
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
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kikoheya spiveroo03:11
spivkiko: Hello!03:15
=== spiv is slowly catching up on email
kikotime to run home03:48
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sabdflmorning everyone10:18
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salgadolifeless, around?11:17
sabdflcarlos: around?11:20
salgadolifeless, I'm still not able to register my archive. ('Failed to verify signature'). any idea why?11:22
lifelesspub  2048R/A5FBC4EB 2004-11-23 Guilherme Luis R. Salgado <salgado@async.com.br>11:26
lifelesssub  2048R/920ED5CA 2004-11-2311:26
lifelessthats you right ?11:26
salgadolifeless, this key is somewhat "broken". this is not the one I sent to you by mail, is it?11:28
salgadolifeless, the right one is this: pub  1024D/9C75C4A6 2004-11-23 Guilherme Luis R. Salgado <salgado@async.com.br> / sub  1024g/2EB270F0 2004-11-2311:30
bob2erm, LP crashes if you enter a project name that has spaces in it11:36
bob2erm, fuck11:37
lifelesssalgado: garh. it *needs* to be in the keyservers.11:41
lifelessand the one you emailed me matched tghe fingerprint for that one, so yes, it was the one you sent me.11:41
salgadolifeless, sorry for sending you the wrong key. is it possible to register the 1024 bits key?11:44
lifelesssalgado: send me another email11:45
lifelessand I'll do it.11:45
sabdfldo we have a SELECT DISTINCT capability in SQLobject?11:47
salgadolifeless, just sent. thanks again.11:48
stublifeless: I appear to be blocked on this PQM thing. If I send debug, I don't get the actual output from the test runner. If I don't send debug, I only get the last 20 lines (which seems to be fairly pointless - I'm always interested in the first failures, not the fallout)11:56
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: use baz by default in rocketsync (patch-896)11:56
lifelessstub - you can check out rocketfuel on chinstrap, and run ./test.py yourself, can't you ?11:57
stublifeless: Doh! Now I get an email with all the right stuff in it.11:57
stubAhh dammit....12:05
stubelmo: ping12:06
dilysNew Malone bug #101: "test_on_merge.py needs DB sanity checking", submitted by Stuart Bishop12:10
stublifeless: It would be problematic, as I can't create databases12:11
stubAnyway - I think I found the problem - just need a line added to postgresql.conf and a reload12:12
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
sabdflhey carlos12:29
KinnisonHmm, I may have to tune workrave to a shorter timespan. a weekend with my laptop and my wrists are a bit achey again12:42
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elmostub: ?12:50
sabdflis anyone else seeing oddness in their functional tests this morning?12:51
KinnisonI don't think I was12:51
=== Kinnison checks
stubelmo: I emailed you a request just now. I need a line added to postgresql.conf on chinstrap and mawson, and a pg_ctl reload done12:51
stubelmo: I've got merges I can't merge, and I only just realized why ;)12:52
KinnisonThe allowed-tags file appears to be out of date12:52
sabdfli've patched the allowed-tags file in my archive12:55
sabdflwill commit as soon as i understand what i've broken in the rosetta test suite12:55
Kinnisonmake check runs for me okay12:55
KinnisonI merged today at about 10am12:56
sabdflKinnison: are you fully refueled?12:56
carlossabdfl: which error are you getting?12:56
sabdflcarlos: an error on test_poexport12:56
Kinnisonsabdfl: As I said, I merged this morning12:56
carlossabdfl: hmm, I thought it was fixed...12:56
sabdfli don't think the error is there12:57
carlossabdfl: We had a problem with it because it said the connection was already closed12:57
carlosis it?12:57
sabdfli think some previous error affects the state of the db12:57
sabdflyes, exactly12:57
carlossabdfl: stub was looking at it12:57
sabdflso some previous error affects the state of the db, then the later test fails12:57
carlosand the tests worked here12:57
carlosI thought It was fixed12:57
sabdflcould it be a clauseTables issue?12:57
carlosand that's why I reenabled it...12:57
carloscould be, let me reenable the check12:58
carlosand will tell you12:58
dilysMalone bug #101 fixed for product The Launchpad: test_on_merge.py needs DB sanity checking12:58
