
namastehappy new jear!12:00
JanChappy new year  :)12:00
ograhappy new ine12:00
hannes__01:01 :D12:01
KobrAs_same here12:01
KobrAs_happy new year :)12:01
=== benjami [benjamin@p5480F6EF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
benjamitheres a way to install ubuntu without gnome?12:02
JanC yes12:03
duidyes expert option at boot12:03
duidjust hit F1 at boot and it has the options.12:03
benjamiok thx12:04
=== bretzel [~lusse@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== woonis [~woonis@cpe-66-1-188-58.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu
woonisAfter a recent apt-get update apt-get dist-upgrade I am unable to start Evolution on Hoary.12:07
woonisIs this a known issue?12:07
techn9nedoes it give you any information if you start from command line?12:09
techn9nemight be a X conflict 'cause they moved from Xfree86 to x in warty->hoary12:10
woonisooh, good call. Let me check.12:10
techn9nei was using firefox from hoary and it broke my whole system12:11
techn9nex conflicts12:11
woonisI'm fully on Hoary. Including Xorg.12:11
techn9neoh ok i dunno im just speculating12:11
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woonisNo info on the command line12:12
techn9netry ps aux | grep evolution12:12
techn9nesee if its running in bg and just crashe12:12
woonisI looks like the latest evolution is being held back on upgrade because it breaks the ubuntu-desktop meta package12:12
techn9nei use the backport project and no problems12:13
woonisIt's kind of fun seeing things change12:14
woonisHoary is an adventure12:14
techn9neyah if you got a play system12:14
woonisI'm not familiar with the backports project12:15
woonisWhat is that?12:15
techn9nethey take things from hoary test them certify them for warty12:16
techn9nelike firefox, firestarter, xchat etc.12:16
=== FireEgl [Proteus915@adsl-159-170-69.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu
techn9neif you want all the new stuff but want the stability of warty12:17
woonisThat sounds cool12:17
woonisHoary has some really cool stuff though12:18
woonisI like the new Gnome12:18
techn9nehave they done anything to multimedia?12:18
woonisParticularly the new menu layout12:18
woonisWhat in particular?12:18
techn9nefirefox + embedded video12:18
techn9nehavent been able to get it work properly since movng to ubuntu12:18
techn9nesuse it was easy12:19
techn9neeasy because there was a maintained rpm w/ everything i just downloaded and it worked12:20
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woonisGive me a page to try and I will let you know12:21
zenwhenbeware the y2k5 bug12:23
=== ChrisC_ [~chatzilla@user-11fasp2.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
zenwhen( i made it up )12:23
=== sensebend [~sensebend@CPE0050f2c2257d-CM014480023927.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ChrisC_howdy ... basic question for you all about display configuration ...12:24
sensebendfire away ChrisC_12:24
ChrisC_I am currently driving my monitor via the analog output on my video card; how do I tell it to use the DVI output?  I know I can manually edit xfree86config but I figure there must be a GUI tool for that12:25
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techn9newhats dvi?12:25
ChrisC_digital video for computer screens12:26
gendigital video input..12:26
techn9nefrom a video camera or something?12:26
genlcd screens techn9ne12:26
ChrisC_that's why I said "computer screens" :)12:26
ChrisC_any X config tools to suggest?12:27
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=== Mike_ [~chatzilla@genie04-226-49.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ChrisC_OK, anyone know how to force ubuntu to repeat the display setup process?12:30
ChrisC_hmmm, what's 'dexconf'?12:31
woonistechn9ne - That worked12:31
woonisgxine played it12:31
techn9neembeeded in the page?12:32
techn9nei can d/l it and play it12:32
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, i don't think you choose which output to use with an xfree/xorg config variable12:32
setitewhats the difference between xfree/xorg12:33
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, i can switch between the analog/dvi outputs without changing anything12:33
ChrisC_zerokarmaleft, how?12:33
zerokarmaleftsetite, licensing mainly, iirc12:34
ChrisC_how exactly do you switch?  or are both turned on for you?12:34
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, they're just both active12:34
ChrisC_setite, google it12:34
ChrisC_zerokarmaleft, shoot because I get nothing out of my DVI12:34
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, what vid card you got?12:35
ChrisC_MSI FX5700LE (nvidia)12:35
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, i'm running a geforce4 ti4200 here12:35
ChrisC_I did the ubuntu install (and the nvidia driver install) with only the analog hooked up, so I'm thinking the right bits didn't get set up12:36
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, there shouldn't have to be anything plugged into the dvi input to setup dvi support12:37
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ChrisC_yeah, I would think ...12:38
bretzelHi, Where can I find kde-3.3 for debian ( Ubuntu doesn't seem to have it :-(12:38
techn9nebretzel, it wont work as well as gnome. best plan would be to use a kde dist.12:39
techn9neits like using gnome in suse.... it works just like crap12:40
gwildordoes xmms play .avi files?12:41
gwildorerr, can it?12:41
techn9negwildor, no just audio12:42
Mike_Hi, folks. Are there any hopes of embedded support for USB modems in Ubuntu?12:42
=== zerokarmaleft [~zerokarma@ip68-14-160-249.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
techn9negwildor, get mplayer or xine12:42
Mike_At least, some?12:42
gwildortechn9ne, it paly mpg's too12:42
bretzelI don't understand because with the proper libs, it works well, it is because I am used to KDE and more especially KDevelop wich I can;t live without,,,12:42
techn9neok i didnt know wht12:42
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, nothing in nvidia-settings pointing to selecting outputs either12:43
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, and i just crashed my xserver testing tuxracer with all the quality settings dimed :/12:44
ChrisC_zerokarmaleft, thanks' I was just looking into debconf (dead end) and then Option CloneDisplay (seems to be Radeon only)12:44
Zindarhappy new year!12:44
ChrisC_"all the quality settings dimed"?12:45
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, antialiasing, anisotropic filtering, texture sharpening12:46
gwildortechn9ne, look here     http://www.xmms.org/plugins.php?details=312:46
zerokarmaleftChrisC_, still got over 100fps, X crashed when i exited12:46
ChrisC_dimmed?  maxed?  disabled?  just curious ...12:46
zerokarmaleftdimed - put everything to 1012:47
ChrisC_in nvidia-settings, what does it show for you under Display Device?12:47
zerokarmalefti guess that's guitar lingo12:47
ChrisC_yeah :)12:47
ChrisC_that's all?12:48
zerokarmalefti don't have an LCD to use both outputs at the same time atm12:48
zerokarmaleftso i can't see what it would show, but i've done it before12:48
ChrisC_does your analog monitor have dvi too?12:49
ChrisC_ah.  OK, well, this will be another thing to try differently when I wipe this installation and try again in a few days12:49
=== Seba [~Seba@62-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
setitehey... does fedora have less apps...12:49
ChrisC_note to self:  connect monitor to DVI port if that's what you intend to use down the road12:50
setiteok heres a better question... do some apps not work immediately when newer fedoras are released?12:50
ChrisC_what is this inferior fedora you speak of? :)12:50
=== Seba [~Seba@62-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
setitei know its inferior12:50
setitebut i wanted clarification on something that i wasnt sure of when i did use it12:50
techn9nei thought redhat wsa great until i used debian and i was like ummm wow wtf12:51
techn9nethey're charging me big bucks for this?12:51
setitewith the release of fc3... alot of the apps didnt work right12:51
zerokarmaleftdunno, haven't touched fedora since core 112:51
techn9neif they're not compiled or packaged for fc3 prob.12:51
setitei cant recall if the apps were just not 64bit... or just not fc312:51
techn9netry asking in #fedora12:51
setitenah... they annoy me12:51
setitetech - and as for debian?12:52
setiteand thus ubuntu12:52
setitenew versions compatible with older apps?12:52
setiteok here is another thing i always wondered abotu open source12:52
setiteok if an app has picutres and sounds and such that it uses12:53
techn9nenewer versions arent always compatiable12:53
setitewhen you compile the program... are the pictures contained in some way in teh source? or do the actual files need to be included with the source12:53
techn9neif fedora is anything like rhel it sucks12:53
techn9neive never used fedora but im using rhel12:53
setitei dunno abotu rhel12:53
setitebut i hated fc3 for the day i had it12:53
zerokarmaleftsetite, source packages include pngs, wavs etc.12:54
setiteok thanks sero12:54
techn9nesource packages include lots of include files, headers ...12:54
techn9nea program contains hundreds/thousands of source files uuslaly12:54
setiteis there a linux equivalent of flashget12:55
zerokarmaleftsearch freshmeat.net12:55
scandiumsetite, perhaps "downman"?12:56
setiteis that a download splitter?12:56
scandiumno idea, I don't use it, have only heard of it...you can set max. speed for downloads etc...the usual basic stuff ;)12:57
setitehmmm ok... ill look into it.. im looking for an app that splits file downloads like p2p apps do12:59
setiteto download multiple parts from same source... and thus faster12:59
setitehmmm... i dont think thats it01:00
=== stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu
scandiumI don't like that splitting into several http stream, mainly because I can wget with many hundred kb/sec just fine, if it's slow, than that's because the server is limiting bandwidth per connection, and if the server does that and only allows 1 connection per IP splitting the stream doesn't help you either01:02
scandiumand if you can open more streams you are fooling the server owner ;(01:03
scandium(since you said from the *same* source)01:03
scandiumsetite, can you enlighten me where opening several http streams to the same source is useful for downloading? ;)01:04
=== gotti [~mgotts@p508F3122.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
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scandiumsetite, anyway, good luck when looking for such a tool, perhaps you find one before your timezone hits 2005 :)01:10
jacobatHappy newsy01:11
jacobatHappy newyear! :D01:11
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=== jivera [~jivera@kechara-p.flame.org] has joined #ubuntu
jiveraDoes anyone here use synaptic with ssh x11 forwarding?01:14
=== smo [~soneil@smo.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu
jiveraThe moment I click 'settings' in the menu, synaptic crashes with a 'BadWindow' error.01:15
=== linuxnoob [linuxnoob@1Cust7147.an2.chi30.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoobman this room is full01:15
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
drspinwhat program can I use to open my illustrator files?01:16
pepsi_cleaninglike a bedroom? a living room?01:16
linuxnoobI can't seem to get ubuntu to install01:17
pepsi_cleaningwhy not?01:17
pepsi_cleaningwhat happens01:17
linuxnoobI get the following error debootstrap program exited with an error (returned value 1)01:17
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linuxnoobI looked in var/log01:17
linuxnooband it's empty01:17
=== x66221 [~chatzilla@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoobI'm installing this on a sony vaio laptop with one partition with windows xp the other for ubuntu01:18
linuxnoob2 partitions :)01:18
pepsi_cleaningyou need a swap partition too01:18
pepsi_cleaningi dunno.. ive never installed linux on the same hd as windows01:19
linuxnoobyeah I hate windows but want it as a backup01:19
pepsi_cleaninguse vmware01:19
linuxnoobso I should create another partition by splitting the ubuntu one01:20
linuxnoobI'd love to have the option of both os01:20
linuxnooband have seen on the ubuntu boards that people do it01:21
pepsi_cleaningi really dont know how you would do it.. if i had to do that myself, id wipe the drive for linux, and create an extra partition for windows01:21
pepsi_cleaninginstead of trying to keep windows intact while installing linux on another partition01:21
linuxnoobthe idea of reinstalling all my windows junk doesn't appeal to me :)01:21
pepsi_cleaningthats just it though01:21
pepsi_cleaningdont reinstall it01:21
linuxnoobthat's why I'm here01:21
linuxnoobare all of the other users comatose?01:22
pepsi_cleaningi guess01:22
linuxnoobthanks for the input pepsi01:22
linuxnoobI may go try the partition idea01:22
pepsi_cleaningyeah.. sorry i cant help you more01:22
=== zapada [zapada@Chatham-ppp278451.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoobhi zapada01:22
zapadaI got my ubuntu cds today!01:23
zapadanice, except I need to get a hardware modem :(01:23
zapadaor drivers01:23
linuxnoobI ordered mine yesterday :) got antzy and downloaded the iso01:23
jiverazapada: I did too.01:24
jiveraThey're nice.01:24
zapadathey need to change the cover a bit... guy without shirt is... heh01:24
linuxnoobI'll try the partition and brb God willing01:24
jiveraAt least it's not the one where they're all completely nude. =X01:25
linuxnoobyeah if that came with nude I'd switch to fedora01:25
zapadafedora... ewww01:25
maximauszapada, what kind of modem do you have?01:26
linuxnoobI'm runnin fedora for a dedicated server01:26
linuxnoobpain in the arse01:26
maximauszapada, you wouldn't happen to know the chipset?01:26
zapadaI can get it01:26
zapadaI already searched, no linux drivers for it01:26
zapadaI found this generic connexant01:26
zapadabut I never tried to get that to work01:27
zapadait was only 14k01:27
zapadathis was when I had mandrake01:27
maximausI used that for a couple years, works better than my new hardware modem01:27
zapadait was a 14.4k trial though01:27
maximausyeah, I used mine with 'drake and payed for the full version01:27
maximausexcellent drivers01:27
zapadaAOpen h01:27
=== cmborc [~charles@pcp881207pcs.murdoc01.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zapadaAOpen FM56-SVV01:28
maximausThat's greek to me :/01:28
zapadais it01:28
zapadathat's the model01:28
zapadahow do I get chipset?01:28
=== nicedreams [~nicedream@ip68-2-79-215.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
maximausI got a new USB sporter external on Ebay for 11USD with shipping.01:28
maximausChipset? Google I guess01:28
maximausUSR I mean01:29
nicedreamsmaximaus: use this command 'lspci'01:29
zapadaits a conexant chip01:29
nicedreamsmaximaus: it will tell everything you need to know01:29
nicedreamsif only windows had that01:29
zapadaChipset: Conexant CX11252-11 single chip HSFi V.9201:29
maximausnicedreams,  it's zapada who needs the drivers01:29
=== tosik [~tosik@pool-68-238-82-105.syr.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nicedreamsi just joined and saw his post first01:30
nicedreamssry max01:30
nicedreams :)01:30
maximausLike I'm sooo angry. :P01:30
=== nicedreams runs and hides
nicedreamslol j/k01:30
maximausYeah the HSF drivers from Linuxant work brilliantly.01:30
=== bretzel [~lusse@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
zapadawhere can I download it?01:30
maximausBUT, I couldn't get them to work with Ubuntu, so perhaps somebody's got a hint for that.01:31
=== jivera smacks synaptic for crashing repeatedly via ssh X11 forwarding.
zapadamaybe I can try the drivers on SuSE01:32
maximausOhmer, I think you can compile them if you install kernel-source or whatever Ubuntu called them.01:32
maximausI compiled them on Mandrake once--it's very easy01:32
zapada<-- n00b to linux01:32
=== exlt [~exlt@adsl-69-153-21-59.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
maximauszapada, it's beyond easy to compile--you basically read the README file with the drivers and run the installer from the commandline, answer four questions and you're done.01:33
zapadaheh nice01:33
zapadadoes the install CD have more software than the live?01:34
zapadathe live CD looks like it lacks some stuff01:34
maximausIt probably does--I just use it to demo linux for folks. ;)01:35
jiveraI think the install cd installs everything you see on the live cd, but maybe I'm wrong.01:35
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #Ubuntu []
exltquick question on controlling services - is the "correct" way to disable 'update-rc.d foo remove' - and does 'update-rc.d foo defaults' add back the proper Sxx Kxx links? <- where do the defaults come from - I do not see them in the init scripts...01:36
zapadaat the linuxant site, I seem to be going in circles looking for the free download01:36
jiveraexlt: I thought there's a gnome app that lets you configure that.01:36
jivera(Sorry, I'd check but I'm not running Ubuntu myself; just trying to admin my sister's box which is.)01:36
exltjivera - let's say I'm not on the console and shelled in  ;)01:37
=== meltbanana314 [~meltbanan@ip68-228-44-118.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
maximauszapada, look on the left side of the page01:37
maximauszapada, under the red text "HSF (softmodem) driver"  you'll see "download"01:38
zapadanow which one do I download?01:38
maximausit's toward the bottom, the source one.01:39
zapadageneric eh01:39
zapadawhat do I do with the DPKG format?01:39
maximauswell, if you have both the kernel-source and the gcc compiler installed01:40
maximausyou type at the command line: "sudo dpkg --install hsfmodem_7.18.00.02full_i386.deb01:40
maximausThen set up your connection using "sudo pppconfig" at the command line.01:41
exltooh, I found the reference to defaults used with update-rc.d foo defaults - all are sequence 20 unless specified - hmm.01:41
maximausThe gui modem configurator seems borked.01:41
maximausGood luck zapada, I've gotta go holler at the new year. ;)01:42
zapadaheh, ok thanks man01:42
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=== WeedVender [~jiraiya@16tdev02.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
WeedVenderIm having problems displaying Video on Totem01:46
WeedVenderits a divx01:46
WeedVenderaudio plays ok though...01:46
zapadawhere would I put hsfmodem_7.18.00.02full_i386.deb?01:46
exltzapada -> dpkg -i hsfmodem_7.18.00.02full_i386.deb01:48
exltor use some gui thing with gnome01:48
zapadaum yes...01:49
zapadabut where do I put that file?01:49
zapadain /01:49
zapadaor /root/01:49
zapadaor something01:49
exltwherever you like01:49
zapadaand hwo will the command know where to find it?01:50
zapadacan I put it in /mnt/hda5?01:50
exltdpkg -i /full/path/to/hsfmodem_7.18.00.02full_i386.deb01:50
zapadathat explains it01:50
zapadathat exact code?01:50
zapadadpkg -i?01:51
zapadaor dpkg --install?01:51
exltthat is the same as dpkg --install01:51
exltshort flag or long one01:51
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=== CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@CM128-inde0-47-138.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
exltwhat is the favored CD burning tool for gnome?02:06
exlthah!  there it is - cool02:06
GoneBoBonly useful for burning files and isos02:07
GoneBoBbut very easy to do that02:07
exltthat's ususually all I'm doing02:07
GoneBoBconvenient isn't it :)02:07
exltwell - does it handle vcd images?  doesn't look like it02:08
exltmaybe time to build dvd::rip02:08
setiteread that02:09
setitethat is funny02:09
=== merriam [~merriam@] has joined #ubuntu
setite"Once the migration was completed, though, there were concerns that the open-source software would be harder to use than Windows. Again, Schwbisch Hall had a solution.02:09
setite"We put the chairwoman of our workers' council on stage in front of all the municipal workers, and showed her using the new system. After that, we found that no man would say that he couldn't use his PC now that everyone knew a woman could do it," revealed Bruner."02:09
=== The_Nalf [fabrice@AToulouse-251-1-19-58.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
GoneBoBsetite: :)02:12
=== mroth [~mroth@mroth.user] has joined #ubuntu
exltthank you for mutt by default  :)02:18
=== usual [~colin@alb-69-202-45-196.nycap.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
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=== jivera continues to smack synaptic for not working across ssh.
