
|trey|shingoki: its kinda easy to figure out if you used the wrong one though, mozilla won't start at all if you used the wrong one  :(12:00
zax-tfhjstrike : I don't know if what I launch is nautilus or not... and I'm on the french version...12:01
|trey|zax-tfh: it is  :)12:01
shingoki|trey|: that sounds bad ;)12:01
zax-tfhokay, so I don't find anything called places...12:01
|trey|zax-tfh: when you put the cd in the drive, it automagically goes to the cd burning frontend  :)12:01
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|trey|shingoki: uh huh  :)12:02
zax-tfhyep but it's to find out my another HDD !! not CD !12:02
zax-tfhI plugged my hdd after installation so I think I have to mount it but how ??,12:02
pepsi_are flash drives supposed to be supported automagically in hoary or do i have to add that?12:02
JStrikezax-tfh : Go to your Home directory and look in the Places menu12:02
|trey|JStrike: you're confusing him... hotplug/g-v-m takes him to the right place!12:03
shingokiI was just thinking... would it be possible to have an entry say under multimedia, which opened the cd burning nautilus window? Because I took a while to find how to burn cds as well, had to look on google ;)12:03
|trey|JStrike: you're right of course... but its overkill and sounds like more work...12:03
shingokiI know it's meant to be like windows, but it's still not very obvious12:04
|trey|shingoki: it is kinda hidden... multimedia would be the wrong place though...12:04
shingoki|trey|: Yup, whichever menu seemd like the right one12:04
shingokiJust an entry saying "CD Burner" or "Burn CD/DVD" or something12:04
|trey|shingoki: its definatly NOT supposed to be like windows... its supposed to be intelligent... but it confuses too many, so they failed, and need to rethink it...12:04
JStrike|trey| : True. I was just thinking in case GVM wasn't working for some reason12:05
jobIs there a way to install ubuntu on a usd harddrive then use a boot disk to point to it. Instead of messing my interal set up.12:05
shingokiwell it does actually work exactly the same way as the windows one, you have a window that you drag files to, then tell it to burn, and it shows you that when you insert a CD.12:05
|trey|shingoki: probably system tools or accessories... I always thought file-roller should be able to do iso's for instance...12:05
|trey|file-roller should be able to *burn* iso's...12:06
|trey|Seems logical... I think it tries to open them anyways?12:06
spiritzfile-roller should also  open bin/cue ... big lack in linux12:06
|trey|spiritz: it tries at least to do bin...12:06
shingoki|trey|: That's just getting back to doing the same thing in two different places, apparently you just right click an iso and tell it to burn, but again that is pretty "hidden"12:06
|trey|spiritz: but yes  :)12:07
shingokiI reckon they should just give in and have a proper CD utility, then people could find it, use it to view iso contents, everything all in one place12:07
spiritzthe only way to use a bin/cue in linux, either by moutning or extracting it is to.... convert it to ISO :D12:08
|trey|shingoki: with g-v-m, it being hidden is relatively ok... but multiple places to do the same thing is a Good Thing (tm)... some practices are more logical to some people...12:08
pepsi_how can i make linux think i unplugged a usb device?12:08
JStrikeshingoki : How is that hidden? That is very natural12:08
JStrikepepsi_ : Why?12:08
shingokiJStrike: It's hidden because unless you guess that it is on right click menu, you never know. I always thought it was considered a Very Bad Thing to have stuff only on right click, because unless you know it is there you will never find it12:08
|trey|JStrike: think about it... most people will look for a burning app... they are used to tools like Nero for instance if they are comming from Windows... so not having a dedicated app is confusing...12:08
|trey|Its why so many like k3b, its an actual app...12:09
shingokiYeah k3b is very nice12:09
|trey|shingoki: it doesn't like me, and the feeling is mutual, but thats besides the point  :P12:09
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JStrike|trey| : It is sometimes important to do things in a similar fashion to windows, but not when it doesn't make sense12:09
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pepsi_JStrike: im trying to get a file from my laptop to my desktop with a flash drive, but linux doesnt let me mount the flash drive at the moment, so now im trying to get vmware to take the usb device and mount it in windows12:10
Yann2hi everybody :)12:10
pepsi_but it cant cause linux still has control of it12:10
jobIs there a way to install ubuntu on a usb harddrive then use a boot CD to point to it? I want to be able to bring it around to places.12:10
Yann2does anyone knows where I could get a description of the files contained in the /proc directories?12:10
shingokipepsi_: Have you tried just making a /mnt/flash directory, and running mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/flash ?12:10
JStrikepepsi_ : Cant you right click unmount it in Disks?12:10
Yann2what kind of infos I could find in /proc, and how to handle them12:10
pepsi_its not in Disks cause it cant mount it12:10
pepsi_it sees it12:10
pepsi_but i cant unmount it12:11
shingokipepsi_: mount or unmount?12:11
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spiritzpepsi : you need to unload usb modules to be able to use your usb port under vmware. You should try to enable the usb port in vmware, then it's tell you a module is already using them. Then as root, type rmmod xxxx to unload the modules.12:11
pepsi_i just want it to unmount it so i can let windows do it12:11
jakkif I want to install GTK 2 then what packages should I choose in the package manager?12:11
shingokipepsi_: If you can't mount it, why do you need to unmount it?12:12
|trey|Yann2: /proc pretty much tells you everything you never wanted to know about your hardware... just browse around, but don't be changing anything enless you know what you're doing...12:12
spiritzhe wants to release the usb port so vmware can use them12:12
shingokipepsi_: It sounds like you are trying to do that a very complex way though, any normal flash drive should mount easily12:12
JStrikejakk : It should comes with Ubuntu12:12
pepsi_it wont mount though.. it does on my desktop12:12
Yann2tray > i browser a lot of files, but their format's still a mistery to me ;)12:12
shingokispiritz: It just sounded like he was using vmware because he couldn't mount under linux, but that should be easy12:12
spiritzshingoki : yeah true12:12
job.. it does on my desktop12:13
job<Yann2> tray > i browser a lot of files, but their format's still a mistery to me ;)12:13
job<shingoki> spir12:13
job.. it does on my desktop12:13
job<Yann2> tray > i browser a lot of files, but their format's still a mistery to me ;)12:13
job<shingoki> spir12:13
spiritzpepsi :to find out whats wrong with ur usb key, plug the usb key, then type dmesg in a console... you should be able to see what's wrong12:13
shingokipepsi_: It won't mount when you try it from the command line? ubuntu doesn't seem to automount anythign for me12:13
pepsi_spiritz: to be honest, i didnt try, but it works on my desktop12:13
pepsi_rmmod usb_storage worked12:13
shingokipepsi_: Yup, dmesg should also tell you what device it is, it is probably sda1 but could be some other sdxx12:13
pepsi_im in a hurry12:13
pepsi_ill make it work later12:13
|trey|shingoki: type 'mount'... if "ubuntu has control of it" then it sounds like its mounted...12:14
shingokiwow if I was in a hurry I would try one command line rather than 5 ;)12:14
pepsi_there was something to do with usb mounted12:14
shingokioh I don't know, I'm just confused, I'll shut up ;)12:14
pepsi_but but it didnt like it for some reason12:14
EugeneKI'm having sound problems (Dell Inspiron 8200 laptop/) -- system sounds work, xine plays sounds, but rhythmbox & totem fail, complaining about gstreamer. Also, gnome-volume-control fails with a "No volume control elements and/or devices found" error.12:14
|trey|EugeneK: define sounds... mp3's?12:15
|trey|apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad12:15
|trey|EugeneK: mp3 is patented, thus codecs for it can't be installed by default...12:16
EugeneK*slaps head*12:16
shingokiYeah one of those magical patents that just happen for no reason12:16
|trey|EugeneK: if you don't like cli... synaptic search for mad and install the same package  :)12:16
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shingokiVery very good reason to encode in ogg vorbis rather than mp3 though12:17
shingokiUntil someone patents ogg as well12:17
|trey|shingoki: I listen to a lot of shoutcast streams though.... I have tried to convince them ogg is better, but no change...12:17
EugeneKhmm...just installed -- gnome-volume-control gives same problem, which makes sense.12:17
pepsi_its already been published though? how much time do you get to patent it?12:18
|trey|mp3 is too much of a standard still  :(12:18
pepsi_strike the question mark12:18
pepsi_er the first one12:18
|trey|pepsi_: patents are valid for 20 years in the US... if thats what you are asking...12:18
pepsi_no.. but you cant publish it and then patent it years later12:18
shingokipepsi_: You get to patent what you want, the patent office doesn't even check them. You couldn't patent "ogg vorbis" but you could take all the code from it, describe it in a fancy way, and a patent would be granted12:18
Hrdwr_BoBshingoki: you can't patent ogg12:18
Hrdwr_BoBshingoki: and then triviall overthrown12:19
pepsi_its already been published and so documentation that it was already out there exists12:19
shingokiHrdwr_BoB: Perhaps. Depends how much money the patent holder has, versus whatever the EFF could get going12:19
|trey|Hrdwr_BoB: sure you could... you'd have a problem justifying it in a court of law though...12:19
shingokiYeah but trivial things that have been done for years have been patented, and are still being patented12:19
shingokilook at one-click12:19
Deknixthere is the issue of prior art....12:20
Hrdwr_BoByes but that's a blatant copy12:20
shingokiYes it gets to the courts in the end, but the result is far from certain, given lots of money and lawyers12:20
Hrdwr_BoBwith clear EXACT prior art12:20
Hrdwr_BoBwith a clear license12:20
shingokiEven a pathetic case can be strung out for years12:20
shingokilook at SCO12:20
Hrdwr_BoBbecause of the reasons vorbis was created12:20
Hrdwr_BoBit has a lot of legal crap associated with it12:20
shingokiWell maybe ogg is safer than most stuff then, but while patents work the way they do, nothing is completely safe12:21
Hrdwr_BoBif you're making a general point, then yes12:21
|trey|shingoki: SCO actually has a valid point though if they did purchase what they thought they did... cept they just purchased the UNIX license business... not the patents... according to most of what I have read...12:21
|trey|shingoki: if they had purchased the patents though, they would easily win against IBM...12:21
Hrdwr_BoB|trey|: actually they had no leg to stand on even if they did12:22
|trey|They should have known it wasn't included for $100 million though... Novell paid like 2 billion or something stupid...12:22
shingokiI thought the thing was about copyright on code, not patents?12:22
|trey|Hrdwr_BoB: how so? I mean, it appears some of what they are complaining about is actually BSD code... but things they owned patents for would stand up...12:23
|trey|shingoki: they didn't purchase copyrights or patents though... just the UNIX business that Novell didn't care for... Funny thing is though, Caldera started releasing that code back in 98 or something...12:24
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shingoki|trey|: Yeah from what I heard, none of the parties invilved really know WHAT they have ;)12:25
|trey|shingoki: Novell knows... SCO's people aren't the people that signed the agreements though  :/12:25
jakkwhat is LD_LIBRARY_PATH and how can I modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable??12:26
Hrdwr_BoB|trey|: they are complaining about code that was in unix that predated even what they 'owned'12:26
shingokijakk: That is the path Java searches for library files referenced by JNI12:26
shingokijakk: You need to set it somehow to point to all directories containing the libSomething.so files referred to by classes you are using12:26
jakkshingoki: ok... JNI stands for..?12:26
shingokiJava Native Interface, or something similar12:27
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shingokijakk: I assume you are running some java software?12:27
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jakkshingoki: i installed some 'CVS snapshot of PortAudio v19' and it told me that i should change that environment variable to include the directory /usr/local/lib...12:30
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EfaistOsdoes someone know why i cant have the subtitle in mplayer ?12:31
aquariusIs multisync not in warty? I can't find it; I've got both universe and multiverse repos in synaptic.12:31
aquariusah! just found a note about this. No problem.12:31
shingokiI assume it needs to access portaudio libraries, and they are in that dir. If you are running from an IDE, then there will be a setting so that when you run the java file, it will set up the environment for you, that is easy in say eclipse12:31
jakkshingoki: oh, actually it says 'You may need to...' :)12:32
aquariusHow do I add a new repository to synaptic when it's not set up with dists/warty and so on directories? Say, http://people.debian.org/~mbanck/ubuntu/, which is just a directory with .deb files and Packages.gz12:34
shingokijakk: From the command line, you run: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"12:34
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shingokijakk: Or you append that to the end of your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, wish I could remember the command line, I suck ;)12:35
giardhas anyone been able to get the tips for installing mono/monodevelop off the wiki to work for warty?  I can pull down mono fine, but can't find monodevelop12:35
shingokiexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib12:35
shingokijakk: I hope that is right ;)12:35
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jakkshingoki: ok, thanks...12:36
shingokijakk: np12:36
illustrehow log has ubuntu existed as a distro?12:36
shingokijakk: The other way to do it is to put the libraries in your JRE directory12:36
jdubillustre: about six months12:37
jdubillustre: but the first public preview release was in september12:37
jdubillustre: then first final release in october12:37
illustrejdub: very impress12:37
illustrejdub: why did they start with  a 4.10 version?12:38
jdubillustre: 2004, october12:38
giardthere used to be another apt-source for monodevelop, but I don't see that on the wiki anymore12:38
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thenukeOh why, o why I cannot change about any settings in gThumb when I am making a web-album :(12:39
thenukeI would like to choose resolutions and so on for them :(12:39
magnetoanyone using udhcpd?12:39
thenukeOtherwise it just seems to be perfect piece of software for me atleast12:39
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|Ares|hi ppl12:47
|Ares|someone awake?12:47
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EugeneKOk -- me with the sound issues again. Installing the MAD plugin & running gst-register got my mp3s playing (of course). But, after restarting my gnome-session, it also allowed me to put the volume control applet back into my panel (which I was unable to do before). Why is that? I didn't notice anything else significant being installed along with gstreamer-mad...12:49
|Ares|do u use Ubuntu? i have a problem he dont recognise my usb ports12:50
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jakkI'm a newbie... :( have no idea what to do... checked out the ubuntuforums.org?12:51
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|Ares|i am trying :D12:52
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Ruffian|Q|I built a Linux router running a firewall/router on a floppy.  Should I enable DMZ on my modem for the firewall?12:53
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|trey|EugeneK: its just one of those things where you say nod your head knowingly and put a smart look on your face :)12:59
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wigCan anyone help with lucent winmodems on Ubuntu?01:03
tritiumHello.  My hard drive is actting up.  What does "hda: drive not ready for command" mean?01:04
jakkis there a way to see what has been installed lately (like today or since login...)?01:04
sladenwig: if you ask, people probably will01:04
wigwell, i've tried any site that you happen to google, i've installed everything the packages say, and it loads the modules (lt_modem.ko and lt_serial.ko) but, it won't dial.01:05
sladenjakk: sudo grep 'apt-get install' /var/log/auth.log01:05
sladenjakk: you *are* using sudo, right?01:05
sladenwig: have you tried telling it to ignore dial-tone01:06
EugeneKtrey -- oh, yeah. right. :)01:06
wigsladen, how would I do that?01:06
|trey|wig: man wvdial01:07
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sladenwig: hopefully there's a tickbox.  Failing that you can pass an AT command01:11
remon  Hi all, first time I use IRC and some burning questions if I may?01:11
sladenwig: more importantly, what /actual/ error message is it failing with?01:11
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|trey|remon: no need to say that... just ask the question.01:11
sladenremon: hehe, there's no need to ask-to-ask.01:11
usualis 2.6.9 in hoary yet01:12
|trey|usual: yes01:12
usual|trey|, is it the debian image or an ubuntu image01:12
|trey|usual: linux-image... so ubuntu...01:12
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remonah, wel I just have a server here (Debian) which is compromised :(01:12
usual|trey|, ok01:12
wigsladen, it's talking about a tainted kernel?01:12
|trey|usual: the meta package doesn't install it yet though, for whatever reason  :/01:13
remonby a rootkit, the TuxKit one01:13
jakkubuntu keeps me awaky all night, what can I do?01:13
Hrdwr_BoBremon: gah I hate it when that happens01:13
|trey|jakk: not break stuff  :P01:13
sladenwig: the tainted kernel is in regard to you loading binary-only modules to drive the winmodem01:13
|trey|jakk: but then its no fun  :(01:13
remonMe to, but what to do about it?01:13
Hrdwr_BoBremon: reinstall01:13
wigsladen, could that be the problem, or is that nothing?01:13
Hrdwr_BoBrestore backup01:13
sladenwig: what message is the dialer-program giving?01:14
remonARGH :(01:14
Hrdwr_BoBstandard procedure01:14
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Hrdwr_BoBinvalidate any trust that machine had01:14
wigsladen, can i give you this text file?01:14
remonDon't get it, this rootkit is 2 year old at least01:14
Hrdwr_BoBany private keys01:14
wigmaybe you can make more sense of it than I, sladen01:14
Hrdwr_BoBetc etc01:14
sladenwig: that's saying ''you're running with an unsupported setup, we cannot support it''01:14
sladenwig: ubuntu@paul.sladen.org01:14
sladenwig: you'll get it with all binary modules01:15
mirakI have a problem with grub01:15
mirakwhen try to do grub-install, I get this error : The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly.01:15
wigi dont know how to get all binary modules, though :-P01:16
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|trey|mirak: apt-get install --reinstall grub and cross your fingers.01:17
mirak|trey|, I am under knoppix01:17
mirakI can't run ubuntu01:17
mirakI can chroot it however01:17
|trey|mirak: reinstall  :(01:17
usualhaha apt just said i was getting 2924kB/s01:17
mirak|trey|, I don't think a reinstall would be the solution01:18
wigcrap, sladen, gotta go. if you can email me any ideas, that's be great.01:18
|trey|mirak: umm... I do...01:18
wigif not, understood. thanks.01:18
mirak|trey|, I don't think, so01:18
mirakor I should reformat all the hard drive01:18
|trey|mirak: yes.01:18
mirakI will not do that01:19
remonTo bad to reinstall my poor server, takes ages (Old machine).01:19
|trey|mirak: see, if you can't get a functional stage1, your system is fucked... let this teach you to partition correctly/backup if you lose anything important  :/01:19
|trey|mirak: if you won't do that, you won't have a functional system... just a bunch of useless metal and plastic...01:20
mirakI did nothing special but using qtparted or fdisk01:20
mirakthis qtparted crap fucked everything it seems01:20
|trey|mirak: probably qtparted b0rked it.01:20
|trey|mirak: the software works if you use it right though  :/01:21
mirakare you kidding01:22
mirakhow can I miss use an IG interface01:22
|trey|no, I have never had issues  :/01:22
mirakI just deleted a partition01:22
|trey|You managed it... you tell me01:22
mirakI did nothing special01:22
|trey|mirak: you probably removed the partition that contained /boot  :/01:22
|trey|thats what it sounds like  :/01:23
mirakI can mount all the partitions01:23
mirakincluding the root partition with /boot01:23
mirakI can tell you what I did01:23
|trey|You tell me why the file is corrupted then...01:23
mirakhow can I know01:23
mirakthis file is generated by grub01:23
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mirakunless there is major corruption on the sector where this file resides, there is no reason01:24
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mirakwhat I did01:24
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mirakwas just move the root partition to another one01:25
mirakthen I managed to boot it01:25
mirakthen the next time, I deleted some useless empty partiton01:25
mirakand after that I couldn't boot01:25
|trey|Dude, its a binary file... no one can help you... you're just wasting your time when you could be reinstalling...01:26
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mirak|trey|, reinstalling is a waste of time01:26
mirakI will try to reinstall grub package01:26
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|trey|reinstalling Ubuntu takes about 20 mins, and cures all ailments... hows it a waste of time?01:27
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Sensebendminimum effort vs. maximum return01:28
Sensebendjust re-install if you really mess up your install01:28
Sensebendit's easier01:28
Hrdwr_BoBthat's why I changed to debian originally01:28
NexinarusOk ive got a big problem installing Ubuntu,01:28
Hrdwr_BoBthe slackware install I had was garbage :)01:28
Sensebendif you need to get data off, boot off of a livecd01:28
Sensebendand copy to a USB Key or email it to yourself01:28
Sensebendor to another machine on the network01:29
Hrdwr_BoBSensebend: I just kept the /home directory and remove all other files01:29
|trey|mirak: seriously dude, learn to backup... reinstalling is the best way to fix annoying issues...01:29
Nexinarusjust installed it 25 mins ago, and when i first boot up grub says: "loading grub stage 1.5." ... "Grub loading please wait" ... "Error 18"01:29
SensebendI used livecds to support windows systems, actually converted a few people to linux by showing them knoppix01:29
Sensebendwhen they saw what one could do with it01:30
=== |trey| used to reinstall winblows at least once a month just as good practice...
=== Quest-Master never reinstalled Windows
Sensebendthat's not good practice?01:30
=== billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
SensebendIf your install doesn't last a month you have issues01:30
NexinarusHey what do i do, my system hangs on the first boot up of Ubuntu, cant do shit,01:31
Hrdwr_BoBQuest-Master: then you have never used windows01:31
Hrdwr_BoB'USED' I mean01:31
|trey|Quest-Master: thats bad... just get you a 2 gig partition for C: and use tweakui to put everything important on another partition...01:31
|trey|Quest-Master: Windows does fun things to the registry over time... its pretty much mandatory, else you see considerable slow down...01:32
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mirak|trey|, shut up01:32
Sensebendslowdown is probably due to fragmentation of your page file more than anything01:32
mirak|trey|, that's linux not windows01:32
Quest-MasterI used Windows for almost 3 years on this computer01:33
scoonQuest-Master, I am sorry you have had to sustain such an ordeal ;)01:33
eruin never had a problem with windows other than that it will no longer install or boot on my computer ;)01:33
Hrdwr_BoBQuest-Master: you're lucky then :)01:34
SensebendI may be a minority here but I love Windows, I don't like supporting Windows01:34
Quest-MasterBut yeah.. I almost never use Windows anymore.01:34
Hrdwr_BoBQuest-Master: most windows machines will need to be reinstalled a few times over their life01:34
|trey|mirak: I have a MCSE, and several Linux certs... these are things you are required to know for such things...01:34
Quest-MasterI don't like Windows at all anymore.01:34
Hrdwr_BoBthe less change in the apps installed01:34
Hrdwr_BoBand the less demanding the users01:34
Hrdwr_BoBthe less likely it is01:35
=== Astharot [isager@host120-161.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
AstharotHi, I need some help :P01:35
Astharotops sorry, wrong window :P01:35
Hrdwr_BoBAstharot: don't ask to ask, ask :)01:35
AstharotHrdwr_BoB: I have a problem with phpnuke, but Ii don't think that you can help me :P01:36
Hrdwr_BoBI might be able to, but yeah this isn't the correct channel :)01:36
scoonmirak, http://www.sysresccd.org/, check that out and see if maybe it can't help you.01:36
scoonQuest-Master, right on.01:36
AstharotHrdwr_BoB: the fact is that I don't know what's the correct channel01:37
AstharotI thought that it was a problem with ubuntu, because phpnuke gives me blank pages, but if I make a page with <? phpinfo() ?> it works01:37
Hrdwr_BoBAstharot: #php ?01:37
AstharotHrdwr_BoB: phpnuke is not php ! :D01:38
=== RedMenace [~scott@CPE00110905957f-CM014210002082.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinarusthey will know about phpnuke, though01:39
RedMenaceQuick questions: using 64bit ubuntu, can I compile to 32bit x86 using GCC?   Can I install 32bit apps like firefox without recompiling?01:39
Hrdwr_BoBRedMenace: 64bit ubuntu is pure 6401:40
RedMenaceAre there any linux distros that can do both?01:40
=== usual [~colin@alb-69-202-40-142.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinaruscan you not compile firefox to 64bit?01:40
RedMenaceYah, I was hoping firefox 1.0 would be available by now01:41
Sensebendfirefox 1.0 is available in hoary01:41
scoonRedMenace, you may need to google for that.  I don't think 64bit is a distro thing, but rather an individual source issues.01:41
Astharotdebian has 64bit packages01:41
eruinhow would I add a splash image to grub?01:42
scoonAstharot, maybe so.  for a while, and maybe still so, gaim did not have anything that was 64bit. and needed special libs to run on 64's01:42
Astharotso use gentoo stage 101:42
Astharotand good luck :D01:42
Astharot(or stage 3 precompiled for 64bit)01:42
scoonAstharot, prolly won't help if the software has NOT been tweaked for 64bit.01:42
scoonAstharot, just cuz you can compile does NOT mean that the code magically becomes 64bit ready.01:43
AstharotI know..01:43
Astharotbut at least01:43
Astharotbig part of packages are available01:43
RedMenaceIt's not a big deal, really.   Was just curious.01:43
scoonAstharot, actually linux journal had an interesting article about 64bit a few months back. definately something to look for.01:43
scoonAstharot, the article..... :)01:45
Astharotfew months back?01:45
AstharotI see an article about 64bit today!01:45
Sensebendgentoo from stage 1, that's a fun way to spend a day01:45
scoonAstharot, yea, like not last month but a few monts ago.01:45
Astharotuhm wait01:45
Astharot2004-12-02 is 12 february or 2 december? :P01:45
scoonSensebend, i guess, if you like watching console windows for a few hours.01:45
scoonAstharot, i subscribe to LJ so i have it hear somewheres.01:46
Astharothours? you are lucky!01:46
RedMenaceI downloaded the linux headers, but I don't know where to unpackage them.01:46
Sensebendafter emerging KDE, I got feed up and left :)01:46
scoonAstharot, no, i have an amd2800 with 1g of ram01:46
Astharoton my athlon xp 2200+01:46
Astharotkde compiled in about 23 hours01:47
scoonAstharot, kde took me about 10 or 1101:47
SensebendI have a 1700+ :S01:47
Sensebendtook FOREVER01:47
scoonSensebend, yikes.01:47
AstharotSensebend: use ubuntu :P01:47
=== Sensebend should have used distcc
scoonSensebend, you could start today and maybe get it compiled by version kde-4.101:47
Astharotbtw, don't know why can't see my website :P01:48
scoonAstharot, definately use this.  it is the best distro i have used in 6 years01:48
=== _blackdog [~black_dog@113-20-240.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #ubuntu
Astharotthis what ?01:48
=== Fubar [FTTP@207-38-252-211.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Fubarhow is ubuntu coming along ? :)01:49
RedMenaceOk, I installed the gcc package using synaptic, but gcc does not seem to be in my path.   I don't know where it should be set, or where the C library should be located01:49
scoonAstharot, ubuntu01:49
Astharotscoon: do you like it? similar to debian ;)01:49
scoonRedMenace, try to log out and log in again.01:49
AstharotRedMenace: type which gcc01:49
scoonAstharot, well i ran red hat from version 5.2 until 801:49
Sensebendit's debian with a faster paced release cycle01:50
Sensebendis what I always thought about Ubuntu01:50
Nexinarusrelating to this problem (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WartyWarthogInstallNotes) i was unable to boot my fresh Ubuntu install. Im having a little trouble deciding how to partition the Hard drive,01:50
scoonand then ran gentoo (stage 1) for about 18months and then it just got to be to much babysitting01:50
RedMenaceWhen I type 'which gcc', nothin comes up01:50
scoonso i tried ubuntu01:50
Fubarsensebend:  Sounds nice......01:50
scoonand it rocks.01:50
Sensebendwith a bunch of nice usability stuff :)01:50
Fubarsensebend:  Cant wait for hoary! :)01:50
Fubarwarty kinda buggy01:50
Fubarat least for me01:50
Fubarhas a few quirks01:50
Sensebendinstall hoary and then tell me how buggy warty is * rolls eyes *01:51
Fubarsensebend:  i was gonna download the new development release01:51
Astharotwarty buggy? why?01:51
Fubarbut its prolly broken01:51
Sensebendhoary works good here01:51
Fubarsense:  Not from the iso tho01:51
Fubarthe installer is being worked on01:51
Fubarits a daily release, and has huge problems01:51
Fubarif u install warty and move to hoary u are fine01:52
SensebendI did a dist upgrade via apt01:52
Fubari know01:52
Fubarthats my whole point01:52
=== RedMenace [~scott@CPE00110905957f-CM014210002082.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu []
scoonwarty is the best here01:52
Nexinarusquestion: if im creating a /boot partition (32mb at the begining of the hard drive) do i make it logical or primary?01:53
Sensebendif you're not prepared to deal with breakage, stick to warty01:53
Fubarsensebend:  I dont mind breakage, but i want something that wont kill my windows xp01:53
Fubari had to reinstall my mbr since i tried development hoary01:53
Fubarif it broke INSIDE linux thats fine01:54
Fubarprefer if it didnt but its a testing release01:54
=== HaRDaWaY [~ubuntu@68.Red-81-44-61.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
SensebendNexinarus, if you have to ask that question you probably shouldn't be doing it manually01:55
Nexinarusbut the auto partition does not work,01:55
Sensebendthat can't be good01:56
Nexinarusno, not good,01:56
=== farruinn [~nathan@syr-69-201-2-221.twcny.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== pAntZ [~pAntZ@modemcable055.148-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Sensebendyou'd want a primary01:57
=== eruin [~eruin@eruin.user] has joined #ubuntu
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Nexinarusah yep thanks01:58
farruinnAnyone know why aptitude and dselect would not list anything that's hasn't been installed yet?02:01
farruinnbut for some reason aptitude does...02:01
farruinner, in the first message, aptitude should by synaptic02:01
farruinnsynaptic says "13152 packages listed" but doesn't actually list anything02:03
eruinany of you know how to edit the actual menu in grub? (ie make it smaller, prettier)02:03
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Fubarim having issue with nvidia card and gnome/X02:05
Fubari will get like a weird black bar / whitish bar02:05
Fubarerr i mean like an outline thats really quick when i click on something in gnome02:06
Fubarlike mozilla02:06
Fubaror whatever02:06
Fubarwebbrowser, any application02:06
Fubari used nvidia-glx drivers02:06
Fubarwhich version of drivers are the glx ones?02:06
Fubarand is this a gnome or X or driver issue?02:07
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Nexinarusshould swap come before the main / partition?02:09
farruinnNexinarus, I'm not sure if it matters, but I don't think that's conventional02:10
farruinngenerally I think that swap comes after /02:10
farruinnthat's what the autoconfiguration does anyway02:10
=== RedMenace [~scott@CPE00110905957f-CM014210002082.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnWhat's replacing synaptic in future releases?02:12
=== farruinn is reading Jeff Waugh's reply to "Nuke my Gentoo, Fedora for Ubuntu?" on ubuntu-users list
jdubnothing's replacing it02:13
RedMenaceI'm having problems mounting floppies.   /dev/fd0 is in my fstab, but whenever I try to mount it says "mount: special device /dev/fd0 does not exist"02:13
jdubwe just have additional better tools02:13
tixyjdub: are the tools going to aid the installation of new software, or just to manage updates to existing software?02:14
farruinnjdub, these are in hoary?02:14
jdubunintegrated atm though02:14
farruinnRedMenace, have you verified that /dev/fd0 exists?02:15
RedMenaceApparently it doesn't ...02:15
farruinnhave you done an ls /dev/fd0?02:15
=== MarcN [~marc@dsl.wildcat.mv.com] has joined #ubuntu
RedMenaceYah, it doesn't exist02:15
farruinnI don't know why it wouldn't be there, but who knows...02:16
RedMenaceI don't know how to add it02:16
farruinnmkmod, but I'm not sure of the details02:16
RedMenaceok, thanks02:17
farruinnOh, check out /dev/MAKEDEV02:17
farruinnthat might help02:17
RedMenaceLooks a little too advanced for me02:18
farruinnyeah forget it - I spoke too soon.  that's a script, not what I thought it was02:18
Fubareruin:  I was wondering the same thing02:18
Fubareruin:  Which driver version is the nividia-glx drivers?02:18
Fubarno i mean from apt get02:19
Fubaroh 611102:19
eruinyeah ;>02:19
Fubar6629 is the new one02:19
Fubareruin:  Gotcha02:19
Fubareruin:  Im having an issue with my nvidia and gnome02:19
Fubarim wondering if the drivers will fix it (if its driver issue) or an x/gnome issue02:20
eruinI haven't had a problem with the 6629-drivers myself, so I thought I'd just upgrade to them in ubuntu too02:20
MarcNI'm upgrading from ubuntu to hoary and X seems to be unconfigured.  What the the command to run through the config02:20
Fubareruin:  I have a mx 420, when i click on icons i get this weird thing thats quick02:20
Fubarin gnome02:20
Fubarshould i report it to nvidia?02:20
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunMarcN: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:21
RedMenaceAnyone have an idea how to add a floppy driver to the 64bit ubuntu?02:22
eruinFubar: which weird thing?02:22
Nexinarusheh, latest cpu with oldest disk technology,02:22
=== RedMenace [~scott@CPE00110905957f-CM014210002082.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu []
crimsunfloppy diskettes aren't that bad :p02:22
Hrdwr_BoBcrimsun: pfff02:22
Hrdwr_BoByes they02:22
Hrdwr_BoBthey are ENTIRELY obsolete02:23
Hrdwr_BoBesp on that hardware02:23
Hrdwr_BoBwhich can boot from hdd, usb and cdrom02:23
crimsunI carry around openbsd and debian woody boot floppies in my satchel02:23
Nexinarusthey dont last me 2 hours, break on me heh. but they are fun for 1.4mb linux distros02:23
=== mirak_ [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-6-5.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
=== mira1 [~karim@AAubervilliers-152-1-6-5.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinarusah stupid partitioner,02:24
Hrdwr_BoBI prefer a usb stick with some more useful stuff on it02:24
=== L|nu}{_ [~linux@ti112210a080-1736.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
