=== RAK2 [~rkatz@adsl-67-115-72-186.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RAK2 | hi, does anyone know if there is a way to backup the config for all the | 12:00 |
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RAK2 | packages downloaded and upgraded, etc... so if I want to restore it to a new machine then synaptic will be able to install everything? | 12:01 |
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housetier | I think there is a package to help you replicating an installation | 12:03 |
RAK2 | housetier: cool, does anyone know the name of it? | 12:04 |
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mroth | hmm looks like they just pushed python2.3 to be the default today, | 12:05 |
mroth | 2.4 that is | 12:05 |
pusling | which packages do I need to get my network working and configure network interfaces? (have net-tools, but I cannot bring eth0 up) | 12:07 |
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=== insomny [~insomny@stgeorges-6-82-230-126-71.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
insomny | hi all ! | 12:11 |
insomny | I wanted to ask a question about sound and esound under warty... | 12:11 |
=== Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
insomny | I searched many times about that but no answer... | 12:12 |
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insomny | I just would like to know if there's a site explaining esd, and multi sound support ? | 12:12 |
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insomny | kind of how to configuring it to have multiple applications playing sounds a the same time, because when I try to use it under xmms, It says to verify the sound card config | 12:13 |
insomny | anyone knows anything about that ? | 12:13 |
insomny | please | 12:13 |
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@157.besecure.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | insomny: xmms needs to be set to use esd | 12:14 |
insomny | yep but it doesn't work... | 12:14 |
insomny | it works with only alsa | 12:14 |
farruinn | oh | 12:14 |
insomny | ^^ | 12:14 |
insomny | it's why im lost ... | 12:14 |
fajmoh | how do I update grub? | 12:15 |
fajmoh | I've only used lilo before | 12:15 |
insomny | everyone has a system playing exclusively under esd and works well but not me... | 12:15 |
insomny | don't know fajmoh... | 12:15 |
fajmoh | where's the configfile and what commando shall i type to write it to MBR | 12:15 |
=== Dengar [~dengar@cc109748-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gsuveg | can i user other wm as fgnome right ? | 12:17 |
insomny | I know I tried xfce4 :) | 12:17 |
farruinn | gsuveg: yup | 12:17 |
insomny | so for me it worked | 12:18 |
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douglas | hi | 12:19 |
douglas | when i try to run totem it is shooting me this error | 12:20 |
douglas | libhal.c 2284 : Error sending msg: Service "org.freedesktop.Hal" does not exist | 12:20 |
douglas | ** (totem:17789): WARNING **: Couldn't find themed icon for "panel-screenshot" | 12:20 |
douglas | DEBUG: gstgconf: error parsing pipeline esdsink | 12:20 |
douglas | no element "esdsink" | 12:20 |
douglas | ** (totem:17789): WARNING **: No GConf default audio sink key and osssink doesn't work | 12:20 |
douglas | ** Message: failed to render default audio sink from gconf | 12:20 |
douglas | how to solve this ? | 12:20 |
douglas | im running ubuntu hoary | 12:20 |
crimsun | douglas: use esdsink? | 12:21 |
Yakfisher | Hi. im following ubuntu-geeks guide (on ubuntu forums)to tweaking a new installation. One of the suggested tweaks is to install a CPU specific kernal. I have a duron 1400, so is that the linux -686 or linux-k7 kernal? Will i notice a difference anyway? | 12:22 |
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techn9ne | i got the mplayer and mozilla plugin and it loads embedded video but it always stalls at 99% | 12:24 |
techn9ne | i think its waiting for user to hit "play" but theres no controls | 12:24 |
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llpamies | I'm using hoary and I have problems with libglade from mono ... ANybody knows what happen ? | 12:27 |
=== djcobol [~Bob@c-24-11-28-108.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djcobol | hello | 12:28 |
djcobol | anyone got a few minutes to help me out with some problems installing Ubuntu on my desktop PC? | 12:29 |
Ng | djcobol: can certainly try | 12:29 |
djcobol | I get to the the "choose location" screen, and after I select "United States", I get a solid blue screen | 12:30 |
Ng | hmm | 12:31 |
djcobol | I waited about 5 minutes for something to happen after that and nothing did. after that I pressed CTRL+C to try and escape out. I can see an error message flash for a second that says something about framebuffer and a module not found before it goes to a solid blue screen again | 12:31 |
insomny | does anyone know how to make sounds play in the same time ? for example : gaim and xmms and system sound at the same time | 12:31 |
djcobol | I tried to boot using "linux framebuffer=false" after that and nothing changed | 12:32 |
Ng | djcobol: weird, I've not come across that. perhaps you could post to the mailing list about it, or file a bug? so the developers can help track it down | 12:32 |
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insomny | Ng : no idea about my question ? | 12:34 |
djcobol | "trying to enable framebuffer" and "FATAL: Module HID not found" are the 2 errors I can see | 12:34 |
Ng | insomny: I'm not sure because my sound card doesn't have that problem. Possibly you need to run esd, but I'm not sure if that's right for Ubuntu | 12:34 |
djcobol | am I doing something wrong with the special startup command? I told it not to use the frame buffer, but it looks like its still trying to find/start it | 12:35 |
Ng | djcobol: I wouldn't have thought either of those is particularly fatal. what graphics card do you have? | 12:35 |
djcobol | ATi Radeon 9600 Pro | 12:35 |
insomny | Ng : It's what everyone says but I don't know how to control or configure esd... | 12:35 |
Ng | insomny: in the preferences menu pull up the Sound preferences | 12:36 |
Ng | then tick "Enable sound server startup" | 12:36 |
=== oferw [oferw@DSL217-132-184-40.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
insomny | and that's all ? | 12:36 |
Ng | log out, save your settings, log back in and it should start esd automatically | 12:36 |
insomny | okay | 12:36 |
insomny | I will try | 12:36 |
insomny | thanks for all | 12:37 |
Ng | np, good luck :) | 12:37 |
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Yakfisher | does a duron 1400 mean i should use the linux-686 "newer intel/athlonxp) or the linux-k7 kernal? | 12:40 |
Ng | Yakfisher: you can use either really, the duron is a k7 CPU though | 12:40 |
Ng | so that one might be slightly faster, if at all | 12:41 |
Yakfisher | Thanks. if theres not much difference I'd rather leave well alone. Thanks for that | 12:41 |
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=== MobyTurbo [~chai@as5300-6.216-194-22-61.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djcobol | AAAAARGGHHHH! | 12:43 |
Yakfisher | ? | 12:43 |
djcobol | stupid framebuffer error | 12:43 |
djcobol | the live CD works fine, and I could install Ubuntu fine under VMware, but now that I want to install it as the base OS, it acts up on me | 12:43 |
Yakfisher | no luck then :( ? | 12:43 |
djcobol | not yet | 12:44 |
djcobol | the fact that I have a dual monitor setup shouldnt have anything to do with it right? | 12:45 |
=== kof [~fc@a213-22-88-48.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kof | hi | 12:46 |
AndyR | my mp3 is greyed out in sound juicer but ive installed lame how do i use it please? | 12:46 |
ACID|net | u installed mad? | 12:46 |
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ACID|net | gstreamer-mad | 12:46 |
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kof | can i find help with setting up my network? | 12:46 |
techn9ne | sure ill send you my address to send the check too | 12:47 |
techn9ne | jk. what type of network? windows or linux? | 12:47 |
kof | techn9ne: linux I'm trying to share the internet connection | 12:48 |
kof | (send your address, i'll send you the check later ;)) | 12:49 |
AndyR | installed mad, still the same | 12:49 |
techn9ne | through a firewall? | 12:50 |
kof | techn9ne: I'm lost in iptables, dhcp, dns, named, ... :-X | 12:50 |
techn9ne | im not very good w/ that stuff but i know a little bit | 12:50 |
techn9ne | explain your setup | 12:50 |
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housetier | kof we are here to help :) | 12:51 |
kof | techn9ne: I have 2 NICs: one external, linked to the internet the other to the local network | 12:51 |
pusling | what is the dhcp-client in ubuntu? | 12:51 |
crimsun | dhclient | 12:51 |
kof | I would like that the other computers in my LAN can access the internet | 12:52 |
=== SepheeBear [~SepheeBea@24-193-86-231.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pusling | crimsun: I can't apt-get install dhclient | 12:53 |
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kerframil | pusling: it might be known as "dhcpcd" | 12:54 |
kof | what is driving me mad is that I had already a functional configuration (in ubuntu) Later I needed to reinstall (newbye!!!) and now I can't remember how I did it the first time | 12:54 |
kerframil | the DHCP client daemon ... | 12:54 |
JanC | kof: you need NAT routing | 12:54 |
techn9ne | kof: ok you're you're just setting up a firewall / router for other computers | 12:54 |
kof | JanC: ok... | 12:54 |
techn9ne | why not just use smoothwall? | 12:54 |
kerframil | kof: if you find iptables a bit hairy then you might want to take a look at "firestarter" | 12:54 |
kerframil | kof: I have no idea whether it's in the repo (being new to ubuntu) | 12:54 |
JanC | yes, with firestarter it's very easy | 12:55 |
crimsun | pusling: try dhcp-client or dhcp3-client | 12:55 |
kerframil | http://www.fs-security.com/ | 12:55 |
kof | i tryed firestarter but it doesn't work | 12:55 |
kerframil | ah | 12:55 |
techn9ne | kof : try smoothwall | 12:55 |
JanC | you also need dhcpd3 with firestarter | 12:55 |
=== hazza96 [~harry@cust0531.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kof | I tried firestarter and dhcpd3 ... | 12:56 |
=== h-t [~housetier@dsl-213-023-046-024.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JanC | and maybe a caching dns server? | 12:56 |
techn9ne | http://www.smoothwall.org/ | 12:56 |
kof | techn9ne: is smoothwall in ubuntu repositories? | 12:56 |
techn9ne | no its a distro | 12:56 |
ACID|net | lol | 12:56 |
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techn9ne | firewall distro | 12:56 |
ACID|net | and free | 12:56 |
ACID|net | unlike suse | 12:57 |
techn9ne | yah its linux | 12:57 |
kof | ok I have not enough computers... : | 12:57 |
ACID|net | suse firewall is silly money | 12:57 |
techn9ne | oh you're using the firewall as a desktop too? | 12:57 |
JanC | I think he wants to configure a desktop, something like ICS on Windows | 12:57 |
techn9ne | thats not a super good idea | 12:57 |
crimsun | kof: there's always the 'shorewall' package | 12:57 |
techn9ne | firewalls should just be firewalls | 12:57 |
kof | JanC: Yes! like that... | 12:57 |
kof | like ICS... | 12:58 |
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techn9ne | why not just connect them via a hub and put firestarter on them both? | 12:58 |
ACID|net | if i had a spare machine i would run smoothwall but sadly, i dont | 12:58 |
techn9ne | you can get computers for < $100 in buy/sell | 12:58 |
ACID|net | well i do, but its loud and it would use more power than my router | 12:58 |
=== hazza96 [~harry@cust0531.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JanC | you can get computers for free if you want ;) | 12:59 |
kof | I used to be happy with mandrake, and there it was easy to share the internet... | 12:59 |
techn9ne | yah sometimes | 12:59 |
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techn9ne | need something w/ more than 16k of ram for a firewall | 12:59 |
JanC | kof : what does mandrake use for that? | 12:59 |
kof | shorewall, I suppose | 01:00 |
=== N00B [~not@82-34-176-175.cable.ubr01.sout.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kof | i'm "apt-get install firestarter" again | 01:01 |
JanC | techn9ne : I even got a P166MMX laptop with 64 MiB RAM for free a year ago :-p | 01:01 |
ACID|net | techn9ne: how do u find out how much power a pc is using?? | 01:01 |
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N00B | can someone explain how i have access to one pc with winxp on my network, and i haven't got access to another pc? | 01:02 |
techn9ne | ACID|net : i dunno is your hydro bill too high? | 01:02 |
ACID|net | not overally, but i dont know what high is :S | 01:03 |
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N00B | You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "Windows Network: source". | 01:03 |
N00B | ermmm | 01:03 |
elias | any help on mounting an ipod via firewire in ubuntu? I don't see the /dev/sda device... | 01:03 |
=== Shad0 [~void@c211-30-13-68.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmuro | can someone explain how can i recover /etc/init.d/apache2? , because i delete it | 01:04 |
N00B | good night people | 01:04 |
ACID|net | does linux even have a way to recover deleted files?? | 01:04 |
housetier | jmuro you could reinstall the package | 01:04 |
hazza96 | jmuro: from your backup | 01:04 |
crimsun | jmuro: apt-get --reinstall install apache2 | 01:04 |
JanC | kof: did you edit dhcpd.conf after installing the dhcpd server ? (is needed!) | 01:05 |
djcobol | SUCCESS! | 01:05 |
djcobol | found the problem | 01:05 |
djcobol | unplugging the joystick = smooth installation | 01:06 |
Shad0 | :| | 01:06 |
okplayer02 | whats the difference between warty and hoarty | 01:06 |
jmuro | i reinstall the software but the file isnt | 01:06 |
tahorg[dfx] | okplayer02: warty is stable, hoary is not | 01:06 |
okplayer02 | oh ok thank u | 01:07 |
ryan | heh | 01:07 |
ryan | ttmkfdir just segfaults right now :/ | 01:07 |
tahorg[dfx] | ryan: I thought that with fontconfig ttfmkdir was no more required | 01:08 |
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crimsun | moin jdub | 01:08 |
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jmuro | can someone pass to me, the file /etc/init.d/apache2??? | 01:08 |
jdub | morning | 01:08 |
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jdub | jmuro: apt-get install --reinstall apache2 | 01:09 |
tahorg[dfx] | ryan: (sorry I think I misread) | 01:09 |
elias | how do I create the sg devices? | 01:09 |
jdub | elias: modprobe sg | 01:09 |
elias | i did | 01:09 |
ryan | tahorg[dfx] : oh, maybe | 01:09 |
tahorg[dfx] | elias: udev is running ? | 01:09 |
ryan | tahorg[dfx] : i haven't tried to install a font for a long time | 01:10 |
tahorg[dfx] | ryan: well so you don't need this anymore | 01:10 |
elias | it is | 01:10 |
tahorg[dfx] | ryan: mv blah.ttf ~/.fonts | 01:10 |
Shad0 | are wireless extensions working in warty? | 01:10 |
elias | I still have no /dev/sg* | 01:10 |
tahorg[dfx] | ryan: and then fc-cache IIRC | 01:10 |
tahorg[dfx] | ryan: or, you can use nautilus file->open location | 01:11 |
tahorg[dfx] | fonts:// | 01:11 |
jmuro | jdub : dont work | 01:11 |
tahorg[dfx] | and drag'n'drop the font in it | 01:11 |
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ryan | tahorg[dfx] : heh, speaking of fonts, gnome-font-viewer does nothing but take up cpu right now too | 01:11 |
elias | can anyone help me create the sg devices? any ideas why they wouldn't show up? | 01:11 |
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tahorg[dfx] | ryan: shi^Wthat happens | 01:12 |
elias | when i modprobe sg, no devices are created... what am i doing wrong? | 01:13 |
jmuro | plase someone pass to me, the file /etc/init.d/apache2 | 01:14 |
tahorg[dfx] | jmuro: cd /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 01:14 |
tahorg[dfx] | jmuro: dpkg -i apache2*.deb | 01:14 |
tahorg[dfx] | your file should come back | 01:15 |
=== jpvcx [foobar@j132017.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djcobol | anyone have experience dealing with dual monitor setups? | 01:15 |
okplayer02 | can anyone give me anypoints i have FC3 and win xp installed | 01:16 |
okplayer02 | i wanna put ubuntu also | 01:16 |
tahorg[dfx] | okplayer02: you need a free partition | 01:16 |
okplayer02 | yea i have about 19 gb free for ubunut | 01:17 |
=== Chand [~Chand@ABordeaux-251-1-7-102.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
okplayer02 | so i wanna do the triboot | 01:17 |
jmuro | tahorg[dfx] :( , no dont come back the file | 01:17 |
okplayer02 | i know last time i tried to install ubuntu on my laptop the screen was a mess | 01:18 |
okplayer02 | im looking at the 64 bit version | 01:18 |
tahorg[dfx] | jmuro: well, cd /tmp; mkdir apache; cd apache; dpkg -x apache2[version] .deb | 01:19 |
tahorg[dfx] | jmuro: you should be able to get the file in the tree | 01:19 |
okplayer02 | so has anyone had experience with ubuntu with their AMD 64 laptop | 01:21 |
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jonmasters | sladen? | 01:25 |
lukins | anyone know if compiler option march=pentium4 benefits pentium 1,2,3 's? | 01:25 |
jonmasters | No. | 01:25 |
jonmasters | However apparently it doesn't negatively affect them much, | 01:26 |
=== illek [~chatzilla@ip68-13-238-168.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jonmasters | So feel free to use it, or something :-) | 01:26 |
lukins | that's the way ubuntu is compiler mcpu\486 march=pentium4 | 01:27 |
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jonmasters | Well it would unlikely benefit anything that wasn't Netburst underneath (P4). | 01:28 |
dsoft | hiya | 01:28 |
jonmasters | lo | 01:28 |
okplayer02 | any opinions about amd 64 and ubuntu | 01:29 |
okplayer02 | is there much of a difference | 01:29 |
crimsun | difference between ...? | 01:30 |
jonmasters | As to whether to use it or what? | 01:30 |
okplayer02 | yes | 01:30 |
jonmasters | I have an AMD64 box which runs stock non-AMD64 Ubuntu. | 01:30 |
okplayer02 | well im looking to run the 64 bit version | 01:31 |
illek | I never could get X-server to work under AMD64. Standar Ubuntu works freat on my AMD64 | 01:31 |
jonmasters | I don't need 64bit userland really on that box. | 01:31 |
crimsun | amd64 Ubuntu is well-supported | 01:31 |
okplayer02 | oh ok | 01:31 |
okplayer02 | well i have laptop | 01:31 |
okplayer02 | so thats another issue | 01:31 |
jonmasters | It'll be slightly more interesting in terms of performance if you go for AMD64 - depending upon use. | 01:31 |
lukins | do you really feel any difference in speed? | 01:31 |
okplayer02 | ohok | 01:32 |
dsoft | how can i change the refresh of my monitor at ubuntu? | 01:32 |
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okplayer02 | like one i wanna have my native resolution which is 1280x800 | 01:32 |
jonmasters | I think in some cases you would - I don't have figures. Theory is great but practice matters - double the number of registers is fine and dandy but double the memory bandwidth is also necessary. | 01:32 |
dsoft | i can find a "resolution" option at menu, but not "monitor" | 01:32 |
lukins | dsoft, you have to rerun the x setup program, of course, i don't remember the command | 01:32 |
dsoft | :( | 01:33 |
farruinn | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 | 01:33 |
pusling | is there a fancy way to reinstall _all_ installed packages? | 01:33 |
jonmasters | Just do a reconfigure? | 01:33 |
jonmasters | indeed. | 01:33 |
dsoft | farruinn, that command? | 01:33 |
farruinn | you'll have to do it with sudo | 01:33 |
AndyR | can anyone tell me what i need to rip mp3's in sound juicer please | 01:33 |
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farruinn | AndyR: have you read the Restricted Formats wiki page? | 01:34 |
StevenR | how do i force the live cd to use a particular x resolution (800x600)? | 01:34 |
AndyR | no, should i? | 01:34 |
lukins | screen=800x600 | 01:34 |
farruinn | AndyR: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats | 01:34 |
farruinn | that explains it quite well | 01:34 |
StevenR | lukins: ubuntu screen=800x600 at the prompt? | 01:34 |
lukins | yup | 01:35 |
dsoft | whats the bus port of agp? | 01:35 |
farruinn | dsoft: the defaults are usually good | 01:35 |
dsoft | (at config it ask me that) | 01:36 |
dsoft | oki | 01:36 |
farruinn | you can use lspci to find out though | 01:36 |
StevenR | lukins: thanks :) | 01:36 |
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== RuffianSoldier [icechat5@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
keenan | how can i install ubuntu on a machine with an old cd-rom drive that doesn't support booting from the cd-rom? | 01:37 |
=== RuffianSoldier is now known as RuffianSoldier[A | ||
farruinn | keenan, the only way I can think of is installing debian woody then upgrading to ubuntu | 01:37 |
farruinn | this isn't on an oldworld mac is it? | 01:38 |
keenan | no, pc | 01:38 |
farruinn | ok | 01:38 |
keenan | would it be that hard to make a boot floppy that just immediately transfers control to the cd? | 01:38 |
lukins | how do you erase cdrws in nautilus? | 01:39 |
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lukins | keenan, do a google search for bootfloppy, its a floppy disk that boots the cd | 01:39 |
MobyTurbo | lukins, use cdrecord | 01:39 |
dsoft | uhmm, im planing of play some videogames wich linux, i should make gnome load GLCore or DRI? | 01:40 |
dsoft | hehe, i mean (should i....) | 01:40 |
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MobyTurbo | dsoft, if you have an nvidia card, no, if an ati, maybe. | 01:40 |
dsoft | oki, nvidia one | 01:41 |
dsoft | nothing then? | 01:41 |
MobyTurbo | dsoft, use the nvidia binary drivers. | 01:41 |
dsoft | thats the module that OS automaticaly loads? | 01:41 |
=== dylaw [~dylaw@i-83-67-16-40.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dsoft | or i have to do something? | 01:41 |
MobyTurbo | dsoft, you'll need to apt-get nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings. | 01:42 |
flibblesan | keenan: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallWithFloppiesHowto | 01:42 |
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MobyTurbo | dsoft, then run nvidia-glx-config enable | 01:42 |
dsoft | oki doki | 01:42 |
MobyTurbo | dsoft, then restart X | 01:42 |
flibblesan | keenan: seems the only was is to use Debian then upgrade to ubuntu, as farruinn said | 01:42 |
dsoft | oki, noted | 01:43 |
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MobyTurbo | dsoft, ICDK, restarting X is control-alt-backspace | 01:43 |
dsoft | yeah, i thought that :) | 01:43 |
flibblesan | i guess nvidia is a lot easier to get working than ATI? | 01:43 |
dsoft | uhmm, gnome loads alllllll graph modules by default | 01:44 |
flibblesan | i'm proper fed up with my radeon now | 01:44 |
dsoft | glcore, dri,..... etc | 01:44 |
MobyTurbo | dsoft, GNOME doesn't load any of that, that job is done by the X Window System. | 01:44 |
techn9ne | flibbesan : yes . ati drivers suck | 01:44 |
dsoft | well, oki :P | 01:44 |
techn9ne | dsoft : nvidia has much better linux support | 01:44 |
MobyTurbo | dsoft, nvidia-glx-config takes care of fixing your configuration file. | 01:44 |
=== ollie [~orutherfu@pool-70-18-251-94.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dsoft | eh, the default resolution for 1280x???? is? 960? | 01:46 |
dsoft | or 1024? | 01:46 |
MobyTurbo | dsoft, that depends on your monitor, not your graphics card. | 01:47 |
dsoft | yeah, i know (im configuring my x-window) | 01:47 |
MobyTurbo | dsoft, use your monitor manual to find out, and possibly put in the proper horizontal and vertical scan rates by hand. | 01:47 |
MobyTurbo | dsoft, otherwise you may damage your monitor. | 01:47 |
dsoft | well, i lost my monitor manual like 3 years ago xDDD | 01:47 |
hazza96 | look it up, you can find anything with Google | 01:48 |
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dsoft | well, i know that my monitor can handle 1280x1024 and 1280x980, but config only gets me to select 85Hz at x980 | 01:49 |
jonmasters | night. | 01:49 |
jonmasters | [gone] | 01:49 |
dsoft | night jon | 01:49 |
dsoft | well, i have found the char of my monitor | 01:49 |
MobyTurbo | my monitor can't do 85hz at it's highest resolution either. that's normal. | 01:49 |
AndyR | ubuntu is by far the best dist ive ever had on this laptop | 01:50 |
dsoft | ubuntu runs well wireless cards? | 01:50 |
=== Gnurdux [~Gnurdux@pcp04399704pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MobyTurbo | AndyR, I've noticed it runs a lot more ACPI stuff than the norm, does that stuff work well? | 01:50 |
=== AndyR is using wireless here | ||
dsoft | cool | 01:50 |
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AndyR | i have a netgear ma401 | 01:51 |
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dsoft | restarting wich my brand new nvidia settings.. :P | 01:53 |
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ollie | hi all, I've installed hoary and have a Sound Blaster Audigy, which is recognized by System > Device Manager, but when I try to open Volumne Control I get told there are "no volume control elements and/or devices found" | 01:55 |
ollie | I also don't have a "/dev/dsp" -- anyone have any tips on how to go about getting sound? | 01:56 |
=== dsoft [~dsoft@80-28-251-17.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dsoft | re | 01:58 |
dsoft | that working fine | 01:58 |
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=== AndyR now has a fully working sound juicer | ||
dsoft | anyone knows what is pciehp.ko and shpchp.ko? i have two errors (operation not permitied) when i boot my system | 01:59 |
farruinn | I think those are non-fatal errors that are safe to ignore | 01:59 |
dsoft | oki doki | 01:59 |
farruinn | that pciehp.ko sounds familiar | 01:59 |
pusling | my system have lost partially the information about which packages are installed (filesystem breakdown) is there any way to learn ubuntu that dpkg is installed? | 02:00 |
dsoft | it says (hotplug try to init...) | 02:00 |
AndyR | i get 2 fatals on bootup from hotplug but it still seems to work | 02:01 |
hazza96 | how close is Hoary to being released? | 02:02 |
=== Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | hazza96: April | 02:03 |
hazza96 | ok | 02:03 |
=== Wibbler [~Wibbler@cpc1-bolt3-3-0-cust240.mant.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dsoft | i know that sound nooby but, Where are the file explorer? omg | 02:04 |
ACID|net | dsoft: well there is the disk option in the computer menu or ls -l command | 02:06 |
dsoft | hehe | 02:06 |
=== TheIconoclast [~goose@nr2-66-161-183-114.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dsoft | i means Fileroller or something like this | 02:06 |
ACID|net | dont think there is one installed as default | 02:06 |
dsoft | i think at kde its named nautillus? maybe | 02:06 |
ACID|net | u can always use firefox - file:/// | 02:07 |
dsoft | oki, riding at deep space of synaptic :) | 02:07 |
farruinn | nautilus is in gnome | 02:07 |
ACID|net | where abouts? | 02:07 |
farruinn | just go to Computer> [Home|Desktop|Documents|Disk|etc] | 02:08 |
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dsoft | oh yeah | 02:08 |
dsoft | thx | 02:08 |
ACID|net | thats what i thought | 02:08 |
dsoft | muahahahaaaa, it loads automatcaly my usb2.0 vfat pendrive....... | 02:09 |
dsoft | ggggggg | 02:09 |
dsoft | really nice | 02:09 |
ACID|net | yep yep | 02:10 |
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Adrenal | how do i network with windows? | 02:11 |
Adrenal | i mean, i have samba | 02:11 |
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Adrenal | but when someone puts my ip in the address bar | 02:11 |
Adrenal | what is the username and passweord? | 02:11 |
Adrenal | *password | 02:11 |
ACID|net | smb:// | 02:11 |
ACID|net | or something | 02:11 |
ACID|net | what u use to login to windows | 02:11 |
Adrenal | u sure? | 02:11 |
ACID|net | or whatever has ntfs permissions to read the share | 02:11 |
ACID|net | yep | 02:11 |
s0cks | Happy bday lilo | 02:11 |
Adrenal | and how do i set what to share? | 02:12 |
ACID|net | u mean a dir to share on your system?? | 02:12 |
Adrenal | yeh | 02:12 |
ACID|net | smbclient does it, but u need to find the command | 02:12 |
ACID|net | i cant remember | 02:12 |
Adrenal | kk | 02:12 |
Adrenal | well, now i know where to look | 02:12 |
Adrenal | thanks heaps | 02:12 |
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=== rezza [~rezza@client-82-2-43-102.mant.adsl.tesco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rezza | anyone know if there's an equivalent of lspci for the isa bus? | 02:15 |
dsoft | pls, a bit xplain about Web Authoring System (Nvu)? | 02:15 |
dsoft | what it do? | 02:15 |
rezza | dsoft: it makes webpages | 02:15 |
dsoft | development tool? | 02:16 |
dsoft | or plug-in? | 02:16 |
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Adrenal | username and password didn't work | 02:16 |
Adrenal | just kept coming up wanting me to reenter it | 02:16 |
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dsoft | hehe, it happened to me first time | 02:18 |
dsoft | i had to reinstall | 02:18 |
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dsoft | i just dont remember the correct form for type the account and passw | 02:19 |
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Adrenal | hmm, damn | 02:19 |
Adrenal | i can see their stuff | 02:19 |
dsoft | omg, i hope u understand me, my english is bad | 02:19 |
Adrenal | nah, i understand | 02:19 |
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dsoft | :) | 02:19 |
Adrenal | i'll have a looksee on the samba page | 02:19 |
Adrenal | thanks | 02:19 |
Adrenal | bye | 02:19 |
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dylaw | hi | 02:23 |
Wibbler | lo | 02:23 |
=== rezza [~rezza@client-82-2-43-102.mant.adsl.tesco.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
dylaw | how can i force APT to install firefox 1? its keeps on picking 0.9 | 02:24 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@roc-24-93-18-228.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | dylaw, are you using hoary? | 02:24 |
ironwolf | dylaw: unless your running hoary, you can't with apt.. not easily anyhow. | 02:24 |
farruinn | you can get a backport by adding deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu warty-backports main universe to your sources.list | 02:25 |
