thom | hrm, must get popcon setup finished | 12:31 |
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lupus_ | jdub, can you make a wiki for the UbuntuJava and UbuntuEclipse so I can add some interresting links and info? | 01:18 |
lupus_ | I'm searching on developers blogs about related stuff | 01:18 |
thom | lupus_: dude, you can DIY | 01:33 |
lupus_ | DIY? | 01:33 |
thom | do it yourself | 01:33 |
lupus_ | see private plz | 01:34 |
sivan | mdz : ping | 01:34 |
mdz | sivan: pong | 01:35 |
thom | please don't send me private messages, they're completely useless to everyone else | 01:35 |
lupus_ | I don't want to flood :) | 01:35 |
thom | and if you can't sign up, you're not gonna be able to edit pages either, so i suggest you send mail to with your problem | 01:36 |
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sivan | mdz : what's up? :) I have reinstalled Ubuntu on the laptop, this time with ext3, currently upgrading to hoary..disk operations seems again very very slow , did you have any insights regarding this? :) | 01:36 |
sivan | mdz : the thing is, I recalled you said something about overheating..But the fan seems to start work and stop in a "normal" we have any fixed kenrel to use on hoary or anything else that might help? | 01:37 |
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mdz | sivan: can you follow up to Bugzilla instead? | 01:38 |
sivan | mdz : yes sure ! :) | 01:38 |
mdz | someone else reported a similar problem, but I couldn't find your bug at the time | 01:38 |
sivan | mdz : sorry for even bringing this up on the irc bit disposal medium :) | 01:38 |
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lupus_ | wasn't there an issue with hal | 01:44 |
lupus_ | that made hd very slow | 01:44 |
lupus_ | | 01:47 |
lupus_ | don't know if it is related | 01:47 |
jdub | hrm, OOo powerpc failed :| | 01:59 |
tseng | x86 still going? | 02:06 |
mdz | jdub: already in bugzilla | 02:17 |
mdz | tseng: i386 and amd64 still pending | 02:17 |
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magnon | yay, ubuntu golf shirt on its way. | 03:12 |
GotD0t | magnon: haha | 03:16 |
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spotter | anyone awake? | 04:07 |
mdz | yes | 04:11 |
spotter | think I found a bug in nautilus or something, unsure which really | 04:12 |
spotter | basically gnome-volume-manager works correctly when i insert a DVD | 04:12 |
spotter | i.e. mounts it and launches totem | 04:12 |
spotter | but then when I open the mounted desktop icon, it just opens it in nautilus, and doesn't start totem | 04:12 |
spotter | seems wrong | 04:12 |
spotter | seem to recall it working correctlhy w/ 2.8 out of debian experimental (well, gnome-volume-manager didn't work, but playing a mounted DVD via nautilus did) | 04:13 |
spotter | mdz: seems wrong to you too? | 04:14 |
mdz | spotter: you just filed a bug in bugzilla about this | 04:16 |
spotter | yes | 04:16 |
spotter | sheesh, you check up on me | 04:17 |
mdz | I read bugs as they come in | 04:17 |
spotter | that could lead to lots of mail in the future | 04:17 |
spotter | :) | 04:17 |
mdz | it is already a lot of mail | 04:18 |
mdz | anyway, seb128 will look at it tomorrow | 04:18 |
spotter | a new bug about to be filed | 04:18 |
spotter | music view doesnt seem to work in nautilus either | 04:18 |
spotter | should I make sure to say this is all hoary? | 04:18 |
spotter | or is that sort of assumed? | 04:18 |
mdz | it's a good idea to mention which release you are running | 04:20 |
spotter | and not set target milestone myself :-[ | 04:22 |
spotter | :) | 04:22 |
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fabbione | mdz: that kernel upgrade problem. | 06:42 |
fabbione | does it look like this: | 06:43 |
fabbione | | 06:43 |
fabbione | ? | 06:43 |
mdz | yes, it does | 06:43 |
fabbione | it claims to be fixed in our packages | 06:44 |
mdz | yes | 06:44 |
mdz | Buildinfo: "This was produced by kernel-package version 8.114ubuntu1." | 06:44 |
mdz | that is what linux-image- says | 06:44 |
fabbione | so either the merge or the fix is wrong | 06:44 |
mdz | merge looks fine | 06:46 |
mdz | | 06:46 |
=== lamont wanders in, waves, heads for bed. | ||
mdz | lamont: what happened with alsa-driver? | 06:46 |
fabbione | night lamont | 06:47 |
mdz | there has been another kernel-package upload to unstable, though | 06:47 |
mdz | nothing in the changelog about fixing the fix, though | 06:47 |
lamont | mdz: what happened? | 06:48 |
mdz | lamont: it seems like you did a merge (1.0.6a-10ubuntu1) and then overwrote it with a sync (1.0.6a-11) | 06:49 |
lamont | oh. | 06:49 |
lamont | that | 06:49 |
mdz | it's in bugzilla, worry about it tomorrow | 06:49 |
lamont | ISTR it looked like -11 had all of our diff from 10ubuntu1 | 06:49 |
lamont | yeah. will actually look at it tomorrow | 06:50 |
=== lamont never had the doors frozen shut on his car before today. Most, um, interesting. | ||
lamont | but to sleep | 06:50 |
mdz | it is at the least missing the unmuting magic | 06:50 |
fabbione | mdz: i need a way to reproduce that bug | 06:50 |
mdz | fabbione: all that I can provide tonight is a transcript of the upgrade | 06:51 |
mdz | tomorrow I will try to burn a powerpc and recover the system | 06:51 |
mdz | but currently it is unbootable | 06:51 |
fabbione | ok | 06:51 |
mdz | let me know if you would like the transcript | 06:51 |
mdz | it contains the kernel-package output | 06:52 |
mdz | The link /boot/initrd.img is a dangling link | 06:52 |
mdz | Removing symbolic link /boot/initrd.img | 06:52 |
mdz | you may need to re-run yaboot | 06:52 |
fabbione | well i am not even sure i will have the time to fix it before Mataro | 06:52 |
mdz | Not touching initrd symlinks since we are being reinstalled ( | 06:54 |
mdz | there is the bug | 06:54 |
mdz | well, I don't understand the first part either | 06:54 |
fabbione | neither do i | 06:54 |
mdz | but in any case it should have fixed the symlink in postinst | 06:54 |
mdz | I think perhaps the fix was not correct | 06:54 |
fabbione | i tend to agree on that | 06:55 |
mdz | does anyone here know yaboot? | 06:55 |
mdz | if it is possible for me to specify an alternate initrd location, I should be able to get the system up and investigate | 06:55 |
fabbione | no, but i can explain to you about silo :P | 06:55 |
mdz | from my reading of the postinst, if it emitted that message, it must have already generated the initrd | 06:55 |
mdz | so it seems like there must be a /boot/initrd.img-<ver> but no /boot/initrd.img symlink | 06:56 |
fabbione | mdz: let me see a yaboot manpage | 06:56 |
mdz | I know it is possible to specify the path to the kernel | 06:56 |
mdz | I don't see anything in the man pages about it | 06:57 |
mdz | kamion might know | 06:57 |
fabbione | | 06:57 |
fabbione | mdz: i think you can specify the initrd as easy as you specify the kernel patch | 06:59 |
fabbione | ehm | 06:59 |
fabbione | path | 06:59 |
mdz | I don't see how | 07:00 |
fabbione | boot: hd:3,/vmlinux root=/dev/hda3 ro | 07:00 |
mdz | with the kernel, you write the path to the kernel at the boot: prompt | 07:00 |
mdz | right | 07:00 |
fabbione | initrd is a kernel parameter, isn't it ? | 07:00 |
mdz | but then it gets the initrd path from yaboot.conf | 07:00 |
mdz | no, the initrd must be read by the boot loader | 07:00 |
fabbione | hmmmmm | 07:01 |
fabbione | i am not sure | 07:01 |
mdz | I am trying to figure out why initrd.img was a dangling link | 07:01 |
mdz | that makes no sense | 07:01 |
mdz | because the system booted before that | 07:01 |
mdz | kernel-package seems overcomplicated for what it does | 07:01 |
mdz | with 2.6 and only Ubuntu architectures, it could be much simpler | 07:02 |
fabbione | mdz: no | 07:02 |
fabbione | the initrd.gz is a kernel parameter | 07:02 |
fabbione | label linux | 07:02 |
fabbione | kernel debian-installer/i386/linux | 07:02 |
fabbione | append DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical vga=normal initrd=debian-installer/i386/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=12314 root=/dev/rd/0 rw -- | 07:02 |
fabbione | so you can add it after | 07:02 |
mdz | if it is passed to the kernel, the kernel ignores it. it will only work if the boot loader parses the command line and reads the initrd | 07:03 |
mdz | I'll try | 07:03 |
fabbione | brb | 07:04 |
mdz | tried, doesn't work | 07:05 |
mdz | still tries to load plain initrd.img | 07:05 |
mdz | I can burn a CD tomorrow to get it fixed, just not tonight | 07:05 |
mdz | I don't think I will be able to find much, though | 07:05 |
mdz | somehow the symlink became dangling, but I have no idea what it was pointing to | 07:05 |
mdz | certainly the initrd.img-<ver> was there before, because the system booted | 07:05 |
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mdz | maybe /etc/kernel-img.conf was changed somehow | 07:06 |
magnon | hm, what uses gnome 1 libraries in ubuntu anyway? | 07:08 |
mdz | magnon: some packages in universe | 07:10 |
mdz | hmm, some in main too | 07:10 |
mdz | but not in the default desktop install | 07:10 |
mdz | we tried to get rid of those which could be easily eliminated | 07:10 |
magnon | yeah, I just discovered that having them around can be a little confusing when installing packages | 07:11 |
fabbione | mdz: the only thing i can think about is that the initrd image is generated in postinst | 07:16 |
mdz | I just noticed this | 07:17 |
fabbione | mdz: probably the prerm script removes it? | 07:17 |
mdz | if (-f $realimageloc . "initrd.img-$version") { | 07:17 |
