
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
carloselmo: ping12:33
carloselmo: did you executed the rosetta's import daemon?12:34
elmoerr, no12:34
carlosafter the reboot of launchpad's production server (macquarie)12:35
elmolaunchpad_foo ?12:35
elmothe running instructions need to say from which directory to run it ...12:35
carlosdon't know the production database name12:35
carlosthe base directory is from where you execute the "make run" for launchpad12:36
elmoI don't - that's part of an init script - and this thing needs an init script too12:36
carlosdon't worry about it if you don't know how to execute it, It can wait for stub or lifeless 12:36
elmoI'm happy to do stuff, if you tell me to do it12:37
elmobut I don't know details like what should be in place of "_foo_"12:37
carloselmo: I know exactly the same information you know at the moment12:37
carloswell, perhaps some extra info12:37
carlosbut I don't know the location of the script in macquarie12:37
carlosor the name of the database or the database host12:37
carloswill ask stub tomorrow12:38
elmosorry to break stuff, but it was unfortunately necessary12:38
carloselmo: dude, I prefer that to be hacked or DoS :-)12:39
carloselmo: I need also to update the webpage at https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/ to add a link to malone, daf said that I should ask you for it, could you do it?12:43
elmohttps://launchpad.ubuntu.com is part of launchpad12:45
elmoAFAIK stub was updating that, on Friday12:46
carloselmo: that index file is a static page and seems to be outside launchpad12:46
carlosin fact it's not the same page we have in the dogfood server12:47
carlosbut if you don't know what I'm talking about, I will wait for stub12:48
carlosit's not urgent 12:49
elmothere's a separate page that was for http://launchpad.ubuntu.com, but AFAICT apache's not using it12:50
elmoit already has malone listed12:50
elmoso, if there's a page not listing malone, it must be in launchpad12:50
=== jamesh [~james@203-59-217-65.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #launchpad
carloselmo: dogfood server is down at the moment01:25
=== carlos -> bed
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=== elmo__ is now known as elmo
jblackspiv: ping06:06
=== stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad
=== stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.1: new build (patch-37)08:22
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.1: Use size_t instead of int in one case, to fix a build failure on amd64 (#4889). (patch-66, rob.weir@canonical.com)08:22
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/dists--bazaar--1.1: new build (patch-38)08:34
dilysMerge to thelove@canonical.com/bazaar--devo--1.1: Use size_t instead of int, fixing a build failure on amd64 (thanks James Henstridge, #4889).  Archive-mirror'ing this time. (patch-67, rob.weir@canonical.com)08:34
=== Signon time : Thu Dec 16 08:50:09 2004
=== Signoff time : Wed Dec 22 08:57:00 2004
=== Total uptime : 6d 0h 6m 51s
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #launchpad
=== Topic for #launchpad: Welcome to the packed-lunch-pad. Crucifixion? Line on the left, one merge each. Rubber-Duckies-R-Us
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by stub at Thu Dec 16 10:12:28 2004
=== carlos [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
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=== carlos -> lunch
elmostub: ?02:37
elmoI think the postgres instance on emperor is wedged02:39
carloscprov: ping02:58
cprovcarlos: pong03:04
carloscprov: I'm working at the moment in the script to import translations03:04
carlosand I need to create a big list of products that are not yet in the production database03:04
carlosI'm using Sources and Packages files from Hoary 03:05
carlosbut I want to ask you before because I don't have a direct way to get a general description for the source packages03:05
carlosI need to choose one from the binary packages for the source package, not sure if you have solved already that problem with gina03:06
cprovcarlos: I'm confused,  many question :)03:07
carlosor whatever is called to create products automatically03:07
carloscprov: ok.03:07
cprovcarlos: so, what do you want to do first ?03:07
carlosI have a script to import automatically all .po and .pot files from an debian package source03:07
carlosusing the web interface03:07
carlosbut to be able to do that, I need to create first the products03:08
carlosI have code to do that also, using the web interface03:08
cprovcarlos: from where do you want to grab the porduct info ?  from sources.gz?03:08
carloscprov: the description and shortdescription is not at sources.gz03:09
carlosso I'm thinking on choose one of its binary packages03:09
carlosand use it03:09
carlosbut I don't know if that will break anything you do in the future03:09
carlosI know that some of them will be broken, but we could fix the description later03:10
cprovcarlos: if you are looking just for desc and shortdesc, nothing will be broken03:11
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
carloscprov: broken == invalid information ;-)03:11
cprovcarlos: btw, it is the same than nicole is doing now, supose a productname and find reliable infor about it03:11
carloscprov: hmm, is there any way to call from my script to gina's parser of freshmeat?03:11
carlos /s/gina/nicole/03:11
=== carlos is really bad with the names
cprovcarlos: if it is the case, in the future nicole will override it 03:12
carloscprov: so, is there an easy way to reuse nicole parser?03:13
cprovcarlos: i think soon will be a way to call nicole.getProductSpec(suggested_name) and get the RDF locally stored info03:13
carlosI'm not going to execute the script in the production database but in my computer submitting the info using the web interface03:13
cprovyep, import launchpad.scripts,nicole.sourceforge and feel free ;), the API won't change03:14
elmoanyone object to me forcefully restarting postgres?03:15
carloscprov: my script is really ugly so we get the goal to import more than 100 products to translate into Rosetta so I don't mind if you change the API03:15
cprovcarlos: as I said, it isn't so useful since it is slow, but when we change it to RDF maybe03:16
carloselmo: if you restart postgres, I think you will need to restart launchpad too, not sure if that's fixed so it reconnects03:16
elmoyes, I know03:16
elmobut right now, I doubt launchpad is even working03:16
elmocertainly the authserver isn't03:16
carloselmo: your are right, launchpad seems to be down03:17
carloscprov: ok, will see if It's useful for me ;-)03:18
carloscprov: thanks03:18
elmothis SUCKS03:18
carloscprov: sourceforge?, aren't you using freshmeat?03:18
morgscarlos: the lib is called sourceforge, actually it talks to sourceforge as well as freshmeat and savannah.gnu.org - but not all repositories are equal.03:20
cprovmorgs: hi dude03:21
morgscarlos: You can go sourceforge.getProjectSpec('foo','fm') to get the details from freshmeat, or sourceforge.getProjectSpec('foo','sf') to get from sourceforge...03:22
morgscprov: hi03:22
elmookay, bounced.  authserver, launchpad, rosetta and importd correspondingly bounced too03:23
carloscprov: I'm going to be the owner of those products, will nicole fix it later?03:27
cprovcarlos: I hope so, anyway we can enforce it03:28
lamontno lifeless I expect?04:00
elmohe's on a plane04:02
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jblacklamont: Ok. I'm here now.05:26
jblackSorry. Dealing with burst pipes. 05:26
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=== salgad is now known as salgado
carloscprov: dude, nicol rocks05:36
cprovcarlos: thank you05:37
carloscprov: I'm creating a map table between debian source packages to freshmeat products05:46
carloscprov: in case you are interested on it ;-)05:46
cprovcarlos: sure I am ... lett me know when you finish05:55
=== cprov is now known as cprov_out
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=== carlos needs to leave now, but if someone knows how to use getUtility() from an initZopeless script, he will be really glad when he's back
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