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KamionKeybuk: s/pedant/build-essential-maint/12:48
mjg59Kamion: Damn you for getting back before me12:51
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Keybuk*sigh* weather applet has gone into a cyclone of hate12:59
Kamionmjg59: and I even had time for a glass of orange juice to absorb the BEER01:04
Kamionand it just took me three goes to type "absorb"01:04
Keybukdrunk :o)01:05
danielsKamion: the orange juice didn't contain vodka, did it?01:21
danielsthat can certainly negatively impact your ability to type 'absorb'01:21
Keybukmmm... vodka01:21
=== daniels hugs duty-free.
Keybukheh, alright for some.  none for us from Spain01:22
Kamiondaniels: negatively impact your ability to absorb, for that matter01:22
danielsKamion: (how many goes?)01:23
Kamionjust the one that time01:24
=== Kamion fondly remembers a friend of his claiming that she "wasn't very bosber right now" on IRC
danielsKamion: i'll smack you if hoary-changes (amusingly, I typoed both 'changes' and 'typoed', quite badly [and 'badly'] ), I'll smack you01:25
danielsthat sentence reads like it's I that's just come back from the pub.  so let's just pretend this never happened, I'll go back to GTA:SA, and we can all move on. :)01:26
Kamionwas there going to be a point to that sentence? :)01:26
danielsKamion: if hoary-changes lights up with your name, I'll smack you ;)01:27
danielspublic service01:27
danielsthat was the point I was lamely attempting to convey01:27
Kamionfortunately I uploaded python2.4 before leaving for the pub01:27
Kamionno, I'm just surreptitiously poking at cdimage behind the scenes. that can do no harm at all, can it? :)01:27
Kamionlittle things like the cdimage signing key01:31
danielsat least elmo will know where to look ;)01:34
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Keybukit's when he starts fiddling with germinate you have to worry02:06
KamionKeybuk: yeah, only FREAKS work on germinate02:10
Kamionbasic regular expressions suck. no '+'?!02:11
Kamion(not surprised, just discover new dimensions of hate every time I run into that lack-of-feature)02:11
danielsthe kamion cyclone of hate02:12
Kamionbeer-powered cyclone02:14
=== Keybuk teaches Kamion about "egrep"
Kamionunfortunately it's sed, and busybox sed doesn't have -r02:20
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davydbug report for the latest installer image02:31
davydyou are depending on the python module UserDict02:31
davydwhich you don't have02:31
Kamiondavyd: fixed earlier today02:32
davydKamion: are the CD images rsyncable ?02:32
davydexcellent, is there an appropriate URL ?02:33
Kamionthere isn't a new CD image with that fix yet though, wait 9 hours or so02:33
davydaah right02:33
davydI'm already going to not have a working system when I go to work... ;)02:33
davydthe fix, it's quick and nasty, is to netcat it off another Ubuntu machine02:33
davydor I guess python installation in general02:34
KamionI just moved UserDict into python2.4-minimal, that's the correct fix02:34
davydKamion: doesn't help if all you have is a bad CD image though ;)02:34
Kamionsince os.py depends on it02:34
Kamionshouldn't use dailies if you need something that works :)02:34
davydKamion: I know that, but it seemed like the fastest way to get Hoary02:35
Kamionthat's what the Array CD series is for02:35
davydarray series?02:35
Kamionthe installer in the dailies might be arbitrarily broken02:35
Kamionsearch for "Subject: Array CD 2" in ubuntu-users02:35
Kamionhm, I can roll a new CD image now if it'd help, but it'll take an hour or so02:36
davydnah, I got it installed02:36
davydlike I said, I copied the module across via netcat02:36
Kamionheh. could also have extracted it from python2.4_*.deb, which is on the CD02:36
davydKamion: yeah, I had wondered about that, but I just wasn't sure of the specifics02:37
davydwhy is it done with a minimal and the real thing?02:37
Kamionor indeed an easier fix, 'nano /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/hoary' and add 'python python2.4 libbz2-1.0 libdb4.2 libssl0.9.7' to the end of the required= line02:37
Kamionbecause we have a goal for hoary to put python into Essential, i.e. the minimal set of stuff required for the packaging system to work02:37
davydalso, there really needs to be a simple netinst CD that will suck all these packages off the net for me, is there any chance of ever seeing one?02:38
davydKamion: aah, I see02:38
Kamionthere's a netboot image02:38
davydI couldn't find it, so maybe it's nicely hidden02:39
davydnot just a little hidden, really very hidden ;)02:39
Kamionnot hugely keen on advertising it too widely at the moment because it isn't well-tested, and particularly in the development branch it's very fragile02:39
davydKamion: *nod*02:40
Kamionbut you're right, we should probably advertise it more widely for the hoary release02:40
Kamionnot to mention making it work better02:40
davydoh well, hopefully I can at least rsync my home directory back onto this machine before I have to go to work02:41