=== farruinn hugs debian boot floppies
farruinnsaved me more than once02:26
mira1|trey|: I managed to boot with lilo02:28
mira1so you can tell me more about reinstals02:28
mira1about your reinstal stories02:29
mira1thanks for your advice anyway, that's better than nothing02:29
=== Potn_ [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu
=== nomasteryoda [~tux@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Nexinarus hopes his partitioning works,
=== Ruffian|Q| [Ruffian|Q|@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== mirak [~karim@AAubervilliers-152-1-30-84.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
FubarRed Hat, Novell To Package Xen Open-Source Alternative To VMware02:40
Fubarxen is free ehh?02:40
crimsunalways has been02:41
Fubari didnt know there was a freebie to vmware :)02:41
Fubarvmware = EXPENSIVe02:41
Quest-MasterMost people warez it, lol02:41
sladenQuest-Master: that would be immoral and illegal02:41
crimsunno point, really. Xen is quite nice.02:41
Nexinarusshit, its working. ha02:41
Fubarwarez of vmware, no thanks i dont do warez02:42
Fubari only run gpl02:42
sladenQuest-Master: especially give you get a free monthly licenses for running it on Linux02:42
Fubaroh wait and nvidia closed source (doh)02:42
Fubarthe glx arent gpl02:42
Fubari wish it was tho02:42
Fubarcan u run xen on windows?02:44
Fubaror no?02:44
=== Eowolv [~gav_25@ha21702b40b67.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
Fubarif i could run xen on windows it would be ideal cause of mbr issues with linux02:44
crimsunone can, but they're not allowed to release it publicly02:45
Fubarcrimsun:  why not?02:45
Fubarits gpl02:45
Fubargpl excludes windows?02:45
Fubareven if u release the source code?02:45
crimsunFubar: read http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/faq.html#a1.4  please.02:46
FubarA port of Windows XP was developed for an earlier version of Xen, but is not available for release due to licence restrictions.02:46
FubarA port of Windows XP was developed for an earlier version of Xen, but is not available for release due to licence restrictions.02:46
Fubarsorry bout the double post02:46
Fubaryeah i see it02:46
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu
Quest-MasterSo Xen is freeware? Now?02:47
crimsunalways has been02:47
crimsunit is an ongoing Cambridge research project02:47
=== wasabi_ [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quest-MasterAh, no WinXP though as you guys said02:49
Nexinarusnow i know why Mandrake never booted, my bios.02:50
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Nexinarusthanks for questions, later.02:53
=== Matt| [~Matt|@81-179-237-53.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Deknix notices the upgrade level of hoary is frantic
Matt|hoary is really in good shape atm02:57
Matt|in the last few days it has become pretty solid imo02:58
Deknixim upgrading 43 files02:58
mrothhoary is making apt-get upgrade make me feel like i get my money's worth paying for broadband at home02:58
Deknixgood one02:58
Matt|*grins* yeah they are crazy hard working02:58
Matt|must be something like 30 packages uploaded a day02:59
Deknixit seems to me that gnome 2.9.2 is really snappy02:59
Matt|me too02:59
mrothwhere does Gnome return the base version number anyhow?03:00
mrothe.g. the equivalent of uname -a03:01
=== Deknix admits hes clueless
Matt|checkout the package number or something ;p03:01
Matt|there is something about The Smiths that makes you have to roll around03:02
=== Matt| rolls around
MarcNmroth: I'm in the midst of an ubuntu->hoary and it is taking a while...03:02
mrothI'm in the midst of hoary yesterday -> hoary today, and its taking a while too, so i'm not surprised03:02
Deknixsmiths.. as in morrisey?03:03
Matt|you betcha03:03
mrothsomeone needs to make a cool apt-get replacement that works with binary-diff files03:03
Deknixyou got you are the quarrey?03:03
Matt|Deknix, not sure03:03
Matt|anyone know how to make the fonts in xmms look decent?03:03
Matt|is it is gtk1 thing?03:04
Fubarmac os x look on a pc03:04
farruinnIsn't there a way to mount afp as a filesystem?  I thought that it was afp_mount, but apt-cache search isn't finding it...03:04
mrothanyone know the kernel plans for hoary?  i'm surprised 2.6.9 isnt in hoary yet, and i'm really hoping for 2.6.10 for release03:04
Fubarwhen is linux gonna be ready ! :P03:04
Matt|mroth, it is in duh03:05
Fubari mean REALLY ready for desktop03:05
mrothMatt|: when?03:05
Matt|they packaged it yesterday03:05
DeknixFubar shortly before windows is03:05
farruinnFubar, shit, that's xp or something?03:05
Matt|mroth, but there have been test kernels around for a while03:05
MarcNmroth: what is in .10 that is so appealing?03:05
Matt|MarcN, :)03:05
mrothMarcN: .9 and .10 both have big ACPI improvements, nice for laptops03:06
=== Anzze [~snippets@bb220-255-249-230.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
spityMarcN: bigger version? </sarcasm> :)03:06
mroth.9 got suspend-to-ram to finally work on my vaio03:06
Matt|spity, :)03:06
=== Nivlem [~nivlem@cs2427123-66.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Anzzecould i use warty cd-rom to do a hoary installation? by changing the rep during installation from warty to hoary? is it safe?03:06
NivlemHi all03:06
MarcNmroth: fair enough.  I'm running on a laptop (hp/compaq nc6000)03:06
Fubaranzze yes yes yes03:06
Matt|Anzze, yes, got a decent net connection?03:06
mrothand i hear .10 fixes some problem that prevents suspend for a lot of different laptop models.. something with the USB i think03:06
Matt|10 is stable now?03:07
Fubarmatt;  yeah it takes forever even at 5mbps03:07
mroth10 is rc2, hasnt been released03:07
Fubarif you got fios go for it :)03:07
Anzze512kbps should be decent in my country03:07
Fubarerr fiber i mean03:07
Anzzeit took 4 hours to d/l 460 yesterday03:07
Fubar512?  thats gonna take forever03:07
Anzze4 hours at most03:07
Matt|Anzze, i'm on 512 thats fine03:07
Fubarmy 5 mbps is slow03:07
mrothits been rc2 for a long time though, i'm hoping it goes final soon enough to be considered for hoary03:07
Matt|Fubar, stfu03:07
Fubari had 10MBPS before and guess what that was slow too03:07
Matt|seriously now, stfu03:07
Fubarmatt:  u prolly have better service than me tho03:08
Anzzedone deal.. guess i'll just edit the rep and do a direct hoary installation03:08
Matt|Fubar, it's solid 512 yeah03:08
Fubarmatt:  My 5mbps has horrible routing and issues03:08
Matt|Anzze, hoary is not stable don't forget03:08
Fubarmatt:  Im waiting for 30mbps which may be here sometime next year03:08
Anzzeit's stable enough.. i'm on it at the current machine03:08
Fubarits 199 a month tho so i dont know if i wanna spend that much03:08
Matt|Fubar, do you download raw video?03:08
Anzzexorg isn't giving me any problems so far03:08
Matt|Fubar, or run a data center03:08
Fubarmatt:  30MBPS is for home use03:09
Matt|Anzze, ok just don't try it for anything important03:09
genfubar, shut up03:09
Matt|Fubar, yeah seriously03:09
Anzzeciao.. check back later after installation03:09
NivlemThe only not I would make would be if you for some reason want to use kde...you have to go through package selection...but it will die trying to install kcontrol...just force the install from apt-cache..03:09
Fubarmatt:  Anyways this was ubuntu, howd we get off topic <Grin>03:09
=== Sanne [~Sanne@p5086AB43.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Fubar512k is barely enuff03:09
Fubarbut anyways03:10
=== eruin [~eruin@eruin.user] has joined #ubuntu
Fubarmatt ull get fiber soon tho :)03:10
Fubarthe usa should be wired by 201003:10
Fubarif ur in usa03:10
Matt|usa yourself03:10
Matt|anyway i don't spend that much money on something i don't need03:10
Matt|512 is fine03:10
mrothhmm, lot of stuff today which seems to need a dist-upgrade03:11
Fubarmatt u in the uk?03:11
Matt|i share it with my flatmate and serve webpage and ftp off 51203:11
Fubaryah thats uk03:11
Matt|sorry roomie03:11
Fubarmatt:  No u were correct03:11
Fubarmatt:  flatmate isnt an american term :P03:11
mrother.. why does dist-upgrade for today want to remove gdesklets?  did i miss something here03:11
NivlemI have been unsuccessful in determining whether HFSPlus journaled filesystem is known to only mount read only at this time? Is this a know limitation?03:12
Matt|mroth, it's "smart" upgrading ;)03:12
Fubarmatt:  UK will have fiber too sooner than USA nationwide IMHO03:12
Matt|Nivlem, never even heard of that03:12
mrothMatt|: eh?03:12
GotD0tFubar: thats because the UK is a much smaller land mass ;-)03:12
Matt|mroth, it's smart, so gets rid of gdesklets03:12
NivlemMatt| Cuzz you aren't running Macintosh... ;-)03:12
Matt|Nivlem, oh yeah it's coming back now03:13
Fubargotd0t:  No cause of regulatory differences03:13
Matt|Fubar, anyway no chance of me getting it03:13
GotD0tFubar: and because its smaller... hehe03:13
Fubarmatt:  plenty of trials for fttp in uk now03:13
Matt|it's quality not quantity GotD0t03:13
=== Dekkard [~doofus@adsl-68-21-44-73.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fubarmattb whos ur telco?03:14
Fubarin the uk03:14
GotD0tMatt|: no matter how you slice it, its going to take longer to wire a country the size of US when compared to the size of the UK... its not meant to be offensive or anything03:14
Matt|Fubar, my what?03:14
Fubarmatt:  Telephone company03:15
Matt|GotD0t, me neither03:15
Fubarmatt:  Like EC telecom, british telecom, etc...03:15
Matt|Fubar, erm... there are not many. British Telecom03:15
Fubarmatt:  Ok03:15
FubarBT is good :)03:15
Fubarmatt:  Mind if I /msg you?03:15
Fubarsince this is kinda off topic03:15
Fubarpeople will get annoyed03:15
Matt|it's quiet here at this time o nite ;)03:17
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Matt|whos got abiword installed on hoary?03:22
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=== Dekkard is now known as Dekkard|away
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=== wig [Wig@ppp-69-106-144-140.dialup.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
epotashhow can i install ubuntu on a laptop with no cdrom03:26
epotashbut floppy03:26
wigsladen, did you notice anything in the thing i sent you?03:26
epotashit is currently running debian woody03:26
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farruinnepotash, I wouldn't try this, but since Ubuntu is based on Debian perhaps it's possible to change the repository and do an "upgrade" - it's an intriguing idea03:27
epotashwell is there a boot floppy for network install03:28
Matt|epotash, yeah that is possible there is a FAQ, i can't think of any other way you could do it03:28
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epotashis there a way to download the cd images and mount them03:28
epotashand then boot to the03:28
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srbakeranyone here run ubuntu on an imac?03:28
srbakeri need to move the screen around.03:29
srbakerOS X isn't on this imac, so i don't have Display Preferences03:29
farruinnsrbaker, what do you mean by "move the screen around"?03:29
Matt|epotash, can't think of it. Browse the FAQs and WIKIs for the guide to upgrading from woody03:30
srbakerfarruinn, well, the imac doesn't have hardware buttons to stretch/resize the image on the screen03:30
Fubarrediculous coincidence ehhh matt?03:30
Fubarsee we both are gonna get it :)03:31
Fubarme in 2006/2007 you in 2006 maybe03:31
Fubaror earlier :)03:31
=== lev [~lev@dhcp024-209-240-238.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sladenwig: the script can't handle spaces in filenames.  Do  'cd'  to get back to your home directory first03:31
wigsladen, hrm?03:31
sladenwig: you're running it from  /mnt/something/Documents and Settings/wig03:32
wigso, go into my home?03:32
sladenwig: just type  cd03:32
sladenwig: on its own, which will take you back there03:32
sladenwig: as to whether that'll change the final outcome, I don't know.  But it'll fix those 'File not found' errors03:33
wigsladen, alright.03:33
wigsladen, thanks. hopefully it "might" work, but nothing has worked this far, so my hopes aren't high :-P03:33
levHey can somebody please help me.. :(03:35
levI cant get my sound to work on my Dell Inspiron 860003:35
levUbuntulinux.org gave me some instructins but i have no idea what to do..03:35
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Matt|whos got abiword installed on hoary?03:36
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Matt|k nite all03:38
=== Fubar thinks hes psychic
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Fubari never met matt before and i picked out of thousands of places in london where he lives03:39
Fubarerr i mean i knew it was london and the town03:39
Fubaryet ive never been to london b403:39
Fubaror uk for that matter03:39
levcan anyone help me?03:40
Fubarhi lev03:40
Fubarwhats up?03:40
GotD0tlev ask away03:40
stodgeAnyone using Ubuntu with an AMD64?03:40
levi need help on gettting my wireless to work03:41
levi have an inspiron 860003:41
levthe intructions on ubuntulinux.org were not that great03:41
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levi have a PRO/Wirless LAN 210003:41
levIt said that i need to add ndiswrapper or something...03:42
levi have no idea what to do.. :(03:42
jdubyou don't have to03:42
jdubthat's an intel03:43
jdubisn't it?03:43
jdubshould just work03:43
jdubwith the ipw2100 driver03:43
levwell it doesnt03:43
=== vigilanty [vigilanty@69-164-213-141.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
levwhere do i get that driver03:43
levi am pretty new at linux ...03:43
levi dont really know how to do much03:43
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jdubit's in ubuntu already03:44
levso what do i do?03:44
K-otiKif i update mozilla does it come with the most recent plugins?03:45
levjdub, what do i have to do?03:45
jdublev: try typing 'sudo modprobe ipw2100'03:46
levnothing happened03:46
TheMusolev: Have you configured an interface for use with your wireless card?03:48
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levehat do yo mean?03:48
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levjdub, nothing happene dhwen i did that03:49
farruinnI don't believe that modprobe gives you any feedback03:50
jdublev: now type 'dmesg'03:50
vigilantywhat would be the best Ubuntu system for my athlon 2200 chip?03:50
jdubvigilanty: there is only one ubuntu release :)03:50
vigilantyi can't get it to work...03:50
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jdubvigilanty: you downloaded warty?03:51
levok, a whgle bunch of stuff came up03:51
vigilantyi may need help trying to install this os on several systems.03:51
_|Imanewbie|_how do I make a shorcut for my home on my desktop?03:51
spitydoes UTF-8 work fine, i mean with ncurses apps and with mc03:51
vigilantywhat's warty03:51
jdublev: do the last few lines mention wireless, intel, anything?03:51
jdubvigilanty: warty is the current release, 4.1003:52
vigilantywhat processors does it support?03:52
jdubpretty much everything03:52
levno it just says like p3 1200 mhz , 20000 mW, 250 uS03:52
vigilantywell why can't I get it to install on this athlon 2200 machine...03:53
jdublev: type ifconfig -a03:53
_|Imanewbie|_how do I make a shorcut for my home on my desktop?03:53
TheMusolev: is that at the bottom of dmesg?03:53
jdubvigilanty: there are all sorts of reasons :) what happens?03:53
levjdub, what now?03:53
levthe , yea03:53
vigilantymay I pm?03:53
regeyaare the 2.6.9 ubuntu kernel sources patched with the inotify patch?03:53
jdublev: what's listed in the left hand column?03:53
jdubvigilanty: keep it on channel03:53
jdubregeya: i believe so, yes03:53
levjdub, lo and sit003:54
vigilantywell, i have the install disk for ubuntu i386...03:54
_|Imanewbie|_how do I make a shorcut for my home on my desktop?03:54
jdublev: ok, so that means your driver isn't loaded03:54
vigilantytryin to install on an athlon 2200 processor.03:54
levhow do i load it?03:54
jdubthat's what we tried before03:55
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jdubtype 'lspci'03:55
TheMusojdub: What about firmware?03:55
levjdub: ok now what03:55
vigilantywhile installing, the pc freezes03:55
jdubTheMuso: already installed03:55
TheMusolev: Do you have the ipw2100 firmware?03:55
levwhat is that?03:55
_|Imanewbie|_ I know I'm beeing annoing but I damm need it03:55
jdublev: is there a Network or Ethernet item in that list?03:55
jdubTheMuso: they're installed by default, let's not get complex yet :)03:55
levit says network controller : Intel corp. Pro/wirless 2100 LAN03:55
jdublev: "dmesg | grep -i intel"03:56
levwhat is that line?03:56
levhaha i dont know how to make it..03:56
jdubrun that03:56
levok... now what03:57
jdubwhat does it say?03:57
levCPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1400MHz stepping 0503:57
levagpgart: Detected an Intel 855PM Chipset.03:57
levuhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: Intel Corp. 82801DB (ICH4) USB UHCI #103:57
levuhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: Intel Corp. 82801DB (ICH4) USB UHCI #203:57
levuhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: Intel Corp. 82801DB (ICH4) USB UHCI #303:57
levehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: Intel Corp. 82801DB (ICH4) USB2 EHCI Controller03:57
levIntel ICH: probe of 0000:00:1f.5 failed with error -1603:57
levIntel ICH Modem: probe of 0000:00:1f.6 failed with error -1603:57
levipw2100: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2100 Network Driver, 0.5303:57
levipw2100: Copyright(c) 2003-2004 Intel Corporation03:57
levthere is some error...03:57
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_|Imanewbie|_How can I make a shortcut for myu home folder on my desktop?03:58
jdublev: what is the error?03:58
ironwolf_|Imanewbie|_: what have you tried already?03:58
levit says... failed with error -1603:58
jdub_|Imanewbie|_: /apps/nautilus/general in gconf-editor03:58
levit says the driver is there though... :-\03:58
levipw2100: intel(r) Pro/wirless 2100 network driver03:59
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farruinn_|Imanewbie|_, You could browse to /home in nautilus as well and then control-shift-drag your home folder to the desktop03:59
farruinnthat puts a shortcut04:00
levjdub.. ?04:00
vigilantyi need a Unix os to work with my Athlon 2200 chip...04:00
jdublev: not sure04:00
vigilantyany sugestions?04:00
ironwolfjdub: thank you.04:00
jdubvigilanty: you need to post to the ubuntu-users list with a description of the problem04:00
levjdub... so what should i do? :(04:00
_|Imanewbie|_farruinn: it creates an infinite link04:01
_|Imanewbie|_jdub: I cant find it04:01
jdublev: post to ubuntu-users04:01
levok, thanks04:01
jdub_|Imanewbie|_: can't find what?04:01
_|Imanewbie|_jdub: gvonf-editor04:01
jdub_|Imanewbie|_: system tools > configuration editor or run gconf-editor at a terminal04:01
farruinn_|Imanewbie|_, not sure what you mean by infinite link...  worked for me04:02
levjdub, in the ubuntu forum some guy said his worked when he set it up as eth0.. how do you do that to a wireless card??04:02
jdublev: you don't really do that directly, and it's unrelated to the driver not connecting to an interface04:03
_|Imanewbie|_jdub: didnt work04:03
jdub_|Imanewbie|_: "didn't work"? you need to explain yourself04:04
levhuh, i dont get what that means.04:04
jdublev: it's unrelated to the problem04:04
levdamn. i dont know what to do. :(04:04
_|Imanewbie|_jdub: solved =)04:04
levTHis is the only reason i have not switched over completely.04:04
levI wish i knew what to do.04:04
jdubi've suggested you post to ubuntu-users04:05
levwhat should i say04:05
jdubyou can also come back at different times04:05
levthanks for all your help though :)04:05
jdublev: provide useful information to help people solve the problem, like the answers you've given me04:05
levbut what exactly is the problem? I really have no idea what all this means.04:05
vigilantytell me, is an athlon 2200 a 64 bit processor?04:06
Gmailoh crap i see a nasty bug04:06
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Nexinarusha suckas posting from ubuntu.04:09
_|Imanewbie|_how do I add new I cons to my themes?04:10
jdublev: if i knew the precise problem, you'd have working wifi by now04:10
=== Qo-noS [~maximusp@bb220-255-192-114.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
vigilantyshould the warty-release-install-powerpc.iso image do fine on my 1.8 ghz processor?04:16
farruinnvigilanty, heh, why wouldn't it?  I'd take that any day over my 233Mhz g3!04:16
vigilantywell, this ain't exactly mine...04:17
Nexinarushey where would i find the "c:\program files\mozilla firefox\" of ubuntu?04:17
vigilantyi'm just tryin to hook a friend up with a better os04:17
Nexinarusnew to this,04:17
jdubvigilanty: what kind of processor?04:17
jdubvigilanty: what kind of computer?04:17
vigilantyamd 220004:17
jdubthat is not a powerpc04:17
jdubthat is an i38604:18
vigilantythen what is it?04:18
jdubdownload the i386 verion04:18
vigilantyi did.04:18
jduband as you described, it "stops"04:18
=== holycow [~yada@S0106002078ccd651.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
vigilantygot the full install burnt out already, and in the laptop.04:18
jdubyou need to write a more detailed description and post it to ubuntu-users04:18
vigilantyu want more info?04:18
vigilantyun momento por favor04:19
=== pixelmonkey [~pixelmonk@J33-154.DATANET.NYU.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
mrothyah for kernel updates04:19
vigilantyresuming the instalation.04:19
pixelmonkeyI just got my CDs in the mail and they are so cool, but here's what's cooler: I'm giving a talk on Linux on Tuesday, and I expect about 40 people to show up, so I'll definitely be able to give them all away04:19
meffanyone know how to make the gtk1.2 font smaller in hoary?04:19
=== SimplyRob [~GiorgioAr@pool-162-84-202-189.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
farruinnis a ppc livecd in the works?04:20
pixelmonkeyI can't believe that Ubuntu is giving away not just single CDs, but CDs in a nice sleeve with both a livecd and an install cd04:20
spitymeff: sensible-editor ~/.gtkrc04:20
vigilantyand just that fast stopped.04:20
pixelmonkeyfarruinn, not sure, but that would be nice04:20
TheMusovigilanty: Where did it stop?04:20
meffspacedman: my .gtkrc.mine has a font definition.. but no gtk1.2 apps are using it.04:20
pixelmonkeyfarruinn, I did get an official PPC and an official AMD64 (one each) so I can burn them on request04:20
_|Imanewbie|_ I want to use for exemple myst icons with deepblue theme, how do I add myst icons?04:21
meffspity: my .gtkrc.mine has a font definition.. but no gtk1.2 apps are using it.04:21
vigilantyat a line      ACPI: Subsystem revision 2004081604:21
vigilantythat was the very last line.04:21
TheMusohmmm. Sounds like an acpi problem.04:21
spitymeff: dunno, how gtk actually works, i have just ~/.gtkrc04:21
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vigilantywhat's acpi04:22
Nexinaruspower management04:22
vigilantyand how do i disable it?04:22
TheMusovigilanty: I can't put my hands on an install CD right now and fire it up, but have you looked into the different methods of booting the live CD?04:22
Nexinarusadvanced something power somethingelse :p04:22
GotD0ti dont think you would want to vigilanty04:22
vigilantyi havn't got the live yet.04:22
_|Imanewbie|_how do I start a pprivate chat with irssi?04:22
TheMusoGotD0t: Maybe not, but at least it is worth a try for the install.04:22
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TheMusoNexinarus: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface04:23
vigilantywell, this is a hp pavilion ze4400 laptop...04:23
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, acpi is the standard used for things like sleep mode (aka ACPI S3), suspend to disk (hibernate or ACPI S4), and events from your computer, such as hitting the power button, temperature readout, closing the lid of your laptop, etc.04:23
vigilantyi understand...04:24
vigilantytips on solving this prob?04:24
Nexinarushey if im trying to find where what would be in windows "program files\mozilla firefox\" in ubuntu linux, where do i look? im trying to find the searchplugins folder.04:24
TheMusovigilanty: If it is a laptop, you certainly need it, but if you can at least get the install running without it for the time being, a more perminant fix may be able to be worked out later.04:24
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, sorry, what's the problem04:24
pixelmonkeyNexinarus, dpkg -l mozilla-firefox04:25
pixelmonkeysorry, -L04:25
_|Imanewbie|_how do I start a pprivate chat with irssi?04:25
vigilantysounds fine TheMuso...04:25
pixelmonkeyNexinarus, that'll tell you all files mozilla-firefox package has installed04:25
vigilantynow, how do i go aobut doing that.04:25
pixelmonkeyNexinarus, grep for plugins (do you know pipes, etc.?)04:25
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amathiswhere is the file where you uncomment warty universe?04:26
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, well, you can disable ACPI as a kernel parameter... not sure if you can do that with the boot cd04:26
TheMusoOk, upon booting from the CD, I think there is a key you can press for finding out how to boot the CD with particular options. Do that and see what you get.04:26
pixelmonkeyI forget, does the boot cd present you with a boot: prompt?04:26
TheMusoamathis: /etc/apt/sources.list04:26
pixelmonkeyif so, you can put with pci=noacpi04:27
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vigilantyboot methods...04:27
Nexinarusthanks pixelmonkey04:27
mrothhmm.. i updated the kernel to 2.6.9 and it looks like it doesnt have the nvidia kernel module anymore, so x wont start with current config04:27
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pixelmonkeyvigilanty, see how you can pass kernel parameters, and then pci=noacpi will disable acpi04:28
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, is your PC a laptop?04:28
=== EFS [~eric@wv-mgtnwv-cad1-grp3a-6-56.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
mrothis the nvidia-glx package not set up to install into all active kernel modules?04:28
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pixelmonkeyhmm, well that's a bad sign then... what laptop? :)04:28
vigilantyhold on dude...04:28
vigilantyto fast04:28
vigilantyi got 3 available boot methods.04:28
pixelmonkeyNexinarus, on Debian systems (like Ubuntu), dpkg and apt-get and apt-cache are your friends and make your life very easy :)04:28
vigilantylinux, expert, and custom-expert.04:29
vigilantyshould I choose the 3rd?04:29
pixelmonkeyerm, hmm... maybe custom04:29
pixelmonkeyI should just lookup the line for you to type at boot:04:29
EFSAny GNOME/samba gurus on-line?  I can browse my network, but can't connect to a share.04:30
vigilantyagain, hangin on the stupid power mgmt s#!t...04:30
pixelmonkeyEFS: what error?04:30
=== jBook [~j@adsl-66-122-135-78.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
EFSJust hangs.04:30
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, okay, I'll find you the line you need to type at boot:... there is a boot: prompt right?04:30
vigilantyjust hangs.04:30
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, okay, let me be a google ninja for a second04:30
vigilantyf1 for help, enter to boot.04:30
pixelmonkeyEFS: before or after asking for credentials?04:31
vigilantyi've been all over google and dogpile.04:31
mefftry acpi=off?04:31
EFSAfter.  (First time on IRC, how do I direct directly to you?)04:31
mrothhmm.. there isnt a linux-restricted-modules-2.6.9 yet is there04:31
mrothso no nvidia in 2.6.9 yet :/04:31
pixelmonkeyok vigilanty04:32
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, boot back off the CD, when boot: comes up type "linux pci=noacpi"04:32
pixelmonkeyand see what happens04:32
vigilantywhat's significant about there being no nvidia in 2.6.9 yet?04:32
vigilantystill hangs...04:33
TheMusovigilanty: The NVIDIA drivers have not been built against 2.6.9 for Hoary yet I presume.04:33
TheMusovigilanty: Ok, try this: "linux acpi=off"04:33
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pixelmonkeyTheMuso, I was hoping it was just his BIOS :)04:34
vigilantyfound it.04:35
TheMusopixelmonkey: Well if it works this way, it singles out ACPI of some sort in one go.04:35
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, works?04:35
vigilantyi found somethin else...04:35
vigilantyit may work...04:35
pixelmonkeywhat did you find?04:35
smoanyone handy with alsa?  playback via alsa just loops the first half-second or so constantly. oss via xmms plays fine. any suggestions?04:35
vigilantyspecial boot parameters - installation system page04:35
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, so acpi=off didn't work?04:36
TheMusosmo: What card have you got?04:36
vigilantydidn't try it yet.04:36
vigilantystumbled upon this.04:36
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, okay, give it a shot, it will probably work with acpi=off04:36
vigilantygimme one sec...04:36
smoTheMuso: atm I'm trying soundblaster Live 5.1 with emu10k104:36
vigilanty] wait04:36
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smoTheMuso: I've also tried a sb live 24bit with audigyls, and got the same result04:37
vigilantythe command is hw-detect/start_pcmi=false04:37
TheMusosmo: What program are you trying to use to play music?04:37
pixelmonkeyanyone here know a good gnome2 process/task manager that isn't gnome-system-monitor?04:37
TheMusovigilanty: I guess it is worth a try.04:37
smoTheMuso: aplay right now.  I figured the palyer alsa provides would be a good baseline04:37
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TheMusosmo: So it does it with aplay? Hmmm. I would try another player anyway just to see what happens.04:38
vigilantymother fudger...04:38
TheMusovigilanty: No go?04:38
vigilantyacpi still crash.04:39
TheMusovigilanty: Ok, try what I suggested above.04:39
TheMuso"linux acpi=off"04:39
TheMusowithout the quotes of couse.04:39
dhrasmushello, got a quick question about mounting my usb thumb drive- when I plug it in, i see "USB Mass Storage support registered." - but there are no /dev/sd* devices- is there any way to change that, or some other name they go by?04:39
vigilantyand i got 3 hrs before the live disk is done.04:39
=== calc [~ccheney@ip70-185-2-220.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
vigilantyis there not a boot mode in which i can choose to run a driver or not?04:40
slshi -- why does ubuntu seem to run better on old hardware (333 Mzh &128 RAM) than Fedora?04:40
TheMusodhrasmus: So it doesn't appear to be mounted?04:40
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, you reading your syslog to see that?04:40
dhrasmuspixelmonkey: that text was from dmesg04:40
TheMusovigilanty: Did that not work for you either?04:40
slsFedora is  completely un usable on this system... yet Ubunto works OK...04:41
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, ah, well try tail -n 150 /var/log/syslog and see what messages udev spits out, if any04:41
vigilantyit worked.04:41
vigilantylinux acpi=off...04:41
TheMusoGood to hear.04:41
illsortedDoes anyone know how I can run the Synaptic Package Manager in XCFE4? I tried running "sudo synaptic" from the console, and also added a launcher to my panel. neither works.04:41
dhrasmusthemuso: nope, not mounted.  on the other debian-based systems i've got, i just setup something in fstab for mounting /dev/sd* devices on /mnt/flashx mountpoints04:42
TheMusoThat is good temporarily at least, but one needs acpi to do things like battery monitoring, etc.04:42
bytecoderillsorted: what errors do you get?04:42
vigilantymost people wouldn't understand the work of a comp technician...04:42
dhrasmusbut i can't find the device files in /dev to mount the drive with04:42
vigilantyi may need to disconnect...04:42
illsortedbytecoder: i get GTK errors when running from the console, and nothing when clicking the launcher04:42
GotD0thmm... i cant right click on my desktop04:42
vigilantyi would like this laptop to config the network...04:42
bytecoderillsorted: what does it say?04:43
calcsls: perhaps because ubuntu is only gnome, doesn't load the kde libraries for anything04:43
GotD0tor left click on it for that matter04:43
illsortedbytecoder: can I paste it in a message to you?04:43
vigilantyshould I delete the partition b4 startin?04:43
calceither are not too bad on memory usage, but using both would likely use quite a bit04:43
bytecoderillsorted: how long is it?04:43
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, you need to check your syslog to see if udev assigned device names to the drive04:43
TheMusovigilanty: Glad we got past the problem.04:43
vigilantyshould I delete the XP partition.04:43
illsortedbytecoder: ~15 lines04:43
vigilantyI'm verry gratefull.04:44
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, or if it (or hotplug, or whatever else) bummed out, in which case your error message may be useful for figuring out what's wrong04:44
TheMusovigilanty: If you don't want XP any more, you can.04:44
bytecoderillsorted: join #flood and send it to me there04:44
=== Kitoji [~Heinzelma@port-212-202-40-188.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, don't delete it if you have important files there :)04:44
vigilantywill this install do it?04:44
TheMusovigilanty: Not unless you tell it to.04:44
vigilantywell I gotta disconnect...04:44
pixelmonkeyvigilanty, plus, you may be a little frustrated with linux support if your ACPI is broken...04:44
TheMusovigilanty: Note that what I suggested is only a temporary work-around.04:44
farruinnbut you won't have anywhere to install ubuntu unless you have free space04:44
vigilantybe back momentarily...04:45
KitojiIs it possible to tell ubuntu, that my mouse uses 1600 dpi and not the usual 400 dpi?04:45
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vigilantyi gotta let it see the network.04:45
vigilantytemporary is fine.04:45
jdodsonhey all.04:45
illsortedbytecoder: pasted04:45
Kitojik, obviously it isn't possible :(04:46
TheMusoKitoji: It probably is possible, but none of us here know how to do it.04:46
bytecoderillsorted: ok, can you run synaptic in gnome?04:46
TheMusoAt least I don't.04:46
illsortedbytecoder: yes, runs fine in gnome04:46
KitojiAt the moment I only want to know weather it is or not, not how.04:46
bytecoderillsorted: odd04:46
TheMusoKitoji: I suggest you read the XF86Config-4 man page as it might have something in there about it.04:47
smoTheMuso: Okay, I've had a poke with several players.  ogg123 hangs using oss or alsa, and repeats the first few frames indefinately with esd.  gstreamer appears to do the same.  xmms works fine with either oss or alsa outputs, but still chokes on esd04:47
bytecoderillsorted: hmm04:48
dhrasmuspixelmonkey: syslog didn't say anything about USB nor SD* devices nor hotplug nor udev.. both hotplug and udev are installed though04:48
bytecoderillsorted: try running X without any desktop environment/window managers and see if it still doesn't work04:48
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smounfortunately the machine is intended for mythtv, so I can't just use xmms and ignore the problem04:48
bytecoderillsorted: to see if it's a problem with xfce or with gtk04:49
illsortedbytecoder: how do I go about that?04:49
bytecoderillsorted: you have to modify .xinitrc in your home directory and 'startx' manually04:49
bytecoderillsorted: first, you have to shut down gdm04:50
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bytecoderillsorted: you should probably post your problem over at ubuntuforums.com04:51
bytecoderillsorted: I have to go now, hope you get your problem fixed04:51
TheMusoOr even on ubuntu-users04:51
illsortedbytecoder: will do, thanks04:51
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dhrasmusthere aren't any other possibilities for mass storage devices than /dev/sd* names are there?04:52
wigcan anyone help with a lucent winmodem problem?04:52
|QuaD|hey, i am about to update my kernel (i need 686 not 386) i am using hoary, would this be the appropriate one? linux-image-2.6.9-1-68604:52
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|QuaD|just apt-get?04:54
GotD0thmm... i cant click on my desktop04:54
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, nope, not unless you tell udev to create symlinks for them04:54
|QuaD|:) sounds good04:54
|QuaD|now maybe all my ram will register :)04:54
=== SvenG [guckes@antilope.in-berlin.de] has joined #ubuntu
=== SvenG is just listening in..