sabdflwell it must have passed on the main server because it got into the main archive12:58
elmois it safe to restart postgres randomly on mawson?12:58
stubcarlos: I haven't looked at that yet sorry.12:58
carlosstub: I thought you did...12:59
carlossabdfl: then, that's the problem12:59
carlossabdfl: just rename it to disabled_foo12:59
carlossabdfl: just rename it to disabled_poexport.py12:59
carlosI will take care of it as soon as it's fixed12:59
stubelmo: Hmm... doubtful. I can handle the librarian and launchpad instance - if there is other stuff, it can wait (although I can't update the launchpad dogfood server until it is done)12:59
elmoKinnison: is running something - I don't know if it's using the DB01:00
=== Kinnison is running gina
KinnisonShe'll be about another 10-15 mins if you can wait that long01:01
KinnisonOtherwise I can restart her afterwards01:01
sabdflcarlos: ok01:01
dilysNew Malone bug #102: "Fix test_poexport.py", submitted by Stuart Bishop01:02
Kinnisonelmo: should I stop her or can you wait to restart pg?01:02
carlosstub: yes, that's a better way to remember it01:04
elmostub: I'm not fussed01:04
stubelmo: Bounce it when Kinnison says gina is done please, and chinstrap now if it hasn't already01:05
sabdflcarlos: it's not a clauseTables problem, the test still fails if I set add-missing_from=true01:06
carloshmm, it passed here on Saturday01:07
carlosand it worked also in chinstrap :-P01:07
carlosand it worked also in chinstrap 01:07
elmoI did chinstrap already01:08
Kinnisongina is onto amd64 publishing01:09
Kinnisonwon't be long now01:09
Kinnisonelmo: okay; she's done01:11
sabdflKinnison: let's have a quick run down of gina / soyuz / lucille01:11
sabdflis the upload piece working? elmo?01:11
elmostub: done01:12
sabdflcan people upload a package without a chinstrap account, and is that funcionality part of lucille?01:12
Kinnisonsabdfl: well I spent last week really hammering on gina01:12
elmosabdfl: it's working for katie01:12
Kinnisonpeople can upload using the new uploader for katie. That code is in lucille ready for us to use with soyuz01:12
sabdflelmo: ok, so there's an upload queue for hoary, people just need a key in the keyring?01:12
elmosabdfl: yes01:13
KinnisonGina now imports main/restricted across all three archs properly including sharing arch:all packages properly and various other fixes01:13
Kinnisonyou've seen the pqm merges01:13
KinnisonI have a couple of small tweaks which I completed this morning and gina has just finished an updating import of hoary on mawson01:13
carlossabdfl: the tests are working here01:13
carlossabdfl: do you have a new test in your local tree?01:14
carlossabdfl: what are you using to run the tests?01:14
sabdflKinnison: super, so when we bring gina up on the production server, we will have instant view on the hoary archive?01:14
sabdflcarlos: make check01:14
=== carlos executes ./test_on_merge.py canonical
sabdflcarlos: i might have broken something01:14
sabdfli've been rewiring bits of rosetta to bring it more into line with the rest of the Launchpad01:15
Kinnisonsabdfl: Yes. The first import won't be perfect by a long stretch. But as time goes on; it will get better as it gets more ready01:15
sabdflalso, to use Project instead of RosettaProject etc01:15
carlossabdfl: then, don't remove the test, it seems to be working now01:15
sabdflKinnison: does it import the packages themselves perfectly?01:15
carlosstub: any idea about why it's working now? :-)01:15
sabdfli don't mind if there are publishing glitches, because we nuke those tables anyhow01:15
Kinnisonsabdfl: Everything it can match up properly to the constraints in the db is imported perfectly01:16
sabdflso what's an example of something that would not import well?01:16
Kinnisona binary which is hanging around without a source package due to a new upload which hasn't built yet would be one thing01:16
stubcarlos: nope01:16
KinnisonOr a binary where gina can't work out what the source version should be01:16
sabdflcarlos: i've already committed the changes, with the disabled test01:16
carlossabdfl: ok, will merge as soon as reach rocketfuel01:17
sabdflcarlos: please could you refuel when dilys announces the merge, and see if you can reproduce the problem01:17
carlosand execute the tests01:17