exltjivera - exporting your display or tunelling?02:25
jiveraexlt: Tunneling wasn't working, so now I'm trying to setup DISPLAY to directly render to my box.02:25
exltwhy not just use aptitude from a shell - I just finished updating that way02:26
jiveraBecause I'd rather use synaptic. :)02:27
exltor apt-get update / upgrade02:27
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=== linuxnoob [linuxnoob@1Cust77.an1.chi30.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoobhey pepsi - got it02:31
linuxnoobI was installing it wrong02:31
exltok - SMP works now02:32
=== zapada [zapada@Chatham-ppp278357.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
zapadaI got an error02:32
linuxnooban error? installing?02:32
zapadawhile trying to install my linuxant drivers02:33
jiveraGeez, no apps on Ubuntu like to run via ssh x11 forwarding...02:33
zapadaERROR: /lib/modules/2.6.7/build points to a missing directory02:33
linuxnoobI have no clue zapada :(02:34
linuxnoobmy modem isn't working on my install yet02:34
=== cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9E31951.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
zapadaubuntu doesn't have wine?02:36
exltprobably in universe02:37
linuxnoobdon't know02:37
linuxnoobdoes anyone know of any troubleshooting tools for my modem?02:39
xevillinuxnoob what model and type of modem?  it's not a winmodem, is it?02:40
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
=== MikeGTN is now known as MikeAFK
drspinhow do I burn mp3/ogg files to an Audio CD in linux, not an mp3 CD ;) ??02:41
linuxnoobit is a conexant-ambit02:41
zapadaget k3b02:42
zapadaits like your nero02:43
linuxnoobI'll have to get that02:43
linuxnoobdo you get it with apt-get?02:43
zapadabeats me02:43
zapadaim more of a n00b than you02:44
drspinapt-get install k3b02:44
linuxnoobthanks doc spin02:44
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drspinsudo apt-get install k3b02:44
setiteapt-get is your god now02:44
linuxnoobI'm in xp now I'll do that once I get my flipping modem working02:44
=== wesm [~wesm@c-67-162-134-229.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
drspinI'm looking for some kind of alternative...02:44
zapadalinuxnoob: you know what I do?02:45
zapadaI emulate my linux02:45
=== pepsi [~pepsi@p222.n-sfpop03.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu
zapadaand create a bridged network02:45
wesmOK, so I followed the custom kernel instructions on the wiki (the ones that have you apt-get source linux-source- and then run dpkg-buildpackage on it)...02:45
zapadaso my emulated linux distro shares my 2000 internet connection :D02:45
linuxnoobemulate my linux?02:45
zapadaits a little slow, but it works02:46
zapadaget vmware02:46
Adrenalbut...wheres the point?02:46
linuxnoobnever heard of that02:46
Adrenalit defeats the purpose of using linux02:46
zapadaits running 2 OS's at once02:46
Adrenalstill security flaws02:46
wesmand I modified the config to be Pentium4 proc instead of just 686 (modified the 686-smp flavour), but now I need to build linux-restricted-modules02:46
Adrenalits like running knoppix02:46
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zapadaAdrenal: duh, but what else you supposed to do when you got no internet on linux02:46
wesmhow do I do that correctly?02:46
linuxnoobdidn't ubuntu install with vmlinux02:46
Adrenalonly slightly more gutsy02:46
Adrenalzapada:bridge with another comp, or router02:46
wesmright now it always says "invalid module format" after I build them02:46
linuxnoobI saw it flash up02:46
linuxnoobwhen I started installing02:47
zapadaAdrenal: with my same comp02:47
pepsiis evolution broken for anyone else?02:47
zapadahave 2 OSs running at once on my comp02:47
wesmpepsi: in hoary?02:47
zapadalinux running through vmware which is installed on my windows 200002:47
pepsiyeah, hoary02:47
wesmpepsi: yeah, it was, until today02:48
linuxnoobic zapada - I have a dual boot with xp02:48
pepsiyeah, i saw they updated it today02:48
pepsiand i updated02:48
pepsibut its still broken02:48
wesmpepsi: i had to let it uninstall the exchange plugin to update everything else02:48
zapadalinuxnoob: not a dual boot02:48
zapadarunning 2 operating systems at one time02:48
zapadaand flip between linux and windows02:48
wesmpepsi: and then it fixed my problems (mostly SSL and SMTP-auth related)02:48
Adrenalwhen using jabber for msn. how do i change my display name?02:48
wesmpepsi: what sort of problems are you having w/ it?02:48
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pepsiwesm: it wont start02:49
wesmpepsi: ew, that's a good 'un02:49
linuxnoobI think if I ran 2 os @ the same time my laptop would go up in flames02:49
wesmpepsi: haven't seen that on mine, sorry...02:49
zapadalol probably02:49
linuxnoobI'll be back shortly - thanks for help everyone02:50
wesmpepsi: have you tried creating a new user and then launching it as that user (so it has a clean config)?02:50
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wesmpepsi: just to see if it's your config or not...02:50
drspinhow come ./configur doesn't work for me?02:50
zapadaI have perfect idea: I'll run ubuntu live at a school computer!02:51
wesmhas anyone built a custom linux-restricted-modules before?02:51
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pepsiaha.. i reinstalled evolution, and it updated some other library when i did that02:55
pepsinow it works02:55
wesmpepsi: kick ass02:55
Adrenalcoke:kicks more tail02:56
wesmso, has everyone started drinking in the new year yet? (i have)02:56
GoneBoBSat Jan  1 12:57:33 EST 200502:56
wesmGoneBoB: HAPPY NEW YEAR!02:57
AdrenalSaturday January 1 2005 -- 01:57:04pm +00:0002:57
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Adrenalold news buddy02:57
GoneBoBwesm: for 13 hours ago :)02:57
GoneBoBI've already been to bed, slept and got up again02:57
wesmAdrenal: shit man, it's only 7:00pm here on the 31st!02:57
Adrenalits like where on some...ball02:58
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Adrenali really big ball02:58
Adrenalwhere time is different in different places02:58
wesmAdrenal: whoah dude, you might be right...02:58
Adrenali think this was on the twilight zone once02:58
=== Adrenal is now known as AngryCatholics
wesmmy point is this: since it's still early on the 31st *here*, you should all still be drinking...02:58
AngryCatholicsBURN HIM02:58
AngryCatholicsBURN HIM02:58
zapadawesm, you in hawaii or something02:58
wesmnope, Denver Colorado02:59
=== AngryCatholics head explodes
zapadacya later guys02:59
=== ObsidianX [~ryan@adsl-67-122-228-116.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
wesmGMT -7 (I think, stupid daylight savings)02:59
JumpyHedgehoghi folks.  i installed ubuntu on an old dell box but had to use "linux pci=off" to get the install program to mount my install cd.  now that ubuntu is installed it is ignoring my ethernet card.  how should i got about getting things working?02:59
=== AngryCatholics is now known as Adrenal
ObsidianXheh, im not quite an ubuntian yet03:00
Adrenalwell, time for me to get my subway on03:00
Adrenallater guys, have a good one03:01
bretzelIs the unbuntu default nvidia-kernel module has opengl accelrated capabilities ?03:01
JumpyHedgehogdoes anyone know how to get hedgehog to go through the hardware detection process again?  thanks!03:03
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bretzelOh-ho! I need a apt source repo for kde anyone knows which???03:16
bretzelhello ?03:17
justdaveI see lots of kde stuff in universe03:18
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bretzeluniverse ? what url ? Are you making fun of me ??03:20
GoneBoBbretzel: no, the universe repository03:20
GoneBoBcontains all the debian packages03:20
bretzelok sorry :-) but I dunno about the universe repo... where to setup that entry, URL ?03:21
robertjis gnome-app-install going to have an "Install security updates automatically no matter what" option?03:22
robertjerr update-manager03:22
bretzelExcuse me for my ingorance but It is my very first day with a Debian base dist...03:22
robertj(sorry, got my apps crossed ;)03:22
robertjbret: /etc/apt/sources03:22
bretzel:-) tnx...03:22
robertjthe line that has main restricted whatever should say main restricted universe multiverse if you want all the apps03:22
robertjof course as you go from left to right you go from more to less supported03:22
robertjthe plus side is that universe and multiverse have all the games and stuff, most of which still work03:23
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bretzelgood I just uncommented the lines with universe at the end... Should be ok now ? anyway I am retrying :-) thanx again03:25
justdaveanyone know a good drive-testing program for linux?  (media, not filesystem)03:26
=== justdave isn't familiar with what's out there
bretzelerr: output from apt-get install k3b ( as I read upward): Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe03:26
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bretzelduh!!!!! Forgot to update ( apt-get update) -- Tse I am Debian newbie03:28
bretzelOh! It is about to install kde3.2 not 3.3 ...03:29
jiveraHum... the debian-marillat apt archive is worthless for a new warty installation...03:31
robertjbretz: Ubuntu doesn't exactly pride itself on KDE support03:32
bretzelrobert: Thus, as Debian other repoitries is kde more supported ?03:33
jiveramarillat's mplayer testing package depends on libggi2 2.0.5, but warty has
jivera(Along with a bunch of other dependencies.)03:33
bretzelWhat can I do when apt-get fails ( in my specific case : courrier-imap;pop etc...) packages install failure ? I have selected ( through synaptic) those pkg but it seems to fail to install courrier-servers stuff...)03:36
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usualwill hoary gstreamer be able to play dvd's03:37
robertjbretz: dunno03:37
robertjbretz: apt-get update to make sure your repos are current03:38
=== jivera notes running 'synaptic --sync' instead of just 'synaptic' via ssh x11 forwarding, it seems to run fine.
bretzelRobertj: Of course I did... after the thrid failure! :-):-) but know I see kde installed... But only kde-3.2.3 -- doh-- I wich to have kde-3.3.2 because of KDevelop which I can't live without :-)03:39
dhegaI installed the fglrx-driver with apt-get .. And it worked just fine, but when i tried to install the new ones everything went bad. What did i do wrong? after the upgrade i just got fglrxinfo "MESA driver etcetc" :/03:40
robertjbretzel: hrmm, if there are no 3.3.2 repos you may be up the creek03:40
bretzelOh! an other question: How can I get the kernel source to be able to install the accelerated nvidia drivers ( need compilations ) ??03:41
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robertjbretz: apt-cache search nvidia|grep modules shows that there is a restricted modules package03:42
dhegaAnyone with an ATi card here?03:42
robertjalso nvidial-glx and nvidia-kernel-common are showing up03:42
robertjso my guess would be not to monkey with the src unless you need to03:42
Sebaquien habla espaol en este foro-chat03:43
robertjalthough you can use make-kpkg or whatever it's called to build the whole debian kernel complete with modules03:43
dhegaGod, i wish i had a nvidia card :/03:43
robertjme too, I bought a 9200 PCI for my dad for $32 from CompUSA03:43
bretzelrobertj: bah! I think I will be ok with 3.2 - about nvidia: ubuntu as is isn't setup with the accel driver of nvidia or I am missing something with your hint ?03:43
robertjsure beats onboard video03:43
robertjbretzel: I don't think it is, I dunno03:44
robertjI don't have an nvidia card installed03:44
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dhegabretzel: i dont think so03:44
dhegarobertj: you dont happen to know how to get the newest ATi drivers installed ? :>03:44
robertjdhega: sorry, nope03:44
dhegagrr ok :/03:45
robertjhttp://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto/view?searchterm=ATI seems like it might help03:45
bretzelbtw I do see those pkg installed ( nvidia modules ( kernel, common etc) but I don't think it is opengl accelerated... I need to see what modules are actually loaded...03:45
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robertjthat also has nvidia instructions03:46
robertjbretz: lsmod|grep nvidia03:46
dhegarobertj: yea that works well, but that drivers are not the newest from ATi and doom3 doesnt run well on em /03:46
robertjdhega: dunno then03:46
dhegaoki oki03:46
robertjbretzel: what do you use kdevelop for?03:47
robertjbrb, downstairs for caffeine03:48
bretzelWow! I need to restart X and see what happened -- se you soon ( I Hope! :-)03:49
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robertjany luck bretzel?03:58
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ArniaHi, is there any way to get around the mono dependency bug in Hoary or will I just have to wait for the packages to be fixed? :)03:59
dhegaVersion 2.4 of the Linux kernel is required for this driver. This kernel version is installed as standard in many current Linux distributions. Support for the newer version 2.6 kernel is under development and should be available in a future release.03:59
bretzelOh my ! What a enjoyable day!!!! I am extremely thankful to all you ( roberj, and oops can't recall who else! :-) )03:59
robertjso what do you use kdevelop for?03:59
dhegaIs it worth it to change from 2.6 kernel to 2.4 just to use the ati drivers?03:59
bretzelOh yeah robertj: I am just finishing testing BzFlag! :-) so smooth... ( hi FPS )04:00
robertjdhega: I'd be wary, Ubuntu has never shipped a 2.4 kernel04:00
robertjAFAIK hal/dbus/fam/etc will all break04:00
dhegarobertj: think i will switch back to win again then, this ati drivers driving me crazy04:01
jiveradhega: No, because proprietary drivers blow.04:01
robertjI play my games on Windows for the most part04:01
bretzelrobertj: Theese days I use KDevelop for console app ( hahaha ) programming : see http://ncdk.sf.net  - Thus I am dependent of KDevelop for its easy automake management; auto-complete code...04:01
dhegajivera. what drivers to use?04:01
jiveradhega: Does 'vesa' not work?04:02
dhegajivera: well not with 3daccel04:02
jiveraOr the open source radion or nv?04:02
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jiveraEr, radeon.04:02
jivera(Whicever's appropriate for you.)04:02
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jivera(Ugh, my typing is horrid.)04:02
robertjbtw, you need a new theme ;)04:03
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isaaczhas anyone here tried to install Ubuntu on a sgi 320?04:03
robertjI recommend ThinGeramik, Crux, and Gartoon for the gnome side04:03
jiveraisaacz: Is that x86, amd64, or powerpc?04:04
jiveraOh... dunno then.  I was expecting MIPS or something.04:04
bretzelrobertj: Did youread what I use KDevelop for ?04:06
bretzelsry - ;-)04:06
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crimsunisaacz: the only thing offhand I can think of that might throw the installer is the graphics card04:07
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rm6990isaacz: could u list the hardware specs please....but quickly, i have to go in a minute :)04:10
bretzel...And I read that Debian was difficult to setup compared to user-friendly distro such as Mandrake;Fedora;SuSE... It is the very first time I install nvidia glx mod without any manual config! ( such manual copy the nv stuff to /etc/udev .. etc...)04:10
isaaczsgi 320 dual 500mhz04:11
robertjbretzel: Ubuntu is doing good things for Debian04:12
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bretzelrobertj: Oh yes! You don;t know how I feel right now enjoying a Debian real community linux OS.04:14
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robertjDebian is a real community, it's just different04:14
bretzel? real community or - different ? I don't really get it - excuse my poor english culture :-)04:15
robertjUbuntu is Debian made easy04:16
bretzelWhat I ean is that by community I think really together for together ( funny:realy what ubuntu says :-)04:16
bretzelWhat I mean I ( misstyping )04:17
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robertjUbuntu is great but the community is still formative. Many people overlook the fact that the percentage of the community that contributes as well as consumes is very small04:18
cyberircHi, can Ubuntu install packages meant for Debian?04:18
robertjFrankly, I'm glad Ubuntu has money pouring in. It's a problem every distro has, but it's one that can be ignored indefinately as long as money keeps coming in and the benevolent dictators are benevolent ;)04:19
rm6990isaacz: sorry, im back, anyways, i mean full specs (eg. video card, sound card, network card/modem, mother board...) pretty much as much as you know04:19
ajrobertj: technically, at the moment it has capital that it's exhausting, not revenue flooding in ttbomk :)04:20
robertjaj: ahh04:20
robertjaj: btw, is there a projected 0 day on that?04:20
=== aj <-- not an ubuntu insider, not privy to canonical's financial statements blahblah
bretzel.. that's true.04:20
robertjthere's not an endowement is there ;)04:21
isaaczrm6990 are you familiar with the 320's and 540's04:21
ajrobertj: doubt it, i'd give it another six months before anyone starts really worrying, another year after that before it crashes and burns / changes completely if no one comes up with some way to fund everyone04:21
ajrobertj: but that's complete punditry, which is to say bs :)04:22
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rm6990isaacz: not really, but dont sgi's latest machines use standard x86 parts such as nvidia video cards, realtek network cards, eg?04:22
bretzelok I have to close all before my wife wake up and slap my head - we're 31th Dec2004... so very happy new year 2005 to all, fast healing to Asian ppl ...and thanks again see you next year. ( tomorrow ) ;-)04:23
isaaczrm6990: heh.. there latest machines are several years old and the only thing really standard about them are the cpu's.04:24
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rm6990isaacz: hmmmm....yeah, im not too familiar with sgi at all. have u tried a linux live cd to see how it will work?04:24
robertjI don't know of an sgi-based livecd04:25
rm6990robertj: it is an x86 computer....it just doesnt use standard x86 parts...but it might still work04:26
robertjmaybe then04:26
rm6990rm6990: may as well try, it's not like it costs anything ;)04:26
rm6990*robertj/isaacz: (i dont normally say stuff to myself)04:27
isaaczheh they dont support cdrom boot :P04:27
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rm6990isaacz: how old are these computers?04:28
cyberircHi, can Ubuntu install packages meant for Debian?04:28
dhegacyberirc: yes04:28
jiveraYes and no.04:28
crimsuncyberirc: use the ubuntu equivalents from ubuntu's repos04:28
rm6990cyberirc: it is generally not a good idea, it hasnt worked for me in the past04:28
cyberircWhen was Ubuntu first released?  This is the first time I have heard of it.04:28
crimsuncyberirc: october 200404:29
rm6990cyberirc: a couple of months ago.....in october i believe04:29
robertjreleased every 6 months04:29
rm6990cyberirc: so the next version is due out in april04:29
isaaczreally.. doesnt have vga support either.04:29
cyberircSo this OS is only 2 months old?04:29
robertjand the next in october04:29
rm6990cyberirc: yes...but it is based heavily on debian, which is over 10 years old04:30
crimsunisaacz: the only thing that will bother you is the graphics support.04:30
jiveracyberirc: Ubuntu is 2 months old, but it's based on the packages from debian's archives, and employs many of the debian and gnome developers.04:30
cyberircWhere are their headquarter located?  Or their country of origin.04:30
rm6990isaccz: would u use te command line primarily then?04:30
rm6990cyberirc: south africa04:30
cyberircHow friendly is it?  As SuSE/Mandrake/Fedora?04:31
jiveraYou sure South Africa?  I thought Canonical is incorporated in the UK.04:31
robertjcyberirc: depends04:31
crimsunjivera: it is the UK.04:31
robertjuneven, better tahn all the above in some, worse in others04:31
rm6990yes...just as friendly (of course this is my opinion, some people will say more friendly some will say less(04:31
jiveracyberirc: Try the live CD and see for yourself.  The installer's still a little rough around the edges, but I think it's pretty nice.04:31
robertjI think it will be fully cought up by October04:31
cyberircOkay, I will give the live-CD a try.  Thanks for all the help.04:32
robertjSome stuff thats really needed has slipped from Hoary04:32
rm6990crimsun: dont they have some sort of base in africa?04:32
robertjnot all technical04:32
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crimsunrm6990: http://www.canonical.com/04:32
rm6990robertj: what has slipped from hoary?04:32
robertjAFAIK HardwareDatabase is going nowhere fast04:32
robertjalso is Ultra Pimp BootSplash going to go in?04:33
crimsunusplash needs more developers04:33
cyberircWhat is the relationship between Canonical and Ubuntu?04:34
cyberircCanonical an OS too?04:34
jiveraCanonical funds Ubuntu developers.04:34
rm6990think of canonical as red hat and ubuntu as fedora, same sort of idea04:34
jiveraNo, Canonical is a legal entity and company.04:34
robertjand own all the Copyright assignments and stuff I would imagine04:34
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rm6990except ubuntu isnt a beta for canonicals other products like fedora04:34
cyberircOkay, thanks.04:34
robertjalso it's not bloated to kingdom-come04:35
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rm6990robertj: lol, yeah, i know, fedora is horrible in that respect...it lasted all of 45 minutes on my machine.....yum is also a very horrible program and it crashed and screwed up my rpm system while i was installing apt believe it or not04:37
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Cloudchaserhappy new year everyone!04:37
robertjI have a hate/hate relationship with yum04:37
rm6990so i gave up and put ubuntu back on04:37
maximausrm6990, I used apt quite successfully on fedora, but it was slowww.04:37
rm6990Cloudchaser: happy new year04:37
jiverayum's so unbelievably slow too :/04:38
rm6990maximaus: apt on fedora works quite well (at least with fedora 2, not sure about 3) yum just wouldnt install it for me04:38
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rm6990why does yum insist on redownloading the package lists everytime you go to install a package?04:38
socommAnyone having issues with java on hoary?04:38
maximausI just installed the dag wieers rpms from the command line and they worked great--even the sources were set up perfectly04:39
crimsunsocomm: runs fine here.04:39
crimsunsocomm: (jdk 1.5.0 update 1, x86)04:39
maximausanybody know how to use a home partition on a usb key when booting the live CD?04:39
rm6990socomm: are you installing it from a download from java.com, or a precompiled binary for ubuntu04:39
socommrm6990: Sun.com04:39
rm6990socomm: which java version, 1.5 update 1 or 1.4.6?04:40
socommjava version "1.4.2_05"04:40
socommJava never launches the applets or applications.04:41
rm6990sorry, not 1.4.6....i meant 1.4.2_06....you should also upgrade to that, it has a security patch not applied in 1.4.2_0504:41
rm6990socomm: is it in ur path?04:41
socommYes only been having problems as of this afternoon, when I dist_upgraded hoary.04:41
rm6990socomm: that is the reason i stick with warty...java is important for me with school and it has a tendancy to break easily so i try to stay with stable versions of distros04:43
robertjrm: thats why it's time to get a chroot going ;)04:43
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socommrm6990: Fortunately Java isn't that important for me, I just wanted to use azureus and play some java games.04:44
socommI'm gonna install _06 see if that fixes things.04:44
rm6990socomm: i do my school thru correspondance at this point in time, and a lot of it is done online (much better than snail mail) and with my physics courses all of the little interactive demos are written in java04:45
maximausI just recycled my java install from fedora, only had to re-symlink the executable to /usr/local/bin and the plugin--and it all worked fine. :)04:45
rm6990i guess it could be worse, they could have been written in .NET or some other proprietary MS format04:45
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rm6990socomm: go to www.java.com, it is easier to find then on sun's site04:46
socommrm6990: I've all ready downloading, extracting as we chat.04:46
syamajalahi i'm trying to get ubuntu setup in virtual pc04:46
syamajalabut it says it didn't detect an ethernet card04:46
rm6990socomm: lol, n/m then04:46
jiverasyamajala: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-07.065625678304:47
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jiveraOh wait, that doesn't help with networking. :/04:47
syamajalai think its supposed to use tulip04:48
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socommBleh. No dice.04:49
robertjtulip is fine in debian04:50
rm6990socomm: what is it doing?04:50
linuxnoobanyone have any tips to get a modem to work?04:50
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crimsuntulip is fine in ubuntu *, too04:50
rm6990maybe a library that java relies on is currently broken in hoary?04:50
socommIt just loads up the executable in to memory and stalls in the run process.04:50
rm6990what does it show in the terminal, post in into pastebin04:51
socommjava -cp :Azureus2.jar:swt-mozilla.jar:swt-pi.jar:swt.jar -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/bin org.gudy.azureus2.ui.swt.Main ''04:52
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rm6990socomm: have u tried more than just azureus in java?04:52
rm6990like web plugins, limewire, etc.?04:52
crimsunazureus's web site recommends you use java 1.5.0 update 104:52
socommYes java applets same results.04:52
socommJust a grey background and a java cup and stalls forever.04:53
rm6990crimsun: is java 1.5.0 update 1 still a beta?04:53
crimsunrm6990: no04:53
crimsunbuild 1.5.0_01-b0804:53
rm6990hmmmm....should i upgrade from 1.4.2_06....or is there any reason to at this point?04:54
crimsunI can think of reasons not to upgrade if you're a java developer04:56
crimsunif however you simply use certain java apps, then there's really no reason to not upgrade if you're on x8604:56
crimsunfor instance, I use 1.4.2_06 on my dev boxes because I work with Globus04:57
rm6990hmmmm....ill probably do that later. anyways, im off for now, tty all l04:57
robertjis there a gnome disk copy app anywhere?04:58
socommDisk copy?04:59
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socommSame results with java 1.5.0_01.05:00
crimsunthen it's not java related05:06
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ObsidianXhey, im planning on installing MEPIS and then updating to ubuntu...05:10
ObsidianXwhat do i need to change in the apt preferences files to get it to point to ubuntu correctly05:10
crimsunget rid of everything except for the warty lines05:11
rm6990hi, just a quick question, just downloaded java 1.5.0_01 and i want to symlink the java plugin to my firefox plugins folder....under the plugin/i386 folder inside the main java folder, which folder contains the file i link to??? (the possible choices are ns7 and ns7-gcc29)05:11
ObsidianXcrimsun: well mepis points to the debian info05:11
ObsidianXand i want to change it to ubuntu05:11
ObsidianXand from what i've seen05:11
ObsidianX'stable' 'testing' 'unstable' are not the same in ubuntu05:11
crimsunObsidianX: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty main restricted    deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main restricted05:11
rm6990ObsidianX: that might not be a good idea...i dont think mepis and ubuntu are compatable05:11
ObsidianXrm6990: what do you mean05:12
ObsidianXits a debian system05:12
ObsidianXas is ubuntu05:12
ObsidianXim just going to change the packages from the debian source to the ubuntu source05:12
rm6990yes, but the ubuntu devs say that ubuntu isnt even fully compliant with debian sources, let alone sources from say mepis or knoppix05:12
jiveraObsidianX: Saying it's a debian system doesn't really mean much.05:13
rm6990just like mepis isnt compatable with knoppix or debian, not fully anyways05:13
crimsunObsidianX: I just gave you the two deb lines05:13
sensebendwhy not just install Ubuntu?05:13
ObsidianXoh wait.. i think i know where you're going with this05:13
ObsidianXsensebend: i tried05:13
sensebendor stick with MEPIS05:13
ObsidianXit wouldn't work05:13
ObsidianXi dont like the debian package list05:13
sensebenddid you md5 checksum your media?05:13
ObsidianXway too conservative05:13
rm6990the debian package list too conservative?05:14
jiveraObsidianX: Debian stable?05:14
ObsidianXi did a "Verify CD" within the cd05:14
crimsuninstead of rationalising, ObsidianX, just use the two lines I gave you, thanks :)05:14
rm6990it is like the biggest list of em all05:14
robertjhrmm odd, no sound, esd does not beep when started05:14
ObsidianXcrimsun: it'll work in mepis?05:14
crimsunObsidianX: they're for ubuntu warty. they have nothing to do with mepis. it IS after all what you asked for.05:14
rm6990sorry, not trying to be rude, but i must run again in a minute so ill ask again :)05:15
ObsidianXbut i have another source list that differs slightly from yours05:15
jiveraWhy does Ubuntu use both OSS and ALSA?05:15
ObsidianXrm6990: no problem05:15
crimsunjivera: ...it doesn't by default.05:15
ObsidianXjivera: i ran Gentoo for a while, ALSA has OSS emulation05:15
ObsidianXyou need both for compatibility05:15
ObsidianXbut i dont think you can have both the ALSA and the real OSS server running at the same time05:15
rm6990what do i symlink to, the libjavaplugin_oji.so from the ns7 or the ns7-gcc29 folder to get it to work with firefox?05:16
rm6990(java im talking about)05:16
crimsunrm6990: ns705:16
rm6990alright, thank you05:16
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jiveraI suppose snd_pcm_oss and snd_mixer_oss are the oss emulation layers?05:16
rm6990what's the difference (thats always confused me)05:16
crimsunjivera: snd-pcm-oss is the kernel module that provides direct hardware access to apps requesting alsa's oss emulation, yes05:17
crimsunrm6990: -gcc29 is compiled with gcc-2.95.x05:17
crimsunrm6990: the other is compiled with gcc-3.205:17
rm6990ah, ok, i see...lol, duh (my brain doesnt work at this time when i havent slept that well the night before)05:17
rm6990anyways, thx again and im off, tty all later05:18
ObsidianXjivera: until the entire GNU community switches to ALSA there will be OSS emulation05:19
jiveraDo you think gnome's volum control in hoary will be fixed to not show both alsa and oss sound options for the same soundcard?05:19
ObsidianXjivera: just go into a terminal and run alsamixer05:19
ObsidianXand then fix it there05:19
jiveraObsidianX: Huh?05:19
ObsidianXand then leave the OSS sound volumes alone (although they should reflect the alsa settings)05:20
jiveraNo, gnome's volum control shows two tabs: one for OSS and one for alsa.05:20
jiveraI think they should get rid of the OSS one.05:20
=== jivera smacks his e key for not working after he types 'volum'.
