
topylibinarydigit: $HOME/.fonts12:00
ogra__daniel: what about foasdem ?12:00
binarydigittopyli: is there a global directory so all users can use it?12:00
logicthats where i put mine anyhows12:00
__danielogra: hmmm, where's the exact date?12:01
topyliyes, /usr/share/fonts/truetype probably12:01
binarydigitah nice thaks12:01
ermotopyli, maybe he's got a friendly, white, female sysop with natural nipples on watch to take care of him.12:01
ogra__daniel: just got the invitation: http://www.fosdem.org/2005/index/news12:01
brionhrm... Anybody gettings hangs at "Starting hotplug subsystem..." with kernel?12:02
topyliermo: rapha? well, he sure did rush to bed quite unexpectedly12:02
ogra__daniel: 26/27 Feb12:02
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) brion: It fails to load the modules for me.12:02
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(Amaranth/#ubuntu) But it keeps booting.12:02
natexmaybe he lives in a place where it's late.12:02
ograAmaranth: pciehp ?12:02
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) yep12:02
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(Amaranth/#ubuntu) and shpchp12:03
ermonatex, .... naaah. That's a trivial explanation. Mine was better ;)12:03
brionit also kills my usb keyboard, i have to hit ctrl-alt-del with a ps/2 kbd12:03
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) I've just ignored it, doesn't seem to break anything and compiling a new kernel fixed it.12:03
natexermo: I agree12:03
__danielogra: hmmmmm, looks bad from what i see... my diploma thesis will be in the last phase :-/12:03
ograAmaranth: dont worry, its just a very weird way to tell you you got no such HW12:03
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) What is hotplug for?12:03
ogra__daniel: damned12:03
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) hotswapping hardware?12:03
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wm_eddieI discovered what erased my bookmarks!!!!12:04
natexAmaranth: soft-hardware like usb and stuff12:04
ograAmaranth: a lot of modules in ubuntu12:04
(mjr/#ubuntu) Amaranth, it loads drivers12:04
wm_eddieBut I'm not sure how to go around fixing it....12:04
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) Ok....12:04
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) I have USB.12:04
__danielogra: but i'll make a stop when i'm around your area :-)12:04
=== agwibowo [~agwibowo@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) My keyboard and mouse are USB.12:04
(mjr/#ubuntu) despite the name, it detects also many non-hotpluggable pieces of hardware and loads the appropriate drivers12:04
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) They work fine and I can unplug them and plug them back in with no problems.12:04
ogra__daniel: tell me before.....12:04
agwibowodoes anyone know how to suspend computer in ubuntu?12:05
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brionbooting in 'recovery mode' it seems ok12:05
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) The modules that fail must be very specific parts of the hotplug system, not the whole thing.12:05
ograAmaranth: its in fact a lot more then usb12:05
ermo'suspend computer in ubuntu'12:05
ermogood one12:05
natexagwibowo: rope and tree ;12:05
=== ivar [~ivar@S0106002078c9e525.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
agwibowowhat did you mean?12:05
=== natex drumrolls
agwiboworope and tree ?12:05
ograAmaranth: they jsut dont find pci hotplug cards in your system12:05
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) natex: That's old-school, get an anti-grav device. ;)12:05
__danielogra: fred will know :-)12:05
ermoagwibowo, nevermind, we're being silly.12:05
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) yeah, i don't have a server. :P12:06
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) I don't know of any desktop system with hotswappable PCI cards.12:06
agwibowoi can do it in suse.. but not in ubuntu..12:06
ogra__daniel: give me time to clean up a bit..... hehe12:06
natexagwibowo: its in the kernel docs12:06
briontelinit 5 and it starts up X. :P12:06
__danielogra: but you could help me with my diploma thesis and could go to fosdem :-)12:06
natexagwibowo: I haven't tried it12:07
(mjr/#ubuntu) agwibowo, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=262012:07
agwibowoii see..12:07
ogra__daniel: lets see.... need a gui ? ;)12:07
natexagwibowo: this feature is kernel level12:07
agwibowoi'll have a read through it12:08
__danielogra: we'd need to figure out how to do perl- or python-wrappers for a c-library ;-)12:08
natexagwibowo: most likely SuSE has the appropriate modules loaded and a GUI front end.12:08
ograagwibowo: someone wrote a wiki howto...havent tried it though: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SuspendHowto12:08
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agwibowoah don't worry.. that sounds scarry12:09
ogra__daniel: python is easy.... ross burton has made a beutiful writing about it....i will look it up anyway during my python lessons....12:09
=== pepsi_ [~pepsi@p81.n-sfpop03.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu
FTTPi need info on linux distros12:10
__danielogra: there are some guys who'd kill me straightaway if i didnt use gtkmm :-)12:10
FTTPany isos working for hoary yet?12:10
=== ogra refuses to learn C++
FTTPi tried a developmental snapshot of iso before, didnt work :p12:10
agwibowoogra: thx! this document seems good!!12:12
ograagwibowo: fine :)12:12
=== Gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-250-43-180.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) ogra: I'm currently taking a class on C++ and C at the same time12:12
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=== ogra shivers...
agwibowohow do i know which power mode my laptop supply, acpi or apm ?12:12
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) ogra: well two different classes12:12
__danielGammaRay: after half a year of c++, i really like it :-)12:13
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ermoagwibowo, try looking at the output of 'dmesg'12:13
=== ogra likes perl and just fell in love with python
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) __daniel: the first half year of C++ for me was no different from C12:14
FTTPubuntu is the new kid on the block12:14
__danielogra: it was love a fifth sight, wasnt it? :-)12:14
agwibowowell.. dmesg outputs some lines starting with ACPI12:14
__danielGammaRay: you just need to take a look at C and C++ code :-)12:14
ogra__daniel: py ? yes, hehe12:14
agwibowodoes it mean my laptop supports acpi ?12:14
ermoagwibowo, unless it says 'disabled' somewhere, then yes.12:14
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) __daniel: the vast majority of code I care to look at is in C12:15
__danielGammaRay: hmm12:15
ograagwibowo: look in /proc for acpi12:15
__danielGammaRay: most C code still gives me the creeps12:15
=== wfx make some coffe, use one eye to look a movie (in a gxine window) and the other for some grafik work ;-)
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) __daniel: hmm why is that?12:16
agwibowoogra: yes, i can find acpi directory there12:16
ermoGammaRay, ... because C is only really well suited to a very small subset of what it is currently used for?12:16
ermoGammaRay, just saying. Don't want to start a troll.12:17
__danielGammaRay: all those scary structs over the place and it really takes time to see any separation and structure in the whole12:17
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) gnome xfce4 and 99% of the apps I use (and have access to the source code) are in C.12:17
ograagwibowo: is something in there ? if yes then your lappie supports it12:17
__danielGammaRay: they shouldnt be in C :-)12:17
__danielGammaRay: there's no need any more :-)12:17
ermoGammaRay, pause for a moment and consider the fact that mr gnome himself would rather use C#12:17
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) __daniel: feel free to do a massave rewrite, but I'm afraid you would be maintaining it all yourself12:18
__danielGammaRay: of course12:18
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__danielGammaRay: i never intended to do that :-)12:18
ogra__daniel: is berlios off ? cant reach protosquared.....12:18
ermoGammaRay, also, if I'm not mistaken, evolution will also be ported to C#/Mono12:18
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) ermo: I'm the only mr gnome I care about :-P12:18
ermoGammaRay, I kinda got that feeling...12:19
ogra__daniel: ah, got it12:19
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__danielogra: what are you about to do?`:-)12:20
FTTPhow do i download latest snapshot for hoary?12:20
FTTPi fergot12:20
__danielogra: recode it in 30 lines of perl code? ;-)12:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) ermo: yea it's called individuality12:20
FTTPim gonna try the newest one12:20
ogra__daniel: looking at your fingers....wvstreams is new eh ?12:20
ermoGammaRay, sure.12:20
__danielogra: unfortunately :-/12:21
=== tyrano [~Tyrano@cpe-024-211-240-228.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
__danielogra: slaw didnt package it yet, although it should be really easy12:21
__danielogra: it's just debi / debuild from what i see12:21
ogra__daniel: shold be possible very quickly with deb-make .....12:22
FTTPogra u know the link for hoary release?12:22
ograFTTP: this one ? https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryHedgehog12:23
=== __daniel never used deb-make before...
jomohkeIf I add another user, what decides if they have sudo/root power or not, is it whether they are in a certain group?12:23
FTTPogra no the one which had a link to download it12:24
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ogra__daniel: easy... you run deb-make in the sorece tree, edit debian/config and changelog12:24
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__danielogra: seems to be the same as debuild / debi :-)12:25
ogra__daniel: fakeroot debian/rules binary builds a deb for you then12:25
meduchabuenas tardes12:25
meduchathere are someone who want to helpme12:26
agwibowothis is so scarry12:26
agwibowoi won't do it12:26
ogrameducha: only 272 ppl in this room....12:26
agwibowosuspend to disk12:26
ogrameducha: ask :)12:27
FTTPogra wasnt there a link to download hoary iso?12:27
FTTPit just gives details on how to upgrade, not for the iso's themselves12:27
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ograjomohke: its decided in /etc/sudoers12:27
meduchai dont know, which file .iso download from the mirror12:28
ograFTTP: i dont have that link.....12:28
ogrameducha: have you got a pc ? or a mcaintosh ?12:28
skeffAre there any good Direct Connect clients out there for Gnome?12:28
ogrameducha: http://releases.ubuntu.com/warty/warty-release-install-i386.iso12:29
meduchaone cuestion12:29
meduchaone more cuestion12:29
__danielskeff: i just know dcgui *shrug*12:30
meduchathe commands are the same in this distribution??12:30
ogrameducha: the same compared to what ?12:30
meduchawith redhat12:31
ogrameducha: its more like debian12:31
ogrameducha: do you have special commands in mind ?12:32
Talliesinmeducha, there's also a bittorrent that'll download faster than the straigh web link if you have a bittorrent client.12:32
meduchayeah is that i hear about this distribtion12:32
tyranois ubuntu newbie and laptop friendly :|12:32
Talliesin(And put less bandwidth strain on the ubuntu webserver)12:32
ogratyrano: absolutely12:32
meduchafor example12:32
tyranoi was trying gentoo, but the kernel compilation kept locking up :|12:33
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tyranoso the acpi works great in ubuntu?12:33
Talliesintyrano, I hope so (see I can tell meducha possibly useful things about the bittorrent, but I'm a complete noob)12:33
ogratyrano: you dont need to compile anything in ubuntu12:33
meduchain redhat for set  the network i type: setup12:33
JuerdIs there an nntp client in Ubuntu's default installation?12:33
logictyrano: ubuntu much less stressfull :)12:33
tyranohmm o_O12:33
Juerd(My dad uses Ubuntu since today, and expects support from me, but I can't run Ubuntu on my system yet)12:33
__danielJuerd: you could use pan12:33
ogrameducha: in ubuntu you open the network manager :)12:34
Juerd__daniel: Is it user friendly and installed by default?12:34
tyranodoes it have an auto update type command like emerge?12:34
tyranocuz emerge seemed pretty cool12:34
meduchain GUI?12:34
Juerdtyrano: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade in the Root Terminal12:34
ogrameducha: yep12:34
__danielJuerd: hmmm, not sure... don't think it's installed by default12:34
Juerddaniels: That's unfortunate. Thanks.12:34
meduchaoooooooooo =)12:34
tyranoJuerd: and that would update all packages if i wanted?12:34
osiris_22ok my friend12:34
danielsJuerd: any time?12:35
ogrameducha: you can do nearly everything in gui in ubuntu12:35
osiris_22cant seem to catch aconnection12:35
=== malte` [~malte@host42-170.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
agwibowomy keyboard mapping is doesn't work in console....12:35
osiris_22on linux when he uses his router12:35
Juerdtyrano: Intelligently, yes. It doesn't upgrade if that causes conflicts.12:35
agwibowowhat should i do?12:35
osiris_22and hes tried fucken with his routers internal settings12:35
agwibowoit maps correctly in gnome-terminal, but not in console12:35
osiris_22and nothens working12:35
osiris_22any ideas anyone???12:35
tyranooh and does it have the intel wireless card drivers on the install cd, so i can surf immediately :|12:35
Juerdagwibowo: In console, type "install-keymap foo", where foo is your keymap.12:35
agwibowohow do i know which one my keymap is??12:36
ogratyrano: which ones ?12:36
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Juerdagwibowo: grep kbLayout /etc/X11/XF86Config-412:36
agwibowook.. thx12:36
tyranocuz no linux distro i have tried has detected it automagically :O12:36
Juerdagwibowo: It's usually the two-letter code for your language.12:37
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ogratyrano: looks good here....the drivers are there.... i have no such hw, but i guess it should work12:37
jirodriguthanks ogra12:37
tyranosweet i think im sold ;O12:37
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tyranoi have an asus laptop with wierd hardware and features, so i will have to tweak it im sure12:38
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agwibowoJuerd: thx, it works now!12:38
ogratyrano: probably its in here: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops12:39
Juerdagwibowo: yw12:39
__danieli think i'm off to bed guys12:39
Juerdtyrano: Sold? It's free! :)12:40
=== voth [~voth@adsl-67-64-140-98.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
vothcan someone help me. it seems i've lost my wastebasket icon in the 'start' bar, is there some way to get it back ?12:41
tyranosold me on the idea? ;D12:41
(mjr/#ubuntu) voth, right-click on panel and add applet12:41
__danielvoth: rightclick on the panel -> add to panel12:41
__daniel*wave in the channel*12:41
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meduchasbut there are terminals right?12:43
mojoGood morning everyone! ^-^12:43
Chibimorning. D:12:44
tyranoubuntu was based on debian right? so do you think bastille-linux would work on it?12:44
ChibiIn theory, any debian package will work12:44
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) in theory, any rpm should work on any rpm distro12:45
Chibirpm and deb are much diffrent.12:45
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) not really12:45
tyranoits not really a package i think12:45
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) the details.. but they are very similar overall12:45
tyranooh yah it is, my bad12:45
ChibiRPM's are diffrent across diffrent distrobutions, debs use the exact same format across all distros, and the exact same dependancy checking.12:46
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Chibi: rpms all use the same format12:46
ChibiThe only 'diffrent' deb would be one that doesn't place dependancies in it's control file. :/12:47
ChibiAnd I've never seen anyone do that, because it's silly. D:12:47
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I've seen nothing special about debs that would prevent any of the problems that can occur on an rpm box12:47
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ChibiUnless you force it, a package won't install unless your dependancies are matching, you have no conflicting programs, and your versions aren't mismatched?12:48
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) up till now, there have been only a few deb based distros.. that is the only reason people don't talk about deb hell12:48
ChibiThere are a LOT of deb distros. :/12:48
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) now12:49
ChibiThere were a year ago, too.12:49
=== mitochondyu [~mitochond@pool-162-83-236-4.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChibiHow long do you consider 'now'?12:49
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) a year ago is just a year ago12:49
ChibiI consider now two seconds ago, to two seconds from now.12:49
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) 4 years12:49
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Chibi4 years is a long time. -_-12:50
=== svenl_ [~luther@AStrasbourg-251-1-42-188.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
agwibowois anyone familiar with aumix? what's the meaning of IGain, Line, Mix, Pcm, Synth ?12:50
ChibiThey're volume levels.12:51
agwibowo.... ok... but what's the difference between them?12:51
ChibiIGain is a software amp. Line is the auxilery or microphone of your soundcard12:51
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Chibi: rpms have problems because of differently named depends and different software on different distros.. ~you can't say that can't easily apply to debs12:51
=== _scp [~scp@pcp465052pcs.shrpsr01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_scpwhere can I get the .configs from the Ubuntu Kernel source ?12:52
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_scpy'know, the .configs they used to build the package12:52
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_scpI grabbed the source, but it doesn't have the configs12:52
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) especially w/ all the "new" deb based distros.. we are bound to have the exact same problems rpm distros have12:52
steiniis Video4Linux enabled in Ubuntu??12:53
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) there is a reason ubuntu only supports certain repositories12:53
steiniI just plugged in my USB-Radio Adapter (which works perfect with Linux) but I dont get a /dev/radio /dev/v4l/radio12:54
_scpnevermind, I think I found it... it's in the diff12:54
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=== agwibowo [~agwibowo@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
agwibowoi have a little problem with aumix...12:58
agwibowoit doesn't restore the settings i saved everytime i boot up my computer12:58
agwibowoso i have to manually increase the volume everytime i boot up my computer12:59
=== Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu
agwibowois there any workaround for this?12:59
ograagwibowo: use gnomes mixer12:59
malte`or alsamixer12:59
agwibowowell... gnome mixer does not work12:59
agwibowoso does alsamixer01:00
ograagwibowo: then somethings wrong...01:00
=== sleon|lap [~sleon@A885c.a.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
sleon|lapi need help by installing linuxant driver on ubuntu01:00
sleon|laphow to do it?01:00
sleon|laplinux_headers are installed01:00
agwibowohow to run gnome-mixer? is it the gnome-volume thingy?01:01
ograsleon|lap: wouldnt the slmodem driver do ?01:01
sleon|lapogra, hsf modem01:01
ograagwibowo: yep, right click it....01:01
sleon|lapogra, is it already in ubuntu?01:01
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agwibowoit says "Sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found"01:01
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ograsleon|lap: unfortunately not yet, but slmodem is prepared....01:02
agwibowoi think the problem is that my sound card is bound to /dev/mixer101:02
agwibowoso using aumix, i have to manually set it to configure /dev/mixer101:02
agwibowomaybe gnome-volume look in /dev/mixer ?01:02
ograsleon|lap: in the middle: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto01:02
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sleon|lapcan someone say me how to install linuxant driver on ubuntu?01:03
sleon|lapthats all i want01:03
=== PotajiTo [PotaJep0w3@31.Red-80-35-118.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ograsleon|lap: install build-essential it brings in gcc and friends....01:03
ograsleon|lap: your headers are installed ?01:04
sleon|lapogra, yes01:04
sleon|lapogra, they where installed with ubuntu01:04
FTTPim burning current hoary development release01:05
ograsleon|lap: by derfault they dont01:05
sleon|lapogra, ok done that now01:05
sleon|lapogra, ok done that now01:05
agwibowoanyone can help me?01:05
sleon|lapogra, i have /usr/src/linux-headers-
ograsleon|lap: ok, looks good....01:06
sleon|lapnow i started hsfconfig01:06
sleon|lapand it is running :)))01:06
sleon|lapogra, thx for the tip01:06
sleon|lapogra, is this right?01:06
=== BeanDip [~BeanDip@adsl-70-240-13-115.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeanDipmplayer is segfaulting on me01:06
sleon|lapogra, NICE it worked!!! you are my best friend now!01:06
BeanDipanyone else having mplayer segfaults under hoary?01:07
ograagwibowo: try lsmod|grep mixer01:07
ograagwibowo: sudo modprobe snd-mixer-oss01:08
FTTPgonna try todays developmental hoary iso01:08
FTTPdoes ubuntu track with debian ?01:08
FTTPwhere the releases are essentially the same?01:08
ograagwibowo: your mixer should work01:09
agwibowostill says that no mixer is found01:09
ograagwibowo: what have you done with your system ?01:09
sleon|lapwhich program under ubuntu is used to dial internet?01:09
ograagwibowo: try again lsmod|grep mixer01:09
sleon|lapi mean some dialer for users01:09
FTTPuhmm gnome ppp?01:10
agwibowoyes, it's there the oss-sound blabla01:10
FTTPi dont dial so i dont have a clue01:10
FTTPi want my FIBER :)01:10
agwibowomy sound works,  but i have to modprobe opl3sa201:10
sleon|lapthere is no kppp01:10
agwibowobut that is not recognised my gnome01:10
FTTPoff to reboot and try iso01:11
sleon|lapwhat should i use instead?01:11
agwibowoit is recognised by runnign aumix -I -d /dev/mixer101:11
agwibowonot by gnome-volume-control01:11
ograsleon|lap: the network tool probably.....01:11
=== defendguin [~supertux@adsl-6-122-162.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
agwibowoor maybe i have to restart gnome? to restart the gnome-volume manager?01:11
sleon|lapogra, where is it?01:11
ograsleon|lap: havent used dialup for a long time.....01:11
ograsleon|lap: its in the computer menu01:12
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ograsleon|lap: system tools01:12
sleon|lapogra, systen configuration?01:12
ograsleon|lap: genau :)01:12
(Amaranth/#ubuntu) anyone know where the script that updates /etc/resolv.conf is located?01:13
agwibowoogra: what should i do now? should i try to restart gnome?01:13
ograagwibowo: nope, wait....01:13
sleon|lapbye bye01:14
BeanDipanyone want to help me figure out what the hell is causing mplayer to segfault on an updated hoary box?  I have the strace output posted in #flood01:14
ograagwibowo: opl3sa2 is a oss module....01:14
ograagwibowo: oss is deprecated01:14
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ograagwibowo: and not used in ubuntu....01:14
agwibowowhat should i do?01:14
|doug|I'm having some trouble getting my ubuntu box to print to a laserjet printer on my winxp box, anyone have any ideas?  I can install the printer and it says it prints, but no cigar01:15
=== jmhodges [~warty@cpe-069-133-106-188.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ograagwibowo: try modprobing the snd-opl3sa2 module instead...but only if the other one isnt loaded...if in doubt, reboot before....01:15
jmhodgeshey.. i need to repair grub, but i can't figure out how to do it from the live cd i have..01:15
agwibowoic.. can i unload the already loaded module?01:16
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jmhodgesohh.. i think i know what i did.. n/m01:16
|doug|I've tried configuring it via http://localhost:631 but I can't figure out the username/password combo... root + my regular user pass doesnt work, nor does my regular username/password combo01:16
agwibowoogra: when i do modprobe snd-opl3sa2, it says error, no device01:16
ograagwibowo: dont know if it cleans up all its dependencys .... look what gets unloaded with lsmod before and after01:16
agwibowoit says, no such device01:17
ograagwibowo: do you know what kind of card it is ?01:17
agwibowoyamaha opl3sa something01:17
agwibowodefinitely yamaha and something with opl01:17
skeffHow do configure totem-xine to use ESD ?01:17
ograagwibowo: thats only one part....01:17
|doug|and I can't find anything on the ubuntu wiki... so I have tried to RTFM already, but there is no M to R that I can see :)01:18
ograskeff: is this not the default ?01:18
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ogra|doug|:  http://localhost:631  was disabled out of security reasons....01:19
LinuxJonesevening everybody01:19
ograhi :)01:19
LinuxJoneshi, ograbot01:19
skeffogra, well sound doesn't work any way, until I kill the esd daemon01:20
agwibowoi tried to find in google, it seems everyone with this laptop model is using opl3sa201:20
ograskeff: strange....for me it works....01:20
Gwildori am trying to play a dvd, the four feathers, and i get about 30 mins in to the movie, and totem crashes, and ask's if i am trying to play an encrypted movie with out libdvdc22, can anyone help?01:20
Gwildori do have libdvdcss201:20
ograagwibowo: give me the model01:21
LinuxJonesmplayer doesn't seem to add a configuration file in my ~ directory :(01:21
cbpyeeek.  Mozilla is in Japanese now.   WTF?01:21
ograagwibowo: of your lap....01:21
agwibowoTecra 800001:21
agwibowoToshiba Tecra 800001:21
ograagwibowo: heh... got an 8200 in my bag.....01:21
cbpyeanyone know how to get Mozilla back into English?01:22
|doug|ogra, yea, I see that now.  the gnome ui for it doesn't seem to do the trick though01:22
ograagwibowo: and a good ole sony on my knees....:)01:22
=== FTTP [FTTP@207-38-252-211.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
FTTPdaily snapshot gives fatal error01:22
FTTPin hid01:22
FTTPwhat is module hid?01:23
agwibowoi found this...01:23
=== FTTP is gonna bugfix this
agwibowoYamaha 3d sound effect-enabled OPL3-SA301:23
agwibowodunno if that helps01:23
ograagwibowo: probably ymf..... try sudo modprobe snd-ymfpci01:24
agwibowomodule is not found01:24
ograagwibowo: module is not found ???01:25
agwibowovery weird...01:25
ograagwibowo: it must be there by default01:25
FTTPogra i have hid module not found :P01:25
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FTTPogra for developmental iso01:25
ograFTTP: i dont use hoary01:25
agwibowoya very weird01:25
agwibowoi can find theh file,.... but cannot load it01:26
ograagwibowo: should be there /lib/modules/
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agwibowoyes it's there01:26
agwibowobut modprobe says module not found01:26
ograagwibowo: try uname -r01:26
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aigariushi all01:27
agwibowohey wait01:27
agwibowoFATAL: Module /lib/modules/ not found.01:27
agwibowowhy does it look in different directory????01:27
FTTPagwibowo ur doing better than me01:28
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FTTPi only got FFATAL: Module hid not found01:28
NivlemAnyone know why I would have system sounds, but nothing comes out when I insert a music cd and it starts to play?01:28
agwibowoit should look in
aigariusis there a public cvs or svn repository of ubuntu?01:28
LinuxJonesFTTP, your using hoary ?01:28
FTTPthe developmental snapshot got better tho01:28
agwibowoeh no no no01:28
agwibowoi'm talking rubbish01:28
FTTPlinuxjones:  I tried todays developmental snapshot01:28
agwibowowhat the heck... the file is there...01:28
FTTPlinuxjones:  Last one was a mess01:28
FTTPthis one is better01:28
ograagwibowo: where does this kernel come from ?01:28
FTTPbut it gives an error on bootup01:28
aigariusNivlem: you propably have no audio cable from your CD drive to the sound card01:29
agwibowofrom ubuntu cvs01:29
ograagwibowo: or its soudn modules ?01:29
LinuxJonesFTTP, why not just stick with Warty, it's fairly stable01:29
ograagwibowo: why that ?01:29
FTTPlinuxjones:  Im trying out distros01:29
NivlemThat is impossible....this is a macintosh..not a PC01:29
agwibowoogra: what did you mean?01:29
FTTPlinuxjones:  How come bsd never got attention :P01:29
agwibowonow it works01:29
ograagwibowo: why a cvs kernel ?01:29
FTTPeverything is linux linux linux01:29
FTTPso i go linux :)01:29
agwibowofor sopme weird reason01:29
LinuxJonesFTTP, developmental releases are no way to check out any distro :D01:29
socommNivlem: Macs are PC's ....01:29
FTTPlinuxjones i mean development of such01:30
FTTPlinuxjones:  i tried warty already01:30
agwibowoi was talking rubbish.. dunno the correct term.. i just did apt-get install linux-image.. you know...01:30
FTTPlinuxjones i reported the hid not found as bug01:30
ograagwibowo: ahh, ok01:30
agwibowoanyway, i can modprobe snd-ymfpci now01:30
agwibowowhat should i do now?01:30
FTTPgonna wait for tomorrows :)01:30
ograagwibowo: looking something up....wait a sec01:30
Nivlemsocomm: It is generally understood that when one refers to "PC" that is is intel i386 architecture..01:30
agwibowognome-volume-control still says that mixer is not found01:30
aigariusNivlem: and you want to say me that they need no audio cable? if so try checking you audio mixer for 'CD' volume01:31
FTTPhid = Human interface device ?01:31
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FTTPlike keyboard right?01:31
FTTPkeyboard, mouse01:31
andrilhello all - again!!!!!01:31
LinuxJoneshi andril01:32
Nivlemaigarius: That is not what I am saying at all...I have sound output from everything else..and this mac hasn't been opened  up and had anything changed...it plays music fine on the cd from within OSX therefore it IS NOT A CABLE PROBLEM01:32
aigariusNivlem: otherwise you could try to start xmms take preferences->input plugins->audiocd reader->configure->output->read cd digital audio01:33
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aigariusNivlem: that will make audio cds play the digital and not the analog way01:33
aigariusNivlem: maybe that osx plays them digitaly all way long01:34
Nivlemaigarius: I am assuming rythmbox is the cd player? It autoplays on insert..I will try that..01:34
=== FTTP is looking at the cdcode now
aigariusNivlem: i don't know if any other player except xmms has that feature01:34
ograagwibowo: try lspci|grep audio01:35
billytwowillyI would like to install windows xp into a 5 gig partition on this laptop that I already have ubuntu on. are there any howtos to show me how to minimize the damage that it will do to my linux partitions and their bootability?01:35
socommaigarius: gnome's CD player has that feature.01:35
agwibowoogra: none,empty01:35
ograagwibowo: try lspci and look for the sound device01:35
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agwibowoi don't think there's any sound device there01:36
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ograagwibowo: hmm, isa01:36
socommSound has to be the biggest problem with Ubuntu ...01:36
ograsocomm: with all distros...isnt it ?01:37
monkey89I have a rt2500 wireless card and I'd like to get access to the internet via Ubuntu, however I need the kernel sources to compile the module. What's the easiest way to do what I want? I'm in windows and can download files to a shared FAT32 partition.01:37
socommogra: I've never had sound problems.01:37
socommogra: at least none that I couldn't figure out by myself.01:38
aigariusis there a public place to get development scripts of ubuntu? i am talking of recompilation scrits, cd making scripts, which patches are applied to which packages01:38
nevynbillytwowilly: windows doesn't play nice with others.. make sure you have a bood disk01:38
billytwowillynevyn,  That's all I'll need to get grub working again?01:39
billytwowillyHow about for making my reiserfs partition smaller?01:39
ograagwibowo: the snd-opl3sa2 should be the right one....01:39
FTTPRed Hat late Friday warned Linux users of a "critical-critical" security hole that could compromise systems and allow root access to a remote attacker. ...01:39
FTTP+1 ubuntu :)01:39
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danielsFTTP: url?01:39
agwibowoogra: hmmm but modprobing it says "No such device"01:40
ograagwibowo: try loading it after next reboot, i'm not sure the other one got unloaded properly....so it says no such device....its blocked01:40
FTTPdaniels:  Updated: A fake security bulletin purporting to be from Red Hat resurfaced, warning Linux users of a "critical-critical" security hole.01:40
aigariusFTTP: that is not +1 ubuntu, but -1 redhat. and there is a hell of a lot of difference01:40
FTTPdaniels:  Fake :P01:40
agwibowooh ok...01:40
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agwibowoi'll remove the other one then from /etc/modules01:40
aigariusFTTP: you recieved it only now?01:41
FTTPaigarius:  i like debian cause its free01:41
nevynbillytwowilly: parted... maybe01:41
agwibowoi'll be back in 10 mins01:41
FTTPand i like ubuntu cause it has gnome 2.8 :P01:41
billytwowillynevyn, Thanks. I'll look into it.01:41
FTTPand is more user friendly01:41
nevyndaniels: boe.01:41
malte`fedora is free too and has gnome 2.801:41
aigariusFTTP: 1. -1 redhat = -1 linux in general 2. debian has gnome 2.8 as of 18.nov01:41
=== malte` is trolling
socommFedora, free?!01:42
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pinkeei don't like that ubuntu makes it so difficult to change your desktop manager, has anyone sucessfully done this?01:42
aigariusfedora is as free as ubuntu01:42
FTTPmalte:  This is ubuntu :P, not #fedora01:42
malte`sure socomm01:42
FTTPanyways we off topic01:42
socommpinkee: xdm, kdm, etc ...01:43
aigariusuntil i can see a complete and public ubuntu cvs or svn repository01:43
pinkeei want enlightenment01:43
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FTTPaigarius:  SVN?01:43
socommpinkee: you mean WM not DM.01:43
LinuxJonesI installed Fedora Core 3 today and it was on my computer for 1/2 hour before wiping the disks and re-installing Ubuntu01:43
pinkeeso anyways01:43
socommpinkee: 1.6, or 1.7?01:43
FTTPaigarius:  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ maybe ? :P i dont know what svn is01:43
malte`ehehe thank you LinuxJones , i wanted to try it too01:43
malte`now i'll not :P01:43
pinkeeeither really01:43
aigariusFTTP: svn=subversion=cvs replacement01:43
socommpinkee: you can probably install E1.6 from reps, and it will show up in GDM.01:44
FTTPlooks like ubuntu is cvs still01:44
ograaigarius: arent all source pkgs enough ?01:44
LinuxJonesmalte`, I couldn't even install xqf without re-compiling it. That distro is a total mess01:44
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aigariusogra: no - I want to replicate the whole process01:45
Keybukaigarius: you'll see neither01:45
FTTPbrb trying to install from hoary even with the fatal HID error01:45
pinkeesocomm: i wrote it to .xinitrc abnd when it loads there are no menus of apps, perhaps i am too accustomed to debian and doing this wrong.01:45
Keybukbecause we're an Arch/tla house :p01:45
FTTPsince my keyboard still works01:45
agwibowoogra: u still there?   that modprobe still doesn't work01:45
FTTPit could be for the mouse01:45
FTTPill fix it after install01:45
FTTPif it dont work01:45
socommpinkee: `apt-get install enlightenment' that will install everything you need and add an entry to your GDM so you won't need to fsck with .xinitrc01:45
aigariusKeybuk: and is ubuntu arch repository publicly accessible01:45
ograagwibowo: hmm... error ?01:45
tyranoi almost have ubuntu01:45
agwibowono such device01:46
tyranoand then i will be linux king?01:46
danielsnevyn: sup01:46
pinkeei don't want GDM01:46
agwibowobut... strangely.... when i do lsmod, there are some snd_opl3 there...01:46
=== DCastMan is now playing: Fear Before the March of Flame - On the Bright Side, She Could
agwibowoalthough i've removed the loading opl3 from /etc/modules01:46
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Keybukaigarius: arch.ubuntu.com -- though there's not much in it, at the moment we're still in the process of importing things; as we're Debian-based, and they don't have any form of repository01:46
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marjanwhy can't i play mp3 files?01:46
marjanwhat do i need to install for it?01:46
socommpinkee: then just install with apt and let it configure eveything for you.01:46
DCastManbecause your inferior01:46
ograagwibowo: snd_opl3sa2 ?01:46
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socommbonobo, mp301:47
marjani just installed ubuntu01:47
pinkeesocomm: i did and it has no application menus01:47
ogramarjan: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:47
marjanogra, how to enable them?01:47
agwibowoit's   snd_opl3_lib01:47
marjanogra, i need mp301:47
marjanogra, what do i need to install?01:47
ograsocomm: its off01:47
ogramarjan: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats01:47
aigariusKeybuk: yes I know about the base (DD myself), the point is that I am doing a CDD and I am looking into ways of making it a CUD :)01:47
socommpinkee: I haven't used E in a long time, you may need to edit some of the configs for E's popup menu.01:47
ogramarjan: read this01:47
LinuxJonesmarjan, gstreamer0.8-mad01:47
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pinkeeugh, whatever01:48
=== DCastMan is now playing: In Flames - Only For The Weak
marjanLinuxJones, where to get it from?01:48
ograagwibowo: post your output from lsmod|grep snd to #flood please01:48
socommmarjan: run `synaptic'01:48
LinuxJonesmarjan, >> http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats/01:49
marjanmy connection is very slow01:49
marjani need to wait 5 minutes till page loads01:49
marjanplease copy that!01:49
agwibowojust did it01:49
ogramarjan: too much to copy01:49
ograagwibowo: snd_cs4231_lib  ? where does this come from....01:50
=== DCastMan is now playing: White Tiger - Fly Flag Proud - 03 - Million Nigger March
tyranoi think the mp3 format is patented, but not mp3 players?01:50
thoreauputicDCastMan: please turn that off01:51
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marjanmy god01:51
marjanwhy the hell i need to install this01:51
marjanwith my slow connection01:51
marjanit is unfear01:51
marjanand why the hell such needed things are not on cd01:51
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ogramarjan: because fraunhofer charges for supplying it on discs01:52
marjanit is not funny01:52
LinuxJonesDCastMan, please don't use racial slurs in IRC k thanks !!01:52
ogramarjan: nope, its not01:52
ogramarjan: but you are simply not allowed to ship it01:52
thoreauputicmarjan: licensing issues ( not Ubuntu's fault)01:52
agwibowoogra: any clue?01:53
marjanthe fedora core and ubuntu are only distros which don't do that01:53
DCastManI'm sorry01:53
marjanmandrake suse and co. have it01:53
monkey89How can I install the kernel sources w/o internet access?01:53
socommmonkey89: CD's maybe.01:53
ograagwibowo: i'd like to know where these modules get loaded from .... strange01:53
=== DCastMan is now playing: BULLY BOYS - White Pride
monkey89ok, but what files do I need? I can download files and copy them to the linux partition, but i cant use anything in linux01:53
agwibowoi've just posted the content of my /etc/modules01:54
agwibowoto #flood01:54
ograDCastMan: PLEASE STOP THIS01:54
thoreauputiccould someone with op privileges please take action on DCastMan ?01:54
ermoogra, come on. He's just trolling.01:54
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tyranojust /ignore01:54
ograermo: its disgudting01:54
LinuxJonescan someone please kick this idiot from IRC please01:54
LinuxJonesdaniels you there ?01:54
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AmaranthThe more you complain the happier he gets.01:55
AmaranthYou're feeding the troll.01:55
socommogra: what did s/he do01:55
marjanlook hell01:55
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) DCastMan: well I'm now playing Shaman - Ancient Winds :-P01:55
nevyndaniels: nommuch.01:55
ograsocomm: look....at the titles01:55
marjanit will now download 2mb of package lists01:55
=== DCastMan is now playing: Warhammer - White Pride Skinheads
marjancan you please give me the direkt link to gstreamer-mad and gstreamer-lame?01:56
socommogra: oh all right.01:56
marjanotherway i need to wait 25 minutes till it gets package lists01:56
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) DCastMan: we don't care01:56
socommJust ignore it, it will go away.01:57
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) DCastMan: why don't you turn off the bot an just say what you are playing yourself?01:57
marjanogra, can you please give me the direkt link to the gstreamer-mad?01:57
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) DCastMan: it would be a good lesson in just how interesting it really is01:57
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agwibowoogra: still no clue??01:57
DCastManNow playing Soilwork - Steelbath Suicide.mp3 then01:58
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ograagwibowo: nope, not really....01:58
ograagwibowo: its a bit strange that there are any sond modules....01:59
marjanogra, thx, and for gstreamer-lame?01:59
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) DCastMan: that's better.. now what is so great about that song that you should mention it?01:59
agwibowoany other place i should look for beside /etc/modules ?01:59
agwibowofor the list of modules that gets loaded?01:59
DCastManIt has a good message02:00
DCastManAnd that message is: "drumdrumdrumguitarsolodrums"02:00
marcellusIs warty-release-install-amd64.iso broken? When it is installing the base system it fails because the generic part of the amd64 kernel package is missing.02:01
tyranois there an install guide on the install cd ;O02:01
tyranoor do i have to print it out :(02:01
ogramarcellus: how fast did you burn this disk ?02:02
socommDCastMan: St.Louis?02:02
danielsLinuxJones: yo02:02
marcellusogra: 4x I guess. The maximum on my old burner.02:02
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ogramarcellus: should be ok... did you check the disk....there is an option in the menu.....02:03
marcellusogra: I am not certain about the "missing" part because it might be package that is present in "pools/restricted".02:03
DCastManHow is hoary pronounced?02:04
tyranois there an install guide on the install cd ;O02:04
agwibowois hoary out????02:04
socommagwibowo: no02:05
danielsDCastMan: 'hoar-iy'02:05
ograagwibowo: april02:05
agwibowostill long way to go02:05
ermoDCastMan, you know, kinda like 'hairy'02:05
agwibowoany recommended application for my gnome?02:05
DCastMan$> stfu -plz02:06
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*thedcm@*.217.229.14.charter-stl.com] by daniels
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agwibowowhat's that gstreamer about?02:06
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o daniels] by daniels
ograagwibowo: i just looked at modinfo snd-opl3sa2 whoo lots of options....02:06
tyranoubuntu uses xorg right?02:06
thoreauputicdaniels: thank you02:06
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tyranonot xfree86?02:06
GnobodyI need help enabling DMA on my SATA HDD and DVD-RW02:06
ograyay daniels02:06
danielstyrano: in hoary (our development branch), yes02:06
Gnobodyhdparm screws up02:06
danielsthoreauputic: in general, it's best to just let it go02:07
ograthank you so much02:07
socommdaniels: +ban.02:07
agwibowoogra: ok... and does it give any clue?02:07
danielssocomm: yes, I did already02:07
ermo'any recommended application for my gnome' - good one. Well, you can make him polish your shoes. Or mow your lawn. And sorry, couldn't resist.02:07
tyranois it easy to upgrade to hoary :O02:07
danielstyrano: it's not recommended if you're not familiar with debian or ubuntu02:07
tyranobut xfree86 is old :/02:07
ograagwibowo: i think snd_opl3_lib blocks the device...so your snd-opl3sa2 fails to load02:07
ermotyrano, but if it works, so what?02:07
danielsright, but if it still works and displays stuff ...02:08
agwibowoogra:... hmmm.... so how do i remove that snd_opl3_lib???02:08
ogradaniels: <---- X-Man02:08
tyranoi dunno, ive read a lot of problems with it for ati and widescreen displays :/02:08
agwibowois there any way to unload the already loaded modules?02:08
ograagwibowo: there i'm sitll diggin for an idea02:08
danielstyrano: what sort of video card do you have, and is it laptop/desktop?02:08
ermoagwibowo, rmmod <module>02:08
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danielstyrano: because unless you have a really, really, really new card (r4xx -- anything starting with an x, e.g. x300, x400, x600, x800), it should be just fine02:09
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tyranoradeon 9700m, laptop with widescreen, largest resolution is (1280x800))02:09
danielstyrano: works fine02:09
danielsas in, I'll be amazed if it doesn't02:09
thibaudI have a problem with my wireless connection02:10
thibaudI can't have it 'on boot'02:10
thibaudI need to 'ifup wlan0'02:10
thibaudas root02:11
thibaudIf I choose 'on boot' in the network configuration tool02:11
tyranois there an install doc02:11
ograthibaud: did you check the start on boot option in the network managing app ?02:11
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thibaudyes I did02:12
thibaudbut If i check it, then network doesn't work after boot02:12
ermodaniels, x300? But that's basically an RV3xx core, isn't it?02:12
thibaudand I need to 'ifdown wlan0; ifup wlan 0'02:12
LinuxJonessorry daniels I was afk, I was going to ask you to kick that idiot DCastMan02:13
thibaudDo you have another idea ogra ?02:13
thoreauputicLinuxJones: doen02:13
agwibowoogra: i've unloaded all the sound related modules, and tried to load snd-opl3sa2... but it still says "No such device"02:13
danielsermo: aiui x300 is an r4xx, but i may be wrong02:13
LinuxJonesthoreauputic, ya I see that :D02:13
GnobodyI need help enabling DMA on my SATA HDD and DVD-RW hdparm freaks out.  It is an onboard Via controller.02:13
Gnobodythe dvd drive is standard ATA02:13
marcellusFor some unknown reason things seems to work now. (Well I don't have the network configured on the box)02:14
ograagwibowo: its the module for  Yamaha OPL3SA2+ which should be in your laptop....02:14
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agwibowoogra: i don't quite get what you are saying... are you asking me something, or just saying to yourself ??02:14
ograthibaud: look in /etc/network/interfaces if there is noauto written near wlan0 anywhere02:15
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ograagwibowo: i have no idea why you cant load it....02:15
agwibowome 2..02:15
marcellusWell time to fix the network then. Later maybe.02:16
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agwibowomaybe try sound blaster compatible instead?02:16
ograagwibowo: hmmm....depends:        snd-cs4231-lib,snd-opl3-lib,snd,snd-mpu401-uart,snd-pcm02:16
thibaudogra: no here are the only 3 lines about wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp02:16
thibaudname Liaison par onde radio02:16
thibaudwireless_essid ma maison02:16
ograagwibowo: the dependencys are exactly what is loaded after boot....02:17
GnobodyI need help enabling DMA on my SATA HDD and DVD-RW hdparm freaks out.  It is an onboard Via controller.02:17
thibaudiface wlan0 inet dhcp02:17
thibaudname Liaison par onde radio02:17
thibaudwireless_essid ma maison02:17
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ograthibaud: hmm, should work02:18
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agwibowoogra: so you are certain that my sound card is ISA ?02:19
thibaudogra: moreover 'ifup wlan0' works perfectly02:19
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Kanohi how is that package created: linux-headers-
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ograagwibowo: yep....02:19
thibaudogra: Maybe it is a bug, do you know where I should post it ?02:20
FTTPi hope hoary fixes that modprobe fatal error02:20
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agwibowothis is strange02:20
ograthibaud: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com02:20
agwibowoi'm sure i've unloaded all the snd-* modules02:20
agwibowoit's back again when i do lsmod02:20
ograagwibowo: but ?02:20
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ograagwibowo: they are dependent to snd-opl3sa2...02:21
alka_trashquick question: does direct rendering in glxinfo verify dga?02:21
agwibowothat's why they are loaded again..02:21
ograagwibowo: i guess snd-opl3sa2 is also loaded on boot ...thats why they were there before....02:22
ermodaniels, (was curious) <quote>The Radeon X300 is the PCI Express version of the Radeon 9550.</quote>02:22
ograagwibowo: there must be some setting either for the module or a bootoption that will help here02:22
danielsermo: ah.  in other words, total crap. :)02:23
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ermodaniels, probably. I bought a 9250 to be able to use the open source dri drivers. Excellent image quality...02:23
ogradaniels: but quite a "faster" name02:23
agwibowoi tried modprobe snd-sb16-csp it does not complain...02:24
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ograagwibowo: does your mixer work ?02:24
osiris_22umm my friend02:24