sabdfli'll buy you a tall cold beer in Mataro if it's my bug :-)01:17
ddaalifeless: I'm considering adding a Archive.version property. I'm not sure whether it should just give the version string, or whether it should parse it and return an ArchiveVersion object with properties .type and .number properties. The .type property would be "baz" or "hackerlab" and the .number property would be... the version number...01:18
sabdflis there any way to get the test harnes to print output from each test as it executes them?01:18
ddaaand probably a __str__ method too, to give the actual version string.01:18
sabdflbecause I get a couple of DB-type errors, which don't result in test failures so i don't see which tests caused them01:18
lifelesssabdfl .test.py --verbose01:19
lifelessddaa: too complex, we'll be splitting pybaz off shortly anyway. so keep it /real simple.01:19
ddaathen Archive.version_string01:20
ddaawill leave .version free for something smarter.01:20
sabdfllifeless: that gives me dots. i'd like to see the actual test name, so when i see exceptions i know where they were generated01:21
sabdflRunning FUNCTIONAL tests at level 101:21
sabdflRunning FUNCTIONAL tests from /home/mark/projects/ubuntu/launchpad/lib01:21
sabdflParsing ftesting.zcml01:21
sabdfl..................../home/mark/projects/ubuntu/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/authorization.py:30: UserWarning: zope.Public being used raw on object <zope.app.pagetemplate.simpleviewclass.SimpleViewClass from /home/mark/projects/ubuntu/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/templates/launchpad-editform.pt object at 0x413b192c>01:21
sabdfl  warnings.warn('zope.Public being used raw on object %r' % object)01:21
sabdfl/home/mark/projects/ubuntu/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/webapp/authorization.py:30: UserWarning: zope.Public being used raw on object <zope.app.pagetemplate.simpleviewclass.SimpleViewClass from /home/mark/projects/ubuntu/launchpad/lib/canonical/launchpad/templates/launchpad-editform.pt object at 0x41e1682c>01:21
sabdfl  warnings.warn('zope.Public being used raw on object %r' % object)01:22
sabdfl...Exception psycopg.InterfaceError: 'already closed' in <bound method Transaction.__del__ of <sqlobject.dbconnection.Transaction object at 0x41e1692c>> ignored01:22
sabdfl................Exception psycopg.InterfaceError: 'already closed' in <bound method Transaction.__del__ of <sqlobject.dbconnection.Transaction object at 0x41f46bac>> ignored01:22
lifelessoh, try --debug01:22
Kinnisonsabdfl: -vv may help too01:22
=== stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad
sabdfl-vv is the trick! THANKS Kinnison01:23
=== Kinnison read test.config :-)
sabdflok, i think this is where things are going awry:01:26
sabdfltest_tearDownDatabase (canonical.launchpad.ftests.test_pages.EndStory) ... ok01:26
sabdfltest_simple_sendmail (canonical.launchpad.mail.ftests.test_stub) ... ok01:26
sabdfltestPoExportAdapter (canonical.rosetta.ftests.test_poexport.POExportTestCase) ...01:26
sabdflError in test testPoExportAdapter (canonical.rosetta.ftests.test_poexport.POExportTestCase)01:26
sabdflseems like the pagetest stories each setup and teardown the db01:27
sabdflthen the rosetta test_poexport tries to access the db01:27
stubThe launchpad_ftest database should be created by tests that use it - if tests assume it is there, they only work by accident (if at all)01:28
carlosthe rosetta test_poexport should recreate the database before use it01:35
carloswhen I was looking at it01:35
carlosit failed because the database was being used so it was not able to recreate it01:35
sabdflthere seem to be a bunch of "already closed" errors during the tests01:35
sabdflin most cases these are just "ignore"01:35
carlossabdfl: spiv said it's not a problem01:36
sabdflbut in the poexport case it cases the test suite to fail and halt01:36
carlossabdfl: if you run that test directly, it works01:37
carlossabdfl: the problem comes when it's executed with more tests01:37
sabdflhow do i run a test dirctly?01:37
carlosexecute it from launchpad01:37
carlosadd python 01:37
carlospython ./lib/canonical/rosetta/ftests/test_poexport.py01:37
carlosthat should do it01:38
sabdflTraceback (most recent call last):01:39
