daveon | :-/ | 12:00 |
Cuga_ | asdfv, the first thing ubuntu tells you after install is done, is it explains why their is virtually no root account (there is, but its pretty much disabled everywhere) | 12:00 |
kensai | jdz_, yep | 12:00 |
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daveon | I will only install monodevelop and then I'll comment again the universe sources ... | 12:01 |
asdfv | thank you | 12:01 |
jpvcx | asdfv: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 12:01 |
Cuga_ | asdfv, use sudo whenever you need to do something with 'root' priveleges | 12:01 |
jdz_ | daveon: You shouldn't recomment them, that will break upgrades. | 12:01 |
Cuga_ | yeah thats the link i was looking for :) | 12:01 |
jdz_ | daveon: It's OK to use Universe, just realise that it's "unsupported". | 12:01 |
asdfv | the problem is that i want to configure the web because it doesn't work | 12:02 |
Cuga_ | what is your problem with 'the web' ? | 12:02 |
daveon | jdz_, ok | 12:02 |
RuffianSoldier | does anyone here know qtparted? | 12:02 |
asdfv | i can' connect | 12:03 |
asdfv | i've a lan t3 connection (fastweb) but it doesn't work | 12:03 |
asdfv | why? | 12:04 |
Cuga_ | what do you connect to? a gateway? a router? ICS ? | 12:04 |
asdfv | it says INACTIVE | 12:04 |
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Majestic|LinuX | I know qtparted | 12:04 |
Majestic|LinuX | but I prefer cfdisk | 12:04 |
asdfv | gateaway | 12:04 |
Cuga_ | asdfv, ok so are you supposed to get a ip via dhcp, or specify a static entry? | 12:05 |
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asdfv | static, i suppose | 12:05 |
king_arthur | asdfv: Fastweb is handlig your ip with DHCP | 12:06 |
asdfv | king: are you sure? | 12:06 |
asdfv | are you italian? | 12:06 |
king_arthur | asdfv: I am positive | 12:07 |
asdfv | positive what? | 12:07 |
Cuga_ | asdfv, thats something you should know, what are you chatting with right now? a system on the same network? if soo check its network settings to see if its dhcp or static | 12:07 |
king_arthur | asdfv: no ma parlo italiano :-) | 12:07 |
asdfv | wow | 12:07 |
asdfv | now i'using win2000 | 12:07 |
asdfv | how do i check if it's static? | 12:08 |
king_arthur | asdfv: check your win settings | 12:08 |
Cuga_ | asdfv, ifconfig | 12:08 |
Cuga_ | err | 12:08 |
Cuga_ | ipconfig | 12:08 |
Cuga_ | ipconfig/all | 12:09 |
king_arthur | asdfv: ipconfig with Win 2000? | 12:09 |
king_arthur | looks like he's been checking... :-) | 12:10 |
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asdfv | ops my win2000 crashed | 12:11 |
asdfv | said buffer overrun problem | 12:11 |
king_arthur | asdfv: no surprise with win, I guesss one more reason to switch over | 12:12 |
Cuga_ | haha kinda funny hehe | 12:12 |
asdfv | oh yes but without the net i can't swithc | 12:12 |
Cuga_ | using win2k to help troubleshoot linux issue to help switch over... and windows crashes | 12:12 |
Cuga_ | lol | 12:12 |
asdfv | eheh | 12:13 |
asdfv | i use win only for videogames | 12:13 |
Cuga_ | asdfv, im assuming the connection to pc is via cat-5 cable? not usb or anything right? | 12:13 |
asdfv | right | 12:13 |
Cuga_ | can you try things on the box or are you dual booted to windows? | 12:14 |
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asdfv | i have dual boot | 12:15 |
Cuga_ | makes it hard to help that way, no other pcs in the house that you can hop on here with us while you logged into the ubuntu box? | 12:16 |
asdfv | no | 12:16 |
asdfv | i'm a student | 12:16 |
asdfv | i've got only 1 oc | 12:16 |
asdfv | pc | 12:16 |
Cuga_ | so you are in a dorm? | 12:16 |
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Scognito | hi | 12:17 |
Cuga_ | if so basic dhcp should work fine | 12:17 |
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Scognito | someone uses hoary and gdm ? | 12:17 |
asdfv | i'm not in a dorm | 12:17 |
asdfv | i live in a flat | 12:17 |
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htaccess | if there is anyone from cannonical here, has ubuntu been invited to join the Linux Core Consortium? | 12:18 |
Cuga_ | check your /etc/network/interfaces file and see if there is anything in there other then the loopback, if not then add these 2 lines | 12:18 |
Cuga_ | auto eth0 | 12:18 |
Cuga_ | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 12:18 |
asdfv | ok i'll write them down | 12:18 |
Cuga_ | did you check if you are on static or dynamic on this windows partition yet? | 12:19 |
Cuga_ | ipconfig/all | 12:19 |
paper | Anyone use enlightenmnet in ubuntu? | 12:19 |
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Gwildor_ | hihi | 12:22 |
king_arthur | Cuga: IMHO you are making things unnecessary difficult :-) | 12:22 |
king_arthur | in any case it's ifconfig | 12:23 |
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Cuga_ | king_arthur, he is in windows right now | 12:23 |
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Cuga_ | king_arthur, in windows, its ipconfig/all | 12:24 |
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king_arthur | Cuga: I know, that' the problem, he should do it all from Linux | 12:24 |
king_arthur | I know fastweb, they have DHCP access | 12:24 |
Cuga_ | well he doesn't even know weither or not hes using DHCP | 12:24 |
king_arthur | I am positive | 12:24 |
king_arthur | :-) | 12:25 |
ultrakorne^2 | hi i installed ubuntu on my laptop, touch pad was working, but it stops (dont know why... maybe when i change mouse sensivity) | 12:25 |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) hoary is UTF8 isn't it | 12:25 | |
king_arthur | He probably doesn't even know the difference.. 8-) | 12:25 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) HrdwrBoB, that's what they say | 12:25 | |
(mjr/#ubuntu) (good thing too) | 12:25 | |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) yeah | 12:25 | |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) one of the guys here is madcrazy about locales | 12:26 | |
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Gwildor_ | utf8 is ....... | 12:26 |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) I just want to appease him :) | 12:26 | |
Gwildor_ | ??that was a question...sorry?? | 12:26 |
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(mjr/#ubuntu) you need'nt wait for hoary, you can set up utf-8 locales on Warty ok; it's a question of defaults :) | 12:26 | |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) mjr: yeah | 12:27 | |
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dre22pl | hello all | 12:27 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) (actually, I'm using Warty with UTF-8 locales) | 12:27 | |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) cool | 12:27 | |
king_arthur | Cuga: I am leaving now, I told him with to do in Italian on private channell | 12:27 |
dre22pl | I've installed the Warty release several days ago, have a problem with alsa, who can i ask about it? | 12:28 |
Gwildor_ | umm, just upgraded about 3 seconds ago, nautalis upgraded, now it crashes when i try to open it | 12:28 |
Cuga_ | king_arthur, ok cool thanks, my italian is a lil rusty ;) | 12:28 |
cardador | Gwildor_: restart x | 12:28 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) HrdwrBoB, yes | 12:28 | |
Gwildor_ | kk, thnx | 12:28 |
king_arthur | Cuga: it's better he uses GUI tool | 12:28 |
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king_arthur | Cuga: just select DHCP server and he will be connected | 12:29 |
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dre22pl | I've installed the Warty release several days ago, have a problem with alsa, who can i ask about it? | 12:31 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) dre22pl, this channel, among other things | 12:31 | |
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dre22pl | ok :) thanks, sound works, as GDM loads there is some kind of a bell, so i know it works. | 12:32 |
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dre22pl | but when the actual gnome (or KDE) loads the sound stops working. | 12:32 |
dre22pl | However if i start an app as root it does work, i thinkit's something minor, just dunno what to fix... | 12:33 |
scoon | dre22pl: find a .wav file and test out alsa with aplay | 12:33 |
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dre22pl | if i do it as a user it says permisiion denied :| "aplay: main:507: audio open error: Permission denied" | 12:34 |
dre22pl | and it works for root | 12:34 |
=== Lowry [~Lowry@CPE-144-136-201-14.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(mjr/#ubuntu) try "id" | 12:35 | |
Lowry | Hi all | 12:35 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) does it say that you're in the audio group? | 12:35 | |
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Cuga_ | dre22pl, sudo adduser username audio then log out and back in | 12:35 |
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thomas_ | evening together | 12:35 |
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thomas_ | is it german in here? | 12:35 |
scoon | dre22pl: id user, make certain you are in the audio group. just like Cuga_ says | 12:36 |
thomas_ | oh, i see | 12:36 |
Lowry | Is there a way to get dri support with a powerbook g3? - via expert install? | 12:36 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) Lowry, what display hardware? | 12:36 | |
Lowry | mach64 | 12:36 |
thomas_ | i _really_ would like to burn audio cds with my ubuntu system by not having to install k3b or any kde program | 12:36 |
Lowry | ati rage pro lt 8 meg | 12:37 |
thomas_ | is this possible? | 12:37 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) thomas_, yes, what were there, xcdroast or gcombust or something | 12:37 | |
thomas_ | i recently tried xcdroast, but i am too stupid to handle it burning audio cds | 12:38 |
Cuga_ | thomas_, Gnome is seriously lacking in this department, im not aware of any 'good' gnome based apps for this but there are some like mjr just mentionned, or you can learn from cml | 12:38 |
thomas_ | gcombust didnt recordnize my ide devie | 12:38 |
dhasst | why cant i aptget mplayer | 12:38 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) Lowry, hmh, dunno really | 12:38 | |
dre22pl | thanks Cuga_, i'll check if it helps, I've indeed forgotten to add the user to that group. | 12:38 |
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thomas_ | what is with coaster | 12:40 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) Lowry, seems that mach64 dri isn't being built by default due to security issues; see http://dri.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/moin.cgi/ATIMach64?action=highlight&value=CategoryHardware | 12:40 | |
thomas_ | does it work allready? | 12:40 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) Lowry, you could probably install it yourself but that'd require manual work | 12:40 | |
Lowry | I see custum-expert-power3 | 12:41 |
Lowry | custum-power3 | 12:41 |
Lowry | expert-power3 | 12:41 |
Lowry | and install-power3 | 12:41 |
Lowry | Any suggestions? | 12:42 |
(ryan/#ubuntu) ls | 12:42 | |
(ryan/#ubuntu) oops | 12:42 | |
thomas_ | hey, i gcombust now seems to be working for me! | 12:43 |
thomas_ | great | 12:43 |
thomas_ | but it really looks ugly | 12:43 |
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(mjr/#ubuntu) thomas_, cross your fingers so that Hoary's Rhythmbox would support writing audio CDs ;) | 12:43 | |
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thomas_ | What do you think, how long have we to wait for a eye candy and cool burning app for gnome? | 12:43 |
thomas_ | mjr, this would be _really- great work | 12:44 |
Agrajag | nautilus-cd-burner looks fine to me | 12:44 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) thomas_, not that long, the above functionality, I hear, is in Rhythmbox's CVS. Haven't checked myself though | 12:44 | |
thomas_ | Agrajag, to mee as well, but it cant burn audio-cds, can it? | 12:44 |
Despair | Agrajag: does it still crash after every 2nd cd, and erratically while dragging files? | 12:44 |
Agrajag | no, it can't. It should be able to, they have gstreamer to handle audio after all | 12:45 |
Agrajag | Despair: not that I know of | 12:45 |
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thomas_ | i love nautilus-cd-burner to burn data dvds | 12:46 |
cardador | hmm now there is an Ubuntu-update-manager! | 12:46 |
Gwildor | where? | 12:47 |
kent | thomas_, coaster seems lika a bright future for Gnome. It dont even use cdrecord :) | 12:47 |
kent | cardador, in Hoary? | 12:47 |
thomas_ | but we need a audio burning app | 12:47 |
thomas_ | i cant force my freinds to use something like gcombust or something | 12:47 |
cardador | kent: yes | 12:48 |
Gwildor | cardador, where? | 12:48 |
cardador | Gwildor: applications -> syst tools, last one | 12:48 |
kent | thomas_, coaster will burn audios in time. | 12:48 |
thomas_ | but as the screenshots tell, coaster isnt able to burn audio at the moment | 12:49 |
thomas_ | and further, i cant compile it | 12:49 |
Gwildor | cardador, i dont have it, i just upgraded like 10 mins ago, let my try again | 12:49 |
thomas_ | are there any debs for coaster anywhere? | 12:49 |
kent | cardador, you wouldn't mind sending me a screenshot? I dont use Hoary :( | 12:49 |
cardador | kent: wait a min | 12:49 |
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Gwildor | cardador, wonder why i dont have it? | 12:50 |
kent | thomas_, i guess you will have to wait for coaster to mature a bit. Right now, installing k3b seems like the easiest way to be able to burn audio. | 12:50 |
thomas_ | gcombust didnt work; it just destroyed my empty cd... | 12:50 |
Amaranth | Gwildor: apt-get install update-manager | 12:50 |
Matt| | is it possible to get bashcompletion working with things like "apt-get install" or "killall" and suchlike on ubuntu? or is it something to do with the way you compile the packages? | 12:51 |
thomas_ | kent, but i dont want the easiest way, i want an more integrated solution | 12:51 |
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cardador | thomas_: k3b | 12:51 |
Gwildor | Amaranth, thnx, tis going now | 12:51 |
thomas_ | not for me; i can use k3b, but i want to make ubuntu more popular to my friends and so on... | 12:51 |
Cuga_ | Matt|, just make an aliased command for them | 12:51 |
ultrakorne | my touch pad stops running.... was running fine and something happen... now it didnt work at all... | 12:51 |
Amaranth | Gwildor: If it doesn't show up in the menu I think you need to logout and log back in. | 12:51 |
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Amaranth | Or just run gksudo update-manager from a shell. :) | 12:52 |
Gwildor | Amaranth, nah, it wasnt installed, besides, i just restarted X, just had to install it | 12:52 |
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bigbrother0074 | anyone with experience getting skype to work on an AMD64? | 12:52 |
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Cuga_ | Matt|, for example you could make apti -> apt-get install | 12:52 |
Matt| | Cuga_, is that difficult? | 12:52 |
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Gwildor | Amaranth, sorry, i see your point now, restarting X, brb | 12:53 |
Cuga_ | Matt|, not at all | 12:53 |
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Matt| | Cuga_, would you describe how to do it, or point me to an easy howto or something? | 12:54 |
bigbrother0074 | anybody know what prgm i might need to communicate w/ a Creative Nomad IIc mp3 player? | 12:55 |
Gwildor | ooh, got the update manager now, its kinda nice | 12:55 |
Matt| | carlos, you here too? | 12:55 |
Gwildor | too bad im up to date atm | 12:55 |
carlos | Matt|: yep | 12:55 |
thomas_ | ciao | 12:55 |
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Matt| | carlos, what do those files do | 12:56 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) bigbrother0074, since skype is closed and proprietary, the "internet telephony that just works" will probably be easiest to set up within an x86 chroot environment | 12:56 | |
carlos | Matt|: carlos@frodo ~ $ dpkg -S /etc/bash_completion.d/pon | 12:56 |
carlos | ppp: /etc/bash_completion.d/pon | 12:56 |
carlos | install ppp and you will get an example | 12:56 |
kent | cardador, do that program work as an applet or is it a program like synaptic? | 12:56 |
carlos | Matt|: feed bash with the needed information so the autocompletion works | 12:56 |
Matt| | carlos, ok and how do I do that? | 12:56 |
bigbrother0074 | mjr, i'm not sure i understand....i'm pretty new to ubuntu and linux, etc | 12:56 |
carlos | Matt|: just read one of the already existing files | 12:57 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) bigbrother0074, then the answer is "ask skype to open up the code or at least release an amd64 version" | 12:57 | |
carlos | and do the same with the command you want | 12:57 |
Matt| | carlos, there aren't any :) | 12:57 |
bigbrother0074 | mjr, ok, thanks | 12:57 |
carlos | Matt|: as I said, install ppp | 12:57 |
carlos | and you will get an example for pon | 12:58 |
Matt| | what is pon? | 12:58 |
carlos | just an example | 12:58 |
Matt| | ok i'll try both yours and seb128 's methods | 12:58 |
carlos | it's to execute dialup connections | 12:58 |
seb128 | carlos: I think you're getting too in the details, uncommenting should be enough | 12:58 |
carlos | Matt|: you need what seb128 told you to use this feature | 12:59 |
carlos | seb128: yeah, I thought he had it already activated | 12:59 |
Matt| | ok have done that | 12:59 |
Matt| | how can i restart it? | 12:59 |
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pdaoust | hey, chaps, I'm having a hell of a time getting this one PHP4 module working... anyone know why a module, after installed, would still not be available to PHP? | 01:00 |
pdaoust | wow, quiet forum today | 01:01 |
Matt| | carlos? | 01:01 |
ajmitch_ | because it's not enabled in the php.ini? | 01:01 |
Matt| | sorry pdaoust no idea | 01:01 |
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pdaoust | ajmitch_: what an ass I am | 01:01 |
pdaoust | ajmitch_: actually, I kinda assumed dpkg would handle the reconfiguration | 01:01 |
Deft | mdz: are you availible? | 01:02 |
ajmitch_ | that'd probably depend on how it was packaged, I guess | 01:02 |
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carlos | Matt|: you need to restart your session | 01:02 |
Matt| | carlos, ok | 01:02 |
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carlos | Matt|: perhaps it's enough restarting the terminal | 01:03 |
Matt| | carlos, seb128 thanks for all your help | 01:03 |
carlos | but I'm not sure | 01:03 |
Matt| | i will try | 01:03 |
Matt| | byeeeeee | 01:03 |
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bigbrother0074 | anybody know what prgm i might need to communicate w/ a Creative Nomad IIc mp3 player? | 01:03 |
Cuga_ | Ubuntu forums seem to be back up, if anybody can update the /topic | 01:03 |
pdaoust | ajmitch_: I checked, and, sure enough, the extension wasn't enabled :) | 01:04 |
pdaoust | ajmitch_: thanks! | 01:04 |
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ajmitch_ | no problems | 01:04 |
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OrngeTide | oh my, people actually run this. | 01:05 |
kent | bigbrother0074, http://libnjb.sourceforge.net/ | 01:05 |
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bigbrother0074 | kent, thanks | 01:06 |
ajmitch_ | OrngeTide: surprised at that? :) | 01:06 |
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kent | bigbrother0074, there is a list on there homepage of programs. | 01:06 |
bigbrother0074 | kent, so i would use gnomeDAP or something? | 01:07 |
derek | anyone here have a danger hiptop2 (t-mobile sidekick2) | 01:07 |
kent | bigbrother0074, it seems like that would be a good program. Bug i dont own a nomad, so i cant say :) | 01:07 |
OrngeTide | ajmitch_, well i never heard of it until like 5 seconds ago. i was running gentoo on my ibook, but it took a big dump on me. so i tried out crux, and it had issues that i didn't feel like resolving. | 01:09 |
kent | bigbrother0074, but if you follow the link to gnomedap you'l see that it has changed name into neutrino. http://neutrino.sourceforge.net/ | 01:09 |
OrngeTide | ajmitch_, just surprised to see this many people in the channel. so i'm downloading the iso now | 01:09 |
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Pugio | hello | 01:10 |
bigbrother0074 | kent, i see that.... but i can't find either on my synaptic package manager.... do i need to find a repository for it? | 01:10 |
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Pugio | does anyone know when the first batch of CD's are expected to arrive? | 01:10 |
Pugio | I 'ordered' mine early October | 01:10 |
cardador | kent: i dont know because it says my system is up to date | 01:11 |
cardador | kent: sorry the late reply :) | 01:11 |
=== OrngeTide notes neutrino is a registered trademark of QSSL. | ||
kent | bigbrother0074, i guess so. Or find a debian-package. If your lucky, you can install it as a normal debian-package. (debian unstable/testing might have it?) | 01:11 |
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bigbrother0074 | OrngeTide, what do you mean? | 01:12 |
scorpix | hello | 01:12 |
Amaranth | this update manager is neat | 01:12 |
Amaranth | it's like OS X | 01:12 |
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pixelmonkey | Does anyone here have the J2EE 1.4.2 SDK downloaded on their machine (from Sun)? | 01:12 |
bigbrother0074 | kent, how would i go about finding a debian-package? look for it at apt-get.org | 01:12 |
cerebrix | bigbrother0074: you should post on the message board if you get that figured out, i have a nomad zen i need to replace the hd in and when i do, ill be looking for an answer to that question myself heh | 01:12 |
pixelmonkey | I need to download it, but Sun's website is fscked due to Solaris' release. | 01:12 |
cardador | Amaranth: have you figured out how it runs? | 01:13 |
bigbrother0074 | cerebrix, where's the msg board? | 01:13 |
cardador | Amaranth: like synaptic? | 01:13 |
Amaranth | cardador: yeah, pretty simple | 01:13 |
Amaranth | you run it and if there are updates it shows them and has an "Update" button | 01:13 |
Amaranth | click and and kick back | 01:13 |
cardador | Amaranth: but does it auto update the packages? | 01:13 |
cerebrix | under community on www.ubuntulinux.org =D | 01:13 |
Amaranth | if there are no updates then it tells you so | 01:13 |
Amaranth | just a simplified GUI | 01:13 |
bigbrother0074 | cerebrix, oh..ok | 01:13 |
scorpix | when i try boot the ubuntu livece my screem card wont work its nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] , so is it from xorg or ubuntu? cuz it works fine in debian(sarge). | 01:13 |
cardador | Amaranth: i have it already installed, but it says it is up to date | 01:14 |
Amaranth | for times you want to update only, not install | 01:14 |
Amaranth | then you are up to date | 01:14 |
Amaranth | although i've found that it says i am until i apt-get update | 01:14 |
asdfv | hi | 01:14 |
Amaranth | thats an apt thing though, not an update-manager thing | 01:14 |
cardador | Amaranth: so from time to time it connects to the repositories to check for upgrades? | 01:14 |
asdfv | how can I login as root in ubuntu? | 01:14 |
OrngeTide | bigbrother0074, i'm just spouting off a bit of trivia. I used QSSL's neutrino at a previous job, it's the main thing they sell (it's the kernel for QNX) | 01:14 |
Amaranth | cardador: not that i'm aware of | 01:14 |
cardador | asdfv: no need for root, use sudo | 01:14 |
Amaranth | although i think that would be the point | 01:14 |
Lowry | What is laptop-detect? | 01:15 |
asdfv | so name:sudo passw:??? | 01:15 |
Amaranth | Lowry: apt-cache show laptop-detect | 01:15 |
bigbrother0074 | OrngeTide, oh, i didn't know if that was supposed to help me or not. ok. | 01:15 |
Amaranth | asdfv: sudo command | 01:15 |
cerebrix | i just think i realized something. if i intended to patch my kernel source w/ new alsa drivers, i should probobly have done that to the source before i started compiling a .deb for the source huh? | 01:15 |
cardador | asdfv: what exactly you want to do? | 01:15 |
Amaranth | then it asks for your password | 01:15 |
Deft | Lowry, laptop-detect just return whether or not it thinks you are using a laptop | 01:15 |
OrngeTide | bigbrother0074, no. i'm not being helpful at all. :P | 01:15 |
Amaranth | Lowry: I'm assuming it's used by GNOME to know whether or not to monitor battery life. | 01:16 |
asdfv | i have to modify the file etc/network/interfaces but i can't because i'm not a rott | 01:16 |
Lowry | So - any interesting new options? | 01:16 |
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bigbrother0074 | OrngeTide, haha, ok | 01:16 |
aaroncuk | hi all, can someone tell me if a MSI KM3M-V will work with ubuntu, my current board doesnt seem to want to | 01:16 |
cerebrix | am i correct in that assumption? | 01:16 |
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cardador | asdfv: sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces | 01:18 |
asdfv | thx | 01:18 |
scorpix | when i try boot the ubuntu livece my screem card wont work its nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] , so is it from xorg or ubuntu? cuz it works fine in debian(sarge). | 01:18 |
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s0cks | lol | 01:20 |
s0cks | Had to get the udontkowz0rs | 01:20 |
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paper | anyone mind telling me how i can turn off the graphical login screen, so its just the terminal? | 01:23 |
nevyn | paper: mv /etc/rc2.d/S99[gkx] dm /etc/rc2.d/K99[gkx] dm | 01:24 |
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paper | nevyn, as root? | 01:25 |
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Cuga_ | paper, sudo | 01:26 |
paper | yes | 01:27 |
paper | thats what i meant | 01:27 |
paper | :) | 01:27 |
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=== NewComer [~NewComer@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osiris_22 | how do i update ubuntu? | 01:33 |
Gwildor | synaptic | 01:33 |
=== giannicola [~giannicol@213-140-6-112.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor | or sudoapt-get update | 01:34 |
osiris_22 | does it update the kernal? | 01:34 |
Gwildor | or sudo apt-get update | 01:34 |
Gwildor | sorry | 01:34 |
Gwildor | then sudo apt-get upgrade | 01:34 |
giannicola | cuga? | 01:34 |
Cuga_ | Heya | 01:34 |
cardador | osiris_22: yes it does | 01:35 |
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giannicola | i'm the guy of dhcp | 01:35 |
giannicola | no everything work | 01:35 |
Cuga_ | giannicola, nice so it worked? | 01:35 |
giannicola | i'm on ubuntu | 01:35 |
giannicola | yes | 01:35 |
Cuga_ | great | 01:35 |
giannicola | thank you very much | 01:35 |
giannicola | i'm a little inexpert | 01:35 |
Cuga_ | np, its weird that the installer didnt catch that thos (the fact that you were on dhcp) | 01:35 |
=== dimgr [~dimgr@pool-138-88-115-89.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dimgr | hi | 01:35 |
giannicola | now i'm going to bed | 01:36 |
giannicola | here in italy is almost 2am | 01:36 |
giannicola | where are you from cuga? | 01:36 |
Cuga_ | Canada, its about 7:30pm here | 01:36 |
giannicola | wow | 01:36 |
=== hey2k5 [~hey2k5@hsdbsk69-11-85-17.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giannicola | i've got alot of relatives over there | 01:36 |
Amaranth | 6:30pm here in Iowa, USA | 01:36 |
giannicola | montreal and toronto | 01:36 |
leonel | chihuahua, Mex is 5:30 PM | 01:36 |
Cuga_ | Cool | 01:37 |
dimgr | 2.30 in Athens Greece | 01:37 |
giannicola | here in italy is dark outside | 01:37 |
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giannicola | wow | 01:37 |
Cuga_ | oh its dark here too hehe but not late | 01:37 |
hey2k5 | lol> here in italy is dark outside | 01:37 |
=== Benkong2 [~Benkong2@cpe-024-163-080-157.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Molgrew | I just used the live cd and at first things like help would open but after some time they would not, only things on the desktop, like the folders on there | 01:37 |
giannicola | goodnigth to everybody | 01:37 |
leonel | http://taint.org/xplanet/ <-- it's dark over Italy | 01:38 |
dimgr | ubuntu has a livecd? i downloaded a iso image but its not the live :P | 01:38 |
Lowry | You can boot and install | 01:38 |
Molgrew | Is it a fully capable live cd? I couldn't figure out how to go online with it | 01:38 |
Lowry | Are you wanting gnoppix linux? gnoppix.org? | 01:41 |
NewComer | leonel, it's dark over here too, yet that image says the opposite | 01:41 |
leonel | :) | 01:42 |
Molgrew | I thought since it was called live cd, that it was a live cd | 01:42 |
NewComer | mmm, the thumbnails were decieving, the actual image are correct | 01:43 |
Cuga_ | theres no reason you can't go online with it (unless i'm wrong, i haven't tryed it) but did you look into why you couldn't get online, did you see if it detected your network card and such? | 01:43 |
Molgrew | It was not very foolproof | 01:44 |
Molgrew | It detected it, but I expected something like "go online" and just having to fill in my isp account info | 01:45 |
Gwildor | tis not a microsoft product | 01:46 |
NewComer | what's the difference between ubunutu live cd and gnoppix warty (new gnoppix release)? | 01:47 |
Molgrew | knoppix had something to that effect | 01:47 |
Gwildor | newcomer, good question | 01:47 |
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Scognito | someone uses hoary and gdm ? | 01:48 |
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Gwildor | i use hoary? | 01:49 |
Gwildor | idk if that means i use gdm | 01:50 |
Scognito | gdm of hoary cannot load new themes | 01:51 |
=== usual [~colin@alb-69-202-37-56.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor | havent tried | 01:52 |
Scognito | i have installed new themes from art.gnome.org | 01:52 |
Scognito | and no one works | 01:52 |
Scognito | they are installed ok | 01:52 |
Scognito | but when i reload gdm or start a new session i got a strange error... | 01:53 |
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osiris_22 | can you use rpm files in ubuntu? | 01:55 |
Gwildor | i dont think so.......if you can, they dont recommend it | 01:55 |
Gwildor | ubuntu | 01:55 |
Cuga_ | osiris_22, change them to debs first, even then its not recommended ... find a premade deb file | 01:55 |
osiris_22 | they dont have one they only have an rpm for winamp | 01:55 |
Gwildor | Scognito, i realy dont know, just pulled the question outta ya, so someone could answer it, sorry | 01:56 |
osiris_22 | and my friend is bitchen wanting win amp | 01:56 |
Cuga_ | give him xmms | 01:56 |
Cuga_ | winamp on linux is pretty crappy | 01:56 |
Scognito | tnx | 01:56 |
Cuga_ | they gave up long time ago on it | 01:56 |
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Cuga_ | hence the name WINamp | 01:57 |
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EricNeon | morning all | 02:03 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cardador | osiris_22: check out beep media player | 02:03 |
EricNeon | this is ShangHai morning~ | 02:03 |
Cuga_ | This is Canadian evening :) | 02:04 |
Rene_S | This is Irish New Year | 02:04 |
Cuga_ | any channel ops in here? | 02:08 |
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=== Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-35-34.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Gwildor | what is a good mp3 manager/ player.....i dont really have playlists, i just like a library | 02:11 |
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NewComer | there's only ONE guy seeding the warty livecd?!!!! | 02:11 |
Deft | Gwildor, is rhythmbox not ok? | 02:11 |
Gwildor | deft, do i have that? | 02:11 |
Deft | you should do, if you've only just installed it won't play mp3s yet though | 02:12 |
Gwildor | deft, hoary, mp3 stuff is done....just havent had any on here yet? | 02:12 |
Cuga_ | Hey, lil off topic question....I just got handed a workorder to do tommorow at client site, anychange anybody know what the expression FOB means in the sentence Products are FOB Customer site? does that mean i have to bring it or they have to provide when i'm there? | 02:12 |
Cuga_ | *anychance | 02:13 |
Gwildor | maybe ask the boss? | 02:13 |
Gwildor | lol | 02:13 |
Cuga_ | gone for the day | 02:13 |
Cuga_ | lol | 02:13 |
Gwildor | wonderful | 02:13 |
(sladen/#ubuntu) NewComer: that seed is probably from the Ubuntu servers | 02:14 | |
Deft | dictionary.com says free on board... | 02:14 |
Cuga_ | man, i hate acromins.. hell i can't even spell acronims | 02:14 |
Cuga_ | hrmm.. and how do you enterprete free on board ? | 02:14 |
Gwildor | cuga, yup free on board, was just gonna say that | 02:14 |
Deft | even better than that is "Followers of the Bananameister" | 02:15 |
Cuga_ | does that mean i have to provide ? | 02:15 |
Deft | http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?p=dict&String=exact&Acronym=FOB | 02:15 |
Cuga_ | hahaha | 02:15 |
Gwildor | cuga_, thats means grab some for everyone.........take all you can carry | 02:15 |
(sladen/#ubuntu) Cuga_: IIRC, | 02:15 | |
(sladen/#ubuntu) Cuga_: IIRC, 'Fright-on-board'---the customer pays based the distance you have to transport the items | 02:16 | |
=== Rene_1 [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osiris_22 | i cant seem to get totum to play any mpgs for some reason | 02:17 |
Rene_1 | Odd, gaim has irc he | 02:17 |
Gaaruto | i just to upgrade my hoary, now nautilus is very slow, why ? | 02:17 |
Gwildor | gaaruto,maybe try and upgrade again?, idk, i just got a new nautalis upgrade, bout 20 mins ago | 02:17 |
Cuga_ | ahh means i gotta bring em... here comes an hour of burning.. :( | 02:17 |
Gwildor | hahahaha | 02:17 |
Deft | osiris_22, do you have the plugins installed? | 02:18 |
=== Rene_1 is now known as Rene_S | ||
cardador | Gaaruto: sudo apt-get install gamin | 02:18 |
(sladen/#ubuntu) Cuga_: (or the customer organises their own transport) | 02:18 | |
Gaaruto | ok thanks | 02:18 |
osiris_22 | i didnt know there were plugins deft | 02:18 |
Gwildor | thats what gamin does | 02:18 |
cardador | osiris_22: search for w32codecs, but you must have multiverse enabled | 02:19 |
Deft | osiris_22, if you are using the included totem, it's based on gstreamer; you'll likely be better off installed totem-xine instead, which can uses the w32codecs | 02:19 |
Gaaruto | what is gamin ? | 02:19 |
Falstius | anyone have suggestions for good Palm Pilot software in addition to Evolution? My brother is asking for something like "WordToGo" | 02:19 |
cardador | Gaaruto: it replaces fam | 02:19 |
osiris_22 | so i should look for xine on synaptic? | 02:19 |
Deft | Gaaruto, gamin is a replacement for fam, the file alteration monitor | 02:19 |
Rene_S | Gotta Love Linux, learn something new everyday :) | 02:19 |
cardador | osiris_22: w32codecs | 02:20 |
Deft | osiris_22, you'll need a new apt source first | 02:20 |
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Gaaruto | thanks it works :) | 02:20 |
cardador | Gaaruto: :) | 02:20 |
Deft | osiris_22, "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main" | 02:20 |
Deft | then you can install totem-xine and w32codecs | 02:20 |
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cardador | Deft: i think its better to use multiverse | 02:22 |
Majestic|LinuX | how can I get hoary | 02:22 |
cardador | osiris_22: edit sources.list and add universe and multiverse to the repository | 02:22 |
Gwildor | umm, why cant i use rythmbox?, its not in the menu, i cant right click on an mp3 and say "add to library", anyone know why? | 02:22 |
Deft | cardador, not for w32codecs surely | 02:23 |
Rene_S | Dont shave for a week, you will get pretty Hoary by then :) | 02:23 |
Deft | Gwildor, it should be listed as Music Player | 02:23 |
Gwildor | Majestic|LinuX, changes the word warty in your source list to say hoary | 02:23 |
Majestic|LinuX | thanks | 02:23 |
Majestic|LinuX | Whats up G ;) | 02:23 |
Deft | Gwildor, I don't know where the Add to Library menu is though, it got lost when I upgraded from warty | 02:23 |
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Gwildor | deft, thats what im saying | 02:25 |
Gwildor | deft, wonderful, no sound from rythmbox | 02:26 |
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Gwildor | lol, sure gort sound from gaim though, man that was loud | 02:26 |
=== Shadow2 [~Shadow@c211-30-16-220.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
migueliyus | what software is available like kazza on ubuntu ? | 02:26 |
Deft | Gwildor, if it doesn't work on the second try, you might see what gstreamer-properties gives you | 02:26 |
Cuga_ | limewire, gnutella... | 02:26 |
Gwildor | migueliyus, i use overnet, was pretty easy to set up | 02:26 |
Deft | Gwildor, although I'm not very convinced by the current hoary build of rhythmbox, crashes a bit too much | 02:27 |
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NewComer | migueliyus, use gift, with giFToxic as frontend | 02:27 |
Rene_S | I use Apollon, its a KDE front end to giFt but it uses FastTrack | 02:27 |
osiris_22 | i got xine with out adding a repository | 02:27 |
Rene_S | supports rather | 02:27 |
osiris_22 | and it works jsut fine | 02:27 |
osiris_22 | hrm | 02:27 |
Deft | migueliyus, just to join in, gtk-gnutella with the gtk2 frontend is nice for gnutella1 network | 02:27 |
Gwildor | deft, what should gstreamer-properties show me....it gives me like a config window | 02:28 |
osiris_22 | amsn sucks ass | 02:28 |
Gwildor | natalus window | 02:28 |
Deft | osiris_22, you should get most basic codecs, but not mpeg4 | 02:28 |
osiris_22 | should it play dvds? | 02:28 |
Deft | Gwildor, try changing the audio output to alsa, if it isn't there already | 02:28 |
osiris_22 | err | 02:29 |
osiris_22 | will it play dvds | 02:29 |
osiris_22 | lmao | 02:29 |
Deft | osiris_22, you need libdvdcss2 for that | 02:29 |
Deft | osiris_22, if they are protected dvds anyway | 02:29 |
Gwildor | deft, works now | 02:29 |
Gwildor | deft, thnx | 02:29 |
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nixman | anyone seen problems where the ubuntu installer is incapable of mounting the cdrom ? | 02:32 |
Rene_S | Its never happened to me personally | 02:32 |
nixman | the cdrom in question is a normal dvd drive easily recognized by knoppix/fedora | 02:33 |
nixman | any idea why this could be happening ? | 02:33 |
Deft | nixman, have you looked in the bugzilla? | 02:33 |
nixman | Deft, checking it now. | 02:34 |
Pugio | does anyone have an ETA on the pressed CD's? | 02:35 |
=== Cloudchaser [~Cloudchas@69-167-73-99.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benja | i installed giftui and i get this error :[22:34:52] *** GIFT-ERROR: failed to open /usr/share/giFT/mime.types | 02:36 |
benja | giftui : No host to connect /apps/giftui/daemon/host. | 02:36 |
migueliyus | so me I benja | 02:37 |
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cardador | benja: install apollon instead, you can acess gnutella, openft and fasttrack (kazaa) networks | 02:38 |
cardador | benja: and limewire is pretty good also, but itll connect only to gnutella | 02:39 |
benja | ok, thanks | 02:39 |
cardador | bye | 02:40 |
benja | my giftd does not start :( gives me errors | 02:44 |
Gwildor | see why i sad go with overnet | 02:44 |
Rene_S | try running gift-setup | 02:45 |
robertj | why does exporting the display to and running xcalc from the chroot not cause the window to display? | 02:45 |
Gwildor | 2 debs to install.......on you go | 02:45 |
nixman | Deft, looks like i am experiencing https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1440 | 02:46 |
benja | now works :D | 02:47 |
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Rene_S | Ill send ya my bill in the mail | 02:47 |
Gwildor | why does FF take days to start? | 02:48 |
Rene_S | No idea, I use Mozilla mostly but when i used FF I never had any trouble | 02:49 |
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Gwildor | try it now......hoary | 02:49 |
Gwildor | like 6 long seconds....hahaha | 02:50 |
Gwildor | i guess it varys......some times it takes longer | 02:50 |
Rene_S | Look at it this way, at least its not IE | 02:50 |
Gwildor | hahahahaha......good point | 02:51 |
=== hcker2000 [~hcker2000@69-162-110-111.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rene_S | I unfortunatly have it on my Linux box to test webpages with, makes me nervous everytime it opens | 02:51 |
Gwildor | hahhaha | 02:52 |
Gwildor | dont wanna get spyware.......... | 02:53 |
Gwildor | hehe | 02:53 |
Rene_S | Most of the time i just disconnect the internet, but sometimes I forget | 02:53 |
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hcker2000 | any one else here us the ppc distro? | 02:55 |
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Gwildor | ogra does, i think | 02:55 |
Lowry | I have ppc | 02:55 |
_Maragato_ | hello hello godnight everybody | 02:55 |
Gwildor | not on atm though | 02:56 |
Gwildor | goodnite | 02:56 |
_Maragato_ | may I bug you with 3 questions? | 02:56 |
Gwildor | me.sure | 02:56 |
EricNeon | good morning! | 02:56 |
hcker2000 | Lowry, what mac are u runing it on? | 02:56 |
Rene_S | Hmmm that Conectiva Linux looks kinda nice . | 02:56 |
=== WildCode [~cisos@CPE-203-51-251-171.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lowry | g3 powerbook | 02:57 |
EricNeon | woh | 02:57 |
EricNeon | I like it | 02:57 |
hcker2000 | dose it have a built in modem? | 02:57 |
Lowry | Yes - but I share internet with my g4 | 02:58 |
EricNeon | but I have no meney | 02:58 |
WildCode | I'm having problems installing ubuntu 4.10, I get unmet dependencies when installing the base system in with the dependancy being modutils (which apparently isn't installed and isn't going to be) | 02:58 |
Lowry | I have not tested the modem yet | 02:58 |
jdub | WildCode: how are you installing it? | 02:58 |
WildCode | letting the cd do its thing | 02:59 |
Lowry | What mac do you have? | 02:59 |
jdub | have you checked the md5sum of the cd? | 02:59 |
WildCode | yes, it was a clean burn | 02:59 |
WildCode | jdub: dunno about md5, but the burning software I used said the cd was fine and matched the image it used | 03:00 |
Lowry | Try a different burning app and brand of cdr | 03:01 |
Lowry | Might help | 03:01 |
jdub | WildCode: the image and/or cd may be corrupted | 03:01 |
WildCode | lol, I would if I had a different brand ... never had a problem with the app or cd brand before | 03:01 |
jdub | WildCode: you should check the md5sum of the image, at the very least | 03:01 |
Gaaruto | good night everybody | 03:01 |
Gaaruto | and thanks | 03:01 |
Lowry | night | 03:02 |
Gwildor | maybe burn the image at a slower speed? | 03:02 |
EricNeon | lol,this is morning | 03:02 |
Gaaruto | EricNeon, not for me | 03:02 |
Gaaruto | :) | 03:02 |