ermodaniels, also, the X600 is basically a souped up RV360 and some extra features (not mentioned in the article I'm reading)02:24
osiris_22just tried to boot into ubuntu02:24
osiris_22and he got5 an error02:24
osiris_22that said there is errors on the file system02:24
osiris_22what does he do?02:24
danielsermo: yeah02:25
socommwhat are the exact errors02:25
danielsermo: iirc the x800 (r423) is the really interesting one in terms of new tech02:26
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osiris_22when he was butting in it said hda1 has a file systme with errors on it02:26
osiris_22and then it took him into a text prompt02:26
osiris_22that says root02:26
osiris_22or something02:26
ermodaniels, sure is. But I was thinking in terms of what hardware could reasonably be expected to be supported under X02:26
danielsi still have an 8500 (r200), quite happy with it02:26
ermodaniels, By extension, I would tend to belive that x300 and x600 /should/ work with the ati-drivers.02:27
agwibowothis is pathetic....02:27
ermodaniels, Off course, I have no hard evidence to back up that claim.02:27
danielsermo: er, we have full 2d support for r4xx, y'know02:27
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ermodaniels, so it's just 3d?02:27
danielsermo: there's 2d support for every ati card on the market02:27
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osiris_22any idea on what to do socomm should he reinstall or what02:27
eazel7how can I enable my root account to be able to do a simple 'su' command?02:28
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eazel7: sudo passwd root02:28
agwibowoemule is not available for linux....02:28
eazel7GammaRay, ok02:28
ograeazel7: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo#02:28
wm_eddieagwibowo: yes it is02:28
ermodaniels, but it's still via the ati binary drivers, isn't it?02:28
agwibowowhere to download it from?02:28
ograagwibowo: xmule is in universe02:28
danielsermo: 3d?  or 2d?02:28
cardadoragwibowo: xmule or amule02:28
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) agwibowo: what's wrong w/ amule?02:28
socommosiris_22: hmmm well if you don't know what you're doing just reinstall, otherwise try to revocer with a disk or something.02:28
eazel7GammaRay, thanks02:28
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ograagwibowo: not the greatest but does the job02:29
agwibowowhich one is better, amule or xmule?02:29
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) they are very similar02:29
cardadoragwibowo: amule i guess02:29
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I'm not sure what the differences are anymore02:29
ermodaniels, I'm not making sense, sorry. I was referring to your prior quip to tyrano: tyrano: because unless you have a really, really, really new card (r4xx -- anything starting with an x, e.g. x300, x400, x60002:29
danielsermo: oh, right02:29
danielsi'm too tired for coherency anyway02:29
ograGammaRay: no package for amule in universe ?02:29
cardadoragwibowo: check both websites, and then choose02:30
ermodaniels, and so was just trying to elaborate on x300 and x60002:30
Phr0stByteagwibowo: I have found this to be a great way to go: http://ed2k-gtk-gui.sourceforge.net/download.shtml02:30
agwibowooh my god02:30
ograGammaRay: oh, sorry...just checked.....its there...02:30
agwibowoi accidentally drag the top panel to the side of my screen02:30
agwibowohow do i return it to the top?02:31
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) drag it back?02:31
ermoagwibowo, OH NO! REINSTALL!02:31
ograagwibowo: drag02:31
FTTPusplash sounds awesome02:31
agwibowoi cant02:31
socommagwibowo: middle click and drag02:31
FTTPme thinks hoary will be an excellent release02:31
socommagwibowo: or use right and left click to drag02:31
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agwibowowhere to click it?????02:32
agwibowoeverywhere i click, it's clicking the button02:32
ograagwibowo: free space02:32
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ChibiHoary will certainly be as impressive of an impact as warty was.02:32
cardadoragwibowo: look for some pixels in between the big icons :)02:32
wm_eddieagwibowo: hold crtl and click and drag02:32
=== Phr0stByte think agwibowo is distracted from any kind of mule now
ChibiEspecially if they get all of the console hiding parts done.02:32
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) agwibowo: there is a key combo to get to the menu02:32
socommosiris_22: yes?02:32
osiris_22we are guessen its his hard drive its self.. cause its maken all kinds of noices02:32
osiris_22and its been getting hot02:33
socommosiris_22: that's probably it, sounds like your hard drive is broken.02:33
ermoPhr0stByte, yup. Mules n donkeys can be terribly stubborn. Now they dragged his gnome bar all the way across the screen. HEE HAAW02:33
osiris_22his windows hard drive is doing it to02:33
wm_eddieagwibowo: Did CTRL+drag work?02:33
osiris_22his computer is really wierd02:33
ChibiHAHA XD02:33
agwibowowm_eddie: no02:33
osiris_22like it has no fans it only has a processer fan02:33
osiris_22thats it02:33
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) agwibowo: click on somethiung on the panel and press F1002:33
osiris_22uit dont have any system fants02:33
osiris_22fans or anything02:34
wm_eddieagwibowo: You sure?02:34
ChibiOh that was hilarious. My cousin came over and tried to use my computer, looking for a start menu at the bottom of the screen02:34
socommosiris_22: that's not good, since you're computer needs all those fance to cool down your hardware.02:34
osiris_22so im thinking his hard driver are overheating02:34
agwibowoi don't know where to click..02:34
agwibowothe items are so huge02:34
agwibowoand there are no free space02:34
osiris_22he said yesterday his hard drives were maken noices02:34
socommagwibowo: remove some items.02:34
osiris_22and i was like like dude02:34
wm_eddieagwibowo: hold CTRL and drag. doesn't matter where you click.02:34
osiris_22snece you have no phen02:34
osiris_22dont fucken have them in there at the same time02:35
agwibowonow i have to return back all the items02:35
wm_eddieohh woops...02:35
ChibiI have an auto-hiding bar stretched across the bottom of my screen, my media player. She flipped out. :D02:35
wm_eddieI know there's a way to do this...02:35
socommosiris_22: it sounds like like a hardware problem, just get some new hardware and a cooling system.02:35
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Chibi: what's so special about that? :-P02:35
FTTPwhat is SVG?02:35
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Chibi: I seem to recall windows can do that02:35
ermoFTTP, Scalable Vector Graphics02:35
FTTPubuntu says it wants to do svg aware eye candy02:35
wm_eddieagwibowo: umm try making the panel smaller.02:36
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: vector images vs raster images02:36
FTTPgammaray:  ?02:36
FTTPthat means nothing to me02:36
ChibiIt was just funny to see her scream when there was a playlist instead of a start button :P02:36
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: google!02:36
wm_eddieor removing things one by one until you see gray again...02:36
agwibowowm_eddie: it's ok now.. thx02:36
FTTPgammaray:  so what sort of eye candy do they mean?02:36
wm_eddieWe need to suggest to gnome to have a lock panel option02:36
osiris_22hes gonna use a seagate hard drive..02:36
wm_eddieThat also happened to my roommate.02:37
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: vector images can scale w/out gettting pixilated02:37
GnobodyI need help enabling DMA on my SATA HDD and DVD-RW hdparm freaks out.  It is an onboard Via controller.02:37
Phr0stByteHas anyone seen this?: http://www.happypenguin.org/show?xdesktopwaves02:37
FTTPgammaray ok02:37
wm_eddieGammaRay: Does OS X use SVG? or just really large images?02:37
FTTPgammaray i guess that means like the ubuntu logos and such?02:37
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) wm_eddie: no idea02:37
ermoFTTP, (simple explanation) you can either represent a picture by rows and columns of dots (bitmap) or by describing each component of a picture as an equation. The equations can be scaled, whereas the bitmaps need to be resamled.02:38
cardadorPhr0stByte: have you tried it?02:38
agwibowoany suggestion on dreamweaver-like html editor in linux?02:38
agwibowoi know screem, bluefish02:38
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: all the icons.. so you can change the resolution and keep the same sized interface02:38
Gnobodyagwibowo: NVU02:38
Phr0stBytecardador: not yet02:38
Phr0stBytecardador: looks real cool though...02:38
ChibiCan't Enlightenment do that?02:39
wm_eddieagwibowo: nvu looks good but I've never gotten it to install correctly, I use Mozilla composer for my stuff... not as good as dreamweaver (not even close) but good enough for some things.02:39
agwibowook.... thx!02:39
socommPhr0stByte: I have.02:39
ograhehe....desktop with builtin scientific screensaver bg....02:39
osiris_22i found this awsome drug related screensaver in my screensavers thintg02:40
Gnobodynvu is most like Dreamweaver02:40
osiris_22its like awsom4e02:40
socommPhr0stByte: Still buggy.02:40
cardadorGnobody: are debs available for nvu?02:40
Phr0stBytesocomm: thought so. Looked to cool to be true02:40
eazel7Gnobody, where can I find nvu?02:40
FTTPok i tried an svg demo of adobe02:41
FTTPnice stuff02:41
socommPhr0stByte: looks can be deceiving.02:41
ChibiAAAHHk. I see qt.02:41
socommPhr0stByte: give a spin it's a really small program ~20 sec compilation.02:41
agwibowothat's quite a huge prog.. 11 mb02:41
ograPhr0stByte: hmm first release..... 2004-11-18 03:1902:42
Phr0stByteChibi: LOL. Is that like "I see dead people..."?02:42
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ChibiYes. Only Qt is scarier. :P02:42
cardadorPhr0stByte: ia m trying it right now... looks good!02:42
FTTPyou know what i noticed, alot of apps for linux are only for solaris + redhat02:42
drac<socomm> Phr0stByte: give a spin it's a really small program ~20 sec compilation. <-- it's a lot02:42
FTTPerr i mean02:42
FTTPthey have rpms02:42
FTTPalot dont have precompiled debian files02:43
FTTPis it possible to use an rpm on debian?02:43
Gnobodyjust use alien to install rpms02:43
FTTPif all you have is the rpm02:43
socommdrac: that's an estimate it's probably alot less than that since it's only one source file.02:43
Gnobodysudo alien -i nvu.rpm02:43
FTTPgnobody:  They should include alien on default so it works fully02:43
socommFTTP: you can install rpms on ubuntu02:43
dracfakeroot ;)02:43
FTTPsocomm is alien default?02:43
socommFTTP: think so.02:43
FTTPsocomm:  Hmmm02:44
Phr0stBytesocomm: I'll pass for now, as it is nothing actually useful - just eye-candy02:44
dracnot shure02:44
socommFTTP: I installed lame via alien, works fine for me.02:44
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: checkinstall easily makes debs from source02:44
FTTPsocomm:  See the problem often for debian is that its easy to get commercial apps but alot of times they dont have debian versions, they are often for redhat02:45
FTTPgammaray right but some only distribute the rpm02:45
ChibiGood commercial apps are all static linked and have bin installers. :P02:45
FTTPchibi adobe for example for its svg viewer02:45
FTTPit has redhat02:45
FTTPand a .rpm02:46
ChibiHehe, I know. :P02:46
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FTTPchibi:  Oh wait02:46
FTTPits a tar.gz02:46
FTTPit says redhat 7.1 to 902:46
FTTPso that means its prolly non compiled?02:47
Chibiquite possible. I didn't look at it, though. :P02:47
Gnobodyits a binary extract it to "/"02:48
FTTPgnobody it is?02:48
socommFTTP: probably just a bin inside a tarball.02:48
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I'd use stow myself02:48
FTTPgnobody its not like i want to use it02:48
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FTTPbut im just using that as example of redhat app02:48
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) my create a mess you can't clean up?02:48
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) why02:48
FTTPgnobody:  i mean i dont expect their to be ubuntu versions, but ubuntu needs to work with those redhat and other linux distro versions02:49
FTTPbut you said alien works so........02:49
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FTTPthat is prolly enuff if it works all the time02:49
dracalien works02:49
dracbut you won't have the dependences02:50
Gnobodyyeah with debian you can pretty much install any linux binary you want02:50
Gnobodyx86 of course02:50
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) that will allow you to install it but that won't fix any depends it needs but you don't have02:50
Gnobodyand ubuntu is debian base02:50
FTTPgnobody right but some apps only give rpms02:50
FTTPAlien should not be used to replace important system packages, like sysvinit, shared libraries, or other things that are essential for the functioning of your system. Many of these packages are set up differently by Debian and Red Hat, and packages from the different distributions cannot be used interchangably. In general, if you can't uninstall the package without breaking your system, don't try to replace it with an alien02:50
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) w/a range from rh 6-9 it's probably a static binary02:50
FTTPgammaray i only used that as an example tho02:51
tmartinhey this is off topic but is there a channel on freenode for talking about programming in c++?02:51
FTTPsee the problem is interchangable02:51
tmartinhaha thx :)02:51
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: I'm using that example also02:51
FTTPor......... debian needs to push for debian versions :)02:51
LinuxJonesjoin #python02:52
FTTPgammaray:  Ok lets see here......... what commercial software is there for linux :P02:52
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I'd rather see agnotic installers for this type of software02:52
FTTPagnostic you mean02:52
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) yea02:53
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: realplayer02:53
socommFTTP: setup.exe02:53
=== ogra has xdesktopwaves running
FTTPthere is no .exe for linux02:53
FTTPsocomm:  Executables is a windows concept02:54
ogralooks really funny02:54
socommAnd here I've been using -o program.exe02:54
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: ummm no02:54
FTTPsocomm dunno02:54
cardadorogra: try it with quality 9 :)02:54
FTTPgammaray:  Thought .exe was for windows :P02:54
FTTPgammaray unless ur running wine of course02:54
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) executables is actually the proper term for what people commonly call binaries02:55
stuNNeddoes noapic and nolapic do the same things or do i need both?  system is freezing...02:55
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) the .exe extension is windows only true..02:55
socommFTTP: I was kidding, you can tell gcc to compile a program with whatever name you like, for instance `gcc file.cc -o program.exe'02:55
FTTPgammaray thats what i meant02:55
FTTPsocomm gotcha02:56
FTTPgammaray:  ubuntu/debian needs an easier way to install apps02:56
FTTPjust download and it auto installs02:56
ChibiFTTP- Being worked on :P02:56
FTTPother than synaptic / apt get02:56
ChibiHave you seen it yet?02:56
FTTPchibi nope02:56
ogracardador: still interlaced...and waaay sloow02:56
FTTPwas that on the work in progress list for hoary?02:56
FTTPmaybe i missed it :)02:57
ograi made a package.....02:57
eazel7can anaconda be used for ubuntu?02:57
ChibiIt's like anaconda's install selection .02:57
=== FTTP never used anaconda
FTTPi dunno02:57
FTTPi mean for install02:57
LinuxJoneseazel7, no not as of yet02:57
FTTPchibi:  Ill google for it maybe02:57
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: "download and install" is kinda silly for linux02:57
ChibiFttp, hold on, I'll grab a screenshot of it really quick02:57
eazel7LinuxJones, what is needed to try?02:57
FTTPchibi thanks :)02:58
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: software is so interconnected02:58
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eruin.exe as an extension isn't windows-specific02:58
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Chibi: you're just talking about an easier interface to apt right?02:58
ChibiFTTP- There's also an auto-updater and graphic installer in the work.02:58
eazel7I wait for haiku for a definite OS02:58
eruinmuine.exe? :P02:58
ChibiYeah, Gamma, the lazy apt. :P02:59
FTTPchibi:  oh its just apt02:59
eazel7Chibi, what app are you talking about?02:59
FTTPchibi:  Screenshot would still be nice if u can :)02:59
LinuxJoneseazel7, Progeny has ported Anaconda and has been incorporated into their Debian based distro02:59
FTTPchibi:  But im referring to installing commercial apps02:59
FTTPthat are not in the repositories02:59
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Chibi: well I hope you guys reqwrite the broken vsftpd init.d script as well :-P02:59
eruinthe problem with anaconda debian-wise is that it doesn't support more than two archs02:59
FTTPunless that app can handle those too?02:59
eazel7LinuxJones, I'll see what can I do, I'm really interested02:59
ChibiOohhhhh, Like the firefox and xfce installers? :P03:00
FTTPchibi i never installed xfce or firefox i dunno03:00
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: why should it be the distro makers job to cover the asses of adobe?03:00
eruinwho maintains firefox?03:00
cardadorNVU is amazing!03:00
jomohkeis it?03:00
FTTPgammaray:  Whos covering their ass?  its making it easier to use the apps03:00
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: a lot of time, ubuntun could not even legally make pacages for these pieces of software03:01
ChibiThey're like installing windows applications, FTTP. With the whole 'choose what parts you want' graphic installer shebang.03:01
FTTPgammaray oh03:01
cardadorjomohke: just tried it now, looks good03:01
FTTPok well if legal issues come into play thats another story03:01
jomohkecardador: The brief comments I've heard of it were that it was fairly incomplete. I haven't tried it, though.03:01
FTTPchibi yeah well maybe adobe will eventually make a better installer :)03:01
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: not to mention that they all use different interfaces for installing, it would have to be done on a per software basis, which is a lot of work.03:01
eruinwhy oh why is people.debian.org so slooow03:01
LinuxJoneseazel7, I hope Ubuntu borrows from Progeny, Anaconda is excellent.03:02
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) eruin: specifically to piss you off03:02
FTTPgammaray then it should be up to the manufacturer03:02
FTTPgammaray or just make sure for example u can easily install rpms which is the most common standard03:02
eazel7I hope that anaconda uses backends03:02
eazel7so there is no duplicated work betwin rpm and deb versions03:02
FTTPgammaray i guess there is no simple solution between opensource and commercial03:03
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: but is is already up to the manufacturer.. every seperate one w/ theie different owners03:03
FTTPto use commercial apps if one so chooses on ubuntu03:03
LinuxJoneseazel7, the source code should be on the Progeny website. i'm pretty sure it's written in gtk-python03:03
eruineverything redhat is built with gtkpython03:03
FTTPgammaray:  Right but as of now many use .bin and .rpm03:04
FTTPso there has to be a way to use those easily03:04
FTTPgammaray is there a gnome frontend to alien for example?03:04
FTTPthat may be the best solution there03:04
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: .bin is easy enough to deal with. ie the nvidia installer should work on ubuntu03:04
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: never used alien03:05
eazel7Anaconda is written in Python and C03:05
FTTPchibi thats just copying the windows method :P03:05
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: quote new to debian as well.. about a month03:05
FTTPgammaray u mean anaconda?03:06
LinuxJoneseazel7, >> http://componentizedlinux.org/anaconda/03:06
eruinhow on earth is that copying the windows method?03:06
ChibiThe point is to ease use, right?03:06
FTTPeruin:  Add + remove programs03:06
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: no. I mean quite :-P03:06
ChibiThe windows way is the way most windows migrants are used to.03:06
eruinfttp, and your point?03:06
=== ogra has http://xdesktopwaves.sourceforge.net/ in his repo now
FTTPeruin nothing03:07
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FTTPeruin im just saying it was the equivalent of add + remove03:07
FTTPjust organized up to down03:07
FTTPjust a different layout, same concept03:07
Phr0stByteogra: can we get it from you?03:08
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eazel7LinuxJones, I'm there, thanks03:08
eruinFTTP, do you have some fantastic new concept for this particular task then? ;P03:08
FTTPeruin no, it works well03:08
ograPhr0stByte: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BreakMyUbuntu look for Grawert03:08
eruinmaybe a 3d box spinning around? ;)03:08
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I like the search box :-P03:08
FTTPeruin:  I like it :)03:08
eruinI think it should be organized a bit differently though03:08
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mxpxpodwhat happened to the gaim evo plugin?03:09
FTTPeruin me too03:09
YokoZarHow does Ubuntu determine what things to put in the applications menu?  I don't seem to have the menu package installed03:09
eruinwith categories on a left pane with its items on a right pane03:09
FTTPeruin yeah its nice03:09
(jdub/#ubuntu) YokoZar: that's all gnome functionality03:09
YokoZarjdub: Even when I install a package?03:10
FTTPwhat i meant was this tho:  is there a way to easily install .bins kinda like a program which will just run it and install it easily and bring up the right windows for install (even a terminal mode) and stuff?03:10
FTTPfrom that add/remove program interface03:10
FTTPor whatever03:10
FTTPshould be a way where u can do it easily without leaving gnome and going to terminal03:10
FTTPthats what i meant03:10
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: a paperclips and glue idea.. have .bin files open in gnmome-terminal03:11
FTTPgammaray:  Can they be already?03:11
FTTPno i mean03:11
eruinwell, if some standarized toolkit that all distributors of .bin files used was in place, that could easily be written03:11
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FTTPgammaray:  A program which will easily walk u thru install03:11
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) they are just executables.. ie xterm -e reaplayer.bin03:11
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: they would depends on what the .bin did I guess03:12
FTTPgammaray i dunno........03:12
eruinbut since a bin can be all console-based (nvidia) while another (quake3) can be gtk-based, how should the installer logic be?03:12
FTTPwhatever works i guess :)03:12
thoreauputicFTTP: if it's a precompiled binary you can extract it in nautilus, navigate to th edirectory, create a link and off you go : but I agree for new users how to do that isn't intuitive03:12
FTTPeruin good point03:12
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eruin: open them all in a term03:12
eruinwe're talkinga bout a gui tool here03:13
FTTPthoreauputic yeah right, just a way to automate just what u said03:13
eruinI know full-well how to run a .bin file ;>03:13
FTTPthreauputic just add a feature for that which will do just that :)03:13
FTTPon all .bin files03:13
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eruin: synaptic does as much03:13
YokoZarjdub: A Debian package should have some common menu creating hints in it, and the menu package will then make a menu out of it for every window manager.  Does this not happen in Ubuntu?03:13
FTTPor something03:13
eruinGammaRay, no.03:13
thoreauputicFTTP: problem is that how binaries install is not standardised03:13
FTTPthoreauputic:  hmmmmmm03:13
eruinhe's talking about non-open software03:14
FTTPthoreauputic:  Ill come up with something03:14
FTTPill try those apps and see03:14
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eruin: you never noticed the terminal window while software is installing?03:14
FTTPeruin it should be mostly open software, but there are times when u may want to add 1 commerical program03:14
FTTPfor whatever reason03:14
eruinGammaRay, this has nothing to do with apt or debs or ubuntus workings in general for that matter03:15
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eruin: I know taat full well03:15
(jdub/#ubuntu) YokoZar: we don't display or support the debian menu system03:15
FTTPjdub oh what installer is you right?03:15
nonajmehmm, how can i reconfigure xfree with the standard config?03:15
eruinGammaRay, if synaptic can, say, be used to install both the official nvidia package and quake3 point releases, that's sure news to me03:15
YokoZarjdub: Ahh.  So how do Ubuntu packages add menu items to ubuntu then?03:16
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eruin: you're missing my point03:16
FTTPjdub u handle software installers too tho or just the 1st time install?03:16
(jdub/#ubuntu) YokoZar: that's all gnome/freedesktop.org menu functionality03:16
(jdub/#ubuntu) FTTP: what?03:16
FTTPjdub i mean that add/remove type program03:16
FTTPthat someone showed me03:16
eruinGammaRay, point is, we're talkinga bout packages that will never show up in any repository usable by synaptic03:16
FTTPjdub u dont handle that right?03:16
stuNNedjdub, if i add kernel line 'noapic' do i need to add 'nolapic' as well?03:16
(jdub/#ubuntu) FTTP: i don't understand what you're asking.03:17
(jdub/#ubuntu) stuNNed: i don't know.03:17
YokoZarjdub: Ahh, so some packages use both the debian menu system and the freedesktop stuff03:17
stuNNedjdub, k thanks mate03:17
eruinmore like some kind of cross-distro standarized installer, ala installshield on windows03:17
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eruin: I don't know what to say but "duh!"03:17
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) stuNNed: I don't think so, but if it doesn't work, try using nolapic as well...03:17
(jdub/#ubuntu) YokoZar: yeah, the debian menu stuff is still there, but not used03:17
eruinGammaRay, then why on earth do you bring up the subject of synaptic?03:17
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NewComertranscode depends on libjasper, a package that doesn't exist in the repos03:17
stuNNedLathiat, ah ok thanks :)03:18
FTTPjdub:   nevermind.... i was just discussing that there should be an easier way to install commercial apps03:18
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eruin: it's a very blunt concept. .bin files are typically installers. If they happen to be console installers all is well, if they happen to use X windows then the term can just sit in the background.03:18
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hcker2000dose any one know if there is a way to get dvd playback working on ppc ubuntu?03:19
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FTTPjdub like those .bins and rpms from graphical if possible, but its possible due to non standardization it wouldnt work anyways03:19
mxpxpodhcker2000: apt-get install totem-xine03:19
hcker2000let me give that a trysky03:20
=== Chand [~Chand@ABordeaux-251-1-29-101.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
thoreauputicFTTP: a few projects about installers: http://www.icewalkers.com/Linux/Software/System/Files/Installers/Uninstallers/1890/03:20
YokoZarjdub: Alot of universe packages have /usr/lib/menu entries but no freedesktop stuff.  Is there a plan to handle that somehow?03:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: also install libdvdcss203:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedForma03:20
ograYokoZar: debian will change that itself....03:20
thoreauputicFTTP: if the software is commercial, it's really up to the company to design it so it can install easily03:21
hcker2000GammaRay, thanks and do i need to add a specific mirror to get totem-xine because it isnt in the list03:21
ograYokoZar: they plan to move to a freedektop compliant system03:21
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: universe I think03:21
FTTPthoreauputic:  Right but alot of times it easy to install it, thru redhat for example03:21
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: you just have to get companies to actually use those.. so it would probably have to support windows also03:21
(jdub/#ubuntu) YokoZar: patches accepted for universe03:22
stuNNedhcker2000, it's in multiverse, afaik03:22
FTTPthoreauputic:  its not a priority or anything so........... :P03:22
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) totem-xine is in universe03:22
mxpxpodactually, totem-xine is in universe03:22
FTTPthoreauputic:  I guess we come to conclusion its not something that can be done03:22
YokoZarjdub: Oh, ok.  So if I were to be updating a package and wanted it to have a menu entry, I should stop reading the debian menu docs and instead look at freedesktop.org?03:22
hcker2000what the url for universe so i can add it to the manage?03:22
stuNNedah my bad, sorry about that03:22
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jonohi all03:22
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(jdub/#ubuntu) YokoZar: yes :-) look in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop03:23
jonohow stable is hoary on ppc at the moment?03:23
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thoreauputicFTTP: let's face it, apt and synaptic would make most windows users green with envy: no searching the web for download sites, and it works without reboot, and so on...03:23
thoreauputicFTTP: not to mention the thousands of packages available03:24
FTTPthoreauputic oh i agree 100% as they are working on an easier one too03:24
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: in synaptic uncheck it in teh repositories list03:24
eruinbah, all these longhorn videos floating around, none of them showing anything impressive03:24
ograthoreauputic: 14119 currently on my list03:24
FTTPthoreauputic:  But the problem is that you may for whatever reason want to install a commercial application not on that list03:24
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) eruin: but they have a clock! in the sidebar! a clock!03:25
hcker2000GammaRay, uncheck universe?03:25
GnobodyI need help enabling DMA on my SATA HDD and DVD-RW hdparm freaks out.  It is an onboard Via controller.03:25
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: err check it03:25
eruinGammaRay, it's like seeing a black winxp with some useless "connectivity" features03:25
hcker2000GammaRay, there is no universe listed in the package manager list03:25
jonoto upgrade to hoary am I right in thinking that I just change 'warty' references in sources.list to 'hoary' ?03:25
FTTPthoreauputic:  stuff like java, etc..... which is free commercial also.......03:26
(jdub/#ubuntu) jono: yes03:26
jonojdub, cheers03:26
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: prefs menu > repositories03:26
jonoI will see about testing ppc hoary :)03:26
Gnobodyyes jono03:26
FTTPthoreauputic:  i know its against the gpl and all so its not really part of ubuntu03:26
hcker2000GammaRay, thats what im in no listing for it03:26
FTTPwhich is fine03:26
hcker2000remember this is the ppc distro03:26
hcker2000so maby its not in there by defult?03:26
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: umm right03:26
thoreauputicFTTP: depends on your definition of "free" of course03:26
FTTPthoreauputic:  I mean non gpl software03:27
jonoI wonder if X.org will work for ppc03:27
jonoI imagine so03:27
FTTPthoreauputic:  Like sometimes for certain websites you need certain viewers that wont have a gpl alternative03:27
ograjono: why not ?03:27
FTTPif there is gpl thats fine03:27
jonoogra, I mean upgrading to hoary03:27
FTTPi dunno03:27
FTTPi kinda prefer everything to be opensource :)03:27
hcker2000thats why i wondered what the address was for it so i could add it03:27
ograjono: but why should xorg not work :)03:28
GnobodyI need help enabling DMA on my SATA HDD and DVD-RW hdparm freaks out.  It is an onboard Via controller.03:28
FTTPthoreauputic I guess if u want to run commercial distros, redhat or novell would be a better choice for those who need it03:28
FTTPi dunno03:28
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: there seems to be a universe for ppc from looking at hthe servers03:28
jonoogra, when I upgrade to hoary, should it work without any reconfiguration?>03:28
hcker2000where did u see it listed though?03:29
hcker2000is there a page on the ubuntu web site that has the universe info?03:29
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: try adding this line to /etc/apt/sources.list03:29
ograjono: it did on my playground system (i686)03:29
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe multiverse03:29
ograjono: i think ppc wont behave different03:29
jonoogra, cool03:30
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: what what I know about apt, it should pick the right folder for ppc03:30
jonoogra, did you just dist-upgrade?03:30
ograjono: changed the repo lines and... yep....03:30
jonoogra, cool03:30
=== jono dist-upgrades in anticipation
ograjono: but be aware it may break from time to time.....03:31
ograjono: its in active development03:31
hcker2000there it gose the package manager is geting the universe list and the multiverse list03:31
FTTPjono:  Im waiting for tomorrows hoary snapshot :P03:31
FTTPtodays was bugged03:31
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=== Phr0stByte has learned to be pacient and wait for a final release - Mandrake taught me that
ograPhr0stByte: tried the water stuff ?03:32
jonoanyone seen ubdate?03:33
ograPhr0stByte: yep, pretty funny.....but everything beyond defaults bursts my old laptop03:33
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(jdub/#ubuntu) jono: apt-get install upgrade-manager03:33
hcker2000when i select totem-xine to be installed it says it has to remove totem-gstreamer and ubuntu-desktop03:33
Phr0stByteogra: would rather have my USB Wacom device working03:33
jonojdub, is it in there?03:33
(jdub/#ubuntu) yes03:33
ograPhr0stByte: doeant it ?03:33
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: sounds fine03:33
jonojdub, I just read about it on a chaps blog, I didnt realise it was coded03:33
(whiprush/#ubuntu) evening everyone.03:34
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: ubuntu-desktop is a changelog or something03:34
osiris_22how do you burn iso files in ubuntu?03:34
hcker2000GammaRay, ok and it dosnt return any thing for dvdcss03:34
(whiprush/#ubuntu) osiris_22: right click on the iso, you'll see a menu entry03:34
Phr0stByteogra: havnt seen one work sinse kernel 2.403:34
(whiprush/#ubuntu) jono: your album out yet?03:34
ograPhr0stByte: is it recognized in the device manager ?03:34
osiris_22how do you watch dvds?03:34
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: that's in marillat for me03:34
Phr0stByteogra: Oh, but it is03:34
ograosiris_22 http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:35
hcker2000so do i just need to add that word to the end of the line u told me to add before?03:35
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: I'm not sure if the same exists for ppc...03:35
ograPhr0stByte: what gives lsmod|grep wacom03:35
hcker2000oh how would i find out?03:35
jonowhiprush, yep, its released now :) you can order it at www.seraphidian.com03:35
(whiprush/#ubuntu) excellent.03:35
Phr0stByteogra: wacom                  12608  003:36
Phr0stByteusbcore               115684  7 wacom,ehci_hcd,usbhid,usb_storage,ohci_hcd03:36
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jonowhiprush, did a great gig on fri, about 100 kids in a small room moshing like mad :)03:36
ograPhr0stByte: hmm, its a X issue....a configuration thing :) but should be doable :)03:36
(whiprush/#ubuntu) heh03:36
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jonothis hardware database planned for hoary sounds interesting, what is the progress of it?03:37
Phr0stByteogra: I put the stylu or mouse onto the pad, and the mouse pointer shoots to the upper right-hand corner and wont come down03:37
zenwheni just hope hoary a) doesnt choke using a 6800 with te nv driver b) actually know what an nvidia 6800 is03:37
ograPhr0stByte: you must define certain things in your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file03:38
hcker2000GammaRay, any idea how i could find out if it exists? or is there a way to just compile the dvdcss?03:38
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: this this: http://www1.apt-get.org/search.php?query=libdvdcss2&arch%5B%5D=powerpc03:39
PorscheBoyzenwhen, u can get the latest driver from nvidia instead of getting it from ubuntu03:39
zenwhenOh I know.03:39
ograPhr0stByte: man wacom shows all options you can set.....03:39
jeffreybIm new to U... Should I only uncomment universe when I need to install something thats not in the warty repos- then recomment universe? Or can I leave it uncommented always-even during apt-get upgrade?03:39
zenwhenIve been running Ubintu for some time.03:39
Phr0stByteogra: Yeah, tried all that03:39
zenwhenIm just saying for newbies with 6800's it would be nice for them to nit have to deal with that.03:39
thoreauputicjeffreyb: just leave it03:39
nevynjeffreyb: I'd leave it uncommented if you need to install anything from that source.03:39
jomohkeI selected and then deleted 500 small text files in nautilus and it froze up. Eventually it said it was not responding and I had to force the quit. It auto restarted back to normal - at least the text files deleted.03:39
nevynthen it'll get security updates and such03:39
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: that repository seems to have it for ppc03:40
ograPhr0stByte: with the right values ?03:40
FTTPanyone get cds from ubuntu yet? :03:40
FTTPi requested one after the deadline tho03:40
hcker2000GammaRay, ok let me look at that link u gave me03:40
PorscheBoyi just installed the latest driver from nvidia.com and it was kind of easy but i had to go thru a lot to get it to work though03:40
jeffreybOK - thanks03:40
Phr0stByteogra: I will keep working at it, but I have been at it for a couple months on and off03:40
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: also: http://freshmeat.net/projects/libdvdcss/03:41
hcker2000so which do i need to add all the ones that came up on that list?03:41
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) deb http://debian.jones.dk sarge misc would be your best bet03:42
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eruinwoohoo, almost got the ooo1.9 debs off people.debian ;D03:42
PorscheBoyjust go to yahoo.com or google.com and search libdvdcss.tar.gz03:42
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ophiei have a question about setting up and using ad-hoc wireless networks...03:42
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ophieis there an easy way to use a wireless network discovered by "iwlist ath0 scan"03:43
ograPhr0stByte: i had mine working ... also with 2.6 but they are in my storage now...(300km away....) so i cant test them with ubuntu03:43
=== GammaRay is eating Hooters pickle flavored potato chips
hcker2000well when i add the sarge misc one it wont load it ?03:44
ophiei know you can set up profiles in /etc/network/interfaces, but i was looking more for a way to join a wireless network just as i'm running around03:45
Phr0stByteogra: wouldnt happen to have a backup of your XF86Config-4 file would ya?03:46
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: could you be more specific?03:46
potatoophie, you could grep the iwlist output and join the essid03:46
ograPhr0stByte: the machines are in hannover too ... sorry.... i'll be there on christmas though.....03:46
PorscheBoyanyone knows any good irc apps?03:46
hcker2000just loads the normal ones (all the ones before that one) and then dost seem to even try the other03:47
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ophiepotato, so would i just enter "iwconfig ath0 essid linksys" for example?03:47
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Phr0stByteogra: heh - I couldnt expect ya to remember a thing like that at Christmas time03:47
potatoiwlist wlan0 scanning | grep ESSID03:47
potato                    ESSID:"MJH"03:47
potato                    ESSID:"drosoph"03:47
tyranoumm, whats the default root password :X03:47
ophiepotato, then how would i start the interface?  using "ifup ath0" uses the /etc/network/interfaces file03:47
Agrajagtyrano: there is none.03:47
Agrajagtyrano: use sudo03:48
potatosee, my neighbour still hasn't even bothered to put a mac filter on03:48
ograPhr0stByte: but i will pick them up then i think :)03:48
tyranoi thought sudo asks for the password03:48
tyranoor is that su03:48
potatoiwconfig ath0 essid whateveritis03:48
Agrajagtyrano: yes, it asks for YOUR password.03:48
AgrajagThe one you used to log in03:48
tyranooh i see03:48
ograPhr0stByte: since ubuntu i think having my HW around is a good thing....03:48
tyranoand how do i start gnome o_O03:48
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tyranothere is some init run level i remember03:48
Agrajaguh, it should start when you log in03:48
tyranonah it didnt03:49
PorscheBoyanyone had problems running Unreal Tournament 2004?03:49
ogratyrano: its _your_ password it ass for03:49
eruintyrano, sudo gdm then03:49
Agrajagtyrano: you're at a console, logged in?03:49
tyranono im in windows right now03:49
GmailGotD0t: g0tr00t03:49
tyranobut i was at console03:49
huttantyrano, if you want to use root you can just "sudo passwd root" and set a password for root, then su to it as usual03:49
Agrajagjust startx, or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start03:49
tyranoyeh i tried startx03:49
tyranodidnt work though03:49
Phr0stByteogra: OK - that would be great03:49
GotD0tgmail: give it a rest dude... thats annoying03:49
Agrajagmind telling us what the error was then?03:49
=== Gmail stabs tyrano
tyranocouldn't locate startx03:50
tyranoinstall went fine though, no errors03:50
tyranoi dunno ;O03:50
Gmailtyrano: sudo dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xfree8603:50
Agrajagsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8603:50
hcker2000GammaRay, any ideas?.03:50
Gmailis this channel so stupid that can't give the answer03:51
GmailAgrajag: i said it first03:51
AgrajagGmail: you misspelled it.03:51
ophiepotato, once i use "iwconfig ath0 essid linksys" for example, how do i start the interface?03:51
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potatoophie, I don't want to tell you non-ubuntu stuff03:51
potatoifconfig ath0 IP up03:51
tyranogonna try it ;O03:52
potatoalso it won't let you muck around with iwconfig if your device is already up03:52
massburning install media now03:52
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: well the server *is* up03:52
ograophie: ifup ath003:52
hcker2000GammaRay, u sure that is compatable with ubuntu?03:52
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ophieogra: ifup ath0 uses the config from the /etc/network/interfaces file...not an ad-hoc setting that i provide via "iwconfig"03:53
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ophiepotato: let me try your idea, thanks03:53
potatoophie, better listen to this folks03:53
potatoI don't know ubuntu03:53
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ograophie: you may want to have a look at prismstumbler...to scan for networks03:53
ograophie: true03:53
potatoI just like the artwork :)03:54
ograophie: potato was rigth then....03:54
potatogood ol nmap -sP 192.168.0.* works most of the time03:54
ograpotato: hmm gtk1.....03:54
=== defendguin [~supertux@adsl-6-122-162.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
potatoand then add the default route to the gateway, and off you go03:55
ograpotato: thinking since a while about a gtk2 nmapfe.....03:55
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: ubuntu is largely compatable w/ sarge03:56
ophiepotato: this didn't work... "sudo iwconfig ath0 essid Maicubic ap 00:0C:41:76:9F:6E IP up"03:56
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: if you can't get that working maybe you should just compile libdvdcss03:56
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potatoophie, don't bother with the ap03:56
ograophie: add an actial IP for IP03:56
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ophiepotato: it gave me the error "Error : unrecognised wireless request "up""03:57
potatoI don't assign IPs with iwconfig03:57
potatoI do that with ifconfig03:57
potatodifferent program03:57
hcker2000GammaRay, ok the only issue with compiling it is iv never compiled any thing before?03:57
potatoiwconfig <- part of wireless tools, for setting wireless settings03:58
potatoifconfig <- for configuring TCPIP related stuff on your network devices03:58
aaroncukhey guys, my system keeps locking up, especially when i open screensaver menu. any ideas?03:58
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rifficaaroncuk: my system locks with gnome03:59
ophiepotato: so the question is, how do you start a wireless network without using "ifup"?03:59
aaroncukno warty03:59
rifficoh =(03:59
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: you should install checkinstall so you can create a deb packagefrom the source03:59
potatoeg I use03:59
brdwebspeaking of iwconfig... i just got my system using my linksys wpc54g card tonight using ndiswrapper03:59
riffici'm in hoary and i lock when gnome loads03:59
potatoiwconfig wlan0 essid drosoph03:59
rifficI think it's nautilus doing something nauty03:59
potatoifconfig wlan0 up03:59
rifficno one's been able to figure it out03:59
aaroncuksome one mentioned open gl and reccomended putting on open gl screesaver to see if it locked.. and it does lol03:59
potatoroute add default gw
ophiepotato: do i have to specify an IP?  or can i just use DHCP?04:00
potatoophie, you don't know if that network has a dhcp server04:00
hcker2000GammaRay, alright is checkinstall prity easy to use?04:00
aaroncukas soon as i open the screensaver menu i t freezes04:00
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: cake (-;04:00
ophiepotato: so i should guess an IP address, huh?04:00
potatoophie, it's your choice04:01
potatoI just do an nmap -sP 192.168.0.* or 192.168.1.*04:01
potatoworks most of the time04:01
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: you extract the archive, do "./configure --prefix=/usr" then "make" then "sudo checkinstall"04:01
ophiepotato: thanks, let me try this out.  brb04:02
hcker2000GammaRay, sounds easy enough. whats the command to extract the archive agine?04:02
potato^after setting some static IP04:02
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: depends.. a tar.bz2 would be tar xvjf file.tar.bz204:03
hcker2000ok ill get the bz204:03
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: you can do that w/ file-roller in nautilus also04:03
hcker2000ill just go with the way u said before that way i dont have to ask any more questions lol04:04
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aaroncukhmm just loaded sessions and it froze too. this aint good!04:05
aaroncukhow can i sell this to a client lol.04:05
potatouhm, you can't ?04:05
aaroncukmore stability out of windows.. heaven forbid04:05
potatoI would only sell a system to a client with a distribution I know well04:05
aaroncuktrue lol.. ive only just started on ubuntu04:06
potatotalked to a truck driver the other day, and he uses linux... heh04:07
potatohe's only got 3 teeth in his mouth04:07
hcker2000GammaRay, one last problem it says it cant find configure04:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: it's located in the folder you extracted04:07
hcker2000woops i better get a c comiler too04:08
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: ./configure mearly runs a script file named configure04:08
hcker2000any recomentation04:08
hcker2000it lists gcc base as being installed do i need just the gcc pacakge too?04:08
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: apt-get install build-essential04:09
hcker2000ok its going04:10
hcker2000.configure still isnt doing any thing?04:11
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) it's ./configure04:11
hcker2000./ did try and work last time but it said i had no c compiler04:11
potatoif you type .configure it will look for .configure in your path04:11
genrwhat a hacker you are, can't even run a config04:11
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) sh configure would work also04:11
potatoif you type ./configure it looks for configure in the dir you're in04:11
hcker2000lol notice how there is no A in my name lol04:12
hcker2000potato, got it thanks for the info04:12
hcker2000ok now how do i install this package i just made?04:14
hcker2000the sudo checkinstall worked ok04:14
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) did it create a deb file in your current dir?04:14
hcker2000.deb file04:15
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) sudo dpkg -i *.deb should do it04:15
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I'm not sure the sudo in sudo checkinstall was really needed04:15
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I was thinking for a sec it would install it for you04:15
hcker2000there i think it worked. now what is the command to totem-xine04:16
hcker2000i tryed just xine04:16
hcker2000and i tryed totem-xine04:16
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) should be just totem04:16
hcker2000oh wiff lol04:16
admin0i need some help to install eclipse on ubuntu04:16
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admin0i need some help to install eclipse on ubuntu for the first time04:17