dylaw | no am not using hoary | 02:25 |
Ohmer | ubuntu-bp rox with firefox 1.0 and gaim 1.1 :) | 02:26 |
dylaw | farruinn: oh, that will work? | 02:26 |
farruinn | yeah | 02:26 |
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amathis | help! | 02:27 |
dylaw | thanks, | 02:27 |
amathis | I am a game dev, and something went wrong... when I messed with fullscreen.. now I cannot get an X server even after reboot.. it says taht there is already a server running on 0 | 02:27 |
amathis | and it cannot create one | 02:28 |
dylaw | I just moved to linux, so stil not having a hang of it | 02:28 |
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amathis | how can I kill it? | 02:28 |
farruinn | dylaw: do you know how to add that to your apt sources? | 02:28 |
dylaw | farruinn: yeah i think so | 02:28 |
amathis | can someone please help me :??? :( | 02:29 |
dylaw | farruinn: am gona boot to ubuntu now and see how it goes | 02:29 |
farruinn | ah, ok | 02:29 |
dsoft | where is sources.list? | 02:30 |
dsoft | at /etc/ ? | 02:30 |
amathis | //etc/apt | 02:30 |
dsoft | debian have nano? | 02:30 |
farruinn | yeah | 02:31 |
xevil | dsoft: if you install it... yes | 02:31 |
dsoft | by default it has too | 02:31 |
dsoft | :) | 02:31 |
amathis | help :/ | 02:31 |
amathis | anyone know? | 02:31 |
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amathis | ugh. | 02:32 |
zenwhen | how woudl I make my linux machine offer up its internet connection to another machine by DHCP from eth0? | 02:33 |
dsoft | something like deb http://ubuntu........../ubuntu warty-backports main universe ? in sources.list? | 02:34 |
farruinn | deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu warty-backports main universe | 02:34 |
farruinn | for firefox 1.0 | 02:34 |
kerframil | amathis: just a guess: look for stale session files in your home dir, and clean out /tmp/.ICE-unix and /tmp/.X11-unix | 02:34 |
dsoft | in adition of the other line of deb ........ warty universe, yeah? | 02:35 |
farruinn | zenwhen: not exactly sure how, but I think it has something to do with "nat" | 02:35 |
farruinn | dsoft: yeah | 02:35 |
dsoft | oki | 02:35 |
dsoft | thx | 02:35 |
kerframil | zenwhen: firstly, you need to make sure iptables is providing a NAT service | 02:35 |
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kerframil | zenwhen: secondly, you need to install "dhcp" (a DHCP server) and configure it so that the default router is the IP address of the machine that is offering the NAT service, as well as allocating clients an IP within the same subnet | 02:36 |
diego | is there a way to get gnome-vfs support in xmms? | 02:37 |
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@roc-24-93-18-228.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dsoft | farruinn, it says failed (2 times) at synaptic when y reload | 02:38 |
kerframil | zenwhen: actually, I assumed the machine in question would be providing NAT. It's perfectly OK to have DHCP tell the client to use another router to find the Internet too. | 02:38 |
dsoft | at main release an universe release | 02:38 |
=== dylaw [~dylaw@i-83-67-16-40.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | dsoft: did you add the source in synaptic then? | 02:39 |
dsoft | at file sources | 02:39 |
dsoft | yeah | 02:39 |
dylaw | farruninn: what was the site again? | 02:39 |
dsoft | but reload doesnt work fine, i will check the sources.list | 02:39 |
farruinn | dylaw: deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu warty-backports main universe | 02:40 |
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dylaw | farruinn: thanks | 02:40 |
farruinn | don't thank me, thank jdong =) | 02:40 |
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dsoft | deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu warty-backports main universe | 02:41 |
dsoft | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe | 02:41 |
dsoft | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe | 02:41 |
dsoft | its correct? | 02:41 |
farruinn | yeah | 02:41 |
dsoft | and you dont have an error when reload at synaptic? | 02:42 |
farruinn | well I do, but that's because I'm the ppc architecture | 02:42 |
dsoft | :( | 02:42 |
farruinn | there are only i386 packages there | 02:42 |
farruinn | are you on ppc as well? | 02:42 |
dsoft | i dont have the new releases available at synaptic | 02:42 |
dsoft | nope x86 | 02:42 |
dsoft | i thought to restart pc, but, well, im not in windows..... :P | 02:43 |
=== D0wnXcaST [56732@modemcable150.222-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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AndyR | im on 686 here, but i have a ppc g3 too, is ubuntu good on it? | 02:43 |
D0wnXcaST | hey, i would like to know if tehre is anything for msn messenger on linux? | 02:44 |
dsoft | it works fine in my athXP2.6 | 02:44 |
dsoft | gaim | 02:44 |
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farruinn | AndyR: I've had good experiences with it | 02:44 |
dsoft | gaim = MSN and too much | 02:44 |
amathis | how do you list what X servers are running?! | 02:44 |
pdkl | i just upgraded to hoary, and my menus are gone | 02:44 |
AndyR | it is currently running yellowdog 3.0.1 | 02:44 |
pdkl | any ideas on how to get them back? | 02:44 |
D0wnXcaST | ok, thanks ill take a look for gaim | 02:44 |
crimsun | pdkl: have you updated hoary just recently (e.g., within the past hour)? | 02:45 |
=== AndyR is using gaim for yahoo mess | ||
dsoft | i think i just did fine (adding a program) but menu dont show it, i have to restart x? | 02:45 |
=== AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
farruinn | dsoft: just log out/log in | 02:46 |
kerframil | dsoft: a properly configured system should use fam in gnome-vfs to take care of it. Try kill -HUP `pidof gnome-panel` | 02:46 |
kerframil | from a console | 02:46 |
kerframil | the panel will reload itself, and that should do the trick | 02:46 |
dsoft | sure == sudo kill -HUP 'pidof gnome-panel' ? | 02:47 |
kerframil | no need for sudo | 02:47 |
kerframil | gnome-panel is running under you account, not root | 02:47 |
dsoft | uhm, my ' are not same as ur | 02:47 |
kerframil | yes, you need to use backticks | 02:47 |
kerframil | or just run pidof gnome-panel separately, observe the PID | 02:48 |
=== sidney [~sidney@68-174-152-195.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kerframil | and feed that to kill -HUP as an argument | 02:48 |
dsoft | yeah, it worked, (it reset the menus), thx, but maybe i didt do fine the work, (it dont appear) | 02:49 |
kerframil | odd, perhaps the program in question doesn't actually register a menu entry | 02:49 |
=== dylaw has got firefox V 1.0 now :) | ||
kerframil | obviously if you log out and in then that will prove it either way | 02:49 |
kerframil | but, giving gnome-panel a heads up should be enough | 02:49 |
dsoft | i cant get the firefox 1.0... xDD | 02:50 |
dsoft | i just did a launcher | 02:50 |
dsoft | but it dont appears | 02:50 |
dylaw | what do you mean it ddnt appear? | 02:50 |
dsoft | well, if a do an nautilus applications:///Internet it appears | 02:51 |
dsoft | in a console, i mean | 02:51 |
dsoft | but not at menus | 02:51 |
dsoft | i will reset the x windows, lets see | 02:52 |
pdkl | crimsun: yeah, about a hour | 02:52 |
ollie | does anybody here have an Audigy LS sound card? | 02:53 |
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lek | Did anyone elses usb mouse stop working in latest hoary | 02:55 |
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=== dsoft [~dsoft@80-28-251-17.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dsoft | well, tomorrow will see that thing :P | 03:00 |
dsoft | what is the comand to delete a dir in console? | 03:01 |
dsoft | its huge that i cant be root at x-window | 03:01 |
diego | dsoft: you can run nautilus as root... | 03:02 |
dsoft | how? | 03:02 |
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diego | i'm on hoary so not sure if it's the same but for me it's under Applications, System Tools | 03:03 |
dsoft | u mean, run as different user? | 03:03 |
=== Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-181.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
diego | dsoft: that'd work but i have a "File Manager - Super User Mode" | 03:04 |
dsoft | i dont have that chance | 03:04 |
diego | oh sorry that's konqueror, i'm special | 03:04 |
dsoft | and run as different user dont works | 03:04 |
diego | doubtful | 03:05 |
dsoft | not special, only at kde | 03:05 |
dsoft | :P | 03:05 |
dsoft | but thx :) | 03:05 |
dsoft | what is the command for delete a dir at console? | 03:05 |
diego | why would run as a different user not work? | 03:05 |
dsoft | it dont change me to root | 03:05 |
kerframil | dsoft: you mean to delete a dir, including all contents? | 03:05 |
sidney | 'rm -r DIR' | 03:05 |
dsoft | yeah | 03:05 |
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kerframil | or rm -rf but please be very careful with that ... | 03:06 |
dsoft | wow, rm? not like deltree or something like that.. xD | 03:06 |
dsoft | oki, rm | 03:06 |
kerframil | and, for the record, it should be possible to enable the root account with: sudo passwd | 03:06 |
kerframil | but using sudo is a good thing | 03:06 |
sidney | rm like ReMove... and -r for Recursive and -f for Force | 03:06 |
diego | dsoft: meh, you could always do `sudo nautilus --nodesktop` if you felt the urge | 03:06 |
lek | I lost functionality of my usb mouse in latest hoary, any idea how to fix? | 03:06 |
dsoft | root account for x-window or only console? | 03:07 |
=== McDekkard [~rightone@adsl-68-21-32-235.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kerframil | dsoft: root account is the root account, there is no other | 03:07 |
diego | lek: did you see if the module is loaded for it? | 03:07 |
=== McDekkard [~rightone@adsl-68-21-32-235.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
dsoft | thx diego, noted it | 03:07 |
lek | which module would that be | 03:08 |
diego | dsoft: np | 03:08 |
dsoft | kerframil, i mean, u can be root at console | 03:08 |
dsoft | but not at x-window at all | 03:08 |
diego | lek: i use psmouse i think | 03:08 |
lek | for usb? | 03:08 |
dsoft | i only had that chance at mandrake | 03:08 |
kerframil | dsoft: you can, if you enable the root account by giving it a password I suspect | 03:08 |
dsoft | wich sudo passwd? | 03:08 |
kerframil | dsoft: but running X as root isn't a brilliant idea anyway, I think the ubuntu approach is quite a good one | 03:08 |
kerframil | dsoft: I think so | 03:08 |
sidney | what do i need to change to upgrade to hoary? | 03:09 |
diego | dsoft: kerframil is saying that if you enable the root account, you can then be root. i think there may be a gdm option that disables the root account from logging in, but then again maybe i'm thinking of kdm...meh! | 03:09 |
lek | diego, are you talking about in blacklist/hotplug? | 03:09 |
diego | sidney: there's a guide on the forums | 03:09 |
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Mike_ | what a random name | 03:09 |
dsoft | :) | 03:10 |
dsoft | done | 03:10 |
dsoft | thx all :) | 03:10 |
diego | lek: i'm talking `lsmod | grep mouse`...i guess that'd be hotplug | 03:10 |
lek | has psmouse and mousedev | 03:11 |
diego | lek: what about `lsusb`, is your mouse listed there? | 03:11 |
lek | lsusb isn't doing anything, just stalls | 03:12 |
diego | lek: hehe, that's interesting...now form a revised question with that information and ask someone more knowledgeable than me :D | 03:12 |
dsoft | uhmm, azureus seem be as slow as windows | 03:13 |
zenwhen | I have a two ubuntu machines hooked together wit working ethernet cards. | 03:17 |
zenwhen | how can I ssh into one from another? | 03:18 |
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diego | zenwhen: can you ping from one to the other? do you have an ssh server installed? | 03:19 |
dsoft | night all | 03:19 |
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zenwhen | my first issue | 03:20 |
zenwhen | is ... finding out where the other one is? | 03:20 |
zenwhen | I mean... how do I fond out the other machines local ip? | 03:20 |
zenwhen | find(* | 03:20 |
diego | well, they're right by each other....run ifconfig on each | 03:20 |
zenwhen | it doesnt list an ip | 03:21 |
diego | so you need to set that up, first off | 03:21 |
diego | my knowledge ends here. | 03:21 |
farruinn | zenwhen: are they connected by a hub or something? | 03:21 |
farruinn | or just a cable from one to the next? | 03:22 |
=== diego wonders who uses hubs nowadays | ||
farruinn | or router, whatever it would be called | 03:22 |
=== farruinn doesn't know a whole helluva lot about networking | ||
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zenwhen | farruinn, | 03:23 |
zenwhen | crossover cable | 03:23 |
farruinn | so one is running a dhcp server? | 03:24 |
diego | hmm...on windows, for a crossover network i believe it's and, assigned arbitrarily. don't know if that holds true for linux | 03:24 |
zenwhen | no | 03:24 |
zenwhen | do they have to to be able to ssh | 03:24 |
diego | farruinn: dhcp wouldn't make too much sense for 2 boxes, heh | 03:24 |
farruinn | oh ok, like I said I dont' really know | 03:24 |
farruinn | just shooting in the dark | 03:25 |
=== diego will stfw | ||
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diego | "If both machines are on the same net,192.168.0.x, and on the same subnet,, you should be able to ping eachother." | 03:27 |
diego | "If you have internet access on one computer, this computer is your gateway. the DNS is the DNS you are given by your provider." | 03:28 |
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zenwhen | oh well | 03:30 |
kerframil | diego: Windows XP arbitrarily uses if you enable Internet Connection Sharing. It also actives itself as a DHCP server. | 03:31 |
kerframil | just in case that's relevant ... | 03:31 |
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diego | kerframil: questionable relevancy but very interesting, thanks | 03:31 |
reformed | deigo: Don't they assign addresses? | 03:31 |
djcobol | anyone want to help me mount my windows NTFS drive in Ubuntu? | 03:31 |
diego | reformed: who is "they"? | 03:32 |
diego | djcobol: something along the lines of `modprobe ntfs; sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda2 /mnt/win` i think | 03:32 |
kerframil | you can also use the umask parameter to determine effective permissions (from Linux's point of view) | 03:33 |
djcobol | trying to edit my fstab config, but I dont know what number HDA device my NTFS drive is | 03:33 |
kerframil | for example, mount -t ntfs -o umask=000 ..... | 03:33 |
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kerframil | would imply *full* permissions for all file and directories (777 in fact) | 03:33 |
reformed | "on windows, for a crossover network i believe it's and" - autoconfiguration address... | 03:33 |
kerframil | as it's the permissions *not* to mask, rather than the permissions that should be set | 03:34 |
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kerframil | djcobol: fdisk should tell you that | 03:34 |
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kerframil | NTFS partitions have their own type | 03:34 |
=== diego shrugs | ||
=== FirE-dRaGoN [~dragon@dsl-200-95-117-246.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu | ||
diego | woah...i just got an idea....using lufs and gnome-vfs, i could make gnome-vfs's mountable to the local filesystem... | 03:39 |
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djcobol | ok, now I'm gettin pissed at this stupid dual monitor setup | 03:39 |
pepsi | how could you get pissed about that? | 03:39 |
=== pepsi doesnt understand | ||
djcobol | by it not doing what I want it to do | 03:40 |
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SirFunk | hey.. do things in the bugzilla get looked at the order they come in or like.. whatever someone finds interesting :-P | 03:44 |
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usual | python2.4-pyorbit = the broken | 03:46 |
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billytwowilly | usual, I get that too. | 03:46 |
=== billytwowilly bets it'll be fixed by tommorrow. | ||
usual | billytwowilly, well, I could just install with the overwrite, but I don't know if it's ok | 03:47 |
billytwowilly | usual, I'd just wait. | 03:47 |
usual | :) | 03:47 |
billytwowilly | usual, Stuff like that seems to get fixed in 24 hours. | 03:47 |
billytwowilly | Unless it's in universe, or multiverse | 03:47 |
usual | ya, they are on top of things | 03:47 |
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gpled | i setup ubuntu on a computer at my house. tested mozilla out on my dsl. to the computer to my friends house. could ping, but now browse. | 03:50 |
gpled | took the computer ... | 03:50 |
gpled | any idea what was causing that? | 03:51 |
diego | proxy? | 03:51 |
gpled | could resolve names with dig too. | 03:51 |
gpled | i have no proxy | 03:51 |
snerfu | does he have one? | 03:52 |
gpled | i thought it was qwest, but loaded up knoppex. and it worked. | 03:52 |
pdkl | now i only have windows xp to play eq2 | 03:52 |
pdkl | :D | 03:52 |
diego | did i miss something? | 03:52 |
gpled | he does not have a proxy. | 03:52 |
gpled | it was like a gateway is stuck or something. | 03:53 |
gpled | but i could traceroute far. | 03:54 |
gpled | never seen a problem like that before. | 03:54 |
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gangalino | what's a good html editor for warty? | 03:56 |
billytwowilly | quanta roxors | 03:57 |
diego | vim | 03:57 |
punkrockguy318 | gedit is nice, but vim all the way | 03:58 |
gangalino | nothing like the mozilla composer? | 03:58 |
gpled | well, i like vi | 03:58 |
AndyFitz | anjuta, screem | 03:58 |
punkrockguy318 | peacock-2? | 03:58 |
AndyFitz | nvu is a wysiwyg editor but its not in warty | 03:58 |
AndyFitz | its based off composer | 03:59 |
gangalino | ok, thanks | 03:59 |
gpled | but thats just cause i like php | 03:59 |
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dani-ubuntu | hi there... | 04:00 |
gpled | dani-ubuntu: wazzz up | 04:01 |
dani-ubuntu | I'm trying to get a Plone account at ubuntu website and I get an error message | 04:01 |
dani-ubuntu | let me paste it: | 04:01 |
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dani-ubuntu | This site encountered an error trying to fulfill your request. The errors were: Error Type timeout | 04:02 |
dani-ubuntu | Error Value timed out | 04:02 |
gpled | ok, but whats plone again? | 04:02 |
dani-ubuntu | I mean, an account to use the wiki | 04:02 |
dani-ubuntu | (plone is the engine that makes ubuntu website work) | 04:02 |
gpled | like phpnuke? | 04:03 |
dani-ubuntu | That happens when I fill the form at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/join_form | 04:03 |
AndyFitz | anyone here unfortunately have access to a copy of internet explorer ? | 04:03 |
dani-ubuntu | AndyFitz: I might have, but would have to reboot | 04:03 |
diego | AndyFitz: eww, why? i much prefer elinks | 04:03 |
gpled | diego: lol | 04:04 |
gpled | AndyFitz: think the kids old machine still might have it on it. | 04:04 |
AndyFitz | dani-ubuntu: just pmed you, when you next reboot into windows could you e-mail me or catch me here | 04:05 |
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diego | - | 04:19 |
unperson | Anyone else having issues with the Marillat mplayer packages on Warty? | 04:20 |
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deceptive_uk | hi all | 04:26 |
unperson | hi | 04:27 |
deceptive_uk | hi unperson, how are ya? | 04:28 |
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farruinn | I love going to www.gnome-look.org and seeing so much ubuntu stuff! =) | 04:30 |
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AndyFitz | farruinn :) I just uploaded two ubuntu items ;) | 04:31 |
farruinn | AndyFitz: what did you upload? | 04:31 |
farruinn | the etiquette splash and gdm theme? | 04:32 |
AndyFitz | yeah | 04:32 |
pepsi | whorey | 04:32 |
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DeviantDog | hi all | 04:33 |
DeviantDog | how is warty at autodectecting sata? | 04:34 |
DeviantDog | detecting... | 04:34 |
AndyFitz | whorey ? as in hoary ? | 04:34 |
unperson | deceptive_uk, Sorry, distracted by all these silly windows. :-) | 04:34 |
AndyFitz | or whorey as in promiscuous and mischievous ? | 04:34 |
deceptive_uk | ubperson : thats ok ;) | 04:35 |
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deceptive_uk | everyone feel sorry for me... my mobo and processor on my desktop are out of service so no ubuntu for a while :'( | 04:36 |
DeviantDog | that would suck? | 04:36 |
deceptive_uk | DeviantDog : it does :( i could install warty or hoary on this notebook, but im not sure my WNIC would work | 04:37 |
unperson | Ack, that sounds unpleasent. | 04:37 |
unperson | So I take it noone else is using warty and having mplayer package issues? | 04:38 |
spikeb | deceptive_uk: okay, i feel sorry | 04:38 |
DeviantDog | anyone have experience with Warty and SATA? | 04:39 |
deceptive_uk | Would anyone know if Warty or Hoary work with linksys WNIC's, the livecd didnt:( | 04:40 |
cef | there are a number of different chipsets in those linksys wnic's, so it's hard to say | 04:40 |
deceptive_uk | well ive looked but theres absolutely no model number...silly i know! lol | 04:41 |
unperson | deceptive_uk, All I can say is it works fine with my Dell TrueMobile. Not sure the chipset exactly, but it uses the orinoco driver. | 04:42 |
deceptive_uk | ah ok, thanks | 04:43 |
DeviantDog | anyone have experience with Warty and SATA? | 04:43 |
deceptive_uk | is the livecd much different in modules etc.. from Warty? | 04:43 |
bratsche | I use SATA, and it just worked. | 04:43 |
DeviantDog | hmmm do you know what chipset? | 04:44 |
bratsche | I forget. I have MSI K8T-Neo mobo, and it has two SATA chipsets I think: one VIA and one Promise. | 04:44 |
bratsche | I think I'm using the VIA one. | 04:45 |
bratsche | But I'm not sure. | 04:45 |
DeviantDog | hmm I'll have to try it then if its with the via chipset. | 04:45 |
bratsche | What chipset do you use? | 04:45 |
DeviantDog | via | 04:45 |
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occy | anyone here know who did the beep media player skin that comes default with Ubuntu? | 04:53 |
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TheHappy | ge | 04:53 |
=== makaveli [~lilnemo08@pcp01154956pcs.newhav01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
makaveli | hello | 04:53 |
spikeb | hi | 04:54 |
makaveli | i need some help on the install | 04:54 |
makaveli | i keep getting a failed to create a file system error whenver i try to partition | 04:54 |
makaveli | it also says the ReiserFS file system creation in partition #2 of IDE2 master (hdc) failed | 04:55 |
makaveli | i don't know what to do and i can't get into windows because i wiped out the gentoo install | 04:55 |
makaveli | and then tried to install ubuntu on the free space and i keep getting that error | 04:56 |
makaveli | does ne body know how to fix this??? | 04:56 |
TheHappy | already try with ext3? | 04:57 |
makaveli | yep | 04:57 |
makaveli | none of it works | 04:57 |
TheHappy | and shure your harddisk has no errors? | 04:58 |
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TheHappy | do you have another linux on your disk? | 04:59 |
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snerfu | Have you tried letting it auto partition? | 05:01 |
TheHappy | snerfu> that only works when you let him kill your entire harddisk | 05:02 |
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snerfu | Oh, missed where he had windows on there | 05:03 |
stuNNed | holy cr*p i think unstable is upgrading the whole system today with updates :D | 05:03 |
adoyretsamon | nice | 05:03 |
errr | what file would I want to d/l for ubuntu. the testing version or the unstable version? | 05:04 |
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makaveli | no i don't have ne other linux on | 05:11 |
makaveli | i wiped the old linux out | 05:11 |
makaveli | i had gentoo couldn't get it to work right so i gave up on it | 05:11 |
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lil_anthony | whats the correct way to launch vncserver on ubuntu ? i try vncserver -geometry 800x600 :1 but the service never appears to run. if thats correct how can i ensure its running cause when i type pgrep -l vncserver it shows nothing. | 05:23 |
huttan | anyone experienced that ubuntu runs slow when you compile your own kernel and use smt ? | 05:25 |
phlaegel | anybody else running hoary notice focus problems with the panel? about to file a bug, and just want to make sure I'm not the only one seeing it :-) | 05:27 |
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|icu| | i find that the panel quits on my occasionally | 05:27 |
stuNNed | hmm dist-upgrade brokeon pyorbit 2.4 | 05:28 |
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paulproteus | lil_anthony: Look for Xvnc not vncserver | 05:37 |
OddAbe19 | hmmm... synaptic is broken in hoary | 05:37 |
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lil_anthony | ok thanks | 05:39 |
khadyoung | If anyone is thinking of trying Fedora or Mandrake, all I can say is... I HATE RPM-BASED DISTROS... | 05:39 |
khadyoung | How does one go about "downgrading" from the backports to the older versions of programs? | 05:43 |
khadyoung | I was going to remove the backports repo and remove programs and then reinstall without the backports repo enabled. Will that work? | 05:44 |
ctd | yeap | 05:44 |
housetier | it should :) | 05:44 |
khadyoung | ctd, Thanks. I'll try it | 05:44 |
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khadyoung | Although, Synaptic seems to have frozen | 05:45 |
khadyoung | That sucks | 05:45 |
khadyoung | I am trying to figure out why my font settings are locked. Anyone else experiencing this? | 05:46 |
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khadyoung | I want to change the dpi but I am not allowed. | 05:47 |
khadyoung | As a newbie, I am wondering where the GConf editor file actually resides. If it's multiple files, then I am looking specifically for /desktop/gnome/font_rendering/dpi | 05:48 |
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lil_anthony | hey paul can i pm you i'm still having problems | 05:51 |
paulproteus | lil_anthony: What are you having rouble with? | 05:55 |
paulproteus | I'd rather talk in here, since that way others can correct me, or I can leave if I need to. | 05:55 |
lil_anthony | thats not a problem | 05:55 |
lil_anthony | just getting the following probs | 05:55 |
lil_anthony | bigtony@bubbaslinuxbox:~ $ Xvnc | 05:56 |
lil_anthony | Xvnc: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 05:56 |
lil_anthony | i guess its wanting me to install those packages? | 05:56 |
OddAbe19 | hmmm... is synaptic broken in hoary | 05:56 |
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paulproteus | lil_anthony: Warty or Hoary? | 05:59 |
lil_anthony | warty | 05:59 |
=== paulproteus does 'apt-get install vncserver' | ||
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lil_anthony | i have done that as well | 06:00 |
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paulproteus | lil_anthony: Hmm. I simply don't get that problem. | 06:07 |
ind171 | Iget this error : perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: | 06:07 |
ind171 | every time use apt-get | 06:07 |
paulproteus | Have you added any other repositories other than the official ones? | 06:07 |
lil_anthony | you mind typing specifically what you type? | 06:07 |
ind171 | google isn't helping alot | 06:07 |
ind171 | so - any help ? | 06:07 |
lil_anthony | i have universe added thats all | 06:07 |
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paulproteus | lil_anthony: Try doing: | 06:08 |
paulproteus | sudo apt-get install libstdc++5 | 06:08 |
lil_anthony | ok | 06:08 |
lil_anthony | 0's on all | 06:09 |
lil_anthony | aka its installed | 06:09 |
OddAbe19 | hmmm... is synaptic broken in hoary | 06:09 |
paulproteus | lil_anthony: Try typing: | 06:10 |
paulproteus | LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.5 Xvnc | 06:10 |
paulproteus | in a shell. Does that work? | 06:10 |
lil_anthony | 5 or 2? | 06:10 |
lil_anthony | same error as before | 06:11 |
paulproteus | do ls /usr/lib/libstdc++* , then. | 06:12 |
lil_anthony | hmm maybe i typed it wrong | 06:13 |
lil_anthony | let me try again | 06:13 |
=== NeoXed [~NeoXed@dhcp065-024-071-181.columbus.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paulproteus | Where did you get Xvnc from? | 06:13 |
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lil_anthony | honestly i'm not sure i figured it was part of vncserver | 06:14 |
paulproteus | Okay. Normally, it is; but it looks to me like you have an Xvnc from somewhere else. | 06:14 |
paulproteus | So, let's use the program called 'which'. | 06:14 |
lil_anthony | alright | 06:15 |
paulproteus | It'll tell you the full path to the command you give it. | 06:15 |
paulproteus | Use it like this: | 06:15 |
paulproteus | which Xvnc | 06:15 |
lil_anthony | in the bin | 06:15 |
lil_anthony | usr/local/bin | 06:15 |
paulproteus | Having it in /usr/local/bin strikes me as wrong. | 06:15 |
paulproteus | Ubuntu's packaged Xvnc comes in /usr/bin. | 06:16 |
paulproteus | Did you try to install a VNC server from somewhere else, by any chance? | 06:16 |
paulproteus | Either way, we'll have to get rid of this dysfunctional one before we can continue. | 06:16 |
lil_anthony | can you help me in doing so? | 06:16 |
lil_anthony | i know a little about linux but not alot | 06:16 |
paulproteus | Sure, that's fine. | 06:16 |
lil_anthony | thanks | 06:16 |
paulproteus | First of all, did you try to install VNC from somewhere else? | 06:16 |
lil_anthony | i believe so | 06:17 |
paulproteus | That would explain this; and also, it will help us fix it. | 06:17 |
lil_anthony | i tried tightvnc i think | 06:17 |
lil_anthony | and realvnc | 06:17 |
lil_anthony | from their websites | 06:17 |
lil_anthony | i know tightvnc for sure | 06:17 |
paulproteus | Okay. | 06:17 |
paulproteus | Do: | 06:17 |
paulproteus | cd /usr/local | 06:17 |
paulproteus | Now I'll have you run this command: | 06:17 |
paulproteus | find | 06:17 |
paulproteus | That will print every file and directory. | 06:17 |
paulproteus | So it'll be a big list. | 06:17 |
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lil_anthony | well ihave all files in a filelist for easy search | 06:18 |
lil_anthony | what are we looking for? | 06:18 |
paulproteus | Anything mentioning "vnc" in the /usr/local tree. | 06:18 |
