
elmomdz: done12:00
tseng#3811 imported from BTS and #4219 are dupes12:00
tsengah, i can do that :)12:01
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sivangnight all12:59
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jdubmdz: pong01:01
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lamontseb128: here?01:13
lamontfigure out epihpany-browser?01:14
lamontgnome-media ftbfs01:14
seb128no log on people, only for ia64 in fact01:14
mdzfabbione: here?01:14
lamontgnome-media says nautilus is uninstallable01:14
lamontgnome/epiphany-browser_1.5.2-0ubuntu2: Dep-Wait by buildd+mcmurdo [optional:out-of-date] 01:15
lamont  Dependencies: libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.5.6)01:15
lamontlibs/gtk+2.0_2.5.5-0ubuntu2: Installed [optional:out-of-date] 01:16
lamonthave a nice day. :-(01:16
lamontseb128: if you change the dep in epiphany-browser, let me know so I can kick the dep-wait01:16
seb128lamont: yeah, I've switch the glib/gtk versions in the first upload and fixed with the second01:17
lamontseb128: gnome-media's issue is that   capplets: Depends: libxklavier9 (>= 1.11) but it is not installable (libxklavier10 replaces it...)01:17
lamontseb128: so clear the depwait?01:18
seb128yeah please01:18
=== Matt| [~Matt|@81-179-237-53.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128I'll fix the libxklavier/control-center issue01:18
lamontseb128: kicked01:19
lamontseb128: you'll be uploading new capplets, yes?01:19
seb128yes, in about 10min01:19
lamontok.  just trying to figure out what to d-w01:19
jdubpants off01:19
seb128hey jdub 01:20
jdubseb128: craaaaazy gnome release action :)01:20
lamontamusingly, control-center is d-w libgnomeui-dev (>= 2.8.0-1)01:20
seb128he he01:20
lamontand we have -0ubuntu101:20
seb128lamont: arg, will fix that in the same time01:20
seb128due to the sync with deb01:21
lamontseb128: if you upload within 8 minutes, that'd be just dandy...01:21
seb128lamont: grrr, nop, will not be ok. I need to add a patch will take a few min ..01:26
lamontseb128: np01:27
=== lamont has to run out for an hour or 2 in about 45 minutes max, would like to release it by then.
lamontso would be best if you get it uploaded before the hour. :-)01:28
lamontotherwise, at is my friend.01:28
seb128rebuilding it with the fix now01:30
seb128it the build is ok I'll upload in a few min01:30
=== Ferry [~ferry@cust.15.118.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzlamont: what's the latest on #4078?01:41
lamontmdz: checking now01:43
lamontmdz: mlocktest.c gives 1 in a chroot on i386, 0 on the other 2.01:47
mdzlamont: what kernel is it running?01:48
lamontand outside the chroot gives 001:48
mdzso the question becomes01:49
lamontLinux macaroni #1 SMP Wed Nov 17 15:00:00 GMT 2004 i686 GNU/Linux01:49
mdzso it's a chroot thing, apparently01:49
mdzwhat's different about that chroot?01:49
mdzit has /proc mounted and all that nice sort of stuff?01:49
lamontproc mounted01:50
mdzlamont: strace it and see what error is returned my mlock01:50
elmomeh, alsa's so crap01:51
elmoif I run xmms with alsa, I can stall music entirely by doing 'ls /usr/lib'... oss is fine01:51
elmothat's even with xmms reniced to -1501:52
lamontnow it's working01:52
lamonteven not-strace01:52
chrisaI decided to shy away from alsa since my sb live! cards work flawlessly with oss01:52
seb128lamont: control-center uploaded01:52
lamontseb128: thanks01:52
lamontseb128: once I finally get back home, I think I may just clear all the dep-wait.s..01:53
seb128should be ok01:53
lamontmako: so is the key-signing bof scheduled already?02:09
lamontseb128: control-center given back02:09
=== lamont dinners. bbiab
jdubseb128: going to propose python-gnome2-extras for desktop? :)02:25
seb128but not today, that's time to sleep :)02:26
seb128and the packaging is stucked at this point02:26
jdubsleep well :)02:26
jdubaww, and i'm just uploading eog ;)02:27
seb128some of the new modules need the new gnome-vfs, new gnomevfs without vfolder -> new panel -> gnome-menu -> not released02:27
seb128so this part is for tomorrow :)02:27
seb128'night guys02:28
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mdzjdub: are you using mvo's apt-authentication stuff yet?03:16
mdzwhy not? :-)03:16
mdzI'd harrass everyone else, too, but you're awake03:16
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mdzit should be totally transparent if you only use Ubuntu sources03:20
mdzand other sources should present a nice warning prompt (apt-get) or dialog (synaptic)03:20
=== alerios [~alerios@] has left #ubuntu-devel ["Abandonando"]
jdubmdz: hrm, can't find the url03:23
=== jdub thought it had been mentioned on the lists
mdzjdub: deb http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mvo/apt-authentication/ /03:23
mdzit had03:23
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu development -- general discussion and support on #ubuntu | Hoary is here: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2004-October/000005.html | Want to help? see https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals | TEST ME: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2004-November/001743.html
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-devel:mdz] : Ubuntu development -- general discussion and support on #ubuntu | Want to help Hoary? see https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals | TEST ME: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2004-November/001743.html
mdz(hoary is old news :-P)03:24
jduboof, there goes my entire packaging toolset ;)03:24
=== Clint [~asdfasf@user-12hdtek.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzhey, there's no dpkg in there03:28
tsengoff topic, but i know you guys are into this03:28
tsengis it worthwhile to switch to arch for a small project03:28
Clinttseng: absolutely03:29
mdzthe best answer I can give is...almost :-)03:29
mdztseng: there is a certain amount of pain involved in arch at the moment, which may not be offset by the benefits for a small project03:30
jdubtseng: it will progressively get better ;)03:30
mdztseng: but that pain is actively being reduced03:30
mdztseng: http://www.canonical.com/projects/bazaar/03:30
tsengCVS is pain03:30
mdztseng: if you're doing the sorts of things that make CVS painful, then by all means, go for arch03:33
tsengthanks for the link, ill try that once i grok the basics03:34
mdzthe baz repository makes a good test case for the apt authentication code in /topic :-)03:35
tsengya back in gentoo they are still quibbling over how to validate/distribute keys03:35
tsenglongest running project ever03:36
tsengim sure you folks will come up with a clever solution03:37
mdzthat's the hardest part of the problem03:40
mdzour clever interim solution is to ship a key with the package03:40
mdzwhich can authenticate things in the Ubuntu archive03:41
tsengwhich works until someone along the line is compromised, the key is revoked, and you publish a new apt03:41
jdubi thought mvo disliked that solution?03:41
tsengbut it fails to authenticaate with the new key03:42
mdzjdub: none of us are particularly happy with it in the long term03:44
mdzbut it lets us bootstrap things03:44
mdztseng: in the event of a key compromise, there isn't much to be done except validate by hand to get things going again03:45
tsengjdub: sorry about your oo bug, i was running in and out03:45
tsengi mis-duped you =/03:45
mdz^^ all the LUGs I can visit within an hour or so travel time03:49
mdzarmed with a nice stack of CDs now03:49
tsenga LUG around here was crazy enough to ask me to speak at their mini-conf03:50
tsengits like the selinux symposium after-party03:51
mdzgot ubuntu CDs? :-)03:53
=== jdub wipes the ubuntu cds off his lip
tsengno cds here03:54
mdzdidn't order any, or they haven't arrived yet?03:55
tsengnever ordered03:55
=== mdz faints dead away
tsengi didnt immediately grasp the concept03:55
mdzwhere do you live?  I have some extra :-)03:55
tsengfree cds, it felt like leeching03:55
tsengnow that they are going out in mass shipments i realize the point03:56
jdubtseng: it's purposeful leeching :)03:56
tsengits like a dealer passing out his sweetest crack at the concert03:56
tsengmdz: PA03:56
mdzwrong coast03:57
Clintno, you're on the wrong coast03:58
tsengthis time of year, he's on the proper coast03:59
tsengcome summer time he'll be sorry03:59
Clintno, no, it's almost ski time03:59
mdzover here we have both a pleasant climate _and_ better skiing04:08
jdub35 degrees C here :)04:09
jdubgoing up :)04:09
Clintmdz: I don't believe you.04:10
mdzI'll confess, I'm not much of a skier myself04:12
mdzbut the mountains are, well, _bigger_04:12
ClintI hear bad things about the wetness.04:12
ClintYou're not counting the Rockies, are you?04:13
mdzof course04:15
=== Clint grumbles.
Clintthat's a bit of a stretch from the coast04:16
mdza few thousand miles closer to here than there :-P04:16
makolamont: that's a very good point re the keysigning04:27
makolamont: i will need to do that04:28
makomdz: they go fast04:28
jdubmako: when's the second lot of CDs going out?04:29
makomdz: i ordered nearly 400 that came in two boxes.. iD[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D just threw away the first box today 04:29
makojdi've already sent the list04:29
makothey should be going on this week04:29
makoand the next couple04:29
=== jdub will suffer with only an extra 200 ;)
makoi'm going to order like 300 more i think04:30
makoi've been giving them out to people i meet in bars04:30
makopeople love it :)04:31
makoeverybody <3 ubuntu04:32
mdzmako: I ordered about 200; they came in ~10 bags04:37
makomdz: really?! :)04:38
makowow.. that sounds pretty annoying04:38
mdzabout 10 of those04:38
mdzI was fairly sure the authentication dialog had the u/p in it :-)04:39
makoyes, you did04:39
tsengomg, they have pr0n on the box04:39
mdzbut my browser's cached it04:39
makoi saw it just after i ask:)04:39
mdzthat's actually a different matt's page04:39
=== mdz points at m_tthew
makoyeah, we might as well have two matts04:40
mdzbut that's the sort of bag they came in04:40
makowe have two of everything else :)04:40
mdzwe have more than two already :-)04:41
mdzmdz, mjg59, m_tthew off the top of my head04:41
makoonly one mako04:41
makobut there is a guy who has posted a few times onto debian-devel named Ben Hill04:41
makohe reads my blog and posts comments sometimes04:42
Clinthow'd your nylug thing go?04:42
makoClint: i will post slides and stuff in the next couple days04:42
makoClint: it went really well i think04:42
makopeople seemed to be really into it04:43
makoclint: i met with jimmy kaplowitz with greg pomerantz saturday night as well :)04:43
jdubonly one jeff04:43
jdubi've taken out the others04:43
Clintsorry I missed that04:43
makoClint: nylug is a pretty good crowd.. it's a bit more formal than i'm used to in a LUG but the people are interested and active04:44
Clintyeah, they're the most suity of the NYC LUGs04:44
makoClint: heh, it's a little bit of a culture shock with me04:44
makoClint: i'm not so suity, to say the least04:44
Clinthave you encountered the rival lugs yet?04:45
makoi mean, i wear suits, but culturally04:45
jdubnylxs :)04:45
makoyeah, there is that one that is super exclusive04:45
makolike you can't become a member unless you write articles for them and do all this other crazy stuff04:45
Clintnylxs claims not to be a lug, no?04:46
makoand there is the one seems to be the linux + BROOKLYISTHECENTEROFTHEUNIVERSE user group04:46
makoyeah i think so04:46
Clintwell, brooklyn is the center of the universe04:46
makofair enough :P04:46
Clintthis is making me all nostalgic04:47
=== Clint sobs.
