
king_arthurtux_: suprnova down? that's bad news12:00
bluefoxicyajmitch_:  Such as https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/JUSNAnalysis  https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ProactiveSecurity  https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=437412:00
speelyep but exeem is in the workings12:00
ajmitch_bluefoxicy: aha12:00
ajmitch_bluefoxicy: I just read some of those pages a few minutes ago :)12:00
bluefoxicyajmitch_:  There have been people working on security hardening Gentoo.  Those efforts are also being focused on Debian by another project.  They're also targetting Ubuntu12:01
bluefoxicyajmitch_:  I'm very interested in this stuff, so I've been watching them :)12:01
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ajmitch_bluefoxicy: I'm interested in selinux integration work12:01
|QuaD-selinux integration?12:02
|QuaD-i thiunk i came in mid conversation12:02
bluefoxicyajmitch_:  I'm not really much interested in an enterprise-class SELinux policy, but I'm not opposed to it if it's done well enough that it doesn't put 5 more layers of visible cruft in front of the user12:02
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bluefoxicyajmitch_:  I think if there is an SELinux policy, there should at least be an option to give sysadmin_t role automagically if you su or login to root; of course, strictly speaking, this may not be the best idea (I am not an access control expert though).  I'm very lazy though :)12:03
bluefoxicyI don't want to talk about access control; I have no experience with SE/GR/RSBAC/LIDS, nor formal training, so I have nothing interesting and insightful to offer.12:04
ajmitch_even the strict policy allows direct transition to sysadm_t on login by root12:04
ajmitch_getting that working with sudo, su is more fun12:04
bluefoxicyajmitch_:  SE-X?12:04
speeldamn i cant login to the ubuntu site12:04
bluefoxicyspeel:  nor I12:04
ajmitch_fedora core 3 has a targetted policy that just limits certain daemons12:05
speeli forgot my pw and for some reason it times out when i try to reset it12:05
ajmitch_SE-X is being worked on, afaik12:05
bluefoxicyajmitch_:  interesting12:05
bluefoxicyajmitch_:  I'm fairly certain that the most painful is going to be getting PaX integrated :)12:05
ajmitch_if PaX is selected as the way to go12:06
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bluefoxicyit's easy enough, except it's ubiquitous and will break incompatible third party software12:06
bluefoxicyof course, the breakage rate is very very low12:06
bluefoxicybut it happens12:06
ajmitch_but certain things like JVMs can hiccup on PaX :)12:06
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bluefoxicyajmitch_:  easy enough to fix with chpax (or paxctl if they have PT_PAX_FLAGS in them; pipacs said he could wire up paxctl to clobber the PT_GNU_STACK marking and alter the ELF header to change it to PT_PAX_FLAGS, since PT_GNU_STACK is useless under PaX)12:07
gpledi am trying to learn more about ubuntu.  looking at inittab, it looks to me, that ubuntu starts at runlevel 2.  is that correct?12:07
tomchukgpled: yup12:08
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bluefoxicyajmitch_:  the problem is that some things that break under PaX are outside ubuntu's main distribution.12:08
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ajmitch_and if they work on other distros, people will blame ubuntu12:08
bluefoxicyPersonally I think that since so few things actually have problems with PaX, that it'd be more rewarding to just enable full pax, hardmode, mark what breaks in Ubuntu's world, fix what you can, and let third party developers handle their own sih.t12:08
bluefoxicyWe're talking something liek 20 out of several thousand packages12:09
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bluefoxicyajmitch_:  I actually wrote to the Kaffe list and told them how to do a JVM functional under full PaX :)12:10
bluefoxicyhttp://www.kaffe.org/pipermail/kaffe/2004-October/099938.html  There it is.12:10
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bluefoxicyajmitch_:  I think the first concern is going to be SSP though, not PaX.  You read the USN analysis I did, right?  40% of bugs (NOT including kernel bugs) were buffer overflows12:12
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bluefoxicyerr, 40% of *exploitable* bugs :)12:12
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bluefoxicy. . . 40% of USNs involved exploitable bugs based in buffer overflows.  THERE.12:12
ACID|netwhats PaX?12:13
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bluefoxicyACID|net:  proper handling of the NX bit, and emulation of the NX bit on x8612:13
Cyberjamesubuntu livecd rocks12:14
bluefoxicyyes, very much  ;)12:14
ACID|netahh, thats why i aint hard of it :)12:15
ajmitch_bluefoxicy: yes, I just watched on irc an online talk by a hardened debian developer12:16
ajmitch_he was talking about these various things12:16
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ACID|nethhmmm, too many machines on,  got this one, laptop and ubuntu one12:19
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ajmitch_you call that too many? :)12:19
ACID|netfor me yeah ;)12:20
ACID|neti usually only have this one12:20
bluefoxicyajmitch_:  yeah, trulux?12:20
bluefoxicyhe's the guy doing all the work :)12:20
=== ACID|net wishes he could develop....
ajmitch_bluefoxicy: yep :)12:23
PozacACID|net, you can. It's free, and not so hard.12:24
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ajmitch_bluefoxicy: I might end up helping out, at the moment I just use a bit of selinux stuff on debian sid12:25
usualI am using a livecd to try and reinstall grub on my disk hda, I am getting errors like "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly."12:25
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andrew_Can anyone answer me why on Ubuntu I can not run the resolution of 1280x1024?12:26
tux_andrew_, i missed the discussion... what system are you running it on?12:26
|QuaD-andrew_: are you sure your card is capable of it12:26
ACID|netusual: http://www.desktop-linux.net/grub.htm12:27
ACID|netlook at that12:27
ACID|netand check your doing it right12:27
andrew_very sure. I'm running an ATI 9600 XT12:27
andrew_in Windows and before I updated it worked.12:28
|QuaD-andrew_: did you configure your xfree config file right?12:28
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andrew_I should have.12:28
|QuaD-andrew_: post it online somewhere12:29
tux_sorry about that...12:29
tux_closed my tray app12:29
andrew_I'll upload it...12:29
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miausXhi! :)12:29
Pozacehlo :)12:29
miausXhiiii Pozac ! :D12:29
lexhiderandrew_: I installed a machine with that card, on setup I was given a list of resolution to select/deselect. 1024x768 was selected by default but 1280x1024 wasn't and I had to manually select it.12:30
andrew_That's not the problem12:30
Pozacre miausX :)12:30
andrew_I can't even select it.12:30
|QuaD-andrew_: where is your config file12:30
andrew_I have the choices of 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768.12:31
PozacRefresh rate set too high?12:31
miausXanybody uses screen?12:31
andrew_Hold on, |QuaD-.12:31
Pozacwhat monitor?12:31
crimsunmiausX: of course :)12:31
PozacmiausX, everybody uses screen12:31
andrew_The monitor supports 1280x1024.12:31
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|QuaD-i LOVE screen12:31
miausXcrimsun: do you know something about a status bar? :D12:31
siimoanyone know how long warty will be supported? like security updates etc12:31
miausXme too :D12:31
crimsunsiimo: 18 months.12:31
crimsunsiimo: says on the web site.12:31
ACID|netcrimsun: Is that after hoary or after relase?12:32
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crimsunACID|net: come again?12:32
crimsunsiimo: sorry, clarification: "at least" 18 months.12:32
|QuaD-andrew_: looks good to me12:32
|QuaD-did you check your logs12:32
ACID|net18 months after the next release or after warty's release12:33
miausXput this in your .screenrc:12:33
siimook thanks12:33
miausXhardstatus on12:33
miausXhardstatus alwayslastline12:33
miausXhardstatus string "%{.bW}%-w%{.rW}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %H %{..Y} %m/%d %C%a "12:33
|QuaD-andrew_: your xfree logs, see if they have any hints12:33
miausXand enjoy :D12:33
crimsunACID|net: 18 months following the october 2004 release of warty12:33
=== |QuaD- is wondering if the next release will come wiht a KDE release
miausXufff... I can't wait to hoary release... yum! :)~12:34
siimocrimsun, ?  thought its 18mths after the release of warty12:34
siimo"Each release is supported for at least 18 months."12:34
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siimoi think that means from when it is released12:34
miausX|QuaD-: me too, but I preffer E DR17 in hoary yum yum! :D12:34
|QuaD-E DR17?12:35
Pozacnever gonna happen12:35
miausXEnlightenment DR17 :D12:35
|QuaD-Pozac: :(12:35
|QuaD-miausX: oh12:35
miausXPozac: hey! I have my DR17 compiled from CVS in my warty right now! :D12:35
andrew_where would the logs be located |QuaD- ?12:36
|QuaD-andrew_: /var/logs12:36
crimsunsiimo: that's what I just said.12:36
=== |QuaD- is also waiting for nvu and sunbird :)
miausX|QuaD-: I have a txt about that, I can send it to you if you want :)12:36
|QuaD-about what?12:36
PozacmiausX, CVS != release :)12:36
Riddell|QuaD-: ubuntu won't but there should be a KDE ubuntu one day12:36
Riddell|QuaD-: canonical ubuntu won't but there should be a KDE ubuntu one day12:36
|QuaD-Riddell: i know12:37
PozacKDE Ubuntu *brr*12:37
|QuaD-Riddell: a boy can dream can't he?12:37
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crimsunwe should all beat up calc for defecting from kde12:37
ACID|netRiddell: But isnt it easy to install KDE? using apt-get?12:37
|QuaD-miausX: what do you have a text about?12:37
|QuaD-ACID|net: its not optimised though12:38
Riddellcrimsun: he hasn't defected that I know of12:38
miausX|QuaD-: I think nvu is available as precompiled binary: download, untar and execute (like firefox or thunderbird)12:38
|QuaD-miausX: yeah... it is12:38
andrew_in the logs file, when it tries to use the res I want it to, it says hsync out of range, any ideas?12:38
crimsunRiddell: maintainership or daily use? =P12:38
miausX|QuaD-: compiling, installing and upgrading DR17 from CVS12:38
|QuaD-andrew_: maybe your syncs are out of range12:38
andrew_and I guess I should reconfigure x86?12:38
|QuaD-miausX: i like ubuntu packages12:38
lexhiderandrew_: what monitor are you using?12:39
andrew_I have no idea.12:39
miausX|QuaD-: well... me too, but some packages are old, and I need the latest version12:39
andrew_But it is compatible with that res, I run that resolution in windows.12:39
|QuaD-miausX: you running hoary?12:39
|QuaD-andrew_: your syncs are off though12:39
miausX|QuaD-: no I don't, I'm in warty :)12:39
|QuaD-look up the syncs for your monitor12:39
|QuaD-miausX: i run hoary, new packages :)12:39
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miausX|QuaD-: hehehe, I hope upgrade to hoary in a few days, I can't do that right now :)12:40
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deadshellandrew_, my hsync is 30-9012:40
deadshellin /etc/X11XF86Config-412:40
siimodoes ubuntu detect other linux distros while setting up bootloader?12:40
deadshell*in /etc/X11/XF86Config-412:41
|QuaD-miausX: i like hoary12:41
|QuaD-miausX: though it breaks often12:41
miausXoh :(12:41
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tux_siimo, yea12:41
miausX|QuaD-: bad thing, I need a distro rock solid12:41
crimsunhoary seems ok right this instant12:41
tux_i have 6 including ubuntu on my other laptop12:41
miausXtux_: O.o12:41
ACID|nettux_: Why??12:42
|QuaD-crimsun: right now it is good :)12:42
andrew_i think I'll just reconfigure xconfig12:42
starman12trying to help friend get his 56k modem to work in linux..its a LTwinmodem for which im trying to install the driver via: sudo dpkg -i lt*.deb..it starts and looks like its going to install but errors out near end iwth : unable to find /etc/modprobe.conf ????12:42
|QuaD-andrew_: you probably need to set the syncs manually12:42
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tux_andrew_, look up model of monitor on google12:43
siimobrb going to do a fresh install of ubuntu12:43
andrew_I did.12:43
andrew_and the horizontal syncs are 30-87.512:43
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miausXoh!!! good news! --> "Patrick Volkerding is back, feeling much better"12:44
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miausXI was a slackware user... good times (but not better than Ubuntu :)12:45
|QuaD-anyone here use mozilla suite?12:45
miausX|QuaD-: no, sorry :S12:45
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nyktovushow do i add something to a menu?12:47
aerudermiausX: really??12:47
aerudermiausX: awesome12:47
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miausXaeruder: well, slack is a good distro for a server, but you know... ubuntu (installed with custom)... hum! :D12:50
eruinazureus is pretty damn nice12:50
eruinperfect gtk2 integration if I ever saw a java app do that12:50
aerudermiausX: yea, i know... but its good to hear he is back12:50
XenguymiausX: they don't tell what really happened tho12:50
aeruderi'm not a slack fan in any way :)12:50
tux_eruin, yea, but if there are no torrents to get12:50
eruinI've got lotsa torrents to fetch ;)12:51
tux_suprnova had to go by-gy12:51
eruinsuprnova always sucked anyway ;)12:51
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kebacI have never used any linux before, only BSD:s. I want to try some linux on my desktop. Could Ubuntu do it?12:51
miausXkebac: what bsd?12:51
eruinkebac, ofcourse ;)12:51
eruinubuntu is the mother of all linux desktops12:52
aeruderkebac: yep12:52
kebacmiausX: NetBSD and FreeBSD12:52
nyktovushow can i make my login face use a logo?12:52
nyktovusor a picture?12:52
miausXkebac: you'll love Ubuntu :D12:52
kebacmiausX: right :)12:52
kebaci will give it a try12:52
miausXkebac: I have FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE installed into my slave disk... I don't boot in FBSD since months :D12:52
kebacmiausX: i have BSD:s only on servers, windows on desktops12:53
miausXkebac: well... If you like build all from source etc etc, maybe gentoo is your choice12:53
kebacmiausX: once had Freebsd on desktop, too bad HDD broke down12:53
miausXaha, oks :)12:53
eruinnyktovus, check System -> Settings -> Logon picture12:53
lexhiderkebac: IMHO the *best* linux distros to use are either debian or ubuntu, they are very closely related.12:53
nyktovuswheres that?12:54
jon1012has anyone used the last xfce rc2 under ubuntu ? :)12:54
Pozacnyktovus, You need to choose a gdm theme with a chooser..12:54
kebacmiausX: i want everything just to work without scratching my head too much:)12:54
nyktovusi dont have a system menu12:54
jon1012(compiled from source)12:54
eruinlexhider, for desktops, I'd say ubuntu or gentoo12:54
starman12does anyone know if they are working on getting better 56k modem support in ubuntu ?12:54
eruinubuntu is more of a desktop-focused debian12:54
miausXkebac: yep, Ubuntu is a VERY GOOD desktop, and why not, an excelent server (distrowatch.com replaces a debian woody by FBSD, but Ubuntu was here too)12:54
ACID|netis gentoo really hard to install??12:54
lexhiderkebac: I've used openbsd, freebsd, netbsd, gentoo, mandrake, redhat, fedora.12:54
nyktovusit has a chooser, my little login face is some dudes shadow with a question mark for a nose12:54
starman12ACID|net, generally yes UNTIL you've done it a few times12:55
miausXACID|net: in my opinion, yes12:55
eruinACID|net, not really.. YMMV ofc12:55
Pozacin my opinion no12:55
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miausXkebac: oh, well... Ubuntu is for you :)12:55
ACID|netif u read the handbook is it ok?12:55
eruinACID|net, yeah12:55
starman12gentoo IMO is way overkill for the GAIN12:55
eruinactually my gentoo runs like a breeze12:55
crimsunI love Gentoo.12:55
kebacmiausX: ok :)12:55
starman12and its NOT going to attract suzie homemaker anyway..so I say ubuntu rules..and we do want new users right ? <G>12:56
miausXACID|net: well... the handbook is wonderful, but I preffer install FBSD, no gentoo :)12:56
crimsunThe file manager, that is, not the distro, though I suppose the distro ain't half-shabby either.12:56
ACID|neti want to have ubuntu, gentoo, slackware, freebsd on my machine12:56
eruinI just use ubuntu because I'm the apt-get dist-upgrade-every-day kind of user, and recompiling my entire system every other day isn't my cup of tea ;)12:56
crimsunwell, get to it, ACID|net. Xen's a free download.12:56
miausXeruin: lol12:57
starman12eruin, I think MOST would agree with you...12:57
kebaceruin: i completely agree12:57
eruinother than that, gentoo is wonderful12:57
kebacin BSD:s i like that they dont need to be upgraded as often as linuxes do12:57
eruinubuntu has a much friendlier community though ;)12:58
PozacNow appreciate that fact or we'll bash you good.12:58
miausXACID|net: well, my experience: slackware (a very good distro, simple, rock solid, excellent server, but with few packages ready to install), gentoo (good distro, but I preffer ports from FBSD, the same but better)12:59
lexhiderkebac: you don't have to upgrade woody very often.12:59
Pozaclexhider, When did you last upgrade your woody?12:59
lexhiderthat sounds a bit like a personal question.01:00
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kebaclexhider: actually i have never seriously even tried linux on my own machines.. but my friend uses linux and he upgrates his OS's almost daily01:00
Pozacit is. :)01:00
ACID|netwhats a good way to get to know a lot of distros? after installation?? Install a few packages, what else?01:00
Pozacls -l ?01:00
eruinkebac, sounds like he's following the development branch01:00
miausXACID|net: well... run services :)01:00
miausXPozac: loooooooooooooooool01:00
|QuaD-now here is my question, how different is using firefox, thunderbird, and sunbird then just using the mozilla suite?01:00
miausX|QuaD-: what is sunbird?01:01
Pozac|QuaD-, much!01:01
miausXoh oks :)01:01
|QuaD-Pozac: why?01:01
kebaceruin: he maintains quite a large web site...01:01
eruin|QuaD-, well, afaik the mozilla suite is dead01:01
ACID|netmiausX: Like what??? Apache, mysql etc?01:01
lexhiderquad: not a great deal, just a clean UI .01:01
Pozac|QuaD-, like debian and ubuntu ;)01:01
eruin|QuaD-, it's almost like comparing opera to using firefox/thunderbird though01:01
aerudermozilla suite is not dead01:01
|QuaD-eruin: its not dead01:01
eruinmozillas default browser is firefox, anyway01:02
Pozac|QuaD-, mozilla is the old stuff that helped create the architecture, firefox, thunderbird and sunbird are made for the people :)01:02
miausXACID|net: apache, mysql, vsftpd, bind, cups, samba, sshd, postfix, squirrelmail, dhcpd, ntpd, and iptables :D01:02
|QuaD-Pozac: I don't think you are right, from my understanding, sunbird is jsut a standalone mozilla calc01:02
|QuaD-and same with thunderbird01:02
eruin|QuaD-, yes. in mozillasuite you get everything, while the birds and foxes are standalone things01:03
miausXACID|net: it's only an idea... run services = install packages, fight with configuration files, compile the kernel... etc01:03
Pozacso they finally merged?01:03
lexhiderquad: sunbird is still a fair way away from a 1.0 unlike firefox and thunderbird.01:03
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eruinwho merged?01:03
|QuaD-eruin: so... what is the advantage to the birds?01:03
kebacme and your mother01:03
Pozacfirefox and mozilla?01:03
|QuaD-lexhider: right01:03
eruinas of 1.001:03
ACID|netmiausX: So get them setup on one distro, check its all working then do it all over again with another??? (more or less)01:03
Pozacall for the better i suppose01:04
eruinwhich is why firefox is splashed all over mozilla.org front :P01:04
PozacACID|net, any old hardware lying around?01:04
miausXACID|net: oh, well... I don't know... :)01:04
ACID|netP120, 16mb and a 166, 64mb01:04
miausXACID|net: it was only an idea :)01:04
PozacACID|net, so make that work01:04
miausXACID|net: yuuuuuuuum! good server :D01:04
Pozacwith all the distros01:05
tux_ACID|net, Damnsmall will work on it01:05
|QuaD-eruin: so mozilla suit has firefox and thunderbird?01:05
miausXuse it as a gateway, firewall...01:05
tux_i have one running hre01:05
ACID|nethmmm, if i remember correctly freebsd is running apache on it01:05
ACID|netwhich i did last year01:05
ACID|netbut i cant fully remember01:05
miausXtux_: I have feathe linux installed in my usb stick :D01:05
eruin|QuaD-, no01:05
|QuaD-eruin: i meant the equivalent01:05
curvycomI'm fairly new to linux, using Ubuntu, can anyone suggest a good gui daemon manager?01:05
eruin|QuaD-, mozilla _suite_ is the same old mozilla browser / mozilla mail, etc01:05
eruinbut the browser focused on by mozilla is now firefox01:06
|QuaD-so mozilla suite is old?01:06
miausXcurvycom: hum... I use console + vim... but did you try webmin?01:06
PozacI never quite understood why services-admin was left out.01:06
eruinI think theres a roadmap or something on mozilla.org that explains that01:06
|QuaD-eruin: i was looking for something01:06
|QuaD-couldn't find anything01:06
|QuaD-imho, thunderbird and sunbird should be seemlessly integrated01:07
Pozacimho, I don't care.01:07
PozacEvolution takes the cake.01:07
|QuaD-Pozac: i didn't like evolution01:07
|QuaD-i like kpim :(01:07
eruinI think firefox,thunderbird and sunbirds main seelingpoint is that theyre standalone01:07
curvycommiausX not yet, but I'm a newbee as I say.  THis system is great tho, it does every thing I need on my laptop.  I just thought a GUI based daemon manager might be a good learning tool for me.01:08
miausXhum, imho evolution has too much things, I like thunderbird (more simple)01:08
eruinwhile if you really must have a monolithic environment, you use the suite01:08
|QuaD-eruin: yeah.... but i want my contacts integrated with my calendar, no?01:08
eruinand thunderbird/firefox has some cross-functionality if I'm not mistaken01:08
eruinerr integration I mean01:08
lexhiderthunderbird is OK but it SUCKS for reading mailing lists.01:09
miausXmutt rocks! ;)01:09
eruinthat's what I saw on the stuff installed on windows here until I ripped that out and installed ubuntu for my old daddeh01:09
|QuaD-lexhider: what do you reccomend01:09
=== BradB [~bradb@modemcable046.50-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
eruingmail is perfect for lists ;P01:09
|QuaD-gmail is great... it gets a copy of all my email for backup01:09
miausXyep :D01:10
|QuaD-miausX: have you used nvu?01:10
miausXhum... yep01:10
|QuaD-do you like/01:10
lexhiderquad: if you're after gui, I haven't found any thing that fights all my needs, but I'm currently using evolution.01:10
|QuaD-lexhider: ohh ok01:10
Pozacfight that need, boy :)01:11
lexhidergmail is great for email but I can't comment on using it with mailing lists.01:11
miausX|QuaD-: well, I preffer txt2tags + vim :)01:11
=== |QuaD- like kpim... waiting for a gtk kpim (JUST KIDDING)
PozacI'm off.. sleep tight01:11
|QuaD-lexhider: it is great for mailing lists01:11
|QuaD-miausX: haha01:11
kebaci wonder how much gmail has HDD space...01:11
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lexhidergmail = 1gig01:11
|QuaD-you should start the port01:11
|QuaD-gmail=great.... google never ceases to amaze me01:11
kebaclexhider: yeah, but total for all users01:11
Pozackebac, enough. Its a cluster.01:12
miausX|QuaD-: hey! I only have to write a simple txt file (with a few tags) and I'll get an xhtml transitional document :D01:12
kebacPozac: i know that01:12
Pozacall hail google01:12
|QuaD-miausX: i don't know how to use it01:12
ctranyone got an ibook with external display working ?01:12
miausX|QuaD-: I use it to write documentation with latex output01:13
lexhiderimagine it's crazy growth if/when anyone can get an account.01:13
miausX|QuaD-: what? nvu or txt2tags?01:13
=== Cloudchaser [~Cloudchas@69-172-81-152.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
eruinthere 'tis ;)01:13
eruinFocus development efforts on the new standalone applications: the browser currently code-named Firefox, the Mozilla Thunderbird mail/news application, and standalone composer and other apps based on the the new XUL toolkit used by Firefox and Thunderbird. We aim to make Firefox and Thunderbird our premier products, and encourage extension authors and other ISVs to target these applications for their work as well.01:14
|QuaD-miausX: txt2tag...01:14
|QuaD-eruin: lemme look (seems logical name)01:14
eruin(almost get the feeling they're worried about yet another rename of firefox)01:14
miausX|QuaD-: aha, oks... give me a moment01:14
miausX|QuaD-: here it is: http://txt2tags.sourceforge.net/01:14
=== DigiKill [~Spike@dpc67143222143.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD-eruin: isn't it kind of counter intuitive not to make thunderbird a full pim?01:15
miausX|QuaD-: download the latest version, untar it and execute it, it's only a python script01:15
|QuaD-miausX: let me first read if i like it :)01:15
miausXin the tarball are documentation, samples, a menu for gvim, syntax color for kate, vim, emacs, nano... all :D01:16
DigiKillanyone usin a apple pro kb and apple mouse in here?01:16
lexhidereruin: I like following unix philosophy of doing one thing well.01:16
DigiKillhow the hell does one RIGHT Click in here...apple keys not workin01:16
miausX|QuaD-: of course! :))01:16
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|QuaD-miausX: seems interesting, yet a gui is easier01:17
eruin|QuaD-, pim?01:17
lexhidermiausX: what's the output like, e.g. could you edit the resulting html/latex by hand or is it ugly like your average WYSIWYG html editor.01:17
miausX|QuaD-: I know :D01:17
eruinlexhider, yeah :)01:17
miausXlexhider: no no, output is perfect! I write the txt with tags, later I have a tex document, output of txt2tags, and at last I edit the tex file with vim + latex-suite :D01:18
|QuaD-eruin: like evolution, personal information manager, keeps track of contacts, calendar, to do list and notes01:18
miausXworks perfect :)01:18
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miausXlexhider: oh! and if you want an indented html/xhtml document you can use tidy (and yes, it validates like xhtml transitional) :D01:19
lexhidercool, if you think it would be good in the archives you could suggest it at supported seed thing on wiki01:20
miausXlexhider: if you don't like the default packages for latex, you can add new packages... if you want to remove or replace the current default packages you can edit by hand the txt2tags scripts, is easy :)01:20
miausXlexhider: well, there is an ubuntu package, but it's txt2tags 1.7, a VERY old version (latest 2.1, has many new features)01:22
|QuaD-when is nvu going to make it to hoary???01:22
miausXI can write a doc in the wiki explaining how to download, setup and use txt2tags (the latest version)01:22
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|QuaD-miausX: you should01:23
miausXhahahaha oks :)01:23
|QuaD-but i still want a wysiwyg editor :)01:23
miausXi'll take note of that :)01:23
=== [Cliff] [~cpinto@195-23-214-215.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
miausX|QuaD-: for editing html files?01:23
|QuaD-creating simple ones01:24
miausXI only know three: bluefish, quanta and nvu01:24
[Cliff] hi guys... i'm trying to start a new thread on the 3rd party forum but i keep getting a "can't do that" message. any ideas?01:24
miausXoh! and anjuta01:24
|QuaD-miausX: yeah... i am planning on using nvu01:24
|QuaD-miausX: also OOo has one01:25
miausX|QuaD-: yep... hum, do you know bluefish?01:25
lexhidermiausX: I didn't realize there was a package already, it's in universe is it?01:25
|QuaD-miausX: i use that for php development01:25
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miausXlexhider: hum... yep, maybe, I have universe and multiverse enabled in my sources.list :)01:25
miausX|QuaD-: aha oks :)01:25
eruingedit is your friend :P01:26
miausXeruin: vim and gvim! of course ;D01:26
miausXoohhh... vim in my xterm with terminus font :D~01:26
miausXhum, time to sleep a bit, see you later! :)01:27
=== siimo [~siimo@siimo.user] has joined #ubuntu
siimohi can anyone tell me how to get Computer and Trash icon on desktop? and01:29
eruinvim? blasphemy01:29
siimohow to get the gnome desktop preferences in the "Main Menu"01:30
=== prak [~praveen@ip68-13-155-13.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
eruinwhats that package with w32 codecs named?01:30
|QuaD-i might give in and just install nvu from the binaries on their site when i go home :(01:33
siimook i got the first part .. id really like to get these desktop preferences in main menu i dont use this manu bar menu01:35
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ACID|netdoes Integrated Windows Authentication work on non-microsoft browers??01:35
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oaksiimo: you can use the gconf-editor01:36
alka_trashsiimo: open gconf-editor and do a search for trash01:37
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oakthe keys i think you are looking for are in /app/nautilus/desktop01:37
=== lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-84-168.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
siimoi got the trash part thanks01:37
siimobut i need to know how to add gnome desktop preferences to the main menu01:37
=== cardador [~jose@adslsapo-b4-33-74.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
praki need some help with DVD playback.. it was working when i first installed ubuntu.01:38
eruinw32codecs seems to be gone01:39
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oakdo you mean under "applications" instead of "computer"?01:39
siimooak , alka_trash AKA the stuff shown in gnome control center01:39
lexhiderprak: what app are you using.01:39
siimoim using the main menu (not menu bar(01:39
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oakin nautilus01:40
oaktype control + l and type "applications://"01:40
oaki think you can just add a launcher there01:40
siimolauncher to what?01:41
DigiKillanyone on Ubuntu w. a Mac?01:41
=== DigiKill is lookin for how the hell to RightClick stuff : no apple key working... :S
alka_trashI was thinking about putting ubuntu on an g3, but haven't gotten to it01:42
jdubmorning ajmitch_01:42
jdubthanks for the log mail01:42
jon1012 is there some geeks having geek codes here ? ;)01:42
DigiKillalka_trash: so far its nice on ppc....01:42
jon1012(just to know if people continue to use geek codes lol)01:42
alka_trashreally, what type of mac01:42
aerudergeek codes ?01:42
DigiKillDual 533 G401:42
sjoerdDigiKill: i've got debian on mine, but that's mostly the same01:42
alka_trashsounds great01:42
alka_trashany hardware problems01:43
sjoerdDigiKill: in ubuntu mmb and rmb are f11 and f12 by default iirc01:43
DigiKillsjoerd: have you got a regular mac mouse? im tryin to rightclick in Firefox to save/get wallpapers...01:43
jon1012mine is : GCS/IT/PA/SS/CC/AT d(++) s: a19 C++(++++)$>$ UL+++ P++ L++++ !E--- W+++ N++ o+ K-? w--- !O M-- V- PS++ PE- Y+ PGP++ t+ 5? X R+ tv+ b+++ D++ G++ e++ h! r% y++*01:43
DigiKillalka_trash: the only thing ive seen is the Adaptec SCSI card botches install01:43
DigiKillas far as hardware screwups01:44
oaksiimo: open the gnome help01:44
oaksiimo: there is a whole bunch in the desktop user guide (working with menus / customizing)01:45
sjoerdDigiKill: yeah apple mouse (well apple trackpad :)01:46
alka_trashdo the new hoary packages work?01:46
siimook thx01:46
alka_trashI guess I'll just have to wait01:47
speeli wouldent use hoary packes01:47
alka_trashthey are so fun though01:47
=== MrNaughty [MrNaughty@d199-126-25-30.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
speelto unstable01:48
alka_trashtrue, they are that01:48
speeli rember i upgraded my system to current it went poof01:49
crimsunalka_trash: hoary packages of what?01:49
alka_trashlast night I upgraded my xorg packages and xorg stopped working01:49
crimsunthat was fixed over 7 hours ago01:49
crimsunin 801:49
alka_trashI'm in the process of updating again01:49
lexhideralka_trash: should be fixed now.01:50
speelhoary is horrid as of right now01:50
aeruderyes it is01:50
crimsunactually, hoary works quite well _right now_01:50
aeruderpython is causing many probs :)01:50
speelhey um does any one have problems with the cd player? mine seems to have no sound01:50
aeruderwhich cd player?01:51
aeruderis it analog or digital ?01:51
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speelyou know when you put in a music cd in and the cdplayer program comes up01:51
DigiKillsjoerd: any clue on how to tweak either the KB or the apple pro mouse settings to make it Right Click?01:51
=== DigiKill hates runnin errors sometimes...