lil_anthony | ok let me look | 06:18 |
paulproteus | Really, though, the full list of /usr/local files might be more enlightening. | 06:18 |
paulproteus | Can you paste it into #flood ? | 06:18 |
lil_anthony | sure hang on | 06:18 |
=== kleedrac [~kleedrac@hsdbsk69-11-109-51.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kleedrac | Hey guys ... with the new craft (as opposed to freecraft which got shut down) is there any way to import the Warcraft II stuff still? | 06:20 |
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foursti | anyone know how the FGLRX dev is going? | 06:23 |
foursti | for x300 and all | 06:23 |
foursti | i soo wish my 9700 pro would work | 06:23 |
AndyFitz | foursti: it should work, just not under xorg | 06:24 |
foursti | it thinks my 9700 pro is a 9600 generic and gives me the crappiest preformance | 06:24 |
AndyFitz | in my experience the ubuntu deb for fglrx-driver requires the removal of xorg and install of xfree. :-/ | 06:25 |
AndyFitz | sometimes binaries just suck | 06:25 |
foursti | doesnt matter | 06:25 |
foursti | i stil wont work properly | 06:25 |
foursti | on my card | 06:25 |
GotD0t | AndyFitz: ATI Accleration isn't compatible with xorg.... works fine in xfree | 06:26 |
GotD0t | AndyFitz: but i believe daniels is working on fixing that | 06:26 |
=== cottonginntonix [~deidre@pool-70-105-66-70.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cottonginntonix | hello everyone | 06:26 |
GotD0t | hi | 06:26 |
foursti | well it doesnt work fine for me | 06:26 |
foursti | .. | 06:26 |
GotD0t | what happens | 06:26 |
foursti | it thinks my 9700 pro is a 9600 generic | 06:27 |
cottonginntonix | im a "girl" when it comes to linux and i usually have people do stuff for me beut im tryint o learn my self and im having a hard time configuring this java for my browser.... | 06:27 |
foursti | and give me worse preformace than on any other linux distro | 06:27 |
GotD0t | foursti: then fix it ;-) | 06:27 |
foursti | lol i dont know how | 06:27 |
GotD0t | foursti: tell xfree what your card is, instead of asking it to guess | 06:27 |
cottonginntonix | im so confused i need help. | 06:27 |
foursti | oh ive tried that many..many..many times | 06:27 |
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foursti | closest i got was it said i was using a: "Radeon 9600 pro" | 06:28 |
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GotD0t | foursti: the 9700 is the same as the 9600 except that it has a few more pipes opened and the 9600 is clocked down | 06:28 |
cottonginntonix | ok guess no one is available to help ..... | 06:28 |
GotD0t | cottonginntonix: ask your question, don't ask to ask | 06:28 |
cottonginntonix | well i didnt know if people were busy jeeze...cant someone be polite? heh | 06:29 |
foursti | GotD0t, well considering on suse i was able to get at least 8000 fps on glxgears (yea i know its nto a benchm) and on ubuntu i got 1500 im sure its not working right | 06:29 |
GotD0t | foursti: use your suse xfree config file ;-) | 06:29 |
cottonginntonix | i told you what the problem is, i installed java and i cant get it configured correctly | 06:29 |
foursti | tried | 06:29 |
GotD0t | cottonginntonix: what browser | 06:30 |
paulproteus | cottonginntonix: Wait a moment. | 06:30 |
cottonginntonix | mozilla-foxfire | 06:30 |
paulproteus | How did you install Java? | 06:30 |
cottonginntonix | *shrug* by typing in all this stuff in root to go to my /usr/java folder | 06:30 |
cottonginntonix | that a friend told me to do. | 06:30 |
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kleedrac | Hey guys ... with the new craft (as opposed to freecraft which got shut down) is there any way to import the Warcraft II stuff still? | 06:31 |
paulproteus | I suggest using Method 1 on http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java , cottonginntonix. | 06:31 |
cottonginntonix | this is where i went to:http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.jsp | 06:31 |
paulproteus | cottonginntonix: The advantage of this method is that it's known to do the integration properly with Ubuntu. | 06:32 |
paulproteus | There are other ways, but then you must configure things yourself manually. That's why I recommend the Wiki page above. | 06:32 |
cottonginntonix | awesome thank you ill take a look at that before i ask anymore stupid questions :) | 06:32 |
kleedrac | I agree with paulproteus ... it only details the JRE not the JDK but it still works better including firefox plugin | 06:32 |
cottonginntonix | btw, when i download programs and have to "instal" them, do i always have to do all this coding stuff in the terminal? | 06:32 |
paulproteus | cottonginntonix: No. You should be able to do most installing through Synaptic. | 06:33 |
kleedrac | You can run synaptic from System -> System Preferences for a gui version of apt-get | 06:33 |
cottonginntonix | where is this synaptic at? | 06:34 |
kleedrac | System -> System Preferences -> Synaptic Package Manger | 06:34 |
kleedrac | Manager* | 06:34 |
kleedrac | So no one but me wants to get craft running? | 06:34 |
cottonginntonix | i got an error when i ran it | 06:35 |
cottonginntonix | Type 'non-free' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:35 |
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cottonginntonix | wtf does that mean! LOL | 06:35 |
kleedrac | cottonginntonix: You got an error running synaptic? Does it still run? | 06:35 |
cottonginntonix | ya after i press all the windows to go away | 06:36 |
paulproteus | cottonginntonix: It appears that you (or someone who helped you) changed your sources.list file without checking that he didn't break it. | 06:36 |
kleedrac | Wow ... that's crazy ... I think you'll have to manually edit that 'non-free' out of your sources.list file | 06:36 |
paulproteus | Could you paste in the first three lines into the channel? | 06:36 |
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sime | Why does hotplug need to be install so network interfaces work ? | 06:36 |
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cottonginntonix | man im too confused | 06:37 |
cottonginntonix | i dont think im smart enough to handle all this :( | 06:37 |
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nasty | hi , is there a list of the ubuntu repository available? | 06:37 |
kleedrac | nasty: Should be on the wiki not? | 06:37 |
nasty | ok thx | 06:37 |
kleedrac | np | 06:37 |
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cottonginntonix | *sigh* im going to go back to crying now. | 06:38 |
cottonginntonix | thank you anyways... | 06:38 |
paulproteus | cottonginntonix: If you'd like me to help you, by all means come back. | 06:38 |
cottonginntonix | well i just know u all will get annoyed by my ignorance | 06:38 |
paulproteus | Give me a shot? :) | 06:39 |
cottonginntonix | this has just been installed no one has fucked with settings that i know of, unless my moms bf did when he installed | 06:39 |
cottonginntonix | well first i would like to get java to work on here for the love of god | 06:39 |
paulproteus | Okay. Unfortunately, someone (I don't know who, and it doesn't really matter who) seems to have broken the file called "sources.list" that controls where you download software from. | 06:40 |
paulproteus | You can automatically get software through the program Synaptic, but it must be configured correctly. By default, it is, so it's not clear why it's broken. But it is, so let's fix it first. | 06:40 |
paulproteus | Then we can get Java on in a very straightforward way. | 06:40 |
cottonginntonix | awesome. im ready | 06:41 |
paulproteus | The sources.list file is stored in /etc/apt/sources.list . | 06:41 |
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cottonginntonix | ok im there | 06:42 |
paulproteus | Could you paste the first three lines of the file into this chat? | 06:42 |
paulproteus | You can copy using Ctrl-Shift-C in the terminal. | 06:42 |
cottonginntonix | deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ unstable main | 06:42 |
cottonginntonix | non-free contrib | 06:42 |
cottonginntonix | deb-src http://mirrors.xmission.com/debian/ unstable main | 06:42 |
paulproteus | Yikes. Who set this up for you? This is a very odd setup. | 06:43 |
paulproteus | I could talk more about it, since I do understand it, but it's very weird. | 06:43 |
cottonginntonix | my moms stupid boyfriend who is IT at her office and knows nothing! | 06:43 |
nasty | so, it looks as if someone wants to install lbreakout2... | 06:43 |
paulproteus | Okay. I think the best thing to do is to: | 06:43 |
cottonginntonix | *listening* | 06:44 |
paulproteus | 1. Move his file out of the way. | 06:44 |
cottonginntonix | errr or *reading* hehe | 06:44 |
paulproteus | 2. Put a normal sources.list file here instead. | 06:44 |
paulproteus | You can move his file using the "mv" command. | 06:44 |
paulproteus | I suggest doing: | 06:44 |
paulproteus | mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.that_guy | 06:44 |
paulproteus | That'll move his out of the way. | 06:45 |
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cottonginntonix | root@ubuntu:/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins # mv /etc/apt/sources.list/etc/apt/sources.list.that_guy | 06:45 |
cottonginntonix | mv: missing file argument | 06:45 |
cottonginntonix | Try `mv --help' for more information. | 06:45 |
cottonginntonix | root@ubuntu:/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins # | 06:45 |
cottonginntonix | oops | 06:45 |
cottonginntonix | i forgot i was still in the thing for mozilla hehehe | 06:45 |
paulproteus | You missed the space. | 06:45 |
nasty | could ## be placed before the debain pool lines ? | 06:45 |
paulproteus | nasty: Perhaps, but who knows what follows? Best to restore sanity, I feel. | 06:46 |
nasty | ;) | 06:46 |
paulproteus | The ' ' is important - it separates the old and new filenames. | 06:46 |
cottonginntonix | root@ubuntu:/home/deidre # mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.that_guy | 06:46 |
cottonginntonix | root@ubuntu:/home/deidre # | 06:46 |
cottonginntonix | did i do it correctly this time or no? | 06:46 |
paulproteus | Yup. No messages mean success. | 06:47 |
cottonginntonix | yay lol | 06:47 |
paulproteus | (Psst, I run Ubuntu on powerpc. Can anyone paste a stock sources.list into http://rzlab.ucr.edu/paste/ ?) | 06:47 |
paulproteus | (A sources.list for i386, that is, rather than powerpc.) | 06:48 |
nasty | yes | 06:48 |
paulproteus | Great, thank you nasty :) . | 06:48 |
cottonginntonix | yes thank u nasty hehe (love the name hehe) | 06:48 |
paulproteus | When you've put it in the pastebot, tell it to paste the URL into #flood. | 06:48 |
nasty | deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted | 06:48 |
nasty | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted | 06:48 |
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nasty | oh | 06:48 |
nasty | deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted | 06:49 |
nasty | whoops | 06:49 |
paulproteus | nasty: Actually, never mind; I think I've got it. | 06:49 |
nasty | hehe | 06:49 |
paulproteus | cottonginntonix: I've put a normal sources.list file here: | 06:50 |
paulproteus | http://channels.debian.net/paste/106 | 06:50 |
cottonginntonix | ok go to the link obviously? | 06:51 |
paulproteus | Right. | 06:51 |
paulproteus | You'll find there some text with a grey background. | 06:51 |
paulproteus | You need to run: | 06:51 |
paulproteus | nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:51 |
paulproteus | And paste those contents into the nano. | 06:51 |
=== acecase [~me@ky-24-159-156-35.midtn.chartertn.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cottonginntonix | how do i "run" that? | 06:52 |
acecase | hello | 06:52 |
nasty | hi acecase | 06:52 |
cottonginntonix | hihi | 06:52 |
paulproteus | In a terminal, just type it in. | 06:52 |
paulproteus | It's important that you run it as root because you'll be writing to a system file. | 06:52 |
acecase | if i remove Xf86 or whatever x server Im running, with apt-get take care of getting rid of everything that depends on it? | 06:52 |
acecase | will apt-get* | 06:53 |
acecase | :) | 06:53 |
cottonginntonix | ok so i typed taht in | 06:53 |
cottonginntonix | now what do i do? lOL sorry... :/ | 06:53 |
paulproteus | cottonginntonix: No worries. | 06:53 |
paulproteus | Are you in an editor now? | 06:53 |
cottonginntonix | um...i dunno all i did was type that nano -w thing in root | 06:53 |
paulproteus | You can tell you're in the nano editor because there's help on the bottom (things like "^X to exit" are printed there) and as you press enter, you move down on the screen. | 06:54 |
cottonginntonix | GNU nano 1.2.3 | 06:54 |
cottonginntonix | yes i think i am good then | 06:54 |
nasty | shucks... web doesnt work no more... | 06:54 |
paulproteus | Okay, good. | 06:55 |
paulproteus | Now do you have that web page open still, cottonginntonix? | 06:55 |
cottonginntonix | yes | 06:55 |
paulproteus | Select the part with a grey background, and do Edit->Copy in Firefox. | 06:55 |
cottonginntonix | my name is Deidre u can just say D or something if u dont wanna type my alias lol | 06:55 |
paulproteus | Now go to the terminal program, and do Edit->Paste. | 06:55 |
nasty | oh, now it does!?!!! | 06:55 |
cottonginntonix | ok did that. | 06:55 |
paulproteus | Okay. So the nano editor now has those lines in it? | 06:56 |
paulproteus | If so, press Control-w to "Write" the file. | 06:56 |
paulproteus | Then do Control-X to eXit. | 06:56 |
ironwolf | is there a problem with python2.4-pyorbit in hoary? | 06:57 |
paulproteus | Then you should be back at a shell again, rather than still in that editor, Deidre. | 06:57 |
cottonginntonix | ok i pressed control-w | 06:57 |
cottonginntonix | it didnt seem like it did anything | 06:58 |
paulproteus | The line at the bottom may have asked you for a filename. | 06:58 |
paulproteus | If it does, you should accept /etc/apt/sources.list (which should be there) by pressing enter. | 06:58 |
paulproteus | Do you see what I'm talking about? | 06:58 |
Agrajag | um | 06:58 |
cottonginntonix | should i do control-x now? | 06:58 |
Agrajag | it's crtl-o to write the file | 06:58 |
Agrajag | not ctrl-w | 06:58 |
paulproteus | Agrajag: Yikes! Thanks. | 06:59 |
cottonginntonix | lol maybe thats why then haha | 06:59 |
cottonginntonix | ill do it over | 06:59 |
paulproteus | You can do Control-O now to writeOut. | 06:59 |
paulproteus | (Thanks, Agrajag. It would have asked about saving on ^X, but thanks.) | 06:59 |
cottonginntonix | ok do i need to write any filename | 07:00 |
cottonginntonix | its fine with /etc/apt/sources.list right? | 07:00 |
paulproteus | The filename there should be /etc/apt/sources.list . | 07:00 |
cottonginntonix | ok! | 07:00 |
paulproteus | If that's what's there, accept it by pressing enter. | 07:00 |
cottonginntonix | now what? lol | 07:00 |
cottonginntonix | ok i did enter | 07:00 |
paulproteus | Are you out of Nano now? | 07:01 |
cottonginntonix | ya and the new sources.list is in the apt folder | 07:01 |
paulproteus | Okay, great. | 07:01 |
acecase | lmbo, i just pulled a splinter cell with my little boy's bb gun around the house lookin for a mouse. bet i looked funny :) | 07:01 |
paulproteus | And you still have sources.list.that_guy, right? | 07:01 |
cottonginntonix | yes lol@That_guy | 07:01 |
paulproteus | acecase: "laughing my brother off"? | 07:01 |
paulproteus | D, I don't know his name. :) | 07:01 |
acecase | butt | 07:01 |
acecase | :) | 07:01 |
cottonginntonix | RICKY THE IDIOT IS HIS NAME haha | 07:01 |
acecase | or balls whichever you prefer :) | 07:01 |
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cottonginntonix | awww lil jingle balls!!! balls r soo cute haha | 07:02 |
acecase | lol | 07:02 |
paulproteus | Okay, D, so now go back to Synaptic. | 07:02 |
cottonginntonix | k | 07:02 |
paulproteus | Run it, and tell me it gives you no errors. Hopefully it won't. | 07:02 |
=== ironwolf [~ironwolf@c-24-6-169-124.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
acecase | did i miss someone answering me. if so, sorry :) | 07:03 |
cottonginntonix | grrrrrrrrrrr | 07:03 |
cottonginntonix | Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:03 |
cottonginntonix | no errors but i got that odd little message | 07:03 |
nasty | is google down? | 07:03 |
paulproteus | That's not necessarily bad. Press the "Reload" button. | 07:03 |
nasty | argh! im down :( | 07:04 |
acecase | google is up here | 07:04 |
cottonginntonix | ok | 07:04 |
cottonginntonix | almost done downloading | 07:04 |
cottonginntonix | done | 07:04 |
acecase | google ip is if you wanna ping it and see if it's dns | 07:05 |
cottonginntonix | before u say anything, let me go potty. BRB | 07:05 |
paulproteus | This is allowing your system to learn what packages are available in the Ubuntu repository. | 07:05 |
paulproteus | Sure, talk to you in a sec. | 07:05 |
acecase | ubu is pretty cool but I'm not sure I'm young enough to switch distros :) too much to learn | 07:06 |
paulproteus | acecase: If you've used Debian, you'll find Ubuntu a breeze. | 07:06 |
cottonginntonix | ok im back | 07:06 |
cottonginntonix | im 20 i hope thats young enough to learn haha cuz im a moron :) | 07:06 |
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acecase | paulproteus im comeing from gentoo | 07:06 |
paulproteus | You're doing fine, D. | 07:06 |
cottonginntonix | ya only cuz i know how to follow directions from a GOOD TEACHER LIKE U! Lol | 07:07 |
paulproteus | acecase: Golly. If you've managed to learn Gentoo, Ubuntu will be a TOTAL breeze. (-; | 07:07 |
paulproteus | Okay, so next we'll enable Java. | 07:07 |
acecase | paulproteus yeah, i meen linux is linux is linux but I can't seem to get hold of the finer points of apt-get :) | 07:07 |
cottonginntonix | SWEEEEET | 07:07 |
paulproteus | Right now, you're at the standard base-level Ubuntu install, having undone (most of?) the mess that was created earlier. | 07:08 |
cottonginntonix | acecase, we stick w/ paul we will know all! lol | 07:08 |
acecase | :) | 07:08 |
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cottonginntonix | Thank you, much appreciated *hug* lol | 07:08 |
paulproteus | You have two choices for Java packages: The most recent ones, or the easiest ones. The easy ones are Java version 1.4.2, which is fairly recent anyway. | 07:08 |
paulproteus | My policy, cottonginntonix, is that you thank me when it works. :) | 07:08 |
cottonginntonix | lets go for easy | 07:08 |
paulproteus | Good choice. :) | 07:08 |
cottonginntonix | oh belive me ill thank u and more (omg that sounded slutty ( hahah | 07:09 |
acecase | can i butt in just one time and recommend the latest packages for java. they have improved performance emensly | 07:09 |
cottonginntonix | its up to paul, im just the do-er | 07:09 |
cottonginntonix | whatever is easiest for u to explain | 07:09 |
acecase | :) it doesn't matter much :) | 07:09 |
paulproteus | acecase: Good point. I don't know of any 1.5 debs, though, so I'll stick with "easy" for now. | 07:10 |
cottonginntonix | jeeze i have never been on a channel that everyone was so nice and willing to help, its refreshing to know there are NICE PEOPLE in the world still | 07:10 |
acecase | matters more if you're writing then it does if you're running. the newest SDKs are the big difference | 07:10 |
paulproteus | cottonginntonix: Hopefully, you're at the point now where you can help yourself, since your system is no longer broken in crazy ways. | 07:10 |
paulproteus | So read http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java and come back with questions. | 07:10 |
paulproteus | You might find you need to read the SynapticHowto linked from that page. | 07:10 |
paulproteus | You should get fairly well-acquainted with the the Ubuntu Wiki pages: there's a lot of well-written user-contributed documentation there. | 07:11 |
cottonginntonix | ok so ur sending me off on my own to see if i can do it myself and if i cant come back in? | 07:11 |
paulproteus | That's right. | 07:11 |
paulproteus | Feel free to ask any questions, but remember that I'm not going to always be around here. :) | 07:11 |
acecase | OHHHHH LMBO. my wife is going to kill me. | 07:11 |
cottonginntonix | ok that sounds good becuase last time i ran redhat i had people do everything for me i want to learn how to do it MYSELF or at least understand what im doing | 07:11 |
acecase | I just splatterd a mouse in her kitchen floor :) | 07:12 |
cottonginntonix | WHAT ACECASE?! HOW! | 07:12 |
paulproteus | Your mice have THEIR OWN kitchen!? | 07:12 |
acecase | with a bb gun :) | 07:12 |
paulproteus | No wonder you have a problem. | 07:12 |
cottonginntonix | LOL omg! where do u live | 07:12 |
acecase | lol that helps then to reproduce i guess huh :) | 07:12 |
acecase | i don't have mice. i "had" a mouse. or at least i hope | 07:12 |
cottonginntonix | i have cats to remedy that problem :) | 07:13 |
acecase | I live in Ky. if my shooting mice with a bb gun didn't give that away :) | 07:13 |
paulproteus | Heh, acecase :). | 07:13 |
cottonginntonix | OMG i thought u lived in KY! where at? im in southern il home from college | 07:13 |
acecase | Somerset. you go to collage in Ky? | 07:13 |
cottonginntonix | no but im an hour and a half from paducah | 07:13 |
cottonginntonix | i go to college near chicago but from southern illinois | 07:14 |
paulproteus | I go to college at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. | 07:14 |
acecase | cool. so yer sothern folk too :) | 07:14 |
cottonginntonix | speaking of mouse, i thought we had a dead one in our house or under cuz there was some nasty smell, but it realy was a OLD ASS BAG OF BROCCOLI FROM MY AUNT !!!! | 07:14 |
acecase | suthern folks is good people | 07:14 |
cottonginntonix | indeed acecase :) | 07:14 |
cottonginntonix | awesome Paul, comp sci major i assume? hehehee | 07:14 |
cottonginntonix | I go to Northern Il University for Textiles!!! | 07:14 |
paulproteus | Cognitive science, actually. | 07:14 |
cottonginntonix | whats that LOL | 07:15 |
acecase | i dropped out of Jr. High :( | 07:15 |
cottonginntonix | LOL and u havnt furthered ur education since ace?! | 07:15 |
paulproteus | How old are you, acecase? | 07:15 |
acecase | 26 and formaly no. haven't been back to school | 07:15 |
cottonginntonix | do u have a job? | 07:15 |
acecase | still can't spell for crap but I write in vb.net, cSharp and some java | 07:16 |
acecase | im disabled . no job | 07:16 |
acecase | lol i opened a can of worms didn't i :) | 07:16 |
cottonginntonix | is that why u quit school? | 07:16 |
GotD0t | wow, the gimp is retarded... it sent a print job of like ten billion blank pages | 07:16 |
acecase | i was fine physicly then. just thought i knew everything :) | 07:17 |
cottonginntonix | i dont understand that prog! | 07:17 |
GotD0t | hehe, no pun intended | 07:17 |
acecase | lmbo | 07:17 |
paulproteus | acecase: There you go with your brother again. ;) | 07:17 |
cottonginntonix | teehee, do u not curse acecase? | 07:18 |
acecase | i can't ditch him man, he's like that :) | 07:18 |
acecase | no, don't mind cursing just don't myself :) | 07:18 |
cottonginntonix | i do like a sailor! i have a bad temper lol | 07:18 |
acecase | :) | 07:19 |
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acecase | anyone know if theres a way to install ubu without X, or a fast way to get rid of x and everything that depends on it? | 07:21 |
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paulproteus | acecase: During the install, there is an option to do only a basic install. | 07:21 |
TTilus | apt-get purge xfree86 ? | 07:22 |
acecase | paulproteus i missed that :) thanks. TTilus: will that get rid of dependants too? | 07:22 |
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cottonginntonix | ok you guys, i will frequent more often, you all seem like genuine folks. Thank you for all your help!!!! <3 | 07:23 |
thoreauputic | actually it won't do anything as the syntax is wrong, for a start | 07:23 |
paulproteus | By default, it installs the ubuntu-desktop meta-package, which pulls X and GNOME in. | 07:23 |
paulproteus | thoreauputic: That's right. :) | 07:23 |
acecase | cottonginntonix gz and good luck. | 07:23 |
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acecase | I'm using multiverse/hoary so i realize I can't expect everything to be rite | 07:26 |
acecase | another thing i can't seem to find any info on is, wether theres a way to tell apt-get to use source and compile with opts for i586 | 07:27 |
ryan | heh | 07:27 |
ryan | i think after hoary stable comes out i'll stick with it until the next major release | 07:27 |
acecase | Ive just been compiling everything myself but thats a waiste of a pretty mature package manager :) | 07:28 |
ryan | i'm tired of following unstable -_- | 07:28 |
paulproteus | acecase: apt-get -b source package_name should work. | 07:28 |
ryan | at least on my main desktop | 07:28 |
paulproteus | Set the right environment variable, and gcc will stick to using those. | 07:28 |
acecase | thanks paulproteus. /etc/make.conf? | 07:28 |
paulproteus | No. Let me rephrase: | 07:29 |
paulproteus | When you run ./configure ; make ; make install , the configure script takes some options from the environment variable. | 07:29 |
paulproteus | One important one in $SHELL, which of course contains the shell in use. | 07:29 |
paulproteus | It takes other information from the environment, too. | 07:29 |
paulproteus | But, acecase, you should know that only in rare cases is i586 packages actually faster than i386 packages. | 07:29 |
paulproteus | Benchmarks of Debian i386 against Gentoo custom usually come out either in dead-heat or with Debian slightly ahead. | 07:30 |
acecase | yeah, only in larger packages | 07:30 |
paulproteus | This is because the bigger the program, the WORSE optimization is for it. | 07:30 |
acecase | oh realy? | 07:30 |
ryan | is devil's pie the app to extend metacity's keybindings and such | 07:30 |
paulproteus | Very math-intensive packages benefit, but today's programs aren't math-intensive: they're space-intensive. | 07:30 |
paulproteus | When you optimize, you increase code size; that decreases cache hits, and so your CPU spends more time waiting for program code to be loaded from disk. | 07:31 |
paulproteus | So, even if the code it was going to run is faster, it takes longer to get to the CPU. | 07:31 |
acecase | hmm thats intresting | 07:31 |
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paulproteus | What a drag! ;) | 07:31 |
paulproteus | "Trust me, I've taken an introductory computer systems course at a top-rated University." (-; | 07:31 |
ryan | hehe | 07:31 |
ryan | which uni? | 07:31 |
acecase | and since hd read time is todays bottleneck that makes sense | 07:31 |
TTilus | acecase: correction, "apt-get --purge remove xfree86-common gnome-core" should do the thing | 07:31 |
paulproteus | (There is pretty much nothing serious about the last statement, except that it's true.) | 07:31 |
TTilus | acecase: disclaimer: havent tried :) | 07:32 |
paulproteus | Johns Hopkins. | 07:32 |
thoreauputic | well, we should write everything in assembler | 07:32 |
acecase | TTilus thanks :) | 07:32 |
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=== thoreauputic runs away laughing | ||
paulproteus | thoreauputic: Not anymore. | 07:32 |
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paulproteus | C compilers write better assembler than you or I could probably muster these days. | 07:32 |
thoreauputic | paulproteus: ah, those were the days ;) | 07:32 |
ryan | thoreauputic: yeah, we need to learn from zsnes :) | 07:32 |
ryan | ;) | 07:32 |
paulproteus | Okay, I'm off to bed. | 07:33 |
paulproteus | But remember, kids: | 07:33 |
paulproteus | * The system is usually better at knowing what's good for it than you are. | 07:33 |
paulproteus | This means, Use Ubuntu packages whenever possible. | 07:33 |
acecase | ohhhhhh! :) | 07:33 |
paulproteus | Cheers! | 07:33 |
TTilus | paulproteus: but what implications should we draw from that, something about the capabilities of C compilers or asm capabilities of us :) | 07:33 |
acecase | gnight man. thanks | 07:33 |
thoreauputic | paulproteus: hear! hear! | 07:33 |
paulproteus | TTilus: No, a general thing. | 07:34 |
paulproteus | The Debian base is smart. | 07:34 |
acecase | paulproteus isn't that microsoft's motto? "let you're system decide what you want" lol | 07:34 |
paulproteus | Using Debian-packaged Java, or using make-jpkg to build your own Debian package of more recent Java, is much better than mucking around yourself. | 07:34 |
acecase | nah, i get what you're sayin | 07:34 |
TTilus | acecase: you forgot that "and not to tell you nothing" -part | 07:35 |
paulproteus | Same thing with make-kpkg for kernel images - Debian handles symlinks and make modules_install and make dep and all that for you. | 07:35 |
paulproteus | The general rule really is, "Trust those who know more than you when they offer you tools to do mind-numbing work for you." | 07:35 |
paulproteus | Now, good night for real. :) | 07:35 |
TTilus | Good morning for real :) | 07:35 |
acecase | yeah i love love make-kpkg. thats one of the coolest things ive seen in ubu. it even edits my grub config :) | 07:35 |
acecase | have a good one paulproteus | 07:36 |
thoreauputic | night paulproteus | 07:36 |
acecase | anybody wanna see me get flamed? | 07:37 |
ryan | i like how into gnome development ubuntu is | 07:37 |
acecase | I added a root pass and use su | 07:37 |
=== acecase hides | ||
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=== TTilus throws rocks at acecase | ||
acecase | :) | 07:38 |
ryan | heh | 07:38 |
acecase | i like the sudo thing there doin i just couldn't get use to it | 07:38 |
ryan | i gave my friend a warty cd | 07:38 |
ryan | and he added a root password and uses su | 07:38 |
=== TTilus slaps aceas around with a large trout | ||
ryan | stubborn bastard | 07:38 |
acecase | it get frustrating when you need to do more then a couple commands as root | 07:39 |
ryan | acecase: you could always do sudo sh | 07:39 |
thoreauputic | acecase: sudo -s | 07:39 |
acecase | specialy for people like me that NEVER remember sudo :) | 07:39 |
ryan | or sudo -s | 07:39 |
ryan | heh | 07:39 |
thoreauputic | ryan: :) | 07:39 |
ryan | i actually didn't know about sudo -s until after i had tried sudo sh | 07:39 |
acecase | well i needed a root pass for webmin too though so :) | 07:39 |
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=== ryan needs to rtfm more often | ||
TTilus | acecase: webmin? graarrrghhh! | 07:40 |
ryan | eek | 07:40 |