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hcker2000alright whats the file on the dvd is it that loads it?04:18
hcker2000in totem that is04:18
potatoI think you open the DVD04:18
potatono file04:18
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: should allow you to play in the file menu04:18
FTTPCanonical, Shuttleworth's OSS development outfit, undertook to distribute the software to early adopters via 340 000 CDs, free of charge, at a personal cost of $10 million. Ubuntu can also be downloaded via global mirror sites.04:18
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: it does not need the dvd to be mounted I don't think04:18
potatoiirc it's got some DVD button the control04:19
FTTP10 mil for 340000 cds?04:19
hcker2000well the cd is in but for some reson it loads the dvd drive as a cd-rom04:19
potatoyou might have to tell xine which device is your dvd drive04:19
ograhcker2000: i had this issue with someone else today...for some reason it worked after relogin04:20
hcker2000ok let me try the relogin04:20
ograhcker2000: is libdvdread installed ?04:20
hcker2000if not ill be back04:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) ogra: libdvdcss, from source in /usr04:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) ogra: w/ checkinstall04:21
ograGammaRay: libdvdread too ? not sure if its needed though....04:21
admin0please for the cause04:21
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) ogra: not sure.. but I have it installed04:22
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) that's in universe?04:22
ograadmin0: there were hints and howtos in the mailing lists i think.... not sure if ubuntu-user or -devel ....04:23
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admin0wich mailing list^04:23
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) actually it seems to be in main.. afaik04:23
ograGammaRay: yep04:23
hcker2000GammaRay, well thats a no go04:24
ograadmin0: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel04:24
ograadmin0: they got a gmane interface too....(better search func)04:25
s0cksogra : I can't wait till the penguin release.04:25
FTTPso do you, ubuntu?04:25
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: do you have libdvdread installed?04:25
ogras0cks: lest first wait for hoary :)04:25
hcker2000GammaRay, good question let me look04:26
hcker2000yep libdvdread304:26
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ograGammaRay: does checkinst adjust the install paths ? or does it install in /usr/local ?04:27
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hmmm good point04:28
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) it installs whereever you set the prefix04:28
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: did you do ./configure w/ --prefix=/usr ?04:28
s0cksogra : hoary looks buggy04:28
ograGammaRay: the linker does not know about /usr/local/lib04:28
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hcker2000i did ./configure --prefix=/usr04:29
ogras0cks: hoary is a month old....has 5 to grow.....04:29
s0cksogra : Still looks buggy at the moment.04:29
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: dpkg -L libdvdcss to be sure04:30
s0cksogra : Penguin will probably build on it though, so it is crucial. Could they delay hoary if it sucked?04:30
ogras0cks: but be sure ... its stable if its released04:30
s0cksogra : I just wish that the names could be... less creative.04:30
(jdub/#ubuntu) s0cks: hoary is in 100% hardcore development mode. it's dogfoodable, but not bugfree.04:30
ogras0cks: suggest some new ones....04:31
s0cksWhat did they actually do at the conference? Sit and watch porno or something?04:31
hcker2000not installed it says04:31
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: probably have the name wrong..04:32
s0cksogra : Something like 'Operation Assasin' and 'Operation Brunt Force.04:32
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hcker2000well when it asked me what to name it in the makeinstall i did dvdcss04:32
hcker2000and it says that isnt installed eather04:32
ogras0cks: i think there was a wiki page where you could add suggestions....04:33
s0cksSince there is no Root Account, what can you use to make administrative changes?04:33
GnobodyI need help enabling DMA on my SATA HDD and DVD-RW hdparm freaks out.  It is an onboard Via controller.04:33
Gnobodyplease help04:33
s0cksogra : They are in a rut. They won't do anything new.04:33
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: dpkg -l '*libdvdcss*'04:33
hcker2000no packages found matching04:34
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: dpkg -l '*css*'04:34
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hcker2000no packages found04:34
ogras0cks: but the names are open...and a release every 6 months requires a lot of names :)04:35
s0cksogra : Linky. I am too lazy to go to wikipedia.org.04:35
hcker2000hey i got to go grab some food real quick private message me with any ideas/things to do ok04:36
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ogras0cks: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/PossibleReleaseNames04:38
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osiris_22does anyone know why i have problems sending files to people on windows even via dcc on xchat04:39
osiris_22like i can send files to anyone using linux04:39
osiris_22but if its someone using windows they cant seem to catch the file04:39
potatoprolly some evil bill bug04:41
orchidhas the problem been copied on the windows system04:41
orchidcan they send something to you04:41
osiris_22umm it says it cant mount my floppy04:41
orchidwhat does 'mount' say04:42
FTTPthis was from a takehome quiz:04:42
FTTPCompare the incentives that both SCO and Mr. Boies have to pursue this litigation under three possible compensation arrangements for Mr. Boies:04:42
FTTPman homework time and boies's name came up04:43
osiris_22it says cant mount something /media/something04:43
orchidfd0 ?04:43
FTTPBased on this analysis, would you expect to see deals like this in the future if a large part of the value of a company is related to intangible litigation assets?04:43
FTTPFIN 423 class04:43
orchidhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3687 maybe of assistance04:44
osiris_22mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified04:44
osiris_22thats what it said04:44
orchidtry, mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy004:45
osiris_22mount: special device /dev/fd0 does not exist04:45
orchidcheck dmesg maybe if any errors show from boot04:45
orchiddmesg | tail -2004:46
osiris_22it sees both of my cd drives04:46
s0cksogra : My idea is posted04:46
osiris_22i couldnt get it to see my ntfs04:46
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s0cksBut since I am new to editing a wiki, it looks all f#$%ed up04:46
tyranoit worked ;O04:46
tyranoi reinstalled and gnome loaded this time ;O04:47
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osiris_22its annoying04:48
tyranotheres a lot of upnp errors when i first boot up though, should i worry though04:48
osiris_22everything about ubuntu is ok accept that04:48
osiris_22and taht bothers me haha04:48
s0cksfonger ogra04:48
gsonive got a little problem with my hz. cant do more than 87hz in 1024x76804:49
gsonwant 120hz04:49
s0cksgson : that should be enough 8(04:49
gsonnah it isnt04:49
stuNNedgson, don't we all :)04:49
stuNNedgson, would like at least 100hz here as well but at 85hz04:49
s0cksMaking me feel bad. Because I opted for a flat panel moniter, it runs at 75 hz in 1200 by 102404:49
gsonneed 120hz because r_Displayrefresh 120 in q304:49
gsonpro gamer hihi04:49
stuNNedgson, lol04:49
gsonyepp its mega lol04:50
osiris_22oh well most computers dont even come with floppys anymore04:50
gsondo you guys know the prob?04:50
osiris_22i dont need it04:50
osiris_22do i guys?04:50
tyranoi never use one :/04:50
tyranocds are cheaper than floppies ;O04:50
osiris_22i wanna use one to send a screen shot but its not big deal and im afraid to burn cds because of this error i read aobut lol04:50
osiris_22and i dont even know if it sees my dvdrw/cdrw as a burner lmao04:51
s0cksPlay CS04:51
s0cksit is happy with 7504:51
gsonq3 only.04:52
=== Phr0stByte is a UT2004 fanatic
s0cksTFC DOD > Q3 (I used to play Q3A04:52
gsonnice nice04:53
gson3wcctf q3ospctfs04:53
gson3wospctf also. but its to easy04:53
jonohere I go, hoary packages are installing now, eek!04:55
s0cksHoary has a tendency to eat up information and stuff.04:55
potatotis hungry, hey ?04:56
jonois beagle packaged for hoary?04:56
s0cksThat guy that started the ubuntu petition isn't back yet, is he?04:57
masshoary beagle?04:57
wm_eddieIf beagle is in hoary, I'm switching right now.04:57
tyranowhats beagle04:57
jonoubuntu petition?04:57
jonobeagle is a smart searching tool04:58
massis hoary in beagle?04:58
mass(I keep thinking hoary hoary hippos)04:58
s0ckshoary hedgehog?04:58
s0cksExplain that one.04:59
tyranowait so...there is no root in ubuntu?04:59
wm_eddietyrano: nope.04:59
Agrajagtyrano: sure there is04:59
wm_eddieuse sudo04:59
Agrajagwm_eddie: yes, the root account still exists04:59
massahh, no root account?04:59
hcker2000any one seen GammaRay?04:59
Agrajagsudo su -04:59
masssorry, no root account login? :)04:59
=== mass loves no root account login
Agrajagmass: no password.04:59
tyranook, but it has no password04:59
jonowhat is the ubuntu petition?05:00
massfor a while, I just couldn't get around that05:00
massnow I just love it05:00
=== s0cks thinks there should be a root password disable in all linuxes
tyranoso if my system gets compromised, the attacker could run stuff as root though right?05:00
potatosounds like a great way to make linux insecure05:00
tyranosince there is only one account now to go after?05:00
s0ckstyrano : They could go into sudo05:01
massnow if you could go to a capabilities and authentication service model and get rid of the root account altogether.. :)05:01
tyranothat doesnt sound good though :|05:01
Agrajagtyrano: only if they got your password05:01
s0ckstyrano : odds are, your system wont be compromised by an ubuntu wiz.05:01
tyranobut im not root right now though right?05:01
potatoif they hack some app you're using they don't need your password05:01
tyranoi dont have admin priveleges?05:01
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Agrajagpotato: whta05:02
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Agrajagpotato: even if they got HIS priveleges and opened a shell, they'd need his password to run sudo.05:02
massis there actually plans in the future to allow /boot or the root to be done via software raid?05:02
Agrajagunless he used nopass in /etc/sudoers, which is retarded.05:02
s0cksWhen users have to come in here and say 'how do I install a graphics card', your system is safe!05:02
massit took me a while to configure my system because I didn't realize the root requirement was there :)05:02
potatothey could change his password05:03
Agrajagpotato: could they?05:03
AgrajagYou have to enter your current password to do that.05:03
masspotato: you have to know the original password to change a user's password05:03
massunless you are root05:03
wm_eddieWhen I first installed Ubuntu, I created a root account in Single-user mode thinking it was a bug... :)05:03
potatoare there any protections about brute forcing it ?05:03
masswhich requires the user's password with sudo ;-)05:03
s0ckspotato : 'they' could launch his hard drive out of a potato launcher if 'they' wanted to.05:03
wm_eddieor rather, gave the root account a password05:03
Agrajagpotato: well no05:03
Agrajagwait, maybe05:04
masshow is the shadow file accessed? I thought they had to go through pam05:04
tyranoso there is a root account, but it has no password, but the account is disabled?05:04
masswhich throttled attempts05:04
Agrajagif you fail too many times with sudo, you might get locked out. You can set that, I don't know if ubuntu has that set05:04
wm_eddieoh and a word of warning, DO NOT launch firefox under sudo! It'll erase your bookmarks!05:04
FTTPwho was i discussing the sco lawsuit with last time?05:04
Agrajagmass: I believe they do.05:04
masstyrano: it has password disabled, the account itself (user with uid 0) still exists05:04
FTTPif ur here, join #ubuntu-offtopic05:04
ogratyrano: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo05:04
tyranothis is very strange05:04
wm_eddietyrano: If you don't like it do sudo su and run passwd...05:05
wm_eddieor sudo passwd...05:05
masswm_eddie: for a long time, distributions shipped netscape navigator 4.x versions with a script in front which would refuse to start the browser if you were root05:05
tyranoi didnt say i didnt like it, its just strange05:05
jonotyrano, it is odd, I found it weird at furst too05:05
massI hate passwords of '*'05:05
massI change mine to ''05:05
Agrajagwhy do you hate '*'?05:06
wm_eddiemass: The thing is I ran the firefox 1.0 installer and did a systemwide install and on the last page it has a Launch browser now checkmark....05:06
AgrajagYou know why it's *, right?05:06
hcker2000the **** remoinds you of windows to much right05:06
massAgarajag: I figured it wasn't special cased; it just had to be under a certain # of characters05:06
massso that you could not consider the value seed+hash05:06
Agrajagmass: no password will ever has to anything containing a *05:06
wm_eddieAnd I lost all my bookmarks next time I ran it.  Imagine how surprised I was.05:06
massthat too :)05:07
massbut even if I changed it to xxxxxxxx, it still wouldn't go through I would imagine05:07
massbeccause you can't hash something to seven x's :)05:07
Agrajagso if you want to temporarily disable an account, you can just put a * at the beginning or end of their hash in /etc/shadow05:07
wm_eddiemaybe I should submit that as a bug report to the installer folks...05:07
Agrajagmass: you can't?05:07
Agrajagwell, I suppose not05:07
masshashes are always to a fixed length05:08
massstars are better ;-)05:08
Agrajaganyway, that's why it's *05:08
massblanks aren't05:08
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=== mass remembers to set a grub boot admin password on his ubuntu install
massPorscheBoy: file not found05:09
massone time someone was sending admin commands to me on irc, thinking I was his bot05:09
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masshe sent me his password in a dcc chat05:09
PorscheBoyanyone in here knows alot about bitchX?05:09
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) mass: lol05:09
massand I responded 'Invalid Password, Try again'05:09
massso he sent it to me again!05:10
mass'Password Valid this Thime.'05:10
massI think the smiley pissed him off05:10
PorscheBoymass: lol...ur a funny dude, huh?05:10
GnobodyI need help enabling DMA on my SATA HDD and DVD-RW hdparm freaks out.  It is an onboard Via controller.05:10
Gnobodyplease help05:10
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) what does := mean in the deb rules file?05:11
=== mass is just guessing based on smalltalk syntax
PorscheBoyanyway, anybody in here using bitchX?05:11
ogranight guys...05:12
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) mass: I have also seen +=05:12
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moonArrgggg!!! I'm frustrated and need some help... Examining dmesg I can tell that my dvd drive is being detected on hdd but /dev/hdd is missing. Does anyone have any experience with this?05:12
ljlaneGammaRay: debian/riles is typicaly a makefile. See the documentation for GNU make.05:12
massGammaRay: that usually means append to or add to; a += 1 for ints means a <- a + 105:13
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massfor strings it usually means a = a.append("1")05:13
masserr, <- whatever05:13
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tyranowhere is the kernel source?05:19
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tyranooh it doesnt get instaleld?05:21
pinkeelook in /usr/src05:22
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pinkeejust a guess05:23
ophiehey potato: so i've been trying the following, using "iwconfig ath0 essid BenQ", then "ifconfig ath0 up"05:24
tyranoim supposed to find a /build directory :/05:24
ophiepotato: then using "nmap -sP 192.168.0.*" only yields my own IP address being up...05:24
ophiepotato: but i'm still having trouble getting it to work.  i see that i am getting a signal % in the gnome wireless applet, but can't get an IP or connection05:25
pinkeetyrano: it's installed from a .deb so there is no source per se.05:26
=== jono [~jono@82-37-194-90.cable.ubr05.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jonohi all05:27
tyranooh i see...so i cant install this utility then :X05:27
pinkeewhy do you need the build?05:27
jonohow can I see if I am running X.org?05:27
tyranoto install acpi4asus ;O05:27
tyranoIf your kernel tree is not in /lib/modules/<kernel_version_you_use>/build05:27
tyranoetc :X05:27
pinkeetyrano: you could get crazy and compile your own kernel05:27
=== jono is thinking he has xfree86 installed still
pinkee23:27 < jono> how can I see if I am running X.org?05:28
pinkeemouse error05:28
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magnetoanyone setup bootsplash?05:29
FTTPI ubuntu, do you?05:29
FTTPnew slogan05:30
Agrajagdo U buntu?05:30
=== KneelBeforeXorg slaughters Agrajag
FTTPagrajag thats better :P05:31
FTTPok we agree05:31
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huttanhow do i remove a package that hasnt been installed yet using dpkg? i can see it in list but not remove it05:31
FTTPagrajag:  im gonna see if there were new development snapshot for hoary :)05:31
Agrajagoh goody05:31
AgrajagI'm sticking to warty05:31
FTTPprolly tomorrow05:31
pinkeehuttan: dpkg --purge foo05:31
AgrajagI ran gentoo for too long, I'm sick of bleeding-edge whatevers that break all the time05:32
huttanpinkee, tried...gets same complaint05:32
pinkeewhat error?05:32
FTTPagrajag:  I tried novell linux 9......... has some nicities but needs ALOT of work05:32
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Agrajagyes, such as a free release05:32
FTTPagrajag:  lol05:32
FTTPit is free05:32
Agrajagoh, is it?05:32
FTTPwith 30 month updates05:32
FTTPerr 30 day05:32
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FTTPevaluation version05:33
AgrajagI thought they were charging05:33
FTTP30 day updates, after that u pay05:33
FTTPfor the updates yeah05:33
FTTPubuntu needs usplash :)05:33
FTTPand graphical debian install05:33
xoxoxoas far as i understand, ubuntu has no concept of "stable/testing/unstable" as the original debian, rite?05:33
FTTPand some new autodetection tools05:33
FTTPwell i can go on05:34
FTTPbut they are being added for hoary or the next one05:34
Xenguyxoxoxo: it's a snapshot of Debian/sid AFAIK, modified somewhat05:34
FTTPxoxoxo:  Yes they do05:34
Agrajagxoxoxo: Warty is stable05:34
FTTPxoxoxo:  testing = developmental05:34
AgrajagHoary is dev/testing05:34
huttanpinkee, it ignores it since it hasnt been installed05:34
FTTPunstable uhmmm05:35
FTTPnot sure on unstable05:35
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pinkeehuttan: dpkg -L foo05:35
FTTPunstable = sounder-test?05:35
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huttansays it's not installed05:35
pinkeei'm confused05:36
FTTPno thats warty05:36
FTTPtest release of warty05:36
huttanbut when i try to install the other package i want using dpkg it complains about this one05:36
pinkeeuse apt?05:36
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jonojust rebooted - all is good with hoary :)05:36
fabbionemorning guys05:36
pinkeeuse a apt-get -f install05:36
huttanpinkee, there's gotta be someway to remove it from my dpkg list05:36
fabbioneFTTP: hi... i marked the bug invalid again :-)05:37
pinkeethen dpkg -r foo it05:37
fabbioneFTTP: i guess the answer from the vendor is clear enough :-)05:37
FTTPfabbione:  there is no problem with the monitor05:37
FTTPfabbione:  But i posted it to show the resolutions it supports05:37
huttanpinkee, gets same error05:37
jonois x.org is hoary by default?05:37
FTTPfabbione:  its the hardware detection mechanism :P05:37
fabbioneFTTP: than i don't understand the answer from the vendor05:38
huttanpinkee, it's fglrx-control05:38
fabbionejono: yes05:38
huttanpinkee, got the right package installed using force tho05:38
pinkeeok what package are you trying to install?05:38
fabbioneFTTP: well the DDC information it returns you mean05:38
jonofabbione, is there a command I can run to verify this?05:38
FTTPfabbione:  im not sure, your the expert :P05:38
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huttanpinkee, ever used fglrx-control?05:38
=== kwoo waves hello.
pinkeehuttan: nope. what is it?05:39
fabbionejono: see if /vat/log/Xorg.0.log exists05:39
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pinkeehi kwoo :)05:39
huttanpinkee, supposed to be a program to configure my ati graphics card05:39
FTTPfabbione:  you saw the files tho right?05:39
kwooHello, pinkee.05:39
jonofabbione, it doesnt05:39
huttanpinkee, beats me how i gonna do it when it doesnt install any executeable or anything tho :)05:39
FTTPfabbione:  It saw it detected the correct general values but didnt detect the better refresh rates05:40
pinkeeis it a module?05:40
FTTPfabbione thats my observation05:40
fabbionejono: did you upgrade from warty?05:40
fabbioneFTTP: hold on05:40
jonofabbione, yes - I amon PPC05:40
FTTPfabbione:  I just saw the line where it had the total res...... which were correct05:40
huttanpinkee, nope05:40
fabbionejono: you need to do edit your /etc/apt/sources.list05:40
fabbionejono: and change warty yo hoary05:40
fabbionejono: apt-get update05:41
fabbionejono: apt-get dist-upgrade05:41
xoxoxoFTTP: i asked about stable/unstable/testing since looking at /etc/apt/sources.list, there is no such "branch"?05:41
jonofabbione, I did, I dist-upgraded05:41
fabbionejono: and be sure to have ubuntu-desktop installed05:41
pinkeehuttan: so you installed this pkg, and does it have a man page?05:41
huttanhmm, interesting05:41
FTTPfabbione:  Novell desktop 9 did a better at refresh rates05:41
fabbioneFTTP: ok.. hold on a few secs05:41
huttannope, not for that name atleast05:41
huttananyone had any experience with fglrx-control?05:41
jonoahhh ubuntu-desktop was not installed05:41
fabbione(II) NVIDIA(0): Generic Monitor: Using hsync range of 31.00-107.00 kHz05:42
fabbione(II) NVIDIA(0): Generic Monitor: Using vrefresh range of 50.00-160.00 Hz05:42
pinkeerun updatedb then locate for that pkg name and i bet you find docs05:42
FTTPfabbione:  Right those were correct05:42
fabbioneFTTP: this is what it is detected by the driver05:42
FTTPfabbione:  Yep.....05:42
huttanpinkee, i do...but only a copyright one is there05:42
fabbione(**) NVIDIA(0):      Default mode "1600x1200": 229.5 MHz, 106.2 kHz, 85.0 Hz05:42
fabbioneFTTP: this looks ok to me05:42
FTTPfabbione:  What was it for 1024x768?05:43
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pinkeegoogle would be my next step05:43
huttanalready on it :)05:43
=== FTTP isnt in linux now
fabbioneFTTP: it has 3 matches.. the top at 85Hz05:44
FTTPfabbione:  my top is over 10005:44
FTTPfabbione top figures were in the one that hitachi gave me05:44
fabbione        Identifier      "Generic Monitor"05:44
fabbione        HorizSync       31-10705:44
fabbione        VertRefresh     50-16005:44
fabbionethis is correct05:44
fabbioneFTTP: it might be a driver bug05:44
huttanNote: You might want to install the fglrx-control package, which provides a control panel to configure graphics card options such as dual-head display (two monitors)05:45
FTTPfabbione:  yup the outline is correct05:45
FTTPfabbione:  I dont understand why it put 85 on the others05:45
huttansupposed to be something graphical, so i should really be able to run it05:45
FTTPfabbione:   which package detected the rates?05:46
FTTPwas that part of xfree?05:46
fabbioneFTTP: the problem here is not xresprobe05:46
fabbioneFTTP: because that one detects the monitor properly05:46
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FTTPhow can you tell?05:46
FTTPfabbione so which app puts the rates in ?05:46
fabbioneFTTP: i can tell according to what you wrote05:46
fabbioneFTTP: that's the driver that decide the best combinations of resolutions/refresh rates05:47
FTTPfabbione:  I mean which app does the lines which has 85mhz ?05:47
FTTPahhh ok05:47
fabbionethe X server05:47
FTTPso thats the nvidia driver?05:47
FTTPor is it the Xfree86?05:47
fabbionethe nvidia driver05:48
fabbionewell X loads the driver and trust it05:48
FTTPyeah i think its the X05:48
fabbioneX doesn't know anything about monitors05:48
fabbionethe driver does05:48
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fabbioneFTTP: on the otherside05:48
FTTPfabbione cause with novell linux 9 which i tried, it didnt detect it right either but then i selected the monitor from a list05:48
FTTPand it worked05:48
fabbionethe X server provides a list of known refresh rates to the driver05:48
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FTTPall the OS's dont detect it correctly for some reason :P05:49
FTTPmaybe ill try a different video card05:49
fabbioneFTTP: no you should try to find out the modelines05:49
FTTPjust to see if it does anything05:49
FTTPfabbione:  Well yeah for my own use not a problem05:50
xoxoxoanybody knows how to upgrade my Firefox to the latest (1.0) version using apt-get?05:50
xoxoxomy default Firefox is still 0.9.2 ;(05:50
xoxoxoapt-get install mozilla-firefox reports "you have the newest version already" :-(05:51
FTTPfabbione:  if its nvidia driver then thats not due to opensource05:51
FTTPthe nvidia glx driver is closed source right?05:51
FTTPok close out the bug :)05:51
fabbioneFTTP: correct05:52
fabbionethe nvidia is binary only05:52
FTTPfabbione ill contact nvidia05:52
fabbionebut don't expect that the nv driver will work any better05:52
FTTPfor the heck of it05:52
fabbioneit's the 2d part of the driver, done by the same people05:52
fabbioneand the code is REALLY obscure05:52
fabbionebut yes, you can contact them05:53
FTTPfabbione:  Easiest way is to have a monitor selection in gnome05:53
fabbioneor wait for daniels to upload the new x.org release05:53
FTTPor to see if x.org fixes it yeah05:53
fabbioneFTTP: the monitor selection you see around in other distro is useless05:53
fabbioneit's a database built on top of collecting tons of ddc probe05:54
FTTPahh i see05:54
fabbioneand you will get the same results as now05:54
fabbioneno more no less05:54
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flamesrockhas anybody got their cd's yet?05:54
fabbioneFTTP: when we designed the autodetection we did look at everything available05:54
fabbioneincluding this monitor selection database05:55
hcker2000any one know why i would be geting Error: could not create mount point: File exists after i pumount /dev/cdrom and then did pmount /dev/cdrom ?05:55
FTTPfabbione:  yeah thats something the team at large should decide as to which is best05:55
fabbioneand while i was integrating it, i suddenly realize that it was crack05:55
fabbionespecially when xresprobe was returning the same faulty values for my monitor, exactly like in the db05:55
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fabbionepoking around i found out that it was built from people sending ddc info to the people managing this db05:56
fabbione-> Trash05:56
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: is there anything regarding /dev/cdrom in /etc/mtab?05:56
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) does the mount cmd say it's mounted?05:57
FTTPfabbione:  how about a built in tool like some of those websites which figure out modprobes :P05:57
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FTTPfabbione i guess it prolly is the driver tho05:57
fabbioneFTTP: that might be an idea.. please discuss it on ubuntu-devel mailing list05:58
fabbionebut also add references on where to find these tools05:58
fabbioneand bug daniels for get it working :-)05:58
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FTTPfabbione:  i can just go to a website and enter in my figures and it figures out the modlines05:59
FTTPbut then isnt that what the hardware detection does?05:59
fabbioneFTTP: yes.. but we need the source code :-)05:59
FTTPor as u said, its part due to the driver?05:59
fabbioneno, i said that X pass some modelines to the driver05:59
fabbioneand the driver finds the match05:59
fabbioneX has a well known list of modelines06:00
fabbione"known" as in "known to be": a) working, b) safe06:00
FTTPyes my monitor works fine06:00
FTTPjust doesnt detect higher rates06:00
FTTPwhich can be manually added06:00
=== Pariente [~Pariente@Dynamic-IP-cr20011897142.cable.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
Parientehi u all06:01
FTTPim not in disagreement since there is no way to change refresh rates on the fly right?06:01
FTTPerr i mean it has to detect the modline06:01
FTTPin order to use that rate06:01
hcker2000GammaRay, sory had to run and do some thing let me see about mtab06:01
hcker2000GammaRay, actualy what exatly do u want me to do with /etc/mtab?06:02
FTTPfabbione:  Ill wait for the x.org and see how that goes06:03
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(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) KNEEL BEFORE XORG!06:04
xoxoxoFTTP: do you know how to install the latest firefox with apt-get ?06:04
tyranothis might be a dumb question, but how do you install rpms :X06:04
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: see if /dev/whatever is in it06:04
FTTPxoxoxo:  www.firefox.com06:05
FTTPerr mozilla.org06:05
hcker2000just with ls? or do need to open it with a file editor?06:05
FTTPxoxoxo:  Im not sure if its on there, search universe for  it06:05
FTTPif not theres always mozilla.org06:05
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: use: less /etc/mtab06:05
xoxoxoFTTP: i enable universe, but there is no new version06:05
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: q to quit06:05
hcker2000/dev/hda3 / ext3 rw,errors=remount-ro 0 006:05
hcker2000proc /proc proc rw 0 006:05
hcker2000sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 006:05
hcker2000devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,gid=5,mode=620 0 006:05
hcker2000tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 006:05
hcker2000usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw 0 006:05
Parientecan some one give me a URL where they can explain me how to accelerate my hardware 3D with an intel 815 board06:06
hcker2000wops sory forgot this is the channel window06:06
FTTPxoxoxo then mozilla.org06:06
xoxoxoFTTP: so there is no "testing" or "unstable" as debian?06:06
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: well it's not mounted according to that06:06
xoxoxoFTTP: yes i will try that, but prefer using apt-get06:06
FTTPxoxoxo:  http://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox&os=linux&lang=en-US06:06
hcker2000GammaRay, so do i need to do mount /dev/cdrom06:07
osiris_22is there any new updates for gaim?06:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: pmount /dev/cdrom06:07
s0cksDon't wanna wait till you know me better06:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: actually.. why don't you try to play the dvd the hack of it, before you do that06:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: it does not need to be mounted to play06:08
hcker2000i tryed didnt get any thing and this is the error Error: could not create mount point: File exists06:08
tyranois there a ubuntu manual06:08
osiris_22when i try to send files on fucken gaim it crashes.. and i cant get files to go threw on amsn06:08
osiris_22nor xchat06:08
tyranojust the wiki?06:08
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LinuxJonesosiris_22, it's probably crashing cause Microsoft only wants msn-msn file transfers06:11
xoxoxoanybody uses ieee1394 with ubuntu? it doesnt work for me. unlike my usbkey, ubuntu does nothing when i plugged my external hdd to the machine. any idea on this ?06:11
osiris_22it does it when i try to send over the aim part of gaim too06:11
zenwhenhave you upgraded gaim?06:12
zenwhenare you running hoary?06:12
osiris_22no im using the game that came on warty06:12
osiris_22or how ever its spelled06:12
zenwhenupaen synaptic and see if theres a newer one.06:12
hcker2000any one got any ideas on geting the dvd out of here?06:13
osiris_22i did there isnt lol06:13
zenwhen1.0.3 has been sweet about not crashing during transfers06:13
osiris_22i was working and letting me send files for a wile06:13
osiris_22then it started crashen06:13
zenwhenIts always been a bit buggy.06:13
osiris_22so i tried restarting06:13
osiris_22and it still does it everytime06:13
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xoxoxoFTTP: technically what makes .deb from debian repository not compatible with ubuntu?06:17
hcker2000darn i was realy hoping this was the last ppc distro i would have to try06:18
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: maybe you could restart )-:06:18
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jonoI am having problems with X.org - my display is really wavy06:20
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hcker2000GammaRay, yea ill give that a try and see if i can get it to eject before i get into linux06:20
hcker2000ill brb06:20
tyranodo i use alien or rpm to install an rpm ;O06:20
jonoits strange - it doesnt look like the refresh rate is wrong, it just looks like there is a problem rendering the X display06:20
FTTPjono:  hmmm06:20
jonoany idea?06:20
calci've seen xfree do weird things before, but only when i told it to do weird thigns06:21
calcer things06:21
jonothis is x.org though06:22
calchaven't used x.org much06:22
jonohow different is xorg.conf to XF86Config-4?06:22
(jdub/#ubuntu) xoxoxo: the ubuntu repositories are frozen and built against themselves, not against any of the debian repositories.06:22
(jdub/#ubuntu) xoxoxo: think of each ubuntu release as you would a debian release -> woody is not06:22
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(jdub/#ubuntu) 'compatible' with sarge's repository, etc.06:22
jonois there anything I can do to take my current xfree86 file and make it compatible with x.org?06:23
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pinkeethat is not technically true06:23
jonoits weird though, as it does look like the x display is corrupted06:23
zenwheni can attest that installing things from debian repos wont kill your system instantly though06:23
zenwhenThought it could06:24
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Tsjoklathey zenwhen06:26
zenwhenHey there Tsjoklat.06:26
zenwhenHow are you tonight? I saw that you sided with me on the forums.06:27
Tsjoklatyeah I did zen :P06:27
zenwhenI figured someone would ask eventually.06:28
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zenwhenSo I decided to ask and make it fair and not completely loaded towards KDE.06:28
Tsjoklatyou did good zenwhen06:28
hcker2000ok im back got a new error in totem this time06:29
zenwhenThe results look good so far.06:29
zenwhenPretty much exactly what I wanted, until some KDE board gets a hold of it. :P06:29
hcker2000GammaRay, Failed to play Audio/Video Disc06:31
hcker2000Unexpected error status 8192 while mounting /media/cdrom006:31
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: well that's something...06:35
hcker2000yea butter than no error06:35
hcker2000and the eject button is working now06:35
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hcker2000so i guess i should try pmount /dev/cdrom ?06:37
hcker2000oh look our friendly error is back Failed to play Audio/Video Disc06:38
hcker2000Unexpected error status 8192 while mounting /media/cdrom006:38
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hcker2000: you might check what totem is configured to use as a device06:38
hcker2000doh thats not it one sec06:38
hcker2000root@mac:/home/hcker2000 # pmount /dev/cdrom06:38
hcker2000Error: could not create mount point: File exists06:38
hcker2000thats the pmount error06:38
hcker2000i just fing fixed it06:43
hcker2000touch /media/cdrom006:43
hcker2000mount /dev/cdrom06:43
hcker2000boom playing06:43
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hmm very odd06:44
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) do you mean pmount?06:44
hcker2000nope i meen mount06:44
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natexanyone get webmin working?06:47
hcker2000no idea why it works though06:47
ChibiArgh. I lost the page with the ubuntu palletes. :/06:47
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tyrano_anyone know why ubuntu would have just locked up06:48
tyrano_could it be because of acpi?06:48
(crimsun/#ubuntu) possibly, but that's not the cause usually06:49
(crimsun/#ubuntu) unless you're using a really early 2.6 kernel06:49
tyrano_i think im using 2.6.806:50
hcker2000it dose weird things with the mouse though when its playing06:50
(crimsun/#ubuntu) usually it's poorly-coded drivers or faulty hardware06:50
tyrano_it just went unresponsive so i had to hard reboot :/06:50
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LucidVisionsquick question, is the linux kernel written in c?06:51
(crimsun/#ubuntu) a few sections in asm06:52
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PorscheB1yanyone is using xchat?06:52
(crimsun/#ubuntu) but those are small sections06:52
LucidVisionsAgrajag: cool,thanks06:52
farruinnPorscheB1y, currently06:52
LucidVisionsI wasnt sure06:52
PorscheB1yfarruinn, can i have ur conf file?06:52
farruinnyours broken or something?06:53
PorscheB1yfarruinn, yah06:53
farruinnhave you tried just deleting .xchat2?06:54
farruinnor dpkg-reconfigure xchat?06:54
PorscheB1yit something06:54
hcker2000so i think as soon as this iso gets done im going to give mandrake 10.1 a shot06:54
PorscheB1ynever thought of that06:54
farruinndpkg-reconfigure - valuable command =)06:54
PorscheB1ythnx, ok i gotta do that now06:57
Chibihttp://studiochibico.com/xfce/ubgirl.png quick little doodle D:06:58
=== sherpa [~sherpa@pcp572941pcs.wilmsc01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sherpai have an nvidia card, and i am using kernel 2.6.9, i got the new nvidia driver that is supposed to support it, but on startup "modprobe nvidia" does not seem to happen and X fails to load, anyone know where to put "modprobe nvidia" so it will load automatically?07:00
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fabbionesherpa: /etc/modules07:01
fabbionebut the new drivers are borked07:01
fabbionei wouldn't use them07:01
fabbionethat's why we didn't upload them to the archive yet07:01
(crimsun/#ubuntu) christian posted a patch fixing the memory allocation07:01
fabbioneafaik there are some AGP problems07:01
sherpao, really07:01
sherpawell, then...07:01
fabbionecrimsun: i heard (that means that i can't be sure) that it is only a partial fix and it doesn't really work as expected07:02
(crimsun/#ubuntu) http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=47780207:02
(crimsun/#ubuntu) unfortunately :/07:02
ChibiNo comment? :/07:02
sherpaim using the driver now and it seems to work...07:03
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sherpathanks fabbione!07:05
=== sherpa [~sherpa@pcp572941pcs.wilmsc01.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
s0cksfrom the chronographs-and-tickers dept.07:07
s0cksstevelinton writes "The UK National Physical Laboratory has a new atomic clock potentially 1000 times more accurate than current cesium clocks: to within 1 second in about 30 billion years! This could lead quite soon to a new definition of the second, and in a while to improved resolution in GPS successor systems. More interestingly, there are theories that some of the universe's fundamental dimensionless constants may have changed by a parts in07:07
s0cks a million over the last 10 billion years or so. These clocks are so accurate that they should be able to detect these changes over a year or two."07:07
farruinnhmm, I wonder how their accuracy was measured07:09
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massnice :D07:12
masshow do I reconfigure a software raid after drives switch letters?07:13
pepsi_is there a better pdf viewer?07:15
=== LucidVisions says time as we concieve is a false measurement
=== Necrosan [Necrosan@nwblwinas01-pool0-a34.nwblwi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu
pepsi_thats dumb07:19
massits an inaccurate one :)07:19
massso does anyone know? I can figure out how to assemble and mount my drive manually, but I don't know how to change the status information used at startup time07:20
massthat appears to be attached to the partitions07:20
pepsi_i dunno07:20
=== Austron [userid@p508B3DBF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Karnaughthe mirror died07:24
=== LucidVisions says our current system of time was contrived by romans
=== LucidVisions says thats all
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LucidVisionsanyhow,back to the show..i went on a tangent i suppose07:33
pepsi_how can i make java work?07:33
pepsi_in web pages07:33
mojo can someone tell me how to enable the MPEG4 codec of RealPlayer 10 without recompiling?07:33
Austronis anyone programming C++ in ubuntu?07:35
hbillomojo, use synaptic to install the codecs07:36
pepsi_Austron: why?07:36
hbilloyou to add the "universe" entry to your apt sources07:36
Austronbecause i would like to ask what ide he uses and ask for some programming basics like api usage and stuff07:37
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I installed gaim's source via apt-get source gaim. When I run dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -rfakeroot how do I prevent it from being striped?07:39
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) stripped07:39
LucidVisionsAustron: I use anjuta for my c ++ programming07:40
LucidVisionsits a good IDE07:40
Austronok can you tell me what replaces the windows API in linux? i heard the gdi functions are in the gtk kit, but what about the system apis?07:41
KarnaughAustron: well there are different gui api's, WX, tk, gtk gnome and kde have their own etc.07:44
LucidVisionsto my knowlege nothing "replaces" the windows API's.Are you trying to create gui apps...ie...gtk+,WX..etc?07:45
Karnaughas far as system api's i dont know what you mean, the programming language its self is generaly the os api :P07:45
Austronand the system apis? like gettime or getcurdir (currentdir) something like that07:45
LucidVisionsyep,,Karnaugh is correct07:45
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KarnaughAustron: thats part of the language's standard libraries07:46
Karnaughstdio, or os in python07:46
Karnaugh(stdio was just an example, there are many others in c)07:46
Austronhmm.. so no system apis07:46
pepsi_Austron: have you installed manpages-dev?07:47
Austronim not on linux atm, but i guess not :)07:48
Karnaughi see you're talking about C++07:48
Karnaughwhat are you coming from exactly? VC++?07:48
=== Vince-0 [~Son@nps-ip-nas-1-p39.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Austronyes c++ and one nice ide (devcpp vc) was my windows home07:49
Vince-0Yo Yo07:49
Karnaughdevcpp? with MinGW?07:49
FTTPu notice how all the distros with bucks are sponsoring gnome?07:50
=== Safari_Al [~tr@ppp53-108.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
KarnaughFTTP: i guess they need lots of money to fix their horible gui07:50
FTTPubuntu/debian, redhat, sun07:51
FTTPand novell07:51
FTTPkarnaugh:  You dont like ubuntus gnome?07:51
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Karnaugh: don't make me bitch slap you07:51
FTTPyou like KDE?07:51
FTTPyeah me too07:52
FTTPgnome rules07:52
FTTPsome distros sponsor both but07:52
FTTPkde has mostly the little guys07:52
FTTPlinux needs deep pockets07:52
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) bah :-P07:53
FTTPneeds full time programmers07:53
farruinnI think that kde is probably a more welcoming environment for someone coming from windows07:53
FTTPfarruinn:  Its more childish07:53
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) farruinn: on surface that is true07:53
FTTPfarruinn:  No.... look at suns gnome07:53
FTTPsuns gnome looks like windows07:53
Austronthe most important thing above all for linux is an excellent documentation and ide for development. because i think thats what scares mayn potential willing programmers07:54
FTTPauston yeah i guess07:54
farruinnWhat do you mean?  vim is the ultimate ide ;-)07:54
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I'm a potential willing programmers.. and you'll find me on the cmd line thank you very much :-P07:55
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) tisk tisk.. it's all about jed :-P07:55
farruinnToo many people underestimate the power of cli - the keyboard is a much more efficient input device than the mouse in many respects07:55
=== Klowner [~klown@sid32.revealed.net] has joined #ubuntu
Karnaughuse a real WM, like Fluxbox07:55
Karnaughnot a windows rip off07:56
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Karnaugh: and you think gnome is a windows rip-off?07:56
FTTPthe truth about linux is that all the highly advanced stuff was developed by corporations like at&t or stuff like berkley07:56
KarnaughGammaRay: absolutly07:56
FTTPlinux cant develop anything advanced07:56
farruinnI don't think gnome attempts to simluate windows at all07:56
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Karnaugh: I think the question remaining is.. have you ever actuyally used gnome?07:56
KarnaughGammaRay: yes, I've used almost every WM there is07:57
maskieFTTP, you right since Linux is only a kernel in any case so it is not suppose to develop :)07:57
genrkarnaugh, stop trolling07:57
farruinnTechnically, isn't metacity the WM?07:57
Karnaughfvwm, windowmaker, gnome, kde, xfce, fluxbox.. probably in that order07:57
FTTPmaskie:  No i mean stuff like enterprise class features07:57
FTTPmaskie:  multiple cpu usage, and all the frills07:58
Karnaughgenr: I'm not trolling, I'm stating my oppinion. KDE and Gnome suck07:58
genrit's how flame wars start, stop07:58
FTTPalot of the stuff was given to linux, it wasnt created by the linux developers07:58
Karnaughgenr: GammaRay's doing the flaming07:58
maskieFTTP, there is good support for SMP in the kernel .. in 2.6 at least07:58
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Karnaugh: uh huh07:58
FTTPmaskie:  And ibm donated that code :P07:59
FTTPmaskie:  i think.... not sure07:59
FTTPthey donated a ton of enterprise class feature stuff tho07:59
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: all the code in linux was donated07:59
maskieFTTP, yes and is'nt that the way open source and commuinity work is suppose to work ... those that have the skill contribute08:00
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Karnaugh: well I happen to think fluxbox sucks.. icewm is much better (and faster)08:00
Karnaughmaskie: and who pays them for all the testing equipment required to develop something like high end RAID drivers etc08:00
FTTPgammaray:  no i mean by people who had stuff that wasnt licensed under gpl initially08:00
FTTPsure linus did alot of work and stuff , but alot of it was just hobbyist grade stuff08:01
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: before 2.6 they has perfectly fine if flawed SMP support08:01
maskieKarnaugh, that is why we also need big guys with deep pockets to contribute ...08:01
FTTPgammaray:  without commercial companies donating, linux would be nothing08:02
FTTPi mean linux would just be a hobbyist os08:02
FTTPvery small in nature08:02
Karnaughmaskie: exactly, or guys that work for IBM etc and have some free time to donate code that they were able to develop with their big pockets08:03
farruinnFTTP, I don't think I really get your point.  Is there something wrong with that?08:03
Karnaughbrb, stupid apache has hung again08:03
FTTPfarruinn what im saying is i wish we had more commercial os competition08:03
FTTPit would spur faster development08:03
FTTPlinux will coexist08:04
FTTPlinux aint going anywhere08:04
pepsi_BeOS was fun :D08:04
FTTPkde and gnome and all will be around and still donated :)08:04
maskieKarnaugh, u from SA?  ... seem to remember your name from myadsl08:04
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) linux seems to be the only OS around that can stand up to MS08:05
FTTPjust wish there was more of a commercial model for competition08:05
FTTPgammaray:  No competitor can get marketshare, its locked out08:05
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) huh?08:05
FTTPgammaray for desktop os i mean08:05
farruinnI don't think that competing with M$ is really the point of linux anyway...08:05
FTTPthe percentage of users of linux in the usa is very very small08:05
FTTPserver its on the rise08:05
genrim from sa maskie08:05
Karnaughmaskie: yes08:05
FTTPbut not desktop08:05
(crimsun/#ubuntu) FTTP: hobbyist grade? I refute that.08:06
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FTTPcrimsum:  No im saying without commercial support08:06
FTTPcrimsum:  IT would have BEEN hobbyist grade08:06
(crimsun/#ubuntu) 2.4 had excellent SMP compared even without commercial backing08:06
Austronthe standardization of linux must continue and must be improved vastly08:06
FTTPcrimsum:  IBM donatedh hyperthreading for example08:06
FTTPHyper-Threading speeds Linux08:06
FTTPdonated by ibm08:06
maskiegenr, Karnaugh, did any of you watch the new TV program on open source that started yesterday ...08:06
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hyperthreading is stupid btw08:06
genrmaskie, nope08:07
genrwhat's the name?08:07
(crimsun/#ubuntu) FTTP: where did you read they donated it?08:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hyperthreading is just to make up for Intels bad chip design08:07
(crimsun/#ubuntu) and reading, HT is negligible.08:07
FTTPcrimsum:  The current Linux symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) kernel at both the 2.4 and 2.5 versions was made aware of Hyper-Threading, and performance speed-up had been observed in multithreaded benchmarks (see Resources later in this article for articles with more details).08:07