aeruderif its analog, you have to make sure you have your CD in your mixer controls is turned up01:52
DigiKilli set my KB to Macintosh_normal i believe in the KB settings so far...but i still dont have Apple or even Win button capabilities.01:52
aeruderand that you DO actually have a cable going from the analog out of your cd-rom drive going to your sound card01:52
alka_trashI'm back in X land :)01:52
speelits all up ;(01:52
sjoerdDigiKill: does cat /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/mouse_button_emulation  output 1 for you ?01:52
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DigiKillone sec...01:53
speeloo noo lol im just taking about when you pop in a music cd in to hear it on your comp01:53
aeruderspeel: i know...01:54
DigiKillyep sjoerd01:54
DigiKilloutput 101:54
aeruderspeel: some newer computers do not have the cd-rom drive connected to the sound card, and thus can only do digital extraction to play cds01:54
aeruderand most linux cd players will not do that01:54
speelit worked on slack01:55
aeruderspeel: what kernel you using?01:55
=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DigiKillwb alka_trash01:55
aerudertry running alsamixer and making sure your cd device is both unmuted (shouldn't have the MM at the top) and turned up01:55
alka_trashthanks, the colors are so bright01:55
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DigiKillyou in xchat vs. irssi or somethin?01:56
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speelyea =/ cd is all the way up01:56
alka_trashit was a small CLI adventure01:56
lexhideraeruder: do you have more than one CD drive? Have you successfully played a CD before on your setup.01:56
sjoerdDigiKill: and cat /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/mouse_button3_keycode01:57
DigiKillahh....my cli isnt set right colorwise yet....as i just got done reinstallin01:57
aeruderlexhider: sure01:57
=== DigiKill hates a white terminal
aeruderlexhider: and on one of my cds i can play analog, and one i have to play with digital extraction01:58
aeruderok, so everything is working in hoary right now?01:59
speel... weird lol gxine plays my cds01:59
DigiKillgxine?  i musta missed that one so far01:59
aeruderspeel: it probably uses digital extraction.. you can see if you adjust the pcm in your mixer and it adjusts the cd output01:59
aeruderthat means its using digital out01:59
aeruderif its adjusted by using the cd control in your mixer, that means its using analog and something with the default player is screwy :)01:59
speelah well02:00
sjoerdDigiKill: that's F12, so F12 should do rmb for you02:00
speelthanks ;)02:00
DigiKillsjoerd: you are the master.....TY02:00
DigiKillthats bugged me for a bit over 24 hrs02:01
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DigiKillanyone have any TCL compile problems yet?   i got errors trying to configure n make an eggdrop bot02:02
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=== you is now known as Amaranth
=== weinstein [Bob@client175.fsea1.hawkcommunications.com] has joined #ubuntu
speelman all these consoles running linux .. ps2,xbox lol they should try gameboy02:05
=== roo9 loves ubuntu
weinsteintrying to install 56k modem for friend in ubuntu ..dpkg -i ltmodem*.deb starts up fine but can't get past not being able to find : /etc/modprobe.conf..is there anything I can do to get around this ?02:05
DigiKilllol speel....that'd be entertaining02:05
speellol yea it would02:06
DigiKillweinstein: noclue on that one as modems and i have never gotten along on linux...or in general for that matter02:06
roo9weinstein: touch /etc/modprobe.conf02:06
=== DigiKill prefers nic anyday
roo9weinstein: that was a known-issue with the debian ltmodem, must have carried over to ubuntu02:07
prakok.. lexhider.. sorry i had to go away a bit02:07
praki am using xine02:07
speelis any of the ubuntu team in here?02:07
roo9root@season:~ # ping6 fe80::203:93ff:fee9:548402:07
roo9connect: Invalid argument02:07
prakand my DVD playback stopped working02:07
lexhiderdo you have libdvdcss2 installed?02:07
weinsteinroo9, so your saying its unlikely to work02:07
prakfor some reason02:07
DigiKillsjoerd: you ever do a kernel compile to use as virtual terminal?02:07
lexhiderdo you have correct /dev/dvd symlink?02:07
roo9weinstein: just create an empty /etc/modprobe.conf and it works fine02:07
roo9weinstein: with touch /etc/modprobe.conf02:08
=== speel wants a ubuntu shirt lol
prakyes for that too.. it points to /dev/hdc02:08
weinsteinroo9, I tried touching it but didn't work....02:08
prakwhich is basically my DVD+CDROM02:08
roo9weinstein: what's the error now?02:08
weinsteinroo9, I tried touching it ( I reached out man!) buit nada02:08
sjoerdDigiKill: don't understand what you mean, sorry02:08
weinsteinroo9, it just can't find the file thats all02:08
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lexhiderprak: warty or hoary?02:08
praki was coming to that02:08
roo9weinstein: touching the file creates the file... so it now will find it if you try again02:08
roo9weinstein: ls -l /etc/modprobe.conf02:09
prakit worked in warty02:09
weinsteinroo9, ie: sudo dpkg -i ltmodem*.deb..it starts up but can't find  modprobe.conf02:09
prakupgrade to hoary broke it i believe02:09
roo9did ubuntu ever send out the CD's they promised? I never got any....02:09
weinsteinroo9, well sadly I can't..i'm in  windows (ICK) atm so im a bit screwed on that front.so illl have to just try it again when i go back to ubuntu02:09
DigiKillsjoerd: a buddy of mine compiled up a slack kernel to use as an emulation of slack on his gentoo box : was just curious if you'd heard of anyone doing that...02:09
sjoerdroo9: i got mine02:09
lexhiderroo9: I got mine.02:09
roo9weinstein: yes, you will02:10
DigiKillroo9: i never got mine...been over 6 weeks now02:10
roo9i never got mine, it's been.. since ubuntu was first /.'ed02:10
lexhiderprak: I'm currently upgrading to hoary. but the deal with hoary is that you can expect stuff to be broken.02:10
weinsteinroo9, comforting LOL02:10
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sjoerdroo9: on the site you can get info about shipping iirc02:10
praki agree02:10
speelyea lol /. should stop killing sites02:10
roo9perhaps because I ordered alot.....02:10
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sjoerdDigiKill: an emulation of slack ?02:10
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DigiKillsjoerd: basically...to build off the kernel within his system02:11
weinsteinroo9, i'm pretty sure even after touching that I was getting : no such file or DIR on /etc/modprobe.conf..but if you are SURE im willing to reconnect the HD he uses for linux and try again..if your wrong i'm COMING FOR YOU02:11
DigiKillrather than a dualboot02:11
lexhiderprak: you might try mplayer which is a pretty good vid player.02:11
=== DigiKill shoulda phrased that better....
sjoerdDigiKill: you mean UML ?02:11
DigiKillcuz i got a debian kernel here, and the drive space to use it in now02:12
DigiKillthats it sjoerd....02:12
weinsteinroo9, lol02:12
weinsteinanyway...im going now...prepare for earthquake if this doesn't work <<02:12
sjoerdDigiKill: never used it02:14
billytwowillyanybody know anything about cigars?02:14
DigiKillsjoerd: cool...just checking : ty02:15
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roo9billytwowilly: /join #cigars02:18
billytwowillyroo9, cyberjames was in there but he left..02:19
billytwowillyroo9, noone else is there.02:20
Cyberjamesbillytwowilly: yes?02:20
billytwowillyroo9, told me to join #cigars  assume you know something about the fine art of smoking cigars?;)02:20
roo9billytwowilly: then /server irc.prison.net && /join #cigars02:20
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billytwowillyCyberjames, a montecristo in a cigar tube with a red top and with a purplish cigar wrapper thingy came into my possession recently. Is that a decent cigar, and if so how much is it worth?02:22
prakhmm.. well lexhider... the last time i tried to fix all this, i had reinstalled xine libxine1 etc...02:23
praki thought i tried then... it did not work.. but now it seems to be working ok02:23
roo9billytwowilly: not the channel for cigar talk.02:23
praknot sure what broke.. but reinstalling those packages fixed it...02:23
prakthe error i was getting was about an invalid MRL as one possibility and a pcm unlock function also reported failure02:24
prakwhatever it was is gone now!02:24
|QuaD-i finally broke down, installing nvu02:26
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imkahow do i restart the xserver? afaik there's some command02:31
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deadshellimka,  startx02:32
=== jedi [~mike@ppp196-76.lns1.syd2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
jedifor us heretics who want to play mp3s in warty, what's the best way of going about it?02:35
DigiKilljedi...i like xmms02:35
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derfanyone know how I can get mplayer installed under warty?  I've got universe and multiverse in my sources.list and i still can't apt-get install mplayer-686.  I'm looking at the debs in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/mplayer/ right now, but they don't install by hand cleanly02:37
jediDigiKill: thanks :)02:37
DigiKillno prob jedi.....i liked it cuz it was like winamp...only WAY more stable ;)02:38
punkrockguy318jedi, even better is beep-media-player02:39
jediheh, i use it as well on my other box, but i thought there were some 'mp3s are evil' stuff going on, which (while they are evil) wasn't really an inconveniance :)02:39
punkrockguy318jedi, it's xmms souped up with gtk2 and much more features02:39
jedii see... might take a look02:39
DigiKillpunkrockguy318: beep-media player huh?02:39
punkrockguy318jedi, but make sure you get the new version02:39
punkrockguy318jedi, the one in universe is old an buggy02:40
punkrockguy318DigiKill, yeah, check it out02:40
siimohow come i cant reduce or increase the number of workspaces in gnome??02:40
siimois this a ubuntu bug02:40
=== DigiKill is goin thru packages list anyways right now so i'll give it a look
punkrockguy318siimo, you can02:40
punkrockguy318siimo, right click on the workspaces in the corner02:40
punkrockguy318and hit prefernences02:41
jedisiimo: works for me.. :)02:41
siimopunkrockguy318, no matter what number i select they stay 502:41
siimostay 402:41
siimoi meant02:41
jediare you on warty?02:41
punkrockguy318siimo, odd02:41
jedivery odd02:41
siimowatry clean install02:41
siimohavent even installed any updates02:41
DigiKillvery very odd..02:41
DigiKilli just put mine up to 602:41
DigiKillon a fresh install today02:41
siimoif i change the row numbers then it gets spilt into rows02:42
siimobut workspace number wont change02:42
DigiKilltho siimo, did you do the ubuntu update during install?02:42
DigiKillahhh.....thats probly it...cuz i did the update durin install...02:42
DigiKillmine works fine :S02:42
siimoi dont think this will be broken in watry02:42
DigiKillim in a fresh install of warty myself02:43
=== cef shoots synaptic
DigiKilljust finished it an hour or so ago02:43
=== Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu
DigiKillbout 2 hrs ago....my bad02:43
=== jedi [~mike@ppp196-76.lns1.syd2.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu []
DigiKilltime flys when you're huntin for packages02:43
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Follettoitalian ?02:47
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siimook weird its fixed now02:49
siimoi removed gnome-applets and installed them again02:49
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grelliwhere do you change the window manager in gnome 2.8?02:51
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mike_douglas/desktop/gnome/applications/window_manager in gconf02:52
grelliwhy thank you mike_douglas02:54
billytwowillygrelli, Look at #lsd02:55
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hazmatanyone know how to get emacs keybindings in xchat? ctl-A moves to front of line, but i can get ctrl-k to copy and kill line.03:01
=== stuNNed [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
hazmataha.. nm just figured it out, there was some default keybinding for ctrl-k, removed that and it works03:02
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imkaany1 here?03:16
imkacause i wanna give out some gmail invites :D03:16
imkawho wants one?03:16
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speelhttp://www.speel3k.net/Screenshot.png :D03:19
imkapm me for gmail invitations!!!03:21
aeruderor pm me! or pm half the channel prolly, heh03:22
aeruderthere seems to be a surplus of gmail invites :)03:22
imkayea, it looks like03:22
imkai made the same call on #debian and i got one pm03:22
imkai have 8 left03:23
mdkeimka, make a channel for gmail invites03:23
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=== liquidboy [~liquidboy@222-152-128-239.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
liquidboycan anyone here be bothered answering some newbie qns?03:26
aeruderjust ask03:27
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liquidboythe synaptic package manager... is that supposed to be just for stuff already on your system?> i got the impression when my friend was showing it to me that it had access to online stuff...?03:28
=== lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-84-168.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
mdkeliquidboy, you can use it to install new software: it downloads and installs for you03:29
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liquidboyhmm, so when i doa search for xfce,technically it should come up with somehting?03:30
pepsihow can i safely get out of x?03:30
|QuaD|bittornado = broken on hoary03:30
pepsii dont have logout or shutdown menu items03:30
mike_douglaspepsi: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace03:31
mdkeliquidboy, yes that is right. But some programs are contained in repositories which are not enabled by default in ubuntu. Go to the wiki (address above) and search for the synaptic howto03:31
=== whatah [~nnzohar@ool-435422a4.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
mdkenot exactly the safest way03:32
whatahhey, it seems that my ubuntu install CDs don't work very well, they mess up on unpacking packages03:32
whatahthey burned fine, but during installation it's a no go03:32
whatahanyone have a similar problem, or do you think it's the media i am using?03:32
liquidboyanother one... what direcotry are the apps installed into by default? i've been trying to find the firefox plugins direcory but cant (and the find/search does nothing at all, which is also kind of strange)03:32
mdkewhatah, some people have reported problems which disappear when the cd image is burned at a slower speed03:33
speelive had problems with the cds they sent me03:33
whatahmdke: so, that was a real problem? thanks03:33
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imkaany1 playing ut2004? i have no sound03:34
mdkeliquidboy, most things like that can be stored both at a system level, and at an individual user level. So for the firefox plugin you can look in /home/matt/.mozilla/firefox etc (substituting your user name for "matt")03:34
=== lexhider [~lexhider@dip-220-235-84-168.vic.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jlundI have a question about the Universe components. When I activate them through Synaptic, refresh, and mark updates it finds 42 packages to modify. Without Universe repositories enabled it says my system is fully up to date. Why is this? I'm running Hoary.03:35
liquidboyi think i need some *really* basic starter documentation. the ubuntu starter's guide is a little over my head03:35
=== Hikaru79 [~Hikaru79_@d57-4-59.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
mdkeliquidboy, try the faqs03:36
aeruderliquidboy: sounds like you need just some general linux instruction?03:36
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liquidboyim used to windows/beos, so you can imagine ... :)03:36
mdkejlund, seems that the packages you need to update are all in the universe repository03:36
aeruderliquidboy: well, first rule is that every app will have user settings in your home directory in a hidden file/directory (or at least -most- apps)03:36
liquidboyso /home/*hidden directory* ?03:37
aeruder /home/username/*hidden directory*03:37
=== billytwowilly [~chris@S0106000c413a2c0c.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
aeruderdo a ls -a to see all files/directories03:38
mdkehidden directories begin with a "."03:38
aeruderhidden files in linux are just things that start with a .03:38
imkadoes any1 have an idea why i don't have sound in ut2004?03:38
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billytwowillyIs there something more powerful than running halt as root?03:38
imkait uses openal and i have it installed03:38
billytwowillyI did that and the box isn't going down.. This has never happened before.03:38
aeruderimka: are there any messages when it starts?03:38
aeruderbillytwowilly: what is it stuck on?03:39
aerudergenerally you can get scripts that hang when shutting down03:39
aeruderif you want to -force- a reboot03:39
billytwowillyjust has "System is going down for a halt now!" Then nothing.03:39
aeruderoh... hrmm03:39
aeruderbillytwowilly: any bad messages in dmesg?03:39
aeruderbillytwowilly: also, sometimes, the shutdown messages show up on a different console03:39
billytwowillyit's nfs03:40
aeruderso if you hit alt-f? it'll show up somewhere else03:40
billytwowillynfs not responding.03:40
billytwowillyso how do I force it to shutdown?03:40
billytwowillyhalt -whatgoeshere?03:40
aeruderif you want to do a total immediate shutdown?03:40
billytwowillyI want it to shut down...03:40
billytwowillyNot wait for nfs server03:40
billytwowillyJust turn itself off.03:41
liquidboyhow come when i search for a file i know is there, it says it isnt?03:41
mdkebillytwowilly, can you kill the nfs service?03:41
aeruderwell, kill the nfs stuff03:41
ZotnixI think that just reboots without doing anything03:41
ZotnixAt least the one time I tried it.03:41
aeruderZotnix: that will leave all his filesytems dirty...03:41
aeruderbut yes, that will do it03:41
aeruderif you want to shutdown instead of reboot immediately, you do a03:41
aeruderpoweroff -h -i -f03:42
aeruderpoweroff -h -d -i -f  is better03:42
billytwowillynothing is happening..03:43
billytwowillyfark it.03:43
jlundI have a question about the Universe components. When I activate them through Synaptic, refresh, and mark updates it finds 42 packages to modify. Without Universe repositories enabled it says my system is fully up to date. Why is this? I'm running Hoary.03:43
billytwowillyI'll just pull the plug.03:43
mdkejlund, did you not believe my answer?03:43
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billytwowillyjlund, you installed some packages from universe when you were running warty?03:43
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jlundOh mdke I didn't see it03:44
jlundBilly - no03:44
mdkejlund, it just means that you need to update some packages03:44
jlundThe packages are not in Universe though03:45
mdkeall of which are in the universe repo03:45
mdkethey are to be newly installed or updated?03:45
jlundMount for example says it needs to be updated when I have universe turned on but is not marked for an upgrade when universe is turned of03:45
jlundThese are all packages that are already installed03:45
mdkeoh thats interesting03:46
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Zotnixnever pull the plug03:46
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp01471558pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
imkahow can i set gnome to use dsp1 instead of dsp for sound? everytime i start an app, it tells me that /dev/dsp no such device. and i have no sound in ut200403:47
ZotnixDoesn't that cause the head thing to crash into the disk causing damage?03:47
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jlundmdke - yes it shows the latest as 2.12k without Universe and then 2.12l with Universe03:48
imkacan i link dev/dsp to dev/dsp1?03:48
imkahow can i set esd?03:49
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jlundlibswfdec0 is at 0.2.2-5 but when I go to Universe it says the latest is 0.2.2-703:50
jlundAny reason for this?03:50
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jlundCan someone running Hoary please tell me what the latest available version of "mount" is and why I see 2.12k without Universe enabled and 2.12l with Universe enabled?03:53
=== MrNaughty [MrNaughty@d199-126-25-30.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Hikaru79If you have the source of a program and compile it (./configre, make, make install), you can delete the source folder with all the stuff you downloaded, right?03:57
bob2if you want03:57
bob2but do you have a plan for how to uninstall the software later?03:57
jlundTake a look at Checkinstall03:58
bob2checkinstall is in universe03:59
=== occy wonders if he should try ubuntu on his laptop again.
occyI've used it on my desktop now for eons, but had issues last time I tried.04:00
mdkei was thinking of taking it off my laptop04:00
imkadoes any1 know how i make esd to use /dev/dsp1 instead of dsp? i have no /etc/esd.conf04:00
bob2occy: please file bugs!04:00
occybob2: heh Everytime I file a bug, noone seems to care about it.04:00
bob2occy: e.g.?04:01
Hikaru79My bugs get answered immediatly =D Ubuntu loves me04:01
Hikaru79And I love it ^ ^ <304:01
occyit took like 10months of bitching for metacity to get put back to the way it was working04:01
bob2ubuntu hasn't existed for ten months04:01
occyheh, I know.04:01
mdkehe means a metacity bug i guess04:02
occyNot talking specifically about ubuntu bob2 :P04:02
Hikaru79bob2, love at first sight :)04:02
occybob2: and hey :)04:02
=== occy backs up his xf86config file
mdkewhat sort of issues were they occy?04:03
occymdke: can't remember, but I think it was an X issue.  couldn't get X to work.  and for me, that's a killer.04:03
occywent back to FC1 on the lappie.04:03
mdkeX is useful on a laptop04:03
occythe odd thing was, I had someone in here who had the same exact laptop, but no problem.04:03
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occyI was like.... huh?  So went back to FC104:04
occyI still hate that hotplug bug on my desktop....04:04
bob2hotplug bug?04:04
bob2which bug number?04:05
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occybob2: heh, don't know what bug number, but I remember someone saying they had it too on here.  When it loads hotplug, it hangs on me.... 1/2 the time.   it's like voodoo to try and get the box back up.  So I just try and never reboot it.  But it has hardware issues, and locks up from time to time.  (not ubuntu's fault)04:05
jlundWhich would you guys recommend for playing Videos? Xine-ui or Mplayer?04:06
mdkei use totem04:06
jlundI am coming from Gentoo where I used mplayer exclusively but I'm open to change04:06
|QuaD|jlund: totem-xine04:06
jlundooh, heard good things about that too04:06
occybob2: oh... check out me newly revised site if you are bored:   occy.net04:06
bob2totem-xine is not a very good choice04:06
jlundWhat kind of problems with codecs am I going to have?04:06
lexhidermplayer's pretty good except for dvd menus04:06
bob2gxine or mplayer are less hassle04:06
|QuaD|bob2: why?04:06
bob2jlund: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:06
bob2|QuaD|: it forces out ubuntu-desktop, then people whine when they upgrade to hoary and things stop working04:07
mdkebob2, you and your pet hates04:07
|QuaD|bob2: lol04:07
bob2mdke: hey, it saves other people hassle, too04:08
=== Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-181.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mdkebob2, :)04:09
=== thully [~thully@wuser119-union.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD|bob2: you work for canonical right? how are they making money?04:09
mdkemaking money?04:09
mdkethey are making money?04:10
=== Cloudchaser [~Cloudchas@69-172-81-152.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD|yeah... its a company, goal is to make money04:10
|QuaD|i don't knwo04:10
|QuaD|thats my question04:10
thullyHi - I have tried both Hoary and Warty on this laptop, and I've noticed Hoary's fonts are much better.  What did they do?  Can I get those fonts on Warty?04:10
hazza96Fonts are always getting better04:11
lexhiderI dont' know, but I doubt they have yet04:11
netsplitCan broadcast be always: [(~ netmask) | ip]  ?04:11
thullyIs it the font, or the default rendering system - since Warty's fonts look like slightly-better-than-average-Linux fonts, while Hoary's fonts look like Mac OS X fonts04:11
lexhiderthully, may be due to xorg?04:12
thullyat least on my laptops - desktops use different font rendering systems04:12
mdkeyep i think so too04:12
bob2it's not due to xorg04:12
bob2and laptops and desktops both use freetype for font rendering04:12
bob2|QuaD|: a variety of services04:12
|QuaD|bob2: care to expand on that?04:12
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jlundIs it safe to enable the Universe repositories, install some packages, and then turn them off again?04:14
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occyany diff gods here?  I've got two directories...  dir1  dir2   both have mostly the same thing.  (they were identical at one time)  they are on different computers.  I want to find out what has changed in dir1  and in dir2  and what I need to copy out of them into a new dir3  so I have all things synced and in order.04:15
jlundOr would this be stupid :)04:15
bob2|QuaD|: support and such, and some other interesting things in the pipeline...04:15
bob2jlund: well, yes, but note that the universe packages are unsupported04:15
|QuaD|bob2: ohh ok04:15
bob2occy: unison can create that 3rd dir for you04:15
jlundbob2: I know but I am having a weird problem04:15
occybob2: k, /me looks04:16
jlundbob2: With Universe enabled I am seeing upgrades to packages that are not in Universe. So far I haven't installed anything from it but it still has upgrades when Universe repositories are enabled. When they are not enabled no upgrades are marked.04:16
jlundStrange eh?04:16
bob2jlund: for example?04:17
jlundmount shows latest as 2.12k without universe but then 2.12l with universe04:17
bob2erm, very odd04:17
jlundAll of my Python 2.3 packages as well04:17
bob2in hoary or warty?04:18
jlundThis is hoary04:18
bob2I only see one version of mount in hoary04:18
bob2 *** 2.12k-2ubuntu1 004:19
bob2        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages04:19
jlundhm, so maybe later versions are in Universe?04:19
jlundBecause k is what I saw as well without Universe enabled04:19
bob2mount is not in universe04:19
jlundWell now I've got version l installed04:19
jlundSo what does that mean?04:19
bob2er, after an update:04:20
bob2     2.12l-1ubuntu1 004:20
bob2        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/main Packages04:20
=== Lathiat_ [~lathiat@sweep.bur.st] has joined #ubuntu
jlundah, lovely04:20
bob2maybe you hadn't run 'apt-get update' lately?04:21
jlundI'm using synaptic04:21
bob2but after you added universe, you did, and got the new list?04:21
jlundAnd clicking reload04:21
bob2did you click reload and check *before* enabling universe?04:21
Lathiat_Hi guys -- anyonce else seen on hoary having gnome-panel/etc not load (just get my two panels blank, no nautilus background and cant do anything] ? (get the same off a warty->hoary upgrade and yesterdays hoary install cd) -- just wondering if its a known problem or i've got something weird04:21
jlundIf I go back and forth turning Universe on and off it alternates between k and l04:21
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lexhiderLathiat_: hoary gnome loaded up alright here.04:22
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Lathiat_lexhider: updated today or?04:22
bob2jlund: that's very very strange04:22
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=== meatwad is now known as squeegy
Lathiat_lexhider: hrm, updated after yesterday?04:23
=== LLM [longlivema@d141-169-106.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
lexhiderLathiat_: try moving .gnome2 to .gnome2~ and logging in to see if you're config is stuffed.04:23
LLMlinux n00b here again04:24
Lathiat_lexhider: had a blank homedir, and tried another user as well04:24
LLMi need help (again)04:24
LLMive installed ubuntu04:24
LLMand now ive got the login screen up, and it wont let me log in04:24
LLMim positive that i have the username and PW correct04:24
bob2you know it's case-sensitive, right?04:24
LLMis there an administrator login or something?04:25
LLMya i know04:25
jlundbob2: gtkhtml - What do you show as the latest04:25
bob2LLM: no, there is not04:25
LLMso theres nothing i can do?04:26
bob2jlund:  1.0.4-6.204:26
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bob2LLM: it's really unlikely that it's anything other than you mistyping it, but you can boot into a shell and reset it if you want04:26
jlundbob2: sorry gtkhtml3.204:26
LLMhow do i do that?04:26
bob2LLM: at the grub prompt, hit 'e', and add "init=/bin/bash" the end of the line, then boot04:26
bob2LLM: then run 'passwd your_user_name'04:26
occybob2: read man pages for unison, and this faq:  http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/faq.html   and I still haven't found any working examples of how to do what I want to do:    dir1 dir2  > take same files and diff files and make new dir304:27
bob2occy: ok.04:27
LLMill try it04:27
bob2occy: it will make dir1 and dir2 into dir304:27
jlundoccy: what if you just did this. ls -al > dir1.txt then ls -al > dir2.txt04:27
jlundoccy: then just run diff dir1.txt dir2.txt04:27
jlundThat will show you what is different04:27
bob2jlund: that's not what occy is trying to do04:28
jlundYou would of course do the ls commands in the different directories04:28
occyjlund: this should do things much easier than that.    go check out unison, it looks really powerful.04:28
bob2he/she wants a 3-way merge04:28
jlundoh, sorry04:28
Lathiat_3-way merge? scary :)04:28
occyLathiat_: heh04:28
Lathiat_two way merges are hard enough :)04:29
jlundbob2: what is the latest gtkhtml3.2 - I show 3.2.3-0ubuntu1 as installed and with Universe turned on I see the latest as 3.2.3ubuntu1-1ubuntu104:29
XLxI've been trying to figure out why doesn't my PC power down on the shutdown... I've googled to no avail. I had other distros properly shutdown my machine (also power off)04:29
XLxany pointers ?04:29
bob2jlund: 3.2.3ubuntu1-1ubuntu104:29
bob2XLx: how old is it?04:29
XLxabout 5 yrs.04:30
occybob2: found this:  http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/download/stable/latest/unison-manual.html#tutorial    let me read04:30
LLMi dont know what to do, when it boots it tells me to hit esc to open some menu04:30
jlundIs it possible that Synaptic is caching the old stuff when I turn Universe off?04:30
LLMpressing "e" doesnt do anything04:30
