
ogramane1: ...has it a block.device entry anywhere ? (assuming you have plugged a sd card in)12:00
Quest-MasterI'm trying to build a web-design editor called Screem and I got this error12:00
Quest-Masterchecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool12:00
Quest-MasterCould I get this through apt-get?12:01
ograz2nOnly: amule, mldonkey or xmule are there12:01
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ograQuest-Master: screem is in universe12:01
mane1ogra: negative. i have a 128Mb card into the reader but i cant access12:01
Quest-MasterOh really12:02
z2nOnlyogra, thanks!  do you recommend one over another?12:02
ogramane1: do you see the card in the device manager ?12:02
Fwiffomane1: any messages in dmesg after plugging it in?12:02
mane1ogra: yes i do12:02
ograz2nOnly: i didnt use them a long time though, i liked xmule when i used it, but head amule shall be better12:02
ogramane1: has it a block.device entry ?12:03
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mane1ogra: there i can read that cb170 memory card reader controller an Vendor ENE ... and OEM vendor HP and ...12:04
ogramane1: i'm all the time talking about the advanced tab....12:05
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mane1ogra: im looking for at the device, pci and advance tab but in anyone are a block entry12:07
ennteeHello. I had a bit of an X crash, and now when I try to start gdm, it keeps insisting that there is already one running on vt7. Could anyone tell me which pid file I need to rm?12:07
=== dad [~dad@p4044-ipad07motosinmat.mie.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
dadgood morning12:08
ogramane1: plug out and in the card and then type dmesg shortly afterwards in a terminal ....post the last lines to #flood then12:09
ogradad: oh, you are here ? where is mom ?12:09
Vince-0U guyz all use ubuntu - Whooz actually from Africa ?12:09
Fwiffoenntee: try killall X12:09
ennteeFwiffo: I've already rebooted the computer a couple times12:09
Quest-MasterWhy is the Python in the repository only Python 2.3?12:09
Quest-MasterI mean12:09
sirfredenntee: Ctrl+Alt+F7 doesn't puts you on that X session?12:09
ennteeso I'm thinking there must be a stale pid file somehwere12:10
Quest-MasterIt should be 2.3.412:10
ennteesirfred: nope12:10
sirfredenntee: What do you see when pressing Ctrl+Alt+F7 ?12:10
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ennteesirfred: GDM offers to start a new one on vt8 because vt7 is busy.12:10
mane1ogra: i can send you a screenshoot of the advanced tab if you want12:10
ennteesirfred: there's a blank, black screen with the default "X" cursor12:10
ogramane1: no, just do what i wrote above :)12:10
=== TheStuff Away
sirfredenntee: Press then, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace12:11
sirfredenntee: On that black screen with default "x" cursor.12:11
sirfredenntee: That should kill that session.12:11
Quest-MasterI mounted my Windows drive12:11
Quest-MasterAnd it shows everything12:11
Quest-MasterFolders and files12:11
Quest-MasterAs individual files12:11
Quest-MasterAs folders with nothing in them.12:12
ennteesirfred: yeah, i tried this once already12:12
sirfredQuest-Master: I think it's a permission problem12:12
Quest-MasterDo I have to mount every single folder manually?12:12
ennteeupon restarting gdm, the same things happens12:12
Quest-MasterWell I mounted it with sudo of course12:12
sirfredenntee: That's strange.12:12
ennteesirfred: *nod*. i even tried installing the gdm from hoary12:12
sirfredQuest-Master: Try to mount it giving access to your user.12:12
ograQuest-Master: show your fstab line for the win partition12:12
Quest-Masterogra: How do I do that?12:13
Quest-MasterAnd sirfred: How do I do that too? :P12:13
ograQuest-Master: gedit /etc/fstab and copy and paste the line you added for windows12:13
sirfredQuest-Master: Use a uid='your uid' otion12:13
sirfredQuest-Master: For example, if you are uid=100012:13
Quest-MasterI did sudo xmms12:14
sirfredmount /dev/<winpartition> /mnt -o uid=100012:14
ograsirfred: its an octal value12:14
Quest-MasterAnd it worked fine12:14
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ograsirfred: should be uid=00012:14
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sirfredogra: Humm, really?12:14
the_stick<-- downloading ubuntu right now12:14
sirfredogra: Isn't it the user id you want the partition to have access to?12:14
gaucklerthe_stick: you're cool!12:14
sirfredogra: What you're talking about seems like an umask12:15
the_stickIn the installer , can I create a linux partition with free space from a FAT32/NTFS partition ?12:15
sirfredogra: Perhaps you're talking about umask option.12:15
the_stickor will I have to delete a partition , reformat , get some unpartitioned space and use that ?12:15
sirfredogra: But that's not the problem here, I think.12:15
the_stickgauckler : heh12:16
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the_stickanyone ?12:17
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=== the_stick waits , patiently
sirfredthe_stick: I don't know. Didn't try that.12:18
gaucklerthe_stick: well, maybe you should partition magic to make the windows partition smaller, and then use the freed space.12:18
crimsunthe_stick: if the free space exists prior to running the Ubuntu installer, yes.12:18
sirfredthe_stick: Give it a try, the worse thing that could happen... is that you erase your windows install. Is that bad?12:18
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crimsunthe_stick: the free space must be contiguous, of course12:19
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gaucklerI am starting to like rhythmbox.12:19
crimsunthe_stick: and by free space, I mean the free space OUTSIDE a vfat partition, not INSIDE the partition12:19
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the_sticksirfred : http://www.q-collective.org/linuxbash.html?23640112:20
Quest-MasterWhen I mount something, how can I make it so that not only the root has access to it?12:21
ogra_sirfred: sorry you were right before, sorry should be umask=000 with an octal value indeed12:21
the_stickduh..just search for 236401 in that page ..12:21
sirfredQuest-Master: What you can do is put the option 'users' in that fstab entry12:21
sirfredQuest-Master: That way , you don't need to be root to mount it.12:21
Quest-MasterAlso, mplayer starts for a second, and then it exits out quickly12:22
sirfredQuest-Master: No error?12:22
mane1ogra: have you write something? :)12:23
ogra_mane1: nope, i got dropped from the net :(12:23
mane1dont worry12:24
mane1yesterday i find the way to configure the wireless and  webcam12:24
the_stickis there any tool with which I can remove a chuck of space from an existing partion and leave it as unpartitioned space ?12:25
mane1im very happy with ubuntu12:25
crimsunthe_stick: partition magic12:25
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Quest-Master# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>12:25
Quest-Masterproc            /proc           proc    defaults12:25
Quest-Master0       012:25
Quest-Master/dev/hda2       /mnt            fat32   rw,user12:25
ogra_mane1: i suspect you are missing the sg module for the reader, you could try it with: sudo modprobe sg12:25
Quest-Master0       012:25
Quest-Master/dev/hda3       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       112:25
Quest-Master/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       012:25
Quest-Master/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       012:25
Quest-Master/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       012:25
Quest-MasterErr, sorry about that :X12:26
ogra_Quest-Master: plaese use #flood12:26
Quest-MasterYeah, my bad.12:26
Quest-MasterAnyhow, is that how my fstab should look like?12:26
ogra_Quest-Master: looks good ...for all the linux disks12:26
sirfredQuest-Master: Fine.12:27
ogra_Quest-Master: what is your win deviace ? hda1 ?12:27
calamari_ogra: do you know if synaptic provides a resume feature ?12:27
Quest-Master/dev/hda2 is the Windows partition12:27
Quest-Master/dev/hda1 is some system recovery thing this HP computer "requires."12:27
sirfredQuest-Master: Do you want that partition to be automounted on the system startup?12:27
mane1ogra: i execute but block entry dont apppears12:27
ogra_for XP : /dev/hda2       /mnt/hda2       ntfs   rw,user,noauto,umask=000  0       012:27
ogra_mane1: plug the card out and in....12:28
mane1ogra: yes i have do it12:28
sirfredQuest-Master: In that way, you won't be able to access the partition as non privileged user.12:28
ogra_Quest-Master: argh, leave the rw....12:28
sirfredQuest-Master: Because it will be automounted at startup, as root user.12:29
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sirfredQuest-Master: You should use a uid=<your uid> as another option.12:29
mane1ogra: must i execute some mount command?12:29
sirfredQuest-Master: Or you could use 'noauto', but that way it won't be automounted at startup.12:29
ogra_i.e. :  /dev/hda2       /mnt/hda2       vfat   rw,user,noauto  0       012:30
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ogra_makes it clickable in the "Disks" window for mounting....very comfortable12:31
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=== StarScream [~mase@81-178-209-127.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ogramane1: nope12:31
ogramane1: gnome-volume-menager should mount it....12:32
StarScreamif i ftp into ubuntu.com can i get 1 package out of hoary? or do i have to use apt to get it?12:32
sirfredthe_stick: Why did you shown me that url?12:32
Quest-MasterI don't have a Disks window though12:32
ograStarScream: depends....12:32
sirfredthe_stick: I've just seen it now12:32
Quest-MasterAnd would it be possible for anyone to update Python in the apt repository?12:32
ograStarScream: but you shouldnt use hoary packages in warty anyway12:33
crimsunQuest-Master: not for Warty, no12:33
StarScreamogra, erm ok, well i want to try xfwm4..but its not in warty12:33
StarScreamso whats the best way to go about it?12:33
mane1ogra: is installed12:33
ograStarScream: compiling them is an option though12:33
ogramane1: i konw, its a default ;)12:33
crimsunStarScream: there are unofficial debs of 4.2RC12:33
ogramane1: but there must be missing something inbetween.....12:34
StarScreamcrimsun, PPC debs?12:34
crimsunStarScream: binary, only i386. Source is available, though.12:34
Quest-MasterIs there any reason why MPlayer is starting up and closing after a second or two?12:34
StarScreamyeh i tried using the xfwm installer...i had all the deps but it died12:34
ograStarScream: you can try to take the hoary pkgs, but its likely that they depend on hoary stuff....and on next update it could be that this hoary stuff depends on other hoary stuff suddenly12:35
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StarScreamogra, hrm...how stable is hoary? it might be worth me just using that12:36
ograStarScream: so you would end up pretty mixed and unstable i guess....12:36
ennteeJust installed Ubuntu, and I'm really happy with it. The only thing that I've noticed, is that especially for graphical stuff, it seems to be a little slower than debian12:36
ennteeAnyone know if the interactivity patch thing in the ubuntu 2.6 kernel is on by default?12:36
ograStarScream: can you handle breakages from time to time ?12:36
ograStarScream: sometimes small ones, sometimes bigger ?12:37
sirfredenntee: Strange. What I like in Ubuntu compared with debian, is that I feel ubuntu faster12:37
ograStarScream: then hoary is ok for you..... else leave it12:37
ennteesirfred: well, it certainly felt quicker at first. maybe it's because i'm using the k7 kernel. maybe i should switch back to 68612:37
sirfredenntee: I'm on a Piii12:38
sirfredenntee: I had a lot of problems on a Duron based system.12:39
ograenntee: do you actually have a k7 ? ;) then you should stick with it12:39
StarScreamogra, i can deal with broken packages...if its just a case of manually installing libs or a dpkg or two12:39
StarScreamto fix it12:39
ennteeogra: well i have an xp 180012:39
ograenntee: was kidding :)12:39
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ennteeogra: humor in a help channel? man, #debian seems so far away.12:39
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StarScreamorgra i might just try using the dpkg from hoary and risk it..worst case is that i will have to upgrade to hoary.12:40
ograStarScream: decide yourself...there were ppl that were very unhappy...others were fine....hoary is in steady flux, so it _could_ break badly....12:40
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GotD0ti just recently upgraded to hoary and now whenever i run a 3D accelerated game X crashes12:43
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StarScreamogra, yeh i'll take my chances with installing the packages manually for now..can i get them via ftp?12:43
GotD0tanybody hear anything similar?12:43
ograGotD0t: daniels has packaged new (hoary) ati and nvidia drivers....12:43
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GotD0togra: where would i get these/12:43
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ennteeIs there a way to do apt-pinning in ubuntu? I'd like to have hoary packages available when I need them, but use warty by default12:43
ograGotD0t i386: deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~daniels/ l-r-m/i386/12:43
ograenntee: its not suggested to mix hoary and warty and not supported.... but its apt :) with all functions ....12:43
ograenntee: so its possible....12:49
StarScreamenntee, whats apt-pinning?12:49
ograenntee: ubuntu is a stabilized snapshot of sid.....12:49
ograenntee: and tewaked a little bit ;)12:49
ennteeogra: yeah, i know. sometimes i'm just too impatient when something new comes out12:49
ennteeStarScream: it's a way to tell apt what to favor.12:49
ennteeStarScream: there's some howto's available if you google for apt-pinning.12:49
ograenntee: ubuntu has a 6 month release cycle for stable :) i'm fine with that12:49
ennteeogra: i'm not really happy unless my system randomly breaks12:49
ograenntee: go for hoary !!!12:49
ennteei'm sure i will eventually12:49
ograenntee: break it !! (and report it indeed *g*)12:49
ennteemy gf will hate me, but that's alright.12:49
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ograenntee: hmm..... i have a second machine for hoary....thats better than family wars *g*12:49
ennteeogra: hehe, yeah.12:49
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Quest-MasterDarnit, this sucks12:55
=== AElfwine [~chatzilla@lns-vlq-12-62-147-164-132.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
SmokingFirewhats a light weight linux that is able to play real media streaming and is ok with 48mb of ram? Like the linux version of win98 but better.12:55
StarScreamSmokingFire, try vector12:55
SmokingFireStarScream: thanks, will look12:55
crimsunor damnsmall linux12:55
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StarScreamSmokingFire, Slackware will work too but you have to play with it a bit and be careful what you install12:55
LinuxJonesSmokingFire, damn small linux and icewm outta do it12:55
StarScreamor yeh DSL12:55
crimsunmaybe movix?12:55
crimsunalthough I think that's geared toward divx and not rm12:55
StarScreamreading http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/PinningHowto but i have no /etc/apt/apt.conf12:56
SmokingFireLinuxJones: StarScream I'm not to familiar with linux and the hardware is pretty old but standard. And dsl is no problem as it is dsl but the modem uses built in router and dhcp capabilities.12:56
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crimsunSmokingFire: DSL == DamnSmall Linux12:57
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StarScreami meant DamnSmallLinux12:57
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egon_spenglerStarScream, You just create the apt.conf file with the pinning preferences in it12:57
AElfwinedoes anyone knows if nvidia driver can be installed on ubuntu_AMD64 ?12:57
StarScreamegon_spengler, thanks...new to ubuntu/deb12:57
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egon_spenglerStarScream, New to ubuntu myself, but not debian12:58
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dadhello can someone tell me how to mount a cd on dtop ?12:58
dadall i get is must specify filesystem even though i -t auto it12:59
ogradad: should happen automatically12:59
ogradad: if you put it in12:59
dadone would think so Ogra12:59
Rene_SThese Ubuntu cd's are kinda spiffy in there little sleeves, I seen the skinny stud has made his return on the cover01:00
ogradad: happens for me on all my systems01:00
dadim on a G4tower?01:00
dadif that makes a diff01:00
Rene_SDont jump01:00
ogradad: with a default install ?01:00
daddvds mount cds dont01:01
ogradad: i have a g3 imac at the office, works there too01:01
TheStuffdad, did u checked /etc/fstab ?01:01
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ogradad: what kind of cds ?01:01
Quest-MasterIs there any way I could reinstall Mplayer?01:01
dadno i havent thestuff thnks ill have a look01:01
ogradad: iso01:01
Arrrrhas anyone ever successfully run NVU in Ubuntu?01:01
ogradad: or mac formatted ?01:01
ArrrrI got this error message: ./nvu-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:01
Rene_SQuest-Master, apt-get remove mplayer, then apt-get install mplayer01:02
kentQuest-Master, use synaptic to install it again?01:02
netmonkArrrr, i am and it works perfect for me01:02
dadnope just ordinary dvds and cds i burned with data01:02
TheStuffdad, also u may use mount command to mount any drive or partition u want01:02
Arrrrnetmonk: did you get that error message?01:02
ograQuest-Master: sudo apt-get install --reinstall mplayer01:02
dadi tried mount -t auto /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom01:02
dadgot a specify filesystem error01:02
netmonknever, just installed ti from synaptic and that was it01:02
dadsorry ogra burned on a mac\01:03
ogradad: -t iso966001:03
Arrrrnetmonk: are you talking to me???01:03
ogradad: -t udf01:03
dadso no -t?01:03
Arrrrnetmonk: is nvu in synaptic?01:03
Quest-MasterThe following packages have unmet dependencies:01:03
Quest-Master  mplayer: Depends: libggi2 (>= 1:2.0.5) but 1:2.0.4-3 is to be installed01:03
Quest-Master           Depends: libpng10-0 (>= 1.0.17) but 1.0.15-6ubuntu1 is to be installed01:03
dadthnkee i'll take a gander01:03
netmonkyes, Arrrr, sorry. "never, just installed ti from synaptic and that was it"01:03
Quest-MasterBut I apparently have libggi2 and libpng10-0 both installed01:03
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Arrrrnetmonk: i can't find it in synaptic...01:04
ograQuest-Master: (>= 1.0.17) but 1.0.15-6ubuntu101:04
netmonkArrrr, just a sec01:04
Arrrrcan you send your apt.sources to me??01:05
ograQuest-Master: thats the actual version.....01:05
ograQuest-Master: it wants 1.0.17 but can get only  1.0.1501:05
ograQuest-Master: which marillat repository did you enter in synaptic ? testing or unstable.....you need testing01:06
netmonkArrrr, sorry! you are right, I built it from source - I got it from www.nvu.com01:06
Arrrrnetmonk: ah .. ok ok01:06
Quest-MasterCan I add both testing and unstable?01:06
Quest-MasterOr just testing?01:06
Arrrrnetmonk: thx!01:06
ograQuest-Master: just one of them01:06
ograQuest-Master: in your case testing01:06
netmonkArrrr, no problem - not much of a help, sorry ;)01:07
dadmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/cdrom,01:07
dad       or too many mounted file systems01:07
ogradad: hmm01:07
dadan unfortunate message i have seen rather a lot01:07
TheStuffdad,  ur problem is how to use mount command .. try to check man mount01:07
Arrrrnetmonk: which version are you running??01:07
netmonkArrrr, warty01:08
netmonkhas anyone heard of a distro called BetrIX - distrowatch sais it's a live cd based on Ubuntu?01:08
ograTheStuff: its a mac formatted CD01:09
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Arrrrnetmonk: no.. i mean, the version for nvu01:09
netmonkArrrr, Nvu - version 0.50 (20041006)01:10
dadperhaps mount -t udf /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom is correct?01:10
Quest-Masterftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ <-- this is Marillat right?01:10
Arrrrnetmonk: thx! i'll try it now.01:10
=== AElfwine [~chatzilla@lns-vlq-12-62-147-164-132.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheStuffdad, would copy me in private ur fstab ? or send it all01:10
netmonkArrrr, good luck ;)01:10
TheStuffdad, would u copy me in private ur fstab ? or send it all01:10
ogradad: if the cd is udf formatted.... else iso966001:10
ograQuest-Master: yep, the url....01:10
Quest-MasterI do have it under testing01:11
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dadvery nice of you guys   paste here? might be a little long/01:11
AElfwinehow can I install kernel sources of ubuntu to install a new driver ?01:11
ograQuest-Master: and no other foreign sources (or hoary stuff) ?01:11
ogradad: in #flood please01:12
Quest-MasterDon't think so01:12
dadchannel flood?01:12
ogradad: yep, thats what its for :)01:12
ograAElfwine: what kind of driver ?01:13
AElfwineogra : nvidia driver01:13
mane1thanks for all ogra01:13
Quest-Masterogra: Nope, I don't have any foreign sources01:13
dadbit of an old newb im afraid  lol and where might this channel be?where is this fstab beast?01:13
mane1bye everybody01:13
ograAElfwine: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto01:13
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ogradad: /join #flood01:14
AElfwinegreat ogra ,01:14
AElfwineyou are a good guy ;)01:14
ograQuest-Master: hmm, uni and multiverse are enabled ?01:14
ograAElfwine: thankes :)01:15
dadwell i think its up ogra san01:15
socommWhatever happened to bonobo.01:15
AElfwineI 've been looking for a link like this for a long time01:15
Quest-Masterogra: Yep.01:15
ogradad: oh, sorry , could you repost ? i was to slow01:15
ograsocomm: wfx couldnt bear the costs, it ate a lot of bandwidth01:16
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socommogra: lame.01:16
ograQuest-Master: try stable instead of testing then....ths will depend on older versions of the libs01:17
dadoh ok doing01:17
Quest-MasterFor universe?01:17
Quest-MasterOr marillat?01:18
ogradad: looks ok....01:18
ograQuest-Master: matillat01:18
StarScreamk, i added my apt.conf and hoary sources, ran apt-get -t hoary install xfce4  but it says its still the newest package01:18
StarScreameven after apt-get update01:18
dadi guess i cant edit fstab and change noauto to 1 or something?01:18
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ogradad: nope....you could change it to auto....but that would automount it on boot :)01:19
ogradad: the two numbers are for the fs checks on boot01:19
dadi think im too old to use linux lol01:20
ogradad: try pmount /dev/hdc , what does that give you01:20
ogradad: how old ?01:20
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Quest-Masterogra, same errors01:21
Quest-Master Depends: libggi2 (>= 1:2.0.5) but 1:2.0.4-3 is to be installed01:21
Quest-Master           Depends: libpng10-0 (>= 1.0.17) but 1.0.15-6ubuntu1 is to be installed01:21
ogradad: thats ok :)01:21
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dadgives same as before error01:21
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Arrrrwhat should i do if i get this kind of error message in ubuntu: No package 'gtk+-2.0' found01:22
dadrather annoying really as I have a lot of files on cds i wanted to bring over to ubuntu01:22
ograQuest-Master: hmm, did you refresh the package lists ? i.e. apt-get update01:22
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Quest-Masterogra, sure did.01:22
ogradad: and you are sure the CD is ok ?01:22
dadfine it mounts splendidly on osx01:22
dadactually its a dvd i burned with data01:23
ogradad: could you try it with a data cd ?01:24
Quest-Masterogra, could there be any other media players that support XVid, DivX, and all of those other win32codecs?01:25
ogradad: btw i'm half as old :)01:25
StarScreamk i have hoary in my apt sources file as well as warty but apt-show-versions -p xfce4 still returns only the warty version01:25
ograQuest-Master: i think totem-xine does it01:25
dadmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,01:25
dad       or too many mounted file systems01:25
StarScreamyet if i run apt-get update i can clearly see it updating hoary01:26
ogradad: hmm.....weird01:26
Quest-Masterogra, hope it works :)01:26
dadyes rather difficult all this linux stuff01:26
ograQuest-Master: for me it does .... it just has no mozilla plugin....01:26
Quest-MasterThis doesn't look good01:27
Quest-MasterI'll paste what I got when trying to install totem-xine in #flood01:27
Arrrrhow to install gtk2 in ubuntu?01:27
Arrrrwhich package??01:27
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ograArrrr: its already there by default...alll your desktop is gtk201:27
StarScreamArrrr, you can do apt-search gtk201:27
Arrrrhmm.. but when i try to compile nvu from source, it complains about gtk201:28
StarScreamArrrr, if your compiling stuff you want the -dev version01:28
StarScreamArrrr, is nvu not in apt?01:28
dadfunny that dvds will mount automatically and cds wont01:28
Quest-Masterogra: Any idea what that means?01:29
StarScreamhmm furry muff...01:29
birmefunny nick... I thought that you all guys were frustrated01:29
ograArrrr: sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel01:29
dadi was frustrated once in 195201:29
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Arrrrogra: what's that package for??01:30
ograQuest-Master: that looks like a common error from hoary...strange...you are sure your not using hoary ?01:30
dadi suppose i had better google this problem some more01:30
ograArrrr: pulls in all needed dev packages for gnome desktop apps (incl gtk2-dev glib-dev etc)01:31
StarScreamenntee, were you doing apt-pinning before or was it some one else?01:31
Quest-MasterI'm not using Hoary?01:31
Quest-MasterWell, I shouldn't be01:31
Quest-MasterIs there a way to check?01:31
dadnot having a p2p for linux is awful:) no Sinatra no beethoven01:31
ograQuest-Master: do you see hoary anywhere in your repository list in synaptic ?01:31
StarScreamdad what p2p do you want?01:32
ogradad: what kind of p2p ?01:32
billytwowillyHi, I've got an athlon xp 2700 that keeps making the "i'm overheating" siren noise. I replaced the cpu fan/heatsink with something much better and it still does it. Also, running at full load it comes nowhere near the overheating temp. Any ideas what could be wrong?01:32
Quest-Masterdad: Use BitTorrent :)01:32
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dadpardon ? is there a p2p?01:32
Quest-MasterUse BitTorrent.01:32
ogradad: lots of mule derivatives01:32
Quest-MasterI'm sure you'll be able to find albums and albums of classical music with it.01:32
StarScreamdad, there is heaps of clients01:32
Quest-MasterBitTorrent happens to be my favorite01:32
dadi sense another battle with bitTorrent get and how do i use this lol01:32
StarScreamdad, just depends which one you want...but yeh bittorrent is better01:32
AlJGod. Ubuntu's soo nice. Any nice recommendable apps?01:33
billytwowillyazureus is awesome.01:33
StarScreamdad just get auzeurus (sp?) its java and x platform01:33
Quest-MasterAzureus is best.01:33
ograQuest-Master: btw, its just a cosmetic error, one of your desktop launchers seems broken....01:33
dadbeing a mac user i just expect all my apps to install automatically and wink at me from an apps folder01:33
dadthen again i wouldnt be learning anything new eh?01:34
StarScreamdad i'm running ubuntu under ppc too..on my ibook..i got sick of the winking apps01:34
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dadfair enough starscream01:34
Quest-Masterogra: Coesmetic error?01:34
Quest-MasterShould I reboot?01:34
ogradad: ubuntu is not there yet....the menu entry mostly has to be made by hand...but the installing is pretty well already01:34
skullbockscan some one help me cedega ?01:34
dadcan i synaptic azureus?01:34
ograQuest-Master: you are on LINUX01:34
dadyes it looks like fun ogra01:34
skullbocksi am trying to play war301:35
=== billytwowilly hasn't figured out how to hand edit the gnome menu yet.
ograQuest-Master: you only reboot if you update your kernel or your hardware ;)01:35
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StarScreamQuest-Master, dont reboot01:35
StarScreamnix isn't made to be rebooted....01:35
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StarScreamhowever for some reason apple insist on rebooting after every minor update too come to think of it01:36
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Venkerhi there01:36
Quest-MasterWell, what's the fix then?01:36
Matt|quick hoary question. I have unresolvable dependencies from the package "openoffice.org-debian-files". What should I do? it's annoying me to have one package which doesn't update01:36
CraHan_just installed mdnsresponder and the new gnome-sharing app that uses rendezvous01:36
ograQuest-Master: find the broken desktop launcher :)01:36
CraHan_now the ibook detects the share through rendezvous, but it can't access it01:36
Quest-MasterHow to do that? :P01:36
CraHan_keeps saying the file can't be found anymore01:36
ograQuest-Master: dunno.....01:36
CraHan_Matt|: you using dselect to install packages?01:37
StarScreamanyone here familiar with apt-pinning?01:37
ograQuest-Master: look for foreign programs, it does not happen with supported apps01:37
CraHan_otherwise I think you can ignore it for a day or so until it's updated01:37
CraHan_should follow through nicely after that01:37
dadi got bittorrent from syanptic i think now how do i start it?01:37
Matt|CraHan_, nope synaptic01:37
StarScreamdad get a torrent file01:37
Matt|CraHan_, how come? it's been like this for a few days01:38
Quest-Masterogra: Only programs open are Nautilus, X-Chat and Gaim.01:38
CraHan_Matt|: ah sorry, don't use thta myself, but you should be able to mark a package fixed so it doesn't try to upgrade01:38
StarScreamdad, then type bittorrent torrentfile..or if you have a gui for it01:38
ograQuest-Master: the launcher.....01:38
StarScreamthen open up the torrent01:38
CraHan_Matt|: no idea, just noticed it here today myself01:38
Matt|CraHan_, ah ok01:38
ograQuest-Master: did you create any menu entrys ?01:38
Matt|shall i whinge in devel?01:38
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Quest-MasterI don't think so01:38
dadummm from where? I just want to start something like my usenet reader on osx or acquisition01:38
ograQuest-Master: or is there any app you installed that created one ?01:39
melazyboyMan the new evolution in hoary is a piece of shit01:39
Quest-MasterMPlayer is one01:39
melazyboyeven for devel01:39
StarScreamdad, not sure i understand what you mean sorry01:39
Gnobodyis there anyway to restore a the Windows XP boot loader from linux on a fat32 drive?01:39
ograQuest-Master: maybe thats the evil one01:39
Matt|melazyboy, yup01:39
dadhehe id like to be able to download some music01:39
Quest-MasterUninstall it then?01:39
Arrrrdoes anyone know if i can defragment the file system in linux?01:39
ograStarScream: he wants to know how to start bittorrent gui01:39
StarScreamGnobody, fdisk /mbr ?01:39
Matt|melazyboy, i have some problems with evolution - occasionally it just randomly disappears01:39
Matt|Arrrr, no need01:39
Matt|Arrrr, that's for windows :)01:40
CraHan_gnome seems to have this admin-share app but it doesn't work01:40
melazyboyMatt|: I mean so much so that its disguisting this should be prealpha, Matt| jclick contants and right click personal..01:40
Arrrroh ok th01:40
StarScreamdad, ah ok well bit torrent is slightly different to other p2p programs01:40
Matt|melazyboy, hang on01:40
CraHan_it asks for the root password at startup and since ubuntu doesn't have root enabled it bails out01:40
melazyboyMatt|: And i really need it =/ bah ill need to find a new contant book01:40
CraHan_has anyone gotten this app working?01:40
Arrrrwhy linux does not need defragmentation?01:40
ogradad: it has a weird appname ... i dont remember it...wait a sec01:40
GnobodyUnable to open /mbr01:40
StarScreamdad basically you get a .torrent file from a website01:40
Matt|melazyboy, that works ok with me01:40
GnobodyI accidently deleted ntldr01:41
StarScreamthen you open the torrent file with your chosen bittorrent client01:41
Gnobodyfrom linux01:41
Matt|Arrrr, the file system does not fragment easily01:41
StarScreamand it starts downloading01:41
Arrrrbut it still fragments, right?01:41
CraHan_isn't it 'btdownloadcurses torrentfile'?01:41
melazyboyMatt|: Don't know why it crashes for me then i imported maybe 10 contacts, and after i click contacts if i right click the pane above it that says personal it crashes on me01:41
dadoh ok  i have a lot of music on my osx patition but i guess i cant access it01:41
CraHan_or 'btdownloadgui torrentfile'01:41
ogradad: CraHan_01:41
StarScreamdad yeh you can,01:41
dadreally? thatd be great01:42
Matt|melazyboy, oh well. Sometimes I left click on the view window of emails and it just disappears ;)01:42
CraHan_afaik bittorrent is started as either btdownloadheadless, btdownloadgui or btdownloadcurses01:42
CraHan_depending on what interface to bittorrent you need01:42
Matt|CraHan_, yeah that's right01:42
StarScreamdad there is 2 ways, the easy way and the hard way...the easy way is to install an ext2 module into osx01:42
ogradad: look what he writes01:42
usualget gnome-bittorrent01:42
GnobodyStarScream is there a way I can restore NTLDR01:42
Venkerbittornado rules! :)01:42
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StarScreamthen mount it and copy it to your home dir01:43
ogradad: open a terminal and run: btdownloadgui01:43
Gnobodyfixboot on the XP cd from the recovery console doesn't help01:43
CraHan_headless I never used, curses gives you a semi gui in a console and the gui version is a gtk interface01:43
StarScreamGnobody, i dont know of the top of my head sorry, i haven't used windows since 98 :)01:43
daddid that ogra need wxpython installed error01:43
gsonis there anyway to convert an ntfs filesystem to an ext2/ext3 filesystem without destroying all the current data on it?01:44
ogradad: ouch.....01:44
usualogra, gnome-bittorrent works great01:44
dadthnks starscream01:44
StarScreamdad if you download azureus its a nice gui01:44
Quest-MasterTotem can run my DivX movies01:44
Quest-MasterThe videos are really bright and the color is off though01:44
dadok ill try01:44
StarScreamdad and its java so its easy and has barely any deps01:44
ograusual: is it in warty ?01:44
Quest-MasterAny way to fix that?01:44
Quest-MasterAzureus is a reason why we should code apps in Python and Java :)01:44
usualogra, I don't think so but someone made ubuntu packages, i found it in the wiki01:44
StarScreamdad http://azureus.sourceforge.net/01:45
ograusual: great !01:45
gsonis there anyway to convert an ntfs filesystem to an ext2/ext3 filesystem without destroying all the current data on it?01:45
CraHan_Quest-Master: preferences, second tab (display), bottom01:45
_|Imanewbie|_does anyone here has another distro worth mentioning? Im wondering about installing another distro01:45
CraHan_Quest-Master: there's options there (sliders) for brightness; contrast and saturation/hue01:45
StarScreamdad oh crap your on an OSX box ?01:45
ogradad: something to read: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GNOMEBittorrentGUI01:46
StarScreamsun dont make a java PPC linux version01:46
usualI use it01:46
usualworks great01:46
StarScreamand apple dont make a linux ppc version...downsides of non-OSS software01:46
LinuxJonesgson, can you move the data to another partition then format as ext3 then move the data back. You can't convert ntfs>>ext* as far as I know.01:46
CraHan_dad: if you're using OSX then you get the OSX bittorrent package here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bittorrent/BitTorrent_OSX_3.4.2.dmg?download01:46
Quest-MasterThanks a bunch CraHan01:47
Quest-MasterI am now finally set to watch my anime :D01:47
CraHan_Quest-Master: no problem`01:47
StarScreamCraHan_, i think he's Ubuntu PPC01:47
CraHan_StarScream: ah ok01:47
StarScreamCraHan_, i wish sun would just OpenSource java...would make life a fcsk load easier01:47
CraHan_was playing with the Xorg dropshadows and transparency and holy shit is that stuff slow :)01:48
Quest-MasterPython is the best :D01:48
dadwhere do i untar azureus?01:48
StarScreamyeh Xcomposite is slow atm...but when they add the opengl backend it will be quick01:48
CraHan_StarScream: yeah I know :(01:48
CraHan_StarScream: unfortunately my toshiba has a cyberblade/XP card which isn't 3D accelerated.  Well it is, but it's not supported in linux :/01:49
dadthanks crahan i think im switching to overload old brain danger will robinson mode01:49
StarScreamdad in yer home dir, but what i was saying before is that I dont think you will be able to run it if your under a PPC Linux as sun dont make java for PPC and getting the version from IBM is painful01:49
CraHan_so no OpenGL for me01:49
ograCraHan_: tecra 8XXX ?01:49
dadaha another gotcha ;)01:49
CraHan_ogra: satellite pro 460001:49
mike8901how would you guys suggest i give away my 500+ ubuntu cds?01:49
StarScreamCraHan_, then composite wont help you at all i'm afraid01:49
ograCraHan_: oh....01:49
CraHan_StarScream: yeah that's what I was afraid for01:49
StarScreamxdamage might though01:49
ograCraHan_: they also had cyberblades.....01:50
GnobodyYou need to enable RenderAccel01:50
LinuxJonesmike8901, how did you get 500 ubuntu cd's ?01:50
StarScreami have a crappy ati 7500 in this POS laptop and i can only use the framebuffer01:50
Gnobodyit makes xcomposites fast01:50
Venkerso... how are the X.org running under Ubuntu?01:50
Venker(I'm using Debian Sarge now)01:50
CraHan_Gnobody: but doesn't renderaccel require some form of 3D acceleration?01:50
StarScreamCraHan_, yeh it does01:50
ograVenker: in the unstable branch01:50
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StarScreamGnobody, his card doesn't support it01:51
Venkerunstable branch is Hoary?01:51
CraHan_Gnobody: don't have 3D support for my card under linux; so I'm stuck I'm afraid :/01:51
Gnobodyget a new card01:51
CraHan_Venker: yup01:51
dadthanks a bunch fellas think i might fire up osx and get a bit of work done  cheers01:51
CraHan_Gnobody: laptop01:51
Venkerthanks :)01:51
Gnobodywhat card is it?01:51
Gnobodydoes it support 3d in windows?01:51
hk-alfahi, squid cache is mount on /var/spool/cache as debian?01:51
StarScreamdad if you need help feel free to come back...it took me a while to get linux going on my ibook01:51
CraHan_there's been a whole discussion about this card a year or so ago01:51
dadi will  much appreciated01:52
StarScreamso i know linux PPC isn't the easiest thing01:52
ogradad: youre welcome everytime :)01:52
StarScreambut its worth it if your mainly using X11 apps under OSX anyway01:52
CraHan_Trident refused to release the specs forthe card without the devs signing an NDA01:52
GnobodyWhy do people run PPC Linux what is wrong with OS X?01:52
CraHan_so they didn't go forward and just went for plain 2D acceleration01:52
StarScreamGnobody, slow, clunky and gets in yer way :)01:52
CraHan_Gnobody: I use OSX on the ibook01:52
CraHan_I use linux/gnome on the toshiba01:52
socommGnobody: Something to do.01:52
StarScreamGnobody, and it doesn't have Gnome/KDE/XFCE :)01:52
Gnobodyhow slow is it?01:52
CraHan_Gnobody: I find it very comfortable01:53
Gnobodyit can't be as slow as KDE on a modern g401:53
CraHan_of course that's a matter of opinion :)01:53
StarScreamGnobody, its fast..if you have a G4 but on a g3 linux is much quicker01:53
socommStarScream: There are ways to install those on almost any OS.01:53
CraHan_I use OSX and fink for any linux utils I'm missing01:53
GnobodyYou can USE X11 on OSX01:54
CraHan_yeah you can01:54
CraHan_OSX comes with its own X11 server01:54
Gnobodyso why put linux on01:54
StarScreamsocomm, yeh but i was using only x11 apps and i had to run aqua underneath it all01:54
CraHan_I use X forwarding a lot on this machine01:54
StarScreamwhich was pointless since linux runs much better on my g3 80001:54
CraHan_isn't it possible to just install Darwin and then install the X apps on top of that?01:54
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StarScreamthat and apple dont make wireless drivers to go into monitor mode01:54
CraHan_from the GNUDarwin stuff?01:54
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StarScreamCraHan_, yeh probably, but if your doing that..you may as well run linux anyway...quicker install01:55
Gnobodydoes anybody have point2play with cedega?01:55
CraHan_I don't think this rendezvous stuff on ubuntu is ready yet :)01:55
CraHan_better ditch it and wait for it to become a bit more stable01:55
Gnobodyrendezbous for X86?01:56
CraHan_StarScream: point taken01:56
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ograWOW, who pointed me to gnome-btdownload thats a really grat tool01:56
socommWhat is redezvous?01:56
Gnobodyogra is a bit torrent client01:56
CraHan_Gnobody: yeah there's this mdnsdiscover app which together with a gnome file share thingy enables you to share a public dir in your $home over rendezvous01:56
aquariusI admit that this is strictly a Gnome 2.8 question, but how can I put a panel applet of some kind in the far right corner of the top panel with a warty installation?01:57
LinuxJonesogra, bittornado is much better :)01:57
StarScreamdont get me wrong OSX is great...but when your coming from linux to OSX, it can feel a little restrictive...especially since i use kde so i have EVERYTHING gui related customized01:57
socommogra: Linkage?01:57
ograGnobody: i know, but someone pointed me there...i'm just looking at it....nice integrated already01:57
CraHan_aquarius: make sure the other applets aren't locked, if they are, right click on them and then select unlock.  Then middle click on the applet you want to move and drag it to the corner01:57
StarScreamCraHan_, i think gnome 3 will do that when its released01:57
CraHan_StarScream: I'll wait then :)01:57
StarScreamCraHan_, could use samba01:58
ograCraHan_: that could take years ;)01:58
CraHan_StarScream: yeah but there's this app in gnome in ubuntu now called admin-share or something01:58
CraHan_if you start it, it asks for the root pass01:58
ograCraHan_: i think they will follow the 2.xx for a while.....01:58
CraHan_and since ubuntu doesn't have a root user enabled by default it'll fail :)01:59
aquariusCraHan_, ahaha! Unlock! I didn't know about that. Thanks!01:59
CraHan_aquarius: np01:59
aquariusAnd now I have a window selector widget. Hooray!01:59
ograsocomm: ubuntu pkg ;)  http://www.sury.org/ubuntu/01:59
CraHan_it's under System Tools and it's called shares01:59
StarScreamCraHan_, sudo passwd root01:59
CraHan_StarScream: yeah but shouldn't it be made to function without that?01:59
CraHan_so the regular joe can use it?02:00
CraHan_maybe through gksu?02:00
ograCraHan_: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo02:00
CraHan_lemme check that out :)02:00
StarScreamCraHan_, hmm why does it need root perms?02:00
StarScreamif its designed for end lusers02:00
CraHan_no idea, but it's asking for them02:00
StarScreamare you sure it doesn't just need it for the initial set up02:01
CraHan_it says 'to run this tool you need administrator privileges' and it asks for you to enter your root password02:01
ograCraHan_: it should ask for your password, else its a bug, report it02:01
Quest-MasterWhen doing a mount, how can I mount it for users too?02:01
StarScreamsee if you can find the projects home page and check out the docs...i'd say that would be your best bet. I can't imagine they would make an end user tool that need root perms02:01
CraHan_it doesn't ask for the users password02:02
StarScreamit could just be to crank up the daemon02:02
CraHan_it wants the root pass02:02
ograCraHan_: what happens if you use the user pw ?02:02
StarScreamanyhoo, me bed now..02:02
CraHan_ogra: fails, says it's incorrect02:02
mike8901then its right...02:02
mike8901you need the ROOT password02:03
mike8901not the users password02:03
CraHan_yeah I know02:03
mike8901soo... whats the problem?02:03
CraHan_but since ubuntu is built around the sudo concept02:03
CraHan_sholdn't it be changed?02:03
ograCraHan_: file a bug, it uses gksu where it should use gksudo ... this is on hoary ?02:03
CraHan_so it uses gksu mike8901 ?02:03
CraHan_ogra: yeah02:03
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sidneycan anybody tell me how to set the default sound output device?02:04
ograCraHan_: so go on... you found a bug....squash it ;)02:04
CraHan_ogra: yeah adding gksudo in the properties dialog fixes it :)02:04
Arrrrnvu compilation takes agesssssssssss02:04
ograsidney: whats wrong with your sound ?02:04
CraHan_ogra: that's bug nr 3 I filed so far ;)02:04
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ograCraHan_: but you should report it....then it gets fixed in the pkg02:04
sidneyI have two devices but the sound isn't going out the one I want. How can I change which one it goes out?02:05
CraHan_always happy to help though02:05
CraHan_ogra: doing that now02:05
ograCraHan_: great02:05
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sidneyogra, any ideas?02:06
ograsidney: hmm, probably through the load order of the modules of your sound devices..... do you know the modules the two devices use ?02:07
Arrrrwhat's a good firewall program for ubuntu?02:08
socommArrrr: iptables.02:09
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Arrrrcommand line????02:09
socommArrrr: you probably want firestarter.02:09
ograsidney: the sound output will always use /dev/dsp , the first sounddevice detected claims this device node i think02:09
socommArrrr: yes iptables == commandline02:09
LinuxJonesArrrr, you can try firestarter it's a gnome based gui02:09
SuperQI'm a pirate02:09
SuperQdamn.. need to figure out ubuntu+bluetooth02:10
sidneyogra, soundcore, snd, snd_pcm, usbcore02:10
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socommSuperQ: http://google.com/linux02:11
sidneythose are what i get when I look at lsmod02:11
SuperQsocomm: heh.. duh02:11
ograSuperQ: dig through the mailing lists...packages exist......02:11
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SuperQogra: yea.. i'm looking at some of it02:11
SuperQi found some packages02:11
SuperQbig problem is, the Treo 650 and the T5 changed their hotsync protocol02:11
sidneyogra, I have internal speakers and a usb soundcard02:11
SuperQneed to see if anyone has come up with patches for gnome-pilot02:11
ograsidney: look for something like snd-blah123  or post the output of: lsmod|grep snd         to #flood02:12
CraHan_bug filed :)02:12
ograsidney: oh02:12
=== ogra taps CraHan_s sholder :)
limauniondoes anyone know how can i change the icons (the image i mean) from gdesklets' starter-bar ?02:13
SuperQ.11.8 doesn't seem to work02:13
SuperQ(of pilot-link)02:13
sidneyogra, I'll put it on #flood02:13
ograsidney: great02:13
GnobodyI know I souldn't ask this but could somebody DCC me Point2Play?02:14
Quest-MasterIs there a program similar to Add/Remove Programs in WinXP here in Ubuntu?02:15
Quest-MasterBesides Synaptic, it doesn't have a lot of the programs which are really installed02:15
socommQuest-Master: apt-get remove package02:15
Quest-MasterIs that the only way?02:16
Gnobodydpkg -r02:16
ograsidney: snd_ali5451 is one and snd_usb_audio is the other......02:16
Gnobodydpkg is more powerful02:16
socommQuest-Master: bach + rm02:16
CraHan_time for me to get to bed02:16
Quest-MasterLike, 85% of my partition is already used02:16
ograsidney: i guess you want the external sound.....02:16
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CraHan_I'll see you all later =)02:16
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socommLinux is getting boring.02:18
sidneyogra, yes02:18
melazyboyis there anyway to disable gxines stupid ass warning about wmf files02:18
RuffianSoldierUbuntu is going to blow away Linux02:18
ograsidney: do you need the internal sound ?02:18
Quest-MasterSee, there are programs that CAN'T be removed with dpkg or apt-get02:18
Quest-MasterSuch as the games that are included like Ataxx and Solitaire that I want to remove02:18
socommRuffianSoldier: really, does ubuntu have a new kernel in the works?02:18
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: Ubuntu is a LINUX distro...02:19
RuffianSoldierbut its going to break the mould02:19
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ograsidney: sudo echo snd-ali5451 >>  /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/alsa-base02:20
ograsidney: should prevent the internal sound from loading02:20
melazyboyif your trying to test alsasound you can just pipe urandom to aplay02:20
sidneyogra, and If I do need to get the internal sound back?02:21
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melazyboycat /dev/urandom | aplay02:21
ograsidney: if it doesnt work, remove the last line from /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/alsa-base (i.e. sudo gedit /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/alsa-base)02:21
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sidneyogra, check out flood; is that normal?02:22
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ograsidney: yep02:22
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socommRuffianSoldier: is this a Microkernel, or Monolithic kernel?02:23
ograsidney: these are the deprecated oss modules that arent used anymore....so they are blacklisted to prevent collisions with alsa02:23
sidneyogra, so what does the last line have to do anything about anything?02:23
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socommRuffianSoldier: Or a hybrid kernel? That would be so 1337!!!!102:24
ograsidney: the command i gave you adds snd-ali5451 as the last line02:24
RuffianSoldiersocomm, naa, they have something up there sleeve02:24
sidneyogra, the command, i get "Permission denied"02:24
socommRuffianSoldier: o.O02:25
ograsidney: so if you remove it again the module gets loaded on next boot02:25
socommRuffianSoldier: W00T!02:25
Quest-MasterWhere is the fstab file located?02:25
sidneyogra, well, gedit did it for me02:25
socommRuffianSoldier: I'm gonna be like "H4X T3H PL4N3T!!!1" when it's released.02:25
ograsidney: just add it with sudo gedit /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d/alsa-base02:25
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ograsidney: i forgot you have to use tee if you use echo with sudo, sorry....02:26
sidneyogra: so a restart is needed?02:26
socommRuffianSoldier: heh, I'm just playing with. Anyhow I gotta go, cya.02:26
ograsidney: you can remove all the sound related modules manually....a reboot is faster :)02:27
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sidneyogra, heh thanks for all your help!02:27
MacRohardSuperQ, meh. it's not that great ;)02:27
SuperQMacRohard: heh02:27
ograsidney: hope it works :)02:27
SuperQMacRohard: sup02:27
MacRohardno much02:27
SuperQMacRohard: damn.. i can't seem to find the pilot-link cvs tree02:28
wood1Hi all02:28
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SuperQMacRohard: I guess they have some kind of working T5/Treo650 code in there02:28
wood1Can somebody tell me the basics to setup PGP for my Emails02:28
MacRohardSuperQ, it's prolly on sourceforge02:28
SuperQpilot-link files on sf are old02:29
SuperQwood1: you first need to generate a key02:29
SuperQwood1: have you done that02:29
Quest-Masterogra: can you tell me in #flood if this is the right way fstab should be?02:30
SuperQwood1: you're running ubuntu right?02:30
ograSuperQ: would multisync do it ? there are realtively fresh packages....02:30
Quest-MasterI want the Windows partition to be mounted as soon as I start up too btw02:31
ograQuest-Master: put the two zeros in, like on the other lines02:31
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SuperQogra: dunno, but i guess all the gui apps like gnome-pilot depend on the pilot-link libs02:32
ograSuperQ: ah, i thought you wnated to sync evolution.....02:32
sidneyOGRA! You are the master. Kudos!02:32
ograsidney: :)02:32
sidneyThanks bud!02:33
ograsidney: just good guessing (and a bit experience ....)02:33
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SuperQogra: i do02:33
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MacRohardSuperQ, maybe it just isn't being worked on02:34
SuperQogra: gnome-pilot has an evolution conduit02:34
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SuperQMacRohard: mailing list says that .12 (.11 is current) is being worked on for T5 and hopefuly Treo650 support02:34
ograSuperQ: could these help ? http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/ubuntu/02:34
SuperQogra: maybe02:35
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SuperQogra: i havn't used the multisync stuff before02:35
asubediare there any hoary livecds yet?02:35
tyranois there a TeX or LaTeX editor in ubuntu02:36
SuperQtyrano: probably in universe02:36
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bonzaiu can use kile02:36
ograSuperQ: i just followed the thread on the ML.....02:36
SuperQogra: ok02:36
SuperQogra: thanks02:36
ograasubedi: sure02:36
SuperQogra: whichh list02:36
Rene_SHmm, there is no gdk-pixbuf-2.0 in warty or hoary ?  Can't make gdesklets without it.02:37
ograasubedi: hoary...., oh, no....sorry02:37
ograasubedi: i was to fast02:37
ograSuperQ: ubuntu-users02:37
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ilmariRene_S: it's in libgtk2.0-dev02:38
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ilmarilibgtk2.0-dev: /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gdk-pixbuf-2.0.pc02:38
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Rene_Soh, ok thanks02:38
=== dad_ [~dad@p4044-ipad07motosinmat.mie.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu
dad_hi fellas02:39
LinuxJonesdad_, hiya02:39
dad_pretty addictive this learning stuff02:39
ogradad_: hehe02:40
dad_i was on osx and i thought hey i havent touched the keyboard in 5 mins im bored lol02:40
ograRene_S: if you compile more often you may like to install gnome-core-devel02:40
dad_now can someone please tell me where all my apps are so i can add them to the menus?02:41
Rene_Silmari, thanks alot, I had all the libgdk things installed except that one02:42
ogradad_: first on creating menu entrys: open the file manger (Computer->disks) and type ctrl-L02:42
ogradad_: in the popup type:  applications://02:42
Rene_Sogra, normally i would have used the available deb, but for some reason I could not make it work02:43
Rene_Sogra, thanks for the tip though I probably will do that now, just in case02:43
ogradad_: there you see your applications menu....if you rightclick now you have the opion to create a launcher or folder in the menu02:43
dad_ooh look lotsof colour02:43
bonzaido u know a way to get g++ less strict ?02:44
bonzaii try to compile thread program02:44
dad_should i create a launcher?02:44
bob2bonzai: "less strict"?02:45
bonzaii mean i have written a code02:45
ogradad_: apps normally install their executables in /usr/bin if you installed a package that hasnt created a launcher, look in synaptic in the poackage deatiuls02:45
bonzaii compile it at school02:45
bonzaibut on my box i can't02:45
ograweird typing today....02:45
bonzaiso i would to configure g++02:45
melazyboybonzai: Welcome to the wonders of coding...02:46
bob2bonzai: sounds like you need to fix your code02:46
bonzaii try02:46
dad_can i go straight to/usr/bin?02:46
melazyboybonzai: check the version of GCC at school vs at home, as well as glibc, those tend to be the decisive factor in unix platform compatability02:46
bonzaibut i picked up basic example on the net02:47
bonzaibut i can't compile any of them02:47
ogradad_: you could go too....but i would use synaptic....for the start and look at the specific package you want a launcher for.....02:47
melazyboyie gcc 2.9x will not compile the same code gcc 3.x will compile and vise versa, thats why gentoo sucks, because half of its packages are for 2.9 other for 3.x and no telling if you will get a clean stable compile or not =D my opinion of coarse02:47
dad_i dont see any paths in synaptic when i look at installed package details just version02:48
melazyboybonzai, btw GCC isn't c++ its c, try g++02:48
mike8901melazyboy: this could be solved by having both gcc 2.9 and gcc 3.x on the system and designating which to use in the ebuild02:48
bonzaii tried g++02:48
bonzaibut the worst part is02:49
bonzaithat the code is for QNX02:49
bonzainot for linux02:49
bob2bonzai: maybe you should just paste the error to #flood instead of making vague comments about "errors"?02:49
melazyboymike8901: It _could_ be but its not, and probably won't ever happen, look at all of the shitty rpm distros still around when we have the pico and dbf pkg management systems...02:49
melazyboybonzai or erxz.com/pb02:49
ogradad_: hmmm, i have five tabs in the details....02:50
bonzai/tmp/ccTPz53M.o(.text+0x39): dans la fonction  main :02:50
bonzai: undefined reference to `pthread_create'02:50
bonzaithats a typicall error02:50
jdubdistro comparisons elsewhere please :)02:50
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dad_ah ok properties i see them02:50
=== gloin_ looks around for someone to kick in the shins
ogradad_: one is called installed files....02:50
dad_yes i see it02:51
melazyboyjdub: I don't see how its off topic,, if someone asks why i chose ubuntu over the other distros i state one of the biggest reasons is i'm fed of with RPMs...02:51
ogradad_: look for /usr/bin and you got the executable.....this one you can fill in the launcher (with /usr/bin)02:51
jdubmelazyboy: it's unnecessary here, there are lots of other places to talk about that stuff. thanks.02:52
KeyserSozehey fellas is there a netinstall for amd64?02:53
KeyserSozea mini.iso for adm6402:53
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jdubKeyserSoze: we don't have netinst images for any arch.02:53
jdubKeyserSoze: there are netboot images for tftp booting02:54
LinuxJonesNetinstalls are Awesome !!02:54
dad_right thanks a lot ogra02:54
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dad_i installed systemutils but dont seem to be able to run it02:55
KeyserSozejdub: fabbione gave me a link for a mini.iso for i38602:56
KeyserSozewondering if there is one for adm6402:56
LinuxJonesKeyserSoze, a netinstall for Ubuntu ?02:56
jdubKeyserSoze: they're not official02:56
melazyboybtw here is a bug in hoary, after upgrading to hoary the link to evolution is changed on the applications menu in gnome but not on the top panel which will remain pointing to v.2.002:57
jdubmelazyboy: it's filed.02:57
ograQuest-Master: ?02:57
KeyserSozethere we go02:57
KeyserSozejdub: that doesn't concern me02:57
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KeyserSozejust wanna get a base install02:57
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jdubKeyserSoze: use a netboot image, or download the CD and type 'custom' at the install prompt02:58
KeyserSozeI don't want to download the cd02:58
KeyserSozethats the whole point02:58
=== gloin_ has kicked KeyserSoze in the shins!