ryan | heh | 07:40 |
ryan | time to reboot | 07:40 |
ryan | hopfully opengl still works when i get back :) | 07:41 |
acecase | well my ubu box is a VDR server that sets in the living room so it has no monitor and some things are faster with webmin than ssh | 07:41 |
=== thoreauputic expectorates disgustedly on webmin | ||
=== TTilus breakfast -> work | ||
thoreauputic | acecase: good luck with your config files :/ | 07:41 |
acecase | webmin been known to kill em? | 07:42 |
acecase | heres another thing for you guys to flame me for :) | 07:43 |
acecase | I write scripts for EVERYTHING even small commands that i use once a year | 07:43 |
=== thoreauputic waits to pounce | ||
thoreauputic | acecase: why not alias them? | 07:43 |
Mestapheles | anyone had succes using the Radien 9200 with 3D and accel support? | 07:43 |
acecase | if [ $1 == add ] ; then | 07:44 |
acecase | (sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults) | 07:44 |
acecase | (echo "added gdm to startup") | 07:44 |
acecase | fi | 07:44 |
acecase | if [ $1 == "remove" ] ; then | 07:44 |
acecase | (sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove) | 07:44 |
acecase | (echo "removed gdm from startup") | 07:44 |
acecase | fi | 07:44 |
acecase | echo done. | 07:44 |
acecase | alias? i hate to admit it but i don't even know what that is | 07:44 |
thoreauputic | acecase: OK that's useful | 07:44 |
acecase | thoreauputic :) thanks but i almost NEVER enable gdm. i wrote the script, did ./gdm-startup remove and have never used it again :) | 07:45 |
thoreauputic | alias is substituting say, sd for ssh -X foo@bar | 07:45 |
acecase | cool :) i didn't know you could do such a thing | 07:45 |
acecase | ima have to look into that, thanks | 07:46 |
thoreauputic | if you type alias you'll see the existing ones | 07:46 |
thoreauputic | acecase: for instance I have alias aterm='aterm +sb -tr -sh 80 -rv' | 07:46 |
thoreauputic | I did that one of course | 07:46 |
thoreauputic | put them in .bashrc or /etc/profile | 07:47 |
acecase | i'm getting way to exited over this :) it's truly usefull to me though. i seriously write scripts for everything and this is better | 07:47 |
thoreauputic | acecase: yes, for some things - scripts are better for bigger stuff | 07:48 |
acecase | yeah if it needs any logic but most of mine don't lol | 07:48 |
thoreauputic | hehe | 07:48 |
acecase | conditional statments etc | 07:48 |
=== RuffianSoldier[A is now known as RuffianSoldier | ||
acecase | thanks alot man. thats the best tip ive got in a long time | 07:49 |
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thoreauputic | acecase: you could probably still alias those but I doubt it's worth it | 07:49 |
thoreauputic | :) | 07:49 |
thoreauputic | np | 07:49 |
acecase | is this something that everyone else knew? lol | 07:49 |
thoreauputic | acecase: of course - where have you been *grin* | 07:49 |
acecase | :) | 07:49 |
acecase | my self-learnin is showin ant it :) | 07:50 |
thoreauputic | acecase: I've seen unix gurus from the 70s say " I didn't know you could do that!" | 07:51 |
thoreauputic | acecase: *nix is endless learning | 07:51 |
acecase | yeah linux is HUGE. thats whats great about it. it's like a puzzel that you can feal like you're solving for years | 07:51 |
thoreauputic | acecase: exactly | 07:51 |
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acecase | well thanks again for the tip man. and TTilus thank you too. I'm gonna hit the sack guys | 07:52 |
=== calc has been using linux for 10yr and still learning stuff ;) | ||
acecase | have a good one | 07:52 |
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thoreaup1tic | dialup disconnect :( | 07:54 |
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khadyoung | SO.. why is X-Chat better than gaim for IRC? | 08:16 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: well, it depends: it has more options, for sure, if you need them | 08:17 |
khadyoung | Maybe this isn't the place to ask, but what am I missing using gaim? What options does X-Chat have that I am not getting? | 08:18 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: if you just want to chat, gaim does the job - if you need configurability, xchat is better, and if you are a total geek you use irssi-text | 08:18 |
thoreauputic | ;) | 08:19 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: OK, seriously, I used irssi and it just seems like anyone who uses it is just _trying_ to look cool. It is really an awful program. | 08:19 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: click the help button in xchat for more info, or google for "irc beginners" or "irc introduction" and so on | 08:20 |
khadyoung | Will do. | 08:20 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: it isn't awful - it is very useful and configurable | 08:20 |
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thoreauputic | khadyoung: particularly for ssh and ahen not using X | 08:21 |
thoreauputic | *when | 08:21 |
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khadyoung | thoreauputic: It just seems very poorly designed. I guess I'm speaking from a usability standpoint. | 08:21 |
hwm | when I try to run synaptic, I get the following: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: - how can I fix this? | 08:21 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: well, it takes some learning: the docs on the irssi site are a good place to start | 08:22 |
hwm | I am running the synaptic command from terminal su - | 08:22 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: Thanks, but I'll probably stick with a graphical client. :) | 08:22 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: also it is nice to run when you just want to keep an eye on a chan - it doesn't beep at you and it stays out of the way | 08:23 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: Beeping sucks. | 08:23 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: sure - like everything, each has its uses | 08:23 |
khadyoung | hwm: I hate to ask, but did you try rebooting? | 08:23 |
hwm | it is persistent. And I am running under VMware anyway | 08:23 |
hwm | Other x-apps run, like firefox, open office.... though some take rather a while to start and some exhibit the same error before eventually starting but synaptic just exits | 08:25 |
khadyoung | hwm: Do you know what happened right before the error began occuring? | 08:25 |
hwm | has always occurred, so far as I can tell... it didn't start happening after I did something, for example | 08:25 |
thoreauputic | hwm: if you started X as a user, it might complain when root tries to use the display | 08:26 |
hwm | so you think I oought to xhost + before su ? | 08:26 |
thoreauputic | hwm: sudo would be a better option I think | 08:26 |
thoreauputic | xhost + is *very* insecure, you know | 08:26 |
khadyoung | hwm: It sounds like a VMWare problem. | 08:26 |
thoreauputic | I doubt it. Sounds like an Xauth thing | 08:27 |
thoreauputic | mit-magic-cookies etc | 08:27 |
hwm | sudo worked, thanks | 08:28 |
hwm | bye | 08:28 |
thoreauputic | :) | 08:28 |
khadyoung | Are you kidding me? | 08:28 |
thoreauputic | no | 08:28 |
thoreauputic | you see sudo worked | 08:28 |
thoreauputic | root can't take over the x display like that | 08:28 |
khadyoung | He was trying to run synaptic as a user and wondering why it wasn't working? Or did I miss something? | 08:28 |
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poptones | I added a user to my sudoers file and now it doesn't prompt me for a passwd at all when i am that user. any help? | 08:29 |
thoreauputic | o he was running it with su as root | 08:29 |
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=== acecase-autoAway is about to auto-exit. yall have a good'n :D | ||
khadyoung | thoreauputic: Foolish mortal. | 08:29 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: Somehow I missed that part. | 08:29 |
thoreauputic | poptones: your /etc/sudoers is misconfigured | 08:30 |
poptones | but I am lost as to how. i had the original user in there and just copied that entry | 08:30 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: Strange though. I seemt o be able to run Synaptic as su | 08:30 |
poptones | username<tab>ALL=ALL | 08:30 |
poptones | the original username behaves... the new one doesn't ask for passwd at all. very odd | 08:31 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: hmm - in debian you can't do that, afaik - it's probably a different config: I'm using debian | 08:32 |
khadyoung | poptones: your_system_usernameALL=(ALL) ALL | 08:32 |
poptones | khadyoung that is what my root account is set at, bt the user was not | 08:32 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: You're running Debian (sarge? sid?) as opposed to Ubuntu? | 08:32 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: yeah, sarge on this box, woody on my old pentium 200mmx | 08:33 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: Interesting. So you could not open a terminal window and su && synaptic | 08:33 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: I'm on dialup so I haven't been able to try Ubuntu yet - but it interests me so I lurk here :) | 08:34 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: Have you ordered your CDs from http://shipit.ubuntulinux.org/ | 08:34 |
khadyoung | poptones: Did that fix the problem then? | 08:34 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: um... so long since I tried it - I use cli for apt-get | 08:34 |
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thoreauputic | khadyoung: and I'm not in X atm - using irssi in tty1 | 08:35 |
khadyoung | thoreauputic: Well, subst any GUI program then. You make it sound like you can't run a GUI from a terminal window as su?... | 08:35 |
poptones | khadyoung no.. here, I just tried this: I su to my original username and do cat /etc/sudoers... | 08:35 |
poptones | I get permission denied... | 08:35 |
poptones | so I do sudo cat /etc/sudoers and it asks for pwd | 08:35 |
thoreauputic | khadyoung: not exactly: you can't run two x servers in the same session is all | 08:36 |
poptones | but if I do it as new username it never asks | 08:36 |
poptones | and the sudoers entries are exactly the same for original and new username | 08:36 |
poptones | both are username ALL=ALL | 08:36 |
khadyoung | poptones: your_system_usernameALL=(ALL) ALL | 08:37 |
bur[n] er | ALL=NOPASSWD | 08:37 |
bur[n] er | :P | 08:37 |
poptones | do I need to reboot? | 08:37 |
khadyoung | Those parentheses are really there. | 08:37 |
bur[n] er | burnerALL=NOPASSWD: ALL | 08:37 |
bur[n] er | i like mine better | 08:37 |
bur[n] er | you don't need to reboot | 08:37 |
bur[n] er | you just need the right line | 08:38 |
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clee | so, is it known that python has fucked things up in hoary? | 08:38 |
clee | because my python is all shot to hell here. | 08:38 |
bur[n] er | so fix it ;) | 08:38 |
clee | um | 08:38 |
rvirani | I have ubuntu on my mac but apt-get wont install kde | 08:38 |
=== dingo is now known as dingoaway | ||
bur[n] er | rvirani: add universe to sources.list? | 08:39 |
khadyoung | poptones: You can have a look at mine if you want | 08:39 |
clee | bur[n] er: I'm not really sure how I should fix the fact that half of GNOME depends on python 2.3, but other shit wants 2.4, and there seems to be some sort of a conflict with having both installed | 08:39 |
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bur[n] er | make gnome work with python 2.4 | 08:40 |
clee | bur[n] er: yeah, let me just do that. | 08:40 |
=== bur[n] er thought it was obvious ;) | ||
khadyoung | poptones: Fix it? | 08:41 |
poptones | well I tried making the change suggested but no | 08:41 |
bur[n] er | poptones: try my fix? | 08:41 |
poptones | now neither username asks for pwd lol | 08:41 |
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rvirani | how kde on ibook? | 08:44 |
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Riddell | rvirani: the kde package is currently broken, use "kde-core" instead | 08:46 |
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rvirani | Riddell: I did | 08:47 |
rvirani | failed dependancies | 08:47 |
rvirani | all over the place | 08:47 |
rvirani | How do I add a custom script to startup? | 08:48 |
rvirani | I want my wifi card to be fired before network configuration | 08:48 |
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rvirani | Riddell: dude? | 08:53 |
Riddell | rvirani: fired? | 08:53 |
rvirani | sorry | 08:53 |
rvirani | failed dependancies | 08:54 |
rvirani | yeah fired, as in drivers loaded | 08:54 |
Riddell | rvirani: what are the failed dependencies? | 08:54 |
rvirani | its a wlan-ctl card | 08:54 |
rvirani | wlan-ng sorry | 08:54 |
rvirani | it doesnt show in ifconfig if I dont run the script to load the drivers | 08:54 |
Riddell | rvirani: hotplug should load the drivers before network configuration | 08:54 |
rvirani | nope | 08:54 |
rvirani | this wlan card doesnt use stock kernel drivers | 08:54 |
Riddell | rvirani: but you can add a custom script to /etc/init.d and link to it from /etc/rc2.d | 08:55 |
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rvirani | k | 08:55 |
rvirani | I will do that | 08:55 |
rvirani | what should I do about KDE | 08:55 |
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CdeMills | Hello | 09:09 |
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sid77 | hi | 09:09 |
CdeMills | I tried the ubuntu from the live CD, burn from warty-release-live-i386.iso | 09:10 |
CdeMills | When it boots on my laptop, all I get is: Boot CD-ROM / Non-emulated / grub stage 1/ error 21 | 09:10 |
CdeMills | Is it a known problem ? Since my laptop is under sarge, is there a way to tell lilo to boot from the live CD ? | 09:11 |
Riddell | rvirani: what are the depency errors when you try to install kde-core? and are you using hoary? | 09:11 |
Riddell | CdeMills: could be a CD burning problem | 09:12 |
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CdeMills | Riddell: the main dir of this cd is autorun.inf bin copy disctree mainmod minimod start.exe base boot deb exec md5sums.txt programs start.ini | 09:14 |
CdeMills | Riddell: and /boot has a kernel image and a grub subdir, with stage1_5, stage2, menu.lst, ... | 09:16 |
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Riddell | CdeMills: still probably a CD burning problem | 09:16 |
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rvirani | Riddell: so I basically cant get kde | 09:18 |
rvirani | Riddell: no using warty | 09:18 |
rvirani | Im on PPC | 09:18 |
Riddell | rvirani: what are the errors it gives? | 09:18 |
rvirani | I follow them all the way down to kde libs4 and kidelibs-bin | 09:18 |
rvirani | should I upgrade to Hoary on my ibook? | 09:20 |
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Riddell | rvirani: you could try that. what are the errors it gives? | 09:20 |
rvirani | what errors? | 09:21 |
rvirani | hoary | 09:21 |
rvirani | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 09:21 |
rvirani | kde-core: Depends: kdebase but it is not going to be installed | 09:21 |
rvirani | Depends: kdelibs but it is not going to be installed | 09:21 |
rvirani | how do I upgrade to hoary? | 09:22 |
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Riddell | rvirani: edit /etc/apt/sources.list changing warty for hoary then sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install kde-core | 09:22 |
rvirani | lol | 09:22 |
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rvirani | how long will that take | 09:22 |
rvirani | will it break everything? | 09:22 |
crimsun | rvirani: grab the individual Depends listed in `apt-cache show kde' | 09:23 |
rvirani | ? | 09:23 |
Riddell | rvirani: not long, doing a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade would take a long time and break stuff but you don't needs to do that | 09:23 |
crimsun | rvirani: are you already running Hoary with the 'universe' repo enabled? | 09:23 |
rvirani | crimsun: no warty with universe | 09:24 |
rvirani | Riddell: k let me do that | 09:24 |
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rvirani | k there it goes | 09:25 |
rvirani | hopefully this does well | 09:25 |
CdeMills | Riddell: tried on another machine. I get a yellow screen with a Ubuntu logo, then it hangs as the progress bar is about 10 %. How could I check the CD ? | 09:26 |
rvirani | well Im off for the night | 09:26 |
rvirani | bye guys | 09:26 |
rvirani | :D | 09:26 |
rvirani | thanx for the help | 09:26 |
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Riddell | CdeMills: md5sum | 09:26 |
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Delgul_at_work | Zo...laten we maar zeggen dat die upgrade naar Hoary niet pijnloos verliep... en het daarbij laten :-/ Leve mr. Knoppix ;-) | 09:36 |
housetier | h? | 09:37 |
CdeMills | I leave for a few minutes | 09:37 |
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ryanmcgregor | hey, just wondering, has anyone had any trouble installing the security update for the kernel is ubuntu warty? | 09:41 |
ryanmcgregor | *in ubuntu warty? | 09:41 |
|QuaD| | what kind of trouble | 09:42 |
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ryanmcgregor | i have downloaded/installed it about 10 times now, it seems to disappear every time i reboot, although uname -r tells me i am running the latest kernel offered by ubuntu | 09:43 |
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|QuaD| | whats the probleM? | 09:44 |
ryanmcgregor | i'm just wondering if anyone else has noticed that apt keeps wanting to download and install the kernel every time, even though it is already updated | 09:45 |
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CdeMills | Riddell: MD5 check failed for '/tmp/libmorphix-uXKgeQ/boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5. This is on the binary image. Grrr. I got it from bittorrent, is that THE problem ? I mean, bittorrent failure ? | 09:46 |
Riddell | CdeMills: that'll be it then, it happens unfortunatly, you could try rsyncing from somewhere like mirrorservice.org | 09:48 |
ryanmcgregor | is there a way to force apt to ignore kernel updates (then i could just use synaptic every time i knew that a new kernel had been released)? | 09:48 |
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|QuaD| | ryanmcgregor how are you updating | 09:49 |
ryanmcgregor | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 09:50 |
|QuaD| | hmm... warty not hoary? | 09:50 |
ryanmcgregor | nope...just warty...would like to help out with hoary, but at the moment this computer needs 100% uptime or as close to as possible | 09:51 |
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Riddell | ryanmcgregor: debootstrap && chroot | 09:52 |
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ryanmcgregor | what does that do? | 09:52 |
kleedrac | Silly question (but it's been awhile since I've done this) how do I set different backgrounds in each workspace? | 09:52 |
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Riddell | ryanmcgregor: you can set up a separate debian system and chroot into it so the files are kept separate | 09:55 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: I'm not sure if Gnome can do this by default, but I heard someone wrote a program that enables you to do this. Check Osnews' archives for a recent article about Gnome and it should be on the forums (sorry couldnt be of more help) | 09:55 |
cenerentola | ciao a tutti | 09:55 |
Riddell | kleedrac: sudo apt-get install kdesktop (you can't in gnome, see letters at the end of this week's lwn.net) | 09:55 |
kleedrac | Riddell: No thanks I'd rather keep gnome than go to KDE :) | 09:55 |
kleedrac | ryanmcgregor: Thanks I'll go check | 09:56 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: The project i mentioned above is hosted somewhere on sourceforge | 09:56 |
cenerentola | a friend of mine has a problem with dsl connection, he's an alcatel ethernet modem, and would like sth like adsl-start | 09:57 |
kleedrac | ryanmcgregor: Kewl thanks ... I think Riddell is right and I did this in KDE a loooong time ago (switched to gnome ~ 4 years ago!!) but now I can do this anyhow :) | 09:57 |
ryanmcgregor | Riddell: I might be able to, but it would take a while (on a slow comp)....does this redo the installation somehow? | 09:57 |
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cenerentola | ciao sid77 | 09:58 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: no prob...ill try to remember the exact name...but it was a couple of weeks ago | 09:58 |
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kipod | hello | 10:00 |
kleedrac | ryanmcgregor: Found it on gnomefiles http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=270 | 10:01 |
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ryanmcgregor | This question is sort of off topic from what i was wondering before, but if i want to upgrade to the hoary line in the future, i rename all parts that say warty in /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the universe/multiverse repositories right? what happens if something that i installed from those repositories is dependant on something in the normal repositories...such as a part of gnome 2.8? | 10:01 |
crimsun | there is no need to comment out universe or multiverse | 10:02 |
crimsun | you would simply replace "warty" with "hoary" | 10:02 |
cenerentola | other thing: why if i run network-admin, it doesnt accept the user password, and if i do gksudo network-admin, it works | 10:02 |
ironwolf | just curious... anyone know why gallery is in universe and not main? | 10:02 |
kleedrac | ryanmcgregor: Actually I just upgraded to hoary a short while ago and it works great!! :) | 10:02 |
crimsun | then Reload (in Synaptic) or update (in apt-get or aptitude) | 10:02 |
cenerentola | ironwolf: because is not supported by canonical | 10:03 |
cenerentola | *it* | 10:03 |
crimsun | more precisely, because no maintainer has stepped forward to ensure it meets the stringent QA Ubuntu abides by | 10:03 |
kipod | i kinda new in ubuntu... can u plz help me to install my nvidia vedio card plz ... the only relevent site i found was this http://desktopos.com/ubuntu-starter-guide/#mountunmountfat and i must say it isn;t big help =\ | 10:03 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: alright, thx, i might try it out in a bit. someone on osnews was complaining about hoary breaking their system but no one else was complaining so i held off | 10:03 |
cenerentola | crimsun: can you help me with the adsl thing? | 10:04 |
ironwolf | cenerentola: indeed.... was wondering if there was a reason. or just dumb luck. :) | 10:04 |
kleedrac | ryanmcgregor: The friend who got me hooked on Ubuntu (last sunday) told me to upgrade while it was fresh as the first time he upgraded he had a couple issues ... second time was the charm for him ... first try for me worked great :) | 10:04 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: make sure you install the source code from ubuntu's repositories for the kernel and then download the installer from www.nvidia.com, kill xfree86 (init 3 didnt work for me, so i just changed the video card driver to nvidia and ctrl+alt+backspace which caused x to fail cause nvidia driver was not present yet) | 10:05 |
kipod | is there any good offical guide for that ( installing nVidia vedio card on Ubuntu ) ? | 10:05 |
cenerentola | ubuntuguide.org | 10:05 |
cenerentola | is THE GUIDE | 10:05 |
cenerentola | aridaje ... it* | 10:05 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: and then run it from the command line, add the word nvidia to /etc/modules and then reboot | 10:05 |
kipod | ryanmcgregor, how do i do that ? | 10:06 |
cenerentola | kipod: well there's a nice tutorial about nvidia on that site | 10:06 |
kipod | i mean how can i check that i have ubuntu's repositories for the kernel ? | 10:06 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: sorry, that was confusing (my advice)...i remember seeing a good guide, ill quickly track it down for you hold on a sec | 10:06 |
cenerentola | are you using ubuntu? | 10:07 |
kipod | cenerentola, yeah but i need the kernel source .... and i don't find it on the kpkg ... | 10:07 |
cenerentola | kipod: if so, you have them, for IT check /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:07 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: the kernel source will be in the main repository, you should already have it enabled. just go into synaptic and install the kernel headers/source | 10:07 |
cenerentola | kipod: are you trying to install nvidia-module from apt or from nvidia.com? | 10:08 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: go to http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ and go to the hardware section, there is info on nvidia there | 10:08 |
kipod | which one of the header should i install ? | 10:08 |
cenerentola | ryanmcgregor: really ;) | 10:09 |
kipod | 2.6.8 ? | 10:09 |
cenerentola | ?!? | 10:09 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: sorry, i was not aware that ubuntu had a prepackaged driver for nvidia cards, forget my earlier advice | 10:09 |
cenerentola | kipod: what kind of driver are you installing? | 10:09 |
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kleedrac | Why would ./configure give an error of missing GTK2+ ... shouldn't Gnome 2.8 be built on it? | 10:09 |
Odin- | Lack of headers? | 10:10 |
crimsun | kleedrac: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev | 10:10 |
kipod | cenerentola, what do u mean ... i think that all the nVidia vedio cards have the same driver | 10:10 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: maybe you need the dev packages?? try checking synaptic | 10:10 |
kleedrac | crimsun: to the rescue again huh? Thanks pal :) | 10:10 |
cenerentola | kipod: but ther's a .deb package, and the installer from nvidia.com | 10:10 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: did you check the ubuntuguide.org site | 10:10 |
kleedrac | ryanmcgregor: I guess I need to learn what to apt-get as I just tried to sudo apt-get install gtk ... forgot I'd need the dev for this :) | 10:11 |
kleedrac | Though I must say that after years of using Suse I'm loving the fact I can use apt-get from CLI ... so much easier when ./configure throws a missing statement :) | 10:11 |
kipod | ryanmcgregor, yeah i came from there remmber | 10:12 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: i once needed libsndfile a ./configure script told me, so i checked yum (was on fedora at this point) and it was installed, took me hours to figure out i needed libsndfile-dev ;) | 10:12 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: lol, forgot, im tired, sorry :P | 10:12 |
kipod | ryanmcgregor, and cenerentola i noticed that the nvidia-setting package is missing | 10:12 |
kleedrac | ryanmcgregor: Not a big fedora fan ... tried it for 2 weeks and couldn't play smac (I'm in a pbem group on linuxgamers.com) so I tried Ubuntu ... after less than a week I don't think I'm ever switching to anything else!! | 10:13 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and uncomment the listings for the universe repository...it might be in there | 10:13 |
kipod | allso i must say i tryed to look for the package at google but i found none | 10:13 |
cenerentola | kipod can you paste you /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:13 |
kipod | ryanmcgregor, =) it was the 1st thingy i have done ... | 10:13 |
cenerentola | kipod: use pastebin.com | 10:13 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: yeah, i found it was buggy and unstable...ubuntu is much much better | 10:13 |
Odin- | Does anyone know just how unrecommended using Debian Unstable sources is? | 10:13 |
kipod | yeah sure were to ? | 10:13 |
cenerentola | kipod: are you with me? otherwise i cant try to help you. | 10:14 |
ryanmcgregor | Odin: I have heard it is a no-no...i know it didnt work well for a lot of packages for myself...i wouldnt recommend it | 10:14 |
Odin- | Hmh. | 10:14 |
kleedrac | Hmmm ... now ./configure is throwing gconf-2.0 in my face ... shouldn't that have been part of libgtk-dev? | 10:15 |
kipod | http://pastebin.com/130593 | 10:15 |
kipod | cenerentola, yeah i just pasted it ... ( it takes some time ) http://pastebin.com/130593 | 10:15 |
=== Odin- happens to be in a place where downloads from the outside world are charged per megabyte, but a Debian mirror is available for free. :> | ||
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cenerentola | kipod: do you want to add multiverse repositories? | 10:16 |
ryanmcgregor | Odin: Does ubuntu have any mirrors set up yet? Does anyone know if Canonical is planning on doing this? | 10:16 |
cenerentola | kipod: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 10:16 |
aj | Odin-: if you put debian urls first in apt/sources.list, but use apt's pinning mechanism to say "only select ubuntu packages", apt'll download ubuntu packages from debian urls whenever they're available | 10:16 |
kipod | cenerentola, i don't mind ... | 10:16 |
cenerentola | kipod: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 10:17 |
aj | Odin-: (ie, for universe packages where ubuntu's just using debian's package) | 10:17 |
ironwolf | Odin: it's more bleeding and broken than most want to be. | 10:17 |
kipod | cenerentola, yeah but what with the nvidia-setting? | 10:17 |
ryanmcgregor | aj: is almost all of ubuntu's packages available on debian's mirrors? i wouldnt mind using the local univerisities download servers. | 10:17 |
cenerentola | nothing... they're not strictly necessary | 10:17 |
Odin- | ryanmcgregor: Dunno. | 10:18 |
kipod | cenerentola, last time i tryed to do what u sagest i couldn't load my X | 10:18 |
Odin- | ryanmcgregor: But I find it highly unlikely that there'll be any form of corporate-sponsored mirror here. | 10:18 |
Odin- | (I'm in Iceland, total population under 300.000.) | 10:18 |
cenerentola | ok... so paste your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 | 10:19 |
kipod | how do i add multiverse repositories? | 10:19 |
kipod | cenerentola, me ? | 10:19 |
cenerentola | kipod:just copy and paste the universe's 2 lines, and | 10:19 |
cenerentola | kipod: change "universe" into "multiverse | 10:19 |
cenerentola | kipod: yes | 10:19 |
cenerentola | kipod: also /var/log/XFree86.0.log | 10:19 |
kipod | cenerentola, okay i will do that now ... | 10:20 |
kleedrac | crimsun? ryanmcgregor? Any idea why it's choking on gconf-2.0? | 10:20 |
kipod | cenerentola, i don't c the point in pastting the XFree86.0.log cuse i just reinstalled my sys | 10:20 |