Lathiat_LLM: yep do that, (press esc) then press e04:30
jlundbob2: Do you have Universe enabled?04:30
bob2jlund: yes04:30
XLxI had other distros power off the PC before...04:30
bob2XLx: add 'apm' on it's own line to /etc/modules04:30
jlundHm, well that makes it harder to troubleshoot04:31
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XLxI can do that04:31
XLxanything else ?04:31
bob2LLM: yes, after you hit esc, you hit e04:31
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Lathiat_hhey ctd04:31
occybob2: so just do:   unison dir1  dir204:32
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occyand it'll create the 3rd dir for me automatically?04:33
LLMafter i press esc, and then e, it then lists some things, like root, kernel etc04:33
bob2occy: I don't know, I've never used it04:33
LLMwhat now?04:33
occybob2: haha04:33
occybob2: ok04:33
bob2occy: no, 13:27:25           bob2 | occy: it will make dir1 and dir2 into dir304:33
LLMit wont let me type inti=/bin/bash04:33
bob2LLM: edit the kernel command line04:33
jlundbob2: I know this is frustrating but I'm trying to figure out of this is a bug. Can you turn off Universe and see what the latest libgtkhtml3.2 is?04:33
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bob2jlund: I really really really really really doubt it's related to universe04:33
bob2jlund: you can check the package files on archive.ubuntu.com manually04:34
jlundHm, well I'm clueless04:34
LLMok, i just add it to the end?04:34
bob2LLM: of the command line? yes.04:34
LLMalright, now that ive done that.....04:34
LLMwhat next?04:35
bob2boot it04:35
LLMah boot04:35
LLMi see04:35
=== LLM reread the first instructions
bob2jlund: with universe disabled, '3.2.3ubuntu1-1ubuntu1'04:35
=== davide [~chatzilla@adsl-68-126-227-198.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
LLMso when i boot now, what will it do, or ask me to do?04:36
=== FireEgl [Proteus848@adsl-17-157-96.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
davidehello, i cannot get the wireless connection to work, can anyone help me?04:36
jlundThanks Bob04:37
bob2jlund: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz04:37
jlundAt this point I think I should just start over04:37
jlundIs there a way to get a Hoary CD?04:37
LLMum, it just took me back to the login screen04:37
LLMhow do i reset the password?04:37
bob2jlund: how would reinstalling help?04:38
bob2jlund: there are testing cds, but they may or may not work04:38
bob2LLM: you didn't enter the line correctly, try again04:38
jlundbob2: This just seems really messed up. I must have screwed something up along the way04:38
jlundbob2: Is it possible that I have a cache somewhere that I can flush?04:39
jlundI'm really new to apt-get04:39
bob2jlund: you do have a cache, which 'update' updates.04:39
bob2jlund: are you doing something silly like pinning?04:39
XLxbob2: You are da man !04:39
LLMok, this is what my command line says:04:39
jlundbob2: I don't know what pinning is so I'm guessing no04:39
XLxapm in /etc/modules works perfectly ! thanks bob2  for your wisdom...04:40
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
LLMkernel  /boot/vmlinuz- root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash04:40
LLMwhere do i add the init=/bin/bash04:40
jlundbob2: What is pinning?04:40
bob2LLM: yes, please read the bit I said about adding "init=/bin/bash" to the end of it04:40
bob2XLx: you're welcome04:41
LLMi did that the first time and it didnt work04:41
bob2jlund: a silly game you can play with apt04:41
bob2LLM: well, it's what you have to do04:41
stuNNedbob2, lol04:41
bob2jlund: paste your sources.list to #flood04:41
Seqdoes anybody know why gdesklets-data is being removed on a dist-upgrade in hoary but gdesklets itself is fine? (I'm assuming this is due to python 2.4)04:41
jlundbob2: pasted04:42
LLMam i supposed to add a space between splash and init=/bin/bash?04:42
bob2LLM: yes, of course04:43
LLMcuz thats what i did the first time :S04:43
bob2Seq: apt-cache show gdesklets-data, look at the Depends line04:44
Seqbob2: did you used to hang out in #debian a while back?04:45
bob2still do...04:45
occybob2:  that rocks hard!!!04:45
occybob2: it worked just peachy04:45
Seqi think you helped me with bind or something like that a year ago.04:45
occybob2: thank you very much.04:45
davideHELP-- my pcmcia card goes on blinking, if i do iwconfig it gives me my configuration, but  if i try to change my setting it won't let me do it, and if i try to restart the card with card info it won't let me do it.04:46
tux_nice to see you here04:46
bob2occy: you're welcome04:46
occytux_: :)04:46
tux_nomasteryoda actually04:46
LLMok, it says my username is unknown04:46
occytux_: you get your site up?04:46
tux_they must have fixed it04:46
occytux_: the sky is falling!04:46
occytux_: triple your money back if you don't like the hosting04:46
tux_suprnova fell04:46
occytux_: 21 miles today!04:47
occyI am one tired motha04:47
tux_my brother does that stuff04:47
LLMbob2: ive got a command line up, and ive entered the passwd command with my username, and it says my username is unknown04:47
jlundbob2: any ideas. sources.list is in flood04:48
moquistanybody know which package will give me libmp3lame.so?  toolame certainly doesn't...04:48
bob2moquist: it's not in ubuntu04:49
bob2moquist: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:49
bob2jlund: paste the output of 'apt-cache policy mount' with and without universe enabled (don't forget to run 'apt-get update' after each twiddle)04:49
bob2LLM: it sounds an awful lot like you didn't create a user04:49
moquistbob2: right.  I figured they were available somewhere, though...04:50
bob2moquist: read that page04:50
LLMim certain that i did, but anyway, if i didnt, how can i correct this?04:50
moquist*sigh*  I would encode in Ogg/Vorbis, but this is for a non-tech crowd, and it's my responsibility to make it blindinly easy for them.  Oh well.04:50
moquistbob2: yeah, I read it.  Thanks for the link.  Software Patents suck.04:51
bob2moquist: oh yes :/04:51
bob2LLM: 'adduser whatever' to create the user 'whatever'04:51
=== moquist will no longer be working for HP at the end of the month... :) (HP holds and encourages software patents)
LLMwait, ive just typed in passwd root04:52
Lathiat_hmm.. theres already an OS project called rosetta, go the naming04:52
LLMand it told me to enter new UNIX password04:52
LLMbut it wont let me type anything :S04:52
jlundbob2: pasted04:52
bob2LLM: it doesn't print anything as you type04:53
bob2LLM: but that won't create a new user, nor let you login through gdm04:53
LLMoh wait, i think i did it04:53
bob2jlund: well, apt is sane, maybe synaptic has a bug04:53
jlundHow can I just check the output of dist-upgrade04:53
jlundI will try that and see what happens04:54
bob2apt-get -s dist-upgrade04:54
bob2but you don't need to, look at what you just pasted04:54
bob2in both cases, apt sees only one version, which is the l one04:54
jlundoh duh. That's because I did upgrade that one04:55
roo9i'm getting an error trying to run a python program "ImportError: No module named GDK"04:55
jlundI will try the same with gtkhtml3.204:55
roo9anyone know where the Python::GDK module is in ubuntu?04:55
bob2roo9: the software's instructions should tell you to install python-gtk or so04:55
roo9bob2: gdk not gtk04:56
bob2yes, I know04:56
roo9python-gtk-1.2 is already installed...04:56
roo9in fact, GDK.py exists in /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/gtk-1.204:57
jlundbob2: Pasted, and there are differences04:57
LLMit works04:57
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LLMthanks alot bob2, and anyone else that helped me04:57
bob2jlund: er, yes, because gtkhtml3.2 is in universe04:58
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bob2jlund: thus, if you disable universe, you don't see the newer version (the /var/lib/dpjkg/status entry is fro mthe one you have installed at the moment)04:59
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jlundI wonder what installed that?04:59
jlundI swear I didn't install anything for Universe04:59
bob2nothing in main depends on stuff in universe04:59
jlundIs there a way to see what depends on gtkhtml3.2?05:00
jlundGod I am such an idiot05:00
bob2apt-cache showpkg gtkhtml3.205:00
pepsiwhats up with the Debian menu?05:00
bob2it's not in ubuntu05:01
pepsiwell i see it05:01
pepsiit shows more stuff05:01
calcbob2: ubuntu doesn't want the debian menu aiui05:01
calcas i understand it05:01
bob2as I understand it05:01
bob2calc: I know05:01
pepsibut it shows more stuff yo05:02
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calcoh i meant to direct that to pepsi i guess :)05:02
LLMoh btw, whats with this x that stays on top of everything?05:02
calcpepsi: huh?05:02
jlundbob2: Is there a way to revert to only main components without reinstalling?05:02
pepsithe debian menu has more apps in it05:02
bob2jlund: you mean "is there a way to uninstall all the packaes from universe?"?05:02
jlundbob2: I realize what happened. I did a smart upgrade with Universe turned on and I think it installed the CVS Gnome05:02
pepsiit has stuff i installed but never bothered to make a menu item for05:03
bob2jlund: no, unless synaptic is buggy05:03
calcpepsi: installed via debs?05:03
pepsicalc: with synaptic05:03
calcpepsi: debian packages typically have menu entries for the debian menu05:03
calcbut not for the gnome menu05:03
calcso of course the debian menu will show many more things than the gnome menu05:04
jcomptonI'm trying to get a very basic forum server set up, but I'm getting "unable to detect MySQL support in PHP" from the forum configuration program. Any suggestions on how to solve this problem, preferably from within the package manager?05:04
pepsiokay, but if i get more stuff showing up in the debian menu, i want that05:04
jlundbob2: all of the output from apt-cache showpkg is gnome stuff05:04
bob2jlund: not core gnome stuff05:04
ajmitch_hopefully the menu system will be common at some point between gnome, kde, debian systems05:04
bob2jcompton: install php4-mysql05:04
bob2ajmitch_: they're standardising on fd.o .desktop files05:04
pepsithen i suppose id just rather be able to see the debian menu, like i am now able to05:04
calcajmitch_: gnome and kde are already merged for how the menu works05:04
jlundbob2: K well time for an adventure :)05:04
calcthe actual application.menu file isn't merged yet though05:05
pepsiyou dont have a debian menu showing?05:05
pepsiin hoary05:05
calci don't05:05
calcif you installed menu-xdg you might05:05
ajmitch_calc: that's what I thought05:05
calckde adopted it for kde 3.2, and gnome did it in 2.905:05
ajmitch_but I wasn't sure when debian was moving to that05:05
ajmitch_ah, 2.905:05
jcomptonbob2: Not coming up as a valid package. All I've got is libapache2-mod-php4 (installed), php4-cgi (installed) and php4-dev (not installed.)05:06
=== ajmitch_ knew one of them was a very recent change
bob2jcompton: it's in universe05:06
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jlundbob2: Is there a way to see packages that are installed on the system that are not listed in the current active repositories?05:07
jlundbob2: If so I think I can get this cleaned out05:07
bob2jlund: yes, 'obsolete packages' list in aptitude05:07
bob2maybe synaptic has something similar05:07
calcdselect has obsolete list as well05:08
jlundThere is an "Installed (local or obsolete)" listing05:09
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jlundThat sound right?05:09
jlundCool, I'll just wipe those05:09
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jlundK, now for the reboot05:11
jlundIf this works I'll come back to lavish you with praise05:11
jlundI noticed it making changes to grub05:11
jlundWant to make sure it didn't screw anything up05:12
=== Guardiann [1000@Toronto-HSE-ppp3699741.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
roo9anyone here have experience with GPSDrive ?05:13
EricNeongood noon05:13
roo9it's acting very strange, i know gpsd has the proper position, but gpsdrive is giving me bogus info05:14
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occybob2: yeah, just tried to install warty 1.0 ubuntu and I get:   bad d-i packages file   or something on tty4 over and over again.05:17
occyused this same disc on another machine with no problem, so it's not the media05:17
=== jlund [~jlund@cpe-66-1-188-58.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
jlundbob2: HOORAY!05:18
jlundbob2: Problem solved!05:19
tux_occy, i have seen similar errors with the ubuntu discs... most of the time ok05:19
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=== Marble [~gasche@CPE-24-163-214-72.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tux_but some systems it just dies on install05:19
Marblewhat's the best media player for linux?05:19
occyMarble: beep-media-player is cool05:19
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=== moriddin2 [~Qiddin@bzq-198-219.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
occyMarble: apt-get install beep-media-player05:19
tux_really... got to install that then05:19
occytux_: it's xmms + GTK205:20
moriddin2 hi.. im currently downloading ubuntu and am very new to linux OS, could anyone give me some installing/configuring tips?05:20
Marblejust a second, I need to boot to unbut05:20
Marblei'm on windows05:20
pepsiwindows is bad for you05:20
jlundmoriddin - The best advice I could give is to not give up. Learning Linux is worth it!05:20
=== occy wishes ubuntu would install
occyI'm tired of being on Fedora05:20
moriddin2affirmative, jlund05:20
jlundmoriddin2 - Feel free to ask anything in this channel as you have questions or encounter issues.05:20
tux_occy, are they the shipped Ubuntu?05:21
moriddin2cool thanks.05:21
=== moriddin2 is now known as moriddin
=== Marble [~Marble@CPE-24-163-214-72.mn.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Marbleok, what was the command again?05:22
MarbleI'm on ubuntu now05:22
occytux_: what was that?05:23
tux_oh, which discs... shipped or downloaded05:23
occytux_: downloaded... but I've installed on other machines with these discs05:23
tux_i got a pack of 20 from Ubuntu05:23
occynothing wrong with the media05:23
Marbleoccy:  what was the apt-get line again?05:24
occytux_: heh, you have a pack of 40 copies of every distro there is.05:24
tux_apt-get install beep-media-player05:24
occyMarble: apt-get install beep-media-player05:24
tux_occy, LOL05:24
occyMarble: and you can apt-cache search beep in case that's wrong05:24
jlundoccy: What do I need to have to enable mp3 support in Beep?05:24
jlundoccy: I just tried to play one and it crashed05:24
occyjlund: odd, it just worked for me ootb05:24
Marbleno results occy05:25
occyMarble: apt-cache search = your_friend;05:25
Marbleapt-cache search beep05:25
Marblereturns nothing05:25
tux_Marble, did you do apt-get update05:25
Marblenot yet05:26
Marblewhat exactly is apt-get?05:26
tux_the ultimate package getting tool...05:26
Marbleupdated, still nothing05:26
occyroot@spies:~ # apt-cache search beep05:26
occybeep - Advanced pc-speaker beeper05:26
occybeep-media-player - Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp05:26
jlundoccy: What output plugin areyou using?05:26
occyworks for me[tm05:26
occy] 05:26
Marbleroot@Greg:/home/greg # apt-cache search beep05:26
Marbleroot@Greg:/home/greg #05:26
jlundMarble - it's in Universe so you will need to have that enabled05:26
tux_Marble, you might need to edit your "/etc/apt/source.list"05:26
occyMarble: you may need to apt-get dist-upgrade if you haven't done that in a while.05:27
tux_add universe05:27
occywhat tux_ said05:27
Marblei've never done that occy05:27
Marbleand tux, that file != exist05:27
tux_marble, easy05:27
tux_Marble, you might need to edit your "/etc/apt/sources.list"05:27
jlundI just needed to tell it right soundcard05:27
occyMarble: sec, I'll msg you05:28
tux_laptop keyboard05:28
jlundIt's working!05:28
Marbletux, what do I edit in there?05:28
jlundAnd it looks much much better than XMMS05:28
jlundThanks for the recommendation occy05:28
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occyjlund: np... someone here recommend it and I like it.05:29
occyjlund: occy.net05:29
occyjlund: go check it out ;)05:29
tux_Marble, look at examples here... http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto/view?searchterm=universe05:29
tux_the wiki has very good examples and info05:30
occytux_: I pasted him my sources.list05:30
jlundNice design ;)05:30
jlundoccy: Any idea how to get sound in Gaim to work?05:30
tux_jlund, i added Guifications to my system and have sound in gaim now05:31
occyjlund: no clue. :(05:31
=== occy restates he wishes he could get ubuntu installled on his laptop
occybob2 seems to have gone to sleep05:31
occywe shouldn't allow that to happen.05:31
tux_occy, did you try turning off acpi05:31
jlundtux_: What is Guifications?05:31
tux_let me post link05:32
occybob2: see my install error, ,know any way around it?   bad packages d-i05:32
occyor something like that.05:32
bob2don't know, I'd guess bad cd, but you say you checked the md5sum05:32
occybob2: yeah...05:33
occysame cd, as I said, works on another machine.05:33
tux_ACPI was an issue a friend had installing Ubuntu05:33
tux_when he disabled it worked05:33
bob2occy: have you checked the md5sum?05:33
jlundCool blog occy05:34
occyjlund: danke05:34
jlundWhat software are you using to do it?05:34
occybob2: hmmm05:34
occyjlund: drupal05:34
occyjlund: drupal.org05:34
tux_drupal rocks05:34
occyit rocks05:34
occyI use it on all my sites05:34
tux_occy setup our mgalug.org05:34
occytux_: heh05:34
occytux_: and then you basturdized it.05:34
tux_heck yea05:34
occywell, it's just pushbutton really... not themed hardly any at all.  I didn't have time to spend on it.05:35
occypushbutton = drupal theme05:35
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jlundK selecing ESD as preferred sound output device gets me the gaim noises05:37
=== occy debates sleep
occyI am tiiiired05:37
jlundnow I just need to video player and I'll have a fully functional desktop here05:37
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@adsl-2-82.lo1.lns1.server-access.com] has joined #ubuntu
occynight kiddies05:39
=== jcompton [~intranet@c24.241.233.65.jvl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jcomptonbob: That was the ticket, thanks. Now, do you have a suggestion for the most elegant way to restart Apache under Ubuntu so I can avoid the humiliation of reboots? :)05:40
xiamjcompton: //etc/init.d05:40
bob2sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restrat05:40
bob2spelt correctly will work even better05:40
jcomptonThank you.05:41
jlundbob2 and occy. Thanks05:44
jlundI appreciate all of the help05:44
jlundI'm loving this distro and I'll be talking it up at work tomorrow05:44
Marblehow do I unmount all disks except the one my linux partition is on?05:45
jlundHopefully we'll get a convert or two :)05:45
jlundWhat kind of disks marble?05:46
whatahis there a way to do a netinstall of ubuntu?05:46
Marbleuh like partitions05:46
MarbleNTFS ones05:47
Marblei tried using unmount, but it says command not found?05:47
RiddellMarble: umount05:47
xiamMarble umount -a?05:47
Marbleroot@Greg:/media/files # unmount -a05:47
Marblebash: unmount: command not found05:47
bob2dont do that05:47
bob2it's umount05:47
bob2read carefully05:47
bob2what are you trying to do?05:47
jlundMarble it's umount and you don't want to do what xiam posted05:47
jlundThat would unmount all disks05:47
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Marbleroot@Greg:/media/files # unmount /dev/hdd305:48
Marblebash: unmount: command not found05:48
bob2Marble: again, read carefully05:48
MarbleI just want to unmount a damn disk :(05:48
jlundmarbe: umount /dev/hdd305:48
bob2Marble: there's no 'n' after the 'u'05:48
Riddellwhat's the debian meta-package that has the development tools (gcc, autoconf and aa that)05:48
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bob2Riddell: there isn't one05:48
xiamI'm sorry I misunderstand what you want to do Marble.05:48
bob2Riddell: build-essential installs some stuff, but not autconf05:48
bob2(since you don't need it to build stuff)05:48
Riddellbob2: that sounds like the one05:49
Marbleumount: /media/files: device is busy05:49
Marbleumount: /media/files: device is busy05:49
tux_Marble, if any apps are using that device, then it will not be umounted05:50
bob2yes, you need to close whatever is accessing it05:50
bob2'lsof | grep /media/files' is a good way to find out05:50
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Marblewhat's the chmod for all users?05:53
xiamread write for all05:54
Marblechmod 777 /media/files05:54
Marblethat work?05:54
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jlundMarble what are you trying to do?05:55
Marblemake it so other applications can view the files in this directory05:55
Marbleother than me as root05:55
moriddinguys, would using a program such as daemon tools subsitute burning the cd?05:55
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moriddinit makes a virtual cd driver that is actually on your hard drive05:56
roo9does anyone know how to map a tcp port to a /dev/ entry05:57
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xiamWhere path is best for install stuff? /usr/local or just /usr like RH?05:58
bob2moriddin: for installing, you mean?05:58
bob2xiam: for random stuff from source? /usr/local.05:58
bob2roo9: how do you mean?05:58
bob2(network connects are unrelated to /dev)05:59
xiamthanks bob205:59
=== tux_ is now known as nomasteryoda
roo9bob2: I have application A, which expects data on a /dev/ entry. I have application B which sends that exact data over a tcp/ip socket. how can i get them to talk to each other?05:59
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=== dee [~dee@12-214-242-236.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2roo9: netcat can pipe data to and from tcp sockets05:59
bob2what exactly are these apps?06:00
moriddinyes, bob06:00
moriddinfor installing06:00
roo9bob2: GPS programs...06:00
bob2moriddin: how could that work?  the cd won't be mounted once you boot into ubuntu06:00
jlundMarble to change everything in a directory you use the -R switch for recursive06:00
jlundSo chmod -R 777 /directory06:00
deeplease somone tell me... to compile from source.... u do what 3 things?06:01
deemake config06:01
jlundmake install06:01
deeok cool06:01
moriddinok bob.. so i must burn it onto a cd then?06:01
bob2dee: erm, that only works for some software, and they will invariably have a INSTALL file which explains it06:01
bob2moriddin: or netboot06:01
moriddinwhats that?06:01
bob2booting over the network...06:02
moriddinusing floppies?06:02
Marblehow do I add a program to my applications menu?06:02
roo9bob2: but can netcat map that to a /dev/entry ?06:02
bob2moriddin: don't think warty supports that06:03
bob2roo9: a "/dev entry" is just a file06:03
moriddinbob: how do i netboot then?06:03
bob2it depends on what program A wants to do06:03
bob2moriddin: find out if your hardware supports it, first06:03
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deejlund,  please PM me06:04
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moriddinbob: how do i find out hardware requirements?06:05
deebob2, please PM ME.06:05
deesry for caps06:05
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Marblewhat switches do i use on a tarball?06:06
deei did ./configure06:06
deeNow what?06:06
deejust... make?06:06
nomasteryodathen make install06:06
deetehnw bhat?06:07
xiamMarble, command --help provides you important information, try also man command or info command06:07
xiamfor extraction you can use tar -xf file.tar06:08
Marbleit's .tar.gz06:08
xiamOh, you're right06:08
moriddinhow do i find out hardware requirements?, and how do i netboot?06:09
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deeI THINK you have to enable it in BOIS06:09
nomasteryodamoriddin, look at the wiki for more ...06:11
deehey yall06:12
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deeWhat is a program that i shud install, just to install stuff06:12
deewhere i must compile from source06:12
nomasteryodadee, which program do you need?06:13
nomasteryodadid you look in apt?06:13
deeI dont need any06:13
deei dont know any06:13
deeYea, but i wanna compile from source06:13
deeKnow anyhting like gkrellm?06:13
deeBut diff06:13
deethat will make my stuff look awsome06:13
nomasteryodagkrellm is cool06:14
bob2dee: no06:14
deeBut i need somthing diffrent06:14
bob2dee: why do you want to compile gkrellm from source?06:14
deei duno, i am trying to learn how to compile thins from shource06:15
deewhen i tryed to compile aterm i had mass errors06:15
deedo i did easy way06:15
bob2did you follow the instructions that came with it?06:15
bob2you probably won't need to compile anything if you're using ubuntu...06:15
jlundGuys I have an AMD Athlon 1 gigahertz machine that is years old06:15
jlundCurrently using the 386 kernel06:15
jlundIs this the best fit?06:15
xiamdo you know how to avoid showing window contents while moving?06:15
xiami'm using gnome06:16
deebob2,  lol i know, but i want to work my way up to slackware... so i wanna learn how to compile things.06:16
bob2jlund: you can use the k7 one, as the description says06:16
bob2hah, "up to slackware"06:16
deeWhats do u mean by "hah"?06:17
deenot just slackware.06:17
deeBut otehr distros06:17
bob2just that slackware isn't a really good place to end up if you're not already a slackware user06:17
deewell, where is?06:17
bob2if you want to learn hwo to compile stuff so you can use slackware, then just install it and ask for help in #slackware06:17
bob2debian or ubuntu are excellent advanced distributions06:17
jlundGentoo is much better than Slackware if you want to mess with source06:18
jlundI used Gentoo for over a year before switching to Ubuntu this weekend06:18
deeYea, thats what I ahve hjeard06:18
bob2gentoo seems to be for people who want to compile stuff without knowing what they're doing06:18
deewell jlund may i Pm you?06:18
jlundI cannot emphasize how nice it is to not have to wait for EVERYTHING to compile06:18
bob2from never having use it, at least06:18
jlundhah bob206:18
jlundTrue in a lot of cases06:19
bob2'emeger blah' is not teaching you anything about software06:19
bob2but this is pretty OT here, anyway06:19
jlundsure dee06:19
jlundSuffice it to say I'm happy with where I'm at now06:19
jlundAnd bob2 alone is more support than I ever saw with Gentoo06:19
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Marblehow do I change the firefox command?06:22
MarbleI can't get my quicklaunch icon thing to go to 1.0 instead of .0.9.306:22
bob2you have both installed?06:23
bob2right click on it, choose properties, then change the 'command' entry to point at the full path to 1.006:24
xiamI just installed 1.0 too :), I will uninstall firefox 0.9 and ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox06:24
MarbleI have06:24
Marbleit says child process denied or such06:25
Despairdaniels: 6.8.1-1ubuntu8 packages fail to load nvidia's glx.so, in case user wailing hasn't commenced. ;)06:25
MarbleDetails: Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/firefox1.0" (Permission denied)06:25
bob2Marble: erm ,you did check that /usr/bin/firefox1.0 is an executable file, right?06:26
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Marbleruns 0.9.306:26
Marblegot it working06:27
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Marblewtf, gmail won't work in linux firefox06:28
bob2yes it does06:28
mike_dougla1works fine06:29
Marbledamn you adblock06:29
errrit would work on *nix before doze I would think anyway06:29
Marbleall better06:30
deei wish My parents would ahve started me off on linux b4 windows.06:31
Tomcat_"It's always the parents' fault" :d06:33
deehow would i unzip THAT?06:33
errrmy 4 year old is a linux user. I didnt want her to feel that way the same as me and you both dee06:33
deethats the name of it06:33
deeerrr, does she know alot?06:34
xiam:S! try tar -xf *.tar and then tar -xjf *.tar.bz206:34
Tomcat_tar -xjvf naim...bz2.tar, then untar it? :>06:34
errr http://ofset.sourceforge.net/gcompris/  http://childsplay.sourceforge.net/  <----- she knows how to play the hell out of these 2 games.06:35
errrshe can type about 10 words06:36
deelol c06:36
errrspelled correctly and all06:36
errrits neat06:36
bob2if it's really a tar containging a tarball, 'tar -xf naim-', then untar the inner bit normally06:36
bob2also beat whoever gave you the file06:36
errrfwiw the - isnt needed in your tar commands06:36
bob2yes, but it's a good habit06:37
bob2making it optional is a bug, imho :)06:37
errrhmmm.... freedom to choose a bug :p06:38
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deebob2 what was the point to put eh f int here?06:41
dee-xf  < whast the f do06:41
deeI know x tells it to unzipp06:41
bob2x tells it to extract06:41
bob2f says "the next argument is the filename"06:41
bob2tar doesn't compress by itself06:41
=== errr points dee to man tar :)
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deeI am there06:42
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deedee@knockout:~ $ ls06:43
deeDesktop  naim-  nmap-2.00  stuff06:43
deedee@knockout:~ $ tar -xf n06:43
deenaim-  nmap-2.0006:43
deedee@knockout:~ $ tar -xf naim-
deetar: This does not look like a tar archive06:43
deetar: Skipping to next header06:43
deetar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers06:43
deetar: Read 8553 bytes from naim-
deetar: Error exit delayed from previous errors06:43
deedee@knockout:~ $06:43
errrtar xjvf06:43
deedamn i kinda just flooded/spammed06:43
deebut why diddnt this work?06:43
bob2because it's not a tar file06:43
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bob2it's probably a very badly named bz206:44
bob2run 'file naim-' to see what it is06:44
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DkoCould someone tell me how to install SDL?  I dled the rpm file and extracted the files inside.  But I don't know what to do from here.06:45
bob2er, why are you using rpms?06:45
bob2SDL is in ubuntu06:45
ryanmcgregoru'll want to install it either through apt or with a deb file, not an rpm. rpms are for rpm based distributions.06:46
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DkoWell I thought I didn't have SDL because of an error a game gave me. Give me a sec06:46
bob2you probably didn't06:46
bob2but that just means you need to install06:46
DkoHow would I then?06:46
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bob2what do you need?06:48
DkoHow to install SDL please?06:48
bob2which part of SDL?06:48
DkoRun times06:48
ryanmcgregorsudo apt-get install programname06:48
ryanmcgregorit will automatically download it06:49
bob2er, I think the issue here is finding the package name06:49
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ryanmcgregorwell, what was the filename of the rpm?06:49
bob2that won't help06:49
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DkoYea I think I need to know the package name06:50