gloin_where's yer tag...02:58
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KeyserSozemy tag?03:00
KeyserSozemy clan tag?03:00
gloin_let's just say there appears to be more than one KeyserSoze03:00
gloin_or you're on more than one irc network03:01
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Rene_SWow compiling gDesklets was a lot like work :(03:01
Quest-Masterogra, could you look at my fstab in #flood?03:02
dad_noone know how to start sysutils?03:03
dad_or alternatively is real player available for ubuntu?03:04
ogradad_: sysutils is a system package that is not for users ;)03:04
dad_no music is driving me nuts hehe03:04
ograQuest-Master: post it03:04
Quest-MasterIt's in #flood03:04
dad_oh i got it from synaptic it said a collection of little system monitoring apps03:04
LinuxJonesdad_, you have no sound at all ?03:05
dad_yes great sound thnks to you guys harmon kardon soundsticks  just no internet radio or bbc on real player03:05
dad_bbc is a time warp i can listen to all the reruns of shows when i was a kid03:06
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dad_ie pre ww203:06
ograQuest-Master: its still the same....03:06
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mgoosehello all03:07
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LinuxJonesdad_, you can goto real and download their latest media player.03:07
mgoosecan somebody help me set up my DSL to work on ubuntu?03:07
Quest-MasterYeah, is that ok or does anything need to be changed?03:07
Quest-MasterI want it to be mounted at startup and be available to the users03:07
dad_i tried that linux but i couldnt get it installed due to my being a total klutz03:08
LinuxJonesmgoose, have you tried ppoeconf ?03:08
mgooseI have Verizon, but i dont see and DSL configuration packages around the menus03:08
mgooseand obviously no way to get them with apt03:08
mgoosedo I need to dl rp-ppoe?03:08
ograQuest-Master: it should be ok, but for cleanness you should add the two zeros like all the other lines have03:08
ogramgoose: pppoeconf03:09
dad_ill try again03:09
LinuxJonesdad_, you can just install it to your users directory, then adjust the file associations to point to the app in your home dir.03:09
mgooseok ty, and what would the command be once its installed?03:09
ogramgoose: pppoeconf :)03:09
mgooseheh excellent03:10
mgoosefigures :-/03:10
mgoosethx again03:10
ogracome back if you got issues... someone here will help :)03:10
mgoosesounds great :-)03:11
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dad_cannot execute binary file?03:14
mike8901is there any other linux distro that gives out cds like ubuntu does?03:14
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Gnobodynot that I know of03:15
=== mike8901 loves his 5 packages of ubuntu cds
dad_realplayer linux .bin file cannot execute binary file error LinuxJones03:16
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mike8901how much did it cost to ship it?03:16
mike8901from zurich to us03:16
Gnobodydad_ change the permissions on it03:17
Gnobodyright click it03:17
Gnobodyand check execute03:17
LinuxJonesdad_, you need to goto console and chmod 770 filename.bin03:17
Gnobodyor that03:17
stuNNedis there a .deb to set up realplayer 10?03:17
bigbubbawhat is a good window manager for a p3 450mhz computer i have heard of fluxbox and tried it but it seems very very minimal and i haven't a clue how to set it up to look right :( i can hardly read the font on it. if anyone is willing to help or point me to a website for reading on how to setup it up that would be great thanks03:17
GnobodyXFCE pwnz03:18
Gnobodyespecially 4.203:18
dad_under the file props i have execute permissions?03:18
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LinuxJonesGnobody, 4.2 looks awesome03:18
dad_what is the correct file extension for executable?03:21
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ogradad_: there is none..... you can use every file extension03:22
ogradad_: linux uses file _rights_03:22
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dad_ooook....well unfortunately i cant open realplayer bin at all03:23
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_|Imanewbie|_where can I find the description for using gbittorrent in ubuntu?03:23
dad_even after chmodding03:23
ogradad_: is it for linux ppc ?03:24
ultrakornehile_, there is someone unlucky like i am with a smart battery on his laptop?03:24
dad_yes it is03:24
dad_oh wait let me check03:24
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dad_perhaps not the download just says linux03:25
dad_excellent catch03:25
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ogradad_: have a look at streamtuner it knows a million radion stations....03:26
dad_oops following the yellowdog.com link still doesnt tell me if its ppc or not03:27
dad_yeah ? okie dokie03:27
ogradad_: and already has a menu entry  ;)03:27
ogradad_: if you install streamripper too, you are able to record :)03:28
dad_veeeery nice  hehe  works a treat03:29
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Matrix_anyone know the link for manually going thru ubuntu's pool03:31
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Matrix_to download an app say..03:32
Matrix_have it , its ok03:32
ograMatrix_: why dont you use synaptic ?03:32
_|Imanewbie|_does anyone here uses bittornado?03:32
Matrix_cause im in a net cafe and dont have inet access at home :)03:32
ogra_|Imanewbie|_: this one looks nice: http://www.sury.org/ubuntu/03:33
ograMatrix_: ah, understand... but if the package has dependencys it wont work to just install it03:34
ograoh....blind me03:34
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dad__ogra streamtuner is stunning03:35
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ogradad__: knew you would like it ;)03:36
dad__my soundsticks are sooooo loud   even at lowest system vol03:36
jindDoes anybody know of some good cd burning programs to gnome?03:36
dad__ubuntu is growing on me like a mould03:37
ograjind: nautilus burns data cds just fine......audio is lacking a bit03:37
jindNothing for audio?03:37
jindI need that03:37
jindI could always install k3b, but then I would not have a pure gnome system03:38
housetieras long as it works03:38
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ograjind: i started a little mp3 , ogg burner app, but its still very young and doenst work on all systems....03:39
jindDoes anybody know of a gnome cd burning project to come later on then?03:39
FSK405CAnyone been able to get Ubuntu running on Virtual PC on OS X?03:39
ograjind: there is coaster....but no audio yet03:39
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jindHmm, I guess k3b is my best bet03:39
georgiaFSK405C: why not just run the ppc version of it?03:40
ograjind: and rhythmbox will have audio burning in the next gnome release i heard03:40
ograjind: btw: next gnome release == next ubuntu release ;)03:40
_|Imanewbie|_Does anyone has a good film suggestion?03:40
Gnobodyis there anyway to speed up page loads in firefox?03:41
jindGnobody, get a faster internet line03:41
ograjind: regard this.... for k3b : https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-05.2946111988/03:42
GnobodyI have a 5MB line03:42
GnobodyI hardly think it is my line03:42
ograGnobody: double it :)03:42
jindogra, thanks mate :)03:43
ograGnobody: to prove it :)03:43
ograjind: but if you like to test, feel invited: http://www.grawert.net/software/mrburns/03:43
jindI was looking for exactly that site03:43
mike8901* ion has joined #sp03:44
mike8901<ion> today's my birthday03:44
mike8901<deMoN> yo happy bday man ;)03:44
mike8901<ion> thanks, my dad brought me a new case home from his work today03:44
mike8901<ion> ok, it's not a new case, it's my old one...i didnt like the gray metal frame so i wanted to change the color03:44
mike8901<plague> What color?03:44
mike8901<ion> gold. i was going to spray paint it, but it would have ended up melting. so my dad said he'd take it to work03:44
mike8901<ion> he works at this metal coating place03:44
mike8901<ion> just brought it home today. looks awesome03:44
mike8901<plague> So you have a gold plated tower?03:44
mike8901<ion> no it's not gold...something else...let me go ask03:44
mike8901<ion> copper. it's copper03:44
mike8901<plague> Copper plated?? Is it running right now?03:44
mike8901<ion> no dude...on my other pc..i just finished hooking up the mobo and stuff, i'm about to start it03:44
mike8901<ion> stand back03:44
mike8901<plague> Before you turn it on...I think you should know something...03:44
mike8901* ion has quit IRC (No Route to Host)03:44
mike8901<plague> Copper is a conductor of electricity.03:44
mike8901<deMoN> think we should have told him?03:44
mike8901<zeff> nah, it's funnier this way.03:44
mike8901<plague> of course...<>03:44
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jindogra, i have bookmarked it for later :)03:45
jindFirst k3b, then perhaps i'll take a look at your project to see how it works :)03:46
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stuNNedso if running hoary is it safe to uninstall fam if using gamin?03:57
KeyserSozeanyone know whats up with the enlightenment package on hoary?03:59
dad__any espresso fiends here?03:59
KeyserSozecan't install it03:59
melazyboywtf is wrong with my damn comp every time hit ctrl+tab it opens 100 tabs in moz03:59
KeyserSozesays package is not available03:59
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dad__espresso machines are great04:01
dad__thanks for all the help bye bye for now04:03
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, you running hoary ?04:03
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melazyboyLinuxJones: Yes, i know i probably deserve it, but hoary was working fine 10min ago.04:03
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melazyboyand i haven't upgraded in 15min..04:04
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, muuaahhhhh :)04:04
melazyboyso why can't god just give me a little breather on this one04:04
melazyboybefore i give the computer some swimming lessons04:04
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, move back to warty it works fine :D04:04
melazyboyLinuxJones: Was expecting that...04:05
melazyboyLinuxJones: thats makes you predictable....04:05
melazyboyLinuxJones: And thats something hoary lacks.04:05
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, I had Hoary installed for about an hour, I feel ur pain :D04:05
melazyboyLinuxJones: Wow i found the problem04:06
melazyboyLinuxJones: And its interesting.04:06
melazyboyLinuxJones: Aparently when i had 100 copies of totem running, the program randomly crashes because totem blows balls and it should never have made it into Hoary, and it some how interfered with the way moz captured keystrokes, i hit alt+tab once and got 122 tabs04:07
LinuxJonesapt-get --purge remove totem :)04:08
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melazyboywhat exactly does purge do that remove doesn't?04:09
melazyboythat kills all *totem* packages rather than just totem04:09
vera1removes all the config files and directoryies04:09
Arrrrhas anyone successfully compile nvu in ubuntu?04:09
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, it deletes config files etc...04:09
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, total removal04:09
Quest-Masterogra: It mounts my Windows partition perfectly, but only su can still access it04:10
melazyboysee if i do that it tries to remove ubuntu-desktop04:10
cefremoves the program and all related data, like config files, data files (sometimes asked about at install time), etc04:10
melazyboywhich probably isn't a good idea04:10
Quest-MasterIn the options in fstab, shouldn't "user" allow users to access the mount?04:10
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, that's ok it's just a metapackage04:10
melazyboyLinuxJones: What if in the future they add more packages to ubuntu-desktop04:11
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egon_spenglerQuest-Master, Try umask0000 instead04:11
melazyboyapt-get dist-upgrade won't receive them.. because it removed the distro encapsulating package?04:11
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, it will probably want to re-install it but, hopefully Hoary will be stable by then :D04:12
Quest-MasterInside the options?04:12
melazyboyLinuxJones: I would think otherwise,,, my idea on it is because ubuntu-desktop requires totem, it will remove the meta package totem, and you will have to specify to get the newer ubuntu-desktop, rather than running a dist-upgrade command for a full upgrade04:13
egon_spenglerTry /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows ntfs,umask0000 0 004:13
melazyboyerr remove ubuntu-desktop04:13
LinuxJonesmelazyboy, I was joking, when you run unstable distros you have to sometimes put up with problems04:14
Quest-Master/dev/hda2       /mnt            vfat    rw,umask000004:14
Quest-MasterAnd then a 0    0 after it04:14
Quest-MasterOn the next line04:14
Quest-MasterIs that correct?04:14
melazyboyQuest-Master: ... shoulen't the command in fstab be a simple users,rw04:14
cefLinuxJones: yeah, like not being able to boot.. *sigh*04:14
LinuxJonescef, ?04:14
Quest-MasterOh, users instead of user, hehe04:14
Quest-MasterLet's see if it works now04:14
melazyboy/dev/hda2 /mnt ntfs rw,users04:14
LinuxJonescef, you upgraded and now can't boot ?04:15
cefLinuxJones: when I upgraded a box recently to hoary, the machine lost it's kernel04:15
cefI was actually thinking about reinstalling it recently anyway04:15
cefwanted to use lvm04:15
cefbut I was going to wait till the install cd's arrived..04:15
LinuxJonescef, stick with Warty it has LVM04:15
gsonis there anyway to convert an ntfs filesystem to an ext2/ext3 filesystem without destroying all the current data on it?04:16
melazyboyI regret upgrading to hoary, i jsut don't care enough to switch back04:16
LinuxJonescef, LVM is on by default for me not that I use it :D04:16
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cefLinuxJones: nah I was just trying out hoary for other reasons.. hence why I'm not worried.. just upgrading stuff and finding the kernel isn't there anymore is no fun04:16
georgiagson: not as far as i know.04:16
gsonk, fuck:/04:16
melazyboygson, only with a temporary partition, tpmfs, or another intermediary partition04:16
LinuxJonesgson, no you will have to move your data then convert the partition to ext3 then move the data back. afaik04:17
gsonno good then:)04:17
cefLinuxJones: grub had 2 entries for the kernel, neither actually could find a kernel on disk04:17
melazyboygson well you could make a script that does it,,,, i imagine it would take a very very long time though04:17
gsonheh yepp:)04:17
gsonheh tnx anyway:)04:17
=== Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
LinuxJonescef, have you looked @ the ubuntu lists this is a known problem I seem to recall04:18
Quest-MasterNope, same thing04:18
melazyboymove 1gig to tpmfs, resize ntfs 1gig smaller, new partition 1gig, move data from tmpfs restart04:18
Quest-Master/dev/hda2       /mnt            vfat    rw,users04:18
LinuxJonescef, there might be a work around somewhere04:18
cefLinuxJones: yeah.. I know how to fix it.. but I was planning on reformatting the machine anyway04:18
cefLinuxJones: ie: going to lvm.. just sort of pointing out to people to be careful before rebooting04:18
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alka_trashanyone using bmp?04:19
LinuxJonescef, it's usually less work to re-install than to fix stuff in development releases :)04:19
coastiecould i get some help setting up a ppp connection?04:19
alka_trashanyone want a deb for playing wma files?04:19
ironwolfcoastie: sudo pppconfig04:19
alka_trashI just built it using hoary04:19
alka_trashworks well here04:19
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Quest-MasterCan I just put the umask0000 inside the options?04:20
LinuxJonesalka_trash, wma is trash use .ogg04:20
coastieironwolf: sweet thanks....is there something in that so that i can specify my modem?04:20
ironwolfcoastie: I believe so.04:20
alka_trashLinuxJones: I agree, but I have some old rips in wma04:20
coastieok thanks...getting ready to do the install.04:20
alka_trashand I always run into web sh!t that uses that format04:21
LinuxJonesalka_trash, I think you can convert them but not without some quality loss :(04:21
Quest-MasterAnyone? ;-;04:21
melazyboyQuest-Master: man fstab|grep user04:21
Quest-MasterReformatting fstab(5), please wait...04:22
Quest-Master       boot time), ``user'' (allow a user  to  mount),  and  ``owner''  (allow04:22
melazyboythe comand 'user' as an option will allow users to mount the filesystem04:23
melazyboynow do the same thing and grep for umask.04:23
Quest-Masterman umask|grep umask?04:23
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melazyboyit's not a trick excercise04:24
melazyboyit shoulden't find anything04:24
melazyboyand for a good reason, its not option (not one i have ever seen if it is)04:24
melazyboyQuest-Master: I believe the fstab file differs from 2.4.x to 2.6.x the format for mine would be the following04:25
Quest-MasterOk, what I want to do is let the Windows partition be mounted at startup automatically with users being able to view/execute/edit files in it04:25
melazyboy/dev/hdb1 /mnt/win vfat user,rw 0 004:25
Quest-MasterSo, would /dev/hda2       /mnt            vfat    rw,umask1000 do it?04:26
Quest-MasterI tried rw,user and rw,users and it still didn't work. :\04:26
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melazyboya) don't use mnt it has other files in it, might not work at all04:26
melazyboytry this Quest-Master04:26
melazyboy/dev/hda2 /mnt/win vfat rw,users,auto04:26
melazyboy/dev/hda2 /mnt/win vfat rw,users,auto 0 004:26
melazyboythere we go04:26
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melazyboynow make a folder 'win' in /mnt04:27
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melazyboycd /mnt; mkdir win04:27
mgoosehello again guys04:27
ironwolfsup mgoose?04:27
mgooselol, what are the chances, looks like i arrived right on time!04:27
Quest-MasterCould you join #flood and tell me if my fstab file is correct then?04:27
mgoosei was gonna ask how i mount a fat32 part04:27
melazyboyQuest-Master: One sec04:27
melazyboyQuest-Master: I fucked up04:28
melazyboyQuest-Master: Take out that auto, its default =/04:28
melazyboyyea ill join #flood04:28
mgooseit seems ide support is not in the kernel? i /dev/hda1 shows file not found04:28
ironwolfmgoose: one time use?04:28
=== JDahl [~joachim@68-69-207-20.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
bonzaiwhat can i use to unrar a file ?04:28
bonzaii can't apt unrar04:28
mgoosenope, want to add to fstab, ironwolf04:28
cefbonzai: not in universe?04:28
melazyboymgoose: Thats because its not mounted mgoose, its the location of the harddrive04:29
bonzaicef, no04:29
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mgooseyep, trying to do "mount /dev/hda1 /media/D" fails04:29
cefbonzai: hrm. that needs to be fixed then04:29
melazyboymgoose, create a folder /mnt/drive and type 'mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/drive'04:29
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bonzaiAucune version du paquet unrar n'est disponible, mais il existe dans la base04:30
bonzaide donnes. Cela signifie en gnral que le paquet est manquant, qu'il est devenu obsolte04:30
bonzaiou qu'il n'est disponible que sur une autre source04:30
bonzaia in english04:30
cefbonzai: really should be in main imho.. simply because it gets used by mail scanners like amavisd-new on servers04:30
ZugwrackI am looking for information on who to contact regarding Ubuntu PPC development...04:30
LinuxJonesmgoose, >> http://kitech.com.my/ubuntu/4.10/index.html#gettingstarted     see >> Windows << section04:30
cefbonzai: you could download rar from the rar people. they have a linux version.. binary only I'm afraid04:30
bonzaiok thx i'll chack that04:31
mgoosethanks, LinuxJones04:31
s0cksHow is Hoary coming along?04:31
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LinuxJoness0cks, it is not very stable for some :D04:31
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ironwolfs0cks: it's coming well. :)04:31
Zugwrackogra: You around?04:31
ironwolfs0cks: for some... for others not so much I guess. :)04:32
s0cksIt will be plenty stable when it is released04:32
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s0cksSorry I can't be helping at the moment. Kinda busy with alot of other projects.04:32
linux_galorejust tested the ubuntu live CD on my Intel 820 chipset based system works great04:33
s0cksI want my CDs to hurry up and get here.04:33
linux_galoreheh heh got mine04:33
smogave most of mine away already :/04:33
=== jdub has a table full of CDs :-)
Hikaru79I'm trying to install the 'cpdvd' package in Synaptic and I'm getting the following error:04:33
Hikaru79 Depends: transcode but it is not installable04:33
linux_galorewell I finally got my PPC version of Ubuntu thats turning over as we speak04:34
LinuxJoneslinux_galore, you have to install it right NOW :D04:34
Hikaru79Is 'transcode' something I need to manually find and install?04:34
s0cksI need to figure out a way to pad the armrests on my computer chair.04:35
smoHikaru79: It's in the marilliat repositor .. see the wiki page for encumbered packages.  ( http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats )04:35
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Hikaru79I see =)04:35
linux_galores0cks: there is a plastic thing you can buy that sits under your keyboard and has these padded arm rests that come out to the left and right of you04:36
mgoosehey LinuxJones,that website had just general info04:36
mgooseI think I have a more advanced problem as in /dev/hda1 is not there at all04:36
linux_galores0cks: looks like a 1/3 moon04:36
mgoosemaybe i installed the wrong kernel or the proper modules arent being loaded? but i just chose the default options, should be fine04:36
LinuxJonesmgoose, do you have more than 1 hard drive ?04:36
mgooseyes, a IDE and an SATA04:37
linux_galores0cks: make one yourself easy out of some wood04:37
LinuxJonesmgoose, which one is the windows partition , the sata ?04:37
mgoosemy IDE is completely Fat3204:37
mgoosenope, its the IDE04:37
LinuxJonesmgoose, ok 1 partition  or more ?04:37
mgoose1 partition only04:38
mgooseas far as my drives go, in /dev i only seem to see hdc, hdd, and my sata ones04:38
mgoosehdc and hdd are my cdrw/dvd drives04:38
s0cksFixed it04:38
s0cksWith a metal file04:38
Hikaru79OK, so I added the marilliat repository, but now when trying to add the transcode package, i'm missing THESE dependencies:04:38
Hikaru79 Depends: libjasper-1.701-1 but it is not installable04:38
Hikaru79  Depends: libpng12-0 but is to be installed04:38
Hikaru79 Depends: libquicktime1 but it is not going to be installed04:38
s0cksThere were lil sharp things where my cats claws messed it up04:38
LinuxJonesok replace /dev/hda with /dev/hdb on that site I gave you earlier04:39
mgooseok let me see here04:39
mgoose"special device /dev/hdb does not exist"04:40
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linux_galorefinnished reboot time lets see if i can get this laptop running Ubuntu04:41
LinuxJonesmgoose, sorry you have sata I don't know (where/what) that does to naming conventions, I drank too many beer :) Come back tomorrow a.m. I will try to help out :D04:42
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=== s0cks must attend to other projects.
s0cksBusy computer night04:42
s0cksLuckily I have two days before school04:43
mgooseheh ok :)04:43
mgoosebtw, the drive im trying to mount is a fat3204:43
mgooseindeed you must have drank a lil too much :-P04:43
bigbubbaquestion: what is a fairly simply lightweight desktop for a newbie to configure? i have a p3 450mhz  i have looked at fluxbox but its confusing to me :(04:44
mgoosetry xfce04:45
mgooseim not sure how well it will run on your configuration04:46
bigbubbawill gnome seems to just be mamking my system run slow04:46
FSK405Cgeorgia: Cuz ppc linux doesn't support x86 binaries ;)04:46
mgoosebut its reported as being a good mix between being reponsive and easy to use04:46
mgooseyea gnome is slowwwwwww :)04:46
bigbubbafluxbox looks cool but i haven't the slightest idea how to configure it correctly even after trying to understand the documentation04:47
mgoosei didnt even check out the docs04:47
bigbubbai'm gonna go look at it now04:47
mgooseive seen some very cool screenies using flux and the startup time is like 1 second04:47
mgoosebut eh :-/ dont wanna configure it04:47
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mgoosehey bigbubba04:48
bigbubbawell its not that i don't wanan configure it its more of i'm not sure how to i'm having to damn get my grandpa's glasses to even read the screen04:48
bigbubbathe font is so small04:48
bigbubbayes mgoose?04:48
mgoosehttp://www.os-cillation.com/article.php?sid=37 may be a good place to start04:49
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mgoosethe commands on there worked for me just fine, no probs whatsoever04:49
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bigbubbaaww so it is for debian good deal04:49
bigbubbaso your using it?04:49
mgooseas we speak :)04:49
AlJ2Anyone here running ubuntu on a < 500mhz processor?04:49
bigbubbaok gonan go see if i can do the same04:49
bigbubbayou gonan be around if i run into trouble?04:50
mgooseyep yep, good luck04:50
mgoosesure, though ill run if you have major problems :P04:50
bonzaianyone playing Warcraft III on ubuntu ?04:50
bigbubbano biggy i'm totally new to linux but learning alot04:50
bigbubbareading tons of documents and amazed at what it can do04:50
mgooseah same here, same here04:50
mgoosethough ive been lazy about reading the docs mostly04:51
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mgoosehey calamari04:51
AlJ2hey calamari04:51
sivangany body knows how to fix a bad pam error? su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.04:51
calamarihi mgoose04:51
bigbubbawell i dn't know me i look at them and read and read and go damn this sucks haha but brb let me get on my linux box and look at this xfc04:51
=== calamari is now running ubuntu, and it's awesome! I don't know how you got sound running, but it is :)
FSK405CSo anybody got some tips on dealing with the x11 display issues when using Ubuntu in VPC on PPC/OS X?04:51
AlJ2Anyone here running ubuntu on a < 500mhz processor?04:52
mgoosenope, AlJ204:52
FSK405CI would be running on a less than 500 mhz emulated processor ... well I am but having nasty display issues.04:52
calamariI did make one mistake during setup.. when making my user account I told it the username twice instead of typing my real name.  Can I fix that?04:52
mgoosewhy do you have any trouble with it specifically04:52
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FSK405CI have a friend who recommended it for slow processors though - said he was running it on a few 200mhz p2s or some such.04:53
mgoosecalamari: yes, problably in users option04:53
AlJ2500mhz maybe too slow for ubuntu.04:53
FSK405Cor is that 300 mhz...gah like I could remember.04:53
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mgoosethough I dont know quite where it is04:53
bonzaiis there a way to support NTFS partition without recompile the kerne ?04:53
AlJ2Or maybe its just my ram.04:53
mgoosebonzai: are you using the default kernel?04:53
FSK405Calj2: Not according to my friend - might be your ram. I've had positive reports of ubuntu running on ancient hardware :)04:53
linux_galoreok had to play with x a bit but now my iBook M9627 is running Ubuntu04:53
mgoosemines installed fine with ntfs support04:53
bonzaimgoose, yes04:53
calamarimgoose: you're right, thanks :)04:53
mgooseyep, np04:54
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mgoosebonzai: should just work04:54
FSK405Clinux: PPC or emulated x86?04:54
FSK405Clinux_galore, even.04:54
mgooseyou just dont know what to do to use it?04:54
linux_galoreFSK405C: PPC04:54
AlJ2must be my ram. Only 64 mb. :-(04:54
bonzaii try to add the entry in fstab04:54
linux_galoreFSK405C: I put in a new hardisk04:54
bonzaiand i have the maessage04:55
bonzaiNTFS not supported by the kernel04:55
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FSK405Clinux_galore: Sounds like good fun. Never messed with drives in a power book.04:55
linux_galorebonzai: you need to grab a nice GTK based app called Captive.......dont need the kernel to have NTFS support captive does all the work for you even has a nice UI graphical setup tool04:56
mgooseCaptive is if you want write priveledges04:56
linux_galoremgoose: write and read04:56
bonzailinux_galore, thx04:56
mgoosethe default kernel should be able to read it just fine, i thought thats what you meant?04:56
mgooseooh ok nvm then04:56
bonzaii ll take a look04:56
snerfuI have a laptop and the cd drive has seen some abuse, I can boot up to the installer but when I am installing the base system it errors out, I have tried 3 different CD's. How can I get it to install base from the network?04:56
bonzaiyes i just want to read04:57
FSK405CSo no takers for help with display issues on ubuntu in VPC under OS X, hrmmm?04:57
=== linux_galore wonders if Ubuntu have floppy images for a base install like Debian
snerfuThere is something about a network install on the wiki, but its from a tftp boot.04:57
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linux_galorecould you use the Debian 3 x floppy network install floppies and just point it at the ubuntu server I wonder04:58
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mgooselinux_galore that would be pretty cool05:00
=== FSK405C sighs
linux_galoreman Ubuntu is cool on a iBook...Im downloading some more themes05:00
FSK405Cit'd be better on a desktop G4 under vpc :P j/k05:00
calamariit possible to put the Computer menu inside the Applications Menu, then Rename the Applications menu to ""05:01
linux_galoreati driver though is a bit sucky05:01
calamarinever mind, found the convenient help05:01
calamariI'll try it first :)05:02
linux_galorehmm see if I can find a comerical ATi driver05:02
mgooseon the ubuntu repo?05:03
mgoosecan you let me know if you find it and its relatively easy to install05:03
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linux_galoremgoose: there is comercial on on the repo....hmm better power up synaptic05:04
linux_galoreack  so many packages so little time05:04
mgoosealright, will look05:04
mgooseall i have to do is install it and 3d should work?05:04
calamariis there a way to increase my monitor refresh rate past 75Hz?  I know the monitor is capable of it05:07
calamariI don't mind editing a config file if necessary05:07
s0cksNot with Ubuntu I think. Alot of people are complaining about that05:08
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mgoosecalamari, might like to try checking out "sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4"05:08
mgoosehmm i wonder if thats the right file on ubuntu05:09
=== mgoose *checks*
FSK405Cits in there05:09
mgooseoh ok05:09
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palleis there a way that i share my internet connection to a computer on my network running windows?05:09
calamarimgoose: thanks again, I'll check that out05:09
palleyou know how?05:09
FSK405Cbut of course :)05:09
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=== calamari perks up.. ICS?
mgooseno problem05:10
palleis there a way that i share my internet connection to a computer on my network running windows? any1 that can tell me how to do or where i can read about it?05:11
calamaripalle: no need to repeat.. if someone knows they help.. these ppl are great05:11
FSK405Clooking for linkage palle - I've not done that under ubuntu myself05:11
palleare here any professionals in here?05:12
mgoosenot me!05:13
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ironwolfpalle: it's possible, and it's been done before, but it's ugly.05:14
palleohh, it's so hard?05:15
smoI guess it depends if which machine is hosting the net connection? the windows one or the ubuntu one?05:15
gsonjiyuu0|work bah you will hate naruto 110-111 :D05:15
pallethe ubuntu05:15
pallebut i guess i could change to the windows one to if it's impossible otherwise...05:16
ironwolfpalle: I only know 1 person who's made it work.... lamont you around?05:16
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pallecan't you ask him how to do?05:16
lamontpalle: actually, it's pretty trivial...05:17
pallewhat does trivial mean?05:17
lamontalthough I wind up debugging it into existance everytime I need to do it...05:17
smoI can't remember where the option is to enable ip_forward by default .. but iirc that's all it really needs05:17
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lamont(1) configure the second interface05:17
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lamont(2) configure the ubuntu box (iptables) to NAT all traffic originating from the windoze box05:18
lamont(3) turn on ip forwarding (echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward)05:18
lamontsimple. :-)05:18
lamontlet me go dig up some commands for step 205:18
snerfutake a look at netfilter.org they have howtos for that05:19
smofor 3, in /etc/network/options .. changing it to ip_forward=yes   will do the ip_forward line on boot05:19
FSK405Csame trick that works for vpc under windows works for vpc under os x...05:19
FSK405Codd though...redhat and ubuntu both choke on the vpc setup while suse handles it fine...hrmmm...now Im getting curious05:20
lamontpalle: do you have a static or dynamic IP for the ubuntu box?05:20
palleis that a problem?05:20
lamonteasiest thing is to whack google with something like 'iptables MASQUERADE howto'05:20
gsonhehe lamont do you know the standard ports that dcc uses?05:21
lamontgson: no clue05:21
gsonhehe....thats what i though, its fkn hard to get right:D05:21
lamontI know that my firewall blocks it though.. :)05:21
gsonheh yepp05:21
pallewhat is ip-masquerade? what does it mean?05:21
FSK405Cit varies, gson05:22
FSK405Cusually its a specified port range05:22
gsonFSK405C k, what do you use?05:22
gsonso i can check i out05:22
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FSK405Cgson: Under XChat I just use default settings whatever those happen to be...but hold up...I think one client I use to use...had a static set of ports that I opened on my fw05:23
Rene_Smplayer needs multiverse enabled to run ?05:23
Xenguypalle: I used 'shorewall' firewall to set up masquerading/nat -- and I got a firewall out of the deal too ;-)05:23
gsonnice FSK405C would be nice if you can look it up05:23
lamontpalle: basically, you munge all the outbound packets from the windoze box to have the source IP of your ubuntu box's external interface, on some (semi) random port.  The kernel tracks the mapping back to the windoze address, and fixes things back up on the return packets05:23
lamontmind you, doing that with an actual firewall on the machine used to be much more difficult before iptables.05:23
Rene_Serr not run, install rather.05:23
FSK405CIm looking, gson05:23
gsongoodie FSK405C :)05:24
ironwolfthank you lamont :)05:24
jindDoes anybody here know where I can find a mplayerplug-in package to ubuntu?05:24
mgoosewhat sources do i need to install mplayer in ubuntu?05:24
lamontpalle: if you still haven't figured it out in a week or so, poke me... I have to configure NAT on my firewall for a machine here anyway05:24
FSK405C2070-2075 is the range commonly used in ~gags~ mirc05:24
palleokay thnx for the help!05:25
lamontmgoose: mplayer source is in multiverse.05:25
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: cant you simple -> #apt-get mplayer? Worked fine here05:25
jindmgoose, alle mplayer stuff is found at the mplayer homepage: www.mplayerhq.hu05:25
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: apt-get install mplayer I mean05:25
gsonFSK405C k, ill test it05:25
lamonthoary mplayer "just works".  warty mplayer (i386) "just works", for values of i386 == p405:25
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mgooseeh? no mplayer doesnt seem to be in the package store for me05:26
vera1have to add the nerim repository05:26
jindI didn't find mplayer in the ubuntu repositums either05:26
vera1check the wiki on ubuntu.org05:26
jindI downloaded and compiled from spurce05:27
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: go to your sources.lst and uncomment the universe mirrors05:27
mgooseah ic, vera105:27
mgooseok ty05:27
mgoosei think i uncommented everything aldready but will dbl check05:27
vera1get the win32codecs as well05:27
lamont_|Imanewbie|_: it's not in universe, it's in multiverse05:27
Rene_STurns out mplayer will install k7 if you use the marillat testing repo05:27
_|Imanewbie|_lamont: But he can get that from apt just uncommenting that lines right?05:28
lamontonly if he adds 'multiverse' after 'universe'05:28
gsonbah doesnt work:/05:28
gsonFSK405C :/05:28
sivangpalle : you needed help with firewalling/NAT ?05:29
_|Imanewbie|_lamont: where is source.lst placed?05:29
sivang_|Imanewbie|_ : /etc/apt/05:29
_|Imanewbie|_is it "safe" to add multiuniverse?05:29
_|Imanewbie|_sivang: thx05:29
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palleyeah i wanted to be able to share my internet connection with a computer running windows05:29
mgooseno probably not, since its evidently called multiverse05:29
sivangpalle : ah! this is just superb, linux is wonderful for this05:29
mgoosemultiuniverse will probably cause cosmic chaos05:29
sivangpalle : and ubuntu is of no exception :)05:30
palleokay, sounds great =)05:30
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: can a black hole get me in multy universe? =p05:30
sivangpalle : I will send you a link to something very nice, basically this is a script that want a machine with 2 network cards.05:30
pallethat's whatigot05:31
sivangpalle : one nic connected to the outside world, the other to your internal lan or another machine.05:31
gsonwhats the command to see what ports thats enable and thats open05:31
Xenguysivang: what is the script name?05:31
jindlamont, thanks for the "add multiverse after universe" tip :-)05:31
gsonnetstat ?05:31
mgooselol _|Imanewbie|_05:31
lamontjind: np05:31
pallethat's exactly howi got it...05:31
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Adrenalon default install05:31
Adrenalwhere is gaim.pc located?05:31
lamont_|Imanewbie|_: ever read much Heinlein?05:32
_|Imanewbie|_lamont: Nope, why?05:32
lamontmultiverse is a term coined in Heinlein's _Number of the Beast_05:32
pallebut how can u send the script?05:32
sivangpalle : http://www.debian-administration.org/?article=2305:32
_|Imanewbie|_lamont: I like kafka, dostoieviski and all this feel happy authors05:33
sivangXenguy : http://www.debian-administration.org/?article=2305:33
lamontsci-fi is much better for you, of course. :-)05:33
Xenguysivang: tx05:33
_|Imanewbie|_I'm going multiverse better take care with the space debris too05:33
Adrenalwhere is gaim.pc?05:33
lamontdpkg -S gaim.pc05:34
lamontdpkg: *gaim.pc* not found.05:34
mgooseoh dag nammit i installed mplayer but nothing seeems to open05:34
sivangpalle : this is a very basic script to set up a firewall and a frwarding machine that enables a local lan connected through i.e. a hub to one of the nics to use the net within NAT05:34
gsonhm how do i see which port thats enable and open?05:34
Adrenallamont: then how do i isntall plugins?05:34
lamontAdrenal: what is gaim.pc?05:34
sivangpalle : I use this to run my router, a 100mhz old machine and it's rocking. :)05:34
Adrenalwhen i try to install the guifications plugin05:34
Xenguysivang: have you heard of 'shorewall' ?05:34
palleokay =)05:34
lamontI go to Tools->Preferences->Plugins05:34
Adrenalit says i need to find it05:34
Adrenalbut new plugins05:35
Adrenalones i'vd downloaded05:35
bonzaican someone help me to launch Warcraft III ?05:35
pallebut how do i set up the windows computer05:35
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lamontAdrenal: looks like the gaim plugins are in /usr/lib/gaim05:36
sivangXenguy : no, just looked it up in google, looks nice05:36
=== lamont just rolls his own firewalls
_|Imanewbie|_this week I will try to install gentoo, so I must uninstall a OS toget more space, well bye bye windows \o05:36
Adrenalah cheers05:36
Xenguysivang: I'm not sure how it compares, but it may be a bit more comprehensive as a firewall (just my gut feeling tho)05:36
mgooseforget gentoo man, try arch05:37
lamont_|Imanewbie|_: life is too short to compile everything, and hand root to all the web sites hosting software you use...05:37
mgooseyou wont need to spend your life compiling stuff05:37
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: arch?05:37
mgooseyep, Arch Linux05:37
mgoosewww.archlinux.org i think05:37
sivangXenguy : well, the script from that link I gave if pretty small, and does the job (I tested the firewall from the outside as well) but feel free to use whatever suits you :)05:37
mgooseeasier to install too, from what it seems05:37
mgoose(ive installed Arch but not Gentoo)05:37
Xenguysivang: yeah, exactly, it's whatever works, agreed :-)05:38
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_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: has all that optimization stuff they claim to have?05:38
mgooseyep, runs well05:39
mgoosesupport is also pretty good05:39
gsonhow do i kill a windows comp in my network?:)05:40
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: Ive tried debian -> crep installer damm boring to configure, slackware-> good installer and crep maintence, ubuntu-> cool installer, good packges, fast install and I dont feel to be using a "fake" distro05:40
lamontgson: coke in the powersupply has always worked for me...05:40
mgooseoh Arch is very real, i assure you05:40
housetiercan someone confirm that the micromaxx usb/web cam is working in ubuntu? it has an STV0680B-001 chip05:41
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: anyway I will try gentoo first, even if it is just to say it sucks05:41
mgooseand its developers dont "not believe in automatic package dependencies" as I think Slacks maintainer said05:41
mgoosewell its up to you, but id try Arch first and save a few days of your life :-P05:41
mgoosei think i printed the gentoo install manual...... all 102 pages of it05:42
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mgoosebut if that floats your boat, go for it05:42
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lamontinventor of k-rations dead nov 20 at age 100...05:42
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: I'm young I will "waste" some time with gentoo before =)05:42
tvon|x31102 pages? its pretty short IIRC05:42
mgooseheh alllllrighty but remember i warned ya05:42
tvon|x31was when I used gentoo05:43
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zenwhenI tried Gentoo, and found it to be the crashiest Linux I had tried. I tried Fedora, and found it to be the bloatiest Linux I had tried. I used slackware for a very long time and it was perfect, but not easy. Ubuntu is a shiny Debian, and I love it.05:43
zenwhenSlackware will teach you how to *use linux*.05:43
mgooseI am trying to decide btw Ubuntu/Mepis/Kanotix/Arch05:43
mgoosezenwhen: Arch does the same05:43
gsonlamont hehehe:)05:43
Tsjoklathey zenwhen05:43
zenwhenWhen there is not package for a program you want, and there are no instructions, you will know what to do after having run slack.05:44
kensaimgoose, mepis is broken05:44
zenwhenArch has pacman.05:44
_|Imanewbie|_zenwhen: Yeah, but keep in mind Im in university and sometimes I need to install a mystical software I cant waste time solving dependiencies and stuff on scratch05:44
kensaimgoose, stay away from mepis05:44
zenwhenIm not saying its easiest.05:44
mgooseI am glad I gave Ubuntu a 3rd try, sorta05:44
Tsjoklatzenwhen, you got realplayer?05:44
zenwhenOr that its the best,05:44
mgoosekensai: too late, heh05:44
zenwhenIm just saying it teaches you.05:44
lamontmgoose: what happened on try 1 and 2???05:44
mgooseits actually worked pretty well in my experience05:44
zenwhenTsjoklat, yes.05:45
mgoosewell I found it quite boring the first and second times05:45
zenwhenI got the binary from realplayer.com.05:45
kensaimgoose, also live cds installed to hdd makes the worst desktop ;)05:45
zenwhenIt installed fine.05:45
Tsjoklatzenwhen did you use the bin or the rpm?05:45
gsonFSK405C how did you get your dcc work?..05:45
mgooseit didnt configure my network, and i dont like gnome much05:45
gsonbig prob here:)05:45
mgoosebut then i dug it up and tried it again, and even though it doesnt seem to use any special options its pretty responsive05:45
FSK405Cgson: Which client and which platform? For the record - sometimes it just doesn't work eg the problem is on "their" end...05:46
zenwhenTsjoklat, did you have issues with the bin?05:46
mgooseI still don't like the default package selection much05:46
lamontmgoose: the vast majority of the time in a process is spent not using mmx instructions05:46
mgoosedoesnt even come with xmms, to my knowledge05:46
zenwhenI think Ubuntu comes default as a very useable Desktop OS.05:46
gsonye but its not on "their" end, so its prob with my comp heh05:46
FSK405Cif real is the best commercial media player available apple needs to revive qt for java :)05:46
lamontso -mcpu=686 helps on some apps, but generally doesn't do much for you in a typical user's world05:46
Tsjoklatzenwhen no I am on the d/l page... not sure which/what to d/l.... after it finishes do I follow the install instructions in synaptic?05:46
mgooseah ic05:47
FSK405Cgson: What client are you using?05:47
zenwhenTsjoklat, no. You chmod it +x and then run it with "./filename"05:47
lamontmgoose: xmms is in main, dunno if it's in the seed or not.05:47
_|Imanewbie|_just a point about gentoo giving root access to sites, well doesnt debian and even ubuntu do the samething?05:47
lamontmgoose: not seeded - you have to install it if you want it.05:47
zenwhenIt will guide you through the rest. You should sudo to install it.05:47
mgoosewell yea it was easy enough to apt-get it but its sorta wierd that they dont install it by default05:47
TsjoklatPlease visit http://scopes.real.com/real/player/unix/unix.html Select 'Linux 2.x (libc6 i386) RPM'. Download it, and ensure permissions are appropriate. It should be called rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2_rpm. When prompted, enter the directory you downloaded it to (defaults to /root).05:47
lamontalthough the cd player that is installed seems to do pretty welll.05:47
Tsjoklatzenwhen chmod to what? 755?05:48
FSK405Cmakes me so sad to see all this chat about other distros...and no mention of BSD...*cries*05:48
zenwhenchmod +x would work05:48
zenwhenjust to make it executable05:48
_|Imanewbie|_FSK405C: we are talking about linux, BSD is NOT linux =)05:48
mgooseim also disturbed by the fact that my IDE drive doesnt work out of the box.... I havent had a problem with it on ANY other distro05:48
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Tsjoklatzenwhen... keyword: should? :)05:49
lamontmgoose: ???05:49
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: wich distro?05:49
mgooseI still have to figure out how to make it work...05:49
lamontmgoose: my machine is ide-only05:49
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zenwhenTsjoklat, what? :)05:49
lamontmgoose: what controller, etc?05:49
mgoosecontroller? it plugs right in my mobo05:49
lamontand lspci shows what ide controller?05:50
mgooseand its a seagate 160gb05:50
Tsjoklatzenwhen you said: chmod +x would work... I was trying to be 'funny'05:50
lamonte.g.: 0000:00:02.5 IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  5513 [IDE] 05:50
mgoose IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT82 3x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)05:50
zenwhenTsjoklat, oh sorry. ;-;05:50
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: wich problem are you facing? the only "problem" I had with ubuntu is that I had to edit my fstab all manually, the first install was unable to find the other partitions05:51
mgoose^ I had the same problem05:51
lamont0000:00:07.1 IDE interface: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C586A/B/VT82C686/A/B/VT823x/A/C PIPC Bus Master IDE (rev 06)05:51
mgoosebut thats not difficult, though when /dev/hda1 isnt there I start to get worried05:51
lamontthat's on the machine that my 9 year old installed yesterday.05:51
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: lol05:51
FSK405Cnewbie: Yah, right, I'm aware of that but they do share a common heritage.05:52
mgooselamont: thanks but how does that help me05:52
_|Imanewbie|_FSK405C: what do you mean?05:52
calamariwhen I drag a window around it leaves trails, is that on purpose?  If is it, can I remove the trails?05:52
Tsjoklatargh only two hours until the bin is finished ... yah!05:52
mgooseits probably a slower machine/graphics card, calamari05:52
=== [NK] KimJong`afk is now known as gloin
=== gloin has kicked FSK405C in the shins!
mike8901mmmmmmmmmmmmm calamari ghaahaaaaa05:53
lamontmgoose: I expect that 'fdisk /dev/hda' should be happy, no?05:53
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GotD0thow do you make certain apps load at startup05:53
lamontwonder if maybe fdisk didn't like the drive contentws05:53
FSK405Cnewbie: There are patents on how things are done as well as the end result...while how things are done between bsd and linux may differ...the end result is very much similar...a unix like operating system that owns any commercial os :)05:53
calamarimgoose: nvidia ti4200 hope thats not considered slow now hehe05:53
FSK405Cit is slow calamari :(05:53
FSK405C<---suffers from same card :(05:53
mgoose"Unable to open /dev/hda"05:53
lamontany bitchiness from dmesg about it?05:54
calamariseems to be only the terminal that does it, so maybe its just the app05:54
lamontthat is, during bootup, what does it say about ide stuff.05:54
zenwhenMy 6800 doesn't give me any issues. :)05:54
mgooselamont: maybe its all that porn?05:54
calamariFSK405C: seriously?  lol, that was a top of the line card it seems like only a year ago05:54
FSK405Cyep gloin == fifi05:54
FSK405Ccalamari: I know man, I know...I have a ti4600 myself...and...gamers laugh at me now :(05:55
=== gloin laughs at FSK405C for other reasons
gsonFSK405C why ? ive got ti4600 and owns?:)05:55
gsonbest in europe05:56
FSK405Cgloin: Shaddup05:56
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GotD0thow do you make certain apps load at startup05:56
FSK405Cgson: The latest radeon and nvidia cards own the ti460005:56
_|Imanewbie|_FSK405C: last nvidia and radion suport like 10000000000000000000000000000 colours and I'm pretty much sure you dont need half of that05:57
_|Imanewbie|_FSK405C: cause you simple cant see it05:57
FSK405Cnewbie: It's got so much more to do with aside from color depth05:57
lamontGotD0t: Computer -> Desktop Preferences -> Sessions05:57
=== gloin puts on asbestos undies
FSK405Ca lot of it is how fast it can move data across the pipe05:57
_|Imanewbie|_FSK405C: and how much data is moved05:57
=== FSK405C laughs as gloin failed to notice I soaked his asbestos drawers in amonnium triiodide
=== lamont knows some nvidia engineers, will likely buy one of them thar cards next time. (just found out that's where they work...)
