TheCan | i just installed sshd, is there a way not to have the server running by default? | 12:00 |
zenpod | seemen, dpkg -i package.deb | 12:00 |
ogra | seemen: sudo dpkg -i <program.deb> | 12:00 |
seemen | thanks | 12:00 |
TheCan | dpkg-reconfigure doesnt help really | 12:00 |
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Myke | oh my... | 12:01 |
visor | TheCan: unset the x (eXecutable) bit from the /etc/init.d/sshd file | 12:01 |
pmfp | visor: that's pretty rough | 12:01 |
Myke | just had a phone call from my firlfriend... she didn't stop talking on the phone... | 12:01 |
Myke | i had to lie and tell her i'm working hard right now :p | 12:01 |
visor | pmfp: a better solution then would be...? | 12:01 |
ogra | TheCan: sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S??sshd | 12:02 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Hum... I still getting I have 2 users | 12:02 |
zenpod | Myke, lying is bad, mmkay ;) | 12:02 |
newtolinux_ | pfmp: ps -aux | grep ftp reutns nothing | 12:02 |
TheCan | visor, ogra: and i still will be able to run it manually then? | 12:02 |
ogra | TheCan: with my method .... yes | 12:03 |
pmfp | visor: dpkg-reconfigure ssh and say no to starting it automatically, second question that pops up if I don't remember incorrectly | 12:03 |
Myke | melazyboy: in sid and ubuntu you have packages with diferent versions orders... so, you can end up updating to a older version.. and that's, not talking about that the two packs were compiled by diferent groups for diferent systems... so, one pack or two can be ok... system wide mixing of the two, probably ends up with some trouble | 12:03 |
visor | TheCan: yes, as long as you do something like "sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start" | 12:03 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | I know it isnt a big deal but I wonder why do it says I have 2 users | 12:03 |
pmfp | TheCan: don't remove /etc/init.d/sshd | 12:03 |
ogra | TheCan: remove the link in /etc/rc2.d | 12:04 |
Myke | _|Imanewbie|_: one user is your graphic login, plus one user for you shell... | 12:04 |
pmfp | TheCan: run dpkg-reconfigure ssh and answer right to the second (?) question... you'll see | 12:04 |
newtolinux_ | pmfp: im sure my ftp is running yet i tried the thingsid wany resultithout you sa | 12:04 |
TheCan | pmfp, dpkg-reconfigure ssh has no effect for me :/ | 12:04 |
Myke | more command lines, more users | 12:04 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Myke: thanks! | 12:04 |
Myke | you can see that by typing: who | 12:04 |
pmfp | TheCan: did you see the question for it? | 12:04 |
TheCan | no i dont get any question | 12:04 |
melazyboy | Myke: Yea i can see it happening, just taking note to the difference... Ill have to designate a machine in the future to play around with that half of the prodcuts would be branned ubuntu, other half debian hahaga | 12:04 |
ogra | TheCan: it only removes the link for you ;) | 12:04 |
pmfp | TheCan: what does it say? | 12:04 |
melazyboy | branded* | 12:04 |
TheCan | it drops me back into commandline | 12:04 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Well and the screenshot how can I get it? | 12:04 |
ogra | pmfp: ubuntus debconf has another priority | 12:05 |
pmfp | ogra: oh | 12:05 |
pmfp | ogra: I'm a Debianite | 12:05 |
Myke | melazyboy: if you want what's in sid, just go for hoary... | 12:05 |
Myke | ubuntu hoary is much more updated than sid | 12:05 |
Myke | and, is compatible with warry :p | 12:05 |
melazyboy | Myke: Im using hoary | 12:05 |
ogra | TheCan: you can do a dpkg-reconfigure -plow openssh-server | 12:05 |
Myke | so, probably packs in sid are not more uptodate than that | 12:05 |
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Myke | check the versions... | 12:06 |
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TheCan | i already removed this symlink | 12:06 |
ogra | TheCan: but it still only removes the link for you ;) | 12:06 |
TheCan | lets see if it helps :-) | 12:06 |
melazyboy | Myke: Sid still had 88 packages listing w/ higher versions, i checked some of them sid openoffice was newer than hoary, but for the reasons mentioned about target audience i think id prefer to not upgrade | 12:06 |
Myke | you can in fact have older versions in sid looking like updates | 12:06 |
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pmfp | TheCan: what you should do, is: touch /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run | 12:06 |
davmor2 | bob2 ta for the NVIDIA tip works great. | 12:06 |
Myke | you have to versions in pack, program version, and pack version | 12:06 |
ogra | pmfp: great idea ! | 12:06 |
pmfp | TheCan: I checked /etc/rc0.d/K20ssh, it checks if that exists, and if it does it will not run | 12:07 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Cant I use a key on the kb to takea screenshot? | 12:07 |
TheCan | isnt there any "standard" approach for just about any server? | 12:07 |
Myke | a higher pack version doesn't mean more up to date | 12:07 |
pmfp | newtolinux: what's the name of the server you think is running? | 12:07 |
TheCan | i'm used to bsd where you can just say serverxy=YES or serverxy=NO in /etc/rc.conf | 12:07 |
ogra | TheCan: not yet ;) | 12:07 |
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Myke | TheCan: in linux, you can do that by changing the first letter in /etc/rcx.d | 12:08 |
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Myke | S to start you startup | 12:08 |
melazyboy | Myke well i think when i checked openoffice, it was like 1.2.0-2, and sid was like 1.2.0-3, nothing major | 12:08 |
Myke | K to kill (not start) on startup | 12:08 |
newtolinux | anyone mind helping me further wich solving this ftp prob of mine? | 12:08 |
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kaiser- | is there a way to see the taskmanager in linux ? | 12:08 |
pmfp | newtolinux: do you know the name of it? | 12:08 |
Myke | 1.2.0 is the program version | 12:08 |
Myke | so, same version there... | 12:08 |
Myke | -3 is the package version | 12:08 |
newtolinux | pmfp: no | 12:09 |
Myke | it means it was packed twice in ubuntu and three times in sid | 12:09 |
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ogra | kaiser-: look in applications->system tools | 12:09 |
melazyboy | hrm did not know that -3 was the package version | 12:09 |
pmfp | newtolinux: dpkg -l | grep ftp | 12:09 |
Myke | it doesn't tell you wich one is better off | 12:09 |
TheCan | like change the S into something else? | 12:09 |
Myke | from S to K | 12:09 |
FromOnHigh_ | Hello.. I'm using Ubuntu Linux and I'd like to do two things.. One, mount several FAT32 hard drives and change the GNOME interface to XFCE4 with iDesk while deleting all traces of GNOME from my desktop.. I'm moreless clueless (I downloaded XFCE4 but it crashed my system and made the boot loader non-functional) | 12:09 |
Myke | or from K to S | 12:09 |
Myke | just those two letters | 12:09 |
TheCan | ok when i try to access the box now i get: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused | 12:09 |
ogra | TheCan: so ssh is off | 12:10 |
TheCan | but i would expect to get nothing rather... | 12:10 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Why the system doesnt takea shot if I press print screen? | 12:10 |
Nefarous | Where can I find libqt-mt (not showing anything Qt related in apt-cache) | 12:10 |
newtolinux_ | ii ftp 0.17-12 The FTP client. | 12:10 |
newtolinux_ | ii lftp 3.0.5-1 Sophisticated command-line FTP/HTTP client p | 12:10 |
TheCan | like on any other port where no server is running | 12:10 |
ogra | newtolinux_: only clients | 12:10 |
kaiser- | cuz i cant get any sound in quake 3 and my friend told me to closedown xmms | 12:10 |
pmfp | TheCan: you can use a firewall to drop all connection attempts | 12:10 |
kaiser- | and i cant even turn it on | 12:10 |
TheCan | well i want to ommit a firewall, it complicates things often | 12:10 |
pmfp | TheCan: I'm not sure, it might say connection refused after a few hundred ages too anyway | 12:10 |
newtolinux | orga: when i try to conenct to myself on port 21 it asks for a password | 12:11 |
Myke | TheCan: look for qShield script | 12:11 |
TheCan | well anyways it's not running anymore and thats what i wanted, thank you guys :-) | 12:11 |
Myke | makes configuring a firewall a very easy task | 12:11 |
zenpod | I need an artist at my disposal, darnit. | 12:11 |
pmfp | newtolinux: netstat -tap, what's running on the ftp port? | 12:11 |
Myke | gShield | 12:11 |
Myke | sorry :p | 12:11 |
zenpod | kaiser-, check the sound output quake 3 or xmms are using. Are you using GNOME? | 12:11 |
pmfp | quake3 uses OSS | 12:12 |
ogra | zenpod: what a question in a ubuntu channel ;) | 12:12 |
kaiser- | zenpod, yea but i dont know how to do that | 12:12 |
pmfp | xmms can use ALSA using plugins | 12:12 |
TheCan | well then there is only this kernel issues yet :/ | 12:12 |
kaiser- | zenpod, im still new to linux | 12:12 |
zenpod | ogra, I ran into a guy this morning who was using KDE ;) | 12:12 |
TheCan | i no one of you running a normal "vanilla" kernel in ubuntu? | 12:12 |
zenpod | kaiser-, set XMMS to use ALSA or ESD | 12:12 |
ogra | zenpod: yes, i heard there are some :) | 12:12 |
zenpod | kaiser-, then it won't conflict with OSS for Q3. | 12:12 |
TheCan | i tried so many times today, but all make-kpkg'ed kernel dont want to work because there is something missing so it cant find the hard drive | 12:12 |
Myke | i'm going to get killed by this... but, i had to change the defaults looks of gnome... i opted for a winxp look :| | 12:13 |
zenpod | TheCan, I use linux-686-smp from the ubuntu repository | 12:13 |
kaiser- | zenpod, what you just said wont tell me anything, you have to go down to details :) | 12:13 |
ogra | kaiser-: did i understand right that you dont know how to turn on xmms ? but your friend told you to stop it ? | 12:13 |
anders_ | made a bug about the hotplug alsa snd-usb-audio thing #4202 | 12:13 |
zenpod | kaiser-, see the little X logo in XMMS? Right click on it, select properties, or whatever.. chanjge the sound output to ALSA or ESD | 12:13 |
ogra | anders_: great ;) | 12:13 |
=== zenpod can't tell you exactly, as he's in XP at the moment. | ||
anders_ | :) | 12:14 |
kaiser- | no i dont see it zenwhen | 12:14 |
Myke | so, anyone here using linux as gateway for windows clients? | 12:14 |
zenpod | ogra, the *only* think KDE has over gnome is K3b | 12:14 |
pmfp | Well, I'm off to bed, school, sparring and france | 12:14 |
FromOnHigh_ | Is there a way to uninstall GNOME from Ubuntu and add XFCE? | 12:14 |
kaiser- | i dont know how to turn it off, cuz when i start it it just loads for a sec | 12:14 |
zenpod | kaiser-, erg. Is your XMMS black with blue text? | 12:14 |
kaiser- | and then nothing | 12:14 |
zenpod | oh. | 12:14 |
SmokingFire | what's the command again to create a directory? | 12:15 |
RuffianSoldier | | 12:15 |
kaiser- | you mean the icon ? | 12:15 |
zenpod | I suspect xmms running isn't the problem then :) | 12:15 |
Myke | mkdir | 12:15 |
pmfp | SmokingFire: mkdir tjo | 12:15 |
TheCan | SmokingFire, mkdir | 12:15 |
zenpod | SmokingFire, mkdir | 12:15 |
SmokingFire | I'm used to the amiga md command | 12:15 |
SmokingFire | thanks guys | 12:15 |
TheCan | SmokingFire, you can setup an alias in your shell | 12:15 |
TheCan | :) | 12:15 |
zenpod | kaiser-, so you don't see a nice little winamp-looking interface? | 12:15 |
kaiser- | no | 12:15 |
SmokingFire | TheCan: I should do that | 12:15 |
Myke | SmokingFire: pico ~/.bashrc | 12:15 |
zenpod | kaiser-, xmms isn't running then. Do you use nvidia drivers by chance? | 12:16 |
Myke | add: alias md='mkdir' | 12:16 |
kaiser- | i cant turn it on either | 12:16 |
kaiser- | yes i do | 12:16 |
zenpod | kaiser-, install libmikmod2 from synaptic | 12:16 |
zenpod | kaiser-, it's a known bug | 12:16 |
zenpod | xmms will run once you install libmikmod2. | 12:16 |
SmokingFire | Myke: at what point? | 12:16 |
Myke | SmokingFire: at any point you want | 12:16 |
SmokingFire | totally below? | 12:16 |
kaiser- | do i have to reboot zenwhen ? | 12:16 |
Nefarous | I want to run nvmixer, but it requires libqt-mt ... don't see it in the apt-cache, any clues??? | 12:16 |
Myke | next time you open a shell | 12:16 |
Myke | you can use md as mkdir | 12:16 |
kaiser- | sorry zenwhen i ment zenpod * | 12:17 |
zenpod | speaking of, I saw the funniest post on the ubuntu forums today. 'apt-get install *lib - be like microsoft, and have no dependancy issues!' | 12:17 |
zenpod | kaiser-, nope | 12:17 |
Myke | lol | 12:17 |
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SmokingFire | how do you save in pico? | 12:17 |
kaiser- | and now the sound will work in quake 3 ? | 12:17 |
FromOnHigh_ | How do I uninstall Ubuntu without killing any other OSes on my computer? | 12:17 |
Myke | they forgot: sudo before apt-get | 12:17 |
SmokingFire | its writeout? | 12:17 |
FromOnHigh_ | Namely the Boot loader? | 12:17 |
Myke | SmokingFire: control + X | 12:17 |
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zenpod | kaiser-, we'll deal with that shortly :) | 12:18 |
Myke | then Y | 12:18 |
kaiser- | i gotta game to play now | 12:18 |
zenpod | kaiser-, go fix xmms, hehe | 12:18 |
kaiser- | ill be back later | 12:18 |
zenpod | see ya. | 12:18 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | printscreen doesnt want to print the screen =/ | 12:18 |
zenpod | SmokingFire, nano > pico, btw | 12:18 |
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SmokingFire | zenpod: I never used it before. | 12:19 |
Myke | _|Imanewbie|_: click in the bar, where it say "computer" 3 option from below | 12:19 |
Myke | capture something, should do the trick | 12:19 |
zenpod | SmokingFire, pico is like the pine email client, ever used that? | 12:19 |
Myke | (i can't say it in english because my desktop it's not in english :) | 12:19 |
zenpod | SmokingFire, as far as editing and stuff goes. | 12:19 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Myke: cant I use a kb shortcut? | 12:19 |
SmokingFire | zenpod: nope sorry I haven't | 12:20 |
zenpod | SmokingFire, oh ok. | 12:20 |
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SmokingFire | how do I download a whole website with wget? just wget <url> * ? | 12:20 |
zenpod | SmokingFire, pico and nano are similar, I just prefer nano. They're simple to use, and nicer than vi or emacs | 12:20 |
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zenpod | Heh, realplayer 10 actually works well in gnome. Go figure. | 12:21 |
SmokingFire | well, I think I have used vi once, when my video config was wrong. | 12:21 |
SmokingFire | But normally I prefer gedit. | 12:21 |
jdub | the real guys have been coming to gnome events for ages now ;) | 12:21 |
zenpod | SmokingFire, I prefer vi to emacs, but we won't even start that. :) | 12:21 |
=== zenpod laughs | ||
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Myke | zenpod: pico and nano are similar for a reason | 12:24 |
zenpod | Myke, yah | 12:24 |
Myke | pico it's not free and nano is a copy of pico | 12:24 |
zenpod | Myke, I just prefer nano personally. | 12:24 |
=== zenpod nods | ||
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zenpod | pico is Uwashinton stuff, iirc. | 12:25 |
Myke | they behave the same :p | 12:25 |
Tpyo_Knig | anyone had/have any luck compiling gDesklets .31.1? | 12:25 |
Tpyo_Knig | it keeps telling me that cpp fails the sanity check | 12:25 |
Tpyo_Knig | configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check | 12:26 |
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zenpod | Myke, hush, don't burst my bubble ;) | 12:28 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: install build-essential | 12:31 |
Myke | eheheheh | 12:31 |
Tpyo_Knig | already had to do an apt-get install gcc | 12:31 |
zenpod | I love this new wireless keyboard and mouse | 12:31 |
ogra | no idea what gdesklets (python) does with g++ | 12:31 |
Tpyo_Knig | ogra, that worked | 12:32 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: gcc != g++ | 12:32 |
Tpyo_Knig | thx | 12:32 |
Tpyo_Knig | ogra, this required gcc lol | 12:32 |
Tpyo_Knig | it said explictly : gcc not found | 12:32 |
Myke | anyone here wants to go to the airport tomorrow morning get my gf? | 12:32 |
Myke | i want to sleep :| | 12:32 |
ogra | hehe | 12:32 |
ogra | Myke: _get_ your gf ? | 12:33 |
Myke | from the airport to her house here... | 12:33 |
superted | hehe | 12:33 |
Myke | (she went to visit her family for the weekend) | 12:33 |
Tpyo_Knig | now what... | 12:33 |
Tpyo_Knig | checking for glib-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0 gtk+-2.0 pygtk-2.0 >= 2.0.0... Package glib-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. | 12:33 |
Tpyo_Knig | Perhaps you should add the directory containing `glib-2.0.pc' | 12:33 |
Myke | apt-get install glib :) | 12:34 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: now: sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel | 12:34 |
Myke | and so on... | 12:34 |
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Myke | there should be a program to take file request... with a database of wich file is in wich package... | 12:34 |
Tpyo_Knig | E: Couldn't find package gnome-core-devel | 12:34 |
Tpyo_Knig | root@wdbt:/home/twiztid # | 12:34 |
Tpyo_Knig | :/ | 12:35 |
Myke | and auto-install packages as soon as they are required | 12:35 |
ogra | gnome-core-devel - The GNOME Desktop Environment -- development components | 12:35 |
ogra | hmm | 12:35 |
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Myke | a message should pop-up: Program X is looking for Y pack that is not available, do you wish to install it? | 12:36 |
Myke | :p | 12:36 |
keknehv | I just set up apache2, and now I have in my /var/www folder, an "apache2-default" folder | 12:36 |
Myke | ogra: isn't gnome-core-devel in universe ? | 12:36 |
Tpyo_Knig | ogra, what repo is it in? | 12:36 |
keknehv | Can I safely delete this folder and put index.html and such in the main /var/www | 12:41 |
zenpod | hm cool, cedega .debs | 12:41 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: its in universe | 12:41 |
ogra | i'm a bit astonished | 12:41 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | how can I change my username in ubuntu? | 12:41 |
keknehv | So how do I change what web pages apache serves? | 12:41 |
Myke | keknehv: apache serves what's in /var/www | 12:41 |
keknehv | yes... | 12:41 |
keknehv | I have a 'default | 12:41 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: user and groups tool in the system tools menu below computer | 12:41 |
Myke | you just remove everything there | 12:41 |
keknehv | okay | 12:41 |
Myke | and put there what you want served | 12:41 |
keknehv | brb | 12:41 |
zenpod | silly question, is php and mysql in synaptic, by chance? | 12:41 |
Myke | zenpod: yes | 12:41 |
zenpod | can someone in ubuntu at the moment check for me? | 12:41 |
zenpod | ah sweet | 12:41 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: btw, gdesklets is in universe too | 12:41 |
=== zenpod has to set up a webserver for his gf's blog. | ||
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: thx | 12:41 |
Myke | zenpod: with photo blog? | 12:41 |
Myke | with naked photos? | 12:41 |
zenpod | Myke, no, just normal blog | 12:41 |
zenpod | sorry, none of that :) | 12:41 |
Myke | what a waste of apache resources | 12:41 |
zenpod | haha | 12:41 |
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=== zenpod isn't about to share his gf naked with the world, sorry! | ||
Tpyo_Knig | I didnt have universe enabled as a repo | 12:41 |
Myke | so many man hours to produce apache... as you used to let a girl speak even more... | 12:41 |
keknehv | it's still trying to send me to apache-default | 12:41 |
Myke | s/as/and | 12:41 |
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Myke | does anyone here knows anything about upnp? | 12:41 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: so enable it and save the time for compiling ;) | 12:41 |
keknehv | if I put an index.html in /var/www, shouldn't apache recognize it and send me there? | 12:41 |
Myke | keknehv: usually yes... | 12:41 |
Myke | if you didn't mess up with apache conf :p | 12:41 |
keknehv | what? | 12:42 |
keknehv | what should I change in apache conf? | 12:42 |
keknehv | go here to see the message: | 12:42 |
Myke | do you have something about red chicken in index.html ? | 12:43 |
keknehv | what? | 12:44 |
keknehv | red chicken? | 12:44 |
keknehv | NOOO... | 12:44 |
ogra | keknehv: change /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default | 12:44 |
keknehv | oh.... ok | 12:44 |
keknehv | thanks | 12:44 |
Myke | check for yourself | 12:44 |
Myke | you do have fire chicken on your site | 12:44 |
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ogra | keknehv: comment the RedirectMatch line | 12:44 |
Tpyo_Knig | yuck ogra the gdesklets in universe is .26 | 12:45 |
Tpyo_Knig | new version is .31.1 | 12:45 |
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Nefarous | What package can I use for rar files under ubuntu? | 12:46 |
keknehv | Myke... what are you sending me? | 12:46 |
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ogra | Tpyo_Knig: what advantages has .31.1 over .26 ? | 12:47 |
keknehv | BTW, it's working now. (don't go there--please [it's about 4 years old] ) | 12:47 |
Tpyo_Knig | newer commands for the plugings | 12:47 |
Myke | keknehv: screnshoot of you chicken page | 12:47 |
Tpyo_Knig | that and the ./configure still doesnt detect it | 12:47 |
keknehv | oh... ok | 12:47 |
ogra | Nefarous: unrar-nonfree i think .... from multiverse | 12:47 |
keknehv | I think I'm gonna get rid of that now :D | 12:47 |
Tpyo_Knig | configure: error: Library requirements (glib-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0 gtk+-2.0 pygtk-2.0 >= 2.0.0) not met | 12:47 |
Nefarous | ogra: thanks, I'll add it to my repo list ... I haven't gone there yet. | 12:49 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: sudo apt-get install gnome-core-devel | 12:49 |
Tpyo_Knig | i did that | 12:49 |
kaiser- | zenpod, you there? ^^ | 12:49 |
zenpod | kaiser-, eh, kidna | 12:49 |
bruceonline | n8 cu | 12:49 |
Tpyo_Knig | gnome-core-devel is already the newest version. | 12:49 |
Tpyo_Knig | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 12:49 |
zenpod | putting drops in my ears for ear infection :/ | 12:49 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: did it install a big bunch of files ? | 12:49 |
Tpyo_Knig | 70 sum mb | 12:49 |
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IRCMonkey | Typo_Knig and ogra - I get the same error and did gnome-core-devel | 12:49 |
keknehv | uh-oh.... where did that file go? | 12:49 |
kaiser- | thats to much info | 12:49 |
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kaiser- | so you know what the prob might be ? | 12:49 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: on warty or hoary ? | 12:50 |
kaiser- | with my quake 3 ? | 12:50 |
Tpyo_Knig | warty | 12:50 |
Myke | sudo: apt-get install libglib2.0-dev | 12:50 |
Myke | and so on for, pixbuf and gtk+ | 12:50 |
Tpyo_Knig | libglib2.0-dev is already the newest version. | 12:50 |
keknehv | Ahhh.... the page is MUCH better | 12:50 |
Myke | and, pygtk | 12:50 |
keknehv | Where do files go once received in X-Chat? | 12:50 |
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Myke | what? | 12:50 |
Myke | no more chicken? :S | 12:50 |
zenpod | kaiser-, are you using any other programs that play sound besides quake3? | 12:51 |
keknehv | lol | 12:51 |
keknehv | That thing was made by HAND | 12:51 |
Myke | .xchat/download | 12:51 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Does ubuntu has a .deb package to set uo java on firefox? | 12:51 |
keknehv | ouch... painful | 12:51 |
Myke | or something like that | 12:51 |
zenpod | keknehv, .xchat/download | 12:51 |
zenpod | er heh | 12:51 |
ogra | Tpyo_Knig: python-gtk2-dev | 12:51 |
nitin | anyone know how i can force fglrx or XFREE to think im using a 9700 PRO (which i am) right now it thinks im using a 9500 generic | 12:51 |
joh | Anyone on hoary noticed how the gnome-terminal doesn't take focus when started? | 12:51 |
kaiser- | zenpod, nop | 12:51 |
nitin | i checked CHIPID but its nto helping | 12:51 |
nitin | all i can do with chipid is switch it from generic to pro | 12:52 |
nitin | anyone? | 12:52 |
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keknehv | If you still want to see my old page, it's at | 12:52 |
Myke | keknehv: do you like that screen shoot? :p | 12:52 |
TheStuff | hi all | 12:53 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: | 12:56 |
TheStuff | how can i re-install GRUB ? | 12:56 |
keknehv | lol | 12:56 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: i would suggest method two | 12:56 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: thanks! | 12:56 |
keknehv | it's... okay | 12:56 |
zenpod | kaiser-, sudo lsod /dev/dsp | 12:56 |
zenpod | kaiser-, sudo lsod /dev/dsp | 12:56 |
Myke | TheStuff: open synaptic | 12:56 |
zenpod | ack - kaiser-, sudo lsof /dev/dsp | 12:56 |
=== zenpod sucks | ||
Myke | select grub, then reinstall option | 12:56 |
zenpod | kaiser-, tell me if there's any output | 12:56 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: but method one is what yo asked for :) | 12:56 |
kaiser- | lsod command not found | 12:56 |
TheStuff | Myke, open synaptic ? whts that ? | 12:56 |
ogra | kaiser-: missing a m | 12:56 |
keknehv | I'm too lazy to look it up so... how do you make apache2 add something to the bottom of every page? | 12:56 |
zenpod | kaiser-, lsof | 12:56 |
zenpod | I typo'd | 12:56 |
Myke | it's the package manager | 12:56 |
Myke | it's like apt-get | 12:56 |
ogra | zenpod: ahh, i though lsmod :) | 12:56 |
Myke | but, in X, and.. better :p | 12:56 |
kaiser- | hmm and then when im done with that? | 12:56 |
TheStuff | ok Myke .. i`ll check out | 12:56 |
zenpod | ogra, hehe :) | 12:56 |
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zenpod | kaiser-, tell me if there's any result from that command. It'll list if any other programs are using your soundcard | 12:56 |
Myke | keknehv: you have several options... | 12:56 |
kaiser- | there wasnt any | 12:56 |
Myke | one of them, is to use server side includes | 12:56 |
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Myke | just activate that option in apache conf | 12:56 |
Myke | change from .html to .shtml | 12:56 |
Myke | and you can include other files in your .shtml | 12:56 |
zenpod | kaiser-, hm. Okay, so that's weird. | 12:56 |
Tpyo_Knig | yay | 12:56 |
kaiser- | yea | 12:56 |
Tpyo_Knig | finally got it to work | 12:56 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: I will do it manually and link stuff my self | 12:56 |
keknehv | oh... okay | 12:56 |
keknehv | I remember reading that | 12:56 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: I'm used to do it from slack | 12:56 |
zenpod | kaiser-, are you running quake3 from console? | 12:56 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: ok.... but method 2 brings v1.5 in :) | 12:56 |
keknehv | so... ssh... check... webserver... check... now to get ftp... | 12:56 |
zenpod | kaiser-, if so, are you seeing any error messages? | 12:56 |
kaiser- | you mean from the termina ? | 12:56 |
zenpod | yeah | 12:56 |
kaiser- | terminal* | 12:56 |
kaiser- | yes and no | 12:56 |
zenpod | hmmm. | 12:57 |
kaiser- | i run from terminal = yes | 12:57 |
keknehv | what ftp server do you recommend? | 12:57 |
kaiser- | error = no | 12:57 |
keknehv | (you=you all) | 12:57 |
Tpyo_Knig | damnit :/ | 12:57 |
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zenpod | kaiser-, I'm stumped. Sorry. If nothing is using /dev/dsp, it *ought* to work. | 12:57 |
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Hikaru79 | Guys... HUGE problem x_x | 12:57 |
Hikaru79 | I was on my Ubuntu system | 12:57 |
kaiser- | ok i know someone who might know how to fix | 12:57 |
keknehv | what? X_X | 12:57 |
Hikaru79 | Happily working away | 12:57 |
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keknehv | and...? | 12:57 |
stuNNed | keknehv, did you get your mount vfat partition sorted? | 12:57 |
zenpod | kaiser-, cool :) | 12:57 |
Hikaru79 | Then... power outage | 12:57 |
Hikaru79 | Power comes back on | 12:57 |
Hikaru79 | I turn my computer back on | 12:57 |
Hikaru79 | And I get to the login screen | 12:58 |
keknehv | No, stupid thing -_- | 12:58 |
Hikaru79 | I put in my user/pass | 12:58 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: what does "** edit /usr/share/java-package/ to reflect the actual JDK 1.5 release version" means? | 12:58 |
Hikaru79 | It does some processing | 12:58 |
keknehv | and...? | 12:58 |
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Hikaru79 | Then spits out this error: | 12:58 |
keknehv | ***GASP*** | 12:58 |
Hikaru79 | I know. | 12:58 |
Hikaru79 | Ph33r :( | 12:58 |
keknehv | lol | 12:58 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, edit that file, where it says 'beta2' , remove it | 12:58 |
nitin | how do i force my vid card to be detected as a 9700 pro (which it is) | 12:58 |
nitin | chipid isnt working | 12:58 |
Hikaru79 | I *really* don't want to have to reformat my drive... any ideas? x_x Please? | 12:58 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: nothing anymore it was fixed afaik ....but else you would have to edit one line in the script from 1.4 to 1.5 | 12:59 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: and I will still have to do ln -s stuff? | 12:59 |
Hikaru79 | And just for the record, I am *sure* I am nowehere near out of diskspace | 12:59 |
Hikaru79 | I have over 40 GB left, actually | 12:59 |
Myke | Hikaru79: that out of disk space is suspicious... | 12:59 |
Hikaru79 | Over 40 GB | 12:59 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, ehh? what instructions are you following? | 12:59 |
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martinald | hi | 12:59 |
Myke | have you checked that you root fs was mounted read write and not read only | 12:59 |
martinald | how can i get intltoolize on ubuntu | 12:59 |
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Myke | maybe there was some problem with the filesystem because of light out... | 12:59 |
ogra | Hikaru79: is /home/hikaru79/.ICEauthority there ? | 12:59 |
Hikaru79 | Myke, my system was working fine before the outage. | 12:59 |
Hikaru79 | Lemme check | 12:59 |
Myke | and ext3 didn't managed to fix in automatic way | 01:00 |
martinald | i am trying to recompile metacity minus composite | 01:00 |
ogra | Hikaru79: and which permissions has it if yes ? | 01:00 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_,, use method 2. | 01:00 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: oki, well it cant find the package | 01:00 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, one sec | 01:00 |
martinald | but i need intltoolize (i have installed intltool-debian to no avail) | 01:00 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: its in uni or multiverse | 01:00 |
Myke | also, check if file /home/hikaru79/.ICEauthority | 01:00 |
Myke | is present and readable | 01:00 |
keknehv | How do you see how much disk space is left? | 01:00 |
Myke | df | 01:00 |
martinald | keknehv df or goto system monitor (in applications menu) | 01:01 |
Hikaru79 | Myke, /home/hikaru79/.ICEauthority is not there... | 01:01 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, | 01:01 |
keknehv | /dev/hda2 28837236 17642264 9730124 65% / | 01:01 |
keknehv | tmpfs 95744 0 95744 0% /dev/shm | 01:01 |
keknehv | /dev/hda1 39695360 3978048 35717312 11% /mnt/windows | 01:01 |
ogra | keknehv: df -h | 01:01 |
Hikaru79 | Yes, I am checking hidden files | 01:01 |
keknehv | dang -_- | 01:01 |
martinald | anyone want to help me install intltoolize on ubuntu :(? | 01:01 |
Hikaru79 | How could it have disappeared? :S | 01:01 |
keknehv | That's the last time that I try to get every game in the universe, multiverse, and the base | 01:01 |
keknehv | :D | 01:01 |
Hikaru79 | LMAO, keknehv ^ ^;; | 01:01 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, you could try 'touch /home/hikaru79/.ICEauthority' may or may not help | 01:02 |
keknehv | It took about three hours to download and install :D | 01:02 |
Myke | Hikaru79: try to add a new user | 01:02 |
Myke | and login with that new user | 01:02 |
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Myke | maybe you just got corrupt home dir files | 01:02 |
keknehv | So now I've got over 600 games in /usr/games | 01:02 |
Hikaru79 | knoppix@ttyp0[hikaru79] $ touch /home/hikaru79/.ICEauthority | 01:02 |
Hikaru79 | touch: cannot touch `/home/hikaru79/.ICEauthority': No such file or directory | 01:02 |
zenpod | keknehv, bwahaha. | 01:02 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, just make an empty text file | 01:02 |
Hikaru79 | Myke, *can* I create a new user for Ubuntu through Knoppix? o_O; | 01:02 |
keknehv | and I feel an urge to try them all! | 01:02 |
keknehv | ^_^ | 01:03 |
Hikaru79 | Oh wait! | 01:03 |
Hikaru79 | I found it! | 01:03 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: where do I save it? | 01:03 |
zenpod | aha. | 01:03 |
Hikaru79 | It *is* here... but it's a file, not a directory | 01:03 |
Myke | Hikaru79: you should be hable to boot ubuntu | 01:03 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, whereever. doesn't matter | 01:03 |
Hikaru79 | Myke, I can't | 01:03 |
Hikaru79 | Oh wait | 01:03 |
Myke | and get a command line (no graphic) root login | 01:03 |
Hikaru79 | Yeah I can | 01:03 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, you're going to use java-package to make a .deb from it | 01:03 |
Hikaru79 | Command line ^ ^:; | 01:03 |
Hikaru79 | I found .ICEauthority, by the way... | 01:03 |
martinald | anyone want to help me install intltoolize on ubuntu :(? | 01:03 |
Myke | then, if the problem is just with your home dir | 01:03 |
sect2k | hi, can someone please tell me where ubuntu logs boot messages? | 01:03 |
Myke | creating a new user should be a quick fix | 01:04 |
zenpod | sect2k, /var/messages I expect | 01:04 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: oki | 01:04 |
zenpod | er /var/log/messages | 01:04 |
carlos | sect2k: dmesg|less | 01:04 |
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keknehv | what's the tmpfs filesystem? | 01:04 |
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ogra | sect2k: /var/log/dmesg holds only the boot messages | 01:04 |
Myke | keknehv: it's a export to user space of shm kernel system | 01:04 |
keknehv | oh... ok | 01:05 |
Hikaru79 | knoppix@ttyp0[hikaru79] $ touch .ICEauthority | 01:05 |
Hikaru79 | touch: cannot touch `.ICEauthority': Read-only file system | 01:05 |
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Hikaru79 | Should it be read and write? | 01:05 |
keknehv | So what's the best ftp server out there? | 01:05 |
Myke | yes, it should | 01:05 |
Hikaru79 | Aha! | 01:05 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, umm... did you boot in ro? | 01:05 |
zenpod | that'd be an issue, lol | 01:05 |
sect2k | i've look at those files, but i can't find an error message i see during boot | 01:05 |
ogra | Hikaru79: nope it shouldnt...its knoppix | 01:05 |
Hikaru79 | So should I use root terminal to make it +x/ | 01:05 |
Hikaru79 | *? | 01:05 |
Myke | Hikaru79: what's the output of: mount | 01:05 |
Hikaru79 | But... this is on the original /home/hikaru79 | 01:05 |
martinald | also, how can i get firefox 1.0? | 01:05 |
ogra | Hikaru79: remount with the rw option | 01:05 |
Hikaru79 | Output of mount: knoppix@ttyp0[hikaru79] $ mount | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | /dev/root on / type ext2 (rw) | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | /dev/scd0 on /cdrom type iso9660 (ro) | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | /dev/cloop on /KNOPPIX type iso9660 (ro) | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | /proc/bus/usb on /proc/bus/usb type usbdevfs (rw,devmode=0666) | 01:06 |
ogra | Hikaru79: knoppix is supposed to mount ro by default | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | automount(pid512) on /mnt/auto type autofs (rw,fd=4,pgrp=512,minproto=2,maxproto=4) | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | /dev/hda1 on /mnt/hda1 type ext3 (ro,nosuid,nodev) | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | 'ro'? | 01:06 |
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Myke | read only | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | Oooh | 01:06 |
zenpod | martinald, | 01:06 |
Myke | i have to mount that rw to write there | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | So *everything* will be read only in Knoppix? | 01:06 |
Hikaru79 | By default? | 01:06 |
Myke | but, you're not in ubuntu | 01:06 |
Xenguy | keknehv: I don't use ftp servers, but I have heard that vsftpd is worth a look (designed with security in mind IIRC) | 01:07 |
Myke | why don't you change into ubuntu | 01:07 |
Myke | login with root | 01:07 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, just umount it, then mount it again ro | 01:07 |
Myke | create a new user | 01:07 |
Myke | and try that | 01:07 |
Hikaru79 | OK... | 01:07 |
keknehv | okay, thanks Xenguy (I think I already have that one installed, too) | 01:07 |
ogra | Hikaru79: remount it with rw option | 01:07 |
zenpod | er, rw, yeah, what ogra said | 01:07 |
zenpod | I am dumb today :P | 01:07 |
Xenguy | keknehv: I'd be interested to know what others think about good ftp servers too | 01:07 |
Hikaru79 | Hm | 01:07 |
martinald | ok another question.. any way to enable drop shadows | 01:08 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | martinald: I think firefox 1.0 isnt avaliable in ubuntu repositories | 01:08 |
martinald | im using xorg, hoary | 01:08 |
martinald | yea i undersstand.. that sucks. | 01:08 |
ogra | Hikaru79: mount -o remount,rw dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 | 01:09 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | martinald: what is the advantage of xorg toward xfree? | 01:09 |
Hikaru79 | Thanks :) | 01:09 |
zenpod | martinald, you can just install it from firefox website. | 01:09 |
Hikaru79 | Done ^ ^ | 01:09 |
Hikaru79 | Next? | 01:09 |
FromOnHigh_ | How do you uninstall Ubuntu and the boot loader without doing a full system format? | 01:10 |
hypa7ia | FromOnHigh_: you need to resize your partitions | 01:11 |
martinald | iamanewbie: not much yet, but i'd like to have drop shadows | 01:11 |
ogra | Hikaru79: touch the file :) | 01:11 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | FromOnHigh_: fdisk /mbr cleans the boot loard | 01:11 |
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TheStuff | hi all | 01:11 |
zenpod | ogra, that sounds almost perverted, lol | 01:11 |
TheStuff | Myke, re-installing grub did not solve my issue | 01:11 |
zenpod | 'Touch the file! Touch the file! | 01:11 |
Hikaru79 | K | 01:11 |
ogra | hehe | 01:11 |
FromOnHigh_ | Does the file... Squirm? | 01:12 |
Myke | TheStuff: tell the problem once more.. i forgot :p | 01:12 |
Hikaru79 | Do I use sudo with it? Because without, it's saying "permission denied" | 01:12 |
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Hikaru79 | OK, I did: sudo touch .ICEauthority | 01:13 |
Hikaru79 | Is that it? | 01:13 |
ogra | Hikaru79: is the file there ? | 01:14 |
Hikaru79 | Yes | 01:14 |
TheStuff | Myke, i didn`t tell u befor .. :) any way .. my winXP system had crushed, i have ghost for the system .. but the problem is that when i ghost it, it do not boot only win intializing then the PC restart it seld .. any clue ? | 01:14 |
Hikaru79 | It's there | 01:14 |
TheStuff | Myke, i didn`t tell u befor .. :) any way .. my winXP system had crushed, i have ghost for the system .. | 01:15 |
ogra | Hikaru79: you will need to chown it to the dir owner.... dunno if that works from knoppix | 01:15 |
TheStuff | but the problem is that when i ghost it, it do not boot only win intializing then the PC restart it seld .. any clue ? | 01:15 |
Hikaru79 | How would I do that? *blush* | 01:15 |
TheStuff | restart it self | 01:15 |
ogra | Hikaru79: in ubuntu ....from the console | 01:16 |
ogra | Hikaru79: if you are at the login screen, hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get there | 01:16 |
Hikaru79 | OK, I'll do that from command line. What's the line? | 01:16 |
ogra | Hikaru79: login, type: sudo chown $USER.$USER .ICEauthority | 01:17 |
Hikaru79 | Where $USER = hikaru79? | 01:17 |
ogra | Hikaru79: hit ctrl-alt-f7 to get back to graph | 01:17 |
ogra | where $USER = $USER ;) | 01:17 |
ogra | Hikaru79: try echo $USER if you are logged in in ubuntu ;) | 01:18 |
Hikaru79 | OK ^ ^ | 01:18 |
Hikaru79 | I'll try that now | 01:18 |
Hikaru79 | BRB in a bit? | 01:18 |
TheStuff | ogra, how r u man | 01:18 |
ogra | fine, thanks :) | 01:19 |
zenpod | I am sooo bored | 01:19 |
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TheStuff | ogra, i think Ubuntu crashes MS winxp, do u ? | 01:19 |
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calamari_ | hi | 01:20 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | wich is the command line to take a screenshot? | 01:20 |
ogra | zenpod: for the bored | 01:21 |
martinald | yet more questions, lol. any really easy way to get windows fonts on ubuntu? | 01:21 |
TheStuff | martinald, copy paste :) | 01:21 |
ogra | TheStuff: i dont crash XP , no ;) | 01:21 |
calamari_ | I made a customized windows .FON font (bitmap style). How can I make it useable under Linux? If its easier to rebuild from scratch, I can do that too. | 01:21 |
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calamari_ | martinald: lol, scary | 01:22 |
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martinald | nah i don't have the windows fonts nearby | 01:22 |
martinald | i could always extract from corefonts but it's a pita.. just wondering if i can add sommet to sources.list and type apt-get install corefonts | 01:22 |
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calamari_ | TheStuff: does copy/paste work for FON style also? | 01:22 |
ogra | martinald: install msttcorefonts from uni- or muliverse | 01:23 |
martinald | really :D? | 01:23 |
TheStuff | calamari_, i dont know , its worked with .ttf | 01:23 |
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calamari_ | 'stuff: oic | 01:23 |
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Hikaru79 | =) | 01:24 |
Hikaru79 | Ogra | 01:24 |
Hikaru79 | You rule | 01:24 |
Hikaru79 | ^__^ | 01:24 |
Hikaru79 | Worked like a charm! | 01:24 |
ogra | :) | 01:24 |
Hikaru79 | Lifesaver! | 01:24 |
TheStuff | lol | 01:24 |
calamari_ | TheStuff: I happen to be in Windows atm (grabbing some color settings).. where do I drag the fonts to? | 01:24 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | wich command I can use in terminal to take a screenshot? | 01:24 |
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martinald | i can't find msttfcorefonts in universe | 01:25 |
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ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: gnome-panel-screenshot | 01:26 |
=== _|Imanewbie|_ hits the wall with the head | ||
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huttan | how do i mount a .bin file ? | 01:26 |
calamari_ | martinald: I remember them not looking exactly like the M$ versions anyways | 01:26 |
ogra | huttan: mount ??? | 01:26 |
gen | mount a .bin? | 01:26 |
ogra | huttan: a bin file ??? | 01:26 |
huttan | like a cd-image | 01:26 |
TheStuff | calamari_, into ur font folder | 01:26 |
huttan | bin/cue | 01:26 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: I want to show a thing on applications menu to my friend so I cant select both! | 01:26 |
calamari_ | TheStuff: hmm.. guess I don't remember.. thanks :) | 01:26 |
gen | why would you mount a .bin | 01:27 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: use gimp....there is a aquire option in the file menu | 01:27 |
TheStuff | calamari_, type fonts:/// in nautilus | 01:28 |
ogra | martinald: have you refreshed your package lists ? | 01:28 |
calamari_ | 'stuff: thanks again :) | 01:28 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: thanks | 01:28 |
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=== _|Imanewbie|_ wonders why the damm printscreen doesnt works properly | ||
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martinald | ogra: yes | 01:28 |
martinald | oh well i'm going back to windows. heh. | 01:29 |
KitoQ | XCDRoast tells me, that I need to activate SCSI-Emulation in the Kernel. How do I do that? | 01:29 |
martinald | ubuntu edges ever nearer though :) | 01:29 |
calamari_ | blah | 01:29 |
ogra | martinald: hmm, also enabled multiverse ? | 01:29 |
lupus_ | Site error | 01:29 |
lupus_ | This site encountered an error trying to fulfill your request. The errors were: | 01:29 |
lupus_ | Error Type | 01:29 |
lupus_ | KeyError | 01:29 |
lupus_ | Error Value | 01:29 |
lupus_ | 'id' | 01:29 |
lupus_ | Request made at | 01:29 |
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lupus_ | 2004/11/29 00:29:27.689 GMT | 01:29 |
lupus_ | on the wiki site | 01:29 |
lupus_ | sorry for the flood :s | 01:29 |
ogra | lupus_: url ? | 01:30 |
lupus_ | | 01:30 |
calamari_ | hehe... actually, Windows might have finally lost me this time. | 01:30 |
gen | lupus_, don't do that | 01:30 |
ogra | lupus_: hmmm | 01:30 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: it worked fine thx a lot | 01:31 |
ogra | :) | 01:32 |
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ogra | calamari_: great to hear :) | 01:32 |
calamari_ | only problems at this point are Paint Shop Pro, WinRAR, and a decent text editor (need to write my own) | 01:32 |
wig | Wondering. Anyone know where I can get a 2.6.7 linmodem patch (lucent/agere)? | 01:32 |
keknehv | just wondering, do any of you know how to set the listening port on vsftpd | 01:32 |
ogra | calamari_: look for unrar-nonfree in multiverse or universe | 01:32 |
calamari_ | ogra: yeah.. I know it's just a matter of time before I can't use '98 anymore. | 01:33 |
zenpod | calamari_, you're telling me none of the 482894728947298 text editors available for linux are what you need? :) | 01:33 |
ogra | calamari_: if its installed, filroller can handle rar | 01:33 |
calamari_ | zenpod: that's what I'm saying.. yep :) | 01:33 |
lupus_ | ogra, winrar in muliverse isn't that for 2.x rar files only? | 01:33 |
zenpod | calamari_, OpenOffice, gedit, abiword, vi, emacs, kwrite, etc? | 01:33 |
GoneBoB | gimp > PSP | 01:33 |
calamari_ | zenpod: textpad | 01:33 |
zenpod | calamari_, I'm unfamiliar with that | 01:34 |
ogra | lupus_: unrar-nonfree , i think its for all rar files | 01:34 |
keknehv | You can download a winrar command line for linux | 01:34 |
keknehv | It's has quasi-bzip and tar commands | 01:34 |
calamari_ | zenpod: its extremely configurable.. I have it looking and acting excatly like MS_DOS edit | 01:34 |
keknehv | It's free, but not as in freedom | 01:34 |
zenpod | calamari_, cool. | 01:34 |
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keknehv | calamari_: use vi. It is awesome | 01:35 |
keknehv | :) I use vi all the time... emacs is confusing :D | 01:35 |
zenpod | I have no clue about emacs. | 01:35 |
calamari_ | I think I have an unrar with my WinRAR reg.. but I rather like the UI integration and GUI that WinRAR offers. Maybe when I get wine working I'll be set | 01:35 |
zenpod | vi works. | 01:35 |
melazyboy | dear god does tab not work on openoffice in hoary for anyone else? | 01:35 |
calamari_ | keknehv: no thanks, I still have hair left :) | 01:35 |
keknehv | lol | 01:35 |
keknehv | well, you could probably rip edit off of a windows installation | 01:36 |
wig | anyone have experience with lucent/agere modems on linux? | 01:36 |
keknehv | Then again, I read about an edit-like editor for linux in the linux cookbook... | 01:36 |
keknehv | brb... | 01:36 |
GotD0t | melazyboy: my tab works in OO | 01:36 |
ogra | calamari_: unrar-nonfree and file-roller out winrar by far | 01:36 |
calamari_ | ogra: one annoyance with file rol;ler is that I don't seem to have the right click option to extract to a folder, only "extract here" | 01:37 |
ogra | calamari_: dragging it to the dir before is no option ? | 01:38 |
calamari_ | ogra: Can the right click menus be edited? If so, I bet it could be added | 01:38 |
ogra | calamari_: btw, there are tons of nautilus scripts out there for such tasks | 01:39 |
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zenpod | can anyone direct me to step by step instructions on how to get k3b to work in warty *and* look nice? | 01:39 |
GotD0t | zenpod: what do you mean and look nice? | 01:40 |
wig | anyone have experience with lucent/agere modems on linux? | 01:40 |
gen | wig, like dial up? | 01:40 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | how can I make grub load windows by default and has a bigger delay time? | 01:40 |
zenpod | GotD0t, match my gnome, not have fonts that look hideously ugly on my LCD | 01:40 |
wig | gen, yeah, it is. | 01:40 |
ogra | zenpod: its qt | 01:40 |
zenpod | ogra, I know. | 01:40 |
ogra | zenpod: ugly by design :) | 01:40 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: why would you want to do such a thing | 01:41 |
zenpod | ogra, I've seen screenshots from people running it in gnome and not looking like a sore thumb, though :) | 01:41 |
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calamari_ | or make grub boot ubuntu by default with no delay time, hold a key (like lilo's shift) for the menu? | 01:41 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | GotD0t: cause my mum and my sister can press down twice and select wnblows | 01:41 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | *winblows | 01:41 |
JStrike | Hasn't Coaster been packages yet? | 01:41 |
ogra | zenpod: there is some config tool for qt...but as i dont touch qt stuff and refuse to have any on my machine i dont know the name | 01:41 |
JStrike | s/packages/packaged | 01:42 |
ogra | zenpod: search for qt config | 01:42 |
TheStuff | ogra, how can i install grub when MBR had overwrite ? | 01:42 |
splinta | why gnome not kde ? | 01:42 |
JStrike | splinta : ? | 01:42 |
KitoQ | why kde not gnome? | 01:42 |
wig | how much space do you guys recommend for ubuntu? | 01:42 |
calamari_ | wig: I installed in 10gig's and have abount 4gig free | 01:43 |
splinta | just another gnome distro | 01:43 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | GotD0t: do you have a clue about how can I do it? | 01:43 |
ogra | TheStuff: assuming your mounted on /mnt and install in the mbr: grub-install --no-floppy --root-directory=/mnt/boot/grub /dev/hda | 01:43 |
JStrike | wig : 1.8Gb+ | 01:43 |
splinta | why ubuntu ? | 01:43 |
calamari_ | splinta: have you tried Ubuntu? It's awesome | 01:44 |
zenpod | ogra, I'd prefer to not use k3b, but Ubuntu did the silly thing of shipping w/o a decent cd burning program for audiocds... | 01:44 |
TheStuff | wig, ubuntu need 1.8GB for the system and 350MB for min pkg | 01:44 |
JStrike | splinta : It pays the Gnome Devs a salary? | 01:44 |
ogra | splinta: teel about _any_ gnome distro | 01:44 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: yea... get into your /boot/grub/menu.lst file | 01:44 |
erik | uh oh, locales upgrade | 01:44 |
erik | is this the one that fixes all the locale not supported messages? | 01:44 |
JStrike | splinta : And Mark can do with his money as he pleases? | 01:44 |
ogra | zenpod: i know...thats why i started: | 01:44 |
keknehv | calamari_: try joe. "joe Joe's Own Editor, joe, is a full-screen editor with a look and feel reminiscent of old DOS text editors like EDIT. {@sf{Debian}}: `joe' {@sf{WWW}}:" | 01:44 |
splinta | calm down calm down....was only asking | 01:45 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | GotD0t: there Im | 01:45 |
JStrike | splinta : And Ubuntu's design philosophy is pretty similar to Gnomes | 01:45 |
keknehv | (from the linux cookbook) | 01:45 |
zenpod | ogra, you make that? I am just looking at that site now, oddly. | 01:45 |
ogra | zenpod: but i think rhythmbox will have audio burning in hoary | 01:45 |
ogra | zenpod: yep, i made it | 01:45 |
erik | MrBurns looks pretty nice | 01:45 |
zenpod | ogra, sweet :) Is it simple enough for my gf to make audio cds for her car? | 01:45 |
JStrike | I thought someone was looking into packaging Coaster | 01:45 |
zenpod | it looks simple. hm | 01:45 |
calamari_ | keknehv: thanks.. I've actually tried joe. | 01:45 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: change the number next to timeout to whatever you want... change the number next to default to read saved and then go down to where it says your windows OS and add savedefault underneath root | 01:46 |
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keknehv | gtg... dinner (hope it's not more thanksgiving leftovers :P) | 01:46 |
zenpod | JStrike, coaster is at something like v0.0000000001 right now, if I recall | 01:46 |
ogra | zenpod: depends, if your burner works, yes...if not, no *g* | 01:46 |
GotD0t | keknehv: i wouldn't get your hops up | 01:46 |
Milo_italia | hello | 01:46 |
ogra | zenpod: i cant tell it in advance | 01:46 |
zenpod | ogra, lol, I have an LG burner. everything loves LG. :) | 01:46 |
JStrike | zenpod : Works quite well already | 01:46 |
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ogra | zenpod: does nautilus burn with it ? | 01:46 |
zenpod | JStrike, I may have to try it, I have this aversion to installing anything w/o a .deb | 01:46 |
zenpod | ogra, yep | 01:47 |
ogra | zenpod: so it _could_ work .... | 01:47 |
zenpod | ogra, I'll give it a whirl and get back to you, lol | 01:47 |
ogra | zenpod: just pull it from my repo, its only about 50k | 01:47 |
JStrike | zenpod : jdub was talking about getting it packaged. So a deb should be along pretty soon | 01:47 |
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ogra | JStrike: yep, but no audio.... | 01:48 |
zenpod | Cool. I'll try mrburns, since that's what I need for now. I'll be happy if they get coaster working, with audio, dvd, etc, eventually. Gnome needs something to one-up k3b. | 01:48 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | GotD0t: there is save default under it | 01:48 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: then you're golden | 01:48 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: just make sure you change the default option | 01:48 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | GotD0t: should I delete save default under ubuntu entries? | 01:48 |
JStrike | ogra : Muine with the cd-burning patch is perfect for that | 01:48 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: just comment them out | 01:49 |
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ogra | JStrike: hmm, but mono is not in yet | 01:49 |
TheStuff | JStrike, i have problem with GRUB .. caould u help ? | 01:49 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | GotD0t: just that? anything else? | 01:49 |
ogra | TheStuff: did you read my last msg to you ? | 01:49 |
JStrike | TheStuff : GRUB is not my area of expertise. Sorry | 01:49 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: and i believe you have to do sudo grub-install /dev/hda | 01:50 |
TheStuff | ogra, no | 01:50 |
ogra | TheStuff: assuming your mounted on /mnt and install in the mbr: grub-install --no-floppy --root-directory=/mnt/boot/grub /dev/hda | 01:50 |
mac | TheStuff google for it, there are a plenty of docs that explain how to do it | 01:50 |
ogra | TheStuff: you need a boot CD like knoppix or something.,... | 01:50 |
zenpod | hahaha cool, xdesktopwaves looks neat. with fishes and turtles! | 01:50 |
ogra | zenpod: someone announced it here....and there was no package looks funny...but kills your cpu ;) | 01:51 |
TheStuff | ogra, i couldn`t use ubuntu CD, right ? | 01:51 |
ogra | TheStuff: you could, but i dont know when you have to stop the install to do a clean mount | 01:52 |
zenpod | ogra, yeah, no doubt. I have a 2.8HT P4 tho... might have some cycles to spare. I'll have to try it out | 01:52 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | GotD0t: why? the grub was working cool with all OS why I would nee to do grubinstall again? | 01:52 |
TheStuff | ogra, i got it thanx alot | 01:53 |
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ogra | TheStuff: probably the liveCD could work for that | 01:53 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: i believe you need that to update the menu, as grub is saved in the MBR... and if im wrong about needing it, then it cant hurt | 01:53 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | oki lemme test | 01:54 |
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ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: | 01:54 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: thanks | 01:55 |
ogra | :) | 01:56 |
GotD0t | ogra: whats the point? he can just edit the file directly? | 01:56 |
cardador | anyone who have adsl usb knows how to share the internet to another pc? | 01:56 |
ogra | GotD0t: yep, he can.... | 01:56 |
GotD0t | cardador: you need a router | 01:56 |
KneelBeforeXorg | cardador: you can set up an application-level proxy or run IPMASQ | 01:56 |
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GotD0t | cardador: oh hmm.. nevermind | 01:56 |
ogra | GotD0t: its just nicer to have a gui :) | 01:56 |
GotD0t | cardador: missed the USB | 01:56 |
TheStuff | ogra, yes sure .. its work but no LiveCD available at the moment thats why i did ask :) | 01:57 |
JStrike | cardador : It is not too easy if I remember correctly | 01:57 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: where should I save it so ubuntu can chek it with apt? | 01:57 |
cardador | KneelBeforeXorg: i have an ethernet card, but as soon as i enable it, my ppp connection dies | 01:57 |
GotD0t | ogra: bah... CUI > GUI where USER=editing config files | 01:57 |
cardador | JStrike: i had a shared connection with a cable modem, but now i changed to adsl usb | 01:58 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: either add the repo from the software page or do it with dpkg -i <package.deb> on the commadline | 01:58 |
GotD0t | cardador: call up your ISP and tell them they're retarded for sending you a USB modem | 01:58 |
cardador | GotD0t: :) | 01:58 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: I dont get it | 01:58 |
GotD0t | cardador: they do it so you have to go through them to set up a network | 01:59 |
Gmail | crap my mouse is moving funny | 01:59 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | I download it with my browser? | 01:59 |
GotD0t | Gmail: get a new one | 01:59 |
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cardador | GotD0t: they sent me a crazy modem, and i had to swap it for a speedtouch (better suported on linux) | 01:59 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: | 01:59 |
Gmail | GotD0t: its a new logitech mx700 | 01:59 |
GotD0t | Gmail: check the battery | 02:00 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: add it to synaptic, hit refresh and install ;) | 02:00 |
GotD0t | Gmail: oh... its USB, which means your system is set up to the wrong protocol | 02:00 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: i guarantee it will do you no harm (its my site) | 02:00 |
GotD0t | Gmail: two choices... change the protocol in your XF86Config-4 file, or use that litle green USB - PS/2 adapter they sent you | 02:01 |
Gmail | GotD0t: i have been using it for 9months | 02:01 |
Gmail | it is ps2 | 02:01 |
Gmail | not usd | 02:01 |
Gmail | i setted it up using ps/2 | 02:02 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: lol I will nuke you if it attempts to kill me =p | 02:02 |
Gmail | restart x | 02:02 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: hehe | 02:02 |
Gmail | ahh | 02:02 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: don't trust ogra... he helps everyone who walks in the door in order to gain their trust | 02:02 |
Gmail | GotD0t: i went to computer log off and it became normal | 02:03 |
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ogra | *g* | 02:03 |
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bash | j #linux | 02:03 |
bash | fuc!.. | 02:03 |
GotD0t | Gmail: well if you've been using it for 9months then you need to do two things, review your definition of the term "new" and check the darned batteries | 02:03 |
ogra | GotD0t: got my number | 02:03 |
zenpod | hm, gnomebaker looks like it has potential, but no .deb | 02:03 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: i know his type | 02:03 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | GotD0t: than he proposes casual sex right? =p | 02:04 |
ogra | zenpod: someone packaged it ....there is a thread on the list.... | 02:04 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: how do I add your site to synaptic? | 02:04 |
zenpod | there is? I can't find it on gooogle | 02:04 |
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GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: no... he directs you to his website so you can download the nonexistant linux virus ;-) | 02:04 |
Gmail | GotD0t: its working and it less than a year old so new | 02:05 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: | 02:05 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: fortunately my repo is the example | 02:05 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: I add it as a source or bin repos? | 02:05 |
GotD0t | ogra: does your xDesktopwaves app run smoothly? | 02:05 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_:as you or the other | 02:05 |
ogra | GotD0t: not on my piii 600 | 02:06 |
zenpod | ogra, where can I find a searchable archive of the list? | 02:06 |
GotD0t | ogra: haha... it looks cool | 02:06 |
GotD0t | ogra: does it use glx? | 02:06 |
ogra | GotD0t: havent tried it on faster machines..... | 02:06 |
ogra | GotD0t: i dont think so.,.... | 02:06 |
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GotD0t | ogra: isn't it your app? | 02:06 |
ogra | GotD0t: its not mine, i just packaged it | 02:06 |
GotD0t | ogra: oh... hehe | 02:07 |
ogra | GotD0t: it came up here ... a week ago or so.....and there was no pkg | 02:07 |
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eclipse6 | which filesystem is better for storing and accessing MP3's...ReiserFS or XFS? | 02:07 |
GotD0t | ogra: that was nice of you | 02:07 |
ogra | eclipse6: i would prefer xfs (but i also wouldnt touch reiser) | 02:08 |
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keknehv|stuffed| | back | 02:08 |
eclipse6 | ogra, so u think xfs is better for music and stuff? | 02:08 |
GotD0t | keknehv|stuffed|: so was it leftovers? | 02:08 |
keknehv|stuffed| | Lucky me, 'twas not turkey, but turkey noodle soup | 02:08 |
keknehv|stuffed| | YAY! | 02:08 |
keknehv|stuffed| | The noodles were homemade... (not pretty, but tasty) | 02:09 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: added now? | 02:09 |
GotD0t | keknehv|stuffed|: haha | 02:09 |
ogra | eclipse6: no, i think i wouldnt entrust my data to reiser ;) | 02:09 |
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keknehv | I digest things fast :D | 02:09 |
erik | everyone always bitches about reiserfs integrity | 02:09 |
eclipse6 | damn...right now i'm running Fedora 3 and it sucks when trying to download stuff thru yum and up2date | 02:09 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: hit reload in synaptic | 02:09 |
erik | but I've had less problems with reiser than ext3 | 02:09 |
EricNeon | morning all | 02:10 |
eclipse6 | ogra, so xfs is more reliable than reiserfs? | 02:10 |
ogra | erik: ive seen whole servers wiping out their disks | 02:10 |
erik | ogra: I have too, and it's never been reiserfs's fault | 02:10 |
keknehv | Does anyone know how to specify the port that vsftpd uses? | 02:10 |
ogra | eclipse6: its more mature | 02:10 |
GoneBoB | I had XFS explode on me | 02:10 |
GoneBoB | though that was because the disks got unplugged in use | 02:10 |
ogra | GoneBoB: whoo, how that ? | 02:10 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: already reloaded, well it seems unable to find your site =/ | 02:10 |
ogra | lol | 02:11 |
eclipse6 | ogra, xfs is a true 64-bit fs, right? | 02:11 |
erik | I've had lots of reiserFSs die but only when they were on disks where the SMART logs indicated massive failure | 02:11 |
ogra | eclipse6: yep, i think it comes from an ancient 64 bit environment | 02:11 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: my ault | 02:11 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: got it ? | 02:12 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra:think so | 02:12 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: great | 02:12 |
eclipse6 | ok, i'm gonna install using xfs cause fc3 sux | 02:12 |
zenpod | I need a decent IDE for pascal for Linux. Hm. | 02:12 |
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erik | you can't use XFS as the root and use grub | 02:12 |
erik | because grub for some reason dies when you go to install it | 02:12 |
ogra | zenpod: wow pascal.... | 02:12 |
zenpod | ogra, I like it :) | 02:12 |
eclipse6 | erik, so what should i do? | 02:12 |
ogra | zenpod: i learnt it at scholl 20 years ago | 02:12 |
keknehv | I had an old disk on an hp computer that kept on saying something like "SMART failure detected. Disk loss iminent. Please backup and replace the disk as soon as possible" | 02:12 |
ogra | school | 02:13 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: 404 Not Found | 02:13 |
zenpod | ogra, same place, less time ago, for me. I use GTK in pascal, etc. I want to make some nice gnome apps. :) | 02:13 |
keknehv | ...and yet it worked for over six months without a hich | 02:13 |
keknehv | hich(SP) | 02:13 |
erik | eclipse6: well, if the installer will let you use lilo, do that | 02:13 |
erik | eclipse6: alternatively make XFS a big partition and put your boot stuff in a smaller partition befor eit | 02:13 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: dont add deb-src | 02:13 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: there are none yet | 02:13 |
eclipse6 | erik, what's the difference between lilo and grub? | 02:13 |
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erik | eclipse6: about 800kb *rimshot* | 02:13 |
erik | lilo's much smaller | 02:14 |
erik | grub is "more modern" | 02:14 |
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eclipse6 | erik, that's it? | 02:14 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: done! =) | 02:14 |
erik | after the machine boots you don't care what bootloader you used anyway | 02:14 |
ogra | eclipse6: grub lets you edit its parameters on boot | 02:14 |
erik | grub can browse your filessytems too | 02:14 |
keknehv | how do you list channels in X-Chat? | 02:14 |
eclipse6 | well, i don't reall care about that | 02:14 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: startup-settings installs in the Computer->System Tools menu | 02:14 |
eclipse6 | keknehv, /list | 02:15 |
GotD0t | ogra: this waves thing is gonna drive me nuts... haha | 02:15 |
keknehv | oh...thanks | 02:15 |
ogra | eclipse6: if you have any breakdown or such, you will love thios feature | 02:15 |
ogra | GotD0t: lol | 02:15 |
ogra | GotD0t: do you try it ? | 02:15 |
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GotD0t | ogra: yea... but i stopped it and it wont start again | 02:16 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: Ive ran it on terminal, it appears to dont want to open as I'm logged as a commom user | 02:16 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: run it from the menu or with sudo | 02:17 |
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GotD0t | ogra: and it wont get rid of the haze over my background | 02:17 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: From the menu it doesnt want to pen up, Ive ran it fine with sudo | 02:17 |
Gmail | i fund a bug | 02:17 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: no ? oh | 02:17 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: did it give an error ? | 02:18 |
keknehv | Gmail: what bug? | 02:18 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: simple doesnt show up | 02:18 |
GotD0t | ogra: its stuck | 02:18 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: by the way I think it is quite right | 02:18 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: not even the password dialog ? | 02:18 |
Gmail | gnome-control-center > System tools > Boot == crash x | 02:18 |
Gmail | in hoary | 02:18 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: nothing | 02:18 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: weird | 02:18 |
keknehv | anyone know how to make nautilus display fat filesystems correctly? Right now it's showing everything in mine with a foot icon, and they dissapear when right clicked | 02:19 |
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ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: could you look in the preferences of the starter ? | 02:19 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: i.e. right click the menu entry | 02:19 |
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GotD0t | ogra: help... | 02:19 |
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palle | which file do i edit if i want to use enlightenment? | 02:20 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: i.e. right click the menu entry and tell me what is there in the command field ? | 02:20 |
ogra | GotD0t: ps ax|grep xdesk | 02:20 |
ogra | GotD0t: does it show anything ? | 02:20 |
GotD0t | ogra: yea... they're al listed as T | 02:21 |
ogra | GotD0t: could you try: killall -9 xdesktopwaves | 02:21 |
GotD0t | ogra: thanks | 02:22 |
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palle | which file do i edit if i want to use enlightenment? | 02:22 |
keknehv | any idea what the heck EtherApe is supposed to do? | 02:22 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: gksudo startup-settings | 02:23 |
ogra | keknehv: visualize your network.....make some traffic if it will see | 02:23 |
keknehv | wow... this is weird | 02:23 |
eclipse6 | ogra, but since linux has like millions of small files and dirs...maybe i should stick with reiserfs, huh? | 02:23 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: could you run this from the terminal ? | 02:24 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | world is amazing amazing, my mates have a SEMESTER to do a dumb text editor in pascal, tommorow is the deadline and they call me to have mine | 02:24 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: yes | 02:24 |
ogra | eclipse6: i'm using xfs on several servers, they are fine with xfs....but its your choice | 02:24 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: does it start this way ? | 02:25 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: yes, starts perfectly from the terminal | 02:25 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: i mean gksudo startup-settings not sudo startup-settings | 02:25 |
eclipse6 | ok...then i'll give xfs a try | 02:25 |
palle | which file do i edit if i want to use enlightenment? | 02:26 |
eclipse6 | ogra, but i have to use lilo, right? | 02:26 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | rofl | 02:26 |
ogra | eclipse6: just do the grub install twice in the installer........the same goes for reiser | 02:27 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | my user isnt in the group I will be reported =) | 02:27 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: hmm, you can run things like synaptic ? | 02:27 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: not as my default user | 02:27 |
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ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: ahh....that drops another light on it....i thought it was the app :) | 02:28 |
eclipse6 | ogra, what do u mean by "install twice"? | 02:29 |
melazyboy | can someone eplain what the option that says "CPU Frequency Scaleing Support [failed] " on bootup is refering too? | 02:29 |
Evaso | what about ltmodem driver support? | 02:30 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: but sinaptyc askes me for a root password so I can log on it | 02:30 |
ogra | eclipse6: the installer had a serious bug last time i tried it, with reiser as well as with xfs i dunno if it got fixed before the release | 02:30 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: thats what startup-settings is supposed to do too | 02:31 |
egon_spengler | melazyboy: Laptop CPUs step up or down to conserve battery power | 02:31 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: but it doesnt =p | 02:31 |
eclipse6 | ogra...i think it should be fine cause i'm running downloading the daily build one | 02:31 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: but not root, your pw | 02:31 |
ogra | eclipse6: hoary ? | 02:31 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | well I gtg I must code some stuff for mips till tommorow | 02:31 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ogra: it askes no pass | 02:31 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | *asks | 02:31 |
melazyboy | egon_spengler: That what i originally thought but then shoulden't that be under a tree for laptops or Pentium Ms rather than independant | 02:31 |
ogra | _|Imanewbie|_: strange | 02:31 |
eclipse6 | ogra, yes | 02:32 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | well guys I love you all but mips is calling me, I dont want to see that assembly all over again for beeing chatting on the web =p | 02:32 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | ciao | 02:32 |
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ogra | eclipse6: hmm. then it doesnt matter wherther you tahe reiser or xfs....its unstable anyway | 02:32 |
ogra | eclipse6: hoary is the development will break from time to time....sometimes just a little bit, sometimes hard | 02:33 |
keknehv | ext3 is a 'journaling' filesystem, right? So if I deleted something, how would I restore it? | 02:33 |
wasabi | you don't | 02:34 |
ogra | keknehv: you cant | 02:34 |
wasabi | you misunder stand what journaling means | 02:34 |
palle | which file do i edit if i want to use enlightenment? | 02:34 |
ogra | keknehv: thats not what journaling means | 02:34 |
ogra | palle: just install it | 02:34 |
keknehv | what does it mean? | 02:34 |
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ogra | keknehv: you can pull the plug and your system is still fine on next boot | 02:35 |
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keknehv | oh... ok | 02:35 |
keknehv | Well, I *am* glad for that | 02:35 |
keknehv | :D | 02:35 |
ogra | keknehv: it watches open files | 02:35 |
ogra | keknehv: but rm is rm anyway | 02:35 |
wasabi | no | 02:36 |
wasabi | tat's not what it means etiher | 02:36 |
wasabi | geeze | 02:36 |
Gmail | <FennecFoxen> whee, SCO got hacked, fun! :) | 02:36 |
Gmail | <FennecFoxen> | 02:36 |
Gmail | ooops wrong channel | 02:36 |
wasabi | journaling means file modifications are done first to a journal area, ordered. | 02:36 |
wasabi | and then commited to the normal disk structure | 02:36 |
wasabi | in case of a system failure, the data can be rolled back to a consistant state | 02:36 |
zenpod | haha, Gmail , lol | 02:37 |
ogra | wasabi: simplified: : it watches open files | 02:37 |
palle | ogra yes i did install it and tried to run it and it said that it have to edit a file, but how do i switch back to gnome later if i don't know which file it edit's? | 02:37 |
wasabi | no | 02:37 |
wasabi | that's not even close | 02:37 |
wasabi | FAM watches open files | 02:37 |
Gmail | zenpod: ROTFL | 02:37 |
wasabi | or something, anyways, you're wrong. :0 | 02:37 |
ogra | wasabi: ok ok ok | 02:37 |
ogra | wasabi: givinng up.... | 02:38 |
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eclipse6 | RPM packages r really pain in the ass to install | 02:40 |
zenpod | alien then | 02:41 |
zenpod | it worked me me and xscrabble | 02:41 |
eclipse6 | huh? | 02:41 |
zenpod | alien rpmname | 02:41 |
zenpod | poof, a shiny .deb | 02:41 |
zenpod | I wanted xscrabble, but could find no .deb, so I grabbed the SuSE RPM and used alien on it | 02:41 |
ogra | hmm, shiny is something else i guess | 02:42 |
eclipse6 | plus it takes longer to install a .rpm file than .deb | 02:42 |
=== zenpod likes alien | ||
=== ogra too...but only as last resort | ||
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=== zenpod agrees | ||
zenpod | I'd rather alien an rpm than install from source and not be able to easily remove a package | 02:44 |
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alka_trash | hey lets get Half life 2 on Linux, sign a partition : | 02:45 |
ogra | i'd rather build a deb from source | 02:45 |
zenpod | alka_trash, I don't want half life 2 for windows, let alone linux :) | 02:45 |
zenpod | ogra, ahh, I don't know how to do that. | 02:45 |
ogra | zenpod: there is the deb-make command..... | 02:45 |
zenpod | maybe I will learn, and make xscrabble debs, and submit them to ubuntu. Everyone needs xscrabble | 02:45 |
alka_trash | but I want it | 02:45 |
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ogra | zenpod: i would use them if you made them | 02:46 |
zenpod | ogra, I will go read up on how to make them | 02:46 |
ogra | alka_trash: sign it then ;) | 02:46 |
alka_trash | I did | 02:46 |
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alka_trash | only took about 10 seconds, just FYI | 02:46 |
Captain | hi | 02:46 |
=== zenpod wants more free, open source games of high quality, like frozen bubble. | ||
melazyboy | alka_trash: Half Life 2, will be supported to the full extent w/ Cedaga | 02:47 |
zenpod | Cedega is... questionable. | 02:47 |
=== ogra is called to bed by his GF [02:47 am] | ||
zenpod | imo. | 02:47 |
zenpod | gnight ogra | 02:47 |
alka_trash | nothing like native support :) | 02:47 |
ogra | night guys | 02:47 |
wasabi | hl2 won't be native | 02:48 |
wasabi | it's directx | 02:48 |
Captain | hey does anyone know if geting usb sound working with a xitel MD-PERT AN1 is just a matter of using the extracting digital sound from xmms, there seems to be little google stuff on getting this working unless thi is a given in linux now. | 02:48 |
wasabi | that would be... a big rewrite | 02:48 |
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raja | hello all | 02:50 |
zenpod | hi rabidbt | 02:50 |
zenpod | er raja | 02:50 |
palle | hmmm, when i run who it shows 2 users is online why? | 02:51 |
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trans_err | is sshd installed and enabled on default? | 02:57 |
jdub | no | 02:58 |
jdub | apt-get install openssh-server | 02:58 |
jdub | it's on the cd | 02:58 |
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_Imanewbie_ | ogra: it is working cool now the problem was the uncommented lines | 03:03 |
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geppy | Is there a way to make the workspace switcher flash if an event occurs on another workspace, for example; you get instant messaged on a different workspace. | 03:06 |
keknehv | how do you enable php scripting in apache? | 03:07 |
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jdub | apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4 | 03:08 |
geppy | keknehv: Download php. | 03:08 |
keknehv | thanks | 03:08 |
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Attila | Hello. Does the xorg release in hoary include the acecad (serial tablet) module? OR is there an xfree package for debian/ubuntu that includes acecad support? | 03:10 |
=== Ruffian|Q| is now known as RuffianSoldier | ||
tux | has anyone not received their cd's from the first initial ship date ? | 03:11 |
GotD0t | tux me | 03:12 |
tux | ok | 03:12 |
GotD0t | tux: why | 03:12 |
tux | grand, i haven't gotten any either | 03:12 |
GotD0t | tux: when did you order? | 03:12 |
tux | ages ago | 03:12 |
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GotD0t | anybody know of bugs relating to keyboard shortcuts in hoary? | 03:13 |
Gwildor | hey, i have a package downloaded from synaptic that doesnt install, gives errors, i was wondering how i could delete that package, so that i can downoad it again | 03:14 |
keknehv | how do I set up a MySql database? | 03:15 |
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lupus_ | do a lot of packages depend on emacs or why is it default included? | 03:16 |
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geppy | lupus_: Lots of people use it. | 03:17 |
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geppy | That's the same reason that vi and pico are default. | 03:17 |
geppy | They're commonly used text editors. | 03:17 |
zenpod | nano | 03:17 |
zenpod | !!! | 03:17 |
jdub | lupus_: it's nice to have sexy unix tools available in the desktop install, even though they're hidden in the system, away from gui users :) | 03:18 |
rajasun | zenpod: yeah, nano is a no brainer for n00bs ;-) | 03:18 |
jdub | lupus_: looked at an OS X install recently? :) | 03:18 |
lupus_ | true I can't miss vim :p | 03:18 |
zenpod | rajasun, hence it is good | 03:18 |
rajasun | zenpod: and that's why Debian and debian-based distros have them as default ;) | 03:19 |
rajasun | s/them/it | 03:19 |
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zenpod | rajasun, good point :) | 03:20 |
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erik | hey, how can I turn off the stupid PC speaker? | 03:21 |
erik | I dist-upgraded hoary a while ago and all of the sudden the damn thing is on again | 03:22 |
suchit | do you know the equivalent of rc.conf on ubuntu ? | 03:22 |
erik | Nope | 03:23 |
suchit | i am trying to do a locate rc.conf | 03:23 |
scoon | suchit: try man update-rc.d | 03:23 |
suchit | but it does not return anything | 03:23 |
scoon | suchit: ? ? ? | 03:23 |
suchit | yes i am trying that | 03:24 |
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scoon | suchit: man pages don't really return anything, you just read them.... | 03:24 |
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erik | oh god, my sound card stopped working too | 03:25 |
erik | hmm | 03:25 |
erik | They May Be Connected | 03:25 |
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GotD0t | erik that sounds like the upgrade set the PC speaker to be the default output speaker | 03:26 |
lupus_ | easytag kicks ass :) | 03:27 |
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GotD0t | what is easytag? | 03:27 |
pancho123123 | quien abla espanol pa que me esplique esto | 03:27 |
suchit | no...let me explain | 03:27 |
suchit | i did a locate rc.conf and this did not return anything | 03:27 |
suchit | thats y i asked for an equivalent of rc.conf in ubuntu | 03:27 |
scoon | suchit: what do you want to do. | 03:27 |
lupus_ | GotD0t, to edit id3 | 03:28 |
Attila | Hello! Could someone using hoary tell me if the xorg package includes the acecad module, please ? | 03:28 |
suchit | i am setting up a NAT box | 03:28 |
suchit | and would like to use settings specified for BSD | 03:28 |
suchit | for which i have documentation | 03:28 |
scoon | suchit: maybe check in /etc/default | 03:28 |
GotD0t | lupus_ oh cool | 03:29 |
suchit | but my machine is a debian / Ubuntu | 03:29 |
scoon | suchit: that is a place where defaults, of all things get set up. | 03:29 |
suchit | ok thanks | 03:29 |
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scoon | suchit: if not there, peek /etc/inittab ? I have not set up a NAT box, so I am not certain what you need. | 03:30 |
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dad_ | hello whats the name of that internet radio thingee? | 03:31 |
dad_ | shoutcast or something? | 03:31 |
zenpod | shoutcast would be it, I think | 03:31 |
dad_ | thnkee | 03:31 |
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lupus_ | GotD0t, it is in debian experimental ;) | 03:32 |
lupus_ | so you don't have to build :) | 03:32 |
TheStuff | suchit, check this /etc/init.d there is readme file | 03:33 |
Xenguy | dad_: I seem to recall something called icecast also - don't know anything about it tho | 03:33 |
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dad_ | thnks ill take a look | 03:34 |
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stephen87 | hi | 03:36 |
palle | error: can't open packetdatabase in /var/lib/rpm | 03:37 |
palle | why do i get that errormessage?? | 03:38 |
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MagicFab | COuld someone explain Hoary to me ? | 03:38 |
jdub | MagicFab: it's the development branch for the next version of ubuntu | 03:38 |
jdub | MagicFab: it will be released as a preview in march, and as a final supported version in april | 03:38 |
MagicFab | how can I upgrade a package to its "hoary" version... | 03:38 |
MagicFab | ? | 03:39 |
jdub | you shouldn't do that | 03:39 |
jdub | either you upgrade your full system to hoary, or stick with warty | 03:39 |
=== RuffianSoldier ! ! ! ! ! ! | ||
zenpod | Warty is good and stable. | 03:39 |
MagicFab | ah, great. | 03:40 |
MagicFab | See: | 03:40 |
MagicFab | --> | 03:40 |
MagicFab | It seems I am stuck with an unsupported / "bitch to support" scanner | 03:41 |
stephen87 | does ubuntu support dual processors? | 03:43 |
GotD0t | lupus_: doesn't work with UTF-8 | 03:43 |
lupus_ | bleh | 03:44 |
GotD0t | lupus_: as in it doesn't work with hoary ;-) | 03:44 |
lupus_ | I have hoary | 03:44 |
GotD0t | lupus_: and its writing? | 03:44 |
lupus_ | yeah | 03:44 |
GotD0t | lupus_: maybe im doing something wrong | 03:45 |
lupus_ | and my locales is set to UTF-8 so :) | 03:45 |
GotD0t | lupus_: maybe i did something wrong | 03:45 |
jdub | stephen87: yes, just install the smp kernel | 03:45 |
lupus_ | ps gimp 2.2 is also in experimental ;) | 03:45 |
stephen87 | ty: jdub | 03:46 |
dad_ | cant seem to find that internet radio player thingee ogra told me about yesterday ...getting old :( | 03:46 |
lupus_ | looks more userfriendly :) | 03:46 |
jdub | stephen87: apt-cache search linux smp :-) | 03:46 |
basejumper944 | anyone know where i can find a how-to on setting up a Linux box to be like a win nt or 2000 one so as that users can log into the local server? | 03:46 |
lupus_ | samba | 03:46 |
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lupus_ | look for samba domain controller | 03:46 |
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basejumper944 | ok thanks | 03:46 |
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lupus_ | wow just client? | 03:47 |
eclipse | hello | 03:47 |
lupus_ | or server? | 03:47 |
stephen87 | jdub: ty | 03:47 |
lupus_ | nm :) | 03:47 |
basejumper944 | no just client | 03:47 |
basejumper944 | i need it to add users and delete them automagicaly | 03:48 |
lupus_ | euhm | 03:49 |
MagicFab | I'd need some help getting the right resolution for a new monitor | 03:49 |
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jdub | basejumper944: so you can get the users and groups manager in windows to talk to samba like a normal domain controller | 03:49 |
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jdub | basejumper944: and there are some samba settings that let it do the system dirty work | 03:50 |
basejumper944 | ok | 03:50 |
MagicFab | I've played abit with the /etx/X11/XF86Config-4 file... | 03:50 |
jdub | basejumper944: probably google for "samba administration windows users and groups" or something | 03:50 |
MagicFab | but can't seem to get it right. The tech spec are here: | 03:50 |
RuffianSoldier | ya ther Klowner_ ? | 03:50 |
MagicFab | | 03:50 |
basejumper944 | ok thats what i was looking for but juat couldnt find it | 03:51 |
lupus_ | | 03:51 |
lupus_ | this? | 03:51 |
basejumper944 | yes! | 03:51 |
lupus_ | winbind is a component of the Samba suite of programs that solves the unified logon problem. Winbind uses a UNIX implementation of Microsoft RPC calls, Pluggable Authentication Modules, and the Name Service Switch to allow Windows NT domain users to appear and operate as UNIX users on a UNIX machine. This chapter describes the Winbind system, explaining the functionality it provides, how it is configured, and how it works internally. | 03:52 |
basejumper944 | thanks thats persicely what i was looking for | 03:52 |
lupus_ | k :) | 03:52 |
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Sensebend | hey | 03:53 |
Sensebend | I need to release and renew an IP | 03:53 |
Sensebend | how do I do that? | 03:53 |
Sensebend | sorry for the newbish question | 03:53 |
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lupus_ | ifconfig --help | 03:53 |
lupus_ | sorry :) | 03:54 |
lupus_ | I'm used to use ipconfig | 03:54 |
zenpod | Sensebend, ifconfig eth0 down, dhclient eth0, ifconfig eth0 up | 03:54 |
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zenpod | ymmv. | 03:54 |
lupus_ | or restarting networking service | 03:54 |
lupus_ | but then all cards do that :) | 03:55 |
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GotD0t | lupus_: do you know how to remove a field from files? | 03:55 |
lupus_ | what do you mean by field? | 03:55 |
lupus_ | a spacing? | 03:55 |
GotD0t | lupus_: like remove the Album data from all the files? | 03:56 |
lupus_ | aj | 03:56 |
MagicFab | Is there a utility in Ubuntu to configure a monitor (other than dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 ) ? | 03:56 |
Xenguy | GotD0t: do you mean filenames? | 03:56 |
lupus_ | GotD0t, first select | 03:57 |
lupus_ | tag files with this field | 03:57 |
GotD0t | Xenguy: no... the ID3 tags in mp3 files... he showed this app that batch edits ID3 tags | 03:57 |
lupus_ | I think :) | 03:57 |
Xenguy | GotD0t: ahh | 03:57 |
zenpod | mp3 is evil | 03:58 |
zenpod | .ogg is good | 03:58 |
lupus_ | I think I'm going to fill in some enhancement reports for it :) | 03:58 |
=== zenpod votes for .ogg. | ||
lupus_ | true :) | 03:59 |
Sensebend | I vote for FLAC | 03:59 |
lupus_ | but making ogg files from mp3 is not healthy :p | 03:59 |
clee | could lead to cancer | 03:59 |
lupus_ | hehe :) | 03:59 |
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=== zenpod has no idea about flac | ||
lupus_ | no just more losing of quality :) | 04:00 |
zenpod | but ogg has no patents! | 04:00 |
zenpod | mmm.. patent-free-musical-goodness | 04:00 |
lupus_ | to bad not a lot of music players support ogg :( | 04:00 |
=== Sensebend kicks zenpod | ||
Sensebend | FLAC is an open source project | 04:00 |
zenpod | Ow! | 04:00 |
Sensebend | lol | 04:00 |
lupus_ | drm is worse then mp3 :p | 04:00 |
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zenpod | I said I had no idea about it :) | 04:00 |
zenpod | lol | 04:00 |
Sensebend | stands for free lossless audio codec | 04:01 |
Sensebend | | 04:01 |
zenpod | lupus_, iriver supports .ogg, my palm plays them too | 04:01 |
Sensebend | best sounding files out there | 04:01 |
lupus_ | nice | 04:01 |
zenpod | Sensebend, lossless? are the files huge? | 04:01 |
Sensebend | yeah | 04:01 |
lupus_ | yes | 04:01 |
lupus_ | :) | 04:01 |
Sensebend | but size doesn't matter | 04:01 |
zenpod | ahh, so not to good for portables. | 04:01 |
Sensebend | quality does | 04:01 |
zenpod | to be frank, I'm not enough of an audiophile to generally notice. | 04:01 |
lupus_ | 20% smaller then .wav I think :) | 04:01 |
zenpod | I'll stick with ogg then, lol, I only have a 128mb SD card for my palm | 04:02 |
Sensebend | yeah sounds about lupus_ | 04:02 |
zenpod | and I can't afford an iRiver iHP 320 right now | 04:02 |
lupus_ | flac is handy for backupping | 04:02 |
s0cks | I got a Rio Karma and a Rio Forge 512 with a 1gb sd card | 04:03 |
Sensebend | or useneting * looks arround * | 04:03 |
Sensebend | lol | 04:03 |
=== Sensebend hugs giganews | ||
lupus_ | I wonder what it would give if you install linux on a flash card | 04:03 |
lupus_ | how fast it would go | 04:03 |
zenpod | I could slap a 1gb card in my palm, but yeah. I want an iriver though. I had an ipod mini, but I disliked the AAC | 04:03 |
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lupus_ | and multimedia files and documents put on a hd :) | 04:04 |
erik | hey, the new linux kernel package in hoary seems to have broken my intel8x0 sound | 04:04 |
erik | "Intel ICH: probe of 0000:00:1f.5 failed with error -16 | 04:04 |
lupus_ | | 04:05 |
lupus_ | related? | 04:05 |
zenpod | erik, that can probably be chocked up to it being hoary.. | 04:05 |
erik | lemme check | 04:05 |
erik | zenpod: not whining, trying to bugreport + fix | 04:05 |
zenpod | erik, Oh, no, I wasn't saying you were | 04:06 |
zenpod | sorry to give that impression :) | 04:06 |
erik | yeah it works in warty fine :p | 04:06 |
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erik | lupus_: don't think so | 04:06 |
davidv | any ideas on how to get NTP running? | 04:06 |
erik | davidv: isn't it supposed to just kinda start on boot? | 04:07 |
davidv | yes | 04:07 |
davidv | however, i never saw an option when installing | 04:07 |
davidv | so now i'm trying to manually install | 04:07 |
erik | * Synchronizing clock to [ ok ] | 04:07 |
erik | that's from /etc/init.d/ntpdate | 04:07 |
erik | it should NTP on boot ... not quite as nice as ntpd though | 04:08 |
erik | in debian the package is called ntp-simple | 04:08 |
erik | if that helps | 04:08 |
davidv | ntp-simple isn't installed, i'll try that | 04:08 |
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keknehv | just make sure that you install the client, not the server | 04:09 |
lupus_ | Erik I think it is best to open a bugreport | 04:09 |
erik | lupus_: yeah, I'm trying this | 04:09 |
erik | if that works, I think I've seen the bugreport already | 04:09 |
davidv | apt won't let me get one without the other | 04:09 |
erik | er | 04:10 |
davidv | if i check simple it adds server | 04:10 |
erik | aren't all NTP clients also servers? | 04:10 |
dad_ | noone have any idea what i need to play shoutcast streams? | 04:10 |
erik | dad_: xmms works | 04:10 |
erik | dad_: also mpg123 | 04:10 |
erik | brb :) | 04:10 |
lupus_ | I have read about kernel 2.6.9 also having lot of acpi issues | 04:10 |
palle | the ip adresses i can get by rightclinking your names is that your real ip-adresses? | 04:11 |
zenpod | whois palle | 04:12 |
zenpod | er | 04:12 |
zenpod | heh | 04:12 |
zenpod | yeah looks like | 04:12 |
zenpod | freenode doesn't seem to mask | 04:12 |
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eclipse | hh | 04:13 |
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palle | hmmz... | 04:14 |
palle | okay | 04:14 |
eclipse | g....... | 04:14 |
Adrenal | whats a bittorent client i can use, that, if i shut down, it will save th dl and allow me to continue later? | 04:14 |
Hikaru79 | Adrenal, just about all of them | 04:14 |
Hikaru79 | I reccomend azureus | 04:14 |
Hikaru79 | | 04:14 |
erik | is there supposed to be a splash screen on boot? | 04:14 |
eclipse | dd | 04:14 |
Adrenal | that needs java | 04:14 |
erik | I've never seen one with ubuntu ... hoary or warty | 04:14 |
Hikaru79 | Yes, it does | 04:14 |
erik | but I see this "splash" option in menu.lst | 04:14 |
Adrenal | any known java ones? | 04:15 |
Hikaru79 | You can get java at | 04:15 |
erik | java is a bit torrent client | 04:15 |
Hikaru79 | You mean non-java? | 04:15 |
Adrenal | *non java | 04:15 |
erik | er | 04:15 |
erik | aaurgh | 04:15 |
erik | azureus is a java bt client | 04:15 |
eclipse | hey i just got like tons of Ubuntu CD's few days ago | 04:15 |
Hikaru79 | Adrenal, you can get the "gnome-btdownload" package from synaptic | 04:15 |
Adrenal | that java is only an rpm though | 04:15 |
erik | gnome-btdownload is a good GNOME client | 04:15 |
Hikaru79 | Not exactly full of features but it does the job | 04:15 |
=== Xenguy is still waiting... | ||
Hikaru79 | Xenguy, whatcha waiting for? | 04:15 |
erik | personally I just use screen + btdownloadheadless | 04:15 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: CDs... | 04:16 |
Hikaru79 | w00t for Azureus :D | 04:16 |
Hikaru79 | Oh, your Ubuntu CD's? | 04:16 |
Hikaru79 | Me too :( | 04:16 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: ordered them just before the Nov 11 deadline | 04:16 |
Hikaru79 | When'd you order? | 04:16 |
Hikaru79 | Heh, I ordered them in October... still nothing ;_; | 04:16 |
Xenguy | eclipse: when did you order? | 04:16 |
Sensebend | yeah same with me Hikaru79 | 04:16 |
Sensebend | I don't mind though | 04:16 |
Hikaru79 | :P | 04:16 |
Sensebend | I was just gonna pass them out | 04:16 |
Hikaru79 | I live in Canada though, so maybe that's why | 04:16 |
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Xenguy | Hikaru79: me too | 04:17 |
Sensebend | I have a fast enough internet connection | 04:17 |
Hikaru79 | BTW, anyone know a good graphical FTP client for Linux? | 04:17 |
eclipse | xenguy, like a month ago | 04:17 |
Adrenal | ok, how do i install the java then? | 04:17 |
Hikaru79 | Adrenal, did you download the SDK? | 04:17 |
scoon | Hikaru79: gftp | 04:17 |
Xenguy | eclipse: good, that means mine are coming and might get here before Xmas :-) | 04:17 |
Hikaru79 | Thanks, scoon :) | 04:17 |
Hikaru79 | <-- Download this, Adrenal | 04:18 |
eclipse | i just installed the one that they sent me | 04:18 |
scoon | Hikaru79: np, it also comes w/ a CLI | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | And follow these instructions: | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | CLI? | 04:18 |
eclipse | after using hoary for a month...too many bugs so i switched back to warty | 04:18 |
Adrenal | jre? | 04:18 |
scoon | Hikaru79: Command Line Interface | 04:18 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: command line interface | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | No | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | Not the JRE | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | The SDK | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | Er | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | Wait | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | Never mind | 04:18 |
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Hikaru79 | JRE is fine, you just want to run Azureus | 04:18 |
Hikaru79 | SDK will work too, but unnecesary. JRE is enough | 04:19 |
Adrenal | kk | 04:19 |
erik | yeah this was just the old pci=noacpi kernel bug | 04:19 |
erik | why does linux suck so much :( | 04:19 |
Hikaru79 | Synaptic is getting gftp :) | 04:19 |
Adrenal | and the one which doesn't say rpm? | 04:19 |
Hikaru79 | Yes | 04:20 |
Hikaru79 | The source tarball | 04:20 |
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Hikaru79 | Er | 04:20 |
Hikaru79 | Actually, it's a binary | 04:20 |
Hikaru79 | Just non-RPM | 04:20 |
erik | are you downloading java from sun? | 04:20 |
Hikaru79 | Instruction is easy | 04:20 |
Hikaru79 | Yes, he is | 04:20 |
erik | there's a nice deb source for it | 04:20 |
Hikaru79 | :| Are you serious? | 04:20 |
erik | yes | 04:20 |
Hikaru79 | Gah, why'd I never learn of this ;_; | 04:20 |
erik | hang on | 04:21 |
OS_Tiberius-L- | disconnect | 04:21 |
OS_Tiberius-L- | oops | 04:21 |
Xenguy | erik: do tell :-) | 04:21 |
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erik | deb ./ | 04:21 |
erik | that might be it | 04:21 |
erik | let me go check the ubuntu wiki where they tell you all about it | 04:21 |
erik | the package is called j2re1.4 | 04:22 |
erik | and j2sdk1.4 | 04:22 |
Adrenal | both? | 04:22 |
erik | well | 04:22 |
erik | depending on if you want the SDK or just the JRE | 04:22 |
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erik | you have to go into /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins and ln -s the plugins in there | 04:22 |
erik | if you want firefox java plugins | 04:22 |
zenpod | erik, that's the hard way | 04:22 |
scoon | erik: no | 04:23 |
erik | not compared to installing from sun ... | 04:23 |
zenpod | | 04:23 |
zenpod | method 2 | 04:23 |
scoon | erik: ~/.mozilla/plugins | 04:23 |
erik | scoon: I suppose | 04:23 |
scoon | erik: ln -s to there. | 04:23 |
erik | at any rate | 04:23 |
erik | the deb works great for me | 04:23 |
erik | it's not java 5 but as I don't even know what's new in java 5 I think I'll be all right :) | 04:24 |
zenpod | file you need is | 04:24 |
Hikaru79 | Thanks, scoon :) gftp looks good | 04:24 |
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Hikaru79 | I'll be back on soon asking about vsftpd config options ;P | 04:24 |
Hikaru79 | BRB | 04:24 |
scoon | Hikaru79: one of my fav's. been using it for years. | 04:24 |
Adrenal | i already installed j2re-1.4.2-01-linux-i586.bin | 04:24 |
Adrenal | a while back | 04:24 |
Adrenal | can i just use that? | 04:24 |
erik | are there any good graphical scp/sftp clients? | 04:25 |
erik | if you're not using nautilus | 04:25 |
zenpod | erik, does gftp not work? | 04:25 |
erik | gftp does scp/sftp?? | 04:25 |
Adrenal | what can i use instead of nautilus? | 04:25 |
zenpod | erik, I do not know | 04:25 |
erik | Adrenal: well, I don't use a filemanager at all heh | 04:25 |
Adrenal | i...c | 04:25 |
Adrenal | ok | 04:26 |
erik | but there are alternatives | 04:26 |
Adrenal | so which one do i get? | 04:26 |
Adrenal | link? | 04:26 |
zenpod | erik, | 04:26 |
erik | zenpod: neat | 04:26 |
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Adrenal | whcih java do i use? | 04:28 |
melazyboy | fglrx needs fixing... =/ | 04:29 |
erik | Adrenal: I recommend "option 1" from the wiki java page | 04:29 |
erik | there are naysayers here who claim otherwise | 04:29 |
erik | so .... | 04:29 |
erik | you pick :) | 04:29 |
Adrenal | erik | 04:29 |
Adrenal | link | 04:29 |
Adrenal | which ever one is easier | 04:29 |
erik | | 04:30 |
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lobo_nz | I want to install perlmagick but I get a dependancy problem perlmagick wants libmagick6 5: but I have 5: is there an easy way to resolve this? | 04:33 |
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romeo_ | I'm having trouble installing a .deb package, would someone be willing to try to help me figure this out? | 04:35 |
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Xenguy | romeo_: ask and find out :-) | 04:36 |
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Rene_S | Hola funky Ubuntu freaks | 04:38 |
romeo_ | well, I'm trying to install mpeg4ip-libs which is a dependancy of faac, but when it goes to install it errors out with an error that says can't overwrite /usr/lib/ of another package. I've tried just moving the other file so it wouldn't have a problem overwriting it but I'm still getting the same error. What gives? | 04:38 |
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Hikaru79 | Try running the dpkg command with sudo? | 04:40 |
hypa7ia | hey Rene_S! | 04:40 |
romeo_ | i am running it with sudo, good tip though :) | 04:40 |
aitrus | anyone have an idea why transcode isn't in main/restricted/universe or even multiverse? | 04:41 |
Hikaru79 | Hm, I see =./ | 04:41 |
Hikaru79 | Aitirus, legal issues | 04:41 |
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Hikaru79 | There is a special repository for it though | 04:41 |
Hikaru79 | Lemme get it for you | 04:41 |
aitrus | thanks | 04:41 |
lil_anthony | question: i downloaded the deb package of xfonts-artwiz but for some reason when i type xfontsel in terminal i do not see the font? after trying to find the answer on google closest i came was xset fp+ /pathname but i get an error can someone please help | 04:41 |
AngryLogic | romeo: it doesn't matter that you moved the file, apt shows it belonging to another package and so in its database that file is still there. | 04:42 |
Hikaru79 | Distribution: testing Sections: main | 04:42 |
Hikaru79 | Add that repo :) | 04:42 |
aitrus | thanks | 04:42 |
Hikaru79 | NP | 04:42 |
Sensebend | that's a good repo ;) | 04:42 |
Sensebend | you criminal | 04:42 |
Sensebend | 1/2 the stuff in that repo is illegal | 04:42 |
Sensebend | lol | 04:42 |
Sensebend | stupid proprietary codecs and file formats | 04:43 |
romeo_ | AngryLogic: Thanks, what should I do, uninstall the other package maybe? | 04:43 |
AngryLogic | romeo_: you'll have to find whatever package owned that file originally and remove it. | 04:43 |
romeo_ | AngryLogic: I'll try that. Thanks | 04:43 |
Gmail | Sensebend: why is it illegal its just not legal thats all | 04:44 |
kensai | is there an mplayer repository that works on warty? | 04:44 |
erik | kensai: check out RestrictedFormats on the wiki | 04:44 |
kensai | erik, that one don't work is a broken mplayer | 04:45 |
zenpod | uhhh | 04:45 |
Sensebend | lol Gmail | 04:45 |
zenpod | ftp.nerim(sp).net | 04:45 |
erik | hm | 04:45 |
zenpod | that one works | 04:45 |
erik | dunno, I'm on hoary | 04:45 |
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Sensebend | proprietary formats bother me | 04:45 |
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Sensebend | I proprietary software doesn't | 04:46 |
zenpod | URI: | 04:46 |
zenpod | Distribution: testing (use unstable here if you are using hoary) | 04:46 |
zenpod | Section(s): main | 04:46 |
kensai | erik, I was in hoary which worked for you? I'll go to hoary in a few days again | 04:46 |
Sensebend | as long as the data is in a format that is universal | 04:46 |
zenpod | that one works | 04:46 |
erik | kensai: | 04:46 |
kensai | erik,ok | 04:46 |
kensai | erik, didn't worked neither on hoary | 04:46 |
jessta | hey all, I'm wondering if it's possible to do a warty install from the livecd? | 04:47 |
