=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [03:14] ChrisH: Hi === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [08:37] Hoodster: mooorning... === sid77 [~sid77@host98-44.pool8020.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc === sid77 ciao === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === sid77 [~sid77@host98-44.pool8020.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc === silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc === sid77 re === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc === sid77 goddbye, all! === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === skyrider_ [~skyrider@kid.stu.cn.ua] has joined #ubuntu-doc [02:37] hornbeck: around? [02:41] yes [02:41] I am always around :-) [02:45] oh! [02:45] I've seen 22hours idle and I thought... === enrico was wrong === enrico appreciates hornbeck's ubiquity [02:45] hornbeck: do you have some time (1 hour maximum) for setting up svn scripts? === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [02:58] enrico: not today [02:59] hornbeck: ok. Monday? [02:59] I work in about 5 minutes and don't get off for about 10 hours [02:59] Monday should be fine,or over the weekend [02:59] what kind of scripts? [03:01] hornbeck: one or more of the things we've been talking about in the list: in the menu we have: CIA reports, automatic make and publishing online, an APT upload queue [03:01] Of course not all of these things may be useful/doable [03:09] enrico: do you know how to do those things? [03:10] hornbeck: yes [03:10] if you can shoot me a email with howto's or such I can get started in my available time [03:10] hornbeck: I usually do them in my Alioth project [03:10] hornbeck: Ok. I can send it in the list, with attached some config files, so that it remains as a record for everyone [03:17] Also, if you do it while I'm online, I can assist you [03:30] hornbeck: I'm going out: I'll send the mail tonight === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === Nicknam1 [~Nicknam1@S0106000c7649501a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs_ [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === maskie [~maskie@196-30-111-241.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu-doc [] === plovs_ [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [09:31] Hi all === plovs_ [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc