gnu-debian.user] has joined #ubuntu === mdz [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === dopey [matth@uruk-hai.bioinformatics.unsw.EDU.AU] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] *tear* [03:25] bagpuss, how does it suck, I love it [03:26] LifesizeKenDoll: mainbly because I spent all night trying to work out what the hell #2265 was doing. I didn't realise it was #2265 for most of the time though [03:26] it's fixed now [03:27] I still think it's a sucky design [03:27] what's 2265? [03:27] LifesizeKenDoll: it's the bvuzilla bug [03:27] ok [03:27] https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2265 === huttan [~huttan@as5-2-4.j.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] click-tastic [03:28] what can be wrong when you play a movie and no screen shows up, only soundd ? === bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] bagpuss, hrm, I didn't have the problem - must've missed it [03:29] huttan: missing codecs === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] LifesizeKenDoll: someone earlier was helping me track it down...didn't fixc it, but gave me enough informatioin that I was able to find the right bug...which had the solutuion === brad [~brad@rrcs-67-52-122-167.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] damn, I wish I could type [03:29] huttan, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats === nevyn_ [~nevyn@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] exit [03:30] bagpuss, typing is the new literacy, especially because I R T3h 1337><0r!!! OMGWTFBBQ!!!!!!!!!111eleven! [03:31] anyone know a good command to get the second line of a file? === Desolate [~Desolate@weston-] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] hey there [03:32] hey [03:32] does anyone know how long the CDs take to arrive once you've ordered them? === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu === yz_ [~yz@] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] Does anybody know the kernel module for the Via KT800 Pro chipset? [03:33] I dunno, I ordered mine then got tired and found a blank after a few days === GnotUnix falls asleep at keyboard === janga [~janga@dialin-145-254-239-031.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] The CDs should be shipping in a week or two [03:36] but who knows [03:37] so basically I'd be better off finding a blank :p [03:37] yea [03:37] it's worth it, man === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] yes [03:37] it's only a blank [03:37] I stole one from my roommate [03:37] so everyone won in that case [03:37] good job [03:37] he's a nerd, it doesn't matter [03:37] ;) [03:37] nerds aren't people [03:38] anyone running a dual processor PPC machine? [03:38] and I don't mean a good nerd that is smart but still has a social life [03:38] I mean the type that only leaves the room to play D&D with other nerds, other than that he plays games on his computer for hours on end [03:39] People actually play DnD IRL??? [03:39] mmh, well it's not only finding a blank cd, it's also downloading the iso :p [03:39] yea, he's a major lame-o === Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427112-94.houston.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:39] the only other way to get him out is to have a girl over [03:39] ah well, guess it'll be an overnighter [03:39] too bad [03:39] I like having a T3 [03:39] he is afraid of girls? [03:39] no, just indifferent [03:40] he could be gay, I don't really know [03:40] I wish I had a 100mbit line :( [03:40] he hasn't expressed interest [03:40] one day I'll move to sweden [03:40] I wish I had OC48 [03:40] 5Mb/s isn't enough [03:41] I get 600kb/s consistently [03:41] thats about what I get [03:41] it's part of my school's package [03:41] i got 8mb/s between u of t and york u a few weeks ago [03:41] yay debian mirror :-) [03:41] Megabit or Megabyte? [03:41] it still would take me almost 3 hours to get the Fedora Core 3 DVD [03:42] I used to use Fedora [03:42] I don't like yum [03:42] pissed me off to the extreme [03:42] niether did I [03:42] but I can't get DMA working on this [03:42] it is peeving me [03:42] hi === falco [~telinit@a212-113-181-132.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] i can't get my printer to work at all [03:42] it's on a windows xp machine [03:42] on a wireless network [03:42] ben, *tear* [03:42] I tried yoper and that is horrible [03:42] ben, SMB share? [03:43] GnotUnix, I was gonna try Yoper [03:43] Mepis too === Eno-Master [~peter@roc-24-24-38-233.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] don't waste your time [03:43] I never cared for Mepis [03:43] i was trying to use cups because that's what someone said on the forums [03:43] it's not a philosophical thing [03:43] I just don't like the name [03:43] lol [03:43] ben, if it's connected to a windows machine, it's an SMB share [03:43] ben: yep thats what you should be using [03:43] ben: Tried using the printer setup tool? [03:43] ben, Computer->System Configuration->Printers [03:43] yeah, but i'm not entirely sure what info i should be entering [03:44] what do i put for the URI? [03:44] smb://machinename/prinername iirc [03:44] that's right [03:44] ok [03:44] Network Printer->Windows Printer === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] how bout' an I.P. printer?? [03:44] it gives you 4 boxes then === hypa7ia is now known as hypa7ia|brb [03:45] yeah if you select windows printer from the thingy, it gives u a gazillion boxes [03:45] specifically 4 [03:45] type in host (IP) [03:45] printer name [03:45] then user/pass [03:45] oh ok [03:46] what's the user pass? [03:46] the user pass of an admin on the xp machine? [03:46] LifesizeKenDoll: would that just be configured through cups if its an I.P. printer? [03:46] ben, yes [03:46] BigNastyKid909, what do you mean by I.P.? [03:46] where do I find chipset driver modules? [03:46] shouldn't need to be admin... === MoonSweep [~MoonSweep@sanctuaire.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] GnotUnix, Google! [03:47] hi again [03:47] LifesizeKenDoll: if the printer is using I.P. not a share === nevyn_ is now known as nevyn [03:47] BigNastyKid909, depends on the protocol, could be LPD or something like that [03:47] LifesizeKenDoll: i try to install a network printer at work using the I.P. adress === huttan [~huttan@as5-2-4.j.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] LifesizeKenDoll: nothing helps, windows doesn't want to start... and fixmbr destroyed grub, I had to boot from a CD and reinstall it.... [03:48] BigNastyKid909, it really depends on the protocol you go with [03:48] MoonSweep, but fixmbr did work, yes? [03:48] I try lilo [03:48] LifesizeKenDoll I tried googling "linux kt800 module" and have found nothing [03:48] no !!! Windows still doesn't boot [03:48] omg [03:48] omg [03:48] omg [03:48] Hello, everyone. Since printers seem to be the topic, then how about this problem. I can print a test page, beautifully, however, I can't print anything from OpenOffice. [03:48] omg [03:48] it worked! [03:48] ben, of course [03:49] Eno-Master, Print Settings [03:49] thanks a bundle ;) [03:49] Eno-Master, tell me what it says [03:49] ben, alright man, I admin things for a hobby [03:49] LifesizeKenDoll: so do i just use the Unix LPD?? [03:49] In Ubuntu or OO?? [03:49] OO === hypa7ia|brb is now known as hypa7ia [03:49] BigNastyKid909, No, you can use whatever protocol you set it up to be [03:49] BigNastyKid909, if you run Linux servers, that's CUPS [03:50] BigNastyKid909, Windows servers -> SMB [03:50] ahhhh [03:50] ok [03:50] BigNastyKid909, although you can share a CUPS as an SMB if you want [03:50] its a windows server [03:50] that's SMB then [03:50] ok..so just type in I.P. in host? [03:51] you using Ubuntu? [03:51] ya [03:51] yea, just choose Network->Windows Share [03:51] then the IP into host [03:51] and soforth [03:51] Has anyone got http://www.maconlinux.com/ working? [03:51] oh coo [03:51] Lowry, you on PPC? === natea [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] CUPS:DeskJet-722C as default printer, which is what I have. [03:52] Would maconlinux.com support wireless cards? [03:52] Yes G3 ppc [03:52] Lowry, I'm not sure, I would assume it would be treated just as another eth device [03:53] LifesizeKenDoll: for a shared printer do i still need to put in iirc at the end?? [03:53] Lowry: no, MOL has virtual devices based the host's hardware support [03:53] BigNastyKid909, no, iirc := if I recall correctly [03:53] i try lilo [03:53] brb [03:53] so mol see what ubuntu can use === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] I'm cold :'( === skydjol [~skydjol@grdquevilly-1-82-67-78-48.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] It is snowing here. [03:56] Eno-Master, it'll snow here on Thursday [03:57] LSKD it has been said that we will get a lot this winter. [03:58] Eno-Master, I thought global warming was supposed to make it warmer [03:58] Sounds good to me, makes better wine!! [03:59] Trying to add a printer [03:59] this is true [03:59] Eno-Master, where you live? [03:59] I selected Laserwriter II g [04:00] LifsizeKenDoll: if i put smb://ip adress under URI should do it right? [04:00] "enter a command line appropriate for this device"? [04:00] using `gnome-cups-manager`? [04:00] Yes [04:00] yah in ubuntu [04:00] Any ideas about getting OO to print?? === MoonSweep [~MoonSweep@sanctuaire.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] hi (again) [04:01] lilo doesn't start WIndows either... it's too weird [04:01] BigNastyKid909, just choose a Windows Share [04:01] BigNastyKid909, then it'll give you 4 text inputs [04:01] MoonSweep, Windows makes Baby Jesus cry [04:01] it makes me cry, too [04:02] heh LOL === billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] windows=crap [04:02] I am adding a printer with printer administration [04:02] hmm. if I fuser -k /media/cdrom0 I get a message telling me to use umount /media/cdrom0. When I do that it tells me the device or resource is busy.. [04:02] how do I fix this? [04:04] what are you trying to accomplish with fuser? [04:04] BigNastyKid909, Windows is bad in many respects, but it does have its high points [04:04] BigNastyKid909, like, um.... I'll think of one... [04:05] LOL yah i know..i got tired of it..that's y i moved to linux [04:05] BigNastyKid909, I did cause my motherboard is broken and _cannot_ run Windows === Eno-Master [~peter@roc-24-24-38-233.rochester.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:06] BigNastyKid909, everything's 10x slower than it should be on Windows, like selecting an icon on the desktop - I could see the pixels redrawing [04:06] BigNastyKid909, Linux is fine, though === daku [~Unknown@porky.jatt.net] has joined #ubuntu === vgedris [~vic@ppp-216-106-111-117.storm.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] any advice on a gtk frontend for disk copying? [04:07] Any news on linux ppc binary 3d drivers? [04:08] robertj, what do you mean, like copying straight files or dd? [04:08] dd === skullbocks [~skullbock@MTL-HSE-ppp191758.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] hi [04:08] Antitrust refernce [04:08] reference* [04:09] Lowry, Linux/PPC is too small for Video Card companies to care about [04:09] skullbocks, couldn't you have come up with an original name? [04:09] skullbocks, not to badger you or anything === MoonSweep [~MoonSweep@sanctuaire.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] so 2d only for ppc? [04:10] MoonSweep, :-)? [04:10] yes ? [04:10] Lowry, it's a sad time we live in - I'm actually not sure [04:10] MoonSweep, can you boot? === dml [~dml@ppp190-28.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] no, windows just doesn't boot [04:10] MoonSweep, too bad [04:10] yes :-/ [04:12] LifesizeKenDoll, not everybody knows antitrust [04:12] skullbocks, but I do :'( [04:12] skullbocks: the movie ? [04:12] cool movie [04:12] I liked it, too [04:12] ah, Gary Winston, what will you think of next? === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] Lifesizekendoll: so no suggestions? [04:14] robertj, sorry, man I dunno [04:14] how can I search for a file with specific name accross the root of my drive? [04:15] robertj, I'd suggest qtparted, but that's qt [04:15] GnotUnix: find / -iname "name" [04:15] locate 'file' [04:15] yea, or that [04:15] thnx === bdale [~bdale@rover.gag.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] locate will be quicker, but its database is updated daily, so it can't locate new files === billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] find does [04:16] by the way [04:16] How do i get the uri of my network laserprinter? [04:17] what if i want to create a channel "ubuntu-fr" ? is there something special to do or i just create the channel ? [04:17] Lowry, what protocol, e.g. CUPS, SMB, LPD? [04:17] CUPS? [04:17] MoonSweep, I think just join it and you'll be op [04:17] via ethernet [04:17] MoonSweep, you french? === noneus [~noneus@p54800A0B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] yes [04:17] i know how to create a channel, thx :) [04:17] damnit, what is sources.list in again [04:17] Apple laser writer [04:17] MoonSweep: just /join it. Up to you if you want to register it with chanserv or not [04:18] my question was, is there something to do to make it official ? have it listed on ubuntu's website, etc etc [04:18] Lowry, I forget, sorry :-[ [04:18] does someone know to connect to a wireless network using eap-peap ? [04:18] and... do I have to stay there 24/24 ? :) [04:18] MoonSweep, register it with Chanserv, then no [04:18] Where is sources.list [04:18] MoonSweep: be popular/useful probably. See chanserv in terms of having it there even when you're not [04:19] gen: /etc/apt === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] I was looking in network tools - etho [04:19] thank you bag [04:20] I made a script that sets up Ubuntu stuff, e.g. DVD support, Codecs, Java, Video Card [04:20] LifesizeKenDoll I have modprobed every via related module and I still can't enable DMA [04:20] I think maybe that a "core team" of french ops should be found, before opening a channel, no ? [04:20] I have a SATA hdd btw [04:20] GnotUnix, *tear* I dunno [04:21] MoonSweep: I suspect you need to open the channel first. Op the french people who seem clueful [04:21] MoonSweep, maybe [04:21] MoonSweep: or since this is freenode, don't have actual ops. Many channels here don't [04:21] MoonSweep, and you also want to Op everyone who's like "OH GIMME OPS OH OH OH" [04:21] Does anybody know how to enable DMA on a SATA drive with a Via controller?????? [04:21] but how can people know the channel, if it's not listed on ubuntu's website ? [04:22] GnotUnix, `disks-admin`? === p00p [~p00p@c-67-172-53-228.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] MoonSweep, you could contact the website if you so pleased [04:22] GnotUnix: I think DMA is implicit in SATA [04:22] p00p, very intuitive name [04:22] i'll see [04:22] LifesizeKenDoll, thanks :) [04:23] quick question...i am trying to add a printer that is shared from a windows 2000 machine via smb, and i don't quite understand the syntax... i am a little lost for what to put for host and printer [04:23] p00p, I'm sure it represents your character swimmingly [04:23] LifesizeKenDoll, thanks for being kind [04:23] p00p, host = ip, printer = name of printer [04:23] why is everyone confused about Printers? [04:23] but it isn't when I try to burn CDs my computer crawls [04:23] cause they are cvonfusing [04:23] hdparm shows it as disabled [04:23] LifesizeKenDoll, just the ip address, and just the printer share name? [04:24] p00p, yep, that and the user:pass as well [04:24] LifesizeKenDoll, so,, and "deskjet" [04:24] is there any support for bootsplash on ubuntu ? [04:24] p00p, exactly [04:24] LifesizeKenDoll, thanks :) [04:24] usplash [04:24] GnotUnix: I have a via sata controller and hdparm doesn't show anything one way opr the other [04:24] GnotUnix, really? [04:24] I get bloody good transfers though [04:24] GnotUnix, delicious [04:25] GnotUnix, not getting anything for usplash [04:25] somebody said it had usplash [04:25] I dunno [04:25] LifesizeKenDoll, i'm getting Printing: Connection failed with error NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL [04:25] maybe it just supports it === lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060050ba84f285.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] p00p, can you ping [04:26] what's usplash ? [04:26] LifesizeKenDoll, yes, and printer shows up from a windows box [04:27] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WartyWarthogUsplash [04:27] p00p, you got the printer name and user:pass right? === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060050ba84f285.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] yes [04:27] p00p, well, I really don't know, then [04:27] p00p, oh, check that it's shared and such [04:27] p00p, I bet it's server-side [04:27] negative [04:27] definitely not [04:27] it seems the client here loses my information sometimes [04:27] if i close out [04:28] and open it again [04:28] it has different values filled in [04:28] like stuff i have previously entered [04:28] p00p, hit apply? [04:28] i don't have an apply button.. [04:28] test page and close === TheIconoclast [~goose@nr10-216-68-189-238.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu === janga [~janga@dialin-212-144-206-237.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] it changes deskjet to //kathy/deskjet [04:30] kathy is the server's name, but i don't know if it's filling it in via smb or just because i happened to try that once (i did) === Temet_FC2 [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] and it also drops the admin username out too [04:30] well not admin [04:30] just the printer username [04:30] hi [04:30] p00p, hrm [04:30] can someone give me a little hand? [04:30] Temet_FC2, sure [04:30] thanx LifesizeKenDoll [04:30] i've juste installed ubuntu [04:30] p00p, try sudo gnome-cups-manager [04:31] Temet_FC2, I'm listening [04:31] LifesizeKenDoll, ok [04:31] LifesizeKenDoll, that's what i've been using [04:31] hand the "sudo" command ask me for a password i don't know LifesizeKenDoll [04:31] o_O'' [04:31] and* [04:31] Temet_FC2, it's asking for your user password [04:31] not the root password === Hikaru79 [~hikaru79@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] Temet_FC2, it's your pass [04:31] but i tried... [04:31] Temet_FC2, the one you log in with [04:32] beuh ? [04:32] oki, i'll try again [04:32] Temet_FC2, reset your password with `passwd` === bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] yeah but i can't run passmd LifesizeKenDoll , because I can't use sudo! ;) === Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] Temet_FC2, it's not a sudo thing [04:33] Temet_FC2, just passwd, w/o sudo [04:33] I'm still under me Fedora, I'm going to boot on ubuntu LifesizeKenDoll [04:33] LifesizeKenDoll: that requires your existing password [04:33] thanks a lot from France LifesizeKenDoll ;) [04:33] nevyn, I knwo [04:33] Hey, I was wondering how safe it is to install the new nvidia drivers since I installed using synaptic when I installed ubuntu [04:33] Temet_FC2, ok [04:33] Mojo_Jojo, what version? [04:34] LifesizeKenDoll, since you told me to use gnome-cups-manager, is there another printer installer i could try? [04:34] of the drivers I used? [04:34] p00p: try foomatic-gui [04:34] p00p, or http://localhost:631 [04:34] Mojo_Jojo, yea, just the normal 6111, right? [04:35] yeah the 6111 driver are installed [04:35] LifesizeKenDoll, wow, is this secured? [04:35] Mojo_Jojo, sudo nvidia-glx-config enable [04:35] p00p, yes [04:35] p00p, only from localhost, gotta log in [04:35] alrighty [04:35] normal user? [04:35] p00p, uh, not sure [04:35] nope not working :/ [04:35] p00p, I've always logged in as root [04:36] I did that I followed this http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto but I want to install the 1.0-6629 drivers [04:36] LifesizeKenDoll, hehe well there is no root password set [04:36] ok, sudo passwd [04:36] do the cups stuff [04:36] then sudo nano /etc/shadow [04:36] and reset the root passwd [04:36] Mojo_Jojo, oh, I'd let it be until it's part of apt [04:37] ok, how long does that usually take? and why wait? [04:37] Mojo_Jojo, but it you really want to, use the .run or .bin whatever it is [04:37] Mojo_Jojo, it might not be bug-free yet - might not work right [04:37] ahh ok well I can wait...thanks :) === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] Mojo_Jojo, be happy that at least they release drivers. go nVidia! [04:38] just wondeirng if this imporves performance if I add this to my xf86config Option "RenderAccel" "1" [04:38] yeah nvidia rocks too bad ati makes bad drivers [04:38] Mojo_Jojo, it should [04:39] Mojo_Jojo, that might be an X.org thing - I could be wrong [04:39] ok :) i'l try it then :D [04:39] Mojo_Jojo, try it out [04:39] oh...i'll try anyways :D [04:39] BOO! skype is Qt :-( [04:39] this is correct [04:39] Section "Device" [04:39] Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] " [04:39] Driver "nvidia" [04:39] Option "RenderAccel" "1" [04:39] BusID "PCI:3:0:0" [04:40] yep [04:40] ok [04:40] Qt => :'( === hypa7ia is very sad [04:40] LifesizeKenDoll: u know how to configure giFToxic?? [04:40] i might just run the version that has qt compiled in [04:41] trying to run it..but saying its not set up === Gmail|SLEEP is now known as Gmail [04:41] BigNastyKid909, sorry, I tried a few months ago - didn't get it to work [04:41] BigNastyKid909, so I dunno [04:41] ninkendo, how do i format an smb printer as a uri for foomatic-gui? [04:41] oh ok [04:41] thnx though [04:41] wassamatter, hypa7ia? [04:42] PlaztkEyes: Skype requires Qt. i am teh sad. [04:42] i feel for you === hypa7ia cries [04:42] what's wrong about qt ? [04:43] hey now...no one died or anything... [04:43] well, i wanted to run a gnome-only system [04:43] fair enough :-/ [04:43] p00p: smb://hostname/path/to/printer [04:43] why don't use gnomemeeting instead of skype ? [04:43] MoonSweep, I don't like the licensing [04:43] and i want my ati card to work...but alas and alack, it ain't happenin... [04:43] lol turns out i already have qt installed [04:43] rofl === hypa7ia laughs at herself [04:44] ah, it's a _girl_ [04:44] lol [04:44] hypocrite! === Xenguy [~gnu@] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] rofl kartoffle [04:44] ninkendo, is it normal for my printer to not exist after i am done adding it? [04:44] MoonSweep: i want to use skype to call phones tho [04:44] lol at LifesizeKenDoll === attitude [~kswain@fw.icallinc.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] p00p: no... [04:45] heheh [04:45] try surfing for it in nautilus [04:45] yeah heh it doesn't show up in nautilus [04:45] I have a question about getting php and ssl working on ubuntu as a server [04:45] nautilus sees 1 share on that box [04:45] hypa7ia, what made you abandon your roots of shopping and join the dark side? [04:45] I can not seem to get it to work [04:45] is it shared on a windows machine? [04:45] well, having some QT apps isn't that bad... Gnome really lacks of a good CD writing app... What do you guys use to burn audio CD or bin/cue images ? [04:45] any have any ideas [04:45] hypa7ia: i appreciate the help earlier, and i've been thorugh everything on the page you forwarded to me about the ati driver, but i'm still getting the "couldn't find package" error. [04:45] ninkendo, yes... it shows up on another windows machine [04:46] PlaztkEyes: where are you getting the error? [04:46] Moonsweep: I use abcde [04:46] LifesizeKenDoll: my roots of shopping? :-p [04:46] PlaztkEyes: never heard of that [04:46] MoonSweep, don't burn audio CD's, `cdrecord` for burning [04:46] when i try to apt-get install fglrx-driver [04:46] hypa7ia, girls like to shop - don't worry, I like to shop too [04:46] p00p: check the windows machine, figure out what the printer share is named === hypa7ia hates shopping === LifesizeKenDoll is building a doll house === LifesizeKenDoll is not actually gay [04:47] despite knowing which colors match and such [04:47] Moonsweep: freshmeat.net, baby. [04:47] hypa7ia, how can you not like shopping, it's fun [04:47] ninkendo, shared as "deskjet" just as i've been trying :-/ [04:47] ugh. stores. money. it's all so wrong. [04:48] now THAT'S funny. [04:48] hypa7ia, you're against money? [04:48] ninkendo, maybe my syntax is incorrect.... smb:// -- correct? [04:48] the only place i like to shop: www.canadacomputers.com [04:48] LifesizeKenDoll: in many levels, yes === kremlyn [~kremlyn@CPE-203-45-62-128.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] err on [04:48] hypa7ia, lol, Canada [04:48] hypa7ia, I [04:48] p00p: no, replace with the name of the windows machine [04:48] hypa7ia, I'm just messing with you, I'm Canadian [04:48] the smb (or netbios, or whatever) name [04:48] ninkendo, will it be able to resolve it? [04:48] yes [04:48] hypa7ia, I'm also very anti-capitalist and such [04:48] d'oh! [04:49] lol LifesizeKenDoll. where from? [04:49] hypa7ia: looks like a Fry's. We have Fry's in California. It's Mecca to me [04:49] hypa7ia, oh, I live in Illinois now, but I'm originally from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan [04:49] ninkendo, still doesn't show up in foomatic-gui... but i'll try the netbios name as host in nautilus [04:49] coolcool LifesizeKenDoll, my roomie's partner is there now [04:50] hypa7ia, fun stuff === oddabe19 [~oddabe19@pcp01471558pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] hypa7ia, I know a _lot_ of people that threatened to move to Canada if Kerry lost [04:50] PlaztkEyes: it's a local chain, only like 7 stores. cheapest place in canada tho. and i got all the techs to try linux :-) [04:50] p00p: well, actually the two *should* be interchangeable === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] hypa7ia, none of them seem to be holding up their commitment [04:50] LifesizeKenDoll: http://www.marryanamerican.ca/ [04:50] lol [04:50] one of my american friends has already asked me to marry him :-) [04:51] thanks LifesizeKenDoll , that's good now [04:51] hypa7ia, I have Canadian and New Zealand citizenship - no America yet [04:51] Temet, yay! [04:51] LSKD: i read an article about the move to Canada thing. there's at least a year long waiting list. [04:51] hypa7ia, that site is amazing [04:51] hypa7ia, how old are you? [04:51] PlaztkEyes: depends on how much money you hace [04:51] I'll change my repository now LifesizeKenDoll ;) [04:51] LifesizeKenDoll: i know, eh? [04:51] Temet, yay, repository! [04:52] Temet, how come [04:52] what ? [04:52] Temet, why you changing the repository? === mrisager [~morten@e204074.ext.net.ias.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] ninkendo, nautilus is also not seeing 1 shared folder... it sees 1 out of 2 and not the printer [04:52] i want to add multiverse and universe LifesizeKenDoll ;) [04:52] Temet, ah, good choice [04:52] lol [04:53] what's the difference between univers and multiverse ? [04:53] don't ask me [04:53] lol [04:53] p00p: try smb://pcname/print$ [04:53] i was hoping for an omniverse option... [04:53] ok [04:53] LOL [04:53] does that show up? [04:53] omniverse ? [04:53] maybe hoary will have one... [04:53] =) [04:53] i'm lost := === Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427112-94.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] MoonSweep, different stuff in multiverse [04:53] :) [04:53] anyone here running PPC? [04:54] different [04:54] yes but what's the difference ? [04:54] ninkendo, doesn't work in nautilus, and foomatic refuses to save ANYTHING i change === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] LifesizeKenDoll, is "deb-src" repository usefull ? [04:54] p00p: what's wrong with the gnome cups manager? [04:54] Yes I have ppc [04:54] My sound volume is very low for system sounds even with it maxed out...when playing through xmms streamed music sound muted, and distorted...I checked prefs and changed xmms to use ALSA... [04:54] IMO that's much easier to use... [04:54] Temet, I've never used it [04:54] ninkendo, oh nothing works that's all [04:55] i mean it's the same thing [04:55] Temet, leave it in anyway, though [04:55] thanks [04:55] oki [04:55] it just saves what i put in.. most of the time [04:55] Lowry: Did you have this(these) problems? [04:55] Temet, I also have Java and a Win32 Codec Repository in my sources.list [04:55] I have the same problem [04:55] Zugwrack: did you maxed the different mixers (PCM, CD...) ? [04:55] Multiverse has more .deb than universe LifesizeKenDoll? [04:55] xine seems better for cd's [04:56] Zugwrack: did you look at the alsamixer settings [04:56] Temet, not actually sure [04:56] MoonSweep: Yes, and ran alsamixer from konsole for good measure just to be sure [04:56] p00p: alright try this instead [04:56] yahou LifesizeKenDoll, will you be sweet enough to send it to me by DCC ? [04:56] smb://username@machine/printername [04:56] Temet, send what? [04:56] maybe it's making you log in [04:56] ninkendo, in foomatic? [04:56] yes [04:56] ok [04:56] source.list LifesizeKenDoll [04:56] ninkendo, foomatic should be run as normal user, right? [04:56] i just realiezd i'm not running it as root [04:57] no, root is pretty much mandatory [04:57] hehehhe [04:57] but I mean the windows username === Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] Lowry: Have you heard any discussion on how to correct the problem? [04:57] i know that === lt_kije [~lt_kije@adsl-68-78-225-63.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] but that's probably why it won't save changes [04:57] this sucks I cant play UT *cires* [04:57] Temet, just add deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main [04:57] er, I read what you said wrong [04:57] oki [04:57] Temet, and deb http://jrfonseca.dyndns.org/debian/ ./ [04:57] thanx === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] Temet, that, plus uni/multiverse should be good [04:57] hmm, then again I'm not sure, as it seems to work as non-root also === WX [~chris@h-68-166-219-29.snvacaid.covad.net] has joined #Ubuntu [04:57] brb [04:58] but the gnome menu entry runs it as root [04:58] ninkendo, when i ran as root it already had the uri in that format, with user:pass@host/printer === htaccess [~don@] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] anyone know why /usr/share/dict/words doesn't exist on a vanilla warty install? === VR^ [VR@148-108.200-68.tampabay.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] what happens when you try and print a test page? [04:59] ninkendo, trying in foomatic now... nothing happened before in nautilus [04:59] maybe it worked [04:59] ninkendo, DOH [04:59] ninkendo, it works! [04:59] working? [04:59] i'm trying to search for words that match a certain pattern, and /usr/share/dict/words soft links to /usr/share/dictionaries-common/words, which doesn't exist [04:59] heh, sweet [04:59] ninkendo, LifesizeKenDoll, thanks so much for your help [04:59] no problem [04:59] what is the recomended methid of editing processes and runlevels in ubuntu, ie i want to switch services like cups and portmap off, rcconf doesnt seem to be here and i see no gui tool [04:59] and thank you unbuntu for the best desktop os i've used :) [05:00] :) [05:02] i wouldn't be tripping about the video driver, except i can't change the refresh rate, and 60 Hz is killing me... === Burgundavia [~Burgundav@S01060050ba84f285.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] I have several processes running as root that have no names. [05:03] PlaztkEyes: msg me, let's get this thing working === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] damnit! ... i burned my iso at a speed of 8x, and when i tried to install, it started skipping at some point... and just hung there eventually >:| [05:04] hum, sorry LifesizeKenDoll ... i made a mistake ... could you give me again repositories for flash, nvidia... [05:04] (shame on me) [05:05] Burgundavia, try 'ps auxww' [05:05] Can anyone help me with the grub problem described in "FAQ:MY system froze at GRUB". I cant get the fix to work. [05:06] what's your pb with GRUB mrisager ? === encKe` [~pcline@dsl-33.crcom.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] oki [05:06] i go and see [05:06] After Ubuntu install my system boot to the words GRUB and freeze. [05:06] Its a well-known problem but I cannot get the fix to work [05:07] fdisk complains that extended partition does not start at a cylinder boundary [05:07] yep [05:07] htaccess: Why the heck do they not show up as a name under sysmon? [05:08] a person i know has the same issue with FC3 === umarmung [~holger@pD9E68FF9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] FAQ at http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8933&postcount=1 [05:08] thanx === SmokingFire [~christian@ashanti.xs4all.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === icu [~e2@S01060004e2b2e013.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] mrisager, don't you have a knoppix? [05:10] the solution is in the page [05:10] Burgundavia, yes, i noticed that sysmon has them missing, must be a bug [05:10] Yes. When I boot into knoppix and try step 2, sfdisk says unrecognized input: extended partition does not start at a cylinder boundaryt [05:10] i don't understand what you need more [05:10] merde [05:10] Right [05:11] Temet, try the ubuntu LiveCD, like knoppix but ubuntu :) [05:11] When I play the ut2k4 demo on my dell 600m, fglrx mobility 9000, after a couple seconds of in game time with it looking perfect, everything seems to collapse into the center of the screen with a mash of triangle with a vertex at the center of the screen. Any ideas? === unperson [~nickc@dsl092-149-232.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] lol [05:11] htaccess: ok, I figured it was a bug, but I figured I should check [05:11] i've ubuntu htaccess ;) [05:11] Is it possible to set up lilo as the boot manager instead. It is less sensitive to the hard disk geometry issues [05:12] mrisager, you make a "su" befoire [05:12] before* [05:12] Yes === lightnin [~lightnin@68-235-182-70.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] well mrisager , i know another command [05:13] i search it [05:13] ?????? [05:13] Burgundavia, if you realy care what those processes are you can check the PID in sysmon and then grep for it in the ps output eg: ps auxww | grep 2213 [05:14] mrisager : sfdisk -d /dev/hda | sfdisk --no-reread -H255 /dev/hda --force [05:14] been there [05:14] same output [05:14] grrr [05:14] your hda HD is under windows or linux ? [05:15] htaccess: true, my concern was more that I had no idea what they were [05:15] win xp :-[ [05:15] not bad [05:15] I am back! [05:15] well, i'm sorry ... I don't know === luo [~luo@pcp09957450pcs.hyatsv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] Fair enough. Thanks anyway Themet [05:16] Temet [05:16] maybe juste doing another grub-install /dev/hda mrisager === encKe` [~encKe`@dsl-33.crcom.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] hi all [05:16] how would i go about installing samba [05:16] samba? [05:16] ?? Complains about Read-only file system [05:16] LifesizeKenDoll, I made a mistake, could you give me again the repositories for flash, nvidia... please === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] for windows file sharing [05:17] (sorry LifesizeKenDoll) [05:17] apt-get install samba [05:17] tried that [05:17] says [05:17] then do configuration === harper [~sdkliinet@] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] of? [05:17] smb.conf [05:17] LifesizeKenDoll ? Not Really back ? [05:18] and that would be where [05:18] /etc/samba/smb.conf [05:18] thanks [05:18] you dont have to configure it...I didn;t it did it all by itself [05:19] Temet, I'm here [05:19] you are welcome [05:19] what controls smb browsing in ubuntu if samba isn't installed? i.e. enabling it in network-admin, gnome-vfs-soemthing? [05:19] mrisager: I might know a bit about this. [05:19] I'm all ears [05:20] smbfs === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] LifesizeKenDoll, I can't install nvidia with synaptic I think ... i must reboot into a console mode and make a apt get? I'm Right ? [05:25] LifesizeKenDoll ? [05:26] euh [05:26] guys ? [05:27] Temet, you can install the nvidia drivers with synaptic [05:27] o_O === orospakr [~orospakr@CPE00a00cc1c1a6-CM00407b87b341.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] and reboot and it works umarmung ... ? [05:27] Temet, after that change nv to nvidia in XF86COnfig-4 [05:27] yep [05:27] then restart X and cross fingers :p [05:27] but usually, i have to boot to console mode to do that [05:28] no [05:28] don't do that [05:28] run nvidia-glx-config enable [05:28] hum [05:28] don't fight [05:28] HrdwrBoB, why no manual change? [05:28] HrdwrBoB, so i'm hearing great things about latest nvidia drivers, any idea when they might make it in? [05:28] that's the Correct way to do it [05:29] stuNNed: no idea, sorry [05:29] HrdwrBoB, doom3 wise [05:29] oh, interesting [05:29] HrdwrBoB, but why? Will i get any problems with my method? [05:29] HrdwrBoB, supposedly better framerates than windows counterpart, what they are saying in #nvidia === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] umarmung: it should work, but that's the package configuration tool [05:30] and it's also quicker :) [05:31] question how do you install install a c compiler cause when i try to install this lbjusb for my nomad zen mp3 player i'm doing what it says with extracting and then ./configure but when i run that it says no c compiler in Path [05:32] bigt, apt-get build-essential or something , afaik [05:32] it's not built already? [05:32] i don't believe so [05:32] i took it off the site [05:33] << so new to linux i wouldn't know if it was or not === lightnin [~lightnin@68-235-182-70.chvlva.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:33] libnjb0 - Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox library development files [05:33] bigt, try 'apt-cache search nomad' and install what you need from there :) [05:34] trying to follow the directions of http://gnomad2.sourceforge.net/?section=article [05:34] ok thanks [05:34] bigt, works here with dell dj :) [05:34] gnomad2 that is, all in ubuntu's repo's [05:34] no need to compile :) [05:34] ok [05:34] so just do a cache search? [05:34] or you can search in the gui it might be easier [05:34] synaptic [05:35] ok which ever way [05:35] lpinfo -v - no printer is showing on ppc ubuntu [05:35] trying to learn terminal so terminal would be good === mrisager [~morten@e204074.ext.net.ias.edu] has left #ubuntu [] [05:35] i figure if i learn terminal gui will be easy [05:35] bigt, then yes apt-cache search nomad then apt-get install it [05:36] thank you [05:37] it came up with libnjb-dev and libnjb0 so is the command sudo apt-get install libnjb-dev libnjb0 [05:37] bigt, sure === mike_douglas [~mike@] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] so thats the correct command? === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu === LifesizeKenDoll [~LifesizeK@c-67-167-236-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] anyone know any software that could help me create a pamphlet, that runs on Linux (preferably GTK-based). === LifesizeKenDoll [~LifesizeK@c-67-167-236-249.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === LifesizeKenDoll [~LifesizeK@c-67-167-236-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] ok good deal its working [05:39] so how we all doing today? [05:39] so i guess just plug the ting in the usb now and it should detect [05:40] bigt, is gnomad2 available? can't remember if i had to get a .deb for it off the web [05:40] mike_douglas, You mean other than OO.org writer or presenter? [05:40] well not sure [05:41] bigt, if you type 'gnomad2' in terminal ? [05:41] ok let me try [05:41] not found [05:41] ya, something with a template engine that works with pamphlets [05:41] bigt, one sec [05:42] thanks i assume the only way i can get access to the device is with gnomad2 [05:42] bigt, i got mine from http://packages.debian.org/unstable/x11/gnomad2 afaik [05:43] bigt, d/l the one you need then just 'dpkg -i gnomad2-xxxx' [05:43] ok [05:43] so download and then do the dpkg command? [05:43] again i'm learning [05:43] like sudo dpkg -i [05:44] yes === poin__t [point@] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] sorry but you said get the one i need in all honestly how do i know which one i need? i'm on a x86 box [05:46] mike_douglas, Hmm...I don't know. I haven't tried to do anything like that. Of the tools I know, I'd guess presenter would be the best suited. [05:46] bigt, i386 one === |QuaD| [~derek@beac872-0b01-dhcp190.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] <|QuaD|> hey all, i just installed ubuntu for the first time and am trying to install nvidia drivers === hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] <|QuaD|> i dled them from nvidia website [05:47] so the libcon2-4 and liblib2.0-0? [05:47] <|QuaD|> and they aren't compilint [05:47] |QuaD|: you wanna go with the Ubuntu ones [05:48] |QuaD|: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx [05:48] unperson: thanks anyways, I found Scribus, and that will probably due. [05:48] <|QuaD|> ahh... ok [05:48] <|QuaD|> lemme try that [05:48] |QuaD|: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats === macala [~macala@bdsl.] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] mike_douglas, Ah, cool. I wasn't aware of that project. Yeah, you might also be able to find appropriate templates for some of the OO.org stuff, but they don't seem to be there by default. [05:49] i'm going [05:49] bye all [05:49] MoonSweep: bye, man === macala [~macala@bdsl.] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:50] bye :) [05:50] Gaim, eh? === mike_douglas [~mike@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:50] ok i see what i was doing wrong duh [05:50] brb [05:51] <|QuaD|> LifesizeKenDoll: i just did that... but i think i did damage prior to it by trying to install the drivers! [05:51] |QuaD|: urg, what does it say? [05:53] dang error processing qnomad2 (--install) dependency problems leaving unconfigured :( [05:54] says it requires libid3tag0 [05:54] bigt: *tear* [05:54] *fart* === mbp_ [~mbp@ausrel1.hp.com] has left #ubuntu ["I] [05:54] lol [05:54] i'm learing this stuff for the first time and its kicking my bhonkey === Drel [~nick@dsl231-036-219.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] bigt, install by apt all it's dep's is what i did, then dpkg -i gnomad2-foo [05:55] ok i got the second part you said [05:55] how you do the apt all? [05:56] bigt, something like `apt-cache search libid3tag0` or osmething [05:56] then install what it finds? [05:57] Hello, I'm running into a wierd problem with my Dell Inspiron 2650 laptop. It has a Nvidia GeForce 2 Go video device. I have installed the "real" Nvidia drivers, and get graphics fine. However, when I logout from Gnome or if I try to reboot the system, the screen goes blank and the system appears to hang. Any ideas what's going on?? === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] Drel: I know the problem [05:57] bigt, go through the list and see if a packages matches up or provides what you need [05:57] I see someone reporting what seems to be the same problem with Debian here: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Debian/2004-04/1616.html [05:57] Drel: I have the same deal with mine [05:57] LifesizeKenDoll: Any solution or are you just stuck with it? [05:58] Drel: easy fix [05:58] did i mentiion how much i like ubuntu? [05:58] Drel, have had similar prob [05:58] LifesizeKenDoll: I'm all ears :) [05:58] Drel: all you gotta do is edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst [05:58] well id the cache thing and i typed sudo apt-get install libid3tag0 [05:58] Drel: and tap on vga=791 to the end of the kernel params [05:59] i am getting a server soon and i'll like to mirror ubuntu who do i speek to? [05:59] Drel: e.g. /vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda5 ro quiet splash vga=791 [05:59] LifesizeKenDoll: Sweet! I'll try that. [05:59] Gmail: I'd suggest checking the website [05:59] Drel: it should work out for you, man [05:59] Great, I'll brb and let you know either way. ;) [05:59] Drel: You gotta reboot, btw [06:00] Hopefully this will be the last time I have to hard power down the system. === sebast123 [~sebb@HSE-Montreal-ppp101196.