
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
enricohornbeck: hello!  Aroud?02:38
sivangenrico: hey02:50
sivangenrico: it's me02:50
enricoHello sivang !02:52
sivanghey enrico ! since you went to taiwan we hardly talk :)02:53
sivangenrico: got my email?02:53
sivangenrico: I see you've been reworking bits of my wiki pages recently02:55
enricosivang: got your e-mail02:58
enricosivang: reworking your wiki pages?  Which ones?  I mainly did lots of reparenting02:59
sivangenrico: just little additions here and there :) , are we still using them btw?03:01
enricosivang: which pages are you mentioning?03:04
sivangeh right, mostly you are now compiling stuff from those pages into the faq?03:06
enricosivang: just taken a bit for the "what is the documentation team"03:09
sivangenrico: ok, nice btw :) 03:10
enricosivang: are you busy now?03:43
enricosivang: if you have time, would you like to help me out with the Docteam FAQ?03:43
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
enricoDoh!  I hit C+A+Backspace03:45
enricosivang: if you replied to me, I lost your answer03:47
sivangenrico: I will happily, but going to sleep now , almost 24 hours of no sleep..03:48
enricosivang: 24 hours?  ARGH!03:50
enricoSure!  Tomorrow!03:50
enricoTake a rest by all means!  Good night!03:50
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudAfrican Greetings06:55
enricohello froud!06:57
enricogood afternoon06:57
froudI see people are doing commits that's good. Now I have conflicks diff3 here I come06:58
enricoConflicts with my commit?  I thought I did only really minor things07:00
enricoHope nothing too hard07:00
froudDunno I must have a look. Never a problem let SVN take care of it07:00
froudthat's why we have svn07:00
froudSVN Goooooooood07:01
enricoSVN is good!07:01
froudHmmm yes. "Fortune Favours the Bold"07:02
enricoIs it possible to hook meld into svn to solve conflicts?07:02
enricomeld is also really good!07:02
froudnever tried it07:02
=== enrico suggest
enricoapt-get install meld07:03
enricomeld filea.txt fileb.txt07:03
enricoit's really cute.07:04
=== froud confesses using SuSE as work horse
=== enrico pretends he didn't hear :)
=== froud 's ubuntu box is on the side. Froud likes KDE
froudenrico, should work its just a diff tools07:11
froudenrico, nice you have puut commnets in with links to possible content07:28
froudthis is a good method, perhaps everyone should use it. I will give people an idea of where they can do things07:29
froudenrico, did you try' the make'07:30
enricoTrying make...07:32
enriconew laptop is missing software.  apt-get install xsltproc...07:32
enricowarning: failed to load external entity "/usr/share/xml/docbook/stylesheet/nwalsh/xhtml/chunk.xsl"07:32
enricolet me search for it07:32
froudthis is the problem with the paths I made a bugzilla for07:33
froudyou did not want to apply it caus eit would break build07:33
froudlook in libs/html-cust.xsl07:33
froudyou will find an xsl:import that is commented07:33
frouduncommnet it and comment the other xsl:import07:34
froudthe problem is that different machines are at different versions so the docbook xsl is in diiiferent places07:35
froudyour machine must be new, cause it uses the new location for the docbook xsl's07:35
froudI am hoping to fix this with catalogs07:35
enricouhm, not necessarily.  It may just be that the new laptop lacks the docbook-xsl package (installing now)07:36
enricosilly me, it was even listed among the dependencies in debian/control :)07:36
froudoh dear I assume you have these installed07:37
froudcatalogs will help though07:37
froudexport XML_CATALOG_FILES=file:///tools/catalog.xml07:37
enricoNow it warns about something that looks like xincludes included twice07:37
froudeach person will just need to export this07:37
froudyes thisis another bug for xml base07:37
froudI will patch it07:38
froudbut its not a blocker07:38
enricoStill going on.  Quite slow, it's probably accessing stuff from Oasis website07:38
froudis it doing http requests07:38
enriconetstat confirms07:38
froudyou need to install docbook 4.307:39
enricowhat's exporting XML_CATALOG_FILES for?  avoiding http requests?07:39
froudpeople have docbook dtd and xsl's in various places07:39
froudwith catalogs they can do this and we dont care07:39
enricoIn debian sid, it works without exporting XML_CATALOG_FILES07:39
froudthey just export to their env07:39
froudyou are using sid07:40
froudI have created https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5067 and assigned myself07:45
froudto use xml catalogs07:45
enricoIt should be possible to just put "XML_CATALOG_FILES=file:///tools/catalog.xml" and make should automatically export it to child processes07:47
froudwell we can do it in the make or people can add it their env07:47
enricoUhm, maybe it's the opposite?  Let me check07:47
enricoit's the opposite.  let's see how to export make vars...07:48
froudthe problem is that the catalog.xml may be in different places07:48
enricook.  Just adding "export <varname>" in the makefile exports it to children07:49
froudon different systems07:49
enricodo we have a list of the possible places?07:49
froudnot really07:49
froudbut we can start   by collecting a few catalog files from people07:49
froudthey can add the files as attachment in bugzilla07:50
froudto https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=506707:50
froudthen I will add their files to our libs/07:50
froudnamed per os07:50
froudthat way a person can just export the path to our catalogs07:51
froudwhat do you think07:51
enricomoment.  Toilet then I'll be back with a makefile snippet that tries various locations07:51
froudeven better07:51
enricofroud: here it is:08:08
enrico        /etc/passwa \08:08
enrico        /etc/passwb \08:08
enrico        /etc/passwc \08:08
enrico        /etc/passwd08:08
enricoifexists=$(shell test -e $(file) && echo $(file))08:08
enricoPASSWD=$(firstword $(foreach file,$(CANDS),$(ifexists)))08:08
enrico$(warning $(PASSWD))08:08
enricoexport PASSWD if you want children to have that in their environment08:09
enricoI can add it to the makefile, if you're not working on it at the moment08:10
froudlooks good go for it :-)08:10