davydthen I can finish setting it up at work ;)02:41
davydthat's not pretty02:41
davydfilesystem type unknown 0x702:42
davydhmm, grub had decided that all partitions were on /dev/hda102:47
Kamionyou may need to do this in /boot/grub/menu.lst:02:48
Kamionmap (hd0) (hd1)02:48
Kamionmap (hd1) (hd0)02:48
Kamion(in the Windows chainloader section)02:48
KamionI'd make that happen automatically if I had a clue how to detect the systems where it's needed02:48
Keybukisn't it needed wherever Windows is on a different drive?02:49
Kamionnon-hda/sda you mean? how do you tell which of IDE and SCSI is first if both are present?02:50
tsengonly if windows isnt on the first master drive02:50
davydalso, why does it want to run aptitude?02:50
romspaceniis unbutu like debian?02:50
Kamiondavyd: the full aptitude UI? probably because the ubuntu-desktop task was uninstallable in the image you downloaded02:51
davydKamion: nice02:51
Kamionwhich http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/report.html would tend to support02:51
davydcan I installed it and get it to finish the config process?02:51
Kamionyes, go down to tasks, drill down 'til you see ubuntu-desktop, install that, ignore broken stuff02:51
Keybukyeah, current hoary is uninstallable02:52
Keybukelmo sucks and hasn't processed NEW02:52
Kamionromspaceni: "Ubuntu"; in many ways yes, in some ways not, depends what you're asking about :)02:52
=== davyd sighs
KamionI thought he had, I saw stuff in my hoary seed diff mail02:52
davydperhaps I should have installed warty and dist-upgraded02:52
Keybukdavyd: same problem02:52
Keybukinstall of ubuntu-desktop's deps except evolution02:52
KeybukThe following packages have been kept back:02:53
Keybuk  evolution evolution-data-server libebook1.2-0 libedataserverui1.2-002:53
davydoh right, I can build evo debs02:55
davydwork time though02:55
davydlater all02:55
KamionKeybuk: what's it waiting for?02:55
Keybuknot sure, some evo dep02:56
Keybukevolution-exchange hasn't been updated yet, so probably something under that02:57
Keybukask seb02:57
Keybukin fact, it looks to me like seb was mistaken and he hasn't uploaded evolution-exchange02:57
=== Kamion attempts to understand tzsetup
Kamionmaybe I should just create a zoneinfo-udeb03:01
Kamionit would be kind of nice if the timezone question came right after language and country, but that's Hard03:02
danielselmo: I have so much respect that I can now run a three-man gang.03:12
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mjg59daniels: Haha03:30
mjg59How long have you had it?03:30
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lamontdaniels: you around>?04:04
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danielslamont: got your email04:47
danielsmjg59: two days04:47
lamontdaniels: cool04:47
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moquistis there a mailing list I can query about finding a mentor so I can learn to create ubuntu packages?04:53
moquist(I think I saw one mentioned here once)04:54
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tsengmoquist: actually, you should know a good bit before you try and get a mentor05:02
tsengstart reading the new maintainer handbook and the deb policy05:02
moquisttseng: I've been through much of the deb policy doc.  The deb maint-guide looks great; I'm still looking for the new maint handbook.  Thanks for your help, btw.05:11
tsengthat is the new maint guide05:11
moquisttseng: Oh; I assumed it was an ubuntu doc.05:11
tsengit covers almost everything around package creation + maintainence05:11
tsengubuntu does a few things a little different on the backend of things, but i dont think there is a comprehensive doc05:12
moquisttseng: btw, the package I'm interested in is the LTSP.  Do you know if anyone is already working on it?  I know it's on Mark's list of things to do for Hoary.  (It could be done for all I know - I've been on vacation for a week and haven't checked.  ;)05:12
tsengthere is a debian page of packages on the wishlist05:12
tsengits mentioned in the new maint guide, i believe05:13
sivangmoquist: there isn't such, at least not yet.05:14
moquistsivang: k; thx.05:14
sivangmoquist: there are plans to extend the ubuntu set of new maint docs, but there is a new page on the wiki with some starters for interested people.05:15
moquistsivang: that's where I found myself while looking for a new Ubuntu maintainer handbook.05:15
moquistsivang: it's already helping.  :)05:16
sivangmoquist: eh ok :) great, the doc team intends to invest some effort into that matter eventually :)05:17
tsengmoquist: oh also05:19
tsenginstall and read the docs for cdbs05:19
moquisttseng: am doing.  thx.05:24
sivangtseng: there are docs now? :)05:24
tsengsivang: enough to get started at least05:24
sivangtseng: what's the pkg name?05:25
sivangtseng: (for docs)05:25
sivangeh :005:26
sivangk, thanks05:26
tsengi dont recall if they were packaged or on the site05:26
sivangtseng: I can't see no doc dir , probably on the wiki..05:27
jbaileyErr, did I fail to include the docs in the package?05:38
sivangjbailey: if you would, it would have appeared under /usr/share/cdbs/doc  no?05:38
jbaileyI know we generate some basic docs.05:38
jbailey/usr/share/doc/cdbs, but yeah.05:38
sivangjbailey: eh ok :) it's there.05:39
sivangmy abd05:39
danielsjbailey: hey dude.  good somewhere-other-than-work period?05:41
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jbaileydaniels: Nope, still working evenings.  This should be the last one.  If you /msg, I'll answer but a bit lagged.05:42
danielsjbailey: Ah, nice one.05:42
jbaileysivang: While I'm around, I'll try to answer cdbs questions.05:42
sivangjbailey: eh nice , I have one for you!05:43
sivangjbailey: I have a couple of docs files I want to register against docbase or scrollkeeper (well, mostly scrollkeeper as I want them to appear in yelp) how can I use cdbs to do that?05:44
sivangjbailey: so after I install the pacakge, I would have the docs viewable from yelp. those are DocBook XML sources.05:44
jbaileyI think there's a debhelper module for that, no?05:46
jbaileyThe best bet when there's a debhelper module is to set those files up and just use debhelper.mk05:46
sivangjbailey: ok, I have tried setting them up and called debhelper class - guess my omf is not complete or wrong. tnx anyway.05:49
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srbakeranyone know where i can get ant and other jakarta utils packaged for ubuntu?06:11
sivangjbailey: from the man pages of the dh_scrollkeeper command, I don't quite understand where it exepcts the files to be, could you toss a hint here?06:19
jbaileyOh, oy.  I haven't used dh_scrollkeeper.  Might best ask some gnome hackers.06:28
crimsunsivang: debian/$package/var/... if you're using dh_scrollkeeper06:33
crimsungnome.mk calls it06:33
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sivangcrimsun: could you offer a better way then using the gnome build class? it exepcts autotools and others, which I can include int he docs pkg but would prefer to pass, or is it compulsory for registering dobook docs using cdbs?06:45
crimsunsivang: afaik it's the preferred method. seb128 would be the one to ask.06:47
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=== sivang thinks of throwing in the autotools just for sake of gnome and cdbs class compatibility.
sivangcrimsun: tnx06:51
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davydarrg, ubuntu-desktop is still uninstallable08:43
Treenaksdavyd: gnome-related brokenness?08:50
davydTreenaks: evolution-exchange is uninstallabe08:50
Treenaksblame seb128 :)08:50
Treenakswe do08:50
davydI can do that08:51
davydI'm trying to work out how to work around the missing dependancy08:52
Treenaksapt-get -f install?08:52
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Treenaksor recompile ubuntu-meta ?08:53
davydsomeone should upgrade the kernel to include Orinoco 0.15, rather then 0.13e09:24
davydmagic will happen, like working AP scanning09:24
Treenaksdavyd: poke fabbione 09:31
=== Treenaks feels like a redirector-bot
davydI might have a swing at packaging it later, although I suspect this will require some magic, like perhaps learning how to do diversions09:31
davydsince I'll want to install using filenames already in the tree09:32
Treenaksfabbione updated loads of drivers for 2.6.1009:32
davydis that packaged now?09:32
crimsunhm. I'm thinking bittorrent* in hoary needs to be recompiled against current python2.409:32
TreenaksI think so09:32
davydquick question, what's the incantation ubuntu uses for wireless cards?09:33
davydI saw it earlier09:34
davydbut this time I installed off ethernet09:34
Treenaksuh isn't it all in /etc/network/interfaces ?09:37
Treenaksiface eth0 inet dhcp09:37
Treenaks        name Wireless LAN card09:37
Treenaks        wireless_essid youressid09:37
Treenaks        wireless_key yourwepkey09:37
davydTreenaks: it didn't write it there for me09:40
davydthere is a whacky mappings section too09:40
davydwhich is what I'm vague on09:40
Treenaksoh I have that too :)09:40
Treenaksit's there so when you hotplug the card it gets ifupped09:40
Treenaksmapping hotplug09:41
Treenaks        script grep09:41
Treenaks        map eth009:41
davydit has similar sections for ethernet as well?09:41
Treenaksppp0 in my case, but yes09:42
Treenaksbut I don't hotplug my ppp connections ;)09:42
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abellikamion: ping09:50
Treenaksfabbione: you've been poked by davyd 10:23
davydmorning fabbione 10:24
davydI was wondering if you were going to package Orinoco 0.15 with your kernels any time soon?10:24
fabbioneguys i am really sick today10:24
fabbionei am not working since yesterday10:24
fabbionejust checking emergency emails before crashing again10:24
davydthat's cool10:25
Treenaksfabbione: well, good luck then10:25
fabbionedavyd: please send me all the details of the driver including upstream url and stuff like that10:25
fabbionethis wlan stuff should die10:25
davydfabbione: ok, I'll get around to it once I unfuck my laptop10:25
