
pep9Q: what does an NT sysadmin does in a linux irc channel? A: he learns, and he shuts up12:00
PozacBetter to acknowledge ones newness than pretend to know it all from the start.12:00
PozacFor in one form or another, we are all new.12:01
Pozac(I'll be here all week)12:01
pep9thanks for your simpathy :P12:01
HrdwrBoBI'm new at this whole 'being new' game.. I've always known it all12:01
HrdwrBoBwhat do I do?12:01
jacobatHrdwrBoB: Solve P = NP?12:01
ograHrdwrBoB: drink until you forget ?12:01
HrdwrBoBogra: excellent!12:02
Fator_Teequite controversial(sp?) :-)12:02
HrdwrBoBheh well I had four christmas work parties12:02
HrdwrBoBall of them had alchohol12:02
Fator_Teethey wouldn't be parties without12:02
ograHrdwrBoB: but you are in the wrong part of the world, cristmas is supposed to be cold enough to drink hot rum12:03
Pozacmmm rum12:03
HrdwrBoBno, christmas is hot12:03
HrdwrBoByou drink beer12:03
ograHrdwrBoB: which is much better for forgetting ;)12:03
HrdwrBoBand play cricket12:03
Pozacdoes santa play too?12:03
Fator_Teesanta doesn't have free time to play12:04
ograhe sends rudolph12:04
Pozaccricket is play?12:04
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ograkind of ... slow motion play12:04
=== MikeGTN is now known as MikeAFK
=== Pozac still hopes for snow
=== xpepe [~xpepe@251.Red-213-98-124.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
izmaelisjoke: Santa flies over Africa, watches at hungry kids in Nigeria and says: "Hmmmm, bad children, if you will not eat than I shall not give you any presents in X-mas."12:07
=== martin [~martin@bzq-198-219.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== pavkonti [~pavkonti@home-213-240-240-160.megalan.bg] has joined #ubuntu
ogranot a funny one12:09
Pozacizmaelis, but they will gladly eat?12:09
PozacI agree, sorry.12:09
=== martin is now known as martin_
martin_help. lol12:09
Pozacsame thing?12:09
martin_my gui is not quite working12:10
=== Se7h [~MUAHAHAH@adsl-b4-84-59.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
martin_i dont have those bars12:10
martin_with applications and computer12:10
martin_and the bar which sits at the bottom of the screen12:10
PDU-Xany good apt source?12:10
PozacPDU-X, google for breakmyubuntu !12:10
ograPDU-X: archive.ubuntu.com12:10
martin_er o_O12:11
ogramartin_: warty or hoary ?12:11
martin_i got an error: "I've detected a pannel already running, and will now exit"12:11
ograweird....did you migrate your home from a former install ?12:11
martin_im clicking ok, lets see what happenes..12:11
martin_the error just keeps repeating itself12:12
martin_nope i didnt..12:12
=== wasabi [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pozacwhen did gnome-panel become so horrible at hanging around?12:12
=== AlohaWolf [alohawolf@cpe-67-49-96-168.socal.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ogrago to a console and kill the running panel....12:12
martin_how do i do that?12:12
Pozacmartin_, ctrl-alt-f112:12
Pozaclogin, killall -9 gnome-panel12:12
martin_ok, and how do i kill it?12:12
izmaelismurda wuz da kase12:12
ograand ctrl-alt-f7 to come back12:12
Pozacjust ctrl-f712:13
Pozacalt-f7 sorry12:13
ograPozac: lazy guy12:13
martin_ah! works :)12:13
Pozacogra, Lazy is my true mother :)12:13
martin_guys why do you use gnome if its so horrible?12:14
ograPozac: i know.... wernt you complaining about apt and its brothers and sisters ;)12:14
Pozacit's wonderful12:14
Pozacogra, yes12:14
Pozacogra, apt makes my head hurt ;)12:14
martin_Pozac, arent you contradicting yourself?12:14
ogramartin_: it normaly isnt, probably it doesnt like you :-P12:14
Pozacmartin_, no, there's just something wrong with gnome-panel's behavior12:14
Pozacmartin_, it really doesn't usually do that, and gnome is wonderful environment12:15
martin_ok -_-12:15
ograPozac: i havent seen such probs on any inastallation around here12:15
Pozacwhich I have followed since 1.0 :)12:15
=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@140.Red-81-44-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pozacogra, I'm not sure if it's only when I ctrl-alt-backspace, but I've done that alot lately12:15
PozacI used to ctrl-alt-backspace alot12:16
PozacI am lazy you know12:16
ograPozac: probably the prob...the session may remain half saved12:16
Pozacogra, never had the problem before recently :)12:16
Pozacmartin_, so does the app work as expected now?12:17
=== jeffvos2004 [~jeffreyvo@c-67-165-80-180.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
martin_yes Pozac, thanks :)12:18
martin_woah, limewire rocks12:18
Pozacno problem :)12:18
martin_downloads really fast12:18
martin_i wonder why? its like 10 times better than kazaa12:19
=== Pozac just uses torrents
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pozac wishes firefox was a little faster
martin_Pozac, does the fact that i use a router affects my bittorrent downloads?12:24
Pozacmartin_, Yes it does, forwarding some ports allows you to upload to more people and get a better rating, and download faster :)12:24
Pozacmartin_, you need to forward port 6881-6889 to your machine :)12:26
=== AMIGrAve [~amigrave@35.119-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
AMIGrAveis cdrdao in warty package list ?12:28
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PozacI think it's only in hoary, AMIGrAve12:29
crimsunapt-cache policy cdrdao12:29
crimsunthat will tell you12:29
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PozacAMIGrAve, it appears to be in universe12:30
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AMIGrAvecrimsun: Candidate: (none)12:32
=== K-Rich [~warty@216-190-164-227.bras01.sho.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
K-Richwhere can i download hoary from ?12:33
martin_Pozac, how do i forward those ports?12:33
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=== theNeonGod [~ericdfiel@pcp09142269pcs.union01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pozacmartin_, do you know how to use your routers web interface?12:34
theNeonGodthere are at least 20 instances of smbd running on my box right now....... why?12:34
PozacAMIGrAve, read this page: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto#uncommenting-universe12:35
martin_nope Pozac, i have no idea about anything that has to do with my router12:35
Pozacmartin_, hehe ok then.. what brand is it?12:36
Pozacand name12:36
=== theNeonGod [~ericdfiel@pcp09142269pcs.union01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
K-Richcan someone tell me where to find hoary ?12:37
PozacK-Rich, do you want a new CD or just upgrade?12:37
Pozachoary has not been released yet12:37
crimsunK-Rich: are you _absolutely_ sure you want to dist-upgrade to Hoary?12:37
K-Richboth actually, nice to just upgrade, but have the iso for backup12:37
Pozacit is NOT intended for users12:37
martin_Pozac, CNet CNIG904S12:37
K-Richcrimsun, need newer apps, we talked last night12:38
crimsunK-Rich: you _need_ or you _want_?12:38
|QuaD-K-Rich: you know your hoary will break every other week right?12:38
Pozacmartin_, gee, I dont think I can help you with that, sorry. Try looking in your manual if you have it :)12:38
K-Richbut still want, put on my dev box anyhow12:38
crimsunHoary is _not_ for the faint of heart12:38
PozacK-Rich, Can you not just use backports?12:38
crimsunthings break constantly. You are expected to use resources to fix them prior to asking for assistance.12:39
martin_Pozac, ok12:39
K-Richmight could, if i can find them, i need gimp 2.2 and want gnome 2.9.x12:39
KamionK-Rich: I release alpha-test ISO images of Hoary from time to time; look for "Subject: Array CD 2" (with varying numbers) on ubuntu-users.12:39
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AMIGrAvePozac: i already have universe and multiverse12:40
martin_Pozac, how do i find torrents?12:40
K-Richmy main sstem is Debian SID if that's any condolese12:40
|QuaD- here is my opinion, we should not be telling people how to upgrade to hoary, because if they were the type of user who should be using it, then they would also know to get the information on how to upgrade12:40
|QuaD-K-Rich: sid is more stable then this12:40
|QuaD-i ran it for 3 years, never broke12:40
K-Rich|QuaD-, lol, i'm just being lazy12:40
|QuaD-hoary, ran for 2 months, and it breaks a lot12:40
PozacAMIGrAve, ok then.. apt-cache policy cdrdao here says:         500 http://archive.ubuntu.com hoary/universe Packages12:40
Pozac        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe Packages12:40
crimsunK-Rich: Hoary does not have GIMP 2.2.12:41
crimsunK-Rich: Sid only recently got it (this week)12:41
Pozacmartin_, can't help you there12:41
Pozacmartin_, there are torrents for ubuntu cd's :)12:41
=== esher` is now known as esher
=== |QuaD- is still waiting for bittornado to work again
=== Pozac too (and mono)
|QuaD-if bittornado is released before I go on vacation, i plan to run the ubuntu torrents (on my 20 mbit line :)) otherwise :(12:43
Kamionwhat's up with bittornado?12:44
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KamionPozac: more specifically?12:44
Kamionah, I see12:44
PozacKamion, needs <2.4 but 2.4.0ubuntu will be installed12:44
michel_vI just got my hoary up to date, and now nvidia kernel module and X module versions are out of synch12:44
crimsunKamion: I suppose 0.3.8-1 from Sid needs to be compiled with Hoary's python2.412:45
Quest-MasterAzureus = best IMO12:45
michel_vwhat is the problem, and is there a command to run to just fix that?12:45
Kamionok, that can be fixed12:45
michel_v(I suck at apt-get)12:45
K-Richcrimsun, must have got it the last two days (SID) ... i've been out of town so12:45
|QuaD-Kamion: you are fixing bittornado?12:45
Kamionyeah, might as well12:45
|QuaD-Kamion: you are the greatest!12:46
|QuaD-been waiting for like a week!12:46
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crimsunsee? that's called 0 response time.12:46
Kamionis there a bug open about it?12:46
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|QuaD-crimsun: the developers love us here12:46
|QuaD-Kamion: nope... i didn't think of it as a bug12:46
|QuaD-Kamion: should i be filing bug reports for things like this?12:47
Kamionwell, it's awkward for universe, since that isn't supported12:47
Kamionand bittornado is universe ...12:47
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|QuaD-right... thats why i didn't... i didn't know what to do other than wait12:47
Kamionif the bugs came with patches then we wouldn't mind :)12:48
AMIGrAvePozac: i have same problem with other packages i would like to install, i think my source.list is correct, (i apt-get update) but i have missing apps12:48
=== Pozac would love to help fix mono
AMIGrAvePozac: can you have a look at my source.list in #flood ?12:48
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=== Pozac doesn't have any idea whats wrong with it
ograPozac: go on, learn to fix mono.....the community will love you for this ;)12:49
PozacAMIGrAve, go for it12:49
PozacI have no idea whats wrong with it12:49
theNeonGodthare are endless amounts of 'panic-a <defunct>' followed by 'smbd' operations running when i view top. anyone have any clue as to what/why this is, and how should i get rid of it (puter's being sluggish... i'm guessing this is part of it)12:50
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Pozacis it just packaging?12:50
|QuaD-Pozac: i am guessing mono is a bit more difficult12:50
gloincan't install KDE on hoary right now =[12:50
Pozac|QuaD-, yeh..12:50
gloinkpaint is missing of all things12:50
AMIGrAvePozac: i pasted12:50
|QuaD-how soon after sid gets packages does hoary?12:50
Riddellgloin: apt-get install kde-core  (then other things as needed)12:51
ograAMIGrAve: looks ok12:51
glointhx Riddell12:51
Kamion|QuaD-: if the package hasn't been changed in Ubuntu, within a day or so12:51
PozacAMIGrAve, hmm.. seems ok12:51
Kamion|QuaD-: if the package has been changed, whenever a developer gets round to doing the merge12:51
AMIGrAvePozac: should i do an apt-get upgrade instead of update ?12:52
|QuaD-hasn't been changed?12:52
PozacAMIGrAve, no, the upgrade downloads and installs the updates12:54
crimsunKamion: I suppose you could do something akin to #3426, syncing from Debian12:54
|QuaD-so if hoary gets things after sid, why does hoary break more often?12:54
thenukebecause newest is not the best12:54
Kamioncrimsun: hm?12:54
Kamion|QuaD-: we do stuff in hoary too ...12:54
crimsunKamion: that'd be an excuse for updating 'bittornado' in hoary/universe12:55
crimsunKamion: ;)12:55
Kamioncrimsun: I don't understand. That bug's fixed; the changes in Ubuntu were superseded by changes in Debian.12:55
=== pavkonti [~pavkonti@home-213-240-240-160.megalan.bg] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD-Kamion: :)12:55
crimsunKamion: sorry, you misunderstood me (and I was unclear)12:55
Kamioncrimsun: (note that that bug's assigned to me ...)12:55
AMIGrAvePozac: got the same problem with rar, flashplayer-mozilla, and some other packages that I don't see, but I saw the difference when I added universe, I have more package since12:56
|QuaD-Kamion: so how long until i should apt-get install bittornado12:56
crimsunKamion: in any case, it's not an issue; the version in sid is newer than in hoary/universe, so one could use that as rationale to update12:56
Kamioncrimsun: uh ... no it's not?12:56
Kamionbittornado |    0.3.8-1 |      unstable | source, all12:56
Kamionbittornado |    0.3.8-1 | hoary/universe | source12:56
Kamion0.3.8-1 in hoary/universe just failed to build from source, that's all ...12:57
KamionI'm fixing that at the same time12:57
crimsunah, ok.12:57
=== ChrisC_ [~chatzilla@user-11fao3s.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunpolicy reported 0.3.7-4, which was explained by the FTB12:57
crimsunno biggie, thanks for explaining12:57
HaukkariIs it possible to downgrade to warty from hoary?12:57
Kamioncrimsun: right12:57
Kamion|QuaD-: test-building now12:57
pep930 sec to load a site that i load in 2 sec with windoze12:58
|QuaD-Kamion: :)12:58
pep9just checked dns again12:58
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AMIGrAvewhat's the best gnome burning app front-end ?12:59
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kevinfor cd?12:59
kevinI like xcdroast12:59
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Kamion|QuaD-: fixed source uploaded, give it about two hours01:00
ChrisC_I've got a question about the root/sudo password ...01:00
PozacI like nautilus-cd-burner .. just select CD-burner from the Places-menu in a nautilus window01:00
|QuaD-Kamion: nice :) thanks... you are the best01:00
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pep9bya all01:01
Pozacbye pep901:01
AMIGrAvekevin: cd, yes01:01
pep9thanks for the info01:01
ChrisC_If I'm logged in under my regular user account (chris), and I try to do something at the system level, it asks me for a password, which I'd expect would be the root password, but always MY OWN password does the trick.  Huh?01:01
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kevinwell I like xcdroast and k3b01:01
=== |Snegec| [~MKraan@BSN-77-49-221.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChrisC_"at the system level" = user admin etc.01:01
kevinarson is nice too01:01
|Snegec|Okies.. newb here.. now that i've mounted my windows fat32 partition, how do I access files on it?01:02
PozacAny pointers to what's exactly wrong with mono? seems like circular dependency between mono-assemblies-base and mono-jit ??01:02
st3v3ngksudo takes my user's password, and not the root password, anyone know why, or how i can change it to take only the root password?01:02
|QuaD-ChrisC_: are you using gui or cli utilities01:02
kevinChrisC, I found the same thing works for me01:02
Nominushi, how should i set /etc/network/interfaces for wirless network with WEP and hidden essid? man interfaces keeps silence about this options.01:03
ChrisC_|quad: GUI for sure, CLI does it too I think, lemmee check01:03
PozacChrisC_, Everything is logged :)01:03
ChrisC_well, it's hard to check because it seems to retain the password for 5 minutes (i.e. no prompt)01:03
ChrisC_Pozac: I don't understand01:04
|QuaD-ChrisC_: never use gui utilities that require root access.... though,if you do sudo *command* it will require your user pass01:04
|QuaD-if you set it up to use root01:04
|QuaD-then you use su and give your root password01:04
crimsunPozac: mcs just needs to be built on hoary01:04
crimsunPozac: using mono from hoary/universe01:04
PozacChrisC_, read this: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo01:04
ChrisC_Hmmm, OK, I did a "sudo ls" just to test it, expecting root password to work, but in fact my user password worked.  Now how does the line up with what you were saying?01:05
kevinby the way, does anyone know how to update the apt repository01:05
kevinI forget01:05
ChrisC_Pozac: OK, will read, brb01:05
Pozaccrimsun, ok.. so I'll be changing some deps, posting a patch?01:05
|QuaD-ChrisC_: it is exactly what i said01:05
crimsunPozac: construct a hoary chroot using debootstrap, then build mcs from source.01:06
crimsunPozac: that's essentially it01:06
rwabelpozac: I achieved to install mono on hoary01:06
crimsunPozac: of course you'll want to make sure you have the most current binary-available version of debootstrap01:06
rwabelpozac: it was a matter of fiddeling between hoary and sid :-)01:07
crimsunPozac: (0.2.45ubuntu15 here)01:07
=== SeFoKumA [~zienaga@140.Red-81-44-202.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChrisC_OK, here's my problem.  I want "root/system level things" like user admin and network services and the like to require a different password than my user account, just like in every other *nix system I've ever used.  But with everything I've tried to admin in Ubuntu, my personal USER password seems tobe what is needed.  That's not protection.  I'm sure I'm just messed up ...01:08
kebaci installed freebsd... i like it a lot! do you think ubuntu could offer me more?01:08
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rwabeldoes anyone know what the hell galaxy is?01:09
rwabel 2145 rwabel    25  10  3716 2064 2836 R 60.8  0.2   3:16.40 galaxy01:09
Pozacok, guess I'll be debootstrapping for a while then?01:09
riley_how would I change the color of the text for the launchers on my desktop?01:09
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ograkebac: more then 14000 softwarepackages to install ?01:11
Triple5how can I get the sysinfo script for xchat on ubuntu?01:11
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kebacogra: i think... if i could get Counter-Strike Source working with ubuntu without any headache, i would consider using ubuntu :)01:12
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ograkebac: do you get it working with bsd ? i think linux is more likely01:12
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esherTriple5, use "xlack" xchat script01:12
=== Gaz [~blah@82-38-218-186.cable.ubr02.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
kebacogra: i installed it today.. i hav'nt had time to try counter strike yet01:12
esherthis works01:12
mp_Pozac, Kamion no joy here .. keep getting hdc lost interrupt, or bootfailures (disabled ACPI, pic=usepirqmask, 4 diff. kernels etc. etc.)01:13
Triple5ty esher let me try01:13
Triple5esher, how I get it anyways?01:13
ograkebac: btw, how is the binary support for the gamer graphics cards (ati/nvidia) in bsd01:13
Pozacmp_, hmmm01:13
mp_Pozac, this is a 2.6.x issue, i think.. also in FC301:14
javaloni'm configuring ubuntu in a Acer Aspire 1353XC, but i have a litle problem with the touchpad. How can i configure, please?01:14
mp_but not in FC101:14
kebacogra: i have an ati card (9800 non-pro). i have not yet tried any drivers for my card, but i have heard that the drivers suck...01:14
ChrisC_Ok, I'll give up on understanding the root/security model :)    next question ...01:14
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kebacogra: i have heard that the drivers suck for both BSD and linux01:15
ChrisC_Anyone have the SETI cruncher working in a screensaver configuration? (i.e. doesn't run until screensaver kicks in)01:15
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kevinthe apt repository is rather tiny for ubuntu eh?01:15
esherhttp://shelenya.putopunto.com/xlack/ - many options, also deactivate color-code ;)01:15
ograkebac: not on ubuntu: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto01:15
Kamionrwabel: my guess is xscreensaver01:16
Kamiongalaxy is one of its savers01:16
GazHey guys, I'm having a little trouble installing Ubuntu on x86. Seems to crap out when trying to install Python2.3-opengl. Any ideas?01:16
ograkevin: are 14000 pkgs not enough ?01:16
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alka_trashhey all01:16
kevinI've only had it set up for 10 minutes, do you have to update your repositories after installing ubuntu?01:17
Pozackevin, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AddingRepositoriesHowto#uncommenting-universe01:17
rwabelKamion: ah that''s a good idea. you was right. damn this took too much CPU. thanks for the info01:17
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xevilkevin yes... edit your /etc/apt/souces.list01:18
kevinthanx pozac, I think thats what I'm looking for01:18
kevinjust switched from Mandrake 1001:18
ChrisC_Pozac's way is easier for the newbie01:18
kevinnewbie is the key word here01:19
Kamion|QuaD-: bittornado should be available in about 20 minutes01:19
ChrisC_One more time: anyone have the SETI cruncher working in a screensaver configuration? (i.e. doesn't run until screensaver kicks in)01:19
st3v3nmmm... ubuntu is the sh*t01:19
|QuaD-Kamion: yay01:19
Kamion|QuaD-: you get to test it though, I've only test-*built* it01:20
ograChrisC_: seems not....01:20
ChrisC_yeah :/01:20
|QuaD-i am actually leaving the computer for like 4 hours... i will be back to let you know how it works thouhg :)01:20
|QuaD-Kamion: what do you mean by test-*built*01:20
KamionI built the source package and looked at it to see if it looked about right01:21
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|QuaD-haha... ok01:22
|QuaD-i am going now... i will let you know how it is01:22
|QuaD-want me to pm you later?01:22
Kamionno, I'll be asleep01:22
Kamionfile a bug if it breaks01:22
|QuaD-heh... ok :)01:22
|QuaD-thanks again!01:22
ChrisC_I'm trying to get DOSEMU working, but can't find the "QuickStart Guide" that apparently will solve all my problems01:27
PozacChrisC_ ?01:28
Pozacwhats the problem?01:28
ChrisC_I was previously trying to work from this document http://www.jw-stumpel.nl/dosemu.html but the author has a very negative attitude to Debian packaging so I'm thinking there must be a better way01:29
=== gloin [~heh@gloin.user] has joined #ubuntu
gloinhey, back again =] 01:30
gloinI'm having trouble with hoary not loading glx - I followed the binary driver howto to the letter for my nvidia card, but glxgears barfs with "No GLX module" error01:30
gloinwhat's up?01:30
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=== scotth [~scotth@pcp08023289pcs.dalect01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PozacChrisC_, Ehh.. ubuntu is way easier than what that guy is talking about :)01:31
fsmwi can't configure my soundcard01:31
PozacChrisC_, just install dosemu and dosemu-freedos01:31
fsmwon my laptop01:31
gloinubuntu is really easy unless you're a masochist like me and want to try everything new and exciting and untested01:32
gloinso anyone know how to fix the non-loading GLX problem?01:32
gloinXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:32
gloinonly there's a load section in xorg.conf, etc01:32
gloinand the nvidia splash screen comes up correctly01:32
Pozacgloin, examine /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:33
=== gloin examines
ChrisC_Pozac: OK, but when I "try to run (as a normal user) xdosemu" per the URL mentioned, I get nothing; what else can I do to test it?01:33
PozacDo nvidia officially support Xorg?01:33
PozacChrisC_, dosemu ?01:33
gloinSymbol __glXgetActiveScreen from module /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libdri01:34
gloin.a is unresolved!01:34
PozacChrisC_, you may also need the xfonts-dosemu package01:34
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ChrisC_OK, I ran 'dosemu' and it appeared that it was going to run ("in this terminal") but then I went back to what appears to be a regular shell prompt.01:35
Pozacdid you install freedos?01:35
ChrisC_xfonts-dosemu is installed01:35
gloinPozac: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=36370  =]  =] 01:36
gloinlooks like a bug, but easily fixable01:36
PozacIt asked me something about the licensing01:36
KamionI think Daniel meant {a,so} rather than {so,a} there, maybe01:36
Triple5can anyone send me a direct link to the warty to hoary faq? please :)01:36
danielsKamion: it was me not realising the nvidia drivers odes interesting things, will fix it later01:37
=== |QuaD| [~quad@beac872-0b01-dhcp182.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
mp_boot fails at "enterprise volume management system", then hangs, but sends every minute this: hdc: cdrom_pc_intr: the drive appears confused (ireason=0x01)01:37
Kamiondaniels: yeah, I mean in the workaround linked to by gloin, though01:37
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danielsKamion: oh, right.  yeah.01:38
=== daniels drops back into holiday mode.
=== imka [~imi@111.3-182-adsl-pool.axelero.hu] has joined #ubuntu
PozacMerry christmas, imka .. if you're into that :)01:42
=== Nominus [~hanzo@ppp83-237-197-178.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
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imkai've heard that santa is bringing me a sb auigy 2. so i won't need my onboard sound device. what's the way to go? disable it in the bios or playing with the jumper?01:43
Pozacbios should be fine01:43
imkaProzac merry christmas01:43
imkai can't wait to hear the card.i'm at home now, and my pc is where i study. arrgghhhhhh01:44
Pozacshould have brought the pc home01:44
imkaim using my oldskool 233mhz 64mb ram laptop running slackware at the moment01:44
=== Pozac wants the bouncing cow screensaver to be the only one active by default
Kamiondaniels: merry Christmas, enjoy01:45
Pozac233 is not enough, dude01:45
imkaPozac, you can do that. just set "only one screensaver"01:45
Pozacimka, yeah yeah.. I want everyone have it default01:45
imkaPozac, not enough for what? :)01:45
Pozacit's wicked cool01:45
imkayea it is01:45
Pozacimka, so you're using fluxbox or xfce or something?01:46
danielsKamion: cheers dude, you too :) hopefully effecective radio silence until the 3rd -- xorg sprint + mataro + fd.o compromise has kinda taken it out of me, and catching up with people is always nice ;)01:46
imkamozilla runs ok once it's loaded. other than that, no heavy apps. xmms, abiword, xchat...01:47
Kamiondaniels: looks like I'm mostly out of leave, so I'll be around between Christmas and New Year, but expect to be mostly lurking in corners and getting on with isolated projects ...01:48
Pozacimka, no firefox?01:48
=== etorix [~etorix@usr28-har.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
danielsKamion: ah, right.  wanna fix the x.org problem? ;)01:49
etorixits only a symlink or so01:49
=== rcouto [~rcouto@c9062ee8.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Pozacimka, check out skipstone01:50
=== Nominus [~hanzo@ppp83-237-197-178.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
Pozacfor a very light, gecko based browser01:51
danielsetorix: well, yeah, bit fixing the real problem would be nice.  i have a fix locally, just don't want to make a new upload right now.  devil you know, and all that.01:51
etorixwhat the local fix?01:51
danielsadding lib%s.so and %s_drv.so back to the search path, but as lower priorities01:52
etorixRemoving nvidia-glx ...01:52
etorixdpkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to01:52
etorix  when removing `diversion of /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/X11R6/lib32/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx'01:52
etorix  found `diversion of /usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/X11R6/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx'01:52
etorixdpkg: error processing nvidia-glx (--remove):01:52
Kamiondaniels: without an nvidia it's a bit nerve-wracking ...01:53
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zenwhenSwitching to Linux switched me from ATi in a hurry.01:53
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=== Pozac plans on NOT buying ati next
etorixi have nvidia working fine on my debootstrapped debian-amd64 .. using locally compiled xorgx64 debs01:55
PozacDoes anyone know how much it would take to put a nice background picture on the initial Xorg load screen in hoary?01:55
zenwhenThey aren't a bad company, but if they won't properly support my platform, my dollar won't support them.01:55
Pozacis there somewhere I can insert a xsetroot command?01:55
imkai've just installed a geforce fx ultra 5700 on my gonnabefatherinlaws pc and it's working really nice in warty01:56
=== Pozac really digs that calendar chick :P~
etorixati are sposed to be working on it01:56
etorixyeah hoary is the problem01:56
zenwhenetorix, they have been claiming that for two years.01:56
Pozacthey DID make a driver though01:56
zenwhena horrible one01:56
Pozacit's just getting sorta old and in need of replacement01:56
Pozacit worked in the beginning01:57
zenwhenwith lacking performance and horrible dual head support01:57
=== st3v3n [~st3v3n@216-161-218-64.hlna.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kamionetorix: I think I see that diversion bug, I'll fix it01:57
Quest-MasterATI doesn't properly support Ubuntu? :o01:58
etorixati -xorg is the no-no01:59
PozacWhich commandline tool can I use to set the X root to a .jpg?02:00
Pozacxsetroot seems to want a bitmap02:00
=== vir-- [~viktor@h66n8c1o1003.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Kamionetorix: fixed02:05
Se7hone question02:05
Se7hon gnomemeeting02:05
Se7his there some kind of "workgroup" ?02:05
Se7hto able to talk to others?02:05
JDahlIs there a webbased overview of packages in Hoary similar to Debian's http://packages.debian.org?02:05
=== javalon [~javalon@142.Red-80-24-208.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
javaloni have a acer aspire with a touchpad. Ubuntu configure it at install, but the posibility of do click with the touchscreen is available. I don't like this. I want can do click *only* with the buttons.02:07
javalonHow can i do this, please? I don't see nothing in the net.02:08
Pozacahh... qiv02:08
Pozacjavalon, not related to your question, sorry..02:10
javalonno problem, thanks ;)02:11
Pozacjavalon, but it sets my x background to a jpg from commandline :)02:11
Pozacjavalon, can it scroll?02:13
javalononly don't want can click with the touchpad... the rest is correctly02:14
Pozacok ok02:14
Pozacjust wanted to make sure that the right driver was being used and all :) it should be possible02:15
Pozacjavalon, sudo apt-get install tpconfig02:15
javalonyes, i have02:16
javaloni put in 002:16
javalonbut not rule02:16
Pozachow about the output of lsmod |grep evdev02:16
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javalonone second02:17
javalon9088 l02:17
Pozacjavalon, did you do 'sudo tpconfig -t 0' ?02:18
javalonumm, no, i edit /etc/tpconfig02:19
javalonbut... i probe now xD02:19
Pozacok :)02:19
=== CraHan_ [~CraHan@100-9.244.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Pozacjavalon, man tpconfig02:20
=== carajean [~carajean@pcp0010646466pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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carajeanhello room02:20
kingsleyWhat's the most user friendly application for watching movies on DVDs?02:21
rcoutohi all02:22
javalonNo Synaptics or ALPS touchpad device found02:22
imkakingsley totem-xine. make sure you have libdvdcss from c. marillat's source02:22
rcoutodoes anybody knows if ubuntu plans to add support to autopackage, once it reaches 1.0?02:22
=== ChrisC_ [~chatzilla@user-11fao3s.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
kingsleyimka: What do you think of mplayer?02:24
carajeandoes anyone wanna help a newb out02:24
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kebaccarajean: what's your problem02:26
ogracarajean: we dont know, if you dont ask :)02:27
ograrcouto: what is autopackage ?02:27
=== Se7h heidi @ sic (lol)
rcoutoogra, it is supposed to be a layer over package management apps, like apt or rpm02:28
rcoutothat would be independent of distribution02:28
rcoutoand have some pretty sweet long term goals02:29
rcoutocheck it: http://autopackage.org/ui-vision.html02:29
carajeanum i am so new to linux its not funny i just installed it today and need so help installin java and just installing other programs02:29
ograrcouto: i dont think so, but launchpad (another company project of canonical) has a similar approach for the automated creation of packages from source https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/02:30
carajeanbut i dont know where to go to access the files i download to install them02:31
ogracarajean: grab the java package from there: http://wiki.arslinux.com/Ubuntu#Java_1.502:32
theNeonGodcan't get gruler to compile in ubuntu... installed build-essential. error:02:32
theNeonGod.././mkinstalldirs: .././mkinstalldirs: No such file or directory02:32
theNeonGodmake[1] : *** [install-data-yes]  Error 12702:32
rcoutoogra, the thing that got my attention about autopackage is the potential use cases that it have02:32
=== housetier [~housetier@dsl-213-023-048-067.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ogracarajean: move it to your homefolder, then open a terminal and type: sudo dpkg -i sun-j2sdk1.5_1.5.0_i386.deb02:33
rcoutoi specially liked the drag a .desktop (with extra package meta info) from a web page to the gnome panel to install an app :)02:33
ograrcouto: there is something similar in hoary soon....02:34
rcoutoi am looking forward to it then! :)02:34
carajeanok how do i move it to my home folder??? and where is it originally stored??02:35
ograrcouto: but with some more control from the package managerr, no drag n drop from websites though02:35
kingsleyimka: Typing "totem-xine /dev/dvd" says "There is no plugin to handle this movie." Suggestion(s)?02:35
ogracarajean: it should appear on your desktop after download02:35
carajeanoh ok02:35
ogracarajean: your homefolder is the first item in the computer menu02:36
=== st3v3n [~st3v3n@216-161-218-64.hlna.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
carajeanok is it a drag and drop type move???02:37
rcoutoogra, is it possible for us mortals to help with this rosetta project? i can help a bit with portuguese translations02:37
ogracarajean: before you install the package make sure multiverse is enabled in synaptic02:37
ogracarajean: yep02:38
ograrcouto: sure, everyone can help02:38
ograrcouto: there will also be other programs in the launchpad...really great stuff, a version control system that cares for your sourcecode and creates packages for all distros automatically02:39
ograrcouto: an really easy to use bugtracking system .... etc02:40
ograrcouto: malone, soyuz and bazaar ....02:41
=== supertux_ [~supertux@adsl-222-51-73.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
rcoutoogra, i couldn't find a way to register there... is it already accepting contributors?02:41
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ograrcouto: i think so... never tried though02:42
carajeanok where in in synaptic is multiverse02:42
ograrcouto: just log in.....02:43
Kamionbazaar and rosetta are the only public launchpad projects as yet02:43
Kamionbazaar is kind of loosely connected02:43
rcoutoit is popping me a basic http login dialog02:44
ogracarajean: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-20.341450654302:44
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Kamionthere was an announcement about rosetta sent to ubuntu-announce, see that02:44
Kamionstill early days :)02:45
ChrisC_hey, stupid question:  how do I enable ftpd (ftp file serving) on Ubuntu?02:46
rcoutoooh... it's the same login to order the cds...02:46
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
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ograChrisC_: install a ftp server (any ...ftpd)02:47
ChrisC_so none are builtin, not even a barebones ftpd, I need to pick and install one?02:48
ograChrisC_: yep.... thats for security reasons....02:48
calcis there anything you have to do to make gnome 2.9.3 not make the items in the taskbar really small?02:49
dudiofsck, rosetta is borked today as well...02:49
calcthey used to be bigger02:49
dudioor it might just be this translation thats borked...02:50
calcnow they just show the icon and one letter02:50
dudioits weird, on warty gnome showed longer taskbar entries with more text for me02:50
dudioin hoary its just like calc said02:50
calcit also added grouping which is fine02:51
calclike kde and winxp have02:51
Seqcalc: right click on the task applet, and increase the minimal size02:51
=== mojo [~mojo@220-244-212-78-vic.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
carajeanok i downloaded the file but dont see it in desktop but i do see another java file i downloaded but its a bin but it is in the home folder will it work the same02:51
ogradudio, calc: look in bugzilla.... if there is not already one, file one :I02:51
Seqcalc: im not sure why the display behaviour changed either02:51
calcSeq: the minimal size adjusts the size of the taskbar itself not the items in it02:52
dudioim really not fond of grouping myself...02:52
ogracarajean: i dont know what you downloaded before....02:52
Seqcalc it should adjust the size of the items in it too when you start setting the size big enough02:52
calcer well i don't really want a huge taskbar, just items being a bit wider02:52
calclike eg 2.9.202:52
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dudioi figure its hoary specific02:53
=== calc wonders if the gnome gods added that to gconf as usual no ease of use way to get at it
erichAnyone here running hoary with an ATI mobility? Can you run "glxgears"?02:53
Seqyeah, and im not sure why the behaviour changed. right now i set the minimum size to the full size of the panel, and it just keeps dividing it as neccessary02:53
Seqerich: i am02:53
mojoCan someone tell me what's wrong with nvidia driver in the latest Hoary??02:53
erichbecause i can run for example the "skyrocket" screensaver accelerated, but glxgears locks up my system02:54
mojoI can't run glxgears02:54
calcSeq: huh? the size adjust is how big vertically to use for the taskbar02:54
calcso you make the taskbar the fullsize of your screen?02:54
carajeanum jre-1_5_0_01-linux-i586.bin02:54
mojoIt all the times said fail RGB display 0:0 blah blah...02:54
ogracarajean: you need the file from the page i gave you, this is built for ubuntu02:54
dudioim so not used to having a decent graphics card heh02:54
erichmojo: can you run other opengl apps?02:54
carajeanok i will try and find it02:54
crimsunmojo: nothing's wrong with the nvidia driver.02:54
dudiomy dear old voodoo3 used to score 3-10fps on glxgears :D02:54
ogra carajean: the name is sun-j2sdk1.5_1.5.0_i386.deb02:55
erichmojo: try /usr/lib/xscreensaver/skyrocket - odes that work?02:55
dudionow im getting 60fps on maximized size02:55
mojocrimsun: I can't run glxgears any more02:55
crimsunmojo: sudo ln -sf /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.so.1.0.6629 /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.a02:55
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
dudiowhich is great compared02:55
Seqerich: apparently i can't run glxgears02:55
Seqerich: it seems to have frozen xorg on me02:55
mojocrimsun: Still, here what I got02:56
mojoroot@ubuntu:/home/mojo # glxgears02:56
mojoXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".02:56
mojoglxgears: Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual.02:56
crimsunmojo: did you restart X Windows?02:56
erichSeq: but you are running pure hoary? because i'm running mostly debian unstable, so i don't want to file a bug.02:56
Seqerich: yeah02:56
crimsunmojo: there's a bug for it on bugzilla; did you check there?02:56
=== calc doesn't see anywhere to adjust it in gconf either
mojocrimsun: are u sure nvidia solved in the latest release?02:56
mojocrimsun: yes, i did, no such of my bugs02:57
erichcrimsun: can you still run glxgears with xorg and nvidia? because it doesn't work with ati02:57
dudiowhich reminds me, need to post a comment on a bug *_*02:57
erichxscreensavers i tested work, scorched3d works here, but not glxgears which locks up my box.02:57
=== Stuttergart [~Stutterga@mail.nathanvalentine.org] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunerich: not with .8, no02:58
Seqthats bizarre. i'll have to try an opengl app to try that out02:59
mp_ermm, installer cannot get DHCP unless FLOPPY module is loaded?!? huh?? how come?02:59
erichcrimsun: what happens with nvidia, does it lock up xorg as well?03:00
crimsunnope, just sigsegv glxgears03:00
erichdaniels: glxgears locks up xorg on ati, segfaults on nvidia apparently.03:00
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=== Blitzkrieg-Billy [~willy@c68.115.118.246.man.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ograerich: he is on holiday03:03
dudiohey, has anyone else experienced this bug? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4910#c403:03
dudioif anyone else has, it isnt user-specific03:03
carajeanfor some reason it is still not in the desktop folder nothing is in there03:03
dudiocarajean, what isnt on the desktop?03:04
ogracarajean: did it probably download to your home folder ?03:04
carajeanfinally yes it did after the third download03:04
=== tolstoy [~tolstoy@c-67-171-195-50.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ogracarajean: ok, did you enable multiverse ?03:05
carajeanyeah just like u said and i got an error somethin about dependency problems03:07
carajean dependency problems prevent configuration of sun-j2sdk1.5:03:07
carajean sun-j2sdk1.5 depends on sun-j2sdk1.5debian; however:03:07
carajean  Package sun-j2sdk1.5debian is not installed.03:07
ogracarajean: now run: sudo apt-get install sun-j2sdk1.5debian03:07
carajeanoh ok03:07
ogracarajean: this should sort the errors.... and set up your environment for java and the browserplugin as well03:08
=== galder [~galder@] has joined #ubuntu
carajeancool thanks a lot ogra03:09
ogracarajean: you may also want to setup the universe repo, it has a lot of software: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-09-30.535934980103:10
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killfill_hey, how do i use xcompmgr?.. i just got it installed...03:14
killfill_how do i enable transparency and the shadows?.l.03:14
ograkillfill_: run it from a terminal03:14
killfill_yup.. got it running..03:15
ograkillfill_: i am sure you dont want it permanently03:15
killfill_but know what?..03:15
killfill_does it slow thing down?..03:15
ogra_it_ is slow03:15
ograthis wont change in the near future03:15
killfill_maybe i need support on the window manager?03:16
=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
carajeanogra do i have to lug that in to mozilla03:16
ogracarajean: are you using xchat ? just right click it then03:16
killfill_ogra, how do i make things transparent?....03:17
killfill_(i know has nothing to do with ubunto.. byt anyway.. 8)03:17
carajeani dont think im using xchat and how do i enable xchat so i can take the simple way03:17
ograkillfill_: with transset....which is in a similar state i think (didnt try it since weeks)03:17
=== mojo [~mojo@220-244-212-78-vic.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
killfill_transset?.. hm.03:18
ogracarajean: its the chat program from applications->internet (last point)03:18
dudioxchat is already in your applications menu carajean03:18
dudioyeah heh03:18
carajeanoh yeah im going to hopefully install lime wire and cedega would u recommend somehting else03:18
=== punkrockguy318 [~punkrockg@pcp02403054pcs.brdgtn01.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dudioall this helpfulness, twice as much as any normal linux channel heh03:19
ogracarajean: some mp3 codec ?03:19
ogracarajean: if you hear mp3....03:19
dudioogg <303:19
punkrockguy318mmm yes oggs are great03:19
dudioyes well, time to go sleep03:20
carajeanyeah i have a lot of mp3s stored on another computer i would like to port over03:20
dudioso i dont sleep away chrismas tomorrow03:20
ChrisC_question: to restart a process, I do a 'kill -HUP processname', right?03:20
ogracarajean: if dont have mp3s use ogg, if you got existing mp3s: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats03:20
dudioor, today rather03:20
dudioChrisC_, process ID not name03:20
oxymor00nwhy is this composite-thing so slow? apple showed it can be done quite fast..03:20
ogradudio: bah, only 3:20 am here03:20
dudio'killall -HUP processname' could do that03:20
mojocan some1 help me on this03:20
killfill_ogra, when i execute xcompmgr, should i see something new?.. i.e. shadows?03:20
mojocan someone check for me pls03:20
dudiobut if you're running multiple with the same name, you'll kill them all03:21
mojowhether libglademm2.4-dev base on python2.3??03:21
ograkillfill_: yep, if you run the unstable version of ubuntu (hoary ) with xorg03:21
dudiowhether its depentent on, or based on mojo?03:21
dudiodependent even03:21
killfill_ogra, i would guess it depends on a window manager that support the extension?03:22
ograkillfill_: it only works with xorg, not with xfree8603:22
killfill_yah.. i got Xorg 68103:22
ograkillfill_: so you run hoary....03:23
dudiomojo, Depends: libglademm-2.4-1 (= 2.4.1-2), libglade2-dev (>> 1:2.4.0), libgtkmm-2.4-dev03:23
killfill_but with metacity-2.8.803:23
ograkillfill_: you also use the xcompmgr ubuntu package ?03:23
killfill_well no actually.. i dont run ubuntu (dont hurt me!)03:23
dudioheh, smart one *_*03:24
ograkillfill_: so why do you think i could help you in here.... if you not even mention you run another distro ?03:24
dudiotomorrow you can go ask your local power tool shop how to ice skate03:24
killfill_ooh.. xcompmgr -c does it... 8)03:24
mojohmm...libglade2-dev still dep on python2.3 which is very annoying for me03:25
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dudiobtw mojo, libglademm is the c++ wrapper for glade03:25
dudionothing at all to do with python03:25
killfill_u ppl are so updated.. i hoped u could help me...  i use freebsd btw... not even linux.. 8)03:25
mojoI know03:25
mojodudio: no, the libglade2-dev still needs p3,03:26
dudioi remember using freebsd 4.5... damn it has some serious issues with X03:26
ograkillfill_: this isnt even linux....heh....03:26
dudiomojo, libglade2 yes, but not libglademm203:26
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anselm_Hi can someone help me with a problem?03:26
dudiofreebsd crashed my x server all the time... and it did other unexpected things every single day03:27
mojohehe, libglademm2 dep on libglade2, libglade2 dep on p3, then deduce libgladmm2 also dep on p303:27
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Kamionmojo: don't say "p3" please, it's absurdly confusing!03:27
Kamionit's 2.3, the 2. is not silent03:27
mojoKamion: can u migrate it to p2.4?03:27
crimsun18:19 <@crimsun> Host not found: 2(SERVFAIL)03:28
crimsunerr, sorry03:28
dudiomojo, well yes, but you asked if libglademm did and i told you its dependencies... you couldnt expect me to traverse its dependency three infinitely for you :O03:28
dudioim not that kind heh03:28
Kamionyou always do this, the first person to answer vaguely unrelatedly you ask them if they can make the change you want03:28
Kamionplease don't :)03:28
Kamiontechnically I could but I don't know enough about glade to make sure I'm not breaking anything, so I'm not going to03:28
anselm_After my computer sets for awhile the cdrom won't open and when I press the button on the cdrom it freezes up the system have to do a cold reboot.03:29
mojoKamion: I can do it, but can u submit for me? or provide me how to submit to the respo?03:29
dudiomojo, my consultant fee is $150/h03:29
Kamionsend a patch to bugzilla03:29
ograwow, cheap03:29
dudioanyway, this time i really am going to sleep03:29
mojodudio: really? lol, I work here like an ox, coding and they only pay me $40/hr03:29
dudioogra, depends on where in the world you live i suppose03:29
mojoKamion: okey dokey03:29
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dudiocheers folks03:30
killfill_does xcompmgr use sany kinf of DRI thing?..03:30
ogradudio: on my last consulting job my company got 200euro/h for me (i only recieved my normal low fee)03:30
killfill_or its too slow becouse i dont have my dri working.. or itr just broken here..03:30
dudioogra, im working for my own company, so i set my own price03:31
ogradudio: which was reason enough to resign ;)03:31
djuussogra: that's life03:31
dudionot that i get much work... but still heh03:31
dudiothe main point is that i enjoy it03:31
dudioso meh03:31
ogradjuuss: nope thats greed....03:31
dudiobut really, i have to sleep03:31
djuussogra: those 2 aren't mutually exclusive03:31
dudiolife === capitalism === greed03:32
djuusslife = greed03:32
ogradjuuss: i dont think that _any_ consulter is worth this high price03:32
djuussogra: i do, they are03:32
killfill_u guys run  xcompmgr -cfC ?..03:32
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djuussogra: i run a company just like the one you used to work for ;)03:32
ogradjuuss: i doubt that03:33
Quest-MasterIsn't that great03:33
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Quest-MasterFirefox just crashed again03:33
Quest-MasterAlmost third time today03:33
djuusswe get 220 euro/h for someone, we give them about 140/h03:33
Quest-MasterI might be going for Epiphany, Galeon, or Opera soon. x_x03:33
calc140/h is nice03:34
mojoI heard the new GApplet will merge netstatus applet, but I don't see any netstatus applet here unless I install seperate netstatus applet package03:34
ogradjuuss: which is more then 2800euro a month ;)03:34
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djuussogra: thats why my employees aren't quitting03:34
ogradjuuss: and i really had to discuss about macdonalds bills03:34
djuussogra: but i still make about 200000 *profit* a month03:34
djuussit's easy03:35
djuussi have the connections, i open the doors. They have the know-how, they do the work03:36
ogradjuuss: currently im earning a bit more then i spend so i am fine... and i still think consulters are overvalued03:36
djuusscombine the two, and its a win-win situation03:36
calcvalue is based on what the market will bear03:36
calcif someone wants to pay 200E+/hr then that is the value, same as with pro sports03:37
djuussogra: perhaps they are in you opinion, but like calc said..03:37
djuussyour worth whatever people are willing to pay03:37
djuussnot whatever you think you're worth03:37
calcthough i am surprised that you can still get that high a price, i guess europes economy is doing much better than the US03:38
ogradjuuss: i am worth what i want them to pay, else i dont work for them....03:38
djuusscalc: it isn't03:38
calcso how do you get that much if there is a glut of tech workers ;)03:38
calcvery specialized work?03:38
ogracalc: my last consulting job is 3 years ago....03:39
djuussogra: if they are paying it, thats what you're worth. If they'll pay more, you're worth more. In our business, that's the first rule of profit03:39
ogracalc: the price applies to this time....03:39
calcogra: ok03:39
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smhi.. does anyone know a fix for hung blank panel at startup in recent hoary ?03:40
ogradjuuss: its not all about price....03:40
smit's driving me batty03:40
calci may start doing consulting work soon since i am having a hard time finding regular work03:40
Cloudchaser_happy holidays to everyone!03:40
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calcsm: did you make sure to kill all the processes for the user after logging out?03:40
calcgnome seems to get stuck often03:40
djuussif you work for me, you tell me what you want to earn. I'll get you an assignment, but if i can't make the difference i'm not going to put you on my payroll.03:40
anselm_Cloudchaser,  Merry X-mas03:40
ogradjuuss: i dropped well paied jobs because i didnt want to do the work they wanted me to do (i am about to do it rightnow again)03:41
Cloudchaser_hey i have a question03:41
smit happens after a reboot also03:41
Cloudchaser_if i go into network i see all the computers on my network03:41
Cloudchaser_but...i can't access them03:41
djuusshave them share their files03:41
Cloudchaser_i'm trying to set up samba and i did the smbpasswd thing03:41
Cloudchaser_they are all sharing03:41
Cloudchaser_but it says i don't have permission to browse them03:41
Cloudchaser_do i have to set a user with my name on their pc's?03:42
ograCloudchaser_: got the right username and pw ?03:42
djuussyou could03:42
Cloudchaser_it doesn't ask me for a user/pw even03:42
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Cloudchaser_which i thought it should03:42
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ograCloudchaser_: hmm, hoary or warty ?03:42
djuussconnect from commandline with usr/pw as params?03:43
Cloudchaser_i thought.. maybe it was samba not set up right?03:43
Cloudchaser_i'm reading the how to03:43
ograCloudchaser_: samba is a server....03:43
Cloudchaser_oh..so they can connect to me?03:43
ograCloudchaser_: you want client access03:43
ljlaneWhat is ubuntu using to automatically mount floppy disks?03:43
djuussget the smb-client :)03:44
Cloudchaser_oh ok03:44
ograCloudchaser_: if your samba conf is right....03:44
ograCloudchaser_: ...they can connect to you03:44
djuussguys i'm out03:44
ogradjuuss: night :)03:44
djuussmerry xmas03:44
Cloudchaser_g'night and merry merry!03:44
ogradjuuss: yep...was about to say that03:44
=== sm takes an axe to gconf and .gnome2, as always
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calcfloppies don't get automounted afaict03:45
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Cloudchaser_ok i have smbclient installed03:46
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Cloudchaser_it was installed already03:46
oxymor00ndoes anyone know how usplash is progressing? couldn't find much about it on the wiki03:46
lathiatHi guys -- I want to file a bug against gnome-core-devel because it depends on libnautilus2-dev and ubuntu only has libnautilus-extensions-dev which replaces it but this causes gnome-devel to be uninstallable -- but theres no gnome-devel or gnome-core-devel package in ubuntu bugzilla -- should i file it against libnautilus2-dev ?03:47
Cloudchaser_ok i have to set up a mount point for each share?03:47
ograoxymor00n: look on the conference pges in the wiki, there was a talk03:47
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oxymor00nogra: k, thanks.03:47
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ogralathiat: hoary ?03:48
ed_geinHow do you determine the alsa device name?03:48
faxonsdoes the warty powerpc install have support for apple G5's?03:49
ograCloudchaser_: you could do that...03:49
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Cloudchaser_this is very confusing03:49
Cloudchaser_if the pc's show in the browser for the network03:49
lathiatogra: yeh03:49
Cloudchaser_why do that if you have to go through all that other stuff03:49
Cloudchaser_i thought it would...ask for pw and then let me access it03:49
ogralathiat: look if its already there, else file it03:50
lathiatogra: it wasnt there, i checked, my problem is what package should if ile it under03:50
lathiatsince theres no 'package' for gnome-devel or gnome-core-devel in bugzilla03:50
ograCloudchaser_: tra it with ctrl-L and give it: smb://computer/share/03:50
Cloudchaser_hmm i can't ping him by name03:51
Cloudchaser_i need samba to do..wins i think03:51
ograCloudchaser_: just the windows name03:51
Cloudchaser_i haven't set up samba in sooo long03:51
ograCloudchaser_: look at nmblookup03:51
ograCloudchaser_: it can show you the names03:51
ogralathiat: if in doubt leave it to the devs, normally there should be a gnome-core-devel in bugzilla03:52
lathiatogra: 'the devs'?03:52
ogralathiat:  leave it to the devs means dont choose one or choose one nearby03:53
lathiatoh right03:53
lathiatwould make sense to file against libnautilus2-dev ?03:53
Cloudchaser_ok i tried that and it wants a flag/option03:53
ogralathiat: or libnautilus-extensions-dev03:53
lathiatogra: that one doesnt exist either, checked that :)03:54
ograCloudchaser_: i dont know the options, you will have to look at the manpage (no windows around)03:54
lathiatogra: thanks for your help03:54
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lathiatogra: sorry one more q, do i need to indicate hoary anywhere? [cant see where] 03:56
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ogralathiat: do it in the description03:56
Cloudchaser_looking at the man page but not sure what to do...03:56
ogralathiat: i think you can file it for gnome-desktop and mention that the dev package is missing03:57
|QuaD-Kamion: you are the greatest!03:58
ograCloudchaser_: i just remember -M and a weird combo of dashes....03:59
Cloudchaser_i'm editing smb.conf to do wins support04:01
Cloudchaser_that might help some too04:01
ograCloudchaser_: only if there i a wins server04:01
Cloudchaser_samba will be the wins server04:01
Cloudchaser_it can be a wins client or server04:01
ograCloudchaser_: then you will need a file with the names i guess ?04:02
Cloudchaser_i'll set it to be wins server then i don't have to worry about host files and all that since the pc's are all dhcp04:02
Cloudchaser_no i shouldn't need a host file if wins is working04:02
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=== lathiat ponders -- if a package which replaces another package isn't installed -- shouldn't apt be satisfied with the dependancy?
ograCloudchaser_: ah, ok.... my samba time is some years ago.... no need for it in my home net :)04:03
Cloudchaser_;) s'ok i am rusty too and appreciate any help04:03
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killfill_ogra, ive just setup transparency...   i have a Q for you...  do u think moving windows around with this thins enable... is quick enought?04:04
ograkillfill_: not on the various implementations i saw until today04:05
ograkillfill_: how does it feel ?04:05
killfill_until today?... what did you saw?..04:05
killfill_slow as a cow... 8)04:05
RotundCan someone help me compile a debian kernel?\04:05
killfill_could be becouse my DRI is not enable.. but i doubt its a dri thing?04:05
RotundMy big thins is I don't understand how to apply the debian patches04:06
killfill_Rotund, doesn debian had a special utility?.. like kpkg-something?04:06
Rotundkillfill_: yup04:06
ograkillfill_: i tried it from the first release on freedesktop with kdrive instead of xfree until today repeatedly every some monts04:06
Rotundyou still have to apply your own packages04:06
ograRotund: nope, not if you use the right source package04:07
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Rotundso, I unzip the src and then want to apply the debian patches04:07
Rotundogra, I don't have to apply the ubuntu/debian patches to the source tree first?04:07
ograRotund: why dont you just use the linux-source- package ?04:07
killfill_kdrive.. didnt knew that one...04:08
RotundI did.  Isn't that the pristine one?04:08
ograRotund: the ubuntu packages already contain the patchsets04:08
Cloudchaser_grr none of the nmblookups i'm trying works04:08
Rotundoh.  then damn.  nevermind04:08
killfill_oh.. u just meant.. its slow.. 8)04:08
ograRotund: vanilla is called kernel-source-x.x.x04:08
ograkillfill_: nope, its the former tinyX04:09
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ograkillfill_: it is just a vesa driver04:09
ograkillfill_: so the driver itself is slow, additional to the slowness of transset or xcompmgr04:10
killfill_aah.. yah. well i was refering just to the transset thing04:10
killfill_now i get why its tunerd off by default.. 8)04:10
ograkillfill_: it has improved over time, but it will not be usable before summer i think04:11
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ograkillfill_: but dont tale me to serious.... i am just guessing04:11
killfill_the macosx equivalente is much more quick, isnit?. the idea is to more or less matxh that speed?  (ive never use pac btw)04:11
ograkillfill_: in my time assumptions04:12
killfill_sure.. 8)04:12
|QuaD-where is the ubuntu torrent? i want to mirror it04:13
|QuaD-or seed it04:13
|QuaD-whatever you call it04:13
oxymor00nsummer.. maybe by then sarge will be released, and we'll get xorg-packages for debian04:13
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|QuaD-is sid using xorg yet?04:14
|QuaD-oh ok04:14
zenwhentheres unofficial packages04:14
|QuaD-anyone know where the ubuntu torrent is?04:14
zenwhenon the internet04:14
|QuaD-zenwhen: where on ubuntulinux.org04:15
|QuaD-i looked04:15
oxymor00nunofficial packages tend to break things..04:15
zenwhennot in my experiences04:15
zenwhenyou cant sit around aiting for your distro devs to provide everything you want04:15
|QuaD-zenwhen: so far, ubuntu hoary is :)04:16
|QuaD-normally i use tons of unofficial packages04:16
|QuaD-i haven't needed to with ubuntu04:16
zenwhenI cant run hoary.04:16
zenwhenI cant deal with the bugginess I have heard of.04:16
jdubzenwhen: that's why you *become* a developer. saves wasting time on *anything* unofficial.04:16
killfill_|QuaD-, thats why i like ubuntu.. 8)04:16
zenwhenI hope it gets sorted out enough soon.04:16
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|QuaD-zenwhen: ahh04:17
jdubzenwhen: the bugs will only be found and fixed if there are people finding and fixing them...04:17
oxymor00ni use debian, but i've recommended ubuntu to some people, so i follow development.04:17
zenwhenOh, If I need something I pull it from sid, or build it.04:17
|QuaD-zenwhen: why not pull it from hoary?04:18
zenwhenI just cant be arsed to run a dev distro on my main machine. I am building a machine to run hoary on soon.04:18
zenwhenBecause I get less breakage with Sid packages.04:18
zenwhenxorg was nice from hoary04:18
zenwhenI had no issues with it04:18
zenwhenbut Had no reason to use it either04:19
zenwhenso I went back to xfree04:19
|QuaD-now my question is, when are the gnome menus going to stay constant, they change like daily04:19
lathiathmm hoary ugprade stomped on the menus crossover installed04:19
zenwhenWhen they can make most people happy, i figure they will stick with something.04:19
killfill_guys.. ubuntu does patch gnome things right.. like the menus.. and the logout window..04:19
killfill_where cna i get thouse patches?04:20
killfill_like to port them to my-os?..04:20
ogra|QuaD-: thats the nature of desktop development :)04:21
|QuaD-ogra: heh... they just keep switching it back and forth04:21
bur[n] eranyone familiar with evolution working with exchange calendars??04:21
ogra|QuaD-: tht are unfixed apps i guess....04:22
|QuaD-ogra: yeah i know... i was just curious04:22
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Quest-MasterSo awesome: http://www.ferg.org/projects/python_java_side-by-side.html04:23
jdub|QuaD-: the basic design is already there (as proposed on ubuntu-devel)04:23
|QuaD-jdub: yeah... just changes a lot on us04:23
jdub|QuaD-: but there will always be minor changes as we move towards release04:23
raggedhi all04:23
|QuaD-jdub: i don't mind, more of just curious04:23
jdub|QuaD-: it has not been changing much since the proposed design landed.04:23
|QuaD-jdub: is the inclusion of the debian menu supposed to be there?04:24
Quest-Masterjdub: Are you an Ubuntu developer?04:24
jdub|QuaD-: if menu-xdg is installed, you'll see it.04:24
jdubQuest-Master: yes.04:24
Quest-Masterjdub: Cool. What do you do?04:24
jdubrelease management, desktop team lead, etc.04:24
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Quest-MasterAh, neat.04:25
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Quest-MasterI want to become an Ubuntu developer. :)04:25
Quest-MasterSomehow. :P04:25
jdubthere's info in the wiki about it04:25
zenwhenI could run warty forever.04:25
zenwhenIt just works so well.04:25
ograQuest-Master: so vome, join us: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MaintainerCandidates04:26
raggedis there a way to install ubuntu without burning the iso on the cd? but have it boot from the hd? or like..having a boto floppy that'll let me browse to the cd iso image and start it?04:26
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|QuaD-ragged: thats asking a lot04:28
ograzenwhen: you havent seen what hoary will bring ;)04:29
Quest-Masterogra: You a developer too? ;)04:30
zenwhenMaybe I will toss in some help maintaining some packages at some point.04:30
floamjust curious, what gcc compiler options are used for the AMD64 packages, is there some convention?04:30
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zenwhenI dont do anything else.04:30
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ograQuest-Master: i'm number three on the candidates page ;)04:31
zenwhenSo do you have to be accepted?04:32
zenwhenand have you been?04:32
Quest-MasterI want to add some packages.. most of them are built through scons though.. plus, I've no idea how to build a .deb as of yet. x_x04:32
ograzenwhen: it depends what your goals are :)04:32
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ograif you just want to contribute to universe its pretty easy.....04:33
zenwhenI thnk I woud like to maintain MPD and packages for all its front ends.04:33
ograi want i the core team, as i am interested in a lot packages in main which has a higher threshold04:33
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carajeanok im back and again with problems, i cant get cedega to work properly04:34
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Quest-Masterogra: Any guides on how to build .debs? And how to build .debs for software built with scons? :)04:34
ograQuest-Master, zenwhen: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NewDevelopersAndMaintainers04:34
zenwhencarajean, #cedega04:34
carajeancool thats actually a channel04:34
Cloudchaser_ok here's the question...do i have to mount a network share in order to access it if i have samba set up?04:34
jdubQuest-Master: debian's new maintainer guide. scons doesn't change much in the scheme of things.04:35
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theNeonGodis there no j2re package for ubuntu?04:36
|QuaD-theNeonGod: read the wiki04:36
|QuaD-or www.ubuntuguide.org04:37
Quest-Masterjdub: http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-first.en.html#s-getit -- it says to use dh_make04:37
Quest-Masterjdub: Is there something like dh_scons? :)04:37
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=== warty [~warty@adsl-68-73-55-80.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
jdubQuest-Master: different context, that's 'debhelper make'04:38
ograQuest-Master: why not learn it the "native" way and leave scons behind ?04:38
jdubnothing to do with gnu make04:38
jdubogra: scons is used by the software he's packaging04:38
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=== jesusantonio [~jesusanto@] has joined #ubuntu
jesusantonioalguien habla espaol?04:39
Quest-MasterNope, I don't speak espanol ;)04:39
jesusantoniosomebody speak spanish?04:39
Quest-Masterjdub: Oh.04:39
jesusantonioI need some help?04:40
ograjesusantonio: nobody in #ubuntu-es ?04:40
Triple5ogra, tu hablas espanol?04:40
Quest-Masterhttp://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-modify.en.html <-- it's all make stuff :(04:40
ograTriple5: nope04:40
Triple5es ? = espanoll04:40
ograQuest-Master: make is the essential bit04:40
theNeonGod|QuaD-, very helpful thanks. do you know if the apps listed here will have more of an automated install/setup in future versions? so many of them are so useful.04:40
jdubQuest-Master: that's the rules file format, nothing to do with how your software is built04:41
ograTriple5: there used to be a channel called #ubuntu-es04:41
Cloudchaser_ok according to the samba how to in the wiki04:41
jdubQuest-Master: you're confusing the packaging system with the software build system - they're totally separate04:41
Cloudchaser_i should be getitng prompted for a username and password04:41
Cloudchaser_when i try to browse shares04:41
ograQuest-Master: you should know about make and what it does for building debs04:41
Cloudchaser_but i'm not..it just tells me i don't have permisisong to browse them04:41
jesusantoniomm...nobody want to help me in #ubuntu-es04:42
Triple5i just upgraded to hoary everything went fine and menus are different and stuff very nice :) and I notice i have kernel 2.6.9-1now it seems to run better than warty phew!04:42
jesusantoniohow can I go back to Windows XP, I installed Ubuntu in a second partition, but Ubuntu don't let me choose what operative system start04:44
theNeonGodjesusantonio, google up grub.conf editing04:45
Triple5how do I get grub loader or something04:45
theNeonGodjesusantonio, or you can press escape at startup to get to the grub menu... dont know if ubuntu creates an option to boot into XP if it's there or not04:46
Triple5well i do have grub but i have no boot splash or nothing just text04:46
oxymor00nare there plans about inclusion of beagle?04:46
Triple5TheIconoclast, wasssuuupp where do I know u from hmm ..04:46
zenwhenisnt beagle mono?04:47
ogratheNeonGod: normally it does04:47
oxymor00nyes it is04:47
zenwhenwell that would require including mono04:48
zenwhenwhich I dont see happening04:48
ograjesusantonio: try this: http://www.grawert.net/software/startup-settings/04:48
ograhm... to late04:48
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oxymor00nzenwhen: that's why i'm asking :)04:49
Triple5I see ubuntu is no longer what it use to be a month ago04:50
zenwhenI dont see Mono being included since Microsoft really hasn't said they arnt going to cause trouble over it.04:50
SpugGrargh. I have to kill X, because some X process is keeping a device busy so I can't unmount it. Someone gave me a process to kill, but every time I kill it it starts X up again.04:50
jduboxymor00n: we're actively tracking its progress04:51
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Cloudchaser_does anyone at all here have samba and smbclient working?04:52
zenwhenIf I could download an ISO and upgrade to hoary from it right now I would try it.04:52
Cloudchaser_in rh9 it was easy but it just isn't working for me in ubuntu..not sure what i'm doing wrong04:52
zenwhenBut I am on dialup.04:52
zenwhenI cant really just apt-get dist-upgrade04:53
zenwhenbut I can go download the iso somewhere04:53
jesusantoniosomebody who can help me to get back to windows, I have been trying in the Grub Menu, but it's not there04:53
oxymor00njdub: i was asking, cause i've read something on a ML that novell wants to include it in one of the next SuSE-release..04:53
=== illek [mike@ip68-13-238-168.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
jesusantonioplease, I'm so worry to get back to windows, but there's not way04:56
SpugHey, how do I kill Gnome to get into an X-less terminal?04:56
oxymor00nSpug: ctrl-alt-f1 ?04:57
jesusantonionobody help here :(04:58
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ograjesusantonio: try this: http://www.grawert.net/software/startup-settings/05:00
=== Crane [~Crane@cable-71-8-46-55.grd.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cranehello and heck yea so far so good05:00
Craneonly other prob to deal with is samba05:00
ograjesusantonio: add the repository as described on : http://www.grawert.net/software/ to synaptic, reload and install the app05:00
Cranewhich just laughs at me05:01
Cranehow is everyone tonight05:01
=== spug [~spug@ti211310a081-0484.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
jesusantonioBut I don't know how to start an application in Linux :(05:02
jesusantonioI'm so stupid in this05:02
Cranejesusantonio: what app?05:03
ograjesusantonio: it adds itself below the computer->system settings menu05:03
spugOkay. So. Something is keeping my Windows partition busy so it can't be unmounted. Seems to be an X process. I'm now out of X, thanks, sitting in irssi in the terminal, but I have no idea what process is keeping the devide busy.05:03
ograjesusantonio: system tools, sorry05:03
=== Amroc [Amroc@c-67-162-148-18.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Amroclamont, you alive?05:03
oxymor00nspug: try lsof, that gives you the process05:04
jesusantonioogra, I got this file "startup_settings-targz05:04
ograjesusantonio: no05:04
ograjesusantonio: add the repository as described on : http://www.grawert.net/software/ to synaptic, reload and install the app05:04
spugoxymor00n: pretty. so if i find my windows partition to the right, that's the application using it? because if so, it's irssi, which i just started... and i couldn't unmount before that either05:06
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jesusantoniommm...I don't understand anything, I'm a Windows user who want to test Linux, and Someone who don't know to speak english good05:07
ograjesusantonio: here is something with screenshots on how to add a repository: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto05:08
Craneubuntu seems pretty darn nice05:08
oxymor00nspug: do you have a terminal open, where you are in the windows-directory?05:08
oxymor00noh. gone. nice.05:09
=== spug [~spug@ti211310a081-0484.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
spugYeah, okay, quitting irssi didn't help at all :P05:09
spugI don't want to shut down without safely unmounting the partition, last time I did that I corrupted a lot of files05:10
lamont__Amroc: howdy!05:10
oxymor00nspug: what says lsof <where your windows partition is>05:10
spugbash and irssi05:10
spugbash is because i'm attempting to unmount i guess05:10
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spugand irssi, i have no idea, but i just quit it and that didn't help05:10
oxymor00nwah, if my english was a little bit better.. but anyhow, i think you have a terminal open, where you sit in your windows-partition...05:12
Amroclamont, whhere you been?05:12
Amrocorc3n, lamont__ where you been (depending on which compy ur at05:13
Amrocdamn auto complete05:13
Amrocsorry orc3n05:13
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da_bon_bonhi all05:14
da_bon_boni have a problem...05:14
lamontAmroc: spain the last 2 weeks, and otherwise just plain crazyh05:15
Amrocjust ask, my guess is someone in here will be able to have a guess05:15
Amroclamont, oh you gonna go to the lock-in at the dojo? its newyears night05:15
da_bon_bonwhenever iu start ubuntu it gives "Modprobe: error: fatal: " and then something about pciehp and shcphc05:15
da_bon_bonwhenever iu start ubuntu it gives "Modprobe: error: fatal: " and then something about pciehp and shcphc05:15
Amrocda_bon_bon, did you have problems staying up without it slowing down? or did it just say those and run jsut fine?05:16
Cranehas anyone had luck setting up samba?05:16
oxymor00nspug: ?05:16
da_bon_bonAmroc: no it just said those and run just fine.05:17
CraneWhen I select network it opens a window but nothing happens05:17
AmrocOk, it shouldnt be a problem, i hope, i had those too when i tried ubuntu, then mine craped out on me... i was told those shouldnt make a diff05:18
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da_bon_bondo i need to uninstall old firefox b4 installing v1 ?05:19
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declanhello all05:19
da_bon_bondeclan: ji05:19
Cranehello hows it going05:19
da_bon_bondeclan: hi, i mean05:19
declanim great and yourself05:19
Cranegood good05:19
da_bon_bonhow do i uninstall firefox?05:20
declanwas wondering if anyone knew the name of the packages for xine, when using apt-get05:20
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Colin_apt-get remove --purge mozilla-firefox05:20
CraneHow did you install it05:20
Colin_apt-get install xine05:20
declandoesn't work05:20
da_bon_bonColin_: and then i can install FireFox 1 right?05:20
da_bon_bonColin_: added the repositories?05:20
Colin_da_bon_bon, there are backproted packages of 1 for warty05:20
Colin_just install one of those05:21
spugoxymor00n: Hmm, I don't have any terminals accessing the win partition05:21
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RotundColin_: can it be found on apt-get.org?05:21
Colin_declan, do you have the right respositories in your sources.list05:21
Amrochave you guys gotten live cd's to find the wireless card yet?05:21
da_bon_bonColin_: how? i downloaded the complete 8mb one...05:21
spugoxymor00n: Maybe some unlisted X applications or something?05:21
spugI have no clue05:21
declancolin: I have no idea, how would i do that05:21
Colin_declan, go to the ubuntu website wiki, there are instructions05:22
Colin_da_bon_bon, someone here has the address05:22
da_bon_bonColin_: i downloaded it already. anyway, what does the --purge do?05:22
Colin_removes config files05:23
Colin_da_bon_bon, http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/05:23
da_bon_bonwhats that? ^^^05:24
oxymor00nspug: then what says lsof /path/to/your/windows-partition say exactly05:24
Colin_da_bon_bon, read it05:24
da_bon_bonColin_: what are backports?05:25
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spugoxymor00n: I have no idea how to copy-paste in bash... But it says bash and irssi are accessing it, bash probably being lsof itself?05:25
Colin_da_bon_bon, there is stable and unstable versions of ubuntu05:25
Colin_da_bon_bon, backports are versions of software that are in unstable....made usable in stable05:25
spugoxymor00n: But I guess I'll just give up... It's 5:15 in the morning :P I'll just shut down without unmounting and hope for the best05:25
Colin_da_bon_bon, firefox 1 is in unstable05:26
Colin_da_bon_bon, the backport allows it to be installed in stable05:26
Cranehow many users are listed here?05:26
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Cranethat what mine says, just checking05:27
spugoxymor00n: Thanks for the help :)05:27
Cranelots of peeps here05:27
oxymor00nlinux is confusing sometimes..05:31
Craneit can be05:31
CraneI' just learning ubuntu05:32
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Cloudchaser_ok..i can connect to a share via command line..but still can't browse it in ubuntu's file viewer05:33
|QuaD-linux? cinfusing? nah05:33
|QuaD-thats link saying windows=stable05:33
Cloudchaser_and i can browse my linux pc from a windows pc05:33
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Cranewindows=stable .......muhahahahaha05:34
oxymor00nCloudchaser_: yeah, it's possible, but... why? *grin*05:34
|QuaD-Crane: i was kidding :)05:34
Cloudchaser_what do you mean oxymor00n?05:34
CraneI know05:34
Cloudchaser_i still can't browse the shares in ubunutu's network browser thingy05:35
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Cloudchaser_i can see all the pc's in the network05:35
Cloudchaser_but when i go to look at it..it says i don't have permissions05:35
CraneCloudchaser: you got farther than I did05:35
=== Skif [~emschwar@c-67-176-4-3.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cloudchaser_from command line i can connect to the windows share05:35
CraneI can't even see the computers:(05:36
Cloudchaser_and show the dir05:36
Cloudchaser_do you have samba installed?05:36
Cloudchaser_and did you put them all in same workgroup?05:36
Cloudchaser_in ubuntu's network settings it asks if you want o enable windows networking and all that05:36
Cranesamba works on my other computer05:36
oxymor00nCloudchaser_: ah, okay, i thought about something else05:36
Cloudchaser_ok to see windows shares from ubuntu you need smbclient05:37
Cloudchaser_to see linux shares from windows you need samba05:37
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Cranegot both05:37
Cloudchaser_then you have to set some configurations05:37
Cloudchaser_in the smb.conf05:37
Craneyep /etc/samba/smb.conf05:37
=== Talliesin [~Jon@83-70-247-46.b-ras1.prp.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cloudchaser_i wonder if the "network" browser isn't setting to my user/pw05:38
carajeananyone know how to partion in ubuntu and is it possible to partion a space for windows05:38
Cloudchaser_and the whole sudo thing is messing it up05:38
Cranewhat is the command line to access samba shares05:38
Craneis it smb://05:38
Cloudchaser_i also set up a username and pw in smbpasswd that is the same as what i log into the windows pc05:39
lathiatCrane: just goto network05:39
lathiatand under that, windows network05:39
Cranein command?05:39
carajeananyone about partitioning05:39
lathiattheres no command line browser like that05:39
Cloudchaser_lathiat, i go there and see all my pc's on network but can't browse them05:39
Cranein gui it's not working05:39
Cloudchaser_one sec crane05:40
lathiattheres smbclient and stuff but it doesnt allo browsing05:40
Cloudchaser_getting the command05:40
lathiatso you can like05:40
lathiatsmbclient //
lordansmbclient //host/share -U user05:40
Cloudchaser_smbclient //hose/share-Umyusername%mypassword05:41
Cloudchaser_i used that05:41
Cloudchaser_hose=host ;)05:41
Cloudchaser_then if you connect type "dir" without quotes05:41
Cloudchaser_so then.lathiat05:41
Cloudchaser_if i can connect05:41
lordanOr if you want smbmount //host/share /mountpoint05:42
=== Qo-noS [~Klinzhai@bb220-255-117-193.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
Cloudchaser_why can't i browse in the network/windows share window?05:42
carajeanso i take it no one know how to partition05:42
usualman smoothwall is the shit05:43
lordancarajean, what do you want to know about partitioning?05:43
Cloudchaser_lordan, i can't mount the share with that command05:43
CraneI opened network in file browser but nothing... the toes are still moving05:44
lordanCloudchaser_, hmm.. it should work05:44
carajeani want to create a partition so i can install windows on a system which i already have linux installed05:44
lordanDon't have access to any winDOS boxes atm, so ..05:44
Cloudchaser_ $ sudo smbmount //chrisibm/chrisibmc /mnt/ChrisC05:44
Cloudchaser_16128: session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)05:44
Cloudchaser_SMB connection failed05:44
lathiatadd -o username=user,password=blah05:45
lathiatand read what the errors say, they do mean things05:45
Cranecarajean: it's easier to install windows first05:45
newbiewancarajean, as I understand, Windows installation will wipe your Linux patitions and data.05:45
=== Colin_ [~Colin@alb-69-202-45-196.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
carajeanyeah i did that before05:45
Cranecarajean: windows likes to try to take the entire drive for itself05:45
Cloudchaser_ok that worked ;)05:46
carajeanyeah lol05:46
ctdlathiat: -o password= is bad, unless it's scripted or something like that.05:46
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lathiatYou can install windwos aside linux fine05:46
lathiatctd: oh it asks for the password doesn tit?05:46
Cloudchaser_still can't browse it from the windows network file viewer though05:46
ctdlathiat: yeah05:46
carajeanso install windows then create a partition with.........anything out there that free????05:46
lathiatCloudchaser_: yes none of thsoe thing speople have been describing have anything to do with fixing the windows browser05:46
Cloudchaser_ctd why is it ba?05:46
ctdlathiat: Don't know about you, but I don't like having my passwords in ~/.bash_history05:47
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Cloudchaser_lathiat, is it broken for everyone or just me?05:47
lathiatCloudchaser_: just you05:47
lathiatctd: yeh indeed05:47
lathiatctd: ln -s ~/.bash_history /dev/null :)05:47
newbiewancarajean, pclinuxos livecd has partitioning software based on Mandrakelinux with nice graphical interface.05:48
Cloudchaser_so.. lathiat any idea how to fix it?05:48
ctdlathiat: or 20 other ways of avoiding .bash_history05:48
lordanCloudchaser_, are you never able to connect using Nautilus, or it works sometimes?05:49
newbiewancarajean, start pclinuxos installation, get into the partitioning, make partitions resizing Windows partition and then exit without finishing installation.05:49
carajeanso do i run this in linux but how do i keep windows from takin control05:49
Cloudchaser_lordan, never05:49
=== snipes420 [~snipes@d199-126-63-201.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cloudchaser_i just did most of samba configuration today though05:49
Cloudchaser_and from command line it all seems to be working05:49
lordanhm.. I have problems connecting to Windows shares 'from time to time'..05:49
CheatersRealmmy box is still messed up from my botched upgrade to hoary :)05:49
newbiewancarajean, boot up into linux live cd, it controls the partitioning - after Windows is installed on the whole drive.05:50
Cloudchaser_including mounting the share with name instead of ip address05:50
Cloudchaser_so samba seems to be working ok05:50
carajeanoh ok and this will work05:50
CheatersRealmcan someone /msg me your .xinitrc ?05:50
Cranewindows doesn't work well with others05:50
Cloudchaser_i can't ping the pc by name for some reason05:50
Cloudchaser_one thing i don't like about ubuntu05:51
Cloudchaser_is there's no services gui05:51
snipes420does the ubuntu website have an image I can put on my website so that I can link to them?05:51
newbiewanI have done it making a Windows XP partition down from 40GB to 156 with the rest Mandrake, pclinuxos has the same software but only one CD.05:51
Xenguysnipes420: good idea05:51
lordanCloudchaser_, there's a services gui in gnome-system-tools05:52
newbiewancarajean, you will make a swap partition and at leat two more: /  and /home.  That makes 4 including Windows.05:52
lordanNot sure why it's not in ubuntu.05:52
Cloudchaser_lordan, so i can apt get that?05:53
lordanMore like compile g-s-t yourself.05:53
carajeanooooh ok so fresh install windows run livecd and then partition and install linux05:53
Cloudchaser_lordan, i found it in apt-cache search..i have to compile it myself?05:53
=== Colin_ is now known as usual
lordanThink I read someplace that the idea was that most users don't need to mess around with services.05:54
lordang-s-t itself is in ubuntu05:54
lordanbut only some of the tools05:54
Cloudchaser_thats a presumption that is wrong really05:54
Cloudchaser_because i don't mess with services but i want to be able to shut off things05:54
Cloudchaser_or start things05:54
newbiewancarajean, use one linux livecd to partition, then boot ubuntu or other linux to install. I used this method to clear out SuSE since pclinuxos has a nice partitioner. Then I put anopther Linux on for experimenting.05:55
lordanCloudchaser_, I tend to agree.05:55
Cloudchaser_i don't think i have allthe stuff i need to compile htings05:55
Cloudchaser_and i won't have time for a bit to try it05:55
lordanhaving to update-rc.d blah blah blah gets on my nerves at times05:55
lordanespecially when you upgrade stuff.05:55
Cloudchaser_but in the meantime..i can mount the shares from command and can't access them with the gui05:55
Xenguysnipes420: found this; not sure how useful it is: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Artwork05:56
carajeanok im slowly getting this since i just installed linux for the first time in my life this morning05:56
lordanCloudchaser_, I do have that problem at times05:56
snipes420thanks Xenguy, that looks like what i was looking for :)05:56
Cloudchaser_i wonder if i restart and try it05:57
lordanbut sometimes it works fine, albeit sloooooow05:57
ChrisC_hey does anyone know what the Ubuntu position is on Wine?  I see it's not an approved package in the repository.05:57
CraneI've gotCloudchaser: the same problem05:57
Cloudchaser_i remember back when i used kde file browser05:57
Cloudchaser_i had same sort of issue05:57
Cloudchaser_until i used the super user file browser05:57
Cloudchaser_do you think its the whole sudo thing thats the issue?05:57
=== DeviantDog [~Samchi@adsl-8-22-70.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
lordanhm.. that's interesting, I hardly ever had problems browsing the n/w in kde.05:57
DeviantDoganyone here have doom3 installed in ubuntu warty?05:58
newbiewancarajean, best to try a few, then set up something more stable for the longer term. I haven't installed ubuntu yet, got part way thru its install and stopped at the partitioning issue.05:58
Cloudchaser_i could browse it but couldn't write things05:58
lordansmb worked fine.. ssh (fish://) worked fine.05:58
Xenguysnipes420: this looks cool - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Picubuntu-recommended.png05:58
lordanSounds like a permission issue on the other end then.05:58
Cloudchaser_the permissions of the shares in the gui are "root, root"05:58
Cloudchaser_well i'm not root05:58
CheatersRealmcan someone please tell me what is in their .xinitrc?05:59
CheatersRealm(by default)05:59
lordanCheatersRealm, absolutely nothing05:59
CheatersRealmlordan, are you sure?05:59
ChrisC_DeviantDog:  I tried but gave up; it went into a weird X mode after the splash screen05:59
CheatersRealmcuz it loads that top and bottom bar thing05:59
lordanfile doesn't even exist in my $HOME05:59
ChrisC_note: I'm a n00b05:59
carajeanyeah i ran into that root cannot be found thing earlier when i tried to install linux in the ame partition it was in before i had to reformat windows06:00
Cloudchaser_lordan, its a windows pc and hmm let me set up a user named root06:00
DeviantDogI have it working I just can't get sound06:00
carajeanme to chris06:00
Cloudchaser_but the pw..it would be my own pw?06:00
CheatersRealmlordan, thanks06:00
=== Ayden [~Ayden@104-203-237-24.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChrisC_DeviantDog, what kind of video hardware do you have?06:00
AydenAnybody know how i right click with the powerpc version of ubuntu?06:01
Cloudchaser_i guess i could post to the ubuntu forus06:01
lordanCheatersRealm, what problems are you facing there?06:01
newbiewancarajean, hang around here or at the ubuntu site - there may be a claer explaination how to dual install ubuntu, mean time, hope that helped.06:01
DeviantDogati 9800 pro06:02
lordanCloudChaser, you need to specify the username of an account that exists on your windows box06:02
lordanand has write access to the share06:02
Cloudchaser_i did06:02
Cloudchaser_i made a user06:02
Cloudchaser_and gave them admin rights06:02
lordanand when you connect are you prompted for a password?06:02
carajeanit did help thanks i will hang around im not givin up on linux yet plus it only been a day windows has been rapin me for years06:03
ChrisC_ah, I've got nvidia, funny thing is that nvidia is generally considered to work better on Linux than ATI.  Oh well.06:03
DeviantDogI wonder if anyone here has gotten sound out of Doom3?06:03
Cloudchaser_no prompt for password06:03
Aydendoes anybody use ppc here?06:03
carajeanhow do i get limewire to completely close06:04
lordanCloudchaser_, does it go straight on to tell you that you don't have permission instead?06:04
Aydencarajean, it's in the preferences06:04
CheatersRealmlordan, I can't seem to get the top and bottom bars to come up after I login.06:04
=== bur[n] er_ [~norml@c-67-173-243-73.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CheatersRealmwhat command should I run to try to start them manually?06:04
lordanCheatersRealm, a known problem06:04
carajeanok thanks06:04
lordantry gnome-panel & from a terminal and see what happens06:05
lordanyou may get loads of annoying errors about "panel already running"06:05
newbiewancarajean, I made the break from Windows a year ago, clean break last Apr, this box is pure Linux. Tried about 20 livecds and several installs: Linspire, SuSE, MEPIS, PCLinuxOS. I'm on PCLinuxOS now. Have ubuntu ready...06:05
Cloudchaser_lordan remember i can mount the share from command line and view the file listings06:05
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lordanCloudchaser_, I also experience the same thing from time to time.06:06
carajeanthis is or was suppose to be cold turkey but i just bought world of warcraft and cant get cedega to work so i might go back for a minute06:06
carajeanunless i can find a solution to that problem06:06
lordanIt's never been a high-priority issue for me though06:06
Cloudchaser_right now its not working at all to even see the pc's06:07
lordanbut i'll investigate06:07
CheatersRealmlordan, try command not found :)06:07
Cloudchaser_i have alot of files on a desktop pc06:07
Cloudchaser_this is a laptop06:07
Cloudchaser_so i like to have access to the files ;)06:07
lordanCheatersRealm, are you sure you have gnome-panel installed06:07
Cloudchaser_now i think i've messed something up even more06:07
CheatersRealmwhy do you think I needed to know the command to run the panels? :) it's apting now06:07
CheatersRealmthx lordan06:07
lordanCloudchaser_, I'll investigate after a few hours of sleep..06:08
CheatersRealmlordan, before it wouldn't even boot to gdm.06:08
Cloudchaser_thanks lordan i'll keep at it but i have to go to work in an hour06:08
Cloudchaser_so i probly won't get to it again til after the holidaya06:08
lordanCheatersRealm, haven't had that problem myself06:08
carajeananybody know how to get cedega to work i tried there channel but got no help06:08
Cloudchaser_i've set up samba before and had no issues06:08
lordanCloudchaser_, for the time being you may have to use smbclient or smbmount06:09
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CheatersRealmlordan, what apt package has the mixer applet?06:09
Cloudchaser_yes but then i have to copy things via command line ewwwie06:09
lordanCloudchaser_, not really, at least not if you use smbmount06:10
=== LucaBrasi [~mmm@ppp208-140.lns2.syd3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
lordanput up a link on the desktop to you mount point06:10
Cloudchaser_how do i get to see it then?06:10
lordanand then just use the normal d'n'd..06:10
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=== Ayden [~Ayden@104-203-237-24.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
da_bon_bonwhich program do i install for cd writin/erasing? i want something like K3b06:11
Cloudchaser_i think i need to restart06:11
Cloudchaser_things aren't working at all06:11
lordanCheatersRealm, look for a package called gnome-panel-applets06:11
Cloudchaser_like...making a desktop shortcut06:11
lordanor something like that06:11
da_bon_bonwhich program do i install for cd writin/erasing? i want something like K3b06:11
CheatersRealm<- not a noob to linux, just to apt and ubuntu06:11
lordanCloudchaser, something like that yead06:11
lordanyead == yeah06:12
Cloudchaser_i think maybe nautilus is..mad at me ;)06:12
lordanCheatersRealm, that's ok, just enjoy the ride :)06:12
lordanCloudchaser, Nautilus is mad, period06:12
=== carajean [~carajean@pcp0010646466pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
CraneI have the same issues as cloudchaser06:13
lordanCrane, at least it means you're not alone ;-)06:14
=== TheMuso [~luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
CheatersRealmlordan, yay, it finally boots & logs in right06:14
Craneso far I'm enjoying Ubuntu06:14
CheatersRealmlordan, thanks a bunch... the # is helpful as always06:14
lordanCheatersRealm, cool06:14
CheatersRealmI intentionally broke ubuntu (basically) and I just got it back up06:14
CheatersRealmstupid nvidia.. that's who's fault it is.06:15
da_bon_bonplease help me: i want a program to create cds, something like K3B06:15
CheatersRealmCrane, I tried to upgrade to hoary after installing nvidia drivers, and I edited the XF86Config-4 manually06:15
=== Cloudchaser [~Cloudchas@69-172-81-152.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
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lordanda_bon_bon, if you want a gnome app, you'll have to excercise some patience..06:16
Aydenhow in the hell do i right click?06:16
Cranewith the right mouse buttom06:17
Aydenwhere is it?06:17
=== angrypunk [~angrypunk@rrcs-67-52-122-167.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
CheatersRealmheh, glxgears doesn't work.06:17
da_bon_bonlordan: why? none exists?06:17
=== Seq [~chris@CPE0050bf1a898b-CM013349902353.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunCheatersRealm: in what?06:17
lordanthere are a few in "heavy" development06:17
CraneAyden ????06:18
Aydenwhere the hell is the right click button on the powerpc edition of ubuntu?06:18
da_bon_bonlordan: where do i get one, if possible?06:18
lordancoaster is probably the one that gets most airtime06:18
da_bon_bonlordan: isnt groat, or gcdcreator ok?06:18
CraneSorry I am not familiar with that06:18
da_bon_bonlordan: how do i install coast on warty?06:18
lordanda_bon_bon, check out http://www.gnomefiles.org06:18
lordanmay give you some ideas06:18
lordanda_bon_bon, you don't06:19
crimsun'gcombust' is in the 'universe' repo06:19
lordanunless you want to compile it yourself06:19
da_bon_boncrimsun: hi. howz gcombust?06:19
crimsunda_bon_bon: I use cdrecord directly.06:19
CheatersRealmcrimsun, it can't get a double buffered visual or somesuch06:20
da_bon_boncrimsun: i am installing it06:20
crimsunCheatersRealm: using what hardware with which ubuntu dist?06:20
crimsunCheatersRealm: known issue. There are two bugs open in bugzilla about it.06:21
CheatersRealmcrimsun, workarounds?06:21
CraneAyden: have you tried shift click or ctrl click or something like that?06:21
Cranejust guessing06:21
crimsunCheatersRealm: one is described in bugzilla.06:22
crimsunCheatersRealm: fwiw, "it works for me"06:22
CheatersRealmcrimsun, bug number?06:22
AydenCrane yes06:23
crimsunCheatersRealm: please use bugzilla :)06:23
da_bon_bonOMG, gcombust is sooo ugly...06:23
lordanCheatersRealm, you may also want to read up in gentoo forums about xorg/nvidia06:23
lordanI remember there was quite a bit of discussion wrt problems there06:23
lordanmaybe you'll find something useful06:23
CheatersRealmcrimsun, lordan k thanks06:23
da_bon_boncrimsun: i found that xcdroast is better than gcombust06:25
crimsunda_bon_bon: then use xcdroast :)06:26
da_bon_boncrimsun: was just informing u... i am apt-getting it now.06:27
da_bon_bonwhats aptitude?06:27
da_bon_bonwhats aptitude?06:27
CheatersRealmda_bon_bon, package manager06:27
crimsunit's a front end to apt06:27
da_bon_boncrimsun: its a GUI or just CLI ?06:27
lordanwell, a cli gui06:28
da_bon_bonlordan: :) meaning?06:28
da_bon_bonlordan: something like lynx ?06:28
CheatersRealmda_bon_bon, it's got menus and stuff just like the isntaller for ubuntu or lynx yeah06:28
lordansomething like that yes06:28
lordanmaybe i should have called it clui06:29
=== Grexo [Grexo@207-38-252-211.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
CheatersRealmlordan, is it curses?06:29
Grexoubuntu hoary f0cked up my windows06:29
lordanyes, i guess so06:29
da_bon_bonlordan: it then still is "command line use interface" ;) :D06:29
Grexoi should have used the ntbootloader06:30
Grexogrub is bugged06:30
Grexoit wont let me use windows06:30
Grexoi went into windows and it wouldnt boot06:30
Grexoi had to reboot my puter06:30
da_bon_bonGrexo: i dont have any rpbolems with grub....06:30
lordanGrexo, that sounds like a good thing..06:30
Grexoit just gave me a blank screen06:30
=== Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Grexowhen i tried to get into windows06:30
Grexoso i deleted ubuntu06:31
lordanCheatersRealm, I'm sure it is. Will have to peek at it06:31
Grexoi guess it aint ready for primetime yet06:31
da_bon_bonGrexo: man u did that wrong..06:31
da_bon_bonGrexo: its much better than the hyped distros like FC and SuSE06:31
lordanGrexo, "works for me"06:31
Mojo_JojoHi, i'm having troubles getting my wireless nic working, I have an averatec 6100 laptop.06:31
Grexoda:  Prolly06:31
Grexoda:  Grub needs fixin06:31
CheatersRealmGrexo, I'm pretty sure grub is plenty capable of dual booting windows and linux06:32
da_bon_bonGrexo: mine worked out of box.06:32
=== etorix [~etorix@usr28-har.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
CheatersRealmperhaps you had a mistake?06:32
Grexoubuntu is nice but not for me06:33
Grexoill stick to windows06:33
Grexofor now06:33
Grexoi got 3 cds for ubuntu in the mail06:33
Grexoill give em out06:33
Grexoubuntu has promise06:33
lordanGrexo, you said you installed hoary right?06:33
Grexobut not ready yet for primetime06:33
Grexolordan:  Warty + hoaryt06:33
Grexoit happened with both06:33
CheatersRealmGrexo, I'm pretty sure warty is ready for primetime.06:33
Cloudchaserok lordan, rebooted..mounted the share via command line, then went to "Computer" Filesystem/mnt/share...see the share there and DC it and got the waiting circle thingy06:34
CheatersRealmGrexo, you running a non-mainstream mobo or something?06:34
lordanCloudchaser, give it some time06:34
lordanit can be really slow at times06:34
CheatersRealmwell I don't have time to troubleshoot, because I must be up in 5 and a half hours to swim06:34
Cloudchaserdo i have to set something so the filebrowser uses username/pw like sudo it?06:34
CheatersRealmGrexo, your problems can probably be pretty easily fixed with re-installing grubn06:34
=== funky [~repulse@81-202-240-13.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cloudchaseroh it finally came up! :)06:35
lordanGrexo, never heard of anybody having probs dual-booting warty+winDOS06:35
lordanas for hoary, well, it's in development so it's not ready for primetime06:35
lordanbut it will be in March06:35
lordanCloudchaser, cool06:36
lordancan you write to the share?06:36
Cloudchasercept i can't write to it06:36
Cloudchaserand i have privs on the the share06:37
lordanJust to be on the safe side, can you try to mount the share with smbmount06:37
Cloudchaseri did that06:37
lordanand then copy some file to the share06:37
Cloudchaseri think anyway06:37
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lordanand it worked06:37
Cloudchasersudo mount //chrisibm/chrisibmc /mnt/ChrisC -t smbfs -o06:37
Cloudchaserlike that06:37
Cloudchaserwith the pw and username06:37
Grexothe neverending quest06:38
Grexofor what i dunno06:38
Grexofrom nothingness to technological wonders06:38
Cloudchaserhmm can't cd to "Documents and Settings"06:38
Grexocommercial vs opensource06:39
Grexocapitalism vs opensource06:39
lordanCloudchaser, add some backslashes06:39
=== Grexo screams
Cloudchaseroh i got it ;)06:39
Cloudchaserwrong " mark06:39
lordanGrexo, snap out of it!06:39
Grexolordan ehhh?06:40
Grexothe recurring dream06:40
Grexothe code06:40
=== Grexo is seeing 0s and 1s in his sleep
lordanGrexo, you seem to be losing the plot ;-)06:40
Grexoi think i saw the human programming code06:40
Grexowe are just 0s and 1s06:40
=== Grexo reprograms lordan
Cloudchaserpermission denied ;(06:41
Grexoyour linux based06:41
lordanoh oh, i think we need a #ubuntu-philosophy06:41
Grexocant get in06:41
crimsunthere's always #offtopic06:41
Grexour uber secure06:41
Cloudchaserokk now i''ll try with the masks and see what happens06:41
crimsunor I guess #ubuntu-offtopic06:41
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=== Grexo is listening to joe cocker and lets get stoned
lordanGrexo, there are some bugs in my new code.06:43
=== Grexo lights his joint
Grexouhh what was i saying uhhh06:43
=== John_M [~johnm@cs2416793-101.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Grexoya uhmmm06:43
Grexoim giddy now06:43
lordanCloudchaser, gotta head off to work06:43
Grexohah hah ha06:43
Cloudchaserme too shortly06:43
lordanb back in a few hours06:44
Cloudchaserthanks for all your help!06:44
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lordanlet me know how it goes, yeah?06:44
Cloudchaseri won't be back for 8 hours then i'll have to sleep ;)06:44
Cloudchaseri will let you know how it all goes06:44
jabracan someone help me with a pcmcica problem: pcmcia_socket0 time out after reset06:44
lordanseems you have xmas all planned out then.06:44
lamontis cupsys able to export a bsd-lp port listener?06:44
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Cloudchaserok cool06:46
Cloudchasergot to write to my share ;)06:46
=== Grexo is stoned
Grexothat didnt take long hah hah06:46
neuro_did you say "jehovah"?06:47
Cloudchaseris there any way to make it so when you dc on a folder in the file browser, it opens in the same window?06:48
Cloudchaseri looked in preferences...didn't see a way though06:49
=== nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
mgileswhy is it that when my laptop starts up the samba daemons fail to start, but manually I can start them no problem?06:50
jabrapcmcia is having problems on my laptop06:50
DeviantDoganyone her know any fixed with sound and doom3?06:51
Cloudchaserwell it looks like many others have same network browsing issue as i do, but no solution was posted06:52
neuro_Cloudchaser: try: gconf-editor -> change /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_browser to true06:53
neuro_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nautilus_file_manager :)06:53
neuro_of all places06:53
Cloudchasersorry i usually look it up first06:53
Cloudchaseri had looked in prefs though which is where i'd expect it06:54
=== carajean [~carajean@pcp0010646466pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cloudchasersilly me06:54
neuro_there should be a ui switch in 2.8 allegedly06:54
carajeanhey can someone help me real quick06:54
carajeandeb cdrom:[Ubuntu 4.10 _Warty Warthog_ - Preview i386 Binary-1 (20041020)] / unstable main restricted06:55
carajean# deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted06:55
carajean# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty main restricted06:55
carajean## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'06:55
carajean## repository.06:55
carajean## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu06:55
carajean## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to06:55
carajean## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in06:55
carajean## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security06:55
carajean## team.06:55
carajean# deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe06:55
carajean# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty universe06:55
carajeandeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted06:55
carajeandeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty-security main restricted06:55
carajeandeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse06:55
carajeanwhy on earth does my video cards file say that06:55
neuro_floodtastic, batman!06:55
funkycarajean: well done, motherfucker06:55
carajeanyeah lol06:55
carajeani know06:55
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carajeantell me how to fix it and i will leave06:56
neuro_help, i'm being held hostage! :)06:56
funkycarajean: no, fuck you with your problem06:56
funkyand leave06:56
neuro_funky: hey, chill dude06:56
neuro_festive season, peace and goodwill, etc :)06:56
funkyand learn some about nettiquete06:57
heero17peace and linux for the world06:57
funkypeace and emacs for all06:57
neuro_vi, dammit!06:57
dr_willisi dident even see him state what his problem really was06:58
CraneCloudchaser did you find it06:58
neuro_looks like his "drivers file" was a sources.list06:58
Cloudchaseri found the wiki thing06:58
Cloudchaserbut i don't know how to find gconf editor..searching for that now06:58
Cranecomputer>desktop preferances>file management06:59
Craneclick behavior tab and select always open in browser window07:00
Cranethat will keep multiple windows from opening07:00
Cloudchaserah i did see that earlier but didn't know thats what it meant ;)07:00
Cloudchaseri'd have never figured that out from that wiki thing07:00
Craneme neither, someone told me07:00
CraneI really enjoy this distro so far and the peeps around here are friendly too07:01
=== Cloudchaser nods
CraneNow if we could just fix this samba problem:)07:01
Cloudchaseri like the distro alot too with a few minor annoyances07:01
Cloudchaserok well i got samba working07:02
Craneyou did07:02
Cloudchaserits the network browser that isn't working07:02
Cranenot fair07:02
Cloudchaserand thats an issue that others have posted about with no solutions posted07:02
Cranesame here07:02
Cloudchaseri have to get ready for work07:02
Cloudchaserbut in a couple days..like after xmas07:02
Cranetalk to ya later07:02
Cloudchaseri'll walk you through it all07:02
Cloudchaserif you want07:02
Craneyea that would be great thanks07:03
Cloudchasernp i've done samba before but the browser thing got me off track07:03
Cloudchaseronce you can connect command line07:03
Cloudchaseryou can set up /etc/fstab to do it automatically07:03
Craneyea I'd like to get the browser working as well07:03
Craneahh mount samba shares07:03
Cloudchaseryah i'm trying to copy file over now through the file manager07:04
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Cloudchaserseems to not be working too well07:04
Cloudchaseri dragged a file over07:04
Cloudchaserand in the window i dragged it to it shows a file ".vfs-write.tmp"07:05
Cloudchaserand its kinda locked up (the window)07:05
Cloudchaseri'll have to work on that07:05
Cloudchaserwhen i get more time07:05
=== da_name_is_taken [~chatzilla@gp129c.halls.manchester.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
da_name_is_takenI have a bunch of files to rename from name.txt.0002   (name.txt.number)  to  name0002.txt (namenumber.txt). Any easy way to do this?07:06
funkyi hate nicks more than 4 letters07:06
da_name_is_takensorry, i really AM!07:06
funkylike mine07:06
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=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
alka_trashhey all07:07
da_name_is_takennobody knows :(07:08
Cranesorry I don't hav a clue07:08
funkda_name_is_taken: man rename07:08
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etorixvican do that prolly07:09
Cranejust call him da_07:09
=== gabbman [~gabbman@d141-20-2.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
da_name_is_takenfunk: rename ain't capable of that alone07:09
da_bon_bonwhich is the default icon for firefox in start bar ?07:09
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mgilesDoes anyone know why is it that when my laptop starts up the samba daemons fail to start, but manually I can start them no problem?07:10
etorixone of the heavy editors can i bet07:10
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=== plasmo [~GAT-X105@023.a.007.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
da_bon_bonwhich is the default icon for firefox in start bar ?07:10
funkda_name_is_taken: you can do it just using rename07:10
mgilesheero17, yeah?07:11
heero17u have has plug the ethernet cable07:11
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heero17after to boot?07:11
Craneda_name: he is talking about your name not batch file renaming07:11
=== kergan [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-10-181-189.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mgilesheero17, nope before... ahh but I don't enable the eth1 port till after its booted and I've logged in.. is that whats going on?07:12
alka_trashubuntu/hoary/unstable is being unstable ( acpi is crapping out )07:12
|QuaD-alka_trash: more detaiL please... by the way, it is expected07:12
|QuaD-alka_trash: did you file a bug report?07:12
alka_trashoh I should do that shouldn't I07:13
=== BlackHussar [~BlackHuss@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
alka_trashI'll do that, it's just not booting into gnome with acpi on, I turned it off and it's working, but now I can't bring up gnome-terminal,  I checked dmesg and irq are not get assigned properly. time to fire of bug-buddy *first time*07:14
Cloudchaserthis is too wonky...the filemanager and network shares thing07:16
CraneCoudchaser: I wonder if it's a gnome thing07:18
Cloudchaserwell now after i tried to drag a file over07:18
Cloudchaseri can't see any files in the share, although it says there's 23 items there07:18
neuro_maybe they're shy07:18
Cloudchaserso i can't look to see if the file actually copied07:18
=== sirrahtap [~sirrahtap@c-24-118-244-217.mn.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
sirrahtapi'm a new user with a question (hopefully quick)07:19
sirrahtapmy hard drive is set to read only, and i can't figure out how to change that07:20
sirrahtapcan anyone help me?07:20
=== orc3n looks up
Cranesirrahtap you hard drive?07:20
Cranedo you have ubuntu installed?07:21
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sirrahtapyeah, i'm using it now07:21
|QuaD-sirrahtap: your primary hd?07:21
Cranecan you right to you home directory?07:21
|QuaD-sirrahtap: if you are using your comp, i HIGHLY doubt your primary hd is set to read only07:22
CraneWhat are outrying to do?07:22
Craneoutrying=you trying07:22
sirrahtapwell, i usually run xp but its gotten all messed up and it won't even start anymore, so i'm trying to get into my harddrive to retrieve some stuff because i think i'm going to have to format07:23
sirrahtapand i have a few things that i haven't backed up07:23
|QuaD-sirrahtap: is it an ntfs drive?07:24
crimsunsirrahtap: sudo hdparm -r /dev/hda07:24
|QuaD-my guess that is why it is read only07:24
plasmouse a live cd then07:24
sirrahtapi'm using alive cd right now07:24
crimsunsirrahtap: run that command from a terminal07:24
|QuaD-sirrahtap: what filesystem is on your win hd07:24
sirrahtapthat is the only way i can get my comp to run07:24
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD-sirrahtap: you probably have an ntfs drive and can't write to it07:25
plasmoprobli ntfs then :S?07:25
|QuaD-plasmo: as i said07:25
|QuaD-sirrahtap: what filesystem07:25
sirrahtapwhats ntfs?07:25
plasmoyeah its probli ntfs lol07:25
|QuaD-sirrahtap: fat or ntfs?07:25
sirrahtapsorry, i'm not a big computer guy07:25
lathiatif your trying to retriece that you dont need write07:25
neuro_'mount' should tell you07:25
|QuaD-sirrahtap: ntfs=NT File System07:25
sirrahtapok, i think it is ntfs07:25
sirrahtapi also wanted to try and delete some stuff that i thought could be causing the problem07:26
etorixbut its not booting?07:26
sirrahtapbecause it started after i installed some software and i wanted to see if i deleted that if it would start in windows again07:26
sirrahtapyeah, it freezes before getting to my desktop07:26
=== hypa7ia [~warty@Ottawa-HSE-ppp264936.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunsirrahtap: did you run that command I gave you?07:26
neuro_try using a system rescue CD07:26
etorixo it does boot07:26
|QuaD-sirrahtap: did you try safe mode?07:26
plasmotried safemode?07:26
Cranesirrah: have you tried using your windows XP cd to fix it?07:26
|QuaD-plasmo: beat you again07:27
sirrahtapsafemode doesn't work07:27
|QuaD-sirrahtap: y07:27
|QuaD-it should07:27
|QuaD-if it is software based07:27
neuro_XP CDs are useless as restore tools unless you keep your recovery floppies up to date07:27
neuro_and even then ...07:27
sirrahtapit locks up, just the same as if i try a normal boot07:27
=== |QuaD- hasn't used windows in years
|QuaD-sirrahtap: then you fubarred windows07:27
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sirrahtapthats what i was afraid of07:28
|QuaD-so put linux on instead07:28
Cranedo you have another windows computer?07:28
=== neuro_ reads the first three words of the channel topic ... :>>
|QuaD-neuro_: i was thinking that07:29
neuro_no offence like :)07:29
sirrahtapno, my original question wasn't about microsoft07:29
sirrahtapits how to read and write on hda07:29
neuro_sirrahtap: try that google url i posted about rescue CDs which will r/w ntfs partitions07:29
|QuaD-sirrahtap: wasn't about ubuntu either07:29
neuro_all else, check out http://support.microsoft.com/07:29
=== MasterFox [~MasterFox@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
plasmouse ntfs captive or something07:30
MasterFoxHello, folks. Was wondering if someone could help me in getting gamma boosted on my monitor.07:30
|QuaD-sirrahtap: use format c:07:30
neuro_intrepid:~> format C:07:31
neuro_format: Command not found.07:31
neuro_bit useless on linux :>07:31
pwMasterFox: xgamma -gamma <gamma>07:31
|QuaD-neuro_: sudo rm -fR /07:31
Cloudchaserapparently there's a gnome-vfs bug07:31
neuro_intrepid:~> sudo rm -fR /07:31
neuro_sudo: Command not found.07:31
neuro_|QuaD-: wow, you're really crapping out here :>07:31
|QuaD-neuro_: you on linux07:31
Cloudchasercan try something called xsmbrowser to browse shares07:32
neuro_me? now? here? typing into?07:32
|QuaD-oh, i thought you were typing that in a terminal07:32
neuro_i was07:32
|QuaD-an ubuntu terminal?07:32
plasmotype this in the terminal07:32
plasmoecho '82 43/25 43+65P80P82P73P76P32P70P79P79P76P10P' | dc07:32
|QuaD-that doesn't owrk in sarge?07:32
|QuaD-i thought it should07:32
neuro_why would it if i don't have sudo installed?07:33
|QuaD-good point07:33
|QuaD-so type su07:33
|QuaD-enter your pw07:33
|QuaD-then rm -fR /07:33
neuro_intrepid:~> su07:33
neuro_su: Authentication failure07:33
neuro_my password didn't work :P07:33
sirrahtapso crimsun, when you said sirrahtap: sudo hdparm -r /dev/hda07:33
|QuaD-neuro_: blah your no fun07:33
sirrahtapwhere am i supposed to do that (yeah i know, i don't know jack about this stuff)07:33
MasterFoxOk, and now for a toughy.. With having no money, how would one find a Linuxant License. :)07:34
|QuaD-neuro_: i will have a contest, whose rm -fR / will wipe out their hardisk faster?07:34
neuro_MasterFox: by spending money?07:34
plasmowats a linuxant license o_O07:34
|QuaD-wanna go?07:34
neuro_yeah sure, on you go07:34
|QuaD-i already started07:34
|QuaD-start quickly07:34
=== Genesee [~Genesee@69-200-227-4.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MasterFoxneuro_, :P07:34
|QuaD-so you don't lose07:34
pwmine's finished07:34
pwy'all lose07:34
neuro_mine finished ages ago07:34
neuro_you *all* suck07:35
neuro_well, most of you07:35
|QuaD-i guess it sucks having 2 TB of hd :(07:35
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neuro_2 tb, that all?07:35
plasmo2tb.. -_-07:35
|QuaD-actually 240 gigs... but i can pretend07:35
neuro_aww, bless :)07:36
|QuaD-how much you got? like 8 TB07:36
neuro_nothing so exciting07:36
neuro_300 gig here, 100 gig there07:37
neuro_more at the office tho07:37
neuro_storage arrays rock07:37
MasterFoxok, im; out thanks07:37
plasmo37gigs here. quite small :)07:37
|QuaD-thats like mine.... i was just referring to this comp07:37
neuro_plasmo: it's not the size ... :>07:37
|QuaD-my ex gf always told me its not the size its how you use it07:37
|QuaD-i don't understand why though07:37
=== SepheeBear [~SepheeBea@24-193-86-118.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
neuro_maybe she was trying to tell you something07:38
neuro_"stop sticking it there"?07:38
|QuaD-that i wasn't using my hd space well?07:38
neuro_"is it in yet"?07:38
=== neuro_ runs :>
|QuaD-haha.... or that it was too big and i didn't use it well07:38
neuro_"but honey, i thought removable HDDs were *meant* to go in that way!"07:38
=== diego [~diego@user-0cetu7o.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
diegohi all07:39
Cranewell I'm off to bed.07:39
CraneCyaz later07:39
=== neuro_ bahs at the time
neuro_2h20m til i need to be in work :P07:39
=== |QuaD- is getting pissed off with this horrible programming language
neuro_|QuaD-: which one, cobol?  fortran?  ada?07:40
plasmowork?! christmas07:40
diego|QuaD-: bf?07:40
|QuaD-worse then al those07:40
neuro_plasmo: on call07:40
=== Crane is now known as Crane_sleep
diegoworse than bf? doubtful07:40
plasmosucks :/07:40
|QuaD-diego: bf?07:40
neuro_ISPs don't close at christmas :P07:40
crimsunnone of those languages are horrid, neuro_ :)07:40
diego|QuaD-: brainf***07:40
|QuaD-diego: have you TRIED nesC?07:40
neuro_crimsun: you jest :>07:40
neuro_cobol is fouler than foul07:40
diego|QuaD-: nope07:40
neuro_even fouler than whitespace07:40
|QuaD-nesC is like satan's version of C07:41
plasmomine does. they leave the monkeys in charge :D07:41
crimsunneuro_: I do not. I use F90 and Ada fairly regularly in my research.07:41
|QuaD-and there is little to NO documentation on the language!07:41
neuro_ok, ada you can have07:41
neuro_plasmo: but what are you suggesting?  ook?  :>07:41
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plasmodunno @_@07:42
neuro_hot cross?07:42
=== plasmo runs
|QuaD-if anyone here knows nesC SAVE ME07:43
neuro_ook, 0643 and /me hears updatedb running around the room07:43
crimsunyou must have a huge HD07:43
crimsunby 0640 both AIDE and update have finished on my 80 GB07:44
|QuaD-crimsun: he said 9TB07:44
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|QuaD-i don't know how long my 240gig take07:44
neuro_crimsun: when did they start?07:44
=== neuro_ has about 6 drives to rattle through
crimsunI have 1.07:44
|QuaD-i ahve 207:44
neuro_and updatedb starts at 064307:44
neuro_hence my comment07:45
crimsunstandard Debian: 25 6    * * *   root    test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily07:45
|QuaD-hmm, its not in my crontab07:46
|QuaD-where else would it be07:46
=== neuro_ rephrases
neuro_updatedb starts poking at a noisy drive at 0643 :>07:46
crimsun|QuaD-: hmm, are you doing this on tiny* stuff?07:47
|QuaD-crimsun: what the nesC or my cron?07:47
crimsun|QuaD-: the former07:47
|QuaD-crimsun: tinyOS is the os that the programs i am writing will run on07:48
crimsun|QuaD-: right. I'm vaguely familiar with it.07:48
crimsunfriend of mine's research was stripping tinysec's rc5 base and replacing it with modified rc4 for lower power consumption07:49
|QuaD-crimsun: interesting07:49
|QuaD-doesn't help my bug though!07:49
crimsunprobably not! ;)07:49
=== EruditeHermit [~Erudite@c-24-7-113-107.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
|QuaD-it should be easy to find07:50
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crimsuneww, go away, EruditeHermit. ;)07:50
=== EruditeHermit streaks across the channel
=== EruditeHermit waggles his fist in defiance
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EruditeHermitcrimsun: so I just add the ubuntu mirror, and apt-get install xserver-xorg ?07:57
EruditeHermitcrimsun: and remove xfree8607:57
bur[n] er_anyone want/need a gmail account?08:00
bur[n] er_i was just given a bunch of invites...  if not, carry on with general ubuntu banter ;)08:00
plasmoim still with hotmail lol :d08:00
diegobur[n] er_: how would you need a gmail account? surely life can be sustained without one08:01
bur[n] er_to each their own08:01
bur[n] er_diego: possibly08:01
bur[n] er_i dunno if i would live without it... there is a chance i may not08:01
diegoi've only gotten 1 batch of invites, not sure why08:01
bur[n] er_wow... that wasn't even witty... i'm too tired ;)08:01
diegoused them all up and never got any more08:01
bur[n] er_i'm on my 4th batch08:01
bur[n] er_i think08:01
etorixi just got 6 more invites08:02
bur[n] er_this is the biggest number yet though08:02
bur[n] er_i got 8 more08:02
bur[n] er_:)08:02
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bur[n] er_it is good stuff if you're a hotmailer ;)08:02
plasmoyeah i just use evolution with gotmail08:02
plasmodoesnt work good with hotmail lol08:02
bur[n] er_i tried to use evolution with exchange today...08:03
bur[n] er_to no avail :\08:03
mlambiewhat parameters do i need to pass to ssh in order to have it connect to a machine, and then execute a series of commands, but stay connected?08:03
bur[n] er_there aren't really any howto's on it anywhere08:03
mlambiefor example, ssh host1, then run ls -l and then run uptime, and stay connected?08:03
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bob2mlambie: fsh is what you want08:03
mlambiethanks bob208:04
bob2mlambie: recent versions of ssh have that feature, too, but I don't think it's in ubuntu yet08:04
bur[n] er_fsh?08:04
bur[n] er_nevermind08:04
diegofloppy shoe hamburger08:04
etorixfsh - Fast remote command execution over rsh/ssh/lsh08:05
bur[n] er_hrm... /exec -o apt-cache search fsh |grep fsh08:06
bur[n] er_doh08:06
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bob2no need to paste that in here...08:07
mlambiebob2: i've installed fsh via apt, but issuing "fsh host ls" prompts for a passwd, then bombs out08:07
bur[n] er_sorry... it's late and i'm bored and tired08:07
bob2mlambie: 'bombs out'?08:08
bob2mlambie: you need it on both sides, too08:08
heero17bomb? what bomb08:09
neuro_did he say "bomb"?08:10
bob2come on guys08:10
plasmou know the fbi monitor irc channels. when u say bom+b. they record it :)08:10
diegooh i do have gmail invites08:10
diegointeresting hehe08:10
neuro_sod the fbi, nsa+cia+mi5+echelon08:11
mlambiebob2: it doesn't seem to operate as expected. it will connect and run the command and return results, but it doesn's maintain the connection. it's the same as running "ssh host command"08:11
bob2mlambie: you have fsh on both machines? how do you know it's disconnecting?08:11
mlambieyeah, on both sides08:12
mlambieit drops me back to my shell on my laptop08:12
mlambiebut runs the command on my server08:12
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bob2oh, you mean, you want to run a command and then get a remote shell?08:12
mlambiei'll explain what i'm trying to do, and others might know a better way: when i open a shell, i normally want 4 more tabs, and want to connect to our development server in each of these tabs. then i want to issue a series of commands (like sudo su user, or mysql -u user -ppass) in each different shell.08:13
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mlambiei'm passing parameters to gnome-terminal that cause it to open 4 tabs with different profiles fine08:14
mlambiewhat i want is it to issue the equivalent of "ssh host" then on the new host "cmd1, cmd2, cmd3..."08:14
ar|kso howd u view quicktime in ubuntu?08:14
mlambiear|k: I installed the w32codecs08:15
bob2ar|k: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:15
bob2ar|k: it's in the FAQ08:15
diegoi wish i was in the faq08:15
bob2mlambie: ssh -t user@host 'foo ; bar ; baz'08:15
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ar|kwhich is better mandrake or ubuntu?08:16
mlambiebob2: getting closer, but will connect to the host, execute the commands, then close the ssh connection08:16
diegoar|k: no bias in here....UBUNTU08:17
bob2ar|k: they're different...try both and see which you prefer08:17
bob2mlambie: yes, of course08:17
mlambiei want it to run the commands, then drop me to the shell on the host08:17
bob2mlambie: if you want to run stuff on the remote side, add a call to bash on the end of the command line08:17
bob2mlambie: or run a script on the remote end08:17
heero17maybe kan be the timeout of the session08:18
heero17is so much short,08:18
mlambiebob2: ssh -t www 'cd /; bash' seems to be what I'm after08:19
mlambiebob2: thanks for your help, much appreciated08:19
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jacodtquick question. where is the equivalent of the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file in ubuntu?08:20
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diegojacodt: ubuntu doesn't ship with a firewall iirc08:20
bob2 /usr/share/doc/iptables/README.Debian08:20
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diegow31rd, my pillow smells like my grandparents house08:26
diegoahh the memories08:26
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rileyhow do I get support for loop for the mount command?08:30
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bob2sudo modprobe loop08:31
rileyawesome!  thanks!08:32
bob2you're welcome08:32
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ar|khey bob. can u send me a screenshot of your desktop?08:35
bob2mine's boring08:35
=== Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mojo_JojoHi, I downloaded a theme but it's not working. I even put it in the .themes folder and still doesnt show up :/08:38
plasmowats the theme08:38
Mojo_Jojothis one http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=18631&PHPSESSID=f18e6d41902f3c8fbebf8234ed1fc06108:39
Mojo_JojoI got he edgeMcity08:39
=== idge [~idge@ip70-178-232-250.ma.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
plasmook let me test it out. ill have to switch to gnome. brb :)08:40
idgehey, anyone know the sudo command for smp (multi proc)???08:41
bob2you mean, "How do I install a kernel with SMP support?"?08:41
idgei think08:41
idgei am new :-)08:41
idgethis is my fist time with a linux based OS08:42
bob2what cpu?08:42
=== plasmo [~GAT-X105@023.a.007.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
idgei have dual PIII 550s08:42
idgeits an ols server board08:42
bob2install the linux-image-686-smp package08:42
idge"old" server board08:42
idgeand that will do it?08:43
plasmommm theme works fine. just that u cant install it with the theme installer08:43
plasmojust untar it08:43
Mojo_Jojohow did you do it?08:43
plasmoand copy edge2 and edge3 in .theme08:43
idgeawsome!...thanks bob208:44
Mojo_Jojooh ok i'll try again :)08:44
plasmoalrite goodluck :)08:44
Mojo_Jojosweet it works thanks plasmo :)08:45
plasmocool :)08:45
Mojo_Jojodo you know how to change the splash screens?08:46
plasmohold on08:46
idgehey bob2....is there a such thing as a "Ubuntu Repair Disk"???08:46
bob2to do what?08:46
plasmogconf-editor > /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image08:47
idgejust in case i screw somthing up :-)08:47
idgei have been known to do that before!08:47
bob2but, what do you want it to do?08:48
bob2I take it windows has some sort of repair disk that 'fixes' things?08:48
idgeoh i see......I was thinking more along the lines of a "All-In-One" disc08:48
bob2what woulkd it do?08:48
plasmoMojo_Jojo: /usr/share/pixmaps/splash is where the images are at08:49
bob2you can boot the ubuntu install disc to get a shell on a broken system so you can repair it.08:49
idgewell.....in windows...you can just put in the CD and it will ask you if you want to re-install or repair08:49
=== arrrrrr [~arrr@ppp162-159.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mojo_Jojoplasmo, ok08:49
bob2idge: what does 'repair' mean, tho?08:49
arrrrrrdoes anyone know how to set dual head in Ubuntu?08:49
Mojo_Jojoso do I rename the file or just specify the location?08:49
arrrrrrsomeone from this forum shows me his desktop photo, with three monitors..08:50
bob2arrrrrr: there's nothing in the wiki/faq?08:50
arrrrrri wonder if he is here now...08:50
plasmoeither rename or specify the filename in gconf editor08:50
arrrrrri just need his XF86Config file....08:50
arrrrrrhe has 3 monitors.08:50
idgebob2: I guess what it would do is reload the kernel without losing all my pics and movies...08:50
=== fajmoh_ [fajmoh@h30n2fls31o1009.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2idge: the windows kernel often gets corrupted?08:51
idgehehe..sometimes....windows just sucks like that08:51
Mojo_Jojook one last theme Q how do I change the mouse cursor :)08:51
idgehence my move to Ubuntu08:51
plasmoMojo_Jojo: never changed my mouse cursors so i dont know :P08:52
idgebob2: I installed that package you told me about...now just reboot?08:52
arrrrrranyone has the XF86Configuration for dual head?08:52
Mojo_Jojoahh ok i'm gonna see if it worked :D brb08:52
plasmoMojo_Jojo: current ubuntu ones look good enough08:52
bob2idge: it's extremely unlikely your system will ever just become unbootable for no reason, but if it does, you can almost always repair it without reinstalling08:52
bob2arrrrrr: you checked the FAQ and wiki and there was nothing about it?08:52
bob2idge: yup08:52
idgebob2: ok cool....08:52
idgebob2: Thanks bob2!!...I will now reboot.08:53
=== suriya [~suriya@cs2869-41.austin.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
suriyadoes ubuntu come with NTFS write support?08:54
bob2that's not possible in linux without horribly hacky things like acaptive-ntfs08:54
suriyaor is there some package?08:54
suriyaok thank you08:54
diegosuriya: compile away08:55
=== diego hides
bob2it's on sourceforge, iirc08:55
etorixre-install windows to fat3208:55
bob2it's just a module that slurps windows driver code into your kernel08:55
suriyasure, just wanted to know if i could apt-get08:55
plasmoyep. convert it to fat32. best solution :)08:55
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=== StolenShoeBox [~StolenSho@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
StolenShoeBoxHello I just upgraded to hoary08:58
StolenShoeBoxand my resolution is stuck very low08:58
etorixheh .. mine too08:58
StolenShoeBoxya nvidia08:58
etorix640 x 48008:58
bob2known bug08:58
StolenShoeBoxanything I can do?08:59
StolenShoeBoxI havent even installed the nvidia driver thow08:59
arrrrrrwould radeon work with ubuntu?08:59
arrrrrri have radeon x30008:59
bob2not sure, maybe there's a workaround in the bts08:59
bob2arrrrrr: yes08:59
etorixsomeone said a fix was in08:59
lathiatIs this for the binary or open source drivers?09:00
etorixit installs badly09:00
etorixits one symlink09:00
lathiatCus my binary ones are working fine.. haven't tried the open source ones wince i upgraded to hoary09:00
arrrrrrmy friend had a really bad experience with ubuntu. it wipes off the windows partition09:01
arrrrrrhow can that happen?09:01
arrrrrri know ubuntu doesn't ask you which partition you want to install to....09:01
StolenShoeBoxhe probaly didnt partition right09:01
lathiatarrrrrr: They probably chose the 'Erase entire disk' option in the installer, which is their own fault really...09:01
arrrrrrbut this kind of thing is horrible09:01
lathiatAnd yes, ubuntu does as09:01
diegoarrrrrr: his own damn fault, no doubt09:01
lathiatif you say to partition manually09:01
lathiatask damnit09:01
=== martin [~martin@bzq-82-81-108-248.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
StolenShoeBoxso my res is stuck at this?09:02
arrrrrrhow to make it ask for which partition to install to??09:02
lathiatarrrrrr: Select the manual partitioning option09:02
etorixpartition manually09:02
arrrrrroh there is such thing?09:02
etorixof course09:02
bob2StolenShoeBox: no workaround in the bts?09:03
arrrrrrok.. good then...... i'll probably try ubuntu in my desktop09:03
diego_someone_ didn't read the ncurses-based dialog box in the installer09:03
StolenShoeBoxbob2: bts?09:03
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=== martin is now known as martin_
bob2StolenShoeBox: bugzilla.ubuntu.com09:03
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StolenShoeBoxbob2: it ask me to insert a error code?09:04
bob2StolenShoeBox: eh?09:05
StolenShoeBoxbob2: or bug #09:05
lathiatStolenShoeBox: use the search box09:05
lathiatStolenShoeBox: search for nvidia and look for the bug you mentioned, then open it and see if there is a fix/workaround09:05
StolenShoeBoxlathiat: thx09:06
etorixit was a fix/workaround that got me in the most trouble09:06
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etorixtrying a apt-get remove --purge nvidia-glx09:07
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etorixha ha ha09:07
lathiatetorix: in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:08
lathiatetorix: does it list 640x480 down the bottom09:08
lathiator something else09:08
StolenShoeBoxi cant find anything09:08
etorixi have 3  1024x ..800x .. 640x ..09:08
lathiatand when you go system configuration->resolution09:09
StolenShoeBoxand when i try to run that dpkg thing it says xorg isnt installed or rboken09:09
lathiatit only offers 640x480?09:09
StolenShoeBoxlathiat: same for me09:09
lathiatStolenShoeBox: did you upgrade to hoary?09:09
lathiatStolenShoeBox: right, apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop09:09
etorixso theoretically i should have those choices09:09
lathiatStolenShoeBox: what does it say under Installed:09:09
StolenShoeBoxlathiat: 0.1209:10
lathiatStolenShoeBox: and apt-get update // apt-get dist-upgrade doesn't have anythign new?09:10
lathiatsometimes the upgrade breaks halfway through and leaves things in a broken state09:10
StolenShoeBoxlathiat: ima  newbie =P but ill check it out09:10
lathiatStolenShoeBox: oh sorry09:11
lathiatStolenShoeBox: open synaptic09:11
lathiatStolenShoeBox: reload and then09:11
lathiatStolenShoeBox: upgrade // smart upgrade09:11
lathiatStolenShoeBox: and apply09:11
StolenShoeBoxlathiat: i know how to do it from the term09:11
lathiatStolenShoeBox: [rather than what i said about apt-get] 09:11
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=== lathiat shrug
StolenShoeBoxnothign to eb updated09:11
etorixactually synaptic is very good in ubuntu09:11
lathiatmust be a vert/horiz refresh issue09:12
lathiatetorix: it is indeed09:12
lathiator someting09:12
=== plasmo` [~GAT-X105@103.b.005.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
StolenShoeBoxwhats the command to re config xorg dpkg thing?09:12
=== lathiat doesn't know about diagnosing/fixing those
etorixyeah .. i fixed it on my last install ..09:12
etorixdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:13
=== TheGorf [~gsweet@c-24-18-21-183.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
etorixthat wont fix it tho09:14
=== FallenHitokiri [~Pharao@pD95F11C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
StolenShoeBoxthen what will? =)09:14
etorixyou need to edit xorg.conf09:14
StolenShoeBoxhow would I go about doing that?09:14
etorixi think i pasted in a section or so from a known working xorg.conf09:15
lathiatetorix: "known working" is subjective to your setup09:15
lathiati mean mine would be different from yours09:15
bob2etorix: what exactly is wrong with the generated xorg.conf?09:15
etorixim not sure exactly .. it looks fine09:16
etorixalso im 54-bit hoary09:16
lathiatheh 54bit09:16
StolenShoeBoxmy resolution isnt pleasent guys lol09:16
Grexowhat does "AE" mean?09:17
Grexois AE a word?09:17
etorixi added a bit to the kernel line09:17
Grexoi challenged someone on online scrabble09:17
Grexothey gave em ae09:17
etorixbut that just affects the boot-msgs09:17
StolenShoeBoxGrexo: never new AE was a word09:17
bob2etorix: do you have specific advice on how to fix it, or just "you have to manually edit xorg.conf and the kernel command line"?09:18
Grexostolen i challenged it09:18
Grexogo figure09:18
etorixerm .. i didnt keep notes of how i fixed it last time09:18
StolenShoeBoxstuff like this turns me away from linux09:19
TheGorfCan nautilus be configured to open all folders in a common window, instead of always opening a new window?09:19
StolenShoeBoxwhys it have to be so hard09:19
StolenShoeBoxTheGorf: yes it can trying to remember how i did it09:19
plasmo`TheGoft: edit > perference > behavior >09:20
bob2StolenShoeBox: dude09:20
StolenShoeBoxwhat he said09:20
bob2StolenShoeBox: you're using the DEVELOPMENT version of ubuntu09:20
bob2it's expected to break09:20
StolenShoeBoxbob2: i understand but still even when im useing stable linux distro stuff just doesnt work09:20
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StolenShoeBoxlike my web cam09:21
bob2StolenShoeBox: for example?09:21
StolenShoeBoxor my mic09:21
bob2StolenShoeBox: does linux support your webcam at all?09:21
StolenShoeBoxi have no idea09:21
StolenShoeBoxbut still09:21
heero17web cams09:21
heero17i think09:21
heero17u should see this page09:21
TheGorfStolenShoeBox that same "feature" of Linux is a double edged sword.  On the plus side you can edit and hack any file you want.  on the down side you can edit and hack any file you want.09:21
heero17type the model and pray  :D09:21
bob2if your manufacturer refuses to let linux support it, there's not much anyone can do09:22
StolenShoeBoxthx heero1709:22
bob2if it is supported, but doesn't work, please file a bug so it can be fixed for the next release09:22
heero17try with gnomemeeting ;) always works09:22
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=== telemaco [~telemaco@110.Red-81-35-228.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
StolenShoeBoxdo do do09:23
TheGorfAh I see my file management option is here.  The text of the option is a bit misleading imo.  But I have found what I was looking for.09:24
StolenShoeBoxwell i guess ill have to reinstall ubuntu09:24
StolenShoeBoxthx for trying to help guys09:24
StolenShoeBoxor I could always go back to windoze09:24
StolenShoeBoxor get a mac09:24
heero17mac only is good to one thing, run linux :D09:24
TheGorfNO NO!  Don't give up and run back to Windoh's yet.09:24
plasmoor a xbox09:24
heero17lol the g4 is kool09:25
StolenShoeBoxthe g5 is cool09:25
heero17lol yeah the xbox kase too ;)09:25
etorixnah g509:25
StolenShoeBoxmac os x is unix09:25
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etorixid get a imacg5 if i could put a 6800 in it09:25
bob2StolenShoeBox: erm, you don't need to reinstall09:25
TheGorfWhen I worked on campus at M$FT I brought in my XBox with Linux on it...09:25
StolenShoeBoxbob2: than what shall i do =(09:25
bob2StolenShoeBox: but if you do, why not stick with the stable version until you're a bit more ready to deal with issues in the development one.09:25
TheGorfpeople were not amused and I was told to take it home immediately09:26
StolenShoeBoxbob2: i was going to install warty =P09:26
bob2StolenShoeBox: I'm pretty sure there's a workaround in the BTS, but asking on the list will probably get you a solution, too09:26
etorixgood idea09:26
heero17somebody has taste the amd64?09:26
StolenShoeBoxwell ya im sure ill be back so asking how to burn cds and what not09:26
StolenShoeBoxgood night fellas09:26
etorixim on a amd6409:26
heero17good nite09:27
TheGorfIf I found a hiccup in FireFox that seems to only happen on my Warty install, should I file a bug against it?  Or is that a FireFox bug?09:27
heero17and how much time take compile something etorix?09:27
bob2TheGorf: please do09:27
etorixon ubuntu ? dunno .. i aint compiled anything on ubuntu09:27
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heero17ok well do this09:28
Grexoscrabble voided ur09:28
Grexobut gave AE09:28
Triple5-Metorix, u use ubuntu ?09:28
Grexowtf :P09:28
heero17cat /proc/cpuinfo09:28
heero17how many bogomips have u amd64?09:28
etorixgenerally 64-bit is equally fast .. 64-bit needs more ram09:28
bob2bogomips is a really bad benchmark09:28
etorixwell mostly with powernowd im @1004mhz09:29
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heero17somebody here use enlightenment?09:31
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Grexoill enlighten u09:34
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ik5pvxthe bottom panel now has the buttons too small ... anyone know what changed ?09:50
bob2using hoary?09:50
=== FaBBietto [~Fabio@adsl-238-158.38-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
ik5pvxI get only one button for 4 xterms, and they are all about 100 pixel wide09:51
ik5pvxso they don't show the path in it anymore, just the program name09:51
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calcyea new gnome 2.9.3 is teh sux ;)09:54
calcwell at least that part does seem a bit sucky09:54
ik5pvxa poor default choice, at least09:55
calcthe grouping is ok (though should be an option) but it should still be expanding to fill the width of the taskbar09:55
ik5pvxgrouping used to happen only if you had filled the panel already09:55
calcmy taskbar is only using maybe 1/10th of its available space now and i can't read any of the items09:55
calcik5pvx: ah09:55
calcthen yes this change is evil overall09:56
ik5pvxnow happens always09:56
ik5pvxthis REALLY sucks09:56
calci rarely ran enough stuff to force it to group i guess09:56
ik5pvxI usally have at least 4 xterms open, plus mozilla, an editor and some more shit... er.. stuff09:56
ik5pvxgrouping defeats the purpose of having the path in the xterm title09:57
calcwell you can click on the xterm group and see all the paths there09:57
ik5pvxmakes it 2 clicks instead of one09:57
calcbut currently its not even wide enough for one title09:57
ik5pvxI'm browing into the configuration editor but can't find where this is set09:59
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calcik5pvx: appears there is no setting, i already looked for it09:59
calci'm not sure if its a bug or a new "feature"09:59
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calcif its a feature i want it to go away10:00
calcthere isn't enough space for any app to possibly put a name there10:00
calconly icon (1 letter)...10:00
ik5pvxwhat's the name of the button area?10:01
calcwindow list10:01
Lionel2Okay... well... I tried the Live CD For Ubunto ("x86 addition") and When i booted windows again (After running the Demo CD thing) There were shitloads of corrupt files... I don't know if this had to do with Shutting down Impropperly Windows... or if it had to do with useing The Ubunto Live cd... I thought the LIVE cd didn't touch your Hard disk and only used Ram and the CD ROM???10:02
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bob2I really really doubt it was due to the live cd10:02
Lionel2Its probably cuz I didn't shutdown properly :P10:03
Lionel2uh... is this a bob I know?10:03
calcnot shutting windows down properly can cause it to completely corrupt your filesystem, its done that to me before when it crashed10:03
ik5pvxfound something10:03
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Lionel2Arg... Okay.. good thing it only corrupted repairable stuff10:04
Lionel2"Bob2" Is it allright If I p/m you with somthing for a sec?10:04
bob2er, I guess so10:04
ik5pvxinside configuration editor10:04
=== GregoryD [~GregD@ip68-14-44-132.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ik5pvxthere's a group-window = auto setting10:04
Lionel2Its just that you have to ask I think to Pm people on Freenode10:05
bob2you don't have to, but it's polite10:05
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lathiatgah my gnome-panel is b0rked again, sigh10:05
ik5pvxcalc, I think it's a bug10:06
ik5pvxgrouping is still set as auto but it behaves as always10:06
calcik5pvx: yea i don't see anything settable regarding it taking full space10:06
calconly an overall max/min size for the list itself10:06
ik5pvxlathiat, borked in what sense ? we were just discussing the always grouped appearance of the window list10:07
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GregoryDback to the same problem...10:07
lathiatik5pvx: theres an option for that10:08
lathiatmy gnome-panel comes up10:08
lathiatbut no icons or anything10:08
lathiatjust gray10:08
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lathiatand not right clickable10:08
lathiatsame with nautilus10:08
calclathiat: yes there is an option but with 2.9.3 its broken10:08
darktuxlo everyone10:08
lathiathappened on my old laptop after a hoary upgrade10:08
lathiatnew one was fine10:08
lathiateven rebooted10:08
lathiatthen rebooted again and its broken now10:08
lathiati dont get ti10:08
calclathiat: it apparently makes the items as small as possible and forces grouping always10:08
lathiathave to go hunting for error messages10:08
ik5pvxlathiat, we fond the option but it behaves like HE wants, instead as I want :)10:08
lathiatik5pvx: yeh i kinda noticed that10:08
GregoryDI installed kde from the repositories on a fresh install w/ update on ubuntu, and my sound is completely dead now in either gnome or kde... I've tried disabling the kde sound system in kde to see if that would help, but I still have the same problem10:09
darktuxHave someone got problems whith totem?10:10
GregoryDI can't seem to find any websites that resolve the matter10:10
darktuxIt crashes when I try to play anything10:10
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ik5pvxchanging group_windows to never gives a maze of tiny little icons10:10
GregoryDanyone know where I might start figuring this sound problem out?10:11
ik5pvxchanging the minimum_size does nothing, I guess that's the culprit10:11
calcminimum size probably has to do with how small you can make the list10:11
calceg set it larger and drag the list tab over as far as it will let10:11
calcthe list can make the items even smaller than they currently are10:12
ik5pvxI've noticed that10:14
=== xskoulax|blah gives heart felt thanks to the creator of the Ubuntu live cd
=== xskoulax|blah is now known as xskoulax
xskoulaxubuntu linux just saved 10.8gb worth of my data10:15
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GregoryDheh, it's given me headaches... I'm trying to figure out my sound issue and getting nowhere fast10:16
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ik5pvxbah... rsync hates me today... anyone else receiving "max connections (15) reached" trying to rsync the archives ?10:20
bob2probably everyone aside from the first 15 people who tried ;-)10:20
bob2use a dufferent mirror10:20
=== lathiat grins at bob2
lathiatAnyone know what would cause gnome-panel to be blank and not respond to any input events (even the dialogs it popped up because a applet failed to load i cant click buttons) -- and nautilus has no icons, can't right click (has a background image tho) -- i had upgraded hoary and it was working fine, i reven rebooted, i rebooted again and its broken again [i might have upgraded a couple extra packages in between, not sure] 10:21
lathiati can't see any schema errors or anything in xsession-errors10:22
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miausXhi!!! :D10:22
bob2known bug10:22
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miausXmerry xmas!!! ;DD10:23
lathiatbob2: any information on why tho?10:23
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bob2seb128 broke my gnome panel!10:24
lathiatis there a bug for this particular issue with any extra information?10:24
bob2yeah, don't know the number, tho10:24
=== lathiat ponders how to open a browser window
bob2you need to kill some processes or something, iirc10:24
lathiatahh, gnome-terminal tabs :)10:24
ik5pvxlathiat, if it can help, I had an applet crash in the past days (the weather applet) and if I closed the session and reopened panel would say another panel was already running. No panel at all would come out.10:25
calcnice i just upgraded and killed my system too :\10:26
=== calc brb
bob2logging in and out a few times fixed it, iirc10:26
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lathiatbob2: any idea of anything in the title of the bug? [cant find it under gnome-panel] 10:28
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=== calc back
lathiatseb128: Do you know the bug# or something i can search for to find the bug regarding gnome-panel/nautilus being blank/unresponsive on login? [hoary[10:30
=== lathiat can't seem to find it
seb128killall gnome-panel nautilus gnome-vfs-daemon trashapplet10:31
seb128should workaround it10:31
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lathiatrightio thanks10:32
lathiatyeh i just did kill -9 -1 in a terminal10:32
lathiatfixed it10:32
calcseb128: how about the evil window list bug?10:32
bob229#4918 seems to be it10:33
calcah ok :)10:33
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lathiatseb128: cheers10:33
seb128calc: what bug ?10:34
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calci see its being worked on already though :)10:35
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MacGyver|someone tried installing the Linux Game Publishing Game "Majesty" ? Seems so that Ubuntus glibc breaks the lgp installer10:37
vegaihardly any old game works out of the box without some tweaking10:38
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MacGyver|the installer works on suse 9.1 or debian sid10:38
vegaioh, really? That's odd ;)10:39
MacGyver|so it should work with ubuntu too..10:39
bob2why do you think it's a problem with glibc?10:39
vegaiwhen did you try it on sid?10:39
vegai'cause glibc is a fetid piece of garbage? =)10:39
MacGyver|good question . 4 weeks ago or so10:39
vegaiwhat kind of an error do you get?10:40
MacGyver|Please contact LGP Technical Support at support@linuxgamepublishing.com10:40
MacGyver|Continuing with install ...10:40
MacGyver|LGP Uninstall Tool not found, running installation program10:40
MacGyver|lgp_uninstall/setup.sh: line 53:  9017 Speicherzugriffsfehler  "$setup" $*10:40
MacGyver|The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.110:40
MacGyver|so it just segfault10:40
vegaiah, yes10:40
vegaithat is fixable10:40
vegaithe thing you have to do is run the installer with some switch that makes the installer not clean after failure10:40
MacGyver|export POSIX2_VERSION=199209 wont fix the problem10:40
vegaithen you go replace one binary, and run the installer again10:40
vegaithere should be instructions for this on the web10:40
MacGyver|which website ?10:41
MacGyver|unbuntu one ?10:41
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heero17:) plasmo u use gtk?10:53
plasmoyeah o_O10:53
heero17and u know how change the theme of a gtk 1.0?10:54
plasmoi dunno.. lol10:54
bob2'switch' from the gtk-theme-switch package10:54
heero17yes but gtk-theme-switch only works with gtk-2.010:54
bob2switch works on gtk1.210:55
bob22 works on gtk 210:55
vegaifor some definition of "work", anyway10:56
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bob2in what sense does it not work?10:57
heero17well mm i try install a theme a gtk 1.0 theme10:57
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heero17but dont change the aparence of gtk 1.0 applications, well whatever i dont have a lot of gtk 1.0 applications, but10:58
heero17i like the themes with look like as enligthenment10:58
xskoulaxyep, ubuntu live cd sure did rescue the 10.8 gig windows was determined to trash10:59
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=== xskoulax buys ubuntu devs virtual beers
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xskoulaxor beverage of their choice if beer or alcohol isn't their thing ;)11:00
=== derJunior [~derJunior@p5480A19A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2hm, I think most of 'em like their beer11:01
bob2or "beer" in the case of that warm brown liquid the brits drink11:01
xskoulaxyea but some of the devs could follow islam, or just be tea-total11:02
=== xskoulax was being inclusive ;P
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xskoulaxbut yea most brits, like their Beer11:03
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heero17k tal?11:06
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lathiatseb128: thanks dude, i was going to submit a patch but wasn't sure if it was a problem having them straight from debian11:17
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KobrAs_hey, just got the ubuntu cd's home, going to install, thanks11:19
seb128lathiat: np11:19
Triple5|MobileKobrAs_, me2 lol11:20
lathiatseb128: that uploaded to hoary main now?11:20
wezzermerry christmas to everyone!11:20
Triple5|MobileI upgraded to hoary and it changed my mind about what I thought about warty, because warty runs really bad on my slow pc but hoary is better11:20
KobrAs_merry xmas wezzer11:20
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seb128lathiat: no, gnome meta is a part of universe not main11:21
lathiatseb128: uh yeh, same diff sorry :)11:21
seb128yep, it has been uploaded11:21
lathiatjust meant uploaded :)11:21
seb128should be here within one hour11:21
wezzerany news about ubuntu cd's?11:22
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Triple5|MobileKobrAs_, I recommend you upgrade to hoary everything seems to change menus and kernel :)11:22
wezzerI was on holiday in re, Sweden11:22
Triple5|Mobileits about 276mb and then another 116mb I think first aptitude update, aptitude upgrade, and then aptitude dist-upgade11:23
Triple5|MobileMERRY CHRISTMAS11:23
vegaihow far is Hoary from release?11:24
lathiatvegai: Hoary is due for release in april next year11:24
lathiatetorix: so 4 months11:24
lathiatetorix: woops11:24
lathiatvegai: so 4 months, you can see a release schedule in the wiki under WartyWarthog11:24
lathiatarghh i suck11:24
lathiatHoaryHedgehog :)11:24
KobrAs_Triple5|Mobile, i will11:24
vegaiaye... so it might not be a good idea to recommend it?11:25
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Triple5|MobileKobrAs_, goodluck ;) I like hoary11:25
lathiatvegai: Not really ,no11:25
lathiati mean it works fine for most people11:25
Triple5|MobileKobrAs_, how fast is your pc?11:25
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KobrAs_oh, a p4 2.8 ht11:25
KobrAs_its fast11:25
lathiatBut, ideally, don't want inexperienced usings getting upset and going off ubuntu/linux because its not working, etc11:26
KobrAs_going to install my dvd-rw then ubuntu11:26
vegaiare there really some optimizations or is Triple5|Mobile suffering from placebo effect? =)11:26
=== lathiat bangs his brain on the desk
KobrAs_thanks guys.11:26
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vegai(I just read from usenet that "you get 50% higher framerate in UT2004 if you compile your entire system from source" ;-D11:27
Triple5|Mobilevegai, I dont know maybe Ubuntu operates very slow on my Celeron 635mhz 256mb desktop and hoary was running faster but not to say it was 100% good yet11:27
lathiatthats crap heh11:27
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lathiatTriple5|Mobile: Warty and Hoary ran quit enicely on my 266mhz laptop with 192mb ram11:27
vegaino, it was actually "50% quicker framerate", which made the sentence even funnier ;)11:27
lathiati mean it wasn't speedy but it was no means slow11:28
vegaiyou might've guessed that the speaker was a gentoo-fan11:28
lathiatvegai: heh :)11:28
lathiatnooo...never! :)11:28
Triple5|Mobilelathiat, well11:28
Triple5|Mobilelathiat, try having a browser, gaim, xchat term open at the sametime11:28
lathiatTriple5|Mobile: i often had gaim a browser and gnome-terminal going11:28
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vegaiTriple5|Mobile: yep ok. I wonder what they changed to accomplish this11:29
vegaiperhaps your hardware is better supported by x.org?11:29
lathiatthats quite a big possibility11:29
lathiatvideo tends to make a bigger difference than i would have thought11:29
Triple5|Mobilelathiat, forgot about xchat :)11:29
lathiatTriple5|Mobile: yeh, i dont use xchat :)11:29
Triple5|Mobilelathiat, exactly11:29
niggI'm going to be installing Ubuntu within the next few days. It was recommended by a friend. I'm not familiar with upgrading. When there is a new release, is there a need to reformat & install (like you would do ideally with Windows), or is there some other process?11:29
Triple5|Mobileit has to do with video then11:29
lathiatbut still11:29
lathiatis xchat really that bad?11:29
vegainigg: no need to reformat/install, ever ;)11:30
lathiatnigg: No, you can upgrade easily (doesn't even need a reboot!)11:30
niggno way?11:30
lathiatNo, serious :)11:30
lathiatyou use the package management tool11:30
lathiatpoint it at the new release, and ask it to do an upgrade11:30
lathiatand wait a while11:30
vegaionly if you upgrade the kernel, a reboot is handy11:30
lathiatvegai: well, yes11:30
vegaiand even then, I don't think it's necessary11:30
lathiatbut its not forced as part of the process11:30
lathiatman i just got a new 2.0Ghz Pentium-M laptop and it flies11:31
Triple5|Mobilevery nice getting a new kernel so easy11:31
lathiatwas using a 266mhz laptop for the last year or so11:31
lathiatcan finally hack on evolution some more11:31
Triple5|Mobilelathiat, I have a Amd Athlon XP-M 2800+ :)11:31
niggone more question, I plan on putting Win2k fresh on a 40gb drive, and Ubuntu on another 20gb drive. Will Ubuntu recognize my Windows drive, and set up some sort of dual-boot, or am I required to configure some 3rd party tool or...?11:31
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vegaiI'm pretty sure it will recognize it. Just install Windows first11:32
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vegaiand if it doesn't you'll just need to add a few lines to a file11:32
lathiatTheres no reason it shouldn't auto-add it11:33
niggright on :)11:33
lathiathell it even found the debian install on my firewire drive from when the drive was in another computer :)11:33
lathiatnigg: Just make sure you install windows first11:33
Triple5|MobileI'm thinking of dual-booting too but its been a few weeks since I havent dual-boot i'm a linux n00b anyways and I kinda like forgot somestuff I remember now I did qtparted from Mepis, then installed BeatrIX then installed Kanotix and added the other OS to Kanoti'x boot hehe how simple qt parted , ah I'll use cfdisk this time11:33
RuffianSoldiernigg - I installed Win2k - BeatrIX and SUSE 9.1 - and Ubuntu automatically added them to dual boot!11:33
lathiatbecause windows overwrites the boot-sector and will stop you booting linux11:33
lathiatthat can be fixed (come and ask for help if that happens) - but its just easier to install windows first11:34
niggalright, thanks for the info guys!11:34
Triple5|MobileRuffianSoldier, I noticed Ubuntu doesnt even have a boot loader its text for me11:35
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plasmoofcourse it has a boot loader :)11:36
bob2ubuntu has a boot loader (grub), but that doesn't have anything to do with graphics11:36
RuffianSoldierhaha ya11:36
Triple5|Mobilewell i dont see no boot splash11:37
bob2that's a different matter11:37
bob2it wasn't included, since it's a terrible hack11:37
bob2hoary will have something better for people who care about it11:37
RuffianSoldierpress esc and you will have ather OS options11:38
RuffianSoldierplasmo - i hear that game blows11:38
plasmoyeah i used to play it long ago11:38
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plasmoi was seeing if there was a ragnarok channel in freenode lol11:39
RuffianSoldierI WANT GUILD WARS!11:39
plasmoguild wars. i hear alot about it but nah its not the game for me11:40
RuffianSoldierits a MMORPG without a monthly free!11:40
RuffianSoldieryou cant go wrong11:40
RuffianSoldierand from a few Blizzard devs :-D11:41
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lathiatOfftopic guys11:41
plasmotheres alot of mmorpgs out there without monthly fees :)11:41
RuffianSoldierya :-\ not good ones11:41
RuffianSoldieranyway - back to Ubuntu11:41
Fator_DeePlaneShift looks quite good11:42
RuffianSoldierwhat is that?11:42
Fator_Deealthough it's nowere near complete11:43
RuffianSoldiercan we go back to the topic?11:43
plasmoa opensource win/linux/mac mmorpg11:43
RuffianSoldiernow were talkin11:43
=== Triple5 [~dr@pool-162-84-201-99.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fator_Deeand there should be a new release very soon11:44
RuffianSoldier100% free?11:44
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RuffianSoldierAND 3D!11:44
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RuffianSoldierHolly Jeepers batman!11:44
Fator_Deeyes :-)11:44
Fator_Deeso help out and weed the bugs11:44
Triple5RuffianSoldier, hoary!!!11:45
RuffianSoldierwhat about it?11:45
housetierit seems they arent sure whats done and what not: http://screenshots.mine.nu/showimg.php?file=/1103885090.jpeg11:45
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=== RuffianSoldier is liking the looks of Plain Shift :-D
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RuffianSoldierwheres your robot friend Dengar?11:49
RuffianSoldierthought he never leaves your side11:49
RuffianSoldierStar Wars11:49
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RuffianSoldierthe bounty hunter Dengar11:49
Dengarow :P11:49
RuffianSoldierhas a Robot11:49
RuffianSoldiera Droid11:50
DengarI know11:50
RuffianSoldierI prefer IG-8811:50
Dengarwell he is not a real robot, but became a robot11:50
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RuffianSoldierim thinking of getting Star Wars battle fronts Dengar11:52
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LoFHey could i request some assistance please with my ubuntu installation?11:56
LoFWell i installed it all well and good and i read on the site to set the root password u must do this while logged in right11:57
LoFsudo passwd root11:57
Fator_Deeit's your account's11:57
lathiatLoF: for most purposes you don't need to do that11:57
Fator_Deeargh, didn't read properly11:57
lathiatLoF: all of the root-requiring stuff in ubuntu uses sudo11:57
lathiatLoF: which only needs your password11:58
LoFWell when i try to extract a file into / it says i dont have correct permissions11:58
RuffianSoldierLoF -- SUDO works fine - but if you must - sudo passws - then put in your user pass11:58
LoFyes i tried that still didnt work when i attempted to login11:58
bob2LoF: what exact command did you run?11:59
bob2and what are you trying to untar into /?11:59
LoFsudo passwd root11:59
LoFthen changed the pass11:59
LoFerm something i need for my perticular modem11:59
RuffianSoldiersudo -s11:59
LoFWhat does that do?11:59
bob2'sudo tar -zxf /patch/to/foo.tar.gz' will work12:00
bob2but untarring stuff into / is generally a really bad idea12:00
RuffianSoldierg'night all12:00
LoFits not a tar file is a rpm12:00
lathiata modem driver in a .rpm12:01
lathiatis very unlikely to work on ubuntu12:01
LoFCmon dont laugh12:01
lathiatbut you can use 'alien' to convert it to a .deb and dpkg -i the .deb it produces12:01
RuffianSoldierUbuntu uses modified .debs not rpms12:01
bob2they're not modified12:01
bob2if it's just source, it will work fine, probably12:01
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lathiatLoF: so sudo alien file.rpm12:01
lathiatLoF: then sudo dpkg -i file.deb12:01
bob2\use alien to convert it to as tar.gz, and untar that in /usr/src or something12:01
RuffianSoldierwell - modified libs I mean bob212:01
RuffianSoldierhappy holidays - im out12:02
RuffianSoldiernight all12:02
LoFalright thanks for the help12:02
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nigghi hi hi there12:10
zenkovSomebody knows, whether there is a file /etc/init.d/esd ?12:11
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bob2as you can see, no :)12:11
zenkovI removed something and now I do not have sound :-)12:11
bob2what did you remove?12:12
zenkovI dont remember. But I remember that have removed a packages with arts12:13
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zenkovi simply tried to speed up process of loading and performance of system12:14
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zenkovBy default the system is loaded very slowly12:16
monhi, i'm about to install some restricted modules. i want the K7 version, but i can choose from 10 versions?12:16
Fator_Deezenkov: how slow?12:16
monnevermind, got it now :)12:17
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zenkovFator_Dee: 1 minute (with XFree and GNOME)12:18
Fator_Deeand that's slow :-p12:18
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Fator_Deeimo that's fast12:18
zenkovhm :-)12:18
bob2it's down to 29 seconds12:19
zenkovand GNOME and 2D(!) games, too work very slowly12:19
bob2on what sort of hardware?12:20
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zenkovAthlon 700, 640Mb, RivaTNT212:21
zenkovthe slowest programs, it nautilus and gnome-panel12:22
bob2are you using hoary?12:22
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Fator_Deethere's now a windows client available to download at the PlaneShift site01:04
wood1Hi to all01:04
Fator_Deealthough you have to haxor the url to be able to download it :-p01:05
wood1Amaranth, how do I connect to my Ubuntu PC from a Windows PC using SSH ?01:05
wood1I am using Secure Shell in Windows?01:05
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wood1How do I use Secure Shell in Windows to connect to my Ubuntu PC ?01:06
AcidPilswood1: try putty01:06
wood1Well I did but somehow I can't connect to my Ubuntu PC01:07
ograwood1: you need to install a ssh server on your ubuntu..... there is none by default01:07
wood1Doesn't SecureShell work01:07
wood1Yes I have installed it on my Ubuntu PC01:07
ograwood1: openssh-server ?01:07
wood1How do I install openssh-server01:08
AcidPilsapt-get install openssh-server01:08
ograwood1: or with synaptic01:09
AcidPilsor with aptitude ;)01:09
ograAcidPils: and sudo ;)01:09
AcidPilsno sudo01:09
AcidPilssudo sucks01:09
AcidPilsi created a root user ;)01:09
ograAcidPils: sudo is great and you gain absolutely nothing if you create a root user....just makes your sys insecure01:10
wood1It says that that openssh-server is already the newest version01:10
wood1Well the problem is connecting from a Windows PC01:10
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wood1There's no problem connecting from a Linux PC01:11
wood1using SSH01:11
ograwood1: is it running ? else start it with: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start01:11
AcidPilsogra: i agree, but i am fuckin lazy ;)01:11
ograAcidPils: heh.....if you know what you do..... :)01:11
wood1Yup, it is running01:12
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ograwood1: then putty should work01:13
ograwood1: do you have SP2 installed on your XP ?01:13
bob2can you ping the linux machine from the windows machine?01:13
ograwood1: it locks some ports afaik01:13
wood1Yes I can ping it01:14
AcidPilsmaybe have a look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config or does the basic config work?01:15
AcidPilsi used an oldone so i dont know01:15
bob2the default config should work01:15
bob2I'd be guessing a bug on the windows side01:16
ograAcidPils: the default works just fine....01:16
AcidPilsit is always a windows bug if somthing doesnt work ;)01:16
ograAcidPils: he already sid it works from linux ;)01:16
AcidPilsoh, i didnt read that mea culpa, mea maxima culpa ;)01:16
ograAcidPils: btw: frohe weihnachten.... ;)01:17
AcidPils*g* frohe ostern triffts eher bei dem wetter ;)01:17
ograbob2: merry xmas01:17
bob2ogra: hah, merry $holiday to you, too01:18
AcidPilsi hate it... i dint get any presents till now :(01:18
bob2btw, you made your sig on my key irrevocable...I don't think I'm worth that level of trust :)01:18
ograheh.... havent had figured out all that stuff.....but you are not daniels, so i hope you dont load your key to weird places ;)01:20
ograwas my first ksp..... still learning all that gpg stuff.....(but i'm more lucky then sivang.....he lost his passphrase)01:21
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Lathiat2seb128: wrt panel/nautilus coming up -- just killed al my processes 3 times and its still borked, interesting...01:25
dkghow to install mplayer?01:25
bob2oh, dang01:25
Lathiat2dkg: please read the wiki on the website01:25
bob2dkg: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:25
dkgits in sources.list.01:26
Lathiat2dkg: so install the packages it tells you to01:26
ograwont work, marillat changed the dependencys :(01:26
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Lathiat2oh yeh, not in warty01:26
Lathiat2too bad01:26
bob2well, it was always temporary01:26
bob2someone needs to start building them for ubuntu01:27
seb128Lathiat2: what about panel/nautilus ?01:27
ograi would, but i pay for the bandwith of my server..... the mataro pics will already cost a lt01:27
dkgon my way.01:27
Lathiat2seb128: just killing one process?01:27
seb128to do what ?01:28
bob2yeah, and the legal issues will be interesting01:28
Lathiat2seb128: well nautilus is no go, my panel (after first killing processes) now has a working showdesktop and window list, the rest is blank and still no right clicking on either panel01:28
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seb128Lathiat2: killall nautilus gnome-panel gnome-vfs-daemon trashapplet01:29
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Lathiat2ahh, gnome-vfs-daemon isnt running01:30
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ograbob2: gtw, where are your pics ? will you upload them anywhere ?01:31
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bob2oh, yeah, forgot about that01:31
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bob2I will put them up, once I've sorted 'em out01:31
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ograbob2: there should be a place on the wiki to upload i guess there are a lot of ppl that have no place to put them01:32
LoFHmm sorry to come back again but could i ask does anyone here use a bt voyager 105 with ubuntu?01:32
LoFyes i know they suck :P01:32
bob2hm, if you'd told me it was costing you, I'd have hosted 'em for you01:33
Lathiat2seb128: where does the gnomevfs daemon executable hide?01:33
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Rene_SIn Gnome Hell01:33
seb128Lathiat2: don't bother to run it, it's automatically started by GNOME stuff01:33
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ograbob2: i can bear this.... its only some euroes 5 or ten for the extra bits :) but thanks01:33
Lathiat2seb128: yeh, but its not :)01:33
Lathiat2seb128: just thought id try run it, did that, killalled as above and it crashed01:33
seb128so restart your session01:34
seb128it should automatically restart01:34
seb128don't bother01:34
Lathiat2heh ok01:34
bob2ogra: np01:34
seb128Lathiat2: BTW it's /usr/lib/gnome-vfs2/gnome-vfs-daemon01:34
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Lathiat2seb128: yeh found it thanks01:37
Lathiat2yeh its not being started or crashing01:37
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Lathiat2every time i login01:37
seb128it is for sure01:38
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Lathiat2would it be usefull for me to build one with debug symbols and try to debug it or?01:38
seb128what's the problem ?01:38
seb128warty or hoary ?01:39
seb128libgnomevfs2-0-dbg has the symbols01:39
seb128no need to rebuild01:39
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Lathiat2ah sweet01:39
Lathiat2does that package contain the daemon?01:39
seb128but what kind of bug do you have ?01:40
Lathiat2panel comes up blank01:40
Lathiat2nautilus as well01:40
Lathiat2cant right click etc01:40
Lathiat2on login01:40
Lathiat2every time01:40
seb128that's a well known problem01:40
seb128with already backtraces provided01:40
seb128and known upstream01:40
Lathiat2ah right01:40
Lathiat2got a bug #?01:40
Lathiat2(sorry thought you already knew the problem cus i mentioned it above)01:41
seb128<seb128> Lathiat2: killall nautilus gnome-panel gnome-vfs-daemon trashapplet01:41
Lathiat2seb128: yeh that doesnt do anything01:41
Lathiat2they come back dead again01:41
seb128you use the drive applet ?01:41
Lathiat2probably because gnome-vfs-daemon isnt running at all01:41
Lathiat2yeh i do01:41
seb128so you need to add it on the line01:41
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Lathiat2i use quite a few applets01:41
Lathiat2should i kill them all?01:41
seb128you need to kill all the process using gnome-vfs-daemon01:41
seb128just add drive2_.. (don't remember the name)01:42
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mdkehi guys, what package provides the font "Nimbus Roman"?01:43
Lathiat2seb128: no luck01:43
Lathiat2well actually i got an evolution icon in my top panel, i guess thats a start01:43
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HOKUMlo ppl :)01:45
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Rene_SIs Acpi and Apm only usefull for laptops ?01:47
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mdkehi bob201:49
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Rene_SWow, what an answer :)01:50
Rene_SGuess I will look it up later on01:51
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Lathiat2Did you expect a 10 page essay on the issue?01:51
Rene_SSure why not01:51
HOKUMi got 22 cds of UBUNTU linux today,for free...11 sets live CD + install CD....01:51
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anirhey guys how are you all doing?01:51
Lathiat2well if you deposit $50 into my bank accoutn for each page, sure i'll write one01:52
HOKUMRene_S:apm is shuting down your PC so you dont have to push power button,etc.... ;)01:52
bob2Rene_S: "no, it is useful on desktops too, since you can do things like throttle the cpu and put the machine into low power modes to saave electricity"01:52
Lathiat2alot more featurews are used in laptops, but it is used on desktops too, essentially01:52
Rene_Sah ok01:52
mdkeHas anyone else noticed that the font Nimbus Roman No 9 L (and I believe some other fonts too) have no BOLD? I'm sure this is an upstream bug and i'd like to search for it, but I don't know where :( Can someone help me out?01:52
Rene_SI will keep it then, just wasnt sure01:53
Rene_Sthanks for the info01:53
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HOKUMagain...i got free cds,lot of them...so what is official mail adress of ubuntu linux?i cant find it on their webby...it seems i am stupid today,or so...01:53
Lathiat2seb128: I don't see how those bugs are related because a) g-v-d has crashed, not spinning on a mutex and b) i havent restarted hal or dbus01:54
seb128Lathiat2: perhaps but since you provide 0 details on your bug ...01:54
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seb128Lathiat2: the "panel and nautilus are frozen" for everybody atm is a gnome-vfs-daemon locked01:55
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Lathiat2seb128: yes but i explained to you that g-v-d had crashed01:55
Lathiat2so i'll try debug it then01:55
seb128Lathiat2: what's g-v-d ?01:55
seb128it should respawn01:56
Lathiat2but it doesnt, thats the thing01:56
seb128if it doesn't restart your session01:56
Lathiat2i did that01:56
Lathiat2doesnt help01:56
seb128reboot so :)01:56
Lathiat2did that too :)01:56
bob2HOKUM: which address do you mean?01:56
seb128Lathiat2: ok, good luck so01:56
Lathiat2twice :)01:56
=== Lathiat2 breaks out gdb
HOKUMbob2:any adress,i just want to say thanks to them,and to ask some questions :) so some support/advertising/distribution center mail,some sort of?01:57
Lathiat2seb128: hrm.. need a libgnomevfs2-common-dbg (for debugging symbols of gnome-vfs-daemon)01:58
Lathiat2guess i will have to rebuild :)01:58
bob2HOKUM: if you want to send fanmail, info@ubuntulinux.org01:59
bob2HOKUM: if you want help with something, the user list in the topic is the place to ask01:59
HOKUMthanks bob2 :)01:59
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wood1Sorry but how do I connect to a Ubuntu PC from Windows ?02:06
wood1I am using Secure Shell in Windows02:06
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ograwood1: still no luck ?02:07
HOKUMwood1:maybe with Samba?02:07
wood1Samba works fine02:07
ograwood1: is any firewall SW on the win box running ?02:07
wood1It's just SSH from Windows which is not working02:07
wood1Any ideas for the port and the password types02:08
_hbbs hi, I've just had some problems starting gnome, the problem was something with read/write access to a file /home/user/.ICEauthority02:08
_hbbs the file belongs to root:root and permissions were 600 - I changed that to 66602:08
wood1The hostname is my Ubuntu's PC IP Address:02:08
_hbbs now gnome starts up normally, but I really wonder what went wrong02:08
ogra_hbbs: so you installed buggy kde software ;)02:08
_hbbsogra, you are right02:08
ogra_hbbs: k3b02:08
pisukewood1, you can use putty (ssh), vnc or exceed (xserver term for windows)02:08
_hbbsI recentliy installed k3b02:08
ogra_hbbs: remove /home/user/.ICEauthority02:08
wood1Can't Secure SSH do the trick ?02:09
bob2wood1: it sounds very much like a problem on the windows machine02:09
pisuke_hbbs, just remove .ICEauthority02:09
ogra_hbbs: its known.....described on the wiki in the k3b install instructions02:09
wood1Ok I will try Putty02:09
_hbbsjust remove it would do the trick? Why does gnome try to write to the file?02:09
_hbbsogra, ill look that up, thanks02:09
pisukewood1, and make sure you have installed ssh-server on ubuntu02:09
ogra_hbbs: X writes to it.....02:09
ogra_hbbs: but noramlly not in your home02:10
wood1I have already installed the OepnSSH Server02:10
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wood1OpenSSH Server on the Ubuntu PC02:10
ograwood1: take putty, should work02:10
pisukewood1, ok. then putty should work fine02:10
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hbbs_I hate our network's router ...02:13
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djuusswhy is firefox crashing all the time?02:25
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bob2does it affect other users, or just tours?02:26
vladsterwow what a crowd, anybody awake02:26
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ogradjuuss: did you run it with sudo at any time ?02:26
djuusswhy should i02:26
zenkovHow to return cursor XFree?02:26
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ogra djuuss: dunno, there are such crazy ppl02:27
xevildjuuss I haven't had a problem with it... what version and on what linux?02:27
djuussjust the version that comes with warty02:27
vladsterquestion, what is the current Kernel offering with ubuntu02:27
zenkovNew cursor it is not pleasant to me02:27
ogradjuuss: mine works fine here, on all my systems02:28
vladsterXfree86 of Xorg?02:28
ogravladster: xfree in stable xorg in unstable02:28
djuussit used to work fine, but now its unusable02:28
ogravladster: unstable gets stable in april02:28
vladsterANy problems with NVidia drivers?02:28
xevildjuuss what video card?02:28
ogravladster: not on stable02:28
djuussi did get the new nvidia drivers02:29
vladsterWhat is the leanest window managet that comes with it02:29
ogravladster: metacity in gnome02:29
vladsterso run gdm with Meta02:30
ogradjuuss: maybe thats your prob ? why didnt you use the ubuntu pkg ?02:30
djuussthats still version 611102:30
ogravladster: nope, gdm with gnome, which uses metacity as windowmanager02:30
djuussprobarbly my fault i guess then02:30
xevildjuuss I just used the binary nvidia-glx... maybe it doesn't like the newer drivers02:30
ogradjuuss: but is tested and works ;)02:30
vladsterDoes Ubuntu autofetch the NVidia driver or is it a manual install02:30
djuusstrue that :P02:31
djuussvladster: autofetch through apt02:31
ogravladster: it is a two line command02:31
bob2vladster: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:31
djuusspasswd isn't accpeted anymore02:32
ogradjuuss: ?02:32
djuussfrom gdm02:32
cenerentoladoes someone know a good vendor of low-power hardware [motherboards, cpus] ?02:32
djuusscommandline it's still ok02:32
vladsterdoes Ubuntu use source repositories as well as debs02:33
djuussi'm resizing my / now with qtparted :)02:33
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djuussused to be 80Gb02:34
djuussnot a good idear right?02:34
ogradjuuss: hmm, space for software for the next 5 years :)02:34
ogradjuuss: or a trillion icons in /usr/share/pixmaps *g*02:34
etorixheh .. stuph expands to fill available space02:35
bob2vladster: yes, just like Debian02:35
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djuussit hangs02:36
djuussi'm trying to delete my swap partition02:36
djuussbut i did swapoff it first!02:37
ogradjuuss: so it probably still moves the things to mem....swapoff can take ages if there is something in the swap02:38
vladsterI am sick of fighting with the screwed up permission setup of suse02:38
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vladsterI want to go back to a debian based setup and do everything on my own02:39
potatovladster, try crux -> www.crux.nu02:40
ogravladster: no need to tweak something on your own on ubuntu....but its possible....as its debian based :)02:40
djuussogra: but it already prints me a new $02:40
potatotis not debian baed, though02:40
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ogradjuuss: hmm, ok02:40
bob2"prints me a new $"?02:40
djuusshow do i clear my MBR and boot sector?02:40
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djuussbob2: yeah you know, when you execute something, you see a new $ when the command is finished?02:41
bob2oh, prompt, right02:41
djuussbob2: i want to get a clean install of GRUB so i can add new distro's i can boot02:42
vladsterthat looks like it would fit on my old unisys CWD5001, a pentium 166 with 128 megs and a 1 gig drive02:42
bob2djuuss: you don't need to clear anything then02:43
djuussit still pops up my old Yoper lilo when i boot from hdc102:43
bob2vladster: ubuntu's default install won't fit into 1GB02:43
djuussbut that lilo points to /dev/hda02:43
bob2djuuss: just rerun grub-installer02:43
djuussi am02:43
djuussgrub-install --recheck /dev/hdc02:43
djuuss # grub-install --recheck /dev/hdc02:43
djuussProbing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.02:43
bob2that's /dev/hdc02:44
djuussand it is taking a long time02:44
bob2which your bios does not boot02:44
djuussby default no02:44
vladsterI bought that so I could use it at work and nobody will know how to mess with it02:44
djuussbut i can select it in the boot menu02:44
vladsterI just need to fine a distro light enough to fit it02:44
vladsterubuntu is fine for my home box02:45
cenerentolavladster: ubuntu's custom installation02:45
vladsterI have a 60 gig drive and a half a gig of ram02:45
ogravladster: you can do a custom install with xfce or icew,02:45
bob2vladster: debian or ubuntu will fit fine02:45
bob2just not in the default install02:45
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etorixat what stage is the custom option in the installer?02:46
ograetorix: at the very beginning02:46
cenerentolavladster: or just use the "expert" parameter to launch the installer02:46
etorixid like a base-install02:46
vladsterAt work all I need is something to write my own code on that the it managers won't be able to hack into, they are all either AIX or Windows idiots02:46
etorixah... riiight02:46
cenerentolaetorix: custom02:46
djuusshey it worked :) i deleted my swap partition02:47
etorixi didnt explore that screen enough02:47
vladsterThey couyld not find there way around an interface that is not drag and fdrop02:47
vladsterand since it does not have a cdrom, they can't just mount an inquisitor disk02:48
djuussget icewm then :)02:49
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djuuss0.o the grub installer is finished02:50
Rene_SWow, thats impressive ... When ya all take a break check out the movie trailer for Sin City02:50
djuussit *found* the bios names02:50
vladsterI will be using ice02:50
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djuusscan you resize a mounted partition without mayor data loss?02:51
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vladstergot to go thanks for the info, last shopping details and I am done for the season02:51
ogradjuuss: you cant02:52
bob2depends on the FS02:52
bob2ext3 and xfs can be increased online02:52
ogradjuuss: not on a mounted one i think02:52
djuussand with minor data loss?:P02:52
bob2xfs can be resized while online02:52
ograah, yeah02:52
djuussreiserfs is the best02:53
Lathiat2you can increaste ext3 adn xfs online? wow thats cool02:53
Lathiat2didnt know that02:53
djuusssounds logical xually02:53
Lathiat2well yeh02:53
Lathiat2but i mean i'd be impressed if you could expand them reliably offline02:53
bob2resier doesn't support it, afaik02:54
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bob2resizing offline is waaay easier02:54
djuussno i want to take it from 80GB to 802:54
bob2then you'll need to backup and restore02:55
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bob2unless parted suports it02:55
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djuussit does actually02:55
djuussbut not on mounted disks i suppose02:55
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ograbob2: man  xfs_growfs:   The  filesystem  must be mounted to be grown (see mount(8)). COOL02:58
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rodmerry christmas03:03
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zenkovhm :-( no sound03:04
djuussanyone have experience with installing pclinuxos to hd?03:05
zenkovStrange. lsmod shows all necessary modules.03:06
rodzenkov, what card?03:06
ograzenkov: laptop ?03:06
bob2is your mixer muted?03:06
Fator_Deewhat's the difference between ReiserFS and Ext3?03:07
djuussreiserfs is twice as fast03:07
ograFator_Dee: reiser is unstable03:07
rodthe difference between a boy and a man03:07
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djuussogra: blasphemer!03:07
ograFator_Dee: but hans reiser sells it as stable :-P03:07
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etorixive been using reiserfs for years03:07
rodhmm its stable to me03:07
zenkovogg123 does not work with OSS, ALSA, ESD :-/03:07
joh_Is there planned any ntfs/fat32 shrinker capabilities in the hoary, or later, installer?03:08
rodeagering to try rf403:08
bob2no, reiser is not twice as fast03:08
djuussreiserfs is *fassssst*03:08
ograzenkov: do you have sound anywhere else ?03:08
bob2joh_: yes03:08
etorixive tried it03:08
rod3times as fast03:08
zenkovrod: SB live03:08
zenkovbob2: :-)03:08
joh_bob2, cool, any onfo on the wiki?03:08
rodmodprobe emu10k1 done?03:08
bob2joh_: don't think so03:08
etorixReiser4 aint good to install to03:08
etorix but its ok for storage03:09
djuussand whatever you do, your hd will never rattle and grind like it would on Ext303:09
rodcan grub/lilo already boot from rf4?03:09
djuussrod: lilo can03:09
etorixand reiser4progs is in ubuntu iirc03:09
ogradjuuss: xfs is as fast as reiser, but martue03:09
bob2please don't spread fud about filesystems, guys03:09
djuussogra: never tried xfs03:10
etorixi have .. xfs is ok03:10
etorixand jfs03:10
etorix but reiserfs is my favorite03:10
rodit tried vfat, and that is not ok03:10
Fator_Deewell, i've been happy with my ext303:11
etorixlinux on vfat?03:11
djuussbob2: is it okay to spread fud on vfat?03:11
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zenkovogra... yes. In Microsoft Windows and Gentoo Linux. The sound was and in Ubuntu, but now it for some reason is not present03:11
rodlol djuuss03:11
ograzenkov: i meant in your current install03:11
rodbijdehandje ;-)03:11
ograzenkov: system sounds etc03:12
djuussvfat is toch ook bagger03:12
bob2djuuss: of course ;-P03:12
zenkovogra no03:12
rodis ook03:12
kebacwhat means "to spread fud"03:12
ograzenkov:. is it a laptop, or do you have a pci winmodem ?03:12
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ograkebac: Fear Uncertainy and Doubt03:13
djuussif you try and install ubuntu on vfat, after 3 days it'll sound like you put pebbles in the kitchenaid03:13
kebacogra: right03:13
quangruoigo !list03:13
rodthat aint fud03:13
rodits true03:13
rodIt WILL sound like you put pebbles in the kitchenaid03:14
zenkovogra: no :-)03:14
djuussmy primary itch with filesystems is the sound of the harddrive03:14
djuussand with reiserfs, there *is* no sound03:14
ograzenkov: post the output of : lsmod|grep snd  to #flood please03:14
bob2quangruoi: please don't do that03:14
rodgreat bummer that i cant play any games on my amd64 machine... it's all been made for 32 so it wont even install03:14
zenkovhm... modules of a sound card are loaded03:15
etorix0 .. i like the checking -sounds at boot in reiser03:15
ogralist ?03:15
rodohhh that !list is cool03:15
rodeveryone try it03:15
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quangruoiya qq'un qui connais le franais03:17
ograzenkov: looks ok so far.....03:17
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rodqui qui connais qui le francais03:17
da_bon_bonhi all03:17
tswMerry merry Christmas to all :)03:17
quangruoimerry christmas03:17
rwabelgerman, frensch or english03:17
da_bon_bonmerry christmas all03:17
da_bon_bonhow do ichange themes in ubuntu?03:17
quangruoimoi, j suis en train de chercher l'ebook03:17
ograzenkov: not soure if the order is right though03:17
zenkovogra ok03:17
rodhappy christmas and a merry new year03:17
rwabelquelle ebook?03:18
bob2da_bon_bon: computer -> desktop -> theme03:18
ograzenkov: did you load any of them manually or is this the list the sys loaded ?03:18
rwabelda_bon_bon: go to theme manager under system prefernece03:18
quangruoie book de Visual basic03:18
quangruoipour l'office 200"03:18
rwabelet pourkoi tu cherches ici pour ces ebooks?03:18
da_bon_bonbob2: i see u r here as well as on fedora. thanks tho' which distro u use?03:19
ograguys, #ubuntu-fr03:19
da_bon_bonrwabel: thnx03:19
zenkovogra: yesterday all worked03:19
bob2da_bon_bon: I've never used fedora03:19
ograzenkov: warty or hoary ?03:19
bob2da_bon_bon: I use Debian and Ubuntu03:19
bob2heh, they're the only OS's I use at all, in fact03:19
quangruoic bien03:20
rwabelda_bon_bon: does it work for you to change themes? in my version it's quit fucked up all03:20
zenkovogra: warty03:20
=== djuuss would like to remind everyone this channel is international in nature
ograzenkov: what did you do between yesterday and now ?03:20
rodoh ja?03:20
rwabeldjuus: c'est vrai that's wunderbar! :-)03:21
rodganz geil03:21
djuussja die spammende kutfransozen03:21
djuusshelemaal geen zin in03:21
roddit is een internationaal channel in nature... dus ja.. dan hoor je wel eens vreemde talen he :s03:21
ogradjuuss: your german has a strange dialect ;)03:21
rwabeldjuus: was franzose?03:21
rwabeldjuuss: bin kein franzose03:22
da_bon_boncan anyone tell me the best theme personally using for ubuntu? plz dont tell me just 'gnome-look.org'03:22
rodmaak er wat van djuuss, inkoppertje03:22
djuussrwabel: i wasn't talking about anyone in particualr03:22
rwabelwould be intersting to see a graphic with all country representation03:23
da_bon_boncan anyone tell me the best theme personally using for ubuntu? plz dont tell me just 'gnome-look.org'03:23
ograda_bon_bon: human , heh03:23
rwabelda_bon_bon: just look at gnome-look.org, just kiding...it's up to u03:23
rwabeldjuuss: hehe I know03:23
rodgonxical met metabox en suede03:23
da_bon_bonogra: hey anything cool, crystal, transperencies... human doesnt have that03:23
djuusshuman is boring03:24
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ograda_bon_bon: trans is not a theming thing03:24
Fator_DeeMist is good03:24
da_bon_bonogra: whats trans ?03:24
zenkovogra: removed arts, build new kernel (but not install), remove some files from rc3.d03:24
djuussi just use glider03:24
ograda_bon_bon: transparency03:24
ograzenkov: what for did you have arts installed ?03:24
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ograzenkov: removing things from rc3.d has no effect on default systems..... debian/ubuntu uses rc2.d03:25
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da_bon_bondjuuss: yes human is borin03:26
da_bon_bondjuuss: i liked glider..03:26
djuussget some deviantart backgrounds03:26
=== ogra loves human for its simple and warm look
=== ogra has better things to do with his pc than playing with themes
djuusshear hear03:27
zenkovogra for kppp03:28
ograzenkov: that needs a soundserver ??? weird03:29
zenkovogra: :-)03:29
=== ogra kicks the author of xscreensavers lock.c code for using memset as strncat
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da_bon_bonwhich is a OSS akin to ACDSee03:33
ograda_bon_bon: gthumb ?03:34
ograda_bon_bon: gqview03:34
ogradjuuss: thats rather on kubuntu ;)03:34
da_bon_bonsomething which also has a win32 port?03:34
djuussyou can just apt it03:34
djuussdoesnt have any kde deps03:35
ograso kudos to the author.....03:35
djuusskuickshow uses the mousewheel to browse through pictures in the same folder, just like ACDSee does03:35
djuussbut it skips movie files, unlike acdsee, which is a GOOD THING03:36
da_bon_bonwhy good?03:37
djuussyou on windows?03:37
djuussput some mpgs and avis in a folder with pictures03:38
djuussopen a picture03:38
djuussspin the mousewheel03:38
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ograindexing takes its time ;)03:38
da_bon_bonwhere do i get some mac os x themes for ubuntu?03:38
djuussget a ppc emulator, install mac os x03:39
djuusstry bochs03:39
da_bon_bondjuuss: bochs doesnt emulate ppc :) :D03:39
da_bon_boni want a theme03:39
djuussbut you can try ;)03:39
etorixor pearpc03:40
djuussi'm sure i saw one up there03:40
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da_bon_bondo i get the GTK themes or metacity ones?03:44
bob2what do you want to theme?03:44
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ograda_bon_bon: gtk are the widgets (button, scrollbars) metacity are the window borders03:44
da_bon_bonbob2: my desktop and windows and buttons...03:45
da_bon_bonjust like human or glider03:45
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bob2so you want both then03:45
ograplux nautilus03:45
da_bon_bonand how do i install from the .tar.gz files?03:45
da_bon_bonand how do i install from the .tar.gz files?03:45
ograda_bon_bon: through the theme manager03:45
da_bon_bonogra: ok03:46
ograda_bon_bon: drag n drop them ;)03:46
da_bon_bonogra: drag and drop where?03:47
ogratot the theme manager03:47
da_bon_bonogra: afetr dragging and dropping, they dont appear03:49
da_bon_bonhey can pearpc be setup as a widnwow manager?03:50
ograda_bon_bon: first there should appear a popup.....asking if you want to install....03:50
bob2it's an emulator, etorix was joking03:50
da_bon_bonogra: yes it did  i selected instal.. and o show03:51
da_bon_bonbob2: no check out this page... http://aqua-look.org/ in menu select pearPC03:51
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plasmoda_bon_bon: or if all else fails. untar it and copy the folder. into /.themes03:51
ograda_bon_bon: you probably need to logout/in to have them appear or restart gconfd (not sure about that)03:51
plasmoda_bon_bon: probli tarred incorrectly03:52
da_bon_bonplasmo: ok.03:52
da_bon_bonogra: i will try loging back in03:52
da_bon_bonanyway, howz XFCE ?03:52
bob2da_bon_bon: yes, read what it says, the guy is on crack03:52
da_bon_bonbob2: meaning?03:53
bob2ignore everything and anythign he/she says03:53
ograda_bon_bon: he writes rubbish03:53
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da_bon_bonoh ok03:53
amadomoraalguien q hable espaol?03:53
da_bon_bonanyway, how si xfce as a DE ?03:54
ograamadomora: #ubuntu-es03:54
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amadomoraestamos probando ububnto y nos parece una maravilla...03:54
da_bon_bonhow do i see a description of a software before installing it?03:54
ograamadomora: /join #ubuntu-es03:55
bob2amadomora: no hable espanol03:55
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bob2da_bon_bon: aptr-cache show packagename03:55
bob2or look at it in synaptic or whatevr03:55
amadomoracomo en entro a ubunto-es?03:55
ograamadomora: /join #ubuntu-es03:55
da_bon_bonhow do i apply .tar.bz2 xmms themes?03:56
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plasmo /.xmms/Skins03:56
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da_bon_bonplasmo: i copy the .tar.bz2 there?03:57
amadomoraogra como puedo accesar a ubuntu-es?03:57
plasmotry that or either untar it03:57
bob2you unpack it in there03:57
da_bon_bonoh ok03:57
ograamadomora: use the command: /join #ubuntu-es03:57
bob2amadomora: gr03:57
amadomoraok pero donde?03:58
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:bob2] : Ubuntu support channel | FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Mailing lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Forum: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ | Warty Guide: http://ubuntuguide.org
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da_bon_bonhow do i use tar command from cli to unpack?03:59
bob2tar -jxf blah.tar.bz203:59
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ograda_bon_bon: tar xjvf03:59
fsmwi got my ubuntu CD's!03:59
fsmwjust arrived!03:59
ografsmw: merry xmas ;)03:59
plasmofsmw: now pay for them :)03:59
zanshinHas anyone had problems setting the screen resolution? I've got warty installed on an old ThinkPad that has a Neomagic MagicGraph 128ZV video card... it's stuck at 600x480 :(04:00
fsmwplasmo, we're thinking on that, because we want to use ubuntu as our desktop instead mandrake04:00
djuussjust go Computer-->sysconfig-->screen resolution04:00
da_bon_bonogra: i used file roller...04:00
Lathiat2seb128: it seems to be related, if i turn off my external USB drive it starts fine04:00
da_bon_bondone my xmms look better.04:00
da_bon_bonhow do i use winamp skins on xmms ? .wsz ? possible04:01
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plasmoda_bon_bon: yes04:01
bob2cd ~/.xmms/Skins/04:01
zanshindjuuss... been there done that. Only option listed is 600x480. Ubuntu didn't pick up all the resolutions this card supports04:01
bob2unzip blah.wsz04:01
plasmoda_bon_bon: just put in the same folder04:01
ografsmw: you can just use it04:01
djuussadd the other options to the xfree config file04:01
djuussthe hard way04:02
bob2zanshin: please file a bug, including the output of 'lspci', 'lspci -n', 'dmesg' and 'lsmod'.04:02
zanshinWhere is the xfree config file located?04:02
da_bon_bonoh thats GREAT. i will try04:02
plasmowsz is just a renamed zip ;d04:02
da_bon_bonzanshin: /etc/XF86config-404:02
ograzanshin: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8604:02
da_bon_bonplasmo: but how will zip file extarct into proper folder for xmms?04:02
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plasmo /etc/X11/XF86Config-404:03
seb128Lathiat2: a new gnomevfs without hal is available, could you update and check if you still get the bug ?04:03
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Lathiat2seb128: yeh just finished debuilding it04:03
plasmojust put the wsz in there04:03
Lathiat2seb128: oh wait04:03
Lathiat2seb128: in ubuntu archives?04:03
Lathiat2seb128: heh i built 2.9.3 with hal on, too see how that went04:03
plasmono need for unzipping04:03
Lathiat2i'll try both04:03
da_bon_bonplasmo: without even renaming?04:04
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plasmoxmms supports wsz04:04
da_bon_bonoh ok04:04
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zanshinogra: dpkg -reconfigure zserver-xfree86 results in: "dpkg: conflicting actions --control and --remove04:08
bob2Lathiat2: apt-ftparchive04:08
bob2zanshin: no, dpkg-reconfigure, one word04:09
Lathiat2bob2: wrong channel but thanks :)04:09
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da_bon_bonplasmo: do i extract gnome themes folder directly? and where did u say?04:15
plasmo /.themes04:15
plasmolook at the folder format when u extract it04:15
plasmohas to be [themename] /[metacity1] 04:16
plasmoor something like that04:16
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da_bon_bonplasmo: the folder directly?04:16
plasmopeople usually tar it up at [name] /[themename] /[metacity1]  and thats why it wont install04:16
da_bon_bonso i dont rename the tar, but extract foler in .themes right?04:17
zanshinokay... dpkg-reconfigure completed. (Not sure about some of my answers, but hey, life is an experiment.) Now what, re-boot?04:17
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plasmoextract it somewhere else first and look at the folder format04:17
da_bon_bonplasmo: how must it be?04:17
plasmo[themename] /[metacity1] 04:17
plasmoactually lol04:18
teufI grabbed a hoary installation iso and am trying to install it on a brand new computer, but it fails to find my cdrom drive during the installation. It probably has something to do with the fact that the comp has a sata hd, any hint ?04:18
plasmoi remembered wrong. its .themes/EdgeMCity/Edge2/metacity-104:18
plasmoor if its a gtk theme .themes/Industrial-GONX/gtk-2.004:19
da_bon_bonplasmo: thats the FOLDERS that must be in there ?04:19
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plasmojust show me wat skin u are using to use. would be much easier lol04:19
da_bon_bonplasmo: is this correct: /home/rohandhruva/.themes/RPanther Milk/metacity-104:20
Lathiat2seb128: Hey dude, new one works (and i tried 2.9.3+cvs20041224 i debuilded with hal and its broken)04:20
da_bon_bonplasmo: then why not showing up?? :(04:20
plasmoand go to your gnome-theme-manager and check out the border04:20
plasmometacity = border. u checked there?04:20
da_bon_bonplasmo: also this: /home/rohandhruva/.themes/RPanther2 has folders gtk-2.0 and metacity in it04:20
da_bon_bonplasmo: yes but its not showing in the theme manager04:21
da_bon_bonteuf: where did u get hoary install iso from ?04:21
plasmoweird o_o04:21
plasmoclick theme detail > window borders04:21
da_bon_bonplasmo: but the theme itself doesnt show up...04:22
da_bon_bonteuf: where did u get hoary install iso from ?04:22
plasmou talking about the main theme windows. where theres human,crux,default..04:22
da_bon_bonplasmo: yes.04:23
plasmoit doesnt need to show up there. depends on the author of the theme04:24
da_bon_bonplasmo: then how do i instal lthe theme?04:24
teufda_bon_bon, http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/releases/hoary/array-2/04:24
da_bon_bonteuf: thanks..04:24
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seb128Lathiat2: ok, cool04:25
da_bon_bonteuf: theres also any array-1, whats that?04:25
plasmomeaning themes dont need to show up on the main theme window04:25
teufda_bon_bon, I'd say it's an older release04:25
da_bon_bonplasmo: then how ?04:25
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plasmojust gimme the link to the theme and ill test it out >_>04:26
da_bon_bonteuf: ok04:26
Lathiat2seb128: what does the hal support in gnomevfs actually do?04:26
seb128question for teuf :p04:26
Lathiat2haha ok04:27
seb128devices get cool names and have the right type04:27
Lathiat2ah right04:27
Lathiat2that is cool04:27
seb128but out of this I'm not sure04:27
Lathiat2but i'd rather have a working desktop for now :)04:27
seb128that's why I've uploaded the new without hal04:27
Lathiat2seems to only be an issue if you've got an external usb disk or something similar04:28
Lathiat2dunno about the mutex locking stuff, havent had that issue04:28
seb128the desktop is hanging each time you get a dbus/hal update04:28
Lathiat2ah well the crasher only seems to be on start04:28
Lathiat2cus if i turn my usb disk on after start04:29
Lathiat2its fine04:29
=== Lathiat2 shrug
da_bon_bonplasmo: i will try logging out and back in,04:29
da_bon_bonplease wait04:29
Lathiat2but like i said, i dont get the hanging issue04:29
Lathiat2which is separate04:29
plasmook :|04:29
Lathiat2seb128: is it just me or is there no + icon for the add button in add applet?04:29
seb128Lathiat2: that's a bug04:29
Lathiat2ah ok cool04:30
seb128"cool" ? you like bugs ? :p04:30
Lathiat2no as in its not just me :P04:30
Lathiat2and some weird issue thats hard to track down :)04:30
plasmolucky the last time i updated my ubuntu to hoary was about 3 weeks ago. and it pretty bugfree lol :)04:31
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da_bon_bonplasmo: it does show up in theme details, but not all themes04:32
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plasmowell it depends on the themes config file04:33
da_bon_bonplasmo: got all04:33
plasmook =D04:34
plasmoda_bon_bon: u from australia?04:34
plasmoyour ip looks very australianish. 210.**** lol04:35
Lathiat2hes not04:35
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da_bon_bonplasmo: india. how did u get my ip?04:35
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: /whois da_bon_bon04:35
da_bon_bonplasmo: how did u get my ip?04:35
plasmofreenode shows all ip04:35
da_bon_bonoh ok04:35
plasmoda_bon_bon (~da_bon_bo@ has joined #ubuntu04:36
da_bon_bonLathiat2: in /whois i cant see ip04:36
da_bon_bonanyway to hide my ip?04:36
Lathiat2yeh you can04:36
Lathiat2and no theres not04:36
Lathiat2and it doesnt really hurt much to have your ip04:36
da_bon_bonLathiat2: i cant see plasmos. try.04:36
plasmo /dns plasmo04:37
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: his has a hostname, you can look that up04:37
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da_bon_bonhow do i trace ip on a world map like visualrout in linux ?04:40
plasmono idea o.004:41
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: visualroute isnt very accurate and there probably isnt a similar tool04:41
spityda_bon_bon: get VR for linux?04:41
da_bon_bonplasmo: i see you are from aussie04:41
CheatersRealm_vr is on the web. it's java.04:41
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CheatersRealm_at least a demo version04:41
spityda_bon_bon: heh, you can tell that from his /whois too :)04:41
=== djrom_ is searching for a cisco routeur emulator
=== djrom_ is now known as Djrom
=== Djrom is searching for a cisco routeur emulator
spityda_bon_bon: btw, you can get similar info for free with geoip04:42
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da_bon_bonthnx spity04:42
spityDjrom: like quagga/zebra?04:42
bob2da_bon_bon: xt04:43
CheatersRealm_spity, I can tell yo're from czech republic from your whoiis..04:43
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da_bon_bonbob2: whats xt?04:43
da_bon_bonspity: how do i get geoip?04:43
bob2da_bon_bon: apt-cache show xt04:43
spityCheatersRealm_: no sh*t ;), and i guess you're from US east coast :)04:43
Djromspity  , i don't know...like Cisco eSim for Windows04:43
CheatersRealm_spity, WHOA! YOU'RE GOOD.04:43
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CheatersRealmdoes anyone have real working transparency in lniux?04:44
spityCheatersRealm: baltimore maybe? :))04:44
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CheatersRealmspity, unless I'm using an irc proxy04:44
spityDjrom: oh, well don't know about any simulator, quagga is just bgp,ospf,etc sw04:45
CheatersRealmspity, I'm actually your neighbor to the east04:45
plasmoi need newer autoconf and automake and some other stuff :/04:45
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da_bon_bonspity: how do iget geoip?04:45
spityCheatersRealm: how much east? :) you know you could take baltimore as east of me too :)04:45
bob2plasmo: for what?04:45
spityda_bon_bon: it's library04:45
bob2da_bon_bon: xt doesn't do what you wanted?04:45
CheatersRealmspity, not that much east :)04:45
Djromi'm search for a Cisco router simulator04:45
bob2CheatersRealm: lots of people have that04:45
bob2it's just bloody slow04:45
da_bon_bonbob2: installing xt04:45
ograCheatersReans trans doesnt work yet, its just proof of concept, like xcompmgr for shadows04:46
da_bon_bonbob2: i was thinking of trying geoip too..04:46
plasmofor compiling something lol04:46
spityCheatersRealm: .sk, .ua,.ru,.cn,.jp? :)04:46
bob2da_bon_bon: do you know what geoip is?04:46