enricogroan... in the meantime, the documentation is still building08:10
enricois it possible to make it point to a local copy of those oasis things?08:10
froudI am writing the stuff for the docbook part of wiki08:10
froudyes we can inlcude the dtd and xsl in th erepos08:11
froudbut most people should have it installed08:11
froudyelp does not need this stuff08:11
froudits only for us to buld html08:11
enricoIs it this thing that it's being downloaded now all the time? /usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/dtd/4.3/catalog.xml08:12
froudno its the dtd08:13
froudxsltproc loads the dtd to get all entities08:13
froudyou can switch this optin off08:13
froudsee xsltproc --novalid08:14
froudbut then xsltproc will not moan if the files are invalid08:14
enricook.  Now, another question: what default value should use for the catalog search?  I mean, what is the value used for XML_CATALOG_FILES when XML_CATALOG_FILES is not found in the environment?08:15
froudenrico, its different on systems08:21
froudlet me see if there is a standard approach somewhere08:21
froudenrico, I have /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dtd/4.3/catalog.xml08:26
froudif you hav ethe same then its good08:26
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enricofroud: hello back.  I have it in a different location, but in my system it works anyway.  I committed a makefile that searches both locations08:58
froudOK will test it in awhile I want to finish the docbook wiki docs08:59
enricoHowever, I fear I'm breaking more than I solve, as it seems that distributions have a way of properly configuring the lookup path for the catalogs08:59
froudyes we need a constant method08:59
froudI will look into it09:00
=== abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudenrico, what was the command for commiters to do a first time checkout from svn?09:33
ChrisHfroud: should have been "svn co"09:35
=== enrico hands a hot, creamy cappuccino to ChrisH
ChrisHenrico: Ah, very good, sir. The change is for you.09:38
froudChrisH, hi. I mean for commiters09:39
ChrisHfroud: nope... you should get asked for the username and password during your first commit IIRC09:40
abellienrico: hot, creamy cappuccino in Taiwan?09:40
abelligood morning everyone09:40
froudChrisH, not sure about that09:41
enricoabelli: you'd be surprised09:41
ChrisHThe taiwanese cappu can't be any worse than what I have on my desk.09:42
abellienrico: well...09:42
froudis it not better to do svn co http://username@ and then enter user and pass when prompted on first checkout09:42
ChrisH. o O ( if only the machines wouldn't be so expensive ) O o .09:42
ChrisHfroud: I didn't need it. The repository is readable for everyone anyway. And the check-in prompt automatically.09:42
enricoTurns out one of the guys at the local LUG is a coffee fanatic09:43
froudChrisH, OK09:43
enricoFor people who don't believe me09:48
abelli...im off ciao09:52
sivangmorning alll10:48
enricoMorning sivang !10:48
sivangmorning froud  :) 10:48
sivangmorning enrico!10:48
sivangany news?10:49
froudworking ;-)10:49
enricosivang: ehi, I posted like 10 messages in the list, and you ask me "any news?" :)10:49
froudabelli, going so soon10:49
sivangenrico: ok, I'll fire up mutt. I pretty used to it although using only "q" arrows and enter, m and y and d 10:50
sivangenrico: but it makes you much more productive then when using evo or mozmail10:51
enricoeh.  Now you have to learn how to use 'l'10:52
enrico'l' and 'o' ROCK!10:52
sivangwhat does l and o do?10:52
sivangenrico: btw, youre muttrc rocks!10:52
sivangeasy color , navigation 10:53
enrico'l' is 'limit'.  It allows you to filter messages.  For example, l enrico  shows you only messages having to do with me10:53
abellihey ppl... daniels didnt sleep for some night to get x.org working..10:53
abelliwhy not thunderbird10:53
abelliit's so... so... graphical..10:53
sivangabelli: when you get used to mutt, you'll understand :)10:53
enricoThen you can use modifiers: "l ~f enrico" shows messages FROM me; "l ~b Sivan" shows messages that talk about you, and so on10:53
ChrisHOutlook 2003 is also very graphical. :P10:53
sivangChrisH: ;-)10:54
abelliwell.. why not pine then?10:54
enrico~h header, ~t "to".  Then you do "l ~=" to see duplicated messages and "l ~F" to see messages you flagged important10:54
ChrisHLicense issues. :)10:54
abellior just an mta10:54
sivangenrico: lemme try those :)10:54
enricoImportant: "l ." to remove the filter10:54
sivangenrico: if I have an ssh key, i need just to copy it to the host machine and it will grant me access?10:54
sivangenrico: I am alrady using this pub ssh key to access 2 other machines..10:55
enricosivang: yes (the public key part, obviously).  You can use ssh-copy-id for it: it's much easier and less error-prone10:55
sivangenrico: why thank you yet for another piece of unix knowhow!10:55
sivangbtw people, enrico's traffic summaries are superb.10:56
ChrisH...and dangerous...10:56
enricoChrisH: ehi, you were a hero in yesterday's one!10:56
ChrisHenrico: Because I did a simple commit of a few lines in the README? :)10:57
sivanghehe, what could you ask for more? there's some comedy, moral, tips, tricks and well, important stuff we tend to forget now and then.10:57
sivangit's like the perfect sequal for the family to watch on holidays10:57
ChrisHsivang: Is there a TV channel for the Doc Team already? :)10:58
enricoI'm mounting the transmitter antenna now as I speak :)10:58
ChrisHenrico: I'm happy if the first sentence is not "ChrisH complained..." :)10:58
enricoChrisH: come on.  Let me find it for you10:58
enricoChrisH: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2004-December/000824.html look for "ChrisH answered in detail"10:59
sivang"..many people have been talking to11:01
sivang  screw everything that has been worked on and do it11:01
sivang  differently11:01
sivangvery good :11:01
sivangWiki is more a draft place or a place to organise. I think11:01
sivang          it's okay for that purpose11:01
sivangI think this should be quoted for future generation so they'll know what mistakes to avoid.11:01
=== sivang agrees 100% with ChrisH about the wiki's role in documenting a project.