ryanmcgregortry searching for sdl in synaptic, you might stumble upon what you need06:50
bob2libsdl1.2debian-all looks like a start06:50
bob2Dko: what games is this?06:50
DkoEternal Lands06:51
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andrewif there is a security hole in a package in universe, am i stuck with this package?06:56
DkoIf libsdl1.2debian and libsdl1.2debian-oss are both got green boxes next to them snynaptic it means there installed right?06:57
crimsungranted, if it's from universe, chances are it's from sid's pool, and sid gets package fixes rather quickly.06:57
crimsun(though not as quickly as woody or warty)06:57
andrewso in that case compiling from source would be the only option?06:57
andrewcrimsun: ok so you can use unstable package?06:58
bob2not generally06:59
ryanmcgregorcrimsun: i think what he is asking is if it is fixed in sid, will the ubuntu team add the fixed package to universe06:59
bob2not for warty06:59
crimsunfor hoary, sometimes the fixed package is available in universe sooner than in sid06:59
andrewok.  so if i want to stay secure with unstable packages, i should subscribe to debian-security-announce to hear when there are vulnerabilities in unstable as well?07:00
andrewer, the first "unstable" should be "universe"07:01
crimsunnormally security announcements are prioritized for 'stable' packages07:01
DkoAlright. SDL seams to be installed. But I get this error when I try to install Eternal Lands. error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_net-1.2.so.0:07:01
crimsunif they happen to affect packages in 'unstable', too, then it's a note in the DSA07:01
bob2d-s-a doesn't have advisories for packages in sid07:01
ryanmcgregoris the ubuntu team going to add more packages to the main branch then....cause it is rather limited at the moment07:02
bob2what crimsun said07:02
bob2ryanmcgregor: yes07:02
bob2ryanmcgregor: what isn't there that you want07:02
bob2Dko: instakk libsdl-net1.207:03
ryanmcgregorbob2: hold on, checking synaptic to see what i have installed from universe07:03
andrewi mostly use totem, mozilla-firefox, emacs, open-office, gaim, xchat, and python for apps.07:03
andrewthinking about switching to ubuntu07:03
ryanmcgregorif it doesnt have the ubuntu symbol in synaptic, it is not in the main branch, right?07:04
bob2no idea, I don't use synaptic07:04
andrewubuntu main is actually a good selection of apps07:07
andrewdoesn't have all the little exotic things, but still it has a lot07:07
calcmissing useful stuff like clamav ;)07:07
calcalso gstreamer totem is about useless07:08
bob2due to patent issues07:08
ryanmcgregorok, here goes: abiword (i like it for small files as i am on a slow computer), digikam, gpdf, guarddog (i hate firestarter), kooka (xsane is confusing), a bunch of libraries needed for nvu to install, a bunch of libraries needed for mplayer to compile, xawtv, xmms-skins to name a few07:08
calcpatent issues that even an overzealous group like debian ignore07:08
DkoGehh. ><  apt-get install doesn't work. It doens't seam to be a normal pakage.07:09
bob2debian doesn't have a suable company07:09
calcand we all know how overzealous debian-legal can be07:09
bob2Dko: "doesn't work"?07:09
mike_dougla1andrew: I built gtk2 emacs-cvs packages if you want them. A lot better on the eyes (without having to run it in gnome-terminal)07:09
bob2calc: no, debian-legal ignores patents almost entirely07:09
calcand fhg is suing lots of mp3 decoder companies07:09
bob2ryanmcgregor: none of those seem support=critical07:09
bob2er, s/=/-/07:09
calcbob2: is that why most patented stuff isn't in debian like lame, ffmpeg, etc?07:09
bob2calc: mpeg-4 and mp3 are enforced patents07:10
ryanmcgregorbob2: what about guarddog....or is updating iptables good enough?07:10
bob2calc: probably every single bit of software in main violates some patent07:10
DkoIt basically says it can't find the package libsdl-net1.207:10
andrewmike_dougla1: no thanks, mike_dougla1.  i'm not running ubuntu yet, just considering it.  appreciate it.07:10
bob2Dko: it's in universe07:10
bob2ryanmcgregor: hm, what about it?07:10
calcbob2: yes07:11
calcand so what is ubuntu doing releasing software ;)07:11
wasabi_I just noticed warty-updates.07:11
wasabi_SHould I be using archive.u.c or security.u.c for it?07:11
calcalso does ubuntu disable the font hinting stuff in freetype or else apple might sue them ;)07:11
Dkowhats universe?07:11
calcits enabled in regular builds last time i checked07:11
ryanmcgregorbob2: well it is a firewall, a security hole in a firewall seems serious to me07:11
crimsunwasabi_: either07:12
andrewthe hyperlink is also patented07:12
andrewso we're all doomed...07:12
bob2ryanmcgregor: it's not a firewall, it's a tool for creating firewall rules07:12
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miggumikehow do i mount my mac volume in linux?07:12
andrewwhat is ubuntu running for service by default? (i hope none)07:12
andrewi mean tcp/ip services07:13
bob2andrew: "service"?  nothing listens on external ips.07:13
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DkoIm sorry for making this so difficult.  But im a newb to linux. >< What is universe? A directory07:14
andrewbob2: good.  right now in my debian unstable system, portmap likes to run at every boot.  and i can't uninstall it because gnome depends on it.  i hope there aren't silly things like that in ubuntu07:14
xiamapache2 does, hmm.. I don't remember if it was installed by default...07:14
bob2Dko: wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto07:15
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bob2andrew: you don't need to uninstall it, just configure it to only listen on loopback07:15
miggumikedoes anyone know how do i mount my mac volume in linux?07:15
andrewok thanks a lot for answering my questions07:16
andrewhave a good night everyone07:17
bob2miggumike: depends what sort of "mnac volume" it is07:17
miggumikebob2: how can i find out what it is?07:17
bob2miggumike: you didn't create it?07:18
bob2is it HFS or UFS?07:18
miggumikei don't remember anything about that07:18
miggumikeufs maybe07:18
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bob2sudo mount -t ufs /dev/wherever /mnt/07:19
DkoOk im in Synaptic.  The only Universe I see is Development (universe) and Base System (universe) Neigther have the package im looking for. ><07:20
=== JDahl [~joachim@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2p-64.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
nevynwhat are you looking for?07:23
miggumikei mounted /sys07:24
miggumikeis osx in there?07:24
DkoIm just about to say screw it.07:25
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Shuflahello :D07:26
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miggumikeeverything is locked07:27
miggumikehow can i get su access to my files on my osx partition07:28
DkoYep im not gona get this damn game going -_-07:28
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Shuflamiggumike: which partition contains osx files?07:29
Shuflamiggumike: show here mount | grep hda307:30
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siimocan someone help me with setting permissions for cd burning ?07:32
miggumike show here mount | grep hda307:33
miggumike/dev/hda3 on /mnt type hfsplus (rw)07:33
Shuflamiggumike: ls -ld /mnt07:34
miggumikedrwxrwxr-t  1 root 80 36 2004-12-18 05:57 /mnt07:35
siimohmmm ?07:36
=== techn9ne [~sdfsfsf@S0106000f66ddc57e.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
techn9newhat are the min. requirements to run ubuntu?07:37
techn9nei tried setting it up on a p200 w/ 16mb. ram and the installer just hung up07:37
miggumike16mb ram?07:37
mike_dougla1that amount of ram is way too low07:37
techn9neyea 1607:37
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techn9newell it runs windows 9807:38
miggumikewhat is on that computer now?07:38
techn9neits capable of running an OS w/ a gui07:38
fabbioneiirc it should be possible to install with 16Mb of ram07:38
crimsunyou can do it with 16, but you must create swap as soon as parted udeb is loaded.07:38
ajdebian needs 32ish i think, ubuntu'd be similar probably; 64-128 would be safer07:38
crimsunit is possible, I tested several weeks ago07:38
Shuflatechn9ne: you've got to setup swap BEFORE starting installation process. you've got to start installation in expert mode07:38
techn9neim just really scared of hooking a windows98 computer into internet07:38
miggumikeshufla: do you know what i can do to get into the locked folders?07:38
miggumikeit's locking out my music and movies07:39
ryanmcgregorI have a question. I am an idiot, and accidently deleted some files from a program I compiled...if I just recompile the program and issue make install, will it just overwrite any files that happen to be left over?07:39
ajisn't using swap at that point horrifically slow?07:39
miggumikethe two things i want07:39
Shuflamiggumike: ok, i know. but i tell you how to access information, not solution :d07:39
Shuflamiggumike: well, type man mount and find section with hfs. there's option, which allows you to change permissions of mounted drive. it will be `umask' or similiar. you may set umask to 000 and then there'll be read/write access to ALL users07:40
techn9neryanmcgregor : yes im pretty sure it will07:40
Shuflamiggumike: you've got to type that umask in option field in /etc/fstab, then umount & mount /mnt07:40
ryanmcgregortechn9ne: thx....ill run and do that, just wanted to make sure before i made the problem worse :P07:40
techn9nehas any one ever got flashmx to work w/ wine?07:40
techn9neive been trying everything and it wont work07:40
miggumikeok i'll give it a shot07:40
Shuflatechn9ne: <joke>on this 16mb ram machine?</joke> :D07:41
techn9nelol no... this one im on has 51207:41
techn9nei was running the 16mb. ram machine earlier... was PAINFUL slow07:42
techn9nehd sounded like it was having a heart attack07:42
Shuflatechn9ne: well. i'm working right now on pii 400 @ 64MB ram and slow disk. it's painful... i suppose, that 16mb will be worse, unusable... (with X...)07:43
techn9negnome or xfe?07:43
techn9nei figured if it ran win98 i could run xfe on it07:43
miggumikeonly thing i can find is hpfs07:44
Shuflatechn9ne: gnome right now. but i've got to develop SQL-mini-app here, horrible :D07:44
techn9negnome seems much faster than kde07:45
techn9nei have a suse machine too and seems kinda clunky07:47
Shuflathe problem is with so many diffrent libraries for any application: firefox - own, openoffice - own, gnome - own, k3b - own :D07:48
Shuflaeven half gig of ram is nor enough :/07:48
techn9nekde has good intergration w/ kde apps07:49
techn9nefirefox didnt run well on it07:49
techn9nesuse 9.2 is the nicest looking linux desktop i have ever seen though07:50
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Shuflatechn9ne: when it will be avaiable for free? like 9.1 with tricky, but possibile installation?07:50
techn9nei dunno i used torrents to get it a few days after it came out07:51
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techn9nei heard rumors of jan-feb07:51
Shuflalate :/07:51
techn9neits not pirating when its gpl07:51
Shuflait's pirating :D07:52
techn9neoh well whatever. im not from us.07:52
Shuflaaccordin to license you are not allowed to download/copy isos :D07:52
Shuflame too :D07:52
mike_dougla1actually it is. SUSE 9.2 has some proprietary software on it07:52
techn9nep2p apps and mp3 downloading is legal in my country.07:52
techn9nebig loophole. americans were pretty angry when it got challenged in court.07:53
techn9neactually not americans... the RIAA07:53
bob2anyway, this is off-topic07:54
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Shuflaall ppl are supported, entry-level-supporter are just chatting :D07:54
Shuflaand comapring gnome & kde uis :D07:54
techn9nek3b should be ported to gnome07:55
techn9nethats what i really miss from suse07:55
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nevyntechn9ne: kdevelop.07:55
nevyntechn9ne: kde applications play nice under gnome.07:55
nevyntechn9ne: now if only gnome applications didn't still trash all my fonts and stuff when I start one in kde.07:56
Shuflabut they need set of not needed libs, that aren't need for gnome (and areN'T supported by ubuntu:()07:56
nevynindeed they're not.07:57
nevynbut they play nice.. unlike vica versa07:57
techn9nehow difficult is to make an app for qt and gtk simutaneously ?07:57
techn9neare libraries that much diff?07:57
nevyntechn9ne: hard.07:57
nevyntwice the gui code.07:58
Shuflabtw - are there plans to deploy ubuntu-like-philosophy server oriented system?07:58
techn9nei dont know what the point would be... if you wnat a server use debian07:58
Shuflanever ending testing with twenty not properlly prepared MTAs? :d07:59
bob2Shufla: ubuntu is server-oriented!07:59
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techn9neubuntu is based on debian-unstable08:00
Shuflabob2: hm... i've prepared document for almost dream server oriented system. but it's in polish and my english skills are to low to translate it :(08:00
cefhrm.. anyone using hoary and nvidia's driver? preferably the one hoary ships08:01
Shufladamn... dpkg is running... damn... even mouse cursor is inresponsive :/08:02
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pitticef: I just tried, failed08:02
pitticef: worked fine before the conference08:02
cefpitti: same08:02
cefwell, I get issues with glx stuff08:02
bob2Shufla: sounds like you don't have dma enabled on your drive08:02
Shuflabob2: low end machine08:02
cefstandard 2d works, 3d has issues.. *sigh*08:03
Shuflabob2: hdparm is tweaked to maximum08:03
siimohi i can burn as root but cannot as user can someone please help?08:08
siimoi keep getting these errors Error trying to open /dev/hda exclusively (Permission denied)08:09
siimoeven though my cd writer is hdd08:09
Shuflasiimo: what is your cd-burner app?08:09
siimoShufla, gnomebaker but it uses cdrecord08:10
siimothe program fails to detect the cd burner when opened as user08:11
siimois this something to do with the cdrecord permissions08:11
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miggumikewhat is the command?08:12
siimoShufla, any ideas?08:12
miggumikesudo mount -hfsplus /etc/dva3 /mnt/08:12
cefdaniels: you broke xorg again? sheesh!08:12
bob2miggumike: didn't I tell you the exact command an hour ago?08:12
fabbionecef: what is broken?08:13
miggumikebob2: it's not working08:13
miggumikedo i have it right?08:13
miggumikei didn't write it down08:13
fabbionei need to get coffee and a shower08:14
bob216:19:37           bob2 | sudo mount -t ufs /dev/wherever /mnt/08:14
miggumikeahhh dev08:14
bob2you may need a -o option, but you'll have to read the manpage to check08:14
ceffabbione: .so loading08:15
fabbionecef: what xorg version?08:15
fabbionebecause he uploaded -7 and then -8 with a similar fix08:16
cef-8 is broken08:16
cefbug report 481808:16
cefso no glx for nvidia people *sigh*08:16
fabbionethat looks like a nvidia bug....08:17
Shuflaok, got to code. have a nice day08:17
fabbionebut i will take a look to it later08:17
fabbioneah amd6408:17
ceffabbione: I still blame daniels *grin*08:18
fabbionei blame gtk :)08:18
cefbut I've got a similar problem with plain x8608:18
fabbionei will test on x8608:19
fabbionei don't have amd6408:19
calcpoor fabbione ;)08:19
ceffabbione: I'm using a k7 here, and no luck with glx at all08:19
ceffabbione: if you need me to test stuff, just ask08:19
fabbionecef: i will08:20
calci have amd64 here but no nvidia08:20
fabbionebut i don't really care too much about GLX being broken on an unstable branch08:20
fabbionespecially with NVIDIA crap on the way08:20
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emschwarI assume there's a known bug with gnome right now; is there a workaround?08:22
=== emschwar 's panels are both hung while loading
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siimohi can someone help i can only burn in warty (with cdrecord/GnomeBaker) as root08:26
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bob2gcombust works fine08:27
siimobob2, its not a specific program its all programs that use cdrecord only work as root for me08:28
bob2are you using a kernel you built yourself?08:28
siimobob2, no im using default warty08:29
siimofresh install an hour or 2 ago08:29
siimodo i have to change some permissions manually? im not experienced with this before08:30
nessmuki'm wondering about running Beatrix off usb. Some are advising me that swap can heavy use for usb, may be short-term reliable, Any comments08:30
bob2nessmuk: #beatrix08:31
nessmukbob...yeah....sorry wrong tab :)08:32
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emschwarso, gnome seems hung whilst logging in.  I can't file a bug, unfortunately, because links doesn't have javascript.  Is this known, and is there a workaround?08:32
siimois there such thing as cdburning group in ubuntu08:32
bob2siimo: no08:33
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siimodoes the default warty kernel have the cd burning bug08:35
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adbaksiimo: i do believe08:36
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qs_<------------ RuffianSoldier08:36
qs_whats wrong with ntp?08:37
siimoim downloading linux-image-
bob2qs_: it's a fine protocol08:37
qs_bob2 - no - ntp.ubuntulinux.org is screwed up!08:37
siimocan someone post output of ls -l /usr/bin/cdrecord08:37
qs_it took 4 mins at syncronize clock part of boot08:37
qs_then told me it was messed up08:37
bob2qs_: works for me08:38
bob2qs_: sounds like you have a local network problem08:38
bob2-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 133 2004-10-29 06:14 /usr/bin/cdrecord08:38
qs_bob2 - im about to call my ISP - frriggen disconnects and spikes left and right - its making me mad!08:38
siimobob2, thats same as me08:38
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liquidboysorry for being such a noob, but what is a repository?08:39
bob2a http or ftp site that serves ubuntu packages08:39
adbaka repository (a.k.a. repo) is pool of packages that ubuntu uses08:40
emschwarso, no clues about gnome then :-\08:40
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bob2emschwar: does it affect a new user?08:41
emschwarbob2: good question, let me see.08:42
RuffianSoldierbob2 - what is ntp anyway?  I just found out about it (you know)08:42
liquidboyok, thanks08:43
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emschwarbob2: apparently not.08:43
bob2RuffianSoldier: network time protocol, a way for your clock to be synchronised to a very accurate clock somewhere else08:43
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liquidboyhow do i get synaptic to search the repositories? when i do a search, it only finds stuff already on my hd...08:46
calcRuffianSoldier: its the thing winxp uses as well if you click on the clock and see "Internet Time"08:46
emschwarbob2: with a gnome failsafe session, the bottom panel loads, but the top one still hangs.08:46
bob2emschwar: ok08:46
emschwarbut for a new user, there's no problems08:46
calcunix has had ntp forever, ms just added it with xp08:47
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calcits nice never to worry about what time your system thinks it is ;)08:47
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Mojo_JojoHi, i'm having a problem with any video that I watch in totem-xine, the playback is laggy then the window is inlarged or in fullscreen.08:50
netsplitMaybe the CPU is too slow to keep up.08:50
Mojo_Jojoit's a P4 3ghz with hyperthreading :D08:51
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Mojo_Jojoalso this is on a laptop, but it should play them just fine.08:52
techn9nefirefox is brocken how do i load it up in safe mode?08:53
bob2it has a 'safe mode'?08:53
emschwarhrm... looks like the top panel is stopped in a call to futex()08:53
techn9neits saying this to me : /usr/bin/firefox: line 271: [: : integer expression expected08:53
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bob2what have you changed since it last worked?08:54
liquidboyum, ive just read the "enable universe in synaptic package manager" it didnt do anything08:56
=== emschwar just dist-upgraded :-\
liquidboy" From your desktop select Computer > System Configuration > Synaptic Package Manager you will be asked to enter your password. Goto Settings > Repositories you will see (2) grayed out boxes click both of them, then click the Reload button."08:56
bob2"didn't do anything"?08:56
liquidboythere were 3 greyd out boxes. i clicked them all, pressed reload and...08:57
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liquidboyhow do i get synaptic to search online?08:59
siimobob2, what kernel u running exactly?08:59
bob2liquidboy: it searches the package database, presumably09:00
bob2siimo: whatever's in hoary09:00
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siimoim more and more suspecious the kernel is cauing my burning problem09:00
siimoas i chmod u+s cdrecord and it still doesnt work09:01
siimobut it does work when i run it as root09:01
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liquidboyi don't get the purpose of it then... i thought it was an easy way of downloading new software, but it only lists the software i already have...09:01
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liquidboyim probably missing something really obvious09:02
netsplitliquidboy: bad answer but you could just use apt-get like everyone else.09:02
nyktovushow do you add things to a menu?09:03
RuffianSoldierbob2 - ya - your right - network problem - I am having alot of trouble today - prolly from the fuse blowing so my modem resets09:08
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siimohow do i re-install nvidia after upgrading kernel?09:13
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siimofollowing the same instructions doesnt work09:14
siimoand i did install the default kernel from warty security09:14
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bob2install te matching linux-restricted-modules package09:18
lhb_siimo: well, for me it did it automatically as far as i know09:19
lhb_siimo: nvidia screen comes up like normally before the kernel change09:19
siimolhb_, but i have a and a
lhb_me too09:21
siimoif i try to remove then it wants to install
siimobut i already have k709:21
siimoi dont need 38609:21
lhb_true, i just leave it, doesnt bother me09:21
siimoyeah but ubuntu is thinking the old one is my default kernel so it wont reinstall nvidia09:22
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bob2you don't need to 'reinstall' things09:23
siimowhat is the difference between linux-image-2.6-386  and linux-image-
siimofirst package is small09:23
bob2just install the correct linux-restricted-modules package09:23
bob2the first one Depends on the latest version of the latter09:23
siimohow does the k7 kernel come into it09:23
bob2I don't know why you're trying to install that09:24
siimobecause i run a k7 processor09:24
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siimothis package is split into too many bits09:26
siimook figured it out finally09:27
bob2it's not split into any bits09:27
bob2the linux-restricted-modules stuff is non-free stuff from outside the kernel09:27
siimowell why do we need it?09:27
bob2"we" don't09:28
siimothen why install it09:28
bob2some people want it because they have hardware that requires non-free drivers09:28
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siimoi dont need it then i guess09:29
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lhb_kudos for ubuntu!!! quickcam worked without any funnies!!!09:33
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Shuflare :D09:42
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khadyoungAnyone have any good suggestions for an Ubuntu-friendly hardware audio player (pref with OGG support)09:46
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khadyoungI have considered an iPod but they are very expensive and I am pretty sure I would like OGG support09:48
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Shuflakhadyoung: (non OSS-spirit) i suggest that you instal mp3 encoder/decoder - mp3 based players are cheaper...09:55
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khadyoungShufla, the only OGG player I have been able to find so far is actually cheaper than comparable MP3 only players.10:06
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Shuflakhadyoung: oh. ok :) sorry for misinformation :D10:10
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khadyoungIt looks as though the iRiver H3xx series operates as an external hard drive. I would assume Ubuntu could mount it when plugged in without any problems. Anybody any experience?10:13
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steven__daniels: you there?10:17
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anon26hey all10:17
anon26anyone know how i can add applications to the menu?10:18
seb128warty or hoary ?10:18
RuffianSoldierconfiguration editor?10:19
RuffianSoldieri think thats what its called10:19
danielssteven__: sup10:19
RuffianSoldieranyway - goodnight10:19
RuffianSoldierhey daniels - goodnight10:19
=== RuffianSoldier sucks up to the op
anon26anyone know how i can add applications to the menu in hoary?10:19
RuffianSoldieranon26 - i think its called configuration editor10:20
seb128anon26: reply to my question first10:20
RuffianSoldierit will help you with that10:20
seb128anon26: oh, hoary10:20
steven__daniels: i installed xorg ubuntu7 and now X crashes on couldn't open module (bitmap|pcidata)10:20
seb128anon26: no tools to do that10:20
seb128anon26: if you install menu and menu-xdg you'll get a debian submenu in applications with all the entries10:20
RuffianSoldierG'night all10:21
seb128or you can add some .desktop file by hand in ~/.local/share/applications10:21
anon26nah i just want to add one app to the menu, but i don't want to add aditional menu entries10:21
seb128anon26: just create a .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications so10:22
seb128anon26: the menu system has been rewritten, but there is no editor for the new system atm10:22
seb128base first, tools then10:22
anon26ok but what should the .desktop file contain?10:23
aerudersteven__how long ago?10:24
ograanon26: just copy one from a existing entry and modify it ....10:24
steven__aeruder: upgraded yseterday, today it crashes10:24
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anon26ok i'll give that a try brb10:25
steven__aeruder: i just noticed that there's a ubuntu8 version, downloading it now10:25
aerudersteven__: yes.. i had heard someone say that that was fixed today10:25
ograanon26: best is to take one that is already in the same menu you want your new entry in10:25
steven__k ta10:25
anon26ok i went into ~/.local.... but there aren't any .desktop files in there to use as a template10:26
steven__anon26: the .desktops are in /usr/share/applications iirc10:27
ograanon26: just copy one from /usr/share/applications to ~/.local/share/applications10:27
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seb128_<seb128> anon26: copy one from /usr/share/applications10:28
seb128_<seb128> anon26: basically a Name, Comment, Categories10:28
seb128_<seb128> and the Command to run /the icon10:28
seb128_--- Disconnected ().10:28
danielssteven__: yes, ubuntu7 is broken; ubuntu8 fixes it10:32
anon26ok edited the desktop file which is in ~/.local.....10:33
anon26now how do i get it to appear in the menu?10:34
steven__daniels: very well, it is solved, will try the multimonitor later today10:36
fabbionehey daniels10:36
fabbionedaniels: did you get my sms?10:36
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ograanon26: if the categories are right, it should appear automatically, if not, restart your panel (kill it)10:36
Adrenalprovided it is in xpm.gz format, can i compress any image and use it as the grub background by using the same steps as shown in the wiki art page?10:37
danielsfabbione: nope, phone got stolen on saturday10:37
nessmuksteven__ ubuntu is v.4.10 on the home page. What's this about 8?10:38
fabbionedaniels: 481810:38
ograAdrenal: you will have to reduce the colors etc. there is a howto on the debian installer site10:38
fabbionedaniels: and if you can kindly commit -8 to baz10:38
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anon26nope still nothing10:41
anon26this is the file10:41
anon26[Desktop Entry] 10:41
anon26Name=Tux Racer10:41
anon26GenericName=Tux Racer10:41
anon26Comment=Slide down slopes eating herring10:41
danielsfabbione: yeah, I've just triaged 4818, and it's a non-fatal (i.e. only kills 3D, there is a workaround), and I actually wrote a local fix last night, mainly by accident10:42
danielsfabbione: and -8 is in baz, foo ;)10:42
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cefdaniels: workaround? where?10:42
cefdaniels: affects i386 as well btw, not just amd6410:42
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danielscef: ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.{so,a}10:42
danielscef: yeah, I took lib%s.so out of the search path, not realising that nvidia-glx is rather crackful10:43
fabbionedaniels: it wasn't this morning ;)10:43
cefdaniels: aha!10:43
danielsfabbione: hmmm, I committed it last night ... oh no, wait, I didn't10:43
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danielsfabbione: i typed 'baz commit', but my time at the internet cafe ran out10:43
cefdaniels: yeah I can imagine.. cool10:43
danielsfabbione: btw, that 'deal with pci domains that don't start at 0' hack adds a lazy 15000 file opens10:44
danielsthey're almost entirely to /proc, so it's not that bad10:44
danielsbut 500 -> 15500 is a big jump10:44
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fabbionedaniels: well.. what is worst?10:45
danielsfabbione: hm?10:46
cefdaniels: what should be the destination for that link? cos it doesn't work for the users home dir.10:47
fabbionedaniels: what is worst? opening 15500 files or not fixing that bug?10:48
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danielsfabbione: i dare say not fixing that bug :) i'm not arguing with it being fixed10:50
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danielsi think we can do it better, though10:50
danielsdoing an os.readdir()10:50
danielsi don't think the /proc/pci walking is too cpu-expensive, but i dunno10:50
danielscef: huh?10:50
danielscef: you need to link libglx.a -> libglx.so within /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions10:50
cefaha.. ok10:50
anon26thaks for the help guys, evryting works now10:51
douglasis the wiki with some problems ?10:56
douglaswhen i try to login it doenst repond...10:56
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imkapm me for gmail invites!11:03
fabbioneimka: that is wat offtopic11:04
fabbioneway even11:05
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PeGhow can i capture my desktop? But only the application active11:06
pisukepeg, take a screenshot and crop it with the gimp11:08
=== roo9 has gmail invites too!
