
=== ChrisH [~chaas@gw.workaround.org] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== George^D^Work [~chatzilla@203-173-44-118.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
George^D^Workhi all02:44
enricoHello George^D^Work 02:59
=== enrico goes to bed
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Doc Team - general discussion - backlog at http://irclog.workaround.org | This channel tries to follow the tradition of the #gnome-love channel on irc.gimp.net, all new comers and questions are welcomed, as long as you follow the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct first.
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by sivang at Sat Nov 20 20:50:09 2004
=== #ubuntu-doc [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
=== sid77 [~sid77@host98-44.pool8020.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
lulumorning all :o)10:23
ChrisHlulu: Hey... :)10:32
luluChrisH: Hiya! countdown.....!10:32
ChrisHIndeed. :)10:32
ChrisHEverybody... don't forget to bring your PGP keys for the keysigning. :)10:36
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== hornbeck [~hornbeck@adsl-69-155-172-150.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
hornbeckgood morning10:44
enricohornbeck: hello!10:46
enricohornbeck: nice to see you around!  how are you doing!10:46
=== enrico hugs hornbeck
hornbeckcan't sleep10:54
=== enrico cuddles hornbeck
hornbeckits 4am 10:55
hornbeckwhere do you live?10:56
enricoBologna, Italy10:56
hornbeckyou where the only person that I talk to that I did not know where you lived10:56
enricoJust woke up.  But last night I couldn't sleep either10:56
hornbeckI had a disturbing call last night that I think is causeing me to not sleep10:57
enricoHope everything is allright10:58
hornbeckyeah, just a ex-girlfriend10:58
hornbeckItaly huh, you into Vespa?10:58
enricoVespa what?10:59
enricoThe motorbike: cute!10:59
hornbeckthe scooter not the wasp10:59
enricoThe anchorman: /me vomits10:59
enricoThe wasp: preferable to the anchorman10:59
hornbeckthere is a anchorman named Vespa?10:59
enricoYes.  He's leading political talk shows on behalf of the government in the major national TV11:00
hornbeckI was talking motorbike11:00
hornbeckthe good Vespa11:00
enricoHe's hosted so many outright biased things for all his career that he become an epythome of it11:00
enricoVespa scooters are geat!11:00
hornbeckyeah they are11:00
enricoSupertweakable.  When I was in junior high school, everyone had a tweaked vespa11:01
hornbeckI had a 1975 TS 12511:01
enricoThe common one is when you change the engine with a bigger one, and the engine cover doesn't close anymore11:01
hornbecknow I have a frame for a '63 Allstate11:01
enricoKind of cute :)11:01
hornbeckI was into making mine faster11:01
hornbeckthey are big in the punk/skin sceen here in the US11:02
enricoOh, nice.. I prefer the trend of vespas to the trend of SUVs..11:02
hornbeckI now own CUV11:02
=== enrico likes the idea of americans in Vespas
hornbeckCompact Utility Vehicle11:03
hornbecka Pontiac Vibe11:03
enricoyup yup!11:03
enricoThey are so common in Italy: less expenses in fuel, and you do find parking11:03
enricoWe also have "Smart" cars 11:03
hornbeckSmart cars are coming to the US finally11:04
enricoMako said he'd like one, but other americans would not see it and run over it11:04
hornbeckI would love to bring my wife to Italy11:04
hornbeckmore than likely11:04
enricohornbeck: there are various cheap flights from US to Italy afaik11:04
hornbeckI don't think I can get the time off11:05
hornbeckI had to basicly kill to get some time off this month11:05
enricohornbeck: are you coming to the conf?11:05
hornbeckno, I could not get a passport in time11:06
hornbeckto short of notice11:06
hornbecktakes 6-8 weeks and I only had three11:06
enricowow... that's long11:09
hornbeckyeah it is11:09
enrico6-8 WEEKS?11:09
enricoMan, it's 2 days in Italy...11:09
hornbeckman I wish it was 2 days here11:09
hornbeckI would be on my way to Spain11:09
enricoBut you did manage to get some day off anyway?11:10
hornbeckyeah to take my wife to Las Vegas11:11
hornbeckher mom lives there11:11
enricoLas Vegas sounds so strange seen from overseas11:11
hornbeckwe have a new baby who she wants her mom to see for christmas11:11
hornbeckit is strange11:11
hornbeckwell I think I am going to try and go back to bed11:14
hornbeckat least get a few more hours sleep11:14
hornbeckso goodnight11:14
enricohornbeck: good night!11:16
enricohornbeck: (and if you are in bed and can't sleep, try sex ;)11:17
=== silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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=== lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sid77 [~sid77@host98-44.pool8020.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sid77 hi!