Gaaruto | bye | 03:02 |
Lowry | Run a md5sum app and see if the dl was ok | 03:02 |
Lowry | The forums have many questions/solutions to cdr problems on pc/ppc | 03:04 |
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EricNeon | I use gentoo linux now | 03:05 |
EricNeon | and I'll test my garnome-cn patch | 03:05 |
WildCode | md5sum: a491903a2d2197651864dec3836d85e0 ... matches what ubuntu site says | 03:05 |
=== Phr0stByte [~phr0stbyt@ip24-250-124-175.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
yz | edd: Couldn't find package ncurses-devel | 03:05 |
yz | when i did: sudo apt-get install ncurses-devel | 03:06 |
EricNeon | yes | 03:06 |
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EricNeon | or install ncurses5-dev? | 03:06 |
hcker2000 | Lowry, u have any idea if the modem in the powerbook g4's is suported? | 03:06 |
yz | lemme try than ericneon | 03:07 |
yz | that (not than) | 03:07 |
Lowry | Sorry -no | 03:07 |
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WildCode | jdub: md5sum matches whats on the ubuntu site, so what do you suggest ... is there anyway to force it to install modutils ... | 03:08 |
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hcker2000 | darn i wish i could find some info on it. i got to go to work in less than an hour and my old laptop died and im trying to get my wife laptop to dial up so i can get on the net at work | 03:08 |
Lowry | Try the ppc forums - if it is not working post your info | 03:08 |
Deft | can anyone tell me if there's any current work on Thunderbird 0.9 for hoary? | 03:08 |
yz | when i did: sudo apt-get install ncurses5-devel | 03:09 |
yz | edd: Couldn't find package ncurses5-devel | 03:09 |
Deft | libncurses5-dev | 03:09 |
jdub | WildCode: if the cd is correct, then there shouldn't be any problems between the packages at all | 03:11 |
jdub | WildCode: are you sure you got the warty cd? what steps are you going through? | 03:11 |
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EricNeon | Deft, I use Thunderbird 0.9 (chinese) | 03:12 |
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Lowry | I used a cdrdao based cdr app | 03:12 |
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Lowry | Worked well | 03:12 |
Deft | EricNeon, just the package straight from mozilla.org? | 03:12 |
hcker2000 | well looks like no one uses the ppc forums | 03:12 |
EricNeon | from gentoo mirrors | 03:12 |
lil_anthony | question: anyone besides me get the alsas /dev/mixer error when using gmplayer? My video will play and my sound will play but i get a looping popup that will not go away until the file is closed. | 03:13 |
EricNeon | I 'm use gentoo | 03:13 |
Lowry | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=9 | 03:13 |
Lowry | ppc forum | 03:13 |
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hcker2000 | yea 98 whoal posts lol | 03:14 |
EricNeon | Deft,why u down package from mozilla.org? | 03:14 |
WildCode | jdub: boot from the cd, setup the partition, letting it know I'm an aussie, choosing my keyboard, then let it do its thing, it then comes up with a message saying that the installation has failed during installing the base system, and to check console 3 for info .. trying to go | 03:15 |
Deft | EricNeon, because there isn't a deb yet for ubuntu, that's why I was asking... | 03:15 |
EricNeon | if you use ubuntu ,only just et | 03:15 |
WildCode | trying to go further brings you to the list of steps (much like debians list) | 03:15 |
EricNeon | o? | 03:15 |
EricNeon | I see | 03:15 |
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WildCode | jdub: confirmed: cd fine as well ... ripped image from cd, md5sum'd it, compared it to the image I have and to the md5sum listed on the ubuntu site. All match | 03:17 |
=== Phr0stByte is trolling GameDev.net... | ||
EricNeon | debian have no thunderbird? | 03:17 |
Phr0stByte | Its imposible to find good help anymore.... | 03:17 |
jdub | EricNeon: which package manager do you use? | 03:17 |
jdub | oh | 03:18 |
osiris_22 | anyone know the site where to get the newer gtk-guntella .deb file? | 03:18 |
jdub | Deft: thunderbird will be updated when debian updates it | 03:18 |
EricNeon | gentoo emerge | 03:18 |
WildCode | jdub: and yes, its the warty cd -> warty-release-install-i386.iso | 03:18 |
jdub | WildCode: failure during base system. badness. | 03:19 |
jdub | WildCode: what kinda machine? | 03:19 |
osiris_22 | someones gotta know where to get it lmao | 03:19 |
osiris_22 | come on | 03:19 |
Deft | jdub, actually, they have already, missted that; good suggestion EricNeon | 03:19 |
EricNeon | jdub,do you remenber me? | 03:19 |
jdub | EricNeon: hrm, no? | 03:19 |
jdub | Deft: it ought to be in hoary soon then | 03:19 |
EricNeon | I am menber of gnome-cn | 03:19 |
jdub | cool | 03:19 |
jdub | enjoying ubuntu? | 03:20 |
WildCode | jdub: athlon xp 2400 ... 1gig ram, 120 gig total hdd space ... radeon 9600 xt (256megs) ... | 03:20 |
EricNeon | we had test gar-cn patch | 03:20 |
Deft | jdub, too late! I'm annoyed with the broken evo now! :) | 03:20 |
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EricNeon | yes ,I used ubuntu last eek | 03:20 |
Phr0stByte | Deft: Hoary? | 03:35 |
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Deft | Phr0stByte, yes, IMAP not working | 03:35 |
EricNeon | I'm also member of hiweed-debian distro dev team | 03:35 |
WildCode | jdub: gigabyte mb .. network card (which the installer detected correctly) | 03:35 |
Phr0stByte | Deft: How can you get annoyed with something still in developement? | 03:35 |
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EricNeon | we love debian and gentoo | 03:35 |
Deft | Phr0stByte, I'm not that annoyed really, it wasn't unexpected; but I want to see the changes, and it's too much hassle to rool back | 03:35 |
Deft | * wanted, roll | 03:35 |
Phr0stByte | Deft: Understood. If you want bug free functionality, warty is great! | 03:35 |
jdub | WildCode: hrm. weird. | 03:35 |
EricNeon | jdub,we had test a chinese patch to garnome2.8.1,it's very good | 03:35 |
WildCode | jdub, I didn't do anything fancy, I just followed the steps the installer took ... | 03:35 |
Els|lappy | hi, i got my free cd's a few days ago, i'v just gone to install ubuntu and it;s tryingto up date from ubuntu.com, is there any way of stop this update ? | 03:35 |
Deft | Phr0stByte, I know, I used it for a few weeks with no upgrading, which is an achievement for me, given that I was using debian sid+experimental most of the time before | 03:35 |
jdub | EricNeon: what did you change? | 03:35 |
jdub | EricNeon: (i don't maintain garnome anymore, btw) | 03:35 |
EricNeon | only any chinese patch | 03:35 |
Phr0stByte | Deft: Going on two months with warty here - loving every minute of it! | 03:35 |
EricNeon | http://www.gnome-cn.org/getstart/ | 03:35 |
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EricNeon | we will named it | 03:35 |
EricNeon | now ,we call it as gar-cn | 03:35 |
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WildCode | jdub: any suggestions? | 03:35 |
jdub | WildCode: no, perhaps when Kamion is around, he can help you (UK time) | 03:35 |
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jdub | EricNeon: cool :-) | 03:35 |
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jdub | EricNeon: you don't have ubuntu on your preinstalled gnome page ;-0 | 03:35 |
jdub | ;-) | 03:35 |
WildCode | I'll do the install again and write down every step so it "might" be able to be reproduced ... | 03:35 |
EricNeon | today I'll test garnome2.9.1 | 03:35 |
EricNeon | hoho,I'll do it | 03:35 |
EricNeon | ubuntu~ | 03:35 |
hcker2000 | oh well i guess i can play net hack for 10 hours | 03:35 |
jdub | EricNeon: do all chinese gnome users input with pin yin? | 03:35 |
EricNeon | there are alot of pepole at chinese used ubuntu | 03:35 |
EricNeon | no,we input with any chineseinput | 03:35 |
jdub | EricNeon: do most know pin yin? | 03:35 |
EricNeon | pinyin,WuBi,so on | 03:35 |
EricNeon | every chinese must stady pinyin at school | 03:35 |
jdub | really? | 03:35 |
jdub | wow | 03:35 |
EricNeon | yes,must | 03:35 |
jdub | my fiance speaks mandarin | 03:35 |
jdub | and said that when she was there, no one understood when she wrote in pin yin :) | 03:35 |
jdub | but now she has learnt to write in characters | 03:35 |
jdub | i only know a little bit | 03:35 |
jdub | ni hao :-) | 03:35 |
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EricNeon | cool! | 03:35 |
escoz | hi guys | 03:35 |
jdub | hola escoz | 03:35 |
escoz | does anybody knows where can I install mysql-server from? | 03:35 |
|QuaD| | escoz: apt-get | 03:35 |
escoz | i tried apt-get install mysql-server, but it says that the package is not on the repository | 03:35 |
jdub | escoz: it's available in the main repository | 03:35 |
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mazzabr | ok. | 03:36 |
EricNeon | pin yin is chinese nation standard | 03:36 |
mazzabr | ubuntu newbie here. | 03:36 |
escoz | this is what I'm getting: Package mysql-server is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 03:36 |
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jdub | escoz: hve you done an apt-get update? | 03:36 |
mazzabr | ex-slackware. | 03:36 |
escoz | yes.. | 03:36 |
jdub | escoz: that is very strange :) | 03:37 |
|QuaD| | escoz: apt-cache search? | 03:37 |
mazzabr | I have some problems here. | 03:37 |
mazzabr | eth0 is being configured at startup. | 03:37 |
=== smeg_ [~smeg@user-0ccsm8b.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdub | escoz: what are the uncommented lines in your sources.list? | 03:37 |
mazzabr | including default route. | 03:37 |
mazzabr | it shouldn't be happening. | 03:37 |
EricNeon | complete with PL of CHina ,taiwan,hongkong | 03:37 |
escoz | ok, thanks a lot jdub | 03:37 |
mazzabr | how can I disable eth0 boot setup? | 03:37 |
escoz | the main repository was not setup.. | 03:38 |
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escoz | i don't know why, but anyway.. :) thanks a lot | 03:38 |
jdub | mazzabr: either turn it off with the networking dialogue, or remove the 'auto eth0' line in /etc/network/interfaces | 03:38 |
mazzabr | I used to edit rc.inet1. | 03:38 |
mazzabr | /etc/network/interfaces. | 03:38 |
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mazzabr | jdub, thanks. I'm not used to SysV init. | 03:38 |
childe | Hello. I've enabled XComposite in xorg.conf, and how to enable Metacity's dropshadow? | 03:39 |
mazzabr | another question. | 03:39 |
mazzabr | how can I be sure that my video card is correctly configure. | 03:39 |
mazzabr | ? | 03:39 |
jdub | childe: that's a build-time thing, and metacity's composite support is b0rk atm. | 03:39 |
jdub | childe: best to install xcompmgr and try it. | 03:39 |
mazzabr | I have an ATi Radeon 9200. | 03:39 |
jdub | mazzabr: is it working properly? | 03:39 |
mazzabr | jdub, it's working ok at slackware. | 03:40 |
childe | idub: So I can't get dropshadow without re-compile Metacity? | 03:40 |
jdub | childe: you won't be able to do it with metacity at the moment. use xcompmgr (which runs along side metacity). | 03:41 |
mazzabr | jdub, when using slackware I used to run a 3d app to verify frame-rate. I'm afraid this app is not avaiable in Ubuntu. | 03:41 |
EricNeon | xcompmgr intrude more memory | 03:41 |
childe | jdub: EricNeon: What's the best way to get dropshadow in GNOME? | 03:42 |
escoz | another question.. is there any easy way (apt-get) to get the microsoft fonts? | 03:42 |
jdub | mazzabr: glxgears ought to be there. but is your video card working in ubuntu? | 03:42 |
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jdub | escoz: apt-get install msttcorefonts | 03:42 |
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escoz | thanks !: ) | 03:42 |
jdub | childe: install xcompmgr! | 03:42 |
mazzabr | jdub, it's working. | 03:42 |
smeg_ | i want to install Mono and there is no debian package at the site is there another one elsewhere? | 03:42 |
mazzabr | jdub, 1280x1024 including. | 03:42 |
jdub | smeg_: there are packages for mono in universe | 03:42 |
=== Ycros [~Ycros@c211-30-14-115.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
childe | jdub: But I can't find the xcompmgr package in the repository? | 03:43 |
EricNeon | letm think | 03:43 |
jdub | mazzabr: so i deduce that it's correctly configured :) | 03:43 |
jdub | childe: it's in daniels's repository, mentioned on ubuntu-devel | 03:43 |
mazzabr | jdub, : yes, it is! | 03:43 |
mazzabr | 2862 frames in 5.0 seconds = 572.400 FPS | 03:43 |
mazzabr | 3012 frames in 5.0 seconds = 602.400 FPS | 03:43 |
mazzabr | jdub, now fullscreen: | 03:44 |
mazzabr | 375 frames in 5.0 seconds = 75.000 FPS | 03:44 |
mazzabr | 379 frames in 5.0 seconds = 75.800 FPS | 03:44 |
childe | jdub: Please tell me how to get that package, or how to add daniels's repository to my sources.list. | 03:44 |
mazzabr | IMO it's good enough. | 03:44 |
=== ultrafunk [~pd@eth779.vic.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deft | jdub, has anything bad happened to users-admin recently? I seem to have thrown myself out of video and plugdev by running the latest version | 03:44 |
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jdub | Deft: on hoary/ | 03:45 |
jdub | ? | 03:45 |
jdub | childe: you'll have to get his deb line from his post on the ubuntu-devel mailing list | 03:45 |
|QuaD| | 15794 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3158.800 FPS | 03:45 |
mazzabr | |QuaD|, full screen? | 03:46 |
|QuaD| | no | 03:46 |
mazzabr | |QuaD|, which video card? | 03:46 |
Deft | jdub, yes, the version with the fancy UI for selecting groups | 03:46 |
=== Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|QuaD| | 1379 frames in 5.0 seconds = 275.800 FPS | 03:46 |
|QuaD| | some old nvidia that i am dual monitoring on | 03:46 |
jdub | Deft: could be broken in hoary :) | 03:46 |
mazzabr | |QuaD|, well, I'm satisfied, I'm able to run NFSU 1024x768 full quality. | 03:47 |
Deft | jdub, Ok, I'll leave it for a few more versions before I look into it then | 03:47 |
|QuaD| | 2x 1280x1024 | 03:47 |
mazzabr | |QuaD|, old nvidea? which one? | 03:48 |
|QuaD| | ti4600 | 03:48 |
mazzabr | |QuaD|, honestly, much better then Radeon 9200 :o) | 03:48 |
mazzabr | 64bits. :o) | 03:48 |
|QuaD| | haha | 03:49 |
gen | i get 200 fps in glxgears, beat that | 03:49 |
gen | hurr | 03:49 |
billytwowilly | is there any way to make the file copy dialouge boxes more verbose? ie show me the speed at which it is being copied? | 03:49 |
mazzabr | |QuaD|, paid so little in this video card. | 03:50 |
|QuaD| | heh | 03:50 |
mazzabr | |QuaD|, for now is enough. | 03:50 |
usual|tv | 16981 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3396.200 FPS | 03:50 |
|QuaD| | tiem for me to build a new comp, with new vidcard | 03:50 |
escoz | escoz@escoztest:~ $ glxgears | 03:50 |
escoz | 2203 frames in 5.0 seconds = 440.600 FPS | 03:50 |
mazzabr | mazza@bloodwarz:~ $ glxgears | 03:51 |
mazzabr | 2862 frames in 5.0 seconds = 572.400 FPS | 03:51 |
Gwildor | i get lik 4k with radeon 7000 | 03:51 |
escoz | crapy old video card.. :) | 03:51 |
usual|tv | geforce4 | 03:51 |
usual|tv | ti | 03:51 |
Gwildor | 4k fps | 03:51 |
Gwildor | its crazy.....default mesa drivers and all | 03:51 |
mazzabr | sometimes an old video card is enough | 03:51 |
usual|tv | nvidia | 03:51 |
Els|lappy | can some one help me, i'v just installed ubuntu, and i can;t get to any web pages, i do have in ip address and i can ping the domains. | 03:51 |
gen | i have a gf2 gts haha | 03:51 |
Gwildor | Els|lappy, you talking to us on the ubuntu box? | 03:52 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, same problem here. | 03:52 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, using adsl? | 03:52 |
usual|tv | 21428 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4285.600 FPS | 03:52 |
Els|lappy | Gwildor : nope, | 03:52 |
Els|lappy | mazzabr : yep | 03:52 |
Gwildor | there you go usual|tv | 03:52 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : just solved here. | 03:52 |
usual|tv | :)\ | 03:52 |
Els|lappy | <-- adsl modem, router wifi combo :) (dlink dsl-g604t) | 03:53 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : probably the problem is that you already have your eth0 configured using DHCP. | 03:53 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : default in instalation. | 03:53 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : try this | 03:53 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, edit /etc/network/interfaces | 03:53 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, comment auto eth0 | 03:54 |
usual|tv | maybe I'll put up video tutorials of how to do things in ubuntu | 03:54 |
usual|tv | heh | 03:54 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, and iface eth0 inet dhcp | 03:54 |
lil_anthony | woo hoo finally figured out how to make gmplayer not give me the alsa /dev/mixer error i'm happy now :) | 03:54 |
Gwildor | lol | 03:54 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : took note? | 03:54 |
mazzabr | :o) | 03:54 |
Els|lappy | yep | 03:54 |
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mazzabr | Els, see y ou in 5 minutes. | 03:54 |
Els|lappy | lol | 03:55 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, gogogo! | 03:55 |
=== Els|lappy forgot how to use vi | ||
mazzabr | :o) | 03:55 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, hmm... use i to insert | 03:55 |
=== scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : use esc to stop inserting | 03:55 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : use :w to save | 03:56 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : use :q to quit | 03:56 |
lil_anthony | would be against the rules to post a link a free ebook that i find very useful to learn linux? just trying to help is why i ask | 03:56 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : you can also use pico, installed by default. | 03:56 |
Els|lappy | can;t save the file, because it's read only | 03:56 |
billytwowilly | does ubuntu have nforce2 support built in? Will I be able to get the network card up and running with the install cd? | 03:56 |
=== jovian [~jovian@c-24-118-74-107.mn.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor | lil_anthony, you can pm them too me :) | 03:56 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : you must use root | 03:56 |
lil_anthony | alright | 03:56 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : if already root, try :w! | 03:57 |
=== Cloudchaser [~Cloudchas@69-167-73-99.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mazzabr | Els|lappy, but default installation makes this file rw-r--r-- | 03:57 |
=== Els|lappy now can;t rember if ubuntu asked him to set up a root password | ||
Els|lappy | or can;t i su as root from my own account ? | 03:58 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : it didn't for me | 03:58 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : at GRUB select recovery boot :o) | 03:58 |
childe | bg | 03:58 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : you'll get a root shell. | 03:59 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : passwd to a password you'll won't forget | 03:59 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : boot again. :o) | 03:59 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : I'm getting good on it :o) | 03:59 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, What else? | 03:59 |
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=== aasic1 [~austin@adsl-68-94-196-186.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aasic1 | Can someone please help me with adding something to startup? | 04:01 |
aasic1 | cron ? init? | 04:01 |
mazzabr | aasic1, : first you need to create a startup script. | 04:01 |
aasic1 | .sh? | 04:02 |
mazzabr | aasic1, like de ones you can find in /etc/init.d | 04:02 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aasic1 | okay | 04:02 |
mazzabr | aasic1, then you need to decide in which runlevel it'll run. | 04:02 |
mazzabr | aasic1, once done, you take a look at rc.<runlevel> | 04:03 |
mazzabr | I mean, /etc/rc.<runlevel> | 04:03 |
=== stewart [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mazzabr | aasic1, : at rc.runlevel there are only links, basically to init.d | 04:04 |
mazzabr | aasic1, links are executed in alphabetical order. | 04:04 |
mazzabr | aasic1, : all you have to do is name your link so it is executed at the right time. | 04:05 |
mazzabr | aasic1, : clear? | 04:05 |
aasic1 | yeah | 04:05 |
aasic1 | hmm | 04:05 |
aasic1 | if it changes anything, it's httpd | 04:05 |
Els|lappy | mazzabr : still not working | 04:06 |
mazzabr | Now it's my turn to ask. where can I find documentation about how to create .deb to Ubuntu repositories. | 04:06 |
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mazzabr | aasic1, httpd must be started after inetd | 04:06 |
=== ubuntu_hp [~mrl@modemcable017.53-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : wtf! | 04:06 |
Els|lappy | <- is useing dhcp on a router | 04:06 |
ubuntu_hp | hi | 04:07 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, how does your adsl works? | 04:07 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : may I ask the adsl provider? | 04:07 |
Els|lappy | nildram | 04:07 |
ubuntu_hp | anyone using ubuntu on HP pavillion laptops? | 04:07 |
Els|lappy | but it's 1 ip shaired between 5 pcs | 04:07 |
mazzabr | the adsl modem? | 04:07 |
Els|lappy | dlink dsl-g604t | 04:07 |
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childe | jdub: I've installed xcompmgr, but after I used it, when I maximize a window, it occupied all the screen, even covered the GNOME panel. | 04:08 |
childe | Is it xcompmgr's bug or GNOME's bug? | 04:08 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : 5 pcs? 5 real IPs? | 04:08 |
electroglas | Anyone know why smb network browsing quit working on Hoary? | 04:08 |
jdub | childe: bit of both, really :) | 04:08 |
ubuntu_hp | brb guy.. ") | 04:08 |
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Els|lappy | 5 interil ip (192.168.1.* ) | 04:08 |
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childe | jdub: Have you got the same error when you use it? | 04:08 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : and a internet router. | 04:08 |
jdub | childe: yes | 04:08 |
Els|lappy | mazzabr : bingo | 04:09 |
electroglas | I did a fresh install of Warty and smb worked fine. I then changed to Hoary and it quit... | 04:09 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : so you should't have removed that both lines. | 04:09 |
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mazzabr | Els|lappy, and you shouldn't also run pppoeconf | 04:09 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : simply configure eth0 using DHCP. | 04:10 |
mazzabr | it should work :o/ | 04:10 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : have you ever tried this? | 04:10 |
childe | jdub: OK. But at least I can show my screenshot to my friend who use Mac OS X. | 04:10 |
electroglas | "smb:///" is not a valid location error on accessing Windows network | 04:10 |
=== Tufek [Gentoo@Montreal-ppp3531951.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Els|lappy | did not run pppoeconf, but told ubuntu to use dhcp | 04:10 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : mistery....... | 04:11 |
gen | electroglas, i get it also | 04:11 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, sincerely, i don't know. | 04:11 |
gen | doesnt break sharing to ubuntu by other machines though | 04:11 |
mazzabr | Els|lappy, : i came from slacware TODAY. | 04:11 |
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mazzabr | Els|lappy: jdub gave some initial light, and now I'm walking on my on legs. | 04:11 |
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imanewbie | I've just installed ubuntu | 04:12 |
imanewbie | how do I log as root? | 04:12 |
gen | why would you want that | 04:12 |
imanewbie | cause I have been using linux for ages and I want to install flash, java and this kind of crap | 04:13 |
Els|lappy | tbh, i think my router is b0rked | 04:13 |
gen | so use sudo | 04:13 |
imanewbie | sudo passwd root | 04:13 |
imanewbie | ? | 04:13 |
(ilmari/#ubuntu) imanewbie: do as you were told during the install, use sudo | 04:13 | |
(ilmari/#ubuntu) sudo -s gives you a shell | 04:14 | |
electroglas | imanewbie - I believe your normal user password will do everything you need | 04:14 |
Els|lappy | hole, well, thanks for the help mazzabr | 04:15 |
mazzabr | see ya. | 04:15 |
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imanewbie | cant I damm log as root? =( | 04:19 |
electroglas | Loss of smb support reported as bug Bug #4031 on https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4031. Anyone else lose smb with Hoary? Any ideas on how to fix it? | 04:19 |
imanewbie | I want to log as root so I can use apt-get =/ | 04:20 |
jdub | imanewbie: use sudo | 04:21 |
jdub | imanewbie: search the FAQ for root to find out more about this | 04:21 |
jdub | imanewbie: root is disabled in ubuntu :) | 04:21 |
imanewbie | whut?! | 04:22 |
(ilmari/#ubuntu) imanewbie: you were told during the install | 04:22 | |
Ruffian|Q| | Everyone, join #dualboot | 04:22 |
Gwildor | #dualboot | 04:23 |
jdub | electroglas: looks like it wasn't built | 04:23 |
Gwildor | tis empty | 04:23 |
(ilmari/#ubuntu) imanewbie: use sudo. (or aptitude or synaptic, which do it for you) | 04:23 | |
(ilmari/#ubuntu) imanewbie: 'sudo -s' gives you a root shell | 04:23 | |
jdub | better to use sudo su - | 04:24 |
jdub | so you don't mess up root's environment | 04:24 |
(ilmari/#ubuntu) shoudln't 'sudo -H -s' do the same trick? | 04:24 | |
imanewbie | oki I got it | 04:24 |
jdub | ilmari: not entirely, no | 04:24 |
imanewbie | can't I do apt-get install licq?! | 04:24 |
imanewbie | can't find the package =( | 04:24 |
jdub | imanewbie: use gaim (licq is in universe, which is unsupported - you'll have to enalbe universe yourself if you want to use it) | 04:25 |
Ruffian|Q| | Hey everybody, I am trying to get #dualboot started (im the op). And Im looking for some good ops, with good dual boot experience! So please join, and help out! | 04:25 |
=== guerby [~guerby@d213-103-81-159.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
escoz | thanks a lot guys, | 04:26 |
escoz | thanks, jdub | 04:26 |
escoz | good night | 04:26 |
=== Joe_Powerbook [~JoeB@adsl-68-94-152-241.dsl.mdldtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
imanewbie | how do I installl kde? | 04:30 |
Hikaru79 | imanewbie, you could use Synaptic | 04:30 |
Amaranth | oh, heh | 04:30 |
Amaranth | the ubuntu update manager is a GNOME thing | 04:30 |
=== adoyretsamon [~adoy@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Amaranth | they just rebrand it | 04:30 |
Amaranth | it's new | 04:30 |
jdub | it was written for ubuntu | 04:31 |
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imanewbie | Dudes thanks a lot I think I got it all bye | 04:34 |
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Nefarous | ndiswrapper question with ubuntu, my wlan0 i/f won't start on boot, I still have to type ifup wlan0 (via sudo) and I even have "auto wlan0" in my interfaces file, help? | 04:40 |
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BWF89 | hey | 04:41 |
BWF89 | anyone there? | 04:42 |
Nefarous | I am here ... | 04:42 |
BWF89 | yay! | 04:42 |
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BWF89 | I can't copy Ubuntu to my HDD partition 5. weird | 04:43 |
imanewbie | hail, sorry bug again, but how do I use apt-get to install kde? | 04:43 |
Riddell | imanewbie: sudo apt-get install kde | 04:43 |
cbpye | w00t | 04:43 |
Riddell | or `sudo apt-get install kdelibs kdebase` if you don't want everything | 04:43 |
cbpye | got NVidia drivers going | 04:43 |
Riddell | imanewbie: you need to have universe allowed | 04:44 |
Nefarous | BWF89: more detail? | 04:44 |
|QuaD| | imanewbie: if you are a newbie, why are you going to kde? | 04:44 |
|QuaD| | why not use the one that is meant for ubuntu | 04:44 |
BWF89 | Nef: when Ubuntu live cd boots up it gives me all my options and says "copy to hdd parition 1" why doesn't it have HDD partition 5? | 04:45 |
Nefarous | BWF89: hmmm, haven't used the live CD myself, just the install CD ... | 04:45 |
BWF89 | I tried to install Fefora Core 2 to my partition 5 and it wouldn't work either | 04:46 |
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cbpye | Hi, My name's CBPye, I'm somewhat new to debain-ish distros, and was wondering how I could easily install this deb I downloaded? | 04:46 |
BWF89 | NOTE: Partition 5 is my WinXP backup partition. I deleted it to try to install Linux | 04:46 |
BWF89 | it's only 2.75 gigs | 04:46 |
Nefarous | BWF89: what's fdisk -l say for that partition? | 04:47 |
BWF89 | what | 04:47 |
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Nefarous | BWF89: can you determine what partition type it is, etc? | 04:47 |
thoreauputic | cbpye: the answer is probably: don't. Instead use the synaptic package manager | 04:47 |
BWF89 | I think it's FAT32 | 04:47 |
BWF89 | i THINK | 04:48 |
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thoreauputic | cbpye: what is the .deb? | 04:48 |
Ruffian|Q| | Anyone here who knows alot about dual booting, please join #dualboot. I am trying to get it started to help people out with multiple bootloaders (GRUB, GDBS tm, LILO, Windows Loader, and others) Please join, and if you qualify, you get ops! | 04:48 |
cbpye | point2play 1.3.2 (I'm a transgaming subscriber) | 04:48 |
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Nefarous | BWF89: maybe it's trying to keep you from shooting yourself in foot ... hmmm, ... | 04:48 |
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imanewbie | cant Iapt-get install kde? | 04:48 |
Ruffian|Q| | yes | 04:48 |
Ruffian|Q| | just dont be using it | 04:49 |
imanewbie | how? | 04:49 |
Nefarous | BWF89: again, I haven't dealt with live cd ... it was pretty straightforward with the install | 04:49 |
BWF89 | I'm saving up to get my own PC so I won't have to worry for awhile | 04:49 |
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BWF89 | I just use this live cd so I can use IRC chat | 04:49 |
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Nefarous | cbpye: use dpkg --install <filename>.deb | 04:49 |
thoreauputic | cbpye: OK in that case it won't be in the repositories. You can try using : sudo dpkg -i <name_of_deb> | 04:49 |
BWF89 | does anyone know what "internet time" is? | 04:50 |
thoreauputic | either dpkg -i or dpkg --install should work | 04:50 |
Nefarous | ndiswrapper question with ubuntu, my wlan0 i/f won't start on boot, I still have to type ifup wlan0 (via sudo) and I even have "auto wlan0" in my interfaces file, help? | 04:50 |
deFrysk | time waisted | 04:50 |
socomm | BWF89: http://www.google.com | 04:51 |
BWF89 | it says it's @994 internet time now | 04:51 |
BWF89 | k | 04:51 |
jdub | BWF89: it's a wacky thing swatch thought would be a good idea | 04:52 |
jdub | BWF89: kinda like decimal time ;) | 04:52 |
cbpye | w00t | 04:52 |
cbpye | workin' | 04:52 |
BWF89 | what is decmal time? | 04:52 |
thoreauputic | Nefarous: quick and dirty solution might be to edit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh and add that command at the end (not really the "Debian way" but should work) | 04:52 |
Nefarous | thoreauputic: thanks ... | 04:53 |
cbpye | thanks for the help guys | 04:53 |
BWF89 | you guys want to read something funny? http://www.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=04/11/22/2247248 | 04:53 |
jdub | BWF89: time based on 10 rather than 12 | 04:54 |
thoreauputic | Nefarous: try it and see... I think it will work: obviously you need to use sudo to edit that file | 04:54 |
BWF89 | hmmm | 04:54 |
cbpye | I may end up liking Ubuntu. dpkg is enough like slackware's installpkg to make me feel at home. | 04:54 |
jdub | BWF89: (or really, 10000 or whatever swatch used) | 04:54 |
BWF89 | but we have 24 hours not 20 | 04:54 |
jdub | BWF89: internet time uses 10000 clicks or something | 04:54 |
jdub | BWF89: it's totally different | 04:54 |
jdub | BWF89: and also totally irrelevant ;) | 04:54 |
BWF89 | it's just something they put on ubuntu so they can say AH HA! WE HAVE GOT INTERNET TIME! and windows doesn't kind of thign right | 04:55 |
socomm | BWF89: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_time | 04:56 |
jdub | BWF89: no, it's a gnome thing. i don't know why it hasn't been removed yet. | 04:56 |
ajmitch_ | jdub: surely there'd be thousands of users complaining if it's removed? | 04:56 |
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socomm | BWF89: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_time | 04:57 |
jdub | ajmitch_: somehow i don't think so :) | 04:58 |
socomm | BWF89: that's probably the one you'd like to read. | 04:58 |
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BWF89 | pretty interesting thx | 04:58 |
BWF89 | gotta go to bed | 04:58 |
BWF89 | cya guys tomarrow | 04:58 |
ajmitch_ | jdub: do you know if anyone is working on a gnome nx client? | 04:58 |
jdub | ajmitch_: nup, haven't heard | 04:58 |
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socomm | ajmitch_: I'm sure there are millions of users that don't know of it's exsistence [sp?] . :^P | 04:58 |
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BWF89 | CYA | 04:58 |
ajmitch_ | jdub: ok, I just thought it might be useful, since the libs are available under the GPL | 05:00 |
htaccess | ajmitch_: where you ever in DunLUG? | 05:00 |
jdub | ajmitch_: it'd be g-rad | 05:00 |
ajmitch_ | htaccess: yes | 05:00 |
htaccess | thought i recognised thename | 05:01 |
ajmitch_ | heh | 05:01 |
ajmitch_ | I'm just in aus for a few weeks | 05:01 |
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|QuaD| | what are decent ide's other than kdevelop? | 05:03 |
|QuaD| | comparable for gtk | 05:03 |
cbpye | anyone know how to enable scrollwheel-on-the-desktop-for-changing-workspaces? | 05:03 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) |QuaD|: anjuta | 05:03 | |
thoreauputic | |QuaD|: anjuta is one | 05:03 |
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|QuaD| | any others? | 05:04 |
socomm | anjuta is *the one* | 05:04 |
|QuaD| | heh | 05:04 |
socomm | Eclipse maybe? | 05:04 |
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|QuaD| | i was just curious what choices were out there | 05:06 |
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ubuntu_hp | hello | 05:06 |
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socomm | Hello. | 05:06 |
ubuntu_hp | need some help with configuring sound on my hp laptop :) | 05:06 |
socomm | |QuaD|: Anjuta is probably the best alternative to kdevelop. | 05:06 |
|QuaD| | ok :) | 05:06 |
ubuntu_hp | anyone? | 05:07 |
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(Lathiat/#ubuntu) hrmm | 05:10 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) im doing an upgrade and anythign whcih does something this > 11:58 <@neil> tat | 05:10 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) not that | 05:10 | |
htaccess | obviously doensnt know about the freenode school of dont ask to ask just ask | 05:10 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule /usr/share/gconf/schemas/yelp.schemas | 05:10 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) that | 05:10 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) just sits there, if i strace it its hung on a poll() | 05:10 | |
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mass | hmm, any hints on getting cyrus working? I'm having cyrus probs | 05:13 |
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socomm | Don't you just hated when people come on here and ask for help? | 05:14 |
socomm | :^P | 05:15 |
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ajmitch_ | socomm: sure, but isn't that why most people come here? :) | 05:16 |
ubuntu-geek | any channel ops around? | 05:16 |
mass | hmm, I don't mind at all | 05:16 |
ajmitch_ | helping people can be good | 05:17 |
|rufius| | yay for splits! | 05:17 |
socomm | Yikes, NetSplit. | 05:18 |
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neighborlee | hey guys does ubuntu have kde now as well ? | 05:19 |
neighborlee | verifying for someone | 05:19 |
neighborlee | you know..windows converts LOL | 05:20 |
deFrysk | not really | 05:20 |
=== neighborlee ducks | ||
socomm | neighborlee: you mean as on the CD? | 05:20 |
neighborlee | no...in repos. | 05:20 |
socomm | neighborlee: it is in the default reps. | 05:20 |
neighborlee | I thought it might be | 05:20 |
socomm | s/reps/repos | 05:20 |
neighborlee | ok thx | 05:20 |
neighborlee | yeah | 05:20 |
socomm | Yeah just `apt-get install kde', all should be well. | 05:20 |
=== deFrysk is not sure if that would do it | ||
jdub | socomm: it's in the unsupported universe repo. | 05:21 |
socomm | jdub: but it's there. :^/ | 05:22 |
imanewbie | anyone using kde? | 05:23 |
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thoreauputic | I try to avoid it, but very occasionally I do </joke> | 05:24 |
ajmitch_ | yes, but on sid, not ubuntu | 05:24 |
EricNeon | ubuntu=debian+gnome | 05:25 |
EricNeon | no kde | 05:25 |
imanewbie | =/ | 05:25 |
thoreauputic | EricNeon: it's possible to install KDE | 05:25 |
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EricNeon | possible? | 05:25 |
neighborlee | thoreauputic, lol | 05:26 |
thoreauputic | EricNeon: scroll up ;) | 05:26 |
imanewbie | how is it possible? | 05:26 |
neighborlee | EricNeon, and i'm glad of it...enough kde already LOL | 05:26 |
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deFrysk | start with kdebase and continue from there | 05:26 |
thoreauputic | quote>> <jdub> socomm: it's in the unsupported universe repo. | 05:26 |
deFrysk | the kde metapack does not work | 05:26 |
need_help | hello room | 05:27 |
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EricNeon | I had not used KDE | 05:27 |
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need_help | any tips on configuring alsa? | 05:28 |
socomm | EricNeon: I've installed kde from the Universe repo without much fuss, but that was a few months back. | 05:28 |
EricNeon | lol | 05:28 |
thoreauputic | need_help: waiting for the right phase of the moon and sacrificing your first-born can help | 05:29 |
jjh | I concur | 05:29 |
EricNeon | many pepole like talk about KDE or gnome in chinese | 05:30 |
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EricNeon | they maybe brush day and day | 05:31 |
imanewbie | how do I change my repositories for universal? | 05:31 |
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socomm | need_help: why don't you tell us what your problem is, we may be able to help. | 05:31 |
socomm | imanewbie: edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:31 |
EricNeon | apt-setup | 05:32 |
need_help | sure.. was scared to open my mouth after that! | 05:32 |
EricNeon | choose a mirrors near by you | 05:32 |
Lowry | Are the forums ok http://www.ubuntuforums.org/? | 05:32 |
Lowry | I get the test page | 05:33 |
need_help | im trying to get sound up on my laptop | 05:33 |
need_help | its using the atiixp driver | 05:33 |
need_help | i can modprobe it okay.. but .. kinda lost how to proceed after that | 05:33 |
imanewbie | socomm: thx | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | need_help: if it works when you modprobe it, put it in /etc/modules | 05:34 |
thoreauputic | then it should load on boot | 05:34 |
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need_help | i can modprobe the module. but alsamixer doesnt work. | 05:35 |
need_help | it fails. no sound device found | 05:35 |
thoreauputic | need_help: try running alsaconf after you modprobe | 05:35 |
need_help | is alsaconf installed by default? | 05:35 |
thoreauputic | sudo alasconf actually | 05:35 |
socomm | need_help: yes | 05:36 |
thoreauputic | *alsaconf | 05:36 |
need_help | thanks.. trying now | 05:36 |
=== thoreauputic kinda likes the typo "alasconf" | ||
need_help | yeah.. lol.. alas.. | 05:36 |
thoreauputic | oh , alas , me alsa has gone away, .... lalala | 05:36 |
EricNeon | hoho | 05:37 |
imanewbie | use a walkman =) | 05:39 |
need_help | umm guys.. cant find alsaconf | 05:39 |
EricNeon | dining | 05:39 |
thoreauputic | "Alas, poor alsa, I knew him well... a fellow of infinite jest" | 05:39 |
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zuluwarrior | hi | 05:40 |
jmhodges | heya | 05:40 |
jmhodges | madsen, the fix from last night didnt work :-/ | 05:40 |
=== mitochondyu [~mitochond@pool-162-83-238-33.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mitochondyu | hot question!~ | 05:41 |
mitochondyu | how to make xscreensaver to use as wallpaper? | 05:41 |
mitochondyu | anyone? | 05:41 |
=== thoreauputic hands zuluwarrior an assegai and runs for his life | ||
socomm | mitochondyu: -root | 05:42 |
zuluwarrior | i had some general questions about ubuntu, being a newbie at linux and it looking really good | 05:42 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: find the hck you want, and run it on the root window | 05:42 |
jmhodges | ok, im on the ubuntu live cd and i've got a ubuntu partition on this drive that i can't reach due to a windows install overwriting the MBR | 05:42 |
jmhodges | how the heck do i get it back to the way it was? | 05:42 |
mitochondyu | ???? | 05:42 |
mitochondyu | xscreensaver -root>? | 05:42 |
mitochondyu | am really newb here | 05:42 |
mitochondyu | sprry | 05:42 |
zuluwarrior | knoppix | 05:42 |
socomm | mitochondyu: you need to run the screen saver with the -root flag. | 05:42 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: no | 05:42 |
jmhodges | i tried using the grub command line, but "install (hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage2" didnt seem to do it | 05:43 |
mitochondyu | an example will be really appreciated | 05:43 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: hold on a minute | 05:43 |
mitochondyu | very newb here | 05:43 |
mitochondyu | thanks alot tho | 05:43 |
socomm | mitochondyu: let me check. | 05:43 |
mitochondyu | thanks so | 05:43 |
jmhodges | can anybody help me with my grub-fu ? | 05:44 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: for instance, firat try running e.g. /usr/lib/xscreensaver/drift | 05:45 |
socomm | mitochondyu: the screen saver are under /usr/lib/xscreensaver | 05:45 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: it should run in a window (run it from a terminal, just as above) | 05:45 |
need_help | socomm.. sorry pal.. but I cant find alsaconf | 05:45 |
mitochondyu | ok so i type, xscreensaver -root /usr,,....??? | 05:45 |
socomm | mitochondyu: you can run a screensaver like so /usr/lib/xscreensaver/goop -root | 05:46 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: the -root option is given to the particular program | 05:46 |
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mitochondyu | ok let me try thanks alot guys | 05:46 |