dhrasmuspixelmonkey: that's probably the problem right now though, that there's nothing to make symlinks too, huh?04:55
=== Ruffian|Q| [Ruffian|Q|@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, yea, but I just wanted to see if udev was bumming out for some reason04:55
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, strange that it's not getting picked up, I assume you have tried unplugging/replugging a couple times?04:55
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pixelmonkeyhonestly the Linux USB subsystem is probably the buggiest of all the subsystems04:56
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pixelmonkey--> are you getting this sort of stuff in syslog?  kernel: usb 4-2: control timeout on ep0out  localhost kernel: usb 4-2: device not accepting address 2, error -11004:57
pepsi_that girl's got a tattoo on her back eh04:57
_|Imanewbie|_night folks \o>04:59
=== speel [~speel@24-90-224-86.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
speelhey i need some help i have a broken dep and i get this error05:00
speeldpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)05:00
speelErrors were encountered while processing:05:00
speel /var/cache/apt/archives/libmp3lame0_3.96.1-0.1_i386.deb05:00
speelE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:00
speelany ideas?05:00
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|QuaD-hmm,updated kernel=broken nvidia driver05:03
mroth|QuaD-: that got me earlier today too, heh05:03
|QuaD-mroth: how did you fix?05:03
=== lev [~lev@dhcp024-209-240-238.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mrothi didnt05:03
speeldamn man everything is buggin out even synaptic exites05:04
mrothi rebooted back into 2.6.8 :/05:04
dhrasmuspixelmonkey: i haven't tried plugging/unplugging it.  but i haven't had to do that on the other linux systems it works on05:04
dhrasmusi'm poking around in /proc right now and seeing if there's anything interesting there05:04
mroththey havent built the nvidia-glx package for 2.6.9 yet i guess05:04
=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wiganyone familiar with lucent winmodems?05:04
|QuaD-mroth: yeah... is this a known hardware issue?05:04
mrothmroth: its just a 'no one has compiled it and made it into a package yet' issue i believe05:05
alka_trashI never like mine05:05
|QuaD-mroth: yea05:06
speelhey i have a weird problem .. synaptic crashes every time i run it and i uninstalled it and reinstalled it .. lol any ideas?05:06
alka_trashdamn, my grammar is getting bad05:06
levironwolf: you there?05:06
levhey jdub maybe you can help me with this question.05:06
alka_trashspeel: try removing the config file, rm -rf .synaptic ( by doing this your going to loose all your setting though )05:07
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, try something, plug it in05:07
pixelmonkeydhrasmus, then as root do /etc/init.d/hotplug restart05:07
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pixelmonkeyand tail -f your syslog05:07
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wigwhat does "tail -f " mean?05:08
farruinntail --help should tell you05:08
wigNot on linux.05:09
farruinn--help will usually tell you what a command does05:09
wigI can't get my modem working, which is why I asked about it :-P05:09
farruinnoh, sorry :-/05:09
wiglol, s'ok05:09
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=== farruinn bashes winmodems and other software modems with a big blunt hammer
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speelyea it worked thanks05:10
speelany idea how to add mp3 support for sound juicer?05:11
joemneed the gstreamer lame plugin05:11
speelgstreamer0.8-lame right?:05:11
dhrasmuspixelmonkey: that didn't show a lot, other than that usbfs and hub could be loaded, and i've got uhci v. 2.2.  that's a sweet use of tail i wasn't aware of, btw05:12
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joemspeel, dunno, something like that I'm sure05:12
Cloudchaserheya..is anyone here a programmer that i could ask a question to?05:12
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speelok thanks05:12
subterrificCloudchaser: shoot05:12
joemspeel, first google hit: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-957.html05:12
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subterrificjoem: it amazes me the number of people who don't know how to use google ;)05:13
=== mike998 [user65@CPE0050bf78a2a0-CM014080207323.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cloudchaserk i'm not a programmer ;) but there are some things i want to automate for people who don't know linux that i want to introduce ubunto to05:13
Cloudchaserif that makes any sense ;)05:13
blahrgok i am attempting to load phpmyadmin and whenever i try to load it i get cannot load mysql extension05:13
|QuaD|blah, me no like no new kernel05:13
blahrgany ideas05:13
joemif you didn't know it was the lame program it might have been harder to find05:13
subterrificCloudchaser: like what05:14
Cloudchaserlike installing java05:14
bluefoxicyI just got some guy to order 30 x8f605:14
Cloudchaserthere's a great how to for it05:14
bluefoxicydo you have to put in your phone number?05:14
subterrificCloudchaser: there is also a repository for it05:14
Cloudchaserwhich is fine for people like me who have some linux experience05:14
|QuaD|blahrg: i don't know the problem05:14
bluefoxicyI didn't put mine in when i ordered05:14
bluefoxicyfrom shipit05:14
Cloudchaserright but after you install java there's a bunch of steps you have to do05:14
Cloudchaserhere's an example05:14
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Cloudchasermy sister in law is tired of getting virused05:14
subterrificCloudchaser: really? i thought it was just apt-get install java05:15
Cloudchasershe had a lindows pc that she put windows on05:15
Cloudchasersubterrific, that installs it05:15
Cloudchaserit doesn't make it work05:15
blahrgi have php installed mysql installed, and i attempted to use phpmyadmin, (phpmysql) and when i load it it tells me cannot load mysql extension: please check php configureation05:15
Cloudchasersee # 18 and 1905:15
nonmoni cant get k3b to recognize that my burner does cdrs it does dvdrs fine05:16
nonmondoes anyone know whats wrong05:16
calcCloudchaser: ubuntu is cool, i just loaded it up on my brother and his gf's systems :)05:16
Cloudchasernow someone coming from windows has no clue of linux filesystem05:16
subterrificCloudchaser: yeah, i know, you aren't listening to me05:16
nonmonis there a gnome based burning prog that matches k3b that i could get?05:16
subterrificCloudchaser: there is an apt repository for java, so all you have to do is add that repos to /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get install java05:17
subterrificit does all those steps for you05:17
calcjava is too easy to get on a system imho, die java die (along with flash) ;)05:17
blahrganyone have any ideas?05:17
=== vigilanty [vigilanty@69-164-213-141.atlaga.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
farruinncalc, too easy?05:17
calcits like a plague05:17
speelis there a ubuntu changelog?05:17
Sensebendjava is too easy to get on a system05:18
Cloudchasersubterrific, where is that information? i must have missed that05:18
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subterrificCloudchaser: its been on the mailing list a bunch and its in the wiki and forum, hold on05:18
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calcyou can setup linux fs to work pretty good without having to worry about permissions if you setup default acl's05:19
subterrificCloudchaser: here is the last place i saw it: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GuideToHoary05:19
calcthat is what i did on my brothers computer05:19
Cloudchaserah..i don't have hoary i have warty05:19
subterrificCloudchaser: look at the bottom line of the example sources.list file05:19
calci added him to the "users" group, set his storage dir to setgid users and added a 770 default umask05:20
calcjust for that set of dirs using acl05:20
subterrificCloudchaser: it doesn't matter05:20
Cloudchaseri thought you shouldn't mix repositories05:20
subterrificCloudchaser: that line is not a hoary repos, its a 3rd party repos for java only05:20
vigilantydudes, i got a serious prob now...05:21
subterrificCloudchaser: it just happens to be listed in that example05:21
Cloudchaserk thank you i'll make not of that for future reference05:21
vigilantyduring this installation, my pavilion went to sleep i guess...05:22
vigilantyhas n e 1 ever installed ubuntu on a hp pavilion ze4400?05:23
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mrothwonder when debian is going to package python2.4 so we can steal it05:23
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TomT64how do I list the packages I have installed?05:25
mrothdpkg -l05:26
calcyou can use dpkg --get-selections if you want to install the same set elsewhere05:26
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calcotherwise dpkg -l shows package names, versions, desc, etc05:26
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jdodsoni am getting the following error:05:29
jdodsoncinelerra: error while loading shared libraries: libXxf86vm.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:30
jdodsonanyone know how to remedy this?05:30
TomT64what's the text editor for ubuntu (simple text editing)05:30
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trans_erris there anyway to import the contents of my mac os x address book?05:32
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joemtrans_err, to what? evolution?05:35
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vigilant0is there any way to resume a ubuntu installation?05:37
trans_errjoem, nevermind i figured it out05:37
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trans_errbut is there any way to keep the address book on evolution and my os x one synced?05:38
vigilantycan ubuntu resume an installation?05:38
bronson_vigilanty: yes, if you've already rebooted once.05:41
bronson_(you know, boot into the base system and continue installing...)05:42
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vigilantycan't load into base system05:46
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vigilantyso how do i resume it?05:46
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GotD0tMS seems to serve a good purpose (other than supplying me with my xbox) bring suits against spammers05:53
Quest-MasterI could care less about the XBOX05:55
GotD0tQuest-Master: i like it...05:55
Quest-MasterI own a PS2 and GCN. :)05:55
vigilantyman I am so close to giving up with this stupid laptop...05:55
Quest-MasterDon't give up :D05:56
vigilantyi dunno what to do...05:56
GotD0tvigilanty: dont... getting it working is a great payoff05:56
Quest-MasterAsk at the forums05:56
Quest-MasterI was in your exact position a few days ago05:56
Quest-MasterOnce you get it working..05:56
Quest-MasterIt's great. :D05:56
Quest-MasterBut yeah, ask at the forums05:57
GotD0toh i cant tell you how many times i've almost given up05:57
vigilantyafter all i've worked through so far, this stupid piece of crap keeps hanging on cupsys during install...05:57
Quest-MasterNow, I know not to give up05:57
Quest-MasterI'm out though, sleep time.05:57
Quest-MasterSee ya guys.05:57
=== Ycros [~Ycros@c211-30-14-115.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Quest-MasterGood luck vigilanty.. hope you can get your problems fixed.05:57
vigilantydoubt it.05:58
vigilantyplease somebody help :/06:00
=== discharge [~ryan@ip68-96-184-203.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
GotD0tvigilanty: what exactly is your problem... i knwo you cant install but what happens06:01
vigilantyit's hanging on a "remaining package" called cupsys06:01
GotD0tis it updating from the internet?06:02
vigilantyit got through it once, but the battery died.06:02
vigilantyinstall cd.06:02
vigilantyi'm on a hp pavilion ze4400 laptop.06:02
GotD0tright... but sometimes install cd's pull updates from the internet before finishing the install06:02
GotD0tcd from the mail?06:03
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GotD0tor did you burn it06:03
GotD0tdid you check the md5 sum before you burned?06:03
vigilantyi used nero...06:03
GotD0thehe, do you know what an md5sum even is?06:04
GotD0tits a type of hash thats used to check file integrity06:04
GotD0twhat speed did you burn it at06:05
GotD0tdo you still have the iso?06:05
vigilantyit's on a comp that's being worked on06:05
dischargewhere can i found good documentation on getting sound to work?  there's a linux sound howto, but it seems out of date06:05
GotD0tdischarge: ubuntu specifically?06:06
vigilantylegacy audio dude.06:06
dischargeit was working fine after the install, then a few reboots later and now i get errors about 'couldn't open audio'06:06
dischargeand i'm not sure what changes i have made that would have caused that06:06
GotD0tdischarge: i think there is a how-to on the site06:07
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dischargeyeah i could only find a multimedia howto06:08
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vigilantywell... how do i fix my prob?06:08
GotD0tdischarge: what type of sound card?06:08
dischargeonboard, via chipset, ac97 i think06:09
dischargethere's a bunch of snd_via82xx modules loaded too06:09
GotD0tvigilanty: i would redownload the iso and do an md5sum check (google on how to do this in windows) and if it matches the one listed on the site burn it at 4x06:09
GotD0tvigilanty: or you can keep trying06:09
GotD0tvigilanty: your current cd06:10
GotD0tdischarge: sorry... i dunno, but from what i heard that chipset is quite finicky06:10
vigilantywhy do u say i can keep retrying?06:11
crimsundischarge: join me in #alsa. I'll help.06:11
GotD0tvigilanty: well when i first installed i got a hang up a few times that didn't happen after a try or two06:11
vigilantyi had the same, but when it started to work, my battery was dying...06:13
GotD0tare you running of external power now?06:13
vigilantywould having a working internet connection plugged into it from start of install help?06:13
GotD0ti dont think so06:14
GotD0tcant hurt though ;-)06:14
crimsununless your gateway is an unpatched windows xp machine06:14
vigilantyi think i'll download the live boot iso...06:14
GotD0ttrue crimsun06:15
GotD0tor even a patched xp machine ;-)06:15
=== rick_ [~rick@c68.117.109.72.hay.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
vigilantyman, i wonder where i can get somethin to eat this late at night...06:15
GotD0tvigilanty: if you live in a college town im sure you can06:15
vigilantypatched xp machine?06:15
GotD0tvigilanty: nothing06:15
rick_sorry to bug you all but you got time for a question?06:16
GotD0tof course rick_06:16
rick_I just installed this Ubuntu, and am having a terrible time trying to install MPlayer06:16
rick_any suggestions?06:17
rick_just plain ol .deb packages06:17
GotD0trick_: get it off the repos06:17
GotD0trick_: repositories06:18
rick_I did not see it in there06:19
GotD0trick_: its probably in universe06:19
rick_I will look again06:19
GotD0trick_: do you know how to enable universe?06:19
rick_I am not sure, but hopefully I can get it06:19
bur[n] eredit your /etc/apt/sources.list06:19
rick_what is the url to univers06:20
GotD0trick_: look at the file... you should see hwere it says "uncomment the two lines to add software from the universe and multiverse repositories"06:21
GotD0trick_: just uncoment them and you'll be golden06:21
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rick_it says it is read only06:23
GotD0trick_: you have to edit it as sudo06:23
GotD0tso do sudo APP /etc/apt/sources.list06:24
GotD0tapp is obviously whatever you use to edit text files06:24
rick_just a min06:25
=== osiris_22 [~osiris@dhcp065-024-111-010.columbus.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
osiris_22i need some help guys06:27
osiris_22i having problems getting ubuntu06:27
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | CDs order before 12th Nov have been shipped, you can still order CDs | official forums ubuntuforums.org | For MP3 etc info: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by |trey| at Mon Nov 29 23:20:25 2004
TheMusoJDahl: Python 2.4 won't make it into Warty. it will very likely make it into Hoary though.07:05
crimsunwell, it just entered Sid what, two days ago?07:05
crimsunmaybe yesterday?07:05
=== fabbione [~fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
TheMusoThe only updates that Warty receives are security fixes or data loss bugfixes.07:06
crimsunyep, just yesterday07:06
crimsun[2004-12-02]  Accepted python2.4 2.4-1 (i386 source all)07:07
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JDahlTheMuso, I didnt know that.. I thought it was more like sarge07:07
TheMusoJDahl: Hoary is more like unstable at the moment, but then later on it becomes more like Sarge.07:10
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TheMusoReleases are every six months.07:10
=== deprecated is away: A lurking we will go... Oh a lurking we will go...
ironwolfJDahl: python 2.4 is already in hoary.07:12
=== Xenguy [~gnu@HSE-Ottawa-ppp234752.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunindeed it is.07:14
crimsun500 http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages07:14
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JDahlmaybe I should try hoary then... If I have to wait until next release (April?) for an update, I will end up having compiled everything from source instead07:16
=== SimplyRob [~GiorgioAr@pool-162-84-202-189.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ironwolfJDahl: standard warning.  hoary is a development release.  somedays are better than others. :)07:17
vigilantyi'm back.07:17
ironwolfJDahl: overall, I've had few problems though.07:17
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ironwolfJDahl: change warty to hoary in /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ...07:18
JDahlironwolf, yeah.. I just to quite happy with Debian/unstable on my home machine... how do think Hoary stacks up against Unstable?07:18
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ironwolfJdahl: so it's public.  I choose hoary over unstable. :)07:39
=== lightfoot [~brian@c-67-176-111-161.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lightfootHello Im thinking of switching to ubuntu how good is hardware detection at install?07:43
=== rick_ [~rick@c68.117.109.72.hay.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
rick_one last question Got d0t07:45
rick_says mplayer is not installable07:46
lightfootHello Are you installing ubuntu?07:46
rick_thanks for the reply07:47
lightfootI'm thinking of switching to a debian based distro How good was hardware detection at install?07:47
rick_no probs on the install07:48
ironwolflightfoot: insanely good.07:48
ironwolfrick_: mplayer is in multiverse07:48
lightfootCool I tired of crappy Mandrake.07:49
rick_arrrggghhh :) figures, well see ya later07:49
lightfootrpm based distros.07:49
rick_oh hey, it is better than mandrake07:49
ironwolfrick_: do you have multiverse in your sources.list ?07:49
rick_not yet07:49
rick_just universe07:50
ironwolfrick_: add universe and multiverse.... then apt-get install mplayer :)07:50
ironwolfrick_: and choose your arch.07:50
ironwolfi386, i586, k7, etc07:50
lightfootI'm currently Downloading and ISO making some backups of Important files that I have gathered over time and switching. Ubuntu looks like a very up to date distro.07:51
rick_oh, yea07:51
rick_have fun lightfoot07:52
jiyuu0look at this... kandang mybsd07:53
lightfootHow stable is Ubuntu it has the latest version of Gnome and some other upto date packages.07:54
=== wig [Wig@ppp-69-106-144-140.dialup.skt2ca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
ironwolflightfoot: don't forget, you can testdrive it with the LiveCD07:54
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ironwolflightfoot, Warty is VERY stable.07:54
jiyuu0but features in hoary seems good07:54
lightfootIs Gnome 2.9 in the stable release07:54
=== jiyuu0 smack my head for posting in wrong chat room... oops
Agrajaglightfoot: of course not07:56
AgrajagGnome 2.9 is an unstable Gnome version07:56
lightfootIs anyone here having major issues with Gnome 2.9?07:57
deFrysklightfoot, not at the moment07:58
roRywarty is very stable, only hung on me twice so far07:58
deFryskmaybe at any given time/update07:58
ironwolfwarty = 2.807:59
ironwolfhoary = 2.10 I think07:59
|QuaD|how do all of you control xmms? i tried installing the gxmms plugin, its not allowing me to add the applet08:00
deFryskheading for 2.1008:00
Qo-noS2.10 not due for at least another 3 months I think08:01
Q-FUNKwhich gstreamer plug-in is needed to play mp3 files in rhythmbox?08:03
|QuaD|Q-FUNK: i just use xmms08:05
|QuaD|itss better08:05
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deFryskQ-FUNK, mad plugin08:08
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Q-FUNKdeFrysk: thanks08:10
deFrysk|QuaD|, probs controlling xmms ? try rhythmbox ;p08:11
Q-FUNKit doesn't seem to be installed by default.08:11
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Bugs: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ | CDs order before 12th Nov have been shipped, you can still order CDs | official forums ubuntuforums.org | For MP3 etc info: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by |trey| at Mon Nov 29 23:20:25 2004
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TomT64how do you add a ttf font to the list of available fonts for Open Office09:16
crimsundrag the font into the folder09:17
crimsunrestart OOo09:17
AbahKou means create folder fonts in openoffice dir?09:19
mjrhmh, that works for fontconfig, but doesn't OOo use its own system? Or is that fixed nowadays?09:19
crimsunOOo uses ttf fonts09:19
crimsunfontconfig handles 'em09:19
mjrcrimsun, both statements are true as such but still don't mean that OOo necessarily uses fontconfig :)09:20
=== TiffOn [~Kualkiera@218.Red-217-126-197.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunAbahKo: no, open nautilus, Open Location, fonts:///09:20
TomT64I drag, I copy/paste, etc, I don't see them listed09:20
AbahKocrim: oooo.ok..09:20
TomT64oh wait I need to do this as root huh09:21
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mjrTomT64, no; that will add the fonts to a user-spesific fontconfig-observed directory, but as I suspected, it might not work for OOo09:21
TomT64it's not adding them at all09:22
=== Nexinarus [~nexinarus@218-101-74-85.dialup.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunyou're right, mjr, soffice.bin doesn't link against libfontconfig* at all09:22
osiris_22god im so depressed tonight09:22
Nexinaruswhy is that osiris,09:23
TomT64so what should I do09:23
mjrsorry, I don't know how OOo does things09:23
mjrI just know how it doesn't :P09:23
crimsunTomT64: try popping into #debian-oo09:23
osiris_22my best friend dude.. made a fake call to the police saying i was trying to kill my self.. and well the cops busted in my house and found some illegal items.. along with my intoxicated self.. and now i gotta do 90 days in jail...09:23
TomT64OpenOffice.org uses XFonts as well as fonts that are rendered through FreeType as explained below.09:23
crimsunTomT64: ask there, if someone's awake09:23
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Nexinarusthat does suck,09:24
plasmoosiris_22: >:)09:24
osiris_22like we were fighting and i refused to fight so i decided to drink a few bottles of robo max to forget ya know and he goes and calles the cops on me.09:25
plasmothat blows lol09:25
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osiris_22i gotta report january 2nd09:26
osiris_22for 90 days09:26
osiris_2290 long days09:26
Nexinarusthat is a long time,09:26
Nexinarusfor that heh,09:26
plasmowell at least you get to enjoy chirstmas and new years lol09:26
Nexinarusand part of march09:26
osiris_22i was charged for 3 grams of marijuana and a pack of papers and umm drug abuse for the robo max09:26
Nexinaruscalling cops, that is not cool heh09:27
osiris_2230 days for each count09:27
osiris_22i banned him from the irc network im an admin of09:27
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Nexinarusany graphical ftp program for Ubuntu?09:28
Nexinarusi could use command line, but hmm09:28
mjrwell, nautilus can pretty much do ftp09:29
mjrand there's what TomT64 said09:29
cenerentolahi there09:29
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cenerentoladoes someone know why file roller gives this error: Enter password (will not be echoed) for 01-eminem-curtains_up_(encore_version)-rns.mp3:09:31
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giuSerpeanyone who give me a correct line for sources.list to install the last released Wine?09:32
plasmocenerentola: maybe the archieve file is password protected09:32
cenerentolaplasmo: yes it is... but how can i enter it if it doesnt echo the query09:33
plasmono idea. havent came across a passworded achieve yet :/09:33
cenerentolaok ;( .. thx09:34
plasmoill look it up for ya09:34
Seveasadd universe to your sources.list09:34
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giuSerpeSeveas: ok09:35
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anders_Is it ok to have sshd listening on port 80 when apache also is?09:36
b_e_n_zanders_, no09:36
anders_how would you connect to your home server from a network that only has port 80 and 443 open for outgoing?09:39
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=== sid77 hi!