enricohi sid77!02:20
sid77how are you?02:20
enricoquite well!02:21
sid77lol, ! madness!02:21
=== sid77 [~sid77@host98-44.pool8020.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
ChrisHAh! WLAN works now. Matar... I'm coming. :)03:30
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
ChrisHGreat that we have the conference at the hotel. We can even surf from the hotel rooms...03:32
enricoChrisH: in Oxford hotel rooms were not covered, or were covered with the hotel service, which needed payment03:43
enricoChrisH: (needed payment unless you did IP over DNS)03:43
=== sm-afk is now known as sm
ChrisHBut in the Ciudad de Mataro we will probably have it.03:48
ChrisHEverybody: remember that the keyparty preparation period ends tomorrow! Everybody who wants to participate in the keysigning party needs to take action quickly.03:49
luluChrisH: that would be a good warning on the Ubuntu channel too :o)03:51
ChrisHannouncement flooded04:01
enricolulu: I have a short question to ask04:18
luluenrico: np04:19
=== ChrisH [~chaas@gw.workaround.org] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
enricosorry, micro black-out.  If you sent me something, please resend04:52
=== sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
lulusivang: hiya!05:25
sivanghey lulu! what's up?05:29
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sivanghi plovs05:40
plovshi sivang 05:40
sivangplovs : I've seen the map you posted :) did you manage to understand anything from it?05:40
plovshow's the laptop?05:40
sivangplovs : fine, your's ?:)05:40
plovsi was planning on using the force to find the hotel05:41
plovsmine comes tomorrow, i borrow one from a friend05:41
sivangoh good05:41
plovsyou've got ubuntu running?05:41
plovsor debian05:41
sivangI am still puzzled for how I can get to the hotel from the train, whatis EUP on that map,05:41
sivangand really, how much walk it is and/or if there are any dangers in the way :)05:42
plovsit'll be ok, i'm sure05:42
plovsoff course i have the uncanny  ability to get lost in a turning door, that might make this a bit more ... interesting 05:44
sivangplovs : hehe05:44
plovsbrb have to reboot the firewall05:45
sivangplovs : are you bringing your scrable board for a few matches? :)05:45
sivangplovs : kidding we'll have plenty of hacking and bof talking to do..05:47
plovsam i back?05:47
sivangyou rebooted the firewall and we didn't even notice :)05:48
plovsafter banging my head against the wall for a week, i have a headache and a more or less working system05:49
sivangplovs : at least it's working, now take an Advil and go rest a bit :)05:49
plovssquid is not yet working 100% and vpn is not working at all, and i want to finish it before tuesday05:50
plovsmail-routing i'll do when i get back05:50
sivangplovs : why the hurry? Can't you use the network as it is?05:51
plovspeople need the vpn to get material from another site05:52
sivangah I see05:53
sivangwhen you set this up, this is a great interconnetion for coprorations, it allows them also to add voip without and additional costs.05:53
plovsthat is something i have been thinking about as well, i love networking05:54
sivangenrico : got the gnocatan source pacakge, I see a few omf thingies hanging there.05:55
enricosivang: are you finding your way on it?06:06
sivangenrico : I found some traces of omf , I'll know better in a sec06:10
sivangenrico : You wouldn't believe it, do "man dh_scrollkeeper"06:38
sivanghow come this isn't documented anywhere? Or maybe it is.....06:41
sivangIn Joey's debhelper manual? :)06:41
enricowell, if it has a manpage, it's documented :))06:41
sivangyes, but how would I find out about that command besides from reading a debian/rulez file?06:41
enricosivang: common practice is reading debian/rules files06:42
sivangok, then I guess I'm on the right path..06:43
sivangenrico : was cool if Joey Hess attended the conf, this is one man I think debian/dervied should be thankful to06:45
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico at the phone
lulunight all :o)07:17
=== lulu [~lu@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu-doc []
enricoI discussed with mako swapping the newmaint bof and the docteam bof, so that I'll be able to join the docteam one as well07:34
enricoThe change is still not confirmed, but there shuold be no problems in doing it07:35
enrico(unless someone raises some, of course)07:35
ChrisHNot really. I just need/want to attend to both so it would be nice to have them between the 8th (4 p.m. ->) and the 11th (<- 10 a.m.)07:40
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-110-23.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
enricoChrisH: right.  I didn't feel like scheduling anything on the 8th, though, as people will be quite busy arriving07:50
=== enrico goes out
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=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc

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