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] strange says it depends but its not gonna be installed [06:00] thats just messed up === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu === offby1 [~user@offby1.atm01.sea.blarg.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] bigt, weird, libid3tag0 is installed here === sebast123 [~sebb@HSE-Montreal-ppp101196.qc.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [06:02] well it says its not installed here any way to get it reinstalled [06:02] i tried sudo apt-get install libid3tag0 === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD95E6E9A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] dpkg -l|grep libid3tag === amg [~amg@ool-44c11ab2.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] does do anything === jjh [~jjh@cable-68-190-4-68.abr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] doesn't [06:04] gnite all (thank you again, hypa7ia) === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] PlaztkEyes: cya later [06:05] k here it goes [06:05] it's Temet! [06:05] bigt, did you `apt-get update` first? [06:05] cya, LSKD [06:05] lol LifesizeKenDoll , you're back ! [06:05] Temet: yea, I switched to Gaim from xchat [06:05] alright yeah that worked i had an error in what i typed [06:05] Hum, do someone use 3ddesktop ? [06:05] so type gnomad2 now? after i do the install? [06:06] it's just an eyecandy thing you should see once and never see again [06:06] lol [06:06] yes [06:06] it is === offby1 [~user@offby1.atm01.sea.blarg.net] has left #ubuntu ["No] [06:06] but I like candies lol === Drel [~nick@dsl231-036-219.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] Temet: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/3ddesktopHowto [06:06] wow [06:06] are you god LifesizeKenDoll ? [06:07] Temet: not God, a god, but not God [06:07] cool can't open jukebox [06:07] :) [06:07] LifesizeKenDoll: Sadly, that didn't work. :( The boot up messages now take up the whole screen (before they used about 70% of the width and height of the screen), everything else works like it did before, but the screen still goes black when I logout. [06:07] Drel: *tear* [06:07] hey, what's your resolution go up to? [06:07] this guy is incredible [06:07] bigt, only works as root user here, then had to chown me:mygroup *.* to open in rhythmbox :\ [06:07] 1024x768k, I believe. [06:08] hrm [06:08] well tis not detecting the player [06:08] I reconfigured x to run in 24bit color depth, if that makes a difference. [06:08] bigt, `sudo -s` then `gnomad` [06:08] (when adding the nvidia binary drivers) [06:08] if you try 771 it'd probably work [06:08] shouldn't make a difference [06:09] bam your good [06:09] working [06:09] I'll try 771. Have to run to pick up a tasty hot pizza ;), will try that later. Thanks for the help! [06:09] you're [06:09] I want pizza :'( [06:11] well i spoke to fast worked crshed and will not start haha :) [06:12] Why wouldn't alsa recognize my sound card despite the proper modules being loaded? === sdkliinet_ [~sdkliinet@] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] hey stunned when you hit play selected does it crash back to the shell on you with relocation error? [06:14] bigt, i just use it to transfer stuff, you need to `chown you:yourgroup *.*` in the dir the audio files are [06:14] bigt, haven't figured out why can only access as root, could be some udev permissions setting, not sure. === DA-MAN [~DA-MAN@24-205-67-249.pas-mres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] ok well the files are on the mp3 harddrive [06:15] not sure exactly how i would chmod it as you said [06:15] i thought you could just play them off the player thru the comuter guess not [06:16] bigt, meaning after they are transferred to local hd...the chown part.. [06:17] oh ok [06:18] ne1 have any issues with the snd-i8x0 driver? [06:18] yep [06:18] so I bought an Audigy2 [06:18] it sounds like shit on my headphones, same with fc3. use to work fine with kernel 2.4 and oss [06:18] stupid questeion don you highlight the file on the right and right click and hit transfer selected? === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] bigt, also in /etc/hotplug/usb i have nomadjukebox and nomad.usermap but not sure what that is for :) [06:19] LifesizeKenDoll, hehe fraid i can't do that. it's a laptop [06:19] DA-MAN: oh, *tear* [06:19] ok [06:19] yeah, a sony laptop at that [06:19] hahaha [06:20] bigt, hightlight the file then click the left or right arrow [06:20] haha it doesn't do sh*t [06:20] it pretends to [06:21] says value too big for defined data type [06:21] DA-MAN: Did you ever have problems getting the sound to work at all? === icu [~e2@S01060004e2b2e013.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] nope [06:26] worked by default in 2.4 with fc1 and rhel [06:26] morning [06:26] works now even, just cracks and sounds crappy [06:26] stunned you still there mate? === mercurus [~mercurus@PIPP-p-144-134-201-201.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] dpkg-reconfigure what? is going to reconfigure network settings [06:27] Has anyone tried running unreal 2004 with an ati card and fglrx? [06:27] icu: ATI makes Baby Jesus cry === frosgate [~frosgate@] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] hehe I thought Old Dirty Bastard changed his name from Baby Jesus already [06:28] greetings to all [06:28] DA-MAN: lol [06:28] bigt, not really sure what's up, works here, i can send you the two files to put in /etc/hotplug/usb but don't know if that'll make a difference. [06:28] LifesizeKenDoll: Ya ya I know but i it's what I have in my laptop. [06:29] it just says there is a problem with the size [06:29] strange [06:29] how can I setup the kernel dri module for my radeon mobility 9000 card? === zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-60.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] bigt, tried another file? [06:30] bigt, if usb support recognizes it, should be able to transfer files back and forth. [06:30] hang on [06:30] yeah thats what i thought [06:30] but it doesn't [06:31] let me log in to here [06:31] on linux [06:31] so i can post you what it says [06:31] in a pm [06:31] sure. === poin__t [point@] has joined #ubuntu === HrdwrBoB [~matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] I made an automatic-porn-getter program in python [06:32] I obviously own === nevyn [~nevyn@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] Reading http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3723 What does the ati rage support with ppc linux? [06:33] LifesizeKenDoll: there's already one for firefox [06:33] it's called magpie :-) [06:33] hypa7ia: but does it sort the porn from non-porn [06:34] that it doesnt. === icu [~e2@S01060004e2b2e013.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:34] How good is direct rendering? === bert_ [~bert@adsl-66-218-57-250.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] Lowry: it is 3d graphics [06:34] Lowry: how would you have an ATI chipset on a PPC machine ? [06:35] hypa7ia: I call it Pornage, of the gentoo tradition [06:35] Apple used them in its powerbooks === dusko [~dusko@d154-20-57-183.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] and ibooks [06:36] Lowry: ah ... jolly good idea too [06:36] lil LifesizeKenDoll [06:36] the powermac g5 can also have a 9600ct or 9800 too [06:36] xt* [06:37] hypa7ia: my roommate bet me that I couldn't do it === natea_ [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] hypa7ia: showed him === dusko [~dusko@d154-20-57-183.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:37] lol [06:37] yay python! === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] Python is so cool === aTMsA [~atmsa@47.Red-213-96-95.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] I keep trying to convince my CS teacher to let my program in Python instead of Java [06:38] so i hear [06:38] i want to learn [06:38] i quit cs because of java :-( [06:38] Java := suck [06:38] for serious. [06:39] yea, definitely [06:39] I love python [06:39] do you have "how to think like a computer scientist"? [06:39] http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/ === zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-60.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] hypa7ia: no I don't [06:40] it's a great book === RoBLiNuX [~Maj3$tic@pool-162-83-254-20.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] hypa7ia: oh, I read that [06:40] hypa7ia: my bad === hypa7ia nods [06:41] no worries :-) === mali [~mali@adsl-69-211-239-62.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === mali is now known as gnx [06:43] hey guys :) [06:43] so i'm trying this ubuntu, being the gentoo whore I was [06:43] and i really like it [06:43] gnx: I was a gentoo whore, too! [06:43] however, i've reinstalled twice, and neither time was I asked to set my root password [06:43] lol [06:43] #anonymousgentoowhores [06:43] :) [06:43] lol [06:43] naw [06:43] I'm not anonymous [06:44] gnx: YOu use sudo [06:44] gnx: root is deactivated in Ubuntu. [06:44] gnx: Surely as a gentooer you should know about skimming the faq/installion stuff?:) [06:44] although I like its configurability, I don't like to configure _everything_. And source-based pissed me off [06:44] tried that -- it still asks me for a password [06:44] hmm ... which device should I feed to cdrecord ..? it is looking for a SCSI emulated drive that isn't available in kernel >= 2.6.x ... where should I direct it ? [06:44] it's your pass [06:44] gnx: Your user password [06:44] gnx: It *should* ask you for a password: ) [06:44] welcome to my club gnx lol [06:45] hrm... it worked this time [06:45] repeat after me kids [06:45] *looks around and slowly backs out of #ubuntu* [06:45] it's not a bug, it's a feature :-) [06:45] i understand === hypa7ia grins [06:45] but apparently, my fingers are really fucked up [06:45] lol [06:45] because i was sitting here for half an hour, typing the same god-damned thing [06:45] later ppl [06:45] and i reinstalled twice because of it [06:45] heh [06:45] lol [06:45] Use a better password then. :> [06:45] but it works now ... so i'll stfu. [06:45] gnx, LOL [06:45] <3 [06:46] heheh [06:47] hrm .. *clicks around ubuntu.org to find out more about debian* [06:47] why would you learn abotu debian from ubuntu.org, wouldnt you learn about debian from debian.org? :) [06:47] emerge sync is not working :X [06:47] ;P [06:47] lol gnx [06:47] nah, all the tools are virtually the same ;P [06:47] package management tools* [06:47] from what I hear.. [06:47] anybody tried ubuntu on amd64? [06:47] gnx: computer -> System Configuration -> Synaptic :) [06:47] emerge was modeled on apt-get after all [06:47] gnx, lol [06:48] .ew [06:48] gui? [06:48] fucking wow. [06:48] synaptic's just a front end for apt, gnx === holycow [~yada@S0106002078ccd651.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] Heh, there's command line too, but sometimes guis are quicker and easier. [06:48] I like apt-get more [06:48] moi aussi [06:49] so i think i am going to do this smart upgrade thing now? [06:49] smart update* === binary_10 [~binary@adsl-67-118-14-29.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === natea [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] good plan gnx [06:51] ok .. added the deb-net mirror, got a list, checked using smart update .. and how do I actually update these packages [06:51] the apply button is grayed out [06:51] :X [06:51] deb-net ? [06:51] well, deb off the net, not deb off the cd, or deb-src off the net [06:52] erm .. "repositories" [06:52] The ubuntu one is already there:) [06:52] yeah, you just have to check it [06:52] Hit 'reload' [06:52] Then do the smart-upgrade thing [06:52] ok [06:53] now it looks like it's sitting idle [06:53] did that install all the updates too? [06:53] Maybe no updates? [06:53] Believe it checks for updates during the install, enabling universe wont give you updates [06:54] 'cause obviously you havn't got anything from it yet :D [06:54] i'm off to bed, nite all [06:54] closed it, reopened it, did the same, apply is all of a sudden available for use [06:54] :) === Lowry [~Lowry@CPE-144-136-201-14.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] <3 hypa === hypa7ia grins at gnx [06:55] best of luck! === hypa7ia [~leigh@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:55] Does ubuntu ppc support booting from firewire hd? === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] hrm .. which of these repositories should I select? === scandium [scandium@linoratix.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] hi scandium [07:02] ajmitch: oh :) [07:03] heh === nevyn [~nevyn@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] scandium: decided to finally get rid of gentoo then? ;) [07:04] I have such a love/hate relationship with Gento [07:04] Gentoo* [07:04] currently leaning on the latter [07:04] LifesizeKenDoll, same here lol [07:04] I love Ubuntu, though [07:05] it has a _great_ configuration === ubll [ubll@cpe-065-184-044-045.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] things just work [07:05] ajmitch: no, I am just extending my mind :) [07:05] and it's based off of something great and stable - Debian [07:05] :) [07:05] although I do miss dropshadows [07:05] oh X.org 6.8, what must Debian loathe you so? === jgeorgeson [~icechat5@user-0ccstr2.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] not really loathe [07:07] it's a matter of time [07:07] much much time. [07:07] nevyn: you the nevyn i know? [07:08] yep. [07:08] I returned your book. === ntl [~nathanl@user-0vvd96d.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] whil trying to improve my ACPI support, I built a custom kernel to use a custom dsdt, there doesn't seem to be and text console display with it (not kernel boot messages, vt1-6 blank. other than that the system seems to run fine. x starts and gdm loads on vt7 like normal (didn't fix my acpi problems though) === corbob [~corbob@d66-183-237-16.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] HrdwrBoB: why won't they just move on to Sarge already? [07:13] jgeorgeson, do you know if ubuntu can ship with custom dsdt's? === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] An updated graph showing which data compression utility should maximize your hardware's network transfer speed is at http://www.nas.com/~change/private/best_compressors_for_networking.2.png. Comments welcome. [07:15] stuNNed: they could ship a kernel with the initrd patch, and during install ask what model laptop you have, and add their dsdt into the dsdt [07:15] jgeorgeson, that would be especially sweet. [07:16] kingsley: very interesting [07:17] i think i'll add that to bugzilla [07:17] HrdwrBoB: Can you elaborate on why it's interesting? === aktsuo_ [~aktsuo@lns-vlq-26-82-254-154-77.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] well my work/home connections are about 50kb/s [07:18] so for the most part, higher compression is better [07:18] but in other locations I get mucher higher, so getting the bzip2 results in longer overall time [07:18] even on a decent processor [07:19] HrdwrBoB: How fast are your home and work CPUs? [07:20] P4 2.8 [07:20] XP 2800+ [07:22] HrdwrBoB: Applying your CPU and network speeds to my chart, it looks like piping through 7za (p7zip package) at compression level 7 (grenn "x") would be worth trying. === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g3140.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] yeah [07:25] https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3379 === nevyn [~nevyn@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] anybody here rebuild their kernel to get S4 support? [07:31] brb === jgeorgeson [~icechat5@user-0ccstr2.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu === Klowner_ [~klown@zorg-212-115.revealed.net] has joined #ubuntu === GnuHippy [~jason@blk-222-217-193.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] hey === jgeorgeson [~justin@user-0ccstr2.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] anyone here? [07:37] yeah === GnuHippy looks at the side of his window [07:37] hey [07:37] what's up? === rushibhai [~rushi@pool-68-163-181-16.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] jgeorgeson, added my comments to https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3379 not much thought atm [07:38] saw that [07:38] the comment, that is [07:38] hi there === kent [~kent@h104n1fls24o825.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] anyone have sw susp built into their kernel? [07:40] i do [07:40] Lathiat: which one one did you use (Assuming you used one of the two methods already in the linux-source package)? [07:40] (orinoco scanning driver, mppe encryption for MS vpns and swsusp) [07:40] jgeorgeson: software suspend 2 (softwaresuspend.berlios.de i think) [07:40] the activately developed and sanely working one :) [07:41] Lathiat: i'm guessing that required patching the linux-source sources? [07:41] yeh [07:41] want my kernel? [07:41] you mean the one with a billion patches? [07:41] its only one patch [07:42] well i have 3 patches in mine but only one of them is swsusp [07:42] also ive got a debian package with the script to hibernate [07:42] humm.. last time i checked there were a few.. ? [07:42] i couldnt survive without it :) [07:42] rushibhai: there used to be two [07:42] but even then its not that bad [07:42] no thanks, i was just curious which one people were using. i rebuilt my kernel with both the included methods, but what commands are associated with which method [07:42] jgeorgeson: oh both the included ones arent really activately worked on afaik and i wouldnt recommend using them [07:43] no idea how to actually use them either [07:43] but swsusp2 works very well if you want to try that out [07:43] i see. for me suspend works pretty much out of the box with debian kernel [07:43] i couldnt live without it [07:43] rushibhai: acpi suspend-to-disk or suspend-to-ram? [07:43] suspend to disk.. [07:43] bios/acpi based suspend to disk? [07:43] I can S3 suspend with no tweaking, but i have no display on resume. absolutely no semblance of S4 at the moment [07:43] at some point i got susp. to ram to work, but it ate a lot of battery. [07:44] rushibhai: heh how much battery? [07:44] shouldnt use too much [07:44] well, i ran out of battery after four days of continuous suspension. [07:44] its an R40, lasts about 3:20 while running. [07:44] well [07:44] thats pretty good.... [07:44] :) [07:44] i mean it has to keep the ram alive [07:45] doesn't sound like a "problem" to me. seems like 4 days should have been in S4 [07:45] i figure its really meant to move placew [07:45] go home [07:45] etc [07:45] right. i like susp. to disk though. takes about :45-1min but doesn't eat battery at all. [07:46] yep [07:46] can do it over night and stuff. less hassle than to keep it plugged in to prevent battery to cycle etc. [07:46] mines pretty fast [07:46] cus i tell it to flush all the caches [07:46] and it only writes the ram in use [07:46] in single user mode its only 30mb so its hell fast [07:46] its usually ~100mb for me [07:46] down to 70 if i dont have OOo open [07:46] yeah swsusp2 is much faster. but i like to keep updating my kernel, so no patience to patch it every time ;) [07:47] i guess after moving to ubuntu i should just patch once and quit monkeying around.. :) === |^JaMeS^| [~nobody@cvip-dsl-205-154.cvip.net] has joined #ubuntu === |^JaMeS^| [~nobody@cvip-dsl-205-154.cvip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Tsjoklat [~Tsjoklat@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] hi all [07:48] hello [07:48] heya === Witigonen [~richardm@c024h163.dorm.reed.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] So is it normal for an, 'fsck -c /dev/hda1' check to just kind of sit there for the longest time and not report anything after the 'e2fsck 1.35 (date)' line? [07:50] Or... should I be worried? The partition is unmounted, so.. [07:50] umm [07:50] try using -C as well? === dle-- [~dle@Toronto-HSE-ppp3888471.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] So, 'sudo fsck -c -C /dev/hda1'? Or should it be just /dev/hda? === duke|ib [dukeku@c-24-21-168-125.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu === llamabutcher [~asdflkjae@CPE-24-160-241-7.wi.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === corbob [~corbob@d207-216-134-71.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] It's possible to install from the live CD, is that right? [07:51] hey guys, where can i get that 4mb installer? [07:51] i cant find a mirror anywhere === rabidbt [~rabidbt@] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] Anyone? [07:53] Lathiat,'sudo fsck -c -C /dev/hda1'? Or should it be just /dev/hda? (in case you didn't see it) [07:53] nono you want hda1 [07:53] -C just gives you progress [07:53] so might help [07:53] llamabutcher... have no clue === doko [doko@dsl-082-082-069-185.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] didn't even know there is a 4mb installer [07:54] did you try ubu's website? [07:54] yeah, cant find the ftp installer tho [07:54] i remember a 4mb one, but ill take one of any size, i just dont wanna dl cd's [07:55] ? === Safari_Al [~tr@ppp38-150.lns1.adl1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] I think you want to google for netinstall llamabutcher [07:55] and ubu is only one cd [07:55] Lathiat, thanks. [07:55] not several [07:56] and it has everything? [07:56] everythig [07:56] is there any reason that i don't get video in totem? [07:56] everything even [07:56] corbob try totem-xine [07:56] corbob: not having the right codec installed [07:56] i tried xine but it freezes X and causes x to restart... [07:57] llamabutcher you can even d/l the live cd to try it out before deciding you want ubu on your box [07:57] jgeorgeson, for avi, mpg, wmv... [07:57] corbob.... totem-xine works for me with .avi without crashing [07:57] xine itself crashes for me, hopefully it's the gui;) [07:57] corbob: works for me too. i added the marillat repo and installed w32codecs [07:58] you installed xine? not libxine? [07:58] xine is just the backend library, [07:58] jgeorgeson, marillat repo? [07:58] xine is gui [07:59] yes corbob [07:59] corbob: google "marillat apt repo" [08:00] jgeorgeson: or apt-get.org is good too [08:00] Lathiat: yeah, that would be quicker [08:01] It's possible to install from the live CD, is that right? === Lathiat doubts it but has no idea [08:01] ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ [08:01] dle: i don't think i've heard anything about that === corbob was going to install FC3, but alas i have 7 coasters because of it [08:01] stable [08:01] main [08:02] Tsjoklat: why not testing or unstable?: [08:02] don't ask me === topoto [~topoto@31.Red-217-127-82.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] that's what's on the ubu wiki page [08:02] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [08:03] I don't use marillat [08:03] no need for luckily [08:03] if I did, I would build it from cvs [08:03] hm, the unsupported formats faq entry says to use testing === corbob thinks the government is screwed [08:05] I just copied/paste what's on that site [08:05] if you feel happy with testing.. go for it :) === pisuke [~luis@84-120-70-104.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu === mercurus [~mercurus@PIPP-p-144-134-201-201.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] hey mercurus === dle-- [~dle@Toronto-HSE-ppp3888471.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["thanks"] === jgeorgeson [~justin@user-0ccstr2.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:09] is it a good thing when a bus driver is charged for DUI... [08:09] dui? [08:09] oh influence [08:09] heh [08:09] Driving Under INfluence... === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] anyone know where to get the bittorrents of enterprise [08:12] ah crap [08:12] ignore than and dont kill me :P [08:13] grr [08:13] *that === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] well vlc works for the video... [08:17] but i can't get it to work with alsa:( === RageMax [~max@dhcp-064-247-097-105.eg4.ohiou.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] well killing esd works:) === JsPr [~jnee@] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] is this normal? MPlayer was compiled WITHOUT GUI support. ..with mplayer-custom .deb? [08:25] how could a tar be 11MB but not have any files in it? [08:25] Amaranth: are you sure it doesn't? [08:25] stuNNed: mplayer gui support is shit [08:25] bob2, imho i agree :) [08:26] bob2, but it still puts a .desktop file under Applications [08:26] note to self: don't open 11MB tar files in vim [08:26] Amaranth: tar -tf foo.tar [08:26] stuNNed: ok [08:26] bob2: It has something in it but file-roller and tar xvf are coming up with nothing. [08:27] Ok, I'll try that. [08:27] are you sure it's a tarball? === netmonk [~netmonk@] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] bob2: That did nothing. [08:27] what does "file" say? [08:27] bob2: Pretty sure. === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu === JsPr [~jnee@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:28] Unless I zipped up my Windows fonts and uploaded them with a .tar extension. :P [08:28] check what file says [08:28] what the file says where? === svenl_ is now known as svenl [08:29] the "file" command. [08:30] it says "data" === joolz [~joolz@kiar.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] ah well === Amaranth deletes [08:32] it was just fonts === mrjive [~mrjive@net-206-24.noicomnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] ah crap no wonder it doesn't work [08:34] hi [08:35] how to confiugure the scanner ? [08:36] Ah you use SANE.. Scanner Access Now Easy :) === Witigonen [~richardm@c024h163.dorm.reed.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] So, XMMS is refusing to keep my settings when I close it. [08:39] All of my plugins revert to their default settings and turn off and it also reverts back to the default skin. [08:39] Any ideas? [08:39] xmms is buggy in many ways [08:39] is it closing or crashing? [08:40] bob2, I've been assuming that I've been closing it. It could be crashing when I tell it to close, though, let me see via terminal. [08:40] ...that's bizarre, it kept the skin this time. [08:40] hi * [08:40] Maybe it's just when I reboot... [08:41] Witigonen, it might be that you can't write to the config files... [08:41] Or, maybe it's just when I load it via the menu. [08:41] that would be even weirder [08:41] is your disk full? [08:41] df reports only 89% use. [08:41] does ubuntu support ntfs partitions? [08:41] or do you have to compile that into the kernel on your own... [08:42] corbob: it supports reading them but not writing to them most probably. [08:42] corbob: it supports reading from them [08:42] linux doesn't support (usefully) writing to them yet [08:42] bob2: there's an ndis style hack but it's not distributable. [08:42] captive-ntfs, yeah [08:42] yeah. [08:43] bob2, under gentoo and a beta version of 2.6 i was able to read and write ntfs without a hitch [08:43] it's one of those things I can't actually belive works [08:43] corbob: hahaha [08:43] corbob: they probably include captive-ntfs [08:43] corbob, it's doable, it's just very, very, very risky and you can lose all your data. [08:43] it was the vanilla source tree [08:44] corbob: did you config the kernel? [08:44] yeah [08:44] Question: I'm doing an 'fsck.ext3 -c -C pd /dev/hda1' and it's throwing out a LOT of bad blocks. Now, it's going to make it so that data is not written to those blocks and I can use my drive without a hitch, right? [08:44] i compiled ntfs support into the kernel [08:44] well, it wasn't the vanilla source tree, since linux doesn't support that yet [08:44] corbob: you turned on the option "EXPERIMENTAL DANGEROUS NTFS write support" [08:44] it didn't say expirimental or dangerous [08:45] bob2: I think it's there just marked hell dangerous.. [08:45] I'm almost certain it only supports modifying the contents of files without resizing them [08:45] like 99.9% [08:45] oh well i don't need write access [08:46] under windows i have read access to my 2 ext3 partitions, and under ubuntu i would like read access to my ntfs partition [08:46] corbob: So mount it. [08:46] that's easy === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] mount -t ntfs -o umask=002 /dev/whatever /mnt/ [08:46] greetings all and Tsjoklat [08:46] mount -t ntfs /dev/hdxX /mnt/windows [08:46] or something like that [08:46] oh [08:46] :) [08:46] hmm ... GNOME needs an audio CD burning solution [08:47] mercurus: It has several. [08:47] mercurus, yes, it does. It's going to be rhythmbox. [08:47] Amaranth: not graphical ones ... that I can find [08:47] mercurus: Pigeon CD Recorder, RhythmBox CVS, Nautilus, and one other I can't remember the name of. [08:47] mercurus: And of course you can always use k3b from KDE. === Lowry [~Lowry@CPE-144-136-201-14.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] Pigeon .. hmm ... didn't come across that one ... I look forward to Rhythmbox ... and Nautilus doesn't burn in CDR format, does it ? [08:48] I'll burn from winhole for now if nautilus doesn't do it [08:48] k3b: too much hassle [08:48] So, after a badblocks check, data won't be written to the blocks determined to be bad, yes? [08:48] I dunno if Nautilus does Audio CD, actually. [08:49] Amaranth: it'll burn them as data, but not audio :( [08:49] Witigonen: I should hope not. [08:49] Pigeon looks nice, I have it installed now. [08:49] Amaranth: universe ? [08:50] I think it automatically makes the disc a data/audio disc though. [08:50] mercurus: Source. [08:50] bob2, what does umask=002 mean? [08:50] Nautilus does not create audio CDs.. yet.. [08:50] corbob: Read only, iirc. [08:50] Amaranth: ah :) [08:50] corbob: everyone can read it, man mount [08:50] /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs ro,user 0 2 [08:51] is that what i want to put in fstab? [08:51] no === gruberman [~ENTERPRIS@h9n2fls35o294.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] well, it depends what you want to do [08:51] hmh, at least nautilus-cd-recorder has this in changelog for 0.6.2: "Support disc-at-once for audio cds [08:51] read it... === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] corbob: for everyone to read it? [08:51] yeah... [08:52] scary [08:52] then instead of ro,user use umask=002 [08:52] i only have 3 users on here, one is my regular user, one is my vncluser, and the other was a test user for a friend [08:52] you should never do that with systemfiles === gruberman [~ENTERPRIS@h9n2fls35o294.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] Tsjoklat, it's windows, it does it to itself [08:52] Amaranth: is Pigeon released by GNOME or independently ? [08:52] I have my windows part split in two [08:52] ntfs for system and fat for the read/write part [08:53] I think it is much safer that way [08:53] i only need to be able to access it to transfer files to be worked on [08:53] then i tranfer them back if i need them in windows;) [08:53] Tsjoklat: also means you can share files on a data or backup partition between the two operating systems, and means if one partition is inaccessible, the other might still be available [08:53] which reminds me i should setup a start up script to mount my ext3 partitions [08:53] yes... I just shield off the system part... the rest of windows is available [08:54] corbob: just put them in /etc/fstab [08:54] corbob, what I did, what I recommend, is having a very small fat partition to transfer files between the two operating systems, since both can write to fat. === bigtony [~bigtony@c-24-99-11-82.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] next time i decide to nuke windows i plan a low-level format, and hopefully installing either a cd-rom or second hard drive [08:55] that way i don't stress the cd-rw drive so much === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] is there something special that has to be done to make ubuntu recognize .mp3s? [08:55] bigtony: enable universe and add gstreamer0.8-mad [08:55] bigtony: it's a faq :-) [08:55] bigtony, either install xmms or gstreamer-0.8mad (or something like that). The wiki has the topic on it, under restricted formats. [08:55] ok sorry [08:55] Yeah, listen to crimsun. [08:56] and thanks [08:56] i tried to enable ripping to mp3, but i prefer ogg:) [08:57] There any way to modify what each mouse button does in gnome like in kde? [08:57] mercurus: I believe its own gnome.org and sourceforge [08:57] mercurus: I doubt that helps though. :P [08:57] s/own/on/ [08:57] Witigonen: you can switch the mouse buttons easily. Are you looking to customize beyond that? [08:58] i should setup my multimedia keys, seeing as i shelled out a ton of money for this keyboard === GnuHippy [~jason@blk-222-217-193.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] crimsun, yeah. I'd like my middle mouse button to do something and also the fourth/fifth mouse buttons to emulate the middle-button. [08:59] ok i did as you said crimsun, do i need to reboot or something cause when i open music play and go to the dir that the files are in according to gnomad2 they are not displayed [08:59] One day behind my desk... I get a phone call... a friend has a problem... what is the problem I said? he said I want to remove a file... okay what did you do? he said: I typed remove file.... I had visions of Harry Potter and a magical wand [09:00] Wait, bigtony, they're not being displayed? [09:00] Amaranth: do you use totem-xine or totem-gstreamer ? [09:00] yeah i just looked in fileviewer and they hav ea lock on them [09:01] vlc!!! [09:01] wrong window excuse moi === maxo [~maxo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] mercurus: totem-gstreamer [09:02] try totem-xine? [09:02] bigtony, try chmodding them. [09:02] Why? [09:02] Amaranth: hmm ... I've never had any luck with it ... however totem-xine works nicely [09:02] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [09:03] works for me too [09:03] like a charm [09:03] I have gstreamer-plugins installed, the only thing I haven't been able to plat is wmv3 [09:03] unfortunately i'm on day 1 of linux :) so how would i do that if you pardon my ignorance [09:03] I'm installing the dev package for libgstreamer in the hope that pigeon will compile happily without the binary [09:03] Man, this fsck.ext3 is STILL finding bad blocks on my drive. [09:04] Amaranth, if you ever get wmv3 files to work would you mind emailing me at knoxie@telus.net and let me know how to do it, then maybe i can nuke windows for good;) [09:04] err can you at least get them to play... [09:04] corbob, does vlc play them? [09:04] yes and no [09:04] w32codecs corbob [09:04] i can get it to play them, but i don't have any video [09:04] get that [09:04] just sound [09:05] How strange. [09:05] of course if you start vlc from a terminal it's quite enlightening [09:05] you get a ton of assertion messages [09:05] just use mplayer [09:05] witi: you mind telling me the chmod command to use ? [09:05] yes, the devs are idiots, but it works most of the time [09:06] GnuHippy, where do i get w32codecs from? [09:06] sec [09:06] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats [09:06] ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ [09:06] Amaranth: are you on warty or hoary ? or using the CVS version of Pigeon ? I've installed totem-gstreamer and the dev packages ... yet it appears to be searching for gstreamer-0.7 ... and Ubuntu has 0.8 ... suggestions ? [09:06] bigtony, 'sudo chmod +R 777 /directory'. I think. sudo to get root permissions, chmod to change the permissions, +R so that it's recursive and changes subdirectories as well, 777 to give full permissions to everyone, and the directory that you want to start. [09:06] it'd be cool if people got into the habit of reading the wiki before popping on IRC [09:07] mercurus: i'm on warty [09:07] add this line corbob to you sources.list [09:07] deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ stable main [09:07] mercurus: I can't remember what package I installed to make it work, I know I had to install about 5 of them along the way [09:07] Amaranth: ok, i'll keep digging [09:07] bob2, what about those of us that live on irc? [09:07] ack [09:07] thank you is there a place other than a google search where i can learn the basic commands for this thing? === mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] my gnome-panel is frozen [09:07] corbob: then read the wiki before asking === RuffianSoldier [RuffianSol@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] Anybody have any idea how quickly Firefox 1.0 will replace the .9.3 that Ubuntu has? [09:08] being on IRC is not an excuse to be lazy [09:08] Witigonen it will in hoary [09:08] Witigonen, I'd guess in Hoary [09:08] Witigonen: 1.0 will never go in warty, 1.0pr is in hoary already [09:08] infact 1.0 -rc1 is in hoary now [09:08] I am using it as we speak [09:08] bigtony, I usually use gogole or 'man command', you get a LOT of information from man pages. There are also these card things that you can buy with lots of information about all the basic commands. But your man pages and google is your best bet. [09:08] gnome-panel is eating 88% CPU! [09:08] hey Ruffian [09:09] it is lying to you Amaranth [09:09] Alright, thanks, GnuHippy, mjr, and bob2. [09:09] ok thank you thats the man correct? [09:09] "Have you heard of that new Distro Ubuntu? Its sooooooooo stupid! theres no root, and you cant apg-get! BOY EM I MISSINFORMED!" [09:09] Amaranth: you should totally complain on IRC instead of filing a bug [09:09] bigtony, correct. [09:09] bob2: heh, i just killed it [09:09] RuffianSoldier: please try to stay at least a little on-topic [09:09] sudo is more secure === bdale [~bdale@rover.gag.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] bob2, Get off my case =) The topic is Ubuntu [09:09] bob2: I doubt its reproducable. [09:10] bob2 is a script or something he is always telling everybody the rules [09:10] bob2: I can't reproduce just now, doing the same things. [09:10] RuffianSoldier: your random thoughts about sudo and "poop" aren't really on-topic [09:10] like a bot [09:10] geeze what am i don't wrong i typed cd ~ to go back to the main root then i typed sudo chmod +r 777 /torrents and it says no directory found [09:10] GnuHippy: yeah, and I never give useulf help to anyone [09:10] but if i type cd /torrents i can go to the dir [09:10] bob2, I was making fun the Ubuntu Bashers [09:10] I wasn't saying that bob [09:10] calm down [09:11] I'm quite calm [09:11] bob2, therefore, they are not my thoughts [09:11] bigtony: either chmod +r it, or chmod 0777 it, not both -- and chmod 755 it, not 777(!) [09:11] humor is good === Amaranth bows to bob2 [09:11] He helps everyone in both #ubuntu and #debian === GnuHippy shines bob2's shoes [09:11] bigtony, ~ is your home directory, not the root directory of the drive. When you told it to chmod /torrents, then you are chmodding /torrents, not ~/torrents. Try 'sudo chmod +R 0777 torrents' from ~. [09:12] bigtony, make sure you use a capital R, unix is case sensitive :) [09:12] sudo bash!!! [09:12] R is not the same as r, in other words. [09:12] Witigonen: NEVER chmod 777! [09:12] Witigonen: really.. it lets other people write [09:12] Witigonen: Unless you're using rm, then it is. :P [09:12] Witigonen: Linux is case sensitive, so R is different from r, yes. [09:13] Anyone had experience getting Linksys wireless cards to work w/ debian? [09:13] chmod +R 777 / is fun;) [09:13] it's also painful when root can't log in anymore [09:13] you said 755 and now 777? [09:13] is it 755? [09:13] bigtony: yes, 755 = "rwxr-xr-x" [09:13] k/win35 [09:13] bigtony: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rc/help/faq/permissions.html [09:13] Amaranth: ah ... there's an old 0.6 package available - that fixed it === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] well, satisfied configure anyway :) [09:14] So many distros, so little hard drive space === basaxon [basaxon@pcp08146056pcs.tsclos01.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] root@bigtony:~ # sudo chmod +R 0755 torrents [09:14] chmod: invalid mode string: `+R' [09:14] root@bigtony:~ # [09:14] -r. [09:14] shouldnt that be a -R? [09:14] but be very very careful [09:14] bigtony: yes, it's either -R (recursive) or a+R (make all files that already have one "read" bit readable by all) === ondrej [~ondrej@maple.globe.cz] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] bigtony, sorry, -R, my mistake. [09:14] bigtony: read http://www.dartmouth.edu/~rc/help/faq/permissions.html first [09:14] ok thanks [09:14] going there now [09:15] why is wiki.ubuntulinux.org/Archive immutable? [09:15] Amaranth: it is quite young isn't it ... crashed out :x but it looks like a bloody good start [09:15] I'll file any bugs I find [09:15] ondrej: the old wiki is frozen [09:16] ondrej: and letting random idiots add archive mirros seems like a bad idea === thx1138 [~bdusauso@232.75-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] Amaranth: it doesn't seem to have a wav converter or similar ... have you burned non-wavs to CD ? [09:16] *audio CD [09:16] ok i typed chmode -r torrents [09:17] bob2: yeah, but since I am not an random idiot I need to change my mirror location a bit (from ftp://archive.ubuntu.cz/cdimage/ to ftp://archive.ubuntu.cz/releases/) [09:17] mercurus: it supports everything gstreamer does [09:17] ondrej: is it editable in the new wiki? [09:17] ondrej: that or email elmo [09:17] mercurus: thats why it uses gstreamer === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] bob2: where's new wiki? [09:18] Amaranth: ah ... ok, I'll have to mess around with gstreamer ... which has always crashed out on me the first time I opened it :x [09:18] haha still with a lock dang it let me go read some more [09:18] ubuntu/wiki/ [09:19] mercurus: just make sure you have universe and apt-get install gstreamer-plugins [09:19] mercurus: after that it pretty much supports everything you will probably ever use [09:19] Amaranth: will it pickup the w32 codecs I installed ? or is additional tweaking required ? [09:19] when i try that chmod -r 0755 torrents it says 0755 is not a directory [09:19] gstreamer doesn't support w32codecs [09:20] so yes, it will require tweaking; you'll need to code your own gstreamer-w32-plugin :) [09:20] hmm ... it is possible to have totem-xine and gstreamer (NOT totem-gstreamer) installed ? [09:20] yes, it is [09:21] just not totem-gstreamer... [09:21] hmm ... that's how I'll have to go ... I need to be able to listen to recorded lectures, that are supplied in WMV :( [09:21] So hoary will use GNOME 2.10, right? [09:21] so when one upgrades to hoary... [09:21] Amaranth: yes [09:21] Amaranth, that's the idea [09:21] just use mpolayer, you could have had all this working by now [09:21] will the launchers be updated... [09:21] Yeah, that was the whole point of the 6 month release schedule, wasn't it? === BeTa [~beta@beta.loc.e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] bob2: but I already have a tonne of multimedia applications installed ... why one more ? [09:22] mercurus, bugger. Stuff like that _really_ should be in an open format like vorbis (or for lectures, maybe speex) [09:22] corbob: the menu? yes. [09:22] Amaranth: it's synced with gnome's releases, yes [09:22] but not if you upgrade everything from synaptic... [09:22] mercurus: it's billion times less fucking around than you've already done [09:22] mjr: my thoughts exactly, and I've whinged to them about it ... and they said it was part of their strategic plan ... for 2008. [09:22] mercurus, whee [09:22] corbob: your question makes no sense [09:22] the evolution launcher on the top panel... [09:23] bob2: true ... but I'd rather use the Ubuntu \ GNOME supplied apps ... [09:23] corbob: it's broken in hoary now, yes === phill [~phill@shodan.digitalventures.