cenerentola | how can i use an ethernet dsl modem for dial up | 10:20 |
cenerentola | can you please do it? | 10:20 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: not sure....whats the name of the program again?? ill see if i can google something up for you | 10:20 |
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kleedrac | http://www.pastebin.com/130594 | 10:22 |
kipod | cenerentola, can u plz checkout if i have done it right plz =) | 10:22 |
kipod | http://pastebin.com/130595 | 10:22 |
crimsun | kleedrac: you need libgconf2-dev, of course. | 10:23 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: try searching synaptic, maybe the name is a tad different or something....i have found entering a couple letters from a name i am looking for sometimes helps me find it | 10:23 |
cenerentola | kipod: right, now sudo apt-get update | 10:23 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: lol, never mind | 10:23 |
ryanmcgregor | crimsun: thx | 10:23 |
kipod | cenerentola, done | 10:23 |
kleedrac | Dangit :) ... crimsun: Thanks dude!! ryanmcgregor: Thanks again to you too :) | 10:24 |
kipod | cenerentola, root@ubuntu:~/untitled folder # dpkg -l nvidia-setting No packages found matching nvidia-setting =\ | 10:24 |
crimsun | kipod: 'nvidia-settings' is in 'restricted' repo | 10:25 |
CdeMills | Riddell: rsync.mirrorservices.org does not repond. Are there other rsync mirror in EU ? | 10:25 |
kleedrac | crimsun: Do you just have all availible apt-get targets memorized? | 10:25 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: the nvidia-setting package is unnecessary....i have found i never used the settings program, the defaults always worked excellent | 10:25 |
crimsun | kleedrac: one could say that. | 10:25 |
cenerentola | kipod: you dont need it | 10:25 |
kleedrac | crimsun: So how do you do it? | 10:25 |
cenerentola | kipod: mind that multiverse are non free.. and not supported | 10:26 |
cenerentola | kipod: sudo apt-cache search nvidia | 10:26 |
kleedrac | Man is this demanding for a silly little app to have different wallpapers on my workspaces :) | 10:26 |
ryanmcgregor | kipod: in other words, if something in multiverse/universe causes your computer to explode, it isnt ubuntus fault | 10:26 |
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kipod | ryanmcgregor, yeah that what i thought | 10:27 |
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crimsun | kleedrac: experience. I've been using Debian since '97. | 10:27 |
kipod | =) | 10:27 |
cenerentola | well but i dont think you can trial anyone even if it was in main | 10:27 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: lol, i know....is the program still maintained? maybe it isnt maintained anymore so it isnt included in the normal repos? | 10:27 |
cenerentola | kipod: nvidia-settings - Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver | 10:27 |
kleedrac | Wow ... impressive ... I thought maybe you were on the devteam or something :) | 10:27 |
crimsun | kleedrac: one can always use apt-cache(8) | 10:28 |
kleedrac | ryanmcgregor: You mean this little app? I doubt it ever made any release beyond source | 10:28 |
kleedrac | crimsun: I'll have to man it later | 10:29 |
kipod | oaky after i install nvidia-glx do ineed to do any thingy else then disable dri and glcore? | 10:29 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: hopefully it works....i honestly have never tried it | 10:29 |
kleedrac | Well I'm not going to bed till it does :) | 10:29 |
cenerentola | kipod: look at ubuntuguide.org you have to enable something | 10:29 |
kipod | cenerentola, yeah =) | 10:30 |
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kleedrac | You know I've never looked into how hard it would be to make a .deb ... crimsun: you ever tried? | 10:30 |
crimsun | kleedrac: yes, I've been making debs for about that long, too. | 10:30 |
ryanmcgregor | crimsun: is it true they are easier to work with than rpms? | 10:30 |
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kleedrac | Wow ... about since I've had this source that's being a pain to ./configure? | 10:30 |
kleedrac | Yes!! ./configure is done ... time to make :) | 10:31 |
crimsun | ryanmcgregor: preference imo. I find them "easier" simply because I use them (and prefer to use them) often. | 10:31 |
kipod | cenerentola, cuse i have folowed this guide yestarday night and for some resone i could not load my X after word | 10:31 |
cenerentola | so keep you nv driver.. | 10:31 |
scizzo | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings | 10:31 |
kipod | and i didn't know what to do ... | 10:31 |
kleedrac | crimsun: What can I do to take this source and turn it into a .deb? | 10:31 |
scizzo | sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf or XF86Config-4 | 10:31 |
crimsun | kleedrac: what application? | 10:32 |
cenerentola | kipod: or you'll ave to sweat a little: check your /var/log/XFree86.0.log | 10:32 |
scizzo | comment out GLcore and dri.... find "nv" and change to "nvidia" | 10:32 |
cenerentola | kipod: for the modelines and paste it into /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:32 |
scizzo | make sure that Load "glx" is present also | 10:32 |
kleedrac | http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=270 | 10:32 |
scizzo | restart X | 10:32 |
scizzo | done | 10:32 |
scizzo | xorg needs a few other fun things though | 10:32 |
cenerentola | scizzo: the nv -> nvidia change is automatically done by nvidia-... enable | 10:33 |
=== scizzo has GLX going in xorg now | ||
ryanmcgregor | crimsun: it is a program to make the wallpapers different on each virtual desktop | 10:33 |
scizzo | cenerentola: good to check anyway | 10:33 |
cenerentola | scizzo: good not to use nvidia drivers anyway...;) | 10:33 |
=== re-charging [~t@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kipod | cenerentola, hum .... i didn't knwo that .... thanks | 10:33 |
crimsun | kleedrac: probably doable without too much effort | 10:34 |
kipod | scizzo, thank i have done it =) | 10:34 |
crimsun | I'd say for an experienced maintainer, probably 30 mins of work | 10:34 |
re-charging | hello, is there a way to enable xscreensaver when logged on as root? security-issues aside :D | 10:34 |
scizzo | re-charging: _why_ are you using X with root at all? | 10:34 |
scizzo | re-charging: never needed and never should be used | 10:35 |
re-charging | scizzo: (shrugs) yep, but is there a way? | 10:35 |
ryanmcgregor | re-charging: are you able to open the screensaver application thats included with gnome? | 10:36 |
kleedrac | Wow ... this app is the poster child for bad documentation!! | 10:36 |
=== Odin- [~odin@adsl-2-216.du.snerpa.is] has left #ubuntu ["Beeeep."] | ||
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: lol, post me a link | 10:36 |
re-charging | ryanmcgregor: yes i can if logged on as non-root | 10:36 |
kleedrac | A link to what man? | 10:37 |
=== hazza96 [~harry@cust0531.qld01.dataco.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ryanmcgregor | lol, the docs...i was thinking of installing it | 10:37 |
kleedrac | All right ... I'll spam the README to the channel!! | 10:37 |
kleedrac | mybackground-properties is a replacement for gnome-background-properties. | 10:37 |
kleedrac | With mybackground-properties, you can change background per workspace. | 10:37 |
kleedrac | That is all :) | 10:37 |
kipod | cenerentola, can u expline me what is the modeline plz? | 10:37 |
ryanmcgregor | lol | 10:37 |
kipod | modelines* | 10:37 |
ryanmcgregor | seems like a lot of effort has gone into the docs | 10:38 |
kipod | =\ .... sorry i kinda new at this ... | 10:38 |
kleedrac | I don't even know how to run it!! I've tried to run mybackground-properties and something happens and then it's over :) | 10:38 |
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kleedrac | crimsun: How do I output strace to a file? | 10:39 |
ryanmcgregor | kleedrac: im surprised the gnome people dont take over the project....it is a feature a lot of people ask for....if i knew how to code.....:P | 10:39 |
crimsun | kleedrac: strace -o foo.txt -Ff someapp | 10:39 |
CdeMills | 1) Got warty-release-live-i386.iso from bittorrent, didn't work: md5sum: MD5 check failed for '/tmp/libmorphix-uXKgeQ/boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5' | 10:39 |
CdeMills | 2) rsynced it as: rsync -v rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/4.10/release/warty-live-i386.iso warty-release-live-i386.iso | 10:40 |
ryanmcgregor | anyways, im off, cya | 10:40 |
CdeMills | 3) exactly the same problem. Does anyone have a correct working copy ? Source ? | 10:41 |
=== cenerentola [~cenerento@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kleedrac | Now I don't know much about strace but http://www.pastebin.com/130596 looks like it's just done ... only it didn't do anything in the first place!! | 10:41 |
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cenerentola | http://www.jwz.org/hacks/rms-deathmetal.mp3 | 10:52 |
kipod | how can i localize my system ? | 10:52 |
kleedrac | crimsun: Now I need libglademm-2.0 | 10:52 |
crimsun | libglademm2.0-dev | 10:52 |
kleedrac | crimsun: You da man!! | 10:53 |
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kleedrac | How do you do that magic? | 10:53 |
crimsun | kleedrac: hint: compilation depends on headers: normally you suffix the library name with "-dev" | 10:54 |
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kleedrac | crimsun: That one is still failing for some reason | 10:54 |
kipod | okay i have to restart BRB ( hoply ) | 10:54 |
kleedrac | crimsun: You should try this thing and see if it works for you :) | 10:55 |
kipod | thanks gays ^^ u have been grate help | 10:55 |
kleedrac | crimsun: I'm starting to see the problem in the strace | 10:57 |
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kleedrac | crimsun: If you look it's the same 7 lines over and over | 10:58 |
kleedrac | It tries two different files then when that doesnt work it closes them and tries again!! | 10:58 |
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kipod | welll gays it worked like a charm !!! thanks!!! | 10:59 |
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swampie | Hello | 11:00 |
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kleedrac | Anyone ever hear of a file called ld.so.nohwcap ?? | 11:01 |
=== Entro-P [~clive@backchat.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | kleedrac: it compiled just fine for me. | 11:02 |
kleedrac | crimsun: Great now run it :) | 11:02 |
Entro-P | is there any reason why the live cd has no mp3 player ? | 11:02 |
crimsun | kleedrac: wouldn't make much sense for me to since I'm on a Windows XP machine at work currently | 11:02 |
=== ogra_ [~ogra@pD95F8F29.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kleedrac | heh | 11:03 |
kleedrac | Fair enough | 11:03 |
kleedrac | But the strace shows it's trying to open a file called /etc/ld.so.nohwcap | 11:03 |
crimsun | kleedrac: ignore that. | 11:03 |
kleedrac | OK ... well like I said the strace shows the same 7 lines over and over | 11:03 |
kleedrac | All right upon closer inspection the file after ld.so.nohwcap is different each run | 11:05 |
kleedrac | crimsun: what about this line <open("/usr/openwin/lib/locale/locale.alias", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)> could that have something to do with it? | 11:06 |
crimsun | that's probably not the line invoking the fatal error | 11:07 |
crimsun | I'll look at the strace output in a bit. | 11:07 |
kleedrac | Thanks crimsun | 11:09 |
kleedrac | Wow it's 4AM ... I think I'm gonna go to bed guys | 11:12 |
kleedrac | crimsun: If you figure it out I'll be around tomorrow | 11:13 |
=== karlos [~karlos@user-1537.l3.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CdeMills | I got anew a copy of rsync://archive.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/4.10/release/warty-live-i386.iso, but it still fails the check on /boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5. Did someone else try this CD ? | 11:14 |
=== thetron [~wool@dsl-203-113-208-227.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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thetron | Hi. By default Ubuntu doesn't come with a Temprature program installed. Can anyone suggest what program i should use and some step to get it going | 11:19 |
thetron | *temperature | 11:19 |
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|QuaD| | thetron: i like gkrellm | 11:20 |
=== frogbert [~frogbert@202-9-63-121.cdsl.attech.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogbert | hello | 11:20 |
|QuaD| | thetron: gdesklets also works | 11:20 |
Tsjoklat | thetron lmsensors | 11:20 |
thetron | can you point me in the direction to gkremllm | 11:20 |
karlos | hi | 11:21 |
|QuaD| | thetron: sudo apt-get gkrellm | 11:21 |
frogbert | could someone here help me get mplayer installed? | 11:21 |
frogbert | please | 11:21 |
|QuaD| | frogbert: there is a faq on the ubuntu sit | 11:21 |
|QuaD| | e | 11:21 |
frogbert | Yeah I follewed it and it worked the first time, however now I get unresolved dependancy errors | 11:21 |
|QuaD| | which dependencies? | 11:22 |
frogbert | followed* | 11:22 |
=== free [~free@adsl-252-1.slovanet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thetron | |QuaD-| I don't seem to have that in my apt-get source list | 11:22 |
|QuaD| | thetron: its in universe | 11:22 |
frogbert | Depends: libartsc0 but it is not going to be installed | 11:22 |
frogbert | on mplayer-586 | 11:23 |
thetron | universe? | 11:23 |
|QuaD| | frogbert: i don't like mplayer, os i have no idea | 11:23 |
frogbert | Depends: libfribidi0 but 0.10.4-3 is to be installed | 11:23 |
|QuaD| | thetron unviverse repo | 11:23 |
|QuaD| | frogbert: hoary or warty? | 11:23 |
thetron | never heard of it :n00b look: | 11:23 |
|QuaD| | thetron: i will get you a link | 11:23 |
frogbert | They sent me a bunch of CD's so I'm gonna say warty | 11:24 |
|QuaD| | frogbert: when did you recieve them (i am still waiting) | 11:24 |
|QuaD| | you are using warty | 11:24 |
thetron | Thank you mr quad | 11:24 |
frogbert | About a week ago, they were like express post from sweden to Australia | 11:24 |
|QuaD| | http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UniversePackages/view?searchterm=universe | 11:24 |
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frogbert | I donated to them because they spent extra to get them here faster | 11:25 |
|QuaD| | frogbert: hmmm, let me check my status | 11:25 |
|QuaD| | i want to distribute them around | 11:25 |
frogbert | Yeah I got ten sets, I'm going to donate them to the libraries around the place and give the rest out | 11:25 |
|QuaD| | frogbert: nice | 11:26 |
frogbert | I'm on a one man crusade to convery my Uni | 11:26 |
frogbert | Firefox first, Linux tomorrow | 11:26 |
|QuaD| | frogbert: lol... what uni | 11:26 |
frogbert | Fuck I hate IE </rant> | 11:26 |
frogbert | Central Queensland University | 11:26 |
frogbert | (Its in central queensland | 11:27 |
=== |QuaD| thinks ie is outdated, firefox is definitely the way to go | ||
karlos | litestep is a good intro to linux for windoze users | 11:27 |
karlos | that's what got me onto it | 11:27 |
|QuaD| | litestep? | 11:27 |
Zotnix | Intro to linux? | 11:27 |
frogbert | Well the thing is the Uni library refuses to organise for CD's to be loned out | 11:27 |
karlos | google search litestep | 11:27 |
Zotnix | Isn't litestep a shell replacement for Explorer? | 11:27 |
karlos | quite interesting | 11:28 |
karlos | that's it | 11:28 |
frogbert | And its annoying the IT dept because whenever a new linux distro comes out the Uni internet gets hammered | 11:28 |
|QuaD| | karlos: i did.. i have no idea what iti s | 11:28 |
frogbert | I hate litestep so much | 11:28 |
|QuaD| | WHAT ISI T | 11:28 |
=== Zotnix pats gnome. | ||
karlos | works a bit like linux (configwise) | 11:28 |
frogbert | Its a explorer.exe replacement | 11:28 |
Entro-P | karlos: why not just use cygwin -> X11 under windows ? i do that to run my normal X11 window manager in win32 | 11:29 |
frogbert | with textfiles for everything, its completely unusable I've found | 11:29 |
Entro-P | use X11 to replace explorer | 11:29 |
karlos | true,,i just run ubuntu now | 11:29 |
|QuaD| | i like linux, don't need "explorer.exe replacements" | 11:29 |
karlos | libranet last week | 11:29 |
Zotnix | Though replacing nautilus is something often done | 11:30 |
Zotnix | Nautilus likes to crash. | 11:30 |
|QuaD| | anyone been noticing gaim has been slacking with new features? | 11:30 |
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Zotnix | Think they are focusing on bugs | 11:30 |
|QuaD| | and version 2.0.... but who knows what those actually are | 11:31 |
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Zotnix | They jumped to 1.10 for no apparent reason | 11:31 |
Zotnix | I compile gaim from source on Ubuntu | 11:31 |
|QuaD| | Zotnix: they changed the numbering scheme | 11:31 |
thetron | |QuaD-: You got an source.list i could use that perfect for ubuntu | 11:31 |
Zotnix | As well as xchat | 11:31 |
=== mAIJK [maijk@studpc17.thndorm.htu.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|QuaD| | thetron: i use hoary | 11:32 |
|QuaD| | you don't want that | 11:32 |
Zotnix | Yeah | 11:32 |
Zotnix | It's buggy | 11:32 |
=== Zotnix uses hoary too. | ||
thetron | I'm using command line btw | 11:32 |
thetron | ssh | 11:32 |
|QuaD| | Zotnix: why do you compile and not use the prebuilt? | 11:32 |
|QuaD| | thetron: nice | 11:32 |
Zotnix | Silc | 11:32 |
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frogbert | Omg I just put a dvd into my xbox and it harps on about not stealing this movie | 11:32 |
frogbert | "You wouldn't steal a handbag" | 11:33 |
|QuaD| | silc? the protocol | 11:33 |
|QuaD| | ? | 11:33 |
frogbert | "You wouldn't steal a Television" | 11:33 |
Zotnix | Yeah | 11:33 |
|QuaD| | ohhh | 11:33 |
frogbert | "Downloading movies is stealing" | 11:33 |
nevyn | frogbert: welcome to 2004 | 11:33 |
frogbert | What the fuck is that? I just rented the movie | 11:33 |
thetron | Yes frogbert. It's on AFACT website | 11:33 |
=== thetron slaps frogbert around a with a bit Mary River Cod | ||
Zotnix | Oh | 11:34 |
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Zotnix | I'm using xchat from Ubuntu | 11:34 |
frogbert | I found it ironic because I had just copied it and was testing it out on my player | 11:34 |
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Zotnix | I didn't before because it didn't give 2.4.1 | 11:34 |
frogbert | It felt good stealing an anti-stealing ad | 11:34 |
frogbert | its like stealing a burgular alarm | 11:34 |
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frogbert | Wow can't get a word in edgeways here | 11:41 |
Zotnix | Figures MS would put that on their product. | 11:42 |
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Zotnix | if I ever got an XBox I'd use it as a PC | 11:42 |
|QuaD| | Zotnix: i would do | 11:44 |
|QuaD| | put linux on it | 11:44 |
|QuaD| | run it as a server | 11:44 |
Zotnix | Yep. | 11:44 |
Zotnix | :D | 11:44 |
|QuaD| | i actualy considered purchasing a used one for that | 11:44 |
karlos | does anyone know the address of the sid repository | 11:46 |
|QuaD| | sid repository? | 11:46 |
|QuaD| | why are you going to mix them? | 11:46 |
frogbert | Nah Xbox Media Centre is the way to go | 11:46 |
Zotnix | Oops.... bad idea = compiling while burning a CD | 11:46 |
frogbert | I don't even play games on it that much | 11:46 |
frogbert | Best. Program. Ever. | 11:46 |
karlos | i wanna upgrade system to sid..is that possible with ubuntu? | 11:46 |
|QuaD| | karlos: it is possible, advised against though | 11:47 |
|QuaD| | if you wnt debian, put debian on | 11:47 |
karlos | ok | 11:47 |
|QuaD| | why do you want sid and not hoary? | 11:47 |
karlos | i tried hoary | 11:47 |
karlos | upgraded everything then xwindows didn't work | 11:48 |
|QuaD| | oh, ok | 11:48 |
karlos | couldnt make anything work | 11:48 |
karlos | rebooted | 11:48 |
=== iain_ [~iain@213-152-53-18.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|QuaD| | thats the problem with ANY unstable os (sid, hoary, etc) | 11:48 |
karlos | what about one or 2 packages would that do any damage? | 11:48 |
frogbert | I just want Mplayer to work | 11:49 |
frogbert | dammit | 11:49 |
|QuaD| | ? | 11:49 |
|QuaD| | that was for kar | 11:49 |
=== croc_ [sdf@c213-100-37-209.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zotnix | They have a bunch of howto's on that, no? | 11:49 |
karlos | i'll have a look at the wiki etc.. | 11:49 |
|QuaD| | karlos: point is, regardless of which unstable os you use, you will have thse problems | 11:50 |
=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
karlos | ok fair enough | 11:50 |
frogbert | Yeah but when I go to use synapic it says I have the wrong libraries or they cannot be found | 11:50 |
|QuaD| | i mean, if you don't like it breaking, we reccomend warty | 11:50 |
karlos | ok | 11:51 |
karlos | i like warty | 11:51 |
croc_ | Anyone with a seagate hdd who has run SeaTools drive diagnostics? It says I have critical errors on my HDD but doesn't say what to do about them? | 11:51 |
frogbert | Send it back | 11:51 |
|QuaD| | karlos: so why not just use that? why did you upgrade | 11:51 |
frogbert | no | 11:51 |
frogbert | copy your stuff off it... the send it back | 11:51 |
karlos | bored i spose | 11:51 |
frogbert | then* | 11:51 |
karlos | at the time | 11:52 |
frogbert | As soon as a stripped down knoppix can run on my psx I'll be happy | 11:52 |
croc_ | err I mean critical errors on the filesystem not the drive | 11:52 |
frogbert | Oh run scan disk | 11:52 |
frogbert | are you using windows? | 11:52 |
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croc_ | partly yes | 11:53 |
frogbert | Okay | 11:53 |
frogbert | right click on the drive in My Computer | 11:53 |
croc_ | does win2k have scandisk or is it chkdsk | 11:53 |
frogbert | go properties and sytem tools or some shit | 11:53 |
frogbert | and you should be able to select scan disk | 11:53 |
frogbert | it won't be able to get exclusive access to your disc so you will have to reboot and it scans it next time you boot into windows | 11:54 |
croc_ | ok | 11:55 |
croc_ | thanks | 11:55 |
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NailllL | oh...is it windows irc channel ??? sorry..... | 11:55 |
NailllL | =) | 11:55 |
frogbert | lol | 11:55 |
frogbert | We are totally going to get kicked | 11:55 |
=== topyli [~juha@ktlpc219.edu.helsinki.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogbert | Hmm terminal servicing into my computer whilst burning a DVD was probably a bad idea | 11:56 |
croc_ | ubuntu how new is this distribution? | 11:56 |
frogbert | What makes it worse is I cranked up the quality | 11:56 |
Zotnix | Found out why I couldn't burn CD's for nothing. | 11:56 |
Zotnix | DMA was not turned on. | 11:56 |
frogbert | bleeding edge | 11:56 |
croc_ | seems to be popular | 11:57 |
TTilus | croc_: #define this | 11:57 |
frogbert | That'd do it | 11:57 |
Zotnix | Freeze up my computer in the process as well. | 11:57 |
Zotnix | Temporarily. | 11:57 |
=== kleedrac [~kleedrac@hsdbsk69-11-109-51.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
|QuaD| | croc_: warty IS NOT bleeding edge | 11:57 |
Zotnix | It's fairly new... | 11:57 |
frogbert | lol | 11:58 |
croc_ | what is warty | 11:58 |
frogbert | anyways I wish I could apt-get cedega | 11:58 |
TTilus | "bleeding edge" == "broken" == "not good" | 11:58 |
Zotnix | I got it. | 11:58 |
Zotnix | Run Half-Life | 11:58 |
|QuaD| | frogbert: you have to pay for that | 11:58 |
Zotnix | and Sim City 4 | 11:58 |
frogbert | I'm well aware of that fact | 11:58 |
=== frogbert curses businesses for trying to make money | ||
TTilus | croc_: ubuntu release 4.10 is called warty | 11:58 |
frogbert | Its like calling 2002 "XP" | 11:59 |
=== Napo [~confman@bowie.itc.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogbert | or Amiga OS "Good" | 11:59 |
Napo | i changed my repository from warty to hoary but ... now big problems with my X server | 11:59 |
frogbert | it hides a potentialy ugly version number | 11:59 |
TTilus | ;) | 11:59 |
TTilus | frogbert: hides usefull information too | 12:00 |
Napo | The problem is "could not open default font 'fixed'" | 12:00 |
croc_ | what makes ubuntu different? | 12:00 |
=== tahorg[dfx] is now known as tahorg | ||
frogbert | Whats the problem with your X server? Can't find screens? | 12:00 |
Napo | and ... i'haven't the package "xfs" | 12:00 |
TTilus | croc_: different from what? | 12:00 |
frogbert | It fits on one CD, which is good | 12:00 |
croc_ | TTilus: other dists | 12:00 |
Napo | How i can solve it? | 12:00 |
frogbert | Because one CD is as much as any OS should fit on | 12:00 |
TTilus | frogbert: windows fits in one CD | 12:00 |
frogbert | I know that, Mandrake is supposed to be user friendly but it requires 2.1gb or somesuch to download it | 12:01 |
frogbert | Ubuntu is userfriendly too | 12:01 |
frogbert | unless you want to use mplayer | 12:01 |
frogbert | okay | 12:01 |
kleedrac | frogbert: sudo apt-get install mplayer | 12:01 |
=== Simira [rpGirl@m146i.studby.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frogbert | you need to get the x11 fonts package | 12:02 |
NailllL | diffrent .... i think is good gnome support.... if you like debian - you`ll should try this | 12:02 |
frogbert | NFI What its called | 12:02 |
topyli | frogbert: yep, mplayer on ubuntu seems to depend on xmms. it's totem's revenge :) | 12:02 |
kleedrac | Quad: how are you with strace output? | 12:02 |
TTilus | Napo: dunno, something with font paths maybe | 12:02 |
frogbert | One more question, can someone please tell me how to stop Gnome from creating a new window every time I double click | 12:02 |
Napo | TTilus: yes ... but i can't understand ... | 12:03 |
frogbert | libggi2 (>= 1:2.0.5) but it is not going to be installed | 12:03 |
kleedrac | frogbert: applications -> System tools -> Config Editor | 12:03 |
TTilus | Napo: try frogberts advise | 12:03 |
frogbert | Depends: libpng10-0 (>= 1.0.17) but 1.0.15-6ubuntu1 is to be installe | 12:03 |
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topyli | frogbert: you mean nautilus? | 12:04 |
frogbert | yeah | 12:04 |
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kleedrac | frogbert: in Config Editor change key apps -> nautilus -> preferences -> "Always use browser" | 12:04 |
topyli | frogbert: either use middle-double-click, or use the browser mode | 12:04 |
topyli | kleedrac: it's also in the file management preferences gui now (again) | 12:05 |
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frogbert | okay fixed, good thats the first thing I turned off on Win95 | 12:05 |
kleedrac | topyli: kewl ... as well it should be :) | 12:05 |
kleedrac | Anyone here good with strace outputs? | 12:06 |
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topyli | kleedrac: popular demand i guess. the mob rules :) | 12:06 |
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loz | anyone here got NetworkManager running? | 12:07 |
frogbert | Man I've apt-got a large package... and I want to play nethack now... I have to wait | 12:08 |
kleedrac | frogbert: telnet nethack.alt.org | 12:08 |
frogbert | omfg yes | 12:08 |
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siretart | loz: I tried, but I gave it up because of beeing bitten by dbus | 12:10 |
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frogbert | what was taht | 12:10 |
frogbert | that* | 12:10 |
frogbert | telnet address I mean | 12:10 |
kleedrac | telnet nethack.alt.org | 12:12 |
kleedrac | website http://alt.org/nethack/ | 12:12 |
kleedrac | IRC irc://irc.freenode.net/#nethack | 12:12 |
kleedrac | enjoy! | 12:12 |
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kleedrac | What's a "Bonobo-WARNING"? | 12:15 |
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HetIsLarsje | Sy6303 | 12:16 |
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N00B | hello all | 12:20 |
crimsun | 'lo | 12:20 |
N00B | has anyone has a clue how to import favorites from internet explorer into firefox ? | 12:21 |
N00B | i tryed to copy the folder | 12:21 |
N00B | but firefox doesn't recognise any of the files | 12:21 |
loz | N00B: as far as Iknow, it does so automagically on first run.. | 12:22 |
loz | firefox/mozilla stored bookmarks in a single html file. | 12:22 |
N00B | yeah but not on linux... | 12:22 |
N00B | coz it didn't even gave me that option | 12:22 |
N00B | is there a way around it? | 12:23 |
kleedrac | N00B: You have to export the bookmarks IN IE first!! | 12:23 |
loz | N00B: so you want to convert the IE in Win to your books in Linux. One option would be to boot win and use win FF. | 12:23 |
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kleedrac | Then you can import that file in Firefox | 12:23 |
loz | not sure what format the IE books are in, maybe there's a script available on the web which'll copy them over.. | 12:23 |
kleedrac | crimsun: What's a "Bonobo-WARNING"? | 12:24 |
kleedrac | loz: They're individual .url files unless you have IE export them and then FF is fine with it | 12:24 |
crimsun | kleedrac: a warning :) | 12:24 |
kleedrac | thanks ... still can't figure out why this doesn't run :( | 12:24 |
N00B | so you're saying if i export the links instead of copying the folder it shoudl work? | 12:25 |
loz | kleedrac: but each url file could be processed easy by as script and put into a single html file in the moz format.. | 12:25 |
kleedrac | N00B: exactly | 12:25 |
N00B | gotcha | 12:25 |
N00B | brb | 12:25 |
kleedrac | loz: Shouldn't be too tough actually ... never thought of it ... always exported from IE first :) | 12:25 |
loz | kleedrac: just thinking of how to do without booting win. I know Opera in Linux is able to import.. There's no reason why not.. | 12:27 |
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Rocha | Good morning | 12:27 |
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Rocha | Is it possible to change the size of the desktop icons? | 12:27 |
loz | Rocha.. "stretch" icon | 12:28 |
Rocha | Hmm, how? | 12:28 |
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Rocha | right click, thanks | 12:28 |
Rocha | Extra k00l! :D | 12:28 |
Rocha | Thanks very much | 12:28 |
kleedrac | loz: Never played with Opera but you're saying it doesn't need the exported version? | 12:28 |
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mzarza | hi | 12:29 |
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port7 | a nice xmas pressie for me | 12:30 |
port7 | the rs6000 has just gone tits up | 12:30 |
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wezzer | hello | 12:33 |