s0cks | Hey people | 05:47 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: no, you type /usr/lib/xscreensaver/name-of-hack-here -root | 05:47 |
jjh | jmhodges: man grub-install | 05:47 |
socomm | need_help: apt-cache search alsaconf | 05:47 |
need_help | trying | 05:47 |
socomm | need_help: apt-get install alsa-utils | 05:47 |
need_help | alsa utils is installed | 05:47 |
Lowry | later | 05:48 |
socomm | make sure you typed alsaconf not alasconf | 05:48 |
socomm | :P | 05:48 |
thoreauputic | need_help: you need to run alsaconf with sudo, BTW | 05:48 |
socomm | yeah sudo alsaconf | 05:48 |
thoreauputic | socomm: heheh | 05:48 |
need_help | yup.. running it | 05:48 |
need_help | with sudo | 05:48 |
=== thoreauputic weeps "Alas for alasconf!" | ||
jmhodges | jjh, i've.. | 05:48 |
jmhodges | argh.. | 05:48 |
socomm | hmmm doesn't seem like alsaconf is here | 05:48 |
need_help | yeah.. where the hell did it go? | 05:49 |
thoreauputic | sudo apt-get install alsa-utils | 05:49 |
mitochondyu | hmmm... it will display it in a window box, but not as wallpaper | 05:49 |
zuluwarrior | is the kernel that is installed with ubuntu heavily modified, or can one install a vanilla kernel? Or, instead does ubuntu include the kernel sources with installation? | 05:49 |
mitochondyu | :(( | 05:50 |
jmhodges | jjh, that doesn't work at all, it gives me issues about missing /lib files | 05:50 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: it will - you just need the right -root flag | 05:50 |
need_help | thanks.. guys .. | 05:50 |
need_help | be back in a lil while | 05:50 |
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mitochondyu | using -root dont display anything | 05:50 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: see if there's a man page for the hack you are running | 05:50 |
mitochondyu | hack? | 05:50 |
jmhodges | grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda1/boot/grub/ /dev/hda | 05:50 |
jmhodges | cp: listing attributes of `//lib/grub/i386-pc/stage1': Unknown error 524 | 05:50 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: this is in gnome, right? | 05:50 |
mitochondyu | yupe | 05:51 |
socomm | mitochondyu: that's because nautilus is over your -root window | 05:51 |
mitochondyu | oh so what to do? | 05:51 |
jjh | jmhodges: did you mount your ubuntu partition? | 05:51 |
socomm | kill nautilus | 05:51 |
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jmhodges | jjh, well yes | 05:51 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: gnome has a silly thing where it writes on the root window -- as a result things that want to run on that window don't get seen | 05:51 |
socomm | or find the name of the nautilus window | 05:51 |
jmhodges | jjh, and i also try /mnt/hda1 | 05:51 |
jjh | jmhodges: chroot into it and try running grub-install | 05:52 |
thoreauputic | mitochondyu: what socomm says ^^^ | 05:52 |
mitochondyu | ok, guess am gonna kill nautilus and try again | 05:52 |
mitochondyu | thanks again guys | 05:52 |
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zuluwarrior | are the kernel sources included with the install cd? | 05:52 |
jmhodges | jjh, that doesn't work since chroot does not create the proper /devs | 05:53 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: think so, though not installed by default. | 05:53 |
jmhodges | er.. /dev's | 05:53 |
zuluwarrior | i have some patches i must apply for my hardware :| | 05:53 |
thoreauputic | zuluwarrior: I don't think so | 05:53 |
jmhodges | i've been down this road before.. | 05:53 |
jjh | ok | 05:53 |
zuluwarrior | wow, 2 different answeres hehe | 05:53 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: mount the cd and see for yourself. | 05:53 |
Rene_S | I can come up with something and make it 3 if ya like | 05:53 |
jmhodges | jjh, /sbin/grub-install: line 479: /dev/null: Permission denied | 05:54 |
jmhodges | The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly. | 05:54 |
s0cks | Hey people. | 05:54 |
jmhodges | the first of those two is repeated ~10 times | 05:54 |
jjh | you're root too? | 05:54 |
thoreauputic | why would kernel sources be on the CD? Few people would need them , and they are apt-gettable | 05:54 |
jjh | oh, I see what you mean | 05:54 |
socomm | thoreauputic: for those who don't have access to the internet. | 05:55 |
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jmhodges | jjh, yes, i am :) | 05:55 |
socomm | thoreauputic: and to roll your own kernel :^/ | 05:55 |
jmhodges | jjh, its a root terminal, and then i tossed sudo on top of that just to be sure | 05:56 |
thoreauputic | socomm: ah, but then you would need a seven CD set a-la-Debian ;-) | 05:56 |
zuluwarrior | because thoreauputic, i have patches i must install for my hardware to work properly, like the battery indicator and other acpi stuff | 05:56 |
socomm | thoreauputic: the kernel is only like ~30 megs. | 05:56 |
thoreauputic | zuluwarrior: yes, I understand - maybe what you need is linux-headers or linux-source | 05:57 |
zuluwarrior | oh maybe, i am new to linux so i dont know | 05:57 |
cbpye | anyone got a source address for synaptic that will include wxPython or PyGTK? | 05:57 |
socomm | ~35.4 to be exact. | 05:57 |
jjh | jmhodges: so there are no dev's under the chrooted directory? | 05:57 |
thoreauputic | they changed the name from kernel-headers I believe | 05:57 |
zuluwarrior | can you use the linux source to somehow inject the patches into the kernel? | 05:58 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: you can compile modules and load them that way. | 05:58 |
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socomm | zuluwarrior: but if you have to patch the whole kernel, you'll have to roll your own. | 05:58 |
zuluwarrior | oh that sounds complicated :| | 05:59 |
bborkk | cbpye: Which version of wxPython are you looking for? | 05:59 |
zuluwarrior | that is what i have to do though | 05:59 |
jmhodges | jjh, no, chroot just doesn't make the proper devs.. even though im root, it claims that /dev/null cannot be touched by grub-install | 05:59 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: not really. | 05:59 |
jmhodges | which is ludicrous | 05:59 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: it's a snap once you get the hang of it. | 05:59 |
cbpye | bborkk: one that works well with BitTornado. | 05:59 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: http://linuxjunior.org/cgi-bin/pet/pet.cgi?SUBMIT=Display&id=110 | 06:00 |
jmhodges | root@ubuntu:/# grub-install /dev/hda | 06:00 |
jmhodges | /sbin/grub-install: line 477: /dev/null: Permission denied | 06:00 |
zuluwarrior | so if install ubuntu, and then apt-get the kernel sources, and then apply the patches, and then roll the kernel, it would work? and nothing that worked before would be broken? | 06:00 |
jmhodges | crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Oct 29 15:15 /dev/null | 06:00 |
jmhodges | see? | 06:00 |
jjh | I see | 06:00 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: yes assuming that you use ubuntu's kernel config. | 06:00 |
zuluwarrior | yes that is what i would use i suppose | 06:01 |
bborkk | cbpye: Well, there's a big difference between wxPython 2.4 and 2.5. | 06:01 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: yes that should do it, just the same kernel with new functionality. | 06:02 |
zuluwarrior | cool | 06:02 |
zuluwarrior | i think i almost have enough confidence to install this ubuntu :O | 06:02 |
bborkk | cbpye: 2.4 should be available from any standard Debian unstable repository. 2.5 is available from experimental repositories. Check the Debian packages website for exact addresses. | 06:02 |
socomm | zuluwarrior: good luck. | 06:03 |
socomm | I'm off to bed now, cya guys. | 06:03 |
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zuluwarrior | good night | 06:03 |
jmhodges | so anyone know whtas going on with this? | 06:04 |
jmhodges | .. | 06:04 |
bborkk | Anyone have any success with ACPI, wireless (ipw2200), and a FireGL card working together in harmony? | 06:07 |
jmhodges | argh! i have so much in that partition.. fsck | 06:08 |
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jmhodges | oh fsck.. apparently my stage2 file is missing | 06:12 |
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wildcode | anyone here installed fglrx-driver without issue ... I get it installed and use the fglrxconfig, but X is refusing to use the fglrx driver ... it keeps telling me its using indirect more | 06:19 |
wildcode | mode | 06:19 |
wildcode | its also saying that XFree86-DRI extention is missing | 06:20 |
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billytwowilly | I'm trying to create a 120 gig partition on a 160 gig drive so I can software raid it with 2 120 gig drives. It won't create a 120 gig partion, just 119.9 saying 120 is too large. Why is this doing that? | 06:39 |
Tomcat_ | Uh. | 06:40 |
Tomcat_ | 120 Gig sounds like one of those magical addressing marks... | 06:40 |
billytwowilly | the 120's show a primary partition of 120.0 GB | 06:41 |
billytwowilly | it's 137 gb isn't it? | 06:41 |
billytwowilly | This is a brand new nforce2 board | 06:41 |
Tomcat_ | Yeah 137 as well, but I think I've read something about 120 GB-problems as well... | 06:41 |
Tomcat_ | Mh... | 06:41 |
billytwowilly | can you point me to anything? | 06:41 |
Tomcat_ | No idea then. | 06:41 |
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Tomcat_ | No, I'm not really one of the techies here anyway. :) | 06:41 |
Chib1 | My partition is 10 gigs D: | 06:41 |
Chib1 | 160* | 06:41 |
billytwowilly | oh well... 400 mb isn't that big a deal I suppose.. | 06:42 |
wildcode | ok, got fglrx working, eventually | 06:42 |
wildcode | can someone please explain why I can only use 1 net application at a time, ie: if I try to open the browser and goto goole, I get dns issues, but if I close xchat then open the browser and goto google, it works np | 06:43 |
nevyn | that's whack. | 06:43 |
Tomcat_ | wildcode: Bad router or modem? | 06:43 |
Tomcat_ | I've heard that some routers have problems with the many connections of P2P apps... maybe yours has taken it a step further. :) | 06:44 |
wildcode | Tomcat_, nar, works fine in windows without touching the router | 06:44 |
Tomcat_ | Oh, alright. | 06:44 |
billytwowilly | hmm. | 06:45 |
mario | Hello | 06:45 |
billytwowilly | the software raid thing says "When RAID is configured, no additional changes to the partitions in the disks containing phsical volumes are allowed." Does this mean I can't change partitions on the same disk as a software raid partition, or just that I can't change the partitions in the software raid? | 06:45 |
mario | I found a bug on Eye of GNOME, may be it's reported, or isn't a bug, but in two Ubuntu machine this freeze the system. When EOG show a image, resize the paned complete to left, and then resize very very slow to right, this freeze my GNOME. | 06:48 |
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tolstoy- | is there a nice readme for ssh'ing from one ubuntu to another and running X software? It used to be so easy... | 06:49 |
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stuNNed | tolstoy-, set it in sshd_config then 'ssh -X user@host' afaik | 06:51 |
stuNNed | tolstoy-, and restart sshd of course | 06:51 |
Chib1 | tolstoy- FreeNX? :/ | 06:52 |
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cowbud | java? | 06:52 |
cowbud | FAq | 06:52 |
cowbud | hrmm no match | 06:52 |
cowbud | ahh | 06:52 |
cowbud | :) | 06:52 |
tolstoy- | Hm. sshd_config has ForwardX11 to "yes". Is that what you meant? Seemed installed that way. | 06:52 |
stuNNed | yep | 06:52 |
tolstoy- | I'll try the -X | 06:53 |
tolstoy- | Ah, that did it. | 06:53 |
tolstoy- | Who'd've thought. | 06:53 |
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billytwowilly | Is the installer supposed to only let me configure a software RAID0 or RAID1 and not RAID5, or have I done something wrong? | 06:55 |
dr_willis | hmm - i set up this windo2ws machine with raid. :P it seemed to help a lot. Need to try it in linux sometime. | 06:56 |
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billytwowilly | dr_willis, linux raid destroys windows raid. Linux can do it in software | 06:56 |
dr_willis | that remminds me - this new machine i built had a serial ata raid controller that could do raid 0, or raid 1, or raid 1/0 - But I saw no mention of what '1/0' does. | 06:57 |
dr_willis | billytwowilly, but if the hardware is there - isent it a better idea to let it do it in hardware. | 06:57 |
billytwowilly | dr_willis, Depends. you may well get better performance out of software | 06:57 |
dr_willis | seems most every new motherboard has onboard raid these days. this is the first machine ive actually used it in. | 06:58 |
billytwowilly | dr_willis, you will take a cpu hit though. 15-20 % to do raid 5 on a decent machine.. atleast that's what I've been quoted | 06:58 |
OrngeTide | hrm. ubuntu has the best installation program for a ppc linux distro. nice | 06:58 |
billytwowilly | some onboard raid cards suck hardcore. Your mileage may vary. | 06:58 |
dr_willis | yea - im not even sure what raid 5 does. :P i just wanted SPEED on the xp box. | 06:58 |
=== OrngeTide is still installing | ||
dr_willis | OrngeTide, heh - i used linux on my little old imac ages ago.. and it wasent pretty... :P | 06:59 |
billytwowilly | dr_willis, http://linux.cudeso.be/raid.php | 06:59 |
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OrngeTide | dr_willis, ah. i used to run gentoo on this ibook but gentoo got in a wierd state where i couldn't fix it unless i rebuilt gcc for ppc on some other machine. so i gave up on it. | 06:59 |
billytwowilly | basically, raid0= fast, but no fault tolerence, one drive goes and you are screwed for the whole array. raid one is just mirrored. raid 5= parity blocks on each drive so you get fast but you also get fault tolerence | 07:00 |
htaccess_ | OrngeTide: do you dual boot osx? | 07:00 |
dr_willis | yea - i am still tyrying to figure out what the MB manual ment by Raid 1/0 | 07:00 |
OrngeTide | raid5 can only tolerate single failures. but that's better than nothing. | 07:00 |
dr_willis | that page mentioons raid 1+0, but not sure they are talking the same. | 07:01 |
billytwowilly | dr_willis, you need 4 drives to do that. | 07:01 |
billytwowilly | dr_willis, basically, it is a raid 0 of 2 or more raid 1 arrays | 07:01 |
OrngeTide | htaccess_, yea. although mainly because linux support for the original airport card is mediocre. | 07:01 |
dr_willis | billytwowilly, yea thats what i just read. | 07:01 |
dr_willis | so it still makes me wonder what the mb manual ment by raid 1/0 - perhaps they were to refering to a setting where you used EITHER raid 0 or 1 | 07:02 |
billytwowilly | dr_willis, that page is quite decent for explaining. God bless google;) | 07:02 |
dr_willis | But heck - this little box is decent for me now. :P | 07:02 |
OrngeTide | i used to have linux only on this machine. but when i broke down and paid for osx 10.3 i started doing dual boot. (10.3 is a lot faster on this rage128-based ibook than PB - 10.2 was) | 07:02 |
dr_willis | billytwowilly, right :p i think the mb manual is the error | 07:02 |
=== OrngeTide prefers software raids to hardware raid. | ||
billytwowilly | dr_willis, they probably mean RIAD 10 | 07:02 |
dr_willis | OrngeTide, my pooor little imac dv barely handles OS-X :) but it sure looks purty! | 07:02 |
dr_willis | billytwowilly, heh - i dont see how the MB can do that. it just has 2, serial ata cionectors. | 07:03 |
OrngeTide | we use 48-drive LVM at work. linux performs pretty well. managed to max out the bandwidth of 48 sata150 7200rpm drives just as a few raid5s | 07:03 |
OrngeTide | dr_willis, yea. that's really pushing it for osx. | 07:03 |
dr_willis | OrngeTide, heh its just a little 'ssh' to the linux box machine. and some light web surfing. so it does its job. | 07:04 |
dr_willis | poor imac's monitor is slowly dieing out on me. *sigh* | 07:04 |
OrngeTide | my ibook is 500mhz and has 256mb ram. so osx is pretty reasonable on it | 07:04 |
dr_willis | yea i need more ram for it. but its barely wiorth the efrfort. the thing is only used a few hrs a month. | 07:04 |
OrngeTide | i use it for a dvd player to my tv (star trek:ds9) while i download stuff, what more could i ask for out of a laptop. :) | 07:05 |
dr_willis | i noticed the imac dv. i got plays dvd.. but when they come out.. they are very very very warm.. | 07:05 |
OrngeTide | dr_willis, linux on it with a light-weight window manager (ion, blackbox, etc) would make it a pretty handy remote terminal. | 07:06 |
dr_willis | sad that apple couldent put a little fan in the case at least. | 07:06 |
dr_willis | OrngeTide, yea. :P i use vnc/ssh on it is about all. | 07:06 |
dr_willis | kids ocasionally use it for web surfing/yahoo when iother pcs are busy | 07:06 |
=== Arioc1 [~jason@acs-24-154-16-210.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrngeTide | they should've but a subwoofer in the case. then to cool it you could turn up the volume and push the hot air out like a pump. :) | 07:06 |
Arioc1 | Could someone help me with a widescreen resolution problem? | 07:07 |
OrngeTide | i really like the eMac .. it's cheap and fast. i'm probably going to get one of those next. | 07:07 |
dr_willis | hee hee - i considered ripping apart the imac dv. and trying to get it into a more normal pc case. | 07:07 |
OrngeTide | don't bother. they are worth quite a bit on ebay as is | 07:07 |
OrngeTide | since they have a lot of upgrade potential people(suckers) will pay extra | 07:08 |
=== billytwowilly doesn't believe in buying mac. Hardware too expensive | ||
dr_willis | I just build a AMD64 pc | 07:08 |
=== Surt [~Surt@24-117-46-189.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Arioc1 | Anyone? | 07:08 |
billytwowilly | anyone what? | 07:08 |
billytwowilly | oh | 07:08 |
billytwowilly | nm | 07:08 |
OrngeTide | it turns out that an upgradable mac is worth almost as much as the same model that has all the upgrades(processor, ram, hdd, etc) | 07:08 |
=== Surt missed the question | ||
Arioc1 | Widescreen resolution problem... | 07:09 |
=== Amaranth . Want . Mac . | ||
=== Skif [~emschwar@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrngeTide | there are cpu kits for imac dv to do a faster G3 or a G4 on it. even though those kits cost almost as much as a new mac, people will tl buy them on ebay. | 07:10 |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) haha | 07:11 | |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) I bought a playstation 2 s/h from EB | 07:11 | |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) and I'm selling it for more on ebay | 07:11 | |
Surt | you could always run os x on your pc | 07:11 |
Amaranth | i have pearpc | 07:11 |
Surt | k? | 07:12 |
Amaranth | I already run OS X on my PC. :P | 07:12 |
Surt | thanks for sharing | 07:12 |
=== Arioc1 [~jason@acs-24-154-16-210.zoominternet.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Rene_S | How well does that work ? | 07:12 |
Amaranth | It doesn't. :P | 07:12 |
Surt | http://infinity.servebeer.com/~surtq/PearPC.jpg | 07:12 |
cowbud | is it just me or does it seem logical that with multi desktops if I open an application then change desktops that application should still appear on the desktop it was originally started on? | 07:12 |
Surt | pearpc works | 07:12 |
Amaranth | I was one of the first to wait the 8 hours for an OS X install on it. | 07:13 |
Amaranth | But it isn't usable. | 07:13 |
Surt | just gotta put a lil elbow greese into it | 07:13 |
cowbud | Amaranth: hah | 07:13 |
Surt | well yeah | 07:13 |
OrngeTide | Surt, i'm trying to get rid of my pcs. pcs stink | 07:13 |
Surt | 8 hours? | 07:13 |
gen | pcs don't stink | 07:13 |
Surt | how crap | 07:13 |
Amaranth | Surt: Did you ever use 0.1? | 07:13 |
OrngeTide | my only pc i like is an 800mhz via c3. :P | 07:13 |
Surt | needs abotu half a gig of memory allocated to it to run decent | 07:14 |
OrngeTide | my athlon is just a pig. | 07:14 |
cowbud | PCs are cheaper hardware | 07:14 |
OrngeTide | yea. *cheap* | 07:14 |
cowbud | and therefore win in my book | 07:14 |
OrngeTide | cheaply made:P | 07:14 |
gen | orngetide, hush | 07:14 |
cowbud | yah well I have sat down at plenty of macs and been surprised at how slow applications react.. | 07:14 |
Surt | macs tend to be better hardware if you care to put 4 grand into a machine | 07:14 |
=== Amaranth want either a Pentium M desktop or iMac G5 | ||
cowbud | I see no insentive to move to Mac | 07:14 |
gen | cowbud, same | 07:14 |
billytwowilly | anyone want to post in here the warty metaverse deb source and save me the trouble of finding another mouse to find it on this computer? | 07:14 |
Amaranth | a Pentium M with SSE3 and x86-64 for the desktop would _rock_ | 07:15 |
OrngeTide | Surt, yea. that's the problem i have. I just buy a pcs and use the money left over to buy anime | 07:15 |
Surt | lol | 07:15 |
Amaranth | that thing can run at 600Mhz and use 3.5W of power | 07:15 |
Rene_S | Well Mac does, apparently alot of there new sales are a direct connection from there ipod sales | 07:15 |
OrngeTide | Amaranth, oh man. that would be nice. i wish the pentium m mini-itx boards were more available | 07:15 |
Surt | i find the complete lack of a moderator in here... | 07:15 |
Amaranth | and you can cool it without a fan | 07:15 |
Surt | ...scary | 07:15 |
Surt | lol | 07:15 |
gen | this is so incredibly off topic guys | 07:15 |
Surt | *operator | 07:15 |
Surt | you could run ubuntu on a mac | 07:16 |
OrngeTide | my athlon only has two fans in it. one for the power supply. and one for the radiator. :) | 07:16 |
Surt | so it isn't _that_ ot | 07:16 |
OrngeTide | Surt, i'm installing ubuntu on my ibook right now. | 07:16 |
Surt | lol | 07:16 |
Rene_S | Well if I buy a mac and an Ipod i will be sure to run Ubuntu on it .... back on topic | 07:16 |
Amaranth | What a waste of a good iBook. | 07:16 |
Amaranth | :P | 07:16 |
gen | a newer ibook? | 07:16 |
OrngeTide | nice thing is that ssh seems to work find while it's doing all it's apt-get and final installation crap. | 07:16 |
=== Surt has 6 80mm fans a 92mm and a 120mm fan in his main box | ||
=== Surt is nearly deaf | ||
OrngeTide | laptops have slow harddrives so this sort of stuff takes forever. | 07:17 |
OrngeTide | gen, no. i have a white dual-usb 500mhz G3 ibook | 07:17 |
gen | k | 07:17 |
Surt | i kinda like os x | 07:17 |
=== Surt shrugs | ||
OrngeTide | it's a replacement for my ugly toilet seat ibook g3 that i smashed | 07:17 |
Surt | if i had a newer mac i'd just leave it | 07:17 |
Surt | that reminds me | 07:18 |
Amaranth | OS X > Ubuntu > * ;) | 07:18 |
=== Surt goes and takes a piss | ||
Amaranth | Soon DragonflyBSD might move Ubuntu out of the #2 position. | 07:18 |
gen | position in what | 07:18 |
OrngeTide | os x is actually setup better than linux right now for me. there aren't any good linux ppc patches to swap capslock and control. but there is uControl for osx that does a great job at it. (i gotta have ctrl next to A) | 07:18 |
=== OrngeTide has sun type 6 USB keyboard on all his PCs. | ||
=== Surt has the cheapest keyboars he could find at the time on all his PCs | ||
=== ultrafunk [~pd@eth779.vic.adsl.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrngeTide | well osx doesn't support a lot of my weird junk i have. like i use a funny cheap usb serial adapter on my ibook to debug my gumstix ( http://www.gumstix.com/ ) | 07:20 |
OrngeTide | Surt, yea. i used to do that. but i ended up with about 3 cheap keyboards piling up in my trash and thought it was silly | 07:20 |
Amaranth | OrngeTide: damn, i was going to ask you if you were a sun fan right before you pointed that out | 07:20 |
=== OrngeTide has an interview at Sun wednesday. :) | ||
=== Surt looks at his trash | ||
Surt | :p | 07:21 |
Surt | no keyboards | 07:21 |
Surt | don't think i have ever had a keyboard break on my | 07:21 |
OrngeTide | i have some sparc stations and stuff. but they are too noisey to really play with. | 07:21 |
Surt | *me | 07:21 |
Amaranth | OrngeTide: Threaten to gun down your coworkers if they don't use an OSI approved license for Solaris. :) | 07:21 |
OrngeTide | surt, oh. i'm always breaking them. | 07:21 |
Surt | lol | 07:21 |
Amaranth | all my keyboards where broken by me | 07:21 |
Surt | well that is a different | 07:21 |
Surt | i break mice instead | 07:22 |
Amaranth | the one i'm on now has a busted shift key because i broke one of the clips off when i took the keys off | 07:22 |
OrngeTide | my last keyboard got a whole bottle of water dumped into it at night by my cat. and it just sit there. it swelled up the particle board of my desk and corroded all the contacts on the keyboard. | 07:22 |
=== neighborlee [~neighborl@d3-249.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
RuffianSoldier | Do I need a swap partition on a second HD? I am going to triple boot Ubuntu on hda, and FC3 and Vector on hdb | 07:22 |
Surt | i have a crap load of cheap logitech mice | 07:22 |
OrngeTide | i managed to fix every key except up arrow and right shift. ... so it went in the trash | 07:22 |
billytwowilly | RuffianSoldier, one swap should be fine | 07:22 |
Surt | RuffianSoldier, no | 07:22 |
=== novaburst [~novaburst@evrtwa1-ar9-4-65-251-189.evrtwa1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
billytwowilly | hmm | 07:23 |
OrngeTide | linux 2.6 swap do some smart mapping of sector addresses so swap partitions benchmarks the same as swap files (if the files are mostly contigious) | 07:23 |
=== billytwowilly forgot how pretty, yet completely unuseable the default gnome config is to him. | ||
OrngeTide | so if you mainly/only do 2.6 it wouldn't be a terrible thing to use a swapfile | 07:24 |
Surt | how do i allow higher resolutions? | 07:24 |
Surt | in the setup i just clicked through and can only get it up to 1024x768 | 07:24 |
OrngeTide | really? yuck:( | 07:25 |
=== smo [~soneil@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Surt | should pay more attention in the install | 07:25 |
OrngeTide | i need 1900x1024 :P | 07:25 |
Surt | i have a 19 inch monitor | 07:25 |
OrngeTide | er.. 1920x1080 | 07:25 |
Surt | so 1280x1024 does it for me | 07:25 |
htaccess_ | is there truly no way to have more than one item on the clipboard in gnome?? | 07:25 |
OrngeTide | HDTV :) | 07:26 |
OrngeTide | htaccess_, i wonder if those gnome clipboard items show up on xclipboard .. or if they are just special gnome/corba objects | 07:26 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) OrngeTide: xclipboard | 07:27 | |
OrngeTide | i never understood why people would ignore all the thing X gives and reinvent a bunch of it. usually the reinvented stuff doesn't even work as well as X11 from 10 years ago | 07:27 |
htaccess_ | when i use wordpress (blog software) you highlight the word you want to create a link with and click the link button and try paste the url you had on the clipboard but now the highlighted word is the one on the clipboard, very annoying but at least in kde you can select the correct item in klipper | 07:27 |
OrngeTide | Lathiat, yea? | 07:28 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) OrngeTide: ya | 07:28 | |
OrngeTide | clipboard and selection buffers in x11 are pretty confusing to users. but man is it powerful | 07:28 |
gen | ahaha | 07:29 |
gen | http://www.smoothwall.org | 07:29 |
htaccess_ | hmm xclipboard seems to be here, but firefox items dont seem to be on it | 07:29 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) :q | 07:29 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) gah | 07:29 | |
htaccess_ | i like to highlight and click with middle mouse button | 07:29 |
OrngeTide | htaccess_, not even firefox items? hrm. those should be in the selection buffer unless you explicitly told it cut/copy | 07:30 |
htaccess_ | no i just highlighted a url in the bar | 07:30 |
OrngeTide | (xterm and xclipboard use the same calls, so if it works in xterm it should work in xclipboard) | 07:31 |
OrngeTide | htaccess_, yea. it's in the selection buffer then | 07:31 |
htaccess_ | hmm i can paste it in gnome term but if i run xclipboard its not there | 07:31 |
OrngeTide | xclipboard has two modes. | 07:32 |
(lhb/#ubuntu) jdub: ? | 07:32 | |
=== joolz [~joolz@kiar.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrngeTide | htaccess_, xcutsel will let you put a selection buffer into the clipboard. then you can see it in xclipboard | 07:33 |
htaccess_ | hmm looks like i should try http://gcm.sourceforge.net/ | 07:33 |
OrngeTide | selection buffers are only 1 level deep. but clipboard is stackable. | 07:33 |
OrngeTide | hrm. that looks like what you need:) | 07:34 |
htaccess_ | OrngeTide: yea, i guess so, ideally i would just like an applet that just works like klipper on gnome | 07:34 |
OrngeTide | i'm anti-gnome and anti-kde. :P | 07:34 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) step | 07:34 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) gah | 07:34 | |
OrngeTide | i'm a Xaw & motif person myself. | 07:35 |
OrngeTide | openlook was nice too. but it died. :( | 07:35 |
=== visor [~gustavo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
visor | hi everybody | 07:35 |
OrngeTide | openlook kicked openstep's butt. but sun flaked on it. | 07:35 |
htaccess_ | i used to run fluxbox but always end up using the distro default cause i cant be bothered installing and custommising each time i upgrade distros | 07:36 |
jdub | lhb: yes? | 07:36 |
OrngeTide | sun has made tons of cool stuff that they later abandoned. it's sad really. | 07:36 |
(lhb/#ubuntu) jdub: hi, i saw in a mailing list that you know about multisync | 07:36 | |
jdub | lhb: 'know' :) | 07:36 |
OrngeTide | htaccess_, yea. customizations can be annoying. i carry around about 30kb of .vimrc junk wherever I go. i'm thinking I could fit the source to a small text editor in 30kb and just carry that around instead. :P | 07:37 |
(lhb/#ubuntu) jdub: wondered if you have deb packages built from the latest cvs version somewhere? | 07:37 | |
billytwowilly | woot | 07:37 |
(lhb/#ubuntu) jdub: you know, the version that supports evolution 2 nowadays | 07:37 | |
OrngeTide | i like ion. it does want i want out of the box. but it's really just a what if 'screen' was your x wm. :P | 07:37 |
billytwowilly | I'm making RAID baby! | 07:37 |
jdub | lhb: no | 07:38 |
OrngeTide | billytwowilly, alright! | 07:38 |
htaccess_ | hmm no gcm in debian packages :( | 07:38 |
jdub | lhb: there's a mail on ubuntu-devel that points to a repo with updated versions in it | 07:38 |
(lhb/#ubuntu) jdub: really, will have a look, thanks | 07:39 | |
OrngeTide | i made a 6Tb raid-0 at work for fun once. thank god xfs doesn't need to fsck | 07:39 |
OrngeTide | yay. ubuntu is done installing. it even started making little sound effects. | 07:40 |
OrngeTide | this brown theme clashes with my ibook though. :P | 07:40 |
=== kmfoobar [~kevin@c83-250-1-176.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
visor | OrngeTide: theres plenty of themes ported from macosx to gtk ;) | 07:41 |
visor | OrngeTide: http://art.gnome.org and http://gnome-look.org ;) | 07:42 |
=== kmfoobar [~kevin@c83-250-1-176.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
visor | i was thinking on making some kind of blueish theme for gdm/splash so it matches the colors of my theme | 07:43 |
billytwowilly | so will md0 be formatted with the reiserfs already on there or do I have to format it as well? | 07:43 |
OrngeTide | visor, i prefer solid black and white themes. the more it looks like MacOS System 7, the better. | 07:44 |
=== duke|ib [dukeku@c-24-21-168-125.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TongMaster | yeah! | 07:50 |
TongMaster | finally fixed it :) | 07:50 |
TongMaster | ww :) | 07:50 |
visor | OrngeTide: uhmm you dont like child interfaces like osx then? :P | 07:50 |
OrngeTide | billytwowilly, md0 will look like an unitialized block device. so you can format it as whatever filesystem you want to use | 07:51 |
OrngeTide | visor, not really. | 07:51 |
visor | OrngeTide: me neither, but yet, i like something pretty just not too "crystal" | 07:51 |
=== RuffianSoldier [~jane@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrngeTide | i wish apple would get "back to the basics" of user interfaces and usability. | 07:51 |
billytwowilly | OrngeTide, is there a gui type formatting thing for ubuntu? | 07:51 |
=== encryptio [~encryptio@user-119a28l.biz.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrngeTide | billytwowilly, type formatting? | 07:52 |
OrngeTide | oh. disk thingy. hrm | 07:52 |
=== RuffianSoldier is now known as Ruffian|Q| | ||
OrngeTide | no idea. i'd just do mkreiserfs /dev/md0 | 07:52 |
FartClone | qtparted | 07:52 |
=== Ruffian|Q| is now known as RuffianSoldier | ||
visor | smooth scooped its one of the best themes i ever seen so far | 07:52 |
=== pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrngeTide | my idea of gui is having one fullscreen xterm. so i'm not really a good person to ask about gui tools. :P | 07:53 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) heh same | 07:53 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) i dont like guis | 07:53 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) zsh/make/gdb/vim does me sweet | 07:53 | |
=== Adrenal [~drew@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
visor | theres people who will need guis, ever | 07:53 |
billytwowilly | will mkreiserfs /dev/md0 just format the entire partition as reiser? | 07:54 |
jdub | billytwowilly: yes | 07:54 |
OrngeTide | certain kinds of apps should be graphical. but i'm not really into having a bunch of weird desktop icons and buttons and things just to navigate to different apps. i'd rather cycle through them with a hot key or something. :P | 07:54 |
billytwowilly | It's 360 GB. Are there any options I should pass to maximize the benefit for large files? mostly videos and mp3s will be on there. | 07:54 |
OrngeTide | billytwowilly, yup. make sure you don't screw up and give it the wrong thing. or it will hose you good | 07:55 |
OrngeTide | billytwowilly, all file systems are really good at large files. it's small files that they have trouble with. | 07:55 |
billytwowilly | OrngeTide, heh. Ok. | 07:55 |
OrngeTide | billytwowilly, when you mount i'd recommend mounting with notail on your reiser volumes. | 07:55 |
billytwowilly | ok. why? what does notail do? | 07:56 |
OrngeTide | it wastes space, but it will make small file access and appends a lot faster | 07:56 |
OrngeTide | the default leads to suboptimial caching, so notail fixes that as well. | 07:57 |
billytwowilly | ok. is reiser4 stable enough to use yet? | 07:57 |
jdub | billytwowilly: no | 07:57 |
jdub | billytwowilly: neither is reiser3 :) | 07:58 |
OrngeTide | i'd use it. but i always backup my data because i don't trust anything | 07:58 |
OrngeTide | NTFS isn't stable enough to use either. :) | 07:58 |
billytwowilly | hmm. does blocksize: 4096 mean that each block will be 4 mb? | 07:58 |
OrngeTide | billytwowilly, no. 4kB | 07:58 |
=== pastyhermit [~rvirani@S0106000d88f49a55.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cowbud | any coaster debs? | 07:59 |
OrngeTide | i wouldn't tweak the blocksize in reiser... the behavior isn't well tested. | 07:59 |
pastyhermit | can I install ubuntu over network off a floppy disk? | 07:59 |
visor | cowdub: im affraid no | 07:59 |
billytwowilly | hmm. | 07:59 |
=== Klowner_ [~klown@dax37.revealed.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
visor | i was looking for a burning application too, still cant find one | 08:00 |
visor | a decent one | 08:00 |
billytwowilly | so when it says there are 87889440 blocks that would mean it thinks there are roughly 34 gb of space??? | 08:00 |
visor | for gnome of course | 08:00 |
OrngeTide | i think i'm going to uninstall all this gnome nonsense and see if ubuntu survives. | 08:00 |
visor | then you have to load all those deps for kde :S just for kde | 08:00 |
pastyhermit | dudes? | 08:01 |
visor | err, for k3b | 08:02 |
=== sd_zzz is now known as steved | ||
OrngeTide | visor, kde? no... | 08:02 |
jdub | pastyhermit: floppy, no. netboot, yeah. | 08:02 |
=== deadshell [~Zaphod@ool-44c44e58.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OrngeTide | ubuntu is neat and i'd highly recommend it. but i think i probably meant to install debian. since i didn't want a lot of this stuff. | 08:03 |
OrngeTide | like openoffice. what the heck is wrong with just using troff? | 08:03 |
=== oferw [oferw@DSL212-235-29-149.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pastyhermit | jdub: :( | 08:03 |
pastyhermit | bleh | 08:03 |
pastyhermit | perhaps I will put gentoo on my P233 :D | 08:03 |
=== vincent [~vincent@ca-angers-2-167.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deadshell | OrngeTide, try thishttp://www.nl.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ | 08:03 |
Adrenal | i can't install ffmpeg | 08:04 |
OrngeTide | gentoo is great. until it gets confused :P | 08:04 |
pastyhermit | thankx | 08:04 |
Adrenal | some dependency issues | 08:04 |
Adrenal | broken pipe | 08:04 |
OrngeTide | oh and it's python based package mangement takes forever on my 1.7Ghz. i'm sure it will take forever++ on your P233 | 08:04 |
OrngeTide | and it takes about 30-40 hours to install gentoo on my 500mhz laptop. i'm guessing it will take 40-50 on your p233 :P | 08:05 |
OrngeTide | deadshell, thanks | 08:05 |
deadshell | np | 08:05 |
(KneelBeforeXorg/#ubuntu) gentoo users gain miniscule speed boosts by compiling their software with hand-tuned compiler flags, which they then throw away by waiting seven hours for an emerge | 08:05 | |
deadshell | gentoo is a test to see how long they can keep you at your comp before you throw it thru the window | 08:06 |
OrngeTide | i never did that. i just liked to compile packages that were released only hours ago. debian likes to test stuff before they put it in. i'd rather test it myself than wait. :) | 08:06 |
Adrenal | anyone got anymore tools i can use to convert .wmv to .mov | 08:07 |
Adrenal | prefably an installer, not synaptic | 08:07 |
=== wartyuser [~warty@ca-westla-cuda4-c9a-97.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wartyuser | Hey | 08:08 |
deadshell | Hey | 08:08 |
mirak | hi | 08:08 |
wartyuser | What does warty actually have besides open office that makes it such a big file | 08:08 |
=== vincent [~vincent@ca-angers-2-167.w80-8.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | anyone have problems with sane ? | 08:08 |
wartyuser | I am using it now and it seems to have less than KNoppixe | 08:08 |
wartyuser | *knoppix | 08:08 |
=== theantix [~ryan@80.185.novustelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | my tv card is detected as the capture device instead of the scanner | 08:09 |
deadshell | wartyuser, try mepis :) | 08:09 |
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jdub | wartyuser: file? | 08:09 |
vincent | Sane only works if you are root. | 08:09 |
jdub | wartyuser: the cd, or...? | 08:09 |
mirak | wartyuser: knoppix is just a lice cd, not a real distibution | 08:09 |
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wartyuser | Yeah for the holidays I am getting MEpis, Linspire, FC2, and some others all on cd for 30 bucks 26 cds in all from easylinuxcds.com it is a pretrty good deal | 08:10 |
jdub | wartyuser: the live cd also includes a bunch of windows free software apps. | 08:10 |
deadshell | cable modem i got em for free | 08:10 |
wartyuser | oh okay thanks jdub | 08:10 |
deadshell | o_0 | 08:10 |
wartyuser | I Will cehck it out in windows | 08:10 |
jdub | wartyuser: they'll disappear as we fill the cd with more stuff on the live side | 08:10 |
wartyuser | *chec | 08:10 |
wartyuser | oKAY | 08:10 |
mirak | vincent: it doesn't work either | 08:11 |
mirak | I can't choose my scanner | 08:11 |
mirak | sane default to tv card | 08:11 |
vincent | mirak: is it a scsi scanner ? I had to do "modprobe sg" to detect it | 08:11 |
mirak | scsi yes | 08:11 |
wartyuser | Anyways I Have ordered 15 ubuntu cds to give to friends of mien and for them to give to their friends so when I Receive those I WIll explore Warty more than I am now whichI am using a cd I burned cya | 08:12 |
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(Lathiat/#ubuntu) 987 | 08:12 | |
OrngeTide | hrm. debian/sarge looks to be 14 isos ... | 08:13 |
=== wartyuser [~warty@ca-westla-cuda4-c9a-97.stmnca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mirak | vincent: do a normal pv | 08:13 |
wartyuser | Oh one more q | 08:13 |
wartyuser | Can I run UBUntu from the ramdisk? | 08:13 |
wartyuser | I have 512mb of memory | 08:14 |
mirak | vincent: it doesn't work | 08:14 |
wartyuser | Ill be back to see the answers in a minute | 08:14 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) wartyuser: no | 08:14 | |
vincent | mirak : first tiem I use IRC, tried to chat with you but doesn't seem to work... :-/ | 08:14 |
mirak | do opean dialog | 08:14 |
mirak | ot talk here | 08:15 |
vincent | Well lets talk here then. Open terminal as root, and type "modprobe sg", what does it say ? | 08:15 |
jdub | OrngeTide: only one of which you need to install it. | 08:16 |
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mirak | is says nothing | 08:16 |
OrngeTide | jdub, yea. i see the netboot and minimal installs now too. | 08:16 |
vincent | THat's ok don't worry. Now do "ls /ded/sg*" what does it say ? | 08:16 |
OrngeTide | hrm. great. i just locked it up | 08:17 |
mirak | vincent: it's ok it works as root | 08:17 |
mass | is there a way I can get a newer version of subversion on ubuntu? if I build packages, is there a way for me to share them? | 08:17 |
vincent | mirak: you mean xsane found it, and asked you to chose between your TV card and Scanner ? | 08:18 |
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mirak | yes | 08:19 |
mirak | but not as a user | 08:19 |
vincent | Yes I know, it's a Ubuntu bug. I think I saw a worfkaround on www.ubuntuforums.org, but can't remember what it is. Just search the forum you will find it | 08:20 |
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billytwowilly | where would I find the mkdev.sh script? | 08:35 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) do you meane MAKEDEV? | 08:36 | |
billytwowilly | I'm trying to setup lm-sensors. when I run sensors-detect it says "no i2c device files found. use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them." | 08:37 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) you should just need to load the i2c modules | 08:37 | |
billytwowilly | would MAKEDEV do that? | 08:37 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) then udev will make the device nodes | 08:37 | |
billytwowilly | I modprobed the one I thought I needed for my nforce2 board | 08:37 |
billytwowilly | i2c_nforce2 is there | 08:38 |
