
ionrockyeah i was wrong about that ;)12:00
ionrockthat's it12:00
illustreionrock: yeah i saw it :-)12:00
Gwildorhow do i get giftoxic to connect to a server?12:01
ficusplanetGwildor, What protocol are you wanting to use?  Have you run gift-setup?12:01
levHow come my internet all of a sudden became very slow..?12:02
Gwildorficusplanet, nope....i will do that now12:02
CatDogdhanish: you mean instead of having to worry about whether you've got the latest version of winxp/ie, just so it won't automatically download the lastest worm that's in vogue?12:02
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mexcalto lev, try bootit http://www.terabyteunlimited.com/bootitng.html12:04
dhanishCatDog, nah...nothing like that...i have issue with xp but i then i have issues with linux as well....12:04
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mexcalwhere can i get all the Python tools written for Ubuntu?12:07
confreyis there a cd-burning apps like k3b in ubuntu? how can I simply erase a cdrw with nautilus?12:09
ficusplanetconfrey, It will automatically blank the cdrw if it needs to be blanked, I believe.  This is not currently a GNOME equivalent for K3B.12:10
CatDogdhanish: you show me someone that doesn't, and i'll show you either a liar or a genius (or linus...)12:10
ficusplanetconfrey, You might want to keep an eye on gnomebaker and coaster, though.12:13
dhanishCatDog, heh...i suppose....nothing is perfect12:13
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illustreionrock: for device i should put eth1 orrect12:13
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illustrethe wep key does not fit in network-admin12:14
dhanishhrm...is there some tool that will help me convert my ubuntu ext3 partition to resier4fs?12:14
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mjrnot that I know of12:15
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mjrI wouldn't do that anyway, though12:15
illustrei created the device with network-admin but iwconfig still does not show it12:16
dhanishso basically create a new reiserfs parition...copy the contents of ext3 to that and then update grub?12:16
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mjrdhanish, basically yes12:16
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dhanishshucks...i was hoping it would easy as something like partition magic12:17
illustrehow would i create the device from thecommnd line12:17
dhanishsince i dont have space to create a new partition12:17
mjris there a particular reason you need reiser?12:17
dhanishperformance wise which is better ext3 or reiser4fs?12:17
dhanishi dont know i remeber reading something about data journaling and speed....12:17
levwhat is the best multimedia software on ubuntu?12:18
mjrwell, off the top of my head, reiser might've won some performace tests with a small margin12:18
levThat would be comparable to WMP12:18
ficusplanetdhanish, reiser4 by far, but I would be careful with it since it was just recently released.  Is it even in the ubuntu kernel?12:18
dhanishi dont even know12:18
dhanishwell for now i'll stick with ext3 then12:18
mjrhowever, ext3 seems to me more reliable and it has better recovery utilities12:18
CatDogAs long as they both keep the files safe, who cares? :-p12:18
mjr(I completely trashed a reiser once trying the recovery tool...)12:18
mjranyway, ext3 can do data journaling do if you want it (and does metadata journaling by default)12:19
lev--> What is the best multimedia software?12:19
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dhanishi used resier with other distros had no issues12:19
ficusplanetlev, I use the combination of totem-xine and muine.12:19
dhanishbut then i never used them extensively enough to experience data loss12:19
mjrat this point my recommendation would be totem-xine and rhythmbox12:19
levwhat is muine?12:19
ficusplanetlev, with the wincodecs totem will play essentially everything out there.  And muine is just a really nice, simple music player.12:19
mjrmuine might be a valid choice too; it's another music player12:20
mjrif you're not allergic to the thought of C# software running on your box ;)12:20
dhanishfat partitions dont support file permissions right both for xp and linux?12:20
mjrdhanish, correct12:20
mjrthere's the age-old umsdos kludge for linux, but I don't know if that's supported anymore, and we don't like to discuss it anyway ;)12:21
dhanishk...i wonder then if there is anyway to share firefox/thunderbird profiles betweek xp and ubuntu....without having to resort to moving profiles onto a fat32 partition12:21
willi like VLC12:21
willdhanisk...oh i wish12:22
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dhanishhrm...maybe usb drive...nah that'll be slow12:23
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RuffianSoldierim thinking of naming my new Linux box Quantum Shift.  what do you guys think?  Ill call it "QS" for short :-D12:23
dhanishi wonder if there is some kind of driver that will read linux partiotions in xp?12:24
mjrdhanish, at least there is some explorer-like tool to do that12:24
mjrdon't know about actual drivers12:24
mjrGoogle's probably your friend12:24
levWhere can i find the transparent theme ?12:25
levIT looks really cool.12:25
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CatDogdhanish: there are apps that will read ext partitions, and12:27
CatDogdhanish: damn. I meant to say: ext2fs12:28
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confreyok, I solved gstreamer and xmms problem, but, what do I need to play mp3 with xmms?12:28
levHey, where can i find the transparent theme... where the background of the terminal is all transparent.12:28
levit looks awesome.12:28
Gwildorlev, i think it is in terminal setting....??12:29
mjrlev, not a theme, the pseudo-transparency can be set from terminal profiles12:29
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levhow do you do it?12:32
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Matt|guys what is the difference between the linux-kernel-headers package, and the linux-headers packages?12:32
ficusplanetlev, in the terminal, go to edit>>current profile>>effects12:32
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hubrixhi, i need some help, my partitions wont mount12:32
aitrusdoes anyone know what package provides the man pages for getopt(3) (part of unistd.h)?12:32
Roptatyaitrus, manpages-dev12:32
hubrixi have 2 drives, both are ext3, one mounts12:32
levthen what?12:32
hubrixthe other says that the mount points are busy or already mounted12:32
hubrixbut they are not12:32
hubrixit worked fine12:32
hubrixuntil i built a 2.6.8 kernel12:32
aitrusRoptaty: thanks12:32
levficusplanet, then what do i do12:32
aitrusRoptaty: don't know how i missed that.... =/12:32
hubrixi also got this in dmesg12:32
hubrixdevice-mapper: : dm-linear: Device lookup failed12:32
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illustrei tried the network-admin but the device is not created or at least when i do iwconfnig eth1 it says no such device12:33
illustrecould it be b/c i am using the live demo version?12:34
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Gandalfaris there ubuntu netinstall?12:35
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levi love transparency ! :)12:35
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illustresomeone plse help me try this wirless connection with demo version?12:36
Matt|guys what is the difference between the linux-kernel-headers package, and the linux-headers packages?12:37
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ficusplanetillustre, What card do you have?12:37
hubrixanyone help me with this mounting issue?12:37
ficusplanethubrix, What's this issue?12:38
hubrix2 of my partitions have stopped mounting12:38
hubrixthey used to mount12:38
ficusplanethubrix, What filesystem?  NTFS?12:38
hubrix/dev/hdc1 and /dev/hdc2 are all ext312:38
hubrixthe other two dont12:38
hubrixsaying they are mounted or mount points busy12:38
hubrixi've deleted and recreated the mount points12:38
hubrixso that cant be it12:39
hubrixand they arent mounted already12:39
hubrixi checked12:39
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ficusplanetillustre, When you go into network-admin to create new wireless connection, does it see your card?  Or do you have an empty combo box?12:39
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ficusplanethubrix, What do the corresponding lines in /etc/fstab look like?12:39
illustreficusplanet: empty12:39
RoptatyMatt|, check out /usr/share/doc/linux-kernel-headers/README.Debian12:40
ReptiXIm trying to apt-get install mcrypt12:40
ReptiXand i get this error12:40
ReptiXErrors were encountered while processing:12:40
ReptiX courier-imap12:40
ReptiX courier-pop12:40
ReptiXE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:40
illustreficusplanet: lspci shows the card12:40
hubrix"/dev/hdc2       /mnt/files      ext3    defaults        0       0"12:40
Matt|Roptaty, thanks12:40
hubrix"/dev/hdc1       /mnt/store      ext3    defaults        0       0"12:40
ReptiXPlease help12:40
ficusplanetillustre, That means that the card is not seen/loaded.  network-admin can't make the card up, it will only configure it once it's found.  We need to make sure the appropriate module is loaded at boot.12:40
hubrix"/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       1"12:40
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illustreficusplanet: how do i do that12:40
xaxSo, anyone else install ubuntu and have it just hang on the login screen. Bongo sound repeats forever and once I enter my username and password it sits at a blank screen with a cursor12:41
illustreficusplanet:can't i manually create it ?12:41
hubrixxax: you have no windowamanger?12:41
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hubrixused to work, i just installed a new build of the kernel and now it doesnt12:42
hubrixi build everything oldconfig12:42
jdubReptiX: you're better off providing information and asking direct questions than yelling please help all the time12:42
illustreficusplanet:any hints i can try?12:42
Seqanybody know how i can diagnose (i think) IDE errors on a hard drive?12:42
GotD0tjdub: he did ask a question... scroll up12:42
ficusplanetillustre, Can you take a look in /etc/modules to see if ipw2100 is in there?12:42
ReptiXum i really need to get mcrypt on my pc12:42
jdubReptiX: ask your question.12:42
illustreth module is loaded let me check /etc/mod12:42
Matt|Roptaty, so do I need the linux-kernel-headers as well as the linux-headers? is glibc compiled under the linux-kernel-headers packages?12:42
GotD0tReptiX: try sudo apt-get update12:42
ReptiXhow do i fix this error12:42
ReptiXErrors were encountered while processing:12:42
ReptiX courier-imap12:42
ReptiX courier-pop12:42
ReptiXE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:42
jdubReptiX: look at the errors above those12:43
ficusplanethubrix, Can you try changing defaults to defaults,user12:43
illustre/etc/modules is empty12:43
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hubrixi can, why would that matter?12:44
littlepenguinHi people! Why does the XFCE installer spit out Checking for Gtk+ >= 2.2.0... not found, see /home/fruchter/.xfce4.installer-log for details12:44
ficusplanetTry putting ipw2100 in there and then running sudo update-modules12:44
illustrebut lsmod shows the module loaded12:44
hubrixi'm doing it as root12:44
jdublittlepenguin: you'd have to ask the xfce people12:44
ficusplanetlittlepenguin, Do you have the dev packages for gtk installed?12:44
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hubrixficusplanet: no luck12:44
GotD0tReptiX: try sudo apt-get update12:44
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littlepenguinWhat is the pkgname you type for apt-get to install gtk dev pkgs12:45
thenukehmm.. Many things are VERY small :) like when I open up amule, I hardly can read the text, and same thing on mm.. mplayers preferences..12:45
ficusplanethubrix, Are you able to mount them manually?12:45
ReptiXplease go to this url12:45
hubrixficusplanet: i cant mount them at all12:45
thenukewhy is that :I or more likely, how do I fix this :O12:45
hubrixficusplanet: manually or auto12:45
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ReptiXthat is the full outcome of the text12:45
ficusplanetlittlepenguin, libgtk2.0-dev12:45
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ReptiXignore the <?php please and the enging ?>12:45
hubrixficusplanet: mount: /dev/hdc2 already mounted or /mnt/files busy12:45
illustreficusplanet:update-moduels telles me do to force so i did update-modules force and i get the same msg use foce12:45
ReptiXlet me ask nicer12:45
ReptiXPlease help me get mcrypt to install.12:46
fruchterthx a ton12:46
RoptatyMatt|: You need the linux-headers package if you want to compile your own kernel-modules.12:46
GotD0tReptix i already told you something to do... try it12:46
ReptiXi did12:46
Matt|Roptaty, sure i know, but do i need the linux-kernel-headers package for anything?12:46
ReptiXit didnt help12:46
xaxhubrix: apparently not. Just sits there before loading into gnome(kde?)12:46
RoptatyMatt|: For normal use? No.12:46
GotD0tReptiX: then why didn;t you say anything12:46
Matt|Roptaty, ok i c thanks for your help12:46
ficusplanethubrix, Instead of using default, try making it noauto.  It seems that the drives are mounted, but just not showing up to your user.  So, try the option, "noauto,user"12:47
ReptiXgotdot, it didnt work12:47
RoptatyMatt|: No problemo12:47
illustrefcusplanet:lsmod shows the modules loaded does that make  a diff12:47
genreptix, it's in universe, you have universe enabled correct?12:47
GotD0tReptiX: is saying mcrypt is already installed12:47
hubrixficusplanet: could it have something to do with me having built initrd incorrectly?12:47
illustreficusplnet:lsmod shows the modules loaded does that make  a diff12:47
ReptiXcant be installed if im getting this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mcrypt_module_open() in /var/www/vhcs2/gui/include/vhcs-config.php on line 1012:47
GotD0tReptiX: look at the 5th line....12:47
ReptiXwhy would i get this error?12:48
ReptiXFatal error: Call to undefined function: mcrypt_module_open() in /var/www/vhcs2/gui/include/vhcs-config.php on line 1012:48
ReptiXhow can i fix that error?12:48
GotD0tReptiX: the mcrypt module probably is not loaded12:48
ReptiXhow would i properly load it12:49
ficusplanethubrix, Possibly.  I'm not sure.  If it says that the drive is mounted/busy though, I tend to think it is.  I would try changing those options and a) unmounting them or b) rebooting12:50
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fruchteris there an apt-get pkg that includes compile stuff like gcc, make , automake etc.12:50
GotD0tReptiX: do modprobe -l and look for mcrypt12:50
Roptatyhubrix: Do you have your previous kernel available? You updated to a new kernel right?12:50
hubrixficusplanet: i've tried unmounting it says its not mounted, i've tried rebooting with no luck, i'll try to put ext3 as not a module and reboot then i will try your noauto,user although that is really not a good option, it used to work12:50
ReptiXi cant see it12:50
hubrixRoptaty: yes i have the old one, but i have to go home to try it :)12:50
ReptiXhow do i just tell if its loaded or load it12:50
Roptatyhubrix: Hold on a minute... You are using ext3 for your filesystems but are having ext3 as a module in the kernel?12:51
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GotD0tReptiX: try modprobe mcrypt12:51
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ficusplanethubrix, OK, good luck.12:51
ReptiXGotD0t, FATAL: Module mcrypt not found.12:51
palleany1 knows how to get 3ddesktop working?12:51
slashdotterHello guys. How many CDs (shipit.ubuntu.org) may I order?12:51
hubrixRoptaty: yeah, thats what ubuntu does by default12:51
thenukeslashdotter: dont they say something like they dont ship them anymore?12:51
slashdotterthenuke: no!12:51
slashdotter thenuke: just ordered some12:51
GotD0tReptiX: look around for documentation, i don't know the app so i really cant help... just look around for a module name or something in the docs12:53
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ReptiXhow do i load it12:53
fruchtersorry to ask this again, but is there a meta-pkg for apt-get that includes stuff like g++, gcc and make?12:53
jdubslashdotter: order as many as you need; if it's a ridiculous amount, you'll be contacted for confirmation12:53
GotD0tReptiX: modprobe12:53
jdubfruchter: build-essential12:53
tommie_programs run from sudo have a theme other than mine, how do I fix that? is it in the theme files?12:53
Roptatyhubrix: My mistake. I thought that the root filesystem type had to be compiled into the kernel, but I'll guess I was wrong there. :)12:53
slashdotterjdub: is 15 OK?12:53
ReptiXGotD0t, it says i need to: You will need to compile your php with mcrypt support.12:53
jdubslashdotter: 15's fine :)12:53
Quest-MasterAre there any Radeon drivers for Ubuntu?12:53
ReptiXso do you know how to compile php wioth mcrypt support12:53
thenukecygserv.cygnnet.jkl.fi/thenuke/too_small.png  help please :)12:53
jdubQuest-Master: see the binary driver howto on the wiki12:53
hubrixRoptaty: thats what the initrd is for, the modules get loaded from it, alas i have no idea what i messed up, i'm considering pulling a non ubuntu kernel source and trying it, anyone have any experience with that?12:53
GotD0tReptiX: i don't know php or any of that... like i said earlier; look around for doc's on how to do that12:53
Quest-MasterBinary driver? Ok12:53
slashdotterjdub: ok thanks, bye12:53
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RoptatyReptiX: Have you tried installing libmcrypt4?12:54
fruchter /nick littlepenguin12:54
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palleAttempting to start 3ddesktop server.12:54
palleget property WIN_WORKSPACE failed - setting one12:54
palleget property WIN_WORKSPACE_COUNT failed - setting one12:54
palleDaemon started.  Run 3ddesk to activate.12:54
palleXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".12:54
palle3ddeskd: glXIsDirect failed, no Direct Rendering possible!12:54
palle3ddeskd: Please configure hardware acceleration.  Exiting.12:54
palleCan't get message queue: No such file or directory12:54
palleMaybe 3ddeskd server not started?12:54
=== Xenguy just submitted Ubuntu to linuxiso.org...
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pallewhat's wrong?12:54
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Quest-MasterHas anyon had problems installing the proprietary Radeon driver?12:56
WWShould Realplayer be able to play .ram files?12:56
pallehow do i configure hardware acceleration to allow direct rendering?12:56
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pallequest-master: proprietary?12:56
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ficusplanetpalle, What kind of graphics card do you have?12:56
palleficusplanet: a radeon 9800XT12:56
ReptiXRoptaty, yes it is installed12:56
Quest-MasterThe one from ATI.com12:57
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ReptiXdoes anyone know how i can compile php with mcrypt12:57
jdubQuest-Master: see the binary driver howto on the wiki, don't install the one from ati.12:58
ficusplanetpalle, Look for the binary driver howto in the wiki12:58
hubrixargh, i'm annoyed, i'm going home!12:58
palleokay ficusplanet thnx12:58
ReptiXit ends with --with-mcrypt=/usr/local12:58
ReptiXwhats the beginning12:58
ReptiXcompile php --with-mcrypt=/usr/local ??12:58
RoptatyReptiX: Hold on.12:59
fruchter_god, it takes along time to download 15 mb on dial up12:59
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Xenguyfruchter_: d/l overnight (used to work for me :-)01:02
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ReptiXRoptaty, found anything01:03
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Seqdoes anybody know why my hard drive would throw errors (found in dmesg) when running ubuntu hoary kernel, but not on a kernel 2.4 live cd?01:05
RoptatyReptiX: I will try something here. I'll try recompiling php with libmcrypt installed.01:06
RoptatyMy guess is that mcrypt support hasnt been compiled in when packaging the deb.01:07
Xenguy!tell candymancan about xcfg01:09
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MaDsKiLLzheh i have to say... ubuntu is a v ery nice distro01:09
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RoptatyReptiX: Dam*, I ran out of space on my partition. Do you know how to compile a source package?01:12
RoptatyReptiX: Its quite easy actually. There are two steps you have to do. Two commands actually. 1. sudo apt-get build-dep php4, and 2. sudo apt-get --compile source php401:14
ReptiXE: Build-dependencies for php4 could not be satisfied.01:15
ReptiXthe second one seems to work01:15
ReptiXnow the second one says Build command 'cd php4-4.3.8 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' failed.01:16
ReptiXE: Child process failed01:16
ReptiXandi still get the error01:16
RoptatyReptiX: Does it say which build dependencies which cant be satisfied?01:16
ReptiXlibpam0g-dev libpcre3-dev (>= 4.3-1) libpng12-dev librecode-dev libsablot0-dev (>= 0.96) libsnmp4.2-dev libttf-dev libxmltok1-dev libxml2-dev (>= 2.4.14) libxslt1-dev (>= 1.0.18) re2c libt1-dev unixodbc-dev xlibs-dev libwrap0-dev01:17
ReptiXdpkg-buildpackage: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.01:17
ReptiXdpkg-buildpackage: (Use -d flag to override.)01:17
ReptiXthats about it01:17
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RoptatyReptiX: Do you have "universe" in your sources.lst?01:17
muluxIs there anything similar to debians "modconf" in ubuntu?01:18
drac`Ubuntu is debian01:18
XenguyMaDsKiLLz: I agree - looking very promising01:19
drac`debian is ubuntu ;)01:19
RoptatyReptiX: How about multiverse then?01:19
muluxdrac`: well, in that case, modconf is missing :P01:19
Xenguydrac`: no01:19
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drac`use the same tools01:19
Xenguydrac`: ubuntu is based on Debian01:19
RoptatyReptiX: Strange. It worked flawlessy here.01:19
Xenguydrac`: the reverse is not true IMO01:19
drac`of course01:20
=== lev [~lev@dhcp024-209-240-238.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MaDsKiLLzhell its really good right now01:20
Xenguydrac`: now we agree :-)01:20
muluxthe thing is that I'm going to install a new network-card, what do I need to do to make it work?01:20
XenguyMaDsKiLLz: and it will get better :-)01:20
drac`but there is no difference in using one or the other excepted the packages01:20
=== yann_ [~yann@pD9531E68.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
yann_hi everybody  :)01:21
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
levi got cdcontrol from universe, how do i access it?01:22
Xenguydrac`: I think your statements are a bit too general, and therefore may be misleading to others -- Ubuntu is not identical to Debian in the final analysis01:22
yann_how can I change the text displayed when logging on ssh?01:22
Xenguyyann_: I don't understand your question01:22
drac`I've seen no difference exepected some config things01:22
yann_Xenguy > when I log on ssh on my ubuntu, a default welcome message is displayed; is there any way to customize it ? :)01:23
levHow do i access CDcontrol?01:24
drac`it's in /etc/motd01:24
drac`i think01:24
levI installed it from universe, but i cant seem to find it.01:24
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yann_merci drac` :)01:24
drac`np :-)01:24
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ReptiXso waht do i do Roptaty01:25
=== LinuxJones [~LJ@blk-222-206-208.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== tommie_ [~tommie@68-235-94-205.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
illustreubuntu is very impresive was not able to get wireless nic working on live-cd but i like what i see great job people01:29
tommie_Anyone know how to fix this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=681901:29
=== ben913 [~ben@pcp03282353pcs.radnor01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ficusplanettommie_, You need to copy the theme you are using to /usr/share/themes01:29
tommie_ficusplanet: Thanks, I'll try that.01:30
ben913CUPS is being stupid01:30
ben913i have a printer set up01:30
ben913and it's an smb printer01:30
muluxokay, let's try again, what will I need to do to get a new NIC working?01:30
ben913and it refuses to let me change the samba username and password01:30
ben913i've even tried removing the printer and adding it again01:31
ben913but it still won't 'remember' the username and pass fields01:31
RoptatyReptiX: It seems like you may need to compile php manually. :(01:32
yann_btw, is there any ubuntu-developer or the webmaster here? :)01:33
GotD0tReptiX: yea... thats exactly what you were told you had to do01:33
=== Nivlem [~nivlem@cs2427123-66.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
muluxwhat firewall software do you guys recommend?01:34
RoptatyGotD0t: Seems like the package maintainer of php doesnt think people need mcrypt support.01:35
ReptiXanyont know how too?01:35
muluxNeill|: do you think a newb can install/configure it?01:35
ficusplanetmulux, You can use Firestarter to configure iptables, if you'd like.01:35
ReptiXhow to compile php manually01:36
ReptiXplease help01:36
muluxficusplanet: oh, neat. thanks01:36
RoptatyReptiX: ./configure --with-mcrypt && make && make install01:36
muluxficusplanet: what about istalling? is there an apt-packet? :)01:36
ficusplanetmulux, For firestarter?  I believe so.01:37
muluxficusplanet: nah, I was refering to iptables01:37
ficusplanetOh, it's built into the kernel.01:38
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muluxyay, hurray!01:38
muluxthanks for the help01:38
ReptiXwere dop i do this Roptaty01:38
ReptiXwere is php at01:38
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=== Stuttergart [~Stutterga@www.nathanvalentine.org] has joined #ubuntu
NivlemAdded my firewire drive to /etc/fstab like this: /dev/sdb9 /media/music hfsplus rw,user,noauto 0 0 while I can mount the drive just fine it is only being recognized as a read only filesystem. Permissions are rwx...anyone know why this might be01:40
=== _|Imanewbie|_ [~imanewbie@] has joined #ubuntu
_|Imanewbie|_Is there something like prelink avaliabe for ubuntu?01:40
=== basejumper9 [~basejumpe@65-100-166-133.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
RoptatyReptiX: apt-get source php4. cd into the php directory and issue those commands.01:40
ReptiXwere is the php dir01:41
RoptatyReptiX: If you run apt-get source php4, apt-get will place the php directory into the current working directory.01:42
ben913can anyone help me with my printer/stuid cups problem?01:42
tommie_ficusplanet: Works, thanks again!01:42
ReptiXits not01:42
ReptiXbecuase it was already installed01:42
ReptiXyour erighrt01:43
RoptatyReptiX: apt-get source not install ;)01:43
ReptiXits installiong01:44
ReptiXhow do i know if it found mcrypt01:44
_|Imanewbie|_Is prelink avaliable for ubuntu?01:44
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ben913holy shit01:45
=== wasabi [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ben913have people been on slashdot lately?01:45
ben913have you seen the aids vacine !?01:45
jdub_|Imanewbie|_: prelink is in universe, but we don't recommend using it. it causes more problems than it solves problems.01:46
fruchter_what's the libxml dev pkgname01:46
jdubben913: probably something for another channel, dude01:46
jdubfruchter_: apt-cache search libxml dev01:46
GotD0tben913: it not for aids... its for HIV01:46
Roptatyben913: HIV, not aids...01:46
_|Imanewbie|_jdub: Does it still too unstable?01:46
jdub_|Imanewbie|_: dunno about unstable, but it's not hugely useful.01:47
ReptiXi get thisetopt.lo main/internal_functions.lo -lcrypt -lcrypt -lmcrypt -lltdl -lresolv -lm -ldl -lnsl -lcrypt -lcrypt  -o sapi/cgi/php01:47
ReptiXlibtool: link: `ext/ctype/ctype.lo' is not a valid libtool object01:47
ReptiXmake: *** [sapi/cgi/php]  Error 101:47
ben913Roptaty, same thing :p01:47
Roptatyben913: No, its not the same thing. :p01:47
GotD0tben913: no its not... you get aids from HIV, im certain the vaccine doesn't help once its progressed to the AIDS stage01:48
ReptiXplease help Roptaty01:48
=== cef_work [~cef@fw2.amc.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jdubdudes, vastly off-topic stuff elsewhere please...01:49
ben913grr, i'm trying to print the news article, but of course, cups is stupid, so it doesn't work01:49
ben913jdub, there, i related back to my printer problem01:49
ben913i win01:49
=== ironwolf thanks jdub
cef_workjdub: hey ages ago I asked about what font the ubuntu logo used. did that ever get figured out?01:50
cef_workjdub: ok, who should i ask?01:50
jdubdidn't get a response from the design co01:50
jdubyou've asked the right person :)01:50
billytwowillyman, the chronicles of riddick directors cut is a WAY better movie than the original01:51
RoptatyReptiX: Hmm, not sure what to do. An error message like that might suggest a bug in the libtool program or in the source.01:51
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ReptiXoh man01:51
ReptiXi need to fix this01:51
cef_workjdub: heh.. cos I've got all these designs for t-shirts in my head.. and they'd look a bit trashy if they use a different font for associated text01:51
ReptiXcan someone ssh into my system01:51
GotD0tReptiX: i can... but i cant help01:51
GotD0tReptiX: ;-)01:52
billytwowillyReptiX, I can too.. but I probably won't be able to help;)01:52
billytwowillyWhat's wrong?01:52
ReptiXthat CAN Help01:52
ReptiXi cant get mcrypt to work01:52
Roptatybillytwowilly: mcrypt + php troubles01:52
billytwowillyno idea.01:52
cef_workjdub: so the logo was created by a design company?01:53
jdubcef_work: i'm pinging again01:53
ben913anyone wanna help me with my cups and gnome cups gui prob?01:53
RoptatyReptiX: I have to go to sleep now, but Ill be back in 14-18 hours  or so...01:53
Roptatyben913: So, what cups size are you? A? B? ;)01:53
cef_workjdub: ok then, if they can't tell us what font, the alternative is that we give them the text and they produce images of the text in that font..01:54
cef_workjdub: but this of course might cost ubuntu money, which is not that great a thing01:54
MaDsKiLLzgod i love ubuntu its my new favorite distro01:55
MaDsKiLLzi thought i ordered 1 cd01:55
MaDsKiLLzcuz i didnt feel like downloading it and i saw it was free01:55
MaDsKiLLzcept i recieved 10 ;p01:55
jdubcef_work: they will, just have to make them think it's important :)01:55
billytwowillyMaDsKiLLz, I don't think they send out less than 1001:55
MaDsKiLLzi recieved 1001:55
cef_workjdub: not like canonical can't afford it, but hey... *grin* money saved = more postage money for free CD's *grin*01:55
luis_ubuntulog: partying like it's 1999 ;)01:55
=== luis_ kicks xchat in the groin
WebMaven_awayOK, this is wierd. Why isn't CVS installed by default?01:56
ReptiXubuntu stands for:u want too :)01:56
cef_workcos the average home user doesn't use CVS?01:56
=== WebMaven_away grumbles...
jesstacef_work: they should01:57
jdubWebMaven_away: in general, we've left very developer-oriented tools out of the default install. it's included on the cd and supported, though.01:57
RoptatyWebMaven_away: Your cvs is just an apt-get install cvs away :)01:57
ben913Roptaty, hah, your funny01:57
=== Ruffian|Q| [Ruffian|Q|@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cef_workReptiX: oh I've got thousands of those sorts of things rattling around in my head.. and since I'm taking holidays between 20th dec and 10th jan, I'm actually going to concentrate on a few ubuntu related projects, inclusing this stuff01:57
cef_workerm, including01:58
=== Ruffian|Q| is now known as RuffianSoldier
=== phlaegel [~phlaegel@S0106000d88033723.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
phlaegelanybody using the galeon packages on hoary?02:00
billytwowillywhat is galeon?02:01
=== pepsi_ [~pepsi@p75.n-sfpop03.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu
phlaegela browser. galeon.sf.net02:02
=== billytwowilly uses firefox
ReptiXdont we all02:03
=== utta [~brandon@h00045ae006a2.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
billytwowillyso there is two browsers for gnome then? galeon and epiphany?02:04
billytwowillys /is/are02:04
ReptiXfirefox and firefox02:04
phlaegelgaleon used to be the gnome browser02:05
phlaegelepiphany replaced it02:05
jdubgaleon was never the gnome browser :)02:05
billytwowillyso why are people still developing galeon?02:05
jdubit was just the browser most associated with gnome :)02:05
phlaegelwasn't it? (I never actually used gnome until recently...) thought I remembered it was...02:05
jdubbillytwowilly: difference in objectives between the projects02:06
phlaegelso it just wasn't official, right?02:06
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billytwowillyjdub, what differences?02:07
=== jcole [~jcole@cupwebproxy1.core.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu
jcolei give up... any gnome/gtk2 samba gui client out there similar to qt/kde smb4K ?02:07
=== scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
pdaousthm, this is fun: postfix doesn't seem to be relaying any locally-sent e-mails to my ISP's SMTP server... is it set up to not do that by default?02:08
Nivlemjcole: there used to be gnomba..but that is a while back..don't know if it is still being worked or not..02:08
pdaoustjcole: never heard of any; my SMB needs are pretty modest02:08
pdaoustjcole: how about LinNeighborhood?02:08
=== wasabi [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jcoleLinNeighborhood looks like shit02:08
pdaoustjcole: true enough ^_^02:08
jcolei'll stick with it02:08
jcolewhat's up with all the gtk1 apps *not* converted to gtk2 ?02:09
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pdaoustjcole: dunno; maybe they just couldn't be bothered because it's working great as it is, even if it does look like sh**02:10
pdaoustjcole: although I know there are some stylistic/technical/political reasons: some people don't like the way GTK2 is going; they say it's too bloaty.02:11
Nivlemhpfsck reports errors on my firewire partitions...what do I run to correct the reported problem(s)?02:11
jcolepdaoust: i guess... take a look at mplayer or xmms for example... for god's sake, they are multimedia apps02:11
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lamontpdaoust: postfix frequently doesn't know your hostname well enough to make the ISP happy, etc.  by default it's configured well enough to deliver mail local to the computer.02:18
lamontanything beyond taht requires configuration. :-(02:18
=== bancus [tedreed@ca-fontana3b-48.snbrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
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pdaoustlamont: looooovely. I wanted to use it to test out mail-sending with a PHP script I wrote, but maybe I'll just give up :)02:22
pdaoustta, folks02:22
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=== lev [~lev@dhcp024-209-240-238.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
levWhat is a good cd burning softwaree?02:24
levi need to get something.02:24
billytwowillyk3b is good, but mildly borken in warty02:24
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levisnt that for kde?02:25
billytwowillyyah, but it works in gnome.02:25
levhow do i get it?02:25
billytwowillysudo apt-get install k3b02:26
levnvm.. i see it in SPM02:26
levwhat do you mean it is broken?02:26
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levbilly, it says i need a password02:31
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=== bancus [tedreed@ca-fontana3b-48.snbrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
bancusHas onyone seen any problems with modules after installation?02:40
bancusPossibly related to Hoary.02:41
billytwowillybancus, what modules?02:42
Cloudchaseri was hoping someone might have a suggestion for me..using firefox in ubuntu and i can't  seem to get to some pages on college library website02:42
bancusa couple related to hotplug refuse to load during boot02:42
billytwowillyhow do I figure out what version of a module is installed? I want to know what version of the ipw2200 driver I've got.02:42
Cloudchaseri click the links they give and nothing happens02:42
bancusand ndiswrapper.ko apparently has the wrong format02:42
billytwowillybancus, no idea. sory02:42
=== timl still can't get his thinkpad r40e's keyboard to respond at the main installer screen
billytwowillyCloudchaser, are the webpages down?02:42
Cloudchaserworks on my husband's window's pc but not on mine :( i have a paper due in a few days02:42
Cloudchaserbillytwowilly, no they're not down02:43
Matt|Cloudchaser, give us the link02:43
Matt|nice nick btw02:43
billytwowillyCloudchaser, on your husband's comp does it pop them open in a new window? Possibly the popup blocker is stopping it from working properly in that instance.02:43
Cloudchasercan't really cause i have to log in with college id02:43
Matt|oh i c02:43
Matt|wat he said then02:43
Cloudchaserwell some popups work but i don't find any popup manager in firefox02:44
Matt|Cloudchaser, in the preferences02:44
Cloudchaseri looked in there02:44
Cloudchaserit has cookies02:44
Cloudchaseroh found it now02:44
Matt|Cloudchaser, nope that's not it, it's under web features02:44
bancusalso, why does GDM ignore my keymap?02:44
bancusconsoles use dvorak, gnome uses it once I've logged in, but GDM insists that I want qwerty02:45
Matt|bancus, check your xorg config?02:45
Cloudchaseroh thank you matt!!!!02:45
Cloudchaserthat did it!!!02:45
Matt|Cloudchaser, it was billytwowilly's idea :)02:45
=== Matt| takes the praise
Cloudchaseroh billytwowilly thank you!!!!02:46
bancusMatt|, I just installed, it should be set up right02:46
billytwowillywoot! I think that's my first piece of advice that has been good;)02:46
bancusI indicated dvorak at the beginning of my installation02:46
=== billytwowilly increments his karma tracker
Matt|bancus, check just in case?02:46
bancusI'm about ready to give up on ubuntu anyway.02:46
Matt|bancus, you installed hoary from cd?02:46
bancusMatt|, yeah02:46
Matt|*grins* bancus why give up?02:46
bancuswarty wasn't working02:46
bancusalthough, I guess I can go back and try it now that I've figured out why02:46
Matt|you'll never learn anything about linux if you give up with every distro02:46
bancusI know plenty about it02:47
bancusI just don't want to spend all day and all night messing with it02:47
bancusI want a system that just works02:47
Matt|bancus, get windows02:47
bancusit doesn't just work02:47
bancusit's slow02:47
Matt|nah it works02:47
bancusand doesn't have rhythmbox02:47
Matt|i've seen it02:47
bancusor epiphany02:47
bancusor evolution02:47
bancusall great software that windows can't do02:48
Matt|bancus, well you're stuck with it then02:48
bancusI just want a distro that doesn't make me fuck with the low-level things02:48
bancusI don't want to ever have to open up a configuration file.02:48
Matt|bancus, dream on02:48
bancusNot for routine things02:48
bancusMatt|, I'm not the only one02:48
bancusProject Utopia is bringing it02:48
ReptiXhow do i get remote access to work and how do i access it02:48
bancusthings like NetworkManager are coming along to help02:49
Matt|bancus, i'm sure you're not. I agree with you in principle, and this is also the ubuntu aim, but it is naive02:49
bancusI thought Ubuntu might be the one to bring all the pieces together02:49
bancusbut I've had such a bad experience with it so far I'm not sure I want to bother02:49
Matt|bancus, hrm, its more accessible than most. But they have not been able to test it on enough hardware02:49
bancuswhy can't the installer check both CD-ROM drives?02:49
Matt|bancus, *laughs* loads of installers don't do that02:50
=== billytwowilly doesn't have to open up config files. set it and forget it ismy policy
bancusThe problem I had at first was because the cd was in the slave drive02:50
=== FireEgl [Proteus501@adsl-159-170-114.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Matt|bancus, oh i c, you don't mean check the media02:50
bancusno, it borked during install02:50
bancusbecause it couldn't find the disk02:50
Matt|bancus, perhaps the media was corrupted02:51
bancusit only looked in master, didn't bother checking slave02:51
bancusit was fine once I moved it to the other drive02:51
Matt|bancus, good02:51
bancusbut I shouldn't have had to do that02:51
Matt|my gentoo list cd doesn't boot from my second cd drive02:51
=== Xenguy offers bancus some cheese...
bancusI didn't install gentoo from CD02:51
bancusXenguy, go ahead, ignore it02:51
Matt|bancus, good. Just saying, same problem02:51
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scoonbancus, that is a bios thing.  search order is determined by your bios.02:51
bancusscoon, it booted from the CD just fine02:52
bancusso it's not a BIOS thing02:52
=== mulux [~mulux@anneberg-39-45.ip-pluggen.com] has joined #ubuntu
scoonbancus, you complaint is about search order during boot.02:52
bancusno it isn't02:52
scoonbancus, not booting. it is a bios thing02:52
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=== GotD0t [~GotD0t@] has joined #ubuntu
bancusI never said anything about it not booting, did I?02:52
Matt|scoon, nah you've misunderstood him02:52
bancusI said it borked during installation02:52
scoonbancus, ah, my bad. sorry02:52
bancusnot being able to find the cd it was running of of02:53
scoonbancus, selective reading.02:53
bancusI see. ;)02:53
scoonbancus, I don't.02:53
bancusmaybe I'll try warty again before I waste a DVD-R on fedore02:53
bancusI really don't want to have to use fedora02:53
scoonbancus, yeah, do it. do it.02:53
Xenguybancus: actually, sorry about that, it is a good thing you are reporting this - did you file a 'bug report' on this at all?  (might be the best idea to make sure it gets followed up)02:53
scoonbancus, this is the best distro i have used in 6 years.02:54
Matt|bancus, anyhow, it's their first release and as I say, they need people to test hardware02:54
bancusXenguy, I'm going to, I guess02:54
Matt|bancus, so file a bug, that would really help :)02:54
bancusscoon, the enhancements to gnome look promising02:54
GotD0tits amazing how things always go wrong at a time where the reason for the break is completely different from what it actually was02:54
Xenguybancus: I think there's a bug report page somewhere on the web site02:54
bancusGotD0t, that was a problem I had with gentoo02:54
bancusXenguy, bugzilla.ubuntulinux.org02:54
Xenguybancus: ah so02:54
bancusGotD0t, it kept fucking up the config files02:55
GotD0tbancus: well its not specific to operating systems... or computers in general. just stuff goes wrong at an exact moment where it makes it seem completely different02:55
bancusmost recently, it fucked net.lo, and the loopback device wasn't being brought up02:55
bancusbut nothing said that02:55
bancusinstead, everything broke in bizarre ways02:55
bancuslike fam refusing to load02:55
Matt|bancus, no offence, but gentoo doesn't touch the config files02:55
=== anders_ [~anders@cD9088A1D.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #ubuntu
bancusMatt|, dispatch-conf and etc-update do02:55
Matt|bancus, well those are run by YOU02:56
muluxMy X is locking up every now and then... I can ssh to the computer, so its not completely hung. ctrl+alt+backspace wont shutdown X, nor will ctrl+alt+F1 go to a console, any ideas?02:56
bancuswhich are standard gentoo tools02:56
bancusMatt|, and so is emerge02:56
Matt|bancus, and you get to choose which files to amend, and it tells you each difference between them and your old ones02:56
bancusMatt|, and they put a diff into my localdrive init script02:56
Matt|so don't start blaming distros02:56
bancusignoring my choice completely02:57
Matt|bancus, your choice was -1?02:57
bancusthere's not even a choice for "replace my init script with a diff"02:57
ReptiXOK how do i setup REMOTE DESKTOP and how do i access it please02:57
Matt|bancus, ok then.02:57
bancusI only ever used use new and zap new02:57
ReptiXbancus read the WIKI GOD02:57
bancussay what?02:57
ReptiXsay what?02:57
bancuswhat's a wiki god?02:57
bancussome sort of islander god of quickness?02:57
ReptiXwhat's a wiki god?02:58
Xenguymulux: is gpm running by any chance?02:58
ReptiXsome sort of islander god of quickness?02:58
Matt|ReptiX, are you an echo bot?02:58
Matt|well stop it then02:58
ReptiXi did02:58
jdubReptiX: computer > desktop preferences > remote desktop02:58
anders_should I have a /.dev mount when running udev?02:58
ReptiXthank you, how do i access it though like if i give a user it how do they get on?02:58
Quest-Master:( Ubuntu is not working well with Python at all.02:59
Xenguymulux: (sometimes gpm and X can conflict in weird ways; it may not be your problem, but it's a thought)02:59
Matt|jdub, you had that /proc unmount on the 2.6.9 kernel?02:59
anders_I think it's missing..02:59
Matt|anders_, i have one but not 100% sure02:59
Rene_Sdamn cant install gnome-menu's because I have kdelibs on the machine, not ready to loose k3b03:00
jdubMatt|: i'm not using it03:00
muluxXenguy: hmm, gpm?03:00
Matt|jdub, ok03:00
anders_Matt|: what is your full mount line with it?03:00
muluxXenguy: I'm new to linux, heh :)03:00
Xenguyjdub: hrm, I'm not on my ubuntu box ATM - what is the mechanism/software for that 'remote desktop' menu option you mention above?03:00
Matt|/dev on /.dev type unknown (rw,bind)03:00
Matt|anders_, ^^03:00
Xenguymulux: OK...03:00
Matt|jdub, it seems sweet03:00
rajasince i upgraded to hoary03:01
Xenguymulux: if you are at the console (not in X), are you able to 'highlight' text with your mouse (if yes, that would indiciate gpm is running)03:01
rajatotem has toruble playing the video... the audio works fine03:01
rajathe video is pitch black03:01
Xenguymulux: (or you can do -> ps aux |grep gpm03:02
jdubXenguy: vino03:02
muluxXenguy: hm, I'm unable to access the console now (because of the lockup), but normally no, I don't have any mouse in the console afaik03:02
muluxno gpm process running either03:02
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Xenguyjdub: hrm, never heard of that; will investigate further then - tx03:02
Matt|anders_, actually that is not the only line I have. it's all a bit weird and i don't understand it fully. I'll PM ya it all03:03
Rene_Sthere has got to be a way that Gnome and kde can co-exist on the same computer ....03:03
Xenguymulux: OK so whatever is locking up X is not caused by gpm; are you certain you have the right driver for X ?03:03
muluxactually, when I come to think about it, the lockups maybe occur whenever windows are moved "out of the screen"... not sure though03:03
anders_Matt|: ok, thanks03:03
muluxXenguy: well, it runs smooth for a while03:03
Matt|Rene_S, why not?03:04
Xenguymulux: you may want to double-check that your driver for X is correct; other than that, I'm not sure what to suggest03:04
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muluxXenguy: well, it has detected my gfx-card, is that what you mean?03:05
muluxor what do you mean driver for X?03:05
Xenguymulux: if you want to try reconfiguring your X, you can do -> dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree03:05
Xenguymulux: at any time...03:06
Xenguymulux: at one point you'll be asked to choose a driver for your video card -- you need to make sure you have the right one...03:06
Xenguymulux: otherwise either X will not work at all, or else X will work, er, weirdly03:07
Xenguymulux: anyhow, maybe others have ideas too, that just what comes to my mind ATM03:07
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Matt|can he get into his system at all?03:07
Matt|if so, check out the log file03:08
muluxXenguy: okay, thanks for the help03:08
Xenguymulux: good luck03:08
muluxmight need it :>03:08
Matt|mulux, have you looked at the log file?03:08
muluxyeah, no errors there03:08
Matt|none at all03:08
muluxyou are reffering to /var/log/XFree86.0.log ?03:08
muluxyep, no errors there, just warnings03:09
Matt|grep -i EE /var/log/XFree86.0.log03:09
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l1quidthe livecd i had wouldn't boot, so tried another and that one worked03:11
l1quidcd wasn't scratched either, bad pressing maybe?03:11
Xenguyjdub: ahh, VNC :-)03:11
Matt|nite all03:13
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beni'm back03:14
benand i still have a problem with CUPS03:14
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levi need help with k3b03:16
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levit says i need root privledges03:17
levand tells me to run setup03:17
levbut when i do , that says i need privledges too.03:17
zenwhenright click it's icon and go to properties03:19
zenwhenadd the word gksudo before the k3b command03:20
zenwhenit will ask you for your passs when you run it and you give it your pass03:20
zenwhenThen run setup.03:20
zenwhenthen you are set03:20
Xenguyzenwhen: that sounds like something that should be included in a FAQ somewhere ;-)03:21
zenwhenXenguy, It was easier to type than to hunt down the link again.03:21
Xenguyzenwhen: heh, I hear ya03:21
melazyboythe package VLC is out of date03:21
zenwhenMines not. :) (im naughty and use unstbale repos)03:22
Xenguymelazyboy: define "out of date" :-)03:22
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melazyboyXenguy: The version of the program is not consistant with the term 'bleeding edge' it lacks a newer version which includes numerous bug fixes03:23
zenwhenmelazyboy, you could compile it from source :) :)03:24
RuffianSoldierhello melazyboy03:24
zenwhenIf those fixes matter a lot.03:24
melazyboyyea i could =/03:24
zenwhenShit storm's a brewin03:24
Xenguymelazyboy: If I understand Ubuntu correctly it is possible for software to become outdated between the time of one release and the next - and this is normal.  Is this the case here by any chance?03:24
melazyboyOne of them affects me, sound, cuts out in wmvs, i can wait just an fyi =D03:25
zenwhenwmv sucks03:25
melazyboyXenguy: Not to start a fight, but there isn't an instance when that isn't the case, is any software outdated when first released?03:26
XenguyBTW I've never heard of this VLC thing (everyone is always on about 'mplayer' which never seems to work for me) -- is VLC a real alternative to mplayer, or am I asking about apples and oranges?03:26
melazyboyXenguy: I prefer it03:26
Xenguymelazyboy: I'll let that one go at this hour ;-)03:27
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Xenguymelazyboy: hrm, OK, good to know03:27
melazyboyIt preforms excelent, the options are where i want them, it has a very minimalistic look, without feture bloat like skinning support =D03:27
Xenguymelazyboy: is it newish, or has it been around for some time?03:27
AlohaWolfhow do I open an X based program over ssh in ubuntu?03:27
melazyboyand out of the box it supports everything except rms, and .rams03:28
zenwhenwhat was your question03:28
wasabitotem for life!03:28
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melazyboyXenguy: It's on slashdot alot, it's been around for over a year, it's lead by that 'dvd bob' or what ever his name is, he is using an open source codec he created in the player, rather than a wrapper around microsofts03:29
zenwhenI use mplayer for everything but DVD's. For DVD's I use VLC.03:29
zenwhenBecause it supports menus.03:29
ReptiXOK pleas help me fix this error someone how do i get this thing to work someone has to be smart enogh.03:29
ReptiXFatal error: Call to undefined function: mcrypt_module_open() in /var/www/vhcs2/gui/include/vhcs-config.php on line 1003:29
BigNastyKid909does anyone know what i need in order to stream windows media files online?03:29
ReptiXi need to get mcrypt and i do but it wont work no matter what I DO03:29
Xenguymelazyboy: man that sounds quite awesome - I'd like to give it a whirl then (is it still buggy at all?)03:30
melazyboyXenguy: The sound issue doesn't affect everyone, it just cuts out some times when playing WMVs but the seek on VLC seems to be 10x faster tha other programs i have used, (not to say i have given other programs the same chance i have given vlc) but its pretty well rounded03:31
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Xenguymelazyboy: so just a bit glitchy around wmv's then -- sounds worth a try -- thanks for the tip03:32
=== SimplyRob [~GiorgioAr@pool-162-83-245-61.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jcoleif i get "/usr/include/ft2build.h:56:38: freetype/config/ftheader.h: No such file or directory" and ftheader.h is located at "/usr/include/freetype2/freetype/config/ftheader.h" would i put "make -I/usr/include/freetype2/freetype/config/" ?03:33
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ReptiXthat can fix this03:34
benzenwhen, ok, everytime i try to edit the samba settings for a printer, it refuses to accept the username and password03:34
ReptiXtake the offer now03:34
ReptiXits via host41.com03:34
ReptiXi need to get the mcrypt to work with my php03:34
benzenwhen, i type in the username and password and hit close03:34
GotD0tReptiX: dude... stop screaming... if someone can can help you here then they will tell you... no need to bribe people03:34
benbut then i open up the properties again, and the user and pass fields are empty03:35
ReptiXi really need it thoguh03:35
GotD0tReptiX: you needing it isnt going to make one of us suddenly know your answer03:35
GotD0tReptiX: also... you might want to try a channel thats actually for your specific app03:35
BigNastyKid909does anyone know what i need in order to stream windows media files online?03:35
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GotD0tBigNastyKid909: to recieve a WMA stream? or to send one?03:37
ReptiXits in general03:37
GotD0tReptiX: excuse me?03:37
ReptiXyour excused03:38
BigNastyKid909GotDot: to recieve, see what im trying to do is to stream video files03:38
ReptiXanyways its in general03:38
ReptiXit is for php03:38
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ReptiXand this os wont get it to work so i shoudl ask in  here03:38
BigNastyKid909GotDot: i can't stream windows media files using mozplugger..or i have it configured wrong..03:38
GotD0tReptiX: well obviously nobody in here can help you... so why not be productive and look elsewhere03:39
ReptiXi am03:39
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Matt|how can i find out which package provides a particular command?03:41
RiddellMatt|: dpkg -S /usr/bin/foo03:41
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Matt|can someone try and reproduce this for me: when i open gnome-theme-manager and select a new theme, it doesn't change the current theme.03:43
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GotD0tMatt|: doesn't happen for me03:43
A1exhas anybody tried to use NX on ubuntu yet?03:44
Matt|GotD0t, hoary?03:44
AlohaWolfam I missing something here.. im trying to ssh into my debian box, to open synaptic, and im not having any luck at all.03:44
jdubAlohaWolf: using ssh -X ?03:44
GotD0tMatt|: aye03:45
Matt|GotD0t, it changes the theme fine?03:45
Matt|wtf is wrong with my system i wonder03:45
GotD0tMatt|: aye03:45
jdubAlohaWolf: well, explain what's not actually working :)03:45
AlohaWolf(gedit:6509): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:03:46
AlohaWolfI think that about covers it03:46
jdubhow're you running it? sudo synaptic?03:47
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AlohaWolfim loged into the debian box as root.03:47
jdubit probably doesn't allow X forwarding03:48
Matt|GotD0t, have you got the ubuntu-desktop package installed?03:48
GotD0tMatt|: i dont think so03:48
Matt|wonder what is wrong03:48
AlohaWolfjdub, any idea on how to fix that?03:48
GotD0tMatt|: no its not instaled03:48
jdubAlohaWolf: /etc/ssh03:48
Matt|AlohaWolf, edit your sshd config on the debian box03:49
jdubAlohaWolf: change the settings for sshd03:49
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Matt|jdub, do you have any idea about why i can't change my theme? i'm not aware of having done something strange03:50
jdubyou've probably still running your desktop after a number of upgrades?03:50
jdubkillall gnome-settings-daemon03:50
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BigNastyKid909jdub: what do u use to stream media files online?03:50
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Matt|jdub, thanks I'll try but I rebooted not too long ago03:50
jdubBigNastyKid909: flumotion03:51
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AlohaWolfjdub, thanks.. I forgot to do one thing.. restart X03:51
BigNastyKid909jdub: does it work streaming windows media files?03:51
Matt|jdub, omg mayhem ;)03:51
AlohaWolferm.. ssh rather03:52
meffheya.. does the ubuntu installer support lvm2 volumes?03:52
jdubBigNastyKid909: there are proprietary plugins available from fluendo to do that03:52
Matt|jdub, thats done the trick thanks03:52
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_|Imanewbie|_Doesnt ubuntu has the normal man files?03:52
jdubit does03:52
_|Imanewbie|_Why the hell it finds nothing if I do "man malloc"?03:53
Matt|maybe there is no man page03:53
_|Imanewbie|_Matt|: sure there is, it should be on the linux programmer manual03:54
pridkett_|Imanewbie|_: probably because you don't have it installed, by default most of the dev stuff isn't installed03:54
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_|Imanewbie|_pridkett: hum... how can i get it?03:55
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meffanyone know if the ubuntu installer supports lvm2?  i need to know if i need to repartition my drives..03:55
pridketti'm looking that up right now actually, I forget the package name03:55
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lil_anthonyquestion anyone here ever used gngb?03:57
pdI am thinking of installing Linux on a Mac G5, anyyone here done that?03:57
BigNastyKid909jdub: ahhh no packages for ubuntu..did u compile urs?03:57
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_|Imanewbie|_anyone know the name of the packagesw for linux programmer manual?03:58
pridketti'm thinking it's glibc-doc03:58
pridketti'm installing it right now03:58
pridkettwe'll see03:58
jdubBigNastyKid909: i'm packaging it for ubuntu03:59
ElCid3DGood day all. Having just read about the Ubuntu Code of Conduct and the Community Council, I just wanted to pass along my highest regards to the Ubuntu team. Looks like you have addressed many of the social problems of Debian (and other distros) quite well.03:59
melazyboyDoes anyone know of a half way decent program for retagging mp3s, needs complexity, and imo easytag isn't half way decent.03:59
=== TomT64 [~TomT64@c-24-19-22-177.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BigNastyKid909jdub: nice when will it be out?03:59
pridkett_|Imanewbie|_: well, that's a start, but not the page for malloc03:59
TomT64I used apt-get install libpng2, and apt-get install libpng3, and I still get the following error:04:00
jdubBigNastyKid909: it's already in the archive as source04:00
TomT64checking for png_create_read_struct in -lpng... no04:00
TomT64configure: WARNING: libpng not found.  PNG support will not be compiled.04:00
BigNastyKid909jdub: ok thanks04:00
TomT64any suggestions on how to fix this?04:00
Seqdoes anybody know if there is a way to have my system not try to set APM modes on my hard drive as it does not support it (and thus there is alot of errors about it in dmesg)?04:00
_|Imanewbie|_pridkett: I just wan linux programmers manual, btw I need it04:01
BigNastyKid909jdub: oh one more thing which would you recommend: mozpluger or flumotion?04:01
TomT64no one?04:01
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pridkettthere is always devhelp.  That's a nice interface to most of the stuff...install that with libglib2.0-doc for the glib stuff04:01
jdubBigNastyKid909: they do totally different things04:02
meffTomT64 try installing the -dev pkgs04:02
jdubBigNastyKid909: one runs streaming clients in a browser, the other is a streaming server04:02
=== TomT64 slaps his forehead
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_|Imanewbie|_why do apt-get doesnt prompt for confirmation before installing stuff?04:02
TomT64ok I have two more questions04:03
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TomT64how do I mount an ntfs partition for read (and perhaps write)04:03
bronson_|Imanewbie|_: it does when there are a lot of packages to get.04:04
BigNastyKid909jdub:oh ok..well i was trying to stream this video from gamespot.com and can't seem to do it. any ideas??04:04
pridkett_|Imanewbie|_: hmmm...can't seem to find the package right now.  Sorry about that.04:04