bob2plasmo: you don't need autoconf or automake installed to compile software04:46
da_bon_bonbob2: no04:46
CheatersRealmspity, actually its baltimore.east.verizon.net or whatever.04:46
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plasmocal3d. autogen.sh needs it :/04:47
gir_hi, i'm having some issues with rhythmbox and hope someone can help.04:47
gir_firstly, what do i need to add .mp3 support to sound juicer?04:47
bob2plasmo: unless you're pulling from cvs, that's a bug04:47
plasmotrying to cvs planeshift #planeshift a mmorpg game for linux/mac/win . new release just 2 hours ago04:47
spityCheatersRealm: well, you said you were east to me, so i asked which cntry :)04:47
ogragir_: gstreamer0.8-lame04:47
gir_ogra: great thanks!04:48
ogragir_: from multiverse04:48
Lathiat2hrm.. is there no gtkhtml2 module for python in hoary?04:48
plasmoill just wait for planeshift linux binarys then :) should be out next week04:49
CheatersRealmbob2, you were talking about the transparency being slow?04:49
da_bon_bonbob2: how do i run xt?04:49
bob2CheatersRealm: yes04:49
ograCheatersRealm: trans doesnt work yet, its just proof of concept, like xcompmgr for shadows04:49
bob2da_bon_bon: no idea.  presumably it installed a program called 'xt' or such.04:49
gir_ogra: is that a repository? what's the full address please?04:49
zenwhensup all?04:49
CheatersRealmis it not hardware accelereated?04:49
bob2no, most of it is not04:50
ogragir_: look at the wiki....for multiverse.... you may also want universe....there are howtos04:50
etorixtransset will do one window04:50
zenwhenusing hardware acceleration is easier said than done04:50
plasmotransset is buggy :|04:50
etorixbut it needs software to support it04:50
CheatersRealmaight, thanks04:50
etorixlike softshadows .. run once and forget04:51
gir_ogra: okay I already have that in /etc/apt/sources.list but don't see gstreamer0.8-lame?04:51
ogragir_: multiverse ?04:51
da_bon_bonbob2: can u pls find and tell me ?04:51
ogragir_: did you reload your package list after adding it ?04:52
bob2da_bon_bon: no04:52
bob2da_bon_bon: you can find out more asily than I can04:52
bob2da_bon_bon: 'dpkg -L xt | grep /bin/' in a terminal will tell you a list of command names04:52
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gir_ogra: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ warty multiverse04:52
plasmogir_:i think it was gstreamer0.8-mad for mp3 support04:52
ogragir_: and reloaded ?04:52
gir_ogra: yeah04:53
ograplasmo: for recording04:53
ogragir_: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats04:53
twisted_steelgir_: yeah, mad is for playback04:53
ogragir_: its in universe, i was wrong.....04:54
ogragir_: oh, no, cerkinfo, not even universe :(04:54
gir_ogra: I have universe and multivese04:55
ogragir_: look at the wiki url .....04:55
gir_ogra: thanks, I'm looking at the link you posted now04:56
da_bon_bonbob2: u dont use ubuntu??04:56
ogragir_: you will also need cerkinfo....04:56
bob2da_bon_bon: I do use it.04:56
gir_ogra: seems to suggest gstreamer0.8-lame04:56
da_bon_bonbob2: why cant i get ur ip ?04:57
ograda_bon_bon: bob2 _makes_ ubuntu ;)04:57
gir_ogra: cerkinfo? is that a repository?04:57
da_bon_bonbob2: sorry...04:57
ogragir_: its described on the wiki04:57
bob2da_bon_bon: because I have a user clock to stop people getting my ip04:57
bob2being DOSed isn't as fun as it sounds04:57
Lathiat2heh heh04:57
bob2ogra: hah, I just help the people who make ubuntu ;)04:57
gir_ogra: got it. I'll try that now04:58
da_bon_bonbob2: whats a user clock? u mean cloak?04:58
ograbob2: so youre a part of the process ;)04:58
bob2da_bon_bon: er, yes04:58
da_bon_bonbob2: how do i get a user cloak?04:58
CheatersRealmwhere in the wiki does it talk about transparency?04:59
ograCheatersRealm: nowhere i think04:59
bob2da_bon_bon: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml04:59
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CheatersRealmogra, oh05:00
CheatersRealmI thought someone said ti was05:00
da_bon_bonbob2: so its only for freenode, not anywhere else?05:00
ograCheatersRealm: its not a working feature yet.... and i doubt we will see a usable implementation before next autumn05:00
bob2da_bon_bon: of course...05:01
bob2if you want some sort of IRC proxy, lots of places are happy to take your money05:01
CheatersRealmogra, but I'm willing to try, because I'm going to wind up wiping this machine in a while nayhow05:01
CheatersRealmI think freenode can mask your hostname.05:01
ograCheatersRealm: but you nearly wont be able to move your windows anymore.....its darn slow05:01
bob2yes, that's what the link I pasted was for05:01
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rwabel_anyone has also problems with gdesklets on hoary?05:02
ograrwabel_: is there anyone aho has no problems with gdesklets on _any_ linux ?05:02
wood1bob2, is there any option to remove some programs of OpenOffice ?05:02
rwabel_ogra: apparently for some people it works :-) is it that buggy?05:03
bob2wood1: not that I know of05:03
ograrwabel_: its quite bad to set up....05:03
CheatersRealmogra, like I said ,that's ok05:04
ograrwabel_: not very user friendly05:04
wood1Can you tell me which programs I can remove safely05:04
bob2anything you want05:04
plasmorunning out of space?05:04
bob2if it's Essential, apt will complain, a lot05:04
rwabel_ogra: I always get the same error message when I want to start for example startbar.display05:04
wood1What is Evolution Groupware ?05:05
ograCheatersRealm: you will need the unstable ubuntu version which breaks quite often atm.....and some extra packages form daniels repository05:05
CheatersRealmogra, you mean hoary?05:05
bob2wood1: apt-cache show evolution05:05
ograCheatersRealm: yep05:05
CheatersRealmogra, how do I add daniel's repository?05:05
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ograCheatersRealm: xcompmgr and transset only work with xorg05:05
CheatersRealmogra, I'm running xorg05:05
ograCheatersRealm: so hoary....05:06
rwabel_cheaters: it's fucking slowing down the system. it's useless at the moment05:06
plasmo##deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~daniels/ xcompmgr/05:06
plasmo##deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~daniels/ transset/05:06
|QuaD-plasmo: what are those05:06
CheatersRealmrwabel_, I don't care.. you missed those lines.05:06
CheatersRealm|QuaD-, they're to me05:06
plasmodaniels repo05:07
wood1QuaD, can you suggest some packages which I can remove from my system ?05:07
ograplasmo: they are gone it seems :(05:07
gir_ogra: it's working now. thanks.05:07
|QuaD-CheatersRealm: ok? that doesn't answer my quest05:07
bob2wood1: how much space are you trying to save?05:07
|QuaD-wood1: what do you mean?05:07
ogragir_: :)05:07
CheatersRealm|QuaD-, slow transparency in xorg05:07
bob2plasmo: those lines don't work05:07
plasmoprobli lol. havent check it lately05:07
|QuaD-wood1: i would reccomend installing deborphan and removing those05:07
da_bon_bonbob2: xt is great05:07
CheatersRealmogra, where do I put them?05:07
rwabel_cheaters: sorry, but however I was kinda disapointed or I missed some features05:07
ograCheatersRealm: nowhere... the repo is gone it seems05:07
ograCheatersRealm: so you have to wait until he is back from holiday.....05:08
|QuaD-wood1: i am buessing bob2 would reccomend the same (not sure though)05:08
plasmotransset and xcompmgr not worth it05:08
CheatersRealmguys, once again, I"M GOING TO WIPE THE BOX SOON05:08
ograplasmo: fully agreed05:08
CheatersRealmI want to check this out real fast05:08
CheatersRealmgood lord05:08
da_bon_bon"OR, even better, make your sysadmin add a LOC record to the DNS." from xt. i am the sysadmin :D how do i do this ?05:09
plasmoitll just have some shadows and see through lol05:09
CheatersRealmplasmo, I just want to look pretty for about an hour05:09
bob2da_bon_bon: do you control your own DNS?05:09
CheatersRealmthen I wipe it and re-install05:09
da_bon_bonbob2: no...05:09
ograCheatersRealm: we cant help you....the repo is closed.... the guy who owns it is on well deserved holiday05:09
bob2da_bon_bon: then you can't set it05:09
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CheatersRealmogra, I know05:09
CheatersRealmogra, what do I do with the ##deb lines though?05:10
bob2transset and xcompmgr are in hoary05:10
wood1bob2, ogra, Quad, How do I use deborphan ?05:10
plasmodaniels_ is there. but probli afk ----->05:10
bob2that's why daniels took them down05:10
ograbob2: oh....05:10
da_bon_bon"To get xtraceroute to show your location centered on the globe when it starts up, add information about this host,(ubuntu) or your whole net." how do i do this ?05:10
etorixcant you apt-get xcompmgr?05:10
bob2da_bon_bon: you need to control your DNS, which you don't05:10
ograCheatersRealm: so install them with synaptic from universe i guess05:10
da_bon_bonetorix: talking to me?05:10
bob2da_bon_bon: or maybe xt has an option to specify your location manually05:10
da_bon_bonbob2: searchin for it with n osuccess05:11
wood1Quad, what's the idea behind deborphan ?05:11
bob2wood1: it shows you packages you might want to remove05:11
ograwood1: sudo apt-get remove `deborphan`05:12
ograwood1: regard the backticks !05:12
wood1What happens after that ?05:12
bob2then you read what apt says, VERY carefully05:12
wood1I just installed deborphan and now just remove it05:12
|QuaD-ogra: he wants to sudo apt-get install deborphan05:12
ograwood1: it offers to uninstall all unused software05:12
|QuaD-wood1: don't remove deborphan05:12
wood1sudo apt-get remove deborphan05:12
bob2wood1: no, read more carefully, it's surrounded by backticks05:13
wood1that's it05:13
bob2wood1: no, read it again05:13
ograwood1: noipe with backticks05:13
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|QuaD-bob2,ogra: what do the backticks do05:13
wood1I just typed: deborphan and it showed me a long list05:13
bob2|QuaD-: they get replaced by the output of the command inside the backticks05:13
ogra|QuaD-: they hand out the packagelist to apt05:13
CheatersRealm|QuaD-, they execute whatever's inside them and then returns it to the parent call05:13
da_bon_bonanyone from india out here?05:13
wood1What backticks ?05:13
ograwood1: copy and paste my line ;)05:14
ograwood1: sudo apt-get remove `deborphan`05:14
CheatersRealmthe one with the ~ above it on a standard US keyboard05:14
wood1ogra, with the quotes05:14
|QuaD-bob2: i normally read all my orphaned packages, then remove them one by one, is hte backtick safe to do here (in regards to system stability)05:14
ograwood1: yep, with the backticks05:14
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ogra|QuaD-: apt shows you the list and asks before doing anything05:15
bob2|QuaD-: if you read what apt wants to remove, very carefully, sure, it's just the same as cutting and pasting it around05:15
da_bon_bonbob2: are u on #fedora too?05:15
wood1Well I just get the option to remove 'deborphan' and I will get 225 KB free space !!!!!05:15
|QuaD-bob2: interesting...05:15
wood1I am confused05:15
bob2da_bon_bon: no05:15
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bob2wood1: you're not reading05:16
wood1First I run:  deborphan05:16
bob2do you see this character: ` ?05:16
wood1Yes I did05:16
ograwood1: not this: ' but this `05:16
|QuaD-bob2: things like libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 and libcurl12 ok to remove? on hoary05:16
wood1apt-get remove 'deborphan'05:16
ograwood1: nope05:16
wood1Oh just ` `05:16
ograwood1: wrong character05:17
ograwood1: yep05:17
bob2|QuaD-: if stuff depends on them, apt will remove them too, so watch what it wants to do05:17
bob2|QuaD-: off-hand, I would say bothare ok to go05:17
da_bon_bonwhy cant i get my own ip using /dns da_bon_bon05:17
wood1Ok, but I still got only 11.5 MB free space05:17
|QuaD-bob2: those were listed in the apt-get remove..... are those old libraries?05:17
wood1Better than nothing05:17
bob2wood1: yes05:17
bob2da_bon_bon: /whois da_bon_bon05:18
wood1sudo apt-get remove cups05:18
wood1Can I remove vim ?05:18
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Lathiat2Qo-noS: have you tried an apt-get clean ?05:18
bob2kif you want to05:18
ograwood1: if you never use it.....but emacs is bigger05:18
Lathiat2wood1: have you trie dan apt-get clean05:18
Lathiat2Qo-noS: and k'plah to you :)05:18
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Lathiat2Qo-noS: hrmm.. thats Q'Plah actually *bangs head*05:19
bob2oh man, you know the spelling05:19
Lathiat2maj rahm :)05:19
ograwhy is the dictionary not included in ubuntu ?05:19
CheatersRealmhey, where are the universe repos held?05:19
CheatersRealmI'm tryna add them in synaptic05:19
ograshould be a default ;)05:19
wood1Can I remove the ubuntu-base ?05:19
Lathiat2bob2: running scared yet? :)05:20
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bob2wood1: if you know what you're doing05:20
ograCheatersRealm: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto05:20
|QuaD-wood1: why do you need to remove stuff?05:20
=== Madd_Marshall [maddmanny2@ip68-108-159-134.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
wood1Because my HardDisk is 98% full05:20
ograwood1: you dont win any space with that, its a empty pkg05:20
|QuaD-wood1: how big is your hd05:20
plasmodelete the pron :)05:20
Madd_Marshallwhat makes ubuntu different from the other distros?05:20
|QuaD- Madd_Marshall: nothing05:21
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: many thing05:21
bob2Madd_Marshall: www.ubuntu.com05:21
Madd_Marshallhey its u again05:21
RuffianSoldierProject Utopia!05:21
CheatersRealmogra, I know how to do that, but I want to get the ubuntu universe lines in, I don't have them05:21
ograwood1: sudo apt-get clean, as Lathiat2 suggested05:21
wood1Well it is 10 GB05:21
CheatersRealmis archive = universe?05:21
CheatersRealmwood1, get more space, it's < $1 /gb05:21
|QuaD-wood1: i believe you should be able to run it fine with 10gb05:21
ograCheatersRealm: look at the wiki05:21
bob2CheatersRealm: in the US05:21
wood1but Windows is occupying 8 GB !!!!!!05:21
bob2CheatersRealm: more hardware is not always possible outside the USA05:21
Madd_Marshallis ubuntu the african linux as ive heard05:21
bob2wood1: run 'apt-get clean'05:21
CheatersRealmbob2, good call05:21
wood1Well I did05:21
|QuaD-wood1: you are dualbooting on a 10 gb hd?05:21
bob2Madd_Marshall: no, it's named after a Zulu word, tho05:21
CheatersRealmogra, it's not in there.05:22
wood1So can I remove vim:  apt-get remove vim ?05:22
Madd_Marshallis ubuntu linux dot org legit05:22
bob2wood1: if you want to05:22
=== ogra wonders about the fun here with his 4Gb disk
CheatersRealmMadd_Marshall, I trust them05:22
bob2Madd_Marshall: www.ubuntulinux.org, yes05:22
plasmoapt-get remove windowsxp :P05:22
wood1The following packages will be REMOVED:  ubuntu-base vim vim-common05:22
Madd_Marshallwell there is ubuntu.com too... exact same look05:22
bob2Madd_Marshall: yes, they are the same site05:22
wood1bob2, should I do it ?05:23
ograMadd_Marshall: same05:23
bob2wood1: if you want to05:23
Madd_Marshallanyone go their free ubuntu cds05:23
|QuaD-ogra: one of my friends told me to free space type rm -fR /..... i did it and i have almost my entire hd free!05:23
bob2wood1: we can't decide for you what packages you want05:23
wood1Ok man, just as you said05:23
bob2Madd_Marshall: yes, lots of pople have05:23
Madd_Marshallbob - abotu how long does it take05:23
wood1Will it affect the system05:23
plasmoMadd_Marshall: got mine last month05:23
wood1if I remove ubuntu-base05:23
ogra|QuaD-: please dont post this commad here....there were ppl trying it05:23
bob2Madd_Marshall: depends when you orders.  a few weeks, usually.05:23
bob2wood1: dude, it's fine, do it already05:23
zenwhenMadd_Marshall, yes.05:23
|QuaD-ogra: really????05:23
Madd_Marshalla few weeks... ok05:23
|QuaD-ouch sorry05:24
ogra|QuaD-: yep .... sadly05:24
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: mine took a month....05:24
Madd_Marshalli ordered mine two days ago... so i got some time i guess05:24
|QuaD-ogra: when?05:24
zenwhenI got ten from them.05:24
zenwhenkept one and gave out nine05:24
CheatersRealmis archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ the universe?05:24
ogra|QuaD-: dont remember, in novermber......05:24
Lathiat2CheatersRealm: no, read the wiki it has information about universe05:24
bob2CheatersRealm: no05:24
wood1Actually, I installed Ubuntu on 1.5 GB space and 0.5 GB Swap05:24
ograCheatersRealm: like the wiki says05:24
Madd_Marshalli ordered 2005:24
wood1That's 2 GB in total05:24
|QuaD-ogra: ok... :)05:24
Lathiat2wood1: ouch thats going to be tight05:25
CheatersRealmthe wiki doesn't say shit about where universe is05:25
Madd_Marshall10 regular and 10 64-bit versions05:25
bob2CheatersRealm: dude, read the synaptic howto again05:25
zenwhenMadd_Marshall, it takes a little while to get them.05:25
plasmoordered 10. kept the amd64 and intel. gave out the rest05:25
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: i ordered mine in november... still waiting05:25
ograCheatersRealm: there is a scrrenshot....05:25
wood1How do I remove the Common Unix Printing ?05:25
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bob2Madd_Marshall: it's not the '64-bit version', it's the amd64 version.05:25
bob2wood1: find the package and remove it05:25
Madd_Marshallwell thats what i meant05:25
wood1which package contains cups ?05:25
Madd_Marshalli have amd6405:25
zenwhenFor me it took a month or so.05:25
bob2wood1: lots of them05:26
bob2wood1: you need to be way more specific05:26
Madd_Marshallas ruffian can account for.. ive been terrorizing the suse room.. now i should terrorize you guys...05:26
Lathiat2CheatersRealm: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto05:26
CheatersRealmit's a tiny fucking note05:26
Madd_Marshalli was set on suse till i saw a shitload of peeps suggesting ubuntu05:26
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: suse.... AHHH... used 9.2 pro for about 2 days05:27
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: please lessen ur usage of word 'shit' if u dont mind :)05:27
|QuaD-tried it hated it05:27
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: then tried ubuntu... a month and a half later05:27
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: ubuntu? u hated it? why?05:27
plasmoused 9.1 for about a week lol05:27
Madd_Marshalli do mind.. but ill be nice05:27
|QuaD-here i am05:27
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: no...suse05:27
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: thanks.05:27
|QuaD-i have used debian for like 3 years05:27
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: how did u get sus 9.2? bought it?05:27
|QuaD-friend had a copy, wasn't using it05:28
=== da_bon_bon loves debian too...
|QuaD-so i wanted to try it out05:28
Madd_Marshallive tried the suse 9.2 livecd... but thinks livecds are a joke05:28
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: i think it is illegal to distribute suse prothat wya.05:28
|QuaD-i have suse 9.1 pro05:28
Madd_Marshallwhoops that was supposed to go more like05:28
=== Madd_Marshall tried the suse 9.2 livecd... but thinks livecds are a joke
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: well, i am not using it... so i don't really care05:28
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: even i dont like livecd - exception being Knoppix.05:28
Lathiat2Madd_Marshall: that was no different :P05:28
Madd_Marshallwell you cant do much....05:29
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: i was joking.05:29
etorixi tried suse-live 9.1 .. it wouldnt go online05:29
Madd_Marshallcan i just download the ubuntu amd64 version05:29
Madd_Marshallwhy do you people prefer ubuntu?05:29
Lathiat2Madd_Marshall: you can05:29
ograMadd_Marshall: yep05:29
etorixi did05:29
Madd_Marshalllike what i cant tell is what makes them different05:29
ograMadd_Marshall: try it ;)05:29
Madd_Marshalli tried fedora... and suse 9.2 live05:29
Madd_Marshalland both seemed the same05:29
Madd_Marshallbut fedora was evil05:30
plasmoMadd_Marshall: because its light. and not bloated. i like gnome+xfce4 as well and debian stuff :D05:30
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Madd_Marshallevery install was a friggin project to find libs05:30
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: i used to do the whole illegal software thing... not anymore... a bunch of my friends offered me vmware... as much as i want it, unless i can get a legal license i won't use it05:30
wood1Quad, how do I use bit torrent ?05:30
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=896405:30
Madd_Marshalllight eh05:30
wood1bob2 ?05:30
Madd_Marshallbon bon05:30
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: and the thing that i hate most is i have a legit license for virtualpc!05:30
Madd_Marshallis that the fc3 vs ubuntu thing05:30
|QuaD-wood1: i like bittornado05:30
anirhey da_bon_bon how are you??? :D05:30
|QuaD-wood1: there is also azeurus05:30
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: i want vmware...05:30
da_bon_bonanir: hi05:30
|QuaD-wood1: and the official client05:30
bob2wood1: install a client and use it.  apt-cache search bittorrent.05:30
wood1How do I use it ?05:30
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: yes?05:31
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: cant u use virtual pc under linux ?05:31
bob2wood1: same as you use any program, by reading the manpage05:31
Madd_Marshallbon bon... yea ive seen that....05:31
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: no, microsoft product, can use to create a linux virtual machine05:31
Madd_Marshallthats why i decided that my choices were between suse and ubuntu05:31
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: oh i see05:31
Madd_Marshallbecause there is a suse vs fc3 and a ubuntu vs fc305:31
Madd_Marshallboth proving that i wasted time on fc305:32
wood1Quad and bob2, how do I use bit torrent ?05:32
|QuaD-wood1: i made a torrents folder, put my .torrent files there, navigate to it and type btlaunchmanycurses .05:32
anirwhat is the language used to create linux?05:32
bob2wood1: erm?  did you even look at the manpage?05:32
Madd_Marshallwell i think imma download ubuntu... and then if i dont like then i can try suse...05:32
da_bon_bonanir: kernel - C; most progs. C++05:32
bob2anir: the kernel itself is mostly C, with some bits in assembly05:32
|QuaD-wood1: you can also do something like btdownloadcurses whatever.torrent05:32
Madd_Marshallmy problem is i dont want to pay 90$ for soemthign i might bin05:32
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|QuaD-wood1: thats a 2 second tutorial... the rest you need to figure out yourself :)05:32
wood1Well I want to download a ISO Image which has a small bit torrent file with some information, how do I use it ?05:32
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: why 90$ ?05:32
anirokay thank you guys05:32
Lathiat2anir: alot of the gnome stuff is written in C05:32
Lathiat2anir: the kde stuff is mostly written in C++05:33
ograda_bon_bon: most progs also C05:33
|QuaD-wood1: i just told you05:33
Madd_Marshallthats what suse 9.2 costs in the stores05:33
Madd_Marshallwell it might be 8005:33
anircool i didnt know that..05:33
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|QuaD-bob2: are there ubuntu torrents? i am going on vacation for 3-4 weeks, and i figured i would put my 20 mbit line to good use, cant find the torrents though05:33
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: dont touch sus - i hate it its _bad_05:33
Lathiat2run 'btdownloadcurses <torrent file>'05:34
bob2|QuaD-: yes, all the release cds are torrented05:34
aniris there any default C compiler that comes with linux05:34
|QuaD-bob2: where are they? couldn't find a link in download section05:34
da_bon_bonanir: gcc05:34
ograanir: gcc05:34
plasmoapt-get install bittornado-gui <- :D05:34
Madd_Marshallda_bon_bon - i was only considering it because i figured that the retail apps may be worth soemthign05:34
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: i say OSS better than properitary apps.05:34
|QuaD-plasmo: really? i find that useless05:34
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anirhow will i access gcc??05:35
bob2anir: you run it like any other compiler05:35
plasmoi like it :/05:35
ograanir: gcc05:35
bob2anir: 'gcc foo.c'05:35
ograanir: ;)05:35
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: u will bin suse as i have - it cant detect my cable modem - __every__ other distro can05:35
da_bon_bonhey whats the joke i always hear about foo ?05:35
da_bon_bonfoo bar or something?05:35
aniri will type in the terminal gcc..??05:35
ograda_bon_bon: its a wildcard05:35
bob2anir: you've never used a compiler before?05:35
plasmogcc code.c -o code05:36
da_bon_bonogra: how come? for what?05:36
wood1What's the difference between btlaunchmany and btlaunchmanycurses ?05:36
ograda_bon_bon: heh, for anything05:36
Lathiat2wood1: dont use either05:36
Lathiat2wood1: use btdownloadcurses like i said05:36
aniryes i have.. i have been working in C for 4 years...but not in linux05:36
bob2wood1: nothing05:36
Madd_Marshallok downloading ubuntu... cant try it yet though... my rig isnt working...05:37
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wood1What about btdownloadgui ?05:37
wood1and btdownloadheadless ?05:37
Lathiat2how bout you just use btdownloadcurses and be done with it :P05:37
bob2wood1: come on dude, you can read the manpages as easily as we can05:37
bob2|QuaD-: http://releases.ubuntu.com/warty/05:38
wood1Ok man, I was on a hurry05:38
ograwood1: there is also a gnome-btdownloadgui anywhere on the web, packaged for ubuntu05:38
Madd_Marshallanyone have a book suggestion05:38
JDahlanir, I dont mean to be patronizing, but there's probably 100s of online tutorials that cover Gnu software tools... googling wouldnt hurt05:38
=== |QuaD-_ [~QuaD@beac872-0b01-dhcp182.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
da_bon_boni _want_ hoary but cant download ISOs due to limited bandwith. how much MB will warty->hoary upgrade be ?05:38
Madd_Marshallso i can learn what i need to knwo abotu linux05:38
Lathiat2wood1: if your on a hurry, just run btdownlaodedcurses like i said :)05:38
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: it was about 500 for me05:38
wood1Ok Lathiat205:38
wood1It's running05:38
ograMadd_Marshall: www.tldp.org05:38
Lathiat2wood1: so now you sit and wait05:38
aniryes jdahl i should google a bit05:38
wood1Luthiat2, are you good at Hacking ?05:38
da_bon_bonLathiat2: oh. i have only 100MB downlaod limit per month :(:(05:39
bob2anir: what build systems have you used in the past?05:39
ograMadd_Marshall: and orilleys books are good05:39
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: ah, your in trouble heh05:39
Madd_Marshallso web... no books?05:39
bob2if you're doing anything with more than a few files, you'll wnat to use automake or scons or stuff05:39
Madd_Marshalloreilly has a good linux book?05:39
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: For you I wouldnt run hoary05:39
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: because you'd want to constantly update05:39
bob2Madd_Marshall: I hear the o'reilly 'linux in a nutshell' book is quite good05:39
ograMadd_Marshall: lots of them...pick one05:39
da_bon_bonLathiat2: 'run hoary' ??05:39
wood1Lathiat2, I got Problem connecting to tracker - timeout exceeded05:39
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: run hoary as in upgrade to hoary05:39
plasmowat is hacking :)05:39
Lathiat2wood1: why dont you just download the iso off a mirror?05:40
da_bon_bonLathiat2: oh ok...05:40
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: and that'l go far past yoru 100MB limit05:40
JDahlanir, you're new to software dvlp on Linux? (I smell a fat chance of converting another Emacs follower)05:40
bob2anir: on AIX?05:40
wood1Well I can't find the ISO Image05:40
da_bon_bonLathiat2: oh... thanks.05:40
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da_bon_bonLathiat2: how is hoary better than warty?05:40
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: also you might want to look at getting another internet plan because you can very easily go over 100MB and get yourself into money troubles from excess downloads05:40
RuffianSoldierwood1 - what ISO image?05:40
wood1The Slackware ISO Image05:40
da_bon_bonLathiat2: i will be getting aother plan in about 2 weeks...05:40
Madd_Marshallwhat does ubuntu mean05:41
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: it has some newer and cooler stuff (xorg, etc) -- but its also prone to breakages (i've just had one today where my entire desktop wouldnt load).. so it has its pros and cons05:41
bob2anir: what did you mean by 'ibm'?05:41
anirjdahl: yes i am new .. just a week old here05:41
bob2Madd_Marshall: www.ubuntu.com explains it05:41
ograMadd_Marshall: humanity to others05:41
RuffianSoldierwood 1 - #ubuntu is the channel you are in05:41
Madd_Marshallok... i was tryign to be lazy05:41
anirIBM computers??05:41
ograMadd_Marshall: among other things05:41
da_bon_bonLathiat2: where do i get screenshots and stuff ?05:41
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: uh, probably no where05:41
wood1Well the more the many05:41
bob2wood1: go to #slackware a=nd see if there's an ISO then05:41
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: its not a great deal different looking05:41
da_bon_bonLathiat2: oh :)05:41
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: the menus up top left were reordered, but thats about the only big gui change i think05:42
da_bon_bonLathiat2: can u send me a screenshot using dcc, please ?05:42
wood1Well I heard that Slackware runs well on old machines05:42
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: dcc?05:42
ograda_bon_bon: on freedesktop org are shots of xorg05:42
da_bon_bonLathiat2: i mean the  method to share files on irc. isnt it dcc ?05:42
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: ah yes it is05:42
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RuffianSoldierhey - i couldnt find that freedesktop.org clock - I really want to add some eyecandy to Ubuntu05:42
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: uh... i don't use the IRC client that comes with ubuntu05:42
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: so it wouldnt be much good to you05:42
da_bon_bonLathiat2: any irc client will do05:43
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: and its not that exciting, its just a little dialog that says the filename, speed and process05:43
wood1Anyway, forget about Slackware05:43
da_bon_bonanyone else can pls gimme hoary screenshots ?05:43
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JDahlanir, then you ought to experiement with Emacs (if you dont already know it)... you're probably used to IDEs with all sorts of bells and whistles - emacs has all that, but in a nonintrusive way05:43
bob2it looks just like warty05:43
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wood1Quad, I can't play MP3s and Movies over the Network ??05:44
wood1bob2 ?05:44
da_bon_bonbob2: ok. u use hoary too ?05:44
bob2wood1: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:44
anirJDahl: how can i get it?05:44
|QuaD-wood1: ok05:44
wood1Over the network ?05:44
bob2wood1: dude, you really need to learn to lean on the FAQ a bit instead of asking the same stuff over and over here05:44
bob2da_bon_bon: yes05:44
bob2wood1: yes05:44
wood1ha ha ha05:44
bur[n] er_wood1: mount the samba share05:44
|QuaD-wood1: its not funny05:44
wood1Well that's why you guys are great05:45
da_bon_bonLathiat2: u in aussie, right?05:45
Lathiat2da_bon_bon: yes05:45
wood1You come to my rescue all the time05:45
bob2wood1: the FAQ is greater05:45
|QuaD-wood1: when you really need us we won't be here05:45
bur[n] er_wood1: the more easy questions you ask that are in the faq, the less time other folks devote to making ubuntu cooler05:45
JDahlanir, by the wonders of apt-get... but this is becoming off-topic, we should take it to, e.g.,#ubuntuforums if you have more questions05:45
wood1Well I read that Unofficial Ubuntu Starter Guide but I still can mount the Network Drive05:45
CheatersRealmguys, I don't know what you're talking about, transset and xcompmgr are fast05:46
wood1I have another PC running on Ubuntu and I can connect to it from Browsing over the Network using:  smb:///05:46
CheatersRealmperhaps you didn't use renderaccel with nvidia drivers?05:46
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|QuaD-wood1: there are many faqs and wikis05:46
bob2I'm pretty sure composite doesn't use render05:46
SteveAI have a laptop with a removeable cdrom drive.  I've booted with the drive out.  I just inserted it.  How can I tell the system that it should see /dev/hdc ?05:47
anirJDahl: i would love to join u05:47
wood1Can you just provide me some commands to mount network drives or shares05:47
bur[n] er_wood1: man smbmount05:47
wood1Why can't Gmail accept zipped exe and mdb files ?05:47
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|QuaD-SteveA: cat /var/log/dmsg05:47
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wood1It's really strange05:47
|QuaD-wood1: ask google05:47
da_bon_bonhow do i someone ip whose chatting with me over gaim?05:48
wood1By the way, do you know that you can't browse into your Hotmail Inbox using Internet Explorer ?05:48
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bob2|QuaD-: that won't help05:48
bur[n] er_da_bon_bon: you don't... less you do a direct connect05:48
bob2da_bon_bon: you can't, generally05:48
|QuaD-bob2: why won't it help?05:48
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da_bon_bonbur[n] er_: i do a direct connect by transferring files, right?05:48
CheatersRealmbob2, welll it runs quickly on a 1000mhz amd tbird, with basically no slow down05:48
bur[n] er_da_bon_bon: or just click the direct connect icon05:49
bur[n] er_or... menu item05:49
SteveA|QuaD-: what would you expect to find in /var/log/dmesg that would help?05:49
bur[n] er_it's used for transferring pictures directly into the convo05:49
|QuaD-SteveA: isn't that where it parses things like that05:49
ograSteveA: good question05:49
da_bon_bonbur[n] er_: then?05:49
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bob2|QuaD-: a) it was generated at boot, before it was plugged in, b) listing devices doesn't help, since we know it wasn't plugged in05:49
da_bon_bonbur[n] er_: wheres the direct connect icon in GAIM ?05:49
ograSteveA: i suspect the ide-cd module isnt loaded05:50
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: its a menu item05:50
ograSteveA: try sudo modprobe ide-cd05:50
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: which menu ?05:50
wood1Bob2, QuaD, I can't seem to use Gmail's SMTP Server Settings in Evolution ?05:51
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: i am not on my system with gaim now.... if you right click on the user i think it should be there thouhg05:51
SteveAogra: good call, ide_cd was not loaded.  Now it is.  Still can't mount.05:51
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bur[n] er_da_bon_bon: if you do "insert image" you'll prompt a direct connect05:51
bur[n] er_a file transfer would work too05:51
|QuaD-wood1: ok?05:51
bur[n] er_that and netstat of course05:51
bur[n] er_but you can figure the rest out05:51
bur[n] er_wood1: take it up with gmail05:51
ograSteveA: now type dmesg and see the last lines... it should tell you if it created a device05:51
bob2wood1: evolution in hoary is broken if you're using that05:52
da_bon_bonbur[n] er_: in a conversation window??05:52
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wood1No I am running Warty05:52
bur[n] er_da_bon_bon: only works on some protocols05:52
|QuaD-bob2: I really hope he isn't using hoary!05:52
bur[n] er_da_bon_bon: not on msn... aim/icq it does05:52
wood1Where does Evolution gives us the option to use the port from 25 to 465 ?05:52
da_bon_bonbur[n] er_: oh. so no way to get ip from msn ?05:52
da_bon_bonon gaim?05:52
|QuaD-wood1: is this #evolution?05:53
bob2chill dude05:53
bur[n] er_da_bon_bon: sure is... send a file05:53
bob2wood1: #gnome on irc.gnome.org might be a better place to ask05:53
bur[n] er_wood1: F1 ?05:53
da_bon_bonbur[n] er_: and he accepts, suppose. now how?05:53
ograbur[n] er_: heh05:53
ograbur[n] er_: f105:53
bur[n] er_da_bon_bon: netstat05:53
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: try doing a video, voice or file transfer... then netstat05:53
SteveAogra: nothing interesting in /var/log/messages or dmesg05:53
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SteveAperhaps I can create the device node directly.05:54
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: ok05:54
ograSteveA: it ahould tell you that it loaded the module...and if it created a device node05:54
bob2SteveA: it's possible linux doesn't support it at all, unfortunately05:54
ograSteveA: you have to fiddle a lot with udev to do that, i wouldnt suggest to do it05:54
SteveAno mknod any more?05:55
ograSteveA: is removed on next boot by udev05:55
bob2you can use mknod, but if the kernel doesn't know about it in dmesg, it's unlikely to do anything05:55
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ograSteveA: you set this in the udev.rules nowadays05:55
wood1Ok Quad, bob2, ogra, see you guys later05:55
wood1thanks for the help05:55
wood1Latiah2 too05:56
wood1I will come with a Flood next time too05:56
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CheatersRealmwhoo! too all you naysayers: transparency works well with nvidia cards.05:57
bob2no one said it didn't work05:58
CheatersRealmthey said it was slow05:58
CheatersRealmalright, it's lunchtime05:58
remi`CheatersRealm, it _is_ slow on my computer ... but then again my computer is slow like a dog05:58
|QuaD-i have the fake transparency now05:59
stuNNedhttp://www.cafepress.com/ubuntushop.14580695 heh05:59
remi`does someone know where to find the daily builds for the hoary ?06:00
remi`(the install iso)06:00
|QuaD-remi`: why not just use warty and upgrade?06:00
remi`|QuaD-, unfortunately warty doesn't exist on IA6406:01
bob2khm, I wonder who's running that shop06:01
|QuaD-remi`: does hoary?06:01
remi`and the array2 cd fails during the setup06:01
ograbob2: lu06:01
bob2ogra: ah06:01
ograbob2: which is canonical .... there was a lengthy thread in -users06:01
|QuaD-i wonder how many of the ubuntu females own that thong06:01
bob2ogra: I do know who lu is :)06:02
remi`I juste wonder how many ubuntu females ...06:02
ograbob2: louise06:02
ograbob2: ah, sorry i read dont06:02
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jesusantoniohow can I boot windows XP?, I wrote in the grub menu "Title WinXP etc." then it says "Booting XP" but nothing happens06:07
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twisted_steeljesusantonio, was your grub menu auto-configured for you?06:12
Madd_Marshalldamn ubuntu downloaded fast06:13
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: where?06:13
Madd_Marshallif only i could use it now06:13
Madd_Marshallim talking abotu the iso for ubuntu amd6406:13
jesusantoniohow is that?, It wasn't windows in the beggining, so I wrote it in the Grub menu, but when I click it, nothing happensa06:14
Madd_Marshallit downloaded at 400k steady06:14
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|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: i am seeding the i386 live and the i386 regular at 400kb/s and 200kb/s06:15
|QuaD-blah went down from when i checked last 200 and 10006:15
remi`jesusantonio, you might want to add the "chainloader +1" option to your grub.conf06:15
Madd_Marshalli didnt get the torrent06:16
Madd_Marshallbecause BT has been really gay lately06:16
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: i usually do better with torrents06:16
Madd_Marshallme too06:16
Madd_Marshallbut lately its been hell06:16
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|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: i dled just now both isos at 800 kb/s each06:16
Madd_Marshall2-10k on a good day06:17
Madd_Marshalli got 600k fromt eh fedora core 3 torrent06:17
Madd_Marshalli tried to get suse... becuase i didnt want to chance wasting 90 bucks... and the best i got was 15k06:17
Madd_Marshalland thats with like 30 seeds and over 200 peers...06:18
Madd_Marshallfriggin shit torrents06:18
Madd_Marshallbut yea.... i downloaded ubuntu06:18
Madd_Marshalland when i get paid ill finish my rig06:18
Madd_Marshalland try it out06:18
Madd_Marshallanyone running that amd64 version06:19
Madd_Marshallanyone alive?06:19
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: are you talking about illegal or legal versions of suse?06:20
Madd_Marshallquad - id rather not say06:20
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: i imagine thats why it was slwo06:20
Madd_Marshallwell i know legit torrents have more people....06:20
Madd_Marshallbut still ive gotten many things from not so legit torrents and several hundred k06:21
Madd_Marshallis there something i dont know?06:21
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Madd_Marshallbut again... is anyone usign the 64bit ubuntu06:21
|QuaD-hey... i know this isn't a C coding channel... but does this make sense?06:22
|QuaD-MESSAGES[j] [start+i] ;06:22
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: whats ur dnld speed? how come u got it over soo fast?06:22
|QuaD-bp_msg = (struct BPmsg_t*) msg.data;06:22
|QuaD-for(i=0; i<MAXDATA; i++){06:22
|QuaD-MESSAGES[bp_msg->sender] [i+MAXDATA*bp_msg->packnum] =bp_msg->msg[i] ;06:22
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: whats ur dnld speed? how come u got it over soo fast?06:22
Madd_Marshallmy download... well my plan is supposed to be 3mbps max06:22
Madd_Marshalli havent seen more than 600k for the last two years though06:23
Madd_Marshallused to get at 2mbps... but so many people have it that the networks suck now06:23
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: 3mbps should be less than 600k06:23
Madd_Marshallmy upload is shit06:23
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da_bon_bonyes quad is rite.06:23
|QuaD-so 5 mbps should be around 500mbytes/s06:23
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: but still, how come it got over so fast ?06:24
|QuaD-3 should be around 20006:24
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Madd_Marshallwhat do you mean how come... because i have cable.. and it downloads fast with a good source06:24
Madd_Marshallhow come what... the ubuntu iso06:25
Madd_Marshallor the fedora torrent06:25
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: you should get a max of 300-400 kbytes/second06:25
|QuaD-don't feel like working the math06:25
Madd_Marshalli can get as much as 600 though... on a good day with a good torrent06:26
Madd_Marshallmost single sources range from 150-40006:26
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: not with a 3mpbs cap06:26
Madd_Marshallman... i used to have a 1.5mbps cap and saw over 1000kbps06:26
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: not possible06:27
Madd_Marshallwell then the app was lying06:27
Madd_Marshallim just saying what hotwire(or was it hotline) said06:27
Madd_Marshallalso the guy i was downloading from had a t3... and he lived only a few miles away06:28
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: look how to convert megabits per second to mega bytes per second06:28
|QuaD-t3 is only like 3 megabits per second06:28
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: it will show you what your max speed is06:28
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: and you will see i am not lying :)06:28
Madd_Marshalli just know the speeds im getting...06:28
Madd_Marshalli dont even understand what your saying06:29
Madd_Marshallwell the ubuntu downloaded in under 15 minutes... so im happy06:29
RibsHo ho ho06:29
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: before you make comments, do some research, you have cox, which offers 3megabit per second max's06:29
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|QuaD-learn how to convert that to megabytes06:29
|QuaD-(which i am telling you is around 300-400)06:29
Madd_Marshallit may be06:30
Madd_Marshallbut i got 400k steady06:30
Madd_Marshallso whats  your point06:30
|QuaD-400k steady should take you around 30 minutes06:30
Madd_Marshallwell maybe it went faster when i left the room... it showed 412 or soemthing like that... and i left to cook breakfast... when i returned... it was complete06:31
twisted_steelmy dialup can beat your connection any day ;)06:31
Madd_Marshallhaha i bet06:31
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: i find that hard to believe... do the research06:31
|QuaD-before you make these claims06:31
Madd_Marshalli left room... and when i came back... 15 minutes from when i started it was done06:31
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Madd_Marshalli was shocked too... but the download is indeed done06:32
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: well, at 400k... that is impossible06:32
Madd_Marshall400k is what it was at when i left... it could have likely sped up... and from what your saying it must have06:32
tswwho cares :) its christmas!06:32
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: is dialup in usa THAT good ?06:32
|QuaD-do the math.... the cd is 650 MB.... 650MB/(.400MB/S) is roughly 1600 seconds06:32
Madd_Marshallit takes a while with flashget to get to its full sped06:32
tswjust burn the iso and enjoy06:33
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: sure it is :P06:33
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|QuaD-1600seconds/60 (seconds/min) = something06:33
|QuaD-around 3006:33
Madd_Marshallwarty-release-install-amd64 is 540 megs06:33
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: no india its just 40 kbps06:33
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: its not possible with your cap06:33
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: luckily my local library has free wireless06:33
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: do at 400k thats 22.5 minutes06:34
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: oh ok, so u get all the net u want for free?06:34
Madd_Marshallyoru not listening... it was staying at aroudn 400k.. then i left the room06:34
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: yeah, I just have to go over there and have the other people in the library stare at me06:34
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: with your cap though, it can't go 400k06:34
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Madd_Marshallwhen i returned... around 15 mins later... give or take a minute... it was done06:34
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Madd_Marshallso the app was lying?06:35
Madd_Marshallwell that may be... but it finished nonetheless06:35
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da_bon_bontwisted_steel: why stare ? u not doing something wrong...06:35
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: why stare ? u not doing something wrong...06:35
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: it's just weird, that's all06:36
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: 400k isn't that unreasonable, maybe they give you a little extra to work with, but the 15 minutes means you get 600kB/s... which is unreasonable06:36
ogratwisted_steel: you know you are supposed to be dressed in librarys ?06:36
|QuaD-so i would say that your clock is lying06:36
Madd_Marshalland correction... the speed is 4mb/256k now...06:36
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twisted_steelogra: ohhhh, that's why :)06:36
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: but if they provide for free and u have a laptop, u can just go in and surf!!06:36
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Madd_Marshalli forgot that they changed it like 2 months ago.. upped the caps on the whole network06:36
carajeancan anyone help me with cedega06:36
Madd_Marshallbut i got 400k.. whether you think im lying or not06:37
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: yup, I think it's just because I was in there during the day when the other kids were in school; I'm on break from college06:37
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall, |QuaD-: cool it. does it really matter?06:37
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: 4mbit i believe would allow 400k, i still don't believe the 15 minutes though06:37
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: ok06:37
Madd_Marshallda_bon_bon - no it doesnt... thats what is baffling me... i dont see why he cares06:37
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: trying to educate him in the difference between mbit and mbyte06:37
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: i wish i had that. i love downloading and i just get 100 mb per month limit..06:38
Madd_Marshallall i care is that it downloaded within the span of the 15 minutes i left the room06:38
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: oh wow, that's terrible06:38
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: really, its ok. he got ubuntu and will try. plese end the matter.06:38
Madd_Marshallda_bon - move to vegas06:38
kensaiwhich is the package that on boot do the Configuring Network?06:38
Madd_Marshallthey dont enforce the limits06:38
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: hehe :) for the record he needs a new clock06:38
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: the dialup here has a 200 hour cap, otherwise they charge you for some business version06:38
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: at the age of 16 :D ??06:38
Madd_Marshallhey there is fun to be had for the underage06:39
Madd_Marshallget your folks to move06:39
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: from india to vegas, it isnt easy, or is it ;) ??06:39
Madd_Marshallindia... oh06:39
Madd_Marshallquad... forgive me... i checked flashget... 17mins22secs...06:39
Madd_Marshallforgive me06:39
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: do the calculations06:40
Madd_Marshallaverage of 472.54KB/s06:40
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da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: so u downloaded the whole friggin iso in 18 DAMN MINUTES ??06:40
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Madd_Marshallyea i did06:40
Madd_Marshallda_bon... do they have broadband in india06:40
Madd_Marshalli assume they do06:41
=== da_bon_bon is crying coz he wants a connection as good as Madd_Marshall...
Madd_Marshallquad... i think your just jealous06:41
da_bon_bonyes, but __very__ costly.06:41
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: that is possible actually... but do the calculations06:41
Madd_Marshallhaha... my friend in canada has a better connection06:41
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: i have a 20mbit line06:41
|QuaD-definitely NOT jealous of a 4 mbit one06:41
Madd_Marshallok... then why are you picking on me because i am happy abotu my speeds06:41
Madd_Marshalljust be happy that you have a better one than me06:41
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: i just watn you to learn the conversion06:41
Madd_Marshallit will never happen06:42
|QuaD-so you sound as smart as you hopefully are06:42
Madd_Marshallit is one of those things i dont see the need to know06:42
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: u somewhere in south america right?06:42
Madd_Marshallit wont help me get laid...06:42
|QuaD-nope... north east US06:42
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: how much time owuld it take u to get an iso ?06:42
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: haha... you never know06:42
Madd_Marshallwell i dont think i want a girl who is impressed by my conversion skills....06:43
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: do the calculations...2.048 Megabytes per second06:43
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: oh, i had my globe turned wrong.06:43
|QuaD-i wasn't watching when i did it06:43
Madd_Marshallunless she is a hot blonde with glasses and a schoolgirl outfit06:43
|QuaD-*dled it06:43
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: that also assumes i max my connection out (which isn't likely06:43
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da_bon_bon|QuaD-: in 2 minutes?06:43
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: i was dling at an average of 1 Megabyte a second (that was just from looking over)06:44
da_bon_bon|QuaD-: sorry 4!06:44
|QuaD-so about 540 seconds06:44
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Madd_Marshall4 mins 40 seconds?06:44
=== da_bon_bon is crying coz he wants a connection as good as |QuaD-...
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: if i maxxed out my connection06:44
|QuaD-but i have other things happening06:44
|QuaD-downloading and uploading06:44
=== Madd_Marshall is crying because he wants to finish his amd64 rig so he can try the linux he downloaded so fast
|QuaD-da_bon_bon: it is nice06:45
|QuaD-i lose it in may though06:45
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: u urself are repairing ur rig?06:45
Madd_Marshallmy hdd died06:45
|QuaD-bp_msg = (struct BPmsg_t*) msg.data;06:45
|QuaD-for(i=0; i<MAXDATA; i++){06:45
|QuaD-MESSAGES[bp_msg->sender] [i+MAXDATA*bp_msg->packnum] =bp_msg->msg[i] ;06:45
|QuaD-whats wrong with that???06:45
Madd_Marshallso im takign the time to put in a new drive, new ram, and a watercooling kit06:45
Madd_Marshalli do all my own installations... its so easy why not do it yourself06:46
Madd_Marshallhey bon bon... imma link you to a cartoon... you may or may not think its funny06:46
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da_bon_bonimma means? and u mean u think i am a cartoon ?06:47
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Madd_Marshallimma = im gonna06:47
Madd_Marshall= im going to06:47
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: doesnt loadat all... just a big whit box06:48
Madd_Marshallyea wont load for me either06:48
Madd_Marshallwell heres a classic06:48
da_bon_bonthen whats the cartoon abotut ?06:48
Madd_Marshalltech support in india06:48
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da_bon_bonwhat was the first one about ?06:49
Madd_Marshalltech support in india06:49
Madd_Marshallits just weird06:49
=== Potaje [PotaJep0w3@31.Red-80-35-118.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Madd_Marshallits funny06:49
da_bon_bonmy default browsers been set  to lynx. what do i do ?06:50
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guillePotajiTo, en ingles tio :P06:50
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PotajiToits and script guille06:51
guillesorry ;)06:51
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: nice06:52
Madd_Marshallthats my favorite cartoon06:53
Madd_Marshallonly show better... is Degrassi06:53
Madd_Marshallso why does everyone prefer ubuntu....06:55
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: why why ?06:55
twisted_steelMadd_Marshall: because it works perfectly on my Thinkpad T4206:55
stuNNedtwisted_steel, nice laptop06:55
twisted_steelstuNNed: yeah, my college gave it to me for free :)06:56
Madd_Marshallyour college06:56
Madd_Marshallit is free already though...06:56
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twisted_steelMadd_Marshall: not at all, I go to RPI06:56
Madd_Marshallthats cool though06:56
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: i wanna join ur college - free laptop, free internet06:56
Madd_Marshallnot college fool06:56
Madd_Marshalloh the laptop06:57
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twisted_steelMadd_Marshall: ah yes :)06:57
Madd_Marshallyea some odd trade schools do that here... give away a free p4 laptop06:57
carajeananybody use ubuntu distro06:57
da_bon_bonmost here use it06:57
twisted_steelMadd_Marshall: either way, I went to the library not sure if my wireless would work, went into the network settings and added the ESSID, and I was on06:57
Madd_Marshallmy distro in winxp06:57
carajeanok do any of u use it with cedega???06:58
Madd_Marshalli want to get a laptop06:58
Madd_Marshalldamn i think ubuntu is the right choice06:58
carajeani cant get the people on the cedega channel to talk they just watch the screen06:58
Madd_Marshallno one mentioned cedega in suse or fedora06:58
Madd_Marshallso there must be some link06:58
Madd_Marshallwell i havent used cedega yet06:58
twisted_steelI really like them because I can just pick up the computer, move it to the couch, etc - things I definitely cannot do with my desktop06:58
Madd_Marshalli plan to06:58
Madd_Marshallthere is alot of help on google06:58
Madd_Marshalli wish i could find a cheap amd64 laptop06:59
carajeani tried searching google all day yesterdayu and im doin it right now i cant find a solution to my prob06:59
twisted_steelespecially when the case by itself is about 20 lbs06:59
Madd_Marshalllike around 120006:59
Madd_Marshallmy case is closer to 60 pounds06:59
Madd_Marshallthe case itself is around 5006:59
twisted_steelnot bad at all06:59
carajeani installed and it said setting up but then just went to the next cmd line06:59
twisted_steelgood for excercise07:00
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carajeanno other windows poped up07:00
|QuaD-so... i have a problem wiht screen.... if a screen is attached and i want to view it, i type screen -d -r [num]  and all the other variations07:00
carajeanthis is what it looks like  Setting up point2play (1.3.2) ...07:00
|QuaD-none of the m werk07:00
carajeancan some one help a newb out ive only been usin linux for a day07:01
wasabi_carajean, that's what it is supposed to do.07:01
|QuaD-bob2: does anyone else have that problem with screen?07:02
carajeanok now where do i go after that07:02
|QuaD-oh, i guess bob2 left07:02
wasabi_carajean, think what you'd do in windows, after an install is finished.07:02
wasabi_You'd go find whatever it installed and launch it... most likely07:03
carajeanyeah but i dotn know where it installed to07:03
wasabi_sounds like a dumb program. ;)07:03
wasabi_anyways, it made a command, Point2Play.07:03
wasabi_(I know this because i've used it)07:03
wasabi_What it SHOULD do, if it was a better program, is put entries in your menus, etc.07:04
carajeanok  i will try  amen to that07:04
carajeanwasbi u are a god thanks alot but i may have more questions about installing games07:04
wasabi_I have had no luck with cedega lately.07:05
carajeanyeah is there also a command for cedega07:05
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wasabi_there is when you install it. Point2Play installs it's own copy though.07:05
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carajeanok i clicked get ltest version and it seems tobe getting ti07:06
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carajeanok what games have u used on cedega07:08
bronsonYou know, CUPS is a truly bad piece of software.07:08
bronsonBut gtklp is even worse!07:08
carajeanand do u know how i go about installin games07:08
bronsonAt least CUPS doesdn't crash all the time.07:08
da_bon_bonhey, has pentium 5 been released anywhere in the world ?07:09
Madd_Marshallubuntu has no root?07:09
Madd_Marshallsome sudo thing instead?07:09
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: u got ubuntu up and running ?07:09
da_bon_bonhey, has pentium 5 been released anywhere in the world ?07:09
mjg59da_bon_bon: There is nothing currently named the pentium 507:10
twisted_steelMadd_Marshall: yeah, you just do 'sudo command' and type in your password07:10
da_bon_bonmjg59: i mean pentium V07:10
mjg59da_bon_bon: Nor that07:10
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mjg59p5 refers to the original pentium07:10
da_bon_bonmjg59: my friend was bluffing that it has been released out in the US07:11
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Madd_Marshallda_bon_bon - no i dont... im just reading a review07:12
Madd_Marshallnvidia driver is included in the repositories?07:12
mjg59da_bon_bon: Well, it hasn't07:12
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: which review? gimme the link07:12
Madd_Marshallthis is awesome... its like half review half tut07:13
carajeanhey does anyone no why my cd-rom stops responding after awhile in linux07:13
carajeani have to restart in order to get it to work again07:13
Madd_Marshallneeds more pictures though07:13
carajeanok heres another question i have seen where on linux if i shut down it keeps all the windows up that i had up07:14
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da_bon_bonhow do install java in 'apt' ?07:16
da_bon_bonhow do install java in 'apt' ?07:16
da_bon_bonhow do install java in 'apt' ?07:16
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mjg59da_bon_bon: Asking the same question repeatedly makes it less likely that you'll get an answer, not more likely07:17
Madd_Marshallhoary hedgehog?07:17
sid77da_bon_bon, read the wiki (and stop asking so many times)07:17
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: I think this might be what you are looking for: http://ubuntuguide.org/index.html#jre07:17
Madd_Marshallis that an upgrade from warty warthog?07:17
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stuNNedmjg59, i think he is stuttering07:17
mjg59Madd_Marshall: It's the name of the next release07:18
mjg59It's currently in development07:18
Madd_Marshalloh ok07:18
Madd_Marshalli dont like the naming07:18
da_bon_bonok sorry and thanks07:18
Madd_Marshallthey should just stick with numbers07:18
=== Gorth [~Gorth@3E6BCFF5.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: they are 'project name' not distro name - every linux distro has one07:19
RuffianSoldierSanta: "Now what would like for Christmas?"  Me: "More bandwidth, and 1GB of PC2700 DDR RAM"  Santa: ".................."07:19
=== da_bon_bon wants RuffianSoldiers santa... :D
GorthIm trying to get my Linksys WUSB54g working. Any pointers on which documents to read first?07:20
da_bon_bonok bye guys cya all later...07:21
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pepsihas anyone installed xcircuit?07:22
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|QuaD-pepsi: what is that?07:23
|QuaD-sounds like i might want to07:23
=== carajean [~carajean@pcp0010646466pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
carajeanok now im havin trouble installin WoW straight form the cd can anyone help07:23
acetechWoW has a linux install?07:24
|QuaD-whats wow?07:25
crimsunthat new Blizzard game07:25
twisted_steelWorld of Warcraft?07:25
acetechworld of warcraft07:25
|QuaD-wow is for linux?07:26
acetechi dont think there is a linux installer for it though07:26
acetechthe box only has mac and windows07:26
acetechbut you get it to run in cedega07:26
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angrypunkCould someone help me please?  How do I view my partition map so i can figure out what to add in my fstab?07:28
KamionMadd_Marshall: you're entirely welcome to call them 4.10 and 5.04 if you prefer07:29
acetechangrypunk: use fdisk07:29
sid77angrypunk, try with fdisk -l /dev/hda07:30
Madd_Marshallubuntu installs the nvidia 3d driver by default07:30
|QuaD-Kamion: who came up with the numbers? how did they get them07:30
Madd_Marshallomg im loving it more every second07:30
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Kamion|QuaD-: dates07:30
sid77angrypunk, if /dev/hda is your disk, of course07:30
Kamion|QuaD-: add 2000 and treat the fractional part as a month ...07:30
|QuaD-ahh that makes sense07:30
|QuaD-what happens in 2014???07:30
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Kamion14.04, 14.1007:30
|QuaD-y2k bug all over again!07:31
Kamionwhy should 2014 be special?07:31
|QuaD-then what about 300407:31
|QuaD-you have thought of everything!07:31
angrypunkthanks sid77, acetech07:31
Kamionthe year portion merely starts at 4, there's no intrinsic limit07:31
Madd_Marshallthanks kamion... id prefer to call it 5.04 instead of hoary07:31
Madd_Marshalli mean warty is ok... but hoary07:32
|QuaD-what happens at year infinity (stumped you there!)07:32
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: no one will knowwhat you are referring to07:32
Kamion5.04 is perfectly reasonable to talk about07:32
tavonI trying to decide where to install eclipse... do you install it in /opt/eclipse or your home directory?07:32
KamionMadd_Marshall: argue with Mark, not us ;)07:32
tavonwhat are the advantages?07:32
Kamion|QuaD-: it's a bit of a playground game, but we can argue about sequences of infinities if you *really* want07:33
|QuaD-Kamion: i am just kidding07:33
|QuaD-oh, and by the way, bittornado works great07:33
Kamionaleph-0 minus 4 is still aleph-0, though :)07:33
Madd_Marshallwhat does this mean ; " deboostrapping a clean 32 bit chroot"07:34
Madd_Marshallwhat does this mean : " debootstrapping a clean 32 bit chroot"07:34
|QuaD-Kamion: yeah... i have done a lot with infinity in my coursework07:34
Kamiondebootstrap is the tool used to install Debian/Ubuntu base systems onto a clean filesystem07:34
Madd_Marshallhmmmm... ok07:34
acetechcan you change to ubuntu with a debian system?07:34
carajeanso has anyone actually got cedega to work07:34
crimsunacetech: yes. carajean: yes.07:35
Kamion|QuaD-: bittornado> good07:35
Madd_Marshallkamion... what does that mean though07:35
|QuaD-Kamion: as a thank you.... i am currently seeding the live and install iso's for i386... for the next like 15 days when i am out of town and my 20mbit line will not be used07:35
KamionMadd_Marshall: basically it's explaining how to set up an environment that pretends to just be i38607:36
Madd_Marshallim trying to figure out how to get a 32bit lib added to a 64bit ubuntu install07:36
Madd_Marshallok cool07:36
Madd_Marshallis it hard07:36
Kamionbut it's a totally separate environment, not a couple of overlay libraries07:36
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Kamionthat page appears to have full directions07:36
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Brikkahhello, can some help me with this problem : => http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=902307:37
setup_hello, i'm having difficulty getting an external dvd drive connected to my laptop via an ide->usb cable working.07:37
Madd_Marshalla totally seperate enviroment?07:37
Madd_Marshallso it wouldnt be usable at the same time as everything else?07:38
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Kamionno, the chroot program allows you to use them simultaneously07:39
Kamionbut it's a pain to e.g. run graphical programs from inside a chroot07:39
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Madd_Marshallwell i hope its not too much of a pain07:40
=== DeepSpaceAnt [Bersirc@lsanca1-ar41-4-61-130-127.lsanca1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DeepSpaceAntguys when are the FGLRX drivers for XORG going to be up!?07:41
stuNNedDeepSpaceAnt, that is probly a ques for #ati?07:41
KamionMadd_Marshall: it would seem easier to try the directions on the page and then ask if you have a problem07:41
KamionATI have not provided updated binary drivers yet.07:42
Madd_Marshallwell yea i will... i was just curious07:42
Madd_Marshalli use nvidia 6800gt07:42
Madd_Marshallso that tutorial gives me hope07:42
Madd_Marshallsince it claims that nvidia drivers are included by default07:43
DeepSpaceAntbah..#ati channel is dead or something noone responds07:43
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crimsunDeepSpaceAnt: the next release of fglrx will support amd64, X.Org, GLSL, etc.07:43
Kamionin a *whole two minutes*07:43
Kamiondude, it's Christmas Eve, you're lucky anyone's on IRC07:43
Madd_Marshalltwo minutes?07:43
crimsunDeepSpaceAnt: until that is released, Ubuntu Hoary will not have it in linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` at all07:43
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Madd_Marshallhow can they afford to send out all these free cds to people?07:46
RibsCDs are very cheap to produce07:46
Madd_Marshallbut they are not free07:47
Kamionconsider it a form of PR07:47
=== Duali [~duali@a80-186-144-163.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
RibsMadd_Marshall, They have a lot of spare cash07:47
Madd_Marshalla PR for something they dont charge for07:47
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|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: they are really cheap... the money is actually in the shipping07:47
Madd_Marshallyea thats what i mena07:47
Madd_Marshalland they put no limit on it07:47
Madd_Marshallwhich is actually smarter in a sense07:47
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: shipping 500 cd's isn't much more then shipping 107:47
Kamion(some people have tried to abuse it, the egregious abusers are caught)07:47
Madd_Marshallabusers eh?07:48
Kamionthere was a guy who ordered 10000 for himself and his friends ...07:48
|QuaD-Kamion: how much is abusers?07:48
Madd_Marshallim not one am i07:48
Madd_Marshalli just ordered 2007:48
Madd_Marshall10 regular and 10 64bit07:48
|QuaD-kamion is 50-60 abuse?07:48
Kamion20's reasonable07:48
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Kamion|QuaD-: I'm not going to answer questions of that form for hopefully obvious reasons :)07:48
Kamiondon't worry, it's pretty obvious when people are taking the piss :)07:48
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Kamionif you haven't got a mail asking you why you need so many, we aren't bothered07:49
|QuaD-Kamion: i also haven't gotten my 50-60 yet :)07:49
da_bon_bonhey, ubuntu cant play mpegs out of the box ?07:49
|QuaD-i want to distribute them at my uni07:49
TDis there any way to test the live CD without burning it to an actual CD? I already have fedora, so I was wondering if grub - magical program that it is - could boot direct from the ISO07:49
Kamionda_bon_bon: see RestrictedFormats on the wiki07:49
anselm_I was wondering does Epiphany have all the plug-ins like firefox has to make it useable?07:50
da_bon_bonTD: it cant but i cant remember how - search on google07:50
TDit can or it can't?07:50
Madd_Marshallwithout burning... why... your cheap07:50
TDit's not that07:50
TDi already did a burn, and it got corrupted07:50
Madd_Marshallhow odd07:51
KamionMadd_Marshall: Mark doesn't think it's a worthwhile business model to try to charge for free software itself; there are free-software-company business models that don't involve charging for the actual software, and most of them are improved by having lots of mindshare07:51
TDi have no idea why, so i'm not too eager to throw away more CDs in debugging sessions07:51
Madd_Marshalli burned fedora 6 times07:51
Madd_Marshallall were bad...07:51
TDMadd_Marshall: maybe the ISO was corrupted?07:51
TDi already verified that's not the case here07:51
Kamionat least I think that's a fair paraphrase07:51
Madd_Marshallhehe tell mark to send out free pcs07:51
Kamionha, don't see that happening :)07:51
Madd_Marshalllike a sweepstakes for a free pc07:51
Madd_Marshallhey question07:52
Madd_Marshallcan i make a slipstream of ubuntu?07:52
mlambieis the entire ubuntu team goming to canberra for linux.conf.au?07:52
Madd_Marshallits like an install that is already configred07:52
Madd_Marshalli have one for windows XP07:52
Kamionmlambie: we're holding a conference shortly before LCA, some people will be staying for LCA07:52
Madd_Marshallyou can make apps auto-install and stuff07:52
mlambieKamion: will it be a public conferences?07:53
Kamionyou can do an install and image it07:53
mlambieconference i mean07:53
Kamionmlambie: AFAIK yesh07:53
Kamioner, yes07:53
DeepSpaceAntGuys, is the Ubuntu dev team going to set up a Bootsplash screen just like under Fedora Core07:53
=== mlambie got his Christmas wish ;)
Madd_Marshallill look it up.. someone must have a tutorial for slipstreaming linux07:53
da_bon_bonKamion: plese tell me directly, without legales, how do i play mpg and dat files in totem07:53
KamionDeepSpaceAnt: http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/USplash07:54
Kamioninstall totem-xine?07:54
da_bon_bonKamion: do i install totem-xine ?07:54
Kamionda_bon_bon: I already referred you to http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RestrictedFormats, which has directions07:54
DeepSpaceAntKamion: is USplash working as of now ?07:55
DeepSpaceAntKamion: (can I just install it from apt)07:56
|QuaD-Kamion: who is the girl in the ubuntu-calendar wallpaper?07:56
KamionDeepSpaceAnt: not yet07:56
TDshe isn't even that fit dude07:56
Kamion|QuaD-: hired model07:56
|QuaD-oh ok07:56
da_bon_bonKamion: does mpeg fall under mp4 ?07:56
Kamionda_bon_bon: I have absolutely no idea07:56
Madd_Marshallcan i turn an image into a self contained bootable installer?07:57
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|QuaD-mp4=mpeg layer 407:57
crimsunda_bon_bon: mpeg4 falls under mpeg07:57
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crimsunda_bon_bon: there is a decoder library for it in the Marillat repository. Follow the RestrictedFormats link, as Kamion stated.07:57
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mlambieis USplash what some of the other ubuntu people have called "Mad Phat Startup" by any chance?07:59
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Madd_Marshallanyone use Opera?07:59
Kamionmlambie: yes07:59
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mlambieand with that, i'll wish you all a good night, merry christmas (where applicable)08:00
da_bon_boncrimsun: please, i am not getting head or tails on restricedformats wiki, how do i add .mpg and .dat playback capability ??08:00
Madd_Marshallhappy athiest party daty08:00
Madd_Marshallhaha jk... im a catholic... but i dont like christmas...stupid music08:01
crimsunda_bon_bon: please follow the instructions on the RestrictedFormats wiki.08:01
da_bon_bonwhats the difference between REalPlayer and HelixPlayer?08:01
TDhelixplayer does the same stuff, but better08:02
crimsunda_bon_bon: HelixPlayer does not contain the non-free, closed-source components08:02
crimsunda_bon_bon: RealPlayer is a superset of HelixPlayer.08:02
Madd_Marshallwhats a superset08:02
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: opposite of a subset08:02
Madd_Marshallgod i feel like a preschooler in here08:02
da_bon_boncrimsun: so if i install real i get helix capability too? then can i play mpegs ?08:02
Madd_Marshallwhats a subset08:02
Madd_Marshallthese are words ive seen... but never used on a regular basis...08:02
|QuaD-Madd_Marshall: lol... realplayer i am GUESSING is like a parent to it08:02
Madd_Marshallforget i asked08:03
Madd_Marshallok that works08:03
Madd_Marshallhelix is a free clone though right08:03
Agrajagnot a clone, it's the same source code08:03
Kamion== Messages ==08:03
KamionHey Colin. I was asked to remove WikiTeam as they don't want to sub-team just yet. They'd like myself and any others interested (you) to join the Doc team and help out that way. ''--[Kevin Mulligan] ''08:03
KamionMadd_Marshall: http://www.computeruser.com/resources/dictionary/http://www.computeruser.com/resources/dictionary/08:03
Madd_Marshallbut how so if realplater is closed-source08:03
KamionGAH, DAMN PASTE08:03
Madd_Marshallwas helixplayer made by real?08:03
Agrajagreal takes the helix code and adds their proprietary codecs08:03
Madd_Marshallwho made helix08:04
Agrajagit's under their supervision, helix is not GPL08:04
da_bon_boncrimsun: so if i install real i get helix capability too? then can i play mpegs ?08:04
Madd_Marshallno its not free?08:04
Agrajaghelix is free08:04
crimsunMadd_Marshall: HelixPlayer will not.08:04
Madd_Marshallbut not GPL08:04
crimsunda_bon_bon: HelixPlayer will not.08:04
Madd_Marshallwhats different between the two...08:04
Agrajagrealplayer is free-as-in-beer, but not free-as-in-speech08:04
Madd_Marshallwill not what?08:04
crimsunMadd_Marshall: wrong nick.08:04
AgrajagMadd_Marshall: I told you, real's proprietary codecs.08:04
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da_bon_boncrimsun: real will ? i am getting realplayer not helix...08:04
Madd_Marshallfree beer breeds free speech08:05
crimsunda_bon_bon: no.08:05
Agrajaghelix player won't play realvideo/audio08:05
Madd_Marshallso what is ists purpose.08:05
crimsunda_bon_bon: install the codecs as instructed on the RestrictedFormats wiki under Marillat's repository.08:05
Agrajagit's to provide real with a decent framework on which to build realplayer08:05
Agrajaglook at the crappile that is realplayer 8/9, then look at 1008:05
Madd_Marshallso real was made from helix?08:06
Madd_Marshallwho made helix08:06
AgrajagI've been telling you that08:06
da_bon_boncrimsun: u mean the "w32codecs" ?? if i install real directly, do i nead to get w32codecs ?08:06
Madd_Marshallwhos that08:06
Madd_Marshallreal made it08:06
Madd_Marshallso they made helix player08:06
Madd_Marshallthen added their own shit and called it realplayer08:06
Agrajagand they opened the source to it08:06
Madd_Marshalloh ok08:06
Madd_Marshallboth suck though08:06
Agrajagso people could change stuff08:07
Agrajagif you say so.08:07
Madd_Marshallno playlists suck08:07
AgrajagIt's a hell of a lot better than realplayer 8 or 9 were08:07
Madd_Marshallwell thats probably true08:07
Madd_Marshallbut it needs playlists08:07
da_bon_bonanyone can please cleary without legalese and being tight lipped tell me how to ply my mpg files ?08:07
Agrajagso use something else, it's not meant for that sort of thing08:07
Madd_Marshallthen it would be perfect08:07
AgrajagI just use it for internet radoi08:07
Madd_Marshalli know... which is why i dont like it08:07
Madd_Marshallxmms works for internet radio does it not08:07
Agrajagnot if it's realaudio08:08
Madd_Marshallis xmms like a complete replacement for winamp08:08
crimsunMadd_Marshall: yes08:08
crimsunMadd_Marshall: and more08:08
da_bon_boncrimsun: u mean the "w32codecs" ?? if i install real directly, do i nead to get w32codecs ?08:08
Madd_Marshallso it plays videos too08:08
Agrajagit plays music08:08
Madd_Marshallbut winamp plays videos too08:08
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: xmms doesnt play videos.08:08
Agrajagonly recently08:08
Madd_Marshalli like how winamp does that08:08
Agrajaglook, if you want something that does everything, use Totem08:08
ZotnixThee is a plugin that allows it.08:09
Madd_Marshallyou think winamp will run with crossover office08:09
da_bon_bontotem SUCKS08:09
crimsunda_bon_bon: you need at least w32codecs, but you also need the faad libs.08:09
Madd_Marshallwell i like apps that do alot at once08:09
Zotnixxmms.org might have something posted in their plugin section08:09
Madd_Marshalllike opera... does web and email08:09
crimsunda_bon_bon: the faad libs are for mp408:09
da_bon_boncrimsun: i have only mpeg files....08:09
ZotnixMozilla does web, email, and IRC... AND web developing :-p08:09
Agrajagand it's bloated and slow08:09
crimsunda_bon_bon: then install w32codecs08:09
Agrajagcompared to firefox/thunderbird/sunbird/lightning/whatever08:10
da_bon_boncrimsun: its 11 MB :(:( no other alternative ?08:10
da_bon_bonMadd_Marshall: winamp works fine with wineX i hear08:10
crimsunda_bon_bon: just get it.08:11
crimsunda_bon_bon: or grab 'vlc' or 'totem-xine'08:11
Madd_Marshallnever saw a pop3 client included in mozilla08:11
=== Pyraine [Pyraine@host81-152-13-229.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
AgrajagMadd_Marshall: huh?08:11
Madd_Marshallwhats bloated08:11
da_bon_boncrimsun: then i dont need w32codecs?08:12
Madd_Marshallopera isnt bloated08:12
Agrajaglike, mozilla mail?08:12
Pyrainethis is the place to come for Ubuntu help?08:12
Madd_Marshallwhats mozilla mail08:12
Agrajagthe mail component of mozilla08:12
twisted_steelPyraine: yes indeed08:12
Madd_Marshallim talking abotu firefox compared to opera08:12
crimsunda_bon_bon: if w32codecs is needed (a Depends), it will be retrieved as well.08:12
Agrajag<Madd_Marshall> never saw a pop3 client included in mozilla08:12
ZotnixWow, I went to the XMMS site and see a plugin to play avi files.08:12
Madd_Marshallyea... i mean firefox08:12
da_bon_boncrimsun: ok then i am getting totem-xine isnt it an addone to totem ?08:12
Agrajagda_bon_bon:  no, it's a replacement08:12
Brikkahhello, can some help me with this problem : => http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=902308:12
Madd_Marshallwhats the difference between mozilla and firefox08:12
Pyrainedoes anybody have BT Broadband modem working on Ubuntu?08:13
Agrajagit's totem linked against xien-lib instead of gstreamer08:13
da_bon_bonAgrajag: its a different program ?08:13
crimsunda_bon_bon: no, it replaces it.08:13
Madd_Marshallopera has email and tabbed windows by default08:13
Madd_Marshalli like defaults08:13
AgrajagMadd_Marshall: firefox is just a browser08:13
Madd_Marshallit just makes me trust the developers more08:13
da_bon_boncrimsun: thats oinly 4MB, i doubt whether it will play mpg files?08:13
Agrajagmozilla is a complete suite and application framework08:13
crimsunda_bon_bon: it will.08:13
Madd_Marshallsuite of what08:13
AgrajagMadd_Marshall: if it's so great, why won't they let us have the source?08:13
Madd_Marshallis the browser included firefox08:13
Agrajagwhy do they have to hoard it?08:13
da_bon_boncrimsun: well, i am getting totem-xine08:13
Madd_Marshallbecause they're not that cool yet08:14
Madd_Marshallbut i dont think that it has to be open-source to be good08:14
Madd_Marshalloss is nice though.. i think08:14
Madd_Marshallim scared of compiling08:14
Pyrainedoes anybody have BT Voyager up and running on Ubuntu, or have any ideas on how to get it up and running?08:15
BockBilbomerry christmas to all ;)08:15
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RuffianSoldierhaha - a newbie is here lol08:15
Madd_Marshallhappy hanukkah08:15
RuffianSoldierwhats that?08:15
da_bon_boncrimsun: ok so after it installs, i just run 'totem' as before and try to open the file ?08:15
=== Madd_Marshall is now known as SuperNewb
=== Pyraine sighs
da_bon_bonSuperNewb: why changed ur name ?08:15
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SuperNewbanyone successfully use cedega with ubuntu 64?08:16
=== Crane [~Crane@cable-71-8-46-55.grd.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
da_bon_bonSuperNewb: u installed ubuntu 64?08:16
SuperNewbi feel that this name is much more suiting at this point in my linux endeavors08:16
CraneHello Hello Hello08:16
AgrajagI don't think you could do that08:16
RuffianSoldierSuperNewb - why not?08:16
Agrajagyou can't run 32-bit binaries on a 64-bit kernel, can you?08:16
SuperNewbwhy not what08:16
SuperNewbagra i think you can08:17
Pyrainejesus christ08:17
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CraneI am really impressed with how well ubuntu works with my usb card reader08:17
crimsunda_bon_bon: correct.08:17
SuperNewbbut as i dont have my rig yet... and im not allowed to install in on this pc08:17
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SuperNewbi broke a pc back in the redhat 6.0 days08:17
SuperNewbbad attempt and formatting08:17
Cranehow is everyone today?08:17
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SuperNewbpyraine whats wrong08:18
Craney upset08:18
SuperNewball you need is a pepsi08:18
Pyraineeveryone is ignoring me ><08:18
SuperNewbi love pepsi... im addicted08:18
SuperNewbi need help08:18
SuperNewbpyraine - i missed the question08:18
=== regeya makes a loud beeping noise.
=== regeya does that in the wrong channel.
Craneit seems that way sometimes08:18
Pyrainei need to get my modem working08:18
SuperNewboh shit... hi pepsi08:18
=== olimar [~olimar@p213.54.89.54.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
olimarHi all08:19
SuperNewbwhy are you so addicting08:19
Pyraineit's a BT Voyager 10008:19
olimarhow can I add other locales to my ubuntu installation?08:19
crimsun(diet pepsi)++08:19
SuperNewbyour sweet carbonated burning sensation as you go down08:19
SuperNewbits not right to tease me so08:19
crimsunolimar: `sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales'08:19
da_bon_bonis it worth upgrading to a 686 kernel on a pentium III ?08:19
Pyraineworks fine on windows, because the install disc has .exe's08:19
crimsunda_bon_bon: yes.08:19
SuperNewbwell what sorta modem08:19
da_bon_boncrimsun: performance? speed?08:19
SuperNewbyou shouldnt even need drivers... i usually dont08:19
crimsunda_bon_bon: (yes)08:20
=== Dupke [~twan@dslam170-80-166-62.adsl.zonnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
RuffianSoldierim so 733T!08:20
Pyrainehow else would i get it to connect?08:20
crimsunRuffianSoldier: "l337?"08:20
SuperNewbso ethernet card then08:20
SuperNewbhmmmm... for some reason i never have hardware problems08:20
Dupkehey, can someone help me?08:20
RuffianSoldiercrimsun - you obviously dont play FPS08:20
Cranewell there are dsl and cable modems as well08:20
RuffianSoldiercrimsun: it means leet which means elite08:20
Cranelet see what we can find08:20
SuperNewbwell usually modems dont need drivers08:21
olimargreat thenx crimson!08:21
Pyrainei dont even know how to make ubuntu detect hardware08:21
SuperNewbunless ur using USB with it08:21
Pyraineit's USB08:21
SuperNewboh damn you08:21
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stuNNedcrimsun, why is ssh only listening on tcp6?08:21
SuperNewbeven on windows usb gives me shit08:21
SuperNewbhmmmm... what modem08:21
PyraineBT Voyager 10008:21
Pyrainei found some guide on eciadsl but it's 100% too complex for me08:22
kebacSuperNewb: usually modems do need drivers, unless they are external08:22
crimsunstuNNed: huh?08:22
Dupkei'm having trouble to connect with a computer in my network ( computer is win2000) i don't have enough rights08:22
SuperNewbtry http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/index.php?lang=en08:22
kebacSuperNewb: and connect through serial cable08:22
da_bon_boncrimsun: totem works now. thanks.08:22
Pyraineheh read what i just said ;)08:22
crimsunda_bon_bon: good.08:22
Pyraine<Pyraine> i found some guide on eciadsl but it's 100% too complex for me08:22
SuperNewband http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/doc.php?lang=en&view=html08:22
stuNNedcrimsun, sorry, netstat -tupan says ssh is listening on 'tcp6' is that ipv6 only?08:22
da_bon_boncrimsun: how do i install kernel 686 ?08:22
crimsunstuNNed: no, that includes IPv408:22
stuNNedoh ok thanks08:23
SuperNewbso youve tried that?08:23
Pyrainewell i looked at it08:23
Pyrainefor a long time08:23
Pyrainei tried, i really did08:23
crimsunda_bon_bon: `sudo apt-get install linux-image-686'08:23
Pyrainebut im only 16 and have no linux experience08:23
da_bon_boncrimsun: doesnt 'linux-686' work ?08:23
SuperNewbdont demean yourself... it just takes time...08:24
crimsunda_bon_bon: sure it will08:24
SuperNewbhmmm well what part confused you08:24
SuperNewbdid you install the driver08:24
Pyrainethe beginning08:24
Pyrainei didnt get a word of it08:24
SuperNewbhey guys what installer should he use for ubuntu08:24
crimsunda_bon_bon: however, 'linux-686' depends on your having access to the 'restricted' repo whereas 'linux-image-686' does not.08:24
crimsunSuperNewb: why not use the Ubuntu installer?08:24
SuperNewbthere isnt one08:24
crimsunSuperNewb: on the CD?08:25
SuperNewbfor this driver there are a few versions08:25
da_bon_boncrimsun: totem quality aint good. what else do i have? mplayer?08:25
crimsun(I'm coming into this conversation late)08:25
SuperNewbnah im talking about the drivers for Pyraine's modem08:25
SuperNewbwould debian be the closest match?08:25
Pyrainethey are the drivers08:25
ograPyraine: http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/download/eciadsl-usermode_0.10-1_i386.deb08:25
Pyrainebut i dont know how to install them08:25
crimsunwell, one could always try the Sarge netinstall then dist-upgrade to Warty08:25
SuperNewbso yea... the debian one ok08:25
crimsunbut ogra's urls are better08:26
da_bon_boncrimsun: totem quality aint good. what else do i have? mplayer?08:26
SuperNewbok so download that08:26
SuperNewbthen we'll go from there08:26
crimsunda_bon_bon: 'vlc', 'mplayer', ...08:26
SuperNewbthe one ogra linked08:26
da_bon_boncrimsun: which is better ?08:26
crimsunda_bon_bon: no idea; try them both.08:26
da_bon_boncrimsun: as you know, i have only 100mb download limit per month, so i need to be cautious...08:26
Pyraineit's downloaded but uh08:27
SuperNewbpyraine - you with me so far08:27
Pyrainei need to reinstall08:27
SuperNewbok... now from there someone will have to confirm what to do next...08:27
crimsunda_bon_bon: I have no idea. I only use 'mplayer', so I can't speak for the others.08:27
da_bon_boncrimsun: mplayer-586 gives 'broken packages; and 'dependancy not met' error...08:27
Pyrainebecause i only have 2 harddrive slots08:27
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SuperNewbhey ogra... how do you install a .deb package? is it like an RPM08:27
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Pyraineand i have 3 harddrives08:27
=== djrom_ [~djrom@ARouen-152-1-8-232.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Dupkei'm having trouble to connect with a computer in my network ( computer is win2000) i don't have enough rights08:28
crimsunda_bon_bon: did you follow the RestrictedFormats instructions?08:28
ograSuperNewb: sudo dpkg -i <package.deb>08:28
Pyrainemy ubuntu one is unplugged and packed away08:28
SuperNewbon fedora i could right-click and select install... not so sure about ubuntu...08:28
da_bon_boncrimsun: i have the needed repos.08:28
SuperNewbok Pyraine - you see that08:28
SuperNewbsudo dpkg -i <package.deb>08:28
SuperNewbsudo dpkg -i <eciadsl-usermode_0.10-1_i386.deb>08:28
Pyrainesudo dpkg?08:28
ograi suspect a 2.6.9 kernel is needed.....08:28
SuperNewbi dont know what dpkg is...08:28
da_bon_boncrimsun: please see my sources.list on #flood08:29
stuNNedcrimsun, do you have openssh-server installed? if so can you real quick 'ssh localhost' let me know if it works? if you are running unstable...08:29
SuperNewbbut sudo is the root thing08:29
SuperNewbdpkg? driver package?08:29
ograSuperNewb: dpkg = depian package manager08:29
SuperNewbpyraine open your terminal08:29
SuperNewband input08:29
SuperNewbsudo dpkg -i <eciadsl-usermode_0.10-1_i386.deb>08:29
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Pyraineis that all i would need to do?08:29
Pyrainewhere would i put the driver?08:29
da_bon_boncrimsun: please see #flood08:29
Pyrainejust on the desktop?08:29
SuperNewbogra... your the smart one... help me out here08:30
ograSuperNewb: wait, that gets hairy, the driver will probably need a 2-6-9 kernel08:30
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SuperNewbreally? why 2.6.908:30
ograwhich is not available for hoary.....08:30
ograsorry warty08:30
SuperNewbis that eciadsl thing that new08:30
ogranope, but the 2.6.9 one provides a hook for it it seems08:31
crimsunda_bon_bon: then paste the full error for 'mplayer-586' in #flood08:31
ogracrimsun: marillat is brojen08:31
SuperNewbis there a chance of a generic driver being on ubuntu... that he can just specify08:31
DeepSpaceAntisnt Totem a derivation of MPlayer?08:31
Pyrainethis is hurting my brain08:31
ograDeepSpaceAnt: nope08:31
SuperNewbpyraine - yea it gets like that some time08:31
Pyraineso i put the driver on the desktop?08:31
Pyrainethen type in terminal08:31
SuperNewbits all gets easier as you go on08:31
ograSuperNewb: nope, i dont think so08:32
Pyrainesudo dpkg -i <eciadsl-usermode_0.10-1_i386.deb>08:32
SuperNewbogra... terminal finds .deb packages automatically right?08:32
ograSuperNewb: this is a weird modem it seems08:32
ograSuperNewb: nope08:32
SuperNewbyea... i think usb modems are evil... especially in linux08:32
Pyraineit's one of the most used modems in the UK08:32
da_bon_boncrimsun: please see.08:32
ograSuperNewb: copy them in the homdir of the user...08:32
SuperNewbjust one more non-standard device to present problems08:32
SuperNewbpyraine - in the US our modems offer USB or Ethernet08:33
SuperNewbi chose ethernet as it is older and causes less problems08:33
SuperNewbmy modem can do either08:33
Pyraineour ISP's just deliver, you don't have any say08:33
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: vlc might be smaller - including the gnome frontend I get a total of 9341 kB08:33
SuperNewbdo you, by chance have a modem like mine08:33
Dupkehow can i mount an extra HDD?08:33
Pyrainei dont know what yours is like/08:33
SuperNewbnope nvm i checked08:33
ograSuperNewb: probably the cdc-acm driver could work, but i doubt it08:34
SuperNewbyour is strictly usb08:34
SuperNewbyou dsl company hates you08:34
ograSuperNewb: its included in warty08:34
=== StolenShoeBox [~StolenSho@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
crimsunda_bon_bon: apt-cache policy mplayer-58608:34
PyraineBT is the owner of all phone lines in UK08:34
StolenShoeBoxHello everyone I was wondering how I keep my software up to date?08:34
SuperNewbpyraine - so you know... everythign ogra is saying to me is for your eyes too as its yoru problem08:34
SuperNewbBT is evil08:34
StolenShoeBoxi have gaim 1.0 but the newest is 1.208:34
SuperNewbthats all im saying08:34
Pyraineyes im reading him08:34
Pyraineso i put the driver in the homdir08:35
Pyraineand then type in terminal08:35
Pyrainesudo dpkg -i <eciadsl-usermode_0.10-1_i386.deb>08:35
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: whats the size of mplayer?08:35
SuperNewbhave you called them and asked yet08:35
da_bon_boncrimsun: did that. now what?08:35
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: let me check08:35
SuperNewbyea something like that08:35
ograPyraine: wait, i dont think this works out of the box08:35
Pyraineno im not wasting my money i would just get redirected08:35
nyktovuscan someone help me make the machine shutdown when i tell it too08:35
Pyraineout of the box?08:35
ograPyraine: first lets see if something builtin works08:35
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: I get the same error as you, so it won't give me a total08:35
crimsunda_bon_bon: in #flood08:35
nyktovuswhen i go "shutdown" it go through the steps, but at the end i have to push the power button08:35
SuperNewbyea... always fo for included drivers first08:36
Pyrainemaybe i should come back when i have ubuntu installed?08:36
nyktovusi think it has something to do with acpi08:36
SuperNewbhaha... you havent installed it yet08:36
ograPyraine: oh, you havent yet ?08:36
Pyrainei have08:36
Pyraineon my old harddrive08:36
Pyrainewhich is packed away08:36
SuperNewbtry the liveced08:36
SuperNewbmaybe it will work08:36
ograok, we will nedd the system to check certain things08:36
Pyrainenah doesnt work for me08:36
twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=848608:36
SuperNewbim tempted to try the livecd and put my modem in USB mode for a try08:37
ograso you should come back then08:37
twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: gaim 1.1 is in there08:37
Pyraineok i will be back08:37
SuperNewbogra... yea then we can go step by step08:37
Pyrainecya later08:37
SuperNewbwhoops i mean pyraine08:37
crimsunda_bon_bon: you're not pasting what I asked you to08:37
SuperNewbhaha... all that and he hasnt installed it yet08:37
crimsunda_bon_bon: I've obviously already seen your apt-get output :)08:37
StolenShoeBoxtwisted_steel: so what do I do with the link? =)08:37
ograSuperNewb: american modems i know mostly work with the cdc-acm driver08:38
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ograSuperNewb: usb wise08:38
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da_bon_boncrimsun: please see08:38
twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: go into synaptic and add warty-backports to the repositories list08:38
StolenShoeBoxtwisted_steel: thx =)08:39
twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: no problem :)08:39
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StolenShoeBoxtwisted_steel: now how about burning audio cds? =)08:39
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twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: you only need to add the stable branch for gaim08:39
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twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: I don't have any experience with burning audio cds in ubuntu08:40
StolenShoeBoxtwisted_steel: i see. Well what about firefox and xchat?08:41
twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: well firefox and xchat should also be in the backports repository08:41
SuperNewbogra - that is unwise of his company to provide a usb only modem08:41
twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: I remember seeing firefox in there08:41
SuperNewba ethernet card is what... 5-10bucks08:41
StolenShoeBoxtwisted_steel: ya it is =P (now that i look)08:42
ograits cheaper in production SuperNewb08:42
StolenShoeBoxtwisted_steel: how about java?08:42
SuperNewbyea i suppose thats possible08:42
ograless HW, smaller cases08:42
ograless power08:42
twisted_steelStolenShoeBox: http://ubuntuguide.org/index.html#jre08:42
SuperNewbwell in my experience is that going cheap on cable modems is no good08:42
SuperNewbive had alot of problems with shit modems08:42
SuperNewbfinally forced them to give me a good one08:42
SuperNewbthey were at my house weekly08:43
ograStolenShoeBox: http://wiki.arslinux.com/Ubuntu#Java_1.508:43
StolenShoeBoxtwisted_steel: thx!08:43
ograStolenShoeBox: there is a ubuntu package08:43
SuperNewbare nvidia drivers really included with ubuntu?08:43
StolenShoeBoxogra: huh? lol08:44
ograSuperNewb: yep, not on the cd though08:44
SuperNewbwhat is the setup thing08:44
ograSuperNewb: you get them from universe....08:44
SuperNewbequivalent of yast and you08:44
StolenShoeBoxogra: ahh i see will this install java for mozilla 2?08:44
ograStolenShoeBox: yep08:44
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StolenShoeBoxogra: awesome thx08:45
tolstoy_so, hoary evo exchange connector is broken (authentication)?08:45
stuNNedogra, do you have ssh server installed on unstable?08:45
ograSuperNewb: there is none... it are rather single apps, good integrated08:45
SuperNewbsingle apps...08:45
StolenShoeBoxogra: i updated to hoary and my resolution was stuck at soem thing liek 640x480 or soemthing08:45
SuperNewbok... hmmm08:45
ograstuNNed: nope, why ? probs ?08:45
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Pyrainethis is odd08:45
StolenShoeBoxogra: no oen knew how to fix it so I just reinstalled warty08:45
Pyraineit won't let me partition my harddrive08:46
Pyraineit says 'root file not found'08:46
SuperNewbhey pyraine is back08:46
Pyrainebut i didn't do any of that 'RAID' stuff, because i didnt understand it08:46
SuperNewbhmmmm... what wont partition it08:46
SuperNewbubuntu installer?08:46
ograStolenShoeBox: the X dev is on holidays currently.....if hes back this will get fixed soon i guess08:46
da_bon_boncrimsun: please see #flood!08:46
stuNNedogra, everything looks correct but get connection refused and notice it's using dbus-launch so don't know if it's related08:46
SuperNewbshit that i dunno... i used windows to clear the drive... then let the installer auto format....08:46
SuperNewbdoes it let you create a root?08:47
Pyraineyeah i dont want to clear the drive08:47
Pyrainethere isnt an option08:47
stuNNedogra, think it used to work fine08:47
Pyraineif i wanted to clear the drive, it would work08:47
SuperNewbmy only experience is with the fedora installer... sorry08:47
stuNNedogra, and nothing in logs08:47
Pyrainei have another idea, be back soon08:47
SuperNewbhmmm... you said you had ubuntu on the drive already, correct?08:47
SuperNewboh ok08:47
ograstuNNed: i got no access to my hoary box currently... i will check it then....08:47
stuNNedogra, that's great, thanks, i can file a bug report if you can confirm08:48
stuNNedogra, /query me with results if you will so i don't loose it on scroll up08:48
ograstuNNed: k08:48
SuperNewbis /query a PM?08:49
SuperNewbi was tired of not getting a window using /pm08:49
da_bon_bonanyone how can i improve totems video quality ?08:50
SuperNewbthis is killing me... the earliest i can get ubuntu installed is next saturday08:50
mjrget better quality videos ;)08:50
SuperNewbda_bon is something bad about it08:50
SuperNewbusually video players render well enough08:50
SuperNewbmy new video card actually has enhancements for videos... its awesome... and HD support08:51
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da_bon_bonmjr: no the video quallitys good in windows...08:52
ograda_bon_bon: do you use totem or totem-xine ?08:52
SuperNewbis it blurring?08:53
da_bon_bonogra: totem-xine08:54
ograda_bon_bon: hmm, looks good here08:54
ograda_bon_bon: you could try vlc, its in universe....and has a mozilla plugin08:54
Seqogra: mplayer and gxine both have mozilla plugins too. (though gxine's sucks)08:55
SuperNewbis it old08:55
da_bon_bon"hmm, looks good here" -> meaning?08:55
ograSeq: mplayer is not installable anymore08:55
da_bon_bonSeq: mplayer doenst owrk08:56
ograda_bon_bon: my videos have good quality in totem-xine ....08:56
Seqworks for me, im just using a different repository as stated in the wiki08:56
ApesMaInstructions for installing Firefox 1.0 recommend uninstalling current firefox, but synaptic won't do that without also uninstalling ubuntu-desktop, which seems a bit extreme.  Is it safe to run the 1.0 installer w/o uninstalling the firefox version already in place?08:56
=== Quest-Master [~Quest-Mas@c-24-99-26-36.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
ograSeq: which one ? lets update the wiki08:56
da_bon_bonApesMa: try dpkg -i mozilla-*firefox08:56
SuperNewbogra - could you elaborate, or show me where i can read about, how ubuntu doesnt need to use YaST or YOU type programs...08:56
SuperNewbis it more like windows in that they can install on their own?08:57
ApesMada_bon_bon: Thanks! Will do.08:57
da_bon_bonSeq: can u please tell me now sothat i can install ?08:57
Quest-MasterI hate YaST ><08:57
da_bon_bonApesMa: try and tell me...08:57
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: i like yat, i wish it were here in ubuntu...08:57
SuperNewbnever used yast08:57
ApesMada_bon_bon: I presume that entails sudo.08:57
SuperNewball ive used is YUM08:57
ograSuperNewb: there are single programs like synaptic, gnome-system-tolls etc08:57
SuperNewband not very well08:57
SeqApesMa: thats if you're doing a manual install. upgrading though package management will remove the old version. also watch your profile though08:57
Quest-MasterSynaptic is much better08:57
da_bon_bonApesMa: yes. or u can try 'root terminal'08:57
Quest-MasterYaST is yuck. x_x08:57
SuperNewbbut would i use it like i used YUM?08:58
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Did you have Suse Personal or Professional?08:58
Seqlet me find which repository it is in. i seriously just copied the instructions from the wiki08:58
Quest-MasterSuperNewb: apt-get > YUM :)08:58
Seqare you guys running warty or hoary08:58
da_bon_bonSeq: can u please tell me new repo to install mplayer?08:58
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: personal 9.108:58
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Don't08:58
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Install it from source08:58
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: why?08:58
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: why?08:58
SuperNewbapt-get is the YUM equivalent... got it08:58
Quest-MasterThe repos. mplayer is messed up.08:58
SuperNewbso synaptic is for installing08:58
da_bon_bonseq has a new repo from which he does it...08:59
SuperNewbbecause yum downloaded and installed apps i though08:59
Quest-MasterSynaptic is a visual way of apt-get08:59
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ograSeq: from restricted formats?08:59
Quest-Masterapt-get is just like yum08:59
SuperNewbok how do you install the .deb packages08:59
Quest-MasterLike this: sudo apt-get install python08:59
Quest-MasterThat's it.08:59
SuperNewbshit is there like s debian book08:59
Quest-MasterIt installs everything for you08:59
Seqda_bon_bon, ogra: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats08:59
Quest-MasterAll you do is apt-get install, and it does everything for you08:59
Quest-MasterNot very difficult08:59
Seqda_bon_bon, ogra: thats where i got the repository from08:59
ograSeq: i wrote half of this wiki ;)09:00
SuperNewbso synaptic is just like YUM was... but better09:00
Seqogra: and it works very well.09:00
Quest-MasterI wouldn't trust the repos. MPlayer09:00
SuperNewbim just trying to see what will do the same things i did in fedora09:00
ograSeq: not anymore09:00
Quest-MasterIt broke my Ubuntu, I had to reinstall.09:00
ograSeq: when did you install mplayer ?09:00
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Quest-MasterSuperNewb: Any other questions?09:00
Seqogra: two or three weeks ago09:00
SuperNewbdoes ubuntu have a system restore type app?09:01
ograSeq: marillat has recompiled the packages with new dependencys09:01
da_bon_bonSeq: please post your sources.list on #flood ?09:01
da_bon_bonSuperNewb: even i am searchin for one.09:01
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ograda_bon_bon: he used marillat back when it worked09:01
usualcool gimp 2.2 is in hoary09:01
Seqogra: his are targeted at debian unstable directly, arn't they?09:01
da_bon_bonogra: oh. so now i install from source?09:01
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Very easy09:01
SuperNewbwhats universal?09:01
Quest-MasterDownload the .tar.gz09:01
SuperNewba repo?09:02
Quest-MasterYou mean universe, SuperNewb09:02
SuperNewbyea universe09:02
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: untar the .tar.gz09:02
ograSeq: there have gotten some new packages into sarge....which wont go to warty09:02
Quest-MasterGo in the terminal, da_bon_bon09:02
SuperNewbwhat is it09:02
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: i need to download the codecs and fonts too, right ?09:02
punkrockguy318how can I get coaster for warty?09:02
Quest-MasterAnd type this in: ./configure, make, make install09:02
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Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: yes. Install those first.09:02
ograda_bon_bon: add a deb-src line for marillat, then compile a debian package .... its quite easy09:02
Quest-MasterSupernewb: It is a place where you can get programs from09:03
da_bon_bonogra: how ?09:03
SuperNewba repository right09:03
Quest-MasterYou can do what ogra said too09:03
Quest-MasterSuperNewb: yes09:03
Seqogra: what if you install an older version from his repo manually09:03
ograda_bon_bon: i dunno the deb-src line, lets see09:03
Seqogra: ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/09:03
SuperNewbhey ogra - that site shows you how to install the nvidia drivers?  does installing the drivers automatically add 3d-acceleration?09:03
Seqogra: there is the older ones, including the one im using there.09:03
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ograSuperNewb: yep09:04
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: is vlc better than mplayer?09:04
SuperNewbi read that enabling 3d-acceleration was like a quest for the holy grail09:04
SuperNewbnow im less worried09:04
AgrajagSuperNewb: if you have ATi it's not as easy09:04
Agrajaggotta love nvidia for one thing: drivers that don't suck09:05
ograSuperNewb: these are official packages, they work well on warty09:05
da_bon_bonogra: please tell me - do i downloadthe .tar.gz ?09:05
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: is vlc better than mplayer?09:05
SuperNewbnvidia 6800gt09:05
ograAgrajag: ati is as easy as nvidia in ubuntu09:05
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Not really09:05
SuperNewbyea i knew about Ati's linux shortcomings so i chose wisely09:05
ograda_bon_bon: nope...let me find a deb-src line09:05
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: MPlayer can play just about everything.. and it has a plugin for Mozilla so you can stream online stuff09:05
SuperNewbbut ati drivers still suck though09:06
Dupkewhen i try to access my windows2000 server i get a dialog that i don't have the right permissions, how can i login with a username and password to this computer??09:06
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: but the codecs are 8.9 MB!!!09:06
SuperNewbfrom what ive read they are really lagging in making decent linux drivers09:06
punkrockguy318is gnome coaster in the hoary repo?09:06
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: It's not that bad. Trust me. ;)09:06
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Do this too.. sudo apt-get install w32codecs09:07
Seqogra: ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/dists/unstable/main/binary-i386/mplayer-586_1.0-pre5-0.9_i386.deb09:07
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ograda_bon_bon: paste this in your sources.list, then run apt-get update : deb-src ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main09:07
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: thats 11 MB... better than that i wil ljust stick to totem09:07
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: 11MB is really nothing. Why are you worried?09:07
Seqogra: the timestamp in that is from dec 5, and thats the version i have installed (i cant see him recompiling with new deps without changing the package revision)09:07
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ograSeq: there are dependencys...that can get hard.....09:07
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: i have a monthly download limit of 100 mb only...09:08
Arrickahow do I adjust my computer so that I can run in more resolutions? right now when I try and change resolution I only have 1024x768 and a couple of others09:08
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Oh.. that sucks09:08
ApesMaAh... Google is my friend. I found the backports page and will investigate that further. Mele Kalikimaka, everyone.09:08
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Stick to totem-xine then09:08
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: so, can i improve it quality, or no?09:08
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Remove totem09:08
punkrockguy318where can I find a hoary package list?09:09
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: Install gxine.. sudo apt-get install gxine09:09
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: and then how do i play videos?09:09
Quest-Mastergxine is much better, da_bon_bon09:09
SuperNewbwhy is it that everythign in linux looks so big09:09
Quest-MasterSuperNewb: What is your resolution?09:09
SuperNewb1024x768 on linux has much more usable space than on windows at same resolution09:09
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da_bon_bonQuest-Master: and i completely remove totem-xine? cant i jsut let it remain ?09:09
Quest-MasterI use 1280x1024.. maximum of my monitor09:09
Seqogra: would this work: apt-get install mplayer-586=1:1.0-pre5-0.909:10
Quest-MasterI'd remove totem-xine da_bon_bon09:10
SuperNewbi had to bump up the resolution to get an equal amount of space09:10
Quest-MasterIt'll just eat your space09:10
Quest-MasterYou don't need it once you have gxine09:10
ograSeq: hmm, let me try09:10
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: hey gxine is just 400kb NIICE.09:10
SuperNewbyea 1280x1024 is what i had to bump it to i think09:10
ArrickaI want to change the resolution from 1024 to something higher, but it's not listed as an option. how do I add more resolutions to the list? My video card can handle it09:10
SuperNewb12xx x xxx09:10
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: but do totem-xine and gxine interfere with each other?09:10
usualthe gnome build in hoary is only 3 days old :)09:10
Quest-Masterda_bon_bon: No, but I'd still totem-xine since it is useless09:10
punkrockguy318 usual where can I find a pkglist for hoary?09:11
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: ok.09:11
usualpunkrockguy318, it pretty much follows with debian sid09:11
punkrockguy318usual, oh09:11
punkrockguy318usual, does it include coaster?09:11
usualpunkrockguy318, so you could prob go to debian.org and search unstable packages09:11
blokjesomebody knows where i can find xfce4.2 debs for ubuntu (hoary)09:11
usualpunkrockguy318, no :(09:11
punkrockguy318usual, aww... that's a shame09:11
usualpunkrockguy318, use apt-cache search blah to search for packages09:12
punkrockguy318usual, yeah, but i'm running warty09:12
crimsunblokje: there are none yet, but Benny M. maintains some for i386 at http://www.os-cillation.de/debian09:13
crimsuncarajean: I know absolutely nothing regarding WoW, sorry09:13
blokjecrimsun: I know.. but i'm a 64bits monkey :)09:13
da_bon_bonis it possible to install k3b ?09:13
crimsunblokje: etorix maintains the amd64 ports of said i386 debs.09:14
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SuperNewb64bit is the future... start embracing it now!09:14
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SuperNewbhey... what do you guys think the true numbers are09:15
SuperNewbthe true percentage for windows to linux users09:15
da_bon_bonSuperNewb: i will embrace it when someone gives me a processor, and i can get rid of my pIII :)09:15
SuperNewbdual boot included as linux09:15
ograda_bon_bon: whats wrong with pIII09:15
SuperNewbyou believe linux is really only 5%09:15
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ograda_bon_bon: other then that its not ppc ?09:16
da_bon_bonogra: SuperNewb told everyone to embrace 64bit, thats why ...09:16
SuperNewbi love microsoft... they amuse me09:16
da_bon_bonogra: u have ppc ?09:16
SuperNewbpower pc09:16
ograda_bon_bon: both....i386 and ppc09:16
SuperNewbi always assumed those were macs09:16
ograSuperNewb: yep09:16
SuperNewbthey arent macs are they09:16
ograthey are09:16
SuperNewboh... you answered too soon... didnt think you were replying to that09:17
da_bon_bonQuest-Master: suddenly, totem-xines quality seems to have improved.09:17
SuperNewbda_bon... what did you do09:17
da_bon_bonogra: u ahve a i386 o_o ?? or a i686?09:17
SuperNewbput your glasses on?09:17
da_bon_bonSuperNewb: eyes wide with surprise...09:17
SuperNewbwhats an amd6409:17
ograda_bon_bon: i68609:17
SuperNewbi never understood that shit09:18
ograSuperNewb: amd64 is a 64 bit cpu09:18
SuperNewbyea i know09:18
SuperNewbbut is there an ixxx for it09:18
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ograSuperNewb: ix86 (where x can be 3,4,5 or 6) is 32 bit09:18
da_bon_bonahhh. totem-xine works and everything fine. i wisk i could 'apt-get remove --purge windowsxp'09:18
SuperNewbi have an amd64... i mean it i386, i586, i686 shit09:18
Seqwe're supposed to standarly call it x86-64 , since intel's 64 bit chips will be compatable, and obviously not called amd6409:19
SuperNewbso just x86_6409:19
ograSuperNewb: you got a xeon ?09:19
SuperNewbhell no!09:19
SuperNewbi hate intel09:19
SuperNewbthey just dont have their priorities right IMO09:20
ograSuperNewb athlon 64 then09:20
ograthats amd6409:20
SuperNewb amd 64 3200DTR09:20
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SuperNewbathlong64 works too09:20
SuperNewbamd athlon 6409:20
da_bon_bonwhen will ubuntu be a _really well-known_ distro? i mean u find binaries for all linuxes but ntot ubuntu :(:(09:20
da_bon_bonwhen will ubuntu be a _really well-known_ distro? i mean u find binaries for all linuxes but ntot ubuntu :(:(09:20
SuperNewb4 years?09:21
mjg59da_bon_bon: Please don't repeat questions09:21
mjg59Most Debian binaries will work fine on ubuntu09:21
SuperNewbit seems that it will take a few years for distros to become a top known one09:21
SuperNewbthey have to prove themselves by staying around for a while09:21
ograda_bon_bon: same goes for debian, thats because most stuff is already in the repos09:21
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crimsunda_bon_bon: Ubuntu is already a very visible (high-profile) distro due simply because of its strong Debian background.09:21
da_bon_bonmjg59: which question did i repeat??09:21
SuperNewb<da_bon_bon> when will ubuntu be a _really well-known_ distro? i mean u find binaries for all linuxes but ntot ubuntu :(:(09:21
SuperNewb<da_bon_bon> when will ubuntu be a _really well-known_ distro? i mean u find binaries for all linuxes but ntot ubuntu :(:(09:21
ograda_bon_bon: read upwards :)09:22
gwildorda_bon_bon, you always doulbe post09:22
SuperNewbi didnt think it would do that dor me too09:22
gwildorerr, sometimes09:22
SuperNewbgwildor... does he09:22
SuperNewbok because thats the first ive seen09:22
ogragwildor: small G ??09:22
ApesMaAck. The advice on the backports page (http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/) is not working (at least at the moment). synaptic doesn't find the stuff on the site. I double checked that I typed the added line as shown on the page. Lookint at http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu/dists/warty-backports/universe/binary-i386 I see packages.  Is someone here using warty-backports successfully?09:22
Seqogra: did that mplayer work?09:22
da_bon_bongwildor: problem is, that i got disconnected, and thot that the post hadnt been done.09:22
da_bon_bonso please all pardon me...09:22
ograSeq: oh, sorry, nope didnt09:22
gwildorogra, thnx....didnt notice that09:22
Seqcrap. what error did you get?09:22
SuperNewbogra - when i install ubuntu... will i have to configure synaptic like i had to for yum?09:22
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Seqor did it install fine and just not work09:23
ograSuperNewb: easier09:23
SuperNewbor will it have a working config file with up to date links to repos09:23
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Arrickaso how do I rerun the base configuration so I can run in more resolutions?09:23
mjg59Arricka: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8609:23
SuperNewbcrossover office isnt free is it09:23
ograSeq: nope, apt didnt like the version... i'll test it later if i'm not chatting .....09:23
da_bon_boncrimsun: i am finding that more and more people are liking ubuntu... i mean i got FC3 for $3.5 (INR 235) and ubuntu i got _absolutely_ free and i like ubuntu i unuinstalled FC3 for that purpose..09:23
SuperNewbpoint2play is not just for games is it?09:24
Seqogra: im assuming you had that repo in your sources.list? solutions are never that easy :p09:24
ApesMaSeq: "Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net warty-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net_ubuntu_dists_warty-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) -stat (2 No such file or directory)09:24
ograSeq: sure09:24
da_bon_boni heard that gentoo takes 2-3 days to install... is it true??09:24
SeqApesMa: pretty?09:24
da_bon_boncan someone please explain me what backports are?09:25
kebachas anyone used canon a80 or similar with linux?09:25
ograda_bon_bon: there are precompiled binarys for gentoo09:25
ApesMaSeq: Sorry, not sure what you're asking.09:25
ograda_bon_bon: so it must not take 3 days09:25
SeqApesMa: i wasnt sure what you were asking me first09:25
ograda_bon_bon: but if you compile _everything_ ;)09:25
da_bon_bonogra: must not take 3 days?? for what ?09:25
da_bon_bonogra: oh ok i undrestand..09:25
Seqif you use the binary packages, its not that long09:25
ApesMaSeq: Sorry; you were probably talking to someone else.09:26
Seqbut if you're doing it entirely from source it takes a very, very long time to have a full desktop09:26
Se7hx-mas is coming to you, have you asked santa your ubuntu cd?09:26
Seq<ApesMa> Seq: "Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net warty-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net_ubuntu_dists_warty-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) -stat (2 No such file or directory)09:26
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twisted_steelda_bon_bon: it doesn't take that long to install09:26
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: even with compiling everything09:26
da_bon_bonwho from here has tried gentoo and liked it enough to make it their main distro ?09:26
ApesMaSeq: thought you had asked me for the error message I got when I tried to use warty-backports w/synaptic.09:27
ogratwisted_steel: depends on your cpu ;)09:27
Seqda_bon_bon: me ;)09:27
SeqApesMa: no, i was asking ogra for errors with mplayer :P sorry09:27
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SuperNewbwhat bootloader is better09:27
da_bon_bonSeq: how many distros have u installed?09:27
SuperNewbGRUB or LILO09:27
twisted_steelogra: that's true, I wouldn't want to try it on a p109:27
ograSuperNewb: grub of yourse09:27
ogratwisted_steel: imagine 486 ;)09:28
Seqda_bon_bon: im using ubuntu on my laptop and now on my server (was debian woody), and gentoo on my desktop09:28
SuperNewbwell i figured that as most installers use it... but i wasnt sure why lilo still exists then09:28
da_bon_bonSeq: ok09:28
da_bon_bontwisted_steel: u run which distro ?09:28
ApesMada_bon_bon: I use gentoo. Tried FC3 recently, and I am not happy--gnome-cd behaves strangely, and it doesn't work and play well with the VIA sound driver on a mobo I'm using.09:28
SuperNewbis linux in a nutshell the best book09:28
Seqi've been using gentoo for quite a while on the desktop, but i usually wipe my laptop between semesters at school and decided to go with ubuntu this time09:28
SuperNewbthe only book i have is linux complete... from 199909:28
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: I used to have gentoo on my desktop, but wanted to try out ubuntu on it before I put in on my laptop09:29
da_bon_bonApesMa: does gentoo have better device support than other distros?09:29
acetechis ubuntu essentially debian?09:29
da_bon_bonmost people here have a pc and a laptop, i see...09:29
ApesMada_bon_bon: I don't know enough to have an informed opinion on that.09:29
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Seqda_bon_bon: all distros are linux. that said, ubuntu is pretty easy because it has all the fancy-shmancy udev stuff by default09:29
acetech<da_bon_bon> device support is normally through the kernel09:30
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SuperNewbshhh.. everyone pretend you didnt hear him09:30
da_bon_bonSeq: what, essentially, is udev?09:30
da_bon_bonSuperNewb: who?09:30
Seqda_bon_bon: but the device support itself should be pretty much exactly the same09:30
ApesMaI'm toying with switching from gentoo. The day-long compiles for KDE are getting old.09:30
SuperNewbike... it was a joke... forget it09:30
SuperNewbanyone have any linux books that they would liek to suggest09:31
SuperNewbi would liek to not have to pick your brains for everything09:31
acetechwhat would be advantages/disadvantages of switching from debian to ubuntu?09:31
SuperNewband i need somethign to read while im at work that wont hurt my eyes anymore09:31
da_bon_bonSeq: what does udev do? what is it ?09:31
punkrockguy318acetech, ubuntu is more stable09:31
Seqda_bon_bon: its just a way of automatically creating device files, much like devfs was before. thats not important though, the cool part is that it allows for hal and dbus, and actual system interaction when plugging in a camera, for example09:31
punkrockguy318acetech, it nicely polished09:31
acetechSuperNewb, the library has alot of nix books09:31
SuperNewbike i was talking to da_bon_bon... not u... but i was talking abotu you09:32
ograacetech: a stable system with security updates ?09:32
SuperNewbbut i nut a nux books09:32
ApesMaSuperNewb: Linux books are starting to be like those books you used to see "Internet Yellow Pages." They're out of date by the time they're on the shelves.09:32
acetechis there more packages in ubuntu?09:32
ograacetech: nope, same amount09:32
punkrockguy318acetech, nope, the same amount09:32
da_bon_bonacetech: use synaptic09:32
SuperNewbwell yea... but there ought to be one that is good enough...09:32
_iKe_i just installed a softmodem (Conexant) on ubuntu, i hear the modem dial but i can't get on the internet, can anybody help me or should i just try every possible configuration?09:33
acetechdo i just need to change sources.list to switch over?09:33
punkrockguy318acetech, i don't know how smooth that would work09:33
GotD0tim in hoary, and the window list shows everything very small... instead of having them stretch to the entire width09:33
ograSuperNewb: the prob is that lots of ppl here speak different langs.... i didnt read a english book back then when i started with linux09:34
ApesMada_bon_bon: Another thing that's bugging the heck out of me lately about gentoo is having emakes interrupted by not finding some tar.{bz2, gz} that I have to go find manually so the emerge can proceed.09:34
SeqGotD0t: the workaround im doing is right-clicking on the task list, and increasing the minimum size to just fill the panel09:34
ApesMaOoops...s/emake/emerge/ :)09:34
ograSuperNewb: and i dont know how good your german is ;)09:34
SeqApesMa: really? of what packages09:34
da_bon_bonApesMa: i have heard problems about emrge lately...09:35
ograGotD0t: someone wanted to file a bug about this yesterday.....look if its there, else file one09:35
da_bon_bonSeq: how does udev make a difference for me - the end user ?09:35
acetechanyone know some good sites to read about transgaming with apt-get?09:35
GotD0togra: thanks09:35
ograSuperNewb: heh09:35
SuperNewbogra - what about this http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0131488724/002-0239276-7817614?v=glance&s=books09:35
Seqda_bon_bon: you plug in a camera, and gnome asks you if you'd like to import those photos09:35
ApesMaSeq: ack. I'm in OK visiting relatives; would need to do "history | grep emerge" up in Iowa to remind myself. Sorry.09:35
ograGotD0t: welcome.....merry xmas09:35
=== GotD0t is jewish ;-)
da_bon_bonSeq: oh. so it was not earlier possible?09:36
GotD0tdont worry bout it09:36
Seqda_bon_bon: well you could have stuff auto mount when detected, but it wasn't easy to have specific things happen for specific kinds of devices09:36
ograGotD0t: so have a nice evening at least ;)09:36
SuperNewbi wasnt so serious abotu that book.... looked neat though... doesnt look serious though09:36
GotD0togra: oh i will, going over to some friends house for their christmas dinner... then to a movie probably... best night of the year to go to the movies09:37
ograSuperNewb: yep, thats what i thought too09:37
SuperNewbthe linux cookbook was published last month09:37
SuperNewbits an oreilly09:37
da_bon_bonSeq: but, gxine doest detect my cdrom drive - udev creates device nodes as and when wanted - is that hte problem ?09:37
ograGotD0t: empty cinemas heh09:37
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Seqda_bon_bon: no, it creates them when devices are connected09:37
SuperNewbscrew books...09:38
Seqda_bon_bon: if its not detecting your cd drive, it's looking for the wrong device file.09:38
ograSuperNewb: sounds good... normally orilley stands for quality OSS wise09:38
da_bon_bonSeq: oh, then why doesnt gxine detect my cd drive?09:38
Seqda_bon_bon: gxine doesn't use hal, so its not automagical09:38
SuperNewbyea but the cookbook seems for IT based09:38
SuperNewbi want for desktop use...09:38
da_bon_bonSeq: i ahve created the proper symlinks.09:38
Seqda_bon_bon: you still have to tell it where your cdrom is09:38
SuperNewbthe linux in a nutshell looked good09:38
da_bon_bonSeq: how ?09:39
Seqda_bon_bon: are there preferences?09:39
da_bon_bondo we have any books on ubuntu ?09:39
ograSuperNewb: i think its a good start ( linux in a nutshell)09:39
da_bon_bonSeq: yes09:39
ograda_bon_bon: ubuntu exists since october......09:39
ograda_bon_bon: ... its hard to write  book in 3 months09:39
SuperNewbtheres a debian bible09:39
Seqda_bon_bon: under the 'gui' in preferences, set the experience to advanced09:40
Seqda_bon_bon: then go to the input tab09:40
SuperNewbtheres a linux for dummys book coming out next month09:40
da_bon_bonSeq: theres 'no' gui in preferences09:40
ograSuperNewb: do you feel like a dummy ?09:40
Seqda_bon_bon: you said gxine, right?09:40
da_bon_bonSeq: yes.09:41
da_bon_bonSeq: anyway, tell me what to do in input09:41
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Seqthere are device listings, just make sure they're pointing at the right devices09:41
SuperNewblinux bible 2005 looks cool...09:41
ograSuperNewb: sounds good09:41
Seqda_bon_bon: actually, also make sure that you are in the appropriate group to access your cdrom09:42
da_bon_bonSeq: i ahve proper groups.09:42
da_bon_bonlinux bible 2005 has SOOOO many distros09:43
SuperNewbogra - indeed i do09:44
SuperNewbit comes with like 6 distros on the dvd09:44
SuperNewbncludes Fedora Core 3, Debian Linux, SUSE Linux, Knoppix, Gentoo Linux, Slackware Linux, Mandrake Linux, Damn Small Linux, and a Linux firewall and router on DVD09:45
da_bon_bonSuperNewb: ooo i wish i had a dvd drive.09:45
ograSuperNewb: nobody should  feel like a dummy ..... we all have started with linux once..... we all once were new :)09:45
da_bon_bonthats 8 distros.09:45
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SuperNewbyup... not a bad selection either....09:45
da_bon_bonhey how can they fit so many distros on a single dvd ?09:45
da_bon_bonno ways - they might be incomplete or something.09:46
SuperNewbwell its probably double layered09:46
SuperNewbwhich is like 8.5 gigs09:46
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da_bon_bonthen can it be read by all dvd rives?09:46
SuperNewbwhats a gig... 1024 megs?09:46
SuperNewbyea it can09:46
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Seqda_bon_bon: the dvd specification includes dual-layered discs09:46
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SuperNewbthey just require special drives for burning09:47
SuperNewbso i can burn them which sucks.... need a new dvd burner09:47
SuperNewba dual layer dvd is like what 12 cds09:47
calccouldn't fit that many dists even on a dual layer disc09:47
SuperNewbseq... how many megs is a gig09:47
calcfedora core 3 takes ~ 2.1GB, debian takes ~ 8GB, knoppix 700MB, etc09:47
SeqSuperNewb: yes09:48
SuperNewbdebian takes 8 gigs?09:48
Dupkecan someone please help me mounting a share from my win2000 server09:48
da_bon_boneven 8.5 wont be enough -> FC3 -> 3CD; Debian -> 3-7CDs; Suse -> 2-3CDs; Knoppix -> 1CD; Gentoo -> 2CDs; slack->3CDs; mand -> 3CD; DSL -> 70MB09:48
SuperNewbthats ridiculous09:48
calc1 GB (ieee) is 10^9, 1 GiB (ieee) is 2^30, 1 GB real computer is 2^3009:48
da_bon_bonNO WAY!!!09:48
AgrajagSuperNewb: for every package09:48
SeqSuperNewb: yes, until recently, dvd drives could only burn a single layer09:48
calcda_bon_bon: and that is old debian, new debian is on more than 17 cd aiui09:48
SuperNewbthats friggin disgusting09:49
Seqcalc: they wouldnt include the entire debian repository, im sure09:49
SuperNewbyou dont need that many apps...09:49
AgrajagSuperNewb: how so?09:49
AgrajagYou don't, but someone will09:49
calcSeq: yea perhaps just a netinst image ;)09:49
da_bon_boncalc: new debian is more than 17 CDS????09:49
SuperNewb17cds sounds like a whole repository09:49
AgrajagSuperNewb: it is, I just said so09:49
calcthe whole repo is over 100GB09:49
da_bon_boncalc: not netinst..09:49
calcits roughly 8-12GB per arch09:49
SuperNewbsomeone said the opposite09:49
Seqcalc: i'd assume they'd include packages to cover a regular gui-based system with some office tools and a web browser or something09:50
calcda_bon_bon: ok09:50
da_bon_bonhey is a sarge DVD available for 2$ worth buying?09:50
SuperNewbwell yea... of course they didnt feel the need for every package for every distro...09:50
Seqcalc: beyond that, it should really assume you have an internet connection.09:50
SuperNewbit would include the distros and basic apps... like whatever the main install cd had on it09:50
Seqda_bon_bon: it would be out of date by the time it was mailed09:50
calcoh apparently i386 is only 14 cds so far09:50
nishinany ideas why "apt-get (dist-)upgrade" halts at Preconfiguring packages ...?09:50
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fcomtoiscan anybody give me a server address where i can download mplayer ?09:50
Seqwait, sarge, nm09:50
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miausXhi! :)09:51
da_bon_bonSeq: available with a magazine09:51
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mrothdoes anyone else have the thing where gnome-window-list on the bottom panel ignores maximum size and stays tiny no matter how many windows you add?09:51
SuperNewbi will never say hi when i join again09:51
SuperNewbi never realized how annoying it can be09:51
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calcSeq: yea probably just includes disc 1 of debian, that might be possible to fit everything onto one dl-dvd then09:51
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ozanhello, how can i change the profile of mozilla?09:51
SuperNewbcalc - definitely...09:51
heero17somebody has use hurd?09:51
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SuperNewba dual layer dvd can hold like 12 cds i think09:52
miausXSuperNewb, uh?09:52
da_bon_boni wanna know how hurd is?09:52
calcSuperNewb: yep09:52
Seqcalc: a basic debian system install disc could probably be made to fit on the inside of 1 gig (including pretty gui stuff)09:52
SuperNewbno offense miaus... nothing personal... its just odd to have someone pop in and say hi in the middle of a convo09:52
lifelesshurd is interesting, last time I used it X still wasn't working, but I think that is solved now.09:52
Seqcalc: if they wanted to09:52
calcof course dl-dvd are still very expensive to burn so isn't really worth using09:52
Dupkewhat does: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //deoderver/muziek,09:52
Dupke       or too many mounted file systems mean???09:52
SuperNewbdamn i thought debian was a minimalist distro09:53
SuperNewbwhat a mistake that was09:53
DeepSpaceAntSuperNewb: It never was - was it09:53
SeqSuperNewb: it can be. it can be whatever you want it to be. it just has alot of optional packages09:53
SuperNewbwell i thought it was one...09:53
calcheh debian has nearly every floss package available that is actually free09:53
SuperNewbwell yea so does fedora09:53
miausXSuperNewb, oh, excuse me... no prob :)09:53
lifelessa base debian install will run out of a 128MB flash card.09:53
SuperNewbi found that they were all worthless09:53
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lifelesswith full routing software & the like.09:53
SuperNewbwith broadband i can just go and download whatever i want09:53
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lifelessits all the gui shtick that takes up space.09:54
calcyep kde alone takes nearly a cd09:54
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SuperNewbis kde that bad>?09:54
Arrickaokay...I messed up when reconfiguring xfree86 so it could run in more resolutions, although all I did was pretty much press enter throughout the entire thing09:54
SuperNewbwhy so... gnome doesnt require that much right09:54
calckde's i18n alone is nearly 200MB last i looked09:54
calcSuperNewb: gnome probably is roughly the same size for the entire official gnome09:54
Arrickaanyway, now xfree86 won't run at all after I've rebooted....what was the command to reconfigure it again?09:55
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da_bon_bonok guys bye. have a merry xmas...09:55
miausXcalc, well, I like debian kde... you know, apt-get install kdebase :)09:55
twisted_steelda_bon_bon: bye09:55
calcmiausX: yea09:55
Seqda_bon_bon: have a happy non-denominational holiday wish yourself, too.09:55
miausXI can't do apt-get install gnomebase or something similar :)09:55
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calcmiausX: sure you can09:55
calcapt-get install gnome-core09:56
da_bon_bontwisted_steel, Seq: bye. :)09:56
miausXcalc, oh! I don't know that! thanks :D09:56
calckdebase isn't analogous to that though, kde-core is09:56
miausXaha, oks :)09:56
calckdebase is just a metapackage that depends on all the parts of kdebase i broke out of the source09:56
miausXhum, I see09:57
calckde-core depends on arts, kdelibs, kdebase09:57
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Arrickaso what's the comand to reconfigure xfree86?09:57
stonecolddslI have a question09:57
miausXcalc, so, with gnome-core I will have a minimal gnome?09:57
SuperNewbwe all have questions09:57