maskiegenr, go-open and it is sponsored in part by Canonical .. was on SABC 2 around 5:3008:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) ie amd does not need hyperthreading08:08
genrsounds interesting08:08
FTTPDuc Vianney works in operating system performance evaluation and measurement in computer architectures and Java. He is with the Linux Kernel Performance Group at the IBM Linux Technology Center. Duc has written several articles on Java performance for IBM developerWorks and PartnerWorld.08:08
(crimsun/#ubuntu) FTTP: the speedup is nowhere as crucial as the actual tearing down of internal big locks08:08
genrstop copy pasting fttp, shit.08:08
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FTTPbeos was nice08:09
FTTPbut it was not multiuser08:09
(crimsun/#ubuntu) it did not need to be multiuser08:10
FTTPhopefully when the litigation is finished, new OS'es will emerge08:10
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) windows was not either until NT.. and not until XP on the desktop side08:10
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KarnaughXP essentialy is NT08:10
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I know08:11
FTTPits ironic, ibm has no linux distro right?08:11
=== hbillo : BAD WORD DETECTED ---> XP
=== alkirk [~alkirk@0050fc87162c.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu
FTTPibm contributed to linux, but maintained no distro08:11
(crimsun/#ubuntu) externally? no. Internally they maintain certain things.08:11
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) FTTP: why are plenty happy playing one distro against an other08:11
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KarnaughFTTP: they have their own UNIX stuff as far as i know08:12
FTTPaix is dead08:12
KarnaughFTTP: why do they need to maintain their own distro?08:12
(crimsun/#ubuntu) FTTP: AIX is far from dead :)08:12
(crimsun/#ubuntu) but really, this is way off-topic08:12
FTTPcrimsun:   aix isnt supported08:12
FTTPlinux is their transition08:12
FTTPwell aix is end of life08:13
(crimsun/#ubuntu) FTTP: I can refute that.08:13
(crimsun/#ubuntu) please, this is really off-topic08:13
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alkirkwhat is the topic08:13
(crimsun/#ubuntu) ubuntu-related discussion08:13
(crimsun/#ubuntu) whether IBM's UNIX is dying or not really has no bearing08:14
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(jdub/#ubuntu) Agrajag: that's unnecessary08:14
alkirkIt's tied up in the SCO mess08:14
Agrajagnot really.08:14
farruinnHow much does Ubuntu and Debian share code?  As in, if a bug is fixed in Ubuntu, will it be integrated into Debian and the other way around?08:15
(crimsun/#ubuntu) farruinn: very closely08:15
Agrajagtelling peopel to shut up in the middle of a discussion that's not affecting anyone's ability to get help is quite unnecessary.08:15
alkirkX question08:15
(crimsun/#ubuntu) Agrajag: I was hardly telling anyone to shush; it was a reminder that there are still people requesting ubuntu help.08:15
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(jdub/#ubuntu) Agrajag: the off-topic discussion is distracting and unnecessary, and it makes the channel more intimidating for people trying to get help. there are plenty of other places this discussion could go on, so don't portray it as unfair rules, etc.08:16
(crimsun/#ubuntu) farruinn: most ubuntu maintainers/developers are also debian maintainers/developers; so bug squashing and patching is very close-knit08:16
farruinnah, spiffy!08:16
Gorthis bugzilla.ubuntu.com down?08:17
alkirkI have a problem with X08:17
(crimsun/#ubuntu) alkirk: please elaborate08:17
(crimsun/#ubuntu) Gorth: it's up for me.08:17
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alkirkI had problem getting X to operate on my computer when I installed08:18
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I installed gaim's source via apt-get source gaim. When I run dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -rfakeroot how do I prevent it from being stripped?08:18
alkirkI finally got it working with the framebuffer driver08:18
Gorthcrimsun, hmmm, weird. I haven't been able to reach for quite some time..08:18
(crimsun/#ubuntu) GammaRay: comment out dh_strip08:19
Gorthi have no trouble with www.ubuntu.com08:19
(crimsun/#ubuntu) Gorth: I just loaded the bugzilla pages08:19
(crimsun/#ubuntu) GammaRay: (in debian/rules)08:19
farruinnGorth, they're different servers08:19
Gorthfarruinn, aahh ok, i see..08:19
(crimsun/#ubuntu) alkirk: which graphics chipset do you use?08:20
alkirkNow here is my current problem: I installed the nvidia driver and it works with GDM when I log into GNOME it reverts to the framebuffer08:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) crimsun: the gaim rules file is very short and includes two files from /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/08:21
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) crimsun: do I have to find that in of of those?08:21
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) s/of/one/08:21
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) autotools.mk and debhelper.mk08:21
(crimsun/#ubuntu) alkirk: warty or hoary?08:22
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) also /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk08:22
alkirkCrimsun, nvidia08:22
Gorthare there currently any problems with gdesklets?08:22
alkirkhoary use X org?08:23
hbilloalkirk, I think so08:23
(crimsun/#ubuntu) alkirk: make sure /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 uses the nvidia driver08:24
(crimsun/#ubuntu) and yes, Hoary uses X.Org08:24
(crimsun/#ubuntu) GammaRay: see /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk08:24
(crimsun/#ubuntu) GammaRay: you'll notice there is a 'is_debug_package' variable08:25
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) crimsun: I was wondering about that08:25
alkirkone moment while I check it out08:25
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) crimsun: but I'm only familar w/ basic make08:25
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) crimsun: so set that to.. 0 in the rules file?08:26
osiris_22how do i mount my ntfs partition?08:26
(crimsun/#ubuntu) GammaRay: more than likely you need to export that variable after setting it to a non-zero value08:26
__danielmount /dev/hd?? -t ntfs -o ro /mnt08:27
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) crimsun: ok.. thanks.. I'll see how this goes08:27
(crimsun/#ubuntu) GammaRay: you may find this helpful: https://wiki.duckcorp.org/DebianPackagingTutorial_2fCDBS08:28
osiris_22it says contents cant be displayed08:28
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) crimsun: thanks again08:29
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osiris_22how do you update ubuntu? do you do it threw synaptic?08:31
farruinnsudo apt-get upgrade08:31
Austronim using synaptic08:31
=== GammaRay pats Austron's head
(crimsun/#ubuntu) osiris_22: are you running warty? if so, only security fixes and non-invasive (and major) bugfixes will be merged08:32
=== yohannes [~yohannes@adsl-66-125-93-4.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hbillohellow all08:33
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hbillois there a patch for the kernel08:33
hbilloin order to get my realtek ac'97 soundcard work08:33
farruinnhuh, my synaptic is screwed up - doesn't display any packages08:33
FTTPwow veritas is now contributing08:33
yohannesis there any way i can backup my linux to a blank media?08:34
FTTPman, im looking at all the kernel contributors08:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) FTTP: "now?"08:34
yohannesi mean the os' image08:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) FTTP: try many years.08:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) many, many years.08:34
FTTPcrimsun:  veritas is huge now tho08:34
farruinnhm, so is dselect - only the packages I have installed or have removed are listed08:34
(crimsun/#ubuntu) hbillo: what model?08:34
FTTPcrimsun:  tons of huge names in there08:34
hbillocrimsun, heu .. a realtek ac'97 the module is atiixp08:36
(crimsun/#ubuntu) hbillo: use the snd-atiixp module08:36
hbilloeven with modprobe atiixp, modprobe snd-atiixp08:37
hbilloit doesn't work :(08:37
(crimsun/#ubuntu) you need a very recent version of alsa08:37
(crimsun/#ubuntu) at least 1.0.6a, preferrably 1.0.7, which was just released08:37
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FTTPcrimsun:  Oh wait veritas had a linux strategy back in 200008:38
hbillohmm .. I have the 1.0.508:38
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hbillobut apt-get install alsa doesn't propose me to install a newer version :(08:39
=== alkirk [~alkirk@0050fc87162c.click-network.com] has joined #ubuntu
(crimsun/#ubuntu) I would suggest you grab alsa-source from sid08:40
(crimsun/#ubuntu) then you can build 1.0.6a using the instructions in /usr/share/doc/alsa-source/README.Debian.gz08:40
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hbillookey thank you I will try to do this now08:40
alkirkMy XF86Config file seems to have "nvidia" listed as a driver08:41
(crimsun/#ubuntu) alkirk: could you upload /var/log/XFree86.0.log from a successfully-logged in session to pastebin.com?08:42
hbillocrimsun, where can i get the alsa source for sid ?08:42
alkirkupload how?08:43
(crimsun/#ubuntu) hbillo: click the [All] button on this page: http://packages.debian.org/unstable/sound/alsa-source08:43
(crimsun/#ubuntu) alkirk: paste it onto pastebin.com08:43
(crimsun/#ubuntu) alkirk: or make the file available on a web site08:43
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hbillocrimsun, where doest he uncompress it ? i don't find them ?08:50
(crimsun/#ubuntu) hbillo: it's placed in /usr/src/08:50
(crimsun/#ubuntu) hbillo: read the directions in /usr/share/doc/alsa-source/README.Debian.gz08:51
jobezonehello, has anyone tried using the livecd in some way to be able to resize/create partitions?08:51
hbillothank you, you're really nice :)08:51
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hbillocrimsun, sorry but i can't read the .gz :( the cat doesn't work with, even text editors08:54
hbillo(I'm really a beginner :\ )08:54
farruinnor zless08:54
(crimsun/#ubuntu) back in a bit.08:55
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BeanDiphbillo, vim08:56
BeanDipor vi08:56
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osiris_22lmao my friend is trying to install the linux version of winamp...09:08
osiris_22im laughen09:08
b_e_n_zosiris_22: what's so funny09:08
osiris_22cause he has no idea how to install files09:08
osiris_22and i wont help him09:08
osiris_22cause hes gacked09:08
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(kremlyn/#ubuntu) hmm.09:12
(kremlyn/#ubuntu) osiris_22: Do you know what "Ubuntu" means?09:12
hbilloI have nothing in the /usr/src!! is that normal ???09:12
osiris_22no i dont.09:12
(kremlyn/#ubuntu) osiris_22: It means good will towards others, which you aren't exhibiting towards your friend ;-)09:13
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osiris_22hes gacked09:13
osiris_22hes trashed man09:13
(kremlyn/#ubuntu) If you want to behave like that, go join #gentoo :-)09:13
melaniewho tried apache with mono?09:13
alkirkdo you mean less than sober?09:13
b_e_n_zmelanie: you mean using apache/mono to serve ASP.NET pages?09:14
melanieb_e_n_z: yes, exactly.09:15
osiris_22dude. i tried to help him last night.. when he was trashed it was a chore09:15
osiris_22even on the phone09:15
osiris_22he needs to be sober09:15
osiris_22hes drinking coughsyrup09:15
osiris_22the drug in coughsyrup is a opiate analog.09:15
b_e_n_zmelanie: i read that it works, but since i don't know ASP.NET and anything related to M$, i have no real experience with it09:15
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osiris_22i hate it when he does that stuff man.. hes my hetero life mate i worry about him09:16
melanieb_e_n_z: but can you tell me how to install the apache addon?09:17
b_e_n_zmelanie: i think the instructions are on the mono page... http://www.go-mono.com/asp-net.html09:18
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melanieb_e_n_z: ok, i'll try. can you tell if there is a gui out there for configuring apache?09:19
=== Aikes [FISH@CPE-144-133-127-52.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
b_e_n_zmelanie: some people use webmin i believe... i don't... i use vi09:21
__danielmelanie: not really, but the installaion process should take care of most things09:21
=== FallenHitokiri [~TimoZimme@p508BA85B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
alkirkcrimsun, posted on pastebin09:23
Karnaughmelanie: you dont want to configure apache with a gui really09:24
Karnaughmelanie: it has many many options etc that a GUI wouldnt give justice too09:24
Karnaughwebmin is a hazard dont go that route09:24
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__danielalkirk: whats wrong?09:25
alkirkx / driver problems09:26
__danielhe doesnt find glcore09:26
__danielso maybe you comment it out09:26
Aikeshi, i am having some problem with grub, was wondering if anyone could help me out? =)09:26
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alkirkbut why does it shove me into framebuffer after I login09:27
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=== |FalleN-AngeL| [UPP@dsl-203-113-236-147.SA.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
__danielmorning Timaaah09:28
|FalleN-AngeL|hey, anyone here know how to get pppoe going in ubuntu?09:29
__danielalkirk: if you want to change it: dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver.xorg (you were using xorg, right?09:29
__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: it works perfectly on my debian router... what's the problem?09:29
__danielalkirk: then: dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree8609:30
|FalleN-AngeL|__daniel, is that with authentication from the machine itself, or from the router?09:30
Aikesdoes anyone know how to reinstall grub? coz i reinstall windowxp n grub not there no more09:30
__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: i dont really understand your question09:31
alkirkwhat does the -plow switch do09:31
__danielalkirk: tell you ALL the questions09:31
Timaaah__daniel :)09:31
=== Aikes is now known as Anima
|FalleN-AngeL|i have a billion 5100 modem running in bridged mode, i need ubuntu to handle the login information itself09:31
Animadoes anyone know how to reinstall grub? coz i reinstall windowxp n grub not there no more09:32
|FalleN-AngeL|i have pon getting an ip, but the machine itself isn't getting any data09:32
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__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: does /var/log/syslog say something?09:32
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alkirkwas working with crimsun, who has appeared to have stepped away09:33
labanuxhello everybody...09:33
__danielhai labanux09:33
labanux__daniel: did you know about doom game on ubuntu?09:33
alkirkwill give it another shot09:34
labanux__daniel: can't it played in Ubuntu?09:34
__daniellabanux: a recent doom or the "old" one?09:34
farruinnanybody know of something that will allow Sound Juicer to import mp3's from cd's?09:34
labanux__daniel: how about the recent one?09:35
__daniellabanux: i don't play those kind of games... but i guess it's possible *somehow*09:35
|FalleN-AngeL|__daniel, nothing out of the ordinary09:36
Animacould some1 help me ?09:36
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__danielfarruinn: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:36
__danielAnima: whats the problem?09:36
__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: the device is set up?09:36
|FalleN-AngeL|i'm getting an ip09:37
|FalleN-AngeL|the machine just can't ping out or anything09:37
__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: what does ping say?09:37
__danielhmmmmm... strange09:37
__daniellet me think09:37
Anima(__daniel): how do u reinstall grub? coz i reinstall windowxp n the grub menu gone09:37
stuNNedAnima, grub-install /dev/hda ?09:37
__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: what does   route   say?09:38
|FalleN-AngeL|__daniel, just times out09:38
ChibiOnce more before I go to bed, http://studiochibico.com/xfce/ubgirl.png , any comments?09:38
|FalleN-AngeL|absolutely nothing09:38
AnimastuNNed: how do i do that when i cant get into ubuntu?09:38
stuNNedAnima, don't know if ubuntu install disk has rescue mode or not09:39
__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: does  plog   say something?09:39
farruinnChibi, nice09:39
farruinnwhat's it for?09:39
=== Anima also have ubuntu live cd
|FalleN-AngeL|route says nothing at all09:39
ChibiIt's just a rough sketch. I want to get a character together for ubuntu/anime fans. :P09:39
|FalleN-AngeL|plog says "not replacing default route to eth0"09:40
__danielChibi: make her look a bit more happy :_)09:40
ChibiPossibly for some wallpapers or something once the character is done09:40
__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: it has 2 network cards?09:40
=== Timaaah looking for multimedia player
Anima(stuNNed): so do u know how i could reinstall grub if i cant boot into ubuntu?09:40
Chibixfmedia. D: !09:40
__danielTimaaah: beep-media-player, totem, rhythmbox, muine, xmms, ... :-)09:41
TimaaahChibi, will give it a shot09:41
|FalleN-AngeL|no, i have eth0 and from there i've been running pppoe to get ppp009:41
|FalleN-AngeL|only 1 nic09:41
Timaaahdaniel, ta09:41
stuNNedAnima, is there a way to boot from livecd and chroot into your ubuntu install or do the same with ubuntu install cd?09:41
Chibixfmedia is rather new. Beep would probably be better if you're just after audipo09:41
Chibixfmedia is for people that hate everything else out there. :P09:41
__daniel|FalleN-AngeL|: i'm rather clueless :-(09:42
AnimastuNNed: i can boot into ubuntu livecd after that wat do i do?09:42
AnimastuNNed: i am a noob to linux =)09:42
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stuNNedAnima, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallFromKnoppixHowto and http://www.sysresccd.org/index.en.php come to mind.09:45
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Animathanks stuNNed i will go read it09:46
stuNNedAnima, np, the key is set up your chroot environment, then once done, chroot into it and run something like 'grub-install /dev/hda' or wherever your grub is installed.09:47
alkirktried it and rebooted, no change09:47
aukanyone know how to set up 3ddesktop?09:48
Animaok but what is chroot?09:48
=== pepsi_ [~pepsi@p81.n-sfpop03.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu
stuNNedAnima, (ch)ange (root) as in change your root dir to whatever you want :)09:48
stuNNedAnima, root dir being /09:48
Animaoh ok, so its like instead of using the root from the livecd we set it to the one on the hard disk?09:49
stuNNedexactly :)09:49
Animaoh ok09:49
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stuNNedAnima, it's also good for security purposes, limiting a daemon or something other to a restricted dir with given needed files09:50
Animaer ok09:51
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masshmm, is it just me, or does the network configuration syspref under gnome require a root password and not a sudo password in order to work its magic?09:52
AnimastuNNed, how do i chroot when i am in livecd?09:52
cenerentoladoes someone know when mako will be avaible?09:52
farruinnmass, I'm able to use it w/o having enabled root09:52
stuNNedAnima, read that install from knoppix on the wiki, see if you can apply it to your ubuntu livecd, basically you mount things, set up proc, etc, then chroot in09:53
Animahmmm ok09:53
_kris_anybody using a IBM laptop T42?09:55
_kris_(at has made PM work)09:55
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alkirk__damiel, tried it and rebooted, no change09:58
alkirk__daniel, tried it and rebooted, no change09:58
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__danielalkirk: you changed the fb device question?09:59
alkirkwhat do you mean10:00
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__danielalkirk: didnt it ask for the use of a framebuffer device?10:01
alkirkwhat should I put?10:01
__danielchange it from yes to no or vice versa10:01
alkirkI think I tried no this time10:01
__danielalkirk: do you get any error message?10:02
alkirkwhen I run the program? I don't thinkso10:03
__danielalkirk: when you run the xserver10:03
alkirkI run it from within GDM10:04
__danielalkirk: what does grep -E "\(EE|WW\)" /var/log/XFree86.0.log give you?10:05
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alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:         (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.10:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(WW) The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic" does not exist.10:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(WW) The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/CID" does not exist.10:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/CID".10:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(WW) Open APM failed (/dev/apm_bios) (No such file or directory)10:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(WW) Warning, couldn't open module GLcore10:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (module does not exist, 0)10:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(WW) NVIDIA(0): Failure reading EDID parameters for display device CRT-010:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "576x384":10:07
alkirk/var/log/XFree86.0.log:(WW) NVIDIA(0):   horizontal sync start (589) not a multiple of 810:07
alkirkgrep: give: No such file or directory10:07
alkirkgrep: you?: No such file or directory10:07
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) alkirk: PLEASE use www.pastebin.com10:07
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) alkirk: don't past huge amounts of stuff on the channel10:07
__danielalkirk: try to comment out glcore10:07
Karnaughlooks like your X11 instalation is seriously borked10:07
__danielor use dpkg-reconfigure again10:07
__danielKarnaugh: it isnt10:08
KarnaughThe directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic" does not exist. ??10:08
__danielKarnaugh: it's just a warning...10:08
__danielthe only problem is: "Failed to load module "GLcore" (module does not exist, 0)"10:08
__danielso comment it out or uncheck the checkbox in dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree8610:09
alkirkwhy doesn't "GLcore" exist?10:09
__danielcomment it out10:12
Karnaughthats totaly the solution10:12
=== Karnaugh does other stuff
karakthWhy is sun's java 2 sdk so huge and Blackdown's not? Is sun better for java than Blackdown?10:12
b_e_n_zsun jdk is slower than blackdown jdk in my experience10:13
b_e_n_zat least for 1.4.x10:13
alkirkone more time10:13
Karnaughkarakth: because the Blackdown does not have a complete implementation10:13
b_e_n_znot sure about 1.510:13
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b_e_n_zKarnaugh: no, i think the sun jdk comes with a bunch of demo's whereas the blackdown jdk doesn't10:14
b_e_n_zkarakth: depending on what you want to do with java but BEA jrockit is the fastest jvm on this planet if you have >= 1Gb memory10:15
karakthI also couldn't install javaws with Blackdown.10:15
karakthjava web start doesn't recognize a Blackdown installation, I think.10:16
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Karnaughb_e_n_z: the jdk yes10:18
Karnaughthe actual implementation has less features than the sun VM afaik10:19
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) how can I detect if a binary was stripped?10:20
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) use 'file' on it10:20
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) it'll tell you 'stripped' if it's stripped10:20
b_e_n_zGammaRay: file <file>?10:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) thanks10:21
=== rexiboy [~rexi@203-206-228-19.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
rexiboyhey guys10:28
__danielhai rexiboy10:28
rexiboywhat is the differace between ubuntu kernel and ubuntu amd64-generic?10:29
rexiboywhy is the ubuntu on e the default boot?10:29
alkirkno longer get the "GLcore" error10:29
__danielalkirk: does it work?10:30
alkirksame result10:30
__danielalkirk: so it doesnt start up?10:30
__danielalkirk: past    grep -E "\(EE|WW\)" /var/log/XFree86.?.log     in #flood10:31
alkirkIt starts up with the GDM login screen using the nvidia driver but switches to the "fb" driver once I'm logged in10:32
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__danielalkirk: how can you tell?10:33
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__danielalkirk: and whats wrong with that?10:33
rexiboyany 1?10:34
=== Ruffian|JANE| [~jane@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
alkirkI get the nvidia spash screen wit GDM and I get a 48.3kHz 60 screen when logged in10:34
alkirkMy settings request a 75 Hz vert10:35
__danielalkirk: hmmmm, sorry... can't help you with that10:36
__danielalkirk: don't know how to change those values10:36
alkirkWhy would the driver change at all on login?10:37
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
alkirkWhy should the driver change at all on login?10:37
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) the driver doesn't change10:38
b_e_n_zalkirk: disable EDID10:40
alkirkWhat's EDID?10:40
b_e_n_zalkirk: read the docs that come with the nvidia driver10:40
b_e_n_zalkirk: it tells you how to enable/disable it10:41
rexiboywhat is the differance between ubuntu kernel and ubuntu amd64-generic?10:42
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I'm trying to recompile gaim w/ debugging, no optimization and so it's not stripped. I know it's rules file uses CDBS but I don't know how to set any of these things. Any help?10:43
__danielGammaRay: can't you supply it with a "strip" command anywhere?10:46
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) __daniel: I'm trying to make sure it's *not* stripped.10:48
__danielah... well there was something in the wikipage someone suggested10:49
__danielbut it was about .py files not being stripped10:49
__danielGammaRay: https://wiki.duckcorp.org/DebianPackagingTutorial_2fCDBS10:50
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) I've seen that...10:50
__danielGammaRay: you also saw that   .py  remark?10:51
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) __daniel: ofcourse.. what's your point?10:52
nab_Is anyone using Kylix with ubuntu?10:52
__danielGammaRay: or just   apt-get source <bla-dbg> and look it up in their /debian/ directory10:52
__danielGammaRay: i just thought, if they preserve .py-files from being stripped, you could do it with your binary10:52
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) __daniel: I would hope so.. I've been trying for a while. setting all sorts of env variables10:53
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alakdanhello, just wondering if its possible to automatically start gaim whenever I log in using gnome?10:54
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hmm well it seems I was able to do it10:54
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) no wonder dpkg -i took so long10:54
__danielalakdan: keep it open and save your session on logout10:55
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) w00t.. now gdb works10:55
=== GammaRay does the happy dance
alakdan__daniel: any other way aside from saving sessions?10:55
=== __daniel joins GammaRay :-)
__danielalakdan: it just works at my place10:55
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) of line 560 of gaims source:10:55
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) 592 /* FUCKING GET ME A TOWEL! */10:56
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) err 592 rather (-;10:56
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) first thing I saw...10:56
=== paspourtoi [~peter@wolax6-244.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) alakdan: in the session properties you can add commands11:01
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alakdanGammaRay: got it, thanks :)11:01
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(GammaRay/#ubuntu) brushing w/ baking soda is a bitch11:06
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) in addition to tasking the asidic basking soda11:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) in addition to tasking the acidic baking soda...11:07
(alexissoft/#ubuntu) hi11:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) you taste the stuff coming off your teeth11:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) s/tasking/tasting11:07
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) damn... I need a smaller enter key.. it makes me do things11:08
paspourtoiheh - baking soda is alkaline actually ;)11:08
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) paspourtoi: so how would you describe the taste :-P11:12
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) other than.. salty11:12
paspourtoiGammaRay: indescribably awful?  (Scientific term )  ;-)11:13
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) works for me.. but I'm out of tooth paste11:14
paspourtoiGammaRay: ah well - the dentists tell me it's the brushing that matters anyway11:16
nab_can i just download that Kylix and install it?11:18
=== chemaja [~chemaja@c211-28-154-246.brasd1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
nab_any experience with that?11:18
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) http://www.fluoridealert.org/11:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) lol11:20
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) and to think I was just looking up the proper spelling11:20
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werewolfHi all, how to install swat on ubuntu 4.10? there is dependecies problem :(11:32
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) what's swat?11:33
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) werewolf: how did you try to install it?11:33
paspourtoiSamba Web Administration Tool11:33
_kris_samba web administration tool11:33
paspourtoiit should be in the repositories (Debian has it anyway)11:34
=== _kris_ gazes at paspourtoi's nice letter formatting with wonder....
_kris_it comes with samba11:34
=== freakabcd [~freakabcd@darra.quakes.uq.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu
freakabcdhi all11:35
freakabcdCDs shipping now, i guess..11:35
freakabcdi'm eagerly waiting for mine to arrive :)11:35
=== _kris_ hopes #ubuntu will have as many users as #fedora some day...
freakabcdanybody in Australia received them yet?11:36
(crimsun/#ubuntu) 265 is a goodly #11:36
werewolflast samba package is 3.0.7-1ubuntu6.2, but swat depends on samba=3.0.7-1ubuntu6 :(11:37
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) hmm11:37
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) I'd file a bug for that11:38
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) it should depend on a less specific version] 11:38
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) 6.2 is the security-updated version..11:38
paspourtoiwerewolf: you realise swat wipes allthr useful comments from you conf file?11:38
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) paspourtoi: you could copy it somewhere safe before installing swat11:39
paspourtoiwerewolf: maybe use webmin instead as a work around11:39
paspourtoiTreenaks: true :)11:39
werewolfpaspourtoi: yes, but it's so easy, and is a good start point11:39
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werewolfpaspourtoi: mmm, I dislike install to many service (speaking about webmin)11:40
=== paspourtoi uses NFS exclusively so he's no expert
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dabbish1Anyone know if there are any issues with nvidia and ubuntu11:59
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paspourtoidabbish1: look for the binary drivers howto on the ubuntu site12:01
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humboubuntuforums.org stopped working for anyone else?12:02
pl0vsdabbish1, i stopped using them, they made my computer unstable12:02
pl0vsdabbish1, the nv driver works ok for me12:03
humboI'm using nv too, the official nvidia driver seemed to have problems.12:04
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humboubuntuforums.org isn't even responding to ping12:05
re_ubuhello everyone, I have a strange bug here. It's a toshiba m30 with warty12:05
re_ubuI have keyboard repetitions.12:06
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re_ubuweird, and keyb delay is well set12:06
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(crimsun/#ubuntu) humbo: give it a few hours.12:07
humbohas it done this before, crimsun?12:08
re_ubuI've found12:08
re_ubuit's a toshiba issue.12:08
tkoodahello all,  can someone give me their opinion on why someone might want to run ubuntu instead of debian?12:08
humboI've never run debian, so I'm not much help in that respect.12:09
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) tkooda: Because ubuntu provides a much nicer and integreated desktop right out of the box, also includes a 6 monthly release, commercial support and more up to date software than debian.12:09
dabbish1out of the box I just get garbled output12:09
(crimsun/#ubuntu) humbo: ocassional downtime, unforeseen circumstances, so forth12:09
pl0vstkooda, ubuntu is easier to install, has a nicer integrated gnome-desktop by default12:09
tkoodaLathiat, more up to date than, say sarge?12:09
(crimsun/#ubuntu) the development branch is definitely more current than sarge12:10
(crimsun/#ubuntu) stable branch of course is frozen completely12:10
tkoodaLathiat/pl0vs, what do you mean a "more intergrated gnome-desktop"?  (how is it more "ingergrated" than, say, a sarge gnome install?)12:10
humbodabbish1: when does this appear? Do you see the text bootup first, or is there no display at all?12:10
(crimsun/#ubuntu) tkooda: the gnome desktop is much more streamlined in ubuntu12:11
willtkooda: were not forcing you....just check it out yourself any you will see :)12:11
(crimsun/#ubuntu) tkooda: the menus are cleaned up and are much less confusing12:11
tkoodawill, I didn't suggest someone was forcing me.  I came to ask what you knew about it.12:11
humboubuntu appears to be built around gnome, it specialises in it.12:11
tkoodahumbo, what do you mean specialises?12:11
tkoodaso it's got newer packages in the stable release, and has a better default gnome config?12:12
willtkooda:yes but no one here will force you i meant, cos were all lovely ubuntu'ers12:12
tkoodadoes ubuntu use any (unmodified) debian packages?12:13
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) tkooda: yes, the universe and multiverse archives are direct from debian12:14
danielstkooda: yes12:14
danielstkooda: whatever we didn't change12:14
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) tkooda: because a) i have gnome working out of the box, b) i have hal, gnome-volume-manager etc12:14
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) and an incredibly cool team of people working on it :)12:14
tkoodacan someone please explain how the part about allowing any developer to modify any package works?  -wouldn't that lead to developer infighting?12:14
willtoo much choice for software, i feel debian-based dpkg is very powerful12:15
tkooda..or perhaps lead to stability problems if not all developers are equally skilled?12:15
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danielstkooda: uh, no12:17
danielstkooda: i know all the development team and we get along quite well12:17
danielsobviously we disagree on technical matters at some points, but we're all old enough to get over it12:17
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fabbionedaniels: you are still our little "kid"12:18
danielsfabbione: ber12:18
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(Lathiat/#ubuntu) haha12:18
=== fabbione changes daniels' diaper
danielstkooda: see?  if I wasn't old enough to wear that, I would've hit fabbione by now ;)12:18
danielsfabbione: you're just jealous of my years of experience with Debian12:19
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) or maybe your just too small to get up and hit him :)12:19
fabbionedaniels: no.. i am just jalous for not being 1812:19
GuyverXT9I are looking for GammaRay, also answers to "dom poes","robert mugabe" or "mark shuttleworth"12:19
tkoodadaniels, so how are package disputes solved?  (i.e. when devlopers disagree about a change/fix)12:19
fabbionetkooda: who hits faster and harder win :-)))12:20
fabbionetkooda: justs kidding ;)12:20
tkoodaI'm not convinced a distro can work on just the premesis that "all developers love eachother".  :P12:20
danielsfabbione: so I hit faster and harder on X? :)12:20
danielstkooda: well, if someone can't cope with the idea of solving disputes through communication, then that's a pretty big red flag for them to join, obviously12:20
danielstkooda: we just talk it out rationally12:20
danielsthen there's a round of jelly wrestling12:20
__danieland if people still dont like daniels' ideas he tortures them with "hassel the hoff"12:21
tkoodadaniels, I see.  but even rational people will disagree from time to time.  are there procedures in place to solve conflicts that can't be resolved via handolding and singing songs?  ;P12:22
danielstkooda: of course we disagree from time to time12:22
Gmailif i where to to install java where should i install it12:22
danielstkooda: there is a decision-making chain also -- mdz is distro leader (although Kamion is our cheap imitation mdz while Matt's on holiday)12:22
sivanghi fabbione,daniels :)12:22
fabbionehey sivang12:23
danielssivang: yo dude12:23
tkoodaoooh, you didn't mention mdz before, heh.  I'm sold.  :)12:23
sivangdaniels : You better Kamion didn't hear you hehe :)12:23
tkoodawas ubuntu mdz's brainchild?12:23
danielstkooda: nope12:23
Gmaildaniels: is the type of guy that know the answer to my question (which doesn't have a question mark)12:24
danielsGmail: i don't even know the answer to that question, if it actually was one12:24
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danielsmaybe if I understood it, I'd have a better chance at answering12:24
Gmailshould i put it in /usr/local/java12:24
Gmaili am installing java (from the sun tarball) where should i install it12:25
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bamI've got a problem, I'm totaly new to ubuntu, I'm from belgium12:26
tkoodaI think I get the gist of ubuntu now..  would it be fair to summarize ubuntu (as compared to debian stable) as having "faster, predictable, release cycle with more up-to-date packages; and some measure of more emphasis on the gnome desktop; ..and leaves behind any old developer-infighting-fustration that may have accumulated amoungst debian developers who disagree" ?12:26
sivangGmail : you should have it installed under your /home/$user - this is supported by the java tarballs12:27
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nonajmehi the_one12:27
sivangGmail : that way you won't taint your system, and be able to neatly remove when you suddenly want to :)12:27
bamI've downloaded the cd for my A64 ( yes the I have downloaded the 64 bit pacage ) After i have booted from cd, and ubuntu did some thing i don't know12:27
bamI had to select the partition12:27
Gmailsivang: but i want it system wide12:27
sivangGmail : just make classpath= and jdk= point to the right places.12:27
bamNow i want to use Windows AND linux in the beginning , so i made two partitions, 65 gigabyte for windows + other stuff and a 16GB for ubuntu12:28
sivangGmail : it can be used system wide like this, just put the right envars in a system wide location, just leave the actual execs on your home folder./12:28
Gmailso $home/.java12:28
the_oneI'd like to install the tahoma font in ubuntu, could I just copy it from the windows partition, if so, how? I need to have root access, so it must be done over the command line. Or is there a font-installation utility in gnome already?12:28
tkoodaI guess I never was very privy to any large-scale debian developer conflict that needed to be solved by forking another distro.12:28
bamBut i don't know what to choose in the partition mangager12:28
sivangGmail : yes, I think there is something on the web the explains how to do that.12:28
bami can choose ' wisselbestand... '12:28
Gmailsivang: no it can't i don't allow other user into my home folder12:28
tkoodaI do understand the desire to have more up-to-date pacakges in stable thou..12:29
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sivangGmail : I myself have a working installation of NetBeans, together with an install of the jdk under my home12:29
sivangGmail : All other users have only exec permissioss to it, and you can also make a symlink from somewhere in /usr...12:29
sivangGmail : but if you wat to have a system wide install, lemme check something.12:30
the_onelet me rephrase.. how do I install a ttf font in ubuntu?12:30
Gmailsivang: i have set it up that that will not happen on my network12:30
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sivangGmail : (there supposed to be somewhere on an inofficial debian archive some debs)12:30
Gmailsivang: yea of blackdown 1.412:30
sivangGmail : on the debian-marriliat ?12:31
paspourtoithe_one: start with sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts12:31
bamCan someone help me?12:31
the_onepaspourtoi: I did that, but tahoma is not included12:31
Gmaili am having problems with a program so i need to use sun 1.512:31
Gmailsivang: its says 2 mirrors in the FAQ12:32
bamhmmmmmm, the FAQ is big, is there a FAQ for installing ubuntu 64b?12:32
Gmailbam: the FAQ are in the FAQ the rest is in the wiki12:33
bamye i just found it12:34
bami read something for the swap12:34
cardadorthe_one: write fonts:// in nautilus, then drag and drop tahoma in there12:34
bamis 1 partition not enough?12:34
bamhow many partitions do you guys advise? and how big ?12:35
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cardadorbam: ubuntu installer can take care of that for you12:35
cardadorbam: normally 2 partitions: swap with 2 x your ram, and the other with what size you want12:36
eimHello folks, I'm currently installing Warty on my x86 workstation -- I own an 80GB IDE HDD and I'm planing how to partition the fs. Which size should be the /boot partition? ~40MB? Thanks.12:36
the_onecardador: I would do that, but I don't have the permissions, I tried to log in as root after re-enabling the root account in order to do this, but it won't log me in12:36
Gmailcardador: not any more12:36
eimI think also 20MB for /boot should suffice.12:36
mirakis there a good tool to do data synchronisation between two computer ?12:37
cardadorthe_one: just drop the font in there, after restarting X tahoma will be available12:37
Gmailcardador: a swap of 100MB should do with the ammount of ram people have these days12:37
bamok thanks people12:37
bami'm printing a part of the faq now ^^12:37
cardadorGmail: so its a disavantage to have more than 100??12:37
the_onecardador: will try12:37
Gmailbam: you read what i said12:37
eimGmail: I heard about the fact the swap should be at least the double of your RAM.12:37
Gmailcardador: yes12:38
mirakeim: when we had only 128 meg of ram or even 64 yes12:38
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bamcardador and Gmail thanks !12:38
Gmaileim: if you have less than 128mb12:38
eimmirak: unison is what I use to sync my home.12:38
cardadorGmail: why is that? i read the same as eim12:38
bamlet's make thos partitions ^^12:38
mirakeim: but if you have 1G of ram you will not use 2G of swap :12:38
mirakeim: thanks I check that12:38
eimmirak: I have 512MB of RAM so 1024 of SWAP should be ok, IMHO.12:38
one_2_oneany ppc user here ?12:38
mirakeim: is it possible to use it with cron ?12:38
eimmirak: Sure, it's a CLI tool.12:39
mirakeim: that's to much I think12:39
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Gmailcardador: because it was a rule when hdd where faster than ram and hardly any ram12:39
eimmirak: I'm away. We'll continue discussion later.12:39
mirakeim: I mean 1G of swap is for using oracle or uge servers I think12:39
mirakeim: bye12:39
the_onecardador: I dragged them into fonts:/// but they don't show in there12:39
mirakGmail: hdd faster than ram ? :) no12:40
cardadorGmail: so now i have 512 of swap, with 1024 of ram. what would be the best for me?12:40
cardadorthe_one: dont worry, restart x and itll be in there12:40
mirakcardador: I have 512 of swap for 512 of ram, it's fine12:40
the_onecardador: ok, thanx, hope'll work12:40
one_2_oneUbuntu ppc have hfs support ? and about software where i can see the avaliabe soft for ubuntu12:40
setcreativeHey folks, I'm having a nightmare of a time trying to get a SATA/NTFS drive to mount.  I'm trying to migrate away from WinXP Pro and need to be able to get at two SATA disks with a single large NTFS partition on each.  I have my PATA NTFS partitions mounted OK, but the SATA ones won't mount.12:40
cardadornot reboot!12:40
bamIt's my first time that I try linux12:42
willwho uses eSound output here for listening to music?12:42
bamhow old are you guys?12:42
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paspourtoibam: ancient12:42
cardadorbam: why is it relevant? (im 8 btw ;))12:42
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Gmailmirak: at one point of time yes12:43
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Gmailcardador: make it 100MB of swap (unless you need more memery which is unlikely unless you a server)12:44
setcreativeAnybody here know anything about SATA?  Particularly as applies to nVidia chipsets - it's an nforce3 250gb (MSI K8N Neo Platinum) controller.  I seem to be having all kinds of hell with Linux - Mandrake, Fedora and Mepis won't install, only Ubuntu, and it won't mount my SATA drives.12:44
=== nevyn mutters andrea's vm is scary. at least riks is understandable to mortals.
cardadorGmail: so can i convert my 512 swap to 100? and how do i do it?12:45
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Gmailcardador: if it already there don't worry unless you need more space12:46
cardadorGmail: ok,  but ill keep that in mind when i need to install ubuntu somewhere12:46
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Adrenali am running an amd 2500. Which cpu setting should i be running, and how do i add it?12:48
Adrenalhey by the way12:48
m00sei have a problem with printing from evolution in hoary. it always prints extra blank page, anyone has similar problems?12:49
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bami don't know :s12:50
bami'm new to this12:50
m00seAdrenal, what cpu settings?12:50
Adrenalwhen u start up, in grub12:50
paspourtoiAdrenal: I wasn't aware any such setting was required12:51
Adrenalthe number after the os, eg 38612:51
Adrenalhow do i change that to the one corrosponding with my actual cpu?12:51
m00seinstall linux-image-
Adrenalor is there little point doing so?12:51
cardadorAdrenal: open synaptic and search for linux-image12:51
m00seit should be your default kernel in grub12:51
Adrenalmy default kernal is 38612:52
m00sewhen you have -k7 working you can remove -i38612:52
bamem, is there a music player in ubuntu? that reads .mp3's from my windows directory12:52
Adrenalah, thanks12:52
cardadorbam: rythmbox12:52
bamis it in ubuntu or it it on the internet?12:52
cardadorbam: its the music player from the menu12:52
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bamok :)12:52
Adrenaland do i get rid of the old 386 version?12:53
cardadorbam: applications > multimedia > music player12:53
one_2_onewhere can i see the avaliable soft for ubuntu or i can install .deb on ubuntu ?12:53
cardadorAdrenal: dont worry about that12:53
bami'm realy new, i've seen some screenshots of my friend in suse12:53
Adrenalbut if i don't, won't there be like 4 os' on my startup?12:53
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cardadorAdrenal: if you have a menu entry on computer > syst conf > boot, then its easy12:54
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bamafter installing ubuntu, is it autmatical grafical or is it in the console12:54
cardadorAdrenal: but im not sure if it is on warty12:54
bam( sorry , my englisch isn't that good 14y )12:54
cardadorbam: graphical12:54
paspourtoiAdrenal: extra kernels don't take up much space :)12:54
bamaah :D that's fine12:54
GmailYourNickHere: /nick YourNickHere12:54
bami'm going for dinner, bye !12:54
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cardadorahah bam-food12:55
Slackmanhey guys, on boot the *configure network interfaces seems to take for ever12:55
Slackmanany ideas why?12:55
cardadorSlackman: does it hang on something like "syncronizing with npt clock"?12:56
m00seSlackman, or it looks for dhcp server12:56
Slackmancardador, nah12:56
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Slackmanm00se, hmm is there a daemon that does a dhcp lookup if a network cable is plugged in later... ?12:57
Slackmani.e can i get rid of that script on start up12:58
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) daniels: does ubuntu come with anything to manage dialup (gnome gui wise)12:58
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danielsLathiat: there's a gnome ppp dialer thingy12:58
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) daniels: i mean on the disk12:58
danielsbut I don't know how well that actually *manages* connections12:59
danielsi think you need pppconfig12:59
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) cus i installed gnome-ppp12:59
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) seems pretty nice12:59
Slackmandaniels, does that work for usb dsl modems too?12:59
=== jordi tickles daniels.