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] corbob: since you're using hoary, you surely know how to look it up in the BTS and how to fix it, right? [09:23] but when hoary is released it will be fixed... [09:23] BTS? === dizzy [~dizzy@adsl189-44-tn.aknet.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] well, there you go [09:23] i just changed it to launch evolution instead of evolution2.0 [09:23] don't use hoary unless you at least know how to look up bug reports [09:23] oh Bug Tracking System [09:23] :P [09:24] yes, it will be fixed before hoary [09:24] it will probably be fixed in the next upload === mvo_ [~egon@suprimo-161.ping.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] bob2, how can I set apt-get/syaptic to use both debian repositories and universe? [09:25] RuffianSoldier: I'm not going to tell you how to do that [09:25] in order to update the menu do i need to log out and back in? === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] bob2, why? is it illegal? or just long? how about this, can it be done? or is this just a dumb question..... [09:26] RuffianSoldier: yes, it can be done. no, it's not illegal or hard to explain. [09:26] I think the latter Ruffian [09:26] but you will break your machine, and I'm almost certain you won't be able to fix it [09:26] RuffianSoldier: I was doing that, it sucks. [09:26] Amaranth, why? [09:27] aaah, bob2 explained [09:27] RuffianSoldier: You end up with packages needing certain version of things that won't install unless you force them. [09:27] And sometimes forcing the install of that version breaks a bunch of other things. [09:27] Ya, Ubuntu repositories are just as good as Debian [09:27] forcing dependencies is not a good idea [09:27] corbob: yes, unless you have famd running === Amaranth remembers seeing half his system marked to be uninstalled with apt while trying to mix things === tuppa [~tuppa@] has joined #ubuntu === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] [00000271] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `WMV3'. [09:28] VLC probably does not support this sound or video format. [09:28] bleh [09:28] sleepy time! [09:28] lets see if xine works with w32codecs [09:29] i still have totem-gstreamer installed... [09:29] apt-get install -t testing Ruffians-Brain [09:29] or it says it is, but synaptic supposedly uninstalled it to install totem-xine [09:30] aww i figured it out linux is case sensitive i had a -r instead of -R [09:30] yeah [09:30] polypaudio can replace esound and just jack as a backend? [09:30] everything is case-sensitive in unix [09:30] I'm in love. [09:30] bigtony, i think everyone gave up on telling you that after you made the mistake even after they repeatedly told you [09:31] yeah i'm sorry [09:31] tired 3am ;) [09:31] if i disappear blame xine;) [09:32] still has the lock on it though but oh well thanks again [09:32] brb === corbob [~corbob@d207-216-134-71.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === mpatton [~mpatton@12-219-114-153.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] hello all...new to this distrib, but been out of linux for awhile [09:34] does anyone know why i receive this message when trying to setup a python program: [09:35] mpatton@xenin:~/ABC-Linux-V.2.4.3 $ python setupabc.py [09:35] Traceback (most recent call last): [09:35] File "setupabc.py", line 2, in ? [09:35] from distutils.core import setup [09:35] ImportError: No module named distutils.core [09:35] mpatton: yep, let me see if i remember the solution [09:35] install python-dev [09:35] There you do. [09:35] too few arguements [09:35] hmm? [09:35] yes, you need to apply some common sense, too [09:35] apt-get install python-dev [09:35] later on guys sorry to be a pest thanks again for the help i got it [09:36] install was averb, not a command [09:37] excellent..one more quick Q, i dont remember setting a root pw === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] yes, you forgot to read the FAQ [09:37] mpatton: Yeah, you don't [09:37] which is the first item in the topic [09:37] mpatton: sudo [09:37] which explains how everything uses sudo [09:37] bob2: Some things can't use sudo. Crossover Office, for one. [09:37] pitti :) [09:38] Amaranth: why can't it use sudo? [09:38] why does it even need root? [09:38] Moring Tsjoklat, morning world [09:38] bob2: Doesn't need root if you want it installed for just you [09:38] Amaranth: you can't install it with sudo? [09:38] sudo bash then;) [09:39] interesting..so no root access [09:39] But if you try to sudo install it it says $HOME needs to be owned by you or something and that you should login as root or use su instead of sudo. [09:39] well im off to read the faq...i appreciate the assistance :) [09:39] Amaranth, sudo bash would probably work... [09:39] Amaranth: that sounds like a bug in crossover === chemaja [~chemaja@c220-237-32-86.brasd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] mpatton: If you really want it run sudo passwd and set a root password. [09:39] someone who has bought it should file a bug === Amaranth goes to file a bug [09:40] wait, why? [09:40] They know about it, the message that pops up is a part of the installer. [09:40] It isn't an error they don't deal with or anything. [09:40] ? [09:40] of course they can [09:40] it's installing to /usr/local, it doesn't need to care if $HOME is even set === uman [~uman@220-245-55-54-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === draconian is away: Find me in the shadows === arthur [~arthur@adsl-48-50.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] draconian: please turn that off [09:41] sorry [09:41] thanks [09:41] np [09:41] yay totem-xine works:) [09:42] but it's not in the menu:( [09:42] neither is vlc [09:43] hi there, anybody who recently upgraded to whoary can help? === SteveA_ [~steve@office.pov.lt] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] it's "hoary" [09:43] :-) === poin__t [point@] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] bob2 can you? [09:43] whoary eh, spend a little too much time with hookers eh... [09:43] arthur: you haven't asked a question yet [09:43] So, will I ever be able to get something like gaim 1.0.2 from apt with warty? [09:43] firefox has stopped working [09:44] Maybe from universe or something? [09:44] everything else is fine [09:44] Amaranth: no [09:44] bob2: Wow, that kinda sucks. [09:44] I am getting strange message like "acces key.. something [09:44] Amaranth: no [09:44] I suppose I could just make a deb on my own. === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] Then give it to others who want it. [09:45] Amaranth: the point of a "stable" release is that it doesn't change [09:45] if you want constant change, use hoary [09:45] the X server is great [09:45] bob2: Debian stable changes. [09:45] arthur: have you restarted it since working? [09:45] er, since upgrading [09:45] just this morning [09:45] Amaranth: only for critical bugs and security fixes [09:45] :-) [09:45] Amaranth: the exact same policy ubuntu is using [09:45] Amaranth: so you have? [09:46] Amaranth, the only updates to warty will be for security fixes and other critical bugs;) [09:46] bob2 answer is yes [09:46] anyone not used this: http://services.google.com/marketing/links/au-oa-inter/ please use it and put $50 werth of ads up for ubuntulinux.org HeHe [09:46] bob2: GAIM 1.0.2 fixes security issues. [09:46] Gmail: please stop it [09:46] Amaranth: then the fixes will be backported to the version in hoary [09:46] it seems to work fine with this only exception [09:47] have tried to reinstall firefox but didn't change one thing [09:47] bob2: Ok, thats all I needed to know. [09:47] arthur: please file a bug === b_e_n_z [~Mercedes@vp183179.kln.uac68.hknet.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] bob2 to bugzilla? [09:47] arthur: yes [09:48] is eyedling ok here? [09:48] It looks like it's a script preventing it from starting [09:48] mpatton, i hope so [09:48] bob2 I had adblock installed [09:48] there's 264 people in here, if they were all talking at the same time it'd be utter chaos;) === Kal_Zakath_ [~Kal_Zakat@20-118.a2f.dsl.net4all.net] has joined #ubuntu === chemaja takes a deep breath and installs GnuCash [09:49] bob2 anyway I'll give it a try [09:49] arthur, is the version of adblock you were using compatable with 1.0 PR1? [09:49] good luck with the GNOME 2 port, GnuCash developers! [09:49] corbob I whish I new :-( [09:50] jdub: I noticed that we now have gamin instead of FAM. Congrats! But does our kernel already support inotify? [09:50] ugh, 40MB of GNOME 1.x deps... [09:50] i thought firefox automatically checked that sort of thing [09:50] at least it did on windows [09:50] It actually does [09:50] chemaja: Whatever needs that should be shot. [09:50] Amaranth: GnuCash. [09:50] still using windows? ;-) [09:51] arthur, only for games now [09:51] corbob: The linux version does those checks too. [09:51] :-) [09:51] Amaranth: but i'm all ears for a better software package for personal finances [09:51] chemaja: I don't know of any. [09:51] chemaja: I use a pen and a notebook. :P === pisuke [~luis@84-120-70-104.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] i no longer need it for videos which i formerly needed it for [09:51] anybody else any idea for this firefox thing? === stvn [~steven@] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] i also use windows on my laptop, cause i can't seem to get anything else to work:( [09:52] Amaranth: but i'm lazy goddamnit. [09:52] :) [09:52] "allowpopups.accessey" [09:52] this is the message [09:53] that sounds like a problem with adblock === uman [~uman@220-245-55-54-qld.tpgi.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [09:53] cordob I had warty on my laptop just fine [09:53] you know extensions need to be updated for each new firefox release, right? [09:53] laptop PC :-) [09:54] hi [09:54] bob2 point is firefox doesnt start anymore [09:54] could someone give me a stock install XF86Config-4 file ??? [09:54] I can't recreate a new one with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 [09:54] and yes I know [09:54] arthur, if you can get it on my laptop i will pay you good money [09:54] I gives me an error (in debug mode) telling me that dpkg won't update configuration file because it has been customized [09:54] but you have to use the tools i have [09:54] Kal_Zakath_, X --configure [09:54] that is an external cd-rom drive, and a pcmcia ethernet adapter [09:54] cordob are you willing to send it to Italy? [09:54] b_e_n_z ? [09:55] I do it free of charge :0) [09:55] if there was a boot disk i could possibly get it to work [09:55] there is [09:55] so i use ssh and vnc to my desktop;) [09:55] Kal_Zakath_, i meant xf86config [09:55] have you tried life? === jocce [jahlback@ax18.netikka.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] that's why i have my vncluser user on here;) [09:55] oh god DAMN it's ugly. [09:55] life? [09:55] arthur: yes, remove the extension and try again [09:55] life CD I mean [09:55] Kal_Zakath_: read the file [09:56] i can install RH7.3 on there, but that's it [09:56] arthur, it can't boot from cd [09:56] bob2 where is the extension? [09:56] arthur: no idea [09:56] cordob you must change BIOS [09:56] arthur, it has the most up to date bios [09:56] bob2 thta's bad news [09:56] it is an external cd [09:57] cordob you have to tell it from where to boot [09:57] it's a parallel port cd-rom, and to get it to work in anything i need drivers [09:57] can't you specify the boot sequence? [09:57] that only seem to exist for the 7.x series of red hat === Kal_Zakath__ [~Kal_Zakat@20-118.a2f.dsl.net4all.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] yeah i can choose either floppy or hard drive first [09:57] cordob sounds like you are out of luck owever, boot floppy should do [09:58] cordob than you try boot floppy with sitable grub loader [09:58] a === spacey`ki [~ki@] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] cordob just a guess [09:59] i may try a debian network install [09:59] nobody can give ma a stock XF86Config file then ??? [09:59] cordob sounds you want to go the difficult way [09:59] then i could possibly replace my source.list file to one for ubuntu;) [09:59] Kal_Zakath__: please just do what I said [09:59] yes that's a possibility [09:59] since it explains EXACTLY what to do [10:00] do what ? didn't see it [10:00] you can PXE boot ubuntu [10:00] 18:55:56 bob2 | Kal_Zakath_: read the file [10:00] does xine discard late video frames? [10:00] ??? [10:00] bob2 : it's file generated by fglrxconfig [10:00] Kal_Zakath__: you don't know how to view text files? [10:00] so it dosn't say anything [10:01] then you fucked up [10:01] my god... [10:01] does anybody know in which directory firefox puts extensions? [10:01] don't do that again === agenteo [~agenteo@] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] sudo dpkg -P xserber-xfree86 ; sudo apt-get install xserver-xfree86 [10:01] er, xserver-xfree86 [10:01] it's somewhat amazing that I have to re-install xserver-xfree86 only because of one config file o_O [10:02] why don't you just restore the backup? [10:02] what time is firefox 1.0 being released? [10:02] 1AM pacific [10:02] watch the web site [10:02] corbob: www.mozilla.org/projects/firefox/ [10:02] what backup ? [10:02] shaver, it's late then [10:02] Kal_Zakath__: oh, what a surprise [10:02] Kal_Zakath__: in future, don't randomly destroy config files [10:02] mmm [10:03] this fglrxconfig shit overwrited my config file without asking [10:03] corbob: my mirror shows it [10:03] http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/1.0/linux-i686/ [10:03] (I think I'm getting sunsite) [10:03] Kal_Zakath__: then file a bug with ati [10:03] Kal_Zakath__: and there is areason firegl is not supported by ubuntu ;) [10:03] well... [10:03] shaver, the website doesn't show it:P [10:03] that's what i'm going by === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] the website is on an odd refresh mechanism [10:04] It's seems that you take me as an idiot, so I'll try not to come here too often, don't want a heart atack because I'm getting nervous [10:05] I'm not taking you as an idiot [10:05] but firegl isn't supported on ubuntu, and it's really shitty that it deletes config files withotu asking === silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] bob2: still, it isn't Kal_Zakath__'s fault if he didn't know that [10:06] Kal_Zakath__, can't you just re-create one... X -configure or xf86config [10:06] bob2: stop acting so #debian-ish [10:06] web site updated [10:06] b_e_n_z : cool === corbob wonders when it hits hoary repositories [10:07] X --configure didn't work but xf86config is ok [10:07] Kal_Zakath__, it's X -configure [10:07] not that there'd be much difference between 1.0 PR1 and 1.0 [10:07] Kal_Zakath__: your X config is gone? run "dexconf" once.. [10:07] thanks m8, YOU are helpful :) [10:07] Treenaks : it seems not to be included with ubunutu === jonathan__ [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] there are quite a few differences between PR and 1.0 [10:08] > 250 bug fixes, I think [10:08] don't worry Kal.. plenty of ppl that will try to help you out [10:08] Treenaks : heeu [10:08] Kal_Zakath__: is /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 still there, or is it really gone? [10:08] It works too Treenaks, thanks :) [10:08] you'll note that I gave the exact command to restore it [10:08] Kal_Zakath__: it works? OK then :) [10:08] and I apologise for underestimating the crapness of firegl. [10:08] hurah! === adnans [~adnans@noterik2.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] bob2 : wich command ? didn't saw it [10:09] ah well you can always tell him to file a bug report bob2.. it's usually your standard answer [10:09] 19:01:21 bob2 | sudo dpkg -P xserber-xfree86 ; sudo apt-get install xserver-xfree86 [10:09] 19:01:29 bob2 | er, xserver-xfree86 [10:09] lol [10:09] Tsjoklat: ? [10:10] it would be cool if there was a command with the functionality of top, that showed ALL processes in a pager window (ie. features like dynamic sorting on columns) [10:10] if something is broken, file a bug [10:10] whinging on IRC does not get things fixed [10:10] if you want hoary to be awesome, you have to help by filing bugs [10:10] reinstalling, seems not to be the right solution to me just to rewrite a config file [10:10] I doubt ppl are whining.. they are at a lost and desperatly trying to find help [10:10] bob2: no, but asking for a solution on IRC WILL get you a workaround most of the time [10:10] Kal_Zakath__: you're misunderstanding what reinstalling is [10:10] and how would you know if it is not just you but a general problem if you don't 'whine' [10:11] Kal_Zakath__: you could just as easily install it over the top with --force-confmiss [10:11] well, nevermind, I have a correct config file now [10:11] bob2: no, because X generates its config file [10:11] Treenaks: yes, but the other side of the coin is helping people in the future by filin g a bug so it can be fixed [10:11] bob2: you need to do some magic for get dpkg-reconfigure to regenerate the config file [10:11] so I test the config file now [10:12] in order for ppl to file a bug report they have to find out first that it is a general problem === jonh [~jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] besides.. the 'whining' on irc has made it that a lot of bug reports were filed.. by the developers that sit in this channel [10:13] Treenaks: ah, I did not know that [10:13] Tsjoklat: none of the developers regularily answer questions in here [10:14] bob2: look at the comments at the top of XF86Config-4, it explains how to get the auto-recreation to work again [10:14] users filing bugs is far far more helpful than hoping a developer will happen to see a complain at export it [10:14] Treenaks: yeah, I know [10:15] they may not answer questions but they pick up things... for most ppl irc is more comfortable === lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] I am quite certain the developers would far prefer for people to file bugs than to hope that a devloper sees their comments on IRC [10:16] because all it does is add an extra step, "developer files bug", before you get to the "developer fixes bug" stage [10:16] but in the end it only hurts the people not reporting bugs, so meh [10:16] and it would be a shame if it was made less comfortable by carelessly uttered remarks and comments [10:17] bob2: the problem is. establishing that what you experience is actually a bug and not just your own stupidity is non-trivial [10:17] erm, ok [10:17] nevyn: sure [10:17] that's what I meant nevyn.. you worded it just right [10:17] asking on irc is a good didea to establish that [10:18] but then people have to go file it, instead of just leaving it [10:18] right. [10:18] being a newbie is hard.. making an arse out of yourself is something nobody likes to do [10:18] it seems we are in violent agreement :) [10:18] see 272752 :) [10:18] I don't see any violent [10:18] well, everyone makes an arse of themselves at some point === neuro|laptop [~neuro@] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] I thought we were having a discussion [10:19] Tsjoklat: are you sure about that, I see ppl doing it a lot ;) [10:19] yes... and there is no need to have somebody rub it in [10:19] bob2: btw.. run $EDITOR /usr/bin/su-to-root [10:19] stvn :P === robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] thing is you have to get over the embarassment facto to make progress. [10:20] hm, dodgy sh [10:20] bob2: I proposed a fix at the end of the above bug. [10:20] ah, right [10:21] saw that discussion earlier [10:21] well I might get all hyper, but I just think it is unjust what bob2 said [10:21] the 'whining' part [10:21] I wasn't refering to anyone in particular [10:22] it was a general "if you want something fixed, file a bug" comment [10:22] irc is usually the first place where ppl go and talk... vent if you like [10:22] I know [10:23] well perhaps you should have named it: complain [10:23] instead of whine === paperflake [~paperflak@] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] lo ppl [10:23] hm, I didn't intend whine to have negative connotations beyond what complain does [10:23] it does [10:23] how is it going ? [10:24] it has a very negative tone to it [10:24] Tsjoklat: I apologise, I didn't intend it to === b_e_n_z [~b_e_n_z@vp183179.kln.uac68.hknet.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] paperflake: everything's fine, basically.. [10:24] but what would I know [10:24] can anyone guide me as where to i can download the libgtk2.0-0 ??? [10:24] paperflake: need ubuntu help? :) [10:24] Treenaks: no, thank you for your construtive criticism, I will bear it in mine [10:24] erm, Tsjoklat [10:24] Treenaks: good, glad for u :) [10:24] well, both of you [10:24] Treenaks: yeah [10:25] paperflake: use apt to install packages, it'll pull in the dependancies in automagically:) === mctavish [~dcahill@] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] thanks bob2 I appreciate that [10:25] erm, mind [10:25] Treenaks: i try to but it looks for the file in /var/cache/.... and then it fails [10:26] paperflake: what's the message? [10:26] hmmm [10:26] Treenaks: brb, got to swop screens for that :) === fredix [~fred@parmentier-6-82-225-62-172.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] Treenaks: it gives me: "E: Subprocess /usr/bin/dpkg/ returned an error code (1) [10:31] you need to capture the rest of the error [10:32] paperflake: did you use "sudo" before apt-get ? === poin__t [point@] has joined #ubuntu === logic [~logic@222-152-216-119.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] you get a different dpkg error if you forget that [10:33] bob2: oh yes you get the 'apt: can't lock' thing then [10:34] yeah. === ploum [~ploum@21-16.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] Treenaks: yeah [10:39] paperflake: do you know the rest of the error yet? [10:40] Treenaks: that is where it ends. the rest is sumthing like error reading (broken pipe) === Adrenal [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] Treenaks: "dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (broken Pipe) [10:43] there's more to it than that [10:43] when i run "modprobe loop" i get "FATAL: Error inserting loop (/lib/modules/ Operation not permitted". Is there any way to make this work? [10:44] just paste full output to #flood [10:44] I need to mount an ISO. [10:44] Amaranth: sudo modprobe loop [10:44] then...mount it [10:44] bob2: yeah, thats what I did, sorry [10:44] I forgot to type that. [10:44] that is very very odd [10:44] Adrenal: I need -o loop to mount it. [10:44] Amaranth: anything weird in dmesg? [10:45] of course [10:45] Amaranth: I have pigeon working on a CD now ... had an issue getting it, and cdrecord an env var to set the device for burning ... [10:45] bob2: Similar errors with hotplug. [10:45] the "percentage of disk full" bar is ... interesting ... -google. [10:45] Amaranth: have you done anything weird to your kernel? [10:45] like security options or whatever? [10:46] I haven't touched it. [10:46] Wait, those modprobe error don't show up in dmesg, just on boot. [10:47] is there anyway to make ubuntu look less...clunky [10:47] Adrenal: You could try prelinking. [10:47] Treenaks: dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/arichives/libgtk2.0-0_2.4.10-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (--unpack): short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during "./usr/share/doc/libgtk2.0-0/changelog.pre-1-2.gz") errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/libgtk2.0-0_24.10-1ubuntu1_i386.deb e: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an eroor code (1) [10:47] Adrenal: If you are talking about speed. [10:47] no, not speed [10:47] appearence [10:47] like, make text smaller, more like windows? [10:47] Adrenal: Try out the Industrial theme. [10:48] kk === b00gie [~b00gie@ppp9-adsl-102.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] hallo [10:49] thanks, that looks a lot better, but i was refering more to the text [10:49] Have you installed the artwiz fonts Adrenal? [10:49] ahm..anyone with firefox 1 installed? [10:49] You can change text size from the menu [10:49] Also [10:49] no [10:50] search for artwiz on synaptic [10:50] b00gie: Yes [10:50] kk [10:50] firefox asks for libgtk... [10:50] nice small fonts package [10:50] Amaranth: did you have to do anything snazzy to convince pigeon to use the correct device for 2.6.x ? [10:51] that's funny... until I've put down my kernel limit Tc, my GNU/Linux doesn't crash anymore on my PowerBook G4 1,5GHz [10:51] maybe the default values are too high for this kind of hardware :c/ [10:51] I've tried editing /etc/cdrecord/cdrecord, using a shell script to set the CDR_DEVICE variable ... and a few other similar methods ... but pigeon still bombs out with a missing device === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-9-186.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Mitario [~michiel@] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] whats the font under logic? [10:59] Anyone here decided to attend the convention yet? :) [11:00] I'm going ;) === cprov [~cprov@] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] I just got the confirmation of my hotel reservation :) [11:00] The NH hotel is having a "Special Discount" [11:00] EUR 57/night [11:01] paperflake: delete the .deb from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and try again === SeverianMiente [~iwont@81-202-54-212.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] ty bob2 [11:05] bob2: i'll give it a go === tuppa [~tuppa@] has joined #ubuntu === TobiTobsen [~knopp@dsl-213-023-011-204.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] Treenaks: convention? where? [11:07] Treenaks: when? [11:07] maswan: www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Conference/ === SeverianMiente [~iwont@81-202-54-212.user.ono.com] has left #ubuntu [] === im_ka [~chatzilla@chello080109076233.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu === d3niz [~deniz@] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] does any1 know what xjack is? [11:09] Treenaks: ok. thanks. [11:09] i'm looking at lan cards on ebay [11:09] im_ka: it's a 3com technology where you push the antenna into the card when it's not in use, iirc. [11:09] has anybody run ubuntu on an PowerBook G4 400? [11:09] (or other connector, for normal ethernet cards) === aktsuo__ [~aktsuo@lns-vlq-26-82-254-153-156.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] Mithrandir i wanna build a lan between my main box and an oldish laptop. i have an ethernet card in my box. is xjack ok for me? [11:11] im_ka: wired or wireless [11:11] wired [11:11] preferably [11:11] im_ka: well, xjack is just another connector.. just like any other network connector [11:12] only smaller, but the same cables fit [11:12] ok cool. i was afraid that the cable won't fit. [11:12] im_ka: http://www.palmtoppaper.com/store/productpics/MegahertzFMcard%20XJack.gif [11:12] it's 1 [11:12] im_ka: sounds like a deal :) [11:12] yep :) [11:14] i'm getting this old laptop from ebay, and i don't wanna connect it to the internet, but wanna transfer data to it from my ubuntu box. probably gonna install vector on it (might try ubuntu though) === Veronath [~Veronath@S010600051c0b3273.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] but NAT is appealing too ;) [11:15] Have a small problem, when installing ubuntu via cd.. it seems to stall after making the choices of keyboard, language and so on. [11:15] are you sure the cd is ok? === skyrider [~skyrider@kid.stu.cn.ua] has joined #ubuntu === ondrej [~ondrej@maple.globe.cz] has joined #ubuntu === mercurus_ [~mercurus@PIPP-p-144-134-201-176.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] It boots fine, I've burned two copies. [11:16] And I burned it fine as well. === cardador [~jose@srt1.dq.fct.unl.pt] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] you checked the md5sum? [11:17] Seems to mach up.. not sure how to doublecheck with the local. === x4m [~max@162.156-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] funny that i buy smthg on ebay for 1 and pay 5 for delivery [11:18] Veronath: "md5sum foo.iso", "md5sum /dev/cdrom" [11:18] they should be identical === Veronath would.. cept the ISO is being burned on a windows machine :) === oferw [~ofer@DSL212-235-66-126.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] surely there's some tool to do that on windows [11:20] bob2 : ty it is downloading the file now... [11:20] Indeed. [11:20] FIREFOX 1 IS OUT! [11:20] get ready for the debs [11:20] Gmail: and the bugs [11:20] Gmail: Old news. [11:20] daniels: lol === Pizbit grins. === Treenaks waits for 1.01 [11:21] yeah, I bet the debian packager has been up all night waiting for it [11:21] so he can package it *this* second [11:21] Hehe [11:21] yep === Gmail check debian experimental === paperflake gonna swith again... [11:22] wonder if he pulled a tree a few hours ago to prime his ccache [11:22] any chance of having a firefox1 deb for ubuntu? [11:23] shaver: He could have it already done, yesterday. [11:23] for warthy, sorry [11:23] wee [11:23] pisuke: it will go into hoary, soon [11:23] Well, not really heh, but that's when some builds were done [11:23] pisuke: no, it will not go into warty [11:23] :( [11:23] warty = stable, it will not get new versions of whatever software it is that you want === atropus [~distvan@bipc36.szef.u-szeged.hu] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] at last i am gonna have a look at what ubuntu looks like :) in color.... === dredg [niall@roadkill.ipv6.office.blacknight.ie] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] hi all! how can i write cd with ubuntu. I have an atapi cd-writer [11:24] atropus: you can use nautiluis [11:25] atropus, nautilus for data and .iso cds === Rhymes [~Rhymes@host43-5.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === steve_ [~steve@p1628-adsl.snap.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === robtaylor [~robtaylor@] has joined #ubuntu === Gmail waits for firefox to come into debian === atropus [~distvan@bipc36.szef.u-szeged.hu] has left #ubuntu [] [11:29] Gmail will have to wait forever :) [11:29] hey.. has anyone sucessfully got suspend/resule working on a toshibs tecra? (hardware page says 'untried') === labanux [~laban@] has joined #ubuntu === noneus [~noneus@p54800A0B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] I have an error occured in my ubuntu [11:30] which error? [11:30] i've asked this before === bigbrother0074 [~bigbrothe@cdm-24-250-145-115.bcst.cox-internet.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] the error is in pciehp and shpchp [11:30] labanux: just ignore them, they don't hurt [11:30] the system said "permission denied" when it's boot [11:31] im_ka: i am using hoary + my own apt repo [11:31] daniels: btw, fyi, I seem to drain about 2% battery per hour in suspend to ram. [11:31] labanux: they probably can't load because you don't have PCI hotplugging (like 90% of people) [11:31] yesterday someone told me how to make this error message doesn't shopw up when boot [11:31] maswan: with your x40? [11:31] mozilla.org is still because it hasn't been slashdotted yet [11:31] daniels: yeah [11:31] labanux: in /etc/hotplug/blacklist, add "pciehp" and "shpchp" (on separate lines) === dredg [niall@roadkill.ipv6.office.blacknight.ie] has left #ubuntu [] [11:31] Gmail: Slooow though:) [11:32] maswan: what wireless chipset have you got? [11:32] daniels: over night, about 10 hours, it went from 40% to 20-something % [11:32] daniels: intel [11:32] oy.. yeah..,that's what i mean [11:32] thanx Treenaks [11:32] try running rmmod ipw2100 (or ipw2200) beforehand? [11:33] daniels: it should do that.. how much drain does your laptop do? [11:33] maswan: about 5% per 8 hours [11:33] daniels: Ok. Hmm.. === housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-048-023.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] Ehm..., do we can apt-get install mysql in ubuntu? [11:34] wait, this was from 40% to 28% after.. hmm.. [11:34] i want to install ubuntu in my PC === maswan counts the hours [11:34] labanux: yes [11:34] 11 hors [11:34] labanux: the server is in the mysql-server package === atropus [~distvan@] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] ok, so about twice as much. [11:34] the suspend script does have an rmmod though [11:35] bob2: so.., i must run this command : apt-get install mysql-server ? [11:35] yes [11:35] or synaptic or whatever [11:36] Hi! what kind of debian packages can i use with ubuntu? === Schwuk [~Schwuk@host81-144-67-120.midband.mdip.bt.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] none [11:37] please don't mix debian and ubuntu packages === Amaranth [~travis@63-229-188-179.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] ok [11:38] I got my i386 install disk off a friend last night. Tried to install this morning but it fails during base install. Is there anyway to 'repair' the image without re-downloading the whole image (I'm on dial-up)? [11:38] thanx bob2 [11:38] atropus: what are you trying to do? [11:38] Schwuk: you can rsync it === losboccacc [~losboccac@] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] cool - thanks... [11:39] http://www.google.com/firefox holy shit [11:39] hello. how can I know whats connected to ttyS0? i mean, what is the command? [11:39] Amaranth: coolness [11:40] bob2: Nothing I have just asked you about packages [11:40] hey.., did GAMBAS doesn't exist in ubuntu package list? [11:40] apt-get install gambas <-- couldn't find package gambas [11:40] cardador: you mean a modem, or a isdn aptor, etc? [11:40] labanux: it is in hoary [11:41] it probably wasn't in sid in june [11:41] bob2: well, it is an electronic balance :) === thoreauputic [~petros@wolax8-064.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] cardador: I dn't think there's any way to do that [11:41] bob2: but i just want to know how can i monitor the signal that the balance sends [11:42] cardador: cat /dev/ttyS0, or minicom, I guess [11:42] i have tried both... thanks anyway [11:43] minicom doesn't work? how so? [11:43] statrtcd /. [11:43] bob2: i dont have a clue on how it works :) [11:43] bob2: but ill read the manual or smt like that === carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] does anyone know where one might find PPC packages for DVD and xvid/divx playback? [11:46] it's on christian marillat's web page [11:46] but they won't work on warty [11:46] aiie, gtk1.2 fonts are a pain in the bum [11:47] doesn't ubuntu have totem-xine ? [11:47] yes [11:47] sjoerd: it does, in universe [11:47] but that can't play "encrypted" dvds [11:47] unless you install libdvdcss3 from marillat [11:48] true, but then the xvid/xvid part is covered at least [11:48] sjoerd: afaik, libxvid is in multiverse [11:48] dunno, don't have an ubuntu machine [11:49] but it doesn't work on ppc? [11:49] it does indeed [11:50] but only on hoary, since the guy whorebuid marillat's archive built it for sid only [11:50] debian totem-xine works fine for everything i throw at it, so i would expect ubuntu's to do too [11:51] totem-xine: Depends: libxine1 (>= 1-rc3a) but it is not installable [11:51] blek. [11:51] Did you know: when i open a html document (table) with .xls suffix in Open Office it is freezing .... === ygnome [~michael@] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] totem-xine is installable in both warty and hoary on ppc [11:52] hmmph [11:52] Hi. Is there a howto for floppy install? I have a Compaq M300 cd-less laptop here to install on... === im_ka [~chatzilla@chello080109076233.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has left #ubuntu [] [11:53] floppy isn't supported for warty [11:53] afaik [11:53] bob2: :( [11:53] bob2: any other options? [11:53] pxe? [11:54] ygnome: no pcmcia or firewire cdrom ? [11:54] ygnome: try it with netinstall [11:54] sjoerd: there was a parallel port one, but I never bought it. no firewire. [11:54] atropus: ok, how does one netinstall? [11:55] does your system support PXE? [11:55] the lappy has sarge on it, if it helps. [11:55] bob2: no idea. how would I tell? [11:56] manual? other that, I don't know === paperflake [~paperflak@] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] lo ppl [11:57] i is back [11:57] and glad to say i finally got the xserver running [11:58] bob2: I think I read somewhere about a HD install. I'll go search a while... [11:58] you could debootstrap from sarge, I guess === cenerentola [~cenerento@] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] heh. the faq has a 'upgrade from sarge' section, no guarantees, feedback wanted... I don't think so... [12:00] ygnome: I did upgrade from sarge [12:00] ondrej: hmm. how did it work out? === nebu [~nebu@i216-58-90-98.avalonworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] but I think it's simpler to backup your data and then reinstall, you will have fresh clean system afterwards [12:01] Where can I find the dictionary file on an Ubuntu system? [12:01] ygnome: pretty good, but you have to know bit about apt-preferences and so... [12:01] ciao [12:01] I tried /usr/share/dict/words but this seems to be a symlink that points to a non-existing file. [12:02] ygnome: I did apt-get dist-upgrade and then something like apt-get install `dpkg --get-selections | cut -f 1 | xargs -i echo {}/warty` === linux_galore [~linux_gal@106.a.001lg.syd.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] and fix errors, install ubuntu-base and you are almost there === linux_galore waves [12:03] I also moved some sarge (or woody+backports) machines to warty using same principle === liten [liten@jediminds.com] has joined #ubuntu === atropus [~distvan@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:05] how to boot an existing ubuntu installation from the boot cd? [12:05] nebu: to use dict locally I believe you have to install the dictionary (forget the package name but probably apt-cache search dict would find it) === mctavish [~dcahill@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:06] thoreauputic: That search gives a ton of results. @_@ [12:06] nebu: if you have dict installed and are mostly online it's a bit pointless [12:07] thoreauputic: And just to be clear, I don't want to run the "dict" service. I'm looking for a file with every English word listed seperated by a newline character. [12:07] nebu: wenglish [12:07] Rhymes: mount the hardisk when the CD is loaded then run mkbootdisk [12:07] nebu: ah I see === Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-19-77.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] linux_galore: gotta go through the installation stage? [12:08] Rhymes: if ubuntu is installed then all your really need to do is run fdisk and rewite the mbr [12:09] Rhymes: didnt you make a boot disk when you did the install [12:09] no [12:09] Rhymes: well how do you expect it to boot [12:10] mmm with gentoo and debian i could boot the root partition anyway === tom-cat [~tom-cat@] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] in different ways but i can [12:10] Rhymes: if you want it to auto boot from the mbr then run fdisk and set that up [12:10] ok i try === tom-cat [~tom-cat@] has left #ubuntu ["oops] === michiel_ [~michiel@] has joined #ubuntu === isopogon [~isopogon@] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] linux_galore: ran fdisk /mbr, it says that it lacks the operating system === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] hey TongMaster === Schwuk_ [~Schwuk@host81-144-77-110.midband.mdip.bt.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] Rhymes: is this the windows or Linux version of fdisk [12:19] X11 problem: if i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 it does not writes /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [12:19] why? === buns [~lhwonglo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] you modified the file manually [12:19] read the top of the file for instructions of how to fix it [12:19] how much disk space i need for the default installation [12:20] 1.8GB === lemsx1 [~lemsx1@xd84b58f2.ip.e-nt.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] i am in a fight with someone about ubuntu this is what he says what to say back [12:25] Ubuntu is for pussies who want their fucking hands held. I mean, no root, what the fuck is with that? [12:25] I only have 1.4 GB to spare on my laptop. Besides interrupting the installation process (2nd stage) midway and use dselect to remove packages that I do not need, any other suggestion? [12:25] why don't you just not get in a fight? [12:25] Gmail: you're being trolled [12:25] buns: disable the archive copier, then it only needs 1.2GB to install [12:26] bob2: he started it he ask me what distro i use and i said ubuntu then he said that because i don't use fedora [12:26] buns: boot with 'anna/choose_modules=archive-copier' [12:26] Gmail: you're being trolled [12:26] Gmail: what's wrong with hand-holding? [12:26] ta [12:26] hu [12:26] bob2: anna? [12:26] Treenaks: Anna's Not Nearly Apt [12:27] (but good enough for d-i) [12:27] bob2: argh :) [12:28] Gmail: ask the guy to explain why you need a root account on a desktop === buns [~lhwonglo@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:28] bob2: poor joeyh's sister, being abuse like that. [12:28] Gmail: in any case, if you want to you can add a root acount [12:29] abused, even [12:29] i told him that [12:29] and there is a root alway you need to add a passowrd [12:29] linux_galore: why would you need root more on a server? I use sudo on all mine. [12:29] Gmail: so ignore the guy [12:29] Gmail: also ask him to explain how a single point security option like a "root" use account is better on a desktop [12:30] Mithrandir: there are some things on a server that really needs root [12:30] Mithrandir: hah [12:30] linux_galore: oh, like what? === labanux [~laban@] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] hi.., [12:31] now i'm using gedit [12:31] Mithrandir: ask jdub he got a mouthful about why you need root on a server.... [12:31] but seems there's something wrong with this gedit [12:31] linux_galore: I claim he's wrong. :) [12:31] so when ubuntu hits Bad Times during boot-up fsck [12:31] when i click the "open" icon, the gedit is going crash/hang [12:31] what does it ask for, if not the root password? === Kal_Zakath_ [~Kal_Zakat@20-118.a2f.dsl.net4all.