GotD0tthanks lamont05:58
lamontGotD0t: np05:58
gloinlol lamont05:58
FSK405Cnewbie: That too...for me Im on a 22 inch lcd...so even my 4600 chokes a bit...05:58
gloinlamont: send me a 6800U if you get a second =] 05:58
FSK405CI'd kill for a G5 and that monster nvidia card they've got in there05:58
lamontgloin: doesn't motorola make that??05:58
_|Imanewbie|_FSK405C: a major problem is thar new games are doing thing like: malloc(*system(totalmemory/2))05:59
lamontgloin: mostly I don't care what the graphics is, as long as it has lots of deep pixels.05:59
lamontwhich is really sad for a former graphics engineer05:59
gsonFSK405C the graphic card doesnt do the player:D...if we talk quake3 works just fine with ti4600 :D05:59
FSK405Cgson: I'm an urban terror addict05:59
gloingson: doom3 likes big fat expensive vidcards that I can't afford05:59
gsonhehe nice FSK405C, do you know zooman ?05:59
gloinand I like to have 350fps in any game =] 05:59
_|Imanewbie|_FSK405C: doom 3 is a piece of $h1706:00
FSK405Cand it doesn't do so well with 1600*1024 with decent options06:00
gsongloin gl hf with that m8:)06:00
mgooselamont: dmesg says "hda: ST3120026A, ATA DISK drive" which is correct06:00
gsonFSK405C heh true:)06:00
mgoosebut I also see06:00
FSK405Cgson: Don't know him...but I've seen the name around06:00
FSK405Cstupid 22 inch display has ruined my fps06:00
gloin<---trying to figure out the doom3 SDK right now06:00
mgoose"VP_IDE: chipset revision 606:00
mgooseVP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later06:00
mgooseVP_IDE: VIA vt8235 (rev 00) IDE UDMA133 controller on pci0000:00:11.106:00
mgooseVP_IDE: port 0x01f0 already claimed by ide006:00
mgooseVP_IDE: port 0x0170 already claimed by ide106:00
mgooseVP_IDE: neither IDE port enabled (BIOS)06:00
FSK405Cand just so people know06:00
lamontmgoose: ew06:00
FSK405Cgloin is a troll :)06:00
=== _|Imanewbie|_ need to sleep
gloinsomeone op me for a second06:01
=== Xenguy is ready to /ignore someone...
mgooseim guessing "ew" is a bad thing?06:01
calamariwell, I'm stumped.. anyone know how I can rename the Applications menu?06:02
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: I think the last really funny game Ive played was stunts06:02
gsonFSK405C then you can help me with my q3 in ubuntu06:02
mgoosestunts? cant say ive tried it06:02
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: take a look at the underdogs06:02
gloingson: you might want to talk to me as I actually play q3 in ubuntu - FSK405C is just setting virtual pc up to run ubuntu06:03
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: how old are you?06:03
FSK405Cgson: I can't...but gloin might be able to...only x86 available to me is virtual pc06:03
gsonwhy tha hell cant i use 120hz in ubuntu? r_Displayrefresh 120 in q3, if i change it to r_displayrefresh in q3 and do vid_Restart, my whole x dies and i have to login once again06:03
FSK405Cso all my trash is emulated06:03
FSK405Cyeah like what gloin said :)06:03
mgoose21 now06:03
gsongloin do you use 120hz in ubuntu?06:03
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: hum... so you should have played stunts06:03
gloingson: you're probably going way out of the parameters of what your monitor can handle with that refresh rate06:03
FSK405Cgloin is a leet q3 on linux guy :) played it under every distro it can be played under, Im sure06:04
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: this game is a myth06:04
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gloingson: leave it at 60 - that's as fast as your brain can interpret anyhow06:04
gsonye think so to, but it worked in windows, might be the driver that makes the monitor to handle 120hz..06:04
gsonhehe gloin :)06:04
mgoosehmm maybe ive played it but dont remember the name06:04
gloingson: seriously06:04
gloinset your refresh to default06:04
gsonwell now i use 85hz06:04
gloinset com_maxfps to 7606:04
gsonthats enough06:04
gloin85 is fine06:04
gloinand 76 is a magic number for fps06:05
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: it a race game you choose a carand build a track with loops, jumps and stuff06:05
FSK405Cmagic number, fifi?06:05
gsonand r_Displayrefresh 85 also then..06:05
glointalk to zane06:05
gloinhe can 'splain it06:05
FSK405Cno screw that06:05
FSK405Cyou can explain it :)06:05
gloinbasically, it has to to do with the mathematics of the q3 engine and something important that I forget06:05
mgoosehmmm sounds fun06:05
FSK405Cyou mentioned it...you baited the hook...I bit...now you reel in :)06:05
gloinbut you actually move faster06:05
gloinif you go 7606:05
FSK405Cyou bsing us man?06:05
gloin27 or LT1 might know06:06
gloinnegative, this is truth06:06
gsonhehe well all i need to know is that have you had the problem when you make a vid_REstart then it just kills x and you have to login again?06:06
gloingson: nope =] 06:06
FSK405CIll get you banned across every underground supporting server if yer jerking my chain06:06
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: but back to gentoo talking, wich is the difference between the kind of access debian or ubuntu provide to their repositories and the one offered by gentoo?06:06
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gsonk ill get it all the time, maybe me cfg thats fucked up in linux :)06:06
gsonall i need to do is com_maxfps 76, r_Displayrefresh 85 and what else?:)06:06
GotD0tanybody know why 3D accelerated games crash X in hoary?06:06
gloinGotD0t: what vidcard?06:07
GotD0tgloin: 9700pro... dual head06:07
gloineek, ATI06:07
gsonthats all i need to do gloin?06:07
gloinno clue GotD0t06:07
gloingson: yep =] 06:07
mgooseI think Gentoo is more up to date06:07
mgooseand has more packages06:08
gloinlol mgoose06:08
gloinever heard of "debian?"06:08
gsonhave you played in windows before? or in other distros?06:08
gloingson: yeah, and yeah06:08
gsonbecause the feeling is so different06:08
mgoosesome guy claimed gentoo has 9x,xxx something packages? thats insane man06:08
_|Imanewbie|_gloin: debian is known for "slow" update rate06:08
mgoosedeb has ~ 16,xxx06:08
gloinand so far, ubuntu is the best of the distros for gaming for me, and any distro is better than windows for q3 and other opengl games =] 06:09
crimsun19k maybe for Gentoo06:09
gsonheh true gloin06:09
gloinmgoose: how many of those packages to you expect to use?06:09
crimsun90k is quite a stretch06:09
_|Imanewbie|_gloin: if they are there to be used I expect to use them all =)06:09
=== gloin doesn't give a rat's arse about the number of packages if they aren't used and if he can do ./configure;make;make install then who cares?
mgoosegloin: all of them!!!!! mwahaha06:10
Rene_SActually Gentoo could claim that they can use any package, anytime, anywhere if your willing to compile it yourself06:10
mgooselol jk06:10
mgoosebut its nice to know that theyre there if i should ever want to06:10
Rene_Sbut then again so can any other linux distro. so arguing is kinda pointless06:10
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gloinubuntu is based upon debian, but is updated a helluva lot sooner than debian is - one of the reasons I don't use deb is because it feels ancient to me.  gentoo is a different animal entirely - I tried it, inhaled even, but ultimately put it down in favor of a binary distro06:11
_|Imanewbie|_Rene_S: we arent "arguing", we are just "discussing" linux =)06:11
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mgoosethats why Arch is so cool, gloin06:11
mgooseit still has the flexibility of gentoo but its binary based06:12
Rene_Sarguing, debating, chatting, discussing all feel the same these days06:12
mgoose686 optimized06:12
gloinI had a look at arch06:12
gloinhappier with Ubuntu06:12
mgooseto each his own06:12
gloindistros are like cars: you pick the one you like based upon asthetics and purpose06:12
gloin=] 06:12
mike8901=] 06:12
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: only thing I get mad about linux is that you must configure video and internet by your self, that is a dumb waste of time06:12
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lamontGotD0t: I expect it's because of X bugs...06:13
gloinyou are a newbie lol06:13
mgoose_|Imanewbie|_,  not on all distros06:13
taeranyone here using ubuntu as a server? Having growing pains w/ debian stable(yes, know of backports.org). I assume it's very debian like from the console(ie, no X)06:13
Tsjoklatzenwhen, if you haven't fallen into a coma by now (because of the exciting convo) it works06:13
mgooseI too am a newbie!06:13
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: most of them06:13
mgoosewhat sort of internet connection do you have?06:13
_|Imanewbie|_gloin: Ive managed to configure xfree in slackware, debian, and some other distros and it didnt gave me any usefull knowledgement06:14
Tsjoklattwo hamsters and a bucket of carrots06:14
Tsjoklathello Rene_S :P06:14
Rene_SSo if Linux is like cars then Fedora Core would be a Lada06:14
gloindon't rip on Ladas like that Rene_S!06:14
zenwhenTsjoklat, rockin. :D06:14
gloinmaybe a Trabant06:14
=== gloin likes his Soviet-made Fiat
mgoose_|Imanewbie|_, you have no business installing linux, us geeks would take joy just at knowing pointless facts like how to configure xfree :)06:14
Tsjoklatthat'sad that an Italian car is made in Russia06:15
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: I prefer to have a X auto-configured and wast my time coding06:15
mike8901thanks ubuntu for 500 cds of ubuntu goodness :D06:15
mgooseis it really? one more thing to add to my random & useless collection of facts06:15
zenwhenmike8901, they sent you 500 cds?06:15
gloinmgoose: it's pointless until you're given the task of setting up thin-client servers across diverse hardware, at which time understanding how to properly-configure X11 is VERY useful06:15
mike8901i dunno zenwhen06:16
=== hornbeck [~hornbeck@adsl-69-155-172-150.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mike8901all i know06:16
mike8901is 5 white packages06:16
Rene_SI like the cd's they were nice enough to provide a live cd too06:16
mike8901didnt count em06:16
Quest-MasterI can't believe they send CDs for free with no shipping.06:16
zenwhenYou requested them?06:16
lamont_|Imanewbie|_: I've configured X on a distro or 2, and was very glad to _NOT_NEED_TO_KNOW_HOW_ for ubuntu06:16
mike8901i requested a lot cant remember06:16
Quest-MasterThat's.. too nice.06:16
zenwhenWhat are you going to do with them?06:16
Quest-MasterI would hate for someone to abuse it. :(06:16
mike8901give em to friends06:16
mgoosemike damn 500 cds? jesus06:16
=== Quest-Master coughs
mike8901hand em out like AOL cds06:16
zenwhenOh cool06:16
Tsjoklatuse 'em as coasters06:16
mike8901i work at a teen center06:16
=== gloin misses AOL floppies
zenwhenI was hoping you werent going to build a throne with them06:16
mike8901i'll jsut be like here take a disc06:16
mgooseI felt bad asking for 10 and not paying for them06:16
gloinat least those were useful =] 06:16
lamontmike8901: 50 cd's per small box...06:16
zenwhenBecause I would be tempted.06:16
KeyserSozeanyone know why the enlightenment package isn't installable in hoary?06:17
_|Imanewbie|_I think they shouldnt send so many cds06:17
Quest-MasterI was going to order one, but felt bad for them having to pay for it on their own06:17
zenwhenAn ubuntu cd throne :O Wiht a lighter and enough time to waste you can make it happen.06:17
mike8901its financed by a MILLIONAIRE06:17
zenwhenI built an AOL cd throne once.06:17
zenwhenThat one dude.06:17
=== gson [~gson@c06452a.j.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
gsongloin nope it died:)06:17
Tsjoklathey Rene_S I caved it06:18
gsonbut i think i know what the prob is06:18
XenguyQuest-Master: www.markshuttleworth.com06:18
gloingson: try moving your config out06:18
gsonbut still one problem that you might had06:18
mgooseit doesnt really matter who its financed by, its the matter of taking someting without payin for it06:18
gsonthe mouse, did you see the walls lagg?06:18
mgoosei wouldnt care if bill gates sent me the damn cds06:18
Tsjoklatif Bill Gates sent me any cds I would use them for target shooting06:19
_|Imanewbie|_hey, will they ever re-open cd ordering?06:19
Xenguymgoose: you've got the wrong idea -- this actually *is* free software (not just as in price)  :-)06:19
mike8901Tsjoklat: bill gates sent me a free copy of vb.net along w/ 2 books06:19
Tsjoklatmike8901 yeah Bill is getting desperate to keep customers :P06:19
zenwhenI hope I get my 10 cds06:19
Xenguymike8901: the first hit is always 'free' ;-)06:19
zenwhenI want a live cd.06:19
gsongloin did you have that problem? with the mouse, when you move the walls are lagging, its all laggy06:19
gloingson: no06:20
zenwhenI hate dialup sometimes.06:20
=== Tsjoklat throws a cd to zenwhen... live... see!
gsonthen my q3 is all fucked:D06:20
mgooseI also hope I get my 10, havent gotten them yet06:20
gsonwhat do you have in com_hunkmegs ?06:20
mgooseI understand about the software being free and all but that doesnt include making a cd and shipping doe sit?06:20
mgooseeh o wells06:20
Tsjoklatzenwhen try dial-up with a house of guys having to d/l porn 24/706:20
=== lamont has managed to unload quite a few
gsonive got 119, might be to high06:20
zenwhenTsjoklat... always taunting me D:06:20
mike8901wow #coolchannel is really cool06:21
zenwhenYou share dialup?06:21
Tsjoklatzenwhen just trying to be helpful *cough*06:21
lamont_|Imanewbie|_: from the topic: CDs order before 12th Nov have been shipped, you can still order CDs06:21
zenwhenhe totally flooded06:21
=== mike8901 [sfdsadffff@ool-4356f52f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tsjoklatzenwhen I share dial-up with boys that are having testerone issues06:22
=== mike8901 [sfdsadffff@ool-4356f52f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguymgoose: like someone else said, the fellow paying for this has multi-millions -- he's not in this project for the money06:22
zenwhenmike8901, perhaps spamming that swastika in #coolchannel is a bad idea?06:22
zenwhenYou seem to be flooding out when you try.06:22
_|Imanewbie|_mgoose: maybe you already answered me, but I could find it on the log... Wich is the difference between the kind of acces ubuntu and debian give to the sites and the one given by gentoo?06:22
mgooseXenguy: true06:22
_|Imanewbie|_lamont: thx!06:22
mike8901zenwhen: pardon?06:23
zenwhenTsjoklat, poor girl. :(06:23
Tsjoklatzenwhen what is that channel you are on?06:23
mgoosehmm _|Imanewbie|_I did sort of answer, but you might want more expert advice06:23
Xenguymgoose: check out his homepage, he seems pretty interesting :-)06:23
zenwhen#coolchannel is the cool channel where mike8901 spams swatikas06:23
mgooseI think gloin would be more knowledgable06:23
mgooseXenguy, will do06:23
Xenguyzenwhen: ugh06:23
gloinme knowledgable?06:24
zenwhenXenguy, he first was so kind to spam the channel name in here.06:24
Tsjoklatzenwhen can I join?06:24
zenwhenIm there alone now but sure.06:24
lamont_|Imanewbie|_:  "kind of acces ubuntu and debian give to the sites"?? (which sites?)06:24
Rene_SI go away for a min and people are discussing Swastika's ?06:24
_|Imanewbie|_lamont: repositories06:24
Tsjoklatzenwhen lol you are? being stoked by mike8901 and his swastikas?06:24
lamont_|Imanewbie|_: so you mean ways of accessing the repositories, or what?06:25
zenwhenyes D:06:25
zenwhenHe wants to hitler me.06:25
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=== Xenguy notes that originally the swastika was a sacred symbol, before the Nazi party dudes got their grubby hands on it...
TsjoklatRene_S you have no idea.. we went from millionairs to Bill Gates to cool to swastikas06:25
lamontGotD0t: I'm not an X expert...06:25
zenwhenThe Ubuntu forums slowed down a lot when the server started crashing all the time.06:26
=== Tsjoklat notes that is was the personal symbol of Tsarina Alexandria of Russia
Tsjoklatif we are going to do history06:26
zenwhenHas anyone seen "The Day After Tomorrow"06:26
zenwhenThat movie is freaking scary.06:27
TsjoklatI just did zenwhen.. awesome06:27
Tsjoklatzenwhen thin story but skip the people... :)06:27
_|Imanewbie|_lamont: I mean why mgoose said that debian and ubuntu were safer than gentoo in the downloand and installing software point06:27
TsjoklatI liked the part where the flag froze06:27
bigbubbacan someone recommend a good desktop enviroment please? fluxbox seems to lightweight, gnome seems like a resource hog06:27
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zenwhenI didnt. Poor flag. :(06:27
_|Imanewbie|_bigbubba: Gnome?06:27
Tsjoklatzenwhen the flag will survive lol.. it just defrosts06:28
_|Imanewbie|_bigbubba: kde?06:28
mgoosewait a minute, i dont remember saying that, lol06:28
XenguyTsjoklat: the swastika symbol has definitely gotten around (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika)06:28
TsjoklatXenguy.. used and abused :)06:28
XenguyTsjoklat: nod06:28
mgoosethe swastika actually came from an indian religious thing06:28
bigbubbais kde better? i just notice that after about 3 hours of using gnome my computer goes to the dogs06:28
egon_spenglerbigbubba try fvwm2, windowmaker, afterstep, or icewm06:28
bigbubbaeverything is slow06:28
zenwhenKDE is most certainly not "better" in any sense of the word.06:29
mgooseTsjoklat, hindi is just a language06:29
bigbubbaok out of those which one do you recommend for a newbie?06:29
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zenwhenSome people may find is subjectively "pretier" but some people also liked the movie "Fast and the Furious".06:29
egon_spenglerbigbubba, Icewm then06:29
bigbubbathanks will check it out06:30
TsjoklatHindu... Buddhism.. you get the idea06:30
bigbubbais there a deb distro on it?06:30
Xenguybigbubba: icewm (or windowmaker if you like quirky but effective desktops :-)06:30
_|Imanewbie|_bigbubba: I dont like KDE personally but I use Kdeveloper3 here so dunno06:30
_|Imanewbie|_bigbubba: a debian package you mean?06:30
bigbubbabasically i want something simple with a little bit of eye candy06:30
bigbubbapackage distro whtaever you get the idea :)06:30
novaburstlet me just say that even though I liked the movie "Fast and the Furious", I like and use Gnome ;)06:30
Tsjoklatzenwhen you use the mouse?06:30
Xenguybigbubba: right, XFCE is another good one06:31
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bigbubbai'm using that06:31
zenwhenTsjoklat, it uses me.06:31
mgooseTsjoklat, well actually I wouldnt, since hindi by itself doesnt imply or equate with any particular religion or any religious theme at all06:31
bigbubbabut i don't like how the panel is06:31
mgoosebut thats just me06:31
Tsjoklatzenwhen you like it?06:31
Quest-MasterHindu does though. ;)06:31
bigbubbaand how its a pain to get the sound slider to work06:31
Tsjoklatmgoose... need more salt? or more slugs?06:31
mgooseone more thing: buddhists would probably not speak hindi06:31
zenwhenMouse, yes. I'm fond of it.06:31
bigbubbalet me try icewm and thanks06:31
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Tsjoklatmgoose no I don't speak Hindi06:31
s0cksHey. Who here owns PDAs?06:31
rexiboyhelo bros an sis06:32
zenwhenI have two monitors and run two x servers, and things would get hairy without it.06:32
mgooseum ok, are you buddhist06:32
Tsjoklatshinto-buddhist mgoose06:32
mgooseah ok06:32
zenwhenOh, really?06:32
calamariwell, now I have a main menu, but I'm not sure how to get the stuff from the Computer menu and put it in a Setup foldere that I created06:33
mgoosedammit how do i strech that panel in XFce out and add the taskbar to it06:33
zenwhenI dont know, I dont like XFCE, but its sorta pretty and really light.06:33
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zenwhenI love Gnome. :))06:33
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Tsjoklatzenwhen but you are using it? even though you don't like it?06:33
Quest-MasterGnome is <306:33
gloinKDE > *06:33
zenwhenI use Gnome.06:34
Quest-MasterI used KDE for many months.06:34
Quest-MasterAnd trust me.06:34
Quest-MasterGnome IS better.06:34
gloinI manage LTSP servers06:34
zenwhenSubjectively, yes.06:34
Quest-MasterKDE is good for people migrating from Windows.06:34
gloinKDE has something there that Gnome does not06:34
zenwhengloin, what you manage does not make your DE choice more important.06:34
mgooseI like KDE much better, easier to get around and makes more sense imo06:34
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TsjoklatKDE looks fab but works donkey balls06:34
Quest-MasterAfter a while, they should get accustomed to Gnome06:34
gloinactually zenwhen for what I do, I need the functionality in KDE06:34
Quest-MasterI agree with mgoose06:34
gloinever hear of the Kiosk API?06:35
gloinit's amazingly useful06:35
zenwhenKDE makes more sense if you can ween yourself off of Windows habits.06:35
gloinand gnome does not have it06:35
Quest-MasterDoes Ubuntuu even work with KDE?06:35
=== gloin also likes the greater degree of customizability with KDE
gloinQuest-Master: I'm using KDE on ubuntu right now =] 06:35
LeeColletonHow do I cause non-interactive ssh to display the output of a program on the remote machine?06:35
mgooseQuest-Master we're all entitled to our wrong opinions :)06:35
Quest-MasterGnome runs so much faster and smoother though than KDE06:35
zenwhenThis is a bad convo.06:35
gloinit also looks and acts like Windows 9506:35
Tsjoklatflame wars06:36
Quest-Master.. lol06:36
rushibhaii'm happy as long as i can open a terminal with screen :-) who cares about kde/gnome06:36
zenwhenReally it is.06:36
gloinopen a new window for each folder that gets clicked on06:36
gloingreat idea!06:36
=== linux_galore finds KDE runs fast finds the gnome is faster than kde thing BS
zenwhenI shouldnt be in it.06:36
_|Imanewbie|_Quest-Master: It WAS true once now I have my doubts06:36
calamaricoming from windows 98, I have to say I like Gnome a lot better than I ever liked KDE06:36
=== Tsjoklat removes zenwhen
zenwhenBecause Ill be immature and Tsjoklat will hit me.06:36
lamontrushibhai: I used fvwm until jdub made me switch to gnome.06:36
lamontwho needs session managers, anyway?06:36
Quest-MasterI'm on a 2.2Ghz Celeron.06:36
linux_galoreto be honest gnome and kde speeds sem pretty much the same to me06:36
_|Imanewbie|_linux_galore: amem06:36
rushibhailamont: i use gnome because its pre-installed.06:36
=== Tsjoklat always hits
egon_spenglerLet's here it for NetBSD and console06:37
calamaribut, right now I have extra menus that I can't seem to get rid of hehe06:37
Quest-MasterI don't know about you guys, but I can tell you honestly that Gnome runs faster than KDE.06:37
Quest-MasterBy the way.06:37
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mgoosewell thats not such a great argument rushibhai06:37
lamontrushibhai: I switched so that I could better help our users... :-)06:37
Quest-MasterI have a 5 year old computer in the basement that runs Gnome pretty well, and barely runs KDE.06:37
TsjoklatI like to abuse men zenwhen you know that06:37
gloinI use KDE because I like it better and think the Gnome UI guidelines are probably the stupidest set of hare-brained "concepts" I've ever seen.06:37
mgooseQuest-Master, maybe only with Ubuntu, they probably patch it up06:37
lamontalthough I've been known to just sit there and hit alt-f4 for a while after logging in on my laptop, just to get to a sane state.. But that's a special situation06:37
rushibhailamont, you part of the staff? i'm new to this chat and ubuntu (am formerly debian)06:37
linux_galoreQuest-Master: lol you do know KDE has a pre loader for its base libs and the file amanger so things open under 1 second for me06:37
_|Imanewbie|_well guys that was a nice chat but I gtg night everybody!06:38
Tsjoklatpart of the staff... LOL06:38
lamontrushibhai: I'm canonical staff, yes06:38
gloinsomeone explain to me why the "Open each folder in a new window" concept was anything short of utter idiocy06:38
zenwhenTsjoklat, thats why you're my #1 #ubuntu girl. (it helps that you are the only one)06:38
Tsjoklatlamont juse sent us two emails today06:38
mgoosecya newbie06:38
Quest-Mastergloin: I must agree with you there06:38
Tsjoklatzenwhen and hypia being number two?06:38
lamontTsjoklat: I did06:38
Quest-MasterI want to find a way to disable that06:38
glointhat was fucking stupid06:38
rexiboyany1 knows about a good keylogger for ubuntu64?06:38
Quest-MasterIt sucks.06:38
gloinsorry bout the language06:38
gloinQuest-Master: you can easily disable it06:38
rushibhailamont. its cool to have staff people hanging out on irc. cool! like your distro so far..06:38
mgooselol gloin, yea man what the hell is that06:38
Quest-MasterYou're right about that.06:38
zenwhenI had no clue.06:38
glointhere's a way06:38
mgoosei was like how can somebody actually use this pos06:38
gloinit's kind of non-intuitive to get to06:38
lamontrushibhai: there tend to be several developers in the channel at any given time..06:39
Quest-MasterBtw, how do you actually install KDE on Ubuntu?06:39
gloinsomewhere there's a setting that basically says use nautilus in browser mode06:39
zenwhenKamion is a dev too06:39
mgooseapt-get install kde, though im sure something is bound to be broken06:39
gloinQuest-Master: enable universe and multiverse in your repositories and search for KDE06:39
gloinit's easy06:39
gloinmgoose: negative06:39
mgooseim doing it right now, so ill let you know06:39
gloinit works well06:39
mgooseoh ok06:39
Quest-MasterOnly KDE is needed?06:39
mgoosegood to know :)06:39
=== gloin is using KDE on Hoary and it's stable
lamontgloin: kde is all in universe06:39
mgooseapt = great06:39
gloinQuest-Master: look at what comes up when you search for KDE and pick what you want =] 06:39
mgoosewill install all deps, quest06:40
zenwhengloin, Computer -> Desktop Preferences -> File Management -> Behaviour -> Always open in browser windows.06:40
rexiboylamont, any keylogger for U64?06:40
Quest-MasterAck, needs 416MB06:40
glointhanks zenwhen06:40
lamontrexiboy: dunno06:40
gloinyean Quest-Master you don't want to do it over dialup06:40
Quest-MasterI'll do it anyhow.06:40
Quest-Master3mbps cable = :)06:41
TsjoklatI am happy flappy back on warty06:41
zenwhenI am also on warty.06:41
=== PounK [~PounK@modemcable120.121-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
rushibhailamnnt: nice.. that's super! keep up the good work. and please try to move to firefox 1 sometime before the next release, so that one doesn't have to install *anything* from outside the apt sources ;)06:41
Tsjoklathoary + UTF is not for me06:41
zenwhenAND DOWNLOADED IT OVER DIALUP, so my "<3 ubuntu" is bigger than yours. >:o06:41
lamontrushibhai: we dropped back because ffox 1 wasn't ready.  I think it's there in hoary already06:41
gloinfirefox 1 is in hoary06:42
lamontweb/mozilla-firefox_1.0-2ubuntu3: Installed [optional:out-of-date] 06:42
gloinand I disagree with the statement that it isn't ready06:42
gloinit's fine06:42
gloinunless there is a "not ready" that isn't obvious to me06:42
rushibhailamont: i know the story, its just my 2 cents..06:42
Quest-MasterHow much more bandwidth do you think I'd get if I was to mirror the CD ISOs for Ubuntu?06:42
TsjoklatI d/l it over dial-up too! with the three porn downloaders remember!06:42
=== Quest-Master wants to somehow contribute and can do so this way
zenwhenMy Ubuntu install is tainted with bits an pieces of debian unstable though. Ill go back to pure ubuntu when Hoary is done.06:43
lamontgloin: known to randomly crash when visiting certain web sites.06:43
gloinlamont: so is IE06:43
lamontgloin: yeah, but 0.93 didn't crash06:43
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linux_galoredigs around the internet and finds crossover-standard_4[1] .0-1_i386.deb06:43
TsjoklatI went to epiphany, I hope to get rid of Mozilla all together06:43
Quest-MasterDo any of you guys use BitTorrent? Azureus, namely?06:43
gloinQuest-Master: yes06:44
rushibhaizenwhen: i moved from unstable to ubuntu because this one is about as recent as it gets without dist-upgrading daily :)06:44
gloinoh speaking of which06:44
Quest-MasterI'm trying to install the Java JRE06:44
Quest-MasterSo I can run Azureus06:44
Quest-MasterIt isn't working though06:44
gloinQuest-Master: did you download the current one?06:44
gloinis important06:44
calamarilamont: is there a way to move the setup stuff out of the Computer menu into the Applications menu?06:44
glointhere's a bad security vuln06:44
gloinsudo ./jr3blahblah06:44
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gloinit will make a directory in cwd06:44
deFryskQuest-Master, azureus runs fine here06:44
gloinsudo mv j2reblah /usr06:44
Quest-MasterIt's supposed to install it under /usr/java right?06:44
lamontcalamari: nfc, but I believe the answer is "you don't want to do that, it hurts".  Or something like that. :-)06:44
glointhen sudo ln -s /usr/j2reblah/bin/* /usr/bin06:45
Quest-MasterI see.06:45
calamarilamont:  will it break things?06:45
TreenaksQuest-Master: http://www.livejournal.com/users/davyd/125253.html06:45
=== zenwhen_ [~zenwhen@host-66-20-101-220.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
lamontcalamari: dunno06:45
TsjoklatTreenaks :)06:46
zenwhen_My dialup ISP boots me once every twelve hours.06:46
Quest-MasterAh, thanks Treenaks.06:46
FSK405CI must admit ubuntu is fairly impressive :)06:46
zenwhen_it just happened.06:46
lamontediting gnome menus is specifically not something that gnome wants you to do06:46
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=== zenwhen_ is now known as zenwhen
calamarilamont: I'd love to see an option to have all the setup stuff in a "Control Panel", accessible from either main menu or applications06:46
calamarilamont: oic06:46
gloinlamont: that's one of the many many lame things about gnome06:46
linux_galoreI like the dual CD package for Ubuntu (nearly typed gentoo lol) you can take the live CD to your local PC seller and see if it works before you buy06:46
gloinand the gnome-control-center reminds me oh-so-much of the Windows Registry06:46
calamarigloin: yeah it has that feel, doesn't it06:47
gloinit's horrid06:47
zenwhenmore like control panel06:47
gloinI think gnome needs a real leadership overhaul06:47
lamontgloin: the target is the end user, not the technocrat.  Although it's nice to have happy technocrats too06:47
zenwhenI dont like kcontrol06:47
zenwhenI think gnome needs to keep ging the direction its headed.06:47
linux_galorecalamari: lol port mandrake control panel to Ubuntu its all gtk based06:47
gloinlamont: can you explain the "open-each-folder-in-new-window" so-called feature in the current Gnome?  I haven't seen a cogent argument for why they pulled that number.06:47
gloinit really feels archaic06:48
zenwhenI knwo a lot of people who prefer it.06:48
FSK405Cgloin: Some people like that06:48
Quest-MasterI think Gnome needs a better feeling of where the user knows what they are doing and don't feel lonely.06:48
Rene_SI could lead Gnome, however I tend to be lazy so It would end up looking like KDE06:48
zenwhenIts very clasic mac like.06:48
calamarilinux_galore: I like the things on the COmputer menu.. I just wish there didn't have to be a computer menu.. I like my screen real estate :)06:48
FSK405Cthere is a similar feature in os x Ive never heard you cry about it :P06:48
lamontgloin: you're assuming that I actually use nautilus06:48
rushibhaigloin: you can middle-double-click to open in the same window.06:48
linux_galoreisnt there something about moving Yast to Ubuntu now its GPL06:48
gloinzenwhen: yeah, it's very windows 3.1 like06:48
zenwhengloin, whos to say that old is wrong06:49
deFryskyast ? omg :s06:49
Quest-MasterYaST is cool.06:49
gloinzenwhen: old is wrong when it clutters up your desktop with a plethora of windows06:49
Quest-MasterBut apt-get is better ;)06:49
linux_galoreUbuntu is nice but it really needs a nice central control center06:49
Tsjoklatyast: gives me YEAST06:49
zenwhenits wrong when you dont like it06:49
zenwhenmany people do06:49
zenwhenyeast O:06:49
gloinzenwhen: do you like it?06:49
zenwhenPersonally, no.06:49
zenwhenBut I changed it.06:49
jdublamont: harsh06:50
Quest-MasterI think the Ubuntu developers should make an installer like the one Suse has.06:50
zenwhenI dont want Gnome to bend around me.06:50
Quest-MasterAll nice looking and user-friendly.06:50
deFrysksuse ? omg :s06:50
Quest-MasterNot command-line looking.06:50
calamarilamont: btw, Ubuntu is the best linux distro I've ever used.  You guys are doing an awesome job.. keep it up :)06:50
zenwhenI like the sarge installer.06:50
lamontcalamari: thanks06:50
gloinagreed, calamari06:50
Quest-MasterWell, I think that'd be better for new users06:50
mgooseI like the command like look, personally06:50
glointhere's a reason I'm here, griping about Gnome =] 06:50
Quest-MasterI liked the installer a lot though06:50
glointhe installer is easy enough to deal with06:50
linux_galoresuse lol  I prefere the Mandrake installer personally...nice pretty doesnt ask much06:50
zenwhenThe ubuntu expert setup is perfect.06:50
deFryskmandrake ? geez06:51
gloinand doesn't require a 300-meg ramdisk to be setup first06:51
Quest-Masterlamont: You develop for Ubuntu it seems?06:51
zenwhenI couldnt ask for anything more and certainly dont need a mouse to set up an OS.06:51
lamontQuest-Master: I build stuff and fix bugs06:51
Quest-MasterAwesome. :)06:51
lamont"loose canon about town" :-)06:51
mgooseagh dammit unstable doesnt have kde 3.3.106:51
mgooseit installed the inferior 3.2.306:51
deFryskkde sucks06:51
zenwhenyou said it06:51
gloindeFrysk: eat my shorts06:51
Quest-MasterLet's not go back to that. :P06:51
deFryskgloin, they suck too06:52
gloingnome is for people who thought windows 3.1 was the Best OS Ever06:52
linux_galoreyeah kde 3.2.x is horrible for me I just download kde 3.3.1 and compiled it06:52
zenwhengloin, now see06:52
zenwhenthat was a personal attack06:52
zenwhenbad boy06:52
gloinfair 'nough06:52
mgoosedamn galore, how long did that take ya/06:52
gloindeFrysk: sorry I told you to eat my shorts06:52
mgoosei was just plannin on adding some apt sources and doing it again06:52
zenwhenoh yeah06:52
linux_galoremgoose: not long I have my own cluster06:52
mgooseoh cool06:53
gloinlamont: who does the kde packages for ubuntu?06:53
Rene_SAfter 5 weeks of putzing around I think I am starting to enjoy gnome06:53
linux_galoremgoose: just read the logs total build time is 57 min06:53
lamontgloin: the community06:53
deFryskthe new nautilus in hoary can be simply set to browser in settings of nautilus itself now btw06:53
mgoosemy one friend does cool stuff with all the boxes he has lying around, he liks splits up the compile among the different machines and sends it back or something06:53
mgoosesi that the same thing you do?06:53
lamontgloin: having said that, I was the one that battered kde into building as well as it did for warty.06:53
gloindeFrysk: that should be default06:53
zenwhenKDE isnt an Ubuntu Dev thing.06:54
deFryskgloin, thats an opinion, not a fact06:54
zenwhengloin, thats opnion06:54
gloinyeah yeah06:54
Quest-MasterThe reason I stumbled upon Ubuntu because I was looking for a Gnome friendly distro.06:54
gloinit's an opinion that Many Share06:54
lamontzenwhen: it falls within ubuntu-developers, but it's not funded by canonical.06:54
zenwhenoh cool06:54
linux_galoremgoose: yeah I usually dont have the cluster running but now and again I decide one machine is not enough so I power the cluster up06:54
mgooselamont is kde 3.3.1 even in the ubuntu repo anywhere?06:54
deFrysknautilus starting up as browser needs more time/resourses06:54
gloinAnyone I've ever talked to who uses Gnome for the first time says "WTF is this crap with all the windows opening?"06:54
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zenwhenI really want to see KDE stay far away from my precious Ubuntu.06:55
=== [SPD] RalphNader [~hollaatyo@dhcp16631177.indy.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
[SPD] RalphNaderhello all06:55
gloinzenwhen: no chance06:55
=== linux_galore should have built .deb packages for Ubuntu
deFryskso spatial is still faste06:55
lamontQuest-Master: universe/kde/kdelibs_4:3.3.1-1: Installed [optional:out-of-date] 06:55
FSK405CI'll second gloin's statement on the multiple window junk06:55
=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@CM128-mapu0-46-198.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
lamontsigh. mgoose ^^06:55
[SPD] RalphNaderI have a question if someone is willing06:55
Quest-Masterlamont: ?06:55
zenwhengloin, the poll on the forums showed that most people there supported my line of thinking.06:55
FSK405Cheya ralph :)06:55
lamontQuest-Master: fat fingers06:55
[SPD] RalphNaderI had warty 4.10, and all went well with the basic install06:55
mgoosewhoops, did you just answer that? sry06:55
gloindeFrysk: it's a mess, though, and reminds people of operating systems that they knew to be unstable, and generally horrid06:55
LeeColletonomg it's Ralph Nader!06:55
[SPD] RalphNaderbut I get no consoles when pressing ctrl-alt-f1-f606:55
[SPD] RalphNaderis this a known issue?06:55
[SPD] RalphNaderlol lee06:56
gloinralph has a serious question06:56
zenwhenHopefully Ubuntu can stay a nice focused gnome-based distro.06:56
deFryskgloin, works fine for me06:56
lamontQuest-Master: was going to say that yes, ubuntu is rather gnome-friendly (er, gnome-agressive?? supportive??)06:56
mgooseppl type too fast for me to stay up with at 1:00am06:56
linux_galoreyeah Ubuntu is going fine here some minor hacks here and there and download a few odds and ends from universe and Im happy06:56
lamontthen I got distracted..06:56
[SPD] RalphNaderyes but I'm fine with joking around06:56
[SPD] RalphNaderhas anyone heard of this problem before?06:56
lamont[SPD] RalphNader: should just work06:56
Quest-Masterlamont: Ubuntu is the finest distro I've used yet. :)06:56
gloinralph, did you check to be sure that you don't have a special keyboard feature like "F-Key Lock" enabled?  My keyboard has one of those and it gets me occasionally.06:56
[SPD] RalphNaderthat's what my buddy told me06:56
[SPD] RalphNaderhe suggested I upgrade to hoary, which I did06:56
[SPD] RalphNaderstill same problem06:56
lamont[SPD] RalphNader: and ctl-alt-f7 should get you back to X06:57
zenwhenIve never seen that on any distro.06:57
[SPD] RalphNaderI have a pretty generic keyboard gloin06:57
[SPD] RalphNaderand it always worked fine under SuSE06:57
LeeColleton[SPD] RalphNader: /etc/inittab controls which terminals are active06:57
linux_galoreis there a SMP kernel option for Ubuntu on the servers ....06:57
[SPD] RalphNaderrescued me many times06:57
=== gloin has kicked [SPD] RalphNader in the shins!
FSK405CI liked Mac OS 9 but the multiple window thing is an atrocious throwback in terms of UI. Leaves more work to the user. Sometimes you want multiple windows so open a new window and find your way there ... there are so many ways to address the problem but leaving the management of "junk" windows to the user is just lame IMO.06:57
lamontunless you hacked over /etc/inittab, they should be there....06:57
[SPD] RalphNaderomg06:57
[SPD] RalphNaderit's C06:57
[SPD] RalphNadersup dude!06:57
jdublinux_galore: apt-cache search linux smp06:57
mgooseNader: I think its something with the kernel06:57
lamontlinux_galore: see the linux-image pacakges06:57
linux_galorezenwhen: thanks yeah one machine left to swap to ubuntu and its a smp rigg06:57
lamontapt-cache search linux-image06:57
[SPD] RalphNaderI didn't touch inittab06:58
mgoosei recompiled a kernel recently that i messed something up on and slashed away too many modules06:58
[SPD] RalphNaderjust did the basic install06:58
mgooseand then i had the same sort of problem06:58
lamont[SPD] RalphNader: didn't expect you had...06:58
gloinI wonder if your keyboard is dying06:58
[SPD] RalphNaderhaven't even touched the kernel06:58
[SPD] RalphNaderHostname: jasen - OS: Linux - CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 (1794.761 MHz) - Processes: 8406:58
[SPD] RalphNaderHostname: jasen - OS: Linux - CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 (1794.761 MHz) - Processes: 8306:58
linux_galorethanks jdub06:58
[SPD] RalphNaderooh06:58
lamont[SPD] RalphNader: dunno why it would do that06:58
gloinlike a bad ctrl-key06:58
[SPD] RalphNadersorry for spam06:58
[SPD] RalphNaderSORRY!06:58
zenwhenMy custom 2.6.9 build + Ubuntu has been a dream.06:58
FSK405CRalph: How much beer did you spill on your keyboard last night?06:58
[SPD] RalphNaderlol C06:58
[SPD] RalphNadershaddup06:58
linux_galoremight swap my admin machine to Ubuntu tomorrow the live CD worked fine on it06:58
[SPD] RalphNaderthat's the kernel I have06:58
gloinseriously though06:58
lamontjdub: your search string is better. pout.06:59
glointry swapping keyboards with another computer06:59
gloinI know you have one there06:59
gloinsee if the problem continues06:59
[SPD] RalphNaderyeah I do but it's not the f-keys06:59
[SPD] RalphNaderbecause I can move back with f7 just fine06:59
linux_galorejdub: you still sick06:59
[SPD] RalphNaderand hitting ctrl-alt-f1 actually DOES something06:59
jdublinux_galore: a bit06:59
[SPD] RalphNaderbut not waht is desired06:59
Rene_SOdd synaptic keeps closing with no error message when I choose apply06:59
gloinit takes you to a blank screen, right?06:59
[SPD] RalphNaderit gives me a black screen06:59
[SPD] RalphNaderyup06:59
zenwhenWhats really odd is that that console switching has barely anything to do with work done by the ubuntu Devs. It should just work.06:59
[SPD] RalphNaderand if I hit enter a bunch, I can see the init procedure07:00
[SPD] RalphNaderbut it loops07:00
linux_galorejdub: yeah Ive been crap for 4 weeks....noticed you didnt turn up to slug07:00
[SPD] RalphNaderand no prompt07:00
=== gloin junks another C1AL15 email...