fabbionethey don't deserve all this attention10:25
davydit might have been merged into 2.6.10... I haven't checked10:26
fabbioneplease do10:27
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fabbionethere is a big regression in 2.6.1011:15
fabbionepcmcia_core has been renamed to pcmcia11:15
mvo2.6.10 has some problems with my system ... I got two hangs at startup so far11:18
TreenaksI had a nice one with my Via X driver.. it starts fine, but as soon as the first windows needs to be filled X crashes with "Inappropriate ioctl for device"  (this is Debian sid)11:19
fabbionemvo: 2.6.10 isn't the best we could get from upstream11:19
mvoyeah :/11:19
fabbioneuh yeah11:20
fabbionepcmcia udebs are cracked11:20
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lupusBEjdub: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=162414 what do you think :)11:48
fabbionehmmm no11:59
fabbionepcmcia_core is still there11:59
fabbionethese gratuitos CONFIG_* rename are really a pain in the ass11:59
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pittiHi folks01:13
Treenakshey pitti01:14
sjoerdpitti: morning01:14
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ograhi pitti01:18
lupusBEdaniels: how is xcb doing?01:19
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Kamionabelli: pings should include content :)01:25
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abelliKamion: ping foreach (hoary's grub-instal)  do-es (break grub)01:31
Kamionwell, if you know how to fix it ... :)01:31
Kamionit's been working for me01:31
abelliKamion: i tried to install array-2 hoary and then at reboot-time it prints the word "GRUB" endlessly01:32
abelliKamion(it's been working... ;): im happy for you :)01:33
Kamionyou'll need to (a) file a bug rather than doing this on IRC (b) dig down a bit into what grub-installer is doing01:34
abelliKamion: i'd love to... may be can you tell me how?01:34
Kamionnormal shell tracing tools, 'set -x', then look at how it's calling grub and do that by hand, etc.01:35
KamionI can't teach you how to debug, though :)01:36
abelliKamion: why not Her Professor ;)?01:36
Kamion(that would be "Herr")01:37
abellioops.. sorry 01:37
abellilike miyagi and daniel san01:38
abelli:) you teach.. i "wax on".. "wax off" :)01:39
Kamionwe really need somebody else on the team who's better at dealing with bootloader problems01:39
Kamionno, I simply can't teach how to debug, it's like teaching how to walk or something :)01:39
abelliwell birds follow other birds to learn how to fly..01:39
abelli;) can i follow you ?01:39
Kamionbit hard considering you're not in the same place01:40
Kamionthe only way to learn is to try01:40
Treenaksabelli: just compile something with debugging symbols and run it in gcc01:41
Treenaksabelli: uh gdb01:41
Treenaksabelli: then get out the gdb manual and start poking around :)01:41
Kamion(grub-installer is shell so doesn't need debugging symbols)01:41
abelliKamion: that's what i was talkin about01:41
TreenaksKamion: oh wait.. it's shell..01:41
abelliTreenaks: Perl Debugger power ;)01:53
Treenaksabelli: perl debugger is scary.. I debug perl with warn()s01:53
Treenaksabelli: and I debug XS modules using gdb :)01:53
Kamionabelli: anyway, regardless, please file a bug about bugs rather than asking me about them on IRC, thanks. :)01:53
abelliKamion: ups sorry i just thought this was the 2nd part of the discussion we had...mmm... yesterday01:54
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fabbionehey Kamion 02:34
davydcan someone paste the magic -mapping- lines from /etc/network/interfaces please?02:36
Treenaksdavyd: again? :)02:38
Treenaksmapping hotplug   02:39
Treenaks        script grep02:39
Treenaks        map eth002:39
davydTreenaks: I kinda lost it ;)02:39
davydperhaps I suck ;)02:40
Treenaksdavyd: "DOH" :)02:40
fabbionedoes anybody know if ipw2200 firmwares require any special naming?02:41
fabbioneapparently they have been renamed recently and i would kinda like to avoid to break02:41
mjg59fabbione: Ok, I haven't managed to break 2.6.10 yet03:08
fabbionemjg59: good for you :-)))03:14
fabbionepcmcia is broken because of pcmcia_core being compiled in instead of module03:15
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mjg59fabbione: Oh. Whoops.03:39
mjg59Anyone here running on the vesa framebuffer?03:39
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davydgah, where is the SSL in Evolution gone?04:08
Treenaksdavyd: #509304:08
Treenaksdavyd: and http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7089504:08
=== pitti [~martin@dialin-145-254-078-111.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
davydand here I was blaming Ubuntu04:22
davydalthough, I'm still tempted to, I think it might be fixed in cVS04:23
lupusBEif the bugreport is set to fixed04:23
lupusBEit is in cvs04:23
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davydgood point04:25
davydI'll rephrase04:25
davydwhen building CVS, I did not notice that04:26
robtaylor_hmm, is the fastbootup stuff in hoary now?04:26
davydhmm, seb was complaining recently about the AC adapter not sendings events properly04:52
davydnow that I'm running Ubuntu on the same hardware... this is a damned Ubuntu bug04:52
davydonly I don't know where04:52
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=== shaya [~spotter@pcp07712323pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
shayaanyone using evolution w/ ssl?05:06
davydshaya: it's broken05:07
davydI've already complained about it05:07
lupusBE XInternAtom05:07
lupusBEdavyd: and http://bugzilla.ximian.com/show_bug.cgi?id=7089505:07
lupusBEcopy paste :)05:07
=== shaya goes off to look for older packages
shayadowngraded and now it crashes on startup05:13
=== JanC [~JanC@D57620E0.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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=== shaya very annoyed
davydshaya: evolution-data-server will need downgrading too05:15
davydI should downgrade, but I'm not sure I can arsed05:16
shayaI did05:20
davydand restarting?05:20
shayaVersion: 1.1.1-0ubuntu105:20
shayaslay'd me05:20
shayarestarted d-bus05:20
davydok, apparently Ubuntu sucks ;)05:21
shayawhat I dont get is why in the world do package upgrades require me to restart05:21
davydbecause you can't replacing running shared libraries easily?05:22
shayabreaking out thunderbird05:23
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siretartshaya: ah, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with that problem :)05:33
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=== pitti [~martin@dialin-145-254-078-185.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
pittimvo: can I tell apt-get to ignore failed signatures? I would like to install some packages from woody (for upgrading tests)05:47
fabbionepitti: it's almost the end of 200405:52
pittifabbione: indeed05:53
fabbioneyou are supposed to be out getting drunk and having fun05:53
pittifabbione: I go to our party in about an hour05:53
davyd2004 was like an hour ago05:53
pittidavyd: happy new year!05:53
fabbionedavyd: 2005 is a few hours ahead here05:53
pittifabbione: what about you, when you will leave?05:53
fabbionepitti: i won't05:53
fabbione<- doesn't feel good05:53
fabbionei will have some quiet dinner here at home05:54
fabbionethat's it05:54
=== pitti feels sorry for fabbione's conditin
pittifabbione: I wish you a nice evening anyway!05:54
fabbionepitti: nah don't worry05:54
pittiand everybody else, too05:55
fabbionei hate all these holidays anyway05:55
fabbionehave fun man05:55
pittiI will05:55
fabbioneand see you next year05:55
=== pitti already bought some firework ;-)
ograpitti: guten rutsch ;)05:55
pitti.. and I prepared lots of food05:55
pittiogra: Dir auch!05:55
fabbionefooood.. hmmm05:55
fabbionei am hungry05:55
pittifabbione: I prepared fish with vegetables and potatoes, salad and chocolate pudding with vanilla sauce05:56
fabbionenot bad05:56
=== pitti watches fabbione getting envious and nervous
fabbionei am going to have "fondue"05:56
fabbionebasically it's a big pot of boiling oil05:56
pittifabbione: oh, I like fondue, too05:56
fabbioneah ok.. so you know what it is05:57
fabbionewith salad, vegetables05:57
fabbioneand garlic bread05:57
fabbione+ some kind of sweets05:57
fabbionei still have to decide which ones05:57
pittifabbione: just take all :-)05:57
fabbionethanks god i only have some fever05:57
fabbioneand i didn't lost appetite :PO05:57
pittifabbione: if you are still hungry, that's a good sign05:57
fabbionepitti: yeah i know05:57
fabbionebut i never loose my appetite05:58
fabbioneeven with 40 of fever05:58
pittiso long, I wish everybody a happy evening! See you next year!05:58
fabbionecya pitti!05:58
=== pitti cares for his gf now and goes to party :-)
fabbionehappy new root hole05:58
=== pitti laughs
fabbioneogra: have fun too05:58
davyd* pitti cares for his gf now and goes to party :-)05:58
davyd<fabbione> happy new root hole05:58
davydmmm, context05:58
fabbionedavyd: pitti is our security release guy ;)05:59
ografabbione: you too ;) have a nice silent one05:59
fabbionethe one that does the USN :-)05:59
davydit occurs to me, it's probably only funny if you're Australian06:00
davydnever mind06:00
Treenaksfabbione: kernel souls? ;)06:00
fabbioneTreenaks: SOULS06:00
davydoh, I think my laptop boots06:00
fabbioneall our users souls06:00
davydI only had to rebuild the kernel exporting symbols I shouldn't06:00
Treenaksfabbione: KERNEL SOULS?06:00
davydand build a 10 month old nvidia driver06:00
fabbioneUSERS SOULS06:00
Treenaksfabbione: even better :)06:01
fabbioneincluding your06:01
fabbioneUha UHA UHA06:01
Treenaksfabbione: I'm a UBUNTITE06:01
Treenaks(or something)06:01
=== fabbione prepares the last upload of the year
fabbioneTreenaks: something :-)=06:02
fabbionethe queen is talking on the radio06:02
Treenaksfabbione: queen of what?06:02
Treenaksthey have a queen there?06:03
fabbioneyeah they do06:03
davydis she Australian?06:05
davydor is that the princess06:05
davydor is that the Dutch?06:05
=== davyd can never recall
fabbionethe princess is from australia06:06
fabbionethe big fat wedding was like in Aug06:06
fabbioneor something like that06:06
Treenaksdavyd: no, the Dutch crown prince married Argentinian woman.. daughter of a minister from $oppressinggovernment..06:08
fabbionebah it's all the same crap06:09
fabbionethey just eat and live with our money (taxes)06:09
fabbioneand don't tell me they do something important more than a few speeches here and there06:10
fabbionebecause i really find them useless06:10
fabbionei am off guys06:12
fabbionefor you lifeless creatures that will stay on the net....06:12
fabbione2.6.10-2 is on the way and it should fix some regressions06:12
fabbionehave fun06:12
fabbioneciao ogra 06:12
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Treenaksyay.. Walking Bookmark Repository strikes again (ubuntu-users@)06:16
=== _rene__ is now known as _rene_
ograTreenaks: Walking Bookmark Repository ?06:18
Treenaksogra: see my mail on -users (about shell scripts ;))06:18
Treenaksogra: people sometimes  call me a walking bookmark repository06:18
Treenaksogra: because of the URLs I keep shouting at them :)06:19
ograah, not here yet ;)06:19
ogradid you send a abs-howto link ;)06:19
Treenaksogra: not quite06:19
TreenaksMessage-ID: <20041231171436.GB24291@facecrime.net>                              06:19
sladenokay.  looks like o#ubuntu we have a widely found issue of the GDM panels starting but nothing more getting loaded06:23
sladenonly fix seems to be reboot;  but with me it's currently 100% failure rate.  Any GNOME people want to give me a hand in what to hunt down?06:24
Treenakssladen: killing gnome-vfs-daemon and blocking programs also fixes it 50% of the time for me06:25
sladenblocking programs?06:26
Treenakssladen: programs that hang06:26
Treenakssladen: the panel, nautilus etc.06:27
ograsladen: it often happens for people that ran nautilus as root....06:27
Treenaksogra: I didn't do that, it still happens06:27
ograTreenaks: i didnt say you did that, and i assume you got hoary anyway.....06:28
sladenogra: okay, we can discount that theory then06:28
Treenaksogra: oh this is a warty thing?06:28
ograTreenaks: afaik a chown -r can solve it on warty06:28
sladenI (think) I've had it under Warty.  However it'd been getting worse (1 in 6 say) and now with a full dist-upgrade 1 hour ago it's 100% (so far) failure06:29
Treenaksogra: oh that's the ICEAuthority thing? from running K3B as root?06:29
ograTreenaks: nope, thats running nautilus as root for editing the "system" app menu.....06:30
Treenaksah ok06:30
ograwhich is kind of nonsense06:30
sladeninteresting.  Left it five minutes.  Reappeared at the GDM login screen (presumbley a watchdog).  Loged in again and it came up immediately06:31
Treenaksyikes.. ruby looks like the evil mutant child of perl and python06:31
sladenTreenaks: correct :-)06:31
ograsladen: anything in ~/.xsession-errors ?06:32
sladengnome_execute_async_with_env_fds = -106:33
sladenwonder if it's related to session handling.  Lets try and break it again06:33
sladenprogressive.  Background *and* show-all-windows applet06:34
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ograsladen: tried with a fresh user ?06:36
sladenogra: interesting idea06:37
ograsladen: ...to divide between config and program errors06:38
Treenaksogra: unless the program writes b0rken config files06:38
ograTreenaks: true :)06:39
sladenfresh new user comes up great with only an error 'no volume control elements or devices found', which I presume is Audio rather than Disk related06:39
ograsladen: a group thing, new users have less group permissions06:40
sladenlogout, login as me again == failure06:40
ograsladen: so i assume its something in your config06:40
sladengdm restart && login as 'fred flintstone' brings up ''I've detected a panel already running and will now exit''06:42
sladenleaving poor 'fred' with nothing but a background06:42
ograsladen: thats a known one...kill the running panel.....06:42
sladensudo pkill -u fred06:43
davydwoo! it only too a custom kernel, 8 month old graphics drivers, and a magic xorg config06:44
davydbut I think I have my laptop basically working again06:44
sladenlogin again as 'fred'  and failure (show-all-windows and background only)06:44
davydhmm, it likes to spend time configuring network interfaces, which I think it a little silly06:45
ograsladen: looks like Treenaks is at the right track....06:46
Treenaksor it is just plain random hanging.. i.e. a race condition somewhere06:47
sladenogra: I'm inclined to agree06:47
sladenwhat's puzzling me is that sometimes zero, one or two of  (show-all-windows applet and background come up)06:48
ograTreenaks: but it works the first time fine.....06:48
sladenare they just the first two items in the load order06:48
Treenaksogra: always? or sometimes?06:48
ograTreenaks: good question.... i was guessing....06:48
sladensudo -u fred rm -r /home/fred/.gnome*  && it works again06:49
sladenlogout, login, okay06:50
Treenakswhy is mutt "stuttering" when I browse my mail over IMAP?06:52