sabdfl  File "./canonical/rosetta/ftests/disabled_test_poimport.py", line 6, in ?01:39
sabdfl    from canonical.launchpad.ftests.harness import LaunchpadFunctionalTestCase01:39
sabdflImportError: No module named canonical.launchpad.ftests.harness01:39
sabdflcarlos: that's what i see01:39
sabdflalthough canonical/launchpad/ftests/harness.py does exist01:39
carlossabdfl: you need to export your PYTHONPATH01:39
carlosPYTHONPATH=your_launchpad_path/lib/ python ./lib/canonical/rosetta/ftests/test_poexport.py01:40
sabdflnope, fails here01:40
carloswhich error?01:41
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: substantial rosetta navigation cleanups banishing RosettaProject (patch-897)01:41
sabdflerm, sorry, that was test_poimport01:41
sabdflwill check poexport now01:41
sabdflok, it passes01:42
carlosyeah, the import is broken01:42
sabdflalso has the connection closed errror, but it's ignored01:42
=== carlos merges sabdfl's changes to see if the tests fails here...
carlossabdfl: I don't have any problem with it 02:02
carlossabdfl: could you execute ./test_on_merge.py canonical  from launchpad top directory?02:02
carlosI think it's a problem with make check (not sure why)02:02
=== silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad
lifelesssalgado: done02:18
salgadolifeless, thanks!02:18
lifelessyou should issue a revoke certificate for the other key if its stuffed02:18
kikolifeless, it's not exactly stuffed, but it won't be shared properly by non-subkey-supporting keyservers, which makes it impractical..02:20
kikois this the case of keeping an extra key or revoking it?02:20
salgadolifeless, that key is ok, the only problem is that because it's a 2048 bits RSA key, I need one key for signing and other for crypting, and some keyservers don't support it02:20
lifelesskiko: subkeys.pgp.net. just use that.02:26
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Fix a broken query in PeopleSearchView and adding foaf page tests (patch-898)02:31
sabdflspiv: so is there any way to get a select distinct result?02:33
spivsabdfl: Not directly with SQLObject at the moment.  You could do SQLBase.connection.queryAll("SELECT DISTINCT etc etc") directly, I guess.02:42
sabdflspiv: didn't we sort this out at oxford?02:44
spivI had an experimental patch at oxford, but iirc it's still sitting in a branch unmerged.02:45
spivYeah, not merged yet.  The problem with the oxford patch is it solves one, fairly narrow, use-case for DISTINCT, but doesn't help other situations.02:47
sabdflas i recall, it would at least result in distinct objects from a single table, but only in the sense that you only got a given row once, not in the sense that you could limit the results set to only one row with a given set of values in a specific set of fields02:49
spiv(i.e. it effectively only does SELECT DISTINCT *, but you often want to be able to DISTINCT only a subset of a table's columns)02:49
sabdflwell that would be a useful piece of functionality for me right now02:49
sabdflcan we merge that patch to our branch, and push it upstream?02:50
spivOk.  It's probably worth merging then, and -- yeah :)02:50
sabdflTable.select(query, clauseTables=ct, distinct=True)?02:50
spivThe branch is andrew.bennetts@canonical.com/sqlobject--distinct-feature--0.5.102:52
spivI wonder if that still merges cleanly...02:52
lifelessspiv: IIRC I opened that branch for merges, following stubs request, so you can:02:53
lifelesstag from 0.6, merge in your 0.5.1 and tid up if needed, then send a merge requeest.02:53
spivlifeless: Oh, sweet.  Thanks :)02:53
spivBlah, there are some conflicts.02:58
stubOoh... I thought that didn't happen for some reason I can't now remember :-)03:09
spivLooks like the conflicts are largely harmless... I'll merge it tomorrow morning when I'm less sleepy.03:14
BradBwelcome back spiv!03:19
spivBradB: Thanks :)03:21
spivAnd g'night!03:21
=== spiv -> sleep
BradBheh, later :)03:21
sabdflcarlos: i'm busily renaming englishName to enlishname for consistency everywhere03:29
sabdflsame for nativeName, pluralForms and pluralExpression03:29
sabdflwe're keeping fielnames alllowercase03:29
carlossabdfl: yeah, I was fixing some of those sometime ago03:29
carlosthat's from pre-Oxford03:30
carlosbefore you asked us to move to lowercase03:30
