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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:smurfix_] : Tuesday 07 December 2004 at 16:00 UTC: Community Council meeting -- https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/CommunityCouncilAgenda | ||
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jlinares | bona tarda | 05:00 |
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teo | hi | 05:01 |
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=== mako finds out that the meeting is *not* in $ubunut-meeting | ||
mako | #ubunut-meeting | 05:03 |
mako | BUST AN UNBUNUT | 05:03 |
jordi | Avall els pantalons! (we need to boost catalan usage in this conference...) | 05:03 |
fabbione | ehhehe | 05:03 |
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jdub | jordi: that is very different to the spanish | 05:03 |
jordi | well, it's adifferent language after all :) | 05:04 |
jdub | sounds french ;) | 05:04 |
seb128 | yeah | 05:04 |
jordi | jdub: doh, I thought you said "abajo los pantalones" | 05:04 |
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jordi | They tell me you said "Estoy buscando mis pantalones" | 05:04 |
jordi | Sooo, let's make that "Estic cercant els meus pantalons!" | 05:04 |
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jdub | jordi: oh, avall is "take off"? :) | 05:05 |
mako | jdub: avail yourself of your pants | 05:05 |
jordi | "abajo" :) | 05:05 |
jdub | heh | 05:05 |
jdub | mako: NEVER! | 05:05 |
jdub | you will have to fight me! | 05:05 |
quique | we will... | 05:06 |
mako | believe me, i will | 05:06 |
lamont__r | agenda item #1 is jdub's pants? | 05:06 |
mako | if ubuntu has taught me anything, it's that TOGETHER, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE | 05:06 |
jordi | I need to announce that jdub has been able to deliver a package maaaaany Debian people were waiting for. | 05:06 |
quique | and #2 is his underware | 05:06 |
jordi | It took like... 4 minutes to prepare. | 05:06 |
sivang | jdub : can you see this? | 05:06 |
mako | ok, so this meeting | 05:06 |
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mako | i will "Run" this if nobody else wants to | 05:07 |
smurfix_ | quique: under_wear_. | 05:07 |
quique | i know... | 05:07 |
jordi | remember, you said you would not be able to run for 2 minutes. | 05:07 |
mako | elmo, Kamion: around? | 05:07 |
elmo | yes | 05:07 |
Kamion | yes | 05:08 |
mako | ok, so the agenda is, AFAIK, empty | 05:08 |
=== haggai [~halls@i-83-67-20-196.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
smurfix_ | It says "Any new maintainers?". | 05:08 |
mako | are there are new maintainers for the council to consider this week? | 05:09 |
mako | anyone here that wanted to be on that agenda but isn't? | 05:09 |
mako | or, any other business folks want to have mentioned? | 05:09 |
mako | otherwise, i think we should just do a bit of a summary from the conference and end it.. short and sweet :) | 05:10 |
haggai | yesterday there was some discussion about seeds, and the fact there isn't really a defined process for accepting/rejecting seeds | 05:11 |
=== mako is happy to add that to the list | ||
mako | or is this a TB issue? | 05:11 |
mako | Kamion? | 05:11 |
haggai | did anyone come up with ideas from the discussion yesterday about how this should be done? | 05:12 |
jdub | haggai: i'm writing a process document about it | 05:12 |
jdub | probably something to propose to the TB next week | 05:12 |
haggai | ok | 05:13 |
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Kamion | mako: kind of crossover; I don't think it needs to be approved by the TB necessarily | 05:13 |
haggai | yeah, I think there is a community element to it | 05:13 |
Kamion | I guess process for accepting/rejecting proposals needs approval | 05:13 |
mako | haggai: do you want to give an executive summary of the problem at least and maybe people can communicate/discussion with jdub etc for something to bring to the TB next week? | 05:14 |
elmo | btw, we just lost bof room upstairs | 05:14 |
mako | or anyone else that is willing to do it? | 05:14 |
jdub | elmo: hrm? | 05:14 |
lamont__r | well, parts of the bof room... | 05:14 |
lamont__r | network connectivity crap | 05:14 |
jdub | mako: (task to write it was assigned yesterday) | 05:14 |
haggai | ok sounds like I missed a vital part :) | 05:15 |
=== haggai crawls back to hole | ||
mako | jdub: is it worth doing a summary of the problem | 05:15 |
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=== mako missed that BoF | ||
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jdub | haggai: i think you're right that it is both CC and TB relevant | 05:15 |
haggai | summary is basically, there isn't one. A procedure, that is. | 05:15 |
jdub | mako: yeah | 05:15 |
jdub | currently we are in perpetual seed freeze | 05:16 |
jdub | with matt and i confirming changes as required | 05:16 |
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jdub | at the moment, we are confirming things that are required to continue development | 05:16 |
jdub | such as new dependencies, etc. | 05:16 |
jdub | but we also have the open proposals (see SeedManagement on the wiki) | 05:17 |
jdub | there is no documented process or responsibility for ensuring those proposals are dealt with | 05:17 |
mako | so it's a process issue for getting packages added to hoary basically? | 05:18 |
jdub | added to base/desktop/supported | 05:18 |
jdub | we'll have to have a bigger discussion about universe and multiverse | 05:18 |
=== mako agrees with Kamion that this is a CC issue as well as a TB one | ||
mdz | mako, basically | 05:19 |
mdz | we know what the requirements are for the process | 05:19 |
mdz | but it has not been written yet | 05:19 |
elmo | mdz lives | 05:20 |
mdz | barely | 05:20 |
mako | for those that are not in mataro, mdz is sick | 05:21 |
Kamion | and then there's the illness | 05:21 |
mako | and sabdfl is away for a couple days | 05:21 |
mako | Kamion: :) | 05:21 |
Kamion | should be back tomorrow morning or so | 05:21 |
jdub | (ripe for coup_ | 05:21 |
mako | jdub: alright, so we should definitely move quickly.. | 05:21 |
mako | i mean, with the seed prososal document | 05:21 |
mako | right | 05:21 |
jordi | mdz: ugh, I didn't know :/ | 05:22 |
fabbione | (that's because mdz didn't have enough burbon yesterday night btw) | 05:22 |
mako | ok | 05:24 |
mako | so i am happy to do an update for folks not at the conference | 05:24 |
mako | and then we can call it quits unless other people have things | 05:24 |
mako | about 50 of us have arrived in mataro already i believe | 05:25 |
mako | and we've had two days of the conference almost over | 05:25 |
mako | almost all of the canonical employess are here already | 05:26 |
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mako | and the rest are guests from spain a and from outside who have come | 05:26 |
mako | we've had a handful of bofs on a number of topics.. yesterday saw the hoary feature goals LOVEFEST | 05:26 |
mako | and a bof on seedmanagement and an effort by myself and some others on input methods | 05:27 |
mako | we are also talking a bit about anothre canoncial project called launchpad | 05:28 |
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mdz | the process needs to ensure that proposed packages meet the criteria, which are fairly well-specified | 05:28 |
mdz | and that there is an opportunity for discussion | 05:28 |
=== SteveA waves at the mention of launchpad | ||
mako | which includes a number of tools that, in the near future, ubuntu will be using to make making ubuntu easier.. and doing a whole lot of other things that involve working on free software and open source in general easier as well | 05:29 |
mako | we'll be having an open day with lots of other people from barcelona and beyond this satruday | 05:30 |
mako | and other than taht we will focus on a handful of bofs and sessions a day and a lot of hacking :) | 05:30 |
mako | that's my summary :) | 05:31 |
mako | so is there anything else? | 05:31 |
mako | Kamion, elmo? | 05:31 |
elmo | not from me | 05:32 |
mako | alright then.. | 05:32 |
mako | next tuesday for the TB meeting and two weeks from today for the next CC meeting | 05:32 |
Kamion | nothing from me | 05:32 |
Kamion | thanks for the summary | 05:33 |
mako | maybe an agenda next week :) | 05:33 |
mako | or in two weeks | 05:33 |
Kamion | let's hope so :) | 05:33 |
Kamion | the CC has been quiet agenda-wise recently | 05:33 |
=== mako nods | ||
=== mako will try to do something controversial | ||
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Kamion | which I'm not entirely sure is a good thing, but we can talk about that later :) | 05:33 |
jordi | mako is mine now. We have... issues to solve. | 05:33 |
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mako | Kamion: i share you concern | 05:33 |
=== mako adjurns the meeting | ||
mako | thanks everyone for coming! | 05:35 |
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mako | laptop bof will be starting for those in mataro | 05:35 |
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