[SPD] RalphNaderwhat is that gloin?07:00
FSK405Chey man Im serious...Ive had only top or bottom rows on my kb choke due to spilled beer :P j/k Ima shut up now07:00
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mgooseI know its not recommended but should adding an apt repo for kde 3.3 be ok?07:00
[SPD] RalphNaderlol C07:00
[SPD] RalphNaderthe keys work fine :)07:00
lamontmgoose: just add universe07:01
[SPD] RalphNaderthey just make the system do... less than smart things07:01
linux_galoreFSK405C: just unskrew it and clean it out..I do it all the time07:01
[SPD] RalphNaderwhen I should get consoles07:01
FSK405Clinux_galore: Try unscrewing an apple pro keyboard. It doesn't happen.07:01
[SPD] RalphNadergloin, have you heard if this before then?07:01
gloinnegative ralph07:01
FSK405CI've spent hours trying to get inside these blasted things :D07:02
[SPD] RalphNaderomg07:02
=== linux_galore wife spilt soup all over his brand new Microsoft Naturally Multi Media Pro keyboard....took me two hours to clean it out
mgooselamont: same results, keeps saying kde is installed and latest, etc07:02
lamontmgoose: and if that doesn't work, scream at me with package names and I'll add them to my "fix these if you're ever bored" list07:02
lamontmgoose: warty or hoary?07:02
FSK405Cwell Im glad I don't have gloin's kb...thats got worse the beer or soda or soup gumming up the works... :P07:02
gloinralph, you might wanna try asking in #linux07:02
mgoosewarty, should i apt-get dist-upgrade?07:02
linux_galoreFSK405C: dont they have star screws....you can get a screwdriver for that from most electronics shops07:02
lamontshould is a relative term...07:02
calamaribrb, hopefully07:03
lamontmgoose: hoary is still rather fluid... if you're willing to tolerate occasional b0rkage, then running hoary would help the developers out at least a little bit.  Then again, it can be painful to be dragged into the bleeding edge.07:03
FSK405Clinux_galore: The board for controlling the keyboard is positioned in such a way that it is physically impossible to separate the top and bottom of the kb without engaging in soldering. I don't like burning myself.07:03
mgoosebleeding edge gooooog07:04
Tsjoklathey zenwhen...  you are on warty.. does synaptic ever craps out on you?07:04
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lamontspeaking of which, I think monday will be desktop-to-hoary day for me.  good dogfood.07:04
zenwhenTsjoklat, never. Yours does?07:04
linux_galoreFSK405C: lol Im a solder jockey.... doesnt bother me...I pull laptops apart all the time to recover parts07:04
Tsjoklatzenwhen no.. but I know somebody that is having issues07:04
zenwhenWhats going on with them?07:04
=== mgoose is doing an upgrade and then a dist-upgrade
Tsjoklatwell he says his synaptic craps out on him07:05
mgoosehope it works07:05
FSK405Clinux_galore: I do software myself. Can't stand f'ing directly with the iron very well.07:05
Rene_SI dunno, whenever i choose some apps in Synaptic and I press mark it closes07:05
Tsjoklatselecting apps and mark and poof07:05
zenwhenHas he tried upgrading it?07:05
lamontmgoose: but kde 3.3.1 won't be showing up in warty, ever.07:05
lamontit'll be in hoary.07:05
linux_galoreis happy has his new shiny iBook running Linux.....man anyone tells me OSX is nice I will kill them07:05
=== [SPD] RalphNader is now known as RalphNader
zenwhenosx is nice07:05
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Tsjoklatisn't Ibook OSX?07:06
mgooseOSX looks good for a few minutes but bleh07:06
linux_galoreeverything is in weird places07:06
lamontTsjoklat: /is/was/?07:06
mgooseit gets very boring very fast07:06
Tsjoklatlamont: ?07:06
zenwhenI am buying an Ibook to run Ubuntu on soon.07:06
gloinOS X is the hood not welded but the dashboard is07:06
lamontI don't think his iBook is running OSX anymore... :)07:06
linux_galorealso I didnt like how users could easily trash things in the system directories07:06
mgoosewow just for ubuntu?07:06
TsjoklatI don't know anything but OSX.. unexplored terrain07:06
gloinOS X does a lot07:06
TsjoklatLamont oh :P07:06
=== gloin uses it daily
gloinit's actually an excellent desktop unix07:07
zenwhenmgoose, yes. It will have OSX on it for an hour after I buy it.07:07
gloinmuch much better for desktop end-users than any linux that I've seen07:07
moyogowhat package do i need to install to get gstreamer-libs-0.8.pc to please pkg-config? libgstreamer0.8-dev doesn't provide it07:07
=== lamont bought a G3 from a local scrap house to have a ppc/ubuntu machine in the house.
=== gloin still likes linux =]
mgooselol zenwhen07:07
linux_galorezenwhen: lol I lasted 9 days before i couldnt stand it anymore lol07:07
Tsjoklatthen why buy OSX.....?07:07
linux_galoreTsjoklat: I want PPC laptop07:08
zenwhenI don't like any pice of software that apple has put out, but I like the screns on apple's laptops.07:08
zenwhenPlus they just look so much nicer at Starbucks. :D07:08
mgooselal those rounded corners and stuff was revolting07:08
linux_galoreTsjoklat: also it was on sale07:08
Tsjoklatlinux_galore that's good enough for me07:08
mgooseI thought Mac ppl loved osx tho07:08
Xenguy(if it ain't free as in freedom, it's craaaaaappppppp  ;-)07:08
zenwhenIm not a mac person.07:08
linux_galoremgoose: Im not a Mac person to be honest Im more a  hai I never tried putting Linux on that yet lets try it...person07:09
mgooseah very nice07:09
zenwhenI dont even like apple. I just like the way the Ibook looks. It also happens to be a decent computer.07:09
Rene_SWoot upgrading synaptic worked07:09
linux_galoreI like the ibook keyboard and the general build is nice even on the cheap models07:10
Rene_Sodd that it did that07:10
gloinI dropped my 12" powerbook out of the knapsack onto pavement07:10
gloinit works fine07:10
s0cksRene_S : Do you own a pda07:10
gloinneeds a body-and-fender tech07:10
gloinbut damn07:10
gloinimagine doing that to a Dell07:10
zenwhenI'll always have an Intel CPU / Intel Chipset x86 machine for my desktop needs.07:10
linux_galorealso the ibook runs for ages on battery compared to my last Del machine07:10
gloinand also07:10
Rene_SNo i do not own a PDA, I dont want to be tied down to my job with one of those07:10
mgoosewhile I do appreciate innovation, it sometimes seems apple just changes stuff to be different sometimes07:10
gloinwireless integration on the powerbook is much much better than any x86 laptop I've ever seen07:10
s0cksI play games on mine :P07:10
mgooseits annoying07:10
=== jdub has a dell x300 -> very sweet.
XenguyRene_S: exactly (and what a horrible *little* interface too)07:11
mgooselike why the fuck dont computers come with disk drives that just blows my mind07:11
gloinjoining a new wireless node on OS X is ONE CLICK07:11
mgoosesry for the language but07:11
linux_galoredont get a blackberry it will take over your life.....they nick name blackerries  CrackBerries  lol07:11
jdubgloin: fairly likely you'll see that in hoary.07:11
glointry that in *nix or winxp07:11
rushibhaigloin, go IBM thinkpad!!07:11
gloinjdub: yeah?07:11
rushibhailoving it.07:11
gloinrushibhai: heh, for a comparibly-featured thinkpad to the 12" powerbook, you'd pay twice as much =] 07:11
Rene_SI was going to work for RIM, they were giving away Blackberry's to successful applicants, never went to the interview07:11
gloinnot saying they aren't nice07:12
zenwhenthe gnome project is serious about wireless integration right now07:12
glointhey are07:12
gloinbut dollars count07:12
rushibhaigloin, i got my R40 with 1400x1050 screen for 1250. whatcha talking about? :)07:12
gloinWhat I really want is one of those mil-spec ruggedized models... I'm hell on wheels on hardware.07:12
rushibhaiglin: if you need thin and light, i thoroughly agree with you tho.07:12
gloinrushibhai: how big is that?  How much does it weigh?  Does it have a combo-drive?  Built-in 802.11g?07:13
linux_galorelol I looked at IBM Thinkpads... I can get a more power full Apple ibook right now cheaper than the prices for a thinkpad07:13
mgoosealrighty fellas, gotta sleep07:13
mgoosenice talking to you all07:13
rushibhaigloin: i pre-empted you heheh.07:13
Rene_SIts bad enough  I have to spend 8900 dollars on a Digital Camera for work, dont need a digital boss as well07:13
=== gloin goes to fridge
=== jml [~jml@ppp110-63.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux_galoreyeah remember the IT code for dumb bosses......and Etcha Skethc is a really neat laptop that has amazing uptime OK07:14
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linux_galorehmm room died07:15
=== linux_galore ducks the prjectiles made from vegtable matter
LeeColletonif I looking for frog07:17
zenwhenperhaps we should discuss desktop environments :D07:17
LeeColletonhim name is hopkin green frog07:17
TsjoklatI am looking at coffee machines07:17
zenwhenBuy me one07:17
TsjoklatTreenaks fault07:17
zenwhen:) :)07:17
Rene_SI think i can convert my microwave into a embedded linux pda07:17
zenwhenIm getting pulled back in by rhythmbox.07:18
zenwhenI was so happy with mpd.07:18
Tsjoklatwith what?07:18
zenwhenMusic Player Daemon07:18
TsjoklatTreenaks is a walking link machine.. ask for something and he has a link to it07:18
TreenaksTsjoklat: what's my fault?07:18
Tsjoklatoh MPD bleh07:18
zenwhenIts a system damon that plays music07:18
Rene_SMultiple Personality Disorder ?07:18
Tsjoklatthe coffee machine dear07:18
zenwhenyou can kill x and your music keeps playing07:18
Rene_Show you play music with that ?07:18
gloinin case anyone wants to help, RalphNader's inittab file is exactly the same as mine, and my computer works correctly.  Can anyone here talk about keymapping perhaps?  I'm not sure how Ubuntu handles it.07:19
TreenaksTsjoklat: you clicked the link :)07:19
zenwhenI made a HOWTO o the forums07:19
TsjoklatTreenaks of course I did :)07:19
TsjoklatI'm sticking with rhythm07:19
RalphNaderty gloin07:19
zenwhenThats it.07:19
Tsjoklatdoes that font thing you wrote really work zenwhen07:20
zenwhenIt did for me and a few others.07:20
zenwhenThe MPD devs gave me a thumbs up.07:20
=== nevyn [~nevyn@c211-28-49-238.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
zenwhenSo I figure its an alright howto.07:20
zenwhenThat dude in there was pretty clueless.07:21
Tsjoklatit is goed, I just don't use it :P07:21
zenwhenMPD really isnt for epople who just want to play their music and set somehting up through a GUI.07:21
zenwhenIts really for insane people who want to control their music player in 10000 different ways.07:21
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zenwhenLike me.07:21
=== rushibhai [~rushi@pool-68-163-184-9.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tsjoklatah zenwhen that is just like somebody asking me what a console is.. 'does that play video?'07:22
Rene_SOk I think I am tired I just linked an Icon to my app and then sat here wondering what went wrong07:22
=== lamont sleeps
zenwhenTsjoklat, yeah07:22
zenwhennite lamont07:22
Tsjoklatlamont happy sleepers07:22
TsjoklatRene_S old age kicking in07:23
Rene_SOld something07:23
FSK405Cmeh so how does one go about configuring their sound card in ubuntu?07:23
=== Pizbit [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Rene_SIf i dont get my beauty sleep i wake up looking like Brad Pitt07:23
TsjoklatFSK405C you say: play... damnit I said play07:23
zenwhenFSK405C, what card?07:23
PizbitRene_S: Please rune *grin*07:23
FSK405CTsjoklat: What did I say now eh?07:24
FSK405Czenwhen: An emulated sb16 ;)07:24
TsjoklatFSK405C me bad... Treenaks fault07:24
TreenaksTsjoklat: yeah keep blaming me! :P07:24
TsjoklatTreenaks works doesn' it :P07:25
FSK405CTsjoklat: Tree? Who has tree? I need tree! ... oh :P07:25
Rene_SI seen the creepiest thing a while back, I went to Chinatown in Toronto and everywhere I looked there were smiling Val Kilmer pictures07:25
Tsjoklatis he still alive?07:25
Rene_SApparently he lives on the walls of Toronto's Chinatown07:25
RuffianSoldierEveryone who loves Ubuntu - check out www.watsky.net        very very good Ubuntu based distro, called BeatrIX, come to #beatrix       My friend just installed, and is amazed witht he blazing fast Ubuntu goodness (it even has Sudo!)07:26
Tsjoklatand hello to you too Ruffian07:26
Rene_SWow next time try and be more direct, your a little vague on the details07:26
=== Xenguy sighs...
Tsjoklathe is cute Rene_S Ruffian only says something when he needs to vent07:27
Tsjoklat(which is often I admit)07:27
Rene_SI am cuter, I just say any old thing that comes to mind07:28
TsjoklatRuffian just always reminds me to keep taking my medication07:28
Rene_SGood point, i need to find my Crack err Sleeping aids07:29
Tsjoklathey Treenaks we should run Beatrix07:29
Tsjoklatin honor of our queen07:29
Tsjoklat"I am running queen Beatrix linux... weeeee"07:29
TreenaksTsjoklat: www.republikeinsgenootschap.nl07:29
TreenaksTsjoklat: I won't honor a non-democratic head of state :)07:29
Tsjoklatooooh Bea is a cool twat come on... :)07:30
TsjoklatTreenaks are you trying to get rid of poor ol' Bea?07:30
Treenaksnot actively07:30
Tsjoklattsk tsk... Bea Linux has a neat cat as logo... Burmese I think07:30
Rene_SMan what a sad group photo not one hawaiin shirt in the bunch07:30
Tsjoklatthey look like a bunch of ouwe lullen Treenaks.. no offense07:31
TsjoklatRene_S very bad word if I would translate that in English.. best not :)07:31
TreenaksTsjoklat: they are.. Theo van Gogh was a member though :)07:32
Tsjoklatwas he?07:32
Tsjoklatare they all in hiding now?07:32
Rene_SOh sorry was a spelling mistake07:32
Tsjoklatyou stun me Treenaks07:33
Tsjoklatthat you don't like Bea07:33
TsjoklatI admit.. if only we had Wills07:33
TreenaksTsjoklat: I don't hate her07:33
Tsjoklatbut instead we have to deal with Alexje07:34
TsjoklatI never said you did :P07:34
Rene_SSo who are all those Donald Trump wannabe's in that pic ?07:34
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TreenaksTsjoklat: it's just that I don't like the fact that she inherited her status, instead of gaining it by democratic means07:34
Tsjoklatwhat's next.. you are going to tell me you want it to be like America?07:34
TsjoklatRene_S nobody knows but Treenaks lol07:34
Tsjoklatmaybe it's his relatives07:35
Rene_SI see07:35
TreenaksTsjoklat: NO!07:35
Rene_SThey need new suits07:35
Tsjoklatthey need a party07:35
Tsjoklatso this Bea Linux.. what is it? I can't make cheese out of it07:37
FSK405Cso how to configure sound cards under ubuntu? is there even a ui for that?07:38
zenwhenOH GOD COLD07:38
zenwhenAgrajag 8)))07:39
zenwhenlet me in on this07:39
TsjoklatAgrajag :8))07:40
Agrajagwhat is that, piggy-smile?07:40
Tsjoklatweirdest smile ever07:40
zenwhenIm cold. And my coffee is cold.07:40
Tsjoklatbeats me.. everybody is doing it.. I wanna be cool too07:40
Tsjoklatso 8)))07:41
=== zenwhen lets Tsjoklat in on this
=== Tsjoklat is awaiting
=== Tsjoklat kicks zenwhen.. greeter of the month you ain't gonna be
=== Pizbit [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
zenwhenCan I be the goobye'er?07:46
Tsjoklatso what is the 8)) deal07:46
AlJhmm. I'll do that too.07:47
=== Pizbit [~Pizbit@203-79-124-44.adsl.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
zenwhenIts a smilie from another irc channel that Agrajag and I frequent.07:47
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Tsjoklatsort of a pissy one isn't it07:47
=== pdaoust [~paul@S010600400559f412.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
zenwhenOh thats the best part.07:47
Tsjoklatlike a racoon on speed or something07:47
AlJI thought it's a smile from Yahoo Messenger.07:47
=== jml [~jml@ppp110-63.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
pdaoustI've followed the HOWTO on the ubuntuforums.org website on getting FreeNX working... and I'm pretty sure there are some NX-savvy people on this channel... any idea why I would be getting 'authentication failed' without any further explanation? the people in the forum seemed to solve a similar problem, but didn't share the solution with the forum.07:49
pdaoustno idea?07:50
pdaoustyokay then07:50
AbercrombieAnyone here heard of Beatrix?07:50
Tsjoklatyeah Treenaks is her biggest fan07:51
AlJWho is Beatrix?07:51
Abercrombieits a distro07:51
deFryskA queen07:51
TreenaksBeatrix is the name of the queen of the Netherlands.07:51
Abercrombieits also a distro07:51
AbercrombieI'm just asking because it has to do with Ubuntu07:51
Tsjoklatour Bea has her own distro07:51
Tsjoklatwho would have thought that07:51
TsjoklatAbercrombie and what is the link between ubu and Bea?07:53
RuffianSoldieri own the #beatrix channel07:53
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Tsjoklatthat's nice Ruffian07:53
Tsjoklatwhat is the link between ubu and Bea?07:54
RuffianSoldierBea is based off Ubuntu07:54
pdaoustsoooooo... nobody has a clue as to why my FreeNX server wouldn't work even after creating keys like a good boy?07:54
AbercrombieI also own the channel :)07:54
Tsjoklatdeb based?07:54
deFryskubu is free and bea costs taxpayers money07:54
RuffianSoldiernot at all07:54
=== Rod [Rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
pdaousthey, Rod07:54
=== Xenguy /ignores...
Tsjoklatwhat can Bea do for me that ubu can't?07:55
RuffianSoldierits faster07:55
RuffianSoldiercan be installed and ran off a pen drive07:55
=== Klowner_ [~klown@dax18.revealed.net] has joined #ubuntu
Abercrombieway faster07:55
Abercrombiei installed it in less than 10minutes on my slow system07:55
AbercrombieGnome 2.807:55
Rodi have problems getting on internet with the life cd.. Yesterday I got some commands of someone here on IRC to run to analyse the problem... Would you like the output of lsmod and ifconfig -a?07:55
Tsjoklatso if I understand right... Bea took ubu and build their distro?07:55
RuffianSoldierthe guys at Ubuntu are amazed with Bea and are wanting there secrets, confronting them with mad cash07:56
Tsjoklatthen what07:56
Rodthe network cards are detected, but still no internte wile I have a simple dhcp setup up... Windows, Gentoo and FC work flawlessly :-/07:56
RuffianSoldierTsjoklat, they use same repositories, and same idea as Ubuntu (sudo - ubuntuized debs_07:57
Tsjoklatmad cash07:57
pdaoustRod: throw the output of lsmod and ifconfig -a into the #flood channel, and I'll take a look at them.07:57
Rodthank you pdaoust07:57
Tsjoklatare you telling me that ubu wants to buy up Bea?07:57
RuffianSoldierthey want to know how they got an Ubuntu distro under 200MBs07:57
RuffianSoldierthey have been trying07:58
RuffianSoldierand failed07:58
RuffianSoldierbut Bea is great07:58
Tsjoklatand how did they come by the name Bea?07:58
RuffianSoldierits the founders cats name07:58
RuffianSoldierits also the mascot07:58
RuffianSoldierits a Burmese cat07:58
Tsjoklatthe Burmese?07:58
=== Xenguy /ignores again...
Tsjoklatyeah I use to breed them07:59
RuffianSoldierSteven Watsky would be happy07:59
=== zenwhen_ [~zenwhen@host-216-78-81-103.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tsjoklatand where is Watsky located?08:00
Tsjoklatwb zenwhen08:00
ctdRuffianSoldier: Funny thing there's nothing whatsoever about it in google. :>08:00
TsjoklatEurope where?08:00
Tsjoklatbig place Europe08:00
RuffianSoldierctd, actually, thats wehre I found it before it was on distrowatch08:00
zenwhen_oh thanks08:01
=== zenwhen_ is now known as zenwhen
RuffianSoldieri think08:01
Tsjoklatwell I'll give it a go Ruffian08:01
Tsjoklatgot a box laying around08:01
ctdRuffianSoldier: BeatrIX?08:02
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melazyboyRuffianSoldier: do you just enjoy making shit up?08:03
RuffianSoldierctd, BeatrIX yes08:03
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: You seem to have the mentality of a 2yr old.08:03
Rene_SLets all try and keep this civil08:04
=== Klowner__ [~klown@] has joined #ubuntu
RuffianSoldiermeazyboy, wtf are you talking about08:04
=== Klowner__ is now known as Klowner
=== Tsjoklat hands out cookies
melazyboythey want to know how they got an Ubuntu distro under they have been trying and failed08:05
melazyboywhere the hell did you get that..08:05
RuffianSoldierthey want to know how they got an Ubuntu based distro under 200MBs08:06
deFryskRuffianSoldier, i can imagine they want08:06
melazyboy,,, you are complete idiot, sorry channel -- he is deserving.... how do you think they did it?08:06
TsjoklatKlowner Klowner.. isn't that the geezer that makes those fab wallpapers08:06
Rodpdaoust, are you still here?08:06
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, wtf is your problem?08:07
KlownerTsjoklat: I'm only 21, but yes :)08:07
TsjoklatKlowner I love your work! :) thanks for it08:08
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zenwhenmelazyboy, why are you trolling in here?08:08
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KlownerTsjoklat: thanks for the complement, makes me feel special :)08:08
TsjoklatKlowner you are so most welcome :)08:09
RuffianSoldierKlowner, you make cool wallpaper? send me one!08:09
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: Your talking out of your ass, if Ubuntu, a corperatly funded disto with a lengthy development team wanted to make a 200mb distro they can, after all its not without a tradeoff, beatrix logically would have made that speed by either a) compression, or b) cutting packages. Either of which the ubuntu team is fully capable of doing08:09
melazyboyThats my first problem with you.08:09
KlownerRuffianSoldier: klowner.com08:09
zenwhenmelazyboy, why are you being so rude?08:10
Rene_SWell this is degenerating into a flamefest, so I am off to bed08:10
melazyboyMy second problem with you is the first thing you did after reading the beatrix article is to jump into the room and get admin privledges and then shout that here, like it is either a) hard to become an admin of an empty channel; or b) ethically right to channel hijack someone elses distro for the cause of mainting admin rights in the event they ever want to use it.08:10
melazyboyzenwhen: Because he has no right to nock the abilitys of the ubuntu devels, in a ubuntu channel.08:11
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, I ask the founder personally for the channel, and I talk to him frequently08:11
zenwhenRuffianSoldier, what specifically was your claim? That Ubuntu couldnt get under 200MB and be useful as a esktop OS?08:12
Rene_SChildren, why not take this into a private chat space, We dont all need to hear your tantrum08:12
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: I find what you spew hard to swallow -- i too am heading off rather than draging this out to a flamewar...08:12
pdaousthey, folks, any reason why a stock Ubuntu install would turn on IPv6->IPv4 tunnelling by default? I'm trying to help a user in the #flood channel who can't get an IP from his router because his eth0 is stolen and turned into sit0.08:12
RuffianSoldierzenwhen, im not sure exactly what he said, but Ubuntu wanted to know how they got it that low - and were offering cash08:12
zenwhenOh, I was just wondering what got him so all-fired mad.08:13
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, You dont know my situation , so stfu - I asked Steven Watsky (Founder) if I could create the channel, he said sure, and that any help was welcome08:13
zenwhenhey Tsjoklat whats up? :P08:13
RuffianSoldierklowner, NICE Walpapers!08:14
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: Your full of shit and need to find a more selfless hobby than pestering a channel with your inaine blather, suicide for example, ubuntu never offered money to beatrix, you have no backing for that statement08:14
Tsjoklatzenwhen falling asleep by melazyboy's babbling08:14
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KlownerRuffianSoldier: thanks08:14
Rene_SToodles everyone08:14
zenwhenI laughed really hard at the last thing he said. I dindt really read it though.08:14
Tsjoklatnight Rene_S08:15
Rene_STry and not mureder one and other08:15
zenwhenI just saw a spew of profanity.08:15
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, your right, I have no backing for that statement, but I do talk to the founder.08:15
Rene_Swow i need to work on spelling08:15
Tsjoklatawww we are bored Rene_S08:15
Tsjoklatmelazyboy is entertaining us08:15
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: People put the packages into ubuntu-desktop, they can just as easily remove them, Beatrix hasn't created an encryption algo, they ASSEMBLED a lite version of ubuntu lacking in packages. big deal.08:15
Rene_SSee ya08:15
Tsjoklatand here we go: round four08:15
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, hhahahaha, you dont know the half!08:16
Tsjoklatwe need some soda zenwhen be good and fetch us some08:16
pdaoustso I guess that means that nobody has had any experience with IPv6->IPv4 tunnelling, right? :-D08:16
zenwhenI searched for Beatrix and found Harry Potter stuff. D:08:16
melazyboySorry if this is bothering others in channel... in advance... feel free to take a pop at him08:16
Treenakszenwhen: likely.. our prime minister looks like Harry Potter08:16
zenwhenmelazyboy, its your fight. I dont care if he claims he is the devine inspiration for Ubuntu and he pooped the source from his arse.08:17
=== jmhodges [~warty@cpe-069-133-106-188.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jmhodgesok.. im booted into a ubuntu live cd.. two questions..08:17
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, no need to be an asshole (Sorry for language) you have no reason to act like that, quit it, people dont want to here it!08:17
Tsjoklatzenwhen lmao08:17
melazyboyzenwhen: Im not concered about his claim, im concered about others gullibility08:17
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zenwhenraging on irc is solving this?08:18
jmhodges1) how the hell did it  know what my alias were that i made in a ubuntu install on my hd?08:18
RuffianSoldiernice flux themes klowner!08:18
zenwhenTsjoklat, still want that soda?08:18
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zenwhenoh man that scared me08:19
Tsjoklatzenwhen hell yeah... hit me08:19
jmhodges2) I'm now on to my third boot into a livecd trying to recover some semblance of grub normality.. this time im using one of the LiveCDS that got sent out en masse08:19
zenwhenOne of my friends opened my gaim icon in the gimp and drew a penis on it. I keep forgetting to change it back.08:19
=== zenwhen hits Tsjoklat
jmhodgeszenwhen, ouch hehe08:19
zenwhenthat was the result08:20
melazyboyzenwhen: No -- like any irc arguement no one will ever win, put pointing out flaws in someones arguement does damage their reputation and thats a form of self-delt karma =/08:20
jmhodgeszenwhen, haha08:21
zenwhenmelazyboy, actually all you did was make me interested in his project and bore me08:21
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zenwhenso it kind of backfired08:21
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frankpsHi all08:21
Tsjoklatare we still flaming?08:21
zenwhenBut this isnt my fight.08:22
frankpsHas someone here installed Beagle?08:22
zenwhenI wont respond to you further.08:22
AbercrombieTsjoklat: www.watsky.net08:22
=== swim [~joshua@ip68-228-40-88.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
swimhi, can ubuntu use debian, or some other distros packages?08:22
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, please try it out - you might enjoy!08:23
melazyboyedit your /etc/apt/sources.list08:23
TsjoklatAbercrombie got it going to d/l it.. if only to piss melazyboy off08:23
zenwhenMe too08:23
pdaoustswim: it can use any debian repository; I have a lot of non-Ubuntu repositories in my /etc/sources.list08:23
zenwhenIm very excited08:23
=== RuffianSoldier Is Watching Space Balls
=== Beatrix [~rob@user-0cev21p.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
RuffianSoldierhi :-D08:24
pdaoustswim: it just sometimes makes dependencies a little harder to figure out, although (truth be told) I've had very few problems.08:24
zenwhenIt would be nice to have it small enough to fit on a 3 inch cd08:24
jmhodgeswho wants to practice their grub-fu ?08:24
zenwhenthat would rock08:24
=== swoon [~joshua@ip68-228-40-88.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: I fail to see the usefullness of 200mb distro, it won't fit on a floppy and its 550mbps wasted on a cd... on the flip side i coulden't be happier with ubuntu the chat room with its users, the devs that create it... (well maybe with the exception of fglrx not working with xorg 1.8 but i'll live)08:24
zenwhenPocket Gnome08:24
Beatrix#beatrix .... www.watsky.net08:24
swoonsorry did anyone  answer swim? I am swim, but had a connection problem08:24
=== Beatrix [~rob@user-0cev21p.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
jmhodgesswoon, <pdaoust> swim: it just sometimes makes dependencies a little harder to figure out, although (truth be told) I've had very few problems.08:25
jmhodgesswoon, the answer is pretty much yes08:25
jmhodgesbut beware.. Bewaaaaaaare!08:25
pdaoustjmhodges: ha ha08:25
pdaoustjmhodges: by the way, what's your grub grief?08:25
swoonhrmm ok, I just recieved 10 ubuntu cds in the mail... didnt even order them!08:26
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, it has been modded to be ran off a Pen Drive also08:26
melazyboyI use debian's sid repositories, there are some issues i have assited in trouble shooting that woulden't work without them, problems with k3b lacking libs and such08:26
jmhodgespdaoust, oh, i had to install windows in another partition.. it overwrote my MBR, and somehow my stage2 in my ubuntu part got wiped.. im sitting here 4 days now with no linux besides these lovely livecds08:26
jmhodgespdaoust, i've tried all of the "easy" stuff it seems08:26
jmhodgesi should have written it all down.. damn.08:26
pdaoustjmhodges: got a Mandrake CD kicking around?08:27
jmhodgesim more than willing to go back over it though hehe08:27
jmhodgespdaoust, gah.. maybe.. an old one.. why?08:27
swoonoh I installed ubuntu, and had a kernel panic on boot, that said I should try booting with noapic, but I couldnt figure out how to boot with noapic... incase it happens on next ubuntu install how could I fix that?08:27
pdaoustjmhodges: I dunno; maybe you could use the MBR repair tool on the Mandrake CD.08:27
jmhodgesohh. gotcha08:27
=== nevyn [~nevyn@c211-28-49-238.brodm1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: They sell 1g pen drives on thinkgeek as of now, i believe they are 100.00 and they can run the full shebang08:28
pdaoustjmhodges: but I'm sure you can use grub-install for the same purposes. Don't think it's on the Ubuntu LiveCD tho08:28
pdaoustjmhodges: it removed your stage2 too? do you have /boot on a separate partition?08:28
jmhodgeswell.. im thinking i do have this rather large blank space in between the ubuntu and the windows part that i might decide could be great for a temp fresh ubuntu install.. ill let it go in, clean up the grub.. reboot into the old ubuntu part and reinstall/configure grub08:28
Tsjoklatwell at least melazyboy is talking to you again Ruffian08:29
jmhodgespdaoust, i think the stage2 got fscked by a missed type grub shell command08:29
jmhodgespdaoust, i tried grub-install with some help from folks in here but no luck08:29
Tsjoklatdrat guess we have to find other entertaining now zenwhen08:29
Tsjoklatlet's blame Treenaks again08:29
jmhodgespdaoust, and grub-install is on the livecd, it just no worky08:29
melazyboyIll get over it..08:29
=== Treenaks is impervious to blame
Tsjoklatyou are what?08:30
zenwhenI cannot remember how much data a 3 inch cdr hold08:30
Treenakszenwhen: 80mm, and 180mb08:30
zenwhenSomeone tell me or my head will cave in.08:30
pdaoustjmhodges: gee... ummmmmmm... I think the last time I had problems like that, I was a pretty green Linux user, so my solution was to reinstall Linux from scratch :)08:30
zenwhenThanks so much.08:30
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, try it - youll like it!08:30
jmhodgespdaoust, fun fun08:30
Tsjoklatask Treenaks for a link... any link08:30
Tsjoklathe'll know it08:30
jmhodgesi've got something around 5 years but all of it with lilo besides my ubuntu install08:31
melazyboyRuffianSoldier: One advantage over Ubuntu?08:31
pdaoustjmhodges: yeah, I liked the 'steamroller' approach back then :)08:31
TreenaksTsjoklat: Link? www.zelda.com?08:31
pdaoustjmhodges: five years of data?08:31
Tsjoklat<-- follows every link Treenaks spits out.. what is impervious?08:31
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy, my friend tried Ubuntu - and then BeatrIX  - BeatrIX was faster . way faster        and it has Gnome 2.808:31
jmhodgespdaoust, god no.. five years of linux experience08:31
pdaoustjmhodges: ah08:31
jmhodgesi killed my data many times.. perhaps some is left over from one of the Great Purges but i doubt it08:32
pdaoustjmhodges: all my real Linux experience came with Gentoo, which recommends grub...08:32
=== jmhodges nods
melazyboyRuffianSoldier Hoary is using gnome 2.8 =/08:32
TreenaksTsjoklat:   impervious08:32
Treenaks       adj : not admitting of passage or capable of being affected; "a08:32
Treenaks             material impervious to water"; "someone impervious to08:32
Treenaks             argument" [syn: {imperviable}]  [ant: {pervious}] 08:32
=== Rod [Rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
ironwolfswoon: when booting, there should be a varible you can set that does noacpi on the boot line.08:32
Tsjoklathuh huh08:32
Tsjoklatwalking dictionary aswell08:32
RuffianSoldiermelazyboy - just give it a try08:33
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pdaoustjmhodges: I know what that's like; I've purged things by accident before... and then sometimes the hard drive dies on me; I've had two hard drives die in a month.08:33
pdaoustjmhodges: so, you need your MBR back08:33
jmhodgesjust something to say "boot into /dev/hda1" is all i really need08:33
jmhodgesbut all of this stageX business leaves me confused08:34
pdaoustyeah..... hum.08:34
jmhodgesim used to "hack on /etc/lilo.conf; hit lilo; reboot"08:34
jmhodgesor variations depending on if im on a cd and such08:34
jmhodgeswhat exactly are these stage files anyway?08:35
pdaoustjmhodges: stage1 is the MBR08:36
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pdaoustjmhodges: have you been swapping masters and slaves and cables around?08:38
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bur[n] erhas anyone tried cedega or crossover office on Ubuntu?08:38
jmhodgespdaoust, ahhhh.. not on the harddrives.. why?08:38
Treenakswhat's wrong with openoffice?08:38
bur[n] erTreenaks: something i'd rather not get into atm ;)08:38
pdaoustjmhodges: might not be able to find stage1 and stage2 because it looks for them by their names on the channels08:39
Treenaksbur[n] er: i.e. nothing :)08:39
jmhodgesthere was a cd writer addition but even that was just an addition of hardware.. no actual slave/master swapping08:39
jmhodgespdaoust, gahh..08:39
bur[n] erTreenaks: i have to use Outlook... my employer sends out calendar events in the outlook winmail.dat format08:39
pdaoustjmhodges: in GRUB's case, it looks for them on hd(0,0) or hd(0,1) or wherever the /boot partition might be. But if you didn't change any HDs around, shouldn't be an issue.08:40
Treenaksbur[n] er: doesn't evo grok that?08:40
calamarianyhow happen to know if ppp creates any files or environment vars when online?  Trying to make myself a little connect/disconnect script for pon/poff08:40
bur[n] erno08:40
calamarianyhow -> anyone08:40
jmhodgespdaoust, roger.. then not my issue :-/08:40
bur[n] erin any event, just curious if anyone had experience, but i'll just have to go for it and see if it works out :)08:40
pdaoustjmhodges: oh, here's something I discovered..... one sec, while I double check it08:41
Rodso i just re-install ubuntu, choose for the cd-rom install instead of network one... and add these 4 lines to the interfaces file08:41
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jmhodgespdaoust, cool08:41
zenwhenthe beatrix site is so funny08:41
crimsunRod: yes08:41
Rodalright.. ill be back as soon as possible! can take 45 minutes though.08:42
Tsjoklatzenwhen are you trying to rile up melazyboy again?08:42
crimsunRod: then we can edit your sources.list so you can finish installing from the 'net08:42
RuffianSoldierzenwhen - ya, its a great site - its "cozy" - silly08:42
zenwhenHave you read their site?08:42
melazyboywww.5url.com hhahhahahahah08:42
zenwhenif you've got a bit of skill. You can re-compile the Linux08:42
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pdaoustmy word, what is that 5url.com?!?08:42
melazyboyzenwhen: Why is the beatrix site funny?08:43
zenwhenIts a joke.08:43
zenwhenI havent laughed this hard in years.08:43
TsjoklatBeatrIX Linux: Faster than the average moth or butterfly08:43
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Tsjoklatbecause of that08:43
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pdaoustjmhodges: do you have a LiveCD of any sort lying around? doesn't matter what type08:44
Tsjoklatthen what08:44
jmhodgespdaoust, im running one right now :)08:44
spikyseveryone is on ubuntu here?08:44
jmhodgesim on the ubuntu warty livecd08:44
pdaoustjmhodges: ah, excellent :)08:44
Tsjoklatno spikys suse08:44
pdaoustspikys: most of us -- some of us are still in WinXP with network config problems :)08:44
zenwhenThe technical parts. "Linux 2.6.7: If you're moving to Linux from Windows, you may remember the days of the DOS prompt, c:/. This is the same, basically."08:44
pdaoust(spikys: glad to say I'm not in that group myself)08:45
spikysoh ok08:45
king_arthurhi everybody08:45
spikysdoes ubuntu have torrent download?08:45
Tsjoklatspikys just kidding.. all ubu and bea in here08:45
pdaoustspikys: that's where I got mine08:45
king_arthuranybody here familiar with the koppix live CD?08:45
zenwhenWhoever wrote this site has no clue what they are talking about. If the same person developed the distro, then melazyboy was totally right.08:45
pdaoustspikys: should be able to find the torrent URIs on the Ubuntu download page somewhere; forget where.08:45
spikystorrent...where's the tracker? can get at the homepage?08:45
pdaoustspikys: yep, I think so08:45
pdaoust(real helpful, eh? ;) )08:46
spikysso is it really a 25 minutes install?08:46
Tsjoklatoh joy another round08:46
Tsjoklatsoda zenwhen?08:46
melazyboyzenwhen: Wow i just looked at the site i have to agree i also think its a joke now -- read this. "Beatrix is optimized for _any_ Pentium-class computer of _any_ speed with at least 64megs of ram" that can't be so...08:46
pdaoustspikys: depends on the hardware. I think it took me about 30 min08:46
pdaoustspikys: although I did decide to do some fancy partitioning, and tha tmade it more like 45 min08:46
=== zenwhen hits Tsjoklat with some more soda
spikysok wat...at least not like an hour08:46
pdaoustokay, jmhodges, what we're going to do is get into the environment of your hd-installed Ubuntu08:47
king_arthurI am trying to modify Ubuntu XFreeserver config file according to the Knoppix config file08:47
pdaoustjmhodges: bring up a prompt08:47
spikyserm..another question, ubuntu can only use gnome?08:47
king_arthurcan anybody pls help?08:47
melazyboyBecause the kernel has optimizations for P1, P2/3, P4, and PM machines, as well as requiring bigmem for computers with over a gig of ram08:47
zenwhenhey melazyboy look in #flood08:47
RuffianSoldierspikys, hell no!  I use KDE and Gnome and Flux and XFce408:47
pdaoustjmhodges: first of all, what partition is your Ubuntu installed on?08:47
jmhodgespdaoust, ok, booted up the root term08:47
jmhodgespdaoust, hda1, or (hd0,0) iirc08:47
TsjoklatI feel like my period is coming up08:47
spikysi thought once the installation complete it came wit gnome08:48
pdaoustking_arthur: what are you trying to do specifically?08:48
jmhodgesdefinitely hda1 hehe.. i just think the latter is how grub interprets it08:48
pdaoustokay, jmhodges, mount that somewhere08:48
zenwhenTsjoklat, :(08:48
jmhodgesdone, mounted at /mnt/hda108:48
Tsjoklatzenwhen you hit me!08:48
king_arthurpdaoust: problem is Xserver did not config correctly and doesnt run with warty08:48
pdaoustjmhodges: that's right; just different terminology for Linux and for GRUB08:48
king_arthurpdaoust: tryin to config manually08:48
pdaoustjmhodges: chroot /mnt/hda1 && source /etc/profile08:49
jmhodgespdaoust, of course, i was double checking mygrub knowledge heh08:49
melazyboyking_arthur: Knoppix uses prelinking, ubuntu does not, it's advantages aren't that extensive, they build all of their packages with prelinking enabled08:49
pdaoustjmhodges: that will dump you into your HD-installed enviro08:49
jmhodgespdaoust, oo.. that source i hadnt tried08:49
jmhodgesright.. i had some /dev issues in here before08:49
pdaoustking_arthur: okay, are there any specific spots in XF86Config that you need help with?08:49
king_arthurmelazyboy: that's great but I want the Xserver to work so hat to do?08:50
pdaoustokay, jmhodges, go grub08:50
pdaoust(that's the whole command... just 'grub')08:50
jmhodgesinto the grub shell i go08:50
pdaoustking_arthur: and can we see a copy of the error messages X spits out when it crashes, if you have a copy? (post into #flood to keep #ubuntu tidy)08:50
jmhodgespdaoust, done08:50
king_arthurpdaoust: I was considering trying to just copy the XFConfig-4 file from to the other08:50
pdaoustjmhodges: I b'lieve... oh wait, you said the stage2 was screwed08:51
Tsjoklatso where are we in the convo?08:51
pdaoustking_arthur: hmmmmmmm... could work, possibly... dunno... there's a lot of auto-detection stuff and things that might be slightly different08:51
pdaoustjmhodges: okay, quit08:51
pdaoust(using command 'quit')08:51
jmhodgesok, now what my man?08:52
jmhodgesmy stage2 is back..08:52
pdaoustjmhodges: maybe it's corrupted?08:52
jmhodgesi must have be smoking something terrible the other night08:52
king_arthurpdaoust: TKS that will need some hacking and time08:52
jmhodgespdaoust, possible, lets assume its ok still08:52
jmhodgeswalk me through this.. i think i tried something like this before.. but a hand hold would be nice hehe08:52
pdaoustjmhodges: okay, if we're assuming it's okay, get back into the grub prompt (sorry)08:52
pdaoustking_arthur: what sort of hardware do you have?08:53
king_arthurpdaoust: I have a look but need to restart everything, how about just trying first simple copy08:53
jmhodgespdaoust, nah, no problem.. you went with what you had :D08:53
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pdaoustjmhodges: which wasn't much :D I'm winging it myself.....08:54
king_arthurpdaoust: HP Vectra Pentium I 165 integrated SiS video card08:54
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pdaoustjmhodges: in the grub prompt:08:54
jmhodgespdaoust, hehe08:54
linux_galoreits funny I find this channel more easy going than many of the other distro channels08:54
swimI installed ubuntu a while ago, I got a kernel panic at boot, said I should boot with noapic, how do I that?08:55
king_arthurpdaoust: have tried manual configuration of the Xserver but did not succeed08:55
pdaoustinstall --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 (hd0,0)/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0,0)/grub/stage2 p /grub/grub.conf08:55
pdaoust(that last line was for jmhodges)08:55
pdaoustking_arthur: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm08:55
jmhodgesthats.. interesting..08:55
jmhodgesError 21: Selected disk does not exist08:55
king_arthurpdaoust: whow how do you do all this "brain sharing"? :-)08:55
pdaoustking_arthur: sorry, I forget -- did you already try just copying the Knoppix XF86Config over, or are you still wondering if you should or not?08:55
pdaoustking_arthur: I can't; my brains are leaking out my ears :-D08:56
king_arthurpdaoust: I want to do it08:56
jmhodgespdaoust, see that error08:56
pdaoustgoing into meltdown..............08:56
pdaoustjmhodges: yeah.....08:56
jmhodgesk :-/08:56
pdaoustdat is bizarre08:56
jmhodgesfound it08:56
=== linux_galore does the old "duck and cover" cant stand brain tissue in my shoes
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jmhodgesthe /grub/stage2 at the end08:56
jmhodgesoh and the /grub/grub.conf08:57
spikeheadanyone playing nfsu2?08:57
pdaousttry both, eyah08:57
pdaoustwas just about to suggest08:57
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pdaoustspikehead: most advanced game I play is Frozen-Bubble :D08:57
king_arthurpdaoust: so the real question should be how to do it firt08:57
geoffjhi all08:57
jmhodgespdaoust,  perhaps it was the 'p' in there?08:57
pdaoustjmhodges...... hmmmmmmmmmm... dunno08:57
spikeheadpdaoust: ok08:57
jmhodgesor the --stage2 bit?08:57
jmhodgesneeding (hd0,0)08:58
pdaoustjmhodges: owing to the fact that I don't even know what the p is for and I'm just winging it there too! ha! :-D08:58
pdaoustking_arthur: well, I guess that if you're not having any luck configuring it the normal ways, you could make a backup copy of XF86Config and copy the Knoppix version over08:58
pdaoustking_arthur: beware, sometimes the new version of XFree86 uses the file XF86Config-4, and if you have both config files, it could get confused.08:59
swimI installed ubuntu a while ago, I got a kernel panic at boot, said I should boot with noapic, how do I that? anybody??08:59
geoffjI have just upgraded my server from sid to hoary and the nfs-kernel-server is not working: when I try from another machine I get connection refused and there is nothing in the server's log files :( help please.08:59
king_arthurpdaoust: that's what I was asking for but I don't know   how to do08:59
jmhodgespdaoust, nada.. even with (hd0,0)/boot/ added as prefixes to everything08:59
pdaoustking_arthur: okay, I getcha08:59
pdaoustking_arthur: are you in a working installed Ubuntu environment right now, or are you in Windows, or are you in Knoppix?09:00
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king_arthurpdaoust: Knoppix right now and xserver works09:00
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pdaoustking_arthur: is Knoppix using the new X.org 6.8?09:00
pdaoustjmhodges: okay, here's what 'help install' tells me:09:01
king_arthurpdaoust: azzzzz how to find out?09:01
king_arthurpdaoust: it's 3.209:01
pdaoustking_arthur: go 'less /etc/X11/xorg.conf' (without quotation marks) -- if it says there's no file like that, then you're using XFree8609:01
king_arthurpdaoust: no no I can see the XFConfig-4 file09:01
pdaoustjmhodges: "If the option 'p' is present, then the first block of Stage 2 is patched with new values of the partition and name of the configuration file used by the true Stage 2 at boot time."09:02
pdaoustjmhodges: there you go. clear as the sludge on the bottom of a swamp.09:02
king_arthurpdaoust: anyway one problem is that knoppix ain't using standard directory09:02
pdaoustking_arthur: ugh, really?09:03
king_arthurpdaoust: well it's all in ram isn't it?09:03
jmhodgespdaoust, hehe09:03
pdaoustking_arthur: some of the stuff is in ram, some is still on the CD09:03
pdaoustjmhodges: I wonder, do you have root access to your new chrooted environment?09:04
pdaoust(I guess what I'm asking is do you have a $ or a #?)09:04
king_arthurpdaoust: had a look it's xfree09:04
pdaoustking_arthur: okay, should work fine copying over then.09:04
king_arthurso question is where can I find my hda1 directories?09:04
pdaoustking_arthur: I'm assuming it's /mnt/hda1 -- that's where some Debian-based LiveCDs put their mounted discs09:05
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jmhodgespdaoust, whoami retursn root09:05
king_arthurpdaoust: have done so but looks empty :-(09:05
pdaoustjmhodges: kay, just wondering if it wasn't able to patch the necessary files and stuff09:05
pdaoustking_arthur: that reminds me -- I think it doesn't mount them by default either, so you'll have to go 'mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1' first09:06
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king_arthurpdaoust: OK wiill do so09:06
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jmhodgespdaoust, i think im just going to go with the damnable idea of starting up the ubuntu install..09:07
jmhodgesbut it must be..09:07
pdaoustjmhodges: mebbe... but before you do, I'm gonna try to make some sense of this silly grub manual09:07
jmhodgesoh, is there a way to install ubuntu from the live cd itself?09:08
pdaoustjmhodges: I've heard people say there isn't09:08
=== jmhodges bonks
jmhodgesthats just sillly09:08
king_arthurpdaoust: great that was the problem!!! I will copy and restart and see what happens tks09:08
pdaoustking_arthur: no prob; good luck!09:09
king_arthurpdaoust: see you in a few minutes hold on :-)09:09
jmhodgesi suppose thats why they bundled the live cd and the install cd together09:09
pdaoustjmhodges: think so09:09
=== Rod [Rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Rodhello :)09:09
pdaoustRod, how's it going?09:09
RodGuess what.. with this install those 4 lines are already in the file09:09
pdaoustRod: thought so; I think the problem goes deeper09:09
RodI have some other interesting news though09:09
RodI told you I have a nvidia 6800 card09:10
Rodthe driver in XF86config gets set on nv automaticly, which seems to be ok09:10
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Rodbut X wont start, it says no device detected09:10
pdaoustRod: kinda slow acceleration in my opinion09:10
pdaoustRod: that's weird09:10
Rodso i had to switch to the vga driver, with a screenres of something like 300x20009:10
pdaoustRod: any problems with LiveCDs (or have you tried them?)09:10
Rodso maybe its a motherboard issue?09:11
Rodno, the livecd takes a decent resolution09:11
pdaoustRod: yeah, maybe the nforce3 drivers are just too young and buggy yet...09:11
pdaoustRod: oh, if the LiveCD works, that's weird09:11
Rodnot sure if it's nv, but pretty sure... vga cant take that high res with plenty of colours09:11
pdaoustRod: indeed09:11
pdaoustRod: but maybe it's using the vesafb drivers?09:11
Rodnvidia has some closed sourced drivers on their site... should I take those? :s  although i dont think the other working distro's took these09:12
king_arthurHey guys, can anybody pls tell if there is an app to run irc in trminal (no xscreen)?09:12
geoffjI have just upgraded my server from sid to hoary and the nfs-kernel-server is not working: when I try from another machine I get connection refused and there is nothing in the server's log files :( help please.09:12
crimsunking_arthur: irssi-text09:12
Rodyeah, vesafb could be as well... Never payd attention to that actually09:12
crimsunking_arthur: I also recommend screen09:12
crimsunRod: there are nvidia packages for ubuntu09:12
pdaoustking_arthur: irssi -c irc.freenode.net -n king_arthur works for me09:13
Rodon the cd crimsun ?09:13
king_arthurcrimsun: just apt-get install irssi?09:13
pdaoustking_arthur: the interface is hard to get used to, but it does work in a pinch09:13
crimsunRod: doubtful. you'll download them via apt-get09:13
crimsunking_arthur: sudo apt-get..., or use Synaptic, sure.09:13
pdaoust(if his ethernet driver was working :) )09:13
king_arthurcrimsun: of course :-)09:13
king_arthurpdaoust: it is 8-)09:14
jmhodgespdaoust, hey dont worry about my little issue.. ill just slap a ubuntu install on this empty space on my drive and fix things from there :)09:14
pdaoustjmhodges, thanks :)09:14
crimsunRod: the 6800 is supported for 2d in 4.4.0 or X.Org 6.8+ iirc09:14
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crimsunRod: but Warty ships with a highly modified XFree86 4.3.009:14
geoffjdon't worry I have solved my problem using wiki, thanks09:15
pdaoustMy dad just recently told me about this article he read, that said that multitasking is hugely damaging on the human mind :)09:15
crimsunRod: so you'll need to use 'vesa'09:15
Rodaii ok crimsun09:15
pdaoustking_arthur: I mean Rod, who is having trouble finding the nvidia drivers09:15
Rodwell i can take them from the nvidia website09:15
Rodnot sure how to install the kernel-sources and such09:15
crimsunRod: until you get network up; then you can install linux-restricted-modules.., nvidia-glx, and nvidia-common09:15
Rodis it under the headers package?09:15
crimsunRod: no need for that. Warty already has them packaged; you just need network access to pull the necessary packages from Ubuntu's ftp site.09:16
Rodwell, i can download it now, and copy it over the the linux partition\09:16
melazyboyRod apt-get install kernel-tree09:16
Rodand then install it with dpkg09:16
melazyboyRod: There is a tutorial on the wiki about it09:16
crimsunRod: is network up? Have you installed Warty?09:16
Rodnetwork isnt up crimsun09:16
pdaoustjmhodges: you mean just slap an install into an empty spot, just so it reinstalls the MBR and configures stage1 and stage2 properly? now there's an idea...09:16
Rodstill same errors, except for those 4 lines which are already in the interfaces file09:16
pdaoustRod: yeah, I was thinking you'd still have problems with that.09:17
pdaoustmaybe ask the channel: anybody have any problems with an nForce3 chipset (AMD64 mobo), and Ubuntu not finding the drivers for the network card?09:17
crimsunRod: is forcedeth loaded?09:18
pdaoust(thinking to myself, how is he gonna apt-get the nvidia drivers without a 'Net connection.......)09:18
Rodafaik not crimsun09:18
crimsunRod: you need to load it09:18
Rodbut i loaded it before, but it didnt gave me internet or whatso ever09:18
pdaoustRod: you were having problems loading it, weren't you09:18
jmhodgespdaoust, yep09:18
jmhodgespdaoust, that was my fall back plan09:18
=== jmhodges starts falling backwards..