Seveasanders_: if you want sshd to listen on 80, stop apache or make it listen to another port09:40
mjrso I take it you need 443 for something else too09:41
mjranyway, some sort of tunneling solution might work09:41
Seveas443 is https09:41
AbahKohow to change ssd port from 22 to 80?09:42
mjr_Or_ you could probably use iptables to redirect port 80 connections _from your work address_ to sshd on another port. I'm not sure about this though, but it might be possible.09:42
anders_mjr: Well I could do without https I guess09:42
SeveasI once had that problem, made my router forward incoming requests to port 80 from a certain ip-address at my work to sshd (@port 22), from other ip adresses to apache :)09:42
mjrsemi-echo :)09:42
oling /etc/ssh09:42
anders_Seveas: thats a smart solution :)09:43
mjranyway, httptunnel might work: http://www.nocrew.org/software/httptunnel.html09:43
mjrit works via a proxy, so you might set up apache to optionally act as a proxy to httptunnel09:43
olingor use a vpn09:43
SeveasAbahKo: man sshd09:43
olingdo anyone know how to build a custom initrd.img with mkintrd-cd?09:44
=== anders_ go reading iptables manuals
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AbahKoif i changed it to port 80... how about my web server?.. need to use others port?.. what happen if someone try to do a port scanner(nmap).. doest it show my port 80 is using sshd?..09:45
olingoli1:/home2/root# mkinitrd-cd /lib/modules/2.6.8-1-686/ initrd-usb.img-2.6.8-1-686 full 2.6.809:45
olingCreating file structure ... done09:45
olingCreating device files ... done09:45
olingCopying modules ...09:45
olingls: /tmp/tmp-initrd-files-3063/modules/*: No such file or directory09:45
oling/usr/sbin/mkinitrd-cd: line 182: [: -gt: unary operator expected09:45
olinggzip: /tmp/tmp-initrd-files-3063/modules/*: No such file or directory09:45
Seveasyes, your http server needs to listen to another port09:45
olingAbahKo: nmap could figure out that sshd is running on 8009:45
AbahKomkinitrd -o your-initrd-file your-kernel-version09:46
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Seveasand no, nmap will not how that sshd is listening, just that that port is open09:46
AbahKook thank09:46
Seveasoling: only if you give some nast command-line options :)09:46
olingSeveas: nmap can figure out which daemon is running09:46
TomT64OOO BUNT 209:46
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
olingSeveas: ok :-)09:47
Nexinarushey where is a JPG of that girl on the cd cover, i want it,09:47
roRywont work09:47
Nexinarusor png whatever,09:47
Nexinarusi want the full pic of that cleavage girl on the ubuntu cd cover. its such a funny pic :p09:48
Nexinarusim sure shes a porn star, shes gotta be09:49
TomT64ubuntu found my windows xp computer on my windows network, but not my win98 computer.  How do I fix that09:49
roRyinstall ubuntu on ur win98 computer09:49
Treenaksor reboot the '98 pc09:49
TomT64It's been booted since I installed ubuntu09:50
=== HolyGod [~free@pppoe-tun1.securebinary.com] has joined #ubuntu
AbahKohow to list what packages is installed in my system?09:52
AbahKorpm -qa show nothing..09:52
TomT64someone told me this one earlier...09:52
TreenaksAbahKo: dpkg -l09:52
TomT64yeah that's it09:53
TomT64dpkg -l09:53
NexinarusSynaptic is the gui interface for packages. quite nice09:53
TreenaksAbahKo: ubuntu is debian-based, so it uses the Debian PacKaGe manager :)09:53
AbahKoTreenaks: thanks.. so i can use same source.list file from debian system?09:54
TreenaksAbahKo: you could, but that would break your ubuntu installation horribly :)09:54
TreenaksAbahKo: just stick with the ubuntu one09:54
Nexinarusheh Treenaks im finally on Ubuntu :)09:55
TreenaksNexinarus: cool, does everything work as expected?09:56
NexinarusIt works alot better than the live cd. I havnt tested my modem yet, and havnt got any drivers for my cellphone yet either09:56
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AbahKoitis ubuntu using xorg?09:58
AbahKoxorg or xfree86..10:00
deFryskAbahKo, hoary does use xorg10:00
Nexinarusi dont know, just installed default10:00
deFryskwarty is still using xfree8610:00
Nexinaruswarty default, so i guess xfree8610:01
AbahKoit's xfree86..10:01
AbahKoi think ubuntu follow debian.. not supporting  xorg.10:01
mjrnot really10:01
Nexinarusxfree86 seems fine to me. im quite impressed nevertheless10:02
mjrUbuntu does tend to jump ahead of Debian in some things, especially desktop-related10:02
mjr(hence the x.org in Hoary)10:02
Nexinarusnever heard of xorg, gonna read more10:03
olingrunning xorg, upgrade went flawlessly10:03
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Nexinarusall i want to do now is figure out how im going to get apache+mysql+php installed. Too lazy to download stuff and try install them.10:04
mjrNexinarus, good place to start is http://x.org/ by the way ;)10:04
=== silbs [~sbsm0084@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
olingapt-get install apache2 mysql php10:05
olingsomething like this10:05
Nexinarusna google.com before x.org ;P10:05
mjrNexinarus, a valid choice :)10:05
olingNexinarius: or start synaptic and select packages10:05
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AbahKobye.. got to go..10:07
AbahKosee ya10:07
Nexinarusim also wondering why i can get so many open source packages on windows with a higher version than on ubuntu, like firefox and vlc.10:07
glar00kgood morning #ubuntu10:07
Nexinaruswell not many, a few :p10:07
olingNexinarius: use unstable ubuntu or windows10:09
euxnekswindows packages probably have more problems .. =)10:09
olingeuxneks: they don't10:09
=== Elwood [~Elwood@ppp-62-11-186-170.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinaruslike firefox is set back to 0.9.310:11
Nexinarusand vlc is set back 2 versions,10:11
=== tolstoy [~tolstoy__@c-67-171-195-87.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tolstoyin hoary, you can no longer right-click on an archive and hit "extract". you have to open it, or create a script.  Is this "intentional"?10:11
olingNexinarius: Firfox 1.0 is in unstable10:12
Nexinarusah that makes sense10:12
Nexinarusactually that doesnt,10:12
=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@168.Red-81-44-122.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nexinarus1.0pr should have been unstable. 1.0 should be bug pressed i thought10:12
olingNexinarius: firefox 1.0 and vlc 8.0 are only a few weeks old10:12
MoofNexinarus: keep in mind that once ubuntu goes stable, it doesn't change. And it froze a number of moths ago now10:13
Elwoodhi all10:13
ajmitch_Nexinarus: 'unstable' refers to changing packages, rather than the software being unstable10:13
Moofthe next release is due in march or april, IIRC10:13
Moofand it'll be in there10:13
Elwoodis kde included in hoary or i need to modify sources.list? i get erroneous dependencise10:13
olingNexinarius: firefox is NOT unstable. Firefox 1.0 is IN unstabel10:13
Nexinarusi thought with synaptic i could keep updating every week?10:13
olingyou can10:14
calcElwood: its in universe10:14
MoofNexinarus: you can, if you change your sources to unstable10:14
ajmitch_calc: are you still responsible for kde? :)10:14
Elwoodso i get errors just because is instable?10:14
MoofNexinarus: but that leaves you wide open to huge changes like changing to an unstable version of X10:14
calcajmitch_: for debian yes10:14
calcnot sure who does it for ubuntu10:15
ajmitch_are the ubuntu kde packages changed from those in debian?10:15
calci don't know10:15
calcprobably at least minor changes10:15
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Nexinarusvlc i know the "stable" version is less stable than the "unstable" version then,10:15
Nexinarusthanks for that Moof10:16
Riddellajmitch_: not that I know of10:16
tolstoywell, the extract function was damn handy.  I'm very sad to see it go.10:16
ajmitch_tolstoy: file a bug report10:16
tolstoyajmitch_, i'm looking the gnome's bugzilla, to see if it was a design choice.10:17
=== TomT64 [~TomT64@c-24-19-22-177.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ajmitch_sounds like a regression10:18
glar00kthis functionality was dropped some time before and people didn't like it. don't think that it's intentional ...10:18
tolstoyglar00k, the "extract" thing?10:19
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glar00ktolstoy: yes10:19
tolstoyover on #nautilus on gimpnet, they say it was a bonobo component and therefore dropped, and that file-roller now needs to implement a plugin.10:20
ajmitch_I love how responsibility is passed off like that :)10:21
glar00kI supposed that ...10:21
Treenaksthat sounds logical (reading planet.gnome.org)10:21
tolstoy"it used an interface which has been removed (bonobo)"10:21
tolstoyTreenaks, where do you see that?10:22
calchmm so why is it still in debian's version?10:22
Treenakstolstoy: well, not that exactly10:22
Treenakstolstoy: but there are some pieces about nautilus10:22
tolstoyoh, you mean phasing out bonobo?10:22
ajmitch_calc: hoary has gnome 2.9, iirc10:22
tolstoyyes, nautilus 2.9.1, at the moment.10:22
calcoh ok i thought he meant the 2.8 in ubuntu was missing that part10:22
glar00kalex has mentioned that on the nautilus list too10:22
calc2.10 isn't due out until Mar 9, so it has plenty of time to be fixed10:23
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tolstoythat's what I'm hoping. I can put up with the inconvenience, but would like to register a request if they're not doing it because no one seems to care.10:24
Treenaks"no bonobo" made it quite a bit faster, too10:24
calc2.9.2 was apparently released yesterday, but i don't see it for download yet10:24
glar00kTreenaks: really? here it is fast as before ...10:25
Treenaksglar00k: I have a 600MHz machine, I tend to notice speedups :)10:25
calcperhaps the schedule slipped a bit10:25
tolstoyi'm all for architectural refactoring: but I love that feature! ;)10:25
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glar00kTreenaks: ok :)10:25
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tolstoyAh. Looks like there's a start in file-roller to implement a plugin.  Phew!10:29
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Adrenalhow do i return my sound values to default?10:55
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crimsunwhat do you mean by 'default'?10:59
agenteoThe portmap is just listening on the locahost and not for the host on the network... I've heard something about /etc/default/portmap someone knows more about this? I've got this problem after an apt-get upgrade (using the universe and restricted repository)10:59
Adrenalthe default loaded volume settings11:00
Adrenallike, default bass etc11:00
Adrenali installed kde(i was weak, but i learnt my lesson)11:00
Adrenalsince then11:00
Treenaksagenteo: if you want to use NFS you have to edit /etc/default/portmap to make portmap listen on all interfaces11:00
Adrenalvolume has been distorted11:00
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crimsunAdrenal: rm /var/lib/alsa/asound.state11:01
crimsunAdrenal: make sure all sound apps are stopped.11:01
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Adrenalthat didn't do it11:02
Adrenali ment in gnome volume control11:02
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agenteoTreenaks: thank you, it was it :) but why it wasn't working this way before the update?11:05
agenteoTreenaks: *why it was working before the upgrade11:05
crimsunagenteo: read the Changelog11:05
Treenaksagenteo: you fixed it before, but did an override?11:06
crimsunagenteo: /usr/share/doc/portmap/changelog.Debian.gz11:06
stvnhi, how do I add a samba printer with username and workgroup in ubuntu, since most tutorials use the webinterface, but it's disabled11:06
crimsunAdrenal: are the gnome mixer levels not default?11:07
olimarHi all I installed the glx drivers fo my nvidia card but how can I test now if they work ?11:07
olimarany idea?11:07
Elwoodolimar, glxgears11:08
crimsunolimar: try running a 3d application11:08
crimsun(glxgears is a horrible test)11:08
Amaranthglxgears is a fine test if you want to compare cards quickly11:08
Amaranthbut not if you don't have anything to compare the output to11:08
olimarthanx dudes!11:08
mjrglxgears is a horrible performance indicator, but it _can_ be used to test if 3d acceleration works at all11:09
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=== Amaranth sighs
olimarwell are there any benchs?11:09
Elwoodtuxracer :)11:09
olimarI get with glxgears some fpss but I dunno agaisnt what to bench it11:09
olimarAh tuxracer is also a good idea11:10
mjrtuxracer is a good one too :)11:10
AmaranthXorg got me 100FPS more in glxgears (hehe) but mesa and my ati driver (open source, comes with Xorg) don't get along.11:10
crimsunglxinfo is better indicator for a 'test'11:10
olimarwell I get some 98fps11:10
olimarbut it seems slow...11:10
crimsunwe go over and over and over this in #nvidia11:10
mjr98fps on glxgears is a pretty good indicator of software rendering11:10
Amaranthmakes playing bzflag a PITA11:11
danielsAmaranth: (glxgears is not a benchmark)11:11
Amaranthi can't read anything and people and bullets disappear from the radar :P11:11
Amaranthdaniels: I didn't say it was.11:11
olimarwell anyway I am downloading tucracer11:11
danielsAmaranth: glxgears will not compare cards11:12
olimarlet me see... I mean I have a geforce this thing has to work ;)11:12
danielsAmaranth: use any current game as a realistic test -- something you care about11:12
danielsyou don't care about how fast glxgears whizzes past, and it doesn't make use of any advanced features at all11:12
danielstry slamming down huge textures with multiple light sources11:12
danielspreferably with complex shaders11:12
Amaranthmy card would burst into flames11:12
Amaranthand i don't even have shaders :P11:12
danielsthere's a good test of a modern card11:12
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olimarno it is very slow11:14
olimarmaybe try #nvidia?11:14
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titbreadhey, I have ubuntu running but I am unsure on how to change the desktop to kde. Can anyone tell me?11:16
AmaranthI believe there is a HOWTO for that in the Wiki, let me check.11:18
AmaranthNope, no idea.11:19
cornflaketitbread: just install the kde-base from apt-get11:19
AmaranthI would hope apt-get install kde would do it11:19
titbreadwhat is apt-get?11:19
=== Amaranth facepalms
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titbreadsorry :$11:20
AmaranthOk, open synaptic11:20
titbreadyou all learnt somewhere11:20
Treenakstitbread: type "man apt-get" in a terminal11:20
Treenakstitbread: synaptic is the package manager, look in the computer menu11:20
titbreadohh I see, thank you11:20
jakkwhy people see me offline in messenger though i'm not? i use gaim, others use msn...11:21
titbreadTreenaks, thanks alot11:21
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Amaranthtitbread: Ok, are you in a terminal?11:21
AmaranthIt's much easier to do it there.11:21
titbreadyes i am in terminal11:22
titbreadreading manual11:22
AmaranthMost of that stuff you'll never use. :P11:23
AmaranthThe main ones are apt-get install, apt-get remove, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and apt-get dist-upgrade11:23
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AmaranthActually, thats a lot of it. :P11:23
AmaranthDone reading?11:24
titbreadI'm trying to log in as superuser11:24
titbreadsu in terminal11:24
Amarantherr, no11:24
titbreadand my password isn't working :S11:24
Amaranthsudo, not su11:24
Amaranthsudo apt-get install kde11:24
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Amaranthif you really need a root terminal you can run sudo bash, i guess11:25
titbreadpackage kde is not availible11:25
Amaranthok, kde-base then11:25
titbreadsorry - right11:25
jakkanybody have had such problem of being seen as offline in messenger when online..?11:26
pepsi__sudo -s11:26
AmaranthI figured if they had a gnome package they would have a kde one. :P11:26
titbreadcouldnt find package kde base11:26
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titbreadthey don't11:26
Amaranthpepsi_: neat11:26
Amaranthmaybe i should start reading more and poking at things less :P11:27
topylititbread: kdebase11:27
pisukehi. E17 packages for ubuntu, anyone?11:27
titbreadtopyli, ty11:27
Amaranthpisuke: That just hit CVS a couple days ago. :P11:27
titbreadkdebase has no installation candidate11:27
AmaranthIf Debian unstable gets packages for it then Ubuntu hoary should.11:27
pisukeAmaranth, yep. there's a repository for sid.11:28
AmaranthNo, I mean official debian packages.11:28
pisukebut it's not working with warthy11:28
topylititbread: i guess you don't have universe enabled11:28
titbreadhow can i get kde running?11:28
titbreadhow do I enable universe?11:28
pepsi__ubuntu is all about describing a bad date11:28
pepsi__warty, hoary, grumpy11:28
titbreadi've got warty distro11:28
topylititbread: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment the line that says universe11:29
AmaranthIf you can't figure it out from there http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniversePackages should help.11:29
titbreadI can't uncomment them...11:30
titbreadwon't let me modify the document11:30
Riddelltitbread: you can also use synaptic which is a graphical version of apt-get11:30
Amaranthpisuke: If E17 makes it into the official Debian unstable repositories then it should end up in universe for hoary.11:30
pepsi__sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:30
titbreadthank you11:30
Amaranthpisuke: But I wouldn't expect it to run on warty unless you compile it from source.11:31
topylititbread: then you'll have to apt-get update so that apt knows what you did11:31
titbreadhow do i save and exit once I have made the modifications?11:32
topylititbread: yes11:32
topylithen apt-get update11:32
titbreadtopyli, how do I do that?11:32
titbreadtopyli, I have made the modifications, I now want to save and exit11:32
Amaranththen Ctrl-X11:32
titbreadthank you!!11:32
Amaranthok, now apt-get update ;)11:33
Amaranthsudo apt-get update, that is11:33
titbreadsudo apt-get update?11:33
topylititbread: oh sorry, you said "how do i save", not just "do i save" :)11:33
titbreadno worries!11:33
titbreadumm, It returned a load of errors11:34
titbreadoh its because this box isn't on the internet11:34
titbreadsorry I didn't realise it needed to be....11:34
titbreadI need another network cable to link it up to my network11:34
titbreadhow do I go about doing this?11:34
Amaranthhook it up to your router and it should be good to go on its own11:35
titbreadright, great11:35
titbread*loads ebuyer and purchases a cable*11:35
topylititbread: apt-get install cable :)11:35
Amaranthyou could pull the plug on the box you're typing on and run off the ubuntu machine :)11:36
Amaranthshould just be a matter of running sudo ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 from a terminal or rebooting11:36
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CardinalSinJust want to say, I'm running SuSE 9.2 Pro and Ubuntu with all the Hoary stuff installed and Ubuntu rocks. Seems faster and slicker. SuSE is becoming my dev server and Ubuntu my desktop.11:44
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egliI was trying to convert my wifes RH9.0 to ubuntu but the fact the OO.o crahed on some obscure word file made her a little suspicious11:54
eglithe old OO.o in RH9.0 opened this weird word file without any problems11:55
hbossame oo.o version?11:55
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eglino rh9.0 has OO.o 1.0 and ubuntu has 1.111:55
bob2egli: can you file a bug with the document?11:55
egliwhere? @ debian or @ oo.o11:56
eglior @ubuntu?11:56
bob2the ubuntu bugzilla11:57
eglibob2: ok I will tonight, when I have access to the word file11:57
bob2egli: awesome, thanks11:57
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pisukeegli, in ubuntu I have version 1.2 of OO.o12:04
pisukenot 1.112:04
jdubyou have 1.1.212:05
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jdubor 1.1.3 if you're on hoary12:05
cenerentolahi there12:05
Treenaksbtw, what's wrong with the fonts on 1.1.3?12:05
pisukeyep. sorry12:05
Treenaksthey look all big and stuff12:05
Treenaks(in ooo)12:05
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oberkecould someone tell me if ara works under ubuntu ?  it's a tool for searching the debian package database.  http://ara.alioth.debian.org/ (i'm the developer)12:06
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Treenaksapt-cache search ?12:07
Treenaksoberke: if it's in unstable, it should work in ubuntu12:07
cenerentolacan someone plz help me setting up a grub splash screen?12:10
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Miko_Shamhi guys12:11
Miko_Shamim having problem installing ubuntu12:11
Miko_Shamafter booting from CD Installer i38612:12
TreenaksMiko_Sham: what's the error message?12:12
Miko_Shami press enter to start and it brings me to language chooser and then !12:12
Miko_Shamthe keyboard doesn't response12:12
oberkeTreenaks: not yet but it will be soon12:13
Miko_Shamit respond on the last Enter12:13
Miko_Shamany1 know what can i do to make things better ?12:13
oberkeTreenaks: are the files under /var/lib/dpkg/ and /var/lib/apt/lists the same under ubuntu ?12:14
Treenaksoberke: yes, ubuntu is debian.12:15
Miko_Shamive already checked the FAQ and didn't find it12:15
oberkeTreenaks: ok nice then :) meanwhile you can try the http interface at http://congruence.net1.nerim.net/search (under development).  but the cli and gui ara stable, you can get the .deb if you like12:15
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Miko_Shamany1 can help me ?12:20
MaDsKiLLzubuntu pwns fedora12:21
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zooko^-- this blog entry says he could install the darcs package by enabling the universe apt-source.12:23
zookoI've enabled the universe apt-source and apt-get updated, but I still see no darcs.12:23
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roRyzooko have you tried "apt-cache search darcs" or something?12:27
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zookooh wait12:28
roRymmk, no idea what darcs is so cant help you12:28
roRytried the multiverse?12:28
zookoWhat's the difference between uni and multi verse?12:29
zookoNow I've tried both, to no avail.12:29
nevynuniverse is free stuff.. multiverse is non-free stuff.12:29
zookoOkay, I also tried adding the apt-source maintained by the darcs people.  The line they suggest is:12:30
zookodeb http://abridgegame.org/debian/ woody/12:30
zookoas written here:12:30
=== polok [~polox@1Cust51.tnt2.wollongong.au.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
zookoBut then it says "Hit" and then "Ign" on that line when I run apt-get update.12:30
paolinociao ,is the packages system compatible with slackware?12:30
jdubpaolino: no, ubuntu is based on debian.12:31
zookoI guess it is "Ign"oring it because it is from a release named "woody" ?12:31
polokWhat are the addresses to get packages from ubuntu (that is the addresses to get universie in /etc/apt/sources.list ?12:31
zookookay, now I'll dl the .deb file from the darcs devels and try dpkg -i on it.  :-)12:32
nevynzooko: it's in debian..then it's in universe.12:32
zookoThis is the very first thing I'm doing on my new Ubuntu athlon64 system, because I want to put system files under darcs revision control before changing them.12:32
paolinojdub,are packages refreshed every six months or they follow another politics?12:32
zookoMy Radeon 9250 card isn't detected, so I want to debug that, but first put XF86Config-4 and so forth into darcs.12:32
nevynwhy darcs? why not arch?12:32
topylizooko: i see darcs with apt12:32
zookonevyn: then something is wrong!  darcs is definitely in debian.12:32
zookotopyli: thanks!  So I'm doing something wrong here...12:33
zookonevyn: darcs is sweet and simple to use, and has some unique flexbility over arch.12:33
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zookoBut I really don't understand arch very well, because it's so complicated that my eyes glaze over when I try to learn about it.12:33
nevynhrm maybe I should look at it.12:33
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nevynbut I kinda like arch12:33
nevynzooko: it's different certainly12:33
zookoI like a lot of things about arch, but I haven't ever actually tried to use it.12:34
zooko^-- my list of Software Libre revision control, generated with Extreme Lossy Semantic Compression (tm).12:34
jdubpaolino: we have six-monthly stable releases that are supported for 18 months, and in between those, we have the development branch.12:34
zookoanyway, I wonder why I don't see darcs in my apt-cache search here...12:34
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topylizooko: dunno, the package says its origin is "Ubuntu"12:35
=== zooko raises his eyebrows.
zookotopyli: so can you tell which apt-source line is necessary for you to see darcs?12:36
zookoMaybe I'm hitting a different mirror than you are or something ??12:36
topylizooko: pool/universe/d/darcs/darcs_0.9.22-1_i386.deb12:36
topyliso it's in universe12:36
zookotopyli: thanks!12:36
=== zooko investigates.
paolinojdub,I'm used to freebsd ports,that's why I ask...I have found some problems in keeping my system uptodate with debian,you think now it's better whith ubuntu?12:37
zookoI'm on AMD64.12:37
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zookoI had forgotten about the concept of binary incompatibility for a minute...12:37
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Nexinarusshit i forget my root password, hehhe12:38
zookoI always write my passwords down.12:38
zookoTaping them to the monitor is a good idea.12:38
Nexinaruswhen you install ubuntu linux, are you given a change to enter the root password? i cant remember12:38
zookoAlso storing them in the clear on a different system.12:38
nevynzooko: star merge merges a remote development tree into the local tree.12:39
zookoAnd I'm a security expert.  :-)12:39
jdubpaolino: we release every six months.12:39
zookonevyn: very interesting!12:39
ATJzooko: And you are 13 years old? ;)12:39
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zookodarn, darcs is written in Haskell, and the Haskell compiler isn't available for AMD64 I think...12:39
nevynzooko: if someone's got physical access you're screwed already.. so taping them to the monitor isn't that bad.12:40
paolinojdub thnx,I will think about changing for a while.12:40
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zookoATJ: when I was 13, I was super-careful about passwords, and I ended up losing a lot of valuable files by encrypting them and then forgetting the passphrase.12:40
zookoNow I'm older and wiser.12:40
nevynzooko: I've done that to a gpg key12:41
zooko^-- Haskell compiler built for debian-amd64.  Maybe I can dpkg -i that.12:41
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zookoActually, I didn't do that when I was 13.  More like 18.12:43
nevynzooko: I did it about then12:43
zookoWhen I was 13 I wrote minesweeper in TI 99/4a Extended BASIC.12:43
nevynnexno you're not given that oportunity12:43
zookoSo, how can I use other apt-sources on Ubuntu?12:44
Amaranthzooko: oh, i was just going to tell you that darcs works :P12:45
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zookoWhy did it say "Ign" when I pointed it to an unofficial apt-source?12:45
Amaranthbut i'm on x8612:45
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zookoMaybe I could use the debian-amd64 apt-sources.12:45
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Amaranthzooko: I wouldn't try to.12:45
zookoOh, maybe it said Ign because I pointed it to x86 apt-source.12:45
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=== zooko tries to. ;-)
AmaranthYou'd be better trying to download the specific packages you need.12:45
AmaranthUnless you know how to use pinning.12:46
zookoLet'see, now..  I was about to say I needed to remember how to configure it to not get anything from debian unless I tell it "apt-get install -t sid"...12:46
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Amaranthzooko: That'd be pinning. :P12:47
zookoNormally I remember these things by copying my old config files, but that hard drive is off-line right now for surgery...12:47
AmaranthThere's a HOWTO in the ubuntu wiki.12:47
zookoAmaranth: yes, that's what I meant.  thanks for the tip!12:47
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zookoWhee.  It's downloading darcs-amd64 from debian's "pure64" apt-source.  Wish me luck!12:48
nevynummm god help you.12:49
topyliyeah, lets keep it neutral :)12:50
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zookoWhee!  what fun!12:50
zookodaniels: I mean the AMD64 compile of darcs.12:51
topylidarn, my irc bot keeps forgetting who's boss, wont give me ops :)12:51
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AmaranthWhy you would want to use darcs is beyond me.12:52
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SmokingFireIs there anyway for me to see what version of Ubuntu I'm running? I know I can look at sources.list but I wonder if there is another easier way.12:53
roRyuname -a12:53
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enc|on|accelai need some help12:53
AmaranthroRy: That doesn't tell you.12:53
SmokingFireroRy: well that linux not the distro.12:53
enc|on|accelaconfiguring PCMCIA Wireless lan card12:53
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SmokingFireI want to see what distro version I'm running.12:54
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darkersatanicI can't get to my Ubuntu box just now,12:54
darkersatanicbut what does /etc/issue say?12:54
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Amaranth*ding ding*12:54
Amaranththat's it12:54
AmaranthUbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog" Development Branch \n \l12:54
AmaranthI'm guessing that file controls what gets show at a tty login?12:55
Amarantherr, shown12:55
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darkersatanicI think so, yes.12:55
SmokingFireAmaranth: how did you get that info?12:55
AmaranthSmokingFire: cat /etc/issue12:55
SmokingFireok thanks12:55
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topylii guess the "official" way to determine a distro these days is cat /etc/lsb-release12:56
enc|on|accelaany help on pcmcia?12:56
topylidunno if all distros respect lsb though12:56
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zookoAmaranth: I'd like to hear your opinion of darcs.12:56
SmokingFiretopyli: thats even better.12:57
Amaranthzooko: I've never used it, just going by what a GNOME guy reviewing source control systems said.12:57
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zookoDid he write down what he said so I can read it?12:58
Amaranthlooking now12:58
Amaranthi read it on planet.gnome.org and can't remember who it was12:58
Amaranthso this might take awhile12:58
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zookoGreat!  I have darcs and my bash config files.  Now to see why my graphics card isn't detected.12:59
=== zooko googles planet.gnome.org darcs
Amaranthcool, i think that found it01:00
Amaranthor not01:00
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malaclypshey, zooko! good to see you!01:01
zookoHi there!01:02
malaclypsyou're up late for a dad01:02
zookoI just installed ubuntu on my brand new, shiny Athlon64 box.01:02
zookoHa!  It's 8:00.01:02
zookoI've been up for 3 hours.01:02
zookoYOU're up late for a dad.01:02
malaclypsyowser! i didn't know ubuntu supported amd6401:03
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malaclypsi am, the family's away to disney, and my sleeping patterns have rebelled01:03
zookoHeh heh heh.01:03
zookoYeah, Ubuntu installed cleanly on AMD64 except X isn't working.01:03
zookoThen I wanted darcs revision control system and managed to snag it from the debian-amd64 apt-source without, as far as I've noticed, breaking anything else.01:04
zookoSo I'm thrilled.  Now as soon as I get X running I can see what everyone is talking about re: the December calendar image.01:04
malaclypswhat's the video card?01:04
zookoRadeon 925001:05
malaclypshunh. i've been having problems with i845g, but that's me being greedy for new releases, and hoary not quiite being there yet, i think01:05
mjrzooko, I had that problem, it's an XFree86 bug. Replace the "ati" driver string in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 with "radeon"01:06
mjralso, it's fixed in Hoary's X.org01:06
zookomjr: thanks!01:06
zookoHm.  So I *could* try "apt-get install -t hoary x.org" or some such, eh?  8-)01:06
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malaclypsi actually came online to see whether an apt-get dist-upgrade is foolhardy right now or not01:07
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malaclypsbut my plan was to just lurk and listen for screams01:07
=== zooko laughs.
=== zooko recklessly adds hoary everything to his sources.list.
zookoAmaranth: Colin Walter's objection to darcs is a good objection, and runs deep into darcs view of the universe.01:08
zookoBut it only applies to large-scale decentralized projects.01:09
Amaranthyep, thats the one, i think01:09
zookoFor small scale centralized projects such as maintaining my system config files, darcs is beautiful.01:09
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Amaranthalthough i'm almost positive there was someone that actually went through and had an acrticle for each major one01:09
Amaranthwith pluses and minuses for each01:09
zookoI'm also using darcs on a professional project that involves making proprietary extensions of the Shtoom open source VoIP software.01:09
zookoAmaranth: if you find it, please e-mail zooko@zooko.com so that I can add it to http://zooko.com/revision_control_quick_ref.html.01:10
malaclypshow's codeville coming along, do you know?01:10
Q-FUNKgnome theme spotted.01:10
zookoI just got a message from Ross Cohen re: Codeville.01:11
zookoI wrote him asking what had changed since the website was updated in Sept.01:11
zookoHe said critical bugfixes, Windows, port, he would make new release Real Soon Now, and I should fix my quick ref to be more complete and correct.01:11
zookoBecause of my recent discovery, thanks to Colin Walters among others, of darcs's deep limitation for large-scale decentralization, I'm increasingly interested in monotone and codeville.01:12
zookoAnd arch, but only because I have to be.01:12
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zookoSo arch's star merge is what I have been calling "cherry-picking of patches", then?01:19
=== zooko googles star merge.
theineWhere can I submit bug-reports?01:19
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zookoHm.  I think hoary's x.org locked up my system.01:19
theineCan't find a link in on the Ubuntu homepage01:20
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Seveastheine: check if it is already filed at bugzilla.ubuntu.com, if it is not maybe discuss the bug in the ubuntu-devel list or file it in the bugzilla.01:20
SeveasOn the homepage: support -> bugs01:20
theineAlright, thanks01:21
theineAnd yes, this bug already has been filed01:23
Amaranth"Unix for stability; Macs for productivity; Palm for mobility; Windows for Solitaire"01:23
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lupus_is there something like ac3 but open (without patents like ogg)01:27
Amaranthwhat is ac3?01:28
Amaranthoh, dolby digital01:29
Amaranthso you need surround sound, right?01:29
=== stevecarter [~stephen@modem-1523.fruitbat.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
zookoSo, how do you get rid of a linux process that won't go away with SIGKILL?01:31
Amaranthzooko: its a zombie01:31
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zookoIt's xorg, by the way...01:31
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Amaranthzooko: init will hopefully eventually pick up on it and kill it, otherwise you need to reboot01:31
Amaranthby eventually i mean in a couple hours :P01:32
zookoAmaranth: so I shouldn't have SIGKILL'ed gdm first.01:32
=== zooko reboots.