kensai | erik, it hangs when loading | 04:47 |
zenpod | kensai, check your ao and vo settings for mplayer | 04:47 |
zenpod | If they're not right, it won't work. | 04:47 |
kensai | zenpod, thats like japanese? ao vo? | 04:47 |
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zenpod | on my notebook, ONLY vo=gl2 worked | 04:47 |
zenpod | audio and video out settings. | 04:47 |
erik | kensai: ah | 04:47 |
zenpod | read the manpage :P | 04:47 |
erik | kensai: run mplayer -ao esd | 04:47 |
erik | kensai: GNOME is retarded and grabs control of your soundcard with esd | 04:48 |
kensai | erik,ok and thats all? | 04:48 |
erik | yep | 04:48 |
erik | should do the trick | 04:48 |
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erik | try -ao null or -vo null too to turn off audio and video respectively | 04:48 |
erik | see if you can get something going that way ... it'll help narrow it down | 04:48 |
zenpod | erik, I don't think that's such a bad thing generally, as long as all your apps work well with it. Gnome needs to somehow make all program that use OSS pipe through esd... that'd make life easy | 04:48 |
rajasun | erik: think esd will be replaced by polypaudio in GNOME 2.10 though | 04:49 |
erik | still like | 04:49 |
zenpod | or linux needs vchans like freebsd has, so you can assign apps to use like /dev/dsp0, /dev/dsp1, etc. | 04:49 |
erik | a userspace mixing daemon is retarded. | 04:49 |
erik | alsa should just provide mixing for cards that don't support hardware mixing | 04:49 |
erik | so everyone can use /dev/dsp and be happy | 04:49 |
zenpod | erik, imo linux needs to work like windows and just work. | 04:49 |
zenpod | yes. | 04:49 |
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zenpod | hm | 04:50 |
kensai | zenpod, please don't put Linux and that other thing they call an Operating system on the same line ;) | 04:50 |
zenpod | kensai, lol | 04:50 |
kensai | zenpod, Windows xp is like the 9th beta release? | 04:51 |
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kensai | they are still beta testing it | 04:51 |
zenpod | lol | 04:51 |
rajasun | zenpod: like windows? just work? why not be better i.e. be like OS X? but with more room for power users to tweak settings till their hearts delight | 04:52 |
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zenpod | rajasun, yes, of course, but I mean, I want my gf to be able to use the computer w/o having totem lock up on her when she makes the mistake of playing music in xmms and trying to watch a video clip at once :) | 04:53 |
kensai | zenpod, just tweak it for her so she won't have any problems again just the way window is tweaked for dummys. | 04:55 |
rajasun | zenpod: I think for that to happen Linux has to redesign how diff apps gets time with regards to use of sound server | 04:55 |
=== zenpod nods | ||
zenpod | for now, I just set *everything* to use ESD and let gnome handle it | 04:56 |
zenpod | seems to work... | 04:56 |
zenpod | xmms, totem, mplayer, etc. | 04:56 |
rajasun | zenpod: I guess you are not alone in not liking esd much ;-) | 04:56 |
kensai | zenpod, Just think that Windows does all that risking Stability and security thats why it is the less stable and secure os in the market | 04:56 |
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kensai | If Linux were to give all that easy to configure and handle than even my grandma can use it without not knowing what a computer is then linux will be infeccted | 04:58 |
Gmail | crap xfce has some features gnome needs | 04:58 |
Gmail | like a menu editor | 04:58 |
kensai | Gmail, Gnome has menu editor | 04:58 |
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Gmail | settings maniger (gnome-control-center is crap) | 04:58 |
kensai | Gmail, right click on it | 04:58 |
Gmail | kensai: thats a peace of crap | 04:59 |
rajasun | kensai: but the prob is a lot of users are so attuned to the instability and insecurity by design philosophy of windows, they can't care less. Convenience is what they desire utmost. Not saying this is right though. But I guess MS do understand what the average Joe/Mary out there is like | 04:59 |
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zenpod | see, that's the thing. I need gnome to work as easily as Windows to a user who just expects the computer to do things. | 04:59 |
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zenpod | Trying to convice my gf that 'yeah, it's ok that this program doesn't work when that one is running, because it's secure!' just will get me nowhere, lol | 05:00 |
Gmail | kensai: look at | 05:00 |
Gmail | its in the background at the left | 05:00 |
kensai | rajasun and zenpod, If thats the way we are going to be mainstream doing that. Then I hope by Heart Linux never makes it mainstream | 05:00 |
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zenpod | kensai, Mac OS X did it.. why can't linux? | 05:01 |
zenpod | I just can't run OS X, not owning a mac and all. | 05:01 |
kensai | zenpod, mac os x is closed it is closed and never be open | 05:01 |
kensai | Gmail, thats kool | 05:01 |
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Gmail | SOMEONE port thats menu editor | 05:01 |
zenpod | kensai, Darwin is hardly closed. Just the nice GUI stuff is. | 05:01 |
rajasun | kensai: I'm not saying we ought to ape MS in all their ways and definitely we should never be daft enough to dump everything into the kernel but the minor things e.g. UI, desktop integration, n00b friendly documentation are must haves | 05:02 |
Hikaru79 | Are there any easy-to-use graphical FTP server softwares to save me all the headache that is vsftpd? =/ You know, like Windows' G6 Bulletproof FTP server | 05:02 |
Gmail | gftp | 05:02 |
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Hikaru79 | Gmail, that's a CLIENT | 05:03 |
Hikaru79 | I need a SERVER | 05:03 |
kensai | rajasun, take for example Mandrake it is like windows thats why Mandrake is the biggest piece of * and the most buggy linux. Because of being newbie friendly. I hope Linux never gets that way. | 05:03 |
zenpod | kensai, um, mandrake is a linux distro. | 05:03 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: why graphical server? thats pointless | 05:03 |
Gmail | Hikaru79: | 05:03 |
zenpod | and frankly, ubuntu is more newbie friendly than mandrake. | 05:03 |
kensai | zenpod, trying to be like windows thats why | 05:04 |
AngryLogic | Hikaru: do you want a graphical server or just a graphical configuration utility for a server? | 05:04 |
Hikaru79 | Just a graphical configuration utility | 05:04 |
Hikaru79 | Because I've been ripping my hair out for the last week trying to make vsftpd work properly | 05:04 |
kensai | zenpod, thats what you an I believe because we have used Linux before but give mandrake and Ubuntu to a n00b he will go with mandrake | 05:04 |
Hikaru79 | So far, I've got it locally accepting anonymous connections | 05:04 |
Hikaru79 | Forget global connections :P | 05:04 |
Hikaru79 | Simply won't work | 05:04 |
zenpod | kensai, Mandrake is still better than Windows :) | 05:05 |
kensai | zenpod, a little | 05:05 |
zenpod | Once I get my new motherboard on monday, this system is becoming Linux-only | 05:05 |
rajasun | kensai: don't get me wrong. I'm all for stability and security and do e.g. suggest cmdline apt over gui synaptic but we can sure work on the UI and other stuff mentioned above | 05:05 |
zenpod | then I have to show my gf and roommate how to use Linux. | 05:05 |
Gmail | kensai: not when ubuntu hoary comes out so many new features | 05:05 |
=== zenpod wants linux to be guiish and nice. It can be secure AND user-friendly. | ||
kensai | rajasun, thats right you are very right | 05:06 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: i don't know of any graphical utilities, i use proftpd which is easy to setup | 05:06 |
zenpod | Linux should work for all levels of user | 05:06 |
Rene_S | an etcha-sketch is better than windows | 05:06 |
rajasun | and in this respect, Ubuntu with GNOME is the right way to go for those who want a useable desktop | 05:06 |
zenpod | I use commandline alot, but hey. | 05:06 |
jdub | kensai: mandrake is not buggy because it's "newbie friendly". | 05:06 |
zenpod | rajasun, quite. Gnome is nice. | 05:06 |
s0cks | ( . Y . ) | 05:06 |
Hikaru79 | proftpd, eh? You got it going the way you like? | 05:06 |
kensai | Gmail, yep it is going to be the bomb but I still belive it will not be user friendly neither to the point of mandrake and if it is then I switch back to debian | 05:07 |
s0cks | \/ | 05:07 |
kurtw | Hikaru79, Do you have a firewall running? | 05:07 |
kensai | jdub, in part yes | 05:07 |
Hikaru79 | kurtw, not a firewall. I do have a router, but I forwarded all the correct ports | 05:07 |
zenpod | I need to set up the home system to run Apache/PHP/MySQL, and still function normally | 05:07 |
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jdub | kensai: there is no logical link between "buggy" and "newbie friendly". | 05:07 |
zenpod | I am guessing those won't take tons of system resources? | 05:07 |
kensai | jdub, also they did everything wrong | 05:07 |
zenpod | does anyone know? | 05:07 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: yup,, but i only allow 3 people access :) | 05:07 |
Hikaru79 | I've got Apache, MySQL, and PHP working fine on the server computer. But vsftpd is beyond me >> | 05:07 |
rajasun | zenpod: hehe...seldom use any other DE maybe Xfce but there's just that something about GNOME that keeps luring me back. guess you know what I mean ;-) | 05:07 |
jdub | zenpod: they don't, really. | 05:08 |
kurtw | Hikaru79, Run an nmap from an external source to verify that the ports are open and working | 05:08 |
Hikaru79 | |Quad|, that's OK :) I only need it to upload pieces of the website anyway | 05:08 |
Hikaru79 | 'external source' means not from within the same LAN right? | 05:08 |
zenpod | jdub, cool.. since I can't afford a dedicated server pc at the moment, and I have to build the media server for mythtv first... | 05:08 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: it shouldn't be bad, proftpd is pretty easy | 05:08 |
kensai | Anyways when Linux becomes mainstream there will be Hurd to save the OS | 05:08 |
zenpod | jdub, just have to host the GF's blog. | 05:08 |
kurtw | Hikaru79, yes. Msg me is you need a hand doing a scan from remote. | 05:08 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: whats your ip, i will portscan you | 05:08 |
zenpod | kensai, yes, and Duke Nuken Forever will run on it. | 05:08 |
Hikaru79 | |Quad|, | 05:08 |
zenpod | *Nukem. | 05:09 |
kensai | zenpod, why will I need it ? | 05:09 |
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|QuaD| | Hikaru79: scanning | 05:09 |
jdub | kensai: that makes no sense at all. | 05:09 |
Hikaru79 | Thanks ^ ^ | 05:09 |
zenpod | kensai, er... nevermind, it was a joke :) | 05:09 |
|QuaD| | is hurd a monolithic kernel? | 05:09 |
zenpod | hurd is based on mach microkernel, I think | 05:09 |
kensai | zenpod, I know I was replying with a sarscams | 05:09 |
Hikaru79 | But if I have multiple computers running on that IP, each with different ports forwarded, will the scan return the total ports from every one of them? | 05:09 |
zenpod | kensai, ahh, sarcasm over irc. I always miss it. :) | 05:09 |
kensai | zenpod, spelled it wrong sorry | 05:09 |
palle | are there any good firewalls for linux? | 05:09 |
palle | since i have like 10 ports open | 05:10 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: yup | 05:10 |
AngryLogic | palle: try iptables | 05:10 |
palle | and i feel a little unsecure | 05:10 |
Hikaru79 | Ah, OK :) | 05:10 |
|QuaD| | zenpod: microkernels are supposedly better | 05:10 |
kurtw | palle, FireStarter | 05:10 |
palle | angrylogic: iptables? | 05:10 |
rajasun | kensai: there's anough room for all the oses including hobbyist ones. But sure like what will come out of the kFreeBSD and Debian GNU/NetBSD projects though | 05:10 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: disconnect the other comps? | 05:10 |
palle | thnx kurtw | 05:10 |
Hikaru79 | Why? | 05:10 |
zenpod | |QuaD|, that's because, afaik, they don't require a reboot to install/uninstall drivers, etc. | 05:10 |
kensai | jdub, Youre getting me wrong or I'm not explaining very well. I refer it Linux comes to be like windows | 05:10 |
Xenguy | palle: shorewall | 05:10 |
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Hikaru79 | As long as the correct ports turn up *somewhere*, it's all good right? | 05:11 |
rajasun | palles: firestarter | 05:11 |
|QuaD| | zenpod: i was told they are more effecient also, dunno though | 05:11 |
Hikaru79 | The only comp with ports 20-22 opened is the server computer, so if your scan shows them as open, it's all good | 05:11 |
jdub | kensai: that has nothing to do with being "newbie friendly". | 05:11 |
zenpod | |QuaD|, I don't know much about OS theory or anything, so I couldn't comment. | 05:11 |
rajasun | palle: or fireHOL | 05:11 |
|QuaD| | zenpod: me neither | 05:11 |
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|QuaD| | maybe i will look into hurd... how is the support for it? | 05:11 |
kurtw | Hikaru79, Either your ISP is blocking traffic our your router is not configured correctly. I was not able to return any ports being open. I just scanned from three different major ISP's with the same results. | 05:12 |
=== |QuaD| wishes vmware was free | ||
zenpod | |QuaD|, HURD is so unfinished. | 05:12 |
zenpod | heh. | 05:12 |
|QuaD| | haha | 05:12 |
zenpod | it'll be done when DNF is done, I expect. | 05:12 |
kensai | jdub, I know, but the problem behing Windows being unstable is newbie friendlyness and there are some analyst that has proven this point | 05:12 |
Hikaru79 | T_T Wha-? | 05:12 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: re: FTPD's: the big 3 (not counting wu, which regularly shows security holes like a mac truck) appear to be proftpd, vsftpd, and pure-ftpd -- FWIW | 05:12 |
Hikaru79 | But I know some of them are open for sure. Like, my Apache server works, for example | 05:12 |
rajasun | zenpod: give another 10 years...Hurd may not even be finished then lol | 05:12 |
|QuaD| | zenpod: dnf? | 05:12 |
zenpod | kensai, that is entirely fallacious logic | 05:12 |
Hikaru79 | Apache wouldn't work without 80 being forwarded right? | 05:12 |
zenpod | |QuaD|, Duke Nukem Forever | 05:12 |
jdub | kensai: no, there is no logical link between "instability" and "newbie friendliness". | 05:12 |
melazyboy | Does anyone knwo where VIA is in the 2.6.x menuconfig | 05:12 |
kensai | zenpod, prove it wrong and I'll believe it | 05:12 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, generally, no | 05:13 |
|QuaD| | zenpod: lo | 05:13 |
|QuaD| | *lol | 05:13 |
Hikaru79 | Therefore, if my Apache works, my forwarding of 80 must've worked... | 05:13 |
zenpod | melazybo2, via what? | 05:13 |
kurtw | Hikaru79, Scratch that, I just got the port list. | 05:13 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, IP? | 05:13 |
Hikaru79 | | 05:13 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: my scan isn't over yet | 05:13 |
Hikaru79 | Ah, I see kurtw :) | 05:13 |
kensai | jdub, then prove it wrong, To believe something I just need someone prove what the analyst says worng | 05:13 |
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zenpod | Hikaru79, connection refused here | 05:14 |
Hikaru79 | zenpod, connection refused when doing what? | 05:14 |
melazyboy | zenpod: Im having a problem with getting DMA to work i googled, it said i needed to enable VIA in the kernel, i can't find it i must have disabled it on accident | 05:14 |
zenpod | kensai, in debate, burden of proof is on the one making the claims. You prove it's right :) | 05:14 |
kurtw | Hikaru79, connection is refused but the port is open. | 05:14 |
Hikaru79 | Connection refused for what? | 05:14 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, trying to http to that UP | 05:14 |
Hikaru79 | The webserver? | 05:14 |
zenpod | *IP | 05:14 |
Hikaru79 | Oh, it's off | 05:14 |
zenpod | yes | 05:14 |
Gmail | kensai: ubuntu is already user friendly | 05:14 |
Hikaru79 | Want me to turn it on? | 05:14 |
zenpod | oh ok | 05:14 |
zenpod | sure | 05:14 |
Hikaru79 | Lemme go put it on | 05:14 |
rajasun | hmmm anyone having probs connecting to or is it just me? | 05:14 |
kurtw | Hikaru79, Is vsftp set to listen on your LAN interface? | 05:14 |
jdub | kensai: "the analyst" means nothing. a huge proportion of windows instability is due to third party drivers and software. "newbie friendliness" has nothing to do with software or system robustness. | 05:14 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: permission to scan your IP? | 05:14 |
zenpod | rajasun, works here | 05:15 |
jdub | kensai: it's not a matter of proof, it's a matter of logic. | 05:15 |
|QuaD| | zenpod: according to the hurd website, it looks pretty developed | 05:15 |
rajasun | zenpod: hmmm | 05:15 |
|QuaD| | are there anyother microkernel os's? | 05:15 |
kensai | jdub, But I believe your point on what youre trying to say. I'm just adding that caring to much about user friendlynes makes it more unstable but this a windows problem what I said about mandrake was to much exageration | 05:15 |
zenpod | |QuaD|, read the install docs. | 05:15 |
jdub | kensai: you are wrong. sorry. | 05:15 |
|QuaD| | ok | 05:16 |
kensai | Then this is not a windows problem? | 05:16 |
kensai | then windows is the mot stable os? | 05:16 |
zenpod | kensai, sacrificing stability in favour of user friendliness would be silly. Doing both is good sense. | 05:16 |
rajasun | |QuaD|: othe microkernel oses? maybe Haiku | 05:16 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: OK I won't scan your IP | 05:16 |
jdub | kensai: my dishwasher is very user friendly. i did not need to read the manual. also, it does not flood my kitchen. | 05:16 |
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Hikaru79 | Back | 05:16 |
Hikaru79 | OK, apache is on | 05:16 |
Hikaru79 | Xenguy, it's | 05:16 |
jdub | kensai: dude, there is *no connection* between "user friendly" and "unstable". you cannot infer anything about one from the other. | 05:16 |
Hikaru79 | | 05:16 |
kensai | jdub, thats totally different, programming is other world | 05:16 |
zenpod | Linux webserver #1 Tue Oct 12 12:41:57 BST 2004 i686 | 05:17 |
jdub | kensai: i don't think windows is particularly stable or friendly. | 05:17 |
zenpod | it works, Hikaru79 | 05:17 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: OK, I'll scan your IP :-) | 05:17 |
jdub | kensai: it is a logical demonstration. | 05:17 |
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Hikaru79 | kurtw: What do you mean? I can connect to the ftp from within the lan, but from anywhere else, it's 'connection refused' | 05:17 |
jdub | kensai: you are conflating two entirely separate issues. | 05:17 |
kensai | Programing is what can make this little error | 05:17 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, you have ipv6 enabled? | 05:17 |
jdub | kensai: no, that is also wrong. | 05:17 |
Hikaru79 | I believe not | 05:17 |
|QuaD| | Hikaru79: that sounds like a forwarding problem | 05:17 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, check your port forwarding on your router. | 05:17 |
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zenpod | Hikaru79, and you do have IPv6 enabled, apache says so. | 05:18 |
kurtw | Hikaru79, check the port forwarding on the router. | 05:18 |
zenpod | Hikaru79, if you don't use it, turning it off can speed things up a bit | 05:18 |
Hikaru79 | It's not, because I forwarded port 80 in the same way as port 20-21 and port 80 works so why wouldn't 20-21? | 05:18 |
kensai | then I can make a program not caring about the bugs I left behind and make it the most user friendly? | 05:18 |
Hikaru79 | I'm 99% sure the problem is in my conf file... I'm not experienced enough yet to understand half of these paramaters that I have to set | 05:18 |
jdub | kensai: you are conflating two entirely separate issues. | 05:18 |
kensai | It'll still unstable | 05:18 |
eclipse | zenpod, how do u know if ipv6 is enabled? | 05:18 |
zenpod | eclipse, it's on by default in ubuntu | 05:19 |
zenpod | iirc | 05:19 |
kensai | jdub, then sorry I didn't explained well my point | 05:19 |
jdub | kensai: your point is wrong. you have made a logical mistake. | 05:19 |
eclipse | zenpod, so if i disable that my internet connection will be faster or more responsive? | 05:19 |
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zenpod | eclipse, | 05:19 |
eclipse | cool, thnx | 05:20 |
melazyboy | Anyone know what you have to enablee in the kernel to get dma working | 05:20 |
Hikaru79 | BRB | 05:20 |
kensai | jdub,I'm just trying to find the articles of those two Computer engineers that bringed up this issue | 05:20 |
zenpod | er w/o the highlighting :D | 05:20 |
zenpod | melazybo2, it ought to be on by default. Make sure it's enabled in your BIOS | 05:20 |
melazyboy | zenpod: It is, and i recompiled my own kernel, and i think i might have disabled it | 05:21 |
melazyboy | zenpod: Any idea of what needs to be enabled to get it working? | 05:21 |
kensai | jdub, anyways I believe your right. My point is wrong in the way that I don't know how to explain it well. My first language is spanish ;) | 05:21 |
zenpod | melazyboy, ahhh. Not offhand, I know it's in the kernel config. make xconfig or menuconfig and go looking, I guess. | 05:21 |
melazyboy | im looking and not seeing =[ | 05:22 |
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melazyboy | Found it | 05:22 |
melazyboy | how silly | 05:22 |
zenpod | melazyboy, there ya go :) | 05:23 |
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=== kensai is falling asllep and is having a nightmare, Windows xp has 3 open aplications and it hasn't frozen. | ||
melazyboy | its under the parrent tree of generic/default ide chipset support | 05:24 |
kensai | Gnite | 05:24 |
|QuaD| | has the stability of gnome improved any in hoary? | 05:24 |
kensai | |QuaD|, it has decreased | 05:24 |
zenpod | kensai, I'm on XP and it hasn't crashed for days. | 05:24 |
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Hikaru79 | Well, it's still a development | 05:24 |
|QuaD| | ?? | 05:24 |
Hikaru79 | *al version | 05:25 |
|QuaD| | kensai: what ? | 05:25 |
kensai | |QuaD|, we are waiting for 2.10 | 05:25 |
Hikaru79 | It'll be stable enough by the time it's ready for release right? | 05:25 |
Hikaru79 | kensai is an ubuntu developer? | 05:25 |
kensai | Nope | 05:25 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: do you mind if I /msg you? | 05:25 |
|QuaD| | kensai: my question is is it any more stable? i looked at it 2 weeks ago and it was having problems | 05:25 |
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kensai | |QuaD|, it is 2.9.1 development version right now | 05:26 |
zenpod | I'd just wait until april for hoary | 05:26 |
kensai | |QuaD|, maybe more stable than two weeks ago not that much | 05:26 |
Hikaru79 | Xenguy of course not :) | 05:26 |
|QuaD| | zenpod: i am | 05:26 |
|QuaD| | jsut trying to figure out the status | 05:26 |
|QuaD| | kensai: alright :0 | 05:26 |
|QuaD| | :) | 05:26 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: very well | 05:27 |
kensai | zenpod, I was just joking about XP doesn't have sense of Humor? | 05:27 |
hoffman | ver | 05:27 |
zenpod | kensai, nah, I do :) | 05:27 |
Hikaru79 | Xenguy, I meant I don't mind... you can /msg me, of course1 | 05:27 |
Hikaru79 | *! | 05:27 |
melazyboy | wait | 05:27 |
melazyboy | does pci ide only apply to ide card connected through expansion slots | 05:27 |
kensai | zenpod, I think overall XP is good...... If you want to die of a heart disease because of all the bugs and infestation LOL | 05:27 |
Xenguy | Hikaru79: I thought so, but it is considered good form to ask first ;-) | 05:27 |
Hikaru79 | ^ ^ | 05:28 |
georgia | melazyboy: no | 05:28 |
melazyboy | georgia: Hrm thats how i read it, what does PCI have to do with IDE then and why is the DMA option under that tree | 05:28 |
kensai | Sorry for the minutes ago I think I was a bit exalted by the idea Linux can become like Windows but now I'm confident it won't | 05:29 |
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kensai | Long live Linus Torvald ! Hurrayy! | 05:29 |
georgia | melazyboy: your ide controller on board is actually on the pci bus, its not in a slot, but it is on that bus, and its the pci us that allows DMA | 05:29 |
reversal | What are some repositories I can add for apt, amd64-wise? | 05:29 |
melazyboy | georgia: Wow good information did not know that. i thought the pci bus branched off the ide bus | 05:30 |
georgia | nope, its the other way round. | 05:30 |
georgia | just abotu every onboard device is actually a device on the pci bus | 05:31 |
melazyboy | georgia: Well one more question since you seem to know your stuff, my computer is working fine now with 'generic pci ide chipset support' built in or compiled as module from the kernel, what exactly does that do, and will i need it to use DMA which is located in the same tree under 'pci ide chipset support' | 05:32 |
melazyboy | err working fine without * | 05:32 |
georgia | to be honest i'm not entirely sure, never done much kernel tweaking, i can almost always get away with stock kernels. i'm more of a hardware girl than a software girl. | 05:34 |
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georgia | though it seems a bit weird that everything works without that, unless there is a specific driver loaded for your onboard ide controller | 05:34 |
melazyboy | Yes i was thinking the same thing | 05:34 |
melazyboy | i mean i seriously killed the whole PCI IDE tree, and im running cds, and using an 2 ide hds right now | 05:35 |
georgia | have you booted off the new kernel? | 05:35 |
melazyboy | georgia: Yea im using it as we speak | 05:35 |
georgia | run the command "uname -a" in a terminal and let me know what the output of that is | 05:36 |
melazyboy | I mean i had ata/atapi/mfm/rll tree, in it i had the 'include ide/ata-2 disk support', and 'include ide/atapi cdrom support' and the 'generic default ide chipset support', but becasue of my misunderstanding the big subtree of 'ata/atapi/mfm/rll support', entitled 'pci ide chipset support' was removed | 05:37 |
melazyboy | #9 Sat Nov 27 18:26:43 CST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux | 05:38 |
melazyboy | made it yesterday | 05:38 |
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melazyboy | Any way crummy kernel docs on that one, pretty blurry for a new guy to figure out | 05:39 |
melazyboy | err | 05:39 |
melazyboy | thats | 05:39 |
melazyboy | i typed it, this is my irc/raid box =/ | 05:39 |
zenpod | omh | 05:40 |
zenpod | *omg | 05:40 |
zenpod | Neverball is HARD | 05:40 |
georgia | melazyboy: that's weird, totally lost me. | 05:40 |
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georgia | ok, try "sudo hdparm -d /dev/hda" melazyboy | 05:41 |
melazyboy | one sec let me get in with another irc client on other box | 05:42 |
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melazyboy2 | ok there we go | 05:43 |
melazyboy2 | melazyboy@l33t-4nd-l4zy-n1gg3r:~ $ sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hda | 05:44 |
melazyboy2 | bah no multiline paste in xchat | 05:44 |
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georgia | if you had done just "-d" it would have told you the current setting | 05:45 |
melazyboy2 | its off.. otherwise i woulden't be doing this lol | 05:45 |
melazyboy2 | the error is probably a little more usefull | 05:45 |
melazyboy2 | HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted | 05:45 |
melazyboy2 | setting using_dma to 1 (on) | 05:46 |
melazyboy2 | HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted | 05:46 |
melazyboy2 | using_dma = 0 (off) | 05:46 |
trevor | Hello all. I just installed Ubuntu Linux and during the setup I accidentally chose 1024 besides 1280 for my resolution | 05:46 |
melazyboy2 | hold ctrl and hit plus in x | 05:46 |
trevor | How can I change my reolution to 1280? | 05:46 |
melazyboy2 | err thats ctrl + alt + (plus sign) lol | 05:47 |
Hikaru79 | Computer --> System Configuration --> Screen Resoltuion | 05:47 |
georgia | melazyboy: was just making sure, ok, i think you should probably recompile with that module, hopefully you'll get dma then, but i'm not 100% sure | 05:47 |
melazyboy2 | Im pretty sure thats it, im good at breaking stuff | 05:47 |
melazyboy2 | luckily im not that shabby at fixing it | 05:47 |
trevor | Yes, but 1280 isn't on there. I didn't add it when I did the set-up | 05:47 |
melazyboy2 | err | 05:48 |
melazyboy2 | or ther other way around =/ | 05:48 |
melazyboy2 | anyway its late recompile and finish take home test | 05:48 |
melazyboy2 | see everyone later, good night | 05:48 |
trevor | I guess the question should be: How can I edit whatever configuration I need to so I can have the option to change my resolution to 1280? | 05:50 |
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melazyboy | trevor: /etc/X11/xorg.conf or /etc/X11/xfree86* | 05:50 |
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trev0r | Neither of those files exist | 05:51 |
trev0r | I know I have XFree | 05:51 |
melazyboy | Err.. | 05:51 |
melazyboy | XFree86* | 05:52 |
melazyboy | what ever its called i think its /etc/X11/XFree86-4.conf | 05:52 |
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trev0r | Hmm, I see | 05:52 |
melazyboy | im not sure im using xorg, even though i regret it... really really regret it | 05:52 |
trev0r | This looks a bit complicated | 05:52 |
melazyboy | trev0r: Nah just find the color depth you have and add the resolution you want | 05:53 |
melazyboy | or you cna use dpkg to do it | 05:53 |
|QuaD| | trev0r: its not really complicated | 05:53 |
Agrajag | /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 05:53 |
|QuaD| | copy and paste what you have before | 05:53 |
melazyboy | its like 'dpkg-reconfig x-window-system' | 05:53 |
melazyboy | or something on those lines | 05:53 |
Hikaru79 | I think dpkg-reconfigure xserver-XFree86 | 05:53 |
melazyboy | either x-window-system, or x-windows-system | 05:53 |
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melazyboy | or that... ubuntu could have changed it.. | 05:53 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | cool I got no sound | 05:54 |
Hikaru79 | Or (very likely), I'm wrong :P | 05:54 |
GotD0t | _|Imanewbie|_: what did you do? | 05:54 |
trev0r | trevor@zeppelin:/etc/X11 $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-XFree86 | 05:54 |
melazyboy | _|Imanewbie|_: 'cat /dev/urandom | /dev/dsp' or 'cat /dev/urandom | aplay' (oss : alsa) | 05:54 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Now by NO REASON if I try to run BMP it says it couldnt open audio | 05:54 |
trev0r | I did that and nothing happened | 05:54 |
trev0r | I think I will do it manually | 05:55 |
trev0r | What is the height when the width is 1280? | 05:55 |
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Gmail | NOOOOO the sco hack page has been fixed | 05:56 |
melazyboy | 1280*768 if i remember rihgt | 05:56 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Playing raw data 'stdin' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono | 05:56 |
trev0r | Well, I know it is 1024x768 | 05:56 |
trev0r | So I don't think 768 is right | 05:57 |
melazyboy | Gmail: Reverted, if its not back hacked in 10min, then the exploit isn't fixed. | 05:57 |
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Agrajag | trev0r: 1280x960 if it's a CRT | 05:57 |
melazyboy | trev0r: err your right | 05:57 |
Agrajag | 1280x1024 if it's and LCD | 05:57 |
trev0r | Ok, its a LCD | 05:57 |
|QuaD| | Gmail: sco hack page? | 05:57 |
trev0r | Thank you | 05:57 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | if I try to put volume it it auto goes down | 05:57 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | *volume up | 05:57 |
kurtw | I am not in front of my Ubuntu comp right now. Ubuntu come with xinetd or inetd? | 05:58 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | dammit! | 05:58 |
Gmail | |QuaD|: look at my artical on 's home page | 05:59 |
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Gmail | another GTK 2.5 bug | 06:01 |
|QuaD| | lol | 06:01 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | =( I have no more sound! | 06:01 |
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Hikaru79 | kurtw, it comes with inetd | 06:01 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | solved | 06:09 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Ive changed my user name and the system kicked me out of the user groups for audio and stuff | 06:09 |
BeanDip | Hot damn! | 06:09 |
BeanDip | E17 is in CVS | 06:09 |
BeanDip | is anyone going to be putting together E17 packages for ubuntu? | 06:10 |
|QuaD| | where is the php binary located in warty? | 06:10 |
ajmitch_ | BeanDip: note that it's pretty much unusable at the moment | 06:10 |
ajmitch_ | and considered pre-alpha code at best | 06:10 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | wich groups can a user acces by default? | 06:10 |
BeanDip | | 06:10 |
zenpod | Apparently I'm not the only one who checks slashdot like 284732984 times a day | 06:10 |
zenpod | lol | 06:10 |
BeanDip | check that shit out | 06:10 |
=== zenpod points at BeanDip | ||
BeanDip | especially the two videos at the bottom of the page | 06:11 |
|QuaD| | whats e17? | 06:11 |
|QuaD| | how do i install the php-cli? | 06:11 |
|QuaD| | i have the php4 package but i don't think it installed the cli | 06:12 |
Rene_S | enlightenment is almost e17 | 06:12 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | wich groups can a user acces by default? | 06:12 |
zenpod | omg I can almost hear | 06:12 |
zenpod | it's a miracle! | 06:12 |
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BeanDip | _|Imanewbie|_, 'cat /etc/group | more' | 06:12 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | BeanDip: Ive screwed up mine =) | 06:13 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | BeanDip: so I cant check it =) | 06:13 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, well, don't do that! ;) | 06:13 |
jessta | so, no way of installing ubuntu from the livecd? | 06:13 |
zenpod | can someone direct me to some theora videos? | 06:13 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: can you list me the groups your user can use? | 06:13 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, Um.. let's see.. Administrators. I'm in XP atm ;) | 06:14 |
|QuaD| | anyone? how to get a php cli? | 06:15 |
melazyboy | zenpod: ??? XP OMFG, EVERYONE OVERREACT THIS IS A LINUX CHAT ROOM... | 06:15 |
melazyboy | zenpod: it probably wasn't called for but it seemed like the popular thing to do | 06:15 |
zenpod | melazyboy, heehee :D | 06:16 |
zenpod | EXECThe system cannot find the file specified. | 06:16 |
zenpod | EXECThe system cannot find the file specified. | 06:16 |
zenpod | hm | 06:16 |
zenpod | I can't get ver to work, since it's built into cmd.exe | 06:17 |
zenpod | haha | 06:17 |
eclipse | where do i go to get the linux source or header? | 06:17 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | melazyboy: can you give me the groups your first user in ubuntu uses? | 06:17 |
zenpod | odd, xp has go figure. | 06:17 |
melazyboy | im thinking root:root | 06:17 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | melazyboy: take a look on users and groups for me plz | 06:18 |
melazyboy | root:x:0 | 06:18 |
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melazyboy | root is in the group... root | 06:19 |
melazyboy | so root:root... =/ | 06:19 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | should my ordinary be on the group bin? | 06:19 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | my ordinary user | 06:19 |
melazyboy | no int he group adm | 06:19 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | no int? | 06:19 |
melazyboy | adm:x:4:melazyboy | 06:19 |
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zenpod | bppppredppppp, | 06:25 |
zenpod | er.. boooredommm ;) | 06:25 |
melazyboy | recompile kernel | 06:26 |
melazyboy | im on number 10 | 06:26 |
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_|Imanewbie|_ | ls | 06:27 |
zenpod | Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] | 06:27 |
zenpod | AHA | 06:27 |
zenpod | I got it to work. | 06:27 |
zenpod | instead of /exec -o uname -a, it's /exec -o cmd /c ver | 06:27 |
zenpod | I am wayyy too proud of myself for that | 06:28 |
=== zenpod goes to get professional psychiatric help | ||
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_|Imanewbie|_ | exit | 06:29 |
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zenpod | wb _|Imanewbie|_ | 06:34 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: what? | 06:34 |
zenpod | welcome back | 06:34 |
zenpod | lol | 06:34 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: can you help me? | 06:34 |
zenpod | um | 06:34 |
zenpod | depends, with what? | 06:35 |
zenpod | If I can, I will. | 06:35 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: I just need to know in witch groups the first user ubuntu creates is listed | 06:35 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | you can see it in SystemConfiguration -> Users and Groups | 06:36 |
zenpod | Oh, I have no idea, sorry.. users, maybe wheel. | 06:36 |
zenpod | I am not sure | 06:36 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | zenpod: you can check it ->Computer -> SystemCOnfugration->Users and Groups | 06:37 |
melazyboy | is stopping make risky when its compiling? | 06:39 |
melazyboy | I want to halt it so i can finish watching a movie | 06:39 |
melazyboy | do i risk fucking it up if i do? | 06:39 |
zenpod | _|Imanewbie|_, umm... | 06:39 |
zenpod | Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] | 06:39 |
=== zenpod is not in Linux at the moment. | ||
=== _|Imanewbie|_ attempts to suicide | ||
melazyboy | anyone? | 06:40 |
zenpod | melazyboy, well, you can hit ctrl+c to kill it, then try running it again.. I don't know, it worked for me in FreeBSD all the time, but YMMV... | 06:40 |
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melazyboy | YMMV? | 06:40 |
zenpod | when I was building ports, it caused me no issues. | 06:40 |
zenpod | Your Mileage May Vary | 06:40 |
melazyboy | I want too ctrl+z it and bring it back later | 06:40 |
zenpod | i.e. I can promise it'll work | 06:40 |
zenpod | *can't | 06:41 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | anyone here can help me out please? | 06:41 |
|progenic| | excuse me, can xine play ogm file ? | 06:41 |
|progenic| | or what package i have to installed in order to make it work | 06:41 |
melazyboy | |progenic|: Get vlc it can play anything | 06:41 |
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melazyboy | mostly... | 06:42 |
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clee | mdz: fuck svgalib, get rid of it | 06:49 |
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Safari_Al | I have a dds-4 tape drive on an ubuntu system, the st module is loaded so the /dev/st* entries appear, but `mt -f /dev/st0 erase` takes absolutely forever... I stopped it after an hour and a half and it was only probably half way through. Anyone have thoughts on why this could be so_ | 06:56 |
Safari_Al | ? | 06:56 |
krusty | Hi!!! | 06:56 |
krusty | I'm new on linux Ubundu | 06:56 |
krusty | Where can I found Tutorials, to learn about?? | 06:57 |
Gmail | | 06:57 |
Gmail | | 06:57 |
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Gmail | krusty: you want doc for gnome? | 06:57 |
krusty | yes I want it Gmail... | 06:58 |
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krusty | I want to learn about programming on linux to give back for the community... | 06:59 |
eclipse | can someone help me with this error: | 06:59 |
eclipse | Error activating XKB configuration. | 06:59 |
eclipse | Probably internal X server problem. | 06:59 |
eclipse | X server version data: | 07:00 |
eclipse | The X.Org Foundation | 07:00 |
eclipse | 60801000 | 07:00 |
eclipse | If you report this situation as a bug, please include: | 07:00 |
eclipse | - The result of xprop -root | grep XKB | 07:00 |
eclipse | - The result of gconftool-2 -R /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/xkb | 07:00 |
eclipse | this is after i upgraded to xorg | 07:00 |
eclipse | is there a setting that i can adjust to fix this error message? | 07:01 |
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Gmail | krusty: | 07:09 |
krusty | thanx Gmail | 07:11 |
JDay | I'm having trouble getting the ATI drivers running. | 07:11 |
JDay | Is there anyone here with experience with that that'd be willing to help me out? | 07:12 |
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GotD0t | JDay: i would help but i got an early class in the morning, i gotta hit the sack | 07:13 |
JDay | Alright, thanks, anyway. | 07:13 |
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awtcmc | can anyone help with gnomerar? | 07:16 |
billytwowilly | what's the program that is called network settings called on the command line? | 07:17 |
billytwowilly | network-admin! | 07:17 |
billytwowilly | yay! | 07:17 |
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JDay | Anyone with ideas for the ATI driver? The guide in the wiki didn't work for me. It's a 9600 XT on an nforce2 motherboard. | 07:20 |
dad_ | anyone know how i can access shoutcast streams? | 07:20 |
housetier | dad_ xmms should be able to, as well as beep-media-player and rhythmbox | 07:21 |
dad_ | ah yes rythmbox thnks ill try it | 07:21 |
dad_ | err where might I find rythmbox? | 07:22 |
clee | ? :) | 07:23 |
dad_ | sterling idea lol | 07:23 |
housetier | erm can't you find it with synaptic? | 07:25 |
dad_ | no its not there | 07:26 |
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Amaranth | anyone else having issues with | 07:28 |
Amaranth | in hoary | 07:29 |
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dad_ | got it thnks housetier | 07:30 |
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lil_anthony | wth when i go to shoutcast and open the location in rhytmbox i get error can't open resourse for writing anyone else ever get that | 07:38 |
melazyboy | what command can i use to find the priority of a ps | 07:39 |
Agrajag | priority of a what? | 07:39 |
melazyboy | the nice priority | 07:40 |
Agrajag | of a ps? | 07:40 |
Agrajag | ??? | 07:40 |
melazyboy | process | 07:40 |
Agrajag | what's a ps? | 07:40 |
Agrajag | ok | 07:40 |
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melazyboy | dont know? | 07:41 |
Agrajag | doesn't seem to be an option in ps to do it, that's weird | 07:43 |
Agrajag | top will tell you though | 07:43 |
lil_anthony | type top that shows you the top most | 07:46 |
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melazyboy | your telling me there isnt one app that just simply returns the niceness of a process? | 07:47 |
melazyboy | seems v. odd | 07:48 |
lil_anthony | top shows the nice value | 07:50 |
moj0rising | I am getting errors when I attempt to run synaptic or anything in gnome requiring root access... | 07:52 |
moj0rising | ..does anyone know what some possible causes could be? | 07:52 |
moj0rising | I have searched around and posted to the forums.. | 07:53 |
moj0rising | and so far, no dice. | 07:53 |
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melazyboy | try ps -eo fname,ni | 08:03 |
calamari | anyone know if I can use fonts besides ttf in the fonts:/// folder? | 08:04 |
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Myke | good night lads | 08:04 |
dad_ | goodnight | 08:04 |
Myke | after 8 hours or so... i finally managed to have suspend-to-disk working in linux :) | 08:05 |
dad_ | any senior linux users here? | 08:05 |
dad_ | as in old guys? | 08:06 |
Myke | i don't think i'm old... :) | 08:06 |
housetier | how old? ;) | 08:06 |
Myke | 24 | 08:06 |
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dad_ | umm over 65? | 08:06 |
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gloin | heh | 08:06 |
gloin | My age could be accurately measured as being precisely 100000 | 08:07 |
dad_ | outstanding lol | 08:07 |
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gloin | but I wouldn't get a senior discount at the dime store | 08:07 |
Myke | so, you're 32... time will come... | 08:08 |
Myke | and, faster for you than for me... | 08:08 |
dad_ | its that time for me already hehe | 08:08 |
=== gloin looks at the clock, then his bed, and knows what time it is... | ||
Myke | dad_, you're 60 something? | 08:08 |
gloin | night all | 08:08 |
dad_ | 69 myke | 08:08 |
Myke | lol | 08:08 |
dad_ | goodnight | 08:08 |
Myke | no night for me.. | 08:09 |
dad_ | or me its 4pm here | 08:09 |
Myke | i have to wakeup in 51 minutes to go to the airport | 08:09 |
Myke | it's 7 am here | 08:09 |
Karthik085 | Hey, I want to install Ubuntu for my laptop which runs AMD XP 3000. When I looked at Download page of linux, it doesn't have a release for it. Is there a previous version that supports amd xp? | 08:09 |
Myke | Karthik085: ubuntu supports your cpu | 08:09 |
Myke | you probably out of luck in respect to suspend-to-disk | 08:10 |
jdub | Karthik085: the i386 version is the one for you | 08:10 |
Karthik085 | awesome...what version should I download?? | 08:10 |
Myke | there's only one version of ubuntu yet | 08:10 |
Myke | 4.1 | 08:10 |
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dad_ | Myke id like to listen to internet radio but im a bit unsure as to how to go about it - any clues? | 08:10 |
Myke | dad_: find web page with radio, then listen :) | 08:11 |
Karthik085 | but i386 support only intel machines, rite?? | 08:11 |
dad_ | well thats a help lol | 08:11 |
Myke | Karthik085: no.. | 08:11 |
Myke | i386 is a general term for intel, amd and someothers | 08:12 |
Karthik085 | okay, thanks. | 08:12 |
melazyboy | while we are talking about that, just to confirm i686 does not support AMD right? | 08:13 |
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melazyboy | because 686 has pentium specific optimizations | 08:13 |
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Myke | melazyboy, wrong | 08:14 |
Sensebend | i686 will run on AMD | 08:14 |
Sensebend | just fine | 08:14 |
Myke | you should use i686 for xp and up | 08:14 |
Sensebend | but yeah Myke is right | 08:14 |
jdub | rather, you should install the k7 kernels on amd athlon and duron machines | 08:15 |
jdub | and i686 on intel | 08:15 |
melazyboy | when you use the k7 kernels do the list with uname -a as i686 or k7? | 08:15 |
melazyboy | see i was always told what jdub just said -- but my expereicen with linux and amd is almost nonexistant - im just wondering if use K7 optimizations will it list as i686, and does i686 run on k7 chips | 08:16 |
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Ruffian|Q| | | 08:18 |
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Myke | melazyboy, i686 runs on k7 | 08:19 |
Myke | 40 minutes to get up :p | 08:21 |
Myke | better go to bed first a bit :) | 08:21 |
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melazyboy | What do you have to do to give groups other than root the ability to shutdown | 08:24 |
Agrajag | give other groups execute access on /sbin/shutdown? | 08:25 |
melazyboy | they can execute,, it just says you must be root to do that | 08:25 |
melazyboy | /etc/shutdown.allow | 08:27 |
Myke | chmod +s /sbin/shutdown ? :p | 08:28 |
melazyboy | what does the sticky flag do again? | 08:28 |
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Myke | well.. it just runs the program as root | 08:30 |
Agrajag | no | 08:31 |
Agrajag | that's setuid | 08:31 |
Agrajag | sticky is ont the same | 08:31 |
melazyboy | +s is turn sticky flag on right? | 08:31 |
Agrajag | | 08:31 |
melazyboy | i just never understood what it did | 08:31 |
Agrajag | well read that link | 08:31 |
Agrajag | it's for hp-ux but it's the same | 08:32 |
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melazyboy | thanks Agrajag its on my list of things to do tomorrow, right after finish take home test | 08:32 |
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Myke | 21 minutes to wake up :| | 08:39 |
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hartbrkr | is it possible to uninstall mozilla firefox that's installed with ubuntu (warty), and install the newer mozilla firefox 1.0? in the package manager it says that if I remove mozilla it will also remove a package that's called "ubuntu-desktop" .. what do I do? | 08:50 |
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hartbrkr | is it possible to uninstall mozilla firefox that's installed with ubuntu (warty), and install the newer mozilla firefox 1.0? in the package manager it says that if I remove mozilla it will also remove a package that's called "ubuntu-desktop" .. what do I do? | 08:58 |
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Esc_Ctrl | where can i get a screen shot of ubuntu | 09:00 |
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netsplit | Esc_Ctrl: It's a Linux distribution. Screenshots won't tell you anything. | 09:03 |
hartbrkr | is it possible to uninstall mozilla firefox that's installed with ubuntu (warty), and install the newer mozilla firefox 1.0? in the package manager it says that if I remove mozilla it will also remove a package that's called "ubuntu-desktop" .. what do I do??????? | 09:03 |
netsplit | hartbrkr: you can upgrade to hoary for Mozilla Firefox 1.0. | 09:04 |
hartbrkr | netsplit: hoary? what do you mean? | 09:05 |
netsplit | hartbrkr: That's the distribution of Ubuntu that's currently in development. | 09:05 |
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Treenaks | but it's in heavy flux | 09:05 |
Treenaks | and it's not supported yet | 09:05 |
netsplit | | 09:05 |
Treenaks | and you really don't want it if you want your system to 'Just Work' | 09:06 |
hartbrkr | netsplit: is that the only way I can do it? I can't just remove firefox? what will happen if I remove the package ubuntu-desktop that depends on it for some reason? | 09:06 |
Treenaks | hartbrkr: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package and can be removed safely, but it'll make upgrading to hoary harder when it's released (in April) | 09:07 |
netsplit | Description: The Ubuntu desktop system | 09:07 |
netsplit | This package depends on all of the packages in the Ubuntu desktop system | 09:07 |
netsplit | . | 09:07 |
netsplit | It is safe to remove this package if some of the desktop system packages are | 09:07 |
netsplit | not desired. | 09:07 |
netsplit | Hmm, yeah, I think you can just remove it. | 09:07 |
netsplit | I don't have it installed I think. | 09:07 |
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hartbrkr | can I just reinstall it again after i install firefox 1.0? | 09:07 |
Treenaks | no | 09:08 |
Treenaks | it depends on the current version for warty | 09:08 |
netsplit | You don't need it. | 09:08 |
Treenaks | also, where do you intend to get firefox 1.0? | 09:08 |
Amaranth | anyone else having issues with in hoary? | 09:08 |
Treenaks | you want the package, but the firefox 1.0 package from hoary probably won't work on warty | 09:08 |
hartbrkr | Treenaks: isn't that the newest version? | 09:08 |
Treenaks | hartbrkr: yes, but 0.9.3 is the "supported" version by Warty.. best thing to do is just wait for hoary.. testing releases should be due in a few months | 09:09 |
hartbrkr | Treenaks: can't i just get it from mozilla org? | 09:09 |
Treenaks | hartbrkr: no, that'll break upgrades | 09:09 |
Treenaks | hartbrkr: because the package manager won't know that you have it installed | 09:10 |
=== Amaranth got it from and installed it in /opt/mozilla-firefox | ||
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Treenaks | Amaranth: eeks | 09:10 |
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Amaranth | that way it can coexist with the warty system and i can use it | 09:10 |
Amaranth | then i switched to hoary, but still ;) | 09:10 |
hartbrkr | Amaranth: did you remove firefox that came with warty? | 09:11 |
Amaranth | no | 09:11 |
Zotnix | Anyone know what package would install the xorg-x11 Xauth.h file? (That should be in /usr/X11R6/include) | 09:11 |
fabbione | libxau-dev | 09:11 |
hartbrkr | Amaranth: maybe i'll try that out, thanks | 09:11 |
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Amaranth | i just set sensible-browser to /opt/mozilla-firefox/firefox and editted the shortcuts to the warty version | 09:11 |
netsplit | xlibs-dev <- perhaps. | 09:11 |
Treenaks | xlibs-dev = all X development headers, right? | 09:11 |
Amaranth | you get the real icon with the version, thats my main reason for using it | 09:11 |