carlosthe new additions have been all lowercase03:30
kikolifeless, yeah, I know -- it's just, as I said, a bit inconvenient.03:32
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carlosdaf: morning04:03
Kinnisonwot no dilys ?04:18
Kinnisoncprov: I'll look at those tests later if you want04:18
=== ddaa [~ddaa@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Fix db code for new layout. (patch-901)04:29
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/pyarch--devel--0.5: Archive.version_string (patch-54)04:29
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Gina changes for partial publishing and associated bits (patch-900)04:29
cprovKinnison: of course I want, I'll appreciate your help on it .BTW, You can delegate new tasks to me ...04:30
Kinnisoncprov: Right; let me ponder for a moment on what would be best for you to tackle next04:30
cprovKinnison: ok, I'm spending time revising Soyuz Permission 04:31
KinnisonOkay; let me know when you're done with that since I know it's important to the webapp team. Then we'll talk a bit about the domination and superceding processes and how they need to change.04:31
cprovKinnison: as you could see dilys doesn't like me :)04:31
kikohey cprov 04:32
kikono luck with the network, eh?04:32
Kinnisoncprov: dilys is a picky girl04:32
cprovkiko: not yet, any news about your friends from CONSAVE ?04:32
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Unittests for Librarian Wrapper (patch-899)04:32
=== Kinnison ponders fetching some caffeine
Kinnisoncprov: perhaps she was simply saving the best for last?04:33
kikocprov, no, actually, I didn't ask them. what do you want from them, support, or just tips?04:33
cprovKinnison: ohh... it would be nice if it was true at all 04:34
cprovkiko: tips about equipments, prices, usage and suplliers would be nice04:34
bob2is the 'arch target' block on the rcs signup page supposed to work?04:36
=== cprov -> AFK 10 min
Kinnisonhow do I run just the functional tests?04:43
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.0: fix regression in baz tag. Bad bobo. (patch-66)04:46
BradBKinnison: I usually run them with python test.py -vvf.04:48
KinnisonBradB: ta04:48
BradBkiko, cprov: Has your sane diff output patch landed?04:49
BradBIt seems like the diff output has changed, and in the process become much harder than it already was to work with.04:50
kikoBradB, not on the python-dev side, tim's ignoring me04:51
BradBkiko: I don't think waiting for python-dev is a good idea. ;)04:51
kikoI'm not suggesting it is, but I'd like an opinion on how to fix the design of the patch04:51
sabdflBradB: CA mindset?04:52
BradBkiko: Can you guys get something working today? This is going to cost me a lot (more) time today, in its absense.04:52
BradBsabdfl: CA == Component Architecture.04:52
BradBsabdfl: One of the major reasons for the complete rewrite of Z3 was to make it possible to use "normal" Python code in Z3, instead of having classes that inherit from all kinds of things from the framework itself.04:53
BradBsabdfl: So the idea now is, a content class is *just* a content class. Almost everything is done with adapters, so that you can extend the behaviour of the content class without actually altering the class itself (that's the whole thing about "making diverse pieces of software work together in interesting ways" thing that Steve often says about Zope3. :)04:54
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: languages portlet (patch-902)04:58
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: *really* fix db code for new layout. (patch-903)05:02
BradBlulu: What do you mean that howto's are showing the main nav section? I don't see them there.05:05
kikoBradB, dude, I have no idea what's wrong, can you launchpad-mail it05:05
BradBkiko: Has your patch landed then? I'm still not clear on whether what I'm looking it is the result of your patch or not. :)05:06
kikoit's not my patch, it's cprov's, and I suspect no :)05:07
BradBOh, well there's no point on me remailing it then, since cprov, SteveA and I already went through what the problems were.05:07
BradBI just want something that works though. :) As long as the licensing isn't problematic, doing what we've done elsewhere (e.g. with batching) by simply checking the modified difflib into LP would be a useful step forward.05:08