=== Lathiat tries it out
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) if i can find the usb cable for my mobile01:00
danielsSlackman: i think that's pppoeconf01:00
=== Lathiat hunts
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) i was chatting on irc driving down the freeway today , such a geek :)01:00
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) its cool the three 3G gprs only has like 200ms rtt, as opposed to GSM gprs whcih is usually 700-1000ms - so ssh is nicely usable01:00
Slackmandaniels, carp...UK uses PPPOA ...i have it configured via a script, but i was hoping there was a gui tool so i could let my gf use linux01:01
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) Lathiat: nice..01:01
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) albeit at 0.4c/kb making it 2c just to open the ssh session :)01:01
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) Lathiat: too bad my operator doesn't do 3G yet :(01:01
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) Treenaks: heh01:01
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) though they're "working on it"01:01
danielsSlackman: i'm honestly not sure -- maybe there is.  i've just never had to use pppoe myself.01:01
danielsLathiat: on irc ... while *driving*?01:01
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) daniels: oh mum was driving, not me :)01:01
Slackmandaniels, thanks01:01
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) daniels: wouldn't that be cool? :)01:01
m00seSlackman, there is no dhcp daemon, dhcp client is launched only one during system start01:02
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gr13hello! could anybody help me with login in ubuntu?01:02
danielsTreenaks: until you crash01:02
FartClonehello room01:02
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) daniels: text-to-speech, speech-to-text01:02
FartClonemy "locate" doesn't seem to work01:02
paspourtoiFartClone: sudo updatedb01:03
FartCloneah of course01:03
m00seSlackman, you can check in /etc/network/interfaces if you have dhcp enabled01:03
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cardadorgr13: just ask01:03
Slackmanm00se, k thanks i'll check it01:03
bar1hello i can't login to my synaptic packet manager01:04
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cardadorbar1: why?01:05
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) daniels: hrmm, well if it dropped to the tray itd be half-decent01:05
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) having a window floating around kinda sucks01:05
bar1my root password is asked and its allways wrong while it works perfect with the sudo command01:05
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(Lathiat/#ubuntu) bar1: You need to use *your* password with synpatic01:06
bar1i have typed every password i ever used in ubuntu nothing works01:06
m00sedaniels, why do maximized windows in gnome cover panels with xcompmgr enabled?01:06
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) bar1: how are you opening synaptic?01:07
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) m00se: because xcompmgr is a hack01:07
JuerdCan someone guide me through downloading sources for debian-installer?01:07
m00selamont, ah, ok :)01:07
JuerdThere's no source tarball, no source debian package01:07
bar1computer->system configuration->synaptic01:07
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) killing metacity after starting xcompmgr helps moalot of things01:07
danielsm00se: because xcompmgr doesn't understand the hints correctly01:07
JuerdThere is a svn repository, but I don't know how to get things off there01:07
sluDGeThello to everyone! got a problem:) i've upgraded the system and a new samba came. I've workaround that /etc/rc2.d/S91samba symlink problem. But now, when I want to enable samba to browse home directories it gives an error like NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME ? any suggestions? I don't if it was working before I've updated. I've just tried this01:08
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setcreativeDamn.  Doing some reading it looks like the only way to get Ubuntu's kernel version working with an NVidia SATA chipset is to recompile the kernel.  I'm going to have to read about this a whole lot more :(  Not the nicest intro to Linux...01:08
cardadorm00se: kill gnome-panel01:09
sluDGeTit's giving the error when i try it with smbclient , when i try from nautilus, it says it cant find it, and maybe it's deleted :)01:09
xukunsluDGeT: If I where you I would try #samba01:10
marcus|setcreative: It worked out of the box on my nforce3.01:10
m00sedoes ubuntu support installation on SATA drives (with nforce3 controller)?01:11
setcreativeMarcus: Really?  Why is everybody saying that it doesn't work on the 2.6.8 kernel version over at AMD Zone?01:11
setcreativeI don't need to install to a SATA drive, just to mount an NTFS one01:11
xukunany one of you guys using nx or freenx?01:11
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m00secardador, thx, i'll try that01:12
cardadorxukun: i tried freenx but cant connect to it01:12
marcus|setcreative: I dunno. I just booted the CD and installed on it. I used gentoo with 2.6.8 for some time too.01:13
bar1this is the fault i get when i want to start the synaptic: Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root:01:13
bar1 Child terminated with 1 status01:13
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opihi there01:14
setcreativeI'd just assumed that the nf3 SATA thing was the problem since virtually every distro I've tried other than Ubuntu basically just won't work, and there's really very little else in the machine other than an nf3 250gb chipset, a bunch of disks, sound card and video card. Fedora won't even get as far as the media tester, Mandrake hits incredible speedbumps and Mepis can't write the bootloader.01:14
sluDGeTxukun: thanks :) i'll try01:15
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setcreativemarcus: What does your fstab line for that SATA disk look like?01:15
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marcus|/dev/sda3       /               reiserfs defaults        0       101:16
marcus|/dev/sda1       /boot           ext2    defaults        0       201:16
marcus|Dont you mean dmesg?01:16
xukunsetcreative: did you have only sata disks on your system?01:17
setcreativexukun: Nope, only two.  One PATA, two SATA.  OS is installed on PATA.01:17
xukunsetcreative: so what is the problem?01:18
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marcus|I only have one SATA disk.01:18
setcreativexukun: Can't mount the SATA NTFS partitions01:18
setcreativexukun: I may be doing something really daft, but I get a message like so: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sd(whatever), or too many mounted file systems01:19
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setcreative... yet a virtually identical (apart from the device) line in fstab is mounting the partitions on my PATA drive OK.01:19
(mjr/#ubuntu) can you see the SATA disks? For example, with fdisk /dev/sda01:20
marcus|Gnome VFS hasnt mounted them then?01:20
setcreativeroot@ubuntu:/home/finn # fdisk /dev/sda - The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 310101. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in certain setups cause problems with: 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO) 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs  (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK) Command (m for help):01:21
(mjr/#ubuntu) setcreative, "p" for print01:22
(mjr/#ubuntu) does it show something that looks like the correct partitioning01:22
bar1i've tried to open everyting where you need to be a root like synaptic, network, users and groups. and nothing works with *my* password the same i give in when i log in.01:22
=== safrican [~safrican@adsl-69-208-182-208.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
setcreativemjr: I think you might have just got it.  Excuse me while I a: Try something, and b: Possibly laugh at myself for an hour if I'm right about this...01:23
=== peglags [~peglags@blfd-d9bb9a6f.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
cardadorbar1: are you running warty?01:24
setcreativeIt's official - I'm now a moron.  Missed the "1" off of "sda1".  Thanks everybody, you've helped me realise my true status in life :D01:24
xukunsetcreative: :)01:24
bar1no i'm not01:24
xukunsetcreative: good for you01:24
=== tim1 [~Tim@pD9531B5F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
xukuncardador: about freenx, which errors?01:25
setcreativenow, I'm off to bed.  Thanks a heap for the help, but it's about 2am here and I need to work tomorrow.  I'm now officially free of Windows XP (apart from for audio use, but what can you do?), so I'm happy.01:25
=== setcreative [~finn@202-74-195-216.ue.woosh.co.nz] has left #ubuntu []
cardadorxukun: the other pcs are not authorized to connect01:25
m00sesetcreative, i often make similar mistake when running fdisk e.g. fdisk /dev/hda1 instead of /dev/hda :)01:25
bar1wait i dont know what i run i got this disk from a friend01:25
cardadorbar1: warty is the released version of Ubuntu :)01:26
cardadorbar1: then there is an under development one, hoary01:26
=== aaroncuk [~fluid@flat34.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
tim1bar1: cat /etc/issue01:27
tim1shows what you're running01:27
aaroncukMy system keeps freezing alot, and everytime i open the screensaver menu.. can anyone help.. its driving me mad01:27
bar1i run warty wartlog01:28
xukuncardador: did you tried this? nxsetup --setup-nomachine-key01:28
cardadorxukun: yes01:28
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kristjanhi all01:29
xukuncardador: can you ssh to the server01:29
bar1but i still don't know why i wont wok to log in01:29
cardadorxukun: i tried it from a windows box01:29
cardadorxukun: dont have putty installed01:29
=== AptivaIBM [~richard@dsl-68-130.ch.tiscali.no] has joined #ubuntu
aaroncuki have run a memory test and it found no faults with that, could it be open gl???01:29
=== polytan [~Miranda@reims-1-62-147-6-133.dial.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
cardadorxukun: are you able to connect?01:30
xukuncardador: you should test if ssh is working to the server, becouse nx uses port 22(ssh) to connect?01:30
=== Vince-0 [~Vin@nps-ip-nas-1-p173.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
polytani've a nicve bug when i'm installing ubuntu on a friend's computer ...01:30
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nonajmehi Friczy01:31
Vince-0How do I get into root from a brnd new install01:31
polytanthe kernel detect a processor at 255 C !!!01:31
xukuncardador: yes, but I,m having other problem, not like yours and I was looking somebody who uses freenx so U ask him to try something for me?01:31
nonajmeVince-0: sudo su01:31
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=== NewComer [~NewComer@] has joined #ubuntu
bar1maybe sombody can tell me how i can open synaptic in a shell maybe that works now i do computer->system configuration->synaptic01:32
NewComerwhat is the loop device in ubuntu?01:32
cardadorxukun: ask who?01:32
AptivaIBMI kinda need some help here. I've tried to install Ubuntu on a IBM Aptiva. But the damn thing won't reboot properly.01:32
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
FriczyI have some problems with the installation. I want to put into an existing partition but installer doesn't see the partition01:32
Vince-0nonajme: cant I just change the passwd ?01:32
xukuncardador: yes, but I,m having other problem, not like yours and I was looking somebody who uses freenx so I could ask him to try something for me?01:32
JuerdAptivaIBM: Describe "not properly"01:32
cardadorxukun: ah ok01:32
Vince-0nonajme: did it , shot son01:33
AptivaIBMhm... It shows the nice IBM splashscreen, then some lines of text and then it stops completely up and the last word displayed is "boot".01:34
kristjananybody previously used debian?01:34
kristjan(prior to ubuntu)01:34
cardadorkristjan: i did01:34
Friczykremlyn: I still use )01:34
kristjancardador: what made u switch?01:34
nonajmekristjan: i did, but i don't like debian pretty mutch01:34
JuerdAptivaIBM: Anything before "boot"?01:34
JuerdAptivaIBM: Anything after it, like a colon?01:34
kristjanwhy should i be happier as a ubuntu user?01:35
TongMasterbecause you're not using Redhat.01:35
Friczykristjan: the packages are newer in the stable distribution01:35
kristjannonajme: what do you like better in ubuntu?01:35
cardadorkristjan: imagine debian without all the trouble to upgrade kernel, install nvidia driver, etc, etc01:35
Juerdkristjan: I use both vanilla Debian and Ubuntu.01:35
=== TongMaster wouldn;t wish that upon anyone - may as well use windows. :)
Juerdkristjan: Ubuntu for boxes that my dad uses, vanilla Debian for my own boxes.01:35
kristjancardador: i thought so...01:35
joolzI have a problem with preferred applications, text editor01:35
nonajmekristjan: when i selected to install xfree in debian its installad so much of shit....~01:36
joolzI set it to custom editor, select gvim, but ubuntu won't remember it01:36
joolzam i doing something wrong?01:36
TongMasterah, kristjan, I switched from Debian sid to Ubuntu and found it had the end-user expereince down to practically "just works"01:36
nonajmekristjan: and in ubuntu everything runs perfect from scratch01:36
Juerdnonajme: The same "shit" is installed in Ubuntu. Just not with your explicit consent.01:36
TongMasterso I spend no time hacking on my laptop na dmore time hacking :)01:36
Juerdnonajme: Not "everything". Users with Wacom tablets can't use Ubuntu's current kernel.01:37
joolzi consider removing gedit alltogether, maybe that will solve it01:37
kristjanso basically: less work to get it working...01:37
joolzor does anyone have a beter idea?01:37
nonajmeJuerd: but in debian i have many shit daemons active, but don't in ubuntu01:37
kristjancool, so i chose wisely...01:37
cardadorTongMaster: exactly like me01:37
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Juerdnonajme: That boils down to experience, I'm afraid.01:37
Juerdnonajme: And for the less experienced, Ubuntu without doubt is a better system.01:38
xukunguys, is there some kind of secure gui ftp, like sftp? sftp is only console based?01:38
JuerdIt's easier to get working, and still allows the user to do whatever they want.01:38
=== joolz removing gedit
nonajmeJuerd: yes, my experience in debian is low. i like gentoo better01:38
NewComerxukun, gftp01:38
xukunNewComer: well thank you01:39
NewComernot sure if secure enough01:39
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kristjannonajme: so why not gentoo?01:39
cardadorxukun: nautilus01:39
NewComeranyone know how to extract an iso image to harddrive?01:39
nonajmekristjan: i dont like to compile so much on a laptop.01:39
xukuncardador: it should be secure01:40
kristjannonajme: thanks, u answered another q...01:40
joolznope, that didn't help: Couldn't display "textfile".01:40
cardadorNewComer: right clik on it, extract01:40
joolzshould I file a bug for this?01:40
nonajmesorry for my bad english, btw01:40
cardadorxukun: nautilus is not secure?01:40
NewComercardador, fileroller crashes01:40
GuyverXT9ubunta is the biggest pile of cockcheese ever known to man, and deserves to be fucked through the skull by a horde of raging midgets01:40
xukuncardador: is telnet sure?01:41
cardadorNewComer: open it with file roller then extract it. sometimes it works that way01:41
NewComercardador, cool, i'll try01:41
joolzGuyverXT9: why midgets?01:41
cardadorxukun: dont know01:41
GuyverXT9they have the biggest weeners01:41
AptivaIBMJuerd: The two last lines it displays is:01:41
AptivaIBMThats it...01:41
kristjanGuyverXT9: u midget?01:41
joolzGuyverXT9: personally I think they just bluff :)01:42
cardadorxukun: how do you start nxserver?01:42
GuyverXT9well, i have a big weener...01:42
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Slackmananyone here know much about the gnome wireless tool? it says N/A, even if i assign an ip address to the wlan card01:42
=== kristjan si not sure he likes Guyver much, plus his name kinna reminds of McGyver stuff....
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) whats newer, 1.0.2-1 or 1.0.2-prev101:43
joolzCan anyone tell me how and where I should set the default text editor?01:43
=== pisuke [~luis@84-120-70-104.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) (dpkg/apt-wise)01:43
z4k4ri4Has hoary get universe update yet?01:44
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kristjanby all, have a nice day!01:44
joolzbye all means :)01:44
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JuerdAptivaIBM: Has it ever booted into Ubuntu, or are you currently installing?01:44
aaroncukwhat driver is best to use in x if u dont have a driver for ur gfx car01:45
AptivaIBMCurrently installing.01:45
Juerdaaroncuk: Please type English. "ur" is not a word.01:45
cardadoraaroncuk: what is your card?01:45
aaroncuksorry, lol your01:45
Slackmanheh aolisms01:45
aaroncukProSavag8 - onboard01:45
Juerdarachne: "vga" and "vesa" probably work, but it's best to find a suitable driver.01:46
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JuerdAptivaIBM: Did you get any error message (red screen)?01:46
cardadorjoolz: computer > deskt prefs > preferred aplications01:46
=== Simeon_WF [~swfarring@farrin.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu
aaroncuki have tried to use the xfree86 dirver that someone has made for savage cards.. but im getting sytem lockups since installing it01:46
joolzcardador: thanks, but when I put gvim in there, it forgets the setting as soon as i close the dialog01:46
AptivaIBMJuerd: Nope. It just stops not bothering to do anyting more...01:46
joolzmaybe i should do some setting in the registry? /me browsing gconf editor now01:47
z4k4ri4anybody here using hoary?01:47
mirakI was wondering why there is no hardlinks on folders, what is the reason for this ?01:47
aaroncukhmm, there is a command you have to run after dpkg-reconfigure, anyone remember it01:47
JuerdAptivaIBM: Did it announce it'd reboot?01:48
Simeon_WFHi people - I'm at the basic stage at the moment - I'm unable to convince Nero to burn the downloaded image of Warty - it comnplains that the block size may be wrong01:48
z4k4ri4Simeon_WF: have you check the md5 sum?01:49
AptivaIBMJuerd: That it did. It announced, it boots kinda ("Booting Ubuntu, kernel") and stops...01:49
Simeon_WFz4: not yet01:49
z4k4ri4maybe its corrupted01:49
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Simeon_WFz4: could be, I've never had a problem when I've burned images in the past01:50
joolznope, I didn't find it in the gconf editor. This really sucks01:50
cardadorxukun: i can ssh from the winblows box to ubuntu,  but nxserver doesnt work01:50
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xukuncardador: sec01:51
=== Vince-0Linux [~Vince-0Li@nps-ip-nas-1-p173.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
joolzwuold it help if i looked in all the .gconf, .gconfd, gnome etc directories01:52
joolzi'm getting really homesick for fvwm201:52
JuerdAptivaIBM: What is the CPU in the machine?01:52
aaroncuki have run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 but theres another command after that to activate the changesd and i cant remember it, any ideas01:53
RubenVjoolz: did you try logging in and out?01:53
RubenVthat capplet is a bitch01:53
joolzRubenV: seriously? no, i didn't. I'll give it a shot01:53
AptivaIBMWell. Not to much. 500MHz I think.01:54
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joolzRubenV: i logged out (with save settings), didn't help01:56
RubenVthen it's time to burn that capplet :)01:56
joolzplease don't say i shout reboot to change such a simple setting :)01:56
joolzRubenV: can i go around the capplet and do the setting somewhere in a configfile? (as it's Meant To Be)01:57
=== jono [~jono@82-37-194-90.cable.ubr05.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jonohi all01:57
RubenVjoolz: no idea where it stores that setting01:57
Vince-0where can I add XP to boot it in grub/menu.lst01:57
RubenVone would expect it to be in gconf01:57
balubais it possible while burning in nautilus to set the cd label? i mean the string which identify the medium on subsequents mounts01:57
joolzRubenV: nope, it's not there01:57
jonoI upgraded to hoary last night, and my X.org display seems to be really wavy - it doesnt look like the screen refresh rates are wrong as parts of the screen look fine, it is just the drawn graphics that are really wavy - any ideas?01:57
NewComerhow can i get the root terminal, the one in the gnome menu, only that i'm on xfce01:58
joolzguess i'll do a grep -r on my homedir, last refuge of the hopeless01:58
RubenVNewComer: open a terminal01:58
RubenVand type sudo su01:59
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JuerdAptivaIBM: Bramd?01:59
joolzNewComer: or sudo -s01:59
NewComercool, thx RubenV and joolz01:59
AptivaIBMJuerd: Intel.01:59
JuerdAptivaIBM: Then I have no idea what could be wrong. You can try doing a manual installation, choosing for lilo instead of grub, to see if that makes any difference.02:00
bar1die sudo su lukt bij mij wel ma kan nie aan mijne synaptic via computer system configuration02:00
joolzdamn. I logged out and did a save settings. Now I get 2 gaims when starting up. IIRC this was already borken 2 years ago02:00
AptivaIBMJuerd: So it should work? Well... I'm really not too good at installing manual... give me some hints?02:01
RubenVjoolz: gnome session is one major piece of brokeness02:01
=== RubenV out for lunch
Juerdbar1: Regardless of the language you choose to type, please try to type words in full. "ma" is "moeder", not "maar".02:01
xukuncardador: sorry it took a while, I must do something02:01
joolzRubenV: you can say that again02:01
JuerdAptivaIBM: Just go with the defaults, and where you get the chance to choose grub, refuse that. The next option will be LILO.02:01
aaroncukwhats the command to remove xserver and reinstall it?02:02
xukuncardador: there is nothing to restart - it's started whenever a ssh connection to nx is initiated02:02
AptivaIBMJuerd: I'll try that. See you in a bit then! :)02:02
JuerdAptivaIBM: It's been a while since I did this, so I'm not sure where exactly in the installer this is.02:02
bar1sorry i'll type it in english i just switched from a dutch forum02:02
Juerdbar1: Dutch is fine with me, as long as it's correct. I don't know if the channel allows it.02:02
Juerdbar1: wat gaat fout als je synaptic opstart?02:03
joolzbar1: niks :)02:03
skarhi, how do i play dvd with the menus, seems mplayer plays the tracks directly :(02:03
joolzoh sorry, read it the wrong way around :)02:03
bar1i just wont to know how i can open my synaptic manager because my password always seems to fail02:03
cardadorxukun: how can you tell if it is working? nxserver --status does not work02:03
Juerdbar1: Which password do you use? The user's or root's?02:04
bar1that's the same because root is set of by default02:04
JuerdNo, it's not the same.02:04
balubait seems nautilus just get the volume-id from the iso itself, so i've got to find how to modify it02:04
JuerdBut yes, you need the user's password. Is that the password you use?02:04
=== Vladimir_ubuntu [~Vlad@nord-12-82-226-36-13.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
bar1yes just the same password that i use when i log in02:05
Juerdbar1: Does it contain any non-alphanumeric characters?02:05
bar1maybe that my fault02:05
Juerdbar1: Did you do a Dutch installation?02:05
bar1yes i did02:06
Juerdbar1: Via Desktop preferences -> Toetsenbord -> Indelingen, choose "U.S. English" and then "Toevoegen"02:06
Juerdbar1: Then select "Dutch" and "Verwijderen", "Sluiten"02:06
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Juerdbar1: Ubuntu developers didn't realise that Dutch people do usually not use Dutch keyboards :)02:06
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) heh that would be a reasonable assumption02:07
=== Talliesin [~Jon@83-70-236-238.b-ras1.prp.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
bar1ah thx i'll try it immediately02:07
Juerd(Only IBM stubbornly keeps supplying dutch keyboards with dutch computers, refusing to acknowledge that the dutch layout SUCKS and is HATED. This is why IBM doesn't sell many laptops in .nl)02:07
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(Lathiat/#ubuntu) haha02:08
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JuerdAt least with a non-laptop you can use your own keyboard.02:08
=== ToTo [~ToTo@host143-151.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
SlackmanJuerd, can't you just change to another layout...thats what i do now i'm in the uk02:08
bar1now i have a qwerty one02:08
Slackmanwe have uk keyboards, but i just use a us layout02:08
JuerdSlackman: Yes, but then the labels are wrong. Not a problem for those who touch type, but certainly a problem for everyone else.02:09
TalliesinJuerd, you've a marketing issue there. "Don't give Dutch keyboards to the Dutch" makes no sense. "Upgrade to the *new* Dutch keyboard" will convince them.02:09
Juerdbar1: Dutch and US are both QWERTY, but some non-alphanumerics are in different locations.02:09
JuerdTalliesin: Not really.02:09
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) Talliesin: haha, you have a point02:09
JuerdTalliesin: It's by no means an upgrade.02:09
JuerdTalliesin: Dvorak'd be an upgrade. Dutch keyboards, compared to US English, are a downgrade.02:10
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JuerdThey would be useful if they had that one dutch letter "ij" (it's one letter, not two)02:10
JuerdThey don't!02:10
bar1i changed it back to belgian keyboard because i have an azerty keyboard02:10
SlackmanJuerd, yeh learn to touch time...its easier :)02:10
JuerdSo you still have to type "i" "j", and there's no point in having a special keyboard.02:10
Slackmani meant02:11
JuerdSlackman: Learn to touch type *dvorak*.02:11
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) Juerd: ive pondered doing that for fun02:11
joolzbar1: i allways thought a belgian keyboard IS azerty?02:11
JuerdSlackman: www.dvorak.nl is a simple typing course. Takes 10 hours to learn the entire alphabet.02:11
SlackmanJuerd, yeh i can type dvorak, its actually faster...but it doesn't work with games02:11
Juerdjoolz: There's also French AZERTY02:11
JuerdSlackman: I don't play computer games.02:11
TalliesinYes, so you need to tell them that the US English keyboards are the new Dutch keyboard. Or better yet submit a new layout to the ICU database which is like the US Keyboard and has 02:11
SlackmanJuerd, i.e ut2k4 doens't keep key bindings02:11
JuerdSlackman: Not ones that require keyboard input anyway.02:12
bar1yes but juerd made me change it into a us english one and that wast a very good idee:-)02:12
joolzyes i know. I always piss off belgian friend by complaining about their french keyboard :)02:12
=== umarmung [~holger@p54853151.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Talliesin(Though I thought ij was considered to letters, but one collation and capitalisation unit, rather than one letter, and that the Unicode  and  were for backwards compatibility)02:12
JuerdAZERTY keyboards suck as much as Dutch QWERTY.02:12
joolzwhat was that again: "every interface more complicated than a nipple sucks"02:13
TalliesinBizarrely my keyboard has just gone to a US-English layout for no reason (so hould be Ireland-English)02:13
JuerdTalliesin: It actually is one letter. But because iso-8859-* doesn't have them, for an entire generation we have now used "ij".02:13
bar1look it cant be that everyting works allright when i log in because then my password works perfect also the special sings and everything and when i want to open the synaptic or anything else my password fails02:13
JuerdTalliesin: Most Dutch don't even know it's one letter anymore.02:13
joolzJuerd: technically it's a ligatur02:13
joolza bit between 1 and 2 letters02:13
Juerdjoolz: Only the glyph is.02:14
Juerdjoolz: It's like  in that way.02:14
JuerdThat's a ligature of a and e, but very clearly one letter.02:14
joolzlike a small hollow square?02:14
JuerdHeh, fix thy terminal :)02:14
JuerdI'm emitting iso-8859-102:14
Talliesin is different.02:14
joolzJuerd: LOL, touche!02:15
joolzTalliesin: yeah, two hollow squares02:15
JuerdTalliesin: Sorry, I don't have a utf-8 capable terminal02:15
Juerdjoolz: Wow, you have a US-ASCII-only terminal?_02:15
joolzno idea, it's gnome-terminal, default install02:15
JuerdThat's *bad*.02:15
=== mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
joolzJuerd: you tell me... Just the default ubuntu install02:16
joolzhow can I fix that?02:16
Talliesin unifies both the Icelandic ash (which is a letter, not historically derived from combining a and e) and the  of Latin, old fashioned English and other European languages.02:16
bar1i changed my password and used only letters this time and now it works perfect thanx a lot02:17
TalliesinIn archological  is two letters.02:17
Juerdjoolz: No idea.02:17
JuerdTalliesin: It's archeological.02:17
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JuerdTalliesin: Is Icelandic that language that also still uses  and ?02:18
TalliesinJuerd, gah! If you must avoid letters in English use archaeological rather than that horrible American spelling :)02:18
Vladimir_ubuntuHi, I have installed a Warly and got a little problem because the x server wouldn't launch. I edited the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file and found out that it was due to the name of my screen which is CMC 17" AD, so I had the lines02:18
Vladimir_ubuntuSection "Monitor"02:18
Vladimir_ubuntuIdentifier"CMC 17" AD"02:18
Vladimir_ubuntuSection "Screen"02:18
Vladimir_ubuntuMonitor "CMC 17" AD"02:18
Vladimir_ubuntu, where the " for inches was considered as an ending quote.02:19
Vladimir_ubuntuIs it a known problem ? Is it the right place to post this question ?02:19
Talliesins/avoid letters/avoid ligatures02:19
JuerdArchaic letters02:19
JuerdVladimir_ubuntu: Please to not be floodink.02:19
Vladimir_ubuntuOops sorry, first time I use IRC02:19
TalliesinEh, you can't still use "archaic letters", they aren't archaic if you're still using them.02:20
JuerdVladimir_ubuntu: It is considered rude to paste multiple lines without permission, because it fills entire screens.02:20
JuerdTalliesin: I'm not using them :)02:20
JuerdTalliesin: ae, d, th work well :)02:20
TalliesinNot in Icelandic they don't02:20
JuerdVladimir_ubuntu: Anyway, report the bug at bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org02:20
Vladimir_ubuntuI'm very sorry, won't do it again ;-)02:21
JuerdTalliesin: I was told that it's very understandable02:21
TalliesinJuerd, I was told that it's tolerated because they figure they can't expect us foreigners to do things right :)02:21
JuerdTalliesin: That's how ij became i j. All it takes is technology not supporting the real thing. Or foreigners. Let's start a revolution there :)02:22
TalliesinI must look into the ij. I was told (by someone who knows a lot on such things) that they were a collation unit but still two letters.02:24
JuerdNo way they're two letters :)02:24
JuerdWell, ij are. The real character isn't.02:25
TalliesinWhat did they derive from?02:25
TalliesinA ha.02:25
Juerd(And the other way around too: some English Ys are originally IJs)02:25
Talliesinthat seems familiar now you say that.02:25
Juerdij is used for what was ei or y, but not every occurrence. I don't know why some things changed and others did not.02:25
JuerdI believe I read somewhere that English "by" comes from Dutch "bij" which comes from German "bei".02:26
TalliesinNow I remember what I was told.02:26
JuerdLikewise: eis -> ijs -> ice02:26
Talliesinij is one letter that came from y but some of the root words had ei (two letters). Yep, it's all coming back.02:26
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aaroncukcan someone help me with X.. its crashing loads.02:28
aaroncukhave tried uninstalling and reloading it02:28
Juerdaaroncuk: Has it ever worked correctly since you installed Ubuntu?02:28
=== Timaaah is now known as ShadowPhax
Juerdaaroncuk: Then restore the backup you made before you began messing around.02:29
Juerdaaroncuk: You did backup, right?02:29
Ycrosanything you haven't backed up you are willing to lose02:29
=== ploum_ [~ploum@180-21.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
JuerdAnd all was quiet.02:30
aaroncuktheres not alot on the system.02:30
aaroncuki only installed it 2 days ago02:30
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aaroncukwill have to reinstall some annyoing daemons tho lol02:31
AptivaIBMJuerd: The install went ok, but the boot failed again. Lilo only says that bios memory ok, and stops...02:31
aaroncukbasically it seems to freeze whenever i try to load the screensaver menu or the screen resolution menu02:32
JuerdAptivaIBM: That's not something LILO normally says :)02:32
JuerdAptivaIBM: I'm sorry, but I have no idea what's wrong with your system.02:32
seadogCan somebody tell me which is the procedure so that stuff that is not in debian packages can be included in ubuntu (like translations of firefox)?02:33
AptivaIBMIt worked fine when I installed it on the laptop...02:34
aaroncuki think im just gonna reformat02:35
aaroncukneed to make sure that it is x causing it, not a hardware fault02:36
Juerdseadog: Add "universe"02:36
Juerdseadog: Using synaptic or a text editor.02:36
Juerdseadog: Add it to where "main restricted" already are.02:36
JuerdOr, possibly, uncomment the line that has "universe"02:36
=== ogra [~ogra@p508EA57E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
seadogjuerd: hmmm I didn't explain well enough. Those packages don't exist, I just want some stuff, which does not exist in packages (not even in debian), to be included in ubuntu02:39
JuerdInstall it as you would on a non-debian system02:40
JuerdOr make debian packages02:40
seadogjuerd: ok I want the procedures so this stuff gets added in ubuntu repositories :) Is there a wiki page or something? Should I add them in DesktopSeed for example?02:41
JuerdThen I absolutely have no idea.02:43
=== agwibowo [~agwibowo@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
seadogJuerd, ok thnx anyway :)02:44
seadoganyone please?02:44
agwibowodoes anyone know alarm application in ubuntu?02:44
agwibowosomehting like kalarm in kde?02:44
=== Gwaihir [~Gwaihir@ppp-140-110.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
balubaseadog, have you read carefully on the site?02:44
RubenVyou could use evolution02:44
agwibowodoes it play sound as well?02:45
agwibowokalarm can execute program, so i can play music as for my alarm02:45
agwibowo(i used it as my wake up alarm)02:45
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-041-182.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
agwibowomaybe i have to use the command line cron jobs..02:47
m00seagwibowo, yes, evolution can play sounds02:47
agwibowowhere about is the alarm?02:48
Riddellagwibowo: xmms-alarm02:48
seadogbaluba, can you point me a url?02:48
Riddellagwibowo: or kalarm02:49
agwibowoRiddel : that beats the purpose of using gnome based distribution02:49
m00seagwibowo, go to claendar view, schedule an event, make it recurrent and set up an action for this alarm02:50
balubaseadog, i'm looking myself if there's an howto or something... but probably not. you may look in bugzilla if request for new packages are listed there02:51
agwibowom00se: how to set up the action?02:52
m00seAgrajag, at the bottom of the event editing window you have alarm checkbox and customize button02:52
=== shampoo [~shampoo@jknotzke.mtl.istop.com] has joined #Ubuntu
shampooHi everyone02:53
agwibowoah i know02:53
seadogbaluba, someone in translators list suggested that to fill bug reports but I've read in the wiki I think that bugzilla shouldn't be used for package requests.02:53
shampooanyone know if a image viewer that can do a slideshow with fade in and fade outs ?02:53
m00seclick the button and add an action selecting play a sound type02:53
seadogbaluba, I haven't found any howto either.  I' ve asked the some question in developers list and I didn't get an answer02:54
agwibowoevolution doesn't seem to play the mp3 song i want02:58
RubenVdecode it to wave02:58
balubaseadog, in some projects bug submitting are used for a broad range of needs, well beside bug resolutions. here i don't know, so keep investigating02:58
RubenVor hack gstreamer support into evo ;)02:59
=== nab_ [~nab@p508B3EC4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
agwibowohow to decode to wave?02:59
m00seagwibowo, or change action type to 'run a program' and use mpg321 with path to your mp3 as an argument02:59
m00seor any other mp3 player03:00
Neillhi. I'm having problems getting xforwarding to work over ssh03:00
Neillboth ends are ubuntu....03:00
NeillI'm getting cannot connect to display errors.03:01
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agwibowoany command line mp3 player?03:04
iminjAnyone know where I can find support to configure mozplugger? Their website isn't very informative03:04
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agwibowodoes anyone know any command line mp3 player?03:05
kristjanwhat is the equivalent command to fedora's 'service' in ubuntu?03:07
iminjAnyone here ever tackled "mozpluggerrc" .. to configure multimedia streams via mozilla or firefox?03:07
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oneste1hi... just installed ubuntu and have a question03:08
seadogbaluba, ok03:08
iminjI'll try again later .. thanks everyone.03:08
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agwibowothat's it03:09
agwibowoalarm based on crontab03:09
agwibowothx everyone, and good night!03:10
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oneste1how do i add a screen resolution to the selection shown in "change screen preferences"03:11
oneste1can anyone here help me with configuration questions?03:13
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kristjanis there a command to start-stop-restart services in /etc/init.d in ubuntu?03:15
balubathat's one thing i hate, people asking and leaving immediatly after03:16
m00se/etc/init.d <service> start|stop|restart03:16
m00sei mean /etc/init.d/<service> start|stop|restart03:16
kristjanm00se: :) i posed a stupid question...03:16
kristjanhow can I connect to a wireless net, that uses 128-bit WEP?03:17
kristjanm00se: i could probably make an alias to that to have fedora's "service" cmd..03:19
=== ermo [~ermo@3E6B20D4.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
nab_i wanna make Firefix to make a PDF file when printing but the only printer device i get listed in firefox is PostScript/default.  In texteditor i can print to pdf :(03:21
m00sekristjan, probably, what does this service command actualy do?03:21
kristjanm00se: instead of typing /etc/init.d ...... you just type service <service> start|stop....03:22
ermoDamn. The default ubuntu setup is just _awesome_. Just fired up emacs just to try it. And lo and behold, it was the gtk version. And setting the options I wanted was a breeze. *bows in gratitude*03:22
balubanab_, print a ps and then ps2pdf03:22
nab_baluba, ill keep that in mind as last resort, thanks03:23
m00sekristjan, so a trivial shell script will do03:23
m00selike /etc/init.d/$1 $2 :)03:23
kristjanm00se: yes.03:23
m00seermo, no default setup sucks because it doesn't include vim-gtk :D03:24
ermom00se, I see :) And it's not installable in main?03:25
m00seit's installable, but not installed by default03:25
=== m00se wants vim-gtk out of the box
=== Phr0stByte [~phr0stbyt@ip24-250-124-175.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Shadow2ubuntu warty setup is giving me errors when adding a user, problem being the error flashes up too quick. Any ideas?03:30
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Shadow2ah i can read "group <username> does not exist"03:31
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ivarq: is it possible to add a repository to synaptic but use it for a limited subset of packages ?03:35
ivarie: I'd like to install http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/jsvc03:36
ivarbut I don't want to mess anything else up..03:36
cardadorivar: add it, install what you need, then remove it03:37
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ivarcardador, but that means foregoing any updates right ?03:38
Matt|hiya. I have a laptop. Since updating hoary yesterday I have lost the ability to plug in a mouse with xorg, and I can only use my touchpad. Anyone know the solution?03:39
cardadorivar: dont know what foregoing is, im not a native english speaker :)03:39
Matt|cardador, giving up03:39
cardadoroh, thanks Matt|03:39
ivarcardador, to abandon :)03:39
cardadorivar: add it to the repositories, press reload, install it, then take it out of the repository03:40
Matt|anyone help with that xorg problem?03:40
ivarcardador, ok.. thanks ;)03:42
Shadow2i'm getting the error "groupdel: group <username> does not exist" when i go to add a user during ubuntu warty install (after reboot)03:44
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adnanshmm, why does ubuntu wait for the networking config during bootup?? I don't have any weird NFS like structures, just me laptop?!03:44
ermoivar, that's a pretty advanced operation (behind the scenes) however.03:44
ermoivar, so you'd have to make sure that required ubuntu packages are not forced off your system.03:45
ivarermo, yeah, it's appearing that way03:45
ermoivar, have you considered installing it in /usr/local instead?03:45
ivarit doesn't even appear to be installable03:45
ivarermo, yeah.. i'm thinking a local install would be best...03:45
ermoivar, I know it sounds dumb, but in that way, you could make it depend on the proper ubuntu/debian packages. Plus, there exist a util (also apt-gettable from universe) to manage /usr/local installs03:46
ermoexists, even. Can't remember it's name but I've looked at i briefly before.03:46
ivarermo, what's it called..03:47
ermoivar, beats make uninstall, that's for sure.03:47
ermoits' name even.03:47
=== ivar is a package manipulation newbie
ermoivar, in a sense, we all are.03:47
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ermoivar, I did, at one point, experiment with using apt.conf to tightly control access to debian unstable (I wanted samba 3.0pre packages)03:48
ermoivar, so it's doable if you're careful and don't mind reading through the apt documentation.03:48
ivarermo, it looks like my efforts are futile anyway.. i've got x86 and it appears they've only got a powerpc version03:49
ermoivar, when you install something, you'd have to append an apt-get -u <whatever> to specify that you want packages from your non-standard repo. If you couple that with clever pinning, it's doable.03:50
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ermoivar, but I'd advise against testing the solution on a production system ;)03:50
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ermoivar, is it binary only?03:51
ivarermo, at this point no one should let me near a prod system..03:51
ermoivar, hehe03:51
ivarermo, i'm not totally sure - http://packages.debian.org/unstable/net/jsvc03:51
ivarermo, looks like it03:52
=== Gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-73-59-192.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Matt|hiya. I have a laptop. Since updating hoary yesterday I have lost the ability to plug in a mouse with xorg, and I can only use my touchpad. Anyone know the solution?03:52
ermoivar, <quote>This is a part of the Apache Jakarta Project.</quote>03:53
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Gwildori have a desktop, since upgrading to hoary, i lost sound in ET, i installed ET under warty, can anyone help?03:53
Shadow2hrm.. i think i figured my problem03:53
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ermoivar, <quote>This package was debianized by Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk@debian.org> on03:54
ermoSam, 09 Oct 2004 17:46:48 +0200</quote>03:54
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ermoivar, so maybe all you need to do is to get a hold of the deb-src and compile it for x86.03:54
ermoivar, if so, you also get complete control over dependencies and can make your own, local ubuntunized jsvc package.03:55
ermoivar, assuming, of course, that you harbor an adventurous spirit ;)03:55
Shadow2i love it when an idiot problem is solved by the idiot that managed it (me)03:55
ivarermo, i guess we'll see..03:56
ermoShadow2, are you familiar with the term 'teddy'? It's when you sit down and talk it over with your teddy bear and try to explain the problem. It works wonders as you can see.03:56
melaniehow can i install mod_mono?03:56
Shadow2hehe i think i might need one :)03:57
ermoShadow2, in this case 'teddy' was #ubuntu.03:57
ermoShadow2, which, IMO, is absolutely fine.03:57
Gwildori have a desktop, since upgrading to hoary, i lost sound in ET, i installed ET under warty, can anyone help?03:57
=== Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Mitariohello evereyone03:58
Mitarioanybody using vnc with gnome/vino and windows realvnc/tightvnc?03:58
Talliesinermo, Shadow2, there's actually a teddybot on freenode for just that purpose.04:00
ermoTalliesin, really? Cute. in #teddybot?04:01
=== plasmo [~GAT-X105@013.d.011.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Talliesinin #swhack, but you can msg it directly.04:01
Talliesinsee http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/teddybot04:01
ermoTalliesin, roger. Thanks.04:01
TalliesinWe find it useful, has solved many of my problems.04:02
ermoTalliesin, we as in 'us server ops'?04:02
TalliesinI wish!04:02
TalliesinUs as in regulars in #swhack, where teddybot lives04:02
ermoTalliesin, knowing from experience the denizens of freenode, I get the feeling that being a freenode op is not all good n dandy...04:03
Matt|hiya. I have a laptop. Since updating hoary yesterday I have lost the ability to plug in a mouse with xorg, and I can only use my touchpad. Anyone know the solution?04:03
TalliesinKnowing from experience the denizens of quakenet, undernet and dalnet, it could be a lot worse ;)04:04
ermoTalliesin, point taken :D04:04
willwaht did you say Teddybot: ?04:06
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kristjananybody here with little wireless lan experience?04:10
Gwildorjust ask your question04:11
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paul__I just installed Ubuntu and feel rather last as I have no idea how to su to root as I do not know the password.  I sure cannot recall setting a password for root?  Any idea?04:18
Hitch-HikerYou dont in ubuntu04:18
plasmotheres no root enabled by default04:18
=== melanie [~melanie@d213-103-130-103.cust.tele2.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Hitch-Hikerthe first user u set up is an admin one04:18
Mitarioanybody knows why when workinig rmote via vnc and vino i cant insert capital lettrs ini gnome apps but 'xev' shows them to me fine04:18
Hitch-Hikersudo <command>04:18
melaniesynaptic icon disappeared after hoary update. how can i get it back?04:18
Hitch-Hikerit'll ask for the admin password04:19
paul__but I am not able to make changes to my net config?04:19
Hitch-Hikerwhich is the pw for the first user you set up04:19
=== Buzzzz_ [~Anders@hd5e25192.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu
m00sepaul__, by default you use sudo to run commands as root or sudo -c to get root shell04:19
m00seyou can run sudo passwd to set password for root04:19
Hitch-Hikerwhenever a window pops up for a password i.e. synaptic04:19
m00seand then use su04:19
Hitch-Hikeruse the first user pw04:19
Gwildori have a desktop, since upgrading to hoary, i lost sound in ET, i installed ET under warty, can anyone help?04:22
Gwildorlast time i ask....promise04:22
plasmommmm try this. not sure if itll work04:22
JuerdET phone h... nah, not funny.04:22
plasmokillall esd04:22
Gwildorenemy territory, first person shooter04:23
m00seET == enemy territory?04:23
Hitch-Hikerwhats et short for?04:23
Gwildorvideo game04:23
m00seGwildor, then kill esd04:23
Hitch-Hikerhe's got little legs  :)04:23
Gwildormoose, ?04:23
paul__sorry, but I am rather confused now.  I cannot sudo because it asks me for a password I do not know an pw does not work as password.  How do I set the root password?04:23
plasmokillall esd04:23
Hitch-Hikerit wants your paswsword04:23
Gwildorpaul__,  use your user password04:23
usualpaul__, it wants the password for the use04:23
Gwildorpaul__, what you log in with04:23
usualbah i can't type04:23
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Gwildormoose, or whoever, killall esd, what is that gonna do?, and what do i do after that?04:24
plasmoprobli esd is using your sound04:24
Hitch-Hikerit kills the esound daemon04:24
Gwildorlet me post the message that et gives me, see if you still think that killall esd will work04:25
=== topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3k9b.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
paul__OK, got it. Thanks.04:25
Gwildor------- sound initialization -------04:26
Gwildor/dev/dsp: Input/output error04:26
GwildorCould not mmap /dev/dsp04:26
Gwildorstill think i need too  killall esd04:26
Hitch-HikerI get that with UT200404:26
Hitch-Hikerand Mplayer04:27
=== Tjs_ [~Tjs@wblv-233-205.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildorplasmo, every time i play?04:27
plasmou could04:27
plasmoto turn it off . go to computer > desk perf > sound . untick sound server04:27
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=== Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD9E604C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildordo i need it?, what exactly did i just disable?04:27
=== tom` [~user@h000502a6bd06.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
plasmodisables system sounds like clicking noises and stuff :s04:28
Gwildornow i have another question, since i browsed thru ET messages04:28
=== dr_willis [~willis@12-222-124-154.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildorim in hoary, and XORG, but the messages that ET spits point to Xfree04:29
aaroncukis hoary as stable as warty??04:29
Gwildoreww, and my vid card is set to axp 1x, gonna have to fix that04:29
paul__OK, next question.  For some reason my screen res is 840x600 and I cannot set it using the GUI tool to 1024xwhatever 'cause 800x640 is the highest res option.  Is there a way to do this via the GUI or should I do it from the shell somehow?04:30
Gwildoraaroncuk, im not having to many terrible problems, just slight, and im a newb, so i cant fix on my own04:30
topyliaaroncuk: not really. most notably, evolution is broken04:30
Gwildorreally, i dont use it anyways04:30
aaroncukhmm best stick to warty for now lol04:30
=== riz [~riz@cpc2-hatf2-4-0-cust63.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
willsay i want to complie a program, do i simply type make in its dir? are there any special switches i need?04:31
plasmopaul: sudo gedit/etc/X11/XF86Config-4.conf or xorg.conf04:31
Phr0stBytewill: ./configure > make > sudo make install04:31
plasmoapt-get install checkinstall :)04:32
=== netmonk [~netmonk@nat-30.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildorumm, xorg.conf is empty, but ogra told me i was using xorg, was he wrong?04:32
rizCan everyone who uses firefox confirm it supposed to take up about 100MB memory even with 1 tab open?04:33
rizcoz that sucks04:33
=== LinuxJones [~LJ@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
plasmomine says about 73mb04:33
topyliGwildor: try 'X -version'04:34
rizis there anything that can be done to minimize the memory usage?04:34
aaroncukhow do i stop X runnin by dfault, dont want it running on my server once its set up04:34
rizIve tried disabling memory cache04:34
topyliaaroncuk: uninstall GDM04:34
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Gwildortopyli, doesnt say XORG outright, but it does point me to gwildor@ubuntu:~ $ X -version for problems04:35
Gwildoropps, copied wrong thing04:35
rizJust checked mine is 87.5MB when I start it with 1 tab, its still a lot of memory04:35
usualis ubuntuforums down?04:35
Gwildortopyli, http://wiki.X.Org for problems04:35
usualanyone know a url for a human xmms theme04:36
topyliGwildor: ok, i don't think xfree would give that advice :)04:36
Phr0stByteHeya LinuxJones04:36
(mir/#ubuntu) Anyone knows when Mozilla FF 1.0 will be released in Ubuntu??.. Do I have to w8 for Hoary ?04:36
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Gwildortopyli, but my xorg.conf is empty, less i used the wrong path, can you toss the correct path for xorg.conf?04:37
rizyeah you have to wait for Hoary04:37
Gwildormir,  hoary04:37
plasmoff 1.0 wont be released in warty04:37
rizbut you can update your repository04:37
Phr0stBytemir: I dont think it matters, being that you can update it from the application...04:37
topyliGwildor: no, this is a warty box04:37
rizto get the new version04:37
Gwildormir,  after a release, all new stuff goes to next release04:37
Gwildortopyli, kk04:37
aaroncukwhats python newt... my ubuntu installation is stuck on 'setting up python-newt'04:37
Gwildoranyone know the correct path to xorg.conf?04:37
rizor download it from www.mozilla.org04:37
(mir/#ubuntu) Ok.. Anyone running hoary here?..04:37
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willPhr0stByte: is that the complete command(all 1 command?)04:37
Gwildormir, i am04:38
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Gwildorplasmo, thnx04:38
aaroncukthe cursor is flashing but its not doing alot04:38
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Phr0stBytewill: no04:38
(mir/#ubuntu) Gwildor: Any serious problems ?04:38
Phr0stBytewill: three seperate commands04:38
Gwildormir, evolution is broke04:38
Gwildortopyli, i fibbed, its not empty :)04:38
kensaiis ubuntuforums.org down?04:38
rizGwildor,  is that it? Does'nt it like screw up everything, like X sever?04:39
topyliGwildor: found the real file now?04:39
Gwildormir,  thats about it, that i can find, but im a newb04:39
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(mir/#ubuntu) Gwildor: I can live with for a couple of weeks04:39
Gwildorriz, nope04:39
Gwildorriz, didnt for me04:39
Matt|evolution works fine here04:39
plasmoyeah i think the forums is down04:39
Gwildortopyli, yup, got the REAL file04:39
(mir/#ubuntu) Gwildor: Maybee I should try it.. Anyone else with experiance from Hoary?....04:39
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willPhr0stByte: whats a good c complier?04:39
Matt|mir, yeah it's fine04:40
tom`I have a monitor that squeals when under X (but not when sleeping or when at a console). Any chance fiddling with XF86Config could fix this? (the squealing seems to have started since moving from debian sid to ubuntu)04:40
topyliriz: it works right now except for evo, but you never know what will break tomorrow :)04:40
plasmojust apt-get install build-essential04:40
Phr0stBytewill: g++04:40
RubenVwill: gcc ;)04:40
plasmoall the stuff u need for compiling04:40
Matt|what's all this about evolution? it's working fine04:40
riztopyli, ah ok, I thought I read in the forums of people updating and having to install Warty again04:40
Gwildormir, i dont use evolution, so i dont mind, and sed was broken a few days ago, but fixed quickly04:40
Matt|Gwildor, goddammit evolution is working fine04:40
Gwildorriz, only time i have to re-install is when i try the binarydrive wiki howto04:41
topyliriz: depends on what qualifies as "broken" for you04:41
(mir/#ubuntu) Gwildor: I will give it a try.... Thanks04:41
GwildorMatt|, i didnt know, someone else said that a bit ago, i dont use it, was just relaying info04:41
Matt|Gwildor, no it's fine04:41
rizgwildor, topyli: is there a performance increase? Or significant advantages in upgrading?04:41
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GwildorMatt|, hoary?, i will maek a note to tell ppl when they ask04:41
Matt|riz, not really. The advantages are that you get recent packages04:42
willwhat has happened to Evolution in hoary?04:42
Matt|will, nothing it's fine04:42
willworks 4 me!04:42
Matt|will, just the rumour mongerers ;)04:42
topyliriz: i'll upgrade my production boxen only once gnome is stable. otherwise i don't care really04:42
Gwildorriz, i lost a few fps, but im too scared to mees with X to fix it04:42
Phr0stBytetopyli: here here!04:42
rizah ok, when will suport and new packages for warty be dropped completly?04:43
ermoMatt|, is evo still in C in hoary?04:43
topyliwill: evolution crashes sometimes. and imap is b0rken too. or that was the situation when i downgraded :)04:43
Gwildorriz, 18 months?, or is that just security?04:43
Matt|ermo, huh?04:43
willthis ./configure is taking ages!04:43
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) riz: 18 months for security, new pakages etc arent done at all now and all work goes on in hoary04:43
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) will: alo tof them do04:44
plasmowill : lol04:44
rizGwildor, I meant generally, as in all update, security and tohers04:44
paul__I am unable to find xorg.config or any config files in X11 where I can set my screen res!? Any ideas04:44
willso is ./configure related to the dir im in?04:44
Gwildorriz, seems that only security updates for warty now, everything else goes in hoary04:44
plasmoprobli you are running xfree86 then04:44
willand what does it do???04:44
ermoMatt|, nevermind. I was referring to the fact that evo will be ported to C#/Mono in due time.04:44
Matt|ermo, you have to ask the developers about that04:44
ermoMatt|, roger.04:45
rizcool, thanks for your help everybody! bye, ps Ubuntu rocks!04:45
topyliriz: in 18 months from warty release, you must upgrade04:45
riztopyli, as in a forced upgrade?04:45
topyliyes. no more bux fixes04:45
plasmono more support :)04:45
rizmakes sense04:45
topylibug even04:45
Gwildortopyli, riz, dont have too, just that is the end of the line for warty04:46
topyliGwildor: of course, you can continue patching packages yourself :)04:46
Gwildortopyli, yes, i just wanted riz to be clear that he doesnt HAVE to , as in he is not being forced, he has a choice04:47
topyliGwildor: sure. it's hadrer to keep patching windows 95 than an old linux distro =)04:47
topyliharder that is04:48
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ermotopyli, and a lot more pointless.04:49
paul__OK, I am still lost with the sreen res.  /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 lsit all the relevant screen resolution options and it is not clear where I should change anything yet the GUI tool only gives me an option between 800x600 and 640x480?04:49
Gwildortopyli, i understand, just wanted riz to be clear04:50
Gwildortopyli, he asked FORCED UPGRADE, and you said YES, but its not really forced04:50
Gwildorall done04:50
topyliGwildor: sure. there's no quarrel here, we're nitpicking really :)04:50
Gwildortopyli, good, i hate to feel like im arguing :)04:51
aaroncuk grr trying to reinstall ubuntu and its stcuk on the setting up python-newt line.. cursor is bliking but it aint doing anything04:51
plasmoadd in other resolutions "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" etc04:51
topyliGwildor: hehe. me too, particularly whan i'm supposedly not :)04:52
Gwildortopyli, exaclty, i didnt think we were, but i dint want you too04:52
plasmoaaroncuk : maybe a corupt cd :/04:52
aaroncukive installed ok from it before.. its got past the main install its just installing all the files that its downloaded04:53
topyliGwildor: we're so friendly it04:53
topyli's sickening =)04:53
=== SteveA [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildoraaroncuk, is it a downloaded file, or was that on the disk?, maybe hter is a dirty spot on the disk04:54
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aaroncukeek! i dont want to install it again lol!04:55
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Gwildorim on #504:55
aaroncukthis will be 3 today lol04:55
=== aaroncuk cries
=== tost [~tost@pD9ECB0D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildorwhat do you do to break your install?04:55
Gwildorhi hi04:55
tosthello guys, i wanted to install ubuntu linux...04:56
Gwildortost, do it04:56
plasmodo it.. do it..04:56
tostyeah but i need any informations about it...04:56
Gwildorask away04:56
Gwildorwere all friends here04:56
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tostyeah great community i see04:56
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Gwildori guess you could start at www.ubuntu.com, bring any further questions here04:57
tosti need a good faq (maybe in german) or is this in topic really good ?04:57
plasmoahhh german04:57
Gwildorsite is in english,04:57
tosti have no idea, what ubuntu is , so i need some help ;-)04:57
plasmowww.ubuntuusers.de/ for you germans out there04:57
Gwildorthere you go04:58
tostah thx plasmo04:58
tostwhats the newest version ?04:58
plasmohoary is in development04:58
Gwildorhoary is usable though04:58
=== tom` [~user@h000502a6bd06.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
jyssewhat's wrong with ubuntuforums ?04:59
plasmoit seems down04:59
tostubuntu is based on debian ? am i right ?04:59
Gwildorthey still unoficial?, or do they get conocial support now?05:00
pl0vsGwildor, unoficial05:00
tostbut i hope it's easier then debian ;-)05:00
Gwildormaybe thats why they are down, they are moving to canocial?05:00
tom`Somehow X got fubared. I can't seem to find any useful error messages, but gdm never loads -- /etc/init.d/start gdm gets me a blank screen with the X cursor and an error message about X already running. Can anyone help?05:00
topyliGwildor: canonical support is commercial. they don't want to bother with forums i guess05:01
Gwildortost, only my second distro, its great, been with linux for about 2 monnths05:01
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topylitost: ubuntu is dead easy05:01
tostah ok, i use mdk, and i wanted to install ubuntu on another partition05:01
Gwildortost, go for it05:01
Phr0stBytetost: I am a 4 year Mandrake user and am quite happy with Ubuntu05:02
Gwildortost, must say though, im not leaving05:02
tostyeah yeah keep cool, i'll test it of course05:02
plasmoim pretty new to linux. about half a year now05:02
=== Phr0stByte is a MandrakeClub member...