mdz | unlink $realimageloc . "initrd.img-$version"; | 07:17 |
mdz | } | 07:17 |
mdz | why the hell does it do that? | 07:17 |
mdz | (this is in postrm) | 07:17 |
fabbione | is it inside a if [ "$1" = "purge" ] ? | 07:17 |
fabbione | or does that unconditionally? | 07:18 |
mdz | if ($ARGV[0] !~ /upgrade/) { | 07:18 |
fabbione | hmmm | 07:19 |
mdz | I don't think that is related, but it is such a bad idea | 07:19 |
fabbione | Manoj is awake.. let's talk with him | 07:19 |
mdz | freenode or oftc? | 07:20 |
fabbione | here | 07:20 |
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pitti | Morning folks | 07:53 |
fabbione | morning pitti | 07:56 |
doko | morning all! | 08:00 |
fabbione | hey doko | 08:02 |
fabbione | thanks for pushing new libc6 :-) | 08:02 |
fabbione | my buildd hates you now :P | 08:02 |
fabbione | mdz: ok.. what should we do with the kernel? | 08:03 |
fabbione | should we wait Manoj to fix? | 08:03 |
fabbione | should we start working on 2.6.9? | 08:03 |
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fabbione | hmm | 08:06 |
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fabbione | mdz_: i guess you didn't read above, did you? | 08:07 |
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doko | fabbione: hey, it did even build on all supported archs ;) | 08:12 |
fabbione | doko: SCARY! | 08:12 |
pitti | elmo: please sync cyrus21-imapd 2.1.16-11 | 08:17 |
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jdub | jamesh: did you have a poke at that gnome-vfs patch? | 08:32 |
jamesh | jdub: the HAL one? | 08:36 |
jdub | mtools | 08:36 |
jamesh | no | 08:40 |
jamesh | is there a bugzilla id for the patch? | 08:41 |
jdub | not sure, i sent a link to the mailing list archive post, though | 08:42 |
pitti | Kamion: I'd like to fix #4093; any objection if I upload a new base-config? | 08:42 |
pitti | mdz_: still here? | 08:43 |
mdz_ | pitti: barely | 08:56 |
mdz_ | fabbione: lost power | 08:57 |
pitti | mdz_: okay, it's not that urgent | 08:57 |
fabbione | mdz_: no problem | 08:57 |
fabbione | <fabbione> mdz: ok.. what should we do with the kernel? | 08:57 |
fabbione | <fabbione> should we wait Manoj to fix? | 08:57 |
fabbione | <fabbione> should we start working on 2.6.9? | 08:57 |
mdz | 2.6.9 should happen soon | 08:58 |
mdz | do you have time to do it? | 08:58 |
fabbione | mdz: i think so.. | 08:58 |
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mdz | Manoj will examine the bug, so we can wait and see what he says | 08:59 |
fabbione | i can spend max 2 working days in 2.6.9 in this week | 08:59 |
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lucas_ | Hi | 09:28 |
lucas_ | Kamion: you there ? | 09:28 |
lucas_ | I finally went for the solution of hacking the pool by adding my packages in it | 09:28 |
lucas_ | then regenerate */Packages with apt-ftparchive | 09:28 |
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lucas_ | however, d-i's Package need installer-menu-item headers | 09:29 |
lucas_ | I don't know how to generate them | 09:29 |
lucas_ | any ideas ? | 09:29 |
lucas_ | s/d-i's Package/d-i's Packages/ | 09:29 |
lucas_ | mhh actually that's not my problem | 09:40 |
lucas_ | but I don't know what my problem is :) | 09:40 |
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seb128 | morning | 09:44 |
pitti | Hi seb128! | 09:47 |
seb128 | hey pitti | 09:47 |
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pitti | Hi sivang! | 09:53 |
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Kamion | fabbione: I suspect that the bug was actually in the older kernel packages, but we only noticed the bug when we upgraded | 10:23 |
Kamion | mdz: sorry, it's not possible to specify an initrd at yaboot's command line | 10:23 |
Kamion | lucas_: those are all in the .udebs, apt-ftparchive should copy them into Packages; if it doesn't, investigate why | 10:24 |
fabbione | Kamion: yes, we had a long discussion with Manoj in #d-d | 10:24 |
=== fabbione is preparing 2.6.9 | ||
pitti | fabbione: does it contain inotify? | 10:25 |
Kamion | fabbione: is that what Manoj said then? | 10:25 |
fabbione | pitti: easy.. i just unpacked the orig | 10:25 |
pitti | fabbione: oh, okay | 10:25 |
fabbione | Kamion: yes | 10:25 |
pitti | fabbione: will you go to vacation while it builds? :-) | 10:26 |
fabbione | pitti: ehhe | 10:26 |
fabbione | pitti: do you use dpatch for any of your packages? | 10:27 |
fabbione | or who does? | 10:27 |
pitti | fabbione: not for my own ones, but I'm quite used to it | 10:27 |
fabbione | pitti: ok.. how can i do an anal check of the patches? | 10:27 |
pitti | fabbione: the current hoary version seems to be broken (dpatch-edit-patch) | 10:27 |
pitti | fabbione: do you mean that? | 10:27 |
pitti | fabbione: ahem? Mind to explain that? | 10:27 |
fabbione | last time i added a duplicate patch, dpatch managed to apply both with no errors | 10:27 |
pitti | fabbione: ugh, it should fail then | 10:28 |
fabbione | but clearly compilation failed | 10:28 |
fabbione | it didn't | 10:28 |
pitti | fabbione: usually I try with debian/rules patch | 10:28 |
Kamion | fabbione: did anyone check whether this affects direct upgrades from warty to hoary? | 10:28 |
fabbione | Kamion: not yet.. in anycase new packages will have to deal with it | 10:28 |
fabbione | Kamion: possibly also in security update | 10:29 |
fabbione | Kamion: that means uploading a new kernel-package for hoary | 10:29 |
fabbione | but both mdz and I will wait for Manoj to investigate properly when kernel-package got broken | 10:29 |
fabbione | there is a good chance that warty is ok | 10:30 |
fabbione | the problem might have appeared the 21st of Oct | 10:30 |
daniels | fabbione: where do you want the extra patches? | 10:32 |
daniels | (kernel) | 10:34 |
fabbione | daniels: people? | 10:35 |
daniels | k | 10:35 |
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daniels | fabbione: p.u.c/~daniels/l-i/ | 10:37 |
daniels | " | 10:37 |
fabbione | daniels: where did you grab these patches? | 10:38 |
daniels | fabbione: most of them were tarballs from external websites designed to built externally that I modified to build in-tree | 10:39 |
fabbione | ok | 10:40 |
fabbione | now.. this is funny | 10:40 |
fabbione | in 2.6.9 if i do ./debian/rules clean it trashes the debian directory... | 10:41 |
Kamion | fabbione: the maintainer scripts for -16 and -16.1 are identical | 10:41 |
Kamion | fabbione: I don't have -17 and -18 to check those, though | 10:41 |
fabbione | -18 is garbage | 10:42 |
fabbione | -17 is in the morgue | 10:42 |
fabbione | on jackass | 10:42 |
daniels | the morgue is mirrored to rookery, btw | 10:42 |
Keybuk | when elmo pushes the button ... | 10:42 |
daniels | i don't know how regularly, but it's certainly there | 10:42 |
daniels | yeah | 10:42 |
fabbione | interesting | 10:47 |
fabbione | it's make-kpkg | 10:47 |
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fabbione | ehhe | 10:51 |
fabbione | kernel people are really funny | 10:51 |
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pitti | sjoerd: ping | 11:09 |
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Kamion | fabbione: ah, yes, looks like -16 was OK, an 'exit 0' was moved down a paragraph by -17 | 11:23 |
fabbione | Kamion: cool | 11:24 |
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pitti | Kamion: Hi! do you think Debian's base-config can still be fixed to put the initial user into plugdev and camera? | 11:33 |
Kamion | pitti: that depends; persuade joeyh | 11:35 |
Kamion | there's still time, sure | 11:35 |
pitti | Kamion: okay, I will ask him | 11:35 |
fabbione | 2.6.9 is another monster patch orgy | 11:40 |
daniels | OH FRIG | 11:42 |
daniels | usr/X11R6/lib/ usr/X11R6/lib/ | 11:42 |
Mithrandir | daniels: ew. | 11:43 |
Mithrandir | thom: could mod_rewrite cause performance problems or is it just ugly? | 11:55 |
daniels | thom: it is sssssssssssllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 11:59 |
daniels | s/thom/Mithrandir/ | 11:59 |
Mithrandir | daniels: ok, so I'll look into getting rid of it.. I hope the people responsible doesn't kill me. | 12:00 |
daniels | Mithrandir: ah, a vic^Wdistro team member | 12:00 |
daniels | Mithrandir: do you want to test some xorg packages before I upload? | 12:00 |
Mithrandir | not really, I have a server which needs booting. :P | 12:01 |
daniels | heh | 12:02 |
azeem | mako: hey, did they force you into dropping docbook for presentations, or did switch to OOo Impress yourself? :) | 12:03 |
azeem | mako: the GNOME icon you used for the 'pope-slide' has been deprecated for a couple of years I believe, they have a slightly different one now | 12:06 |
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pitti | daniels: ping | 12:10 |
daniels | pong | 12:10 |
sjoerd | pitti: pong | 12:17 |
pitti | sjoerd: just FYI, I had to introduce another patch | 12:18 |
sjoerd | pitti: for ? | 12:18 |
pitti | sjoerd: I fixed the hal -> 20hal transition to not ask a dpkg conffile question on upgrade | 12:18 |
sjoerd | hrm, does it do that ? didn't when i tested | 12:18 |
pitti | sjoerd: I just remove the old file if it is unmodified | 12:19 |
pitti | sjoerd: it works as long as a new package comes along with the same conffile as the old one | 12:19 |
pitti | sjoerd: but my merged package has a different conffile (LSB, remember) | 12:19 |
sjoerd | aha | 12:19 |
pitti | sjoerd: so it first mv'ed the old conffile to the new | 12:19 |
pitti | sjoerd: then tried to replace it with the one shipped in the package | 12:19 |
