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luluDocumentation BOF in progress at the Conference10:08
luluNotes will be posted today and will be linked to from the Conference Agenda.10:09
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sivanglulu : do you have anything he has already done ( ofer wiseglass) anything about his interests etc? :)11:24
luluyes - lots :o) I'll send you a mail and you guys can get in touch.11:25
sivanglulu : ah great ! 11:25
sivanglulu : you know if daf already created the "Hebrew" section in rosseta?11:26
luluit's not a Hebrew section per se. You ask for a package to be uploaded that you want to translate. Select the language you are interested in and then check the package for translated and untranslated messages and start translating.11:29
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lulusivang:Daf will need to set you up with an account on the dogfood server.12:22
sivangdaf : great!12:22
sivangdaf : I'll talk to him after this then12:22
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=== sid77 hi
cenerentolasmetti di tradurre gli howto12:52
cenerentolasorry... wrong channel12:52
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=== sid77 re
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plovshornbeck, hi!03:13
sivangyo horny! whassup dude?03:14
hornbeckhows the conference03:15
hornbeckgotta run03:17
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=== sid77 hi
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