makoalso there is LXNY04:47
makoor something like that04:47
makothat seems to be mostly defunct but organized a talk with steve bourne04:47
makowho convinced me to write an article on packaging04:47
makowhich is due tonight and which i am not done with04:47
lamontmako: thank you04:48
=== steve [~steve@static24-72-62-185.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu-devel
makosteve bourne was *super* interested in packages.. i think he'd never heard of them :)04:48
Clintlxny has the most interesting characters, IMO04:48
makoso as part of this packaging article, i spent all yesterday afternoon having someone teach me about redhat packaging04:49
Clintpeople like their .spec files04:49
makowhy would you ever want more than one file?04:50
makowhen he told me about the localization is ALSO done within the same single file i nearly lost it04:50
makothe localization stuff seems pretty indefensible04:51
makoone of those situations where you wonder if personaly teaching your users english would be a better use of time and effort than i18n/l10n for your software :)04:52
mdzmako: i18n of what exactly?05:17
mdzsurely not the software itself05:17
lamontmako: it's just like a tarball of debian/*, only different...05:29
lamontseb128 is not here. bummer05:32
jdubi just switched network devices with netapplet05:36
jduband it unmounted every filesystem05:37
jdubor something...05:37
jdubi had to remount /, mount /home and mount /proc05:37
=== lamont notices that he's very tired, decides to go to bed soon
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makomdz: everything that would bein the debian directory basically06:07
makomdz: so they have localized sections, descriptions, and a bunch of other thing06:08
makomdz: all in that one file :)06:09
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stuNNedso got acpi suspend to ram working disabling agp modules using nvidia driver, a first...and i have ques: can i file a bug regarding linuxant hsf modem support with ubuntu's bugzilla or am i barking up the wrong twig?06:21
stuNNedand last ques in 'gnome-pkgview' using hoary (report bugs when i can) i see alot of *-sharp gnome packages, is gnome-pkgview for real?06:24
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jdubtotem http://home.waugh.id.au:8800/08:11
jdubor mplayer08:11
jdubor i guess you can load it up on your tv or something with mythtv ;)08:11
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fabbionejdub: gimme an on-line finger :)08:14
jdubtwo! two!08:14
fabbionethe stram just got interrupted08:14
fabbioneand again08:14
fabbioneyour network sucks08:14
jdubmy upstream b/w is horrific08:14
fabbionegot them!08:15
jdubi'll kill the audio stream08:15
mdzjdub: what software are you using to drive that?08:15
fabbioneffmpeg would do too08:15
mdzmizar:[~]  apt-cache search flumotion08:16
mdzmizar:[~] 08:16
fabbionei used it to stream the tour the france in ericsson08:16
jdubmdz: it didn't build, still working on the package.08:16
jdub(only silly build-dep error; just uploaded it while elmo was awake)08:17
jdubstream's back08:17
mdzopenoffice.org_1.1.3-2.3ubuntu4_source.changes ACCEPTED08:17
jdubvorbis encoding is harsh on cpu08:17
jduber, theora, rather08:18
mdzand no hardware encoders08:18
mdzand we thought vorbis was an uphill battle :-P08:18
fabbioneyou are hugly at higher resolution08:24
jdubhugly? great! hug me now! :)08:24
fabbionedo you mean spank me now?08:25
fabbionenow.. get naked08:25
jdubECHAN for cyber!08:25
fabbioneOgg : Page out not synced, we skip some bytes08:25
jdubwas cool to be streaming as well as saving to disk08:27
fabbionejdub: remember to take the webcam to Mataro08:27
fabbioneso we can stream some stuff live08:27
jdubyeah, using mataro as a test case for linux.conf.au08:28
=== tuo2 [~foo@adsl-36-114.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Mithrandirjdub: how bad is theora?08:36
jdubit sucks the life out of your cpu :)08:38
jdubto encode08:38
jdubbut very little attention has been paid to optimisation so far08:38
fabbionejdub: you could try ffmpeg08:40
Mithrandirjdub: what kind of CPU do you need to do it real-time in decent quality?08:41
jdubMithrandir: not sure, haven't spent enough time playing with it08:41
jdubfabbione: flumotion can encode anything gstreamer supports :)08:41
=== thom wakes up, sees how much stuff there is still to pack in his room, and bursts into tears
jdub"While some of its ideas and technologies may not be new, I feel Ubuntu offers a degree of refinment that's just not present in similar projects."08:45
mdzsomeone just said on -users that their machine was "incredibly faster" after switching from linux-386 to linux-68608:48
mdzit's amazing what a little perception can do :-)08:49
Mithrandirmdz: don't ask them to measure. :)08:49
fabbionedo we know where daniels is?08:50
fabbioneyesterday he wasn't much around08:50
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mdzhe has been active in Bugzilla08:58
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mdzfabbione: he just followed up to a bug a few minutes ago09:11
fabbionemdz: ok thanks09:12
mdzjdub: what's the latest on ubuntu-bugs?09:13
thomi need to work out how to twiddle bugzilla i guess09:13
mdzthom: alternatively, you could hook me up with mysql privileges, since I seem to have inherited de facto bugzilla admin status for now09:14
=== mdz wonders whether oo.o will land on the buildds which should have it still in ccache
thomsounds fine to me; can you send mail to admins since i'm surrounded by boxes currently? :/09:16
mdzthom: I'd be perfectly happy with a warty-bugs->ubuntu-bugs alias for now09:17
=== fabbione takes out his biggest cluebat
mdzshould I ping elmo on that?09:17
thomprolly best right now, yeah09:18
mdzgah, tech board in <8 hours.  bed soon09:19
KeybukBug#283578: ITP: hot-babe -- erotic graphical system activity monitor09:19
mdzwe should schedule a different time for this stuff09:19
Keybukmdz: such as?09:20
Mithrandirwhat kind of hard drive does the X40 use?  1.8" or 2.5"?09:20
mdzmaybe afternoon .au / late night .au / morning europe09:20
mdzafternoon .au / late night .us09:20
fabbionemdz: MORNING EUROPE09:20
mdz<fabbione> morning <-- approximately 0700 local time09:21
Keybukmdz: dude, late night .us is past any reasonable time for me and Mark :)09:21
thomgrah. APUE, UNP, and Applied Crypto are all great books, but bloody hell they weigh a tonne09:21
mdzanyway, bed09:21
mdznight all09:22
thomnight mdz09:22
Keybuknite dude09:22
thomoh, and Unix Power Tools just to add to the fun09:22
Keybukthom: you're only going to .es, not .au09:23
thomno dude, that's thursday09:23
thomtoday i'm moving house09:23
Mithrandirthom: have phun :)09:23
Keybukheh, I swear my book shelf defies gravity09:24
fabbionethom: you have all my understanding for the pain of moving09:24
fabbionethom: good luck09:24
KeybukAPUE, TCP/IP 1, 2 & 3, UNP 1 & 2, Knuth 1, 2 & 3 and The C Standard09:24
thomKeybuk: i'm beginning to think mine is a gaping hole in the space/time continuum09:24
Keybukhow far are you moving?09:25
thomthe worrying thing is that trotsky's history of the russian revolution outweighs applied cryptography by some margin09:25
Mithrandirthom: why is that worrying?09:25
Keybukwhich Russian Revolution?  or does it cover all of them?09:26
thomMithrandir: the weightiest tome on my shelf is by a communist revolutionary terrorist! (or something)09:27
thomKeybuk: The. ;-)09:27
Mithrandirthom: he fought in his own country, then it's customary to call him freedom fighter.09:27
MithrandirKeybuk: probably the October revolution (the one that happened in November).09:27
Keybukwe don't call them terrorists anymore09:28
Keybukwe call them "Mr. President"09:28
Mithrandirnot when they're assassinated by order of the General Secretary of The Party.09:29
thomMithrandir: yeah09:29
pittimdz: still here?09:43
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fabbioneKamion: ping09:56
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=== mvo_ [~Michael@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionmdz: openssh DH_COMPAT> there's no reason to bump it really - I don't believe in raising build-deps unnecessarily anyway, and all the backporters would whine at me :)10:14
Kamionfabbione: pong10:14
fabbioneKamion: did sven luther get worst with his skizophrenia recently?10:15
Kamionfabbione: it seems to ebb and flow10:16
Kamionfabbione: why?10:16
fabbioneKamion: because he doesn't even know how to count10:16
=== daniels [~daniels@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneor he lost such ability quite recently10:16
Kamionah, life is so much better now that I've kicked spamd into ACTUALLY DOING NETWORK TESTS10:17
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=== Astharot [isager@host90-161.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneKamion: debian-boot or debian-kernel mailing list10:19
fabbioneabout the patch for udebs integration10:19
fabbionei am not sure what kind of mess he has in his head10:19
fabbionei am confused10:19
Kamionfabbione: for what it's worth I totally agree that that patch is inappropriate for Debian10:19
Kamionfabbione: I'm glad you sent it, but it's just not going to work with the way d-i development runs10:19
fabbioneKamion: that's why i wrote "do what you want with it"10:20
Kamiond-i kernel packages are often uploaded much more frequently than actual kernel packages10:20
fabbioneand that i am not pushing it for inclusion10:20
KamionI haven't checked what Sven said; we certainly did have problems with apt limits at one point10:21
Kamiondue to length of Binary: lines10:21
fabbionein terms: it can be done.. here is the patch or the prove10:21
Keybukooh!  5. Ubuntu 943 , 4. MEPIS 969  ... we could be about to swap places again :p10:21
Kamionfabbione: right10:22
danielsKamion: yeah, Binary lines are fun10:23
=== silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneKamion: he is starting again the game of bouncing people around10:27
fabbionewithout even answering questions10:27
fabbionebecause he doesn't really understand what he is talking about10:27
danielsfabbione: sven luther?10:33
fabbionedaniels: ahhaha10:33
fabbionehow could you guess so?10:34
dokopitti: ping?10:35
=== daniels is psychic.
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-32-96.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielselmo: jackass's ftpd hates me10:42
danielsseb128: morning dude10:42
seb128hello daniels 10:42
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dokomdz: ping?10:51
danielsseb128: did you just upload eog via ftp?10:53
seb128daniels: yes, why ?10:53
danielsi'm getting connection refused on jackass10:53
danielssorry, connection reset by peer10:53
Keybukdaniels: seems ok from here10:56
Keybuk220 jackass.warthogs.hbd.com FTP server (Poppy Upload Server) ready.10:56
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danielsshit, dbus broken10:58
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pittiHi sivang!11:09
sivanghi pitti! what's up?11:10
pittisivang: the usual stuff. security review11:11
pittisilbs: this time it's a little more since I got a whole bunch (some 135) messages to review from the past11:11
sivangpitti : oh. researching/patching stuff..11:11
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sivangpitti : do you remember the bash line to make foremail resort email from enrico?11:12
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=== fabbione thanks dpatch for trashing one morning of work
pittisivang: no, I don't have the formail line11:35
=== lupus_ [~lupus@kn-ivl-2.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsdoes anyone know if i8xx/i9xx hardware is available for ia64?11:43
elmoerr, no11:43
mjg59daniels: The graphics hardware is in the northbridge, so, uh, no11:44
=== GyrosGeier [~richter@pD9E50C4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittiping Kamion 11:52
danielsfabbione: should etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/92xprint-xpserverlist.sh11:53
danielsbe installed anywhere?11:53
danielsit's in all the manifests, but never installed11:53
fabbionedaniels: notabug11:53
fabbioneit's part of the xprint packages11:53
jdubHA HA HA:11:53
jdubvery funny on so many levels11:53
danielsfabbione: phat11:53
danielsjdub: heh11:54
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fabbionedaniels: but was somebody bitching about it?11:58
fabbioneclearly dpatch is crap11:59
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danielsfabbione: no, I'm just trying to decipher the rather cryptic output of mir12:00
fabbionewhere is it?12:02
danielselmo: is there a proper ia64 hoary chroot yet?12:03
danielsfabbione: scripts/manifest-install-reconcile validate12:03
danielsbranden's crack script12:03
fabbionedaniels: ah that!12:03
fabbionedaniels: it is broken on i38612:03
fabbionei never had the time to look at it12:03
elmodaniels: dunno, haven't heard back from lamont about gcc-3.4, so I guess not12:04
danielselmo: k12:04
elmodoko: ?12:04
danielslamont: new xorg on p.u.c/~daniels/xorg/ which should build fine on ia64, please run another build around12:07
=== winkle [~winkle@lgh3814234.vittran.norrnod.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionwhoa, major display badness in base-config12:23
=== GyrosGeier [~richter@pD9E50C4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu-devel []
=== GyrosGeier [~richter@pD9E50C4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #Ubuntu-devel
danielsfabbione: ping12:43
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-32-96.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionedaniels: ?12:44
fabbionehmmm ok.. 2.6.9-1 at least compiles now12:44
fabbioneon i38612:45
fabbionedaniels: i will push your patches in -2 together with the other stuff12:45
fabbionegiven that i can manage to build it on ppc and amd6412:45
danielsfabbione: config.log for xpdf would be great12:49
fabbioneon the way12:50
fabbionebut these were the relevant part12:50
fabbioneas usual this is on sparc dude12:50
fabbioneif it works on our archs don't bother12:50
fabbionebut i am pretty sure most of the failures are common12:50
danielsi don't see how it fails when it b-ds xlibs-dev12:51
fabbionedaniels: probably something to do with libxkb ?12:52
danielsoh, christing puce12:52
danielsnope, I bet it needs xutils12:52
fabbioneor any of the others that we splitted12:52
danielsbut I have no idea htf that suddenly slipped out, because we didn't touch that12:53
danielscould you please throw xutils in b-d and run it around the sparc again?12:53
fabbionedaniels: not in a short time12:54
fabbionei am giving love to 2.6.912:54
jdub* fabbione humps 2.6.9's leg.12:54
fabbionejdub: where is the inofity patch?12:55
danielsfabbione: ok12:56
jdubfabbione: one sec12:56
jdubfabbione: people.ubuntulinux.org/~jdub/inotify-0.15.diff12:59
=== Kamion looks for decent Unicode console fonts
KamionLatArCyrHeb-* seem to have the greatest coverage01:00
fabbionejdub: fix the permissions :-) 40301:03
jdubd'oh :)01:06
jdubtry again?01:06
=== jdub grumps, and doesn't cheat this time ;)
jdubgo go go!01:07
=== remon [~remon@210-64-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneit's not extremely intrusive01:09
danielsfabbione: re dpatch, I know what you mean -- I lost a fair bit of work to it also01:10
fabbionedaniels: is sabdfl there around?01:10
elmohow do you lose work to dpatch?01:10
danielsfabbione: yah01:10
fabbioneelmo: when it doesn't realize about conflicts and keep patching pile of crap on top of each other01:11
fabbionedaniels: is he busy?01:11
danielsreading mail afaict01:11
GyrosGeierelmo, BTW, would you appreciate being sent patches against the gnupg package to bring it up to 1.2.6, or would I waste time preparing them?01:11
=== GyrosGeier has an issue with a particularly nasty bug which prevents him from reading stuff encrypted to him with current gpg
azeemelmo: dpatch makes your life easier, thus you have to work less :)01:12
danielsfabbione: btw, the thunderbird ftbfs is libxp-dev's fault, and xrestop wouldn't get proper shlibs until a fixed libxres is up01:13
danielsfabbione: so I'm waiting to upload xorg first (should happen today, barring any major disasters)01:13
fabbionedaniels: ok01:14
elmoGyrosGeier: erk, I didn't realise there was that kind of bug fixes in 1.2.601:15
elmoGyrosGeier: don't worry about it, i started at the weekend - if it's got important bug fixes, I'll try and look at it.. err not this evening, 'cos I'm travelling, but by tomorrow anyway01:16
GyrosGeierelmo, no hurry.01:16
GyrosGeierelmo, the bug fix in question isn't in 1.2.6, it will probably only be in
GyrosGeierelmo, I'd have sent that one as an extra dpatch.01:19
elmooh - well do you want to send me the patch to it?01:19
danielsfabbione: well, I want to get a successful build on ia64 first01:19
danielsmake lamont quiet down ;)01:19
danielselmo: is there an ia64 chroot anywhere I can build in?01:19
GyrosGeierelmo, sure01:19
danielselmo: waiting until 7pm or so for lamont to show is ... er, unappealing01:19
elmodaniels: dude, do you have ADD?01:20
elmoI'm sure you asked me that question less than 3 hours ago01:20
danielselmo: 'anywhere' doesn't imply 'proper'01:20
jdubneed some skin testing01:20
elmodaniels: I can give you a sid or sarge chroot?01:20
danielselmo: that would be great, if I could build render, get that installed, build xrender, get that installed, then kick off xorg01:21
GyrosGeierelmo, it's the key selection algorithm, which happily selects a key with only unknown "usage" flags for default usage -- which means my RSA authentication key is used for encryption to me, but my smartcard can only sign with that key. :-)01:21
danielsjdub: well, my background capplet hangs, fwiw01:23
danielswritev(21, [{"GIOP\1\2\1\0\272\2\0\0", 12}, {"\260\351\377\277\3\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\34\0\0\0\0\0\0\0Z\316"..., 698}] , 2) = 71001:24
danielsfutex(0x8090060, FUTEX_WAIT, 01:24
Mithrandirso does nautilus here01:26
fabbionethere... and 2.6.9 compiles on amd6401:26
danielsjdub: aside from the hang, it's rad01:26
rburtonjdub: re: wallpaper. WAHEY01:29
danielsthe only word to describe it is 'guff'01:29
jdubthere's another one of eileen too01:30
danielsok, am I drunk, or is this just stupendously crap?01:30
danielsinclude/asm/setup.h:8:28: asm-m68k/setup.h: No such file or directory01:30
jdubbut it's a bit more raunch01:30
daniels(hoary-chroot)daniels@davis:~/kernel/linux-restricted-modules- $ head -n 1 /usr/include/asm-m68k/setup.h01:30
danielsjdub: which one is eileen?01:30
jdubthe blonde01:31
danielsso is that january?01:31
GyrosGeierelmo, send as a (wishlist) bug or as mail?01:31
elmoGyrosGeier: either is fine01:32
danielsjdub: er, didn't you just put december up?01:32
GyrosGeierelmo, okay, thanks a lot!01:32
jdubright, so, eileen-raunch won't be january, because we're using her for december01:33
jdubjanuary will probably be CONTROVERSIAL MAN NUDITY01:33
fabbionejdub: nooo01:33
jdubi expect people will make a big deal about it ;)01:33
fabbioneput naked santa for december!01:33
rburtonjdub: december should be naked santa + elves01:37
Kamionit would *really* help if the tools I was using to look for characters in fonts (on a powerpc system, as it happens) were endian-clean01:37
danielsKamion: yow01:37
fabbionejdub: do you realize that inotify patches only for i386?01:37
KamionI was wondering why U+2500 (BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL) looked suspiciously like a percent sign01:38
fabbionejdub: i can try to add the few missing lines to amd64/ppc, but it will really need some extra test01:38
fabbionepatching file include/asm-i386/resource.h01:38
fabbionepatching file arch/i386/kernel/init_task.c01:38
fabbionethat's it01:38
fabbionedo an lsdiff on the patch01:38
jdubfabbione: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/rml/inotify/v2.6/0.16/inotify-0.16-wip-rml-2.6.10-rc2-9.patch01:39
jdubfabbione: that's rml's work in progress on 0.1601:39
jdubdoesn't touch those files01:39
fabbionetoo bad.. this onw was applying erfectly :-)01:39
fabbioneOptionally set the permissions as you like:01:40
fabbione% chown root:root /dev/inotify01:40
fabbione% chmod 666 /dev/inotify01:40
fabbioneAnd run, run free!01:40
fabbionejdub: are you going to package inotify utils?01:41
jdubfabbione: didn't know about them until about an hour ago ;)01:41
=== jdub is not too concerned about them
fabbioneahah this guy is fun01:42
fabbioneinotify and you, happy ever after01:42
jdubyeah, rml is fun :)01:42
=== GyrosGeier [~richter@pD9E50C4F.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #Ubuntu-devel []
seb128jdub: please add "libgnome-menu0 gnome-menus libgnome-menu-dev" to the desktop seed 01:49
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jdubseb128: ok :)01:54
=== sid77 hi!
seb128grrrr, new soname change in libgtop01:55
seb128that's getting annoying01:55
daniels(hoary-chroot)daniels@davis:~ $ cat foo.c02:01
daniels#include <asm-m68k/setup.h>02:01
daniels#include <stdio.h>02:01
danielsint main(int argc, char **argv[] ) { printf("christing puce\n"); return 0; }02:01
daniels(hoary-chroot)daniels@davis:~ $ gcc -o foo foo.c02:01
daniels(hoary-chroot)daniels@davis:~ $ 02:01
=== daniels radiates pure hate at davis.
