
=== elmo [~james@host217-37-231-28.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #launchpad
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!alindeman:*! "We're experiencing turbulance. Please fasten your seatbelts" Uh, looks like an mrs server is having some problems. We're working on mitigating further repurcusion. Sorry for any inconvenience, and thanks for flying Freenode05:02
!alindeman:*! Repurcusions*05:02
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dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/package-framework--devo--1.1: merge in Tez Kamihira's gettext work, tweaked for better modularity and debian layout (patch-3)05:23
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.1: merge in Tez Kamihira's gettext work, diff correctness & nuking of changes, and new command tree-id (patch-28)05:37
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dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar-debian--debian--1.1: package update to support Tez Kamihira's gettext patch (patch-2)06:24
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