crimsunRod: sudo modprobe forcedeth09:18
Rodpdaoust, only on debian it gave me an error.. on ubuntu it doesnt give me any output, which is good i think09:18
pdaoustjmhodges: that's an idea... maybe go into advanced mode, so you only have to install the basest of systems09:18
crimsunRod: that should return you immediately to a prompt09:18
jmhodgespdaoust, think i will :)09:18
pdaoustRod: that's interesting... I hope that's good :)09:19
jmhodgesk, hopefully see you folks either tonight or when i get up in the morning09:19
Roddo I need to enter other commonds to get connection to the network after running the modprobe command?09:19
crimsunbye jmhodges09:19
pdaoustrighto, jmhodges, good luck :)09:19
crimsunRod: sudo ifup eth009:19
Rodthat should do it :)09:19
pdaousthopefully :)09:19
Rodsee you hopefully soon in ubuntu ;)09:19
pdaoustactually, I'm probably not gonna be there when Rod gets back... I'm falling asleep... but before I leave, does anybody know how to get rid of that bastardly authentication problems that have been plaguing Ubuntu users who try to install the FreeNX packages?09:20
pdaoustI reeeeeeeally wanna use my computer from a remote machine :)09:20
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crimsunsorry, I have no experience with NX09:21
pdaoustyokay, no prob09:21
pdaoustworked so easily on Gentoo...09:21
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pdaoust(but, as a tradeoff, everything ELSE works so easily on Ubuntu, as compared to Gentoo :-D )09:22
pdaoustrighto, folks, I'm knackered. I'm going to bed.09:22
king_arthurpdaoust: it is working!!! knppix an immensely resorcefoul thing!! thank knoppix, thank you ubuntu, thank you pdaoust!! :-)09:23
pdaoustking_arthur: hey, that's good news! Glad it worked for you; I was kinda expecting it not to.09:23
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king_arthurpdaoust: 8-)09:23
king_arthurpdaoust: my real question is wy did it not work in first instance?....09:24
king_arthurpdaoust: I did two installs and replaced a card just to be extra sure09:24
crimsunni pdaoust09:33
pdaoustking_arthur: not sure, really... maybe the onboard SiS hardware was too exotic for it?09:33
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king_arthurpdaoust: 8 years old 800x600 resolution?09:33
pdaoustking_arthur: hmm, yeah, you'd think they'd have support for that by now ^_^09:33
pdaoustking_arthur: Knoppix puts a *lot* of work into making sure their LiveCDs boot up on every conceivable piece of hardware under the sun, so maybe they've put more work into it than the Ubuntu devs have?09:33
pdaoustcrimsun: sorry, what does 'ni' mean?09:33
crimsunpdaoust: 'night.09:33
pdaoust(I'm new to this 'Intarweb' thing)09:33
pdaoustcrimsun: ah09:33
crimsunor 'morning09:33
pdaoustyeah, it's 0026 hours, for those of you who do things the military way :)09:33
pdaoustI shoulda gone to bed ages ago09:33
pdaoustsee ya later folks.................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz09:33
melazyboyI would agree09:33
melazyboynopix is wonderfull09:33
melazyboystart it, kill of modules untill shit breaks09:33
king_arthurpdaoust: so a matter of may be just clever German tuning of opensource s/w09:33
melazyboyThats the module im missing!!!09:33
melazyboyexcelent way to get stuff done09:33
pdaoustking_arthur: that's my guess. Some people will say that the distro isn't important; it's the technology behind it -- but some distros are just better for certain things out of the box09:33
pdaoustanyway, I'm gonna fall unconscious and slide off my chair prtty soon...09:33
melazyboyI agree, knopix is good for popping in a CD and having the question "will this work with less than 100hrs of labor" answered instantly, if it doesn't work on knopix chances are your better off buying new equipment09:33
Tsjoklatuse Bea linux :P09:33
Treenaksmelazyboy: that's why the Ubuntu Live CD rocks :)09:33
Treenakshm.. I know the local PC store owners.. I might give them a few Ubuntu discs (and buy a working webcam: tested with the live CD :))09:33
zenwhenBea linux LMAO09:33
Tsjoklatyou gotta keep one cd Treenaks!09:33
TreenaksTsjoklat: I know :)09:33
=== Tsjoklat fights for her cd
Tsjoklatyou can always hand out Bea Linux cds?09:33
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melazyboyTreenaks: While i would handsdown give ubuntu the 'best all around' os, i would still have to handle net compatibility to knopix, thats all they do..09:33
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melazyboyAnyway im off to bed if anyone has anything important im on aim or whatever othr im network09:33
melazyboytomorrow is saturday... still no work, muahah09:33
Tsjoklaton AIM?09:34
Tsjoklatwhat do we use? meboredboy?09:34
melazyboybet you can get it on your second guess =)09:34
albertpdaoust> this is king?arthur on ubuntu :=)09:34
albertjsut getting used to different keyboard09:34
albertsome minor tweaks for the interface09:35
melazyboyNot enogh hate to waste it with a distro of linux =/09:35
melazyboyill use it more constructivly in the real world09:35
albertbtw how do I change nick on a irc channel09:35
melazyboytype /nick name09:36
melazyboywhere name is what you want09:36
melazyboyassuming you are using irc2, bitchx or irssi =/09:36
melazyboyprobably the same09:36
albertbut /nick didnt work09:37
melazyboyit seems to be an unspoke client standard, /nick or /name, /leave or /part, /join, /server09:37
melazyboythey aren't to creative.. /whois /who /ban /kick09:37
melazyboy... having a hard time believing both /nick and /name09:38
melazyboydidn't work09:38
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jirwinI am having trouble getting postgres support for php with apache2 using synaptic09:39
jirwinI was curious if someone could point me in the right direction09:40
jirwini have installed apache2 and libapache2-mod-php409:41
jirwinand php works09:41
melazyboyapt-cache search postgre php09:50
jirwini have installed postgres09:50
melazyboyIm not sure, i use perl and the DBI/DBD09:50
melazyboyand mysql09:50
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Rodargh I give up :009:50
jirwinwell I mean09:50
RodI'd do better posting this on a forum, wouldnt I?09:50
jirwinphp4 has a bunch of modules for it09:50
jirwinhow do I get those to work with the phpmodule for apache09:50
melazyboyjirwin: I didn't think php4 had modules, i thought it just had an oversized engine =/09:50
melazyboyjoking no flamewars lol09:50
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jmhodgesim back in my original ubuntu install09:50
melazyboynot sure jirwin, i would take this question to either our #php on freenode, or #php or #php-help on efnet09:50
jirwinany ideas on how to do that?09:50
jirwinoh ok thanks09:50
melazyboysry =/09:50
crimsunRod: what happened?09:50
jmhodgesnow to figure out how the heck the install cd auto-detected the other operating systems on this hard drive and how to make it "see" another partition as a part of LVM09:50
Rodpff I cant even get these binaries working crimsun09:50
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jmhodgeswhen i didnt use LVM inthe install09:50
jmhodgesok.. first things first..09:50
Rodthe install goes ok.. but then i need to edit /etc/modules.conf.. but that isnt there09:50
Rod*the install of the nvidia drivers09:50
jmhodgeshow does Ubuntu detect the other operating systems and then auto-adds them to the grub set up?09:50
Tsjoklatit smells it09:50
calamariwhen I go to uninstall some of the default apps, it also wants to uninstall ubuntu-base or ubuntu-desktop.  If I uninstall those will it break everything?09:50
frankpsCan somebody please tell me how I can get listed optional files that I can install through apt?09:50
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jmhodgesTsjoklat: hehe, but i suppose i'd like to see what the sniffing software was09:50
melazyboycalamari: No but there is a logical downside09:50
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jmhodgesperhaps a dpkg-reconfigure would be enough09:50
calamarimelazyboy: what'09:50
calamaris that?09:50
melazyboycalamari: As i see it, if you break the ubuntu-base install then when a new version of ubuntu-base is released you won't receive notification with upgrade, or dist-upgrade, because you have already removed the meta package that contains all of the ubuntu programs09:50
calamarijust that I won't know which apps are ubuntu and which aren't?09:50
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frankpsszia Potn: Mar itt is vagy?09:50
jdubcalamari: what are you removing, out of interest?09:50
melazyboyso in the event the ubuntu commity decides to remove packages, or add new packages, they will modify ubuntu-desktop to include the new definition, then when people go dist-upgrade, or upgrade, they will get the new version removing or adding the changes made to the distro, you will loose the meta package and forfit that functionality if you want it back you will have to apt-get install it manually assuming you remember09:50
frankpsMondja mar egy csatornat a hol nem vagy :-)09:50
calamarijdub: I wanted to remove a bunch of things, like emacs, vim, evolution, rhythmbox, more later09:50
jirwinhey...how would I recompile a package?09:50
calamariI didn't finish looking because I wasn't sure about the dependencies09:50
spacey`kipoor vim ;(09:50
melazyboyIf you see where im going -- by my understanding other than the graphical installer, ubuntu is esentially a small debian installation with macro to apt-get a big all encompassing package, ubuntu-desktop09:50
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calamarispacey`ki: time for the editor wars!09:50
Tsjoklatspacey`ki :P09:51
ironwolfany samba experts around that know how to enable "signing support" ?09:51
calamariI am actually looking for a textpad substitute09:51
melazyboytextpad is supposed to run pretty good with wine09:51
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melazyboythats my second fav, i learned vim..09:51
calamariI need an editor with the concept of virtual cursor space09:51
melazyboylike vim's visual block?09:52
calamarimelazyboy: hmm, maybe I'll bite the bullet and install wine then, if the universe package lists ever finish downloading :)09:52
spacey`kimelazyboy, what is that visual block?09:53
ironwolfsamba? anyone?09:53
spacey`kiironwolf, i prefer a beer;)09:54
calamariyay for uninstallable dependencies09:54
melazyboyspacey`ki: lets say you have 100lines of code, in a 'if' condiditonal, and you delete the encapsulating if statement09:54
melazyboywhat do you do?09:54
melazyboywell in vim you can enter in visual mode and highlight one vertical block of tabs for 100 lines, and delete them09:55
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melazyboy... or of coarse you can run a 1,100s/^\t//;09:56
jmhodgesthe hell?09:56
jmhodgessince when did openoffice depend on kde stuff in hoary?09:56
melazyboyjmhodges: What exactly are we talking about09:57
melazyboyjmhodges: Define 'stuff'09:57
jmhodgesone sec.. jackd, kdelibs-bin etc09:58
jmhodgeskdelibs-data, libarts109:58
melazyboyI dont have kdelibs-bin installed09:58
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jmhodgesmelazyboy: well, seeing as ijust updated and i had a conflict error in openoffice.org-debian-files i thought i would uninstall it and then reinstall but now its coming up with all of these new dependencies09:59
jirwinhey...is there anyway to recompile a package installed with apt?09:59
Tsjoklatyou must have enabled kde support jmhodges09:59
Tsjoklatthe mimelink thing09:59
jmhodgeshow the hell did i do that?09:59
jirwinsuch as compiling apache with php support09:59
calamariwhy doesn't the universe include libglib1.2 or libgtk1.2?  everything gnome seems to depend on them10:00
Tsjoklatooo has a package called mimelink for use with/on kde10:00
jmhodgesmimelink? there was something of that nature.. i dont know how it got there.. but i removed it10:00
melazyboyjmhodges: I already upgraded today, and when i apt-get --purge remove those pkges you just mentioned none of them list at all, never mind claiming as a dependant for openoffice, kind of odd =/10:00
TsjoklatOpenOffice.org MIME bindings for KDE10:01
TsjoklatOpenOffice.org is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides10:01
Tsjoklata near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office.10:01
TsjoklatThis package contains the OpenOffice.org KDE MIME bindings for use with10:01
TsjoklatKDE and KOffice.10:01
jmhodgesi know.. i just upgraded just now however.. and iirc debian's pkgs get synced in late/early10:01
jmhodgesTsjoklat: i found that, and i removed it before trying to reinstall openoffice.. the depends are the same..10:01
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Tsjoklatpurge it?10:02
ulisse_Hi Channel!10:02
Tsjoklatlog out?10:02
jmhodgesrestarting synaptic..10:02
jmhodgesthat didnt do it10:02
jmhodgesi cant purge it via synatpic oddly10:02
ulisse_someone using hoary?10:02
Rodthanks for the help crimsun and the other guy whom i forgot the name of :)10:02
Tsjoklatjmhodges: console type dpkg -l packagename10:03
Tsjoklatwhat does it give you10:03
ironwolfulisse_: I am, whatcha need?10:03
ulisse_ironwolf, since alst update (yesterday) I found changes in the "computer://" folder10:03
ulisse_it seems it is no more looking into fstab10:04
jmhodgesTsjoklat: http://www.pastebin.com/12384610:04
Tsjoklatlemme look jmhodges10:04
jmhodgesbah, that must be wrong10:04
ulisse_before I saw my partitions as disks, in that folder10:04
jmhodgesi thought i had the name right.. thats what it shows as in synaptic10:04
jmhodgesor i thought it was..10:04
Tsjoklatit's purged10:05
jmhodgesyep thats what it is10:05
jmhodgesok then..10:05
jmhodgesyeah hoary10:05
ironwolfulisse_: what do you see now?10:05
ulisse_but now I cannot mount my partitions with a rightclick...10:05
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Tsjoklatmaybe it got warped?10:05
jmhodgesTsjoklat: argh..10:05
jmhodgesthats what im afraid of10:05
Tsjoklatdid you check bugzilla?10:05
jmhodgesill have to hope and pray that this is just a debain sync up problem10:06
jmhodgesnot yet10:06
pepsi_does whorey have xorg?10:06
Tsjoklatif anyone else has the same issue?10:06
jmhodgeswill do10:06
ulisse_I see the cdroms, the floppy, the network and the filesystem10:06
Tsjoklatwhorey... lol10:06
plasmopepsi_: yes10:07
BurgundaviaPeltoilves: hoary does yes10:07
Tsjoklatwe went from warts to whores10:07
jmhodgesTsjoklat: not seeing it10:07
melazyboyxorg blows10:07
Tsjoklatyou could file a bug report about it... or zit it out for a tad?10:07
melazyboyand its hoary =D10:07
Tsjoklatit does melazyboy10:07
jmhodgesTsjoklat: i think ill wait until tomorrow night.. and then ill freak out :)10:07
pepsi_why does everyone want xorg then?10:08
jmhodgesim just hoping that this is just a sync up problem10:08
ironwolfulisse_: that's waht I see. :( sorry10:08
Tsjoklatyeah sounds like a plan :)10:08
Tsjoklatpepsi just like everybody wants firefox: to be ubercool10:08
jmhodgespepsi_: because its a more modular design, and it makes pretty things like transparency happen correctly10:08
melazyboypepsi_: Because everyone has fancy nvidia cards and poor me is stuck with a puney ati =/10:08
pepsi_lol, who cares about graphics cards :P10:08
jmhodgessame here.. i just gto this vid card too10:08
ulisse_ironwolf, do you have a partition that is not automatically mounted at startup?10:08
TsjoklatI got both10:08
Tsjoklatthought ATI was the state of the art10:08
Tsjoklatpaid for more the damn thing10:09
=== jmhodges nods
melazyboypepsi_: Well with xfree i had 3d acceleration and the fglrx drivers =/ on xorg i have stupid 2d ati drivers that aren't 1/3 as good10:09
pepsi_i dont care about 3d10:09
=== Tsjoklat is going to throw nvid back in
jmhodgespepsi_: well, thats great for you :).. us however..10:09
jmhodgesTsjoklat: bastard hehe10:09
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melazyboy*is jealous of Tsjoklat for having no affiliation with Texas, and owning an nvidia card*10:10
Tsjoklatjmhodges sowwy :P10:10
pepsi_so 3d aside, how is xorg compared for xfree86?10:10
Tsjoklatyou're smart or you ain't :)10:10
jmhodges<jmhodges> pepsi_: because its a more modular design, and it makes pretty things like transparency happen correctly10:10
jmhodgespepsi_: ^10:10
jmhodgesits prettier, its faster, and its lighter10:10
melazyboypepsi_: Xorg has a different license... and thats about it!!!!10:10
jmhodgesand that too10:11
melazyboypepsi_: The other changes include, xfree86-4.conf -> xorg.conf10:11
pepsi_are many of you using hoary?10:11
Tsjoklatand it sucks donkey balls10:11
ironwolfulisse_: all of mine mount correctly.10:11
melazyboyand uh .. wait thats the only other change noticable without state of the art benchmarking10:11
ironwolfpepsi_: hoary user here.10:11
plasmopepsi_: is cokie or pepsi better? :|10:11
melazyboyTsjoklat: Well phraised10:11
rocky_G/day ppl10:11
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jmhodgespepsi_: me, and i think this is my 2nd time of getting ever so slightly fucked by it10:11
jmhodgespepsi_: bewaaaaare!10:11
pepsi_jmhodges: howso?10:12
Tsjoklatdr. Pepper10:12
plasmorocky_: gday mate10:12
ironwolfpepsi_: it's a development release.  It's very, very fluid... sometimes that breaks things, sometimes that breaks LOTS of things.10:12
jmhodgespepsi_: for instance, a little while a go when the Ubuntu reops synced up with Debian's repos and the Deb repos had a borked sed pkg..10:12
rocky_how you doing plasmo10:12
melazyboyYea ubuntu isn't like sid, when they say it can break, they mean it will break.10:13
plasmogood good ;)10:13
melazyboyerr s/ubuntu/hoary/;10:13
jmhodgespepsi_: imagine finding out you can't install or remove anything :) but that only lasted a day..10:13
Tsjoklathoary is worse then sid10:13
jmhodgespepsi_: things break, c'est la vie.. i like having the shiny new gaim etc10:13
Tsjoklatsid ppl wait for fixes in hoary10:13
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jmhodgesTsjoklat: haha, what?10:13
Tsjoklatsid blokes wait for fixes in hoary before they throw it in their rep10:14
pepsi_how can i see whats all in the hoary repositories?10:14
melazyboypepsi open up an html browser10:14
melazyboyand go it out10:14
ironwolfpepsi_: hoary is like sarge+sid, mixed with a fair helping of 'experimental'10:15
Tsjoklathoary is like sid and beyond10:16
melazyboyI would argue thats in large misleading ironwolf, because sid has packages in it that are what 2 yrs old? where as all of hoary's were built in the past month?10:17
Tsjoklatread above10:17
jmhodgeshoary is like taking crack, shrooms and washing it down with a nice gulp of liquid acid10:17
jmhodgesi like tossing in hyperbole10:17
Tsjoklatcomes close jmhodges10:17
plasmo^ lol10:17
jmhodgesalright, 0417 and im making bad narco jokes.. time for sleep10:18
jmhodgesthanks folks10:18
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Tsjoklattoodles jmhodges10:19
Maligantanyone know how to configure auto-login?10:19
b_e_n_zMaligant, gdmsetup10:20
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MaligantThanks benz... that was too easy10:21
jmhodgesMaligant: nice gui way .. go to Computer>System Configuration>Login Screen Setup10:21
Tsjoklatjmhodges: go away :P10:21
ironwolfmelazyboy: some of sid is older.  Most of experimental is fairly new.  Some of hoary is older, some is new.  The important thing is that it's a development release.  Not ready for stable/productional use.10:21
jmhodgesTsjoklat: hehe, im going im going10:21
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melazyboyAnyone here in houston, or texas?10:23
Tsjoklatonly you melazyboy10:23
melazyboyTsjoklat: Thanks self esteem is soaring..10:23
Tsjoklatmelazyboy sowwy.. it is Treenaks fault.. he made me type it10:23
melazyboythats right always defer the blame10:24
Tsjoklatit is true10:24
TreenaksTsjoklat: I did?10:24
TsjoklatTreenaks does it all10:24
TreenaksI do?10:24
Tsjoklatyes tomorrow it is iz10:24
TreenaksTsjoklat: oh ok :)10:25
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Tsjoklatand if he is MIA ... we'll take joolz10:25
TreenaksTsjoklat: or tering ;)10:25
Tsjoklatyes let's use tering :)10:25
Tsjoklatmight as well :P10:25
Tsjoklatnight everybody be good10:29
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melazyboygood night10:29
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calamariahh.. bump-media-player that's more like it.  I wish I could have it minimize to the system tray only tho.. even cd player doesn't seem to do that10:34
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melazyboymp3blaster =D10:35
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dadgood evening eneryone10:42
dadeveryone ?10:42
lool_evening_ ?10:43
loolwhat country is this :)10:43
dadi think:)10:43
looloh yeah sorry, should've seen that10:43
dadis it ok to ask a question?10:44
dadoh well  - ummm force monitor refresh rate in XF84Conf10:45
dadstuck at 60 but want 7010:46
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dadhmm bit like fishing lol10:50
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dadanyone know if a single setting of 70  instead of 30-80 for refresh rate in XF86Conf will force refresh rate or not?10:54
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timodoes anybody know how to install the distutils for ptyhon-2.3.4 ?11:04
timoi get the following error: AttributeError: DistributionMetadata instance has no attribute 'get___doc__'11:07
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Kamiontimo: install the python-dev package11:07
timoyes i tried that11:08
timobut its not listed in synaptic11:08
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the_stickI just installed ubuntu , how do I change the res+refresh rate ?11:13
the_stickbtw .. it looks awesome11:13
Kamiontimo: python2.3-dev?11:14
Kamiontimo: it's probably not on the CD11:15
the_stickhuh ?11:15
fabbionehey Kamion11:15
Kamionhi fabio11:15
fabbioneKamion: you have plenty of nice udebs in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-
Kamionnice work11:16
timoits not on the cd and i didnt find it on the packet sources11:16
fabbioneKamion: let see if they work first :-)11:16
Kamionpython-dev | 2.3.4-1ubuntu1 |         warty | all11:16
Kamiondefinitely in warty11:16
the_stickcan someone please help me ? *_*11:16
Kamiontimo: for hoary we've moved distutils into the main python package11:16
timowhich packet source do i need???11:16
timowarty -> hoary?11:17
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Kamionno, warty should be just fine11:17
Kamionyou need 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main'11:17
timoso hoary is the upcoming release?11:17
Kamionyes, April 200511:17
timook thx i'll try that11:17
Kamionit's still kind of flaky sometimes11:17
the_stickit says my monitor can handle only 60hz @ 1024x768/11:18
the_stickcan you read this ?11:19
fabbioneKamion: i am off for a while.. let me know (via email) if something is broken11:21
fabbioneKamion: i will be able to look at them tomorrow or max monday11:22
Kamionfabbione: ok; may not be around much myself today, though11:22
fabbioneKamion: eheh don't worry11:22
fabbioneKamion: if there are problems, i want to get them fixed before i start working on 2.6.911:22
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timoKamion: when searching for "python-dev" i only get the match "libboost-python-dev"11:25
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Kamiontimo: it's definitely there; try 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install python-dev' at a terminal11:29
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timook i'll do11:31
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timoKamion: thx a lot, now its downloading at least :> but im sure it was not listed in synaptic..11:33
Kamiondid you hit "Reload" in synaptic after editing repositories?11:33
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timono.. but it restarted the whole synaptics many times11:33
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timoor wasnt that enough?11:34
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CardinalSinhi all.11:35
timoKamion: yes, that was my fault.. after hitting the reload button it suddenly appeared11:35
Kamionrestarting isn't enough, indeed; reload is the equivalent of 'apt-get update'11:36
CardinalSinnewish Ubuntu user question. can i run "nautilus --no-desktop --browser" as root (or sudo)? if so how?11:36
timobut woudnt it be kind of more user-friendly if restarting would be combined with offering a reload?11:36
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CardinalSini don't want to have to open a root terminal every time.11:37
Kamiontimo: reload is expensive, particularly over dialup11:38
Kamiontimo: there'd be a riot if dialup users had to fetch the Packages files every time they started synaptic11:38
Kamionalthough *offer* a reload, maybe; dunno ...11:38
=== Matt| [~Matt|@81-179-205-129.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Matt|hi there. I'm a bit unfamiliar with apt. Can someone help me out? Is there a utility for removing unneeded dependencies? So, after installing a package which has required 5 dependencies, after removing that package, how can I remove the unwanted dependencies?11:39
timono, not a forced reload every startup, but a dialog telling the user that his package list could be out of date or something11:40
KamionMatt|: deborphan11:41
KamionMatt|: aptitude can do it too, if you always installed packages with aptitude11:41
Matt|Kamion, ok thanks, I don't have that package but I will look for it11:41
Matt|no i don't use aptitude11:41
lifelessah, so ... use aptitude :) did you know it can be run like apt - that is aptitude install foo'11:42
=== RubenV [~lambda1@83-134-126-191.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
Matt|but i use synaptic ;p11:42
RubenVare these invalid module format errors on ndiswrapper normal?11:43
RubenVor should i lock my version to .1011:43
Matt|has anyone tried the new kernel image btw?11:43
RubenVMatt|: just installed it11:43
RubenVnot yet booted11:43
Matt|me neither11:43
RubenVseems like lots of minor fixes11:43
RubenVnothing big11:43
Matt|you've had a look at the changelog?11:44
RubenVlooks like lots of sparc stuff11:44
Matt|anything to acpi?11:44
RubenV(quick look though)11:44
RubenVlemme see11:45
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RubenVmostly sparc stuff11:45
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Matt|Kamion, when  run deborphan with no flags it lists some packages which seem important. Does it literally mean that nothing depends on those packages it lists?11:49
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KamionMatt|: what packages?11:49
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Matt|a number of gstreamer packages11:49
Matt|i don't know if i use them or not11:49
KamionMatt|: yes, I don't believe deborphan will ever list a package that is depended on by something installed11:49
tensorheya! can i view divx movies with the totem movie player? are there divx codecs for ubuntu?11:49
KamionMatt|: if you aren't sure it might be better to leave them installed11:50
Matt|yeah probably :)11:50
Matt|what about libgtkhtml2-0?11:50
Matt|sounds important ;)11:50
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KamionMatt|: if you mean the new kernel image in hoary, it shouldn't change anything from a user point of view11:51
Matt|Kamion, k11:51
Matt|yeah i did mean that11:51
faisalhow do I mount my other NTFS and windows partitions in linux ?11:51
Kamion'apt-cache showpkg libgtkhtml2-0' will tell you reverse-deps11:51
faisalI'm pasting from the root window11:52
Kamionalthough I think that includes uninstalled packages11:52
faisalroot@ubuntu:/ # mount dev/hdc111:52
faisalmount: can't find /dev/hdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:52
Matt|faisal, it's mount -t ntfs /dev/hdc# /mnt_point, but do it with care because you could destroy the windows partition if you try and write to it11:52
Kamionfaisal: pmount /dev/hdc111:52
Kamionyou don't need to be root for that11:53
Matt|i would suggest making it read only tho11:53
Kamiontrue, pmount doesn't let you pass options and always mounts rw11:53
Matt|or has ntfs support got better in linux now?11:53
faisalroot@ubuntu:/ # mount dev/hdc111:53
faisalmount: can't find /dev/hdc1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:53
Kamionso 'sudo mount -o ro -t ntfs /dev/hdc1 /some/directory'11:54
Kamionfaisal: you didn't read carefully11:54
Kamionbut sorry, pmount won't work on a non-removable device, so ignore me11:54
faisalsorry i tried that11:55
Matt|faisal, as kamion says, try the command "sudo mount -o ro -t ntfs /dev/hdc1 /mnt/windows"11:56
Matt|faisal, you have to make the directory /mnt/windows first if you don't have it11:56
Matt|Kamion, sorry to tap off your apt knowledge, but how can I use apt-cache to search which packages I have installed?11:56
Matt|and if I do an apt-cache rdepends libgtkhtml2-0, are the packages its showing me ones which i have installed, or are they just all the packages which might depend on it11:58
Kamion"how can I use my coffee machine to make tea?" :-)11:58
Kamiontry 'dpkg -l'11:58
Matt|coffee machines make tea... and hot chocolate... and soup, some of them11:58
Kamionapt-cache rdepends is showing all reverse-dependencies it knows about, not necessarily just installed ones11:58
Matt|yeah ok cool11:59
Matt|right I'm getting there11:59
Matt|Kamion, thanks for ya help11:59
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Matt|Kamion, is there a command which removes all orphaned packages? a really unsafe command...12:01
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Matt|Kamion, ok i see it, don't worry12:03
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faisalhow do i get into my root asccount in ubuntu?12:06
Matt|faisal, you use sudo to get temporary root privileges12:06
mjrI believe that's a faq12:06
Matt|mjr, i believe this is a help channel12:07
Matt|faisal, type "sudo" before commands when you need to be root12:07
faisalat 60hz, xchat black window is the only bearable window12:07
faisalhow do i stop x server ?12:08
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mjr/etc/init.d/gdm stop12:09
Matt|faisal, log out, then do CTRL ALT F1, then log in to the console, and stop gdm12:09
faisal<-- will stop askinfg Q's when the nvidia driver is installed12:09
mjr(with sudo)12:09
jindHow do I uninstall a deb package?12:11
Matt|apt-get remove package is nice12:11
jindThanks :)12:11
jindCheckinstall is nice too ;)12:11
jindhmm, it's a locally installed package12:12
calamariif I want to add something to the PATH globally, what file does it go in?12:12
jindIsn't apt-get only for remetly fetched packages?12:12
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ctdjind: apt-get remove applies for all installed debs12:14
Matt|is it not working?12:14
jindctd, thanks :)12:15
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Vince-0calamari - u find that file ?12:19
zopyis it possible to add by default Gartoon Icons => http://zeus.qballcow.nl/icons.php ?12:21
zopyor you want to make your own ?12:22
ctdbob2: How does one usually change consoles on this hardware?12:22
Vince-0no idea12:23
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bob2ctd: change consoles?12:26
bob2like chvt?12:27
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the_stickLinux is tough12:27
the_sticklot's of new stuff to learn o_O12:27
bob2well, if you haven't used it before12:27
bob2windows is confusing to me after not using it for years12:27
the_sticki used SuSe12:27
the_stickfor a day12:28
the_stickvery slow and unstable12:28
bob2it shouldn't be, don't forget to file bugs!12:28
the_stickbut this ubuntu this is very fast12:28
=== altorus [~altorus@203-173-44-207.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
the_stickreally nice to use too12:28
the_stickgnome > KDE12:28
altorushi, and is anyone familiar with the powernow daemon in here?12:29
altorusits running on the default runlevel, but would like to change it from active to passive, it scales too quickly12:29
altorusthe init script tells me to creaate /etc/default/powernowd for custom options, but i'm unsure of the format12:30
ctdbob2: virtual terminals12:30
zopyis there another url for humanxmms because this failed http://anka.org/henrik/humanxmms/12:30
bob2ctd: chvt12:30
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zopyhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=409 xmms skins12:33
Vince-0what Gfx cards u guyz running ?12:33
zopythis work http://www.xwebnet.com/files/HumanXMMS-0.2.tar.bz2 cool12:33
zopyMatrox G40012:34
tolleare there any easy to use graphical networksetting program that works, some dude needs one and he is 200km from here so i cant realy help him.12:34
tolleah it worked out, he was messing with the wrong networkinterface12:36
the_stickEvolution Mail is pretty slick12:36
Rene_SIs there a way to make application cover a panel ?12:36
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bob2ctd: to change from one virtual terminal to another, use chvt12:39
bob2tho I think I don't get your question12:39
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Matt|what is the best way to backup my home directory?12:40
bob2rsync it to another machine12:41
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danielsctd: are you talking about the fact you can't do ctrl-alt-f1 or such with the ibook?12:41
Matt|bob2, i was gonna compress it first if poss12:41
Matt|then i'll copy it to another machine12:41
altorusany laptop/powernowd users at all?12:42
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bob2rsync compresses12:42
Matt|bob2, how does it work?12:42
Matt|i need a server on the other machine?12:42
faisalwith which app do I open .deb files ?12:42
Vince-0<R any of U guyz runnung AMD64 > * ?12:42
RubenValtorus: full time laptop user here12:42
bob2altorus: did you readf the man page?12:42
RubenVlot's of em i think12:42
altorusYes i did, it doesn't give details as to the syntax of the debian specific optional config file12:43
bob2Matt|: no, it can work over ssh12:43
Fwiffofaisal: What are you trying to accomplish?12:43
Matt|bob2, ok that's good. How do i get it working?12:43
bob2altorus: sure it can take a config file at all?12:44
bob2(the man page doesn't seem to say so)12:44
altorusfrom the init script : # create the file /etc/default/powernowd if you want to override the value of12:44
altorus# variable OPTIONS and change the default behavior of the daemon as launched12:44
bob2Matt|: rsync -a -z -vv --partial /home/blah/ you@remote:/home/blah/backup/12:44
altorusit defaults to aggressive, which is too much on this machine would prefer passive12:44
bob2altorus: oh, yeah, that's just to override command line options12:44
bob2altorus: you can just edit /etc/init.d/powernowd12:45
altorusbob2, yep, thats where i figured setting a different mode would happen :)12:45
altorusi didn't see any mode settings in there, it just uses the default12:45
faisalFwiffo,  I want to install bittorrent12:45
bob2altorus: or make a file called /etc/default/powernowd with the words: OPTIONS="-m2"12:45
bob2faisal: sudo dpkg -i blah.deb12:45
bob2faisal: but bittorrent is in ubuntu...12:45
altorusbob2, thatnks thats the kind of syntax i was after :D12:45
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bob2altorus: erm, how do you mean?12:46
Fwiffofaisal: yes, my advice is to use what's in the repositories12:46
faisalit is o_O12:46
bob2altorus: it's how you set settings for powernowd12:46
Vince-0<R any of U guyz runnung AMD64 > * ?12:46
altorusas in the syntax for that actual file, thru /etc/defaults its kinda all over the place12:46
bob2Vince-0: it's best to just ask your question12:46
altorusa lot of it being program specific12:46
Vince-0bob2 - thats just my question12:46
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bob2altorus: everything I know of in /etc/default/ are shell scripts that get sources12:47
bob2Vince-0: lots of people are using it12:47
Vince-0kk kewl12:47
Matt|bob2, wow rsync is clever. How can i compress the stuff?12:47
bob2Matt|: -z says use compression12:47
altorusnope still aggressive.12:47
bob2altorus: did you restart it?12:47
Matt|bob2, kthx12:47
Fwiffofaisal: fwiw Azerus should be a good client for torrents12:47
Vince-0Bitcommet is the best client12:47
altorusbob2, yep, just rereading the initscript, see if it gives any hinters12:48
bob2'start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo --exec $DAEMON -- $OPTIONS >/dev/null 2>&1'12:48
bob2you really just need to set $OPTIONS12:49
Matt|bob2, its working thanks a million you rock12:49
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altorus * Usage: /etc/init.d/powernowd {start|stop|restart|force-reload}12:49
altorusno options specified.12:49
bob2sudo invoke-rc.d powernowd restart12:50
altorusstill too used to the gentoo way of doing things :12:50
altorus:| rather12:50
altoruswoops, the dreaded G word - hehe12:53
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jindCan anybody recommend a gnome frontend to mplayer for me?12:56
jindPreferably something in the repositories12:56
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ctd_Any particular reason it would be for mplayer?12:57
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echylohi have a question12:58
echylojust reinstalled ubuntu, from shipped cd12:58
altorusjind, is gmplayer in the reps?  it /should/ be a part of the standard mplayer package12:58
echylonow I want to mount my ntfs & fat partitions12:58
echylobut it says its not supported by kernel12:58
echylothat's me yes..12:59
Vince-0mount -t ntfs /dev/hdXx /mnt/xxx12:59
echylodid that :)12:59
echylontfs is not supported by kernel12:59
bob2echylo: what does "uname -r" print out?12:59
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echyloand in the previous it was12:59
bob2it really is supported by the kernel12:59
Vince-0 Imounted ntfs12:59
Fwiffoechylo: sudo modprobe ntfs01:00
bob2echylo: and what *exactly* are you running?01:00
jindgmplayer is installed be not working01:00
echyloubuntu 4.10?01:00
bob2what is the exact command line you're using01:00
Fwiffoechylo: yes, that will load the needed kernel module01:00
echylodoesn't work Fwiffo01:01
bob2I'm 99% certain mount will load the module automagically01:01
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echyloow it does01:01
bob2show us the exact command you're running01:01
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Fwiffowell I had that problem once and loading the module manually fixed it :/01:01
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echylook it works now01:01
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Matt|bob2, rsync has not worked properly: rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(702)01:03
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bob2does it happen if you try again?01:03
bob2what if you add another -v?01:03
Vince-0Q! - has any1 had issies with apt -get fglrx and AMD64 ? > *01:03
Matt|ok i'll try but it will take a while01:03
bob2Vince-0: you can just use normal english in here, you don't need to prefix or suffix questions with random characters01:04
Vince-0I will do that bob01:04
bob2Matt|: it should be very quicdk, it won't transfer anything that hasn't had it's mtime change01:04
Matt|oh shit01:04
KamionVince-0: they're only supported on i386 at the moment01:04
Matt|bob2, too late for that, i've already deleted the remote dir01:05
bob2Matt|: gah01:05
Vince-0i emailed ATI - chooned them to make a working driver for us 64bitters01:05
Matt|bob2, ;) i'll be back soon01:05
danielsemailing ATI won't help, I'm afraid01:05
Matt|Vince-0, that's not gonna do any good01:05
Vince-0yar I know , its all I can do01:05
Matt|they don't listen to 17000 strong petitions01:05
Vince-0well then I am stuck with 2d01:06
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Vince-0what kewl stuff have u guyz accomlished in Ubunt ?01:11
Vince-0I wanna replace my winXp01:11
Matt|Vince-0, you've got 3d graphics in winxp i guess01:11
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Matt|if you play games and stuff i guess you should keep windoze01:12
Vince-0Matt| : indeed I do - the first thing stoping me from migrating01:12
Matt|Vince-0, or you could buy a new video card i guess ;)01:12
Vince-0Matt| : nought , thats not an option01:12
Vince-0Matt| : what u doin about it ?01:13
Matt|about what?01:13
RubenVthe point is more: do you need 3D in linux,01:13
Matt|RubenV, sure you do01:13
Vince-0yeah u do01:13
RubenVMatt|: I haven't seen much 3D on my desktop yet :)01:14
bob2not everyone does01:14
Vince-0well, get Cedega and Doom301:14
bob2I had some silly geforce2 for years and never used 3d on it01:14
Matt|RubenV, i haven't seen much X on my desktop yet01:14
bob2unrelated to the fact the silly binary drivers oopsed my machine01:14
Matt|but if you wanna play games...01:14
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Matt|ok bob2 same rsync error01:15
RubenVgames can be missed01:15
Vince-0indeed i wanna jamsom games01:15
Vince-0well I donRubenV : so then u got a serverbx ?01:15
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RubenVVince-0: ??01:16
Matt|bob2, here is the error (3 lines)01:16
Matt|total size is 559062878  speedup is 3808.6701:16
Matt|rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at main.c(702)01:16
Matt|_exit_cleanup(code=0, file=main.c, line=702): about to call exit(23)01:16
bob2RubenV: he's saying "so you don't play games, you must only have a server?"01:16
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Vince-0RubenV : if u dont use 3D then u running services - dont u get bored ?01:16
bob2Matt|: erm, I don't know, that's odd01:16
RubenVI have a desktop (which I don't use) and a laptop01:17
RubenVwhy would i get bored?01:17
bob2Matt|: maybe you don't have read permissions on some of the files?01:17
Matt|bob2, remote dir: 564360  kallisto_backup/01:17
dadcan anyone give me a clue as to how to change refresh rate from 60hz on a G4 tower?01:17
Matt|bob2, must be yeah01:17
bob2Matt|: hm, stuff like ~/.aptitude is owned by root01:17
KamionVince-0: plenty of non-3D games out there01:17
RubenVcomputers can do more then just gaming :)01:17
bob2Matt|: you could run rsync with sudo I guess01:17
zombicsafter i installed the nvidia-glx i tryed to run X. i got this error: failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module!  what can i do?01:17
RubenVKamion: I don't play games at all01:17
Matt|bob2, will it maintain the owners and permissions?01:17
KamionRubenV: yeah, *even* for gamers though01:17
Vince-0Kamion : hehe - yar - but .... 3d common man - its imperrative01:17
bob2Matt|: yes01:17
dadouch zombics:(01:18
RubenVWhen i get bored, I try to find stuff to put in the bugzilla :D01:18
KamionVince-0: *shrug* I play games and none of them are 3D01:18
Matt|bob2, ok so would you recommend running it with sudo?01:18
Matt|Kamion, tuxracer man01:18
zombicsdad, dont like the sound of that :\01:18
Matt|bob2, the alternative i changing the permissions on the local home dir ;)01:18
Vince-0Lets just say, W/o drivers my srnsavers jolt01:18
bob2zombics: load the module01:18
dadoh ok  sorry cant help you then?01:18
bob2zombics: "sudo modprobe nvidia", then add it to /etc/moduleses01:18
CraHan[zZz] good morning everyone01:19
Vince-0good morning, what country u in ?01:19
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dadgood evening crahan01:19
CraHanBelgium :)01:19
Rene_Sgo back to bed its too early to be up01:19
RubenVgoeiemorgen :D01:19
Vince-0that would explain it01:19
CraHanit's around 1pm01:19
CraHanbut I just woke up01:19
CraHanso it's morning :)01:20
CraHanRubenV: heyhey :D01:20
zombicsbob2, thx! going to try it :)01:20
dadbob2 i sudoed modprobe nvidia and got fatal erro not found ? :)01:20
bob2dad: install the resitrcted modules package01:20
Matt|bob2, will rsync delete files in the remote directory that aren't found on the local dir?01:20
bob2not unless you pass --delete01:21
bob2but, it will nuke all changes on the remote side01:21
dadrestricted nvidia mods ok ill try thnkee01:21
bob2so don't edit both ends01:21
Matt|no it's only to backup01:21
Matt|bob2, .bash_history is owned by root in my home directory. Perhaps i should delete that01:22
dadwhat is the url for the restricted packages ?01:23
Matt|dad, use synaptic to install it01:23
Matt|it's called linux-restricted-modules or something similar01:23
dadthnks matt i will have to add restricted to repos i guess?01:23
Matt|dad, nope01:23
dadoops okies ill have a peek01:23
Matt|dad, dunno which repository it is in, but have a look01:24
Matt|bob2, why is it saving my sudo .bash_history in my home directory do you know?01:25
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dadmatt all i can find is nvdia-kernel-common?01:25
Matt|dad, hang on a sec01:26
dadok thnks01:26
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bramhi... noob allert :-D01:26
bramnoob being, ... me !01:27
dadits a big club bram :)01:27
KamionMatt|: use the -H option to sudo if you want it to change the home directory01:27
Matt|dad, did you follow the wiki for the nvidia thing01:27
braminstalled ubuntu - all working well - except wireless, so... here I am :D01:27
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Kamiondad: linux-restricted-modules is installed by default01:27
Kamiondad: you might need nvidia-glx though01:28
dadno i didnt  im on a ppc  i dont see restricted mods in repositories01:28
dadah yes01:28
Matt|Kamion, i think it's saving the commands i do with sudo -s in that file. Is there any way to save them permanently to /root/.bash_history instead of me passing -H01:28
KamionMatt|: no; sudo -H each time01:28
Matt|nvidia-glx depends on linux-restricted-modules i think01:28
Kamionor sudo -H -s01:28
Matt|Kamion, ok01:28
bramsooo. does anyone feel like guiding a nood through trying to figure out what's wrong w/ his wifi?01:28
Matt|bram, go ahead people will try and help01:28
KamionMatt|: or 'alias sudo="sudo -H"' in your .bashrc01:28
Matt|Kamion, good idea thx01:28
Kamiondad: nvidia-glx is only available on amd64 and i386, sorry01:29
azeemhow do I add a swap partition to ubuntu? I have '/dev/hda6 none swap sw 0 0' in /etc/fstab, but swapon -a fails with "/dev/hda6: Invalid argument"01:29
CraHanquestion about that bug01:29
bramwell, I think it KINDA works, because the wifi connector thingy in gmome tells me 83% link strength01:29
Kamionazeem: did you mkswap it?01:29
daduhoh lol guess i can live with it ..pretty awful artifactees though  thnks matt01:29
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bramhowever - trying to "enable" the wifi in the network settings (gnome) only switched it back off01:29
azeemKamion: eh :)01:29
Matt|CraHan, seems quite clear01:30
lourensI'd like to remap a key, but it seems that GNOME and/or Ubuntu won't let me01:30
=== azeem mumbles about misleading error messages
CraHanI,don't get that share folder option in the contect menu01:30
azeemKamion: cheers01:30
Matt|CraHan, oh01:30
lourensI created a .Xmodmap with the mapping and a .xinitrc to load it01:30
CraHanif I right click a folder I have no option that let's me do that :)01:30
bramI've got an Atheros chipset, supported by the madwifi project - which is supposedly used by Ubuntu...01:30
KamionCraHan: might be a hoary thing01:30
lourensbut when I first tried it GNOME informed me explicitly that it ignored my .Xmodmap01:30
CraHanKamion: I'm using hoary though01:31
lourensand on a second attempt X wouldn't load at all if I had any kind of .xinitrc, even an empty one01:31
Matt|CraHan, that's what he means01:31
CraHanoh I see01:31
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bramso: Question => how do I figure out if my wifi 'sees' any of the networks floating around here, and how do I connect to it.01:31
CraHangonna have to add a comment in the big report then :)01:31
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azeemlourens: did you try 'Desktop Settings->Keyboard' and tweaking the layout there?01:32
KamionCraHan: do you have gnome-user-share installed? (I think that's the package name)01:32
CraHanaah let me check that01:32
Matt|new since yesterday01:32
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CraHanisn't that 2 different things?  They reassigned my bugreport about the samba sharing to this one, but I don't think gnome-useshare has anything to do with sambe01:33
CraHan*samba rather01:33
lourensbram: I've no experience with wireless, but may iwlist does the trick?01:33
Kamionno idea01:33
lourenstry "man iwlist" in a console01:33
jdubKamion: yeah, gnome-user-share doesn't do samba configuration stuff01:34
CraHanjdub: indeed, it does rendezvous and webdav01:34
jdubCraHan: shares-admin01:34
lourensazeem: well, it lets me choose another layout...but I have a laptop which has two backslash keys01:34
jdubCraHan: i packaged it :)01:34
CraHanjdub: I installed that and I reported a bug for it01:34
lourensone to the bottom left of the return key, and one next to the left shift key01:34
CraHanjdub: the menu entry didn't have the gksudo set01:34
lourensthe key next to the return key works as expected, the one next to the shift is dead01:35
jdubCraHan: yes, known bug01:35
azeemlourens: hmm, dunno about that01:35
CraHanjdub: so I added a bugreport for it, but now they assigned it to a bugreport about the context menu, I don't have any option for sharing in the context menu of a folder :/01:35
lourensso I want to have the one next to the shift key as backslash bar, and the one next to the return key as return as well, thus creating a big return key01:35
azeemlourens: it might be that GNOME-2.10 will be more configurable in this regard01:35
lourenswhich should me a matter of keycode 94 = backslash bar and keycode 51 = Return01:36
lourensI had that setup on my previous Slackware install and it worked just fine01:36
lourensI don't really care for a more powerful GUI config tool, as long as the thing wouldn't explicitly work against me :(01:36
lourensif I want a system that thinks it knows better than me I'll go back to Windows...01:37
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lourenswell, actually I wouldn't since I have no idea how to use Windows, but as a figure of speech ;)01:37
lourensbram, does iwlist do anything interesting?01:38
Vince-0I am just stoked I can even get into here with my Ubuntu ....01:38
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lourenssorry for griping :(01:38
bramOKay, iwlist works - so I can see the networks - now - how do I connect ? I tried the Gnome network config thingy, but no luck01:39
lourensI've been running Slack with icewm and KDE for the past five years or so, and I'm used to having a lot of power and nothing in the way of using it01:39
lourensGNOME feels very limited to me...01:39
bram( gnome network settings => if I hit the "active" checkbox, it just de-activates itself )01:40
lourenswhat does it say in properties?01:40
bramwireless network + name of my SSID01:40
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vIkSiTGreetings all01:41
lourenshi viksit01:41
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loloHello !01:43
vIkSiThey lourens01:43
lourensbram: if you type traceroute www.google.com in a console, what does it say?01:43
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lourenshello lolo01:43
lourensI have to go get my laundry out of the machie01:44
lourensmachine even01:44
lourensbe back in ten minutes or so01:44
loloi've juste a (stupid) question : can i add debian server to my sources.list ?01:44
bramwell - I'm using my wired connection rite now - so I'm sure it'll do a proper trace... which makes me think: do I need to kill my wired connection in order to connect my wireless?01:44
vIkSiTI was wondering.. how does the project cover the costs for the CD-shipment? I mean, are they *totally free of cost?01:45
lolowhithout trouble with ubuntu packages.01:45
azeemlolo: better don't01:45
azeemlolo: what are you missing from Ubuntu?01:45
vIkSiTBecause for small organizations, its a heaven-sent when trying to propogate linux to more people..01:45
loloazeem: I can't install PAN newsreader :-/01:46
loloazeem: 2 dependance packages in error01:46
azeemwat's the error?01:47
loloazeem: Dpend: libgnet2.0-0 (>= 2.0.4) and  Dpend: libpcre3 (>= 4.5) but not installable.01:48
Vince-0What IRC clients r U guyz using (I dont like Xchat much) ?01:48
loloVince-0: Try ChatZilla :)01:49
frankpsGaim is an ok alternative01:49
azeemVince-0: irssi01:49
Vince-0lolo :thnkz01:49
vIkSiTVince-0, try irssi?01:49
Vince-0I cant get the nick list on the right of the chan window in Xchat01:49
vIkSiTor even something like KDE's Kommunicate01:49
vIkSiTVince-0, ? Just pull the tab with the mouse towards the right..01:50
vIkSiTtab == dividing bar between conversation and nick lists01:50
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Vince-0OMS! it was hidden there, thnkz01:50
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vIkSiT:) You're welcome01:50
plasmololo: i can install both of those pakages u mentioned libgnet libpcre301:51
azeemplasmo: what versions?01:51
plasmolibgnet 2.0.4-101:51
loloplasmo: what servers are in your sources.list ?01:51
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plasmopcre3 4.5-1.101:52
loloHum... I use warty01:52
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loloWhat is the difference hoary/warty ?01:55
plasmonew pakages. lastest stuff01:56
Vince-0What other appz r worth getting for my new Ubuntu /? - (general use ones, music,movies ...)01:56
jdublolo: warty == stable release, hoary == development branch.01:56
lolojdub: like in debian Sarge/Sid ?01:57
CraHanI like to live dangerously01:57
jdublolo: sort of01:57
CraHanhoary all the way01:57
jdublolo: though hoary will be frozen and have a release01:57
jdublolo: whereas sid is a permanent development branch01:57
CraHanI just love the uncertainty of doing a apt-get upgrade01:57
plasmodist-upgrade :)01:58
lolojdub: Can i use package from the 2 dists ?01:58
lourensI used to use BitchX all the time, currently XChat01:58
loloor it is preferable to me tu upgrade the dist ?01:58
jdublolo: strongly discouraged to mix.01:58
jdublolo: you should really choose one or the other.01:59
lourensbram: hmm, that may be a problem, yes01:59
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jdublolo: if you are comfortable running sid and fixing debian machines, hoary won't be too much of a shock, though it does move a bit faster.01:59
lourensI'm not sure what happens if you use two DHCP-enabled adapters at the same time01:59
lourensat least the adapter is working properly I guess, if you have signal strength and can see the network01:59
bramI think so - yea02:00
lourensbut if one connection's DHCP wants you to use one DNS server and the other another one for example, then who decides which is the one to take?02:00
lourensand who decides which gets routed where?02:00
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lolojdub: ok. But i whant USE my system, not debug it all time like in SID (that why i chosse Ubuntu)02:01
bramokay - so - how do I kill the wired connection ?02:01
bramhow do I release the DHCP ?02:01
jdublolo: great, that's what releases are for. :-) use warty.02:01
bramw/out having to unplug the cable and reboot ( ;-) )02:01
vIkSiTlater people02:01
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lolojdub: hoary is must stable than sid ?02:02
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lourenswell, you can probably disable it in the network dialog box02:02
bramtried that before tho :-/02:02
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bramdisable wired, then enable the wireless02:02
brambut it just unchecks the checkbox itself after 5 secs02:03
lemsx1bram, what about: ifdown eth0 && ifup eth002:03
jdublolo: hoary is a branch of sid.02:03
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jdublolo: and includes stuff like xorg and gnome 2.9, which are not in sid. it's definitely the development branch. :-)\02:04
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bramlemsxl: better tell me EVERYTHING I need to know, 'cos right now I'm talking to you on this wired connection ;-)02:04
lourensthat would be ifdown eth0 and ifup ath0 then I guess02:04
bramso, if I take it down, :D02:04
lolojdub: ok, not for me :-p. But why there is unstallable package in warty ?02:05
lemsx1bram, if that doesn't work, you will need to: /etc/init.d/networking restart02:05
bramokay - let's give it a shot :-)02:05
bramsee you guys in a bit02:05
lourenswell, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart should get you online again02:05
lourensah :)02:05
=== lolo is sorry for his stupid question, but he whant understand
lemsx1bram, and even if that doesn't work, this will: telinit 1 and then CTRL+D when asked for a password for root :-D02:05
jdublolo: unstallable?02:06
lourensgood luck bram02:06
lourensjdub: yeah, that means that they won't deadlock :)02:06
lolojdub: Yes, i can't install PAN because there are 2 uninstallable pachages.02:06
jdublolo: not sure. pan is not in our supported set -> there may be breakages like that in universe.02:07
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bramit didn't work02:10
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brambut - at least I have some actual information now02:10
lourensah :)02:10
bramI THINK it's just trying to connect to the wrong network02:10
giannicolahi i want to change my ubuntu live language (of the menus), how can i do it?02:11
bramit's up, it works, it tries to connect - but it doesn't get an IP02:11
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bramNo DHCPOFFERS received. / No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.02:12
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giannicolahi i want to change my ubuntu live language (of the menus), how can i do it?02:12
Vince-0how do I see what my current kernel is ?02:12
car1I am trying to install warty on a pentium 3 with only scsi CD-ROMs02:12
car1I've tried to follow the instructions in the wiki boot floppies howto, but I get an error02:13
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car1I've summarised it on the forums at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2470502:13
lourensgiannicola: I'm trying to find out, it would be nice to be able to switch easily...02:14
car1Vince-0: current kernel: uname -a in a console02:14
lourensvince-0: type uname -a at a command prompt02:14
lourensbeen using too much Windows at work lately...."command prompt"02:14
Vince-0thnkz guyz02:14
lourensyeah, or console, or shell...02:15
Vince-0or the typer thing02:15
clockorangeIm having some problems with Ubuntu Freezing sometimes.02:16
Vince-0I have :, can I just get kernel source ?02:17
Vince-0Freezin ? never heard of that in Ubuntu02:17
clockorangeSpec: Asus A7N8X-X, Barton 2500+,02:17
clockorangeWell, it just totally freezez, and the only option is to plug off the power02:18
Vince-0hmmm -drivers ?02:19
Vince-0does it freez in any other OS ?02:19
lourenshmm, the only thing I can find about setting languages is that GNOME is supposed to have a Language setting in the System menu...but I don't have it02:19
lourensclockorange: what other hardware do you have?02:19
clockorangeI dual-boot between win98SE & Ubuntu. Win98se runs fine02:19
clockorangelourens, just a moment...02:19
loloI've find for my probem with PAN. I just add in my source list => warty main restricted universe multiverse02:20
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olimarHi all, can someone help me? I installed Ubuntu everything worked fine till yesterday I don't get any sound from my notebook anymore02:21
lourensolimar: what kind of notebook is it?02:21
clockorangelourens, Well, theres all these integrated komponents on the motherboard, like LAN, USB & stuff. Geforce5200,02:21
olimarFujitsu siemens Celeron 1,502:21
olimarany specific thing you want to know?02:22
clockorangelourens, maybe i should update the Nforce-drivers?02:22
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=== lolo thanks all for help and explanations.