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joh_How is ubuntu suited for server use?11:10
cefthere is a minimal install available for servers11:11
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danielsGman: hey dude11:12
Gmanhey daniel11:12
joh_do you recommend Ubuntu for server, instead of Debian Sarge?11:12
joHello, I was wondering if it's possible to put a banner concerning EU software patents on the Ubuntu webpage. It seems they want to approve software patents in the EU before the end of this year! More information: http://demo.ffii.org/11:12
danielsjoh_: yes11:13
danielsGman: how's things?11:13
jojoh_, I think Ubuntu is and will remain to be more "up-to-date" than Sarge11:14
joh_yea, but Sarge might be more stable for server use?11:14
cefjoh: unlike sarge (currently), ubuntu has support and security updates11:14
joh_cef, ahh, I understand. Only woody and Ubuntu has that now11:15
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joh_And Woody is a little... old11:15
Gmandaniels, pretty cruisey dude...winding down for christmas fortunately11:16
Gmandaniels, how's about you?11:16
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danielsGman: nice :) just chilling in barcelona atm11:19
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Gmandaniels, conference went well?11:19
danielsGman: yeah, really well thanks11:19
danielsGman: just relaxing in the holiday aftermath now11:19
danielsGman: chatting to people back home11:19
Gmanyou get home for christmas?11:19
danielsyeah, christmas eve11:20
Gmandaniels, jetlagged zombie for christmas day then? :)11:20
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ctdisn't daniels already half a zombie from X hacking?11:21
cefdaniels: what time you getting in?11:21
cefctd: actually he's a whole zombie, but we don't usually mention it. *grin*11:21
danielscef: 6:20am!  whoo!11:22
cefdaniels: heh.. cab from the airport fun eh?11:23
danielsGman: yeah.  get in 6:20 to like fifty degree weather, catch up with my little sister (5) before she leaves at about lunchtime, then go see other people for the day, then jump on the train to take a 200km journey up to mum's, crash, wake up early for christmas with all the family.11:23
danielscef: heh, getting picked up, mercifully11:23
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ceffun fun fun11:24
ctdcef: He was only 1/2 zombified the times I've seen him.11:24
Gmandaniels, nutball11:24
danielsGman: well, yeah11:24
ctdcef: He must return to full zombification only in vic, aye?11:24
=== daniels beats himself with the offtopicness stick.
cefctd: heh11:25
cefdaniels: gimme that stick.. after what you keep doing to xorg, you deserve a beating from most of us! *grin*11:25
cefhang on.. better not.. he'll probably enjoy it11:26
stvndaniels: xorg ubuntu8 doesn't solve the laptop+external screen problem11:27
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liquidboyanyone here got time to help me with synaptic?11:28
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danielsstvn: does Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,CRT", resolve the problem?11:28
stvnlet's try, device option?11:29
danielsdevice section, yah11:30
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siimodoes anyone use eclise here?11:32
stvndaniels: yes, the laptop screen comes up fine and the external screen gets the same image11:33
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danielsstvn: sweet, I'll poke alex, thanks a lot11:33
cefhrm.. hey does the livecd include build-essential by any chance?11:33
stvndaniels: you too11:33
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danielsstvn: ok, so does it work without the HorizSync/VertRefresh stuff, and with no other options than MonitorLayout?11:38
siimodoes anyone use eclipse here?11:38
siimoi just want to know if you see cut off buttons with ubuntu human theme11:38
stvndaniels: i have horisync/vertrefresh for the laptop screen an da modeline, but all other stuff is dead normal11:39
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danielsstvn: if you send in your xorg.conf, I'll see if I can't get it working out of the box11:40
stvnit is what ubuntusetup produced + the monitorlayout option11:40
djrom_640x480 suxx11:40
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siimodoes anyone use eclipse here?11:43
mojo_something wrong with new Xorg11:44
mojo_the glxgear no longer works11:44
mojo_Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual11:44
mojo_is it my mistake or bug?11:45
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mojo_it's nice to see python2.4 is out in latest update11:46
mojo_now I'm just waiting for gnome-doc-utils and yelp built based on new python2.4, then all'd be perfect!11:46
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danielsstvn: ok, it should work if you ditch HorizSync and VertRefresh11:48
danielsstvn: and probably the modeline also, since IIRC I added it last revision11:48
stvnk lets try11:48
douglasim trying to copy a file for a smb share in nautilus and it is not copying, it only gives me a timeout11:49
douglasdo i have to install samba ?11:49
siimodoes anyone use eclipse here?11:50
siimoi just want to know if you see cut off buttons with ubuntu human theme11:50
siimois this the theme bug or eclipse bug11:50
douglasand another thing11:50
douglasis there a way to change the default gnome menu ?11:50
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mojo_siimo: me!11:51
mojo_siimo: I use Eclipse11:51
thoreauputicdouglas: go to applications:// in nautilus to add launchers to your menu11:51
siimomojo_, do you have this problem11:51
stvndaniels: nope, without modeline is ok, but without hor/ver it takes the resolution of the external screen instead of the laptop (1024x768 vs 1280x800)11:52
siimodamn he left11:52
danielsstvn: interesting; could you please send the log without HorizSync/VertRefresh?11:52
danielsdjrom_: sup11:52
djrom_in which section can we add them ?11:53
douglasthat application trick did not work11:53
danielsdjrom_: in the Device section11:53
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thoreauputicdouglas: you have to right click, add11:53
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thoreauputicthen choose your icon etc11:54
willwhen i inst a new kernel, do i have to reinstall the nvidia driver aswell?11:54
djrom_Section "Device"11:54
djrom_        Identifier      "Trident Microsystems CyberBlade i1"11:54
djrom_        Driver          "trident"11:54
djrom_        BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"11:54
danielsdjrom_: sorry, Monitor section11:54
danielswill: if you installed it yourself, yes11:55
danielswill: that's why we provide packages of it11:55
djrom_        Option  "HorizSync" "28-49"11:55
djrom_        Option  "VertRefresh" "43-72"11:55
djrom_        Option          "DPMS"11:55
danielsdjrom_: right11:56
djrom_writted by dpkg-reconfigure :o11:56
willdaniels: its very good that the new ver. of the kernel comes out, but having to go throught the nvidia install every time seems really boring. is it something that could be put in crontab?11:56
douglasi want to remove a item from the menu11:56
danielswill: why do you want to install it yourself?  we have packages of the nvidia driver11:57
thoreauputicdouglas: you can't right-click delete? Permissions issue I expect11:57
willis that so? will look now :)11:57
cenerentolamultimedia newbie: sorry but why do i hear noise while listening to mp3s11:58
thoreauputicdouglas: you might need sudo to delete menu entries - haven't tried it myself11:58
douglasbut the item i want to delete is in the foot menu11:58
willdaniels: would it be a good idea to remove the old (self installed) driver first?11:59
willcenerentola: keep PCM volume t around 2/311:59
danielswill: shouldn't matter12:00
cenerentolawill: big thanks12:00
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willcenerentola: it could be other things though !12:00
willdaniles: thanks will try it now then12:00
cenerentolawill: well it works...12:00
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douglasi cant access the applications:/// on the neutilus menu12:05
douglashow to correct this ?12:05
douglasdo i have to install a different package ?12:05
thoreauputicdouglas: did you ctrl-l and then type in the location?12:05
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douglasit says that it is not a valid localization12:07
douglasim using hoary12:07
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douglasdo you have a idea ?12:10
thoreauputicdouglas: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#applicationsmenu12:11
seb128applications:/// was using the old menu format12:11
seb128doesn't work for hoary12:11
seb128you can install menu and menu-xdg is you want a debian submenu with all the entries12:11
thoreauputicah, OK sorry12:11
seb128or add some .desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications12:12
thoreauputicso wht's the editing method for Hoary?12:12
seb128making .desktop entries by hand for the moment12:12
seb128the menus format has changed, so some new tools need to be written12:13
seb128that's a development branch ...12:13
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willdaniels: all is well now :)12:16
douglasdid you manange to copy from nautilus (hoary) to using smb shares ?12:18
douglasfrom a machine to another12:18
douglaswhen i try this nautilus freeze12:18
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thenukehohhaohoo, I ordered some booze =)12:32
scoonthenuke, even at 6:30am in philly, those make me thirsty.12:34
scoonthenuke, god bless booze, without it, there would be no hot girls.12:34
thenuke:-] 12:34
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DoktorTomoeDoes *anyone* know the proper way of getting an ESS Maestro3 sound chip back to work?12:43
douglasi updated some gnome things yesterday and now nautilus is breaking everytime12:44
DoktorTomoedouglas: how did you upgrade?12:44
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douglasapt-get update12:45
douglasapt-get upgrade12:45
douglasand gnome is not recognizing my sound card too12:46
fctDoktorTomoe, tried "modprobe esssolo1"? perhaps the module for maestro1 works too12:46
DoktorTomoefct: modprove esssolo1 : FATAL: Module off not found.12:46
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fctok, try running "modconfig" and browsing the kernel/sound entries12:47
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DoktorTomoefct: I really think it should work, There is a startup message that maestro3 war disabled in configuration. I am not ure in WHAT configuration file, however.12:47
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fcttry with modconfig, it should install and activate the modules12:48
DoktorTomoefct: modconfig does not seem to exist on my machine. How do I get it?12:48
thoreauputicmodconf actually12:49
fctapt-get install modconf12:49
fctyeah, I forgot it changed the name12:49
fctI just type "modc<TAB>" :)12:49
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thoreauputicfct: exactly ;)12:50
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DoktorTomoefct: something is really screwed up here ... there is no modconf in the apt rep.12:51
fctneither a command in your system?12:51
DoktorTomoefct: neither a command in my system (and no, I am NOT using Windows ;)12:52
thoreauputicDoktorTomoe: does `whereis modconf` return anything?12:52
fctDoktorTomoe, are you using macos? j/k12:52
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DoktorTomoethoreauputic: modconfig:12:52
thoreauputicDoktorTomoe: no - modconf12:53
thoreauputicsudo modconf12:53
DoktorTomoethoreauputic: modconf:  (I am doing all this as root)12:53
fctapt-cache search modconf12:54
thoreauputicah well maybe it's deprecated or something ;)12:54
DoktorTomoefct: no outpot12:54
fctargh, damn it12:54
fctwell, try this:12:54
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thoreauputicDoktorTomoe: you have universe enabled?12:55
fctmodprobe --list |grep sound |less12:55
DoktorTomoethoreauputic: yes.12:55
fctthat should give you the list of sound modules12:55
DoktorTomoefct: got about 100 or so. maestro3 is in it.12:56
fctdo modprobe snd-maestro3 (if that's the name)12:56
DoktorTomoefct: ok12:57
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fctshould work, try12:57
Haukkari/lib/cpp fails sanity check12:57
HaukkariAnd when I run it, it just jams there. ctrl+c does help, though12:57
DoktorTomoeHaukkari: apt-get install cpp12:57
HaukkariDoktorTomoe: it's installed12:57
thoreauputicHaukkari: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:58
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Haukkarithoreauputic: oh. Wow.12:58
Haukkaricpp still hangs12:58
Haukkaristrace tells it's waiting for something... wait4(-1,    are the last words. :)12:59
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thoreauputicHaukkari: hoary?12:59
Haukkarithoreauputic: nope, Warty12:59
Haukkarithoreauputic: I was thinking of upgrading to Hoary tho. But I don't know how broken it is12:59
DoktorTomoefct: does not work. do I have to restart alsa or something?12:59
thoreauputicHaukkari: heh - pretty broken at the moment - X problems and such01:00
fctDoktorTomoe, I guess so01:00
Haukkarithoreauputic: aww.01:00
DoktorTomoefct: any hints how I do this? (I am one of these adepts, I know..)01:00
thoreauputicHaukkari: what are you compiling?01:00
thoreauputicDoktorTomoe: /etc/init.d/alsa01:01
thoreauputicfollowed by `start`01:01
fctyep, "/etc/init.d/alsa restart" should work01:01
Haukkarithoreauputic: valknut (a newer version of dcgui-qt)01:01
thoreauputicon the same line of course01:01
fctalso, you can try the command "alsaconf"01:02
thoreauputicHaukkari: ah - never heard of it ;)01:02
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Haukkarithoreauputic: :(01:03
Haukkarithoreauputic: dcgui-qt is in apt but it's ooold. :)01:03
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thoreauputicHaukkari: I see01:03
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DoktorTomoefct: alsaconf saved my day :) are those changes permanent?01:04
DoktorTomoefct: e.g. after an reboot?01:04
thoreauputicDoktorTomoe: you might need to run alsactl01:04
fctalsaconf updates the modules configuration01:04
supertedI found hoary to unstable for me. Will it be even slightly possible to downgrade?01:04
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willsuperted: i had the same experience, and no, its time to reinstall01:05
DoktorTomoethoreauputic, fct: thank you, domou arigatou gozaimasu...01:05
fctthat's the ugly part of using development software :P01:05
willsuperted: its theoretically possible, but its quicker to reinstall all :)01:05
supertedwill: okay01:06
willwarty is rock solid ):01:06
supertedyeah i know01:07
supertedbut i always get tempted by bleeding core stuff, but my situation today requires me to be able to log into X at all times :\01:07
xevilsuperted: the up side is that a warty install will take less than an hour... :)01:08
supertedyeah i just have to do some magic to find disk space01:09
DoktorTomoeI feel guilty of asking for another piece of help ... -_-;01:09
fctDoktorTomoe, this is the support channel :P01:09
fctanyway, I must confess I don't use ubuntu and am still waiting for the cds to arrive01:10
DoktorTomoefct: yeah, but i do not want to be selfish ... however, there is this pcmcia wlan card of mine01:10
fctwhich model/chipset? a centrino one?01:10
DoktorTomoendiswrapper uses the windows drivers, and loaded them01:10
DoktorTomoeRealtek (a netgear card)01:10
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DoktorTomoeit used to work (with some quirks), but it does not after I crashed the system01:11
fcthmmm, not sure there01:11
Haukkarithoreauputic: I managed to bypass the /lib/cpp-check01:11
Haukkarithoreauputic: so now I can compile this. Yay. :)01:11
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Haukkarithoreauputic: I just hope it works. ;)01:11
thoreauputicgotta go - have fun :)01:14
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DoktorTomoeWhere/What is the proper file to define hostnames of IPs in a local network?01:20
fctDoktorTomoe, /etc/hosts, if I remember correctly01:20
fcttry "man hosts" for the format01:20
DoktorTomoemerci :)01:22
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fctDoktorTomoe, try http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ for docs, perhaps you don't need to ask here01:26
fctbut if you need to, and find a solution, perhaps you could contribute to documentation :)01:26
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noamdoes anyone know where I can report bugs in the Hoary Hedgehog release?01:31
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moriddin2hi, could anyone help me out please? im trying to boot from the ubuntu CD in order to install it and it tells me something like boot error: Disk Error 32, AX = 4200 Drive 9F01:34
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opihi guys01:34
moriddin2opi, could you help me out please?01:34
moriddin2hi, could anyone help me out please? im trying to boot from the ubuntu CD in order to install it and it tells me something like boot error: Disk Error 32, AX = 4200 Drive 9F01:35
DoktorTomoemoriddin2: Is it possible that the ISO you downloaded does not mat6ch the checksum?01:36
moriddin2whats a checksum?01:36
DoktorTomoeits a hash of data. if the checksums do not match, the files are different (e.g. you had a broken download)01:37
moriddin2i dont think so, the download was smooth01:37
moriddin2and i downloaded it twice01:37
DoktorTomoeare you absolutly sure the download was ok?01:38
stvnmoriddin2: could be your bios01:40
moriddin2what  do you mean?01:40
stvngoogle on your error gives a lot or posts on hardware/bios problems (together with faulty CDs)01:40
stvnmoriddin2: what kind of motherboard do you have?01:40
stvnmoriddin2: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/history/4930801:41
stvnmoriddin2: you need to write down the exact error, probably there's something before and after the disk error line01:42
moriddin2wait a sec01:45
DoktorTomoeanyone a idea what could be wrong with this fstab line: dolores:/home/Gemeinsame\ Dateien /media/nfs/dolores_gemeinsame nfs auto,user 0 001:45
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TenPlus1Hi folks...01:45
cefsure the server side has that capital G in it's share name?01:45
TenPlus1I need a little help installing a sound-driver under Ubuntu... anyone ??01:45
DoktorTomoecef: yes, it has.01:46
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: Just fixed this problem (with a lot of help). Maybe I can help ...01:46
cefahh that space in the share name might be the issue.. might try double escaping that space01:47
TenPlus1DoktorTomoe: excellent... I have a SoundMAX onboard...01:47
DoktorTomoecef: didnt work :(01:47
cefDoktorTomoe: hrm.. manual mounting it from the command line works?01:48
DoktorTomoecef: jupp01:48
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: and what seems to be the problem?01:49
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TenPlus1DoktorTomoe: well, Ubuntu cannot find my soundcard, and I have an alsa-driver-9.9.1adi directory (I unzipped) with the driver inside, although it doesnt install at all01:50
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TenPlus1I followed the make instructions but they only result in errors01:50
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: did you try alsaconf?01:50
TenPlus1at the command-line ?01:50
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: try sudo alsaconf01:51
TenPlus1Doktor: it says command not found01:52
karloshi..can anybody help me change my monitor res please...i'm gettin a tad confused01:52
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DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: apt-cache search alsaconf01:52
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TenPlus1DoKtor: came up with "alsa-utils - Advances Linux Sound Architechture (utilities)"01:54
DoktorTomoenfs problem solved. had to be escaped with \040 (numerical space)01:54
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils01:54
izohja hij zeikt over gnome volume panel not found01:55
izargh sorry01:55
TenPlus1alsa-base and alsa-utils is already the newest version (it says)01:55
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: sudo apt-get remove alsa-base alsa-utils01:55
DoktorTomoethen install it again. Maybe your compile broke something ...01:56
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dasdashow do you execute windows executables in linux - can you?01:59
thenukeyou would need wine for example01:59
DoktorTomoewindows on another partition also helps in most cases. makes it smoother02:00
thenukeit's not an windows emulator but allows you to run some windows software in linux02:00
DoktorTomoewhen using wine02:00
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TenPlus1DoKtor: it's asking for the install CD and I inserted it, now it's not accepting02:03
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: Try commenting out the reference to CD in your /etc/apt/sources.list02:03
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DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: it should get the packages from the net then02:04
TenPlus1it wont let me... file is read only02:06
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: you know vi?02:09
TenPlus1nope, sorry02:10
stvnDoktorTomoe: let him use gedit or nano02:11
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: which editor do you use?02:11
DoktorTomoehm, ok02:11
stvnuserfriendly etc ;)02:12
TenPlus1anything that's useable...02:12
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list02:12
DoktorTomoeuseable, yes. Userfriendly? :)02:12
DoktorTomoeyou get your own idea of userfriendlyness after 5 weeks without a gui :)02:13
TenPlus1ok, I rem'd out the cd lines02:13
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DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: now: sudo apt-get update02:13
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: and then sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils02:13
dobberhi all, i have a problem booting the live cd on my laptop, it hangs on "enableing DMA on hdc [cdrom blabla] "02:14
TenPlus1DoK: it's installing now...02:14
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DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: What was your problem again? ;) ... try sudo alsaconf02:15
TenPlus1command not found02:16
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DoktorTomoewhereis alsaconf02:16
TenPlus1?? dunno02:16
DoktorTomoemaybe your shell knows? :)02:16
crimsunalsaconf is in the 'alsa-utils' package02:16
TenPlus1all that's in there is alsactl02:17
DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: you are sure that the alsa-utils package is installed?02:17
TenPlus1yep, installed ok02:17
crimsundobber: check the boot options02:18
crimsundobber: I believe there's an option to disable enabling DMA for ATAPI devices02:18
mmpfin which file can i tell ubuntu to modprobe nvidia at startup?02:19
mmpfi added a script in the rc5.d directory02:19
dobbercrimsun: 10x02:20
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DoktorTomoeTenPlus1: Sorry, i am stuck02:20
crimsunmmpf: dpkg -l nvidia-kernel-common|grep ^ii02:21
TenPlus1that's ok... I didn't think it would be that easy to be honest...02:21
TenPlus1thx tho02:21
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emanuelezhello *02:24
emanuelezwhat pogram do u suggest me to download pictures from a digital camera?02:24
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TenPlus1I have an INSTALL and INSTALL.SH file in my sound-card driver directory, how do I install it properly ??02:26
crimsunTenPlus1: aren't you using ALSA?02:26
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TenPlus1I have no idea... am new to driver install under linux...02:27
TenPlus1any help would be most appreciated02:27
crimsunTenPlus1: you shouldn't have had to install anything. Ubuntu configures it automagically.02:27
TenPlus1crimsun: during boot it says that it couldnt find my soundcard02:27
TenPlus1i have a "SoundMAX Integral Digital Audio"02:28
crimsunTenPlus1: you'll use the snd-intel8x0 ALSA driver02:28
TenPlus1how do I set that up ??02:28
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xevilthat dobber is a really nice guy, huh?02:31
crimsunTenPlus1: please paste on pastebin.com the output of `lsmod|grep snd'02:31
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TenPlus1ok, typed it, but no output02:31
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cefok, where do I find the equivalent of the msttcorefonts package in debian?02:36
TenPlus1how do I run a batch-file... it's called install-sh but when I type it in, it says command not found02:36
cefTenPlus1: the local directory is not in your path. either specify the whole path, or put ./ in front of the filename if it's in the current directory02:37
TenPlus1cef: doesnt work...02:38
zeedoTenPlus1: chmod +x install-sh; ./install-sh02:38
TenPlus1says "no input file specified"02:39
zeedoTenPlus1: what are you trying to install ?02:40
TenPlus1a sound driver for my motherboard02:40
crimsunTenPlus1: how about `lsmod|grep i810_audio' ?02:40
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TenPlus1tried that, nothing happened02:41
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crimsunTenPlus1: `sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0'02:43
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TenPlus1ok, done that, nothing appeared, just the prompt again02:43
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crimsunTenPlus1: good02:44
crimsunTenPlus1: `sudo modprobe snd-pcm-oss'02:44
TenPlus1same again...02:45
crimsunTenPlus1: good.02:46
TenPlus1? what does that mean ?02:46
crimsunTenPlus1: check the output of `groups'02:46
crimsunTenPlus1: make sure "audio" is listed02:46
TenPlus1how do I do that ? where is groups ?02:46
crimsunTenPlus1: I use the syntax `foo' to denote a command you type in a terminal02:47
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dasdashow do you execute windows .exe files on ubuntu?02:48
crimsundasdas: ...you don't. Why?02:48
crimsunTenPlus1: what is the output?02:48
ceferm, is it just me, or is msttcorefonts missing from hoary?02:49
TenPlus1you've lost me crimsun...02:49
dasdasi mean can u use windows applications on ubuntu?02:49
mmpfi think with wine you can02:49
DoktorTomoedasdas: Yes, you can. Install wine02:49
cefdasdas: normally no, with wine, depends on the apps.02:49
dasdaswhere can i download wine?02:49
DoktorTomoedasdas: As mentioned earlier, an windows partition helps running even the most obscure windows program02:49
DoktorTomoedasdas: sudo apt-get install wine02:50
crimsunTenPlus1: you typed those lsmod commands in a terminal02:50
DoktorTomoesudo apt-get install wine winesetup should save you trouble though02:50
crimsunTenPlus1: therefore, type the groups command in a terminal, too02:50
crimsunTenPlus1: and what is the output of the `groups' command?02:52
mmpfhas someone this cymotion keyboard from cherry running on ubuntu?02:52
TenPlus1is just says "root"02:53
crimsunTenPlus1: what is the output of `whoami'?02:53
emanuelezwhen do u think gphoto2 2.1.5 will be installable?02:53
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crimsunTenPlus1: why are you root?02:53
TenPlus1I have no idea02:54
TenPlus1does that make a difference tho02:54
crimsunTenPlus1: you're not using a livecd, are you?02:54
TenPlus1no, it's installed02:54
crimsunTenPlus1: how did you get to root?02:54
TenPlus1??? just opened a shell02:54
emanuelezTenPlus1: it supports my new camera.. that's it :(02:54
crimsunTenPlus1: well, open a regular shell02:55
mmpferror: "Couldn't find QT development headers!" <- how can i get them?02:55
crimsunTenPlus1: a non-root shell02:55
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TenPlus1k, i opened the shell again and typed groups02:55
TenPlus1audio appears02:55
crimsunTenPlus1: good.02:55
crimsunTenPlus1: in that same shell, type `alsamixer'02:55
TenPlus1function failed: no such device02:55
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mmpfwhat do i have to install to get QT development headers?02:56
G-manhi, guys can you tell me where to download a checksum program and how to use it?02:56
G-manive downloaded and burnt ubuntu and im having lots of trouble installing it..02:57
crimsunmmpf: sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt-dev libqt3-headers qt3-dev-tools02:57
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G-manplease help i must install this im going insane02:57
mmpfthx crimsun02:57
crimsunTenPlus1: output of `cat /proc/asound/cards' ?02:57
mmpfG-man, try md5sum02:57
G-manhow do i use it?02:57
TenPlus1"--- no soundcards ---"02:57
mmpfhave you linux running?02:57
GorthIs it possible to force alsa not to mute my LINEIN at startup?02:58
G-mannope i dont im using winxp02:58
mmpfif you have then: md5sum ubuntuiso.iso02:58
G-manim converting myself to linux02:58
crimsunGorth: it's not muted unless you leave it muted. When you shut down, the mixer settings are saved.02:58
mmpfhmm i'll look at google02:58
crimsunTenPlus1: give me the relevant `lspci -v' output for your sound chipset, please.02:59
G-manmmpf: the ubuntu installation always gets stuck at the 59% when its retrieving information, on the netcfg file02:59
Gorthcrimsun: ahh ok, that's weird. I don't remember muting it before I reboot.03:00
mmpfhttp://www.irnis.net/gloss/md5sum-windows.shtml there you can get it for windows03:00
TenPlus1crimson: nothing appears for sound-card, or nothing I can make out to be a sound-card03:00
crimsunTenPlus1: then paste all of the output onto pastebin.com03:00
G-man10Q mate03:01
mmpfis your ubuntu trying to get files from the internet? mybe it can't get a connection?03:01
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G-mani dont think so, since i burnt the image onto a cdrom and im booting it from the cd03:02
TenPlus1crimsun: done...03:02
G-manand i have internal modem...03:02
cefwhere is msttcorefonts? anyone?03:02
G-mana dsl one03:02
crimsuncef: in the 'multiverse' repo03:02
cefcrimsun: ahh ok.. might edit the wiki then, since it just says you can apt it.03:03
mmpfi'm using ubuntu today the first time too ... so maybe someone else can help?03:03
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crimsunTenPlus1: hmm. Do you have an ISA sound chipset?03:04
xevilcef: in Debian testing contrib I think03:05
TenPlus1I have no idea... all I know is that it's a SoundMAX onboard my Asus A7V8X-MX SE motherboard03:05
mmpfG-man, can it be that linux can't handle your modem?03:06
G-manit can be so i disconnected it once03:07
G-manand it happend again.. (stuck)03:07
G-manmaybe its because of my motherboard?03:07
G-mani have asus p4p80003:08
mmpfor your iso is damaged... can be that it simply can't read the file03:09
G-manwell i download it again and burn it again.. im going to checkit out. .ill be back soon03:09
crimsunTenPlus1: did you disable it in bios? did you assign an irq to it in bios?03:09
mmpfor check the checksum of your old iso G-man03:10
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TenPlus1crimsun: it works fine under windows and has irq 2203:11
crimsunTenPlus1: working under Windows doesn't mean a single thing.03:11
TenPlus1true, but it is working and not disabled in any way03:12
crimsunit appears to be disabled03:12
crimsunI checked the motherboard specs; it should be PCI-based03:12
crimsuntherefore it should be listed in lspci output03:12
crimsunyet it's not?03:12
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cefxevil: it's in multiverse. I've updated the wiki anyway saying it's in multiverse03:15
cefxevil: and I just installed it from there, so all is good. *grin*03:15
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xevilcef: thanks... I'm new to Ubuntu, but have used Debian for a while03:16
cefthink we need to add a section to the FAQ about the different repo's, what each holds, and how to enable them03:17
cefxevil: similar.. nort so new to ubuntu, but really not been using it since just before the release03:17
cefxevil: but previously a long time debian user03:17
TenPlus1thx for your help tho crimsun...03:18
crimsunTenPlus1: would you paste `lsmod' output to pastebin.com?03:18
mmpfis someone using the cymotionmaster linux from cherry?03:19
xevilcef: I installed Ubuntu 3 days ago... it has a familiar feel to it, though I'm not a Gnome fan...03:19
TenPlus1crimsun: done03:21
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xevilBBL... this dialup is killing me...03:22
crimsunTenPlus1: hmm, did you reboot, or did you remove the ALSA modules?03:23
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TenPlus1I reboot...03:23
bersteinHello.  Any pointers on setting up a CD burning under Warty (kernel ?03:24
crimsunTenPlus1: out of curiosity, do you use your printer port?03:24
TenPlus1nope, and I've re-pasted the lsmod list after putting in those commands again03:25
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crimsunTenPlus1: still nothing in /proc/asound/cards, correct?03:27
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TenPlus1cant get into cards directory...03:28
crimsunTenPlus1: cat /proc/asound/cards03:28
TenPlus1nothing... "--- no soundcards ---"03:29
crimsunok, reboot and disable the printer port in bios03:29
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kquamme94anyone home?03:31
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bersteinsome at home, others at office :)  how can we help you?03:31
mmpfi'm at home03:31
kquamme94can anyone help me real quick on a samba issue03:31
crimsunTenPlus1: ah, we've been trying the wrong driver :)03:31
mmpfcan i turn a rpm-file in a .deb file?03:32
TenPlus1crimsun: doh!...03:32
Rotundanyone know the status of mono in hoary?  I can't seem to get it to install (missing the mono-assemblies)03:32
crimsunTenPlus1: modprobe snd-via82xx snd-pcm-oss03:32
kquamme94i need to access and folder on my ubuntu machine named "/sambashare" from a WinXP machine in the same room. I am using 192.168.1.X naming sceme and have the workgroup names set the same, but can't get it to show up in the network neighborhood03:33
lexhidermmpf: alien03:33
crimsunRotund: I presume mono-assemblies-base and mono-assemblies-arch will be updated to match 1.0.4 soon03:34
kquamme94"access a folder"03:34
lexhidermmpf: I use alien to convert the realplayer10 rpm to a deb which I then install with dpkg.03:34
mmpfthe man-page sounds good :)03:34
mmpfthx lexhider03:34
kquamme94anyone have any ideas for me?03:34
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mmpfhave you searched for the ip of your ubuntu-maschine?03:35
xLobeznoxwhat does ubuntu use for screen detect'03:35
TenPlus1crimsun: now I get a page full of errors03:35
crimsunTenPlus1: did you reboot first?03:35
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kquamme94mmpf: i tried to search for the share and add it as a network drive and it couldn't find it03:36
crimsunTenPlus1: what sort of errors? (use pastebin.com)03:36
kquamme94i have made sure the firewall is not causing the problem and have ruled that out03:37
TenPlus1k, sent...03:37
crimsunTenPlus1: you have to sudo modprobe ...03:38
crimsunTenPlus1: inserting/removing modules requires root privileges03:39
kquamme94if anyone knows how to make samba work, I would greatly aprpreciate it because I am currently at school trying to finish this project03:39
TenPlus1crimsun: ok, works now under root terminal03:40
crimsunTenPlus1: ok, in a normal terminal, run `alsamixer'03:41
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mmpfhave you started the sambademon kquamme94?03:41
TenPlus1"alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: no such device"03:41
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crimsunTenPlus1: does `cat /proc/asound/cards' still report no devices?03:42
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TenPlus1yep, afraid so03:42
crimsunah well.03:44
TenPlus1*sob* I really don't wanna use Windows anymore...03:44
kquamme94no one has any suggestion for me?03:45
mmpfhave you started the sambademon kquamme94 ?03:47
kquamme94i have everything configured and started, it's just not showing up on the windows machines03:48
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ashishHi to all03:51
ashishLong time no see03:51
ashishI am fighting to install Ubuntu Linux on all of my PCs of my department03:51
ashishtreenaks, are you there ?03:51
ashishare you there, bob2 ?03:51
ashishstuNNed, how are you man ?03:52
spacedmanstuNNed silence...03:52
ashishBy the way, how do I install fonts in Ubuntu ?03:54
ashishI have a local font which I want to install in Ubuntu03:55
ashishIs Gentoo better than Ubuntu ?03:55
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D4_hi :)03:56
ashishOne of my friends said that Gentoo is a Father and Ubuntu a child03:56
ashishIs Emerge better than apt-get ???03:57
zeedoashish: you probably wont get an unbiased distro comparison in a channel devoted to one of the subjects of the comparison03:57
ashishWell how is Ubuntu better than the other Linux Distros ???03:58
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ashishI have a small problem installing fonts in Ubuntu04:00
ashishHow do I install fonts in Ubuntu ?04:01
ashishHow do I update Ubuntu ?04:01
supertedashish: http://ubuntuguide.org/04:02
ashishWell I have seen it04:02
ashishBut I still can't install some fonts I need04:02
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superted.ttf fonts?04:03
ashishttf fonts04:04
supertedthen you just need to put them in a font folder04:05
superteddon't know which04:05
Rotundone that is in your XF86Config04:05
ashishwhere is the font directory ?04:05
Rotundand you need to run ttmkfdir04:05
Rotundyou probably want to make your own04:06
Rotundthen just add it like...04:06
ashishWell what is the first process ?04:07
Rotundif you open /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, it'll become quite obvious04:07
Rotund(FontPath is the keyword),,, right at the top04:07
Rotundcreate a directory04:07
Rotundtypically under /usr/04:07
Rotundumm.. one sec04:08
Rotundmake one called "myfonts"04:08
Rotundtoss all your fonts in there04:08
xLobeznoxwhat does ubuntu use for screen detect'?04:08
mjg59Easiest thing to do is just to open fonts:/// in Nautilus and drag them in there04:09
mjg59fontconfig will look after the rest04:09
Rotundor that04:09
Rotund =)04:09
mjg59xLobeznox: A lot of magic04:09
ashishThen the browser will detect my local fonts automatically04:09
ashishAnyway Rotund, thanks04:09
xLobeznoxmjg59, are you devel?04:09
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rjekIs there a way of getting esd to listen on TCP publically? It seems to ignore /etc/esound/esd.conf04:09
mjg59xLobeznox: Not really04:09
rjekAnd the sound configuration just has a tick box to enable automatically starting esd.04:09
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Rotundrjek: you killed esd and restarted it?04:10
xLobeznoxok, I would like to know what ubuntu use for that, I need it04:10
xLobeznoxfor a GUI app04:10
dentedtaxihi everyone04:10
rjekRotund: I can kill it and restart it manually with my choice of switches, yes.04:10
RotundxLobeznox: as in "what resolutions does my monitor support?"04:10
rjekBut I'd like it to do that when I log in so I don't have to.04:11
Rotundand it still doesn't opena public port?04:11
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Rotundyou firewalled?04:11
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LyahgeloHi to all04:11
xLobeznoxRotund, resolution, and refresh, yes04:11
xLobeznoxRotund, and how many screens are there is posible to know?04:11
rjekRotund: It doesn't open a public port by default.  I want to change that.  If I kill the one it starts, and start my own with the right switches, it works.04:11
rjekI want to change the switches that get passed to it when it automatically starts when I log in.04:12
Rotundrjek: what did you add to esd.conf?04:12
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rjekRotund: -tcp -public -promiscuous04:12
rjekBut it doesn't appear to be touching that file.04:12
mjg59rjek: My recollection is that esd doesn't behave usefully when it's started by Gnome04:12
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rjekBecause if I remove the -nobeeps, it doesn't beep when I log in.04:13
RotundxLobeznox: You want to know just what it is currently?  or of the possible choices currently in X?  Or more of "I am going to set-up detecting what monitor you have)04:13
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rjekmjg59: Damn it. :)04:13
lifelessmjg59: esd doesn't behave usefullyt... ever04:13
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Rotundrjek: you could try polypaudio04:13
anirhey guys04:13
rjekIt's just fine if you want to make a beep every-so-often and have it occur at approx. the right time, or for streaming music from another machine.04:13
rjekRotund: I could, if I had any idea what it was. :)04:13
aniranyome want to talk to me??04:13
Rotundrjek: Another implementation of a mixer that's ESD compat.04:14
rjekHello anir.04:14
rjekRotund: OK.  Say I use that.  How do you tell Gnome to use that instead? :)04:14
anirhi rjek04:14
rjekOr does it provide an "esd" command too?04:14
Rotundrjek: It just does04:14
aniri want to ask u a question rjek04:14
Rotundrjek: *shrug* it just works for me =)04:14
rjekIs it how to spell "you" and use question marks? :)04:14
mjg59rjek: It provides an esd command04:14
rjekSorry, that's one of the things that get up my wick.04:15
=== rjek apt-gets.