crimsunjivera: that will depend if snd-pcm-oss is loaded05:21
crimsunjivera: you're welcome to submit a patch for gnome-media :)05:21
jiveraOh, how do I watch a DVD with totem?05:24
ObsidianXjivera: use xine05:24
crimsunjivera: you'll probably have better luck with 'totem-xine' from the 'universe' repo05:24
jiveracrimsun: I installed libdvdcss2, but I can't get totem to select the DVD.05:25
jiveraOh, you use Edit->Preferences to choose which device "Play Disc" refers to?05:26
ObsidianXcrimsun: you need libdvdcss libdvdread libdvdplay libdvdnav05:26
ObsidianX(libdvdplay is optional)05:26
ObsidianXnav is for the menues05:26
ObsidianXcss just decrypts data coming in from read05:27
crimsunObsidianX: I think you mean jivera.05:28
=== humanfellow [~humanfell@66-46-241-87.amtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
humanfellowHappy New Year folks.05:29
ObsidianXi've got 3 and a half hours ;)05:29
ObsidianXcrimsun: ah yes :P05:30
GoneBoBIt's mid afternoon on the first here05:30
humanfellowI hate New Years. lol05:30
humanfellowOne thing it does though is assure the sheep massives all go to one place.05:31
jiveraObsidianX: All the rest are already installed.05:31
ObsidianXjivera: do you have mplayer?05:31
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jiveraObsidianX: No, it won't install on Ubuntu.05:31
ObsidianXwhy is that?05:32
jiveraUnfulfillable dependencies.05:32
humanfellowI am having a problem. How do I get Ubuntu to recognize the Apple key on my PowerBook as a 'right click.'05:32
humanfellowRight now I have no right click05:32
ObsidianXjivera: what dependencies05:32
jiveraA dozen or so.05:32
jiveraDepends: libartsc0 but it is not going to be installed05:33
jivera  Depends: libfribidi0 but 0.10.4-3 is to be installed05:33
jivera Depends: libggi2 but it is not going to be installed05:33
jivera  Depends: libpng12-0 but is to be installed05:33
jivera  Depends: libungif4g but 4.1.0b1-6 is to be installed05:33
Quest-MasterNow that I can't use Windows.05:33
Quest-MasterI need GRUB back. Fast.05:33
jiveraSo says synaptic.05:33
jivera(Okay, 5 not 12.)05:35
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humanfellowI think I am the only one in the world without a gmail account05:36
jiveratotem seems to want to access the device directly if it's not mounted, but the automounter insists on remounting the dvd everytime I choose 'play disc'.05:36
ObsidianXhumanfellow: want an invite?05:36
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phyberoptixi have 4 invites05:37
cheriehappy new year!05:37
phyberoptixbut i got 27minutes05:38
phyberoptixi got the 5gram blunt to smoke all myself when it hits 1205:38
humanfellowObsidian, that would be awesome!05:38
phyberoptixi seen gmail on ebay05:38
phyberoptix$0.99 each05:39
ObsidianX/msg me your email address05:39
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ObsidianXphyberoptix: thats rediculous :P05:39
ObsidianXthey're going public free when its done arent they?05:39
cherieI'm huggin my Jagermeifter05:39
phyberoptixall the good names are gone anyway05:39
sensebendyeah ObsidianX, I use it for mailing lists05:39
sensebendgmail is great for that purpose05:40
sensebendrather than filling my personal inbox05:40
phyberoptixi got gettux@gmail.com05:40
phyberoptixand phyberoptix@gmail05:40
cherieanyone ...anyone...at all ,.havin a good time?05:41
cherieit's almost the new year here!05:41
jivera... totem's documentation seems wrong... it describes 'play dvd', 'play vcd', and 'play cd' (none of which I see), but not 'play disc'.05:43
GoneBoBold docs05:43
phyberoptixim smoking a phat blunt for new years05:46
stuNNedphyberoptix, congratulations, don't get too confucius.05:48
paulproteusI wonder if "No illegal stuff" should be in the channel here.05:49
GoneBoBdepends what country they're in05:49
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phyberoptixi live in bermuda05:50
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Poprockshey all -- when ubuntu boots up tons of unneeded modules get loaded -- how can I disable these?  I've tried adding them to the /etc/hotplug/blacklist to no avail.  I've also checked /etc/modules, but the unneeded ones are not listed in there05:52
jiveraPoprocks: What modules shouldn't it be loading?05:53
Poprocksjivera, I want to use ALSA rather than OSS for one thing, but the OSS sound modules get loaded as well05:53
jiveraPoprocks: Actual oss sound modules or snd_{pcm,mixer}_oss?05:53
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Poprocksactual oss sound modules (ie: via82cxxx)05:54
jiveraHm... that's getting loaded on one of my machines as well (in addition to the alsa modules).05:55
Poprocksjivera, so you're using oss too?05:55
jiveraDunno, I use all the ubuntu defaults.  But it's got both alsa and oss stuff installed it seems.05:56
Poprocksmaybe I'll ask in #debian..05:56
=== jivera gives an odd look at hdparm printing out for sectors/track that the max is 63, but current is 255...
=== bungle donated $50 to tsunami appeal
crimsunPoprocks: via82cxxx is NOT an oss/free module06:00
crimsunPoprocks: it is the PCI driver for VIA IDE06:00
crimsunPoprocks: via82cxxx_audio is the oss/free one06:00
Poprocksah, ok... I'd always built it into the kernel before so I never noticed it06:01
crimsunjivera: ALSA stuff is always prefixed with "snd"06:01
jiveracrimsun: I know.06:02
Poprockswell maybe I'm using alsa but everything seems to lead me to believe I'm using oss06:02
jiveraPoprocks: There's an alsa oss emulation layer.06:02
jiveraToo many apps still use oss.06:02
Poprocksyeah that's fine06:02
Poprocksbut I can't get xmms, for example, to use alsa output06:02
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crimsunjivera: how would you still be using oss stuff in conjunction? (not to be confused with alsa's oss emulation)06:02
jiveracrimsun: Huh?06:03
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crimsun< jivera> Dunno, I use all the ubuntu defaults.  But it's got both alsa and oss stuff installed it seems.06:03
Poprockswait a sec06:03
jiveracrimsun: I suppose it's using the oss emulation layer then.06:03
Poprocksalsa output does work...06:03
crimsunPoprocks: it had better work, heh06:03
jiveraI meant that every app I use seems to let me choose alsa, oss, or esd and they all run fine, so I don't really care what's going on.06:04
PoprocksI can't stand esd06:04
GoneBoBbetter off to use esd06:04
jivera(Though the fact that there are so many equivalent options is rather annoying.))06:04
GoneBoBjivera: ubuntu uses alsa06:04
PoprocksI'm going to tell gstreamer to use alsa instead06:04
GoneBoBbut a lot of things are happier using OSS compatability through alsa06:04
sobralenseGnome default install from ubuntu is using what to play sounds ? esd? arts ?06:05
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jiveraGoneBoB: I know, but I don't really care.  Neither does any of my non-technical family members I have setup using Ubuntu.06:05
jiveraI'm just saying, it's confusing when anytime you have a sound output option, there're three choices (esd, alsa, and oss) and none of them seem like the 'correct' choice.06:06
Poprocksall I know is that esd is the incorrect choice ;-)06:06
Poprocksand oss just uses alsa anyway... (that modules was confusing me before but I get it now)06:07
jiveraPoprocks: So then why are they listed?06:07
Poprocksjivera, because they're available?06:07
jiveraPoprocks: But if they're both either inferior or redundant...06:08
Poprockswell a lot of old apps still use oss and oss only so emulation is sorta still required06:08
Poprocksesd though, I have no idea06:08
jiveraBut if an app is giving you a choice of oss or alsa, it obviously supports both.06:08
jiveraAnd if alsa is better.06:08
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Poprocksalsa is also newer and not everyone has switched to it yet06:09
PoprocksI think, after all that, my only problem was a few bad ogg rips (I was getting weird blips and bloops and jumped to conclusions too fast)06:10
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crimsunjivera: the goal is to move to polypaudio to replace esd06:14
huttanomg. such a fokken headache06:14
crimsunanyhow, one should not have to worry about sound settings06:14
huttanhappy new year everyone06:14
jiveracrimsun: Except that it's so prevelent in a bunch of media apps; the volume mixer for example.06:15
nomasteryodahappy new year everyone06:15
crimsunjivera: did you try unloading snd-pcm-oss to see if the oss tab still appears?06:15
Poprockshuttan, a Jumbo Jet Headache?06:16
jiveracrimsun: Yes, they go away.06:16
crimsun(yes, I knew ;)06:16
huttanPoprocks, hehe. yes. Woke up now it's 6am here in sweden :)06:16
huttangoing to sleep again in a few minutes or so06:16
Hikaru79Happy new year to GMT-5!! ^__^06:16
jiveracrimsun: It doesn't change the fact that when you install ubuntu, it loads snd-pcm-oss by default, and gnome-volume-control shows tabs for both oss and alsa.06:17
crimsunjivera: then who's at fault?06:18
jiveraBecause they load it by default.06:19
crimsunand what happens when a user attempts to use an application for which there are no esd/polypaudio/alsa drivers?06:19
GoneBoBjivera: point well made06:19
jiveracrimsun: Which is why it should be loaded, but is why gnome-volume-control should be able to hide the OSS option if it tells that it's just an alsa emulation layer.06:20
crimsunshould ubuntu refuse to load snd-pcm-oss and thereby deny the application executing correctly?06:20
jiveraThat's not what I'm saying.06:20
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crimsunhow is gnome-volume-control to distinguish between an emulated /dev/dsp and a genuine oss /dev/dsp?06:20
jiveraThat's not my problem.06:21
jiveraHow's it find out the name of the devices?06:21
crimsununfortunately by virtue of your complaining about it, it has become.06:21
jiveraI see "VIA Technologies VIA1612A [OSS Mixer] " and "VIA 8235 [Alsa Mixer] ".06:21
jiveraSo, somewhere it's interacting with the snd-* modules, right?06:22
crimsunno, it does not have anything to do with the modules06:22
jiveraIt's interacting with the alsa layer, isn't it?06:22
crimsunthrough the presence of a "default" output device, yes.06:22
jiveraHow's it getting the name of the devices and adjusting the mixer settings?06:23
crimsunthe device names are populated in /proc06:23
crimsunthe mixer settings are available through the control interface06:23
crimsunor interfaces06:23
phyberoptix /EXEC -o MAN MAN06:23
jiveraIs there no way to find out which 'oss' devices are just alsa emulation devices?06:23
crimsunjivera: there is no reliable method, no.06:24
jiveracrimsun: So I guess they need to add one.06:24
crimsunfor instance, I helped a fellow last week that uses both alsa and oss/free for two different devices (snd-emu10k1 and bttv)06:24
crimsunhow would that addition be made?06:24
jiveraI don't know; I don't know how any of the current interactions are handled, but clearly they are, so why can't a new interface be added?06:25
crimsunjivera: why can't we just fly to alpha centauri by tomorrow evening?06:25
jiveraAdd /proc/oss-emulated for all I care, and have it list the name of OSS emulated devices.06:25
crimsunno, that's /proc pollution06:25
crimsunthese questions have surfaced before06:26
jiveraSo /proc/asound/oss-emulated06:26
crimsuninstead of that, it should just use one interface06:26
crimsunthe application, that is06:26
jiveraSo then gnome-volume-control abandons support for oss?06:27
crimsunwill it?06:27
crimsunI don't think it will simply due to legacy hardware and interfaces06:27
jiveraSo what do you mean 'just use one interface' then?06:27
crimsunthe application uses /some/dev06:28
crimsunthat's pretty much what happens now06:28
crimsun--but what happens if someone hotplugs another audio interface?06:28
jiveraAlso, /proc/asound/oss/sndstat seems to list the emulated OSS mixers.06:29
crimsunthese are all issues that developers have to consider that aren't readily apparent to the user06:29
crimsunjivera: the presence of that file should not mask the appearance of an actual oss mixer tab06:30
jiveraI'm not saying gnome-volume-control shouldn't support multiple sound cards, or multiple protocols, or multiple anything.06:30
jiveraIt simply doesn't make sense to have two tabs for one sound card.06:30
crimsunI agree, but I'm engaging you in thoughts on how to "fix" it06:30
jiveraSo what's wrong with gnome-volume-control openning /proc/asound/oss/sndstat and seeing the line for "VIA Technologies VIA1612A" and realize it shouldn't add the "VIA Technologies VIA1612A [OSS Mixer] " tab.06:31
crimsunI don't see anything wrong with that approach if it's the only sound device06:32
jiveraAnd how's it not function if there are multiple sound devices?06:33
crimsunbecause the first hotplugged oss device will grab /dev/dsp06:33
crimsunand the sndstat file will not be updated to reflect it06:34
jiveraSo sndstat only represents /dev/dsp?06:34
crimsunand /dev/mixer, but only at the time when alsa devices are populated06:35
crimsun(and oss timer and sequencer modules, too)06:35
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jiveraSo what good is putting in more oss devices if you can't access the new ones?06:35
crimsunbut you can access the new ones06:35
crimsunthey're just not reflected in a state file06:36
jiveraWhere did you say gnome-volume-control currently gets it's device listings from?06:37
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crimsunlet's see.06:37
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seabound_penguinIs Ubuntu something that would be good enough for parents, easy install, and everything works?06:43
jiveraHave you tried the live cd?06:43
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seabound_penguinjivera: Not yet, I'm on a dialup connection, so I wanted to check first.06:44
jiveraThe installer's pretty robust, but it doesn't have any easy way of resizing an existing windows partition and it's text-only at the moment.06:44
nomasteryodaProgeny is pretty nice and has a graphical installer06:45
nomasteryodaand is debian06:45
seabound_penguinjivera: That'd be alright, but will it set up things such as printers/scanners and the like right out of the box?06:45
seabound_penguinnomasteryoda: I'll have to give that a look, thanks.06:46
jiveraseabound_penguin: Dunno, I haven't gotten that far yet.  (I was actually in the process of looking for a good/inexpensive printer for my little sister running Ubuntu.)06:46
nomasteryodaseabound_penguin, and is upgradable to the final release ...when it comes out06:46
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murtazaany idea of configuring ODBC (DSN) in ubuntu06:47
jiveramurtaza: No clue, sorry.06:48
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jiveracrimsun: I've been looking around in both /proc and /sys and I can't figure out where the actual strings gnome-volume-control displays come from.06:48
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crimsunjivera: I'm reading gstreamer docs atm06:50
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Quest-MasterIs there a way to restore GRUB from Knoppix?06:55
Quest-MasterSince it's gone now06:55
Quest-MasterAnd I can't boot into Ubuntu, only Windows which is broken06:56
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Quest-MasterLove how it goes quiet whenever I ask a question. :D06:58
calchmm my clock loses time quite a bit apparently while running07:00
calcwas 2min fast even with ntpdate running07:00
calcin apparently only 19 days07:00
jiveraQuest-Master: Probably just rerun grub-install and make sure /boot/grub is okay.07:02
=== jivera 's not much of a grub expert though.
Quest-Masterjivera: It asks for a install device.. what might that be? The Ubuntu partition?07:04
jiveraProbably /dev/hda07:04
Quest-Master/dev/hda3 is my Ubuntu07:06
jiveraDo you use some other boot loader by default?07:06
Quest-MasterI use GRUB.07:07
Quest-MasterWine destroyed my Windows installation and destroyed GRUB as well.07:07
Quest-MasterAll gone07:07
Quest-MasterSo I need to restore GRUB to get into Ubuntu.07:07
Quest-MasterRead the topic for more details.. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=975707:07
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vladsterthat is a little better, who is in tonight07:11
Quest-Master/dev/hda3 then or /dev/hda?07:11
vladsterHappy Quansa07:11
vladsterI know merry, in the biblical sense07:12
phyberoptix .Xauthority not writable, changes will be ignored07:12
jivera(Sorry, I was away.)07:17
jiveraQuest-Master: When you boot your computer, what happens?07:17
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Quest-Masterjivera: Goes straight to WinXP.07:31
CraneQuest_Master: have you booted to a live cd and checked that the partition is there?07:34
Quest-MasterIt is existant.07:34
Quest-MasterFully existant, all intact. Only GRUB is missing.07:34
CraneQuest_Master: are you trying to avoid an install of Ubuntu again07:35
Quest-MasterSure am.07:35
CraneQuest_Master: I understand that07:36
spikebhappy new year!07:37
Cranehappy new year to youtoo07:38
CraneQuest_Master: have you checked to see if /boot/grub is still there and what the setting are?07:38
CraneQuest_Master: or did you install to MBR07:39
=== linuxnoob [linuxnoob@1Cust1960.an2.chi30.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoobman ubuntu is getting me down07:41
linuxnoobcan't get my modem to work07:41
Craneoh , phone modem?07:41
linuxnoobyep 56k07:42
=== meltbanana314 [~meltbanan@ip68-228-44-118.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoobthey don't have broadband here07:42
linuxnoobit sucks07:42
Cranemaybe some one in here can help you, I have no experience with dial up07:42
linuxnoobI followed instructions on the ubuntulinux.org site07:43
linuxnoobdownloaded a debian modem driver07:43
linuxnoobnothing works07:43
linuxnoobthanks though07:43
linuxnoobif it wasn't for a dualboot with xp I wouldn't be online at all07:43
linuxnoobI had read so many good things about ubuntu but it isn't that amazing so far07:44
Quest-MasterCrane: /boot/grub is still there.07:44
linuxnoobdoesn't play mp3s without extra downloads which I can't do without a modem07:44
Quest-Masterlinuxnoob: Have you tried PPP?07:45
linuxnoobI used pppconfig07:45
stuNNedwhat is the file to load special custom things on boot?  i know in gentoo it's local.conf and redhat it's rc.local, does ubuntu have such a file?07:45
linuxnoobset it up and it doesn't work07:45
linuxnoobI am pretty sure my modem isn't supported or something07:45
Quest-MasterCrane: you there? Seems like /boot/grub is there but WinXP starts instead of it07:45
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linuxnoobit's a Conexant softk5607:46
Quest-Mastercrane: Grub is still there then. :p07:47
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stuNNedbob2, ping07:47
jiveraQuest-Master: When you turn on your computer, do you see anything like "grub booting in 3 seconds, press ESC"?07:47
jivera(Or do you at least remember that being there originally and know it's not there anymore.)07:47
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da_bon_bonQuest-Master: hey, can u help me with knoppix ?07:51
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=== IBOIC [Ubuntu@207-38-252-211.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== formatc is now known as format-c-colon
IBOIClisten i want to use email encryption on ubuntu07:57
IBOICwhich is the best program to use?07:57
IBOICi need the strongest encryption i can get07:57
IBOICjivera:  And does that support AES?07:58
IBOICand is AES the most secure of all the available encryption algorithms?07:58
jiveraDo you actually know anything about encryption?07:58
IBOICsee someone said that russian crackers hacked AES07:58
IBOICjust what i read about it07:58
Quest-Masterjivera: nope.07:59
jiveraThen gpg should be sufficient.07:59
jiveraQuest-Master: You don't see it onw or never did?07:59
Quest-MasterGRUB loaded instantly previously07:59
Quest-Masterjivera: Couldn't there be a simply way to make GRUB the MBR? Or something along those lines.08:01
jiveraQuest-Master: Just install grub to the MBR and tell it to use your Ubuntu partition for it's boot config stuff.08:02
Quest-MasterHehe.. how to do that?08:02
jiverarun grub08:03
jiveraAt the grub> prompt, type "root (hd0,2)"08:03
jiveraThen type "setup (hd0)"08:03
Quest-MasterError 21: Selected disk does not exist08:03
jiveraDid you type hd0,2?08:04
Quest-Masterroot (hd0,2)08:04
jiveraYour Ubuntu partition is /dev/hda3 right?08:05
=== tridion [~tridion@HSE-Ottawa-ppp242111.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Quest-MasterOr the /mnt/hda308:06
=== Ycros [~Ycros@c211-30-14-115.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
=== Quest-Master is dying of lack of sleep after return from Chicago
da_bon_bonhow do i minimize XMMS to the system tray area ? how do i get global hotkeys in it ?08:08
da_bon_bonnicedreams: whats that ?08:08
Quest-Masterjivera: Is a reinstall of Ubuntu the only way to go?08:08
nicedreamsgxmms puts xmms in your tray in gnome08:08
jiveraQuest-Master: No, you should be able to just reinstall grub.08:08
nicedreamsright click your bar in gnome08:08
da_bon_bonnicedreams: in kde ?08:09
nicedreamsand add it to your panel08:09
nicedreamsdunno about kde08:09
Quest-Masterjivera: Through Knoppix?08:09
da_bon_bonnicedreams: and global hotkeys?08:09
jiveraQuest-Master: Yes.08:09
nicedreamsdunno about hotkeys though.  gxmms might work in kde08:10
nicedreamsit puts the play/stop/etc in your bar though08:10
jiveraQuest-Master: Try this... run 'grub' again and be at the grub> prompt.08:10
jiveraType 'find /boot/grub/stage1'.08:10
da_bon_bonanyone have a "Samsung Samtron 56v" monitor here ?08:10
Quest-MasterError 15: File not found08:11
jiveraHm... does /mnt/hda3/boot/grub/stage1 exist?08:11
Matrix9I tried the ubuntu live cd for the first time and got this error: "can't find morphix file system" what does that mean? googling for it didn't help.08:12
Quest-Masterjivera: Didn't work.08:13
jiveraQuest-Master: I thought you said your original /boot/grub directory was still in tact?08:13
Quest-Masterstage1, stage2, and stage3 are all there08:13
Quest-Mastergrub says they don't exist though08:14
Quest-MasterWhich is weird.08:14
jivera... I don't know of any stage3... and there should be a bunch of other files in there too though.08:14
Quest-MasterOh, no stage 308:14
Quest-MasterMy bad.08:14
jiveraDo you see device.map, menu.lst, and a bunch of foo_stage1_5 files?08:15
jiveraDid you have a seperate /boot partition?08:15
nicedreamsis there a plugin for xmms that will display what song your playing in gaim?08:15
jiveraNo, you couldn't have if /mnt/hda3/boot/grub exists...08:15
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jiveraYou did?08:16
Quest-MasterNo, was just agreeing with you.08:16
jiveraOh, okay.08:16
Quest-Masteroh man.08:17
Quest-MasterI'll probably just have to reinstall Ubuntu tomorrow morning.08:18
Quest-MasterAny last suggestions?08:18
jiveraNot really... if grub's not detecting your filesystem for whatever weird reason, I don't know how to get it back onto the MBR.08:18
Quest-MasterYeah. :(08:19
Quest-MasterThanks a lot though.08:19
jiveraNo problem, sorry it didn't work out.08:19
Quest-MasterGood night. :)08:19
jmobnicedreams: http://guifications.sourceforge.net/Gaim-XMMS-Remote/index.php that might do it08:21
=== fragment [~jack@ip76.qdsl.openaccess.org] has joined #ubuntu
fragmentAnyone here ever use jwm?08:22
=== fragment is downloading/compiling it.
fragmentJoe's Window Manager08:22
nicedreamsjmob: that's not what i was looking for08:23
nicedreamsin windows you can have winamp display in yahoo what song you are currently playing in your away message08:23
nicedreamsi want to do that in linux and gaim if there is a way08:23
jiveranicedreams: Just curious, do you think anyone cares what song you're listening to if you're away from your computer. :)08:24
LMunDyI do ;)08:24
fragmentI was following the Ubuntu small RAM HOWTO thread on the mailing list, and thought JWM might be a good alternative to IceWM, but no package, so...08:24
=== st3v3n [~st3v3n@216-161-218-64.hlna.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Matrix9i'm in the ubuntu shell on the cdrom, it doesn't have a mkdir command, how do i mount a partition in /mnt? i tried mounting to just /mnt and said /mnt in /etc/fstab ?08:26
jiveraYou can do 'mount device directory'.08:26
jiveraBut, something's wrong if mkdir doesn't exist.08:27
Matrix9jivera, yeah beats me, died out and said "can't find morphix file system" what does that mean?08:28
nicedreamsjivera, it's not for when your away.  Do you use yahoo?08:28
Matrix9jivera so i just type 'mount /dev/hda' ?08:28
nicedreamsjivera, there is a lot of creative things ou can do by munipulating things08:29
jiveraMatrix9: No, you type 'mount /dev/hda /mnt'.08:30
jiveraWell, /dev/hdaN where N is some integer.08:30
jiveranicedreams: You said 'away message'... isn't that by definition for when you're away?08:31
nicedreamsnever mind then.  didn't know it was a hard question to ask.08:32
lifelessjivera: you're trying ubuntu ?08:32
jiveralifeless: I'm putting it on my sister's PCs.08:32
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fragmentAnyone ever done a remote CD burn?08:34
jiverafragment: Something more complicated than ssh+cdrecord?08:34
fragment...using DEVICE:x.x.x.x:y,y,y ?08:34
fragmentSorry, make that REMOTE:x.x.x.x:y,y,y ?08:35
lifelessMatrix9: that sounds like the live cd, perhaps with a failed burn...08:35
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jiverafragment: I've never used it, but the man pagesmake that look right to me.08:36
jiveracdrecord -scanbus dev=REMOTE:x.x.x.x:08:36
fragmentjivera: Apparently you can configure cdrecord (and Nautilus, I wonder?) to use another workstation's burner.  I'd love to get that working.08:36
fragmentjivera: Yeah, just came across that for the first time.  Now I'm curious.  :)08:37
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Matrix9jivera, ok that worked, but all i see is the boot partition, i need to access the main partition, so i typed "mount /dev/hda2 /mnt" but it says its not a ext2 or ext3 partition?08:38
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jiveraMatrix9: I'd need to know how your partitions are laid out, what types they are, and the mount points to effectively help you.08:39
Matrix9jivera, how can i find that info?08:40
jiveraMatrix9: Dunno.08:41
jiveraYou pretty much need to already know it if mount can't figure it out on its own.08:42
murtazaneed help abt sending mail via evolution08:42
jiveraWere you using xfs, jfs, reiser, or someting else?08:42
jivera(Something else other than ext2 or ext3.)08:43
fragmentMatrix9: Try 'fdisk /dev/hda' and print the partition map08:43
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fragmentMatrix9: 'fdisk -l /dev/hda' should show you the map, and then you should be able to figure out which partition is which.08:46
jiveraWell, that'll let you distinguish ntfs or fat32 from linux, but it won't tell you reiser, ext3, xfs, jfs, etc.08:48
jiveraCrane: Hi.08:49
Craneis there any way to return all file to default permissions?08:49
Cranesystem wide08:50
jivera'default permissions'?08:50
CraneI was installing wine and screwed up08:50
Cranenow my entire system is set to 77708:50
CraneI thought I was changing permissions on a wine folder but noooo08:51
jiveraHm, I don't know where (or even if) dpkg keeps track of the original permissions...08:51
jivera /var/lib/dpkg/info has all the file listings and their md5sums... but I don't see anything for permissions.08:52
Craneit's a fairly new install so I don't see a prob reinstalling if I have to08:52
CraneI sure don't won't the permissions left as they are08:53
jiveraUnless someone else pipes in with a better answer, that probably will be the best answer.08:53
Cranethats what I thought too08:53
jiveraNo problem, sorry I didn't have a better answer.08:53
Cranenow I need to go to bed before I screw something else up08:54
jiveraWhy'd Ubuntu change the default MTA from exim to postfix?08:55
Matrix9fragment, no fdisk command it says...08:57
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zenroxhappy hew year09:15
zenroxnew year09:15
fragmenthappy new year09:16
odonot very happy here :/09:17
odoactually today(1.1) is national day of mourning and all the flags are half mast etc. ;P09:18
=== Am|NickTaken [~travis@65-103-94-44.sxcy.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
fragmentodo: Finland?09:25
fragmentWe fat Americans aren't that considerate.09:28
fragmentAt least 51% of us aren't.09:29
snerfufat men unite!09:29
snerfuand then sit back down09:29
odohaha :P09:29
snerfuand watch some more tv09:29
fragmentsnerfu: Gonna need a bigger chat room ;)09:29
calcfragment: the dems lost, so maybe you meant 49% ;)09:30
fragment"Yo mamma's so fat, she takes up two chat rooms..."09:30
calcthe christian coaltion people (far right) are more likely to donate than random dems09:30
fragmentcalc: I'm not sure I buy that.09:31
fragmentcalc: More likely to donate in general, maybe, but I think less likely to donate to non-Americans.09:31
fragmentcalc: Especially non-Christian.09:31
=== fragment is a random dem, and donates monthly to the local homeless shelter, and has already donated to the Red Cross for the quake/tsunami
calcthe ones i know of donate lots to other countries already09:32
odoI donated 30 euros that I was going to use on fireworks to Finnish Red Cross....09:32
ArniaI know Cafod (Catholic aid charity in the UK) has organised a huge amount of donation...09:32
=== Arnia is donating money as soon as he pays in a cheque to give him the money to donate
=== calc will donate to charity once he has cash inflow again :\
fragmentcalc: That's what credit is for. ;)09:33
fragmentcalc: Maybe that's a ;/09:34
ArniaWell... its going to take years to sort the mess out, so the money will still get used even if you don't donate immediately09:34
fragmentTwo more years on the student loans, then I'm relatively rich.09:34
odoArnia: indeed09:34
calcbeen without a job for years now so i'm running short09:35
calcat least without a steady job anyway :\09:35
fragmentcalc: where do you live?  What industry do you work in?09:35
calctexas, tech09:35
fragmentI thought things were going relatively well in Texas?09:35
calcdoesn't seem to be09:36
ArniaWhat is scary is the amount of other news that has been lost in this tragedy... over a hundred teenagers died in a fire in a nightclub in Argentina, Iraq's main refinery got attacked by mortars etc... its been an awful week :(09:36
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calcthere are a few jobs i will be interviewing for soon, hopefully i will eventually get one of them09:36
st3v3ni like it09:36
fragmentcalc: good luck!09:36
fragmentcalc: sincerely09:37
calcthanks :)09:37
nomasteryodaArnia, yea with the prediction of 400K dead... certainly has09:37
calci had one offer last month but i had to turn it down due to the circumstances09:37
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spikebwhat really sucks is all the aid that's pouring in is getting bogged down09:37
fragmentcalc: My wife and I are considering moving back to Alaska, but I'm worried about changing jobs.09:37
spikebfragment, word of advice - line up a job BEFORE you move.09:38
calcmoving back to alaska? that sounds like a bad idea ;)09:38
calctoo cold09:38
calcand yea get the job first09:38
odofragment: why not move to Finland instead, almost like Alaska ;)09:38
odono mountains though... :)09:38
Arnianomasteryoda: I think that prediction is conservative personally... especially after consequential, indirect deaths (disease, injury, immediate famine, lack of water, future lack of crops due to salination of the soil etc)09:39
fragmentspikeb: I heard an interesting story on NPR the other day, interview with a Red Cross worker about problems they'd seen in the past (not necessarily Red Cross problems) about aid not getting where it was needed.  Doctors coming to aid, with no medicine when they got there, etc.09:39
fragmentodo: Good friends of ours recently moved to Bergen.09:39
spikebfragment, yeah this tsunami mess is all that and more09:39
odocalc: Alaska, cold, haha, not.09:39
spikebfragment, doesn't help that everything's been destroyed09:39
fragmentcalc: We lived there for years, her family is still there, she misses them, etc.09:39
fragmentodo: I've seen -58 F without wind chill.09:40
fragmentodo: Fairbanks, winter of 1989 I think.09:40
calcfragment: ah09:40
ArniaI guess we should be glad (small comfort as it is) that this isn't as bad the earthquake in China that killed *everyone* in an area so that no one knew for weeks09:40
odogive that in real units(C) and I can tell if its cold :P09:40
fragmentodo: heheh, just a sec...09:40
spikebfinal toll might be near that earthquake09:40
odo-58 degrees Fahrenheit = -50 degrees Celsius aparently09:41
ArniaI wouldn't be surprised09:41
odogoogle saves the day :)09:41
MyKe3hello i have a problem to connect the internet ( i m useing a router wich connect to ADSL modem ) and i m sure that the problem is with my UBUNTU network configurtions ....   is there any wizard that can guide me ? like the one i had on the installtion ?09:41
calc-50C sounds a bit cold09:41
fragmentIt is.09:41
odoit is abit cold09:41
calcactually from what i have read Alaska regularly gets to -50C09:41
ArniaWhat worries me is that the US is insisting on having control of the aid distributions09:41
spikebi live in wisconsin, we used to get the worst of all worlds09:41
ArniaAnd I'm scared that this will be used for political ends09:42
fragmentAround -40 C you think if it got any colder you would never know.  Then it does, and you can.09:42
spikebnot so much any more, the weather has changed DRASTICALLY since i was a child.09:42
odowe might get something like that in once a winter...and most northern parts only...but -30C is normal09:42
fragmentcalc: Not regularly.  Maybe with wind chill.09:42
calcyou would die if you went outside in -50C wouldn't you?09:42
fragmentcalc: Non-coastal regions are like Minnesota or something in the winter.  Coastal regions, you might as well be in Vancouver, BC.09:43
calcthe coldest i recall it ever being here is -13C09:43
odocalc: you could die if you go outside when it is -1C if not wearing enough clothing09:43
fragmentcalc: Unless you're north of the arctic circle.09:43
calcodo: not near instantly :)09:43
fragmentodo: Yeah, -30 C is pretty normal for Fairbanks, Alaska.09:43
st3v3nit's -20F here09:43
st3v3nfucking sucks09:43
fragmentodo: In winter. ;)09:43
odoI live about 200km south of arctic circle :)09:43
calcso you can go outside without special headgear in -30C and lower?09:43
st3v3ni've gone out with wet hair in that weather09:44
spikebwho the hell goes outside int eh winter in below zero weather without a hat and scarft?09:44
ArniaI guess I should be glad the UK never gets that cold :)09:44
st3v3nit's not that bad after your used to it09:44
fragmentcalc: I recommend a parka, and I used to wear a neoprene facemask at around -20C and lower if I was going to be out a lot, but you can just grin & bear it, or wear a scarf.09:44
MyKe3and i thought that  21C is cold ....09:44
fragmentcalc: Actually, don't grin.  It's murder on the teeth.09:44
calcfragment: heh09:45
=== Dengar [dengar@cc109748-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== fragment used to bike at around -30 C / -20 F.
odoArnia: I'd rather have -30C here than -10C at UK :)09:45
fragmentSnowmobile trails get hardpacked, like concrete.09:45
fragmentodo: I'm with you there.09:46
spikebim not sure i want to stay where i am much longer09:46
spikebi don't like where the weather appears to be headed09:46
calcwhenever it goes below 0C here everything shuts down09:46
fragmentodo: Fairbanks is a long way from the ocean, so in the winter it's very, very dry, so -20 C is nothing.09:46
odoArnia: reason: we KNOW that it is cold and heat our apartments/houses acordingly...but in UK...what heater?-)09:46
spikebheh its around zero here and im sitting inside sweating09:47
Arniaodo: Never even gets that cold... unless you're living in the north-east (as I do for half each year) then you don't go below -1 very often09:47
fragmentcalc: That's what I love about here (Washington state).  1 cm of snow and everything stops.09:47
Arniaodo: And every house I've lived in and visited has been heated properly (of course I hate heat and love cold so my opinion may be biased ;)09:47
odoArnia: love cold, eh? ;)09:47
fragmentcalc: I used to push snow with my bumper on the way to work.09:47
odofragment: yep, dry -20C isn't bad at all09:48
Arniaodo: Mild cold at least (down to -6 or so)...09:48
odobut I live next to a ocean...and one of the most windy places in Finland ;P09:48
odoArnia: hehe :)09:48
calcfragment: heh, they don't have snow plows that far north?09:49
calcit snows maybe 1cm here once a decade09:49
Arniaodo: Weather in the UK is just mild all round... reason why the countryside is so impressively green :)09:49
fragmentcalc: Working for the schools.  The general rule of thumb was -40F with wind chill or too much snow for the snow plows to clear before the first bus run and it was a "snow day"09:50
odoArnia: yep09:50
spikebmore like crap all around09:50
fragmentcalc: So we'd often be pushing snow with the bumper, going the opposite direction of the snow plows.09:50
fragmentcalc: Pass them on the way to work.09:50
Arniaodo: plus we actually get weather here (rather than just climate ;)09:51
fragmentArnia: heheheh09:51
spikebdegrees of fog/rain is weather?09:51
calcbelow 20C is cold :P09:52
fragmentArnia: The U.K. is impressively green.09:52
odoArnia: well, let's see. We have day length varying from 4h to few days here. We have everything in between a hot summer day and a worst blizzard you can imagine :)09:52
Arniaspikeb: It isn't foggy very often (that is a myth), it isn't always raining. It rarely rains huge amounts... it just spreads itself out over the entire year randomly :)09:52
calcof course i managed to lock myself out of my house with just shorts on in 4C which was really cold (to me anyway) :)09:53
fragmentArnia: I went to Birdsoswald in June and even the green in the pictures is unbelievable.09:53
odoRain is annoying, snow is fun :)09:53
spikebrain that turns into ice is annoying.09:53
Arniaodo: I like rain... it smells fresh and makes things pretty later :)09:53
calcodo: how hot?09:53
fragmentArnia: Up near the western end of Hadrian's Wall.09:53
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spikebi hate being rained on09:54
spikeband i'm too retarded to get an umbrella09:54
odoArnia: thunder showers are nice but constant rain for hours isn't09:54
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=== fragment tries to remember the nearest large city.
Arniafragment: Ah... weird Cumbrian territory then :) As someone who lives in the north-east I distrust them ;)09:54
odocalc: 25C to 30C in the summer is quite much...considerring that no one has AC on their houses... ;P09:55
ArniaProbably Carlisle09:55
calcodo: heh09:55
fragmentArnia: heheh09:55
calcthe extreme range here is -13C - 43C09:55
fragmentArnia: Yep, Carlisle.09:55
ArniaIts only big by cumbrian standards09:55
calcdoesn't go over 41C often or below -609:55
ArniaIn cumbria a hut is considered big :p09:55
odoSome feel that 30C is like hellish end of the world but I like hot aswell :)09:55
=== WeedVender [~jiraiya@16tdev02.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
fragmentArnia: There's a little local train that takes the coastal route to Carlisle from the south, definitely not meant for tourists, but well worth the trip.09:56
calcodo: it used to get to 30C in our house during the summer with AC (that did suck)09:56
WeedVenderI downloaded Divx, how in the world do I install it?09:56
ArniaMeh... I'll stick with County Durham personally :)09:56
WeedVenderIm at the directory..09:56
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calcbut i imagine people who are used to -30C and lower can't deal with really hot weather well09:57
odocalc: yep, constant heat is not fun...especially when trying to sleep09:57
spikebi hate hot weather09:57
spikebwould rather to freeze to death09:57
ArniaOne of the most beautiful and historic cities in the world (Durham) and yet 3 hours by train from London and just near Newcastle-upon-Tyne (a nice city itself)09:57
calci liked cali its weather is much nicer than texas09:57
fragmentArnia: We met some guy on the train who was speaking some bizarre dialect of English.  I could understand his wife fine, everyone else on the train could understand him, I could understand everyone else, but he was just unintelligible to me.09:57
calcexcept for the damn fog09:57
fragmentArnia: My wife and I called it the "op" language.09:58
calcwhen i was in sacramento last month there was heavy fog two of the three days i was there09:58
ArniaCockney is an awful accent... mockney is worse though09:58
spikebmockney? fake movie cockney?09:58
fragmentspikeb: maybe, don't know.  He only had like three consonants, p, n and c.09:58
ArniaThankfully these accents can be contained within the south-east (London, Sussex, Kent, Essex) and don't usually escape into the civilised areas of the country09:58
spikebyeah that sounds about right fragment heh09:58
Arniafragment: I speak with a Bucks accent... stereotypical farmer's accent :)09:59
Arniafragment: Oi sor' o' speak loike this when oi'm a' 'ome with moi friends :)10:00
fragmentspikeb: My wife's uncle is Welsh, and we were relating the story to him and he was telling us about a kid who lived two blocks away from him, went to the same school as kids, and they couldn't understand each other for years.10:00
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fragmentArnia: See, you have at least six consonants there.... ;)10:00
WeedVenderSpike, were can I get the Win32 codecs?10:00
crimsunWeedVender: see the RestrictedFormats section on the wiki10:00
spikebWeedVender, www.mplayerhq.hu10:01
ArniaThe closest dialect of English to pre-great vowel shift Middle English is Geordie10:01
ArniaI think the Geordie accent is very nice (most would disagree)10:01
spikebWeedVender, all you have to do is untar/bz2 them and put them into /usr/lib/win3210:01
fragmentArnia: I need a sample in MP3 or (preferably) OGG.  :)10:03
spikebi am considering getting a rio karma if i'm ever rich10:03
spikeb(speaking of ogg)10:03
calcbuy apple and make them use ogg (if you ever get rich)10:04
fragmentspikeb: I wanted to buy my wife an iRiver, but too expensive.10:04
fragmentcalc: That would be my choice.10:04
spikeb300 bucks for a karma10:04
spikebi'd buy apple if i was rich enough, i have great ideas for them hehe10:04
fragmentspikeb: I was just googling rscsi and osx10:05
calcyou could probably buy a majority stake in apple for under $10Bil or so10:05
fragmentspikeb: I want to burn CDs on my Ubuntu box using my wife's iBook, *and* the Finder.10:05
spikebi don't have what it takes, personality wise, to get rich though.10:05
=== fragment is with spikeb
calchmm the largest shareholder in apple only has 10.3Mil of stock10:06
calcso you could get annoyance rights for around that ;)10:06
odoAnd if you live in euro-zone you wouldn't even need that much ;)10:07
spikebeven the canadian dollar is worth quite a nice penny10:07
calcah oops that was top employee10:07
odoweak dollar rules for European consumers... ;)10:07
=== calc wonders wtf some employee is doing with 10.3mil of apple stock
spikebcalc, trying to boss steve jobs around, probably.10:08
calctop institution is at ~ 800mil10:08
calcspikeb: heh10:08
spikeball things considered, it's probably a good idea they bought Next, inc, instead of be10:09
spikebWeedVender, two words - steve jobs.10:09
odoActually, euro-dollar rate is getting  so good that even if I had to pay 22% VAT and 3.5% tarif when ordering something online from states, it would be cheaper than getting it here..10:09
spikebWeedVender, that and jean louis legasse is a fricken idiot10:10
spikeb(the former ceo of be)10:10
ArniaPound-dollar rate is even better :)10:10
=== Arnia is looking for a clip of geordie
spikebi shoudl probably stay off that subject though, or risk being banned for saying nasty and unconstructive things.10:11
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WeedVenderok im getting an acess denied when extracting10:12
calcthey probably should not have gotten rid of jobs originally10:12
spikebWeedVender, extract it in your home dir.10:12
spikebcalc, it did him good though10:12
odonow only if one could by gasoline online...I'd order some 10000l tank instantly :DDD10:12
odo70% taxes on that is not-so-nice10:13
calcthough he does seem to still be slow at realizing having market share is a good thing10:13
spikebWeedVender, then sudo mkdir /usr/lib/win3210:13
spikebWeedVender, then let me know when you're that far.10:13
odoand I hate public transport that does not work10:13
spikebcalc, nah - he prefers profit margins to marketshare (thus far)10:13
spikebi can't say i blame him - less risk.10:14
WeedVenderI think I got away with apt-get install mplayer..10:14
ArniaHmm... how odd, apt-get dist-upgrade errors and I do it again and it works :/10:14
calcodo: yea gas in US is around 0.35E per litre10:14
calcincluding tax10:14
spikebArnia, had that happen to me when i was upgrading to hoary10:14
odoand we have it around 1.2e per litre...10:14
Arniaspikeb: Yeah, that's what I'm doing10:14
spikebArnia, doing it a couple times got rid of the errors for me10:15
spikebalthough gnome never did work right10:15
calcprobably around 0.28 before tax10:15
odobut the tax has good things too...it forces car makers to make more economical cars...10:15
calcodo: that sounds like ~ 400-500% tax not 70%10:15
spikebit'd be nice if you got more in return for your tax though10:16
Arniaspikeb: Well, if this doesn't work I'll reinstall from scratch and stick with Warty10:16
spikebat least in the US our taxes are low enough that it  doesnt suck so bad that we dont get jack10:16
WeedVenderok... I Do not have the permission to extract to the folder.10:16
odocalc: well, 70% is for gas then there is VAT which is 22%10:16
spikebArnia, thats what i did10:16
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WeedVenderodo, so how much do you really pay for gas?10:16
calcodo: well then how come its about 5x the cost of gas in the US (before taxes)10:16
odocalc: more profit for the gas stations...10:17
spikebArnia, it's worth it just to take a peek at where they're going with hoary.10:17
odounlike there, gas price is quite loosely tied to crude oil price10:17
calciirc right now its around $1.80 here including about $0.40 tax per gallon10:17
calcodo: thats a hell of a huge profit10:17
Arniaspikeb: I'm trying to get some more recent libraries so my brother can use the fruits of my research and development work :)10:17
odoWeedVender: 1,1 to 1,2 euros per liter..10:17
spikebArnia, heh10:17
ArniaI want him to show off this stuff to his friends at Bangor10:18
spikebWeedVender, troubles?10:18
odoand you don't want even guess how much cars actually cost... :P10:18
calci always thought gas prices in europe were high due to taxes, but its the gas stations ripping you off?10:18
WeedVenderI can't extract to the directory10:18
WeedVendereven though I made a folder10:18
spikebextract to your home dir.10:18
odocalc: it is combination of many things10:18
WeedVenderI installed it using the apt-get install command though10:18
WeedVendernow how can I use the program to open the video?10:19
calcit would still be less than half the 1.2e/l price with only tax (92%) on the US price10:19
WeedVenderI see it now.10:20
=== Ac|D-MaX [~skull@] has joined #ubuntu
ArniaIf the petrol prices weren't high the world would be more screwed. So I'm not going to complain10:20
=== fragment pays attention
Ac|D-MaXALL LINUX FRIENDS! join #keep the keep with information challange! come on and see what the rush is about!10:21
Ac|D-MaXALL LINUX FRIENDS! join #keep the keep with information challange! come on and see what the rush is about!10:21
odoArnia: yep10:21
Ac|D-MaXthe experience it channel10:21
WeedVenderok, mplayer just crashed....10:21
fragmentspikeb: Jean Louis Gassee was an idiot in the Apple days, but BeOS rocked.10:21
calcAc|D-MaX: go away before getting klined10:21
spikebfragment, yes, and he had nothign to do with it rocking10:21
spikebfragment, he did, however, have lots to do with the company dying.10:21
odoArnia: I wonder what would happen if gas prices in US went to same level as they are here...10:21
WeedVenderit didn't even open up.10:21
Ac|D-MaXALL LINUX FRIENDS! join #keep the keep with information challange! come on and see what the rush is about!10:21
Ac|D-MaXthe experience it channel10:21
WeedVenderAc, thats spam...10:21
Arniaodo: Revolt?10:22
WeedVenderspam is baaadd....10:22
Arniaodo: Remember the petrol protests in the UK?10:22
odoat least it might make some biiig V8's as extention of manhood, less favorable...10:22
odoArnia: nope10:22
Arniaodo: The fact they were orchestrated by one of Shell's main shareholders is irrelevant of course... the idea has been planted that this is 'acceptable'10:22
calci've requested a kline, not sure if the ircop is awake10:22
Arniaodo: They blockaded refineries and brought the country to its knees a few years ago10:23
spikebthats a darn good idea10:23
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spikebi'll remember that.10:23
Arniaodo: Of course the 'big' protest was outside a refinery that doesn't produce petrol :p10:23
=== KaRa_M is now known as MiSSY_TuRKeYY
odook :P10:23
fragmentodo: Daimler-Chrysler, GM and Honda are making engines that shut down half of the valves at will, turning the V8 into a 4-cylinder on the freeways.10:24
Arniaodo: Yet shell was seen being allowed to distribute petrol by the protesters from this refinery :p10:24
fragment(or 3-cylinder, in Honda's case)10:24
spikebi think the ukranians have proven how to use protests effectively - blockades.10:24
WeedVenderHondas use Inline 4s10:24
fragmentWeedVender: They're doing it to their V6s.10:24
WeedVenderInline 3s produce terrible vibrations that would kill the engines10:24
WeedVenderyeah i know.10:24
WeedVenderBut honda wouldn't drop a V8 in their cars.10:25
fragmentWeedVender: I wonder if they're doing an opposing cylinder?10:25
odofragment: but it still takes a LOT more fuel than some 1.6l straight 4...10:25
Arniaodo: It was quite comical yet the reporters never did the background research to see who the organiser (ostensibly fighting because he was a 'poor' farmer whose livelihood was threatened) really was10:25
WeedVenderboxer type?10:25
fragmentodo: True.  The article I read predicted more fuel savings from castrated V8s in the next decade than from hybrids.10:25
WeedVendereh.. dunno. Im not on top of Honda R&D, Im more of a nissan fan.10:26
=== spikeb is a VW fanboydiot
fragmentodo: I'm not championing V8s, I'm just pointing out that the petrol wars have insurgents on all sides.10:26
WeedVenderWho saw Top Gear recently?10:26
=== Arnia hates Top Gear
WeedVenderthey tested a VW Lupo against a Toyota Hybrid...10:27
ArniaNot least for their bastardisation of a great piece of music (Jessica by the Allman Brothers Band)10:27
WeedVenderthe Diesel lupo gets more gas mileage10:27
=== fragment wants a Smart when they're legal in the states.
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odoWeedVender: with a driving style that Clarckson has, I bet :D10:27
=== fragment commutes 80 miles a day :(
WeedVenderget a diesel...10:28
WeedVenderor get something with an inline 4, at least.10:28
WeedVenderat most*10:28
odoI have 3km to my school...bicycle works ;)10:28
fragmentI've got an '03 Beetle that does pretty well.  Not diesel, though.10:28
spikebi'd be careful about diesels if you're in the united states - they (car companies) don't have to make 'em very clean, and they don't.10:29
fragmentIt'll have a quarter million miles in five years, though, so I'm thinking the next engine will be a diesel. ;)10:29
spikeboooh, a beetle. :)10:29
WeedVenderyeah but a diesel will be better in the long run...10:29
odobut at around -25C bicycle unfortenatly becomes quite unusable...10:29
WeedVenderhigher maintenance though.10:29
fragmentodo: you just need different lubrication10:29
ArniaWhy are Smart cars illegal in the US?10:30
WeedVendersafety hazards,,10:30
crimsunbecause we're retarded.10:30
fragmentodo: I used to use train grease in the bottom bracket.  Lower the air pressure in the tires.  Teflon-based chain lube.10:30
spikebi've been seeing more minis on the roads here - they must be getting legalized.10:30
WeedVenderfor one they dont turn... Massive understeer.10:30
fragmentodo: ...and skip the suspension. :)10:30
odofragment: What I would need is something preveting my ears from freezing :D10:30
fragmentodo: I can hook you up with double-width rims, too.10:30
fragmentodo: heheh10:30
spikebear muffs10:31
calcwhat smart cars?10:31
fragmentActually, cross-country ski gear works very well.10:31
odoand face in general...10:31
WeedVenderlet me get a link...10:31
odocalc: www.smart.com10:31
spikebi want a beetle or a mini. :)10:31
WeedVenderSmarts are small, 2 seaters, with high mile to gallon, city cars.10:31
WeedVenderThink Golf cart with body kit.10:32
odoWeedVender: there are also 4 seaters...10:32
fragmentodo: Something like this works well: http://www.outdoorsportz.com/SGFMOOOO1002.html10:32
WeedVenderyeah.. top gear had one.10:32
calcah i can tell right away10:32
calcthey are too small10:32
WeedVender4 cc or something like that.10:32
fragmentodo: I have one that's polarfleece on the bottom half that I like.10:32
calcanything small than the mini is too small10:32
WeedVenderTOO small.10:32
WeedVendercalc, way smaller.10:32
calcthe new ford ka (forgot which one) is also too small to release in the US10:32
WeedVenderunless its the four seater10:32
fragmentodo: And I highly recommend polyproplyene underwear, though silk works, too.10:32
calcsport ka or whatever its called in europe10:33
spikebi love small cars10:33
fragmentcalc: Wanted to buy a Mini but there was a 6-month waiting list, and the nearest dealer is about 200 mi. away.10:33
odoIf smart is illegal in US because of safety...why not SUV's and huge pick ups too?10:33
spikebmy car is too big for my tastes - plymouth neon10:33
odothey are WAY more dangerous10:34
fragmentcalc: 200 mi. for monthly service would have been painful.10:34
crimsunodo: it's called "politics"10:34
odocrimsun: unfortenately so :/10:34
fragmentodo: No, I heard Smart was not legal due to emissions.  The diesels.10:34
WeedVenderTHAT is too small...10:34
WeedVender....do you see that car?10:34
calcthere is a mini dealer about 5mi from where i live :)10:34
spikebholy crap10:34
WeedVenderdo you think that would survive an accident?10:34
spikebi want one10:34
odofragment: emissions...LOL :D10:35
WeedVenderthere are better looking ones.10:35
fragmentodo: Some vendor is importing the gas ones soon.10:35
spikebi bet that thing couldnt handle any snow though10:35
calcodo: well i don't know for certain its due to size, but most likely is, from what i read anything shorter than the current mini is below minimum size limit10:35
fragmentWeedVender: Apparently side impact nearly always hits an axle because it's so short, and fore/aft it's built like an egg and can take a pounding.10:35
calchtf does an europe car not have good enough emissions for the US?10:36
calcisn't europe a lot more strict about that10:36
spikebeuropean diesel requirements are much stricter than here10:36
WeedVendersmaller version10:36
spikebso i dunno10:36
spikebwho the hell would drive that10:36
WeedVenderI wonder how people fit in there..10:36
odoI must say that I'm really waiting the day when oil runs out and US has to really rethink some of their policies towards cars...10:36
calcWeedVender: that isn't real is it?10:37
spikebWeedVender, that particular one is fugly10:37
odoand, I'll bet that WHEN that day comes, people wonder why hydrogen power wasn't research sooner etc.10:37
WeedVenderI dont know, I don't live in Europe10:37
crimsunodo: well, it's not as if the scientists aren't doing the research10:37
calcodo: don't wish for that, the US will make iraq look like target practice compared to what it will do to keep its oil levels high ;)10:38
WeedVenderHydrogen requires electricity10:38
ArniaYes, that car is real10:38
spikeblooks like the designer had a cat that attacked a box and he thought it looked good10:38
WeedVenderelectricity comes from plants10:38
ArniaThere are much nicer Smart cars though10:38
crimsunodo: but our current gov't isn't exactly one to put science in front of Big Honkin' Corporate Interests10:38
WeedVenderthose power plants burn fuel10:38
calcArnia: heh, that would never be legal in US, 5mph crash == fatality10:38
WeedVenderso thats why we dont have hydrogen cars.10:38
WeedVenderbecause we need fuel to separate the hydrogen10:39
fragmentWeedVender: power plants are more efficient.  Even coal plants produce lower emissions than gas engines.10:39
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WeedVenderoverall, es10:39
spikebwho says you can't use a different source of energy to run plants?10:39
fragmentCoal-electric beats gas-engine10:39
WeedVenderbut when you have scattered plants all over the world, eh10:39
calcchernobyl says ;)10:39
peejeihi. what p2p works in ubuntu?10:39
odoonly if people in US would drive on average something that europeans use...it would save _huge_ amounts of oil per year... :/10:39
calcodo: there is no mass transit in the US10:40
spikebchernobyl says don't run a nuke plant badly :P10:40
calcso that is impossible10:40
WeedVenderplus regulations on other countries aren't as strict.10:40
fragmentodo: none worth using, anyway.10:40
calcprobably 75%+ of the US population has no access to mass transit in any form10:40
spikebnot unless you're on the coasts in cali or the megalopolis that includes NYC10:40
fragmentcalc: very true10:40
spikeboutside of that, zero.10:40
crimsunpeejei: any10:40
spikebi am using limewire right now.10:41
spikebworks fine10:41
crimsunpeejei: those programs are orthogonal to whatever Linux distro one uses10:41
fragmentSome of the businesses in town have pictures of the city when there were still trolleys, before GM bought them all and tore them down.10:41
WeedVenderquestionable business practices...10:41
fragmentSomeone came in later and put in electric buses, and GM bought them, too.10:42
fragmentNow even the bus power lines are gone.10:42
spikebi read about the buses/GM thing happening10:42
odosome large cities have fairly good mass transit...I felt that "The L" in Chicago was quite good...10:42
spikebBART is pretty good10:42
peejeilimewire for linux?10:42
spikebas are the subways in NYC10:43
spikebpeejei, aye10:43
fragmentspikeb: I agree10:43
fragmentParis' metro is the best10:43
fragmentflat fee10:43
calcspikeb: yea i used BART in oct was pretty good10:43
fragmentAlways 200m or less from a stop10:43
spikebWeedVender, looks liek the airbag would kill anyone inside10:43
odoBART is San Fransisco's metro? isn't it?10:44
ArniaAll cars in the UK have to pass a minimum crash testing safety rating which is strict10:44
spikebbay area rapid transport10:44
ArniaYet Smart cars are still sold here10:44
calcWeedVender: thats just two smarts, have one smart ultracompact get hit (er I mean runover) by a SUV10:44
spikebArnia, in the US, you dont have to really pass a crash rating, just a safety rating which is based more on size than many other factors10:44
calcairbag doesn't save you when the car is crushed ;)10:44
fragmentcalc: It's just there to stifle your screams. :)10:45
calcfragment: heh10:45
fragmentcalc: It bothers the other drivers.10:45
spikebwhen you're that close to it, it'll kill you10:45
WeedVenderI wonder how easy would it be to steal one of those things...10:46
spikebput it in the back of your truck and drive off10:46
ArniaCan I temporarily unravel a deb's dependencies?10:46
fragmentWeedVender: Depends on whether you're going to hotwire it or just carry it away.10:46
ArniaI want to break the loop in Mono atm10:46
spikebi think this project is interesting http://mockup.org/10:46
spikebpush? just put it in your pocket.10:46
spikebbuy a pair of those big ass jeans that have the huge pockets10:47
WeedVenderthats not bad...10:48
spikebdamn nice10:48
WeedVenderI wouldn't drive it in the highway though...10:48
spikebi would :)10:48
fragmentSomeone on eBay was selling one of these the other day10:48
spikebthen again, i'm nuts.10:48
fragmentwhoops, hold on...10:49
WeedVendersemi hits you in the back...10:49
fragmentHad it in the back of his truck10:49
fragment(someone in town has one, they're very cool, but not freeway friendly)10:49
fragment(...or vice versa)10:49
peejeiim new to linux.. can anyone pls tell me wat to do with a bin file10:49
odoI would drive a smart on highway...as highest limit here is 120kph so it can't be THAT bad10:49
WeedVenderI wonder how in the world does a smart get to 60 MPH10:50
ArniaWeedVender: Its very light10:50
fragmentpeejei: Usually they're executable.  You can 'chmod +x filename' then './filename' to execute10:50
calcWeedVender: very slowly10:50
calcWeedVender: 0-60 is 18s+10:50
spikebBut why doesn't smart itself bring in the smaller cars? It feels a bigger market lies in the small SUV segment, where drivers can get a bit of both worlds. So smart will build a vehicle similar in size to the Toyota RAV4 and Honda CR-V and sell them through 60 Mercedes dealers.10:50
spikebi liked the RAV410:50
spikeb(decent gas mileage)10:51
fragmentodo: such a short wheelbase, just don't sneeze at 120kph. ;)10:51
=== fragment drives the backroads to work, anyway.