lourensclockorange: hmm, have a look at /var/log/syslog.0 to see if it lists any errors02:22
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lourensahh, proprietary drivers...that's always messy02:23
lourensor are they open source?02:23
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clockorangelourens, ok02:23
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clockorangelourens, hmm...sorry, but no syslog.002:25
lourensok olimar, let's look at the obvious stuff first02:25
lourensyou're sure nothing is muted?02:25
scaroohi ppl ! it seems that a recent linux-image update has deleted my initrd file, so i m unable to boot ... quite anoying, is there a way to repair that without booting into another os and then chroot?02:25
lourensno syslog?02:25
lourensis there anything named syslog or similar in /var/log?02:25
clockorangelourens, Okay! Just found it :)02:25
clockorangelourens, Hmmm...maybe i should post this in #flood02:26
lourensscaroo: well if it doesn't boot then I don't see another option than to boot into something else to fix it...02:26
lourensI'm there clockorange, so go ahead02:27
Evil_FurbyHi, I need a little help. I want to get my Netgear WG511T wireless card working on my laptop.02:27
scaroolourens, of course but, dunno maybe a grub option or something02:27
scarooso i m gonna dl a live cd02:27
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lourenshmm, well maybe grub could do it02:28
lourensI don't know very much about grub really, sory02:28
lourenssorry even02:28
olimarwell ok02:28
olimarso what ? search the syslog?02:29
lourensI was thinking of checking the mute buttons02:30
lourensALSA mutes everything by default when you start up02:30
lourensI guess GNOME mixer would then load your previous values afterwards02:30
lourensbut if it didn't...02:30
lourensif you try to play what happens, does it play but without sound, or does it give an error message?02:31
olimarit plays without sound02:31
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lourensah, then a volume/mute problem is likely02:31
olimareveryhting plays without sound so I think you guess is true02:31
olimarbut how can I "unmute" or reload my values then?02:32
lourenswell, you could right-click on the volume icon in the tray, and select Open Volume Control02:32
lourensthat should give you the mixer, and you can check what is and isn't muted02:32
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zombicsi cant install anything from apt-get :/ every thing i am trying to install its telling me thats the packedge is broken :/02:33
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zombicso... never mind fixed it02:33
lourenswow zombics, that's quick :)02:33
triabloi have this big problem: after like 15 to 20 mins the x server shuts itself down without me wanting it.. :S wtf?02:33
muhammadDoes checkinstall work well for Ubuntu?02:34
plasmoyep works nicely02:34
lourenstriablo: maybe it got unionised? ;)02:34
lourensbut seriously, what hardware do you have?02:34
plasmoapt-get install checkinstall ;)02:35
olimarunmuted the also Mixer and everything works!02:35
olimarAlsa imena02:35
olimarbut then why didn't it unmute or reload the values?02:35
triablolourens: huh?02:35
lourenssorry triablo, bad joke02:35
olimarand why do i have an Alsa mixer Tab and a hardware Tab with the OSS mixer on it?02:35
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plasmoolimar: update to hoary and itll be gone :D02:36
triabloand another problem: it might take up to 15 mins for event the lightest applications to start sometimes02:36
lourenswell, probably because Linux is in a bit of a transition phase between ALSA and OSS, so current systems are both ALSA and OSS compatible02:36
olimarwhat's hoary ? ;)02:36
lourensso your mixer shows up twice02:36
triablojust starting gkrellm takes like 10 mins02:36
lourensthen there is something seriously wrong...02:37
triabloyou bet02:37
triabloi am thinking of reinstalling the whole shit02:37
triabloand see if it works better then02:37
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olimarlourens are sou speaking about me or triablos gkrellm?02:39
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lourensyou seem to be fine now right?02:39
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lourensthe question is if your settings will survive the next reboot02:39
olimarah good #puh# I thoguht i hae  a serious problem O_o02:39
olimarok gotta go and many thanx again lourens!02:40
lourensyou're welcome02:40
lourenstoo late02:40
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triablook ill just re-install. back in 30 mins =)02:40
plasmogoodluck ;)02:40
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wartyhi i can't install flash plugins02:41
wartyhow can i?02:41
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wartyhi i can't install flash plugins02:42
Skwid_i need to install my ubuntu without booting on a cd, can i do it from my current win98 ? :/02:42
plasmohello warty02:42
wartycan you help me?02:43
wartycan you help me?02:43
viktor_Hi, I thought I'd be able to upgrade to Hoary by in synaptic repository settings replace "warty" with "hoary". I did so, marked all upgrades, and applied it.02:43
Skwid_i saw people on mailing lists that copied the files to the hard drive, and installed distributions like debian by running a dos script02:43
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viktor_But when I rebooted I had a slight problem, or well - I couldn't boot. It finds my kernel but not the initrd.img... I booted with a live cd and there is no initrd.img, except a symbolic link in /...02:44
viktor_anyone got an idea of how to fix this?02:44
scarooviktor_, the sqme here02:44
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plasmoviktor_: did you do a apt-get dist-upgrade?02:44
viktor_plasmo: no, is that the problem..02:45
scarooboot using q livecd, then chroot, then "mkinitrd"02:45
plasmoso u just marked it in synaptic02:45
Skwid_anybody have a clue ?02:45
viktor_scaroo: ok, thanks... should I do the apt-get dist-upgrade after that?02:45
plasmotry dist-upgrade so that it upgrades to hoary02:45
plasmoremember apt-get update first02:46
viktor_plasmo: yeah, foolish isn't it? (I got so gazed away by the usability of ubuntu)02:46
lourensSkwid_: hmm, no no clue02:46
lourensthe problem is that you don't have a cdrom drive in the PC?02:47
Skwid_lourens: nope, just a usb one02:48
Skwid_and can't manage to boot on it02:48
Skwid_no floppy either02:48
lourenshm, tricky...02:48
Skwid_found this02:49
Skwid_gonna try02:49
lourenswell good luck :)02:51
Skwid_yeah ... thanks :)02:51
lourensI'm going to grab some lunch02:52
lourensalmost 3 pm already here..02:52
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pmfpHi everybody, why isn't UTF-8 standard?03:00
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Treenakspmfp: because it will be in the next version.03:01
Treenakspmfp: there wasn't enough time to fix all programs for this release03:01
pmfpTreenaks: understood03:01
snerfuI have a laptop and the cd drive has seen some abuse, I can boot up to the installer but when I am installing the base system it errors out, I have tried 3 different CD's. How can I get it to install base from the network?03:01
snerfuI have no floppy drive unfortunately.03:02
Treenakssnerfu: isn't there an howto on the wiki?03:02
snerfuThe wiki tells of a tftp boot, but I would rather not do that03:02
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snerfuTreenaks, what i was looking to do is not really covered on the network install on the wiki hehe03:03
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pmfpsnerfu: perhaps use Knoppix to install it?03:03
snerfuit could be somewhere else on the wiki I havent seen. I have looked pretty extensively.03:03
snerfupmfp, ahh good idea. that boots well.03:04
snerfuIll give it a try03:04
viktor_scaroo: which livecd did you use? i'm experiencing some problems here..03:08
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BenZ|iBooknight guys03:14
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Rene_Sso fam and gamin can't co-exist eh ?03:20
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Skwid_snerfu: i have the same problem :(03:22
BoeboeI am running the livecd right now. this damn thing wont recognise my radeon9600, wont play any mpg or avi files, is slow as hell and wont let me write to ntfs partitions03:23
Boeboewhy the hell would someone want to switch to this....thing03:24
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Boeboeoh, and I havent mentioned the annoying 60Hz that is burning out my eyes right now03:25
scarooBoeboe, i cannot speak about the livecd, but the installed system is really usable and attractive, and easily administred03:25
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CraHannautilus doesn't show the 'create archive', 'add to music library' and 'share' options when I right click on a folder03:25
CraHanI could have sworn that I used to have those03:26
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scarooCraHan, i think that nautilus 2.9.1 has introduced q change in the plugin api03:26
CraHanthat might explain it03:27
Boeboescaruu, this is how they hope to convince a windows user like me? Im no idiot, I like to keep my computer usable without having to worry about weither it -might- work or not03:27
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Boeboeso, this livecd isnt exactly good advertisment :p03:27
CraHanBoeboe: I don't see any windows live cd's floating around, so I'd say the linux live cd is an added bonus :)03:28
CraHanbesides, it might save your behind if windows ever comes into a non bootable state03:29
Boeboeyou dont? I use them all the time at work, for troubleshooting03:29
Elwoodi know about windows live cd..,but nothig special03:29
Boeboeokay, that livecd wasnt made by microsoft, but it exists03:29
Boeboeand its REALLY convenient03:29
CraHanI'll have to investigate that03:29
ElwoodCraHan, sure..you can easily found the script for make your own03:30
pmfpWhat does it matter if others make bad live cds? if you, Ubuntu, makes a live cd, it is there to be useful03:30
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blightHi all, I'm running 4.10 on P3-800 256MB RAM and it's quite slow, any hints on speeding it up?03:31
CraHanquestion is of course, with my linux bootcd I can access all my windows ^partitions and do a lot of stuff.  I'm in doubt if the windows boot cd will let me access my linux partitions :)03:31
Elwoodblight, sure03:31
pmfp(with that said, I haven't tried it, but I believe Boeboe made a good point)03:31
ElwoodCraHan, lol03:31
Elwoodblight,  remove all unuseful packs :)03:32
CraHanblight: I'm using it on the same hardware and it's rather speedy here, of course it depends on ones own experience03:32
CraHanblight: you could go over the installed packages and see if there's anything you can uninstall03:32
Boeboedifference: I dont see any system diagnostic tools on the ubuntu liveCD, while I can troubleshoot almost everything with my windows livecd :p03:32
blightElwood, it's a VAIO notebook, reason I'm asking is that Fedora Core 2 seemed alot more responsive03:32
CraHanBoeboe: I personally use Knoppix as a live cd03:32
BoeboeI use ubuntu liveCD to evaluate if it is a good idea to switch away from my windows desktop03:33
CraHanah ic03:33
Boeboeso far it didnt impress me at all, horrible display support and that totem video player doesnt seem to work03:33
blightMy load ave is sitting at 2 and besides X, gnome and xchat there is not much running that I can see03:34
Boeboecant display flash animations. wont let me write to ntfs either03:34
CraHanBoeboe: I have no problem with those things on my Ubuntu install03:34
CraHanof course I can't comment on the livecd03:34
CraHanbut I'd understand if a lot of stuff isn't on there because of space restrictions03:35
BoeboeIm looking at 60 hertz on a crt monitor03:35
Boeboeno way to change it03:35
Elwoodblight, i removed gnome and i use fluxbox03:35
Boeboemy videocard, one of the most generic ones these days isnt recognised03:35
CraHanif I go to screen resolution in my gnome system preferences I can set the refresh rate03:35
CraHanBoeboe: what videocard is that?03:36
Boeboeit doesnt recognise a radeon9600, do you have any idea how mamy people use that?03:36
Boeboecrahan, if I try that, ubuntu wants to reboot03:36
CraHanBoeboe: I have a cyberbladeXP myself03:37
CraHanno 3D support either03:37
Boeboein windows, you can do that on the fly03:37
CraHanand you know why that is?03:37
maskieBoeboe, i running livecd and i can change refresh and resolution .... might be something to do with your videocard03:37
CraHanbecause the manufacturer trident refuses to release the specs for it03:37
BoeboeI checked, there are linuxdrivers for my videocard03:37
pmfpBoeboe: you can download drivers for your graphics card from ATIs site03:37
BoeboeIve even seen mandrake use them03:37
Boeboebut it wants me to compile and stuff03:38
Boeboeand since Im an everyday user03:38
pmfpBoeboe: I'd guess that Ubuntu refuses to package them for licensing reasons03:38
CraHanif you install ubuntu you can install a set of nonfree modules03:38
BoeboeI expect ubuntu to do that for me03:38
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CraHanwhich include nvidia drivers and a lot of other stuff03:38
CraHanbut as I understand it support for ATI cards is below average on linux as a whole03:39
CraHanand we have ATI to thank for that03:39
maskiethere is a lot of restricted stuff like java, drivers, flash, codecs that are not allowed to be distributed due to licence issues03:39
CraHannot the people responsible for ubuntu03:40
CraHanas long as companies refuse to release specs for their hardware, there's going to be problems03:41
pmfpCraHan: it's the people responsible for Ubuntu who will not include the drivers because of the license they have chosen and the restrictions they have imposed, not someone else03:41
CraHanpmfp: ATI support on all linux distro's is not up to par03:41
CraHannvidia is fine03:41
Boeboelets put it this way03:42
CraHanin any case, I have flash working, java, play divx, mpg and wmv movies03:42
pmfpCraHan: and is nVidia's drivers includes?03:42
CraHanso I can't say it's not working here :)03:42
Boeboeif I install ubuntu on my HD, can you ensure me there will be an easy way for me to get radeon 3D support on my pc?03:42
CraHanpmfp: you can use the default nv driver or install the non free nvidia one easily03:42
pmfpCraHan I believe you, I've had that running on Linux without problems03:42
pmfpCraHan: still no out-of-the-box 3d support, still not optimal 2d performance - sort of like ATI03:43
CraHanand no Boeboe I can't guarantee that because I haven't been able to setup a linux machine with that card personally :)03:43
CraHanI'll never say something I couldn't try myself first03:44
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Boeboeone of the most popular brands of videocards and they dont even know if it will work...03:44
Boeboesynaptic gives a bunch of errors03:45
pmfpBoeboe: besides not including a non-free driver, which I think they should work out a way to, it actually is not their fault that there is no Open Source version of the driver available, because ATI does not provide the source, due NDAs and such03:45
SorcyBoeboe, blame ati03:45
CraHanBoeboe: I'm not an ubuntu dev, I just *use* it03:46
Boeboeso ati users shouldnt install linux since there is no easy way to get it working, I get it03:46
CraHanand I don't speak for everyone when I say something in here03:46
CraHanI never said it's not possible or not easy03:46
CraHanI'm just saying that I don't know if it's easy or feasible because I don't have the first hand experience03:47
pmfpBoeboe: it depends on your ability, whether or not it's easy. I never had a problem with the nVidia non-free ones, but I've never tried ATI's since I don't have any of their cards03:47
CraHanif you'd ask me how the support is on a Toshiba Satellite pro 4600 or a G3 Ibook I'd be able to give you a perfect roundup03:47
CraHanI don't think is very smart to generalize the statements of one individual to the whole of the linux community03:48
CraHanjust because I haven't had the chance to try it doesn't make it impossible :)03:49
pmfpBoeboe: perhaps you should stay with Windows for the time being, or you could try some Linux distro. If you want to start easy, perhaps SuSE or Mandrake would be a better choice. Or you can always let it mature and come back in half a year or so.03:49
CraHanheck, even if I tried it it might be related to my abilities :)03:49
CraHanpmfp: well said03:49
CraHanI always say that you should use what fits your needs best03:49
CraHanin my case, that' slinux03:49
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CraHan^ personal statement :)03:49
BoeboeI tried ubuntu just because they said it was easy :p03:50
CraHanthe livecd, not the actual install on a HD03:50
maskieor have a dualboot between windows and linux ... then you can always go back to windows if things do not work out03:50
CraHanif you have a spare HD I'd suggest you try to install it03:50
CraHanmight get you further03:50
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Cody_I'm having a problem with the Ubuntu installer03:50
Boeboeback to windows for now, screen is killing my eyes03:51
Cody_Ubuntu install almost complete, went to "Finish Configuring" said it was done, it said I could login.... but the next step was "Open a shell" so I did that and it said "linux not found" gave me a shell, and when I restart I get the whole installer again03:51
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pmfpIs there an ETA for the next release of Ubuntu?03:52
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maskiepmfp, April 200503:52
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Cody_also, how does one pronounce ubuntu?03:52
pmfpmaskie: oh03:52
pmfpWell, I'm off for some studies03:52
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pmfp(will try out Ubuntu on my new laptop 'round christmas)03:53
frytus;] 03:53
Cody_any ideas for my install issues?03:53
maskieCody_, no idea03:53
Cody_what's the installer supposed to do once you do the second-to-last step of configuring?03:54
Cody_mine just says it's done you can login, and when I hit OK it goes back to the list of install steps!03:54
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NetwrkMonkeydoes ubuntu have the madwifi drivers in the base install?04:12
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cody_I have a problem.04:14
cody_I didn't set a root password in install (it didn't ask me to, I dont' think) and doing sudo passwd root as the website suggests just asks me for my root password04:15
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Kamioncody_: no, it's asking for *your* password04:17
Kamioncody_: you don't need to set a root password if you don't want to; you can just leave it unset and use sudo to gain root privileges04:18
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sivanghi all04:20
sivangI did an upgrade lately, and I cannot log into my system anymore, before that I tried su and sudo and got an error "couldn't find authentication service" - anyone idea?04:21
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Vince-0nought bra04:22
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sparehead1hello people, I broke it again ^_^04:26
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pallehi how do i activate smb-support?04:26
Vince-0smb ? - should be running automatically04:27
palleit tells me it doesn't04:27
Vince-0cant browse windows machines ?04:27
palleim trying to change something and it says activate smb-support04:27
palleno i wan't to browse my sisters machine...04:27
Vince-0is it Linux ?04:28
palleand i would also like to share my internet connection with her04:28
palleno she have windoze04:28
sparehead1ahhh, new kernel, nvidia module isn't loading at boot up but Xfree refers to it04:28
Vince-0Use internet connection sharing on the Win machine04:28
palleis that easier then?04:28
sparehead1sorry, talking to myself, dont mind me04:28
Vince-0palle : enable the services u want to share in the properties of the connection04:29
Vince-0palle: advanced tab i think04:29
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Vince-0palle : enable (http, https) and whatever u need04:29
Vince-0the ICS machine must have an IP of
Vince-0kk , done ?04:29
pallevince-0 i can't find where to change it04:30
Vince-0My network places, on the left panel go to 'View my connections"04:30
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pallevince-0 k i have changed ip now04:30
Vince-0is it WinXP ?04:31
Matt|tseng, is it possible to remove evolution cleanly and continue using gnome?04:31
palleno this is linux04:31
pallemy sister has winxp though04:31
Vince-0palle : the server machine is XP04:31
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Matt|tseng, is it possible to remove evolution cleanly and continue using gnome?04:31
palleso i should use the XP-machine to share internet with?04:32
tsengMatt|: hrm, the panel is built against it now i believe (in hoary)04:32
Vince-0palle : the XP machine has the modem ? then share the connection ...04:32
pallevince-0 the server now is my linux machine04:32
Vince-0oh ok04:32
Matt|tseng, that's what i mean with the "outlook express" thing04:32
pallevince-0 no i have internet on linux machine04:32
Vince-0ok ok04:32
Vince-0thats different04:33
pallevince-0 ok04:33
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Vince-0and a mission04:33
Vince-0lemme see...04:33
tsengMatt|: well, the backend and what you are thinking of as "Evolution" (the client) will become more seperate i believe04:33
tsengMatt|: the panel is built against evolution-data-server04:33
Matt|is it04:33
Matt|do "apt-cache rdepends evolution-data-server"04:34
pallei guess i would have to activate SMB first?04:34
Vince-0palle : smb is for file sharing I think .04:34
usualpalle are you trying to share net access with multiple pc's?04:35
Vince-0palle : but the syntax is : service smb start04:35
palleusual no only with 1 comp that uses WinXP04:35
Matt|tseng, do "apt-cache rdepends evolution-data-server"04:35
tsengMatt|: i did04:35
Vince-0palle : it would be far easier to have the modem in the XP machine and share it from there...04:35
pallevince-0 okay thnx04:35
tsengMatt|: anyway04:35
Matt|tseng, looks clean?04:35
tsengit does, besides04:35
tseng     - build again with evolution-data-server.04:35
tsengfrom the gnome-panel changelog04:35
Matt|tseng, compare with apt-cache rdepends evolution04:35
Matt|so gnome doesn't run without evolution-data-server04:36
pallevince-0 okay can you tell me how to do if i change modem to the Xp-Machine then?04:36
tsengoh, there you have it04:36
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tsenge-d-s dep on evolution04:36
tsengi wouldnt touch anything in that case.04:36
Vince-0palle : I am using ICS off an XP pc now - I am on me Ubuntu box... Its easy04:37
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Matt|tseng, yeah04:37
pallevince-0 okay04:37
sparehead1anyone here running kernel with the nvidia module? I just installed it but it wont take the nvidia module, says it cant find it. I had it running on the 386 version of the kernel. I'm thinking there in lies my problem. SHould I uninstall the nvidia packages and install while running the 686 kernel?04:37
Matt|tseng, so even if someone wants to use a different email client, they have to have evolution?04:37
pallevince-0 are there any howto's or something?04:37
tsengMatt|: seems that way atm04:37
Matt|sparehead1, did you install the restricted-modules04:37
Vince-0palle - I dunno - I just know how to do it- I will tell u when U install the modem04:38
pallevince-0 or if you can tell me, i'd have to write it down though04:38
Matt|tseng, it's gonna be that way forever right?04:38
tsengwell, id hope that e-d-s and evolution will be seperate entities someday04:38
Vince-0palle : install the modem first and make the connection , but dont connect as of yet04:38
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Matt|tseng, what does eds do?04:38
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tsengit stores contacts, calenders, etc04:38
palleinstall it on the windoze machine and then come back?04:38
tsengits the backend database to evolution.04:38
Matt|tseng, so it is likely that it will become separate to evo?04:39
Vince-0palle : yar - do that then come back here....04:39
tsengso for example, an IM client could use the same contact list as evo04:39
tsengis where this is going04:39
sparehead1umm, not explicityl. I've got multiverse in my source. And I did have the nvidia module running on the 386 kernel (followed the instruction from the unofficial guide, exept i didn't put the debian sources in my list)04:39
Matt|tseng, sounds like outlook express to me04:39
tsengMatt|: sounds smart to me.04:39
pallevince-0 ikay04:39
Matt|sparehead1, you need linux-restricted-modules for the 686 kernel i believe04:39
tsengthe problem with outlook isnt a bad concept04:39
Vince-0palle: kk04:39
tsengits a bad implementation04:39
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Matt|guess so04:40
sparehead1ok, I'll have a lookie, thanks matt|04:40
tsengwith an open source implementation, anyone can freely access the database04:40
Matt|still the idea that processes are running which integrate my email with my IM is a scary one04:40
Matt|i'll rephrase04:40
pluschHi. I'm just building a local Ubuntu-mirror for Warty and according Security and was wondering if the security-Upgrade-packages (naming-scheme '*ubuntu*deb') really also reside in the normal pool-directory-tree of Warty? (With Debian Woody, it's necessary to both mirror Woody and Security, but for Ubuntu, will it be enough to mirror a Warty-server only, and the Security-Upgrades are included automatically?)04:41
cardadorhello. anyone knows how can i connect to the internet with an ADSL USB icedata 500?04:41
Matt|it's scary if I don't have a choice about it04:41
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Matt|cardador, usb modem... mmmmm...04:41
tsengMatt|: you have a choice not to use it at all04:41
Matt|tseng, how is that done?04:41
tsengdont use it04:41
Matt|tseng, don't use gnome?04:41
tsengyou can use gnome and never start evolution04:42
Matt|so eds only starts when evolution starts?04:42
tsengMatt|: its in my session but.. if you arent using apps that access it04:42
tsengwho cares04:42
tsengpretend you dont see it if it bothers you, i guess04:42
Matt|tseng, maybe - does it take up memory?04:42
KarakthCan I customize the ubuntu liveCD as far as the default gnome background and stuff goes?04:43
tseng1.3% of 512mb04:43
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Matt|tseng, k04:43
tsengi hope e-d-s doesnt always dep on the client, however04:44
Matt|tseng, how do you find out how much memory it is taking up?04:44
Vince-0Karakth : dunno about that, thing is you have to save the settings somehow so they get used again... I dont use live CD04:44
tsengps aux | grep evolution04:44
tseng4th column04:44
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KarakthVince-0: Well ideally I'd take the liveCD iso, change some stuff, and burn it.04:46
Matt|tseng, ok well alarm_notify and exchange_component are taking up more04:47
Vince-0Karakth : You specifically want a LiveCD ? I use DamnSmallLinux and it worked like a bomb !04:47
tsengMatt|: you might check out #evolution on gimpnet04:47
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Matt|what does the calender_alarm_notify one do?04:48
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=== BeatrIX is now known as BeatrIX-Linux
tsengyou can set alarms in evolution04:48
KarakthVince-0: Well, I want to give liveCDs as a christmas present. So I'd want to change some of the splashscreens, background pics, etc, to make the chritmassy and give them a personal touch.04:48
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tsengthat pops up a dialog when an alarm goes off04:49
tsengfor a meeting or whatnot04:49
Matt|tseng, does the dialogue come up even if the client is not open?04:49
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tsengya, thats why its a daemon04:49
tsengit runs seperately.04:49
Vince-0Karakth: good I idea! but I dunno about the configuring thing, isnt there a Chan for LiveCD ?04:49
KarakthVince-0: This is for windows-users, so it has to be easy-to-use and stuff.04:49
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Matt|tseng, ok that's pretty clever04:49
tsengMatt|: another neat thing is04:49
tsengMatt|: if you have stuff in your evo calender, it shows up in the minicalender on the panel04:49
tsengMatt|: when you click the clock04:50
Matt|tseng, yeah ok i think that is worth 4% of my ram, even if i don't use it atm04:50
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Matt|tseng, ok thanks for all the help :)04:52
sparehead1i think thats got it Matt|, YOU ROCK!!04:52
Matt|sparehead1, good04:52
Matt|tseng, how come you are in #devel but not in here?04:53
tsengthis channel is mighty busy sometimes04:53
tsengand not very useful to me04:53
tsengi like to help people sometimes, but it gets old.04:53
Matt|fair enough04:53
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Matt|tseng, are you working on ubuntu?04:54
tsengnot directly, no.04:54
tsengi help where i can04:54
Matt|this is a nice community i think04:55
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Gwildormorning all04:56
CraHantseng: well your repository is a great help :)04:58
CraHandoes anyone else have a problem in hoary that there's no more 'add music to library' and 'add to archive' options in the context menus for folders in nautilus?04:58
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=== dimgr [~dimgr@pool-138-88-115-89.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildoryeah,  i have that problem04:59
dimgris ubuntu debian unstable?04:59
Gwildorubuntu is ubuntu04:59
tsengdimgr: ubuntu is derived from debian unstable04:59
CraHanGwildor: great to hear, that way I know it's not me :)04:59
Gwildorcrahan, if you want to call it great, i miss that function04:59
tsengdimgr: with modifications of many packages, and a few packages that havent hit sid yet04:59
RubenVCraHan: that's because there's almost no bonobo left in nautilus04:59
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RubenVthose two were bonobo thingies05:00
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Gwildorbonobo is gone from the room too :(05:00
CraHanRubenV: yeah but there's also no 'share this folder' either05:00
RubenVthank god!05:00
CraHanwhich is something that was added in the newest gnome-system-tools05:00
dimgri think i'll give it a try ...but i hate gnome:P05:00
RubenVdimgr: why?05:01
GwildorRubenV, why did they remove that feature?05:01
dimgri have been using fluxbox05:01
CraHanGwildor: yeah I like that feature too to be honest05:01
Gwildordimgr, fluxbox is apt-getable05:01
dimgryes i know05:01
RubenVGwildor: don't know the exact reasons why bonobo was deprecated05:01
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dimgri think ill install ubuntu to see how it is different than other distros05:01
RubenVbut you should be able to find it on gnome-desktop-devel05:02
GreenBoxhow do i get root access?05:02
GwildorRubenV, CraHan, is the feature gonna come back?05:02
RubenVGreenBox: not05:02
GreenBoxsudo -?05:02
RubenVuse sudo05:02
CraHani personally like ubuntu because of its use of dbus and hal05:02
GwildorGreenBox, with sudo05:02
tsengGreenBox: sudo command, or sudo -s for a shell05:02
CraHanwhatever USB device I throw at it, it works :)05:02
RubenVCraHan: idd :)05:02
CraHanexternal DVD burner, bluetooth dongle, flash card05:02
tsengGreenBox: its better to not take a full shell if you can get used to it05:02
KarakthI'm thinking of introducing some people to linux...Is ubuntu suitable?05:02
CraHanall work out of the box05:02
dimgrthe only thing i dont know if i will like is the sudo thing all the time instead of su - pass05:02
GreenBoxbut why can't i just su - ?05:02
RubenVKarakth: yes05:02
CraHanI've grown used to the sudo thing myself05:02
RubenVGreenBox: don't use root05:02
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CraHanI tend to use sudo on the debian machine too as of late05:03
RubenVas little as possible05:03
GwildorGreenBox, you can if you enable it, but its best not to05:03
CraHanI like the no root approach05:03
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GreenBoxim using root do to things that require root permission. i don't wan anyone to access my root account, so i sudo -s and change password, and then use su -.05:04
=== Vince-0 [~Vince-0@nps-ip-nas-1-p41.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
tsengyou just defeated the purpose05:04
dimgrwhat if i create another user and give it a pass then su - pass - root will work right?05:04
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GwildorGreenBox, this that require root....do this I.E. sudo apt-get update              sudo apt-get upgrade05:05
Matt|CraHan, *grins* i keep trying use sudo on my other machine nowadays05:05
Matt|dimgr, you need a root account if you want to use su. but it's not necessary05:05
Vince-0How do I restart my eth0 ?05:05
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Matt|Vince-0, /etc/init.d/network restart should do the trick05:06
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Vince-0shot Matt05:06
GreenBoxi dont like sudo, that's all05:06
edulix/etc/init.d/networking I guess :P05:06
GreenBoxdon't *05:06
Matt|sorry networking05:06
Matt|GreenBox, you can enable the root account05:06
Matt|GreenBox, check the faq05:06
Chandi cant see openoffice 1.1.3 packages on main05:07
edulixMatt|: I've already had that confusion several times- in suse it's also "network".. :P05:07
Matt|edulix, *grins*05:07
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GreenBoxwith sudo i don't need to write password each time, right?05:07
Matt|GreenBox, no it remembers it for a short time05:08
Chandbut there is an announce for openoffice 1.1.3 on hoary-changes05:08
Vince-0Matt| : woah dood , isnt there like a service restart or summing ? - that file is too deep for my current knowledge05:08
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GreenBoxwell that fucks it. then everyone with access to my computer while im loges on can also access root05:08
Vince-0issues there GreenBox05:09
GwildorGreenBox, only if they know your user pass05:09
Matt|Vince-0, sorry: type this: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"05:09
Matt|GreenBox, no only the administrator05:09
NetwrkMonkeyhow do i find out which language packs are installed?05:10
=== StarScream upgrading to hoary
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GreenBoxGwildor: i meant WHILE I (my user account) is LOGGED ON05:15
NetwrkMonkeyHow do I update firefox to 1.0?05:16
NetwrkMonkeyi saw the wiki page but it didn't say anything05:16
TreenaksNetwrkMonkey: there's no such thing as 'language packs', but you can select languages using "dpkg-reconfigure locales"05:16
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TreenaksNetwrkMonkey: you don't need to upgrade if you want to keep running warty05:16
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triablook i just found out the only problem that made me format my computer, is still there.05:19
GwildorGreenBox, yeah, but the USER will have to sudo before evry command they need root for, and if they dont know your user pass, they cant get root05:19
GreenBoxlike that05:19
GreenBoxthis makes my user pass just as importent as the root pass05:20
GwildorGreenBox, sudo doesnt remember your pass for long, if you sudo apt-get update (enter your pass), then sudo apt-get upgrade (it will have your pass already), it doesnt REMEMBER much longer than that05:20
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DebbieHi all, just wondering if anyone that helped me last week is still in here?05:21
triabloGreenBox: i assume that you don't usually give any of these passwords away to anyone?05:21
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eruinanyone else having trouble with their camera on last hoary update?05:23
eruinwhen I connect it I get "images on this device - import?" but gthumb doesnt recognize it05:23
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apokaubuntu-es :(05:24
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triabloi miss the "amp" and the "play" utulities in apt05:29
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goreckyhi to evreybody!05:32
ZugwrackGreetings back to you...05:32
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goreckyim in here for the first time, preparing to get ubuntu installed on my system..05:32
ZugwrackHey everyone..what was the name of the file that rhytmbox needs to stream mp3 and listen to it? libmad something?05:33
goreckytherefore, i still got some questions before i can go about it..05:33
Zugwrackgorecky: Awesome... PC version or PPC(mac)?05:33
goreckyyeah, awesome.. ;)05:33
ZugwrackAsk away..05:33
goreckyso, do i need to erase existing windows-partitions (ntfs) or can i leave them and just add new ones for the new ubuntu-system?05:34
Zugwrackgorecky: Depends...do you want to still dual boot into windows?05:35
goreckyyeah, i need some win-apps for my work05:35
goreckydual-boot with winxp is what i wanna get05:35
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Zugwrackgorecky: So do you have partition magic or something that will allow you to open up some free space on the hard drive?05:35
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goreckydont think i got partition magic yet, but i'll get it if needed05:36
ZugwrackIn WinXp I think you can right click on the My computer icon select manage and then adjust your hard drive size that way05:36
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goreckyi'll clear up enough space, that will work, but do i have to care about the partition before installation?05:37
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ZugwrackSorry select disk management...then try resizing the free space on your drive...05:37
zombicshow can i make that modprobe nvidia will work at boot?05:37
ZugwrackNo...Ubuntu will ask you which partitions to use...05:37
goreckyand it will add a new one or more by itself?05:37
goreckybut i guess so..05:38
Vince-0If u guyz see " palle " choon him I will be back later ... thnkz05:38
Zugwrackgorecky: If you have one drive the hard drive name should be /dev/hda...then /dev/hda1 would be the windows partition...Ubuntu will slice up the free space and make /dev/hda2, 3 or whatever it needs05:38
Zugwrackzombics: Once you run modprobe, assuming you have no errors it should load on the next boot05:39
goreckyi got two hdds, is it wise to use one for linux, leave the other for windows?05:39
Zugwrackgorecky: If you can spare the second drive just use all of it..that is what I did on my mac...I have a 20 gig just for Ubunut05:40
ZugwrackTell it to erase all of drive /hdb05:40
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=== eim got Doom III successfully running on Warty. Nice.
