
=== mgedmin [~mg@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:mdz] : Tuesday 14 December 2004 at 1600 UTC: Technical Board meeting
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sabdflhey all05:00
=== mdz yawns reflexively
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:mdz] : Tuesday 14 December 2004 at 1600 UTC: Technical Board meeting -- http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/TechnicalBoardAgenda
=== haggai bounces around like tiger
haggaiuh tigger05:01
mdzthere rae no new agenda items05:01
sabdflthe wonderful thing about tiggers05:01
mdzis tiggers are wonderful things05:02
sabdflis tigger are wonderful tings05:02
jdubaww so cute ;)05:02
sabdfl... was trying to think of something rhyming with kubuntu :-)05:02
jdubsabdfl: ... ubuntu?05:02
sabdflshould we begin05:03
sabdflnothing on the agenda05:03
sabdflmdz, any other business?05:03
jdubthere are two items on the agenda05:03
jdub- libnns-mdns05:03
jdub- language packs05:03
sabdflah right05:04
mdzsabdfl: none from me05:04
sabdflthat's howl right?05:04
mdzlanguage packs were discussed at the previous tech board meeting05:04
mdzthat one should have been moved down to old business05:04
jdubmdns == multicast dns resolution (not part of howl, but related to zeroconf support)05:04
mdzthere is no bullet point next to mdns05:04
mdzand therefore it is clearly invalid05:04
mdzso the matter with mdns is that it wants to listen05:05
sabdflmdz: might be worth pointing folks at the notes from the languagepak bof at the conf05:05
jdubit doesn't.05:05
jdubmdnsresponder from howl does05:05
jdublibnss-mdns is just a resolver05:05
jdubyou punted it to tech board because you felt that nss modules were dangerous05:05
mdzso is the proposal just to add libnss-mdns to supported?05:05
jdubto desktop05:06
mdzor to add it to the default nsswitch configuration?05:06
jdubyeah, and the default configuration05:06
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jdubwe have the option between an nss module or a glibc patch. personally, i think the nss option is slightly saner (and easy to disable). :-)05:06
jdubi'm not really clear on your POV about nss module fear though05:07
sabdfli've no preference05:07
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mdzit's no scarier than a glibc patch05:07
mdzbut glibc patches are, well, SCARY05:07
=== Keybuk [~scott@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzwhat does it buy us in terms of functionality?05:08
=== Keybuk sneaks in :p
mdzdoes it let applications discover mdns things?05:08
lamont_rKeybuk: 20 pushups.05:08
sabdflis it worth having a mataro session on mdns / zeroconf in general?05:08
jdubmdz: no, it just resolves .local names05:09
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jdubsabdfl: potentially, i punted it because it was pretty airy-fairy.05:09
sabdflit seems zeroconf / rendesvous has big potential, but also brings risks05:09
=== pitti [~pitti@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzif it's vaporous, should we be adding it to the default code path for every application which uses DNS?05:09
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jdublibnss-mdns -> vaporous?05:10
sabdflapple is pushing rendesvous pretty hard, is anything happening in the windows world about it?05:10
sabdflif it's going to be widely supported and standard, then we will need to find a sane way to integrate it05:10
mdzjdub: airy-fairy?05:10
jdubMS backed UPnP, but will probably stumble on zeroconf at some stage.05:10
sabdflmuch like cups, smb browsing etc05:11
jdubmdz: oh, a single bof about "zeroconf" in general.05:11
jdubsabdfl: the big question, wrt risk, is whether mdnsresponder listens by default05:11
sabdflwhat about a single-check "turn it on" option?05:11
haggaiif it's not really in wide use yet, I'd say turn it off for now05:11
mdzthat's my preference05:11
jdubsabdfl: automatic answer is "no", but that makes it useless and non-zeroconf. :)05:11
mdz("turn it on" option)05:11
mdzjdub: "oneconf"05:11
jdubgiven policy, me too.05:11
jdubuniconf! (.sf.net -> fear)05:12
sabdflwhat about a way in the system in general for things to say "i need to do some conf, can we turn it on.... ok, done"05:12
Keybukmobile-esque "Discoverable for 5 minutes" ?05:12
pittisabdfl: we could also need this for cups browsing etc.05:12
haggaihmm.  How about turn it on, if we get a zeroconf network config?05:12
sabdflthis is really something that's useful while the user is at the console, right?05:12
mdzcups browsing is broken by design05:12
mdzit should use zeroconf05:12
jdubrh are doing some good user-level cups / hal / howl integration05:12
sabdflmdz: thereby deferring the problem?05:13
mdzit reverses the problem05:13
mdzthe cups server would need mdns-responder, but not clients05:13
pittimdz: upstream is not going to change it05:13
jdub"who?" rather than "me!"05:13