=== ArCHoNKoG [~archon@ool-182d58fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
fragmentKeeps me off the freeways, same distance, and only costs me about 5 min.10:52
fragment(each way)10:52
fragmentPlus, beautiful farm country, ocean views, etc.10:52
calcheh sport smart with brabus exhaust whee for the extra hp 50->51hp ;)10:52
calcoh actually that one has 74hp10:52
spikebid love a mini but damn they're expensive.10:52
WeedVenderId put a Wankel Rotary in it.10:52
fragmentexec date10:52
WeedVender20B or 13J :)10:53
ArCHoNKoGworld anyone know why when i want to install a theme it says permisin deined ?10:53
fragmentSat Jan  1 01:53:07 PST 200510:53
=== fragment should go to bed.
odofragment: I've been up all night :D10:53
calchmm that smart speedsilver model looks nice10:53
WeedVenderits 6 am down here.10:53
fragmentodo: Crazy!10:53
calcit reminds me of some other euro car i can't remember the name of10:53
ArCHoNKoGits 4 am down here10:53
odoI woke up at around 1400 yesterday and it is now 1153 here...10:53
fragmentcalc: The roadster is fun, too.10:54
ArCHoNKoGodo, long nap10:54
fragmentcalc: Ah, same car, different paintjob.10:54
odoArCHoNKoG: how so? more like long time awake :)10:55
WeedVenderI wonder if girls pay attention to you when you get a smart?10:55
fragmentcalc: I think Road & Track did a review of the roadster.  Went to the U.K.10:55
fragmentcalc: Said it was the most fun car not imported into the U.S.  Something like that.10:55
calcwow 100hp 700cc engine, thats pretty good10:55
ArCHoNKoGworld anyone know why when i want to install a theme it says permisin deined ?10:56
odocalc: turbo charger... :)10:56
fragmentArCHoNKoG: Where are you installing it to?10:56
WeedVendermost fun car not imported in the U.S?10:56
WeedVenderRadical SR310:56
fragmentWeedVender: Something like that10:56
fragmentWeedVender: Link?10:56
ArCHoNKoGfragment, /usr/share/ theme10:57
WeedVenderessentially, its a race car.10:57
fragmentArCHoNKoG: Try doing it as root.  'sudo su -' then copy10:57
fragmentOK.  Sleep!  'Night, everyone.10:58
WeedVenderEvery car show thats tested it has been scared to drive it after the review...10:58
calchmm that should be quite a bit faster than a civic ex10:58
calckg:hp ratio is much better10:58
WeedVenderyou know the effect that happens when the air goes to your face so fast that your face starts to deform?10:59
calccivic 1205:127 smart 852:10110:59
WeedVendersmart doesn't corner too good though... it doesn't corner at all..11:00
WeedVendertall box and small skinny tires11:00
calcWeedVender: the roadster doesn't look out of proportion11:00
spikebi like beetles, darn it11:00
WeedVenderwell that one no..11:01
WeedVenderbut the city car, the one i posted originally.11:01
calcthe ultracompact one?11:01
calci don't see it on their site, but no i would stay far far away from that one11:01
calcperhaps its not legal in UK, that is the country i selected to see vehicles11:02
WeedVenderthey have them in the UK..11:02
calcmuhahaha they have a convertible fourtwo11:02
WeedVendertop gear did a test on 2 of them11:02
calcer fortwo11:03
ododamn, I want a cell phone that has Symbian ;P11:03
calcall i see on UK site is fortwo forfour and roadster11:03
WeedVenderid have to check what they tested on Top Gear.11:03
WeedVenderbut it wasn't the four four...11:03
calci don't see the freakish car on germany site either11:04
calcperhaps it was just a photoshop car11:04
WeedVenderlet me take a loot11:06
calcyea it is photoshopped11:06
calci found the original site11:06
WeedVenderstill a small mofo.11:08
WeedVender*wonders Smart and LS6 ?11:11
WeedVenderOk i extracted Mplayer to a directory.11:13
WeedVenderHow would I install it,11:13
WeedVenderterminal is already set to the dir.11:13
odoquick poll: how much do you pay for your internet connection and how fast is it? :)11:14
calc$30 USD 1000/12811:14
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WeedVender(I hate it down here)11:15
odoI pay 0 euroa/month, but real price would be around 70 euros...I have 10/10Mbit Cisco LRE...11:15
WeedVenderI think its more like 60 or 7011:15
odoUsually these go down way too often but to my suprise...this has been almost rock solid :)11:16
treedabout $50/month11:16
treedand it's hard to say for sure11:16
treedI can pull down at upwards of 300KB/sec11:16
treedbut my upstream is only about 30KB/sec11:16
treedand that kills me by latency11:16
WeedVenderHow would I go by installing a program from terminal?11:17
WeedVenderits mplayer11:17
odoWeedVender: if it is repository...apt-get install <insert package name here>11:17
odoif not, read the readme :)11:18
WeedVendertried that and it worked but that version crashed.11:18
WeedVenderah ok11:18
odowhich comes with the source codes11:18
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WeedVenderroot@Jiraiya:/home/jiraiya/MPlayer-1.0pre6a # make install11:27
WeedVenderMakefile:7: config.mak: No such file or directory11:27
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opi./configure --help11:27
opidid you configure this?11:27
WeedVenderyou have to configure it!?11:28
opisure you do11:28
nevynyou have to run configure11:28
opibut most of the time, ./configure will do11:28
nevynusuall no options will work fine11:28
opiunless you want to remove/add some features11:28
nevynbtw building mplayer is a pain in the neck.11:29
WeedVenderbuilding eh?11:29
opinevyn: why? Never had a smallest problem with that :O11:29
WeedVenderthats next?11:29
nevynfar easier to just get it from merrilat.11:29
nevynWeedVender: that's what you're doing.11:29
nevynbuilding from source11:29
WeedVenderi c11:29
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nevynopi: getting the win32codecs somewhere it finds it. and the matrox overlay working correctly etc.11:30
WeedVenderso it runs..11:30
opinevyn: apt-get install win32codecs and then configure mplayer source with a path do it, I don't have Matrox so I can't tell how mutch pain is that :0)11:31
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nevyngetting it going with XV isn't hard.11:32
nevyngetting output to a TV head on a matrox marvel took some work.11:32
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opiMy old old Voodoo3 has no intresting features. It just works. :-)11:33
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ugenncan the arch type be explicitly set when compiling cdrtools rather than have the it autodetected?11:33
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opiugenn: autodetect should do it fine11:33
ugennopi: i'm compiling for another machine. autodetect is out.11:34
opiugenn: see ./congigure --help | less11:34
opiugenn: ah, ok then :)11:34
ugennopi: cdrtools isnt autotooled.11:34
opiso you can tweak Makefile :)11:34
ugennopi: i dont know where to tweak.11:35
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opiugenn: you can provide -mcpu -march switches11:35
opiugenn: consult man gcc for details11:36
ugenni need to know cdrtools specific configs, not gcc options. if the cdrtools performs manual special casing, march isn't going to help.11:37
opiugenn: I don't have sources with me, so I can't help11:37
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wezzer-weezer_ and wezzer-11:59
wezzer-hmm :)11:59
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danielslifeless: sup12:17
nevyndaniels: yo.12:18
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emanuelezhello *12:19
emanuelezHappy new year12:19
emanuelezis anybody here?12:20
danielsnevyn: represent12:20
opiwe are ;)12:21
emanueleztrying to convert a RedHad friendly demon start script... any simple way to convert it?12:21
opiemanuelez: start-stop it's something like /etc/init.d/scripts?12:22
nevynemanuelez: it doesn't run?12:22
opimaybe it calls for something, that dosen't exists in Ubuntu12:22
nevynredhat hack bash to understand dos line termination (EVIL)12:22
opiRedHat ain't Linux ;))12:23
nevynor did at 7.2 anywya12:23
emanueleznevyn: no it doesn't12:23
emanuelezopi: exactly12:23
emanuelezshould i paste in #flood?12:23
lifelessdaniels: hey ya12:24
nevynemanuelez: sure12:24
emanueleznevyn: here it is: http://rafb.net/paste/results/NAMNT823.html12:26
emanuelezwell... for everybody :) http://rafb.net/paste/results/NAMNT823.html12:26
opiI don't have browser yet ;))12:27
emanuelezopi: go to #flood then :)12:27
opifire up!12:27
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nevynemanuelez: looks pretty straight forward12:28
opia question: why use RH startup scripts?12:28
emanueleznevyn: but it doesn't work... i bet there are better ways to start a daemon in debian/ubuntu12:29
emanuelezopi: i found drivers for this printer... but only in rpm format12:29
nevynwhat happens when you run it?12:30
opiemanuelez: convert it with Alien12:30
emanuelezopi: that's what i did12:30
emanuelezopi: but alien doesn't convert daemon start stop scripts12:30
opiemanuelez: sure it dosne't :)12:30
emanuelezopi: :)12:30
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opiemanuelez: so convert it to tgz, unzip, grab driver and put in Ubuntu's CUPS12:31
emanuelezopi: all the files and setup is aready done... i just need to convert the start script12:31
emanuelezopi: i bet there is an elegant debian way to do it12:32
danielslifeless: sup?12:32
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emanuelezopi: i wish it was that simple. it's a winprinter so it needs more drivers than a ppd file12:32
[Phaedrus] has anyone here installed ubuntu and had some error starting X server?12:33
emanuelez[Phaedrus] : never happened here. what graphics card r u using?12:33
nevynemanuelez: cp /etc/init.d/skeleton /etc/init.d/ccd ; edit to taste12:33
[Phaedrus] Geforce212:34
lifelessdaniels: how can I tell which ati card my old laptop has? (I want to see if its got accelerated 3d)12:34
opilifeless: lspci12:34
opilifeless: maybe it's ATI Mobile 3?12:34
opilifeless: my gf got it in hers Dell12:34
lifelessdanieits my gf's laptop now :)12:35
lifelessman, the break has been bad for my brain, I know lspci.12:35
nevynlifeless: lspci12:35
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emanueleznevyn: i'll take a look12:36
danielslifeless: lspci12:38
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lifelessyah, when its on next I'll check. where is the list of models<->support for 3d accel ?12:40
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nevyndepends what it is and how much effort you want to invest.12:40
nevynI think mach64 acceleration is still not in tree.12:41
nevyncause it introduces a local privilage escelation or something12:41
danielslifeless: everything radeon < 9550 is supported12:41
emanuelezhow do i tell to my system to start my ccpd daemon at startup but only after starting cups?12:41
danielswell, that and the fact that no-one wants to work on it12:41
lifelessdaniels: in warty ?12:42
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danielslifeless: yah12:43
nevyndaniels: kdrive on a mach64 is a significantly better bet actually12:43
fox_adventurehiya everyone. i'm trying to get azureus to launch from a gnome menu, but nothing happens.i assume the launcher cant see java in my $PATH,which i've set in /etc/profile12:43
fox_adventurehow can i make gnome see my updated $PATH?12:44
emanueleznevyn: sorry... can't understand12:45
danielsnevyn: well, except for the fact that the keyboard and mouse handling is arse12:46
nevynhrm. yeah.12:46
nevyndaniels: but it's faster and more plesant.12:46
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danielsyeah, except for the lack of debouncing, so your wireless mouse is useless12:47
danielsand xkb layouts12:47
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danielsbluefoxicy: ping12:49
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emanueleznevyn: could u please explain me your answer? i can't understand it?12:52
nevynemanuelez: there's a default script for starting daemons called skeleton12:52
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nevyncopy it and modify it to start ccd12:52
nevynthen you know it'll work.12:52
emanueleznevyn: i did it and it works... my other question was about daemon starting order and telling ubuntu to run it on startup12:53
netmonkhappy new year, folks12:55
Cloudchaserhappy new year!12:57
odonew year. yes. happy. no.12:58
HcEto much champagne?12:59
Cloudchaseri'm sorry..12:59
Cloudchaserhope it gets better then12:59
netmonkme too12:59
emanueleznevyn: something to do with rc2.d? do i have to write another script? :-S12:59
odoHcE: nope :)01:00
netmonkodo, too much finish vodka?01:00
odonope, not that either...01:01
HcEthen just the usual stuff?01:01
HcElittle money, insecurity and no girl/boy?01:01
emanuelezi have a startup script in /etc/init.d how do i make it run on startup?01:01
odoI stayed away from anything stroger than coca-cola :D01:01
HcEI wished I left my mobile at home01:02
odoHcE: a) I'm somewhat sad that some Finns died in Asia b) I'm frustrated to our foreign ministry for being such idiots c) I'm furious to our aviation authorities who are refusing to grant a permit for Finnair to operate ambulance-flights for Swedes that still have thousands(hundreds injured) of people in Thailand.01:05
odosomething like that01:05
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netmonkyeah, that's sad01:05
HcEodo: oh, know the feeling, not "so many" norwegians are missing. although it's about 400 persons still01:06
HcEI'm lucky to have no close encouters with the disaster01:06
HcEmy boss was actually in Phuket01:06
odoand the part c...there is no real reason not to grant that permit...just plain being a jackass-thing01:06
HcEthe swedes are flying norwegian home as "swedes"01:07
HcEthey just give them swedish temporary passports and put them on flights01:07
odoHcE: as long as they get home...that is all that counts :)01:08
HcEyes =)01:08
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Josipext/libxml/libxml.lo: file not recognized: File truncated01:21
Josipcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status01:21
Josipmake: *** [libphp5.la]  Error 101:21
Josipany ideas ? this happens when i try to make php5.0.3 with the <make> command (configured with <./configure --prefix=/usr --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql>01:21
JosipWarthy btw .01:21
scoonJosip, make sure that you have all the correct software in, you can find that list in the INSTALL file in the root directory of your build01:24
Josipi have01:25
scoonJosip, what about the file it is choking on01:25
Josipi've reinstalled libxml1 and installed libxml201:25
Josipnothing changed01:25
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scoonwhat about their *-dev's as well.01:26
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Josipinstalled aswell01:26
Josipnot sure about libxml1-dev, just to check .01:26
Josiplibxml-dev installed01:26
Josipi'll try to reinstall them , maybe something happend01:26
Josiplibxmltok1-dev wasn't installed, installing atm .01:27
scoonJosip, to check just do an apt-get check01:28
yorhelhi! fast question: how can I change my kayboard-layout in hoary? since that gnome-thing doesn't change my kayboard layout :S01:28
JosipI'm working with Synaptic, it's a much better option that the command-line ;-)01:28
scoonJosip, maybe for some.  but not all.01:29
vegaionly for those who don't know how to use CLI :P01:29
Josipagree .01:29
yorheluhm... any1?01:32
opiyorhel: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree8601:32
opiyorhel: and set your layout01:32
Josipext/libxml/libxml.lo: file not recognized: File truncated01:33
Josipcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status01:33
Josipmake: *** [libphp5.la]  Error 101:33
Josipfook ;-( the same problem01:33
Josipi think I'll solve the problem ;))01:33
scoonJosip, have you looked at that libxml.lo file.  maybe it is AFU01:34
Josipusign --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/lib01:34
Josipmaybe it won't make problems now .01:35
Josipsame error, I'm going to kill someone, thanks noone's nearby .01:36
scooni just dl'd the source01:38
scoonand am trying to make them as well.01:38
Josip./configure --prefix=/usr --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-libxml2-dir=/usr/local/lib --with-mysql --with-gd --with-zlib --with-zlib-dir=/usr/local/lib --enable-sockets01:39
Josipsomething sucks here .01:39
yorhelopi: thnx, its working now :)01:39
scoonJosip, i don't have apxs2 installed.01:40
scoonJosip, do a make distclean01:40
scoonJosip, to clean up the source tree01:40
scoonJosip, and then run ./configure with no options and see how far you get.01:40
scoonJosip, then do make distclean again and and 1 of the options and see how far you get.01:41
opiyorhel: you're welcome :)01:41
Josipno errors occur01:41
scoonJosip, so one of those opts is afu try to add them on 1 at a time.01:41
scoonJosip, that is the really damn painful way of figuring it out. but you will get it.01:41
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scoonJosip, may I ask why you must have php5 ?01:42
Josipyes .01:42
scoonwell ?01:43
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scoonare you building a deb ?01:43
opiJosip: use PHP5 packages for Debian ;)01:43
scoonJosip, cuz if you are not, when synaptic upgrades php it will over write what you are doing now.01:44
opiscoon: unless he setup a Deb res. and point to it01:44
Josipbut, i won't get support for gd,zlib etc.01:45
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scoonopi, if a deb is getting built.  if not, then it will get overwritten.01:45
opior, he can lock up PHP upgrades01:45
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scoonopi, certainly.01:46
scoonJosip, so why are you building this ?01:46
zamboniahh happy new year!01:46
scoonJosip, the deb's won't suffice ?01:46
Josipthe php5 deb package hasn't support for most of the modules i want to work with01:46
Josipand probably i won't get mysql support .01:47
scoonJosip, check this out:
opidon't be silly01:48
opiGD, as well MySQL support is was always compiled with debs01:49
scoonJosip, that is my box with php and mysql.  i know it is php4 but if that is how php4 gets conf'd then i bet php5 will be the same.01:49
Josipwait to see .01:49
scoonJosip, to see what ?01:49
bluefoxicydaniels: pong?01:49
Josipokay, i'll try installing a .deb package01:50
opigo to http://dotdeb.org01:50
danielsbluefoxicy: you were asking about fd.o stuff a few hours ago?01:50
scoonJosip, i have found for the most part, debs are just fine.  There are a few progs where the debs have let me down but they are small in complexity.  compiling php can be a big undertaking.01:52
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pockethi, does anyone know where to look for the qglobal.h library?01:53
bluefoxicydaniels: uh.  maybe?01:53
zambonihowdy, can anyone here say why apps will not start after I  set up the ethernet interface?01:53
GoneBoBI use to compile PHP when I was admin for a hosting company01:53
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GoneBoBthese days I just use packages01:53
GoneBoByou need a lot of dependancies to compile it01:54
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GoneBoBand the compile configure line can be quite long01:54
GoneBoBthat said, it's nothing compared to apache01:54
GoneBoBwhich is a total bitch to build01:54
zambonior mozilla01:54
GoneBoBesp if you don't store your configure line01:54
GoneBoBzamboni: haha, I've never bothered to build it, but I know the stories01:54
bluefoxicydaniels:  the pwned-ness of fd.o01:55
zambonigave up01:55
GoneBoBthough I compiled X 3.9 back in the dat01:55
danielsbluefoxicy: yes, happened a while back01:55
bluefoxicydaniels: is not going to delay a modular xorg is it?01:55
bluefoxicyor whatever xlibs.fd.o was doing01:55
danielsbluefoxicy: no.  knocked the monolithic release back by a week, but it's all fixed now and has been for a while now, so shouldn't impact modular stuff at all.01:55
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danielsGoneBoB: apache is easy to build (a2, at least)01:55
zamboniso Im not a total lost case when it comes to using *nix  and X but Im playing with ubuntu/gnoppix01:55
zamboniand it's weird that  once I set up the network card no apps  will run01:56
scoonfor me it has been best to leave apache and the like to deb01:56
scooni have compiled beep-media-player and mplayer.01:56
bluefoxicydaniels:  good.  I've been looking forward to split up stuff because I think that's going to be the easiest route to fix xorg's issues with pie/ssp from01:56
scoonbut those progs are small and easy to do.01:56
scooni don't want this box to turn into a big compile factory like a gentoo box ;)01:57
GoneBoBdaniels: easy to build, prick to remember to add every damn module on the command line01:57
bluefoxicyI need more than 2 hours of sleep01:57
GoneBoBwhereas php has the configure line in it's binary01:57
danielsGoneBoB: true dat01:57
danielsbluefoxicy: no help right now -- most of the code is quite hopelessly forked.  the trees are so massively adrift that the easiest thing to do is reimport every module again.01:58
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GoneBoBdaniels: also when you need ssl, it's a seperate package, which adds more pain01:59
Josipthere isn't any apache2 php5 .deb package ;-(02:00
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GoneBoBJosip: do you need apache2?02:00
Josipwhy not for a development environment02:01
GoneBoBI can let you in on how much of a difference it will make02:02
danielsGoneBoB: er, it's folded in now, dude02:02
danielsGoneBoB: it's been in-tree ever since 2.0.1602:02
daniels(or maybe 2.0.14, but it was hopelessly broken before about 2.0.18 or .22 anyway)02:02
GoneBoBah cool02:02
GoneBoBwe only had one box running apache2 and it's been some time since I built that02:03
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danielswe have cool a2 packages, anyway02:03
GoneBoBbut the ONE feature of apache2 I wanted isn't (wasn't?) done yet02:03
GoneBoBmpm which did multi use multi thread02:03
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GoneBoBso you can run each vhost as a seperate user02:03
GoneBoB*user not use02:03
GoneBoBgive me a tic02:04
GoneBoB This module is not functional. Development of this module is not complete and is not currently active. Do not use perchild unless you are a programmer willing to help fix it.02:04
danielsoh, right02:04
mgottsyeah yeah02:05
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GoneBoBthat was the number 1 thing I wanted out of apache2 and it couldn't give it to me02:05
GoneBoBmakes it look really poor next to IIS, which does do that02:05
danielsperchild would be rad02:05
mgottswhats with #ubuntu.de ?02:05
mgottsnobody is there02:05
lifelessGoneBoB: the ms api doesn't do the equivalent of 'dropping root' privileges.02:06
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lifelessGoneBoB: which is why IIS can do that.02:06
GoneBoBlifeless: not the core, no02:06
lifelessGoneBoB: it uses the concept of a security context, which the MS api supplies, and which IIRC there is no posix equivalent for.02:06
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GoneBoByeah I know02:06
GoneBoBit's still an increbibly neat feature02:07
GoneBoBthat said, the IIS authentication makes it look terrible next to apache :(02:07
lifelesswithout that its a bitch to do something equivalent at less granularity that an entire process, without running the hurd :)02:07
GoneBoBhaha :)02:07
GoneBoB(this is for my old job, webhosting 400-600 sites on one machine)02:07
GoneBoBhard to keep each one secured from the others02:08
lifelessrun 400 instances :).02:08
GoneBoBwe ended up with php as a cgi binary, and mapping php with bin misc support02:08
danielsi doubt the boxes he was running on could withstand that02:08
lifelessdaniels: yabt02:08
danielslifeless: yeah, but it was a good opportunity for a snide comment02:09
GoneBoBactually most of them were dual xeons, 2gb ram ish02:09
