
=== falco [~falco@a81-84-137-51.netcabo.pt] has joined #Ubuntu-doc
=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Burgundavia_ [~rasputin@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
KinnisonEvening burgerboy12:33
KinnisonDid you decide if you wanted your archive in my archzoom?12:36
Burgundavia_we just mentioned on lwn, or should I say jiyou did12:36
KinnisonDude, you need to learn to type12:36
Burgundavia_jiyou or something like that is his irc nick12:37
Kinnisonoh I see12:37
KinnisonI thought it was an abysmal typo of 'you'12:37
KinnisonSo, back to my question.... archzoom?12:38
Kinnisonor viewarch12:38
Kinnisonor whateverthefook it is12:38
Kinnisondo you want your archive in there?12:38
Burgundavia_not right now12:38
Burgundavia_not until we decide on the license12:39
Kinnisonfurry muff12:40
Burgundavia_what is the easy way to convert something to gray scale in gimp?12:56
Kinnisonerm, desaturate12:56
Kinnisonyour typing has rubbed off on me12:56
Burgundavia_there is easier, mode-->greyscale01:00
Kinnisonyah; s'pose that does it too :-)01:00
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico_ [~enrico@218-164-131-196.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Burgundavia_ [~rasputin@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundavia_anybody here?09:03
=== lulu [~lu@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
KinnisonMorning lulu09:04
ChrisHHoo, hoo...09:05
lulumorning all :o)09:05
enrico_morning all!09:14
=== sid77 [~sid77@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sid77 hi
=== sivang [~sivang@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sivangHi all!10:33
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
ChrisHHey, kids... :)10:38
plovshi ChrisH 10:40
KinnisonMorning sivang, ChrisH 10:44
=== dsilvers [~dsilvers@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
dsilverssivang: I stand a chance of entering fun characters in this client11:04
dsilversCool, so I can *somehow* enter:  I just have to work out how.11:08
dsilverssivang, Do you have a jabber account?11:18
=== dsilvers 's is dsilvers@ppfm.net if anyone wants to add me to their roster
=== dsilvers waves, xchat is too nasty
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundavia_hey jiyuu0, you made it to lwn.net01:09
jiyuu0somebody told me too01:09
jiyuu0but i never heard of lwn.net till now01:10
=== lulu [~lu@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== falco [~falco@a81-84-137-51.netcabo.pt] has joined #Ubuntu-doc
=== mako [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu-doc
makohey guys01:23
makoi just sent a licensing proposal to the doc list01:23
Burgundavia_hey mako01:25
Burgundavia_lulu, ?01:33
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundavia_lulu, ?01:57
luluhi Corey - what can I help with?01:58
Burgundavia_is that room still available for the 15-17th02:00
luluyes - you are booked in, why?02:03
Burgundavia_you just asked that I confirm just before02:03
luluwe can change it if you need to.02:03
Burgundavia_no, that works great for me02:03
luluok :o)02:03
=== cenerentola [~cenerento@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
plovsBurgundavia_: is the quickguide online?02:41
Burgundavia_yes, but the baz archive is borked, a baz problem03:15
Burgundavia_basically did you see the list I posted?03:18
Burgundavia_I have done some work on the application based document03:19
Burgundavia_very image heavy, but using svg03:19
=== sid77 [~sid77@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sid77 hi
=== farruinn [~nathan@syr-69-201-2-221.twcny.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== sid77 bye
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=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-111-225.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== falco [~falco@a81-84-137-51.netcabo.pt] has joined #Ubuntu-doc

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