billytwowilly | still no sensors found and I get that message when I run sensors-detect | 08:39 |
=== TiffOn [~Kualkiera@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
billytwowilly | can I run udev? | 08:39 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) udev is already running | 08:39 | |
billytwowilly | any ideas why sensors-detect isn't working or how to fix it? | 08:40 |
billytwowilly | sensors-detect | 08:40 |
billytwowilly | argh. sorry | 08:40 |
=== TiffOn [~Kualkiera@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) ask on the user list I guess, loading the module should make the /dev nodes magically | 08:40 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) maybe you loaded the wrong module | 08:40 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) tho you'd get told that by modprobe | 08:40 | |
billytwowilly | what should the dev nodes look like? | 08:41 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) /dev/i2c I guess | 08:41 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) you could find out by reading the sensors-detect script | 08:41 | |
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billytwowilly | sensors-detect is for figuring out what modules to probe though. | 08:44 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) ok | 08:44 | |
billytwowilly | so i've modprobed the right one now but sensors doesn't find it.. | 08:45 |
billytwowilly | That's the real problem | 08:45 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) does dmesg show it's the right one? | 08:45 | |
=== encryptio [~encryptio@user-119a28l.biz.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
billytwowilly | lspci -v shows that it is the right one according to the docs on the sensor | 08:46 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) dmesg is the important thing | 08:46 | |
billytwowilly | dmesg shows | 08:47 |
billytwowilly | i2c-adapter i2c-o: nForce2 SMBus adapter at 0x500 | 08:47 |
billytwowilly | and the same thing again but with i2c-1: and 0x5100 | 08:47 |
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Shadow2 | windows has overwritten the mbr on my ubuntu install, is there a way to get grub back without losing the current ubuntu install? | 08:57 |
bigbrother0074 | what app can i use to play a .m4a audio file? | 08:58 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) bigbrother0074: mplayer, totem should do it | 08:58 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) mplayer plays my video .m4as | 08:58 | |
bigbrother0074 | Lathiat, they don't seem to want to play them | 08:58 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) Shadow2: oh wait | 08:58 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) bigbrother0074: sorry you mean ALAC apple stuff? | 08:58 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) Shadow2: sorry not you | 08:58 | |
bigbrother0074 | Lathiat, i don't know....a friend gave me a soundtrack in that format | 08:59 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) bigbrother0074: yeh its probabky apple, you cant play it, its a closed codec with patent restrictions and no ones written a decoder | 08:59 | |
bigbrother0074 | damn | 08:59 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) you could play it in itunes for windows but that doesnt help :) | 09:00 | |
mexp | Hi there.. Where do I disable ntp sync at boot time? It fails anyway, as the PPPoE is initiated only later? | 09:00 |
bigbrother0074 | Lathiat, no, http://www.m4a.com says it's just mpeg 4 audio file --- the nu .mp3 | 09:00 |
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Shadow2: you need to boot w/ a rescue disk and reinstall grub | 09:00 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) bigbrother0074: yes but the only things i am aware of that use m4a atm is apple encoded stuff, and you wont be able to play that | 09:01 | |
bigbrother0074 | oh | 09:01 |
bigbrother0074 | well shit | 09:01 |
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Shadow2: try booting w/ the install cd.. you can press escape to see a menu of options | 09:01 | |
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) Shadow2: I'm not really sure if there is one included.. and I'm not sure how to install grub | 09:02 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) bigbrother0074: if you like you can go convince them to release the specs to the gstreamer team so someone can write a decoder :) | 09:02 | |
bigbrother0074 | Lathiat, wouldn't that be nice of em | 09:02 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) bigbrother0074: it would, but good luck :P | 09:02 | |
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atu13439 | hey guys i aborted the ubuntu linux installation on my x86 machine after choosing language and country settings now I cant even boot onto WinXP??? Any suggestions | 09:07 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) atu13439: Define can't boot into WinXP | 09:08 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) atu13439: What come up / what error / where do you get up to / etc | 09:08 | |
atu13439 | thanks for the reply...error I get is please insert valid system disk | 09:09 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) do you have a floppy in your floppy drive | 09:09 | |
atu13439 | no, no floppy | 09:09 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) and no cd? | 09:09 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) ok what you need is some kind of windows bootdisk or CD | 09:09 | |
atu13439 | no cd as well... | 09:09 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) and to run fdisk /mbr | 09:09 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) the windows xp recovery console has a similar tool called 'fixmbr' | 09:10 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) you can run that off booting the cd | 09:10 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) [of winxp] | 09:10 | |
atu13439 | ok so boot from winxp cd and then type in fdisk /mbr | 09:10 |
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) hmm it's a bit disturbing that it would overwrite the MBR before you even partition | 09:10 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) no | 09:10 | |
atu13439 | yeah thats the weird part | 09:10 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) GammaRay: it shouldnt have, not sure what happened there | 09:11 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) Amaranth: run 'fixmbr' in the windwos xp recovery console | 09:11 | |
atu13439 | so how do i get to the command prompt on the win xp cd to type in "fdisk /mbr" | 09:11 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) atu13439: when you start the install | 09:11 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) it has an option to open the recovery console | 09:11 | |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) when it notices you already ahve a windows install | 09:11 | |
=== oferw [oferw@DSL212-235-100-102.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
billytwowilly | can anyone recommend a good blogging software? | 09:12 |
atu13439 | ohhh ok....hey thanks a lot man...im gonna go try it out and I am new to ubuntu and linux and I heard something about kde not being available? | 09:12 |
atu13439 | in ubuntu | 09:12 |
smo | available, yes .. just not supported / installed by default | 09:13 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) atu13439: you can install it after install, but its not supported | 09:13 | |
(GammaRay/#ubuntu) atu13439: if I were you.. I'd backup your data before doing anything else | 09:13 | |
atu13439 | alright....thanks a lot for all your help again...i really appreciate it... | 09:14 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) nps atu13439 | 09:14 | |
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wood1 | Can anyone help me solve the problem of: modprobe: Fatal Error : hotplug ...... ? | 09:46 |
wood1 | While my PC boots | 09:46 |
wood1 | Anybody there ? | 09:46 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: about pciehp or something? | 09:47 | |
agwibowo | hello.. | 09:47 |
=== mrjive [~mrjive@net-206-24.noicomnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) 2 messages? they're not important, you can ignore them | 09:47 | |
wood1 | Yes | 09:47 |
agwibowo | does anyone know any program to display picture as wallpaper in X (as for fvwm2) in ubuntu.. | 09:47 |
agwibowo | xsetbg, xv, wmsetbg are not available in ubuntu | 09:47 |
agwibowo | i don't know any other program to display picture in ubuntu | 09:47 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) agwibowo: well, you can just right-click the desktop and then click 'Change desktop background' | 09:47 | |
agwibowo | not gnome | 09:48 |
agwibowo | i'm using fvwm2 | 09:48 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) agwibowo: you can install wmsetbg or xli or xloadimage | 09:48 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) or imagemagick | 09:48 | |
agwibowo | oh | 09:48 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) all those can do that | 09:48 | |
wood1 | By the way, I have installed the XFCE4 Window Manager. However I don't get the application menus while right clicking on an empty desktop | 09:48 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: the desktop is separate from the window manager | 09:48 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: xfce is a complete desktop environment, like gnome is | 09:48 | |
wood1 | I get the App menu at the first right click of my mouse | 09:48 |
wood1 | After that I get the same menu as in GNOME Desktop | 09:49 |
wood1 | What I mean to say is that I want to access all the applications while right-clicking on the XFCE desktop | 09:50 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: read xfce documentation, I don't know | 09:50 | |
wood1 | Ok , thanks | 09:50 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) wood1: you need the package xfdesktop4 installed, too | 09:51 | |
agwibowo | i reckon fvwm2 is better than xfce | 09:51 |
agwibowo | simpler, faster | 09:51 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) wood1: and if you're upgrading from a previous version of xfce4, it's a good idea to mv ~/.xfce4 ~/.xfce4_old | 09:52 | |
wood1 | By the way, how do I use Gaim to connect to MSN Messenger, I get connected for about 3 seconds and suddenly get disconnected. | 09:52 |
wood1 | OK crimsun, thanks | 09:52 |
wood1 | for the tips | 09:52 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) wood1: make sure you're using the latest version of gaim, 1.0.3 | 09:52 | |
=== carsonc [~carson@adsl-12-46-29.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agwibowo | how to use imagemagick to display the wallpaper??? | 09:53 |
agwibowo | what's the command?? | 09:53 |
agwibowo | imagemagic doesn't seem to exist when i type in command line | 09:53 |
carsonc | agwibowo: display filename.jpg | 09:53 |
OrngeTide | man. i'm totally not cut out for debian or ubuntu :( | 09:54 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) OrngeTide: why's that? | 09:54 | |
agwibowo | oh | 09:54 |
wood1 | How do I upgrade from Gaim v1.0.0 to Gaim v1.0.3 ? | 09:54 |
agwibowo | i'll be back... | 09:54 |
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carsonc | wood1: Well, you could go to http://gaim.sf.net and download and install from source | 09:54 |
carsonc | but why do you want to install 1.0.3? The security stuff gets backported, if I'm not mistaken | 09:55 |
OrngeTide | crimsun, well i don't want gnome. at all. but i want gdm | 09:55 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) it's not a security issue but a msn issue that was corrected in versions newer than 1.0.0, carsonc. | 09:55 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) still, use the package | 09:55 | |
carsonc | Ah, I see! I don't use MSN, so I never pay attention to it. :) | 09:56 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) OrngeTide: so use gdm without using gnome. I do that on a couple ubuntu machines. | 09:56 | |
wood1 | Do I have to remove the Older version of Gaim and then install the latest version of Gaim ? | 09:56 |
OrngeTide | crimsun, it won't let me. it goes and installs gnome control center and all that garbage | 09:56 |
=== agwibowo [~agwibowo@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(crimsun/#ubuntu) OrngeTide: that's because the binary package was built with those Depends. Just don't use gnome. | 09:57 | |
agwibowo | well... | 09:57 |
agwibowo | how to display the image as the background? | 09:57 |
OrngeTide | yea. that's not want I want. | 09:57 |
agwibowo | it will open a window | 09:57 |
=== Keybuk [~scott@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agwibowo | using the command "display" | 09:58 |
agwibowo | "display <filename>" will open a window displaying the picture file.. | 09:58 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) OrngeTide: I'm not entirely positive one can have a functional gdm without at least _some_ gnome libs. | 09:58 | |
agwibowo | i want it to be the background of my fvwm2 | 09:58 |
OrngeTide | crimsun, oh i'm entirely positive. i do it all the time on slackware and gentoo | 09:58 |
OrngeTide | crimsun, i'll just see if debian has Login.App and i'll use that instead | 09:59 |
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(crimsun/#ubuntu) OrngeTide: well, if you want to be pedantic, check ldd `which gdm` | 09:59 | |
agwibowo | also, it seems that the programs running in fvwm2 does not have the same font size compared to when i run it in gnome... how to set the font size to be the same? (i want the font to be smaller). The font i'm talking here is the windows fonts.... like "File Edit .. bla bla bla" | 09:59 |
jdub | agwibowo: run gnome-settings-daemon | 09:59 |
OrngeTide | looks like login.app will do it for me. | 09:59 |
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(crimsun/#ubuntu) I see mostly X Windows and Gtk/Glib/Pango deps, anyhow. | 10:00 | |
OrngeTide | ldd `which gdm` | grep gnome .. nothing. :) | 10:00 |
agwibowo | jdub: gnome?? but i'm going to run fvwm2 | 10:01 |
jdub | OrngeTide: that's perfectly understandable. | 10:01 |
wood1 | What is the command for removing Gaim v1.0.0 ? | 10:01 |
agwibowo | jdub: the problem i'm having is the fonts for window widget in fvwm2 are too big | 10:01 |
jdub | agwibowo: just run gnome-settings-daemon. | 10:01 |
OrngeTide | yea. debian's requirement for a lot of the gnome stuff is somewhat artificial. i think because it can be configured from gnome control center (some xml files it has I guess) | 10:01 |
=== mrjive [~mrjive@net-206-24.noicomnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agwibowo | ooooo | 10:02 |
agwibowo | good! | 10:02 |
agwibowo | thx! | 10:02 |
jdub | OrngeTide: no, there are no libs with the string 'gnome' in them that gdm depends on. | 10:02 |
agwibowo | where should i include thi sfile? | 10:02 |
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agwibowo | in .bashrc??? | 10:02 |
agwibowo | not good... | 10:02 |
agwibowo | any idea? | 10:02 |
jdub | agwibowo: in .xinitrc or .xsession or your fvwm somethingorother | 10:02 |
agwibowo | ic. | 10:02 |
OrngeTide | jdub, that's what I just said in shellese | 10:02 |
wood1 | As you know, my system is quite slow, which Window Manager is best for me? Fluxbox or fvwm2 or xfce ? | 10:03 |
jdub | OrngeTide: yes, that is the case everywhere | 10:03 |
agwibowo | i don't have .xsession in my home directory... where can i get it from? | 10:03 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) wood1: whichever you feel most comfortable with. | 10:03 | |
agwibowo | woodl: fvwm2 i guess | 10:03 |
jdub | agwibowo: you don't. use whatever your xsession is starting with. | 10:03 |
OrngeTide | jdub, so? | 10:03 |
agwibowo | jdub: how do i know??? | 10:03 |
OrngeTide | that fact doesn't help me though. | 10:03 |
jdub | OrngeTide: there are no additional dependencies for gdm on debian or ubuntu. | 10:04 |
jdub | agwibowo: you set it up :) | 10:04 |
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agwibowo | jdub: errr... a little more information would help.. | 10:04 |
jdub | agwibowo: i don't know - you set your system up, you should konw :) | 10:04 |
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agwibowo | what's the default in ubuntu??? | 10:05 |
wood1 | To install fvwm2, will: apt-get install fvwm2 do the trick ? | 10:05 |
jdub | agwibowo: the default doesn't involve fvwm. | 10:05 |
agwibowo | woodl: why don't u just use synaptic?? it will help you better.... | 10:05 |
OrngeTide | i'll just go back to ubuntu. straight debian didn't really get me anything. all the things i want are going to pull in a lot of the same stuff ubuntu installs by default. oh well. | 10:05 |
agwibowo | jdub: ic... hmm.. how do i make it so that when i enter fvwm2, the system will look at ~/.xsession ? | 10:06 |
jdub | agwibowo: it won't - use fvwm's configuration for startup programs | 10:07 |
OrngeTide | i'll just take the path of least resistence and use ubuntu, rather than dedicate my life to installing everything exactly the way I want. btw. thanks for your help everyone. | 10:07 |
Skif | agwibowo: ln -sf ~/.xinitrc ~/.xsession (or vice versa) | 10:07 |
agwibowo | i know.... | 10:07 |
agwibowo | it's .fvwm2rc | 10:07 |
agwibowo | but the system at my uni also look at ~/.xsession | 10:07 |
wood1 | I see only fvwm1 in Synaptic, there is no fvwm2 | 10:07 |
agwibowo | Skif: i don't have ~/.xinitrc either | 10:07 |
Skif | agwibowo, well, .fvwm2rc, or whatever. | 10:08 |
wood1 | how do I install fvwm2 ??? | 10:08 |
=== Skif recalls having to ahve those symlinks for various bad reasons on old DEC kit | ||
jdub | why on earth are you wanting/using fvwm? | 10:08 |
Rene_S | sucker for punishment ? | 10:09 |
Skif | fvwm is not exactly teh suck, but it is definitely more suck than is required by law. | 10:09 |
agwibowo | Skif: i found fvwm is very good for development environment. | 10:10 |
Skif | agwibowo: I generally find perl and ruby to make a good development environment | 10:10 |
agwibowo | also, i think woodl mentioned that his system does not have big resources.. so fvwm is suitable. | 10:10 |
agwibowo | isn't perl a language? | 10:10 |
Skif | agwibowo: exactly | 10:10 |
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=== Skif also likes $EDITOR_OF_CHOICE as part of his development environment | ||
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(Treenaks/#ubuntu) Skif: ex ;) | 10:12 | |
Skif | Treenaks: technically, 'ed' is the standard editor | 10:12 |
Skif | ex is heresy :) | 10:12 |
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(Treenaks/#ubuntu) Skif: I just re-type my entire file with cat.. every time.. | 10:12 | |
Skif | anyway, this is not terribly ubuntu-specific, and it's getting rather silly to boot, so I shall stop now | 10:12 |
Skif | cat! luxury! in my day we had to dd from the tty device, and we liked it! | 10:13 |
Skif | (okay, now I'm REALLY done, sorry) | 10:13 |
agwibowo | if i include gnome-settings-daemon in .xsession or .xinitrc.. or whatever, wouldn't it get executed each time i exit & enter fvwm2 again??? | 10:13 |
agwibowo | also.. can anyone tell me how to use "display" program to set the wallpaper in fvwm2 | 10:14 |
wood1 | By the way, how do I see the services running on my system in graphical view. | 10:15 |
=== Skif notes the third example in the display(1) man page gives very clear instructions on how to display graphics on the root window | ||
wood1 | There used to be a tool in Applications>System Tools>Services | 10:16 |
wood1 | If I remember correctly | 10:16 |
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Kobalt | good morning ladies :) | 10:17 |
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agwibowo | Skif: thx | 10:18 |
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wood1 | By the way, I don't see the colors which indicates which are directories and files in my bash shell using the command: ls -l | 10:20 |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) -F | 10:20 | |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) --color | 10:20 | |
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Kobalt | little problem with mounting sambashares, anyone there who can help ? | 10:21 |
wood1 | It used to show directories in Blue, Executable files in Green | 10:21 |
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Agrajag | ls --color=auto | 10:21 |
Kobalt | mount -t smbfs -o username=bot,password=xxxxx // /mnt | 10:22 |
Kobalt | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //, | 10:22 |
Kobalt | or too many mounted file systems | 10:22 |
Kobalt | thats waht i get if i try to mount a samba or win share | 10:22 |
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Kobalt | have another deb box here there it works fine ... | 10:22 |
Kobalt | what i do wrong ... ? | 10:23 |
wood1 | Agrajag, thanks for the tip | 10:24 |
Kobalt | no idea here ? :( | 10:26 |
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Kobalt | ok then not | 10:34 |
Kobalt | bye | 10:34 |
=== billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
billytwowilly | anyone around with experience with lvm? | 10:37 |
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billytwowilly | I have /dev/hda4 and /dev/hdc2 that I want to lvm together. how would I do that? | 10:39 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) billytwowilly: read the LVM howto | 10:41 | |
billytwowilly | Treenaks, I am. It's too long and complicated | 10:41 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) billytwowilly: well, then don't use lvm.. | 10:41 | |
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billytwowilly | It looks like I'd do a vgcreat whateveriwanttocallit /dev/hda4 /dev/hdc2 | 10:42 |
billytwowilly | But I don't know. | 10:42 |
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billytwowilly | Treenaks, No, that is a failure of the documentation. There should be a simple example section | 10:42 |
billytwowilly | in the examples they do have it menitons pvcreate on the whole disk, but that will destroy the partitions already on the disk according to the documentation | 10:43 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) billytwowilly: there are no partitions on /dev/hda4.. only on /dev/hda | 10:44 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) so use pvcreate on a separate partition :) | 10:44 | |
=== oDie` is away: ..vado a comprarmi le scarpe come Marty Friedman... | ||
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=== Talliesin [~Jon@83-70-240-208.b-ras1.prp.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) oDie`: can you turn that off please? | 10:45 | |
billytwowilly | ok. so I'd go pvcreate /dev/hda4 and pvcreate /dev/hdc2 and then vgcreate /dev/hda4 /dev/hdc2 then lvcreate -L1G -n mylvm then reiserfs /dev/mylvm ? | 10:46 |
oDie` | yes, sure ;) | 10:46 |
=== oDie` is back (gone 00:01:52) | ||
xukun | bob2, do you anything about freenx not working on ubuntu? | 10:46 |
=== oDie` is now known as oDie`afk | ||
xukun | bob2, do you know anything about freenx not working on ubuntu? | 10:46 |
Chib1 | freenx works fine D: | 10:46 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) oDie`afk: thanks! | 10:47 | |
xukun | Chib1, maybe so want you are using ubuntu on both server and the client, but if you are using other os non than ubuntu it will not work | 10:48 |
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wood1 | by the way, what exactly does LVM do ? | 10:48 |
wood1 | Is it very useful ? | 10:48 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) xukun: no, sorry | 10:48 | |
wood1 | Or can I just remove it | 10:48 |
billytwowilly | wood1, if you have more than 2-3 disks it can be usefull | 10:48 |
billytwowilly | err useful | 10:48 |
billytwowilly | it can be used to join drives together | 10:49 |
wood1 | Well I only have 1 hard drive | 10:49 |
Chib1 | Are you trying to log into another SERVER from ubuntu, or trying to login to ubuntu from another OS? | 10:49 |
wood1 | Can I remove LVM from my system which has only 1 hard drive ? | 10:49 |
billytwowilly | ubuntu adds people to the users group right? | 10:50 |
xukun | Chib1, to the ubutnu server, I tryied from winxp machine and other non ubuntu linux machine, I both get the same result | 10:50 |
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Chib1 | Do they have an equivilent version of the client? :/ | 10:51 |
xukun | bob2, np thanks | 10:51 |
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xukun | Chib1, ? | 10:51 |
xukun | what do you mean by that? | 10:52 |
wood1 | By the way, how do I login to my Ubuntu from other PCs in my network ? | 10:52 |
Chib1 | Perhaps the client version you're trying to connect with matters. | 10:52 |
xukun | Chib1, the version of nx is the same if that is what you mean | 10:53 |
xukun | Chib1, http://drcwww.uvt.nl/~ahassan/remote_nxserver_screenshot.png | 10:53 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) billytwowilly: no | 10:53 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) billytwowilly: also, be careful with lvm...if one of those disks die, you lose *all* your data | 10:53 | |
wood1 | How do I open the FTP port of my Ubuntu system ? | 10:54 |
Chib1 | Eww! KDE ::hides:: | 10:54 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: "open"? ubuntu has no firewall by default. | 10:54 | |
xukun | that shoudnt mater | 10:54 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) bob2: I think he means installing an ftp daemon | 10:54 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: note that if you're using some sort of consumer dsl or cable router, you will not be able to serve ftp to outside users | 10:54 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) (easily) | 10:55 | |
grelli | "easily" | 10:55 |
wood1 | I can't Telnet and Ftp to my Ubuntu from other PCs | 10:55 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: did you install a ftp server? | 10:55 | |
grelli | the ease is determined by the level of insanity of the router | 10:55 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: also, don't use telnet. install openssh-server on your ubuntu machine and ssh in. | 10:55 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: and you want to ssh, not telnet | 10:55 | |
wood1 | Well we have a very high speed internet connection | 10:55 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) grelli: forwarding ftp is really hard | 10:55 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: but you need to install an ssh server for that | 10:55 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) into NAT, I mean | 10:56 | |
grelli | bob2 I know | 10:56 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) if you have an actual subnet, it's easy | 10:56 | |
wood1 | But I want to access it from my Network | 10:56 |
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pao | Hi all :-) | 10:56 |
ajmitch_ | xukun: you should not need ubuntu for both client & server at all | 10:56 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: did you install a ftp server? | 10:56 | |
=== titi [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-4-129.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grelli | I've done it, into a non-routable NAT | 10:56 |
grelli | it's madness | 10:56 |
pao | how do I set the defaul mail client in gnome? | 10:56 |
wood1 | Bob2, how do I know if ftp server is installed on my PC ? | 10:56 |
=== holycow [~yada@S0106002078ccd651.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: if you didn't install one, you don't have one | 10:57 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) vsftpd is good for anonymous use | 10:57 | |
xukun | ajmitch_, ubuntu is the server | 10:57 |
ajmitch_ | xukun: and you should be able to use nx from linux or windows to connect to it | 10:57 |
wood1 | Well what is the difference between Ftp, Telnet and OpenSsh ? | 10:57 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: ftp and telnet are old, broken and insecure | 10:58 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ssh is a secure replacement for telnet, and sftp ccan be a secure replacement for ftp | 10:58 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it might be easier if you just told us what your goal is | 10:58 | |
xukun | it would realy be nice to know if somebody else would connect usbuntu nxserver from other non ubuntu system | 10:58 |
wood1 | How do I install or configure my PC to be a SSH Server ? | 10:58 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: install openssh-server on your ubuntu machine and ssh in. | 10:58 | |
grelli | xukun you can | 10:59 |
ajmitch_ | xukun: it's more of a firewall/configuration issue - I've only used nx to connect to my debian sid desktop so far :) | 10:59 |
wood1 | You mean just: ssh 10.10.10.x | 10:59 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: once you have installed the ssh server, yes | 10:59 | |
xukun | ajmitch_, it does not connect, see the screenshot, that is how far I come. All I get is a dark desktop without any icons | 10:59 |
wood1 | And don't I have to select a port from the remote machine while ssh | 11:00 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) well, you can, but it defaults to 22 | 11:00 | |
xukun | ajmitch_, is has nothing to do with firewalling, I can connect other linux nxserver from every where in same network | 11:00 |
ajmitch_ | iirc the client specifies what is started on the server | 11:01 |
wood1 | Well ssh client is installed by default on any Ubuntu Systems right ? | 11:01 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: client is, server is not | 11:01 | |
xukun | ajmitch_, did you tryied the other way around? | 11:01 |
ajmitch_ | xukun: nope, I don't have a useful working ubuntu install right now | 11:01 |
wood1 | So I just have to installed OpenSSH on the main machine ? | 11:01 |
ajmitch_ | since the kernel seems to have usb issues :) | 11:02 |
wood1 | I mean install "OpenSSH Server" on the main PC | 11:02 |
xukun | ajmitch_, that is the problem I,m having | 11:02 |
wood1 | apt-get install openssh-sever | 11:02 |
wood1 | Will that command install OpenSSH Server ? | 11:03 |
ajmitch_ | xukun: if you ssh into the server, do you see gnome processes running? | 11:03 |
xukun | ajmitch_, yes, I can even x forward | 11:04 |
ajmitch_ | I mean when you use nx | 11:05 |
ajmitch_ | connect, and then connect with ssh & check if the processes are started | 11:05 |
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wood1 | Ok I have installed the openssh-server. How do I configure it ? | 11:06 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: it's configured by default | 11:06 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: if you want to tune it, look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 11:06 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: but it works by defautl | 11:06 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) default, too | 11:06 | |
xukun | ajmitch_, how do that I dont get it? | 11:06 |
ajmitch_ | xukun: ssh, use 'ps ax' or similar to get a process list | 11:07 |
wood1 | I can't login from my Other PC to my OpenSSH Server | 11:07 |
wood1 | It says that the password is incorrect | 11:08 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: you can't login as root. login as yourself. | 11:08 | |
xukun | ajmitch_, I,m not home now, I try when I get home | 11:09 |
wood1 | I just did: ssh ip_address | 11:10 |
ajmitch_ | xukun: alright | 11:10 |
wood1 | It says public key is incorrect | 11:10 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: is your username on both machines the same? | 11:10 | |
xukun | ajmitch_, thanks | 11:10 |
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(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: ah, did you have another install on that IP? | 11:10 | |
wood1 | It also does not ask for a Username, just the password | 11:10 |
ajmitch_ | xukun: although I must say that nx works great even on a 128kbps line, from aus->NZ :) | 11:10 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wood1: are they the same or not? | 11:11 | |
xukun | ajmitch_, its realy cool application | 11:11 |
skyrider | Hey guys! I have a small problem - DRI is not working in my Ubuntu install. :( I see this when I run glxinfo, mplayer (with xv output) eats lots of CPU etc. | 11:11 |
ajmitch_ | yep | 11:11 |
skyrider | Any ideas? | 11:11 |
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skyrider | I use 'savage' driver (I have stupid integrated Savage 4 video chipset) | 11:12 |
daniels | skyrider: i'm so sorry | 11:13 |
daniels | if you put your XFree86.0.log up somewhere, I can have a look at it, but yeah | 11:13 |
daniels | savage is terminal | 11:13 |
skyrider | daniels: it worked great on Woody | 11:14 |
skyrider | I'm not at home now :( | 11:14 |
wood1 | Well I have installed OpenSSH Server on this PC | 11:14 |
daniels | skyrider: well, send me your log (daniel.stone@canonical.com) and I'll see what I can do | 11:14 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: did a machine with the IP of your machine have ssh before, and did you ssh to it? | 11:15 | |
wood1 | I am trying to connect to it from another PC running Gentoo Linux | 11:15 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: if you did, remove the old key from ~/.ssh/known_hosts on the machine you're trying to ssh FROM | 11:15 | |
=== Safari_Al [~tr@ppp53-108.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wood1 | Well it has | 11:15 |
skyrider | daniels: when I'll be at home I will send you that log. BTW I already looked at it and doen't found anything suspicious. Maybe you will. Thanks! | 11:15 |
wood1 | My company uses SSH for it's daily work | 11:16 |
wood1 | Treenaks, can I just use: ssh -username - ipadress | 11:16 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: Listen! | 11:16 | |
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(Treenaks/#ubuntu) Read the message ssh gives you | 11:17 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) it says something about known_hosts, right? | 11:17 | |
wood1 | Permission denied (publickey, keyboard-interactive) | 11:18 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: is that all? | 11:18 | |
daniels | skyrider: no worries :) | 11:18 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: and you can try ssh -l username ip | 11:18 | |
wood1 | After typing the password 3 times | 11:19 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) wood1: what does /var/log/auth.log say | 11:19 | |
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wood1 | Treenaks, it worked, thank you very much | 11:22 |
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bungle [~bungle@ppp199-213.lns1.syd2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bungle | heya can anyone help me to get this ibook to print on a lan... it can see the printer in samba & it can print when the printer is plugged in to it | 11:27 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) bungle: ibook running ubuntu? | 11:27 | |
bungle | nah osx 10.2 | 11:27 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) don't know then :) | 11:27 | |
ajmitch_ | evening bungle | 11:28 |
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bungle | lol | 11:28 |
bungle | hiya ajmitch_ | 11:28 |
bungle | long time no c | 11:28 |
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bungle | I saw ya sign in the other day | 11:28 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) bungle: it's an 'i' stupid! | 11:29 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) bungle: (sorry, I'll stop quoting Red vs Blue) | 11:29 | |
bungle | tah ..thats really helpful | 11:29 |
=== bitserf [~ljb@222-152-7-99.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bungle | :P | 11:29 |
ajmitch_ | bungle: just the other day? I'm on there all the time :) | 11:30 |
bungle | lol I musta joined a channel with you in it | 11:32 |
bungle | on set-top i mean' | 11:32 |
ajmitch_ | probably | 11:33 |
wood1 | Well | 11:33 |
wood1 | SSH is working now from the remote machine | 11:33 |
ajmitch_ | about time for me to go, I've got to get up before 6 :) | 11:33 |
bungle | can you make my ibook print | 11:33 |
bungle | god dammit it | 11:33 |
ajmitch_ | nah | 11:33 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) bungle: uh.. | 11:33 | |
ajmitch_ | I haven't used osx much :) | 11:33 |
bungle | lol since I had olivia she wakes up at 3am | 11:33 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) bungle: isn't that a question you should ask Apple? | 11:34 | |
bungle | ajmitch is apple enough | 11:34 |
=== ajmitch_ shrugs | ||
bungle | sorry dude | 11:35 |
bungle | lol | 11:35 |
ajmitch_ | dunno, have fun with it | 11:35 |
ajmitch_ | btw I'm in melbourne at the moment :) | 11:35 |
bungle | yeah kira tried to use it as a seat | 11:35 |
bungle | really | 11:36 |
bungle | how ya liken it | 11:36 |
ajmitch_ | not bad | 11:36 |
bungle | i come from melbourne | 11:36 |
bungle | now in nsw | 11:36 |
ajmitch_ | alright | 11:36 |
ajmitch_ | anyway, I've got to go | 11:36 |
ajmitch_ | talk to you some other time | 11:36 |
bungle | ok ok | 11:36 |
=== YokoZar [~scott@d160-153-la-rue-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rene_S | crap, ever since I installed Ubuntu i cant get any sleep anymore | 11:36 |
bungle | night ngith | 11:36 |
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wood1 | Ok everybody, bye | 11:38 |
wood1 | see you all later | 11:38 |
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YokoZar | Where's the howto for getting mp3s working in the music player? | 11:41 |
deFrysk | apt-get install gstreamer-mad | 11:42 |
deFrysk | i think | 11:42 |
deFrysk | or install xmms and stuff | 11:42 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) gstreamer0.8-mad | 11:42 | |
YokoZar | thanks | 11:43 |
deFrysk | gstreamer-plugins meta pack is easyest way to get them all | 11:43 |
YokoZar | That's not by default because of IP reasons right? | 11:44 |
YokoZar | Or am I wrong on that? | 11:44 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) because Fraunhoffer claims to own patents on mp3 | 11:44 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) and actually enforces them | 11:44 | |
YokoZar | Hmm...thanks. | 11:46 |
deFrysk | ogg rules anyway | 11:47 |
YokoZar | True. But I can't pirate oggs as easily. | 11:48 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) YokoZar: you can't? | 11:48 | |
=== oDie`afk is now known as oDie` | ||
YokoZar | Maybe I'm hanging with the wrong crew... | 11:48 |
daniels | YokoZar: that's tragic | 11:48 |
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=== Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-4-129.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== bob2 plays the world's smallest violin | ||
=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@143.Red-81-37-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
deFrysk | that small eh ? | 11:53 |
=== Treenaks steals the world's smallest violin from bob2 and sells it on ebay | ||
=== emitrax [~dido@host102-74.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
emitrax | probablu one of the FAQ, but what's the root password of the live cd?! | 11:55 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) emitrax: there is no root password. | 11:55 | |
emitrax | I | 11:55 |
emitrax | hmmm | 11:55 |
emitrax | I tried the su command | 11:55 |
emitrax | and it asked me for a passwd | 11:55 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) yes | 11:55 | |
bungle | sudo | 11:55 |
birme | emitrax: use sudo with your user-password | 11:55 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) ubuntu uses sudo | 11:55 | |
(cef/#ubuntu) emitrax: use sudo for all root-like access, and the password it asks for is your password | 11:55 | |
emitrax | why is that? | 11:56 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo | 11:57 | |
birme | emitrax: you have a very good motivation written in the FAQ :) | 11:57 |
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emitrax | sorry guys, but I just found out about this distro and I m trying it out as fast as I can :D | 11:58 |
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(lhb/#ubuntu) emitrax: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowTo | 11:59 | |
(lhb/#ubuntu) emitrax: theres about everything you might need to know | 12:00 | |
(lhb/#ubuntu) emitrax: http://kitech.com.my/ubuntu/4.10/index.html | 12:02 | |
bungle | http://dc.deadatthewheel.net/various/ohshi.swf | 12:02 |
bungle | omg dont look at that | 12:02 |
bungle | it's bad for ya eyes | 12:02 |
rjek | A bungle. | 12:03 |
=== rjek wonders if it's the same bungle he knows. | ||
bungle | which bungle would that be | 12:03 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Mr Bungle? | 12:04 | |
bungle | nope | 12:05 |
=== Ycros [~Ycros@c211-30-14-115.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rjek | A UK-based bungle who uses EH. | 12:07 |
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bungle | nope I am australian bungle | 12:13 |
=== bungle is a girl | ||
bungle | with 2 kidlets | 12:13 |
nevyn | hrm | 12:13 |
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(cef/#ubuntu) quiet | 01:29 | |
daniels | boo | 01:29 |
Gmail | wow | 01:29 |
(cef/#ubuntu) is it just me, or is #debian really fubared? | 01:30 | |
Gmail | no talk for 16min | 01:30 |
daniels | cef: as in, more than usual? | 01:30 |
uman | irc is like that | 01:30 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it's always been fubared | 01:30 | |
(cef/#ubuntu) Channel #debian modes: +tncPLlfJ | 01:30 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) what's wrong with that? | 01:31 | |
Gmail | cef: that channel ban if you don't make sence the first 10times you ask your question | 01:31 |
daniels | Gmail: asking ten times?!? | 01:31 |
(cef/#ubuntu) good q.. but nothing at all going on on #debian on my end | 01:31 | |
uman | sheesh they're patient | 01:31 |
daniels | cef: worksforme | 01:31 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) cef: you're not in there at all afaict | 01:31 | |
(cef/#ubuntu) hrm.. dead here.. might server recycle | 01:31 | |
Gmail | daniels: i reword the same question like ten times bob2 got pissed off | 01:32 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) I got pissed off ebcause you got abusive | 01:32 | |
Gmail | and used his evil powers | 01:32 |
daniels | dudes, offtopic | 01:32 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) yeah, true | 01:32 | |
=== cornflake [~cornflake@ip68-4-1-58.pv.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(cef/#ubuntu) ahh damn client got confused | 01:32 | |
Gmail | bob2: my question was valid and was a problem but only made sence in my brain | 01:32 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) off-topic | 01:33 | |