GoneBoBstill 400 instances is crappy02:10
GoneBoBbut yeah php as a cgi binary you miss out on stuff too02:10
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GoneBoBso then we had to move some clients onto boxes which had it as a module02:10
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nyxtremeanyone know how to get apt-get update to work with AMD64 users?02:12
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GoneBoBnyxtreme: it should work already02:13
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nyxtremegonebob: it doesn't, there are like 2 files that couldn't be downloaded02:14
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nyxtremegonebob: I checked out the ftp site and there was only intel but no amd02:14
nyxtremeW: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net stable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)02:15
lifelessnyxtreme: thats the marrilat site not supporting amd6402:17
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nyxtremelifelesswhat should I do02:17
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mjrnyx, see if this helps http://debian.video.free.fr/02:19
djtanseydoes anyone know a simple way to see if your postfix setup is sending messages? from the commandline?02:19
mjrI looked it up yesterday to get a libdvdcss package for my amd64 system02:19
nyxtremedo I just download them?02:20
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nyxtremeor do I copy the site to the sources.list02:20
mjryeah try adding the appropriate lines to sources.list (and delete the regular marillat)02:21
nyxtremeokay thanks alot02:21
mjrnote that all of the stuff might not install on warty, because they're built against unstable debian02:22
reperireHas anyone used Mathematica on Ubuntu?02:22
mjrI only installed the libdvdcss package, which worked fine02:22
nyxtremeI also got thies error02:24
nyxtremeW: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net testing/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_testing_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)02:24
nyxtremethe testing bit02:24
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mjrnyxtreme, yes, because that doesn't support amd64 - just pick the amd64 bits02:27
reperireDoes anyone know if Mathematica will run on Ubuntu?02:27
nyxtremeit's all on the site you gave me?02:27
opinever saw it, but if it runs on other Linux distros, why not?02:28
mjrnyxtreme, well, all that I know about :)02:28
reperireopi: Yeah it says it runs on Red Hat, so you reckon it'll run on Ubuntu?02:28
mjryeah, I don't know if it runs, but it'd be a small wonder if it didn't02:28
opireperire: if it comes in binary form and it's linked staticly, then I see no problem02:28
mjrassuming the correct cpu architecture that is )02:28
opireperire: use alien to convert it to Debian package02:29
nyxtremeokay, I'll see if there's everything, thanks02:29
opireperire: you'll avoid dep. problems02:29
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reperireThanks opi.02:30
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nyxtremeanyone know a site that works for AMD64 to add into the sources.list so I can update correctly?02:37
nyxtremeforfor stable and test02:37
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nyxtremeanyone know a site that works for AMD64 to add into the sources.list so I can update correctly for stable and testing?02:54
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Q-FUNKhowdy!  Is the new calendar picture released yet?03:00
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nyxtremeanyone know a site that works for AMD64 to add into the sources.list so I can update correctly for stable and testing?03:12
Q-FUNKnyxtreme: what do you mean, update correctly?03:16
Q-FUNKnyxtreme: you wanna switch to stanbdard deb8ian amd64 or?03:16
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nyxtremeq-funk: here's an example of an error I get03:19
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nyxtremeq-funk:W: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net stable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)03:20
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nyxtremeq-funk: the other one is... W: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net testing/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_testing_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)03:21
Q-FUNKnyxtreme: brb ... heading to kiosk and back. i'll answer right after03:22
nyxtremeq-funk: okay03:23
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marjoriedoes anyone know how i can make the nautilus "file browser" view come up by default?03:28
mjrfrom its preferences03:31
mjrthe second tab from the left, third option from top03:32
mjr(can't be bothered to guess the reverse-translations ;)03:32
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marjoriemjr: always open in brouser windows?03:37
marjoriemjr: thx :)03:38
mjryeah, that one03:39
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xevilthe silence in here is deafening... everyone must be hung over :)03:53
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hahuWhen i boot ubuntu, i get messages that say: /sbin/mgetty: No such file or directory ?!?03:57
gsuvegryan: are you here ?03:57
marjorie:), ive got questions..03:57
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marjoriehow can i stop the samba shares appearing automatically on my desktop03:58
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[oZaR] hi04:00
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hahumarjorie: Only an idea but you could try to set /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible to false04:03
marjoriehahu: thx ill try04:03
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marjoriehahu: where is that?04:10
opimarjorie: in register, me thinks ;)04:11
opiseems so, I'm not big Gnome expert :)04:11
marjoriehahu:opi: sorted04:13
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marjoriehow can i do a DNS name lookup from an ip in linux?04:21
ik5pvxdig -x04:22
marjoriewinblow equiv of ping -a04:22
ik5pvxno idea what that does04:22
marjoriei type in ip it pings and brings back dns name04:23
ik5pvxdig -x ipaddress will give you the hostname if it exists04:23
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jayeolamarjorie: i think that ping -a makes a beep when the destination is reached04:29
jayeolalike ping -a -c 10 xxx.xxx.x.xxx would ping 10 times and each time the addy is contacted, you hear a beep04:30
marjoriedig -x aint working i think its trying to get the host name from the server wich is just a router in this case04:30
ik5pvxit may just be that no one set the reverse mapping for that IP address, which is quite likely for a router04:31
ik5pvxwhat ip is it ?04:32
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cavediverHi all. Can someone pursuade me of changing my sid-installation for Ubuntu.04:37
cavediverI'm not entirely happy with things right now, as some stuff break.04:37
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opisomeone raported successful migration from SID to Ubuntu04:39
opibut I'm not sure if he write some papers04:39
opigo, see Wiki, then search in ml archive04:39
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kuckushi y'all04:41
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Cervantes_Hello Everyone04:42
kirkHello Everyone04:42
Cervantes_Is there anyone here that could give me a little bit of help regarding a dual install of ubuntu and windows?04:44
kuckusI'm trying to get my Nokin Coolpix 2000 digicam to work with gphoto2. From what I've read in various forums it can only be done in PTP mode, because USB mass storage support of the 2.6.x kernel seems to be broken. However, I've had no luck getting it to work in PTP mode so far, gphoto doesn't detect any cameras at all. Anyone been there before and got an idea what I need to do to swutch to PTP mode or what I am missing?04:44
jayeolawhy don't you mount it like a normal drive/device?04:45
jayeoladmeg |tail should show u what u have just plugged in04:46
jayeola[that works for me] 04:46
jayeolathen [as root]  mount /dev/[name of device] 04:46
jayeolabut like i said, that works for me04:47
kuckusI think I tried that already, but let mee what dmesg says...04:47
jayeolajust do dmesg |tail04:47
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[oZaR] ^^bye04:47
jayeolawill show the last few lines. u don't need to see all of dmesg04:48
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kuckusok, so it's /dev/sda - but when I do 'mount /dev/sda /mnt/camera' it says 'mount: no medium found' (or possibly no device found - translating that from German)04:50
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kuckusdo you have a 2.6 kernel as well? As I said I read somethink about 2.6.x having problems with mounting cameras directly04:52
grepperkuckus, try mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera04:52
Cervantes_Say, is there anything I must do in linux to make it so that ubuntu can read files on my FAT32 partition (the other harddrive)?04:53
grepperactually when I plug in my usb storage camera, it pops up a nautilas window with it mounted04:53
nadkuckus, try to cat the device first .. see if its really there in the first place04:53
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kuckusgrepper, still the same error msg when mounting with -t vfat04:54
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ik5pvxcould it be that the camera has a notion of partition table and you need to mount /dev/sda1 instead ?04:55
grepperkuckus, paste the line from dmesg04:55
kuckuswhen I plug it in, it doesn't show in nautilus at all so far04:55
occyhappy new year *04:55
occyif I got an external usb CD drive.... should I be able to install off of it?04:55
grepperik5pvx, yes, he was doing /dev/sda104:55
occyMy laptops cd drive is dead.04:55
=== grepper hopes
kuckusik5pvx, not sure, but I tried both sda and sda1 already04:55
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kuckusgrepper, scsi3 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices04:56
kuckus  Vendor: NIKON     Model: DSC E2000         Rev: 1.0004:56
kuckus  Type:   Direct-Access                      ANSI SCSI revision: 0204:56
kuckusSCSI device sda: 250369 512-byte hdwr sectors (128 MB)04:56
kuckussda: Write Protect is off04:56
kuckussda: Mode Sense: 04 00 00 0004:56
kuckussda: assuming drive cache: write through04:56
kuckus /dev/scsi/host3/bus0/target0/lun0: p104:56
kuckusAttached scsi removable disk sda at scsi3, channel 0, id 0, lun 004:56
kuckusUSB Mass Storage device found at 504:56
occykuckus, use #flood04:56
aquariusWhen browsing to a Windows machine on my network through Gnome, I get "you do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of Windows Network: <computer name>", but "smbclient -L //<computer name>" works fine. WHich permissions do I have set incorrectly?04:56
grepperkuckus, I said "the" line, not to flood04:56
ik5pvxit looks like there is a single partition04:56
kuckusok sorry04:56
Cervantes_aquarius: can you actually see the files on your windows partition?04:57
scoonkuckus, check this out: http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php?product=93904:57
aquariusCervantes_, from where? Nautilus or the CLI?04:57
jayeolakuckus: mount /dev/sda104:58
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Cervantes_err, just in gnome in general.  file manager, whatever you like04:58
aquariusCervantes_, smbclient //computer/sharename works fine and I can see the files. From Nautilus, I get the error when I double-click the server name.04:58
Cervantes_sorry aquarius, I can't help you.  I was hoping you could help me :)04:59
aquariusCervantes_, ok, cheers :)04:59
ik5pvxanyway usb mass storage is not broken in 2.6.9 at least, I'm using it with an external HD, and a colleague uses it with one of those usb keys. Never had the pleasure to try a camera though05:00
kuckusscoon, yep, been there already - my problem was that I wasn't sure how to set the mode to PTP05:00
Cervantes_aquarius, could I ask you one quick question?05:00
scoonkuckus, did you get that part of it figured out.05:00
Cervantes_awesome.  Did you have any trouble accessing your windows partition?05:00
=== Shimonn [~Simon@ALyon-209-1-20-158.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Cervantes_from inside linux05:01
kuckusscoon, not yet, no - it was suggested I'd try mounting it directly first05:01
aquariusCervantes_, trouble in what sense? (I don't have a Windows partition on this machine; I'm trying to access network shared files on a different machine)05:01
Shimonnhi, i just installed ubuntu but my network doesn't work05:01
Cervantes_Ooh, I see what you mean.05:01
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Cervantes_Thanks anyways. :)05:02
bretzelHi all happy new year 2005.05:02
scoonkuckus, according to gphoto the only way your camera will work is in PTP mode.  I'd figure out what that is first.05:02
Cervantes_Happy New Year bretzel05:02
Shimonnwhen i ping other computers i get an "Destionation Host Unreachable"05:02
scoonkuckus, once you do, you will prolly mount it w/ /dev/sda1 or sda2 or sdb1 or sdb2 depending on what else is mounted.05:02
kuckusscoon, should pphoto be detecting the camera automatically as a PTP model, do you know if I have to set anything manually for that to happen?05:02
setitewhats the linux equivalent of a .exe05:03
scoonkuckus, no.  I have a sony cybershot and it just works.05:03
bretzeluh... I have downloaded some .deb ( kdevelop*.deb) in my home dir. How can I install those pkg ? ( apt-get ? dunno how to tell it to install )05:03
setitedoes linux run .exe... because the folding@home program for linux is a .exe05:03
scoonkuckus, try here: http://www.google.com/linux05:03
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ik5pvxShimonn, what kind of network, and was it connected while you installed ?05:03
scoonkuckus, or here http://www.gphoto.org/05:03
nyxtremeddoes anyone know how to solve this error message if I'm using AMD64?05:04
nyxtremeW: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net stable/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_stable_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)05:04
nyxtremeW: Couldn't stat source package list ftp://ftp.nerim.net testing/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.nerim.net_debian-marillat_dists_testing_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)05:04
Shimonna simple ethernet home network, i works fine with windows on the same computer05:04
aquariussetite, executable programs in Linux are those marked as executable. They don't need any special filename extension.05:04
ik5pvxbretzel, that's not the way you normally install a deb, but dpkg -i filename will work. Now, why didn't you just use aptitude or synaptic instead ?05:04
aquariusnyxtreme, it's probably not serious: it means that it's trying to find its local copy of the list of packages from another mirror. Did you just do a "reload" in synaptic to update your packagelist?05:05
ik5pvxShimonn, default install looks for a dhcp server. do you have one in your net ? (your cable/dsl router may have one inside)05:05
Shimonni've one, the install didn't found it05:05
nyxtremeaquarius: no, I used the terminal to update05:06
kuckusscoon, ok thanks.  It seems the Nikon should be showing up as a generic PTP camera when you call gphoto2 with --auto-detect, but it doesn't for me05:06
nyxtremeaquarius: I typed sudo apt-get update05:06
ik5pvxShimonn, what's in /etc/network/interfaces for eth0 ?05:06
aquariusnyxtreme, try running the same update command again and see if you get the error a second time?05:06
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jayeolakuckus: just mount it like it told u to, then make an entry in /etc/fstab05:06
nyxtremeaquarius: yes..I got it like alotta times now..I tired it alotta times05:06
Shimonnwhile running dhclient, the DHCP server receives the requests and answer, but ubuntu doesn't receive the answer05:06
bretzelsynaptic I know - don't know about aptitude :-) dpkg - ok thx... Because I've got kde installed with apt-get install kde from universe repo. but kdevelop isn't htere or the version is too old: 2.1.5 -- Thus I got version 3.0.91 from debian.org/...sid/kde/binary.../kdevelop ..etc ..05:07
aquariusnyxtreme, can you paste your sources.list into #flood?05:07
Cervantes_Can linux read dos partitions?05:07
aquariusCervantes_, yes.05:07
nyxtremeaquarius: what's #flood?05:07
Shimonn /etc/network/interfaces gives the config i set during the install (as dhcp didn't work), which is correct05:07
aquariusnyxtreme, another channel. /join #flood and then paste it in there (so I can see it but it doesn't overwhelm this channel)05:08
stuNNedanyone know the url for setting up k3b in ubuntu?05:08
ik5pvxShimonn, and it doesn't work with the manual config either ?05:08
kuckusjayeola, tried that already, but mount says there is no device "/dev/sda1" and for /dev/sda which I also tried it says there's no medium to be found05:08
scoonkuckus, hmmm.  when you plug it in, does anything get logged ?05:08
nyxtremeaquarius: oh okay05:08
jayeolakuckus: is it plugged in?05:08
ik5pvxShimonn, did you do "ifdown eth0; ifup eth0" after changing the config ?05:08
Cervantes_I'm reading this howto, and it says to go into fdisk and do some stuff.  This command is interesting:  "c --> toggle the dos compatibility flag".  Do I have to use that?05:08
bretzelik5pvx:Thank you :-) I'am going to fire dkpg :-)05:08
Shimonni didn't changed it05:09
Shimonni set it during the install05:09
ik5pvxoh ok05:09
kuckusscoon, yep, vendor and model are listed correctly and it looks as though it should be at /dev/sda05:09
ik5pvxis the interface up ?05:09
mantashow can i manage which kernel modules to load when booting?05:09
aquariusCervantes_, I doubt it. Linux will happily mount a dos partition (just put a line in /etc/fstab)05:09
mantasdabian has modconf05:09
mantasdabian = debian05:10
kuckusjayeola, I'd think so ;)05:10
Cervantes_aquarius: so I do have to change that file!  What exactly, may I ask, must I add to /etc/fstab ?05:10
Shimonni see in the logs the dhcp sent a DHCPOFFER but dhclient on ubuntu say "no DHCPOFFER received"05:10
jayeolakuckus: hold on a sec05:10
aquariusCervantes_, you'll want something like "/dev/<my dos partition>    /mnt/<where to mount it>   auto   defaults   0   2"05:11
ik5pvxShimonn, did you use that network card/cable patch before, possibly with another OS ?05:11
Shimonnit works without problem with windows05:11
nyxtremeaqurius: do you know what I can do?05:11
aquariusnyxtreme, why do you want all three repositories?05:11
Cervantes_thanks aquarius, I'll play around with that.  (gotta reboot into linux lol.  I gotta get the internet working on linux too :P )05:12
ik5pvxdoes ifconfig eth0 say anything strange ?05:12
nyxtremeaqaquarius: because with out it, I can't install alotta other things05:12
jayeolakuckus: http://jayeola.org/wordpress/index.php?p=7405:12
aquariusnyxtreme, you shouldn't need lines for stable, testing, *and* unstable in there, I don't think?05:13
nyxtremeaquarius: I do, to download packages05:13
Shimonnall the netxork config is ok05:13
aquariusnyxtreme, there are some packages in Marillat's stable repos that aren't in unstable?05:14
Cervantes_actually, aquarius, <my dos partition> would be what, exactly?  (an example would be great).  <where to mount it> would be hda0 (it's my master harddrive, actually)05:14
nyxtremeaquarius: appears so, because I still get error message for stable and testing05:14
aquariusCervantes_, Ah, no. <my dos partition> is hda0. <where to mount it> is an empty directory that is your mount point (like, say, /mnt/dos) which you create)05:14
Cervantes_aquarius:  gee thanks lol.  Probably wouldn't have been too healthy if I had done what I first thought!  Thanks a ton!  I'm going to go play around with this :)05:15
aquariusnyxtreme, you should just have "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main" and that's it, I think.05:15
ik5pvxShimonn, paste "ip -4 addr; ip -4 route" to #flood05:15
aquariusCervantes_, have a read up on the mount command, mount points, and what /etc/fstab is. There are HOWTOs around, I blieve.05:16
Cervantes_will do!05:16
nyxtremeaquarius:P no, it doesn't work..cos that site doesn't have anything for AMD6405:16
Shimonni can't paste directly i'm using IRC from another computer05:16
kuckusjayeola, that's almost exactly what I've been doing - just tried again and when I mount /dev/sda it still says "no media found"05:16
nyxtremeaquarius: it only has things for intel05:17
kuckusjayeola, so the device does exist, but for mount there's nothing in it...?05:17
jayeolakuckus: what about sda105:17
nyxtremeaquarius: so I was wondering if anbody knew a site with AMD64 packages05:17
kuckusjayeola, 'mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist'05:17
jayeoladunno, sorry05:17
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jayeolai'm in fedora partition right no05:18
ik5pvxShimonn, ok. Your eth0 should have  <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP>  and a reasonable ip address. Your routing table should show at least a default route and an entry for the LAN where eth0 sits05:18
aquariusnyxtreme, ah, right, gotcha. try "deb http://cyberspace.ucla.edu/marillat/ unstable main", perhaps?05:19
nyxtremeaquarius: yeah I tried that, didn't work lol05:19
Shimonnyes, all is ok05:19
aquariusnyxtreme, what does it do when you try it?05:19
kuckusjayeola, not a problem - I guess I'll just give it another try in a few days, when I need the camera I still have windows around...05:19
nyxtremeaquarius: same as the old one, cannot find package05:19
ik5pvxShimonn, does the command 'arp' show anything ?05:20
kuckusthanks for the help anyway!05:20
jayeolakuckus: when i 1st got a camera i had the same problems that u have. but i won a flash card reader in a competition05:20
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Shimonnbut i see ubuntu's IP in arp from the DHCP server05:20
ik5pvxShimonn, do you have any other network interfaces on that machine ?05:21
aquariusnyxtreme, in that case I'm not sure, I'm afraid. Perhaps someone else can help...05:21
jayeolakuckus:   those camera apps never seemed to work for me - hence the flash card reader05:21
nyxtremeaquarius: oh well..thanks alot for trying to help me though05:21
ik5pvxShimonn, how do you connect to the dhcp server ? is there a switch or a hub in the middle  or is it just a crossed cable ?05:21
Shimonnu switch05:21
setitehow do i get the buddy window in gaim to close?05:21
setitewithout signing off05:21
aquariussetite, click the gaim icon in your notification area05:22
Shimonnthe network works with other computers and from the same computer on windows05:22
kuckusjayeola, actually I have a flashcard reader in this laptop... but I doubt it's working under Linux and it isn't for compactflash anyway ;)05:22
ik5pvxShimonn, does the switch have any leds telling if the connection is 10 or 100, full or half ? Any debugging ? I am suspecting that the interface is in half duplex when itshould be in full duplex05:23
Shimonna led say the cable is connected05:23
kuckuswell, well... I'm off for now, see you05:23
ik5pvxalso check any leds on the back of the network interface05:23
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Shimonna led show the activity05:23
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ik5pvxand have a look at dmesg | grep eth0 for  any suspicious message05:24
Shimonnyes, the cables are OK05:24
Shimonnit works when i boot on windows05:24
Shimonninstead of ubuntu05:24
VerrWho knows how to modify partitions in linux?05:25
ik5pvxwhat network interface is it ?05:25
thoreauputicVerr:  fdisk , cfdisk, parted , qtparted05:26
thoreauputicVerr: any of the above05:26
Shimonndmesg => nothing worng05:26
Shimonn"no ipv6 routers" but i'm using ipv405:26