sabdflso it's more like dns05:13
jdubpitti: but it's fairly likely that everyone else will be using those patches.05:13
jdubsabdfl: it, um, is dns.05:13
sabdflis howl == zeroconf == libnss-mdns (client side)?05:14
jdubthey're all related05:14
jdubzeroconf covers autoconfiguration of local link IP addresses and names, as well as dns-based service discovery05:15
jdublibnss-mdns is the resolver side of ip autoconfiguration05:15
Keybukso zeroconf is "where are my printers" ?05:15
jdubhowl is service discovery (uni and multicast, and publishing)05:15
jdubwe're not doing ip autoconfiguration yet, but we can defer that for network manager, etc.05:15
jdubi should make a wiki page to explain all of this :)05:16
mdzyes, you should05:16
sabdflwhat's the relationship between libnss-mdns and dhcp?05:16
=== jdub tomboys
jdubsabdfl: nothing, really05:16
sabdflip autoconf?05:16
mdzlibnss-mdns needs an IP to send from05:16
jdubip autoconfiguraiton and dhcp are related in that they both dynamically assign ips05:16
jdubdhcp is server based, zcip (zeroconf ip) is local lan non routable, etc.05:16
sabdflso this would be useful if, say, three of us were sitting on a bus and just wanted to throw a wifi netowrk up together?05:17
mdzor if you were all at an Ubuntu conference and wanted to talk to each other05:17
sabdflor on a plane to australia05:17
jdubsabdfl: yes05:17
sabdflgive it to me now!05:17
jdubsabdfl: like the ichat 'rendezvous' window05:17
jdubat a conference05:18
mdzI think the flight crew frown on ad-hoc wireless networks05:18
=== sivang was instructed to now use wifi/cd
jdubflight crews always smile05:18
sivang(while in air)05:18
sabdfljdub: if you smile first05:18
mdzso the question is, should we integrate nss-mdns and start exercising it?05:18
Keybukdoes libnss-mdns have an always-listening component?05:18
jdubKeybuk: no, it's an nss module only05:19
mdzis there anything planned for hoary which would actually use it?05:19
jdubjust a resolver05:19
mdz(which would rely on it, I should sya)05:19
Keybukso to discover things with it, you need a listener elsewhere on the network ?05:19
jdubmdz: "is there anything in hoary that relies on dns resolution?"05:19
sabdfljdub: when you try to resolve, does it ping the network and listen for responses?05:19
jdubKeybuk: well, yeah - mdnsresponder automatically publishes the hostname05:19
Keybukah, so it's a dns responder -- and nothing to do with service discovery ?05:20
jdubsabdfl: i don't believe so, no.05:20
sabdflwhat's the status of utopia / dbus stack that would let a user see a dialog giving the status of a howl discovery session happening at system level?05:20
mdzjdub: that is not the same thing and you know it :-P05:20
jdubKeybuk: yes, see above.05:20
Keybukit's *literally* multicast dns05:20
=== Keybuk understands now
mdzdepending on where we put it in nsswitch.conf, it'll be queried in order with other name resolution services05:20
jdubsabdfl: i can't see why that would be desireable or useful05:21
mdzcurrently we just try /etc/hosts and then dns05:21
pittisabdfl: right now it is not integrated in hal AFAIK05:21
Keybukthe nss equivalent of "Is there a Hugh Janus in the room?  Telephone call for a Hugh Janus"05:21
sabdflcan that be used to redirect traffic?05:21
mdzif we add it to the end, and you try to go to www.goggle.com, I can answer and send you somewhere, e.g.05:22
mdzadding it to the start would be, as jeff would say, BONG05:22
sabdfldns says "nope" then mdns says "sure, try this one"05:22
mdzevery single failed DNS request would try mdns as a fallback05:23
jdubonly for .local05:23
jdubit wouldn't go looking for www.google.com with libnss-mdns05:24
jdubwell, it would, but mdns would say no very quickly05:24
jdubas in, "not .local? kthxbye"05:24
Keybukwouldn't we need to configure things to search .local then?05:24
mdzjdub: where is the code which does that bit?05:25
jdubah, well, that's a separate issue :)05:25
Keybukand then wouldn't it resolve www.google.com.local ?05:25
haggaiso it's the dns equivalent of M$'s netbios?  Flood your local network instead of having a sane DNS server?05:26
mdzit's somewhat less braindead in that it uses multicast rather than broadcast05:27
crimsunthe difference being that at least mdns is explanable05:27
mdzit includes its own DNS implementation, cute05:27
crimsunnot even MS engineers can really fathom out netbios05:27
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mdzKeybuk: it seems to be irrelevant05:28
mdzKeybuk: because jdub is full of shit about it only resolving .local :-P05:28
sabdflso, we really have to choose between pioneering and being conservative05:28
mdzthat's easily fixable, though05:28
sabdfli don't see the big win in breaking down this particular wall05:28
jdubso i think lennart meant it did it in svn, not the released version05:28
jdubbut yeah, not a huge issue05:29