xLobeznoxRotund, I want to add to gnome screen configurator, a feature to detect screens and put cloned etc..04:15
xLobeznoxand change configuration in real time04:15
Rotundrjek: yes, makes it's own esd04:15
RotundxLobeznox: Have you looked at the RandR extension of X11?  That's what you use to change the resolution on the fly04:16
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RotundxLobeznox: You can even mess people up and flip the screen 90 degrees04:16
anirrjek i want to play music, watch movie and play games.. which linux distros i should use?04:16
rjekAny of them will let you, I should imagine.  It's just some of them take more effort than others.04:16
rjekAnd if Angband is the type of game you like playing, you're laughing.04:17
RotundxLobeznox: So, the answer is it's built in X, maybe... depends on if the extension is supported04:17
xLobeznoxRotund, I said to change configuration really, and add new screens, if you plug a monitor to vga output04:17
aniri am talking about half-life, warcraft..04:17
xLobeznoxto detect it and put cloned or dualheaded04:17
rjekanir: I think you'll find Windows will work best for those.  Considering they're written for Windows.04:17
RotundxLobeznox:  ahhh.  that's different.  I believe you have to kill and restart X04:18
stvnanir: as long as the game is supported by linux, it doesn't matter that much, if it isn't supported, well there's always windows04:18
=== jkka [~jukka@YYYMDCCCLIII.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
anirokay.. so linux is  not for gaming04:18
xLobeznoxanir, not really04:18
anirhow about slakeware?04:18
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Rotundanir: it's not bad04:18
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stvnanir: not specifically, i have some games which work fine, but windows tend to be better in running windows programs04:18
xf_sure it is, just not the games you want to play04:18
RotundMost FPS's are ported.  and WineX can do most others04:18
RotundIt's not great, but not BAD04:18
RotundHalfLife 2 and World of Warcraft04:19
anirstvn what are the games u have in linux?04:19
RotundThey worked like 2 weeks later04:19
stvnanir: ATM only enemy territory, haven't much time to play nowadays04:19
xLobeznoxanir, if you annoy game developers to annoy the company where they work to opensource they software, then you'll have games in gnu and bsd04:19
stvnxLobeznox: he better start with annoying ati/nvidia to get the hardware required ;)04:20
Rotundnvidia's support is the same as Windows04:20
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anirand about playing mp3s and mpeg4 files?? coz ubuntu is noty playing mpeg4 files04:20
stvnanir: it is possible04:20
anirstvn how?04:21
=== Dengar [dengar@cc109748-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
stvnread the wiki: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestictedFormats at the top of my head04:21
Rotundhell, nvidia builds both drivers from the same source04:21
aniryes it  does not support mpeg4 formats04:21
stvnyou need to add support for mp3 and mpeg4, i can watch more movies in linux than in windows04:21
anirwhat support stvn04:22
anirwhich linux do u use stvn?04:22
stvnmplayer, avcodecs, w32codecs, stuff like that04:22
hannuI need help with my USB bus. It is not detected at all.04:22
stvnubuntu, hence my presence in this channel04:22
fsmwhi all!, is there another way to configure a printer in ubuntu, i can't find the way to share a printer in gnome-cups-manager, and using cups server config via web is disabled04:22
Rotundanir you need to add a couple repositories04:22
anirrotund which ones???04:23
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stvnanir: it's all written here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats04:23
stvnanir: check for the bit on DVDCSS/xvid/other legally questionable packages04:23
fsmwi need to share my printer to other ubuntu clients04:24
stvnanir: mplayer is your friend or otherwise totem-xine or gxine can be friendly as well, i watch everything in totem myself04:24
rjekRotund: OK.  polypaudio.  How do you actually get it to listen on TCP?04:25
Rotundrjek: no clue =)04:25
RotundI just know it does04:25
Rotundgotta run to work04:25
rjekRotund: Running with -tcp -public -promiscuous doesn't, and I've changed its config file such that it loads the esound-tcp module.04:25
Rotundrjek: google for it and it should help04:26
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aniranyone tried MEPIS04:26
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anir anyone tried MEPIS04:27
mmpfnot yet anir but i will soon04:27
mmpfhave just installed ubuntu04:27
anirokay..anyone else??04:28
aniri need a feeback..04:28
jam3sanyone use ubuntu as server?04:28
aniri have seen the desktop .. it looks great04:28
hannuNo experience with Mepis04:29
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Pallewhat's the command to mount my / partition if i boot from a knoppix live cd?? and then reinstall GRUB??04:29
hannuBut seriously. I really need to get the USB working. Device manager does not show it at all. What can I do?04:29
Pallei mean how to install grub04:29
hannuDoes anybody here know anything about the USB or should I just file a bug?04:30
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=== Palle slaps adsb-work around a bit with a large trout
Pallenobody knows?04:31
anirsomeone knows..04:31
anirnut they are busy i guess palle04:31
Palleokey, well i don't have the time to w8 right now guess i'll have to experiment a little on my own... cya04:32
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anircool palle04:32
=== rjek removes polypaudio and reinstalls esd.
aniri cant play mp3 in ubuntu04:33
rjekThat's because it doesn't have any MPEG Audio codecs installed by default.04:33
jam3sanir: me to04:33
jam3sme too04:34
jam3si see04:34
rjekRead the FAQ on www.ubuntulinux.org - I seem to recall that tells you about it.04:34
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anircan anyone help in this topic.. other than refering to wiki..04:34
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hannuto get listening support to ubuntu you need to install gstreamer0.8-mad (AFAIR)04:35
aniri have installed hannu04:36
hannuand still nothing?04:36
hannuworked for me...04:36
anirno hannu04:36
rjekanir: What information doesn't the FAQ give you that you need?04:36
aniri mean i cant install xmss04:37
rjekHave you enabled the Universe depot in Synaptic?04:37
aniryes i have04:38
rjekOr is it Restricted?  I can never remember.04:38
rjekOK.  Have you clicked the "Reload" button?04:38
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aniryes rjek04:39
rjekanir: In a terminal window, type "sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad"04:39
rjekIt'll ask for your password.04:39
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anirrjek how will i open a terminal window?04:40
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rjekanir: Right click on the desktop, and click on "Open Terminal"04:40
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rjekanir: Any joy?04:43
huttananyone here familiar with building kernels on fast systems with HT and such?04:43
anirwell its not talking my password04:43
rjekanir: You're likely to be mistyping it, then.04:44
rjekhuttan: What specifically do you want to know?04:44
huttanrjek, ever had problems with the system running slow ?04:44
rjekhuttan: What, while you're building it, or when running the kernel you've built?04:44
rjekI just enabled SMP, and used a version of the kernel that understood the HT siblings.04:44
rjek(I think any 2.6 kernel does.)04:45
huttanrjek, the kernel i made myself, it should really have anything i need, but my whole system is running really slow, like it's going at 30% or something04:45
rjekAnd it works a treat.04:45
rjekhuttan: Are the virtual CPUs actually being used?04:45
huttanrjek, im trying 2.6.7 now, 2.6.9 has failed like 20 kernels now04:45
huttanrjek, yeah..it's using booth the cpus04:45
rjekWhen the kernel boots on my machine, I get this:04:45
huttanrjek, but something is really messed up, it's going very slow04:46
zenwhenHT works great for me in Linux.04:46
sjoerdhuttan: the standard ubuntu smp kernel should just work (tm)04:46
rjekTotal of 4 processors activated (19228.26 BogoMIPS).04:46
rjekcpu_sibling_map[0]  = 104:46
rjekcpu_sibling_map[1]  = 004:46
rjekcpu_sibling_map[2]  = 304:46
rjekcpu_sibling_map[3]  = 204:46
huttanrjek, i have nothing like that04:46
rjekHmm, I suspect that the kernel doesn't know about the HT then.04:46
rjekCan you do a uname -a, and paste it for me?04:47
huttanLinux huttan 2.6.9 #1 SMP Sat Dec 18 13:52:28 CET 2004 i686 GNU/Linux04:47
sjoerdhuttan: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep siblings04:47
anirrjek i typed the password wrong now nothing is taking ..what do i do?04:47
huttansiblings: 204:47
huttansiblings: 204:47
sjoerdhuttan: looks ok04:48
rjekanir: Give up? :)04:48
huttansjoerd, where do i get the standard smp kernel?04:48
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huttanmaybe i can compare some things04:48
rjekkernel-image-2.6-686-smp seems to be a good choice.04:48
sjoerdhuttan: just install a -smp kernel package04:48
anirno i dont  want to rjek04:49
rjekanir: OK.  Close that terminal window you opened.  Open a new one.  Do "apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad" again, but type your password in right this time.04:49
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anirits not asking fot password..04:52
anirrjek: its giving  couldnot get lock/var/lib/dpkg/lock04:54
rjekanir: That's because you're missing the "sudo" bit.04:54
rjekDoes it mention something about you not being root?04:55
rjekAlso make sure you're not running synaptic elsewhere.04:55
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anirdo i have to give the codes '   ' ?04:56
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Quest-MasterMy apt-get is broken again05:01
mmpfis kde working on ubuntu?05:02
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anirrjek u there?05:03
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anirrjek: i typed and it says that its already installed05:03
rjekanir: "you", and yes.05:03
mmpfhas someone kde running?05:03
rjekanir: There you go, then.05:03
anirso what next?05:03
rjekYou go off and play MP3s.05:03
rjekNormally with either Totem or the shockingly dire RhythmBox.05:04
aniri cant install xmss rjek05:04
rjekDo you mean xmms?05:04
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bur[n] erget beep-media-player05:04
bur[n] erit's gtk205:04
bur[n] erfits better than xmms05:04
aniryes xmms rjrk05:04
Quest-Masterexactly what i was about to say05:04
aniryes rjek..xmss05:05
rjekbut gmp leaks memory like a seive, and doesn't have as many input modules as XMMS.05:05
rjekanir: What does it say when you try to do "apt-get install xmms" ?05:05
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anirdoes exit05:05
anirit does not exit rjek05:06
bur[n] errjek: bmp?  what input module do you need?05:06
rjekbur[n] er: Last time I checked, it lacked a FLAC one, for a start.05:06
bur[n] erguess i don't know about hte memleaks, i haven't checked that out05:06
anirrjek do i have to install gxmms too??05:06
rjekanir: No.05:06
bur[n] erhrm... you're right... no flac :\05:07
rjekAnd for certain things, MP3 and Ogg Vorbis just suck.05:07
bur[n] erit doesn't have shn either :\05:07
bur[n] erjust noticed05:07
anirwhat plug-ins i should install rjek?05:07
rjekanir: Which ever ones you like.05:08
anirokay i am installing now.. let me see if it plays.. rjek05:09
anirand what about games.. like delta force.. can i play it in ubuntu rjek?05:10
rjekI imagine it's only slightly more likely to work as expecting to run XBox games on a Playstation.05:10
aniri didnt get u rjek05:11
rjekExpecting Linux to play Windows games well is like expecting a PlayStation to play XBox games.05:11
anirokay.. so is there any linux game?05:12
rjekA couple.05:12
bur[n] erexcept... you can play windows games on linux05:12
bur[n] erit's called cedega05:12
huttananir, you can get a windows emulator like cedega to play win games in linux05:12
bur[n] erwine may work too05:12
rjekbur[n] er: Not especially well, it's a pain in the arse to set up, and most modern games you've got to cough up for a piece of software to do it.05:12
rjekIt's much easier to just reboot into Windows most of the time. :)05:13
anirwhat about WINE huttan05:13
huttananir, i found out that cedega works much better05:13
anirbut the thing is that i cant install it in linux05:13
huttananir, you cant install what in linux ?05:13
rjekanir: There are some native Linux ports of games.  Like Doom 3 and Return To Castle Wolfenstien.  There are plenty of "free" games too, but none are especially graphically stunning.05:13
huttantuxracer xjump :)05:14
=== rjek grins.
huttanrjek, 2.6.7 seems to be running alot faster than 2.6.9 did, maybe it's a bug in 2.6.905:14
rjekhuttan: Hmm, perhaps.05:15
bur[n] errjek: cedega works really well for my starcraft :)05:15
bur[n] erand i can't reboot to windows ;)05:15
bur[n] eri have no windows05:15
rjekbur[n] er: But cedega costs almost as much as an OEM version of Windows. :)05:16
rjekhuttan: I use 2.4.22 on my Xeon/HT box. :)05:16
bur[n] erare you kidding?05:16
anirbur[n] er i dont know how to install my windows games in linux as it does not run automatically and when i click on the setup file it gives error message05:16
huttanrjek, maybe i should try a 2.4 kernel05:16
bur[n] eranir: cedega setup.exe05:16
bur[n] eror 'wine setup.exe'05:16
JanCif anyone here is against (unlimited) software patents, you can sign this open letter (read it first! ;)05:16
huttancedega costs money?05:17
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bur[n] erSign up for a TransGaming subscription at 5 USD, 5 EUR, or 3 GBP per month, with a minimum three-month payment05:17
bur[n] er$1505:17
bur[n] ernot a ton05:17
rjekAllowing software patents is consistant with the rest of patent law.  The problem isn't allowing software to be patented, but the whole of patent law in general.05:17
bur[n] ernot even close to windows OEM05:17
huttani just searched for cedega on google and downloaded it05:18
huttannever knew it wasnt free05:18
rjekbur[n] er: Shrug, my local computer shop'll sell you a copy of Windows OEM for about 10UKP.  (Assuming you've bought something else... like a patch lead.)05:18
bur[n] ereh, they're a good company, and they don't ask much... i'm about supporting them05:18
bur[n] erto each their own05:18
rjekFreeCiv and Gnocatan is all you need, anyway :)05:19
=== bur[n] er just wants outlook to work on linux
rjekbur[n] er: Euch.05:21
rjekEvolution works OK.05:21
anirguys i am from India..05:22
anirso its a bit difficult to pay in $ for me from here05:22
bur[n] erit does... however... it doesn't handly winmail.dat attachments which my company depends on sadly :\05:22
bur[n] erwe don't want to buy an exchange server05:23
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bur[n] erthere are no alternatives05:23
rjekBuy Crossover Office, then.05:23
moriddin2hi, could anyone help me with configuring the internet on ubuntu?05:23
moriddin2im new to ubuntu.. first time05:23
bur[n] errjek: i'm thinking about it05:23
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bur[n] eri want to test it out first...05:23
moriddin2(im using my other computer that has windows on it)05:23
bur[n] erit says outlook has only a bronze rating...05:23
orospakrbur[n] er, I run a exim4 perl filter that converts all the TNEF winmail.dat thingies on incoming mail on our MTA.05:23
bur[n] ermaybe it won't be usabel for me05:23
bur[n] eri signed up and am hoping to get a link to a trial05:23
anirits really easy moriddin205:23
moriddin2yes, anir?05:24
moriddin2well you see, thing is im using a router05:24
moriddin2and i have no clue how to configure it05:24
moriddin2with winxp, i only install windows and it auto detects it by itself and everything works05:24
moriddin2so i dont know how to configure05:24
aniru click on computers>system configuration>networking moriddin205:24
moriddin2yeah but after im there i dont know what to do05:25
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anirgive your ip address05:26
anirmoriddin2 click on add05:27
bur[n] ermoriddin2: if you have a router... it's probably dhcp05:28
bur[n] erare you using wireless?05:28
bur[n] erinternet access is usually automatic05:28
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anirbur[n] er can i install my tv card on ubuntu?05:29
moriddin2burner: im not using wireless05:29
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moriddin2its not working.. i tried dhcp (automatic)05:31
moriddin2and it doesnt work :(05:31
DoktorTomoeDoes anbody know how to compile the GIMP with Ubuntu Hoary?05:31
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bur[n] eranir: why not?05:32
bur[n] ermoriddin2: what do you get when you type "ifconfig"05:32
bur[n] ersee an ip?05:32
anirbur[n] er can u tell me how?05:32
bur[n] eranir: plug it in your agp or pci slot ;)05:32
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aniryes i have done bur[n] er05:33
anirthen how will i install the software..again wine bur[n] er05:33
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nykhow can i set energy settings after install?05:34
Nidhoggris it possible to install ubuntu on my 12" powerbook without messing with my os x install?05:34
xLobeznoxNidhoggr, is posible, as posible as installing any debian with osx05:35
xLobeznoxHostname: wildness - OS: Linux 2.6.8-powerpc/ppc - CPU: IBM PowerPC G3 750FX (900MHz) - Processes: 121 - Uptime: 2h 33m - Load Average: 0.77 - Memory Usage: 206.06MB/376.73MB (54.70%) - Disk Usage: 30.88GB/36.98GB (83.50%)05:36
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anirsometimes i get sick with it..lol05:36
anirbur[n] er i have been trying from yesterday to install the tv card05:37
NidhoggrxLobeznox: I haven't attempted anything but OS X on my powerbook.  I wanted to check out ubuntu, because I'm thinking of using it on my home fileserver.05:37
DoktorTomoeanyone can help with a compile problem (system seems not to like sh)?05:37
convertorxLobeznox, is that an old powerbook?05:37
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moriddinnow ubuntu working...05:37
xLobeznoxconvertor, is an iBook G3 12"05:37
anirbur[n] er what about DirectX??05:37
moriddincan i run windoes from here?05:37
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convertorxLobeznox, cool - runs ubuntu well?05:38
bur[n] eranir: what about it?05:39
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nykanyone know anything about energy settings? like spinning a disk down, suspending a machine when its not in use.. etc05:39
moriddinguys, is there a possibility to run windows through ubuntu?05:39
anirbur[n] er how will i install the software to run the tv card??05:39
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bur[n] ermoriddin: possibly with qemu ??  or uhh... virtualpc or something?05:40
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Qerubmoriddin: qemu, vmware, wine, win4lin05:40
moriddinwhere i can find those?05:40
bur[n] ergoogle ;)05:40
Qerubmoriddin: qemu and wine are probably in universe05:40
bur[n] ermoriddin: why though?05:41
xLobeznoxconvertor, yes, but I use debian sarge, not ubuntu05:41
Qerubmoriddin: vmware and win4lin are not free (neither as in beer or speech)05:41
xLobeznoxconvertor, I tried ubuntu not many time ago, but I have more software here ;)05:41
moriddinif im programming in asp can i run a server on my ubuntu?05:42
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anirbur[n] er its playing my mp3..thank you05:45
pisukemoriddin, in ubuntu php05:45
anirbur[n] er: now i want to play movie... what do i have to do??05:45
bur[n] ertotem05:46
pisukemoriddin, or maybe try the asp.net that comes with mono (don't know how it performs or complete it is)05:47
convertorxLobeznox, yea cool -fair enough....05:47
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anirbur[n] er totem does not play mu mpeg4  movies.. do i need any plugins?05:48
moriddinpisuke: thanks.05:49
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DoktorTomoeok. what does "bad interpreter" mean exactly?05:49
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DoktorTomoeok. what does "bad interpreter" mean exactly?05:49
moriddinguys, this "qemu" thing, how can i use it to run windows?05:49
moriddinim really new at this..05:49
bur[n] eranir: apt-get install totem-xine05:49
rjekHave you read its manual?05:49
bur[n] eryou may have to add universe to your sources.list05:49
bur[n] eri forget05:49
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bur[n] eri'm a debian user at heart, so i've done all kindsa tweakin05:50
anirbur[n] er is a good teacher :)05:52
bur[n] erthanks, i do what i can ;)05:53
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bur[n] ernow to find xbox patches for freevo05:53
bur[n] erbbiab05:53
moriddinguys could someone help me run licq?05:56
moriddinit tells me i need to install the licq daemon? whats that?05:56
bur[n] erlicq daemon?05:58
bur[n] erwhy not just use gaim?05:58
Shinjangaim is cool06:00
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anirwhat is licq?06:01
aniri know only icq..is it similar??06:01
moriddinburner... i want to connect to my icq ive been using up till now for the past 10 years06:01
moriddinyes, licq is for linux OS06:02
moriddini understood you cant run windows files through linux OS, you need a package or something06:02
jdubmoriddin: use gaim, it's installed in ubuntu by default06:03
Shinjanand easy to use06:03
Shinjantry it06:03
aniri use gai,06:03
anirgaim..its good06:04
aniruse it06:04
aniryes its installed by default06:04
moriddinis gaim like icQ?06:04
moriddini mean can i connect to icq with it?06:04
moriddinto my old account?06:05
moriddinoh cool06:05
Shinjanu need your icq number and password06:05
Shinjanthats all06:05
moriddinheh thanks06:06
moriddinworks :))06:06
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anirif u use gaim u can access to all your account at the same time.. moriddin06:06
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moriddinokay thanks06:07
moriddinguys could you please explain to me how to run windows through qemu?06:07
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convertoranir, can gaim encript?06:11
aniru try it.. i have not tried.. i have installed ubuntu yesterday only06:12
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convertorcant see any config for it....anyone know?06:13
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bar_`I have windows xp installed, will ubnutu identify my windows partition and keep it out of harm?06:17
bar_`or even better, allocate its own free space out of windows's D:\ or something?06:17
aniryes bar_06:17
bar_`anir; will ubuntu allocate space from a given windows drive?06:18
anirwhile installing??06:18
anirask bur[n] er06:19
Saleophow long does it usually take to ship? i ordered 5 CDs.06:21
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anirbur[n] er when i try to play movie it says there is no plugin to play the movie????06:21
anirbur[n] er what do i do??06:22
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anirbur[n] er: you there??06:23
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bur[n] eryo06:25
bur[n] erwhat's up?06:25
bur[n] eru get totem-xine?06:26
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anirbur[n] er when i try to play movie from cd it says there is no plugin to play the movie06:26
anirbur[n] er yes i downloaded it06:26
bur[n] erone sec06:26
nykif i get totem-xine, will it overwrite the totem that comes with it already?06:27
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bur[n] eryes06:27
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nykyou talkin to me burner?06:28
bur[n] eryes06:28
Nick_Jacked /msg NickServ IDENTIFY aikido06:28
nykwas THAT to me too?06:28
aniryes nyk  for both of us..;)06:29
bur[n] ernyk: yes06:29
anirbur[n] er now what do i do?06:29
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bur[n] eranir: you got totem-xine?06:29
Nick_JackedAnyone know how to disable individual sound events?06:29
bur[n] erand it doesn't work?06:29
Quest-MasterAnyone? My apt-get is broken as well as synaptic-- http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=871506:30
bur[n] erman, i just wanna smoke a bowl06:30
bur[n] erwhy do people keep buggin me ;)06:30
anirbur[n] eryes i got06:30
anirbur[n] er i am so sorry..06:30
bur[n] erwhat kinda codec does that video use anir ?06:30
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jdubQuest-Master: see how it says 'apt-get -f install'? have you actually done that?06:30
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anirbur[n] er codec? its mpg file06:31
bur[n] eranir: can you play it with vlc?06:31
aniri have not tried it..06:33
Quest-Masterjdub: I said in that post that I already did.. I also posted the errors returned after doing that06:33
anirbur[n] er:vlc.. i will download it06:33
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jdubQuest-Master: didn't appear in that page.06:33
anirbur[n] er: the file has a .dat extension06:34
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Quest-Master".. I tried sudo apt-get -f install, AND I tried Fix All Broken Packages in Synaptic, and they both continuously return these errors.."06:34
bur[n] eranir: that's a vcd format usually06:35
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anirbur[n] er: so vlc should work??06:35
xevilmoriddin: Quest-Master what errors are you getting?06:38
xevilQuest-Master: what errors are you getting06:38
Quest-Masterxevil: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=871506:40
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bur[n] eranir: worth a shot06:43
bur[n] eri can play .dat vcds with totem06:43
bur[n] eriirc06:43
bur[n] erit's been awhile since i've seen one of those06:43
nyki like vlc, i wish i could make it my default media player06:43
anirbur[n] er: hmm then i dont know why i am having the problem..what do u use?06:44
bur[n] ertotem06:44
anirbur[n] er: do u have any extra plugins??06:45
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willnyk: thats easy!06:45
bur[n] eranir: seems like it doesn't play with totem06:45
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bur[n] eraccording to a mailing list06:45
bur[n] erbut... try vlc06:45
bur[n] ervlc can do most anything06:45
aniri am installing bur[n] er06:46
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bur[n] erlet me know if it works06:47
xevilQuest-Master: well I know offhand that liblame0 and libavcodec2 aren't in any of the warty repositories...06:47
=== bur[n] er doesn't have any vcds to test :\
Quest-MasterThere was a command to fix it though06:47
Quest-MasterI remember06:47
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xevilQuest-Master: just unmark mplayer and it should quit bitching06:48
bur[n] eruninstall mozilla-mplayer? ;)06:48
Quest-MasterI need to be able to play Quicktime and MP3 stuff inline with Firefox though06:49
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bur[n] erQuest-Master: try the vlc plugin?  i dunno... never tried it myself06:50
nykis there a command i can issue that shows what totem i have?06:50
xevillame has some liscencensing issues as will not be in the repository06:50
crimsunnyk: dpkg -l totem|grep ^ii|awk -F' ' '{print $3}'06:51
crimsunnyk: that prints the version06:51
anirbur[n] er what plugins you use with totem??06:51
Quest-MasterI'll try mozplugger..06:51
rasputindo anyone know a mplayer binary package for ubuntu?06:51
rasputintired of compiling sources :/06:52
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rasputinoh.. found one myself06:52
rasputinubuntu roxx06:52
nykprints it where?06:52
anirrasputtin what does roxx do?06:53
anirrasputin: what does roxx do?06:53
nyki think he means ubuntu rocks06:53
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anirdoes linux stores cokies like windows??06:56
crimsundo you mean to ask if applications store cookies?06:57
bur[n] erQuest-Master: use hte vlc mozilla plugin06:57
bur[n] erit works well :)06:57
crimsunmozilla-firefox, opera, etc. do, yes.06:57
aniryes crimsun06:57
crimsunof course they're all highly configurable06:57
anirokay..how do i clean them crimsun06:57
crimsunbut Linux itself (the kernel) does not care about cookies06:57
crimsunyou Delete Cookies06:57
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aniri did some ..while working in windows..06:58
anirlol pepsi06:58
bur[n] eranir: in firefox... edit, preferences, privacy06:58
anirpepsi where are you  from?06:59
anirbur[n] er thank you06:59
bur[n] ersure... u don't use firefox on windows too?06:59
pepsichicago, but im in california06:59
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bur[n] er40% of the hits on my site are from firefox users06:59
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anirbur[n] er what is your site??07:00
anirbur[n] erwhich OS u r using?07:00
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xevilQuest-Master: http://www.oldskoolphreak.com/tfiles/hack/ubuntu.txt07:00
Pallehmmm, isn't "grub-install /dev/hd**" the right command to install grub???07:00
bur[n] eranir: you're kidding?07:01
bur[n] erabout the OS07:01
bur[n] erthe site is just my blog07:01
bur[n] ernothing special07:01
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anirbur[n] er i could not install tv  card on my system07:02
bur[n] erwhy not?07:02
bur[n] eri had an all in wonder working07:02
bur[n] erbrb07:02
anirbur[n] er: i dont know.. nothing is coming.. which software should i use?07:02
bur[n] erapt-cache search tv :)07:04
bur[n] eranir: googling works well too07:04
bur[n] eri use kde on the machine with the all in wonder07:04
bur[n] eri use ktv07:04
bur[n] erbut... i'm sure there's a gnome app07:04
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bur[n] eranir: apt-cache search gnome tv07:05
bur[n] eryou'll find one07:05
anirhow can ui switch to kde?07:06
anirbur[n] er do u use ubuntu?07:06
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Qerubanir: add universe to sources.list and apt-get install kde-core07:06
Qerubanir: after apt-get update:ing of course.07:07
anirwhats the size? qerub07:07
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bur[n] eranir: i use ubuntu on my laptop07:08
bur[n] erand a different distro on my desktop07:08
Qerubanir: no idea, try and see.07:08
bur[n] eranir: why get kde though07:08
bur[n] erjust stick with gnome07:08
Qerubbecause kde rocks :-)07:08
bur[n] erto something you know07:08
bur[n] erkde is ok07:08
bur[n] eri like gtk based apps heaps better07:08
bur[n] eralthough glade leaves somethign to be desired07:09
bur[n] erthere's also mythtv and freevo07:09
bur[n] erthose are cool projects07:09
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anirbur[n] er: but u use kde?07:10
anirqerub: do u have any approximate idea what is the download size?07:11
PalleHow do i install Grub??? or lilo??07:11
Qerubanir: i'd guess ~70 mb.07:11
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anirbur[n] er: what is that other distro? which one u like most?07:12
trukulopalle: sudo aptitude install grub07:12
trukuloman grub07:12
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Palleokay thnx trukulo07:12
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Ed_GeinAnyone using Nvidia 6629 with kernel 2.6.8?07:12
Palle<trukulo> palle: sudo aptitude install grub07:12
Palle<trukulo> man grub07:12
tvon|x31don't think you can Ed_Gein07:13
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anirqureb are you sure its update:ing07:13
tvon|x31I believe 6629 is the latest driver which as packaged in Hoary requires 2.6.9 (which is in hoary)07:13
Ed_Geintvon|x31:thanks, thats what I was afraid of07:13
tvon|x31There were a lot of issues with it initially, I ended up finking out and installing the official Nvidia driver07:13
tvon|x31might be fixed now07:14