fabbionedon't mess davis around02:02
fabbionei will need it soon and alive02:02
danielswell, apparently asm-m68k/setup.h is unfindable as an include02:02
danielswhich is funny02:02
danielsbecause it seems to be right there, in /usr/include02:02
Kamionwhat does "eth0: duplicate address detected" mean?02:02
fabbioneKamion: an ipv6 error probably02:02
Kamionmy current install is spewing it over the terminal every so often02:02
jdubseb128: does gnome-menus depend on libgnome-menu0?02:02
Kamiondidn't use to happen02:03
fabbioneDAD has detected 2 machines with the same address02:03
fabbioneKamion: do you happen to have 2 machines with the same macaddress?02:03
fabbioneeven faked02:03
fabbionethat would cause that kind of errro02:03
seb128jdub: no, dunno if it should. It only contain .desktop/.menus files and gnome-menu-spec-test ... hum yes, it should for the gnome-menu-spec-test 02:04
seb128jdub: why ?02:04
jdubseb128: i'm just adding gnome-menus, that ought to bring the whole source pacakge into main02:05
jdubseb128: panel depends and so on will handle the other two :)02:05
=== fabbione starts to feel less rusty on the kernel code
seb128jdub: ok02:05
Kamionfabbione: don't think so, will check when I can02:11
fabbioneKamion: it can easily be a bug in DAD02:13
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danielslamont: dude!02:22
danielslamont: new xorg? :)02:22
lamontdaniels: last I heard, it died in manifest, and I gave you the files... been waiting for an upload...02:23
lamontelmo/daniels: gcc-3.4 is a doko question, I believe02:23
danielslamont: there's a new one on p.u.c/~daniels/xorg that I wouldn't mind a test on02:23
danielseasier than another upload02:23
lamontah, ok02:23
danielslamont: ok, cool02:23
fabbioneInotify file change notification support (INOTIFY) [Y/n/?]  (NEW) 02:24
fabbionei am really not sure what to answer here02:25
=== zul [~chuck@zul.developer.gentoo] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubyay :)02:25
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fabbionejdub: we need to see if it compiles everywhere first02:25
=== lamont beats daniels
lamontxorg is ftbfs...  no xorg02:25
fabbionelet's not get overexcited02:25
=== jdub crushes resistance from weaker architectures
lamontdaniels: this is going to require more time to get started than I have right now.  need to take the kids to school in about 5 minutes.02:26
danielslamont: how's it ftbfs, btw?02:26
lamontjdub: working on spark, eh?02:26
zulumm...on the conference page on the wiki shouldnt that be Devember 5 rather than august 502:26
lamontdaniels: missing build-deps02:26
danielslamont: huh?02:26
danielsthey haven't changed since the last run02:26
lamontbecause of xorg delivering some arch: all packages that replace xfree86 ones.02:26
zulmdz: ping02:27
danielsi'm confused, but ok02:27
lamontdaniels: I upgrade the chroots nightly02:27
danielslamont: ehm, ok02:27
lamontamd a recent nightly upgrade broke everything that needs X.02:27
fabbionedaniels: mozilla fails exactly as thunderbird02:27
=== lamont will argue with it for a mintue or two now and see how bad it really is
danielsfabbione: yeah, libxp-dev bustage02:28
danielslamont: nice!02:28
fabbionedaniels: i am adding stuff to 420802:29
fabbionedaniels: let's keep it as metabug02:29
danielsplease file a separate bug for xp-depends-on-xau02:30
fabbionedaniels: i am not digging into the details02:30
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fabbionedaniels: i am just watching failures02:30
elmoapt-get: error while loading shared libraries: libunwind.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:34
=== elmo beats doko
lamontdaniels: Note, selecting xorg-common instead of xfree86-common02:34
danielselmo: oops02:34
Mithrandirelmo: known problem.02:34
danielslamont: right02:34
lamontelmo: that's a missing Depends that I thought got fixed.02:34
lamontDepends: libunwind7, fwiw02:34
elmoMithrandir: I know it's known02:34
elmobut the fact is, sid is still fux0red02:34
lamontdaniels: and that's why xorg won't build without applying a bat02:35
danielslamont: xorg build-deps on xorg-common?02:35
lamontno.  xorg build-deps on something (X, from xfree86), that in turn, depends on xfree86-common02:35
lamontand then we pick xorg-common instead, and none of the xf86 libraries are installable02:36
lamontand we die.02:36
lamontonce I forced xfree86-common to install (wget & dpkg -i), then (and only then) are the build-deps for xorg installable.02:36
lamont(which is to say, build started)02:37
danielsphat, thanks dude02:37
danielsby the way, nice work jimmying the jelly belly machine02:38
=== daniels -> dessert
=== lamont has to run the kids to school, then has to get his car looked at before he can do anything else. may be gone for a while, hoping/planning to make the TB meeting today.
lamontdaniels: so if you get anxious, beg elmo to look on floe for you.  (elmo - don't restart the buildd there - I need to prune the chroot before that happens.02:39
lamontlog file won't go to rookery automatically02:39
danielsthanks dude02:39
lamontno log file --> totally opaque.02:39
danielselmo: can you please look on floe?  are we there yet?  is it done?  are we there?02:40
=== daniels goes to grab some more sugar.
=== lamont throws rocks after daniels, so that elmo doesn't have to get violent
rburtondaniels: so how long would X take to build on a 200mhz 64-meg netwinder?02:40
lamontdaniels: last build attempt died at 2:11:26 into the build attempt02:40
lamontbut that's essentially done02:41
lamontso don't pester elmo before 2.5 hours have elapsed.02:41
=== lamont runs kids to school, car to mechanics
jdubelmo: u-c{,-d} incoming02:41
danielsrburton: almost as long as the train from orpington to arrive02:42
danielspossibly longer02:42
jduborpington spa!02:42
rburtondaniels: blimey02:42
danielselmo: is it possible to get access to floe so I can poke the logs without ADDing you out?02:43
lamontoh, and xpdf_3.00-9ubuntu3 is b0rked if no one has uploaded -4 yet02:43
lamontdaniels: I expect the answer to that is 'no'02:43
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danielslamont: bugger02:44
jdubnight boys and girls. and daniels.02:44
thomnight jeffyweffy02:45
danielsagh, so much crack02:45
danielsjdub: night fluffy bunny02:45
rburtonjdub: sleep tight02:45
=== daniels beats xpdf severely.
sivangdaniels : is it dead yet?02:50
danielsno, it's still bleeding and I intend to keep it alive for as long as possible02:51
bob2just add Type3 font rendering to gpdf02:53
danielselmo: ping02:55
danielselmo: (not about xorg)02:55
elmodaniels: ?02:55
danielselmo: how difficult is it to get a hoary chroot + b-e + xpdf build-deps?02:55
danielsthis xpdf problem is totally wack02:55
elmoand what arch?02:56
danielsi386 is fine02:56
danielsbut i'll take what I can get02:56
elmoyou get... [spins wheel] ... concordia!02:56
danielsda da da da!02:57
daniels(can I pluck a duck?)02:57
=== Astharot [isager@host90-161.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionenot concordia please :-)02:58
fabbionei need to build the kernels :-)02:58
thomi doubt concordia cares02:59
fabbionei do02:59
elmofabbione: dude, it's a dual proc machine03:00
elmoit really can handle a build of the kernel +xpdf at the same time03:00
danielsxpdf is, um, smal03:00
fabbioneelmo: oh did you enable it in smp?03:00
elmofabbione: yeah03:00
danielsoh, bite me03:09
danielsxpdf is the frigging xprint issue03:09
danielselmo: you can delete xpdf b-ds now, thanks03:09
elmoit was only lesstif, I'll leave them there03:09
=== fabbione hugs and dances around elmo
fabbionenext time i can run make -j 403:09
fabbioneand kill it :-)))03:09
fabbioneMUHA MUHA MUHA03:09
thomyou'll need to try harder than that03:09
daniels... yeah03:09
danielslike, full archive rebuild in parallel03:09
danielsall with -j203:09
Kamionooh, 'sudo charset --tty=/dev/tty1 G0 /usr/share/consoletrans/trivial.trans' makes base-config's window borders display properly03:09
danielsKamion: duh03:09
=== jvw_ [jeroen@220pc220.sshunet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== jvw_ is now known as jvw
elmoour buildd hacks break multi-distro uploads03:39
elmodaniels: halley has a sarge chroot if you still need it03:52
danielselmo: ia64, yeah?03:53
daniels ta03:54
danielsit's just xorg, really03:54
lupus_daniels, I have a multimedia keyboard and I open xev to get to keycodes and like 6 keys seem to generate no keypress event 03:57
danielslupus_: yeah, that will happen03:58
lupus_why is this?03:59
danielsyou have to load the layout for your keyboard03:59
danielsbecause they all use dodgy hacks that violate usb hid and ps/2 kb specifications03:59
lupus_I found a patch from the keyboard manufacture04:01
lupus_it has 2 patches: hid-core.c and hid-input.c04:02
danielsif I run make with CFLAGS=-I/usr/include, it works04:02
elmodude, the chance that that is in fact the toolchain being broke is so unbelivably small04:03
elmoif gcc couldn't get /usr/include right, I think we would have noticed by now04:03
danielselmo: davis:~daniels04:04
danielsin the hoary chroot, cd to ~daniels/kernel/linux-restricted-modules-
danielsbroken: make -C /usr/src/linux-headers- SUBDIRS=/home/daniels/kernel/linux-restricted-modules- modules04:04
danielsnot broken:  make -C /usr/src/linux-headers- SUBDIRS=/home/daniels/kernel/linux-restricted-modules- CFLAGS=-I/usr/include modules04:04
Kamionseems more likely that the un-overridden CFLAGS includes something that brekas04:05
danielsKamion: well, alright, but it was convenient to blame the toolchain ;)04:06
fabbionedaniels: i don't want to destroy your dreams04:06
fabbionebut linux-restricted-modules is NOT supposed to build anything on ppc04:06
fabbioneonly amd64 and i38604:07
danielsfabbione: yes it is.04:07
Kamionfabbione: recent change04:07
danielsfabbione: madwifi supports i386, amd64 and powerpc04:07
danielscan you even tell gcc to ignore /usr/include?04:07
elmoin fact, if you give "-I", I think that wipes out the default includes04:09
elmotho that may have been a bug that was fixed04:09
Kamion-nostdinc suppresses /usr/include04:12
Kamionhmm, I wonder where my old stack of floppies went04:14
Kamionoh yes, that's right, *1990*04:14
Mithrandirheh, that's one of the reasons I saved a huge bunch of floppies when we cleaned a bit in a room at my father's workplace.  Unused win95 install floppies.04:15
Mithrandirthey were crucial to d-i's initial development. :)04:15
KamionI'm sure MS would be happy to hear that04:16
Mithrandirit's probably in violation of the EULA or something04:16
=== lemsx1 [~lemsx1@xd84b58f2.ip.e-nt.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
zulnah...they wouldnt care04:16
danielsKamion: ping?04:22
Kamiondaniels: pong04:23
danielsKamion: how flexible is your kernel-package-fu?04:23
danielsKamion: i just had a flash of realisation -- l-k-h is irrelevant to *kernel* *modules*04:23
danielsso we need to install asm-* in the kernel packages04:24
fabbionedaniels: l-k-h is all you need... really04:25
danielsfabbione: for building a kernel module (i.e. madwifi)04:25
fabbionelike the nvidia and all the others04:25
danielswhich all build-dep on the relevant linux-headers package for each flavour04:26
danielsand use -nostdinc04:26
fabbionesee the nvidia bits.. they don't ask for kernel-source04:26
fabbionethey ask for headers04:26
fabbionethat's all they need04:26
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Mithrandirfabbione: you do _not_ want l-k-h, you want l-h.04:27
danielsthe nvidia bits ask for l-h04:27
danielsl-k-h is for userspace programs, l-h is for kernel stuff04:27
danielswhy I didn't realise that I was building a kernel module ages ago is beyond me04:27
fabbioneMithrandir: yes.. that one04:28
danielsfabbione: right04:28
fabbionedaniels: sorry it was l-h04:28
danielsfabbione: what's happening is that asm-ppc/setup.h in l-h #include's asm-m68k/setup.h04:28
danielswhich gets nicely optimised out04:29
fabbionei would suggest you nicely ship your own copy of that file04:30
danielsargue it with elmo04:30
lupus_oeh openoffice now upgrades :)04:31
fabbionedaniels: i really think this is a "one exception" situation04:32
danielsfabbione: not really, it's sprinkled throughout asm-*04:32
fabbionedaniels: otherwise we should change all l-h04:32
danielsthat's what I'm doing with l-s04:32
fabbionedaniels: yes, but not all archs have that kind of situation04:32
danielsand the solution herbert suggested and elmo agreed to04:32
danielsso I'm going to defer to those experience04:33
Kamiondaniels: heh, I see everyone else beat me to it while I was hunting for floppies04:36
danielsKamion: l-h?04:36
Kamiondaniels: yep04:36
Kamiondaniels: l-k-h is only for internal use by glibc04:36
Kamion(and by broken packages)04:36
danielsKamion: a sound of me smacking my head into the desk resonated around the lunchpad04:36
danielswell, not really, but it was a massive 'oh shit' moment04:37
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pittiHi doko!04:39
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu development -- general discussion and support on #ubuntu | Want to help Hoary? see https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals | TEST ME: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2004-November/001743.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by mdz at Tue Nov 30 03:24:07 2004
=== #ubuntu-devel [freenode-info] please register your nickname...don't forget to auto-identify! http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu development -- general discussion and support on #ubuntu | Want to help Hoary? see https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals | TEST ME: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2004-November/001743.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by mdz at Tue Nov 30 03:24:07 2004
(elmo/#ubuntu-devel) daniels: what about them?05:00
(daniels/#ubuntu-devel) elmo: is it still building on ia64?05:00
(elmo/#ubuntu-devel) dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp05:02
(elmo/#ubuntu-devel) cp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/ffb_dri.so': No such file or directory05:02
(elmo/#ubuntu-devel) dh_install: command returned error code 25605:02
(daniels/#ubuntu-devel) thanks05:02
(elmo/#ubuntu-devel) is that all you need?05:02
(daniels/#ubuntu-devel) could you please remove usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/ffb_dri.so from debian/xlibmesa-dri.install.ia64, and run fakeroot d/r install?05:03
(sivang/#ubuntu-devel) ubuntulog is so shy today05:03
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=== wartylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu development -- general discussion and support on #ubuntu | Want to help Hoary? see https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals | TEST ME: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2004-November/001743.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by mdz at Tue Nov 30 03:24:07 2004
elmomake: Nothing to be done for `install'.05:06
fabbionesivang: ehehe05:06
fabbionesivang: it will never answer05:06
danielselmo: er, sorry, binary-arch05:06
fabbioneuseless to msg him05:06
elmodh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp05:07
elmocp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/ffb_dri.so': No such file or directory05:07
elmoI did edit the file ...05:07
danielsahr, crap05:07
danielscould you please kick it out of xlibmesa-dri-dbg.install.ia64 also?  sorry05:08
sivangfabbione : well, I tried my luck :) I used to have long life philosophy talks with dpkg05:08
elmocp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libxtt.a': No such file or directory05:10
lupus_lupus@lupus ~ $ oowriter05:12
lupus_I18N: X Window System doesn't support locale "en_US.UTF-8"05:12
danielslupus_: yes05:14
danielsbug, will be fixed05:14
danielselmo: please prune that from xserver-xorg.install.ia6405:14
danielselmo: sorry about this05:14
elmocp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/X11R6/man/man1/gtf.1x': No such file or directory05:16
fabbioneall the man1 are now 1 and not 1x05:18
fabbioneyou can catch all of them in one shot05:18
danielsplease change gtf.1x to gtf.1 and remove i810.4x in xserver-xorg.install.ia6405:18
danielsand that'll be it afaict05:18
elmowhat about all the other 1x's, change them like fabbione said?05:19
danielselmo: that's the only one left05:20
elmooh, they're 4x's05:20
=== elmo goes back to sleep
fabbioneanybody with amd64 that feels REALLY lucky today?05:21
fabbioneppc and i386 will arrive later05:22
elmocp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/Status': No such file or directory05:22
elmoif [ -e debian/tmp/usr/X11R6/man/man1/Xorg.1x ] ; then \05:22
elmoshouldn't that be .1 ?05:22
danielsgood catch05:22
fabbionethe one after renames it05:23
fabbioneto Xorg.105:23
fabbionedoesn't it?05:23
elmonot that I can see05:23
danielselmo: please ditch just the Status05:24
danielsfabbione: i'll deal with Xorg.1*05:24
danielsfabbione: yeah, elmo's right, it's busted, so I've fixed05:24
elmodaniels: ditch it from where?05:25
fabbionexserver-xorg.doc iirc05:25
fabbionemdz: http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~fabbione/kernel/changelog05:28
fabbionemdz: i know you have an amd64...05:28
fabbioneso dig in that dir and test please :-905:28
fabbionedaniels: i will try to add your patches tomorrow05:29
fabbionedaniels: 210 lines of summarized changelog are scary enough already05:29
elmolooks happier now, it's up to dh_shlibdep-ing05:29
danielsfabbione: nice05:30
danielselmo: thanks heaps05:30
lupus_oeh inotify :p cool :)05:30
fabbionelupus_: if it works...05:31
fabbionethese packages are like: they compile: cool.. they work05:31
lupus_I wonder if gamin needs a recompile to make it use inotify05:32
fabbionelupus_: don't run05:32
fabbionethere are several things that needs to be done before that05:32
lupus_k :)05:32
fabbionelike making udev aware of inotify05:33
fabbioneand test05:33
lupus_ah didn't know udev also could use it05:33
fabbioneudev needs to create the device05:34
fabbioneit doesn't use it05:34
fabbionebut without the device the application does nothing05:34
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elmodaniels: that worked btw05:48
enricofabbione: Lupin usa Linux!05:58
enricosorry, that shuold have been private05:58
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danielselmo: cheers06:01
Kamionelmo: are the other daily-installer-* uploads still waiting in byhand?06:02
danielsconcordia is whizzy and fun06:02
elmoKamion: they didn't exist last I looked06:03
elmoyeah, just amd64 got uploaded06:04
Kamionhuh, weird06:04
Kamionthey all built fine06:04
fabbioneKamion: why weird?06:04
fabbionebecause they found the udebs?06:05
Kamionfabbione: I thought lamont autosigned and autouploaded stuff nowadays06:05
Kamionfabbione: no, I mean weird that they didn't get uploaded, not that they built, you tramp :P06:05
fabbioneKamion: ahahha06:05
fabbioneKamion: amd64 built 2.6.9-1 + udebs btw06:05
fabbioneand dunno if you noticed that there is a ufs udeb06:06
fabbionenot sure where that come from06:06
fabbione(also in
mxpxpoddaniels: when is xorg 6.8.2 scheduled to be released?06:06
Kamionfabbione: yes, I noticed, that's been there for ages06:06
Kamionfabbione: it's support for os-prober code that Alastair never got round to writing06:06
fabbioneah ok06:06
Kamionfabbione: guess I have to change debian-installer over to 2.6.9 soon ...06:06
fabbioneKamion: i need at least another day to be able to upload06:06
fabbione+ consider the breakage06:07
fabbionebecause i am sure that something will go wrong06:07
fabbioneit's too long that i don't play with the kernel at this level06:08
Kamionfabbione: the installer's broken at the moment as it is :P06:08
Kamion(thanks, udev)06:08
fabbionethat will give you a couple of days before it will break for the kernel06:08
danielsmxpxpod: dec 17th, but that will almost certainly slip to the new year, thanks to the fd.o compromise06:09
elmoKamion: d-i's reset back to the non-daily variant for i386, powerpc.. you might want to bug lamont about it06:11
mxpxpoddaniels: suck06:11
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Kamionelmo: hmm? EPARSE06:11
elmooh, sorry.. in wanna-build06:11
elmothe version number's gone back to what's in the archive, rather than the version number hack, lamont uses for the daily build06:12
Kamionlamont_r: good timing to show up06:12
elmowhich is why it can't upload06:12
Kamionlamont_r: (this is re the daily d-i build, see what elmo said ...)06:12
lamont_rversion number hack got lost?06:13
elmono, worked for amd6406:13
elmobut not i386/powerpc.. maybe it's a timing issue again?06:13
lamont_rdaniels: you here?06:21
elmolamont: btw, I finished the floe build for him06:22
lamont_rfinished == gave him the error log?06:22
lifelessmdz: care to package baz 1.0 now ?06:22
lifelesssample debs on bazaar.canonical.com06:22
mdzlifeless: TB meeting in progress06:22
lifelessoops, sorry.06:22
lamont_rcould be a timing issue, could be that the script didn't get overwritten on amd64...  will look06:23
lifelessI won't ask what TB means.06:23
elmolamont: iterated through, building it until it finished successfully06:23
danielsUploading via ftp xorg_6.8.1-1ubuntu4_source.changes: done.06:23
danielsSuccessfully uploaded packages.06:23
danielsNot running dinstall.06:23
danielsdaniels@chinstrap ~/tmp-upload $ 06:23
danielslamont_r: sup?06:23
danielslifeless: tech board06:23
lamont_rah, ok.  because the last log I saw had errors...06:23
danielslamont_r: yeah, elmo coaxed it through and I fixed stuff06:23
lamont_rah, ok06:23
=== lamont_r kills the rsync he was doing
lamont_rdaniels: when did you upload 4?06:24
=== lamont_r could look, but...
lamont_ris in archive?06:24
elmo-rw-r--r--    1 poppy    poppy       15967 Nov 30 17:23 xorg_6.8.1-1ubuntu4_source.changes06:25
elmoin queue/unchecked06:25
Kamionlamont_r: if this is non-trivial to fix please let me know, 'cos otherwise I need to upload debian-installer - the version currently in the archive is broken06:25
lamont_rKamion: will deal with it.  relatively trivial either way, just need to do it.06:25
lamont_relmo: I need to babysit that through floe once it shows up, then I can restore floe to normal operation.06:26
lamont_rdaniels: xorg/ia64 build-for-upload running now06:37
elmoerr, if you're having to manually bootstrap this, aren't debian arches going to have the same problem?06:38
danielslamont_r: awesome, thanks06:39
lamont_relmo: xorg builds fine on architectures taht have xorg06:41
elmowhich is crack, surely?06:42
lamont_rthe issue is that apt chooses xorg-common over xfree86-common, so you have to force that issue before it builds on xfree8606:42
=== lamont_r points at daniels
elmowhat are you going to do, manually bootstrap the 9 other arches in Debian?06:42
lamont_relmo: xorg-common is arch: all06:42
lamont_rso as long as all the binaries upload together.....06:43
lamont_rotherwise, daniels has some issues...06:43
lamont_rdaniels: it might be easiest for debian if there weren't any arch: all packages (that were depended on by anything at least) for the initial upload, until all architectures have uploaded..06:43
lamont_rwhich is still a crackful hack06:43
elmoif it's just xorg-common apt gets wrong, surely you can just make that arch: any?06:44
danielsOH MY GOD06:44
=== daniels stares at elmo.
danielsdude, crack06:45
elmoSize: 82683406:45
elmothat x 1106:45
lamont_relmo: xorg-common is the one I know.  the issue is anything else that he has replacing that thuroughly, which is depended on by anything06:45
elmoor manually bootstrap 8 architectures06:45
elmoI know which is crack, and it's not my suggestion06:45
fabbionedaniels:    * Stop writing out HorizSync and VertRefresh lines to xorg.conf; if it can06:45
elmobut hey, it's your call, just don't expect me to manually bootstrap any of my Debian arches for you :-P06:45
fabbionethis is going to break horribly06:46
fabbionegood luck :-)06:46
danielsfabbione: so you say :)06:46
fabbionedaniels: i can open a bug right now for it06:46
danielselmo: blah, interesting06:46
danielsfabbione: eh, assign it to yourself if you're going to open it before we have any real bug reports06:46
fabbionedaniels: you plug your nice monitor, ddc works perfectly06:46
fabbionedaniels: you put a kvm switch, ddc doesn't go trough06:46
fabbionethat's it06:47
fabbionesame hardware06:47
fabbionethe driver will go banana06:47
fabbionedaniels: if you want i can test it with my 17" 06:47
danielsat the same time, we're actively tanking LCDs and DVIs with HS/VR06:47
fabbionedaniels: directly connected it returns ddc06:47
danielsmy first response to any display problems is to tell people to remove HS/VR, and it works in like almost all cases06:48
fabbionedaniels: but not via the kvm06:48
danielsyes, I know the KVM case06:48
fabbionedaniels: and i know my kvm is ok, since it returns properly ddc info from the 21"06:48
danielsi think the damage from KVM is far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far, far less than the current damage06:48
elmowhy do kvm's hide ddc info anyways?06:49
danielselmo: can you please requeue xpdf?06:49
danielsfabbione: xpdf just needs a requeueing also06:49
elmorequeue it wear?06:49
elmoerr where06:49
danielselmo: all our buildds06:50
fabbioneelmo: because some of them are cheap and instead of passing all the 25(??) cables, they only pass the minimum they need06:50
danielselmo: aiui vga needs the data pins, so it's also easier than dtrt in the ddc case06:50
elmofabbione: duh, that sucks06:50
fabbioneelmo: others simply don't amplify signals properly06:50
fabbioneelmo: like you can see the image a bit blurry06:50
fabbioneinstead of sharp06:50
fabbioneelmo: i agree, but it is still a reality06:50
elmoyeah, I stopped using a mini-kvm thing at work 'cos of the image degradation06:51
fabbioneelmo: i got a good one and i can't complain06:51
elmothat looked like a student's electronics homework tho06:51
fabbioneit starts altering the image only over 1600x120006:51
danielsfabbione: requeue mozilla/mozilla-thunderbird also06:51
elmodaniels: what's changed that'll make xpdf build?06:52
fabbionedaniels: i will after ubuntu4 will build06:54
fabbionedaniels: otherwise it's useless06:54
danielselmo: libxp-dev needed to dep libxau-dev; it was looking at the motif includes, which used the xp includes, which needed to dep libxau-dev, but didn't, so it decided we didn't have motif06:54
danielsthumbs up to motif!06:55
elmodaniels: then surely we have to wait for the new X to build?06:55
danielselmo: er, yah06:56
danielsforgot about this 'multiple buildds' concept06:56
danielsfabbione: how far along are you with with 2.6.9?06:56
Kamiondaniels: so presumably it needs a dep-wait rather than a requeue06:56
danielsfabbione: i want to look at it as soon as i can to get l-r-m up to speed06:56
danielsKamion: well, yeah06:56
danielsKamion: but don't bring sense into this06:57
elmodaniels: please ask lamont to do that then - i can't do it particularly easily06:57
danielselmo: 'k06:57
danielslamont_r: please dep-wait xpdf on libxp-dev 6.8.1-1ubuntu406:57
lamont_rdaniels: ok06:58
danielslamont_r: ta06:58
lamont_rseb128: gnome-menus yours?07:00
seb128raaaaah, I've tested it in a pbuider before uploading !07:01
lamont_rgnome-media is unhappy too07:01
seb128stupid control.in -> control stuff, I've forgotten to update it before rebuilding07:01
=== lamont_r is just the messenger.. :)
seb128yep, ok, will fix both now07:02
seb128thanks for noticing07:02
seb128we should have a http://people.debian.org/~igloo/status.php :p07:02
lamont_rwhat does that do?07:05
lamont_ris that ij's crap?07:05
lamont_rer, stuff/07:05
elmo_awayit's igloo's, it's probably reasonably sane, but really we should spend time on a better backend, than frontend niceness07:07
elmo_awayplus PHP makes me want to run screaming into the night07:07
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enricoHello.  Small question from the docteam: does ubuntu use stable->warty, unstable->hoary links like Debian?07:16
enricoEhm, testing->hoary07:16
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enricoplovs: I just asked07:16
Kamionenrico: not in the archive07:17
Kamionenrico: the CD has them for historical reasons (i.e. Kamion never got around to removing them from debian-cd and seeing what broke in d-i)07:17
enricoKamion: ok.  since people were working on apt manpage, that is a needed piece of information07:19
danielsKamion: kamion decided that in his wisdom, did he?07:19
Kamiondaniels: yuh-huh07:19
fabbionedaniels: probably tomorrow07:19
danielsfabbione: ok07:19
danielsKamion: and how is Kamion today?07:20
fabbionedaniels: amd64 needs testing, ppc and i386 are still building07:20
danielsfabbione: any chance I could get a look so I could start building l-r-m against it and see what breaks?07:20
fabbionedaniels: the configs need to be alligned and than i need to stick your patches in07:20
fabbionedaniels: hmmm not really.. no07:21
danielsfabbione: ok07:21
fabbionedaniels: you can look at amd6407:21
Kamiondaniels: 'nuff of the third person already. :)07:21
fabbionedaniels: people.u.c/~fabbione/kernel07:21
danielsfabbione: er, source packages?07:22
fabbionedaniels: ehm no.. i builded -b -B07:22
fabbioneyou will have to wait07:22
_rene_-b -B? isn't that redundant? ;)07:23
danielswell, as soon as you can give me a source package, I can start testing l-r-m with madwifi across amd64/i386/powerpc, nvidia across amd64/i386/ia64, fglrx just on i386, and updated versions of all three07:23
fabbionethere is no ia64 kernel07:31
danielsnot yet07:31
danielsbut I put the infrastructure in for it to handle multiple versions on different architectures07:32
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fabbionedaniels: ppc just finished the build. i am rebuilding to verify the configs with arch all07:38
mxpxpodfabbione: we have a 2.6.9 .deb?07:40
fabbionemxpxpod: no07:41
fabbionenot yet07:41
mdzthom: is today moving day?07:44
mdzah, yes07:45
danielsmdz: yah, he's offline07:45
fabbionemdz: p.u.c/~fabbione/kernel <- please test :-)07:47
Kamionooh, I think I might be making progress with #300707:47
fabbionemdz: sorry.. did i ever ask you to test the amd64 kernel?=07:47
mdzfabbione: no, but I can do that07:48
fabbioneoh thanks07:48
=== fabbione mutates in the sparcporter
fabbionenow.. time to figure out why the sparc kernel doesn't show char devices07:49
fabbionemdz: btw.. another hoarygoal is gone.. inotify is in 2.6.907:49
fabbioneno idea if it works07:49
fabbionewe will figure it out :-)07:50
mdzfabbione: can you generate a Packages.bz2?07:50
fabbionemdz: sure...07:50
mdzfabbione: great, thanks07:50
fabbionemdz: deb http://blabla/kernel/ ./07:51
pittifabbione: will gamin automatically use inotify if it is available?07:52
fabbionepitti: ENOCLUE07:52
pittifabbione: or does that need some compile time tweaks?07:52
pittifabbione: okay, nevermind07:52
fabbionepitti: read above what i wrote to lupus_07:52
fabbionepitti: first we need something (udev) to create the inotify device properly07:53
fabbionethan check how to use it07:53
fabbioneand see if the overall works07:53
fabbionerepeat until07:53
fabbionepitti: instead i would like to know something more about the mail mdz has been sending07:53
fabbionesince i am planning the upload for tomorrow07:54
mdzfabbione: booting amd6407:54
fabbionemdz: with the new kernel?07:54
fabbionecheck in the dmesg if you see something about inotify07:54
mdzI will, if it comes up :-)07:54
fabbioneoh..you do have a monitor to check, don't you?07:55
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pittifabbione: I will collect the outstanding issues and write you07:55
fabbionemdz: your silence is scary.. talk to me07:56
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fabbionepitti: yes asap please07:56
mdzmdz@andy:~ $ dmesg | grep inotify07:56
mdzinotify device minor=6307:56
mdzfabbione: works07:56
pittifabbione: congrats! :-)07:56
fabbionepitti: this is one out of N archs07:56
fabbionelet's take it easy07:57
pittibut it's a major step07:57
fabbioneatleast i can still have a wage for the next month not crashing mdz pc07:57
pittiand it's nice to see that _something_ is already working :-)07:57
mdzfabbione: we don't need to worry about s390 security fixes quite yet :-)07:57
fabbioneand that's a great step :-)07:57
danielsfabbione: hey man, I tanked his XKB stuff with X.Org in Oxford, and I'm still here07:57
fabbionemdz: it's a 2 line patch and it doesn't touch any code outside s39007:57
fabbioneso i didn't care to merge it.. i just did it07:57
fabbionedaniels: are you sure?07:58
fabbionedaniels: are you sure you are not dreaming to be here?07:58
mdzfabbione: I think there are CVE references which can be added for several of the security fixes which don't have them yet; pitti should have the info07:58
fabbionebecause when the dream is so real and you don't wake up.. how can you distinguish the dream from the reality?07:58
pittimdz: I asked Herbert to change the 16.1 changelog07:58
pittimdz: I have them, yes07:58
danielsfabbione: heh07:59
=== fabbione needs an overdose of crack.. first X.. now the kernel
mdzfabbione: what happened to mlock-as-user?07:59
pittigetting poetical?07:59
mdzfabbione: is it included in 2.6.9, or did it conflict?07:59
fabbionemdz: there are a lot of bits that have been merged upstream07:59
fabbionemdz: and i am not completely sure if what is in upstream replaces what we have in
fabbioneif only there was a fucking line of documentation from herbert08:00
mdzfabbione: why ACPI_BLACKLIST_YEAR=0?08:00
fabbioneall the patches are naked08:00
fabbionemdz: because that is the current behaviour08:00
fabbionemdz: so there will be no regression08:00
fabbionethere is not a single line that tells when/where the patch was stolen08:01
mdzfabbione: ah, ok08:01
mdzI thought the default was 2000 or such08:01
danielsit blacklists everything < 200108:01
fabbionemdz: not according to mjg59 08:01
danielsi had to do acpi=force on my omnibook08:01
danielsi can tell you for absolute certainty that it blacklisted by year previously08:01
danielsmy omnibook had a great acpi implementation (s3 and all) that just worked out of the box, but i had to do acpi=force, because it was 'too old'08:02
mdzfabbione: if he says we should use ACPI_BLACKLIST_YEAR=0, I believe him08:03
fabbionemdz: that's why i did ask him this morning :-)08:03
mdzfabbione: was sk98lin-update merged upstream as well?08:04
=== fabbione estracts the sodomotron remote control and points it to the kernel sparc porters
mdzoh, that was taken from bk I think08:04
mdzI was thinking of skge-hotplug08:04
fabbionemdz: sk98 is another one that partially merges08:04
mdzthat has not been submitted upstream I don't think, and perhaps is not exactly what upstream wants08:04
mdzfabbione: I think that deleting both mlock-as-user and sk98lin-update is correct08:05
fabbionethe 2 that are temporary disabled are the only ones on which i was really in doubt due to lack of references08:05
fabbionemdz: for now the patches as there08:05
fabbionejust disabled08:05
mdzfabbione: yes, perfect08:05
fabbionei purged the others08:05
mdzare any of us able to test ppc64, other than elmo?08:05
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fabbionemdz: gimme a ppc64 and i will :-)08:05
mdzI mean with existing hardware :-P08:06
mdzfabbione: have you tried to resync the kernel-wedge/udeb stuff yet?08:06
danielsmdz: davis exists ...08:06
fabbionemdz: there are plenty of ppc64 around the world.. just move one into my house :-)08:06
mdzdaniels: who or what is davis?08:07
zuli can test sparc if there is a need08:07
daniels(just not under my desk at present)08:07
danielsmdz: g5 xserve port box08:07
mdzdaniels: in the DC?08:07
danielsmdz: it's there, we own it, it's just in the wrong country08:07
fabbionedaniels: how would you test a kernel on?08:07
danielsmdz: jah08:07
mdzdaniels: that means elmo would need to test it :-P08:07
danielsfabbione: step 1: call up tnt, step 2: pay them lots of money, step 3: remember to ship over some wacky xserve -> au power adaptors08:07
fabbionezul: thanks.. we are very close to get sparc for *08:07
mdznew oo.o on amd6408:08
mdzwithout an oo.o-amd64 update08:08
danielsfabbione: i have another patch for you also08:08
mdzoo.o-amd64 is obsolete now?08:08
mdzlifeless: still here?08:08
danielsfabbione: could you please change linux-source's debian/post-install08:09
danielsfabbione: the asm check needs to install asm-*08:09
fabbioneno daniels08:10
fabbionethat is not part of linux-source08:10
fabbionethat is kernel-package08:10
tsengthats odd, oo 1.1.3 is even uglier than usual08:10
fabbioneand you want to talk with Manoj about it08:10
fabbionesince he is taking 99% of our patches08:10
tsengoh, its a plugin08:11
Kamionmdz: any opinion on the slight dilemma at the end of #3007?08:37
mdzKamion: reading08:45
mdzKamion: getting input from upstream seems wise08:46
KamionAFAIK it's a choice between making some installations possible and making drive-switching a bit more difficult08:46
mdzKamion: so basically the BIOS boots from drive 0, and then tells you it was booted from drive 1?08:46
Kamiongood, isn't it?08:47
KamionLILO ignores that information because it already knows what drive it wants to boot from the configuration file; Windows ignores it presumably because it can only boot from C:, or something08:48
mdzreading about the 'd' option08:48
mdzwhat grub does now sounds so much more sane08:48
Kamionthe 'd' option basically ends up being the equivalent of what LILO does, and avoids all such BIOS crapness08:49
mjg59Kamion: Are you going to the pub tonight?08:51
Kamionmjg59: where?08:52
mjg59(Mobbsy's birthday)08:53
Kamionhm; was planning to go to the Old Spring with Kirsten's choir lot08:53
Kamionnot sure yet08:53
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mdzjdub: what are gnome-menus and gtk2-engines-smooth?09:17
mdzlamont, pitti: what was the resolution to the buildd mlock test mystery?09:19
pittimdz: I did not hear any update about it09:19
pittimdz: I'd like to have the test program executed on the buildds09:19
pittilamont: ^09:19
mdzpitti: it was09:19
mdzzul: pong09:20
mdzpitti: pasted privately09:20
pittimdz: hmm, very odd; heisenbug?09:22
pittimdz: maybe this gets fixed automatically with the next update, as automatically as it was introduced... :-/09:22
zulzul: i noticed in the wiki that there is an error on the conference its says the registration is august 509:24
zulshouldnt that be december 509:26
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mdzzul: I think you meant to say that to me :-)09:39
mdzzul: what page?09:39
zulmdz: yeah you are probably right...im not awake :)09:41
zuljust a sec09:41
zulmdz: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Conference09:41
zulmdz: even better..http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ConfAgenda09:42
mdzzul: I don't see the word "registration" at all on the Conference page09:42
sivangAFKzul : me neither09:43
=== sivangAFK is now known as sivang
zulmdz: on the conference agenda besides Attendees arrive and check in09:46
sivangmdz : is it in rest? :)09:46
mdzzul: fixed09:47
jdubmdz: gnome-menus is the xdg menus implementation, gtk2-engines-smooth is the separate packaging of an engine shipped in gnome-themes09:48
mdzjdub: gnome-menus isn't in the archive yet09:49
seb128it has built fine09:49
mxpxpodmdz: when is it scheduled to be in?09:49
seb128oh jdub !!!09:49
seb128jdub: dude, I'm a bit annoyed at this point09:49
mdzmxpxpod: I didn't even know what it is until 2 minutes ago09:50
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jdubseb128: mmm?09:51
seb128jdub: the menu changes are heavily based on the vfolders so porting them for gnome-panel will need some serious work. 09:51
seb128jdub: dunno if we should wait to upload the new panel/gnomvfs/gnome-utils/....09:52
seb128or upload a panel with the standard layout for a moment09:52
seb128time to get the changes back in09:52
=== jdub would err on the side of testing :-)
=== Matt| [~Matt|@81-179-237-53.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== jdub suffocates in morning email
seb128jdub: have we planned some need changes for hoary in the menu ? ie a place menu ?09:54
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jdubseb128: let's do that at mataro :)09:56
stratusaren't all the packages on main with a changelog modified by anyone at ubuntu ?09:56
Kamionstratus: only those with *ubuntu* version numbers09:57
stratusKamion, i see the diff is what was modified and what wasn't only?09:57
Kamionstratus: don't understand, sorry09:58
Kamionstratus: the .diff.gz is against upstream exactly the same way as Debian does09:58
Kamionstratus: use interdiff or debdiff if you want the diff against Debian09:59
stratusKamion, no i was asking about the versioning scheme of ubuntu.09:59
Kamionso, I still don't understand. :)09:59
stratusKamion, the packages that weren't changed (e.g: gaim) aren't with a ubuntuX and the latest changelog entry points to unstable and not hoary?10:00
Kamionstratus: indeed10:00
Kamionstratus: we rebuild all binary packages from source, though10:00
stratusKamion, hmm i know.10:00
Kamionstratus: where we've made source modifications, the version numbers have ubuntuX at the end, yes10:00
stratusKamion, no problem thanks i was just thinking about it after i see that gaim package wasn't changed.10:02
Kamionif we can just sync packages from unstable unchanged, we do.10:02
stratusyes, np for me but isn't it confusing users? I don't think that normal users go to read changelog entries but these entries are being displayed at 'ubuntu update manager'.10:03
Matt|bold fonts in openoffice still boned10:03
Kamionstratus: not so far10:04
stratusKamion, ok thanks again.10:04
Kamionstratus: they're still updates in the Ubuntu archive, even if those updates come from Debian10:04
Kamionstratus: in the same way, Debian updates are still updates in the Debian archive even if most of the work was done by upstream10:04
stratusKamion, i forgot that the first line containing 'unstable' and not 'hoary' isn't being displayed.10:05
stratusit was my point about confusing users.10:05
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Kamionah, you're talking about apt-listchanges output10:05
stratusno, no 'ubuntu update manager'10:05
Kamionyeah, same difference :)10:05
stratusI'm thinking about normal users and not us.10:05
stratusyes, it's ok10:06
stratusmy failure10:06
=== stratus home
mdzKamion: no, you would think that update-manager would use apt-listchanges changelog code, but no :-P10:06
stratussee you.10:06
stratus"gaim (1:1.0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low"10:07
jdubmdz: i believe the intent is to show changes before you download them10:07
Kamionstratus: yeah, pretty much inevitable10:07
stratusIt's the line that can't be displayed to the users, but it's ok atm10:07
Kamionstratus: and probably better to leave it there or it would be more misleading10:07
wasabiHeh. I also thought that we should have a changelog.Users or something instead.10:07
wasabiThat was more user oriented. But I guess that's what NEWS is.10:08
=== jdub does not think this is a good method of doing it
wasabichangelog tends to list very technical stuff.10:08
stratushmm, well10:08
stratusi need to leave the building now.10:08
stratussee you10:08
Kamionwasabi: NEWS.Debian has things people need to see on upgrades.10:08
wasabiWell, i think you know what I mean. "This patch fixes a remote buffer overflow found by blah in the blah of blah. It is an important install."10:09
wasabivs "[blah.c]  applied upstream patch to fix foo bar"10:10
wasabiAnd also that these packages shoudl be grouped somehow. Consider how MS and apple do it.10:10
wasabiThey say "Security update for core windows component" or some stuff.10:10
wasabiAnd they say it once, even if it upgrades IE, the kernel, and half a dozen system .dll's10:11
=== wasabi shrugs.
wasabirecent example:10:11
wasabiperl (5.8.4-2ubuntu0.1) warty-security; urgency=low10:11
wasabi* added patch 03_safe_tmpfiles.patch:10:11
wasabi - lib/Memoize/t/{tie.t,tie_gdbm.t,tie_ndbm.t,tie_sdbm.t,tie_storable.t},10:12
wasabi      ext/DB_File/t/db-recno.t: create tem10:12
wasabi... onward ...10:12
wasabimy mom would not like seeing that.10:12
wasabiBut something like "This patch fixes a security vulnerbility in a core Ubuntu system component etc etc to prevent local users from comprimising your information." would be a bit more understandable.10:13
=== Mithrandir wonders if upgrading this p166 to hoary is a good idea.
mdzjdub: that's been an intended feature in apt-listchanges for years10:14
mdzMithrandir: from what?10:14
mdzwasabi: that's what NEWS.Debian is for, indeed10:15
jdubmdz: great for apt-listchanges, not so great for user-centric-update-thingy10:15
mdzbut it's only provided when there is something important to say10:15
wasabiWell then upgrade-manager should be showing NEWS.Debian10:15
Mithrandirmdz: from warty.10:15
wasabiOr we need some other file.10:15
Kamionmdz: you're still doing the mdz@debian.org thing in changelogs10:15
mdzjdub: are you kidding? they're both python, apt-listchanges even provides a library for this stuff10:15
Mithrandirmdz: I'm more concerned about it taking forever to maintain than anything else, really.10:15
mdzKamion: only in ubuntu-meta; it invokes dch as part of the update process and I always forget10:15
Mithrandirit's a nice box.. might be the one I'm stuck with in BCN10:16
jdubmdz: not talking about code, talking about usefulness of showing changelog to users10:16
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Kamionwasabi: actually I'd rather have stable update changelogs written with a paragraph at the top explaining the change in fluffy language10:16
jdubKamion: yea10:16
wasabiI think me and jdub are on the same subject just different angless10:16
Kamionwasabi: ... than create yet another damn file that has to be maintained10:16
mdzjdub: oh, you're questioning whether it should display NEWS.Debian at all10:16
wasabiYeah, I like that idea.10:16
mdzyeah, the NEWS.Debian stuff that comes from Debian is highly technical10:16
jdubmdz: questioning news and changelog.10:16
wasabiA special area in teh change log that can be parsed out.10:16
mdzjdub: changelog is right out10:16
wasabiWith a button to show the more advanced change log details10:17
wasabiyou just want to hide that stuff from people by defaul.t10:17
mdzchangelog is for developers10:17
wasabiit's mind numbingly confusing10:17
wasabiwell, there could be a seperate file, done by the security team................... 10:18
Kamionwell, people *did* ask to dive into the details of the update10:18
wasabior not. ;)10:18
mdzit wouldn't be a bad idea for security updates to add NEWS.Debian entries10:18
mdzexcept that most packages don't have one10:18
wasabiI'm just saying there should be too peices.10:18
mdzand so that's a bit more change than I'm comfortable with in security updates10:18
wasabiUser centric, and developer centric10:18
mdzwasabi: we already have that10:18
wasabimdz: where?10:18
lupus_[Invalid UTF-8]  Could not parse file '/usr/share/applications/ooo645calc.desktop': desktop entry contain line 'Comment[ca] =Fulla de c\xc3| lcul d'OpenOffice.org' which is not UTF-810:19
mdzwasabi: NEWS.Debian and changelog.Debian10:19
wasabiSo people actually hew NEWS.Debian for plain-english update text?10:19
mdzmost don't use it at all10:20
mdzso, very few10:20
mdzbut look at, e.g. /usr/share/doc/alsa-base/NEWS.Debian.gz10:20
mdzmind, this is "Linux user centric" as opposed to "computer user centric"10:20
wasabiIt's my opinion that the user should NEVER have to know that modules are no longer loaded in /etc/init.d/alsa10:21
Kamionwasabi: the place for that is the USN10:21
wasabiThat's not a radical idea. ;)10:21
=== mdz waves his magic retroactive feature wand
mdzwasabi: tada! they aren't shown that :-)10:21
Kamionas regards fluffy descriptions of security updates10:21
Kamionperhaps the update manager should be able to download those10:22
wasabiThere we go.10:22
mdzthere's already an RSS feed, isn't there?10:22
wasabior the USN could be put into debian/10:23
=== wasabi duck.
=== Kamion tends to think that's a bad idea
jdubhooray for updates!10:24
wasabiI only mention it because upgrade-manager might be run after logoff.10:24
wasabiConnect, download, log off, install.10:24
wasabiFor those with big bandwidth bills.10:24
wasabiAnd metered internet.10:24
Kamionyou can download the USN at the start of the download10:26
mdzif we were going to do apt-listchanges right, we'd put the changes data in control.tar.gz10:26
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Kamiondoing it from the net rather than in the package also allows for better translations10:26
mdzit would be about 10 times faster and 10 times simpler than the current implementation10:26
wasabiTrue. That's not bad then either.10:26
Kamionsecurity updates usually have to go out quickly, but translations can happen later10:26
wasabiCan the USN's be put in apt? =/10:26
mdzwasabi: say what?10:26
wasabiOr is it a seperate band?10:26
wasabilike, you have to hook up the USN's with the packages.10:26
Mithrandirmdz: get keybuk drunk and make him promise that? :)10:26
jdubseb128: gnome-system-monitor not built yet?10:26
mdzfabbione: still here?10:26
mdzfabbione: I can test powerpc and i386 kernels if you're ready10:26
seb128jdub: I've just uploaded it, some work was needed to port the gksudo patch to the new version10:26
jdubok, ta.10:26
magnonjdub: do you have a minute?10:26
sivangmdz : seen my comments on the bug? :)10:26
jdubmagnon: yeah10:27
wasabii guess it would also be neat if third party apt repositories could issue their own security vuln announcements into this thing.10:28
mdzsivang: yes, you said that you thought it may have helped but you weren't sure10:28
mdzthat doesn't seem like much information10:28
makoi'm about to send out a link to that10:33
makonow is the chance to make last minute changes/suggestions10:33
mdzI guess I had better sign keys from Oxford before leaving for Mataro10:34
makomdz: that would be ideal :)10:34
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sivangmdz : ok, I'll add some more info now10:38
makogoing once...10:38
fabbionemdz: 2.6.9-1 ppc is on roockery, i386 is uploading now10:38
mdzmako: is my key in there?10:38
fabbionemdz: if you can give them a shot it would be wonderful10:39
fabbionemdz: and please send me a mail with the results10:39
makomdz: nobodys key is in there yet10:39
makomdz: not even mine10:39
fabbionei need to go and finish some stuff10:39
mdzmako: bah, that's the important bit :-)10:39
makothis is an "opt-in" event10:40
mdzmako: December 3rd is a Friday10:40
mdzBy Saturday December 3, you will be able to fetch both the complete ke10:40
makoahh, you are correct10:40
mdzit's correct earlier up10:40
makoright, i meant 4th10:40
mdzmako: what's the fastest way to turn ksp-wartyconf.asc into something that signkey.pl will accept?10:41
mdzseems I would need to create a new keyring, import that into it, list-keys, check the list against my paper10:42
mdzI'd like to collapse the first two steps into something simpler10:42
makomdz: i have some scripts10:43
makomdz: but what i usually do is set GNUPGHOME=sometmp directory10:44
mdzwhy is gnupg such crap10:44
makoand then i can input the new keyrinCg into a new pubring10:44
sivangmdz : added the trail10:44
makothen i go through the paper and edit my ksp-wartyconf.txt file to include only the keys that i will sign (you are checking against the file after alll, not hte paper so you don't need to read the keys against the paper)10:45
jdz_mako: stylistic point: the whole third bulleted section, in "How the Keysigning Will Happen" is grey text, while the others are black text.10:46
makothen i use a script to check the fingerprint in the keyring with the fingerprint on the paper10:46
makojdz_: yes, that because you can't do that yet :)10:46
makojdz_: it will be black when you can :)10:46
makomdz: i can send you that script to do the checking10:47
makomdz: is's like 15 lines of perl10:47
makobut then you just do the md5sum, edit the txt file to include the keys you want to sign and you just run something like sign key on the output of the result of the script.. pretty easy10:48
makomdz: let me know if you want my script10:49
sivangmdz : Now I'll set mount to allow regular users to mount cdrom media at least10:50
pittinight everybody10:52
sivangnight pitti10:52
=== jdub cries downloading all of openoffice.org again for one depends change :|
=== carlos is happy because it was not ready for ppc last time he checked it, so he saved one download :-P
mdzmako: sure11:01
mdzsimplification is the only way I'll actually get around to doing it11:01
seb128jdub: 11:01
seb128[Invalid UTF-8]  Could not parse file '/usr/share/applications/ooo645calc.desktop': desktop entry contain line 'Comment[ca] =Fulla de c\xc3| lcul d'OpenOffice.org' which is not UTF-811:01
seb128jdub: you will cry on the next upload to fix that warning :p11:01
jdubha ha11:03
=== jdub spanks seb128
=== jdub reassigns every bug on b.g.o to seb128
_rene_I don't btw see that in our sources. iconv doesn't complain on that file... anyway, if there is a bug we have to fix, diffs welcome ;-)11:06
jdubWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!11:07
jdub  bazaar11:07
jdubInstall these packages without verification? [y/N]  y11:07
mdzfabbione: Linux potpal 2.6.9-1-686 #1 Tue Nov 30 20:30:09 CET 2004 i686 GNU/Linux11:07
jdubalthough we should fix the bazaar archive :)11:07
mdzwe should upload baz to hoary11:07
mdzI'll work on that shortly11:07
jdubtrue, true11:07
mdzlifeless: is it intentional that the bazaar tarball has {arch} directories in it?11:08
makomdz: sent11:08
jdubit's just a tarball of arch, basically11:08
mdzthat is so uncool11:09
mdzmizar:[/tmp/bazaar]  find . -name ++pristine-trees | xargs du -sch11:09
mdz1.5M    ./src/docs-hackerlab/{arch}/++pristine-trees11:09
mdz2.5M    ./src/docs-baz/{arch}/++pristine-trees11:09
mdz280K    ./debian/{arch}/++pristine-trees11:09
mdz4.2M    total11:09
mdz(from the dist tarball)11:10
mdzI don't think it's intentional11:10
jdubit's not purposeful, but it's not avoided :)11:11
makopristines, no good11:11
Mithrandirmako: I asked about getting CDs for a party in February, I guess the right way is just to order them using shipit?11:12
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NafalloI got an ubuntu amd64 with a sarge i386 chroot. how to compile a kernel for i386 inside the chroot?11:13
jdubmdz: i'd really like to migrate to sudo-by-wheel-equivalent-group for hoary.11:13
=== lamont_r finishes with the tire people. Got to remember to not take the camaro off-roading
MithrandirNafallo: make ARCH=i386 menuconfig all ?11:14
mdzlamont_r: mlocktest?11:14
lamont_rmdz: still trying to figure out why it works sometimes and not others11:14
NafalloMithrandir: thanks :-)11:14
MithrandirNafallo: that ought to work11:14
NafalloMithrandir: it did :-)11:15
makoMithrandir: if you have already ordered cds, you need to also talk to me11:17
Mithrandirmako: I have gotten a first shipment, but I want a second one with more.11:17
Mithrandirmako: I have not ordered a second one, I think.11:17
lamont_rmako: btw, if I wanted to come home with like 5 each of ppc and amd64, is that trivial, or painful?11:17
Mithrandir(or I might have, but that's just 20 or so I ordered in the second run)11:17
makoMithrandir: ok, so go in and update teh number you want and then send me an email saying to special case you11:17
Mithrandirmako: willdo11:18
makolamont_r: from the conference?11:18
lamont_ror even in the second run11:18
=== lamont_r didn't order any
makolamont_r: shouldn't be a problem as you'll be there before anyone else :)11:18
lamont_rmako: just hide 5 each in your bag for me. :)11:18
makolamont_r: we'll we're shipping like 500 to hotel this week i think11:19
makolamont_r: but i'll bring/hide some backups for myself as well11:19
makowith the LUG trip and the open day i suspect that it might not be enough11:19
lamont_rmako: I see.  thanks11:20
makoi have yet to leave an event with any CDs11:20
lamont_rhrm.. wonder why the house dropped of the network.11:20
lamont_rmlocktest. hrm.11:20
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seb128jdub: an other solution that could work, if we want to keep the current layout, would be to add back the vfolder to the current gnomevfs package ...11:44
seb128jdub: so we can go ahead and perhaps made it working with the vfolders for computer11:44
seb128that's ugly and not in the right direction 11:44
jdubwould prefer to test the changes11:44
lamont_rmdz: I'm having problems reproducing either the gpg error, or mlocktest failures11:44
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seb128but we switch back to the standard applications/action layout for some time so. Perhaps we should mail ubuntu-devel before going with that ?11:44
lamont_rgiven that we know we have a working mlock, we should just use it. (that is, ripping out the code - or #if 0'ing it - doesn't seem like much of a hack to me.11:44
jdubseb128: yeah :)11:45
mdzlamont_r: do you believe that if we rebuild gnupg, it would pass the test and resolve the issue?11:46
mdzmako: can you make sure that the printing process is utf-8 aware this time around? :-)11:47
elmowe should record the 'uname -a' output as part of the build11:48
lamont_rmdz: I'll verify that, but I can't reproduce the issue.11:48
lamont_rwas it just i386 where we were seeing that?11:48
mdzlamont_r: you could reproduce it yesterday11:49
mdzyes, only i38611:49
lamont_rmdz: no - I thought I could.11:49
lamont_rpb was in chrooting into the chroot and the fact that the test didn't print anything11:50
lamont_rchecking exit codes is not always the best way to see an error... :-(11:50
mdzlamont_r: somehow, gnupg on i386 got built in such a way that the code used if that test fails was activated11:50
lamont_ranyway, I'll verify that building it anew fixes the issue on all three architectures and then deal with it.11:50
mdzlamont_r: pleasae do11:50
=== lamont_r must fetch kids from school. back online in a while
mdzMithrandir: really? (XP using UTC for the hardware clock)11:55
Mithrandirmdz: according to some people who have checked it, yes.11:55
Mithrandirmdz: I haven't verified it myself, but I could do that, sure.11:55
mdzthat should silence an entire segment of complaints, if true11:55
=== jdub is tempted to install xp in his spare partition
Mithrandirgive me two minutes to boot the live cd on my XP box.11:56
jdubMithrandir: reboot and look at the bios :)11:56
Mithrandirwell, that works as well11:57

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