sivangand I like this also :"11:03
sivangLet's be open-minded. If it's nice, let's use it. Some aspects11:03
sivang          are pretty neat.11:03
ChrisHenrico: Okay, I'm convinced. :)11:05
abellican someone suggest a free antivirus for win32?11:06
enricoabelli: Ubuntu11:06
abelli...dont swear... just remind the meaning of ubuntu :)11:06
abellienrico: i know.. that.. im just installing it.. with my brand new fatx module..11:07
abellibut the owner of the computer has many visual c++ programs..11:07
enricoabelli: install ubuntu into a vmware box and stop using windoes :)11:07
abelliand win32 will be around until the porting under unix will be finished..11:08
abellienrico: im sorry im win32 free since september 200211:08
abellinever ever handled a ms product until sunday11:09
sivangabelli: fatx module?11:10
abelliyep.. fatx is the fs used by xbox11:12
abelliits part of the project RULE... Run Ubuntu Linux Everywhere11:12
sivangabelli: wowo cooool11:13
sivangso you have an xbox running ubuntu?11:13
abelliyes nice...11:13
abellisivang: absolutely not.. 11:13
enricoabelli: You should publish something about that, like a Wiki page or something like that11:13
abellienrico: don't worry.. it's not ready.11:13
abelliit's the first module ever written by me..11:14
abellii changed my nick... only because i used "abelli" in it... 11:14
abelliand when i released it to testers...11:14
abelliit was too late..11:14
abellito change. in some weeks it'll be public.11:15
abelliim also waiting for mako approval.. RULE is a bit temporary as name11:16
abelliwhat about clamav?11:18
sivangabelli: so you know how to hack kernel modules code....11:25
=== sivang wishes he knew how to do that
abellisivang: it's the first module.11:25
abellisivang: im far away from ppl like fabbione, mjg11:25
sivangabelli: I'd settle for this, believe me.11:25
sivangdoes RULE has a website yet?11:26
abelliactually is just a groupware at ubuntuitalia.org/gware or sth like that..11:27
sivangabelli: when was the project started?11:27
abellia week before mataro'11:27
sivangabelli: where do you learn to hack kernel modules?11:28
abellidon't use hack.. im far before that point:11:29
sivangabelli: hey! an Idea! why to use M$'s crappy fs, and not plain ext3/xfs/reiser whatever linux support?11:29
abellistarting with k&R the c programming language, The Linux Kernel, 2.4 Kernel Internals,11:29
abelliand a bit of embedding linux di hollabaugh11:30
sivangabelli: don't get modest on me! A guy who enjoyes sovling descrete math problem, kernel hacking is nothing big to him :))11:30
sivangabelli: I tried sometime ago to read 2.4, but if you use 2.6, how does it help you? or not much has changed?11:30
abelliwell.. i need to get into the mood of something..11:31
abellijust consider i never used c before..11:31
abelliit was like "divide et impera" [or whatever it is..:)] 11:31
sivangabelli: that's exactly what I was talking about :)11:31
sivangabelli: devide and conquer?11:32
abelliyes...ok... let's leave apart compliments when i'll marry 11:32
abelliCat Zeta Jones11:32
sivangabelli: heheheh :)11:33
sivangabelli: I'd prefer Jessica Alba, Cameron Diaz, Mel lisboa? :)11:34
abelliCameron is WonderFul..11:34
abellibut let's be productive...11:34
abelliotherwise enrico'll get crossed.. 11:35
sivangabelli: right :)11:35
abelliand we don't want enrico to get crossed right ;)11:35
sivangabelli: ofcourse not!11:35
sivangenrico: how do I set mutt to use my ssh keys?11:35
sivangfroud: ping11:37
enricosivang: mutt to use ssh?  To do what?11:39
sivangenrico: do impas using the ssh keys11:39
sivangenrico: instead of asking me the password everytime11:40
enricosivang: ah, oh, yes.  Uhm... look for "preauth" in mutt's documentation11:40
enricotunnel="ssh -q mailhost.net /usr/local/libexec/imapd"11:41
enrico"preauth" is a good search key in mutt's documentation11:41
sivangnot in the man page..11:42
sivanggoing to the web docs11:42
enricosivang: /usr/share/doc/mutt/manual.txt.gz11:42
froudUh Humm11:46
froudChrisH, 11:46
enricofroud: yes?11:47
froudsivang, 11:47
froudOK I have my document ready11:47
froudneed to discuss11:47
sivangfroud: here11:47
froudChrisH, wanted me to fix https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocBook11:47
froudme thinks my document replaces most of this 11:47
sivangenrico: looks it doesn't care to explain much how to use it, just add this to the mutrrc file?11:47
frouddo I add a new page or do I modify the exiting one 11:48
enricosivang: should just need to add that, yes11:48
froudmy doc replaces about 90%11:48
enricofroud: You can rename the current page to OldDocBook and make a new DocBook; then link OldDocBook in it11:49
froudHmm link old docbook to it11:49
froudmaybe the other way around11:49
froudno matter well sort it11:50
sivangfroud: we should port the tsf's learn linux admin guide to ubuntu from debian 3.0 :)12:00
frouddo you know ho wto create a debian spec file12:01
sivangfroud: spec file? I am not sure..12:02
enricoI'm sorry I'm ignorant with rpm packaging12:02
froudwhat about deb12:02
enricoI do debs :)12:06
=== sivang is also doing bits of them :)
ChrisHfroud: Does it replace most of it really? I think we need something which is customised for the doc team work.12:09
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froudChrisH, see https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject12:32
frouddraft in progress12:32
froudbtw does anyone want to fomat it I dont know the Z wki stuff12:32
froudenrico, I want to packaged the project at http://learnlinux.tsf.org.za. Perhaps you can make a deb spec and create the package12:33
=== abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== froud plays with zwiki structured text
froudhow to markup headings ?12:37
froudah ha,  I see said the blind man to the deaf mute12:38
froudHmm not good. How to make sub headings12:41
froudah ha,  I see said the blind man to the deaf mute12:42
froudmuch beetter12:44
sivangfroud: please use moin markup12:52
sivangwe already agreed about it12:52
sivangif you use rest markup, some people wouldn't be able to modifiy your pages if they need to.12:52
sivangfroud: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject must be abbrivated before it can be really used, we shouldn't force our contributor to read so long pages..they will have to suffer enough with the docbook and other core utils guides..12:56
froudwont my formatting help ?12:56
sivangfroud: I feel that we need to create a DocteamProcedures page, just like the HoaryProcedures page, and seperate the technicalities from the description of the project goals aims and responsibility.12:57
sivangfroud: this is what I was trying to do with my first pages, so we got the /UDP page and /HowDoc from where we could probably link to technical instructions and prequisities IMHO12:58
sivangChrisH: ?12:58
froudWell that's is good, but for now I dont have a big picture, so am juts putting it here. 12:58
sivangfroud: ok, maybe we can afterwards devide and conquer12:58
froudsure I put this page here so long cause people wnated something like this. The content is there now. We can use it as we please.12:59
sivangfroud: :)01:00
froudI still need to add things like how the repos is structured, how to make, what is globale.ent etc. But I think this is another page01:01
sivangfroud: yes sure, this could be the docteam procedures overview page.01:03
sivangideally, I would opt for pages that are as big as this : https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocBook01:03
sivangand try to give as much useful info in as must less size, so we won't loose pople on account of reading long articles,01:04
=== froud thinks to himself, "Gee wiki sucks."
sivangwiki is good for some very _specific_ uses,01:04
sivangfor all the others,01:04
sivangit sucks badly.01:04
sivangwhen someone is enough interested int he UDP, he should probably read the docbook guide to the docteam01:05
sivangusing the wiki for organization and plannig is actually pretty ok IMHO01:05
sivangNow that I know that (from you) this doc is not the most accurate that I can find for using docbook, but it set me up starting early , and made me enthusiastic about docbook01:07
froudok dudes, that's it for me for today. I must do some paying work :-)01:13
froudb c'ing ya01:13
sivangfroud: katerz01:14
sivangeh, laterz01:14
=== enrico was having dinner
enricofroud: I can create the debian/directory for the http://learnlinux.tsf.org.za if you want: just send me the released tarball01:17
enricosivang: I would avoid to create yet another page for now, and maybe just use the FAQ until an entry becomes so long that it spins off01:18
sivangenrico: do man install-docs ---> this _is_ what we were loooking for _all_ our rigsteration needs.01:18
sivangenrico: that is , against scrollkeeper, doc-base, whtever01:19
=== sivang thanks seb128 (who's not here) for providing the insight.
