
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
plovsjiyuu0, awake?02:16
jiyuu0it's 9:17am02:17
plovsok, i am just replying to you on the mailing-list :0)02:24
plovsabout your license question02:24
plovsno i am alex02:25
plovsjohn is hornbeck online, but he's not here02:26
plovsi liked your site, well done02:26
jiyuu0thanks :)02:26
plovsyou like using ubuntu?02:27
jiyuu0i like it to be neat and light02:28
plovsyes i like that as well02:28
plovsi am running hoary atm the new version, it is going to be really nice02:29
plovswe are in barcelona at the ubuntu conference with many of the developers02:29
jiyuu0my colleague has tried it before... seems quite a number of improvement on the networkin side02:30
jiyuu0right click -> share02:30
jiyuu0ubuntu conference... nice02:31
jiyuu0how many ppl attending?02:31
plovsthe first week we had some 50 people, next week there will be more02:33
plovsi will not be there i go home tomorow :-(02:33
=== sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jiyuu0so what u all do doing the conference?02:34
plovsall kinds of things02:35
sivangwe've had a couple of documentation oriented bofs,02:35
sivanglook for the summeris 02:35
sivangon the wiki02:35
plovstalking about what is needed, trying to get new stuff implemented02:35
=== jiyuu0 checking...
plovssivang, was there as well, we share a room actually, he is 2 meters away02:36
jiyuu0seems like lot's of activities02:39
plovsyes, we hope the next ubuntu will be even better02:40
sivangyeah it was a very loaded week02:40
sivangand will include LOTS of new good documentation02:40
plovsjiyuu0, what kind of club are you thinking about starting?02:43
jiyuu0open source community club02:43
jiyuu0for now we are going to promote ubuntu02:43
jiyuu0targetin our next generation to learn open source / linux02:44
jiyuu0here in malaysia, we are still new in these things02:45
plovsdid you order cd's?02:45
=== hornbeck [~hornbeck@adsl-69-155-172-150.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jiyuu0but our government has start initiative02:45
jiyuu0plovs, yub 5k of em02:45
jiyuu0hello hornbeck02:45
jiyuu0just got ur mail02:45
plovshornbeck, he man, nice to see you!02:45
hornbeckhello, I just sent another :-)02:45
=== jiyuu0 checkin...
plovsjiyuu0, 5k, cool!02:45
jiyuu0for a start02:46
plovshornbeck, tomorrow we go home, but the conference was great02:46
jiyuu0this coming week going to a big college... college helping us to push..02:46
jiyuu0and they have 4k students02:46
hornbeckplovs: glad to hear it02:47
plovsmaybe you should try to get government funding02:47
jiyuu0ya... maybe later stage02:47
jiyuu0for now... we can still manage02:47
jiyuu0we got some funds allocated02:47
plovshornbeck, did sb tell you about the quick guide?02:48
plovshornbeck, somebody02:48
hornbeckwhat is the quick guide?02:49
sivangyo hornbeck dude!02:49
plovshornbeck, for hoary, they would like a guide, 6000 pages02:49
sivangwhere have ya been ?? :)02:49
jiyuu0hornbeck, wehre i can get info on lgpl?02:49
hornbecksivang: I have been working02:49
hornbecknew job02:50
plovshornbeck, introductionary for new users, info about all major apps, plus what is new and cool02:50
sivangah right so I heared :) congretulations@02:50
plovshornbeck, how is the new job?02:50
hornbeckplovs: 6000 words?02:50
hornbeckplovs: new job is rocking02:50
hornbeckjust ordered a 12inch ibook02:50
hornbeckboss bought it so I can learn mac02:50
hornbeckso things are going real good02:50
plovshornbeck, cool! mac is pretty nice, but i bet you'll dual boot oon enough, i know i would if i could02:51
hornbeckplovs: is there a outline for this new guide yet?02:51
plovshornbeck, yes 6000 words, that is not a lot. And our dead-line is feb 200502:52
hornbeckis there a outline?02:52
plovshornbeck, yes i have an outline i will mail it to you02:52
hornbeckI can start if I have a outline02:52
=== plovs tarring and mailing
hornbeckare we still working on the main userguide?02:52
jiyuu0lpgl http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html so long to read :(02:53
hornbeckjiyuu0: yes it is long02:53
plovsjiyuu0, you'll be really smart by the time you finish it02:53
jiyuu0oh boy02:54
hornbeckman people have been dropping from the mailing list fast02:55
hornbeckI have had at least 5 unsubscribes today02:55
plovshornbeck, to gmail or freeshell?02:57
plovshornbeck, from the doc-list?02:57
hornbeckmy postfix broke in hoary, so I am having to use gmail to send out02:58
plovshornbeck, ok02:59
plovshornbeck, ok, send it03:01
plovshornbeck, did thay unsubscribe from the doc-list?03:01