Keybukif we do $zeroconf, we should to it in one big strategy-led punch; rather than in drips05:29
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sabdflseems that ms, apple, others will battle out the usability issues, we can follow on this one05:29
sabdflwe can't pioneer on every front05:29
jdubwe don't have to05:29
jdubsupporting the standard is enough05:29
jdubas more stuff up the stack supports it, we win05:29
haggaiyou can do that without turning it on by default everywhere05:29
sabdfl"standard" is one thing, figuring out what normal sane regular behaviour is is quite different05:30
mdzadd it to supported and write a ZeroConfHowto?05:30
jdubKeybuk: i don't think that's a problem05:30
jdubsabdfl: we know what that behaviour is05:30
haggaiit would be nice to have a single knob that would turn on all the zeroconf bits05:30
sabdfli don't think we do!05:30
sabdflwe don't know how it should integraqte with dns and that's pretty fundamental05:30
jdub1) we should always have a local lan ip05:31
jdub2) we should only mdns query for .local05:31
jdub3) we shouldn't search on .local05:31
Keybukwhy #1 ?05:31
mdzjdub: we already do #1 :-)05:31
Keybukwe do?05:31
jdubmdz: no we don't05:31
mdz"ip addr" sometime05:31
sabdflm gut feel is it will take a while before there's clear "best practice"05:32
jdubmdz: that's inet6, not inet405:32
sabdfland if we forge ahead now,  we have to support upgrades and old behaviour etc05:32
Keybukdoes libnss-mdns support ip6 networks?05:32
jdubwe're really not forging ahead here05:32
sabdflbluetooth, however, might be an easier point05:32
jdubwindows does zcip, mac os x does zcip05:32
sabdfldo they do it in the same way?05:33
sabdflso bring up a win box, and a ma, on the same network, and it interoperates?05:33
jdub(for #1)05:33
jdubsabdfl: no, they both get zcips05:33
jdubwell, you can ping each other05:33
jdubthat's the zeroconf ip part of the standard05:34
jdubas far as i've seen, yes05:34
jdubKeybuk: planned, but not fully implemented05:34
mdzzcip doesn't sound so scary05:34
haggai"Microsoft Windows 98 (and later) and Mac OS 8.5 (and later) already support this capability.  This document standardizes usage,"05:34
haggaiso we're definately not leading05:34
jdubon zcip, no05:34
jdubthe second point of resolving .local stuff is not exactly rocket science05:35
mdz       zcip  currently assumes that the target interface is down and reconfig05:35
mdz       ures it. The IETF draft seems to suggest using multihoming,  which  we05:35
mdz       dont do yet.05:35
mdzthat sounds problematic05:35
jdubos x already does it05:35
jdubzcip is one particular implementation05:35
jdubhowl includes an implementation05:35
Keybukso is libnss-mdns useful without a $zcip ?05:35
jdubKeybuk: yes05:35
sabdflyes, this looks like mutual dhcp05:35
Keybukif you get dhcp, chances are you get dns too05:35
haggaisabdfl: you say we can't forge ahead on all fronts.  When you look at cross-OS stuff we are forging ahead on very little..05:36
mdzKeybuk: mdns serves a different purpose05:36
sabdflok, have to head off to barcelona, enjoy05:36
mdzit lets me advertise something to you05:36
mdzrather than having the network admin add it to the DNS server05:36
Keybukthat's not what libnss-mdns looks up though, it just does name lookups ?05:37
jdubi think mdz's original concern,05:37
jdubnew code in a very active codepath,05:37
jdubwas probably the most relevant issue05:37
jdubKeybuk: yes05:37
jdubi'm also going to barcelona05:38
Keybukbut unless you have an IP, you can't do name lookups anyway05:38
Keybukyou need $fu to co-operate on IP and ensure "domain local" is the order of the day05:38
jdubKeybuk: "domain local" as in resolv.conf?05:39
Keybukor equiv05:39
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jdubok, i think i'm going05:40
mdzme too05:41
mdzwe'll defer mdns stuff until something interesting comes along05:41
mdzany urgent business before we adjourn?05:41
mdzadjourned, bye05:41
mdzthanks, everyone05:42
Keybuk"<mdz> kthxbye"05:42
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Simirahttp://www.simira.net/UbuntuWomen.html - My article about Ubuntu and women in open source05:49
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Simirahi lulu06:17
TreenaksSimira: there's  a '\ ' in your name.. don't you mean a '/' ?06:39
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Simiraoh no, not again... yes, thanks, Treenaks06:39
Simiraso, there06:39
TreenaksSimira: oh, and s/Mataro/Matar/ :P06:40
SimiraTreenaks: that looked to me like an A with a ~ and a 3 over  :p06:41
TreenaksSimira: in which editor?06:41
TreenaksSimira: and are you using an UTF-8 locale?06:42
Simirain mIRC06:42
Treenaksmirc.. ah :)06:42
Treenaksyes.. that's how an UTF-8 o-with-accent looks if you try to parse it as Latin106:43
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