=== dv04lln [dv04lln@peppar.cs.umu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uman | well, the forums are down | 01:34 |
uman | when will they be up again ? | 01:34 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ask the guy who runs them | 01:35 | |
scoon | uman: they are, I was just in and even replied a post. | 01:35 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) the domain is broken tho, at least | 01:35 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) rob@blerg> host ubuntuforums.org | 01:35 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Host ubuntuforums.org not found: 2(SERVFAIL) | 01:35 | |
plasmo | yeah its updating its dns | 01:36 |
uman | just stiking to the topic, so can we talk something else now ? | 01:36 |
plasmo | i can go to the forums tho :P | 01:36 |
scoon | bob2: works now, wierd. | 01:37 |
=== Gmail pokes ubuntu-geek | ||
=== trukulo [~mzarza@26.Red-81-45-239.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trukulo | hi | 01:38 |
Gmail | ubuntuforums.org. 1800 IN A | 01:39 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ;ubuntuforums.org. IN NS | 01:40 | |
Gmail | --- ubuntuforums.org ping statistics --- | 01:40 |
Gmail | 1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms | 01:40 |
uman | how come it takes so long to be fixed ? | 01:41 |
=== Gmail kills ubuntu-geek with a suspicious axe | ||
daniels | Gmail: take it easy | 01:41 |
plasmo | depends on your dns server :/ | 01:42 |
scoon | sounds like someone needs to pay the internet bill on time....... | 01:42 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) plasmo: yeah | 01:42 | |
plasmo | mine works fine :-) | 01:42 |
=== FallenHitokiri [~TimoZimme@p508BAEE2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) problem seems to be that their NS records don't resolve anymore | 01:44 | |
Gmail | daniels: it was my /slap script i never saw wha it said but WOOOOW | 01:49 |
=== Gmail kills ubuntu-geek with an enormous brick | ||
=== Gmail beats up /slap script with an extra large mIRC 6.01 | ||
daniels | Gmail: stop using the /slap script, please. | 01:49 |
Gmail | ok | 01:49 |
calc | heh | 01:49 |
nevyn | hrm | 01:51 |
(Lathiat/#ubuntu) hey nevyn :) | 01:52 | |
usual|tv | shit I'm late | 01:54 |
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Tsjoklat | heya pitti | 02:07 |
=== Mepis|Rob is now known as Rob|Linux | ||
pitti | Tsjoklat: hi | 02:08 |
Tsjoklat | :) | 02:08 |
cenerentola | ciao | 02:09 |
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kent | should there be anything in /etc/network/ifstate or do the script write things there when they are running? i have things there (lo=lo, eth0=eth0) but my brother dont have anything there, and he always gets a failure while running /etc/init.d/network start :( | 02:15 |
(aj/#ubuntu) when ifup successfuly brings an interface up, it'll write lo=lo and similar, when it takes them down, it'll remove themn | 02:16 | |
kent | aj, do you know the syntax for bringing up lo and eth0 (with static IP) with ifconfig? we cant get the scripts to work, and realy need his eth0 to work so that he can copy an iso over to another computer. | 02:18 |
uman | ifconfig lo up | 02:18 |
uman | ifconfig eth0 IP up | 02:18 |
kent | uman, thanks. | 02:19 |
uman | that is if it "sees" eth0 | 02:19 |
kent | uman, it does. he has the module loaded. | 02:19 |
uman | next thing will be to use samba, NFS or FTP or such for transferring the files | 02:19 |
uman | bedtime for lil umans | 02:21 |
uman | seeyerlaters | 02:21 |
(aj/#ubuntu) kent: ifup -v -n eth0 # will tell you the commands ifcup's trying to run, fwiw | 02:24 | |
=== umarmung [~Tanzbaer@pD954288D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kent | So, now we got the network working. Now he wants to use samba (computer->network in gnome) to copy a file from another windows computer that have files shared. But it complaines about not having rights. Whats wrong? He shared that file like always, it should work, should it not? :( | 02:31 |
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kent | the share comes up in gnome, it just complaines about rights.. :( | 02:33 |
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riddley | I recently installed Ubuntu's AMD64 port and now I find that I'm unable to access windows XP via grub. I've been researching it this morning and the only suggestion I can find is to change the addressing style for my HD to LBA. When I do this, I get grub error 17. I thought that perhaps a re-install of grub might fix this, so I booted (with LBA) the rescue disk, mounted and chrooted to my environment and ran grub-install and it appeared to work, but e | 02:44 |
riddley | rror 17 remained. Can anyone point me to some docs or help? Thanks. | 02:44 |
=== lemsx1 [~lemsx1@xd84b58f2.ip.e-nt.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lemsx1 | hello all | 02:45 |
riddley | grub is on my MBR, btw. | 02:45 |
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Neill | hi. I'm having problems with the live cd. | 02:53 |
Neill | getting grub errors | 02:53 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) grub errors from the live cd? | 02:54 | |
Neill | bob2: yes. | 02:54 |
Neill | and I've tried several Cds | 02:55 |
Neill | (these are the official ubuntu cds I just got in the post). | 02:55 |
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Gmail | Neill: maybe if you told us the error we can help you | 03:05 |
Neill | it's an error after Stage 1.5 | 03:07 |
Neill | or loading 1.5 | 03:07 |
Neill | something like 0x01 | 03:07 |
Neill | haven't got the exact error here. sorry | 03:07 |
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=== meff [~meff@ppp-69-148-16-44.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meff | heya what CMS does ubuntu's site use? i've seen it on a few other sites and i'd like to play with it | 03:08 |
Neill | "Loading Stage 1.5 Read Error 0x01" | 03:09 |
daniels | meff: plone | 03:09 |
Neill | The install cd will boot, the live one will not. | 03:09 |
Neill | I've tried 5 CDs | 03:09 |
meff | daniels: thanks :) | 03:09 |
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=== mg does a little dance | ||
mg | i just got a new computer :) | 03:20 |
=== Sepi [~marianne@dsl-sjkgw2f94.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mg | it's amd64. should i use ubuntu built for amd64 or i386? | 03:21 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) either | 03:21 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) amd64 will be faster for many things, tho | 03:21 | |
mg | ok. are there any reasons to *not* use amd64. proprietary drivers, i.e. nvidia perhaps? | 03:22 |
=== Deft [~phil@81-178-101-212.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daniels | mg: ati doesn't support it | 03:22 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) you mean with their AWESOMELY STABLE FIREGL drivers? | 03:22 | |
daniels | bob2: it accelerated my 8500 like nothing else, man | 03:22 |
mg | bob2: dunno. it's got a fx 5500 in it. i don't know which driver yet. | 03:23 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) haha | 03:23 | |
=== mg checks nvidia.com | ||
mg | ok. i'll go amd64 then. thanks :) | 03:24 |
Deft | is there some secret to running xcompmgr? | 03:25 |
mg | now i've just got to resize this rubbish OS to make room for ubuntu | 03:25 |
gen | mg, windows? | 03:25 |
Neill | anyone have any ideas about how to get the live CD to work? | 03:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Deft: not doing so | 03:25 | |
daniels | Deft: start with 'x' and go through to 'r' | 03:25 |
Neill | I'm getting 14:06 < Neill> "Loading Stage 1.5 Read Error 0x01" | 03:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Neill: please ask on the list since noe one here seems to know | 03:25 | |
Neill | bob2: ok. | 03:25 |
Deft | good suggestions all, but I was thinking more about making it not say "No composite extension" | 03:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) did you load the Composite extension as daniels's original mail explained? | 03:26 | |
Deft | bob2, not quite it seems... just found a useful google hit that says I didn't do enough | 03:27 |
=== Sepi [~marianne@dsl-sjkgw2f94.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Tomcat_ | What's the easiest way of getting some MPG4-codec running on Ubuntu? | 03:31 |
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mg | hmm, in the installer's "partition disks" section i can resize a partition. does that just update the partitioning info or does it invoke parted? | 03:31 |
stvn | has bonobo been removed from the channel? | 03:32 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Tomcat_: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 03:32 | |
daniels | i haven't got him in my backlog. was he some form of bot? | 03:32 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) yes | 03:32 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) a silly one | 03:32 | |
stvn | yeah, useful for getting (wiki) urls | 03:32 |
daniels | what did he do? | 03:32 |
Tomcat_ | bob2: Thanks, I've read that... but it doesn't really give any hints on what to do... | 03:32 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Tomcat_: it explains exactly what to do | 03:33 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) "install xine or mplayer" is about it | 03:33 | |
=== Tomcat_ rereads | ||
stvn | daniels: remembering URLs mainly, the most frequently asked ones, like RestrictedFormats etc | 03:33 |
Tomcat_ | bob2: I can't find the part where it says to install another player, but thanks. :-) | 03:34 |
Tsjoklat | Tomcat_ are you using totem-gstreamer? | 03:35 |
Tomcat_ | Tsjoklat: Yes. | 03:35 |
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Tsjoklat | Tomcat_ try totem-xine | 03:35 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) "Where to get DVDCSS/xvid/other legally questionable packages" | 03:35 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) but no, it doesn't explicitly say it | 03:35 | |
pridkett | bob2: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main | 03:36 |
pridkett | add that to your sources.list | 03:36 |
stvn | lol | 03:36 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) dude, I know that | 03:36 | |
Tsjoklat | lol | 03:36 |
Tsjoklat | wb stvn | 03:36 |
stvn | hey Tsjoklat | 03:36 |
Tsjoklat | pridkett: hide | 03:36 |
Tomcat_ | Thanks pridkett... I know what to try out now... the wiki page is good, just not very verbose. :) | 03:36 |
=== Mowinckel [~niels@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Abercrombie | Hello | 03:37 |
Abercrombie | I can have other Distros come up with the Ubuntu Boot Loader? | 03:38 |
=== Deft [~phil@81-178-101-212.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tomcat_ | Abercrombie: Yes. | 03:38 |
Deft | this xcompmgr works pretty well; don't see why people have been making such a fuss | 03:38 |
Tomcat_ | Abercrombie: Modify /boot/grub/menu.lst after reading the manpage :) | 03:38 |
=== Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-4-129.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Abercrombie | lol | 03:39 |
Abercrombie | I rather just save it to a floppy so I wont go through the trouble | 03:39 |
Gmail | wowly crap | 03:39 |
Tomcat_ | Wow... thanks Tsjoklat... worked right away after installing the package | 03:40 |
Tomcat_ | Tsjoklat: The image is a bit bright... any ideas? | 03:41 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) fix your gamma | 03:41 | |
Tsjoklat | Tomcat_ great to hear... bright? go into the options? | 03:41 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) xgamma -gamma 0.85 | 03:41 | |
Gmail | i did a apt-get upgrade | 03:41 |
Gmail | and i see there are 47 bug reports | 03:41 |
=== Gmail wonders if someone broke 47 package that upgrade from yesterday today | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) apt-listbugs doesn't work with ubuntu | 03:41 | |
=== zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-98.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tomcat_ | Tsjoklat: Interesting... the default options are way too bright... best is to turn Brightness down to 0. :) | 03:42 |
Tsjoklat | Tomcat_ no kidding :P | 03:42 |
Tsjoklat | zenwhen weeee :) | 03:42 |
zenwhen | oh hi there Tsjoklat :D | 03:43 |
Mowinckel | Hi All! I'm new to ubuntu but have used Debian for a long period. I've never really used kernel 2.6 before, since I have had problems with my wireless USB Keyboard-Mouse all-in-one on kernel 2.6 (both in debian, fedora and mandrake). The problem is that both the keyboard and the mouse acts "choppy" (correct me for a better word). Does anyone know this problem? It happened in Debian the moment I tried to upgrade to kernel 2.6. Is there some | 03:44 |
Mowinckel | sorts of options that I can send to the usbhid or usbcore modules? | 03:44 |
Tsjoklat | zenwhen :) | 03:44 |
zenwhen | How are you doing this moring/whatever it is to you? | 03:45 |
=== mojo [~mojo@220-244-212-78-vic.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mojo | can someone help me on the set .buildrc setSDKpath() to build RealPlayer on Debian? | 03:45 |
Tsjoklat | zenwhen: morning and getting there... thinking of making a huge breakfast.. how about yourself? | 03:45 |
Deft | pointless update, "xcompmgr -cfF" is fantastic! although I will be sick of it in a second or too... | 03:45 |
zenwhen | Why dont you download the binary from realplayer.com? | 03:46 |
Tsjoklat | mojo worked for me | 03:46 |
zenwhen | Tsjoklat, someone didnt rewind the tape I alays tape my silly wrestling sho on, and now I dont get to watch it. ;-; | 03:46 |
mojo | I've installed ligogg-dev, ligtheora-dev and libvorbis-dev but the RealPlayer build system still can't regconize the oggvorbissdk, my .buildrc set to path "/usr" | 03:46 |
zenwhen | always* | 03:47 |
Tsjoklat | zenwhen: bummer :{ | 03:47 |
mojo | Tsjoklat: my lad, privatechat with me | 03:47 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wtf, .buildrc | 03:47 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) no one has unfucked their build system yet? | 03:47 | |
Tsjoklat | mojo my dear.. I am female, woman, girl... remember? | 03:47 |
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zenwhen | Girls smell nice. o; | 03:48 |
ubuntu-geek | ubuntuforums.org is backup everyone. sorry for the downtime was moving to a new server. :) | 03:48 |
zenwhen | oh hey there ubuntu-geek | 03:48 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ubuntu-geek: your dns is fucked | 03:48 | |
zenwhen | thanks for letting us know | 03:48 |
Tsjoklat | bob2: bad day? | 03:48 |
ubuntu-geek | fucked eh? | 03:48 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Tsjoklat: hm? | 03:48 | |
ubuntu-geek | thats harsh | 03:48 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ubuntu-geek: hm, seems to be working now | 03:48 | |
Tsjoklat | bob2: haven't seen anything of your cheerful self yet that's all | 03:49 |
zenwhen | It was rather fucked last night. | 03:49 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ubuntu-geek: your NS records weren't resolving at all for a while, maybe it was their dns which was broken | 03:49 | |
zenwhen | But it is ok today. | 03:49 |
=== [A] ndy80 [~andy80@host79-166.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu-geek | yeah dns was wacky last night when it was updating.. | 03:49 |
[A] ndy80 | hi | 03:49 |
Mowinckel | Ok, I'll try with an easier question ;-) Where can I get information about what options you can send to a module? | 03:49 |
mojo | rare to see gals hanging around here | 03:50 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Mowinckel: modinfo blah | 03:50 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Tsjoklat: hm, work stress, I guess, my apologies | 03:50 | |
Tsjoklat | bob2: hope it resolves for you... stress is not good | 03:51 |
ubuntu-geek | well if anyone has issues let me know :) | 03:51 |
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Tsjoklat | ubuntu-geek I am an issue :P | 03:51 |
=== telemaco [~telemaco@82.Red-81-36-82.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubuntu-geek | well site issues, i'll let you work out the personal ones ;) | 03:52 |
=== Elwood [~Elwood@ppp-62-11-186-136.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tsjoklat | ubuntu-geek: no fair :) | 03:52 |
=== Zindar [~bagfors@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenwhen | Community Chat is such a fun forum. | 03:54 |
Tsjoklat | never been there myself | 03:55 |
Tsjoklat | tend to zip right over to the art department | 03:55 |
=== sid77 [~sid77@host100-44.pool8020.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mowinckel | bob2: Thanks now i know that for another time. But no luck. | 03:56 |
zenwhen | Im not the biggest art buff myself. I'm either in General Support or Community Chat most of the tims. | 03:56 |
=== sid77 ciao | ||
Tsjoklat | hi sid77 | 03:56 |
Mowinckel | Am I really the one person in the world who have experienced choppy mouse behavior on kernel 2.6?? | 03:56 |
Tsjoklat | I should check it out zenwhen | 03:56 |
=== eruin [~eruin@213-145-179-140.dd.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Abercrombie | Hello, how do I put my fresh installed Ubuntu into Cutting Edge :) | 03:57 |
Abercrombie | on my celeron 634mhz 256mb 20gb Linux Box (i'm a newbie ) | 03:58 |
Abercrombie | almost 3 weeks | 03:58 |
Tsjoklat | Abercrombie specify cutting edge | 03:58 |
kent | Abercrombie, use Hoary. I guess its on the homepage. You have to change apt to use Hoary archive instead of the stable Warty | 03:58 |
Abercrombie | thanks , how do I do that | 03:59 |
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=== Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kent | Abercrombie, read on the homepage of ubuntu? it might say how to do it. I dont have the time to tell you right now | 04:01 |
=== noneus1st [~noneus@pD9E4ECC7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kent | Abercrombie, but did you mean cutting edge, as in the most newest or the most slim? | 04:01 |
=== madsen is back! | ||
Abercrombie | whats most slim? | 04:02 |
=== stone [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | I wonder how I enable danish chars on my system... No applications seem to accept input from those keys. :/ | 04:02 |
kent | Abercrombie, with slim i mean, like "dont use much memory and cpu" | 04:03 |
Abercrombie | I guess the most newest, but not testing because | 04:03 |
Abercrombie | SLIM SOUNDS good | 04:03 |
Abercrombie | itll be nice on my celeron 634mhz right | 04:04 |
Abercrombie | rather than Cutting Edge | 04:04 |
Abercrombie | ? | 04:04 |
kent | Abercrombie, well, then i guess you should try to use another window-manager (desktop). Try asking people on how to install that. Im busy. | 04:04 |
Abercrombie | how about slim ? | 04:05 |
zenwhen | shady | 04:06 |
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kent | Abercrombie, there are no real thing called slim. I just asked about slim to know if it was that you ment with cutting edge. | 04:07 |
kent | Abercrombie, to get a slim desktop, you have to do things manually. Like, changing windowmanager, and stuff. | 04:07 |
madsen | kent: Usually the terms "bleeding/cutting edge" means "latest development"... | 04:08 |
madsen | kent: In some cases even "latest - and greatest" | 04:09 |
sabdfl | umm... abercrombie & kent, was that deliberate? | 04:09 |
=== thisfred [~thisfred@a213-84-57-72.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kent | sabdfl, what? | 04:10 |
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daniels | sabdfl: isn't it abercrombie & fitch? | 04:11 |
Abercrombie | yes | 04:11 |
jordi | yay. | 04:11 |
Abercrombie | lol | 04:11 |
sabdfl | different company | 04:11 |
sabdfl | A&K do great safari holidays | 04:11 |
jordi | I got permission from boss to go to the conference, until Tuesday. | 04:11 |
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tsjoklat | TongMaster | 04:11 |
TongMaster | heya Tsjoklat | 04:12 |
Tsjoklat | hewo | 04:12 |
TongMaster | my pushie just got nicked :/ | 04:12 |
daniels | arse :\ | 04:12 |
daniels | sabdfl: ah | 04:12 |
Tsjoklat | TongMaster? | 04:13 |
TongMaster | daniels, translate | 04:13 |
=== mbp_ [~mbp@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daniels | TongMaster: 'sucks' | 04:13 |
Tsjoklat | TongMaster: translate | 04:13 |
TongMaster | Tsjoklat, my pushie just got nicked. | 04:13 |
TongMaster | pushie = bicycle | 04:13 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) jordi: sangria for all! | 04:14 | |
Tsjoklat | TongMaster: for a moment I had weird visions | 04:14 |
jordi | TongMaster: oh, my sympathies :( | 04:15 |
TongMaster | Not my nice shiny "only ever ridden in races" racer, but my trusty 10+ years old mountain bike, my main means of transport between Ubuntu clients. Stolen. | 04:15 |
daniels | TongMaster: where from? | 04:15 |
Tsjoklat | woop woop land | 04:15 |
jordi | TongMaster: don't know if you follow pgo or pdo, but my 16y/o bike was stolen last monday :( | 04:15 |
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TongMaster | surfless' house, daniels | 04:15 |
daniels | bugger! | 04:16 |
daniels | isn't that in the sticks? | 04:16 |
jordi | TongMaster: http://oskuro.net/blog/stuff/stolen-bike-2004-11-16-01-43 | 04:16 |
=== thx1138 [~bdusauso@83.3-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Tsjoklat | TongMaster sorry to hear about your pushie | 04:16 |
TongMaster | My own fault, we'd been out beering, Craig wanted to give me some Chaser AVi's I letf my bike out front, (behind a 6'2" hedge) and though "she'll be rright" and willfully chose not to lock it. | 04:17 |
=== ohgood [~nunya@pcp02380990pcs.mrdian01.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Recon`Laptop [Recon@rndf-56-117.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TongMaster | I feel more a sense of release though, after ten years I'd not once tuned it or changed tires, the bike made more noises than daniels' mum in bed and the tires were balder than bob2's pubic regions. | 04:19 |
=== CPUnerd [~CPU@masq.densi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TongMaster | I'll admit, I'd been thinking of replacing it, it had spent too much time watching me surf and the rust was, well starting to show. | 04:19 |
CPUnerd | hehe fun. I know I can get root by doing "sudo su -" on ubuntu, but what's the normal regular root password. | 04:19 |
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=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@143.Red-81-37-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TongMaster | by default, CPUnerd, it's disabled. | 04:20 |
TongMaster | but thanks for ruining my monologue | 04:20 |
TongMaster | ;) | 04:20 |
=== noneus2nd [~noneus@pD9E4ECC7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== leonel [~leonel@dsl-200-78-92-3.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TongMaster | oh whatm, this is not #pipe? | 04:20 |
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Tsjoklat | TongMaster: it's entertaining | 04:21 |
CPUnerd | if you just type su, it asks you for a password | 04:21 |
CPUnerd | ubuntu is beautiful tho | 04:21 |
jordi | CPUnerd: you name it: sudo passwd | 04:21 |
daniels | CPUnerd: if you really badly need a root shell, do 'sudo -s' | 04:21 |
jordi | TongMaster: oh, :/ | 04:22 |
=== Recon`Laptop [Recon@rndf-56-117.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Recon`Laptop | Lo Guys | 04:22 |
jordi | TongMaster: mine was locked with a motorbike lock. | 04:22 |
CPUnerd | daniels~ I did sudo su - | 04:22 |
mbp_ | sudo sh will be enough | 04:22 |
=== tritium [rimbert@pal-171-137.itap.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CPUnerd | but i was wondering what is the password if there's one | 04:22 |
TongMaster | jordi, yeah but you're in Spain, it's full of riff raff. | 04:22 |
jordi | But here in Valencia, the fuckers go around with one of those tools that cut iron | 04:22 |
TongMaster | ;) | 04:22 |
=== Coy [~Coy@a84-230-204-227.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jordi | TongMaster: lol | 04:22 |
Recon`Laptop | How do you get gDesklets onto ubuntu> | 04:22 |
Recon`Laptop | ? | 04:23 |
jordi | do you really want gdesktlets? they are silly, broken and a memory hog. :) | 04:23 |
mbp_ | CPUnerd, there is none | 04:23 |
CPUnerd | ok. | 04:24 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Recon`Laptop: it's in universe | 04:24 | |
Tsjoklat | jordi: eye candy | 04:24 |
jordi | Tsjoklat: it's even ugly... | 04:24 |
Tsjoklat | jordi the biggest reason why ppl want/use it | 04:24 |
jordi | (and I never see my desktop background anyway ;) | 04:24 |
TongMaster | Nah, my problem is I come from part of Sydney that is too trusting and though I"ve been living in not-so-nice areas for two years, in the end, I'm still too comfortable leaving my stuff around, I' mjust glad I brought my laptop inside to copty the videos. The streets were so eerily empty when I cam out. | 04:24 |
agenteo | I've tried to change the umask for my ubuntu, I've looked in .bash_profile and there is specified that the default umask is in /etc/login.defs I've changed umask there but still I don't get the correct umask when I create new file or dirs | 04:24 |
TongMaster | Ohmer, jordi, remind me to kick your arse at a triathlon if we ever meet ;) | 04:25 |
agenteo | I've changed the umask value even in /etc/profile but still nothing... I hope someone knows more then me... | 04:25 |
jordi | TongMaster, Ohmer: you do tris? | 04:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) man, I was wondering wtf you were drunk and riding at 3pm | 04:25 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) then I realised it's 0130 in sydney | 04:25 | |
jordi | TongMaster: around what mark in a sprint? | 04:25 |
=== Elw0od_21 [~Elwood@ppp-62-11-186-190.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
triablo | ; | 04:26 |
triablo | arg | 04:26 |
TongMaster | jordi, I do what we call "a sprint" - 500m swim, 20K bike, 5K run - nothing special. I leave the real triathlons to people with no lives. | 04:26 |
Tsjoklat | I get tired just reading it | 04:26 |
=== tmp [~tmp@host217-43-44-96.range217-43.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Coy | there's in forum download link to hoary...is it stable enough all ready...? | 04:27 |
Tsjoklat | Coy: no | 04:27 |
=== TongMaster hi 5's Tsjoklat | ||
jordi | TongMaster: hey, where's the other 250m? | 04:27 |
sabdfl | jordi: are you going to run from barcelona to mataro every morning? | 04:27 |
Coy | Tsjoklat:ok | 04:27 |
Tsjoklat | TongMaster: :P | 04:27 |
TongMaster | jordi, ke? | 04:27 |
jordi | sabdfl: hey :) | 04:27 |
jordi | sabdfl: well, lulu and I will definitely need to find some cool place to run around | 04:28 |
Tsjoklat | Coy: try two months before release.. around feb | 04:28 |
jordi | Barcelona will be a bit too far I'm afraid ;) | 04:28 |
Coy | Tsjoklat:ok i will | 04:28 |
jordi | TongMaster: sprints are 750m/20/5, officially | 04:29 |
madsen | Hmm, how the hell do I get my danish chars back in Hoary? | 04:29 |
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-051-237.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jordi | TongMaster: and anyway, nothing like an olympic. (I have a life!) | 04:29 |
Coy | bob2:yesterday I ask about that PnPBIOS error...it's solved... =) I just added /boot/grub/menu.lst line: pnpbios=off | 04:30 |
TongMaster | heh | 04:30 |
Recon`Laptop | How do you get gDesklets onto ubuntu? | 04:30 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) Coy: ah | 04:30 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Recon`Laptop: it's in universe, install it | 04:30 | |
Coy | bob2:no errors anymore =) | 04:30 |
=== ditCh_ is now known as ditCh | ||
TongMaster | jordi, we are not ones for "rules" or thing official on this side of the world. It's a matter of "there's the course, give it a bash" | 04:30 |
TongMaster | Also, we can all swim here, so the swim is kind of a dead leg, really, jordi. | 04:31 |
TongMaster | The swim / bike transition is much more decisive than tghe swim :) | 04:32 |
=== Elw0od_21 is now known as elwood | ||
madsen | Wtf! I think triathlon is a _bit_ off-topic... | 04:33 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:TongMaster] : FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | CDs order before 12th Nov have been shipped, you can still order CDs | apparently ubuntuforums.org is down | also #triathlon | ||
madsen | lol! | 04:33 |
TongMaster | at this time of the morning, I thought people would be glad of some noise. | 04:33 |
jordi | heh | 04:34 |
madsen | TongMaster: Morning, it's 16:30 here! ;) | 04:34 |
daniels | TongMaster: it's 3:35 | 04:34 |
jordi | I love to make a channel offtopic. Sorry. :) | 04:34 |
daniels | (pm) | 04:34 |
jordi | daniels: are you in the UK or what? | 04:34 |
daniels | jordi: yah | 04:34 |
jordi | daniels: cool | 04:34 |
madsen | LOL! I didn't mean to stop the talk. I just wanted to point out exactly _how_ OT it was. :) | 04:34 |
TongMaster | daniels, you'll never adjust to .eu time. I told you, get pissed, get on the plane, wake up in .eu time. | 04:34 |
TongMaster | madsen, where are you .de? | 04:35 |
=== doko [doko@dsl-082-082-209-114.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | TongMaster: Close, .dk :) | 04:35 |
TongMaster | <flame> | 04:35 |
TongMaster | same thing | 04:35 |
TongMaster | ,/flame> | 04:35 |
=== TongMaster hides | ||
madsen | TongMaster: :p | 04:35 |
=== madsen wields a large trout and slaps TongMaster hard. | ||
TongMaster | Hey, we'll be running .dk soon anway, what a scary thought. | 04:36 |
kent | TongMaster, .dk? | 04:36 |
TongMaster | The future kings of .dk will be half Tasmanian. | 04:36 |
madsen | TongMaster: We? .au? | 04:36 |
=== TongMaster shudders. | ||
madsen | TongMaster: Oh! | 04:36 |
daniels | TongMaster: .dk's an awesome place. | 04:36 |
madsen | kent: Denmark | 04:36 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) they have christmas beer! | 04:37 | |
madsen | daniels: No it's not... | 04:37 |
TongMaster | I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. | 04:37 |
daniels | bob2: exactly | 04:37 |
daniels | madsen: well, expensive | 04:37 |
=== jovian [~jovian@c-24-118-74-107.mn.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | TongMaster: wish what? | 04:37 |
TongMaster | The only thing worse than being from Tasmania is picky up a Tasmanian at a crappy Sydney bar like the "Slipp Inn" | 04:38 |
madsen | daniels: Yeah, but the beer is pretty much what makes people stay here. The fascist government and the peoples pride in the infamous "danish hospitality" (which doesn't exist - and never has) makes me sick... | 04:38 |
madsen | TongMaster: lol! | 04:38 |
TongMaster | madsen, I wouldn't wish having monarchrs who were half Tasmanian upon anyone. The only thing worse is being half Canberran (looks at bob2) | 04:39 |
madsen | TongMaster: hehe | 04:39 |
daniels | madsen: .dk government can't be worse than .au | 04:39 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) I'm 100%, tyvm | 04:39 | |
TongMaster | madsen, I'm sorry but if Mary was at the Slipp Inn, she's no princess. | 04:39 |
daniels | madsen: and beautiful place. BUT! hideously off-topic. | 04:39 |
TongMaster | daniels, but this is not 3pipe? | 04:40 |
TongMaster | #pipe, even | 04:40 |
Recon`Laptop | So no-one here knoes how to get Gdesklets running on Ubuntu? | 04:40 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Recon`Laptop: I told you twice | 04:40 | |
madsen | daniels: Well, it's actually better than .us and .uk, but I don't know anything about the australian gov, so I can't really compare there... | 04:40 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Recon`Laptop: if you don't understand what I said, SAY SO | 04:40 | |
madsen | daniels: .dk, beautiful? Hah! It's flat! | 04:40 |
TongMaster | Recon`Laptop, yep, I do. | 04:40 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) TongMaster: this is #ubuntu | 04:41 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) see the difference? | 04:41 | |
TongMaster | not so far. | 04:41 |
madsen | Recon`Laptop: I do. Do what bob2 told you... | 04:41 |
TongMaster | normally 3ubuntu is so busy it's like signal noise, right now it's more like #pipe or is it just me? | 04:41 |
madsen | TongMaster: And she worked for MS here in Denmark. *brr* | 04:42 |
Recon`Laptop | Oh, Sorry Bob, I might have missed what you sai. I'm from SA, and my BW is less than nothing | 04:42 |
zenwhen | Well most of the US is at work, or still asleep. | 04:42 |
TongMaster | madsen, *see* | 04:42 |
TongMaster | :) | 04:42 |
=== Rob|Ubuntu [~PrettyBoy@user-0cev21p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== nevyn [~nevyn@c211-28-49-238.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | TongMaster: I was actually planning to assassinate her (along with the government and Blair and Bush), but then I decided just to go to Burger King instead... | 04:43 |
Recon`Laptop | Okay, So its in Universe? | 04:43 |
Recon`Laptop | That Means I need to do what to access it? | 04:43 |
Coy | just curios what time is in US? here in finland it's 5.30 pm(evening?) | 04:43 |
Coy | :) | 04:43 |
TongMaster | heya jordi, I'm doing everest basecamp in May bedore wandering Europe next year :) | 04:43 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Recon`Laptop: as I said, wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto | 04:43 | |
zenwhen | Eastern time it is 10:49am | 04:43 |
cenerentola | hi bob2... | 04:44 |
Tsjoklat | 07.44 Coy | 04:44 |
cenerentola | sorry but today im not going to bother you.. | 04:44 |
TongMaster | madsen, can I assinate you for going to Burger King? | 04:44 |
cenerentola | i know ull miss it | 04:44 |
Tsjoklat | <-- making breakfast | 04:44 |
Coy | Tsjoklat: :) | 04:44 |
madsen | Recon`Laptop: Add universe in Synaptic. (Or manually in: /etc/apt/sources.list) | 04:44 |
TongMaster | Tsjoklat, no don't, I was planning to fo a runner before you made breakfast. I'm not one for permenant attachment..... | 04:45 |
Coy | quite big difference :) | 04:45 |
=== eya1 [~eyal@deri-dmz2.nuigalway.ie] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | TongMaster: No, 'cause I'm a hypocratic vegetarian, that eats bacon and burgers... It's not allowed to assassinate us... | 04:45 |
Coy | guys are waking up I'm going to sleep... | 04:46 |
Coy | almost | 04:46 |
Rob|Ubuntu | I want to put my Ubuntu (Sid) what I do | 04:46 |
Rob|Ubuntu | I change warty to hoary in synaptic or in the console? | 04:46 |
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TongMaster | madsen, hypocritical? | 04:46 |
titbread | just running the live cd and my wireless keyboard isnt working | 04:46 |
titbread | how can i fix this? | 04:46 |
TongMaster | Oh my god, I've swallowed daniels pills | 04:46 |
daniels | titbread: more information needed. what sort of wireless keyboard? | 04:47 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Rob|Ubuntu: you run warty and want to switch to hoary? | 04:47 | |
daniels | bluetooth? radio? infrared? usb? ps/2? | 04:47 |
madsen | TongMaster: Yeah, that... :) (I'm not a native speaker.) | 04:47 |
Rob|Ubuntu | yea I Just finish installing Ubuntu (Warty) | 04:47 |
Rob|Ubuntu | bob2: | 04:47 |
titbread | ps/2 | 04:47 |
TongMaster | madsen, yeah, tis OK, I'll buy you a beer in July :) | 04:47 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Rob|Ubuntu: more or less | 04:47 | |
=== Rob|Ubuntu is now known as Abercrombie | ||
titbread | but i think its bluetooth, im not sure | 04:47 |
ubuntu-geek | anyone around to fix the topic to say the forums are backup :) | 04:47 |
titbread | its a wireless ps/2 keyboard | 04:48 |
Tsjoklat | TongMaster better make it fast... we gotta eat in twenty | 04:48 |
Recon`Laptop | Tongmaster, How? | 04:48 |
Abercrombie | so I change it in synaptic to be easier than via the console | 04:48 |
madsen | TongMaster: In july? | 04:48 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:bob2] : FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | CDs order before 12th Nov have been shipped, you can still order CDs | apparently ubuntuforums.org is back | also #triathlon | ||
titbread | daniels, yeh its a ps/2 wireless keyboard only goes to 1 and a half meters so it cant be bluetooth | 04:49 |
TongMaster | madsen, I'll be wndering through europe, pausing in London, Scotlend, Ireland, Germany, Amsterdam and spain, if jordi has the guts to race ;) | 04:49 |
=== eya1 [~eyal@deri-dmz2.nuigalway.ie] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
titbread | know how to fix it? | 04:50 |
TongMaster | madsen, I'll probably also be drunk like now so my English will be as good as my typing :) | 04:50 |
Recon`Laptop | ROFL. Its kinda hilarious but Great. Ubunut is a South-African Distribution, made by SA for SA. but everyone is crazy about it | 04:50 |
=== Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TongMaster | Recon`Laptop, no, only the name is SA. | 04:51 |
titbread | im uk and i have 150 copies in total | 04:51 |
titbread | i have already given 4 mac power version away 2 day | 04:51 |
titbread | and a couple of 64bit ones | 04:51 |
daniels | titbread: no idea without more information. should work. | 04:51 |
TongMaster | plus when you say SA, I think South Australia, shouldn't you say .za? | 04:51 |
daniels | Recon`Laptop: the development team has a more global taint | 04:51 |
titbread | daniels, what information do you need? | 04:51 |
zenwhen | Recon`Laptop, you really couldnt be more wrong. | 04:51 |
daniels | titbread: more specific than 'it doesn't work' -- does it work in the bios? console? | 04:52 |
madsen | TongMaster: Cool! :) | 04:52 |
titbread | daniels, nah nothing, dont get any response from it. I know the keyboard will work on windows | 04:52 |
titbread | daniels, but it doesn't bring the bios up, but it does recognise a keypress - because the reciever flashes | 04:53 |
=== kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daniels | if it doesn't work in the BIOS, then there's nothing we can do | 04:55 |
daniels | it's not a real PS/2 keyboard | 04:55 |
titbread | yeh it is a real PS/2 keyboard, it works fine on windows | 04:55 |
=== timte [~timte@h129n2fls32o984.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
titbread | hmmm strange | 04:56 |
=== Joe_Powerbook [~JoeB@adsl-68-94-152-241.dsl.mdldtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Coy | will those ati radeon drivers work?(via apt-get) | 04:57 |
Abercrombie | I need help changin my Ubuntu to Sid | 04:57 |
=== MapeX [~gmich@dsl81-214-23758.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
madsen | Abercrombie: You want to shift from Ubuntu to Debian? Or from Warty to Hoary? | 04:57 |
=== WildCode [~cisos@CPE-203-51-251-171.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Coy | Abercrombie:there is in forum download link to hoary release... | 04:57 |
=== fsmw [~Fernando@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Abercrombie | Warty to Hoary :) | 04:57 |
Joe_Powerbook | just installed Ubuntu and it 1)doesn't recognize my HT system and 2) doesn't see all 2GB of my RAM | 04:57 |
Abercrombie | where COy | 04:57 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) please don't enoucrage people to download random stuff linked from forums | 04:57 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Joe_Powerbook: in what way doesn't it recognise it? | 04:58 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Joe_Powerbook: and you need a custom kernel to see more than 896MB of ram | 04:58 | |
=== lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Coy | Abercrombie: in unofficial Ubuntu forums...try google... | 04:58 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) bah forums | 04:58 | |
Coy | :) | 04:58 |
Joe_Powerbook | bob2: yeah, but looks like the source or the compiler are not installed, correct? | 04:58 |
Coy | there's a link | 04:58 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Joe_Powerbook: by default, yes | 04:59 | |
=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@143.Red-81-37-200.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) Joe_Powerbook: install build-essential aned linux-source-2.6 | 04:59 | |
=== pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary | 04:59 | |
Abercrombie | Thanks bob2 | 04:59 |
Joe_Powerbook | bob2: that build-essential was what I was looking for! thanks!!!! | 05:00 |
WildCode | I'm having dns issues with ubuntu ... I have place nameservers as they are here in windows into resolv.conf and nothing resolves ... the only "clue" I can find is kern.log stating that it couldn't find a IPv6 router | 05:00 |
Coy | in hoary what will be the kernel release? | 05:00 |
Coy | 2.6.9.x? | 05:00 |
Coy | quess I have reboot X now..just installed videocard drivers.. | 05:02 |
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ixus | Hello. Any Apple users/ | 05:03 |
ixus | ? | 05:03 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) lots of people | 05:03 | |
MapeX | hi channel | 05:04 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) WildCode: the router stuff doesn't matter | 05:04 | |
ixus | I just wanted a quick bit of advice. . . | 05:04 |
MapeX | hello | 05:04 |
=== themule [~themule@cpc2-swin1-4-0-cust3.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ixus | my CD drive doesn't seem to want to read Linux boot CDs - data CD's are fine | 05:04 |
MapeX | hello | 05:05 |
ixus | it there a way to net install incase my CD drive is knackered? | 05:05 |
|QuaD| | ixus: are you using a ppc boot disc or an x86 boot disk | 05:05 |
MapeX | hello | 05:05 |
ixus | ppc | 05:05 |
ixus | it sounds like it wont spin up | 05:05 |
themule | hey, i want to install windows again, but when i boot up it doesnt recognise the CD in there, any idea's | 05:05 |
themule | ? | 05:05 |
ixus | I made a PC boot disk on my mac & that works fine on PC, just the MAc ones wont work | 05:06 |
ixus | Windows XP? 98? | 05:06 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ixus: are you holding down C at the right time? | 05:06 | |
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themule | XP | 05:07 |
ixus | bob2: yes, CD sounds like it is having trouble spinning up, it spins up, spins down, jumps a bit etc - data CDs are fine as are MAc os X install CDs | 05:07 |
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arc_ | arc@ubuntu:~ $ gnome-keybinding-properties | 05:07 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ixus: sure you burnt it correctly? | 05:07 | |
arc_ | failed to find gam_server | 05:07 |
arc_ | failed to exec (null) | 05:07 |
arc_ | mmmm | 05:07 |
arc_ | does anyone knows what gam_server is? | 05:08 |
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mathmonk | Hello - how do I point apt to use the development tree for ubuntu ? | 05:08 |