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] shaver: nothing [12:32] (to drop to a shell for repair) [12:32] I see [12:32] shaver: doesn't ask. [12:32] Mithrandir: there are certain complex scenarios were you have to have root [12:32] if someone is physically in front of the machine, they 0wn it anyway [12:32] then, there's something wrong to with my "home" shorcut [12:32] I'd be very interested to hear about these complex scenarios... === jolg [~jolg@h150n2fls32o868.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === im_ka [~chatzilla@chello080109076233.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] bob2: so why require a password for sudo on the console? [12:32] bob2: pam will certainly let you suppress it [12:32] when I try to click the "home" icon, it doesn't do anything [12:32] linux_galore: I can't think of a single one; possibly with the exception of sudo going away, in which case you need to go into rescue mode. [12:33] and it's going to crash.. [12:33] i've try to "apt-get remove gedit", then i run back "apt-get install gedit" [12:33] but.., it still have the problem.. [12:34] i wanna set up a simple lan between my ubuntu box an an oldish laptop (probably gonna run vector on it) i'm getting on ebay. i've got a lan card in my ubuntu-box but it's occupied by my cable modem... i should get a 2nd one, right? [12:34] (i have a pcmcia lan card for the lappy) [12:35] im_ka: just buy a 4 port router......there very cheap these days === eruin [~eruin@213-145-179-140.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] any suggestion about this..? [12:36] Gmail: so ignore the guy << i did this and he is an op and banned me [12:36] Gmail: well, he has *deep* problems then [12:37] Gmail: my atitude to channels with wankers in control is leave and watch his channel die [12:37] Gmail: stop getting trolled so easily [12:37] linux_galore i don't need internet for the laptop. just transferring files between the 2 machines [12:37] im_ka: always use a thumb drive if both machines have usb [12:38] yea that's the simplest way :) [12:38] but not geeky enuff LOL === chowells|roam [~chris@mail.devrandom.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] im_ka: get a 64mb thumb drive for next to nothing these days [12:39] im_ka: make it a 1Gb thumb drive lol [12:39] labanux: try running gedit from a terminal and see what errors you get [12:39] im_ka: store the files on mobile phone then transfer them via blue tooth lol === dido [~ildido@] has joined #ubuntu === dido [~ildido@] has left #ubuntu ["ciao] [12:40] <-- carried a 128mb thumb drive everywhere [12:40] carries* [12:41] might ask the wife to get me a 1Gb thumb drive for christmas [12:41] linux_galore what's the simplest way to set up a two machine network?... to make it clear :) [12:42] im_ka: just plug them in set one as a gateway [12:42] http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3769 [12:42] im_ka: crossover cable [12:45] yep that's what i'm gonna do. how do i set the gateway? any howtos around (i'm googling, i'm googling...)? [12:45] yeah crossover cable is all you need then just send via the IP addy.....setup a simple sshd connection and scp files between the machines === chemaja [~chemaja@c220-237-32-86.brasd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Kal_Zakath_ is now known as Kal_Zakath === Kyaneos [~Kyaneos@80-26-155-30.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu === umarmung [~holger@pD95421C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] thoreauputic: wait a minute.., i'm tryng to run gedit from terminal [12:47] i gotta go to ebay for a 2nd lan card for my box (the one i have is occupied by my cable modem) [12:47] plug them together with crossover [12:47] im_ka: spend the extra $20 and get a router [12:47] thoreauputic: i've done it.., gedit still has the same error.., but no error message in konsole [12:47] set ips on them in the same subnet (man interfaces) [12:47] im_ka: i have a setup similar with yours. just connect both pcs with a crossover cable [12:47] run ssh or whatever (openssh-server) [12:47] enjoy [12:48] yeah I agree with bob2 just a crossover cable and sshd running on one machine and your off [12:48] thanks all [12:48] linux_galore and bob2: i use nautilus to send files between both computers [12:49] cardador: lol were command line junkies UI tools for us are the long way [12:50] :) [12:51] one more stupid question: how do i use ssh? [12:51] ctrl-l sftp://ip_of_the_other_computer/ [12:51] in nautilus [12:51] im_ka: open nautilus and write: ssh://pc_you_want_to_connect [12:51] Can anyone recall the name of the GNOME 1.x help browser program? I'm trying to increase the font size for GnuCash help. === opi^work [~emil@ns1.tpnets.com] has joined #ubuntu === cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9E3C959.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] im_ka: make sure one of the machines has sshd running [12:52] yelp maybe? [12:52] thoreauputic: that's GNOME 2.x [12:52] name of the pc = im_ka@ubuntubox.org for example? [12:52] chemaja: ah - Ok [12:53] thoreauputic: i have a feeling it didn't have a 'name' [12:53] im_ka: no [12:53] im_ka: from the machine not running sshd type ssh user_account@192.168.*.* if you want to do it from the command line [12:53] im_ka: the ip address you set on it [12:53] man those #gnome folks hadly ever reply === chemaja pouts [12:53] lol === nefertati [~no_name@samo364-a082.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] im_ka: unless you have the machine names in /etc/hosts [12:54] im_ka: see what's sudo ifconfig | grep inet saying [12:54] thoreauputic: better use ifconfing [12:55] thoreauputic: we do not know if interface is up [12:56] so let's say i run sshd on my main box and ssh it from the laptop. i'll be able to move files to and from my main box. is this correct? [12:56] im_ka: no [12:57] im_ka: ssh is a terminal deamon [12:57] im_ka: for moving files use NFS, Samba or SFTP [12:57] opi^work: there are scp/ssh UI tools [12:57] linux_galore: i said SFTP [12:58] im_ka: if you have ssh running, you can use sftp to move files, yes === oferw [~ofer@DSL212-235-66-126.bb.netvision.net.il] has left #ubuntu [] [12:58] linux_galore: I prefer to mount my disks, instead of loging ;-) [12:58] so with ssh, i simply establish the connection. then i'll need an app for moving files [12:58] yes [12:59] some ftp client for example? [12:59] sftp is basicly ftp [12:59] difference is, it's secure (crypted) === lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] gftp will do it as well, right? [12:59] im_ka: do not know, I use yafc === skar [~skar@] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] hi, how do i find the biggest files in the etc directory? [01:00] skar: put together find, cut and sort ;) [01:00] or any directory for that matter?! [01:00] ok [01:00] opi^work: you can always learn to use scp..........if sshd is running on the main machine from the client you can use scp to copy files to or from one machine to the other [01:00] skar: but I don't have sutch script ;) === emerson [~emerson@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] should have sent that last post to im_ka [01:01] sorry [01:01] linux_galore: but you have to know path, plus you can not mount ie. SQL databases === linux_galore is so used to scp doesnt even think about it [01:02] im_ka: as I said earlier, nautilus can do sftp [01:02] opi^work: actually you dont need to know the path thats why I ssh in first goto were I want to go then use pwd and cut and past it into the scp command [01:04] bob2 that's really cool. i only have gnome on the main box i'll be running sshd on. so if i establish the connection with "ssh"-ing from the laptop, i _will_ be able to move files (on my ubuntu-box, with nautilus) to and from the laptop. correct? [01:04] excuse me all for my networking noobiness! [01:04] opi^work: also scp can be done both ways ie I can ssh into the main machine then scp the file to the client [01:05] im_ka: nautilus needs to be on a different machine to the one running openssh-server [01:05] linux_galore: still, I can not use scp/sftp as ie. distributed homedirs, so it's unusable for me :P [01:05] im_ka: IF you're running sshd there === Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-19-77.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:05] bob2 i'll just run the ssh server on the laptop [01:06] and use nautilus to move files back and forth. that seems to be the simplest way [01:06] sounds good [01:06] or you can run samba [01:06] or ... [01:06] lots of options ;) [01:06] no samba needed. i'll be running linux on the lappy === im_ka is off to ebay to buy a 2nd lan card for his pc [01:08] thanks for the help === Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu === bilb0_ is now known as bilb0 [01:08] Im finding most of the sellers on ebay these days are dealers === cenerentola is away: I'm busy === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g3140.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] i'll might just get the lan card in a regular shot. it won't cause any problems if i have 2 cards in my box, right? one for the cable modem, one for the laptop connection === Kyaneos [~Kyaneos@80-26-155-30.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu === linux_galore wonders why people buy lan cards on ebay when a rtl card costs $12 brand new === CardinalSin [~CardinalS@] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] linux_galore that's why i'm not buying it on ebay. could you have a look at my last question please? ;) === topyli [~juha@ktlpc219.edu.helsinki.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] btw, i've just won the auction for a pcmcia lan card on ebay. it was 1 (about 1 $) [01:14] im_ka: nice :) [01:15] + 5 delivery, lol [01:15] still.. [01:15] im_ka: just goto a local PC shop buy an rtl card..works fine in Linux [01:16] linux_galore: rtl cards costs less than $9 in Poland :P [01:16] what's rtl? [01:16] realtek [01:16] ok i got a realtek card :) [01:16] im_ka: its not the brand of the maker more the brand of the chip on the card [01:16] in my box. [01:17] it won't mess things up if i have 2 lan cards, right? [01:17] im_ka: lol I have 6 cards in one machine at work [01:17] cool === atropu1 [~distvan@bipc36.szef.u-szeged.hu] has joined #ubuntu === __randy__ [~randy@sclab-25-433.sclab.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu === im_ka 's networking experience is purely with internet :) [01:19] i'm off to my local computer dealer [01:19] by all and thanks for the help [01:19] *bye [01:19] im_ka: you can do some pretty funky things with Linux.....ie between the email server and the file server I have two 10/100 connections and I have bonded the connections on both sides so each IP is really 2 x 100mb/s connections [01:20] linux = fun [01:21] im_ka: I was given two 10/100 3com cards each one has two 10/100 eth connections so I bonded each side.....beats paying for two gigabyte cards === im_ka [~chatzilla@chello080109076233.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has left #ubuntu [] [01:24] ooh cool nvidia just released new drivers for Linux === im_ka [~chatzilla@chello080109076233.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu === qopi [~chatzilla@82-45-240-217.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] linux_galore i forgot to ask one thing: what about ssh and iptables? what port is it using? === im_ka is using iptables with firestarter [01:25] im_ka: 22 [01:26] thanks [01:26] im_ka: well ssh is actually in the services section in firestarter [01:26] im_ka: you can just tell iptables to use port 'ssh' afaik === cprov [~cprov@] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] Is java2-common package enough to programming with java languange..?? [01:27] i've just install java2-common in my ubuntu [01:27] yep [01:28] but wait... i need to open up the ssh port only on the machine i'm running the ssd server... right? [01:28] i've just install java2-common in my ubuntu [01:29] but when i'm trying using "java" anda "javac" command, it doesn't work [01:29] *sshd [01:30] im_ka: yes but you can also restrict the ssh service in firestarter to a set IP too if you want [01:30] linux_galore: then you'll probably need the SDK [01:30] i won't be running a firewall on the laptop anyways [01:30] ?? [01:31] im_ka: well on the main box just set the laptops IP as a trusted host end of story [01:31] cool [01:31] im_ka: dont have to wory about specific ports then [01:32] nice. thanks. [01:32] im_ka: thats an option in the second tab on firestarter from memory [01:33] yep [01:34] on the main machine type sudo service sshd start [01:37] anyone know what package shall we install so we can make program in java? === Hawky [~mathias@cable-62-205-123-135.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] wrt. my previous question, "Can anyone recall the name of the GNOME 1.x help browser program? I'm trying to increase the font size for GnuCash help." ... I'm finding threads in the mail.gnome.org archives asking the same question, but none have answers (checked 3 so far, still looking)... does anyone know about this issue? === shank_ [~shank@pool-151-201-223-105.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] labanux, wait a sec.. === paperflake [~paperflak@] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] opi^work: "find / -size +xxxk" itself does that :) [01:43] hi again [01:43] labanux, I use blackdown Java. j2re1.4. I got it from apt (not sure if its from universe, multiverse.. ) === dizzy [~dizzy@adsl189-44-tn.aknet.it] has left #ubuntu [] === vilaud [~vilaud@10-33-118-80.kaptech.net] has joined #ubuntu === jind [~jind@217-17-134.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu === joejiang [~joejiang@] has joined #ubuntu === linux_galore [~linux_gal@106.a.001lg.syd.iprimus.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] === neuro|laptop [~neuro@] has joined #ubuntu === Mangetsu [~Mangetsu@flitter-mouse.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:53] kent: how you use the apt for that? [01:53] kent: apt-get install j2re.4 ? === spacey`ki [~ki@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Mangetsu [~Mangetsu@flitter-mouse.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === natea [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] argh! NetworkManagerInfo thingy doesn't set up an ipv6 linklocal address.. so no IPv6 autoconfiguration.. so no IPv6 :( === noneus [~noneus@p54800A0B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Dekkard [~rightone@adsl-67-38-23-36.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] Treenaks: why should it set up a linklocal address ? [02:08] sjoerd: no linklocal = no ipv6-autoconfiguration [02:08] that happens automagically if you load the module [02:09] sjoerd: well, then it removes it.. === atropu1 [~distvan@bipc36.szef.u-szeged.hu] has left #ubuntu [] === ud [~ud@78.a.001.ham.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] sounds strange, but then again haven't tried it [02:10] sjoerd: if I ifdown, ifup and click around a bit, it works again.. [02:11] strange === Treenaks blames NetworkManager :) [02:21] bbl\ [02:21] Hello ! Firefox 1.0 is out :-) [02:22] http://ploum.frimouvy.org/?2004/11/09/20-dont-be-fooled-keep-internet-explorer-at-all-cost === LifesizeKenDoll [~LifesizeK@c-67-167-236-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === topyli [~juha@ktlpc219.edu.helsinki.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === pk_cen [~cmt@] has joined #ubuntu === mahnve [~marcus@] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] hi [02:26] i have grub linux install hdb [02:26] and windows install on hda [02:26] i defined sequence boot (hdb, hda, ...) [02:26] how add a entry into menu.lst for windows [02:26] pk_cen: I know [02:26] pk_cen: shouldn't it do it automatically for Ubuntu, though? [02:27] yeah [02:27] oh well [02:27] pk_cen: title Windows [02:27] pk_cen: rootnoverify (hd0,0) === Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] pk_cen: chainloader (hd0,0)+1 [02:28] pk_cen: makeactive [02:28] Hi, how can I findout what my colour depth is? [02:28] pk_cen: boot === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] boot? you mean reboot? [02:29] Mojo_Jojo: `glxinfo` === nimc [~nimc@cable-129-176.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === ntoll [~ntoll@] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] Mojo_Jojo: it's the second identifier in the long table [02:29] how do I get X to re-probe my monitor settings? [02:30] LifesizeKenDoll, boot? you mean reboot? === ph [~ph@pD9587342.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === thoreauputic_ [~petros@wolax7-121.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] LifesizeKenDoll, you mean this 0x21 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 0 0 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None [02:30] Mojo_Jojo: you are 24-bit [02:31] pk_cen: no, that's the list of commands you should put into /boot/grub/menu.lst [02:31] pk_cen: want me to retell them? [02:31] ok :D thanks :D === thoreauputic_ is now known as thoreauputic [02:33] when will firefox1.0 be available on synaptic? [02:33] it comes out today, yes? [02:33] I was running Fedora Core 1 on my laptop and it used 1280x1024 as my screen resolution and when I plugged in an external monitor it (correctly) used th esame resolution. Ubuntu just shows a blank screen when using my plugin monitor. What do I run to set up my monitor configuration? === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] LifesizeKenDoll, its out now [02:34] it's already out, but will it be available on synaptic? [02:34] nimc: in a little bit, I bet === malte` [~malteo@host17-97.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] ok cool [02:35] which is the terminal command to renaming a file? [02:35] kensai, mv oldname newname === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD95E6E9A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] anyone knows how to limit the size of the items in the taskbar ? [02:36] fabbione: that was the matter : temperature... it doesn't crash anymore :c) === pk_cen [~cmt@] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] LifesizeKenDoll, no [02:37] BeTa: eheeh [02:37] LifesizeKenDoll, "Error 22: no such partition" === pk_cen [~cmt@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:44] when will firefox 1.0 be available in hoary repositories? :) [02:44] malte`: I hope soon [02:45] dudes, there's barely been enough time to build it since the tarball's been released. give it some time! [02:45] daniels: but I want it now :'( [02:46] LifesizeKenDoll: why? [02:46] LifesizeKenDoll: ... why? [02:46] what is the rush [02:46] ? [02:46] you already have 1.0PR, not that much has changed [02:46] probably more bugs [02:46] fabbione: where do I get the debs? sign me up! [02:46] http://www.mozilla.org/ appears to be totally /. ed [02:47] indeed. [02:47] ah - http://www.mozilla.org/products/firefox/ seems OK [02:47] thoreauputic: its just slow [02:48] spreadfirefox is also very slow [02:48] mozilla.org just loaded for me in 20s [02:49] the download link on the firefox page has the 1.0 binary installer if you want to play with that... [02:50] NO! [02:50] Use the torrent, please! === ionte [~jonatan@w103-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu === netmonk [~netmonk@nat-30.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] Amaranth: Ok - where ? [02:50] http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/ is super fast [02:50] Amaranth: I just found the obvious link is all.. [02:51] http://vegas.mozilla.org:6969/ [02:51] I === daniels notes that discussion about the specific of Mozilla's website is probably offtopic ... [02:51] err [02:51] I'm seeding all of them. === LinuxJones [~LJ@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] daniels: People using Ubuntu want Firefox, just helping them get it the quickest without killing Mozilla's servers. :) === rcaskey [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu === thoreauputic notes that daniels is right but giving URLs for the binary is basically harmless [02:52] Amaranth: ii mozilla-firefox 0.99+1.0RC1-3ubuntu1 lightweight web browser based on Mozilla [02:52] Amaranth: you don't have to wait -- get firefox today! [02:52] daniels: Some people want the new version. :P === Netminder [~mcroydon@phaser850.connext.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] Amaranth: then wait for to enter debian experiMENTAL or sid and merged into hoary tomz === RoBLiNuX [~Maj3$tic@pool-162-83-254-20.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] the merge probably won't happen automatically as there are a number of patches blah blah === RoBLiNuX [~Maj3$tic@pool-162-83-254-20.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === RoBLiNuX [~Maj3$tic@pool-162-83-254-20.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] Hello [02:58] hello [02:58] you a Ubuntu user? === port7 [~bob@speedcen.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] yes [02:59] im using a celeron 634mhz 256mb what you using? [03:00] Athlon XP 2500 1.8GHz w/512MB [03:00] damn nice [03:00] so you not a newbie I bet [03:00] my system's not that great [03:01] i have my main pc laptop athlon xp-m 2800+ w/ 784mb ddr [03:01] I've been admining boxes for a year, though [03:01] alright [03:01] LifesizeKenDoll, I have the same system but its underclocked to 1.1Ghz [03:01] oh [03:01] Mangetsu: why? [03:01] RoBLiNuX: why 784 and not 768? [03:01] how can a xp 2500 be faster than a 2800 ? [03:02] oh no sorry lol [03:02] RoBLiNuX: the 2800 would be faster, because of caches and such [03:02] GHz doesn't matter [03:02] because 784mb ddr (-64mb video) 704 [03:03] that's an odd number [03:03] yea [03:03] maybe i added wrong lol [03:03] could do [03:04] 768 = 256*3 === heavy [~bouncer@S01060010a7021850.wp.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:04] 784 = 2^4*7^2 [03:04] yea [03:04] which is odd [03:05] yea === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] is someone planning on making a gstreamer-xvid and gstreamer-ffmpeg package or are they already available somewhere? === Fred_og_ro [~fred_og_r@144.80-202-78.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] lupus: like vlc? === encKe` [~encKe@ppp-65-67-227-161.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] I would like to have gstreamer [03:09] because that really needs decent testing === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu === doko [doko@dsl-082-082-069-185.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] lupus_: I believe gstreamer-ffmpeg already exists. [03:13] I'm even more confident that it's in Debian somewhere. [03:14] Celeron 634mhz 256mb thats ok to run Ubuntu ? [03:14] RoBLiNuX: Of course. === Fred_og_ro [~fred_og_r@144.80-202-78.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu [] [03:15] Amaranth, Thanks! [03:16] hehe [03:16] the main thing needed is RAM === cosmo_ [~cosmo@81-202-96-233.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu === fanm [~fanm@218.Red-80-59-52.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] I've got firefox, azureus, xchat, and a couple other things open on top of the base ubuntu desktop and I'm only using 239MB of RAM, so you should be on there. [03:17] err, ok there [03:17] And the 634Mhz just means it won't fly, but it should be rather usable. [03:18] Even WinXP would be fast enough on that machine. [03:18] nice programs [03:18] how can I see the changelog of an installed package? [03:18] XP is ok on my desktop [03:18] /usr/share/doc/packagename/changelog.Debian.gz [03:18] sometimes just changelog.gz [03:18] Amaranth: with XP, it makes a difference with the RAM. XP likes a good 256MB to store its eye-candy [03:19] I'm trying to learn how to install programs on linux , or instead I'm trying to learn linux step by step [03:19] sladen: GNOME + X needs a good 256MB to store it's bloat. :P [03:19] thx ,-) [03:20] I demand openbox. :o [03:21] Amaranth: no it doesn't [03:21] Amaranth: don't confuse 128MB of mapped video memory with 128MB of system RAM used [03:21] Amaranth: actually it depends how fast you need - some people are quite happy with GNOME on 128MB [03:21] Hehe. "Operation timed out while trying to access mozilla.org" === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] Teh /. [03:21] mapped video memory? isn't that for integrated video cards? === sivang [~dannyh@] has joined #ubuntu === aktsuo__ is now known as aktsuo [03:24] ah [03:24] I see firefox 1.0 final is finally out [03:25] gen: yeah ! and it rules [03:25] kensai: have a mirror? mozilla.org is totally bandwidth hogged down (Slashdotted apparently) [03:26] to an ftp [03:26] nope [03:26] k [03:26] I'll search [03:28] kensai: should I remove the old directory and settings first? [03:29] found an ftp mirror [03:29] [03:29] gen: No I keep my old dir and just install f1.0 final in other dir [03:29] not ftp but mirror [03:29] kensai: k [03:29] I'm trying to install it but what path do I choose? [03:29] gen: so when ubuntu hoary has it on apt then I just upgrade to it and remove the one I installed [03:30] Amaranth, http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=gstreamer&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all [03:30] not in the repository :s [03:31] gen: thanks for the Link [03:31] kensai: np === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] Anyone can help , I don't know which path to install firefox [03:33] RoBLiNuX: the one in ubuntu is on /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox [03:33] the same for other distros? === noneus [~noneus@p54800A0B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] RoBLiNuX, why are you specifying a path? [03:34] RoBLiNuX: if you are installing the mozilla.org binary, don't install it there: put it in /usr/local === calvin [~calvin@82-69-41-123.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] otherwise you might b0rk dpkg/apt [03:35] RoBLiNuX, isn't FF available as a package? [03:35] never fear, FF 1.0 will be in Hoary soonish. [03:35] WebMaven: I assume he's installing 1.0 [03:35] WebMaven, right now I'm using another distro (Xandros) trying to learn the easiest first, but I'm going back to Ubuntu in a few minutes because Xandros doesnt have firefox [03:35] yes I'm installing 1.1 [03:36] 1.1 doesn't exist :/ [03:36] Xandros is also debian-based, yes? [03:36] yes [03:36] 1.0 I mean sorry [03:36] wouldn't it be better to install the debian package for FF, then, rather than a binary? [03:37] what you mean (newbie) [03:37] WebMaven: of course, but he's installing the latest, released today by Mozilla.org [03:37] I saw it yesterday released === __randy__ [~randy@sclab-25-433.sclab.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] Ha. You got to mozilla.org? :P [03:38] ya [03:38] thoreauputic, but, is there some *reason* to install the latest, rather than use the most recent package avaialable? [03:38] Hax! [03:38] Stability [03:38] WebMaven: only terminal "newisbetter" disease [03:38] chibifs, that makes no sense. [03:39] 1.0PR has proven itself to be infinitely unstable. [03:39] chibifs, infinitely, huh? [03:39] Oh yeah, at least 7 crashes a day. :/ [03:39] I'm still running 0.8 and it is fine - I'll wait awhile before I change/update it === xuzo [~xuzo@bolgo.cent.uji.es] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] .9.3 has been the most stable for me. === Havox [lol@adslsapo-b4-55-100.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] But I'd assume that 1 is more stable than 1PR, since it's only been bugfixes since then. [03:40] WebMaven, there's a disease called D.U.H. (Dementia Upgradia Habitua) === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] some of us are badly affected [03:41] ;-) [03:41] RoBLiNuX, unless there is some *very good* reason for wanting the most recent version released (like a particularl mission-critical or security bugfix), I'd suggest *not* trying to stay on the bleeding edge. [03:41] pisuke: but not as badly as certain people with Gentooitis ;) [03:41] pisuke: I've have that. :P [03:41] I opened my firefox-installer after i saved it to my home directory and extracted , and it installed itself into /home/username/firefox-installer but how do i open it in the future [03:42] GCC pulled from CVS and compiled yesterday? no problem! [03:42] RoBLiNuX: just give it a launcher with the full path to the executable - should work fine [03:42] Well, now you probably need to run the installer. [03:43] bye [03:43] thoreauputic, don't understand === mrjive [~mrjive@net-206-24.noicomnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] thoreauputic, I think he just extracted the installer, but didn't run it yet. [03:44] I just ran it now [03:44] RoBLiNuX: umm... you can make your own icon for it and launch it that way - after you run the installer [03:44] (mind you, I haven't done this myself) [03:44] installed, firefox just opened [03:44] by itself [03:44] or add it to the menu or whatever [03:44] i heard i gotta add it with the menu editor [03:45] im waitin [03:45] Is Xorg near? [03:45] RoBLiNuX, you don't have to use an editor. [03:45] RoBLiNuX, you can add items to menus by right-clicking on them. [03:46] WebMave, what I use then [03:46] RoBLiNuX: is this in Ubuntu, or Xandros? [03:46] Xandros right now [03:46] Is Xandros using Gnome? [03:46] well, that's a different story/distro [03:46] kensai: you have to send a written, signed promise to daniels and fabbione that you'll buy them several items from their on-line wishlists... that might speed it up :) [03:46] Of course Xandros is using gnome :P [03:46] yea [03:47] Treenaks: maybe some beers? [03:47] Xandros built a lot of the cool things in gnome [03:47] I just finish installing it, theres no KDE at this point [03:47] Evolution? :P [03:47] then you should be able to add an item to a menu by right-clicking. === wasabi [~wasabi@c-67-162-246-175.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] Gorilla? [03:47] kensai: only after they're done, of course [03:47] Does ubuntu have a friendly pppoe setup? [03:47] Treenaks: yeah LOL [03:47] wasabi: pppoeconfig [03:48] yes :) [03:48] RoBLiNuX, go the your Applications/Internet (or whatever) menu, and right-click. [03:48] Treenaks, is it in a menu, and GUIish? [03:48] RoBLiNuX: asking Xandros questions in #ubuntu is kind of risky... [03:48] Treenaks, this is going to be used by a barely computer literate person. [03:48] wasabi: it's not in a menu, and Curses-ish [03:48] wasabi: "it looks just like the installer" [03:49] thoreauputic, technically, it's a Gnome question at this point. [03:49] let me see WebMaven, thanks === Rotund [~joe@d29-36.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] WebMaven: technically, Xandros changes all kinds of stuff [03:49] RoBLiNuX, the popup menu should say 'this menu >' [03:50] WebMaven: your assumption may or may not be correct in other words [03:50] whats the name of the firefox that i need for the menu [03:51] depends on whwre the installer put it. [03:51] did it say? [03:52] I'm having trouble installing Webmin/Apache2. Anyone here have experience with this? [03:53] I right click and its like left click === cosmoperis [~cosmo@81-202-96-233.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] hi every one! [03:53] I need some help [03:53] oi === weasello is now known as Webmin === Webmin is now known as wease1 [03:54] woops [03:54] I've just installed my ubuntu [03:55] and I don't want start X when I reboot [03:55] RoBLiNuX: /join #xandros is my suggestion [03:55] I just want a console loggin [03:55] RoBLiNuX, I'm sorry, perhaps you should try the xandros channel. [03:55] maybe I should go back to Ubuntu === tvon [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:56] that is indeed a good question [03:56] cosmoperis: echo "false" >/etc/X11/default-display-manager [03:57] ok thank you thoreauputic [03:57] cosmoperis: you will need to sudo [03:58] check that file to see what it contains first - that's a debian solution === georgia [~georgia@Georgia.base.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu === noneus [~noneus@p54800A0B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] thoreauputic: ok, I'm gonna try, thank you :) [03:59] Yea i'm gonna go back with Ubuntu ;) [03:59] I like it better for somereason [03:59] cosmoperis: OK - you're welcom - hope it works for you [04:00] But this is volutanrily support for whoever needs help, so just because you using Mandrake and I know the answer to question I'm not gonna give it to you, its true this is for Ubuntu, but Xandros is also Debian based and my question was going for ubuntu and xandros but you are right though [04:00] if i plug-in a usb pen everything is ok, it is recognised and mounted, but if the pen is already in before boot, ubuntu does not seem to see it... any idea? [04:01] RoBLiNuX: just a question of asking those most likely to know, that's all [04:01] kensai: i haven't been looking at IRC because I've been drafting an X.Org announcement mail; Fabio hasn't been looking at IRC because he's preparing the very last bits for the final upload [04:02] X.org! [04:02] That right there is my reason for switching to hoary. === tvon [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] Ubuntu is going to Xorg soon? [04:02] that's an interesting reason for switching [04:02] Will those packages make it into sid first? :) [04:03] crimsun: ATI driver support. :) [04:03] wasabi: both Sid and Hoary will have X.Org. I presume the latter first. [04:04] Why the latter first? Seems that it could be pushed to experimental first. [04:04] =) === stone_ [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] wasabi: I'm not privy to the details. === RoBLiNuX [~PrettyBoy@pool-162-83-254-20.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] Sorry about that [04:06] my trillian froze [04:07] I'm going back to Ubuntu see you guys in how long? [04:07] RoBLiNuX: use xchat, mate [04:07] yes but I'm on XP right now [04:08] on my laptop and my desktop right next to me [04:08] RoBLiNuX: there's an xchat for windows too [04:08] let me google it === mxpxpod [~bryan@mxpxpod.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] wasabi: Hoary is about as experimental as you can get. :) [04:08] brb folks [04:09] http://www.xchat.org/ === gwildor_ [~onceagain@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] hi hi room === treyh0 [~trey@tabner.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] gwildor_, hi [04:10] can anyone tell me what XIMIAN is? [04:10] Ximian used to be a company that works on GNOME. [04:10] gwildor_, It's a gnome based Desktop Environment [04:10] oh, thnx [04:11] Now it's a part of Novell that works on Mono and Novell Desktop Linux. [04:11] gwildor_, It's now owned by Novell [04:11] :) thank you all [04:11] ok, brb [04:12] dropping to a terminal to upgrade === RobLinux [~RobLinux@pool-162-83-254-20.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] Hello I'm back [04:12] I just installed XChat only 30days free ah to bad [04:13] RobLinux: either dont use the win32 version, or get one of the unofficial builds if the sharewareness bothers you [04:13] Going to install ubuntu now [04:14] So Ubuntu is only gnome? [04:14] the defalt install is gnome 2.8 [04:15] no KDE ? [04:15] you can install KDE [04:15] the default is GNOME [04:15] thanks [04:15] RobLinux, it's not only Gnome but Gnome is the only one that is supported. [04:15] got'cha [04:16] kde is in the univers repository [04:16] So KDE is not supported yet or its only a gnome based? [04:16] you can apt-get install kde [04:16] If I can't install firefox, I wouldn't know how to apt-get install kde yet either [04:18] Curious question ... why out of Suse 9.1, Xandros Desktop OS 2.0 Open Circulation Ed., Ubuntu, Lormalinux (Redhat Based), Yoper, Slackware 10.0, Mandrake 10.0 and 10.1, only Suse, Xandros, Ubuntu, Lorma and Yoper work [04:18] RobLinux, you should look @ the faq page before you do the install :) [04:19] Thanks :) yea thats what I'm gonna start doing reading before I start playing with Linux I suppose [04:19] And try to find the best distro for me [04:19] that would be a wise plan [04:19] RobLinux, do you have the Ubuntu Live CD ? === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-52-28.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] RobLinux, it would be best to play around with it for a few days to get a feel for it :) [04:20] Nope, [04:20] I'm installing it already lol play like that better ? [04:20] RobLinux, hee trial by fire :D [04:21] I tried Slax, MandrakeMove and I like it so thats why I went on and downloaded/burned slackware and mandrake but during installation they have problems [04:21] hee trial by fire? [04:21] RobLinux, what kind of problems ? [04:21] I like Gaim so thats what I want to get for Linux box, I won't be using IRC much here [04:21] Ok let me see [04:22] Slackware (installation would go through it was hard/complicated and then at the end would be retarded i dont even know how to explain all i know) at the very end of installation where you have to exit + reboot + enter something like that [04:22] then it restarts into a black sreen and says GRUB_ [04:23] and just stays there, Yoper didnt work before and it was giving me the samething but I managed yesterday I suppose .. === Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === aktsuo_ [~aktsuo@lns-vlq-26-82-254-153-156.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] Mandrake 10.0 just wouldnt go through installation at all, 10.1 would go up to partitioning but I tried different things to partition and it wouldnt do it (somehow CD1) seems to be messed up maybe? even though i downloaded via bittorrent and linuxiso.org === corbob [~corbob@d207-81-52-32.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] hey, I was wondering how I can change my desktop to 32bpp(that right?) [04:26] so now I'm just too stressed, and I just want to find a good, user-friendly, I can make it look the way I want either gnome or kde, something with good support like you guys for example, stable, fast for my slow system and when time is right maybe think about dual-boot on my fast pc, something I can do all or if not most of the things I do in windows (Download Music, Programs, Videos, etc, chat, send/receive files, emails, s [04:26] urf, ) === Elwood [~Elwood@ppp-62-11-186-153.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] Something like Yoper says ... Complete. Linux. Redefined . Fast, Powerful, Stable! [04:27] daniels: thanks for X.org [04:27] Mojo_Jojo: you probably just want to set it to "24" [04:27] kensai: any time [04:27] robolinux, I feel much better with ubuntu than yoper [04:27] What you think LinuxJones [04:27] gwildor, really why [04:27] Mojo_Jojo, it's easiest to just hand edit your /etx/X11/XF86Config file. It is set Default Depth from 16 to 24 [04:27] daniels: so It can be uploaded when? [04:27] ryan, yeah but i've been having problems with UT an dit was suggested I try it at 32 [04:28] which is 32 bit mode minus a few rarely used alpha channels iirc [04:28] LinuxJones, how safe is it to edit? [04:28] Mojo_Jojo, 32 bits is really only 24 bits plus and alpha channel [04:28] robolinux, idk, yoper made me feel like I was still playing with windows, only less [04:28] wtf is an alpha channel (newbie) [04:28] kensai: likely within half an hour [04:28] robolinux, and ubuntu made me say "i really like linux" [04:29] daniels: amazing! [04:29] Mojo_Jojo, open a gnome-terminal session and type sudo -s (will get you admin piviliges) enter your user password [04:29] Mojo_Jojo: "transparancy level", basically [04:29] daniels: yeah! so it would be that easy as apt-get install xorg? [04:29] nice, everybody likes a different I must say ;) [04:29] kensai: apt-get dist-upgrade === Nickel [~guido@host163-218.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] or smart upgrade in synaptic [04:29] daniels: thanks! better [04:29] gwildor_: you should be able to make that distinction with the kernel on any distro ;) === theine [~theine@fw2.nbi.dk] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] kensai, news about xorg?? [04:29] roblinux, and in ubuntu I easily found an alternative to everything I do in windows [04:29] LinuxJones, ok now what? oh ok Treenaks :) [04:29] Mojo_Jojo, It is for masking graphics afaik [04:30] gwilder, how [04:30] ryan, it just how it made me "FEEL" [04:30] roblinux, apt-get.....synaptic [04:30] Mojo_Jojo, nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 [04:30] Elwood: ??? [04:30] Anybody using Hoary having sound problems that are solved by issuing ``killall esd''? [04:30] looks like I have lots to learn haha [04:30] gwildor_: well that would be the distro itself, not just the kernel :] === Nickel [~guido@host163-218.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu [] [04:30] I'm here in the installation saying Ubuntu Configuration .. enter the full name I'm suppose to put my username or my real name [04:30] LinuxJones, ok :D i;m init :D === bowes [~bowes@blk-215-69-91.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] Elwood: what are you trying to say? [04:30] nice gwildor, must try that hen [04:30] kensai, i saw you talking about xorg release for ubuntu...what do u know? [04:31] Elwood: it would probably be up in half an hour [04:31] Mojo_Jojo, arrow down till you see the Video/Monitor section and look for the setting for DefaultDepth [04:31] ryan, that's what I was saying, I fell a lot better about ubuntu than yoper [04:31] Elwood: Thanks daniels for his great effort [04:31] kensai, can i prepare champagne to have a prty? [04:31] ok, so now I just change it and longout then in? [04:31] daniels, u will soon have monument on my case :) [04:31] but I gotta say Yoper is the fastest thing I ever used [04:31] Elwood: make sure daniels is invited ;) [04:32] Mojo_Jojo, change the 16 to 24 then hit x , then hit enter === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu === Gmail is now known as Gmail|SLEEP [04:32] Windows just slow over time [04:32] gwildor_: you said it made you really like linux...the kernel is still linux on any distro ;) === spacey [~spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] roblinux, I had to install my p2p app from a .deb, but it was cake [04:32] And I'm bored with it === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu === spacey`ki [~ki@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu === gvl [~gvl@] has joined #ubuntu === Nickel [~Nickel@host163-218.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] gwildor, you need to hook me up with that so I can learn how to run p2p with linux [04:33] ryan, yes, but yoper was pushing me back to just using windows, ubntu made me drop my windows install all together [04:33] LinuxJones, it was already set to 24:s === janga [~janga@dialin-212-144-204-131.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] I'll play around more ut2004 until xorg is out LOL [04:33] Mojo_Jojo, then you are all set :) [04:33] roblinux, let me hit google, so I can remember what I am using, (windows box at work atm) but ill help ya out [04:33] hi [04:33] gwildor_: well then its just ubuntu that you really like on that level, compared to yoper [04:33] thanks ;) [04:34] anyone home? [04:34] Mojo_Jojo, if your gaming 16 bit will be MUCH faster === alexey [adept@a80-186-142-188.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] ok, so I guess it didn't need editing, but is it still safe to chnage to32? [04:34] Hello. [04:34] ryan, that's what I said to begin with [04:34] Mojo_Jojo, nooo [04:34] does anyone how to get unrar for ubuntu? [04:34] RobLinux: xmule, amule, LimeWire, Apollon, etc, etc [04:34] but isnt 2/32 better?? i've never had a problem in slackware [04:34] janga: install unrar-nonfree from synaptic === bwlang [~bwlang@h00a0cc520a75.