pitti | sjoerd: if you modify the file in the future, this will hit you as well | 12:20 |
pitti | sjoerd: well, Debian folks are used to these questions, but Ubuntu must avoid them in all cases | 12:20 |
sjoerd | right | 12:20 |
Kamion | Ubuntu's not going to be able to avoid them in all cases. We can and should avoid them for upgrades of default installations, but they can't be avoided when people have actually changed the conffiles. | 12:21 |
azeem | it would be nice to have the dialog use the respective debconf-frontend eventually, though | 12:23 |
sjoerd | pitti: as sarge will release with a transitioned hal, it wouldn't be a problem imho (as in you won't get the question on a sarge -> etch upgrade) | 12:24 |
sjoerd | pitti: but thanks, one patch less to check out next time :) | 12:25 |
pitti | sjoerd: yes, right | 12:25 |
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Kamion | azeem: (if debconf is installed - debconf isn't Essential: yes and dpkg never relies on it) | 12:27 |
azeem | Kamion: sure | 12:28 |
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Kamion | pitti: you might want to look at Debian's current openssh packages for a warty update | 12:31 |
Kamion | pitti: (information leak) | 12:31 |
Kamion | I'm doing the hoary build now | 12:31 |
pitti | Kamion: thanks, I'll do | 12:31 |
pitti | Kamion: hasn't there been a DSA? | 12:31 |
Kamion | pitti: no, don't believe it affects woody although I could be wrong | 12:32 |
Kamion | heh, it does | 12:32 |
pitti | Kamion: I did not see anything on full-disclosure, I will look at the changelog and interdiffs | 12:32 |
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pitti | Hi mjg59 | 12:32 |
Kamion | I'm not sure that the Debian security team is all that bothered about information leaks in woody though | 12:32 |
Kamion | pitti: it's an old issue, you won't have seen it recently | 12:33 |
pitti | Kamion: any bug report? | 12:33 |
Kamion | pitti: Debian #248747, #281595; corresponding Ubuntu #4196, #3768 | 12:34 |
=== thom growls at the ludicrously huge courier diff for init prettiness | ||
pitti | Kamion: ah, that one. Thanks | 12:35 |
thom | morning, y'all | 12:36 |
pitti | Hi thom | 12:36 |
fabbione | thom: hey | 12:41 |
fabbione | who is the acpi guru? | 12:41 |
=== thom points at mjg59 very fast | ||
mjg59 | Haha | 12:41 |
fabbione | ahah | 12:41 |
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fabbione | do we need this patch acpi-20040826 for 2.6.9? | 12:42 |
mjg59 | No | 12:42 |
mjg59 | We need something newer... | 12:42 |
fabbione | mjg59: to start with, is it good enough what is in 2.6.9 or we will have regressions? | 12:46 |
jdub | fabbione: oh, you're integrating suggested patches in your 2.6.9 update? | 12:46 |
fabbione | jdub: no | 12:46 |
jdub | d'oh. | 12:46 |
fabbione | i am trying to get a 2.6.9 | 12:46 |
thom | damn, was just about to ask for inotify | 12:47 |
jdub | what are the chances of tempting you to integrate inotify in this release? :) | 12:47 |
fabbione | and i am only revisiting the patches that we applied to | 12:47 |
fabbione | jdub: <0 | 12:47 |
=== thom ^5 jdub | ||
jdub | and mjg59's acpi patches | 12:47 |
fabbione | i doubt | 12:47 |
fabbione | not for the first release at least | 12:47 |
Kamion | fabbione: are you merging with Debian's kernel-source-2.6.9? | 12:48 |
fabbione | Kamion: yes | 12:48 |
Kamion | good | 12:48 |
fabbione | that too | 12:48 |
mjg59 | fabbione: Hang on, let me check what I put in | 12:48 |
Kamion | hm, if nothing else their new patch-series system looks a lot easier to handle than the mad thing we have at the moment where you can't upload a new version without adding another 00list-* file | 12:49 |
mjg59 | fabbione: Ok, I dropped the 20040826 patch | 12:49 |
thom | yeah, the current ubuntu packages are a bitch to work with | 12:49 |
fabbione | Kamion: right now i am only trying to get all the parches either to apply or out of the way | 12:49 |
fabbione | Kamion: all the other stuff will come later on | 12:50 |
fabbione | i am stil merging -1 from debian | 12:50 |
jdub | hrm | 12:51 |
Kamion | sure | 12:51 |
mjg59 | fabbione: We'll want newer acpi than is in 2.6.9, and we'll want a pile of swsusp code | 12:51 |
jdub | what's with finishing its build on i386, but not being in the archive? | 12:51 |
fabbione | mjg59: ok | 12:52 |
jdub | and inotify | 12:52 |
jdub | did i mention we needed inotify? | 12:52 |
fabbione | jdub: yes and the answer is no | 12:52 |
fabbione | not for this release | 12:53 |
mjg59 | fabbione: "this release" meaning Horay, or just the first cut of the packages? | 12:53 |
=== jdub keeps picking on fabbione | ||
jdub | mjg59: there won't be much horay if we don't have inotify in hoary -> ha ha ha! | 12:54 |
seb128 | liboil0.2-dev and libswfdec0.3-dev from universe needed to build gst-plugins 0.8.6 | 12:54 |
Kamion | mjg59: first cut I'd imagine | 12:54 |
mjg59 | jdub: Argh | 12:54 |
fabbione | mjg59: first cut | 12:54 |
=== thom kicks jdub | ||
thom | that was terrible | 12:55 |
jdub | here to serve you :)| | 12:56 |
jdub | and the veal | 12:56 |
jdub | i am also serving veal | 12:56 |
jdub | be here all week | 12:56 |
seb128 | jdub: if | 12:56 |
jdub | so will the veal | 12:56 |
seb128 | oups | 12:56 |
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jdub | don't have the veal on friday | 12:56 |
jdub | it will kill you | 12:56 |
jdub | hi Md | 12:56 |
mjg59 | Hmm. | 12:56 |
seb128 | jdub: for "liboil0.2-dev and libswfdec0.3-dev" ... they need to be added to main before the gst-plugins upload ? | 12:56 |
mjg59 | The Intel people need one of these laptops that breaks. | 12:56 |
Kamion | seb128: that's what dep-wait's for | 12:57 |
robtaylor | mjg59: i was playing around with the init-ec patch last nithg.. unformatiately i now cant remeber where i got it from :/ | 12:57 |
Md | who wrote the default firewall script? If it has not been fixed before the release, I noticed that it filters multicast packets | 12:57 |
Kamion | we have a default firewall script? | 12:58 |
mjg59 | init-ec? | 12:58 |
seb128 | Kamion: right | 12:58 |
mjg59 | robtaylor: Can you stick a copy of it up somewhere? | 12:58 |
Md | Kamion: I have seen on the newly installed system of a friend that IGMP packets from his ISP were filtered and logged, so I suppose that there is one | 12:59 |
Kamion | Md: last I checked we didn't install a firewall at all | 12:59 |
robtaylor | mjg59: unfortuantly its on my laptop, not here. i'll put it somweher tonight (and i'll try and mangle it for as well) | 12:59 |
jdub | seb128: yeah, i would support those | 01:01 |
haggai | jdub: OOo isn't built on powerpc, doku forwarded the (strange) error. Would that stop it from being installed in the archive? | 01:01 |
jdub | haggai: not sure why it would | 01:01 |
jdub | lamont: ping? | 01:01 |
mjg59 | robtaylor: What was it supposed to do? Additional embedded controller setup? | 01:02 |
robtaylor | mjg59: yeah, seemed to do some extra scanning. i'd tell you more if i had it in front of me =) | 01:03 |
robtaylor | (gah, rellay wish i could remember which bugzilla it was in =)) | 01:03 |
thom | jdub: should a libfam-dev change to libgamin-dev |libfam-dev ? can i get away with doing just that? | 01:11 |
elmo | or'ed build-deps make baby jesus cry - why not just drop libfam-dev? | 01:17 |
thom | or that | 01:20 |
Keybuk | yeah, how's the buildd supposed to know which one is preferred? | 01:23 |
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=== sid77 hi! | ||
Kamion | Keybuk: that much is trivial; first is always preferred | 01:23 |
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jdub | thom: yeah | 01:25 |
Mithrandir | Keybuk: libfam-dev won't be in main, so it won't be preferred. :) | 01:25 |
Keybuk | Kamion: sure, but how does it know to remove libfam-dev if it had it installed in favour of the first one in the list? | 01:25 |
robtaylor | mjg59: ok, heres some relevent sounding patches i';m trying out and | 01:26 |
jdub | on epiphany-list: | 01:28 |
jdub | I want to thank you guys for the work behind Epiphany. I just got | 01:28 |
jdub | acquainted with Gnome and its HIG guidlines by way of trying Ubuntu. I | 01:28 |
jdub | had not used Gnome as such since somewhere around Red Hat 7.3, and | 01:28 |
jdub | must say the change in policy is just spot-on. | 01:28 |
jdub | 01:28 | |
Keybuk | robtaylor: bug#s ? | 01:29 |
mjg59 | robtaylor: Do you have the bugs these are linked from? | 01:29 |
robtaylor | mjg59: all from | 01:35 |
seb128 | is there anything to consider before changing a package source-name ? | 01:36 |
seb128 | or I just upload it with the new name ? | 01:36 |
pitti | Kamion: do you think these openssh issues should be fixed in Warty? They do not look very severe | 01:37 |
Kamion | Keybuk: true | 01:39 |
Kamion | pitti: up to you, don't mind either way personally, just thought you should know | 01:39 |
pitti | Kamion: I prepare a package and wait for some days | 01:42 |
pitti | Kamion: in the meantime the Hoary and Sid packages can be tested by a broader audience | 01:42 |
Kamion | ok, we'll see how it goes; it's a fairly isolated patchset | 01:43 |
pitti | Kamion: by "isolated" you mean few/no side effects? | 01:43 |
pitti | Kamion: testing the fixed functionality itself is easy | 01:43 |
Kamion | both that and well away from other patches | 01:44 |
Kamion | merging to 3.9p1 will be more entertaining, mind :) | 01:44 |
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robtaylor | mjg59: so what do you reckon to those patches? think they'll help the issue you were talking about last night? | 01:49 |
mjg59 | Doubtful | 01:49 |
robtaylor | ah well :) | 01:49 |
mjg59 | We don't get any EC errors on the craptop | 01:50 |
mjg59 | But yeah, it could be because some piece of hardware isn't enabled | 01:50 |
robtaylor | THEY'VE COME FOR YOU | 01:50 |
lucas__ | Kamion: I've a problem with my custom Ubuntu | 02:01 |
lucas__ | anna complains about a "bad d-i Packages file" | 02:01 |
lucas__ | I don't quite understand the "retriever" concept in the anna source | 02:02 |
Kamion | it's a general interface for anna to get udebs from cdrom/network/whatever | 02:04 |
Kamion | perhaps your Release file is wrong | 02:04 |
Kamion | also try 'debconf-get mirror/suite' on tty2, make sure that's set to warty | 02:05 |
Kamion | or stable | 02:05 |
lucas__ | ok | 02:05 |
Kamion | if it's stable, make sure that the CD has a /dists/stable symlink | 02:05 |
lucas__ | one of the things I changed | 02:05 |
lucas__ | is that I don't have a restricted/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages | 02:05 |
Kamion | nor do we? | 02:06 |
lucas__ | since I merged restricted, universe and multiverse into main | 02:06 |
lucas__ | ah true | 02:06 |
Kamion | udpkg doesn't know how to merge multiple d-i Packages files, so it's only possible to have main/debian-installer/binary-$arch/Packages at the moment | 02:06 |
bob2 | lucas__: <obwarning>make sure you check you can distribute that at all</obwarning | 02:07 |
Kamion | especially for multiverse | 02:07 |
lucas__ | yup, I'm not going to distribute much of multiverse | 02:08 |
lucas__ | stuff like scilab or graphviz mainly | 02:08 |
lucas__ | debconf-get mirror/suite returns nothing | 02:09 |
Kamion | ok, do you have /dists/stable/Release? | 02:10 |
lucas__ | ye | 02:10 |
lucas__ | s | 02:10 |
bob2 | 'It's also necessary to take steps like limiting the number of pages currently queued for writing out. This limit will affect users, in that it will reduce performance. It has been noted, however, that deadlocks tend to have an even worse impact on performance.' | 02:10 |
Kamion | that suggests a problem in cdrom-detect BTW | 02:11 |
lucas__ | (stable is simlinked to warty) | 02:11 |
Kamion | lucas__: see mdz's comment at the end of; does that help you? | 02:12 |
Kamion | you may have a CD drive with DMA problems | 02:12 |
lucas__ | no, DMA is ok | 02:15 |
lucas__ | my Release file isn't | 02:15 |
Kamion | missing Suite: line? | 02:17 |
lucas__ | yes | 02:17 |
Kamion | that'd do it | 02:17 |
lucas__ | thanks a lot for the pointer :-) | 02:17 |
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lucas__ | Kamion: I'm using apt-ftparchive to generate the Release file, but I can't find any option to specify Origin, Label, suite, Codename. Is there a better way ? | 02:27 |
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Kamion | lucas__: afraid I don't know | 02:36 |
lucas__ | ok, I just added the Suite line by hand | 02:36 |
Kamion | lucas__: it appears to be documented quite clearly in the apt-ftparchive man page, though | 02:36 |
Kamion | lucas__: search case-insensitively for "suite" | 02:36 |
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lucas__ | oh true sorry | 02:37 |
=== pitti laughs about the new image at | ||
pitti | Hey, do these guys have a new PR strategy? :-) | 02:38 |
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bob2 | 'honesty in advertising' ;-) | 02:40 |
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=== Kamion brushes up his i386 assembly | ||
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zul | morning | 02:50 |
whiprush | does gnome-user-share not have a bugzilla component yet? Should I file a bug under Nautilus instead? | 02:53 |
lamont | jdub: oo.o will inter the archive in about 10 minutes. patience.. | 02:54 |
lamont | well, i386 will. ppc has, um, issues | 02:55 |
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=== lamont bbl | ||
jdub | lamont: :) | 02:59 |
elmo | speaking of oo.o why does it b-d on libneon23-dev? that means we can't have oo.o and tla build-deps in the same chroot :( | 02:59 |
jdub | lamont: when you're back -> why so long between the build finishing and hitting the archive? | 03:00 |
elmo | jdub: it was NEW | 03:00 |
jdub | oh | 03:00 |
elmo | doko: done | 03:01 |
lucas__ | Kamion: debconf-get mirror/suite says warty now | 03:09 |
lucas__ | but it still doesn't work | 03:09 |
lucas__ | /var/cache/anna/Packages is empty | 03:09 |
Kamion | sorry, I'm kind of buried in grub debugging right now | 03:09 |
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Kamion | I would suggest looking through the cdrom-retriever source and trying bits of it by hand | 03:09 |
Kamion | you're going to need a Components: line, certainly | 03:09 |
lucas__ | in the Release file ? | 03:09 |
Kamion | yes | 03:09 |
Kamion | the retriever should probably error out if there are no components | 03:09 |
jdub | Depends: language-support-en but it is not installable | 03:09 |
jdub | d'oh | 03:09 |
lucas__ | Oh I missed that | 03:09 |
lucas__ | thanks again | 03:09 |
Kamion | np | 03:09 |
seb128 | jdub: any opinion if we should use the smooth engine from gnome-themes or from the gtk-smooth-engine package ? | 03:14 |
jdub | seb128: hrm | 03:14 |
seb128 | jdub: gtk-smooth-engine has been moved to universe during the warty time. But Josselin don't want to use the gnome-theme one (he says than the engine in gnome-theme are often outdated and we should better keep the gtk-smooth-package) | 03:14 |
seb128 | jdub: since I'm going to sync gnome-theme dunno what to do :) | 03:14 |
jdub | seb128: i imagine debian will go with the non-gnome-themes package, and it sounds like the best choice ;) | 03:15 |
seb128 | ok, done so :) | 03:15 |
seb128 | should be update a seed to get gtk-smooth-engine back in main ? | 03:15 |
seb128 | s/be/we/ | 03:16 |
jdub | yeah | 03:16 |
=== thom shakes his fist at npmmcallum | ||
pitti | jdub: this dependency bug is not that serious; the package depends on oo.o | language-support, so it's only a non-default alternative | 03:18 |
pitti | thom: troubles with LSB init scripts? :-) | 03:18 |
thom | pitti: yeah | 03:18 |
pitti | jdub: I delayed the upload of the language-support package until we have a decision | 03:19 |
thom | i've been on #1580 the whole day | 03:19 |
jdub | pitti: can't install it with apt, though | 03:19 |
pitti | thom: I hope that Debian adopts the idea after Sarge release | 03:20 |
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pitti | thom: it's a good concept | 03:20 |
pitti | jdub: but if you can't install then the fault is the OO.o version, not the language-support package | 03:20 |
haggai | elmo: neon23->24 was too big a change. _rene_ looked at it | 03:20 |
thom | pitti: agreed entirely | 03:20 |
jdub | pitti: thus the bug ;) | 03:20 |
thom | if not just to stop us having to merge them every time :-) | 03:21 |
pitti | jdub: ? but without the alternative dependency the installtion would fail as well | 03:21 |
haggai | jdub: you should be able to install with apt, it's never been a problem in the past | 03:22 |
haggai | unless something else has been broken | 03:22 |
jdub | $ sudo apt-get install ttf-opensymbol | 03:22 |
jdub | ... | 03:22 |
jdub | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 03:22 |
jdub | Depends: language-support-en but it is not installable | 03:22 |
jdub | 03:22 | |
haggai | eh? | 03:23 |
elmo | haggai: yeah, but oo.o includes glibc in it's source, why not neon? :P | 03:23 |
=== haggai peers at source | ||
jdub | Depends: language-support-en | 03:23 |
haggai | elmo: heh, oh yeah it does include it :P | 03:23 |
jdub | ^ that'd be it | 03:23 |
seb128 | jdub: where are made the seed changes nowadays | 03:23 |
haggai | elmo: its' just we don't build against it | 03:23 |
jdub | seb128: in arch | 03:23 |
haggai | elmo: we had a lovely security bug.. | 03:23 |
jdub | seb128: i'll do it for you | 03:23 |
jdub | seb128: just gtk2-engines-smooth ? | 03:24 |
seb128 | jdub: thanks :) gtk-smooth-engine and "liboil0.2-dev libswfdec0.3-dev" for gst-plugins | 03:24 |
seb128 | jdub: oups, gtk2-engines-smooth yes | 03:24 |
haggai | jdub: I don't see that Depends: in our CVS, it must have been added by someone else | 03:25 |
pitti | jdub: for met it is "Depends: (>> 1.1.1+1.1.2) | language-support-en", as it should be | 03:25 |
haggai | pitti: but we removed the Depends completely | 03:25 |
jdub | elmo: so if a package in main is uploaded with new depends, we have to put those depends in the seed temporarily so the package in main will build? | 03:25 |
pitti | jdub: if this is from a new version, somebody screwed up the dependencies | 03:26 |
haggai | pitti: for tasksel | 03:26 |
elmo | jdub: um, either that, or I have to ignore the seeds and promote them | 03:26 |
elmo | this is why I think doing the component isolation stuff at the buildd level is the wrong place to do it | 03:26 |
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jdub | elmo: do you mean that you reckon the buildds should have access to universe and multiverse all the time? | 03:27 |
elmo | yes, I think they should and we should enforce consistency at a higher level | 03:28 |
pitti | haggai, jdub: I still don't understand. Which package has this dependency "Depends: language-support-en" | 03:28 |
jdub | pitti: l10n-en | 03:28 |
jdub | 1.1.3-2.3ubuntu3 | 03:28 |
jdub | elmo: can you ignore the seeds and promote those two libs? | 03:29 |
pitti | jdub: 1.1.2dfsg1-2ubuntu2 is correct | 03:29 |
pitti | jdub: whoever uploaded 1.1.3 screwed up the dependencies then | 03:29 |
jdub | pitti: wanna reassign that bug to doko? :) | 03:29 |
pitti | jdub: he should still have this hog on his hd | 03:29 |
pitti | jdub: I don't really want to download OO.o sources just for this change | 03:30 |
pitti | doko: ping | 03:30 |
jdub | pitti: yeah | 03:30 |
elmo | jdub: which two ? | 03:31 |
elmo | oh, nm | 03:31 |
=== thom fixors courier and keeps going | ||
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elmo | done | 03:35 |
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fabbione | elmo: can you install linux-source build-dep on hoary chroot (concordia), please? | 03:38 |
fabbione | and kindly be sure that kernel-wedge is ubuntu5 | 03:39 |
=== fabbione kicks DPATCH | ||
=== pitti agrees to fabbione | ||
fabbione | JEEEEEE | 03:41 |
fabbione | i have spent 6 and more hours cleaning up patches | 03:41 |
fabbione | and that fucker still didn't get it right | 03:41 |
zul | heh.. | 03:41 |
fabbione | now there are bits and pieces in the .diff.gz | 03:41 |
=== thom hugs dpatch and tells it to ignore fabio | ||
fabbione | thom: wanna fix it for me? | 03:42 |
thom | nope :P | 03:42 |
=== fabbione isn't suprised | ||
thom | you wouldn't give me inotify love :P | 03:43 |
azeem | fabbione: fixing that is easy when using dpatch: just mv the debian/ tree away, rm -r the source, unpack the orig.tar.gz and mv debian/ back in | 03:43 |
elmo | fabbione: done | 03:43 |
fabbione | azeem: oh yeah... i want to see now how many patches will fail to apply because of that | 03:44 |
fabbione | elmo: thanks | 03:44 |
=== fabbione switches the kernel to use dbs | ||
fabbione | or even better | 03:45 |
fabbione | manual patching | 03:45 |
thom | yada! | 03:45 |
elmo | the kernel's use of dpatch is particularly 'special' | 03:46 |
elmo | and not really representative of dpatch in sane packages | 03:47 |
azeem | thom: yada is more like cdbs? | 03:47 |
azeem | fabbione: did you try quilt? | 03:47 |
fabbione | elmo: did you ever see my name associated to *sane* packages? ;) | 03:47 |
thom | yada is more like death, as far as i can make out | 03:47 |
seb128 | $ LC_ALL=C dpkg -S /usr/include/X11/XKBlib.h | 03:48 |
seb128 | dpkg: /usr/include/X11/XKBlib.h not found. | 03:48 |
seb128 | gni ? | 03:48 |
fabbione | seb128: libkbdfile-dev ? | 03:48 |
elmo | seb128: s#/## | 03:48 |
seb128 | fabbione: not installed | 03:49 |
seb128 | $ ls -l /usr/include/X11/XKBlib.h | 03:49 |
seb128 | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 31130 2004-11-18 16:40 /usr/include/X11/XKBlib.h | 03:49 |
seb128 | WTF | 03:49 |
seb128 | fabbione: oh, ii libxkbfile-dev 6.8.1-1ubuntu3 X Keyboard Extension file parsing library development files | 03:49 |
elmo | oh, they fixed that - never mind | 03:49 |
seb128 | (you made a typo in the name) | 03:50 |
jdub | hrm | 03:50 |
jdub | no OOo gnome packages | 03:50 |
elmo | universe-by-default ... | 03:50 |
jdub | oh | 03:50 |
seb128 | fabbione: | 03:50 |
seb128 | $ dpkg -L libxkbfile1 | grep XKBlib.h | 03:50 |
seb128 | $ | 03:50 |
jdub | but they're in the seed | 03:50 |
Keybuk | w00t! we have the bonobo-slay branch of nautilus now | 03:50 |
seb128 | arg | 03:50 |
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jdub | oh | 03:50 |
jdub | no they're not | 03:50 |
seb128 | $ dpkg -L libxkbfile-dev | grep XKBlib.h | 03:51 |
seb128 | $ | 03:51 |
fabbione | seb128: there is also anotherone kbd related.. | 03:55 |
seb128 | ok, anybody with a XKBlib.h coming from a package ? It's needed for libxklavier | 03:55 |
fabbione | seb128: let me remember | 03:55 |
seb128 | fabbione: I don't understand how I can get this file coming from nowhere | 03:55 |
seb128 | fabbione: and libxklavier used to build and today's upload FTBFS | 03:55 |
fabbione | libx11-dev: /usr/X11R6/include/X11/XKBlib.h | 03:56 |
fabbione | doh! | 03:56 |
seb128 | gni ? | 03:56 |
fabbione | gni? | 03:56 |
fabbione | what that means? | 03:56 |
seb128 | why in libx11 and not libxkb* ? | 03:56 |
fabbione | seb128: ask daniels | 03:57 |
seb128 | daniels: ping ? | 03:57 |
fabbione | seb128: otherwise just open a big bug | 03:57 |
seb128 | fabbione: "gni ?" is a sort of interrogation :) | 03:57 |
jdub | mmm, OOo gnome integration :) | 03:57 |
fabbione | that will pull in another bunch of FTBFS! | 03:57 |
seb128 | kind of "what's going on" | 03:57 |
fabbione | that's sooooo coooool | 03:57 |
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jdub | seb128: the knights who say, "gni!" | 03:58 |
jdub | _rene_, haggai: YUM! | 03:59 |
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haggai | jdub: :) | 04:01 |
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jdub | gute nacht alles | 04:09 |
pitti | jdub: Gute Nacht! | 04:10 |
pitti | jdub: However, it's not "alles" :-) | 04:10 |
pitti | jdub: "Gute Nacht an alle" is better :-) | 04:10 |
jdub | thanks :) | 04:10 |
pitti | your're welcome | 04:10 |
pitti | jdub: we should start to exercise Spanish anyway | 04:10 |
jdub | yeah | 04:10 |
jdub | estoy buscando mis pantalones | 04:11 |
pitti | ??? | 04:11 |
jdub | some spanish you *need* to know | 04:11 |
jdub | it's very useful | 04:11 |
carlos | pitti: | 04:11 |
jdub | night :) | 04:11 |
pitti | jdub: and it means? | 04:11 |
carlos | look that video and you will understand it :-P | 04:12 |
carlos | jdub: night! | 04:12 |
pitti | carlos: argh | 04:12 |
pitti | carlos: 124 MB? This will take me a while | 04:12 |
carlos | pitti: The translations is: "I'm looking for my pants" | 04:12 |
pitti | I should have known | 04:13 |
pitti | carlos: I can barely count to ten now, thanks to my gf | 04:13 |
carlos | it comes from the GUADEC 3 (or there's the first time I saw jdub saying that :-P) | 04:13 |
carlos | pitti: :-P | 04:13 |
pitti | carlos: btw, do you offer rentals for playing BCN city guide? :-) | 04:14 |
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carlos | pitti: well, I was in Barcelona once (outside the rail station) so... don't think I will know much more than you :-D | 04:15 |
fabbione | thom, mjg59: Disable ACPI for systems before Jan 1st this year (ACPI_BLACKLIST_YEAR) [0] (NEW) | 04:28 |
fabbione | what do you want here? | 04:29 |
eruin | apm? | 04:29 |
zul | is the conference going to be online as well? | 04:30 |
zul | since i cant afford to go | 04:33 |
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lamont | moop | 05:08 |
elmo | seb128: you know about the uninstallables due to xklavier, right? | 05:14 |
seb128 | elmo: control-center/gnome-applets ? | 05:14 |
elmo | yeah | 05:14 |
seb128 | yes | 05:15 |
elmo | cool | 05:15 |
seb128 | the new libxklavier ftbfs | 05:15 |
elmo | meh, and there's not even any point in me upgrading 'cos of OO.o's screwed deps | 05:15 |
=== elmo whines | ||
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seb128 | xorg packages have changed again, thanks daniels | 05:15 |
elmo | 911 upgraded, 57 newly installed, 11 to remove and 9 not upgraded. | 05:16 |
elmo | Need to get 675MB of archives. | 05:16 |
elmo | good lord | 05:16 |
eruin | haha | 05:16 |
eruin | I just finished the last set | 05:16 |
eruin | ;) | 05:16 |
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lamont | seb128: are all the gnome deps there now, or should I wait to do the mass give-back of waiting things? | 05:20 |
seb128 | lamont: gnome deps for what ? | 05:20 |
lamont | seb128: nevermind. | 05:22 |
lamont | DANIELS... | 05:22 |
lamont | you gonna upload xorg ubuntu4 sometime soon? | 05:22 |
fabbione | hey lamont | 05:23 |
lamont | seb128: I found the root of the problem. :-) | 05:23 |
lamont | hey fabbione | 05:23 |
seb128 | lamont: I've some problem, libxklavier ftbfsing .... XKBlib.h in libx11-dev, it was in libxkb* before | 05:23 |
seb128 | lamont: should I change the buil-deps again or wait for a new xorg ? | 05:23 |
seb128 | build-deps | 05:23 |
fabbione | seb128: bug daniels | 05:24 |
fabbione | and keep bugging him :-) | 05:24 |
lamont | the pile I was seeing (on investigation) is all ia64, where there is no xorg. But there is xorg-common, so anything that build-depends anything that depends any X library is d-w (but not automated) on ia64. hence the pile-o-mail for me | 05:24 |
lamont | seb128: so it's completely unrelated to your issues. | 05:24 |
seb128 | ok | 05:24 |
lamont | however the first couple of packages I looked at had gnome-libs that were uninstallable, hence my question.. | 05:25 |
seb128 | ok | 05:26 |
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fabbione | does anybody remember where the prism2 driver is hosted?= | 05:35 |
Mithrandir | lamont? | 05:41 |
lamont | Mithrandir: yo | 05:42 |
Mithrandir | lamont: how on earth did libdb3 build on amd64? | 05:44 |
bob2 | fabbione: | 05:45 |
lamont | Mithrandir: recently, or back in the beginning of time? | 05:45 |
thom | mjg59: 15:28 < fabbione> thom, mjg59: Disable ACPI for systems before Jan 1st this year (ACPI_BLACKLIST_YEAR) [0] (NEW) | 05:45 |
fabbione | bob2: thanks | 05:46 |
mjg59 | Did I not reply to that? | 05:47 |
mjg59 | Maybe the network was already fucked at that point | 05:47 |
mjg59 | 0 ought to give the current behaviour | 05:47 |
fabbione | yes i left 0 | 05:47 |
Mithrandir | lamont: it does LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.24, which blows up on amd64. | 05:49 |
Mithrandir | lamont: and if you comment that out, it tries to link to pthread. | 05:50 |
lamont | Mithrandir: at the time, the buildd was an i386 kernel | 05:50 |
=== lamont works on cleaning up the alsa-driver init.d file, pukes at it's previous state | ||
lamont | mdz: nfc where my brain was on alsa-driver. | 05:54 |
=== lamont wonders if it's worth looking to see if he screwed up by (1) requesting the sync, or (2) fat-finger uploading -11 himself... Doesn't really make much difference. | ||
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lamont | Keybuk: around? | 05:58 |
lamont | eep. brb | 05:58 |
Keybuk | lamont: yup | 05:58 |
Mithrandir | lamont: hm, true. Should I just ignore the ftbfs? Is libdb3 even used by anythong any more? | 06:09 |
Mithrandir | s/thong/thing/ | 06:09 |
Mithrandir | hm, exim uses it | 06:09 |
Mithrandir | and half of gnome | 06:09 |
elmo | and like, pam | 06:09 |
Mithrandir | who cares about pam? :P | 06:09 |
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daniels | lamont: PONG | 06:21 |
daniels | elmo: ... | 06:21 |
daniels | elmo: how is my blog snafu? | 06:22 |
daniels | seb128: pong | 06:22 |
daniels | seb128: EH | 06:22 |
daniels | seb128: XKBlib.h should be in xkbfile-dev iirc -- I certainly never moved it | 06:22 |
seb128 | daniels: | 06:23 |
seb128 | $ dpkg -L libxkbfile-dev | grep XKBlib | 06:23 |
seb128 | $ | 06:23 |
seb128 | $ dpkg -L libx11-dev | grep XKBlib | 06:23 |
seb128 | /usr/X11R6/include/X11/XKBlib.h | 06:23 |
elmo | daniels: ERROR:planet:Error 404 while updating feed <> | 06:23 |
daniels | elmo: that's because it's /blog/ | 06:23 |
daniels | elmo: is this p.d.o? | 06:24 |
daniels | seb128: ?!? | 06:24 |
daniels | let me look at it | 06:24 |
elmo | daniels: p.u.c | 06:24 |
elmo | and I didn't change planet, so ... | 06:24 |
daniels | oh | 06:25 |
daniels | could you please change p.u.c? | 06:25 |
elmo | no - I'm not responsible for it, and I'm not willing to become responsible for it by virtue of being the only one who does anything with it. please file a bug and/or mail Jeff | 06:26 |
magnon | daniels: OT, when can I expect fd.o svn to work again? | 06:29 |
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daniels | magnon: don't know, depends on when the projects using it get together and check their archives | 06:32 |
daniels | elmo: ok. have you looked at lkh? | 06:32 |
magnon | daniels: are checked stuff archived anywhere? | 06:35 |
elmo | daniels: the hoary upgrade of doom ismaking ithard for me to do interactive stuff ATM | 06:38 |
daniels | magnon: no svn repositories have been checked. either that, or they've checked it all and are too afraid of me to lev me know. | 06:39 |
daniels | elmo: k | 06:39 |
magnon | hehe, alright | 06:40 |
magnon | wanted to play with galago, but I guess that'll wait | 06:40 |
seb128 | daniels: XKBlib.h so ? | 06:41 |
daniels | seb128: give me a second dude, I'm checking it out | 06:42 |
Kamion | lamont: any possibility of daily d-i builds for hoary? | 06:44 |
Kamion | lamont: I'm just about to have to make another no-source-changes upload, and would rather have working daily builds if possible | 06:44 |
daniels | seb128: XKBlib.h has always been in libx11-dev; if it ever worked with a libxkbfile-dev b-d it was an accident | 06:47 |
daniels | seb128: if I told you it was in libxkbfile-dev -- sorry about that | 06:47 |
lamont | Kamion: sure. do you need warty daily-builds anymore? :-) | 06:49 |
mako | azeem: i still use docbook sometimes.. it depends on what i want to do :) | 06:50 |
mako | azeem: as far as i can tell, i'm the ONLY person using docbook slides :) | 06:50 |
mako | azeem: because there are unbelievably obvious bugs that go unreported for long periods of time.. like hitting next takes you to the last slide, and vice versa :) | 06:51 |
seb128 | daniels: I had a /usr/include/X11/XKBlib.h before | 06:51 |
daniels | seb128: from libx11-dev, presumably :) | 06:51 |
daniels | | 06:51 |
seb128 | ok, I don't understand why the previous version used to build fine | 06:51 |
daniels | *shrug*, maybe an implicit b-d | 06:52 |
daniels | i.e. it b-d'd something that depped libx11-dev | 06:52 |
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seb128 | xklavier_xkb.c: In function `_XklXkbGetXkbEventName': | 06:52 |
seb128 | xklavier_xkb.c:442: error: `XkbNewKeyboardNotify' undeclared (first use in this function) | 06:52 |
seb128 | in a pbuilder | 06:52 |
seb128 | with libx11-dev installed | 06:52 |
seb128 | grrr | 06:52 |
daniels | i suspect that's from libxkbfile-dev | 06:53 |
seb128 | /usr/include/X11/extensions/XKB.h:#define XkbNewKeyboardNotify 0 | 06:53 |
daniels | that's libxext-dev, IIRC | 06:54 |
seb128 | ok, my system has a -I/usr/X11R6/include/ in the build line which is not in the pbuilder | 06:56 |
daniels | oh, right | 06:56 |
daniels | let me guess -- you don't build-dep on xlibs-dev anymore | 06:57 |
seb128 | right | 06:57 |
seb128 | I should ? | 06:57 |
daniels | dingdingding! | 06:57 |
daniels | hack one: -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include | 06:57 |
daniels | hack two: b-d on libxt-dev | 06:57 |
daniels | real solution: beat autoconf until it bleeds | 06:57 |
=== ironwolf giggles | ||
seb128 | ok, I'll pick libxt-dev for now | 06:58 |
seb128 | thanks daniels | 06:58 |
daniels | no worries | 06:58 |
Kamion | lamont: hell no :) | 06:58 |
seb128 | hum, nop | 06:58 |
Kamion | lamont: I think elmo's bitbucketing them anyway even if they are built | 06:58 |
seb128 | libxt-dev already installed in the pbuilder | 06:58 |
daniels | seb128: does your configure output say 'searching for X ... libraries /usr/X11R6, headers', or similar? | 06:59 |
daniels | (grep for X11R6) | 06:59 |
seb128 | oh ok | 07:00 |
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seb128 | checking for X... libraries /usr/X11R6/lib, headers | 07:00 |
seb128 | checking for X11/extensions/XKBrules.h... no | 07:00 |
daniels | ok, the 'headers' bit is bong | 07:00 |
daniels | should say 'headers /usr/X11R6/include' | 07:00 |
daniels | do you have /usr/X11R6/include/X11/Intrinsic.h? | 07:00 |
seb128 | yes | 07:00 |
daniels | craptastic | 07:00 |
daniels | could you please put the full configure.{in,ac} and config.log somewhere? | 07:01 |
seb128 | the configure is ok, it fails during the build | 07:01 |
daniels | the configure shouldn't say 'headers' | 07:01 |
seb128 | | 07:02 |
seb128 | build log | 07:02 |
daniels | if it doesn't say 'headers /usr/X11R6/include', it won't add -I/usr/X11R6/include to CFLAGS | 07:02 |
daniels | which is the cause of the problem | 07:02 |
seb128 | and log coming | 07:02 |
daniels | ta | 07:02 |
seb128 | | 07:04 |
seb128 | | 07:04 |
lamont | 810 upgraded, 48 newly installed, 8 to remove and 3 not upgraded. | 07:06 |
lamont | Need to get 654MB of archives. | 07:06 |
lamont | sigh | 07:06 |
lamont | otoh, 63Mbits ain't bad. | 07:07 |
daniels | seb128: does it work if you install xutils? | 07:12 |
elmo | yeah, it will | 07:13 |
elmo | that's the classic "I need xutils" configure trace | 07:13 |
seb128 | yep, that works | 07:14 |
daniels | word. | 07:15 |
seb128 | it needs to Build-Depends on xutils so ? | 07:15 |
=== daniels radiates further hate at autoconf. | ||
daniels | b-d on libxt-dev, xutils | 07:15 |
daniels | i'm seriously going to fix this shit tonight | 07:15 |
seb128 | nop | 07:16 |
daniels | ? | 07:16 |
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seb128 | # apt-cache show libxt-dev | grep utils | 07:16 |
seb128 | # | 07:16 |
seb128 | oups | 07:16 |
daniels | ehm | 07:16 |
seb128 | I misread | 07:16 |
seb128 | nevermind | 07:16 |
daniels | heh :) | 07:16 |
seb128 | thanks, all is fine | 07:16 |
daniels | rad | 07:16 |
seb128 | I'll upload that and have a good dinner now :p | 07:16 |
daniels | heh | 07:17 |
daniels | if (xmkmf) >/dev/null 2>/dev/null && test -f Makefile; then | 07:19 |
daniels | # GNU make sometimes prints "make[1] : Entering...", which would confuse us. | 07:19 |
daniels | eval `${MAKE-make} acfindx 2>/dev/null | grep -v make` | 07:19 |
daniels | OH MY GOD | 07:19 |
elmo | daniels: you should be forced to be like 10 years older and have had to actually deal with the crap-shoot horror show world that was commercial unices back then - then you might not be so disgusted by autoconf | 07:21 |
elmo | well, okay maybe not not be so disgusted, but at least be more tolerant of | 07:21 |
daniels | elmo: this is autoconf -- the stuff that's meant to make it better | 07:23 |
elmo | it DOES make it better | 07:23 |
daniels | btw, if you know of some way to magically make me ten years older, let me know :P | 07:23 |
elmo | the alternative is people fixing this themselves. or simply not doing so. | 07:23 |
daniels | yeah, I understand | 07:24 |
daniels | but so many things in autoconf are tremendously disgusting hacks when they shouldn't have to be | 07:24 |
kylem | daniels, grow a real beard, it will at least make you feel old. ;-) | 07:24 |
daniels | and not the 'let's work around random broken crap' | 07:24 |
daniels | the whole 'let's do stuff in a totally half-arsed way' thing | 07:24 |
daniels | kylem: heh | 07:24 |
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spotter | anyone know where I can get language-support-en needed by the new openoffice packages? | 07:24 |
elmo | daniels: btw, the l-k-h looks fine to me - I assume you want it installed, and if you do, it's not going to break anything fabbione's doing, right ? | 07:25 |
daniels | elmo: l-i and l-r-m both built fine on my machine with it | 07:25 |
daniels | and yeah, if it's installed on davis, I can get back to working on ppc lrm | 07:26 |
elmo | installed | 07:26 |
daniels | ta | 07:26 |
daniels | otoh, maybe I should just piss autotools right off and get with the pkgconfig groove | 07:28 |
elmo | why does scrollkeeper build it's database in the foreground? | 07:29 |