BradBAs long as sabdfl and SteveA agree that that's sane.05:09
luluBradB:same probelm as before - in the nav section of the Documentation (Plone Help Centre)05:14
BradBWhich docs?05:15
luluBradB: in edit mode - https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/howtofolder_view...........05:21
luluBradB: check FAQs to see the difference (and how it should be) - the FAQs don't show up in the nav bar - https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/faqfolder_view05:21
BradBlulu: Can you give me an example of a specific doc you're seeing, that you don't think you should see, and which user you're logged in as?05:24
carloselmo: could we solve this?: https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/archzoom/rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0--patch-895/lib/canonical/launchpad/zcml/pofile.zcml.diff?diff?debug05:29
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko-fud
cprovBradB: and kiko-fud: for me should be pretty simple, just decide to keep our own difflib, don't need to fight with python-dev people neither block canonical developers on it 05:35
cprovat least, avoids fights and blocks just for now ...05:36
BradBcprov: That's the best way to go, AFAIC.05:38
luluBradB: will send over an email with all the info - thanks.05:44
BradBlulu: ok, thanks05:45
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/buildbot--devel--0: make the waterfall display show queuing more sensibly. (patch-80)05:48
Kinnisoncprov: ping?06:09
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: added functional tests for the bug listing quick searches (patch-904)06:14
cprovKinnison: here06:15
Kinnisoncprov: I just wanted to suggest that you learn about the unit test setup/teardown routines you can add06:15
Kinnisoncprov: Otherwise /tmp/archive and /tmp/cache don't get cleaned up properly06:16
Kinnisoncprov: which could irritate people on shared dev platforms trying to run the tests06:16
cprovKinnison: sure, can you briefly describe them ? how can I setup and destroy my required ENV ?06:17
Kinnisonopen test_publisher.py06:18
KinnisonThen check out def setUp(self) and tearDown(self)06:18
KinnisonsetUp() is called before each test....() and tearDown() is called after each one06:18
Kinnisonit's a good way to ensure each test runs in a completely clean environment06:18
KinnisonAlso; Note how that test makes all its test dirs under the datadir()06:19
Kinnisonit's worthwhile in case of shared dev boxes06:19
cprovI see ... I'll try something on it 06:19
KinnisonOkay. Just when you have time. For now it's okay06:19
cprovKinnison: should do it now, otherwise I will forget :) in a half hour ...06:20
=== Kinnison grins
cprovKinnison: setUp() and tearDown() are called automatically ? just define my ones will be enough ?06:22
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
cprovKinnison: ok, doing it06:23
kikocprov, it's not a matter of fighting -- the design of the patch could be much improved, just that06:23
BradBkiko: something that works right now is more valuable to us than an elegant design though :) when the relevant people respond, some housecleaning could possibly be in order, of course, but...06:33
kikobut nothing, I agree wholeheartedly. if you want to find a place for it to live, be my guest :)06:34
=== kiko shrugs
=== BradB looks
BradBer, well, probably though. anything else means modifying more code which won't be quick to modify.06:35
BradBof course, there's the problem that this would be the first .py directly in lib/, but it would work, in any case.06:37
cprovkiko: I understand perfectly this, what I don't understand is why it's still blocking people inside canonical, IMO it should be used as it is (private) and keep the discussion about insert int or not in python-dev in a forked process06:37
BradBcprov: Is it possible for your solution to inherit from a class in difflib? Maybe the changes you're proposing aren't necessarily something that should be in the std difflib (but then, maybe they are; I don't know what mods you made.)06:37
BradBeh, but even inheriting would mean changing code, so probably not good anyway06:38
BradBi'm guessing SteveA makes the judgement call here, unless sabdfl jumps in with a JFDI06:39