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] I'm downloading those internet stuff you need before finishing installation , I mean I did finish because the cd is out already [04:34] LinuxJones: not necessarily [04:34] Mojo_Jojo, 32 bit in Windows is only 24 bit + alpha channel same as Linux [04:34] noo as in dont change it to 32? [04:34] cardador thanks [04:34] LinuxJones: some games will perform faster in 32bit mode than in 16 [04:35] ryan, which ones ? [04:35] LinuxJones: particularly because certain functions aren't accellerated in 16bit mode [04:35] cardador: what repository? [04:35] I've used emule for windows and it just stays there very hard to download [04:35] LinuxJones: depending on your graphics card of course [04:35] I've used arez galaxy, or ares lite, and filecroc and thats really nice ... and bittorrent is a must [04:35] ryan, I only play Q3 and I get 50 fps more in 16bit vs. 24bit [04:35] kazaalite resurrection should be available for linux [04:35] everybody downloaded firefox 1.0 final? [04:36] Limewire gotta try it I have it here havent used it [04:36] LinuxJones, this might explain my problem http://justlinux.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=779033#post779033 [04:36] LinuxJones: well, everything works better for me in 24 bit mode ;) [04:36] most likely because my nvidia card does more accelleration at 24bit level than 16 [04:36] janga: enable universe and multiverse [04:37] Does somebody know a program which can be used for drawing maps for table-top RPG? [04:37] my friend was telling me Debian is the most stable distro, but its hard . So now Ubuntu is in existance with the most stable but not hard right its hard of course at first since you never seen it but once you get the hang of it you are gonna be running for long ? [04:37] roblinux, I don't remember what it is called, nor can I find it atm, ill have to let you know when I get home, ill look a bit more [04:37] RobLinux: you can use the kazaa network with Apollon [04:37] Mojo_Jojo, I have the same graphics card (which sucks :D) [04:37] no problem. [04:38] what instant messaging programs Ubuntu comes wth again? [04:38] it's better then my old card;) === billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] I might get a new one after chrismas :D [04:39] roblinux, gaim [04:39] LinuxJones: i'm surprised you get better performance in quake3 in 16bit mode with an fx5200 [04:39] what unstable and stable means in the linux world? [04:39] gwildor, thanks yes I like gaim :) === ..[topic/#ubuntu:daniels] : : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ || Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ || Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ || Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ || warty is out || X.Org unleashed into hoary || Please don't paste in the channel, use http://www.pastebin.com/ or #flood || CDs shipping now, last orders for Warty by Friday, Nov 12th, 2004, http://shipit.ubuntulinux.org/ || offtopic discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic please [04:39] ryan, easily better performance [04:39] cardabor: thx, found it! [04:39] awesome. [04:39] (topicdiff: minus 'no X.Org, please wait', plus 'X.Org unleashed into hoary') === LinuxJones on a quick smoke break [04:39] LinuxJones: you're using the nvidia drivers...right? [04:40] CD"S ARE SHIPPING [04:40] Microsoft paid Novell $536 million dollars today. Bill gates is less millionare today ;) LOL === ryan breaks his x installation [04:40] yay xorg === sugoruyo [~sugoruyo@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] hi anyone there? [04:41] ;) [04:41] is xorg or xfree better for a newb? [04:41] well I have go but i'll be back shortly and maybe I can get this damn thing working right :D bye and thats LinuxJones and ryan :D [04:41] xfree is treating my ati card ok atm === sugoruyo [~sugoruyo@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:41] gwildor_: is the same thing xorg is faster though [04:42] So how can Ubuntu be compared with Suse, Yoper, Mandrake, Slackware, Xandros, RedHat based? [04:42] oh [04:42] bob2: anna/choose_modules=archive-copier was from a very old mail of mine and doesn't apply any more; in any case, it did the exact opposite of what was being requested === aran_ [~aran@Toronto-HSE-ppp3926700.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] bob2: the correct modern advice is archive-copier/copy=false [04:42] bleh [04:42] do you have to manually remove xfree and then install xorg [04:42] roblinux, I have only used yoper and ubuntu.....so that's all I can tell you [04:43] manual meaning dpkg --purge [04:43] gwildor, how long you been using linux [04:43] I'm a newbie and I have a week playing with different distros [04:43] Ubuntu just rocks and doesn't compare [04:43] roblinux, bout a month, month and a half [04:43] RobLinux: for stable go with ubuntu [04:44] does ubuntu have a firewall by default ( I mean something like firestarter that's easy for newbs, not iptables) [04:44] RobLinux: I'll use yoper again in my other HDD when they switch to xorg === ryan feels out of place [04:44] i've been experiencing linux and other unicies for almost 5 years... === Elw0od_21 [~Elwood@ppp-62-11-186-110.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] and i didn't think that was that long.. [04:44] isn't Unstable and Stable a different meaning in linux world? [04:44] thoreauputic, I'm not sure, but it is my understanding that you don't need one, ubuntu ha no open ports [04:44] kensai, cool when will that be? [04:45] anyone know when we get Firefox 1.0? === chibifs [~chibifs@pcp09403250pcs.monroe01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:45] gwildor_: right, assuming you don't install services etc that would make sense [04:45] aran_, whenever you want, mozilla.org [04:45] firefox 1.0 is out already [04:46] RobLinux: really don't know they are now concerning by total compatibility wit windows which is Good. I am on yoper developers team. But this is offtopic ;) [04:46] but I would assume that firefox 1.0 would be in hoary soon === pedru [~pedru@] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] RobLinux: I am running Firefox 1.0 final for about half an hour [04:47] i meant in synaptic... the more packages we choose to take out of synaptic's control, the harder everything becomes to maintain [04:47] gwildor_: you assume right [04:47] :) === elw0od [~Elwood@ppp-62-11-186-45.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] kensai, you yoper and ubuntu dev? [04:47] gwildor_: nope just yoper [04:48] aran_, twil be soon [04:48] just wondering... [04:48] thanks [04:48] kensai, I was gonna talk to andreas about distributing yoper cd's for the usa (mail them when ppl order), but then I switched to Ubuntu [04:49] gwildor, you can always keep the peace with both (I hope it doesn't hurt) [04:49] now i can do apt-ge installa xorg? [04:49] elw0od: not yet, has to get built by the buildds and propagate to the archive [04:49] elw0od: wait a couple of hours === oferw [~ofer@DSL212-235-64-27.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] daniels, hours??, ubuntu ppl work hard for us, huh [04:50] gwildor_: well, what happens is that the source package got uploaded [04:50] gwildor_: just don't tell andreas tou are using UBUNTU LOL [04:50] gwildor_: now the i386, amd64 and powerpc build daemons have to notice and go 'oh, stuff I haven't built yet' [04:50] gwildor_: and build them (which takes a while -- it's big) === Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] gwildor_: then they get uploaded, and then the archive gets mirrored to the main public server [04:51] gwildor_: all this takes time === jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === joh_ [~joh@uio-8021x-153-0-25-20.uio.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] daniels, ok..but there is an how to if i want to build my own packages? [04:51] elw0od: why would you bother? [04:51] daniels: I am using K7 kernel it won't matter right? I'm speaking of xorg [04:51] daniels, ok thanks [04:51] hi! [04:51] kensai: not at all [04:51] Oka === zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-74.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] how can I install eclipse in ubuntu? [04:51] elw0od: unless you're running some amazing pre-release amd64 hardware no-one's even heard of yet, it will be in the archive before you can build it [04:51] kensai, why?, he wouldn't be upset would he? [04:52] which lines do I need to add to sources.list to install it? === Sophistication [~3am@sophistication.user] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] daniels, sure, i was speaking in general...not referred to xorg [04:52] daniels: i've got a 8-way opteron box in the mail, as far as i know [04:52] elw0od: google for debian build package howto [04:52] wow this little grew fast :) [04:52] daniels: ah two hours === gwildor_ [~onceagain@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] dieman: sadly the crap imake system won't parallelise [04:53] daniels: $26k of yummy, 8-way, 32gb/memory goodness. [04:53] dieman: *nice*. [04:53] yeah [04:53] gwildor_: believe me he gets upset ;) [04:53] dieman: i'll swap you that for concordia (up, 2gb) [04:53] we will see how happy it is when it gets here. [04:53] daniels: heh, its the univ's box ;) [04:53] dieman: where should I send my SSH key to? [04:53] gwildor_: If I tell him I'm using Ubuntu he'll fired me from devel team [04:53] daniels: i might be able to negoiatiate that in the summers when it wont be used much at all [04:54] kensai, hmm, maybe, if the distro picks back up, ill give it another go, maybe [04:54] daniels: it would make one hell of a build machine. [04:54] daniels, ok it's the same of debian. i know how [04:54] off topic question::: is it true that on irc theres no use of lol, or aol talk "Pr3ttyB0y" << my username === cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9E3C959.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] RobLinux: absolutely [04:54] n09:51 -!- zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-74.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined [04:54] #ubuntu [04:54] 09:51 < jazzka> how can I install eclipse in ubuntu? [04:54] 09:51 -!- zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-74.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined [04:54] #ubuntu [04:54] 09:51 < jazzka> how can I install eclipse in ubuntu? [04:54] ackj [04:54] how do I know if a package is is main, restricted, universe or multiverse? [04:54] wrong paste [04:54] 09:51 -!- zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-74.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined [04:54] #ubuntu [04:54] 09:51 < jazzka> how can I install eclipse in ubuntu? [04:54] ack [04:54] stupid thing [04:55] n/m [04:55] kensai, WOW, that's not cool, he'd fire you, kinda upsetting [04:55] dieman, what do you mean? [04:55] RobLinux: unless you enjoy being mercillessly flamed of course :) [04:55] jazzka: i was trying to paste out of a vnc session [04:55] jazzka: it wasn't working right. [04:55] daniels: so I can't use my username "Pr3ttyB0y" I'll have to use it like "PrettyBoy" ? [04:55] ok [04:55] the hoary release ran our ftp server out of inodes [04:55] gwildor_: right thats why me using buntu is a secret [04:55] gwildor_: I hope they are not spying me right now LOL [04:55] kensai, shhhhhhhh [04:56] the *hoary* release? :) [04:56] RobLinux: you don't *have* to: just some ppeople will think it's lame [04:56] s/release/release to archive/ [04:56] RobLinux: i strongly suggest RobLinux [04:56] kensai, what is funny is I heard 'bout ubuntu on yoper forums [04:56] dieman: cool [04:57] jazzka: apt-cache madison [04:57] RobLinux: the channel is much more readable when people actually use real English [04:57] daniels: why lol [04:57] haha [04:57] I second daniels suggestion [04:57] as do i === rapha [~rapha@p50834937.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] dieman: ah === Guest3659 [~sd@] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] RobLinux / PrettyBoy = Me :) [04:57] i third daniel [04:57] RobLinux: it labels you to use supposedly 1337 names [04:57] http://www.geocities.com/neotechtv/rafi.zip <--- real tv programe tv6 sexshow (israel) === wizz_ [~wza@D5E00194.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] yay spam [04:58] gwildor_: hehe is their site back online? [04:58] I don't get that 1337 names? [04:58] kensai, that was a few months ago [04:58] RobLinux: it's an excessively Pr3ttyB0y-ish spelling of "elite" [04:58] kensai, no there iste isnt back up [04:59] RobLinux: sarcastic usage; generally refers to people who think they're "elite" but in fact aren't even close to it [04:59] true.. how about just PrettyBoy === thoreauputic is now known as Th0r3AuPu7ic [04:59] Ubuntu is the first distro I have used a month straight and is not going to be removed no no [04:59] that's fine, although it does come across as a little arrogant :-) === Th0r3AuPu7ic is now known as thoreauputic [05:00] maybe he means it sarcastic :p [05:00] lol [05:00] I'll stay with this then :) [05:00] heh === stratus [~stratus@] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] Only thing that upsets me about ubuntu is that i386, which is i486 but I love everything more that i686 ;) [05:01] i used debian for over two years on my desktop at one point [05:01] kensai, what have u tried before? [05:01] I'm gonna log on my linux box with RobLinux_ thats fine? [05:01] or Majestic [05:01] bagpuss, I dont get any output when doing: apt-cache madison eclipse-sdk [05:01] elw0od, distros? [05:01] kensai, yes [05:01] I'll switch here to majestic and my linux into roblinux [05:01] jazzka: wrong command, for a start [05:01] RobLinux: lower case is usually a good plan, but your usernames are entirely up to you [05:02] thoreauputic, can you help me? === stratus [~stratus@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:02] elw0od, onebaselinux, sourcemage, gentoo [05:02] I would like to install eclipse on ubuntu [05:02] elw0od: and I'm on yoper devel team [05:02] jazzka: apt-cache search [05:02] kensai, interesting :) [05:02] thoreauputic: man apt-cache :) [05:02] kensai, do you even have a yoper instal atm??? [05:02] no problem [05:02] but I doubt eclipse will be in your sources anyway [05:03] thoreauputic, apt-cache doesnt find anything [05:03] gwildor_: nope [05:03] bagpuss: I try to avoid RTFM here :) [05:03] :((( [05:03] thoreauputic: for what HE wants he has the right command [05:03] gwildor_: until 2.3 gets released it is near [05:03] jazzka: well, eclipse is clearly not there then [05:03] Why ubuntu takes so long ? [05:03] jazzka: apt-cache seems to know nothing about a package called "eclipse-sdk" [05:03] kensai, lol...........im telling andreas.......hahaha [05:04] bagpuss: ? I don't follow you - apt-cache madison.... etc does what?? [05:04] gwildor_: it will feature a graphical installer and you can install .exe with just clicking it [05:04] ok, then I will have to look for it manually [05:04] kensai: .exe as in Windows executables? [05:05] gwildor_: I don't like the windows program install by just clicking it [05:05] kensai, really, noobs will flock, err....... [05:05] is there a way to have your username saved on ubuntu ? [05:05] RobLinux: "saved"? [05:05] Kamion: yeah but I don't want that [05:05] kensai, I don't think it will impress me [05:05] thoreauputic: I'm not going to paste it from the manpage. Try it or look it up [05:05] gwildor_: I just fear spyware will be instaleld as easy as in windows [05:06] brb === jwerven [~jwerven@] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] kensai: i believe redhat had the ability to "directly execute" windows executables years ago [05:06] Lets make a xorg in ubuntu launch party [05:06] which is just a wrapper of some sorts for wine [05:06] ryan: it's trivial on anything derived from Debian [05:06] ryan: install wine and binfmt-support, voila, just works [05:06] but don't take my word for it [05:06] ryan: yeah ity sucks [05:07] i just saw it one day while surfing around random places, i haven't used redhat since 2000 [05:07] (obviously, it's fairly easy to turn off too ...) [05:07] the first to know xorg is in apt gets the pize ;) [05:08] kensai: write the cheque out to 'cash' please ;) [05:08] ryan, hehe === kensai hitting reload on synaptic [05:09] bagpuss: OK got it - thanks :) [05:09] i'm apt-get updating :P === elvstone [~elvis@h112n2fls32o879.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] ryan, why use command if GUI is there? [05:10] why use a gui if a command is there? [05:10] haha [05:10] hm, does ubuntu come with a cross-compiler? i'm interested in using a couple of ubuntu machines to speed up compilation of FreeBSD ports on another machine. [05:10] (using distcc). [05:11] ryan, well cause I see something beautifull [05:11] no, you'll generally have to build cross-compilers yourself [05:11] Kamion: ok, damn. [05:11] there are too many combinations for us to supply them pre-built, I'm afraid [05:11] elvstone: oh; are you using the freebsd 5.3 release candidates? === RobLinux [~roblinux@user-12hdq0e.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] I'm back [05:11] ryan: no, i'm compiling RELENG_5_3 right now. [05:11] still 5.2.1. [05:11] on Ubuntu :) [05:12] elvstone: i just came from freebsd 5.3rc1 actually [05:12] elvstone: more or less [05:12] okay. [05:12] theres some gnome updates already out which are good [05:12] i run openbsd and netbsd on my servers [05:13] me too. [05:13] nice :) === RobLinux [~roblinux@user-12hdq0e.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:14] xorg-driver-synaptic is there now === elvstone [~elvis@h112n2fls32o879.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:14] but xorg can't be installed yet :( [05:15] kensai: if you find it you can't recieve the prize because you're a member of the ...uh...prize commitee! [05:15] xorg is available for debian and ubuntu? [05:15] ryan: LOL [05:16] b00gie: only ubuntu [05:16] thats why ubuntu rocks ^ [05:16] kensai: fwiw, on concordia (a stupidly fast amd64 box -- it blocks on IO while building X), X builds take 32min [05:16] kensai: on the G5 Xserves, they take 72min [05:16] hmm... i thought that ubuntu follow debian packages [05:16] kensai: not sure how long they typically take on i386 [05:16] kensai: the message here? patience, padawan [05:17] b00gie: it's not an inviolable rule [05:17] b00gie: yes, but we also do our own development [05:17] b00gie: in this case, debian is also a lot more work because there are more wacky architectures to support [05:17] ubuntu is "okay". It still has a way to go before it's wonderful though === calc [~ccheney@ip70-185-2-220.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] so it's extra work on top of the ubuntu packaging [05:17] still, it appears to be moving the right way [05:17] nice nice:) [05:17] daniels: your scaring me man :) [05:18] kensai: ? [05:18] daniels: because of your messages [05:18] kensai: i'm confused [05:18] kensai: not sure how long they typically take on i386 [05:18] kensai: the message here? patience, padawan [05:18] That ^^^ [05:19] ah [05:19] well, it will take time [05:19] personally, i'll wait 6 months for x.org [05:19] I recall building X3.3 on a 33MHz 486. It's not *that* slow on a halfway modern i386 :) [05:19] dieman: HM? why? === oddabe19 [~oddabe19@pcp01471558pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] kensai: because the next release is oh, 6 months out or so. === RobLinux [~roblinux@user-12hdq0e.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] dieman: yeah I know [05:19] bagpuss: there's a lot more to x11r6.8 than there was to xfree86 3.3 [05:19] i jumped off the crackwagon a long time ago :) [05:20] Guess Who's Back [05:20] dieman: but why wait? [05:20] kensai: hmm, might have something with having work to do :) [05:20] dieman: AHhhh OK [05:20] daniels: yes, I know. I still can't imagine it takes days to build on a multiple GHz x86 though [05:20] like, today I need to move these FAI changes from a vmware test install over to a real machine [05:20] bagpuss: no, but it will take around an hour or an hour and a half [05:21] and then document how to install with FAI [05:21] for my coworkers. [05:21] that's hardly any time at all [05:21] bagpuss: relative to how long people have been frantically apt-get update'ing for since we uploaded it, it's a fair while === torpor [~torpor@p54857323.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] hi all. [05:21] daniels: *shrug* if they're in that much of a hurry to get it, they shouild have built it themselves :) [05:22] can someone tell me how i get ubuntu to update my menu after i've installed some software? [05:22] i wouldn't frantically apt-get update actually [05:22] bagpuss: 'swhat I said [05:22] it'll only stress the server === scandium [~scandium@p508083EC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] torpor, not all software automagically goes to the menu, have to add it yourself === gruberman [~gruberman@h9n2fls35o294.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === ionte [~jonatan@w103-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] torpor: use KDE instead of gnome, then it will happen that way [05:23] yeah, but isn't there some way to tell the launcher to 'rebuild' its menus or something? i've asked this before, and there was some 'apt-get menu' sorta trick or something, i can't remember ... [05:23] bagpuss: good solution [05:23] what's up with getsweaaa? just installed ubuntu. tried to install mono, but there are no mono packages at getsweaaa....? [05:23] i would prefer to use Gnome if i can, i just want to know how to administer it properly. seems to me that any decent 'user' distro of linux shouldn't require the user to have to do that admin themselves ... [05:24] daniels: don't get me started. The major reason I think ubuntu is broken is gnome :) === icu [~e2@S01060004e2b2e013.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] kde is available [05:24] torpor: welcome to gnome [05:24] i quite like gnome actually. [05:24] *ding ding* [05:24] When might the new version of ati's fglrx drivers be available? [05:24] gwildor: I'm on Ubuntu now :) [05:25] roblinux, you like? [05:25] c'mon, someone tell me the apt-get menu trick. i know there is one. [05:25] i asked before, and did it, but i can't remember ... [05:25] icu: fglrx doesn't support x11r6.8 in any version, iirc [05:25] bagpuss: good for you [05:25] torpor: I believe the devs decided not to use the debian menu system because it was too much... I may be wrong but I think jdub said something of the kind [05:25] gwildor: Yes [05:25] thoreauputic, yes, something like "it makes the menus HUGE" [05:25] daniels: Is there an alternative driver for ati cards? [05:26] icu, the default with ubuntu gives me 4k fps [05:26] icu: yes, it's called 'radeon' and it ships with ubuntu [05:26] okay i guess the other question is, where do i find a proper keymap for my titanium powerbook keyboard? the default one blows chunks of monkey butt cheese. [05:26] icu, radeon 7000 64mb === x4m [~max@135.157-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] daniels, I used "ati", I don't recall there being a "radeon" [05:27] gwilder: When I had my default install I got a fraction of the frames compared to with the fglrx driver running a mobility 9000 [05:27] gwildor_: ati just loads radeon as a submodule, they're effectively one and the same [05:28] icu, oh yeah, I had to comment out a line in xfree86-4, or whatever === ozan [~oenginogl@dsl81-214-42223.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] daniels, kk, I ddidnt know, im a newb, was just saying that im not too sure that there is RADEON, only ATI [05:28] gwildor_: Can you find that line, thanks a lot, I tried getting it to work before without any luck. [05:29] icu, paste me that file, ill tell you [05:29] icu, atleast what I had to do === gruberman [~gruberman@h9n2fls35o294.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] k i'll have to setup the radeon drivers again cause i'm running the fglrx ones === travis [~travis@63-229-188-179.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] icu, kk [05:29] torpor: apt-cache show menu perhaps? === ozan [~oenginogl@dsl81-214-42223.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:32] whats a good IDE for ubuntu then? i'm a 'vi/makefile' kind of programmer (C/C++) but i wanna try one of those new-fangled linux IDE's that're out there now ... [05:33] I just tried updating to hoary and during apt-get upgrade it fails because scrollkeeper-update segfaults. Is this a known issue? I can't seem to find it on bugzilla. [05:34] I have a question, I isntalled from the preview cd 2 days ago, how do I update to warty, but not hoary? [05:34] err, re-installed [05:34] gwildor_: Try apt-get upgrade. === spencer_ [~spencer@ed.e2bed1.client.atlantech.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] is there a good x configurator out there for ubuntu/debian? [05:35] torpor: check out Anjuta. its very good === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g3140.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === drakonim [~drakonim@] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] spencer_: dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree86 === f_favila [f_favila@host-66-81-200-50.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gerrath [Gerrath@cad5.lifecor.com] has joined #ubuntu === Tim-E [~tim@wblv-253-66.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === Tim-E is now known as Tick [05:37] hi all, anyone know how to map a custom command to a key-combo / mouse button ? (hoary/gnome) [05:37] cardador: thanks, i'm checking it out now ... === Tick is now known as ShadowWan [05:37] the keyboard shortcuts thing is useles... only lets me do some predefined gnome tasks [05:38] torpor: and if you use it along with Glade, you get smt similar to Visual c++ [05:39] i had no such problem. i upgraded 30min ago. [05:39] noneus: with hoary? [05:39] WOW!!! I like Ubuntu so much now... I'm loving the Evolution Mail [05:40] Ubuntu inclides everything needed to have a wonderful useful Gnome desktop. [05:40] includes* [05:41] Thats why Linux rocks! === ftPeter008 [~peter@12-221-81-173.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] scrollkeeper was always a PITA with Debian sid too [05:41] how do you do an upgrade? through synaptic? i mean, a full system upgrade? [05:41] but its been so long I can't remember what I did to fix it back then :P [05:41] I like a distro like Ubuntu and Yoper has the best of the best [05:42] good question travis me to want to know [05:42] torpor: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace warty with hoary [05:42] travis, wont that grab hoary packages? [05:42] torpor: then apt-get update; apt-get upgrade; apt-get dist-upgrade [05:42] gwildor_: No, if you installed from the CD then you are set to use warty packages. [05:42] i've got warty in there already. so i sub those with 'hoary' and then go? [05:42] gwildor_: It will just see if new versions of any of the are available and install them if they are. [05:43] torpor: Yes. [05:43] travis, kk, and if I want to grab warty, I do..........? [05:43] torpor: You should probably know what you are doing. [05:43] I've downloaded warty and yes installed it from cd so how does it upgrade? [05:43] gwildor_: apt-get upgrade.... [05:43] RobLinux: If it was after the official release there aren't any upgrades. [05:44] RobLinux: And there will only be security updates until you switch to hoary, which I wouldn't do unless you like to see things break. [05:44] I just installed it today and when was the official release? I downloaded and burned it like 2days ago [05:44] travis: === skar [~skar@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:44] travis, that's what im saying.....if I upgrade ill grap hoary packages,.....i just want hoary === spencer_ [~spencer@ed.e2bed1.client.atlantech.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] i just want to know if hoary is the latest or if warty is? which should i be running if i want the latest and greatest? [05:45] howdy, is this somewhere where i can ask about getting help setting up my printer? it's printing with a weird offset that puts the page about 1 inches low in X and Y [05:45] warty is stable [05:45] torpor: Hoary is the current development branch. [05:45] this means there are bugs and problems then right? [05:46] gwildor_: If you run apt-get upgrade you will NOT get hoary stuff unless you've editted your /etc/apt/sources.list file. === mahnve [~marcus@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:46] torpor: Many of them. :) [05:46] i guess i should just be happy with a stable linux to run on my powerbook .. [05:46] torpor: not too much for me until now :) [05:46] xf86 question again, I can't get out of 640x480 help === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] travis, I added multiverse, universe, removed CD, and added marilat, am I hoary proof? [05:46] spencer_: Do you have the drivers for your video card? [05:46] torpor: warty is stable, hoary is the testing one, bleeding edge kinda stuff, not guaranteed to work properly though (as far as i nunderstand it) [05:46] okay, thanks everyone for the help! [05:46] gwildor_: Does it say warty or hoary in there? === stone_ [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] i'm now gonna work out how to dual-boot into OSX .. fun! ;) === torpor parts [05:47] travis, good question [05:47] travis, idk, windows box at work, but I havent changed that so it should say warty [05:47] spencer_: ati.com or nvidia.com [05:47] it's an intel integrated card [05:47] gwildor_: Then it won't get anything from hoary. [05:47] spencer_: Ouch. [05:48] prolly one of those intel810 driver cards [05:48] intel has a driver for it === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g3140.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] a friend's machine needed that driver when i was setting it up for him [05:49] the i810 xf86 module services all the i8xx chipset based graphics cards. intels driver is pretty useless, it expects some old X versions [05:49] it ran about as well as a donkey wearing greased shoes. [05:49] lol ryan === drakonim disabled his onboard i845 "extreme" video and bought an el-cheapo nvidia mx 440 [05:50] actually, integrated i810 cards do get stuff from hoary [05:50] daniels: do they work better in xorg? [05:50] my i855 gains the ability to start more than one X server at once (kind of handy when you're hacking X servers), and also support for both pipes -> better VGA out support === Chibi [~chibifs@pcp09403250pcs.monroe01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] ryan: yes [05:50] any gl? ;) [05:50] Ooops. [05:51] this is the line in the device section 'Driver "i810"' [05:51] I broke it. :/ [05:51] broke what? [05:51] Heh, I fixed the problem by uninstalling half of GNOME. :/ [05:51] My main ubuntu install. :/ === shank_ [~shank@as400.chem.pitt.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] chibi, X broke? [05:51] travis: the problem? [05:51] chibi, happened to me twice [05:51] No, not X. [05:51] Networking. [05:52] ryan: Problem I was having. === Ghun [~omega@] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] chibi, I had a bit of a network prob as well, dsl running at 56k [05:52] travis: what was it? [05:52] No, a network problem that shouldn't happen. [05:52] It's direct ethernet. >.> [05:52] travis: oh the scrollkeeper thing? === Majestic [~PrettyBoy@pool-162-83-254-20.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === oferw [~ofer@DSL212-235-64-27.bb.netvision.net.il] has left #ubuntu [] [05:53] ryan: Yeah. [05:53] Anyway, I guess I'll just make some and use this for now. [05:53] And then I appearently fixed it by reinstaling that half of GNOME. [05:54] brbness. === Chibi [~chibifs@pcp09403250pcs.monroe01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:54] Folks, this is why you don't do a major upgrade like this on anything beyond a minimal system install. :) [05:54] heh [05:54] You have to bounce things around to get it all working. [05:55] unfortunately the variables for thousands of user systems makes it hard for devs to make sure the upgrades go seamlessly === gwildor_ goes on a smoke break cursing his windows box === Majestic [~PrettyBoy@pool-162-83-254-20.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === torpor [~torpor@p54857323.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] okay i can't figure it out .. how do i get yaboot to boot by default into OSX, not linux? [05:56] or is there another boot manager in PPC/Linux? [05:56] something i have to do in openfirmware? [05:57] my 'windows box' is a k6-2 300 that isn't working right now because 1. it used to be a pII 400 with usb ports and i have a nice usb mouse for it and the k6-2 doesn't have usb, 2. i don't feel liking digging up a serial mouse (stupid "SuperAT" shite) and 3. i don't feel like putting in the win98 cd while it `finds' all the different stuff on this mobo === Ohmer [~Homer@ip216-239-89-122.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] all i was using it for really was powertab editor anyway === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] which even works in wine, just without midi [05:59] http://ryan.slipgate.org/hardware.html [05:59] photo evidence! === melter|work [~Melter@dyn224.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu === choong_ [~choong@dsl231-056-051.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] is there any word when mozilla 1.0 will be included into the warty packages? === hypa7ia [~Leigh@user41-239.wireless.utoronto.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] hey boys and girls, i need some help tracking down a kernel header package [06:05] ftPeter008: you mean firefox 1.0? [06:06] soon [06:06] ryan: yah, misspoke. [06:06] awesome. [06:06] which is out today [06:06] btw ;) === n2linux [~matt@cs6625177-145.austin.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] the FINAL 1.0 build [06:06] http://www.mozilla.org/ [06:06] hypa7ia: stab in the dark - substitute linux for kernel [06:07] thoreauputic: well, in synaptics, it was called kernel-headers-2.6.something [06:07] http://www.mozilla.org/press/mozilla-2004-11-09.html [06:07] i need to find the .deb on the web in windows :-( === tritium [~Tritium@12-203-252-127.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] lol, I cant even get to mozilla.org [06:08] heh [06:08] yeah it seems to be going really slow === reinhard [~reinhard@194-208-003-154.TELE.NET] has joined #ubuntu === Pluk [~Pluk@37-71-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] i'm guessing they're being hit with 8 million people due to the new release [06:09] kevinrose.com is advertising it as well, its gonna be busy [06:09] greetings all, i've been seeing an odd behavior on a laptop i've just installed ubuntu on, wondering if anyone here has seen it: [06:09] hey, yeah, that explains why mozilla.org is down :-) [06:09] And its on slashdot [06:09] choong_: what's it doing? === icu [~e2@n194-211.wireless.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] i'm sure slashdot has mozilla.org under attack too [06:09] ..and it does [06:09] behavior is that gnome login takes thirtyish seconds, firefox start and evolution start about the same [06:09] moz has withstood slashdottings before [06:10] choong_: warty or hoary? [06:10] that was before, mozilla gets bigger every day [06:10] i've read around on the web a bit but most people reference this behavior relating to resolver issues, which i'm pretty sure i don't have [06:10] hypa7ia: but slashdot is surely just one of many large sites advertising it [06:10] warty [06:10] hell [06:10] thoreauputic: do me a favor? [06:10] ryan: true [06:10] news.com has firefox 1.0 as a headline [06:10] and the ad in the NYT [06:10] cnet is huge [06:10] gwildor_: Hi, i'm back. I gave those settings a try and yes dri is working except it's a lot slower than with the fglrx drivers and more problematic. [06:10] http://news.com.com/ [06:10] hypa7ia: if possible, sure [06:10] rawk. [06:11] can i msg you? [06:11] yes [06:11] OMG, I made it to mozilla [06:11] mmm.. darn printer. === Ghun [~omega@] has left #ubuntu [] === lance [~lance@pD95EFF9B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] now it's only .5 inches too tall off the top of the page. [06:12] has anyone seen the add in NYT [06:12] is there a shot of it on the web somewhere? [06:12] gwildor_: i don't think it's out yet [06:12] gwildor_: Have you tried tweaking your settings at all the improve performance? === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] icu, for what? [06:13] hypa7ia, oh, ok [06:13] gwildor_: To improve 3d performance [06:13] gwildor_: they're getting a deal because they were flexible on the date [06:13] hypa7ia: any thoughts? [06:14] anyone know if A4 paper is longer than US Letter? [06:14] ftPeter008: it is [06:14] ftPeter008: yes [06:14] choong_: no, i've only heard of that happeneing in hoary [06:14] icu, all I did was comment out a line and change stuff that said generic to radeon [06:14] sweet. synaptic upgrade of cups and switching to us letter worked. [06:14] choong_: maybe ask on the list... it's serious enough that it should be documented [06:15] hypa7ia: cool, i'll do that. i've used linux for a few years now and never seen this issue. === hypa7ia nods [06:16] yeah, i don't know. linux on laptops is hard :-( [06:16] yep === Amaranth [~travis@63-229-188-179.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] for everyone who wants firefox, but cant get to mozilla.org [06:16] gwildor_: Oh ok, thanks anyways, I think i'll go back to the fglrx drivers as the frame rates are easily double that of the dri drivers. [06:16] icu, what are you getting? === orospakr [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu === Slackman [~am@81-178-198-238.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] hopefully suspend to disk will be integrated at some point [06:17] last question, as anyone added wpa-supplicant to the wifi drivers? [06:17] for glxgears, 900 for fglrx, 700 for dri. But the ratio is far greater in quake 3 etc... [06:17] icu, why so low, I get 4000+ === Amaranth [~travis@63-229-188-179.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] gwildor_: What kind of card is that? [06:18] icu, radeon 7000 64mb agp [06:18] 4x agp [06:18] icu, 1.2ghz 256 ram [06:19] gwildor_: This is radeon mobility 9000 32mb so I don't know. Hmm, I gotta believe I should be getting higher. I've got a centrino 1.3, 640mb ram. === gwildor_ shrugs === Slackman has an ibook which doesn't have ati drivers :( [06:20] choong_: oh, i have something for that... if i find my kernel headers and get wifi working i'll find it for you [06:21] hypa7ia: what wifi card are you using? === gruberman [~gruberman@h9n2fls35o294.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] who was looking for a firefox.deb earlier [06:21] ftPeter008: internel intel pro wireless 2200 === puzzledm [~puzzledm@user-4545.l6.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] hypa7ia: cool, thanks === vilaud [~vilaud@10-33-118-80.kaptech.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:22] choong_: are you on x86? [06:23] i installed ut2004 demo on ubuntu and it won't let me uninstall it using the included script saying their is no uninstaller present ... what? [06:24] does anybody know how to uninstall it [06:24] "We get a ton of mail from people who clearly are not technically savvy, telling us how great our browser is," said Mozilla Foundation's Baker. "And the other day I had someone at my gym get down on her knees and wave her arms at me when she found out the role I have at the Mozilla project." [06:24] rofl [06:24] that's awesome [06:25] man, i put windoze users on ff and they're pretty appreciative :-) [06:25] hypa7ia: yep. dell precision m50, a couple year oldish p4 laptop [06:25] yeah [06:25] mwahaha... first firefox, then openoffice... then there willbe no reason for them to not go to linux! [06:25] bwahahahaha [06:25] when i put ff on users computers its nice how suddenly they stop getting spyware instantly === nasdaq4088 [sdfsd@tkp-ip-nas-1-p237.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] linux is getting very close [06:25] and i don't have to go over for visits every 2 weeks for the "oh and could you have a look at my computer" discussions [06:26] choong_: can i pick your brin for a few minutes? i'm trying to track down a package but i don't have the net working in ubu yet [06:26] sure [06:26] that it is choong_ === xuzo [~xuzo@bolgo.cent.uji.es] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] i'm actually using this ubuntu machine as my primary machine at work right now, it's pretty reasonable [06:26] me too [06:27] except for the wifi issue [06:27] does lirc-modules-source compile with 2.6 kernels in ubuntu? === gwildor_ [~PBI@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === reinhard [~reinhard@194-208-003-154.TELE.NET] has left #ubuntu [] === gwildor_ [~PBI@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === agenteo [~agenteo@] has joined #ubuntu === icu [~e2@n194-211.wireless.ubc.ca] has left #ubuntu [] === f_favila [f_favila@host-66-81-200-50.rev.o1.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:29] anyone use gain on windows? [06:29] gaim* [06:29] how can I see which version of gst-plugins is installe [06:29] d === xinel [~xinel@dsl-220-235-6-5.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] garg [06:30] pc keeps freezing [06:30] gwildor_, i do use gaim in windows [06:30] So is Xorg in Hoary now or is it still being worked on? [06:30] beeing synced on the servers i guess Amaranth [06:31] cool [06:31] how can i speed up my boot process seems to take a long time on netwrok config part === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] cuz i updated 30 mins ago [06:31] and now there are already new packages [06:31] so i guess there busy, but not for sure though === WebMaven_ [~WebMaven@] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] Hi folks. === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] hiya WebMaven [06:32] anybody have any idea on why my pc keeps freezing? [06:32] I'm installing ubuntu, and have reached a screen where it is asking me which kernel to use. How do I choose? [06:32] XORG IS IN APT!!!!!!!!! thanks daniels ;) [06:33] rawkin kensai! [06:33] oh man, been waiting for that [06:33] kensai: cool. Let me know when all the bugs are fixed and it's safe to install it :) [06:33] WebMaven_: whatcha running, processor-wise? === yogeex [~yogesh@] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] are you guys going to upgrade firefox to 1.0 for warty? === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] It's a Pentium III === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g3140.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] erm... xorg has arrived in hoary [06:34] any comment/handhelds ? === bratsche [~cody@adsl-68-94-61-191.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] kewl upgrading now to x.org [06:35] is it ok to mix warty and hoary packages? (eg use xorg from hoary but gnome etc from warty) [06:35] Pluk, good luck [06:35] Joy! Firefox 1.0 is released today. [06:35] tankewol [06:35] Hopefully Firefox 1.0 will make it into Ubuntu soon. [06:35] hehe Pluk [06:35] :P [06:35] WebMaven_: i686 [06:35] my choices are: linux-image-386, linux-image-, linux-image-2.6-386, and linux-386 === MoonSweep [~MoonSweep@sanctuaire.