Zotnix | Thanks fabbione | 09:12 |
Treenaks | Amaranth: the MAIN reason is the ICON?? | 09:12 |
Zotnix | xau has it. | 09:12 |
Amaranth | Treenaks: yes | 09:12 |
Treenaks | Amaranth: scary :) | 09:12 |
Treenaks | Amaranth: you could've just downloaded the icon :) | 09:12 |
Amaranth | Sure, but now my version has all the plugins and such setup correctly | 09:12 |
netsplit | lol @ Amaranth. | 09:12 |
Zotnix | Spent the last half hour looking in all the packages and googling. | 09:12 |
=== Zotnix smirs. | ||
Zotnix | smirks* | 09:13 |
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netsplit | Zotnix: next time, look at, it lets you search for files. | 09:13 |
netsplit | Though it didn't find libxau-dev ... | 09:13 |
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Zotnix | netsplit, ah, okay. Thanks. | 09:14 |
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Gmail | why isn't nvu in debian repos or ubuntu's? | 09:23 |
ctd | Because nvu sucks? | 09:24 |
jdub | because no one has packaged it yet | 09:24 |
jdub | ctd: no. | 09:24 |
Gmail | ctd: have you seen it | 09:24 |
ctd | jdub: Honestly, trying to package it for arch.. was hell.. | 09:24 |
ctd | Gmail: Yeah. | 09:24 |
ctd | Gmail: It really is just a re-badged mozilla composer. | 09:25 |
Gmail | jdub: why doesn't someone do it besides writing in the wiki howyo install he cound of just made a .deb | 09:25 |
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jdub | Gmail: he might not know how. instead of asking why no one has done it, why don't you do it? | 09:26 |
Gmail | ctd: you can't do 10% of what you can do with nvu | 09:26 |
Treenaks | Gmail: vim can do even more | 09:27 |
ctd | Gmail: Can you be so sure? | 09:27 |
Gmail | jdub: can you give me the NEW howto make a deb besides the old way dpkg-build.... | 09:27 |
jdub | Treenaks: (that is totally not a valid argument...) | 09:27 |
jdub | Gmail: see the new maintainer's guide on | 09:27 |
Gmail | Treenaks: ^^ | 09:27 |
Treenaks | jdub: I know :) | 09:28 |
Gmail | jdub: link? | 09:28 |
ctd | Gmail: and follow the links. | 09:28 |
jdub | Gmail: i'm sure you can find it on or with google faster than i can find it for you | 09:28 |
ctd | jdub said. | 09:28 |
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Gmail | search is b0rken | 09:29 |
MobyTurbo | use google with | 09:29 |
jdub | sheesh dude | 09:30 |
jdub | just type "new maintainer's guide" into google | 09:30 |
Gmail | or use debian google thingy | 09:30 |
jdub | and press i'm feeling lucky | 09:30 |
Gmail | | 09:30 |
Gmail | shees i fund it before i said <Gmail> search is b0rken | 09:31 |
dad_ | can anyone tell me how to add debian-marillat to my apt sources? | 09:31 |
dad_ | does marillat have ppc packages? | 09:31 |
MobyTurbo | dad_, add it to /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:31 |
ctd | dad_: Just use multiverse. | 09:31 |
Gmail | dad_: what are you doing on irc | 09:32 |
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dad_ | what is the full multiverse entry? | 09:32 |
jdub | dad_: just add multiverse to your existing lines | 09:32 |
dad_ | trying to wrap my 70 yold brain around linux | 09:32 |
MobyTurbo | dad_, same as the universe entry, except with "multi" | 09:32 |
ctd | dad_: Add to the end of your existing universe | 09:33 |
dad_ | okies thanks | 09:33 |
ctd | ..line. | 09:33 |
dad_ | deb-src warty universe multi ? | 09:36 |
Gmail | dad_: what are you doing on irc?!?!? | 09:36 |
stuNNed | dad_, not multi, multiverse | 09:36 |
jdub | dad_: 'multiverse' | 09:36 |
dad_ | uhoh lol | 09:36 |
dad_ | GMAIL clean your room this instant! | 09:36 |
Gmail | dad_: make me | 09:37 |
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dad_ | not woring no such error | 09:39 |
Treenaks | dad_: no such error? that's a new one :) | 09:39 |
dad_ | hehe | 09:39 |
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dad_ | as in no such file directory error | 09:40 |
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dad_ | having the dickens of a time trying to get mplayer installed | 09:40 |
Micksa | okay, so um, should I install warty or hoary? :) | 09:41 |
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housetier | warty | 09:41 |
jdub | Micksa: install warty, consider upgrading to hoary later on. | 09:41 |
Micksa | are releases going to get bugfix updates? or is it the same deal as debian? | 09:41 |
Micksa | (ie security updates only) | 09:42 |
jdub | Micksa: some bugfixes for high impact bugs (same as debian) | 09:42 |
Micksa | (essentially) | 09:42 |
Micksa | ok | 09:42 |
Gmail | wb king_arthur | 09:43 |
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king_arthur | Gmail: g'dday :-) | 09:44 |
dad_ | anyone have time to look at my apt sources.list? | 09:44 |
king_arthur | dad_: go ahead | 09:44 |
dad_ | thanks and g-day | 09:45 |
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dad_ | deb warty universe | 09:46 |
dad_ | deb-src warty universe | 09:46 |
dad_ | deb warty-security main restricted | 09:46 |
dad_ | deb-src warty-security main restricted | 09:46 |
dad_ | deb warty multiverse | 09:46 |
dad_ | deb-src warty multiverse | 09:46 |
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dad_ | cant seem to get synaptic to acces multiverse | 09:46 |
king_arthur | I have a minor problem with the gnome session manager | 09:46 |
king_arthur | dad_: what is the question? | 09:47 |
wood1 | What is the problem with Gaim 1.0.0, I can't connect to MSN Messenger ? | 09:47 |
dad_ | is there something wrong with the multiverse entry?synaptic cant access it | 09:47 |
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Treenaks | wood1: it's a known bug | 09:48 |
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king_arthur | dad_: pls forgive my ignorance but what is multiverese? | 09:48 |
wood1 | Well can something be done to Gaim to connect to MSN ? | 09:48 |
dad_ | oops i guess its like no such error? lol | 09:48 |
king_arthur | dad_: multiverse? | 09:48 |
MobyTurbo | king_arthur, like universe except for non-free packages. | 09:48 |
dad_ | yeah what a nork i am | 09:49 |
dad_ | thnks | 09:49 |
wood1 | Treenaks, how do I upgrade Gaim to Version 1.0.3 ? | 09:49 |
king_arthur | MobyTurbo: tks perhaps you have the other answer as well. To me it looks OK | 09:49 |
Gmail | king_arthur: g'd night | 09:50 |
MobyTurbo | deb warty multiverse | 09:50 |
Treenaks | wood1: change the deb-src lines (ONLY those!) to hoary in /etc/apt/sources.lst, apt-get build-dep gaim; cd gaim; dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc; cd ..; ls *deb | 09:50 |
MobyTurbo | is my multiverse line. You also need the universe, security, and main repository lines. | 09:50 |
king_arthur | Gmail: it's morning here, cathyoulater. | 09:50 |
Treenaks | wood1: uh, sorrt, after apt-get build-dep gaim do "apt-get source gaim", and THEN cd gaim-1.0.3 | 09:51 |
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wood1 | Treenaks, I am using Warty in this Machine | 09:54 |
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Treenaks | wood1: yes, I know | 09:54 |
MobyTurbo | wood1, actually I'd reccomend pinning, and add the deb and/or deb-source lines rather than replace them. | 09:55 |
wood1 | Well, I just remove Gaim from Synaptic | 09:55 |
Treenaks | wood1: what I just said is: Get the newest source from hoary, and build it on warty | 09:55 |
Treenaks | wood1: no! | 09:55 |
wood1 | Well what is the exact steps for doing that in Warty ? | 09:55 |
wood1 | I am in the root terminal now | 09:55 |
Treenaks | wood1: edit ONLY the deb-src lines in /etc/apt/sources.list to point to hoary instead of warty | 09:56 |
Treenaks | wood1: then apt-get update | 09:56 |
Treenaks | wood1: then apt-get build-dep gaim | 09:56 |
stuNNed | what is apt pinning? | 09:56 |
Treenaks | wood1: then apt-get source gaim | 09:56 |
Treenaks | wood1: sorry, apt-get -b source gaim | 09:56 |
MobyTurbo | stuNNed, man apt_preferences | 09:56 |
Treenaks | wood1: then look in the current directory for gaim(something).deb | 09:56 |
stuNNed | MobyTurbo, ah ok thanks | 09:56 |
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wood1 | treenaks, you mean change warty to hoary in deb-src ... main restricted | 09:58 |
Treenaks | wood1: yes, just change the word warty to hoary on all lines that start with 'deb-src' | 09:58 |
MobyTurbo | or better yet use pinning and not break your deb-src'es | 09:59 |
Treenaks | MobyTurbo: deb-src is only used for apt-get source | 09:59 |
Treenaks | MobyTurbo: as nobody ever does that (almost..) | 09:59 |
MobyTurbo | Treenaks, I know - and you've made it impossible to get source for warty packages when you do that. You could always pin when you get source too, though I don't see why. | 10:00 |
Treenaks | MobyTurbo: you can change your sources.list back too | 10:00 |
Treenaks | MobyTurbo: that's what I tend to do | 10:00 |
Treenaks | because pinning is too much of a hassle | 10:00 |
MobyTurbo | Treenaks, pinning requires you make the change only once, then it'll work very simple from that point onward. | 10:01 |
Treenaks | (I never know what to put in /etc/apt/somefile -- and what the file should be called) | 10:01 |
MobyTurbo | Treenaks, the dpkg bot on #debian has links to some excellent pinning tutorials. | 10:02 |
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Treenaks | MobyTurbo: Believe me, for me editing sources.list is quicker :) | 10:02 |
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wood1 | treenaks, the apt-get update to hoary has finished | 10:05 |
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wood1 | Do I have to do: apt-get upgrade or | 10:05 |
wood1 | apt-get build-dep gaim | 10:06 |
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wood1 | treenaks, I received some errors while doing: apt-get build-dep gaim | 10:07 |
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king_arthur | I have a minor problem with the gnome session manager | 10:09 |
wood1 | ok, treenaks, I have to log out of Ubuntu | 10:09 |
wood1 | I will contact you later | 10:09 |
wood1 | bye | 10:09 |
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king_arthur | two users; one keeps screen resolution (800x600) the other always starts at 1024x800 and I have to set manually. Any idea out there? | 10:10 |
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king_arthur | I wander where Gnome is storing this information | 10:11 |
mjr | king_arthur, computer/system settings/resolution | 10:12 |
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king_arthur | mjr: yup | 10:12 |
=== sciboy is still looking at how to implement the wacom drivers without requiring a kernel recompile... | ||
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mjr | it should, I believe, ask if you want to store the change? | 10:12 |
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sciboy | | 10:13 |
king_arthur | mjr: I do it all the time and if I log out or restart the computer, I have to set it again and again and again | 10:13 |
king_arthur | mjr: yes it does | 10:13 |
Treenaks | sciboy: the wacom drivers are included with xorg and the kernel afaik | 10:13 |
king_arthur | mjr: it does ask but it doesn't store... kind of weird | 10:14 |
king_arthur | mjr: Actually I was surprised when I created a new user only to find out that this one was logging in all times at the correct screen resolution | 10:14 |
mjr | king_arthur, ok. Bugger. | 10:15 |
sciboy | Treenaks: Only the wacom module however, there are 4 other modules that are also included in the kernel but don't include the required wacom modifications to get it working. | 10:15 |
Treenaks | sciboy: be sure to file a bug in | 10:15 |
mjr | king_arthur, then I don't really know what to try next | 10:16 |
king_arthur | mjr: I think the problem is with session manager | 10:16 |
king_arthur | mjr: I found I have little control over it | 10:16 |
Treenaks | king_arthur: check the configuration editor | 10:17 |
king_arthur | mjr: perhaps writing to the package manager could be an idea... :-) | 10:17 |
king_arthur | mjr: interesting... and than? | 10:17 |
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warty | I need help | 10:20 |
sciboy | Why can't we implement these changes from linuxwacom into the stock kernels? The modules included in linuxwacom do the following jobs for Wacom tablet: mousedev.c ignores Wacom device as a HID device; usbmouse.c ignores Wacom device as a USB mouse; hid-core.c adds new Wacom devices into the support device list; evdev.c enables Wacom tablet after replugging the tablet. | 10:20 |
king_arthur | warty: we all do :-) | 10:20 |
Treenaks | sciboy: file a bug on :) | 10:21 |
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=== Treenaks still needs a new pen for his "Graphire I" tablet | ||
jdub | sciboy: there's a bug filed about it already. might go into hoary's kernel. | 10:23 |
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king_arthur | mjr: you still there? | 10:24 |
hartbrkr | how do I add a new menu item/folder to the gnome foot menu? | 10:24 |
mjr | king_arthur, I am, but you probably mean Treenaks | 10:25 |
king_arthur | mjr: totally frozen to dead in cold lapland? | 10:25 |
mjr | I already gave up :) | 10:25 |
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king_arthur | mjr: I see :-( | 10:26 |
Treenaks | hm? | 10:26 |
mjr | lapland is a couple of hundred kilometers north :) | 10:26 |
king_arthur | mjr: must be cold but nice up there | 10:26 |
mjr | Treenaks, you suggested the configuration editor for him | 10:27 |
king_arthur | mjr: yup | 10:27 |
Treenaks | yes, you can find your settings in there... | 10:27 |
Treenaks | if you want to fine-tune but not use the session-editor | 10:27 |
Treenaks | I guess? | 10:27 |
mjr | well, now it's actually +1 celsius :) | 10:27 |
mjr | positive degrees aren't cold ;P | 10:27 |
dad | treenaks grant methe solutions to 5 problems and i will send you my old graphire pen im not using it lol | 10:28 |
king_arthur | mjr: that's not to bad we have 6 here | 10:28 |
Treenaks | dad: :) | 10:28 |
dad | deal or no? | 10:28 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: I have opened... | 10:28 |
dad | :) | 10:28 |
=== mjr actually tried to find something referring to resolution or xrandr from the configuration editor but failed | ||
Treenaks | dad: ok :) | 10:28 |
dad | hehe good man | 10:28 |
dad | just gimme yer addy im in japan where r u? | 10:29 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: ohh I see what you mean just edit that info? | 10:29 |
Treenaks | dad: The Netherlands | 10:29 |
dad | no probs | 10:30 |
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king_arthur | Treenaks: I just went to the GConf Editor only to find out that screen resolution is setup at 800x600 but in reality it is 1024x800... | 10:32 |
dad | treenaks thats a serious offer btw | 10:33 |
Treenaks | dad: cool :) | 10:33 |
Treenaks | king_arthur: weird, don't know about that.. | 10:33 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: geen idee? | 10:33 |
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Treenaks | dad: pm me your email address, I'll send you my address (how many problems left? :)) | 10:34 |
Treenaks | king_arthur: #ubuntu-nl :) | 10:34 |
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calamari | re's | 10:35 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: I am Dutch but live in italy #ubuntu-it :-) | 10:35 |
Treenaks | king_arthur: we speak Dutch on #ubuntu-nl :) | 10:35 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: I do but my writing skills are poor | 10:35 |
Treenaks | king_arthur: so? :) | 10:35 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: well better stick here I guess... | 10:36 |
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Treenaks | king_arthur: I have no clue about your problem, what are you trying to do? | 10:36 |
=== calamari likes the autohinted fonts (very nice!), but I also like the hard edges that the microsoft rendering gives. Is there a way to get hard edges for the smaller fonts? | ||
Treenaks | king_arthur: get a highrer resolution than you see in the resolution applet? | 10:37 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: just summarizing briefly | 10:37 |
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king_arthur | Treenaks: I have to set 800x600 every time I log in | 10:37 |
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king_arthur | Treenaks: when I created a new user I found that it was not necessary as this one keeps the corect resolution | 10:38 |
Treenaks | king_arthur: ah, well, set it to the "right" resolution in the resolution applet | 10:38 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: what is the resolution applet? | 10:38 |
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Treenaks | king_arthur: it's in the Computer menu on the panel | 10:39 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: well that's what I keep doing every time | 10:39 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: first I have to switch to a lower resolution with the keyboard ctrl-halt - | 10:40 |
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king_arthur | Treenaks:doing that I can actually "see" what's on the screen but I get a small window on a large desk | 10:41 |
king_arthur | Treenaks:than by setting "resolution" I finally get what I want | 10:42 |
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king_arthur | Treenaks:that is because I am using an old monitor limited to 60hz refreshing mode did you get what I mean? | 10:42 |
Treenaks | king_arthur: it's weird... you should try removing/unsetting the gconf keys with the resolution | 10:43 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: I had given up on this problem because I though that was the way it ought to be but now I found it isn't | 10:44 |
king_arthur | Treenaks: so where are those keys? | 10:45 |
=== Gmail hits king_arthur with an extra large salmon | ||
daniels | Gman: what was that for? | 10:45 |
daniels | s/Gman/Gmail/ | 10:45 |
king_arthur | Gmail: I love fish and chips | 10:45 |
=== daniels files a bug on irssi: 'I hit tab and it didn't do what I meant; extremely disappointed.' | ||
=== tck waits patiently for the postman | ||
tck | i want my cd's | 10:46 |
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hartbrkr | how can I install xine in ubuntu? in synaptic it doesn't show up as an available package when I search for "xine" | 10:47 |
jdub | hartbrkr: enable universe and install totem-xine (a nice gnome frontend to xine) | 10:48 |
Mayday | when will a drive show up in the disk-mounter? does it need to be vfat, udf och iso9660? | 10:49 |
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Gmail | daniels: what? | 10:51 |
daniels | Gmail: why did you hit him with an extra large salmon? | 10:52 |
Gmail | daniels: what where who...? | 10:52 |
Gmail | can i sudo apt-get eat pizza | 10:53 |
king_arthur | Gmail: you slapped me in my face and can't even remember.... | 10:53 |
tck | jdub, try totem-xine | 10:53 |
daniels | Gmail: 09:46 * Gmail hits king_arthur with an extra large salmon | 10:53 |
jdub | tck: (that's what i'm suggesting hartbrkr does) | 10:53 |
Gmail | king_arthur: where? | 10:54 |
tck | oh shit, c that now :/ | 10:54 |
Gmail | daniels: how long ago was that | 10:54 |
king_arthur | Gmail: in my face... | 10:54 |
hartbrkr | jdub: how do I enable universe? | 10:54 |
king_arthur | OK guys I have got some work to do | 10:54 |
jdub | hartbrkr: uncomment the lines in sources.list, or enable the lines in synaptic's settings > repositories dialogue | 10:55 |
king_arthur | It was nice but it's over for a little while | 10:55 |
Gmail | jdub: DON'T SAY THAT | 10:55 |
king_arthur | I'll see you around | 10:55 |
Gmail | jdub: he will uncomment to lines saying blah blah blah | 10:55 |
jdub | Gmail: dude, chill out. | 10:56 |
jdub | Gmail: i'm well aware of what i'm saying, thanks. | 10:56 |
hartbrkr | thanks jdub | 10:56 |
Gmail | jdub: soory caps lock | 10:56 |
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daniels | Gmail: it was thirteen minutes ago. | 10:58 |
daniels | Gmail: a few days ago, I asked you very nicely, to please show respect and politeness to others at all times, and to be a little less flippant in your dealings -- think more carefully about what you say. please keep that in mind, ok? | 10:59 |
Gmail | daniels: my brother was using my computer then i had no control over it (stupid dad) | 11:01 |
fabbione | Gmail: sorry but that's not an excuse | 11:01 |
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Gmail | fabbione: you fight a ggenst my dad i am not | 11:02 |
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fabbione | if you don't want these things to happen you can just logout from irc | 11:02 |
fabbione | i don't need to fight anybody | 11:03 |
fabbione | next time just be more careful | 11:03 |
ctd | ...or lock your terminal. | 11:03 |
Treenaks | there's a 'Lock Display' entry in the Computer menu right? | 11:03 |
Gmail | yea but when your dad come into your room chucks you off your cumputer and puts your brother on you can't lock anything | 11:04 |
Gmail | Treenaks: nooooooooow there isn't </sicasam> | 11:05 |
Treenaks | Gmail: make a keyboard shortcut ;) | 11:05 |
Treenaks | Gmail: windows-key = immediate lock :) | 11:05 |
crimsun | ctrl+alt+backspace works if you're in X Windows ;) | 11:05 |
Treenaks | ;) | 11:05 |
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housetier | one could try and reason out a time schedule for using the pc... | 11:06 |
housetier | of course all interested parties would have to follow this schedule | 11:06 |
housetier | discipline isnt a bad idea :) | 11:07 |
ctd | or invest in your own computer. | 11:07 |
ctd | rather than whining about other people using what is not yours. | 11:07 |
Gmail | crimsun: i have a lock botton on my keyboard | 11:08 |
Gmail | it is mine | 11:08 |
ajmitch_ | you could always just quit your irc client when that happens | 11:09 |
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ctd | Gmail: Did you pay for it? | 11:09 |
Gmail | it just that mine is the only one with an internet connection becvause my dad doesn't want have cable going around the house | 11:09 |
Gmail | ctd: i worked for it | 11:09 |
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ctd | Gmail: Then invest in wireless. | 11:10 |
ctd | Wireless is dirt-cheap, these days. | 11:10 |
ctd | Maybe not dirt-cheap.. but very cheap. | 11:11 |
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housetier | /quit is cheaper though :) | 11:12 |
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Gmail | ctd: my day is not paying more than $50 | 11:13 |
ctd | There is such a thing as saving money. | 11:14 |
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Gmail | lol | 11:15 |
Gmail | ctd: i am not paying 1c | 11:15 |
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clockorange | Whats the best server-program for Ubuntu? | 11:16 |
Treenaks | clockorange: "server-program"? what do you mean by that? | 11:16 |
clockorange | Think its called that? | 11:16 |
housetier | clockorange hmmmm what do you want to serve? | 11:16 |
clockorange | Like 'apache' | 11:16 |
ctd | Gmail: Do you pay for your internet? | 11:17 |
Treenaks | clockorange: that's a web server | 11:18 |
clockorange | Treenaks, Yes! That is what i want | 11:19 |
Treenaks | clockorange: just select it in the package manager | 11:19 |
clockorange | Is Apache the best? | 11:19 |
Gmail | apache | 11:20 |
Gmail | clockorange: i sudjest you look into and join #vhcs | 11:20 |
Gmail | you look like a n00b that will not be able to config apache | 11:20 |
ctd | Gmail: Apache doesn't require much configuration. | 11:20 |
Gmail | ctd: no | 11:20 |
ctd | Gmail: Well, the alternative is that they can take the connection off you. | 11:21 |
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clockorange | Yes, im a newbie at this | 11:21 |
ctd | clockorange: Install the 'apache' package in synaptic. | 11:21 |
clockorange | ctd, ok | 11:21 |
clockorange | Is it hard to learn? | 11:22 |
Gmail | ctd: he is a n00b and i think he will like vhcs | 11:22 |
Gmail | ctd: no my mums shop pays for this wireless internet | 11:22 |
jdub | ctd: (apache2) | 11:22 |
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Lathiat | Anyone know if ~/.Xsession is sourced by xsession or execd to replace it? | 11:22 |
ctd | clockorange: In most cases, it will work without any configuration. | 11:23 |
clockorange | ctd, ok | 11:23 |
Gmail | clockorange: i sudjest you look into vhcs | 11:23 |
ctd | hi Lathiat! | 11:23 |
clockorange | Thanks people ;) | 11:23 |
Lathiat | hey ctd :) | 11:23 |
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m00se | hi | 11:41 |
m00se | how can i change default options for parport_pc module? | 11:41 |
m00se | i want to disable EPP ECP and DMA because my hardware doesn't like it | 11:42 |
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Russell_ | hi does anyone know wether ubuntu is compatible with nvidia graphics cards? | 11:45 |
Treenaks | it is | 11:46 |
Russell_ | cool | 11:46 |
Russell_ | cause mandrake gives me real headaches! | 11:46 |
Gmail | it has been it will be... | 11:46 |
Gmail | Russell_: mandrake is a headach | 11:46 |
Russell_ | great thanks | 11:46 |
Russell_ | yeah | 11:46 |
Russell_ | tell me about it | 11:46 |
Russell_ | it keeps freezing up | 11:46 |
Gmail | heh | 11:47 |
Russell_ | especially whenever i try to alter settings! | 11:47 |
Russell_ | oh well | 11:47 |
Russell_ | i'll try ubuntu instead | 11:47 |
Gmail | mandrake add code to the kernel to make it more windoze like | 11:47 |
Gmail | like more crash | 11:47 |
Russell_ | uhuh | 11:47 |
Gmail | ... | 11:47 |
Russell_ | oh | 11:47 |
daniels | Gmail: enough | 11:47 |
Russell_ | that's a bit silly | 11:47 |
Gmail | Russell_: but mandrake tries to be as much as possible like windoze | 11:48 |
Gmail | daniels: okay | 11:48 |
crimsun | that's quite a leap of the wrong direction. | 11:48 |
crimsun | mandrake is good at what it does, but it's not ubuntu :) | 11:48 |
Russell_ | haha :) | 11:49 |
Russell_ | so is ubuntu any good? | 11:49 |
crimsun | try it and decide for yourself. I volunteer that it's stellar. | 11:49 |
Gmail | ubuntu is the best debian based distro | 11:49 |
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Gmail | debian is the best distro | 11:49 |
Russell_ | cool | 11:49 |
Russell_ | good stuff | 11:49 |
Gmail | Russell_: there is some much new stuff in hoary | 11:50 |
Russell_ | hoary? | 11:50 |
bruceonline | hi what filesharing tool can you recomend me? aMule is making truble... | 11:50 |
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Russell_ | pardon me what do you mean by "hoary?" | 11:50 |
crimsun | Russell_: "Hoary" is the codename for the next stable release of Ubuntu | 11:51 |
Russell_ | uhuh | 11:51 |
Russell_ | cool | 11:51 |
Russell_ | i'm just downloading it as we speak actually | 11:51 |
crimsun | Russell_: October + 6 months (because a new stable version is released every six months) | 11:51 |
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Russell_ | oh | 11:51 |
Russell_ | ok | 11:52 |
Russell_ | i mean the one that's downloadable then! | 11:52 |
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Russell_ | i only found ubuntu today | 11:52 |
crimsun | Russell_: the one you're downloading is Ubuntu "Warty" | 11:52 |
Russell_ | uhuh | 11:52 |
Russell_ | so the next one is due in april i guess | 11:53 |
bruceonline | no idea about other tools? | 11:54 |
crimsun | bruceonline: the tools are dependent on the network | 11:54 |
crimsun | Russell_: yep | 11:55 |
Russell_ | cool | 11:55 |
Cred | | 11:55 |
bruceonline | @crimsun hm don't understand what they are depending on... | 11:55 |
Cred | A bit unrelated though | 11:56 |
bruceonline | I just ned something like amule, cause amule doesn't work propper | 11:56 |
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Micksa | don't know if anyone cares but | 11:57 |
Cred | bruceonline, I'd go for mldonkey | 11:57 |
Micksa | ubuntu runs just fine in uml :) | 11:57 |
Micksa | so far | 11:57 |
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crimsun | 'mldonkey-gui' I think is the package name | 11:58 |
Russell_ | does anyone know whether there is a program that will allow me message people like MSN Messenger for ubuntu? | 11:58 |
Lathiat | Russell_: yess, gaim, its included in a default ubuntu install | 11:58 |
crimsun | Russell_: Gaim | 11:58 |
Russell_ | cool | 11:58 |
Russell_ | thanks | 11:58 |
Lathiat | Russell_: applications->internet-> gaim instant messanger | 11:58 |
Lathiat | Russell_: it does icq, msn, etc etc | 11:58 |
Russell_ | wow | 11:58 |
Russell_ | great | 11:59 |
Lathiat | if you need to chat on a protocol that is not supported, I'd like to know :) | 11:59 |
Russell_ | (sorry bit new to all this!) | 11:59 |
Russell_ | uhuh | 11:59 |
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Russell_ | well i'll let you know | 11:59 |
bruceonline | hm does it make any difference between sudo apt-get install .... or between root server: apt-get install???? | 11:59 |
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Woodwizzle | hello | 12:02 |
bruceonline | hi | 12:02 |
Russell_ | howdy | 12:02 |
scoon | hey there | 12:03 |
Woodwizzle | I'm just curious. I've been reading a bit on the ubuntu page, but I'm not quite sure what is different about ubuntu over other distros, like say debian which it was stemmed from | 12:03 |
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Woodwizzle | is it just the installer and the release schedule? | 12:03 |
scoon | Woodwizzle: when comparing it to debian, yes. | 12:03 |
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Russell_ | so is it very easy to install? | 12:04 |
Lathiat | and better integration among other things [compared ot debian] | 12:04 |
Lathiat | Russell_: it is | 12:04 |
Russell_ | cool | 12:04 |
scoon | Russell_: quite easy. | 12:04 |
Russell_ | thanks :) | 12:05 |
Russell_ | i had some probs trying to install gentoo... but then again i am a bit of a novice! | 12:05 |
scoon | Russell_: there is a live cd that you can check out to see how well all of your h/w works. | 12:05 |
scoon | Russell_: yikes. i bet you did. | 12:05 |
Lathiat | Russell_: installing gentoo is a nightmare :) | 12:05 |
Russell_ | uhuh | 12:05 |
Woodwizzle | what do you mean by better integration? Do you mean the software with other softwarwe, ot integration with hardware? | 12:05 |
Lathiat | Russell_: ubuntu is very easy | 12:05 |
Russell_ | cool | 12:05 |
Russell_ | :) | 12:05 |
scoon | Russell_: no nitemares here. I have been running linux as my primary since 1996. | 12:06 |
Russell_ | wow | 12:06 |
Woodwizzle | I personally love gentoo, but I'm looking for something more laptop-centric | 12:06 |
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Russell_ | i tried redhat 5. something back then but it didn't work very well... | 12:06 |
scoon | Russell_: I ran gentoo for about 18mos and became a slave to emerge. and then it broke my box. | 12:06 |
Russell_ | oh boy | 12:06 |
Russell_ | how did it brake your box? | 12:07 |
Woodwizzle | I really dislike RPM package managers and the distros that use 'em | 12:07 |
scoon | Russell_: yeah, rh5 was pretty crappy. but ubuntu is the BEST my box has run in years. | 12:07 |
scoon | Russell_: not really break, just got tired of chasing down buggy libs and hacking shit together. | 12:07 |
Russell_ | uhuh | 12:07 |
Russell_ | not too user friendly then... which i kinda guessed after spending a day trying to install the thing! | 12:08 |
scoon | Russell_: so it was either always broken or always almost broken. the emerge slave kinda bummed me out. but I just couldn't control myself. | 12:08 |
Russell_ | i know the feeling! | 12:08 |
Woodwizzle | Emerge isnt all that bad if you use it safely and conservatively. | 12:09 |
scoon | Russell_: source based usually is not very user friendly. gentoo likes to have noobs install it for proof of something. | 12:09 |
scoon | Woodwizzle: yes but I was an emerge junky. | 12:09 |
scoon | Woodwizzle: I loved it. | 12:09 |
Russell_ | well i'm the noob dude... | 12:09 |
Russell_ | to coin a phrase! | 12:09 |
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Woodwizzle | lol, just dying for your emerge sync fix so you can ACCEPT_KEYWORDS another masked package eh? | 12:09 |
scoon | Russell_: everyone was once. | 12:09 |
Russell_ | yeah true | 12:10 |
scoon | Woodwizzle: gcc 3.4 and ~x86 bro. c'mon, I was in way to deep. | 12:10 |
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Woodwizzle | lol | 12:10 |
Russell_ | like i don't even know how to make people's names appear before posts on this message thingy! | 12:10 |
Russell_ | :( | 12:10 |
Woodwizzle | Does ubuntu favor one DM or WM over any others? | 12:10 |
potato | try typing the first few characters and press tab | 12:10 |
potato | Russell_, like this | 12:10 |
Russell_ | potato, yes | 12:11 |
Woodwizzle | Thtat works in ChatZilla | 12:11 |
Russell_ | Woodwizzle, ho hum | 12:11 |
Russell_ | potato, it works! | 12:11 |
Russell_ | thanks | 12:11 |
scoon | potato, and in xchat. | 12:11 |
Woodwizzle | I miss xchat, I miss linux altogethor though. I'm in XP Home rigt now :P | 12:11 |
potato | xchat is nice | 12:12 |
=== Tsjoklat burns Woodwizzle :P | ||
Russell_ | Woodwizzle, i'm in xp home as well at the moment, downloading ubuntu | 12:12 |
scoon | Woodwizzle, yikes. I would much rather emerge than run that. | 12:12 |
Woodwizzle | metoo | 12:12 |
Woodwizzle | it came with my laptop (and with no windows disk for me to reinstall!!!) | 12:12 |
Russell_ | can anyone tell me how to manually mnt a ntfs drive in read only mode? | 12:12 |
scoon | Woodwizzle, usually a sign to put linux on it. | 12:13 |
scoon | Woodwizzle, the "box" works in mysterious ways. | 12:13 |
Woodwizzle | I'm waiting a while before I install linux and in the mean time I'm researching possible alternative distros | 12:13 |
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Woodwizzle | I need windows for a class right now, but after that it's gone. or maybe I'll dual boot if I can manage it | 12:13 |
potato | Woodwizzle, try out mepis | 12:13 |
yam | I can log in to xserver only from time to time | 12:14 |
yam | most the times monitor just sits black | 12:14 |
yam | heard aboput shutting off DPMS | 12:14 |
yam | I did, but still same problem | 12:14 |
yam | any other clue? | 12:14 |
scoon | Russell_, according to man, ntfs are mounted as ro by default. | 12:15 |
daniels | yam: try commenting out 'Option "DPMS"' | 12:15 |
Russell_ | oh ok | 12:15 |
Russell_ | cool | 12:15 |
scoon | Russell_, but that can be adjusted w/ uid= | 12:15 |
Russell_ | scoon, thanks | 12:15 |
scoon | Russell_, np | 12:16 |
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Lathiat | k'plah! | 12:17 |
Russell_ | Lathiat, is that klingon for something? | 12:18 |
Lathiat | Russell_: yeh, for hello (more or less) | 12:18 |
Russell_ | Lathiat, k'plah to you too :) | 12:18 |
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Qo-noS | lol so many klingons around...time for some serious headbanging I think ;) | 12:18 |
bitserf | lol, :P | 12:18 |
Russell_ | bitserf, what's all this about eh! | 12:19 |
Russell_ | bitserf, i know what's there btw | 12:19 |
bitserf | sorry.. | 12:20 |
Russell_ | bitserf, dont worry i wasn't getting at you! | 12:20 |
Russell_ | bitserf, i was just curious | 12:20 |
bitserf | i just find it amusing that they've still not noticed.. | 12:20 |
Russell_ | bitserf, about what? | 12:21 |
Lathiat | anyone know the option to change the pixel order | 12:21 |
Lathiat | for subpixel hinting etc | 12:21 |
Moof | giggle of the day. Take a look at | 12:21 |
Treenaks | in the fonts applet? | 12:22 |
bitserf | russel: the logo.. | 12:22 |
Russell_ | bitserf, ok i'll have a look | 12:22 |
bitserf | probably a good idea to use firefox when doing so.. | 12:23 |
bitserf | given what happened on | 12:23 |
Russell_ | bitserf, yup i'm using firefox ;) | 12:23 |
bitserf | anyhow, don't want to waste channel bandwidth on this, sorry guys! | 12:23 |
Russell_ | bitserf, ok so there is a gal there writing something.. is that it (i'm sorry too!) | 12:24 |
yam | daniels: already commented it out | 12:24 |
Russell_ | bitserf, hahaha! | 12:24 |
Russell_ | i seen it now | 12:24 |
Russell_ | thanks! | 12:24 |
Russell_ | pay us all your money indeed | 12:24 |
Russell_ | man this has gone quiet.... | 12:27 |
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zombics | how can i change the premission of /mnt/windows that i chold run it with my normal suer? | 12:33 |
zombics | user* | 12:33 |
Rolled_s0cks | AFK schoole. | 12:34 |
crimsun | zombics: mount it with umask=000 | 12:34 |
quinn | On the Warty LiveCD is there anyway to stop it from rebooting after the X session stops? When I tried booting with the Nonfree nvidia driver, X didn't start up, and I wasn't able to see what errors it caused. (free Nv driver works fine though) | 12:34 |
zombics | crimsun, thx :) | 12:37 |
crimsun | np | 12:37 |
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Gmail | lol | 12:38 |
Qo-noS | Ok which of you wise guys did it? C'mmon now own up? Is it you Gmail? o_0 ;) | 12:40 |
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seemen | Anyone know a stream ripper for linux? perferably gtk | 12:47 |
Kabuto | Can anybody help with apt-get problem? | 12:49 |
Kabuto | W: Couldn't stat source package list warty/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 12:50 |
Kabuto | What do I do to fix the above? | 12:51 |
Russell_ | seemen, hey i'd like to know about stream rippers too! | 12:51 |
Russell_ | anybody know about them? | 12:51 |
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Tsjoklat | Kabuto do apt-get update again | 12:52 |
Tsjoklat | usually goes away | 12:52 |
seemen | theres one called streamripper , it supports shoutcast but i dunno about icecast which is what i want | 12:53 |
Russell_ | seemen, oh ok cool thanks | 12:54 |
seemen | theres a kde one too, but ugh | 12:54 |
Russell_ | seemen, yeah? bad huh? | 12:54 |
Kabuto | apt-get update only works with security updates. I get no connection with others. I'll do apt-get update again just to double check. | 12:54 |
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Riddell | kaffeine saves most streams | 12:54 |
Russell_ | Riddell, cool ok, does kaffeine come with ubuntu? | 12:55 |
Pork | im trying to avoid installing any kde libs | 12:55 |
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Kabuto | Err warty/main Packages | 12:57 |
Kabuto | Connection failed | 12:57 |
Kabuto | No luck here. | 12:57 |
Kabuto | Is it possible to use ftp rather than http for apt-get? | 12:58 |
mjr | yes | 12:58 |
mjr | I don't know if the ubuntu archives support it though | 12:58 |
Russell_ | Kabuto, yeah just try the website without warty/main only cdimiage/ and ubuntu/ show... | 12:59 |
Kamion | mjr: yes, it does | 12:59 |
Pork | i wonder how hard it would be to write a gtk frontend to streamripper | 12:59 |
mjr | ok | 12:59 |
Russell_ | Kabuto, is that what you wanted? | 12:59 |
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Riddell | Russell_: looks like it does (although I'm using hoary) | 01:00 |
Russell_ | Kabuto, or this | 01:00 |
Russell_ | Riddell, oh ok | 01:00 |
Kabuto | Let me see. | 01:00 |
Russell_ | Riddell, thanks :) | 01:01 |
Kabuto | My apt isn't that specific. It only goes as far as | 01:01 |
Russell_ | oh | 01:02 |
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Russell_ | Kabuto, what precisely are you looking for? | 01:02 |
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Kabuto | I'm looking to make apt-get work. So far I get connection errors. I'm thinking maybe its something more physical like a broken server or using http thats the problem. | 01:03 |
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Russell_ | Kabuto, you're typing the address right huh? | 01:03 |
Kabuto | No I use the default config that came with Ubuntu. | 01:04 |
Kabuto | Plus the universe bit. | 01:04 |
Russell_ | Kabuto, looks like it might be out of date | 01:04 |
Russell_ | Kabuto, as there are only two main folders on that website | 01:04 |
Russell_ | and /main isn't one of them | 01:04 |
Russell_ | Kabuto, there is either cdimage/ or ubuntu/ at | 01:05 |
Russell_ | Kabuto, /main appears in the ubuntu/ folder if you delve deep enough | 01:06 |
Russell_ | are you able to manually alter the path in the application? | 01:06 |
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Kabuto | So how does the path look like on your sources.lists? | 01:07 |
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Russell_ | Kabuto, sorry i don't have access to that as i'm in xp home at the moment! | 01:07 |
Russell_ | i'm just looking via firefox | 01:07 |
Russell_ | i typed in and got two folders in the index | 01:08 |
Russell_ | folders are cdimage or ubuntu | 01:08 |
Kabuto | | 01:09 |
Russell_ | Kabuto, is that what you get? | 01:09 |
Kabuto | Thats what I found with firefox. | 01:09 |
Russell_ | oh ok | 01:10 |
Kabuto | | 01:10 |
Russell_ | yup | 01:10 |
Kabuto | Thats what apt thinks is the correct path. | 01:10 |
Russell_ | well that's not deep enough... | 01:11 |
Russell_ | do you know what apt your trying to get? | 01:11 |
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Kabuto | Ok I'll try the new path and see what happen. | 01:11 |
Russell_ | uhuh | 01:11 |
Russell_ | cool | 01:11 |
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ctd | jdub: debmirror working well, thanks for the tip. | 01:12 |
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ploum | (just for people that aren't aware and want to laugh : is defaced ) | 01:17 |
iz | uhmz.. | 01:18 |
iz | ploum, where ? | 01:19 |
zombics | when i try to run xmms this is what i get: | 01:19 |
zombics | cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 01:19 |
zombics | Inconsistency detected by ../sysdeps/generic/dl-tls.c: 72: _dl_next_tls_modid: Assertion `result <= _rtld_local._dl_tls_max_dtv_idx' failed! | 01:19 |
bob2 | it's a bug in the nvidia driver | 01:19 |
bob2 | no one but them can fix it | 01:19 |
ploum | iz, look the main logo : | 01:19 |
bob2 | a workaround is to nstall libmokmod2 | 01:19 |
ploum | "pay us all your money" | 01:19 |
iz | wow whoehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 01:20 |
netmonk | ploum, how long has it been like that? | 01:21 |
ploum | netmonk, I don't know but for at least 15 min | 01:22 |
bob2 | at least a few hours | 01:22 |
ploum | bob2, you are maybe true, but I was working and wasn't checking my IM ;-) | 01:23 |
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bob2 | well, so was I, but someone pointed it out to me | 01:23 |
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davidpc | hey | 01:24 |
davidpc | has anyone had any luck with ubuntu detecting Belking wifi PCI cards on install? | 01:25 |
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davidpc | it's a belkin F5D7001 | 01:25 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: Have you researched it for linux support yet? It might require the ndiswrapper... | 01:27 |
davidpc | looking at that now | 01:27 |
davidpc | looks like the F5D7000 are listed in ndiswrapper list, yup | 01:28 |
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davidpc | but not the F5D7001 (which I suspect is the uk model, since it does have 'uk' after the number) | 01:29 |
davidpc | hm... | 01:29 |
mjg59 | davidpc: It won't be detected on install, because it's a Broadcom chipset that's only supported by ndiswrapper | 01:30 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: you know how to install ndiswrapper? It's on the wiki | 01:30 |
mjg59 | After install, you should be able to use ndiswrapper to drive it | 01:30 |
mjg59 | With a bit of luck, the situation will be better for Hoardy | 01:30 |
davidpc | mjg59: damn. I *knew* I shoud have bought the linksys instead | 01:31 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: I'll look for that, thanks | 01:31 |
mjg59 | We're working on better hardware support in that respect | 01:31 |
davidpc | so basically cannot install with a network connection. grand. argh. | 01:31 |
=== jdub notes that he will have to work on mjg59's hardware if he can't manage to spell hoary right. | ||
davidpc | but, I can just install ndiswrapper after install and the network configuration will be ok? | 01:32 |
mjg59 | davidpc: Yup | 01:32 |
davidpc | hmok thanks | 01:32 |
=== davidpc ponders going to get linksys card instead | ||
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: Make sure that whatever you get has linux support... I'm thinking that a lot of the linksys use broadcom as well | 01:34 |
mjg59 | davidpc: Find out what chipset it is first, though | 01:34 |
mjg59 | Several of the linksys ones use various unsupported chipsets | 01:34 |
davidpc | huh, right. looking at wiki page on cards. linksys not there. | 01:35 |
davidpc | mjg59: I see :-( | 01:35 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: ndiswrapper isn't a *bad* solution - It's done the job for me quite reliably | 01:37 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: oh ok thanks. there isn't a huge advantage in having a connection on install, I don't suppose | 01:38 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: if you have the ndiswrapper-utils deb on hand and your windows drivers you can get wifi for your internet right after install... | 01:39 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: I just came into this room and the ndiswrapper topic is of great interest to me | 01:41 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: does it work well? | 01:41 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: YeaH? | 01:41 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: is it a pain to install? | 01:41 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: I have used it without any problem with a Broadcom 94306 | 01:41 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: huh so I need the debian package for the utilities and the inf files? | 01:42 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: IN warty it is real easy... Exactly the utils deb and your windows driver | 01:42 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: I have tried a while ago on SuSe linu but haven't been particularly succesful | 01:42 |
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king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: is there a decent howto to follow? | 01:42 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Yeah that was a pain because you had to manually compile the driver | 01:43 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: ok just on osx powerbook, so I guess can look for deb package and windows driver and burn to a cd, then give that to ubuntu when it finishes install? | 01:43 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: It's on the wiki | 01:43 |
Todd_MA_1975 | david_pc: ndiswrapper won't work on PowerPC | 01:43 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: I am 99.9% sure.... | 01:43 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: where? | 01:44 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: no sorry I mean my only machine on the network right now (this one) is a powerbook | 01:44 |
davidpc | installing on normal box currently running debian sarge | 01:44 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Let me grab the link..... | 01:44 |
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king_arthur | davidpc: Apple? :-) | 01:44 |
davidpc | king_arthur: yup | 01:44 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: OK - sorry I misunderstood you | 01:45 |
king_arthur | davidpc: with Ubuntu? | 01:45 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: huh wiki page seems to want people to install linux-image- as well and boot with new kernel? | 01:45 |
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davidpc | king_arthur: no I'm installing ubuntu on different machine | 01:45 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: No - you don't need to do that.... | 01:45 |
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tck | | 01:46 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: oh ok phew ;-) | 01:46 |
king_arthur | davidpc: Ubuntu doesn't make much sense if you have OSX running | 01:46 |
tck | check out the banner on the site :P | 01:46 |
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davidpc | king_arthur: using ubuntu to replace debian on a machine I use as mp3 and print server (and some apache-ruby-rails development) | 01:46 |
davidpc | tck: ROFL, wtf | 01:47 |
king_arthur | davidpc: with Ubuntu I have succesfully converted a Linux box into a daap server and can share my mp3s for iTunes | 01:47 |
tck | look at what the chick is writing on the blackboard | 01:47 |
tck | poor sco ! | 01:47 |
davidpc | not much sympathy for sco here ;-) | 01:48 |
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davidpc | king_arthur: that sounds like what I want to do, yup | 01:48 |
king_arthur | davidpc: it's easy | 01:48 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc:OK - I'm not seeing it on the Wiki anymore..... but the basics of it is... install the ndiswrapper-utils deb | 01:48 |
king_arthur | davidpc: there is a precompiled deb package that does it all for you... :-) | 01:49 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: then as sudo root -> ndiswrapper -i /pathto_windows_driver.inf | 01:49 |
king_arthur | davidpc: will have a look at the link | 01:49 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: How about the ndiswrapper lonk to howto? :-) | 01:50 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: the link I'm looking at: | 01:50 |
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davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: is that old, or mostly accurate? | 01:51 |
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Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: yes - although you don't have to do anything with the kernel | 01:51 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: just install the ndiswrapper-utils | 01:51 |
king_arthur | davidpc: here's you link: | 01:51 |
zombics | when i tryed to compile xmms it told me i need glib where i can get it? :/ | 01:51 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: then skip to #4 | 01:51 |
king_arthur | davidpc: follow the instruction it works fine for me in Hoary 8-) | 01:52 |
davidpc | king_arthur: thanks! | 01:53 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: ok cool thank you | 01:53 |
davidpc | huh. ubuntu seems to have ignored an entire HD | 01:53 |
king_arthur | davidpc: no prob, just help me with ndiswrapper.. | 01:53 |
davidpc | only sees first two | 01:54 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: ndiswrapper is wicked easy in Ubuntu Warty...Thanks canonical... | 01:54 |
davidpc | king_arthur: heh ok | 01:54 |
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king_arthur | Hey you guys, don't forget me pls!!! | 01:54 |
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markus__ | Hi. In a NIS-served network, I'd like to add all NIS-users to client-local groups such as "floppy" and "cdrom". How can I do that? (Changing the MINGID-value on the NIS-server to spread the groups to all NIS-clients is not an option, as the clients are different OS's...) | 01:55 |
davidpc | king_arthur: follow link above I posted, skip to step #4 link Todd said... should be ok | 01:55 |
dad | anyone know how i can set permissions to access files on my mounted osx partition? | 01:55 |
davidpc | I will try it later and report back | 01:55 |
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Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: you can msg me if you get stuck | 01:56 |
king_arthur | davidpc: tks. | 01:56 |
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zombics | where can i get glib? | 01:56 |
king_arthur | Boys, Ubuntu is just great!!! | 01:56 |
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jdub | zombics: if you've done a default install, you already have glib | 01:56 |
dad | it is excellent on a G4 tower | 01:56 |
mjr | king_arthur, yes, yes it is :) | 01:56 |
king_arthur | Good to be part of such a community!! | 01:57 |
Rory | hi | 01:57 |
bruceonline | i did: suda apt-get install mldonkey-server && sudo apt-get install mldonkey-gui . the server works, and I can start the webinterface. But how can i start the gui??? | 01:57 |
zombics | jdub, did default install but i still dont have glib | 01:57 |
dad | indeed and i like your movie king arthur | 01:57 |
jdub | zombics: you definitely do :) | 01:57 |