plasmoubuntu seems good :)05:02
ermoplasmo, it not only *seems* good. It *is* good. (I'm on my ... oh dear ... 6th year?)05:03
tostPhr0stByte, i wanted to be a club-member, but i doesn't earn lots of money ;-)05:03
Gwildorermo, getting up there?05:03
tom`plasmo: Yep, it took me over a week to fubar my ubuntu system, which is better than what I'd do with most :)05:03
topylitost: i've used mandrake myself since about 7.005:03
Phr0stBytetost: Heh05:03
ermoGwildor, apparently...05:03
plasmoyeah i started out with some live cd distro. then with suse 9.1 . now into ubuntu05:04
tostwhat kernel and kde did it use ?05:04
topylitost: then again, i've used debian for a long time too so i don't really know what a mandrake -> ubuntu transition feels like05:04
ermoguess that means I have a habit. And I once swore to me mum that I'd never get hooked. Oh blimey.05:04
tostkeep cool i install ubuntu of course ^^05:04
tom`yellowdog (redhatish) -> debian -> ubuntu for me. which means ubuntu basically feels to me like debian-done-right.05:05
topylitost: kernel i don't remember. i guess we had 2.2 already. kde was 1.2 iirc05:05
ermotom`, more like 'debian with a sense of direction'. Debian _is_ done right.05:05
Gwildortost, i dont have kde installed so i cant say the version, and im on hoary, gnome is default05:05
Hitch-HikerI thought Suse 9.1 was quite good for a newbie, just a bit of a Fisher Price feel though05:05
tost warty-release-install-i386.iso            20-Oct-2004 01:35  523M             <--- this one ?05:05
Tomcat_which means ubuntu basically feels to me like debian-done-right. <--- my words :)05:06
nonajmeslackware -> gentoo -> debian -> gentoo -> ubuntu for me05:06
topyliGwildor: i think he's asking about the kde in mandrake 7.0 :)05:06
Phr0stByteHitch-Hiker: nice description!05:06
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Gwildorhitch-hikerm thats why i can to ubuntu, i wanted something easy to learn on, but something that i could feel happy with forever05:06
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Hitch-HikerThx :)05:07
Gwildortopyli, oh,.......sorry05:07
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Hitch-HikerYep, same here05:07
Hitch-HikerReally like ubuntu05:07
=== PotajiTo [PotaJep0w3@31.Red-80-35-118.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hitch-HikerI've ugraded my repsositories to hoary05:08
tostcan i install the deb pakets from debian ?05:08
Phr0stBytetost: My job payed for it05:08
Hitch-Hikerand updated05:08
Karnaughtost: yes of course..05:08
topyliu-BUN-tooo! we're quite a sweet bunch of fanboys aren't we :)05:08
Karnaughtost: ooh-boon-to actualy05:09
m00seKarnaugh, not 'of course', sometimes debian packages won't work05:09
plasmooh i thought it was U BUN Toe05:09
Karnaughm00se: why not?05:09
tom`I tried to update firefox because it was crashing a goodbit. I believe that's what fubared my X. I'm not trying a massive downgrade of everything back to warty. After all, I went from sid to ubuntu so I could have a semblance of stability.05:09
onestephi... just installed to HD . Sound doesn't work, screen resolution doesn't give option of 1024x768, and my 'other' partition hde1 isn't displayed and won't mount. Any help would be appreciated!05:09
Karnaughplasmo: nope05:09
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m00sebecause some libs can have different versions in ubuntu and in debian05:10
Hitch-Hikeronestep: son't panic, it's all fixable  . . .  .. just not by me :(05:10
Karnaughm00se: dpkg should resolve that05:10
tostbut i can't imagine that the .iso is just 500mb big05:10
onestepI'm a linux NOOB so it's all beyond me too!05:11
m00seKarnaugh, lets say you want package foo from debian which depends on libbar05:11
usualwas the gnome screenshot app removed from hoary05:11
usualor is it a bug05:11
onestepIt all worked soooooooooooo well on the Live disc05:11
m00sebut debian has libbar 1.0 and ubuntu 0.9, chances are foo won't work05:11
Hitch-HikerHange around here and your problems will be answered . . . sometime05:11
plasmoits move in gnome util or something. itll be fixed soon i guess05:11
Karnaughm00se: err, so update libbar?05:12
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Hitch-HikerOnestep: have you installed Grub to HDA1?05:12
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onestepWell I hope so, I really don't want to do another 2 hour install! ...lol05:12
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m00sekarakth, but then you'll need libbar from debian, and it may need some other libs from debian too05:12
Karnaughm00se: are you telling me that Ubuntu has its own separate apt mirror?05:12
flodinwhere can I browse the packages available in ubuntu?05:12
onestepgrub installed on MBR05:12
Karnaughm00se: with its own package maintainers and everything?05:12
plasmowell kinda05:12
topylitost: ubuntu is a compact system by default. hence, no cds 2-705:13
m00seKarnaugh, yes05:13
Karnaughm00se: why?05:13
Hitch-HikerOk, I'm assuming you have a dual partition with windows05:13
m00sehoary is more or less tracking debian versions05:13
onestepYes I do05:13
Hitch-Hikerand your in ubuntu now05:13
tosttopyli, yeah but 500mb is not so much05:13
tom`onestep: To see if ubuntu saw your harddrive, you might try dmesg | grep 'hd[a-z] ' and see what shows up.05:13
m00seKarnaugh, because Ubunto is not Debian :)05:13
onestepyes i'm in ubuntu05:13
Karnaughm00se: its heavily based on it isnt it?05:13
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m00seit is05:14
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m00sebut it's not identical05:14
Hitch-Hikerget a console up and type sudo fdisk -l05:14
Karnaughso what exactly is different?05:14
Karnaughthat would effect a package05:14
topylitost: hmm. base system, X, gnome, openoffice, firefox. no games. do the math :)05:14
m00seKarnaugh, depends on the package05:14
Karnaughrather a waste to track the debian mirrors, why not just make it cross compatible05:14
m00sesome ubuntu packages have ubuntu specific patches applied, others don't05:14
tostubuntu use gnome ?05:15
plasmotoat: yes05:15
m00seKarnaugh, but then ubuntu would be debian so it would be pointless05:15
Karnaughtost: no, its teh default, feel free to remove it and use what you like05:15
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Karnaughm00se: exactly05:15
topyliKarnaugh: it's what they support though05:15
m00seKarnaugh, i had this problem with warty05:16
tostKarnaugh, ah ok .05:16
m00sei installed galeon form debian05:16
topylim00se: why05:16
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m00sebut then new version of galeon entered debian, but it was compiled against newer version of mozilla which wasn't avaialable in ubuntu05:16
plasmosleep time ^^;'05:17
Karnaughm00se: and what stoped you from updating mozilla from the debian packages?05:17
flodinwhat is the current version of gnome in ubuntu?05:17
m00seKarnaugh, i was iafraid it'll break something05:18
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m00sesome other mozilla deps05:18
onestepI see hde1 listed, but not sure what to do with info05:18
Hitch-Hikeronestep: when you boot up, does grub give you an option to boot to windows?05:18
onestepyes i get option to boot into windows05:18
Hitch-Hikerbut it doesn't work?05:18
aaroncukok its jammed again!! not good05:19
onestepi can boot into windows. that not the problem. from ubuntu i can't access the windows partition05:19
Hitch-Hikerthats not such a problem05:19
tostnow i download the 500mb file with wget05:19
onestephard tell'in, not know'in !05:19
aaroncukdoes ubuntu totally format the drive on install.. could it be something from a previous install causing my system to just stop installing?05:19
melaniemy synaptic icon disappeared. how can i get it back?05:20
tom`onestep: What format is your windows partition?05:20
onestepfat 3205:21
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Xamuskhello there05:21
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Xamuskdo you know which one is the most updated right now: ubuntu live or gnoppix?05:22
Hitch-Hikerjust need to edit the /etc/fstab file05:22
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onestepwith the live cd i was able to access the windows partition, but with hardrive install i can't05:22
melanieXamusk: take a look at distrowatch.com05:23
Hitch-Hikerso your windows partition is hde105:23
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tom`onestep: Have you tried something like... sudo /mnt/fat32 followed by sudo mount -t fat32 /dev/hde1 /mnt/fat32 (where X is the partition number of your windows partition)05:23
onestepyes windows is hde105:23
topyliXamusk: what do you want to be up to date? gnome?05:23
Hitch-Hikertom: would that add it to fstab too?05:24
tom`Hitch-Hiker: No -- that would let him know if it works. Then I'd add it to fstab :)05:24
Hitch-HikerOKie dokie05:24
onesteptom: i tried mount /dev/ hde1 /mnt/hdei05:24
tom`onestep: What happened?05:24
Hitch-Hikeryou need to create a directory first05:24
eruincursed be my inet connection05:24
Hitch-Hikerto mount over05:24
Hitch-Hikermkdir .mnt/hde105:25
Karnaughm00se: I see now, sorry.05:25
Hitch-Hikermkdir /mnt/hde105:25
onestephitch ihike: i'l;l try that05:25
=== eim has just installed Ubuntu on his x86 worksations. Works fine.
Hitch-Hikerthen mount it05:25
Hitch-Hikeras tom said05:25
Xamusktopyli: things in general... cause both are already using gnome 2.8... I'd like xorg too05:26
Xamuskit's a pity none have blender installed05:26
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tom`Hitch-Hiker: So is ubuntu supposed to do all this automagically? I notice it can magically handle my memory sticks... but for my zip drive, I had to add an fstab entry. Perhaps the same goes for windows?05:26
=== the_one [~x@kotivayla-134-170.tikkacom.fi] has joined #ubuntu
topyliXamusk: dunno. ubuntu is probably the better desktop, with more packages available05:27
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the_oneI have a big problem with my desktop05:27
Hitch-Hikerdifferent distos handle it differently ;)05:27
tom`the_one: explain...05:27
=== Karnaugh [~karnaugh@chthon.slipgate.za.net] has joined #ubuntu
eimAnyone in here using Ubuntu GNU/Linux on server systems? I'm considering Warty as a replacement for Woody.05:27
XamuskI'm using debian sid right now... I wanted a good live-cd to use in my vacation05:27
the_onewhen I login it says that it has detected a panel running, and it doesn't show the gnome panels anymore05:28
the_oneluckilly I had some shorcuts to xchat on the desktop05:28
Xamuskwhat? ubuntu uses xorg?05:29
the_oneI just changed some safe settings in gconf after installing some new themes..05:29
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the_onehow do I force the panels to appear05:29
Xamuskdoes ubuntu have k3b? it doesnt appear in distrowatch05:30
Hitch-HikerThe fix was to start a terminal (right click on desktop, "open terminal") and run the command "gnome-panel". They started up again fine ... I checked "Computer|Desktop Preferences|Sessions|Current Session" and scrolled down to confirm that "gnome-panel" has the Style "restart" ... so I stopped the command-line panels (by hitting ctrl-C in the terminal) and the panels vanished, and restarted happily.05:31
the_onexamusk: you can install it later, k3b is not installed by default05:31
Hitch-Hikerfrom the ubuntu website05:31
Hitch-Hikeron panels05:31
Xamuskthe_one: and what is the default cd-burner?05:31
the_onehitch-hiker: will try it your way..05:32
Hitch-HikerNot my way - the ubuntu way  ;o)05:32
the_oneit says: I've detected a panel already running, and will now exit05:32
tom`the_one: THat happens to me occasionally -- the panel thing. I just do a killall gnome-panel and then relogin :)05:32
Hitch-Hikerkill it05:33
the_onewhere's my shotgun...05:33
=== theine [~theine@x1-6-00-11-24-09-2f-60.k217.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu
the_onesudo killall05:33
Hitch-Hikerkillall gnome-panel05:34
theineWhat's the recommend way of installing real player on ubuntu?05:34
Hitch-Hikerwith sudo probably05:34
Xamuskok... I'm opting for ubuntu05:34
onestepTom / Hitch-Hiker: thanks for the mount help.. it worked! Now, how do I add this to gnomes "computer place" as an icon to mount / unmount ?05:34
the_onesudo killall gnome-panel05:34
Hitch-Hikeryou could mount it atomatically at boot05:34
eimmirak: And? unison works fine?05:34
Xamuskdoes ubuntu support pt_br, like debian?05:34
Hitch-Hikerjust edit /etc/fstab05:34
tom`onestep: Add a line to fstab and it will automatically show up.05:34
the_onehey, it worked!05:35
onestepadd hde1 to it?05:35
the_onebtw, can this happen frequently? any idea why?05:35
Hitch-Hikersee the format of the other lines in the file05:35
tom`onestep: The easiest way is just to copy one of the preexisting lines and paste. Then change it to hde1, the mount point you want, and change ext3 to fat3205:35
onestepoh-k i'm gonna try that... THANKS!05:35
tom`the_one: I've had it happen now and again. No idea why, but i believe it's usually been after I've done an update.05:36
topylieim: i use unison every day, no problem05:36
Xamuskgonna try it05:36
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eimtopyli: Yes, me too. mirak just asked for such a tool before. I use unison to sync my home between my iBook and my x86 workstation.05:36
the_onethank y'all05:36
Hitch-Hikerno probs05:37
topylieim: ah. i use it to sync the desktops of my work and home boxen05:37
the_onewhat a nice thing can our community be :)05:37
topyliover ssh05:37
=== Vince-0_Linux [~Vince-0@nps-ip-nas-1-p173.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
tom`Ah -- finally. I got X back! Word to the wise -- don't try to upgrade just a few pieces to hoary. It's not pretty :)05:38
the_onesee you later05:38
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PotajiToi've only updated xorg from hoary and it works nice tom`05:38
eimtopyli: I'm considering to use also rsync to sync my stuff but AFAIK rsync has no support for syncing 'both-ways'.05:38
tom`PotajiTo: Well - I'm glad it worked for you :)05:39
PotajiTowhat was your problem?05:39
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PotajiToi updated to xorg and then installed the nvidia drivers05:39
PotajiTovia apt05:39
Hitch-Hikerare you suppossed to reinstall the ATI graphics drivers after updating to Xorg?05:39
tom`PotajiTo: Not sure what went wrong here, but it was easier to revert than to sniff it out. X stopped starting. No useful error messages that I could find. I had just updated firefox and everything it pulled with it. Then I tried updating to Xorg to no avail.05:39
Vince-0_Linuxhow do I get more apps (like XMMS) into my new Ubuntu ?05:40
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Matt|Hitch-Hiker, it depends05:40
tom`Vince-0_Linux: synaptic or aptitude.05:40
PotajiTowhat is aptitude?05:40
Hitch-Hikerhave you update your apt repositories Vince?05:40
Vince-0_Linuxtom: its all foreign to me05:40
Vince-0_LinuxHitch-Hiker : how ?05:40
Matt|Vince-0, yeah you can use synaptic to add applications, and you need to add repositories using the "settings" menu05:40
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topylieim: i believe rsync will get confused if both ends have changes05:41
eimtopyli: Yes.05:41
algeanyone using skype on ubuntu?05:41
tom`Vince-0_Linux: Synaptic Package Manager is a tool under the Computer menu that will make it all do-able through the preferences menus.05:41
Vince-0_Linuxtom: I am in GNOME, i see no settings menu05:41
algeor for that matter is anyone using skype on any linux?05:41
Matt|alge, no but i've heard it works05:42
Matt|Vince-0, do this. Go to "Computer" --> System Configuration --> Synaptic05:42
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Vince-0_LinuxMatt : shot son05:42
algeI guess I'm in need of help with ubuntu's sound system?05:42
Matt|Vince-0, then go to "Settings" --> Repositories and enable the universe repository.05:42
Matt|Vince-0, then click ok, and click "Reload" and then you can look for all the apps you like05:43
eimIs there a special Ubuntu PPC channel anywhere like #debian-ppc? Thanks.05:43
theineis it possible to tune helix player to play real audio and video?05:43
Hitch-HikerVince-0 : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17905:44
Hitch-HikerWeb forums are back up05:44
Vince-0_Linuxshot alot doods05:44
topylitheine: you need real player05:44
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eimHow can I reinstall grub? grub-install /dev/hda?05:47
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Vince-0_LinuxSo what is this synaptic reload thing downloading ?05:49
topyliVince-0_Linux: it does 'apt-get update'. it updates the package info so that apt knows what is available05:50
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melaniehow do i have to install mod_mono?05:50
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topylieim: i'm not sure but grub has names like "hd(0,0)"05:53
eimtopyli: There's a grub map file which maps this to /dev/hda or else.05:53
topylieim: ah. well, so far i've never even tried to understand grub-fu05:54
eimtopyli: grub-install /dev/hda should be the solution. I've just to test it.05:54
mirakeim: I realised that unisson must be installed on both side, unfortunely I don't own the root rights on the other side (and the admin is a loser)05:55
eimmirak: You cold eventually compile it from source and install in ~/bin05:56
mirakeim: I will try to do a user install05:56
eimmirak: As far as you're in any case only syncing user-files and user-level running unison session should suffice.05:56
topylimirak: yes, ./configure --prefix=$HOME/lib or something05:56
eimmirak: s/and/an/05:56
algeeim-grub has a command line interface05:57
eimalge: Yes, I know.05:57
algeU can use that to replace you MBR if something like Windows trashed it05:57
algewhat do u mean by re-install05:58
eimalge: ok05:58
algeupdate a boot menu, or re-write the MBR05:58
eimalge: Update the boot menu.06:00
algethats much easyier06:00
balubaunrar is there in restricted?06:00
melaniehow can i find out which apache server version is running?06:00
algeedit /boot/grub/menu.lst06:00
eimalge: Fine. Thanks.06:00
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algeread the comments06:00
eimmelanie: dpkg -l |grep apache06:01
algethere is an auto config setcion, only edit above or below the markers06:01
topylibaluba: either that or multiverse. i think you want unrar-nonfree (better, and more evil)06:01
algeor it'll wipe out your changes if U update your kernel06:01
balubatopyli, i guess too06:02
algekeep in mind that u do-not have to rewright the MBR after you edit06:02
algegrub just reads the menu file on re-boot06:03
algemuch better then LILO :-)06:03
eimalge: Fine. Thanks. What about software RAID support in GRUB? Can GRUB boot from /dev/md* devices?06:03
melanieeim: i have different versions. 1.3.33 and 2.0.5206:03
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melanieeim: how can i get rid of the old one?06:04
eimmelanie: This means you've installed booth 1.3.x and 2.0.x versions.06:04
=== AnonBlonde [~kaya@dsl81-215-63114.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
algegrub doesnt make very many distintions for different device types, like linux06:04
melanieeim: looks like06:04
AnonBlondehellooo everyone06:04
eimmelanie: dpkg --purge apache-1.3.33 (Or similiar).06:04
AnonBlondei want to know when where the x.org will be put for warthy-06:05
mamo_hello everybody06:05
mamo_one question:06:05
algeeverything is eigther an (hd) or and (fd)06:05
algeas far as I know06:05
mamo_what are the differences between ubuntu and debian?06:05
eimAnonBlonde: AFAIK x.org is not yet available for Warty.06:05
AnonBlondei've been updating apt-get everyday, just to see if they've replaced it06:05
algemamo Ubuntu is a fork06:05
AnonBlondeeim: arent they replacing it06:05
AnonBlondeeim: so they can put it to repositories for the ones who want to try06:06
Hitch-HikerAnonBlonde: it's in the new hoary release06:06
AnonBlondeor is there a way to try?06:06
mamo_do they use quite all the deb that are used in debian06:06
gen_yea anonblonde, if you want to "try" stuff, go hoary06:06
topylimamo_: support, regular releases, gnome-love, randy artwork06:06
algenot bound to the same - they use there own repositories so the packeage you install can be different from the Debian one06:06
mamo_if I use ubuntu, can I use without problem all the deb package?06:06
eimAnonBlonde: Would be nice. But I think it's not yet available for Warty.06:07
Hitch-Hikerrandy artwork ?  where?   :)06:07
algethey said the will releae bug - free every 6 months06:07
unikumhow do i change from utf8 to iso-8859-1?06:07
algenot 2-3 years...maybee06:07
topylimamo_: i wouldn't install glibc from debian. but some packages behave nicely. most of it is in ubuntu universe though06:07
AnonBlondeeim: actually xfree is the only thing that bugs me :) so i thought maybe, in a month or like, while they're updating packages they may also put the x.org binaries too06:07
melanieeim: i got rid of it. but it seems that apache 2.0 does not run right now. what do i have to do?06:08
Hitch-HikerDon't think warty will get any new updates now except for security fixes06:08
kristjananybody experienced in wireless access point configuration (WEP keys...)06:08
eimmelanie: Try to remove and reinstall apache 2.0 -- This should add the init.d files correctly.06:08
Hitch-Hikerkristjan: I've experienced the pain  ;)06:08
topyliHitch-Hiker: heh. ubuntu-calendar, ubuntu circle gdm theme etc. it doesn't qualify as wery randy here in europe though =)06:08
kristjanHitch-Hiker: don't scare me ;)06:08
eimAnonBlonde: What bugs you about XFree 4.3.0?06:09
algeshoot kristjan?06:09
melanieeim: do i have to restart my machine after that?06:09
kristjanjust a sec06:09
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AnonBlondeeim: the fonts! i put new fonts but they don't look like they do with x.org or xfree before 4.3 - they look very very ugly06:09
Hitch-Hikerdon't remember seeing those themes06:09
eimmelanie: No, don't think so.06:09
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eimAnonBlonde: Which fonts?06:10
AnonBlondeeim: and i'm fed up with this Sans, it's the only one that looks OK. nothing else06:10
AnonBlondeeim: TTF06:10
melanieeim: and do you also know how to install mod-mono on this apache version?06:10
kristjanidirect q: if I set the 4 keys for wep, do i have to set all four the same in the client station?06:10
eimAnonBlonde: apt-get install msttcorefonts06:10
topyliHitch-Hiker: you have to install them gdm-themes, ubuntu-calendar iirc06:10
Hitch-Hikerok, ta.06:10
Hitch-Hikerthought I had06:10
eimmelanie: No, idea sorry. Check mono on Debian's alioth (Search on Google about it).06:10
=== topyli goes to buy some beer while it's still weekend
Hitch-Hikerbut I'm not on my ubuntu box now so can't check06:11
kristjanHitch-Hiker: alge: any suggestions?06:11
eimtopyli: Is already drinking his daily beer.06:11
algewel WEP only will use one of the four key formats, but they need to match across all devices06:11
Hitch-Hikerwep keys have to be the same on client and access point, I'm think06:11
kristjanthe default key?06:11
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melanieeim: ok, thanks. i searched about 3 hours now. but didn't got it to work06:11
amathishow do you install .deb's that are not in apt-get sources?06:12
algewhat are you using ASCII, or HEX06:12
kristjanor all of them?06:12
Juerdamathis: dpkg -i file.deb06:12
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algepick One06:12
eimmelanie: Try to write to ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com -- Maybe someone can help.06:12
kristjani would probably use ascii since it's easier reentering....06:12
Hitch-Hikerif it connects wirelessly then it has to have the same wep key06:12
eimmelanie: What are you going to do with mod_mono?06:12
kristjananyhow, have both options.06:12
algereally it doesn't matter unless U have some wanky device that only supports x...06:12
=== RubenV [~lambda1@83-134-126-137.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
melanieeim: i'm very new to ubuntu. how should the e-mail format looks like when i write to ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com? i try to get asp.net projects work on apache.06:13
kristjanso if i set the default key to x and others to z, i can have the client with key (only one shows in network settings) x and will connect?06:13
AnonBlondeany http iso mirror for hoary? by the way, eim, downloading fonts, but i think the problem is with the Xfree because i've manually added some of these to .fonts and the result is no better .. :)06:14
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kristjanin order not to flood 2much if anybody could explain the WEP and wifi business, please private chat me.06:14
eimmelanie: It's a mailing list so just try to be clean while describing your problems and asking for help.06:15
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=== SirG3 [~Joe@syr-24-59-91-123.twcny.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pisukeanyone knows about freenet packages for ubuntu?06:15
eimmelanie: Any successes (On other distros) with Apache and asp.net projects?06:15
melanieeim: ok. do you know how to save this chat conversation to a file?06:15
melanieeim: no. i only tried it on ubuntu06:16
eimmelanie: Depends on your IRC client.06:16
melanieeim: x-chat06:16
eimmelanie: Do you need this kind of stuff for business?06:16
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eimmelanie: No idea with x-chat sorry. irssi over here.06:16
SirG3Anyone know how I'd put yaboot back my iMac? I was installing OS 9 to test Mac on Linux and it overwrote it ><06:16
melanieeim: no. just wondering if such projects work on linux06:16
JuerdUbuntu installes a LOT of python stuff06:16
JuerdWhat is this used for?06:16
eimSirG3: Install to the MBR with ybin -v -v06:17
JuerdAnd could anything be done about the installation? The python packages together take as long as the non-python packages.06:17
skarhi, got to visit some site, which accepts only IE, how do i change firefox to say its IE?06:17
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eimmelanie: I understand. I really suggest you PHP. asp.net is 100% crap.06:17
balubaJuerd, it aims to be a python develpment platform06:17
eimmelanie: Don't waste time with it.06:17
m00semelanie, right click in a window and choose window->save text06:17
Juerdbaluba: Wow. That I wouldn't have guessed. I thought it aimed at end users.06:18
Agrajagskar: http://extensionroom.mozdev.org/more-info/useragentswitcher06:18
JuerdNot developers06:18
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Agrajagskar: out of curiosity, what site is it?06:18
eimbaluba: Good to know. I'm aproaching to Python. It's a supreme language.06:18
melaniem00se: thank you!06:18
eruinbrowser sniffing sucks06:18
m00semelanie, np06:18
JuerdDoes it aim at Python developers in other ways than just having loads of python packages installed?06:18
Agrajag$5 says it's a bank06:18
skaragrajag:oh, thanx, will try it06:18
AgrajagIf it is your bank, you should complain to them06:19
eimbaluba: Till now I've developed much with Perl. I've started a project on SF.net called pySend. Have to write to code for it anyway.06:19
AgrajagLEt them know that not everyone has/can use IE06:19
melaniem00se: oh it looks like there is no formatting in06:19
skarAgrajag: yup, your rite on target06:19
=== BKNEC\ [~ppp_74@user86.c217-10-116.citynet.nu] has joined #ubuntu
balubaJuerd, developers like to be treated as end-users wherever is possible :)06:19
skarAgrajag:they seem to think IE/Windoze are the only software combo06:19
eruinMy bank tells users to get firefox06:19
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mikedohello, can someone help me to have sound when I use skype06:20
m00semelanie, yes, it's plain text only06:20
skarAgrajag:so much for stupidity06:20
BKNEC\hi all. Can someone help me with a question please?06:20
eimmikedo: What is skype? I can't find it on Warty.06:20
SirG3eim: how would I go about that? I'm booted into Ubuntu (kinda?) through the CD because I can't boot into Linux because it boots into OS X because yaboot got overridden06:20
eimeruin: I have just the CLI here at the moment. No GUI browser, sorry.06:21
mikedohelps you to talk to people around06:21
m00seeim, skype is closed source VoIP app06:21
mikedotalk free through net06:21
eimm00se: Based upon SIP?06:21
m00seeim, dunno06:21
eimmikedo: Nice, I've used netmeeting or openh323 since now.06:21
eruinI wonder which kde theme they're using on their screenshot06:22
eruinI've never seen a kde window look nice before06:22
eimmikedo: They're based upon the H323 proto. Not SIP.06:22
balubaeim, i don't think skype is SIP, gaimphone is it06:22
eimbaluba: You're right, yes.06:22
mikedowhat is H323?06:22
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eimbaluba: I once installed gaimphone, seems really nice.06:22
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eimbaluba: Do you develop in Python?06:23
mikedoseems that I can here others but they cannot06:23
balubaphonegaim sorry06:23
balubaeim, no06:23
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eruineim, you could install links if you're gonna be all in that non-gui mood :P06:25
mikedopl0vs, privet06:25
eimeruin: Here is also w3m for this.06:26
eimeruin: I prefere Mozilla-Browser.06:26
eruinI think my system is asphyxiated whenever I fire up mozillabrowser :P06:27
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=== topyli looks up a new word
mikedodoes anybody know a programm to record sounds with microphone06:27
eimeruin: Works fine here (iBook and x86 workstation).06:27
genahh azureus is using 400mb of ram after being up a few days, nice memory leak06:27
onestepHello again!... I created a folder /mnt/hde1 to allow me to mount my windows partition. How do I now add hde1 as an icon to the 'Computer Place' window so that I can right click it and select 'mount volume' ?06:28
geneim, you dual booting with osx?06:28
Agrajagonestep: add it to /etc/fstab06:28
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onestepi did, rebooted, but it doesn't show up in the "computer place"06:29
dropstersomeone here have experience with wireless on ubuntu ??06:29
eimgen: Yes.06:29
geneim, which do you prefer ;)06:29
Agrajagonestep: what does running "sudo mount /mnt/hde1" tell you?06:29
eruinonestep: something like this in fstab: /dev/hda5       /media/win1     vfat    users,umask=000                 0        006:29
SirG3eim: how would I go about that ((12:17:08) eim: SirG3: Install to the MBR with ybin -v -v)? I'm booted into a shell through the CD because I can't boot into Linux because it boots into OS X because yaboot got overridden :-(06:29
geni must admit i like osx a lot06:29
eruinonestep, the users and umask stuff is what you need ;)06:30
eimgen: Auto-Answered question IMHO ;) Ubuntu (aka Debian) of course.06:30
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Agrajagexcept not, because it's ntfs, not vfat, and the mask should be 0222, not 00006:30
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) SirG3: if you hold the option button during boot you get a boot menu06:30
eruinwhy 0222 ?06:30
eimSirG3: You need to use the Ubuntu PPC CD to rescue boot to your linux partition.06:30
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) SirG3: you can choose for your linux partition there too06:30
geneim, i heard of issues with airport extreme, did you get it working?06:30
eruinand why readonly?06:30
Agrajagnot that it matters since you should be mounting it ro anyway06:30
eruinntfs write support is mature enough06:30
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Agrajageruin: uh06:30
Agrajagno it's not06:30
eimSirG3: Once turned on your Mac hold 'C' for CD-ROM boot.06:31
Agrajagyou can't create new files06:31
Hitch-Hikeronesteps windows partion is fat32 not ntfs06:31
Agrajagyou can't delete files06:31
eimgen: I own an iBook G3 with a 'normal' airport card which works fine.06:31
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geneim, ahh k06:31
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) eim: it's far easier to use the of boot menu to boot into linux06:31
Agrajagyou can only edit files that already exist, and you cannot change their size?06:31
AgrajagYou call that mature?06:31
SirG3eim: I am booted off of the Ubuntu CD...... and sjoerd: it doesn't show up :-/ just the button to boot off of OS X.......06:31
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) gen: normal airport works, airport extreme doesn't06:31
eruinAgrajag, um, I did that on my fedora box until I removed all win partitions06:31
geni see06:31
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(sjoerd/#ubuntu) SirG3: you need to wait for some time.. at least i did last time that worked06:32
onestepi entered it as : /dev/hde1       /mtn/hde1       fat32   defaults        0       006:32
eruinvfat, not fat3206:32
Agrajag /mtn/?06:32
Hitch-Hikerfat32 should be vfat06:32
genthink ae will work in time?06:32
SirG3sjoerd: no wait cursor...... and I don't hear any HDD activity....... how long should I wait?06:32
Agrajagonestep: does it actually say /mtn/hde1?06:32
Agrajagfix that06:32
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) SirG3: strange.. i guess you should go with eim's suggestion then06:32
onestepoh-k, i'll change fat32 to vfat06:32
FartClonefunny that ubuntu doesn't configure GRUB to multiboot during install06:32
Agrajagand why does it say fat32?06:32
Agrajagonestep: no06:32
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) SirG3: you get the harddisk icon wit an X next to it right06:32
Agrajagvfat is for FAT06:33
Agrajagyou want ntfs06:33
SirG3sjoerd: yep06:33
Hitch-Hikerbut its not ntfs06:33
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) gen: depends on broadcom, for now don't hold your breath :)06:33
AgrajagI thought he said it was, my mistake06:33
Agrajagyeah, vfat then06:33
RubenVi'm going to replace my broadcom by an IPW2200 i think06:33
FartCloneand that after logging out and trying to log in the .ICEauthority file can't be read so you can't log in06:33
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mikedodoes anybody know a programm to record sounds with microphone?06:34
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) SirG3: strange, maybe you need a newer of version for that to work... guess you should go for eim's solution then..06:34
eruinonestep, vfat instead of fat32, users,umask=000 instaed of default06:34
onestepmy hde1 is windows using fat32... do i change this to vfat?06:34
eimsjoerd: What Mac do you have?06:34
eruinif you want the drive to be useful that is06:34
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) eim: albook06:34
Agrajagonestep: yes, vfat is the filesystem you want06:34
onestepthank you Agrajag06:34
eimsjoerd: You mean iBook?06:34
Agrajagmikedo: gnome-sound-recorder06:34
Agrajagmikedo: or Audacity for more features06:34
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geneim, albook is the new gen powerbook06:34
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(sjoerd/#ubuntu) eim: no albook.. aluminium powerbook06:35
eimgen: Nice. MHz?06:35
genmeaning aluminum casing06:35
eimsjoerd: Got it.06:35
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oyajihi everyone06:35
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) eim: titanium powerbook, is the tibook (for completeness)06:35
mikedoAgrajag, ok I'll try06:35
SirG3eim: so what should I do? :-/06:35
eimsjoerd: Price?06:35
geneim, store.apple.com06:35
eimSirG3: Rescue boot your linux system and reinstall yaboot (MBR) via ybin.06:35
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) eim: see the apple store :) i've got the previous generation (1.25ghz 15")06:36
eimsjoerd: How much have `you` paid?06:36
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) eim: about 2500 euros06:36
eimsjoerd: ok06:36
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SirG3eim: erm, excuse my ignorance, rescue boot?06:38
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eimSirG3: Use the Ubuntu PPC install CD as boot resource to rescue your previous Linux installation. chroot to / and execute ybin.06:39
SirG3eim: ok, how would I mount the Ubuntu partition? I tried mount /dev/hda11 /mnt/ubuntu (after creating /mnt and /mnt/ubuntu)?06:39
KobrAstry to specify the type with -t06:40
KobrAsex. mount -t ext3 /dev/hda11 /mnt/ubuntu06:40
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SirG3KobrAs: sorry, should have said the error :-P, mount: Mounting /dev/hda11 on /mount/ubuntu failed: no such file or directory06:41
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eimSirG3: Should work if /dev/hda11 is your root partition.06:41
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tyranois there no ubuntu manual06:42
SirG3eim: it is, but  ls /dev/ doesn't show any hda.......06:42
chris_Hi, I updated  the latest updates in hoary and now xorg fails to load. Says it can't read the .ICEauthority file, yet it's in my home dir.06:42
KobrAsSirG3: fdisk -l what shows?06:43
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eimSirG3: That's strange. try dmes |grep hd and check if you've the kernel supports your hdd.06:43
chris_gdm starts up and I can put in my password and such, but then I get the error message and it logs me out06:44
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topylibillytwowilly: delete the file06:45
SirG3KobrAs: fdisk -l errors in: /bin/sh: fdisk: not found06:45
billytwowillytopyli: it says I also might be out of disk space. How do I check that from the command line?06:45
topylibillytwowilly: df -h06:45
SirG3eim | KobrAs: I booted off the CD, hit esc and got into a shell, that the proper way eh?06:45
billytwowillytopyli: lots of space. if I delete the file that won't mess up any configs or anything right?06:46
mikedoanybody knows how to work with audacity? I cannot record any sound, I get this message: PortAudio: read interrupted!06:46
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topylibillytwowilly: no, it's just a lock file that's somehow left there and has wrong permissions06:46
KobrAsSirG3: well if you removed the cd in installing process or in booting process it is a common thing to put you into a shell06:47
billytwowillymikedo: I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but esd (gnome sound system) is usually using the sound card. Maybe you have to tell audacity to use esd?06:47
mikedoI have PCI soundbalaster 1606:47
SirG3KobrAs: I didn't remove the cd :-/.,......06:47
billytwowillytopyli: hurray! it appears to have wored. Thank you06:47
mikedobillytwowilly, how do I tell that?06:47
eimSirG3: Yes.06:48
billytwowillymikedo: I don't know. I don't even know if that is the problem. I just know I had a problem with mplayer and it was solved by telling it to use esd with the -vo esd switch.06:48
topylibillytwowilly: good. i don't know why it sometimes happens but if you just switched X servers i'm not surprised06:48
billytwowillymikedo: err. -ao esd06:48
kristjanwhere does the network settings app (gnome/ubuntu) log messages about possible errors?06:48
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billytwowillytopyli: I switched a long time ago. I updated last night though.. I dunno, I'm just happy it works now;)06:49
mikedobillytwowilly, thanks I ll try06:49
billytwowillymikedo: I hope that helps you. Sorry for wasting your time if that isn't it;)06:49
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topylibillytwowilly: it has happened to me even after X bugfix upgrades in warty (and debian)06:49
Hikaru79For many of the "books" offered in the Ubuntu Repository such as "Grokking the GIMP", once you install the package, where do you go actually FIND the file?06:50
Hikaru79I tried 'locate', 'whereis' and 'which' for 'grokking-the-gimp' and nothing was returned06:50
billytwowillytopyli, That could be it. I can't remember what I updated last night. Again, thanks so much for helping me out.06:50
topylino problem at all06:50
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Vince-0_LinuxCan I get into my NTFS partition from Ubuntu ?06:52
SirG3eim: *sigh* I have no clue why I can't mount that partition!06:52
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Matt|what was the way to check if dma is enabled or not again?06:53
usualhdparm -d06:53
Vince-0_LinuxHow do i get into my NTFS partition ?06:53
usualsee wiki06:53
Matt|thanks usual06:54
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Matt|usual, how do I get it set up to always be enabled?06:54
billytwowillyanyone know what .rev files are?06:56
tyranohow do i install rpms or deb packages if rpm doesnt let me :|06:56
Matt|tyrano, you can install deb packages with dpkg -i06:56
tyranoand rpms?06:56
Matt|tyrano, don't bother with rpms06:56
tyranobut latest version of nmap is rpm06:57
tyranonot deb06:57
Matt|tyrano, i'm sure you can find a deb06:57
zenwhenrpm's are poison06:57
zenwhenwould you drink poison06:57
Matt|tyrano, or make it from source06:57
geni'd drink poison06:57
zenwhenoh you06:57
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Matt|how do I get DMA set up to always be enabled for my hdc drive?06:57
zenwhenstop bucking the system or you're in for a spanking06:57
genuh oh06:58
tyranoso is there a manual06:58
tyranobesides a friggin wiki :/06:58
Vince-0_LinuxHow do I get into my NTFS partition ?06:58
Matt|tyrano, what for?06:58
Matt|Vince-0, you have to mount it06:58
tyranofor ubuntu06:58
Matt|tyrano, what part of ubuntu?06:59
tyranoall of it06:59
Matt|tyrano, http://ubuntulinux.org06:59
tyranoor should i just look at the debian06:59
Tomcat_Anybody got experience with Intel Centrino power save stuff? Standby/Suspend? Seems not to work on my laptop...06:59
zenwhenLinux changes too quickly for there to be a "manual".06:59
tyranogentoo has a manual06:59
zenwhenForums and Wikis are the way to learn.06:59
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Vince-0_LinuxMatt : I tried06:59
tyranothats the biggest load of bull ive ever heard :|07:00
Vince-0_LinuxMatt: wots the syntax ?07:00
Matt|Vince-0, mount -t ntfs /dev/hda# /mnt_point07:00
Matt|tyrano, you are a weirdo07:00
Vince-0_LinuxMatt: mount -t /dev/hda1 /mnt/stuff07:00
Matt|Vince-0, -t ntfs07:00
zenwhenIm trying to be nice07:00
Vince-0_Linuxtried ntfs07:00
zenwhenso Im just not going to respond to him anymore07:00
tyranoim going back to gentoo07:01
tyranogood bye07:01
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=== Matt| kicks door shut
zenwhenThank god.07:01
zenwhenIf he needs a manual, we dont need him.07:01
Vince-0_LinuxMatt: wrong file system type, .....07:01
Tomcat_I wonder what he does when the manual doesn't answer a question. :o07:01
Matt|Vince-0, how sure are you of the number of the partition?07:01
zenwhenEven Windows users can use Ubuntu without a manual.07:01
Vince-0_LinuxMatt: sure07:01
zenwhenI guess that shows you how smart the average gentoo user is.07:02
Vince-0_LinuxMatt: lemme try another ...07:02
Matt|zenwhen, oy07:02
Matt|zenwhen, don't diss gentoo.07:02
RubenVzenwhen: keep up that attitude and leave yoursel07:02
Matt|ubuntu has plenty of help available07:02
=== Matt| high fives RubenV
zenwhenI just get tired of the attitude from Gentoo users.07:02
Vince-0_LinuxMatt: Can I login as Root into GNOME ?07:03
RubenVif you're gonna be intolerant then do it face to face with someone07:03
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Matt|Vince-0, no that would be like slicing off your own head07:03
RubenVbut F/OSS is about free choice07:03
Vince-0_LinuxMatt: cos it wants permissions to view /mnt07:03
Matt|Vince-0, why do you ask?07:03
zenwhenSure there are smart ones, but for the most part they are very annoying. Ill not mention it anymore if there are people who are sensitive about it here.07:03
RubenVso no judging about someone based about the choices they make!07:03
zenwhenAre you going to cry about it all day? I apologized.07:03
Matt|Vince-0, if you want root permissions, type "sudo -s" in the terminal07:03
Vince-0_Linuxyar - but thats still not login as root07:04
Matt|Vince-0, that is all you will ever need07:04
Vince-0_LinuxMatt : so how do i use the file broweser as root ?07:04
RubenVVince-0_Linux: login as root is highly discouraged07:05
RubenVVince-0_Linux: don't07:05
Matt|Vince-0, you don't: that is also bad idea07:05
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RubenVyou should minimize the tasks you do as root07:05
Matt|who knows how to set DMA for my cd drive?07:05