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] yogeex: That should be fine. [06:35] WebMaven_: the 2nd one [06:36] what are the differences? [06:36] hello [06:36] i don't come to ask questions this time :) [06:36] ok here i go.. hope to be back in a sec.... === gwildor_ [~onceagain@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] Does the screensaver helps or no [06:37] hypa7ia, what are the differences between the choices? [06:38] woo xorg 6.8@#^!%#' [06:38] WebMaven_: the second one is the newest [06:39] Ah. Thank you. [06:39] ryan, its ready? [06:39] installing now [06:39] ryan, if I tried it, is it gonna be hard?? [06:40] ryan, should I just leave it alone? [06:40] kensai found it first [06:40] but he still doesn't get the prize [06:40] :< [06:40] hahaha [06:40] WebMaven_: glad to help :-) [06:40] RobLinux: Does the screensaver help for what, exactly? [06:41] err, i forget [06:41] ryan, but how hard is it gonna be fore me to use? [06:41] okay i'm finished upgrading [06:41] is it a good idea to update X from a term running on X? :) [06:41] ryan, should I just stick with xfree [06:41] i'm half expecting to restard x to find an error log [06:41] we shall see === trans_err [~trans_err@hc652727a.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] does evolution's spam filters actually work? I just mark things as spam and it doesn't do a thing- [06:41] Amaranth: i never had problems with upgrades on Debian, so I think Ubuntu have the same benefits [06:41] Amaranth, no [06:42] Amaranth, & yes [06:42] you can upgrade your whole system from an Xterm === Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] or from Synaptic [06:42] ryan, kk, aslong as it doesn't break x ill be fine, if x breaks, I have to re-install === eruin [~eruin@213-145-179-140.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g3140.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] hmm, x.org is not starting with Option "Composite" "Enabled", it says "Enabled" is not a valid value, anyone knows what it should be? [06:44] Mitario: you put that in 'Section "Extensions"'? [06:44] yep === hypa7ia [~Leigh@user41-239.wireless.utoronto.ca] has left #ubuntu [] === jocce [jahlback@ax18.netikka.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === jwerven [~jwerven@] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] oh wait now it says 'problem when converting the configs data structures' [06:44] AH BUGGER [06:44] Mitario: change Enabled to Enable [06:44] ah :) [06:45] brb :) === will_ [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] daniels, are you going to have to re-send the email? === Amaranth [~travis@63-229-188-179.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] tritium: i doubt it, but we'll see [06:45] hopefully not [06:45] hrm [06:45] X -version shows that i'm still running [06:46] Well, that was painless. [06:46] ryan: you may have to manually sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xorg-driver-synaptics === clau1 [~claus@pD9EC4BE2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] daniels: Are the xorg packages going to end up in Debian experimental too? [06:46] ryan: did you do a non-smart upgrade in synaptic, or run apt-get upgrade, rather than apt-get dist-upgrade? === Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] Amaranth: eventually, but they need a lot of work before that can happen (remember debian is now like 14 architectures, to our 3) [06:46] daniels, ok, now it works, thanks === stone_ [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] daniels: i did apt-get upgrade [06:46] Ah, yeah. [06:47] ryan: don't do that [06:47] ryan: do dist-upgrade, like the email says ;) [06:47] well you didn't email me! [06:47] hehe [06:47] I just installed xserver-xorg and a couple other things that a search brought up. [06:47] nah, I just emailed some random guy called 'ubuntu-announce' or something :P [06:47] How can i delete a programm i installed with apt-get and ALL files (confugration etc) too it. [06:47] Doh, I need to get on that list. [06:47] running apt-get dist-upgrade now [06:48] that'll take care of a few things that were hanging back anyway [06:48] installing without a hitch :) === pitigrilli [~claus@pD9EC4BE2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] now I want to test the leet shadows :p or aren't they enabled in this early packages yet? [06:49] screw shadows i just want xcompmgr === darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu === MeAndU [~ubuntu32@] has joined #ubuntu === pitigrilli [~claus@pD9EC4BE2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [06:50] Swifty: apt-get remove --purge [06:50] i get to download my updates at an average of 750KB/s :) === pitigrilli [~claus@pD9EC4BE2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === g3r4rd0 [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu === pitigrilli [~claus@pD9EC4BE2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] === pdaoust [~paul@S010600400559f412.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === ztonzy [~bleh@c-e74771d5.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] daniels: perfect. === IMSoP [~chatzilla@i-195-137-84-82.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu === RuffianSoldier [RuffianSol@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === iz [~iz@] has joined #ubuntu === agenteo [~agenteo@] has joined #ubuntu === pdaoust [~paul@S010600400559f412.ok.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Gerrath [Gerrath@cad5.lifecor.com] has joined #ubuntu === beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:20e:2eff:fe27:ea88] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] I'm back [06:53] hooray [06:54] whats the main difference between x and xfree86? [06:54] free86 [06:54] lol [06:55] ha [06:55] ha [06:55] latter implements former === Amaranth [~travis@63-229-188-179.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g3140.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] woo [06:56] i get over 100 more fps in glxgears [06:56] and when you're only getting 501fps 100 means a lot [06:56] ryan, get it working? [06:56] ryan, X.org? [06:56] yeah [06:57] ryan, how is it? [06:57] just make sure you dist-upgrade, not just upgrade ;P [06:57] its the same because i haven't enabled the composite manager yet [06:57] not worried about trans or shadows yet [06:57] ryan, I usually upgrade from synaptic, smart upgrade, but I gotcha [06:58] ryan, composit manager, maybe ill wait to use it till I can find someone with the time to help me set it up [06:58] how can I see the version of an installed package? === letheus [~s7s@port915.ds1-he.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] lupus_: dpkg -l [06:59] XFree86: 4.3.0 | Monitor: C1770NSL/NST | Videocard: nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] | Res: 1280x1024, 16-bits | X-chat: 2.4.0 [06:59] thx [06:59] heya, how hard is Xorg to get get going under ubuntu PPC? [06:59] deFrysk: didn't work? [06:59] i'm making packages of xcompmgr to upload now === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] still saying xfree86 :s [06:59] I get no sound when playing MOV-files. I?ve used VLC and XINE. MPlayer is still broken [07:00] xorg is installled === jind [~jind@217-17-134.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] mplayer rocks [07:00] I installed xorg already [07:00] without a hitch [07:00] deFrysk: did you restart X ? [07:00] is it as default now? [07:00] how I check [07:00] ? [07:00] but sinfo says i have still xfree86 running [07:00] deFrysk: they promised a smooth upgrade, it is so smooth you don't even notivce it :P [07:00] kensai: X -version works [07:00] ist probably configfiles keeping things in check :) [07:01] X Window System Version 6.8.1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!! [07:01] cool [07:01] kensai: how'd you do that? [07:01] X -version [07:01] But xorg is installed flawlessly , ubuntu-developers, good work :) [07:01] kensai: but how'd you install it? [07:01] apt-ger dist-upgrade [07:01] apt-get dist-upgrade* === corbob [~corbob@d207-81-52-32.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] kensai: you on Hoary, or what? [07:02] yep I'm on hoary === seacyd [~c@p213.54.60.54.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] deFrysk: remember you have to run apt-get dist-upgrade, or a synaptic smart upgrade === martink [~martin@pD9EB28DD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] deFrysk: apt-get upgrade will not (repeat, not) install the x.org x server for you [07:02] kensai: me too, I'll check it out [07:02] daniels, I did that ;) [07:02] daniels, can I delete Xfree86 config now? [07:02] kensai: yah === f_favila [f_favila@host-66-81-21-218.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] deFrysk: restart gdm? [07:03] daniels, it says here x-window-system-core is being held back with dist-upgrade === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] interesting [07:04] mdz: please walk him through debugging apt's problem resolution stuff ^^ if you have a minute, I can't remember the necessary crack and I think I'm going to pass out at my keyboard === tvon [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:04] I can?t get MPlayer working === Kyaneos [~Kyaneos@80-26-159-146.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] letheus: in what way does it not work? === lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:05] Kool glxgears is giving more FPS in Xorg great [07:05] heh [07:05] i still get ~3500fps [07:05] kensai: yea, X.org is nice [07:05] woei, a 456MB download from wart to hoary, i'll do it when I've got some more bandwidth to burn [07:05] kensai: also check out xcompmgr [07:06] bagpuss, Well, it just doesn?t start up. === tritium [~Tritium@12-203-252-127.client.insightBB.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:06] I'm getting almost 8,000 === m_tthew [matt@iorek.ice-nine.org] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] hmm, i don't have the xcompmgr binary.. is it in a seperate pkg? [07:06] LifesizeKenDoll: where abouts is it? [07:06] letheus: try starting it from a terminal? See what the error is? [07:06] bagpuss, ok [07:06] Mitario: yes, one which I haven't uploaded yet because my wrists are threatening to implode [07:06] you may have to compile xcompmgr [07:06] LifesizeKenDoll: xcompmgr? [07:06] eh eh, Hi LifesizeKenDoll [07:06] daniels, ah ok :) [07:06] ;) [07:06] hey man [07:06] daniels, dude, take a rest, you guys did a great job :) === Mitario gets ~2000 fps [07:07] xcompmgr allows compositing engine to work, i.e. dropshadows and transparency [07:07] LifesizeKenDoll: Ah ok [07:07] Does anyone know why I get this in Synaptic whenever I'm updating packages? [07:07] wow 3500 even [07:07] Generating locales... [07:07] en.ISO-8859-1...cannot open locale definition file `en': No such file or directory === Unfun [~Unfun@] has joined #ubuntu === levin [levin@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] bagpuss, Reading config file /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf Illegal instruction === lilo [lilo@levin-pdpc.staff.freenode] has left #ubuntu [] [07:07] Then I get errors about package processing starting with package 'locales' [07:08] daniels: you deserve a good rest Thanks for Xorg ;) [07:08] so how are you guys liken Ubuntu? [07:08] Sophistication: it is awesome [07:08] letheus: you get that mplayer from marillat? I had that error with marillat's package last night. The package in multiverse worked though [07:08] fixed :) [07:08] Sophistication: we are just liking it even more in this minutes ;) [07:09] I want firefox! [07:09] grr [07:09] Im thinking of putting it on my test system & give it a whirl but it will be the first time I ever ran debian! [07:09] Sophistication: it's okay. I have high hopes it will be excellent in a couple more releases [07:09] bagpuss, Yes i used Multiverse...but what is marillat? [07:09] I can't install xbase-clients.... it won't upgrade it... [07:09] can anyone help? For XORG in hoary [07:09] it did everything else [07:09] I have ran Slackware & Redhat for the last 5 years so this will be newish! [07:09] Sophistication: I truly recommend it [07:09] letheus: a different repository [07:10] bagpuss, ok. So, i should install MPlayer manually? [07:10] LifesizeKenDoll, Heh Well I do have 40 cds coming heh [07:10] I just might install it ;D [07:10] letheus: no, I'd perservere...I've foundf the one in multiverse to be very stable and usable [07:10] Sophistication: alright, do that and pass out to all your friends [07:10] getting X.org now [07:11] LifesizeKenDoll, If its decent I'll be passing it out to some of my clients [07:11] whats the pkg management system for ubuntu? === m_tthew [matt@iorek.ice-nine.org] has left #ubuntu [] [07:11] Unfun, Apt [07:11] Unfun: apt-get [07:11] apt, thanks [07:11] synaptic gui front - end for apt [07:11] Synaptic [07:11] buy me a pepsi! [07:11] synaptic is the front end? === deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] LifesizeKenDoll, did your upgrade install xbase-clients? [07:12] oddabe19: yea, went fine [07:12] X.org: 6.8.0 | Monitor: C1770NSL/NST | Videocard: nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro] | Res: 1280x1024, 16-bits | X-chat: 2.4.0 [07:12] oddabe19: what's yours doing? [07:12] mine didn't [07:12] gottit :D [07:12] it did everything except that [07:12] oddabe19: just `sudo apt-get install xbase-clients` [07:12] i did [07:12] it won't let me [07:12] woo [07:12] (**) Extension "Composite" is enabled [07:12] oddabe19: *tear* [07:12] ryan: sweet, man [07:12] daniels: i found your email :p [07:12] ryan, whats that mean? [07:13] LifesizeKenDoll, [07:13] I don't know [07:13] bagpuss, Allright. I will try that then. Thanks :) === enabl [~enabl@host81-156-199-6.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] LifesizeKenDoll, is it possible to remove the word "application" in the launch bar... in order to get just the icon ? [07:13] Now I'll install project looking glass in ubuntu? [07:13] hi [07:13] in synaptic, it says xbase-clients: [07:13] Depends: libxkbfile1 but it is not going to be installed [07:13] Depends: libxkbui1 but it is not going to be install [07:13] xorg is now in unstable, is not it?? === user123 [~tim@pD9E5D855.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] yeah I'll give looking glass a try === umarmung [~holger@pD95421C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["What's] [07:14] so i select libxkbui1 to be installed and it wants to remove most of my system [07:14] hi === umarmung [~holger@pD95421C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] kensai, i've already try, but not a lot of succes : very slow and lots of bugs [07:14] Temet: In which distro you tried? [07:14] oddabe19: which architecture are you running? what happens if you run 'sudo apt-get install libxkbfile1 libxkbui1'? [07:15] k7 [07:15] Temet: yea, it's easy [07:15] hi have a problem with hoary, but i don't exactly know what it is so i'll ask here first before submitting it to bugzilla [07:15] Temet: right-click->remove from panel [07:15] oddabe19: ok, I'll need the output of the apt command then [07:15] brb - restarting X [07:15] erf kensai, i tried it on an old hard drive with a stupid mdk 10 [07:15] my problem is: nautilus is veeery slow because of som missing service or sth. [07:16] Temet: yeah I had it working on MDK 10.1 [07:16] when i start it in concole it says: [07:16] tim@ubuntu ~ $ nautilus [07:16] failed to find gam_server [07:16] failed to exec (null) [07:16] Failed to connect to socket /tmp/fam-tim- [07:16] failed to find gam_server [07:16] failed to exec (null) [07:16] Failed to connect to socket /tmp/fam-tim- [07:16] and its slow as hell === ^^candy^^ [~no_name@samo364-a091.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] user123: apt-cache search gamin [07:16] No flooding :) [07:16] around 5-10 seconds to open a folder [07:16] user123: install libraries and server [07:16] well, not to slow kensai? [07:17] Temet: yeah a bit slow it depends on hardware [07:17] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [07:17] xbase-clients: Depends: libxkbfile1 but it is not going to be installed [07:17] Depends: libxkbui1 but it is not going to be installed [07:17] anyone fixing this? [07:17] wha [07:17] ok kensai [07:17] yeah ! [07:17] you were right :) [07:17] heh, dependency troubles in hoary [07:17] libxfixes-dev: Depends: libx11-dev but it is not going to be installed, libx11-dev is already the newest version [07:18] i already thought about that but i only had _lib_gamin installed === icu [~e2@n194-211.wireless.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu === FX|Laptop [~joe@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === |progenic| [~h3ndric@] has joined #ubuntu === LifesizeKenDoll [~LifesizeK@c-67-167-236-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] Hello [07:18] but that stuff should depend on each other ... however ... its hoary :) [07:18] I see that xorg has just been uploaded to hoary, has anyone tried upgrading yet? Problems? [07:19] icu, absolutely no problems here :) [07:19] is anyone else using hoary and if so are they having trouble getting upgrades? [07:19] ok, there are problems upgrading I see, give me ten minutes to go look at it [07:19] user123: you are rigth may be we have to report this [07:19] I'm getting 404 errors from the repos [07:19] daniels: uh, can I buy you huys a beer next month in Mataro :) [07:19] Mitario: You tried dri on it yet? [07:19] guys [07:19] @icu: i didn't try it and i won't do so for some time [07:19] just got my radeon working [07:19] icu, umm, i think I have it enabled [07:19] about mataro... its free? :) [07:19] ok, I know what the problem is [07:20] xuzo: except for the travel expenses, yeah, I think so (but I'm not an authority on that..) [07:20] any type of registration? [07:20] xuzo: the wiki [07:20] Mitario: can you give glxgears a try and get the fps? [07:20] i get ~ 2000 fps sometimes ~ 3500 === MikeAFK is now known as MikeGTN [07:21] Mitario: cool, what card? [07:21] nvidia geforce fx 5200 [07:21] is good idea to install xbase-clients? [07:21] lots of things are marked to be removed [07:21] Mitario: lucky you got an nvidia, i'm stuck with this radeon m9000 in my laptop [07:21] any idea why I'm getting 404 errors from the hoary repos? === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] and it only will install libxkbfile and libxkbui [07:22] hi [07:22] ok, I know what the problem is, fixing and uploading now [07:22] thanks for help in debugging [07:22] anyone know how to select the scanner in xsane ? xsane choose bt878 instead of the scanner === Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] hey, has anyone been able to install transcode? === Dennis_k [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu === pitigrilli [~claus@pD9EC518C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu === icu [~e2@n194-211.wireless.ubc.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [07:25] daniels: the guy with the dist-upgrade problem seems to have left [07:25] why do I keep getting this error when the libs are there?? " Depends: libpng12-0 but is to be installed [07:25] Depends: libquicktime1 but 0.9.2release-5 is to be installed" [07:25] daniels: it works flawlessly for me [07:26] hi, i need help, using ubuntu for the first time. i cant find grub.conf. it isnt in /boot/grub/grub.conf === user123 is now known as ti1 [07:26] pitigrilli: /boot/grub/menu.lst [07:26] pitigrilli: you'll want to use update-grub to update it, read the ocmments thoroughly [07:27] any help on the 404 errors? [07:27] mdz: the problem only occurs if you have xlibs-static-dev installed [07:27] remove the ipv6 rules [07:27] mdz: in the general case, upgrades are still fine [07:27] mdz: but I'm uploading a new version now anyway [07:28] i just want to change the default boot. i think i can do this in menu.lst === LifesizeKenDoll [~LifesizeK@c-67-167-236-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] Well thanks for all the help anyways. [07:29] ok, new version uploaded, if you have problems, either remove xlibs-static-dev and the -dev packages depending on it unless you really need them, or wait about two hours when a fixed version is in the archive === FX|Laptop [~joe@c68.113.225.199.stp.wi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:29] for the general case, upgrades are still ok [07:29] but, in the meantime, workrave is telling me that I should stop the day because I've been typing for 13 hours with about 20min break, and I can't disagree with it === lamont_r [~lamont@c-24-6-251-226.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] is there any chance of getting firefox 1.0 into warty? [07:30] mxpxpod: on [07:31] daniels: ok === pitigrilli [~claus@pD9EC518C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] === daniels -> dinner, fresh air, not typing === Nickel [~Nickel@host163-218.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu-geek [~ubuntugee@] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] anyone know how to select the scanner in xsane ? xsane choose bt878 instead of the scanner === pisuke [~luis@84-120-70-104.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] <|progenic|> excuse me, is samba cannot to the windows network that have a pass ? [07:36] <|progenic|> password i mean [07:36] Hmm.. there is a newer NVIDIA driver than the one currently in Ubuntu. [07:36] <|progenic|> i always get the message the content cannot be displayed [07:36] 67 files to be updated or installed in 9 hours... [07:36] and firefox still hasn't made it into the repos... [07:37] bratsche, yes I think nvidia released one the other day [07:37] Yeah, on Nov.5 === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] I wonder how long until Ubuntu gets the newest NVIDIA driver. === AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === maskie [~maskie@196-30-111-47.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === acecase [~acecase@ky-24-159-156-35.midtn.chartertn.net] has joined #ubuntu === xuzo [~xuzo@bolgo.cent.uji.es] has joined #ubuntu === lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] bratsche: hardly any distro has it yet [07:39] Yeah, I know. I need to learn how to make .deb files myself so I can contribute whenever I find a package like this I'd like to update. === zul [~chuck@zul.developer.gentoo] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] Or I could just install it from the NVIDIA installer, but I want to avoid doing that. === flamtripl3t [~chatzilla@S010600121716f3cb.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] is there anything special to mounting dvd-RW? === Tim-E [~tim@wblv-253-226.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === zul [~chuck@zul.developer.gentoo] has joined #ubuntu === calc [~ccheney@ip70-185-2-220.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Tim-E is now known as Timaaah === seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-17-243.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Stuttergart [~Stutterga@mail.longfishercpa.com] has joined #ubuntu === MoonSweep [~MoonSweep@sanctuaire.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] brb === Ruffian|Q| [~Ruffian|Q@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] Hello Moto [07:43] i can mount a normal dvd movie with a simple mount /media/cdrom1 with fstab values but i can't mount this dvd-rw [07:43] Have any Ubuntu CDs Shipped yet? === LifesizeKenDoll [~LifesizeK@c-67-167-236-249.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === PlaztkEyes [~plaz@] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] daniels: what's the problem with xlibs-static-dev? === KarlosII [~KarlosII@S0106000f3d5ae683.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu === cardador [~jose@] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] Ruffian|Q|: yes [07:49] yay! === letheus [~s7s@port915.ds1-he.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === wizz_ [~wza@D5E00194.kabel.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [07:49] they are rolling off the production line [07:49] neeeeeeeeeetoriffic === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-144-192.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared is now known as WW === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] bagpuss, i downloaded MPlayer from Multiverse, but it?s the same === KarlosII plays around with his GAIM IM Client :) [07:52] has anyone upgraded to xorg? === KarlosII nots it's at http://gaim.sourceforge.net/ for those who asked === caso [~hola@76.Red-80-59-234.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] yeah [07:52] just now [07:52] on it right now [07:53] KeyserSoze: xorg? [07:53] yes [07:53] was it painless? :) [07:53] the packages that fabbione just built [07:53] yeah [07:53] no probs [07:53] KeyserSoze: you did a dist-upgrade, or something else? === b00gie [~b00gie@ppp14-adsl-120.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] yeah dist-upgrade after changing the sources.list to hoary [07:54] KeyserSoze: ok i have them on hoary since the first day. [07:54] only prob was with the modelines I needed to add to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf because of my laptop widescreen [07:54] so just do the dist-upgrade === gruberman [~gruberman@h9n2fls35o294.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] KeyserSoze: so it will use xorg.conf instead of XF86Config-4? what about nvidia drivers? do i have to add them to xorg.conf? [07:55] yeah [07:55] xorg.conf is what it uses [07:55] and gotta change the driver to nvidia === Chibi [~chibifs@pcp09403250pcs.monroe01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] KeyserSoze: and comment and uncomment dri, etc? [07:56] Hey, what was the dev tools metapackage again? x_X [07:56] Chibi: build-essential [07:56] Thanks. [07:56] also add: Option "RenderAccel" "true" [07:56] I hate breaking things. :P [07:56] to the Device section [07:56] car: of course [07:57] Keybuk: thanks ill keep that in mind [07:57] k [07:58] do I need xcompmgr to enable the drop shadows with xorg [07:58] Keybuk: do you notice any difference from xfree? === Unfun [~Unfun@] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] is there a way to get ubuntu to authenticate off a NT PDC? === Ruffian|Q| [~Ruffian|Q@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:58] cardador: real transparency === Ruffian|Q| [~Ruffian|Q@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] also need this [07:58] Section "Extensions" [07:58] Option "Composite" "Enable" [07:58] EndSection === lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] enabl- xfwm4 has a built in compositor. [07:58] KeyserSoze: what about speed [07:58] hi KeyserSoze, I've changed sources.list to hoary and I did the update, upgrade an distro-upgrade [07:58] You can use that instead. :o [07:59] caso - That was a mistake. :P === Keybuk takes cardador's tab key away [07:59] I've changed XF86Config-4 for the touchpad and it keeps working [07:59] car: about the same I'd say [07:59] does it need to be enabled at compile time Chibi [07:59] caso: xorg uses /etc/X11/xorg.conf not XF86Config-4 [07:59] whats teh sources list for hoary? [07:59] but you can make a link, then its no difference [08:00] key: I didn't now it, but it works [08:00] Yes, enabl. I recommend not using shadows and transparencies now though, because they're still buggy. :/ [08:00] upp sorry Keybuk :) [08:00] upps* [08:00] ln -s XFree86Config-4 xorg.conf should work [08:00] I'll be using it, I love that eye candy :) [08:00] Xine and OpenGL don't like them too much. [08:00] ok, i'll look at xorg.conf tomorrow [08:00] thanks key [08:01] np === ema [~ema@adsl-176-231.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] chibi, why do you say it was a mistake??? [08:01] Hoary likes to be broken. :P === bur[n] er [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] :) [08:02] how do i change from warty to hoary source list? === SteveA [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] just replace warty with hoary [08:02] Replace instances of the word warty with hoary [08:02] :o [08:02] I've tried to install from de installCD but it doesn't work, so I installed warty and update to hoary [08:02] Still not smart! :O [08:02] Unfun: do what til and Chibi said on synaptic > repositories [08:03] Don't do it unless you like fixing broken things. [08:03] got it [08:03] i like fixing broken things [08:03] ahah [08:03] also wondering if hoary includes winbind === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] is just to try it [08:03] i'll reformat it tomorro late [08:03] :) [08:03] Last time I played with it, the init failed, gnome broke, X broke, networking broke, and alsa broke. === Q| [~ruffianso@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Ruffian|Q| [~Ruffian|Q@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:04] is too soon to try it, maybe in april'05 :) [08:04] hah [08:04] (20:03:29) Chibi: Don't do it unless you like fixing broken things. < i just added the hoary repository and updated everything available, still works find ... === skar [~skar@] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] til did you do upgrade [08:05] and distro-upgrade? [08:05] then reboot? [08:05] Absolute madness. :o === fsmw [~Fernando@113-108-12.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] Because I just did it an hour ago. [08:05] mh [08:05] i've got an apache server and its logs are in /etc/httpd/logs and in /etc/logrotate.conf, its set "include /etc/logrotate.d" [08:05] i used synaptic [08:06] so i used whatever synaptic uses [08:06] im doing it from command line === KarlosII yelps ooh firefox 1.0 was released today :) [08:06] and in /etc/logrotate.d/apache the log files are listed, but my logs are not rotated? any idea [08:06] yesterday i compiled gparted from source and deleted and moved some partitions [08:06] We better get that in warty soon. :o [08:07] everything still fine [08:07] buggy software is the best === WW [~wweckesse@67-138-144-192.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Dennis_k [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] hi [08:09] Chibi is it possible to toggle the drop shadows on/off with the xfce compositor [08:09] or are they on all the time [08:10] Not at the moment. We're trying to get that in as a console option before the 4.2 release. [08:10] cool thanks [08:10] We added in the compositor after the translation lock [08:10] So no UI config tools. :/ === netmonk [~netmonk@nat-30.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] Chibi: are you one of the XFCE devels? [08:11] is there a changelog regarding xffm? i really would like a gtk alternative to nautilus [08:11] Not officially, I'm on the dev lists though. :P [08:11] one that is as powerful as konq though [08:11] bur[n] er konq rocks, i love fish:// [08:11] XFFM is getting better, no icon view yet, but it's much more usable than it was in 4. [08:12] xfce is fast [08:12] =) [08:12] XFCE is the best :D === LJ [~ubuntu@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === agenteo [~agenteo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] heh [08:12] so....what's the story on firefox 1.0? should i go for it? [08:12] It's the middleground between full desktop and simple window manager. [08:12] Slackman: i agree ;) fish is why i use konq [08:12] and smb:/ actually works to windows machines === LJ is now known as LinuxJones [08:13] thanks Chibi === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu === bur[n] er still prefers fluxbox to xfce, but xfce is nice [08:13] bur[n] er i just love that you can use fish,ftp,http,smb,nfs countless other protocols from within any app [08:13] its just so handy === tim1 [~tim@pD9E5D855.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] is Daffyd Harries here ? [08:14] I love konqueror. But I hate Qt. :/ [08:14] Chibi, heh, i love xfce but not partial to gtk :) [08:14] tim1: hi [08:14] oh, that was easy [08:14] hi [08:15] i just wanted you to ask what i have to do when i want to join the translation team as translator for the ubuntu website [08:15] rats [08:15] can't build xcompmgr [08:15] oh well [08:15] gtk is kind of a pain to develop a ui in... but i like it's look & feel as opposed to qt [08:16] GTK feels better. Qt looks like I'm looking into ouch. :/ === hypa7ia [~Leigh@user42-36.wireless.utoronto.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Ruffian|Q| [~Ruffian|Q@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Dennis_k [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu === Q| [~ruffianso@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:16] It doesn't matter the theme, it just always hurts my eyes. [08:16] hey, anyone have any idea if the crypto library that WEP needs is enabled in the default ubuntu kernel? === mdz_ [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] hmm see i think GTK looks better but qt feels more responsive [08:17] daf: ... [08:17] x.org in hoary!!! time to dist-upgrade :) anyone using it? [08:17] not yet, bur[n] er... waiting a week or two :-) [08:18] Yes, qt feels more responsive, but it looks fugly. :o [08:18] bur[n] er: yep upgrade was smooth.. works good so far [08:18] <|progenic|> anybody know how to use 3ddesktop ? [08:18] |progenic|: there is a document in the wiki which explains it [08:18] |progenic| Don't. hehe. [08:19] Chibi i use gtk on my ibook, but i can't work with it...its so much easier to have fish & other protocols accessable to each app [08:19] right on... one person is good enough for me to try it out and do some bug reporting [08:19] <|progenic|> don't ? why? [08:19] tim1: just as second [08:19] What's fish, may I ask. :o [08:19] ok :) [08:19] fish:/ == scp [08:19] Chibi its just ssh/scp [08:19] Ah. [08:20] but mounted..sort of [08:20] the clock applet is using 18.6mb [08:20] is this normal? [08:20] supposedly gftp can do scp, but it's a painful workaround [08:20] see you mates === caso [~hola@76.Red-80-59-234.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] i know nautilus can do sftp easily too, but its never available to other apps [08:20] so....what's the story on firefox 1.0? should i go for it? === housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-048-023.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] bigbrother0074: i'm using it successfully on win32 boxes [08:20] i.e, under xfce if i use gimp, i dont have sftp access [08:21] bur[n] er: there is some talk on the forums about x.org too.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3790 [08:21] bigbrother- Wait for a bit. [08:21] so, anyone have an where i can find out if something is enabled in th default ubuntu kernel or not? === Temet_ [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] i hope firefox 1.0 will be on the ubuntu repository soon [08:21] Chibi, how long? what for? [08:21] Why wait? [08:21] As far as I'm concerned, 0.9.is still more stable. [08:21] right on, thanks ubuntu-geek [08:21] ok [08:21] Chibi, i see === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] I can't count the time 1.0RC1 has crashed on me. [08:22] choong_: http://softwaresuspend.berlios.de/ [08:22] hypa7ia: have you tried to look for a config-* in /boot? === silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] jordi: no, but i wil, hadn't the slightest idea where to start [08:24] hypa7ia: k [08:24] jordi: is that where it's likely to be? === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-52-28.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] hypa7ia: most certainly === noneus [~noneus@p54800A0B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] /booot/config-2.6.x [08:24] hrm yeah nautilus is painfully slow now [08:25] takes like 5-10 seconds to open each directory [08:25] pr was a lot more stable than rc's, but 1.0 is stable for me so far [08:25] uhh... regarding firefox that is [08:25] now is that something that i can edit, jordi? i just need to enable ARC4 crypto. or do i need to recompile === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] hypa7ia: recompile [08:25] tim1: have you seen the TranslationTeam page on the wiki [08:25] tarnation :-( [08:25] is it normal that the dbus-daemon is run twice [08:25] config-2.6.x is just the configuration file ubuntu used to build your kernel [08:25] hypa7ia: hi there :) [08:25] ryan, not that i'm a nautilus fan, but what sys you got? [08:25] that's what i figured jordi :-( [08:25] once for the current user and once for messagebus [08:25] hi daf [08:26] unless ARC4 is enabled in the default kernel, in which case the fault lies elsewhere [08:26] hypa7ia: Prague? [08:26] daf: prague? [08:26] lupus_: it should run once for the system and once for the user [08:27] can someone check for me if CONFIG_CRYPTO_ARC4 is on in the default kernel? i'm in windoze :-(( === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] hypa7ia: whoops, mistook you for someone else [08:27] Is Ubuntu going to have an easy to use server edition? [08:28] daf: no worries :-) [08:28] wasabi_, who knows :) [08:28] daf: ah this is a good start, thanks [08:28] wasabi_ why cant you use the existing one? [08:29] wasabi_ - boot the install disk in server mode? [08:29] Slackman: i said "easy to use". As in, with profiles about what type of server. Wizards for standard office setups (centralized LDAP user base), etff like that. [08:29] Windows/OS X style. [08:29] wasabi_ ah ok....are there any linux distro's that do that now? [08:29] Not that I know of. [08:29] wasabi_ - Some debian team might be ganking fedora's apache config tools === hypa7ia [~Leigh@user42-36.wireless.utoronto.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [08:30] Slackman: heh, sempron 2400+ [08:30] Fedora 3 has apache stuff. :/ [08:30] I want a "install the server, set up the domain, join workstations to domain" type model that Windows and OS X have. [08:30] when is firefox 1.0 going to be available in ubuntu? [08:30] Slackman: nautilus was working fine before i dist-upgraded [08:30] Configures pam, nss, and the bunch. And kerberos. [08:30] tim1: ok, let me know if you have any more questions === aktsuo [~aktsuo@lns-vlq-26-82-254-153-156.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] ryan i have a g3 800 and its actually quite fast for me...well quick for nautilus === Dennis_k [~dennis@] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] wasabi_ hmm sounds like a good idea..would prolly save a lot of time [08:32] daf: there is also a page on the wiki were the german website translation is being coordinated, the just translate the texts and add them as articles to the wiki [08:32] Slackman: it's such a good idea what MS has been doing it since '95 [08:32] s/what/that/ [08:32] if i want to do the same, may i just start or do i have to do sth. else before ? [08:32] multiverse is the semi-approved branch, right? [08:33] Chibi: no === xukun [~xukun@gt1989.uvt.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] :o [08:33] tim1: for translating the wiki, you might want to talk to the docs team [08:33] multiverse is the absolutely least approved set of packages [08:33] hi @all [08:33] But isn't universe just a snapshot of debian? [08:33] no they are translating the website and store the texts in the wiki [08:33] wasabi why not submit the idea then.. [08:34] tim1: they hang out in #ubuntu-doc [08:34] universe is free software packaged in Debian format, much of it from Debian [08:34] Ahkay then. === cardador [~jose@] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] multiverse is, well, not :-) [08:34] tim1: off the top of my head, nobody is doing German translations at the moment [08:34] hello again. i have just dist-upgraded. how can i tell if i have xorg running? [08:34] is Xorg out? [08:34] in ubuntu? [08:35] I didn't think it was yet. [08:35] wasabi: yap [08:35] read topic [08:35] wasabi, i have only used slack before ubuntu and it doesn't really configure anything for you so i'm kinda used to doin stuff myself [08:35] <3 slackware. === unperson [~nickc@176-175.mam.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] no, actually it seems like there are two guys: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GermanDocumentsUebersetzer [08:35] so how can one know if he is running xorg? [08:35] there is so much in the topic [08:35] which one? :0 [08:35] ehy Slackman [08:35] Hey* [08:35] Slack was my first distro, and the only one I liked til ubuntu. [08:36] Im a convert from Slack as well [08:36] cardador: if everything goes according to plan, you don't notice anything [08:36] cardador: i guess you could look at /var/log/XF... [08:36] awesome :D [08:36] zenwhen hey [08:36] Go former-slackies [08:36] oh i see [08:36] or run xdpyinfo |head -5 [08:36] :) [08:36] you can use hoary before it's released. [08:36] I switched from Slack becase Pat is stubbornly dropping Gnome from Slack. [08:36] Same [08:36] I cant put up with that [08:36] mdz: i noticed some breaks just after restarting. but now everything normal [08:36] dropping GNOME in favour of what? [08:36] Slackman: you using xorg 6.8? [08:36] Just dropping it. [08:36] zenwhen...i just can't use it on PPC [08:36] cardador: breaks? [08:36] Im the one who asked him about it and posted that link on Dropline that got Slashdotted. [08:37] I,m trying to install freenx but I just two unmet dependencies, I,m a bit new so help would realy nice [08:37] well, just having KDE [08:37] ryan on slack yeh, on ubuntu no.. [08:37] just get .. === josep [~josep@24.Red-81-44-148.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] He's leaving some gnome-less compiles, probably for xfce or something. [08:37] zenwhen...dropline is so much better than the default slack gnome though..i think its a good idea [08:37] Slackman: i think its an issue with xorg in ubuntu somehow. [08:37] I love Ubuntu because they dont include KDE and dont oficially support it. It gives them time to fucus on the DE that I use. [08:37] Slackman: since before i upgraded it was fine [08:37] Dropline is poo :/ [08:38] Slackman: and i only noticed because someone on the ubuntu forums said they got the same problem [08:38] Dropline is buggy. [08:38] KDE is poo. :o [08:38] after upgrading [08:38] heh [08:38] daf: no, actually it seems like there are two guys working on it: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GermanDocumentsUebersetzer [08:38] I will try to past it on #flood [08:38] so i posted a reply === dbl [~dbl@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:38] Chibi, agreed. [08:38] kde is indeed poo [08:38] lol [08:38] daniels: ping [08:38] XFCE is Good. [08:38] tim1: oh, right [08:38] XFCE over gnome is good. [08:38] Chibi...each to their own [08:38] oh === Slackman likes KDE === theantix [~ryan@80.198.novustelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] KDE is too gaudy for me. === unperson is agnostic, but has found gnome to be less feature complete. [08:39] Slackman: http://ryan.slipgate.org/ [08:39] Slackman: KDE screenshots ;) === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] Anyway, I need to reboot for kernel. :P === esj [~esj@dsl093-191-107.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] hi ppl how do i create a boot disk? === Despair [~Despair@69-169-250-171.