
sivangyou fly tommorow?12:01
sivangok, then have a good trip12:02
sivangI'll try that snippet 12:02
sivangMaybe we'll continue this from mataro :)12:03
sivangno go :(12:03
sivangsome semicolon problem12:04
sivangnevermind :)12:04
enricogoing to bed12:42
enricoSee you from Matar12:42
ChrisHThe log bot will be back online later... it was running on mentors.debian.net which got hacked today. :(01:11
sivangnot a prob01:14
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sivangplovs : hi06:14
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sivanghey lulu06:58
luluhey sivang! here at the conference...filling up with people06:59
sivanglulu : can't wait to come :)06:59
lulusivang:it's going to be a great one - it's good to put faces to names.07:00
sivanglulu : I'm sure, I bet we would get some good work done also, having each other personally met and communicate in real life07:04
lulusivang :o)07:05
ChrisHlulu: How's the hotel?07:24
luluChrisH: Hiya! 07:24
sivangChrisH : yo!07:25
ChrisHsivang: reyo07:25
ChrisHlulu: Do you have any directions how to get from the train station to the hotel? I couldn't find any map.07:25
luluChrisH: we have 4 meeting rooms.07:25
luluthey are great07:25
lulubandwidth 13Meg07:25
sivangChrisH : http://foodfight.org/fotos/2004/12-05%20Walk%20from%20Matar3%20train%20station%20to%20hotel/07:25
ChrisHlulu: Nice.07:25
lulutrain station to hotel. our road is parallel to the train station07:26
lulubeach, train station, our road.07:26
ChrisHsivang: error 40407:26
sivangxchat eated some chars there07:26
sivangChrisH : "http://foodfight.org/fotos/2004/12-05%20Walk%20from%20Matar3%20train%20station%20to%20hotel/"07:26
sivangit did it again07:26
ChrisHlulu: is the "cami ral" starting at the train station?07:27
ChrisHlulu: Although it will quite a hassle with wife and baby I'm confident it will be a funny time. :)07:27
lulu5 mins walk. out of station, go under the subway.walk up a side street perpendicular to the beach road and the next main street up is our Hotel road.07:27
sivangChrisH : go to the Maps section on the wiki, it has the link there, by the kind help of hte deuth IRC channel moderator :)07:28
sivanghe has photoed the whole walkthrough from the train station to the hotel07:28
ChrisHsivang: very good07:28
sivangsee it now? :)07:28
sivangnow that's reassurment ha?07:28
sivangI asked to do a photographed walkthrough, today he sent me tha lin :))07:29
lulubut Chris a taxi is about 4 euros and 5 mins away. so best with baby :o)07:29
ChrisHlulu: Sure? I wanted to go by foot because of the baby. I don't believe the taxis have baby seats. And they are known for their kamikaze driving style.07:30
luluChrisH: fair enough - 5 mins walk.07:30
luluhave to go! see you later :o) dinner....07:31
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sivangChrisH : pitti told me the cabs are not that bad, you should them the address on a papaerm and it's 3.20EU but don't hold me againss it if it's wrong :)07:32
ChrisHsivang: I'm just worried about the baby seat.07:32
sivangall canonicals just logged out - dinner07:32
sivangat the same exact time..07:32
sivanganybody know what with the hornbeck server?09:37
sivangit went offline yesterday, I am wondering if it's back on.09:37
sivangok, it's on. just checked.09:38
sivangChrisH : do you know anything of packaging yelp documentation? 09:38
sivangChrisH : I am trying to make the handbook register under scrollkeeper using dh_scrollkeeper but to no avail.09:39
ChrisHsivang: I haven't ever worked with scrollkeeper.09:39
sivangok :)09:39
ChrisHsivang: We should find out over a calimocho. :)09:40
sivangChrisH : who?10:43
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