sivangyes :) it's amazing what a "go install doc-base source" instruction can teach yoiu :)01:20
=== sivang cannot type. frozen fingers.
enricoso cold there?01:20
sivangactually, it's 20C outside,01:21
sivangbut the house is like _frozen01:21
sivangwe can't seem to let the heat from the inside get in,01:21
sivangwhich is a plus on summer time.01:21
sivangenrico: this depend line should also be added to facilitate for install-docs01:22
sivang ${perl:Depends}, scrollkeeper, libunicode-string-perl01:22
sivanghowever the rules file, I would have to read the whole make manual to understand01:25
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enricosivang: you tell me what you want the rules file to do and I can try and tell you how to do it01:53
enrico(but then, it's always good to read the whole make manual anyway)01:53
sivangenrico: I'll read the manual, I want to know how to make pure debian build script that , really rulez :)01:54
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sivangenrico: that doesn't use cryptic cddbs :)01:57
enricosivang: you're welcome to use debhelper01:58
enricosivang: maybe it's better to start with debhelper and then see01:58
enricocdbs is a great tool, but maybe it's great only when you know well what's happening01:59
ChrisHPerhaps one should only start to use cdbs when it's clear what debhelper does. :)01:59
sivangenrico: sounds like it , yes.02:00
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froudunder what license do we release documentation?03:40
froudFDL or Creative Common ShareAlike 2.0 ?03:45
hornbeckI think they where talking CC03:47
froudanyone second that?03:48
froudIs it not better to use FDL for our purpose?03:50
hornbeckin all honesty, I could care less about license03:50
hornbeckas long as it is free for others to use03:50
froudI want to add the LICENSE file to root of trunk03:50
sivangfroud: gfdl03:51
hornbecksivang: really?03:51
sivangfroud: canonical wants GFDL basically, but each writer can decided per his doc03:52
sivanghornbeck: yes :)03:52
hornbeckI thought Enrico sent a email saying we where using CC03:52
sivanghornbeck: hmm03:52
hornbecklet me check the mail log03:52
froudplease thanks03:52
sivangThis is what I recall from the c0nference03:52
sivangMark also said that I think.03:52
froudsivang, we need to decide on one lic03:52
froudtwo is just a way to problems03:53
froudIMHO GFDL is better for our purpose03:53
sivangfroud: this is something also longly discussed before you joined us :) They said each writer can use his own license on docs he's creating it, by they'd prefer GFDL03:53
froudDont get me wrong I like CC SA but I dont think it is right in this case03:53
sivangGFDL present obvious barriers for debian if they want to use our works..03:53
hornbeckI am not finding it03:54
froudWhat barriers03:54
froudUbuntu is under GPL right?03:54
froudor is it lesser03:54
froudso GFDL compliment GPL03:55
enricohornbeck: sivang does not read e-mail, it's widely known :)03:55
hornbeckI guess :-)03:55
=== enrico looks for link
froudI see no obsticalss for Debian to use this lic03:56
=== froud thanks enrico
enricosivang: http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2004-December/000759.html03:56
enricoIt's been much more time than "before Christmas" as well03:58
enrico(I have to grab mako for changes to propagate into website documentation)03:58
sivangenrico: what changes? we can edit some areas of the website.03:59
=== sivang is hit by how much he doesn't read email, but that is going to change after the 10th of Jan
enricosivang: like writing what the license is, possibly even in the wiki edit page04:00
froudenrico,  I am going to place both lics into the LICENSE FILE this way people can edit it under svn04:00
sivangenrico: was this decided over in the Mataro sessions? with lulu and freinds?04:00
sivangenrico: yes :)04:00
enricosivang: mako has been talking with sabdfl during the conf, and that is the outcome04:01
froudguys focus please04:01
sivangeh great. I should have an RSS feed from my mailboxes..04:01
froudenrico,  I dont see a bugzilla for this task04:01
enricofroud: you're right04:01
=== froud wants people to use bugzilla more
=== sivang notes all that he suggested a CC compatilbe license long ago. Wonders if enrico could find it on the archives.:)
enricoI hate bugzilla so much that I can never reach it04:02
frouddo you want to open it or shall I04:02
enricoI'll give it a try now04:02
froudplease assign to mako and inlcude the link to the message above. thanks04:02
=== froud hugs enrico
froudenrico, is the second person that does not like bugzilla04:03
froudif people dont like it why not change it04:03
froudbut until then please use bugzilla people04:03
sivangfroud: we must be more forgiving by means of our communication and report, or else we would drive away alot of prospective contributors.04:04
froudits the only way for us to track stuff04:04
sivangfroud: we are awaiting the bug dawn of Malone04:04
ChrisHWho hugs me? :)04:04
=== sivang hugs ChrisH
=== froud give ChrisH a slap with a wet fish
froudsivang, no everyone must use bugzilla04:05
sivangfroud: I cannot ask this from people who are interested in contributing,04:05
froudsivang, you'll thank me when it ocmes near to release date04:05
enricofroud: well, the idea is that bugzilla will be replaced with malone04:05
sivangI am allowing them the adjustment time04:05
sivangChrisH: where is the gnome-love mumble docteam topic?04:06
froudIf when then, promises04:06
enricofroud: I hope it happens soon.  In the meantime yes, who can should use mozilla; who can't should as others to use it for them04:06
sivangChrisH: we should put it back...:)04:06
enricoSo, if some of you really can't use mozilla, you can drop me a note and I'll do things for you04:06
froudI dont care how stuff get sthere it just must04:06
sivangenrico: good04:06
froudsivang, at this moment nobody knows what who is doing and what who is not doing. There are things nobody is doing04:07
enricoWhile I'm here, I'll dump my todo-list into bugzilla04:07
froudNow you are talking that way we can take a look and see if we can take ownership04:08
froudfor som eof the stuff04:08
froudteam work people, team work04:08
=== froud gets of his saop box
sivangfroud: team work means also catering for the less technically able people :)04:08
froudsivang, as enrico said ifthey cant then they can ask for help and I am sure we will help +1 to help enrico 04:09
sivangfroud: sure :) sorry for repeating myself.04:10
froudsubject voting system04:10
sivangvoting system?04:10
=== sivang scratches :)
froudpeople need to vote on issue04:11
=== sivang is now the official DocTeam trouble maker :)
froudin th email messages it is hard to see who said they will be helping with what04:11
sivangok, the wiki is _excellent_ for that.04:11
sivangit also enables anonymous botes04:12
froudShort for "I will help" = +104:12
=== sivang enrico's spanking.