Treenakssladen: I really think it's race thing, as it happens here 50% of the time06:52
Treenaks(because mail_check == 5)06:55
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sladenTreenaks: what's because mail_check == 5 ?07:03
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ograsladen: <Treenaks> why is mutt "stuttering"07:03
Treenakssladen: what ogra says :)07:03
sladenokay.  Just got excited there for a moment07:04
davydwho here cares about power management in Ubuntu07:05
davydbesides seb07:05
Treenaksall laptop owners :)07:06
Treenaksmjg59 too07:06
davydI mean from a dev point of view07:06
Treenaksmjg59 then07:06
davydI think I've solved Seb's problem of never receiving ac_adapter events07:06
davydthe script is too long, so the event arrives about 30 seconds late07:07
davydor sometimes it seems, not at all07:07
ogra30 second ? lol07:07
mjg59How does it do that?07:09
davydmjg59: events aren't forwarded on the socket until after the script has done processing on them07:09
davydI think it's so you can jam them07:09
davydand do other things07:09
davydyour script takes forever and a day to execute07:09
davydI managed to improve interactivity by wrapping it in power_script() { }07:10
davydand going power_script & at the end07:10
davydthis at least causes things like the battery applet to update immediately07:10
davydhowever, the script does execute too slow07:10
davydso other things I'm doing, like changing LCD brightness happen much after I expect them07:11
mjg59davyd: Hrm. Where is it actually taking the time?07:11
mjg59Adding a set -x to the top and tail -f /var/log/acpi.log ought to show you that07:12
davydmjg59: hang on, I'm just changing other things07:12
davydyou are able to use, if on_ac_power; then07:12
davydon_ac_power is a program provided by something or other07:13
davydshould be quicker then grepping I feel...07:13
shayaevolution works07:13
mjg59davyd: It's a shell script that greps :)07:13
=== shaya does a jig
shayadavyd: it's been fixed07:13
mjg59on_ac_power actually does /more/ greps than power.sh07:13
davydmjg59: does it?07:14
davydwhat else is it doing?07:14
mjg59Which? on_ac_power?07:16
mjg59It greaps for on-line and then greps again for off-line07:16
mjg59No idea why07:16
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mjg59davyd: Sometimes the xscreensaver stuff seems to take some time if the user isn't logged in07:18
davydmjg59: I've taken that out, it's still slow07:19
mjg59Very odd.07:19
mjg59If you could try set -xing it and then tailing the output, that would help a great deal07:20
davydI'm playing with that now07:20
davydthere is an f-ing sleep 5 in there...07:21
davydI wonder what that is meant to do?07:21
mjg59Yeah, that was to work around an acpi bug where the status wasn't always updated the moment the event appeared07:22
davydok, well I'm removing that, and a lot of other cruft07:23
davydI recommend that you wrap the entire script in a function() { }07:23
davydand call function & at the end07:23
davydto stop it blocking events07:23
davydthat should unfuck things like battstat07:24
mjg59Yeah, but it'd be nice to know /why/ it's blocking events07:24
davydmjg59: because acpid is a POS?07:24
mjg59Ah, sorry, not that - I know that it serialises everything07:24
davydyou can probably use exit codes to eat events or somesuch07:24
mjg59But why the script is taking so long07:24
davydmjg59: the sleep 5 can't help ;)07:24
davydI've taken that out, and the X probing stuff and the x screensaver stuff07:24
davydand now it's nice07:24
mjg59The X stuff is fairly necessary, until we get HAL love07:25
davydI don't need any of those things anyway ;)07:25
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mjg59Was someone working on battery support for HAL?07:27
davydsergey I think07:27
Treenaksthat would rock07:27
=== davyd swaps out powernowd for cpufreqd which seems to actually do stuff
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mjg59Hrm. We tended to find that powernowd behaved a lot better.07:30
davydmany people have said so07:31
davydI haven't managed a lot of joy with it07:31
davydI hate them both07:32
=== davyd installs cvs
davydmjg59: http://live.gnome.org/PowerManager07:32
mjg59davyd: Yeah, that sort of thing07:33
davydmjg59: that's my grand vision07:33
mjg59Mm. Nice.07:33
davydas soon as HAL gets it's act together I'm writing it07:33
davydalong with weather.gnome.org07:34
davydwhich we should have reading for 2.1207:34
Treenaksdavyd: as long as PowerManager doesn't become the useless bloated PoS that NetworkManager is becoming...07:34
davydTreenaks: I haven't got that working yet07:34
davydis it in Hoary now?07:34
Treenaksdavyd: ask Thom about it07:34
mjg59NetworkManager /was/ going to be the default in Hoary07:35
Treenaksmjg59: until the authors smoked some BAD crack07:35
mjg59It, uh, doesn't really work07:35
mjg59It's a mess of scary race conditions internally07:35
Treenaksit doesn't save its state to /etc/network/interfaces. it doesn't use /etc/network/interfaces to READ state07:35