_|Imanewbie|_bronson: oh thx04:04
_|Imanewbie|_pridkett: I'm getting it04:04
BigNastyKid909jdub:installed mozplugger..and thought it would work..but..it doesn't04:04
bronsonTomT64: Boot into Win NT.04:04
punkasswell i upgraded to the k7 kernel and now i cant seem to get the nvidia driver to load04:04
TomT64bronson: haha04:04
bronsonTomT64: NTFS support on Linux is barely working.04:04
TomT64bronson: I want to read some files and copy them over without using a third media04:04
TomT64I had Mandrake before and it worked fine04:05
_|Imanewbie|_Ive installed glibc but nothing happens04:05
pridkettTomT64: don't do write, you're asking for bad news04:05
TomT64ok what about read04:05
punkassreading from ntfs is fine..its just writing that is bad04:05
bronsonRead usually works.04:05
Seqntfs read is perfectly fine04:05
TomT64how do I set it up04:05
pridkettheres the line I have in my /etc/fstab: /dev/hda1       /mnt/c          ntfs    ro,uid=1000     0       004:05
pridkettwhere I'm uid 1000, so I can make sure I can read everything.04:06
TomT64is the uid part necessary04:06
pridkettI'm not sure offhand.  I just copied it from my fat drive, which is writable.04:06
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scoon_|Imanewbie|_, glibc-doc04:06
TomT64how do I find out my uid04:06
scoon_|Imanewbie|_, use synaptic04:06
scoonTomT64, id <usrname>04:07
bronsonTomT64: run "id"04:07
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pridkettscoon: don't think it's in there04:07
scoonpridkett, I just did a search for it w/ synaptic04:07
scoonpridkett, and I found it.04:07
scoonpridkett, and I am only using warty repos04:07
_|Imanewbie|_scoon: ive isntalled it04:07
TomT64how do I view my partitions04:08
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pridkettscoon: it's not in there, do a dpkg -L and tell me where you see a malloc.3.gz04:08
bronsonTomT64: cfdisk /dev/hd**04:08
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bronsonTomT64: use "df -h" to tell you what /dev/ to use.04:09
scoonpridkett, I don't have it installed.  I just found it w/ synaptic.04:09
pridkettscoon: what did you tell synaptic to search for?04:10
TomT64bronson: it's not listed04:10
_|Imanewbie|_scoon: what should I look for?04:10
TomT64also cfdisk doesn't work04:10
scoonpridkett, searching name and description manual04:10
scoonpridkett, wait04:10
pridkett_|Imanewbie|_: if you install glibc-doc it will provide an info page on the topic04:10
scoonpridkett, sorry: search for manual with name and description04:10
bronsonTomT64: How doesn't cfdisk work?04:11
TomT64it keeps saying can't open, or something like that04:11
bronsonTomT64: run it as root.04:11
TomT64using your line directly gives me the help text04:11
pridkettscoon: yes, that finds glibc-doc, however that package does NOT provide the file we're looking for04:11
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scoonpridkett: in a pinch google can help: http://www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/cgi-bin/man-cgi?malloc+304:12
_|Imanewbie|_pridkett: takea look on man pages dev04:12
TomT64is there any other way to show partitions.  I saw them all when installing04:13
TomT64Apparently my partition table is not quite right for cfdisk04:13
jiyuu0sudo fdisk -l04:13
_|Imanewbie|_pridkett: man pages dev it is there Ive got it =-)04:13
TomT64jiy: thank you04:14
jiyuu0no prob04:14
pridkett_|Imanewbie|_: good to know.  you'd tihnk it would be somewhere more intelligent.  manpages-dev seems to indicate tools to help develop man pages.04:14
TomT64that worked04:14
TomT64ok one last thing04:14
_|Imanewbie|_pridkett: Indeed04:14
TomT64how do I edit GRUB's listing of what boots04:14
pridkettIs that worthy of a bug?  Or at least an RFE?04:14
RuffianSoldierTomT65, look in /boot/grub/menu.lst04:15
RuffianSoldierif you need help, im your guy04:15
pridkett_|Imanewbie|_: if you want a nifty program to read man pages from the console might I recommend pinfo.  :-)  It also handles info pages.04:15
jiyuu0TomT64, go to http://kitech.com.my/ubuntu/4.10/index.html04:15
TomT64hey this is useful info...04:16
TomT64my friend wasn't kidding when he said this distro had a user friendly user base04:16
jiyuu0humanity to others my friend04:17
Hrdwr_BoBTomT64: it's the whole.. vibe.. of ubuntu :)04:17
Hrdwr_BoBit's not just a distro, it's a philosphy04:17
Hrdwr_BoBeven if you do typo the word04:17
bronsonI just apt-get upgraded to hoary.  Now, trying to launch Galeon: "galeon: error while loading shared libraries: libnautilus.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"04:19
bronsonEverything's up to date.04:19
bronsonShould I file this on Bugzilla?04:19
_|Imanewbie|_pridkett: What do you mean by nifty program? Sorry I'm not a native english speaker so I miss of some knowledge04:20
TomT64if I apt-get install firefox, will it get 1.0?04:21
GotD0tTomT64: are you in hoary?04:21
TomT64or whatever the package name is04:21
TomT64what is hoary04:21
punkasswell i upgraded to the k7 kernel and now i cant seem to get the nvidia driver to load04:21
punkassany ideas?04:21
punkassi have installed the restricted k7 package04:22
GotD0tTomT64: its the development *unstable* release... you would know if you were using it... in warty you get .9304:22
TomT64well um, will I eventually be able to upgrade04:23
GotD0tTomT64: which is actually for the better... because from what i understand .93 is more stable than 1.004:23
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TomT64apt-get install libdvdcss204:23
TomT64Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:24
TomT64This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:24
TomT64is only available from another source04:24
GotD0tTomT64: i believe you need universe04:24
TomT64I have that I thought04:24
=== subterri1ic is now known as subterrific
subterrifichow do i enable dma in ubuntu? hdparam -d1 doesn't work04:25
pridkett_|Imanewbie|_: it's just a nice interface to read the man pages and info pages in.  Makes the output easier to read and search than regular "man" and "info"04:26
melazyboysubterrific: What error are you getting?04:26
subterrificpretty sure i saw an option for enabling it somewhere in /etc, but i can't find it anymore, even with grep04:26
_|Imanewbie|_pridkett: Hum... I will take a look anyways I'm happy with the old man and terminal04:26
subterrificmelazyboy: HDIO_SET_DMA: Operation not permitted04:26
melazyboysubterrific: Your kernel lacks the right options04:27
melazyboysubterrific: Compile your own?04:27
melazyboyis it enabled in your bios?04:28
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subterrificit was working fine in gentoo04:28
=== davyd [~davyd@cugglephone.madeley.id.au] has left #ubuntu [""]
melazyboyhrm i have had that error message before -- as it applies to me the solution was in the kernel04:29
TomT64where do I go to see how my x server is configged04:30
melazyboyTomT64: /etc/X11/XFree86*.conf04:30
melazyboyor if your using hoary /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:30
subterrificmelazyboy: well greping the kernel config for DMA doesn't turn up anything useful04:31
subterrificmelazyboy: everything is set it y04:31
melazyboysubterrific: If your using a stock kernel it should all be enabled.. you can always check it and make sure, you will need all of the /generic/ built in, or that was my case04:32
=== BeanDip [~BeanDip@adsl-69-154-9-227.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
_|Imanewbie|_guys thx by the support I gtg cya \o>04:34
melazyboysubterrific: I have the Enahnce IDE/MFM/RLL, IDE/ATA-2 Disk support, Ide Taskfile IO, generic/default IDE chipset support, PCI IDE chipset support, Generic PCI bus-master DMA support, and Intel PIIxn chipset support,04:36
bronsonAnyone know how to get Ubuntu to support my USB card reader.04:36
Hrdwr_BoBbronson: it should Just Work04:37
Hrdwr_BoBwhat's the problem04:37
bronsonI assume gnome-volume-manager is a key component...04:37
bronsonHrdwr_BoB: I insert the CF card and nothing happens.04:37
melazyboysubterrific: For the Intel PIIxn Chipset support, find out what your using with an lspci -vv it should list04:37
subterrificmelazyboy: that doesn't help me really since i'm using the ubuntu kernel all i have is the config file04:37
subterrificmelazyboy: if you gave me the CONFIG_ names that might help.04:37
melazyboysubterrific: Well apt-get install kernel-tree, and make menu-config, either that or google for them, i g2g i can #flood my conf if you want them04:38
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subterrificmelazyboy: no thanks04:38
melazyboylater all04:38
bronsonFrom the boot log: "Attached scsi removable disk sdd at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 3"04:38
bronsonThis must be the card reader.04:38
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Rene_Sanybody else having problems with Totem-xine not working ?04:44
deFryskRene_S, be more specific04:44
punkasswell i upgraded to the k7 kernel and now i cant seem to get the nvidia driver to load04:45
punkassany ideas?04:45
Rene_SWell it starts and crashes, cant be more specific, none of the buttons are active and it dies04:45
=== wazoo [~jasper@h-68-166-245-122.dnvtco56.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
TomT64do I need to make some command in order to update GRUB04:45
Rene_Snm, must have been a glitch. it works now04:47
AlohaWolfpunkass, you prolly need to install the nvidia driver for k704:47
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bronsonTomT64: no, grub does all its magic at boot time.04:48
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decklinwell, you may need to update its menu.lst file (by running update-grub). but the kernel packages should do that for you anyway04:50
Rene_SI like when i install Knoppix sometimes, it thinks i have PCMCIA and Firewire, neither of which is true, good thing I dont get that with Ubuntu04:50
DeanGDo I need to do any preperations to swap video cards? (Radeon 7000 for GForce2... silly?)04:50
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=== holycow [~yada@S0106002078ccd651.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
deFryskhey screenshot is back in hoary :)04:51
GotD0tdeFrysk: i noticed that as well04:51
Rene_SOk, I need an opinion.  For Ubuntu should i go Reiser or Ext3 ?04:51
deFryskthats nice04:51
deFryskRene_S, for absolute solidness use xt304:52
GotD0twhat exactly is Reiser?04:52
deFryskReiser is a bit speedyer04:52
farriothDeanG: You'll only need to change the driver.04:52
TomT64what package do I need for this:04:52
TomT64/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lwx_gtk2_xrc-2.404:52
scoonRene_S, i have been using reiser and it is just dandy.  don't notice any diff from this or Ext304:52
TomT64I alread have done sudo apt-get install wxgtk*04:52
g0dcan totem play encrypted DVDs?04:53
=== g0d is now known as K-otiK
scoonRene_S, but whatever you do, steer clear of reiser4 cuz it has higer latency and boggs down more.04:53
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Rene_SSo, the short answer here is that it probably does not make much of a difference then04:53
root__hey guys..  I am interested in ubuntu for my wife..  is there screenshots somewhere?04:53
farriothTomT64: wxgtk2, possibly? wxgtk may only be gtk1. I'm not sure, though04:53
deFryskRene_S, Ext3 is the default04:53
scoonRene_S, between reiser or ext3, i'd go with reiser.04:54
K-otiKcan totem play encrypted DVDs?04:54
scoonRene_S, just not reiser4, which is probably not in the ubuntu installer.04:54
Rene_SI know, normally I use Reiser but today i got lazy and use ext3 All of wich caused me to think about which one i should use04:54
=== boukensya [~boukensya@amtech.arach.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
boukensyasorry didn't mean to log on as root..  so is there screenshots somewhere?04:55
Rene_SXchat needs a spell checker hehe04:55
punkassAlohaWolf: I have nvidia-glx and the restricted K7 package installed04:55
scoonRene_S, and what have you thought ?  could just take the path of least resis and keep what you got.04:55
punkassand it was working fine with the i386 kernel04:55
bronsonK-otiK: check the FAQ.04:55
Rene_SWell i got to reading about the filesystems, but since I dont have a PHD in math I got confused04:56
punkassand when i try to 'modprobe nvidia'04:56
punkassi get: FATAL: Module nvidia not found04:56
GotD0tRene_S: WHAT? you dont have a PhD in math?! thats pathetic...04:56
bronsonReiser3: much better at handling tons of dirs and small files.04:56
scoonoh well.  good nite all.04:56
deFryskpunkass, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto04:56
Rene_SYeah, I went to university for the beer and chicks04:56
deFryskis what I used04:56
TomT64What do you call an American with a Ph.D in physics and math?04:56
bronsonExt3: fast when using a few large files.04:56
bronsonReiser4: avoid.04:57
TomT64Stupid American!04:57
Rene_Sand somehow i got a Degree in English04:57
TomT64hahahahaa (I am an American btw)04:57
=== Anzze [snippets@bb220-255-249-230.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
punkassdeFrysk: already been there04:57
boukensyaso is there no screenshots around?04:57
Rene_SWhich as a photgrapher really comes in handy waiting for people to be ready to shoot04:57
Anzzeanyone with the torrent? i need some seeds.. currently at 96%04:57
deFryskpunkass, linux-k7 works fine here :/04:57
Anzzeor any way to resume .torrent from http source?04:58
punkassyeah thats why i found it wierd..its was fine for i386..but now its not...just going to try reinstalling all nvidia releated packages04:58
TomT64assuming the files are defintiely the same size04:58
Anzzewhat program do i use? to resume torrent source file with http source04:59
TomT64you start downloading torrent, stop, and replace the file in the download folder with the 96% file, then start again04:59
TomT64but if they aren't exactly the same, you've screwed yourself04:59
Anzzewat program do i use? does netransport fit the bill?04:59
TomT64any torrent program should work05:00
Anzzenono.. i meant05:00
GotD0thow do i stop apache completely... keep it from ever coming back05:00
=== deFrysk uses azureus
Anzzecurrently my torrent is at 96% and the speed is 0kB/s i wish to change to a http source05:00
Anzzei was told.. "I dont think you can resume through http, torrent programs handle the download differently i think. Pieces of the total file are recieved and filled in as it goes."05:00
GotD0tAnzze: that sounds correct05:01
deFryskAnzze, torrents use another protocol for download05:01
GotD0tAnzze: if you want to run an experiment you can just copy the file and try it on the copied file05:01
Anzzealright.. i'll experiment with a copy05:01
GotD0tAnzze: cant hurt ;-)05:01
deFryskAnzze, u can resume with a .torrent after beginning fom an http-source05:02
deFryskI have done that05:02
Anzzenvm.. i think i could try torrent to edonkey source05:02
GotD0tAnzze: then theres that05:02
=== drac` is now known as drac|aw
punkassthe frusterating thing is that i cant even modprobe it...cuz it says its not there05:04
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Anzzeawee.. it's not working.. guess i gotta wait for some seeds to come by for warty-install-i386.iso05:07
lupus_can someone help me with regexp in python?05:07
Anzzeanyone with the file wanna be the good guy and seed it on http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce05:07
=== tommie_ [~tommie@68-235-94-205.miamfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
GotD0tyou know what would be a clever app? something that takes in a partially downloaded file recieved via torrent and fills in the parts based on http souce05:09
Anzzethat would be a wonderful program05:09
GotD0twould have limited use... but still useful05:09
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Anzzewhat's with warty-release-install-i386.iso and warty-install-i386.iso05:10
asubediin my laptop, sound card is recognised and the driver is loaded but there is no sound05:12
Anzzeanyone has the md5sum for warty-release-install-i386.iso05:13
GotD0tAnzze: should be on the site05:13
ficusplanetAnzze, a491903a2d2197651864dec3836d85e005:14
GotD0tasubedi: i dont suppose its an external card?05:14
=== dle [~dle@Toronto-HSE-ppp3863319.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Anzzei was looking for it.. they have the sha1 hash for the .torrent file not the iso05:14
dleDoes anyone know if anyone is offering KDE-3.3 packages for warty or more generally for Debian?05:15
Anzzefound it05:15
asubediGotD0t: it's an onboard card05:15
GotD0tasubedi: hmm05:15
bronsonasubedi: what type of laptop?05:15
asubedidell inspiron 810005:16
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TomT64I changed etc/fstab, how do I make that change permanent05:16
bronsonasubedi: no experience with it.  But my T-23 has a hardware-controlled volume control, separate from the sound card.05:16
GotD0tTomT64: if its in fstab its permanent ;-)05:17
asubediit doesn't have pcm* files in /dev/snd05:18
Rene_Sargg this is frustrating, cant use gnome-menu if i have kdelibs installed.  I dont see what one has to do with the other05:19
Riddelldle: I have KDE 3.3 packages for hoary05:19
Riddelldle: KDE 3.3 is in debian05:19
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punkassasubedi: on a dell D600 i had to disable the printer port because of some irq conflict, it was stopping my sound and wireless from working05:20
bronsonOK, it looks like I need to set udev up to recognize my card reader.05:21
bronsonAnyone played with udev in Ubuntu?05:21
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dleRiddell: Thanks, I see that now.05:22
asubedipunkass: how do you disable printer port?05:24
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subterrificany experts with hdparm? i'm having a hell of a time enabling DMA05:25
subterrificand i need to copy gigs of data05:25
TomT64how do you list all the partitions again?05:25
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Xenguyfdisk -l05:26
TomT64cannot open /dev/hda05:26
TomT64cannot open /dev/hdb05:26
TomT64yet here I am05:26
dischargesudo fdisk -l ;] 05:26
dleXenguy: shutup.05:26
TomT64oh heh05:26
zekktheoni have the old, warty ubuntu disc, from your first release, it was beta at the time. i am running it on one of my servers (know you shouldnt do that with beta, but i loved it) i was wondering wether or not i should get the new one and reload it or do the updates take care of the new kernel and everything?05:26
Xenguydle: a pleasure to see you, as always ;-)05:26
Xenguydle: how's ubuntu working for you then?05:27
Xenguydle: (or same as last time I asked?)05:28
dleUtter rubbish, can't stand it. -- I jest!!  It's going quite nicely.05:28
eruinhow would I create a bash script to run import -w root year/month/date.png ?05:28
dlesubterrific: What problems are you having with hdparm?05:28
dleeruin: I'd use the date command.05:29
Xenguyeruin: you want a background pic on your desktop, or ... ?05:29
=== punkass [~punkass@S01060040f47277e5.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
subterrificdle: i get an error when i try to enable dma. there are 3 or 4 forum threads about it05:29
punkassanyone here running the 2.6.9 kernel from hoary with nvidia drivers?05:29
dleOh.  I'm no expert, but I had used it.  i05:30
subterrificdle: one suggested solution was to add my ide controller driver to /etc/modules before and ide-* modules load05:30
deFryskhoary has a 2.6.9 kernel ?05:30
TomT64someone gave me a line to put in fstab.  I dleeted it.  It was for mounting ntfs.  Anyone have that line?05:30
punkassyeah i just noticed it05:30
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=== Xenguy procrastinates diligently...
deFryskpunkass, gonna try it later05:31
dlesubterrific: If it were something really obvious, I'd be the go-to guy for your problem. Sound like it isn;'t though.05:31
lupus_is it already in hoary?05:31
punkassyeah..there is no restricted modules labeled for 2.6.9 yet so thats why i was askin05:31
deFryskits not in the linux-<arch> package yet so I'll wait I think05:32
punkassfabbione: you around?05:32
zekktheoni have the old, warty ubuntu disc, from your first release, it was beta at the time. i am running it on one of my servers (know you shouldnt do that with beta, but i loved it) i was wondering wether or not i should get the new one and reload it or do the updates take care of the new kernel and everything?05:32
deFryskzekktheon, updating to warty should work fine afaIk05:33
Rene_SHmm there are no restricted modules for the 2.6.9 kernel05:33
subterrificdle: yeah, its not obvious :(05:33
subterrificdle: i'm looking bios settings and everything. for all my drives i've got DMA set to [Auto[ in the bios, which i'm guessing should work05:34
zekktheonthanks deFrysk05:34
Rene_SOh well best to leave it right were it is05:34
subterrificdle: do you know if MDMA or UDMA is better?05:34
zekktheonjust wanted to make sure cuz it is downtime weekend on the network so... thought it would eb a good time :D05:34
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deFryskzekktheon, mind the 'afaIk'05:35
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K-otiKis there a reason why i can't log into root? (password is correct)05:36
K-otiKsome kinda bug or somethign?05:36
deFryskK-otiK, ubuntu use sudo05:36
K-otiKsudo as UID?05:36
deFryskinstead of root logins05:37
zekktheonwell if i ever come down with problems, i will come back to you ;) j/k i havent had any yet, and just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing anything important05:37
deFryskK-otiK, read the faq on main ubuntu page05:37
deFryskits explained somwhere outthere05:37
deFryskzekktheon, even updating to hoary is seemless05:38
deFryskonmy box that is :/05:38
zekktheon:D well good to know05:39
Rene_Sanybody get this months wallpaper from Ubuntu ?05:41
=== deFrysk does not use ubuntu wallpaper
Rene_SOh, your loss hehe05:42
Rene_Scute blonde this month05:42
Rene_SI worry about next month05:42
=== deFrysk has 2 cute penguins on his
Rene_SI dont need a month of the skinny bald dude05:42
Rene_SRene_S, dont swing that way, he dont bat for the other team05:43
novado they post that in a specific spot every month?05:44
Rene_SYeah its called the Ubunt calendar you download it from synaptic05:44
Rene_Scant spell worth beans05:44
novaah, haven't tried the calendar yet05:44
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Rene_SI tried the Novell Linux distro this morning, its nicely appointed, too bad you cant use it too well with out paying for it05:46
novathat is exactly why I'm sticking with Ubuntu ;)05:46
novanova = poor05:46
grelliI thought nova == no go05:47
Rene_SOh and Progeny shows promise, too bad it cant find anything using apt-get for some reason05:47
EpheMeroNhey guys05:47
Rene_SAnaconda installer for debian is a nice idea05:47
EpheMeroNwhen i use the ubuntu live-cd none of the links to programs work05:47
Hrdwr_BoBno, it's not05:48
EpheMeroNlike for firefox or xchat or gain or even the terminal05:48
EpheMeroNi've tried that on 3 computers05:48
Rene_SI like it, makes it easier to figure out, my wife installed it yesterday and she cant even figure out how to install Office on windows05:48
jdubRene_S: the debian port of anaconda has about 26 screens last time i counted05:49
jdubRene_S: compare that to an ubuntu install :)05:49
Rene_SMy wife cant work the installer for debian or ubuntu, she doesnt understand what anything means hehe, no pictures05:50
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Rene_SPersonally, I dont care what the installer looks like only that it installs and works05:50
Rene_SBesides my wife works as a counsellor at a prison, not much of a computer related job05:51
jdubthere are very few images of substance in the anaconda port05:51
slsmay i jiv in?05:52
Rene_SWell she found it easier to use, dunno maybe its easier for women or something05:52
Rene_SI find it slow as all heck personally05:52
slsthe best install for a workstation that i have seen is xandros and linspire05:52
eruinpeople are intimidated by things they're unfamiliar with (like a cli-installer)05:53
zekktheonUbuntu installer Women version, strong enough for a man but made for a woman05:53
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zekktheonimagine the flowers!05:53
sls3 clicks!05:53
holycowthats funny05:53
eruinsls: seen the osx installer?05:53
Xenguysls: you can pay for that too ;-)05:53
holycowyou gotta be kidding me05:54
slsok ... yes... it is probably even easier..05:54
holycowxandros just sucks in every way imaginable05:54
holycowincluding the installer05:54
eruinnever tried it05:54
novadoes anyone know how to change the desktop font to black instead of white?05:54
eruinI choose my distros carefully05:54
slswhat is wring with 3 clicks?05:54
subterrificRene_S: i would bet it has more to do with not being able to use the mouse in the debian installer than pictures05:54
zekktheonanyone used the attempt at a anaconda port to gentoo.... horrable... locks up half way through and if you manage to make it through it X is gaurenteed to crash it :P05:55
EpheMeroNno one else has this live-cd issue?05:55
Rene_SThe worst one i ever seen was for a Brazillian distro called Kalango, it runs and then doesnt install a desktop that works05:55
slsor how about (press enter to install) then done...05:55
Xenguysls: it costs $$$, you realize that, yes?05:55
zekktheoni like your thinking sls05:55
zekktheonread my brain, and figure out what i want my computer name to be05:56
slsyes... i am not advocating xandros... just the installer05:56
holycowsls, heh05:56
Rene_Ssubterrific, yes she has horrible mouse skills, she gets po'ed at anything to mouse centric or wierd05:56
holycowwhy are you here again? sounds like you are looking for windows05:56
jdubsls: that's pretty much what we're aiming for.05:56
slsneed a tester you got one...05:56
eruinholycow: because windows' installer is decent? I think not.05:57
eruinhorrible text-only partitioning tool, etc05:57
=== Rene_S wonder when the MS Windows 10 year beta test is gonna end
holycowyour thinking win2k not xp installer eruin05:57
eruinholycow: no I am not.05:57
=== zekktheon wonders as well... hey at least they kept making dos
eruinholycow: in fact, win2k and winxp installers are mostly identical05:58
Rene_Sthat cause they cant figure out how to use anything else05:58
=== holycow tries to remember
holycowno, as far as i can remember xp is graphical ... been a while05:58
Hrdwr_BoBholycow: not to start with05:59
AmaranthXP and 2k installers are the same, the XP one just puts the 2k info in a sidebar and displays ads05:59
Hrdwr_BoBsame as 2k05:59
holycow*hmmmmm* k.05:59
zekktheoneruin is correct holycow :D i do at least one install of each a week05:59
eruinholycow: yeah, after you're "greeted" with the horrible text-only crap05:59
Rene_SThey bailed on IBM and Mac prolly because the programmers there had skills05:59
Amaranthbut the beginning (where you format and partition) is text05:59
zekktheonnot exact05:59
holycowoh jesus, i'm sorry to hear that zekktheon05:59
zekktheonbut very similar05:59
zekktheoni cant convince everyone at my office to convert, but i have control of their servers  MWA HA HA06:00
holycowwell, perhaps not advocating with zealotry is a good thing, let them use win if they want06:00
holycowright now i'm seeing firefox and thunderbird spread like fire06:01
eruinzekktheon: you could secretly use ie6 to crawl the web for exploiting sites :)06:01
zekktheonbut still getting a call for "my screen just turned blue with a bunch of numbers on it" that just always makes me smile06:01
slsguys... the win installer is not very graphical and it reboot a lot... the willnow be 100% graphical untill longhorn06:01
holycowi was just at a car dealership where its all windows weenies06:01
slsthey will...06:01
holycowand i started installing firefox/mozilla on their systems just for the 'hey check this out'06:01
=== Gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-74-28-134.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Gwildorwhat is the command to launch rythmbox?06:01
holycowlittle by little they are opening their eyes, but they hate zealotry06:01
eruinsls: I can honestly say longhorn won't ever be on my computer even just to test it06:01
eruinGwildor: "rhythmbox"06:02
zekktheonevery time i put somthing new one one of my uh "underdwellings06:02
eruinnote the extra h06:02
zekktheonthey flip out06:02
grellispelling counts06:02
zekktheonwhat is this mozilla crap... i hate people who wont try new things06:02
Gwildoreruin, ahhh, thnx, ive just been spelling it wrong06:02
pdanyone have ubuntu installed on a g5 mac?06:02
Gwildoreruin, rythmbox.....i missed a "H"06:03
holycowi just keep a perpetual murmur on... repeat linux, mozilla, firefox in conversation regularly, keep it on the radar, thats it.06:03
eruinGwildor: correct ;)06:03
=== wig [Wig@ppp-69-106-144-238.dialup.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowzekktheon, at least they have heard the name mozilla06:03
zekktheonyea most of them06:03
Rene_SI just started handing out Ubuntu cd's06:03
wigHey, ogra, here?06:03
holycowi've had that conversation the other day with someone ... i hate this new stuff, but then i showed her popup blocking and tabs06:03
zekktheoni still throw it on a computer or two a week just to see if they like it06:03
holycow*nod* thats all thats reasonable yeah06:04
wigAnyone have any ideas on how to get a lucent/agere modem working on linux? i've tried a lot of stuff, and have a file that has information on error messages I have gotten.06:04
zekktheoni have got 2 out of about 475 people to use it06:04
=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eruinI've handed out seven ubuntu cds06:04
eruinand all the recipients now run hoary :)06:04
holycowi don't i have handed out knoppix cds06:04
Gwildorim taking the display that they sent to the local computer shop this weekend06:04
=== pepsi__ [~pepsi@p97.n-sfpop08.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu
holycowi don't get the ubunty live cd, the iso burns something with an exe in the root of the cd06:05
Rene_SI got a call yesterday from someone who really enjoyed the livecd06:05
holycowfrankly its too disturbing a thought to bother even opening :)06:05
Gwildorholycow, the live cd has a OOoo, firefox, and thunderbird windows installer on it06:05
eruinI'd like somewhere to fetch hoary-snapshot livecd's ;)06:05
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alka_trashholycow: on the cd jacket it says that you can boot it from windows or something like that06:05
holycowoh installer?06:05
holycowthats just too weird06:06
eruinthe more firefox gets spread the better06:06
=== awtcmc [~awtcmc@cpe-24-176-129-082.suff.va.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
eruinit's the most compliant browser out there06:06
awtcmccan anyone help with installing gnomerar?06:06
holycowyeah, people frankly just love the fox06:06
eruinand I farking hate having kids whine about my sites not rendering properly.06:06
Rene_SNot really, its a nice idea, give me a windows version of decent software and they will be intrigued to experiment06:06
awtcmcor does anyone have a mirror for gnomerar?06:07
alka_trashit says "This CD also contains Windows version for several of the applications included in ubuntu.06:07
eruincan't file-roller handle rar?06:07
awtcmcno, fileroller can't handle .rar files06:07
holycowyes it can06:07
holycowjust install rar and unrar06:07
Rene_SDamn i lost my extract here menu item06:07
alka_trashawtcmc: holycow is right06:08
subterrificsweet, got cedega working on amd6406:08
subterrifichl2, yayayaya06:08
holycowand zip and unzip as well while your at it06:08
awtcmci don't think rar and unrar are available through apt-get.  does anyone have a mirror to add to sources.list?06:08
eruinuniverse or multiverse06:08
holycowwell it is on debian, perhaps you need universe?06:08
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Agrajaghe needs multiverse06:09
Agrajagrar is nonfree06:09
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awtcmcmy mistake rar is installed, but unrar is not available in universe or multiverse06:09
Agrajagyes it is06:09
Agrajag$ apt-cache search unrar06:10
Agrajagunrar-nonfree - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)06:10
awtcmcwell, i have both universe and multiverse in my repository, & synaptic can't find it06:10
holycowapt-get upate && apt-cache search unrar06:10
awtcmcso, do rar and unrar do the same thing?  or do i need both?06:10
holycowcommand line is your friend :)06:11
holycowawtcmc, yes they are different apps that do exactly what their names say06:11
=== LucidVisions [~LucidVisi@209-180-169-29.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
awtcmcso, rar would only create rar archives, but i need unrar to unpack rar archives?06:11
Rene_Sunrar to unpack your pron06:11
holycowcorrect, infact you can just install unrar if all you want is to unpack06:12
Rene_Srar to send it to a friend06:12
Agrajagrar x <file> should extract06:12
holycowlol what Rene_S said :)06:12
wiganyone have experience with lucent winmodems06:12
awtcmctried to install unrar, get following error:  Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:13
awtcmcThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or06:13
awtcmcis only available from another source06:13
awtcmcsorry for the broken posting06:13
Agrajagawtcmc: I told you, it's unrar-nonfree06:14
Agrajag<Agrajag> unrar-nonfree - Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version)06:14
wiganyone have experience with lucent winmodems?06:14
awtcmcwhat are you saying agrajag (sorry, i'm a recent linux convert)06:14
Rene_SOOO 1.1.3 looks wierd for some reason06:15
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awtcmci know its not free as in open source, but its free to download06:15
Agrajagthat's what nonfree means in debian06:15
Agrajagit's closed06:15
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awtcmci know this, but can anyone help me get it?  its a must for me to have, so i'm willing to have 1 non free package on my system06:16
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awtcmcbecause rar won't unpack rar archives06:16
Rene_SWell the non-free police are not gonna break down your door if ya install it06:16
Agrajagawtcmc: yes it will06:16
Agrajagand rar is nonfree anyway06:17
Agrajagrar x <filename>06:17
Agrajagextracts with full finle paths06:17
awtcmcagrajag, but i want the option to also do this with the fileroller gui06:17
awtcmcwhich i can't do06:17
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zenwhenif you install rar, cant you jsut right click the archive and extract?06:18
zenwhenIm sure I have before06:18
awtcmci'm just confused (used to using winrar).  what is the difference between rar and unrar?06:18
zenwhenBut I also dont download anything that comes in a rar.06:19
zenwhenIf its worth having it is usually in a tarball. :)06:19
Rene_SNever seen Debbie does Hungary available in a tarball06:19
holycowawtcmc, Agrajag is right BUT he's giving you command line instructions06:20
Agrajagjust get unrar-nonfree ferchrissakes06:20
Agrajagthere's no reason not to unless your name is Richard M. Stallman06:20
holycowfile roller uses unrar for uncompressiong, so install what he toldja06:20
awtcmci feel like an idiot, i had been just clicking on the rar file & it wouldn't work.  right clicking on the rar archive and selecting extract will indeed work.  thanks guys.  THE FINAL frontier in my ONLY linux conversion06:20
zenwhenoh wow right click06:21
zenwhenlet me in on this06:21
awtcmcwell zenwhen, try double clicking on a rar archive from fileroller, and you will get an error, so i assumed that fileroller couldn't handle rar archives06:22
Rene_Sanyone know what package i need to get extract here to show up in my right click menu ?06:22
zenwhenI dont believe I ave ever opened fileroller.06:22
holycowi love fileroller, its a lot simpler ui than the maze of popups that is the horror of winrar or winzip06:24
=== Dethread [~Dethread@24-205-231-52.slo-cres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu
zenwhenI dont like a gui at all for such things06:25
zenwhenI just like right clocking archives06:25
zenwhenand extracting06:25
Rene_SI cant do that anymore for some reason06:25
=== wasabi [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowwhat, right click and extract?06:26
Rene_Si must have buggered something or forgot to install something06:26
holycowweird, reinstall fileroller?06:27
Rene_Si can try that06:27
Rene_SI see all kinds of assertion errors06:29
mullemeckhow do I disable the beep from my pc-speaker? ie the sound caused by bad input...06:29
SimplyRobgoodnight folks06:29
Rene_Scut the wires leading to it06:29
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mullemeckahh, thanks!06:30
mullemeckRene_S: that was my fallback solution ;)06:30
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Rene_SI did that last week06:31
holycowoh shit this is ubuntue, preferences arent under apps ;)06:31
muluxlol, why not just unplug the connector? :p06:31
Rene_Smakes me feel better to cut something06:32
Rene_Smuch more dramatic when i stomp through the house screaming for the wire cutters06:32
holycowor you just like the smoke caused as a result of cutting live wires?06:33
Rene_Sremoving connectors is so anti-climactic06:33
Rene_SYeah, if i cant stick a screwdriver through a live motherboard once in a while I feel powerless and small somehow06:34
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=== LucidVisions is making a cantenna,15dbi this time hopefully
Rene_SI am waiting for the day my dogs get mad at me for something and lift there legs on it06:35
Rene_Sits an open case so that should scare em good06:36
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | CDs order before 12th Nov have been shipped, you can still order CDs | official forums ubuntuforums.org | For MP3 etc info: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by |trey| at Mon Nov 29 23:20:25 2004
LucidVisionsroRy: allthough he has never poped in when i was there,,i did see andrew morton though08:39
K-otiKcan someone tell me where amule puts downloaded items by default?08:40
=== gwak [~gwak@pD953167B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunK-otiK: wherever you instruct it to, I presume.08:40
roRyim in south africa LucidVisions so got no idea about the movements of "linux" torvalds08:40
LucidVisionslinus torvalds is the father of linux08:41
LucidVisionshe made the kernel08:41
Treenakswell, he started making it :)08:41
crimsun(he knows who Linus is; his statement regards the whereabouts of Linus)08:41
Treenaksand he still decides what goes into  the final product08:41
Treenaksbut he hasn't done it all by himself :)08:41
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
LucidVisionsuhh,,pretty much,,the last 2 years of development have been patches and hacks by andrew morton and gang,,,hardly any "real work:08:42
=== Keybuk [~scott@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
roRylinus open sourced it so thousands of developers could help him finish his school project08:42
roRywho pays for the internet bandwidth in this community wifi network?08:43
LucidVisionsnaw,,,you guys have never heard of enterprise kernel scaling08:43
TreenaksLucidVisions: uh, I have08:43
KeybukroRy: hmm?  Linus didn't write Linux for a school project08:43
LucidVisionsroRy: just sec,,i got a link that explaines our network08:43
TreenaksLucidVisions: what do you think NUMA is?08:44
LucidVisionsthat was only at first,,08:44
Keybukhe wrote it because he had an i386 and nothing to do with it08:44
LucidVisionsim talking about recent history,,you are all going wayyyy back08:44
LucidVisionsjust sec08:44
=== jziade [~jziade@c-24-21-187-19.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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LucidVisionsroRy: http://www.personaltelco.net/static/index.html the pdx metro area is almost 120 square miles08:46
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jziadeAnyone know of a good gui for administering daemons?08:48
roRydoesnt say much about the internet connection08:49
=== joshua [1000@ip68-228-40-88.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
joshuahas anyone installed kde 3.3 on ubuntu?08:49
LucidVisionsroRy: people and buisness here have fast T1's and T3's and such that you can connect to08:50
LucidVisionswith 802.11b/g08:50
=== meff [~meff@adsl-68-91-192-178.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
roRyso they just kinda sponsor u a bit?08:51
roRyin south africa we have one telco that rips us off, the best you can get is 512kb ADSL for about $120 to telco and $50 to ISP08:52
=== SpOoKySpOoKy [~anyone@] has joined #ubuntu
roRyand its regulated too, you arent allowed to form your own connection (like wifi) over any public road08:53
=== deFrysk [~deFrysk@g90181.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LucidVisionsDam,,that sounds harsh,,,so everyone getts 1mb-5mbs down connections here with this,,its fast,,Yep,,every one who makes a node has a phat pipe,and then they open it up for anyone to connect to.08:53
roRyif you do they come confiscate your equipment and possibly fine you08:53
roRyoh and that adsl offering is capped at 3GB08:53
roRyafter that you basically cant connect to anything except maybe irc08:53
SpOoKySpOoKydoes anyone knows how to setup a SMC2802W wireless card08:53
SpOoKySpOoKyHI does anyone knows how to setup a SMC2802W wireless card???08:54
SpOoKySpOoKywhen I installed UBUNTUit seem like it recognizes the hifi card but isn't08:54
LucidVisionsroRy: wow,,so if you try and share your connection wirelessly they will come down hard on you a? Wow,,so you guys in au cant set somthing like this up leagaly?08:55
joshua... anyone? kde 3.3?08:55
roRyno1 is going to share their internet connection anyway cos it costs so much08:55
roRybut we cant set up a wifi connection to our friend across the road or something08:55
LucidVisionsahh,,i see now,,that would make it hard.08:55
LucidVisionsI had no idea it was that much $$ over there08:56
roRylike at my varsity they wanted to set up a wifi connection from one campus to the other08:56
roRyand they not allowed to08:56
pepsi__eh.. whats wrong with setting up a private network between 2 points?08:56
roRyif it crosses a public road here its illegal08:57
roRyso u can kinda set one up in your block or something08:57
roRyalso we arent legally allowed to use VoIP08:57
pepsi__just run a cable08:57
pepsi__screw wireless :D08:57
=== sid77 [~sid77@host98-44.pool8020.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
roRyyeah, its easily possible pepsi_, but illegal08:58
LucidVisionsroRy: check this out bro,,scrool down a lil bit,,i found some wifi like we have,,but its for au..08:58
SpOoKySpOoKydoes anyone knows how to setup a SMC2802W wireless card???08:59
roRyhow does that help me?08:59
LucidVisionsdo to the Australia, New Zealand & Pacific section,,we do homework for the world here in portland,lol can you connect to any of thoes networks,,?08:59
SpOoKySpOoKydoes anyone knows how to setup a SMC2802W wireless card??? anyone can help me with this?08:59
=== cuga [~cuga@HSE-StCath-ppp192209.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nevyn~tell SpOoKySpOoKy about repeat09:00
roRyno bru... they on diff continents, my cantenna never gonna be that good :p09:00
LucidVisionsarnt you in austrailia?09:00
Agrajaghe said he's in south africa09:00
LucidVisionsah shitty,,,i better lay off my " ",,hehe09:01
roRycheck there09:01
LucidVisionswoah,,sorry bro09:01
=== mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
roRyhttp://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/af.htm - SA at bottom of that09:01
SpOoKySpOoKywhat's up ? <nevyn> ~tell SpOoKySpOoKy about repeat09:02
roRyhttp://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/africa/za.htm - Cape Town (where i am) at bottom of that09:02
nevynmeh used to #debian.09:03
LucidVisionsroRy: hehe,,i know dude,,im just really faded at the moment,,but i had good intentions,,09:03
TreenaksLucidVisions: please use single punctuation, not double09:03
Treenaksthat's really annoying :)09:03
=== |^JaMeS^| [~nobody@cvip-dsl-205-82.cvip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
SpOoKySpOoKyphp rulez09:03
LucidVisionsare ya way at the bottom of sa?09:04
SpOoKySpOoKyperl s**ks09:04
crimsunnow now.09:04
LucidVisionsTreenaks: just to get you riled up09:05
roRywe supposed to be getting a new telco sometime09:05
roRycos as the moment we just getting assraped09:05
TreenaksSpOoKySpOoKy: Perl has its uses. Don't start flamewars here.09:05
roRyeven dialup gets expensive09:05
roRywe pay for local calls09:05
SpOoKySpOoKyTreenaks I'm tryng just to get your attention09:06
roRyabout $.10 a unit which is 3 minutes09:06
LucidVisionswoah,i never expected it to be like that,Thats really harsh.09:06
SpOoKySpOoKyand i dis, but when I just ask a question nobody answer09:06
pepsi__nobody knows the answer dude09:06
LucidVisionsIs the infastructure old down there?09:07
pepsi__google it09:07
SpOoKySpOoKywhen I repeated nevyn start <nevyn> ~tell SpOoKySpOoKy about repeat09:07
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pepsi__yur dumb09:07
LucidVisionsor just greedy tel Co's09:07
SpOoKySpOoKydoes anyone knows how to setup a SMC2802W wireless card? anyone has a how to or something?09:07
roRyLucidVisions, very greedy telco09:07
roRythey had a profit last year of billions09:07
SpOoKySpOoKymaybe but I'm not affraid to ask09:07
LucidVisionsroRy: ahh,,09:07
nevynTreenaks: I just did a final exam that involved perl.. perl is pure evil.09:08
SpOoKySpOoKyI want to learn09:08
nevynTreenaks: I can write it. but it's not a good thing $_ is wrong.09:08
pepsi__so learn it, then inform us of how its done, cause obviously we dont know09:08
roRywe should get another telco soon, but it might just end up that they collude09:08
Treenaksnevyn: I prorgam perl for a living :)09:08
SpOoKySpOoKyand if nobody helps at least can answer yes or no09:08
nevynno new programmer should ever see anything as evil as $_\09:08
roRyand the current telco is partly government owned so thats why its regulated we have to use them09:08
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Treenaksnevyn: yes! they should! :)09:08
crimsunit could be worse: it could be tcl.09:09
roRywtf is $_\ ?09:09
nevynTreenaks: the teachers program wrote a flat file database and then used a forloop with hard coded length to print a record.09:09
nevynTreenaks: it was WRONG...09:09
Treenaksnevyn: in Perl? That's plain evil.. yes..09:09
LucidVisionsroRy: true indeed.I hope things improve09:09
nevynTreenaks: see.09:09
roRywe have 3 cellular networks09:09
roRybut they also have to use the telco to route calls09:10
Treenaksnevyn: GDBM::File exists for a reason :)09:10
roRyso they also expensive09:10
paperflakeanyone got a good tutorial on installiing printer, the printer is in a w2k network ?09:10
roRyabout $.50 a minute09:10
SpOoKySpOoKyhey dudes does anyone knows about SMC2808W installed in any distro? specially ubuntu?09:10
roRywe getting 3G like this month or something09:11
roRyand the rule about VoIP and wifi is gonna be abolished in march i think09:11
roRyso things looking up, just very slowly09:11
nevynwhile(<file>) { if(/$keyword/) { print $_; for ($i=0;$i<5;$i++) { $line = <file>; print $line; } } }09:11
nevynTreenaks: evil.09:11
LucidVisionsThat sounds really good,sounds like the situation will improve for ya09:12
roRylol nevyn, looks good to me09:12
roRynice and compact :p09:12
=== Nexinarus [~nexinarus@218-101-65-192.dialup.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
roRybut then i freelance doing perl since i was 1309:12
=== meff [~meff@adsl-68-91-192-178.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinaruswoo planning on installing Ubuntu tomorrow09:14
crimsungood deal.09:14
nevynTreenaks: see?09:14
paperflakeroRy, i see we sit in the same boat heh ?, i'm from namibia, just waiting on the thing to happen in SA and then seen it comes to nam :)09:15
roRycool paperflake09:15
roRyu also have telkom there?09:15
=== warty [~warty@d199-126-63-201.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
SpOoKySpOoKyTHANX for nothing and for your kindness (pepsi_ dumb sucker)09:16
paperflakeyeah, same prob here too, thoug we not as lucky as to have asdl yet :(09:16
wartyHi everybody!09:16
roRyhehe, ok09:16
roRyim on adsl at moment at work09:16
roRybasically $2000/year for adsl09:17
paperflakei am on 128k digicon at work, but that is it09:17
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-24-24-251-219.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
roRyi got 64k isdn at home09:18
roRytis not bad compared to dialup09:18
roRyand doesnt have a cap like adsl09:18
nevynhere they're time charged.09:18
roRynah here too for isdn, cos u gotta connect and u charged for call09:19
pepsi__hi warty09:19
pepsi__i dumped you yesterday09:19
pepsi__for a hoar09:19
roRybut they have a thing where u pay extra per month but then your off peak calls are capped at R809:19
roRyso i connect after hours all the time09:19
=== Snipes [~Snipes@d199-126-63-201.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Snipescould someone tell me how to reinstall grub please?09:20
roRyapt-get install grub09:21
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=== Aidan__ [~Aidan@c210-49-97-158.rochd1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunsudo grub-install /some/hd09:21
Aidan__Anyone want to help me?09:21
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crimsunman 8 grub-install09:21
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Aidan__I just got the Ubunto cds09:21
Aidan__I am using the live version09:22
Agrajagubunto more like ubuntu09:22
Aidan__is 1024x something09:22
Aidan__the max resoloution?09:22
Snipesit is already installed but it doesnt boot anymore because i installed a windows os on a different partition and it ate it :)09:22
Aidan__So is it?09:22
crimsunAidan__: depending on the driver and your specific graphics hardware, it may be; it usually is _not_09:23
=== Elwood [~Elwood@ppp-62-11-186-67.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
Snipeswould crimson's reply fix that do you think?09:23
LucidVisionsroRy: i found a blog about wireless networking in South Africa, i found nodes for Pretoria and Johannesburg are ya close to either of thoes cities09:24
Aidan__crimsun, For me i cant go any higher, would i have to install to go higher?09:24
roRyabout 1000miles09:24
Aidan__In Windows XP i can go upto 1280x102409:24
crimsunSnipes: read the man page; it's quite helpful09:24
Snipesthank you09:24
LucidVisionshttp://www.nodedb.com/africa/za/johannesburg/? and http://www.nodedb.com/africa/za/pretoria/?09:24
crimsunAidan__: what graphics chipset?09:25
LucidVisionsoh well,,you can check out the links anyhow,,that would be cool though if you were.09:25
Aidan__crimsun, You mean my graphics card?09:26
roRyhmmm, my gf lives in one of the suburbs mentioned there in johannesburg09:26
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LucidVisionscool,,Johannesburg does look to have a bunch of nodes a09:26
roRyits only possibly interested though....09:27
Aidan__I have a Geforce 4 MX 400009:27
roRyand no internet09:27
roRyjohnannesburg is massive though, those are NOwhere near enough nodes09:27
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LucidVisionstrue,,its a huge city a09:28
roRyi found some in cape town09:28
roRysome close to me too09:28
crimsunAidan__: is it using vesa or nv?09:29
=== bill_jack [bill_check@tpasmb01bba-ac01-34-61.dial.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinarusalso might your monitor not be installed properly?09:29
LucidVisionsvery cool,,is out definition of a node the same,,here a wifi node is an acess point that is open for connections,and they give internet acess? im just making sure,09:29
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Aidan__crimsun, Can we talk in PM?09:29
LucidVisionsI hope you can connect to a node,that would free some $$ for ya09:30
roRythere are 3 nodes in my suburb run by same person09:31
roRydoesnt say where tho09:31
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LucidVisionsMy best cantenna was hitting about 2 miles away,,if you want the link it only cost me $5 usd to make.09:32
roRythink it might be a private complex or something09:32
roRyfernwood community09:32
=== iz is away: zo weer terug
roRy"Node status:  Waiting for nearby activity"09:32
Elwoodwhat about order cd?09:33
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Elwoodgive me a link please09:33
roRyoh well, will have to get a laptop and cantenna and go wardriving :p09:33
roRyand get car too i guess...09:34
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LucidVisionsyep,thats fun stuffs indeed.09:34
LucidVisionsand you have much better weather09:35
roRyyeah, its mostly sunny here09:35
LucidVisionsthat sounds nice indeed09:35
roRyand never really storms, hail, lightning, etc09:35
roRyno hurricanes and earthquakes and stuff either09:36
MyK-ewhere is it roRy?09:36
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paperflakehehe, but the sun hurts09:37
roRy[10:03:11]  <roRy> http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/africa/za.htm - Cape Town (where i am) at bottom of that09:37
roRyim a nerd i dont go in sun anyway :p09:37
paperflakei guess not that bad in CT but in namibia, u stay clear of the sun around noon :)09:38
LucidVisionswe never really have much sun,hehe,and our volcano is about to explode again09:38
MyK-eroRy how old are u?09:38
roRyno volcanos here either :p09:38
=== LucidVisions runs to south africa
roRyMyK-e, 2009:38
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LucidVisionsroRy: im drifting off its 2am here, but here is a link to the ultimate cheap cantenna http://www.seattlewireless.net/index.cgi/PringlesCantenna ,Seattle is 3 hours north of me,they also have a large community wifi network goin on so its a popular cantenna desighn09:52
LucidVisionshave fun all,09:53
Nexinarusok Ubuntu linux talks about components (main, restricted, universe, and multiverse). Though where can i see the list of components (without having Ubuntu installed yet) ?09:56
TreenaksNexinarus: you just listed them all :)09:56
Nexinarussorry, where is the list of applications under these components?09:57
Nexinarusim trying to see if there are any cd burning software,09:57
Nexinarus(new to linux, scaned my cd burner will be rendered useless)09:58
=== meff [~meff@adsl-68-91-192-178.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
TreenaksNexinarus: what kind of CDs do you want to burn09:58
Nexinarusfiles like a data cd with Nero in windows,09:58
Nexinarusbackup documents,09:58
Nexinarusbackup files readable with windows machines, etc09:59
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Nexinarusor possibly audio cd's09:59
TreenaksNexinarus: files can be done easily in the GUI09:59
TreenaksNexinarus: using the built-in "burn to CD" option10:00
Treenakssame with .iso images10:00
Nexinaruscool. so i can select a file and say "burn to cd" ?10:00
Nexinarusor select folder,10:00
Treenaksaudio CDs are harder, for now you can use K3B (a KDE CD burning program). In the next version you'll be able to burn audio CDs from the music program10:00
TreenaksNexinarus: yes, or actually, you go to the "Places" menu, open the CD burner window from there10:01
TreenaksNexinarus: and drag/drop the files to the burner window10:01
Nexinarusthanks, that reassures me :)10:01
Nexinarushope my cd burner hardware is detected properly heeh10:01
Treenaks99% of it is..10:01
Treenaksit even detected my USB CD burner correctly :)10:01
Nexinaruslaptop cd/dvd combo drive10:01
Treenaksthat will work just fine10:02
=== MobyTurbo [~chai@as5300-6.216-194-21-150.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinarusthe last version of linux i tried couldnt let me plug my USB mouse in while the pc was on. Is this similar with Ubuntu?10:03
Nexinarussorry about noob questions, much appreciated though.10:03
TreenaksNexinarus: no, everything should be hot-pluggable10:03
TreenaksNexinarus: at least, as long as the hardware supports it :)10:03
MobyTurboNexinarus, the previous version of Linux you used didn't have hotplug or usbmgr installed. Ubuntu includes hotplug in the default install.10:04
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Nexinarusall i need to find now is a divx encoder heh :p10:06
TreenaksNexinarus: you can use ffmpeg, transcode and/or gstreamer for that10:06
TreenaksNexinarus: and you probably want to use OGG/Theora + Vorbis (they're patent-free video and audio codecs)10:06
Nexinaruscool, i've always had nightmares with Vorbis though. Man that is a hugely complicated program,10:07
TreenaksNexinarus: there's sound juicer now.. that automates CD ripping for you10:08
Agrajagsound juicer sucks10:09
Agrajagyou can't even choose a quality level10:09
TreenaksAgrajag: it works fine10:09
Agrajagno it doesn't.10:09
AgrajagI don't want whatever settings the authors decided on.10:09
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TreenaksAgrajag: well, file a bug, submit a patch10:09
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TreenaksAgrajag: it's Free Software10:09
AgrajagTreenaks: I don't program.10:09
jemfinchWhat does it take to get a package into Ubuntu?10:09
TreenaksAgrajag: pay someone to do it.. if you don't like it, fix it..10:10
TreenaksI mean.. don't whine about it on irc10:10
Agrajagbesides, it's not a bug, it's a lack of a feature.10:10
AgrajagI'm not whining. I'm saying that;s it's woefully incomplete10:10
Agrajaggrip works better10:10
TreenaksAgrajag: filed an 'enhancement' bug yet then?10:11
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yann_hi :)10:11
Agrajagno, because I don't use the software.10:11
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Agrajagbesides, it's not like they don't know it's missing, there's a spot for it in preferences that says "coming soon"10:12
TreenaksAgrajag: ah ok, so you're just waiting for Hoary :)10:12
Agrajagno, I plan on keeping grip installed10:12
verden01I have kde installed and aolso k3b, but i need cdrdao so k3b wil run and it doesn't appear to be in Synaptic's packages so does anyone have any idea where i could download it from?10:13
Agrajagverden01: did you enable the universe and multiverse repositories?10:14
verden01yes i think10:14
Agrajagthen it should be there10:14
Agrajagmake sure10:14
verden01thats how i downloaded kde10:14
Agrajagdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe multiverse10:14
Agrajagdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe multiverse10:14
yann_how can I search available packages with apt-get? I would like to get the list of all packages containing *apache*, how does it work? didn't find anything in man apt-get :/10:14
Agrajagkde is in universe, cdrdao may be in multiverse, I'm not sure10:14
verden01ok if not i'll uncomment it10:14
Treenaksapt-cache search apache10:14
MobyTurboyann_, "apt-cache search" or use synaptic10:14
yann_apt-cache, thx :)10:15
Agrajagverden01: $ apt-cache search cdrdao10:15
Agrajagcdrdao - Disk-At-Once (DAO) recording of audio and data CD-Rs/CD-RWs10:15