cprovBradB: it can be done in that way, we will have a "canonicaldifflib" module somewhere ...06:39
BradBcprov: Which would mean modifying the Z3 bits that import difflib directly, which is a situation we probably don't want to be in.06:40
cprovBradB: right06:42
kikocprov, BradB: not even inheriting is easy because of the way difflib is put together, unfortunately. it would be a simple mod to difflib, but still.06:43
kikocan you customize the class easily in Zope?06:43
BradBIt would be a bad idea. We don't want to run a custom-hacked Z3 unless there's an amazingly convincing reason to do so. :)06:45
BradBi.e. No06:45
cprovBradB: heh06:45
kikopythonpath hacking?07:06
carloshow could i get a char's ascii code  in python?07:07
BradBkiko: Yeah, there's that option too. We still need to have a difflib.py somewhere in our tree though, it looks like. :)07:07
kikono argument there07:19
kikoyou can't pythonpath-hack something that isn't on-disk :)07:19
kikocarlos, chr()?07:22
carloskiko: I got it already, thanks07:22
carlosbut with curses. It's only for debug 07:23
kikocarlos, is there a good place to buy stuff mailorder in spain?07:24
kikoa website?07:24
=== carlos sucks, he was using a file object instead of file.read()...
carloskiko: it depends on what do you want07:25
carloswe don't have anything like amazon07:25
carlosbut I think it's better to just go to the stores at Barcelona directly07:26
carlosboth have shops there07:26
kikocheap? like the place we got the wrt56g from?07:27
carlosyou have also http://www.tecnologia.carrefour.es/07:28
carloskiko: I got the router from my brother's company, he has license to buy/sell hardware07:28
carloskiko: usually I ask him anything I need07:28
carlosbut he does not have an online store nor sells to the public07:29
carlosif you have a concrete need I could ask him like we did with the router07:30
kikoI see07:30
carlosbut I think it's too late to get it in time for Matar07:30
kikoI was considering getting a gigbit switch07:30
kiko16-port would do07:30
kikobut if it's too late, I can shop for it07:30
KinnisonWhat voltage is spain?07:31
carlosI could ask, will tell you it tomorrow07:31
kikowhat's with the font-size in simply?07:31
carlosbut usually, the power adaptors handle 220 and 110 07:31
carloskiko: sorry, I don't understand you07:32
kikobusted fonts07:32
carloskiko: I don't have problems with it07:33
kikoany of those would do07:34
lulunight all :o)07:39
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dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: add functional tests to prove that the bug search widgets work, that the vocabs are sane and fix the product search along the way (patch-905)07:47
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Bug Fixing on Unittest Librarian Wrapper (patch-906)07:59
=== elmo [~james@] has joined #launchpad
dilysNew Malone bug #103: "Write a unit test using unicode with our po parser and make it pass", submitted by Carlos Perell Marn10:02
=== BradB can't help but thing that clickable links /inside/ highlighted rows is so awkward (in the bug listing), but isn't entirely sure how to improve the UI just yet, other than to make the row click take the user directly to the assignment
dafBradB: agreed10:14
kikoBradB, seconded. that needs to be fixed10:31
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: slightly improve bug listing row clickability by taking the user directly to the assignment edit screen (patch-907)10:40
dilysNew Malone bug #104: "Move from file objects to strings for the po importer", submitted by Carlos Perell Marn10:47
BradBsabdfl: ping10:50
BradBdarn we really need integration with BugActivity too, so that we can present to the user useful info about what changed, when, by whom and with a note attached.10:53
BradBbut i need to confirm with sabdfl!10:53
=== BradB writes email
dilysNew Malone bug #105: "Add the option to upload a po template when we create it", submitted by Carlos Perell Marn11:11
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: add a functional test for the bug id/text search widget (patch-908)11:57
BradBlifeless: Is this fixed? https://dogfood.ubuntu.com/malone/bugs/8211:59
lifelessBradB: yes, thats what I fixed saturday12:00

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