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=== lamont uploads alsa-driver :-( | ||
lamont | is somoene working on the ppc oo.o ftbfs? | 07:32 |
elmo | doko had me install the b-d's in davis' chroot, dunno if he's doing anything tho | 07:33 |
elmo | btw, is that cut'n'paste of X vs. gtk in zorg, fixed, yet? | 07:33 |
elmo | daniels: ^-- | 07:33 |
lamont | krb4 is ftbfs on amd64 as well... /me checks bugzilla/bts | 07:34 |
daniels | elmo: x vs gtk? which? | 07:35 |
daniels | lamont: i'll take that | 07:35 |
daniels | NO I WON'T | 07:36 |
elmo | daniels: seb128 was talking about cut'n'paste not working between emacs and gtk apps or summat in, back when you first released it | 07:36 |
daniels | lamont: toolchain?!? | 07:36 |
daniels | elmo: oh. no, we have no idea. but it's only gtk1. | 07:36 |
daniels | so your fonts will be so hideously bad you won't want to paste anything into there | 07:36 |
daniels | or maybe it wasn't. but we didn't ever figure out the problem to start with. | 07:36 |
Kamion | geez. my routine "start up d-i" dance in this edit/compile/test/debug cycle now involves "anna-install openssh-client-udeb; mkdir /etc/udev/scripts; mv /etc/udev/*.sh /etc/udev/scripts/" | 07:38 |
lamont | daniels: actually, krb4 is most probably the lack of an include file. I'll play with it | 07:38 |
lamont | dbs feh | 07:39 |
daniels | lamont: thanks. i fixed it up as far as b-ds go today | 07:39 |
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lamont | daniels: ah - that explains the upload | 07:40 |
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elmo | hmm, that's not cool - after upgrading to hoary, 'logout' doesn't work | 07:43 |
Kamion | elmo: uh. how on earth? | 07:44 |
Kamion | hm. I think my i386 assembly might not be what it once was | 07:45 |
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daniels | jbailey: hey dude | 07:49 |
jbailey | Heya Daniel! | 07:49 |
mako | so evidently, debian-amazonas is making a CDD based on ubuntu | 07:51 |
daniels | One way to solve this would be e.g. convmv (universe) to convert the /home | 07:58 |
daniels | partition on an update installation automatically (if its possible to figure out | 07:58 |
daniels | the old encoding) to UTF-8 or to mention this issue and a way to solve it to the | 07:58 |
daniels | user. Then the convmv package should go to main. | 07:58 |
daniels | !! | 07:58 |
lamont | cat >>conftest.$ac_ext <<_ACEOF | 08:01 |
lamont | extern int h_errno; | 08:01 |
lamont | int foo() { return h_errno; } | 08:01 |
lamont | we have a winner. | 08:01 |
lamont | md? | 08:05 |
lamont | mdz? | 08:05 |
lamont | mdz: pls sync 273615 | 08:05 |
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lamont | daniels: fixed | 08:12 |
Md | lamont: ? | 08:14 |
lamont | md: meant to type mdz. | 08:15 |
Md | lamont: BTW, any ideas about the mount segfault bug? I think it should be upgraded to RC | 08:16 |
lamont | md: no clue | 08:18 |
elmo | ugh, why on earth did nautilus move a library around without changing the package name? | 08:18 |
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Matt| | sup with the openoffice packages guys? | 08:40 |
seb128 | elmo: what ? | 08:48 |
seb128 | elmo: oh yes, nautilus 2.9 design is in change, should be fixed soon | 08:49 |
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lamont | Kamion: daily builds scheduled for hoary (but not warty - it rejects uploads... .:-) | 09:00 |
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pitti | mvo_: ping | 09:03 |
pitti | fabbione: got a minute for me? | 09:03 |
seb128 | lamont: do you know if epiphany-browser is waiting on something to build ? | 09:04 |
pitti | Kamion: do you have a minute for me? | 09:05 |
haggai | Matt|: they are b0rken | 09:06 |
Matt| | haggai, k fine | 09:06 |
Matt| | haggai, you doing em? | 09:06 |
Matt| | just wanted to make sure someone knew | 09:06 |
mvo_ | pitti: png | 09:07 |
mvo_ | pong even | 09:07 |
mdz | lamont: done | 09:08 |
haggai | Matt|: doko did the last set | 09:09 |
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Matt| | kthx | 09:11 |
lamont | mdz: btw, is fixed in krb4_1.2.2-11ubuntu3 | 09:11 |
mdz | lamont: please close it, then :-P | 09:11 |
lamont | yeah | 09:11 |
lamont | that was the plan | 09:12 |
=== lamont must run to town for a bit. lunch and a couple errands. back in 2-3 hours. | ||
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seb128 | lamont: any idea for epiphany-browser ? | 09:20 |
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seb128 | lamont: oups, later | 09:20 |
spotter | anyone know where I can get the language-tools-en needed by new openoffice debs? | 09:22 |
tseng | its not merged to ubuntu yet, give them some time to work it out. | 09:23 |
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Md | mdz: look at | 09:28 |
mdz | Md: regarding #1293? | 09:29 |
Md | mdz: yes. basically, you can choose a device by its bus position, model (human readable name or PCI/USB/whatever ID) or MAC address | 09:29 |
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mdz | Md: looks like what we need, thanks | 09:33 |
mdz | Md: we'll have a mail->bugs gateway soon :-) | 09:33 |
mdz | Md: what do you think we should use for a naming scheme? | 09:33 |
Md | mdz: cool. this is what I really miss in bugzilla | 09:33 |
mdz | we could try to make the numbered devices persistent, or name them according to some other scheme | 09:33 |
Md | mdz: I'm busy right now. let's talk about it at the next break | 09:33 |
Md | keep writing :-) | 09:34 |
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haggai | spotter: you don't actually need it. Make a dummy package or use a dpkg --force flag | 09:35 |
mdz | jdub: around? | 09:39 |
mdz | Md: I added some notes to bugzilla | 09:39 |
mdz | elmo: do you have a knob which lets us say "sync this package the next time it's updated, overwriting the ubuntu version"? | 09:44 |
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mdz | what's the story with | 09:48 |
tseng | it deps on some l10n stuff | 09:48 |
elmo | mdz: no | 09:49 |
tseng | that doesnt seem to be merged | 09:49 |
mdz | is there a bug in bugzilla already? | 09:49 |
tseng | Depends: (> 1.1.2+1.1.3) but it is not going to be installed or | 09:49 |
tseng | | 09:49 |
tseng | elmo: Broken packages | 09:49 |
mdz | I don't see one | 09:49 |
tseng | Depends: language-support-en but it is not installable | 09:50 |
tseng | i shall make you one in 10 minutes | 09:50 |
tseng | bbiaf | 09:50 |
mdz | nothing in Debian or Ubuntu builds language-support-en | 09:50 |
mdz | or oo.o-l10n-1.1.3 | 09:50 |
tseng | thats fairly odd | 09:50 |
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mdz | did dput suddenly stop defaulting to passve ftp or something? | 10:00 |
fabiand | hello, doesn anyone know the problem when modprobbing pktgen? | 10:01 |
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mdz | nope | 10:01 |
fabiand | i'm not sure whether it is a bug or not .. | 10:02 |
mdz | I don't know what the problem is, because for me there is no problem | 10:03 |
fabiand | ha - okay ... so works for you? | 10:03 |
fabiand | it says that my machine hasn't got a "working cycle counter" even google doesn#T know what this is .. | 10:04 |
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Md | mdz: I think that the solution depends on how many resources you can throw to the problem. in an ideal world we would have a configuration program which would generate the udev rules to statically bind hardware devices to names, and something which at boot time would check if some devices (dis)appeared and ask the user (email? DBUS?) to run the configuration program | 10:08 |
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ggi | I've been using Synaptic for the first time in a while, and I've noticed that it uses a fairly curious turn of phrase for many of its menu entries and prompts. One example that sticks out is "To be not upgraded" in the summary dialog. Other examples (in the preferences dialog), while technically correct, also read rather obtusely. It may just be me, I suppose. | 10:09 |
mdz | ggi: mvo_ is the person to talk to about synaptic | 10:09 |
mvo_ | ggi: are you a native speaker? | 10:09 |
ggi | mvo_: Of English, yes. | 10:09 |
mvo_ | I'm not, so any help with wording is appreciated :) | 10:10 |
sivang | mdz : ping | 10:11 |
sivang | hey ggi | 10:12 |
mdz | sivang: pong | 10:12 |
sivang | mdz : I was just reading the trail in my bug and in #3401, does debian also use hald? | 10:12 |
sivang | mdz : (recalling that when using debian sarge everything's fine) | 10:12 |
ggi | mvo_: I'll have a more detailed look through it, and see what I can improve. | 10:12 |
mvo_ | ggi: that would be great! thanks a lot | 10:13 |
mdz | sivang: I'm not sure what you mean | 10:13 |
mdz | sivang: debian contains hald and you can install it | 10:13 |
sivang | mdz : ok, sure I'll restate - does debian install it by default like warty/hoary? | 10:13 |
spotter | seb128: saw my dvd bug report? | 10:14 |
sivang | mdz : I'm trying to understand why debian doesn't have that problem | 10:15 |
mdz | sivang: which bug # is yours? | 10:15 |
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seb128 | spotter: #nnn ? | 10:16 |
sivang | mdz : 2315 | 10:17 |
mdz | sivang: did you not try the test that I suggested? | 10:17 |
mdz | sivang: that is a much simpler way to find out, rather than comparing with Debian | 10:17 |
sivang | mdz : hadn't had a chance yet, as this is borrowed laptop, but I will tommorow, however I think it's interesting to try and understand what debian has/hasn't that exempts it from carrying the bug, from my memory I recall that debian doesn't install hald by default, am I right? | 10:19 |
