
mjg59Keybuk: Mm. We didn't get any beeps out of yours, did we?12:01
mjg59It could well be the same issue12:01
Keybukno, but that could be just the fact it's a soundcard that pretends to beep12:01
mjg59That's true12:02
mjg59Tell tbm to get his docking station fixed12:02
Keybukheh :p12:03
danielsGOD SVN IS A DISK HOG12:06
daniels2.6MB in database logs, 401MB in 'strings'12:06
=== lamont_r upgrades, reboots to get a new kernel. happy happy joy joy
sabdf1daniels: have you tried baz recently?12:07
sabdf1mjg59: will the X40 be a happy puppy with your new kernels?12:07
mjg59sabdf1: Everything in my kernels is in Hoary's 2.6.9 now12:08
danielssabdf1: don't use svn personally, just looking at a few fd.o projects (the start-and-forget ones that are making us look like sourceforge)12:08
mjg59sabdf1: If you're on Hoary, you get suspend to disk support by magic12:09
danielssabdf1: i use baz for all my stuff12:09
sabdf1mjg59: this laptop is still warty-fied, desktop has hoary, but the laptop is what i'm curious about12:09
mjg59sabdf1: But yeah, I'm running that kernel on my X4012:09
sabdf1daniels: our arch supermirror is going to be a huge repo of scarily unmaintained code too, i figure12:10
mjg59I think it probably has usb-storage issues which are fixed in the Hoary one12:10
sabdf1can't wait :-)12:10
mjg59Hoary's 2.6.9 should work fine on Warty, as long as you pick up Hoary's initrd-tools as well12:10
sabdf1well, i suppose, if that were true i'd be upgrading now12:10
danielssabdf1: mmm, at least its stated purpose is to suck up everything alive, not to foster active development12:10
=== Fwiffo [~user@jep.dhcp.kampsax.dtu.dk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sabdf1i'm waiting for the package freeze12:11
danielssabdf1: ('hi, you never logged in and afaict you've only ever committed four headers.  do you guys actually exist?')12:11
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sabdf1mjg59: great work, you're getting quite a reputation among the ubuntites12:17
thomas a scary loony. definitely12:17
sabdf1no one seems to know what a verbally carcinogenic glyphically creative character you really are ;-)12:18
Keybuknot scary, so much as angry12:18
danielsoh, we all know, dude :)12:18
sabdf1beer time?12:22
thomsabdf1: yes12:22
sabdf1see you there12:23
sabdf1just... one... more... commit...12:23
=== lamont_r decides to keep his wife happy.
danielssabdf1: craaaaack12:23
danielssee you guys in the lobby12:23
=== stockholm [~andi@petrus.schuldei.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lifelesshehe, I got CRACK.12:23
lifelesswill feed it to you soon.12:23
stockholmthis is the pyhton support channel, right?12:23
Keybukthe Python people are playing mao or drinking beer :p12:24
lifeless(thats inclusive or too,for clarity)12:24
stockholmi get this traceback from rootstrap:12:25
stockholmTraceback (most recent call last):12:25
stockholm  File "/usr/bin/rootstrap", line 113, in ?12:25
stockholm    if os.spawnvpe(os.P_WAIT,umlargs[0] , umlargs, os.environ) != 0:12:25
stockholm  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/os.py", line 553, in spawnvpe12:25
stockholm    return _spawnvef(mode, file, args, env, execvpe)12:25
stockholm  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/os.py", line 504, in _spawnvef12:25
stockholm    wpid, sts = waitpid(pid, 0)12:25
lifelessyou hit Ctrl-C.12:25
stockholmyes, i did, because the thing hang12:25
lifelessso it raw a child process, it was waiting for that child.12:25
stockholmbut the child process was just sitting there.12:26
lifelesswhat was the child meant to be doing? (what was it..)12:26
stockholmit should have exited.12:27
stockholmit was a uml process that had done a shutdown12:27
lifelesshmm, what kernel ?12:27
lifelessok, not that suspicion then.12:28
stockholmand host is 2.6.9 wiht skas12:28
lifelessoh! ok, I *think* there is a bug in 2.6* hitting python.12:28
lifelesstry with LD_ASSUME_KERNEL="2.4.whatever"12:28
stockholmneat, ok12:29
lifelessI saw weird stuff like that all the time until I put that in.12:29
stockholmreally "whatever"?12:29
lifeless(by whatever I mean foo, a metasyntatic wassname.12:29
lifelesslet me look up the actual value I'm using12:29
stockholmlifeless: hm, still hangs when done12:42
stockholmyou meant it like an environment var to the process, right?12:43
=== jon1012 [~jon@AMontsouris-151-1-10-94.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jon1012hello :)12:45
jon1012excuse me, where can I find "libgnomevfs2-0_2.9.1-0ubuntu2_i386.deb" ?12:59
Mithrandirnautilus should support sftp://$host/$directory style symlinks.01:05