hornbeckplovs: are we still doing the regular userguide?03:01
plovsyes, bigger and more deep material03:02
plovsbut for the quick guide we have a deadline03:02
jiyuu0u guys ubuntu staff?03:03
hornbeckplovs and I are maintainers, but noone on the doc team is paid03:04
hornbeckat least not yet :-)03:04
jiyuu0so who set the deadlines?03:04
hornbeckthe devs03:04
hornbeckI am guessing03:04
hornbeckI was not there03:04
plovsyes, so the translators can finish it in time as well03:04
plovsthey really want this in the system03:05
hornbeckplovs: which file is the quick guide03:05
hornbeckinside quick it is empty03:05
hornbeckok, plovs: I will start working with this03:05
hornbeckare you going to create another directory inside the svn and upload this03:06
plovshornbeck, could you clean up the thing and put it in svn?03:06
hornbeckI will do that now03:06
plovsand rename it to quickguide03:06
hornbeckI will be away for a sec03:06
plovsjiyuu0, did you ever do any docbook?03:07
plovsit is not hard, but that is what we use for our docs, would you be interested in helping?03:08
jiyuu0but i'm still kindof stuck with the existing guide03:08
plovsyou might want to look how you can put it into the userguide and then export that to html and post it03:10
plovsto your site as well03:10
jiyuu0sure will03:10
jiyuu0currently some ppl r already workin on translation03:10
plovsjohn send you the svn link right?03:10
plovswhat do you think would you agree putting it in docbook and then put it in svn?03:12
plovsit is kind of a cool short hackerguide03:13
plovsbetween the quickguide we do now and the real userguide we're working on as well03:13
hornbeckit is all added03:14
hornbeckjust needs some cleaning03:14
plovshornbeck, super03:14
plovshornbeck, i like jiyuu0 guide, it is quite short but with lots of stuff03:14
hornbeckI love it03:14
hornbeckthat is why I posted about it03:15
plovswe should have it in yelp03:15
hornbeckyes we should03:15
plovsthat together with the quickguide might give us a good base03:15
jiyuu0reading the license half way... these things really want to confuse ppl03:15
hornbeckI think we should wait till the repository is moved before adding to svn though03:15
plovsjiyuu0, what do you think?03:15
jiyuu0sounds good to me03:16
hornbeckjiyuu0: I am glad you are a easy going guy :-)03:16
hornbeckI would have flipped on some of the post about your guide03:16
jiyuu0i'm glad ubuntu community is easy on me03:16
jiyuu0unlike others03:16
plovsjiyuu0, most of us are03:16
hornbeckubuntu is a good community, that is why I am here03:16
plovsat least we try03:17
=== Burgundavia_ [~rasputin@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
hornbeckbrb, need a drink03:17
plovsBurgundavia_, he corey, where are you?03:17
Burgundavia_busy working on doc. I am not feeling very well03:18
jiyuu0then u shud take some rest...03:18
Burgundavia_I just did some prelim work on the quick guid03:18
jiyuu0it's sun03:18
Burgundavia_I slept most of the day03:18
plovsBurgundavia_, the quick guide is in svn :-)03:18
Burgundavia_ok, I will pull it down03:19
plovsBurgundavia_, so we can start to collaborate on it03:19
=== jiyuu0 installing subversion... haven tried it b4
plovsand i will make an initial version of jiyuu0's fabulous guide as well, in docbook i mean03:20
Burgundavia_is it under quickguide or quick?03:20
jiyuu0and i'll keep a change log from my side to ease what's been updated03:21
plovsBurgundavia_, ask john, when he is back03:22
plovsjiyuu0, cool, and when we have it ported you can maybe work with us in svn03:22
plovsdocbook can be exported to html and look just like it does now03:22
Burgundavia_It is under to same server as the faq?03:22
jiyuu0svn co
jiyuu0where's the documents stored03:23
plovsBurgundavia_, the server is the same, just another folder03:23
plovsso not faq but ?? i don't know03:23
plovsjust a sec03:23
=== jiyuu0 found the solution
jiyuu0this yelp thin seems cool03:25
plovsjiyuu0, try to open the file in the faq directory with yelp03:26
Burgundavia_Regarding the quick guide, I had a though that at the beginning of the section on each piece of software, we could have a section on common tasks, such as save and open03:26
plovsBurgundavia_, remember 6000 words, that is not much, and not too many pics03:26
plovsBurgundavia_, we should start describing what app to use for what, and then see how much pace we have left03:27
plovsBurgundavia_, longer articles should go in the userguide03:27
sivangwe should try to make it task oriented in a sense that doesn't emphasizes the menu inteface action, but rather "write a letter", "publish a photo sort of thing"03:27