Amaranthkill -9 is the same as kill -SIGKILL, right?01:32
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Amaranththen its a zombie :P01:33
stevecarterHi - I am completely new to ubuntu and have a problem. I have installed it succesfully on a laptop which is connected to a LAN which has Windows computers on it. When I try to check the button in Network Configuration that will allow Windows Network sharing, I get a message that states "SMB Support not available - please install SMB support in system"  I do not have the foggiest idea how to do this. Can someone help please?01:33
nevynumm you need to start the software installer program. but I don't know exactly where it is in ubuntu.01:34
nevynyou could type "sudo apt-get install samba" at a commandline and that'd probably do it tho.01:35
stevecarternevyn: how do I get a command line? (I told you I was new at this :-/)01:36
taurexstevecarter, are you a chef by any chance?01:36
zookoOkay, this time I killed xorg first -- while leavind gdm alone, but it *still* goes zombie.01:36
marsjaysi'm thinking about switching to ubuntu (using debian unstable now). is there some kind of "ubuntu unstable" with more or less bleeding edge software?01:36
Amaranthzooko: um01:37
stevecartertaurex: no - sorry.01:37
zookomarsjays: in a word, yes.01:37
nevynmarsjays: hoary01:37
Amaranthzooko: type this into a terminal: /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:37
pisukemarsjays, horay01:37
jdubmarsjays: there is the development branch for each release.01:37
jdubmarsjays: which is currently called hoary01:37
zookoI just installed ubuntu warty (the stable) and then pulled a few bleeding edge packages from debian-amd64 unstable.01:37
zookoAmaranth: thanks.01:37
nevynsomeone using ubuntu tell stevecarter the way to get to synaptic.01:37
jdubcomputer > system configuration > synaptic01:37
Amaranthstevecarter: Computer > System Configuration > Synaptic Package Manager01:38
nevynthanks jdub :)01:38
Amaranthdoh, beaten01:38
marsjaysokay, thanks01:38
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stvn-unihi, i just updated hoary and now gdm won't start01:40
zookoHeh.  Amaranth: gdm stop hung.  Rebooting again.  :-)_01:40
stvn-unisomething about se_linux, still searching for the exact error msg01:40
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Amaranthwait, why are you killing gdm and xorg anyway?01:40
nevynstevecarter: get that?01:40
stevecarterOK folks - I have found that - there seems to be a smb client already installed, but not smb support - any idea where I find it?01:41
nevyndo you need smb-server to mount samba shares?01:41
Amaranthstevecarter: You want to do internet connection sharing?01:41
stvn-unianyone else has problems with the latest hoary?01:41
nevynAmaranth: he wants to access windows shares.01:42
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maswanAny known horrible showstoppers in the latest daily hoary install cd?01:43
nevynI don't have these things.. I don't know if you need samba server to acces shares. I didn't think you did01:43
stevecarterAmaranth: As nevyn has surmised, I want to access windows shares on other machines on the LAN and ubuntu seems to need SMB support to do this.01:43
nevynstevecarter: do you have samba-common installed?01:43
jdubstevecarter: it doesn't.01:43
nevynand the smbfs package?01:43
jdubstevecarter: that page is for serving, not for access.01:43
maswan(for amd64)01:43
jdubstevecarter: just go to computer > network01:44
nevynjdub: AH.01:44
nevynI knew there was something wrong.01:44
Amaranthheh, that doesn't do anything here01:44
Amaranthnothing opens, no errors01:44
Amaranthi guess its because i'm a network of one, me and my router :)01:45
Amaranthor maybe its because of bugs, ack01:45
nevynjdub: should it be there if you havn't installed samba or selected "windows fileserver" or whatever in the installer/package manager?01:45
=== Amaranth kicks nautilus
jdubnevyn: it's just part of the networking dialogue01:46
Amaranthnevyn: It's a part of the ubuntu-desktop system.01:46
AmaranthIt should be there just by having ubuntu-desktop installed, which everyone here should have. :P01:46
jdubsamba isn't01:46
stvn-unihm, this se_linux thing, does it need to have kernel 2.6.9?01:46
nevynthat's a reasonable thing...01:47
Amaranthno, the network button01:47
nevynsleep time.01:47
Amaranthit uses nautilus, which is fubar on my machine :/01:47
stevecarterOK folks - going to Computer > network produces a network folder in which the other computers reside, together with an icon labelled Windows Network. If I try to access the computers, I get a message saying that the folder contents cannot be displayed as I do not have the necessary permissions. If I choose the Windows Network icon, it takes me to the network, which in turn takes me to the computers, but I still get no joy because 01:49
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=== Amaranth kicks windows networks
Amaranthno clue01:50
Amaranthi'd say its a problem with those computers, not you01:50
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CraHandoes anyone know how I can make openoffice think that I'm running gnome?01:53
spiritzwhats ur problem?01:53
stvn-uni'failed to start message bus: Attribute "if_selinux_enabled" is invalid on <include> element in the context' in my .xsession-errors file01:53
stvn-uniand gdm fails to login01:53
CraHanI'm using openbox as my wm and I'm not starting gnome-session, and I want to make openoffice use the new gtk filechooser01:53
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CraHanit only uses the new gtk filechooser when gnome is running.  I think it's some environment var I need to set, but I'm not sure01:54
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martinkCraHan: IIRC there's an override environment variable. Read /usr/share/doc/openoffice.org/README.Debian01:57
CraHanmartink: thanks01:58
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CraHanworked like a charm martink02:02
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zookoAmaranth: I'm trying to stop gdm and xorg because xorg locks up.02:04
zookoI've got it now.  Removin /etc/rc2.d/*gdm* and rebooting.02:04
Amaranthif xorg fails to start gdm will tell you and then drop to a tty02:05
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zookoAmaranth: no, xorg hangs and can't be killed no matter what.02:09
zookoanyway, i don't really want gdm to start02:10
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zookoHm.  I think part of the problem might be that my monitor can't handle 1024x768, but when I run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, it doesn't prompt me for which resolutions I'll try.02:16
=== Skwid_ [Skwid1@stlaurent-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
GotD0tzooko then manually edit the file once its been configured02:17
zookoOoh, xserver-xfree86 hasn't been uninstalled!02:17
GotD0tzooko: that might do it02:17
fabbionehey lamont02:18
tckzooko : remove the .0lock file from /tmp directory02:18
=== _axel [~axel@92.Red-212-170-14.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
tckthen try to restart X02:18
_axelhi, how do i make cdrecord run setuid root? i tried dpkg-reconfigure cdrecord but it didnt prompt me for anything02:19
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zookotck: thanks for the tip.02:20
zookotck: err, but this doesn't seem like a good idea when there is still a zombie xorg process.02:20
=== Sirius_Black [~SiriusBla@host81-134-18-207.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu
tckwell if Xorg aint working02:21
tckwants the harm02:21
tckare u in tty at the mo02:22
Sirius_Blackhi guys - can some tell me how to do a basic ubuntu insatll from the CD, i.e. no X stuff etc, just basic install02:22
tckor its called .0Xlock file02:22
tcksomething like that02:22
tcknot using linux at mo :/02:22
zookoSirius_Black: I just relearned how to turn off gdm.  Why don't you do that?02:23
sladenSirius_Black: "custom" at the install prompt02:23
Sirius_Blackzooko: i dont have a problem with gdm and i know hoe to 'turn it off'.  I was wanderng how to do a basic install only02:23
GotD0tzooko: because having to turn it off means that its already installed in his computer...02:23
Sirius_Blacksladen: tnx02:23
GotD0tzooko: which is im sure something he wanted to avoid02:24
=== ulysse31 [~ulysse31@ALyon-209-2-1-78.w80-14.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ulysse31i have a stand alone pc without internet connection02:26
ulysse31i have smp02:27
ulysse31how to get the 2.6 compiled kernel version02:27
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ulysse31i need the deb package02:27
Treenaksulysse31: you have it by default02:28
ulysse31are you sure ?02:28
GotD0tulysse31: uhh... its installed from the cd... you shouldn't need an internet connection02:28
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ulysse31i don't know in fact smp02:28
ulysse31it's for my friend02:29
Treenaksulysse31: oh smp02:29
Treenaksulysse31: just apt-get install the smp image.. you can find it with synaptic or apt-cache search02:29
Treenaksulysse31: it's included on the CD, so it'll ask for the CD02:29
GotD0tjust out of curiousity, what does he do with a computer thats not connected to the internet02:29
malaclypsnethack. gotta be nethack.02:30
Treenaksnethack is the bomb!02:30
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ulysse31is there a way to see the complete package list on the cd ?02:31
ulysse31please please, ... :)02:32
Treenaksulysse31: ls -lR ?02:32
zookocrawl!  i like crawl.02:33
ulysse31i'm at learning center now02:33
GotD0tWOAH... IBM is looking for a buyer for their PC unit02:33
ulysse31i haven't ubuntu here02:33
=== intinig [intinig@213-92-106-69.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu
Treenaksulysse31: just browse around on the CD then?02:33
intinighello all02:33
intinigI messed up02:33
intinigInstalled ubuntu02:33
intinig(I'm Italian)02:33
GotD0tand that matters... how?02:34
intinigand didn't notice it used a different keyboard layout when I chose the password02:34
GotD0toh gotcha02:34
intinigthen I was unable to login02:34
intinigso I ctrl+alt+f102:34
intinigand was able to login in a console02:34
intinigwhat did I do?02:34
intinigand chose the right layout02:34
intinigbut then I didn't know the password!02:34
ulysse31check this : http://glua.ua.pt/mirror/dists/ubuntu/releases/4.10/warty-release-install-i386.list02:35
intinigand now I can't find what was the original pass02:35
ulysse31i can't find the smp version of linux kernel ?02:35
GotD0ti think you can get into a root console by rebooting using the recovery mode and then change it through there02:35
intinigI'll try02:35
KamionGotD0t: best roguelike ever02:36
GotD0tKamion: excuse me?02:36
Kamion13:31 < GotD0t> nethack?02:36
ulysse31i need your help :)02:36
GotD0tKamion: rogue like?02:36
Kamionrogue was an ASCII-based dungeon exploration / killing monsters game02:36
=== omnivector [~tristan@roc-66-67-216-162.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
omnivectorhey guys. anyone here installed ubuntu on a dual g5?02:37
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GotD0tomnivector: i wish i had the luxury of being able to do that02:37
KamionGotD0t: nethack is its spiritual descendant; viciously hard to win02:37
zookoI like the roguelike crawl so much that I wrote a non-trivial patch for it to change the behavior of Xom, the God of Chaos.02:37
omnivectorGotD0t: heh well me too :) if i can get the installer to boot02:38
sjoerdomnivector: recent dual G5 or the first generation02:38
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omnivectorsjoerd: dual 2.5 (most recent)02:38
ulysse31i need this package : linux-image-
GotD0tomnivector: did you download the power pc iso?02:38
sjoerdomnivector: won't work02:38
GotD0tomnivector: where do you live... i plan to rob your hosue02:38
omnivectorGotD0t: i have the official pressed powerpc disk for warty02:39
sjoerdomnivector: friend of mine also has such a machine. You need a 64 bit kernel for that apparently02:39
omnivectorsjoerd: ahh.. well then.02:39
GotD0tsjoerd: all g5's are 64 bit...02:39
omnivectorgotcha. oh well. said on the back "-power4 for Apple G5"02:39
zookoalas, neither turning down resolution to 800x600 nor changing driver from "ati" to "radeon" fixes my xorg.02:39
sjoerdGotD0t: DOH, but they can still run 32 bit code02:39
omnivectori tried "expert -power4"02:39
GotD0tsjoerd: but the question is why do the new generation ones don't work and the old ones do02:40
zookoI'll try turning off all X modules.02:40
sjoerdGotD0t: because the older generation booted with a 32 bit kernel and the new ones don't02:40
intinigGotD0t: Thanks it worked02:40
GotD0tsjoerd: gotcha02:40
intiniggonna log on the ubuntu box now, thanks02:40
GotD0tintinig: not a problem02:40
GotD0tok well i have to finish getting ready for class02:41
GotD0tsee ya all later02:41
omnivectorsjoerd: you sure about that? the kernel in panther is 32bit02:41
zookoOh wait, first I'll try using framebuffer.02:41
zookoNope, that didn't work.02:41
omnivectoroh well. gotta run02:42
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sjoerdomnivector: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=213702:44
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intinigHi all02:46
intinigconnected from the ubuntu box now :)02:46
intinigis there a gui way to change res?02:46
intinigI mean :D02:46
zookowaaaitaminute.  Running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't change /etc/X11/xorg.conf...  Hm.02:46
Kamionsjoerd: it varies - we got the xserve g5s that serve as the Ubuntu powerpc buildds to work with ppc32 with a relatively small kernel patch02:46
Kamionzooko: have you changed that file yourself?02:47
GotD0tintinig: just a suggestion, you might want to password protect that recovery mode option... so someoen can't just get into that and mess with your entire system02:47
KamionGotD0t: if they have physical access they can do what they like anyway ...02:47
intinigGotD0t, I'm at home and my brother and my sister can get killed if they try to touch my box. ;)02:47
GotD0tyea... thats what i was suggesting you protect against02:48
sjoerdKamion: don't know the exact issues, but a 64 bit kernel (gentoo live cd) boots02:48
intinigGotD0t, :)02:48
ulysse31i try to download this package but its size is just 20kb02:48
Kamionsjoerd: it's usually possible to backport the changes from what I can tell. Most of the new machine support happens in the ppc64 branch first, though.02:48
GotD0tok im out02:48
zookoKamion: yes02:48
Kamionzooko: did you read the directions at the top of xorg.conf?02:48
intinigwow I was running at 1920x14002:49
intinigwow I was running at 1920x140002:49
=== zooko quickly reads them.
intinigthat's not a good resolution for my poor eyes02:49
Kamionunder "If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated again ..."02:49
intinig1600x1200 is better02:49
Seveasulysse31: , that is because it is a meta-package02:49
Sirius_Blackcan someone please remind me how to create a root account02:50
ulysse31how to get the whole package ?02:50
Seveasit only contains dependencies to the real image02:50
=== zooko purges and reinstalls xserver-xorg.
Seveassudo aptitude install linux-686-smp02:50
sjoerdKamion: nice.. But my friend isn't die-hard enough to do that :)02:50
ulysse31i haven't ubuntu here02:50
intinigfirst impression: ubuntu looks really cool02:50
ulysse31and my friend doesn't have internet connection at his home02:50
Seveaswait a sec02:51
Sirius_Blackis it #sudo root passwd02:51
Kamionsjoerd: when I did it I didn't have much choice; it was that, or Warty would've had no powerpc support at all02:51
ulysse31i just need to manually download the smp kernel package02:51
Seveasi386 or i686?02:51
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titbreadhow do i activate universe?02:52
roRyedit the file /etc/apt/sources.list02:52
intinigI wanted to ask titbread's question too02:52
titbreadthank you02:52
roRyuncomment the lines ending in universe02:52
titbreadi do that with sudo nano?02:53
sjoerdKamion: yeah :) i personally would be crazy enough to do stuff like that, but he isn't..02:53
titbreadwhat do i use to save? is it control+c?02:53
eruinanyone know a way to playback a dvd-r image on linux?02:54
eruinwithout burning it to disc..02:54
ulysse31Seveas ?02:54
titbreadis kde availible to ubuntu?02:54
intinigubuntu doesn't come with a c compiler?02:54
restrexkde sox02:54
spiritztitbread : no officially but you can install kde debian pakcage. Works fine02:54
Kamionintinig: sure, gcc02:55
titbreadspiritz, how can i do that?02:55
Kamionintinig: not installed by default, but it's on the CD02:55
spiritzrestrex : would you mind explainning why02:55
kenteruin, do you have the .vob-files?  i just play those with totem, vlc or mplayer02:55
spiritztitbread : as debian reposites in synaptic, then enable then and install kde packages02:55
restrexno, i don't want to explain u that02:55
intinigKamion, apt-get install gcc?02:55
Kamionintinig: sure02:55
spiritzrestrex : Ok I see the kind of people u are02:55
restrexok :P02:56
restrexdo u know why kde isn't on ubuntu?02:56
Kamionintinig: might want to install build-essential to get various other fundamental development tools02:56
Kamionrestrex: because we only have the resources to support one major desktop environment.02:56
roRyrestrex, probably because its aimed at users02:56
roRythat 2 i guess02:56
titbreadspiritz,  my linux computer doesnt have access to the internet, is there anyway i can download kde and get it onto the ubuntu box via a cd for instance or a usb pen drive?02:57
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kentWill Gnome system tools include support for sharing over samba in Hoary?02:57
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Kamionkent: gnome-user-share's already in hoary02:57
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marsjaystitbread: you could probably get the packages from debian.org, burn them to a cd, and install on the ubuntu box02:57
spiritztitbread : you should go on the kde website then in the download section there should be ftp reposites where you can download all the required .deb files02:58
jdubKamion: differen thing02:58
kentKamion, oh. Thats the program they are discussing on gnome-desktop-devel right?  It sounds great! :)02:58
cenerentolahi there02:58
titbreadspiritz,  thanks02:58
jdubKamion: there's a sharing tool misplaced in the system menu02:58
cenerentolajdub: what about the mailing list thing?02:58
Kamionjdub: ah, ok02:58
jdubcenerentola: sorry?02:58
jdubKamion: g-u-s does zeroconf and webdav stuff02:58
marsjaystitbread: but be sure to check out that all dependencies are met (on every debian package page there is a list of dependencies, packages you must have for that one to work)02:58
cenerentolajdub: today's query02:58
jdubcenerentola: i don't know what you're talking about02:59
cenerentolajdub: ok..02:59
titbreadmarsjays,  im a linux newbie so this is kinda over my head02:59
cenerentolajdub: i queried you asking if it was possible...02:59
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wood1Is there anybody using Hoary ?02:59
jdubcenerentola: what was possible?03:00
kentjdub, isn't it the same? i thought it was gnome-user-share they are discussing?03:00
Kamionjdub: right03:00
spiritzwood1 : I do03:00
wood1Can somebody help me with Hoary? I can't upgrade in Hoary03:00
marsjaystitbread: ok.. well, in that case i'm not sure you should do it that way at all.. umm.. it would probably be better to download and burn the debian cd images with kde, and add them to your sources.list (could probably do that with synaptic)03:00
jdubkent: no, different things03:00
spiritzexplain ur problem03:00
spiritztitbread : marsjays is right03:01
cenerentolajdub: what about it then?03:01
titbreadspiritz, Ok then I think I might just download debian and install that03:01
jakkamule or xmule???03:01
jdubcenerentola: what?03:01
spiritztitbread : the easiest way would be to temporary connect ur box to internet03:02
cenerentolajdub: the automatically sent mail, is it possible to have it?03:02
spiritzthen it takes just a few minutes03:02
titbreadok well I will be gettin a network cable next thursday03:02
titbreadso I can try then03:02
jdubcenerentola: please explain what you're talking about03:02
jdubcenerentola: what kind of automatically sent mail?03:02
cenerentolacenerentola having a mail sent to every new subscriber of the mailing list03:02
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cenerentolaevery gentle one: who knows why xmms freeze when i tell it to play a shoutcast stream?03:03
jdubcenerentola: there's an optino for that in the mailman admin interface03:04
cenerentolajdub: actually, i know it can be done..03:04
jdubcenerentola: if you provide the text for the original mail, i can put it in.03:04
cenerentolajust can you do... ok03:04
cenerentolajdub: many thanks03:04
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=== zooko sighs.
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cenerentolano clue for the xmms problem i have?03:08
deFryskcenerentola, set sound output to esound03:08
palle1what does this mean, i get it at sometimes at the startup: ror: temporary failure in name resolution03:08
deFryskof xmms03:08
Amaranthanyone else have all their gstreamer based programs completely fail to play anything?03:09
palle1and when i get that message i can't connect to internet...03:09
Amaranthpalle1: You failed to connect to the DHCP server?03:09
deFryskAmaranth, try totem-xine instead03:09
cenerentolano... it DOES bufer...03:09
palle1amaranth: okay, and why does it fail? an error in linux?03:09
cenerentola*f* but then it doesnt play03:09
Amaranthpalle1: No idea, I'd be more willing to blame the server you're connecting to. (router, ISP?)03:10
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cenerentoladefrysk: where?03:10
AmaranthdeFrysk: Sure, but that doesn't fix Rhythmbox. :P03:10
deFryskcenerentola, dit you set output to esound ?03:10
palle1amaranth: i don't use a router... there is a very strange thing though...03:10
cenerentolaim behind a router actually..03:11
deFryskrightklick topbar of xmms .> prefs03:11
cenerentoladefrysk: what do you mean with output? drive? i cant find an esound driver03:11
cenerentolaahhh... right you're right..03:11
cenerentolayep i removed it..03:12
palle1every time i try to connect to internet in windows at the beginning i can connect but it's VERY slow and after a while i loose the connection entirely, and it's often after that it fails in lixux03:12
cenerentolaok thx03:12
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deFryskdo apply and ok and retry03:12
deFryskshut down xmms first03:12
deFryskthen try again03:12
palle1any1 know what it can be?03:12
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cenerentoladefrysk: thank you very much03:13
deFryskcenerentola, yw03:13
wood1spiritz, I am getting errors related to OpenOffice.org while uprading in Hoary03:14
intinigquick question: I installed vim-gnome, why can't see it in the applications menu? (I can launch it from a terminal)03:14
jdubintinig: we prefer not to put stuff like that in the menu03:14
intinigjdub, I have to add it manually?03:15
jdubintinig: if you want to -> perhaps just add a launcher on the panel03:15
wood1Can somebody help me regarding the problem of OpenOffice.org in Hoary ?03:15
intinigjdub, actually that's what I wanted to do :)03:16
jdubintinig: right click, add to panel... :)03:16
eruinpalle1: you should talk to your isp03:16
eruinor rather *yell* at your isp03:16
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jonohi all03:16
jonowhat does System.map do?03:17
Kamionwood1: it's a known bug; welcome to hoary03:17
Kamionjono: it's a map of the positions of symbols in the kernel, for use by things like depmod and ksymoops03:17
wood1Kamion, what should I do now that I can't get past:  apt-get upgrade   ?03:17
Kamionwood1: wait 'til it's fixed?03:18
Kamionjono: http://www.dirac.org/linux/system.map/03:18
wood1Is there any other commands for bypassing: apt-get upgrade   ?03:18
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jonoKamion, cheers :)03:19
intinigI don't know if it's ubuntu or gnome2.803:19
intinigbut I'm falling in love with it03:19
Kamionwood1: you could just not upgrade for a bit ... this is a development version, stuff does go wrong03:19
jdubintinig: it's a clever combination of the two. like lime and chilli.03:19
intinigmandrake 10.1 left me pondering if linux was still worth using now what I have a powerbook03:19
wood1But the thing is that I can't even open any applications from OpenOffice in Hoary03:20
wood1Now that's a problem03:20
eruinintinig: probably a combination plus the tight gnome/ubuntu integration M)03:20
eruinI use osx on my lappy and ubuntu on my desktop03:21
jduberuin: we'll fix that soon.03:21
eruinjdub: I'm sure you will ;)03:21
intinigwell the road to OSX is still long (perfection)03:21
intinigbut this is way cool03:21
eruinwell, I wouldn't call osx perfect03:22
eruinI hate cocoa among other things :P03:22
intinigeruin, I love it, I guess it's a matter of personal preference03:22
eruinbut it's gotten further in the "just works" department03:22
eruingranted, osx only have to support one arch03:22
intinighmmm how do I upgrade to firefox103:22
intinigI agree on the just works department03:23
jduband the coherent apis department03:23
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intinigit really really just works03:23
wezzerintinig: try search on ubuntu forum03:23
intinigyou can focus on doing what you want to do03:23
intinigwezzer, thx03:23
eruinintinig: a bit boring not being able to apt-get dist-upgrade every other day to see which improvements ahve been made, though :)03:24
eruinI think it's starting to become an obsession here03:24
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wood1Does somebody here has expertise in MySQL ?03:25
Neilldefine expertise03:26
KamionNeill: history suggests that it means "can answer his question"; could be any level03:26
wood1Well what is the first step to get MySQL running ?03:26
wezzerintinig: did you found it?03:27
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topyliwood1: install it, and it's running :)03:27
Neillwood1: apt-get install mysql-server03:27
intinigwezzer, yes and I decided to upgrade to hoary03:27
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intinighow stable is hoary?03:28
eruinthat's very relative03:28
eruinrock solid here03:28
agenteoI've copied the ubuntu config- as the .config file of the kernel I was going to build. I've modified the more then 1GB option than I've compiled, and installed the kernel but I assume something is wrong cause at the boot it tells that VFS can't find the root03:29
eruinapart from an upstream text-selection bug in evolution03:29
jdubintinig: stable, no, it changes every day; robust, fairly.03:29
Kamionintinig: expect plenty of upgrade problems for a while yet03:29
titbreaddoes ubuntu come with apache running already?03:29
topyliintinig: it's unstable, it's different every day. but it's mostly stable, no kernel crashes :)03:29
tridionanybody else running on vmware on a winxp host?03:29
jdubtitbread: no03:29
titbreadbecause when I try and load http://localhost nothing comes up03:29
eruin(you won't notice the evo bug unless you frantically select text in a message while reading it)03:29
wood1Neill, how much space will MySQL occupy ?03:29
titbreadjdub,  how do I activate it?03:29
agenteotitbread: you just need to apt-get install it03:30
jdubtitbread: apt-get install apache203:30
eruinapt-get install apache203:30
intinigI love living bleeding edge, as long as it's usable :)03:30
titbreadah im gettin rid of this distro it sucks big balls, comes wiv gnome and no apache! NO WAY03:30
titbreadnot for me03:30
Neillwood1: the server it self will occupy very little.03:30
jdubintinig: it's "dogfoodable"03:30
Neill(maybe 50mb?)03:30
eruintitbread: cya03:30
wood1I see03:30
Neillpotentially you could have large databases03:30
jdubtitbread: apache is a fully supported package, it's just not installed by default in the *desktop* install.03:30
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NeillWhat is it you are trying to do?03:30
intinigtitbread, do you play everquest2?03:30
wood1What is the first step to build a database ?03:30
tcktitbread : go grow a brain03:31
intinigI think titbread plays the troll in eq203:31
eruinhow fitting03:31
Treenakswood1: install the postgresql (or mysql.. if you're so inclined) package03:31
wood1You see, I have database knowledge only of MS-Access03:31
intinigjdub, is dogfoodable a bad thing or a good thing?03:31
jdubintinig: it means it's usable for day-to-day testing03:31
wood1Treenaks, what's the difference between postgresql and simply MySQL ?03:32
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Treenakswood1: they're 2 different database systems, each with its good and bad points03:32
intinigwhat do I get in hoary that I don't get in warty and is way cool?03:32
jdubyou get to test gnome 2.903:33
topyliwood1: mysql is a server, you'll have to worry about actually using it yourself. get a gui, or a web interface, or use the command line tool.03:33
wood1After installing MySQL, what is the first step to create a simple Database ?03:33
Neillmysql -u root03:33
Neillwhich should get you a prompt03:33
Neillthen do03:33
Neillcreate database mydatabase03:33
wood1Wow, a web interface, do we have to actually create the Web Interface in the first place03:34
tridionjdub: is gnome 2.9 default in hoary?  I'm installing it atm.03:34
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intinigwood1, phpmysqladmin03:34
Gandalfarany ideas how to make external usb burner work?03:34
topyliwood1: no, you can install phpmyadmin03:34
jdubtridion: there is only gnome 2.903:34
zookoWhee!  Thanks #ubuntu!03:34
tridionjdub: cool..  thanks.03:34
intinighmm I am really undecided on whether to install hoary or stick with warty and hack a bit to install ffox1.003:35
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wood1How do I exit from the MySQL command prompt ?03:36
Treenakswood1: ctrl+d;03:36
topyliwood1: if you're looking for a ms access replacement, it's going to be difficult03:36
wood1I did: mysql -u root and got: mysql>03:37
eruinfetch phpmyadmin for starters03:37
topyliwood1: what did you use access for?03:37
wood1I did:   mysql>create database mydatabase03:37
wood1Now I am stuck03:37
Treenakswood1: ; <enter>03:37
wood1I used MS-Access for creating a small Database for tech support entries03:38
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wood1Is there any front-end GUI for MySQL to create database like those of MS-Access ?03:38
intinigwood1, no03:38
topyliwood1: the reason i am asking is perhaps you don't need an industrial-strength database, but something like gaby or the openoffice database thingy03:39
wood1I don't see an OpenOffice database thing ?03:39
topyliwood1: it's in all the openoffice apps, in tools -> data sources03:40
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wood1It has all the things similar to MS-Office but does not seem to my knowledge a database application03:40
topyliwood1: it's openoffice's best kept secret :)03:40
intinigok I made up my mind, where can I download hoary?03:40
wood1Oh really03:40
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topyliwood1: sure. open the spreadsheet and see tools -> data sources. create your databases there03:41
topyliyou can also connect to mysql with it but i'm not sure if you need it03:42
spiritzintinig : edit your source.list and change warty to hoary, then start synapti and choose 'upgrade'03:42
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wood1Can I import MS-Access database from OpenOffice ?03:43
topyliwood1: dunno, i don't think so. there might be tools to convert access files to something standard03:44
intinigspiritz, so simple?03:45
wood1Ok how do I create a Simple Database with a primary key and some fields ?03:45
intinigdoes hoary use x.org?03:45
spiritzyes if you want03:46
spiritzI kept xfree because Ati driver lacks x.org support03:46
intinigI have an ati too. Is the ati driver installed by default?03:46
spiritzby default the mesa driver is installed03:46
spiritzit's a video driver without hardware acceleration support03:47
intinigI noticed that :(03:47
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spiritzif you want to install your ati driver, install search for fglrx in synaptic03:47
spiritzits ati driver's name03:48
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topyliwood1: let me find you garry's nice tutorial03:48
topyliwood1: here: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/garryknight/linux/oodbase.html03:49
meffis there anything on the ubuntu wiki showing why hoary is going utf-8 and whats good about it?03:50
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mojohi every103:51
mojoI just played around with HelixPlayer and RealPlayer03:51
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mojoI also compile the latest nightly build 01/12/200403:51
mojoanyone need latest Hxplayer or RealPlayer03:51
mojoplease PM me03:51
jdubmeff: it means users don't have to muck around with all kinds of different encodings03:51
meffthanks but i'll stick with my beloved mplayer :)03:51
=== Pitr <3 mplayer.exe
mojowait wait, and my RealPlayer build also suppoer MPEG4!!!03:52
mojoso no buggy playing with Totem anymore03:52
meffjdub: i guess i dont understand fonts that well .. can you elaborate?03:52
meffso does mplayer mojo03:53
meffi can play literally anythnig in mplayer03:53
mojomeff: I love mplayer too, but I want some thing that is GTK2 man03:53
meffi dont use gmplayer mojo.. so it doesnt matter to me03:53
meffi have a bunch of bash aliases for mplayer just  how i like :)03:54
jdubmeff: it's not just fonts.03:54
mojomeff: with me, I favor a complete GTK2 dekstop solution, no MIX stuff here!03:54
topylimojo: so, what does realplayer support these days?03:54
tcki dont like football but damn this is funny http://www.repubblica.it/popup/servizi/2004/video/calcio_wm.html03:54
tcksorry off topic i know03:54
jdubmeff: every single character you interact with is encoded somehow, whether it's ascii or utf-803:54
mojotopyli: all Helix codec, RealAudio, new Quicktime codec, MPEG4, MPEG303:54
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jdubmeff: utf-8 is designed to cover everything03:54
Moofjdub: "nearly" everything03:55
zookoWhee!  Now I have an Ubuntu warty with working X.03:55
sirfredHi. An strange thing. The compose window of evolution is missing some icons on Hoary. Is that a known problem?03:55
wood1I forgot but what was the command for installing MP3 support for Rythmbox ?03:55
Moofjdub: it doesn't officality support klingon or quenya03:55
tckutf-8 encoding allows for any chars as far as i know03:55
zookoNow to uninstall all Gnome packages and Gnome libraries...03:55
topylimojo: not bad. is mpeg3 same as divx?03:55
topylimojo: i mean mpeg403:55
sirfredThe undo button, the search one, and more.03:56
mojotopyli: MPEG4 yeah, can play divx, xvid and other standards rock!03:56
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topylimojo: so was it had to build?03:56
topylihard even. damn i'm a bad typist today03:56
deFryskwood1, apt-get install gstreamer-mad03:56
mojotoplyli: yeah, if u build them by urself, RealPlayer will be able to play MPEG4, the official package doesn't support MPEG403:57
meffhmm now only if evolution in hoary worked :(03:57
topylimojo: might be something to do over the weekend :)03:58
zookoI hear that in the next version after Hoary, Ubuntu will dump Gnome and replace it with ratpoison and screen.03:58
wezzerzooko: oh no03:58
meffzooko: lol03:58
zookoHm.  Whenever I exit from X, the terminal is all screwed up...03:59
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zookoI'll try *not* using framebuffer...03:59
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jonoif I copy my .config file from a 2.4 kernel toi /usr/src/linux and use 'make oldconfig' in kernel 2.6, will it convert the .config to the new .config format?04:02
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sirfredLately, I find the subpixeling has got worse. I think it's worse in Hoary than in Warty.04:02
sirfredI'm using x.org in Hoary04:02
Roptatysirfred: You are using an lcd display right?04:03
sirfredRoptaty: Yes.04:03
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sirfredRoptaty: The colour subpixeling is too visible, I think.04:03
Roptatysirfred: In my case, the autohinter was responsible for that, so i disabled it.04:04
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sirfredRoptaty: Where could that be made?04:04
Roptatysirfred: Comment out a section in /etc/fonts/local.conf thats referring to autohint04:04
sirfredRoptaty: Let's see04:04
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sirfred  <match target="font">04:05
sirfred    <edit name="autohint" mode="assign">04:05
sirfred      <bool>true</bool>04:05
sirfred    </edit>04:05
sirfred  </match>04:05
sirfredRoptaty: Perhaps setting it to false ?04:05
muluxdpkg don't want to handle my XF86Config-4, because I edited it manually. So when I run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 it doesn't overwrite my config, how can I make it overwrite it?04:06
Roptatysirfred: You can also do that yes, but its quite simple to just add <!-- and --> to it04:06
sirfredRoptaty: Thanks.04:06
Roptatysirfred: <!-- before <match> and --> after </match>04:06
Kamionmulux: read the comments at the top of the file04:06
Kamionmulux: they explain exactly what to do04:06
Roptatysirfred: Then relogin to gnome and see if it helped04:07
muluxKamion: ahh, thanks!04:07
zookowhat's the best package management front end?  I usually use apt-get, apt-cache, etc., but it offers no convenient way to purge libgnome2 and all packages that depend on it.04:07
sirfredRoptaty: I've disabled it with dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig04:07
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HcEanybody got a good tip for a terminal in X? Currently using aterm with minimalistic frame and some transperancy. Would like something in the same style...04:09
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zookoHm.  This synaptic thing is kind of nice.04:10
zookoIt is removing all gnome packages for me.04:10
zookoUnfortunately, that is soon going to require removing itself...04:10
LiamHHcE: take a look at http://lwn.net/Articles/88161/04:10
HcEthanks =)04:11
Amaranthzooko: It'll run in memory until you close it.04:11
AmaranthAs will GNOME.04:11
zenlunaticDoes ubuntu have a powerpc livecd?04:12
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jdubzenlunatic: no04:12
jdubzenlunatic: hopefully for our next release :)04:12
amerhey, can any1 give a mplayer-install-for-dummies guide? :)04:13
zookoAmaranth: I knew that.  (Although it might cause some cruft to be left in the filesystem.)  I was just thinking maybe I should reconsider removing all Gnome since synaptic isn't bad.04:13
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zenlunaticWell does anyone know of powerpc livecds with gnome 2.8/cvs and kde 3.3/3.4/cvs?04:13
AmaranthWell, you can reinstall synaptic and it'll only install the gnome libs it needs to work.04:13
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Amaranthzenlunatic: Is there a PPC Ubuntu Live CD?04:13
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AmaranthI doubt you'll find one with both GNOME and KDE though, unless they leave mostly everything else out.04:14
amercan anyone help me install mplayer? im a total noob and i cant seem to follow a guide to well04:14
zookosweet.  synaptic was very nice.  It has come a long way since last time I tried it.04:15
zookoOkay!  Now I have a 100% Gnome-free desktop with ratpoison, screen, and xterm.  Now I guess I'll go ahead and install firefox or galeon or something and let a few gnome libs sneak back in...04:16
wood1Can somebody provide me with some good and useful site containing the Basics of:  MySQL ?04:16
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zookoHm.  galeon didn't install.  epiphany-browser then.04:16
zookoI love how good package management allows me to be fickle and change software like I change socks.04:17
zookoActually, even MORE frequently than I change socks, some days.04:17
Riddellzooko: konqueror04:20
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afonitdoes anyone know how to search calendar entries in evolution, it is only searching task entries04:20
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word_virusstupid question: building prog from source and "./configure" exits with "no acceptable cc in $PATH"04:22
word_virusshould I add "/usr/lib/gcc"?04:22
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olimarHi al04:23
Skwid_my xmms doesn't work :04:23
olimarHelp I screwed up my system, it doesn want to start gedit and other apps it asks about:04:24
olimargedit: error while loading shared libraries: libhowl.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:24
olimarbut when wanting to install libhowl via synaptic it wants to remove every gnome app I have!!!04:24
kentolimar, have you recently added another repositores to synaptic (apt)?04:28
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bob2Amaranth: no, there is no ppc livecd04:32
Amarantholimar: I'd say let it. :P04:33
AmaranthI have libhowl0 and all my gnome stuff.04:33
AmaranthNo, don't let it.04:33
AmaranthYou've added Debian apt repositories, haven't you?04:33
bob2or some other nth-party one04:33
=== Amaranth remembers that problem in reserve.