loz | opera does it as far as I can remember.. | 12:33 |
loz | I believe this is a nice script to pull IE favs in linux: http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-list/2004-February/msg03492.html | 12:36 |
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N00B | how do i add a search engine to mozilla | 12:40 |
N00B | ? | 12:40 |
N00B | i clicked on them | 12:41 |
N00B | but that's not enough | 12:41 |
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maddoc | Hrm. How do I install mplayer? I've added the mariallat source and tryed to install mplayer-386, but it just complains about unmet dependencies. | 12:43 |
crimsun | maddoc: did you follow the directions on the wiki? | 12:43 |
maddoc | crimsun: I think so? | 12:45 |
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maddoc | crimsun: If I got everything right, I'm supposed to add the source and then just apt-get mplayer? | 12:45 |
crimsun | I don't think you followed the directions :) | 12:46 |
maddoc | Can't you just tell me what I missed? >_< | 12:47 |
tahorg | anyone know what's happening whit fbset package on hoary ? | 12:49 |
Zindar | maddoc: remember apt-get update first | 12:49 |
maddoc | Zindar: I've done that. | 12:49 |
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Zindar | did you add the unstable or testing repository | 12:49 |
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maddoc | testing. | 12:49 |
Zindar | ok.. then I would recommend using multiverse instead... debian might have moved on from ubuntu | 12:50 |
Zindar | but mplayer is in multi/uni-verse | 12:50 |
topyli | maddoc: i don't think there's a package called mplayer. they're all mplayer-<arch> | 12:50 |
Synek | make install, not war ;) | 12:50 |
maddoc | topyli: Yeah, that's what I installed. mplayer-386. | 12:50 |
topyli | ah | 12:51 |
maddoc | And it complains on dependencies. libartsc0, libfribidi0 etc. | 12:51 |
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maddoc | Zindar: Well, when I install mplayer-costum from multiverse I get a illegal something-error. | 12:52 |
maddoc | Zindar: When I try to start it. | 12:53 |
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maddoc | Anyone got a clue? | 12:55 |
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siretart | maddoc: did you use the mplayer repository for sarge or unstable? you'll need the sarge one | 12:56 |
maddoc | siretart: I don't know. I used "testing". | 12:56 |
siretart | that should be the right one.. hmm | 12:57 |
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maddoc | http://maddoc.us/user/maddoc/mplayer is the error message. In swedish, though. | 01:01 |
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tahorg | anyone could tell me how to edit the application menu ? Looks like applications:// in nautilus doesn't work anymore | 01:07 |
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siretart | maddoc: thats sad. that means now the binaries from marillat for sarge wont work for warty anymore, because the libraries in sarge are newer than in warty | 01:27 |
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siretart | maddoc: so you have basically 2 solutions: build mplayer yourself from marillats sources (shouldn't be that hard given that the packages are already debianized) or pull mplayer with libs from hoary. You might pin to warty before if you dont want to upgrade to hoary | 01:28 |
siretart | might want to pin to warty, even.. | 01:28 |
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wezzer | How can I change that weeks starts on monday on gnome-calendar? | 01:38 |
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siretart | maddoc: if you are still at it you could have a look at https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingMplayerFromHoaryInWarty. I've just written it, it may be useful to solve your problem. | 01:48 |
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huttan | anyone experienced that ubuntu runs slow on 2.6.9 kernel with smp compiled in? | 01:49 |
SeFoKumA | web | 01:50 |
CardinalSin | was just thinking of doing the 2.6.9 with SMP. | 01:51 |
huttan | CardinalSin, my whole system seems to run slow since i added smp into it | 01:52 |
ACID|net | after i install ubuntu should i upgrade all the packages??? Using aptget? | 01:53 |
ACID|net | is that common practice? | 01:53 |
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scizzo | ACID|net: yes | 01:53 |
scizzo | ACID|net: usually it is best to be updated with the latest releases | 01:54 |
siretart | ACID|net: thats a good idea. if properly configured (should be ok if you didn't mess your installation) it should pull all security and important updates available | 01:54 |
ACID|net | ok, just checking | 01:54 |
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CardinalSin | huttan: hmmm okay. i'll try it on my test laptop first then. | 01:54 |
CardinalSin | gtg. cheers all. | 01:55 |
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uuuu | helloooooooooooooooo | 01:58 |
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noobie | anyone knows about dvb? | 02:00 |
noobie | broadcast from a windows system to a ubuntu? | 02:00 |
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ACID|net | how much difference is there between things like gentoo, debian, fedora, slackware, ubuntu? | 02:02 |
ACID|net | they all more or less the same or quite different | 02:02 |
thenuke | did you just answer to your own question ;) | 02:03 |
ACID|net | ? | 02:03 |
cenerentola | ciao... | 02:03 |
thenuke | Ubuntu might me most different | 02:04 |
housetier | they are all linux distros | 02:04 |
thenuke | because it ships with everykind of things installed already, on those others you have to choose what you want to install by yourself | 02:04 |
housetier | what works in one will work in another distro as well | 02:04 |
ACID|net | oh right | 02:05 |
housetier | major difference is pakcage management | 02:05 |
thenuke | sure there are more differences but Im not too pro to tell them.. | 02:05 |
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thenuke | slackware might be difficulties for a newbie, ubuntu most easiest, then would come fedora and then debian | 02:06 |
thenuke | Ubuntu is based on debian | 02:06 |
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cenerentola | problem: how can i use a dialup dsl modem under ubuntu? | 02:07 |
cenerentola | a friend of mine couldnt find adsl-start | 02:08 |
ACID|net | ok, another question - whats the main point of a livecd?? I thought it was to test out the version before installing but they all look the same when just using the live dc | 02:08 |
cenerentola | and im no good, with dialups | 02:08 |
ACID|net | are they used for other things? | 02:08 |
housetier | cenerentola look for pppoe and pppoeconf | 02:08 |
ChOcO-Bn | hi | 02:09 |
willow_1 | hi | 02:09 |
cenerentola | can you describe the thing more deeply,its for a friend | 02:09 |
housetier | ACID|net you could use a livecd as rescuesystem too | 02:09 |
cenerentola | and its an ethernet modem | 02:09 |
ChOcO-Bn | i can't get worked the live cd :s | 02:09 |
ACID|net | housetier: as u can access the harddrive and edit the file?? | 02:09 |
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housetier | cenerentola those are package names, "apt-cache show pppoe pppoeconf" to see if they fit your needs | 02:09 |
ChOcO-Bn | it says: audit(6541564564. 545) : initialyzed | 02:10 |
eduard | ACID|net: you can look how linux works, the first time I ran linux on my pc was with a live cd | 02:10 |
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housetier | ACID|net like that yes | 02:10 |
ACID|net | eduard: yeah i mean u only really need to do that once | 02:11 |
housetier | livecds are cool for showing to your friends | 02:11 |
ACID|net | but i can see why its cool as a resure and also its a quick fix | 02:11 |
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ACID|net | gives u instant acess to everything if its really important | 02:12 |
housetier | so they won't have to fear their precious data in their computers | 02:12 |
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noobie | i need help | 02:17 |
noobie | HELPPPP | 02:17 |
tigger|nl | with what? | 02:17 |
noobie | wepcrack-perl | 02:17 |
noobie | i don't have a clue how to install it | 02:17 |
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noobie | do i need to install something related to perl first? | 02:18 |
noobie | as i had a look on synatic package manager and looked for perl | 02:19 |
noobie | and it has loads of packages | 02:19 |
thenuke | it should install any dependencies | 02:19 |
thenuke | so if it needs perl, it should go and get it too | 02:19 |
noobie | but i didn't get the wepcrack-perl from the synaptic package manager | 02:19 |
noobie | i got it from another website | 02:20 |
noobie | so... :S | 02:20 |
ACID|net | u still need to install perl | 02:20 |
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noobie | now we are getting somewhere | 02:20 |
noobie | ACID|net, have you got any idea which one has it has loads of packages | 02:21 |
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ACID|net | hmm, not in ubuntu atm | 02:23 |
ACID|net | if u just select perl it should install all the dependences | 02:23 |
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miggumike | hi | 02:24 |
ACID|net | hi | 02:24 |
miggumike | i just installed ubuntuppc | 02:24 |
miggumike | how do i make my CD-rom boot onto my deaktop? | 02:25 |
ACID|net | u mean autorun?> | 02:26 |
miggumike | yeah. | 02:26 |
ACID|net | hmmm, dont know if u can on linux - not sure on that tho | 02:26 |
miggumike | i'm pretty sure | 02:27 |
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AndyFitz | did anyone elses gnome just break ? | 02:27 |
tigger|nl | miggumike: not at Computer -> Desktop Preferences -> Removable Storage -> 'Auto-start programs...' ?? | 02:28 |
ACID|net | hmmm, one of the goals for hoary is autorun so im guessing its not in warty | 02:29 |
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ACID|net | https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryGoalsSummary | 02:29 |
ACID|net | Find someone to enable AutoRun? | 02:29 |
miggumike | is there a program that can auto mount the cdrom? | 02:31 |
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ACID|net | hmm, isnt the cdrom automounted? | 02:31 |
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miggumike | i got it | 02:39 |
miggumike | right click on desktop/create new/device/dvd-rom | 02:39 |
miggumike | device /media/cdrom0 | 02:39 |
miggumike | awsome | 02:39 |
noobie | i got this file WEPCrack-0.1.0.tar.gz, how do i install it | 02:39 |
noobie | or where do i extract it | 02:39 |
noobie | and has it got to be done by the terminal? | 02:40 |
siretart | noobie: look inside the archive for an README and read the instructions. | 02:40 |
siretart | sometimes the file is called INSTALLATION | 02:40 |
Mayday | anyone know if its possible in some way to put the livecd or some other ubuntu on an usb-key? | 02:41 |
noobie | there's no readme file | 02:41 |
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noobie | only 3 perl script files | 02:41 |
thenuke | I guess you dont need to install it then, just execute those scripts when you want to run it or something | 02:43 |
thenuke | I think that I would try to look help from google | 02:43 |
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noobie | ok | 02:43 |
noobie | thanks | 02:43 |
thenuke | and/or editing those files to check if I would get some info from the code | 02:43 |
noobie | all i get is some instructions | 02:44 |
noobie | i think | 02:44 |
noobie | but what those documents are | 02:44 |
noobie | not how to use them | 02:44 |
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fsmw | hi all! | 03:00 |
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fsmw | i need to run a patch for my video card at boot time, in mandrake i put the line in rc.local, how can i do this in ubuntu? | 03:00 |
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abrotman | if i'm trying to use the warty liveCD and it just goes straight to grub .. I'm out of luck? | 03:12 |
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lupus_ | in hoary | 03:16 |
lupus_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py", line 37, in ? | 03:16 |
lupus_ | from _gtk import * | 03:16 |
lupus_ | ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/_gtk.so: undefined symbol: gtk_cell_view_set_value | 03:16 |
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lupus_ | any ideas ? | 03:16 |
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seb128 | lupus_, I think that's a bug :p | 03:17 |
lupus_ | from my program | 03:18 |
lupus_ | or the libs? | 03:18 |
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lupus_ | I reported it here http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4757 as long it is not fixed I can not program on gnome-schedule :( | 03:19 |
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dags | i have a p4 ht cpu and get lots of "apic error on cpu0 60(60)" and "disabling irq #185" at first boot after install, tried booting with pci=noacpi or acpi=off.. didn't help much | 03:23 |
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dags | i believe i had the same issues with debian sarge as well.. any ideas? | 03:25 |
fsmw | lupus_, i got the same problem | 03:27 |
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fsmw | and i can not hack in Gestor | 03:27 |
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seb128 | it's due to some symbole change in gtk2.6.0 | 03:28 |
lupus_ | ic | 03:28 |
lupus_ | so it is an upstream problem in pygtk? | 03:28 |
seb128 | yes | 03:28 |
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lupus_ | bleh | 03:28 |
seb128 | I'm fixing the package right now | 03:28 |
seb128 | should be in the archive in like 1 hour | 03:28 |
lupus_ | nice :) | 03:29 |
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lupus_ | you are my hero today :p | 03:29 |
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wezzer | hi, any ideas how can I change "week starts on"-option on gnome clock? | 03:30 |
fsmw | thank seb128 | 03:30 |
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kipod | does someone here knows from were i can get xchat-systray-plugin.deb ? | 03:32 |
wezzer | kipod: did you try google already? | 03:33 |
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kipod | wezzer, yeah | 03:34 |
kipod | and i have tryed apt-get.org | 03:34 |
wezzer | okay | 03:34 |
kipod | i m still on google | 03:34 |
wezzer | I'm afraid I can't help you, but there might be someone who can | 03:34 |
fsmw | seb128, will you advise us when the patch is uploaded? | 03:35 |
kipod | found it =) | 03:35 |
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kipod | http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=88437 i recomand it =))) | 03:37 |
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kagou | hi | 03:37 |
huttan | can someone help me with getting my system running on 800mhz fsb in ubuntu? | 03:38 |
wezzer | tell us your problem | 03:38 |
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huttan | wezzer, im using sata disks, and my system is defaulting at 33mhz fsb, doesnt matter if i give it the bootflag idebus=800 or not | 03:39 |
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dags | you might be confusing ide fsb with cpu/ram fsb..? | 03:41 |
huttan | dags, maybe i am, someone told me to set that as a boot parameter would fix it | 03:41 |
huttan | dags, you know of another sollution? | 03:41 |
dags | 33mhz sounds right for the pci bus | 03:42 |
huttan | ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx | 03:42 |
jamesh | huttan: your SATA disks will be running at 1.5Gbps (of course, the disk can't transmit data at that speed) | 03:42 |
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jamesh | SATA is not the same as the old IDE subsystem | 03:42 |
dags | neither the disk nor the controller | 03:43 |
huttan | ok | 03:43 |
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huttan | how do i check if im running my system at 800mhz fsb tho ? | 03:44 |
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dags | well you set that up in the bios | 03:44 |
huttan | that's set | 03:45 |
dags | /proc/cpuinfo might say something | 03:45 |
huttan | my system is running kinda slow, and i thought that was the problem | 03:45 |
huttan | i guess that's not it either then | 03:45 |
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abrotman | If the liveCD goes right to grub, am i out of luck? | 03:47 |
abrotman | It's a laptop | 03:47 |
moquist | i'm running hoary and as I upgrade I've seen decreasing stability. now gnome/nautilus and synaptic don't work, but I'm using ion2 and apt* to do most things just fine. Is now a safe time to do a dist-upgrade, or should I wait? | 03:47 |
moquist | abrotman: you should be able to do what you need from grub, though it's only geek-friendly. what's the issue? why would you be "out of luck"? | 03:47 |
huttan | my host_bus speed should be 800mhz tho ? | 03:48 |
abrotman | moquist: well .. i'm not a grub person .. normally lilo | 03:48 |
noobie | i have installed airnsnort on my ubuntu system, but i don't know how to run it...i tryed applications> run application and try to locate it but no joy | 03:48 |
noobie | anyone knows about this issue? | 03:48 |
abrotman | moquist: the issue is i'm assuming the kernel doesn't have some driver to use the CD drive | 03:48 |
abrotman | moquist: the CD works fine .. tested in another machine | 03:48 |
khinester | hello | 03:49 |
moquist | abrotman: if you type 'c' at the grub menu, you'll get a grub prompt, from which you can set your kernel boot string (including parameters) and anything else. | 03:49 |
moquist | khinester: hi | 03:49 |
abrotman | moquist: ok .. do you what it would be? .. | 03:49 |
noobie | :( | 03:49 |
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=== noobie ?? | ||
khinester | is sendmail installed as default, or does this needs to be installed after the initial build? | 03:50 |
moquist | noobie: not ignored, just waiting in case somebody else answers your question, since I'm talking to abrotman. :\ | 03:50 |
Burgundavia_ | no sendmail is not isntalled by default | 03:50 |
noobie | ok... | 03:50 |
abrotman | yeah .. i was here first :) | 03:50 |
khinester | thx | 03:50 |
=== noobie waits very patiently | ||
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abrotman | moquist: i'm basically trying to debug a wifi nic .. i think warty has the madwifi drivers | 03:51 |
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abrotman | moquist: and i'm at the grub prompt .. but i don't know the line for the kernel(as i said .. i'm more of a lilo person) | 03:51 |
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moquist | abrotman: hoary has the madwifi drivers, too, though (for some odd reason) i haven't gotten them to work. !! | 03:51 |
abrotman | isn't warty newer? | 03:52 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, go to the package in synaptic and right clikc on it | 03:52 |
moquist | abrotman: right - I'm trying to find a grub conf file online that you can look at, so I don't paste junk in here. | 03:52 |
abrotman | moquist: ok | 03:52 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, then choose properties and click on the tab installed files | 03:52 |
noobie | i done that | 03:53 |
khinester | to install sendmail is it just %sudo apt-get install sendmail | 03:53 |
noobie | i just can't run it | 03:53 |
moquist | abrotman: (assuming you can browse...): http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/topic-132.html | 03:53 |
moquist | abrotman: see the 'kernel' line under # Linux OS | 03:53 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, but do you know what application to run? | 03:53 |
moquist | abrotman: aw, hell. pm. | 03:53 |
abrotman | moquist: but how would i know which device the CD drive is? | 03:53 |
abrotman | moquist: ok | 03:53 |
noobie | well i know i want to run airsnort....if that's what you are asking | 03:54 |
noobie | maybe i just don't know the commands | 03:54 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, the package installs some files | 03:54 |
Burgundavia_ | synaptic will tell you which ones | 03:54 |
noobie | as it is all installed | 03:54 |
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Burgundavia_ | noobie, what I am trying to tell you is how to determine what files are installed with the package | 03:55 |
noobie | ok ok | 03:55 |
noobie | i'll reinstall it ,and try to see that | 03:55 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, no, that is probably not the probelm | 03:55 |
licio | what password ubuntu live cd? | 03:56 |
noobie | i don't get it! | 03:56 |
noobie | it says successufully applyed all changes | 03:57 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, ok, the package installs files. The executable file that the package installed may not be called airsnort | 03:57 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, I am installing it now on my system to tell you | 03:57 |
noobie | cool! | 03:57 |
noobie | something like /airsnort_0.2.4a-l_i386.deb | 03:58 |
noobie | is that helps | 03:58 |
kipod | how can i localize my system ? | 03:58 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, ok, it looks like there are 4 binaries installed (airsnort, gencases, decrypt, and orinoco_hopper) | 03:58 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, Did you install from apt-get or synaptic? | 03:59 |
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noobie | synaptic | 03:59 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, ok, just checking that you were not installing some deb installed off the net somewhere | 04:00 |
noobie | what is the next step? | 04:01 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, at the bottom of your applications menu, there is a dialog called 'run applications', type airsnort into that and hit enter | 04:01 |
noobie | gotcha | 04:02 |
noobie | humm | 04:02 |
noobie | Burgundavia_, you wouldn't know how to use this tool would you? | 04:03 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, no idea | 04:03 |
noobie | cool | 04:03 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, what are you trying to do anyway? | 04:03 |
noobie | thanks a lot | 04:03 |
noobie | well | 04:03 |
noobie | i have a wireless connection here | 04:03 |
noobie | i wanted to encrypt it to try to crack it for learning purposes only | 04:03 |
wezzer | hmm, strange | 04:04 |
Burgundavia_ | noobie, in future, right click on the package in synaptic, the choose properties and then choose the tab 'installed files'. Anything under /usr/bin or sbin is an executable file | 04:04 |
wezzer | after starting gdm, monitor went black | 04:05 |
wezzer | on a fresh ubuntu 4.10 installation | 04:05 |
wezzer | shit | 04:05 |
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noobie | ok | 04:05 |
noobie | thanks again | 04:05 |
noobie | Burgundavia_, | 04:05 |
Burgundavia_ | np | 04:06 |
licio | what root password ubuntu live cd? | 04:07 |
lupus_ | when is glade3 in hoary? | 04:07 |
Burgundavia_ | licio, should be none | 04:07 |
ryanmcgregor | is the ubuntu live cd and gnoppix the same thing? are the projects going to merge? | 04:07 |
lupus_ | or is it already there? | 04:08 |
Burgundavia_ | ryanmcgregor, no | 04:08 |
Burgundavia_ | ryanmcgregor, to both | 04:08 |
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Beautifularia | does anyone know how to use windows emulator? | 04:08 |
lupus_ | wine? | 04:08 |
Beautifularia | yes | 04:08 |
ryanmcgregor | so gnoppix just bases their project on ubuntu? (it says it is based on ubuntu and they called their latest release warty so i was confused) | 04:09 |
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Burgundavia_ | ryanmcgregor, apparently I was wrong | 04:09 |
ryanmcgregor | Beautifularia: wine setup.exe | 04:09 |
kagou | under my warty phpmyadmin works well, but when i wan"t to install punbb (board) or plume (CMS), they say me that there is no mysql module present for php | 04:09 |
Burgundavia_ | ryanmcgregor, just chatting with the ubuntu devs here | 04:09 |
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Tyche | Anyone know of any good picture management software? Something for a picture album? | 04:10 |
Beautifularia | I keep getting this message: Wine has exited with a failure status of 1. | 04:10 |
ryanmcgregor | Tyche: Kalbum is a good program, it is available in Universe | 04:11 |
terraces | Hi, when I plug my photo-camera, I got nothing launched (I read that a kind of gphoto should run), but my camera appears with lsusb. Should I install something ? | 04:11 |
ryanmcgregor | Beautifularia: wine is still in alpha, it doesnt always work, u may have to tweak it for that specific program...which program u trying to run? | 04:11 |
Burgundavia_ | terraces, does an icon appear on the desktop? | 04:11 |
wezzer | umm, can you get your photos out of the camera at all? | 04:11 |
terraces | Burgundavia_, no, nothing at all | 04:11 |
Burgundavia_ | hmm | 04:12 |
terraces | wezzer, I think I can mount it manually, but I'd like to get it automatically | 04:12 |
Burgundavia_ | was the camera plugged in when you booted up | 04:12 |
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ryanmcgregor | terraces: in kalbum you can go into settings and it will autodetect the camera | 04:12 |
wezzer | yes, I was just wondering is the problem auto-plug system | 04:12 |
terraces | no Burgundavia_. Neither in boot nor install | 04:12 |
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Burgundavia_ | ok, cause I have run into a bug that it does not mount when on and plugged in at boot | 04:14 |
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terraces | what app is supposed to be launched when I plug the camera ? | 04:14 |
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ryanmcgregor | for my camera when i plug it in it just launches nautilus if i remember corectly | 04:15 |
Burgundavia_ | look under computer-->desktop prefs-->removeable storage | 04:15 |
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loz | If I add the hoary repositories and update in synaptic will I bork my system or get the current hoary? | 04:17 |
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Burgundavia_ | loz, I would change all references to hoary from warty | 04:18 |
Burgundavia_ | but hoary is in varying states of brokeness right now | 04:18 |
Amaranth | hoary has Python 2.4 :D | 04:19 |
Amaranth | it just landed last night, i had 167MB of updates to get because of it :/ | 04:19 |
jonmasters | hi | 04:20 |
jonmasters | Anyone who wants to do a keysigning that I didn't grab already? | 04:20 |
Tyche | Alright having some weird issues. Nothing has change on my system and I can no longer load add users or synaptic. | 04:20 |
Burgundavia_ | warty or hoary? | 04:21 |
Tyche | Burgundavia? Me? Warty | 04:21 |
Burgundavia_ | hmm | 04:21 |
Tyche | How can I change a username using command line. | 04:21 |
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Burgundavia_ | can you use sudo at all? | 04:22 |
benou2 | slt | 04:22 |
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Tyche | I think I know what I did. | 04:23 |
Tyche | a day or so ago I messed up webadmin. | 04:23 |
Tyche | I had to change my username and I have been unable to change it back. | 04:25 |
Tyche | So, is there a way to get my username back to the original one? | 04:25 |
Tyche | Is there anyway to log in with root? When I try to sudo it says that username1 is not in the sudoers file. | 04:26 |
lamont_r | Tyche: boot in single user mode. | 04:28 |
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Tyche | lamont_r: excuse my ignorance. I do not know how to do that. | 04:33 |
Burgundavia_ | Tyche, reboot, choose rescue mode in grub | 04:34 |
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Tyche | Recovery mode? | 04:35 |
Burgundavia_ | yes, should be the 2nd option on the grub menu | 04:36 |
Tyche | Okay I am up now | 04:37 |
Tyche | what is the change user name in command line? | 04:38 |
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fsmw | seb128, thanks the python-gtk2 problem is fixed | 04:39 |
khinester | can i connect remotely to the ubuntu x11 server from mac osx | 04:40 |
seb128 | fsmw, no problem | 04:40 |
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gommans | Just installed ubuntu. Somehow it fails to use my sis900 ethernet card and contact my adsl modem, that works as a dhcp server. Any suggestions? | 04:43 |
gommans | It works out of the box using beatrix linux | 04:43 |
gommans | and all the other linux versions I have ever tried ;-) | 04:43 |
khinester | seb128: how? | 04:43 |
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Tyche | Trying usermod -l and seeing if that will do what I needed it to do. | 04:44 |
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Cioppi | hello | 04:45 |
gommans | hi Cioppi | 04:45 |
Tyche | Cioppi: Hello | 04:45 |
Cioppi | help me please | 04:45 |
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Cioppi | is anyone here that speak italian ? | 04:46 |
gommans | nope. | 04:46 |
gommans | not me | 04:46 |
Cioppi | only english ? | 04:46 |
umarmung | Cioppi, there is a #ubuntu-it channel.... | 04:47 |
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gommans | Can anyone help me with my problem? | 04:48 |
Cioppi | thank you very much umarmung | 04:48 |
Tyche | lamont_r & Burgundavia_ Thanks, that worked. Whatever you do, do not change your username! It breaks half the world! =) Rookie mistake. | 04:49 |
gommans | I just installed ubuntu. Somehow it fails to use my sis900 ethernet card and contact my adsl modem, that works as a dhcp server. Any suggestions? | 04:49 |
ryanmcgregor | hey, i went to gnome-look.org and downloaded a metacity theme, how do i install it...i tried telling it to install the .tar.bz2 (from inside the theme utility) and to load the .xml file | 04:49 |
Tyche | gommans: Common mistake I make is not adding the default gateway. | 04:49 |
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Tyche | gommans:Does the network card work? Does ifconfig give you ip address and other info back to you? | 04:50 |
gommans | I have to check, but I cannot use ubuntu and IRC at the same time now. Whay do you suggest I do when I reboot into ubuntu? | 04:51 |
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jono | hi all | 04:51 |