hornbeckwell, good to talk to you guys but I am going to a movie03:29
hornbeckI will be on and working on the new guide so keep your svn updated03:29
plovshornbeck, wait, what is the link to the quick guide?03:30
hornbecksame svn repos03:31
hornbeckjust under quickguide03:32
hornbeckI thought you wanted it in the same03:32
hornbeckI can create a different one03:32
plovshornbeck, ok, thanks, have a nice movie!03:32
hornbeckdo you want it seperate?03:32
plovshornbeck, just being dense on this side, no problem03:32
hornbeckthat way we can move the quickguide stuff into the userguide as we go03:33
hornbecksince they will hold alot of the same info03:33
hornbeckall in one place03:33
plovshornbeck, cool03:34
plovsand the new faq2 as well (current working title for jiyuu0's doc)03:34
jiyuu0i've started workin on 2.103:35
Burgundavia_plovs, are going to upload that quickguide mockup you made into there?03:35
jiyuu0re-arranged some topics03:35
jiyuu0it shouldn't be a problem for u right?03:35
plovsBurgundavia_, it is in the link a little up under quickguide03:36
hornbeckplovs: lets hold on the new repositories till we move to the ubuntu server03:36
hornbeckright now we will keep quickguide in the faq directory03:36
plovshornbeck, yes, as that is not going to be too soon anyway03:36
plovsthere is some new super-duper arch tool cannical made and we might be using that but i want a course first :-)03:37
plovsand we'll get one (online) in januari03:37
plovsjiyuu0, no problem, we can finalize details later03:38
Burgundavia_plovs, I don't see any .xml file in the dir quickguide03:38
=== plovs checks it out
plovshornbeck, seeya!03:40
plovsBurgundavia_, it is in the faq topdir03:44
Burgundavia_I see users guide03:50
Burgundavia_I also dont see it under the quickguide dir03:50
plovsit is the userguide, it needs to be renamed03:52
Burgundavia_ah, ok03:52
Burgundavia_ah I see, it has undergone some major rethinking in the last few day03:53
plovsBurgundavia_, i tink it is a misstake04:00
plovsi think he dumped it in the wrong folder04:00
Burgundavia_is the usersguide.xml the users or the quick guide then?04:04
plovsBurgundavia_, it is spagetti atm, i need to sleep goodnight!04:06
Burgundavia_see you tomorrow04:07
plovsjiyuu0, nite04:08
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
hornbeckanyone around?06:15
hornbeckgoing to bed07:25
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-111-94.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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=== Burgundavia_ [~rasputin@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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Burgundavia_hornbeck, ?01:53
=== mercurus [~mercurus@PIPP-p-144-134-201-173.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sid77 [~sid77@ppp-242-167.30-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sid77 hi
=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
ChrisHKinnison: Hi...10:41
ChrisHKinnison: No Marina for today? :)10:47
KinnisonChrisH: we ate out at around 5 and then ate a pizza while playing Mao10:47
ChrisHKinnison: Ah, second mega-BOF day, eh?10:47
KinnisonNaah; just breaking in another virgin10:48
=== Kinnison should get a doc-team member to write out a transcript of a game of Mao
ChrisHI don't whether pl0vs or sivang have taken part in any game. :)10:50
Kinnisonsivang has10:50
ChrisHThey have probably left today.10:51
Kinnisonsivang certainly left today10:56
=== Kinnison got him to promise to teach me hebrew
ChrisHKinnison: You are really into languages. :)10:56
=== Kinnison nods
=== Kinnison has been learning
KinnisonHe was impressed that I had managed to learn to spell ""10:57
KinnisonWhich is 'moon' in hebrew10:57
ChrisHWife just reminded me that you asked for the tongue twister...10:58
ChrisH"Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische."10:58
ChrisHThe other one is "Der Whiskey-Mixer mixt wrzigen Whiskey." :)10:58
KinnisonOkay; so I think the first means "Fischer's frying place use fresh fish" or something11:00
KinnisonThe latter confuses me :-)11:00
Kinnisonalthough I appear to be able to pronounce them both :-)11:00
ChrisHIt's like "Fishers Fritze (a name) fishes for fresh fish."11:01
ChrisHThe other one is "The whiskey mixer mixes spicy whiskey."11:15
ChrisHAnother one from my wife: "Zwischen zwei Zwetschgenzweigen zwitschern zwei zwitschernde Schwalben." Just don't ask me for a translation. That one is for exercise. :)11:15

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