=== stockholm [~andi@petrus.schuldei.org] has left #ubuntu-devel []
MithrandirI guess I'll have to patch that in.01:06
jon1012do you know when the gnome menus will be fixed in hoary ?01:15
Mithrandirnope, seb128 would be the man to know01:16
Mithrandiror jdub01:16
jon1012ok :)01:16
jon1012thx ^^01:17
haggaiwhere is everyone?01:20
haggaiwe just got back from Barcelona and the place is deserted01:21
jon1012it explains why there wasn't anybody the last week :p01:27
=== haggai bounces around a bit to make the channel look more active
haggaiKubuntu!  Ker-buntu! Keee-dee-Eee-buntu !!01:34
lifelesswe're right here01:34
=== haggai ends up in the corner in a strange stupor
sladenhaggai: which corner?01:36
haggaisladen: the one in my room, which thankfully has wireless01:36
haggaisladen: so where is everyone anyway?01:36
=== jdub [~jdub@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jon1012hm... I don't know if it's the right moment to ask, but I would want to help in the gnome development ^^01:39
jon1012and ubuntu of course :)01:39
jon1012(gnome in ubuntu in fact :p)01:39
lifelessI think its *always* the right time to ask that01:39
haggaijdub: did you find any chocolate?01:40
jdubjust lollies01:41
jon1012(jdub, do you know when I could test the fixed menu system for hoary ?)01:45
jon1012(or maybe I could help in the development of this?)01:46
jdubfirst cut should be done this weekend01:47
jon1012ok :)01:49
jon1012if you need some help or testing just ask me :)01:49
haggaiarrggh evo crashed for the 3rd time on the same list01:54
haggaidon't you gnome guys have anything stable to read your mail with? *duck*01:54
=== jon1012 uses thunderbird when evolution doesn't work ^^
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mojodaniels: ur the greatest! I just got the new 686 linux-restricted and nvidia-glx02:24
mojodaniels: but did you notice that 'glxgear' fail? (Segmentation fault)02:24
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mojodaniels: and so cedega and other related program02:25
jon1012(ouch :/)02:27
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jon1012good night everybody :)02:55
lamont_rwho's on
jon1012?? ( is a lan addresse :|)02:58
lamont_rjon1012: exactly.  specifically, an IP at the conf in mataro02:58
lamont_rwhich is to say, someone's laptop.02:58
sivangnot mines :)02:58
jon1012oh ok lol02:58
jon1012I'm not in mataro :p02:59
sivanglamont_r : still fighting with the network?03:01
plovslamont_r, here it works ok03:02
plovslamont_r, across the hall from your room03:02
lamont_ram fine03:02
lamont_rjust experience a burp in the force03:04
lamont_rwhoever's on .14 was just bouncing around alot is all.03:04
lamont_ranyway, bed time03:04
sivanglamont, night!03:04
sabdf1night all03:10
sivangnight sabdfl 03:10
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mojodaniels: is it better if u write a script to download binary Nvidia driver and install automatically rather get restricted-modules? On some machine, the resctrited does not work or usually encounter some Seg fault error03:33
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spotteranyone using software suspend w/ the new 2.6.9 kernel?04:49
spotterhow does one set it up?04:49
tsengread $linuxsource/Documentation/power/swsusp.txt04:50
spotterhave to install linuxsource04:50
spotteri just installed the unbuntu packages04:50
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jdodsonknock, knock.06:26
jdodsonany developers in the house?06:26
jdodsonhouse being this irc channel that is.06:26
Tsjoklatbit early in Spain jdodson... and weekend06:27
jdodsonah right.06:27
Tsjoklatwould try in mmmm two and a half hours06:28
jdodsongonna be in bed then..... oh well.06:28
Tsjoklatmore luck on monday06:30
jdodsonsounds good, will rock it then....06:30
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Simiramorning folks!10:47
=== Mithrandir ruffles Simira
Treenaksmorning Simira 10:49
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jdahlinI have a problem booting ubuntu on amd64, seems like grub cant find stage2 from my hd01:03
=== jdahlin looks around for clueful people
azeemjdahlin: seems they are all touring Barcelona today01:18
jdahlinyeah, boring :)01:18
amuazeem: not all ;) 01:26
=== SepheeBear [~SepheeBea@24-193-86-231.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== pasc finally makes it in
=== Treenaks decides normal developers will never be able to use baz
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pascTreenaks: how come?03:42
Treenakspasc: because it's impossible to think up a 'baz get' line which does NOT tell me "invalid revision spec"03:44