Ed_GeinI'll hold off07:14
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anirqureb: do i need to do any more configuration after converting to  KDE07:17
bur[n] eranir: i like ubuntu a lot07:18
aniri love it too bur[n] er07:18
bur[n] eranir: a lot more to switch to kde07:18
anirbur[n] er can u plz explain..07:18
bur[n] eri wish my centrino was better supported... but other than that.. it's good07:18
bur[n] erbur[n] er: kde is a whole different window manager/desktop environment07:18
bur[n] ervery different from gnome07:19
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anirbur[n] er one more thing.. how is centrino??07:19
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aniri want to buy a laptop.07:19
bur[n] erwhatcha mean07:19
bur[n] erit's ok07:19
bur[n] erit's just a marketing thing though07:19
anirhows different from pentium? bur[n] er07:20
bur[n] erjust means a scalable processor and the intel 2100/2200 wireless mini pci card07:20
anirbur[n] er: oh not so great ..07:20
bur[n] erpentium m07:20
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bur[n] erbattery life rules07:20
anirbur[n] er pentiun $07:20
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bur[n] erthe wireless connection works with linux ok...07:21
bur[n] erbut with all distro's i've ever tried, i have to "rmmod ipw2100; modprobe ipw2100" for it to work07:21
bur[n] eron every boot07:21
anirwell if i switch to KDE..is it fine bur[n] er07:21
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lkerscherhow can i install other programms like galeon on ubuntu?07:22
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bur[n] eranir: it's not officially ubuntu supported07:23
bur[n] erit's just debian packages of kde07:23
bur[n] eronly thing i use kde really is k3b07:23
bur[n] erand konqueror07:23
anirbur[n] er: so its better if i stick to it07:23
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bur[n] erbetter is a relative term ;)07:25
tpddhello my install fails at the grub setup, the system dosent have a floppy and it seems that the installer sees that but the grub install just hangs07:25
bur[n] ertpdd: can you boot a livecd and install grub that way?07:25
Qerubanir: it's qerub, not anything else. and no, you won't need to configure much.07:26
Qerubanir: apt-get update; apt-get install kde-core07:26
qatlogHi all! I know I should proberly read some more information before posting this question, but I am gonna do it anyway. Is there a tool like apt or yum on ubuntu?07:26
Qerubqatlog: apt07:26
anirbur[n] er: i have install vlc and it seems it has no mood of playing my cd07:26
Qerubqatlog: ubuntu is a debian derivate07:26
tpddburner: havent tried, didnt think if that would make a difference.  can i continue with the install after that?07:26
qatlogQerub: ah I see :-) I just read about ubuntu and I though I would go here to ask.07:27
anirqerub: will kde spport ubuntu??07:27
Qerubanir: it's rather a question of the opposite.07:27
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Qerubanir: i heard some talk about "kubuntu" and putting kde into main, but i don't know yet.07:28
bur[n] ertpdd: can you?07:28
Qerubqatlog: take a look at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ :-)07:28
anirqerub: yes..its the other way..lol07:29
bur[n] eranir: dunno what to say then07:29
Qerubanir: but ubuntu will always be gnome centric.07:29
tpddbur[n] er: i dont have the live cd but i can grab it fairly quick.  Then i will give it a try07:29
anirguys help meeeeeee07:29
supertedCedega is the new WineX?07:29
bur[n] ersuperted: yes07:30
qatlogQerub: I am there now reading :-) Thanks!07:30
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oakbur[n] er, is it possible for you to add something to /etc/modprobe.d ?07:30
dsoftcan anyone remind me the name of the xf86 config command?07:30
aniri tried totem .. i tried vlc.. but i cant play my cds on ubuntu...why??07:30
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anirwho has coded ubuntu??07:30
lkerscherbur[n] er, galeon isn't kde07:30
davydanir: you probably need something that can do digital CD playback07:30
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Shinjanits gnome07:31
davydthe gnome CD player program doesn't07:31
anirdavyd : what should i do?07:31
davydanir: you need a program like goobox07:31
bur[n] eranir: last hope is mplayer07:31
davydor the developmental version of sound juicer07:31
lkerscherShinjan, okay where can i get it07:31
dsoftanyone knows the command for the xf86config (to change the refresh rate resolution)07:31
lkerscheri prefer an apt server :)07:31
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anirdavyd: where will i find goobox?07:32
davydanir: not sure if Ubuntu has it packaged...07:32
bur[n] eroak: to /etc/modprobe.d???07:32
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bur[n] eroh, he left07:32
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anirbur[n] er: where is mplayer?07:32
bur[n] erlkerscher: galeon?  wtf?07:32
davydanir: hmm, appears they do07:32
bur[n] eranir: apt-cache search mplayer07:32
davydanir: use synaptic to search for goobox, then install07:32
aniroh. ubuntu.. u r letting me down07:32
bur[n] erc'mon man ;)07:32
danielsmplayer is in universe (maybe multiverse)07:33
Qerubdsoft: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8607:33
aniri have searched davyd.. its not there07:33
=== bur[n] er never plays .dat files... sorry
DigiKillQuestion: anyone have/had Synamptic stop listing packages?  i installed some Debian docs/packages and now Synaptic shows nothing :S07:33
davydanir: oh wait, you need universe turned on07:33
anirya its turned on davyd07:33
davydanir: crazy... I have it07:34
ograanir: for mplayer you need a enabled multiverse or the marillat repository07:34
bur[n] erwtf will goobox do?  i thought anir wanted to play vcds?07:34
bur[n] ergoobox is a cd ripper07:34
davydbur[n] er: oh does he?07:34
davydI thought he wanted Audio CDs07:34
aniryes i want to play vcds07:34
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davydok then ignore me07:34
aniri can play audio with xmms07:34
davydtotem should be able to do it, I recommend using totem-xine and the w32codecs07:34
davydinformation on getting those is in the wiki07:35
mvo__DigiKill: do you run warty on a powerpc?07:35
anirdavyd : what is for vcds.. i have tried totem and vlc07:35
DigiKillyes mvo__07:35
davydanir: totem has played the single vcd I own just fine07:35
bur[n] erw32codecs!!07:35
bur[n] erthat might be missing ;)07:35
davydanir: I imagine the issue is going to be codecs07:35
davydhence installing w32codecs usually helps07:35
bur[n] eri just told him totem-xine ;)07:35
anirdavyd: ya it says the required plugin to play the movie is not there07:36
davydalong with the totem-xine package, to make use of them07:36
davydanir: mmm, that sounds a lot like a missing codec07:36
mvo__DigiKill: it's a known bug in warty, use the package in http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mvo/synaptic/warty/07:36
DigiKillmvo__: is that a common thing w. PPC Ubuntu?  ahhh.....TY mvo__07:36
mvo__and remove /root/.synaptic/synaptic.conf07:36
davydthe w32codecs aren't allowed to be shipped with Ubuntu, you have to install them by your own choice07:36
anirdavyd: how can i?07:37
bur[n] eranir: apt-get install w32codecs :)07:37
bur[n] eror use synaptic07:37
bur[n] eranir: get familiar with synaptic07:37
ograanir: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats07:37
trukulobetter use aptitude07:37
davydman, we have too many tools07:37
davydno wonder it's all so confusing07:37
zloyhello. I've been using Ubuntu more than month without any problems. Today after normal boot (no any error messages) I can't got any sound. I have x86 with integrated soundcard AC'9707:37
bur[n] eri think synaptic is the preferred n00b method07:38
anirapt-get install w32codecs :)07:38
anir<bur[n] er> or use synapti: its not in the synaptic07:38
Qerubmvo__: http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mvo/synaptic-experimental-dpkg-install-progress.png <- does that analyze the output of dpkg or are you working on any kind of libdpkg?07:38
bur[n] erzloy: turn up the volume ;)07:38
DigiKillmvo__: could i inquire where you found that info?07:38
mvo__Qerub: yes07:38
davydhmm, I should add the magic to the wiki to use the marillat sources with hoary07:38
bur[n] eranir: u have universe in your sources.list?07:38
mvo__DigiKill: the info about the powerpc problem?07:39
anirbur[n] er: yes07:39
tpddbur[n] er: i can run grub-install in the live cd and off knoppix but then I cant get the install to continue on the next boot.  Does ubuntu have a no-floppy flag somewhere to make it not even look for a floppy07:39
DigiKillmvo__: yes please07:39
=== davyd thinks you have to be logged in somewhere to do that
mvo__DigiKill: I broke it ... ;)07:39
anirdavyd: i am sick of the restricted formats..07:39
bur[n] ertpdd: i honestly have no idea.. i installed it once, and it was ages ago07:39
DigiKillcool...another ppc user on ubuntu...lol07:39
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bur[n] eranir: check that wiki page that davyd linked too07:40
bur[n] eryou need another deb repository07:40
DigiKillmvo__: did you use the .deb package i'd guess?07:40
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davydanir: it sucks, one day it will be solved07:40
davydalthough the solution will cost money07:40
davydsince they formats will technically have to be licensed07:40
anirmoney?? why?07:40
bur[n] eror... people could not use shitty formats ;)07:40
bur[n] erand stick to ogg vorbis and ogg theora and xvid07:41
davydanir: the restricted formats commonly require a license, which is why they aren't shipped for free07:41
mvo__DigiKill: the package on that url fix the problem. the version in warty is broken for ppc. the package list basicly vanishes when you open the preferences window07:41
davydsome of them are free to use for certain uses, like say Windows Media Player, but not for others07:41
Qerubmvo__: yes to #0 or #1?07:41
Qerubmvo__: gah, dumb question. sorry.07:41
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davydif you live in a country that doesn't care, that's ok... but what can you do?07:41
zloybur[n] er: no other suggestions?07:42
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mvo__Qerub: it uses the dpkg --status-fd feature. but it needs some additonal love in dpkg and apt to make it work. dpkg does not report a lot of importend information right now. I have a "fixed" dpkg that outputs additonal information07:42
xuzoI have problems with a "PATA cdrom"07:43
DigiKillmvo__: im looking at that list going ".deb ppc package or the ppc build".....which to get?07:43
bur[n] erzloy: problem with alsa?  oss?  try both outputs?07:43
Qerubmvo__: okidok, thanks.07:43
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mvo__Qerub: np, I hope to put some experimental packages online before xmas :)07:44
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tolstoyhas anyone here ever gotten a redhat box (fc3) to talk to a printer installed on ubuntu?07:45
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bur[n] erzloy: oss or alsa problem?07:45
bur[n] eror both07:45
=== Starbuck [starbuck@12.91.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
Starbuckhi every one07:46
davydtolstoy: you'll need to unsecure you're CUPS server07:46
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Starbuckneed help installing ubuntu07:46
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davydtolstoy: cups is bound to only run on by default for security reasons07:46
davydtolstoy: I recommend comparing the /etc/cupsd.conf to one that does export over the network07:47
Starbuckneed help installing ubuntu07:47
davydStarbuck: you need to ask a question ;)07:47
anirbur[n] er: when i typed apt-get install w32codecs it said could not find package07:47
ograanir: did you read the url i gave you ?07:47
zloybur[n] er: probably alsa07:47
tolstoydavyd, yes, I've done that.07:48
anirorga: plz paste it again07:48
ograanir: it describes exactly what to do to get w32codecs07:48
StarbuckOk, everything goes well during installation but while rebooting, i have "loading grub, error 17"07:48
tolstoydavyd, i think the prob is figuring out the cups Q name.  think I got it now.07:48
davydtolstoy: aah right, yeah they auto assign whacky ones07:48
davydlook in printers.conf07:48
tolstoydavyd, for instance, it's not / or /printers/queue1, but, /printers/LaserJet-2100M.07:49
davydtolstoy: yeah07:49
anirogra: where should i see?07:49
ograanir: look for marillat.....07:49
davydsomeone should update the wiki to include mention of apt-key add, and how to add marillat's package signing key07:50
davydit's useful knowledge for hoary07:50
zloybur[n] er: as far as I know alsa is integrated in kernel07:50
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tolstoydavyd, i didn't even know there was such a thing.07:51
StarbuckOk, everything goes well during installation but while rebooting, i have "loading grub, error 17"07:51
rifficcan someone help me, I just upgraded to hoary and now my resolution is stuck at 640x48007:51
tolstoywhat's the command?07:51
davydtolstoy: for?07:51
anirorga: i want to play vcds .. not dvd07:51
fajmohI got a problem here, How do I change keymap in X?07:51
davydanir: it still applies07:51
tolstoyapt-key for the marillat stuff07:51
davydtolstoy: oh right, you download his key with `gpg --keyserver something --recvkeys something` (which is on his website)07:52
davydthen you just go `gpg --export -a hiskeyid | apt-key add -`07:52
fajmohI know "Computer - Desktop Preferences - Keyboard", but it's just two keymaps for swedish there and none of them works properly for me ...07:52
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aniri dont get any idea how to do it07:52
Starbuckno one whants t07:53
Starbuckno one want to help me ?07:53
davydStarbuck: hmm...07:53
DigiKillmvo: are you still here?07:53
davydGRUB didn't work for me either, so I stuck with the true and tested lilo07:53
Starbuckbut in the menu it dont want to install lilo07:53
davydStarbuck: from memory, the way the CD works, you should be able to insert the CD and select your language, and then press cancel to go to the main menu of install options07:54
anirogra: its written install..how?07:54
DigiKillmvo:  thank you for that help...i now have a package manager again : wooohoooo07:54
mvoDigiKill: yes07:54
mvoDigiKill: glad to hear :)07:54
davydStarbuck: then you can trigger the right number of options to install a boot loader without the requirement of reinstalling07:54
DigiKillits nice to know there's more than 3 other ppc ubuntu users out there / in here ;) :)07:54
Starbucki will try that and if that dont work ill be bck ;)07:55
davydit should offer lilo if you tell it not to install grab07:55
davydStarbuck: okies, but I'll probably be asleep by then ;)07:55
anirdavyd: its telling installing..how?07:55
Starbuckperhaps another one help dude :)07:55
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Starbuckthanks a lot07:56
ograanir: add marillat to synaptic as described ;)07:56
rifficcan someone help me with this resolution prob07:56
rifficcan someone help me, I just upgraded to hoary and now my resolution is stuck at 640x48007:56
ograanir: then reload in synaptic and you can install the codecs package07:57
anirogra: i am getting no idea how to add07:57
bur[n] erriffic: fix it ;)  why'd you go to hoary if you don't know how to fix stuff ;)07:57
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riffici looked at xorg.conf07:57
bur[n] erand??  any screen errors?07:57
bur[n] eris xorg.conf set up right?07:57
rifficbut it looks normal.. yet the only res i can reach is this really low res07:57
rifficand i07:58
riffici dont know how to make it higher07:58
ograanir: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto07:58
bur[n] erhrm... i'd love to help riffic, but i don't have time right now07:58
Quest-MasterI just figured out how to finally get MIDIs working in Ubuntu.07:58
bur[n] ermaybe just go back to warty?07:58
rifficokay well thanks anyways07:58
=== Quest-Master rushes to write a HOWTO at the forums.
riffici'll try to see if anyone else has run into this07:59
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Qerubriffic: it's a pretty common problem.07:59
Qerubriffic: but i don't know how to fix it (since i haven't really checked.)07:59
anirogra: i have checked all universe..08:00
pisukeCan I use cvs with a http proxy?08:01
ograanir: you need marillat...... the synaptic howto describes how to add it08:01
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rifficokay I'm looking at a forum post about it now08:01
rifficbut ack this hurts my eyes08:01
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anirogra:... i am still finding...08:04
=== dasdas [dasdas@tkp-ip-nas-1-p87.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
aniris it a respository? ogra08:05
ograanir: you need to add the marillat repository to synaptic08:05
ograanir: the data you need for this is on the restricted format page08:06
dasdasi installed ubuntu - i wiped out an entire hard disk and installed it.08:06
ograanir: the description how to add repositorys to synaptic is in the synaptic howto08:06
dasdaswhen i decided to clean it - format the entire hard disk and run and install windows again, it gives the error message:08:06
dasdasGRUB loading, please wait ...08:06
dasdaserror 1708:06
dasdashow can i install windows again08:07
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bur[n] erdasdas: u can do fixmbr fixboot from the xp recovery cd08:08
bur[n] eror... just fix grub08:08
Qerubdasdas: fdisk /mbr on an old windows bootdisk should do the same as above08:09
trukulodasdas: look in google for fdisk /mbr08:09
dasdashow would i fix the grub?08:09
davyddasdas: you're the second person to complain about this08:09
bur[n] erdasdas: use a live cd... and run 'grub-install /dev/hda'08:09
davyddasdas: if you don't have a live CD, you can use the installer CD08:09
davydafter selecting your language, you can press cancel to go to the main menu of installation options08:10
trukulodasdas, but it's a problem of microsoft, not ubuntu ;)08:10
trukuloubuntu installs well ;)08:10
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hob1hi everyone!08:10
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bur[n] erit's a microsoft problem?08:10
davydwith the right combination of options you can get it to the point where it wants you to install a bootloader (you don't have to reinstall)08:11
bur[n] erodd08:11
moriddinhi again people08:11
bur[n] eranyway... bbl08:11
moriddinuhm... ive just installed windows xp and i dont know how to run ubuntu08:11
davyddasdas: and you can choose lilo, which I find works better08:11
moriddinhow do i run ubuntu now?08:11
davydmoriddin: you'll need to get your bootloader back into the MBR08:11
trukulomoriddin, installing grub08:11
moriddinwhats an MBR?08:11
hob1im a bloody ubuntu-starter, and event though i love it right away, there are still some sore points with my system, like does anyone know howto import my mail-stuff from thebat! ?08:11
davydmoriddin: in much the same way I described for dasdas08:12
davydmoriddin: master boot record08:12
xevilmaster boot record08:12
davydmoriddin: windows over writes it08:12
moriddinmaster boot record? whats that :/08:12
moriddinin the setup screen?08:12
trukulohob1, i don't know "the bat"08:12
davydmoriddin: it's what a PC uses to boot an operating system08:12
anirogra: i am tried08:12
moriddinok and how to i modify that?08:12
trukulodavyd, exactly, a hard disk, not a pc08:12
ograanir: no ?08:12
anirogra: i am tired.. could not find..08:13
davydtrukulo: only PCs use MBRs so it's valid08:13
trukulobut you're ok for newbies08:13
moriddindavyd how do i modify that?08:13
trukulodavyd, i disagree, a mac use it too08:13
davydmoriddin: you'll need to reinstall the GRUB/lilo boot loader08:13
ograanir: what ? how to add repos ?08:13
davydtrukulo: they use open firmware08:13
ograanir: or marillat ?08:13
moriddinwhats the grub/lilo boot loader?08:13
davydtrukulo: except for the older stuff, which boots straight into the System folder08:13
trukulodavyd, umm, i'm not sure, i'll believe you08:14
moriddinis it in the ubuntu CD rom?08:14
davydmoriddin: it's a piece of software that resides in the mbr, you can install it from the CD rom08:14
moriddinum ok, i install it through windows then?08:14
davydif you boot the installer CD and select your lanaguage and then press cancel you well get the main install menu08:14
anirogra: marillat08:14
davydmoriddin: no08:14
davydmoriddin: once you have the main install menu, you need to do things like detect your hardware, and perhaps some other things, then it will offer you the option of installing the boot loader08:15
ograanir: its in the middle of the resricted formats page08:15
davydmoriddin: you don't need to reinstall08:15
davydtrukulo: when you're next on a mac, press Ctrl-Apple-O-F08:15
hob1sorry, just got my tea..08:15
davyd(I think that's the right combo)08:15
dasdasthis is very serious stuff08:15
moriddindavyd: i should boot from the ubuntu cd, then choose language, then cancel installation, and then redetect my hardware and all that stuff?08:15
trukulodavyd, i'll do, thanks08:15
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davydtrukulo: you'll be thrown into open firmware08:15
hob1the bat, a mail-programme for win (and maybe linux?)08:15
dasdasi don't know precisely how to solve this problem08:15
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davydmoriddin: yeah, I forget the exact order of options you need08:16
moriddindavyd: does that mean re-configuring my internet connection too?08:16
davyddasdas: if you follow a similar method to moriddin, you should get the option to install the lilo bootloader08:16
davydmoriddin: shouldn't do08:16
trukulodasdas: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q166454/08:16
moriddindavyd: ok. now lets say i;d like to boot windows sometime later on, how do i do that?08:17
davydmoriddin: I think you just need to run the detect hardware step, and then it will offer the bootloader step08:17
davydmoriddin: you can add it to the list in GRUB08:17
davydor lilo08:17
hob1so i was using this mail-programme, THE BAT, and maybe some of u knwo how to import my mails and folder to evolution..?08:17
davydthe setup files have examples for doign it08:17
moriddindavyd: and how do i see that list?08:17
davydmoriddin: it's either /etc/grub.conf or /etc/lilo.conf depending on which you're using08:17
moriddindavyd: alright.. so if i add windows to the grub/lilo, then ill be able to choose an operating system when i boot my comp?08:18
davydGRUB can boot many operating systems, which is why it's useful, unlike say the Windows bootloader which can boot windows08:18
davydmoriddin: yes08:18
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davydI personally only have mine offer if I hold down shift when booting08:18
trukulohob1, http://www.mepis.org/node/view/84508:18
davydelse it boots straight into linux08:18
trukuloread that08:18
anirorgo: help me08:18
moriddindavyd: ok thanks man :) im gonna boot ubuntu now and try that08:19
davydand I am going to bed08:19
davydit's 3.20am08:19
ograanir: you understood how to add a repo in synaptic ?08:19
ograanir: then add the following:08:19
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ograanir: URI: ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/08:19
ograanir: Distribution:   testing08:20
anirorgo:yes i added multiverse08:20
ograanir: Section(s):     main08:20
ograanir: add this data......as described in the synaptic howto page.....08:20
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ograanir: then reload your packae list with the reload button and you should find it then08:21
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anirogra: i have done08:22
ograanir: you added marillat ?08:22
anirogra:i got w32codecs08:23
danielsnice!  http://www.jakeslife.net/ubuntu/08:23
daniels(ubuntu wallpapers)08:23
anirits 11.2 mb..it will take time08:23
ogradaniels: http://www.grawert.net/xss_shot_1.png08:23
anirogra: i have not find marillant08:24
anirogra: is it okay if i directly add w32codecs08:24
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ograanir: you only need this.....08:25
ryanhHow do I set up a mysql server for a phpbb forum?08:25
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anirorga: which one w32codecs or marillant?08:25
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danielsogra: nice :)08:26
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danielsogra: what did you end up doing about the fonts?08:26
ograanir: marillat is a repository....which contains w32codecs.....08:26
trukulodaniels, here you have mine: http://mercurio.homeip.net/ficheros/ubuntu-lion.png08:26
ogradaniels: i just ripped out all the X fonst drawing stuff and replaced it with the corresponding xft code08:27
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danielsogra: awesome, looks really good08:28
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keknehvso... how would I set up a mysql server?08:28
ogradaniels: quite easy if you once understood it *g* and i dont think i introduce any security probs this way08:28
ogradaniels: netx step : utf-8 support (i want dots, no stars *g* )08:28
ziggyI have a quick and fairly stupid question....after I use dpkg or synaptec to install something...what directory does it go to?08:28
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ogradaniels: i am still impressed that nobody touched this ugly piece of crap since ages and all other solutions leave you insecure08:30
Quest-MasterWahoo! http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=36420#post3642008:30
tvon|x31SPeaking of UTF-8 support...08:30
tvon|x31Whenever I login to GNOME I get a "Language not supported EN_us, using system default"08:30
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=== tvon|x31 checks zilla
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tvon|x31my lang is UTF-8.EN_us08:31
daniels3ogheh, yeah08:31
danielsogra: oooer, utf-8 would be cool08:31
ziggyAnyone willing to help?08:31
tvon|x31ziggy: what directory does what go into?08:31
tvon|x31ziggy: the package determines where files go...to get a list of files in a pakcage run "dpkg -L <packagename>"08:32
ziggyI just used dpkg to install zsnes and wormux.08:32
ogradaniels: what about fade to trans (easy made with the saved under pixmap fading in above the win me thinks)08:32
danielsogra: i think it already fades in and out :)08:33
ogradaniels: nope .... this win just POPS UP in front of your eyes... like a baseball bat :)08:33
trukuloziggy, try in /usr/bin/games08:33
tvon|x31ziggy: does my above answer make sense?08:33
tvon|x31dpkg -L zsnes08:34
danielsogra: oh right, for the password dialog08:34
danielsogra: yeah, should be fairly easy08:34
ziggyYup it does, thanks.08:34
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ogradaniels: i will try it...learning xft basics took me one week.... lets see for utf8....08:35
danielsheh :)08:35
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ogradaniels: and X lib is really fun i found out....08:35
danielslibX11 is a piece of crap08:35
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ogradaniels: so make lib-xorg a better piece of crap then :) i rely on you ;)08:37
danielsogra: heh, can't change xlib, sadly08:38
anirogra: where r  u frm?08:38
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ograanir: germany08:38
anirbye  denials08:38
anircool.. i m frm India08:38
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Rhodanhello thar08:40
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Rhodananyone care to troubleshoot my tech problem08:42
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nomasteryodawith 306 "logged" in here, someone will try08:45
anirhas any virus effect linux?08:45
nomasteryodavery few08:45
anirdo i need an antivirus?08:45
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ogranomasteryoda: you know one ??08:45
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nomasteryodaogra, i have not had it happen and do not know of anyone who has... but there are scanners for Linux08:46
ska1hi all, where can i get the firefox v1 deb?08:46
nomasteryodafree one from Bitdefender08:46
ogranomasteryoda: to help you not to spread windows viruses ;)08:46
ska1also, thunderbird v1 too?08:46
nomasteryodai have it for scanning windows systems08:46
Rhodancode] The following packages have unmet dependencies08:47
Rhodanlinux-386: Depends: linux-image-386 but it is not installable08:47
RhodanDepends: linux-restricted-modules-386 but it is not going to be installed08:47
RhodanE: Broken Packages08:47
Rhodancan anybody tell me what the mans08:47
Rhodanit happens when i try install ubuntu08:47
nomasteryodaRhodan, that you need to edit your apt-get source.list and add the restricted sources... in a nutshell08:47
Rhodanhow do I do that08:47
Rhodanits off the warty cd I am installing08:48
nomasteryodalet me point you to wiki08:48
anirogra: i am still having the same problem08:48
ograRhodan: while installing ?08:48
Rhodanyes, while installing off cd08:48
ograRhodan: before the first reboot ?08:48
anirogra: it says no plugin to handle the movie08:48
ska1any body know, which sources to add to apt sources to upgrade to firefox v1 and thunderbird v1?08:49
Rhodanright in the beginning, when installing the base system08:49
ograRhodan: looks like a corrupted cd08:49
Rhodani have tried multiple cd's08:49
ograRhodan: there is a tool in the boot menu to test the media....use it08:49
Rhodanand installed it in vmware without a hassle08:49
Rhodanusing the same cd08:49
nomasteryodayea, me too08:49
nomasteryodaRhodan, on a laptop?08:49
Rhodanno, desktop pc08:49
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Rhodanso we all out of idea's then ?08:50
ograRhodan: anything special about the hw ? scsi cd ?08:50
nomasteryodano .. thinking08:50
Rhodanide cd/dvd drive08:50
Rhodansata hard drive08:50
Rhodannforce 3 motherboard08:50
RhodanA64 cpu08:51
ograRhodan: a64 ?08:51
nomasteryodaA64, do you have the A64 cd08:51
Rhodanathlon 6408:51
ograRhodan: with the i386 kernel ?08:51
Rhodanwill that not work ?08:51
RhodanA64 cd, is that not for 64bit ?08:51
Rhodani want 32bit08:51
ograi dont know, but there must be a reason for a amd64 cd ......08:52
nomasteryodayea, hardware is different for sure...08:53
nomasteryodabut if windows xp will install on an amd64, then ubuntu 32bit should08:53
nomasteryodais the sata the new sata208:54
RhodanI do have windows xp pro installed08:54
Rhodanwhich is what i'm using now, unfortunately08:54
nomasteryodaRhodan, does it boot ok with the bootable Ubuntu?08:54
Rhodani heard the live cd had better hardware support or something08:55
Rhodancould be that08:55
sjoerd64bit code on an amd can use more registers, so it's more efficient08:55
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Rhodani've downloaded the latest hoary release, as of last night, but get the same error when trying to install08:56
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trukuloRhodan, try to install with append nolapic on kernel08:58
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Rhodanwhat do i type and where08:59
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trukulolook for kernel append in google08:59
nomasteryodathe advanced install08:59
nomasteryodasomething like F209:00
nomasteryodaon booting09:00
Rhodanwhat does nolapic do09:00
trukulosays linux don't use local apic09:01
Rhodani c09:02
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Rhodani have tried disabling/enabling acpi in the bios if that what it does09:03
trukulobut if you've tried to disable apic, don't try it09:03
trukuloit's not the problem then09:03
Rhodanso it looks like windows xp will live longer on my pc then09:04
ograRhodan: btw: acpi != apic09:04
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trukuloogra: lapic runs over acpi09:05
trukuloi think09:05