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === Chibi [~chibifs@pcp09403250pcs.monroe01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === cardador [~jose@] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] will_: dd? [08:40] ryan...nice shots :) [08:40] is there a live CD process for ubuntu? === will_ [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] theres an official loivecd === KarlosII ponders the articel about detecting firefox with servers :) [08:40] livecd* === will_ [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] is it possible to customize? === Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === KarlosII ponders the articel about detecting firefox with servers :) http://www.ericgiguere.com/articles/how-to-detect-firefox.html === will_ [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu === Pluk [~Pluk@38-71-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu === will_ [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] zenwhen: is it possible to customize the live CD? === cprov [~cprov@] has joined #ubuntu === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] ryan: what is DD? [08:42] daf: ok so i think i will talk to the other translators in the wiki or the mailing list first, thanks for your help [08:42] Does anyone happen to know how to get the nickserv to auto id me when I join the server using Xchat ? === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] esj, I dont know. [08:42] tim1: no problem [08:42] Sorry. === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] zenwhen: no big deal. I was just looking for a bootable Linux base for building an embedded service === Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === brad [~brad@rrcs-67-52-122-167.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] I like the basic philosophy of debian but I didn't like the fact that it was moldy === encKe` [~encKe@ppp-65-67-227-161.ded.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] gentoo is ok but is awfully raw especially if you are handicapped like I am === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-49-62.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] will: "dd" is a raw disk writing utility (well, that's what it's used as, anyway) [08:44] the Gentoo community also has a bit of a technology testosterone problem [08:44] heh [08:44] I prefer to work with humans and to be humane in return === Chibi [~chibifs@pcp09403250pcs.monroe01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === kolektiv [user@81-86-36-16.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] Rene_S, Yes, you can edit the entry for Freenode and tell it to issue the Identify command on connect. [08:44] i just insalled ubuntu, when i try to connect to cups on localhost:631 it says "Administrative Tasks disabled" [08:44] esj: the livecd is based on morphix... you could do anything with the morphix base... just check out morphix.org [08:44] now can i re enable admin for cups? [08:44] hi - has anyone managed to get a speedtouch usb working under ubuntu? === Klowner_ is now known as Klowner [08:45] No volume control elements and/or devices found. === Veronath [~Veronath@S010600051c0b3273.vc.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:45] k thanks for the pointer [08:45] why does the mixer say this ? [08:45] esj, What about debian unstable? Or is that living a bit too dangerously? [08:45] esj: you can use the ubuntu repositories along with the morphix base for the updated packages [08:45] Hmmm [08:45] I have blown up more machines that I care to think of with unstable [08:45] Cool thanks for the info, hate having to remember to do it manually. Ex Lazy Windows User [08:45] Is there a way to add custom hotkeys to gnome? [08:45] how do I select the good scanner in xsane ? [08:46] when your hands don't work right, it's really unpleasant to keep reinstalling [08:46] synaptic tells me some packages are broken, how can i fix these? [08:46] Hmm, I am not gonna comment on that .... [08:46] esj, I'd been using debian testing, which was recent enough for my taste, but ubuntu is nice because it has a good default set of apps, great config, and easy install. [08:46] unperson...debian unstable is actually quite stable :) [08:46] I think I will reuse ubuntu when it will be more mature [08:47] the other hat I wear (besides advanced anti-spam system design) is of co-cto for the open source speech recognition initiative [08:47] mirak: hwat kind of scanner do you have ? [08:47] LinSpider: umax [08:47] You know what Mirak for a beta Hoary for instance is almost as stable as a release version of other distro's [08:47] I hope within a few months, we will have successfully (through wine) have speech recognition running on Linux [08:47] umax astra 1220s [08:47] scsi [08:47] anyone? [08:47] Slackman, So I've heard. But I've also heard that occasionally packages break badly, so don't use if if you don't want to deal with that, which I don't. [08:48] it was working on debian [08:48] and I'm hoping that we can settle on one or two distributions for disabled people to use [08:48] esj: isn't tux harmless ? [08:48] arm [08:48] it's pinguin [08:48] :) [08:48] unperson yeh true...it does do that... :) ubuntu seems good to me though..hence why i run it on my ibook instead of debian now [08:48] mostly harmless [08:49] esj: hmm, I take it sphinx is insufficient? how much of a difference is there between it and the one you are running through wine? [08:49] Woot, Firefox 1 is out, nifty. Apparently I auto installed it or my wife was messing with it [08:49] I realy dont understand why this is happening if try to install freenx: freenx: Depends: nxagent (>= 1.4.0-4.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: nxproxy (>= 1.4.0-4.0) but it is not going to be installed [08:49] there's approximately a five-year and $20 million development of difference between what I use now for speech recognition and Sphinx [08:49] xukun: there is tons of problems like this [08:50] esj: try to install kde [08:50] I currently use NaturallySpeaking which does not yet run on wine [08:50] you can't [08:50] it doesn't even installed properly [08:50] mirak: no I dont want to install kde, it should be working for gnome too [08:50] ooh [08:51] xorg in hoary [08:51] does kde install on ubuntu PPC yet? [08:51] xukun: I don't say you should install kde, I say that you can't install kde because of deps problems [08:51] Slackman: not for me, there is unresolved deps [08:51] mirak..yeh i was getting that a few weeks ago :( [08:51] kde: Dpend: kdeaddons mais ne sera pas install [08:51] Dpend: kdeutils mais ne sera pas install [08:52] mirak: I see, [08:52] mirak: do you have any idea? [08:52] actually I wonder what ubuntu have more than debian === Vilaud [~Vilaud@bonnefoy-2-81-56-86-65.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] xukun: no [08:52] mirak: thanks [08:52] xukun: packages are just missing [08:52] mirak: yeah I got that much [08:52] xukun: kdepasswd is missing [08:53] seems like all of the live CDs are derivatives of knoppix [08:53] maybe a manual install can do it [08:53] if you find it in the repository [08:53] mirak: apt-get -t warty install kdepasswed [08:53] Argg, I really have to stop watching CNN, some guy just got shot on TV. Gonna ruin my whole day [08:53] If you're talking about issues with hoary. === evilstoy [HydraIRC@cmung3657.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #ubuntu === Challange [~challange@52.98-182-adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] That might word, anyway. [08:54] can u please tell me where to download bluetooth software or what to do if I need to connect my phone? [08:54] gnome-phone-manager? [08:55] apt-cache search bluetooth? [08:55] No, gnome-phone-manager actually exists. :) [08:56] anyone know how to get audio working in my videos after I did apt-get install totem-xine to get video side working? [08:56] with gstreamer, my playback of audio worked, but not video [08:56] with xine, video works, but no audio === Ilta [~itommola@pk1-a-7-0.lnet.lut.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] nm... i think it's because i don't have gstreamer-mad [08:57] can some please point me to a how to on adding a windows printer [08:57] im having a bitch of a time doing it [08:57] i've never had an issue doing it through the cups webinterface [08:58] "Extracting templates from packages: 100%" [08:58] nope... i lied, i do have gstreamer0.8-mad [08:58] what's this? [08:58] but by default ubuntu disables the web admin interface for cups [08:58] bur[n] er: xine doesn't use gstreamer anyway [08:58] root@Johny:/home/challange # apt-get install bluez-utils [08:58] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Erforrs ideiglenesen elrhetetlen) [08:58] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [08:58] anyone know how i can enable the admin part [08:58] in totem, it says it's using the mad decoder for audio though? [08:58] Challange: you need to be either root or you have another apt-get; dpkg -i process running [08:58] bur[n] er: its probably because esd is blocking anything else from using your sound card [08:59] ? [08:59] how do i fix that? [08:59] bur[n] er: killall -9 esd :) [08:59] as you see: root@Johny [08:59] rhythmbox works... but that uses gstreamer [08:59] thnx [08:59] byez [09:00] good call subterrific :) how'd you know that? [09:00] bur[n] er: yeah, and if you run gstreamer-properties you probably have audio out going through esd. i don't think xine uses esd though, not sure how to make it [09:00] or... how would i know that? and do i need esd for anything? [09:00] you'r right... gstreamer is using esd [09:00] maybe i should tell it to use alsa? [09:00] bur[n] er: esd is used by gnome to play system sounds, i recommend disabling that and killing esd [09:01] aww [09:01] and switching gstreamer to use alsa [09:01] i hate system sounds anyway === esj [~esj@dsl093-191-107.nyc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:01] and if i have to disable esd for my snowboard videos... so be it ;) === lt_kije [~lt_kije@adsl-68-78-225-63.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] Amaranth: I am on hoary [09:02] can I dist-upgrade ubuntu? [09:02] yes === Amaranth stabs === cardador [~jose@] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] bur[n] er: esd is total crap anyway, i wish ubuntu hadn't shipped it. i've seen more sound problems on ubuntu than anything else. unfortunatly there isn't anything better than esd yet [09:02] My video card is messing up with bzFlag _again_. [09:02] Last time it fixed itself when I wiped my HD. [09:03] isn't there supposed to be a new alternative to esd and artsd in the works? [09:03] mirak: do I need to change the source.list, becouces it finds nothing if I do that now? [09:03] could've sworn i just read about it [09:03] bur[n] er polypaudio [09:03] hmm upgraded to xorg and now starting gnome and nautilus are extremely slow [09:03] yeah, that's it [09:03] hope it's everything promised [09:03] xukun: don't know [09:03] bur[n] er: with jack as the backend that would kick so much ass ;) [09:03] i upgraded to xorg and now my evolution exchange email doesn't work [09:03] xukun: you must update before [09:03] mirak: I know [09:03] i thought polypaudio was the backend? === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] heh... too many sound things for me to keep track of... gstreamer, arts, esd, polypaudio, oss, alsa [09:04] its more of an interface, afaik [09:04] Unfun: isnt your nautilus slow? [09:04] i thought gstreamer was supposed to be the 'interface' [09:04] even juk in kde uses gstreamer as well as amarok === linux_mafia [~max@222-152-204-174.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] bur[n] er: low level: oss, alsa mid level (sound servers): polypaudio (sort of), jack, artsd, esd high level (use these when creating programs): gstreamer [09:05] :) === jdz` [~jdz@66-231-201-170.oxfordnetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] cardado - apt-get install gami [09:05] Amaranth: thanks :) [09:05] that might fix the speed thing [09:06] Rene_S: +n? [09:06] cardador no [09:06] does the xorg in hoary support transparency? [09:06] anyone using a bluetooth usb dongle, or any bluetooth for that matter on hoary? [09:06] trans_err: if you add the line to xorg.conf === bur[n] er has yet to try bluetooth anything [09:06] Rene_S: ill trry that [09:06] The perfect mix of those being polpaudio with the esd interface and jack backend running on top of alsa with all of that powering gstreamer. [09:06] +n what ? === Amaranth drools [09:06] bur[n] er, what line? [09:06] bur[n] er: the reason you'd want that mid-level is to do things like caching and network transparency that aren't really in the scope of gstreamer [09:07] trans_err, Section "Extensions" Option "Composite" "Enabled" EndSection [09:07] Get caught writing to /dev/dsp for sound in your program and expect to see me knocking on your door holding a baseball bat. [09:07] Rene_S: did you meant gamin? [09:07] Yeah [09:08] so i could potentially play smb://server/folder/myfile.mp3 with beep-media-player without copying it over or mounting it first? [09:08] sorry forgot a n === schwuk [~schwuk@host81-144-68-161.midband.mdip.bt.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] Rene_S: wow thank you Rene_S, that was it! [09:08] are there any skype packages for ubuntu? [09:08] Your welcome, I read that on the Forums, was confused about it all night hehe [09:09] bur[n] er: more like you can pick any machine on a network and pretend that is your local sound card [09:09] schwuk: no... just get it from debian repositories [09:09] Rene_S: i just read the forums but aparently missed that [09:09] Its someplace in the Hoary section [09:09] I did a search for FAM [09:09] uh oh [09:09] schwuk - http://www1.apt-get.org/search.php?query=skype&submit=&arch%5B%5D=i386&arch%5B%5D=all [09:09] bur[n] er: similar to the way X11 lets you use a remote display, a sound server lets you use a remote audio card [09:09] subterrific: other way around? i think i get it... thanks [09:10] If they want to move beep-media-player into main they had better get a new default skin. :) === tim1 [~tim@pD9E5D855.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:10] cardador: i noticed the same thign [09:10] default beep skin kinda sucks [09:10] cardador: as did another person in the xorg thread on the ubuntu forums === bur[n] er is no artist however [09:10] It's this plain debian thing. === Amaranth pukes === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] ubuntu needs a new default PS1 too ;) === iz [~iz@] has left #ubuntu ["Bezig] [09:12] PS1? [09:12] bash prompt? [09:12] bash prompt === mameluke [~bo@84-72-11-115.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === shampoo [~jknotzke@jknotzke.mtl.istop.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] What's wrong with the bash prompt? [09:13] i know that xorg was released today, but is fglrx going to be update in the next hours or I have to wait several days/weeks? [09:13] Beep Media Player does'nt use the system tray ? [09:13] linux_mafia: I did some file transfer with bluetooth the other day [09:14] PS1="\[\033\] \u\[\033\\] @\[\033\\] \h:\[\033\] \w\$ " [09:14] like that Amaranth ;) [09:14] o_O === Rhymes [~Rhymes@host90-10.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] Rene_S: nope [09:14] k [09:14] oh! [09:14] heya [09:14] just have to be carefull, I tend to get click happy [09:14] It says debian. :) [09:15] is there a way to have a subtitles .txt file displayed alongside a movie in Totem/Xine? [09:15] has anyone had success installing a USB2.0 pci card and getting it to work with Warty? === HelmutG [helmut@pD9E16834.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === lemsx1_ [~lemsx1@p78-56.acedsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] Cool Gxine works almost as good as Kaffeine did === cenerentola [~cenerento@] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] adnans, ok, just ive noticed that when my dongle is plugged in, my box starts to works hard, looking at my hw monitor, cpu usage dosen't seem to go up, but the temp goes up nearly 10 degrees, and i can hear the fan on my cpu start to wind up [09:16] i've got an el-cheapo VIA PCI USB 2.0 host controller card -- it doesn't show up in lspci [09:16] hello. i was just trying to find out differences between ubuntu and debian (advantages and disadvantages), but the about page does not seem to be complete enough. could someone tell me where to find a good article without starting a flamewar? === yann__ [~Yann@pD9E58EA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] linux_mafia: no such probs here.. [09:17] linux_mafia: can you see which processes are more active? [09:17] HelmutG: no disadvantages whatsoever as ubuntu is the best distribution around and nothing else compares ;) [09:17] Rene_S: thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou! :D === ztonzy [~bleh@c-e74771d5.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] [09:18] bur[n] er: thanks for your incompetent answer. [09:18] HelmutG: Ubuntu isn't as configurable, but the default configuration is really good [09:18] Try this out for a review http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=8754 [09:18] adnans, hmmm, nothing out of the ordinary that i could see [09:18] HelmutG: I've used many distros, Ubuntu is my favorite - just so easy to use [09:18] incompetent? just my opinion === q2_ [~q2@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] bur[n] er: try to give a valid response, though - it helps the community [09:18] LifesizeKenDoll: i know you can tell me a lot, but i takes your time. i therefore asked for an article. [09:18] sorry sorry [09:19] just seemed like an attempt at a flame [09:19] HelmutG: ah, alright [09:19] bur[n] er: i asked for objective facts not for subjective opinions. [09:19] Ouch I popped a vien from when they took blood earlier brb, gotta clean up the mess [09:19] something i could blog about i guess [09:19] bur[n] er: flames != good === q2_ is now known as q2 [09:19] LifesizeKenDoll, why in your opinion is ubuntu less configurable? === jpvcx [~jpvcx@g3140.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] linux_mafia: compared to Gentoo [09:19] oh god [09:19] please do not start a flamewar. [09:20] I have a love/hate relationship with Gentoo [09:20] objective facts... ubuntu has better gnome packages... if you like gnome, ubuntu beats debian.. if you're a kde user, debian has newer packages than the ubuntu repositories [09:20] used to use it [09:20] not anymore, I like Ubuntu [09:20] Damned Doctors, makes holes in ya and forget to close em up [09:20] HelmutG: the biggest difference is that Ubuntu is on a 6 month release cycle and it is based on the newest versions of gnome, the kernel, etc... [09:20] by better... i mean... more up to date with gnome 2.8 and it has HAL/DBUS/Project Utopia integrated which works really well [09:21] and... the kernel supports a centrino and processor scaling... so unless you want to compile your own for all of this, ubuntu works better on laptops [09:21] the integration in Ubuntu is what I like best about it [09:21] HelmutG: it's like a supported version of debian's development branch. supported by a company with deep pockets no less [09:21] hmm. it seems like i didn't make myself clear. i asked for some text document, not for a number of information. it's because a text documnet most often is better structured and i don't pollute this channel by reading it. [09:21] I have been using this about a month now, its become my favorite distro. Things just work and I can choose the stuff I want on here without too much trouble === DeanG [~DeanG@rapids-arc1-251.tznet.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] no idea on a text document [09:22] is there a way to have a subtitles .txt file displayed alongside a movie in Totem/Xine? [09:22] seems a little too specialized for a document about it... debian comparted to ubuntu... hrm [09:22] HelmutG: you were clear, but there is no document like that. we're pretty much outlined the big differences, thats it [09:22] OSD titles ? [09:22] linux_mafia: notebook? or desktop box? [09:22] hmm. ok. [09:22] adnans, desktop [09:22] aw [09:22] Rene_S: just plain subtitles in a different language than the audio track [09:22] so so much better [09:23] Rene_S: thanks again for the gamin suggestion [09:23] MPlayer adds subtitles automatically [09:23] Oh, no idea. I tend to use only english [09:23] i think i'll stick to debian/gentoo/freebsd because my way of using a system contains a lot of tuning and really no kde/gnome. [09:23] Rene_S: now gnome starts in about 4 seconds instead of 30+ [09:23] Ryan: Np [09:23] adnans, just plugged the thing in now [09:23] Ryan: I was stumped all night by that one [09:23] Rene_S: hehe [09:23] linux_mafia: things like gnome-bluetooth-manager tend to scan for devices, this might take up some cpu.. [09:23] Rene_S: but i've only been experiencing the issue since i upgraded this morning.. [09:24] Any ideas about installing a PCI USB2.0 host controller? [09:24] thanks for trying to answer my question. it would be nice if someone knowing at least 4 different distros could write some comparison article. [09:24] Rene_S: so i guess that means the problem had nothing to do with xorg [09:24] well no it didn't [09:24] Ryan: I did an upgrade last night and i did that [09:24] Install question: I have a complete RedHat dual boot setup with grub and would like to replace Redhat w/ Ubuntu.... === acecase [~acecase@ky-24-159-156-35.midtn.chartertn.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] it was a different thing altogether === HelmutG [helmut@pD9E16834.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:24] hello [09:24] Anyone know how to mount a empty cdrw? [09:24] ..and the partition setup, will it acquire all my current settings? [09:24] Ryan: Yeah when i ran nautilus from the terminal it had all kinds of fam errors [09:24] Swifty: You don't mount it. [09:25] does ubuntu have anything like gentoo's rc-update? [09:25] Rene_S: time to edit my forum post...again hehe [09:25] adnans, you only need to run that once to set up devices and pairs, and i dont have the gnome-obex-server running, 30 secs after plugin, box is heating up ;) [09:25] Amaranth: k3b does't find my burner [09:25] acecase: update-rc.d [09:25] LinuxJones, thank you [09:25] Swifty: Then it isn't setup in the kernel correctly, that isn't because it isn't mounted. [09:25] what is the "standard" update procedure for ubuntu? sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? [09:25] Swifty: If it was mounted k3b couldn't use it. [09:26] yann__: Always upgrade before dist-upgrade [09:26] yann__: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade [09:26] That's the Debian Way(tm) anyway. [09:26] Swifty: have you tried doing gksudo k3b ? [09:26] Swifty: if you format it to a udf first, you can mount it [09:26] how to format to udf.. i have no idea ;) [09:26] some people can't burn without being superuser, its a bug introduced in 2.6.8 kernel [09:27] I find the going to Isle of Man and asking Mr. Shuttleworth for a new CD is a good way to upgrade :) [09:27] where is the difference between dist-upgrade and upgrade? [09:27] yann__: dist- gets dependencies as well [09:27] LinuxJones, I'm getting "command not found" so i assume its a script outside my path. where is it? [09:27] er... 'new' dependencies [09:27] thx [09:27] subterrific, thats the one, i use k3b, cant do it as user with 2.6.8.x [09:27] acase, you need to sudo -s first === Telep [~danikoski@a81-197-54-245.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared [~wweckesse@67-138-154-142.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu === Wsquared is now known as WW [09:28] how do i create a bootable floppy for ubuntu? [09:28] Beep Media player is nice. Although the default skin does blow [09:28] Why do you need one, Will? [09:29] my laptop cant boot of cd! [09:29] Is it a Compaq? [09:29] Rene_S: www.winamp.com/skins [09:29] no a toshiba tecra 8000! its a piece of history [09:29] :) [09:29] can someone point me to doc's for replacing an existing linux install, and the implications to the partition setup? [09:29] will: look to the man page for mkboot [09:30] I'm doing the same with a Compaq Armada 5300, will- Here's what I can tell ya. === schwuk [~schwuk@host81-144-68-161.midband.mdip.bt.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:30] Cool all i gotta know now is how to get the person's name i wanna message too to come up in Red hehe [09:30] chibi: go on [09:30] I don't care about wiping out RedHat partitions, but don't want to lose grub setup and windows partition. [09:30] will, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallWithFloppiesHowto [09:30] Get Debian sarge floppies, and install debian base [09:30] LinuxJones, thanks but still not there. is it part of a package i should install? apt-file didnt return anything on it [09:30] Linuxjones: hi dude hope everythigs good 4 ya [09:30] DeanG: you won't [09:31] thanks bur[n] er [09:31] You'll have a lot of trouble if it's not on a network [09:31] DeanG: a new grub will be installed when you install ubuntu though === mukman [~BSUser@wsip-68-99-74-176.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] also did updatedb and locate updaterc.d and couldn't find it [09:31] hey sup === Keybuk [~scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] acecase: it's installed by default [09:32] hmm [09:32] Anyone know a decent file sharing program other than Limewire ? [09:32] Trying to avoid Apollon for now [09:32] Rene_S azureus [09:32] torrent away! [09:32] acecase: it's update-rc.d [09:32] could anyone help me get my USB2.0 pci card working? [09:33] LinuxJones, im sorry man it's there. i was trying updaterc.d, shoulda looked back up sooner. thanks man [09:33] acecase: :) [09:33] Rene_S: mldonkey, bit of a weird interface though === noorg [~jo@ysh01-251-93.uibk.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] I find all the Donkey apps odd [09:34] Rene_S: yeah, its a bunch of crazy germans making that stuff [09:34] acecase, you shouldnt use update-rc.d like that, the command should only be called by scripts [09:34] Im German and I cant understand there logic hehe [09:34] heh yeah [09:34] Rene_S: the edonkey network is the best though :\ [09:34] donkey stuff is weird [09:34] and the guis are slow as donkey poo === Rene_S is too Window'ized [09:35] hi there. [09:35] Hah [09:35] edonkey [09:35] I've never finished a file download on there. [09:35] why you'd writing something like mldonkey in OCAML is beyond me [09:35] linux_mafia: I have been using update-rc.d for 4 years :) [09:35] write [09:36] I like Apollon alot but its a KDE app not sure if I wanna install the libs and devs just for one app [09:36] Rene_S: Apollon is just a front end for giFT, there are gtk front-ends also [09:36] apollon is worth it. === Stuttergart [~Stutterga@adsl-065-005-251-030.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] Oh cool ill look into the front ends [09:37] GTK giFT ui's all run like crap. [09:37] LinuxJones, you can, but you shouldn't really, it was designed to be called by the postinst or prerm scripts, if you update a package you have removed links for, they will be reinstalled [09:37] personally i think giFT runs like crap [09:37] can someone pls help a linuxnoob? i have a little problem with my mouse... [09:37] linux_mafia, thanks for the advice. i have to catch sons buss. can i holler at you in a sec? [09:37] giFT runs awsome. :/ [09:37] ok [09:37] It's the interfaces holding it back. [09:37] I find gift to run well for me [09:38] linux_mafia: what is the alternative ? [09:38] If you show me something else on Unix that can use FastTrack, that runs as good as giFT, I shall praise you. === noorg [~jo@ysh01-251-93.uibk.ac.at] has left #ubuntu [] === Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] Chibi: i helped create the most popular gift front-end, i know a bit about how it works and it has some major issues [09:39] apollon? :P [09:39] Hi, I was wondering how I can change my apt sources to hoary(sp?) so I can download the official x.org release :D [09:39] Mojo_Jojo: easy [09:39] Chibi: Poisoned, its the most popular file sharing app for the mac. it's been on techtv and shit [09:40] Oh? :o [09:40] I almost don't care what I end up using as long as I can get my Slayer tunes to listen while i work i am happy :) [09:40] so, has anyone successfully installed mplayer-g4 on Ubuntu Warty on a PPC?! [09:40] if its easy how do I do it :P [09:40] LinuxJones, sysv-rc-conf, rcconf, manually remove startup links from default runlevel (/etc/rc2.d) iirc [09:40] Mojo_Jojo: `sed 's/warty/hoary/' /etc/apt/sources.list |sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list` [09:40] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1350 [09:40] this guy ended up using VLC [09:40] Mojo_Jojo: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get upgrade [09:41] Chibi: there isn't anything better than gift. the edonkey network is a lot bigger than the fasttrack network and it has fewer technical problems, no spoofing of tracks by the RIAA for example [09:41] ok thank you again LifesizeKenDoll :D well this change be permanet(sp?) [09:41] LinuxJones linux_mafia, Sorry had to catch the buss :) so I'm seeing that it can be used its just SOP to hand edit the startup scripts rite? [09:41] It just runs slow for me.. And I haven't been able to find a good frontend for it. :/ [09:42] deb command not found [09:42] acecase, SOP? [09:42] Mojo_Jojo: yes it will be (permanent) [09:42] subterrific: the riaa still patrols edonkey networks [09:42] Chibi: the problem is that both gift and mldonkey are crappy :( one does some things better than the other and visa versa, but they both fall way short of being good [09:42] linux_mafia, SOP standard operating procedure === mukman [~BSUser@wsip-68-99-74-176.tu.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] === bur[n] er heard it was the basis for the latest attack of lawsuits [09:42] Well for me the RIAA isn't a problem, our Supreme Court held that downloading wasnt illegal due to tarrifs on the media, however uploading was. [09:42] Azureus works well ;) [09:42] Torrents run terrific. [09:42] bur[n] er: but they aren't able to spoof tracks on edonkey. fasttrack uses a stupid hashing scheme so the riaa is able to corrupt downloads [09:43] still wish there was a gtk front-end for torrents [09:43] acecase, yes, or use sysv-rc-conf or rcconf [09:43] But we have no unified network for torrents. :/ [09:43] linux_mafia: rcconf is just a front-end to update-rc.d isn't it ? [09:43] i wish ctorrent was in ubuntu :p [09:43] Chibi: this is true... but there are definately major sites === gwildor_ [~onceagain@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] bur[n] er: there is, azureus is gtk and really really well done. best java app ever === airmikey [~airmikey@adsl-69-105-12-87.dsl.sktn01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] mind you building and installing the single binary isn't a problem [09:43] ok well I have to reinstall the nvidia drivers? via synaptic again? [09:43] ctorrent is all curses [09:43] Mojo_Jojo: naw, you'll be quite alright [09:43] I'm going to need a lot of curses stuff for my laptop [09:43] its not even curses i don't think [09:43] azureus just runs so slow... i agree with best java app ever... but still slow [09:44] LinuxJones, yes correct, i was just about to say that ;) yeah so manual, or sysv-rc-conf [09:44] sweet :) [09:44] It only has 30 megs of ram, no way in hell I'm getting X running on that thing. [09:44] linux_mafia: :) [09:44] Rene_S: you'll still get corrupted tracks using FastTrack with mutlisourced downloading. [09:44] today is a good day :D:D:D [09:44] trying to load glib and gtk....i need c compiler [09:44] whats wrong with x/a mule for edonkey network? thats what i use, you guys dont like it? [09:44] this might also fix my gaming problem too yay:D [09:44] Rene_S: haven't you ever downloaded a track that sounded fine for a few seconds and then just turned into random noise? [09:44] Yeah that much i knew, wife gets a lot of em from Kazaa [09:44] airmikey: sudo apt-get install build-essential [09:45] ryan - http://www1.apt-get.org/search.php?query=ctorrent&submit=&arch%5B%5D=i386&arch%5B%5D=all [09:45] linux_mafia: out of idea's sorry.. I'm using built-in bluetooth card [09:45] Rene_S: yup, that doesn't happen on edonkey network, unless someone is sharing bad files from kazaa === cypher- [~allen@m248-mp1.cvx1-a.bir.dial.ntli.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] Mojo_Jojo: today is a fantastic day as long as you see it that way [09:45] what ? [09:45] adnans, on hoary right [09:45] Cool, I look into a Donkey app and see how i Like it [09:45] airmikey: that's how to get a c compiler and other essential building stuff [09:46] LifesizeKenDoll, true true :) [09:46] oh [09:46] pssh [09:46] Chibi: well aren't we mr. helpful pants! === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] Chibi: hehe thanks [09:46] does anyone here have an A+ cert? [09:46] thanks LinuxJones, linux_mafia. i gotta either feed this kid or shoot him so i'll see yah later :) [09:46] later bro [09:46] do i type that in the terminal [09:46] Mojo_Jojo: not yet - working on it [09:46] I thought I wrote this site into the wiki the other day. :P [09:46] airmikey: yes [09:46] acecase: cya :) [09:46] A+ no MOUS yes [09:47] icic I have an A+ exam this friday(school not actual) [09:47] MOUS??? [09:47] MS Office User Specialist [09:47] ahh icic [09:47] we need a OOoUS :D [09:47] Who manages the menu arangement? :/ [09:47] lol [09:47] Hehe [09:48] so can you write a macro that makes a letter head with that MOUS qual? [09:48] Sooner I am sure there will be Staroffice Speialists [09:48] Yeah something like that [09:48] hehe [09:48] one day there well [09:48] Chibi: the desktop team [09:48] I ended up teaching it to others, [09:48] Mojo_Jojo: it's 'will' not 'well' [09:48] It's uncomfortable. :/ [09:48] Used to work for an Employement agency [09:49] oops...I also make mistakes like that :( [09:49] thanks for pointing it out :D [09:49] They need a link to the gnome settings manager in there instead. [09:49] Mojo_Jojo: np [09:49] x_x [09:50] can bad ram cause an install to stop half-way through? [09:50] mdz: the problem was something like this -- libraries moved from (e.g.) xlibs-static-dev to libxkbfile-dev, so libxkbfile-dev conflicted/replaced xlibs-static-dev << 6.8.1-0.4 === smo [~soneil@] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] mdz: and xbase-clients depended on libxkbfile1 [09:50] Mojo_Jojo: yes it can [09:50] Mojo_Jojo: bad RAM is very bad [09:51] mdz: so the whole-upgrade scenario, if you had xlibs-static-dev installed, was to install xbase-clients, libxkbfile1, libxkbfile-dev, and xlibs-static-dev, from xorg [09:51] mdz: only problem is that I was planning for us to go with -1, and we later changed that to -0ubuntu1 [09:51] humm whats the minimum(sp?) required for ubuntu?? currently I only have 98Mb :( [09:51] holy crikey [09:51] yo lifesize: thx a lot [09:51] xcompmgr makes xorg run sloooow hehe [09:51] linux_mafia: yes [09:51] its eating up 30% cpu [09:51] mdz: now, -0ubuntu1 is << -0.4, so you thus had an impossible upgrade scenario if you previously had xlibs-static-dev installed [09:51] daniels: aha [09:52] ryan- hardware acceleration on? [09:52] yeah [09:52] mdz: so I uploaded shortly after bumping the version to -1ubuntu1 and changing the c/r to << -0ubuntu1, to be doubly sure [09:52] ryan: not with nvidia drivers [09:52] ryan: xcompmgr is only useful if you have nvidia hardware and have renderaccel on.. [09:52] Yeah. [09:52] i HAVE nvidia hardware [09:52] gf4 ti 4200 [09:52] get loud [09:52] o_O [09:52] and i'm using the nvidia drivers ;) [09:52] ryan: xcompmgr is neat - but not that useful [09:52] ryan: then you don't have RenderAccel on [09:52] Are you SURE you have hardware accel on? [09:52] Chibi: the gnome settings manager is the double-pane view of all the settings capplets? [09:52] daniels, "If you get errors about -dev packages, wait two hours, or just remove all the dev packages it wants you to. New fixed version uploaded." [09:52] i get 3500fps in glxgears [09:52] Cool, my local Walmart is looking for a 1 hour photo guy, I should apply [09:52] has that passed then ? [09:52] Chibi: if so, there were convincing arguments for not doing that, but feel free to raise it on ubuntu-devel@ === Zimpee [~thingy@] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] i cannot use cedega 4.01, says cannot install libpng3 ('cos of depencies), but it is a requirement. Why? [09:53] Rene_S: heh my friend worked there [09:53] on the other hand lots of things in xcompmgr are still done in software so.. === WW [~wweckesse@67-138-154-142.dsl1.nor.ny.frontiernet.net] has left #ubuntu [] === CoryK [~corbob@d207-81-52-32.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] mdz - It's the program that just acts as a launcher for all other settings apps. [09:53] Rene_S: drove him nuts apparently; he quit, now he works at an independant photo place [09:53] There are some hot women who work at mine [09:53] Chibi: yes, I think we're talking about the same thing [09:53] Zimpee, libpng3 is in the hoary depositary [09:53] Zimpee: just search for libpng3 deb on google or whatever [09:53] cypher-: yes, it's safe to upgrade now [09:53] /dev/hda3 /music ext3 umask=002,user 0 2 [09:53] grrr [09:53] It's comfy, because it doesn't close while you're trying to manage multiple settings. [09:54] thanks daniels [09:54] adnans: a large part of the problem is that when you use compositing, you are guaranteed to hit the slowest path through XAA [09:54] adnans: which sucks [09:54] cypher-: I don't recommend recommending people to switch to Hoary - it's not _that_ stable [09:54] I was hoping for a local photrapher ot need an assistant === thoreauputic [~petros@wolax6-129.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] daniels: ah [09:54] lifesizekendoll, but they can grap the package out the depositary and then remove hoary from the list right ? [09:55] daniels: I'm really excited about the Xgl stuff :) [09:55] if i want to mount /dev/hda3 on /media so that anyone can access it, do i use umask=002 as an option? [09:55] cypher-: no, because sometimes it will get unstable dependencies and make things not work [09:55] CoryK: what kind of mount is it? === d4mi4n [~tuck@p508B334F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] ok i'll remember that next time i do it [09:55] ext3... [09:56] hi [09:56] CoryK: you probably then just want to chmod the files [09:56] subterrific: its an option that goes in the nvidia driver section right? [09:56] Hmm I know the lady who works at an Idependant place maybe she can put in a good word for me [09:56] Yes, RenderAccel = True. === thoreauputic slaps thoreauputic round a bit with a wet trout [09:56] after all she borrows all my lenses === DanielSeuffert [~DanielSeu@62-167-21-24.adslpremium.ch] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] Something along those lines. [09:56] aha [09:57] hi DanielSeuffert [09:57] Option "RenderAccel" "True" [09:57] i believe thats it [09:57] hi d4mi4n ;) [09:58] ryan, does that work in xorg also or just xfree86? [09:58] half a second too slow [09:58] Mojo_Jojo: xorg only === CoryK really wishes they made line filters smaller [09:58] ok :) [09:59] LifesizeKenDoll: chown users:users /music? === daniels giggles. [09:59] hope the internet cafe doesn't mind me dist-upgrading on their link [09:59] whoaaa [09:59] i want to be able to read/write form the partition with either of the 2 users i user === ryan moves a window over firefox as fast as possible [09:59] mmmm [09:59] no garbage :D === _markus [~markus@pD9E516EA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] hi _markus [10:00] ryan: what did you do for that? that renderaccel thing? [10:00] <_markus> hi DanielSeuffert :) [10:00] renderaccel + xcompmgr [10:00] cu [10:00] alle === d4mi4n [~tuck@p508B334F.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === _markus is now known as markus_ === Phoop [Phoop@cc43737-a.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === genera [genera_nat@p5485201B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] hmmm why do i have a gnome-terminal open at home:| [10:04] someone trying to hack yoU! === Sgozz [~fabio@host232-81.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] nah i probably just left it open === denile [~deni@ip68-107-183-160.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === tritium [~Tritium@12-203-252-127.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu === ToTo [~ToTo@] has joined #ubuntu === stifler [~kalca@] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] i have install libpng-1.2.7, but is says there is no libpng installed. Did I install a wrong package? thought it contains libpng3 [10:05] send me a some pictures of naked woman. === nintendo [~toor@reverse-82-141-59-27.dialin.kamp-dsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === otavio [~otavio@otavio.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] www.kindgirls.com === otavio [~otavio@otavio.user] has left #ubuntu [] [10:06] Damned Army has released the Linux ver. of America's Army yet ..... [10:06] hasnt === oddabe19 [~oddabe19@pcp01471558pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] ya! === skullbocks [~skullbock@HSE-Montreal-ppp340966.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] I would like that [10:07] hi [10:07] what the heck is ubuntu? [10:07] ryan: where did you get xcompmgr from? [10:07] sounds to me like a german word "klickibunti" [10:07] FUCK YOU ALL MOTHER FUCKER!!!!! === mode/#ubuntu [+o daniels] by ChanServ [10:07] HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*kalca@217.26.67.*] by daniels === stifler was kicked off #ubuntu by daniels (daniels) [10:08] hahahha to you too [10:08] done. bye === Zimpee [~thingy@] has left #ubuntu ["byeZ"] === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*q2@*.woh.rr.com] by daniels === q2 was kicked off #ubuntu by daniels (daniels) [10:08] daniels, would that new xbase-clients package work now? [10:08] oddabe19: yeah [10:08] thannks [10:08] no worries === elessar [~elessar@dsl-213-023-036-205.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === ubll [ubll@cpe-065-184-044-045.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === krischan [~krischan@p50909D3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu === SS5User` [~ss5user@ool-43532616.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] hey daniels, why you kick q2? [10:10] i didnt see him do anything [10:10] RuffianSoldier, he wasn't l33t enuff ;) [10:11] RuffianSoldier: 13:05 < q2> www.kindgirls.com [10:11] RuffianSoldier: that's a porn site [10:11] his l33tsp4ak-gr4mm4RR suX0Red ;-) [10:11] Is there anyway to install ubuntu from hd? [10:11] hmmm good thing i didnt post my Free Sheep site then heheheh [10:11] stifler: send me a some pictures of naked woman. [10:11] i think he was responding to stifler === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === grammoux [~grammoux@26.19-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] mmm [10:12] ryan: where did you get xcompmgr from? [10:12] ah, xorg.. [10:13] had to manually redirect /etc/X11/X link though [10:13] adnans: hm, that shouldn't happen [10:13] daniels: it was still pointing to XFree86 [10:14] CoryK: freedesktop.org [10:14] adnans: whoa [10:14] bong [10:14] oops [10:14] ryan: that cardador :) [10:14] thats* === markus_ [~markus@pD9E516EA.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:14] cardador: freedesktop.org [10:14] hehe [10:14] cardador: nickcomplete ;) [10:14] daniels: other than that things seems to work well [10:14] cardador: you'll have to build it yourself thouhg [10:14] i got the latest, 1.1.1 verison [10:14] oh :( [10:15] and after a tussle i managed to get all the dev packages it wanted install [10:15] ed [10:15] for shadown and transparency i need xcompmgr? [10:15] and ofcourse the libs come with the dev packages when you install the dev packages first ;) [10:15] libxcomposite-dev libxdamage-dev and libxrender-dev i believe [10:15] yes === genera [genera_nat@p5485201B.