Abercrombie | what runs better for slow pcs celeron 634mhz 256mb , GNome, KDE, ? | 05:08 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) mathmonk: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary | 05:08 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: both are fine | 05:08 | |
ixus | bob2: pretty sure - same process for burning the PC cd which worked fine | 05:08 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) tho 256MB will suck a bit | 05:08 | |
mathmonk | bob2, thank you! | 05:08 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ixus: the md5sum matches the iso? | 05:08 | |
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themule | how can i boot a CD? it isnt working for me =\ | 05:09 |
ixus | haven't ever used an md5sum | 05:09 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ixus: well, check | 05:09 | |
arc_ | Abercrombie: wmaker/blackbox/enlightenment :P | 05:09 |
Abercrombie | yea but what can I do, its my old pc and just wanna learn linux first and then move it to my good pc amd athlon xp-m 2800+ 704mb ddr | 05:09 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) themule: put it in, tell the bios to boot from CD and it should work | 05:09 | |
CPUnerd | just like this. apt-cache search php5 is not in the list right ? | 05:09 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) themule: on what? a pc? | 05:09 | |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) themule: how did you burn the CD? | 05:09 | |
Pitr | ahem | 05:09 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) pritt! | 05:09 | |
Pitr | I meant: Hello Echramath, long time no see | 05:09 |
CPUnerd | it's debian question but just wondering | 05:09 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: so what are you asking? | 05:09 | |
ixus | themule: reset your PC, & hold down escape / delete - what ever the prompt is to set you bios... | 05:09 |
Pitr | oi trn | 05:09 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) CPUnerd: yes, php5 is not in debian or ubuntu | 05:10 | |
themule | Treenaks: i'll give it ago | 05:10 |
CPUnerd | ok thanks | 05:10 |
Abercrombie | just wondering smething, but I see more menus with KDE than with GNome | 05:10 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: yes, gnome in ubuntu doesn't use debian's menu system | 05:10 | |
ixus | you should have an option to change the boot order, something like floppy drive first, then CD, then hard drive | 05:10 |
WildCode | hmm, looks like a RedHat/Ubuntu user also had exact same issue as me (according to google) ... with no way to fix | 05:10 |
Abercrombie | bob2: so then ? what I do | 05:11 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: your question is "How do I get all the programs I install to show up in the gnome menu?"? | 05:11 | |
Abercrombie | bob2: pretty much yes | 05:11 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: adding them manually is the only current solution | 05:11 | |
Abercrombie | i dont know how to do that (newbie) | 05:12 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ctrl-l applications:// <enter> | 05:12 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) in nautilus | 05:12 | |
Abercrombie | but anyways right now I'm trying to read the link you gave me so I can do this stuff. | 05:13 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ok... | 05:13 | |
Abercrombie | how often i gotta do apt-get update / apt-get -t unstable upgrade? | 05:14 |
Abercrombie | but since im changin my sources is gonna upgrade from unstable right | 05:14 |
Abercrombie | but what if something is not available for unstable yet and the latest is only in testing will it use it too? | 05:14 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ubuntu doesn't have a distribution called "unstable" | 05:15 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) so -t unstable will not ever do anything | 05:15 | |
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Abercrombie | hoary | 05:15 |
Abercrombie | oh | 05:15 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) you don't ever need to dist-upgrade | 05:15 | |
Abercrombie | < use to deb | 05:15 |
Abercrombie | cool | 05:15 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) and I'd not recommend someone new to ubuntu move to hoary at all | 05:15 | |
themule | hey, it didnt work :( | 05:15 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) also there is no "testing" in ubuntu | 05:15 | |
Echramath | Pitr: Aa, you were on... #friendly @ IRCNet? | 05:16 |
Pitr | aye | 05:16 |
Pitr | LordTyphon for you. | 05:16 |
themule | right, i want to install windows XP again, when i try and boot it the CD doesnt load and it just goes onto ubuntu, need help | 05:16 |
Abercrombie | why not | 05:16 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) themule: configure your bios to boot it | 05:16 | |
themule | i couldnt find it | 05:16 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: ubuntu is doing it differently | 05:16 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) themule: look in your bios manual | 05:17 | |
Abercrombie | i can see :) | 05:17 |
|QuaD| | Abercrombie: debian unstable is still pretty stable | 05:17 |
themule | but normaly for all other o/s's it boots up fine | 05:17 |
CPUnerd | |QuaD|~ I have SID on 13 servers. and it's really stable | 05:17 |
Abercrombie | stable in outdated or stable as in good working | 05:17 |
|QuaD| | ubuntu hoary is really an unstable release made for testing | 05:17 |
|QuaD| | CPUnerd: yeah.... i used to use sid | 05:17 |
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CPUnerd | :) | 05:18 |
CPUnerd | what you use now ? | 05:18 |
CPUnerd | fbsd ? :P | 05:18 |
|QuaD| | CPUnerd: i don't know if i would use unstable on production servers, but its still stable | 05:18 |
|QuaD| | ubuntu | 05:18 |
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|QuaD| | i don't run servers | 05:18 |
|QuaD| | i would probably choose openbsd though | 05:18 |
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themule | bob2: but normaly for all other o/s's it boots up fine | 05:19 |
CPUnerd | |QuaD|~ if you need anything about it, any opinions because you are going to be having servers, I will tell you personally that sid is nice. and works prettyyy well ;) | 05:19 |
|QuaD| | what does? | 05:19 |
Abercrombie | bob2: why you dont recommend somebody new to linux to go to hoary | 05:19 |
CPUnerd | everything | 05:19 |
|QuaD| | what os | 05:19 |
CPUnerd | debian SID | 05:20 |
|QuaD| | oh | 05:20 |
|QuaD| | yeah | 05:20 |
|QuaD| | i ran sid for 2 years | 05:20 |
CPUnerd | the only thing that pisses me off is apt-cache search php5 | 05:20 |
|QuaD| | haha | 05:20 |
Coy | hey,what is mouse in ubuntu?/dev/mouse? I have generic wheelmouse ps/2 | 05:20 |
themule | can i format C:\ from ubuntu? | 05:20 |
wasabi | /dev/psaux | 05:20 |
|QuaD| | i reformatted my hd (sid) and put ubuntu on | 05:20 |
wasabi | themule: depends what C:\ is | 05:20 |
Coy | is it? | 05:20 |
themule | my HD | 05:20 |
Echramath | Coy: /dev/input/mouse0? | 05:20 |
CPUnerd | themule~ type cfdisk if you are lukcy | 05:20 |
wasabi | TheMuwhat file system | 05:21 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: because you won't be able to fix it when it breaks | 05:21 | |
wasabi | themule what file system | 05:21 |
Coy | this radeon driver ask about it... | 05:21 |
themule | erm, the one that is first selected in the ubuntu installation | 05:21 |
Echramath | AFAIK you can't format, just create filesystems? | 05:21 |
wasabi | themule: unix does not use drive letters. That is purely a DOS invention. So I have no idea what you mean by C:\. | 05:21 |
wasabi | Rephrase what you are asking. | 05:22 |
Echramath | wasabi: Of course PC bioses you it too. | 05:22 |
wasabi | If you mean "first partition of first drive" | 05:22 |
Abercrombie | thanks bob2 | 05:22 |
Coy | drive letters are straight from hell ;) | 05:22 |
wasabi | Echramath: not mine. | 05:22 |
CPUnerd | themule~ type "less /etc/fstab" | 05:22 |
Echramath | Okey, but many do. | 05:23 |
themule | i dont know, i just want to boot my windows XP installation CD from start-up | 05:23 |
wasabi | If they do it's simply a visual representation of Something. | 05:23 |
wasabi | themule: you just want to install Windows? WHat does that have to do with Ubuntu? | 05:23 |
Coy | that mouse?what is it?I have no clue | 05:23 |
Abercrombie | but bob2: maybe I can manage :) | 05:23 |
WildCode | how do I disable ipv6 in ubuntu ... I want to see if its causing my dns issues (same issue noted in 3 other dists) | 05:23 |
wasabi | Coy: /dev/psaux | 05:23 |
themule | i installed ubuntu, to see what it was like, now i want to go back to windows, but it isnt booting the CD | 05:24 |
Coy | wasabi:ok =)) I try that | 05:24 |
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wasabi | themule: Well, your computers inability to boot a CD rom has absolutly nothing to do with Ubuntu at all. The best I can do is say check your bIOS settings. | 05:24 |
wasabi | Makes sure it's in the right boot order. | 05:24 |
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themule | but it does normaly, has ubuntu change the BIOS settings? | 05:25 |
wasabi | That's not even possible. | 05:25 |
Abercrombie | bob2: I used MEPIS CUtting Edge and nothing seemed to break, so if anythign breaks I can ask here ? or is it that ubuntu hoary breaks a lot? | 05:25 |
Joe_Powerbook | um, I'm trying to run a make menuconfig and it says it can't find ncurses library, but they're installed | 05:26 |
themule | its booted every CD i ever tried, but now i have ubuntu, and there is a bootable disk in the drive, it wont boot =\ | 05:26 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) Joe_Powerbook: libncurses5-dev | 05:26 | |
Joe_Powerbook | error says to install ncurses-devel, but there's no such package | 05:26 |
Coy | damn..what the hell is Quad Buffer Stereo?should it be enabled? | 05:26 |
Echramath | themule: But the CD should take command before any OS starts. | 05:26 |
Coy | :) | 05:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: do you want to help find bugs? | 05:26 | |
Abercrombie | i would love to | 05:26 |
themule | thats my point.. | 05:26 |
wasabi | themule: booting from teh CD is handled pruely by the BIOS probing for a bootloader from the CD, before it probes for a boot loader from the HD. | 05:26 |
wasabi | themule: if your BIOS is not doing so, it has nothing to do with ubuntu. | 05:27 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: do you know how to fix things if, say, dpkg breaks, etc? | 05:27 | |
themule | ok.. | 05:27 |
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wasabi | go into your bios and examine the settings | 05:27 |
Abercrombie | hmm not sure but I can learn , like dependencies you mean? | 05:27 |
wasabi | make sure the CD is set to be probed before the HD | 05:27 |
wasabi | Maybe your bios requires you to hold down a key or som... | 05:28 |
wasabi | n/m | 05:28 |
Joe_Powerbook | bob2: thanks... is this processes documented somewhere? I could not seem to find all of this listed out.... | 05:28 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Joe_Powerbook: newbiedoc.sf.net | 05:28 | |
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rapha | Hi all! | 05:28 |
Abercrombie | another thing is that i also want to run the latest stuff | 05:28 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) I'm sure you do | 05:29 | |
Abercrombie | lol | 05:29 |
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adsj | hello, when i try to recompile the kernel i get this errors | 05:30 |
adsj | "cant find file arch/Linux/Kconfig" | 05:30 |
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adsj | is that an ubuntu bug ? | 05:31 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) no | 05:31 | |
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adsj | hmm, so what is that? and how i can fix it ? | 05:31 |
adsj | on arch i havent this Linux directory | 05:31 |
zenwhen | 1) Have you installed Build Essential? | 05:31 |
adsj | i've tried with vanilla src and the ubuntu's linux-sources | 05:31 |
adsj | zenwhen, can you please give me the name of the package? thanks | 05:32 |
adsj | i'll check | 05:32 |
zenwhen | I just did | 05:32 |
madsen | Hmm, anyone lost sound, dvd-playback and charset when upgrading to Hoary? (whore-y?) | 05:32 |
adsj | hmm build-essential is already installed zenwhen | 05:33 |
zenwhen | I lost my wide, charisma, and job when upgrading to whore-y ;-; | 05:33 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) adsj: what command are you running? | 05:33 | |
zenwhen | wife* | 05:33 |
adsj | bob2, make menuconfig | 05:33 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) adsj: install libncurses5-dev | 05:34 | |
madsen | zenwhen: Drrm-chi! ;) | 05:34 |
zenwhen | D: | 05:34 |
Joe_Powerbook | it would be really nice to have the configuration file for the stock kernel, so I don't leave anything out when I recompile =( | 05:34 |
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adsj | bob2, already installed :( | 05:35 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Joe_Powerbook: /boot/ | 05:35 | |
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Joe_Powerbook | =) | 05:35 |
adsj | another solution ? | 05:36 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) paste the full error to #flood | 05:36 | |
zenwhen | Havent heard of anyone with those things installed having an issue | 05:36 |
adsj | ok, 1 sec | 05:36 |
icecrash | moin | 05:36 |
icecrash | anyone who can tell me how to report bugs against universe packages? they are not listet in bugzilla | 05:37 |
adsj | bob2, done | 05:37 |
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icecrash | directly mail to maintainer? or any other ways | 05:38 |
Tiboz | hey all | 05:38 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) icecrash: read the bugzilla front page | 05:38 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) that answers that exact question | 05:38 | |
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Tiboz | will ubuntu make a kernel package for 2.6.9 in hoary ? | 05:38 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) yes | 05:38 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) and no one knows when | 05:38 | |
Tiboz | oki | 05:38 |
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deFrysk | when ? ;p | 05:38 |
Tiboz | that was my second question :) | 05:38 |
deFrysk | why not wait till 2.6.10 comes out ? | 05:39 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) maybe they will | 05:39 | |
deFrysk | odd numbers usually are poorer versions anyway | 05:39 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) adsj: where did you get your source from? | 05:39 | |
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adsj | bob2, kernel.org | 05:39 |
adsj | bob2, btw the same for ubuntu's linux-sources | 05:40 |
icecrash | bob2: wether I'm blind or I don't know what you want to tell me | 05:40 |
icecrash | the bugzilla.ub... doesn't tell me that and the help packages also not | 05:41 |
wave | what kind of kernel does ubuntu use just the vanilla with a crap load of patches? | 05:41 |
icecrash | s/packages/site/ | 05:41 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) icecrash: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Ubuntu | 05:41 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) wave: is there any other possible type of kernel? | 05:42 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) (aside from "no patches") | 05:42 | |
wave | well mm or ck of some sort | 05:42 |
adsj | no solution :( | 05:43 |
wave | ir maybe the debian kernel which I have no idea what they use either. never been a debian fna | 05:43 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) no sane distro is going to have -mm be the default kernel | 05:44 | |
wave | Probably not. | 05:44 |
wave | Buggy. | 05:45 |
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wave | Is there any screen shots of that app I hear about that is going to take the place of synaptic on the web? | 05:47 |
awtcmc | after running dvd shrink in wine, i am now unable to open k3b to burn anything. i receive the following error: | 05:47 |
awtcmc | kdecore (KIconLoader): WARNING: Icon directory /usr/share/icons/Smokey-Red/ group 48x48/filesystems not valid. | 05:47 |
icecrash_ | by | 05:48 |
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Echramath | awtcmc: It's a warning, not an error, right? | 05:48 |
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awtcmc | yes, its just a warning. however, k3b will not open. it basically freezes with a blank window while trying to scan for cd and dvd devices | 05:49 |
Echramath | awtcmc: I suppose that the warning doesn't affect the operation of K3B at all, the problem is somewhere else. | 05:49 |
awtcmc | even in the window selector, there is no icon for k3b | 05:50 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) you're burning stuff with *wine*? | 05:50 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) I'd be happy if my machine didn't catch on fire after that | 05:50 | |
awtcmc | i rip and compress the dvd with dvd shrink under wine. | 05:50 |
Echramath | Maybe the windows software did some terrible mutilations on the drive. | 05:50 |
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Echramath | Like put it in the "not working" -mode. | 05:51 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) scsiutils might have something to reset it | 05:51 | |
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awtcmc | that's possible, because i then installed xcdroast, and it could not detect the cd or dvd drives, even though i can open and close them and they appear when i open the computer location | 05:51 |
awtcmc | after searching online, this is a very common error when using kde apps on a debian system, but i can't resolve it. from what i've found, its simply an icon issue. | 05:52 |
awtcmc | or maybe a theme issue | 05:52 |
awtcmc | bob, can you tell me more about scsiutils | 05:53 |
awtcmc | like where to get, how to use? | 05:53 |
Neill | apt-get install scsiutils probably | 05:53 |
awtcmc | nope, apt-get won't do it. its not in any of the official ubuntu repositories | 05:54 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) lord | 05:55 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it was a guess at a name | 05:55 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) sg-utils - utilities for working with generic SCSI devices | 05:55 | |
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adsj | i try another time :) someone have some problems when try to recompile the kernel on ubuntu ( hoary) ? especially when launch make menuconfig | 05:57 |
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adsj | i've already the libncurses installed | 05:57 |
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awtcmc | ok, bob2, sg-utils is installed, now what? | 05:58 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) now look and see if it has a utility to reset your drive | 05:58 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) if not, you reboot | 05:58 | |
awtcmc | i'm somewhat of a linux noob here, so i can't open it from the terminal with sg-utils. do you know how to run the app? | 05:58 |
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ixus | checksums match - must be my CD drive | 06:01 |
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|QuaD| | probably | 06:01 |
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zenwhen | my ubuntu cds never made it to me | 06:02 |
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zenwhen | the site said they shipped and I never got them | 06:02 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) zenwhen: ..yet | 06:02 | |
zenwhen | so sad ;-; | 06:02 |
zenwhen | it said they shipped like 12 days ago | 06:02 |
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zenwhen | ;-; | 06:03 |
zenwhen | Oh well.. I realy wanted a LiveCD. | 06:03 |
|QuaD| | zenwhen: why didn't you just burn them yourselves? | 06:03 |
zenwhen | Dialup? | 06:03 |
awtcmc | can anyone help with my k3b issue? | 06:03 |
|QuaD| | oh, that would take a while | 06:04 |
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zenwhen | Oh well... I hope I get them though. | 06:04 |
zenwhen | Im going to give them out to some people around here who really should be running Linux. | 06:04 |
=== giannicola_ [~giannicol@213-140-6-112.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|QuaD| | zenwhen: lol | 06:05 |
zenwhen | And keep some for myself. | 06:05 |
zenwhen | well | 06:05 |
zenwhen | two. | 06:05 |
=== babui [~babui@gardeny.udl.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenwhen | I want a liveCD just for a rescue disk. | 06:05 |
zenwhen | I lost my knoppix disk. | 06:05 |
|QuaD| | ohh | 06:05 |
zenwhen | I can go to a local college and download things but its a hassle. | 06:06 |
zenwhen | Since they really dont want non-students in there. | 06:06 |
=== _LR_ [~luis@clv-76.temp.uevora.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenwhen | I downloaded warty for two weeks. | 06:06 |
|QuaD| | i go to a uni... with super fast speeds :) | 06:06 |
zenwhen | Not all of us are so lucky. | 06:07 |
=== encryptio [~encryptio@user-119a28l.biz.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giannicola_ | here in italy we have 10mbit connections | 06:07 |
|QuaD| | i have 2 10 mbit connections in my apartment | 06:07 |
_LR_ | hello, where do I find a ubuntu repository list? I need a repository nere me (Portugal) ? tx | 06:07 |
zenwhen | I suppose we are all lucky in our own ways though. | 06:07 |
|QuaD| | heh | 06:07 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) _LR_: the Archive page on the wiki | 06:07 | |
zenwhen | Though I dont have broadband I do own my own home. | 06:07 |
|QuaD| | haha... i am 21 | 06:08 |
zenwhen | I am 23. | 06:08 |
zenwhen | :) | 06:08 |
|QuaD| | nice | 06:08 |
zenwhen | The land here is cheap because it is rural. | 06:08 |
zenwhen | But it also means I have to wait a while before broadband makes it out here. | 06:09 |
|QuaD| | ahh, i live in boston, if my apartment was a condo, it would be about $400,000 | 06:09 |
|QuaD| | and its a small 1 bedroom studio | 06:09 |
zenwhen | woa | 06:09 |
zenwhen | 80% of America still uses Dialup. | 06:09 |
zenwhen | Thats pretty amazing. | 06:09 |
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|QuaD| | i read the slashdot today :) | 06:09 |
zenwhen | I jsut did. | 06:09 |
zenwhen | just* | 06:10 |
giannicola_ | I need help | 06:10 |
|QuaD| | with? | 06:11 |
giannicola_ | yesterday I installed my ubuntu | 06:11 |
daniels | f 09:10:33 up 4 days, 20:52, 15 users, load average: 1.08, 1.27, 0.97 | 06:11 |
_LR_ | bob2: i'm on http://www.ubuntu-linux.org/wiki and down't see Archive :( | 06:11 |
daniels | er | 06:11 |
daniels | wrong window | 06:11 |
giannicola_ | but with firefox | 06:11 |
giannicola_ | i don't have flash plugins | 06:11 |
DLite | daniels you should really consider to stop drinking | 06:11 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Joe_Powerbook: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Archive | 06:11 | |
=== FallenHitokiri [~TimoZimme@p508BB3C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) _LR_: | 06:11 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) blah | 06:11 | |
daniels | DLite: don't drink on the job | 06:13 |
Tomcat_ | Can I change this page: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats/view?searchterm=divx when I log in? | 06:13 |
x-un-l | _LR_, http://glua.ua.pt/mirror/dists/ubuntu/releases/4.10/ | 06:13 |
giannicola_ | i don't have flash plugins | 06:13 |
giannicola_ | who can help me? | 06:13 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Tomcat_: yes | 06:13 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Tomcat_: please don't break it | 06:13 | |
DLite | daniels: I still want to see those pictures of you table dancing in Spain | 06:13 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) giannicola_: RestrictedFormats on the wik | 06:13 | |
giannicola_ | how can Iinstall flash plugins in firefox? | 06:13 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) giannicola_: as the FAQ says | 06:13 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) please read it | 06:14 | |
=== Ghoztiz [~caspar@h221n2fls301o1044.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) DLite: you really don't | 06:14 | |
giannicola_ | ok | 06:14 |
Tomcat_ | bob2: I only want to add that totem-xine is the easiest way for having MPG4... I really miss that. | 06:14 |
DLite | bob2 I do and daniels promised | 06:14 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Tomcat_: ok | 06:15 | |
daniels | i don't table dance | 06:15 |
DLite | you would if you were loaded enough | 06:15 |
DLite | your words | 06:15 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) well, that's true | 06:16 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) 3 beers and he did an x upload | 06:16 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ok, maybe that didn't happen | 06:17 | |
daniels | bob2: lies | 06:17 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) but it could have | 06:17 | |
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awtcmc | i'm having a lot of trouble mounting my windows partition. i've followed all of the steps from the web, including changing all permissions, but when i open the mounted drive in nautilus, there is nothing there | 06:21 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ignore nautilus | 06:21 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) paste the relevant line from "mount"'s output | 06:21 | |
Deft | does anyone know the reason that only one totem instance is allowed? | 06:22 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) they have conflicting files | 06:22 | |
awtcmc | thanks, bob2. i'll do this later if you're around. currently burning a dvd in k3b. simply rebooting the system resolved the issue. | 06:22 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) and the reason that totem-xine forces ubuntu-desktop out is that totem-xine is not supported | 06:23 | |
=== merhojt [~merhojt@h67n2fls35o989.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
awtcmc | does anyone know how to completely remove totem? i use mplayer and ogle, so i have no need for totem. when i try to uninstall totem, it says that it must also uninstall the ubuntu desktop | 06:23 |
=== merhojt [~merhojt@h67n2fls35o989.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giannicola | bob2 where is the folder of mozilla plugins? | 06:24 |
Deft | hadn't even noticed that... seems pretty stupid really, being able to watch another video without losing your place seems fairly basic | 06:24 |
Deft | awtcmc, just remove it in synaptic if you really want it gone | 06:24 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) Deft: if totem-gstreamer loses it's place in a video, file a bug | 06:24 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) giannicola: /usr/lib/mozilla/ or so | 06:24 | |
giannicola | thx | 06:24 |
awtcmc | deft, if i try that, it says it must also uninstall ubuntu-desktop | 06:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) awtcmc: yes, indeed. | 06:25 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) you can remove ubuntu-desktop if you want | 06:25 | |
mxpxpod | bob2: any luck with herbert? | 06:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it contains nothing | 06:25 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) but be aware you're on your own | 06:25 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) mxpxpod: no | 06:25 | |
Deft | bob2, I mean that you can't watch another video in another instance, because there can't be another instances | 06:25 |
mxpxpod | bob2: suck | 06:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) mxpxpod: just building my own 2.6.9 package now, in fact | 06:25 | |
awtcmc | what happens if i remove ubuntu desktop? | 06:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) (with the sleep patch) | 06:25 | |
mxpxpod | bob2: ah, cool | 06:25 |
mxpxpod | bob2: and the wlan patch? | 06:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) mxpxpod: yes | 06:25 | |
mxpxpod | bob2: how'd you do that? | 06:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) mxpxpod: it's herbert's upgraded to 2.6.9 with sleep added | 06:25 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) and all conflicting patches dropped | 06:26 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) so it may or may not boot | 06:26 | |
Deft | awtcmc, you miss out on automatically getting new packages that are included as "defaults" in the future | 06:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Deft: ok | 06:26 | |
mxpxpod | bob2: haha | 06:26 |
awtcmc | that's pretty stupid, to mess with my system just to remove a movie player? why was ubuntu designed like this | 06:27 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) awtcmc: please don't call things you don't understand "stupid" | 06:27 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) 03:23:01 bob2 | and the reason that totem-xine forces ubuntu-desktop out is that totem-xine is not supported | 06:27 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) if you want to use unsupported software, go for it! | 06:27 | |
Deft | awtcmc, to ensure you get everything you need; and your system stays in a nice state | 06:27 |
awtcmc | you're right, but why can't it be simple to remove totem? | 06:27 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) but be aware that it means you may need to manually fix things in the future | 06:27 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it's TRIVIAL to remove totem | 06:27 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) but you're removing a component of the default ubuntu desktop | 06:28 | |
Deft | or just delete the menu entry for that matter | 06:28 |
Tsjoklat | blah | 06:28 |
awtcmc | but its just a package, an app. not like i'm removing the kernel or anything here | 06:28 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ? | 06:28 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) did you not read what I said? | 06:28 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) do you understand what actually happens when you remove it? | 06:28 | |
awtcmc | yeah, i would have to manually update my system in the future. no thanks. | 06:29 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) lord | 06:29 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) nevermind then | 06:29 | |
Deft | ubuntu-desktop makes sure that you always have a functioning desktop and everything you might need; you get rid of that and you're on your own | 06:29 |
Tomcat_ | If I install mplayer, will it remove ubuntu-desktop? :o | 06:29 |
Tsjoklat | lol | 06:29 |
Deft | Tomcat_, no | 06:29 |
Tsjoklat | oh ubu won't work anymore if you remove it... really | 06:29 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Tomcat_: no | 06:29 | |
Tsjoklat | it explodes | 06:30 |
Tsjoklat | walks off | 06:30 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) what Deft said | 06:30 | |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) hm, I should include the snd_powermac fix too | 06:31 | |
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ploum | Hello | 06:32 |
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Joint | ploum: hiya | 06:32 |
Moof | hi | 06:32 |
zenwhen | Moof | 06:32 |
Moof | I have a fresh ubutu (warty) install here | 06:33 |
=== jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ploum | I'm using ubuntu Hoary, but people on WinXP cannot access my samba shares | 06:33 |
jazzka | hi! | 06:33 |
Joint | ploum: did you configured the samba right? | 06:33 |
Joint | jazzka: hiya | 06:33 |
Deft | ploum, cannot see or cannot access? | 06:33 |
=== Moof is trying to work out how to UTF-8ise it | ||
ploum | WinXP ask for a password and keep the "ok" button greyed until at least one password is entered | 06:33 |
ploum | But I didn't set any password | 06:33 |
jazzka | Does ubuntu underestand firewire devices? | 06:33 |
ploum | Joint, a friend on Gentoo can access my samba share | 06:34 |
Deft | ploum, are you using guest accounts then? | 06:34 |
jazzka | I mean, can It manage correctly? | 06:34 |
(Treenaks/#ubuntu) jazzka: most of them | 06:34 | |
ploum | Deft, in Samba ? | 06:34 |
Joint | well that's with Lin | 06:34 |
Deft | ploum, yes | 06:34 |
(alexissoft/#ubuntu) hi | 06:34 | |
ploum | I don't know | 06:34 |
Joint | alexissoft: hi | 06:34 |
jazzka | I would like to buy a hard drive and plug it throw firewire | 06:34 |
jazzka | Treenaks, is there any guide or entry in the wiki? or web? | 06:34 |
Deft | ploum, that's how I would do passwordless access | 06:34 |
ploum | Deft, how can I do that ? I'm using share-admin to set the thing up ;-) | 06:35 |
cardador | ploum: edit /etc/samba/smb.conf and add to the share section force user = your username and force group = your username | 06:36 |
ploum | But I don't understand why it doesn't work for WinXP, because others Linux have no problem.. | 06:37 |
ploum | cardador, but will they gain write access then ? | 06:38 |
cardador | ploum: maybe defective operative system? :) | 06:38 |
Moof | ok, how do I get nautilus and my consoles and xterms to display utf-8 filenames? | 06:38 |
cardador | ploum: yes | 06:38 |
ploum | cardador, but I don't want it ! | 06:38 |
ploum | I want a read-only share | 06:38 |
cardador | ploum: im on a network with winxp and win2000 and everybofy writes to it | 06:38 |
cardador | ploum: then add writable = no | 06:39 |
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cardador | ploum: dont forget to restart samba after doing the changes | 06:40 |
ultrakorne | is Smart Battery supported? i need to see the battery charge | 06:40 |
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Joint | you do it with /etc/init.d/samba restart; | 06:40 |
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adsj | how to list the bugs on the system with apt-listbugs ? | 06:43 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) apt-listbugs doesn't work in ubuntu | 06:43 | |
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cardador | ploum: you can set permissions on your share at applications > syst tools > shares | 06:44 |
adsj | argh, so there is a way to list the bugs on ubuntu ? | 06:44 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) list all the bugs in all the packages on your system? | 06:44 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) what for? | 06:45 | |
adsj | ah i dunno atm, i'm trying to discover if there is some bugs on my system about the kernel compile problems :( | 06:45 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) that really won't help | 06:46 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) try asking on the list | 06:47 | |
adsj | which one ? | 06:47 |
=== jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["M'envaig"] | ||
Moof | is there a SWAT package for ubuntu? | 06:49 |
Gaaruto | hi | 06:49 |
Gaaruto | apprently, i dont have the gdesklets sensor for the 0.31.1 version (hoary) | 06:50 |
=== Rob|Ubuntu [~PrettyBoy@user-0cev21p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rob|Ubuntu | how do I get KDE 3.3 ? | 06:50 |
Rob|Ubuntu | apt-get install kdelibs4 ? | 06:50 |
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Gaaruto | where can i found them ? | 06:51 |
=== Rob|Ubuntu is now known as Abercrombie | ||
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(bob2/#ubuntu) if you want kde3.3, are you sure you want ubuntu? | 06:52 | |
Abercrombie | yea I still want ubuntu why KDE not good for ubuntu? | 06:52 |
=== mxpxpod mumbles something about kde sucking... | ||
Abercrombie | nevermind | 06:52 |
Agrajag | kde's not supported. | 06:52 |
Evaso | hi guys, what kind of wirless network cards are supportend into ubuntu? | 06:52 |
Abercrombie | only gnome is supported? | 06:52 |
Agrajag | yes. | 06:52 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Evaso: antyhing that linux supports | 06:52 | |
Abercrombie | no prob | 06:53 |
Abercrombie | I just changed my sources to hoary and I did apt-get update, and apt-get upgrade doing | 06:53 |
=== Kyaneos [~kyaneos@80-29-40-108.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
giannicola | bob2: i wrote you something in pvt | 06:53 |
Evaso | bob2: is there a list? because there are some drivers that are not included already in the upstream kernel | 06:53 |
Puumba | Evaso, are you looking for a particular driver? | 06:54 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Evaso: ubuntu probably includes whatever driver it is | 06:54 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) giannicola: why? | 06:55 | |
=== Deft [~phil@81-178-101-212.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Evaso | Puumba/bob2: www.prism54.org drivers and Madwifi drivers http://madwifi.sourceforge.net/ | 06:56 |
giannicola | because of the java plugins | 06:56 |
giannicola | i read the faq | 06:56 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Evaso: both are in the ubuntu kernel | 06:56 | |
Evaso | i have two netgear cards | 06:56 |
giannicola | i did all they said | 06:56 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) giannicola: if you want help with something, ask in here | 06:56 | |
giannicola | but it does't work | 06:56 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) you don't /msg strangers asking for help, it's just rude | 06:56 | |
giannicola | ok | 06:56 |
=== Abercrombie is now known as Abercrombie|Fitc | ||
Evaso | bob2: this are also back in the debian kernel? | 06:56 |
giannicola | i apologize | 06:56 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Evaso: no | 06:56 | |
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giannicola | i can't use java plugins, why? | 06:58 |
Tomcat_ | Weird... when I run xine from "Run Application", I have no sound... when I run it from command line, I have sound.. | 06:58 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) environment | 06:58 | |
Tomcat_ | Mh... okay... | 06:59 |
=== giannicola [~giannicol@213-140-6-112.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mass | is there any plan to make svn packages for 1.1.1? Can I make them and contribute them in some way? | 07:00 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) help the debian maintainer | 07:00 | |
mass | bob2: ahh, its in experimental on debian. I'll find out why :) | 07:02 |
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RuffianSoldier | hello bob2 | 07:11 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) hi | 07:11 | |
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=== ImmeR^ [~Anders@0x53585e54.hrnxx6.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Tomcat_ | Can I add an application to the Gnome menus? | 07:20 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) applications:// in nautilus | 07:21 | |
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=== Genetic_Reject [~Coldass@tkp-ip-nas-1-p90.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tomcat_ | You seem to be a source of infinite Ubuntu wisdom :P | 07:22 |
Genetic_Reject | hi yall | 07:22 |
Genetic_Reject | can someone tell me more about this ubunt linux thing | 07:23 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) www.ubuntulinux.org | 07:23 | |
=== darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tomcat_ | Do I need to restart Ubuntu to make the changes in applications visible? | 07:24 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) no | 07:24 | |
ImmeR^ | I never worked with Linux before, but I want to try it. I have triede knoppix and now I want to install Linux for good.. Is Ubuntu linux good for newbies like me, or should I go Red-Hat?? Please, I need some good advice.. | 07:25 |
Genetic_Reject | me too ImmeR^ bbut i want to try it now] | 07:25 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ubuntu is good for new users | 07:25 | |
=== zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-66-20-101-154.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tomcat_ | Ubuntu is definitely the best for new users... | 07:26 |
jordi | ImmeR^: go for it | 07:26 |
Tomcat_ | It's totally easy to use, but when you want to hack stuff, you can do it. | 07:26 |
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lupus_ | are there plugins for rhythmbox | 07:26 |
lupus_ | like lyrics shower | 07:26 |
ImmeR^ | :p I am not a hacker (but that is only because I do not know how to do it.. ;) ) | 07:27 |
Genetic_Reject | im only worried about thing like my games and other win apps , will they work on ubuntu | 07:27 |
ImmeR^ | But thanks.. now I feel ready for going linux... | 07:27 |
zenwhen | Genetic_Reject, would you be willing to use apps that are very similar to your apps, or do your current apps have to work? | 07:27 |
Genetic_Reject | nah similair apps | 07:28 |
=== Riggwelter [~ogley@host81-134-247-64.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
=== lil_anthony says ubuntu rocks and www.tldp.org and www.google.com are my friends :P | ||
Genetic_Reject | would be fine | 07:28 |
zenwhen | what apps are you mainly concerned with? | 07:28 |
=== nightlybuild [~john@ACaen-251-2-1-118.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ImmeR^ | I am concerned about Photo Shop... And Diablo II :p | 07:29 |
Genetic_Reject | dreamweaver, flash, office | 07:29 |
ixus | GiIMO is a great phtoshop alternative | 07:29 |
Genetic_Reject | diablo 2 me aswell i only got that game 2 days ago | 07:29 |
zenwhen | flash runs is crossover office | 07:29 |
lil_anthony | iirc i seen someone run photoshop with wine | 07:29 |
ixus | Blefish / Screem are good html editors (I think) | 07:29 |
zenwhen | as does dreamweaver | 07:29 |
zenwhen | and Open Office is included with Ubuntu. | 07:30 |
mxpxpod | vi is a great html editor too! | 07:30 |
mxpxpod | rather, gvim | 07:30 |
Genetic_Reject | wat about mah games ,or should i get wine of somthing similair | 07:30 |
zenwhen | if he uses dreamweaver I doubt he will be happy with vi | 07:30 |
zenwhen | What games do you play? | 07:30 |
mxpxpod | zenwhen: it's a great time to learn ;) | 07:30 |
mxpxpod | Genetic_Reject: check out winex... it's a $15 initial fee, and then $5 every month for updates and stuff, which I think is quite reasonable | 07:31 |
=== Gorth [~gorth@cpe.atm2-0-51110.0x50a4d38e.abnxx10.customer.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mxpxpod | Genetic_Reject: and they have debian packages | 07:31 |
Tomcat_ | bob2: No idea what's wrong here but I only after restarting Gnome I got the new entry... :o | 07:31 |
zenwhen | A lot of games run without it as well. | 07:31 |
mxpxpod | zenwhen: huh? | 07:31 |
zenwhen | Doom 3 | 07:31 |
zenwhen | Ut2k4 | 07:31 |
zenwhen | Enemy Territory | 07:32 |
mxpxpod | the windows versions don't run in linux | 07:32 |
=== seacyd [~c@p213.54.46.154.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Genetic_Reject | sorry if i get lost sometime's, but im new to all this linux stuff,so i need plenty help | 07:32 |