froudDont agree -104:12
froudDont care 004:12
froudHelps keep messages terse04:12
=== froud was flamed for long messages
sivangok, prequisitie = must write your name next to you vote,04:13
sivangto prevent duplicate votes.04:13
froudHmm why04:14
froudyou are replying to the message04:14
sivangI though if usiung the wikiu for it04:14
froudemail dude email yes that means you must read it :-)04:14
=== enrico sniff process change :)
sivangfroud: I'm reding it, just not in the mornings :)04:15
=== enrico points to DocumentationTeamWishList :)
sivangusually after I finish some stuff04:15
sivangenrico: noted.04:15
froudYep must be in bugzilla04:15
=== sivang stopped
sivangenrico: you should have an anti docteam underground and process changes sniffer scrript04:15
froudenrico, No need for DocumentationTeamWishList when you have bugzilla04:16
ChrisHsivang: Feel free to change the /topic - it's not fixed here.04:16
sivangChrisH: do you have it saved somehwhere? I don't recall the exact words..04:17
sivangenrico: added voting process to docteamwishlist04:18
ChrisHsivang: Uh. not really. :(04:18
hornbeckyou guys are confusing04:19
sivangChrisH: never mind, I'll fix it - I have it on my docs.04:20
enricofroud: in this case, it's needed to avoid people thinking that this is something that people agreed to do04:20
enricofroud: we're still in times of process change alergy (and I wonder what will plovs say of the recent reorganizations when he'll come back)04:20
sivangenrico: true. we shjould have a way to show that a certain process or system has not yet been adopted intil a proper discussion is done about it.04:20
froudenrico, let just agree to agree04:20
sivangenrico: I hope plovs doesn't leave the project :)04:20
froudtalk to much do to little04:21
sivangenrico: you recall sparks angry split out :)04:21
hornbecksivang: sparkes was my fault04:21
enricofroud: I quite agree.  Lots of text lands outside of <para> tags (or even outside of the repository itself)04:21
froudenrico, things need to be fater04:22
sivanghornbeck: I am not sure, if would have followed the Ubuntu CoC, he should hae known the mistakes happen, and misunderstanding also :) and take it less harsh.04:22
hornbecksivang: he felt that I was taking his ideas as my own04:22
hornbeckbecause I was looking at Debian docs04:23
=== froud off to do more work
sivanghornbeck: well that's over now.04:23
ChrisHFaster? How fast can things go? Am I the only here who has does doc team work in his spare time because he has a job?04:24
hornbeckI only do it in spare time04:25
hornbeckI work all the time, than family04:25
hornbeckthan docs04:25
sivangsure, we are only voulenteers.04:25
sivangnothing bad with it, IMHO04:25
hornbeckI see nothing wrong with it04:25
hornbeckI wish I had more time to do it04:25
froudChrisH, not true04:26
hornbeckwhen I started I had all the time in the world04:26
=== ChrisH feels pushed :)
froudChrisH, not true04:26
=== ChrisH is now known as "not true"
=== sivang LOLs
hornbeckI think alittle push is needed, because we are not really doing much 04:26
sivangok, but we've had some pushing, now let's see what comes out.04:26
froudI do ubuntu in my spare time :-)04:26
ChrisHWe are doing a whole lot - just not anything that is visible to anyone outside the Chaos Team.04:26
hornbeckI have felt motivated by froud, seeing him do alot has made me want to really get working again04:26
froudChrisH, It is becaus eof this that I need to maximize my spare tuime.04:27
froudI find myslef holding on stuff for more than a day04:27
ChrisHfroud: Ah, you mean I better not be online during your spare time. ;)04:27
froudChrisH, no04:27
sivangLet us put aside the planning for a sec, 04:27
sivangget a list of content crying tags in the sources,04:28
sivangand write.04:28
froudChrisH, I am saying that decision need to be fast04:28
sivangfroud: could you provide some?04:28
froudcause we have only spare time04:28
ChrisHfroud: Sure.04:28
froudI have found that I could not do some things in this time cause of no decision04:28
ChrisHfroud: Although you will probably admit that you don't really lack freedom here.04:29
=== enrico notes that we decided to stop deciding and to just commit new paragraphs until something gets finished
=== sivang is out for food
froudNormally decisions should take about 24 hours04:29
enricosvn is in place, accounts are there, book layout has been defined04:29
enricoThe repository has even been cleaned up recently, thanks to froud04:30
ChrisHfroud: I just feel that we are fine-tuning a car that has never been driving a mile.04:30
froudyes but I make proposal on list and nobody answers04:30
enricoI don't see anything missing for people to just go and write paragraphs04:30
froudso I just have to go ahead04:30
ChrisHfroud: Which does not mean that I don't value your work. It's great. Just that it's not visible yet.04:30
enricofroud: I work around that by setting a deadline on proposals: if noone answers, after the deadline I do it04:30
enricoIt saves lots of frustration04:31
ChrisHfroud: If you make 10 proposals on the list during one day it's really hard to determine what is important and what is just information to keep the team on topic.04:31
froudOK that's fine by me04:31
ChrisHenrico: You better not recommend that to froud. Or we will have a 5 second timeout until decisions are done automagically. ;)04:31
froud[Proposal] 04:31
enricofroud: just use a reasonable deadline :)04:31
froud[Warning] 04:31
froud[Announce] 04:31
=== sivang agrees with ChrisH
froud[OT] 04:31
sivangfroud: and keep one proposal per week.04:32
froudenrico, what's a reasonable time04:32
=== sivang is out
=== ChrisH votes for froud-proposal-quota (FPQ)
enricoThere's also to be said that various people are kind of in christmas vacations at the moment04:32
enricofroud: My rule of thumb is something reasonable for people in various timezones to get the message in the morning and answer to it in the evening04:32
froudOK I got the idea. Seems fair04:33
ChrisHfroud: Is most of the restructuring done already? So I can enter my contents without having to fear they become useless? All entities set? All structures in final position?04:33
enricofroud: and then I'd put in some more days if I think the question is non-trivial04:33
froudChrish you just hack away let SVN do the work04:33
froudChrisH, trust it04:33
enricoChrisH: yes!  Go! Go! GO!04:33
ChrisHMy point is: I don't care how the icon looks or when CSSs are finished. The problem was that the framework changed every now and then. This must be avoided.04:34
ChrisHenrico: Sir, yes, Sir.04:34
froudChrisH, this does notstop commits04:34
ChrisHenrico: Since all my hardware is running again and Marco has finished getting his second tooth I'm about to get my pen wet today. :)04:34
froudas I said let SVN do the work04:34
froudAs a practice I always do svn up before commits04:34
ChrisHfroud: Letting svn do the work let to a couple of ".rej" files lately because it couldn't merge my changes if I didn't commit instantly.04:34
froudAlways to svn up before commit04:35
froudthen do svn status04:35
ChrisHDoes that really help? Can it resolve conflicts?04:35
froudNo you can see problems04:35
enricoWell, ideally now the only big changes happening in the repository are about content anyway04:36
enricoIt seems to me that we are done with moving directories and the like04:36
froudenrico, yes this is true04:36
ChrisHenrico: Your daily posting on what has been done is really nice to see the progress. And at least it motivates me into doing stuff. :)04:37
froudI have a few files tomove to libs04:37
enricoChrisH: thanks!  It's sweet music for me to read that!04:37
froudbut no maj structure changes04:37
=== froud also thanks enrico for daily psotings
ChrisHenrico: Just wanted to tell you that your existence is not entirely useless. :)04:38
froudok later04:38
enricofroud: later!04:38
=== enrico his flooded by his own bug reports
enricoBut I now have nice numbers all around my personal TODO list04:45
enricoAnd I start appreciating the thought of being able to reassign some of those things to other people :)04:45
makoenrico: i think i just got one of them :)04:47
=== froud thanks enrico for patch to https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5067. NOW FIXED.