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [10:15] i just got it to speed up the display [10:16] but i just turned on shadows to see what the fuss was about and its pretty neat [10:16] adnans: weird, that should get automagically migrated [10:16] on the ubuntu CD shipping thing [10:16] albeit a little slow [10:16] is there a way to get live CDs? [10:16] HELP ! in french if possible... [10:16] and is there a way to register without actually requesting CDs? (i.e. if I set all 3 CD requests to 0 will it cause you any problems) [10:17] daniels: I did compile Xorg CVS earlier and fiddled with the link === orospakr [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] daniels: it was pointing to /usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86 [10:17] HI, I am new and I want to learn the shell command.. [10:18] adnans: ah -- if you fiddle with the link, it will respect your preference and leave it alone [10:18] daniels: oki :) [10:18] daniels: sorry for the scare ;) [10:18] no worries, heh === mode/#ubuntu [-o daniels] by daniels === Temet [~temet@lns-vlq-42-lil-82-252-65-160.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === helkanaur [~helkanaur@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] haha [10:19] use the autoscroll in firefox with xcompmgr enabled [10:19] is it ugly? [10:20] gwildor_: no, but verrrrry sloooooow === TanAdept [~tanadept@ndf-dial-196-30-125-166.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] How do you change your language from british to english or something? === egli [~egli@80-218-21-91.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] I have "colour" and "centred" all over. [10:22] hmm, some slight problems with xorg on amd64: Xcomposite.h is in both libxext-dev & libxcomposite-dev. [10:22] gwildor_: heh it leaves the little autoscroll indicator as garbage as you scroll up and down, not really slow [10:23] daniels: its not _that_ slow, only if you turn on the fade windows in function ;) === oddabe19 [~oddabe19@pcp01471558pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === faaip [~faaip@] has joined #ubuntu === webmaven_ [~webmaven@] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] daniels, works great... THANKS For your help [10:24] Can anyone here walk me through setting up Evolution to talk to exchange? [10:24] woo, more conflicts than that. lots in libxdamage-dev & libxfixes-dev, too [10:25] Despair: i got rid of all that dev files === adnans [~adnans@linuxgoeroe.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] For the new Firefox that just came out today, should I uninstall the release that came with Ubuntu first, or will the installer automatically 'upgrade' the current package? === sysop [~sysop@user-12l2gla.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] wasabi_: haha British to English? [10:26] yeah [10:26] Hikaru79: it would be better to uninstall... [10:26] oddabe19: no worries -- enjoy it :) [10:26] all of my things say "colour" and "centred" [10:26] OK, thanks Daniel =) [10:26] Gnome on Debian said Color and Centered for me. ;) [10:26] wasabi_: English to 'merkin, perhaps? [10:26] Yeah. [10:26] Whatever. [10:26] Fog to Yank. [10:26] Hikaru79: np, update feature is new in 1.0 ;) [10:26] Despair: libxext-dev??? [10:27] daniels: yep. [10:27] So I should remove the mozilla-firefox package, right? === daniels stares. [10:27] Yes, [10:27] Hikaru79: yes [10:27] OK === SS5User` [~ss5user@ool-43532616.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:27] daniels: it's a dependency, it's quite unhappy if I remove it, too. :) [10:27] So, no-one here can help me set up Evolution to talk to Exchange? [10:27] If I don't do a complete removal (just a normal removal) will I be able to import all the old preferences into the new Firefox once I install it? === skullbocks [~skullbock@HSE-Montreal-ppp340966.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] Despair: correct you are [10:28] Yes. [10:28] is evolution able to show the threading in the headers view ? [10:28] The settings will remain, Hikaru [10:28] Thanks, Chibi :) [10:28] But not plugins, right? =/ === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] Make sure you uninstall your plugins first, though [10:28] Despair: good catch -- thanks. in the meantime, sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libx{composite,damage,fixes}-dev_6.8.1-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb [10:28] Or you'll have hellish ammounts of error. [10:28] Yeah libext3 in hoary has files conflicting with at least composite. [10:28] shampoo: should do so [10:29] I just hit that too. [10:29] hi DanielS. ;) [10:29] daniels: I just whacked it with --force-overwrite, since it's just headers. [10:29] wasabi_: yo [10:29] Despair: yah, and they're the exact same headers at that [10:29] DanielSeuffert any ideas how ? [10:30] DanielSeuffert I can get it to group same subjects together.. not not in a threaded view [10:30] where is xcomposite.pc at? [10:30] not in libxcomposite-dev that I can see. [10:31] shampoo: a quick google search will help ;) === Jojjnas [~Jojjnas@as8-1-5.hka.j.bonet.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] eh it is. [10:31] pkgconfig path messed up. sorry to bug. ;) [10:31] some have an ATI video card ? === grammoux [~grammoux@26.19-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:32] Do I run firefox-installer of firefox-installer.bin? *blush* [10:32] Err, *firefox-installer-bin [10:33] *cough* [10:33] i angered the xcomposite gods :x [10:33] Woah. [10:33] and i did it without having sshd installed, too [10:33] Rawkin. [10:33] ewps [10:33] hehe [10:33] Firefox google. :o [10:33] huh? [10:34] http://www.google.com/firefox?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] hey cool [10:34] is that the new homepage? [10:34] Yeah [10:34] Think the xorg install process should migrate /etc/X11 to /etc/xorg? [10:34] neat === wasabi_ ponder. === ryan makes it his homepage [10:34] hehe [10:35] Anyone in here is using free-java-sdk as a Java development platform? [10:35] Chibi: i just "backported" a new ff 1.0 feature ;) [10:35] Oh? === jason_ [~jason@blk-222-217-193.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] yeah, now my ff 1.0rc1 release has the new startpage when it starts ;) [10:36] Hehe. [10:36] has anybody done a dist-upgrade on hoary lately? [10:36] hmph === ben_ [~ben@pcp03282353pcs.radnor01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] now autoscroll doesn't leave garbage [10:37] hi [10:37] damn things fixing themselves === huz [~huz@garonne-4-82-226-184-30.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9515185.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] what's a good app to listen to music streams? [10:37] beep [10:37] rhythmbox [10:37] rythembox [10:37] better than xmms? [10:37] eh, pardon my bad spelling :) === Mojo_Jojo [~why@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] absolutley [10:37] Rhythmbox craps out on alot of streams. :/ === freduardo [~freduardo@kn-upc-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu === L|nu}{ [~linux@ti112210a080-2428.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] Hm :( file bugs! [10:38] Chibi: what do u use? [10:38] We are currently working on the next X.Org Foundation release, which has not yet been scheduled, but hope for earl 2005. [10:38] beep media player. [10:38] i wonder if the next xorg will make it into hoary ;) [10:38] umm, I can't boot ubuntu now :( I get an "Error 15: File not found" that happens right when a kernel loads I cant even uses the recovery kernel :( [10:39] Trying to start xcompmgr, but it's saying no composite extension. The Xorg log file says initializing extension COMPOSITE. [10:39] Am i missing something simple? :) === f_favila [f_favila@host-66-81-183-94.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] wasabi_: there's some stuff here: http://www.tectonic.co.za/view.php?id=379 [10:40] Chibi, is beep light weight? [10:41] beep is just xmms in GTK2 [10:41] where can i get xorg for ubuntu? is there a special source? [10:41] anyone? [10:41] With a better menu [10:41] Chibi, oh [10:41] It's arranged to be a lot more comfy. :o [10:41] ok, lol [10:42] Chibi, it has support for id3tab a lot better than xmms does [10:42] Yes, that too [10:42] Chibi, for editing id3 tags that is :-) [10:42] It's overall better. [10:42] k [10:42] Chibi, and the themes from winamp classic just work (drag and drop) [10:42] The older versions are a bit crash prone, I suggest getting the one from hoary. [10:42] Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". -> what does that means ? [10:43] you haven't got DRI enabled === Mojo_Jojo cires [10:43] skullbocks, and usually an error that you can simply ignore (for most nvidia cards) [10:43] DanielS how I enable it ? === kent [~kent@h104n1fls24o825.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] skullbocks: what were you trying to do? [10:44] install ati drivers [10:44] wasabi: Section "Extensions"\n\tOption\t"Composite"\t"Enable"\nEndSection === g3r4rd0 [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu === Drago [~Drago@] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] daniels: the renderaccel option is set to "On" or "True"? [10:44] wonderful, i tried to use rythmbox and it crashed trying to listen to a radio station [10:44] :( [10:44] Rhythmbox has a long way to go. [10:44] cardador: you shouldn't need to specify either -- just Option "RenderAccel" [10:45] daniels: thanks! [10:45] can anyone help me get my scanner working in ubuntu? it's usb and supported by sane. [10:45] It crashes when I try to import my heavily structured music directory. [10:45] but sane doesn't find it. === Gman [~Glynn@222-152-249-69.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] It'll get through about 10 folders, then crap out. === DanielSeuffert [~DanielSeu@62-167-21-24.adslpremium.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Befreit] === crevette [~baptiste@] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] Chibi: probably some jpg file in there. happened to me. [10:46] Lots of jpeds, cardador. [10:46] Each song has an individual folder with images and track information. :P [10:46] PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig/ ./configure [10:47] Chibi, rythmbox is definitely the crappiest :-) === ben_ [~ben@pcp03282353pcs.radnor01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] chibi, each song?, you spent a lot of time on that [10:47] I love rhythmbox, don't get me wrong. It's a great program. [10:47] Chibi: i use beep media player because of that rythmbox bug === crevette [~baptiste@] has left #ubuntu [] === Hackmo [~admin@82-41-84-57.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] But until it can read through my music directory successfully, Beep is my top player. [10:47] Chibi, me too... i like the iTunes wannabe concept... but gstreamer and the program itself are too buggy right now [10:48] okay whew [10:48] q3a still works with xcompmgr running [10:48] anyone. [10:48] ryan, you still messing with xorg stuff? [10:48] lemsx1_: rhythmbox? [10:48] ? [10:48] gwildor_: yeah [10:48] ryan, gonna help me set it up later? [10:48] Chibi, fixing that bug in rythmbox should be simple :-) (IMHO)... but, i didn't like the fact that rythmbox is maintained with something other than cvs ;-) [10:48] help you set it up? [10:49] OMG gnome is insanely slow and unresponsive since I last did a dist-upgrade a few minutes ago [10:49] where do you need help? [10:49] heh [10:49] ryan, help me if I have any issues? [10:49] jason_: apt-get install gamin [10:49] jason_: and it'll be magically fixed. [10:49] k [10:49] i hope [10:49] hehe [10:49] jason_: yap, it solve the problem for me [10:49] i fyou're talking about nautilus [10:49] and certain thigns [10:49] it works === Matt| [~Matt|@81-178-68-153.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] Dragor- I'd love to help, but as far as printing and scanning goes, you're better off with windows. :/ [10:49] how nice is it to come home and find xorg waiting for me [10:49] i like rhythmbox [10:49] ryan, I am a newb, so I guess I need help evereywhere, but ill try my best, [10:50] is there anything I should know before updating? [10:50] i just dislike the current state of gstreamer [10:50] holycrap thanks ryan it worked [10:50] gotta love xcompmgr -a [10:50] ryan, when I say newb, I mean new to linux, not that im an idiot === kro [~user@krovich.dsl2.d-mgtn.labyrinth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] I know it has to be something simple that I'm missing [10:50] How can I use cdrecord from the commandline with ubuntu? [10:50] adnans, is it working ok? [10:50] don't thank me, thank someone else that was in here earlier and saved _my_ ass ;) [10:50] because if I throw knoppix in it works right off the cd. [10:50] and the ubuntu kernel has all that usb support in it right? [10:50] Matt: yep, no fancy effects, but it completely eliminates expose events when dragging windows around.. [10:51] how do i get the new version of firefox onto ubuntu? [10:51] For intance, how do I find out the device name to use for cdrecord? I haven't played with things in 2.6 and it appears things have changed [10:51] which is a huuuuuge saving for your CPU [10:51] kro, cdrecord -v -tao file.iso ? [10:51] adnans, no issues with the upgrade? [10:51] how do i get firefox to open .pls's in beep? [10:51] will, get the installer and put it in /usr/local/firefox [10:51] adnans: heh, i'm using xcompmgr -c right now...i'm be a little spoiled ;) [10:51] lemsx1: should it just be able to figure out the devicename to use? [10:51] Matt| nope [10:52] in fact i changed my wallpaper just so i could see the shadows better hehe [10:52] adnans, have they stuck firefox on as well? [10:52] i can't see it [10:52] Matt|: not in amd64, yet. [10:52] ryan: xcompmgr -c is nice, but the shadow algo in xcompmgr is really silly :) [10:52] hehe [10:52] lemsx1_: huh? [10:52] Despair, what isn't? [10:52] MAtt| 1.0PR1 here [10:52] adnans: its fun to play with [10:52] hey Despair ;-) [10:52] adnans, PR1? [10:52] where is 1.0 final? [10:52] I've installed it (firefox) but now how should I link/copy it so that it can be run from /usr/bin/ (so that my desktop shortcut will still work)? [10:52] i'm working on finding transset [10:52] kro, ahh, usually it does. but you might have to pass /dev/cdrom or whatever the name of your burner [10:52] it came out today [10:52] lemsx1_: do you mean the tarball? [10:52] adnans, should be RC1 in hoary [10:52] jason_, that's what i wanna know === nintendo [~toor@reverse-82-141-59-27.dialin.kamp-dsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving,] [10:53] omg [10:53] lemsx1_:or should i extract it to there? [10:53] I got my x.org [10:53] finally [10:53] so where is firefox huh? [10:53] >_> [10:53] jason_, get the final from mozilla.org [10:53] <_< [10:53] ryan: xcompmgr -c is noticably slower on 1920x1200 >:) [10:53] lemsx1: thats cool [10:53] what is xcompmgr? [10:53] adnans: hehe === kro kisses good bye to stupid ide-scsi device names [10:53] adnans: okay mr spoiled [10:54] forever! [10:54] will, i mean the linux installer firefox-installer and run the installer from that directory [10:54] lemsx1: I also learned cdrecord has a -dao mode. [10:54] lemsx1, i imagine we'll get a package soon tho huh? [10:54] heh [10:54] theres also cdrdao [10:54] how do i get firefox to open pls files in beep automatically? [10:54] kro, -dao ? no, -sao :-) [10:54] kro, for dao you should use cdrdao [10:54] lemsx1_: ok thanks! [10:55] kro, i'm not sure if cdrecord can burn .cue or .toc files (find the binary and all) [10:55] MAtt| window compositer (when you have composite and damage extensions in your Xserver) [10:56] okay... when I try to take control of my scanner with VMware, it says that the device is claimed by the host operation system and is busy. [10:56] adnans, i'll come back for info on how to set it up later on when I've installed xorg. Does it need a l33t card? [10:56] damage sounds so damaging ;) [10:56] and sane list that that would cause it not to be detected. [10:56] how would I find out what is using it. [10:56] i think when you kill a window, the window should erupt into a mushroom cloud, to stress the fact that you're killing the window [10:56] ;) [10:57] where is beep installed to? [10:57] /usr? [10:57] /usr/bin etc that is [10:57] i think [10:57] ben_, $> which beep-media-player [10:57] beep-media-player is /usr/bin/beep-media-player [10:57] ben_: Application > Multimedia [10:57] Matt| nvidia hardware will do [10:57] lemsx1_: that directory does not exist - and i have no permissions! [10:57] :-) === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] will, which directory? [10:58] I've installed firefox in /usr/local/firefox-installer/ so now how do I link the firefox script in there so that it can be run from /usr/bin ? Or should I just add firefox-installer to my path? [10:58] adnans, don't ay that [10:58] Hikaru79, ln -s /usr/local/firefox-installer/firefox /usr/local/bin/firefox === skullbocks [~skullbock@HSE-Montreal-ppp340966.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] Matt|: it should run with an ati card [10:58] /usr/local/firefox === Challange [~challange@52.98-182-adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] Hikaru79, that's wrong anyway, you should've install it in /usr/local/firefox-1.0 :-) [10:58] HrdwrBoB, even a shit one? [10:58] but you won't want much less than a 9600XT [10:58] realistically [10:58] lemsx1: I was reading something that suggested cdrecord now had support for dao mode.. but I'm using cdrdao right now and it seems to be doing the trick [10:59] what card do you have? [10:59] After I made a link from /dev/cdrecorder to /dev/cdrom [10:59] will, unless you are part of the group staff you can't write to /usr/local :-) [10:59] will, use sudo [10:59] HrdwrBoB, you might not know it: it is IGP 340M chipset [10:59] kro: it does [10:59] I used sudo, yeah === jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] i succeded installing bluetooth tools [10:59] Matt|: oh ... er... heh [10:59] I tried ln -s but I get: "Details: Failed to execute child process "firefox" (Too many levels of symbolic links)" [10:59] so, will xorg bring more speed even for older cards, like non hardware acellerated? [10:59] "Too many levels of symbolic link" o_O [10:59] kro, so it works now? good [10:59] but I cant coonect to my phone and i don't know where to search for the bluez-toolz [11:00] Matt|: time to get a new video card :) [11:00] HrdwrBoB, well if can't get it configured I'll come back :) at least 3d acceleration should be supported [11:00] HrdwrBoB, it's a laptop [11:00] oh [11:00] well [11:00] what to do when a package is not under main, restricted, universe and multiverse but I know it's under debian stable? [11:00] pleeease [11:00] Hikaru79, oh oh... bad [11:00] jazzka: what package [11:00] lemsx1: well, I'm using cdrdao right now... I'm gonna try cdrecord again here in a second with -dao [11:00] HrdwrBoB, php4-cli [11:00] lemsx1: thanks [11:00] jazzka, get it from debian stable *not recommended by ubuntu* [11:01] lemsx1_: what is the copy command syntax i need? [11:01] gwildor_, but it has dependencies === gwildor_ shrugs [11:01] talk to you guys later, work is OVER === x0563511 [~x0563511@me-wtrvll-cmts1c-118.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] get php4-cgi and use a command line options? [11:01] Does Ubuntu have NFSv4 support? [11:02] to make it run as cliu [11:02] cli [11:02] may i ask a question? [11:02] x0563511: don't ask to ask, ask. [11:02] anyone else have problems in hoary: after yesterdays updates gnome and nautilus both start really slowly?? [11:02] xcompmgr debs: deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~daniels/ xcompmgr/ [11:02] hi daniels [11:02] cheers again for the work [11:02] i can't get beep to play streaming music :( [11:02] hey [11:02] no worries :) === scaroo [~scaroo@ivry-2-82-67-245-103.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === binary_10 [~binary@adsl-67-118-14-29.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] anyone else have problems in hoary: after yesterdays updates gnome and nautilus both start really slowly?? <-- solution is to install "gamin" === x0563511 [~x0563511@me-wtrvll-cmts1c-118.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] brb [11:03] what can I do? download every .deb file of php4-cli dependencies and dpkg -i *.deb ?? [11:03] jazzka: nono [11:03] has firefox 1.0 been added to the warty universe yet? [11:03] then?? [11:03] will, copy command? i'll tell you in a bit [11:03] jazzka: install php4-cgi [11:03] ben_, in your dreams [11:03] I really need php4-cli [11:04] How can I control which pdf viewer should be default? gpdf does not work but always gets selected even after being removed [11:04] lemsx1_: cp? [11:04] Matt|: why, it's stable? === trans_err [~trans_err@hc6527245.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] ben_, warty isn't updating software [11:04] Matt|, the same here, seems a gnomevfs issu [11:04] scaroo, did you see the fix? === johane [~johan@h119n8c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] nop [11:04] jazzka: why [11:04] Matt|: ...? So warty only distributes one version of software? [11:05] anyone else have problems in hoary: after yesterdays updates gnome and nautilus both start really slowly?? <-- solution is to install "gamin" [11:05] ben_, yup. [11:05] is 1.0 in hoary? [11:05] jazzka: the difference between php-cli and php-cgi is a trivial command line option [11:05] ben_, not yet [11:05] ben_: no [11:05] HrdwrBoB, because a simple php interpreter is what I need [11:05] k [11:05] jazzka: and that's what php-cgi is [11:05] ben_, you can install it by hand if you wish? [11:05] re [11:05] i just upgraded to hoary, but the default font seems to have either changed or to be rendered differently? Is this common? What was the old default font? [11:05] php-cli includes all the same stuff [11:05] HrdwrBoB, php-cgi can do exactly the same? [11:05] oh! [11:05] it just defaults to non-html output [11:06] daniels: how do i enable xcompmgr? just install it? [11:06] yes that's what I've been saying for 5-10mins now :) [11:06] Matt|, my system is really unusable when dealing with files and menus since the last gnomevfs update :( [11:07] scaroo, well for me "apt-get install gamin" did the trick === steve_ [~steve@p1628-adsl.snap.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] scaroo: what he said. happened to me also [11:07] ok, thx you guys [11:08] what are the pros of gamin vs fam ? [11:08] will, to copy something you simply: cp /something /somewhere [11:08] it's notshit [11:08] scaroo, not sure, but they have come down on the side of the former [11:08] cardador, got it fixed too? [11:08] Matt|: yes [11:09] ok kewl [11:09] Can anybody tell me how to define the default application? [11:09] scaroo: http://veillard.com/Talks/2004GSummit/slide2-0.html [11:09] lemsx1_: i get error cp: omitting directory `firefox-installer' === x0563511 [~x0563511@me-wtrvll-cmts1c-118.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] wtf, since when did internet radio have ads [11:09] booo [11:09] will, maybe add -R to the cp command [11:09] can i ask something? === hypa7ia [~Leigh@user40-114.wireless.utoronto.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] x0563511, shoot [11:09] I got a question [11:10] shoot too [11:10] :D [11:10] done === SapoDriLo [~SapoDriLo@host-097.166.ife.org.mx] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] before [11:10] a few times [11:10] :D [11:10] where can i get ..X11 [11:10] and what is it about mine ;-) [11:10] i have installed bluetooth stuffs [11:10] and i can-t connect my phone [11:10] cabt see the pc [11:10] So, do we get a picture of the cute blonde girl next month? :P [11:10] Challange, *laughs* no idea about that stuff [11:10] Chibi, w00t [11:11] :D [11:11] bluez-toolz [11:11] <3 ubuntu-calendar [11:11] there is no tool [11:11] Chibi, i need to try that [11:11] is there a way i can download a sound driver for my laptop [11:11] ben_, sure [11:11] anyone else expierencing font problems with xorg in hoary? [11:11] There's only two wallpapers right now, Matt| [11:11] there's a whole bunch of static that comes through the speakers when using the internet :( === Rhymes [~Rhymes@host90-10.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [11:11] Challange, have you tried gnome-bluetooth ? [11:12] Matt|: how? === hypa7ia [~Leigh@user40-114.wireless.utoronto.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [11:12] ben_, go to the website with your driver on, and download [11:12] One with the guy, blonde girl, and black girl, and one of the black girl. :/ [11:12] scaroo, well,no === hypa7ia [~Leigh@user40-114.wireless.utoronto.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] try it, you ll love it :) [11:12] Matt|, they don't have linux drivers [11:12] trans_err, don't scare me [11:12] its not in the synaptic [11:12] ben_, there is no open source version? [11:12] lemsx1_:thanks!! so its installed in usr/local now [11:13] Matt|, my fonts are rendering like crap- be forwarned [11:13] can i safely remove firefox from apt-get now? [11:13] trans_err, oh dear. downloads are nearly done === mvo|hockey [~egon@suprimo-161.ping.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] trans_err, daniels is around give him a shout [11:13] Matt|, is he also having font problems? === LinuxJones [~ubuntu@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [11:14] trans_err, nope but he is the developer and a lovely guy so he might help you out / be interested in what your problem is to fix it [11:14] I think it has something to do with xorg as I remember the same problem in gentoo [11:14] Matt|, lemme check === Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] It doesn't seem to affect everyone however [11:14] how can i see what kind of sound card i have? [11:14] ben_, lspci [11:15] another try: how to get rid of gpdf as default application? === Gman_ [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu === ploum [~ploum@21-16.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] seacyd, uninstall it? [11:15] Matt: thanks, but it is still there in the menue === Tufek [~Gentoo@Montreal-ppp3531911.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === bkw-laptop [~Bachman@h55l114.delphi.afb.lu.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] seacyd, you've uninstalled it and it is still in the menu? [11:16] Matt: Yes - with Synaptic === jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["M'envaig"] [11:16] how to download gnome-bluetooth? [11:16] and I do not know how to set the default application in gnome 2.8 [11:17] hi everyone ..i have a question ..is Azereus work fine on ubuntu or no? [11:17] the first entry now is gpdf, the second entry is xpdf [11:18] when right-clicking [11:18] I've downloaded a64 iso,and is now waiting for my new laptop. Are there any possible issues I may have while installing ubuntu on a preinstalled XPee laptop. My idea is that it should install grub and setup dualboot... [11:18] Tufek: yes i use it ! === xuzo [~xuzo@81-203-41-66.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu === lemonlysol [~warthurto@12-222-110-173.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] Challange, try there, but i dunno if there are still online : deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~jdub/warty/ ./ [11:18] w00t my data is saved :D:D:D [11:18] will, how can i install it ? please explain me [11:19] Tufek: download the binary from their website, stick it in the directory of your choice, and associate it with .torrent [11:20] I'm having an issue with hoary not loading my intel firmware. It is looking for ipw2100 1.2, though there are 3 different 1.2 files in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware it isn't seeing it. Any ideas? === ploum [~ploum@21-16.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] will, ok thanks a lot [11:21] Tufek: of course you need java! [11:21] get it from synaptic [11:21] will, ok thanks a lot agai === cardador [~jose@] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] sorry who can suggest a good program to copy websites on the hd... [11:22] wget [11:22] daniels: your xcompmgr package works very well :) how can i set it to start when X starts? === TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] HEllo [11:24] I've update to X.org [11:24] what happend to gnome-default-applications-properties, before I could change all default applications === hypa7ia [~Leigh@user40-114.wireless.utoronto.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [11:25] but it seems that the mail from daniel Stone is wrong [11:25] Section "Extensions" [11:25] Option "Composite" "Enabled" [11:25] EndSection [11:25] Isn't it : " Option "Composite" "true" ? === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] now I cannot get rid of gpdf as the default === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] seacyd: If you right-click a PDF, go to properties, and open the "Open With" tab .. can you change it there? That should let you change the default for all files of that type [11:26] smo: yes, there I can switch to xpdf [11:26] how would i go about getting hoary packages, update sources.list? === Matt| [~Matt|@81-178-68-153.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === Chibi [~chibifs@pcp09403250pcs.monroe01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:27] gen: yes [11:27] cardador: just change every warty string to hoary? === merriam [~merriam@62-3-250-66.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] smo: but gpdf keeps the top position [11:28] i've just updated to xorg, or at least I think i have. I can find no evidence of that tho [11:28] where is xorg logging to? === Chibi [~chibifs@pcp09403250pcs.monroe01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] cardador: just change every warty string to hoary? [11:28] gen, yes [11:28] thanks mat [11:28] Matt: in my understanding to /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:28] matt* [11:28] hmmm... what's the xcompmgr package called? [11:28] in apt [11:28] seacyd, no can't be that *laughs* [11:29] Hmm [11:29] Matt: sorry, you are right ;-) [11:29] seacyd, although that's not there either [11:29] Matt|: i have shadows enabled at the moment :D [11:29] Has anybody already apt-get dist-upgrade'd to Hoary? Any problems? [11:29] cardador, where is xorg logging? [11:29] Matt|: really pretty, reminds me of MacOS X [11:29] Matt: well, when sh* happens it happens ... [11:29] is it safe to go hoary, before actual release? all the packages can be updated eventually for the release without a reinstall correct? [11:29] cardador, less gloating and more helping [11:30] Matt|: /var/log/Xorg? (smt like that) [11:30] cardador, ok obviously i'm not running it then [11:30] seacyd: I've just tried the same on mine (including removing gpdf) .. it did the same, but in that Open With tab, selecting gpdf and hitting Remove does the job [11:30] hmmm... what's the xcompmgr package called? [11:30] in apt [11:30] Matt|: /var/log/Xorg.0.log [11:30] cardador, i haven't got that, nor have I got an xorg.conf. Must still be running XFree?!?! [11:30] A workaround rather than a fix, but gpdf has disappeared from right-click alltogether [11:30] oddabe19: xcompmgr === egli [~egli@80-218-21-91.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:31] cardador, it's not there [11:31] oddabe19, i'm not sure it is in the repos [11:31] Matt|: did you do the dist-upgrade? [11:31] Matt|: and i mean complete [11:31] cardador, maybe, maybe not [11:31] cardador, i did it in synaptic [11:31] is it safe to go hoary, before actual release? all the packages can be updated eventually for the release without a reinstall of ubuntu correct? === Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427112-94.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] ok, well, what a bout a .deb package [11:31] Matt|: on synaptic check the upgradable packages === flanagan_ [~flanagan@81-202-54-212.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] Matt|: and force the upgrade === ploum [~ploum@21-16.CampusNet.ucl.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] oddabe19: ill paste here the line for sources.list provided by daniels [11:32] cardador, thanks [11:32] smo: I cannot follow: open with tab (on third position from top) I can just enter something [11:32] cardador, the only package it hasn't upgraded are: The following packages have been kept back: [11:32] python-genetic x-window-system-core [11:32] What are the difference in the ipw2100 firmware files -i -p and just .fw? [11:32] cardador, guess the latter one is important [11:32] oddabe19: deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~daniels/ xcompmgr/ [11:32] smo: there is no gpdf [11:32] seacyd: within the Properties dialog, there's an Open With tab, which allows you to edit that list [11:32] Matt|: :) [11:32] ok, i seem to be getting some mixed messages on nvidia cards.. some say they support xrandr with the open drivers, some with the proprietary ones, some say not at all.. i guess im more concerned about the 2Go series of cards.. anyone have a clue on thsi? [11:32] gen, it is not entirely safe, and yes they can be updated === JDahl [~yyy@] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] smo: if I open the open with I can no list, just a file entry box [11:33] can = get [11:33] Ok I need to disable pbutton since I don't use a laptop...which file do I look to edit to change this? [11:34] how do i open the rpm [11:34] cardador, command for force upgrading? [11:34] can i get firefox 1.0 through apt-get === ^^candy^^ [~no_name@samo364-a071.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] well, im totally blown off by this... i love eye candy :D [11:34] gen, no [11:34] seacyd: Not "Open with Other Application" from the right-click menu ... "Properties" at the end of that menu. That allows editing the list, rather than just adding to it [11:35] Matt|: synaptic dont want to upgrade? === encKe` is now known as encKe|wrk [11:35] cardador, no it doesn't upgrade those two packages [11:35] cardador, nor does apt-get upgrade [11:35] guys, to get Java, I must take the .deb package for Debian ? [11:36] hi there [11:36] Matt|: whats the output? [11:36] smo: thanks! you saved my evening! [11:36] OK. I copied the firmware to a different name and whala it worked. [11:36] good night [11:36] Night... [11:36] cardador, have found the option in synaptic === cenerentola [~cenerento@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:36] Good Night! [11:36] "custom" === seacyd [~c@p213.54.60.54.tisdip.tiscali.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:37] Matt|: is it downloading? [11:38] cardador, yeah not long 2 go. dunno what that package was held back from the automatic upgrade === djtansey_ [~djtansey@djtansey.student.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu === p0int [point@] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] Zugwrack, can you give a bit more detail? [11:39] Matt|: in some time youll check some amazing eye candy :) [11:39] <^^candy^^> how can i open a .bin program? [11:39] this is pretty general but i'm hoping you can help. i have a usb key that seems to have two filesystems on it -- one small (showing up as sdb) and one large (sda1) -- how can i remove the smaller one? [11:39] ^^candy^^: sh file.bin [11:39] cardador, don't speak too soon. If i get 3d acceleration, it will make my day [11:39] Matt|: whats your card? [11:40] lunchtime! [11:40] http://ryan.slipgate.org/img/sandwiches.jpg [11:40] cardador, ATI IGP 340M === skullbocks [~skullbock@HSE-Montreal-ppp340966.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] Matt|: i have nvidia... [11:40] ryan, that site is not up [11:40] i disagree! [11:40] heh [11:41] <^^candy^^> cardador :cannot execute binary file === icu [~e2@n194-229.wireless.ubc.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] ryan, could not be found [11:41] How do I setup the kernel(the basic one that comes with ubuntu) source to compile modules for it? [11:41] ^^candy^^: what kind of file is it? [11:41] ^^candy^^: is it a cd image? [11:42] <^^candy^^> cardador : i downloaded real player [11:42] ^^candy^^: try ./file.bin [11:42] Be RiGhT bAcK [11:43] <^^candy^^> cardador : nope nothing === x0563511 [~x0563511@me-wtrvll-cmts1c-118.agstme.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] ... now that my internet connection is working... can i ask a question? [11:44] does anyone here have the problem with synaptic where no packages show up in the main list at all? === Matt| [~Matt|@81-178-68-153.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] yay success [11:45] how do i add multiverse to my repositories? [11:45] it's pretty sad, but the phrase 1784 frames in 5.0 seconds = 356.800 FPS makes me pretty happy [11:45] Matt|: What you trying to do? [11:45] got GL working right? === hk-alfa [hk@] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] what kind of card? [11:46] icu, it is working [11:46] hmm 3800 for me [11:46] hence the "sad" thing [11:46] how do i add multiverse to my repositories? [11:46] over 4k for me [11:46] bastards [11:46] <^^candy^^> cardador: how can i open an .rpm ? [11:46] ^^candy^^, you don't really want to [11:46] oh come on! someone must know [11:46] I'm trying to compile the latest fglrx module but it says that the kernel drm headers are incompatible, what's the with that? [11:47] ^^candy^^: in debian-like systems, you will want to open .deb [11:47] ^^candy^^: explain what you need [11:47] icu, isnt the radeon driver with XFree86 4.3 good enough? [11:47] :/... i GUESS ill use google [11:47] so icu, cardador, what you are saying is 356 isn't very good huh === Matt| squares up to icu, cardador [11:48] it tells you on the ubuntu site [11:48] <^^candy^^> to open a program that ends in .rpm (sorry i dont know a lot about linux) === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] Matt... what command gave you the number? Ive got a geforce2, ill tell you what i get [11:48] <^^candy^^> cardador :to open a program that ends in .rpm (sorry i dont know a lot about linux) [11:48] ^^candy^^, those files are not really intended for ubuntu systems [11:48] x0563511, glxgears [11:48] ^^candy^^, rpm is the Redhat format, you can maybe use alien to install it, but you cannot just "open it" [11:49] ^^candy^^, you can convert and rpm to a deb [11:49] im getting around 1000 [11:49] and/an [11:49] ^^candy^^: what is exactly the program? [11:49] <^^candy^^> Matt|:and where can i find real player? [11:49] ^^candy^^, you can find a different file maybe for the same thing that you are looking for, which will be nicer with your system [11:49] ^^candy^^, you can find it at http://www.real.com [11:49] <^^candy^^> Matt|: ok [11:49] ^^candy^^, but you don't need that either [11:50] brb === MikeGTN is now known as MikeAFK === GnuHippy [~jason@blk-222-217-193.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] <^^candy^^> Matt|: ok thanks [11:50] ^^candy^^: sudo apt-get install realplayer [11:50] somebody knoes how to make xsupplicant work ? [11:50] ^^candy^^, you're almost always better off using a tarball instead of .rpm - I am sure whatever you're downloading also comes as a .tar.gz [11:50] ^^candy^^, if you follow the guide at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats, you can find out how to make totem work with realplayer files [11:50] jdz`, that is not the realplayer package [11:51] I am having a video overlay problem with Totem-xine and tv-time that I have been having with both warty and hoary with and without x.org [11:51] <^^candy^^> ok [11:51] my video overlay will sometimes will stop updating [11:51] jdz`, it is a install package which is 2 versions out of date [11:51] JDahl: The xfree driver is buggy and slow. Way faster using ati's fglrx driver of which they just released a new version today which works with doom 3. [11:51] Matt|: Oh -- thanks. [11:51] np [11:51] and when I put something overtop of the video it will turn black and stay black [11:51] or blue [11:52] icu, perhaps I should install that driver too. I'm pretty sure 350 is about my max tho [11:52] ... ok, what package is it that has all those proprietory decoders and junk? === mcroydon [~mcroydon@pcp05133460pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] x0563511, w32codecs === cardador [~jose@] has joined #ubuntu === Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] x0563511, same url i gave candy a few lines up [11:52] has anybody else seen something like what I am talking about? [11:53] icu, aha.. maybe I will try it out.. my IBM thinkpad 40p only gives 1300 fps glxgears under ubuntu (before I had 2000+ with unstables XFree86/radeon) [11:53] ty matt [11:53] Matt|: It works really well despite what people say. The one in the ubuntu repositories is a bit outdated and I can't get the module to compile using the kernel headers I got from the repositories. That's my only problem right now. === mcroydon is now known as Netminder [11:53] think 350 is my max basically [11:53] :( [11:53] But how do I get modules to compile for the prebuilt ubuntu kernel? [11:53] <^^candy^^> ok thanks [11:53] icu, have you installed linux-headers etc [11:54] *laughs* I get 42 FPS with glxgears on this laptop [11:54] jdz`, kewl [11:54] icu, cant you still use kernel-package under Ubuntu? [11:54] i'm off [11:54] later === Matt| [~Matt|@81-178-68-153.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:55] Matt|, JDahl: When I run make.sh I get "XFree86 drm includes at /lib/modules/ do not fit this driver." === umarmung[2] [~holger@pD9542529.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] "This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher. You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher." which makes no sense at all [11:55] haha === umarmung[2] is now known as umarmung_ [11:56] matt|: i installed firefox 1.0 fine, but can only get it to work in my home directory, how do i move it over to replace the old .9.3 [11:56] using xcompmgr makes my system run like soggy poo === Sgozz [~fabio@host232-81.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] [11:57] HrdwrBoB: whats your specs? [11:57] HrdwrBoB, :-) which video card? [11:57] though I have a suspicion it's something to do with the fact that this is an nvidia card, and that 0.1 is a terrible SIS card [11:57] Matt|, ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ is a dead link === umarmung_ is now known as umarmung [11:58] does metacity autodetects composite extension in X (so that xcompmgr is not needed) ? [11:58] anyone, how do i move my mozilla firefox 1.0 dir from home to the .9.3 dir and where is it located === jjh [~jjh@cable-68-190-4-68.abr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === uman [~uman@220-245-55-54-qld.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === enabl [~enabl@host81-156-199-6.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] gen, you can't do that [11:59] why not lem? [11:59] I'm using my wireless card right now (Dell TrueMobile, uses the orinoco_cs driver), but "Network Settings" shows it as a normal ethernet card, so I can't, for example, change the ESSID. Any idea why this is or how to make it see the thing as a wireless card? [11:59] gen, because the package for firefox is not the same as the stuff you download from mozilla.org === GnuHippy [~jason@blk-222-217-193.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === SeverianMiente [~flanagan@81-202-54-212.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] unperson: wireless-tools [11:59] gen, they are compiled differently [11:59] so all the firefox updates from now on will have to stay in my home dir? === kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu