
=== mjg59 spreads more acpi love
mjg59Scott's going to be the only one without any at this rate12:10
jdubmjg59: spread some love by convincing mdz/fabbione to accept the dsdt-initrd patch ;)12:13
stuNNedjdub, schweet12:13
jdubi'm going to be forever building kernels :|12:13
stuNNedjdub, disabling agp, installing custom acpi script from wiki and editing a bit fixed acpi here (for the last 3 days)12:13
jdubi need a custom dsdt12:13
stuNNeddoes ubuntu installer have ntfsresize and vfatresize utils for users deciding to install but not wipe?12:13
makoyou will be in mataro and want to participate in the keysinging: http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mako/ksp-mataro/12:13
makothe keySIGNing will be directly before the singing i think12:13
makoor directly after, i can never keep it straight12:13
mdzneed to shut off power to the whole house for a bit12:13
mdzneed to do this while there's sunlight :-)12:13
mdzback in hopefully under an hour12:13
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Matt|guys what is the difference between the linux-kernel-headers package, and the linux-headers packages?12:32
=== mdz [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
makomdz: so what were you doing that required unplugging your whole house?12:38
mdzmako: replacing a circuit breaker12:39
mdzcall me funny, but I have this hangup about poking about with a screwdriver inside a live panel12:40
jdubseriously dude12:40
jdubwhat could go wrong?12:40
jdubthe worst that could happen is that you turn into a superhero12:40
jdublike ELECTRODE MAN12:40
makomdz: jdub is right12:40
jdubor THE BLUE SMOKE12:40
makoi saw just that happen in ernest goes to jain12:41
makosorry, jale12:41
jdubthrough cargo cult logic, whenever someone has an outlandish accident, they turn into a superhero12:41
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mdzKamion: hoary/powerpc installation with 20041201.1 was a success01:30
lamont  evolution: Depends: libgtkhtml3.6-12 (>= 3.5.0) but it is not installable02:19
=== lamont grumbles at evo
lamont(it's libgtkhtml3.6-13 now...)02:19
=== hazmat [~hazmat@c-24-15-10-12.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Matt| [~Matt|@81-179-237-53.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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melazyboyVLC is out of date, they have a new packages that fixes numerous bugs03:03
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=== Matt| [~Matt|@81-179-237-53.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== wasabi [~wasabi@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubMost of the distributions built on top of Debian, such as Linspire, Xandros, Skolelinux, LinEx, or Ubuntu, apply some discretion in the packages they select. They are unlikely to include tools like hot-babe, and, thus, may be considered safer versions to use in situations where somebody may get offended.04:38
jdubWell, OK, perhaps we can't be too sure with Ubuntu. 04:38
jdub^ from this week's lwn04:39
=== bronson [~bronson@node-40240852.sjc.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu development -- general discussion and support on #ubuntu | Want to help Hoary? see https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoals | TEST ME: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2004-November/001743.html
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by mdz at Tue Nov 30 03:24:07 2004
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=== Keybuk [~scott@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionemorning guys08:46
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Keybukmdz: around?09:12
KamionstuNNed: the hoary installer includes ntfsresize, and the partition manager knows how to call out to it to resize NTFS partitions; parted supports FAT natively10:08
KamionstuNNed: the warty installer doesn't include ntfsresize10:08
Keybukdefinite need for apt-get install pxeboot-loving10:42
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== daniels [~daniels@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ross [~ross@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== Treenaks [martijn@facecrime.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== loogaroo [sockd@h195202157016.moe.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #ubuntu-devel
loogaroois somewhere a guide for developing configuration tools for ubuntu?11:25
Kamiongnome-system-tools is probably the place to start11:25
loogarooBut, I prefer python11:26
azeemloogaroo: you also /might/ want to look at the debian-desktop archives. They seem to work on something connection debconf, config4gnu and g-s-t11:27
Kamiong-s-t has python integration I thought11:27
rossg-s-t is C frontend and perl backend11:28
=== seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-24-141.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
loogarooand what is/are the prefered languages/toolkits of the ubuntu devs?11:32
rosspython and gtk are blessed11:32
bob2{py,}glade is 3133711:32
loogaroohmm, sorry what do you mean with 31337, should this be leed?11:33
Kamionhe's joking11:33
Kamionslang for "elite", parody of script-kiddie talk11:34
loogaroo:( and I do not understand it11:34
loogaroooh, ok11:34
bob2= it's quite a nice way to write gui code in python11:34
loogaroothen my next questition, are there any libs for python which handles the linux config files?11:35
rossloogaroo: "the"? they are all formatted differently :)11:35
rosspython will let you parse most files natively11:36
loogaroois it possible to render a gtk gui at the console?11:37
loogaroolike curses11:37
rossthere is a hack, but no11:38
rossif you want to do curses, use curses11:38
azeemor debconf perhaps11:38
KamionI would avoid debconf outside the installer and packages' maintainer scripts11:39
azeemI didn't say it was a good idea11:40
azeemat least, not until there is something like the GNOME HIG for debconf-UI11:40
loogarooI like gtk, but I think gtk config tools are not so handy for remote work11:42
bob2that's when you use an editor :)11:43
=== Mithrandir feeds Kamion some custom widgets crack. (:
rossloogaroo: or remote X :)11:45
loogarooVNC :)11:45
rosswhy export a desktop over the network when the application you want will do the job?11:45
loogaroook, X is better11:46
loogaroobut you are right it makes not much difference, if curses or gtk forwarted11:47
loogarooso gtk is nice11:48
Keybukgtk is sex11:54
rossthis isn't sex: http://gemal.dk/misc/nsb05.png11:54
ross"How Not To Make A Web Browser"11:55
jdubisn't that astoundingly bad?11:56
thomholy mother of god11:56
jdubi wonder who they got to do that11:56
Kamionmy God, that's a busy-looking screen11:57
Kamion<Kinnison> My eyes couldn't actually stay on it, which is why it took me so long to realise how bad it was.11:58
rosseveryone seen the ubuntu comment in this weeks LWN?11:59
jdubyeah :)11:59
jdubhaw haw11:59
jdubthat's going to stick11:59
KeybukUbuntu, it's a little bit wooo, a little bit wayyy11:59
rossjdub: get the ubuntu models to do some more artwork for hot-babe11:59
smurfixross: ubuntu'll never live that down anyway, so go with it ;-)12:00
danielsKamion: MUST ADD MORE SHINY12:00
rossi'm still wondering what all the buttons on the tab bar actually do12:01
thomi have closed the screenshot because it made my brain close12:02
robatylor|awaymako: happy birthday, btw :)12:04
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=== seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-19-153.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubdoes anyone have bluetooth input hardware?12:04
jdubkeyboard, mouse, etc.12:05
Treenaksdidn't edd have that?12:05
azeemon a related note, is it safe to buy just any bluetooth USB dongle, or should I be careful about the model WRT Linux/Ubuntu compatibility?12:05
=== edd has plenty of it
danielsazeem: seems to be fairly easy to just grab random crap12:06
azeemdaniels: great, thanks12:06
eddazeem: you're unlikely to buy one there's no drivers for these days12:06
rossazeem: i bought the cheapest i could find and it works fine12:06
jdubedd: coming to matar?12:06
Treenaksross: ubuntu comment on LWN? (I don't have a subscription..)12:06
eddjdub: no. family time this month, etc.12:06
danielsi just got a 100m-range belkin one and it worked fine12:06
=== azeem is planning to buy one for his dad for christmas
danielsedd: btw, my k700i magically kinda fixed itself, so sweet dela12:06
danielsdeal, also12:06
edddaniels: sick12:07
edd(i heard that on radio 1, it means 'good')12:07
MithrandirTreenaks: They [Debian derivatives]  are unlikely to include tools like hot-babe, and, thus, may be considered safer versions to use in situations where somebody may get offended.12:07
MithrandirWell, OK, perhaps we can't be too sure with Ubuntu.12:07
=== jdub rephrases, "someone with bluetooth input hardware coming to matar?"
danielsedd: ill12:07
azeemMithrandir: heh, yeah12:07
Mithrandirjdub: my phone and hopefully my shinyshinyshiny x40.12:07
danielsMithrandir: word12:07
jdubMithrandir: input hardware, like keyboards/mouse12:07
sjoerdjdub: i've got a bluetooth mouse12:08
=== jdub has laptop and phone :)
Mithrandirjdub: oh, that kind of hardware.12:08
=== Treenaks will bring a 4-year old Asus laptop :)
bob2jdub: lu has a bt keyboard, iirc12:08
thomcertainly a bt mouse12:08
=== Treenaks 's countdown is at T-48 hours :)
TreenaksWhat about GPS integration btw? :)12:12
TreenaksI have a USB GPS device.. shouldn't the weather applet etc. derive the 'default location' from that? :)12:12
MithrandirTreenaks: patches accepted :)12:13
TreenaksMithrandir: hmm.. we'd first need to separate gpsd from the gpsdrive package, probably12:13
KeybukTreenaks: interesting way to seed /etc/timezone12:13
TreenaksMithrandir: and then autodetect GPS dongles12:14
MithrandirTreenaks: wouldn't be against me :)12:14
Treenaks(which can be Hard because they're just serial convertors..)12:14
MithrandirTreenaks: autodetecting USB stuff is a bit icky, yes.12:14
Treenaksoh well, I guess I can use it to learn python :)12:15
Mithrandiruhm, s/USB/GPS/12:16
=== sjoerd has a bluetooth gps dongle :)
sjoerdTreenaks: you probably want ngpsd btw (if it has it's dbus interface by now)12:16
jdubwhat on earth do you guys use gps for?12:16
Treenakssjoerd: if dbus and HAL? :)12:16
MithrandirKeybuk: that should work fine, if you can detect that you have a GPS.12:16
Mithrandirjdub: play.12:16
Treenaksjdub: wardriving/cycling/walking :)12:16
sjoerdjdub: geek toys :)12:16
sjoerdand time 12:17
Treenaksjdub: and as toys :)12:17
sjoerda gps device delivers extremely acurrate time information if it has a fix12:17
Treenakssjoerd: accurate time + bluetooth delay + usb delay = inaccurate time :P12:17
sjoerdbluetooth delay isn't that big12:17
MithrandirTreenaks: USB delay shouldn't be too bad, should it?12:18
TreenaksMithrandir: depends on the amount of hubs involved12:18
jdubi tend to carry about four or five hubs when cycling, yeah12:18
sjoerdTreenaks: none (apart from the root)12:18
Treenaksjdub: You are jdub of borg?12:19
sjoerdand my laptop has bt built in.. so dedicated usb controller12:19
Mithrandirjdub: but you're weird.12:19
=== Kamion suspects a tiny bit of sarcasm
sjoerdjdub: why the interest in bluetooth input devices btw12:20
jdubsjoerd: bluetooth integration in hoary12:20
Treenaksjdub: /all/ kinds of bt devices? :))12:20
eddjdub: you'll my tracking my recent frenzy of uploads then :)12:21
jdubTreenaks: sure12:21
sjoerdi can bring an bt headset too, but there is no good code for it yet..12:21
jdubedd: :-)12:21
Treenakssjoerd: there is time to hack..12:21
jdubsjoerd: that hardware in particular?12:21
Treenakssjoerd: I have a BT headset as well, but it doesn't even integrate nicely with my phone12:21
=== silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Treenakssjoerd: (nokia headset + nokia phone..12:21
sjoerdjdub: no general bluetooth audio stuff12:22
TreenaksI have a Nokia HS-3W I could bring..12:22
jdubTreenaks: bt incompatibility seems endemic now, particularly with phones12:23
Treenaksjdub: I need to get new firmware on my phone.. it should fix some of the BT problems12:23
jdubi haven't even thought to see if there were upgrades for mine12:23
Treenaksjdub: which one?12:24
sjoerdjdub: if you know how to put new nice firmware on that, lemme know 12:25
=== sjoerd has the same phone
Treenakshttp://www.mobiledia.com/forum/topic7181.html ?12:25
Treenakshttp://www.esato.com/archive/t.php/t-68451 sorry12:26
=== smurfix 's t630 phone will no doubt be an interesting compatibility test subject too :-/
Treenakssjoerd: like my 3650..12:28
Treenakssmurfix, sorry12:28
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smurfixTreenaks: what for?12:28
Treenakssmurfix: oh, it tends to disconnect after some AT command on BT12:29
smurfixAh, the wrong nick. I first thought you were sorry about my phone. ;-)12:30
Treenakssmurfix: well, that too :P12:30
=== Treenaks hacks some very evil-looking perl code [work]
jdubi have latest non-developer firmware according to that page12:31
smurfixAnyway it also has infrared, so the BT-challenged can do some stuff too.12:31
Treenaksmy 3650 has 2.50.. latest released version: somewhere around 4.1712:31
Treenaksno 4.17 :)12:32
bob2does linux tend to usefully support talking to phones via ir?12:35
azeemdepends on how you define 'talking'12:36
bob2can I send sms? read them?12:37
azeemI do that for my Siemens S45 via scmxx12:38
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azeemif you have a phone which supports IrMC (like the S45*i*, drat), you can easily sync contacts and calendar, too12:38
bob2bah, nokie.12:41
bob2er, nokia.12:41
azeemthere are apps for nokia phones as well, but I don't know them12:41
azeemgnokii or somethign12:41
=== jdub suspects seb128 secretly uses windowmaker
seb128ah ah12:42
sjoerdbob2: most are just serial ports, so you can send normal AT command to them12:42
smurfixazeem: define "easily". Between my old Psion and the phone, for instance, *somebody* messed up the timezones. All my all-day events now start at 2am instead. :-/12:42
jdubsmurfix: multisync has some funny timezone options12:43
stratusseb128, FYI #3634 is reproducible with evolution 2.1.112:43
azeemsmurfix: "easily" as in: "You do not have to download stuff from the phone and sync maunally via vi" :p12:43
azeemanyway, off for lunch, laters12:44
seb128stratus: that why it's not closed :)12:44
stratusseb128, hmm have you reproduced this bug? AFAIK it's just a problem here.12:46
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thomahr, readahead package12:47
smurfixjdub: Ah, thanks12:47
seb128stratus: it doesn't crash here, but the bug is still open upstream and has 7 dups12:47
jdubthom: hrrrmmm?12:47
thomfor great justice^Wspeed12:47
thomjdub: packaging readahead, currently12:47
jdubthom: i looked at doing that the other week -> we don't have glibc support for it, though12:47
thomyeah we do12:47
thomi'm just ignoring nfs12:48
stratusseb128, ah i didn't read the 7 dups...reported at upstream or ubuntu ?12:48
thomjdub: in our typical case, i don't think it's a problem12:49
thomi'm warning all and sundry in README.Debian anyway12:49
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Treenakssmurfix: Psion + timezone trouble.. I have that now on my 3650 :(01:02
Treenaksok.. to the nokia center! let's go!01:02
danielsKamion: er, what's responsible for creating /etc/default/rcS?  appears to be neither sysvinit nor base-config AFAICT01:05
danielsKamion: er, nevermind me01:06
Kamionprebaseconfig fiddles with it01:06
Kamionmay be something else too01:06
=== enrico is now known as enrico_food
danielsKamion: initscripts has this beautiful little stanza where it says 'if /etc/default/rcS doesn't exist, then copy it from /usr/share' in postinst01:22
danielsso I had my way with it01:22
danielsRCSMD5="$(md5sum /etc/default/rcS | awk '{ print $1; }')"01:22
danielsif [ "$RCSMD5" = "9d2fb3f6d13039109c02de2092f880f5" -o \01:22
daniels     "$RCSMD5" = "68ed0d1fdeee47c682f66c335f58b65e" -o \01:22
daniels     ! -f /etc/default/rcS ] 01:22
thomit even appears to work, shockingly01:24
Kamiondaniels: is that your code or existing code?01:26
jdubhe found it on dailywtf01:26
Kamionif it's your code, could you change '-o' to ']  || ['?01:26
danielsKamion: my code01:26
danielsKamion: oh, is this an XSIism?01:26
Kamionor some other kind of non-POSIXism anyway01:26
KamionXSI I think01:26
danielsber, also01:27
rossholy crap01:28
rosstoday's dailywtf is great01:28
=== jdub still wonders what happened to mark pilgrim
=== Treenaks kicks the nokia service center
thomross: the indexed arrays done manually one is genius too01:37
rossit surely is01:37
eddjdub: what do you mean, "what happened" ?01:39
=== pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubedd: diveintomark.org01:39
eddah, i see. sounds like some big argument or other.01:40
jdubit's been like that for quite a while now01:40
azeem"Why specs matter01:41
azeemMost developers are morons, and the rest are assholes."01:41
=== enrico_food is now known as enrico
=== zul [~chuck@zul.developer.gentoo] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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lupus_is it just me01:57
lupus_or is evolution in hoary broken?01:57
Treenaksa bit01:58
lupus_no workaround?01:58
azeemlupus_: use mutt02:00
lupus_thunderbird it is :p02:01
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=== sid77 hi!
=== sid77 [~sid77@host98-44.pool8020.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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pittisjoerd: thx for packaging the new hal03:13
pittisjoerd: btw, any interest in tarball.mk for this? :-)03:13
sjoerddecided not to do that, because the amount of patches isn't really worth it imho03:13
pittiyeah, it's more important for gvm03:14
sjoerdand to package it it was basically get new tarball, remove merged patches, build, upload :)03:14
pittiso again I will steal it from incoming, merge and have it in Ubuntu earlier than in Sid :-)03:14
sjoerdnext time i'll upload just before the archive run stuff :)03:15
sjoerdand commit after the upload ...03:25
bob2lupus_: if no one has filed a bug yet, please do03:26
pittisjoerd: don't bother, I see upload messages earlier than your commits :-)03:37
lupus_bob2, k filled in04:08
bob2lupus_: thanks!04:09
bob2that is actually netscape?04:15
danielsKamion: ping04:15
bob2I thought it was some horrible hack a 3 year old had knocked up04:15
Kamiondaniels: pong04:16
danielsKamion: what's the best way to migrate runlevels for an init script?04:24
danielsi.e. dbus-1 used to be S20, I'd like to make it S1204:24
Kamiondoes the old prerm do update-rc.d remove?04:25
Kamion(or postrm - something called on upgrade anyway)04:25
danielsKamion: only on purge04:26
Kamionhm, in that case I don't know, I'm afraid04:27
KamionI've never done this ...04:27
=== gicmo [~gicmo@pD95456BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
gicmosladen, ping (I assume your are not here .. but its worth a shot :)04:29
danielsKamion: ok, so just testing for rc2.d/s12dbus-104:34
danielsKamion: and removing if so, and unconditionally adding with 12 later04:34
danielsKamion: sound decent?04:34
=== Mitario [~michiel@sikkes.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sladengicmo: I am here :-)04:37
gicmosladen, ha .. :) .. I cant believe it :)04:37
gicmosladen, I am totaly keen on coding on that graphical stuff .. any chance you can send me that code .. or tell me where to help/start04:39
=== doko [doko@dsl-084-057-097-037.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lupus_daniels, working on making gdm start earlier? :)04:40
thomyeah, he is04:40
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danielslupus_: sure am04:46
lupus_nice :)04:50
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Kamiondaniels: can't test for rc2.d/S12* I'm afraid, breaks with file-rc04:51
danielsKamion: arse04:52
danielsKamion: any ideas on how to migrate it there?04:53
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mxpxpodhas anyone tried to run beagle on ubuntu?04:59
zulyeah didnt compile for me05:00
mxpxpodzul: how did you get the dbus mono bindings?05:02
zulfollowed the instructions in the wiki05:02
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danielsKamion: for now, I'm just uploading sysvinit/dbus/alsa-driver/gdm with migration logic for sysvinit, we can sort out file-rc later05:26
Kamiondaniels: I'm sure there must be a better way; maybe update-rc.d remove and update-rc.d (whatever, to re-add) with a dpkg --compare-versions check05:40
danielsKamion: dpkg --compare-versions is no good if it doesn't make it back to debian05:40
danielsKamion: i'm using the update-rc.d remove/update-rc.d (readd) thingy, but the problem is telling how it's already at 20 with file-rc05:41
Kamionaren't you the Debian maintainer anyway? just do it there ...05:41
danielser, neuro maintains gdm in debian :P05:50
danielsthis touches alsa/dbus (-> 12) and gdm (-> 13)05:50
Kamionoh, I see05:53
Kamionask debian-policy@ ?05:53
danielsyah, think I will05:57
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danielsmdz: 'morning06:45
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fabbionewhat a day07:01
Treenakswhat about it?07:02
fabbioneTreenaks: have been really sick all day 07:03
fabbione2 computers broke down07:03
fabbionemy gf broke down the car07:03
fabbionethe washing machine exploded07:03
fabbionenot bad for less that 24 hours07:03
danielsugh :(07:03
Treenaksok.. that qualifies as a Bad Day07:03
fabbioneand i still feel shitty07:03
makorobtaylor: thanks :)07:04
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mdzfabbione: ouch07:10
fabbionei am going back to sleep07:11
fabbioneperhaps something will autofix itself during the night07:11
mdzfabbione: hopefully the bed will not collapse beneath you07:11
fabbionedon't even think about it!07:11
makosomeone is asking me how to do ubuntu OEM, i don't think i understand what that means07:21
Treenaksmako: Pre-installed ubuntu?07:25
makoyeah, i think so07:26
TreenaksLike I can't buy "OEM windows" without buying a complete PC07:26
makothat is pretty cool i suppose :)07:26
makowell, i'm not sure what he wants my help with :)07:26
mako"yes, you install it on a computer before you sell it"07:27
Treenaksyeah, but we'd probably need a special installation mode that drops you at the "create a user" screen07:27
makoi guess it's culture shock coming to free software07:27
zulmako: for most people it is07:33
TreenaksI had that shock when I first read the GPL back in '96 :)07:34
makoTreenaks: yeah, i guess i did too.. :)07:35
mdzmako: what's the word on ubuntu traffic?07:35
Treenaks"WTF? This is a COOL idea! I want this!"07:35
makomdz: UT13 will be done in an couple hours i think.. i'm going to try to get the remaining one out today or tomorrow07:37
makomdz: i've read everything for UT13 but haven't finished writing it07:37
Kamionmako: Jeff and I were talking about that, some kind of "do everything but the user-customisation bits of the install"07:38
mdzKamion: yeah, so that on the first boot, you get a few questions and then gdm07:39
makoKamion: yeah, totally that would be interesting07:41
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Treenaksand of course it should be "imageable" or something07:42
Kamionwell, only onto identical disks, but sure07:42
Treenaksso you can make 600 disks with the same almost-ready-to-use Ubuntu on it07:42
Kamionnot as if we do product activation ;)07:42
Kamionalthough ... hmm, hostname07:42
Kamionthat's gonna suck, no netcfg.deb07:42
Kamionso, depends on post-reboot network config, sigh07:42
Treenaksdo dhcp by default, /change/ the hostname and net config in the "first boot" screen?07:43
Kamionstill depends on post-reboot network config one way or another :-)07:44
Treenaksuh yes07:44
zulwhy not do a wizard when you are doing a first boot, the wizard can do things like detect your soundcard network, users etc07:45
Treenakswhich is needed anyway I think?07:45
Kamionbasically we need to be able to do netcfg-a-like functionality in base-config when it wasn't done pre-reboot (e.g. not netboot)07:45
KamionTreenaks: depends on your point of view07:45
Kamionzul: sound card should be detected by hotplug; if that doesn't work we should just fix hotplug07:45
TreenaksKamion: well, say I have my ubuntu PC connected to my (DHCP) cable modem, and I decide I want DSL (PPPoE)07:45
TreenaksKamion: then I need to change..07:45
TreenaksKamion: so I need a post-install network configurator07:46
KamionTreenaks: oh, sure, for reconfiguration you want gnome-system-tools though07:46
KamionTreenaks: I'm talking about base-config kinda level here07:46
zulKamion: sound card is just an example07:46
Kamionzul: applies to all hardware07:46
Kamionzul: note that we already have base-config which is run at first boot and deals with stuff like adding users07:47
Kamionzul: for OEM, we'd just do most of base-config and leave the job incomplete07:47
Kamionthat's one approach, anyway07:47
Treenaksthe easiest one, probably07:48
Kamioncould even do it with the GNOME frontend come grumpy07:48
Treenaks(what a name.. grumpy)07:48
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makoonly 23 keys for the party in mataro.. i need more!07:59
danielselmo: ping08:01
mdzmako: where did you announce it?08:04
mdzmako: is it linked from the conference agenda?08:04
makomdz: announced on -devel, -users, warthogs08:05
makoit is on the conference agenda but not linked (yet).. doing that now08:06
lamont_rso is it safe to upgrade to current hoary?08:08
stratusdaniels, i'll reboot with gdm at S13 can i kill you if it break my ubuntu?08:08
danielsstratus: you can try if you like ...08:09
danielsworks fine for me08:09
stratusdaniels, i see that you've uploaded ubuntu6 i'll wait for it...08:10
stratusdaniels, was needed only change S99 to S13 ?08:11
danielsstratus: and dbus and alsa to go to S12 and to change DELAYLOGIN to no in /etc/default/rcS08:12
stratusoh, i see previous uploads.08:13
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bronson_What are the chances of getting some mountpoints for CF cardreaders added to /etc/fstab?08:58
azeembronson_: zero, I'd guess08:58
Treenaksbronson_: you don't need those08:58
Treenaksbronson_: unless you boot from them08:58
Treenaksbronson_: hal/pmount/gnome-volume-manager/nautilus mount them automatically08:59
bronson_Then I'm doing something wrong...08:59
bronson_Treenaks: wasn't working for me.08:59
Treenaksbronson_: it is for me.. and lots of other people09:00
bronson_So I added my cardreader to udev.  Now I get the /dev files.09:00
bronson_How do I find out what's going wrong?09:00
bronson_Does udev automatically create the /dev nodes for you?09:01
azeembronson_: check hal-device-manager, whether your reader is mentioned there09:01
bronson_azeem: yes it is.09:01
Treenaksbronson_: yes09:02
bronson_Treenaks: can you point me to the rule that creates them?09:03
bronson_My card reader was being ignored until I added a rule for it.09:03
Treenaksbronson_: uh.. it's automatic09:04
Treenakswith the default setup09:04
bronson_udev requires a rule for everything it creates.09:05
bronson_How about this question: what node does it create for the CF reader?09:05
bronson_From that, I could grep the rule.09:05
Treenaksit's broken atm because it has restarted while booted09:06
bronson_Does it just create the default /dev/sda1?09:07
bronson_Or does it create something like /dev/cf1?09:07
bronson_Since it's USB mass storage, I would guess that it just uses the /dev/sd* nodes...?09:08
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bronson_Does anybody here have a CF reader that works?09:11
bronson_I'd like to know how it's automounted since most USB CF readers don't issue a media inserted event.09:12
bronson_Without that, how does the udev node get created?09:12
sjoerdbronson_: check if you have a /sys/block/sd*09:12
Treenaksbronson_: I have it working now..09:12
bronson_sjoerd: yes.09:12
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sjoerddo you also have a sd* subdir in that dir09:12
bronson_sjoerd: sda1, yes09:13
sjoerdwhat happens if you run pmount /dev/sda1 as your user09:13
Treenaksbronson_: what does "lshal" say?09:13
Treenaksbronson_: (about linux.sysfs_path_device = '/sys/block/sda')09:13
=== lamont_r heads back home.
bronson_sjoerd: I don't have a /dev/sda1.09:14
bronson_Treenaks: looking...09:14
Treenaksbronson_: it shuold give you a huge list09:15
Treenaksbronson_: important parts:09:15
Treenaks  storage.automount_enabled_hint = true  (bool)09:15
Treenaks  storage.media_check_enabled = true  (bool)09:15
sjoerdbronson_: what's the output of udevinfo -q all -p /sys/block/sda/sda1  09:15
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sjoerdTreenaks: your looking much too high on the stack if that device doesn't exist09:15
bronson_sjoerd: not much...  3 lines.09:16
Treenakssjoerd: if /sys/block/sda exists, it shuold be in lshal09:16
bronson_pasc: /block/sda/sda109:16
bronson_N: cf09:16
bronson_seb128: 09:16
sjoerdah so could you do pmount /dev/cf09:16
bronson_I'm afraid that's my custom udev rule triggering.09:17
bronson_/dev/cf is my own invention.  :)09:17
sjoerdthat should just work (tm)09:17
bronson_I should probably change my rule to get it to create sda1.09:17
sjoerdbronson_: did the pmount work though ?09:17
bronson_I'll change my udev rule to create the sd* nodes.09:18
sjoerdbronson_: no, don't09:18
sjoerdcould you tail your .xsession-errors and show the output when you plug in cf stuff09:18
bronson_sjoerd: nothing.  Did you mean /var/log/messages?09:20
bronson_Doesn't matter.  Nothing appears in /var/log/message either.09:20
sjoerdis gnome-volume-manager running ?09:20
bronson_but gnome-volume-manager still needs a /dev node to do its magic doesn't it?09:21
sjoerdyeah, but you have /dev/cf right ?09:21
bronson_Only due to my hacked up udev rule.09:21
sjoerddoesn't matter09:22
sjoerdhal knows 09:22
bronson_So gnome-session is supposed to start gnome-volume-manager?09:22
sjoerdto get it working extra nice, make it readable by group plugdev09:22
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sjoerdbronson_: btw, this is ubuntu stuff, not ubuntu-devel imho09:23
bronson_sjoerd: you're right.  It started with a question about /etc/fstab.09:24
bronson_Sorry bout that.  :)09:24
bronson_Even with gnome-volume-manager running, nothing happens when I plug/unplug cards.09:24
sjoerdwhat does it say in your .xession-errors ?09:25
sjoerdis this warty or hoary ?09:25
Treenaksis dbus-daemon running?09:26
bronson_3 of them are.09:26
Treenaksmaybe that's the problem09:26
TreenaksI have only 109:26
sjoerdyou should at least have two (one for the system one for the user)09:27
bronson_At the risk of a flood, here are the 3 lines...09:27
sjoerdbut gvm && hal use the system one, so it doesn't matter09:27
bronson_ 4036 ?        Ss     0:01 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon-1 --system09:27
bronson_ 4867 ?        Ss     0:00 dbus-daemon-1 --fork --print-pid 8 --print-address 6 --session09:27
bronson_ 8990 ?        Ss     0:00 dbus-daemon-1 --fork --print-pid 8 --print-address 6 --session09:27
bronson_So it appears I have one too many...09:27
Treenaks2 session-daemons is a bit much I think..09:27
sjoerddoesn't matter09:28
bronson_Criminy.  Something's really wrong on my machine.09:28
bronson_Does gnome-volume-manager poll?  I'm pretty sure my CF reader doesn't offer media-inserted events.09:28
sjoerdno, but hal does09:29
sjoerdtry dbus-monitor --system and replug your card.. Should give a lot of output09:30
sjoerdthat's odd09:31
sjoerdwhat does replugging the whole device do ?09:31
bronson_erm, that's going to be somewhat difficult...  gotta get the screwdriver.09:32
bronson_Plugging an unrelated USB device showed a bunch of stuff.09:32
bronson_Is there any way of getting hal to tell us what it's polling?09:33
sjoerdit polls stuff with storage.media_check_enabled = true09:33
sjoerdbronson_: btw if sda1 == /dev/cf, then what is sda ?09:34
bronson_Something just broke.  I can't run lshal anymore.  I'm going to get rid of my udev rule, mv ~/.* dotfiles/ and reboot.09:37
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sjoerdbronson_: is your hal process D ?09:38
mxpxpodwho can I talk to to get pbbuttonsd and powerprefs updated to where debian is?09:38
bronson_It appears that using the home directory from my old debian system is causing some trouble.09:38
mdzmxpxpod: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=378509:39
bronson_mxpxpod: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=378509:39
mdzbronson_: :-)09:39
bronson_Jinx 1234567891009:39
mdzmxpxpod: there are instructions there so that you can help review the merge, which is the work which needs to be done09:40
mdzmxpxpod: for powerprefs, it should be synched soon09:41
mxpxpodmdz: cool09:41
mdzno merge necessary09:41
mxpxpodmdz: well, the new powerprefs needs the new pbbuttonsd09:41
=== Kamion mutters in the general direction of libparted
mdzKamion: what's your feeling on the proposal to seed totem, rather than totem-gstreamer?09:45
Kamionit would make a lot of user problems go away, I suspect; you'd have to seed both totem and totem-gstreamer to make it unambiguous of course09:46
Kamionbut you've caught me just before going out09:46
mdzif we seed both totem and totem-gstreamer, it defeats the purpose09:46
seb128Kamion: totem = totem-gstreamer | totem-xine 09:47
seb128we can't seed both, they conflict09:47
Kamionuh-huh, but how's germinate supposed to know which you want?09:47
mdzthe one in main09:47
KamionI guess it can randomly pick the first but that seems a bit unstable09:47
seb128Kamion: the first in the | ?09:47
Kamionmdz: er ... that's circular, germinate defines main09:47
=== mdz runs around in circles
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Kamionseb128: yeah, I think it does that anyway09:47
Kamionit just feels ambiguous to me :)09:48
mdzme too09:48
Kamionanyway, I'm going out for now09:48
seb128better solution ?09:48
seb128have a good evening Kamion :)09:48
mdzthe ideal solution is to have the ubuntu-meta packages use Recommends rather than Depends09:48
Kamionlamont: I know about the various parted-related build failures BTW09:49
bronsonWow that was scary.  My home dir just vanished.  Mount showed nothing out of the ordinary, df -h showed normal usage, but /home was empty.09:52
bronsonBanged on reset, booted to single, and everything appears OK agian.09:53
bronsonI'm erasing all my dotfiles and starting afresh.09:53
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bluefoxicydoes anyone know what compiler options ubuntu is built with?10:05
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pascbronson: ?10:16
bronsonpasc: yo10:18
pascbronson:  /block/sda/sda1 ?10:19
=== pasc scrolls all the way up, and finds out it was just typo
=== mvo [~Michael@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamontKamion: do I just need to give-back d-i?10:25
mdzbluefoxicy: it's in the FAQ10:29
mvohey mdz10:29
mdzmvo: hi10:29
mvoI got a replay from daniel burrows today. he said he may have time to work on apt-secure support for aptitude in feb/march 10:30
mvohe's working on his thesis right now10:30
bluefoxicymvo: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/optimised-packages is not sufficient information.10:30
mdzmvo: ok, so I guess we'll need to do it10:30
bluefoxicymdz, not mvo10:31
mvomdz: all right, I'll have a look10:31
bluefoxicyI'm on amd64, and I use (aside from proper -march) "-O2 -pipe -ftracer  -fweb -funit-at-a-time -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=387 -mno-sse" (Gentoo, gcc 3.4)10:32
bluefoxicyI'm curious about what optimizations are used aside from just optimizing for a specific CPU10:32
mdzlamont: ping10:34
bluefoxicy-fweb and -funit come from -O3, but I avoid -O3 due to the way it interacts with stack smash protection (it optimizes the protection out)10:34
bluefoxicy"A comprehensive experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of more aggressive processor optimisations for all Ubuntu packages is planned after the Warty release."10:35
lamontmdz: yo10:35
bluefoxicyI'm interested in detailed results from this experiment10:35
lamontmdz: actually, the only flag we force is -pipe10:35
lamontand we allow -O0 through -O310:36
lamont-O6 will get you -O310:36
lamont-march=486 -mcpu=pentium410:36
mdzlamont: Debian policy is -O210:37
mdzand we inherit that10:37
lamontmdz: unless the package overrides that10:39
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lamontwe don't force that10:39
lamontbroke too many things.10:39
bluefoxicylamont: Lorenzo has been working on altering the debian tools and such to allow building things with stack smash protection, among other things, to produce a more secure distro.  Much of this is suitable for general consumption (i.e. suitable for Ubuntu), but requires some extra considerations10:39
bluefoxicyfor example, -O3 will still break SSP AFAIK10:39
bluefoxicy(it optimizes away the code that checks for buffer overflows)10:40
mdzlamont: right10:40
bluefoxicylamont:  in the future, would it be possible to force -O2 on -O3 packages if Ubuntu had taken such enhancements as SSP?10:40
mdzI've updated the FAQ entry to be a bit more specific in that regard10:41
mdzbluefoxicy: it would be inadvisable10:41
mdzoh, you mean force it down to -O2 if the package tries to use -O3?10:41
mdzyes, that would be possible10:41
mdzvery little builds with -O3, though, and where it does, it's probably the right choice10:42
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truluxhey guys10:44
bluefoxicymdz, lamont:  this is the guy that's been working on the modified debian tools10:46
truluxbluefoxicy, i'm doing some jobs with the libssp, give me a few minutes to make a debian sarge-ready pkg10:47
truluxand provide some more stuff10:47
truluxthe rest of things are done and ready10:47
lamonttrulux: does it handle both up and down stack growth checking?10:47
bluefoxicytrulux:  as a proof of concept, a glibc package should be workable, but if you can get libssp up in a timely manner, that's good :)10:47
lamontthat's been a shortfall of many of the stacksmash checks...10:47
bluefoxicylamont:  http://www.trl.ibm.com/projects/security/ssp/main.html10:48
lamontbluefoxicy: trivial to force -O3 to turn into -O210:48
Sturzflutit does not support that10:48
bluefoxicylamont:  *nod*10:48
bluefoxicyI must go now10:48
bluefoxicybeing called out.10:48
truluxbluefoxicy, timely manner means less than 20/30 minutes? sure ;D10:48
Sturzflutlike you have on hppa10:48
bluefoxicyside note10:48
lamontthe only wierdness there is that (for purposes of checking) -Os is treated identicallyo -O210:48
bluefoxicygrowing up is a trivial issue security wise10:48
bluefoxicysince stack smashes can't affect important data in *most* (there ARE CASES!) cases10:49
truluxlamont, i'm have some patches for GCC that would be nice to be used inside ubuntu gcc packages10:49
bluefoxicyat least, to my understanding.10:49
Sturzflutstacks that grow up can't overwrite the return address can they?10:49
lamontbluefoxicy: buffers in the current frame passed to a function that then overruns the buffer will result in arbitrary return points from the called function10:49
lamontthat is, it's not really any different from the stack growing down.10:49
Sturzflutactually, I guess you could10:50
Sturzflutlamont: do you have access to such hardware?10:50
lamontSturzflut: I've only ever written two exploits for hppa, overwritting the stack with code and rp.10:50
lamontSturzflut: have hardware10:50
SturzflutI don't think the SSP patch does hppa yet but I could be wrong about that10:51
lamontI'm also aware of a case where hp-ux was exploited writing only the return pointer, not executing code from the stack... (they found a useful chunk of code already in place...)10:51
lamontSturzflut: of course, that's not an ubuntu discussion.  yet... :-)10:51
SturzflutI would think Ubuntu would focus where the money is first :)10:52
lamontboth exploits I wrote were in response to R&D labs saying "no one could exploit that vul"10:52
lamontthe first one took me about 3 hours, since I wrote some tools.  The second one took about an hour.10:52
lamontSturzflut: that's a low blow... :[)10:52
Sturzflutthat's why you should never say never10:52
lamontyeah - the discussion then went "but you have an exceptional knowledge of the architecture" to which I replied, "yes, that's why it only took me an hour - remember that the folks writing the attacks have _NOTHING_BETTER_TO_DO_.."10:54
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SturzflutSSP is a good idea for things like IRC and IM clients10:56
lamontthen they got mad when I wouldn't give them the exploit code.10:56
Sturzflutsince they seem to have lots of exploits :)10:56
|trey|Hey, who deals with site accounts?  I don't recall my password, but its saying the account is not valid, however is saying that it does exist... lunitik@gmail.com, if possible, please send me my account info...10:56
Sturzflutand for many daemons too10:56
lamontSturzflut: yeah.  shoddy coding is the real issue.10:56
=== Crushed_Cigar [~zinc@ACC15EC9.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzseb128: gnome-volume-manager just crashed on me after a hal/dbus upgrade; is this a new bug, or did the old one get un-fixed?10:57
Sturzflutthe only cure for bad programmers is a pink slip, but that doesn't work for OSS10:57
seb128mdz: old one not fixed imho10:57
mdzoh, I thought that bug was fixed back in Warty10:58
lamontSturzflut: actually, embarassment helps more with OSS.10:58
SturzflutI think I agree with that10:59
|trey|No one can help with the site issue?10:59
lamont|trey|: I can't remember which person is the vicitm for site issues...11:00
SturzflutI wish Debian had more focus on security than they have now11:00
Sturzflutthey seem to be too focused on dealying sarge release11:00
lamontbut if my guess is correct, he should be around in a couple of hours or so...11:00
lamontor do you mean bugzilla?11:00
|trey|lamont: ugh... are you able to look through the accounts and send a request for info at least?11:00
MithrandirSturzflut: that's a holdup which is due to a small number of people being able to do the magic needed for the freeze to start.11:00
SturzflutMithrandir: the security stuff, isn't it?11:01
Sturzflutsecurity infrastructure11:01
|trey|lamont: like I said, when I request, it says the account isn't valid... but when I try to re-sign up, it says the account already exists... what would the issue be do you think?11:02
SturzflutMithrandir: the DPL should get the whip going, imho11:02
|trey|lamont: I will be leaving soon... I suppose I could wait till later...11:02
MithrandirSturzflut: I'm not sure, it's both the security infrastructure and the autobuilders for testing-proposed-updates.. I know a lot of people would just like to release as soon as possible, even without security support in place for testing.11:03
lamont|trey|: I have no admin access11:06
SturzflutMithrandir: I don't understand why those with access haven't delegated these tasks to the willing11:07
bluefoxicy<lamont> bluefoxicy: buffers in the current frame passed to a function that then overruns the buffer will result in arbitrary return points from the called function11:07
bluefoxicylamont:  true, I said it was less likely, not impossible11:07
bluefoxicylamont:  protection is possible though, by guarding functions that are passed char* pointers.  I don't think SSP does this; but I'll ask etoh11:07
Sturzflutif it's possible, it will be done11:08
bluefoxicy(once one function is not passed a pointer to a buffer, no further called function can get that buffer, unless it's stored in a global variable, which is already brainfuck)11:08
bluefoxicy<trulux> bluefoxicy, timely manner means less than 20/30 minutes? sure ;D11:10
bluefoxicytrulux:  I meant more like within the next few weeks but the next few minutes is good too  :D11:10
truluxbluefoxicy, libssp is done11:11
truluxgcc needs to be recompiled, and here i can talk a bit to ubuntu devs if they are proud ;-)11:11
lamonttrulux: "if they are proud"?11:12
truluxit's just a joke11:13
truluxlamont, in order to use the SSP first you must decided what to changem the glibc, the libgcc or use a libssp11:13
truluxlibgcc is crappy11:13
truluxssp inside glibc has some advantages, better performance and also backwards compatibility if you change to libssp11:14
Sturzflut__guard symbols used for SSP can be in three places11:14
truluxlibssp has some advantages like more soft implementation and easier use11:14
truluxstuNNed, yep11:14
Sturzflutthe default for the protector patch is inside of libgcc11:14
truluxoops, nick autocompletion11:14
truluxSturzflut, yes11:14
Sturzflutlibc is best place for it11:15
lamontah, ok11:15
Sturzfluthaving it in libgcc can cause problems11:15
truluxlamont, but make it inside glibc is difficult if maintainers are not "open" for this stuff11:15
truluxSturzflut, s/can/will/11:15
Sturzflutheh, but glibc is already a bloated mass, I don't see why one more thing is going to hurt :)11:16
truluxSturzflut, pappy said one thing that is truth and important: think before doing things11:17
Sturzflutthey should add addition fixes to glibc too11:17
truluximagine we used ssp inside libgcc since the project start, now we could be fscked up11:18
truluxSturzflut, i maintain my own glibc with all of that stuff11:18
Sturzflutnot really, a simple recompile of all packages fixes that11:18
truluxhopefully waiting for somebody to test and package it11:18
Sturzflutall C packages that got SSP that is11:18
lamonttrulux: the rules are: (1) never get involved with someone more messed up than you are, (2) think _BEFORE_ you act, and (3) if it shakes the house (and you don't own the house) get permission before doing it.11:18
truluxlamont, yeah11:19
Sturzflutyou forgot (4) Always have an exit plan11:19
Sturzflutwhen the ship goes down, I won't be on it11:19
truluxand also the 5) Ignore the rest of rules and disappear11:19
lamontSturzflut: s/exit/backup/11:20
trulux&) if you can't disappear just change your name into something else more difficult to guess: Dead Beef11:20
Sturzflutnaw, I really did mean exit plan11:21
Sturzflutapplies to the corporate world well11:21
Sturzflutwhen you see things are about to go bad, give yourself a bonus and retire :)11:22
truluxSturzflut, that's for my regression tests suite11:23
SturzflutVali sounded familiar, but I don't think I've seen that project before :)11:25
=== lamont must run for a bit.
bluefoxicywell I must go to spanish class11:32
truluxbluefoxicy, suerte ;-)11:32
bluefoxicyIf possible, i'd love to see a developer's release of Hoary (before public release time, not side by side ;) that has SSP in it so that I can throw it at my laptop and check for regression :)11:33
bluefoxicytrulux:  suerte?11:33
truluxgood luck11:34
bluefoxicyah thanks11:34
truluxbluefoxicy, i'm going to add SSP regression test to my rts11:34
bluefoxicytrulux:  the regressions I was most worried about are programs that overflow buffers by 2 or 3 bytes (not fatal, but they DO set ssp off) on their own11:35
bluefoxicyand things like someone accidentally using -fstack-protector-all instead of -fstack-protector (-all has bugs that break things like Mozilla)11:35
truluxi see11:37
truluxi can implement that easily in my regression t. suite11:37
bluefoxicynot really; it's per-program specific (except the -all one, which if you can find what causes it would be great; etoh could fix it then :)11:39
truluxi was meaning about a simple SSP regression test11:41
truluxdid if SSP is alocated in the toolchain11:41
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