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jono | there seems to have been no warty updates for ages, is that normal? | 04:52 |
Burgundavia_ | jono, yes, warty is only getting security stuff | 04:52 |
Burgundavia_ | jono, if you want breakage and new stuff, track hoary | 04:52 |
jono | why would I want breakage :{ | 04:52 |
Tyche | gommans: Only thing I can think of is make sure your network card is working or not and if it is, check the default gateway | 04:52 |
gommans | what do I have to look for? | 04:53 |
Burgundavia_ | jono, there will be no new features added to warty, that is the nature of a release | 04:53 |
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Tyche | gommans: I would goto a command line and type in ifconfig | 04:58 |
Tyche | When you do that it will give you all your network configuration. If not connected it may tell you so and you can trouble shoot further from there. | 04:58 |
Tyche | Burgundavia_ In my changing the username back, I lost all permissions it seams. I belong to no user groups. Is there a way I can find out what the default set of groups I should use? | 04:59 |
Burgundavia_ | just a sec | 05:00 |
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douglas | hi ! | 05:02 |
Burgundavia_ | Tyche, my user is member of adm, audio, cdrom, dialout, floppy, lpadmin, plugdev, scanner, video. I run a default install of warty | 05:03 |
douglas | im a gnome newbie... i want to know what is gnome vfs and what it do ? | 05:03 |
=== Aure [~Aurelien@AToulouse-251-1-16-66.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tyche | Burgundavia_: Do you SSH at all? | 05:04 |
Burgundavia_ | not on this machine, no | 05:04 |
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Tyche | Burgundavia_: Great. Thank you. You can still use Sudo also without being part of the group? | 05:05 |
Burgundavia_ | sudoers has all in the file, so everybody should be able to use it | 05:06 |
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Tyche | I can SSH without being part of the SSH group also. Hmm...guess I do not know how this works enough. More reading to do. | 05:06 |
Tyche | Thanks everyone for all your help. | 05:06 |
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thekoreuk | where can i change the window manager from gnome to fluxbox in Warty? | 05:08 |
Tyche | ryanmcgregor: You still here? I'm looking for Kalbumk and not seeing it. | 05:09 |
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thekoreuk | where can i change the window manager from gnome to fluxbox in Warty? | 05:11 |
siretart | thekoreuk: install fluxbox, select that as session from gdm login screen | 05:13 |
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wood1 | Hi everyone | 05:18 |
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Tyche | Are there any ways to tweak the theme of ubuntu? something more flashy and cool? | 05:30 |
Ng | there is a theme entry in the preferences menu | 05:31 |
douglas | yep | 05:33 |
douglas | i already tweaked my theme | 05:33 |
douglas | :) | 05:34 |
wood1 | Does any one here use AMSN messenger ? | 05:34 |
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wood1 | How do I create a New DUN Connection in Ubuntu using a external modem ? | 05:35 |
wood1 | I mean are there any Graphical Tools to create a Dial-Up Connection in Ubuntu ? | 05:36 |
wood1 | I am now using the "pon" command to get connected with my DUN ? | 05:36 |
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dags | "apt-cache search gnome ppp" might give cool stuff | 05:37 |
wood1 | Amaranth, are you there ? | 05:37 |
wood1 | Treenaks ? | 05:37 |
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wood1 | Hum, thanks | 05:38 |
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stuNNed_ | hi all | 05:39 |
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RAK2 | hi, is there a way to save the list of my installed applications from synaptic to copy to a new machine? | 05:41 |
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da_bon_bon | hi all | 05:45 |
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da_bon_bon | i am hving a *major* problem with ubuntu | 05:46 |
da_bon_bon | anyone here? | 05:46 |
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da_bon_bon | i installed ubuntu, and entered username as "rohandhruva" and a password, but whenever i enter it in newly installed sysytem, after entering password, it again asks for username | 05:47 |
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dkg | hej! | 05:47 |
dkg | is there a speciall network configuration tool in ubuntu? | 05:47 |
dkg | or do I've to edit network/interfaces file like in debian? | 05:47 |
dkg | (I pluged in a wlan pcmcia card after installation) | 05:48 |
dkg | whats the easiest way? | 05:48 |
da_bon_bon | please, help me | 05:49 |
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bronson | dkg: afaik, the Debian way is the best way right now. | 05:52 |
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bronson | There's some heavy work going on right now to make this easier. | 05:52 |
bronson | Integrating hal, etc. Should be sweet. | 05:53 |
bronson | But it's a ways out. | 05:53 |
bronson | da_bon_bon: it probably means you typed the wrong password. | 05:53 |
bronson | Are you SURE you typed it correctly the first time? | 05:53 |
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Panzerboy | howdy | 05:55 |
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ThePrawn | Hey. | 05:55 |
patricko | da_bon_bon: sometimes the problem in password fails is an incorrect or at least different keyboard layout. Did you check if the keybord layout is the same as when you installed the system? | 05:56 |
Panzerboy | what x server is included in ubuntu? | 05:56 |
Panzerboy | xorg or xfree? | 05:56 |
daniels | Panzerboy: warty has xfree86, hoary has x.org | 05:56 |
vil_loves | patricko: i am da_bon_bon. yes i checked that kbd layout is us | 05:56 |
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Panzerboy | daniels: thanks | 05:56 |
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da_bon_bon | patricko: any other suggestions? | 05:57 |
=== Panzerboy is downloading now the warty cd :-) | ||
patricko | da_bon_bon: if you are on a laptop sometimes the num lock dows cause problems... no other suggestions at the time | 05:57 |
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da_bon_bon | patricko: no not on a laptop. also, my password does not have numbers | 05:58 |
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patricko | dows it happen even on the root account? | 05:58 |
da_bon_bon | patricko: i donot know whats the default password for root! | 05:59 |
khinester | i tried to install sendmail, but for some reason i am now unable to run just mail from the command prompt | 05:59 |
patricko | da_bon_bon: did you check disk space? if full you cannot login as user, at least if you use gdm... | 05:59 |
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da_bon_bon | i have 4.5 GB and did default install. i have no way to check disk space :( | 06:00 |
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patricko | da_bon_bon: should be enough, or are there other OSs on the system? | 06:01 |
da_bon_bon | patricko: there are, but the partition for ubuntu is 4.5 GB | 06:01 |
paulproteus | da_bon_bon: The UNIX command "df" will tell you how much free disk space there is. | 06:01 |
bronson | da_bon_bon: caps lock is off, of course? | 06:01 |
da_bon_bon | bronson: yes | 06:02 |
bronson | paulproteus: only if you're able to log in... | 06:02 |
da_bon_bon | paulproteus: i cannot login at all! | 06:02 |
bronson | ok, weird. | 06:02 |
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bronson | da_bon_bon: I claim you mistyped the password when entering it during the install. | 06:03 |
patricko | da_bon_bon: Also ubuntu should let you boot in single user mode, there you can reset the passwd... | 06:03 |
bronson | I can't think of what else it could be. | 06:03 |
zAo^ | OMG http://www.anandtech.com/linux/showdoc.aspx?i=2302&p=4 | 06:04 |
patricko | da_bon_bon: or you boot the live CD, mount the root partition, chroot into it and reset the password... | 06:04 |
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da_bon_bon | sorry missed it. can anyone please repeat. i hate mirc | 06:05 |
patricko | da_bon_bon: or you boot the live CD, mount the root partition, chroot into it and reset the password... | 06:05 |
=== JohoTM [~joho@chello062178007132.3.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JohoTM | Hi everyone | 06:05 |
da_bon_bon | patricko: i dont have the live cd | 06:06 |
patricko | da_bon_bon: guess the fastest solution will be to reinstall it :( | 06:06 |
bronson | There's a wiki page about this isn't there? | 06:07 |
JohoTM | i have a problem in ubuntu: mit cdrom devices are not created correctly in /dev...does anyone know how to fix this? | 06:07 |
da_bon_bon | patricko: fastest? it will take an hour! cant i boot it into a single-user system from grub? | 06:07 |
bronson | da_bon_bon: yes. | 06:07 |
da_bon_bon | bronson: please provide me the link if u can | 06:07 |
bronson | da_bon_bon: I'm looking it up. | 06:07 |
da_bon_bon | bronson: how? | 06:07 |
bronson | from memory: boot to the grub screen. | 06:07 |
da_bon_bon | yes | 06:08 |
bronson | Then add "single" to the boot params, and boot. | 06:08 |
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bronson | It will say, "enter root password for system maintenance". | 06:08 |
bronson | Since Ubu doesn't have a root password, I don't know what you should enter here. | 06:08 |
patricko | bronson: debians config asks root pass on single boot, doesn't ubuntu do that? | 06:08 |
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daniels | patricko: no | 06:08 |
da_bon_bon | bronson: ok i will try. any other solutions if this doesnt work? the wiki page? | 06:08 |
bronson | BUT, once you're in single user mode, just type "passwd USERNAME" and type the password again. | 06:09 |
bronson | Also "adduser test" and type a simple password for test. | 06:09 |
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bronson | (where test is a super-simple user name, just to see if it will work) | 06:09 |
da_bon_bon | bronson: thnx a lot. anyway wheres the wiki page u told me about? | 06:09 |
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bronson | da_bon_bon: still looking. | 06:10 |
da_bon_bon | bronson: ok. | 06:10 |
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da_bon_bon | bronson: can i boot from grub into 'recovery mode'? will it help? | 06:12 |
Burgundavia_ | recovery mode is single user mode | 06:12 |
da_bon_bon | Burgundavia_: really? then thats what i am looking for! thank u! | 06:13 |
da_bon_bon | hey i will brb, hopefully from linux. | 06:13 |
bronson | Well, I can't find anything. | 06:13 |
bronson | Good luck. | 06:13 |
da_bon_bon | bronson: thnx | 06:13 |
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xulin | hi .. | 06:18 |
JohoTM | i have a problem in ubuntu: mit cdrom devices are not created correctly in /dev...does anyone know how to fix this? | 06:18 |
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unperson | Is there a good way to browse info pages through a GUI in gnome? | 06:20 |
Burgundavia_ | no | 06:20 |
xulin | with wifi pci card are directly ok with ubuntu :o ? | 06:20 |
Burgundavia_ | yelp doesn't do it yet | 06:20 |
unperson | Mainly, I constantly forget the commands for using the info browser (and I even USED emacs regularly for a while). | 06:20 |
unperson | I don't know who had the genius idea of implementing the help system in a way that itself needs a tutorial. At least the basic features of man pages are pretty self-explanatory. | 06:21 |
unperson | Oh well, thanks. | 06:21 |
Burgundavia_ | yelp sucks, to be honest | 06:22 |
bronson | unperson: info pages are the spawn of the devil. | 06:22 |
bronson | Usually you can find the same docs in a better format anyway. | 06:22 |
bronson | unperson: pinfo is a command line info reader that doesn't absolutely suck rocks... | 06:23 |
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unperson | Yeah, I always avoid using the info pages because I find the interface so annoying. It's like it's setup to be hypertext, only with weird new commands you don't normally use. | 06:24 |
fender | hi all | 06:24 |
unperson | Ok, thanks, gotta go afk for a moment. | 06:24 |
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mitch_ | Hi | 06:26 |
mitch_ | I use the ubuntu live-cd. (latest version). is there any way to use the intel centrino wlan card with it? | 06:27 |
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TTilus | would have replied to mitch_ but he run away | 06:37 |
TTilus | http://ipw2100.sourceforge.net/ | 06:37 |
dkg | http://www.openoffice.de/linux/buch/pcmcianetzwerkkarte.html -- ubuntu hat kein pcnetconfig. grml | 06:37 |
dkg | whats next? | 06:37 |
dkg | there is no pcnetconfig in ubuntu. | 06:37 |
dkg | how to configure it? | 06:37 |
TTilus | dunno, havent played with pcmcia | 06:38 |
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fender | can mplayer play windows media format file like wma? | 06:40 |
fender | *files | 06:41 |
Burgundavia_ | yes, with the right codecs | 06:41 |
fender | with win32 codecs? | 06:41 |
RuffianSoldier | can xmms play wav? | 06:41 |
RuffianSoldier | jk | 06:41 |
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TTilus | RuffianSoldier: depends on what it contains | 06:41 |
fender | don't think so | 06:42 |
RuffianSoldier | <RuffianSoldier> jk | 06:42 |
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TTilus | one would expect it to handle plain pcm | 06:42 |
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fender | iknow that ffmpeg can convert files but don't know if it can convert wma or wmv to mp3. ?? | 06:43 |
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fender | is there any other programs that can play wma apart from mplayer? | 06:45 |
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fender | i also need some help with real player codecs, i try to play an old real player file and real player doesn't recognise it, it says codecs no longer supported, how do i overcome this problem? | 06:46 |
fender | i have real player 10. | 06:46 |
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fender | could anyone help me out? | 06:47 |
crimsun | any application that uses said w32codecs should be able to | 06:48 |
crimsun | in my experience, mplayer is the only one worth a flick that does | 06:48 |
crimsun | its lack of an intuitive ui is rather abstruse, however | 06:49 |
fender | i'll try mplayer then. | 06:49 |
fender | does mplayer play real player files? | 06:50 |
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crimsun | fender: if the codecs are installed, yes. | 06:51 |
crimsun | mplayer pretty much plays anything. | 06:51 |
fender | what codecs? where would i get them from? | 06:52 |
fender | is it win32 codecs? | 06:52 |
crimsun | did you follow the restricted codecs instructions on the wiki? | 06:52 |
fender | no. | 06:52 |
fender | should i? | 06:53 |
crimsun | of course | 06:54 |
crimsun | the wiki and -user mailing list archive should be the second things you refer to after the documentation, which is always the first. | 06:54 |
kleedrac | crimsun: Morning dude ... how are ya? | 06:55 |
crimsun | not bad, busy at work. Yourself, kleedrac? | 06:55 |
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kleedrac | Just woke up :) | 06:55 |
RuffianSoldier | Ubuntu's upgrades are much safer and more stable than Debian repos (What I have noticed) Anyone else noticed the same thing? | 06:55 |
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zAo^ | RuffianSoldier, I donnot agree tot that | 07:01 |
kleedrac | crimsun: I think I found the error in the strace ... it's looking for /home/kleedrac/downloads/mybackground-properties-0.0.1/NONE/share/locale/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/mybackground-properties.mo but there's no such file on my filesystem :) | 07:01 |
jmaya | join #perl-php on irc.perl.org | 07:01 |
zAo^ | jmaya, dont spam plz | 07:01 |
jmaya | I am sorry I hit paste in the wrong window | 07:02 |
jmaya | no harm intended. | 07:02 |
zAo^ | :) np m8 | 07:02 |
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maus | Okay, so. So I don't end up screwing this up, I'm reinstalling Windows on a partition for HL2/WoW goodness. Can I do that after I've installed Ubuntu, or should I rewipe, start anew, install XP, and then reinstall Ubuntu? | 07:06 |
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RuffianSoldier | hey Marianitu! | 07:07 |
Marianitu | hei | 07:08 |
Marianitu | :) | 07:08 |
OddAbe19 | hmmm... is synaptic broken in hoary | 07:08 |
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OddAbe19 | hmmm... is synaptic broken in hoary | 07:18 |
gsuveg | re | 07:19 |
Ribs | OddAbe19: You gonna repeat that _every_ ten minutes? | 07:19 |
OddAbe19 | sure... why not? :-P | 07:20 |
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Ribs | OddAbe19: Okay, thanks, I'll add you to ignore now. | 07:21 |
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bagpuss | anyone have any idea how I'd go about adding a "trusted key" so apt doesn't whine at me? | 07:30 |
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bagpuss | ah, got it | 07:33 |
bagpuss | gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --recv-keys 1DB114E0 | 07:33 |
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da_bon_bon | hi all | 07:35 |
cenerentola | ciao | 07:35 |
da_bon_bon | bronson: hi, are you here? | 07:35 |
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da_bon_bon | anyone here alive? | 07:36 |
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da_bon_bon | anyone here alive? | 07:36 |
linux_mafia | yep | 07:36 |
linux_mafia | yep | 07:36 |
da_bon_bon | linux_mafia: hi. i have some networking issues. can u help me? | 07:37 |
linux_mafia | da_bon_bon, maybe? whats up? is it ubuntu related? | 07:37 |
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gsuveg | da_bon_bon: ask | 07:39 |
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da_bon_bon | linux_mafia: its ubuntu related. i conect to internet using cable modem, which is my eth0 device. i configured it in network-admin. now, it takes a looong time for firefox to "resolving host" and ping does not give any response | 07:39 |
da_bon_bon | gsuveg: ^ ^ ^ | 07:39 |
linux_mafia | da_bon_bon, you use dhcp? | 07:40 |
HcE | da_bon_bon: seems like your missing a gateway perhaps? | 07:40 |
HcE | or dns | 07:40 |
da_bon_bon | linux_mafia: no i dont use dhcp. its all manually configured | 07:40 |
da_bon_bon | HcE: no i have right dns and gateway too | 07:41 |
linux_mafia | da_bon_bon, does the file /etc/resolv.conf contain your name servers? | 07:41 |
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da_bon_bon | linux_mafia: yes. cat chows them | 07:41 |
linux_mafia | ok | 07:41 |
da_bon_bon | also, i have this same problem http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7873&highlight=810 | 07:41 |
da_bon_bon | linux_mafia: any solution? | 07:41 |
da_bon_bon | gsuveg, HcE: any solution? | 07:42 |
linux_mafia | da_bon_bon, sorry im not really familiar with cable modems, we do not have them in new zealand | 07:42 |
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da_bon_bon | linux_mafia: think of it as a network device | 07:42 |
HcE | da_bon_bon: that was my tip for you | 07:42 |
linux_mafia | da_bon_bon, no shit, do they have ips of their own? are they similar to dsl modems? | 07:43 |
da_bon_bon | HcE: i have a static ip | 07:43 |
da_bon_bon | linux_mafia: static ip | 07:43 |
da_bon_bon | in knoppix i used netcardconfig, but its not here in ubuntu | 07:44 |
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linux_mafia | is your card up? output of ifconfig is ? have you tried another cable to connect the device? | 07:44 |
da_bon_bon | also, how do i find a file browser, like konqueror? nautilus shows only home dir, nothin else | 07:44 |
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da_bon_bon | linux_mafia: i am under win32 currently. | 07:45 |
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darren | Anyone around to help? | 07:45 |
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derf | anyone know where I can find gnome sharp packages for ubuntu? | 07:55 |
linux_mafia | which sharp packages exactly? | 07:56 |
linux_mafia | or all | 07:56 |
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derf | any, really | 07:57 |
derf | i'm trying to put together a simple gnome# app | 07:57 |
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Brikkah | I used pppoeconfig to configure my pppoe connection on a live cd, but then when i try to access site, it constantly says resolving blabla.com, what to do ?? | 07:58 |
linux_mafia | well for me to get beagle running, i needed some from cvs, and just got others from universe repo, | 07:58 |
zerokarmaleft | derf, gnome-sharp is included in gtk-sharp | 07:58 |
derf | error CS0006: Cannot find assembly `gnome-sharp.dll' | 07:58 |
zerokarmaleft | derf, did you compile with -pkg:gnome-sharp? | 07:59 |
gsuveg | how can i join to rosetta ? | 07:59 |
gsuveg | im very newbie today | 08:00 |
darren | I have downloaded a .deb file, how do I installer it by command line? | 08:00 |
derf | hmm | 08:01 |
gsuveg | darren: dpkg ? | 08:01 |
derf | zerokarmaleft, that seems to have worked | 08:01 |
derf | zerokarmaleft, i was doing "mcs gnomehello.cs -r gnome-sharp.dll" | 08:01 |
linux_mafia | derf, ignore him, gtk-sharp is in package libgtk-cil, and gnome-sharp is in libgnome-cil | 08:01 |
darren | gsuveg, what's the command? | 08:01 |
gsuveg | darren: sorry. i dont know now | 08:02 |
gsuveg | darren: man dpkg | 08:02 |
derf | ok, well, i got my gtk-sharp helloworld to compile and run, but my gnome-sharp helloworld errors out when I try to run | 08:05 |
derf | i'm thinking a coding error, though. | 08:05 |
derf | thanks for the help | 08:05 |
Brikkah | I used pppoeconfig to configure my pppoe connection on a live cd, but then when i try to access site, it constantly says resolving blabla.com, what to do ?? | 08:06 |
derf | ok, yea, i had a space in my appid | 08:06 |
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greg7589 | now my keybord is in french cool | 08:14 |
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greg7589 | Ubuntu is very very cool I love it | 08:14 |
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olimar | Hi all I'm trying to install beagle on my ubuntu system using the wiki help everything worked fine but it asks for gecko-sharp any idea from where I can get this? | 08:14 |
greg7589 | I'm using Free znd I haven't a,ything to do to get online it's so cool | 08:15 |
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zerokarmaleft | olimar, beagle uses gecko-sharp-0.6 iirc | 08:16 |
olimar | is there some deb pack for it? | 08:16 |
olimar | or fo I have to compile it? | 08:16 |
olimar | do | 08:16 |
linux_mafia | zerokarmaleft, can you stop telling people the wrong thing please | 08:16 |
zerokarmaleft | don't think there's a package for it yet | 08:16 |
linux_mafia | olimar, its in package libgecko-cil | 08:17 |
olimar | ah great! | 08:17 |
olimar | thanx mafia | 08:17 |
mrd | Anyone know what the plans are for Mark Shuttleworth's responses to the /. interview questions are? (It's been over a month and a half.) | 08:17 |
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olimar | and gnome-sharp ?! :/ | 08:18 |
olimar | (excuse me...) | 08:18 |
linux_mafia | olimar, its all on the wiki man | 08:18 |
zerokarmaleft | linux_mafia, all you have to do is politely correct me, i qualified my statement with IIRC for a reason | 08:18 |
olimar | ok | 08:19 |
linux_mafia | zerokarmaleft, i said please | 08:19 |
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swampie | Hello? | 08:21 |
zerokarmaleft | linux_mafia, it's blam that needs gecko-sharp-0.6 | 08:21 |
zerokarmaleft | i knew i ran into that problem somewhere | 08:22 |
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darren | How do I burn an audio cd? | 08:24 |
swampie | Got Ubunto on covermount need help please? | 08:24 |
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wasabi_ | Anybody know if it's possible to install a linux kernel module without being prompted? | 08:32 |
wasabi_ | About an existing directory, etc. | 08:32 |
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patricko | darren: I use k3b, it's a KDE app but it works also in gnome | 08:38 |
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patricko | darren: another nice tool is burn, it's a python script and works from console, don't know if there is a good recording tool for gnome | 08:38 |
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ivar | q: when mounting a USB drive, the permissions seem in order, but the filesystem is mounted readonly.. how can I enable writing ? | 08:41 |
mitch_ | when i load a kernel module manually, where can i see the output? | 08:41 |
cenerentola | usb drive with ext2? | 08:41 |
ivar | cenerentola, i think it's fat32 | 08:42 |
cenerentola | how can it be mounted read only? | 08:42 |
cenerentola | ivar: try -o umask=000 | 08:42 |
ivar | cenerentola, mount says "usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)".. which is odd. | 08:43 |
patricko | ivar: what USB device is it? Maybe you have locked it, I mean write protected it | 08:43 |
cenerentola | ivar: mount -o umask=000 /dev/sda1 /yourpath | 08:44 |
cenerentola | ...mmm no...sorry | 08:44 |
ivar | patricko, it's a neuros ( http://neurosaudio.com ) | 08:44 |
Yakfisher | patricko: does k3b work well with gnome? | 08:44 |
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patricko | Yakfisher: yeap, I use it | 08:44 |
Yakfisher | sweet :) | 08:44 |
mrd | k3b's one of the few KDE apps I can tolerate. | 08:44 |
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Yakfisher | its the one i miss | 08:45 |
patricko | ivar: ohhh, I wanted to buy one of them some time ago, but they selled only in the USA :( | 08:45 |
cenerentola | ivar: how much for yours? | 08:45 |
ivar | mine was $500 CDN | 08:45 |
ivar | patricko, there are resellers that will ship internationally now | 08:45 |
patricko | ivar: how does the broadcast feature work, well? | 08:45 |
ivar | patricko, i honestly haven't had a chance to try it much | 08:46 |
ivar | and I haven't been able to sync from linux | 08:46 |
patricko | ivar: mary christmas!!! | 08:46 |
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ivar | patricko, you too :) | 08:46 |
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patricko | ivar: ohh I read on a debian news letter it should sync nicely | 08:46 |
ivar | patricko, it looks promising, but for some reason the device switches to read only | 08:47 |
ivar | i'm a linux newbie, so I'm not sure how to debug this. | 08:47 |
ivar | but when I open a shell and go to the device.. it's readonly that way too | 08:47 |
ivar | (which is why I'm asking here instead of #neuros ;) | 08:48 |
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patricko | what are the permissions of the directory in which you mounted the device? Is it readonly even for the root user? | 08:49 |
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LLM | im a total linux n00b, how do i install it. i downloaded the ubuntu installation ISO and i burned it as a bootable disk, and when it loads caldera dos, it freezes when i try to run the ISO | 08:50 |
LLM | what do i do? | 08:50 |
Cube-ness | LLM, are you booting off of the cd? | 08:51 |
LLM | yes | 08:51 |
Cube-ness | what do you mean when you say, 'try to run the ISO'? | 08:51 |
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ivar | ok, i unmounted the drive and followed cenerentola 's mounting advice | 08:52 |
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LLM | afaik, it boots fine because it loads caldera DOS, and i typed DIR and the only file is the ISO image, when i typed this in, it says its a bad command or filename and freezes, i then need to restart | 08:52 |
patricko | ivar: and did it work? | 08:53 |
ivar | so things are working differently now.. normally i mount as myself, but now it's mounted as root (at least all th efile permissions are set to root.root) | 08:53 |
LLM | i dont really know how to use DOS, ive been a windows user ever since i got a PC, but windows sucks ;) | 08:53 |
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ivar | patricko, testing.. (looks like it) | 08:54 |
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Cube-ness | LLM, one thing is for sure...it shouldnt be booting caldera dos | 08:54 |
LLM | hmm | 08:54 |
LLM | maybe i should just order a CD and see if that works | 08:55 |
LLM | thanks for you help tho | 08:55 |
s0cks | When Hoary comes out, will I automatically be shipped a copy of the CD because of my status in the CD Order database? | 08:55 |
Cube-ness | are you sure its caldera dos? | 08:55 |
LLM | ya | 08:55 |
Cube-ness | who the heck did you get dos on the cd? | 08:56 |
Cube-ness | how | 08:56 |
^SilenT^ | Cube-ness, Caldera... wasn't that something related to linux? I think he just gets a console or something. | 08:56 |
LLM | all i did was burn the ISO that i got from the download page on ubuntus site as a bootable CD | 08:56 |
s0cks | ogra_ : Msg me when you get back | 08:56 |
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will_ | anyone good with beep music player here? | 08:57 |
Cube-ness | LLM, does it say DOS or are you just confusing linux console with dos? | 08:57 |
LLM | it says that its loading Caldera DOS after i boot from CD, it then looks exactly like a normal command prompt | 08:57 |
LLM | like i said, im new, i dont know anything about linux | 08:58 |
LLM | i could be wrong | 08:58 |
Cube-ness | LLM, and are you sure youre booting off the cd? you shouldnt see an .iso file if you list the contents of the cd | 08:58 |
Cube-ness | heh | 08:58 |
^SilenT^ | on a side-note. I just tried booting from the cd, worked, gotten that install menu, chose my language and country and after that nothing happens. | 08:58 |
^SilenT^ | haven't bothered checking it out right now, not much time. | 08:58 |
Cube-ness | did you burn the iso as an image of just write the iso file to a cd as a file? | 08:58 |
LLM | well it cant be booting from my HDD because its formatted | 08:58 |
LLM | i wrote it as a file i think | 08:59 |
Cube-ness | well thats not right | 08:59 |
^SilenT^ | and probably made the cd a bootable one. | 08:59 |
^SilenT^ | ? | 08:59 |
thenuke | :I | 08:59 |
Cube-ness | LLM, what did you use to burn it? | 08:59 |
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LLM | Nero Express | 08:59 |