Vince-0_Linuxwell how do i get files in my mounted NTFS07:05
Matt|Vince-0, you don't do that either :p07:06
RubenVMatt|: basically it's just tweaking hdparm settings07:06
genwhat is the best supported motherboard chipset for linux? i've heard of issues with nforce...getting a new motherboard soon and would like some input. current one is via and works very good, any ideas?07:06
zenwhenMatt| & RubenV, I once again apologize for "dissing gentoo".07:06
Vince-0_LinuxMatt: i am trying to get mp3z off my hda mount07:06
Matt|Vince-0, linux does not support ntfs fully07:06
zenwhenDidnt mean to come off as rude.07:06
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Matt|Vince-0, you can copy FROM an ntfs drive, but not TO it07:06
Matt|zenwhen, np07:06
RubenVzenwhen: already forgotten07:06
Matt|zenwhen, he was just a dick, nothing to do with what os he uses07:06
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RubenVbesides, i'm an ex-gentoo user, i turned out quite normal ;)07:07
Matt|well i wouldn't say that...07:07
zenwhenWhen Hoary comes out, will the disk be able to be used for a clean upgrade?07:07
=== Matt| looks RubenV up and down
Matt|zenwhen, yes07:07
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zenwhenI mean the official releqase.07:08
Matt|RubenV, hdparm, yes but how do I use it?07:08
zenwhenI am on dialup and doing a dist upgrade is not an option.07:08
zenwhenSo Im looking forward to the official rlease.07:08
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zenwhenIve been using a debian package here and there to get by.07:08
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RubenVMatt|: /etc/hdparm.conf07:09
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Matt|RubenV, ah thanks07:09
Matt|RubenV, how about just to set it now07:09
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DimSumlol @ dialup07:09
RubenVhdparm -d i think07:09
RubenVhaven't tweaked those since i was on gentoo07:09
aukjoin #ipodlinux07:09
RubenVbetter check the man page07:09
Matt|auk, don't advertise *sternlook*07:09
Matt|RubenV, yeah i got that far to, but dunno how to set it07:10
RubenVhdparm -d1 /dev/hda07:10
RubenVsomething like that07:10
Matt|yeah that's it07:10
=== RubenV gonna eat :)
ceuI've recompiled the stock kernel. I've only added some features (nothing removed), but I receive this message:  hald.c:301: Your kernel does not support capabilities; Some features will not be available.07:11
Matt|ceu, you recompiled a clean kernel or patched one?07:11
onestepBack again... I now have access to my windows partion hde1 by adding it to etc/fstab BUT while i can now access hde1 I can't open any of it's folders of files. I tried to change ownership of /mnt/hde1 with chown but i get: chown: changing ownership of `/mnt/hde1/': Operation not permitted07:12
ceuMatt|: kernel source provided by ubuntu package07:12
Matt|onestep, ok this is seriously dangerous stuff you are doing07:12
ceuMatt|: without any change07:12
Matt|onestep, linux does not fully support ntfs partitions, and changing them might totally fk it up07:13
Matt|ceu, no idea then sorry :(07:13
Matt|ceu, what wasn't working in the old kernel btw?07:13
onestepalll i want is access to my windows partition in my hardrive install of ubuntu. it worked fine on the live cd07:13
Matt|onestep, ok but don't change ownership of the files or delete em or move em07:13
Matt|onestep, gimme the line in your fstab07:13
onestepmy windows files are fat3207:14
Matt|oh right07:14
Matt|jolly good07:14
onestepo.k. Matt... one second i'm a slow noooooob07:14
=== RubenV still wonders what would be more usefull
RubenVhacking along upstream07:15
RubenVor helping with the packaging07:15
ceuMatt|: I've selected PII as processor, and compiled NTFS write support. (I know, is dangerous, but I'm low in space. I will create a loopback file in the NTFS partitions, writing to a file without changing its size is ok AFAIK)07:15
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onestephere it is;    /dev/hde1       /mnt/hde1       vfat   defaults        0       007:15
Matt|ceu, erm ok bizarre07:15
Matt|onestep, ok:07:15
Matt|onestep, i'm not 100% about the exact wording of this, but instead of "defaults" you need at least "user"07:16
ceuMatt|: I've also added CONFIG_APM_CPU_IDLE=y that isn't compiled in stock kernel07:16
Matt|onestep, or alternatively just use root when playing with it07:16
Hitch-HikerI think defaults includes user07:16
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RubenVMatt|: ok, I'll start looking around for some upstream work :)07:16
Hitch-Hikerwhats missing is umask=00007:16
onestepHitch-Hiker... was that ment for me?07:17
RubenVHitch-Hiker: nope, not really07:17
RubenVuser is not in defaults afaik07:17
onestepi'll try 000  thanks07:17
RubenVUse default options: rw, suid, dev, exec,  auto,  nouser,07:17
RubenV                     and async.07:17
RubenVit's the opposite :)07:17
Hitch-HikerRubenv: okie dokie07:17
Hitch-Hikerthought it was07:17
Hitch-Hikerah nouser07:18
Hitch-Hikerknew it was one of them - lol07:18
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=== RubenV out for dinner
RubenVand after that, on to university07:18
onesteplooking at my fstab I dont see where "umask=000" should be07:20
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Hitch-Hikerdefaults,umask=000  0 007:20
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Hitch-Hikeri think you shouldn't use default as well07:21
onestepchange 'defaults' to "unmask=000" ?07:21
Hitch-Hikerbut you might as well change defaults to user07:21
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yann_got a problem with my liteon combo, i can not read any cdrom... while mounting the cdrom, i got this message: mount: /dev/hdc already mounted or /media/cdrom0 busy07:22
yann_but the cdrom does not appear as mounted :/07:22
onestephere is the line from fstab:  /dev/hde1       /mnt/hde1       vfat   defaults        0       0    what should be changed to what ?... lol07:22
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yann_root@yannpc:/media # mount /dev/hdc07:24
yann_mount: /dev/hdc already mounted or /media/cdrom0 busy07:24
yann_root@yannpc:/media # umount /dev/hdc07:24
yann_umount: /dev/hdc: not mounted07:24
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yann_well, if anyone has an idea... :)07:25
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Hitch-HikerOk, why isn't my message appearing07:25
Hitch-HikerOk, why isn't my message appearing07:25
Hitch-Hiker - /dev/hde1   /mnt/hde1   vfat   users,umask=000   0  007:26
Hitch-Hikerthats better07:26
onestepchange "defaults" to "users,umask=000" ?07:27
onestepis it umask ?07:27
yann_onestep > what's your problem?07:27
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onestepi'll try it07:27
onestepi'm trying to access folders and files on my windows partition07:28
yann_in fat?07:28
yann_/dev/hdc6       /mnt/rack       vfat    umask=0,iocharset=iso8859-15,codepage=850 0 007:28
yann_here is my windows partition in my fstab07:28
yann_try it :)07:29
Hitch-Hikeronestep: you probably won't need the codepage or iocharset stuff07:29
yann_Hitch-Hiker > it didn't work without them for me.. :)07:30
onestepi'll just try umask=00007:30
Hitch-Hikerevery box is different :)07:30
hjklumask=022 worked for me with fat07:30
Hitch-Hikercan't remember what I've used now07:31
Hitch-Hikernot on my ubuntu box07:31
onestepo.k., i made the change. now to reboot and see what happens. thanks again07:31
Hitch-Hikerjust umount it07:31
Hitch-Hikerthen mount it again07:31
onestepoh-k, i'll try that07:32
Hitch-Hikershould work fine07:32
Hitch-Hikeryour drive should pop up on your desktop as an icon07:32
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Hitch-Hikerokay . . .07:33
aukif you unmount something, and it tells you the device is busy, what do you do?07:34
Plukpossibly fam has kicked in07:34
Hitch-Hikerthink you can force it07:34
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Plukfile alteration monitor, it happens to me often07:34
Pluksudo /etc/init.d/fam restart might help07:35
Hitch-Hikerthere's an option in the umount command07:35
aukwhats the syntax for killing a module?07:35
Hitch-Hikerkill -9 <PID>07:36
Hitch-Hikeror kill <PID>07:36
aukso....      kill -9 sbp207:36
Hitch-HikerPID = process id number07:36
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genyou can get the pid, from typing "top"07:36
pinkeedont start with kill -907:36
Hitch-Hikerps -ef|grep sbp207:36
yann_what's the difference between kill & pkill?07:36
Hitch-Hikerthen kill number07:37
micschhow can i stop services?07:38
Pluksudo /etc/init.d/service stop07:38
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micschPluk, but the serice will start at next boot07:39
Plukah ok you want to remove th startup07:39
Plukupdate-rc.d -f service remove07:39
eruinubuntu needs a gui for services/runlevels07:42
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aukwell, i cant find it what would it be labeled as?07:43
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Keybukeruin: I tend to agree we need some kind of UI to select running software07:44
eruinKeybuk, could take a look at fedoras approach07:44
Keybukbut that needs to be totally abstract, the same UI should let you start and stop things like esd and the GNOME typing monitor, personal web server, etc. than system-level "services"07:45
oyajihas anyone config'd ubuntu on a laptop with a docking station?07:45
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Keybukcertainly we don't need to expose runlevels anywhere near the user07:45
oyajiI am having some issues07:45
Keybukeruin: screenshot?07:45
eruinhm, I could reboot and take one07:45
Keybukeruin: what's the app called?  I'll Google for it07:45
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TenPlus1hi folks07:46
JDahleruin, I am probably wrong, but dosnt Gnome have an app like that?07:46
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farruinnDoes anyone know if the flashplayer from macromedia's website is platform independent?07:46
Keybuk^ that?07:46
onestepYou guys are great, I now have a "hde1" icon on my desktop allowing full access to my windows partition!!07:46
Keybukthat's way over-the-top07:46
eruinKeybuk, yes, doesn't look exactly like that anymore but yeah tahts the one07:47
eruinit's more cluttered now ;)07:47
Keybukseriously, there's no need for that in a UI07:47
Keybukif you know enough to use that dialog, you know enough to change the symlinks on the filesystem07:47
ograhi all07:47
TenPlus1http /07:47
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TenPlus1hi ogra07:47
eruinKeybuk, no, in ubuntus spirit it should be more userfriendly ofcourse, and since we're focusing in rl5 in ubuntu, lots is not needed07:48
(magnon/#ubuntu) yum, I'll be on hoary in a little while now07:48
KeybukI'd probably integrate it with a security dialog actually as well07:48
=== MoisesC [~moi@9.Red-213-96-165.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Keybukso you'd get a pretty list of running software, and could specify whether it should run or not and customise access control to it (through tcpwrapper/iptables)07:48
TenPlus1Is their any spyware or virus tools available that work on Ubuntu ??07:48
ograTenPlus1: nope07:49
Keybuklink it to the "Add and Remove Programs" dialog too07:49
eruinKeybuk, yeah, that sounds nice ;)07:49
(magnon/#ubuntu) TenPlus1: I doubt that there's any software specifically packaged for Ubuntu, but any debian or really generic linux programs should work07:49
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Keybukeruin: I have a vague idea anyway, I'll mock up a UI in Mataro for it07:49
TenPlus1kewl, so that means Yahoo Messenger (debian) should work fine :)07:49
(magnon/#ubuntu) Yahoo MessengeR?07:49
(magnon/#ubuntu) why don't you use gaim?07:50
eruinKeybuk, will you let me have a look once you've got something? ;)07:50
TenPlus1cause I don't like AOL...07:50
ograTenPlus1: if you have no ability ti run viruses or spyware there is no need for such tools :)07:50
gaetano__hello, how to restore the directory /etc/acpi ? i've tried to reinstall acpi-support but nothing, it does not reinstall the old configuration files07:50
Keybukeruin: sure.07:50
gentenplus1, what are you talking about haha07:50
oyajii just installed ubuntu on a dell c610....it went well and works fine when the laptop is undocked07:50
(magnon/#ubuntu) gaim has yahoo support, TenPlus107:50
eruinTenPlus1, why not just use gaim?07:50
gengaim has nothing to do with aol07:50
(magnon/#ubuntu) it it has nothing to do with aol07:50
oyajiwhen it is docked I can't start x07:50
(magnon/#ubuntu) er, right :P07:50
TenPlus1it doess ? didnt know07:50
TenPlus1oh... thought gaim = gnu aol instant messenger.... doh!!!07:50
gengaim supports aim/icq/msn/yahoo etc07:50
PlukTenPlus1, http://www.f-prot.com/products/corporate_users/unix/07:51
(magnon/#ubuntu) TenPlus1: That is right, but it's not an AOL program nor does it only support AIM07:51
oyajiI don't know how to config it to change the x settings if the laptop is docked vs undocked07:51
gaetano__there is a simple way to restore the configuration of acpi without reinstall all the system ? :)07:51
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TenPlus1I wanna try and get Ubuntu up and running with all the progs I had in Windows...07:51
ograTenPlus1: you could srepad viruses to windows machines though07:51
atariboythat is the problem with 'specific' names :/07:51
TenPlus1but I'll use gaim instead of yahoo, sounds good07:51
(magnon/#ubuntu) and if you look at the tooltip at the launcher, it says "Multi-protocol Messaging Client"07:51
Plukbut i doubt if you would really need a virusscanner07:51
oyajican someone help me?07:51
(magnon/#ubuntu) TenPlus1: why use a lowly port instead of using a replacement?07:51
TenPlus1ogra: that's what I was htinking... better to be safe than all your windows buddy's being mad at you07:52
ograPluk: its nice behaviour07:52
TenPlus1all I gotta find now is a DVD Burning proggy...07:52
ograTenPlus1: but you wold have to forward them actively :)07:52
(magnon/#ubuntu) cdrecord07:52
Plukwhat you mean ogra ?07:52
gendid you just say proggy07:52
(magnon/#ubuntu) I don't know if the dvd patch is in ubuntu07:52
amathissamba gets its config from /etc/samba/smb.conf right?07:52
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TenPlus1how about DVD Authoring ?07:53
ograPluk: its nice bahaviour to have a virus scanner...to not spread windows viruses :)07:53
amathisbecause I eddited the workgroup in that file, and restarted samba.. and it didn't change07:53
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(magnon/#ubuntu) I don't have a DVD writer, so I wouldn't know07:53
Plukah :)07:53
(magnon/#ubuntu) but I know that there are tools out there07:53
TenPlus1unless I can use Wine / WineX to run Ulead MovieFactory 207:53
eruinI'm too slow with screenshots07:54
generuin, what do you mean07:54
ograeruin: you are not google though :)07:54
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eruinhttp://appelsinjuice.org/gaim.png - TenPlus1 - that's what gaim'd look like..07:55
gengaim can look however you want, really.07:56
(magnon/#ubuntu) eruin: there are perfectly fine screenshots at the gaim site :p07:56
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eruinlet's call it redundancy07:56
TenPlus1looks good... so it does chat rooms / cams / voice / file transfers too ?07:56
oyajihi everyone07:56
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(magnon/#ubuntu) TenPlus1: at least it does chat rooms and file transfers07:56
TenPlus1that'll do me fine :D thanks magnon07:56
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oyajiI think I need some help configuring X on my laptop07:56
(magnon/#ubuntu) I'm not sure about cams, but GnomeMeeting might help you with that07:56
oyajiHow do I config X for a laptop so it has a docked and an undocked profile?07:57
TenPlus1will have to install my 2nd HD so I can install Ubuntu tomorrow... can't wait to give it a go...07:57
TenPlus1hpoe it auto-detects my .net connection ok07:57
=== topyli dies at the gnomish mines
ogratopyli: nethack ?07:58
topyliyeah. didn't get far. again07:58
Plukoyaji, maybe some usefull stuff from this page?http://www.mastincrosbie.com/mark/linux-ob6k/dock.html07:58
(magnon/#ubuntu) eruin: Det kan godt hende at jeg vet hvem denne Julian som skal ha konsert med NUK er ;)07:58
oyajiPluk: Thanks.  I'll check it out.  :)07:58
eruinmagnon, hah, as in lesund?07:59
Plukgood luck!07:59
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genenglish only07:59
(magnon/#ubuntu) eruin: as in I thought I might know of some Julian in NUK07:59
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(magnon/#ubuntu) nothing more07:59
(magnon/#ubuntu) as in, heard the name07:59
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eruinmagnon, ah ;)08:00
xenonitelook at this: http://zattevrienden.realroot.be/depanneren.htm08:00
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genhaha thats nicr xenonite08:02
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xenoniteand then coming `big brother` helping...08:03
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genyeah that 2nd truck was huge, pulling them both out08:03
topylixenonite: your car? :)08:05
ograweird.....M$ patented the "is not, != " operator......08:05
topylithat's an expensive gig i bet08:05
topyliuhh, job08:05
xenoniteno ;) stupid08:06
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xenonitebut nice to look at ;)08:06
topylisome days just are a bit worse than others :)08:06
xenonite...collateral damage ;)08:09
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topyliatanks (the Atomic Tanks game) is cool. reminds me of good old Worms.08:12
TenPlus1cya peepe08:12
xenonitehow can i install new fonts? when i click on "fonts folder" i can't drag'n'drop a ttf file in08:13
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onestepWell so far, so good. First day with Ubuntu HD install and with your help I can now access my windows partition & my USB stick!!08:17
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onestepNow, how can I get my screen size to 1024x768? This size is not listed in the Screen Resolution window08:18
topylixenonite: what is the "fonts folder"? $HOME/.fonts?08:18
Matt|onestep, if it is not listed, then that means that it is not supported by your xserver08:19
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FTTPwho here told me about groklaw?08:19
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onestepMatt: it worked while using the Live CD08:19
FTTPturns out as i thought, the person who created groklaw was a blatent opensourcer08:20
FTTPi knew it :)08:20
xenonitetopyli: whow thanks, the font installed there!08:20
Matt|onestep, you keep saying that ;p08:20
FTTPand they resigned08:20
Matt|groklaw rocks08:20
xenonitetopyli: and works08:20
FTTPmatt:  We got her to resign08:20
FTTPi knew it was propaganda08:20
FTTPi spoke to boies08:20
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topylixenonite: I wonder where the "fonts" directive got you at first...08:21
FTTPim not against opensource08:21
FTTPand it wasnt me08:21
onestepIf we can figure out screen resolution, I promise I won't ask for Sound help (not today at least!)08:21
Matt|onestep, why on earth does nothing work?08:21
FTTPits ironic that someone kept telling me groklaw, then the next day the person is found to be a blatent opensource supporteR :)08:21
onestepBecause I'm a NOOB ?08:21
FTTPnice going08:21
xenonitetopyli: to fonts:///08:21
Matt|onestep, an unlucky one08:22
Matt|onestep, my laptop was working fine straight away for the most part08:22
(mjr/#ubuntu) FTTP, next day? That's been rather obvious from the beginning. What are you, a troll?08:22
xenonitetopyli: somewhere into /usr/share/fonts/truetype/08:22
onestepI wish i was so lucky08:22
FTTPmjr:  What is obvious?08:23
topylixenonite: hmm. that's not good. if it takes you to /usr, it should use sudo08:23
FTTPmjr:  That groklaw was biased?08:23
topylixenonite: i'd say you must file a bug08:23
FTTPmjr:  now it is08:23
aaroncukhi, can some one help.. i have just installed ubuntu and its downloading hte updates, but its just stopped, dont think the system has frozen as the cursor is still blinking08:23
xenonitetopyli: ok i look for it08:23
aaroncukits stuck at 30%08:23
onestepI was using Feather, the mini live cd, installed to HD and "everything" worked straight out of the box08:23
FTTPmjr:  Im not in favor of commercial either dont get me wrong08:24
FTTPmjr:  its an interesting case tho08:24
FTTPmjr:  ITs a battle vs open source and proprietary08:25
(mjr/#ubuntu) FTTP, PJ may have her own opinions on things, but this does not a bias automatically make. Groklaw's greatest asset is that it reports the truth as is written in the court filings and PR games.08:25
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FTTPmjr:  "THE TRUTH"  the truth is what you want it to be08:25
FTTPmjr:  Everyone is naturally biased08:25
Matt|offtopic guys08:25
onestepoh well, i'm gonna go install wine and see what happens... sound & scren resolution can wait!08:25
FTTPtowards their own viewpoints08:25
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FTTPmatT:  I was gonna say #ubuntu-offtopic08:26
genare there any front ends to lftp08:26
FTTPyou beat me to it08:26
FTTP#ubuntu-offtopic to continue08:26
(mjr/#ubuntu) ah well, yes, let's stop08:26
(mjr/#ubuntu) nah, can't be bothered to feed a troll anymore now08:26
hitchhikerI've upgraded to hoary, the only update left is "x-window-system-core" - is this the XF86 to X.org update?08:26
Matt|Hikaru79, yup08:26
ograMatt|: hey Matt|08:26
Matt|hitchhiker, yup08:26
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hitchhikeris that gonna be ok with my ati gfx card?08:27
Matt|hitchhiker, yup08:27
hitchhikerall is fine with 3d at the moment08:27
eruinati+xorg=a mess08:27
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eruinaren't they supposed to release new drivers?08:27
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ogragen: already tried gftp ? not a lftp frontend though08:28
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genogra, have not tried, will now08:28
farruinnAnyone on a powerpc been able to build flashplayer-mozilla?08:28
hitchhikerATI Proprietary Linux Driver 3.14.6 is the latest08:29
aaroncukanyone got any ideas.. getting desperate here!!08:29
genogra, this will work, very nice. thanks.08:30
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farruinnaaroncuk, you can kill the process - apt is nice because it will pick up where it left off downloading08:30
farruinnoh, are you using synaptic?08:31
farruinnof course, make sure that it's actually hanging.... no sense killing it if it's not08:31
Thewrdnr1Hey, I'm thinking of switching my Debian testing/unstable desktop over to Ubuntu. Really needing gnome 2.8 and friends. I've seen conversion notes, but does anyone have first-hand experience with that?08:32
aaroncukhow do i kill it?08:32
aigariusfarruinn: only thing that I have heard about powerpc and flashplayer is that it doesn't work, sorry. propably some library is not at the place the binary file expects it to be.08:32
aigariusThewrdnr1: the gnome 2.8 is entering the unstable now - first packages are in as of 18.nov08:32
topyliaaroncuk: try ctrl-c at first. if it doesn't work, switch to another console08:32
hitchhikerhas anyone else got X.org to work with ATI gfx cards with 3d support?08:32
farruinnaigarius, ok, I'm not getting any helpful output here either just two questionable lines: "strip: Warning: Output file cannot represent architecture UNKNOWN!" and "dpkg-shlibdeps: failure: ldd on `debian/flashplayer-mozilla/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so' gave error exit status 1"08:33
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Thewrdnr1aigarius: Ah, nice.08:34
aaroncukcontrol c doesnt work08:34
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farruinnaaroncuk, ever used top?08:34
aaroncukand ssh aint installed yet08:34
aigariusfarruinn: you can try commenting out strip and dpkg-shlibdeps invocation in debian/rules also ensure that strip has not messed up the binary file08:35
topyliaaroncuk: do ctrl-alt-f2 and killall apt there08:36
hitchhikerI've just installed ubuntu-calander through synaptic, how do I run it?08:36
topylihitchhiker: it's just another wallpaper08:36
farruinnhitchhiker, dpkg -L package will always tell you what was installed from a package08:37
farruinnand dpkg -L pakcage | grep bin is helpful for finding commands installed by package08:37
hitchhikerOk, thx08:37
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massare there gotchas to building a kernel from kernel.org source?08:38
massI need 2.6.9 for an added driver08:39
farruinnaigarius, ah, here's the real answer as to why it won't work:08:39
farruinndpkg-gencontrol: error: current build architecture powerpc does not appear in package's list (i386)08:39
farruinnoh well, I can at least use mol as long as I get networking working there.08:40
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massis there a recommended .config file for ubuntu? Are there patches applied to ubuntu-shipped kernels?08:41
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hitchhikerhas anyone else got X.org to work with ATI gfx cards with 3d support?08:46
Pluknobody afaik08:46
Plukexcept with dri08:46
(mjr/#ubuntu) well, 9250 with the free DRI drivers, but that's probably not what you're asking08:46
Plukbut that only possible with radeon9200 and lower, if im notmistaken08:46
(mjr/#ubuntu) Pluk, correct08:47
(mjr/#ubuntu) well, except +50 :)08:47
Plukdarn it08:47
Plukso close08:47
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Plukati "promised" there next release will support X.org 6.8.008:47
massdoes anyone know if the 9250 can support a 1920x1200 LCD over DVI? :)08:48
fang_so I wiped out my MBR with Fedora on accident, and they use different labels for the drives.  I am now running off a live MEPIS cd and I am in my Ubuntu's /boot/grub directory.  HOw can I run grub-install properly?  I can't seem to chroot there for some reason.08:49
Pluknice lcd you got there :)08:49
=== mass is very close to just buying one, trying it, and returning if it doesn't work
massPluk: yes, but being >1600x1200 makes it hard to find video cards and KVMs which support it, unfortunately08:49
massthe only kvm I've found that supports it is $419 online08:50
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Plukfang_,  only way i know is through rescue disc, chroot or reinstall08:50
Plukin which chroot always worked best08:51
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fang_should i chroot to /mnt/drive or to /mnt/drive/root/ or where??08:52
ografang_: assuming ubuntu is mounted in /mnt and you want to install to hda: grub-install --no-floppy --root-directory=/mnt/boot/grub /dev/hda08:52
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fang_ogra, I can do that without chrooting?08:54
ograif there is a grub-install on your rescue cd08:54
ograyou dont need to chroot...08:54
fang_ogra, there is a grub install in the /boot/grub directory of my ubuntu install, and I am booted off of a live (rescue I guess) mepis cd08:55
ograyou also can run it with /mnt/sbin/ prefix08:55
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masswhere is the configuration taken to autogenerate the debian section of the grub menu.lst file?08:55
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hitchhikerThere's a new version of synaptic on hoary, anyone installed it yet?09:00
fang_whoa...bad interpreter- permission denied.  must be because it's ubuntu64 and this is a 32bit rescue cd09:00
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ogramass: man update-grub09:01
the_oneanyone here has experience with bittornado in ubuntu?09:01
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) the_one: I use it09:01
hitchhikerlol @ ogra09:01
hitchhikersorry, missread what you said :(09:02
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the_onekneelbeforexorg: I installed it and it doesn't show in the menus, how do I start it? what's the command?09:02
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) the_one: it uses the same commands as bittorrent proper: btdownloadcurses, btdownloadgui, btlaunchmany... etc09:02
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) it doesn't show in the menu, but you can make it a handler manually09:02
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) like, handle .torrent files by running btdownloadgui on it09:03
the_onekneelbeforexorg: but what's the command to start it exactly, I never really used the original bittorent so I'm not so familiar with the commands. I have installed also bittornado-gui09:04
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(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) right09:04
Vince-0It sux not bein root, I cant view my /mnt, which means I gotta run apps as other usr09:04
Vince-0is there a way around this ?09:04
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) btdownloadgui starts one download in gui mode09:04
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(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) that's almost certainly what you want09:05
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the_onewell...I have some torrents on my vfat partition (i use azureus in windows, but azureus in linux somehow doesn't like files over 2gb in a vfat partition), so I want to download over the same files in the shared partition09:06
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) um09:07
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) once again: btdownloadgui09:07
the_onewill try09:07
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) yeah09:07
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(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) sure thing09:07
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(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) you will want to make it a handler for .torrent files, too09:07
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) so that you can just double-click on the torrent to start downloading09:07
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the_onein "Preffered Applications"?09:07
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) yeah09:08
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) I think so09:08
the_oneyou're right09:08
the_onethanks again09:08
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) cool09:08
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(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) best of luck09:08
xukunI need to show a screenshop to same peaple which I put it on one of my machines running apache, now I need I think some kind of port forwarding(I,m using a router) so peaple can see this screenshot which is in a local machine, how do I do that?09:08
=== s0cks kicks the_one in the groinal area
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=== KneelBeforeXorg sets s0cks on fire
willxukun: check your spelling :)09:09
xukunwill: dont u get the point?09:10
willxukun: yeah sorry, are you running in a GUI?09:10
Plukxukun, portforwarding should be adressed in the manual of your router09:10
hitchhikerWell, that was a mistake09:11
hitchhikerupgraded synaptic09:11
hitchhikernow its dissappered from my Computer menu09:11
willanyone here run apache2?09:11
masswill: somewhat, whats up?09:12
xukunPluk: portforwarding is not the problem, I know how to do that, but which port shall  I be forwarding?09:12
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Plukport 8009:12
xukunwill: I do09:12
Plukthatll do for apache09:12
ograxukun: and run a webserver09:12
willdidnt realise Ubuntu supports its so well09:12
xukunogra: I,m running apache09:13
ograxukun: fine :)09:13
the_oneKneelBeforeXorg: do you know if there's some other torrent app similar (as advanced options) to azureus on linux?09:13
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) the_one: well, bittornado has some good advanced options. WHat is it you need?09:13
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) I mean, if you get javur going you could just use azreus, right?09:14
willthe_one: not yet, but you can use WINE et09:14
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willKneelBeforeXorg: i use Azureus09:15
the_onejava is installed and azureus works, but it hangs all the time and I have to disconnect my external drive (vfat) and reconnect it, which mounts it as sdb1 (normally is sda1)09:15
the_oneit just freezes09:15
the_oneand the hard red led stays on like it's writing09:15
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the_oneeven after I cloze azureus09:15
willthe_one: have you tried removing all of azureus and all the settings and re-installing?09:15
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) is it a USB drive?09:15
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) you may be using USB1.109:16
timteI rm'd a 2G large file in /var, but df says it still uses 100%. du -sh * in /var doesnt show anything of bigger size.09:16
the_oneno, 2,5 drive09:16
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) and it's just slow09:16
willthe_one: i had a problem like that09:16
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) and you're waiting for data to flush09:16
the_onewill: I deleted twice .azureus and set it up again,same ol' problem09:16
the_oneI read somewhere in a forum that people who download files over 2gb have this problem with azureus and vfat target partitions09:17
clavin17hi - i just tried to install ubuntu on an laptop  - so far it works - but the x-display is not useable  - how can i use ubuntu with the framebuffer?09:17
willfor speed-----under linux....BITTORNADO09:17
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eimIs there any way to turn off IPv6 support on Warty (I really don't need it).09:18
the_onewell...bittornado lacks azureus' features, but at least it looks like it's working so far09:18
the_onebetter than nothing09:18
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
willthe_one:thats true...if you shut it down.....you cant jsut start it up again unless u manually open the torrent again09:19
willi seem to go between the two all the time09:19
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the_oneI liked the send to tray thing in azureus09:20
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=== socomm [~socomm@adsl-68-125-219-96.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
willmy favorite client is TORRENTstorm :)09:20
Seqdoes anybody think they could help me tackle why speed scaling isn't working on my pentium-m?09:20
the_oneanyways, anyone here using ubuntu on a centrino laptop with intel extreme graphics?09:20
the_oneseq: should work just fine09:20
Seqthe_one: and it was, im not sure why its not now09:21
the_oneanyine with the above mentioned vga in ubuntu?09:21
Seqthe_one: are you getting the 4m memory problem?09:21
the_oneseq: nope...well, not sure, what do you mean?09:22
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Seqthe_one: there was a problem with the bios only reporting 4M of video memory on certain centrino notebooks with intel graphics and shared memory09:22
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Seqif i remember, dells stood out, though probably due to popularity09:23
the_oneI was trying to get wolfenstein ET working in ubuntu, but it's sluggish compared to the one in my windows (can you believe I'm able to play this game on Intel Extreme:)09:23
RuffianSoldierbob2 is sleeping09:23
Seqthe_one: nevermind, different issue. does it support dri?09:23
the_oneseq, the video memory should increase automatically09:23
the_onewhen more memory is needed09:24
willdo you get screen corruption?09:24
the_oneanyone know how I can determine if 3d is enabled in my ubuntu for my graphics adapter?09:24
willi have an intel 810 with intergrated gfx and shared memory....09:25
=== [Majesti] [~Majestic|@pool-162-83-226-43.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seqglxinfo | grep direct09:25
willthe_one: run glxgears and if u get over 400 fps its enabled09:25
willthe_one: also glxinfo tells you a lot09:25
Plukthe_one, run glxinfo id it says direct rendering: yes .. you got 3d support09:25
willglxinfo | grep #direct rendering#09:26
Plukindeed :)09:26
willsorry should be: "direct rendering"09:27
the_oneI got like 614fps09:27
willthe_one: try exactly this:glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"09:27
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Seqif it means anything to you, dri drivers in my experience don't seem to hold up well to commercial games09:28
willdoes anyone know if you can just swap a gfx card around in ubuntu and it will boot w/out any config?09:28
=== Amaranth [~travis@63-229-188-179.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Plukit will boot but prolly wont load X09:29
Seqat least the radeon 7500 in my notebook, and the 9200 in my desktop both ran nwn horribly09:29
socommwill: xserver won't, you'll need ton configure your new card.09:29
the_oneit's ON09:29
willsocomm: whats the command simply to configure the card, not the mouse etc etc09:29
the_onebut still, can't figure why games won't run in ubuntu as smooth as in windows09:29
socommwill: unless you're using the vesa driver which works with just about any video adapter.09:29
willi remember the days of VESA and hercules :)09:30
the_oneI got the linux native version, it's not like I'm using cedega or something09:30
iz20836 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4167.200 FPS09:30
ograwill: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8609:30
Seqthe_one: drivers, mostly. which is why nvidia has inroads in linux gaming09:30
willogra: im xorg09:30
izthats nice for gaming09:30
willi cant game on a 500mhz celeron :(09:30
Plukcouldnt get my laptop with a nvidia card :(09:30
socommwill: `xf86cfg -textmode' just switch the video driver, you don't have to fiddle around with the other options.09:30
SeqPluk: me either09:31
the_oneseq: do you have any idea how good is the intel extreme driver for linux supposed to be?09:31
ograwill: hmmm..... probbly with the xorg package name then09:31
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johaHi all09:31
Plukbut i still have good hopes ati will come with improved drivers... i know im an idiot09:31
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Seqthe_one: since it's not made by intel, and (assumingly, im not looking this up) there is no hardware docs available, not as good as windows09:31
socommwill: it's the `configure card' option configure your new card and write your configuration file, and run `/etc/init.d/gdm restart'09:32
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the_onepluk: remember the good ol' days in black & white PCs?09:32
the_onethere were no such problems back then...09:32
the_oneeverybody was happy09:33
socommthe_one: you mean monochrome displays?09:33
PlukCommodore 64 times :P09:33
the_onesocomm: couldn't find the right term, yeah09:33
the_onePACMAN RULES, DUDE!09:33
johaWhat packages does XINE need so it can play DVDs?09:34
willbrb ppl09:34
the_onejoha: libdvdcss09:34
ograjoha: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats09:34
socommlibdvdcss == illegal09:34
the_oneyou can get also w32codecs while you're at it09:34
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the_oneif you know how to find them09:35
the_oneit's ILLEGAL09:35
ograthe_one: wrong.....09:35
the_onedepends what country you're in09:35
socommUnless you live outside of the U.S.09:35
ograthe_one: youre just not allowed to distribute them :)09:35
the_onesocomm: I was about to say it09:35
Pluklibdvdcss2 prolly09:35
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johaThanks the_one, ogra09:35
johasocomm: ?? why that?09:35
xenonitei want to submit a bug but i don't know the package where the fonts:/// folder is in.09:35
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xenonitehow can i find out?09:36
ograxenonite: its nautilus or gnome-vfs09:36
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johathe_one: No I have video stuff working here, but I'm setting up a computer that'll be in a shops window so it only needs to be able to play DVDs, no encoded video files.09:36
socommjoha: ummm ... regioning reasons.09:36
ograxenonite: rather gnome-vfs09:36
=== bratsche [~cody@adsl-68-94-42-33.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
johasocomm: Wierd shit. People shouldn't be so crazy after money.09:37
xenoniteogra, gnome-vfs2?09:37
bratscheHas anyone had problems starting up and finding panel applets unable to load?09:37
ograxenonite: yup09:37
bratscheThis just started right now for me.09:37
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bratsche"The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet".09:37
socommjoha: yeah, movie studios want you to buy different region dvd's if you live in different countries.09:37
ograjoha: for different prices indeed09:38
=== joha despite being German is anyways only interested in English DVDs
ograjoha: from where ?09:38
xenonitealright, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=3983 submitted09:38
bratscheThis is happening also for "OAFIID:GNOME_MixerApplet"09:39
the_oneguys..how do I actually make bottornado the default app for torents? my brain seems like it's not gonna help right now, maybe yours hasn't throttled yet to 100MHz..09:39
socommjoha: english is a germanic language.09:39
ograsocomm: lol09:39
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Plukhahahha lol09:40
eimI'm experiencing many network collission on eth0, all configs seem to be ok. Any ideas on how to debug this? Thanks.09:40
Plukmy parents bought kill bill09:40
=== tvon|x31 [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Plukand then realized it wasnt really their genre09:41
=== safrican [~safrican@adsl-69-208-182-208.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Plukhehe free kill bill for me :)09:41
=== PenguinBoy [~PenguinBo@] has joined #ubuntu
PenguinBoyafternoon guys!09:42
Plukhiya PenguinBoy09:42
socommHmmm ... a sed error when trying to upgrade, anyone know anything about this?09:42
the_onepenguinboy: good evening09:42
ograsocomm: refresh your soureces list :)09:43
ograsocomm: youre on hoary, right ?09:43
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Pluki thought the sed error was fixed already?09:43
Plukah indeed maybe old sources09:44
xukunubuntu does not work with freenx09:44
ograPluk: if your package list isnt up to date ....09:44
socommogra: Yes.09:44
ograxukun: its planned for hoary09:44
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xukunogra: I,m using hoary09:45
ograxukun: no primary goal though09:45
socommogra: `apt-get update' should do it, right?09:45
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PenguinBoyanyone have any trouble installign straw???09:45
ograxukun: if hoary comes out....you are using the dev branch :)..... hoary is april......09:45
ograsocomm: yep09:45
NefarousCan't set DVD-RW dma mode using hdparm "HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted" any known workaround?09:46
socommogra: Thanks.09:46
xukunogra: take a look of this if dont mind:
socommNefarous: you probably need to enable it into your kernel. Dunno if it's enabled in ubuntus stock kernel.09:46
Nefaroussocomm: any chance there is a option I can pass during the module load?09:47
the_onequestion for people in the know: is there something similar to dvdshrink in linux, or some port of it in the future?09:47
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socommNefarous: there may be, but I haven't used the ubuntu kernel so you're pretty much on your own.09:48
Amaranthwhats the default root password for mysql-server?09:48
socommthe_one: what is dvdshrink.09:48
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Nefaroussocomm: sorry, I thought I was on the *ubuntu* channel <smirk>09:49
ograNefarous: its a bug in the order the ide drivers are loaded.....09:49
socommNefarous: hang around there maybe someone who can help you. I'm using a custom kernel that's all.09:49
ograNefarous: make sure your chipset driver is loaded before any ide- drivers09:49
ograi.e. ide-disk ide-cd09:50
xukunogra: what do you think of that,  when I make a nx connection to hoary system, from other os non than ubuntu it self that is how far it goes09:50
the_onesocomm: it's a program which let's you "shrink" a dvd9 to fit on a dvd5 (regular dvd-r), of course, I'm talking about unencrypted dvds09:50
ograxukun: are you sure aou are on ubuntu....? i see kde ;)09:51
