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bob2jblack: have to head out now...catch up later I guess06:33
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carlosspiv: ?10:51
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jordicarlos: time for almuerzo dude12:11
carlosjordi: that's in your case, not in mine :-)12:12
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dafwow, database/schema/Makefile hurts my eyes02:18
carlosdaf: why?02:20
dafit's pretty hairy02:20
dafI'm glad I don't have to maintain that02:20
dafcarlos: "aleatory"?02:27
carlosdaf: ?02:27
daf+                # XXX: Carlos Perello Marin 03/12/2004: Epiphany seems to have an02:27
daf+                # aleatory bug with upload forms (or perhaps it's launchpad because02:27
carlosdaf: random O:-)02:27
dafes? :)02:27
carlosmy spanglish, you know02:27
dafah :)02:27
dafen_ES :)02:28
carlosyeah :-P02:28
carlosdaf: are you going to fix it?02:29
carlosor should I do it?02:29
dafI'll do it02:36
dafcarlos: don't use "if type(x) is Foo"02:46
carlosdaf: why?02:46
dafif you must do type checking, always use "if isinstance(x, Foo)"02:47
carlosdaf: I think Steve said we should use it instead of isinstance02:47
carlosdaf: remember the proxy thing02:47
dafare file uploads security-proxied?02:47
carlosif you use isinstance you get a proxy object instance instead of what you want02:47
carlosdaf: no idea02:47
=== carlos -> lunch
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: fix bug with losing languages parameter from URLs (patch-1132, daf@canonical.com)03:23
salgadojblack, is there something I can do in case a merge --two-way fails with "PANIC: unable to fork for hook"?03:25
dafsalgado: this is a bug in baz03:32
dafsalgado: perhaps you can use "baz merge --star-merge --two-way"?03:32
salgadodaf, yeah, I've seen the bug, and this is why I tried the --two-way. 03:34
salgadoI'm going to try with --star-merge now03:34
=== daf can't find the bug report in bugzilla
salgadodaf, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=475603:39
salgadoisn't this?03:39
dafoh, right03:39
dafI got the error when executing the hook, not when running diff03:39
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: various changes to the translation page (patch-1133, daf@canonical.com)03:40
salgadodaf, np. ;)03:41
salgadodaf, running with --star-merge --two-way worked for you?03:41
daf"baz merge --star-merge" worked for me03:41
dafI didn't use --two-way03:41
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: add initial canonical.rosetta.tar library (patch-1134, daf@canonical.com)03:52
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lamontso what is the baz equivalent of 'tla tag' again?04:28
dafbaz branch?04:30
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carlossabdfl: hi04:58
carlossabdfl: now that malone is open to the world, could we use it to track the rosetta's bugs?04:59
sabdflcarlos: good idea!05:16
carlossabdfl: what should be done?05:18
carlosjust create a Rosetta product and that's all?05:18
sabdflcarlos: create a project called "The Launchpad"05:18
sabdflthen create products for malone and rosetta05:19
sabdflso we can file bugs against them there05:19
sabdflwe can use the dogfood server for security-related bugs till we have a security bug tracking feature in malone05:19
carlossabdfl: should we add a link to malone at the main launchpad web page?05:21
jordihola people05:22
carlosjordi: hey05:25
carlosok, it's ready05:27
jordicarlos: do I need a separate malone account?05:30
carlosjordi: same account05:30
jordias it insists in telling me to "join"05:30
carlosohh, that link...05:31
carlosit's broken at the moment...05:31
carlosso don't worry about it05:31
sabdflcarlos: yes please, just a small one :-)05:32
carlossabdfl: could we "kill" the join link ?05:32
carlosthe foaf part of launchpad is closed and I think it will confuse the userd05:33
carlos /s/userd/users/05:33
jordihi mark!05:33
jordihey, I got #3 :)05:34
jordicarlos: now, go fix! :)05:34
=== carlos hides
jorditell me if that was the correct product/whatever. It's not trivial: the "full list" link does a popup, but it doesn't show anything.05:35
carlosjordi: dude, you have an entry box with a search button ;-)05:37
jordiwhich shows nothing, no matter what I input05:39
jordiI mean05:39
jordiI try to search for rosetta and the button doesn't appear to do anything. It's as if it didn't do anything.05:39
carlosjordi: it works here...05:40
carlosI typed "rosetta"  and did a submit05:41
carlosand I got:05:41
carlos    The Rosetta Translation Portal 05:41
=== jordi tries again.
jordiI... I assure you it wsn't working.05:44
jordiI tried 3 times.05:44
=== jordi blushes.