ImmeR^ | Me 2... | 07:32 |
zenwhen | mxpxpod, yes they do. All you need is the files from the windows disks. | 07:32 |
=== vguerra [~guerra@mail.cardtech.com.gt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Genetic_Reject just orderd his ubuntu cd | ||
mxpxpod | zenwhen: and you don't have to use wine or winex? | 07:32 |
zenwhen | I installed Doom 3, Ut2k4, and Quake 3 all from windows disks | 07:33 |
zenwhen | With free installers | 07:33 |
zenwhen | And dont use winex | 07:33 |
zenwhen | Why would I? | 07:33 |
Genetic_Reject | how long does it take to ge tthe cd | 07:33 |
zenwhen | They are native ports. | 07:33 |
mxpxpod | zenwhen: ok, so how do they run? | 07:33 |
zenwhen | Genetic_Reject, hard to say. | 07:33 |
zenwhen | mxpxpod, very well | 07:33 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Genetic_Reject: it will take weeks | 07:33 | |
=== netmonk [~netmonk@nat-30.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenwhen | Better than in windows even. | 07:33 |
zenwhen | Ive been waiting a month and a half. | 07:33 |
Genetic_Reject | im inj such a hurry to get rid of this windows crap | 07:33 |
mxpxpod | zenwhen: no, I mean how do they run... because linux code is different than windows code | 07:34 |
zenwhen | If you cna download it over dialup, it would be a lot quicker. | 07:34 |
zenwhen | I did. | 07:34 |
Genetic_Reject | it newer works and when it does its sloooooowww | 07:34 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Genetic_Reject: you can download it or get someone else to... | 07:34 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Genetic_Reject: your lug may have cds | 07:34 | |
zenwhen | They run, because you get linux binaries. | 07:34 |
vguerra | hi all! .. i just install ubuntu 3 days ago .. but i have problems with my laptops temperature, it reaches the max temparature and it turns off | 07:34 |
zenwhen | You dont use the windows binaries. | 07:34 |
Genetic_Reject | it would take too long on dailup | 07:34 |
Genetic_Reject | lug? | 07:34 |
mxpxpod | zenwhen: and you don't have to pay for the linux binaries? | 07:34 |
=== silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
zenwhen | mxpxpod, of course not. You already paid for the windows binaries. | 07:35 |
zenwhen | You just need your key and the files from the windows disk | 07:35 |
mxpxpod | zenwhen: ah, ok | 07:35 |
mxpxpod | zenwhen: that makes sense | 07:35 |
Genetic_Reject | wats all this about paying for libraries i thought linux if free | 07:35 |
zenwhen | U22K4 has a linux installer on the disk even. | 07:35 |
zenwhen | UT2K4. | 07:35 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Genetic_Reject: you can buy cds of ubuntu if you want it quicker | 07:35 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Genetic_Reject: or ask someone to burn it for you | 07:35 | |
mxpxpod | Genetic_Reject: linux itself is free... the software that runs on it isn't always free... but most of the time it is | 07:36 |
Genetic_Reject | i live in sa, any takers to send me a copy | 07:36 |
RuffianSoldier | join #dualboot everyone, smart folks get ops! | 07:36 |
mxpxpod | Genetic_Reject: also, free doesn't always mean monetariliy free | 07:36 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) RuffianSoldier: please don't | 07:36 | |
RuffianSoldier | dont what? | 07:36 |
ixus | advertise | 07:36 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) don't pimp other, unrelated, non-technical channels in here | 07:37 | |
RuffianSoldier | its a technical channel | 07:37 |
RuffianSoldier | and im not pimping it | 07:37 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) blah | 07:37 | |
Genetic_Reject | ok who'll send me a copy | 07:37 |
Genetic_Reject | ;) | 07:37 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ask on your local lug list | 07:38 | |
=== TTurbo [Asumilate@] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== tmp011 [~tmp@host81-155-7-72.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RuffianSoldier | lug = lesbian until graduation where im from bob2 | 07:38 |
Genetic_Reject | lamo | 07:38 |
ImmeR^ | Just one more question.. I am fond of using the equation in microsoft office.. Is there any similar function in open office?? | 07:38 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) RuffianSoldier: please try to stay at least vaguely on-topic | 07:39 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ImmeR^: yes | 07:39 | |
RuffianSoldier | :-) | 07:39 |
RuffianSoldier | =D | 07:39 |
=== afonit [~afonit@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Genetic_Reject | im also going to run things like eggdrops and a irc server from my machine when i get ubuntu | 07:41 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ouch | 07:41 | |
=== cenerentola [~cenerento@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenwhen | huh | 07:41 |
zenwhen | who | 07:41 |
Genetic_Reject | lol | 07:42 |
Genetic_Reject | huh? | 07:42 |
=== NewComer [~NewComer@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== agenteo__ [~agenteo@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ixus | Ubuntu wont play sound or video after update. "unknown error" | 07:44 |
ixus | Any ideas? I don't know where to start | 07:44 |
NewComer | try playing from terminal | 07:44 |
Genetic_Reject | waht program should i use to play mah music | 07:45 |
ixus | What terminal apps do I have? or do you mean just command rather than icon launch? | 07:45 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) "your" music, rhythmbox. | 07:46 | |
=== pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Genetic_Reject | is it like winamp | 07:46 |
ixus | more like iTunes | 07:47 |
ixus | XMMS is like winamp | 07:47 |
Genetic_Reject | ah great cause i like itunes | 07:47 |
=== Vince-0 [~Vince-0@nps-ip-nas-1-p106.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Genetic_Reject | its an awesome musin program | 07:47 |
Genetic_Reject | Vince-0 , me also from sa | 07:48 |
=== warty [~warty@196-30-110-162.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vince-0 | Genetic_reject ! suP! | 07:48 |
Genetic_Reject | Cool and you m8 | 07:49 |
NewComer | ixus, just launch xmms from terminal | 07:49 |
Genetic_Reject | mah first time here trying to learn as much as possible | 07:49 |
=== manojk [spoon@ool-44c1e27a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ixus | will do :) Let me fire up the beige box. . . | 07:49 |
Vince-0 | Genetic_Reject: I am a n00b too | 07:49 |
Vince-0 | I know Ubuntu Roxkzerz | 07:50 |
RuffianSoldier | well ya | 07:50 |
RuffianSoldier | :-0 | 07:50 |
Genetic_Reject | Thats Leet ,hehehehe | 07:50 |
=== natea [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vince-0 | Genetic_Reject: Get XMMS 1st, every1 needs music | 07:50 |
=== Loduriel_ [~joel@ABordeaux-251-1-21-118.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Genetic_Reject | but me is still waiting for me ubuntu copie , so me still running stupid winbloze | 07:51 |
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-110-162.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vince-0 | kk | 07:51 |
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Havox [lol@adslsapo-b4-52-76.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== kensai [~kensai@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Genetic_Reject | ~~~~~~~~~~ irc.blabber.net - #distortion the home of the reject.!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~ | 07:53 |
alindeman | Um? | 07:53 |
=== warty [~warty@h69-21-252-54.69-21.unk.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Genetic_Reject | sorry accident | 07:53 |
=== warty is now known as quiz | ||
daniels | Genetic_Reject: please don't s... oh, thanks | 07:53 |
=== quiz is now known as _quiz | ||
Genetic_Reject | was ment for another room | 07:54 |
=== Genetic_Reject begs forgiveness | ||
_quiz | Hi,all. I'm trying out the warty live cd - what is the root password? | 07:54 |
ironwolf | _quiz: no root, sudo | 07:54 |
RuffianSoldier | yup! | 07:54 |
vguerra | the root account is inactivated by default | 07:54 |
RuffianSoldier | I was the same "I have no root password!" | 07:55 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) _quiz: there isn't one | 07:55 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) _quiz: use sudo | 07:55 | |
_quiz | Ok, sudo su - works ... but apt-get update does not seem to. I can run apt on the livecd (although temporarily) correct? | 07:55 |
_quiz | I juszt need to change my sources, I assume... | 07:56 |
ironwolf | _quiz: why? | 07:56 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) what's the point of running apt on the livecd? | 07:56 | |
=== ixus_PC [~ixus@kieren.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_quiz | ironwolf, to see how it works as an audio workstation without toasting a HD. | 07:56 |
=== Gwildor|work [~onceagain@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RuffianSoldier | bob2, why did the folks at Ubuntu choose sudo? why not a "normal" su system? | 07:57 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) because sudo rocks | 07:57 | |
=== Gwildor|work [~onceagain@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RuffianSoldier | i agree | 07:58 |
manojk | you can set the root password yourself if you'd like | 07:58 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) and it saves two questions during the install | 07:58 | |
_quiz | A (currently windows using) friend would like to try audio editing on a linux box - I heard that ubuntu was a good choice for first switchers... | 07:58 |
RuffianSoldier | hi Gwildor|work! Gwildor is in #dualboot =D | 07:58 |
Gwildor|work | hahaha | 07:58 |
Gwildor|work | I left him there...sorry | 07:58 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) please stop pimping your channel | 07:58 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) no one cares about it | 07:58 | |
RuffianSoldier | everyone in there does | 07:59 |
RuffianSoldier | you dont know what everyone is thinking | 07:59 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) no one in here does | 07:59 | |
=== ixus is now known as ixus_ppc | ||
Gwildor|work | _quiz, ubuntu is pretty easy on a newb (me), audio editing though, I have no idea.....unless kristal has a linux version | 07:59 |
RuffianSoldier | some of the folks like it and they came from here | 07:59 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) well, good for them, but please stop it | 08:00 | |
_quiz | krystal is for sissies. :) | 08:00 |
Gwildor|work | lol, I don't bdualboot though, I just stopped over, someone plugged it in here | 08:00 |
=== Chand [~Chand@ABordeaux-251-1-31-56.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor|work | _quiz, hmm, what you use then, kristal is great........you must have some magic apps | 08:00 |
Gwildor|work | no *nix kristal | 08:01 |
Vince-0 | How can I install ATI Grfx drivers in Ubuntu ? any1 ? | 08:02 |
=== xukun [~xukun@gt1989.uvt.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xukun | hi | 08:02 |
ixus_PC | still no luck with the sound | 08:02 |
ixus_PC | # xmms /home/kieren/Music/ulysses.mp3 | 08:02 |
ixus_PC | libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 08:02 |
ixus_PC | ** WARNING **: oss_open(): Failed to open audio device (/dev/dsp): No such devic e | 08:02 |
=== jivera [~jivera@kechara-p.flame.org] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jivera | Why is universe based on unstable instead of testing? | 08:03 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) ixus_PC: load the oss compatilibity modules | 08:03 | |
xukun | can somebody tell me how I can what kind of touchpad my laptop uses, I think mine uses some kind of alps touchpad but not sure | 08:03 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, the is a binaryhowto on the wiki | 08:03 |
Gwildor|work | hey!, what happened to bonobo | 08:04 |
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ixus_PC | bob2: How would I do that? ( sorry I'm not very experienced with Linux - I only get my hands dirty when there is a problem & for the most part Linux has been good to me :] ) | 08:04 |
_quiz | Does the ubuntu live cd also work as an install cd? | 08:04 |
Gwildor|work | I don't think so | 08:04 |
xukun | it should somewhere in cat /proc ??? | 08:05 |
Gwildor|work | if im wrong ill be flamed........ | 08:05 |
=== jivera doesn't think the Live CD works as an install CD either. | ||
=== Gwildor|work shrugs | ||
ironwolf | _quiz: just playing audio? because iirc music player | 08:05 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) _quiz: no | 08:06 | |
_quiz | ironwolf, Audo recording and processing,not playing. :) | 08:06 |
RuffianSoldier | Bradb | 08:06 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ixus_PC: load the snd_pcm_oss module | 08:06 | |
cenerentola | hello there... | 08:07 |
RuffianSoldier | ahoy7 | 08:07 |
cenerentola | bob2: i need to break the promise.. | 08:07 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ? | 08:08 | |
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=== FartClone [~FartClone@dc51468581.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cenerentola | in fact after a smart update with synaptic, i rebooted and all went in 640*480 | 08:08 |
=== ceu [~ceu@ppp-132-188.28-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) cool | 08:08 | |
Genetic_Reject | can i still use firefox if i intall ubuntu | 08:09 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Genetic_Reject: it comes with firefox | 08:09 | |
daniels | yes, it's the default browser | 08:09 |
cenerentola | now i checked the XFconf file, and there're no entries for 640 * 480 | 08:09 |
Genetic_Reject | yes cause i used it on winbloze ,and i think its a wonderfull browser | 08:10 |
cenerentola | what's the problem? | 08:10 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Genetic_Reject: it started on unix... | 08:10 | |
Gwildor|work | bob2, how long did *nix have it before windows got it?......FF that is | 08:11 |
=== jivera thought FF was started when Mozilla ran on both Windows and Linux. | ||
Genetic_Reject | i actually heard about the first time when mark spoke about it on a radio chat program | 08:11 |
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) it was | 08:12 | |
cenerentola | it was called firebird before | 08:12 |
Gwildor|work | yeah | 08:13 |
Gwildor|work | I remember that | 08:13 |
=== peglags [~peglags@blfd-d9bb9aee.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor|work | it was firebird on windows | 08:13 |
jivera | It was phoenix originally. | 08:13 |
Gwildor|work | missed that | 08:13 |
cenerentola | jivera: right | 08:13 |
=== umarmung [~Tanzbaer@pD954288D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deft | phoenix was only initially for windows | 08:13 |
Gwildor|work | started at firebird | 08:13 |
=== jivera thought he recalled running phoenix on Linux... | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) as did I | 08:14 | |
cenerentola | sorry: isnt it strange that a smart upgrade can cause resolution problems? | 08:14 |
jivera | Oh, initially. | 08:14 |
=== ghj [~yellow@ppp-204-153.24-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) cenerentola: nope | 08:14 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) cenerentola: you're using hoary? | 08:14 | |
Deft | it wasn't long before it went cross platform, but at the start it was only planned to be an IE replacement for windows | 08:14 |
cenerentola | bob2: well no... i learned the lesson now... im a big boy... btw no im using warty | 08:15 |
ixus_PC | bob2: Not entirely sure how to load snd_pcm_module :/ | 08:15 |
jivera | Deft: That's possible. | 08:15 |
cenerentola | bob2: it was a security upgrade | 08:15 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) cenerentola: then that is a bug if it happened | 08:15 | |
=== jivera only started using it at 0.4 or so I believe. | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) ixus_PC: sudo modprobe whatever | 08:15 | |
Gwildor|work | what does the ubuntu updater use to upgrade\?? | 08:15 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) what's an "ubuntu updater"? | 08:15 | |
cenerentola | bob2: who should i speak with to find out what it is? | 08:15 |
Gwildor|work | like smart or dist | 08:15 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) if you mean synaptic, it uses whatever apt source you configure | 08:15 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it's all based on apt... | 08:16 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) cenerentola: ask on the user list | 08:16 | |
cenerentola | bob2: thank you | 08:16 |
Gwildor|work | bob2, nope, there is a ubuntu updater (or something like that) in the gnome menu, apps----sytem (i think)---the last item | 08:16 |
=== ghj [~yellow@ppp-204-153.24-151.libero.it] has left #ubuntu ["Client] | ||
=== RuffianSoldier is now known as InvalidSyntax | ||
InvalidSyntax | hehehee | 08:17 |
=== gbrmn [~grant@adsl-69-149-252-202.dsl.ltrkar.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor|work | bob2, should be underneath TERMINAL | 08:17 |
ixus_PC | still can't get audio | 08:18 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) configure xmms to use esd | 08:18 | |
=== kryme_ [~kryme@66-211-192-4.velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deft | Gwildor|work, that's not in the standard install at least... | 08:18 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) also, xmms is a pretty shitty music player | 08:18 | |
kryme_ | If I attach a Memorex ThumbDrive to my Ubuntu install, will it auto mount? If not, what do I need to do to mount it? | 08:19 |
Genetic_Reject | bye you guys ill be intouch assoon as i get my ubuntu copy | 08:19 |
Genetic_Reject | ty for the help | 08:19 |
InvalidSyntax | yes, xmms doesnt work worth a !!!! | 08:19 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) kryme_: if it's a sensible usb storage device, yes | 08:19 | |
=== manojk [spoon@ool-44c1e27a.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [""There's] | ||
Gwildor|work | deft, no it isnt, im on hoary, and I had to install it......dont remember what I had to install to get it, but I was under the assumption that some ppl are auto getting it | 08:19 |
InvalidSyntax | bye Genetic_Reject | 08:19 |
=== InvalidSyntax is now known as RuffianSoldier | ||
Genetic_Reject | cya all soon | 08:19 |
Gwildor|work | deft, kinda like gamin.....ppl always say to install it...but I auto got it with my hoary upgrade | 08:20 |
Deft | Gwildor|work, well, if it's the one that several planet.gnome people have been blogging about; it runs upgrade all times except when it knows there's a major version upgrade to do | 08:20 |
Deft | then it runs dist-upgrade | 08:20 |
Gwildor|work | deft, ok thnx......i prob wont ever use it, was just checking | 08:21 |
Gwildor|work | deft, is a dist-upgrade something that I want to do??, or is synaptic smart good enough? | 08:21 |
Deft | they're the same | 08:22 |
=== Abercrombie [~knoppix@pool-162-84-188-123.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor|work | deft, for sure?, everytime I start to think they are the same, someone tells me different, and vice versa | 08:22 |
kryme_ | bob2: Well, my system isn't adding it, and I don't know how to try to mount it myself. I wouldn't know what device to try. | 08:24 |
Deft | well, I've never actually compared them exactly, but at least they are supposed to do exactly the same job | 08:24 |
=== Joint [~man@c-66-176-248-115.se.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor|work | deft, good enuff | 08:25 |
Deft | looks like that updater will be a pretty nice program after it's integrated | 08:26 |
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Vince-0 | How do I get my ATI drivers installed ? | 08:26 |
=== faux [~faux@1-1-4-21a.gkp.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
(bob2/#ubuntu) kryme_: is it a usb-storage device? | 08:26 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Vince-0: you already have them installed | 08:26 | |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, did you follow the binaryhowto on the wiki? | 08:26 |
Vince-0 | bob2 : nought, stuff jolts | 08:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Vince-0: if you mean "How do I install the unsupportable binary-only drivers?", wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:26 | |
faux | is it possible to use the network manager in warty? | 08:26 |
kryme_ | bob2, yes, it's a Memorex USB ThumbDrive 256MB. | 08:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) pitti: ping | 08:27 | |
pitti | bob2: pong | 08:27 |
Vince-0 | kk - Ill take a look | 08:27 |
Deft | faux, you're free to try it | 08:27 |
=== srbaker [~srbaker@blk-222-13-66.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
faux | Deft: i did, but it gave me loads of dbus errors :/ | 08:27 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) pitti: if someone has a usb disk device that isn't getting mounted, which package should have the bug filed on it? | 08:28 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) kryme_: oh, wait, is it a NTFS or HFS filesystem? | 08:28 | |
pitti | bob2: the best is to use the FAQ and directly send it to me | 08:28 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) pitti: ah, cool, thanks | 08:28 | |
kryme_ | bob2, unfortunately I have no idea. | 08:28 |
=== Abercrombie [~majestic@pool-162-84-188-123.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pitti | bob2: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#usbfirewire | 08:29 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) pitti: ah, thanks a lot! | 08:29 | |
=== mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== agenteo__ is now known as agenteo | ||
netmonk | does anyone know how can i put the calendar as a background? | 08:29 |
=== afshin [~a@c-67-164-83-51.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== tyrano [~Tyrano@rdu57-250-028.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afshin | hello all, i've clearly posted my question on http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=257737 | 08:30 |
afshin | but haven't got any help | 08:30 |
afshin | maybe one of you folks has an idea? | 08:30 |
Gwildor|work | afshin, post in ubuntu forums...maybe?...sorry, I cant help | 08:31 |
afshin | is ubuntu forums up? | 08:31 |
afshin | i was having problems a few days ago | 08:32 |
afshin | oh so it is | 08:32 |
Gwildor|work | yeah...up now | 08:32 |
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
triablo | q: i installed fluxbox (because i hate the gnome env) but i can't seem to get it into the list of environments & wm's at the login screen. how do i put it there? | 08:33 |
=== ry00 [~foo@cdm-208-180-127-146.vctr.cox-internet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ixus_PC [~ixus@kieren.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deft | triablo, did you install in from a package? | 08:33 |
Gwildor|work | triablo, deft, wonder it that's a bug, someone else had the problem the other day | 08:34 |
triablo | Deft: no, because apt-get anly features the old stable versiona and i need the newest | 08:34 |
=== x4m [~max@208.153-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lil_anthony | if you have a directory say firefox that is visible and you want it invisible i know i could make a directory .firefox and it would be infivisible but do i simply rename the current dir of "firefox" to ".firefox" ? if so what command plz | 08:34 |
Gwildor|work | ahhh..... | 08:34 |
triablo | Gwildor|work: maybe | 08:34 |
=== [SPD] RalphNader [~fuckoff@dhcp16631177.indy.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Deft | triablo, if you used source, it's possible you'll have to set it up manually in gdm | 08:35 |
Gwildor|work | lil_anthony, try it, if it doesn't work...change it back | 08:35 |
lil_anthony | sounds like a plan to me | 08:35 |
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Gwildor|work | SMOKE BREAK] | 08:36 |
lil_anthony | seems to have worked lets see if my symbolic links work | 08:36 |
triablo | how do i stop the gui login thingy form starting? | 08:36 |
Deft | lil_anthony, folders/files are only hidden by convention if they begin with a . | 08:36 |
triablo | i want xext based intil i do a startx | 08:37 |
Deft | lil_anthony, by adding a . to the start, you are changing the name of the folder as well as making it not show up | 08:37 |
pisuke | triablo, apt-get remove gdm | 08:37 |
=== Chand [~Chand@ABordeaux-251-1-19-88.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
triablo | ok | 08:37 |
lil_anthony | ok i just noticed that | 08:37 |
Abercrombie | Whats the recommend filesystem for ubuntu? ext3 or reiserfs? | 08:37 |
lil_anthony | so how do i simply change the property on it? | 08:37 |
lil_anthony | do i use mv? i'm lost | 08:38 |
Deft | lil_anthony, you don't, there is no such thing as a hidden file in unix | 08:38 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Abercrombie: ext3 | 08:38 | |
lil_anthony | ok | 08:38 |
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jivera | Abercrombie: ext3's probably a safe bet unless you have some specific need for an alternative. | 08:38 |
lil_anthony | well how about this then here is hwat i'm hoping to do | 08:38 |
Gwildor|work | lil_anthony, just change the folder name, then redirect your link to the new hidden folder | 08:38 |
=== Kanotix is now known as Majestic|Linux | ||
lil_anthony | yeah thats what i was thinking | 08:38 |
lil_anthony | does the old link go away? | 08:38 |
Gwildor|work | try it | 08:38 |
triablo | brb, start gnome again | 08:39 |
Majestic|Linux | thanks bob2 | 08:39 |
Gwildor|work | umm, just change the properties of the old link | 08:39 |
Deft | lil_anthony, links never go away unless you delete them | 08:39 |
Majestic|Linux | I should of listen to you because after I upgraded everything to hoary, there was a probem with X server and stuff and coulnt get inside | 08:39 |
Gwildor|work | lil_anthony, change where it says /firefox to say ./firefox | 08:39 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Majestic|Linux: shockingly | 08:39 | |
Deft | lil_anthony, and you can't "change" a link, you just delete it and make new one with the same name pointing somewhere else | 08:39 |
ry00 | Hi, I have a noob install question. | 08:39 |
Gwildor|work | deft, that's what I meant | 08:40 |
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lil_anthony | let me try | 08:40 |
Gwildor|work | deft, or , cant you just re-direct the old one?, guess it doesn't realy matter.... | 08:40 |
Gwildor|work | ry00, just ask..... | 08:40 |
Vince-0 | whats : t-get install linux-686 if you haven't already. | 08:41 |
ry00 | I partitioned my HD with Partition Magic. In the old version of debian, woody, it recognized the swap and the linux filesystem partitions. | 08:41 |
=== Gwildor|work shrugs | ||
ry00 | In ubuntu and sarge, it doesn't recognize it as easily. | 08:41 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, apt-get install linux-686, just like it says | 08:42 |
ry00 | By that I mean that with Woody I just accepted three defaults and it worked. | 08:42 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, or whatever arch you have | 08:42 |
ry00 | With Ubuntu and Sarge I get the options of [erase whole disk] vs [partition the drive] . | 08:42 |
Vince-0 | kk | 08:42 |
Gwildor|work | ry00, you get that with ubuntu as well | 08:43 |
ry00 | I've *already* partitioned the drive, and when I choose the [partition the drive] option, I get lots of confusing options | 08:43 |
Gwildor|work | hmm, havent done that....ubuntu owns my drive...... | 08:44 |
Gwildor|work | err, I mean I havent tried to partition with ubuntu, I just let it take over, only ubuntu on the drive | 08:44 |
ry00 | yeah, i get it | 08:44 |
ry00 | if I didn't need windows, i'd just say [erase and use whole disk] :) | 08:45 |
Gwildor|work | can you just quit the partitioner, maybe itll pick up your swap and such? | 08:45 |
ry00 | hmm | 08:45 |
Gwildor|work | worht a shot, I guess | 08:46 |
ry00 | well, it has an old debian install on it | 08:46 |
Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : linux-686 , I have AMD64, what syntax do I use ? | 08:46 |
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Gwildor|work | Vince-0, not sure.......k7.....maybe 64......idk | 08:46 |
jchillerup | Hello. How do I set my ath0 up to use ipv4 instead of ipv6? | 08:46 |
ry00 | by 'quit the partitioner' you mean go to the next step in the install? | 08:46 |
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Vince-0 | Gwildor|work: kk | 08:46 |
Gwildor|work | ry00, you can change your souce.list and upgrade to warty from woody | 08:46 |
Gwildor|work | ry00, yes, the next step is what I meant | 08:47 |
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tyrano | i have a 2 part question: 1) how do i get the kernel sources 2) how do i recompile the kernel after patching it | 08:47 |
ry00 | gw, i was having graphics problems -- will upgrading to warty keep those problems? | 08:48 |
Gwildor|work | ry00, hmmm, maybe?!? | 08:48 |
Gwildor|work | ry00, what kinda probs? | 08:48 |
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Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : nay cant get it to work | 08:48 |
ry00 | ones i hoped would just go away if i installed a newer version (e.g. ubuntu or sarge) | 08:48 |
ry00 | like can't get nvidia or vesa drivers to work | 08:49 |
ry00 | i know it works though since i did it with knoppix | 08:49 |
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Gwildor|work | ry00, but you have a working X server? | 08:50 |
ry00 | naa | 08:50 |
Gwildor|work | ahhhh | 08:50 |
agenteo | my /usr/share/dict/words is a link to an empty /etc/dictionaries-common/words how can I fill it with some dictionary words? I've installed the package dictionaries-common and dict-freedict but I don't if thoose are what am looking for | 08:50 |
=== Majestic|Linux is now known as Majestic|Kanotix | ||
Gwildor|work | I guess I would say to just reformat you woody install...leave your swap and such.....then go from there | 08:50 |
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Gwildor|work | ry00, move to the next stepp....that is | 08:50 |
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ry00 | i'm worried it will write over my other partition | 08:52 |
ry00 | also | 08:52 |
=== Majestic||Linux is away: /away | ||
Gwildor|work | oh yeah, I see your point | 08:52 |
Gwildor|work | I think it only rights changes??? | 08:52 |
ry00 | the linux partition is tagged 'do not use' which i should probably change to 'use' | 08:52 |
Gwildor|work | can anyone confirm......... | 08:52 |
Vince-0 | ANy1 : whot CD writing apps are good ? | 08:53 |
Gwildor|work | writes* changes | 08:53 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, for what? | 08:53 |
tyrano | 1) how do i get the kernel sources 2) how do i recompile the kernel after patching it | 08:53 |
=== melazyboy [~melazyboy@user159.net1934.tx.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, what do you want to burn? | 08:53 |
Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : writing CDz, isoz and stuff, music CDz | 08:53 |
ry00 | gw, thanks for your help | 08:53 |
melazyboy | Does ubuntu install smbmount by default? | 08:53 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, all but music....nautalis....for music I think K3b is the best ATM, for ubuntu that is | 08:54 |
melazyboy | because im not seeing it =[ | 08:54 |
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Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : thnkz | 08:54 |
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Gwildor|work | ry00, good luck, hope everything goes well | 08:54 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, np :) | 08:55 |
mvaughn | Can anyone help a linix newbie? | 08:55 |
Gwildor|work | ask away | 08:55 |
mvaughn | Don't shake your head at least I'm trying to move to Linux !! | 08:55 |
Gwildor|work | lol | 08:55 |
Vince-0 | Viva Linux! | 08:55 |
mvaughn | I've recently installed Ubuntu on a second PC..and today I added a CDre but I can't see it. | 08:56 |
melazyboy | Can anyone please check to see if their dist-upgraded copy of warty has smbmount? my box is even showing smb-client being of the newest version | 08:56 |
mvaughn | oops that's CDRW | 08:57 |
RuffianSoldier | Eveyone, this game is ssooo funny: http://lifegeek.sourceforge.net | 08:57 |
Joint | great. | 08:58 |
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kent | mvaughn, done the CD show up in Computer in the desktop? | 09:00 |
mvaughn | The original CD does but the new CDRW does not. | 09:01 |
Gwildor|work | kent, I think he added the drive....not a CD | 09:01 |
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Gwildor|work | oh..i was wrong | 09:01 |
Gwildor|work | sorry | 09:01 |
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lil_anthony | Gwildor: if you have a moment could you pm me plz? | 09:01 |
ixus_PC | I think my sound issues are kernel related | 09:01 |
Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : I cant get anywhere with these ATI drivers.... | 09:01 |
ixus_PC | I'm out of my depth there | 09:01 |
kent | mvaughn, can you open the cd and stuff? like, is the power connected? and do you see it in bios? | 09:01 |
Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : synaptic has nothing, I cant find fglrx-driver.... | 09:02 |
mvaughn | Yes I can see it in the BIOS and the CDRW tray works. | 09:02 |
melazyboy | I hate to pester -- but could someone who hasn't intensionally installed smbmount, see if it came with their default and updated install -- I see through the gui they have a tool to mount smb shares, but im not seeing the console utility to achive that... | 09:02 |
ixus_PC | I'll go back to Slackware for 5 months | 09:02 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, idk, I never messed with those, well tried once....broke my X | 09:03 |
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Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : I'm as lost as a fart in the wind | 09:03 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, and im at work on a M$ box at work, so I cant check my repos | 09:03 |
kent | mvaughn, can you open a terminal and run the command dmesg? that will tell you if linux finds it. | 09:03 |
ironwolf | melazyboy: smbmount was in my hoary install, I didn't intentionally install it. | 09:03 |
melazyboy | Gwildor|work: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the comment from the deb repositories | 09:03 |
mvaughn | Kent . I'll try it and see what happens.. | 09:04 |
melazyboy | ironwolf: Hoary install im taking a guess that was before the warthog release? im new to ubuntu | 09:04 |
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Gwildor|work | melazyboy, not me, im good, but thnx | 09:04 |
Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : kk , thnkz anywayz | 09:05 |
kent | mvaughn, dmesg will show alot of stuff, so check for lines with the word "ide" and CD in them. | 09:05 |
melazyboy | Vince-0: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the comment from the deb repositories | 09:05 |
melazyboy | Vince-0: Then sudo apt-get update, and then look for your drivers | 09:05 |
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Gwildor|work | Vince-0, it seems the drivers that you seek are in the universe, and you have yet to enable it | 09:06 |
Vince-0 | kk | 09:06 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, you can do it from synaptic, if that is easier for you | 09:06 |
mvaughn | Kent you weren't kidding about it showing a lot of stuff..I'm checking the lines now. | 09:06 |
ironwolf | melazyboy: warty is stable, hoary is testing in debian terms. Hoary is after warty. | 09:06 |
melazyboy | Gwildor|work: Aucutally im looking that up now they are also in the archive, archive.ubunto.com warty/restricted fglrx-driver | 09:07 |
Gwildor|work | hmmm | 09:07 |
Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : cant find drivers in synaptic | 09:07 |
kent | mvaughn, dmesg shows all the kernel messages. But you should se something about the CD. Most of the times, the brand shows etc. | 09:07 |
melazyboy | ironwolf: Nice i completly forgot | 09:07 |
Gwildor|work | mela, windows box, at work........cant really look, err search | 09:07 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, did you enable universe? | 09:08 |
melazyboy | Vince-0: Open a terminal, type this 'sudo apt-get update', then type 'sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver' | 09:08 |
mvaughn | Kent I did find it and it shows the CD & the CDRW | 09:08 |
Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : whots the universe (excuse my n00bishness) | 09:09 |
Gwildor|work | melazyboy, he has 64 bit amd, will they work for him? not sure if it matters | 09:09 |
kent | mvaughn. Oh, wait. I know whats the problem. I think gnome checks /etc/fstab for drives to put in the computer-window in the desktop. So add the drive to /etc/fstab | 09:09 |
kent | mvaughn, do you know how to do that? | 09:09 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, just another repo, unsuported software | 09:09 |
Vince-0 | kk | 09:09 |
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mvaughn | Kent not yet but willing to try | 09:09 |
melazyboy | Gwildor|work: No, I dont belive that would matter | 09:10 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, the term UNIVERSE I think is confusing, first time it made me think of like EVERYTHING in the world, I was like no shit its in the universe....lol....universe is just a name for a repo | 09:10 |
Vince-0 | Gwildor|work : E: Couldn't find package fglrx-driver | 09:10 |
kent | mvaughn, did you see with dmesg what device the cd is on? like /dev/hdd or something? Just add a new line like your old CD in fstab with that device, and a new mountplace (like /media/cdrom1 or something) | 09:10 |
Gwildor|work | Vince-0, did you sudo apt-get update? | 09:11 |
Vince-0 | yes | 09:11 |
Gwildor|work | hmmm | 09:11 |
mvaughn | Kent I'll try it and see what happens. | 09:11 |
kent | mvaughn, yeah, do so. | 09:11 |
lemsx1 | does anybody know if there are packages for GnomeBaker somewhere? | 09:12 |
mvaughn | Kent, thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. | 09:13 |
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triablo | ok, now i removed gdm, and now it starts a blank screen at boot. how do i tell it to not start x at all at boot? | 09:13 |
kent | mvaughn, its ok. I didn't have to do much. | 09:14 |
mvaughn | Kent, Don't speak too soon..I havn't copleted the task yet <grin> | 09:14 |
seacyd | can anybody help to solve a printer problem? | 09:15 |
kent | mvaughn, just tell me when your done, and what happens. You might have to restart Gnome (X) or even restart the computer, i dont know :) | 09:16 |
mvaughn | Kent, thanks I will let you know. | 09:16 |
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seacyd | the hp4110 just prints with the color inks and not with black. Why? | 09:16 |
kent | seacyd, youv'e been a bad boy today? Printers sense those things ;) | 09:17 |
seacyd | kent: well, he does not see things black and white at least ;-) | 09:18 |
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FallenHitokiri | seacyd: how do you know ? | 09:18 |
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Tomcat_ | How often may I say how much Ubuntu rocks before you people get annoyed? :o | 09:19 |
seacyd | FallenHitokiri: I am not a psychoanalytic, I just can tell what the printer puts out | 09:19 |
FallenHitokiri | Tomcat_: try to print a document in "grey style" | 09:20 |
WW | What editor behaves the most like gedit, besides gedit? | 09:20 |
seacyd | FallenHitokiri: I did this, it just gets ignored. If I remove the color inks there is just nothing on the page | 09:20 |
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FallenHitokiri | WW: there is only one true editor... (g)vim! ;) you could try scite | 09:21 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) ok, I hope nobody's expecting Hoary daily install ISO images to work for a while | 09:21 | |
FallenHitokiri | Kamion: why not ? | 09:22 |
lemsx1 | WW, yep... gvim... i'm working on adding tabs to gvim | 09:22 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) at least, the change I just made works for me but is likely to break on a lot of systems | 09:22 | |
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lemsx1 | WW, notebook tabs that is | 09:22 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) FallenHitokiri: switching the hardware detection system from discover to hotplug | 09:23 | |
WW | FallenHitokiri: Yeah, I expected a chorus of vim and emacs... :) I'm looking for something with standard (to me, anyway) keys, open files in tabs, nice gui-style window to open files, etc. | 09:23 |
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giannicola | hi | 09:23 |
giannicola | i have a problem | 09:23 |
FallenHitokiri | WW: that's gvim. or scite / scientella (also on the scite-page) | 09:23 |
WW | gedit has a little bug that is becoming too annoying. | 09:23 |
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FallenHitokiri | Kamion: I think I have to try the isos :) | 09:23 |
giannicola | i don't remember how to mount a win2k fat32 parition | 09:24 |
lemsx1 | WW, what bug? | 09:24 |
WW | FallenHitokiri: Thanks, I'll take a look at gvim and scite. | 09:24 |
lemsx1 | WW, scite is ancient ;-) | 09:24 |
FallenHitokiri | giannicola: mount /dev/bla /mnt/win (or with -t vfat) | 09:24 |
vguerra | giannicola: mount -t vfat | 09:24 |
giannicola | ok | 09:24 |
lemsx1 | WW, if you are going to use scite, better use Anjuta | 09:24 |
lemsx1 | WW, that's based in scintilla also | 09:25 |
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(Kamion/#ubuntu) FallenHitokiri: the switch isn't quite complete in anything you can download today | 09:25 | |
FallenHitokiri | lemsx1: anjuta is a big lacy *bieb* ;) I think there are to much features and it's basicly for C(++) | 09:25 |
WW | lemsx1: gedit only runs one "instance"; if you try to edit a file in a different workspace, it pulls gedit into the new workspace. | 09:25 |
FallenHitokiri | Kamion: will the isos be up tomorrow ? | 09:26 |
lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, yep. indeed. but for C/C++ is heaven | 09:26 |
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oeri | Hey, is there a way to login as root? | 09:26 |
lemsx1 | WW, you can launch gedit differently | 09:26 |
FallenHitokiri | lemsx1: yeah. but I also want to edit my configs, write latex, perl, html, php in my $editor and not only the language of god ;) | 09:26 |
giannicola | it says WRONG FS TYPE | 09:26 |
FallenHitokiri | oeri: yeah. check the faq | 09:27 |
WW | lemsx1: Do tell! | 09:27 |
seacyd | regarding my printer problem: when printing form command line with it works. Not though from gedit, OpenOffice,... | 09:27 |