Gwildoris is a terrible idea to remove gnome?09:57
calcmiausX: yes09:57
stonecolddslhow different is the live cd from te install cd?09:57
miausXGwildor, I don't think so09:57
SuperNewbanyone know what slipstreamign is?09:58
Arrickais there a command to run the xfree86 autoconfigure-er like the installation did?09:58
stonecolddslslipstreaming is usually reffered to windows nt09:58
calci actually created kde-core after gnome-core was already around so kde users would have a similiar way to install a minimal kde09:58
ArrickaI really want everything as it was, except I want to be able to run in some different resolutions09:58
SuperNewbcorrection, windows in general09:58
SuperNewbwindows xp can be slipstreamed too09:59
miausXcalc, oh, thank you! :)09:59
calcnp :)09:59
SuperNewbi have a slipstream of it... called windows nemesis 2.009:59
stonecolddsllike i can slipstream the XP service pack two into the orginal xp install media and make a new disc that will install xp but already hve all the sp2 updates09:59
GwildorArricka, i think it is  base-config09:59
calcmiausX: btw some people are working on a kubuntu as well09:59
SuperNewbyea... im trying to figure out how to do that with linux09:59
SuperNewbi want to make it install xmms-mp3, ffmpeg and a few other apps automatically10:00
=== calc bbl, errands
miausXcalc, hum... an "unnofficial" ubuntu with kde... :)10:00
SuperNewbso i suppose i want to know how to make my own distro... because i know that's what most distros are... just a distro tailored to a specific need10:00
SuperNewbanyone know a tutorial for that10:00
fcomtoiscan anybody give me a server address where i can download mplayer ?10:01
miausXSuperNewb, do you know PCLinuxOS?10:01
SuperNewbive heard of pclinuxos10:02
SuperNewbheard it was evil10:02
miausXSuperNewb, no no, PCLinuxOS (pclos for short) it's a mandrake based distribution :)10:02
SuperNewbthat it cant detect hardware to save its life10:02
SuperNewbyea that what i said10:02
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miausXit's a livecd, but you can install to harddisk... it comes with a script, you can remaster it with two commands, maybe you will find interesting that script :)10:03
SuperNewbhmmmm... i dont want to use it though10:03
SuperNewbi just want to add some apps to the ubuntu installer10:03
SuperNewbhow hard would that be10:04
carajeanhey anyone know where to find c:program files10:04
miausXhum, I don't know, you are talking about to create your own debian based distribution10:04
SuperNewbi guess... i dont want to go that deep... i just need to know how to add apps to the installer10:04
SuperNewbso if i ever have to reinstall i dont have to go and find them all again10:05
carajeanyeah point2play installed it there10:05
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miausXSuperNewb, it's a good idea, I'll try that too :)10:05
tswit would be nice if the cd installer would check one folder and install every deb found there10:05
SuperNewbyea cara... just open the directory... there should be a folder called c i think10:05
tswwould make custom installer really easy to create10:05
SuperNewbtsw - yea... that would really make this easier10:05
SuperNewbwell how do the installers work10:06
miausXtsw, hehehe, feather linux works that way :)10:06
SuperNewbis there a text based file with a list of the packages?  or does the installer actually search the disk and index them10:06
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tswalways learning something new :)10:06
miausXtsw, yeah! :D10:06
tswSuperNewb: mount the iso and take a look10:06
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SuperNewbmiaus - see i knew that... but im trying to find a way to do this with ubuntu in particular...10:06
tswand maybe this option should be added to some wishlist :)10:07
SuperNewbwell i might as well burn it right now10:07
carajeanwhere is the directory10:07
tswwith the option of not installing certain debs10:07
SuperNewbcarajean... the point2play included docs oughtta tell you where it is10:08
carajeanok i will look10:08
SuperNewbtsw have you ever installed fedora10:08
tswSuperNewb: once10:08
tswdidnt like it10:08
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SuperNewbfedora was like windows... it had a minimal, an all, and a custom selection10:08
tswbeen debian users before10:08
SuperNewbi figured that ubuntu was the same10:08
SuperNewbam i wrong10:08
miausXSuperNewb, seems easy10:09
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tswdebian net installer is great just installs the base and then apt-get the rest from net10:09
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njs12345hmm.. has anyone here installed Mono on Hoary?10:09
miausXtsw, yep, I love that :)10:09
SuperNewbmiaus it does?10:09
SuperNewbsee im trying to avoid the apt-get10:09
Arrickarunning base config puts me in some sort of package manager...how do I get xfree86 to just re-autodetect everything, and just let me select what resolutions I want to run in?10:09
SuperNewbi mean i want to install ubuntu10:09
tswnjs12345: no but I heard its broken10:09
njs12345yup, it is10:10
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SuperNewbthen after i find and get all the apps i want... make my own installer10:10
shingokiHi, does anyone know what font the ubuntu logo uses?10:10
tswSuperNewb: why avoid apt-get10:10
miausXSuperNewb, all the packages are in blah/pool10:10
njs12345whichever package you try to install it depends on other packages10:10
stonecolddsltsw I just did a sarge net install, it installed the base then asked me what i wanted to do with the machine and then it downloaded a nice desktop package10:10
GwildorArricka, for the 3rd time...i think it is base-config10:10
tswstonecolddsl: yes thats one option I have never used10:10
KamionArricka: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8610:11
stonecolddslI only had to apt-get a few things like firefox thunderbird and xchat10:11
tswall my servers run debian woody+backports and desktop runs sarge just installed ubuntu on my laptop...10:11
miausXhum... avoid the apt-get? what will you use?10:11
Gwildorstonecolddsl, was it that easy.....where did you get your net install iso?.......10:11
KamionArricka: press enter at most of the prompts, just change the resolutions bit10:11
Arrickathank you Kamion. Gwildor: base-config puts you in a big package manager...how you get into changing the xfree86 defaults from there I have no idea10:11
Kamionyou can't as far as I know10:12
stonecolddslGwildor you can get the debian sarge aka testing net install iso (107 megs) from debian.org10:12
=== Kamion <-- Ubuntu base-config maintainer insofar as we have one
Gwildorstonecolddsl, its just point and click?10:12
ArrickaKamion, that's what I did last time....I must have changed something though so it doesn't work...this time I have to figure out what defualt I *don't* want10:12
Gwildorstonecolddsl, or arrow around......but jsut as esasy as pooint and click10:13
shingokiAnyone know what the ubunt font is? I can't find it anywhere10:13
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stonecolddslit uses a ncurses system... so there is not much to do but will ask you about the your harddrive and if you want to use it all10:13
carajeani looked and it doesnt say where it installs the files but i did find p2p file10:13
Gwildorstonecolddsl, kk, ive bene all over the debian site, and nver saw that, only un-official net installers, but i found it now, im DLing it10:14
Gwildorstonecolddsl, herder or easier than arch?10:14
shingokiI tried the sarge installer a while ago, it was just s bad as ever, I must have had the wrong one10:14
stonecolddslbut again i am use to non gui insallers10:15
stonecolddslmy usual distrobution is slackware10:15
tswI really hated Fedora installer.. it was too easy..10:15
stonecolddslso ncurses is 2nd nature10:15
stonecolddslat least to me10:15
tswmeans more and more linux testers who doesnt have a clue of what thei are doing10:15
tswI dont mean its not good to test linux for everybody10:16
Kamionshingoki: the Ubuntu installer is not significantly different from the sarge installer, in terms of UI style10:16
tswbut still one should learn to read howtos first..10:16
SuperNewbwho in here has no trace of windows in their home?10:17
shingokiKamion: I don't mind the UI style, I like the ubuntu installer, but sarge just asked me loads of pointless questions then dumped me at a command line, I wasn't impressed ;)10:17
GwildorKamion, i can expect the sarge installer to be VERY similar to the ubuntu installer?10:17
Kamionshingoki: then something went extremely badly wrong which is not normal.10:17
stonecolddslgwildor yes10:17
KamionGwildor: yeah, it asks a few more questions10:17
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Kamionslightly higher level of detail10:17
Gwildorkk,.....i can handle that no problem10:17
GotD0tdoes anybody know why tali doesn't work hoary?10:17
Kamionshingoki: being dropped to a command line before the first reboot basically means you downloaded a very broken version10:18
shingokiKamion: I should try it again. I didn't get any error messages, I just got a command line, no C, no desktop environment. I had lots of packages I'd never heard of for printing on printers I don't have installed beautifully though10:18
tswPepsi Max, Maximum Waste No Taste :D10:18
tswpepsi: nothing personal10:18
Kamionshingoki: you mean after the reboot?10:18
Kamionshingoki: you should've picked something more sensible in tasksel then :)10:18
shingokiKamion: No it rebooted, but then I just had a command line, I tried to get X but gave up10:18
SuperNewbanyone remember pepsi clear10:18
shingokiKamion: I picked whatever made sense, but it dodn't get me far :(10:18
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Kamionshingoki: sometimes sarge is inconsistent and bits are uninstallable; it's an as-yet-unreleased distribution, so this is fairly normal10:19
Kamionin any event it's not the fault of the installer10:19
GwildorSuperNewb, pepsi clear was the shit10:19
ubuntu_userhello everybody10:19
SuperNewbhell yea10:19
shingokiKamion: It's ok, I'm on ubuntu now, I've given up on debian ever being easy enough for an idiot like me ;)10:19
SuperNewbit broke my toe10:19
GwildorSuperNewb, how?10:20
SuperNewbi dropped one fo those short bottles on my foot and broke my toe10:20
carajeancan anyone tell me or help install nvidia drivers usin this distro world of warcraft looks really bad10:20
Gwildorthats funny10:20
tswwhat I really want to know is how well ubuntu works on server systems.. LAMP environment with 100+ vhosts (not so many hits)10:20
tswcompared to debian10:20
SuperNewbim trying to find the link gimme a sec10:21
crimsuntsw: not really distro-related at all. That's more an administrator's prerogative.10:21
tswcrimsun: yes, but woody is really stable, but old.10:21
ubuntu_useri can not bur cds in nautilus, aparently it works normaly but when it start to burn on cd it does that the cd is not empty, whats the problem?10:21
crimsuntsw: again, not distro-related at all. Performance is affected by the administrator's configuration.10:22
tswIve had some problems with the woody packets being historic.. and ubuntu seems to fix this10:22
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SuperNewbsee this is why i hate windows10:22
SuperNewbmy browser is frozen10:22
SuperNewbnah opera10:23
GwildorSuperNewb, ?10:23
SuperNewbim scared of IE10:23
shingokiEveryone is scared of IE10:23
Gwildorwas typing that10:23
tswcrimsun: and how about cyrus packets and so.. woody had much work on getting them working10:23
shingokiI haven't used IE for years, and I'm STILL scared of it10:23
SuperNewbdoes anyone understand the ubuntu installer10:24
SuperNewbi want to try and modify the package list on it10:24
SuperNewbso i can add packages10:24
ograIE ? not the frontpage users though10:24
Kamionthere are several places to do that, it's a little awkward at the moment10:24
=== tsw should talk these when sober =)
Seqogra: I don't know why people still use frontpage10:24
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Seqogra: even my mom uses nvu :p10:24
SuperNewbdoes ubuntu support NTFS reading/writing OOTB10:25
ograSeq: because they dont know better.... :(10:25
Kamionright now it's probably simplest to modify lib/menu/pkgsel in the base-config source package, rebuild, inject new .deb onto CD10:25
Gwildori use go-live10:25
Seqogra: perfect use for a LART or cluestick10:25
ograSeq: they dont have a son that tells them to use nvu :)10:25
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crimsuntsw: warty-security has 2.1.16ish; hoary has 2.1.17ish10:25
Seqogra: as soon as i get my mom hooked on GRAMPS, I can have her ditch windows completely, and stop having to fix that machine10:26
knoppixhi...how would one be able to instal Ubuntu from current distro into a new partition without using any removable media?10:26
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SuperNewbkamion... that sounds easy enouigh10:26
ograSeq: heh10:26
KamionSuperNewb: it's fiddly but not totally off the wall10:26
ograknoppix: there is a "install from knoppix howto" on the wiki i heard10:26
ubuntu_useri can not bur cds in nautilus, aparently it works normaly but when it start to burn on cd it does that the cd is not empty, whats the problem?10:26
SuperNewbwell i mean can i modify it in a text editor?10:26
KamionSuperNewb: if everything extra you want depends only on stuff already in the base system, you could also put it in .disk/base_include on the CD's filesystem, but that's flakier10:26
shingokiKamion: Do you know whether bluetooth stuff and wacom tablets will work as standard in next ubuntu?10:26
crimsunknoppix: mount the new partition and use ubuntu's debootstrap10:26
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Kamionshingoki: not my field, dunno10:27
ograubuntu_user: sounds like a error on the cd10:27
Arrickaokay, I'm back in gnome10:27
Arrickanow I've only got one more thing to do before this system is ready to give to my sister10:27
KamionSuperNewb: we're planning to make it easier to customise this sort of thing in hoary10:27
knoppixthank you ogra and crimsun...appreciate it!10:28
SuperNewbhmmm shoudl i wait till then?10:28
Kamionup to you10:28
SuperNewbwell it sounds easy enough10:28
shingokihoary is a great name, but it sounds kinda unfortunate :)10:28
shingokilike ubuntu is a friendly distro... maybe a little TOO friendly... for money...10:29
ubuntu_userogra, i can not burn on any aplication, not only on nautilus, cdrecord problems??10:29
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ArrickaI'm trying to install an app from gnome, so that my sister can do some video editing. The app is only available as source (it's called Lives). When I try and run ./configure I get configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH10:29
ograubuntu_user: what kind of writer is it ?10:29
HrdwrBoBshingoki: yes but we're all mature adults here10:29
crimsunArricka: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:29
vladsterI am turning Japanese, I really think so10:29
HrdwrBoB.. or at least a close approximation10:29
shingokiHrdwrBoB: Apparently not me :(10:30
HrdwrBoBArricka: apt-get install build-essential10:30
ograArricka: did you look at kino ? its a video editing app for gnome10:30
Arrickathanks, crimsun and ogra10:30
HrdwrBoBwill download libraries and compilers10:30
ubuntu_usercd-rw memorex 24X10:30
ograArricka: ..... and it is in universe ;)10:30
ArrickaI looked at both kino and Lives...they were both listed on the webpage10:30
crimsunshingoki: hmm? You do know the denotation (and or conotation) of 'hoary', no? :)10:30
ubuntu_userogra, cdrw memorex 24x10:30
vladsterhas anyone tried installing unreal tournament or UT2K4 on ubuntu?10:31
Arrickathat would make things easier10:31
shingokicrimsun: It means like, kinda weather beaten and rough I think... but it sounds like it means something else :)10:31
ograubuntu_user: no, i mean USB, builtin.... if builtin ide od scsi ?10:31
GotD0tvladster: im hoping to10:31
ubuntu_userogra, IDE10:31
vladsterwhat about quake 310:31
ograubuntu_user: aha...10:31
crimsunshingoki: with age, or venerated, sure. But it doesn't have anything to do with "that" other denotation. :)10:31
GotD0tvladster: when i get ut2k4 ill let you know10:31
ograubuntu_user: hmm, should simply work....10:31
Kamionintended meaning is kind of aged/wise, but the double meanings are often semi-intentional :)10:31
vladsterwhat about UT9910:32
ograubuntu_user: do you see it in the device manager ?10:32
HrdwrBoBvladster: yes it works fine10:32
shingokiI'd never thought of hoary as old or wise, just ragged :)10:32
vladsterwhere do you set the ingame lighting10:32
ogravladster: goty works great on my old matrox :)10:32
Kamionwarty was originally because we thought the first release would be broken in all kinds of fun ways; in the event it turned out better than we'd expected10:32
SuperNewbthats always good10:32
vladsterThe UT menus have no effect10:33
shingokiKamion: It seems pretty great actually :)10:33
Kamionnot quite clear what the next one after hoary will be yet10:33
ubuntu_userogra, yes, and in nautilus but not burn, in nautilus it say that cd is not empty10:33
vladsterIt appears like I would have to hack the GL settings somewhere to overide the in game gamma10:33
Kamionit was going to be "grumpy groundhog", but that name is being reassigned for another purpose10:34
vladsterI rjust don't knnow where10:34
shingokiKamion: lol10:34
lifelessKamion: where is grump going?10:34
HrdwrBoBvladster: xgama10:34
HrdwrBoBvladster: xgamma10:34
KamionMark's current favourite is "bendy badger", which was originally Scott trolling him. We've been trying to persuade him out of it ever since10:34
Kamionlifeless: crack-of-the-day builds10:34
ograubuntu_user: on my sys it only says that if the cd is broken.... normally it works with a new media10:34
ubuntu_userogra, i change cdrecord, cdrdao, etc permissions, but it not burn10:34
vladsteralso with my card, parts of the map disappear10:35
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ograubuntu_user: you shouldnt change permissions on that progs10:35
vladsterwhere is the xgamma set10:35
ubuntu_userogra, i change the media but not works10:35
shingokimagnificent mongoose10:36
Kamionbit long10:36
ubuntu_userogra, i install k3b, but it not works10:36
ograubuntu_user: hmm, no idea10:36
vladsterWhen I get the ubuntu disks, I am going to be selling linux gaming systems and I need to know where these settings are10:37
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HrdwrBoBoh, reminds me, what should I file a bug against if the right moduels aren't put in initrd10:37
HrdwrBoB(and hence the system didn't boot when installed10:37
carajeanhey can someone tell me how to enable my agp card i did a status check and it said it was disabled10:37
ogravladster: normally such things are set up in the game settings i thought10:37
KamionHrdwrBoB: debian-installer at first10:37
lifelessKamion: while you are around... remember that amd64 occasional hang I was having ?10:37
HrdwrBoBKamion: yeah, though when I upgrade the kernel, it resets it10:38
vladsterthe in game settings have no effect10:38
KamionHrdwrBoB: oh, *that* initrd10:38
KamionHrdwrBoB: initrd-tools10:38
vladsteronly on the menus10:38
Kamionlifeless: not really :)10:38
HrdwrBoByeah, it had sil_sata and a 3ware card10:38
HrdwrBoBI think it only loads the first driver10:38
KamionHrdwrBoB: I think that got fixed recently in hoary10:38
lifelesswell... apparently ~ 3 days ago the machine starting locking up hard in every os... and it won't even complete a memcheck without hanging hard.10:39
Kamionthe way the kernel exposed SATA devices changed in kernel 2.6.7 or so10:39
lifelessnot erroring in the memcheck... just locks up :(10:39
Kamionlifeless: heat problems?10:39
lifelessI smell hardware...10:39
HrdwrBoByeah to scsi10:39
lifelessKamion: may well be, its high 20's here most of the time.10:39
KamionHrdwrBoB: no, not that part10:39
vladsterI never have heat problems, 3 fans on power supply and four on the case10:40
lifelessvladster: whats your ambient air temp ?10:40
lifeless*outside the case* that is.10:40
vladster20 c if I am willing to turn upo the thermostat10:40
KamionHrdwrBoB: http://bugs.debian.org/27103810:41
vladsterI have a Linali aluminum case10:41
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lifelessheh, so you are at at least 5-7 degrees cooler than I, and this box is a single-fan on the case, + cpu fan inside.10:41
vladsterinside of the case is 35 c10:41
=== calc back
vladstercpu is socket 423 and running at 40 c10:42
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lifelessIf I had some way of telling the temp @ lockup, I'd be happy.10:42
vladstermemory running at 45c (Rambuss)10:42
lifelessbecause that would exclude other possible problems.10:43
vladster5 hard drives dvd writer and dvdrom10:43
Seq5 hard drives?10:43
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vladsterweighs a ton and a half10:43
shingokiif your cpu is under 50, I wouldn't have thought it was a problem though...10:43
lifeless(it dies during 64-bit boot, with bad page mapping RIP's, sometimes passes the boot, very frustrrating.10:43
lifelessuntil I rule out heat though...10:44
HrdwrBoBKamion: ah, excellent, and you can add it to /etc/mkinitrd/modules :)10:44
neighborleehey peeps how does one get gnome apps to remember windows states ? ;-)10:44
vladsterdual boot and I am a pack rat10:44
lifelessneighborlee: it should just do it10:44
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HrdwrBoBand here's me extracting the initrd, modifying it and rebuilding10:44
neighborleelifeless, would be nice but nautilus doesn't10:44
neighborleelifeless, only some apps do10:44
Kamionvladster: I solve that problem by having more machines10:44
vladsterno room10:44
Kamionnor do I, any more10:45
vladsterneed a bigger library10:45
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Kamionseven at last count10:45
vladstercan't add on to this house like a normal house10:45
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vladstertimber construction10:45
SuperNewbwhats that mean?10:46
SeqKamion: you win, i have six. one is headless10:46
vladsterHouse was put together without nails in 188710:46
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SuperNewbdamn thats an old damn house10:46
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vladstertry drilling the timbers sometime10:47
KamionSeq: one of mine's currently headless, I'd like it to be more than that since it's monitors that give out most heat10:47
mfeifHowdy Ubuntu folks; can someone try and help me get some clues on an esoteric GDM problem?10:47
SuperNewbeveryone... help me help carajean10:47
carajeanhey i have a problem with my video card can someone assist me10:47
carajeanmy card for somereason is disabled10:47
SuperNewbpost the status alreadyh10:48
carajeancarajean@shicara:~ $ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status10:48
carajeanStatus:          Disabled10:48
carajeanAGP initialization failed, please check the ouput10:48
carajeanof the 'dmesg' command and/or your system log file10:48
carajeanfor additional information on this problem.10:48
SeqKamion: do you have legitimate uses for the other machines? are are they just there for the sake of having more?10:48
HrdwrBoBI replaced the gateway machine with a wrt54gs, so we've only got three here (plux xbox)10:48
HrdwrBoBer.. four10:48
HrdwrBoBincluding laptop10:48
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ogracarajean: did you install the ubuntu nvidia drivers ?10:48
SeqHrdwrBoB: i have a wrt54g, and it didnt work very well for me :(10:48
SuperNewbok now cara... did you use the method in that site to install the drivers?10:48
carajeanyeah i thought so i did exactly what the read me said do10:49
SuperNewbwhat abotu the site i sent you to10:49
HrdwrBoBSeq: yeah? why not, I run openwrt on it10:49
ogracarajean: on the wiki ?10:49
SuperNewbdid the readme match10:49
ubuntu_userogra, i can burn with k3b, but the system is too slow, that's not normal.10:49
SuperNewbok now did you follow the next step?10:49
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mfeifanyone here good with GDM on ubuntu?10:49
SeqHrdwrBoB: it wouldnt do dns properly, and i didnt have time to mess around with it10:49
SuperNewbOpen a terminal.10:49
SuperNewbTo check the status of the nvidia driver type: cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status10:49
SuperNewbSample Output:10:49
SuperNewbStatus: Enabled Driver: AGPGART AGP Rate: 4x Fast Writes: Disabled SBA: Disabled10:49
SuperNewbTo enable 'Fast Writes' and 'SBA' you can try this.10:49
SuperNewbNote: There has to be a better way with Debian/Ubuntu to do this.10:49
SeqHrdwrBoB: i've been wanting to do that too10:49
SuperNewbsudo gedit /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh10:49
Arrickaokay...I installed kino....now how do I get it to appear on the menu of gnome apps?10:49
SuperNewbAdd this to the end of the file and save: modprobe nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPSBA=1 NVreg_EnableAGPFW=1 NVreg_ReqAGPRate=810:49
SuperNewbModify the above settings for your system. From the example above I am using: modprobe nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPFW=110:49
lifelessKamion: headless rocks.10:49
carajeani followed every step10:49
SuperNewbReboot or unload/load the nvidia driver and restart X.10:49
ograubuntu_user: see if dma is enabled on the device10:49
HrdwrBoBSeq: ah, I don't know, I never used the standard firmware, I put openwrt straight on10:50
SuperNewbyou did that10:50
SuperNewbmodprobe nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPSBA=1 NVreg_EnableAGPFW=1 NVreg_ReqAGPRate=810:50
KamionSeq: most of them are either in active use or in use as occasional development machines due to their special hardware10:50
ograubuntu_user: use  sudo hdparm  for that10:50
Seqcarajean: it looks like its agp thats holding you back, not the nvidia driver10:50
SuperNewbmodprobe nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPFW=110:50
KamionSeq: installer hackers tend to accumulate hardware ...10:50
ogracarajean: there are only two steps10:50
SeqKamion: ahh, there you go10:50
SuperNewbseq - is the "modprobe nvidia NVreg_EnableAGPFW=1 " for enabling agp?10:51
wasabi_I assume there has been discussion about whether or not to officially support Mono in Hoary? Trying to find some conversations. ;)10:51
wasabi_I'd Really like to see it included. ;)10:51
SeqKamion: ahh, i only have one dev/test machine10:51
ograSuperNewb: thats all done by sudo nvidia-glx-config enable10:51
SeqSuperNewb: usually you'd load a module to support AGP on whatever kind of chipset you own (on your motherboard)10:51
ograSuperNewb: which is the second step on the wiki10:52
calcwasabi_: it probably will be once the first really important gtk# app is released ;)10:52
Kamionwasabi_: there've been conversations, but I don't remember the outcomes; Jeff Waugh would probably be as good a person as any to ask10:52
ogracarajean: you did sudo nvidia-glx-config enable ?10:52
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Seqwasabi_: i'd like to see it included too10:52
wasabi_Hoary's version doesn't even seem to be installable.10:53
Kamionbut Christmastime is suboptimal for trying to find people ...10:53
wasabi_It's Working in warty right thogh.10:53
Kamionand on that note I'm off. Merry Christmas10:53
wasabi_and happy new years10:53
HrdwrBoBmerry christmas10:53
Seqwasabi_: im using 1.0.2 , you're right in that 1.0.4 doesn't seem to be complete yet10:53
mfeifcan anyone lend any wisdom to a warty/GDM problem?10:53
SuperNewbbefore you leave...10:54
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SuperNewbwhat was the first method you told me for editing the installer10:54
HrdwrBoBmfeif: only if you tell us what it is ;)10:54
mfeifokay; thanks.10:54
SuperNewbnvm found it10:54
SuperNewbright now it's probably simplest to modify lib/menu/pkgsel in the base-config source package, rebuild, inject new .deb onto CD10:54
SuperNewbill save that10:55
paradoxmocan someone tell me how i'd go about setting the volume label of a fat32 partition from linux?10:55
mfeifI'm running warty on a box that I've rigged to have a read-only / with some tmpfs mounted for /var/run and things like that...10:55
mfeifif I log in via GDM, I get an error in a pop-up: "Error activating XKB configuration. Probably internal X server problem"10:56
SuperNewbcara where you at10:56
HrdwrBoBparadoxmo: I'm not sure, why is it necessary10:56
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mfeifif I log in as that user, and hit "startx" instead, I do NOT get that error.10:56
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HrdwrBoByou can only see it from windows10:56
HrdwrBoB.. in which you can change it10:56
mfeifI poked around in /etc/gdm/* to find scripts that may be the problem, but I'm out of my depth in those bash scripts.10:56
paradoxmoHrdwrBoB: gnome-volume-manager uses the volume label, if present, as the default mount point name10:56
mfeifI do NOT have a fancy keyboard config.10:57
Arrickaso how does one go about linking applications that have been installed (from say the universe package) to the gnome applications menu, so that they can be started without the use of nautilus or a terminal?10:57
Arrickabasically, how do I add items to the gnome applications meny10:57
HrdwrBoBparadoxmo: ooh ok, hrm10:57
mfeifI even tried disabling parts of /etc/gdm/Xsession or /etc/gdm/PreSession/*10:57
paradoxmoarricka: try right-clicking in the menu you want to add it in, going to entire menu->add new item10:58
HrdwrBoBag ok, have to go to parents etc, christmas time :)10:58
=== HrdwrBoB is now known as GoneBo
=== GoneBo is now known as GoneBoB
SuperNewbshti that looks harder than it sounds10:58
=== SuperNewb is now known as Setite
Arrickaah, thanks10:59
Setitecarajean where did you go10:59
=== gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-249-238-218.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
mfeifno ideas?10:59
paradoxmomfeif: never tried it, sorry11:00
paradoxmois your entire /var writable? maybe xkb needs something else in var11:00
mfeifnot all of /var11:00
mfeifbut I've used find with date params to see what's touched when in r/w mode, and nothing is there11:00
mfeifno, var/cache isn't rw/11:01
mfeifa few pieces of it I symlinked to ram disks11:01
mfeifwhy would gdm use something that startx doesn't use?11:01
Quest-MasterHas anyone tried installing Ubuntu with a USB Linksys adapter?11:01
Quest-MasterI hope it autodetects it11:01
paradoxmogdm sets the language, etc11:02
paradoxmoi think11:02
paradoxmokeyboard layout11:02
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paradoxmobased on your selections from the menu11:02
paradoxmoxdm probably doesn't, you could try that11:02
mfeifwhat should I look for in /var/cache?11:02
paradoxmoi don't know, that was just an idea11:02
mfeifit doesn't look (on first glance) that there's anything gdm related.11:03
paradoxmomaybe not11:03
mfeifI could try xdm, thanks for that idea11:03
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mfeifI suppose I could also just go right into a startx; I'm trying to make what is essentially a kiosk11:03
mfeifI'm just using gdm because it has the auto-login feature11:04
Quest-MasterHow can I force the CD-ROM drive to open?11:04
Quest-MasterThrough the terminal11:04
paradoxmoQuest-Master: eject mount-point11:04
paradoxmoor eject devicename11:04
Setitesudo apt-get install nvidia-glx11:04
Setiteis that done in the terminal?11:04
crimsunSetite: yes.11:05
paradoxmomfeif: see if xdm has auto-login... but startx would be bad unless you respawned it somehow if x crashes11:05
mfeifgood point11:06
=== mfeif [~chatzilla@adsl-68-248-166-32.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu []
Seqyou could have a script find the pid of the x server, wait until it finishes, and respawn it if the runlevel isn't 0 or 611:07
=== mfeif [~chatzilla@adsl-68-248-166-32.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
mfeifis there a reasonable way to figure out what bit is trying to write somewhere?11:07
paradoxmohmm. have you looked around at the notes of people who have built kiosks?11:08
ubuntu_usercdrecord in ubuntu is not official version???11:08
mfeifnobody uses gdm; lots of people just run the thing as root always11:08
mfeifand they're not using ubuntu, either11:08
calcubuntu_user: nobody uses official cdrecord since joerg ate the gpl11:09
paradoxmowhich thing, mfeif11:09
calccdrecord will likely go the way of xfree86 eventually11:09
ubuntu_usercalc, why?11:09
mfeifthe kiosk; sorry11:09
calcubuntu_user: its upstream author is very annoying to everyone11:10
mfeifsingle user mode11:10
Setitei love linux11:10
paradoxmo*really*? i doubt it11:10
Setitethought you all should know11:10
Setiteits empowering :)11:10
ograubuntu_user: becaue the dev of cdrecord doesnt like the gpl anymopre11:10
lifelessubuntu_user: if you detach yourself from the commons, you either get replaced or forked from.11:10
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calconce libburn is done someone will probably reimplement a console cd recording program11:10
paradoxmoi think i've heard of people doing a thing where they wipe the home directory and create it afresh every time they log out11:10
mfeifyep, I've seen that.11:10
ubuntu_userogra, but what is better, the original or the clone?11:11
mfeifI'm sorta doing that by mounting a tmpfs on /home/user and rsync'ing from a known good copy11:11
paradoxmoseq suggested: (17:07:02) Seq: you could have a script find the pid of the x server, wait until it finishes, and respawn it if the runlevel isn't 0 or 611:11
JStrikeogra : What licence has he switched to?11:11
ograubuntu_user: the distro supported version indeed....its tested and recieves security updates ;)11:11
calcJStrike: from what i recall its gpl with non-gpl compliant clauses in it11:12
ograJStrike: i dont think he switched yet...but he was bitching about it and linux.....11:12
paradoxmohe didn't really switch, he added clauses, including one that says if you modify it you have to change the name and include a long notice about how it's not official or supported11:13
=== nicedreams [~nicedream@ip68-2-79-215.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
gwildorho to untar from command11:13
paradoxmogwildor: man tar11:13
nicedreamsHow do i change the burning speed from the greyed out MAXIMUM to where I can select 16x using Gnome 2.9 Nautilus?11:14
paradoxmomerry christmas everyone, bye11:14
mfeifthanks paradoxmo. I'll keep digging11:14
JStrikeBah. Was hoping he had switched to MIT or such11:14
=== Invisible_Optiks [~blah@tconl92168.tconl.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunnah, there'd be no problem if he had switched to MIT11:15
paradoxmomfeif: good luck. i seem to recall jwz putting something up about kiosks on his website, maybe take a look11:15
mfeifyeah, I did refer to that. Thanks.11:15
nicedreamsnvm...found it11:16
=== vladster returns from a cheese and sausage break
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nicedreamsWhat is a good cdburning program for gnome that is in the ubuntu repository?11:18
vladsterI thoght cdrao was pretty good11:20
=== gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-249-238-218.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
nicedreamsany good?11:20
vladstereither command line or with a front end like K3B11:20
nicedreamsis their k3b in ubuntu?11:20
nicedreamsand how many libs from kde does it need?11:20
vladsternot that many11:21
crimsunshould be in universe.11:21
nicedreamshope i don't have to basicly install kde if i want to use k3b11:21
nicedreamsi'll try that11:21
crimsunno, but you need quite a few libs.11:21
vladsterjust the libs11:21
Quest-Masterk guys.11:21
Quest-MasterI'm installing Ubuntu again on an older computer11:21
vladsterthe libs are not that big, its KDE that is bloated11:21
Quest-MasterBut it won't detect the network card (Linksys Wireless-G Adapter PCI)11:21
nicedreamsubuntu rocks...  I still like sarge more for some wierd reason though11:21
Quest-MasterOnce UBuntu is installed11:22
nicedreamsbut ubuntu has my backing11:22
Quest-MasterCan I get it to work with this card?11:22
nicedreamsi've heard you have to do something special for all wireless in ubuntu before it works11:22
nicedreamsi know its in the wiki somewhere11:22
SeqQuest-Master: i don't think so. i bought a pci wireless card for somebody for christmas, and iirc, none of the linksys had native drivers.11:22
Quest-MasterI need to find it11:22
Setiteogra can i pm you?11:23
Seqhowever, you could probably do that windows driver module, but meh11:23
Quest-MasterI'm leaving for Green Bay tomorrow, and I have to get this et up before tomorrow11:23
Quest-MasterNo wau11:23
Quest-Master*No way11:23
nicedreamsgoogle it11:23
Quest-MasterSeq: Is it impossible to install the card then?11:23
nicedreams :)11:23
=== SteveA [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
Quest-MasterI need to set it up fast.11:23
vladsterI even plugged it with a bunch of other libs for working with dvd's11:23
nicedreamsi feel that, but i bet you can find it in google in less than 20 mins11:23
SeqQuest-Master: you'd have to use the ndis-wrapper with the windows driver. im pretty sure thats what its called11:23
Quest-MasterOr I'll just install WinXP on that computer. x_x11:23
vladstersuch as transcode and it's dependencies11:24
Quest-MasterIs there a guide on that Seq?11:24
nicedreamsafter this cd burns...i'll open firefox and search for the wireless11:24
SeqQuest-Master: im sure there is somewhere. i only buy hardware that i know has linux drivers, so i've never used the ndis wrapper11:24
vladsterjust apt-get install K3b and it will get what you need11:24
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vladsterthen for the plug ins apt-get install transcode and dvdr tools11:25
=== Derreck [~Derreck@pa-phlpsbrg-cmts1a-166.stcgpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== SteveA [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu
vladsterI have done it on suse but not as smoothly as libranet which is antoher debian build11:26
=== gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-249-238-218.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quest-MasterThe weirdest thing is that11:27
Quest-MasterDamn Small Linux detects the adapter and works fine with it11:27
Quest-MasterKnoppix can't detect it though.. and neither can Ubuntu, but DSL can? :d11:27
SeqQuest-Master: whats the exact model number on it11:28
vladsterdamn small is written by a network specialist11:28
Quest-MasterSeq: One sec, lemme get the guide11:28
|QuaD-Quest-Master: i heart dsl11:29
=== supertux_ [~supertux@adsl-6-104-57.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
vladsterI am sure that if you cantact the guy , he could tell you the modules he is checjking for11:29
gwildori recieved this error <configure-jam: error: no acceptable C compi ler found in $PATH11:29
Quest-MasterWMP54G, Seq11:29
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gwildorhow can i fix that?11:30
Quest-MasterI like DSL.. but it's too DS :P11:30
|QuaD-Quest-Master: i considered running that as my primary OS11:30
vladsterit has apt get, you can build on that11:30
|QuaD-and just putting on OOo11:30
|QuaD-and gaim11:30
|QuaD-and other basic programs11:30
|QuaD-basically what ubuntu offers :)11:30
SeqQuest-Master: i stand corrected, the madwifi driver should support it11:31
Quest-MasterHow can I install that without any internet?11:31
|QuaD-Quest-Master: may DSL-Ubuntu11:31
SeqQuest-Master: though i would stronly like to point out that i got this from the _second_link_ in a google search for "linksys wmp54g linux"11:31
Quest-MasterSeq: hehe.. how can I install this madwifi driver?11:31
vladstersince Damn Small is debian based al you have to do is use the apt-get to put in what you want11:32
Quest-MasterWithout apt-get, since there is no internet on that machine yet?11:32
Quest-MasterUbuntu is installing on that old machine right now.. will consider DSL if Ubuntu can't get the network card configured11:32
|QuaD-Quest-Master: dl them, put them on disk11:32
=== defendguin [~supertux@adsl-6-104-57.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeqQuest-Master: correction, if i had read the entire posting, i would have found out its not supported, he just thought it was11:33
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Quest-MasterWell then.11:33
Quest-MasterTime to hd-install DSL.11:33
|QuaD-Quest-Master: :)11:34
Arrickahmm...I'm trying to play a DVD (making sure everything is set before I give this computer to my sister)...mplayer is telling me it can't open DVD device /dev/dvd...how do I tell whether this is a hardware or a software problem?11:34
|QuaD-you might be able to install DSL... then apt-get to ubuntu11:34
|QuaD-Arricka: did you mount the drive11:34
|QuaD-you shouldn't be playing off /dev/dvd11:34
|QuaD-try /media/dvd11:34
|QuaD-Quest-Master: interesting experiment to try11:34
SeqArricka: there is no /dev/dvd link by default. either make one, or change it to /dev/cdrom11:35
vladsteris there a setting in the XF86Config file that would control the gamma?11:35
Seqhmm, apparently there is a /dev/dvd, though i could have sworn there wasn't. first, check if it exists, anyway11:35
Arrickaokay, so how do I mount the drive? is there an easy way to do it from within gnome? keep in mind I want my sister to be able to do it11:35
Seqyou don't mount movies or music11:35
Arrickaah...wait a sec...11:36
=== bobmepis [~bobfedo@ppp-123-147.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu
vladsteris she old enough to mount a drive ?11:36
Arrickathere's an icon on my screen now, and the title of the disc matches the icon...mplayer is still giving me the same error though11:36
SeqArricka: check if /dev/dvd exists11:37
Setitewhat does CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE do?11:37
crimsunSetite: kills the current X server11:37
|QuaD-Setite: push it and find out11:37
Setiteok good11:37
|QuaD-crimsun: restarts not kills11:37
Setitehaha thanks quat11:37
Setitejust checking11:37
Seq|QuaD-: no, it kills. the script running the x server usually restarts it11:37
Arrickanope, dev/dvd does not exist...let me see if I can give mplayer a different default location for the drive11:37
|QuaD-seq.... in ubuntu it restarts it11:38
Setiteive been runnign carajean through the nvidia setup process11:38
Setiteand wondered what it does11:38
SeqArricka: yeah, just change it to /dev/cdrom , it should work11:38
=== CerBerO [~CerBerO@CM128-inde0-47-138.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
Setitewhat does /dev stand for11:38
Setitewhoops nvm11:38
Seq|QuaD-: technically CTRL+ALT+BKSP kills the x server. the script running the x server restarts it because it died innapropriately11:38
Setitei was thinking developer for a moment11:38
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Setiteseq... and killing it is the same as a reboot almost?11:39
Setitewithout rebooting the pc itself?11:39
SeqSetite: no, it just restarts the graphical environment. the same as logging out and back in11:39
Seqwithout the actual logging out, but with the logging in11:39
Setitethis is funny... im trying to help someone and i dotn even have linux11:39
Setitethe ironty11:40
nicedreamsso your saying that ctrl+alt+bksp doesn't reload the x config file?11:40
Setiteit doesnt?11:40
nicedreamsi'm asking?11:40
nicedreamsi thought it did11:40
crimsunnicedreams: when it restarts, it rereads the conffile11:40
Setitewhat he said11:40
nicedreamswas getting confused for a sec11:40
Setiteso any changes will take effect11:40
nicedreamsmy bad11:40
tswctrl+alt+backspace isnt the same as loggin out and logging in11:41
Setitewhich is exactly what we're trying to do...11:41
ograSetite: you pinged ?11:41
Setitehe needs to hurry up and get back in here11:41
crimsun"ping" or addressed him11:41
nicedreamsif I changed something in my x.org config and did ctrl+alt+bksp it'll reload the change i did in the config right?11:41
ograSetite: you wanted to talk to me...11:41
crimsunnicedreams: yes11:41
nicedreamsI'm just double checking because I'm having trouble with my nvidia config11:41
Seqtsw is right, i was just saying it was closer to that than rebooting, from a user perspective11:41
nicedreamsnow i won't reboot anymore since i'm sure now11:41
nicedreams :)11:41
=== scotth [~scotth@pcp08023289pcs.dalect01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vladsterthe inside of my case just dropped 5c11:42
Quest-MasterNow for the warning:11:42
Quest-MasterDamn Small is not derived purely from Debian, if you 'apt-get install' the wrong application you may break something, for instance, the X servers.11:42
Setitecan cedega be used for apps as well as games>11:42
nicedreamsyou can always try the test version of ubuntu11:42
nicedreamsi'm using it and it rocks11:42
|QuaD-Quest-Master: thats why it is only a warning11:42
nicedreamsgnome 2.9 is nice11:42
crimsunSetite: sometimes.11:42
Quest-MasterIs it actually possible to install Ubuntu through DSL?11:42
nicedreamssee if that fixes your net problem11:42
Setiteso essentially yes11:42
vladsterI would rather use iceWM11:43
crimsunSetite: no, sometimes.11:43
vladsteror Xfce11:43
|QuaD-Quest-Master: no idea, just thoguht it would be a cool install11:43
Setitewell as much as wine?11:43
vladsteror even flux11:43
nicedreamsxfce gets annoying from just little things they don't have in it that would make it better11:43
nicedreamsflux is the bomb11:43
nicedreamsice rocks11:43
Setitejust less so as it is specifically for games... but a simple app shoudl work right11:43
ograSetite: afaik there is a list on the cedega page which apps work11:43
Setiteoh didnt know they had an apps list11:43
tswive used fluxbox and liked it better than icewm11:43
=== port7 [~bob@dsl-212-23-23-232.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Setitewould more work on crossover office11:44
Setitegnome seems fine for me11:44
Setiteanyone got screenies of fluxbox or icewm...11:44
|QuaD-Setite: google them11:44
Setitei dunno the difference from a wm and a desktop11:44
ograSetite: cedega is crossover office with directX support ;)11:44
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Setitei could do that11:45
Setitei thought cedega was wine with dx support aka winex renamed11:45
nicedreamssetite is right11:45
ograSetite: crossover is wine .....11:45
nicedreamsthat too11:45
Setitefrom what i read crossover office has things for transparent running... and for runnign apps11:45
Setitewell i know it is11:45
nicedreamsemulation never seems to work right though11:46
ubuntu_useri can't bur cds in nautilus....11:46
nicedreamsI can't even play Desert Combat emulated on a nice system11:46
ubuntu_useri can't burn cds in nautilus....11:46
nicedreamsme either11:46
Setitebut as they both have their focus i was wondering what makes crossover better for apps than cedega would be11:46
nicedreamsnautilus makes coasters11:46
nicedreamsthey have little changes in code for each usuage11:46
Setiteuh oh... i hope cara jean didnt kill his ubuntu11:46
nicedreamscedega i think is more for games11:46
Setiteyour are correct11:47
Setiteits main goal is gaming11:47
nicedreamsand crossover is tweaked for office and adobe products11:47
Setitewhereas crossover office is as its name implies11:47
nicedreamsand wine is just for your regular stuff11:47
Setitewhat else is there11:47
nicedreamsjust means they are tweaked more for certian things11:47
Setiteit seems that cedega is games... and crossover is for apps11:47
Setitesuch as everything else but games11:48
nicedreamscedega does a good job, but i still have an XP box for my games11:48
vladstertransgamer is good for that11:48
nicedreamsall game manufacturers needs to make games for linux or use opengl more11:48
Setitewell i play CS only... and VTM : Bloodlines...11:48
nicedreamsdoesn't HL2 work in linux?11:48
Setitevladster - transgamer is cedega11:48
Setitemoreover transgaming11:48
Setiteyea its supposed to11:48
Setitei havent had a chance to try it11:49
=== Pyraine [Pyraine@host81-152-13-245.range81-152.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunit does w/ cedega 4.211:49
Setiteso im pretty sure that i will be able to abandon windows completely11:49
nicedreamswell...if i can get quake to run 10000000000 times faster on the same machine in linux than in windows, then i can't wait for the HL2 port11:49
crimsun(or point2play 1.3.2, which pulls cedega 4.2)11:49
vladsterI knew they changed butr I forgot what to11:49
Pyraineoook that took, HELL of alot longer than i expected11:49
Setiteit wont happen11:49
=== Fergy2 [~Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Setitesteam and valve have no love for linux11:49
nicedreamsi have no love for them then11:49
Pyraineargh supernewb isnt here11:49
Setitewelcome back pyraine11:50
Setitei am supernewb11:50
Setitei like changing my name11:50
Pyrainei got upset11:50
Pyrainebecause grub error'd11:50
Setiteit did11:50
Setitethats not good11:50
Pyrainebut then i installed ubuntu again11:50
Pyraineand it was fine11:50
Setiteoh ok11:50
Setitethen we are happy again11:50
Pyraineyep :)11:50
Pyrainenow it's just the modem problem11:50
Setitenow refresh my memory... you were having a modem problme right11:50
Setiteand its still a problem?11:51
Pyrainei have no idea how to install it11:51
Pyraineon my windows account11:51
Pyrainei have the driver11:51
=== carajean2 [carajean20@pcp01121767pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Setiteoh yea11:52
Setitewe'll try the ecia11:52
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Pyraineso what was the thing i should type into terminal?11:52
Setiteim looking11:52
carajean2hey setite11:52
Setitelets discuss here11:53
Setiteim helping you and pyraine11:53
Pyrainethat must be a headache11:53
Setitenah i enjoy it11:53
ograPyraine: copy it to your home dir in linux11:54
Setitei forgot the command11:54
Pyrainewell if you scrolled waaaaaay up from about 4 hours ago, you will see the line i need to put into terminal11:54
ograPyraine: then open a terminal11:54
=== Markrian [~Markrian@82-68-11-181.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ograPyraine: type: sudo dpkg -i eciadsl-usermode_0.10-1_i386.deb11:54
Setiteyea he has you11:54
Pyrainei thought eciadsl-usermode_0.10-1_i386.deb has <> around it?11:54
ograPyraine: nope11:54
Pyraineand then afterwards11:55
Pyrainewill it put like a shortcut on the desktop to connect or whatever?11:55
Setiteshouldnt have too11:55
Pyrainewill it auto connect?11:55
Setiteit should11:55
Setitejust like windows would11:55
Setiteit should connect when you boot11:55
Setiteyea i thought there were <> too11:55
ograPyraine: it will only install the module ... i'm not eve sure this works, but there is no other driver for this thing11:55
Pyraineanother thing, once im on linux, if it does work, can i get irc for it?11:56
Setitehopefully the ecia driver works11:56
Setiteof course11:56
Setitethere is IRC for everything11:56
Setiteogra - does gaim have irc?>11:56
ograPyraine: you still need to ste up the stuff...11:56
ograPyraine: set11:56
Pyrainewhere would i set it up? :o11:56
ograPyraine: load the module ..... configure it to be loaded on boot11:57
ograPyraine: set up the connection .....11:57
=== euphoria [kvirc@213.Red-81-40-226.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Setitelets pray that the modem is globespan based11:57
Pyraineapologies for my newbness but i dont know how to do any of this?11:57
ograPyraine: start with installing the package11:57
Pyraineim making a .txt file to follow all this, heh11:57
euphoriahi all and merry cristmas :)11:57
=== AlexandreGL [~chatzilla@modemcable060.186-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Setite"Disable or delete dabusb module:11:57
SetiteIf /etc/hotplug/blacklist exists, edit it and add a line containing the word 'dabusb' (without the quotes) to it. Restart Linux.11:57
SetiteOtherwise, type :11:57
Setite# modprobe -r dabusb && rm -f $(modprobe -l | grep dabusb) && depmod -a"11:57
Setitei think the site has a tutorial11:58
ograPyraine: once in gnome, you can use xchat for irc... its there by default11:58
Setiteit seems fedora based11:58
Pyraineright im gonna give this a go11:58
Pyrainei will come back, either way to let you know how it turns out11:58
Setiteogra i think me and cara are having issues11:59
Setitehe cant get in his box11:59
Setite"i cannot start the xserver(your graphical interface would u like to view the xserver output to diagnose prob "11:59
Setitesomething like that11:59
nicedreamslogin and do a update/dist-upgrade/upgrade11:59
AlexandreGLI need help... I installed Ubuntu but now I can<t change my screen resolution... The only one that I can take is 512x384... But I want 1024x768...11:59

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