ChrisH<stupid>What is a "catalog"?</stupid>04:49
=== froud point to http://www.sagehill.net/docbookxsl/Catalogs.html
=== froud add https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5079 "Write Ubuntu Documentation License"
enricofroud: oh, that patch worked then04:53
froudSo far now we need that XSL to work with catalogs04:53
froudbut must do some other stuff on wiki first04:54
ChrisHfroud: I'll digest that later... thanks for the link.04:55
froudenrico, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4284 This is not in the current documents in svn04:57
froudThe Ubuntu Installation Guide, chapter 2.1. Supported Hardware contains phrases:04:57
froud"Debian 4.10 supports ...", "Debian 4.10 ships with ..."04:57
froudFor example:04:57
froudIt is confusing.04:57
makoit's also incorrect04:59
froudok this is from the debian docs04:59
froudare we patching debian docs too04:59
makoheh :)05:01
makoabelli: ciao babbaro05:01
makofroud: it's incorrect for either ubuntu or debian05:02
makoit's either Debain 3.x or Ubuntu 4.1005:02
froudOk but we dont have a tree of Debian documents in svn05:04
froudso why is it our bugzilla?05:04
frouddo we also patch the debian tree05:04
froudif so then we should have debian docs in our repository and patch back our patches to debian05:05
froudmako, right or wrong?05:05
makoso the installation manual is taken from debian05:05
makoand then rebranded basically05:05
makocolin, who did those docs05:06
makodid not add anything significant that would need to pushed back to debian05:06
makoadditionally, he didn't do a perfect job of patching/rebranding the documentation05:06
froudOK, fine its a custom layer05:06
makoso he got the version number but left lots of mention of debian.. including some incohrent stuff05:06
frouddo we take care of this?05:06
makoreferring to versions of debian that don't exist05:07
makoit's a bug05:07
froudok so where are the sources now?05:07
makoi don't *exactly* know but perhap sin the installer source package05:08
makokamion will know05:08
makolet me ask05:08
froudok, me thinks they should be moved to docs svn05:08
froudWe just need a pristine of their HEAD for that doc05:09
makofroud: this might create a slightly insane situation :)05:09
makobecause we already have it in two different version control systems05:09
makoand as you know05:10
makowhich, if this were baz or bitkeeper or even svk, might be fine05:10
makothis is not really svn's strong point05:10
makobranches in seperate repos05:10
froudsvn does this fine05:11
makofroud: seperate repositories?!05:11
froudyes it can be done :-)05:11
makodude, it's a centralized VCS model.. there is no inter-repository merging05:11
froudtips an dtricks it can be done05:12
makosvk was written specifically because it doesn't :)05:12
froudbut I think since it is a doc it should be managed in our repos05:12
makoif it's already in a source package in the archive05:13
makoit might be nice to simply branch within that VCS05:13
froudme points mako to http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.0/svn-book.html#svn-ch-7-sect-405:13
froudmako, " branch within that VCS" and we have little or no control for our applicatin level05:14
makofroud: i'm familiar with vendor branches.. it is not the same thing as decentralized VCS05:16
makofroud: CVS has vendor branches (sort of)05:16
froudok, but why hav eit over there?05:17
=== enrico goes to bed
makoenrico: good night! :)05:17
makowe're not going to go through every package and take out every piece of documentation and customize it05:17
makowe can't extract every manpage, etc and put in the respoitory and then track differences over time05:18
makoright now, the debian-installer maintaer is doing a (Relatively) good job of05:18
makokeeping the documentation in sync with debian05:19
makobecause he's active upstream05:19
froudok so we have to track diifferent repositories05:19
makowe are *already* tracking two05:19
makowell, colin is05:19
froudwhich ones05:19
makoupstream DI05:19
makoubuntu DI05:19
makoand now doc-team05:20
makoi asked colin to pop over here05:20
=== Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
frouddo you have the uri for upstream05:21
KamionI hear there's some talk about the installation manual?05:21
makoKamion: so, there are few open bugs against the installation manual.. and the doc team is willing to take them on05:21
Kamionare there? where?05:21
makonot bad ones05:21
makothat's purely branding05:22
KamionTBH those are much easier for me to fix; I did all the branding work on that manual, I probably just missed a bit05:22
Kamionalso fixing it involves a debian-installer upload :)05:23
froudKamion, hav eyou taken a lok at the coc repos lately05:23
makoKamion: do you d-i in svn?05:23
Kamionfroud: no05:23
Kamionmako: no05:23
makoupstream is svn, no?05:23
froudPleas edo sometime05:23
Kamionsure, I don't do Ubuntu stuff there though05:24
froudThat's the thing we have docs everywhere05:24
Kamionfroud: my goal for the installation manual is to stay close to the upstream installation manual and feed changes back to them05:24
Kamionfroud: I'm FAR more interested in upstream's repository than in yours, I'm afraid ;)05:24
Kamionmako: no imports, blame lifeless :P05:24
froudFine just thought to help05:24
makoKamion: i was already blaming lifeless :)05:25
makofroud: alright, sounds like a bit of a non-issue then05:25
makoKamion: so, if folks want to help out with the installation manual, how should it happen?05:25
makolets say, non-branding work05:25
makoemail you? :)05:26
makoand then you figure it out05:26
Kamionmako: if it doesn't include the string "Ubuntu", it would be ideal for it to happen upstream05:26
Kamioni.e. if it's not specific to us05:26
Kamionfailing that, the best I can offer for the moment is to e-mail me, yeah05:27
froudKamion, I have been doing some major changes in our svn05:27
froudnew structures and abilities ofr profiling etc05:28
=== mako nods to kamion
Kamionfroud: do you have the installation manual in your repository?05:28
froudI have also added a level of indirection to the docs that averts problelms such as that in the inst doc05:28
froudno 05:29
makoKamion: that is the question that started this conversation :)05:29
Kamiongood :)05:29
makoKamion: that was basically my answer :)05:29