Rory | ive installed ubuntu on a few machines and a common problem is nautilus not being able to access SMB shares | 01:57 |
jdub | zombics: dpkg -l libglib2.0-0 | 01:57 |
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Rory | it is either EXTEREMELY slow or wont access at all | 01:57 |
jdub | zombics: oh, are you trying to build something? | 01:57 |
Todd_MA_1975 | bruceonline: I think it's mlgui if my memory serves me right...but it is a dog | 01:58 |
zombics | jdub, yea | 01:58 |
jdub | zombics: what are you building? | 01:58 |
dad | hi again treenaks i got some sleep | 01:58 |
zombics | jdub, xmms | 01:58 |
bruceonline | @Todd: thx! a dog= shit??? | 01:58 |
Treenaks | hi dad :) | 01:58 |
jdub | zombics: xmms is available in universe | 01:58 |
zombics | jdub, apt-get installs it but i cant run it :/ | 01:58 |
dad | i think i need to use wish no.2 | 01:59 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: I had a look now at the ubuntu howto they make it seem realy eazzy. Does it work? | 01:59 |
lupus_ | zombics, | 01:59 |
lupus_ | apt-get install imlib2 | 01:59 |
lupus_ | I think | 01:59 |
lupus_ | a moment | 01:59 |
jdub | zombics: what happens when you run it from the terminal? | 01:59 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: I don't have the machine here but can't wait to get my hands on it... | 01:59 |
lupus_ | xmms is broken | 01:59 |
lupus_ | you need to install an extra package | 02:00 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Yeah it works perfect in Warty.... I recently ran into trouble with it in Hoary and had to recompile from source, but such things are expected | 02:00 |
jdub | zombics: you using nvidia drivers? if so, install libmikmod2 | 02:00 |
dad | treenaks any idea how i can set permissions to access a mounted os x partitions files? | 02:00 |
jdub | zombics: otherwise, run it from the terminal and tell us more about the problem | 02:00 |
zombics | jdub, k... | 02:00 |
Rory | anyone at all wanna volunteer help with nautilus ? | 02:00 |
jdub | zombics: you don't need to build it | 02:00 |
lupus_ | | 02:00 |
lupus_ | aah jdub it is because of nvidia? | 02:01 |
Treenaks | dad: uh.. mounted as root, or as user? | 02:01 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: so you are suggesting to stick to Warty on that friend's install but just upgrade the kernell? | 02:01 |
zombics | jdub, but i need to build ather staff that are not in the soures.. .so i want to know what i need to install :\ | 02:01 |
dad | aha lemme try to mount as root | 02:01 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: you don't need to do anything with the kernel | 02:01 |
jdub | zombics: you don't need to build xmms | 02:01 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: the how-to is wrong on that step | 02:01 |
jdub | zombics: install the libmikmod2 package; it's fairly likely that xmms will work if you do that | 02:02 |
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king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: so just standard warty kernell will do? | 02:02 |
zombics | jdub, yra its working :) thx :) | 02:02 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: sounds to good to be true... 8-) | 02:02 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Yep the ndisdriver module is already built in. You just need the utils package to control it | 02:03 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: It was a surprise to me too... coming from other distros where you have to rebuild the kernel and build everything from source... | 02:03 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: greta btw what's your UTC? | 02:03 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: it was a pain on Gentoo | 02:03 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Eastern US | 02:03 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: So I may be able to pick you up just in case in our evening? | 02:04 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: that is 21 UTC + 1 | 02:05 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Yeah - if I'm here... go ahead and PVT me.... | 02:05 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: thanks a ton | 02:05 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: I dunno - It's 8:00 Am now | 02:05 |
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king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: i don't mind you being american even if you didn't vote properly... :-) | 02:06 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: Just joking 8-) | 02:06 |
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dad | mounted as root Treenaks | 02:06 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Don't get me started - I'm waiting to be picked up for un-american activities any day now... | 02:06 |
davidpc | do people recognise this link : | 02:06 |
Treenaks | dad: you might want to add it to /etc/fstab -- and add a 'user' option so you can mount it as a user | 02:06 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: :0) | 02:07 |
Treenaks | dad: then you shuold be able to access the file as that user | 02:07 |
davidpc | as the correct place to get deb package for ndiswrapper? | 02:07 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: you don't need that.... | 02:07 |
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dad | you mean as the owner name as set in os x? | 02:07 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: oh I thought I needed the .deb for it; do you mean I don't the sources? | 02:07 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: I guess the package is in Universe? | 02:08 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: sorry to bug you but do you have a link to the right package if so? | 02:08 |
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Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: ndiswrapper-utils is in main....that is the only package you need. | 02:08 |
dad | i already have that option set in fstab i cant axxess the music files mounted under root or user | 02:08 |
dad | i can see the files fine | 02:08 |
Todd_MA_1975 | apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils | 02:08 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: ok gotcha, thanks | 02:08 |
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king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: in main, just easier | 02:09 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: A whole lot easier than having to build the driver from source | 02:09 |
Amaranth | whoops | 02:09 |
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king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: actually building is lot of fun especially with Debian | 02:10 |
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king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: provided you don't have to tweak to much with source code | 02:10 |
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maliks | Hi! | 02:10 |
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Talliesin_ | *cough* *cough* | 02:10 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: I like developing, but I prefer to play with stuff that isn't mission critical to my machine... | 02:10 |
maliks | Ubuntu rocks for me | 02:10 |
maliks | But the boot time is still VERY slow as compared to ***Doze | 02:11 |
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maliks | is thereany way I can reduce boot times? | 02:11 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: problem starts always with friend's computers and H/W you don't know | 02:11 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: that's where you get surprises | 02:11 |
=== maliks Help me | ||
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Exactly.... | 02:11 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: er, can't apt-get until I get network working, and can't get net working till I get the package ;-) gonna search for package on web and burn to cd, I guess | 02:12 |
traz^^ | hi, i think i have a big problem, yesterday i didnt turn off my computer and today when i wake up its off, when i try to start it it says "Lilo 22.5.9 LoadingEBDA is big; the kernel setup stack overlaps lilo second stage | 02:12 |
=== maliks says help me please HOWTO reduce boot times? | ||
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: and they telling you shitty Linux is crap | 02:12 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: sometimes | 02:12 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: most of times they are rel impressed in particular wit h Ubuntu has made my life so much easier :)))))) | 02:13 |
rory__ | ubuntu has made my life hell | 02:13 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: You do what you can.... | 02:13 |
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dad | no ideas Treenaks ? | 02:13 |
rory__ | think ill install windows on all the machines | 02:13 |
king_arthur | rory__: what was it like before? | 02:13 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Ubuntu has a lot going for it... I hope to see it go even further. | 02:14 |
rory__ | blissful king_arthur | 02:14 |
Treenaks | dad: you should mount is as the user | 02:14 |
Treenaks | dad: not as root | 02:14 |
davidpc | wow shpchp error FATAL error on boot | 02:14 |
dad | you mean use my os x username ? | 02:14 |
Treenaks | dad: no, mount it as a user in ubuntu, instead of as root | 02:15 |
Treenaks | davidpc: ignore that.. | 02:15 |
dad | k | 02:15 |
king_arthur | rory__: I go and make another install staight away now that you told me so... 8) | 02:15 |
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traz^^ | so anyone knows my prob yet? | 02:15 |
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king_arthur | bye for now | 02:16 |
wezzer | hi everyone | 02:17 |
wezzer | I installed ubuntu few days ago | 02:17 |
dad | i get only root can mount message | 02:17 |
wezzer | it worked fine, and I'm very glad with it | 02:17 |
wezzer | but now, I have problem with gdm | 02:17 |
dad | must have to change an option in fstab | 02:17 |
traz^^ | hi, i think i have a big problem, yesterday i didnt turn off my computer and today when i wake up its off, when i try to start it it says "Lilo 22.5.9 LoadingEBDA is big; the kernel setup stack overlaps lilo second stage | 02:18 |
dad | ?mb lol | 02:18 |
wezzer | when I boot up my machine, it launches gdm, but i see only cursor, the whole screen is black | 02:18 |
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wezzer | if I move the mouse or type something, it says, that there is also a gdm in screen:0 | 02:19 |
wezzer | I don't know, but it _may_ be kde-libs, which I installed, which is behind all this mess | 02:20 |
wezzer | do you have any suggestions what I should try to get gdm work again? | 02:20 |
GotD0t | wezzer: kde-libs *SHOULDNT* screw up gdm | 02:21 |
Todd_MA_1975 | traz^^: Where did you get lilo? | 02:21 |
wezzer | okay, so the problem must be somewhere else... | 02:21 |
Riddell | it would be a very broken gdm is kdelibs did break it | 02:21 |
GotD0t | wezzer open a terminal and type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 02:21 |
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wezzer | whoops, maybe I shouldn't do that when I had X open :P | 02:23 |
GotD0t | wezzer: doesn't hurt ;-) but did it do anything | 02:23 |
wezzer | but I'll reboot my machine and see what does it say | 02:23 |
GotD0t | wezzer: KE | 02:23 |
GotD0t | err, k | 02:23 |
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nevyn | daniels: I'm officially a corporate shill. (sat CCNA today) | 02:24 |
bob2 | haha | 02:24 |
nevyn | bob2: shuddup... | 02:24 |
nevyn | it was a quarter of the cost of CompTIA Linux+ | 02:25 |
GotD0t | well that sucked... i just updated hoary again and now my system is all buggered | 02:25 |
rory__ | install windows | 02:25 |
GotD0t | the desktop essentially crashed... but none of the apps i have open crashed | 02:26 |
nevyn | bob2: CompTIA Linux+ is almost worthless imho. | 02:26 |
jdub | GotD0t: killall gnome-vfs-daemon nautilus trashapplet | 02:26 |
GotD0t | like i can use X-Chat and gaim | 02:26 |
rory__ | ./etc/init.d/gdm start maybe.... | 02:26 |
bob2 | nevyn: there was an implied 'congrats' :-) | 02:26 |
GotD0t | jdub i cant get into a terminal | 02:26 |
jdub | GotD0t: ctrl-alt-f1 | 02:26 |
GotD0t | tried that | 02:26 |
GotD0t | this is interesting | 02:26 |
nevyn | bob2: I know. it's just I feel bad about it a month after rms was in town. | 02:27 |
nevyn | he basically said my course was morally bankrupt. problem is that I agree with him | 02:27 |
wezzer | argh, this gdm thing doesn't work | 02:28 |
nevyn | bob2: they want nearly $400 to sit CompTIA Linux+ | 02:28 |
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wezzer | I'm ok with text-based login (or whatever you call it) | 02:28 |
bob2 | nevyn: hm, wow | 02:28 |
nevyn | bob2: and it's you can run ls. | 02:29 |
wezzer | I changed runlevel to 3 at /etc/inittab | 02:29 |
nevyn | bob2: and get a process listing and the real basic stuff. | 02:29 |
wezzer | but still gdm starts | 02:29 |
bob2 | nevyn: wow, dodgy. is it demanded much by employers? | 02:29 |
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nevyn | bob2: I don't think so. which is why I'm not sitting it. | 02:29 |
bob2 | nevyn: ah | 02:30 |
nevyn | I'd rather do LPI than that. | 02:30 |
wezzer | is there some startup-script which launches gdm? | 02:30 |
Lathiat | hrmm.. when i login it stalls | 02:30 |
Lathiat | if i add another user it doesnt | 02:30 |
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Lathiat | and if i wipe ou tmy homedir is doesnt | 02:30 |
Lathiat | whacked... | 02:30 |
nevyn | but LPI isn't being sold to employers like CCNA and MSCE are. | 02:30 |
Lathiat | erghh | 02:30 |
Lathiat | wipe out my homedir it *still does* rather | 02:30 |
jdub | wezzer: don't change the default runlevel, just remove or disable gdm | 02:30 |
rory__ | <wezzer> I changed runlevel to 3 at /etc/inittab | 02:30 |
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rory__ | <wezzer> but still gdm starts | 02:30 |
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rory__ | yep | 02:30 |
jdub | wezzer: either "apt-get remove --purge gdm" | 02:30 |
rory__ | the runlevel setup in ubuntu is stupid | 02:31 |
jdub | wezzer: or "update-rc.d -f gdm rmeove" | 02:31 |
bob2 | rory__: no it's not | 02:31 |
nevyn | rory__: nope it's not. | 02:31 |
bob2 | rory__: if you want non-default behaviour, change it | 02:31 |
wezzer | thanks guys | 02:31 |
wezzer | I'll try those | 02:31 |
jdub | rory__: no, it's just different to what you may be used to | 02:31 |
bob2 | wezzer: the runleve 3 thing is a redhat-ism, fwiw | 02:31 |
wezzer | (or one of them of course :^) | 02:31 |
nevyn | I take it it's just like debian ? | 02:31 |
GotD0t | well that was interesting | 02:31 |
bob2 | nevyn: yeah | 02:31 |
rory__ | whats the point of initializing everything after rl 2 and not having any granularity? | 02:31 |
bob2 | rory__: you have granularity. you're welcome to make runlevel 3 do whatever you want. | 02:32 |
nevyn | rory__: 2-5 can be customised however the administrator wants. | 02:32 |
jdub | rory__: because that granularity is a blinkered benefit | 02:32 |
rory__ | ok | 02:32 |
bob2 | I think it stems from the simplicity of package installation in Debian | 02:32 |
nevyn | bob2: and removal | 02:32 |
bob2 | yeah | 02:32 |
jdub | rory__: the assumption in debian is that "if it's installed, it runs" | 02:32 |
rory__ | speaking of which, how many other people just end up adding a whole lot of debian repositories to install off? | 02:32 |
jdub | rory__: that has not been the case, historically, in red hat distributions | 02:32 |
wezzer | whoops, it removed ubuntu-desktop also | 02:33 |
wezzer | is that bad thing? | 02:33 |
nevyn | rory__: nobody who likes a stable system? | 02:33 |
jdub | rory__: not many, most of debian is available in universe/multiverse | 02:33 |
jdub | wezzer: no | 02:33 |
GotD0t | wezzer: not really... | 02:33 |
bob2 | rory__: what's missing? | 02:33 |
wezzer | thank god | 02:33 |
wezzer | :-) | 02:33 |
rory__ | ok | 02:33 |
jdub | wezzer: are you removing gdm because you prefer to use startx, or...? | 02:33 |
GotD0t | wezzer: it has some components you mind find useful | 02:33 |
nevyn | rory__: if you want a wide variety of software enable universe\|multiverse | 02:33 |
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rory__ | other prob is why does apt-get remove half of gnome when you want to do a "install php5" ? | 02:33 |
wezzer | jdub: actually gdm won't work for some reason | 02:33 |
wezzer | and I used to do the startx -thing | 02:34 |
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Lathiat | So... login freezes for me even with a fresh home directory, if i add another user it works fine.. if i change all references in /etc/group of the first user to the second user it no longer works on the second user.... any ideas? | 02:34 |
bob2 | rory__: that's a bug in whoever made those php5 packages | 02:34 |
nevyn | Lathiat: did you clean temp? | 02:34 |
rory__ | ok | 02:34 |
Lathiat | nevyn: /tmp? | 02:34 |
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Lathiat | nevyn: hrmm no | 02:35 |
Lathiat | ill try that, brb | 02:35 |
wezzer | wohoo! it worked | 02:35 |
wezzer | thank you | 02:35 |
rory__ | well thats most of my probs "fixed" | 02:35 |
rory__ | or at least explained | 02:35 |
rory__ | so im almost happy | 02:35 |
GotD0t | uhh... my upgrade to hoary removed ttyUSB0 from /dev any clue on what i use instead? | 02:35 |
rory__ | its just that nautilus is very slow or wont connect to smb shares | 02:36 |
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rory__ | something like mount -t smbfs // /mnt/dropbox | 02:37 |
rory__ | that works perfectly | 02:37 |
wood1 | treenaks, I am still having problems while updating Gaim 1.0.0 to 1.0.3 | 02:37 |
Treenaks | wood1: what's the problem? | 02:37 |
GotD0t | any clue on what i can use instead of ttyUSB0 | 02:37 |
Treenaks | (exact message, please) | 02:37 |
jdub | GotD0t: plug in the usb serial hardware | 02:38 |
davidpc | erk. argh. the wifi card driver for ndiswrapper for my card is a windows EXE file, and 'unzip -a' doesn't seem to open it up. anyone? | 02:38 |
GotD0t | it is plugged in | 02:38 |
Lathiat | nevyn: champion :) | 02:39 |
Treenaks | GotD0t: it could be that your kernel has been upgraded, then you need to reboot first | 02:39 |
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Lathiat | nwo i have to resetup evo and my panel and stuff | 02:39 |
Lathiat | blew away gconf and shit | 02:39 |
Lathiat | gah | 02:39 |
rory__ | anyone know how to disable DMA from grub for installation? | 02:39 |
GotD0t | Treenaks: i upgraded a few days ago... just noticed the problem now | 02:39 |
rory__ | like "nodma" in knoppix | 02:39 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: what is your card again? | 02:39 |
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GotD0t | Treenaks: rebooted several times since then | 02:39 |
wood1 | I get the Error that the package libgnutlsll-dev could not be found | 02:39 |
wood1 | using giving the command: apt-get build-dep gaim | 02:40 |
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Treenaks | 11-dev I think | 02:41 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: belkin F5D7001 | 02:41 |
Todd_MA_1975 | davidpc: do you have access to a windows machine? to see if the file will extract itself? | 02:41 |
Treenaks | wood1: don't know then, sorry | 02:41 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: nope :-( | 02:41 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: just os x and now ubuntu | 02:41 |
=== davidpc looks at the login screen, makes 'ohh ahh' noises | ||
wood1 | Can't I just download Gaim1.0.3 and build it by source ? | 02:42 |
=== davidpc remembers debian in 1997 | ||
rory__ | feel free to dcc me ur windows exe | 02:42 |
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lupus_ | The GStreamer team is proud to announce the first stable release of the Python bindings targetting the 0.8.x series of GStreamer. | 02:43 |
lupus_ | nice :) | 02:43 |
mjr | yay | 02:43 |
davidpc | Todd_MA_1975: er, nevermind, sorry for noise, I cracked it open | 02:44 |
rory__ | cool | 02:44 |
rory__ | anyone wanna recommend a good SIP client for ubuntu? | 02:44 |
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sladen | rory__: maybe gnome-meeting? | 02:45 |
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jand | Hi folks, does anybody have a laptop with variable cpu freqency here today? | 02:45 |
rory__ | ill take a look at it, thanks sladen | 02:45 |
bob2 | jand: lots of people do | 02:46 |
bob2 | it's best to just ask your question | 02:46 |
wood1 | treenaks, do you know alot about SSH ? | 02:46 |
jand | I was just wondering if anybody who have that could be so kind to send me a copy of their /etc/cpufreqd.conf file for referance? | 02:46 |
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jdub | jand: ubuntu uses powernowd | 02:47 |
jand | Oh | 02:47 |
wood1 | bob2, how about you? do you know alot about SSH ? | 02:47 |
Kamion | wood1: why don't you just ask the channel? | 02:47 |
rory__ | lol | 02:48 |
bob2 | yeah, it's a lot more efficient | 02:48 |
Kamion | many people will not answer such vague questions when they don't know what they're letting themselves in for | 02:48 |
bob2 | and you might happen to find someone who knows a lot more about ssh is in here | 02:48 |
rory__ | "a lot" is so relative | 02:48 |
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jand | Powernowd is just for amd prosessors I see | 02:50 |
bob2 | jand: no | 02:50 |
jand | I have a centrino prosessor here | 02:50 |
bob2 | 'not just those from AMD' | 02:50 |
bob2 | (from the description) | 02:50 |
wood1 | Does anybody here knows alot about SSH ? | 02:51 |
Kamion | wood1: just ask your question | 02:51 |
rory__ | yes wood1 | 02:52 |
rory__ | i know lots about ssh | 02:52 |
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bob2 | wood1: if you'd asked your question, you could have an anaswer by now | 02:52 |
jand | bob2, ok | 02:53 |
wood1 | I can login to another machine using SSH | 02:53 |
jand | Is it difficult to set up then? | 02:53 |
rory__ | no | 02:53 |
jand | Yeah, i'm not currently using ubuntu | 02:53 |
bob2 | powernowd is installed by default | 02:54 |
bob2 | on laptops, at least | 02:54 |
rory__ | what are you using? | 02:54 |
jand | Archlinux | 02:54 |
jand | I am too used to the package system to change | 02:54 |
jand | But I installed ubuntu to find out how to set up my wifi card | 02:54 |
tolle | Orinoco chipset? | 02:55 |
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fox2mike | hey guys | 02:55 |
wood1 | My question is: how do I copy files from the remote machine to my local machine ? | 02:55 |
jand | And then I discovered the cpustepping feature and I want it here :) | 02:55 |
wood1 | using SSH ? | 02:55 |
fox2mike | I need some help | 02:55 |
rory__ | scp | 02:55 |
fox2mike | we're organising a huge Linux event | 02:55 |
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jand | I have a intel pro ipw2100 chipset :) | 02:55 |
tolle | jand: thats just a kernel thing and a daemon | 02:55 |
Kamion | wood1: scp | 02:55 |
Kamion | oh, rory__ beat me to it | 02:55 |
Kamion | sftp is also available | 02:55 |
tolle | jand: for the cpu frequency scaling | 02:55 |
fox2mike | the biggest in this part of the world, at Bangalore India, called Linux Bangalore/2004 | 02:56 |
fox2mike | | 02:56 |
tolle | fox2mike: Cool | 02:56 |
jand | I have set up the frequency scaling in the kernel, and I can change it manually | 02:56 |
fox2mike | and we're wondering if we can get some Ubuntu CDs to give away | 02:56 |
fox2mike | some = atleast about a 1000 | 02:56 |
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tolle | jand: I think the daemon is called cpufreqd or something | 02:56 |
spity | hi | 02:56 |
fox2mike | The event is on 1,2,3 Dec though | 02:56 |
tolle | fox2mike: theres a site to order free cds on | 02:57 |
fox2mike | too short notice | 02:57 |
jand | I have cpufreqd installed, but don't understand the config file | 02:57 |
fox2mike | I know tolle, but we need this really fast | 02:57 |
bob2 | fox2mike: how quickly? | 02:57 |
jand | I was wondering if anybody had a working config for me? | 02:57 |
tolle | in 2 days | 02:57 |
tolle | hehe | 02:57 |
fox2mike | bob2, 2 days | 02:57 |
wood1 | scp | 02:57 |
bob2 | jand: it's in the package | 02:57 |
wood1 | ??? | 02:57 |
bob2 | silbs: ^^^ | 02:57 |
rory__ | fox2mike, download the iso and burn 1000 copies? | 02:58 |
jand | bob2, you see - I am _not_ using ubuntu now, so I don't have that config :) | 02:58 |
tolle | well, the only solution to that is to fire up your own burner, 2days is a realy short notice. | 02:58 |
fox2mike | rory__, good point, but no resources | 02:58 |
bob2 | jand: so...#archlinux maybe? | 02:58 |
spity | i have a strange problem with fonts, nimbus sans is very narrow and quite small, i can't isolate the change that introduce this new behaviour, does anybody else experience this? | 02:58 |
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jand | So therefore I am asking here, if anybody who have a working setup would be willing to share that with me? | 02:58 |
tolle | jand: google it | 02:58 |
bob2 | tolle: please don't speak for canonical | 02:58 |
Kamion | wood1: read the man page | 02:59 |
fox2mike | bob2, you're from Canonical? | 02:59 |
Kamion | wood1: 'man scp' | 02:59 |
bob2 | fox2mike: yes, but I don't speak for it either :) | 02:59 |
fox2mike | lol | 02:59 |
rory__ | ok, must go work... irc == evil | 02:59 |
fox2mike | anyone I can get onto to get the CDs | 02:59 |
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fox2mike | the reason being | 02:59 |
tolle | bob2: canonical? | 02:59 |
fox2mike | We need it to look official | 03:00 |
bob2 | tolle: the company who is behind ubuntu | 03:00 |
rory__ | call mark shuttleworth fox2mike | 03:00 |
fox2mike | who' | 03:00 |
rory__ | he'll send some over in a rocket | 03:00 |
fox2mike | s | 03:00 |
fox2mike | mark & where can I get his number? | 03:00 |
kensai | today is the seed frezze of hoary | 03:00 |
bob2 | do not call marik | 03:01 |
fox2mike | bob2, what do you advise? | 03:01 |
Treenaks | Just mail to the addess listed on the website? | 03:01 |
fox2mike | we need to get to someone and we need to get to them Fast | 03:01 |
bob2 | fox2mike: sorry, not going to happen | 03:01 |
kensai | anybody can explain the seed freeze to me? | 03:01 |
bob2 | fox2mike: you can email about it | 03:02 |
fox2mike | will do, anything else? | 03:02 |
Kamion | kensai: (theoretically) we stop changing the list of packages that will be in the release | 03:02 |
wezzer | umm, after uninstalling gdm synaptic package manager won't work | 03:02 |
Kamion | kensai: I'm not convinced that's actually happening today though :) | 03:02 |
bob2 | wezzer: hoary? | 03:02 |
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wezzer | warthy | 03:02 |
bob2 | fox2mike: um, plan ahead in future? ;) | 03:03 |
fox2mike | hehe | 03:03 |
fox2mike | true | 03:03 |
kensai | Kamion, Ohhhh ok I'll go to Hoary today though | 03:03 |
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wood1 | Well what is the exact syntax for scp using SSH ? | 03:09 |
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wood1 | Support I have a file name foo.txt at the remote machine and I want to copy it to my current machine? How do I do that ? | 03:09 |
bob2 | the manpage explains exactly how to use it | 03:09 |
bob2 | foo user@remotehost:/path/to/foo.txt . | 03:09 |
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bob2 | er, s/^foo/scp/ | 03:09 |
wood1 | Ok now I am at the remote host | 03:09 |
bob2 | ? | 03:09 |
bob2 | you run that on the local machine | 03:09 |
wood1 | My current directory is wood | 03:09 |
wood1 | Well my local machine is wood@warty | 03:14 |
wood1 | My remote machine is: wood@hoary | 03:14 |
wood1 | Now I am at the wood@hoary remote machine using SSH | 03:14 |
wood1 | Now I want to copy a file name customers.txt to my local machine which is: wood@warty | 03:14 |
netmonk | wood1, why don't you use scp? | 03:14 |
wood1 | Well I really don't know the basics of scp | 03:14 |
Kamion | so scp customers.txt wood@warty: | 03:14 |
Kamion | there are howtos on this sort of stuff on the web | 03:14 |
Kamion | googling for 'scp howto' finds some | 03:14 |
netmonk | it's really easy, wood1, if I could do it ;) | 03:14 |
wood1 | scp customers.txt wood@warty did not work ??? | 03:15 |
netmonk | wood1, the one that I use is "scp arsovy@ netmonk@" | 03:15 |
Kabuto | MSG ogra Solution for apt-get is to use ftp instead of http. Many possible causes, but nothing substantial. Main suspect is some sort of filter either at server or the ISP. P.S. My ISP is demon. Another is http's reliability. Also simply the server could have been overloaded. Thanks. | 03:15 |
Kabuto | ignore my last | 03:15 |
Kamion | wood1: the final colon wasn't just for fun | 03:16 |
wood1 | Oh I see | 03:16 |
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wood1 | Kamion, Well it does not work even after the colon: | 03:19 |
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wood1 | It instead copies the file to it's own current directory in the remote machine which is: wood@hoary | 03:19 |
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wood1 | Do I have to be connected to the remote machine to use "scp" ? | 03:24 |
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king_arthur | Hi guys | 03:26 |
king_arthur | Just a very quick Synaptic question | 03:26 |
king_arthur | I would like to download a package, without actually installing it, I believe that is possible but, how? | 03:27 |
Kamion | wood1: no, you don't | 03:27 |
Kamion | wood1: please read the documentation on the web, there's plenty of it | 03:28 |
king_arthur | What I really want to do is install it on anotre machine where I do not have intrnet acces | 03:28 |
wood1 | Well, can you provide some links | 03:28 |
Kamion | 14:13 < Kamion> googling for 'scp howto' finds some | 03:28 |
Kamion | is your friend | 03:28 |
wood1 | I receive the Error: Host key verification failed. | 03:28 |
davidv | i'm having trouble downloading GKrellm thru synaptic and if i manually install the .deb it gives huge dependency errors, any ideas? | 03:29 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: are you still there and willing to advice? | 03:29 |
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Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: Sure.... | 03:29 |
Todd_MA_1975 | king_arthur: PVT me | 03:30 |
king_arthur | Todd_MA_1975: pls have a lookat what I jus posted | 03:30 |
wood1 | kamion, I think that I have solved the SSH's scp problem | 03:31 |
davidv | i'm having trouble downloading GKrellm thru synaptic and if i manually install the .deb it gives huge dependency errors, any ideas? | 03:31 |
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davidv | i'm having trouble downloading GKrellm thru synaptic and if i manually install the .deb it gives huge dependency errors, any ideas? | 03:34 |
Treenaks | davidv: did you add the universe repository to sources.list | 03:35 |
davidv | no, i havebn't touched the sources list yet | 03:35 |
davidv | i just installed this last night | 03:35 |
Treenaks | davidv: enable 'universe' (look in synaptic) | 03:36 |
Treenaks | then installing grkellm should work | 03:36 |
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davidv | taking a look | 03:37 |
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davidv | Treenaks: this is what i got after enabling it--Couldn't stat source package list warty/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 03:39 |
Treenaks | davidv: do update first | 03:39 |
davidv | ok | 03:40 |
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davidv | Treenaks: it's updating 9 files | 03:41 |
Treenaks | davidv: yes, and after that you should be able to find gkrellm in synaptic | 03:41 |
Treenaks | davidv: and be able to install it | 03:41 |
davidv | hopefully, thanks for the tips | 03:41 |
davidv | although i've palyed around with gnome a little, i've mostly used KDE for about the last 8 years | 03:42 |
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davidv | has anyone changed to KDE on ubuntu? | 03:43 |
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wood1 | By the way, does somebody know some website links for some quick tutorials for Ubuntu Linux | 03:44 |
Treenaks | wood1: | 03:44 |
Childe | Hi. I don't want the dhcp client to modify /etc/resolv.conf. How to configure it? | 03:45 |
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Treenaks | Childe: vim /etc/dhclient.conf ? | 03:45 |
Treenaks | Childe: or nano | 03:46 |
Childe | Treenaks: Whick line in this file to modify? sorry | 03:46 |
Treenaks | Childe: read the file, it's documented | 03:46 |
Childe | OK | 03:46 |
Treenaks | Childe: and read 'man dhclient.conf' | 03:46 |
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wood1 | Treenaks, "scp" works well if I am connected to the remote machine. However, it does not work when I am not connected to the remote machine | 03:47 |
Treenaks | wood1: what happens then? | 03:47 |
wood1 | I get the Error: Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive). | 03:48 |
Treenaks | wood1: what are you typing? | 03:48 |
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Kamion | that just means authentication failed | 03:48 |
wood1 | I am typing the Error Message I get when using "scp" from my local machine | 03:48 |
Kamion | what do you mean by "connected"? | 03:48 |
traz^^ | hi, i think i have a big problem, yesterday i didnt turn off my computer and today when i wake up its off, when i try to start it it says "Lilo 22.5.9 LoadingEBDA is big; the kernel setup stack overlaps lilo second stage | 03:49 |
Kamion | scp uses ssh, which requires some means to authenticate to the remote machine (where remote is with respect to wherever you're running scp) | 03:49 |
wood1 | Well "connected" means that I am connected to the remote machine using SSH | 03:49 |
Treenaks | wood1: what's your scp command line? | 03:50 |
Treenaks | wood1: and are you typing it on the remote or the local host? | 03:50 |
wood1 | scp works fine when I am connected to the remote machine | 03:50 |
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Treenaks | wood1: what do you mean??? | 03:51 |
Treenaks | wood1: can you give us a sequence of events (I type this on "this" computer, then I type "that" on the remote computer, etc.) | 03:51 |
Kamion | wood1: it would be clearer to say where you're running the scp command, rather than this vague talk of "connected" | 03:51 |
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wood1 | I am typing on my local machine: scp wood@hoary:/home/wood/customers.txt wood@warty:/home/staff/accounts/: | 03:55 |
wood1 | Treenaks and Kamion | 03:55 |
Treenaks | wood1: you can't use 2 hostnames | 03:55 |
Treenaks | wood1: you should use only one "user@host" pair | 03:56 |
Treenaks | wood1: so scp wood@hoary:/some/where /some/where/else | 03:56 |
Treenaks | wood1: or scp /some/where wood@hoary:/some/where/else | 03:56 |
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wood1 | Treenaks, thanks alot | 04:00 |
wood1 | It is working perfectly now | 04:00 |
wood1 | The saying: Everyday you learn a new thing is indeed very true | 04:00 |
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demon666_nl | hi | 04:04 |
yoshima | Hi, anyone is using hoary? | 04:05 |
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wood1 | yoshima, I am also using Hoary | 04:05 |
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yoshima | have you been able to update to latests openoffice (1.1.3)? | 04:06 |
Myke | hi there | 04:06 |
Kamion | wood1: also that final colon was wrong in the command you gave; the colon separates user@host from path | 04:07 |
jdub | yoshima: no, there's a dependency problem at the moment | 04:08 |
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wezzer | ahum, it seems that after uninstalling gdm, command gksudo won't work | 04:09 |
yoshima | jdub, do you know if there's a fix? | 04:10 |
jdub | yoshima: there will be | 04:10 |
yoshima | :) | 04:10 |
wood1 | Kamion, got it | 04:13 |
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wood1 | Kamion, is there a way to update Gaim 1.0.0 to 1.0.3 in Warty ? | 04:15 |
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Tomcat_ | wood1: Sure... many ways... but then your installation is unsupported. | 04:19 |
wood1 | Tomcat, Well I can try if you give me some hints | 04:20 |
demon666_nl | wood1: you can get gaim from hoary by changing warty to hoary in your sources.list and apt-get upgrade gaim .. and then changing sources.list back .. but yeah it's unsupported | 04:20 |
demon666_nl | or you build the sourcecode yourself | 04:20 |
wood1 | I have tried doing that | 04:21 |
demon666_nl | wood1 : what did you try ? | 04:21 |
Myke | what are the diferences between gaim 1.0.0 and 1.0.3 ? | 04:22 |
wood1 | After changing the sources.list. I typed the command is: apt-get update | 04:22 |
wood1 | After that what is the command ? | 04:22 |
Myke | also, i have this guess than in passive mode, (behing gateways) gaim uses microsoft servers as midpoint for file transfers... am i right on this? | 04:22 |
Kamion | demon666_nl: 'apt-get upgrade gaim' would be wrong anyway - see the apt-get documentation | 04:22 |
demon666_nl | sudo apt-get update and after that sudo apt-get upgrade gaim | 04:22 |
wood1 | Well Gaim 1.0.0 does not seem to support MSN Messenger | 04:23 |
demon666_nl | apt-get install gaim then | 04:23 |
Myke | yes it does | 04:23 |
Myke | i'm using it right now | 04:23 |
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wood1 | Well what is the exact syntax after modifying the sources.list | 04:24 |
Kamion | read the man page? | 04:24 |
demon666_nl | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gaim | 04:24 |
demon666_nl | but gaim 1.0.0 should work | 04:24 |
Myke | wood1: gaim 1.0.0 supports msn | 04:24 |
Myke | your problem is not with the version but, with the configuration | 04:24 |
wood1 | Well it does sometimes, but most of the time, it does not | 04:24 |
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wood1 | By the way, what will be the first step to use PGP in Evolution ? | 04:30 |
Tomcat_ | Don't... use GPG :o | 04:30 |
Tomcat_ | And I guess the first step would be to get GnuPG :) | 04:30 |
wood1 | Well how do we know if GnuPG is install in my System ? | 04:31 |
stuNNed | wood1, seahorse is an easy to use frontend to gnupg | 04:31 |
Tomcat_ | find / | grep gpg ? :) | 04:31 |
wezzer | I have a question: let's say that gimp 2.2 release will be tomorrow | 04:32 |
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wezzer | how long does it take, that gimp 2.2 can be found from synaptic package manager? | 04:32 |
Riddell | wezzer: depends how long it takes for debian to package it then for ubuntu to pick up the debian package | 04:33 |
wood1 | Well tomcat, pgp and pgpgpg are there | 04:33 |
wezzer | Riddell: okay, thanks. How long does it take "usually"? :-) | 04:33 |
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Myke | Riddell: most packages in ubuntu are not in debian yet | 04:34 |
Riddell | wezzer: no such thing as usual, debian could have it same day or could take some months, usuntu should have it in hoary fairly fast | 04:34 |
wezzer | okay | 04:35 |
wezzer | thanks :) | 04:35 |
wood1 | How do I setup Gpg in the first place ? | 04:35 |
wood1 | tomcat and stuNned ??? | 04:35 |
stuNNed | wood1, again, package 'seahorse' is easy frontend to gnupg, do you see that? | 04:35 |
Riddell | Myke: example? | 04:35 |
stuNNed | wood1, i think seahorse is in universe repository | 04:36 |
wood1 | sudo apt-get install seahorse should do it | 04:36 |
wood1 | ??? | 04:36 |
stuNNed | wood1, yes, if you have universe repo's enabled. | 04:37 |
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Myke | Riddell: gnome 2.8 | 04:37 |
Tomcat_ | Riddell: Gimp will never come to warty, right? | 04:38 |
Myke | debian is at 2.4, starting to migrate now to 2.6 | 04:38 |
Tomcat_ | Riddell: Eh... Gimp 2.2 | 04:38 |
Riddell | Tomcat_: correct, warty won't change | 04:38 |
wood1 | Well, stuNNed, I have just installed seahorse, what's the next step ??? | 04:38 |
Tomcat_ | k :) | 04:38 |
Riddell | Myke: gnome is a special case | 04:38 |
Myke | but, by April we should have another release | 04:38 |
Tomcat_ | Lucky that Ubuntu has 6 months release period :o | 04:39 |
Tomcat_ | Not 5 years like Debian :D | 04:39 |
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Myke | riddell and many other packages | 04:39 |
Myke | just look at how many packages ubuntu has | 04:39 |
ploum | Hello, | 04:39 |
wood1 | stuNNed, what's next after installing "seahorse" ? | 04:39 |
stuNNed | wood1, launch it, create your own key pair | 04:40 |
ploum | I want to write an article about what you can expect from Hoary | 04:40 |
ploum | I've already listed : | 04:40 |
ploum | esd -> polypaudio, fam-> gamin, gnome-sound-mixer,, gnome-app-installation and share-admin | 04:40 |
Myke | ploum: change sources from warry to hoary | 04:40 |
ploum | Do you see anything else ? | 04:40 |
Myke | go to synaptic, control+R | 04:41 |
ploum | Myke, It's already done | 04:41 |
Myke | see whats changed :p | 04:41 |
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ploum | The list I've see is above. But I've maybe missed something and there's maybe other important things planned before march | 04:41 |
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Myke | they are thinking about suspend in kernel | 04:43 |
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bob2 | ploum: there's a whole page on the wiki | 04:44 |
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ploum | bob2, just, I forgot it ! | 04:45 |
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goonie | can anyone help me with diabling taps on my laptop's touchpad ? | 04:54 |
AndyFit1 | warty is having issues with an ati radeon 9250 . XFree86 is crashing and claiming no screens were found.. XF86config-4 mentions everything perfectly about the screen | 04:55 |
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stuNNed | livin` on the edge! with ubuntu unstable! | 04:56 |
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eruin | | 04:56 |
rookiehwm | AndyFit1: mouse configured correctly? | 04:57 |
eruin | that any usable on hoary / no wireless? | 04:57 |
bob2 | eruin: no | 04:58 |
bob2 | well, maybe | 04:59 |
wood1 | stuNNed, now that I have created my own Key Pair in Seahorse, what's the next step to use it in Evolution ? | 05:00 |
eruin | bob2: ty | 05:00 |
eruin | debating whether to allow a dbus upgrade just to have some new toy ;P | 05:01 |
wood1 | Is the 1024 key length be efficient ? | 05:01 |
bob2 | 1024 is smallish these days | 05:01 |
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bob2 | but most people who made their key more than a year or so ago have only 1024 | 05:01 |
AndyFit1 | rookiehwm: pretty sure it is | 05:01 |
eruin | isnt 1024 quite sufficient? | 05:02 |
wood1 | What is the best key length, 4096 ? | 05:02 |
rookiehwm | AndyFit1: can you put your xf86config-4 on pastebin or dcc it to me? | 05:02 |
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bob2 | if you're asking, 1024 is fine | 05:02 |
wood1 | Should I put the key length as: 4096 ? | 05:02 |
wood1 | What is PassPhrase ? | 05:03 |
bob2 | it's your passphrase | 05:03 |
eruin | bah, I just dist-upgraded and here's another batch of upgrades available ;) | 05:03 |
bob2 | the string you enter so you can use the key | 05:03 |
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wood1 | Can the PassPhrase be 6 characters long ? | 05:04 |
Abercrombie | how's everybody doing here? | 05:04 |
bob2 | if you want | 05:04 |
bob2 | 6 is pretty short, tho | 05:04 |
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Moof | Abercrombie: you really don't want to hear the answer to that ;) | 05:04 |
Abercrombie | Sure I do :) | 05:05 |
eruin | I'm doing FINE! | 05:05 |
eruin | :p | 05:05 |
eruin | no, really, I am | 05:05 |
AndyFit1 | rookiehwm its a bit hard. xserver wont start and I'm less than average with moving text from console | 05:06 |
AndyFit1 | xserver = xfree86 sorry | 05:06 |
Moof | Abercrombie: my scoliosis is playing up, my kidneys might have a stone in them, my fistule is suppurating, and I have to stay in late at work. How are you? | 05:06 |
rookiehwm | AndyFit1: can you put a guest account on your machine with read access to XF86Config-4? | 05:06 |
Abercrombie | damn | 05:06 |
Abercrombie | I'm really bad too | 05:07 |
Moof | ah, good. | 05:07 |
Moof | I'm not alone then | 05:07 |
Abercrombie | I don't have a job | 05:07 |
AndyFit1 | sure rookiehwm, how can I do that ? | 05:07 |
Abercrombie | I am not good at home (with parents) | 05:07 |
Abercrombie | I am economically bad also etc........ | 05:07 |
wood1 | I don't see the pair of keys in seahorse | 05:08 |
eruin | I don't have a job | 05:08 |
eruin | I'm doing horrible economically | 05:08 |
eruin | I don't live at home | 05:08 |
Abercrombie | sucks of us | 05:08 |
eruin | and uhm, I study aesthetics as in I'll never get a real job :) | 05:08 |
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Abercrombie | OOo | 05:09 |
wood1 | stuNNed, are you still there? | 05:10 |
stuNNed | yes | 05:10 |
wood1 | I don't see anything in Seahorse's window ? | 05:10 |
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stuNNed | wood1, did you go to Key -> New and create a new keypair? | 05:11 |
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wood1 | Yes I did | 05:12 |
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wood1 | Now, Seahorse is not responding anymore | 05:13 |
wood1 | Should I just close it ? | 05:13 |
wood1 | and restart it | 05:13 |
stuNNed | sure can try | 05:13 |
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stuNNed | wood1, just did a test run, generated a key here fine | 05:15 |
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wood1 | How do I stop services from Ubuntu Linux ? | 05:17 |
netsplit | What services? | 05:18 |
electroglas | Is there a way to split a zip file in Linux so chunks can be e-mailed to a Windows luser? | 05:18 |
wood1 | running : ps aux gives me tons of programs running on my system | 05:18 |
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davidpc | is there a log of this channel? I missed a link earlier to howto on turning ubuntu into daap server, etc | 05:18 |
TheCan | Hi. how can i make my own initrd kernel image for a custom kernel? mkinitrd but how exactly? | 05:18 |
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wood1 | How do we control the services from booting in the first place ? | 05:19 |
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Bentley | hello - something odd started on my ubuntu box this weekend. My resource monitor shows my cpu is pinned(100%) with user processes. However, neither the 'process listing' nor top reveal this process when sorting by cpu% | 05:20 |
f_favila | Bentley: The same thing happens to me. I finally realized it was firefox. | 05:22 |
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demon666_nl | swfplayer ate op my resources once ... I removed it after that | 05:23 |
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Bentley | shouldn't 'top' reveal that a particular process is using up the cpu time? | 05:23 |
bob2 | wood1: update-rc.d or sysv-rc-conf | 05:23 |
Bentley | i just killed firefox, and it's still pinned | 05:23 |
demon666_nl | bentley maybe it's a daily cronjob ? | 05:24 |
f_favila | Bentley: Thats what I thought but it doesn't. | 05:24 |
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bob2 | davidpc: there are | 05:24 |
electroglas | Bentley - Have you chosen to "view all processes" in the process listing window? I guess you are displaying the CPU %... | 05:25 |
Bentley | electroglas, yes I have | 05:25 |
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russell_ | woohoo, one happy ubuntu user! | 05:25 |
russell_ | hello | 05:26 |
wezzer | hi | 05:26 |
davidpc | does anyone have any idea where to find working daap server packages? | 05:26 |
russell_ | i just installed ubuntu | 05:26 |
russell_ | ! | 05:26 |
wood1 | bye to all, see you all later | 05:26 |
davidpc | the ones here: | 05:26 |
davidpc | are broken | 05:26 |
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wood1 | happy using Ubuntu | 05:26 |
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russell_ | yup! | 05:26 |
russell_ | very happy | 05:26 |
davidpc | because of libstdc2.10 dependencies | 05:26 |
russell_ | :) | 05:26 |
electroglas | No way to span or split a zip file??? | 05:26 |
netsplit | TheCan: mkinitrd -o <filename> <version> ? | 05:27 |
netsplit | electroglas: well there's a command named "split", but I don't know how you'd put it back together on Windows. | 05:27 |
TheCan | netsplit: and it will generate then a "standard" initrd like the one ubuntu uses for the default kernel? | 05:28 |
netsplit | TheCan: Sure. | 05:28 |
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eruin | hmm, someone on the forums recommends linux-i686 for athlonxp, linux-k7 for all amds ;P | 05:29 |
TheCan | netsplit: and do i have to invoke this from the kernel tree? or for what kernel will it generate it? | 05:29 |
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netsplit | TheCan: It's like mkinitrd -o <filename> 2.6.9 | 05:29 |
TheCan | netsplit: ah ic | 05:29 |
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TheCan | i'll try this then, thx :) | 05:29 |
netsplit | Welcome. | 05:29 |
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Bentley | is there a 'services' type control panel in ubuntu? CUPSd is tarting at boot, and I want to stop it from doing so | 05:32 |
netsplit | Bentley: /etc/init.d/ | 05:32 |
TheCan | netsplit: wow cool this seems to work!! you should have been here yesterday, i was trying for the whole day to get the damn custom kernel booting! :) | 05:32 |
netsplit | TheCan: nice :) | 05:33 |
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Bentley | the old fashioned way, huh? thx netsplit! | 05:33 |
TheCan | (without initrd then, but it didnt want to put whatever driver i put in there statically: ( ) | 05:33 |
Skwid_ | how can i reconfigure my xfree86 the way it was when ubuntu installed ??? | 05:33 |
TheCan | normally i don't like netsplits, but you are really helpful :-) | 05:33 |
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Skwid_ | ?? | 05:35 |
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markus_ | Hi. How can I add all NIS-users to local groups such as "video"? | 05:45 |
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StarScreem | ya! | 05:46 |
StarScreem | man i love hoary...runs so nice on my ibook...all my fonts are crisp and clean | 05:47 |
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Skwid_ | drop a screenshot :) | 05:49 |
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_kanitz_ | is there any RAID options in the installation of ubuntu ? | 05:52 |
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markus_ | _kanitz_, Software-Raid, yes. | 05:54 |
_kanitz_ | ah..good for me :) | 05:54 |
_kanitz_ | thanks markus_ :) | 05:54 |
markus_ | _kanitz_, Ubuntu is based on Debian Sarge's D-I, and the new Debian-Installer offers Software-RAID and LVM. | 05:55 |
markus_ | _kanitz_, AFAIR at least, I haven't tried it yet ;) ... | 05:55 |
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_kanitz_ | ah | 05:55 |
_kanitz_ | i tried to install woody 3.0, but you most do a ride manuely | 05:56 |
_kanitz_ | i would not rtfm when i have short time :) | 05:56 |
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darren | Anyone know where I can download a torrent for the Ubuntu Live CD? | 05:59 |
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wezzer | | 06:07 |
wezzer | there you go | 06:09 |
Skwid_ | | 06:09 |
Skwid_ | grrrrr ! | 06:09 |
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Skwid_ | darren: the first place i would look would be .... a download mirror ? :/ | 06:09 |
darren | thanks wezzer & Skwid_ | 06:09 |
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zenwhen | hi darren, are you the darren I know? | 06:09 |
stuNNed | what does 'pci=noacpi' on kernel line in grub do? | 06:09 |
zenwhen | turns off acpi | 06:09 |
zenwhen | are you having lockup and crashing issues? | 06:09 |
stuNNed | zenwhen, don't think pci=noacpi turns it completely off does it? i'm trying to get power management working on a laptop, but ubuntu doesn't seem to like apm on my laptop | 06:09 |
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zenwhen | I think it does turn off ACPI. | 06:09 |
zenwhen | Though I know jack all about laptops. | 06:09 |
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ulisse | hi channel! | 06:09 |
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ulisse | nobody listening? | 06:09 |
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darren | zenwhen, how would I know that? | 06:09 |
olivier_mu | hola, amigos/as | 06:09 |
zenwhen | Oh | 06:09 |
zenwhen | You would know if you knew me. | 06:09 |
zenwhen | Wrong daren | 06:09 |
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zenwhen | :) | 06:09 |
olivier_mu | any speak spanish / alguien habla espanol? | 06:09 |
ulisse | somebody using hoary? | 06:09 |
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darren | zenwhen, I have the momory of a goldfish | 06:14 |
zenwhen | o | 06:14 |
ulisse | after last update (10 mins ago) i am unable to run Firefox or Thunderbird as user | 06:14 |
ulisse | is it a known bug? | 06:14 |
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topyli | olivier_mu: i think there's a #ubuntu-es channel :) | 06:14 |
russell_ | hi! | 06:14 |
wezzer | i had some very interesting problems when I updated to firefox 1.0 and had 0.9.3 running on background | 06:14 |
russell_ | how do i rename a windows .exe file to make it executable in linux? | 06:14 |
olivier_mu | thank you topyli | 06:14 |
deFrysk | russell_, you dont | 06:14 |
topyli | russell_: windows executables are executable on windows, no renaming will cure that | 06:14 |
olivier_mu | good bye | 06:14 |
russell_ | topyli, when i double click on it it tells me that i should rename it to type "executable" to execute it! | 06:14 |
topyli | russell_: what would tell you such a thing? nautilus? :) | 06:14 |
deFrysk | :D | 06:14 |
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russell_ | topyli, just using Disks in Computer and double clicking on it! | 06:14 |
stuNNed | ubuntu doesn't seem to like apm | 06:14 |
ulisse | wezzer, I already had FF 1.0 | 06:14 |
topyli | russell_: it's hallucinating. windows is a different system, the exe won't work on linux, period. | 06:15 |
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topyli | russell_: besides, the name of a file does not set the executable bit on linux, it doesn't matter what you name it :) | 06:16 |
Skwid_ | dude | 06:16 |
Skwid_ | that's the best question i've ever seen | 06:16 |
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russell_ | topyli, well it seems to running now | 06:17 |
russell_ | topyli, i used the ./FAH5-Linux.exe command | 06:18 |
russell_ | topyli, though i am a noob to linux... | 06:18 |
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TheCan | is there an easy way to change the "default" kernel in grub? | 06:18 |
bob2 | stuNNed: works for me | 06:19 |
stuNNed | i deleted two file in /etc/rc2.d how to add them back? | 06:19 |
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TheCan | stuNNed: make the symlink back there | 06:19 |
stuNNed | bob2, how so? | 06:19 |
topyli | russell_: then it's not a real windows executable :) | 06:20 |
russell_ | topyli, oh ok :) | 06:20 |
bob2 | stuNNed: man update-rc.d , look at the 'defaults' command | 06:20 |
bob2 | stuNNed: load the module. profit! | 06:20 |
stuNNed | bob2, i get 'No such device' when modprobe apm | 06:21 |
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bob2 | stuNNed: then you don't have apm hardware | 06:21 |
bob2 | or the kenrle is buggy (unlikely) | 06:21 |
melazyboy2 | Any kernel monkeys here, I'm having lots of problems getting dma to work, does anyone know what it takes to be enabled to get dma functioning im getting this when i try to turn it on | 06:22 |
melazyboy2 | /dev/hdb: | 06:22 |
melazyboy2 | setting using_dma to 1 (on) | 06:22 |
melazyboy2 | HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted | 06:22 |
melazyboy2 | using_dma = 0 (off) | 06:22 |
stuNNed | bob2, dmesg|grep -i apm says "apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16c) | 06:22 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: that means the kernel doesn't support dma on your ide chipset | 06:22 |
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bob2 | melazyboy2: (assuming you're root) | 06:22 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, Thats what i figured -- but it should... | 06:22 |
melazyboy2 | I did run as root | 06:23 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: it should? | 06:23 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, I mean all of the config options should be enabled that need to be.. | 06:23 |
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melazyboy2 | Yar i mean with a stock kernel i can get DMA to run | 06:23 |
stuNNed | bob2, and if i acpi=off at boot hangs when 'starting ubuntu' | 06:23 |
bob2 | stuNNed: oh, right, apm won't load if acpi is. | 06:24 |
bob2 | stuNNed: that hang is weird | 06:24 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: oh, you built your own kernel? | 06:24 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, Yar... and i just need a wiz to check config and see what im missing, because im aparently uncapable of finding the problem | 06:24 |
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bob2 | melazyboy2: what's wrong with the default ubuntu kernel? | 06:24 |
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jono | hi all | 06:25 |
will_ | hi' | 06:25 |
jono | is there a way to view quicktime vids in firefox? | 06:25 |
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will_ | jono: i use the VLC plugin for most the time | 06:25 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, I just wanted to tweak it a little and in the processes i broke something =/ | 06:25 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: tweak for what? (if the ubuntu kernel is missing something, it's a bug) | 06:26 |
russell_ | how do i play .mp3 files in ubuntu??? | 06:26 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, Its missing alot, like 686 optimizations. | 06:26 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: no it's not | 06:26 |
bob2 | russell_: | 06:26 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: apt-cache search linux-image-2.6 | 06:26 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, When i got the default ubuntu kernel, and i downloaded the kernel-tree, P4 optimizations where not enabled. | 06:26 |
wezzer | russell_: there is no such thing that mplayer won't play | 06:27 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: indeed, run the command I suggested | 06:27 |
TheCan | with only acpi enabled, how can i see battery status? | 06:27 |
bob2 | TheCan: cat /proc/acpi/<tab> | 06:27 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, not interested -- looking for DMA packages not synaptic names... you said default ubuntu kernel, i state that my default ubuntu kernel was not built with P4 optimizations, it was built without them generic i386 | 06:28 |
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TheCan | bob2: isnt there some nice app for gnome like the one that comes by default? | 06:28 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: yes, because a p4 kernel doesn't work on other cpus. please run the command I suggested so you can get a p4-optimised kernel. | 06:28 |
bob2 | TheCan: gnome's battery applet doesn't do acpi? | 06:29 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, I dont want the p4 optimized kernel, i wan't mine working with dma -- if you can't buy that answer than its a learning experiece for me. | 06:29 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: ok...good luck. | 06:29 |
will_ | melazyboy2: just use the 686/586 kernel image | 06:30 |
Kamion | melazyboy2: the default kernel is 386 because we don't want to bloat the CD up with lots of differently-optimised kernels; as bob2 says, kernels optimised in different ways are available in the archive. | 06:30 |
StarScreem | melazybo2, you want dma working on your hd? | 06:30 |
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Kamion | melazyboy2: if you want to start with the Ubuntu kernel and tweak, the .config we use is available in debian/config/, and the patches in debian/patches/ | 06:31 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: if it's a grauitous kernel recompile, has a nice howto for it. the ubuntu kernel config is in /boot/, would be a good base. | 06:31 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, will_ , Kamion , Kind of seems ironic how everyone is so quick to answer to what is not being asked, its like a great awakening, taking a Microsoft perspective on linux issues -- "i don't care what you want you can accomplish what you ask in this way.." Might i remind you that im not looking for a synaptic pacakge, Im looking for assistance on why DMA is failing to run with my kernel's .config; thats it.. stop reading into | 06:32 |
melazyboy2 | the question to pull outsomething i didn't ask for. | 06:32 |
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bob2 | melazyboy2: ok, good luck. | 06:32 |
will_ | kamion: does the linux-image-686 support the first version of celerons well? | 06:32 |
mjg59 | will_: Yes | 06:32 |
StarScreem | melazybo2, ok what happens when you try turn on dma? | 06:33 |
mjg59 | melazybo2: That error means that your kernel is missing a driver for your IDE chipset | 06:33 |
melazyboy2 | sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdb | 06:33 |
melazyboy2 | /dev/hdb: | 06:33 |
melazyboy2 | setting using_dma to 1 (on) | 06:33 |
melazyboy2 | HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted | 06:33 |
melazyboy2 | using_dma = 0 (off) | 06:33 |
will_ | melazyboy2:dma runs fine, but maybe one of your hd's are not compatible | 06:33 |
melazyboy2 | mjg59, Yes but to my knowledge i have all of the drivers for the chipset baked in that need to be | 06:33 |
lemsx1 | melazybo2, in order to get dma to work you might have to pass this to your kernel (from grub's menu.lst): | 06:33 |
StarScreem | melazybo2, ok question 1, have you had DMA working before? | 06:33 |
lemsx1 | melazybo2, kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro idebus=66 ide0=ata66 ide1=ata66 noapic acpi=on apm=off. | 06:33 |
mjg59 | melazybo2: If you did, it would probably work | 06:33 |
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melazyboy2 | StarScreem, Yes i have. | 06:34 |
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funky | hi | 06:34 |
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StarScreem | melazybo2, ok well is it IDE or SATA? | 06:34 |
melazyboy2 | StarScreem, Now if DMA was working with ubuntu default i do not know, but i have had it working with debian last month, and yoper last week. | 06:34 |
melazyboy2 | StarScreem, IDE | 06:34 |
mjg59 | lemsx1: Argh! NEVER pass idebus=66 | 06:34 |
mjg59 | It doesn't do what you think it does | 06:34 |
Kamion | melazyboy2: I was replying purely to your comment about P4 optimisations. If you wish to take trying to be helpful as a "Microsoft perspective", that's your prerogative. | 06:34 |
will_ | melazyboy2: tty nodma=off in grub | 06:34 |
StarScreem | melazybo2, wanna go into pm? | 06:34 |
melazyboy2 | Sure. | 06:34 |
lemsx1 | mjg59, i have read the documentation for the kernel many times. my systems work like a charm like that | 06:35 |
mjg59 | lemsx1: idebus=66 tells the kernel that your PIO transfers are clocked at 66MHz. It doesn't cause them to be clocked at 66MHz. As a result, PIO actually becomes twice as *slow* | 06:35 |
will_ | no microsoft here...... :) | 06:35 |
Kamion | melazyboy2: sometimes people can't follow quite all the conversation and therefore jump in in the middle without realising they're doing so. | 06:35 |
mjg59 | lemsx1: And I've read the source code | 06:35 |
lemsx1 | mjg59, it does do what the kernel manuals (documentation) says | 06:35 |
mjg59 | lemsx1: The documentation says that idebus= tells the kernel how fast your PIO transfers are clocked | 06:35 |
mjg59 | lemsx1: It does *not* make your PIO transfers run at 66MHz | 06:36 |
mjg59 | So the kernel then believes something that isn't true, and things don't work properly | 06:36 |
will_ | PIO=R U B B I S H | 06:36 |
lemsx1 | mjg59, ummm, mine doesn't work any slower... if i leave it out, DMA is not set to 5 and i get a warning about the kernel picking 33MHz during boot | 06:36 |
melazyboy2 | Kamion, Thats not what i did, i stated a question and everyone suggested i do something that was so unreleated to what i was asking, i read 'download a synaptic package' as 'install a different operating system', im not looking for your pacakge, i want to know why mine what i have spent hours in isn't working | 06:36 |
mjg59 | lemsx1: 33MHz is the correct speed for PIO to run at | 06:36 |
mjg59 | If you leave out the idebus= bit and leave the others, it should continue to work | 06:37 |
lemsx1 | mjg59, i'll take your advise for it | 06:37 |
Kamion | melazyboy2: *shrug* | 06:37 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: if you want DMA, by far the easiest way is to use the working kernel ubnuntnu shipped with | 06:37 |
lemsx1 | mjg59, in any case, the other arguments should work fine: kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro ide0=ata66 ide1=ata66 noapic acpi=on apm=off | 06:37 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: if you want that with p4 optimisations, I told you how to get it | 06:37 |
mjg59 | lemsx1: Yeah. apm=off won't do anything, but it won't hurt anything either | 06:38 |
Kamion | melazyboy2: I meant that *I* jumped in in the middle without having seen your original question because there's generally too much stuff in this channel to be able to follow all of it. OK? | 06:38 |
melazyboy2 | bob2, or i can install windows, or knoppix right, they run of cd and have dma? | 06:38 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: if you want to recompile for no reason, go for it, I pointed tou at a howto. | 06:38 |
bob2 | melazyboy2: as does ubuntu's default install | 06:38 |
Kamion | bob2: well, it's possible there's a bug with respect to his chipset | 06:38 |
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bob2 | Kamion: sure, which is a bug like I suggested earlier :) | 06:39 |
lemsx1 | mjg59, in my system (SMP) it does help greatly to have apm=off... my usb works fine when i do that | 06:39 |
Kamion | melazyboy2: you say that you've got DMA working with a stock kernel? Perhaps you could diff the .config from that kernel against the default Ubuntu config and look for the differences. | 06:39 |
lemsx1 | mjg59, but there is no solution that works for everybody :-) at least not yet | 06:39 |
will_ | melazyboy2: do you get a big delay in the kernel & another mid boot up? | 06:39 |
mjg59 | lemsx1: Uh. The Warty kernel doesn't have apm support built in | 06:40 |
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will_ | i had DMA Hell a few months ago with warty | 06:41 |
will_ | and a fujitsu hd | 06:41 |
bob2 | is it fixed now? | 06:41 |
will_ | yeah, the hd was just not supporting DMA, for some unknown reason (it was previously DMA66) and i think it has something to do with one pin that got broken, and i jamed it back in | 06:43 |
will_ | works fine in PIO Mode | 06:43 |
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goonie | can anyone help me with diabling taps on my laptop's touchpad ? | 06:46 |
will_ | melazyboy2:is it working? | 06:46 |
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melazyboy2 | talking to StarScreem now about kernel options needed | 06:46 |
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TheCan | wohoo perfect! now everything works in my thinkpad: Suspend to RAM and hibernate (suspend to disk) with APM - well finally :-) | 06:48 |
xeph | How can I add a user to Samba? I tried `smbpasswd -a user' but when I to map a drive via Windows, it doesn't log in. | 06:48 |
bob2 | TheCan: hm, what model? | 06:49 |
bob2 | a T? | 06:49 |
TheCan | bob2: yes, T20 | 06:49 |
darren | Anyone know when the next lot of cd's will be shipped? | 06:49 |
daniels | yeah, IBMs have fantastic ACPI support | 06:49 |
daniels | thinkpads rock | 06:49 |
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TheCan | i had it working previously under netbsd, but for example under X when going to hibernate i had to change to console first, but seems to work without this need under linux now | 06:49 |
bob2 | should support that better | 06:50 |
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TheCan | yeah maybe it's also because of - i really dunno | 06:50 |
A|F | Installing Ubuntu here on my slow cpu Celeron 633mhz ... is that ok? | 06:50 |
TheCan | but i'm glad it works now | 06:50 |
zenwhen | I got my CD's. | 06:50 |
A|F | 256sdram * 20gb | 06:50 |
zenwhen | Im going to hand them out this week. | 06:50 |
TheCan | A|F: sure | 06:50 |
A|F | thanks | 06:51 |
A|F | I want to right into hoary ;) | 06:51 |
goonie | can anyone help me with disabling taps on my laptop's touchpad ? | 06:51 |
A|F | I can edit my sources via console or something like synaptic instead? | 06:51 |
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TheCan | A|F: yes you can do it in synaptic | 06:52 |
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TheCan | A|F: settings -> repositories | 06:52 |
A|F | Is it better that way? | 06:53 |
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A|F | Do I delete the old sources and add the new ones? (Delete everything in there if I do it via console, gedit or nano) ? | 06:53 |
TheCan | well it's the same i guess | 06:53 |
TheCan | no i think synaptic should be able to "parse" the sources.list correctly and thus you should be able to use both methods | 06:54 |
A|F | thanks | 06:57 |
A|F | Well it said the first stage is done, I just took out the cd | 06:58 |
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A|F | I hope it runs smooth on this slow pc, because I tried it before and ahhh let me stay shut. BeatrIX (ubuntu's alternative runs great) but is new and you know needs work and not upgradable yet like Ubuntu , so I'm here giving it another try | 06:58 |
melazyboy2 | Kamion, bob2 will_, we are currently thinking the problem was me using the VIA bus driver for my intel board, rather than the one with the term intelp2 in it, because i saw it and thought it would be incompatable with p4 | 07:00 |
melazyboy | BeatrIX is a joke. | 07:01 |
ironwolf | A|F: synaptic and apt-get use the same /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:01 |
will_ | interesting | 07:01 |
A|F | I know they do | 07:02 |
A|F | I just dont know what to do if either erase whats there and replace the new ones ( when I was reading the guide to hoary on ubuntu's site) | 07:02 |
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ploum | Hello | 07:04 |
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duncanm | hello | 07:04 |
ploum | I've a very strange bug with selection in xchat and firefox adress bar | 07:04 |
ploum | No idea of where I can post it | 07:05 |
ploum | All details are here : | 07:05 |
ploum | | 07:05 |
duncanm | is it the case that ubuntu doesn't read $HOME/.bashrc and $HOME/.bash_profile? | 07:05 |
duncanm | i have some stuff in there (env. variables, prompt changes, etc) and it's not getting picked up | 07:06 |
ironwolf | A|F: if you go from warty--> hoary then yeah, you'll get hoary versions. that's independant of what tool you use to upgrade with. | 07:08 |
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A|F | Yea, I want to feel hoary | 07:08 |
will_ | is there a hoary multiverse? | 07:09 |
ironwolf | will_: yes | 07:09 |
pdaoust | will_: I think so; I'm pretty sure I've grabbed files from the hoary multiverse | 07:09 |
pdaoust | I apologise for the extremely n00b question... I've been using Linux as a server admin for five years, so I should know this crap, but... how on earth do you make a user's environment variables stick around, so they come back next session? | 07:09 |
ironwolf | pdaoust: /home/$user/.bashrc | 07:10 |
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mjr | pdaoust, well, if it's a gnome session started via gdm, essentially you make an ~/.xsession that sets the variables and then execs gnome-session | 07:10 |
pdaoust | ironwolf: thanks! I kinda guessed that's where it'd be, but does that work, say, as soon as you fire up GNOME and before you run a terminal? | 07:10 |
ironwolf | A|F: hoary works ok for me. but some have a bumpier ride. | 07:11 |
pdaoust | mjr: heh, thanks | 07:11 |
ironwolf | pdaoust: unsure, test? | 07:11 |
pdaoust | ironwolf: sounds good to me; I'll check it out. Thanks, guys! | 07:11 |
A|F | how does it feel having the latest cutting edge softwares? | 07:11 |
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pdaoust | A|F: bleedy | 07:11 |
A|F | bleedy? | 07:12 |
ironwolf | A|F: there's lots of blood on the floor here. | 07:12 |
mjr | bash init files only affect shell sessions, but if that's enough, ok then | 07:12 |
A|F | what you mean | 07:12 |
pdaoust | A|F: I borked something serious a while ago, I think when I upgraded GLib or GTK+ or something... never even showed my login screen. I didn't have the wits to figure out what packages to downgrade, so I just reinstalled Ubuntu. | 07:13 |
pdaoust | A|F: when you play with the cutting edge, you get cut ^_^ | 07:13 |
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A|F | hey | 07:13 |
TheCan | where can i edit the gnome mime types? | 07:13 |
A|F | that happent o me | 07:13 |
pdaoust | A|F: no login screen, just a 'please wait' mouse pointer? | 07:13 |
wezzer | TheCan: do you mean how can you change the program which opens certain files? | 07:14 |
TheCan | wezzer: yes | 07:14 |
wezzer | right-click the file | 07:14 |
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wezzer | then preferences | 07:14 |
wezzer | open with a program... -tab should be the right one | 07:15 |
pdaoust | gotta go, folks... gotta drive my brother to work :) | 07:15 |
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ironwolf | A|F: sed stopping working was a bitch. | 07:15 |
wezzer | I have finnish translated gnome, so I'm not sure what is that tab's name :) | 07:15 |
TheCan | wezzer: i found it. thanks! | 07:15 |
TheCan | this is a very nice way to edit this :) | 07:15 |
A|F | Ironwolf | 07:15 |
A|F | I had that | 07:15 |
A|F | and something else too | 07:16 |
wezzer | no problem :) | 07:16 |
xeph | Is smbfs in the Universe repository | 07:16 |
xeph | ? | 07:16 |
ironwolf | xeph: here it's called samba. don't ask me why. | 07:16 |
TheCan | wezzer: yeah somewise gnome isnt really very intuitive in finding certain settings. but still quite good once you know where to look for what :) | 07:17 |
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wezzer | yea, i agree :) | 07:17 |
betco | hi | 07:17 |
TheCan | wezzer: btw - you know how i can assign a shortcut like ctrl+alt+t to open a new terminal? | 07:17 |
betco | can u plz help me config the server? | 07:17 |
wezzer | umm, yes | 07:17 |
wezzer | let me check one thing first | 07:17 |
xeph | ironwolf: If I do 'mount -t samba //windowsbox mountpt it says "mount: fs type samba not supported by kernel" | 07:18 |
TheCan | ah found it | 07:18 |
StarScreem | ok, my ibook keeps opening my cdrom drive and every time i close it, it opens again | 07:18 |
bob2 | betco: you need to be a lot more specific | 07:18 |
wezzer | hehe, ok :) | 07:18 |
TheCan | keyboard shortcuts simply | 07:18 |
bob2 | xeph: smb, not samba | 07:18 |
wezzer | yep | 07:18 |
betco | ok | 07:18 |
betco | how can i config the samba? | 07:18 |
TheCan | let's see if it also supports my sun type 6 :) | 07:18 |
xeph | bob2: It says the same thing. | 07:18 |
StarScreem | hmm anyone know how to stop it from opening | 07:19 |
bob2 | xeph: use smbmount instead? | 07:19 |
wezzer | somethings have changed since gnome 2.6 and I have problems finding those old features :-) | 07:19 |
wezzer | erm, some things | 07:19 |
xeph | bob2: I don't have it, and my apt-get says its not in Universe? | 07:19 |
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bob2 | xeph: yes it is | 07:22 |
ironwolf | xeph: what kernel do you have? | 07:22 |
bob2 | it's in 'smbfs' | 07:22 |
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xeph | ironwolf: 2.6.8 the default warty one | 07:22 |
xeph | bob2: It says "Package smbfs is not available | 07:23 |
LinuxJones | xeph, did you do an apt-get update before trying to install samba ? | 07:24 |
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xeph | LinuxJones: Yep | 07:25 |
ironwolf | xeph: samba is in hoary main. | 07:25 |
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xeph | ironwolf: Should I edit my sources.list file and replace warty with hoary? | 07:27 |
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StarScreem | xeph, i've had a good experience with hoary on my PPC but it can break occasionally | 07:27 |
stuNNed | bob2, whoa, no funky dsdt debugger needed, acpi pm now works, just had to disable agp modules :D | 07:28 |
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zenwhen | Wow | 07:28 |
bob2 | stuNNed: hah, cool | 07:28 |
xeph | StarScreem: Break as in ... break my entire system? | 07:28 |
zenwhen | The LiveCD rocks. | 07:28 |
StarScreem | xeph, hmm well no guarantees, it usually doesn't do anything that extreeme | 07:28 |
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StarScreem | xeph, it hasn't broken since i've used it | 07:29 |
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st1an | ubuntu site seems down :S | 07:30 |
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st1an | Ubuntu installer hangs after base install, when system conf loads after reboot my systemn hangs... thought I read something about it but cant access the site :/ | 07:31 |
stuNNed | bob2, this is a first, never worked before with any other distro...btw with 2.6.8-3-686 fn+sleep works as well and closing lid it goes beddy bye too! | 07:32 |
bob2 | heheh, awesome | 07:32 |
bob2 | st1an: try the acpi/noapic trick? | 07:33 |
st1an | enlighten me :D | 07:33 |
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st1an | so bob2? | 07:35 |
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brainiac | hi | 07:36 |
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bob2 | st1an: boot the installer with 'installer noapic' or such | 07:36 |
Ruffian|Q| | How come Shuttlesworth never shows up here? | 07:36 |
bob2 | he does | 07:37 |
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st1an | Ill try, thanks :) | 07:37 |
bob2 | st1an: | 07:38 |
bob2 | (more details) | 07:38 |
bob2 | acpi=off is another one that might help | 07:38 |
daniels | Ruffian|Q|: you're assuming he's not here now | 07:38 |
A|F | I finish installing Ubuntu | 07:38 |
Ruffian|Q| | aaaaaaaaaaah | 07:38 |
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st1an | ubuntu site doent load for me :S | 07:40 |
bob2 | does for me | 07:41 |
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Matt| | bob2, i have a question about rsync can you help me out? | 07:42 |
Matt| | good evening as well | 07:42 |
Kamion | Ruffian|Q|: if you were a CEO, I bet you wouldn't have time to hang out on IRC. I'm impressed he manages it at all. :-) | 07:42 |
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Ruffian|Q| | hahahah | 07:43 |
Ruffian|Q| | true Kamion | 07:43 |
Ruffian|Q| | i would enjoy it htoguh | 07:43 |
Matt| | did anyone else get spam from poppakloz? | 07:43 |
daniels | Ruffian|Q|: enjoy not doing the stuff you need to do? heh | 07:43 |
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Towny | yes | 07:44 |
Ruffian|Q| | whaat? | 07:44 |
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bob2 | Matt|: ? | 07:45 |
Matt| | damn disconnected by accident | 07:45 |
Matt| | sorry dudes | 07:45 |
Matt| | damn touchpad | 07:45 |
melazyboy | Where is it set when your first boot ubuntu the bootup screen that has things like "CPU Throttling" and usch with the astricks that change colors, how can i track what cpu throttling refers to? | 07:45 |
Matt| | so did anyone else get that spam from PoppaKloz? | 07:45 |
alindeman | Matt|: I just nuked it | 07:45 |
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alindeman | Thanks for reporting it | 07:45 |
Kamion | melazyboy: grep in /etc/init.d/* | 07:46 |
Matt| | np | 07:46 |
bob2 | alindeman: thanks | 07:46 |
Matt| | thanks alindeman | 07:46 |
alindeman | np! | 07:46 |
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bob2 | Matt|: most large channels get on-join-spambots | 07:46 |
Matt| | bob2, k np | 07:46 |
Matt| | how are ya? | 07:46 |
bob2 | not too shabby | 07:46 |
bob2 | yourself? | 07:46 |
Matt| | fine fine | 07:46 |
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Matt| | so rsync | 07:46 |
Matt| | i keep doing it, but some of the new files in the local directory don't get added to the remote directory, and it reports "is uptodate" | 07:47 |
bob2 | how are you running it? | 07:47 |
Matt| | rsync -a -vv --stats /home/matt matt@ |grep BVC | 07:47 |
Matt| | the grep is just to see the file i'm talking about | 07:47 |
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Matt| | matt/BVC/Written skills/Drafting - hand in exercise.sxw is uptodate | 07:48 |
Matt| | that file is not in the remote directory | 07:49 |
Kamion | I usually include a trailing / when rsyncing directories; IIRC it makes a difference | 07:49 |
bob2 | yeah | 07:49 |
Matt| | ah | 07:49 |
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Matt| | retrying | 07:50 |
xeph | I've just apt-get install'ed apache2, when I try 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2' it doesn't start? (I can't access it on Firefox). Anyone know why? | 07:50 |
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Matt| | xeph, check the log file | 07:50 |
Matt| | Kamion, bob2, thanks that has done the trick | 07:51 |
bob2 | ah | 07:51 |
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bob2 | xeph: you had a trailing 'start', right? | 07:51 |
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Matt| | *grins* | 07:53 |
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A|E | nobody is active here? | 07:56 |
lifeless | noone at all :] | 07:56 |
bob2 | lots of people are | 07:56 |
|trey| | haha @ "99 RC bugs on the wall, 99 RC bug?take one down, squash it with work. 104 RC bugs on the wall." | 07:56 |
A|E | i want to get gnome 2.8 | 07:57 |
A|E | i dont want to get full hoary because i dont want the beta versions of softwares, i want the latest testing version (for ex. kde 3.3 , gnome 2.8 ) | 07:57 |
|trey| | A|E: umm, most distro's (with the exception of Novell based) are using GNOME 2.8 for their GNOME... | 07:57 |
Treenaks | A|E: the latest stable version you mean :) | 07:57 |
A|E | no stable is what gnome comes with already lol, stable is also outdated sometimes | 07:58 |
bob2 | ubuntu stable has gnome 2.8 | 07:58 |
|trey| | A|E: umm, warty has GNOME 2.8.. hoary has (some of) 2.9 | 07:58 |
melazyboy | Is there an easy way to find out why and where dd is starting with ubunutu | 07:58 |
A|E | for real ? | 07:58 |
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A|E | how do I kno what version I have | 07:58 |
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bob2 | A|E: which did you install? | 07:58 |
A|E | ubuntu :-p | 07:59 |
aaroncuk | hi guys. whats the deal with cpu specific kernels? | 07:59 |
|trey| | A|E: you have 2.8 then | 07:59 |
Matt| | melazybo2, dd? | 07:59 |
Matt| | aaroncuk, what do ya mean? | 07:59 |
|trey| | A|E: umm, dpkg -l gnome-session for instance to see :) | 07:59 |
A|E | oh sure doesnt look like it :p .. beatrix made me think it was different | 07:59 |
melazyboy | Matt|: Yea the backup/iso prog, i didn't ask for it and when gdm starts and i do ps -a, its listed | 07:59 |
jcole | anyone here know of a "bash2html" type of program? something similar to code2html | 08:00 |
Treenaks | jcole: put it in <code> tags? | 08:00 |
aaroncuk | saw a post that said if you apt-get a cpu specific kernel then you can increase speed etc | 08:00 |
Matt| | melazyboy, erm its listed under ps -a? | 08:00 |
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|trey| | aaroncuk: this isn't peticularly noticeable... but you can install linux-686 or linux-k7 for instance | 08:01 |
jcole | Treenaks: the browser will source highlight in html if i do that? | 08:01 |
Treenaks | no | 08:01 |
Treenaks | it'll just display it in a special font :) | 08:01 |
aaroncuk | oh right cool | 08:01 |
Matt| | melazyboy, i hardly get anything with ps a | 08:02 |
melazyboy | Matt|: Yes, and its also listed in /etc/init.d/, and /etc/init.d/urandom | 08:02 |
jcole | Treenaks: ya, probably just typewriter font | 08:02 |
melazyboy | Matt|: 'ps -A' | 08:02 |
melazyboy | Matt|: Capital | 08:02 |
Matt| | oh | 08:02 |
|trey| | aaroncuk: Ubuntu uses libc-686 anyways, so basically, all C apps are optimized anyways afaik | 08:02 |
Matt| | melazyboy, i have that started too | 08:02 |
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Matt| | maybe a part of gnome? | 08:03 |
=== |trey| is starting to think 1280x1024 is a little too big... everything is sooo small :( | ||
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Matt| | |trey|, beh i'm kealous | 08:04 |
Matt| | *jealous | 08:04 |
Ruffian|Q| | Whenever I put in any bootable CD (I dotn have grub on HD to boot Ubuntu) I get the message "You have passed an undifined mode number, press return for avalible video modes or press space to continue" if I press space X wont start on the liveCD | 08:04 |
A|E | wow | 08:05 |
Matt| | Ruffian|Q|, i get that a lot | 08:05 |
|trey| | Matt|: heh... 17 inch monitor... HorizSync 30-72, VertSync 50-160, and make sure mode "1280x1024" is mentioned in depth 24... | 08:05 |
A|E | I dont :) | 08:05 |
aaroncuk | is there a way to stop the ubuntu GUI loading automatically? | 08:05 |
Ruffian|Q| | any advice? | 08:05 |
|trey| | Supposed to work for any modern monitor though, default values for 1280x1024 :) | 08:05 |
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Matt| | Ruffian|Q|, its not a big deal | 08:06 |
Ruffian|Q| | but X wont start | 08:06 |
Ruffian|Q| | so it is a big deal | 08:06 |
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Matt| | you said that only happens if you press space | 08:06 |
xeph | How can I install the Nvidia drivers? It's telling me it doesn't support this kernel or something. | 08:06 |
|trey| | aaroncuk: cat NONE > /etc/X11/default-desktop-environment | 08:06 |
Ruffian|Q| | ya, I just tried other modes, all of them look ugly and X wont start | 08:06 |
cardador | xeph: install linux-restricted-modules for your kernel | 08:06 |
A|E | hello I cant no apt-get install , I gotta go edit my sources do i add multiverse after universe? | 08:07 |
|trey| | aaroncuk: to change it back, remove file, or use absolute path to define /usr/bin/gdm :) | 08:07 |
Matt| | Ruffian|Q|, bummer | 08:07 |
Matt| | not sure | 08:07 |
melazyboy | |trey|: You sure you didn't mean to type 'echo NONE' ? | 08:07 |
|trey| | A|E: doesn't matter where you add it... | 08:07 |
Ruffian|Q| | Well WTF is wrong with it? Why would it do that? | 08:07 |
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mac | hello, does anyone was able to install openoffice on hoary? | 08:08 |
|trey| | melazybo2: eh, yeah, that too :P | 08:08 |
Matt| | hey what's with the new openoffice packages in hoary? Synaptic wants to install loads of kdelibs as a dependency | 08:08 |
|trey| | mac: its installed... it doesn't want to upgrade right now though... haven't checked to see why :/ | 08:08 |
newtolinux | ive got a problem, every time i try to login i get the error saying GDM could not write to my authorization file and thyat this might be because my disk is full | 08:08 |
newtolinux | is there any way i can fix this | 08:08 |
Matt| | |trey|, looks like a rogue dependency to me | 08:08 |
mac | |trey|: thanks, sorry that is what I mean upgrading ;) | 08:09 |
Matt| | newtolinux, is your disk full? | 08:09 |
xeph | cardador: thanks :) | 08:09 |
newtolinux | matt: yes | 08:09 |
cardador | xeph: ;) | 08:09 |
|trey| | Matt|: I just left it... they will figure out how to not make me install KDE eventually :) | 08:09 |
Matt| | *laughs* | 08:09 |
LinuxJones | newtolinux, have you run k3b ? | 08:09 |
Matt| | |trey|, i think it is because it depends on ooq-kde | 08:09 |
xeph | cardador: Do I apt-get it? | 08:09 |
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newtolinux | i deleted some files to freeup diskspace but i just hit the del button wich obviuosle didnt free up space | 08:09 |
wezzer | eek, is k3b safe to run? | 08:09 |
cardador | xeph: use synaptic to search for it | 08:09 |
|trey| | LinuxJones: grr... don't recommend KDE crap... recommend coaster or something :/ | 08:10 |
Matt| | newtolinux, ok perhaps empty your trash | 08:10 |
wezzer | i mean, I just burned one cd with it | 08:10 |
newtolinux | linuxjones: no and i cant login | 08:10 |
wezzer | for the first time | 08:10 |
newtolinux | matt: i cant do anything, i cant even login | 08:10 |
LinuxJones | |trey|, I am not recommending he run it I am as king IF he ran it | 08:10 |
Matt| | newtolinux, kill gdm and log into the console | 08:10 |
newtolinux | how? | 08:10 |
wezzer | /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 08:10 |
wezzer | or some like that | 08:10 |
xeph | cardador: Synaptic says It's already installed :/ | 08:11 |
|trey| | Matt|: surely he would need to log in prior to killing gdm? ;) | 08:11 |
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newtolinux | uhm wezzer, you cant do things like that when your not even logged in | 08:11 |
cardador | xeph: how did you install the drivers? | 08:11 |
Matt| | newtolinux, press ctrl alt F1 | 08:11 |
xeph | cardador: The nvidia drivers? | 08:11 |
cardador | xeph: yes | 08:11 |
newtolinux | ok matt, that worked | 08:11 |
newtolinux | but how do i empty my trash? | 08:11 |
Matt| | newtolinux, then log in and do "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" | 08:11 |
|trey| | newtolinux: there is no logical reason why you can't log it to at least a terminal... | 08:11 |
Matt| | newtolinux, then do "rm ~/.Trash/* | 08:12 |
Matt| | " | 08:12 |
|trey| | newtolinux: rm -r ~/.trash | 08:12 |
|trey| | newtolinux: rm -r ~/.trash/ * | 08:12 |
|trey| | trailing slash is important *nods* | 08:12 |
Matt| | its a capital T on my install | 08:12 |
wezzer | i have capital too | 08:13 |
|trey| | Matt|: I thought so... blah... | 08:13 |
xeph | cardador: I just 'sh NVIDIA-.....bin' them. | 08:13 |
|trey| | Matt|: mostly, I just hit tab a lot :) | 08:13 |
Tpyo_knig | anyway that I can apt-get dhcpcd ? Currently when I try it, it wanted to remove dhcp3-client and ubuntu-base | 08:13 |
aaroncuk | is ubuntu likely to fall over if i swap cpu? | 08:13 |
cardador | xeph: dont do that | 08:13 |
CraHan_ | hmmm | 08:13 |
Matt| | newtolinux, how ya getting on | 08:14 |
CraHan_ | that's nice, the gnome network browser is borked | 08:14 |
cardador | xeph: you can use synaptic to install the drivers, just search for nvidia | 08:14 |
CraHan_ | doesn't pick up a thing anymore | 08:14 |
mjr | aaroncuk, nope | 08:14 |
mjr | aaroncuk, if you don't plan on doing it on the fly, that is :) | 08:14 |
aaroncuk | cool, got a new on ordered | 08:14 |
aaroncuk | hehe | 08:14 |
Tpyo_knig | aaroncuk, not as long as your try from ppc -> x86 or x86 -> ppc | 08:14 |
newtolinux | isnt there a way to say yes to all, else i have to manualy confirm the removeing of every file | 08:14 |
aaroncuk | nah, its athlon to semperon | 08:14 |
newtolinux | wich will take ages | 08:14 |
wezzer | hey, is synaptic safe way to install ati drivers? | 08:14 |
Tpyo_knig | newtolinux, rm -rf | 08:15 |
Tpyo_knig | will do it | 08:15 |
Tpyo_knig | eg: rm -rf ~/.Trash/* | 08:15 |
Gwildor|work | aaroncuk, what is the a celeron.......centrino? | 08:15 |
cardador | xeph: | 08:15 |
aaroncuk | yeah think so, its a budget chip, they are pretty good tho | 08:15 |
xeph | cardador: I've searched for it, and it says it's already installed. Hmm. For some reason, my pc is just hanging a lot. I thought it was the video drivers. | 08:15 |
newtolinux | tpyo_knig im not at a commandprompt | 08:15 |
Matt| | nah it is not intel | 08:15 |
newtolinux | im already removing the files | 08:15 |
Matt| | the crappy AMD chip | 08:15 |
|trey| | newtolinux: then get to one! | 08:15 |
Tpyo_knig | :/ | 08:15 |
aaroncuk | oh :( | 08:16 |
Matt| | newtolinux, be careful with rm -rf, you don't wanna remove something important ;) | 08:16 |
=== |trey| is so confused about newtolinux's problem :( | ||
newtolinux | trey: uhm, once again i dunno how | 08:16 |
Gwildor|work | I know its not intel.....guess is hould have said equivalent | 08:16 |
Matt| | newtolinux, you killed gnome right? | 08:16 |
newtolinux | as im removing the files manualy | 08:16 |
newtolinux | yes | 08:16 |
|trey| | newtolinux: you were told... ctrl alt f1 and log in there... | 08:16 |
Matt| | ok in that case you are at a command prompt | 08:16 |
newtolinux | i did trey, follow the story ;) | 08:16 |
newtolinux | matt: im logged in and removing stuff | 08:17 |
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Matt| | newtolinux, ok don't get distracted | 08:17 |
|trey| | newtolinux: I am... cept you just said you weren't at a command prompt :/ | 08:17 |
newtolinux | but ive got tons of files in my trash and wonderd if there wasnt something like yes to all | 08:17 |
Matt| | newtolinux, "rm -rf ~/.Trash/*" will remove all of it | 08:17 |
Tpyo_knig | model name: mobile AMD Athlon(tm) XP-M (LV) 2000+ | 08:17 |
Matt| | newtolinux, but BE CAREFUL | 08:17 |
xeph | cardador: Lol. Is it normal to not have a /proc/pci? | 08:17 |
|trey| | newtolinux: yes | what_we_said | 08:17 |
newtolinux | cause it asks me if im sure if i want to remove every file seperatly | 08:17 |
=== |trey| hugs yes | ||
Tpyo_knig | newtolinux, use the command prompt and you wont have a "yes" | 08:17 |
Tpyo_knig | rm -rf ~/.Trash/* | 08:18 |
cardador | xeph: dont know. can you explain when it hangs? | 08:18 |
|trey| | 'yes | rm -rf ~/.Trash/*' works :/ | 08:18 |
Matt| | newtolinux, just do the commands which we have said and it will be fine | 08:18 |
newtolinux | you dont understand, i am already removing stuff, but the only thing i can enter is a y or a n | 08:18 |
Matt| | newtolinux, cancel that with CTRL C | 08:18 |
|trey| | newtolinux: ctrl c | 08:18 |
newtolinux | ah, ok | 08:18 |
Treenaks | |trey|: try 'yes no' | 08:18 |
Tpyo_knig | anyway that I can apt-get dhcpcd ? Currently when I try it, it wanted to remove dhcp3-client and ubuntu-base | 08:18 |
Matt| | newtolinux, then do that command | 08:18 |
newtolinux | thats what i was looking for | 08:18 |
Matt| | Tpyo_knig, yeah i think ubuntu uses dhclient by default to obtain IP addresses from dhcp servers | 08:19 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: ubuntu-base is a meta-package... not a big deal... and dhcp3-client and dhcpcd have the same functionality... | 08:19 |
Tpyo_knig | yes, but I prefer dhcpcd over dhclient, is there a way to have dhcpcd | 08:19 |
xeph | cardador: It's like totally random. I don't do anything that eats up the CPU or memory. Like when I was logging into Gmail, and when I clicked on a another tab in Xchat. | 08:19 |
Matt| | Tpyo_knig, uninstall one and install the other | 08:19 |
Tpyo_knig | so removing ubuntu-base wont mess anything up? | 08:20 |
Matt| | Tpyo_knig, it will not mess anything up, just when ubuntu add packages to the ubuntu-base list, you will not get them | 08:20 |
Matt| | not a big deal | 08:20 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: not for now, no... you will need to pay attention through updates though... | 08:20 |
Tpyo_knig | :/ | 08:20 |
cardador | xeph: have you tried to reboot? or did you recentrly upgrade ubuntu? | 08:20 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: you're the one that wants dhcpcd... they are barely different... | 08:21 |
Matt| | Tpyo_knig, if i were you i would stick to dhclient | 08:21 |
Matt| | not a big deal | 08:21 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: all you need them to do is get dhcp data... why does it matter whats used so long as it works? | 08:21 |
Tpyo_knig | Ill get dhcpcd source and compile it | 08:22 |
Tpyo_knig | so I can have both | 08:22 |
Matt| | *laughs* | 08:22 |
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xeph | cardador: I did a fresh install. Everytime it hung, I had to reboot. The screen doesn't really freeze (I can see my mail icon twirling). The keyboard in inactive, and I can move the mouse. | 08:22 |
melazyboy | Has anyone gotten the DRI for the ATI radeons to work with xorg in hoary? | 08:22 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: have fun with that :/ | 08:22 |
Matt| | melazyboy, mine works ok | 08:22 |
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Tpyo_knig | they should be able to co-exist | 08:22 |
ironwolf | melayboy: mine works. | 08:22 |
Matt| | melazyboy, i think they cary | 08:22 |
Matt| | *vary | 08:22 |
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Ruffian|Q| | melazyboy, Live CD works on my ATI Radeon computer | 08:22 |
Ruffian|Q| | oh, thats not haory | 08:22 |
cardador | xeph: fresh install of warty or hoary? | 08:23 |
melazyboy | Ruffian|Q|: And live cd probably doesn't use 3d accel | 08:23 |
newtolinux | hmm, that rm -rf removed everything in my home directory | 08:23 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: umm, they do the same thing... its like the saying "too many cooks ruin the food"... they will argue about what to set... | 08:23 |
xeph | cardador: warty | 08:23 |
newtolinux | whyle im sute i did rm -rf ~/,Trash/8 | 08:23 |
|trey| | newtolinux: ugh... then you didn't do what we said. | 08:23 |
newtolinux | was that meant to happen | 08:23 |
Matt| | newtolinux, it is a full stop not a comma, and a star not an 8 | 08:23 |
cardador | xeph: thats pretty strange... i bet you already checked you keyboard cable :) didnt you? | 08:23 |
|trey| | newtolinux: sute? | 08:23 |
newtolinux | *sure | 08:24 |
Matt| | newtolinux, omg | 08:24 |
Matt| | newtolinux, ls -a to see your home directory | 08:24 |
newtolinux | damn typo's on this laptop | 08:24 |
xeph | cardador: Uh ... no ... lol. I had Mandrake before Warty and it worked fine then. | 08:24 |
newtolinux | but ive got my space back, restarted gnome and its still working | 08:24 |
|trey| | xeph: such comments are not helpful! | 08:24 |
newtolinux | ill be more carefull next time, thanks for the help guys | 08:24 |
cardador | xeph: maybe you can tells your specs and someone else can help too. | 08:25 |
Matt| | newtolinux, you may have lost some vital stuff in your home directory | 08:25 |
xeph | |trey|: Lol, I meant my keyboard worked fine then. I hated Mandrake. | 08:25 |
Matt| | newtolinux, but i doubt you've deleted the whole thing surely | 08:25 |
|trey| | Matt|: there is nothing vital in home dir's ;) | 08:25 |
newtolinux | the home dir is still there | 08:25 |
Matt| | |trey|, i dispute that | 08:25 |
newtolinux | just most files are gone | 08:25 |
|trey| | xeph: umm, still not useful... | 08:25 |
Matt| | |trey|, i'd rather delete /etc than /home/matt | 08:25 |
|trey| | Matt|: hah | 08:26 |
|trey| | Matt|: that isn't very smart... | 08:26 |
|trey| | you can create a new user... without /etc, you are in a world of hurt... | 08:26 |
newtolinux | just a last question, when im in a terminal and want to move to a directory called eg php scripts meaning there is a space in the directory name how would i do this | 08:26 |
xeph | cardador: I've got a Athlon XP 2400+, 512Mb Ram, Nvidia Geforce 4, and 160Gb hard drive. | 08:26 |
|trey| | Matt|: important personal crap should be on CD's... | 08:26 |
supos | newtolinux: type "cd php\ scripts" | 08:27 |
newtolinux | k | 08:27 |
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Matt| | |trey|, erm i'm not saying that I don't back up | 08:27 |
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cardador | xeph: if the keyboard is the only thing that hangs, maybe you can try with a different one | 08:28 |
lil_anthony | is there a terminal command or key sequence in ubuntu to minimize all windows? | 08:28 |
|trey| | Matt|: I don't really back up anything... I just don't put crap I want on the harddrive... I reinstall too much... | 08:28 |
Matt| | lil_anthony, you can set keyboard shortcuts in the Computer--> preferences --> keyboard shortcuts | 08:28 |
lil_anthony | ok but whats the command it needs to launch? | 08:28 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: bottem left corner... | 08:28 |
|trey| | hit that button | 08:29 |
Matt| | he wants a keybaord shortcut tho | 08:29 |
xeph | cardador: No, its not only the keyboard. All the windows that are open on my screen are also not responsive. The gnome-terminal also doesn't work. It's only the time that ticks on. | 08:29 |
lil_anthony | bottom left corner i'm not using gnome i'm running on fluxbox | 08:29 |
Matt| | lil_anthony, have you got your gnome menus? | 08:29 |
_|Imanewbie|_ | Anyone else having trouble using print screen in ubuntu? | 08:29 |
lil_anthony | yeah i do | 08:29 |
lil_anthony | i'm just wondernig what the command is | 08:30 |
cardador | xeph: that seems a problem with the nvidia driver. does it hang with another driver? | 08:30 |
theantix | yeah, the print screen key doesn't work for me either | 08:30 |
xeph | cardador: I haven't tried any. | 08:30 |
Matt| | lil_anthony, gnome-keybinding-properties | 08:30 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: ctrl alt d | 08:30 |
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cardador | xeph: change the driver from "nvidia" to "nv" | 08:31 |
xeph | cardador: I just realised I hadn't uncommented the restricted sources in sources.list. That explains why I've been getting "not available" message in apt-get install. I'm dowloading nvidia-glx now. | 08:31 |
lil_anthony | ok thanks | 08:31 |
cardador | xeph: hmm so you dont have it installed? | 08:31 |
Matt| | out of interest, gnome-keybinding-properties crashes on my system when run from a terminal | 08:31 |
=== Matt| --> bug list | ||
_|Imanewbie|_ | theantix: anyclue why? | 08:31 |
xeph | cardador: No. Just the default out-of-the-box warty one. | 08:31 |
|trey| | Matt|: hoary, and its fine here... wierd... | 08:32 |
lil_anthony | trey: control alt d does nothing at all | 08:32 |
cardador | xeph: :\ ok so just follow the howto from ubuntu page | 08:32 |
Matt| | |trey|, really? | 08:32 |
Matt| | |trey|, from a terminal? | 08:32 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: its the default binding for "show desktop"... | 08:32 |
lil_anthony | Matt|: i know you said keybinding properties is that the same as keyboard shorcut settings | 08:32 |
Matt| | |trey|, i'll wait until the last updates before doing anything about it | 08:32 |
|trey| | Matt|: from gnome-terminal, yeah | 08:32 |
xeph | cardador: Okay. Thanks :) | 08:32 |
cardador | xeph: | 08:32 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: yes | 08:32 |
lil_anthony | but is that global or is that gnome specific | 08:33 |
Matt| | not sure | 08:33 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: gnome specific of course | 08:33 |
Matt| | good point | 08:33 |
lil_anthony | well i'm not in gnome once again ;) | 08:33 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: actually, its a metacity binding... | 08:33 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: blah... | 08:33 |
Matt| | you'll need to work out fluxbox config | 08:33 |
lil_anthony | understood thats why i'm asking is there a terminal command to minimize all | 08:33 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: gnome/metacity is only de/wm supported... | 08:34 |
Matt| | lil_anthony, you'll need to set a fluxbox keybinding | 08:34 |
lil_anthony | ok i'll figure it out | 08:34 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: have fun. | 08:34 |
aaroncuk | can anyone help me edit the default site on apache2? | 08:34 |
lil_anthony | i was just wondering if there was like a built in distro key stroke or something | 08:34 |
Matt| | aaroncuk, *laughs* | 08:34 |
aaroncuk | oh :( | 08:34 |
|trey| | lil_anthony: yes... built into the default environment... | 08:35 |
Matt| | aaroncuk, you mean, how to write html? | 08:35 |
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|trey| | aaroncuk: yeah, I don't think anyone wants to help you learn HTML... | 08:35 |
aaroncuk | no, i know how to do that, i want to change the site that appears as the default one! | 08:35 |
st1an | whats the default root pw in ubuntu? :p | 08:35 |
Matt| | aaroncuk, write an index.html and put it in your apache folder | 08:35 |