Cube-ness | you need to burn it as an iso/image file.. | 09:00 |
Cube-ness | i am guessing that nero has some funky 'make bootable with caldera dos' feature, which isnt what you want | 09:00 |
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LLM | i see | 09:01 |
LLM | ill try and burn it the proper way, i think i know what i did wrong | 09:01 |
Cube-ness | if i am not mistaken, you should be able to right click the iso file and select 'write to dics' | 09:01 |
Cube-ness | disc | 09:01 |
Cube-ness | at least i seem to recall doing that in windows..who knows | 09:02 |
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LLM | nah | 09:02 |
LLM | i cant | 09:02 |
LLM | its burning right now | 09:02 |
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nyk | whats the difference between main, restricted, and universe | 09:03 |
nyk | ?? | 09:03 |
mrd | Licensing and support. | 09:04 |
LLM | done burning brb | 09:04 |
melazyboy | ... and code maturity | 09:05 |
mrd | Is code maturity involved in the decision? | 09:06 |
LLM | ffs, my PC must not want to convert to linux, im getting no signal to my monitor, the cable is plugged in proper | 09:07 |
mrd | I thought main is stuff Ubuntu officially supports and maintains and is Free, restricted is stuff they semi-support but isn't always free, and universe is just a snapshot of Debian Unstable. | 09:07 |
LLM | does ubuntu support booting from a USB HDD? | 09:07 |
melazyboy | by my understanding universe is a 6month old ghost of debian sid, main was based on what they wanted to support which was in part based on time resources and maturity | 09:08 |
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LLM | brb, im gonna see if my CD boots properly on this PC | 09:09 |
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melazyboy | in addition universe is also compiled by debian org, and main is compiled by ubuntu devs | 09:09 |
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will_ | which debian version (STABLE, TESTING, UNSTABLE) is ubuntu warty on? | 09:09 |
melazyboy | STABLE | 09:09 |
melazyboy | =D | 09:10 |
melazyboy | will_ its the ubuntu equiv of debian stable (woody) i should say | 09:10 |
darksatanic | will_: As I understand it, it's a snapshot of parts of unstable from about July, stabilised. | 09:10 |
melazyboy | where as hoary is the equiv of debian 'unstable' | 09:10 |
darksatanic | The Ubuntu development model doesn't match the Debian one at all. | 09:10 |
mrd | Ubuntu's on Unstable I thought. | 09:11 |
melazyboy | no the debian one makes sense in theory and doesn't work, the ubuntu one makes no sense in theory but we expect it to work =/ | 09:11 |
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mrd | Er, based on Debian's unstable. | 09:11 |
Wibbler | no its not, ubuntu is based on a 2.6 kernel - woody is still on a 2.2 - sarge is based on a 2.4 | 09:11 |
will_ | okay, has anyonecompiled rhythmbox with xine here? | 09:11 |
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Wibbler | I had a go at running the live version on virtual pc on a mac and it ran perfectly, but the warty install set the video up diferently and cocked virtual pc up | 09:14 |
Yakfisher | will a near future ubuntu release let me listen to bbc radio without having to download stuff from all over the place? Burning cds easily would be nice tooo. Is this in pipeline? Other than that i love it :) | 09:14 |
will_ | yakfisher: what do you use to get the bbc radio player? | 09:15 |
Yakfisher | installing mplayer at the moment. totem just comes up with error messsages | 09:16 |
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nyk | ok so what repository should you use | 09:17 |
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Ad__ | Hello, i'm trying to install Ubuntu 4.1 on my old Omnibook 4150 (256 MB Ram PII 333 MHz..) the installation seems to stop after "Scanning for cd-roms". Not the Harddrive led nor the CD-rom led blinks. I have tried with 2 different CDs. Any sulotions? | 09:19 |
Yakfisher | i think the bbc want lots of linux feedback on what works. I could get radio on suse but even that was a bit wacky sometimes | 09:19 |
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credativ | where can I find a list of packages that is included in lates gnoppix release? The closest i saw on the website is: "on CD" well... that kinda defeats the purpose. | 09:27 |
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perb | oops pardon the nic | 09:27 |
nyk | does the new gnoppix livecd have an installer? | 09:28 |
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Yakfisher | nite all | 09:29 |
perb | they really dumbed down the website.... I can't even tell if it has, say tetex-extra. which is essential for me. | 09:29 |
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perb | "Ubuntu contains essentially all of the packages available in the Debian repositories," wow gee wiz | 09:31 |
Ad__ | I pressed alt+F4 and the prompt keeps spitting out "/cdrom/dists/stable/Release :Not a direcory Warning *** bad d-i Packages file" left to this it says "Date.. (none) user.info anna[4268] " | 09:32 |
perb | what is so damn hard about including ONE dpkg -l text file on their website | 09:33 |
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imka | hi | 09:33 |
andy__ | hello | 09:33 |
andy__ | i'm not to sure of what i am doing! first time on IRC! | 09:34 |
georgia | hi andy__ | 09:34 |
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imka | i'm gonna install ubuntu for my gonnabefatherinlaw, but i don't see a dsl app in the default package selection. | 09:34 |
perb | try pppoe or pump | 09:35 |
andy__ | if you got a DSL modem with ethernet connection it should work | 09:35 |
andy__ | hi georgia | 09:35 |
Josephus | pppoeconf | 09:35 |
imka | andy__ currently he has to log in everytime he wants to go online (win xp) | 09:35 |
andy__ | i used to have to do that with BTBroadband but the the dsl modem with router can be setup to log itself in | 09:36 |
andy__ | thats how i am online now come to think of it | 09:36 |
perb | does anyone have a "dpkg -l" output file for the latest gnoppix live CD? | 09:36 |
imka | so it should work if the dsl modem is connected through ethernet? | 09:37 |
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andy__ | imka__ the DSL modem has a network port on it, into that is a wireless accesspoint and then i am connected using a DLINK wireless card on my Ubuntu Laptop! | 09:37 |
perb | ok how bout, this, can anyone confirm whether there is tetex-extra and emacs on latest gnoppix live CD? | 09:37 |
imka | andy__ sound good | 09:37 |
andy__ | imka__ yes it should but be careful what u buy. make sure its DSL you need not cable | 09:38 |
imka | it's already set up. i just have to install ubuntu | 09:39 |
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andy__ | can u just explain what have set up already? how it works for windows and what is plugged in to what? | 09:40 |
imka | i'm not there right now | 09:41 |
imka | brb | 09:41 |
andy__ | ok | 09:41 |
andy__ | so does everyone here use Ubuntu as their main OS? | 09:42 |
andy__ | Does anyone know an easy way to search for and connect to wireless networks | 09:44 |
andy__ | i have been using IWCONFIG but it wont let me scan, and i have to know the ESSID to connect to it | 09:44 |
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darksatanic | andy__: iwlist scan | 09:45 |
Josephus | andy__: iwlist scan | 09:47 |
Josephus | oh i'm late :) | 09:48 |
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andy__ | iwlink scan through up an error saying resource was unavailable and then kicked me off my wireless network | 09:50 |
andy__ | and iwconfig showed the ESSID remained but it was no longer connected to the access point | 09:51 |
andy__ | which is annoying | 09:51 |
cenerentola | can someone help me.. i need a good tutorial for setting up a print server.. | 09:51 |
Josephus | andy__: you mean iwlist scan | 09:51 |
andy__ | yeh, sorry that! | 09:51 |
andy__ | i did type that in! | 09:51 |
Josephus | iwconfig -v | 09:51 |
andy__ | what does the -v do? | 09:52 |
Josephus | prints version information | 09:52 |
=== andy__ [~andy@host81-155-241-222.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andy__ | hello again | 09:57 |
andy__ | my wireless network keeps shutting down and i have to reboot to get it to start again | 09:57 |
andy__ | does anyone know how i can fix it to stay on? | 09:58 |
|QuaD| | ubuntu-keyring... what is it? | 09:58 |
Josephus | andy__: we can't read your mind | 09:59 |
Josephus | so be a littlebit more specific | 09:59 |
andy__ | sorry | 09:59 |
andy__ | erh | 09:59 |
Josephus | chipset, dirver, kernel | 09:59 |
andy__ | well i its a DLINK G650 wireless card connected to a linksys access point. no WEP on it and its infrastructure | 10:00 |
Ribs | hrm | 10:00 |
Ribs | what package do I need to play .wmv files? | 10:00 |
=== imka [~imi@chello080109076233.14.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
imka | what ports do i need to open for skype if any? | 10:00 |
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andy__ | the card was picked up by ubuntu straight away and is called ath0 | 10:01 |
andy__ | i am just looking for its chipset | 10:01 |
Simira | imka: Skype wont work with GnomeMeeting, it doesn't use the h232 protocol | 10:01 |
Josephus | Ribs: check out the mplayer howto in the forums | 10:01 |
=== AtnNn [~atnnn@dsl-129-239.aei.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andy__ | i am on the default ubuntu 386 kernal at the moment on a celeron laptop | 10:01 |
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Simira | are there any decent free English - <languages> dictionaries for linux? English - Norwegian, preferrable? | 10:02 |
andy__ | i dont know what driver it loads :s | 10:02 |
=== warty [~warty@82-41-147-99.cable.ubr04.glen.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
imka | Simira i don't really care about gnomemeeting. lot of my friends have skype. do i need to open a port? | 10:03 |
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Josephus | andy__: it's gonna be a prism | 10:03 |
imka | any1 using skype? | 10:03 |
Josephus | http://support.dlink.com/faq/view.asp?prod_id=357&question=General%20Wireless | 10:03 |
Josephus | see that page | 10:03 |
Josephus | there are 2 revs | 10:03 |
andy__ | it uses Atheros AR5212 / ath_hal i think | 10:03 |
andy__ | ok thanks | 10:03 |
Baz | Im having trouble installing ubuntu, whenever I boot the install CD it freezes, sometimes before the language selection sometimes duirng sometimes after, but generally a few seconds after the Cd begins to boot it freezes | 10:03 |
Josephus | 2 different chipset, maybe you're using the wrongone? | 10:03 |
Simira | imka: should stand on the Skype pages, then | 10:04 |
Baz | ive tried the livecd, works fine and the Cds I have install fine on another system | 10:04 |
Baz | is this a known issue? | 10:04 |
andy__ | http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=9 is the one i have | 10:04 |
andy__ | i think | 10:05 |
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Josephus | andy__: you said g650, now you're showing me a b card | 10:05 |
wasabi_ | Does anybody know if Ubuntu's dhclient sends the hostname with DHCP requests? | 10:06 |
andy__ | no i got the wrong page, its a G | 10:06 |
andy__ | i'm looking for one to find which version it is | 10:06 |
Josephus | so again, which revision? | 10:06 |
Ad__ | Is it possible to get the installation-files via internet aka net-install as in Debian? | 10:06 |
Josephus | it must be on the card imho | 10:06 |
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andy__ | which involves pulling it out an another reboot! | 10:07 |
Simira | are there any decent free English - <languages> dictionaries for linux? English - Norwegian, preferrable? | 10:07 |
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mitch_ | Hi | 10:08 |
mitch_ | I can't get my wlan card to run | 10:08 |
mitch_ | it always says it cannot load the firmware, but that's in place | 10:08 |
Josephus | http://madwifiwiki.thewebhost.de/wiki/FrontPage | 10:09 |
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=== andy2 [~andy@host81-155-241-222.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andy2 | Josephus its hardware ver2 and firmware 3.1.6 | 10:12 |
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andy2 | /etc/network/interface | 10:14 |
andy2 | shows this | 10:14 |
andy2 | iface ath0 inet dhcp | 10:14 |
andy2 | name Wireless LAN card | 10:14 |
andy2 | wireless_essid linksys | 10:14 |
andy2 | auto ath0 | 10:14 |
andy2 | is that anyuse in working out why it cuts out? | 10:14 |
omalley | this is probly a stupid question, but does warty have a gui printer config tool? | 10:15 |
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andy2 | yes it does | 10:17 |
andy2 | system config the Printing | 10:17 |
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omalley | oh brother, gotta get use to the computer menu | 10:18 |
omalley | didn't even look there | 10:18 |
omalley | i'm just use to the gnome foot | 10:18 |
omalley | tks andy2 | 10:18 |
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andy2 | no problem! | 10:19 |
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olimar | Any idea about a "gtk-sharp" deb for ubuntu? | 10:20 |
=== scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ad__ | okey, Now i managed to start in safemode from the live cd. Is it possible to install the system on the hard drive from here? | 10:22 |
makaveli | does anybody know how to fix the error that says " the attempt to mount a file system with type resiserfs in IDE2 master, partition #2 () at / failed"? | 10:23 |
makaveli | i can't figure this out | 10:23 |
makaveli | i tried different filesystem and they all give me the same error | 10:23 |
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scoon | makaveli, what other fs' have you tried? ext2 | 10:24 |
makaveli | yep and ext 3 | 10:24 |
scoon | and still get the same error ? | 10:25 |
makaveli | yep | 10:25 |
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makaveli | it just changes | 10:25 |
scoon | makaveli, is the bios "seeing" the drive correctly ? | 10:25 |
makaveli | it should | 10:25 |
makaveli | how would i doube check | 10:25 |
scoon | makaveli, you need to restart and maybe hold down the delete key, it kinda depends on the bios | 10:26 |
makaveli | yeah i know how to get into bios | 10:26 |
makaveli | but where in the bios would i check | 10:26 |
scoon | makaveli, all right then check it out. | 10:26 |
=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scoon | makaveli, it is different for different bios' | 10:26 |
makaveli | so then what am i looking for | 10:27 |
scoon | makaveli, dunno. i would make certain that the bios has the drive cof'd correctly. | 10:27 |
makaveli | yeah it does | 10:27 |
scoon | makaveli, like if the size is correct and what not. | 10:27 |
makaveli | yeah it is all right | 10:27 |
scoon | makaveli, it couldn't hurt to double check. | 10:27 |
scoon | makaveli, is this a new drive ? | 10:28 |
makaveli | nope | 10:28 |
makaveli | it is an old drive | 10:28 |
scoon | makaveli, so it just started doing this out of the blue ? | 10:28 |
makaveli | i used to have gentoo on it and then erased that to install this | 10:28 |
makaveli | and now it won't let me do the partitioning | 10:28 |
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scoon | makaveli, i used to have gentoo as well and I had no problems re-formatting my drive. | 10:29 |
makaveli | i don't know what is going on | 10:29 |
AtnNn | after setting my network settings, it asks for a password and then i cant start any applications (X wont let them connect). why is that? | 10:29 |
makaveli | i also have xp pro | 10:29 |
scoon | makaveli, what are you running now. | 10:29 |
makaveli | nothing | 10:29 |
makaveli | when i deleted gentoo | 10:29 |
scoon | makaveli, that sux. xp is crap. | 10:29 |
scoon | makaveli, do you have partition magic or a knoppix disc handy ? | 10:29 |
makaveli | it took the bootloader with it and now i can't even get into windows | 10:30 |
makaveli | i know how to fix that | 10:30 |
scoon | makaveli, that is a good thing. you really don't need windows anymore. | 10:30 |
scoon | makaveli, what are you using now to chat w/ | 10:30 |
scoon | makaveli, is this another compy ? | 10:30 |
makaveli | another computer | 10:30 |
scoon | ah | 10:30 |
scoon | makaveli, do you have a knoppix cd ? | 10:30 |
makaveli | no | 10:30 |
scoon | makaveli, i would try either re-installing ubuntu again | 10:31 |
scoon | makaveli, or i would get a knoppix disc and check the drive w/ qtparted | 10:31 |
makaveli | that is what i am trying to | 10:31 |
makaveli | do | 10:31 |
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scoon | makaveli, and it fails | 10:31 |
makaveli | they drive is fine i just checked it with gentoo | 10:31 |
makaveli | disk | 10:31 |
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scoon | makaveli, have you ever used this ubuntu disc for installing anything else ? | 10:32 |
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makaveli | nope | 10:32 |
scoon | makaveli, maybe the disc is bad | 10:32 |
makaveli | the disk should be fine | 10:32 |
scoon | makaveli, or maybe the dl is corrupt | 10:32 |
scoon | makaveli, should ?! | 10:32 |
makaveli | yeah | 10:32 |
scoon | makaveli, well something is not correct | 10:33 |
makaveli | gentoo was running on it and so was xp | 10:33 |
bigtony | question anyone know how to clear out the .Xauthority file and make a totally new one cause i believe mine is messed up cause when i try to run x11vnc thru ssh i keep getting Xlib connection:0.0 refused by server | 10:33 |
=== RuffianSoldier [icechat5@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
scoon | makaveli, so gentoo disc checks the drive out ok | 10:33 |
makaveli | how would i check the filesystem just to double check | 10:33 |
makaveli | yeah it partitione fine | 10:33 |
makaveli | with gentoo | 10:33 |
scoon | makaveli, moneyshit says the drive is all ok | 10:33 |
scoon | makaveli, the disc is ok | 10:33 |
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scoon | makaveli, look i think then the iso you have is shit. | 10:33 |
scoon | makaveli, try and get another one | 10:34 |
makaveli | i can try that | 10:34 |
makaveli | how would i check the iso image on a windows system | 10:34 |
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scoon | makaveli, that is what i would do, if i was certain my hardware was ok | 10:34 |
makaveli | is there a program to do that in windows | 10:35 |
scoon | makaveli, do what ? | 10:35 |
makaveli | check the md5sum on the iso image to make sure it isn't corrupt | 10:35 |
scoon | makaveli, i dunno i haven't used winhell since win98 | 10:35 |
makaveli | oh ok | 10:36 |
scoon | maybe F1 or google could help you | 10:36 |
makaveli | thanks tho i will try to download a new copy and see if that works | 10:36 |
=== RuffianSoldier is now known as RuffianSoldier[A | ||
Ad__ | Still wondering if I can install Ubuntu from the live cd? | 10:36 |
omalley | Ad__: don't know for sure, but i wouldn't think so | 10:37 |
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Ad__ | damn. I realy want Ubuntu, but I get an error that it can't read from the CD after some initalizing things.. Probably my CD-rom that's fucked up :( | 10:38 |
bigtony | is there a way to kee gnome from running? what i mean is this i have noticed that if i do a session and run fluxbox and then i run vncserver it displays the gnome desktop so obviously gnome is running is this normal? | 10:38 |
Ad__ | "/cdrom/dists/stable/Release : Not a directory Warning *** bad d-i Packages file" left to this it says "Date.. (none) user.info anna[4268] " :/ | 10:39 |
Nominus | hm...why there's no ieee80211_crypt_wep, ieee80211_crypt_ccmp and ieee80211_crypt_tkip on the installation CD while there's an wireless encryption key option in the installation program? | 10:41 |
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Nominus | did you just forget to put it in or there's another way to make ipw2100 and ipw2200 work with encrypted connections? | 10:43 |
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moquist | oh, s*!#. I just blew away my extra backup-y partition with all its data by not paying attention during an Ubuntu reinstall. | 10:48 |
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confrey | hi everybody | 10:52 |
moquist | confrey: hey. not much going on in here atm. | 10:53 |
confrey | is there in ubuntu's gnome the Debian menu? I can see the menu items in /usr/lib/menu, why doesn't The debian menu appear in gnome's menu? | 10:53 |
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littlepenguin | try the gnome panel config app | 11:01 |
=== Nivlem [~Nivlem@cs2427123-66.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nivlem | Howdy....what is the default application for creating reiserfs filesystems? I thought it would be mkreiserfs? | 11:03 |
Agrajag | mkfs.reiserfs | 11:04 |
littlepenguin | mkreiserfs works too | 11:04 |
Nivlem | Agrajag,littlepenguin: K thanks...is it not installed default? | 11:05 |
=== andred [~andre@h76n4fls310o1120.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Agrajag | yes, it is. | 11:05 |
Agrajag | Are you sure you have /sbin and /usr/sbin in your $PATH? | 11:05 |
sivang | doesn anybody get low throughput from archive.ubuntu.com ? about 20Kbits | 11:07 |
littlepenguin | Nivlem: try a whereis mkreiserfs. then note the path to mkreiserfs. then do set | grep "PATH". then see if the folder where mkreiserfs is is in the path | 11:08 |
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tritium | I wonder if I'm the first to defend his thesis using ubuntu... | 11:10 |
littlepenguin | how | 11:10 |
=== Qerub [qerub@h141n2fls303o1100.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Qerub | Anyone file like uploading a PO template of gnome-panel to Rosetta? | 11:10 |
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=== djtansey [~djtansey@djtansey.student.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JStrike | Anybody have any solution to the NVidia/XOrg issue that has cropped up in the last couple of days? | 11:12 |
JStrike | With Hoary, that is | 11:13 |
djtansey | anyone here know how to transfer files from ubuntu to a palm? | 11:13 |
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Nivlem | littlepenguin: Thanks..I got it.. | 11:13 |
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tritium | JStrike, what issue? | 11:14 |
MyMimi | Hello | 11:14 |
tritium | I'm running Xorg with my nVidia GeForce with no issues that I'm aware of. | 11:15 |
littlepenguin | djtansey: try gnome-pilot | 11:15 |
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JStrike | tritium : Well, X wont start. The error message mentions incompatible version numbers with the NVidia kernel | 11:15 |
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=== Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | JStrike, sounds like you updated your kernel without updating restricted-modules or something like that. | 11:15 |
JStrike | tritium : Everything is up to date | 11:16 |
littlepenguin | jstrike: kernel version? | 11:16 |
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djtansey | littlepenguin: i have gnome-pilot working .but i don't see how i can transfer files to a palm device | 11:17 |
JStrike | littlepenguin : | 11:18 |
tritium | JStrike, linux-image-2.6.9-1-686 and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.9-1-686 ? | 11:18 |
tritium | JStrike, that's not the lates. | 11:18 |
tritium | latest. | 11:18 |
littlepenguin | sorry, djtansey. i'm not @ my ubuntu machine. i'm at a location with only a winblows machine. doing this from mIRC | 11:18 |
=== Killian [~fsckitup@dpc67143222143.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
djtansey | littlepenguin: no worries. i'm looking into the stuff included with pilot-link -- seeing whether pilot-xfer works for me | 11:19 |
Killian | ehlo..... | 11:19 |
Killian | is 4.10 aka Warty? | 11:19 |
littlepenguin | as for me, djtansey, a good search of all the menus sometimes works for me | 11:20 |
littlepenguin | yes, killian | 11:20 |
Killian | cool.... | 11:20 |
Killian | now.....question.. | 11:20 |
Killian | anyone installed on PPC yet? | 11:20 |
candyman | where is the mozilla install directory in Unbuntu (trying to install flash player) | 11:20 |
littlepenguin | me! me! | 11:20 |
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tritium | Killian, yep | 11:20 |
Killian | slick....howd it like it? and will it go onto rdisk0 partition? | 11:21 |
Killian | im tryin to keep my osx partition | 11:21 |
andred | candyman, Just put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins (create that directory) | 11:21 |
littlepenguin | you can install flash from the apt-get | 11:21 |
littlepenguin | I belive so, killian | 11:21 |
tritium | Killian, dont' know...I had previously wiped out everything on drive and installed debian. | 11:21 |
littlepenguin | look in the installer menu | 11:22 |
candyman | thanks | 11:22 |
littlepenguin | and now, a little thing called a survey. what wm/de do you like/use | 11:23 |
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tritium | candyman, dpkg -L mozilla-browser | 11:25 |
tritium | will list the files in the package "mozilla-browser" | 11:25 |
candyman | thanks | 11:26 |
=== knot [~kopfkz@D5E09888.kabel.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
candyman | the installer keeps asking for the right path, andred. just creating a home/.mozilla/plugins does not cut it | 11:26 |
Killian | littlepenguin: you did a 2nd partition install? or you think its possible | 11:26 |
Killian | hold C button on reboot i know..... | 11:27 |
andred | candyman, Don't use the installer. Just copy the .xpt file and the .so file. I don't remember their names. | 11:27 |
candyman | ok | 11:27 |
candyman | will do so | 11:27 |
andred | The files are libflashplayer.so and flashplayer.xpt | 11:28 |
littlepenguin | yes, i did do a 2nd partition install. w/ a 40gb hd, i made about 28 gb for OSX. the after osx was installed, i launced ubuntu's installer and out of the 12 or so gb of free space, i made a reiser partition and installed ubuntu | 11:28 |
littlepenguin | for those interested, this on imac g3 600mhz 40gb hd 256mb ram | 11:29 |
Killian | cool littlepenguin | 11:29 |
tritium | JStrike, did you get the latest kernel installed? | 11:29 |
=== Killian is gonna do a dualboot on a G4 Dual 533 / Dual monitor | ||
candyman | andred, it just worked | 11:30 |
candyman | thanks | 11:30 |
candyman | (I had found the files by myself in the tar.gz) | 11:30 |
Killian | ty littlepenguin ....i'll be back when i get things up n runnin again | 11:31 |
littlepenguin | it should work on a g4 533. only prob might be the dual monitors, though. what's the gfx card?\ | 11:31 |
=== MikeGTN [~mike@greatnorthern.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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scizzo | MikeGTN: going to fosdem this year? | 11:34 |
scizzo | next year I mean | 11:34 |
MikeGTN | scizzo: when is it? during February again? | 11:34 |
scizzo | 26 to 27th I think | 11:35 |
=== Gnurdux [~Gnurdux@pcp04399704pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gnurdux | just curios, does ubuntu have a custom built kernel, or is it the same as the Debian kernel for that version? | 11:37 |
Ribs | Gnurdux: I think it's custom made | 11:37 |
=== miggumike [~mike@nat01-starkey-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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stuNNed | when in the FSCK will ubuntu unstable ship moz-thun 1.0? :D | 11:41 |
moquist | ai ai! just reinstalled warty, added universe and changed sources.list to hoary. | 11:43 |
moquist | did apt-get update, started 'upgrade', stopped it to get k3b first. | 11:44 |
stuNNed | moquist ooka mumba jumba wumba | 11:44 |
moquist | apt-get install k3b broke, and now apt-get -f install (which I was told to run) also breaks. | 11:44 |
moquist | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.3.2-1ubuntu2_all.deb (--unpack): | 11:44 |
moquist | trying to overwrite `/usr/share/mimelnk/application/vnd.stardivision.calc.desktop', which is also in package openoffice.org-mimelnk | 11:44 |
moquist | the upgrade wasn't installing packages when I stopped it; it was still downloading, so I didn't think it would hurt to stop it and install k3b first. | 11:45 |
Qerub | moquist: remove openoffice.org-mimelnk or force overwrite | 11:45 |
=== MoisesC [~moi@9.Red-213-96-165.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Mestapheles [~Faust@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== paulproteus [~paulprote@roc-24-93-18-228.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
moquist | Qerub: do I do apt-get -f install --force-yes? | 11:47 |
Qerub | Rather: dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.3.2-1ubuntu2_all.deb | 11:47 |
tritium | or --force-overwrite | 11:48 |
Qerub | Of course :) | 11:48 |
sulkd | you know what the definition of irony is? | 11:48 |
moquist | Qerub: thanks; the dpkg command worked. | 11:49 |
sulkd | Ubuntu using bugzilla to have us report bugs in | 11:49 |
=== moquist needs to get a handle on apt | ||
sulkd | and bugzilla's interface is just stupid | 11:49 |
Qerub | sulkd: Sorry, I don't see the irony. | 11:49 |
sulkd | it's almost impossible to find the bug you're searching for, because it only has a search aspect, no browsing aspect. And the search engine is weak | 11:49 |
sulkd | Qerub, asking out to fill out bugs in a buggy bug tracker? | 11:50 |
sulkd | s/out/us | 11:50 |
=== scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Qerub | sulkd: Well, uhm. OK. | 11:50 |
sulkd | what good's a bug tracker if you can't make sure you find the bug you're having before entering it? | 11:51 |
moquist | Irony is in the eye of the beholder, which is certainly not where *I* would expect to find it. | 11:51 |
sulkd | I mean.. google doesn't ask me whether the bit I'm looking for is located in a form or a table or whether it's a <h1></h1>.. it just finds what I'm looking for | 11:51 |
sulkd | and also.. having to squint through the entire list of supported components, while the search form just shows us 4 entries at a time.. and yet the bug entry form is much nicer you just start typing the thing and it shows you possibilities | 11:53 |
sulkd | </rant> | 11:55 |
=== mroth [~mroth@c-24-7-101-45.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu |
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