AmaranthI figured I'd say myself a format and get warty through sid.04:34
meffbad idea04:34
AmaranthIt can be done though.04:34
AmaranthI just didn't know enough about it at the time to do it.04:34
AmaranthI think if I would have installed ubuntu-desktop and let it do what it wanted then it would have come out ok.04:35
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meffdidnt anyone learn from rpms that mixing repositories is bad?04:35
AmaranthI would've had to tell apt that yes, it can break my system though.04:35
Amaranthmeff: I found that out too. :P04:35
bob2mixing repositories is fine04:35
Amaranthstupid RHEL didn't have python 2.3 and I needed it for someone I was hosting04:36
bob2mixing repositories made by different people who don't know what they're doing is bad04:36
meffwell. compatable ones bob204:36
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Amaranthbut RPM uses Python and that didn't work anymore04:36
meffouch hehe04:36
bob2you install it from source to /usr/local/ or so04:36
Amaranthso i grabbed the python2.3-rpm package from mandrake along with its dependencies04:36
bob2just like you don't ever upgrade perl packages in Debian04:36
amerum how do i copy a folder to another folder in a terminal ?04:36
bob2cp -r folder1 folder204:37
meffcp -rav04:37
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Amaranth-r works? I thought it needed to be -R.04:37
bob2they're the same thing04:37
mefflook at the manpage Amaranth04:37
AmaranthAh, just like rm -Rf04:37
meffcp -rav is redundant but i like saying 'rav' :P04:38
Amaranthworks with gnu, probably won't work with other *nix systems04:38
meffim not sure if -r is sysv syntax04:38
amerit wont work04:38
meffwhats teh error amer?04:38
ameri have a folder that i want to extract to usr/local/share/mplayer/skin04:39
Amaranthamer: You need to use sudo04:39
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Amaranthsudo cp -r04:39
amerim am root04:39
mefftry cp -rav04:39
meffits verbose04:39
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bob2amer: no, you need to be more specifric04:40
amerthe folder does not exist04:40
bob2show us  the exact paths you want to copy04:40
ameri've had linux for about 5 days now so i dont know how to do that04:40
=== Amaranth is guessing amer is following the Ubuntu Multimedia HOWTO
AmaranthThe one were you compile mplayer on your own.04:40
meffcp -rav source/ /bleh/dst04:40
amerAmaranth, close but not quite04:41
amerand i want to extract the skin there but i dont have the rights04:41
bob2lord, why does that howto recommend building it yourself?04:41
meffthen you dont have the right permissions amer04:41
amerthats why i wanted to do it with root in the terminal04:41
meffAmaranth: use marillat's repos04:42
amerthe folder i want to copy is in /home/amer/gi joe and i want to copy it to usr/local/share/mplayer/skin04:42
bob2amer: what are you trying to copy, and to where?04:42
amerwhat do i type?04:42
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bob2sudo cp -r '/home/amer/gi joe' /usr/local/share/mplayer/skin/04:43
meffyeah you need the quotes04:43
cenerentolahi there04:43
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amerthe folder does not exist04:43
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meffbob2 keeps beating me to it lol.. im on dvorak so typing a lil slow since i havent used it since i learned it years ago till lately :)04:44
wezzeranyone who has installed cinelerra to ubuntu04:44
Amaranthbob2: You could use /home/amer/gi\ joe too.04:44
bob2amer: are you sure /usr/local/share/mplayer/skin/ exists?04:44
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bob2Amaranth: yes, I know, but quotes are less effort to explain than shell escaping04:44
wezzercinelerra compiles ok, but make install results error04:44
Amaranthwezzer: sudo make install04:45
meffif you source in bash_completion you get nice tabby completion :)04:45
bob2amer: so what does 'ls -ld /usr/local/share/mplayer/skin/' print out?04:45
wezzerAmaranth: won't work either04:45
amerthe folder does not exist04:45
amerso wierd since im there right now04:45
wezzerit says, that can't find i686/cinelerra04:45
meffif you're there: cp -rav /src/dir .04:46
wezzerseems like there is some kind of error during compile04:46
bob2amer: what does 'pwd' print out?04:46
cenerentolathx for the warm welcome04:46
bob2amer: you need to be careful about making sure you're typing all these commands correctly04:46
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ameri think i got it now04:47
amersince i've always written skin not Skin04:47
ameri didnt know it was case sensetice04:47
olimaryes I did kent04:47
meffnix is case sensitive :)04:47
bob2amer: yes, everything in unix more or less is case sensitive04:47
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amerok and now04:47
amerwhat whas the command?04:48
meffare you in the Skin dir?04:48
bob2amer: you need to give us more context04:48
bob2amer: you just realised you misspelt Skins now?04:48
amerand now i made another mistake04:49
bob2sudo cp -r '/home/amer/gi joe' /usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin/04:49
olimarwell anyway got rid of the pacs a la rpm...04:49
olimarit works nw04:49
amerlol i copied the whole gi joe folder insted of only copying the file inside04:49
olimarok bye04:50
amerand i want to remove it hehe04:50
amerwhats the commadn for removing a folder ?04:50
bob2rm -r /path/to/folder/04:50
wezzerrm -r folder/04:50
bob2but be really careful04:50
thenukeif you have many folders and files in it use rm -rf , and it wont ask you to type Yes I want to delete this folder and file too.04:50
thenukethen you must be extra careful ofcourse04:51
bob2you only get prompted if you don't have write permission on the dir04:51
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thenukebut I think I have gotten those questions with root too :I04:51
amerbob2,  thx for the help04:52
ameri think i'll manage now04:52
wezzerhmm, what video editing software you would recommend for linux?04:52
bob2you're welcome04:52
thenukebob2: tested it, I was root, mkdir dir and so on .. and rm -r asked if I was sure04:52
ameroh by the way04:53
amerit doesnt seem to understand that there is a skin there now04:53
amerwhat do i have to do in order for it to know that there is a skin that it can use04:53
thenukeah.. I have alias rm -i for rm :)04:53
bob2restart it04:53
amerrestart what ?04:53
bob2but I suspect the problem is that you put it in the wrong place04:53
amermplayer ?04:53
bob2or didn't give your user access to it04:53
amerbut its not even on ?04:53
bob2then it's probably one of the other 2 things I suggested04:54
bob2why didn't you just install mplayer from the available packages?04:54
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mxpxpoddoes anyone else using hoary have an issue on shutdown or restart where /.dev doesn't unmount and segfaults the second to last script?04:54
word_virusweezer: Good article about this in the most recent Linux Journal04:54
mxpxpodsorry, I mean /dev04:54
word_virusweezer: (Video editing software, that is)04:55
amerbob2, what available packages04:55
ameri didnt find it on synaptic and i followed a guide i found on google04:55
amerthats about how good i am in using linux04:55
zookothe xkeycaps program recognizes my specific model of keyboard and shows me all keys working.  It generates a file named .xmodmap-yumyum04:57
zookowhere yumyum is my host name.04:57
zookoNow how do I make X, or xterm, or some program use that file so that all my keys will work?04:57
rodibronson: after hearing you talking about hoary yesterday, I seamlessly upgraded on my IBM T40p... what a treat!04:58
amerbob2, the files on that page04:58
amerdo i just use apt-get to download them ?04:58
zookohm.  I see that xmodmap is deprecated.  Hm.04:58
ameryou'll have to excuse me bob2 since i am a major newbie04:59
Amaranthzooko: I think thats what the release of libxklavier10as supposed to do.05:00
Amarantherr, wtf05:00
zookoI'm supposed to use this thing called XKB...05:00
Amaranthzooko: You're using hoary?05:00
zookoWell.... Almost all warty.05:00
AmaranthHeh, ouch.05:00
zookoOnly a couple of small non-sytem things are hoary or debian-amd64 pure64.05:00
zookoSo warty can't use my keyboard's "Windows" key?05:00
zookoFine!  I'll upgrade whatever packages I need ot.05:01
AmaranthIf you install libxklavier10 you'll have to get GNOME 2.9.x from hoary.05:01
zookoDo you get paid to hang out on IRC and be so helpful?05:01
AmaranthBy then you might as well just use hoary.05:01
Amaranthzooko: I don't even know if this will work. :P05:01
AmaranthAnd no, no one pays me.05:01
zookowell, I don't use gnome for anything at the moment...05:01
zookoWell thank you for being so helpful.05:01
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jonowhat do I need to add to a .htaccess file to get an apache dir listing?05:01
zookoSo you think maybe if I install libxklavier10 then the Windows key will become a Meta key like it was on my old Debian system?05:01
Amaranthzooko: I really don't know.05:02
AmaranthI just know that it's supposed to work with xmodmap.05:02
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zookoOoh, waitaminute, the windows key *does* do Meta in xemacs.  Just not in X/ratpoison/xterm/bash.  Hm.05:02
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AmaranthI believe that application has to support it.05:04
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AmaranthI think libxklavier is supposed to make it easier for applications to support stuff like that.05:04
potato_headWhat are kernel header files?05:04
bob2potato_head: what are you trying to do?05:05
Amaranthpotato_head: Kernel source code needed to build a module for your kernel.05:05
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zookoWell, I guess it is time for me to stop configuring my system and get to work!  Thanks for the help!05:05
potato_headbob2: nothing in particular. I'm just about to recompile the kernel05:06
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bob2potato_head: ah, then what Amaranth said05:06
potato_headthanks :)05:06
bob2linux-kernel-headers is something pretty different, tho05:06
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Elwoodnautilus: relocation error: nautilus: undefined symbol: nautilus_view_factory_register05:06
Elwoodwhat's wrong?05:06
bob2Elwood: are you using hoary?05:07
Elwoodbob2,  it's "normal"?05:07
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bob2Elwood: it's "you're using a development version of a distribution, check the bug tracking system" ;-)05:08
dieselWhile trying to install Ubuntu, I get the following error:  The following packages have unmet dependencies:  linux-386: Depends: linux-image-386 but is not installable ...05:09
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bob2diesel: warty, right?05:10
diesel...Depends: linux-restricted-modules-386 but is not going to be installed05:10
dieselbob2, yes05:10
bob2diesel: check your cd burnt correctly05:10
Dn2Khello, i have a problem with the powerpc ubuntu installation, is there anyone that can help me? I cannot login into ubuntu with username and password that i have set during the installation process...05:11
dieselbob2, I will do that.  I md5sum(ed) the iso file and it is okay.  However, I did not check the cd05:11
dieselbob2, what is the best way to make sure that the cd burnt correctly?05:11
bob2diesel: md5sum /dev/hdc05:11
Dn2Ki suppose that's a common problem because i have make a standard installation into an ibook05:12
dieselbob2, :-/ excuse my stupidity05:12
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Kamionbob2: there's a better way05:14
Kamiondiesel: press the back button in the installer, and choose "verify CD-ROM integrity" (or something similar to that) from the main menu05:15
bob2Kamion: oh, pimp05:15
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dieselKamion, I will also do that.  Thanks05:20
thenukeIs there any problems if I do dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb  AND hda is mounted at the time of copying?05:21
=== rlpt [~rlpt@host217-42-203-144.range217-42.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Dn2Kthenuke there is no problem for hda because you using the device in read only mode, but hdb can have integrity problems05:24
Dn2Kmount hda in read only mode or use a live cdrom to boot pc05:25
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rlptIs there a way to reinstall ubuntu warty so the system is reinstalled but my files are left alone?05:25
bob2erm, why?05:25
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rlptI tried from the install disk but it always wanted me to repartition my disk05:26
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rlptI installed evolution from hoary, complete with dependancies and it broke my system05:27
=== rodi is becoming less impressed with Evolution...
thenukeDn2K: what do you mean by integrity problems?05:27
=== rodi might become a Creationist
dieselbob2, Kamion:  Here is an interesting scenario.  The md5sum failed while the integrity test passed.  What do you think about that?05:28
Kamionrlpt: it throws you into the partitioner, but you don't have to do anything there; just tell the partitioner to mount your partitions and leave existing data05:28
bob2i'm not sure, I've seen that happen on working cds because the drive was dodge05:29
Kamionrlpt: this'll only work if your important data is on a different partition from where you want to have / and /usr, though05:29
rlpti was doing this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3627 and did evo as well, now when my system boots at seems to try and start an X server twice, errors, and cannot recover.05:29
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Kamionrlpt: that advice is pretty unreliable05:31
Kamionsorry it's labelled in such an authoritative-looking way; the forums aren't all that official ...05:31
rlptIt know05:32
rlpti have a history of breaking things05:32
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rlptall i need to really do is "apt-get remove hoary packages install warty packages"05:33
rlptdoes such a command/s exist?05:33
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sladenrlpt: apt-get dist-upgrade05:34
siretartrlpt: nope. you need to configure apt for pinning warty05:34
=== Weems [~weems@cable-24-179-42-90.hvr.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2advice from the forums should be taken with a bucket of salt, imho05:35
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zookoHm.  Python module "audioop" is not found.05:42
rodiaudiopoop sounds shitty anyhow.05:43
=== rodi ducks...
rlptboom boom05:43
rlptto slow05:43
rlptlost the comic timing05:43
rodinice ;)05:43
rlpti try05:43
rodizooko, is this hoary?05:43
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rodiI've had some funny stuff with Python on hoary- trying to sort it out and submit a bug now-05:44
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rodiappears to need a package not yet in hoary for completeness.05:44
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zookoThis is warty.05:45
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=== Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
zookoHm.  How do I figure out whether this version of Python is warty or hoary?05:46
bob2you'd know if you'd upgraded part of it05:46
Rene_SMorning fine people of Ubuntu05:46
potato_headAfternoon ;-)05:46
RoptatyEvening ;)05:46
rlpthow stable is hoary? im tempted just to dist-upgrade to hoary and hope stuff works, im sure my problem is caused by the mix of warty and hoary05:47
zookobob2: it might have been upgraded without my noticing, as a dependency or something.05:47
rodiRene_S, hola.05:47
zookoBut it is probaby warty.05:47
zookoI see that there are two version:05:47
bob2zooko: no05:47
Rene_SThere needs to be a standard greeting for the internet that does'nt offend anyone's timezone05:47
bob2zooko: it could only have been upgraded if you edited /etc/apt/sources.list05:47
zookoVersion: 2.3.4-505:47
zookoVersion: 2.3.4-1ubuntu105:47
rodirlpt, I upgraded to hoary last night, working fine for me so far.  I like xorg better than xfree.05:47
zookoI have the latter.05:47
bob2rlpt: some people can't boot atm05:47
bob2rlpt: don't upgrade unless  you have can handle that sort of bug05:47
zookobob2: Oh I definitely edited /etc/apt/sources.list.05:47
rlpthows hoary powerpc?05:47
zookoBoy did I ever.  I edited the heck out of that thing.05:47
zookoI know how to tell which one I have...  sudo apt-get install -t hoary python05:48
Rene_Seww, looks like I missed a big bug05:48
potato_headWhat version of ndiswrapper does hoary have?05:48
bob2zooko: apt-cache policy python05:48
rodizooko, does your /etc/apt/sources.list say "hoary" on every line, or "warty" ?05:48
zookoYep. It offered to change things, so I must currently have warty.05:48
=== green_ [~green@dsl81-215-9932.adsl.ttnet.net.tr] has joined #ubuntu
zookorodi: cool!  Thanks!05:49
zookorodi: my sources.list contains both.  But apt-cache policy python clearly explained that I have warty installed.05:49
zookoMy apt.conf has a "Default: warty" line.05:49
green_why i can not mount and umount my partitions(ext3) when im user05:49
bob2zooko: erm, doing that is a bad idea unless you know what you're doing05:49
bob2green_: where they mounted at boot?05:49
zookoDear People of Ubuntu: this is great!  This system is very fast and nice.  Thank you!05:50
rodizooko, yeah, I used to try to do that with sid and sarge- eventually made the machine ubootable :(05:50
green_bob2: /dev/sda7       /mnt/all        ext3    rw,user,nosuid05:50
zookorodi: I've done it with debian for a long time.05:50
zookoNow that you've told me about apt-cache policy I'm even better off...05:50
green_bob2, now i can mount but i can not umount? whats the problem?05:50
rodizooko, gotcha :)05:50
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bob2green_: how did you mount it?05:51
rodizooko, you're on ppc?05:51
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green_as normal user: ~$ mount /mnt/all05:52
zookorodi: Athlon64!  :-)05:52
green_it mounts05:52
green_but problem i can not umount it :(05:52
bob2green_: are you using hoary?05:52
rodizooko, mmm, nice.05:52
=== Slike [~slike@134.38-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
zookoI'm very pleased with my shiny new Athlon 64.  Not too expensive either.05:53
zookoI got the whole kit and caboodle (not counting display device) for one thousand Canadian dollars.05:53
Rene_SWow there are some very talented Linux geeks in Brazil these days, took a look at Kurumin linux, its funky05:53
green_bob2, dist? ubuntu warty warthog05:53
rodiWow.  Which is like 1500 US now, zooko? ;-D05:54
=== rodi mourns the decline of the dollar, watching his European vacation slowly disappear...
=== cyrus-tc_ [~cyrus-tc@pD9E3154A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== rlpt thinks its time to go to the USA, everything half price!