goreckyaha, but then i'd have to set the start device in my boot menu?05:41
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Zugwrackgorecky: Ubuntu will check to see if there are other Operating systems and add them as a choice to choose at boot05:41
Zugwrackgorecky: No need for all of that...05:41
Zugwrackgorecky: If you just use the second drive just sit back and relax...are you using a router?05:42
goreckyah, yeah05:42
zombicsZugwrack, i have no errors but it still dont run at the boot05:42
NetwrkMonkeyanyohne else experiencing crashes when trying to configure the weather applet?05:42
ZugwrackOk is it setup to use DHCP?05:43
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ZugwrackOr as a DHCP server I should say?05:43
goreckybut what is that concerning?05:43
ZugwrackOk then during install it will assign an ip and update(answer yes when asked)05:43
goreckyok, i read about that05:44
Zugwrackzombics: What do you mean exactly? Once you modprobe a module, it automatically loads that module during boot...no need to re-run modprobe again05:44
Zugwrackgorecky: Do you have a second box that you can be on IRC with during install?05:45
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goreckyzugwrack: no, thats somehow my concern, if anything happens..05:45
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goreckyzugwrack: but as a conclusion, what if i'll erase my existing partition and go about setting up both systems new?05:46
Zugwrackgorecky: I haven't installed the PC version of Ubuntu...but as far as Mac is concerned it is the best installer I have ever seen..so you shouldn't have any issue05:46
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Zugwrackgorecky: I am not sure what you mean?05:46
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GwildorZugwrack, erase everything..start from scratch05:47
wasabi__Having some problems with ssh-agent.05:47
ZugwrackYou mean on hard drive 1?05:47
wasabi__Namely, it's not doing what I think it's suppose to do: cache key passwords.05:47
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ZugwrackGwildor: I have already stated that to gorecky ;-)05:47
goreckyerase win-partition, theres too much crap on05:47
ZugwrackWell that is an option...05:47
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goreckyyeah, sort of better feeling too, not to add, but to start with it new05:48
Zugwrackgorecky: If it was me...and you need to clean up your windows drive...I would wipe it...reinstall windows since you need it..then still use your second drive dedicated to Linux...I think most would agree with that statement05:48
djk_It seems Ubunutu doesn't have freetype's bytecode interpreter compiled in. Is this true?05:49
goreckyok, my first intention was to use the second drive only for data, but i guess this is the more secure way..05:49
triablowhy the hell isnt mPlayer included?05:50
Olyhi, got a new ubuntu install, but need help getting wifi working05:50
NetwrkMonkeyoh i figured out my gweather issue, reinstaled the gnome applets05:50
goreckyzugwrack: on the other side, i'd have to save my 16 gigs on second drive to cd, that's quite a disadvantage..05:50
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Olyi have a belkin pcmicia card05:50
Zugwrackgorecky: Be advised that you can read from ntfs filesystem, but you have to compile in the kernel write capability..this may have changed I am not positive05:50
Olyand found the atmel drivers05:50
Olybut its going on about making the drivers and all i get are errors05:51
Olyits not even saying what they are only that there was 205:51
goreckybut if linux got its own partition, that would be no topic05:51
Zugwrackgorecky: What about copying the 16 gigs to your first hard drive under windows...leave it alone ...then you can use drive 2 for linux05:51
goreckyhm... ;)05:51
goreckyi guess thats what ill do05:52
Zugwrackgorecky: It is all about choice...whatever will work for you...we could probably come up collectively with 25 variations on how to install linux...it is all up to you and what you need to do with your system ;-)05:52
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goreckyzugwrack: yeah i know, but theres nothing special need..05:53
Zugwrackgorecky: No..just do it dude...05:53
ZugwrackAt the very worst all you have to do is reinstall everything...and lets not get into the backup thing...everyone should always back up data...irregardless of OS05:54
goreckyi just wanna use mainly linux, win for any cases..05:54
the_stickI downloaded amsn , but I can't install :(05:54
ZugwrackHi the_stick:05:54
goreckyand using two diffrent hdds is more secure?05:54
the_stickit asks for 'dependencies'05:54
Zugwrackgorecky: I suppose...05:54
the_stickso , what do I do ?05:55
the_stickMatt| = very helpful dude05:55
triablothe_stick: "apt-get install amsn" and you get a precompiled package05:55
Zugwrackthe_stick: Is this something you are needing to compile?05:56
Zugwrackthanks triablo05:56
the_stickit's a .deb file05:56
goreckyand to my second question, as i checked out knoppix, suse and debian (last two on different pcs)  i decided to go for the kde-desktop -> how easy/difficult is to pick that instead of gnome?05:57
Zugwrackdkpkg would be the program used to instal locall files...but05:57
the_stickyeah I tried that , but it fails because dependencies are not found05:57
Zugwrackgorecky: Ubuntu uses gnome default...so there is a wiki page on how to install kde05:57
the_stickgorecky, KDE is like windows05:57
the_stickmore like windows*05:57
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goreckywell, you could compare its look also to osX..05:58
Zugwrackthen go ahead and use synaptic..or the command triablo gave you to let apt handle the dependencies05:58
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goreckyi feel more comfortable working with it05:58
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triabloxfce looks more like osx05:58
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the_stickZugwrack, ok suppose it's thingy.deb , what should I run ?05:59
Zugwrackgorecky: There is information on the ubuntu wiki page about how to install kde...and gnome has a browser link to click after install...you should be able to do that..05:59
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kentdoes any one know what module to load to get a topcom lancard 115 working in linux?06:00
goreckysure thing, just wanted to check if someone has experience with that06:00
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=== evandro [~evandro@200-158-184-94.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
the_stickand how do I make my /home directory show up in Synaptic so that I can directly install any packages I download ?06:00
goreckyin deciding what distribution to chose, kde was a main factor06:00
Zugwrackthe_stick: If you are getting dependencies needed to install the .deb file then you would first need to use apt instal <.deb> for the dependencies required..after that you should be able to install the package you are trying to use now06:00
the_stickah . thanks06:01
Zugwrackthe_stick: np06:01
goreckyfor ubuntu is mainly supporting gnome, i was thinking about taking a distri with kde as default06:01
Zugwrackgorecky: You can use synaptic to download and install kde....it really isn't that big of a deal unless you have a dial up connection06:02
the_stickZugwrack : it says "E: Couldn't find package amsn_0.94-1_i386.deb06:02
the_stick" after reading packages , and building dependency riewas ?06:02
the_stickriewas = trees .. *06:03
CredEvening. How do I get support for GD library in Apache2? I can't find any proper modules.06:03
TreenaksGD in apache or in php?06:03
goreckyok, just the question if kde as preference is a big reason not to take ubuntu06:03
CredTreenaks, PHP06:03
CredOr the same actually. I just want to use GD with PHP :)06:03
Zugwrackgorecky: If you want a really good bloated install of a linux version that will let you try about ten different window managers then Mandrake linux 10.1 would be your choice..it is probably the best for newbies, or persons not wanting to invest time in configuring linux06:04
TreenaksCred: apt-cache search php4 gd06:04
TreenaksCred: and you'll see06:04
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goreckybut i guess my question is more concerning the idea of ubuntu, not the practice..06:04
CredTreenaks, thanks!06:04
Treenaksgorecky: the idea of ubuntu?06:04
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Zugwrackgorecky: If you want the philosopy behind Ubuntu then go to the home page...06:05
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zombicshow can i change my screen res?06:05
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Zugwrackgreets Treenaks:06:05
Treenakshey trainwreck06:06
goreckyi was there several times, dont worry. ubuntu obviously had some reasons to take gnome.06:06
=== Zugwrack wow he can translate german too...heh
the_stickstill doesnt work :(06:06
the_stickZugwrack, can I PM you what it says ?06:06
Treenaksgorecky: oh the reason ubuntu chose gnome, not "the meaning of the word Ubuntu"06:06
goreckyyeah, i should have explained it better..06:07
the_stickif only I got log in as root in ubuntu :(06:07
Zugwrackthe_stick: I understand that you want to learn how to solve why your .deb package is bombing...I have other things I  need to complete...sorry..06:07
the_stickNP dude06:07
Treenaksthe_stick: what does not work?06:08
Treenaks(just tuning in)06:08
goreckyi spent the day browsing through the distributor's sites 2 make a choice06:08
the_stickTreenaks: I can't install amsn 9406:08
the_stickit's a .deb package06:08
Zugwrackthe_stick: You use "sudo <command>" in Ubuntu06:08
Treenaksthe_stick: apt-get install amsn?06:08
the_stickI install it using dpkg but it quites because it can't find dependencies06:08
Treenaksthe_stick: what's the error message?06:08
Treenaksthe_stick: the exact ones, preferably :)06:09
zombicshow can i change my screen resolution?06:09
the_stickcan I PM them to you ?06:09
the_stickTreenaks : it's ~ 14 lines06:10
Treenaksthe_stick: use www.pastebin.com06:10
Treenaksthe_stick: also, what's wrong with gaim that you want amsn?06:10
goreckyas a conclusion, how much time/effort would i have to invest to handle my ubuntu-system?06:11
Treenaksgorecky: very little06:11
goreckyconsidering me being an absolute newby to linux?06:11
Treenaksgorecky: you'll manage, especially if you come back to this channel :)06:12
Quest-MasterWhich apt package has the KDE games in it?06:12
Quest-MasterBesides kde-games06:12
Quest-MasterI already removed that, and there still a bunch of games in the Debian folder06:12
Treenaksthe_stick: apt-get install all the packages named 'However: <this name> not installed'06:12
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Quest-MasterAnyway to remove them?06:12
goreckyi spent quite some time looking for the right distri..   ubuntu seemed to be the right one, it is just about getting serious, and same for me with linux, that has to fit! ;)06:12
ZugwrackTreenaks: Which .deb package do I need to get the mad(MP3) support installed for Rhythmbox?06:13
Quest-MasterZugwrack: Just use XMMS or BEEP06:13
Zugwrackcan't remember the name06:13
TreenaksZugwrack: read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats06:13
TreenaksZugwrack: it has an explanatins06:13
Treenaksexplanation, too06:13
goreckyok, i'll go about it, thanks for your answer, i'll be back fo r sure.. :)06:14
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=== Zugwrack heck I already got it installed just looking for *mad*..hehe
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skeffI have ddclient running but it doesn't seem to do anything06:18
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gsonjiyuu0 seen naruto 110-111 ?:)06:21
jiyuu0gson, not yet... it's still in my housemate pc06:22
=== Olivier_54 [~olivier@dyn-83-152-0-20.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
gsonoh k, same old naruto ep....:/06:22
jiyuu0but i just read 24006:22
gsonbut i got it to work in mplayer so iam happy:D06:22
gsonk your on the manga..06:22
jiyuu0got the whole set06:22
gsonwhat else do you read? one piece?06:22
jiyuu0nearly a cd06:22
gsonhehe nice:)06:22
StarScreamanyone running hoary on PPC?06:23
jiyuu0i think that's the only one06:23
gsonk, there are many others thats worth reading06:23
gsoni want to see naruto movie!06:23
jiyuu0me too06:23
jiyuu0seems nice06:23
gsonvery nice06:24
jiyuu0machine that can seal his chakra06:24
gsonheh ye06:24
jiyuu0gson, so i guess ur time is 7 something?06:24
gsonyepp true06:24
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jiyuu0here 1:26am06:24
gsonheh, sick :)06:24
jiyuu0i only got time for guide at night06:25
=== Vince-0 [~Vince-0@nps-ip-nas-1-p41.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
gsoni need to find some kaizokufansubs releases now, beucase i cant write to my other disks:(06:25
gsonhate it:)06:26
jiyuu0write to ntfs... stable?06:26
jiyuu0i scared screw the ntfs system06:26
gsonye, well i think i will stick to ubuntu now06:26
gsonso i will kill all ntfs disks06:26
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jiyuu0how bout vfat?06:27
gsoncan i have all data left after changes?06:27
GotD0tif i add an option for a module in /etc/modules.conf and then i reload the module doing rmmod ipaq and then modprobe ipaq it should update corectly right?06:27
jiyuu0gson, don't catch ur question06:28
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=== jiyuu0 back to work
gsoncu laters:)06:28
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=== slysy81 [~sly@cpc2-hitc3-4-0-cust4.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
slysy81Can someone help me please I cant load Ubuntu in graphical mode06:31
slysy81Using an x800xt06:31
Vince-0slysy81 : u using AMD64 ?06:32
slysy81nope its a 32bit AMD06:32
slysy81I have the same problem with Fedora Core 306:32
Vince-0hmmm , did it find ur ATI driver ? or did u select one ?06:33
slysy81I chose ATI in the Ubuntu install06:33
slysy81The live CD works a treat though06:33
Vince-0I used the raedeon generic driver on my 9600xt and it worked06:33
Vince-0I sense its a driver problem06:33
slysy81You mean you just chose ATI?06:34
slysy81Yeah weird thing is I googled it and found nothing06:34
Vince-0yar therz issues with ATI drivers06:34
Vince-0 Iam not sure what driver the x800 would use , but u must find the right one06:34
slysy81I dont understand why the live CD works surely drivers are the same?06:34
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-039-034.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
slysy81How would I install it from just text mode? I have no idea06:35
=== palle [~palle@h98n2fls301o1101.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vince-0dunno dood, I am new to this 2. I just went with the flow installing and it was fine06:35
Vince-0palle !06:35
pallehow do i activate smb?06:35
Vince-0service smd start06:36
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Vince-0smb *06:36
palleyeah it doesnt work06:36
pallein a terminal?06:36
Vince-0yar obv.06:36
Vince-0in terminal obviosly - use root terminal06:37
egon_spenglerslysy81: Try, if offered, using the radeon vice the ati driver. The ati driver is for older cards than the radeon06:37
palleyeah thats what i tried06:37
palle"command not found"06:37
slysy81I see so theres a choice of radeon or ATI?06:37
slysy81Do I need to reinstall to do that?06:37
Vince-0palle : smb is for file sharing - u know this06:37
egon_spenglerslysy81: Can you get to a command prompt, text mode?06:38
egon_spenglertry Xfree -config06:38
pallevince-0 can you tell me now how to do with the internet sharing?06:38
kentMy brother bought a new networdcard and put it into his computer.   How does Ubuntu handle that? Should it be autodetected directly, or will it be added if he tries to use eth1? When he ran dhclient from the command the eth1 got detected. Should i take the name of that module that it uses and put it in /etc/modules (well, somewhere like that) ? Since its not automaticly detected, i guess we have to make it load that module everytime somehow..?06:38
mjrThe ati driver should start the radeon driver when necessary (though this doesn't actually work in hoary for at least 9250s)06:38
Vince-0palle : u got the modem in the XP machine ?06:38
egon_spenglerIf that doesn't do it, then xf86config will get you a text mode setup to configure X06:38
mjrkent, should be detected if it's a pci card06:39
skeffWhat CD writer software is recommended for Ubuntu=06:39
palleno, i could'nt do that now, since my sister is using the windows comp06:39
slysy81thanks I will try it06:39
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pallebut if you tell me i can write it all down so i can do it later...06:39
=== tvon|x31 [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
mjrkent, you'll have to configure it separately eg. with the gnome network configuration tool06:39
mjrskeff, nautilus mostly06:40
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Vince-0palle : ok06:40
pallevince-0 ok06:40
Vince-0palle : pm me06:40
skeffmjr, so how do I burn an ISO9660 image with Nautilus?06:41
=== tvon|x31 [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
tvon|x31Q: do I want 'discover' to manage mount points?06:41
mjrskeff, right-click it and an option to burn should present itself06:41
skeffmjr ok06:41
skeffmjr, and otherwise just drag and drop for normal data CD?06:41
mjryeah, to the CD writer window06:42
skeffmjr is it possible to configure Rock Ridge, Joliet extensions somewhere?06:42
kentmjr, well, its a topcom 115 (they mention realtek-drivers on their homepage), but when my brother boots his computer it does not autodetect right now, but perhaps its my fault. it does not show up with ifconfig, but perhaps that becaus its not configured right now?06:42
mjrI don't think so, I believe it uses them by default though06:42
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=== iz is away: Ik ben bezig
mjrkent, yep, only configured interfaces show up in ifconfig06:42
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sparehead1how many people game on ubuntu?06:47
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sparehead1and do people use ubuntu for servers or just desktop?06:48
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snerfui wouldnt use it for a server.06:49
snerfudebian would be better06:49
snerfufor that06:49
=== JDahl [~joachim@68-69-207-20.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
sparehead1fair enough06:49
RaCarterhow do you enable root user in ubuntu?06:49
_|Imanewbie|_RaCarter: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo06:50
tvon|x31RaCarter: you don't need to, but if you really really want to, run "sudo passwd root" and give root a password06:50
=== Gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-255-163-228.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
tvon|x31So, with the default setup in Hoary, is discover supposed to handle mount points or no?06:52
_|Imanewbie|_tvon|x31: I edited that manually here.06:53
jmhodgesinotify isn't in the hoary kernel, yet, correct?06:53
RaCarterthank you06:53
tvon|x31jmhodges: I think that is correct06:53
tvon|x31jmhodges: though if you have /dev/inotify it is06:53
jmhodgesahhh, i was wondering if there was a simple way.. thanks tvon|x3106:53
RaCarterI guess you don't need root but it would be annoying if you had to do a series of tasks and execute more than one program as root using sudo each time06:53
tvon|x31jmhodges: np06:53
jmhodgestvon|x31: doesn't look like it :) thanks06:54
tvon|x31RaCarter: "sudo -s" gives you a root shell06:54
tvon|x31RaCarter: Its mostly a matter of changing the way you do things really..shrugging old habits06:54
jmhodgestvon|x31: is that more like `sudo su -` or `sudo su` ?06:54
GotD0ti would think sudo su is a bit redundant06:55
tvon|x31jmhodges: I think they do the same thing in the end, but "sudo -s" is the "sudo way" so I figure it makes more sense06:55
jmhodgesahh ok06:55
_|Imanewbie|_jmhodges: sudo -s or su -> su = super user, will ask you the root password and allow you to become a super user06:55
=== jmhodges will just read a man page
jmhodgesright, but there's a difference between su - and su06:55
tvon|x31_|Imanewbie|_: yeah, but with the normal setup there is no root password06:55
_|Imanewbie|_tvon|x31: but I gave him the url for that06:56
snerfusudo with option that gives you roots path, i forgot what it is, works just as good as being root.06:56
=== MikeAFK is now known as MikeGTN
RaCarterit seems like sudo -s asks me for my user password, not root password06:56
tvon|x31RaCarter: that is correct06:56
_|Imanewbie|_RaCarter: yes so read, the url Ive sent you06:56
snerfuthats right06:56
tvon|x31sudo will only ever ask you for 'your' password06:57
snerfubecause your in the sudo group06:57
_|Imanewbie|_RaCarter: but you can change it06:57
tvon|x31The point is there is zero reason to give root a password06:57
_|Imanewbie|_tvon|x31: except?06:57
tvon|x31except for GUI apps that use something like gtksu06:57
tvon|x31though the ones in Warty were modified to use gtksudo06:57
tvon|x31granted you can always run them anyways06:58
RaCarterok, how do I change that behavior?06:58
tvon|x31but for a nicer experience you might want to give root a password so you can run them via the gui I suppose06:58
tvon|x31RaCarter: which behavior?06:59
RaCarterif I give someone else an account they can install things as root using sudo -s ?06:59
RaCarterusing their own password?06:59
tvon|x31I don't know what the default restrictions are.  I think only the first user has that kind of privledges.  This is controlled in /etc/sudoers06:59
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_|Imanewbie|_RaCarter: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/root07:00
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_|Imanewbie|_Wich is the URL of that site that gives the amount of downloads of the linux distros daily and give it reviews?07:02
_|Imanewbie|_Gwildor: I suppose, can you give me the url?07:02
_|Imanewbie|_Gwildor: Thanks a lot =)07:03
=== Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427123-66.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sulkdehm guys.. if you haven't already, you should register yourself and your boxen at http://counter.li.org.. need to get ubuntu use high enough that it actually gets its own column..07:03
tvon|x31_|Imanewbie|_: back to 'discover'.  You say you editied it manually...was it in use by default or no?07:03
ZugwrackI was asking what the method of updating the menu system is after installing packages? Some don't seem to show up on the menu after install with synaptic07:04
_|Imanewbie|_tvon|x31: no07:04
tvon|x31_|Imanewbie|_: Thanks07:04
=== anselme [~anselme@AMarseille-151-1-58-49.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Vince-0(I proud , I helped my first n00b)07:06
_|Imanewbie|_Vince-0: congrats =)07:06
Vince-0what u up to Imanewbie ?07:06
_|Imanewbie|_Ive been a newbie for like 3 years with linux07:07
=== FartClone [~FartClone@dc51468581.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
_|Imanewbie|_so I'm a kind of an oldie newbie =)07:07
Vince-0I have been a newbie for like a month07:08
Vince-0will always be one tho07:08
Vince-0dood - U could prob help me out -- hehe07:08
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_|Imanewbie|_Vince-0: why will alllways be one? Sooner or lather you get the idea, and things become allways the "same"07:10
=== BradB [~bradb@modemcable202.193-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Vince-0I wish07:11
the_stick<-- getting a headache07:11
the_stickI can't install anything07:11
Vince-0Il get there one day07:11
Vince-0I am gonna make a manual for noobs as I learn07:11
the_stickit ALAWAYS returns an error message..07:11
=== FallenHitokiri [~TimoZimme@p508BBB4C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: what do you meant by "cant install anything?"07:11
the_stickeither "You don't have access" , "You don't have this , you don't have that"07:12
the_stick_|Imanewbie|_,  : I have a .deb package , it doesnt install07:12
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: are you triing to do it as super user?07:12
anselmegive the exact one, pls07:12
the_stickI'm as the default user07:12
Quest-MasterDoes anyone know if Wine can emulate things like PaintShop Pro or Photoshop?07:12
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the_sticklife wouldve been easier if I could login as root07:12
anselmeu can do sudo passwd root ;-)07:12
=== kristjan [~kristjan@BSN-77-184-82.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
Skwid_Quest-Master: you nuts ?07:13
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: do su, in a terminall shell, it will ask for a super user pass, give yourt user pass07:13
kristjanhi all07:13
Skwid_Quest-Master: get gimp07:13
Quest-MasterSkwid_: ?07:13
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: then apt-get install whatever you want07:13
=== melanie [~melanie@d212-152-0-200.cust.tele2.ch] has joined #ubuntu
_|Imanewbie|_Does FreeBSD worths to be used for a home user?07:14
gsonhm what ftp prog do you all use ?07:14
kristjani want to install firehol. how do i make it start on each boot? is it enough if i just copy the firehol(.sh) script to /etc/init.d?07:14
vrln__|Imanewbie|_: that's a question of opinion07:15
frytus;] 07:15
vrln_most linux users would say no, all bsd users would say yes07:15
_|Imanewbie|_vrln_: =)07:15
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_|Imanewbie|_Ubuntu isnt in linuxiso.org =(07:16
frytuswhy you want bsd if you have ubuntu hehe ;] 07:16
Quest-MasterSkwid_: There are a lot of features missing in it :(07:16
gsonwhats the best ftp application ?07:16
Quest-MastergFTP is a good one gson07:16
gsonoki tnx07:16
Quest-Mastersudo apt-get install gftp07:16
gsonheh mm07:16
frytusvsftp ;)07:16
_|Imanewbie|_gson: I use ftp from shell07:17
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_|Imanewbie|_gson: so it is installed by default07:17
gsonye ive done it some time but sick and tierd of it:)07:17
the_stickok , how do I setup a root account07:17
=== kristjan feels ignored.
anselme@gsno: ncftp07:17
the_stickI want to always use root07:17
the_stickdon't want to sudo everytime07:17
Quest-MasterYou have to do sudo everytime07:18
kristjanthe_stick: sudo passwd07:18
Quest-MasterUbuntu was built like that the_stick07:18
gsonk anselme, ill check gftp first:)07:18
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: youy shouldnt use root all the ime07:18
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the_stickit's ok , I'm not worried about security , nothing 'valuable' or 'private' in my PC07:18
kristjanthe_stick: sudo passwd07:18
vrln_using root all the time is is very bad idea07:19
gsonyepp, i never use root heh07:19
vrln_and just because you don't have anything important on your system is not a good excuse to use root all the time07:19
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: it is not about security, if you are logged as root and slip you finger in delete buttun you may distroy your system07:19
vrln_think for the good of the entire internet07:19
vrln_it's not nice to let your system become a zombie/bot07:19
vrln_there are enough such systems already anyway07:19
=== tvon|x31 has no clue why everyone wants root
the_stickok , I just want to use root to install all my applications , and then I'll go back to using a normal account07:19
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: so do su07:20
=== NewNick [Bersirc@lsanca1-ar41-4-61-130-127.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
the_stickI tried that , I can't login07:20
gsonsudo works fine?07:20
NewNickdoes ubuntu have patched FGLRX drivers for XORG yet?07:20
tvon|x31sudo sudo sudo07:20
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: it will ask for a root pass you give it07:20
the_stickdone it07:20
_|Imanewbie|_tvon|x31: whatever07:20
the_stickI then logged out , but I can't login as root in the main login screen07:20
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: give you normal user pass07:20
tvon|x31the_stick: in GDM?07:21
anselmethe_stick: do sudo passwd root before doing su07:21
tvon|x31dont login as root in gdm07:21
the_stickthen how?07:21
_|Imanewbie|_the_stick: just become a super user in a terminal screen07:21
tvon|x31the_stick: you want to use the console to install packages?  meaning, you don't want to use synaptic?07:21
the_stickyeah , but I want the x-server thing too07:22
tvon|x31(synaptic == gui for managing packages)07:22
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GotD0tdid you guys see the /. article about the guy who released a build of OOo 1.1.3 that integrates with KDE and Gnome07:23
the_stickI want to install amsn 94 but it keeps telling me it can't find dependencies07:23
the_stickI tried apt-get07:23
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tvon|x31GoneBoB: yeah.  gnome integrated OOo is going to be in Hoary07:23
tvon|x31"sudo apt-get install amsn" fails?07:23
tvon|x31then you are probably missing repositories (eg, universe/restricted/multiverse or something)07:24
GotD0ttvon|x31 any clue on when it ends up in the repos?07:24
tvon|x31GoneBoB: its due for upload..not sure when07:24
=== Thanatos [~Thanatos@p5085E17A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
GotD0ttvon|x31 you might wanna check the name... this is not GoneBoB ;-)07:24
tvon|x31whoops :)07:25
tvon|x31bitten by tab-complete07:25
Thanatoshi @ll07:25
tvon|x31and laziness07:25
tvon|x31the_stick ran off?07:25
Thanatoscan sb tell me how to configure my soundcard with ubuntu?07:25
Thanatosfuckin laptop problems07:26
=== asubedi [~asubedi@pcp04534808pcs.oakrdg01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
anselmewhich laptop or card ?07:27
ThanatosSiemens Mobile 510 AGP07:28
Gwildori am looking for the easiest noob friendly FREE distro, linspire would be perforct for the person in mind, but i need something free for him07:28
=== clockorange [~clockoran@port915.ds1-he.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
plagiatsmaybe ubuntu is the right choice Gwildor !07:29
_|Imanewbie|_My University is going to have a freesoftware week07:29
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Gwildorplagiats, hmmm maybe warty would be07:29
_|Imanewbie|_I'm wondering to order some ubuntu cds and give them for ppl that watch the lectures07:29
_|Imanewbie|_and maybe do a install fest07:29
epoddoes anyone know where I can fix a .deb of xscrabble ?07:30
anselmeThanatos : have u looked at tuxmobil.org ?07:30
clockorangeIm using X-chat right now. But i want a IRC-chat to use in the console?07:30
Thanatosgonna try it07:31
_|Imanewbie|_clockorange: irssi07:31
tvon|x31clockorange: ir..what he said07:31
clockorange_|Imanewbie|_, ok ;)07:31
=== pridkett [~pridkett@c-67-171-67-175.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_|Imanewbie|_clockorange: I'm using it right now and it is VERY cool07:31
clockorange_|Imanewbie|_, Hey! Its already installed. Cool :)07:32
_|Imanewbie|_clockorange: yay07:32
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gwildor_just type irc in terminal07:32
gwildor_   /connect irc.freenode.net07:32
gwildor_  /join #ubuntu07:33
_|Imanewbie|_clockorange: www.irssi.org07:33
=== gwildor_ [~gwildor@adsl-68-255-163-228.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildorirssi is tha same thing as irc in terminal07:34
_|Imanewbie|_Gwildor: that is what clockorange wants I suppose07:34
gwildor_i was just stating that the irssi command and irc command do the same exact thing07:35
kristjangwildor  /quit ;)07:35
clockorangeYes - i think i got it know ;). Thanks Gwildor :)07:35
Gwildorkristjan, /exit works too, just forgot the "/"07:36
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Gwildorkristjan, but thnx :)07:36
kristjanGwildor: np07:36
=== Ruffian|Q| [Ruffian|Q|@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vidrohihello folks07:36
tvon|x31 /usr/bin/irc is linked up with irssi via alternatives07:36
_|Imanewbie|_As a CS student I must admit the most important day in my academic life was the day my mates installed linux here for me first time, it costed 2 cokes and a beer but worthed =)07:37
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vidrohican i get some help?07:37
=== tzhau [~repeater@c1-353-1.nld.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildorvidrohi, just ask07:37
_|Imanewbie|_vidrohi: sure, we are here for it07:37
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=== tzhau [~repeater@c1-353-1.nld.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
vidrohiubuntu install really messed up with my PC. i started its installation on f: (which i asked it for format then use). it ran for some time, and after i come back, comp had restarted and now refuses to boot into any OS07:40
Quest-MasterI need to paste MFC42.dll in my "primary" Linux directory07:40
Quest-MasterWhat directory is that?07:40
kristjani just installed a VERY cool proggy for handlinh init.d stuff (configuring startup of services)07:40
Quest-MasterI am doing this so an application will work with Wine07:40
kristjanso, if anybody is interested: sysv-rc-conf07:40
vidrohii booted up with CD, and it shows all partitions in order. but f: is still in FAT32.07:41
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=== Loduriel [~joel@ABordeaux-251-1-42-2.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== vidrohi asks for some help with his above question
=== rod [~rod@cp233117-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
(EfaistOs/#ubuntu) is there a command to update the gnome menu after a software installation ?07:46
rodyes EfaistOs07:46
rodopen a terminal, enter xkill, and click on the panel07:46
rodit will reload with the updated menu07:46
rodnow my turn to ask a question :)07:46
=== gwak [~gwak@pD9E5D8B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
rodwhen I properly add the correspondening lines to my sources.list i get:07:47
rodFailed to fetch http://apt.cerkinfo.be/dists/unstable/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found07:47
rodfact is that i installed the amd64 version, but I dont have anything with amd64 mentioned in my sources.list07:47
rodit automaticly goes to the amd64 directory07:48
rodhow to get mp3 support with the amd64 ubuntu version?07:48
(EfaistOs/#ubuntu) it's weird i just installed grisbi but i cant find it in the menus ....07:48
roddid xkill yet EfaistOs?07:48
(EfaistOs/#ubuntu) in the debian menus we used to havbe all the softs but not now07:48
=== clockorange [~clockoran@port915.ds1-he.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
(EfaistOs/#ubuntu) rod, i used xkill but nothing happened07:49
plagiatsRoa, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:49
plagiatsrod sorry.07:49
rodthen the menu wont get updated EfaistOs :-/07:49
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=== Loduriel_ [~joel@ABordeaux-251-1-43-208.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
speelhey how do you uninstall stuff?07:50
rodthat website says The following repository has packages for ''i386 only''. plagiats07:50
_|Imanewbie|_speel: apt-get remove package_name07:50
rodspeel, apt-get remove blaaaat07:50
=== demaloc [~mford@163-106.26-24.tampabay.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
speelwhat if you dident use apt get to get it in the beginning?07:51
gwakHello all - some more upgrades (hoary) issues -- Nautilus is very slow when opening menus/folders - for example it takes 30 seconds to open desktop/home/ect and X.org xserver is always using 1% cpu useage .. any simple fixes?07:51
rodgwak, do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:51
frytusspeel: man dpkg07:51
rodall will be fast again07:51
Zugwrackspeel: Just use synaptic and look for the proggie you installed...07:51
danielsgwak: sudo apt-get install gamin07:52
=== BeatrIX [~nowhere@pool-162-83-223-188.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
speelcause i installed enemy territory it dosent work and i wanna get rid of it07:52
ZugwrackI don't seem to be able to stream .asx to totem which was detected as the default player...how to add or update to allow this?07:52
gwakrod:cheers -- doing it now --07:53
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usualthere is an article on slashdot about openoffice now being able to be built with integration into gnome/kde, I was under the impression that it already was....gnome icons etc...in unbuntu...whats this all about?07:53
Skwid_usual: when you do 'open file'07:54
Skwid_it will show the gnome/kde standard open file menu07:54
Skwid_(for example)07:54
tvon|x31gnome-vfs integration is the key07:55
melaniei'm using apollon. after starting there should be an icon in system tray. but it opens a new window with the icon in it. i tried to unlock time and sound symbol but nothing changed. how culd i get this icon into the system tray?07:55
roddid it work gwak?07:55
vidrohianybody have idea why ubuntu installation crashed, not even changed the FS, and made other drive (C: on winxp) non-bootable too?07:55
rodow, nvm07:55
rodno idea vidrohi07:56
vidrohiit didn't even work from teh Live Disc. Started loading........ never completed07:57
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rodtry the expert mode vidrohi07:58
rodyou will see the errors07:58
rodand did you check the cd in windows, md5 check07:59
gsonhow do i see which port thats active and open?07:59
tvon|x31vidrohi: if it tried to install the bootloader into the boot sector it would be a problem.  Thats all I can think of07:59
Zugwrackgson: netstat?08:00
=== gwak [~gwak@pD9E5D8B4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
rodand gwak?08:01
gwakrod: thanks night and day08:01
ZugwrackHello Melanie: Wie gehts?08:01
gwakrod: any idea what the package changed dbus?08:01
rodyou just made my day as well :)08:02
gwakZugwrack: gut und du?08:02
rodi dont understand gwak?08:02
ZugwrackIch bin gut..danke08:02
rodMelanie ist gwak?08:02
melanieZugwrack: gut, danke. hast du eine antwort auf meine frage oben?08:02
rodow lol08:02
ZugwrackNein ich habe nicht...das tut mir leid08:02
=== theNeonGod [~eric@pcp09142269pcs.union01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gwakrod: just wondering what package in ubuntu-desktop was responsible for the speedup08:03
gsonive got a little problem with xmms, cant add any url.pls08:04
rodgwak, i forgot the name, but it was the first package08:04
Zugwrackmelanie: I have to practice my german...heh...I also work with a good friend who lives here in Texas, US that is Swiss... ;-)08:04
rodich spreche Deutsch08:04
rodich komme aus Venlo, der Niederlanden :)08:04
rodhow about that :p08:04
rodOktoberfesten, Munchen :) ... E-dry Geldern08:05
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gwakgwak: ich spreche auslander deutsch08:05
Zugwrackrod: kewl from the Netherlands... sehr nett08:06
=== clockorange [~clockoran@port915.ds1-he.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
gwakrod: ich wohnte in nijmegen08:07
gsonive got a little problem with xmms, cant add any url.pls08:07
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clockorangeHow do i get out of X. I press: ctrl, alt, backflash - but it wont stay out there ;(08:08
rodkennst du niederlandisch sprechen gwak?08:08
rodclockorange, go to terminal 1 (control alt f1)08:08
Zugwrackgson: right click the stream you are playing(if you are saving a stream) select save..then drop down the combo box to select .pls and also add it to the filename you are saving as..08:08
alex_fclockorange: try 'telinit 3' or 'init 3'08:08
rodthen sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:08
clockorangethanks ;)08:09
gwakrod: when i moved to german all my dutch was replaced by german ;-] 08:09
roddus dit versta je gewoon :) grapjas :p08:10
=== clockorange [~clockoran@port915.ds1-he.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
frytus;] 08:10
rodwent out in nijmegen couple of times.. the matrixx and 3 gestusters as well :)08:10
clockorangeHmm...wont work?08:11
vidrohithx guys08:11
rodwhat is the output clockorange?08:11
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gwakrod: the thing i miss most from nijmegen is the Lux08:11
rodthe Lux? doesnt ring a bell08:11
=== Zepp [~mike@CPE0080c8213885-CM000f9fa6ca8c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
clockorangerod, The output?08:12
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gwakrod: its a 'community' run movie theater / bar08:12
rodyeah clockorange.. why is it not working?08:12
rodhmm ill have a look for it gwak :)08:12
gwakrod: great art house movies / great selection of Belgian beers08:14
rodhehe.. you mean they have got jupiler?08:14
clockorangerod, oh, i do not know. It doesnt do anything. And i get no errors08:14
rodclockorange, what command did you use?08:14
ZugwrackWhy not just edit inittab directly?08:14
clockorangerod, init 3, telinit08:15
rodwell.. i adviced you something else...08:15
rodcontrol - alt- f108:15
ZugwrackBTW runlevel 2 is the default runlevel in Ubuntu...Usually GUI is 5 and console is 3...hmmm08:15
rodand then enter sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:15
gwakrod: heh not sure what juplier is but the have qwark(sp) / leffe / palm / duvel08:15
alex_fclockorange: that was my advice - you might want to try what rod is suggesting08:15
clockorangethanks :)08:16
alex_fclockorange: although from what I know...that should work on most distros, heh08:16
rodarghhh you dont know Jupiler? hehe... it's the best belgian beer imho08:16
rodduvel is heavy stuff lol08:16
gwakrod: i look for it next time im in holland -- germans refuse to belive that IMO belgian beer is better then german beer ;-] 08:16
rodwhat do you think excellent german beer is?08:17
rodwarsteiner? :)08:17
=== clockora1ge [~clockoran@port915.ds1-he.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
=== olimar [~olimar@p213.54.100.181.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
clockora1geok, it worked :)08:17
olimarHI all was reading through the ubuntu site, how can I update my warty installing to haory?08:17
kristjanrod: the best german beer is loewenbrau weiss bier!08:17
olimargenerally how can I use synaptic to update my installation?08:18
rodgreat to hear clockoralge :)08:18
kristjanTreenaks: no1 can read this! ;)08:18
gwakrod: no, dull watery - i like the heavy Weisen beers from bavaria08:18
rodyeah, i remember some beers when I was at the oktoberfesten in munchen... 1 remember one by name -- Lass mir raten, trinke Spaten! ...08:18
rodThe other beers had weird names :s08:18
Treenakskristjan: utf-8 ;)08:18
rodweisen means wit / WeiB beer?08:19
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gwakrod: wheat beer me thinks08:19
=== kristjan just installed fireHOL and is very happy with it (it's a firewall)
rodloewenbrau.. ill try to keep that one in mind :)08:19
Treenaksgwak: weiss = "white" (that's how it's translated in Dutch: wit)08:19
kristjanrod: make sure!08:19
Treenaksgwak: ask wikipedia :)08:19
clockora1geBTW: is it a god idea to have a firewall08:20
gwakor leo.org08:20
rodnot really necesarry clockora08:20
usualthis is my first time since redhat 5 having official linux CD's08:20
kristjanclockorange: yes08:20
rodbut you could check out firestarter if you really want to08:20
rodi would not advise a firewall though since ubuntu shuts all ports off by default08:20
ZugwrackDepends...if you are behind a router running NAT then probably not a big deal...08:20
kristjanrod: firestarter sucks, caouse it only allows one interface.08:20
gwakwikipedia had nothing ;-[08:21
kristjan+ i had problems with it08:21
Treenaksgwak: under plain 'Beer'08:21
rodwell, its kinda hard to dig in iptables itself :s... But a firewall is not necesarry imo08:21
=== kristjan just switched from firestarter to fireHOL
=== klonical [~david@33.Red-80-37-209.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kristjanrod: it IS neccessary08:21
Treenaksgwak: but yes, it's wheat08:21
clockora1geWaht about anti-virus ;)08:21
Treenaksgwak: "The two most important varieties of wheat beer are Belgian witbier and German Weizenbier."08:21
StarScreamspeaking of firewalls, is there a non iptables linux firewall?08:22
rodkristjan, you think a firewall is neccessary in ubuntu?08:22
klonicalwhere is the ksh package for ubuntu??08:22
gwakTreenaks: thks08:22
kristjanrod: yes08:22
Zugwrackclock: There are not very many known viruses in Linux08:22
kristjanrod: i think it's neccessary in _any_ system08:22
rodcheck this..08:22
clockora1geHow many is there?08:22
rodIm not quite technical and all, but I trust that link :)08:23
Zugwrackclockoralge: Dunno anymore...08:23
rodSince Ubuntu doesn't run any daemons that listen to the outside world by default (the postfix install only listens on localhost) there's no need for a default firewall.08:23
kristjanrod: suit yourself.08:23
rodThe rationale is that if a user's got a need for installing a world-facing daemon, they'll be aware that they should configure a firewall/ACL for it too.08:23
rodbut yeah, i can imagine if you have a server or important stuff on your computer, a firewall is a good idea08:23
kristjanrod: doesn't matter. attacks come in other forms...08:23
StarScreamkristjan, rod has a point..its not like windows machines where they have a bunch o ports open08:24
clockora1geWouldn't there be alot more if Linux was the dominant OS?08:24
epodHey, I've got a question, I have a java program, that, for some godunknown reason, only works when run as root.  I have to execute it via java -jar blah.jar - is there a way I can automate this so I don't have to give my root pw by sudo'ing every time I want to run it?08:25
lamontklonical: it's in univers08:25
kristjanStarScream: don't be so sure.08:25
StarScreamkristjan, explain...08:25
olimaranyone knows how to update packs via synaptic? (come on...)08:26
gwakclockora1ge: sure if people didnt update there linux boxes when exploits where found --t here was a sshd exploite a few months ago that i think was an accelrated perms exploit08:26
billytwowillywhere do I report problems with packages in universe?08:26
lamontbillytwowilly: here08:26
kristjanStarScream: we should switch to #flood for me 2 explain... ;)08:26
lamontor the ubunut-users mailinglist08:26
clockora1gerod: ok08:26
StarScreamkristjan, done08:26
billytwowillyok. k3b give me this error:08:26
clockora1gegwak: ok08:26
billytwowillytrying to overwrite `/usr/bin/fileshareset', which is also in package kdelibs-bin08:27
billytwowillydpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)08:27
lamontbillytwowilly: hoary or warty?08:27
kristjanStarScream: i was kidding.... google!08:27
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billytwowillylamont, it did it in warty, i uninstalled it and hadn't used it for a while. I'm now in hoary and it is stil doing it08:27
StarScreamkristjan, no, if you have a statement back it up or shut up08:27
StarScreamkristjan, explain to me why i need a firewall if i have no services08:28
klonicallamont, something more exact? :)08:28
Zugwrackanyone else in here running Ubuntu Warty PPC?08:28
StarScreamsince you disagreed with both rod and I08:28
lamontklonical: vi /etc/apt/sources.list (as root), read and understand the comment, and then uncomment the universe lines.08:28
wiihi there ogra :P08:28
epodum.. why do I have no option for sound in frozen-bubble! *cries*08:29
Treenaksepod: I have f-b on my phone :)08:29
usualcan you guys get to this http://colin.homeunix.org/08:29
klonicallamont, i have already done that :?08:29
kristjanStarScream: one example: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/D/DoS_attack.html08:29
kristjanStarScream: and don't b rude08:29
billytwowillylamont, is that all I have to do? are you going to pass the info on to the right people??08:30
epodTreenaks, grr.  Would perhaps removing SDL-oss and installing SDL-esd help?08:30
Treenaksepod: you shouldn't need to08:30
rodwell, see you around08:30
Treenaksepod: the default ESD has all sound output options08:30
lamontklonical: there is a pdksh in warty/universe08:30
epodTreenaks, shouldn't, yes.  But I got no sound :)08:30
rodkristjan, nice talking to you :)08:30
epodTreenaks, in fact, frozen-bubble wouldn't even put a checkmark next to sound08:30
lamontbillytwowilly: I'd recommend sending email to ubuntu-users08:30
Zugwracksee you rod: Take care08:30
billytwowillylamont, do I have to subscribe?08:31
klonicallamont, ok i will check it again. thanks08:31
lamontbillytwowilly: dunno.  canonical does not support universe, hence it's deal with the users list,etc08:31
StarScreamkristjan, firewalls aren't going to help you with a DOS. An IDS would becuase it would allow you to dynamically configure network interfaces to reject packets from certain ips etc..08:31
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billytwowillylamont, what's the email addy for ubuntu - users?08:32
kristjanStarScream: firewall will help in 90% attacks08:32
epodTreenaks, well, it fixed it.  Go figure.08:32
kristjanStarScream: for the other 10, you'll have to throw your computer away 2 b safe...08:32
StarScreamkristjan, how is a firewall going to help in a DOS..firewalls aren't smart..08:33
=== johnnyq [~john@c-67-171-90-166.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
epodTreenaks, and btw, how do you have FB on your phone?08:33
lamontbillytwowilly: I'm thinking ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com, but see http://lists.ubuntu.com08:33
Treenaksepod: http://fb-s60.sf.net I think it was08:33
kristjanStarScream: they block certain packets and stealth your computer...08:33
=== xhyldazhk [~xhyldazhk@dup-200-65-184-93.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
kristjananyway, I have posted my fireHOL experience for people that want a firewall.08:34
kristjanStarScream: if you don't belong to that category, don't bother...08:35
epodTreenaks, I am so getting one of those phones.08:35
Treenaksepod: :P08:35
Treenaksjust for the game? :)08:35
StarScreamkristjan, if i have no services open i have no packets to let in aside from what i choose to open through web browser etc..08:35
Quest-MasterI want to uninstall Python through apt-get08:35
Quest-MasterWhen I do sudo apt-get remove python08:35
Quest-MasterIt wants to remove like a 1000 other packages08:35
Quest-MasterHow can I get it to remove only the Python package?08:36
StarScreamkristjan, if you ARE running services, then I agree, yhou should have a firewall08:36
=== rip024 [ripper@cpe-069-132-175-135.carolina.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
TreenaksQuest-Master: all those packages depend on python being installed] 08:36
epodTreenaks, darn right :D08:36
TreenaksQuest-Master: they don't work without it08:36
rip024having trouble installing Mplayer can anyone help08:36
Quest-MasterTreenaks: I have 2.3.4 Python installed08:36
TreenaksQuest-Master: so basically, you do not want to remove python08:36
StarScreambut if your computer accepts nothing by default then it doesnt matter what you send to my machine..its not going to do anything with it08:36
Quest-MasterTreenaks: I want to remove the 2.2.308:37
TreenaksQuest-Master: from the packages? or compiled yourself?08:37
Quest-Masterapt-get has the old Python.08:37
Quest-MasterI wish someone updated it.08:37
TreenaksQuest-Master: apt has python 2.2, 2.3 and 2.408:37
Hikaru79Is it just me or is xine very prone to crashes?08:37
TreenaksQuest-Master: look harder in aptitude/synaptic/whatever08:37
=== zenwhen [~zenwhen@host-216-78-112-160.bgk.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quest-MasterWell, when I do apt-get install python it doesn't install the new one08:38
kristjananybody sucessful making tv out work on ati mobility 9600?08:38
Quest-MasterTreenaks: Shouldn't apt-get itself have the newest Python?08:39
TreenaksQuest-Master: it also has that08:39
TreenaksQuest-Master: but  I can assure you, that ubuntu has the latest python08:39
TreenaksQuest-Master: apt-cache search python, look through the list08:40
Hikaru79And why am I unable to kill xine, with the 'kill PID' command?08:40
TreenaksHikaru79: what's the error?08:40
speelhey i need some help i poped in a burned audio cd and when i clicked on cd-rom one i got this error mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc,08:40
speel       or too many mounted file systems08:40
speelany ideas?08:41
Treenaksspeel: you can't mount audio CDs08:41
Hikaru79Treenaks, no error, just froze and won't be 'kill'ed08:42
speelah yes i forgot that lol08:42
speelwell its playing in the cd player program but i have no sound :(08:42
TreenaksHikaru79: don't know then08:42
Treenaksspeel: open your volume panel08:42
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Treenaksspeel: check the volume there08:43
speeleverything is fine i just tested the sound on a internet radio station08:43
melazyboyHikaru79: Kill xine with the 'killall -s 9 xine'08:44
melazyboyHikaru79: Try this to test alsa, 'cat /dev/urandom | aplay'08:44
melazyboyYou can use the utility 'alsamixer' to modify your alsa sound levels.08:44
melazyboyIn addition make sure that Xine is using alsa, by going into the options menu setting it to advanced levels, then going to the sound tab and selecting alsa as the driver08:45
xhyldazhkhi allll08:45
=== Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu
xhyldazhkhey how do I install bttv driver on ubuntu ?08:46
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Hikaru79melazyboy, you rule :)08:48
melazyboyI know it, thanks =D08:48
=== Ferry [~ferry@cust.15.118.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Ferryhi anyone else having probs with samba support in nautilus with hoary. It sees the machines but i cant connect the password window never pops up08:49