Agrajagit's in there somewhere10:15
yann_isn't there any apache package already containing php? :/10:16
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Treenaksyann_: there is libapache-mod-php (for apache 1.x) and libapache2-mod-php (for apache 2.x)10:18
Treenaksyann_: apache2 is easier, I heard10:18
Nexinarusah does apache come on the install cd?10:20
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aidehuaOh dear.  I just tried to put my Warty Warthog'd iBook G3 to sleep, which worked.  But it never woke up :/10:25
nevynumm this is a known issue.10:25
aidehuaI'm such a typical user!  I completely gloss over the fact that *everything* worked first time post install, including X server etc....10:26
aidehua...and I just focus on the b0rken stuff :)10:26
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nevynI don't know if apple ever gave ben the specs.10:26
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wepafodoes the latest stable ubuntu have the windows dual-boot problem?10:26
aidehuaThose new-fangled G4 iBooks have sleep issues, but I've been sleeping fine with sarge / 2.6.7.  I guess I'll find a hack around it :)10:26
nevynwepafo: windows dual boot?10:27
wepafonevyn http://lwn.net/Articles/86835/10:27
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wepafoand http://www.broadbandreports.com/forum/remark,10472664~mode=flat10:28
Nexinarusheh also who decided to put the cleavage showing picture on every ubuntu cd package, such a good marketing tool,10:29
KamionNexinarus: apache2 is on the CD, yes10:30
paperflakeaidehua, check on the mailing list , u can also get it via the forums, there is a tread about G3 sleep thingie :)10:31
paperflakeaidehua, a recent one like today, shouldnt be diff to find10:31
Kamionthat's all G4 stuff10:32
KamioniBook G3s should've been fine in warty, I thought10:32
Kamionmight want to mail ubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com about that, see what the various other iBook G3 owners say10:32
paperflakeKamion, there is a recent thread onit, on that mail list :)10:33
bob2david ran it on his g3 ibook10:33
bob2up until maybe a month ago10:34
Kamionis jdub's ibook g3 or g4?10:34
Kamiong3, I thought10:34
Kamionpaperflake: ah yes, hadn't got that far10:35
Treenaksis anyone in Mataro already?10:35
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bob2Treenaks: no10:36
Treenaksbob2: the entire city is deserted?!!! :P10:37
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Kamionwepafo: afraid so, we believe10:38
Kamionnevyn: Ben has the specs for current ATI cards now; there's a patch out for testing on debian-powerpc@10:38
Kamionwepafo: current hoary installer *may* be fixed, but almost certainly has other issues; I haven't tested it since I uploaded parted 1.6.19 yesterday10:39
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verden01i found a fix for cdrdao at this link  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-504.html10:41
wepafoKamion: aw ok :(10:41
Kamionwepafo: doesn't hit all Windows users though, not by a long shot10:42
Kamionwepafo: make sure LBA's enabled in your BIOS and you'll probably be better off10:42
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wepafoerm ok. i'll just stick to cygwin until this is totally fixed10:43
Nexinarusheh ah, a down side my cellphone software will not work with linux, hmm10:44
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Nexinarusinfrared cellphone -> laptop, definately cant trust Nokia to support linux10:45
=== Destructo [Iver@as5800-1.216-194-3-232.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu
Destructohello is anyne awake for a quick question10:45
MobyTurboDestructo, sure, anything for another metconnect user.10:46
Destructoha friends forever10:46
Destructodid you know that yu could do any login and pw10:46
TreenaksNexinarus: what kind of cell phone do you have?10:46
NexinarusNokia 6225,10:47
MobyTurboDestructo, sure, but who would want to fake that?10:47
TreenaksNexinarus: I can use GPRS fine with my 3650..10:47
TreenaksNexinarus: does your phone have bluetooth or a cable?10:47
Treenaks(or both?)10:47
Nexinarusinfrared (version down from bluetooth). THoigh it supports usb10:47
TreenaksNexinarus: USB is fine -- it'll appear as a normal serial port there10:48
TreenaksNexinarus: and you can just use the standard PPP configuration program to use GPRS10:48
TreenaksNexinarus: (or "normal" GSM data calls)10:48
DestructoMobyTurbo i have slackware 10.0 running on my new hp pavilion laptop zv5240 (no im not bragging) and it runs great , anyways im at my friends house atm with dialup, but more importantly, she has an hp[ pavcilion desktop ; im curious about ubunto , what kind of package ssytem does it have ...?10:48
aidehuapaperflake: thanks for the tip.  Bad me for not finding the ubuntu mailing lists :)10:49
Nexinarustho i need to buy the usb cord,10:49
subterrificDestructo: it is debian based10:49
MobyTurboDestructo, Ubuntu is Debian based. Uses debs and apt-get10:49
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TreenaksNexinarus: infrared works, too.. if you install some packages (and your PC infrared port is supported)10:49
Destructosounds interesting , how is it with wirelss10:50
ryananyone running hoary and have a huge home dir icon on their nautilus desktop that they can't shrink :)10:50
Nexinarusthough even on windows the only way i could infrared to and from my cellphone was by installing nokias software heh,10:50
ryani just want to see if i'm the only one10:50
Treenaksryan: running hoary, no big icons :)10:50
Destructodamn laptop person10:50
TreenaksNexinarus: it should work fine10:51
Destructoor anyone familiar with ubuntu and laptops10:52
MobyTurboDestructo, I noticed the "restricted" repository included a binary driver for a certain kind of wireless equipment. I don't know if that would help.10:52
ryanTreenaks: i guess that means its fixable somehow ;)10:52
Nexinarusi may be tomorrow, installing Ubunto on this laptop once ive backed everything up10:52
KamionMobyTurbo: (should be installed by default)10:52
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ryanand it only does it when viewing icons at 75%10:53
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Destructowell with my laptop i have both linuxant and ndiswrapper , and they both work well, and fairly easy to get going; thank god. if i can only find a program that gives me 'available networks' like windows. but in agui10:53
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DestructoMobyTurbo how did you learn about metconnect ?10:55
MobyTurboDestructo, I noticed that ndiswrapper-utils is in Ubuntu's repsoitory10:55
TreenaksNexinarus: http://tuxmobil.org/phones_survey_nokia.html (most howtos are about connecting cables and loading drivers etc.. ubuntu should be doing that for you)10:55
MobyTurboDestructo, I don't remember. A friend told me I think.10:55
=== sudoman [~sudoman@dhcp-129-64-134-32.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Destructoso youlive in nyc , col10:56
MobyTurboDestructo, either that or a "free ISP" listing site.10:56
Destructoha. so i guess you know about a free ******@nyc.com10:56
sudomanhello. would anyone like to tell me why they think that ubuntu is better than ydl or whether it is not yet as good?10:56
DestructoMobyTurbo yeah free email10:57
Destructowho wants a gmail account ..?10:57
Destructoi ahve tons10:58
bob2Destructo: please10:58
MobyTurboDestructo, I have gmail already.10:58
sudomani can give you one10:58
Destructobob2 seriously you want one ..?10:58
bob2sudoman: try it and see, I think you'll like ubuntu a lot10:58
bob2Destructo: no, please don't offer them here10:58
bob2try #gmail or something.10:58
Destructoah sorry.10:58
sudomanbob2: better than ydl?10:58
Destructonow i rememebr you looked familiar10:58
bob2sudoman: yes10:58
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MobyTurbosudoman, ubuntu is Debian-based, which might mean much of it's package repository works on all its architectures like Debian.10:58
sudomanbob2: ok. that sounds good.10:59
sudomanbob2: ah, good10:59
sudomanbob2: and it's smaller, no?10:59
bob2ubuntu ppc includes basically everything that i386 does10:59
Destructobob2 have you heard any comments about ubuntu and laptops .. ?10:59
bob2sudoman: smaller than what?10:59
TreenaksMobyTurbo: but don't use debian repositories if there's a package in ubuntu!10:59
bob2Destructo: works great on mine and the 6 people using ubuntu on their laptops in this room10:59
Nexinarusthanks Treenaks10:59
sudomani used 4 cds to install ydl on my mac, but ubuntu only needs one11:00
MobyTurboTreenaks, of course. I was comparing the two, not reccomending the usage of non-ubuntu repositories.11:00
Destructobob2 how is it with new laptops ?11:00
=== Treenaks needs to get his 3650 flashed to the latest firmware
sudomanand then internet downloads11:00
bob2Destructo: I see two x40's, a brand new viao and a new hp, and they all apparently work great11:00
bob2sudoman: well, yeah11:00
bob2(plus my g4 ibook)11:00
bob2Destructo: about the only trick is to avoid broadcom wireless11:00
NexinarusTreenaks, i thought cellphone makers just made new cellphones when they make new features ;)11:01
bob2Destructo: and checking which have working acpi if you want to be able to suspend them11:01
Destructobob2 wy you couldnbt get yours to work .. ?11:01
TreenaksNexinarus: they do, but the fix bugs in new firmware versions11:01
Destructowow typo sorry11:01
b_e_n_zNexinarus, no, they change the covers on the phones ane sell them as new models11:01
bob2Destructo: mine works great except for the wireless11:01
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Destructobob2 whcih is broadcom righjt ..?11:02
Nexinarusmy phone *works*. It's not perfect, id certainly customize it slimmer and change things if i could but ah it works11:02
bob2Destructo: right11:02
Destructoyou need help .. ? i did it11:02
bob2Destructo: erm, there's no driver for it.  anywhere, afaik.11:02
TreenaksNexinarus: mine works too, but it has some broken things (web browser has quite a few bugs, mail client tends to crash)11:02
ebenebob2, broadcom works with ndiswrapper (well mine did anyway)11:02
bob2ebene: yes, this is on ppc tho :)11:03
ebeneoww : (11:03
TreenaksNexinarus: also, the new firmware is faster, or so I heard11:03
Destructobob2 use ndiswrapper , then use your broadcom drivers .inf file.. bam ! :)11:03
bob2Destructo: not on ppc11:03
Destructoah ... ok11:03
NexinarusOver here mail clients dont exist, and the web browser is so expensive to use its not funny11:03
Nexinarusif i went to google.com it would cost me nearly a dollar,11:04
TreenaksNexinarus: they're all included on the 3650..11:04
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Nexinarusdont have 3650,11:04
TreenaksNexinarus: I do11:04
Nexinarusi mean in general over here, they dont have mail features11:04
Nexinarusi think 2 phones in advertising do but thats about it heh11:04
Treenaksoh, ok.. where is 'here'? :)11:04
NexinarusNew Zealand11:04
Treenaksah ok11:05
Destructobob2 no idea about ppc11:05
Nexinarus"hobbit land"11:05
=== Treenaks is in the Netherlands
bob2Destructo: there's no support11:05
TreenaksNexinarus: Kiwiland ;)11:05
MobyTurboNexinarus, do the sheep have cellphones?11:05
Nexinarusno, they are farmed, we dont date them, honest,11:05
MobyTurboNexinarus, sorry for the baaad joke.11:06
cleempt: what're you doing in here? I thought you were a Mac user. :)11:06
MobyTurboNexinarus, I should be nicer to ewe.11:07
mptclee: I am indeed, I'm just being nosey11:07
Kamionbleh, need to fix debootstrap for new parted11:07
Kamionso today's daily CD won't be too useful11:07
Nexinarusstupid new zealand sheep farmers,11:07
Nexinarusruining nz's image,11:07
cleempt: well, I've gotta hand it to these dudes. Ubuntu's my personal favorite distro.11:08
cleempt: (And I work for Red Hat. :)11:08
mptWhy do you like it, clee?11:08
verden01any ausies11:08
cleempt: well, I'm a sucker for a good Debian distro11:08
cleempt: and Ubuntu's basically a better Debian than Debian11:08
Destructobob2 i may know someone that may be able to shed some light ... let me.. think...   for some reason you look familiar11:08
cleetimely updates, easy installer11:08
cleefree CDs in the mail11:09
cleewhat's not to like? :)11:09
NexinarusAnd yeah free cd's, omg i can get it in the mail faster than i can download it.11:09
cleewell, ok, I'm not too crazy about GNOME, being a KDE dev and all.11:09
verden01theres something about a good debian distro that makes linux worthwhile11:09
mptFair enough11:09
cleebut I compile KDE from CVS anyway, so it's not like the lack of KDE hits me very hard11:09
bob2Destructo: #debian?11:09
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Destructobob2 maybe #freenode ?11:09
verden01i got kde on ubuntu from synaptic11:10
Destructoor openor freebsd ?11:10
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bob2Destructo: therwe's no ppc driver for linux for the chipset anywhere, afaik.  there's a binary-only linux mips one, but no one has reverse engineered it to source yet.11:10
bob2Destructo: freenode maybe11:10
Destructobob2 is there an emulation program inppc ..?11:10
mptclee: Apart from the KDElessness, anything you really don't like?11:11
bob2Destructo: hah, well, emulating a cpu to run a kernel module is really really deep voodoo11:11
cleempt: well, they employ some unsavory types, like daniels11:11
cleempt: seriously though... nope. And it keeps getting better.11:12
=== mpt thinks KDE and GNOME are means to ends, not ends in themselves
cleempt: like I said. being a KDE dev, and all... :)11:12
Nexinarusah i must remember to backup my firefox bookmarks heh,11:12
MobyTurboclee, a KDE dev working for Red Hat?11:12
Destructobob2 on my dell laptop at home, the wirless wouldnt work , so i used vmware in my slackware and installed xp and used 'bridged connectin. worked well.11:12
cleeMobyTurbo: yeah, I'm one-of-a-kind :)11:12
bob2Destructo: oh lordy11:12
Destructoi know. but im not very smart with computers, but i thought that was neato11:13
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cleeDestructo: wait. that actually WORKED?11:13
Destructoclee yes. but i didnt say ppc11:14
loogaroois there a own chan for ubuntu devs?11:17
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Destructoloogaroo yeah i saw it when i did a list11:19
bob2there's a channel, but it's actually only for discussion of development11:19
loogaroobob2: and where can I find this chan?11:20
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loogaroobob2: thx11:21
Kamionwe used to use #ubuntu before we went public, and moved out when it got too noisy; if our current development channel gets too noisy, we'll just have to move again11:21
Kamionthat would be a shame, though11:21
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loogarooI understand11:22
Nexinarusi must say to the developers of gedit, good on them its so nice.11:26
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brc_I just changed my videocard (ancient sis card to ATI 7000 Radeon 64mb)...is there a a tool other then 'dexconf' that'll try to create the proper X config?11:34
brc_x is refusing to start11:34
MobyTurbobrc_, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8611:34
bob2!+setup x11:34
brc_what's the bots name?11:35
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MobyTurbobrc_, if that doesn't work try xf86config or xf86cfg which come with X.11:35
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wartyanyone use live cd ?11:37
MobyTurbowarty, the live CD is somewhat finicky, some computers don't work with it.11:38
wartyno i'm using it now11:38
MobyTurbowarty, good for you. It doesn't work here. :-/11:39
wartyneeded to reboot twice b4 it started, dunno if that is supposed to happen11:39
wartyjust wondering about the apt updates11:39
MobyTurbowarty, the setup CD worked here fine though.11:39
wartyyeah setcd works fine too11:39
wartysource.list show ..11:40
wartydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main11:40
wartydeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/LiveCD/warthog ./11:40
wartydeb http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/LiveCD/morphix ./11:40
wartyis one able to add more, or best leaving them 3 only ?11:40
MobyTurbowarty, they aren't the same as the ones configured by the setup CD.11:40
MobyTurbowell, except the first11:41
wartyyeah, having problems getting, libpcre3 for nmap11:41
brc_ahhmm...it seems it's not autodetecting the bus identifier11:42
|QuaD|can anyone reccomend a good CHEAP webhosting company11:42
wartywww.godaddy.com are cheap enough11:42
wartysolid servers11:42
wartycheap domain's too11:42
brc_lspci reports 0000:01:00.0   ...just gotta figure out what number the x config is looking for11:42
|QuaD|thats where i got my domain from11:42
brc_dangit...wish you could backup in deb confs11:43
|QuaD|warty: ever heard of hostingplex11:45
wartynope, where they based ?11:45
|QuaD|no idea11:45
wartyontario to be exact11:46
|QuaD|is that good?11:46
|QuaD|i travel in northeast us11:46
|QuaD|that says 5 gigs... right? i just want to make sure11:47
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brc_well blah11:47
brc_it doesn't like AGP:0000:01:00.011:47
brc_let's ask jeeves....actually, let's not11:47
darkersatanicbrc_: It's looking for PCI:1:0:0 in your case.11:48
brc_it's a agp card11:48
darkersatanicAGP effectively looks like a faster PCI bus.11:49
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jonohi all11:49
brc_good thing that isn't mentioned in the info screen :p11:49
jono what does 'chainloader' do in GRUB? the docs are not very clear11:49
wartyubuntu should really get a search archive site, so peeps can um.. search for ubuntu packages11:49
brc_thanks darkersatanic11:49
darkersatanicI'm sure there are differences, but the XF86 configuration calls it PCI.11:49
|QuaD|warty: can you answer my questions :)11:49
darkersatanicjono: I think it loads another bootloader -- hence the "chain" bit.11:50
warty5 gigs data transfer a month ?11:50
wartywhats the site going to be serving ?11:50
=== brc_ claps
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|QuaD|no, 5gigs of data storage11:50
brc_thanks again11:50
wartyman my site uses 10 mb lol..11:51
wartyso 5 gig is pretty sufficient i would imagine11:51
|QuaD|heh, how will speeds be between ontario and boston?11:51
|QuaD|and ontario and jersey?11:51
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wartythey are all prob. on multi-homed backbones11:51
Kamionjono: typically used to transfer control to ntldr or similar11:51
Kamionwarty: search archive> it's coming11:51
|QuaD|so that means i am fine?11:52
wartysomething like http://www.debian.org/distrib/packages#search_packages11:52
wartywell at the end of the day, its up to you11:52
wartydepends what your sticking on ur site11:52
Kamionwarty: there's an unofficial version of that page for Ubuntu11:52
|QuaD|just for me11:52
|QuaD|no one else11:52
jonocheers :)11:52
wartyif ur going to mirror ubuntu it wont work :P11:52
|QuaD|and backup11:52
wartywell 5 gigs is about 8-10 div-x rips11:52
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wartyhows that suit you :)11:52
choisyhey there11:52
Kamionwarty: http://higgs.djpig.de/ubuntu/www/11:53
wartyYES nice one Kamion11:53
|QuaD|haha yeah11:53
wartycu should stick that on the topic11:53
wartyor even the ubuntu site11:53
Kamionwe'll hopefully have something similar ourselves soon, developed in-house11:53
jonohow does 'default' in the grub config file differ from 'savedefault' ?11:54
brc_it's been awhile...but iirc savedefault will save that as default if you select it from the menu11:55
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Kamionjono: if you use 'default saved', then menu entries with the 'savedefault' option will become the default after they're selected11:55
Kamion'info grub' has details11:56
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wartysometimes with live cd, upon going to site thru firefox, it just shuts down completely11:57
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stvndaniels: I've tried the pll,ddc options and even setting the laptop resolution to 1024x768 with no result, I have saved all the logs if you're interested12:03
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danielsstvn: that would be great, thanks12:05
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candymanin a nutshell, apart from a new release every six months, what will I get from an ubuntu install today that I won't get from a Sarge install?12:07
candyman(hi all)12:07
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jdubcandyman: gnome 2.8 :-)12:08
jdubcandyman: great integration12:09
deFryskcandyman, stability12:09
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jdubcandyman: commercial support if you want it12:09
deFryskcandyman, no kde :)12:09
candymanjdub: can you give me a good example of integration that I miss with Sarge? This is a desktop, I would be upgrading to SID12:09
MobyTurbocandyman, actually you can install kde from universe.12:09
candymandeFrysk, I am a KDE person. I am still not completely convinced to switch.12:10
candymanMoby, I know ;)12:10
MobyTurbocandyman, but most ubuntu users use gnome 2.8 because that's special to ubuntu at present.12:10
deFryskcandyman, if you are a kde person, stick to sarge/sid12:10
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MobyTurbocandyman, once KDE starts using D-BUS it will work better on ubuntu than Debian.12:10
jdubcandyman: hardware autoconfiguration, well set up desktop by default, etc.12:10
brc_this is very nice12:11
mbp_hi jdub12:11
jdubyo mbp_12:11
candymanyep, in Spain most people use Gnome, it is what comes in government distros12:11
candymanjdub, and is passing Ubuntu to SID painful?12:11
brc_no kde?12:11
brc_I was just looking for it12:11
candymanAlmost convinced, really12:11
candymanfinally: package selection good enough? Broad enough, rather?12:12
deFryskcandyman, gnome2.9x in hoary12:12
candymanI don't need all of SID12:12
brc_MobyTurbo, does a kde install from universe (debian repository I assume?) work well(ish)?12:12
deFryskwich is rather neat12:12
jdubcandyman: not hugely, but wi ouldn't recommend crossgrading on any distro12:12
MobyTurbobrc_, not a Debian repository, the Ubuntu Linux "universe" repository.12:12
deFryskand xorg in horay , also neat12:12
brc_ahh okay12:12
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MobyTurbocandyman, the package selection is based on a snapshot of sid, so it's huge.12:13
candymanok, convinced12:13
MobyTurbocandyman, that is if you use universe12:13
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brc_so...did you run into any problems with it (kde on ubuntu..)?12:13
candymantrying Ubuntu for six months12:13
candymanhome on a different partition, so I can move when I want, or even have dual boots12:13
candymansee you in Matar12:13
MobyTurbobrc_, I've never tried KDE under ubuntu.12:13
candymanI will be the guy with the XP tablet that only boots off the network12:14
brc_ahh, sorry12:14
candymanand wants to have it dual-boot, unnegotiable ;)12:14
candymanso see you there, all12:15
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Maydaywhat does it really mean when i have packages that "have been kept back" (apt tells me)12:22
mjrthey haven't been upgraded because the upgrading would require installing other packages or removing others, or dependencies aren't available12:23
Kamionit means that they can't be upgraded because the newer versions would not be installable due to dependency problems12:23
mjrdist-upgrade overrides the first two conditions and goes ahead12:23
Kamionmay be a bug, may just be that you need to wait a while for stuff to sync up12:23
mjrfor example, the calendar package might not be upgraded with a normal upgrade, since it depends on the new december calendar package, but dist-upgrade will happily upgrade it and pull the december calendar with it12:24
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danielsstvn: this never worked for you, did it?12:27
danielsstvn: (like, a week ago, before the new radeon_drv.o)12:27
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brc_is synaptic installed on a default ubuntu install?12:33
brc_can't seem to find it12:33
Kamioncomputer -> system configuration -> synaptic package manager, iirc12:33
MobyTurbobrc_, it's in "computer > system configuration"12:34
Kamionyes, it's there by default12:34
brc_thanks again :)12:34
brc_I haven't used gnome in about two years12:34
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Elwoodhow to add my user to sudoers?an example line?12:49
MobyTurboElwood, visudo12:50
MobyTurboElwood, man sudoers12:50
Elwoodthanks :)12:50
stvndaniels: nope it never worked for me12:51
potatois there a package for mrxvt on ubuntu ?12:51
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stvndaniels: i did not try to setup a multi-monitor setup on warty though, it might have worked there, but unlikely12:52
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ztonzyKamion, hey, you awake ?12:58
Kamionztonzy: yes01:00
ztonzyKamion, remember 'vi' ?01:00
ztonzyKamion, I removed KDE and problems solved ;)01:00
Kamionztonzy: yeah, I saw that in scrollback01:01
Kamionztonzy: evidently some breakage in use of update-alternatives01:01
ztonzymust be that kde isnt supported in ubuntu - yet01:01
Kamionindeed it isn't01:01
ztonzysomething called /etc/alternatives...and it gave my weird symlinks01:01
ztonzymy = some01:01
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danielsstvn: ahr, cool01:03
Kamionztonzy: some KDE package is obviously calling update-alternatives (or conceivably dpkg-divert) in a broken way01:04
mofi cant set new root password with 'sudo chpasswd root'01:04
vrlntry sudo passwd root instead01:04
mofdo i take knoppix ?01:04
ztonzyKamion, :(01:04
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Kamionztonzy: it could be fixed up by hand, but I don't know what the exact form of the breakage is01:05
mofsorry, i mean 'sudo passwd root '01:05
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ztonzyKamion, I dont want to jump into that01:05
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jdubmof: don't set the root password, just use sudo01:06
mofno, i must have a root password01:07
mofbut after hd install 'sudo passwd root' doesnt work01:08
Kamion"doesn't work"?01:08
mofi think i'll try it with knoppix01:08
Kamionit's always unlikely that anyone can help with a simple "doesn't work" report01:09
mofi cant set new root password with 'sudo passwd root'01:09
=== Kamion gives up
jdubmof: you need to tell us what happens01:09
brc_mof does it give you an error? does nothing seem to happen?01:09
mofif i type 'sudo passwd root' i should try it again01:10
mof3 times01:10
Kamionyou need to enter your own password.01:10
jdubmof: the first prompt is for your own password (sudo)01:10
moffirst prompt after 'sudo passwd root ' ?#01:11
mofthanks much01:11
stvndaniels: it does work on windows though :P01:11
danielsstvn: heh01:12
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brc_"<MobyTurbo> Elwood, man sudoers" haha... the sudoers man page is the all time winner for most cryptic man page... it starts off with " The grammar of sudoers will be described below in Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF). EBNF is a concise and exact way of describing the grammar of a language. "01:14
brc_EBNF is great and all when you're writing an RFC01:14
Elw0od_21brc_, i solved the problem anyway :)01:14
stvndaniels: am trying to get xinerama working but when i start X with the crt attached i run in the usual bug, is there a way to stop X from trying to do it by itself?01:15
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Kamionsudoers(5) also has an EXAMPLES section01:15
brc_but for an end user man page....what are they smoking...not even one example in the man page either01:15
Kamionbrc_: er, sure there is01:15
brc_never seen it01:15
Kamionscroll down lots :)01:15
danielsstvn: i'm not sure, sorry -- maybe Option "IgnoreEDID"?01:15
stvndaniels: ta will try01:15
brc_well whatdayaknow! there are!... I haven't looked at it since debian woody01:16
Kamionthere's an EXAMPLES section in the version in woody too01:16
Kamionjust checked01:16
brc_meh...I swear the first time I read it it didn't have examples...could have been on a different distro01:17
Kamionit's not a shining example of a user-facing man page, I agree, but it does have some redeeming features :)01:17
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brc_25 % remaining till hoary :001:18
brc_I'm liking gnome01:18
brc_eh..I dunno...it was the first man page I ever saw...01:19
brc_lets just say I was(am) rather unimpressed01:19
=== brc_ yawns
brc_I need a faster test box01:20
brc_this one is a k6-2 50001:20
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Rene_SGood morning, afternoon , evening.01:57
gnurtgood night :)01:57
stratusi've installed ubuntu in a sony vaio and i think that this model isn't with that 'magic' cable that let us play audio cd's.01:58
stratusthere's a xmms plugin for it but what's the tip for gnome-cd?!01:59
carlosstratus: gnome-cd has that feature in the new development version, until that, you should use totem or xmms with that plugin01:59
yann_is there a plugin to allow xmms to play wma files? :/01:59
carlosuntil that == until it's released as stable and included in Hoary02:00
Treenaksyann_: no02:00
stratuscarlos, thank you very much i'll test with totem now.02:00
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=== sid77 hi!