ograxukun: i have no idea, sorry....never used nx09:51
xukunogra: the system I,m using now is not hoary, and is what I,m talking about09:52
xukunor ubuntu09:52
ograxukun: i know....just kidding :)09:52
socommthe_one: not that I know of.09:52
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Nefarousorga: will go try that, many thanks ...09:53
ograxukun: i know it is planned for inclusion (gnome client i guess) and if its possible in time, then in hoary.....09:53
xukunwho is using mac os and connecting to my system? :)09:53
the_oneguys, gotta go09:54
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the_onesee you around09:54
Plukcya the_one09:54
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mrothabout to do a fresh install of hoary.  are there any ISOs for a checkmark yet or should I just do a warty cd install and then upgrade from that?09:54
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RuffianSoldierbob2 is awesome09:56
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socksChanging my setup around09:57
sockssorry for the join/quit spam09:57
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the_onei'm back09:59
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Plukso soon? :)09:59
the_onecouldn't live without being here!10:00
Plukgood :)10:00
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sleonis there no mplayer package for ubuntu?10:01
Plukhi sleon10:01
the_oneguys, in bittornado the light is always yellow, what's wrong? I can't make it use the whole bandwith either10:01
madsenhey hey. :)10:01
ograsleon: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:01
madsenAm I the only one without kernel boot splash?10:01
=== beer4all [~fjportill@8.Red-217-126-125.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
sleonogra, *GGG10:01
sleonogra, are you a bot? nice bot :)10:01
Plukjust a well scripted irc client :)10:02
=== zenwhen_ [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-62.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ograi'm the guy that invented the brain to mem clipboard ;)10:02
Plukor someone with great typing skills :D10:02
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sleonogra, are you serious?10:04
ograsleon: lol10:04
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socksMy room is a fucking filth bucket, but I am working on it. Sorry if I am mad, this is nonstop work.10:05
=== ramzez [~ramzez@cpc4-cmbg2-6-0-cust198.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ramzezhi everyone10:06
sleonis there a way to view the virtual packages section from synaptics?10:06
ramzezi am new in linux, hope you can help me sometimes :-)10:07
sleonramzez, sure10:07
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ramzezalways wanted to install it and finally did10:08
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massthe_one: probably your firewall is preventing  you from exposing a port to the world10:08
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massthe_one: that limits the possible ways to connect to peers from 3 to 110:09
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ramzezhow is "speedstep" works under linux, it looks to me that acpi is recognised currectly, i even have a battery icon, is there a way to check what is current cpu speed?10:10
pisukeramzez, add the cpufreq applet to the panel10:11
=== one_2_one [~x@adslsapo-b4-46-137.telepac.pt] has joined #Ubuntu
ramzezpisuke, how?10:12
one_2_oneany ppc user here ?10:12
(bob2/#ubuntu) right click -> add to panel -> cpu freq10:12
RuffianSoldierWho here uses Ubuntu as a server?10:13
pisukebob2, thx10:13
=== JStrike [~joel@c2-491-1.eno.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #Ubuntu
pisukeless typing10:13
(bob2/#ubuntu) RuffianSoldier: lots of people10:13
(bob2/#ubuntu) it's best to just ask your question instead of meta-asking10:14
sleonramzez, have you solved it?10:14
sleonramzez, right click on the panel10:14
sleonramzez, choose add. then choose cpu scaling monitor10:14
RuffianSoldierbob2, ?? meta-asking?10:14
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ograRuffianSoldier: ask to ask10:15
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RuffianSoldierogra, what is ask to ask?  I just wanted to know who uses Ubuntu on there server10:15
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(bob2/#ubuntu) RuffianSoldier: lots of people do, do you want all hundred of them to say so?10:16
bashsome one install medal of honor in ubuntu ?10:16
sleoncan i ask it again? is there a virtual packages section in synaptics?10:16
xenonitetry it with cedega/winex10:16
RuffianSoldierbob2, yes10:16
(bob2/#ubuntu) RuffianSoldier: well, that is very silly10:16
RuffianSoldierbob2, im very silly10:17
ograsleon: not at the current state....but mvo (the developer) is always open to good suggestions10:17
davidehello, i am new to linux. i have a laptop hp zv5000 . i installed ubuntu but the audio doesn't work, can anybody help me?10:17
xenoniterussiansoldier: do you use ubuntu?10:17
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JStrikeI dont think wine (and therefor cedaga) works that well under Ubuntu10:17
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RubenVJStrike: why wouldn't it?10:17
lonewolffevening all, how can i write to a cd in ubuntu? (not a scsi drive)10:17
RubenVit's just not supported10:17
RubenVubuntu is just debian after all10:18
gennot supported doesnt mean doesnt work10:18
(bob2/#ubuntu) lonewolff: data cd?10:18
JStrikeRubenV : Apps that are known to work in Wine without any modification, dont work under Ubuntu with Wine10:18
sleonogra, nice, second question: i added two repositores from restricted format page, updated package lists in synpatics after that, now i can install mozilla, but can not see mozilla-mplayer, why?10:18
sleonogra, it is listed on the page10:18
RubenVJStrike: that's rather a matter of the version of wine packaged10:18
JStrikeRubenV : I assume Ubuntu modifies the wine packages10:18
RubenVubuntu doesn't ship wine afaik10:19
lonewolffbob2: yes, i want to write an iso to cd10:19
JStrikeNope. But the wine package in Multiverse doesn't work10:19
lonewolffbut cdrecord wont write it10:19
RubenVthat's not ubunu's fault10:19
(bob2/#ubuntu) lonewolff: right click on it in nautilus10:19
RubenVmultiverse is totally unsupported10:19
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ograsleon: i see it..... did you add marillat ?10:19
(bob2/#ubuntu) lonewolff: you're using cdrecord wrong: cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc foo.iso10:20
sleonogra, yes...10:20
(bob2/#ubuntu) or whatever ide device your burner is10:20
ograsleon: testing ?10:20
(bob2/#ubuntu) wine is not in multiberse10:20
(bob2/#ubuntu) it's unambiguously Free10:20
davidehello, i am new to linux. i have a laptop hp zv5000 . i installed ubuntu but the audio doesn't work, can anybody help me? the audio card is an ati soundmax i believe.10:20
sleonogra, no main, on the page is told to add main10:20
=== cbass [~cbass@c-67-169-57-193.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
spacey`kithat nx stuff looks cool10:20
sleonogra, a yes10:20
sleonogra, Distibution Testing section main10:20
JStrikeRubenV : I am aware of that. I wasn't looking for cannonical support10:21
sleonyes i added it that way10:21
ograsleon: eith a small t ?10:21
RubenVthose are debian packages10:21
sleonogra, yes10:21
sleonogra, cut and paste from page10:21
ograhmm, should be there then10:21
JStrikeI was just informing whoever was talking about Cedega10:21
sleonogra, could it be removed?10:21
RubenVcedega is a patched wine10:21
sleonogra, when did you updated it last time?10:21
RubenVcould as well work10:21
sleonogra, and also why is there no firefox 1.0 in the repositories?10:22
spacey`kisomeone tested this nx?10:22
ograsleon: i updated yesterday....but dont use mplayer....10:22
RubenVsleon: there is in hoary10:22
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sleonogra, i see mplayerplug-in but no mozilla-mplayer10:22
sleonRubenV, hoary??10:22
masswith the new md raid package, I have a /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf file - but the /dev/* entries are not there when the raid is being set up :(10:22
RubenVsleon: the development branch10:23
JStrikebob2 : Shouldn't Wine fall unde exactly the same boat as Mono?10:23
RubenVwarty is stable10:23
(bob2/#ubuntu) JStrike: huh? both are Free software.10:23
sleonRubenV, should i use it or not?10:23
genif you like fixing stuff over time, sure10:23
JStrikebob2 : I am aware. But isn't Mono in multiverse?10:23
sleonalso can i ask what  are deb-src repositories for?10:24
sleongen, a ok10:24
ograsleon: hmm, you are right, its not in the archive anymore....10:24
sleonogra, a ok10:24
(bob2/#ubuntu) JStrike: don't think so10:24
masssleon: for the source code to the packages, apt-get source and the like10:24
sleonmass, will it then automaticcly build packages from it?10:24
sleona la bsd10:25
(bob2/#ubuntu) sleon: source packages10:25
masssleon: you have to initiate it I believe10:25
sleona ok10:25
masscd <package dir> && dpkg-buildpackage10:25
sleonbut source packages can not be build automatically?10:25
sleonthen apt get downloads and auto builds then then installs10:25
RubenVmass: you rather need something like dpkg-buildpkg -rfakeroot10:26
ograsleon: they can with apt.....10:26
massRubenV: aww, I do everything as real root10:26
sleonogra, and how? :)10:26
=== mass puts that file on his desktop and in /tmp with all his credit card #s
genmass, you don't like security do you10:26
ograsleon: sudo apt-get source -b <packagename>10:26
sleonogra, interesting, will it also build all dependences?10:27
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=== MaFioZoX [~mike@modemcable083.140-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
MaFioZoXhey ya tu quelqun qui a dja installer un serveur counter strike???10:27
ograsleon: sudo apt-get build-dep <packagename> pulls in all needed dev packages....but doesnt compile them .... its not gentoo ;)10:28
genenglish mafizox10:28
sleonogra, hehhee... i switched from gentoo recently you know?10:28
MaFioZoXwho now how to install a counter strike server on linux?10:28
ograsleon: you sounded like ;)10:28
MaFioZoXwho now how to install a counter strike server on linux?10:29
sleonMaFioZoX, do you speak german?10:29
MaFioZoXno french...10:29
MaFioZoXand a bit ienglish<10:29
sleonMaFioZoX, i have german instructions here10:29
sleonMaFioZoX, but i translate them with bubblefish10:29
gensleon, obviously that wont help10:29
MaFioZoXgive me10:29
billytwowillyMaFioZoX, how did you get a videotron.ca hostname? I thought shaw bought them10:29
sleongen, really?10:29
genthis is before you said the translation part10:29
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MaFioZoXbb its my internet10:30
=== mass curses his lack of an initrd
ogramass: what do you need it for ?10:31
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MaFioZoXwhat is it?10:31
massjust a small, barely interesting file needed for my kernel to boot :P10:32
ogramass: yeah....there are enough precompiled ones.....10:32
madsenHmm, is there supposed to be a bootsplash in the std installation of Ubuntu?10:32
ogramass: you build your own kernel  ?10:32
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massogra: had to10:32
ogramadsen: nope....10:32
ogramass: why that :/10:33
madsenmass: Then why didn't you build an initrd with it, if you selected an initrd enabled kernel?10:33
massogra: one of the device drivers I needed is only in 2.6.910:33
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Tomcat_Famous last words...10:33
massmadsen: because I'm goofy? its just a different make-kpkg target right?10:33
Tomcat_"Ubuntu is the best distro I've seen so far" - Me10:33
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massI like ubuntu so far :)10:33
masseven though the md stuff was a little torturous10:34
Tomcat_I installed it on my brand new laptop on Friday...10:34
Tomcat_Everything just works...10:34
ograsudo make-kpkg --revision your.rev --append_to_version -3-yourprocessor --initrd binary10:34
Tomcat_SpeedStepping, Laptop-mode...10:34
HWolfTomcat_ It'd be interesting if the laptop where smoking now...10:34
madsenogra: Hmm, ok, 'cause the 'splash' option to the kernel in grub kinda indicated it and I couldn't see why it didn't work.10:34
billytwowillyTomcat_, I noticed that too. I used to be a suse user.10:34
ogramass: builds a initrd in the package10:34
ogramadsen: that would be only a splash for the grub menu.....bootsplash is a bit more....10:35
madsenmass: I can't remember, I never used it. I just build my kernel without initrd.10:35
Tomcat_I'm still wondering if I really want to trade battery life and duration for hd life, but I guess I'll do it (laptop-mode)10:35
massogra,madsen: do I also need to install this cramfs patch that it is warning me about?10:35
madsenogra: No, the grub-splash is not a kernel option...10:35
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ogramadsen: whats what i said, yes ;)10:35
socommogra: boot-splash?10:36
Tomcat_Well, cye.10:36
MaFioZoXwho know counter strike?10:36
ograsocomm, madsen: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/USplash10:36
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socommogra: I see.10:37
madsenogra: The "kernel" line from my grub reads: "kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-1-3-686 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash" and _that's_ what I'm talking about...10:37
skeffWhat's decent IMAP mailbox notifier to put on the Gnome panel?10:37
madsenMaFioZoX: I played a couple of years ago..10:37
sleonMaFioZoX, http://server.counter-strike.net/server.php?cmd=howto&show=linux this site is the main counter strike server info site, for all plattforms10:37
ogramadsen: yep...you can add a splashscreen to the grub menu....10:38
madsenogra: But that's not in the menu.lst as a option to the kernel!10:38
JuerdIs it possible to switch keymaps using a key combination?10:38
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JuerdIf this is the "changes group" thing, then it is broken.10:38
ogramadsen: no, you would have to add an option.....10:39
sleonMaFioZoX, http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=en_fr&trurl=http%3a%2f%2fserver.counter-strike.net%2fserver.php%3fcmd%3dhowto%26show%3dlinux10:39
sleonMaFioZoX, here in french10:39
madsenogra: Precisely, so here's my question: Why the "splash" option to the kernel? (Since it has _nothing_ to do with a grub-splash.)10:39
HWolf@find Rebel Angel10:40
MaFioZoXok tank10:40
HWolfSorry guys.10:40
ogramadsen: baecause you only have to add the picture and it wil get used probably....10:40
massok, I'm going to just assume this patch make-kpkg is complaining about is for the 2.4 series10:40
=== mass crosses fingers
madsenogra: No, as I just told you, that's a completely different thing!10:41
ogramadsen: we are talking about a grub background to the grub menu, arent we ?10:41
madsenogra: The "splash" in the "kernel" line of menu.lst has nothing - I repeat - _nothing_ to do with grub-splash.10:41
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madsenogra: No, I'm talking about a bootsplash... A splash-screen that is shown while the kernel is booting... It has nothing to do with grub.10:42
madsenogra: ... other than grub can boot it.10:42
ogramadsen: there simply is no kind of splash in ubuntu now, i have no clue why someone decided this option shoudl be in ther ok ?10:42
madsenogra: Ok, I'm glad you finally understood my question. :) I'm sorry I got a bit harsh there... I just got frustrated that we kept talking about different things.10:44
ogramadsen: k :)10:44
xenoniteskeff: sylpheed might be interesting for IMAP10:44
JuerdHow to switching keymaps; anyone?10:45
Juerd(Without visiting the Keyboard dialog, that is)10:45
madsenJuerd: I think you can do a 'dpkg-reconfigure console-data', but I'm not sure... Or are you talking about non-console keymaps?10:45
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madsenJuerd: Oh, in X?10:45
JuerdX, yes.10:46
madsenJuerd: You can do it in XF86Config iirc.10:46
madsenJuerd: let me check, hang on a sec10:46
JuerdI know that, but I wish to do it on the fly10:46
JuerdThat is: a keyboard combination or panel applet that calls setxkbmap and alternates between two (or more) layouts10:47
madsenJuerd: Oh, hmm... Then I'm not really sure...10:47
ograJuerd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 will ask you .....10:47
JuerdWindows has it, KDE has it, but I can't find something similar in Ubuntu10:47
aigariusJuerd: add a Keyboard switcher applet to panel10:47
JuerdThe Keyboard dialog lets one configure multiple maps, but only the first one is used.10:47
ograJuerd: it is prefiled with the current defaults, so just hit enter till the keymap dialog10:47
Juerdaigarius: Eh. I haven't found that, even though I was looking for it.10:47
aigariusJuerd: right click on the free space on the panel -> Add -> ...10:48
masscan I enter japanese text or support a japanese locale on ubuntu?10:48
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madsenJuerd: "Keyboard Indicator" in "Add to panel..."10:48
Juerdogra: It's much easier to type "setxkbmap dvorak" than to type "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" :)10:48
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ograJuerd: sure, but is this permanent ?10:48
Juerdaigarius, madsen: Thanks. I don't know why I didn't see it the last 4 times I looked there.10:48
Matt|hi ladies. Who knows how hotplug works? I want to remove some things10:49
Juerdogra: No, I was looking for non-permanent changes.10:49
ograJuerd: ah, ok :)10:49
madsenJuerd: np, the new layout of "Add to panel..." is a bit confusing imo... I liked the old menu-style thingy.10:49
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JuerdI'm a vim fanatic. I've edited XF86Config-4 long before I've reconfigured any package ;)10:49
(mjr/#ubuntu) Matt|, add modules that you don't want loaded to /etc/hotplug/blacklist10:49
aigariusJuerd: be aware this switcher has a lot of strange limitations - like no more than 4 languages10:49
Matt|mjr, magic thanks10:49
aigariusmadsen: me too - it was more reasonable10:50
Juerdaigarius: That's okay. As long as it can alternate between US QWERTY and US Dvorak, that's fine with me10:50
Matt|mjr, where is the list of things which is DOES load do you know?10:50
Juerd(Which are called "U.S. English" and "Dvorak", which is strange)10:50
ograMatt|: below /etc/hotplug ?10:50
JuerdIt has nothing to do with "English"10:50
JuerdIt's the US layout10:50
(mjr/#ubuntu) Matt|, haven't had to check, since it pretty much loads everything I might want ;)10:50
aigariusJuerd: I am having a major discussion with the autor of that thing to fix the limitations which were not there in gnome 2.410:50
Matt|there is also a hotplug.d10:51
JuerdCountries, not languages, make keyboard layouts!!10:51
ograMatt|: for scripts on events i guess10:51
JuerdAnyway, thanks. afk10:51
Matt|ogra, thanks10:51
madsenJuerd: Hmm, sorry, misunderstood you... Hmm... Good question.10:51
Matt|ogra, i'm pretty sure i don't need hotplug, except that my sound doesn't work without it :(10:51
Matt|ogra, so i was thinking maybe just load the sound modules10:51
ograMatt|: i woudnt drop hotplug.....10:52
Matt|ogra, that's what they all say10:52
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ograMatt|: cares for a lot more than your sound..... look in /etc/hotplug.....10:52
Matt|ogra, will do10:52
Matt|ogra, but i haven't run it on the last boot and everything else with working10:53
fissy*** Could not run GTK+ test program, checking why...10:53
fissy*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the10:53
fissy*** exact error that occured. This usually means GTK+ is incorrectly installed.10:53
fissyconfigure: error: *** GTK+ >= 2.4.0 not installed - please install first ***10:53
Matt|on other distros i've run they've always had a script which activated my sound without the hotplug script10:53
fissywhat do i need to install?10:53
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fissyobviously i have gtk+ installed10:54
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) fissy: you need gtk+ development10:54
fissyahh k, ta10:54
MaFioZoXhey it dont wrk (for counter strike server)10:54
ograMatt|: its your system ;) if you are fine without it.....but dont blame anybody about misfunction..... :)10:54
Matt|ogra, i never blame people10:54
(sjoerd/#ubuntu) fissy: libgtk2.0-dev probably10:54
ograMatt|: true :)10:54
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ografissy: what do you compile ?10:55
Matt|ogra, does hotplug run all the time, or just when it is called?10:55
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fissysjoerd, yep getting10:56
fissyogra, 'itouch' uses your 'internet keyboard' buttons in beep10:56
(mjr/#ubuntu) hotplug is invoked only when it has something to do10:57
fissyogra, did you have any thoughts on my sftp problem, if you remember me asking10:57
socommAll right how do I enable CPU_FREQ?10:57
(bob2/#ubuntu) socomm: it's already enabled in ubuntu kernels10:57
Matt|mjr, so it controls plug and play usb?10:57
ografissy: nautius.... ?10:57
(mjr/#ubuntu) Matt|, yes10:57
socommbob2: I'm rolling my own, would you happen to where it's located?10:57
(mjr/#ubuntu) when an usb device is plugged in or removed, hotplug is called to handle it10:57
MaFioZoXogra, hey you website dont work(for my cs linux server)10:58
fissyogra, yep in nautilus, connections time out because the sftp server doesn't respond with a password prompt in time10:58
ograMaFioZoX: my website ?10:58
(bob2/#ubuntu) socomm: why?10:58
xenoniteMaFioZoX: look in google for the cs-intallation on linux10:58
socommbob2: because I'd like to use that particular option ...10:58
MaFioZoXogra, the web site you give me...10:58
MaFioZoXxenonite, ok i will try...10:59
ografissy: no, lbut there is gftp , its able to do sftp.....probably a workaround10:59
Matt|mjr, ok i will keep running it then ;)10:59
socommbob2: nix that I found the option.10:59
(bob2/#ubuntu) socomm: I mean, why are you building your own kernel to begin with?10:59
(bob2/#ubuntu) if ubuntu is missing something, please file a bug10:59
(mjr/#ubuntu) Matt|, well you'd better :)10:59
(mjr/#ubuntu) Matt|, it also does most pci card drivers10:59
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Matt|only usb and sound isn't working without it11:00
ograMaFioZoX: this was sleon......not me :)11:00
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socommbob2: I just like to add funky stuff to my kernel, it's nothing against ubuntus kernel.11:00
(bob2/#ubuntu) socomm: what sort of stuff?11:01
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ograsocomm: what could be funky and missing in the ubuntu stok kernel ?11:01
socommboot-splash, ummm ....11:01
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ograsocomm: better help with usplash.....11:01
(bob2/#ubuntu) haha11:01
ograsocomm: to get this forward :)11:02
socommogra: I'm not into that.11:02
Matt|on my computer building a clean kernel has helped to let me see how much battery time i have left11:02
ograMatt|: hmm, on my laptops this worked by default.....11:02
Matt|ogra, not here :(11:03
ograMatt|: and this sony here has a very weird bios from 199911:03
Matt|loads of people come in here with HP and compaq lappys and have acpi problems11:03
ograMatt|: thats true.... dell is still more worse......11:04
Plukthk god mine is ibm11:04
Matt|i thought ubuntu was good with laptops11:04
Matt|someone told me that11:04
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) I will never understand ACPI11:04
ograMatt|: but if the manufactuer sels a bad bios.....11:05
Matt|ogra, *laughs*11:05
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) every time I wrestle with APM, someone says "Use ACPI instead!"11:05
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) so I try it11:05
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) and then I ask "uh, so how the hell do I suspend?"11:05
Matt|ogra, it's not the manufacturer11:05
(bob2/#ubuntu) if you want good laptop support, buy a properly supported laptop, like an x4011:05
Matt|ogra, its the ubuntu unfortunately11:05
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) and the answer is usually "OMFG u n00b that's not what it's for!!!!"11:05
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) why the hell is it a replacement for APM then?11:05
Plukor a t4211:05
ogra KneelBeforeXorg: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SuspendHowto11:05
fissyogra, gftp hates me11:05
genhow fissy?11:06
ografissy: beat it :)11:06
(bob2/#ubuntu) KneelBeforeXorg: anyone who uses the "word" "n00b" is a moron and can be ignored11:06
balubafissy, lftp11:06
fissyogra, never got it to work, i always get an error about the sftp executable error not being in the right place or something11:06
Matt|bob2, i'll second that11:06
fissyand thats on any linux operating system11:06
socommOh yeah I like to have my very own graphic penguin on boot up.11:06
genfissy, quite a big dif between command line and not11:06
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) bob2: it's a characterization11:06
ograbaluba: gnome frontend ?11:06
fissygftp hates me independent of what i've installed it on11:06
(bob2/#ubuntu) KneelBeforeXorg: yes11:06
genehhh that was supposed to go to baluba11:06
ChibiHrmm... Is framebuffer compiled into the kernel?11:06
(bob2/#ubuntu) KneelBeforeXorg: but asking "how do I suspend" means you're probably screwed already11:07
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) bob2: I was using the dorkspeak to point out what a ridiculous response it is. They don't actually type like that.11:07
Matt|Chibi, yeah guess so11:07
aigariuswell I have a HP nx9005 and ACPI is working just fine here as soon as Local APIC is turned off (it hand on boot if that is on)11:07
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) bob2: but the general consensus is that ACPI doesn't *do* that sort of thing11:07
fissyi can cope with command line btw, but i'm really trying to get this setup for a friend who can't11:07
Matt|aigarius, you had to turn it off by hand tho huh?11:07
(bob2/#ubuntu) KneelBeforeXorg: of course it does11:07
genwhat are your problems with gftp fissy11:07
(bob2/#ubuntu) KneelBeforeXorg: just not on broken laptops11:07
Matt|aigarius, doesn't fix my prob sadly :(11:07
aigariusMatt|: no11:07
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) bob2: and "broken" seems to mean a vast majority11:08
Matt|aigarius, really?11:08
(bob2/#ubuntu) KneelBeforeXorg: yes, it does11:08
ograKneelBeforeXorg: its a metter of ignoring standards11:08
(bob2/#ubuntu) vast vast majority11:08
ChibiDebian kernel compiles are a bitch. :P11:08
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) all this is well and good11:08
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) but why the hell do distros jump toward it when it doesn't *work*?11:08
aigariusMatt|: this laptop has no APM only ACPI and if ACPI is compiled into kernel it all just works11:08
balubagen, it's really, really handy, just a handfull of command to do everything. beside that gftp always gave me little problems11:08
(bob2/#ubuntu) "jump toward it"?11:08
(bob2/#ubuntu) most machines only support one or the other11:09
Matt|aigarius, well here too, but i was simply saying that it doesn't on ubuntu11:09
genbaluba, yeah i know. i love lftp, i want a ui front end for it though.11:09
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aigariusMatt|: ubuntu propably has APM in kernel and that can interfere11:09
Matt|aigarius, i think it is a patch tbh11:09
(bob2/#ubuntu) no, it doesn't11:09
(bob2/#ubuntu) both apm and acpi are modules11:10
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fissygen: <ogra> baluba: gnome frontend ?11:10
fissy<fissy> gftp hates me independent of what i've installed it on11:10
fissy<bob2> KneelBeforeXorg: yes11:10
fissy<Chibi> Hrmm... Is framebuffer compiled into the kernel?11:10
fissy<gen> ehhh that was supposed to go to baluba11:10
fissy<fissy> lftp?11:10
oktechhello everyone11:10
fissy<bob2> KneelBeforeXorg: but asking "how do I suspend" means you're probably screwed already11:10
fissysorry all11:10
fissystupid clipboard11:10
Matt|aigarius, yeah i have em both compiled as modules in my vanilla kernel and it works fine11:10
oktechjust shitched to ubuntu linux os11:10
mike998hey all... I'm trying to play Quake2 using the supplied packages in synaptic, but when I try to start it, I get an error that LoadLibrary("ref_softx.so") failed: No such file or directory and that Error: Couldn't fall back to software refresh!...  Can anyone point me in the right direction?  Google is not much help on this one11:10
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balubaoktech, welcome11:10
fissygen: 3: Protocol Initialization11:10
fissyThere was an error initializing a SSH connection with the remote server. The error message from the remote server follows:11:10
fissybash: line 1: sftp-server: command not found11:10
oktechnow, the first logical question for me is this11:11
oktech how do I install a programm on linux???11:11
Chibimike998- Install SDL11:11
Matt|oktech, welcome11:11
mike998Chibi: I will try it11:11
Matt|oktech, you use the Synaptic package manger, in the Computer -> System menu11:11
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(bob2/#ubuntu) oktech: you mean on ubuntu? wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto11:11
oktechok, thanks i will have a look there!11:12
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ograbob2: this wiki is terrible broken11:12
willdoes linux in general support USB keyboards on boot ?11:12
mike998Chibi: silly question - you mean libsdl-sound1.2 - right?11:13
ChibiI mean ALL of sdl. the graphic parts included.11:13
(bob2/#ubuntu) ogra: and people keep doing stupid things like changing the frontpage11:13
Matt|it is so hard to keep track of where the wiki is these days11:13
(bob2/#ubuntu) the wiki location has changed once11:14
(bob2/#ubuntu) ever11:14
ograbob2: who has access there, thought it would be closed for the public11:14
(bob2/#ubuntu) will: that's a bios question11:14
Matt|well it is still wrong on ubuntu-arkwork11:14
(bob2/#ubuntu) ogra: anyone can. someone went and made it like 5 pages long11:14
ChibiIt's a wiki. Anyone can change it o_O11:14
ChibiI've done a bit to it myself :D11:14
ograbob2: ;)  http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=395111:15
Matt|bob2, also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewFrontPage is out of date isn't it?11:15
willbob2: oh yeah....doh!11:15
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ChibiStill need to write a wine section.11:15
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: anything on wiki.u.c is probably out of date11:15
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Matt|bob2, quite11:16
JStrikeChibi : Would be great to find out how to get wine working11:16
(bob2/#ubuntu) you need to do more than just install wine?11:16
(bob2/#ubuntu) then wine in Debian needs some bugs filed11:16
Chibibob2- Wine generally needs tweaking to do certain things.11:17
JStrikeWell, clearly so11:17
ChibiSome people don't know that.11:17
(bob2/#ubuntu) why doesn't it do it automatically?11:17
(bob2/#ubuntu) do the wine people know this?11:17
Matt|it is ubuntu-artwork which supplies the homepage still right?11:17
mrothhmm.. i have a brand new warty install that is freezing on boot.  gets to "Ok, booting the kernel" and then nothing11:17
ChibiYes. It's an ALPHA peice of software, and still highly expirimental.11:18
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: it won't be changed in warty, I'd think11:18
Matt|bob2, hoary?11:18
(bob2/#ubuntu) Chibi: yes, but can you give me an example of when/why it needs tweaking?11:18
JStrikeWine (From WineHQ) is supposed to work out the box with an app I am trying to get running. So clearly the Ubuntu packagers are changing something in the config11:18
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: I thought it'd been done already11:18
Matt|the address is /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html, so i guess it's still that package11:18
ChibiWhen the program you're trying to run DOESN'T run. :P11:18
mirakwhy can't we do hardlinks on folders ?11:19
(bob2/#ubuntu) JStrike: so when you bulid it from upstream's source, it works fine?11:19
ChibiJStrike- Nothing runs out of the box with a pre-compile wine, because you haven't set it up yet.11:20
(bob2/#ubuntu) mirak: http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/sf/linux/2004-q2/0018.html11:20
Lyrestowhy does the same DNS server lasts at least 30 seconds to resolve a name with ubuntu/firefox and less than a second with w98/firefox?11:20
ChibiLyresto- Windows keeps a large archive of names for you per session.11:21
LyrestoChibi, thanks11:21
ChibiAlso the reason you have to reboot when someone changes an IP or nameserver.11:21
ChibiOn windows.11:21
(bob2/#ubuntu) Chibi: so does firefox11:21
(bob2/#ubuntu) Lyresto: does disabling ipv6 help?11:21
Lyrestoi'll try11:22
(bob2/#ubuntu) Lyresto: do you know how?11:22
Matt|Lyresto, there is a nice guide on ubuntuforums11:22
mirakbob2: I have read that it was to prevent circularities, but kernel handles sym links circularities already11:22
LyrestoMatt|, thanks11:22
mirakbob2: however I don't understand this "prevent your directory tree from becoming an arbitrary mishmash."11:22
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LyrestoChibi, are you spanish?11:23
(mjr/#ubuntu) mirak, well, there's the matter of where the ".." points and loops and such11:23
topylidoes ide-scsi still help when cd burning makes you cry?11:23
ogratopyli: nope11:23
(bob2/#ubuntu) topyli: no11:23
(mjr/#ubuntu) ide-scsi adds pepper spray to the mix11:23
(bob2/#ubuntu) topyli: cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc11:23
ogratopyli: dev=/dev/hdX11:23
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mirakmjr: I was thinking that ln could check if you are trying to create a circularity, but it would consume a lot of resource probably11:24
topylibob2: yes, that works for xcdroast too. nautilus-cd-burner can't be told anything though, it seems11:24
(bob2/#ubuntu) topyli: it just Works for me11:24
=== socks is now known as s0cks
topylibob2: congratulations :)11:24
Lyrestothanks everybody for the help. :-)11:25
(bob2/#ubuntu) mirak: doesn't that require keeping the whole filesystem metadata in memory?11:25
(bob2/#ubuntu) topyli: ie you've found a bug11:25
(bob2/#ubuntu) Lyresto: it helped?11:25
(mjr/#ubuntu) yah, if nautilus-cd-burner doesn't find the drive, report it11:25
topylibob2: ok, let's file it11:25
mirakbob2: well the file system is just a tree11:25
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topylilet me reverse the ide-scsi stuff first so i don't forget before i reboot someday :)11:26
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mirakbob2: it would push to do a tree run in width11:26
mirakI don't how to call this11:26
ddepianoIs it possible with the Ubuntu installer to install over my Mandrake distro and preserve my /home on a second hard drive?11:28
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) ddepiano: depends on how you have it setup11:29
ograddepiano: if you know the deviace name.....11:29
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) if /home was already on a device which you know the name of, then yes11:29
ddepianoHrdwrBoB: I have two hard drives.  /home is on its own hard drive.  Everything else is on another11:29
Chibiddepiano- Simply delete everything except the files you want to keep, and install ubuntu without formatting your disk.11:29
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) ddepiano: well then, it'll be easy11:30
ograddepiano: you can select it and tell it not to touch the data in the partitioning tool11:30
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ddepianoAwesome, and I assume I should add those user names that correspond to the /home user space post install correct?11:31
ograddepiano: you wil only be asked to add one user.....if mandrake uses the same uid (1000) it will work flawless....11:32
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ddepianoI think the id from mandrake is 50011:32
(mjr/#ubuntu) well, you can do chown -R user.group /home/user11:33
(mjr/#ubuntu) no biggie11:33
ograhmm, then you should do a chown $USER /home/$USER in the console before you first login11:33
ddepianomjr: thanks, that should solve my problem.11:33
ograoh, mjr is right -R11:33
ddepianoThanks guys, I'm very impressed with this distro.11:33
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) so are we :)11:34
ddepianoapt-get is great :-)11:34
ograsynaptic too :)11:35
massaptitude :)11:35
JStrikeDunno. Doesn't seem all that different to apt4rpm, rcd or  yum. Except synaptic is worse than Red-Carpet11:35
=== ogra wonders....why nobody says dselect :)
JStrikeHey mass11:36
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(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) JStrike: I've used apt with rpms extensively and I can assure you it's not all it's cracked up to be :)11:36
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JStrikeI never has any problems, but that is not to say there aren't there11:38
ddepianoMandrake's urpmi isn't bad, but some of the dependencies just seem crazy11:38
JStrikeAnd once Red Carpet is ported, there will finally be a nice interface for Ubuntu package management11:39
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(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) part of the problem is inherent to rpm11:39
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) the fact that you can depend on files11:39
JStrikeAlthough, even that doesn't come close to Click 'n Run11:39
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) it means that it has to maintain and load a database of EVERY file installed in the system11:40
mrothanyone know how I should go about checking this machine that warty absolutely refuses to boot on a fresh install?11:40
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massoh, I have a request :)11:40
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) mroth: what is the error11:40
mrothHrdwrBoB: it doesnt give one.  it just freezes when loading the kernel11:40
=== mass goes to the bugtracker and files a 'install nano before going to second stage of install' bug :)
massI had a great deal of trouble fixing mdadm/mdrun without a text editor :)11:40
ramzezhmm, what is hotplug used for?11:41
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) mroth: have you tried without acpi11:41
massramzez: warming plugs in colder months11:41
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) at what stage does it freeze11:41
JStrikemass : Ouch11:41
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) ramzez: loading drivers for devices11:41
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) when you plug in a USB key - hotplug does the work11:41
ramzezjust it fails loading module pcehp.ko and shpchp.ko11:42
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) some devices are also detected by hotplug every boot11:42
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) ramzez: that's standard11:42
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) you can either ignore it11:42
mrothHrdwrBoB: I will now, but this machine was running with debian sarge fine with ACPI, so i dunno what changed11:42
ograramzez:  https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BootHotPlugErrors11:42
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) or put those in /etc/hotplug.d/blacklist11:42
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) mroth: what kernel though?11:42
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) yeah11:42
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) might be changed from then to now11:43
mrothmajor acpi changes since then? hrm11:43
ramzezoh i c, can i bother you with some more stupid questions?11:43
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) try it without acpi anyway11:43
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) there are no stupid questions ;)11:43
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) go ahead though11:43
mrothjust adding acpi=off to kernel argument in grub shoudl be sufficient i imagine?11:44
ramzezwhat are this pciehp and shpchp are, cause i wonder if i need them at all for my old hp omnibook laptop11:44
ograramzez:  https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BootHotPlugErrors11:44
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ograramzez:  read this url :)11:44
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) ramzez: they are fot stuff that you don't have11:44
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mrothintersting.. it seems to be booting with ACPI disabled, but it gave some nasty PNPBIOS error about it11:45
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) mroth: working with nasty errors > not working with no errors :)11:45
ramzezthe other problem i have is when i mount ntfs volume i can't read it, it says no permission, i tried to add disk group for my username but no success11:46
aigariusramzez: try adding 'nolapic' option to the kernel - that might help AND leave you with working ACPI11:46
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ograramzez: addet it to fastab ?11:46
ramzeznot yet, was doint it prefixing sudo11:46
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ograramzez: mount it with -o rw,umask=00011:47
aigariusramzez: you can specify mount options to NTFS so that when it is mounted all files would apear as owned by some user uid=myusername11:47
ograohm rw wont help11:47
massyay, 2.6.10-rc2 :)11:47
massand now my main drive works11:48
ramzezcurrently i am trying to install wireless driver for my card, and i was reading step by step guide, is it correct that i need to build kernel before i can compile drivers?11:49
s0cksThe ubuntu site needs 'updating'11:49
ogras0cks: ??11:49
ograramzez: compile ???11:49
ramzezinstall i mean11:49
ograramzez: normally there is no need to compile anything in ubuntu11:49
s0cksogra : Still says join us at the convention11:50
s0cksIt ended 3 days ago.11:50
ograramzez: what kind of card11:50
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masss0cks: maybe next year?11:50
ogras0cks: wrong, it starts on 05,1211:50
s0cksmass : naw?11:50
ramzezi was reading this page http://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/KernelBuildpackageHowto11:50
s0cksogra : I am so confused11:50
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ograramzez: do you know the driver you need ?11:51
ramzezand this one http://tiefighter.et.tudelft.nl/~arthur/wpc54g/11:51
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ramzezyep, it looks it was done before, but i never used linux before so i know only teoretical approach11:51
mrothwell, i'll have to mess with the ACPI stuff more later, going to let it download stuff first11:51
s0cksogra : Are you goin?11:51
ograramzez: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-07.7773155363/11:52
ogras0cks:  sure11:52
ogras0cks: i want to meet my heros !!11:52
s0cksogra : prove it :)11:52
ogras0cks: look at the conferenceatendees site :)11:53
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s0cksIt doesn't say ogra11:54
s0cksAnd they converted it to text format since I last looked.11:54
ramzezorga: oh that's like 123, damn and i am builing the kernel for 4 hours now11:54
ogras0cks: O liver GRA wert11:55
ramzezshould have been put search not on wpc54g in forums but for ndiswrapper11:55
ramzezbut i guess it always hard first time11:55
s0cksogra : SWEET! If I didn't live in the US and it didn't cost serveral grand and I didn't have to miss school, I would probably go, even though I am new11:56
s0cksIt might help me learn.11:56
s0cksAlso, my laptop is flat out a Powerbook 15011:56
ograramzez: also ignore what the site says about the kernel... its from a prerelease.....the kernel now is up to date11:56
s0cksWith not enough HD space to run Ubuntu11:56
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s0cksKinda sad, but works for me.11:56
ramzezso should i just get ndiswrapper?11:57
ramzezlike start with step4 and ignore first 3?11:58
massif I want my home directory to be served off another volume, but it isn't the root of the volume, how is that normally set up?11:58
masssymbolic link, or bind?11:58

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