carlosfrom there and using (list) link works here05:47
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jordicarlos: yeah, I'm saying it works now.06:33
carlosjordi: what changed?06:33
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jordicarlos: who knows.06:45
=== carlos blames baz
carlosI have lost some code because a conflict and I didn't noticied it, baz does NOT works yet as cvs/svn merging conflicts06:58
bob2the dailies do06:58
bob2you can't commit until they resolved06:58
carlosbob2: my version is from last week06:58
carlosbob2: and baz redo06:59
carlostold me about a conflict06:59
carlosbut the file didn't had any mark so I thought it was an error on baz06:59
carlosand resolved the conflict and removed the .rej and .orig06:59
carlosand I suppose that I have lost that change06:59
bob2how did you lose code if it didn't have conflict markers?06:59
carlosbob2: because I know that the code was there but it's not now07:00
carlosbob2: a bug in baz?07:00
bob2could be...07:00
bob2the actual file contents diffing is done by the regular diff program, tho...07:00
carloscarlos@frodo ~/Work/dists/launchpad $ baz redo07:00
carlos* linting the source tree07:00
carlosC   lib/canonical/rosetta/scripts/import_from_apt.py07:00
carlosConflicts created while merging. Please resolve all07:00
carlosconflicts and then run baz resolved --all07:00
carloscarlos@frodo ~/Work/dists/launchpad $ gvim lib/canonical/rosetta/scripts/import_from_apt.py07:00
carloscarlos@frodo ~/Work/dists/launchpad $ baz resolved --all07:00
carlosthat's the output07:00
carloswhen I saw that the file does not have any >>>> or <<<<07:01
bob2so you merged, got a conflict, resolved it, then commited and the merge was gone?07:01
carlosstrings I executed the baz resolved --all 07:01
carlosbob2: I did a baz undo07:01
carlosbaz redo07:01
bob2oh, and the undone code was gone?07:01
carlosand got a conflict (because other local changes I did before remembered the baz undo thing)07:02
carlosbob2: only the part that conflicted 07:02
bob2ok, so, from the begininng:07:02
bob2local edit07:02
carlosother changes remain there07:02
carlosno, sorry07:03
carloslocal edit07:03
carloslocal edit07:03
carlosnoticied that my changes are in the undo directory07:03
carlosremoved by hand some changes (seems like I forgot some of them)07:03
carlosconflict due some local changes were still there07:04
carlosand I lost the conflict code from the undo directory07:04
bob2redo will not have made <<<<<-style conflict markers07:05
carlosright, the file does not have such markers07:05
bob2so if you got conflicts, then deleted the .mod and .orig files, tthen you've lost data :/07:06
carlosbob2: I know :-(07:06
carlosI thought that they were useless07:06
bob2does this sound like what happened?07:06
carlosbob2: yeah07:06
bob2wouldd it make more sense to you if redo produced 3-way-style markers?07:07
carlosbob2: don't know how they look like07:07
bob2the <<<< ones07:08
bob2in the file07:08
carlosthat's what I expected07:08
carlosthat's why I removed the .orig and .rej files07:08
carlosbecause usualy the .rej is empty (with a message that you should look at the file)07:09
bob2file a bug asking that redo do that then? :)07:09
carlosbob2: are you using malone now?07:09
bob2especially now that -t is the default for star-merge, it's confusing that redo does not07:09
bob2erm, I don't know07:09
bob2I know we were going to switch at some point, but I on't know if we did07:16
carlosbob2: it's open to the public atm07:17
carlosso I suppose that it depends on you to use it for bazaar07:17
carloswe are going to use it for Rosetta as soon as I send the announcement tonight07:17
bob2oh, cool07:18
bob2no bugs on bazaar in it yet, I'll wait for robert or brad to tell me it's ready to roll, I think07:22
carlosbob2: brad is on holidays07:22
bob2so is robert07:23
=== jblack reads back
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jblackYeah. I don't believe redo isn't doing three way yet.07:59
elmostub/spiv: around ?08:07
elmojblack: ?08:17
jblackYeah? 08:17
elmojblack: I need to reboot production and devel supermirror - ok?08:18
jblackgo ahead08:19
elmothanks, rebooting08:20
jblackit won't hurt devel if you reboot it whenever you like.08:20
jblackon production, the only thing you need to watch out for is whether or not tla is running08:20
jblackEverything I write is lock safe, but tla itself isn't.08:21
elmookay, both back08:23
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salgadohey stub. you haven't commited that patch for the preferred email and the temp email table, right?11:48

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