Kamion | st1an: see RootSudo on the wiki | 08:35 |
Matt| | st1an, wat he said | 08:35 |
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=== |trey| wonders why there is a funky A in what stlan just said | ||
st1an | my isp is fewked atm, cant access ubuntus pages :( | 08:36 |
Tpyo_knig | yay | 08:36 |
Matt| | st1an, ok | 08:36 |
Tpyo_knig | ndiswrapper+dhcpcd :D | 08:37 |
Matt| | st1an, root account is disabled | 08:37 |
Tpyo_knig | heh | 08:37 |
Matt| | st1an, you use the command "sudo" to get root permissions | 08:37 |
Tpyo_knig | not my root account | 08:37 |
Tpyo_knig | I re-enabled that mofo | 08:37 |
|trey| | st1an: when prompted for password, type your password.. | 08:37 |
st1an | so | 08:37 |
Matt| | st1an, the password is the password of the first user installed | 08:37 |
st1an | no regular su at all? | 08:37 |
Matt| | ie you | 08:37 |
Matt| | nope | 08:37 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: umm... good job... cept its actually quite nice using sudo :/ | 08:37 |
Tpyo_knig | nah | 08:37 |
Matt| | yup | 08:37 |
st1an | hehe ok, no woder Im stuck, looking in all the wrong places :p ty | 08:38 |
Tpyo_knig | su <3 | 08:38 |
Matt| | sudo roxors | 08:38 |
aaroncuk | done that guys, but as soon as i load the servers ip it take me to the default page ie. | 08:38 |
Tpyo_knig | su > sudo | 08:38 |
Matt| | aaroncuk, you must have put it in the right place | 08:38 |
Matt| | Tpyo_knig, you're a weird guy | 08:38 |
Tpyo_knig | lol how u get that? | 08:38 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: I can root your box in seconds if you have a root account... I have to guess a user account... | 08:38 |
aaroncuk | its in /var/www | 08:38 |
st1an | so, how can I gget sudo to give me rights to mount hds? | 08:38 |
|trey| | st1an: sudo -s gives you basically su - | 08:39 |
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Tpyo_knig | lol | 08:39 |
Tpyo_knig | try it :) | 08:39 |
Matt| | aaroncuk, not sure where the default is on ubuntu, but it's probably in /var/www/localhost/htdocs | 08:39 |
st1an | thanks trey | 08:39 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: if I do, rm -rf / will be issued. | 08:39 |
st1an | worked, thanks :) | 08:40 |
|trey| | Tpyo_knig: its like mandatory... | 08:40 |
Tpyo_knig | lol | 08:40 |
Tpyo_knig | try it | 08:40 |
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duncanm | hi, i'm trying to install subversion on hoary | 08:40 |
Matt| | *sighs* | 08:40 |
duncanm | perl: warning: Setting locale failed. | 08:41 |
duncanm | perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: | 08:41 |
|trey| | grrr... no... don't be dumb... being malicious is not fun. | 08:41 |
Tpyo_knig | 25/tcp open smtp | 08:41 |
Tpyo_knig | 111/tcp open rpcbind | 08:41 |
Tpyo_knig | 631/tcp open ipp | 08:41 |
Tpyo_knig | 839/tcp open unknow | 08:41 |
Matt| | *laughs* | 08:41 |
Tpyo_knig | that all 4 open ports | 08:41 |
duncanm | i ran dpkg-reconfigure locale and selected the en_US.UTF8 | 08:41 |
Tpyo_knig | BUT they are behind a few firewalls | 08:41 |
duncanm | as i read on the Wiki | 08:41 |
Tpyo_knig | so give it a go | 08:41 |
Matt| | take it to #ubuntu-offtopic guys | 08:41 |
Kamion | duncanm: make sure your $LANG matches that | 08:41 |
Kamion | duncanm: i.e. export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 | 08:41 |
Matt| | or #ubuntu-machobullshut | 08:41 |
Matt| | *i | 08:42 |
duncanm | aha | 08:42 |
duncanm | Kamion: so i should set that in my .bashrc? | 08:42 |
Kamion | duncanm: yup | 08:42 |
Matt| | Kamion, know anything about the OOo packages? | 08:42 |
Kamion | Matt|: nnope | 08:42 |
Kamion | nope | 08:42 |
Matt| | k | 08:42 |
xeph | cardador: Just installed. I'm gonna relogin now. Thanks for all your help! | 08:43 |
aaroncuk | its something to do with virtual hosts, the files are in the /var/www dir which is where they need to be | 08:43 |
Matt| | aaroncuk, you get the default apache page at the moment? | 08:43 |
aaroncuk | yeah | 08:43 |
aaroncuk | i dont know how to edit the sites-enabled thing | 08:44 |
Matt| | aaroncuk, try #apache | 08:44 |
aaroncuk | true lol | 08:44 |
mxpxpod | bob2: ping | 08:44 |
Matt| | also send me a ls -al of your apache directory in /query | 08:45 |
siretart | is there any progress with NetworkManager? The packages havn't been updated since a while :( | 08:46 |
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ogra | evening everybody | 08:46 |
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Matt| | hi ogra | 08:47 |
ogra | hi MAtt| :) | 08:47 |
siretart | hi ogra | 08:48 |
ogra | :) | 08:48 |
JetlagJen | Can someone help me with a shared FAT32 partition that seems to have mounted ok, but isn't working right? | 08:48 |
ogra | JetlagJen: whats the error ? | 08:48 |
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siretart | JetlagJen: probably, but you have to ask | 08:49 |
JetlagJen | I can see the partition, but everything in it is odd. | 08:49 |
JetlagJen | I have lots of files and directories, but they're not showing up as that | 08:49 |
ogra | JetlagJen: show us the fstab line for the partition | 08:49 |
JetlagJen | How do I find that? | 08:49 |
siretart | JetlagJen: tell us the output of `grep vfat /etc/fstab` | 08:50 |
JetlagJen | /dev/hda6 /docs vfat quiet 0 0 | 08:51 |
JetlagJen | I set it up during installation of Ubuntu. | 08:51 |
ogra | /dev/hda6 /docs vfat rw,auto,umask=000 0 0 | 08:52 |
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siretart | JetlagJen: perhaps you want to read | 08:52 |
ogra | JetlagJen: change it with sudo gedit /etc/fstab so that it looks exactly the same | 08:53 |
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iz | Er is een project gestart om een Open source grafische kaart te maken. Dit zou inhouden dat de drivers (ook 3d) en heel de chip zelf voor iedereen beschikbaar word. De specs kan je hier vinden | 08:55 |
JetlagJen | I'll give it a go | 08:55 |
iz | ai sorry it was for #ubuntu-nl | 08:56 |
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ogra | iz: thats what we were suspecting ;) | 08:57 |
|trey| | iz: english please | 08:57 |
Matt| | awww | 08:57 |
iz | sorry dewds | 08:57 |
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Matt| | any idea why my openoffice upgrades are being kept back? It wants to install loads of kdelibs, which i suspect must be because of ooqs-kde or whatever it is called, but the dependencies look kewl | 08:58 |
iz | its about a project for opensource and graphic card | 08:58 |
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ogra | Matt|: do you need ooqs-kde ? | 08:58 |
|trey| | Matt|: its happening to everyone... just wait till they get rid of that crap... | 08:59 |
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|trey| | Its not even 1.9 etc... so its not like its exciting... | 09:00 |
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=== |trey| hopes OOo 2.0 makes it to hoary 8) | ||
Matt| | ogra, no i don't | 09:00 |
ogra | Matt|: cant get rid of it ? | 09:00 |
Matt| | i don't have it installed | 09:01 |
ogra | Matt|: as yesterday with the other dependency ? | 09:01 |
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Matt| | ogra, not following ya | 09:01 |
A|E | who can help change my sources to go to hoary :) | 09:01 |
|trey| | Matt|: how don't you have it installed? | 09:01 |
ogra | Matt|: havent you had a similar ooo prob yesterday ? | 09:01 |
|trey| | you removed it? | 09:01 |
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|trey| | Its just not upgrading... | 09:02 |
Matt| | ogra, today some new openoffice packages came out | 09:02 |
Matt| | |trey|, i don't have oooqs-kde installed i mean | 09:02 |
ogra | A|E: are you sure you want do that ? | 09:02 |
|trey| | Matt|: just wait... | 09:02 |
Matt| | |trey|, i could wait, or i could try and figure out the problem | 09:02 |
A|E | Yea I want to try if it breaks I'll reinstall and learn I gotta wait | 09:02 |
|trey| | Matt|: A devel will notice and get rid of the KDE deps... | 09:02 |
ogra | A|E: i mean do you know that its unstable, may break heavyli | 09:02 |
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iz | any spamassassin guru here? | 09:03 |
Matt| | |trey|, only if someone tells them what is wrong | 09:03 |
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ogra | A|E: so just change the sources in synaptic from warty to hoary...thats all | 09:03 |
|trey| | Matt|: apt-get install each individually... eventually you will figure out whats wrong if you don't trust EVERYONE else... | 09:03 |
Matt| | huh? | 09:03 |
A|E | what about the ones on security-? | 09:03 |
Matt| | |trey|, what do you mean don't trust em? | 09:03 |
A|E | warty-security , hoary-security? | 09:03 |
ogra | A|E: then do a smart-upgrade | 09:03 |
|trey| | Matt|: apt-get dist-upgrade... install each individually. | 09:04 |
ogra | A|E: nope, i dont think there are security sources for hoary yet | 09:04 |
JetlagJen | I've had a look at the links, and sorted out the fstab accordingly. The mounted partition now seems to be working properly | 09:04 |
|trey| | When it tells you something else can't be installed, apt-get install that... | 09:04 |
A|E | ogra, so i dont gotta do apt-get update, apt-upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade? | 09:04 |
JetlagJen | Thanks, guys :-) | 09:04 |
zenwhen | Someone is telling me the new gtk updates are breaking mozilla based browsers | 09:04 |
Matt| | |trey|, don't think that is gonna work as they all depend on each other | 09:04 |
|trey| | Matt|: eventually it will say exactly whats wrong, and you will be enlightened. | 09:04 |
ogra | A|E: you can do it also this way....its similar to synaptic smart-upgrade | 09:04 |
A|E | oh | 09:05 |
A|E | so synaptic its just quicker/easier | 09:05 |
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ogra | A|E: yep | 09:05 |
ogra | A|E: they both use the same backend..... | 09:05 |
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melazyboy | |trey|: It would never tell you it can't install something if you can, apt will check what a package depends on, and IF that package is in any of the repositories listed in your sources.list it will get them as well.. | 09:05 |
A|E | ok im doing it thru synaptic | 09:06 |
A|E | 624 wo | 09:06 |
A|E | wow* | 09:06 |
melazyboy | If it tells you it can't install a package then you should add a bigger repository like debian sid to your sources list, update, install what you wanted to, then remove debian sid and update again. | 09:06 |
|trey| | OpenOffice won't install because "language-support-en" doesn't exist... | 09:07 |
ogra | melazyboy: not on ubuntu | 09:07 |
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Matt| | there are many things wrong i think | 09:07 |
Matt| | ooqs-gnome or ooqs-kde is a dependency | 09:07 |
melazyboy | ogra: I have assisted numerious people with debian sid repository because of broken packages and nonexistant dependencies from hoary's repos | 09:07 |
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imka | hi | 09:08 |
=== Matt| gives melazyboy medal | ||
ogra | melazyboy: so you will fix their broken systems in one or two weeks ? | 09:08 |
imka | i can't access my floppy | 09:08 |
ogra | melazyboy: dont do such things ! | 09:08 |
imka | it says that it cant determine the fs type | 09:08 |
imka | it's set to auto | 09:08 |
|trey| | Matt|: umm, ooqs-gnome would satisfy that dep though, so thats not it... | 09:08 |
ogra | melazyboy: except you are a pinning expert | 09:08 |
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Rene_S | Hmm I thought If I lock or pin a version of a program it wouldn't be touched if i do an upgrade | 09:08 |
melazyboy | ogra: Using some libs off of sid will hardly hurt things. | 09:08 |
duncanm | can i use the warty CD as a rescue disk? | 09:08 |
duncanm | i need to run xfs_repair | 09:08 |
duncanm | hey melazybo2 | 09:08 |
|trey| | Matt|: language-support-en doesn't exist though.... wait for that, and ooo will install | 09:08 |
ogra | melazyboy: that depends on what these libs depend on next upgrade | 09:09 |
duncanm | melazyboy: thanks for your help last time, it's working alright now | 09:09 |
|trey| | Matt|: I don't think you should have installed hoary... | 09:09 |
ogra | melazyboy: you mixed two moving targets, what do you think will be the outcome ? | 09:09 |
Matt| | |trey|, why not? | 09:09 |
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|trey| | Matt|: Because you are making such a big deal about something so petty... this is a regular occurance with devel branches. | 09:10 |
melazyboy | duncanm: better off asking someone else that question.. never used xfs and i don't know what it takes to repair it | 09:10 |
Matt| | i didn't mean it to sound like a big deal, just wanted to help find out the problem | 09:10 |
|trey| | Matt|: I just told you.... now drop it? | 09:10 |
Matt| | surely that is the point of using the branch | 09:10 |
melazyboy | Im off to lunch, later | 09:11 |
|trey| | Matt|: the point is to work on new code... if things are held back due to something just not existing, you can do nothing but wait... | 09:11 |
Matt| | *sighs* | 09:11 |
Matt| | i was just trying to help | 09:11 |
Matt| | now leave off | 09:11 |
|trey| | Matt|: enless you want to edit the debian/rules, but I'm not teaching you how... | 09:11 |
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Skwid_ | how come all the software on synaptic is outdated ? :/ | 09:17 |
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ogra | Skwid_: ?? | 09:17 |
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Matt| | Skwid_, that's just how it is | 09:18 |
ogra | Matt|: not on my ubuntu | 09:18 |
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Matt| | well you know what he means | 09:19 |
Skwid_ | ok ... | 09:19 |
Skwid_ | ogra: there is no firefox 1.0, no php5 ... and the list goes on | 09:19 |
Matt| | Skwid_, yeah | 09:19 |
Matt| | Skwid_, like it or lump it i'm afraid | 09:19 |
ogra | Skwid_: that was the software that was there when warty got stable | 09:19 |
Skwid_ | ogra: no way to get the new packages ? | 09:20 |
ogra | Skwid_: nope, except you compile yourself, find a backport or switch to the unstable/development version of ubuntu..... | 09:20 |
Skwid_ | ogra: oh, does hoary have all the new packages ? | 09:21 |
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ogra | Skwid_: some of them, but it breaks from time to time.....sometimes less, sometimes hard | 09:22 |
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ogra | Skwid_: afaik no php5 yet..... | 09:23 |
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Skwid_ | hum :( | 09:23 |
jcoventry | hello | 09:23 |
Skwid_ | where can i see the versions that hoary has ? | 09:23 |
jcoventry | i'm having problems using the ubuntu synaptic package manager program | 09:23 |
ogra | Skwid_: fatest would be to ask Matt| *g* | 09:23 |
Matt| | oy | 09:24 |
ogra | jcoventry: tell us about | 09:24 |
Skwid_ | ahah :) | 09:24 |
Matt| | /slap ogra | 09:24 |
ogra | hehe | 09:24 |
Matt| | Skwid_, hang on | 09:24 |
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Skwid_ | to ?? the keyboard ? :) | 09:24 |
jcoventry | ogra: i am trying to install xvnc server but the package program cant find it, not even when i update the list. | 09:24 |
Matt| | Skwid_, which do you wanna know | 09:25 |
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Skwid_ | Matt|: hum ... amsn ? | 09:25 |
Skwid_ | firefox ? | 09:25 |
ogra | jcoventry: why dont you use the built in vnc ? | 09:25 |
Skwid_ | xchat ? | 09:25 |
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Matt| | Skwid_, firefox is 1, xchat 2-4-0, hang on for amsn | 09:25 |
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Skwid_ | ok, i'm switchin :) | 09:25 |
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Matt| | *laughs* | 09:25 |
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ogra | Skwid_: but make a good bacvkup before ;) | 09:26 |
Matt| | Skwid_, the changes in those packages aren't exactly immense | 09:26 |
jcoventry | ogra: didn't know | 09:26 |
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Skwid_ | ogra: nothing to backup, just installed today :) | 09:26 |
ogra | jcoventry: Computer->Desktop settings-> Remote Desktop | 09:26 |
Matt| | it's not like xchat 2-4-0 bring whole new ground breaking security | 09:26 |
Skwid_ | Matt|: yeah but heck ... they make new versions, why not use them :) | 09:27 |
ogra | Matt|: at least not on an unstable/dev system lol | 09:27 |
Matt| | up to you | 09:27 |
Matt| | erm amsn is 0.94 | 09:27 |
Skwid_ | Matt|: ok, all that I want | 09:27 |
Skwid_ | how do I switch ? :$ | 09:27 |
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Matt| | Skwid_, replace instances of "warty" with "hoary" in /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:30 |
ogra | Skwid_: open up synaptic, go to the repositorys and change all warty lines to hoary.....reload and do a smart-upgrade | 09:30 |
Matt| | yeah wat he said | 09:30 |
Skwid_ | going ... going :) | 09:30 |
ogra | Skwid_: both ways work...take the one you like :) | 09:30 |
lupus_ | is preview of movies in nautilius disabled or something? | 09:30 |
Skwid_ | ogra: exactly the same ? | 09:30 |
ogra | lupus_: not on mine | 09:31 |
Matt| | lupus_, you can configure that | 09:31 |
king_arthur | amazing.. how to switch from warty to hoary one of the FAQ's :-) | 09:31 |
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ogra | Skwid_: similar | 09:31 |
Matt| | the same | 09:31 |
ogra | king_arthur: hopefully not.... | 09:31 |
Matt| | no? | 09:31 |
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ogra | Matt|: one is gui the other is commandline ;) | 09:32 |
king_arthur | ogra: :-) just the feeling I get sometimes here... | 09:32 |
Skwid_ | do I change warty-security to hoary-security too ? | 09:32 |
Matt| | yep | 09:32 |
Skwid_ | gone :) | 09:32 |
ogra | Matt|: yep ? is theer already a hoary-security ?? | 09:32 |
ogra | king_arthur: i am always faering the ppl that dont know what they are doing.... hoary is simply noit for the masses...thats why i am fearing this to become a faq before march | 09:33 |
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=== ogra sees weird typos | ||
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king_arthur | ogra: you have a point there I was just wondering what makes newcomers always desire the very latest extra super new release of every thing? | 09:35 |
ogra | king_arthur: me too.... :/ | 09:36 |
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king_arthur | ogra: uncle Bill made a fortune out of it :-) | 09:36 |
ogra | king_arthur: especially while we got a 6month release cycle.... | 09:36 |
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king_arthur | ogra: that's an absolutely brilliant idea. Exactly what Debian was missing... | 09:37 |
ogra | yep | 09:37 |
ztonzy | hey :) | 09:37 |
wood1 | stuNNed, are you there ? | 09:38 |
Skwid_ | ogra: does going on hoary switch to xorg ? | 09:38 |
ztonzy | is it possible to install kde 3.3 with hoarty on warty ? | 09:38 |
ogra | king_arthur: jdub is a brilliant release manager he made this already with gnome ;) | 09:38 |
ogra | Skwid_: yep | 09:38 |
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Skwid_ | ogra: hu... while i'm on X ? | 09:38 |
Matt| | *laughs* | 09:38 |
wood1 | ogra, how I use seahorse ? | 09:38 |
ogra | ztonzy: dont mix the distributions | 09:38 |
rene | hi | 09:38 |
ztonzy | ogra, thanks :) wont do | 09:39 |
rene | anyone to help me? | 09:39 |
ztonzy | ogra, kde 3.2.3 works perfect here | 09:39 |
ogra | Skwid_: on next login its xorg | 09:39 |
rene | now i can't run windows | 09:39 |
Skwid_ | ogra: sweet :) | 09:39 |
king_arthur | ogra: what did jdub do? :-) | 09:39 |
rene | but files are there | 09:39 |
rene | how can i do? | 09:39 |
ztonzy | rene, windows are in grub ? | 09:39 |
rene | yes | 09:39 |
ztonzy | first hd ? | 09:40 |
ogra | king_arthur: dunno, ask him if hes around....he brought the gnome team to a 6 month cycle....i belive he can do that with ubuntu too ;) | 09:40 |
rene | if i try to run it | 09:40 |
king_arthur | hey guys is kde worth a try? | 09:40 |
rene | i see a blue windows | 09:40 |
ztonzy | king_arthur, yes! I use it as I type | 09:40 |
Riddell | king_arthur: certainly is | 09:40 |
rene | say to me that is not bootable or sometyhing similar | 09:40 |
ztonzy | rene, blue windows ? | 09:40 |
king_arthur | on Hoary? | 09:41 |
rene | yes arg | 09:41 |
wood1 | can I use seahorse to create a Key Pair for the same Email address ? | 09:41 |
ztonzy | grub is default are white/blue | 09:41 |
Riddell | ztonzy: you need hoary for KDE 3.3 and you need my packages for kdebase 3.3 | 09:41 |
ztonzy | king_arthur, no...universe | 09:41 |
rene | files are there | 09:41 |
rene | what can i do? | 09:41 |
ogra | wood1: no idea....sorry.... | 09:41 |
ztonzy | Riddell, ok... dont know if I want to go into that | 09:41 |
rene | is a problem with grub? | 09:41 |
ztonzy | (kde 3.3 that is) | 09:41 |
king_arthur | ztonzy: On Universe in warty? | 09:41 |
ztonzy | king_arthur, yes | 09:41 |
ztonzy | kde 3.2.3 | 09:41 |
king_arthur | ztonzy: I am on hoary already... :-) | 09:42 |
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ztonzy | king_arthur, hehe...well, I dont want it experiment too much...had problems enough with debian "sarge" before I entered Ubuntu | 09:42 |
wood1 | Does somebody here know how Gpgp works ? | 09:42 |
ztonzy | rene, sorry...what happens when you select windows in grub ? | 09:42 |
Riddell | ztonzy: it doesn't require you to upgrade everything, just change warty to hoary in sources.list and apt-get install kdebase and it'll install what it needs without having to upgrade the whole system | 09:43 |
king_arthur | ztonzy: I know the feeling... :-) | 09:43 |
Gwildor|work | kcontrol isnt installing properly for be warned | 09:43 |
ztonzy | Riddell, yes my thought too...but it wanted to remove a lot of stuff :( | 09:43 |
rene | it? begin to run but when i can see the logo to charge it shows a blue screen with the message that it can find booteable part | 09:43 |
ztonzy | rene, blue screen of death ? | 09:44 |
Gwildor|work | ahhhhhhhhhh!!! | 09:44 |
rene | yes :( | 09:44 |
wood1 | Any ideas how PGP works in Ubuntu ? | 09:44 |
Riddell | Gwildor|work: if you're trying KDE 3.3 hoary doesn't seem to have KDE 3.3 for kdebase, I have packages for that | 09:44 |
ztonzy | rene, how many hd's ? 1 or 2 ? | 09:44 |
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ztonzy | ide0 ide1 ? | 09:44 |
rene | if i restart with xp cd and try to console fixmbr it runs? | 09:44 |
king_arthur | Riddell: I am on Hoary, would apt-get install kde-base do the trick? | 09:44 |
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Gwildor|work | riddell, kk, its no biggie, just thought id state the fact...but thnx, im gonna uninstall kde | 09:45 |
Gwildor|work | king_arthur, yes | 09:45 |
wood1 | Well KDE works but to a certain extent | 09:45 |
duncanm | hrm | 09:45 |
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Riddell | king_arthur: apt-get install kdebase (no dash) | 09:45 |
duncanm | i did apt-get install automake | 09:45 |
duncanm | and now | 09:45 |
fabiand | hey, has someone tried to modprobe pktgen? | 09:45 |
ztonzy | rene, is your XP hd primary hd ? (hd0,0) | 09:45 |
king_arthur | Gwildor|work: I like extreme sex.. I go give it a shot right now | 09:45 |
duncanm | mono/mini/ warning: automake does not support conditional definition of libmono_la_SOURCES in libmono_static_la_SOURCES | 09:45 |
rene | yes i guess yes | 09:45 |
duncanm | so by default i get automake 1.4p6 | 09:46 |
Riddell | king_arthur: add "deb unstable main" for kdebase 3.3 | 09:46 |
duncanm | i also installed automake1.7 and automake1.8 | 09:46 |
ztonzy | rene, and linux is secondary on first channel? (hd1,0) | 09:46 |
ogra | duncanm: why dont you take the mono packages of treys repo ? | 09:46 |
duncanm | how do i choose to use those instead of 1.4 | 09:46 |
duncanm | ogra: cuz i'm a dev | 09:46 |
king_arthur | Riddell: tks just a question | 09:47 |
rene | i don't know? how can i see this? | 09:47 |
duncanm | ogra: i code Mono, so i wanna run the latest stuff... | 09:47 |
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king_arthur | Riddell: installing KDE is a one way trip only? | 09:47 |
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ztonzy | rene, if you build your own system you mostly know it | 09:47 |
ztonzy | but everyone doesnt | 09:47 |
rene | zi had windows xp with 2 partitions before install ubuntu | 09:48 |
Riddell | king_arthur: not at all, you can still switch to using gnome at any time or uninstall kde | 09:48 |
duncanm | ogra: i'm new to Debian/Ubuntu | 09:49 |
duncanm | my friend had the CDs ready, so i installed it on my home machine | 09:49 |
rene | I'm desesperate | 09:49 |
king_arthur | Riddell: good, as I guess we all like living a bit on the edge... | 09:49 |
ztonzy | Riddell, no deb-src then too ? | 09:49 |
ztonzy | rene, xp with 2 partitions ? one harddrive only ? | 09:49 |
rene | yes | 09:49 |
rene | 2 partitions of ntfs for windows and files and the linux others | 09:50 |
ztonzy | rene, big and how did you split it? | 09:50 |
ztonzy | ah | 09:50 |
rene | but this ran good before install ubuntu | 09:50 |
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rene | how can i modificate in grub for ok? | 09:50 |
Riddell | ztonzy: there are some sources there, but since they just come from debian you could get the sources from debian too :) | 09:51 |
ztonzy | rene, are you in XP now ? | 09:51 |
rene | my grub file contains this => (hd0)/dev/hda | 09:51 |
rene | no, i on ubuntu | 09:51 |
ztonzy | Riddell, oh | 09:51 |
ztonzy | ok | 09:51 |
ftwig | anyone got ardour working? | 09:51 |
ztonzy | rene, you mean /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 09:51 |
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ogra | duncanm: i really admire everybod working at ximian, i whish i could help you out......did you install build-essential already ? | 09:51 |
Hikaru79 | What is the difference between running an FTP server stand-alone as opposed to through inetd/xinetd? | 09:52 |
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rene | ok i'm there | 09:52 |
ctd | Hikaru79: stand-alone means the ftp server is always running, whereas running it from inetd means that it's launched when it gets a connection. | 09:52 |
rene | and now? | 09:52 |
Hikaru79 | Oooh, I see | 09:53 |
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ztonzy | rene, my windows menu looks like this...I could paste in pm if you want | 09:53 |
duncanm | ogra: installing that now | 09:53 |
Hikaru79 | If I want to run vsftpd through inetd instead of standalone, how would I do that? Do I have to 'enable' inetd in any way or do I just tell vsftpd to not run standalone? | 09:53 |
duncanm | ogra: but that's just getting me g++ | 09:54 |
duncanm | ogra: is there a way to chooose which automake gets used? | 09:54 |
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ctd | Hikaru79: Can't say I know about vsftp, but you'd have to add an entry to the inetd.conf too. | 09:54 |
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ogra | duncanm: sorry, dunno, but i'll have a look at the build depends of treys mono packages.... | 09:54 |
king_arthur_ | Riddell: I changed to the Linux box right no, could you pls forward the link to kde repository again, for cut & paste? | 09:56 |
ctd | Hikaru79: If daemons isn't an issue, proftpd (in universe) setups it up for you in debconf. | 09:56 |
Riddell | king_arthur_: change warty to hoary if you havn't already and add "deb unstable main" | 09:56 |
ogra | duncanm: 1.7 | 09:56 |
Hikaru79 | :o | 09:56 |
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Hikaru79 | Awesome, ctd! | 09:57 |
Hikaru79 | Thanks :) | 09:57 |
duncanm | ogra: i have 1.7 installed, how do i choose it? | 09:57 |
king_arthur_ | Riddell: tks a ton | 09:57 |
ogra | duncanm: exactly: automake1.7 bison dpatch libicu28 libicu28-dev | 09:57 |
duncanm | ah i get it | 09:57 |
king_arthur_ | Riddell: I am on hoary right now | 09:57 |
Hikaru79 | So proftpd's package in synaptic is ready to go out of the box, pretty much? | 09:57 |
duncanm | i just removed automake, and that's an alias to automake 1.4 | 09:57 |
Riddell | king_arthur_: tell us if it works or not | 09:57 |
ctd | Hikaru79: Yeap. | 09:58 |
ctd | Hikaru79: proftpd is what I've always used, anyway. | 09:58 |
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ogra | duncanm: sudo update-alternatives --config automake | 09:59 |
Hikaru79 | :) Thanks, ctd | 09:59 |
duncanm | ah | 09:59 |
duncanm | ogra: i think i figured it out | 09:59 |
duncanm | thanks a lot | 09:59 |
ogra | :) | 09:59 |
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Hikaru79 | Wow, ProFTPd's site is *really* out of date | 10:00 |
Hikaru79 | Under "sites that use ProFTPD" | 10:00 |
Hikaru79 | They have: | 10:00 |
Hikaru79 | FuitadNET | 10:00 |
Hikaru79 | A free webhosting service running ProFTPD. | 10:00 |
Hikaru79 | Fuitadnet is neither free, nor does it use ProFTPD | 10:01 |
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tim1 | hi | 10:01 |
ctd | Does it matter who uses it? :_ | 10:01 |
ctd | :) | 10:01 |
Hikaru79 | Hi, tim1 :) | 10:01 |
Hikaru79 | Nono ^ ;; | 10:01 |
Hikaru79 | *^ ^;; | 10:01 |
Hikaru79 | Just saying | 10:01 |
tim1 | could somebody help me configuring my sound ? | 10:01 |
ztonzy | Riddell, so if I want, the only thing I need is "kdebase" ? | 10:01 |
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tim1 | because some applictions (xine/totem, muine) work whereas others don't | 10:02 |
tim1 | because of /dev/dsp is missing somehow | 10:02 |
ficusplanet | I've read in a couple places that there is a new package manager in the works for Hoary. Is there any place that I could find more information on that? | 10:02 |
ogra | ficusplanet: there was a screenshot on i think | 10:03 |
Hikaru79 | ;_; What's wrong with synaptic? | 10:04 |
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topyli | tim1: did you check if /dev/dsp is really not there? maybe it's just in use by esound or something. | 10:05 |
Riddell | ztonzy: yes, that will bring in kdelibs too, I also usually install juk and and libarts1-mpeglib | 10:05 |
ficusplanet | Hikaru79, Not all that intuitive. It would be nice to have find-as-you-type, descriptive names, a way to hide libraries and other non-gui-application packages, the queue/apply stuff is rather confusing to new users. | 10:05 |
=== |trey| wonders why he gets an audio CD put on his desktop when he inserts one... thats not useful :( | ||
ogra | Hikaru79: ask its developer...he also wrote on the new one :) | 10:05 |
ztonzy | Riddell, you use warty or hoary ? | 10:05 |
Riddell | ztonzy: also kdm is the login manager, but it's not as good looking as gdm yet | 10:05 |
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Riddell | ztonzy: warty install with hoary as apt sources | 10:06 |
ztonzy | Riddell, yes...I had it earlier today (kdm) looked ugly has hell | 10:06 |
tim1 | ficusplanet: i'm pretty sure, esd is not running | 10:06 |
ztonzy | so I removed it and got back to gdm | 10:06 |
ogra | ficusplanet: | 10:06 |
Riddell | ztonzy: gdm theme support for kdm is in CVS :) | 10:06 |
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ztonzy | cvs ? | 10:06 |
tim1 | tim@ubuntu ~ $ lsof /dev/dsp | 10:06 |
tim1 | lsof: status error on /dev/dsp: No such file or directory | 10:06 |
ztonzy | Riddell, but the fonts looked all messed up | 10:06 |
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tim1 | but sound IS working in muine and some others | 10:07 |
Riddell | ztonzy: strange, don't know why that would be | 10:07 |
djtansey | how do you add a new WM to the gdm menu? i installed enlightenment but it didn't do anything... thanks! | 10:07 |
ogra | ficusplanet: but it looks like its only a part of a complete new system | 10:07 |
ztonzy | Riddell, in kdm I mean | 10:07 |
topyli | tim1: try plain ls /dev/dsp | 10:07 |
ficusplanet | ogra, Is there any work for the add/remove part of the system that I can look at or help out with? | 10:07 |
ztonzy | Riddell, and it cant read swedish characters either! | 10:07 |
ztonzy | blank space for hat | 10:07 |
ogra | ficusplanet: probably mvo can answer this....i dunno... | 10:08 |
ficusplanet | ogra, Thanks. | 10:08 |
tim1 | ficusplanet: ls: /dev/dsp: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden (translation: file or folder not found) | 10:08 |
Riddell | ztonzy: it does have full unicode support, must be something not set right somewhere | 10:08 |
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topyli | hmm | 10:08 |
|trey| | tim1: ls /dev/dsp0 | 10:09 |
ztonzy | Riddell, maybe :) my full name in user picker in kdm was left out as character O with two dots above | 10:09 |
ztonzy | 10:09 | |
RuffianSoldier | Boycott Fedora! | 10:09 |
|trey| | ztonzy: #debian-kde would be more useful... | 10:09 |
ogra | RuffianSoldier: please | 10:09 |
RuffianSoldier | ogra, please what? | 10:10 |
|trey| | ztonzy: same packages... we don't support KDE here.. | 10:10 |
Riddell | ztonzy: it'll be the locale not set properly, unfortunatly I've never worked out where or how that's set | 10:10 |
ogra | RuffianSoldier: leave such things out here..... | 10:10 |
|trey| | Riddell: dpkg-reconfigure locales | 10:10 |
ztonzy | |trey|, sorry :) | 10:10 |
tim1 | |trey|: ls: /dev/dsp*: not found | 10:10 |
Riddell | |trey|: I try to support KDE here :) | 10:10 |
|trey| | tim1: yeah, thats not a good thing... | 10:10 |
Riddell | |trey|: did that, it worked for until I rebooted so something isn't picking something up | 10:10 |
|trey| | Riddell: you should take them to #debian-kde where the devels hang out... | 10:11 |
topyli | tim1: that's all wrong :( | 10:11 |
ztonzy | |trey|, it all started that when I did gnome update (to 2.8.1) in warty all gui became I thought...I gave kde a shot | 10:11 |
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tim1 | so where can i start ? 'cause i have _no_ idea | 10:11 |
ztonzy | even removed my k7 kernel too, because first I thought it was that | 10:11 |
Seveas | intersting, you dant want sluggishness, so you use a sluggish desktop environment instead of gnome | 10:11 |
Seveas | </rant mode> | 10:11 |
|trey| | ztonzy: I've heard people report gnome becomes slow if gamin isn't installed for hoary packages... maybe thats why? | 10:11 |
|trey| | ztonzy: apt-get install gamin and see if it fixes the slowness... | 10:12 |
ztonzy | |trey|, I dont use hoary, I use warty | 10:12 |
ztonzy | ok | 10:12 |
ogra | tim1: sudo modprobe snd-pcm-oss | 10:12 |
|trey| | ztonzy: still... hoary packages are mostly 2.8.1 also... so likely to be same issue... | 10:12 |
ogra | tim1: see if its there then.... | 10:12 |
ztonzy | oh wants to remove kde then ;) (in synaptic) | 10:12 |
|trey| | ztonzy: weird, kde doesn't use fam, thats retarded | 10:13 |
|trey| | calc: you around? | 10:13 |
Hikaru79 | ctd, can I priv message you? | 10:13 |
ztonzy | |trey|, beats me.... | 10:13 |
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Rene_S | Whats a good replacement for Totem?. Mine never seems to work correctly | 10:14 |
tim1 | ogra: it is there ! thank you so much ! | 10:14 |
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zenwhen | vlc and mplayer' | 10:14 |
|trey| | Rene_S: totem-xine or mplayer + codecs | 10:14 |
Rene_S | k | 10:14 |
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Hikaru79 | =/ | 10:14 |
ogra | tim1: should get loaded automatically....its a bit weird | 10:14 |
|trey| | zenwhen: cept vlc sucks 8) | 10:14 |
Rene_S | I can handle mplayer | 10:14 |
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|trey| | crimsun: you around? | 10:14 |
=== tim1 dances to the sound ;) | ||
zenwhen | |trey|, what does it suck at? | 10:14 |
|trey| | zenwhen: playing movies without flickering etc | 10:15 |
ztonzy | |trey|, what is libfam* ? | 10:15 |
zenwhen | I dont use it, but it is a perfectly fine player | 10:15 |
Rene_S | Im so used to Kaffeine, I use it for the plugin alot gives a fullscreen watching movie trailers | 10:15 |
ogra | |trey|: not for me | 10:15 |
|trey| | ztonzy: library for file alteration monitoring... kde has its own mechanism for that though afaik | 10:15 |
zenwhen | |trey|, you shoudl try not to apply your experience as a blanket critisism | 10:15 |
Riddell | |trey|: kde does use fam | 10:15 |
zenwhen | should* | 10:15 |
ogra | |trey|: probably your card ? | 10:16 |
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|trey| | Riddell: thats why I'm trying to bother kde maintainers... its not needed by KDE at all... | 10:16 |
zenwhen | It works fine for me. | 10:16 |
ztonzy | |trey|, when doing what you told me, it wanted to remove these: "kde-devel kdebase-dev kdelibs4-dev kdesdk kspy libfam-dev libfam0c102 libkonq4-dev" | 10:16 |
ogra | zenwhen: for me too :) | 10:16 |
zenwhen | I use mplayer myself, but use VLC for DVD's. | 10:16 |
Matt| | ok weird. my home partition was just randomly unmounted. Any idea why that might be? | 10:16 |
zenwhen | :) | 10:16 |
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zenwhen | Because it does the menus right. | 10:16 |
ztonzy | sorry for bother you with kde :( | 10:17 |
ogra | zenwhen: ever tried the moz plugin ? | 10:17 |
zenwhen | Nah | 10:17 |
numb | does someone know how can i use the live cd, with a ati radeon x800 pro, and i do not want the command line ;-) | 10:17 |
zenwhen | I dont do streaming video much. | 10:17 |
Rene_S | Im not worried about the dvd playback, I have one attached to my tv | 10:17 |
palle | sivang are you there? | 10:17 |
zenwhen | <-- dialup | 10:17 |
sivang | palle : yes palle! What's up? | 10:17 |
ogra | ztonzy: go on, looks finny to see all these ksomethings.....hehe | 10:17 |
|trey| | numb: I'd think they would be loaded... file a bug if they aren't... | 10:17 |
Rene_S | I do a fair amount of streaming | 10:17 |
ogra | zenwhen: :( | 10:17 |
=== |trey| still wants to figure out why fam is used by kde. | ||
tim1 | ogra: where is the config that should it load automatically ? so i can fix it .. | 10:18 |
palle | sivang : i just fixed the linux - windows internetsharing | 10:18 |
ztonzy | ogra, lol what ? :D | 10:18 |
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zenwhen | ogra, are you a dev? | 10:18 |
zenpod | ogra is just spiffy | 10:18 |
numb | |trey|: when i starts booting the screen turns black, and appears the message "no signal" in the screen | 10:18 |
Hikaru79 | I have proftpd installed now; but I want to run it through inetd not through 'sudo proftpd' ... how would I do that? | 10:18 |
|trey| | zenwhen: no, he's just fairly smart :) | 10:18 |
numb | *when it | 10:18 |
ogra | zenwhen: (Oliver GRAwert) | 10:18 |
|trey| | numb: ok... well thats a bug... | 10:18 |
zenwhen | Someone needs to get gnome-ppp into the default ubuntu install. | 10:19 |
palle | sivang : i wrote a little howto about it as you said | 10:19 |
Hikaru79 | nvm, found it :) | 10:19 |
sivang | palle : nice! could you pass on the link? | 10:19 |
Matt| | no one else had random unmounting of partitions? | 10:19 |
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ogra | tim1: sudo gedit /etc/modules and add snd-pcm-oss in the end (you probably like snd-mixer-oss too if its not loaded yet) | 10:20 |
Rene_S | Argg, damned wife sprayed room deodorizer into my coffee again | 10:20 |
zenpod | I have random rebooting of my system, but that's only under XP | 10:20 |
zenpod | ;) | 10:20 |
palle | sivang : i never sent it to wiki i was wondering if you could do that? | 10:20 |
ogra | zenpod: lol | 10:20 |
sivang | palle : I will give it a look, maybe polish if I think it needs so and then post it? is it ok? :) | 10:20 |
palle | sivang : since it's not a complete howto and mabey you now what to fix it it? | 10:20 |
zenpod | ogra, I suspect it might be related to my motherboard insisting the CPU fan isn't working, when it is. Ah well, my new motherboard should be in tommorow. | 10:20 |
Rene_S | apt-get remove wife | 10:20 |
Rene_S | apt-get install Pretty Blonde | 10:21 |
palle | sivang : yes that would be great... | 10:21 |
ogra | Rene_S: huh ? | 10:21 |
ogra | Rene_S: hehe | 10:21 |
Gwildor|work | Rene_S, does that work???.......special repo? | 10:21 |
palle | sivang : i had to use the firestarter firewall to get it work though... | 10:21 |
zenpod | Rene_S, wife has dependancies like allyourmoneylib-1.0, yourhouselib-3.4 | 10:21 |
Rene_S | If only everything were as easy as Debian | 10:21 |
sivang | palle : thanks, I'll look at it in the following time and see what I can do :) | 10:21 |
palle | sivang : okay, and thank you for the help... cya | 10:22 |
sivang | palle : btw, you don't need to be afraid of playing with the wiki, you can just go and start doing some private page for a sketch area and learn as you go, wiki can be fun :) | 10:22 |
Rene_S | and she leaves behind dependant-children.lib 10 | 10:22 |
Gwildor|work | Rene_S, not even married yet and my GF is ful of problems....brain surjury last october...'03....back surjury tomarrow....only 20 | 10:22 |
|trey| | zenpod: wife satisfies deps like sexwhenimold and foodonthetable though :/ | 10:22 |
palle | sivang : hehe okay, i may do that later =) | 10:23 |
sivang | palle : not to push you or anything, ofcourse :) | 10:23 |
Rene_S | Ouch | 10:23 |
Gwildor|work | ya | 10:23 |
Rene_S | she is falling apart at the seems, must be related to windows somehow | 10:23 |
Rene_S | hehe | 10:23 |
Gwildor|work | hahaha | 10:23 |
topyli | |trey|: those are just recommends | 10:23 |
Gwildor|work | yeah, just started linux a few months ago...maybe she'll get better too | 10:24 |
|trey| | topyli: bah... here they are depends ;) | 10:24 |
|trey| | I would go insane without either :( | 10:24 |
calc | |trey|: yes whats up? | 10:24 |
Rene_S | Well after 10 years, you would think she would learn not to contaminate my coffee | 10:24 |
=== ogra likes this class on packaging | ||
|trey| | calc: ahh... its kinda off topic now... but I was just wondering how kde used fam? thought kde had its own mechanism for that? | 10:24 |
calc | |trey|: i think kde uses fam, but i don't recall | 10:25 |
tim1 | ogra: now everything seems to work, thank you very much | 10:25 |
Rene_S | I have no idea, how or why fam is used | 10:25 |
ogra | tim1: :) | 10:25 |
|trey| | calc: damnit, you're useless, you're supposed to know that stuff :P | 10:25 |
Riddell | KDE does use fam but if it can't find fam it resorts to polling the filesystem | 10:25 |
=== calc doesn't even run kde anymore | ||
numb | |trey|: do you think it could be about this: | 10:26 |
=== calc bbl | ||
|trey| | calc: have a good day :) | 10:26 |
Rene_S | What i am confused by is pinning, I locked my Evolution version at whatever warty is at, then when i went to upgrade to hoary it wanted to remove it | 10:26 |
Riddell | calc: you don't? | 10:27 |
|trey| | numb: he mentions radeon, so likely... although not explicitly... enless he needs a cluebat :) | 10:27 |
Hikaru79 | How can I force my inetd session to rehash and reconfigure itself? (Seeing as I just wrote some changes to inetd.conf)? | 10:27 |
numb | |trey|: is that i'm using an lcd | 10:27 |
davidpc | huh. anyone have printer setup problems with fresh ubuntu install by any chance? epson stylus photo R200 here... | 10:28 |
ogra | Hikaru79: killall -HUP inetd is an option | 10:28 |
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|trey| | numb: hmm, you didn't say that... k.. then yeah, perhaps... add a comment to that with details that are specific and different if you want :) | 10:28 |
ogra | Hikaru79: with sudo | 10:28 |
ztonzy | anyone uses Blender :) ? | 10:28 |
ogra | Hikaru79: or sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart | 10:28 |
Hikaru79 | Thanks :D | 10:28 |
|trey| | ztonzy: I've played with it, does that count? | 10:28 |
numb | |trey|: tnx | 10:29 |
Rene_S | aww crap, i guess i am gonna use Thunderbird now | 10:29 |
ztonzy | |trey|, sure :) I am a mod in those main forums...and also bugtester and artist | 10:29 |
ztonzy | |trey|, you use i386 ? | 10:29 |
|trey| | ztonzy: yup... | 10:29 |
|trey| | ztonzy: how close are you to completing icon set? :) | 10:30 |
ztonzy | |trey|, okey to paste testbuld link here? from site ? | 10:30 |
ztonzy | aaarrh | 10:30 |
ztonzy | what ? | 10:30 |
|trey| | ztonzy: ahh.. . nm | 10:30 |
|trey| | blah... not here though | 10:30 |
ogra | ztonzy: paste | 10:30 |
|trey| | #flood | 10:30 |
|trey| | ogra: no, not here, its annoying for everyone else :( | 10:31 |
ztonzy | it is really late build from cvs | 10:31 |
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ogra | |trey|: a link.... | 10:31 |
ztonzy | | 10:31 |
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Riddell | calc: why don't you run KDE and who's going to make all the Debian KDE pacakges? | 10:31 |
|trey| | ogra: hah... blah... people don't usually ask permission to post links here :) | 10:31 |
ztonzy | enjoy | 10:31 |
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ogra | |trey|: heh | 10:32 |
|trey| | Riddell: he said he's gone... | 10:32 |
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popey | m00 | 10:32 |
ztonzy | |trey|, well in our rooms we dont like paste to much before asking... | 10:32 |
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ztonzy | |trey|, blender 2.35 has got a lot of new fancy things :) | 10:32 |
ogra | ztonzy: a link or one or two output lines is always ok | 10:32 |
|trey| | Riddell: He's said he has never really liked KDE, just maintained it as a service to Debian... now their are a few people taking part in the KDE/Qt Maintainers group, so he was able to step down... | 10:33 |
magnon | hm, does gnome-vfs have woes in 2.9? | 10:33 |
ztonzy | ogra, want to read changelogs ? | 10:33 |
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zenpod | just don't /exec -o ls -r / | 10:33 |
zenpod | ;) | 10:33 |
|trey| | Riddell: he actually orphaned the packages and gave them to the group a while ago... | 10:33 |
ulisse | hi channel | 10:33 |
ztonzy | rene, hi how did it go ? | 10:33 |
ulisse | somebody using hoary? | 10:33 |
|trey| | ulisse: yes | 10:33 |
ogra | ztonzy: i dont use blender....sorry, never managed to understand the interface | 10:33 |
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ztonzy | ogra, everyone says that, but how many 3d tools has almost for every other platform out there ;) ? | 10:34 |
ztonzy | oh a friend :) | 10:34 |
ztonzy | bjornmose, hi | 10:34 |
ztonzy | ogra, read the docs ;) and the community is quite helpfull too | 10:34 |
|trey| | ztonzy: compared to others, its pretty easy actually... | 10:34 |
mroth | anyone have any experience in getting wpa_supplicant to work on a PPC powerbook with airport(orinoco) card? | 10:35 |
=== bjornmose showed wife #ubuntu | ||
=== ztonzy ducks | ||
Riddell | |trey|: right, I'm behind on my debian-kde gossip | 10:35 |
ulisse | |trey|, I',m having troubles with FireFox and ThunderBird | 10:35 |
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ztonzy | |trey|, I am sure it is...even better now, and will get better UI too | 10:35 |
|trey| | ulisse: whats the issue with Firefox... not running thunderbird though... | 10:35 |
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ztonzy | but it seems warty only have 2.33a and blendercoders move fast ;) | 10:35 |
ogra | ztonzy: i will ... if i need to do 3d stuff .... currently i'm fine with fake 3d with gimp and inkscape :) | 10:35 |
ulisse | |trey|, Both them gives segfault | 10:35 |
|trey| | ztonzy: ahh... just don't dumb it down... such tools shouldn't be dumbed down, just makes it harder to figure out how to do anything... | 10:36 |
ztonzy | we are about to release 2.36 as the stable release | 10:36 |
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ztonzy | dumb ? | 10:36 |
|trey| | ulisse: I'm running Firefox right now... | 10:36 |
ogra | ztonzy: then it will be in hoary, fine :) | 10:36 |
=== ztonzy wonders if he did :O | ||
=== ztonzy cant imagine what 2.37 will be =O | ||
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=== davidpc curses himself for buying a new printer, wishes he'd jjust ebayed an old bag of shite instead | ||
|trey| | ztonzy: I'd pretty much have to shoot you if you did :P | 10:37 |
ulisse | |trey|, can I post in pvt the terminal output? | 10:37 |
|trey| | ulisse: nope... | 10:37 |
|trey| | In #flood though, sure | 10:37 |
ztonzy | |trey|, "shoot" ? | 10:37 |
ztonzy | ah | 10:37 |
ztonzy | blah | 10:37 |
|trey| | ztonzy: gun go "bang"... | 10:37 |
=== ztonzy faints | ||
ztonzy | |trey|, we deal with those "dumb" "crap interface" daily in the forums ;) | 10:38 |
=== |trey| isn't a huge fan of /msg's enless he knows the person... | ||
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|trey| | ztonzy: "dumb" and "crap" are not the same... some might just be retards :P | 10:38 |
ztonzy | but users never go and learn interface from docs before bashing | 10:38 |
palle | i need to transfer some space from my /home partition to the / partition any knows a good partition prog i can do this with? | 10:39 |
mjr | gnu parted is pretty much the best free game in town for that | 10:39 |
ztonzy | |trey|, hehe...well I bought the manual when I first started, and it really kickestarted | 10:39 |
|trey| | ztonzy: I am used to the professional tools.. certainly no more complicated then those beasts :) | 10:39 |
mjr | palle, it's available in ubuntu main, even | 10:39 |
ztonzy | |trey|, good! | 10:39 |
palle | ohh, mjr what is it called? | 10:39 |
|trey| | 3dmax, maya... these are tough interfaces.... blender is just fun... but needs more features :( | 10:39 |
mjr | though I don't know if you can actually use it on partitions that you have active at the moment | 10:40 |
ztonzy | |trey|, Blender is like.... one hand on keyboard other hand on the mouse :o) | 10:40 |
mjr | probably not | 10:40 |
mjr | palle, "parted" :) | 10:40 |
zenpod | Neverball is too hard! | 10:40 |
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ztonzy | |trey|, will come, any suggestions :) ? (ideas/features) | 10:40 |
|trey| | zenpod: never played it :( | 10:40 |
palle | okay mjr thnx i'll check it out... | 10:40 |
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zenpod | |trey|, it's probably in synaptic. | 10:40 |
mjr | palle, you might have to find a boot floppy/cd image to boot from to do the thing | 10:40 |
ztonzy | rene, wb | 10:40 |
|trey| | ztonzy: none right now... always want to do stuff that I can't yet though :( | 10:40 |
=== Tjoklat is now known as Tsjoklat | ||
|trey| | ztonzy: although I haven't used it in a while :/ | 10:41 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: hey you :) | 10:41 |
mjr | palle, one that has parted installed, that is. I don't know if the ubuntu live cd does. | 10:41 |
palle | mjr okay, mabey there is some funtion in the program that can help me with that? | 10:41 |
Tsjoklat | hey |trey| :) | 10:41 |
ztonzy | |trey|, hehe...if you read all the lasts changelogs you would be stunned, maya dont have AO , Blender does ! | 10:41 |
fogboy | trying to install ubuntu (AMD 64) and couldn't find in docs answer to screen going dark after splash - no keyboard or mouse input yet confirmed both ok | 10:41 |
fogboy | ideas? | 10:41 |
mjr | palle, I wouldn't know about that, sorry. Haven't done anything with it myself, I just know it exists :) | 10:42 |
ztonzy | |trey|, AO = Ambient Occlusion | 10:42 |
billytwowilly | I get this message in dmesg: APIC error on CPU0: 40(40) Does that mean the CPU is broken? | 10:42 |
palle | okay, thnx anyway mjr i guess i can just use pqmagic from windoze otherwise... | 10:43 |
|trey| | ztonzy: :) I just play with that stuff for fun... go to a graphic school, but studying Network Technology... | 10:43 |
ztonzy | |trey|, ah... | 10:43 |
ztonzy | I wished I could code though... | 10:43 |
mjr | palle, yes, I seem to recall that pmagic supports resizing ext2 partitions | 10:43 |
|trey| | palle: parted should be on the disk... | 10:43 |
=== |trey| cusses a bunch about partition magic not being so magic :| | ||
|trey| | Enless its trick = breaking every fucking thing >:| | 10:44 |
palle | hehehe okay |trey| | 10:44 |
=== Tsjoklat hands |trey| the soap, tsk tsk | ||
|trey| | Tsjoklat: haha... I'm sorry :) | 10:45 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| :P | 10:45 |
davidpc | hey how do you do ubuntu updates? on install it complained there was no network (bad wifi card chipset, fixed since), so is it just like normal debian, apt-get update stuff? | 10:46 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: grr... it is responsible for Windows 2k3 not being installed anymore though... it b0rked the partition, and I couldn't be asked to reinstall :) | 10:46 |