spotter | seb128: | 10:20 |
seb128 | spotter: yeah, I've read this one but no idea for the moment | 10:21 |
spotter | ok | 10:22 |
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sivang | mdz : ok, I will report tommorow on my finding with stopping hald :) thanks! | 10:27 |
mdz | sivang: with Debian it is entirely up to you and what you select | 10:30 |
mdz | by default you get a minimal system | 10:30 |
sivang | mdz : yes I almost had it forgotten, that almost every tiny bit of automation or support comes with loads of apt-gets and editinf conffiles :) | 10:30 |
tseng | mdz: sorry, getting pretty busy now | 10:31 |
tseng | ill get to filing that bug later if no one else has | 10:31 |
sivang | mdz : I especially recall one install I did on this same laptop using bf2.4, 3 days went before everything was set up. I had to manually fine tune X values to make X use the whole area of the lcd... | 10:32 |
tseng | bbl | 10:32 |
pitti | mdz: re derooting unix_chkpwd: as far as the Debian bug report says, setgid shadow will fail for NIS logins | 10:34 |
mdz | pitti: ah, good point | 10:34 |
pitti | mdz: okay, NIS should die and be replaced by LDAP, but there are still a lot of NIS systems around | 10:34 |
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mdz | pitti: perhaps the nis package could provide a setuid root version, and the default could be setgid shadow | 10:35 |
pitti | mdz: I would still favor a debconf question (normal, default setgid) | 10:35 |
pitti | mdz: hmm, could work as well | 10:35 |
pitti | mdz: but then nis had to use dpkg-statoverride? | 10:36 |
mdz | pitti: I was thinking it could be two separate programs | 10:36 |
pitti | mdz: or do some dirty trick with dpkg-divert, copy the executable binary and chmod it | 10:36 |
mdz | pitti: anyway, this one is a low priority; that is a small and auditable program | 10:36 |
mdz | there are worse offenders | 10:37 |
pitti | mdz: yeah, just thinking about it | 10:37 |
pitti | a matter of pride :-) | 10:37 |
thom | pitti: take a real challenge, make wu-ftpd not suck | 10:37 |
pitti | mdz: btw, I recently thought about a suid wrapper for dhcp3 client | 10:37 |
pitti | thom: good idea | 10:37 |
pitti | mdz: the daemon itself already runs fine | 10:38 |
thom | pitti: i don't think there's time before the next iceage, mind | 10:38 |
pitti | mdz: i'm still unsure how to call the script | 10:38 |
pitti | mdz: it would be pointless if the wrapper would accept anything dhclient would call through it | 10:39 |
pitti | thom: is vsftpd any better? | 10:40 |
pitti | thom: proftpd runs as normal user | 10:40 |
thom | pitti: much | 10:40 |
mdz | pitti: I think a privsep approach would be best, with one process continuing to run as root | 10:41 |
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pitti | thom: argh, wu-ftpd is universe | 10:41 |
pitti | thom: so why bother about it at all? | 10:42 |
pitti | mdz: two continuously running daemons? Wouldn't that be a recursive problem then? | 10:42 |
thom | pitti: dude, i was joking. sorry | 10:42 |
pitti | thom: hmm, okay. Then I go back derooting now :-) | 10:43 |
thom | pitti: it's just that wu-ftpd is the most insecure and buggy piece of software on the face of the planet ;-) | 10:43 |
pitti | thom: looking at the number of security issues I already read about it, I wholeheartedly agree :-) | 10:44 |
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ggi | Any ideas what should I change "To be not upgraded" to in Synaptic? I think I recall it being "To be kept back" in the past. | 10:57 |
mvo_ | ggi: eugenia (from osnews) complained that "kept back" sounds too much like it was kept back because of problems | 10:59 |
mvo_ | that was the reason why it was initially changed | 10:59 |
mvo_ | ggi: | 10:59 |
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mdz | mvo_: how about "unchanged"? | 11:06 |
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mvo_ | "unchanged" sounds pretty good to me. short and simple :) what do you think ggi? | 11:06 |
ggi | mvo_: Possibly. I'm not quite sure what "unchanged" would imply to a user. | 11:09 |
Kamion | lamont: thanks a lot | 11:09 |
Kamion | pitti: yep? | 11:09 |
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pitti | Kamion: ? | 11:10 |
pitti | Kamion: oh, the ping | 11:10 |
pitti | Kamion: that was about reviewing the libgd security update, but this is already done :-) | 11:10 |
Kamion | pitti: ok, cool, I was out at karate training | 11:11 |
|trey| | Can someone please fix the OOo packages... Matias Klose uploaded a package that depends some kde stuff... and everyone is going nuts :( | 11:11 |
ggi | mvo_: But even something like "Not upgraded" could be interpreted as referring to the unchanged entirety of the repository, I suppose. Hmm. | 11:11 |
pitti | Kamion: hey, nice. I do Tae Kwon Do, which is not too far apart... | 11:11 |
Kamion | pitti: cool; what belt? | 11:13 |
ggi | mvo_: The part of the repository not affected by the current upgrades/downgrades/installs and so on, that is. | 11:13 |
mvo_ | ggi: ok. | 11:14 |
pitti | Kamion: still the white one :-( There are no trials in my club | 11:15 |
Kamion | likewise, unfortunately I'm going to miss the red-belt grading due to being in Mataro | 11:15 |
Kamion | so I get to double-grade for orange in March | 11:15 |
pitti | orange??? | 11:16 |
pitti | oh, the Japanese system | 11:16 |
=== amu wears the 3rd DAN ;) | ||
pitti | wow | 11:16 |
=== Kamion bows. :-) | ||
pitti | Kamion: you can do a new belt every three months? | 11:16 |
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pitti | amu: how long have you done this now? | 11:16 |
Kamion | pitti: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, purple+white, brown, brown+white, brown+red, black | 11:16 |
Kamion | pitti: for the first five or six at least, yeah | 11:17 |
pitti | Kamion: you _start_ with a red belt? That's odd | 11:17 |
amu | pitti: something about 16years | 11:17 |
Kamion | pitti: yeah, basically just goes through the rainbow it seems | 11:17 |
pitti | Kamion: we have white, yellow, green, blue, red, black | 11:17 |
pitti | Kamion: with while-yellow, yellow-green and so on in between | 11:17 |
pitti | amu: wow, I only started at my 3rd uni semester, about 4 years ago | 11:18 |
pitti | oh, and sorry for being so OT :-) | 11:18 |
pitti | Kamion: btw, I did not read anything about training facilities in the Mataro hotel :-( | 11:19 |
=== pitti really liked the squash court in Oxford | ||
amu | pitti: hehe 4 years and still white? | 11:19 |
pitti | amu: as I said, no trials in our uni | 11:19 |
Kamion | pitti: haven't checked on that myself | 11:21 |
amu | pitti: yeah thats little bad, same here i've null time for it to my the 4th | 11:21 |
amu | s/my/make | 11:21 |
Kamion | pitti: sadly I'm not sure I'm advanced enough to train usefully with somebody from another discipline, although I could try | 11:21 |
pitti | Kamion: when did you start? | 11:22 |
Kamion | three months ago | 11:23 |
=== mvo_ goes to bed now | ||
Matt| | chaps bit of help needed. A guy has this error when starting firefox + thunderbird. He's tried everything that anyone in #ubuntu can think of. Sorry to disturb but someone might know | 11:30 |
Matt| | <ulisse> (firefox-bin:8683): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib | 11:30 |
Matt| | <ulisse> (firefox-bin:8683): Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers | 11:30 |
Matt| | <ulisse> *** loading the extensions datasource | 11:30 |
Matt| | <ulisse> *** ExtensionManager:_updateManifests: no access privileges to application directory, skipping. | 11:30 |
Matt| | <ulisse> Segmentation fault | 11:30 |
mdz | Kamion: problems committing to the seed archive again :-( | 11:33 |
mdz | arch_commit: unable to acquire revision lock (internal error in archive-pfs.c(pfs_lock_revision)) | 11:34 |
mdz | tree: /home/mdz/data/src/canonical/seeds/hoary | 11:34 |
mdz | revision: | 11:34 |
mdz | hmm | 11:34 |
mdz | elmo: I think you'll need to be the one to fix it | 11:34 |
pitti | mdz: did you happen to cancel a commit with ^C? | 11:37 |
pitti | mdz: this happened to me | 11:37 |
mdz | pitti: no, I have encountered that situation in the past though | 11:38 |
mdz | this time the repository is just broken | 11:38 |
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mdz | e.g., someone committed with a wrong umask | 11:38 |
pitti | mdz: ah, I had that once, too | 11:38 |
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pitti | mdz: it required to manually remove the lock directory from the server | 11:39 |
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pitti | Good night everybody! | 11:39 |
mdz | pitti: yes, but I don't have permission in this case | 11:39 |
mdz | pitti: good night | 11:39 |
pitti | mdz: same for me back then, I had to ask Oliver elphick to remove the dir | 11:40 |
pitti | mdz: somehow I felt that this was outright buggy... | 11:40 |
mdz | pitti: there is a bazaar bug in bugzilla already | 11:40 |
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mdz | Kamion: wow, openssh is still back on DH_COMPAT=2? | 11:54 |
elmo | mdz: fix it how? | 11:56 |
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mdz | elmo: g+w | 11:58 |
mdz | elmo: on the ++revision-lock directory, I think | 11:58 |
mdz | that's my best guess, anyway | 11:58 |
daniels | mdz: whoohoo!! | 12:00 |
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