rlpt1 GBP = $1.9374505:55
rlpti think that the highest its been05:55
zookoIt's terrible for me.  I get paid in USD and I live in Canada.05:55
rodizooko, wow, that sucks.05:56
green_bob2, ok i got it thanks, problem solved :)05:56
zookoHow do I configure what is in the LANG environment variable?05:57
zookoIT is currently en_CA.UTF-8 and lots of things are noisily complaining about it.05:57
zookoSubversion refused to run until I unset LANG.05:57
Meadubuntu is debian based isnt it?05:57
rodiMead, yeah05:57
rodizooko, I don't know the "preferred" way, but you can set it in one of your .bash* or .login files.05:58
zookorodi: thanks.05:58
rlptive just backed up my stuff and im going to upgrade to hoary05:59
rlptwish me luck05:59
Gwildor|workgood luck05:59
rodirlpt, break a leg05:59
Gwildor|workitll be fine though05:59
rlptits going to take about 3 hours :(05:59
rlptthe suspence is going to kill me05:59
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rlptwhat ever happens it will work better than gentoo did :)06:00
rlptgentoos great and all06:00
rlptbut we dont get along06:00
Meadgentoo hates me too.06:01
Rene_SToday looks like a good day to install Portugese Linux Distro's, its cold and icy outside06:01
Dn2Kbye bye06:02
RoptatyWhy isnt fam enabled by default in Ubuntu?06:02
jdubit is06:03
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Roptatyjdub: It was installed yes, but not enabled.06:03
jdubit is enabled and used :)06:03
Roptatyjdub: It wasnt enabled here anyway ;)06:04
=== P0wer1 [daemon@rrba-146-72-60.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
rodiout of curiosity, is there anyone in this channel in an "official" Ubuntu capacity?06:07
bob2rodi: lots of 'em06:08
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yann_hi :)06:09
rodibob2: gotcha.  no ops, was just curious.06:09
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yann_any webmaster/dev of ubuntu here?06:09
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yann_I want to open a french support site for ubuntu, wanted to ask if it were ok to the ubuntu team... :/06:09
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bob2rodi: lots of ops, just not opped atm ;)06:10
hartbrkrdid anyone else order the cd's off the ubuntu site and get defective cds? i start installing, and then i get read errors on all 10 copies i got. i tried making an .iso from the cd in windows, and got read errors on that too.. my burnt copy that I just downloaded works fine though06:10
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Kamionzooko: try 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' and make sure that en_CA.UTF-8 is actually generated06:10
jdubyann_: are you on the french list?06:10
yann_hartbrkr > when did you received the cds?06:10
hartbrkryann_ about a week ago06:10
yann_jdub > no, i'm not. i tried mailing info@ubuntu i think06:10
jdubyann_: probably best to get on the french mailing list and chat to everyone there06:11
yann_didn't get any answer06:11
yann_mailing list or irc channel?06:11
jdubmailing list06:11
jdubinfo is the right place to mail, but i suggest you chat to the existing french community first :)06:11
sladenhartbrkr: there might be the odd dodgey batch;  somebody else noted they had problems on a successive set of their pressed CDs06:12
yann_i did on the french irc channel, but i'll try on the mailing list too, thx for the advice ;)06:12
hartbrkrsladen: should i just re-order them? is that alright?06:13
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sladenhartbrkr: can you send an email/ talk to mako?06:13
=== nate8042 [~warty@ced-154-32.resnet.csupomona.edu] has joined #ubuntu
nate8042can I print something with the ubuntu live cd?06:14
hartbrkrsladen: just about the defective cds?06:14
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makohartbrkr: are you sure it's not your hardware06:14
makohartbrkr: have you tried in a different cd player?06:14
cenerentolamako: can i speak with you?06:15
hartbrkrmako: no, but that's the only cd i've ever had problems with06:15
makocenerentola: yes, i got your message06:15
hartbrkrmako: i don't have any other computer to test it out on06:15
makohartbrkr: i suspect when you find one, you will find it works on another computer06:15
nate8042I can't get anything to print06:15
makohartbrkr: the chance of 10 bad CDs *and* a burned copy you made being bad in the same place seems basically negligable06:16
hartbrkrhmmm do you know why it wouldn't work? I have a hp dvd300i dvd writer06:16
hartbrkrthe burned copy works fine06:16
potato_headI'm trying to get my wireless lan working with ndiswrapper, but when I do '#modprobe ndiswrapper' I'm getting an 'Invalid Module Format' error. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?06:16
makohartbrkr: you said one ISO did not06:16
sladenmako: he was trying to make the burned copy by copying one of the pressed ones by the sounds of it06:16
hartbrkroh, I tried making an iso from one of the pressed cd's i got in the mail, and that didn't work cause nero burning rom reported read errors. i burned the iso that I downloaded from the ubuntu website and it worked fine06:17
makohartbrkr: i haven't heard any reports of bad cds06:17
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makohartbrkr: it not impossible of course but it seems unlikely.. see if you can reproduce it on different hardware06:17
potato_headOh, it's okay. I think it's because I got the hoary ndiswrapper on a warty system (cos it's got a later version).06:17
makohartbrkr: if you can, i'd *really* like to know so i can take this up with the cd company06:17
=== bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
hartbrkryeah i'll try it out next time i can use someone else's computer, and i'll let you know06:18
makohartbrkr: that would be great06:18
cenerentolamako: will you be free [for me..smack;)]  in 5 min06:18
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makocenerentola: yes06:18
makocenerentola: i'll be around for sure06:18
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cenerentolamako: any good news for me?...it's seems the whole thing got stucked since that evening you called me06:19
makocenerentola: it's not entirely clear what you want from me06:19
makoat least not clear to me06:19
zookoThere is no galeon in warty?06:20
marsjaysi kind of aborted apt-get after the reboot during installation, is there some way to resume?06:20
cenerentolamako: you mailed me to know what those cds where meant for.. right? then...06:20
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wezzerhey, which video editing software for linux you would recommend?06:26
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spiritzthere not many06:28
spiritzkino is ok06:28
theineis anybody familiar with the ``empty /proc directory after bringing down the network'' issue?06:28
spiritzbut far away from windows' softwares06:28
theineon the other hand, kino is free...06:28
bob2theine: on hoary?06:29
Kamiontheine: it's been mentioned, jdub ran into it06:29
jdubtheine: check /proc/mounts -> should be every filesystem unmounted06:30
theinebob2: yes06:30
jdub4330 i think06:30
bob2theine: ipw2200?06:30
theinejdub: well, /proc/mounts doesn't exist of course, but yes, all filesystems seem to be unmounted06:30
wezzerspiritz: umm, isn't kino for capturing video only?06:30
theinebob2: close, ipw210006:31
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theineit's a bit sad, since i have to unload the ipw2100 module to get suspend-to-ram working reliably06:32
jdubtheine: nice one, hey? :)06:32
bob2hm, it works for thombot06:32
theinejdub: haven't seen anything remotely similar so far...06:32
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theinebob2: what works for thombot?06:34
jdubtheine: which kernel are you using?06:34
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thenukehey what would be good and easy firewall solution for Ubuntu? Is the basic principle that I could/should block _every_ incoming connections, and then just a few ports open like 80, 22 and such06:36
thenukeif that is the case, then it should be a breeze to get some frontend for iptables for example06:37
bob2that's the default06:37
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hkIm thinking on trying ubuntu, could someone give me some info ?06:40
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hkabout repositories and so...06:40
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bob2hk: just ask your question06:41
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theinejdub: the newest 686 Ubuntu kernel06:41
hkcan ubuntu use debian repositories ? or it has its own repositories of "extra" packages ?06:41
TallHmm, trying to become Tallesin didn't work. That answers the i18n cse folding question.06:41
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TalliesinOpps wrong chan06:42
tyroavihey i downloaded ubuntu cd from the web06:42
tyroavibut it crashed, the first time it booted06:42
jdubhk: we don't recommend mixing repositories. with main, universe and multiverse, you have almost all of debian built for ubuntu.06:42
theinejdub: I downgraded to, but didn't help06:43
=== oly_mk2 [~admin@host81-129-48-120.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
hkjdub k, what I wanted to know if there are many extra packages for it, if it has in its own repositories its even better :)06:44
=== Phil|Looking [~NOSPAM@] has joined #ubuntu
oly_mk2hi, anyone know what i need todo to use opera ?06:44
wezzeris gtk.org ftp-site down?06:44
oly_mk2i downloaded a .deb file but do not have a clue what todo with it06:44
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oly_mk2is there a tool to install .deb files ?06:45
rodioly_mk2, dpkg06:45
oly_mk2its not associated with ny app06:45
oly_mk2okay ta06:45
rodidpkg -i foo.deb06:45
Phil|Lookingnewbie Q:  I have tried 6 different linuxes - none have worked out of the box with SoundMAX Audio card - will Ubuntu ???06:45
tyroaviUBUNTU CRASHED < HELP !!06:45
rodityroavi, any more details on that?06:46
wezzerftp://ftp.gtk.org/pub/gtk/v2.4/ - says connection refused06:46
tyroaviit did load xserver06:46
tyroavisays "i am sorry problem with xserver" and stops06:47
tyroaviit did not load XSERVER , sorry06:47
theinewezzer: same for me, guess it's down06:47
tyroaviRODI , can u Help ?? :(06:47
rodityroavi, what happens if you type "startx" ?06:47
=== heilin [~heilin@r2ac182.chello.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu
tyroavisays the same thing again " i am sorry i was not able to load xserver"06:48
heilinis in this channel someone who can speak czech?06:48
heilinor someone who can help me with ubuntu?06:48
wezzertell us your problem06:48
theinehk: there are 15666 packages listed in the Ubuntu repositories06:48
tyroaviand i found that even basic packages like gcc were not loaded :(06:49
heilinyes... but I hope that you will understand me.. I cannot speak En very well..06:49
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mirakmy gnome desktop have lost the task bars06:49
mirakI mean they are present, but not functionnal06:50
mirakbob2: me ?06:50
bob2mirak: yup06:50
heilinSo.. I have laptop 486 and I installed  linux ubuntu.. so can you tell me how can I start xserver?06:50
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wezzerheilin: startx06:50
theinemirak: does this happen when you try to log out?06:50
tyroaviive worked on fedora for a long time , and finally switching back to the same... enough of UBUNTU :(06:50
miraktheine: when I log out ?06:50
heilinyes.. but it has written no such file or directory..06:50
theinemirak: forget it...06:51
miraktheine: what do you mean ?06:51
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theinemirak: well this sometimes happens for me when i try to log out of gnome06:51
theinemirak: but only then06:51
heilinand how can I start in ubuntu PCMCIA wifi?06:51
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theinetyroavi: is this the first time for you that the X server is not working out of the box?06:53
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heilinor.. can you tell me some link to howto ubuntu?06:53
siretartheilin: what kind of pcmcia wifi card do you have?06:53
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heilinsiretart:  waveLan Turbo 11Mb SIlver06:54
siretartheilin: do you know which chipset is being used?06:55
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heilinno i don't know :(( siretart06:55
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heilinsiretart: some information are in the other side..06:55
heilindo you want to know it? siretart06:55
rodihellin: type lspci -v, and look for your card.  should give you the chipset.06:56
siretartIf you tell me the chipset I could perhaps say you if it is supported by linux at all06:56
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meffanyone have an idea when evolution2 will be fixed in hoary? no ssl auths work.. for pop or smtp06:58
bob2is there an open bug?06:58
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meffi believe so? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=27322#post27322 ...06:58
heilinuff ehy I don't understand ubuntu :'(06:58
bob2meff: forums != bug system06:59
paolinociao ,I have problems with partitioning on a 686,I want to keep first partition (Freebsd) and use the Windows one for installing ubuntu,but the partitioner doesn't help me,or it's obscure07:00
=== darksatanic [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu
heilinexcuse me.. can you tell me how many girls are in this channel?07:01
siretartpaolino: go to the shell in the installer and try displaying your partition table using partman07:01
siretartpaolino: I think I also had the same issu: for me it was a semi broken partition table..07:02
paolinosiretart, how do I go to the shell ?07:02
heilinsiretart: how many girls are there?07:03
siretartpaolino: alt-f3 I think.. or alt-f4? dont remember07:03
siretartheilin: dont care..07:03
Kamionheilin: there's no way to gather that kind of information and folks usually consider it impolite to ask others07:03
heilinsiretart: why? :( I am a girl..07:03
heilinso I am couriouse07:03
Kamion"On the Internet, nobody can tell you're a dog." :-)07:03
siretartheilin: ah. well, it's not possible to determine that. but if you want to know: my girl friend also lives ubuntu ;)07:04
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siretartloves, even..07:04
Kamionsiretart: huh, my girlfriend has been complaining at me for a while 'cos a standard Ubuntu install is too big for the hard disk on her 486 :(07:04
heilinsiretart: wow.. I have gentoo but in the laptop ubuntu.. I think that I will start the war with ubuntu in my laptooop :(07:04
=== mjr 's GF is still on Debian Sid, but conversion is only a matter of time... ;)
cenerentolaheilin: if u need anything... im here07:05
siretartKamion: ;)07:05
siretartlucky her, she has a sony notebook with centrino.07:05
cenerentolaso your gfs' know the difference from a floppy disk and a credit card?07:05
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cenerentolas/from a/ between07:06
cenerentola...bad bad bad07:06
=== thoreauputic [~peter@wolax8-244.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
MarcusCrassusIs it possible to resize an NTFS partition from the Ubuntu setup?  Or should I use PartitionMagic or parted to resize an existing XP partition?07:07
bob2not from warty07:08
mjryeah, resize before07:08
heilincenerentola: I am crying from ubuntu.. :(( because I have 486 laptop and a) it's very slowly b) I don't know ubuntu so I don't know how to control it.. What is the different from the other distributions? I know only mandrake and gentoo07:08
siretartKamion: the brother of my girlfriend wants tried to install ubuntu on his old pentium 100 Mhz (32mb ram), but got stock with syslinux :(07:08
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MarcusCrassusOkay cool, that's what I wanted to double check.  Thanks.07:10
zenwhenheilin, 486?07:10
cenerentola...sorry heilin: could you please take off your shirt07:10
KamionMarcusCrassus: (that feature's in the hoary installer, BTW)07:10
paolinosiretart, the partman sees only one partition fat16 which is totally wrong07:10
cenerentolawhile i explain07:10
Kamioncenerentola: please be polite or leave07:10
zenwhenperhaps you should try something reallllly light?07:10
=== umarmung [~Tanzbaer@pD9E69463.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
zenwhenLike slackware with fluxbox.07:11
zenwhenEven that is going to be hell on a 486.07:11
MarcusCrassusKamion: I don't know what the hoary installer is.  I'm pretty hard core Fedora user.  Can you explain?07:11
siretartpaolino: thats the problem. the installer uses partman. you should really do a complete backup of your disk and try to fix your partition table.07:11
cenerentolarune is nice for that kind of things07:11
siretartpaolino: if that file, recreate it and restore.07:11
KamionMarcusCrassus: hoary's our development branch07:11
KamionMarcusCrassus: in other words, "your feature request will be fulfilled in the next release" :-)07:12
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theineKamion: Will the Hoary installer still rely on d-i?07:12
MarcusCrassusAh.  Okay, pardon the ignorance.  I have been tinkering with the live CD and I have really liked what I've seen so far so I wanted to start using is pretty regularly.  BTW, totally off topic, the Blonde on your CD sleeve is awesome.  Congrats on the pic. :)07:13
Kamiontheine: yes07:13
paolinosiretart, looks like freebsd is happy with that table,same for smartbootmanager....07:13
cenerentolaheilin: never tried rune?07:13
siretartpaolino: that doesn't matter, because different operating systems have different opinions what parts of the mbr are relevant07:14
heilincenerentola: never :'(07:14
heilinI am too young to try everything :))07:14
=== RomPres [~RomPres@rompbg4.potsdam.edu] has joined #ubuntu
RomPresI'm trying to add an lpd printer on an iMac and when I'm all done, there's no printer in the printers window.07:15
RomPresI know the queue exists on the server to which I am connecting.07:16
RomPresI tried going to CUPS, but it told me to go back to Gnome.07:16
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RomPresI guess not...07:20
RomPresI'll try the mailing list.07:20
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StepanovaI'm a relative noob to Linux and I love Ubuntu and its philosophy. I'm just wondering why no one thought of this before!07:23
thenukeI am really getting enough of this localisation :D badblocks --help gives me help in swedish :D When my chosen language is finnish07:24
mjrAbout what? Doing an user-friendly Debian spinoff? They did ;)07:24
thenukeany other commands give their helps in english :)07:24
mjrUbuntu is just the best of the crop so far :)07:24
thenukehow do I change the whole god damn language to english =)07:25
mjrthenuke, /etc/environment07:25
StepanovaWell, again, keeping in mind that I'm a noob, who tried it before and why didn't it work or catch on?07:25
thenukethanks :)07:25
thenukeI hope that this will become better in the future ;)07:25
mjrthere's also the Swedish fallback on the LANGUAGE line, that's deletable on its own too :)07:25
thenukeaah :) I'll try just to fallback to english07:25
mjrI've actually filed a bug on falling back to Swedish before English07:25
thenukeI dont understand why.. oh it's a bug :)07:26
mjrI hope Hoary doesn't do that by default anymore07:26
mjrwell, I'm sure they did it quite on purpose, but I tried to explain why this is a Bad Idea, even though Swedish is an official language here07:26
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thenukecan I activate root-account with passwd alone?07:27
sladenthenuke: sudo passwd07:27
sladenthenuke: I don't recommend it, but that choice is in your hands if you want to07:27
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will_hi ppl, got a question: whats the best way to configure your monitors refresh rate etc?07:31
=== Djrom [~djrom@ARouen-152-1-17-199.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
dieselIs there a net install of ubuntu?  From my experience the cd install of ubuntu is COMPLETELY broken07:33
sladenwill_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8607:33
theinediesel: is it?07:33
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sladendiesel: can you describe the bugs you've come across and file them on the bugzilla if you've found them07:34
will_sladen:im using xorg, and there is no monitor bit when i run xserver-xorg07:34
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sladendaniels: aren't you supposed to be at the pub?07:34
danielssladen: leaving now07:34
Djromdaniels :o07:34
dieseltheine, yes it is.07:34
sladendaniels: what's the xorg equivlant to change the refresh rate?07:34
dieselsladen, hmm, where to begin.07:35
Djromhave you read my pb ?07:35
danielssladen: xrandr -r 6007:35
Djrom(i can't upgrade :'( )07:35
theinediesel: what exactly is broke? i'm just curious07:35
sladenwill_: there you are07:35
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Djromdaniels , i'm not alone with my refresh rate problem ?07:35
will_sladen: there is only gfx card config in there, no monitor specific config07:36
danielsDjrom: i don't know07:36
sladendiesel: start at the beginning, your experience seems to have differed to most people's experience---and we'd like to fix any problems you've found as in the future somebody else may have the same problem07:36
sladenwill_: did you see daniels' answeR?07:36
dieselFirst, I got the ubuntu installed so that I could reboot the system, then the computer froze at the point where the system clock was trying to set itself with the harware clock as reference.07:36
thenuke"*0   1280 x 1024   ( 322mm x 241mm )  *60" how do I allow higher refresh rates for that resolution?07:36
marsjaysi'm having serious troubles installing ubuntu.. i keep getting these xfs related kernel panics07:36
theinediesel: really? that's bad07:37
sladendiesel: okay, so this first problem (hwclock) isn't anything to do with the installer?07:37
sladenmarsjays: why are you using XFS?07:37
marsjayssladen: because i've used it before, and been happy with it. it's fast07:38
dieselThen I reformatted the HD, and the installer said that the kernel could not be installed.  There was missing dependencies.07:38
sladenthenuke: presubmly change the '60' to '75' or something07:38
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thenukesladen: well how :) xrandr wont do that because it says that 60 is max07:38
sladenmarsjays: what hardware platform are you trying to use XFS on?07:38
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thenukeI dont know where to edit those :)07:38
=== Djrom lost with his xorg :'(
dieselsladen, you can say that it is not the installer, but until there is evidence that it is NOT the installer, I don't believe a word of that.07:39
sladenmarsjays: maybe it is for that resolution.  you can often trade off resolution for higher refresh rates07:39
cenerentoladaniels: im going to handle an ati card, what kind of drivers should i use?07:39
will_daniels: it cant be just this refreshrate? there must be more?  0   1280 x 1024   ( 322mm x 241mm )   6007:39
theinediesel: and that was07:40
theinediesel: sorry07:40
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will_this screen can do more i think, (btw that was frox xrandr)07:40
sladenwill_: alot of stuff is autodeteched07:40
marsjayssladen: i386, laptop with athlon xp-m cpu, via chipset07:40
dieselNow the installer is hung at reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...  Yeah, well, I don't think to the tune of waiting for nearly 30 minutes.  The installer is BROKEN07:40
will_sladen: so everything from xrandr has been autodetected?07:40
sladenmarsjays: can you research on Google is there's any known problems with the kernel-version you're running and XFS07:40
theinediesel: how did you remformatted your hard disk?07:41
danielscenerentola: 'ati'07:41
danielswill_: edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, remove your HorizSync and VertRefresh lines07:41
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theinedamn, my english is not in a good shape right now07:41
cenerentoladaniels: thx a lot07:41
marsjayssladen: no, i cant.. i've got no browser installed, and when i try to install one the filesystem b0rks..07:42
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will_daniels: i know i changed them once apon a time, is there any way to get them autodetected again?07:42
sladendiesel: I appreicate your view point.  You mentioned that the machine 'freezes', is that just for short period, or forever07:42
dieseltheine, first I tried with the ubuntu installer...that did not do anything.  Then I used fdisk to reformat.  Then went back into the installer and tried again.  no luck.07:42
danielswill_: they should be autodetected in general07:42
dieselsladen, freeze, locked up, does not work, will not change for hours on end...whatever you prefer07:42
will_daniels: but how do i re-autodetect for xorg.conf07:42
sladendiesel: so you can only solve this by a reboot?07:42
danielswill_: oh, ehm, remove /var/lib/xorg and /etc/X11/xorg.conf, IIRC07:43
danielsthen dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg07:43
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dieselsladen, yes...I smell something similar to windoze07:43
danielsi can't remember off the top of my head, and need to run07:43
marsjayssladen: well, i'll just assume there's something wrong with xfs in this kernel release, and reinstall using something else.. thanks anyway07:43
dieselThe only solution is to reboot07:43
sladendiesel: if you start up in single-user mode and run   /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh start  manually, do you get a freeze at that point?07:43
theinediesel: isn't there an option ``use entire disk''? that doesn't work either?07:44
sladenmarsjays: yeah, personally I'd use ext3 for your main boot/root partitions until you're sure things are working07:44
dieselsladen, start up?  To what point.  The computer will not start up unless I boot from the CD07:44
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sami_hey someone who could help_07:45
wezzertell us your problem07:45
rodiLOL, I can help07:45
sladendiesel: you mentioned that the kernel and operating system are loading until the point at which hwclock is run07:45
rodiHere, have some help...07:45
=== rodi hands out help for everyone...
theinesladen: yes, but now he has more serious problems I figure07:45
sladendiesel: when you get to the Boot-loader, select the safe/rescue option07:45
will_daniles: is that safe?07:46
dieselsladen, that is the furthest point that I got to.  After reformatting the computer and trying the install again, the kernel could never get past that point07:46
sami_i never got a question about root password. rodi i was typing cant type that fast. so now when i try to su or something like that i cant07:46
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dieselI should say the installer could never get the kernel installed07:46
sladendiesel: so the second time you've installed, the kernel never gets past /what/ point?07:46
rodisami: sudo.07:46
rodithere is no root password by default,07:46
will_daniels, sorry is that safe?07:46
rodiso you have to use sudo instead: like this ->07:47
rodisudo ls /root07:47
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dieselsladen, trying to install linux-386, then there is dependency hell...I smell rpm packages07:47
rodithen it will ask for your password.07:47
sladenrodi: no, the root acount is disabled.  You should use    sudo command-you-want-to-run-as-root07:47
rodiif you want to do the equivalent of su on a non-sudo system, type07:47
rodisudo su07:47
rodibut that sort of breaks the whole paradigm ;)07:47
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theinediesel: what partitioning scheme did you choose?07:48
rodisladen: isn't that what I just said?07:48
sladendiesel: Ubuntu is entirely deb based.  Can you provide the exact package you installed that is complaining of dependancy problems?07:48
sami_rodi: so theres no way to get su to work.. or so set password on root07:48
paul_hey, folks, I've botched up my Ubuntu system... again... by enabling the hoary universe and installing GTK+ 2.5 -- now I can't downgrade; when I remove the hoary repository from sources.list, fire up 'aptitude', and update the package database, it still shows that the only available version is 2.5 instead of 2.407:48
dieseltheine, I used automatic partitioning where there is a / and a swap07:48
sladenrodi: yes.  I believe "snap" is the normal term07:48
Kamiondiesel: sounded more like DMA issues on the CD-ROM to me07:48
paul_any ideas why my database isn't updating to show only the available hoary packages.07:48
theinediesel: reasonable choice07:48
rodisladen, ;)07:49
rodioh snap, guess what I saw...07:49
sami_never mind.. im to tired.. fixed it now07:49
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dieselsladen, I am aware of Ubuntu's debian foundation, but I have had much better luck with debian07:49
theinediesel: how many times did you try all together?07:49
mirakhey I have lost my gnome panels07:49
paul_sami_: you can get su to work; all you have to do is add a password to the root account in your favourite user manager (try Users and Groups in the System Configuration menu)07:49
dieselhell, 4-6 times07:49
sladenmirak: ctrl-alt-backspace will restart GDM and X07:50
sladensabdfl: if you really want 'su' to work just run   sudo passwd   and enter a password07:50
sladen_sami: if you really want 'su' to work just run   sudo passwd   and enter a password07:50
miraksladen: yes, but that's recurrent07:51
dieselKamion, I have md5sum(ed) the iso file and checked the cdrom for integrity.  Tell me what you mean by "DMA issues"07:51
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paul_mirak: that happens to me every so often too... if you still have Nautilus running (i.e., you still have icons on your desktop) you can right-click on the desktop, choose 'Run terminal', then go 'killall gnome-panel' (without the quotation marks), and the panels will die... then GNOME will (should) automatically restart the panels.07:51
sladenmirak: 'recurrent', can you explain another way?07:51
miraksladen: ctr alt backspace restart gdm also are you sure ?07:51
paul_mirak: so your panels always disappear?07:52
mirakpaul_: fortunately I have a consol because it was savec in the last session07:52
paul_mirak: dandy :)07:52
paul_mirak: does this happen every time you start up your user session?07:52
sladenmirak: correct.  (this is assuming you hit  ctrl-alt-backspace and _not_ ctrl-alt-del)07:53
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mirakpaul_: the last two sessions yes07:53
potato_headis it possible to net install ubuntu from a live cd, like knoppix?07:53
paul_mirak: weird. maybe delete your ~/.gnome2/session file.07:54
sladenpotato_head: I the Knoppix hd-install script amy work, don't know if anyone's tried it07:54
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paul_mirak: if you have any programs that you've set to start up automatically (e.g., gaim, Skype, or a wallpaper changer), you'll lose those settings, but hopefully that's no big loss if you can get your panels back...07:55
thenukehow can this ubuntu use so much memory :I I have about 128megs free of my 512M07:55
mirakno big loss07:55
paul_thenuke: have you tried other GNOME-based distros?07:55
thenukeand almost 100M swap is used also07:55
thenukepaul_: nope07:55
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thenukebut even windows does not use this much =)07:55
sladenthenuke: same as any Linux kernel, it's all cacheing and shared pages07:55
sladenthenuke: nope point wasted unused memory if you can use it to cache other files on disk07:56
thenukesladen: hum, any ways to make it not to cache everything :) And is that wise anyways :) ?07:56
paul_thenuke: one of the surprising things about the GNOME memory applet is that it doesn't just show the amount of memory each program is using; it also shows cached files (libraries, not-yet-saved documents, etc)07:56
thenukeI used top to show the mem07:56
paul_thenuke: ohhhhh07:56
sladenthenuke: if it needs the RAM to run programs, it'll use it.  It's not you're job to do memory-management for the linux kernel!07:57
paul_thenuke: maybe GNOME does the same thing as top then :)07:57
mirakis it possible to log off from gnome from command line ?07:57
thenukeI prefer to doing things in shell07:57
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thenukesladen: :) I'm doing badblocks check, and it would be faster if I could offer it more memory to use I guess07:57
paul_so, folks, does anybody know why, when I remove hoary from my sources.list, and update my APT cache, it still shows hoary versions of things like glib?07:57
dieselDoes Ubuntu have a net install disk?07:58
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paul_diesel: not to my knowledge07:58
mjrapt cache shows both the available packages and currently installed packages07:58
IRCMonkey___to change configuration for mkboot disk07:58
IRCMonkey___I edit lilo.conf on the floppy07:58
sladenthenuke: no it wouldn't.  Hard-disks are slow devices, (10,000+ times slower than RAM).  A badblocks test to reading and writing to every sector on the harddisks07:58
IRCMonkey___then do lilo -C /mnt/floppy/lilo.conf ?07:58
paul_diesel: mind you, once you're finished doing the CD install, it automatically does a refresh from the net packages.07:58
rodipaul_, you're probably seeing installed versions.  Did you remove broken/local packages?07:59
thenukesladen: I stand corrected07:59
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thenukebtw, how do I empty a harddrive, like write zeros to it?07:59
paul_rodi: well, here's the situ... I installed Inkscape 0.40 in a fit of bleeding-edge obsession, and it installed glib 2.5 and GTK+ 2.5... now I don't even get a GDM greeter screen, just a little rotating hourglass08:00
thenukewith dd I think?08:00
paul_(rather, that little circly thing)08:00
thenukehmm.. dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hd# :o ?08:00
theinethenuke: yes, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hd*08:00
sladenthenuke: dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hdb bs=1M08:00
albinoIs there anyway to do a net install of ubuntu?  Like off of a floppy disk?  If so what document can I read to perform said install?08:00
thenukeI'm learning to make good guesses :)08:00
IRCMonkey___any idea ??08:00
dieselpaul_, mind you, the installer sucks and doesn't get to the point of "refresh(ing) from the net"08:01
sladenalbino: there was a net-install somewhere08:01
sladendiesel: s/sucks/appears to exhibit bugs when talking to your machine/08:01
paul_rodi: I'm seeing two columns in aptitude; both say 2.5.6-0ubuntu -- in Synaptic (which of course is currently unavailable) the first column says what's installed, whereas the second column says what's available (even if its version is lower than the installed version)08:01
thenukesladen: what is that blocksize for? just to make it faster or something?08:01
paul_diesel: ohhhhhhhhh... that's why you want a net install :)08:01
dieselsladen, true enough08:01
dieselpaul_, exactly08:01
paul_diesel: where is your install bailing?08:02
sladenthenuke: yeah, just a speed thing.  It's worth trying to find the sweet spot with a few tests between 32k and 1M08:02
dieselpaul_, see the last 10 or so screens for a description of all the different bugs that I have experienced08:02
paul_incidentally, has anyone had problems like mine when installing GTK+ 2.5? no GDM greeter?08:02
paul_diesel: blast, I'm in a console-mode IRC client and I don't know how to scroll :-S08:03
thoreauputicpaul_: page up, probably08:04
sladendiesel: so far you've described 1 issue, to do with hwclock, right?08:04
IRCMonkey___no idea ?08:04
paul_diesel: found out how to scroll, but it looks like I joined the channel too late08:04
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paul_thoreauputic: heh, thanks, found it08:04
dieselsladen, damn, I want to type out everything I have said.  Scroll up the page for about 3 more issues08:04
paul_so here's a question: if aptitude only shows the currently installed version, and I want to downgrade to my previous version -- how do I do that?08:05
riverneweebe question, how can I setup dns, and/or dhcp in ubuntu ?08:05
paul_river: should be set up by default; what's your prob?08:05
dieselscrew ubuntu, going back to good old Debian08:05
thoreauputicdo a  /lastlog "nick"08:05
paul_oh, wait, you want to set up a DNS and DHCP *server*?08:05
riveryes server.08:05
paul_river: have you installed bind and dhcpd?08:06
paul_that'll be your first steps08:06
riverI don't know where to find packages08:06
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riverYes but from where should I get packages?08:06
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riverI searched using apt and found nothing alike08:06
thoreauputicriver: synaptic package manager08:06
paul_river: if you go to the second menu (forget what it's called; I'm stuck in console right now) you can find 'System configuration', 'Synaptic package manager' -- it's a great package manager.08:06
theinediesel: don't forget to tell everyone else what you think of Ubuntu08:07
thoreauputicriver: enable universe08:07
RuffianSoldierexactly how many packages are in Universe?08:07
thoreauputicriver: then reload08:07
riverhow should I do that ?08:07
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paul_river: crap, forget what the menu item is. do you have Synaptic running now?08:08
izriver, edit with nano /etc/apt/sources.list08:08
Kamiondiesel: I'm referring to https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2640 (last three comments)08:08
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izand remove the #08:08
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riverI'm booting that machine right now08:08
dieseltheine, I like the idea of ubuntu, just think that implementation is bad, really bad.08:08
izdiesel, what is bad?08:08
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theinediesel: too bad you don't get a chance to really try it out08:09