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lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, hey, nothing wrong about that... i use gvim all the time myself...that's why i'm adding notebook tabs to it.. i'm working with upstream devels on it | 09:28 |
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(Kamion/#ubuntu) FallenHitokiri: not quite sure yet | 09:28 | |
trukulo | Kamion, any plan on freenx on ubuntu? | 09:28 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) FallenHitokiri: it depends on other people than just me | 09:28 | |
=== restrex np: Lucybell - Hoy Soe [03:06m/128Kbps/44KHz] | ||
FallenHitokiri | Kamion: could you send me a memo or something like that if the change is done? (would be really nice :) ) | 09:28 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) trukulo: is there some reason I should know? | 09:28 | |
giannicola | it says WRONG FS TYPE | 09:28 |
triablo | no1 able to answer my simple question? | 09:29 |
triablo | ok, now i removed gdm, and now it starts a blank screen at boot. how do i tell it to not start x at all at boot? | 09:29 |
trukulo | Kamion, no, not any special reason, but it's a very good program for networks | 09:29 |
FallenHitokiri | lemsx1: yeah... took me a little while to add the tabs, too :) | 09:29 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) FallenHitokiri: sorry, don't have time to notify people individually, I'll be doing an Array CD 2 release at some point with hotplug | 09:29 | |
FallenHitokiri | Kamion: okay :) | 09:29 |
=== agwibowo [~agwibowo@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
trukulo | only a question kamion :) | 09:29 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) trukulo: I have absolutely no idea I'm afraid, I mostly do the installer | 09:29 | |
lemsx1 | WW, gedit --new-window | 09:29 |
mirak | anyone uses popfile here ? | 09:29 |
agwibowo | hello | 09:29 |
trukulo | ok Kamion , thx for answer | 09:29 |
seacyd | what is the difference between printing from the command line or from any software | 09:29 |
lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, which tabs? notebook? | 09:29 |
FallenHitokiri | triablo: don't boot up in runlevel 5 | 09:29 |
agwibowo | i started mysql on port 3306... | 09:29 |
FallenHitokiri | lemsx1: yes | 09:29 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) trukulo: anything above X I generally have very little clue about. :) | 09:29 | |
agwibowo | but strangely, i can't do telnet 3306 | 09:29 |
lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, ah, do you have that patch? | 09:29 |
triablo | FallenHitokiri: how do i change the runlevel i boot in? | 09:29 |
agwibowo | is it the problem with firewall? | 09:29 |
trukulo | Kamion, i'll ask fabbio or daniel | 09:30 |
agwibowo | can anyone help me? | 09:30 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ubuntu has no firewall by default | 09:30 | |
kent | Have any one tried dcgui-qt and not been able to get the list of public hubs? im having trouble doing that with dcgui-qt from Ubuntu :( | 09:30 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) trukulo: don't hunt down individual developers for a question when you don't know who's appropriate | 09:30 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) if it's a firewall problem, it's one whoever admins the machine created | 09:30 | |
lemsx1 | WW, when in doubt: gedit --help | 09:30 |
RuffianSoldier | whats a good firewall bob2?? | 09:30 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) trukulo: check ubuntu-devel mailing list archives, and propose it there | 09:30 | |
trukulo | Kamion, ok, so i'll ask in list | 09:30 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) RuffianSoldier: none | 09:30 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) or shorewall | 09:30 | |
trukulo | k | 09:30 |
RuffianSoldier | non? | 09:30 |
agwibowo | so what can possibly cause this problem?? | 09:30 |
FallenHitokiri | lemsx1: yeah. but please don't ask me to send it, i'm in my girlfriends house and i have only my zaurus (pda) here | 09:30 |
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giannicola | i mounted my win2k partition but when the windows opens i can't open the folders, why? And if I click with the right the folders disappear...anybody can help me? | 09:30 |
lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, Zaurus? Collie? I have one too ;-) | 09:31 |
(Kamion/#ubuntu) FallenHitokiri: (mostly, I just can't keep track of people who're interested in things when I don't know them well :)) | 09:31 | |
FallenHitokiri | lemsx1: no 5500D (the german PDA-Version from Sharp :) ) | 09:31 |
lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, ok. whenever you can, send that patch to me @any server :-) | 09:31 |
lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, lemsx1@ whatever public address | 09:31 |
FallenHitokiri | Kamion: yeah I can understand this. no problem. I'll check the isos at the weekend :) | 09:31 |
lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, just kidding, but gmail.com would do | 09:32 |
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WW | lemsx1: The --new-window doesn | 09:32 |
WW | ooops | 09:32 |
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agwibowo | the more strange thing is.... | 09:32 |
giannicola | i mounted my win2k partition but when the window opens i can't open the folders, why? And if I click with the right the folders disappear...anybody can help me? | 09:32 |
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FallenHitokiri | lemsx1: remember me when I'm at home... (at the weekend I think). Or when I installed fedora on her system so I can login in my ssh-server :) | 09:32 |
agwibowo | when i do netstat -an | grep 3306... it returns no result. | 09:33 |
lemsx1 | WW, :-D worked uh | 09:33 |
WW | lemsx1: Still checking it out. | 09:33 |
lemsx1 | FallenHitokiri, no probelm | 09:33 |
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WW | lemsx1: When you "quit", it wants to exit all instances. | 09:34 |
agwibowo | unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 14806 /tmp/cycorp.sock | 09:34 |
FallenHitokiri | would someone configure this system? i'm too lacy and i want to work on my perlscript... (like the last 50 hours) | 09:34 |
agwibowo | that's mysql socket | 09:34 |
agwibowo | shouldn't it be listening on port 3306 ? as i've specified in the command line?? | 09:34 |
lemsx1 | WW, you might want to dig deeper, try using --oaf-private | 09:34 |
lemsx1 | WW, or something like that | 09:34 |
agwibowo | but doing telnet 14806 doesn't work as well... | 09:34 |
agwibowo | both gets connection refused... | 09:34 |
agwibowo | very weird... | 09:34 |
RuffianSoldier | how do I configure shorewall bob2? | 09:34 |
RuffianSoldier | more like.... where | 09:35 |
lemsx1 | WW, or hit the X to close that instance only... | 09:35 |
WW | lemsx1: That is probably simplest, I could get used to it. | 09:35 |
giannicola | i mounted my win2k partition but when the window opens i can't open the folders, why? And if I click with the right the folders disappear...anybody can help me? | 09:36 |
lil_anthony | anyone besides me having a problem with firefox 1.0 just dying? what i mean is i'll use tab browsing and then al tlhe sudden no links work everything times out. the only way i can get it working again is to restart firefox | 09:37 |
Qerub | giannicola: Bad permissions. | 09:37 |
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Qerub | giannicola: Mount with -o umask=foo,dmask=bar | 09:37 |
giannicola | so? | 09:37 |
Qerub | giannicola: (But not with foo and bar of course, check fstab.) | 09:37 |
Qerub | giannicola: Eh. man mount. | 09:38 |
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Qerub | lil_anthony: There was a Slashdot article about that recently. | 09:38 |
giannicola | thx i'll try | 09:38 |
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lil_anthony | ok thanks ill go there | 09:38 |
WW | lemsx1: man gedit doesn't say anything about --oaf-window (or even anything close); the gedit Help file has *nothing* about command line arguments. Where could I find out more about it? | 09:39 |
Qerub | lil_anthony: I'm not sure if it said anything concrete. It at least stated the problem. | 09:39 |
lil_anthony | you wouldn't happen to have a direct link to it would you? | 09:40 |
lemsx1 | WW, --oaf-private Prevent registering of server with OAF | 09:40 |
lil_anthony | i'm trying to find it on slash now | 09:40 |
lil_anthony | just wanted to read it | 09:40 |
seacyd | can anybody point me to a channel where there are printing experts? | 09:40 |
WW | lemsx1: Where do you see that? | 09:40 |
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lemsx1 | WW, gedit --help ... gedit 2.8.x here | 09:41 |
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WW | lemsx1: argh, my bad... I thought "man gedit" would show the help. | 09:41 |
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tyrano | where can i find my current kernels configuration | 09:42 |
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ironwolf | tyrano: /boot | 09:44 |
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tyrano | is there a difference between 686 and 386 ;O | 09:45 |
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ironwolf | tyrano: yes 200 ;) If you have a P4, use 686, if not use 386 is a general good rule of thumb. | 09:46 |
ironwolf | tyrano: I mean 300... yeah. | 09:46 |
kent | ironwolf, math is hard when the numbers get large ;) | 09:47 |
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GFXstyLER | hi | 09:48 |
gwak | does anybody know how to remove the network drives entries from the desktop ? | 09:48 |
GFXstyLER | i have a very basic question | 09:48 |
GFXstyLER | how can i install a program ? *lol* | 09:48 |
ironwolf | kent: yeah... it's late. :) | 09:48 |
GFXstyLER | i downloaded blender and extracted it, but i dont know where i have to put it | 09:48 |
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gwak | try computer->System Configuration->Synaptic Package Manager | 09:49 |
NewComer | GFXstyLER, use synpatic | 09:49 |
GFXstyLER | synaptic has only a old blender version | 09:49 |
tyrano | i have pentium-m :X | 09:49 |
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tyrano | but ubuntu installed 386 | 09:49 |
WW | lemsx1: FYI: I tried the --oaf-private option, but Quit still closes gedit in both workspaces. | 09:49 |
GFXstyLER | synaptic has blender 2.33a and the newest version is 2.35 i guess | 09:50 |
Gerrath | I'm new to debian based systems: I added universe to my respository and did the command apt-get install kde. I got a list of packages that could not be installed. What am I missing? | 09:50 |
tyrano | so now i will use 686 config from kernel sources, but i want to make sure the configs are the same, which they arent cuz i used the diff command, but i dont want anything to break when i recompile the patched kerneL :| | 09:50 |
ironwolf | GFXstyLER: warty or hoary? | 09:50 |
GFXstyLER | warty | 09:50 |
kent | GFXstyLER, firefox (if you used that) has a default place to put things. Check that out, or search for it with the search-tool. | 09:51 |
lemsx1 | WW, ah, that's bad you might want getting the source for it and reading from it what else you can do to stop that... (or recompile the software without that) | 09:51 |
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GFXstyLER | yes i know where i put the blender tar archive and where i extracted it, but how can i run it know? | 09:51 |
GFXstyLER | doesnt there exist some program folder like in windows *g* ? | 09:52 |
kent | Well, if you cant figure that out, then you most like should not go that way either. What are the new feature of blender in that package that makes you want to use it instead of the one in ubuntu? | 09:52 |
ironwolf | gfxstyler: yeah, /bin and /usr/bin | 09:53 |
ironwolf | :) | 09:53 |
WW | lemsx1: I think I can get used to using "Close" (or hitting the little x). Reading source just to get an editor to Just Work the way it should is a bit deeper than I want to go. | 09:53 |
GFXstyLER | ok thx :D | 09:53 |
kent | GFXstyLER, have to checked if there is a configure file in the archive? if so, open a terminal and run ./configure and after that you run 'make' and 'make install' and then your ready. | 09:53 |
GFXstyLER | ok | 09:53 |
s0cks | back | 09:54 |
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ironwolf | gfxstyler: looks like a more recent version of blender is in hoary if your feeling adventurous. | 09:54 |
GFXstyLER | there are 2 files in the archive, they have both purple symbols with no extension on it | 09:55 |
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WW | lemsx1: By the way, thanks for the --new-window tip. | 09:55 |
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lil_anthony | question: anyone know right off where in evolution mail you can change the setting to keep/remove mail from the server iirc i seen it when setting up the account with evolution | 09:55 |
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tyrano | omg im rebuilding teh kernel ;O | 09:56 |
NewComer | damn, my downloaded warty-live-i386.iso has bad md5sum | 09:56 |
NewComer | should have used bittorrent | 09:56 |
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s0cks | titbread? | 09:57 |
WW | lemsx1: Any idea how I can add the --new-window option to the gedit command that is run by Nautilus when I select "Open with 'Text Editor'"? | 09:57 |
kent | GFXstyLER, im sorry. But it sounds like you are better of using the blender in ubuntu. | 09:58 |
GFXstyLER | in the usr/bin/ folder programs have the same symbols | 09:58 |
afonit | on the announcement in the forum's that 'all development work, and latest packages' will only be available in the development release of ubuntu, does that mean that those of us on the 'stable' 4.1 will not get the latest inkscape / blender /scribus packages, but will need to be on the ubutu development release? | 09:59 |
NewComer | any way to not redownload large corrupted files? | 09:59 |
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socomm | Hello, how to add session to GDM? | 10:00 |
afonit | here is a copy of the statment that I am questioning http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2522 | 10:01 |
Gerrath | Can I get help from someone who has sucessfully installed kde on Ubuntu? | 10:01 |
socomm | Gerrath: what you need? | 10:02 |
Gerrath | socomm, I have installed Ubuntu and added the universe to the repository but when I do apt-get install kde I get a list of dependencies that can't be met. | 10:03 |
Gerrath | socomm, I'm fairly new to apt-get. | 10:03 |
socomm | Gerrath: have you `apt-get upgrade' | 10:03 |
socomm | Gerrath: try to install via synaptic, which is a frontend for apt | 10:04 |
Gerrath | I tried synaptic as well. | 10:04 |
NewComer | Gerrath, what about apt-get update | 10:04 |
NewComer | update not upgrade | 10:04 |
WW | In Nautilus, "Open with 'Text Editor'" runs gedit by default. How can I add a command line option to the gedit command? | 10:04 |
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socomm | NewComer: he probably has, since synaptic ask you to upgrade on start up. | 10:04 |
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socomm | WW: "Open With" | 10:05 |
NewComer | socomm, it does? | 10:05 |
socomm | Gerrath: `apt-get update' just to be safe. | 10:05 |
WW | socomm: I would like to actually change the behavior of the 'Text Editor' menu item, if possible. | 10:05 |
socomm | s/upgrade/update | 10:05 |
socomm | WW: gconf-editor | 10:06 |
Gerrath | uhm, I had run apt-get update before but I don't think I had the right respositories selected. I went into Synaptic and selected them and now it is updating. | 10:06 |
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Gerrath | and now KDE seems to be installing :) | 10:06 |
socomm | Gerrath: cool, you have you update anytime you modify /etc/apt/source.list | 10:06 |
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Gerrath | ahh. | 10:07 |
Gerrath | I guess I'm in the newbie catagory again :) | 10:07 |
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Gerrath | Thanks for your help. | 10:08 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) RuffianSoldier: edit the files in /etc/shorewall/ | 10:08 | |
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WW | In Nautilus, "Open with 'Text Editor'" runs gedit by default. How can I add a command line option to the gedit command? | 10:19 |
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WW | socomm suggested gconf-editor, but I can't figure out what to change in there. | 10:19 |
jdub | WW: computer > desktop preferences > preferred applications | 10:19 |
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WW | jdub: Thanks, that looks *much* easier! :) | 10:23 |
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ploggin | hi | 10:25 |
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ploggin | can someone tell me how to make all the folders i open appear on one single window rather than each on one windows? | 10:26 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) http://www.larsen-b.com/Article/133.html | 10:27 | |
WW | ploggin: Or this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-10-07.0184507726 | 10:28 |
gwak | Application->Configuration Editor->[Apps->Nautilus->preferences->always_use_browser] | 10:28 |
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lemsx1 | WW, no problem... i'm packaging phpslash for public release (.deb) :-) almost done | 10:31 |
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ploggin | thanks! ;) | 10:31 |
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FireCat | Does anyone know of any way to prevent dhcp from updating your resolv.conf? | 10:32 |
tyrano | hey has anyone had a problem, when booting, lots of PNP errors and a fatal "hw_random" error | 10:33 |
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WW | tyrano: Take a look at the last few questions here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions | 10:34 |
tyrano | k | 10:34 |
htaccess | FireCat: chmod 400 /etc/resolv.conf? :) | 10:35 |
kent | FireCat, isn't that dhcp's job? either you use dhcp or not? To turn if off, edit /etc/network/interface or use the gnome network program? | 10:35 |
tyrano | ahh ok so its no biggie | 10:35 |
tyrano | cool | 10:35 |
FireCat | htaccess: thanks | 10:35 |
FireCat | tyrano: It is normally something you can turn off | 10:36 |
tyrano | yeh | 10:36 |
tyrano | the hw_random | 10:36 |
tyrano | dunno about the pnp | 10:36 |
htaccess | FireCat: kents advice is better than mine, my suggestion may work but proably isnt the right way to do things | 10:36 |
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htaccess | in fact my it should at leats be 444 | 10:37 |
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htaccess | 400 will probably break most name resolution on your box | 10:39 |
lil_anthony | anyone here use totem player? | 10:39 |
FireCat | Ok, I just found a package called resolvconf, that seems to do it | 10:40 |
s0cks | I am making a package for audio/video studio | 10:40 |
FireCat | Anyone ever worked with that one? | 10:40 |
s0cks | LMAO! I posted on a forum, and I used the term "Hacking" and someone mistook it for "cracking" | 10:41 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) that's forums for you | 10:41 | |
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s0cks | I just love the fact that people think they are 'technologically advanced' but don't know the difference between hacking out some code and cracking into a database. | 10:43 |
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s0cks | Sadly enough, it was forum admin and he threatened me. | 10:44 |
s0cks | Then I set him straight and he tried to backpedal. | 10:45 |
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david__ | trying to reconfigure my xserver for anew video card | 10:45 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) s0cks: the ubuntu forums? | 10:45 | |
lil_anthony | is there a way to get rid of the bigbrother crap in totem media player (meaning the list of recently played files)? | 10:45 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) hahahahahaha | 10:46 | |
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kent | lil_anthony, ;) | 10:46 |
lil_anthony | i just couldn't stand that crap in windows so i figure there has to be a way to do it in linux | 10:46 |
lil_anthony | i'm guessing a config file but not sure which one | 10:47 |
lil_anthony | hey kent | 10:47 |
s0cks | bob2 : No | 10:47 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) ah | 10:47 | |
s0cks | Noone using linux could possibly be stupid enough. | 10:47 |
kent | lil_anthony, you can delete the list after each time you've watched porn. Go to computer -> recent documents -> delete list. That one will delete the list in totem aswell (i think, it sais that it deletes the list for programs aswell) | 10:48 |
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lil_anthony | haha :0 | 10:48 |
lil_anthony | thanks for telling everyone i view porn i per shat it | 10:48 |
s0cks | OMG@ | 10:48 |
s0cks | Someone ragged on me for 'viewing' porn and not watching it. | 10:48 |
lil_anthony | haha | 10:48 |
s0cks | lil_anthony thanks for telling everyone i view porn i per shat it | 10:48 |
lil_anthony | hell isn't that why we buy pcs? | 10:48 |
s0cks | crap | 10:48 |
s0cks | lol | 10:48 |
gwak | lil_anthony: you can use mplayer from the commandline and then of course wack your .bash_history file | 10:49 |
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lil_anthony | cool i don't want folks like kent to view my quality porn it might spoil them for life | 10:49 |
s0cks | lil_anthony : Don't forget to delete history and cookies! | 10:50 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) lovely | 10:50 | |
ImmeR^ | I've just installed ubuntu on my laptop, but cannot use my mouse or my touchpad. Anyone have an idea how I fix it? (This is my first time trying linux) | 10:51 |
lil_anthony | i don't know i just don't like my tracks being recorded its not so much of porn but thanks that worked out great | 10:51 |
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lil_anthony | didn't know it effected totem too | 10:51 |
gwak | ImmeR: what kind of laptop do you have? | 10:51 |
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ImmeR^ | Medion | 10:51 |
ImmeR^ | Just a plain and normal laptop ;) | 10:52 |
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gwak | ImmeR: what is the make/model apple/ibm/dell/compaq ? | 10:52 |
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ImmeR^ | The model is a medion.. Not very known brand | 10:53 |
Gwildor|work | ImmeR^, just googled them, look aight, check out the disney comp though....hahaha | 10:54 |
s0cks | ImmeR^ : Search the drivers page for a linux trackball driver. | 10:54 |
tyrano | is the default sources.list ok ;O | 10:54 |
ImmeR^ | what drivers page? | 10:55 |
Gwildor|work | laters guys | 10:55 |
Agrajag | tyrano: I would add universe and multiverse, and the debian-marillat repository. | 10:55 |
Gwildor|work | work is OVA | 10:55 |
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tyrano | what? | 10:55 |
tyrano | what are those | 10:56 |
Agrajag | tyrano: open /etc/apt/sources.list in a text editor. | 10:56 |
Agrajag | it explains universe. | 10:56 |
Agrajag | You can add multiverse yourself by placing multiverse after universe in those two lines. | 10:57 |
tyrano | oh ok | 10:57 |
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Agrajag | debian-marillat has stuff like an mp3 decoder for gstreamer, and libdvdcss | 10:57 |
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Agrajag | deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main | 10:57 |
FTTP | Ubuntu a trademark of SCO | 10:57 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) NO | 10:57 | |
FTTP | <grin> | 10:57 |
gwak | Immer: try googling for Medion <MODEL NUMBER> linux mouse | 10:57 |
FTTP | SCO ownes linux or so they claim | 10:57 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) the gstreamer mp3 decoder is in warty | 10:57 | |
tyrano | you put a space before unstable? | 10:57 |
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ImmeR^ | okay... thanks.. I will try that | 10:57 |
Agrajag | bob2: Is it? I couldn't play mp3s in rhythmbox without gstreamer-mad | 10:58 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) marillat has an mp3 encoder | 10:58 | |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) gstreamer0.8-mad, which is in ubunut main | 10:58 | |
Agrajag | hmm | 10:58 |
Agrajag | then why isn't it installed by default? | 10:58 |
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ajmitch_ | odd, some packages are in the sources list for universe (warty), but binary packages aren't built | 10:58 |
s0cks | bob2 : The admin got flamed by about 30 different people. | 10:58 |
tyrano | should one upgrade to hoary which is buggy or stick with warty ;O | 10:59 |
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gwak | wow ubuntu doesnt have 'tidy' as a package drag | 11:02 |
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GFXstyLER | hi | 11:03 |
Pluk | hiya | 11:03 |
GFXstyLER | does somebody know a good c++ ide for ubuntu ? | 11:04 |
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gwak | GFXstyLER: vi ;-] | 11:04 |
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GFXstyLER | can i just search it in synaptic? *g* | 11:05 |
socomm | GFXstyLER: Anjuta. | 11:05 |
FireCat | GFXstyLER: I've not used it myself, but you may want to take a look at anjuta | 11:05 |
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GFXstyLER | i cant get anjuta to work | 11:05 |
socomm | What's the problem? | 11:06 |
GFXstyLER | make** no target .. blabla *g* | 11:06 |
socomm | GFXstyLER: are you building Anjuta from source? | 11:07 |
FireCat | GFXstyLER: Do you have build-essential installed? | 11:07 |
GFXstyLER | no i got it from synaptic | 11:07 |
GFXstyLER | i guess not, whats that? :D | 11:07 |
gwak | GFXstyLER: i heard Eclipse makes a nice java/c++/whatever ide | 11:07 |
socomm | GFXstyLER: You'll need to start a new project or import one, otherwise Anjuta will try to build a binary via make when in fact you don't have a Makefile. | 11:08 |
GFXstyLER | ok thx ill try it | 11:08 |
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GFXstyLER | if i get c++ to work then there is no need for windows anymore ;) that would be cool | 11:09 |
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Matt| | meh | 11:10 |
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Matt| | i just totally hosed my gentoo box ;p | 11:10 |
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Matt| | maybe i should put ubuntu on it instead :) | 11:11 |
treyh0 | you hosed it when you put gentoo on it | 11:12 |
Matt| | nah | 11:12 |
Matt| | it was working lovely | 11:12 |
malte` | :| | 11:12 |
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ramzez_ | hello everyone | 11:13 |
Matt| | it's still working | 11:13 |
Matt| | just can't find any commands | 11:13 |
gwak | matt: make sure that ubuntu has most of the sw you use -- the gentoo repository is huge | 11:13 |
Agrajag | Matt|: so uh, fix your $PATH? | 11:13 |
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Matt| | gwak, *grins* apt is bigger | 11:13 |
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Agrajag | Matt|: maybe in debian | 11:13 |
Matt| | Agrajag, no it's not that, i removed glibc | 11:13 |
socomm | Fluxbox 0.90.10 is hot as heck. | 11:13 |
ramzez_ | i was wondering how i can put modprobe ndiswrapper so it enabled at the boot time ? | 11:13 |
Matt| | yeah in debian | 11:13 |
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Agrajag | Matt|: oh gg | 11:13 |
Agrajag | Matt|: ubuntu's repository is somewhat smaller | 11:14 |
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Agrajag | though with universe and multiverse it's pretty close | 11:14 |
hypa7ia | Matt|: obligatory gentoo reference: http://www.eghetto.ca/~msviolet/Humour/gentoo.jpg | 11:14 |
hypa7ia | :-) | 11:14 |
treyh0 | Matt|: only difference is if you want to spend 8 hours to install something, or 8 seconds | 11:14 |
Agrajag | hypa7ia: more like www.funroll-loops.org | 11:14 |
Matt| | treyh0, yeah i'm happy with 8 hours | 11:15 |
treyh0 | cool | 11:15 |
GFXstyLER | ok i installed build-essentials, created a new project in anjuta, compiled it(it does fine) but if i press "generate" it keeps saying this error | 11:15 |
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malte` | treyh0, nothing but openoffice needs a 8 hours compile | 11:15 |
malte` | and there's openoffice-bin anyway | 11:15 |
socomm | What's the error? | 11:15 |
socomm | malte`: don't forget the 3+ gigs of HDD space. | 11:16 |
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hypa7ia | Agrajag: that too :-) | 11:16 |
GFXstyLER | its in german, should i translate it to english? | 11:16 |
socomm | GFXstyLER: of course. | 11:16 |
Matt| | socomm, oh yeah like ubuntu is really slim on packaging ;p | 11:16 |
malte` | it was not a problem even with my 8G HD :) | 11:16 |
socomm | Matt|: I'm talking about the build process ... | 11:16 |
malte` | err.. partition | 11:16 |
GFXstyLER | make:*** No Targets set and no >>make<< control file found. End. | 11:16 |
GFXstyLER | or something like that | 11:16 |
Matt| | socomm, ok | 11:16 |
treyh0 | nothing individually | 11:17 |
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tyrano | i want to remove rhythm player, but it says it has to remove ubuntu desktop as well, is that going to fuck up gnome? | 11:18 |
Matt| | tyrano, nope go ahead | 11:18 |
treyh0 | no tyrano | 11:18 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) it does mean you won't get new updates to the ubuntu desktop system | 11:19 | |
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socomm | GFXstyLER: that means that you haven't generated a Makefile. | 11:20 |
NewComer | how does ubuntu afford all these free cds requests? | 11:20 |
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Matt| | NewComer, ubuntu is bankrolled :) | 11:21 |
socomm | NewComer: by smuggling drugs. :^P | 11:21 |
GFXstyLER | how can i generate a make file? | 11:21 |
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NewComer | seriously | 11:22 |
Matt| | I was serious | 11:22 |
Matt| | http://www.markshuttleworth.com/ | 11:22 |
siimo | can i do a haory install without downloading warty cd? | 11:22 |
hypa7ia | not yet siimo | 11:23 |
Matt| | siimo, there is a hoary live cd somewhere, but dunno where | 11:23 |
socomm | GFXstyLER: just create one by hand, it's not that hard. | 11:23 |
siimo | somewhere? | 11:23 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it's not a live cd | 11:23 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it's a pre-alpha test install cd | 11:23 | |
Matt| | bob2, ok | 11:24 |
NewComer | Matt|, so this guy/organisation/company is rich or what? | 11:24 |
socomm | GFXstyLER: run a web search on how to create Makefiles | 11:24 |
Matt| | sounds like a live cd to me | 11:24 |
GFXstyLER | ok i did, thx :D | 11:24 |
Matt| | bob2, how are you liking london? | 11:24 |
socomm | GFXstyLER: good luck. | 11:25 |
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MFen | would the person responsible for naming ubuntu distributions please stop? | 11:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: it's nice...got to do more touristy stuff than last time, which is good | 11:26 | |
MFen | i mean, "HOARY"? come on. | 11:26 |
Matt| | great | 11:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) MFen: why? | 11:26 | |
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Matt| | bob2, favourite thing? | 11:26 |
tyrano | how do i add stuff to the gnome applications menu ;O | 11:26 |
Matt| | tyrano, right click inside the menu you wanna change, | 11:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: booze at service stations | 11:26 | |
Matt| | tyrano, then choose add new item or something similar | 11:26 |
daniels | bob2: but not Coopers | 11:26 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) daniels: we just have to find it | 11:27 | |
Matt| | bob2, i see you've got to the root of our culture already | 11:27 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) it's a challenge | 11:27 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) the challenge makes it all the tastier | 11:27 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: hah | 11:27 | |
mazzabr | another newbie question | 11:27 |
siimo | what repository is kernel-image in ? | 11:27 |
Matt| | coopers? | 11:27 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) siimo: linux-image is what you want | 11:27 | |
mazzabr | on startup l0 doen't have an entry at route table. | 11:27 |
Matt| | siimo, linux-image | 11:27 |
daniels | bob2: right | 11:27 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: a good australian beer...daniels finally found one place in england that serves it | 11:27 | |
mazzabr | I must add it by myslef. | 11:27 |
siimo | is it renamed to linux-image? | 11:27 |
GFXstyLER | ok so i can do it like this "make -main.cc" or something like this? | 11:28 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) siimo: yes | 11:28 | |
Matt| | omg: there must be millions of aussie pubs | 11:28 |
mazzabr | # route add -net netmask lo | 11:28 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: apparently all they have is Fosters | 11:28 | |
Matt| | LOL | 11:28 |
Matt| | awesome | 11:28 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) I'd rather drink even Carlsberg than Fosters | 11:28 | |
mazzabr | how can I make this automaticly at startup? | 11:28 |
Matt| | bob2, that's a serious statement | 11:28 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) mazzabr: it should be added already | 11:28 | |
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siimo | bob2, VB | 11:28 |
mazzabr | bob2, it's not. | 11:28 |
daniels | siimo: ... dude. | 11:28 |
Matt| | LOL @daniels | 11:29 |
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Matt| | bob2, daniels, drink some english beer while you're here for crying out loud | 11:29 |
mazzabr | lo section at /etc/netwokr/interfaces | 11:29 |
siimo | linux-image is not under : http://mirrors.wamug.org.au/ubuntu/pool/main/l/ | 11:29 |
mazzabr | auto lo | 11:29 |
mazzabr | iface lo inet loopback | 11:29 |
mazzabr | nothing more. | 11:29 |
siimo | daniels, what | 11:29 |
mazzabr | bob2 is it right? | 11:29 |
Matt| | mazzabr, looks alright to me | 11:29 |
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daniels | siimo: vb. | 11:30 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: we did last time | 11:30 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) Matt|: we worked our way across all the aps | 11:30 | |
mazzabr | Matt|, although the following entry is missing after boot: | 11:30 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) taps | 11:30 | |
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Matt| | mazzabr, that is what i have too | 11:30 |
mazzabr | U 0 0 0 lo | 11:30 |
Matt| | mazzabr, not sure why sorr | 11:30 |
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mazzabr | I'll boot again. | 11:30 |
siimo | can someone give me the exact packagename for the kernel? | 11:30 |
mazzabr | brb | 11:30 |
daniels | Matt|: we've been doing a tour of the 'real ales' | 11:30 |
Matt| | bob2, that is why ubuntu is so inspired... you bunch of boozers | 11:30 |
Matt| | daniels, *grins* good on ya | 11:31 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) haha | 11:31 | |
daniels | Matt|: i fail to understand how it can be simultaneously 'real' and warm | 11:31 |
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Matt| | *laughs* | 11:31 |
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(bob2/#ubuntu) haha | 11:31 | |
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Matt| | damn aussies | 11:31 |
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Matt| | what part of town are you staying in? | 11:32 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) earl's court | 11:32 | |
siimo | bob2, Matt| like you said linux-image? i cant find it | 11:32 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) siimo: linux-image-2.6 or so | 11:32 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) but you have it installed already | 11:32 | |
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Matt| | siimo, how are you looking at it? | 11:33 |
Matt| | *for it | 11:33 |
siimo | is it in the main repositroy? | 11:33 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) yes | 11:33 | |
(bob2/#ubuntu) and installed by default | 11:33 | |
s0cks | the main suppository? | 11:33 |
farruinn | Hey, I just installed gxine (totem-xine wasn't working), but I was wondering, you probably have to have a proprietary driver for wmv's, right? | 11:33 |
siimo | Matt|, im looking in http://mirrors.wamug.org.au/ubuntu/pool/main/l/ | 11:33 |
Matt| | siimo, not good | 11:34 |
mdz | siimo: what are you looking for? | 11:34 |
Matt| | siimo, try "apt-cache search linux-image |grep linux-image | 11:34 |
(bob2/#ubuntu) anyhoo, hometime | 11:34 | |
siimo | the kernel package | 11:34 |
Matt| | nite bob2 | 11:34 |
siimo | Matt|, i havent installed ubuntu | 11:34 |
Matt| | siimo, oh | 11:34 |
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Matt| | siimo, why are you looking for it? | 11:34 |
siimo | im just checking versions | 11:35 |
mdz | siimo: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source- | 11:35 |
Matt| | siimo, i'll send you em in PM | 11:35 |
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siimo | oh its linux-source | 11:35 |
siimo | thanks | 11:35 |
mdz | the directories are named for the source package, and contain all of the binary packages built from that source | 11:35 |
siimo | no 2.6.9 in haory yet? | 11:36 |
Matt| | dont think so | 11:36 |
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socomm | siimo: no. | 11:38 |
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mazzabr | bob2, as I told, after boot ma routing table is like this: | 11:40 |
mazzabr | Kernel IP routing table | 11:40 |
mazzabr | Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface | 11:40 |
mazzabr | UH 0 0 0 ppp0 | 11:40 |
mazzabr | UG 0 0 0 ppp0 | 11:40 |
mazzabr | no lo reference | 11:40 |
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luc1f3r | What program can I use to unRAR in linux??? | 11:41 |
stuNNed | how do i add a font? | 11:41 |
(HrdwrBoB/#ubuntu) luc1f3r: unrar | 11:41 | |
(mjr/#ubuntu) luc1f3r, unrar-nonfree from multiverse | 11:42 | |
luc1f3r | awsome | 11:42 |
luc1f3r | thanks | 11:42 |
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mazzabr | another doubt. | 11:42 |
mazzabr | how can I install xmms? | 11:42 |
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hypa7ia | mazzabr: it's in synaptics :-) | 11:43 |
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luc1f3r | mjr: HrdwrBoB: where can i get those programs? | 11:43 |
mazzabr | hypa7ia, I tried # apt-get install xmms | 11:43 |
luc1f3r | i searched "apt-cache"/"apt-get" | 11:44 |
mazzabr | E: Package xmms has no installation candidate | 11:44 |
luc1f3r | and icouldn't find either | 11:44 |
jchillerup | Is it a common problem that ubuntu has difficulties in finding DHCP servers? | 11:44 |
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stuNNed | to add a font i just drop it into ~/.fonts ? | 11:44 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) luc1f3r, you need to add the multiverse repository to apt sources.list | 11:44 | |
luc1f3r | how do i do that? | 11:44 |
hypa7ia | mazzabr: do you have universe enabled? | 11:44 |
IchaBOB | hi - another linux noob joins the channel =P | 11:45 |
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hypa7ia | welcome IchaBOB, you're not the only one :-) | 11:46 |
Matt| | hi IchaBOB welcome | 11:46 |
Matt| | IchaBOB, yeah there's this guy called hypa7ia who hasn't got a clue | 11:46 |
IchaBOB | heh | 11:46 |
=== hypa7ia <-- not a guy :-p | ||
Matt| | sorry | 11:46 |
=== hypa7ia has some clue, too. tho not much :-) | ||
Matt| | i meant guy in a strictly gender neutral sense | 11:47 |
hypa7ia | heheh | 11:47 |
IchaBOB | haha | 11:47 |
Matt| | and i was just kiddin | 11:47 |
luc1f3r | mjr: what is the command to add multiverse pkg? | 11:47 |
hypa7ia | meh, it's a fiar guess around here :-) | 11:47 |
IchaBOB | anyone here from Anandtech? | 11:47 |
Matt| | luc1f3r, you can open synaptic package manager and go to "settings --> Repositories" and activate multiverse (i think) | 11:48 |
luc1f3r | okay, thanks | 11:48 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-20.3414506543 | 11:48 | |
(mjr/#ubuntu) (multiverse) | 11:48 | |
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(mjr/#ubuntu) a little reading up goes a long way | 11:49 | |
Matt| | mjr, very true. also a lot of reading goes nowhere tho, it depends ;) | 11:49 |
IchaBOB | i read one of the articles on the wiki but i don't get it to work right ;) | 11:49 |
IchaBOB | view ntfs partition on different drive | 11:50 |
IchaBOB | no files listed, tho the partition seemed to get mounted | 11:51 |
IchaBOB | my fstab reads: | 11:51 |
IchaBOB | ::::/dev/hdc1 /mnt/shared ntfs defaults,auto,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 | 11:51 |
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IchaBOB | i named it shared, and hdc1 was what is listed under fdisk | 11:51 |
IchaBOB | any ideas? | 11:52 |
IchaBOB | =) | 11:52 |
IchaBOB | [ article i read @ http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions ] | 11:52 |
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siimo | hi do i need the live cd or install cd for install? | 11:54 |
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siimo | i know stupid question but it would be nice if i can install with live cd so can use it as live cd too | 11:55 |
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Matt| | i think either | 11:55 |
Matt| | i used install tho | 11:55 |
Matt| | pretty safe bet | 11:55 |
(mjr/#ubuntu) well, cd-rws have been invented :) | 11:56 | |
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siimo | this free cd thing do they ship internationally ? http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/shipit/ | 11:58 |
hypa7ia | you can't install from the warty cd, alas | 11:58 |
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Matt| | siimo, yeah but it's a bit of a wait | 11:59 |
=== Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Matt| | better to d/l | 11:59 |
=== Mark1 [~ubuntu@pcp913556pcs.brndml01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
siimo | yeah im downloading | 11:59 |
Mark1 | is anyone using KDE instead of GNOME? | 12:00 |
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