melazyboyHikaru damit, i just screwed up my aplay =/08:50
xhyldazhkhi anyone knows how to install bttv driver from synaptic?08:50
epodCan anyone tell me how I connect to the servers on my workplace's windows network?  When I click on the icons for them, I don't get a password window, I just get told I can't connect08:51
kristjanFerry: it is a bit strange, connect using smb://machine_name/share08:51
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=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
melazyboyepod: I have always wondered how to do it with the gui, you can use the command smbmount to do it easily though08:51
kristjanFerry: if you don't specify share it doesn't work...08:52
melazyboyepod: Such as 'smbmount //comp_name/share_name -o username=test,password=test,rw'08:52
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melazyboyyou can either add comp_name to your /etc/resolv.conf if it fails to resolv, or you can make it an ip and add the -i option as well08:52
Ferrykristjan: well it finds the shares08:52
Ferrykristjan: but wont show me the files on it08:53
kristjanFerry: works?08:53
Ferrykristjan: nope same08:53
Ferrykristjan: dont get an error it cant connect it just wont show anything08:53
epodmelazyboy, thanks :)08:53
kristjanFerry: works for me out of the box...08:54
Ferrywith hoary?08:54
KeyserSozewhat controls the automatic module loading under ubuntu?08:54
KeyserSozebecause I got rid of discover08:54
kristjanFerry: setup permissions on target machine (which is?)08:54
melazyboyKeyserSoze: /etc/modules08:54
KeyserSozeand its still loading modules that aren't listed under /etc/modules08:55
KeyserSozealready checked there08:55
melazyboyetc modules generates /etc/modules.conf08:55
Ferrykristjan: worked fine this morning in warty so its hoary related08:55
KeyserSozethere is no modules.conf08:55
KeyserSozethats on debian... there is no modconf either08:55
KeyserSozewhich is kind of annoying since its a very nice tool08:56
melazyboy.. there should be an /etc/modules.conf, if not run update-modules to generate one it will list all of your modules under what caused them to be generated08:56
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kristjanFerry: i don't know.08:56
Ferrykristjan: but it works for you in hoary? DId you do a fresh install or upgraded from warty?08:56
KeyserSozejust ran update-modules it didn't create it08:56
kristjanFerry: fresh install08:56
Ferrykristjan: ah that could be my prob08:57
melazyboyThere is also /etc/modprobe.d08:57
melazyboyand /etc/modprobe.conf08:57
xhyldazhkhi anyone knows how to install bttv driver from synaptic????08:58
KeyserSozewell the reason update-modules does nothing is because its a script that calls /sbin/update-modules.modutils08:58
KeyserSozebut that file doesn't exist08:58
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KeyserSozethere is only /etc/modprobe.d/ and /etc/modutils08:59
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: its already installed in your kenrel08:59
KeyserSozebut neither has a list of what modules are being loaded from where08:59
=== Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427123-66.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: modprobe bttv should be run when you boot up after you install the hardware08:59
KeyserSozeand its getting annoying to have to go in and manually rmmod all the alsa modules08:59
melazyboyKeyserSoze: Modprobe.d is a directory where each line in each file is read into modprobe08:59
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: it not.. run it yourself `modprobe bttv`08:59
Zugwrackhmmmm....found an interesting situation that people might like to know about...08:59
melazyboyKeyserSoze: In addition you can, 'apt-get --reinstall install module-init-tools' to get that script09:00
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ZugwrackI have a external firewire drive....after adding entries to fstab and rebooting...it looks like fstab is being read before the system can initialize the firewire modules...09:00
KeyserSozejust did a reinstall and still nothing09:01
KeyserSozeI'm on amd6409:01
KeyserSozemaybe is fine under i38609:01
KeyserSozemelazyboy: you're telling me you have a /sbin/update-modules.modutils09:03
melazyboyI do09:03
xhyldazhkjmhodges, if i didn't did that at install time can i copy the module from ubuntu cd?09:03
KeyserSozeok then there is something wrong with the amd64 module-init-tools package09:04
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: you don't have to.. its in your kernel as a module09:04
ZugwrackIs it necessary to re-compile the kernel to allow read write access to firewire drives?09:04
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: its part of the linux kernel ubuntu installed on your machine.. all you have to do is put your hw into your box and it should automagically start up the bttv module09:04
KeyserSozemelazyboy: looks like the package is doing alot of diverts that point to missing binaries09:05
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: if for some reason, the bttv module does not get put in place ( i.e. it isn't found when running the command `lsmod | grep bttv`) then you will have to run modprobe bttv yourself09:05
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: but of course, you need hw that actually uses bttv, so make sure of that09:06
KeyserSozepackage diverts others to: /sbin/insmod.modutils09:06
KeyserSozeand there is no insmod.modutils09:06
KeyserSozeeverything that it diverts too is missing as a matter of fact09:06
melazyboyInsmod is a binary09:06
melazyboyit was a failed attempt at making modprobe eaiser to use09:06
xhyldazhkjmhodges, i have a ASTV 99 card, and under fedora core it ran with bttv module09:07
=== jmhodges shrugs
melazyboyits not a script, its just /sbin/insmod, all it is used for now is to load the ethernet module tulip09:07
KeyserSozethat just an example of the diverts the modules-init-tools is making09:07
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: sure.. anyway, the module should be loaded but if it isn't run `modprobe bttv`09:07
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KeyserSozeI don't care about insmod09:07
KeyserSozepoint is the package is missing stuff09:08
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keknehvHi all09:08
ZugwrackTreeknaks: Got a sec to answer a couple questions?09:08
melazyboyapt-cache showpkg module-init-tools09:08
xhyldazhkjmhodges, thanx, im getting xawtv :)09:09
KeyserSozeanything specific you want from there?09:09
jmhodgesxhyldazhk: np09:09
keknehvI have two monitor outs: one on a PCI card and one built into the motherboard. Currently, my monitor is hooked up to the PCI card. Is there any way to get dual monitors?09:09
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keknehv(I have two monitors)09:09
KeyserSozemelazyboy: ok... you're telling me you have a /sbin/update-modules.modutils right? which is what the /sbin/update-modules calls... well /sbin/update-modules.modutils is missing09:10
TreenaksKeyserSoze: apt-get install modutils09:11
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TreenaksKeyserSoze: and don't go removing random packages09:11
Treenaksalso, modutils is only used on 2.4 kernels09:11
Treenaksso modutils is never needed09:11
KeyserSozewell first of all I didn't remove it09:11
KeyserSozeand second thats not really my problem09:11
=== ztonzy [~bleh@c-854771d5.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
KeyserSozemy problem is that upon bootup, the alsa modules for my sound card are getting loaded instead of the oss module and I can't find where and what is loading them automatically09:12
ztonzybob2, you awake :) ?09:12
KeyserSozeand I already got rid of discover09:12
KeyserSozeand there are no aliases that should be loading it09:12
keknehvSo is there any way to get two monitors running under gnome?09:13
melazyboyKeyserSoze: sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base09:13
melazyboyKeyserSoze: Or they could be baked into your kernel09:13
jmhodgesmelazyboy: wouldn't it be easier to remove the /etc/init.d/alsa from the /etc/rc. beits?09:13
=== ztonzy switched to kde from gnome which is way faster gui than gnome :)
KeyserSozemelazyboy: what part about "modules" being loaded would make you think they are built in?09:14
melazyboyjmhodges: Yes thats a better idea09:14
jmhodgesKeyserSoze: try getting rid of the S*alsa and K*alsa in /etc/rc*.d/ files09:14
GotD0tkeknehv: i have two monitors running under gnome09:14
KeyserSozealready got rid of all alsa packages09:15
GotD0tkeknehv: what gfx card do you have09:15
KeyserSozeand there is no /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base09:15
melazyboyKeyserSoze: /etc/init.d/alsa stop & rm /etc/init.d/alsa09:15
KeyserSozealsa is gone09:15
jmhodgesKeyserSoze: uhh.. did you check?09:15
klonicaldoes anyone know why at the startup, the process stops while some minutes showing "Starting ubuntu..."???09:15
jmhodgesbecause i bet its filed under "configuration file" and i bet you didnt purge it when you removed them09:15
melazyboyKeyserSoze: You can build in alsa-bake, and not the all of alsa, infact by default thats how it works if i remember right in the ubuntu kernel tree09:16
keknehvI have an NVidia Geforce 4 and an integrated Intel Extreme09:16
Zugwrackztonzy: Which base modules did U install with synaptic?09:16
jmhodgesmelazyboy: yep09:16
ztonzyZugwrack, mom09:16
jmhodgesKeyserSoze: the modules are still in the kernel, you can't remove those without recompiling it09:16
melazyboyKeyserSoze: if alsa-base is baked in, and it requires a sound card driver to run then it might just automate that itself...09:16
KeyserSozejmhodges: I'm a sr. unix sys admin not a kiddie man... come on09:16
GotD0tkeknehv: and both monitors are going to be connected to the geforce?09:16
jmhodgesKeyserSoze: hehe09:16
Zugwrackztonzy: What? You switched to KDE what are the main components to install?09:16
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jmhodgesKeyserSoze: sorry, thats just who im used to helping09:16
ztonzyZugwrack, I just picked kdebase and the rest was selected by auto09:17
RiddellZugwrack: kdelibs, kdebase and kdm09:17
KeyserSozemelazyboy: that still doesn't explain why the alsa modules are being loaded automatically09:17
xhyldazhkHi all again... how do I make a dev node be created every time the system starts?09:17
Zugwrackztonzy, Riddell: Ok thank you...09:17
keknehvI would prefer one hooked up to each one, but would it be easier to just get a DVI->Monitor converter?09:17
RiddellZugwrack: I have KDE 3.3 debs for hary should ytou want them09:17
KeyserSozeand the fact that alsa-base is or isn't built into the kernel doesn't make it autoload modules09:17
ztonzyZugwrack, I think I did a gnome update and suddenly whole gui went lagging, and I am used to kde more than gnome...so I have it a try and it feels sooo slick !09:17
ztonzywell, kdm is not needed...still use gdm ;)09:18
ZugwrackRiddell: thanks...but I am running Warty09:18
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KeyserSozethere is some mechanism somewhere detecting the presence of the card and loading the alsa modules09:18
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KeyserSozewhat I want to find is that mechanism and make it load the oss module instead of the alsa crap09:18
Riddellztonzy: gdm theme support for kdm is in CVS, very nice09:18
melazyboyKeyserSoze: Quite possibly the baked in alsa-base does that..09:18
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ztonzyRiddell, didnt know :)09:19
defaulti'm having problems with my display resolution when i try to start the live cd of ubuntu09:19
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KeyserSozeso you're telling me that alsa is probing my hardware and then in turn loading modules automatically without any piece of software aiding it? yeah ok...09:19
GotD0tkeknehv, im not sure... but it should be possible either way09:19
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keknehvdefault: that's interesting; I was having troubles with my normal install, but the live cd worked09:19
KeyserSozenever seen the kernel autoload modules all by itself09:20
ztonzyRiddell, well anyone doing gnomeupdate should stay off from it, my 2 cents...I even uninstalled my k7 kernel because I did update on that too..so I thought it might be that but now I know it wasnt that !09:20
keknehvGotD0t: what did you use to configure it?09:20
ZugwrackRiddell: I am getting errors...I am thinking I need another repository added? I have main, restricted,universe,multiverse now...when I select kdebase it lists a bunch of stuff it can't find then exits without selection09:21
RiddellZugwrack: what does it say it can't find?09:21
defaultkeknehv: i got a package of a few live cd- normal install cds in the mail today and all the normal install ones can't find some sort of library, and my screen flickers and pentuples everything09:21
GotD0tkeknehv, if you're running two differeng cards you should be able to use the XF86Config utility... although i forgot the command, there should be something in the wiki abotu it09:21
ZugwrackRiddell: Wait one...09:21
jmhodgesKeyserSoze: the only thing that's loading the alsa modules is /etc/init.d/alsa09:21
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ztonzyRiddell, my kde install are from "universe"09:22
ztonzyZugwrack, do you have that repositry?09:22
keknehvdefault: I don't know how to help; I was just commenting. Sorry :(. Eventually I just copied some WORKING settings09:22
=== ztonzy thinks he just need to uncomment those lines in apt-get list
keknehvGotD0t: Okay, thanks. I guess I'll try that09:23
Zugwrackztonzy: Yes i have it...09:23
ZugwrackRiddell: Check #flood for my problem(s)09:23
KeyserSozeneway thx for trying to help09:23
Zugwrackztonzy: I am using synaptic09:23
ztonzyZugwrack, I did that too, :)09:23
KeyserSozeI guess I'll just keep checking09:23
ztonzyslick tool :D09:23
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Zugwrackztonzy: Just double checked...I still have all the listed repositories in synaptic...hmmm09:24
ztonzyZugwrack, so what's the issue ?09:25
Zugwrackztonzy: Join #flood and check it out..09:25
=== ztonzy is afraid of #flood , never been there :P
ztonzyok I am in09:25
ZugwrackYou don't see my post?09:26
Faustustell me if I install on a laptop w/ the wireless card inserted, does it get configured w/ ndiswrapper? My brother lost his ethernet  card and I installing onto his laptop!09:26
ztonzyZugwrack, in thar room ?  post ?09:27
ztonzyI see now09:27
Zugwrackztonzy: I just did it again...you should see it now09:27
ztonzyhow did you stat Synaptic ?09:27
Zugwrackztonzy: From the link in the menu09:28
=== ztonzy is sorry for some typos, bought new keyboard today
xhyldazhkheyy.. how do i configure my system to create a /dev node on startup or to not use a tmpfs for /dev?09:28
ztonzyZugwrack, ok...and you needed to type the sudo password ?09:28
ztonzy(usually main user pwd's)09:28
Zugwrackztonzy: yes it prompted for it...09:28
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Zugwrackztonzy: Let me try closing synaptic and doing su in console...then if I run apt-get install kdebase it should pick up all the needed deps no?09:29
ztonzynot su09:29
ztonzy'sudo synaptic'09:29
ztonzyZugwrack, yes I think so too09:29
Zugwrackztonzy: Ok...09:30
ztonzysynaptic is just a apt-get frontend09:30
Zugwrackztonzy: Yes I know...however it bombed again with the same problem....09:31
ztonzyZugwrack, ever had this problem before ?09:31
Zugwrackztonzy: nope09:32
Zugwrackztonzy: apt-get install kdebase errored with "broken packages" message09:32
melazyboykde isn't supported with ubuntu09:33
melazyboyYou will most probably have to add the debian repository09:33
ztonzymelazyboy, it is...I use it now :)09:33
Riddellmelazyboy: no, it's in universe09:33
RiddellZugwrack: tryed sudo apt-get update  ?09:33
melazyboyztonzy: The official statement from ubuntu, was, and is, they do not have enough resources to maintain a kde distro, any kde support will be 'on the backburner' so to speak09:34
ZugwrackRiddell: No I didn't do that...09:34
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ztonzyZugwrack, if you select "Sections" in pulldownmenus...go to "KDE Desktop Enviroment (universe)" and pick kdebase...09:34
Zugwrackztonzy: Ok I will check that..09:35
ztonzymelazyboy, that might be, but since my last gnome update made gnome gui all laggish I wanted to try out this...which was luck for me :)09:35
ztonzydont know why it happened09:35
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ztonzyZugwrack, you also need to do "Reload" now and then to update all repositries09:36
melazyboyKde might work -- and it might not, but the kde package in the debian repositiories will work, and is complete -- because adding a repositiory can't hurt, if i had errors as such i would add the repository if for nothing else than just that one package. it ensuring that all of the dependencies of the meta-containter kde-desktop are taken care of09:36
gsonanyone know of a good graphical cd-burning program?09:37
ztonzygson, k3b ? :)09:37
ztonzyvery nice09:37
Zugwrackztonzy: I did that before trying to add kdebase in synaptic09:38
ztonzyZugwrack, ok :)09:38
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xhyldazhkhow can I avoid using a tmpfs on /dev or how can i create a dev node in boot time?09:41
melazyboythe former: you can remove tpmfs from the kernel09:42
ljlanesounds like you want to configure udev instead09:42
xhyldazhkudev? well my modem is always installed as /dev/ttyLT009:43
xhyldazhkbut each time I boot i nedd to create that node manually09:43
xhyldazhkand i want to make it automatic09:43
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Specterwulfanyone here had problems with Warty crashing when using a prism54 based Pcmcia card?09:45
Hikaru79Can nautilus' cd burning app copy audio cd's?09:46
TreenaksHikaru79: no09:46
TreenaksHikaru79: not yet09:46
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Hikaru79I see09:47
Hikaru79What do you reccomend instead? (besides xcdroast)?09:47
sturmkindk3b is possible but it's kde09:48
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xhyldazhknautilus cdburner doesn't work?09:50
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sturmkindxhyldazhk, no it couldn't copy audio-cds :-)09:51
TheCancdrdao works for this ;-)09:51
sturmkind(uh my bad englisch 8-)09:51
sturmkindTheCan: gnome need a programm like nero or k3b im sure :-)09:52
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nicnachi everybody09:54
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nicnacare any ppc users here?09:54
sturmkindhi again nicnac ;-)09:54
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sturmkindnicnac, i think its to early into the morning *g*09:55
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ztonzyZugwrack, how does it go ?09:59
nicnacis there anybody who has successfully installed on ppc10:00
=== calamari wonders why anyone would want to get rid of OS X
calamariserious question.. not trolling10:01
sjoerdcalamari: because some just like gnu/linux better10:01
=== sjoerd does
calamarisjoerd: is there something you are missing in OS X as far as *nix support goes?10:02
calamariOr just don't like the GUI, etc?10:03
sjoerdit's not a debian system10:03
sjoerdif it breaks i don't know how to fix it10:03
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sjoerdand it doesn't give me the freedom i'm used too ?10:03
Hikaru79When using K3B, it's enough to use the 'copy cd' feature right? It10:03
nicnacthat's the inevitable question, *gg* no, im fine with OSX, but just like to play around with different *nix's10:03
Hikaru79*It'll automatically detect if it's an audio or data cd?10:03
Hikaru79Or do I have to specify somewhere that this is an audio cd and should be copied as one?10:04
melaniehow can i play midi files on ubuntu?10:04
Hikaru79melanie, with xmms?10:04
calamarinicnac: hehe I hear that.. I like win98, but here I am in Ubuntu :)10:04
calamarinicnac: I don't own a mac, but I do remember seeing some mac howtos on the wiki10:05
nicnacIve had problem with the keyboard on previous linux@ppc installations. any experiences? esp. *german kbd*10:05
melanieHikaru79: yes10:05
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nicnacI had a look around several howtos etc. an im pretty sure it will install, but the keyboard is a drag10:06
calamarimelanie: good question.. I installed bump-media-player but there was no midi plugin.. you had to compile it yourself and it wasn't compiling, so don't use that :)10:06
calamarierr bump -> beep10:07
melaniecalamari: i'll remember :)10:07
calamariI should install xmms and see if my midi daughterboard works10:07
melazyboyDoes anyone know if xorg and fglrx are fixed yet?10:08
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calamarican't right now though, because I'm in the middle of installing wine on dialup10:08
Hikaru79fglrx needs to be 'fixed'??10:08
danielsmelazyboy: no10:09
danielsmelazyboy: (as in, no it isn't)10:09
Hikaru79So *that's* why my friends card wasn't working10:09
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melazyboyHikaru79: Fglrx isn't compatable with hoary xorg10:09
im_kaare 16bit pcmcia lan cards different to 32bit ones in shape, size?10:09
Hikaru79Oh, hoary10:09
Hikaru79Never mind10:09
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melazyboydaniels: did those two links i sent you thursday help at all?10:10
Zugwrackztonzy: Sorry my wife ambushed me with something that had to be done..10:11
ztonzyZugwrack, heh... ;)10:11
ztonzythat's the way of life10:11
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Zugwrackztonzy: yeah thats for sure...heh....  I have no idea why the packages are broken...10:12
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TheCani didnt find the source for the kernel from ubuntu. do i need this deb-src entry for it?10:12
Zugwrackztonzy: Found another problem with Ubuntu...it thinks my printer is stopped and I can't select resume to print...10:13
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ztonzyZugwrack, there are a menu for fix broken packages in synaptic...look for it10:13
im_kaare 16bit pcmcia lan cards different to 32bit ones in shape, size?10:13
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Zugwrackztonzy: Ok10:13
ztonzyZugwrack, ack! sorry, I dont use printer here lol10:13
sjoerdim_ka: the 32 bit ones are cardbus not pcmcia10:13
swimhi, is there a grub file where I can add noapic to the boot parameters?10:13
Zugwrackztonzy: yeah that didn't work either10:14
swimcan anyone read this?10:14
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Zugwrackswim: yes10:14
calamariis there a way to have my modem connection more equally shared between applications?  It seems like synaptic hogs all my bandwidth10:14
sjoerdim_ka: size is the same though10:14
NewNickhas fglrx been patched to work with XORG yet?10:14
danielsNewNick: ni10:14
im_kasjoerd my problem is that the 32bit card i got is not sitting firmly in the socket10:15
ljlaneswim, try grub.conf or menu.lst in /boot/grub/10:15
swimthanks ljlane10:15
ztonzyZugwrack, sorry, wished I knew how to help you10:15
im_kai can unplug it w/o any resistance or using the lil button10:15
Zugwrackztonzy: Let me ask you....how do I upgrade the whole bleedin thing to Hoary?10:15
Zugwrackztonzy: Least that can happen is that it won't work either...10:15
=== kingsley [~kingsley@dsl-47-149.nas.com] has joined #ubuntu
melazyboyZugwrack: s/warty/hoary/g in /etc/atp/sources.list10:16
ztonzyZugwrack, just change name to Hoary in repositries instead of Warthy (or how it is spelled) but I wont do it10:16
melazyboythen update, and dist-upgrade in apt-get10:16
=== kingsley would like to see a shared "whiteboard" application.
giannicolado you know where i can find the gnome theme that seem to be using an apple pc?10:16
ljlaneswim: there a graphical app name grubconf too. I don't know if it's in ubuntu.10:16
giannicolaand what is it's name?10:16
Zugwrackmelazyboy: just like the syntax you gave?10:16
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melazyboyZugwrack: s/warty/hoary/g, is a regex, its more of a notatation replace all isntances of warty with hoary10:17
calamariis there a way to change the background color so that it isn't as bright white?10:17
TheCancalamari, right click on the desktop and click change background10:18
giannicolado you know where i can find the gnome theme that seem to be using an apple pc?10:18
giannicolaand what is it's name?10:18
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calamariTheCan: sorry, I mean the window backgrounds10:18
calamariTheCan: I think I need to modify a theme10:18
TheCancalamari, you need a different theme for this10:18
TheCanjust get one from themes.org for example10:18
TheCanif you like the darker backgrounds like in solaris, i propose mist-solaris theme10:19
calamarican I just edit a theme for a different background color?10:19
calamariI like the windows-grey color, it doesn't hurt my eyes as much10:19
TheCancalamari, yes sure10:19
_|Imanewbie|_did Ive lost con?10:20
_|Imanewbie|_ops wrong terminal =)10:20
calamarihmm, there's Redmond95, but that has way ugly controls.. Industrial is much better :)10:21
=== strixy [~strixy@S010600045ad45e0e.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #UBUNTU
strixy<-- New user10:21
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calamarido you know where the themes are located?  I might try to hack one up10:22
Zugwrackztonzy: wish me luck...be back in a little while...heh10:22
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strixyI was wondering how I configure services in Ubuntu10:22
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TheCancalamari, maybe ask in #gnome ?10:23
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swimhi, Im getting a problem when booting ubuntu, I guess it boots into x I can here a little ubuntu sound and I get a black screen, but do not see gnome...10:24
swimcould it be something to do with nvidia?10:24
swimI havent installed the drivers yet10:25
calamariswim: try pushing ctrl-alt minus10:25
swimcalamari: when I see the black screen?10:25
calamariswim: yeah... mine was displaying an invalid video mode10:25
calamarictrl-alt +/- change your video mode10:25
swimoh ok Ill try that...10:25
Faustusdoes ubuntu set up a firewall by default?10:25
swimbrb thanks10:26
calamariswim: good luck10:26
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fissyhiya.... how would i create a .deb package from a tar.gz archive?10:28
strixyFaustus, A. No. Reason is here -- http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/firewall10:28
=== iz is away: pittuh
=== Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427123-66.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fissywould be nice if firestarter were a supported package though...10:29
Zugwrackztonzy: Updating...10:29
ztonzyZugwrack, works ?10:29
Zugwrackmelazyboy: do you know if the smp kernels are available yet in Hoary?10:29
Zugwrackztonzy: won't know for about another 14 minutes..heh10:30
ztonzyZugwrack, hehe...how many packages ?10:30
strixyfissy. Alien, parhaps would help.Alien allows you to convert LSB, Red Hat, Stampede and Slackware Packages10:30
strixyinto Debian packages, which can be installed with dpkg.10:30
strixyIt can also generate packages of any of the other formats.10:30
strixyThis is a tool only suitable for binary packages.10:30
Zugwrackztonzy: 600 using the smart selection10:30
ztonzyZugwrack, I got only 292 :)10:30
=== swim [~root@ip68-228-40-88.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zugwrackztonzy: Yes, but this is also a macintosh version...10:31
swimhi again... calamari that didnt work :(  any other ideas?10:31
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Zugwrackztonzy: So you are running Hoary, or Warty?10:31
ztonzywont update to hoary until final release10:32
Zugwrackztonzy: Ahhh...don't be scared..heh10:32
ZugwrackAll that can happen is I will have to re-install...10:32
fissystrixy, i've installed beep 0.9.7 and some of the plugins for it from source, and i'd like to install them on a friends computer without going through the hassle of installing all the dev packages like i had to.10:32
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ZugwrackOnly takes about 15-20 mins on my g410:32
ztonzyZugwrack, I just had issues with laggy gnome, that's enough ;)10:32
swimIm getting a problem when I boot ubuntu, I think it starts x but all I get is a black screen... (I think I hear gnome starting though) help? do I need to install the nvidia drivers first?10:33
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Zugwrackztonzy: Yes but wasn't that just trying to upgrade Gnome? and not the whole system?10:33
_|Imanewbie|_swim: wich is you video card?10:33
LinuxNTGood day! Where to check snapshots from Ubuntu?10:33
swim_|Imanewbie|_: Ive got a geforce 4 440 I think10:34
calamariswim: nope, sorry... I'm pretty new10:34
_|Imanewbie|_swim: I got no problems with my nvidia10:34
swim_|Imanewbie|_: you didnt install new nvidia drivers ?10:34
strixyI just migrated from FC2 and was wondering how, in Ubuntu, I can configure services. Specifically, turn daemons on at boot.10:34
carbombHi everyone... I am new to linux and I'm trying to install ubuntu on my PC.  I go through the install process after booting from the CD, and everything seems fine.  After the installer finishes, it asks me to remove the CD and reboot.  When I do, I only get the message "Grub Loading, Please Wait" and then the machine stops responding.  Any idea how I can resolve this?10:34
ztonzyZugwrack, no, just some gnome parts10:35
_|Imanewbie|_swim: Ive made the normal install and AFTER (it booted all oki) Ive installed nvdia, but my gnome worked out of of the box10:35
calamariswim: nope you don't need to install new drivers (I'm running NVidia Ti4200)10:35
ztonzystupid...wouldnt do it again...basic install should be enough :P10:35
swimso what the heck is going on?10:35
_|Imanewbie|_swim: What kind of monitor are you using?10:35
Zugwrackztonzy: you have any idea how to update the menu(with script) to add items that don't just pop in after install?10:35
swim_|Imanewbie|_: its a laptop... lcd10:36
ztonzyZugwrack, hmm, in Gnome main menu ?10:36
_|Imanewbie|_swim: I have no previous experiences with laptops sorry =(10:36
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Zugwrackztonzy: Yes..like under games or whatever...I installed tuxkart...but it didn't add to the games menu10:37
Zugwrackztonzy:or use the configuration editor?10:37
cugaHey, I have accelerated ATI drivers installed, which I had to overwrite some gl libs, but now i can't apt-get anything cause it says my gl libs dependencies are unmet, how can i make it not look at tha package?10:37
ztonzyZugwrack, no I dont...I am not that long time linux user...but if you knew where it is installed you could just rightclick in menu add it yourself10:38
ztonzyquite easy in gnome 2.810:38
Zugwrackztonzy: Ok...Mandrake has a little script update-menus..that addresses this small problem10:38
ztonzyZugwrack, gnome or kde ?10:39
Zugwrackztonzy: kde10:39
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ztonzyZugwrack, yepp...I think I have seen it once or so10:39
swimcan anyone help? I boot ubuntu, but instead of getting gnome I get a black screen, and can hear gnome starting...  (Im on a laptop btw)10:40
Zugwrackztonzy: however I am about 45 packages away from crashing horribly or being upgraded to a Hoary..heh10:40
=== as-k [~jk@host185-150.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
carbombHi everyone... I am new to linux and I'm trying to install ubuntu on my PC.  I go through the install process after booting from the CD, and everything seems fine.  After the installer finishes, it asks me to remove the CD and reboot.  When I do, I only get the message "Grub Loading, Please Wait" and then the machine stops responding.  Any idea how I can resolve this?10:40
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sebbI have problems installing alsa 1.0.7, saying that I don't have my kernel sources, while I have them10:41
_|Imanewbie|_carbomb: Maybe, 90% sure your grub is crashed, I would suggest you to try boot from a floppy disk10:41
ztonzycarbomb, dualboot with windows xp ?10:42
strixyQuestion? Is there a GUI system config tool in Ubuntu?10:42
strixyor am I editing by hand?10:42
_|Imanewbie|_strixy: Wich kind of config? You have gnome gui10:42
carbombImanewbie: OK, is there a GRUB boot floppy I can download?  ztonzy: No dual boot... ubuntu is the only thing on the HD... the installer automatically partitioned the entire drive.10:44
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ztonzycarbomb, sometimes when i have had problems I set hd's to LBA in BIOS10:45
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_|Imanewbie|_carbomb: Did you mess up your partitiosn right?10:45
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_|Imanewbie|_carbomb: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/10:46
carbombztonzy: I can check the BIOS and try that.  Will I have to reinstall the OS, or should just changing it to LBA work?10:46
the_stickwhat's the command to copy a file in the terminal?10:46
carbombImanewbie: I didn't manually do anything to the partitions... I just let the ubuntu setup cd do its thing automatically.10:46
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_|Imanewbie|_how can I close a tab on irsii?10:47
carbombImanewbie: I didn't manually do anything to the partitions... I just let the ubuntu setup cd do its thing automatically10:47
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strixyImanewbie: I'm looking to edit system config files for services. I'm in Gnome.10:47
_|Imanewbie|_strixy: wich kind of service?10:47
strixyspecifically? LAMP10:48
(EfaistOs/#ubuntu) how to refresh the desktop ? i have downloaded some jpeg on desktop but they dont appear *10:48
_|Imanewbie|_carbomb: didnt you install grub during the commom installing process?10:48
strixyApache, Mysql, PHP10:48
_|Imanewbie|_strixy: I think you dont havea guy for it by default10:49
carbombimanewbie: GRUB wsa installed during the Ubuntu setup process, but it didn't give me any options to set.  It was handled automatically by the installer.10:49
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apokadebmod in ubuntu?10:49
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_|Imanewbie|_carbomb: so the problem is grub inst there or your windows partition is missing?10:49
strixyis there something post-install I can look for or should I just start hacking init.d10:49
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the_stickwhats the command ?10:51
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_|Imanewbie|_carbomb: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-legacy-support.en.html here you can have grub support, faq and howtos10:51
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the_stickI want to copy a file from /home/Desktop to /etc/X11/gdm10:51
swoonis there a tool to configure X? like monitor and stuff?10:51
=== giannicola [~giannicol@213-140-6-112.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
strixycarbomb: are you trying to install Ubuntu as a dual-boot with Win?10:52
the_stickany kind person willing to help ?10:52
carbombstrixy: It shouldn't have a windows partition.  No dual boot, just ubuntu.10:52
raphathe_stick: "sudo cp /home/Desktop/my/file /etc/X11/gdm"10:53
strixy(I can't remember, help me a sec) Did Ubuntu allow you to install GRUB to your MBR?10:53
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_|Imanewbie|_how do I register my nickname on irc?10:53
swoon... hmm anyone?10:53
raphastrixy: Well, mine is there. Not sure if it got there by way of the Ubuntu installer though.10:54
Faustusthnks strixy10:54
strixyNP :)10:54
carbombstrixy: it didn't give me any options at all for installing GRUB.  The only thing I had to do in the ubuntu installer was pick country, language, and tell it to automatically partition my drives.10:54
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giannicolatoday in italy was LINUX DAY10:55
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bwlanggiannicola: every day is linux day in my house ;)  did you help anyboy install ubuntu?10:55
strixycarbomb: How are you online now? (2nd box?)10:55
_|Imanewbie|_wee registered my nick10:56
=== defendguin [~supertux@adsl-6-123-14.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
carbombstrixy: I am using the version of ubuntu that runs off of CD-ROM and doesn't require an install.10:56
giannicolaand we made troubleshooting10:56
giannicolavery very crowded10:56
giannicolaand tomorrow install fest!10:56
strixycarbomb: What type of processor, mobo and HD are you using?10:57
apokadebmod in ubuntu10:58
Quest-MasterKMid isn't working for me at all :(10:58
carbombstrixy: Intel P4 2.8ghz, some intel MB (not sure of model) Maxtor 120GB hd.  Using the ubuntu 4.10 install CD that came in the mail yesterday.10:58
Quest-MasterIt says it can't get access to /dev/sequencer and that their might me another program running it10:59
Quest-MasterBut there isn't10:59
Quest-MasterAnd, I tried running it as su10:59
_|Imanewbie|_how do I close a chat tab on irsii?11:01
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Xenguy_|Imanewbie|_: /unq11:02
Xenguy_|Imanewbie|_: mnemonic -> unquery11:02
Quest-MasterAnyone have any idea why it won't work?11:02
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swimcan anyone tell me how to turn off start X at boot?11:03
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Xenguyswim: I bet that is a FAQ by now, but one way is to apt-get install rcconf, then use rcconf to turn off gdm startup at boot11:04
swimIknow that there is a gdm file somewhere that you can just rename and it will stop loading at boot11:05
swimI just dont know where11:05
swimah thanks11:05
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Xenguyswim: yw11:05
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strixycarbomb: I'm wondering what would happen if you were to try "grub-install /dev/hda" from your current environment and then try to install.11:06
_|Imanewbie|_daamm /nickserv identify doesnt work11:06
bwlangswim: it's not generally a good idea to just delete files...   you might want to have a look at update-rc.d11:06
Quest-Master_|Imanewbie|_: Try /ns IDENTIFY11:06
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egon_spengler_|Imanewbie|_: Try /msg nickserv identify11:06
Zugwrackztonzy: Whew....made it...doesn't look like anything is broken...11:07
carbombstrixy: hold on, I'll give that a try.11:07
_|Imanewbie|_egon_spengler: thanks it worked =)11:07
ztonzyZugwrack, yay11:07
=== Gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-255-163-228.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
egon_spenglerNP _|Imanewbie|_11:08
carbombstrixy:  root@ubuntu:/home/warty # grub-install /dev/hda11:08
carbombProbing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.11:08
carbombCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.11:08
_|Imanewbie|_how do I close tabs on irsii I promisse this time I will take note =)11:09
carbombI am running off the LiveCD, and it looks like when I do it puts the HDA in read-only mode.  I'm not sure if that is what caused this error.11:09
egon_spengler_|Imanewbie|_: Are you through with that window?11:09
_|Imanewbie|_solved =)11:09
_|Imanewbie|_egon_spengler: yes11:09
egon_spenglertry /part11:10
strixyIt's reading your CD as HDa11:10
strixynot your harddrive11:10
strixyI guess that11:10
strixy's to be expected11:10
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carbombI don't know strixy... when I access HDA, the drive light goes on.11:11
Hikaru79Is there any sort of app that will allow more than one program to use the sound card at once? At the moment, if I have a program like cgoban running, .avi's will run without sound and vice versa11:11
Hikaru79Any workaround?11:11
strixyWhat extension is it giving your HD?11:11
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bwlangHikaru79: alsa has support for something called dmix that will do what you want ... but you could also use arts (kde) or esd (gnome) or nasd, or jack... etc.11:13
Gwildorumm, guys, ctrl-H isnt working, i cant unhide files....hoary11:13
tsengview - hidden files works11:14
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ZugwrackHey I need some help...I don't understand why after I mount one of my firewire hard drive partitions..the first tree node under the partition is rwx..but then the node underneath that is mounted read only?11:14
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Gwildorthank you, any idea why ctrl-h doesnt work tseng ?11:15
xzgvhile_, is it true there is no 'modconf' in the ubuntu repositories?11:15
xzgvi meant hi11:15
ZugwrackExample... Albums is the main directory...under that are all the individual album music for a given artist...these are all marked read only??11:15
_|Imanewbie|_xzgv: try adding universe11:16
xzgvadd universe to the repositories?11:16
_|Imanewbie|_go to your sorces.list and add universe to it11:16
Zugwrackztonzy: I am updating to KDE in Hoary as I type...heh11:16
_|Imanewbie|_xzgv: yes11:16
xzgvthanks a lot bud11:16
=== king_arthur [~chatzilla@adsl-180-36.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
Zugwrackztonzy: was is necessary for you to reboot after install...or just log out?11:17
Gwildori cant install hoary....missing some dependancies11:18
Gwildorkde in hoary11:18
ZugwrackGwildor: I am doing it right now...11:18
=== calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
Zugwracksome packages seem to be broken...just select kdebase and see what happens...your mileage will vary from there..11:18
GwildorZugwrack, i need kdeaddons  kdegraphics  kdeutils11:19
Quest-MasterKMid >:11:19
=== Nap_ [~francois@alfortville-13-82-228-220-144.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nap_good evening11:19
GwildorZugwrack, good, i feel better about that ne ways...less K stuff to install11:20
ZugwrackGwildor: Give me a sec to see what happens...it is still installing my packages I selected...11:20
king_arthurNap_: Hi11:20
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GwildorZugwrack, too late...installing now11:20
Nap_I have a problem with ndiswrapper11:20
Nap_mahe:/home/francois# modprobe ndiswrapper11:20
Nap_FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format11:20
ZugwrackGwildor: ;->))11:20
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GwildorZugwrack, good luck.....ill ttyl..............brb11:21
Nap_Is it a problem with the k7 kernel ?11:21
bob2Nap_: reinstall whatever package it came from11:21
calamarianyone using wine with Ubuntu?  Just installed it and it's getting Seg faults, even on sol.exe11:21
Nap_bob2: the kernel module is shiped with the kernel package11:22
bob2Nap_: no it's not11:22
bob2I mean, I really hope we're not actually including ndiswrapper in the default kernels11:22
Nap_the only ndiswrapper package is ndiswrapper-utils which provide the user space utilities11:22
ZugwrackWell it appears that kcontrol package is broken...it is erroring out...and deselecting it won't let the install of kde complete11:23
RiddellGwildor: hoary seems to have a strange mix of KDE 3.2 and KDE 3.311:23
ZugwrackRiddell: Any sage words of advice for me?11:23
=== PorscheBoy [~PorscheBo@h000f3d43838f.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
RiddellGwildor: my packages fill in the gaps "deb http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/away/ubuntu/ unstable main"11:24
Nap_bob2: look at the file list of the kernel package11:24
PorscheBoyGirl: "Forgive me father for i have sinned."11:24
PorscheBoyPriest:"What have you done my child?"11:24
PorscheBoyGirl:"I called a man a son of a *bleep*."11:24
PorscheBoyPriest:"Why did you call him a son of a *bleep*."11:24
PorscheBoyGirl:"Because he touched my hand."11:24
PorscheBoyPriest:"Like this?" (as he touches her hand)11:24
PorscheBoyGirl:"Yes father."11:24
PorscheBoyPriest:"That`s no reason to call a man of a son of a *bleep*."11:24
PorscheBoyGirl:"Then he touched my bleep."11:24
PorscheBoyPriest:"Like this?" (as he touches her bleep)11:24
PorscheBoyGirl:"Yes father."11:24
PorscheBoyPriest:"That`s no reason to call him a son of a *bleep*."11:24
PorscheBoyGirl:"Then he took off my clothes, father."11:24
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o bob2] by ChanServ
PorscheBoyPriest:"Like this?" (as he takes off her clothes)11:24
RiddellZugwrack: if you're using hoary try my packages11:24
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=== Xenguy notes there is no anti-flood bot in this channel...
ZugwrackRiddell: Can you send them..or point me where to get them?11:24
ZugwrackRiddell: It shouldn't matter that I am using PPC?11:24
RiddellZugwrack: ah, they're not compiled for ppc11:25
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ZugwrackRiddell: now that is a bummer...yep I upgraded to Hoary..and the only package not to work is kcontrol...I can't get the darn thing installed11:25
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Nap_so does someone have heard of a problem with the ndiswrapper module of the k7 kernel ?11:25
=== Cualti [devnull@adsl-68-127-90-118.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== edulix [~edulix@136.Red-80-59-147.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
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melazyboydid PorscheBoy get a perma ban?11:33
melazyboyHa thats funny11:34
melazyboyonly a nick ban11:34
bob2what's the point of banning a dyamic ip?11:35
danielsand *!*PorscheBo@*.ne.client2.attbi.com is pointless, 'cause he'll just change his username11:36
bob2plus I've seen a moron by that nick before11:36
=== siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu
siimohi is there a CLI command to check memory usage that will show the value that gkrellm shows? (not top)11:36
=== moj0rising [~whatever@ip68-108-92-247.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
melazyboybob2: Not saying there is a point, you should probably go ahead and ban any nick with a car manufacture embedded in it... stupid car fanatics11:37
melazyboythere all irritating anyway11:38
=== ernie [~ernie@user-12lm55c.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jmhodgesthats odd..11:41
=== CardinalSin_ [~CardinalS@] has joined #ubuntu
jmhodgesi have a dvdom and a cdrw on this machine.. but ubuntu only shows the dvdrom..11:42
Quest-MasterI am going to kill myself unless I find a freaking solution to fixing KMid11:42
=== davmor2 [~davmor2@82-37-27-42.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jmhodgesthe cdrw turns on its "active" light .. but leaves it on..11:43
=== siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
jmhodgesi can burn to it, but i can't mount it11:43
jmhodgesit works fine in the windows partition i have set up11:43
erniehello all11:43
=== TheCan [~thecan@dsl-084-056-132-141.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheCandamn..where can i get the ubuntu kernel source from?11:44
CualtiHello, I am new to Ubuntu Linux and I was wondering if there is a command you can execute to strip down the system? I dont need everything Ubuntu has to offer11:44
davmor2hi guys a newbie here I would like to install NVIDIA's own drivers but how do I exit x and have a runlevel 3 so i can install them and is there any benefit11:44
bob2TheCan: from the ubuntu archive11:44
bob2apt-get install linux-source-2.611:45
bob2Cualti: do a custom install11:45
TheCanbut do i get then really ?11:45
bob2davmor2: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:45
bob2switching to runlevel 3 does nothing, this is not redhat11:45
CualtiIve already installed everything11:45
bob2TheCan: erm, yes?11:45
bob2Cualti: then uninstall stuff with apt./aptitude/dselect11:45
TheCanbob2, ok, thx!11:46
=== Zugwrack [~zugwrack@cs2427123-66.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2there's no simple way for aptitude to guess what you want to install11:46
=== Zugwrack jumps gleefully about with his new Hoary install with PPC smp kernel 2.6.8 heheh
ZugwrackWho in here is involved with Ubuntu development for Hoary?11:47
moj0risingwould anyone here know why I get the message "failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic as user root:...11:48
bob2lots of people11:48
moj0rising...CHild terminated with 1 status"11:48
moj0risingwhen I try to run synaptic?11:48
bob2melazyboy: hint: when asking a question, provide detail so it's possibel to answer at all11:48
erniehey -- newbeee here.....I installed Warty - it did not give me a chance to dual boot my Win disc11:48
Zugwrackbob2: I just wanted to report on Hoary for PPC since there aren't many running NewWorld Mac11:48
bob2for instance, say a) how you're running it, b) what you've done to your system lately, c) what version of ubuntu11:48
bob2ernie: it should have detected it11:48
bob2Zugwrack: there are lots of us running new world macs11:49
erniebob2:  I know, but it didn't....so how do I get into Win on hd0,0??11:49
Zugwrackbob2: Well then why don't you reply when questions are asked...for example...regarding Warty11:49
ZugwrackI have an external Firewire drive that wouldn't load the partitions at boot time...11:49
bob2Zugwrack: sorry I don't read every single line ever said in this channel11:49
bob2I'm a terrible person11:50
Zugwrackbob2: I am not attempting to infer that you do...11:50
erniedon't take it so hard, bob211:50
bob2ernie: you need to edit /boot/grub.lst or so, the format is pretty obvious from the other sections in there11:50
davmor2bob2 can you help me please i would like to know how to exit x and have a runlevel of 3 so I can install nvidia drivers11:50
bob2Zugwrack: 'Well then why don't you reply when questions are asked'11:50
Cualtiyou have to edit /etc/inittab11:51
bob2davmor2: 08:45:30           bob2 | davmor2: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto11:51
Cualtiand set the runlevel to 311:51
bob2Cualti: no you don't11:51
ernieah ha -- I tried, but the "no root password" thingy kept stopping me11:51
=== burtie [~burtie@80-235-131-180.cable.ubr13.na.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bob2please don't give people horribly broken advice11:51
bob2davmor2: 08:45:37           bob2 | switching to runlevel 3 does nothing, this is not redhat11:51
ZugwrackUsually one expects some response when a channel question such as "Is anyone here running PPC" is asked...I do I have been here most of the day..and when I have good information based on my limited knowledge of *nix I do offer it..11:51
bob2Zugwrack: no, that's stupid11:51
bob2since having 20 people say "I run it on ppc!" would make everyone's screens scroll by 20 lines for no reason11:52
davmor2bob2 i did shutdown -H to get out of x and it said i had a runlevel of 1 and it need to be 311:52
bob2you ask your question and then if someone knows, they will answer11:52
daniels(and then no-one knows why FireWire is broken in this particular case anyway)11:52
bob2davmor2: no, read the actual wiki page I told you about11:52
bob2you do not need to be in level 311:52
davmor2bob2 but ta for the wiki info11:52
=== amer_ [~amer@1-1-8-47a.j.j.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
TheCanbob2, where does the package put the source?11:53
bob2TheCan: /usr/sbin/11:53
amer_where can i set my network card to use half-duplex instead of full-duplex in ubuntu?11:53
bob2er, /usr/src/11:53
Zugwrackbob2: My intention is not to be contentious with anyone...I have asked questions pertinent to PPC noting that is the case since this is a mixed group...sorry you feel that kind of question is stupid...11:53
bob2amer_: mii-tool might be able to do it11:53
TheCani dont see it there :711:53
bob2Zugwrack: it's highly annoying and wasteful, and 90% of the time quesionts are not arch-specific11:53
bob2TheCan: dpkg -L linux-source-
TheCanbob2, ah i see11:54
TheCanit doesnt unpack the source11:54
Zugwrackbob2: Here is the question then... When using Warty and adding the appropriate entries to fstab...it woulb bomb out and say it could not mount special filesystem /dev/sdb9 for example... Why?11:55
usualis their a 2.6.9 kernel image in hoary? I see a few 2.6.9 packages but no image11:55
bob2Zugwrack: this is the sort of thing you can investigate.11:55
burtiehello, is the package ubuntu-desktop really needed?11:55
bob2Zugwrack: is /dev/sdb9 correct?  does a manual mount work?11:55
amer_bob2, how do i check if it works? ifconfig wont show what duplex im running11:55
bob2amer_: mii-tool.11:56
bob2burtie: it is needed if you want smooth upgrades in the future11:56
bob2usual: kernel-source is a Debian kernel, not a Ubuntu one11:57
Zugwrackbob2: Of course it did...I also noted that in the orignial post..it looked like to me that the /dev/sdb wasn't being intialized before the call was made to read fstab...this is just a guess since my experience with Linux in general is limited..11:57
bob2Zugwrack: another tip is to ask "how do I ...?" questions instead of long complicated stories about how things you've tried aren't working11:58
burtiehow does it help upgrades, am new to this world11:58
=== lifeless [~robertc@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu
bob2Zugwrack: for example, in this case, just having the firewire drive plugged in should have it get mounted by gnome-volume-manager automatically11:58
bob2burtie: by ensuring you get new ubuntu desktop-system packages in future11:58
bob2burtie: if you don't understand, just leave it installed11:58
amer_bob2, my internet seems  very slow, i get low ms to hosts i ping, but it takes forever to ping them11:59

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