paul_diesel: haven't had any problems myself, until I step into unknown hoary territory :)08:09
riversimple question, is bind on distro CD or should I get it through the net08:09
paul_river: it'll be on the net08:09
Kamiondiesel: the CDs really aren't fundamentally broken; everybody would be seeing the same problems if they were.08:09
dieseliz, installer blows horribly, there is only iso's available.08:09
izwhat do you want?08:09
Kamiondiesel: false08:09
StepanovaMy problem with Warty is that Grub trashes my dual-boot config. Hoary doesn't.08:09
mirakI couldn't fix gnome panels, I will run kde08:09
Kamiondiesel: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/installer-i386/release/images/netboot/08:10
izStepanova, is it not otherwise?08:10
riverpaul_, thanks that throw some light08:10
paul_river: once you remove the # at the beginning of the line that mentions 'universe' in the file '/etc/apt/sources.list', and then reload your APT cache (big shiny button in Synaptic; you won't miss it), you'll be able to find it off the net.08:10
StepanovaIz, I don't understand the question. On Warty, my XP installation isn't recognized by Warty's grub. It IS recognized by Hoary.08:11
izor sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade08:11
paul_river: there's also an easier way of enabling different APT repositories in Synaptic, but I really can't remember anything, seeing as X is not working for me right now :-S08:11
izStepanova, thats weird08:11
paul_has anybody had any problems when upgrading to GTK+ 2.5? I just toasted my installation08:11
StepanovaIt is weird.08:11
dieselKamion, thank you.  315 people and you are the one that knows.  Kudos to you08:12
paul_can't get a GDM greeter or anything.08:12
theineStepanova: then just copy your menu.lst from hoary to warty08:12
StepanovaThat's what I did, eventually.08:12
Kamiondiesel: well, I'm the installer guy, so I should know08:12
izpaul_ you are in a terminal now?08:12
paul_Kamion: wow, there is a net installer; I'll keep that in mind08:12
theineStepanova: Didn't work?08:12
paul_iz: yep :(08:12
dieseldon't tell me you're the installer, because I hate it08:12
Kamiondiesel: it's just the Debian installer, dude :)08:12
izand what is the error when you run gdm?08:13
paul_not an xterm, just a plain old text-mode08:13
paul_iz: let's see...08:13
StepanovaYeah, it worked, but then I switched distros to Beatrix.08:13
dieselYeah, but debian is great and so far, I can't stand ubuntu's installer08:13
thoreauputicdiesel: erm...it's essentially the same as the debian sarge installer08:13
Kamiondiesel: I was confused earlier by you asking for a netinst; that's the Debian terminology for a CD with the base system on it08:13
Kamionbut netboot, sure08:13
dieselI know that it is basically the debian installer.  just pulling you're guys chain a bit08:13
theinediesel: but it's essentially the same installer (d-i)08:14
theinediesel: :)08:14
Kamionsome poor-quality hardware does have trouble with CDs; we have netboot, next release we hope to have USB and floppy too (which is basically a matter of re-enabling those images from Debian and pulling them around a lot to match Ubuntu kernels and defaults and stuff)08:14
paul_iz: no errors, except for a few about not being able to find certain fonts08:14
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izpaul_, can you paste the error in www.pastebin.com08:15
paul_iz: sure (I think)08:15
paul_iz: actually, can I just dump it into #flood?08:15
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paul_iz: wait, how on earth do you copy-and-paste when you don't have X running? I don't have gpm installed either08:16
izoh sjipz08:16
thoreauputicpaul_: /exec -o cat <file>08:16
thoreauputicpaul_: for example08:17
paul_thoreauputic, how do I then get it into pastebin? I'm hoping it has an upload form for people who can't paste?08:17
izor type a peice of the error here08:18
thoreauputicpaul_: um - maybe use links or lynx08:18
paul_doo dee doo... just waiting; found out I didn't have links installed08:18
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paul_bloody 'ell, pastebin doesn't have an upload form for us copy-and-paste impaired08:19
RuffianSoldierYou have been chosen Djrom08:20
paul_okay, iz, I'm gonna just type a bit of the error here :)08:21
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izpaul_, k08:21
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thoreauputicpaul_: if you have a web site, ftp the error to that and give us a URL08:21
paul_Fatal server error: Server is already active for display :008:21
paul_thoreauputic: a wonderful idea; one sec08:21
Gwildor|workI think you just ned to restart paul_08:22
izyou are root?08:22
nanomadpaul : ctrl+F7?08:22
xephHey all. I've got an ISDN problem. I've got two ISDN external modems, one is an 3Com USR ISDN Pro TA, the other is a no-name-brand one. On the 3Com, I connected to it via USB, and with the other via a serial cable. I used to get speeds of up to 7.5KBps on the 3Com one, but on my other one, only 6Kbps or lower. I have to return the 3Com one to a friend. How can I make the other ISDN TA reach the same speed as the 3Com one?08:22
izand then killall gdm08:22
wezzerpaul_: I think I had same problem08:22
paul_Gwildor|work: I had this problem once before, when I upgraded to GTK+ 2.5, which is exactly what I did this time when the problems started again08:22
wezzerI solved it by deleting whole gdm08:23
Gwildor|workpaul_, I had that problem, a restart fixed it, but only cuz I was lost08:23
thoreauputicnanomad, paul_,  alt-F7 I think08:23
izapt-get remove gdm08:23
izapt-get install gdm :) but sounds weird08:23
izthoreauputic, you thats can also be, that he is in x08:23
paul_nanomad, Gwildor|work, when I go control-alt-F7 I do get a lovey X console... but all I get is a dumb cursor08:24
paul_iz: okay, I'll try that, thanks!08:24
nanomadtry ctrl+alt08:24
thenukeone more question about dd.. can I copy only one partition at time from HD to another?08:24
izpaul_, no08:24
izyour gdm is working08:24
thenukelike if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc08:24
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paul_iz: ha, not anymore; I just uninstalled it... oops08:25
izyup try alt ctrl backspace08:25
izohj no problem08:25
izinstall it again08:25
thoreauputicpaul_: that URL won't load here08:25
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paul_thoreauputic: let me check it08:26
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thoreauputicpaul_: loading now08:26
paul_ah good08:26
paul_thoreauputic: I think my brother is downloading some illicit torrent on his computer, maybe that's why it's slow08:27
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paul_I love firing up BitTorrent to download an ISO and knowing that I have no moral compunction... like downloading a Linux LiveCD or something :)08:27
thoreauputicpaul_: I assume you've removed gdm now, so try  startx08:28
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mjrthenuke, you must first create a big enough partition to hold the source partition manually, then you can dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc1 or something08:28
Quenyarquick question about ubuntu linux setup08:28
mjr(or you could just mkfs and copy the data over...)08:28
will_azureus is a bit slow08:28
thoreauputicpaul_: if the same error pops up, try killall X  or kill it from top08:29
QuenyarWhen installing, I was not prompted to set up a root account, is there a default root password?08:29
wezzerno there is not08:29
KamionQuenyar: the first screen after the first reboot should've said that no root account would be set up and that your initial user would be set up to use sudo08:29
wezzerif you need root account, you can type sudo |command|08:29
KamionQuenyar: see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo08:29
wezzerand the password which it asks is your own08:29
zenwhen_This channel is growing.08:29
thenukemjr: seems like that =) It went all wrong and corrupted when I tried to do it without making a partition first ;)08:29
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paul_thoreauputic: nothing. I tried startx, and it brought up my user account, but when I closed that down and tried /etc/init.d/gdm restart, it still did that stupd thing08:31
paul_thoreauputic, what happens is that it tries, and I see a 'please wait' mouse pointer, and it flashes a few times, and then I get dumped out to virtual console 8, where it informs me that there's already an X server running, and would I like to start on display :108:32
Gwildor|workpaul_, just restartr08:32
paul_when I say I do, it then sez there's a server on :1, and would I like to start one on :2, etc, etc, etc08:32
paul_Gwildor|work: I'll try it. back in a bit...08:32
thoreauputicpaul_: hmm...very odd08:33
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thoreauputicpaul_: did you try sudo killall X ?08:33
Gwildor|workthoreauputic, that didn't work when I had the problem, but he is restarting08:34
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mirakwhy is there a bind of /dev on /.dev type unknown (rw,bind)08:43
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pdaoustI'm back! (The User Formerly Known As paul_)08:43
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pdaoustI upgraded gdm- to gdm- and that seemed to solve the problem. Thanks for all your help, guys!08:44
thoreauputicpdaoust: ah, good workaround :)08:44
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pdaoust:) worked for me, so I'm happy.08:44
thoreauputicyep :)08:44
izpdaoust, great08:45
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Kamionmirak: udev keeps that for emergencies08:45
pdaoustthe only thing I can think of is that gdm- was compiled against GTK+ 2.4 and was getting all huffy when it could only find GTK+ 2.5 -- don't know why that would make a difference, but hey, I'm back in X and I can look at lovely wallpapers of my girlfriend again ^_^08:45
thoreauputicpdaoust: you'll never get any work done now ! ;-)08:46
pdaoustthoreauputic: heh heh08:46
mirakanyone tried resizing of ext2 partitons ?08:47
pdaoustmirak: no, never have. Shouldn't bee too hard though, seeing as ext2 doesn't get fragmented. Why do you ask?08:47
mirakit seems qtparted does it08:48
mirakbut I don't trust this software08:48
mirakI don't know why08:48
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pdaoustmirak: yeah, when your data's at stake, you're not too keen on partitioning... same here.08:48
pdaoustmirak: are you shrinking a partition, expanding it, or moving it?08:49
mirakwell actually, I have a temporary ext2 partition for home08:49
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mirakI have free space08:49
mirakthis free space is after my /08:50
mirakI want to make home start from there08:50
mirak in fact I am converting 4 fat32 partion to one ext208:50
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pdaoustmirak: ohhhhhh08:50
pdaoustmirak: you'll just be deleting those partitions and making one big ext2?08:50
mirakso I will need more than one reisze08:50
mirakbecause they are not empty08:50
mirakI need to delete first partion08:51
pdaoustmirak: ohhhhhhhhh08:51
mirakthen create ext208:51
pdaoustmirak: that scares me08:51
pdaoustmight want to find a friend with PartitionMagic...08:51
mirakthen move the data of second one to the ext208:51
will_jez i gotta major bug in 'themes' in hoary08:51
mirakthen delete the second, and expend ext208:51
mirakpdaoust: pmagic can't really be more trusted for linux fs08:51
pdaoustmirak: perhaps not; dunno08:52
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pdaoustwish I could give more certain advice, but that's way outside my area of jurisdiction.08:52
pdaoustsorry, area of expertise.08:52
pdaoustdon't know why I said 'jurisdiction08:52
mirakI will do like I always do08:52
mirakcross fringers (and not pray)08:52
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pdaoust:) even if you don't believe in a god, now might be the time to pray anyway, heh heh08:53
mirakI wil put my home on a safe place08:53
mirakthat's 1.5G when comrpessed08:53
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[BTM] geewhere can i find the old version of ventrilo?08:57
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pepsi__ubuntu is about describing a bad date08:58
pepsi__warty, hoary, and grumpy08:58
pdaousthar har har08:58
pdaoustdifferent kind of hoary ;)08:58
pdaoust[BTM] gee: never heard of ventrilo08:58
[BTM] geeheh08:58
dieselUsing the net install, I finally got Ubuntu to get back to "Setting the System Clock using the Hardware Clock as reference" where it freezes.  Any ideas of what to do next?08:58
pdaoustpepsi__: sorry, ruining your joke; I'll shut up :)08:58
dieselsladen, ^^^08:59
[BTM] geeits a program so that you can talk to your friends when playing a game etc08:59
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pepsi__diesel, can you boot at all?09:01
dieselI can boot into my Windoze partition from grub.09:01
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dieselHowever, I cannot boot into Ubuntu.  Completely frozen.09:02
pepsi__what kind of motherboard are you using?09:02
dieselintel i819 i believe09:03
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jonoprocmail or can a user use procmail to sort their email from an external MTA?09:03
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jonodo you have to have a MTA running on the same machine as procmail to use procmail or can a user use procmail to sort their email from an external MTA?09:03
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gumpishSo, ubuntu... is it good or is it whack?09:03
jonogumpish, its shit, none of us use it09:04
Treenaksgumpish: Wickity Wack!09:04
jonoparticularly people like jdub and Kamion09:04
|QuaD|it has its plusses and minuses09:04
jonothey hate it09:04
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thoreauputicgumpish: all 313 of us are here to troll about how bad it is09:04
potato_headdiesel: you could have a go at beatrix, see if that manages to boot.09:05
gldnfirehey, all09:05
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dieselwhat the heck is beatrix?09:06
thoreauputicgumpish: /join #linspire (if you can find one) ;-)09:06
Gwildor|work /join #beatrix09:06
gldnfireanybody got a minute to help me with an installation problem on an insanely-low-memory machine?09:06
Gwildor|workdiesel, go to there an ask.......DEV is in there09:06
[BTM] geesomeone that uses ventrilo?09:07
potato_headdiesel: dunno, I'm just googling it now ;-) some kind of ubuntu in a live cd09:07
pepsi__who can think of a word? im looking to describe cinderella... i want to say that she is repressed or dejected, but im not liking either of those two words09:07
thoreauputicgldnfire: a minute? Sounds optimistic !09:07
will_anyone know about an error i get on shutdown? i get: gmentation fault   [FAIL] 09:07
Gwildor|workpotato_head, go to #beatrix, the DEv is in ther now.....ask away09:07
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pepsi__will_, i get the same thing09:07
gldnfirethor: oh, undoubtedly...I say only a minute, 'cause I suspect the only answer involves buying memory/parts I don't have money for :)09:07
thoreauputicgldnfire: heh09:08
thoreauputicgldnfire: define "insanely low memory" ?09:08
gldnfirelong story short, I have to turn swap on, to get the installation to not choke...the disk is already partitionned 9so that I can do so) but it won't let me install the base system until I tell IT to partition the disk...which turns swap off09:09
will_pepsi__:i never used to have that are you running hoary?09:09
gldnfire32 MB of which 2 is used for the video card (damn laptops)09:09
pepsi__will_, yes, i am09:09
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will_pepsi__:you heard anything on it? a search in google brings nothing!09:10
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pepsi__will_, nope.. im having other problems with hoary that i need to get fixed, so i havent really paid attention to that error09:11
pepsi__actually, my problems arent all related to hoary.. its more about making linux work on this laptop09:11
pepsi__but they are more important then a segfault at shutdown ;D09:11
will_pepsi__:tell me about it, my themes are absolutely destroyed in hoary, crashes all over the place09:12
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pepsi__my trash applet and desktop seem to have just disappeared09:12
will_pepsi__:thats happended to me, restart x and it should be back09:12
gldnfirethor: I am thinking, since the disk is already partiionned, that if I can just tell the installer that /dev/hda6 is / and /dev/hda1 is /boot I shouldn't even need to aprtition, and it'll stopp turning my swap off...but I don't know where the installer expects target partitions to be mounted, or if it has some internal checks beyond simply having htem mounted...09:13
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will_pepsi__:or manually start the applet09:13
=== gldnfire oopsies, and hadn't even noticed thoreauputic had left!
tylhey all :)09:13
olingi installed ubuntu and i cannot remember that i was asked for a root password. so i couldn't login. i changed it from a cd linux and now i can login at the console, but not in X (and System Configuration tools also don't work). this is strange09:13
thoreauputic_gldnfire: sorry, ISP disconnect :(09:14
gldnfirethor: ah, it happens...lemme re-say what I had just finished, right before you came back :)09:14
RomPresDoes anyone have any idea why I can't set up a printer using the printer utility?  I'm running Ubuntu on a Mac.09:14
RomPresI've tried both lpd and ipp.09:14
gldnfireI am thinking, since the disk is already partiionned, that if I can just tell the installer that /dev/hda6 is / and /dev/hda1 is /boot I shouldn't even need to aprtition, and it'll stopp turning my swap off...but I don't know where the installer expects target partitions to be mounted, or if it has some internal checks beyond simply having htem mounted...09:14
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RomPresWhen I'm done, no printer is there in the window.09:15
RomPresAnd the CUPS interface is disbled.09:15
topylioling: as you install ubuntu, you are not asked for a root password. root is disabled. log in as the user you made when you installed09:15
olingtopyli: and how to run any admin tool?09:16
topyliwith sudo09:16
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topyli"sudo admin-tool"09:16
olingbut if i start admin-tool from the gnome menu i'm asked for the password? my user login password?09:17
olingokay... it says please enter YOUR password. but i'm used to enter root password on other distributions... :-)09:18
topylioling: it's just another way of doing things. i haven't been root for years on any distro :)09:19
olingtopyli: i like it this way09:19
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topylioling: yes, it's safer09:19
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=== gldnfire wonders if anyone has ideas, or if he's just being ignored as a whiny luser
olingtopyli: how do i disable root again?09:20
Kamiongldnfire: the installer expects them in /target; you will have to go through the partitioner to satisfy the installer's internal dependencies, but you should be able to just go through it without doing anything09:21
thoreauputicgldnfire: you're just being  ignored as a whiny luser ;) But seriously, I would assume the installer lets you define where your / pertition should be mounted09:21
topylioling: uhhh... wait a moment, i just did it (enabled and re-disabled root because i needed root for installing webmin)09:21
gldnfirekam: when I select it, the pgress bar gets to about 35%, then dumps me back to the main menu...I'm assuming due to lack of memory09:21
olingtopyli: i mean i just can edit shadow, but is there a better way?09:22
Kamiongldnfire: very surprised it turns off swap09:22
topylioling: sudo passwd -l root09:22
Kamiongldnfire: (more than transiently)09:22
Kamiongldnfire: unfortunately I have to go now so I can't stay and debug09:22
gldnfirekam: it probably does, since swap is on the only disk in the machine...I imagine the idea of fdisk'ing (or equivalent) a machine that has an actrive swap partition is...scary :)09:22
olinghas any user sudo rights on ubuntu09:23
topylioling: no, just the first user you make09:23
topylioling: you should study man sudo and man sudoers. you can tweak sudo pretty much09:24
Kamiongldnfire: oh, yeah, indeed09:24
olingtopyli: i would like to figure out, how i can add another admin (sudo enabled) user account over the GUI09:25
thoreauputicoling: using visudo09:26
topylioling: look at /etc/sudoers and see what it says about you. then use visudo to add another like it09:26
olingcome on, you don't want to tell a novice to use vi... :-)09:26
olingtopyli: i know a little bit about sudo, no problem09:27
olingbut how to explain it to a novice?09:27
topylioling: visudo is just a wrapper, i think it uses $EDITOR09:27
thoreauputicoling: you don't have to - you can use eg nano09:27
olingyes, but default is vi09:27
gldnfireso, is there any way to tweak the installer to make it realise the disk is already aprtionned, since I don't have the memory to start the partionner...or do I need to go sink the $$$ into memory for this beast?09:27
pepsi__gldnfire, as i remember, yes09:27
olingso where is the GUI option :-)))09:27
topylioling: you do have a point there. we want gnome-visudo :)09:28
pepsi__theres a way to setup the partitions yourself09:28
thoreauputicEDITOR=nano; nano /etc/sudoers09:28
=== oling tries to be a windows user
=== oling tries to act like a windows user/ linux novice
gldnfirepepsi: from what little docs I found, it looked like I had to at least get into the partionner first, to select that option...09:28
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thoreauputicEDITOR=nano ; visudo (maybe?)09:29
pepsi__so go into the partitioner09:29
pepsi__just dont modify anything09:29
olingthoreauputic: didn't try but i would do "apt-get install feta", "feta alternatives editor"09:29
gldnfirepepsi: I can't *get* into the partitioner, that's the whole problem!09:29
pepsi__i see09:29
topylioling: it's not really user-space stuff. but with distros like ubuntu and others trying to be newbie-friendly, a gui option might be in order. dunno, it's a philosophical question =)09:29
olingno feta!!!! arghhhh09:30
topylioling: i'd use wajig instead :)09:30
topyliit has a gui too =)09:30
olingtopyli: tried it long time ago, preferd feta... i will look into it09:30
topylifeta is a package management tool. wajig does more09:31
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thoreauputicit's quite possible to just do sudo nano /etc/sudoers - just not recommended09:32
gldnfireI'm guessing the oh-so-poignant silence means I'm going to have to scrape up the money to put more memory into my beast of a laptop...darnitall09:32
thoreauputicor sudo gedit /etc/sudoers or whatever09:32
pepsi__gldnfire, probably :(09:32
topylioling: btw, wajig is firmly allied with sudo. basically it lets you do admin stuff via sudo. start/stop services, edit root-owned files, install packages...09:32
=== gldnfire curses loudly, vociferously, and at great length
topylithoreauputic: i certainly wouldn't recommend it09:33
pepsi__30M of ram really isnt a lot yo09:33
gldnfireI know...it's just that I was given this laptop, and don't want to sink money into it...mostly 'cause I'm rather strapped for cash atm09:33
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RuffianSoldierwho here would like to use Ubuntu on a diet?09:34
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thoreauputictopyli: well, neither did I - I just know it is possible since I've done it :)09:34
olingtopyli: reading the wajig website. it seems you can do everything with this tool, changed a lot since the last time i tried it...09:34
TreenaksRuffianSoldier: ubuntu on a diet? you mean debian?09:34
topylithoreauputic: sure :)09:34
topylioling: that's right09:34
RuffianSoldierTreenaks, no, I mean BeatrIX09:34
gldnfireah, well, time to go dig through the compaw website, to see if I can find out the part number for the RAM I need, without having to pay them triple it's price to install the stuff09:34
topylioling: and it has a gtk gui called gjig :)09:35
thoreauputicgldnfire: at the risk of heresy - have you considered using something *really* small like DamnSmallLinux? It can be hard-drive installed09:35
topyligldnfire: or vector09:35
gldnfiretop: vector? that one I hadn't heard of before09:36
RuffianSoldierVector rocks09:36
topyliit's a real desktop distro, but very light09:36
gldnfirebased on slackware? le sigh09:36
thoreauputicgldnfire: yes, vector is great09:36
gldnfireaw, darn it..."expects target partitions to be mounted, or if it has some internal checks beyond simply having htem mounted...09:37
=== gldnfire blinkblinks, "that wasn't what was in the clipboard!!
gldnfire"Easy on your system resources, should run fine with a minimum of 32mb of ram"09:37
gldnfirethat was!09:37
topyliah, too fat?09:37
gldnfireby the 2 megs used as my freaking video memory09:38
pepsi__i wouldnt think 2 megs would make or break you09:38
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aaroncukhi all09:38
gldnfireubuntu claims to be ok with 32 megs, as well09:38
aaroncukhow can i stop x loading when i boot my pc, im using it as a server and dont need x09:38
gumpishUhm - is it just me or did I just install warty without being prompted to choose a root password?09:38
topyligldnfire: you could see if vector makes it, and if not, do damnsmall09:39
pepsi__gumpish, you are correct09:39
gumpishaaroncuk: You can add a "3" to the arguments to the kernel09:39
ogragumpish: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo09:39
gumpishoh jesus09:39
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gumpishall sudo huh?09:39
gldnfiretop: I think I'll start burning these to re-writables, rather than rwitables...I'm using up too many disks! :)09:39
pepsi__gumpish, set a root password if you want09:39
aaroncukwhat does that mean gumpish lol09:39
pepsi__its just not default09:39
ogragumpish: read it ;)09:39
topyligumpish: don't worry, it does work09:39
thoreauputicaaroncuk:  echo "false" >/etc/X11/default-display-manager09:39
ogragumpish: its a cool concept if you once got used to it09:40
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aaroncukdo i need to add that line somewhere?09:40
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thoreauputicaaroncuk: you just run that command - actually prepend it with sudo09:41
aaroncukcool, just done that, rebooting now09:41
thoreauputicno need to reboot!09:41
topyligumpish: i've been doing it for ages. it's nice to see a distro do it by default :)09:41
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thoreauputicjust kill X with ctrl-alt-backspace should do it09:42
aaroncukim assuming i just need to type x to load it once i have logged into teh terminal09:42
=== ogra likes the fact that sudo is used because of golfing accidents :)
thoreauputicaaroncuk: startx to start x :)09:42
Gwildor|workbut I think it does it automagically.............sometimes for me09:42
thenukeogra: beg my pardon :D09:42
mirakI got hardware failures09:43
ograthenuke: hehe09:43
mirakcan bad hardrive causes system hangs ?09:43
aaroncukhmm, trouble is it doesnt want to load x now lol09:43
thenukemirak: I would bet on that09:43
aaroncukwell it does my the screen is all messed up09:43
thoreauputicaaroncuk: do you have a ~/.xsession file?09:43
thenukemirak: bad memory causes mos often that kind of problems I think09:43
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aaroncukand bad cpus09:44
bencerhi ppl09:44
mirakthe failure is vertical colored lines09:44
mirakon the screen09:44
pepsi__how pretty09:44
aaroncuki had a bad athlon caused system hangs every few minutes09:44
bencerdo u know if there are hoary cd images ?09:45
aaroncukits working now thoreauputic09:45
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thoreauputicaaroncuk: ah, good :)09:46
topyliwhat's a good simple irc bot for iding on a channel and handing out ops for certain users?09:46
aaroncukstill goes wierd when it first loads but it sorts itself out lol09:47
topyliaaroncuk: once you have a sane gnome session up, you can save it and it'll be good forever :)09:48
topylifingers crossed of course09:48
potato_headIs there any idea how much ubuntu has cost to develop?09:48
Gwildor|workI think over 10 mil so far09:49
potato_head10 mil rand?09:49
topylipotato_head: billions of debian volunteers' money, and some from canonical of course =)09:49
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confreyhi everybody09:52
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thoreauputicGreetings, confrey, :)09:52
pillermdz: hi, xpdf segfault bug #3135 has happened again on my amd64 box09:53
gumpishhmmm, how do I mount samba shares? mount -t smbfs //host/share /mnt/mountpoint ?09:54
confreyI need a little help : I have configured fonts resolution in gnome at 75dpi, to have small fonts in application; but other gtk apps like xmms have big fonts in their dialog windows; how can I reduce fonts resolution about?09:54
confreygumpish, yes09:54
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gumpishno worky =( "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on host, or too many mounted file systems" -- Gee, thanks for narrowing it down there, mount authors...09:55
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gumpishMay as well have said "Sorry! Unable to mount!"09:55
gumpishAt least then I'd be getting an apology.09:56
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jimihi there09:57
aaroncukhey im having trouble getting my server to power off, it just say acpi power off called but doesnt shut down, acpi is enabled in bios09:57
thoreauputicgumpish: heh... this is *nix - no apologies!09:57
jimigsfonts-x11 package is needed for flash plugin to work. Is this package now installed with ubuntu base install?09:57
jimior i open a bug?09:57
[BTM] geeis there any program that you can use to talk to other while playing in ubuntu, like ventrilo,skype ?09:57
gumpishsort of like "there's no crying in baseball" huh?09:58
ograconfrey: sudo apt-get install gtk-theme-switch09:58
confreyogra : thanks09:58
ograconfrey: and then use the "switch" command i think09:58
thoreauputicgumpish: http://users.fishinternet.com.au/~peterg/dil-unix.gif09:59
ograconfrey: but you can only adjust the fontsize, not the resolution.....09:59
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Br|cehi folks09:59
aaroncukany ideas anyone09:59
confreyjimi, I don't know, you can see it by this : dpkg -l gsfonts* | grep ii09:59
jimithanx for the command09:59
confreyogra : it's what I need, thanks09:59
Br|ceanyone could tell me where I can find a list of mirrors for my new ubuntu's sources.list ?09:59
jimibut i know it was not installed on my version10:00
thoreauputicaaroncuk: try typing  apm  in the /etc/modules file10:00
jimiit may be on earlier10:00
cenerentolasladen: have you got 1 sec for me?10:00
gumpishIsn't mount -t smbfs supposed to call some other binary?10:00
thoreauputicaaroncuk: on a separate line, of course10:00
Br|ce(I must add I'm new to ubuntu and currently under console mode)10:00
ogragumpish: did you try nautilus ? (the connect to server dialog)10:01
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potato_headI'm trying to use ndiswrapper to get wireless networking working, but when I try to 'modprobe ndiswrapper', it fails and 'loadndisdriver: main(527): version 0.11 doesn't match driver version 0.10' comes up in syslog. I'm lost. Help!10:03
potato_head(I've updated to hoary from warty to get a later version of ndiswrapper that works with my wlan adaptor)10:04
confreycan I use firefox in Italian language?10:04
aaroncuk./etc/modules is not a dir10:04
gumpishogra: I put in the info and an empty window has opened with an apparently unending spinner cursor/throbber. Never got prompted for my password either...10:05
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thoreauputicaaroncuk: /etc/modules (no .)10:05
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aaroncukgot it, theres a file called modules10:05
aaroncukadded apm to it10:06
aaroncukgonna reboot10:06
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confreyaaroncuk : you don't need to rebbot, yopu can simply give a modprobe apm10:07
=== aaroncuk looks blankly lol
thoreauputicaaroncuk: sudo modprobe apm10:07
aaroncukim a total newbie lol10:07
aaroncukwell that didnt work lol, still gets stuck on acpi_power_off called10:08
thoreauputicaaroncuk: just type what I said above :)10:08
thoreauputicaaroncuk: did that command give any errors?10:08
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aaroncukjust waiting for pc to reboot, then i will run it10:08
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thoreauputicaaroncuk: when it reboots, the command lsmod should show apm in the list it outputs10:09
aaroncukerror inserting apm /lib/modules...../apm.ko no such device10:10
thoreauputichmm... very odd not to have apm in there ...10:10
aaroncukshall i apt-get install apmd ??10:11
thoreauputicmaybe it's a 2.6.* kernel thing, I don't know...10:11
aaroncukor libapm110:12
pepsi__awesome, now the weather report applet died :D10:12
=== pepsi__ watches everything fall apart
thenukeis it good or bad idea to recompile the kernel?10:12
thenukeor just not worth of it10:12
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thoreauputicthenuke: if you need to ask, don't ;)10:12
ograaaroncuk: i think you first need to unload the acpi module to get the apm one to work....10:12
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aaroncukhow do i do that10:12
aaroncuksorry for the annoying questions, very new to all this10:13
thenukethoreauputic: well, there are the configs already, I could drop out things which I know I dont need10:13
ograthenuke: its not worth it execpt you urgently need a feature that isnt already in there10:13
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thenukeogra: all right10:13
dkuykhow do enable samba in ubuntu (i want to make my /home/ dir shared)10:13
confreywhy can't I write as user on my usb SD?10:13
thoreauputicaaroncuk: sudo rmmod acpi,  should do it10:14
ograaaroncuk: i'm not sure if: sudo rmmod acpi  could work, probably not because others depend on it10:14
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aaroncukit says module acpi does not exist in proc/modules10:15
thoreauputicogra: maybe an append in the boot loader?  noacpi or something?10:15
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ograthoreauputic: yep10:15
edulixhello !10:15
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edulixI'm having problems with ubuntu installation10:15
pepsi__edulix, ok10:16
edulixI've installed it in /dev/hdb1. that partition is booteable,10:16
pepsi__whats wrong with hda? it have another os on it or something?10:16
aaroncukthis is annoying i need to be able to turn it off lol10:17
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edulixwhen it ask me about where to install grub, where should I tell him ? (hd1) ? /dev/hdb5 (sorry, it was (dev/hdb5 not /dev/hda1) ?10:17
edulixpepsi__: yeah, I just want to install it in my second HD10:17
ograaaroncuk: for a test, press escape on boot and then "e"  you can edit the kernel line ....10:17
eglidkuyk, have you tried http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SettingUpSamba10:17
ograaaroncuk: add the word: noacpi10:18
makoif you will be in mataro, now is the time to sign up for the keysigning10:18
edulixpepsi__: the problem is that when ubuntu reboots to base system, I get prompted "grub> " !10:18
ograaaroncuk: space separated behind the word "splash"10:18
ograaaroncuk: then press b to boot.....10:18
edulixBTW, I used reiserfs for that partition, could that be the problem..?10:19
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karakthAnyone here interested in wearable computers?10:19
ogramako: i already sent my data, but i'm not sure if everything is correct.....i sent my public key, fingerprint and key id is that enough ?10:19
edulixkarakth: if they're cheap.. hehe10:20
edulixpepsi__: ?10:20
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karakthedulix: I mean self-built10:22
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aaroncukdone that ogra10:23
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ograaaroncuk: now load the apm module with the command thoreauputic gave you10:24
gumpishDoes anyone here actually have a samba volume mounted as we speak?10:25
ogragumpish: wait a sec.....10:25
ogragumpish: now .... yes10:25
aaroncuksame error10:25
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ograaaroncuk: hmm10:26
makoogra: when did you send it?10:26
ogramako: just recieved your "semi" autoreply :)10:27
confreywhy can't I write as user on my usb SD?10:27
olinghow can i create a /dev/net/tun device?10:28
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brazzaoling, what perm has the device?10:28
ogramako: but there seems a additional key form my keyring in there could this cause probs ?10:28
olingbrazza: what do you mean?10:28
ogra<----- not used to gpg at all, but wannabe dev :)10:28
olingbrazza: there is no /dev/net/tun10:28
brazzaoling, u said u can;t write as user so i'm think it's a permision problem10:29
aaroncukright i will be back in half an hour ogra, thanks for ur help so far10:29
olingbrazza: no, it's just not there10:29
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thoreauputicbrazza: I think that was confrey :)10:29
brazzahaven't been writing to a sd yet, will soon with my nokia10:29
ograaaroncuk: k10:29
thoreauputicbrazza: <confrey> why can't I write as user on my usb SD?10:30
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brazzawhat do u mean?10:30
olingi guess i have to install tun/tap module. how can i do this? (i used modconf in debian,...10:30
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olingokay... after "modprobe tun" it works, but how to load the tun module permanently?10:32
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XhyldazhKwhere do i get sources for kernel?10:32