GotD0twhos your developer sid7702:17
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GotD0thehe... bad joke02:17
sid77lol, got it02:18
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stratuscarlos, is there a package missing (by default) to totem play audio cd's? It show me "don't know how to read cdda://".02:28
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yann_I installed the apache2 and php3 packages... should I modify the configuration files of Apache to get php working?02:36
Treenaksyann_: man a2enmod02:37
yann_is there a way to find the name of the php module?02:38
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carlosstratus: try totem-xine02:40
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pallehow do i configure my harware acceleration to allow Direct Rendering???02:40
nanomadwhat version of ubuntu do u have?02:41
mjrpalle, weren't you the one with a radeon 9600 or something? By installing the ATI binary driver02:41
yann_php is not in the list and i get a lot of samba errors :/02:41
pallemjr yeah i have 9800 XT i did install the binary driver but it still doesn't work02:42
mjrwell, I don't know then02:42
pallei don't know if the driver doesn't work or what it is02:42
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nanomadhave u started fglrxconfig (or something similar)02:42
pallehow can i tell if my driver is really correctly installed?02:42
pallenanomad no i hav'nt02:43
nanomadtry starting it (it should ask some questions)02:43
palleokay, thnx02:43
stratuscarlos, i'll try thanks.02:46
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thenukeI can hardly read texts in some windows like amule or mplayers preferences and so on.. Pleaaase help me =) check out the screenshot of miniatyre texts -> http://cygserv.cygnnet.jkl.fi/thenuke/too_small.png02:51
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ronandoes anyone speak french here ?02:52
ronani'm anewbie02:52
eglivous etes un newbie?02:52
ronanj'ai dj eu qq petties galres  l'install02:53
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nanomadthenuke: try installing gtk-themeswitch (can't remember the name)02:53
eglironan: ah, desole, je suis un newbie mois en francais02:53
thenukenanomad: ok, I try to find that out, thank you02:53
ronantant pis02:53
ronanje vais me demerder alors02:54
eglironan: je comprends mais je parle pas02:54
ronanbon bah ua revoir alors !02:54
thenukePlease use messages if you speak any other language than english :)02:55
nanomador go to ubuntu-fr02:55
eglitoo late he left already02:55
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eazel7what array-1 is supposed to be?03:00
Treenakseazel7: context?03:01
Kamioneazel7: first test CD for hoary03:02
eazel7Treenaks, browsing archive.ubuntulinux.org03:02
=== Kamion applies mind-reading skills
eazel7Kamion, didn't know it existed until now03:03
Kamioni.e. "an array of hedgehogs"03:03
Kamionlike "a sounder of warthogs"03:03
muluxBah, so unix have the same problem with RX/TX bytes... they are only 32bit, so they reset at 4.2gb... does any of you know if this can be "upgraded" to 64bit counters?03:03
eazel7Kamion, my mind writes misspelled03:03
muluxerr, unix have the same problem as windows03:03
Treenaksmulux: use rrdtool to graph, it'll detect wraparounds03:04
Treenaksmulux: also, upgrading to a 64-bit architecture might help03:04
muluxTreenaks: well, I don't have a 64bit processor03:04
eazel7Kamion, do you know what changes it introduces (mainly)03:04
eazel7it's a dream to install with anaconda, isn't it?03:04
Kamioneazel7: see mail to ubuntu-users03:04
Kamionsubject line "Array CD 1"03:05
Kamioneazel7: no, we don't use anaconda03:05
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muluxTreenaks: can I get rrdtool to show total bytes in/out, ie not just the speed?03:06
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Anzzehow do i resize the login screen? it's currently at my highest resolution.. i need to set it to 1024x76803:09
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eazel7the only way I think it to be done is modifying the /etc/X/XF86Config-403:13
Anzzeto remove those extra resoultion from xorg.conf?03:13
Anzzelimiting it to 1024x768?03:13
pridketthey, my /dev/dsp disappeared.  This has the nasty side effect of keeping flash audio from working.  Any hints on what I can do to get it back?  alsa seems to still work.03:13
eazel7in the list that there are a list of resolutions you could switch the order of the desired one with the undesired one03:14
eazel7Anzze, no, just change it's order03:14
Anzzeso i just place 1024x768 the first before 1280 blah blah. ending with 64003:15
Anzzei'll try.. tahnks03:15
eazel7you're welcome03:15
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eazel7uft8 will fix the encoding of my filesystem03:20
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eazel7=) gonna download array-103:21
Anzzenah.. it's not working.. rearraging the size only allows me to see that size03:21
Anzzebut the size of login is still larger.. as they allow me to use my mouse and move around to the full size03:21
eazel7Anzze, have you change the virtual resolutions too?03:22
Anzzevirtual resoulation of login screen?03:22
Anzzewhere do i go it? edit xorg.conf?03:22
thenukeHow easy it might be to get ubuntu into 1.6gb HD?03:22
thenukewith gnome03:22
eazel7well I don't know if you're using them or not03:22
roRyshould be ok03:23
thenukeI guess that I would have to do umm.. custom install03:23
thenukeor expert-custom?03:23
Kamionthenuke: well, the installation uses 1.8GB but 300MB of that is temporary ...03:23
Kamionthenuke: (roughly)03:23
Kamionthenuke: avoid expert03:23
Anzzeis the login screen "gdm"? if so.. maybe i can look at a direction03:23
eazel7Anzze, nope, X has a physical and a virtual resolution, you can see just a part of the login screen 'cause your virtual is higher than your physical one03:23
Kamionthenuke: try custom and then install the ubuntu-desktop task in aptitude piece by piece, I think ...03:24
Anzzeya.. tt's the precise problem.. but where do i change X's virtual resolution.. i don't see it in xorg.conf03:24
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thenukeKamion: righto03:25
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Anzzedoes geforce has this Option          ?UseFBDev?      ?true?03:26
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jonoI heard there was an issue putting kernel source in /usr/src/linux due to something to do with the kernel headers, anyone know about this?03:37
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bob2just don't do it03:39
bob2but it doesn't matter on modern systems03:39
bob2a better reason for putting it in ~/ is that you can build it as a normal user instead of as root03:39
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roRyhow do i make a smbfs share writable by users??03:48
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QerubEhm. How big is a default install of Warty? And how much space is required during installation?03:51
roRy1.5gb/1.8gb apparently03:52
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QerubroRy: Thanks.03:53
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ChrisHEverybody: remember that the keyparty preparation period ends tomorrow! Everybody who wants to participate in the keysigning party needs to take action quickly. See: http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mako/ksp-mataro/04:01
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Djromdaniels ?04:08
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digitushow do i adjust the speedstepping settings?05:15
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bob2 /etc/default/powernowd, create it and set the OPTIONS env var05:16
bob2(man powernowd)05:16
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jordipowernowd won't work here :/05:18
jordithis is an athlon XP05:19
danielsmmm, shiny quick boot05:19
wartyhow do i install yahoo messenger05:19
wartyfor ubuntu05:19
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Moofwarty: use gaim05:19
wartywhat is gaim05:19
meffanyone else having a problem with evolution in hoary failing to use pop?05:19
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Moofwarty: it's an aim/msn/jabber/yahoo messenger client05:20
wartygot you05:20
Moofit should be in your main menu05:20
wartythanks moof05:20
davmor2can anyone tell how i can find out which version of ubuntu I have installed please05:20
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wartyi will get it from sourceforge05:21
bob2davmor2: which did you install?05:21
bob2warty: no05:21
bob2warty: it's *in* ubuntu05:21
bob2warty: it's already installed, even05:21
wartylet me try05:21
davmor2bob2 not sure just clicked on a torrent link05:21
bob2erm, ok05:21
davmor2bob2 just wondered if it is 4.10 i have installed or not.05:22
bob2davmor2: that's the only realse of ubuntu that exists05:22
bob2so it's that or you somehow installed the development version05:22
bob2look in /etc/apt/sources.list05:23
digitusbob2: thx, i'll read man powernowd and try it05:23
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digituscan you recommend a good audio player05:23
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bob2I quite like cplay, but gnome's default is rhythmbox, which is quite good05:24
bob2when it's not crashing05:24
wartythanks moof05:25
mojobob2: rythmbox is good but it's very resource consuming05:25
wartyi set it up05:25
digitusrythmbox hangs up on my machine if i try playing a stream url05:25
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bob2your whole machine?05:25
bob2are you sure?05:25
digitusrythmbox itself hangs up05:26
digitusis that a known issue?05:26
mojoDoes any know why new OOo 1.1.3 in Hoary doesn't have GTK nor Industrial-theme compliant?05:26
borgmeisteris the use of the ESD absolutely essential?05:27
meffmojo: i noticed that too05:27
bob2it's known that it crashews a lot05:27
bob2borgmeister: no05:27
meffmojo: looks like windows 95 eh? :)05:27
borgmeisterits just i get sound in games with it disabled05:27
borgmeisterbut no system noises05:27
mojomeff: it is, quite a time heh,05:27
borgmeisterany idea?05:27
bob2that's how it works05:28
bob2you need to tell your games to use esd05:28
bob2or your system to not05:28
bob2I'm not sure if it's possible to make gnome 2.9 not use esd at the moment05:28
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hoarycripplehoary was the release before warty right?05:28
hoarycrippleor the pre-release05:28
meffother way around05:28
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borgmeisterhow do i do that?05:29
bob2hoary is under development and will come out in april05:29
bob2borgmeister: talk to your game author05:29
borgmeisterok, can i tell the system to use a diffrent daemon?05:29
hoarycrippleanyone use the live cd here?05:29
bob2'bob2 | I'm not sure if it's possible to make gnome 2.9 not use esd at the moment'05:30
borgmeisterok not to worry05:30
bob2hoarycripple: it's generally best to just ask your question right away instead of asking to ask like that...05:30
hoarycripplewell i was wondering if the live cd comes with e1605:30
hoarycrippleneed to test something05:30
bob2doubt it very much05:30
hoarycrippleah well wishful thinking05:31
bob2you can install stuff into ramdisk, tho, I hear05:31
meffit was nice that the installer supported lvm2 volumes... very glad i didnt have to wipe those :o05:31
mojooh, ppl, gnome-screenshot works again, now I can take screenshot05:31
meffwhich metapkg houses the devel tools like c,c++ etc?05:32
davmor2bob2 found out why acpi problem occurred just don't now how to alter it.  My via bios uses acpi as part of my pci controller but when I try booting the install 'linux pci=noacpi' it won't install any further05:32
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pdI am installing Ubuntu on a G5 1.6 Mac05:34
pdit boots, but looks up on the keyboard05:34
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pdit thinks the keyboard is stuck05:34
jemfinchwhat does it take for a program to get packaged for ubuntu?05:34
davmor2bob2 any idea on how to remedy this as I saw an alternate wiki page to remedy it but it hasn't.05:34
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bob2jemfinch: getting it into debian is an easy way05:35
bob2davmor2: no idea05:35
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mojoppl, I'm converting Ubuntu Linux into GNOME-100%Novell Linux Desktop05:36
mojoI need some help on the bootloader and splash, anyone know to how to copy them into Ubuntu?05:37
mojoI find NLD very pro but it05:37
mojois a bit crap b/c it contains KDE stuff05:37
mojoso I want to create a pure GNOME NLD05:37
mojobased on Ubuntu05:37
wasabi_What does that even mean.05:38
zenwhenHmm... Im not exactly sure how to extract their themes.05:38
zenwhenPerhaps asking them would be the best place to start.05:38
davmor2bob2 okay ta anyway i will carry on looking05:39
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pisukemojo, have you read the artwork licence of NLD05:39
mojozenwhen: I got NLD theme already, all full05:39
mojoI know the patent and license thing05:39
pisukemaybe you could get in trouble05:39
mojobut it doesn't kill or harm any if u already downloaded NLD05:39
mojonow u just bring them around PCs05:39
mojoit's harmless05:39
zenwhenI would just... switch to industrial in Ubuntu and forget it lol.05:40
bob2just make sure you do not distribute it to anyone at all05:40
meffhmm i have linux-kernel-headers installed.. where do i point vmware to to see them?05:41
bob2meff: no05:41
Qerubmojo: are you just doing artwork?05:41
bob2meff: if you're building a kernel module, it wants linux-kernel-$(uname -r)05:41
zenwhen/usr/src/"the header dir"/include05:41
mojoI do all of things05:41
Qerubmojo: including openoffice.org?05:42
mojonow I got artwork from NLD, GNOME Menu style of Ximian05:42
zenwhenthats a broad statement05:42
meffbob2: i installed linux-686 isnt it in there?05:42
mojoand now I'm working on bootloader, bootsplash and Help File05:42
bob2meff: that's not what I said...05:42
mojoI want to port all Novell KDE Center to Yelp05:42
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meffbob2: an apt-cache search for 'linux-kernel' only shows linux-kernel-headers05:43
Qerubmojo: o_O..~~~~~^05:43
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Kamionmeff: linux-headers05:43
bob2meff: well, I see it here05:43
Kamionmeff: linux-kernel-headers is for internal use by glibc (and a bit misnamed); linux-headers-* are from the kernel05:44
meffthx Kamion05:44
mojoQerub: do u want my work after I finish it?05:45
bob2mojo: do you have a license to distribute it to random people in this channel?05:47
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afonithaving looked in the website, I do not see a way to add fonts, does anyone know where the font directory is?05:48
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agenteois in ubuntu kernel the hight memory (more then 2GB) option activated?05:48
bob2afonit: drag to fonts:/// in nautilus05:49
afonitbob2: thankyou05:49
bob2agenteo: no, since it's a big speed hit on the vast majority of machines that don't include it05:49
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thenukewhere is that nautilus?05:50
thenukeI cant find it :)05:50
bob2thenuke: computer -> home05:50
thenukeoh ok05:50
thenuke"drag to fonts:///" .. now I cant find any fonts:/// thingie :P05:51
bob2ctrl-l fonts:/// <enter>05:51
rajahow do you get the filepath area on the nautilus menu05:51
meffanyone know why xmms isnt honoring the .gtk settings? the open dialog is using a huge font.. all my other gtk1.2 apps seem fine05:51
bob2raja: ctrl-l?05:52
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rajabob2, i met in the menubar for nautilus05:53
bob2ok, I don't understand you then05:53
thenukeI hate this localisation :) I choosed finnish in the setup.. then I saw most things in finnish and some thing in german :D now I see most things in finnish or english and some things in swedish05:53
thenukeI wonder if I just should change to english :)05:53
bob2patches welcome!05:53
rajabob2, i want the filepath in the menubar of nautilus05:53
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pdcan anyone help me on installing Ubuntu on a G5 1.6 Mac?05:56
Kamionpd: what's up?05:57
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pdKamion, i am having problems installing, its a random issue, either the keyboard gets locked, or the system freezes during the install05:57
pdsometimes the keyboard is stuck on a key05:57
pdi boot as linux-power405:57
pdi cant even tab to a shell05:58
pderr ctrl-alt-f2 to a shell05:58
Kamionoh, not just a keyboard detection issue then05:58
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Kamionsounds like something you should report to the kernel folks, although I'm not sure how you could extract enough information to help05:59
pdyeah dunno how to diagnose the problem05:59
Kamionmaybe a serial console#05:59
pdyou cant serial console into it :(05:59
pdi tried05:59
Kamionyou may have to hack the kernel for that ...06:00
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Kamionthe kernel as shipped explicitly turns off the necessary bit to make serial consoles work for a reason I don't understand06:00
thenukepd: I could not change to a shell from setup too.  and i am using amd-pc06:00
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pdmust not have one in the background06:00
thenukeand I used expert-custom install at that time06:00
thenukeand the setup even told me that now I could use ctrl-alt-.. to tab to a shell =)06:01
Kamionit's arch/ppc/kernel/head.S line 162006:01
Kamion#if 006:01
Kamion        ori     r5,r4,0x0888            /* set pseudo-segment reg 8 */06:01
Kamion        mtsr    8,r5                    /* (for access to serial port) */06:01
Kamionmake that #if 1 and the serial console should work ...06:01
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Kamionalt-f2 does work in the CD as shipped; it must be two separate issues affecting the two of you06:02
Kamionat least, it works on my hardware :-)06:02
thenukeKamion: and you mean that in the setup you had it working?  it works ok in the X06:02
Kamionthenuke: sure06:03
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Kamionit's always worked; I use it frequently for debugging06:03
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borgmeisteris it possible for me to edit the boot scipt so it speeds up 'configujring network interfaces...'?06:07
V1pr3Xjust playing with a new Ubuntu install and Gaim...06:08
thenukehmm, does ubuntu's kernel throttle cpu automagically or something?06:08
digituson my notebook, speedstepping is active06:09
thenukethis is desktop PC06:09
thenukeand I hear loud "squeeling" noise from it :)06:09
digitustry sudo powernowd06:09
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meffyeah thenuke my inspiron8200 did that.. annoying as hell06:10
digitusim playing around with it too06:10
meffi didnt know how to fix it :/06:10
pdlet me go try that06:10
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DarkShadowhow long does it take before an ordered CD arrive?06:10
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thenukemeff: yeah. but in windows I had some cpuidle software which kept cpu very cool but did not make this hellish noise06:10
thenukedigitus: did not work06:10
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V1pr3Xhey, how do I run ntp so that I can sync up my clock?06:11
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RiddellV1pr3X: sudo /etc/init.d/ntpdate start06:11
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bob2DarkShadow: depends when you ordeed it06:12
DarkShadow2 days ago06:12
bob2then a while06:13
DarkShadowhow long is that you think?06:13
V1pr3Xthanks. Will that command carry across rebooting the system? or would I have to put that in some startup script?06:13
borgmeisterwhere is the startup scirpt?06:13
bob2DarkShadow: a few weekes06:13
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bob2borgmeister: there isnt' a 'startup script'06:13
DarkShadowok thank you06:14
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pdthat settles it06:14
borgmeisterwhat can i do?06:14
pdUbuntu doesnt run on a G5 1.6 mac ppc06:14
Kamionwe've had it running on G5 systems before; our build daemons are all G5s06:14
Kamionit depends somewhat on the exact model, since G5s are so new06:15
bob2borgmeister: what are you trying to do?06:15
bob2speed up'configuring network interfaces'?06:15
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pdits not running on my syste06:15
LinuxJonesafternoon everybody06:15
pdand its less than a year old06:15
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borgmeisterspeed up 'configuring network interfaces...'06:16
pdim more than willing to help debug why06:16
borgmeisterim assuming its trying to get an ip address06:16
borgmeisterbut since im on a laptop06:16
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borgmeisteri want to get those things after ive got into gnome06:16
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pdmaybe i should call ibm, since they are the ones that bought this06:17
V1pr3Xokay...I'm running ntp...when I try and have the gnome clock synchronize with internet servers it still says I need to run ntp-suppoty06:17
V1pr3X* ntp support06:18
bob2borgmeister: you can stop that running at all, but then nothing will work06:18
bob2borgmeister: you can make it so eth0 isn't brough up on boot06:18
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borgmeisteryeah, sounds good, where do i go?06:18
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bob2edit /etc/network/interfaces06:19
bob2don't mark it as auto06:19
borgmeisterive just removed the word auto06:20
borgmeisteris that all i need to do?06:20
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bob2you remove the line06:25
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mxpxpodbob2: hey06:26
V1pr3Xso when I try and click in the clock in gnome and tell it to synchronize with internet servers it tells me to run ntp-support06:27
mxpxpodbob2: got the 2.6.9 linux-source?06:27
bob2V1pr3X: then do that?06:27
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wezzeri uploaded a picture to ftp server via nautilus06:27
bob2mxpxpod: no, gave up modifying it and just built a non-initrd kernel06:27
borgmeisterbob2: thanks dude06:27
wezzerhttp://vekkis.sytes.net/~wezzer/smile.jpg - it looks like this06:27
borgmeisterworked a charm06:28
bob2not that even that suspends06:28
wezzerthen I uploaded same original picture with gftp to same server06:28
bob2because hardware hates me06:28
mxpxpodbob2: hoary just updated to 2.6.9, so I built an initdrd image last night with the sleep 6 patch06:28
wezzerhttp://vekkis.sytes.net/~wezzer/img_0242.jpg - it looks like this, which is correct06:28
elfyhi i've got a problem and i hope someone here can help :) i've installed ubuntu this morning onto a system with windows xp on already. i made a seperate partition for it and it's all worked fine. i said yes to the option to install the boot handler but now when i try to boot to windows it just hangs after doing the 4 commands. anyone help?06:28
bob2mxpxpod: oh, it did?06:28
mxpxpodbob2: yessir :)06:28
bob2mxpxpod: oh, kernel-source-2.6.9?06:28
mxpxpodbob2: no, linux-source-2.6.906:28
bob2oh, yay06:28
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V1pr3Xthere doesn't seem to be a command ntp-support06:29
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mxpxpodbob2: I'm trying to find a backport patch of the therm_adt module now06:29
bob2V1pr3X: just run 'sudo ntpdate'.06:29
bob2mxpxpod: erm, isn't tha in the mainline 2.6?06:29
mxpxpodbob2: it's in 2.6.10-rc206:29
mxpxpodbob2: they updated it to work better06:29
wezzerwhat's wrong with nautilus when uploading stuff to ftp-server?06:29
bob2mxpxpod: oh, colin leroy's stuff06:30
V1pr3Xntpdate is telling me no servers can be used, and exiting06:30
mxpxpodbob2: I think...06:30
V1pr3Xthe same when I run it with the flag to get past my firewall06:30
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bob2V1pr3X: give it a server to use06:31
bob2the manpage is pretty clear on that, iirc06:31
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elfycan anyone help?06:32
ivaranyone have experience setting up xinerama ?06:33
mxpxpodelfy: with what?06:33
meffanyone know how to get the trashbin in gnome to show up in hoary?06:33
bob2mxpxpod: did you use the alsa and sungem fixes colin had?06:33
macmeff you mean the trash applet?06:33
Roptatymeff: Install gnome-applets06:33
mxpxpodbob2: I think the alsa fixes are in benh's sleep patch 606:34
meffsays gnome-applets is installed already06:34
meffmac: yes06:34
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mefftheres just an empty space where it should be06:34
ivaralso, is there an there a running changelog of what to expect in hoary ? my sound stopped working, and it'd be nice to know if it's just me or a general hoary problem...06:35
macit just work on my pc, I did not have to do anything special on hoary to get it work06:35
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mxpxpodelfy: don't msg people06:35
mxpxpodjust ask your question06:35
elfymxpxpod, , sorry if that was my fault >.<06:35
elfyhi i've got a problem and i hope someone here can help :) i've installed ubuntu this morning onto a system with windows xp on already. i made a seperate partition for it and it's all worked fine. i said yes to the option to install the boot handler but now when i try to boot to windows it just hangs after doing the 4 commands. anyone help?06:35
JackandJohnquick question; gnome is running like garbage - visibly redrawing the windows slowly, etc.. I have a tbird 1.4 and a radeon 9800 pro (yes, shhh) - would I resolve the gui issue by going to a real driver instead of the generic?06:35
meffyour using framebuffer JackandJohn ?06:36
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meffits painfully slow06:36
JackandJohnmeff; not sure, I'm thiking I chose that06:36
Roptatymeff: Strange indeed. Try adding the wastebasket applet again to your panel?06:36
thenukehey, does ubuntu have SATA-drivers in it even if I did not have SATA-HD when I installed it?06:37
JackandJohnelfy; sounds like a windows issue.. you may have to do an mbr format.. personally, I always use Xosl, and put the boot handler on the linux partition06:37
thenukeI guess I'm going to buy new SATA-HD and then make exact copy of the old non-SATA hd to new SATA-HD06:37
thenukeso I'm wondering if I still could get ubuntu to boot =)06:37
meffRoptaty: just tried that, now i cant ever right-click on the panel :o06:37
Roptatymeff: *evil grin* killall gnome-panel :D06:38
jdr_I just finished installing warty, and I realized I can't log in as root. How do I set the root password?06:38
meffwill it restart Roptaty ?06:38
Roptatymeff: Hopefully ;)06:38
wezzerjdr_: check FAQ06:38
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elfyJackandJohn, i'm new to linux, but what's a mbr format?06:39
Roptatymeff: Did you restart gnome after updating to hoary?06:39
meffRoptaty: yeah06:39
meffi gotta relogin :/ its all messed brb06:39
wezzerjdr_: sudo passwd root06:39
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Roptatyjdr_: You dont need to set the root password. Your first user has permissions to use sudo06:40
JackandJohnelfy; the MBR - master boot record, is the part of the HD that's looked to when the computer starts.. tells the computer where to look for an operating system. You may need to go into ubunu, install grub (the boot loader for linux) into the linux partition, then boot from the XP disk, do repair, and type "format /MBR"06:40
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jdr_wezzer, Thnks!06:41
wezzeryou're welcome :)06:41
JackandJohnmeff; is framebuffer preferable? and where would I check it?06:41
jdr_Roptaty, I tried to run synaptic, and it asked me for a password.06:41
Roptatyjdr_: Its your own password ;)06:41
bob2mxpxpod: ah06:42
Kamionthenuke: SATA drivers are there, yes06:42
Kamionthenuke: (may not be loaded)06:42
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jdr_Roptaty, all fixed. Thanks.06:43
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elfyJackandJohn, you think that's the only solution?06:44
meffRoptaty: reboot fixed it.. weird.. but im kinda scared to reboot lately cause it doesnt unmount my reiser partitions right (seems to segfault) then on boot it has to replay a bunch of transactions... on the ubuntu forums people are seeing similar..06:44
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RoptatyJackandJohn: By typing format /mbr (or fixmbr) , he has also lost the possibility to boot up ubuntu.06:44
elfyRoptaty, so i wont be abe to boot windows or ubutu?06:45
Roptatyelfy: You will be able to boot windows, hopefully, if its an MBR issue.06:45
Roptatyif it is... ;)06:46
JackandJohndoing it that way, there is one more step needed to boot both, yes06:46
JackandJohndoing format /mbr should get windows back\06:46
Roptatyelfy: Then you may edit boot.ini in c:\ to start up ubuntu.06:46
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JackandJohnthen, you can edit boot.ini to include ubuntu, or install another boot manager to the MBR (xosl, etc)06:47
JackandJohndoh :)06:47
elfycan't i edit boot.ini and tell it to boot straight to doze and ignore ubuntu?06:47
KeyserSozeanyone been able to get cedega/point2play to work on amd64?06:47
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RoptatyJackandJohn: HAH! ;)06:47
JackandJohnelfy; yes06:47
JackandJohnbut why would you want that?06:47
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Roptatyelfy: You may edit boot.ini so you can boot up both windows and ubuntu.06:48
elfywell it'd be a nice simple way of doing it06:48
elfyignore that line06:48
JackandJohnelfy; I possibly see what you are trying to do; editing boot.ini won't matter until you do an mbr format06:48
elfyah ok06:48
elfyyes that's what i emnt :)06:48
elfyment as well :)06:48
JackandJohnnot always an easy way out unfortunately06:48
Roptatyelfy, JackandJohn: There is strange however that grub fucks up his mbr in such a way...06:49
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JackandJohnthe other option, if you havn't configured ubuntu yet, and don't care, is to do an mbr format right off the bat, then reinstall ubuntu - putting the boot manager on the linux partition (there is a prompt), then edit boot.ini after06:50
elfyit does 4 commands when i select windows xp after the fourth it just hangs06:50
mxpxpodwhy do I have a /.dev?06:50
JackandJohnRoptaty; strange, but not altogether uncommon.. winXP can boot past the 1024 sector mark if you really want it to, but as soon as you touch the mbr you are screwed06:50
Fwiffoelfy: I'm coming in right in the middle of this discussion, but what you are talking about sounds lige a known problem with grub - have you tried changing from CHS to LBA in your bios to get grub working?06:51
Roptatyelfy: First of all, fix the mbr.. if the windows starts successfully, then we can talk about fixing up your ubuntu installation :D06:52
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Fwiffoelfy: that sometimes eliminates tre problem06:52
JackandJohnRoptaty; yes, good idea06:52
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Fwiffoelfy: this should help without changing anything else06:53
elfywell i'll give Fwiffo's idea a try. otherwise it involves having to _find_ my xp cd :)06:53
Fwiffoelfy: hehe06:53
Fwiffoat least it's a quick try06:54
elfybrb mebbe06:54
V1pr3Xokay...I can run ntpdate, but when I try and specify to the Gnome clock to stay synced with the internet time servers it still tells me to run ntp-support06:55
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V1pr3Xor rather NTP  support needs to be running06:56
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JackandJohnquestion: is framebuffer a good thing for a modern system? (should it speed up the gnome UI), and how do I check/set it?06:57
V1pr3Xdo I need to download some additional ntp package to get my system to stay synced with the ntp clocks?06:58
FwiffoJackandJohn: as I understand it it should not do anything for you in X (gnome), it is only for console mode I think06:58
digitushow can i switch python syntax hightling on in vim?06:59
JackandJohnyeah, that's what it looks like to me as well... The problem is my gnome UI is sucking hardcore (visibly redrawing windows, etc) - and I have a tbird 1.4 with a 9800 pro, so this should not be the case07:00
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Kamionmxpxpod: udev creates that; it's a copy of /dev from before udev started07:00
Kamiondigitus: :syntax on07:00
Fwiffook, sounds a bit strange07:00
mxpxpodKamion: why does it keep it?07:00
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FwiffoJackandJohn: which driver are you using for X?07:01
subterrificdigitus: you probably also want to do :nocompatibility07:01
Kamiondigitus: if it doesn't spot python automatically, :setf python07:01
Kamionmxpxpod: emergencies07:01
JackandJohnI'm not sure exactly.. I did the packages for ati, but I didn't configure anything specifically (besides resolution)07:01
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JackandJohnFwiffo; it shows "Identifier"ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9800 Pro (R350 NH)"" and "Driver "ati""07:02
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Fwiffook, try changing ati to radeon and log out/in of gnome07:03
digitusthx subter.. and Kamion07:03
elfyFwiffo, , that worked :D07:03
Fwiffoelfy: super!07:03
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subterrificFwiffo: logging out doesn't restart X does it?07:04