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frittzI can't decide whether to use slackware or ubuntu =\09:06
pweasy answer09:06
ogratrukulo: hmm, but you can use a fine grained system in grub to switch it of partly....i.e. pci=noacpi , acpi=off nolapic etc09:06
trukuloogra, i agree09:07
pwfrittz: depends what you want the box to do09:07
trukulobut if he used noacpi at all...09:07
frittzjust a nice little home desktop.... something that can manage to actually run gdesklets without bashing of the head on the desk09:07
pwfrittz: that's a no brainer then09:07
ogratrukulo: and i think its worth trying all of them .....09:07
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frittztried ubuntu before, tried to switchy to hoary from the wart or whatever and got major errors09:08
frittzfollowed the dirs on the wiki09:08
ografrittz: there is a way to use gdesklets without bashing of the head on the desk ?09:08
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=== pw never saw the point of gdesklets
scizzoanyone that knows how I can get the gnome-cd player applet to play my cds?09:08
frittzsuper karamba is not as nice... gdesklets has some nice features... not just gdesklets, somethign where i wont be nagged saying "cant find this dependencie, blah blah"09:09
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scizzohmm...turning ESD on works09:09
ografrittz: you can have evrything you need in ubuntu via synaptic....but this wont make the setup process for gdesklets better09:10
pwfrittz: no, you miss my point. I don't see the point of gdesklets or applications like it09:10
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moriddinyo peeps, if i wanna set a new OS(windows) in my GRUB/lilo, how do i do that?09:12
frittzwell, hell, I give ubuntu another shot.... so much for ye old out-dated slackware.09:12
CapriI've pinned release o=Ubuntu with priority 1001 to use every package from ubuntu when there are newer versions in any non-Ubuntu repository. Now I have a local repository with some chosen packages and I want that these packages are not downgraded with Ubuntu ones. How I can do that? I've found something in the apt_preferences manpage telling me that I could use Pin: origin "" but I have no idea what this does.09:15
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CapriAny ideas how to pin this?09:17
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Quest-MasterHow do I update the entire kernel in Ubuntu from a i386 to a i686?09:23
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scizzoQuest-Master: with synaptic09:24
ograQuest-Master: or with: sudo apt-get install linux-68609:24
Quest-MasterOh, I did that already ogra09:25
Quest-MasterThat updates the entire kernel?09:25
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ograQuest-Master: yepp, linux-686 always depends on the current 686 kernel image09:26
Schugymy problem is that i can't use HBCI with my cyberjack pinpad usb :-/09:27
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moriddinhey people, help me out please, if i want to install windowsxp and to be able to boot it and to boot ubuntu whenever i like, i need to do something with grub/lilo?09:30
huttanogra, should i install that if i made my own 686 kernel too?09:30
ograhuttan: nope, what for did you make your own kernel ?09:30
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huttanogra, felt better09:31
huttanogra, oh, it was the whole kernel, i thought it was program updates or something09:31
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ograhuttan: its the kernel with the ubuntu patches, the modules and the restricted modules package09:32
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siveysI can't figure out how to browse what packages are in the "main" component for example.. Could someone point me to the right direction?09:36
lamont_rsiveys: synaptic09:37
siveyslamont_r: I'm not running Ubuntu but Debian.09:38
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siveyslamont_r: I'm just curious of what packages are in all of those components..09:38
lamont_rwget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/warty/binary-i386/Packages.bz209:39
lamont_rThe wiki has the seed lists.  each of the componets has the seed items and the needed dependencies (that aren't in a lower seed)09:39
lamont_rso if something is not seeded,it could go *poof* if the dependency graph changed.09:40
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siveyslamont_r: ok I'll try there and if not satisfied I'll try to replace my apt repository temporarily and use synaptic..09:40
siveyslamont_r: thanks09:41
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lamont_rsiveys: here's some info: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SeedManagement09:42
lamont_rit tells you how to get the list out of arch09:42
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nakee http://releases.ubuntu.cz/4.10/warty-release-live-i386.iso09:45
nakeeis what I need for installation only?09:45
nakeeor is there a live cd and dead cd choise?:)09:46
lamont_rlivecd != install cd09:46
lamont_rlive cd is a boot and use it, don't touch the harddrive (well, it'll use linux swap if it finds it, but that's almost expected...).  the install cd is the one you want for install.09:46
nakeeha ok thanks09:46
siveyswhy are those two separate cd:s?09:47
king_arthurnakee: live cd has an additional nice feature09:48
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king_arthurnakee: you can use it to make a one click install of Firefox and other OpenSoftware useful programs on a winkozz machine09:49
Maydayis there some ubuntu kinda live-cd that can be tossed onto a 512mb usb-key?09:50
nakeeking_arthur: great:) now I only need to get a windows machine;)09:50
king_arthurnakee: I don't have any partitions left... ;)09:51
dagsi'm getting lots of "Disabling IRQ" and "apic error on cpu0 60(60)" errors. i read on some forum that it could mean cpu is faulty, but wxp/prime95 runs fine. what could be done? i'm running apt-get up- date/grade after first boot, and the errors are all over the place..09:52
king_arthurnakee: a totally M$ environment free here at home09:52
dagsasus p4p800 (i865pe) & p4 ht cpu by the way09:53
nakeeking_arthur: I used to have windows at home for the really rare cases I need it for bank hp or so, but I used it like once every 4-5 month09:53
nakeeking_arthur: and then it always got tons of viruses before I could update:)09:53
nakeeso I gave it up:)09:53
lamont_rsiveys: because it doesn't fit on 1?09:53
lamont_rsiveys: the liveCD is a complete ubuntu-desktop install, compressed (cloop).  there was ~100MB of free space, which we gave to windows versions of some OSS stuff.09:54
lamont_rthe install CD is on the order of 550 MB, iirc.09:54
lamont_rin any case, doesn't fit to have both on one.09:55
king_arthurI am on a mac and spoiled in these regards, have higly underesimated the virus and adware problem on win machines, saw it last night at a friend's place... AMAZING!!09:55
lamont_rFor hoary there _is_ talk of having a unified dvd that does live and install.09:55
lamont_ralthough that opens the door for users to shoot themselves accidentally... :-(09:55
lamont_rking_arthur: plan is to have a livecd for ppc in hoary as well.09:56
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king_arthurlamont_r: no kidding? that would be absolutely great!!09:57
lamont_rking_arthur: actually hoping to have livecd's for all architectures09:57
AMIGrAvei'm trying to install the nvidia driver but it fails telling me that I probably have conflicting OpenGL libraries. Should I remove mesa ?09:57
king_arthurlamont_r: how do you know? could you post me a link to that info?09:57
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ograAMIGrAve: you followed the wiki page?09:58
lamont_rhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ConfAgenda search for Live and follow the link09:58
ograAMIGrAve: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto ?09:58
neelshi all, please help me to make my qt application look acceptable! (This Motif style is getting me grey hairs)09:58
lamont_rking_arthur: fwiw, those are my notes from the BOF session09:59
king_arthurlamont_r: where are they?09:59
AMIGrAveogra: I didn't followed these steps because the driver installed this way does not support my Geforce 660GT so I used this information :  http://www.uberdose.com/kbase/ubuntu-and-nvidia-geforce-6600/10:00
king_arthurlamont_r: sorry I just noticed10:00
neelsdoes anyone know how to make qt look better on ubuntu?10:00
king_arthurlamont_r: to many rooms... :)10:00
lamont_r /LiveCDDesign10:00
lamont_ron the wiki, that is10:00
neighborleequestion...why is using totem branded okay but not mplayer ? ;-)10:00
neighborleedoes it truly contain no copyright enfringements ?10:01
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neelsdoes anyone know how to make qt look better on ubuntu?10:02
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neighborleeyeah use gnome10:02
neighborleeneels: of course i'm def. kidding10:02
neighborleeneels: what do you mean better10:02
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neelsI mean not Motif10:03
neelsI made this qt application and it looks dreadful!10:03
neighborleeneels: well I"ve never developed with qt  but surely you have choices for what widgets you want to use10:03
neelsqt-designer itself looks like a true nightmare10:03
neelshm I guess we're talking theme here10:04
neighborleeneels: hmm never used it sorry10:04
neighborleeneels: i'm a gnome guy ( was that obvious)10:04
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ograneighborlee: nope ;)10:04
neelswell I was just happening to have an application in qt. and it looks damned.10:04
neighborleeneels: you'll find more help i'm thinking in #kde10:04
neelsalso here on freenode?10:05
neighborleeogra, heh10:05
neighborleeneels, yup10:05
neighborleeneels;i'd be happy to help if I knew...10:05
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neelslet's see what kde has to say :)10:05
neighborleekewl let us know....10:05
stuNNedwhat is glib package called in ubuntu?10:06
Riddellneighborlee: try putting this under General in /etc/qt3/qtrc10:06
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neighborleestuNNed, libglib10:06
neelsRiddell, is that the qt theme your talking about?10:07
Riddellneels: yes10:07
Riddellyou may also need kdeartwork-style10:07
neighborleeRiddell, hmmm now I forget what my question was ?LOL..was this about jahshaka ?10:07
neighborleeRiddell, if so I did get it working afterall10:07
aracatacahi, could anyone pleaze tell me the command to get the video lan client?10:08
Riddellneighborlee: your question was about mplayer licensing problems10:08
neighborleeoh that10:08
neelsRiddell, there's no /etc/qt310:08
mdlhi, I try to cp -R from /media/cdrom0 but get unknown filetype. It's MS files I want to cp10:08
Riddellneels: make one or use ~/.qt/qtrc10:08
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Riddellaracataca: sudo apt-get install vlc10:09
neighborleeRiddell,i'm just using totem for now..there is flat no mplayer to even install now in apt10:09
stuNNedneighborlee, aha! thanks :D10:09
aracatacathanks, ill tr10:09
neighborleeRiddell, no surprise though i'm sure they dont want us using it till they fix licensing issues <G>10:09
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neighborleeRiddell, unless of course we compile it which I have zero intentin of doing <G>10:09
neelsright, Riddell, let me try and install KDE :)10:09
=== neighborlee will just use totem thanks lol
miggumikeneels: i'm using kde 3.310:10
neighborleestuNNed, np ;-)10:10
aracatacathanks riddel, i still gotta get into that stuff.. but i will, i promise!  ;)10:11
stuNNedneighborlee, trying to get gnomad2 to work with second generation dell jukebox but just used alien :D10:11
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aracatacathe next thing is to record a live stream in mp3-format...10:11
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aracatacaor is any other formatting better?10:12
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aracatacain windows, i was using total record, dunno if theres something similar to that, but i guess so10:12
neelsTHANKS ALL10:13
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neighborleestuNNed, wasn't aware dell jukebox worked in linux lol10:13
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neighborleeI really need a good ogg player ;-0..does linux have one yet peeps ????10:13
adnansI use alsaplayer *g*10:14
neighborleesorry I didn't make that very clear did I ;(10:14
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neighborleesorry..I MEANT portable player10:14
miggumikehow can i access my hda3 parition's locked files?10:14
Pozacand with linux on it?10:14
darksatanicYou mean iPod-like?10:14
neighborleeI hear the rio500 works in linux but I doubt it does ogg10:14
darksatanicTry the iRiver.10:14
neighborleedarksatanic, yup10:14
neighborleeiriver huh10:15
ograneighborlee: hmm, rhythmbox on a laptop ?10:15
neighborleeogra, LOL10:15
neighborleeogra, dont I wish I h ad a laptop10:15
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AndyRlo ppl10:15
neighborleemaybe santa will bring one <G>10:15
neighborleeAndyR, hi10:15
neighborleedear santa...10:15
darksatanicneighborlee: www.iriver.com10:15
darksatanicThose run Linux, and will play oggs, IIRC.10:16
neighborleekewl thx..checking10:16
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AndyRdarksatanic, what you doing here ? :))10:16
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darksatanicAndyR: Well, I _do_ have Ubuntu on one of my machines. :)10:17
AndyRwe "will" meet one day10:18
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Riddellneighborlee: I think the problems with mplayer licencing are not infringement but technicalities (not including GPL licence text, not adding GPL notices to some files, not saying that some files are modified) but you can get it from marillat10:18
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miggumikehow can i access my hda3 parition's locked files?10:19
mdlI try to cp -R from /media/cdrom0 but get unknown filetype. It's MS files I want to cp. Suggestions?10:19
neighborleeRiddell, well..yeah I can understand the gpl stuff..although I do have marillat in my repository yet I got several dependency problems when trying to get it..would you try and see if you also have trouble...???10:19
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AMIGrAveis this message normal at boot time ? "Cannot access the hardware clock via any known method ?"10:20
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Riddellneighborlee: I'm using "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main" and hoary and havn't had any dependency problems10:21
neighborleeRiddell, lemme check10:21
neighborleeRiddell: ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ : unstable: main < is what I have too and I'm unable to install : mplayer-586 without getting many dependency conflicts....10:22
neighborleemaybe you should try again <G>10:23
neighborlee  Depends: libartsc0 but 1.2.3-1 is to be installed10:23
neighborlee  Depends: libfribidi0 but 0.10.4-3 is to be installed10:23
neighborlee  Depends: libggi2 but 1:2.0.4-3 is to be installed10:23
neighborlee  Depends: libpng12-0 but is to be installed10:23
neighborlee  Depends: libungif4g but 4.1.0b1-6 is to be installed10:23
neighborleesorry it did NOT look like that many lines in the dialogue window <<<10:23
ograneighborlee: try testing, not unstable10:23
PozacI am also getting dependency errors when trying to install mplayer-58610:23
Riddellneighborlee: are you using hoary?10:23
Pozacneighborlee, have you tried the mplayer-custom from hoary multiverse?10:24
neighborleeI have original ubuntu from like 3-4 months ago10:24
neighborleebut I did do: apt-get upgrade few days ago...<<<<10:24
Pozacor warty multiverse10:24
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neighborleePozac, Yes but its only command-line player10:25
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Pozacneighborlee, ohh10:25
neighborleethx though..10:25
ograneighborlee: for warty you need the testing repo, unstable is for hoary10:26
neighborleei appreciate the attempt10:26
neighborleeI thought ubuntu was always unstable based....10:26
neighborleeis this a oops ?10:26
ograsee here: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats10:26
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Riddellneighborlee: warty is several months old10:27
ograneighborlee: if a stable release is made, there are no updates form debian anymore, so its in the starte of unstable before october10:27
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ograneighborlee: which is nearly the same as sarge10:28
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aracatacasorry folks to interrupt, anyone got the name for a tool that records a livestream?10:29
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miggumikemy hda3 is my osx partition. when i mount it on my linux system many files are locked.10:30
miggumikehow can i unlock it?10:30
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pwhas a conversation about proposing multisync for hoary's desktop seed proposals been had?10:32
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AMIGrAvewhen uncommenting universe apt source, is it possible to install kde ? if yes, what is the name of the metapackage installing all the base stuff ?10:36
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neighborleeRiddell, several months old meaning I need to dist-upgrade to get things working ?10:37
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neighborleeogra, hmm alright somehow I must have changed it accidentily then ;(..i'll put it back to testing10:38
ograneighborlee: yep, do this.....should work then :)10:38
neighborleedarksatanic, so does iriver actually work okay in linux ?..it doesn't seem to say anywhere10:39
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darksatanicneighborlee: It's a stand-alone device.10:41
darksatanicWhat do you mean by "works in Linux"?10:41
neighborleedarksatanic, well I mean to be able to transfer my music from linux to it10:41
darksatanicAFAIK, they act as standard USB-storage devices.10:41
darksatanicI don't own one myself, but I know several Linux-type people with them.10:42
neighborleedarksatanic, I was hoping so yes10:42
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TopDogI have a harddrive hdd1 with ReiserFS, what exactly do I need to write in etc/stab to mount it on boot?10:42
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=== pw adds multisync to the desktop seed proposals page
neighborleeogra: still not working ;(10:44
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neighborleeogra: i'm still getting several dependency conflicts10:44
ograneighborlee: universe is enabled too ?10:44
neighborleecurious...xmms-xmmplayer depends on mplayer-custom ?....that can't be right ;-)10:44
=== mcroydon [~mcroydon@pcp0011110325pcs.elkrdg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seqdarksatanic: i assume its an mp3 player you're talking about. which one?10:45
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darksatanicSeq: iRiver.10:45
Seqdarksatanic: i have an iriver ihp-120 :)10:46
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darksatanicI don't... :) can you help neighborlee with their questions?10:46
Seqdarksatanic: it mounts as a removable drive with a vfat filesystem. works fine, just be sure to umount before unplugging10:46
neighborleeErr ftp://ftp.nerim.net testing/universe Packages10:46
neighborlee  Unable to fetch file, server said '/debian-marillat/dists/testing/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz: No such file or directory10:46
Seqah, i misunderstood who wanted help10:47
neighborleethat was me10:47
neighborleethx for info.yeah its the 120 I was looking at10:47
Seqneighborlee: is it one of the hard disk ones, or the flash ones?10:47
neighborleehd I think10:47
ograneighborlee: universe from ubuntu10:47
neighborleesays you can put regular files on it .128MB10:47
Seqahh, yeah. it works great. the only problem i've had with it at all is there is no gapless playback10:47
mupehow do I completely disable ipv6?10:48
neighborleeogra: what do you mean universe from ubuntu ?10:48
Seqthats prolly a flash one. the ihp-120 (i think its h120 now) is 20GB10:48
neighborleehttp://www.iriveramerica.com/products/iFP-780.aspx < I meant this one ;(10:49
Schugyi've had a iFP-890 and it was bad10:49
ograneighborlee: ubuntus universe repository i mean......http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-09-30.535934980110:50
calcget an ipod ;)10:50
Schugyat least worse than I have exspected for that premium price10:50
Schugyipod doesn't play ogg vorbis10:50
calcthey're pretty and expensive, and you are supporting a lunatic's company ;)10:51
joh_I have a H120, its really a great player. Good for linux geeks10:51
Seqneighborlee: http://ifp-driver.sourceforge.net/10:51
neighborleeah thx10:51
neighborleeogra: ok10:51
Seqneighborlee: looks like you need to use those utilities to access the ifp players. there seems to be a kernel module they're working on to mount it as a regular removable storage device10:51
Schugyi think there's no iRiver Player that supports gapless ogg vorbis playback10:52
SeqSchugy: no. if one did, i'm sure they all would. they're "gapless fix" in the latest firmware is a joke ;)10:52
Schugyand the iFP890 was noisy10:53
Schugyand the support wasn't even existant10:54
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Schugymaybe I?l try trekstore next time10:54
=== Cloudchaser [~Cloudchas@69-172-81-152.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
neighborleeSeq, kewl10:58
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=== pw files bug 4850.
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frittzwhere is the wallpapers folder located?11:04
jam3slocate <filename?11:05
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Gmanfrittz, usually /usr/share/pixmaps/backgrounds11:07
frittzalright thanks now one more quick quest, how do i get an address bar in nautilus...11:08
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pwfrittz: ctrl-l11:10
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frittzah, thanks11:11
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ografrittz: right click a folder..... select browse11:11
=== f4r4i [~f4r4i@host81-157-164-249.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
f4r4ihey y'all11:13
f4r4imy gdm seems partially borked. it starts up fine, it opens my last opened windows and gaim but i don't have any panels and i don't know how to get them back11:14
ograf4r4i: warty or hoary ?11:15
f4r4ido you know how i can start a gnome configuration tool or something from the terminal11:18
=== jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ograf4r4i: look if there is a panel running but not showing up with: ps ax|grep  gnome-panel11:19
ograf4r4i: if not, run it manually from the console: gnome-panel &11:19
jazzkais there any way to upgrade Ubuntu's OpenOffice org to the latest version?11:20
ograf4r4i: then log out and save your session11:20
f4r4iyeah there's a panel running11:20
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f4r4ignome-panel &11:20
ograf4r4i: nope,11:21
f4r4ioops wrong window11:21
ograf4r4i: not if there is one running11:21
ograf4r4i: is should show up .....11:21
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rhodanhello thar11:21
ograf4r4i: it11:21
f4r4iyeah there's one runnign but i just can't see it11:21
f4r4iall i see is desktop11:21
rhodanyo ogra11:21
rhodanI sorted my problem11:22
rhodanI'm chatting from Ubuntu now =)11:22
ograf4r4i: try to kill the running panel: killall gnome-panel11:22
ograrhodan: great :)11:22
ograf4r4i: gnome-session should start a new one then11:22
rhodanwhy the hell is firefox so damn slow11:23
jam3subuntu is a good choice for server?11:24
AMIGrAvewhat is the executable name of the gnome apps that allows to change theme ?11:24
|QuaD-does anyone here have experience with php xmlrpc clients?11:25
=== Rotund [~joe@d35-95.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
smhow to gnome-pilot and multisync compare ?11:25
=== Speirsje [Speirs@ip54529abf.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
rhodananyone here using the fglrx drivers for ATI ?11:27
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f4r4iyo ogra, the killall command doesn't kill the invisible gnome-panel, and gnome-session refuses to to start cos there's one already runnin'11:27
Pozackillall -911:28
ograf4r4i: Pozac is right11:28
PozacGotta love -9 ;)11:28
f4r4istill 'no process killed'11:29
Pozacthen there is no gnome-panel process11:29
ograf4r4i: you look for gnome-panel , not for /usr/lib/gnome-panel11:30
ograf4r4i: .... which are the applet locations.....11:30
neighborleeOgra: i'm still unable to get past dependency issues with my repos.setup..i'm rechecking but I dont see what I've got wrong...help me jesus11:31
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neighborleeogra: I tried the url you pasted but its not helping11:32
neighborleeor i'm being a total buttwad today..( which is possible)11:32
ograneighborlee: you got universe in now ? and removed the universe bit form marillat again ?11:32
mrothis GLX working for anyone with nvidia-drivers in current packages of hoary?11:32
neighborleeogra: lemme goto #flood and past sources.list11:32
ograneighborlee: k11:33
f4r4iinteresting... there appears to be no /usr/lib/gnome-panel. should there be one?11:33
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ograneighborlee: i just tried it....11:41
ograneighborlee: seems not to work anymore, i think the wiki needs an update.....11:41
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neighborleeogra same errors as mine ?11:41
neighborleegood I feel relieved11:42
ograeven stable doesnt like me11:42
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=== noob [~56732@modemcable109.134-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
noobI have 2 hd on my pc, prim has Win XP, and sec. has Ubuntu linux. I had to re-install win xp yesterday, but now when i boot up i don't have the choice to boot windows or linux anymore? how can i fix that?11:44
Pozacnoob, boot the livecd11:46
mdkenoob, windows has nabbed your boot record11:46
=== neighborlee needs to get livecd for such instances ;-)
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=== Pozac looks at stack of original cd's
Pozacthe best thing about ubuntu is the semi-porn11:47
noobok ! damn, i lent my cd to a friend11:47
noobis there any way to fix it other than boot with the cd &11:47
jbroomeapt-get and semi-porn11:47
Pozaca 16 mb stage 1 gentoo install cd will do the trick11:47
Pozacor a floppy if you still got the drive11:48
noobyes i have a floppy drive11:48
noobwould i always have to boot with a floppy now, or it will create a new boot record like before?11:48
Pozacyou can recreate it easily11:49
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neighborleePozac, semi pron ?11:49
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Pozacneighborlee, yeah, the chicks and the dude from the calendar are on the cd cover :)11:49
noobok, can you point me where i could find a boot disk11:49
neighborleeyeah I love that design...it rocks11:49
nooband ill try to find out how to re-create my boot record11:50
PozacI'm not sure, haven't used one for ages..11:50
neighborleenoob: you dont need boot disk11:50
neighborleenoob: at least you shouldn't..just boot with livecd and use 'rescue' mode11:50
Pozache hasn't got the livecd11:50
neighborleenoob: once there you re-run lilo and install it to your harddrive MBR11:50
neighborleePozac, easier if he just grabs it and uses it11:50
ograneighborlee: no lilo on ubuntu11:50
noobthan i think ill wait to have back my cd11:50
noobill ask it back , ghope to have it soon, i had some new stuff to try and learn :)11:51
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neighborleeogra: sorry:(i'mi thinking of mdk11:51
=== neighborlee has too many LOL
=== f [~dagron@h182n2fls33o817.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu
neighborleenoob: okay grub then LOL11:51
fhey folks11:51
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neighborleeogra: i presume livecd has rescue mode for him to fix this righth ?11:52
noob<neighborlee> : do you know how i could do it with a floppy?11:52
PozacI wonder why grub was chosen.. I find lilo much better11:52
Pozachey f11:52
ograneighborlee: nope.... not this release i think11:52
neighborleeditto..I find lilo easier actually..grub is confusing LOL11:52
neighborleeogra: k thx11:52
neighborleenoob: then you do not want livecd11:52
noobOk, but when i'll have my cd back, what do i do, only put it in, boot on cd and thats it11:52
ograPozac: because you cant edit your lilo.conf brfore booting.... with grub xou can ;)11:52
calcusing grub from a floppy is pretty easy11:52
neighborleenoob: unless you want to show off ubuntu to friend then by all means!!11:53
noobwhat is livecd, is it my ubuntu cd?11:53
neighborleenoob: special cd that runs from cd and doesn't require installation11:53
neighborleenoob: not recommended but for on the move and showing off to converts <G>11:53
noobit's not my ubuntu cd?11:53
nooblol, sorry, im a bit mixed up :)11:53
neighborleenoob: no biggie11:53
Pozacogra, true.. I only use it to correct the drive (stupid naming system) :)11:54
dagronthere is a LiveCD and an install-cd. LiveCD is only the preview of what it will be like when it's newly installed.11:54
=== Blackwell [qwd@d041167.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu
noobok, but can I use my ubuntu install cd to create a new boot record?11:55
dagronlike Knopix. you don't have to install Ubuntu to run the livecd.11:55
noobor i have to use a liveCd11:55
noobif so, ill try to find a livecd cause i dont have one11:55
noobi only have the ubuntu install  cd11:55
dagronI have seriosly no idea. how can you have trouble with ubuntu?11:55
PozacCan't he just chroot into his old system and run that grub?11:55
Pozacthat would be totally easy11:55
neighborleenoob: I've done it before but with FC cd11:55
neighborleenoob: knooppix may work dunno...but I know FC cd works by going into whats called 'rescue mode'11:56
noobdagron, i dont really have prob, i reinstall win xp on my primary hd, and it kill my boot record , so now i cant boot on my sec. hd11:56
dagronthat sucks dude :S11:56
noobi really dont know how to do this11:56
neighborleenoob: for that you only need disk#1 of FC..as I say knoppix may do it I dont know...but I know FC does...11:57
dagronformat /dev/hda2 ?11:57
mdkenoob, you could try the ubuntu install cd i guess. But be careful :)11:57
mdkenoob, otherwise any live cd will do: knoppix, gnoppix, gentoo etc11:57
noobmdke, yep that what i thoug, but i hope not to erase my linux11:57
noobdamn microsoft windows :P11:58
mdkenoob, kill windows11:58
nooblol :P11:58
mdkeyou don't need it11:58
noobi need for work11:58
neighborleenoob: http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/i386/iso/ < go there and get : FC3-i386-disc1.iso   and burn it to a cd..reboot and go into rescue mode and then run: grub-install hda ( if wrong someone correct me)11:58
noobAutocad and 3d software11:58
Blackwelli wonder about the design or rather changes that ubuntu does to debian. i am looking for a way to "sanely" get a debian desktop "configuration" done without wading head to toe through what debian folks may consider initiation rites. :)11:58
Quest-MasterHow good do you guys consider Fedora?11:59
ograBlackwell: so use ubuntu.....11:59
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noobneighborlee: ok ! ill check this out11:59
PozacInferior? :)11:59
neighborleeQuest-Master, I dont like it really..I feel like a guinea pig <G>...but the rescue mode works fine <G>11:59
ograBlackwell: sounds like thats what youre looking for11:59
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