=== |trey| goes to get ready to go out though | ||
zenpod | davidpc, use synaptic | 10:46 |
|trey| | Later everyone :) | 10:46 |
zenpod | davidpc, then just use smart upgrade | 10:46 |
fogboy | if i'm in the wrong place can someone let me know? otherwise any help much appreciated: trying to install ubuntu (AMD 64) and couldn't find in docs answer to screen going dark after splash - no keyboard or mouse input yet confirmed both ok | 10:46 |
davidpc | zenpod: hm ok | 10:47 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| why would you want to install that anyhow | 10:47 |
davidpc | zenpod: thanks | 10:47 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: to play mainly... | 10:47 |
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zenpod | fogboy, are you using an amd64 iso image? | 10:47 |
zenpod | davidpc, np. | 10:47 |
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|trey| | Tsjoklat: I have nothing against any OS... just prefer Linux :) | 10:47 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| 2K would do it for you...? | 10:47 |
fogboy | yes 4 sure | 10:47 |
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|trey| | Tsjoklat: but I have 2k3 ... | 10:48 |
zenpod | fogboy, have you tried pci=noacpi as a boot option? | 10:48 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| could have fooled me :P | 10:48 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: was free... so yeah :P | 10:48 |
fogboy | the scrollbar goes all the way to end then screen goes dark | 10:48 |
fogboy | (scroll on ubuntu splash screen) | 10:48 |
ogra | fogboy: thats the live CD | 10:48 |
zenpod | yeah | 10:48 |
=== |trey| hearts his school for making a deal with the devil :) | ||
ogra | fogboy: not the installer | 10:48 |
zenpod | the install cd has no such splashy thingy | 10:48 |
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|trey| | zenpod: haha @ splashy thingy :P | 10:49 |
fogboy | um. i thought i had the install cd for sure. lemme double check | 10:49 |
=== |trey| was leaving though | ||
zenpod | bye |trey| have fun with 2k3 | 10:49 |
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stephen87 | hi | 10:49 |
|trey| | zenpod: bah, its not installed... it actually isn't bad though, like I said... | 10:49 |
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zenpod | fogboy, you want | 10:50 |
ryanh | How do I send messages to other users on a system (via command line) | 10:50 |
|trey| | Although everything is way too easy... kinda want to get Virtual PC installed on it though, then I don't have to reboot either :) | 10:50 |
zenpod | ryan, wall works, or talk | 10:50 |
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|trey| | ryan: write blah hey | 10:50 |
zenpod | ryan, depends if you want everyone to see a message, or what | 10:50 |
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ryanh | I want everyone to see it | 10:50 |
zenpod | wall, then | 10:50 |
ryanh | so I write "blah [message] "? | 10:51 |
ryanh | okat | 10:51 |
ryanh | okay* thanks | 10:51 |
|trey| | ryan: no... 'write user msg"... but wall = write all | 10:51 |
=== |trey| sucks @ leaving | ||
zenpod | lol | 10:51 |
=== zenpod is moving in two days and ought to be packing | ||
zenpod | instead I'm on irc. | 10:51 |
|trey| | zenpod: procrastination rocks :) | 10:51 |
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zenpod | doesn't it just? :D | 10:52 |
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fogboy | aha yes the OTHER disk image was installer thanks everyone | 10:52 |
ryanh | Wall doesn't work | 10:52 |
ryanh | and blah doesn't work | 10:52 |
zenpod | fogboy, lol np. | 10:52 |
ryanh | I mean talking at the BASH shell | 10:52 |
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|trey| | ryan: moron... heh... blah = the user... | 10:52 |
|trey| | man write | 10:52 |
ryanh | OH | 10:52 |
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ryanh | lol | 10:52 |
ryanh | :q | 10:52 |
ogra | fogboy: btw, the live CD is only i386 | 10:52 |
zenpod | ryan, yeah. read the manpage :) | 10:52 |
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ogra | fogboy: so it couldnt boot :) | 10:52 |
|trey| | damnit, hope he didn't take offense :( | 10:52 |
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ztonzy | |trey|, did you grab my blender build ? | 10:53 |
Slackman | ok hoary's fcked its self :) | 10:53 |
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Slackman | upgraded and now my system just chunks | 10:53 |
Slackman | back in OSX now :( | 10:54 |
Matt| | Slackman, just changed to hoary now? | 10:54 |
|trey| | ztonzy: nah... don't wanna play with it yet :/ | 10:54 |
ogra | Slackman: thats hoary..... | 10:54 |
KitoQ | thats the deal with unstable distris | 10:54 |
ztonzy | |trey|, :P | 10:54 |
Slackman | changed was brilliant | 10:54 |
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Slackman | everything worked | 10:54 |
Matt| | Slackman, did you install gamin? | 10:54 |
zenpod | I wish I could afford a mac. | 10:54 |
=== zenpod cries | ||
Slackman | and today it just packed it :) | 10:54 |
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ogra | Slackman: nobody warned you ? | 10:54 |
Slackman | yeh installed gamin | 10:54 |
Slackman | nah everyone warned me :) | 10:54 |
Matt| | Slackman, whats wrong with it? | 10:54 |
=== |trey| cries with zenpod ... then remembers he's supposed to be getting one donated soon 8) | ||
Slackman | Matt| erm well top doesn't just resets the scren | 10:55 |
Skwid_ | Matt|: everything works perfect, all the versions I wanted, thanks ;) | 10:55 |
ztonzy | zenpod ? | 10:55 |
=== ztonzy must feel old here | ||
Slackman | so i got no idea whats happening | 10:55 |
zenpod | ztonzy, eh? | 10:55 |
ztonzy | ah | 10:55 |
Matt| | Slackman, top? | 10:55 |
ztonzy | zenpod, didnt know it was a user ;) | 10:55 |
Pork | i installed nicotine but the connection option is greyed out. anyone know what gives? | 10:55 |
=== ztonzy thought it was an mp3 player or so | ||
Matt| | Skwid_, glad | 10:55 |
zenpod | ztonzy, oh, lol ok :) | 10:55 |
Skwid_ | hum | 10:56 |
Skwid_ | but i have an error on boot | 10:56 |
zenpod | yes, an unholy amalgamation of Creative and Apple | 10:56 |
ztonzy | zenpod, |trey| typed it...sorry :P | 10:56 |
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Skwid_ | (that was there with warty too) | 10:56 |
Slackman | Matt| yeh wanted to see what was taking up resources, so i ran top, and it just reset the framebuffer...also my usbmodem just stopped too | 10:56 |
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Skwid_ | it talks about a PnP bios ? | 10:56 |
zenpod | ztonzy, no wirres :) | 10:56 |
reformed | I know a little off topic, anyone here speak Russian? | 10:56 |
Slackman | warty would have been perfect if they had just used Xorg... | 10:56 |
ogra | Skwid_: | 10:56 |
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Matt| | Slackman, sounds like you have an adventure ahead | 10:56 |
zenpod | xfree works for now | 10:56 |
Slackman | Matt| i think i'll just reinstall warty tomorrow | 10:57 |
zenpod | I will upgrade to xorg in april when hoary is stable | 10:57 |
crimsun | |trey|: what's up? | 10:57 |
Matt| | Slackman, giving in huh | 10:57 |
Slackman | and maybe upgrade in a few days...see if its settles | 10:57 |
|trey| | Slackman: it's really not THAT different... about 700,000 lines difference :P | 10:57 |
Slackman | |trey| whats not that different? | 10:57 |
|trey| | crimsun: ahh... already talked to calc, you were slow :P | 10:57 |
zenpod | jigdo is evil. | 10:57 |
|trey| | Slackman: Xorg and XFree | 10:57 |
crimsun | |trey|: just reattached. | 10:58 |
Slackman | |trey| dunno what the diff is, but man my fonts look ugly in xfree but sweet in Xorg | 10:58 |
Skwid_ | ogra: looking | 10:58 |
|trey| | Slackman: well, Debian/Ubuntu's XFree and XOrg... | 10:58 |
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|trey| | crimsun: screen rules :) | 10:58 |
zenpod | Slackman, subpixel hinting? | 10:58 |
FX|Laptop | Hello | 10:58 |
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Slackman | zenpod, nah i tried that in xfree too | 10:58 |
|trey| | crimsun: you and calc stop working on KDE? | 10:58 |
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ogra | Skwid_: they are just cosmetic ones.....its a faq | 10:58 |
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zenpod | Slackman, ahh ok | 10:58 |
Slackman | anyhoo its my own fault for upgrading :) | 10:59 |
Hikaru79 | Do I have to do anything to *start* proftpd through inetd? Or is it automatically running when the computer is rebooted? | 10:59 |
zenpod | ack, I am almost out of Holiday Spice Pepsi! | 10:59 |
FX|Laptop | I have a buddy thats going to try ubuntu. He has 15 gigs of space. Is that enough space to setup a seperate /home partition also? | 10:59 |
ulisse | hi all! | 10:59 |
FX|Laptop | and how much should I use for it? | 10:59 |
ogra | FX|Laptop: far enough | 10:59 |
|trey| | Hikaru79: thats kinda the point of inetd... to start services only when needed :) | 10:59 |
Skwid_ | ogra: what dyou mean ? | 10:59 |
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crimsun | |trey|: calc works on KDE. I just use some KDE apps. | 10:59 |
Slackman | how different is hoary to whats in debian sid? | 10:59 |
ogra | FX|Laptop: for a complete system you need a minimum of 2gig | 10:59 |
|trey| | Hikaru79: if inetd is running, you don't need to play with proftpd's scripts... | 11:00 |
ulisse | I get this error launching FireFox: | 11:00 |
ulisse | *** ExtensionManager:_updateManifests: no access privileges to application directory, skipping. | 11:00 |
ulisse | Segmentation fault | 11:00 |
FX|Laptop | ah heck then. thanks. I'll just split it in half. | 11:00 |
Matt| | and Thunderbird | 11:00 |
|trey| | crimsun: hmm, well he says "I don't even use KDE anymore"... | 11:00 |
FX|Laptop | thanks. | 11:00 |
ogra | Skwid_: the pciehp and shpchp module errors on boot | 11:00 |
ulisse | someone can help? | 11:00 |
Skwid_ | ogra: mine says PnP bios ? | 11:00 |
FX|Laptop | orga thanks again. | 11:00 |
|trey| | ulisse: ignore it | 11:00 |
ogra | FX|Laptop :) | 11:00 |
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zenpod | Skwid_, disable pnp bios for linux | 11:01 |
demon666_nl | I can't chmod a file. What could I try ? | 11:01 |
zenpod | Skwid_, is, iirc, the general rule | 11:01 |
ogra | ulisse: the ubuntu package ? | 11:01 |
|trey| | demon666_nl: being root? | 11:01 |
zenpod | er 'PnP OS' in your BIOS | 11:01 |
demon666_nl | yeah | 11:01 |
ogra | ulisse: in warty ? | 11:01 |
demon666_nl | being root | 11:01 |
|trey| | ogra: yes... I got it too... but it broke nothing... | 11:01 |
Skwid_ | zenpod: uh ? | 11:01 |
ulisse | |trey|, how could I ignore it, the browser crashes! | 11:01 |
|trey| | demon666_nl: sudo -s | 11:01 |
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crimsun | |trey|: indeed, he's a gnomer now ;) Still packages portions of KDE, though. | 11:01 |
zenpod | Skwid_, does your BIOS have an option for 'PnP OS'? | 11:01 |
ulisse | ogra, the ubuntu hoary package | 11:01 |
|trey| | ulisse: ahh... well I got the same issue, and it broke nothing... | 11:01 |
ogra | |trey|: thought you run hoary | 11:01 |
Skwid_ | zenpod: dunno | 11:01 |
demon666_nl | I can't chmod a file being root .. why would sudo -s help ? | 11:01 |
|trey| | crimsun: that has to be just wrong :) | 11:01 |
ogra | ulisse: ah, ok | 11:01 |
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zenpod | Skwid_, check, if it does, set it to 'NO' or off, or whatever. | 11:02 |
duncanm | is there an uber package for installing all of the GNOME dev packages? | 11:02 |
|trey| | ogra: I do... firefox is fine here.. | 11:02 |
Skwid_ | ok | 11:02 |
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ulisse | ogra, I have a similar issue with ThunderBird | 11:02 |
|trey| | duncanm: gnome | 11:02 |
Skwid_ | does anyone know why the firefox/tbird icons aren't the new ones ? | 11:02 |
duncanm | i'm missing gnome-vfs, libgnome, librsvf and gtkhtml | 11:02 |
demon666_nl | anyone ? | 11:02 |
zenpod | Skwid_, it's firefox 0.9.3 | 11:02 |
|trey| | duncanm: or ubuntu-desktop | 11:02 |
Skwid_ | zenpod: nop, 1.0 | 11:02 |
Matt| | Skwid_, i think that they are not open source | 11:02 |
ogra | duncanm: the package is called gnome-core-devel | 11:03 |
duncanm | |trey|: not the desktop, the header files | 11:03 |
zenpod | Skwid_, ff in warty is 0.9.3, and ubuntu uses diff icons. | 11:03 |
enntee | What version of Gnome is in hoary? is it the 2.9 tree? | 11:03 |
duncanm | aha | 11:03 |
zenpod | Skwid_, if you don't like it, just change the icon :) | 11:03 |
duncanm | gnome-core-devel | 11:03 |
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demon666_nl | hoary is still 2.8 | 11:03 |
Matt| | zenpod, the ff icons are not free i believe | 11:03 |
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ogra | duncanm: yep, pulls in all the headers | 11:03 |
Skwid_ | zenpod: yaya, i know, just wondering | 11:03 |
duncanm | |trey|: so you're the packager for Mono? | 11:03 |
zenpod | Matt|, really? odd. | 11:03 |
Matt| | yeah | 11:03 |
|trey| | duncanm: ahh... libgnome-dev | 11:03 |
|trey| | duncanm: hah... no | 11:03 |
=== zenpod has heard of people catching mono, and that it's generally bad | ||
demon666_nl | does anyone have an idea about what to do when you can't chown or chmod a file while being root ? | 11:04 |
|trey| | duncanm: if thats what you want though, you need universe... | 11:04 |
Matt| | ulisse, does it work as root? | 11:04 |
zenpod | demon666_nl, are you really root, or just sudo'd? | 11:04 |
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duncanm | |trey|: i have that | 11:04 |
ulisse | Matt|, yes | 11:04 |
socomm | demon666_nl: check the flags. | 11:04 |
demon666_nl | both don't work | 11:04 |
|trey| | duncanm: monodevelop etc is all there... | 11:04 |
socomm | demon666_nl: there's a flag that disallows any modifications. | 11:04 |
=== |trey| would have figured monodevelop would depend on most things gnome devel related :/ | ||
Matt| | ulisse, you've moved .mozilla somewhere else? | 11:04 |
demon666_nl | what flags ? chattr -i doesn't help | 11:04 |
ogra | duncanm: i mixed up the names, the guy is called tseng | 11:05 |
duncanm | ah | 11:05 |
Matt| | ulisse, as in "mv .mozilla .backup_mozilla" | 11:05 |
ulisse | Matt|, I tried, but it didn't work | 11:05 |
Skwid_ | Matt|: <=== they dont look closed source | 11:05 |
Matt| | Skwid_, i'm not 100% | 11:05 |
demon666_nl | anyone ? | 11:05 |
ulisse | Matt|, FF generates new .mozilla files, it works only until I go to a webpage | 11:05 |
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ulisse | then it crashes | 11:05 |
socomm | demon666_nl: I forget the flag. | 11:06 |
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|trey| | ulisse: what site... | 11:06 |
Matt| | *laughs* | 11:06 |
|trey| | ulisse: might be due to the site... | 11:06 |
ogra | ulisse: did you ever run ff with sudo ? that can break the .mozilla dirs | 11:06 |
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ulisse | |trey|, Any site, google | 11:06 |
Matt| | Skwid_, i think they are "not free" | 11:06 |
s0cks | One successfully converted! | 11:06 |
Varg_ | I'm pretty sure that this is offtopic here, but: do the xorg ubuntu-debs work on a regular debian system as well by any chance? | 11:06 |
|trey| | Matt|: they're not non-free... ubuntu just uses something different... | 11:06 |
s0cks | Red hat to ubuntu. | 11:06 |
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Skwid_ | Matt|: ok | 11:06 |
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s0cks | Not as good as windows to ubuntu, but close. | 11:06 |
demon666_nl | the only flag I did set for some files is the i flag ... but I didnt do that for this file ... besides it doesn't help | 11:07 |
ulisse | ogra I ran by root | 11:07 |
Matt| | |trey|, ok. Fedora doesn't use em either. | 11:07 |
ogra | ulisse: hmm | 11:07 |
|trey| | Matt|: FC3 does.... | 11:07 |
Matt| | ok | 11:07 |
ogra | ulisse: look at the permissions of and in .mozilla | 11:07 |
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Matt| | oh yeah good idea | 11:07 |
ulisse | ogra, after this issue, I think I tried with sudo too, I don't remember | 11:07 |
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ogra | ulisse: look at the permissions ... | 11:08 |
=== |trey| will never get used to updating libroken | ||
zenpod | isn't it broken, |trey| | 11:08 |
|trey| | ulisse: running Firefox here... latest, nothing bad | 11:08 |
ulisse | -rw-r--r-- 1 ulisse ulisse 335 2004-09-29 07:23 appreg | 11:08 |
ulisse | drwxr-xr-x 3 ulisse ulisse 4096 2004-09-29 07:23 firefox | 11:08 |
ulisse | -rw-r--r-- 1 ulisse ulisse 1103 2004-10-25 22:18 mozver.dat | 11:08 |
ulisse | -rw------- 1 ulisse ulisse 839 2004-10-13 19:57 pluginreg.dat | 11:08 |
|trey| | zenpod: thats the part that gets me... cept its something useful I guess :/ | 11:08 |
ulisse | maybe pluginreg.dat? | 11:08 |
britt_radiofree | so why does oo.o1.1.3 require kdelibs and binaries? | 11:08 |
ogra | ulisse: nope. lloks ok | 11:09 |
zenpod | |trey|, go figure :) | 11:09 |
|trey| | britt_radiofree: no one knows... | 11:09 |
Matt| | ulisse, check inside firefox, especially look at the extensions | 11:09 |
britt_radiofree | |trey|, hrm, odd. | 11:09 |
ulisse | -rw------- 1 ulisse ulisse 589 2004-11-16 19:06 pluginreg.dat | 11:09 |
ulisse | -rw-r--r-- 1 ulisse ulisse 104 2004-11-15 17:40 profiles.ini | 11:09 |
ulisse | drwx------ 7 ulisse ulisse 4096 2004-11-29 22:57 va3nsov9.default | 11:09 |
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ogra | ulisse: its ok.... | 11:10 |
=== |trey| wonders where Mattias Klose is hiding/what his IRC username is? | ||
ogra | ulisse: just llok if there are any files belonging to root....but as it look now it seems to be ok | 11:10 |
Skwid_ | hum... | 11:10 |
Skwid_ | sound doesn't work :/ | 11:10 |
Matt| | ulisse, inside va3.../extensions? | 11:10 |
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crimsun | |trey|: 'doko' | 11:11 |
ulisse | inside extensions dir everything is drwxr-xr-x and belongs to ulisse | 11:11 |
ogra | Skwid_: card ? | 11:11 |
Skwid_ | ogra: intel chipset | 11:11 |
Skwid_ | but actually ... i have two | 11:11 |
Matt| | *laughs* |trey| didn't you just bitch at me for complaining about ooo? | 11:11 |
|trey| | crimsun: thanks :) | 11:11 |
ogra | ulisse: its no sudo issue | 11:11 |
Skwid_ | oh no my stuff is plugged in on the aureal one :) | 11:11 |
ulisse | Matt|, except Extensions.rdf that is -rw-r--r-- | 11:11 |
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ogra | Skwid_: hmm, and neither works ? | 11:11 |
Skwid_ | in the 'sound control' the 2 cards appear | 11:11 |
|trey| | Matt|: I'm getting sick of people bringing it up... | 11:11 |
stephen87 | how can i check if ubuntu recognises my firewire ports? | 11:11 |
Skwid_ | do i need to delete one ? | 11:11 |
Matt| | |trey|, good pun | 11:12 |
ogra | Skwid_: you can blacklist one | 11:12 |
Skwid_ | wow | 11:12 |
Skwid_ | what hapened | 11:12 |
|trey| | Matt|: haha... not even intended :) | 11:12 |
Skwid_ | sound control looks awesome :) | 11:12 |
|trey| | Sound Control? | 11:12 |
Skwid_ | volume control | 11:12 |
ogra | Skwid_: thank havoc pennington ;) | 11:13 |
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|trey| | Skwid_: ohh... just upgraded to hoary? | 11:13 |
icecrash | moin | 11:13 |
Skwid_ | yeah :) | 11:13 |
ogra | Skwid_: i think he pushed that | 11:13 |
Skwid_ | it's awesome :) | 11:13 |
|trey| | ogra: ahh, he didn't do it, he just bitched a lot about how it used to be... | 11:13 |
Skwid_ | whats the diff between oss and alsa mixers ? | 11:14 |
ogra | |trey|: ah, cmon, he has a reasonable voice in gnome...and if he pushes know.... | 11:14 |
ogra | Skwid_: alsa is the future | 11:14 |
Skwid_ | :) | 11:14 |
Skwid_ | what gnome is on hoary ? | 11:14 |
ogra | Skwid_: oss is for backwards compatibility | 11:14 |
ogra | Skwid_: 2.9 | 11:14 |
Skwid_ | sweet :) | 11:15 |
Matt| | some packages are 2.8 | 11:15 |
Matt| | gnome-session | 11:15 |
|trey| | ogra: him and miguels arguments get quite amusing.. but still, someone else did it just to shut him up I think... and its still not like he wants... | 11:15 |
ogra | |trey|: a reasonable voice.... *g* | 11:15 |
|trey| | he wants ONE bar that effects whatever is playing... right now, its just cosmetic... | 11:15 |
Skwid_ | are there codecs to install to play mp3s ? | 11:16 |
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ogra | |trey|: he will get it.... i am sure there..... | 11:16 |
Matt| | Skwid_, wiki, restricted formats | 11:16 |
|trey| | He wants to be rid of PCM too... I still want to know what that means... | 11:16 |
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|trey| | plus how PCM-1 differes from PCM-2 :/ | 11:17 |
socomm | Someone should add the Restricted Format link to the topic. | 11:17 |
ogra | |trey|: of the extra control for pcm....not for pcm | 11:17 |
|trey| | socomm: whats the URL? | 11:17 |
Matt| | socomm, it would be a long topic tho... | 11:17 |
ogra | |trey|: pcm = /dev/dsp | 11:17 |
socomm | Matt|: | 11:17 |
Matt| | and there are other wikis that get called a lot | 11:17 |
ponds | i had my network cable unplugged with i installed, so i couldnt config it with dhcp, now it won't use dhcp by default and i'd like it to, so i added "iface eth0 inet dhcp" to /etc/network/interfaces, but i get nothing, how am i supposed to config eth0 for dhcp? | 11:17 |
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Matt| | socomm, you can change the topic | 11:18 |
|trey| | socomm: its not secured... anyone can change it if they want :) | 11:18 |
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ogra | socomm: we had a bot in here for that .... | 11:18 |
kaiser- | hey, anyone that can tell me how to change the network settings ? | 11:18 |
socomm | |trey|: | 11:18 |
ogra | socomm: but it made to much traffic | 11:18 |
socomm | ogra: I know. | 11:19 |
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ztonzy | night | 11:19 |
Zugwrack | kaiser-: Yep...the system settings network...then edit eth0 | 11:19 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:|trey|] : FAQ: | Wiki: | Lists: | Bugs: | CDs order before 12th Nov have been shipped, you can still order CDs | official forums || | ||
Zugwrack | ztonzy: L8R... | 11:19 |
socomm | ogra: Can't ubuntu host the bot? | 11:19 |
ogra | |trey|: and what about binary drivers ? | 11:20 |
ogra | |trey|: and java | 11:20 |
ogra | |trey|: and hotplug errors | 11:20 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:|trey|] : FAQ: | Wiki: | Lists: | Bugs: | CDs order before 12th Nov have been shipped, you can still order CDs | official forums | For MP3 etc info: | ||
ogra | |trey|: and synaptic howto | 11:20 |
|trey| | ogra: blah, I don't wanna go find it... :) | 11:20 |
Matt| | ogra, yep | 11:20 |
Hikaru79 | Why would Java have any objections to their compiler being on a repo? =/ | 11:20 |
Skwid_ | guys | 11:20 |
Hikaru79 | Er, *Sun* | 11:20 |
Skwid_ | gstreamer seems installed :/ | 11:20 |
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socomm | Damn we should just create a page on the wiki providing all the appropriate links. | 11:20 |
|trey| | Hikaru79: because Sun higherups have sticks in their butts... | 11:21 |
Matt| | problem with the topic is this: people who look for that kind of information, DON'T READ THE TOPIC | 11:21 |
Hikaru79 | |trey|, I see :P | 11:21 |
ogra | |trey|: i could give them all in a minute, but the topic would scroll two pages then.... | 11:21 |
|trey| | Matt|: at least we can say "Look in the topic" now though... | 11:21 |
Hikaru79 | Judging by their blogs, they seem really openminded | 11:21 |
Matt| | |trey|, true, but you could say that already ;) | 11:21 |
king_arthur_ | Riddell: you still there? | 11:21 |
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socomm | ogra: Why don't you add all the links on a wiki page, then we can just link it from here. | 11:21 |
stvn | er... is it normal that xorg uses 153MB(!) of memory? (according to top) | 11:21 |
|trey| | ogra: you can add :) needs to be a wiki page that links to most common wiki pages maybe? | 11:22 |
ogra | socomm: hmm, the wiki has a wonderful search function..... | 11:22 |
legend | hey yall! how do i reach my old ntfs-part from ubuntu? | 11:22 |
GoneBoB | stvn: that also includes your display adapter memory | 11:22 |
s0cks | ogra : How was the convention?' | 11:22 |
|trey| | ogra: would make life a lot easier :) | 11:22 |
Matt| | stvn, yeah | 11:22 |
GoneBoB | that's mapped to X | 11:22 |
ogra | s0cks: was ? | 11:22 |
stvn | ah ok | 11:22 |
GoneBoB | stvn: so it's not ACTUALLY using 153mb | 11:22 |
s0cks | ogra : What method do the cds come from? | 11:22 |
king_arthur_ | Riddell: installing kde didn't work. | 11:22 |
MobyTurbo | Hikaru79, actually they have no problem with *their* version of Java being on a repository, on the condition that no other versions of Java are distributed there, such as gcj or kaffe. That restriction on the freedom to distribute free software can't be tolerated. | 11:22 |
GoneBoB | stvn: run 'free -m' | 11:22 |
ogra | s0cks: it starts on sunday | 11:22 |
socomm | ogra: Do you think most people would bother with that though? | 11:22 |
GoneBoB | to see how much memory is used | 11:22 |
s0cks | OO. Indeed. | 11:22 |
=== legend is now known as legenden | ||
Hikaru79 | I see, MobyTurbo. That makes sense. | 11:23 |
s0cks | ogra : How far must you travel? | 11:23 |
kaiser- | Zugwrack hmm i didnt understand that im a total newb :) | 11:23 |
ogra | socomm: i think about it | 11:23 |
|trey| | ogra: feel free to do that... a page linking to all common pages from here.. then put that in the topic instead :) (would save room) | 11:23 |
ogra | s0cks: from germany .... not to far | 11:23 |
usual | wow 91 packages upgraded in hoary | 11:23 |
=== |trey| has to go soon :( | ||
usual | w00t | 11:23 |
stvn | GoneBoB: my new machine feels sluggish compared to my old one, while the proc went from K6-400 to athlon XP 2200, trying to figure out what's causing it | 11:23 |
GoneBoB | ouch | 11:23 |
legenden | i remember being able to find it somewhere in /dev/ but now there is nothing there =s | 11:23 |
s0cks | ogra : What method do cds come by? | 11:23 |
Riddell | king_arthur_: what didn't work about it? | 11:24 |
usual | the cd sleves are very nice | 11:24 |
GotD0t | stvn ram? | 11:24 |
GoneBoB | stvn: is your processor running at the right speed | 11:24 |
ogra | s0cks: by post....what do you mean ? | 11:24 |
stvn | GoneBoB: thinking memory since it went from 384 to 256, and was amazed by the xorg mem use | 11:24 |
GoneBoB | stvn: some older motherboards need a jumper to switch to 133Mhz FSB | 11:24 |
socomm | s0cks: penguin delivery. :^P | 11:24 |
GoneBoB | oh, yes that would make a difference | 11:24 |
GoneBoB | I wouldn't recommend having a machine with <512mb these days | 11:24 |
GoneBoB | since it's so cheap | 11:24 |
Zugwrack | kaiser-: At the bottom of you gnome desktop on the panel there are 2 menus you can click the one on the right hand after it is clicked has a menu option system settings...when that flies out you should see it and you will be able to edit your eth0 interface...check though since I ain't booted into Ubuntu right now... | 11:24 |
stvn | cpu = 1800MHz, so that's ok | 11:24 |
keknehv | back | 11:25 |
Matt| | GoneBoB, 192, shared with video | 11:25 |
GotD0t | stvn make sure of the speed of the ram is right as well | 11:25 |
MobyTurbo | s0cks, I got my CDs last week, they were shipped on the 8th. Keep in mind that ubuntu originates in South Africa. | 11:25 |
|trey| | stvn: any reason you didn't just say 1.8 Ghz? :P | 11:25 |
king_arthur_ | Riddell: I wasn't there but borken packages and links | 11:25 |
GoneBoB | Matt|: laptop? | 11:25 |
Matt| | yeah | 11:25 |
GoneBoB | yeah | 11:25 |
keknehv | How can I set up a MySQL database server? (for phpBB)? | 11:25 |
Matt| | 128 on my desktop tho :) | 11:25 |
Matt| | ph33r | 11:25 |
GoneBoB | ooh ouch | 11:25 |
s0cks | MobyTurbo : By regular mail? | 11:25 |
king_arthur_ | Riddell: I found that it actually has a problem with the link you gave me | 11:25 |
stvn | |trey|: i'm horrible at maths ;) | 11:25 |
GoneBoB | I mean damn, I have 512mb ram here on my desk | 11:25 |
GoneBoB | and another on my desk at home | 11:25 |
Matt| | GoneBoB, mail it to me | 11:26 |
king_arthur_ | Riddell: something like directories not found or similar error | 11:26 |
GoneBoB | well this one belongs to work | 11:26 |
|trey| | stvn: I am too... but its just moving the decimal :) | 11:26 |
MobyTurbo | s0cks, some sort of forign parcel post service. | 11:26 |
GoneBoB | and the stuff at home is ECC | 11:26 |
Matt| | GoneBoB, it's ok i don't need more :) | 11:26 |
stvn | |trey|: shh ;) | 11:26 |
GoneBoB | pity I have no ECC mobos | 11:26 |
GoneBoB | 512mb ram is ~$100 AUD | 11:26 |
keknehv | erm... so how would I set up a MySQL database? | 11:26 |
|trey| | actually, I'm ok, until I get to numbers... then my head goes BOOM... equations are easy though :) | 11:26 |
keknehv | (commands) | 11:27 |
stvn | still it's a bit overkill that it needs more than 256 to work properly, or maybe it's me running too much with too little memory :( | 11:27 |
GoneBoB | keknehv: install mysql-server | 11:27 |
MobyTurbo | s0cks, hmm, amend that - I think it did arrive via regular mail. (Someone else at my building picked it up.) | 11:27 |
keknehv | okay... | 11:27 |
s0cks | My friend just ordered 7.5 intel cds | 11:27 |
GoneBoB | keknehv: then run 'mysql' | 11:27 |
GoneBoB | CREATE DATABASE dbname | 11:27 |
|trey| | s0cks: 7 1/2 CD's? idgi | 11:27 |
keknehv | sec | 11:27 |
MobyTurbo | s0cks, you shouldn't expect them to be air mailed for free. | 11:27 |
GoneBoB | GRANT ALL ON dbname.* TO user@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' | 11:27 |
GoneBoB | ; | 11:27 |
MobyTurbo | s0cks, Mark Shuttleworth is rich but he's not Bill Gates. | 11:28 |
s0cks | MobyTurbo : I know. My friend (Nigel) lives in NZ. And he wants some. | 11:28 |
keknehv | thanks a lot GoneBob | 11:28 |
GoneBoB | keknehv: np | 11:28 |
Riddell | king_arthur: "deb unstable main" works for me | 11:28 |
|trey| | MobyTurbo: from what I've heard, he's not even what I would call rich... just well off and generous :) | 11:28 |
MobyTurbo | s0cks, does he have broadband? It might be better for him to use an Australian mirror and download the iso. | 11:28 |
GoneBoB | |trey|: wow, you have high standards of rich | 11:28 |
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GoneBoB | |trey|: I could call myself well off | 11:28 |
|trey| | $1b = rich .... he's got about half that afaik | 11:28 |
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legenden | okok nevermind that then, where do you put keymaps for XFree86? | 11:29 |
GoneBoB | s0cks: if he's in NZ I can send him one free, I'm feeling generous today | 11:29 |
ogra | MobyTurbo: mine didnt come by carrier.....i'm considering a complaintment *g* | 11:29 |
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MobyTurbo | $500 million by my standards is rich. | 11:29 |
GoneBoB | I have some stamps here | 11:29 |
arthur_junior | Riddell: could you pls repost your message here? or in PVT | 11:29 |
s0cks | I live in the USA. Kinda feel bad about asking for them for free.... | 11:29 |
Riddell | arthur_junior: which message? | 11:29 |
GoneBoB | |trey|: what about the diminishing middle class and the 'poor' people' | 11:29 |
MobyTurbo | one can live off the interest of $500,000 | 11:29 |
Tsjoklat | rich can be defined in many ways, it doesn't mean having heaps of money | 11:29 |
GoneBoB | MobyTurbo: not really | 11:30 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: disagree's :P | 11:30 |
arthur_junior | Riddell: sorry this is king_arthur | 11:30 |
GoneBoB | MobyTurbo: 500million you can though :) | 11:30 |
Pork | anyone tell me where /what the binary for "Music Player" is? | 11:30 |
GoneBoB | Pork: rhythmbox | 11:30 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| just getting bored about the convo about how rich he is | 11:30 |
=== |trey| would be comfortable with 500 million... but would still want to make more money... | ||
Pork | gonebob: thanks | 11:30 |
|trey| | Pork: usually /usr/bin/rhythmbox | 11:30 |
keknehv | GoneBoB: I get an error: Access denied for 'root@localhost' (Using password=YES) | 11:31 |
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socomm | Pork: `whereis rhythmbox' | 11:31 |
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|trey| | Tsjoklat: bah, it just came up :( | 11:31 |
GoneBoB | keknehv: you don't want to use a password | 11:31 |
GoneBoB | just run 'mysql' | 11:31 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| he probably gets bored with it to, after all it's about the distro not the millionair | 11:31 |
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GoneBoB | |trey|: to be honest, there are other things to worry about | 11:31 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| you think anyone who buys a record at Virgin Records swoons about Richard's millions? yawn | 11:31 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: the millionaire pays for the distro... without him, we would be using Fedora or Debian... | 11:31 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: I do *shrug* :P | 11:32 |
GoneBoB | hell I have a hell of a lot less money than that and I spend a lot of my time trying to ignore money | 11:32 |
Matt| | or gentoo | 11:32 |
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Tsjoklat | |trey| true but I just don't get the hype | 11:32 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: ps, he is rich... worth $12b | 11:32 |
Matt| | so is Richard | 11:32 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| good for him :) | 11:32 |
GoneBoB | rich is all relative | 11:32 |
|trey| | Thats who we're talking about Matt| ;) | 11:32 |
keknehv | GoneBob: Uh-oh. I think I messed it up earlier when I tried to get it to work. Should I re-install the MySQL stuff? | 11:32 |
Matt| | ah gotcha | 11:32 |
GoneBoB | keknehv: just running 'mysql' should work, is that the error you get? | 11:33 |
keknehv | yes | 11:33 |
=== |trey| thinks he just has high aspirations | ||
Tsjoklat | |trey| ah never mind, I am just not easily impressed by things like that :P | 11:33 |
GoneBoB | |trey|: 'enough' money is money enough that you don't have to worry about money | 11:33 |
Matt| | yup | 11:33 |
Matt| | that is different for everyone | 11:33 |
GoneBoB | don't get hung up on money for moneys sake | 11:33 |
ogra | GoneBoB: i second that | 11:33 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: money makes the world go round... simple fact... | 11:33 |
keknehv | Get hung up on money for computing's sakes | 11:33 |
keknehv | :D | 11:33 |
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Tsjoklat | |trey| sad but true | 11:34 |
Pork | im rich, and i dont even make enough money to pay the rent | 11:34 |
GoneBoB | |trey|: no, the world goes around according to the laws of physics | 11:34 |
GoneBoB | and people make money | 11:34 |
GoneBoB | people > money | 11:34 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: lost a few girls due to not having enough money right now :/ | 11:34 |
socomm | Pork: Rich in cholesterol? | 11:34 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| you didn't want to be with women like that to begin with.. period | 11:34 |
GoneBoB | Pork: heh, it's all relative | 11:34 |
GoneBoB | I'm classed as 'rich' by my friends, and yet I wouldn't consider myself rich | 11:35 |
|trey| | GoneBoB: Money respesents time... People spend time to get money... without money, you have nothing. | 11:35 |
Pork | rich in apathy :) | 11:35 |
Matt| | man those type of girls really suck | 11:35 |
MobyTurbo | Tsjoklat, |trey|, I agree, women that care about money aren't worth it. | 11:35 |
Tsjoklat | I am filthy rich, I got mr. Bo :0 | 11:35 |
socomm | |trey|: the operative word being `girls'. | 11:35 |
Pork | almost all women care about money | 11:35 |
|trey| | MobyTurbo: didn't make it easier to part with them... | 11:35 |
GoneBoB | |trey|: money is required for lots of stuff, however without proper... reality.. and people, money becomes pointless | 11:35 |
Pork | shallow creatures, most of them | 11:35 |
GoneBoB | and it's easy enough for your life to become pointless and lose any sense of purpose | 11:35 |
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Matt| | Pork, you're meeting the wrong women | 11:36 |
=== Tsjoklat is glad she is one of the 'other' kind | ||
|trey| | socomm: no, most women want security... money represents that today... | 11:36 |
GoneBoB | standard evolutionary trait though | 11:36 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| security is relative | 11:36 |
ogra | Tsjoklat: lol | 11:36 |
|trey| | They want to know they have a roof, a car, etc etc... woman want those things. | 11:36 |
GoneBoB | women go for the men that can provide the best for them | 11:36 |
socomm | This is way offtopic. | 11:36 |
GoneBoB | it's not exactly surprising :) | 11:36 |
GoneBoB | true | 11:36 |
keknehv | socomm: LOL | 11:36 |
Tsjoklat | socomm not really... I just want a man that uses ubu :P~~~~~~ | 11:36 |
GoneBoB | #ubuntu-offtopic if anyone wants to continue | 11:36 |
keknehv | meh | 11:36 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: haha... you're not picky at all :P | 11:37 |
keknehv | I'm too lazy to open that channel | 11:37 |
Pork | yeah, they should support there own selves, but they dont really want equality, no matter what they say | 11:37 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| nope, just a fun guy that likes linux.. and mr. Bo heheh | 11:37 |
|trey| | Pork: I agree very much about that!! but yeah, I got slapped last time I said that out loud :( | 11:37 |
MobyTurbo | um, who's "mr. Bo"? | 11:37 |
Zugwrack | I need to open port 113 which man page will cover this topic? | 11:38 |
|trey| | MobyTurbo: her fat cat :P | 11:38 |
Pork | lol, im confident i wont see any females in this chan though | 11:38 |
Tsjoklat | mr. Bo is my cat, she is a huge Maine Coon | 11:38 |
keknehv | For example; the NY fire department has had to lower its physical standards of entry to make it easier for the "fairer sex" to get in. | 11:38 |
socomm | Zugwrack: are you using iptables? | 11:38 |
=== Tsjoklat kicks |trey| she is not FAT she is bigboned! | ||
|trey| | MobyTurbo: funily enough, mr Bo is female... I didn't get it either :( | 11:38 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: oh yeah huh :P | 11:38 |
|trey| | I keep forgetting :) | 11:38 |
Tsjoklat | my cat thinks/acts like she has balls.. hence MISTER | 11:38 |
Pork | What is Mr. Bo? | 11:38 |
Zugwrack | socomm: Does Ubuntu us this on a default install? If so yes..if not No | 11:38 |
|trey| | Pork: a big bonned cat :) | 11:38 |
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Zugwrack | *use* | 11:39 |
GoneBoB | Tsjoklat: haha my SO wanted the 'naked people' | 11:39 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: ohh... now I get it :) | 11:39 |
socomm | Zugwrack: I'm not sure. | 11:39 |
GoneBoB | (original ubuntu artwork) | 11:39 |
=== GoneBoB is now known as Hrdwr_BoB | ||
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Zugwrack | socomm: Lemme check.. | 11:39 |
socomm | Zugwrack: As far as I know ubuntu doesn't utilise any firewall software. | 11:39 |
Hrdwr_BoB | no it doesn't | 11:39 |
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Hrdwr_BoB | but also there is no external listening ports by default | 11:40 |
Hrdwr_BoB | so a 'firewall' is not required | 11:40 |
Tsjoklat | Pork: I am a female.. be warned :P | 11:40 |
keknehv | Unless with your install you install a server | 11:40 |
keknehv | lol Porl | 11:40 |
keknehv | Pork* | 11:40 |
Zugwrack | socomm: So which man page covers how to enable a given port number? | 11:40 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: you don't scare us just cuz you're female | 11:40 |
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keknehv | Zugwrack: what do you want this port open for? | 11:40 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: only cuz you're so far away though :P | 11:41 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| you should be.. I am not your average one | 11:41 |
|trey| | daniels: welcome back :) | 11:41 |
socomm | Zugwrack: dunno. | 11:41 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: all girls say that :( | 11:41 |
tvon|x31 | Female? | 11:41 |
daniels | |trey|: um, thanks? | 11:41 |
tvon|x31 | FBI AGENT! | 11:41 |
socomm | Anyone know how to open up ports? | 11:41 |
Zugwrack | keknehv: Because if I want to run ident2 it need to have port 113 open so it can "bind" to it | 11:41 |
Tsjoklat | |trey| thought I had proven that to you by now | 11:41 |
|trey| | daniels: why the question mark? :) | 11:41 |
Tsjoklat | tvon|x31 yes scary huh | 11:41 |
tvon|x31 | Tsjoklat: ;) | 11:41 |
Pork | she CAN'T be average if shes in a linux chan on irc | 11:41 |
Tsjoklat | tvon|x31 :) | 11:42 |
Pork | i belive it | 11:42 |
kensai | Tsjoklat, yeah your not average one cause you are a geek female ;) am I wrong? | 11:42 |
keknehv | lol | 11:42 |
Tsjoklat | kensai not wrong at all | 11:42 |
|trey| | YOU'RE DAMNIT | 11:42 |
keknehv | THAT'S why she scares us | 11:42 |
mirak | hi | 11:42 |
=== |trey| hates that :( | ||
mirak | anyone ever noticed that partition created with fdisk are not manageable with partition magic ? | 11:42 |
tvon|x31 | Whats that saying? "Where men are men, boys are men and 16 year old girls are FBI agents"? | 11:42 |
socomm | Pork: How do you know `she' is running GNU/Linux? | 11:42 |
Tsjoklat | LOL | 11:42 |
Tsjoklat | "SHE" has four debian boxes, two ubu boxes and a lap with winhole | 11:42 |
Pork | i didnt say she was running linux, i just said shes in a linux channel, and thats geeky enough for me | 11:42 |
keknehv | lol | 11:43 |
|trey| | Tsjoklat: I still fail to see how that makes you not like any other girl though... most girls play mind games... you appear to like to also... Linux is just a hobby... no 2 females share everything in common :P | 11:43 |
daniels | OFF-TOPIC. | 11:43 |
=== ogra is not scared | ||
Hikaru79 | tvon|x31, that's DalNet's old motto, I believe | 11:43 |
keknehv | Lol | 11:43 |
kensai | Tsjoklat, everything OK but thew laptop ;) | 11:43 |
|trey| | daniels: we already discussed not wanting to go to #ubuntu-offtopic :( | 11:43 |
Tsjoklat | kensai I know, work related though | 11:43 |
tvon|x31 | jeez, cmon people | 11:44 |
mirak | what is a geek ? | 11:44 |
tvon|x31 | Hikaru79: ah, nice | 11:44 |
Tsjoklat | alrighty we're out | 11:44 |
keknehv | Someone who knows much | 11:44 |
daniels | |trey|: find somewhere else, then | 11:44 |
kensai | Tsjoklat, ;) Understand | 11:44 |
Tsjoklat | mr. bo wants a nap | 11:44 |
Tsjoklat | toodles | 11:44 |
Hikaru79 | mr. bo? | 11:44 |
keknehv | A nerd is someone who knows little, but studies much | 11:44 |
|trey| | daniels: I'm just liking the conversation, wherever it goes, I will continue :) | 11:44 |
keknehv | Geeks know naturally, but study little | 11:44 |
keknehv | <--- geek | 11:44 |
Hikaru79 | :P | 11:44 |
Tsjoklat | Hikaru79 scroll back... tara! | 11:45 |
Pork | nerds are like geeks but not as cool/smart | 11:45 |
|trey| | keknehv: ahh... people in my class get pissed at me for that :) | 11:45 |
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Pork | actually i dont think a geek really needs to be smart so much as curious | 11:45 |
daniels | guys. this is not about ubuntu. and it's gone on for ages. | 11:45 |
|trey| | keknehv: they study for hours... I never do, but still get higher grades :) | 11:45 |
=== |trey| points at Ubuntu-Offtopic | ||
tvon|x31 | daniels: its more void filling than distracting I think...if someone had an ubuntu question I'm sure the subject matter would shift | 11:46 |
Pork | | 11:46 |
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=== Pork loves wikipedia | ||
Myke | geeks think they know a lot and study litle, then they meet college :) | 11:46 |
|trey| | tvon|x31: most won't ask because they don't think they would be heard though... which is daniels problem with it... :( | 11:46 |
keknehv | Myke: lol | 11:46 |
Zugwrack | Ummm..hello I asked one and still have not gotten an that can't be true | 11:46 |
tvon|x31 | |trey|: true | 11:46 |
tvon|x31 | its just a way to filter out the weak | 11:47 |
|trey| | Myke: I'm getting straight A's and not studying... so yeah :P | 11:47 |
=== |trey| is in college... | ||
tvon|x31 | irc darwinism | 11:47 |
keknehv | Zugwrack: We don't understand the nature of your question exactly | 11:47 |
Pork | i had to study a lot in college | 11:47 |
Myke | |trey|: what's your major? | 11:47 |
ogra | tvon|x31: thats not what we want | 11:47 |
keknehv | Natural Darwinism... Social Darwinism... IRC Darwinism... | 11:47 |
|trey| | Myke: Network Technology. | 11:47 |
Myke | i guess that is some kind of programming degree, right? | 11:48 |
Pork | at our school networking was the course everyone took when they dropped out of engineering | 11:48 |
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|trey| | Myke: hahh... no... basically everything you never wanted to know about how we are talking right now | 11:48 |
|trey| | Thats the easiest way to explain... | 11:48 |
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Myke | |trey|: i like to know those things... :p | 11:49 |
socomm | Zugwrack: Ask again. | 11:49 |
|trey| | Everything from OSI model to TCP stack, to implementing web/dhcp/dsn etc servers and everything else you can think of | 11:49 |
Sintara | Hi, all. Anyone have time to help with an NFS issue? | 11:49 |
|trey| | Sintara: depends what the issue is :) | 11:49 |
tvon|x31 | Sintara: just ask, if someone knows they'll try to help | 11:49 |
syK|Dash | is there any tool for automatically mounting/configuring a hd? | 11:49 |
Myke | |trey|: implementing web,... it's programing... | 11:49 |
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Myke | i'm now into implementing upnp in linux | 11:50 |
|trey| | Myke: I never considered HTML programming, but ok :P | 11:50 |
Sintara | When trying to mount an NFS share, I am informed that the server is down. The server isn't down, of course. | 11:50 |
Myke | i was thinking more in the lines of doing a web server like apache | 11:50 |
|trey| | Myke: they wouldn't teach us Apache... got stuck with IIS :( | 11:51 |
|trey| | Bachelors apparently will be teaching Apache though :/ | 11:51 |
Myke | lol | 11:51 |
Myke | doing web pages and configuration of dhcp and dns, it's easy things... | 11:52 |
Myke | i don't believe they teach that in college | 11:52 |
|trey| | Myke: I was pissed... you have no idea how mind numbingly simple IIS is... and they try to spend 2 whole weeks on it... blah... | 11:52 |
keknehv | syK|Dash: There is one. It is called fstab. "vi /etc/fstab" | 11:52 |
Zugwrack | all services use a virtual port...they have numeric designations..I am sure you know port 21 is associated with FTP unless modified. Ident2 (ident) needs to use port 113. All of them are disable in the default install of Ubuntu... | 11:52 |
ogra | keknehv: vi ?? | 11:52 |
|trey| | Myke: they do... its annoying :/ | 11:52 |
keknehv | It contains automount parameters | 11:53 |
keknehv | vi is a text editor | 11:53 |
Myke | no wonder you get strait A :p | 11:53 |
Zugwrack | So my question was/is where can I read the information to learn how to change this? | 11:53 |
socomm | ogra: vim | 11:53 |
|trey| | Myke: I want to eventually get a masters in network security though, so this is stepping stones... | 11:53 |
Myke | i'm learning how to resolv primitives by aproximation on computers now | 11:53 |
socomm | keknehv: vi, is not installed. | 11:53 |
keknehv | Network Security 101: why not to use windows | 11:53 |
ogra | keknehv: i know its just not nice to advise someone to use vi if you dont know his/her skills | 11:53 |
Myke | i don't like them... and they don't like me... (the primitives) | 11:54 |
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keknehv | Syk|Dash: Well, look in the fstab file with your text editor of choice | 11:54 |
|trey| | keknehv: actually, enless I can find a specific course, its likely the theories will be put to practice on a windows system :( | 11:54 |
ogra | keknehv: gedit is nioce for everyone, ppl that know vi will use it themselves | 11:54 |
Myke | |trey|: where are you from? | 11:54 |
keknehv | ogra: that's weird. Once someone told me to run "sudo nano /etc/X11/XF86Config-4" | 11:54 |
|trey| | Myke: orginally, Coventry England... but living in Phoenix Arizona... | 11:55 |
keknehv | And I got scared by nano. It's weird | 11:55 |
ogra | keknehv: nano is pretty well | 11:55 |
Sintara | So how do I enable the services I need? (It's been quite a while since working with Linux) | 11:55 |
socomm | keknehv: nano is probably the best editor for neophytes. | 11:55 |
ogra | keknehv: remember you first vi session ? | 11:55 |
Zugwrack | Oh yeah..where in Phoenix? | 11:55 |
Myke | Sintara: you install them... usually that's enough | 11:55 |
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|trey| | Sintara: /etc/init.d/blah start or stop or restart... | 11:55 |
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|trey| | Zugwrack: North.... you in the Valley too? | 11:55 |
Myke | if you want ssh service, just install ssh and so on | 11:55 |
ogra | keknehv: it took me an hour or so to find out how to quit it | 11:56 |
socomm | keknehv: assuming that they have to go with a console app. | 11:56 |
Myke | ogra: control+X | 11:56 |
Sintara | That's what I thought, Myke. But I'm having no luck accessing my NFS share. | 11:56 |
Myke | :) | 11:56 |
|trey| | Zugwrack: more specifically, Deer Valley | 11:56 |
keknehv | ogra: I remember the first vi session. I read a linux tutorial book (RedHat... BLECH) and it had a section on command line | 11:56 |
Zugwrack | No...I was born and raised there...I went to Paradise Valley high school many years back | 11:56 |
keknehv | vi was the first introduced | 11:56 |
Myke | Sintara: for NFS you have to config something to export the share | 11:56 |
candyman | hey all: I am trying to install Ubuntu on a partition on an already partitioned disk that has data, but I can't find out how. Is it possible at all? I need that since I am trying to get a dual-boot system with an already installed OS. Thanks. | 11:56 |
Zugwrack | Oh kids live out in Cave Creek area | 11:56 |
ogra | keknehv: i was just told to use vi to edit a file | 11:56 |
Myke | and, on clients, more configuration to use the share | 11:56 |
keknehv | And then it told us about emacs, and how much better it was... but I understood vi | 11:56 |
|trey| | Zugwrack: I've attended Barry Goldwater and Saguaro :) | 11:56 |
macewan | *think I'll test Hoary tonight | 11:57 |
keknehv | ogra: lol. I got the basics at least. | 11:57 |
ogra | keknehv: nobody told me how to use vi | 11:57 |
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keknehv | ouch | 11:57 |
Zugwrack | Kewl | 11:57 |
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Sintara | Yes, I know. I have my /etc/exports and /etc/hosts.allow set up correctly. I've checked and docs and that's the extent of the directions I found. | 11:57 |
ogra | keknehv: was eight years i use it daily.... | 11:57 |
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|trey| | damnit @ the time... I should be out... | 11:57 |
Myke | in portugal, we're starting to get to be first world countrys.... we now have dsl 8 mbps for "only" 60 euros... | 11:57 |
Sintara | At first, I was getting a refusal, but now it's "server is down." | 11:58 |
ogra | Myke: cheapo | 11:58 |
sivang | Myke : now that's a WOW | 11:58 |
Amaranth | hey, libxklavier9 has been replaced with libxklavier10 in hoary so everything that depends on it won't install (ex: gnome) | 11:58 |
candyman | partitions are totally sane: 20G vfat, 1G swap, 20G ext3, rest in vfat and ext3 logical drives for storage. I am trying to install on partition 3. This is hda, a 160G disk, btw. But Ubuntu does not recognise the existing partitions. Vexing. | 11:58 |
Myke | we also have 2 mbps for 22 euros | 11:58 |
Myke | but, those services are available for less than 1% of the population | 11:58 |
=== |trey| gets 5mbps down for $25.... thought that was cheap :/ | ||
Myke | for the others... 1 mbps for 60 euros | 11:59 |
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=== calc back now | ||
ogra | Myke: thats a common price here in germany... (flatrate + line) | 11:59 |
|trey| | calc: welcome back :) | 11:59 |
keknehv | candyman: ubuntu by default tries to steal your whole disk. What part of it doesn't recognize the partitions? | 11:59 |
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