Kamionfroud: I'm working with debian-installer-manual upstream to get that improved05:29
Kamionbut there are obvious fundamental translation issues05:29
froudcan we do a vendor branch in our svn05:30
makofroud: with responsive maintainers/upstreams that care a lot about docs and keeping them in sync (like we have for d-i). it's great to have the code and the docs tightly linked from a source management perspective05:30
Kamionfroud: debian-installer-manual is part of the debian-installer source package which is the installer build system. I really don't want it off in a separate repository.05:31
KamionI respect what the doc team's doing, but please don't fork05:31
=== mako forgets his bugzilla pw once a week
Kamionok, missing branding fixed now I think05:32
makoi was trying to reassing that bug to you but i can't log in05:33
=== mako will go find his laptop with the pw saved
Kamiongrabbing the bug now05:33
froudKamion, ok. Do take a look at some of the DocBook application level stuff were have started to do in our repos. You may find it useful05:33
makofroud: URI?05:34
Kamionfroud: I'm not the person who needs to look at this :)05:34
Kamionthat would be fjp upstream05:34
KamionI strongly suggest talking to him to see if you guys can cooperate on branding infrastructure; that would be very useful05:34
=== mako nods
Kamioncan there be a doc component in bugzilla for the installation manual, so I get those bugs?05:35
makowait.. who is fjp?05:35
KamionFrans Pop05:35
makoi don't know frans pop05:35
froudKamion, asking me05:35
Kamionfroud: whoever cares :)05:36
Kamionmako: Dutch d-i translator, does various manual infrastructure and localisation hacking05:36
froudI will make proposal to split bugs into the various manuals05:36
makofroud: having a d-i upstream install manaual, one in the source package, and one in the doc-team repos would be unmanagable05:37
froudmako, fine, no worries05:37
makofroud: as would any other similar situations with other manuals05:37
makofroud: if everyone was using baz, it would make it easier, but still probably unmanagable05:38
Kamionparticularly with regard to merging new changes; svn isn't good enough at merging for that to work with a vendor branch or whatever05:38
Kamionit would be fine for taking a snapshot and thenceforth ignoring upstream, but we're not in that business :)05:38
makoyou'll find that vender branches are a not-so-great tecyhnical solution to not so technical problem05:38
makoKamion: have you played with svk?05:39
froudReally I think our changes would be small05:39
froudok going to eat c ya later05:39
makoKamion: it looks cool.. but, alas, i'm committed to the Church of Baz :)05:39
makofroud: cool. ttys05:39
froudThanks mako thanks Kamion 05:39
Kamionmako: not personally, I've seen a fair amount of talk about it05:40
Kamionfroud: unfortunately I have to say from experience that the changes to the installation manual are substantial and hard to merge.05:41
makosource-level VCS are not optimised for dealing with changes to documentations.. diffs and merging are easier with code05:42
=== sivang [~sivang@box79162.elkhouse.de] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Aiste [~aiste@office.pov.lt] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jiyuu0mako, thanks in advance for arranging the CDs :)06:25
makojiyuu0: hey no problem.. it's been send to the factory as a high prioty order already06:28
makojiyuu0: i suspect you should get them by early next week06:28
jiyuu0mako, thank u very much... as next week wed we are recruiting members06:28
makothat's great06:33
makojiyuu0: i hope you can guys can help lead up a malaysian country team :)06:34
makoit sounds very exciting06:34
jiyuu0we are very keen... hitesh is handling that06:34
sivangmako: what about my cds? :)06:39
froudmako, and mine. I ordered via the web site weeks ago06:51
froud20 copies to distribute through the lugs here06:52
makofroud: it takes 4-6 weeks06:52
makofroud: i sent a list to the shipment folks yesterday though so it was probably in there06:52
froudsivang, read the email06:52
froudok cool06:52
makofroud: along with 14,000 other people :)06:52
froudhe he :-)06:52
=== froud confesses he is running SuSE 9..2
sivangfroud: doc list email?06:53
sivangmako: what is the apporoach for translated docs?06:53
makothat's kind of like saying you have cancer06:53
sivangfroud: what do you think? should we tell local teams to wait until frist english docs are released?06:54
=== froud has ubuntu on box next to him
makosivang: yes, there needs to be a documentation freeze before the release06:54
=== sivang recalles some talks with Adi who is going to be the professional translation coordinater about some date that needs to be decided as a release date, so translation can start.
=== froud needs to kill it and install an env for building from source
makosivang: it can be at the same time as the gnome string freeze if you like06:54
sivangmako: now this is one process which is urgent to decide of, IMHO06:54
sivangmako: when is the gnome string freeze?06:55
makosivang: i don't have the gnome release schedule memorized but i'm sure you can fiund it06:55
sivangmako: yes I can :)06:55
froudsivang, I thought our target was April06:55
=== sivang should be really current on those, as supposed to add priv groups and bridge inteface to gnome system tools :)
sivangfroud: april is release06:56
sivangwe need to freeze to english docs _before_06:56
sivangso to let time for the professional companies,06:56
froudhold i will check when gnome freezes06:56
sivangand the local teams.06:56
makolisten, you can start auditing or finishing documentaton at the gnome UI freeze06:56
makoand then you finalizing english docs at the string freeze06:57
sivangmako: ok, I'll cehck that date.06:57
=== sivang knows that future freeze is 10th
makofeature freeze06:57
makothey're all future freezes :)06:57
sivangso we have tog et something doen till the 10th?06:57
froudThe 10th of what?06:57
sivangmako:can anybody provide a time frame that will be needed to translations?06:58
froudha hah ha06:58
makofroud: what's so funny06:58
sivangok, we need some text going.06:58
froudthat's what06:58
=== sivang will finish his part of the handbook, and see what he can add to the others.