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JackandJohnFwiffo; just change the line in XF86-Config-4?07:04
Sensebendsubterrific control alt bsp07:04
Sensebendto restart X07:04
Fwiffosubterrific: I think it should be enough07:04
elfygot into windows, tried to get on here realised it wasn't configured for the fact i moved my adsl modem to wnother computer on my lan cause i couldn't get it to work on here gave up and came back07:04
subterrificSensebend: i know, but Fwiffo is telling someone to logout to change X11 drivers07:04
subterrificFwiffo: it isn't, you need to restart X11 totally07:04
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Fwiffosubterrific: ok07:05
JackandJohnelfy; check your ip on the other computer, if you get 10.lx, call them07:05
RoptatySensebend: control+art+bsp is a nasty way to restart x07:05
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Sensebendyou need to restart X07:05
Sensebendyes Roptaty, the quick and dirty way :)07:05
FwiffoJackandJohn: yes in XF86config-407:05
subterrifici usually cntrl-alt-f1 to a console and /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:05
JackandJohnelfy; 10.x, I mean07:05
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elfyJackandJohn, apparently i've got some other stuff i need to install to get my uselass adsl modem to be recognised07:05
JackandJohnok, I'm going to change it and reboot entirely07:05
JackandJohnelfy - there is a manual registration, unless you have a USB modem, just give the ISP a call, takes 5min07:06
FwiffoJackandJohn: ok, you could also just change to a console and do a killall X i guess07:06
elfyJackandJohn, , usb modem? me? *checks* damnit you found me out07:06
JackandJohnlol :P07:06
JackandJohnevil usb modems07:07
elfyi'll stick with the lan internet tilli've got other stuff sorted07:07
elfyso who's gonna talk this n00b through updating tot he latest version of firefox then?07:07
Moofnot I07:08
JackandJohnsynaptic :)07:08
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JackandJohnk, brb hopefully :)07:09
gilligan_does anyone know of ppc mplayer deb files ? cant find any and there are some probs with compiling mplayer for ppc appearently..07:09
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Fwiffogilligan_: have you tried the Marillat repository?07:12
gilligan_Fwiffo: that is for i386 packages only07:12
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Fwiffook, Im to no help then :(07:13
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muluxthe byte counters for network-interfaces seems to be 32bit, is there any way I can get 64bit data? I've tried getting the data from snmp without any success, any suggestions?07:20
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mxpxpodKamion: ok, why does /.dev show up now, but it didn't used to?07:21
Kamionmxpxpod: "used to" in what system?07:21
mxpxpodKamion: warty, for sure07:21
Kamionno idea07:22
hoarycrippledoes warty use xorg or xfree by default?07:22
elfyi followed the unofficial faq thing for mounting my fat32 partitions and drives, i can see them in /mnt but they're not in the folder? anyway way of getting them in there?07:23
hoarycrippleare xorg packages available?07:23
mjrnot officially, at least07:24
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hoarycripplealright thanks07:29
hoarycripplei was just concerned about my wacom tablet and xfree07:29
bob2elfy: 'not in the folder'?07:29
elfynot in the drive folder07:30
hoarycripplebut i remember now that the bug i am thinking of is not related07:30
elfydisks i mean07:30
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elfyComputer --> Disks i seeflo[y cd rom filesystem and netowrk, but not the others07:32
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cocozzwhere can I donwload the hoarty version ???07:34
cocozzI only see the warty07:34
bob2cocozz: you know it's the development version that's kinda broken right now, right?07:35
cocozzI see ok07:35
bob2like I can't boot my hoary laptop atm without manual intervention07:35
bob2do you know how to work around umount segfaulting?07:35
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Fwiffobob2: Not very nice :(07:38
bob2Fwiffo: what isn't?07:38
Fwiffobob2: the segfault07:39
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bob2Fwiffo: ah, yeah07:39
Fwiffomine seems ok though07:39
bob2noly hitting some people it seems07:39
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Fwiffodo you still see UTF-8 warnings when launching stuff since the last Xorg update?07:40
stevecartHi - is anyone able to help me with a network configuration problem?07:40
FwiffoI thought my warnings would go away when bug #3645 was fixed but nothing seems to have changed with my system :/07:41
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Fwiffostevecart: Tell us whats the matter, then we might be able to answer at least your first question ;)07:42
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FwiffoRunning Hoary, does anyone still se stuff like "Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C" when launching fx. emacs in at gnome-terminal?07:45
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stevecartOK - I am completely new to ubuntu and have obtained the Live CD that enables me to try it out. The machine I am trying it on is on a LAN on which the other computers are all running Windows XP, so the network is a Windows one. When I try to configure the Network in ubuntu and try to log on to the Windows network, I get the message that SMB system is not available and needs to be installed, but there are no instructionbs that I can f07:46
FwiffoThat is of couse when using a UTF-8 locale07:46
stratusWhat are you using for database stuff ? There's a friend asking about gtk+2 pgadmin3 alternatives. anyone?07:46
stratusstevecart, search for 'samba' at www.ubuntu.com/wiki, hope that helps.07:47
cardadorstevecart: i dont think you can install software with the live-cd07:47
elfywhere can i get the dev package for zliblg?07:48
stevecartYes Cardador, I understand that, but I get the impression that SMB is meant to be part of the system.07:48
Kamionelfy: note 1 (one) not l (ell)07:48
cardadorstevecart: its not installed by default07:48
elfyKamion, apt-get install z1ib1g-dev ?07:49
stevecartcardador: no, its not installed by default. But, how can I try the system if I cannot access the network?07:49
Kamionelfy: yeah07:49
cardadorstevecart: install ubuntu on the hard-disk :)07:50
elfyE: Couldn't find package z1ib1g-dev07:50
stratusstevecart, what network? internet or are you trying to mount any share at a windows system?07:50
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cardadorelfy: zlib1g-dev07:51
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bob2elfy: zlib not z1ib07:51
cardadorelfy: its an "i" not "1"07:51
cardadorsorry "l"07:51
elfyE: Couldn't find package zlib1g-dev07:52
WebMaven'el' not 'one'07:52
cardadorelfy: use synaptic to install stuff, its easier than comand line07:52
bob2elfy: well, it's there07:52
bob2Package: zlib1g-dev07:52
bob2Package: zlib1g-dev07:52
cardadorelfy: computer > syst conf > synaptic07:52
ulisseHi list07:53
stevecartstratus: the m/c is on a LAN. Ubuntu recognises the NIC and I can set the addresses with no problem, but it will not connect to the network, even though I have entered the numbers correctly (several times :-) )07:53
elfycardador, ok07:53
ulisseI have just reinstalled hoary, but I'm having troubled with k3b07:53
cardadorstevecart: so the problem is not samba07:53
ulisseIf I run dpkg --configure k3b I get an error, same with sed07:54
ulisseI remember that there was a problem with sed package, time ago07:54
elfycardador, onyl one showing is zlib1g no dev according to this07:54
ulisseCould it be the same isue?07:54
stratusstevecart, can you ping your gateway or any machine around? are you using dhcp or have you configured the network manually?07:54
bob2elfy: do you have the ubuntu archive available or are you just using the cd?07:55
stratusstevecart, what's the NIC ?07:55
cardadorelfy: on synaptic go to settings > repositories > uncheck the cd line and check the one below07:55
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bob2stratus: erm, I'm pretty sure stevecart's problem is notr with the actual network setup07:55
stevecartcardador: in the network setup there is a radio button that enables the interface with Windows network, and the help file says that one should be able to click on this and enter the LAN name etc. It is when I click this radio button that I get the message that the SMB system needs to be installed.07:55
WebMavenI forgot how to install a package I downloaded.07:55
stratusbob2, why?07:56
bob2stratus: because that stuff generally Just Works07:56
cardadorWebMaven:sudo dpkg -i package.deb07:56
stevecartstartus: NIC = Network Interface Card07:56
bob2stevecart: can you ping other machines?07:56
stratusstevecart, what? is it a wifi card or ethernet card?07:56
elfythanks guys07:56
stevecartstratus: ethernet07:56
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stratusstevecart, right can you ping your gateway or any machine around?07:57
stratusstevecart, do you know how to resolve names? can you do that?07:57
stevecartstratus: Not quite sure how to ping in ubuntu07:57
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stratusstevecart, Applications -> System Tools -> Network Tools07:58
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stevecartstratus: Will try it - I will have to reboot the m/c first - it may take a couple of minutes.07:59
stratusstevecart, wait.07:59
stratusstevecart, check 'ping' and 'lookup' there07:59
stratusstevecart, if you can't do it your problem isn't with samba client stuff.08:00
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ubuntutesterI have Home PNA internet connection works with ubuntu live cd but not with installed ubuntu.08:01
ubuntutesterany ideas I can give more information or should I use bugzilla08:02
lamont_rubuntutester: wierd08:02
lamont_rlspci output would be good08:02
lamont_rand /proc/interrupts contents08:02
lamont_rand /proc/io*08:03
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DeadlyNightshadehey all08:04
DeadlyNightshadehow are you wezzer?08:04
wezzerfine, thanks08:04
wezzerand you?08:04
DeadlyNightshadenot to bad, just downloading a file08:04
wezzeris it a big file?08:05
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DeadlyNightshadewezzer: 500 megs and a bit more08:05
ubuntutesterthanks when hotplug subsystem starts my link led goes out08:05
=== Gwildor|work [~onceagain@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ulisseI get an error installing kcontrol on hoary, nobody knows about?08:06
stevecartstratus: When I hev gone through the network setup wizard, and entered the numbers etc. manually, and then agreed to the network connection being setup a, closed the wizard, nothing else will open - not any of the applications nor the system tools network program mentioned above. In order to do anything else after configuring the network, I have to reboot the whole program and that, with the Live CD, means starting all over again!08:06
Gwildor|workulisse, I had that same problem08:06
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ulisseGwildor|work, what did you do?08:06
Gwildor|workulisse, went without it08:07
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ulisseGwildor|work, and does K3B works?08:07
Gwildor|workulisse, kde still works, you just cant do stuff like configure the taskbar, well cont configure too much at all08:07
stratusstevecart, oh have you rebooted and after ?08:07
Gwildor|workulisse, I didn't try k3b, I was isntalling kde08:07
ulisseah, ok08:08
Gwildor|workulisse, iw as just letting you know that I have the same problem, tha it isnt just you08:09
stevecartstratus: Yes - I rebooted and started again.  I have done this several times, but get no further. When I have configured the network using the wizard, the system sxeems to lock up.08:09
=== DeadlyNightshade makes rash assumption about which iso to go for
stratusstevecart, weird.08:09
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, what one did you pick?08:09
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Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, iso that is?08:09
DeadlyNightshadeI'm assuming the i386 iso is the one I should be using, on the basis its the most common architecture sold here08:10
blahrg... i feel like a moron but is there some special way to set the admin pass in this, i am used to gentoos manual config...08:10
KamionDeadlyNightshade: if you don't know, you probably have i38608:10
stevecartStratus: so, how do i install this SMB support it is asking for?08:10
DeadlyNightshadeKamion: I wasnt sure but guessed08:10
Gwildor|workblahrg, umm, user pass is root pass through sudo, if that is what you are asking08:10
blahrghm lemme try that :P08:11
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stratusstevecart, with the live cd you can't install.08:11
Gwildor|workblahrg, sudo apt-get update, is an example, it will promt for a password, it is your user pass08:12
blahrgoh, what about the actual "root" pass though08:12
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DeadlyNightshadehello jaardsi08:12
stratusstevecart, it seems that you've a problem to setup your network and it doesn't depends on samba.08:12
DeadlyNightshadeblahrg: wasnt they set at your install?08:12
stevecartstratus: Ok - I'll have to try putting it on a hard disk. Can I do that with the live CD, or do i need a different iso?08:13
blahrgdoesnt ask08:13
DeadlyNightshadestevecart: you should be able to save to your hd08:13
blahrgi have the old cd from beta and i just update every time i install08:13
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blahrgmy friend always set it for me so blah08:13
stratusstevecart, the installation can't fit on the live cd you'll need a installation cd.08:13
stevecartstratus: thanks for your help and patience. Bye.08:14
stratusstevecart, you can still order warty cd's for free (each package came with a live and a install cd), it's really cool.08:14
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stratusstevecart, of course if you want to test it now it's better download the iso and burn yourself.08:14
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stratusstevecart, np.08:15
SensebendI've never recieved my CDs yet08:15
stevecartstratus: I'll do that.  bye bye.08:15
Sensebendspeaking of the CDs08:15
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wezzerwhen did you order 'em?08:15
Sensebendat least a month ago08:15
stratusThere are rumours that santa claus will distribute ubuntu cd's at x-mas.08:15
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Sensebendre-request some?08:15
DeadlyNightshadestratus: I dont have enough cd's08:15
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stratusDeadlyNightshade, are you santa?08:16
DeadlyNightshadesomeone asked me if I was08:16
DeadlyNightshadeI should really shave if i'm planning on doing any travel08:16
SensebendDeadlyNightshade, has been a naughty naughty boy08:16
Sensebendsorry couldn't resist08:17
stratusDeadlyNightshade, nah ask for more cd's and distribute them around at x-mas.08:17
DeadlyNightshadeSensebend: between that and "Mummy mummy, that man has hair like a lady!" I'm planning on shaving the beard and the hair08:17
DeadlyNightshadestratus: if I did that my friends would put them in after they've booted up and bitch at me for dud cd's08:17
=== Sensebend hands DeadlyNightshade a pair of hedgeclippers
Gwildor|workmy live cd's work08:18
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: no when you load from windows they dont ;)08:18
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, the auto start, with the firefox installer and stuff?08:18
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, that works too, but I didn't try to install from it08:18
stratusload from windows?08:19
DeadlyNightshadestratus: "There is mac, and windows. We use windows" and refuse to let me fiddle with their machine - upside they have the safest windows machine I've seen in years08:19
stratusIs Santa using Windows? I doubt.08:20
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, huh, my livecd's work perfect08:20
FwiffoRunning Hoary, does anyone still see stuff like "Warning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C" when launching fx. emacs in at gnome-terminal?08:20
FwiffoThat is of couse when using a UTF-8 locale08:20
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: yes but I'm sure you put them in before windows loaded up08:20
stratusYou can't delivery all the gifts with a infrastructure running that crap!08:20
danielsFwiffo: upgrade08:20
KamionFwiffo: known bug, we thought we'd fixed it but obviously not08:20
FwiffoI thought my warnings would go away when bug #3645 was fixed but nothing seems to have changed with my system :/08:20
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, nope, im on windows right now.......ill put it in08:20
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Kamiondaniels: somebody reported it with current I thought?08:20
danielsFwiffo: i fixed it in xorg yesterday -- which version of xlibs-data are you running?08:20
danielsKamion: where was that?08:21
Fwiffo2 sec08:21
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, it just went in08:21
DeadlyNightshadedid it load up into Ubuntu?08:21
bronson_Anyone know how to format a floppy disk in Ubuntu?08:22
Fwiffodaniels: xlibs-data 6.8.1-1ubuntu408:22
bronson_I know how to mkfs.vfat, but I figure there's got to be a better way.08:22
=== DeadlyNightshade looks at bronson mutters 'floppy disk'
DeadlyNightshadebloody savage :P08:22
bronson_Well, I'm trying to format my SD card.08:22
bronson_I figure if I can do the floppy, I can do the SD card the same way.  :)08:22
DeadlyNightshadehey Gwildor|work :D08:22
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Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, it autoloaded to a popup windows that says ubuntulinux, and it has a OOoo installer, thunderbird installer, and a FF installer08:23
DeadlyNightshadeyeah, but can you use ubuntu itself?08:23
danielsstvn: ah, er08:23
DeadlyNightshadethey wont need thunderbird or firefox at the moment08:23
danielsstvn: oh, nevermind08:23
bronson_It says in the Nautilus docs to right-click on the desktop icon and select "Format", but ain't no "Format" in that menu.08:23
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, from windows???, it says boot from this CD to try ubuntu, or try some of these apps08:24
Kamiondaniels: right there, and I'm pretty sure I saw similar a while back08:24
DeadlyNightshadeyeah, they arent comp people they can use word and game [barely]  and thats it08:24
danielsKamion: weird08:25
danielsFwiffo: which locale?08:25
Sensebendumm Microsoft Word can be a complicated application08:25
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Sensebendwhen you get into scripting it and accessing databases08:25
DeadlyNightshadeSensebend: basic typing and so forth08:25
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, you know, set your boot order (bios), put in the CD, restart08:25
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: I KNOW that, they dont08:25
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, DSL has something that you can run from WITHIN windows08:26
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DeadlyNightshademy bios is always set to the cd drive first - annoying when I forget about the music cd08:26
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, damn small linux08:26
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: I was joking about my friends comnputer abilities/knowledge08:26
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, has a .exe or something that you can run it as an app in windows08:26
DeadlyNightshadehow bloody pointless :P08:26
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, I just thought you were saying that the live D's don't work,  sorry08:27
Fwiffodaniels: en_DK.UTF-808:27
DeadlyNightshadehe wouldnt trust me to put a live cd into his machine and change the bios settings08:27
vinic_hi! I've had a bug and the bar in the bottom of the screen (sorry I'm french so I dont know how its called in english) has disappeared. How can I launch it again?08:27
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, are you seriouse???08:27
Gwildor|workwhats he got...a dell?08:28
DeadlyNightshadehe let me do what upgrades I could on his machine, shoul;d have change the bios08:28
DeadlyNightshadeno an ancient corpse of a packerd bell08:28
Gwildor|workthat's why...touch the bios, and the tape starts to fall of08:28
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DeadlyNightshadehad 15 megs of ram and I was laughin08:28
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KamionFwiffo: is that locale definitely generated? check /etc/locale.gen08:29
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, buld him a beatrix box for like 200 bucks08:29
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: we dont use bucks here :P but with all the spare parts I have lying around I could build him a decent machine08:29
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restrexeaa hi :P08:30
DeadlyNightshadehi reformed08:30
FwiffoKamion: there is a line "en_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8"08:30
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, meant 200 dollars,08:30
DeadlyNightshadeyeah uhm I cant build a machine on 100 [pounds sterling] 08:30
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, no idea how much that is....08:31
danielsFwiffo: weird.  works with en_AU.UTF-8, but not en_DK.UTF-8.  let me take a look.08:31
DeadlyNightshaderoughly 200 dollars given current rates08:31
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DeadlyNightshadefor 400 I scrounged and built this baby 3 months back and irs still purring08:31
Fwiffodaniels: ok. thank you very much :)08:32
vinic_Please help, my bottom panel doesnt show opened apps anymore... How can I launch it back?08:32
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, im running a 250 dollar box, 1.2ghz 256 ram08:32
DeadlyNightshade1.8ghz, 256 megs, 98 gigs in 2 hd's, geforce 440 mx, dvd burner, new case, new mobo08:33
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, not bad for 40008:34
DeadlyNightshadegetting a new monitor and vid card08:34
Gwildor|workyeah, I need nvidea, and a biger monitor08:34
DeadlyNightshademmm ati radeon [big number's] 08:34
Fwiffodaniels: you might want to check ru_RU.UTF-8 also, it seem someone on the devel-mailinglist has a problem that is very similar08:34
Gwildor|workradeon 700008:34
DeadlyNightshade6800 I believe08:35
Gwildor|workI have the 700008:35
Gwildor|workruns ET fine for me....that really all I play08:35
Gwildor|workcould be a lot better though08:35
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danielsFwiffo: ok, thanks for the tip08:38
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DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: 128mg 9800se08:40
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, I want one08:40
DeadlyNightshadeI should be getting one in my dads 'I want MY vid card back' attempt, and i'll gladly take it08:41
DeadlyNightshadebbl, getting ready for night out08:41
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, got a fx 5200 in my box here at work, should swap that for my radeon 700008:41
DeadlyNightshadesee you all laterino's08:42
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olinghello. i'm looking for a HOWTO that explains how to boot from an external usb drive08:55
olingi did this with Fedora 2, but i have no idea how to customize initrd.img in ubuntu08:56
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Gwildor|workoling, what do you want to boot?, beatrix is already made o boot from USB, it is ubuntu based08:59
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: he stated it was for Ubuntu08:59
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olingi want to boot my ubuntu installation from an USB drive09:00
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olinggwildor|work: where can i find it?09:01
slysy81I have created a link file wrong in /lib/modules, can someone tell me how to delete it please? Using Ubuntu09:01
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slysy81I can delete as normal I think I need root?09:02
Gwildor|workoling, www.watskey.net09:02
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Gwildor|workoling, http://www.watsky.net/ sorry09:02
Gwildor|workspelled it wrong09:02
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olingbut i already have installed ubuntu on this drive... (i will read the watsky website, never herad about it before)09:03
Gwildor|workoling, it is a live distro, that you can run from pen drive (usb), or you can install if you want09:03
slysy81Gwildor do you know how I can delete it? I need to correct it to setup ndis wrapper09:04
olingbetrix: "Its next release WILL boot from a USB pendrive and compact flash".09:04
Gwildor|workoling, its done, go to #beatrix for more help, they may have aurl for the download09:05
Gwildor|workslysy81, delete what?........if its beatrix stuff, go to #beatrix09:05
olingthx... i think i only need their kernel... but they could help me for sure... thanks very much09:05
slysy81I am using Ubuntu. Was trying to create a link to the kernel soruce in /lib/module directory but made a typo09:06
slysy81I want to delete the link09:06
Gwildor|workslysy81, no idea......noob09:06
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: you are a n00b or s/he is because s/he doenst know how09:07
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slysy81Yes I am actually very new to Ubuntu and Linux which I guess is why Im asking for help09:07
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, I am a noob09:07
elfyhey guys, how can i watch avi's mpg's ? totem doesn't like them and xine wont install :s09:07
mjrelfy, I recommend installing totem-xine09:08
DeadlyNightshadeslysy81: there is a difference betwixt beginner and n00b09:08
elfymjr can i get it through synaptic?09:08
slysy81Could someone tell me what I have to enter at the terminal/command line to delete a file then please?09:08
mjrslysy81, rm filename09:09
Gwildor|workbetwixt......how did you get that?....lol09:09
TreenaksDeadlyNightshade: hey! you? here?09:09
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: I read far too many books youngling09:09
TreenaksDeadlyNightshade: :)09:09
slysy81thanks mjr09:09
DeadlyNightshadeTreenaks: your the goit that talked me into d/ling the ubuntu distro09:09
DeadlyNightshadeand I've been here for hours09:09
TreenaksDeadlyNightshade: what's wrong with it? :)09:10
elfymjr, searched for xine and installed all of those that came up, anything else i need to do?09:10
DeadlyNightshadelive CD is the problem - want the install09:10
slysy81Also I followed this http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-07.7773155363 to install ndiswrapper but it installs v0.10 instead of v0.12, anyone know why?09:10
mjrelfy, shouldn't09:10
elfymjr, er, i'm a total n00b, do i just run the normal totem now or what?09:11
mjrelfy, well, you might need some non-free codecs from marillat to play certain files (see the RestrictedFormats wiki), but basic xvid stuff etc should play09:11
mjrelfy, yes09:11
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DeadlyNightshadeTreenaks: know any reliable doze mp3/wma->8.ogg converters?09:12
TreenaksDeadlyNightshade: you don't want that09:12
TreenaksDeadlyNightshade: you want to keep lossless files in the format they're in09:12
TreenaksDeadlyNightshade: uh lossy files09:12
Treenakslossless files you can convert09:12
Gwildor|workDeadlyNightshade, I appologize, I thought betwixt was a typo, it is an actually word, I am truly sorry09:13
elfymjr, i keep getting failed to open:reason unknown09:13
DeadlyNightshadeGwildor: its okay09:13
mjrelfy, then you might want to see said wiki page09:13
Sensebendagreed Treenaks09:15
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Sensebendnothing sounds worse than recompressed lossy audio09:15
Sensebendjust rip to flac and be done with it09:15
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_|Imanewbie|_what program do I need to see tex files?09:17
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Sensebend_|Imanewbie|_ vim09:18
Sensebendnano, emacs09:18
Sensebendfind one you like and learn it09:19
_|Imanewbie|_Sensebend: and to edit them09:19
Sensebendthey are editors09:19
SensebendI figured that's what you wanted09:19
olingohci/uhci/ehci compiled in the kernel do i have to add them to the initrd.img when i want to boot from  an usb disk?09:21
_|Imanewbie|_Sensebend: can you name the editor?09:23
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_|Imanewbie|_elfy: whats is your problem?09:27
DeadlyNightshadecant hack the lingo?09:27
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jorgegasparHola a todos09:28
DeadlyNightshadebye everyone09:30
_|Imanewbie|_does anyone here plays hattrick?09:31
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zenwhenOh fuck09:32
olingokay, it seems that nobody can help me with my usb-drive question. :-) any idea where i can look for infos?09:33
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_|Imanewbie|_oling: www.google.com ?09:34
_|Imanewbie|_oling: :p09:34
olinggood idea!09:34
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olingyou only have to tell me the words i have to search for09:34
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oling_|Imanewbie|_: i'm googling for hours... :-)))09:35
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_|Imanewbie|_Imho google isnt that much ppl say09:38
topyli_|Imanewbie|_: not much. just information :)09:39
topyli_|Imanewbie|_: btw, your nick sucks. hard to type.09:39
_|Imanewbie|_topyli: use tab completation09:40
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spityi'd like to ask whether ubuntu has some outside developer or whether they all are employed at canonical09:40
_|Imanewbie|_topyli: as long you can type _ and tab you will be able to call me09:40
topyli_|Imanewbie|_: sure, after i've typed _|ima :(09:40
=== RuffianSoldier Honks Like A Horse
_|Imanewbie|_topyli: try _09:41
_|Imanewbie|__+tab returns _|Imanewbie|_ here09:41
Gwildor|workspity, NOT ALL DEVS ARE CANONICAL EMPLOYEES...sorry caps09:41
topyli__|Imanewbie|_ i get two nicks09:41
spityGwildor|work: thanks09:41
_|Imanewbie|_not __ it is _09:41
RuffianSoldierspity, Canonical is just the company that funds and organizes everything basically09:42
spityaha, thanks for info09:42
topyli_|Imanewbie|_: sure. i get cheekbyjons nick as an alternative. why can't you use a plain old nick like everybody else? :)09:42
_|Imanewbie|_topyli: Cause someone else have already registered Imanewbie09:43
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Maragatocan use my alternative nicks09:44
topyliMaragato: heh, thanks -- i don't want to be a pain in the arse, it's just how i was made =)09:44
Maragatotopyli: it has been already registered, I will think about simple ubber nick to register and make you happy =p09:45
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topyliMaragato: i simply picked a nick nobody would want =)09:46
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Maragatowell I gtg cya  folks09:47
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Gwildor|workwhen apt downloads packages, and installes (or upgrades them), do the downloaded files get deleted, or do I have a thousand .deb's on my HDD somewhere?09:52
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mv6after i install unbuntu and try to boot it, it brings me to a login prompt09:53
mv6i login as root, how do i start the graphical part of it?  whats the command09:54
muluxGwildor: `apt-get clean` to remove the archives (or so I think...)09:54
mv6i think i tried that09:54
mv6hold on let me try again09:54
Gwildor|workmulux, thnx, ill try that when I get home09:54
mv6says command not found09:54
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muluxmight want to try 'apt-get -s clean' first, and it will only simulate the clean09:54
Gwildor|workmulux, kk, I will09:55
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wood1Hi to all09:55
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mv6it says root #  so I do start x09:56
wood1Is somebody else here getting problems while updating Hoary ?09:56
mv6or startx09:56
bronsonwood1: no.  what problem are you getting?09:56
m00sewood1: what problems?09:56
Gwildor|workmv6 startx09:56
mv6it says command not found...09:57
Gwildor|workyou just installed?09:57
bronsonmv6: does /usr/bin/X11/startx exist?09:57
mv6how do i check?09:57
mv6im at a prompt09:57
mv6root@computer #09:58
bronsonls /usr/bin/X11/startx09:58
bronsonPrints the filename if it exists or "File not found" if not.09:58
wood1Well yesterday it was an Openoffice problem09:58
mv6damn.  it says no such file or directory09:58
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mv6should i attempt to reinstall it?09:58
mv6k thx09:59
wood1Anyway I think Hoary should be fine after a few days. It happened like this while updating "sed" in Hoary09:59
bronsonIt's fine now.10:00
bronsonI just upgraded 2 minutes ago.10:00
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wood1bronson you mean updating in Hoary is OK now ?10:01
rodibronson: you just s/warty/hoary/ and apt-get dist-upgrade?10:01
bronsonthere are some weird ui issues but nothing bad.10:01
rodiI'm gonna do that.10:01
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=== rodi leaves to dist-upgrade...