lifelesspasc: dude, are you here ?03:44
lifelessTreenaks: how so ? 03:45
lifelessTreenaks: i.e give me an example.03:45
pasclifeless: yeah03:45
pasclifeless: where are you?03:45
lifelessrm 12403:45
pascis everyone in their rooms or something?03:45
pasci'm in one of the conf rooms03:45
lifelessnyha, the slackers went to barcelona, I couldn't face that much walking :)03:46
pascI think it's the BOF room03:46
pascis bob2 wearing a white shirt today?03:46
lifelessif its mid sized and stinky, its the BOF room03:46
Treenakslifeless: the main problem is that the most advanced revision control I've used is cvs03:46
Treenakslifeless: and the lack of docs"03:46
Treenaksdocs for beginners03:47
Treenaksstupid ^J03:47
pasclifeless: yeah03:47
pascsounds about right03:47
lifelessso baz is way to complicated, yes.03:47
lifelessand we are addressing that.03:47
=== pasc is pondering going for a soft-drink/coffee/food
lifelessbut the basics are very similar to cvs - you have a repository, it has branches that you can check out, and commit to.03:47
TreenaksI'll have to dive into the docs some more03:48
lifelesspasc: I could do lunch, but stuff will be closed now, until ~ 8pm.03:49
pasclifeless: want to walk around and see if we see anything?03:51
pascit also gives me the chance to walk around and giggle when I hear people speak in catalan03:51
lifelesssure. Meet you in the lobby?03:51
paschmm ok03:54
pasci'll just come to your room?03:54
pascbe there in 403:54
pasc0 seconds03:54
pascsecond try03:56
pascthis time I'll actually try to remember your room number03:56
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pascI can't find the rooms past 12004:01
jameshyou need to go down to the ground floor and go up the other stair case / lift04:07
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=== remon is back
=== remon is away: not at home
Mithrandirremon: could you please turn off public away?04:41
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=== robtaylor_ is now known as robtaylor|mataro
MithrandirKeybuk/thom/daniels: is there a repository with your latest crack?04:58
Mithrandiror what's the ETA of upload to hoary on it?04:58
Treenaksthe boot speedup crack?05:06
=== robtaylor|mataro wants more crack
Treenaksrobtaylor: poke jdub, keybuk, thom and/or daniels :)05:08
Treenaksrobtaylor: or, if you want kernel crack, poke fabbione :)05:08
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pascTreenaks: jdub/thom /daniels aren't around05:17
pascTreenaks: I don't know what keybuck looks like05:17
lifelesspasc: he looks like scott05:18
Treenakslifeless: he doesn't look like that.. not much at least05:19
lifelessTreenaks: thats his home page - he does so look like that.05:19
pasclifeless: that could be what he would like to look like05:20
lifeless:] 05:20
pascwell I can't see anyone like that either05:21
lifelessI'm pretty sure him and rent boy have gone -> bc05:21
pascrent boy?05:21
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Simirais Ubuntu in plural Ubunti?06:11
MithrandirI think it's uncountable06:14
Simirano, it's not!06:23
TreenaksSimira: it's countable?06:27
TreenaksSimira: I think it's more like "water"..06:27
Treenaksnow ubuntite.. that's countable :)06:28
SimiraOne Ubuntu, more Ubunti06:28
MithrandirTreenaks: mako had some crackhead plural for it.. do you remember?06:28
TreenaksMithrandir: uh no? ubuntites?06:28
Simiralike a lot of Ubuntu clients in a room?06:28
TreenaksMithrandir: or ubuntits? :P06:28
TreenaksSimira: ubuntistas?06:28
=== herzi [~herzi@d061023.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Simiraregardless, I *know* it's Ubunti!06:29
MithrandirTreenaks: I dont remember.06:29
MithrandirSimira: drop a mail to sounder@ ?06:29
Simirano way... flaming is not encouraged06:29
TreenaksSimira: it's not flaming, it's asking a question06:29
Treenaks"what's the plural" etc.06:29
SimiraBut I know :p06:30
Simirabesides, I have an article to finish now06:30
=== Mithrandir chuckles at Simira
=== farruinn doesn't understand
SimiraUbuntu Women == Ubuntits :D06:31
Mithrandirfarruinn: it might help you a bit to know that Simira and I are in the same room (:06:31
farruinnah, ok06:32
farruinnwhat I really didn't understand though is why Simira asked a question to which he already knew the answer =)06:32
Mithrandirfarruinn: we had a small discussion about it.  And she's a she, not a he.06:33
farruinnsorry Simira06:33
farruinnwouldn't have thought that a woman would have said Ubuntu Women == Ubuntits :D06:33
Simiramost men wouldn't. That's why they're men06:34
=== Mithrandir tickles Simira's foot
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remonMithrandir: sorry, I think public away is on by default on ksirc, I'll have a look at it right now06:51
=== mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-39-171.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
remonMithrandir: I think I disabled it, please let me know if it has helped. I guess I don't see those messages like that in my window06:55
Mithrandirremon: ok, thanks.  If you twiddle away/not away now, I can check.07:02
Mithrandir(or if you just did, it should be ok)07:02
=== Tsjoklat [~Tsjoklat@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Simirahm.. Tsjoklat 07:04
TreenaksSimira: I don't think she's online07:05
Treenakscan I take a message? :)07:06
SimiraTreenaks: not really, it's a women-thing :)07:06
Treenaks:) ok07:06
SimiraTreenaks: just finished the article about Ubuntu and women in open source communities. Will put it out as soon as I get a few to read it and give me feedback on the language and spelling/grammatics07:08
TreenaksSimira: on the wiki?07:09
TreenaksSimira: or somewhere else?07:09
TsjoklatI am here sorry mr. Bo was sick07:13
SimiraTreenaks: on the wiki and mailing lists07:19
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thomMithrandir: i need to package up readahead07:32
=== Treenaks hires a cheerleader team to cheer on thom while packaging
Treenaksjdub: have you had time for the -nl list yet? :)07:34
lifelessthat won't make thom package faster, you know.07:34
RubenVif no teams are available, i'll volunteer for the cheering07:34
RubenVthat'll make him package faster ;)07:35
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remonMithrandir: hmm, I'm getting a message now about being not longer away :(07:41
Treenaksremon: we're not getting that07:43
remonAh, so it's allright now?07:43
Treenaksit seems07:43
remonfine :)07:44
remonBTW, do any of you know if there's a channel somewhere for Qt specific things?07:44
Mithrandirremon: try #qt or #kde-devel or #kde-dev or something?07:45
Mithrandir(I don't know if those exists, but it's always worth a shot)07:45
remonAh, OK I'll try to do so, or if perhaps some of you are familiar with Qt programming :P07:45
remon(don't want to bother this list with offtopic stuff)07:46
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Keybukheights, ice cream and coke08:14
Keybukdoesn't really improve my aim much, though08:15
MithrandirKeybuk: I WANT MY CRAAACK08:16
MithrandirKeybuk: hotplug craaaack08:17
KeybukI'm a fixin' hotplug at the moment08:17
KeybukI slightly broke the input agent and it doesn't find the psmouse on X40s08:18
thomelmo in cyclone of hate shocker08:18
Mithrandirthom: how so?08:18
pasccan someone poke daniels for me?08:18
thompasc: no, i can throw sweets08:18
elmoI can throw a glass full of coke at him, if you want08:18
pascyeah that works08:19
pascI think that hit08:19
pascI heard it from here ;-)08:19
elmono, that was me, being my quiet self08:19
=== pasc comes to check on what's happening
=== Keybuk kills pasc
Keybukyou just started WW308:20
pascuh oh08:20
thomelmo's divebombing seb and sjoerd08:21
=== Keybuk feels in a very insecure psition right now
=== haggai feels vulnerable in the middle between thom,elmo,keybuk,pitti & daniels
Mithrandirwhat's going on down there?08:23
=== Keybuk hugs haggai
thomsweet fight08:23
Mithrandirjdub: fire up your webcam!08:23
pittiMithrandir: "down"? where are you?08:23
Mithrandirpitti: home.08:23
MithrandirI have an exam in about 12 hours.08:23
pittiMithrandir: oh, good luck08:23
danielssomeone throw a lolly at haggai08:36
danielshe's clearly far too pacifist08:36
=== haggai grabs an idle pneumatic drill and playfully drills daniels' skull a few times
thomi exist to please08:37
danielsanother drill08:37
danielsanother lolly08:37
danielshe's clearly far too violent now08:37
=== winkle [~winkle@lgh3814234.vittran.norrnod.se] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== haggai growls
Treenakswhere is all this happening? Cristal? :)08:38
thomTreenaks: the "quiet" room08:39
Treenaksthom: ah, that means either elmo or lamont is there..08:39
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lifelessdinner time ?08:41
Keybukwe just pigged out on ice cream08:44
Keybukmuch more fun08:44
TreenaksKeybuk: alcoholic ice cream?08:46
danielsconfigure:26108: checking for qglobal.h08:47
danielsconfigure:26122: result: found08:47
danielsconfigure:26141: WARNING: Qt development libraries not found08:47
Keybukno, strawberry08:47
daniels    if test -z $kdelibs -o ! -f $kdelibs/libkdecore.la; then08:47
daniels        have_qt=no08:47
daniels    else08:47
danielsoh yeah, I remember that08:47
=== daniels applauds.
danielsof course, it doesn't ever tell you that what you actually need is KDE08:48
=== usual [~colin@alb-69-202-40-142.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
thomdaniels: mcs is rebuilt -
thomgrab all the mono-* crud from there08:50
danielsgoogling for "david zeuthen" bootchart: Did you mean: "david zeuthen" butchart08:51
jdubMEASURE MY ASS!08:52
=== Tsjoklat gets the tape measure
Tsjoklatbend over?08:52
=== jdub blushes semi-politely.
=== carlos [~carlos@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Tsjoklatyou demanded it :)08:58
TsjoklatI just thought I would oblige you08:58
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== RubenV [~lambda1@kn-res.kuleuven.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ericf [~eric@tudra.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsthom: KUNEKSHUN REFUSED09:09
thomyeah, i just got rebooted09:09
=== _rene__ [~rene@dsl-213-023-037-101.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
danielsoh my god, how psychopathic09:14
danielsthey don't actually *USE* KDE, they just borrow all the flags from kdecore09:14
danielsbecause they're too lazy to figure out which flags Qt needs themselves09:14
danielsto go nicely with 'DESTDIR=' in mono/makefile.am09:18
haggaimjg59: seems I loose sound after suspend/resume09:19
=== Mithrandir whines at haggai
danielshaggai: try alsactl power off, alsactl power on09:20
=== _rene__ is now known as _rene_
haggaiaplay: pcm_write:1118: write error: Input/output error09:26
haggaidaniels: nope09:26
haggaiMithrandir: hmmm?  Pity you went already09:26
Mithrandirhaggai: ooo building is sloooooooooow09:27
KeybukI need to find someone else's laptop to experiment on09:27
danielshaggai: genius09:27
haggaiMithrandir: yup.  And? :)09:27
thomit's all elmo's fault09:31
=== Mithrandir drinks some good whisky
=== HcE wonders if Mithrandir wants some Braastad XO in 4de
=== lamont_r [~lamont@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MithrandirHcE: I have about a full bottle of XO (bache) here.  And a bunch of the balvenie and the glenlivet and other good whiskys.09:34
HcEhere = at home?09:34
Mithrandir(whiskys?  whiskies?  whiskars?)09:34
Mithrandirgot back last night09:34
HcEfrom Italy?09:35
HcEor was it Spain09:35
Mithrandirfrom Spain.09:35
MithrandirItaly was a little more than a month ago.09:35
Mithrandirmore like two, actually09:35
=== usual [~colin@alb-69-202-40-142.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== HcE observes that it rains outside
HcEnothing like a realy good norwegian winter09:36
Mithrandirthis isn't a norwegian winter, it's a winter in Trondheim.09:37
Mithrandirwhich is a totally different thing09:37
=== stockholm [~andi@petrus.schuldei.org] has joined #ubuntu-devel
stockholmlifeless: ?09:37
stockholmmdz: ?09:37
=== Keybuk explains to stockholm about timezones :p
TreenaksKeybuk: stockholm is in GMT+1 just like you Keybuk :)09:38
stockholmKeybuk: i dont know in which timezone he is now. please tell me.09:40
stockholmKeybuk: so, what does that tell me?09:40
thomthat he's probably in BED09:41
stockholmthom: get real09:41
stockholmwhy would he be in bed now?09:41
thombecause he's ILL and WORKING TOO HARD09:41
stockholmif he came to spain, is ill and works still to hard he needs a cluebat.09:42
stockholmthx, anyway.09:43
thomwhat planet are you from? it's a WORK CONFERENCE09:43
danielschrist, dude.09:43
danielshe has to be here for work, and he really is quite sick09:43
stockholmthom: earth. and i got my "how do i keep healthy" basis down all right.09:43
Kamionstockholm: you're being really unpleasant here09:44
stockholmsorry, i did not want to. 09:44
Kamiondon't use this channel to hassle people.09:44
stockholmi did not want to, sorry.09:44
=== stockholm [~andi@petrus.schuldei.org] has left #ubuntu-devel []