froudI just joined the team a few days ago06:58
makothe feature freeze was supposed to be this week but was postponed because the whole distro team is away06:58
froudI found svn very empty06:58
sivangmako: could you ask adi or mark or whoever when do the professional translators want stable english docs?06:59
sivangor expect at least..06:59
makofroud: well it's a feature freeze.. meaning that the distro team has until jan to redefine the *features* that will be shipped06:59
sivangso to get an idea,06:59
makofroud: so it's not the end of the world06:59
sivangfroud: but if you're trying to implement a simple gui interface for enable cinternet connection sharing in gnome syste tools, then you are in  abig problem :)06:59
makosivang: in terms of translatable strings, those will be in mition up until string freeze in gnome07:00
makosivang: so lets work with that date in mind at the moment07:00
froudwho maintains a wall chart for us07:00
sivangmako: I was more talking in terms of documentation strings..07:00
makosivang: i understand07:00
froudI was look for it but foun zero07:00
makosivang: did you find the gnome string freeze07:00
makostring freeze: February 7th07:01
makoui freeze: January 24th07:01
makonow, we are one month behind gnome07:02
sivangmako: Feb 7th07:02
makoand i think it's fine if we do a preview release w/o all of the translated docs07:02
froudmako, do you guys build from GNOME CVS07:02
froudI mean the doc team07:02
makofroud: yes07:02
sivangmako: you mean translat_able docs07:03
froudyou and who else07:03
makofroud: well, i thinke we build from the development tarballs07:03
abellido you need translation?07:03
froudOK so its not that autoconf stuff07:03
sivangfroud: autoconf?07:03
sivangwhat does it have to do with autoconf?07:04
makofroud: i don't think i undrestand your question07:04
=== sivang either.
makosivang: listen would march 7th work fine for you?07:04
makothat gives us 5 weeks to do translations07:04
sivangmako: hmmm...let's start that as a thread on the mailing list,.07:04
sivangI want to see what people think07:04
sivangand how availalbe they think they can be07:04
froudSome people build directly from CVS07:04
sivangso I'll get and idea07:04
sivangfroud: I have a gnome CVS HEAD Install on my system.07:05
makofroud: the tarballs are taken from CVS07:05
sivangfroud: gogole for jhbuild07:05
sivangmako: I think we should push it a bit ealier, so to allow more time for translations.07:06
sivangbut I will write on the maling list see what can we get ready07:06
=== froud thanks sivang
makosivang: if you push it too early, you're not going to have very much to translate :)07:06
sivangmako: but I don't want it also to happen the other way around,07:06
=== Kamion [~cjwatson@host81-153-126-219.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu-doc []
sivanghaving too much to translate, and the translation teams waiting too much so they sprung their own unstramlined translations..07:07
sivangthis has already happend on rosetta07:07
sivangmako: ask jordi about the cataln translation for d-i :)07:08
froudmako, https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5072 relates only to  Web Site?07:40
froudHmm yes said the blind man07:41
abelli..mmm.. do you need translational-forces?07:50
makofroud: well the bug only relates to the website07:56
makofroud: the licensing status will also relate to canonical sponsored documentation AFAIK07:56
makoi mean, it's up to the docteam07:56
makowe'd like people payed to work on docs to able to do it with our volunteers.07:56
makovolunteers can, of course, choose to license their own documentation as they please07:57
makocanonical can't (or won't at least) force people to use a certain license07:57
abelliifyouarelistening: ive got some ppl that would be very pleased to help translating08:10
sivangmako: canonical is going to be paying people to do docs?08:12
abellisivang: not you..08:13
abellisivang: only italians..08:13
abellisivang: because they do it better ;)08:13
sivangabelli: I know that's not me, just curious :)08:13
abellisivang: sorry it was just a joke..08:13
sivangabelli: I know andrea! No offense takes08:13
abellisivang: italians.. do it better.. it's a stupid joke..08:14
=== sivang hugs abelli
sivangabelli: Italian sure know to cook better then isralis !08:14
abellisivang: ...no... it wasn't about cooking.. but its over now.08:14
sivangabelli: no worries buddy :)08:15
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-110-222.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sivangmako: I mean, professional translations?08:27
froudmako, OK thanks08:35
makosivang: i'm not really sure about that.. i didn't even know adi was involved until i met her mataro08:42
sivangmako: ah ok :)08:42
sivangmako: so that makes our all convo about deadline pre translation redundent until we _would_ know anything for sure.08:43
makosivang: to some degree, setting these documentation team deadlines are up to use. i think 5 weeks for translations is reasonable.. especially it's only a bit over 5 weeks to write what we have by then09:01
makosivang: if it's unreasonable, we can deal with that09:01
sivangmako: ok09:36
=== Burgundavia_ [~rasputin@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
Burgundavia_hey all10:13
sivanghey Burgundavia_ 10:15
sivanggot some baz news for us?10:15
Burgundavia_not much10:16
Burgundavia_I currently have no internet access at my home10:16
Burgundavia_Still on my laptop, but at the library10:16
sivangBurgundavia_: eh10:16
=== sivang recalls libs as cousy, warm and full of babes.
Burgundavia_My plan for tonight is to really knuckle down and work on that baz stuff10:17
ChrisHYeah, let's screw the subversion archive and start baz! Someone give me a padded room. ;)10:18
Burgundavia_hey, did I say that?10:19
ChrisHNah. :)10:19
=== ChrisH had a froudy day today...
Burgundavia_I am merely creating documentation so that we can10:20
ChrisHAnd that's good. I'm actually interested to see if baz really kicks lower backs.10:20
Burgundavia_Baz does look very cool10:20
Burgundavia_I have had a hell of a week, so I haven't really been doing much10:21
ChrisHJust ask...10:21
=== sivang is in for baz
sivanglet's switch to it now, and if we all like it - port all the repo to it10:23
abellisivang: i think that the point is not if you like it.. you just have to do it. cozh it iz fhairly betther than shvhn;)11:02
sivangabelli: I was joking, This kind of stuff need full approval by the doc contributors :)11:03
ChrisHI vote against it - just for the sake of additional chaos. :)11:03
abelliChrisH: zut up and execute the Word..11:04
ChrisHabelli: hey, you are the one with the redmond affinity :)11:04
abellidevelopment development development... actually im more ballmore-style11:05
ChrisHabelli: Shouldn't you wear a funny tie then?11:05
abellii do actually.. chrish do you have "tabu'" sweet up there?11:06
=== sivang announced that ubuntu comedy central is now on doc channel
sivangour show is own,11:06
sivangand we have some guests today11:06
ChrisHsivang: I'm the monkey drummer tonight.11:07
=== ChrisH plays the intro jingle
=== abelli forces ChrisH to Hard Rock Jingle
abellisomething like russian death metal..11:08
ChrisH[This channel has been brought to you by: SCO UNIX] 11:08
abelli&& win 2003 server ed.11:08
=== sivang is the bad guy, I say "Knee!" for every suggetion
=== abelli says *Fire*
ChrisHabelli: Okay, you are fired.11:27
=== Aiste [~aiste@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== ChrisH is off
abelliChrisH: good night..11:33
abelliand thanks for the FIREworks11:33

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