wood1Bronson, Are you using Universe in Hoary ?10:02
thomas_evening together10:02
bronsonwood1: yes10:02
bronsonand multiverse and hoary-security10:02
wood1Did you have problems updating Hoary yesterday or even today ?10:02
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wood1I am having problems updating Hoary for the past few days10:03
bronsonwood1: I had problems with sed last week but no problems now.10:03
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bronsonwhat's the problem?10:03
imkahow can i burn an iso image with the nautilus cdburner?10:03
wood1Well some Openoffice problems10:03
Agrajagimka: right click on the iso10:03
Agrajagchoose "burn to disc"10:03
bronsonAnyone know what "WARNING: .udevdb already exists on the old /dev/!" means on boot?10:03
bluefoxicydoes anyone know what compiler flags are used to build Ubuntu?10:03
imkaAgrajag, thanks10:04
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wood1Updating Hoary first says that it is removing OfficeOpen and then gets some file denial permission and gets stuck with some kind of Error10:04
thomas_i dont have the menuepoint "burn to disc", when i click on an iso file10:04
thomas_whats goin wrong?10:04
Gwildor|workit is gone.....i think10:04
wood1Bronson are you using KDE in Hoary ?10:04
bronsonwood1: nope10:04
imkaAgrajag, i can't set the writing speed :/10:05
wood1Bronson are you good at this GPG thing in Email ?10:05
thomas_and when i put things in the nautilus-cd-burner window, the window does not have the "burn to disc" menu10:05
bronsonwood1: eh?  you mean gpg sigs?10:05
Agrajagimka: yeah, neither can I10:05
thomas_i have to manually open "nautilus-cd-burner" app to burn it10:05
wood1I just can't encrypt my emails using gpg10:06
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wood1By the way, what is the S/MIME icon in Mozilla Thunderbird for ?10:07
ermoxfree question: How do i load the Xv extension, and how do I check error messages related to it? I have a radeon 7000 (rv100) board.10:07
rodiwood1: enigmail is pretty easy and cool.10:08
rodi(for gpg)10:08
wood1How do I use it effectively ?10:08
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rodiwood1: using it at all is pretty effective, in my opinion ;)  I guess I don't really understand the question...10:08
wood1rodi,   I can't get S/MIME to encrypt my Emails ?10:09
wood1What do I have to do ?10:09
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bronsonermo: what does xvinfo say?10:10
bronsonxv should just load.  I think.10:10
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rodiwood1: if you want to encrypt messages with Thunderbird, the right way to do it is install the enigmail extension, and configure it to use your GPG key.  At least that's how I do it ;)10:10
ermobronson, 'xvinfo' <- thanks. I'll check.10:11
wood1I have installed the Enigmail extension10:11
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rodiwood1: okay, so you have an enigmail menu now?10:12
wood1Well I guess my question is "how do I put the Hash: SHA1" signature10:12
wood1Yes I have10:12
ermobronson, odd. Xv is loaded. But gxine (from universe, ahem) tells me that Xv isn't detected.10:12
ermobronson, but thanks for pointing towards xvinfo.10:12
ermobronson, and gst won't play as many formats as xine (as far as I can tell - watching anime)10:13
bronsonermo: does plain xine work?  I've had some odd issues with gxine.10:14
ermobronson, again, good point.10:14
ermobronson, I'll poke around some more. Thanks for the input :D10:14
rodiwood1: Enigmail->Options->PGP/MIME, Select SHA110:15
mjrermo, true about the gst, but totem's GUI is nicer in my opinion, so totem-xine is the best of both currently10:16
wood1rodi, I don't see the Enigmail>Options10:16
rodiwood1: s/Options/Preferences/10:17
wood1Yes I have done that, rodi10:17
wood1I am now composing a new email10:17
rodiwood1: Enigmail->Sign or Ctrl-Shift-S10:18
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wood1When I click the S/MIME option and select encrypt this Email, I get the option box requiring me to get 1 or more personal certificates10:20
ermomjr, but ubuntu-desktop depends on totem-gst :( <- don't want to ruin my yummy ubuntu10:20
wood1Using Enigmail>Sign works fine but does not show the Hash: SHA1 in the sent mail10:20
ermomjr, is there a way to have both totem-xine and totem-gst installed and just switch back-end via /etc/alternatives?10:21
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mjrermo, I don't think so10:21
ermomjr, *sigh*10:21
mjrnot with the current packaging, anyway10:22
mjr(by the way, uninstalling the ubuntu-desktop package doesn't ruin anything, it just makes it so that with an upgrade to hoary, all new software that ubuntu-desktop depends on won't be automatically installed)10:22
mjrbut at that point you can reinstall the package and hope that totem-gst in hoary will be a better choice ;)10:23
ermomjr, so, if/when I upgrade to hoary, I would just dump totem-xine, install ubuntu-desktop and ^^^10:23
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rodiwood1: I must not understand either what you're trying to do or what's failing.  No signature can appear on the message until it is complete, and you press the send button- is that confusing you?10:24
ermomjr, sounds sensible. I'll give it a try. Thanks for the input.10:24
mjr(and, of course, if totem-gst still doesn't fit the bill for you, you can then, again, revert back ;)10:24
pepsi_why did they change all of xchat's settings?10:24
pepsi_it looks fugly10:24
ermopepsi_, 'fugly' <- haven't really seen that before. But good word. 'fugly'. Yup. I like.10:25
pepsi_someone said they liked "bork" too when i said that10:25
pepsi_fugly and bork are not in everyone's vocabulary?10:25
Gwildor|workin mine10:26
=== rodi makes a new one: forkly
pepsi_whats that mean?10:26
kentIs some one here using the Rpanther aqua theme for Gtk here? I cant get it to work with X-chat. It makes the font in the line where i type these messages very hard to read since the font-color is just a tiny bit less white (a bit grey) than the background. The topic-line is the same, hard to read.    Other gtk-entrys are not hard to read, they get the font-color right.  How come xchat is this?10:26
yosswhere can i find interesting themes for gnome ?10:27
pepsi_kent: have you asked in #xchat?10:27
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pepsi_i probably should do the same for my question, but im not sure if the ui colors for xchat were set by ubuntu or if they came with an xchat update10:28
kentpepsi_, i thought it was a theme-issue and not a xchat-issue,  but i can ask there aswell10:28
EchramathCan somebody tell me where I can turn off that stupid CD autoplay option?10:29
pepsi_Desktop Prefs / Removable Storage?10:30
yosswhere can i find interesting themes for gnome ?10:30
EchramathAaa, why I didn't find that myself, thanks.10:30
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bronsonAnyone else using Hoary notice its weird keyboard repeat issue?10:31
bronsonRepeat starts fine, but slows down after about a second.10:32
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bronsonsjoerd: maybe we can finish here.10:34
bronsonEverything looks to be back in order.10:34
bronsonlshal shows the CF devices, but dbus-monitor --system (and --session) show no activity when I plug/unplug the cards.10:35
sjoerdbronson: do you still have your cf rule10:35
bronsonno, got rid of that and rebooted.10:35
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bronsonHal shows storage.automout_enabled_hint = true10:37
will_has anyone got the NVIDIA drivers running in hoary here? if so can you point me in the right direction? :)10:37
bronsonwill_: there's an article about that on the Wiki.  Have you checked that?10:38
sjoerdbronson: and storage.media_check_enabled10:38
will_bronson: will have a look u know the name?10:38
bronsonsjoerd: yes.10:38
sjoerdbronson: but you do have a /dev/sda1 right away ?10:38
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bronsonsjoerd: I thought that /dev didn't matter anymore...?10:39
bronsonNothing appears in /dev without my custom udev rule.10:39
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ermomjr, so far, totem-xine works great on my lowly p3@550 box. Nice.10:40
sjoerdbronson: odd10:40
sjoerdit should fall back to the kernel name afaik10:41
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sjoerdbronson: but the device is detected by the kernel and put in /sys/block ?10:41
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sjoerdbronson: which kernel are you on?10:41
bronsonsjoerd: yes10:41
will_bronson: thanks its mysteriously hidden under FinishInstallationHowto10:41
bronsonThe latest from Hoary.10:42
bronsonwill_: that's really weird.  I thought it was its own article.10:42
jakkhello. could someone help me with a creative webcam problem? :)10:42
bronsonGlad you found it.  :)10:42
bronsonjakk: just ask.10:42
sjoerdbronson: and /var/log/syslog doesn't show interesting udev messages about it ?10:42
bronsonsjoerd: not afaict10:43
jakkwell i'm not sure about the chipset or sensor or whatever but i installed this ov511-driver package with the synaptic and now i can see ov518-webcam in the device manager but no program seems to find it...10:43
will_bronson: i wish!10:43
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jakki've tried camstream, camorama and gnomemeeting10:44
jakkdoes it mean if it is in the device manager that it should be working??10:44
will_bronson: maybe it is but "nvidia" "nvidia drivers" and "ncidia drivers install" does not show it!10:44
sjoerdbronson: what does the udev command i told you earlier say now ?10:44
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eclipsewhat version of kde is in hoary?10:45
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Riddelleclipse: mix of 3.2 and 3.310:46
Riddelleclipse: I have packages for KDE base 3.310:46
eclipseRiddell, ok10:46
eclipsei need to upgrade to kde cause i think kde is more stable than gnome10:46
Riddell"deb http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/away/ubuntu/ unstable main"10:46
Riddelleclipse: good choice :)10:46
bronsonsjoerd: sorry -- I lost my log when I restarted my comtpuer.10:47
eclipseRiddell, i mean gnome is great and stuff but i truely feel that it's not mature yet like kde10:47
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bronsonCan you paste it for me?10:47
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sjoerdbronson_: what's the output of udevinfo -q all -p /sys/block/sda/sda110:48
bronsonsjoerd: "device not found in database"10:48
sjoerdbut /sys/block/sda/sda1 is there ?10:48
jakkbronson: any idea..?10:49
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Riddelleclipse: oh gnome is mature, but it's not a development framework so lacks integration10:49
bronsonsda is there but it does not contain sda110:49
eclipseRiddell, is that right?10:50
sjoerdand the same command for /sys/block/sda ?10:50
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zax-tfhhi all !10:50
zax-tfhis anyone could help me a bit please ? it's a little problem that I think all of you could answer ^^10:50
eclipseRiddell, by the way, which one seems faster for you: gnome or kde?10:50
Riddelleclipse: from a developers point of view KDE is much more mature (humble opinion of course)10:50
bronsonjakk: I can't find it either.10:50
bronsonI swear it used to be there.10:51
Riddelleclipse: havn't noticed any difference in speed10:51
eclipseRiddell, so it's the same?10:51
zax-tfhI've installed ubuntu but the download of programs has bugged and stopped, now I can't have an X displayed because I don't know how to do ^^10:51
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bronsonsjoerd: so, I need to make that udev rule again?10:51
Riddelleclipse: I havn't compared speed of them much i'm afraid10:51
zax-tfhI just wanted to know how to launch net install of packages to finish the install10:52
eclipseRiddell, ok10:52
sjoerdbronson: for /sys/block/sda it also returned not in db ?10:52
bronsonit worked for sda, not sda110:52
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bronsonP: /block/sda    N: sda10:52
sjoerdyeah, but sda1 isn't there as far as the kernel knows (otherwise it would be in /sys/block/sda)10:53
zax-tfhno one for me please ??? :(10:53
bronsonzax-tfh: it should just pick up where it left off.10:53
bronsonzax-tfh: you're installing off CD?10:54
zax-tfhIt brings me to a shell and when I log in i'm always on the shell... I began install it with a cd and after it asked me to install more programs with internet and I said yes but it crashed10:55
zax-tfhbecause my connection had problems....10:55
zax-tfhso now I don't know how to finish that and how to have a X !!!10:55
Gwildor|workzax-tfh, just re-install10:55
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Gwildor|workzax-tfh, maybe apt-get upgrade?10:56
zax-tfhI think so but it's longgggggggggg...10:56
=== sten_ [~bleh@c-fc4771d5.560-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"]
zax-tfhI try10:56
Gwildor|workzax-tfh, 56k?10:56
zax-tfhnope 6M ^^10:56
Gwildor|workthen whats the prob?10:56
zax-tfhbut my freebox crashed ^^10:56
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Gwildor|workbut I must go...work is OVER......laters10:57
jakkAnybody have any idea why I have a really small font size in some program option-menus, xmms and vlc for example..?10:57
zax-tfhI said it was long to reinstall not for apt-get10:57
=== Ruffian|Q| [Ruffian|Q|@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bronsonsjoerd: so where does sda1 come from?10:57
|trey|jakk: likely GTK 1.x options...10:57
bronsonI've looked all over and I can't figure out how the kernel turns sda into sda110:57
sjoerdbronson: and the h-d-m item for it has media_check_endabled turned on..10:57
=== Ruffian|Q| is now known as RuffianSoldier
jakk|trey|: what can i do about it..?10:58
sjoerdbowes: it scans the media, sees the partition table, creates the devices10:58
|trey|jakk: not use crap software...10:58
zax-tfhLogically, it would start X itself ? or I have to write a command to launch it ?10:58
sjoerdbronson: but it must know that it most scan the partition table10:58
|trey|jakk: not the hugest fan of gtk 1.x in the world... was the reason I started using KDE in the first place.10:58
Gwildor|workxstarts auto magically10:58
|trey|jakk: Rhythmbox for audio... Totem or mplayer for movies...10:59
bronsonsjoerd: storage.m_c_e = true, linux.sysfs_path = /sys/block/sda10:59
sjoerdbronson: what are the permissions of /dv/sda ?10:59
bronsonRight.  sda1 can't exist until sda has been examined.10:59
bronsonsjoerd: there's no /dev/sda, remember?  Should I create that udev rule?  :)10:59
zax-tfhthanks Gwildor ^^11:00
sjoerdbronson: 22:52 <bronson> P: /block/sda    N: sda ?11:00
sjoerdbut it's not on disk ?11:00
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bronsonOh, you mean /sys/block/sda?11:00
bronsonoh, /dev/block/sda11:01
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sjoerdbronson: the N: <name> is the name udev gave to something11:01
bronsonoh, ok.11:01
sjoerdcan you do du -sch /dev ?11:01
dieselI just completed an install of Ubuntu.  Upon booting, the computer freezes at "Setting the System Clock using the Hardware Clock as reference".  Anyway to solve this?11:02
meffanyone know how to fix the umounting segfaults at shutdown on hoary ? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6832) .. im a little afraid to reboot now :)11:02
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
bronsonSorry -- I'm being dumb.  /dev/sda does indeed exist, and it's root:disk ug+rw.11:03
=== bronson needs lunch
|trey|diesel: sounds like a RC install?  afaik, only thing to do with the clock in the release is setting it to use ntp.ubuntulinux.org...11:03
sjoerdbronson: hmm, it should be root:plugdev11:04
sjoerdbronson: which version of hal ? hoary's latest ?11:04
diesel|trey|, what do you mean by "RC install"11:04
bronsonsjoerd: yep.11:04
bronsonsjoerd: I just apt-get upgraded about 1/2 hour ago.11:04
jakk|trey|: sorry i'm a total newbie :) but what is the easiest way to change to KDE?11:05
sjoerdbronson: do you have /etc/udev/rules.d/z_hal-plugdev.rules11:05
bronsonsjoerd: yes11:05
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jakk|trey|: can you do it with the synaptic..?11:06
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=== diesel wonders where |trey| went
Riddelljakk: you need to add universe to your sources, then install "kde"11:08
sjoerdbronson: what does /etc/udev/scripts/device-removable.sh sda output11:08
Nick_JackedI am seeing an issue with the shipit website. If I go and log in I don't get any info on the CDs I ordered, just the form to request more, filled out with my info and the number I previously selected.11:08
dieselAny other ideas about why the computer freezes at "Setting the system clock using the hardware clock as reference"?11:08
=== Felix_the_Mac [~jircii@81-179-216-165.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
cenerentolais there any way to use apt-get to download only security updates?11:09
=== JStrike [~joel@c2-367-1.eno.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #Ubuntu
bronsonsjoerd: after "chmod a+x" to mark it executable, it outputs "1".11:09
=== billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bronsonAll other files in there were marked executable.11:10
Felix_the_MacHi. I am after some help with the trackpad on a PowerBook11:10
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|trey|jakk: ahh... you don't want KDE... you just want to use apps that aren't gtk1.x11:10
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dieselcenerentola, edit /etc/sources.list file and comment out all sources except the security source, then apt-get update, apt-get upgrade11:11
sjoerdbronson: no run ACTION=add DEVPATH=/block/sda udevsend block as root11:11
|trey|diesel: you mean /etc/apt/sources.list of course11:12
jakk|trey|: but kde could be nice too?11:12
=== CerBerO [~CerBerO@CM128-inde0-47-138.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
thenukeWhat does ubuntu apt-get at time of install?11:12
diesel|trey|, cenerentola: edit /etc/apt/sources.list11:12
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|trey|jakk: I guess... I don't really like KDE anymore...11:12
thenukeautomagically. I did not have net enabled on one machine when I installed ubuntu on it11:12
bronsonI just added myself to the disk group; just a sec...11:12
diesel|trey|, what did you mean be a "RC install"11:12
tritiumHello.  I'm in serious need.  Is there anyone that can help me diagnose a severe hard drive failure using the ubuntu live CD?11:12
|trey|jakk: GNOME is a lot nicer/less annoying...11:13
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sjoerdbronson: nooooooo, don't do that11:13
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|trey|diesel: Release Candidate... not the final release.11:13
sjoerdbronson: adding yourself to the disk group is well.. just don't do it11:13
thenukeso do I have to use that apt-get update & upgrade on it ?11:13
cenerentoladiesel: thank you... is this really the only way? i was actally looking for a quicker alternative. thanks again11:13
sjoerdbronson: and it won't help :)11:13
|trey|cenerentola: you can do it in synaptic too... just uncheck everything but security...11:14
|trey|cenerentola: but if you're using hoary, regular packages will have security updates too...11:14
|trey|cenerentola: and for warty, enless you have updates-released defined, you will only get security updates anyway.11:15
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jakk|trey|: tell me what is the difference between removal and complete removal in the synaptic?11:15
cenerentola|trey|: what i am afraid of is, destroying the system 3 days before mataro, with a dist-upgrade11:15
bronsonsjoerd: it did.11:16
bronsonEverything works now?!11:16
|trey|jakk: removal uninstalls... complete removal gets rid of config files too....11:16
kentjakk, perhaps complete removal also removes cashed files?  /var/cache/  has files, perhaps old packages etc..11:16
bronsonIt was either adding myself to disk or marking that script executable.11:16
sjoerdbronson: you did the udevsend ?11:16
bronsonNo; I was just getting to that.11:16
|trey|kent: don't guess... it confuses people.11:16
bronsonI'd already logged out before you told me not to.  :)11:16
sjoerdbronson: what are the permissions on /dev/sda now ?11:16
kent|trey|, ok.  So i wont guess more then :)11:16
diesel|trey|, I downloaded the iso file on November 6.  When was the final cut released?11:17
|trey|jakk: ignore kent... if you are familier with dpkg ... complete is --purge or -P11:17
bronsonsjoerd: root:hal u+rw,g+r11:17
|trey|dieman: the 10th I believe...11:17
sjoerdbronson: that was the fix.. hal can't read/open/poll devices which are root:disk11:18
sjoerdbronson: but can if they are root:hal11:18
|trey|cept of October enless my math sucks  :)11:18
|trey|diesel: ^^11:18
bronsonThis is too cool.11:18
diesel|trey|, went to the download page.  Last changed = November 9.  Damn, three more days and I wold have had the final release11:19
sjoerdpitti: seems there are upgrade paths in ubuntu which leave device-removable.sh -x ..11:19
|trey|bronson: being sarcastic?11:19
bronsonI don't know why sda would be in the disk group before but the hal group now.11:19
bronsonI didn't do anything to change that afaik.11:19
dieman|trey|: eh?11:19
sjoerdbecause the device-removable.sh couldn't be executed, so the udev rule to decide between group hal or disk didn't function11:20
bronson|trey|: not at all -- automounting the CF card rules.11:20
|trey|dieman: nm... autocompletion, meant for diesel :(11:20
bronsonsjoerd: so it WAS the executable bit.11:20
bronsonSuppose I should file that as an Ubuntu bug.11:20
pittisjoerd: I don't understand; what's wrong about that?11:20
sjoerdpitti: then z_hal-plugdev.rules doesn't work11:20
pittisjoerd: ah, _not_ executable?11:20
=== diesel loves bittorrent to download iso files
bronsonpitti: right.  Somehow it was not executable on my system.11:21
=== CerBerO [~CerBerO@CM128-inde0-47-138.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
bronsonIt was a clean install from the Warty CD last week, then a few hoary dist-upgrades.11:21
pittibronson: did this happen today with the most recent upgrade? or already earlier?11:21
bronsonI tried to install the card reader last night.  We didn't get it debugged until just now.11:22
bronsonSo it could have been like that the entire time and I wouldn't have noticed.11:22
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=== |trey| wonders when linux 2.6.9 is going into hoary... wonders if he is just blind?
pittibronson: odd, the script is already shipped as executable in the deb11:23
pitti|trey|: it's already in :-)11:23
|trey|pitti: ahhh... thanks  :)11:23
pitti|trey|: Linux donald 2.6.9-1-k7 #111:23
sjoerdpitti: was there a ubuntu package where it was not +x ? at least in debian it has always been +x..11:23
spitywhat if i have patch for package that's in universe? specificaly patch that add's nice init script?11:24
bronsonpitti: want to ask some of the people here to "ls -l /etc/udev/scripts/device-removable.sh"11:24
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bronsonThis might be a rare issue...11:25
=== Felix_the_Mac [~jircii@81-179-216-165.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
pittisjoerd: argh, yes11:25
pittisjoerd: 0.4.1-1ubuntu3 shipped it as nonexecutable11:25
=== bronson should delete his mostly incorrect wiki page now...
=== |trey| wonders why linux-image-k7 doesn't upgrade to 2.6.9?
pitti|trey|: it doesn't right now11:26
pitti|trey|: you have to install the package manually11:26
|trey|pitti: I gathered that part... just wondering why...   :(11:26
pitti|trey|: it's still experimental :-)11:26
Felix_the_MacHello again. Does anyone know anything about pbbuttonsd ???11:26
pitti|trey|: to not break each and every box around there11:26
rodibronson: if I upgrade to hoary from within X, will it make my life difficult?  Should I shut down gdm first and do it from a bare console?11:27
pittiFelix_the_Mac: I run it for months now without any trouble11:27
bronsonrodi: as long as you reboot immediately after you finish, it should be ok.11:27
Felix_the_Macpitti: Hi there. What system do you use?11:27
pittisjoerd, bronson: the faulty version was out for three days; I guess the folks who picked it up just have to chmod +x11:27
rodibronson: I must admit, I'm very excited :-D11:27
pittiFelix_the_Mac: iBook G4 80011:27
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bronsonrodi: it's not without peril.  there are a few annoyances...11:28
=== |trey| will be right back... booting new kernel.
Felix_the_Macpitti: Great! I hope you may be able to help me get track pad tapping working11:28
rodibronson: no!  say it ain't so!  a Debian distro with annoyances?11:28
bronsonBut imo the good outweighs the bad.11:28
pittisjoerd, bronson: I do not like to upload a package which forcefully sets the permissions to +x11:28
|trey|pitti: ps, thats a dumb reason... people using hoary should be prepared for breakage... even relish it  8)11:28
jakk|trey|: have the font thing in audacity too is there an alternative recommend?11:28
pittiFelix_the_Mac: no problem11:28
pittiFelix_the_Mac: install package "powerprefs" and enjoy the nice gui11:29
Felix_the_Macpitti: Basically, although pbbuttonsd is working and I have set tap on in powerprefs is doesnt work :-(11:29
pittiFelix_the_Mac: However, be sure to start it as root ("sudo powerprefs") to allow it to actually write its conf file11:29
jakk|trey|: alternative you could recommend...11:29
pittiFelix_the_Mac: oh, works fine for me11:29
Felix_the_Macpitti: What I want is to tap to emulated right click.11:29
pittiFelix_the_Mac: ugh, I don't think that this is possible11:30
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Felix_the_Macpitti: Oh, so what are the tap settings in powerprefs for then ?11:30
pittiFelix_the_Mac: well, just enable or disable it11:30
bronsonpitti: what's the alternative?  Those +x bits need to be set somehow don't they?11:31
pittibronson: users upgrading from warty won't see the breakage11:31
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sjoerdbronson: there set by default, unless in your upgrade path you encountered some particular package11:31
Felix_the_Macpitti: What does 'it' do when it is enabled?11:31
pittibronson: only those which used the first faulty version11:31
pittibronson: that's the price you pay for using Hoary11:31
pittiFelix_the_Mac: tapping the pad is equal to left mouse button11:32
pittiFelix_the_Mac: you can also "drag" with it11:32
sjoerdpitti: you see, getting packages out before me isn't always a good thing :P11:32
pittiFelix_the_Mac: and IIRC you can emulate a scroll wheel11:32
pittisjoerd: but that was the package where I introduced this in the first place11:32
pittisjoerd: I did not steal that from you ... :-/11:32
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potato_headHi, anyone know if there's an apt source where I can get ndiswrapper 0.12?11:33
pittisjoerd: besides, it's Hoary. it is UNSTABLE. :-)11:33
Felix_the_Macpitti: Left !!!!!!   I assumed that since we Mac users are deficient in the right-mouse-button department it would do that!!11:33
sjoerdpitti: i know, nagging :)11:33
pittisjoerd: sure, can't help it now. sometimes dpkg conffile handling just sucks...11:33
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oberkehello.  someone asked me if ara would work under ubuntu.  so, do the apt database files /var/lib/apt/lists/, /var/lib/dpkg/available are the same under ubuntu ?11:33
pittiFelix_the_Mac: well, you can emulate the right button with some keys11:33
pittiFelix_the_Mac: Default are F11 and F12 for middle/right11:34
sjoerdpitti: yeah11:34
=== sjoerd wonders why people use F11 and F12 for it
Felix_the_MacThanks, I have found that. Maybe I can rempa the 'enter' key |< to be right click?11:34
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=== jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bronsondpkg conffile handling is awful.11:35
egon_spenglersjoerd Because original PC keyboards came with 8 or 10 Function Keys, leaving 11 and 12 open11:35
jazzkaI've got some gdesklets at /usr/share/gdesklets/Sensors11:36
bronsonI can't believe we're almost in 2005 and we still don't have a 3-way merge.11:36
sjoerdmy XT even had F11 and F12 iirc11:36
bronsonOr an easy way to check/restore defaults.11:36
SimplyRobWhat's the best dependency handler for ubuntu? synaptic? aptitude ?11:36
jazzkahow can I run them?11:36
jazzkaIs there any guide?11:36
=== sjoerd likes fn+ctrl and fn+apple
Felix_the_MacHello SimplyRob11:36
|trey|jazzka: thats not where they go... /usr/share/gdesklets/Displays  after installing gdesklets-data11:36
SimplyRobFelix_the_Mac, Hello11:36
SimplyRobI use aptitude for Kanotix, aptitude install or aptitude update, aptitude ugprade to handle dependency better than apt-get11:37
SimplyRobWith Ubuntu I can use what? gui and non-gui ?11:37
|trey|jazzka: once you install that, in the dir of the desklet you want, type 'gdesklets some.display'...11:37
|trey|SimplyRob: Synaptic11:38
rodiSimplyRob: Synaptic for gui, dselect for curses, apt-get for neither.  IMHO.11:38
=== Felix_the_Mac ducks. wooo what was that?
|trey|SimplyRob: aptitude is still installed though...11:38
SimplyRobok I'll use aptitude also11:38
|trey|rodi: dselect sucks... but ok...11:38
Felix_the_Macsjoerd: D'you use Mac too?11:38
SimplyRobaptitude update && aptitude upgrade11:38
|trey|SimplyRob: that would work... sure... synaptic is prefered for Ubuntu though...11:39
SimplyRobbut what if I dont wanna open that gui :)11:39
SimplyRob<<< slow pc11:39
sjoerdFelix_the_Mac: yeah11:39
potato_headI'm trying to compile ndiswrapper 0.12, but I keep getting a Can't find kernel sources errors. Adding KSRC=/usr/src/linux (where I've unpacked the source to) to the make command isn't working. Can anybody help?11:39
|trey|SimplyRob: apt-get owns aptitude11:39
SimplyRobI'm not really using ubuntu, I'm using Beatrix11:39
SimplyRobhow can apt-get own aptitude? when apt-get is just install and remove11:39
bronsonsjoerd: thanks for all your help.11:39
|trey|SimplyRob: blah, then why are you here?11:40
sjoerdbronson: np11:40
bronsonThis hotplugging is making me really happy.  :)11:40
SimplyRobBecause Beatrix is ubuntu based :-p11:40
|trey|SimplyRob: apt-get and apt-cache... better output.11:40
SimplyRobuses their repository and everything11:40
SimplyRobgnome 2.8 default also11:40
=== jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["M'envaig"]
SimplyRobpeople say beatrix is like ubuntu's live-cd11:40
|trey|SimplyRob: just use Ubuntu... its probably the best distro around right now.11:40
Felix_the_MacI don't use ubuntu .....  I use Peter Rabbit :-)11:40
SimplyRobalso bea is optimized for slow pc11:40
rodibronson: what are you running hoary on?  I'm about to upgrade on this IBM T40p, hope it goes well :-D11:40
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|trey|SimplyRob: I am yet to here one thing bad about it...11:40
SimplyRob|trey|, thats your opinion it runs too slow on mines11:40
SimplyRobI have 1 for you11:41
|trey|SimplyRob: I have seen Ubuntu on a P2 with no issues...11:41
bronsonrodi: T-2311:41
SimplyRobwell not all pcs are alike :)11:41
SimplyRobits ok I'm using ubuntu anyways11:41
SimplyRobit uses their repo11:41
|trey|SimplyRob: if it uses the same repo, how does beatrix better enable the use of crap PC's?11:41
SimplyRobi'm gonna install ubuntu on my laptop amd athlon xp-m 2800+ vmware ..11:42
SimplyRobbecause they are the bomb? lol11:42
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SimplyRobceleron 635mhz/256sdram for linux so i can learn, doing triple-booting there11:42
SimplyRobyou should ask Beatrix that question11:43
Felix_the_Mac*Everybody leaves to speak to Beatrice11:45
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|trey|SimplyRob: seems to me they are no different to Ubuntu... other then minimalizing the packages installed to 200mb's...11:47
SimplyRob|trey|, told you11:47
SimplyRobminimalizing the packages and11:47
SimplyRoboptimized for SLOW PCs11:47
SimplyRobbig advantaged I see because it runs even faster on fast pcs11:48
|trey|SimplyRob: Ubuntu runs fine on a 633 mhz 128mb RAM Celeron... although thats my server...11:48
|trey|SimplyRob: it says it runs on such machines... but damn, Ubuntu runs on a fucking Apple Lisa ffs... thats old hardware!!11:48
|trey|SimplyRob: its still using GNOME... so it will be the same...11:48
SimplyRobI dunno why but like I said and they said to me, its optimal for slow pcs , thats their whole point and it does uses gnome 2.8 but i dunno why I go slow on ubuntu and I haveinstalled various of times11:49
SimplyRobbut for now I am stuck with 3 distros i am triple booting with because i'm a newbie so i wanna test these as much and learn something11:50
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|trey|SimplyRob: You'd learn more sticking to one... but ok...11:50
SimplyRobyea you're right11:50
SimplyRobbut in the meantime11:50
SimplyRobI dont need to say ahhh this crap and unistall it and install another11:50
SimplyRobI have 311:50
jakkis there some good music production software for linux?11:51
SimplyRobso I'll say ahh i dont want this 1 and reinstall 1 on that partition11:51
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|trey|SimplyRob: either way, if you're not using Ubuntu, this isn't the right channel for you.11:51
|trey|SimplyRob: if Beatrix doesn't have a channel, go to #linux or #linux-help11:52
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JStrikejakk : I think a goodish one was released a couple of weeks ago. Look on GnomeFiles11:52
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SimplyRoband who you are to tell me this isn't the right channel? for example I'm using XFLD and its based on Knoppix, the only difference is that Xfld default environment is Xfce4.2 but other than that everything else is Knoppix, same with Beatrix11:53
SimplyRobYou're just not happy i'm not using pure ubuntu, like the debian folks say every deb based distro sucks because its not pure debian ?11:53
SimplyRobMaybe jealously, hate or something11:54
zax-tfhhi all !11:54
rodiSimplyRob: you're doing a great job making everyone like you with those kinds of cracks.11:54
shingokiThe debian people just hate all organic life, they are cyborgs ;) Just kidding11:54
zax-tfhI would like to know what to use to burn a cd under ubuntu please ?11:54
jakkJStrike: you mean wired?11:54
tixyzax-tfh: nautilus?  :-)11:55
JStrikejakk : Could be. Let me look11:55
zax-tfhwith nautilus ???11:55
rodiheh, later dude.11:55
zax-tfhcould you explain briefly please ?11:55
|QuaD|i have the j2re packages installed, but it didn't install the applet viewer for firefox, what should i do11:55
tixyzax-tfh: just put a cd into the drive, and drag in what you want to burn11:56
|trey|zax-tfh: you can use nautilus-cd-burner... just throw a cdr in the tray, and drag files to the window that pops up  :)11:56
rodiokay, rebooting with hoary.  talk to you all soon (hopefully)11:56
JStrikezax-tfh : yes11:56
shingoki|QuaD|: There is a thing on a wiki page for that I think, you need to make a symbolic link in one of the firefox directories11:56
|trey|zax-tfh: if you don't really like that... apt-get install coaster or xcdroast, both are pretty nice...11:57
=== EugeneK [~steve@pcp09266562pcs.arlngt01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zax-tfhokay thanks !!!11:58
=== ozan [~oenginogl@dsl81-214-41351.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
|trey|shingoki: |QuaD|   'ln -s /path/to/java/plugin /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins11:58
zax-tfhbut now I'm facing another problem :(, I just plugged another HDD and it's not in my drives... ???? Do I have to mount it ? if yes, how do I make it ?11:58
JStrike|trey| : Is coaster in the repo?11:58
zax-tfhthanks trey11:58
JStrikezax-tfh : IN nautilus look in the Places menu11:59
|trey|shingoki: make sure you use the ns7 plugin though, not the gcc29 vm...11:59
|trey|JStrike: ahh, no... my bad...11:59

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