danielsanyway, mdz hangs out in #debian-devel also, last I checked09:44
=== fabbione preload the sodomotron
fabbioneargh too late09:45
Keybuks'ok, I could do with a good buggering; load it up!09:45
=== Kamion readjusts stockholm's social skills :-/
Kamiondepressing, that09:45
=== thom decides to sleep on the beach for the rest fo the conference
Mithrandirthom: oh, why?09:45
KeybukKamion: he's been a bit "ARE WE THERE YET?" about that mail09:45
smurfix_thom: BRRR.09:45
KamionKeybuk: yeah, just inhaled scrollback and saw that09:46
danielsthom: good plan09:46
thomsee Keybuk's previous comment09:46
=== fabbione wanders off to watch a movie
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=== haggai tries to think of a good caption for http://foodfight.org/fotos/2004/12-09%20Ubuntu%20Conference/img_0004.jpg
danielsigood lord10:01
danielsthom: .157/~daniels/dbus/10:04
kylemgah. is that daniels?10:04
Mithrandiryeah, he needs a shave10:05
=== shaya [~spotter@user-0ccembr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shayaso anyone home?10:05
azeemI am10:06
shayaanyone run bootlog10:06
shayait doesn't seem accurate10:06
smurfix_shaya: in what way?10:06
shayawell by wallclock from hitting enter at grub till I could log in was about 1 minute 10 seconds10:07
shayabootlog counts only 14 seconds10:07
shayaand it was deffinitly more than 14 seconds of rc scripts10:07
smurfix_So is stuff missing, or just time compression?10:08
=== SepheeBear [~SepheeBea@24-193-86-231.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shayait doesn't look like naything per sei is missing10:10
shayabut boot takes longer than 14 seconds10:10
shayahas anyone given though to parallelizing the boot?  i.e. have gdm launching while dhcp is going10:11
Keybukare you sure bootchart hasn't stuck itself at the start of rc2.d10:11
Mithrandirshaya: yes, read planet for the last few days.10:11
Keybuk(thus excluding rcS.d)10:11
shayaMithrandir: no, it's in /etc/init.d/rc10:11
smurfix_shaya: that doesn't answer the question10:12
shayabasically the processes it has10:12
shayainit 2 ; ksoftirqd/0 ; events/0 ; khelper ; kjournald ; udevd ; bootlogd ; rc 2 ; s13gdm ; gdm S20pcmcia10:13
shayaand some more10:14
shayaso perhaps just getting rc2?10:14
smurfix_That does look like rcS is missing.10:14
smurfix_look at /etc/rcS.d and rc2.d10:14
shaya  # Log performance data10:15
shaya  /etc/bootchart/bootlog start >/dev/null 2>&1 &10:15
shayais right after export runlelvel previous in /etc/init.d/rc10:15
Kamion/etc/init.d/rc doesn't handle rcS10:15
smurfix_init.d/rc is called twice10:15
smurfix_or that10:15
shayaso bootchart's debian patch is broken10:16
smurfix_put it in /etc/rcS.d/S00bootlog10:16
smurfix_or bootchart or whatever the package's name is10:16
=== smurfix_ 's brain needs sleep
shayatime to reboot and try it10:17
=== jdub [~jdub@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionwhoa, scary flickering lights in my room10:24
=== Kamion suspects we're overloading the power infrastructure a bit
Kamion(although that in itself is scary)10:24
jdubhrm, that happened when i plugged in while in lamont's room last night?10:24
Kamionit happens when I plug anything in, but it just happened considerably more flickerily than that10:25
Kamionwith added power-arcing noise10:25
Kamionmaybe somebody brought an s390 along or something10:25
jdubi have a special model x39010:26
jdubit's an s390 in x300 format10:26
=== sid77 [~sid77@ppp-242-167.30-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionbut I can simulate that in hercules, so it must suck10:27
=== sid77 hi
MithrandirKamion: do you simulate the power consumption as well?10:27
Kamionmaybe that's my problem10:28
ChrisHIs anyone else aware about the "trying to overwrite `/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu', which is also in package kdelibs-data" problem in gnome-menus?10:28
ChrisHMy dist-upgrade is stuck. :(10:28
KamionI think it's been filed, but check bugzilla10:28
ChrisHI filed it, too. Just wondered when this bug came along.10:29
=== shaya [~spotter@user-0ccembr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shayawell just reran it w/ it at s00 in rcS10:29
shayadidnt make a difference10:29
shayastill 14 seconds10:29
shayaactually 1310:29
=== calc [~ccheney@ip70-185-2-220.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
RubenVshaya: my guess is that it starts too late10:32
shayait's S00 in rcS10:32
RubenVdon't run it like that10:32
shayahow can it start earlier!10:32
RubenVinstall it with the rc patch10:32
shayait is10:32
shayaits there too10:32
RubenVyou start it twice?10:32
shayathats how it was installed10:32
shayaspotter@dent:/tmp $ grep bootlog /etc/init.d/rc10:32
shaya  /etc/bootchart/bootlog start >/dev/null 2>&1 &10:32
shayaactually it was installed at s0510:33
shayaI moved it to s0010:33
shayaI can remove the s0010:33
RubenVbootlogd != bootchart10:33
shayagood point10:34
shayalets move bootlogd back10:34
shayaguess I got confused b/c of bootchart's program nam10:35
shayabut that just shows its in /etc/init.d/rc10:35
RubenVif it's at the right place in rc, then it should start a bit earlier afaik10:36
RubenVbut i'm not that familiar with bootchart, sry10:36
=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shayanot going to worry about it for now10:38
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Tsjoklatnight all.. be good!10:45
robtaylor|mataroKinnison, evening!10:45
=== carlos [~carlos@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Simiraevnin Kinnison. Wish my good luck for my exam tomorrow! Reading did not go too well.10:46
KinnisonSimira: You'll do great.10:47
=== Kinnison hugs Simira
Simirathanks, needed that hug!10:47
Simirahave a nice conference tomorrow. :) I'l be online crying sometime after one o'clock10:49
=== Mithrandir waves good night
KinnisonMithrandir: You off to sleep?10:50
Mithrandiryeah, and exam for me too tomorrow.10:50
Mithrandirit'll be fine10:50
KinnisonMithrandir: eep; *hugs* for you too10:50
Mithrandirmy last exam but one. :)10:50
Mithrandirthanks :)10:50
Mithrandirsee you around10:50
=== Q-FUNK [~q-funk@gw-5.suomicom.fi] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Q-FUNKI seem to get stuck at the "Loading /install/vmlinuz...." prompt on i386.  as I'm not otherwise too familiar with d-i, any idea what could cause this?10:54
=== Q-FUNK [~q-funk@gw-5.suomicom.fi] has left #ubuntu-devel []
Kamionthat's not really even d-i, that's the kernel loading10:55
=== kylem [~kyle@CPE0030ab0b413b-CM023469906297.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mxpxpodI know this has probably been asked a million times, but when do we get to see the results of the mataro boot changes?11:15
Kamionsome of them have gone into hoary already; I guess it's whenever Scott and Thom get round to tidying each of the bits up and uploading them :)11:16
danielsok, dbus cvs uploaded, dbus-mono (which is a rather freakshow horror hack to break it out into a separate source package) is uploaded and in NEW11:17
danielsKamion: gdm will probably hit tomorrow, X in a couple of days11:17
KamionScott and Thom> ... and whoever else I shamefully forgot :)11:17
danielsheh :)11:18
=== Kamion does some less glamorous tidying-up of man-db instead
mxpxpoddaniels: btw, good work11:18
danielsjust saying yeah, it will all hopefully be in during the week11:18
danielsmxpxpod: cheers11:18
=== Kinnison boggles at all these people crashing at early times
Keybukyeah, I've got to tweak my stuff a bit more yet11:30
Keybukthere's about 10 or so packages to touch11:30

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