Treenaksit doesn't use ifup/ifdown, but re-implements everything07:36
davydTreenaks: that's by design07:36
mjg59netapplet is entirely and utterly the wrong answer, but has the side effect of working07:36
davydalthough it should wrap ifup and ifdown07:36
Treenaksdavyd: it doesn't.. they implented their own DHCP client07:36
Treenaks(and we know how well RedHat DHCP clients work *cough*pump*cough*)07:37
davydthe basis behind not using everyones network config system is a good idea07:38
davydnon of them work well in the desktop space07:38
Treenaksdavyd: /etc/network/interfaces + mapping would07:38
davydnetwork/interfaces is great for machines that never change IPs07:38
davydand fantastic for things with routers07:38
davydand sysconfig is simply not good for anything07:38
Treenaksdavyd: maybe a /etc/network/interfaces.d with a file for each network (by name)07:38
davydTreenaks: or maybe not trying to hack a solution together ;)07:39
davydand instead let users control it07:39
Kamion/etc/network/interfaces is the thing that installers understand, though, and everything else in the distribution07:39
Treenaksdavyd: yes, read the BOF notes from the conference07:39
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Treenaksdavyd: this was discussed there :)07:39
Kamionif you don't give a damn about integration with distributions, NM's approach makes sense; unfortunately integration is kind of important if you happen to be the distribution07:39
mjg59Having two methods for working with network configuration is pain07:39
davydI mean, the idea behind PowerManager is to get rid of those hokillion daemons07:39
davydand the config crack07:40
davydand have no more random shell scripts07:40
mjg59davyd: Yeah, that makes sense07:40
davydand just have an applications, with some nice plugins, that knows ALL the state07:40
davydno unix sockets, not constantly polling proc and blocking the kernel up07:40
davydbeautiful and clean07:40
davydand dbus07:40
Treenaksdavyd: that's different.. power has a set amount of states and configuration is broken atm. networks already have a configuration interface07:40
mjg59Abstracting at that level is the right thing to do07:40
davydlots of dbus07:41
mjg59But network interfaces are already abstracted at about that level07:41
Treenaksdavyd: unless PowerManager is going to aim to replace acpid, then I'll personally kill the devs07:41
davydTreenaks: that's part of the plan yes07:41
davydacpid is a piece of shit07:41
Treenaksdavyd: as long as I don't need f'ing gconf to configure it I won't mind too much07:41
davydTreenaks: nah, that sounds painful07:42
davydalthough users might have gconf settings they feed to it via dbus07:42
Treenaksdavyd: that's the case with NM if you're not running X07:42
mjg59Per-user config probably ought to have stuff in gconf07:42
davydmjg59: indeed07:42
mjg59But really, what you want is:07:42
davydneed to think of a way to do global config sanely07:42
mjg591) a daemon that listens for events and propagates them07:43
mjg592) a system-wide client that is small and does important stuff07:43
mjg593) a per-user client that integrates nicely with their desktop07:43
davydproblem with 3 is permissions of course07:43
=== Treenaks praises mjg59
mjg59Yeah. 07:43
davydin my current sketch07:44
mjg59We need a good way of figuring out who is actually physically in front of the machine07:44
davyd3 would receive dbus events from the daemon07:44
davydand then send back requests07:44
davydand assuming the permissions model allows it07:44
mjg59Because currently, all solutions suck07:44
davydwill complete them07:44
davydmjg59: we're too damned multi user ;)07:44
davydperhaps we should just run in single user mode ;)07:44
mjg59lindows has it easy07:45
mjg59But this is a problem when it comes to things like scanner access, too07:45
davydwe have some terminal server clients that run in single user mode or something vaguely like it07:45
davydthey work nicely07:45
mjg59Actually, it's not /too/ hard to figure out who's at the console07:45
mjg59PAM can do that for you07:45
davydmjg59: I thought there were issues with that module?07:45
mjg59davyd: The issue isn't that you have no idea who's at the console at this moment in time07:46
mjg59The issue is that the last person at the console potentially still has open filehandles07:46
davydevil hack of the day... installing CVS gnome-applets into /opt and then convincing bonobo to use them07:46
davydso Ubuntu can give me development GNOME07:46
davydand I can have the bleeding edge applet-love I crave07:46
=== Treenaks prefers his edge non-bleeding
mjg59If the kernel had a revoke() call, this would be much easier07:47
davydTreenaks: you kinda should run CVS when you're the maintainer07:48
davydnot that I've been much of a maintainer lately07:48
Treenaksdavyd: that sounds like a valid reason :)07:49
Treenaksdavyd: I'm not a maintainer though ;)07:49
ogra_dinnerTreenaks: yet ? :)07:49
Treenaksogra_dinner: not gnome upstream.. PLEASE NOT GNOME UPSTREAM07:50
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