thoreauputicVerr: kind of depends what you are wanting to do05:27
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Shimonni'm sorry, 'ive to go05:28
ik5pvxShimonn, try launching "tcpdump -i eth0" as root in an xterm, and try pinging your router/dhcp server in another05:28
ik5pvxyou should at least see some arp traffic05:28
Shimonni've to go05:28
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MyKq3hello i have a problem to connecting my ubuntu to my router05:29
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MyKq3now i m sure that my router and my ADSL modem r working just fine05:30
MyKq3( cuse  i m talking from the same machine that ubuntu is installed )05:30
MyKq3can some one help me with that plz ...05:32
MyKq3i think  that all ineed  to do is to make a new connction .... ( for some resone i can't reconfigure my old one )05:32
Verrthoreauputic thanks05:33
thoreauputicVerr: no worries, hope that helps05:33
mantashow can i manage which kernel modules to load when booting?05:34
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thoreauputicVerr: qtparted has a GUI so it's friendlier05:35
aquariusmantas, /etc/modules contains the list of modules that are explicitly loaded (rather than those which are loaded by hotplug)05:35
mantasaquarius, when i'm booting ubuntu i see some modules failing to load05:36
mantashw_random and some others05:36
mantasso i want not to load them05:37
thoreauputicmantas: is everything working as expected, or are these messages showstoppers ?05:37
mantasthoreauputic, showstoppers???05:38
thoreauputicmantas: does the machine boot OK, and does everything work as you wish?05:38
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MyKq3can some one tell plz how can i make new connciton to my router plz05:38
ACIDnethey, trying to access a windows share and when i enter my password it justs asks again - but i know its might05:38
ACIDnetany help??05:38
mantasthoreauputic, yes but i dont like warnings :)05:39
thoreauputicmantas: heh - they are probably harmless and can be ignored then05:39
thoreauputicmantas: Linux often spits out a lot of "warnins" - even when you launch apps from a terminal05:40
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thoreauputicmantas:  for instance, KDE apps spit debug stuff into my nice clean aterm while I'm running Fluxbox :(05:41
mantasthoreauputic, but it says somethin like this: loading hw_random05:41
mantasfailed to load: no such device05:42
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thoreauputicit's just loooking for options05:42
thoreauputicif it doesn't find them, it moves on05:42
mantasthoreauputic, but its KDE not kernel modules05:42
thoreauputicit's being verbose, that's all05:42
Riddellthoreauputic: then turn off debugging output05:43
thoreauputicmantas: bottom line is - if it ain't broke, don't fix it ;)05:43
Verrthoreauputic i use qtparted now...05:43
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Verr"no device, maybe you are not the root user"05:43
thoreauputicRiddell: yes, I know about kdebug but it never lasts longer than a few minutes for some reason ;(05:44
VerrCrappy :/05:44
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thoreauputicVerr: and *are* you the root user?05:44
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VerrI am only one user05:44
VerrNo idea if im not :D05:44
thoreauputicVerr: use sudo05:44
Verrthen i enter the pass and tada?05:45
thoreauputicwhat are you doing? launching it from a terminal?05:45
VerrWith run application05:45
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thoreauputicah - and it doesn't prompt for a password?05:45
Verryeah :(05:46
VerrIt doesnt...05:46
thoreauputichmm...OK I would try with sudo in an xterm, gnome-terminal or whatever05:46
VerrWell it was "no device found, maybe you are not using the root user?"05:46
VerrSudo qtparted huh?05:46
thoreauputicVerr: you have to have root privileges to mess with partitions05:47
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VerrIsnt the first user root?05:47
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thoreauputicVerr: yep. Or better, sudo qtparted & so you can still use the terminal05:47
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VerrSo with "sudo qtparted" I open qtparted?05:48
thoreauputicVerr: no, the first user is in the sudoers group05:48
thoreauputicVerr: should work OK05:48
VerrThx again ;)05:48
Verrhope you dont go nuts with me :D05:48
=== thoreauputic is not very surprised :)
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thoreauputicVerr: one thing to watch - if you have trouble logging in, after using sudo with KDE apps, you might have to delete your ~/.Xauthority file05:49
VerrThe problem didnt get fixed.05:50
thoreauputicVerr: ?05:50
VerrI cant fix the prob with qtparted05:50
thoreauputicwhat is the prob?05:50
VerrIm trying to use winxp too05:50
VerrIt was there when i started installing ubuntu05:50
VerrOH CRAP!05:50
VerrIm stupid..05:51
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thoreauputicVerr: try typing  ` sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda to see your partitions05:51
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MyKq3for some resome i can connect to the internet with my windows but not with my Ubuntu  can some one help me plz05:52
thoreauputicVerr: assuming you have only one hard disk05:52
peejayhow do i edit grub menu.1st05:52
sky_HALudProblem: I'd like to get _hardware_ RAID (0) support at install time for the amd64 bit distribution. I have05:52
VirtualDarKnesspeejay, sudo gedit /boot/grub/meun.lst05:52
sky_HALudan Abit A8V motherboard with the VIA K8T800 Pro/ VT8237 chipset.05:52
VirtualDarKnessor nano05:52
Sacredor vi.05:52
thoreauputicMyKq3: you need to be more specific I think as to what the problem is05:52
peejaythe problem is i cant see anything in the file when in a console. i can see only in kwrite05:53
MyKq3the problem is that i can't confiure my connction on ubuntu05:53
peejaythe problem with krite is i can t save it cos its only read only05:54
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MyKq3i m connnction to the insternet though router and ADSL modem ....05:54
Sacredpeejay: sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst05:55
SacredMyKq3: so your box is connected through ethernet to the router ?05:56
MyKq3and on windows i can connect to the net but when i load ubuntu i can't connect  ... the eth0 is running but i can't c websites or any thingy else05:56
peejaykwrite is in xwindow right?05:56
MyKq3Sacred, yeah05:56
thoreauputicpeejay: kwrite is n KDE05:56
thoreauputicpeejay: you've installed KDE, yes?05:56
Sacredare you on dhcp or did you configure your network manually ?05:57
MyKq3i configured my network manuall05:57
MyKq3i configured my network manually ***05:57
peejaythoreauputic: the problem with krite is i can t save it cos its only read only05:57
thoreauputicMyKq3: can you ping IP addresses from a termianl?05:58
Sacreddid you check that all the settings are alright (IP, submask, gateway). You may check that through ifconfig and netstat -nr.05:58
MyKq3to the router?05:58
MyKq3Sacred,  yeah05:58
thoreauputicpeejay: you were told how to overcome that ` sudo kwrite <name of file> in a terminal05:58
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Sacredalso check that your /etc/resolv.conf well set.05:58
Sacredsee if you can ping
MyKq3Sacred,  hum... i have not checked it05:59
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thoreauputicMyKq3: unless you have nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf  , you will only be able to connect with IP addresses06:00
MyKq3Sacred,  hum okay ...  should i ping it from Ubuntu ? or can i check it from my Windoes06:00
thoreauputicMyKq3: from ubuntu obviously06:00
thoreauputicthat's where the debugging has to be done06:01
SacredCheck it from Ubuntu, MyKq3.06:01
MyKq3thoreauputic,  okay i will restart now06:01
MyKq3should i check any thing else?06:01
thoreauputicMyKq3: good luck - first see if there's anything in /etc/resolv.conf06:01
Sacredtry to check what /etc/network/interfaces says.06:02
thoreauputicand make a note of those for us :)06:02
thoreauputicor tell us before you reboot - better06:02
MyKq3Sacred,  i have allready checked  /etc/network/interfaces and as far as i can c evry thingy is okay there06:02
MyKq3thoreauputic,  sure thing06:03
Sacredif you can ping that address, means that the problem comes from your /etc/resolv.conf which doesn't contain the correct name servers.06:03
thoreauputicMyKq3: what does /etc/resolv.conf have in it?06:03
MyKq3thoreauputic,  don't konw i didn't checked it yet06:03
MyKq3i m offf to check it BRB06:03
Sacredk :)06:04
thoreauputicMyKq3: ah sorry you are in Win still ?06:04
BradBhttp://nopaste.snit.ch:8001/1505: Any idea why--based on that xev output--my Caps Lock doesn't behave like a Control_L key? (e.g. when I do Caps Lock + U, it doesn't clear the command line in a bash shell, etc.)06:04
MyKq3thoreauputic,  yeah06:04
=== thoreauputic was stupid
stuNNedanyone know the url for setting up k3b in ubuntu?06:04
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thoreauputicstuNNed:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/search?SearchableText=k3b06:06
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thoreauputichmmm... not exactly what you are looking for, sorry06:07
stuNNedthoreauputic, np06:07
thoreauputicstuNNed: basically you would need to enable Universe and do an update, then install k3b06:08
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exlt /etc/debian_version indicates 'testing/unstable' - is ubuntu based from sarge or sid?06:08
thoreauputiceither with Synaptic package manager or apt-get06:08
thoreauputicexlt: mostly Sid I believe06:09
thoreauputicexlt: but a snapshot of Sid06:09
SacredMaybe you would want to remap it through setkeycodes, BradB.06:09
exltthx - looking to add an apt source tree and wondering which to choose  :)06:09
GenesisI'm new to the whole Linux idea and someone suggested I give Ubuntu a try.....is there a live cd version so I can try it out before deciding to install it on the hdd06:10
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thoreauputicexlt: go to ubuntulinux.org and do a search for universe and multiverse - don't use Sid06:10
ograthoreauputic: i guess you meant this one for k3b:  https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-05.2946111988/06:10
VirtualDarKness..hi, does anyone know if there is a back port of gimp 2.2 to warty?06:10
VirtualDarKness(actually, I'm just courious cause I already have hoary installed)06:10
BradBSacred: What's wrong with the current events output?06:10
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thoreauputicogra: hmm... login required?06:12
ograthoreauputic: yup....bug already filed ;)06:12
thoreauputicogra: haven't seen that before06:12
ograGenesis: http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/releases/warty/release/warty-live-i386.iso06:12
Genesisoh good06:13
Genesisthank you06:13
thoreauputicogra: OK registering now :/06:13
stuNNedthoreauputic, yes but what's the proper way to run k3bsetup?06:14
thoreauputicstuNNed: unfortunately it needs root privileges, which can do weird things to your .Xauthority file06:15
thoreauputicie you can get locked out06:15
SacredBradB: looks like it's not correctly mapped. The Xlookupstring gives 0 bytes where it should at least be 1.06:16
stuNNedthere was doc on ubuntu forums for setting it up can't find now though06:16
SacredWhat does you .Xmodmap look like, BradB ?06:16
thoreauputicstuNNed: my work-around is to delete ~/.Xauthority (it gets regenerated next login)06:16
stuNNedthoreauputic, that is the only file that is affected?06:16
thoreauputichmm.. maybe it's >ICEauthority actually06:17
BradBSacred: Maybe I'm clueless, but why would a Ctrl key have a one-byte string associated with it? As you can see from what I pasted, even my true left control key does not.06:17
thoreauputicsorry .ICEauthority IIRC06:17
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stuNNedthoreauputic, k06:17
MyKq3hello i m back06:17
BradBSacred: I don't have a .Xmodmap. I made this config change with Gnome's keyboard config tool.06:17
thoreauputicstuNNed: if you get that error it tells you the file anyway06:18
MyKq3thoreauputic, it seems that evry  thing is okay06:18
stuNNedthoreauputic, ah ok then06:18
Sacredmmh, nevermind, you're right. Probably didn't recover yet from my night.06:18
SacredWere you able to ping the address MyKq3 ?06:18
MyKq3u mean like googles addres ....06:19
MyKq3hum  i didnt' tryed ....06:19
thoreauputicMyKq3: you need to try the things we suggested - it's part of the problem solving process06:20
MyKq3hum  i have not tryed ....06:20
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thoreauputicMyKq3: well, go and try then ;)06:20
MyKq3thoreauputic,  yeah i forget i m sorry06:20
thoreauputicMyKq3: write it down: check nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf and try to ping the IP address06:21
MyKq3can u plz gemme an ip to ping ?06:21
thoreauputicshould be google06:21
thoreauputicbut *don't* ping a name, ping a number :)06:21
MyKq3okay i will do that06:22
MyKq3=) BRBR06:22
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smooth-operatorhello, the terminal says i have new mail in var/mail/myusername how do i check it?06:25
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siretartsmooth-operator: it is delivered by default to your local mailspool in /var/mail. point your mail client to use that06:26
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smooth-operatorok thanks06:27
thoreauputicsmooth-operator: or you can just type `mail` in the terminal and hit enter a couple of times06:27
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Cervantes_Does anyone know how to get .mp3 files working in ubuntu?06:28
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wezzer-Cervantes_: yes06:29
wezzer-sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad06:29
wezzer-type that in console06:30
Cervantes_where will that get the file from?  I'm new to linux06:30
sensebendwezzer-, doesn't universe need to be enabled for that?06:30
MyKq3thoreauputic,  okay i resived this massage connect: Network is unreachable06:30
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wezzer-sensebend: if I remember right, nope06:30
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sensebendis anyone able to dist-upgrade to hoary right now?06:31
MyKq3what do u  think that problem is ....06:31
MyKq3Sacred, any ideals ?06:32
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Cervantes_wezzer-: that won't require the internet, will it?06:32
wezzer-Cervantes_: yes it will :/06:32
Cervantes_I guess I'm going to need to set up the internet first, in that case06:32
Cervantes_something that I'm having trouble with :/06:33
thoreauputicMyKq3: Ok you are not routed so it isn't DNS ( resolv.conf)06:33
wezzer-Cervantes_: what kind of problem?06:33
wezzer-I believe that at least some one from here can help you with your problem06:33
thoreauputicMyKq3: your network is misconfigured - /etc/network/interfaces is wrong, I'd say06:33
MyKq3thoreauputic,  okay then were should i look now? ....06:33
thoreauputic  /etc/network/interfaces06:34
MyKq3i checked it and it's like my windows conf.06:34
Cervantes_wezzer-: Well, I am assuming its a driver problem, but I can't be sure.  When I go to computer -> system something or other (can't remember, in windows right now) -> networking and set up the modem, it can't auto detect it06:34
thoreauputicMyKq3: you have entered soem wrong variables I expect06:34
Cervantes_then when I click activate, it checks it for a second or two, then unchecks it.06:34
sky_HALudProblem: I'd like to get _hardware_ RAID (0) support at install time for the amd64 bit distribution. I have an Abit A8V motherboard with the VIA K8T800 Pro/ VT8237 chipset.06:35
siretartsky_HALud: get a 3ware controller06:35
thoreauputicMyKq3: keep it in channel then everyone can contribute or learn, OK?06:35
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MyKq3thoreauputic,  okay .... i just wanted to show u the file and not to floood....06:36
thoreauputicMyKq3: unless you have output to paste06:36
sky_HALudsiretart: only that controller is supported? is it SATA?06:36
sensebendCervantes_, is your modem a winmodem by any chance?06:36
Cervantes_sensebend: I assume so.  It's AOpen06:36
thoreauputicah I see - well you can paste it in #flood06:36
siretartsky_HALud: there is no other IDE controller doing real hardware raid to my knowledge06:37
thoreauputicMyKq3: but I'm not really up on adsl and routers, so maybe someone else can help06:37
sensebendthat's all I can really help with on your modem issue06:37
MyKq3thoreauputic,  thanks.... well i haev gone though the conf. of the resolv.conf and evry thing is just fine06:37
Cervantes_k thanks06:37
Cervantes_I've looked around linuxant.com but got lost :/06:37
Cervantes_hopefully this will be easier06:38
pmfpwhat's the name of that program that you can use to create tag-lines for arch?06:38
MyKq3thoreauputic,  hum thanks man for all your help06:38
pmfpjust randomly creates a line06:38
thoreauputicMyKq3: not to state the obvious, but clearly it isn't fine since you can't connect ;)06:38
MyKq3lol yeah06:38
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siretartsky_HALud: if you would have a real hardware raid controller, you would not need support for it from the installer.06:39
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MyKq3thoreauputic,  i don't know its just the same as in my windows and at my routers ... odd06:39
sky_HALudsiretart: oh, I see. I didn't know that. then how can I have software RAID 0 support at install? I want to install Ubuntu for AMD64 on an already partitioned RAID0 array06:39
thoreauputicMyKq3: umm.. Linux is not Windows :/06:39
siretartsky_HALud: is that already partitioned raid0 array created with linux md? then it should appear in the installer06:40
isaaczhi.. during the installation the installer craps out on initrd-tools... looking at the message console it says something about aptitude not installed..06:40
MyKq3thoreauputic, i don't c y should it b diffrent ... plus it had worked with the same conf. befor06:40
thoreauputicMyKq3: if you tell the channel you are about to paste in #flood, maybe someone will see the problem06:41
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thoreauputicMyKq3: it worked in Linux, you mean?06:41
sky_HALudsiretart: the RAID array has been created using the RAID BIOS06:41
MyKq3okay i will paste it there06:41
namastewhere does the ubuntu burn tool saves it's images which it burns06:41
JStrike /tmp iirc06:42
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namasteJStrike, were you talking with me?06:43
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sky_HALudsiretart: Would the solution described at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingToRAID1/view?searchterm=raid work if I'd change the raid1 entry to raid0 in /etc/mkinitrd/modules ?06:43
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namastebut i can't find any images06:44
namastei burned several cds and now is my hd full06:44
thoreauputicMyKq3: is that the whole /etc/network/interfaces file?06:44
siretartsky_HALud: ah, now I understand what you try to acheive. I have to dissapoint you, I think this isn't possible.06:44
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namaste(yes, i deleted the files i burned)06:45
MyKq3thoreauputic,  no there is some more comments06:45
siretartsky_HALud: You would need a "driver" for your raid controller for linux to understand the settings in the bios.06:45
thoreauputicyou don't seem to have a loopback interface06:45
siretartsky_HALud: I suggest you disable raid in the bios and configure decent linux software raid06:45
MyKq3this is the whole file ( check flood)06:45
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sky_HALudsiretart: yes. this is what understand, too. but VIA has a compilable driver for it, it's just not compiled for Ubuntu for AMD6406:47
thoreauputicMyKq3: I'm not sure abot the auto eth0 entry - I thought that was for DHCP but I'm no expert06:47
siretartsky_HALud: ah? do you have a pointer to that driver from via? has it been incorporated into the main kernel line?06:48
MyKq3thoreauputic,  u think that commant them will do the trick ?06:48
thoreauputicMyKq3: and are the numbers in /etc/resolv.conf the same as those at the bottom of that file?06:48
MyKq3here i willl flood them06:49
thoreauputicMyKq3: I'm just guessing really - I have only dial up here06:49
BenLI'm trying to build the ivtv driver06:49
BenLand I get:06:49
BenLmake -C /lib/modules/ SUBDIRS=/home/ben/software/unpacked/ivtv-0.3.2a/driver modules06:49
BenLmake: *** /lib/modules/ No such file or directory.  Stop.06:49
BenLmake: *** [all]  Error 206:49
BenLwhat do I do about that?06:49
=== phyberoptix [~fybrglas@nc-65-173-95-19.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #Ubuntu
sky_HALudsiretart: yes, the driver is here: http://www.viaarena.com/downloads/LinuxApplicationNotes/Apr04/via_raid_linux_v100_20040412.zip and the install instructions are at http://www.viaarena.com/downloads/LinuxApplicationNotes/Apr04/via%20ml9.2%20raid%20combo%20driver%20ver0.8a.gz . It's just that this isn't compiled for Ubuntu AMD6406:50
MyKq3okay ppl i got to go06:50
MyKq3thoreauputic, thanks for the help06:51
thoreauputicMyKq3: I'm not sure but I think you may be missing a default route entry or something similar06:51
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exltI added universe to sources.list and updated - transcode does not seem to be here - anyone using it or know best place to install from - I am looking at http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/doc/install.cipp#debian as a possible place06:51
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MyKq3what do u mean by  default route entry ?06:51
thoreauputicMyKq3: hang on - looking for something06:52
MyKq3thoreauputic,  okay thanks06:52
thoreauputicI have to ssh to another box in a minute to look - hold on06:52
bretzelHi all,06:53
SacredBenL: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-
Sacredthen try to recompile it.06:53
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siretartsky_HALud: I'm having a look at them..06:54
thoreauputicMyKq3: gateway entry06:54
thoreauputiclike gateway ( not what yours will be - it would be the IP of your router I expect)06:54
sky_HALudsiretart: that's great. thanks in advance :)06:55
bretzelI realize that it is a real nigthmare to get KDE3.3.x on debian! wI went to debian.org and then navigated around in the unstable packages and then kde, libraries... Full of dependant pkgs, but nothing to help getting some repository about those huge downloads06:55
siretartsky_HALud: Ok, I looked at the "driver". it is a BLOB, a binary large object that is loaded into kernel space, no real sourcecode there, just a small wrapper around that viaprvraidm64.o06:56
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thoreauputicMyKq3: also shouldn't the network entry be  network ?06:57
siretartsky_HALud: only via can support such a BLOB, since only they have the sourcecode06:57
bretzelIt seems being bleeding on debian is prohibited ?? But KDE 3.3.(1)/QT-3.3.3 are certainly NOT unstable them self... Why there is no easy links for those pkg ??06:57
sky_HALudsiretart: ugh, that's nasty :(06:57
sky_HALudthen I'll try to talk to them06:57
sky_HALudanyway, thanks very much for the support :)06:58
siretartsky_HALud: But, I really strongly suggest that you disable the raid functionality of that via stuff: image what happens if your mainboard burns, but the drives left functional06:58
MyKq3thoreauputic,  no i have configured it on the router to b
siretartsky_HALud: you would have to get exact the same mainboard again, perhaps in the same bios revision06:58
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siretartsky_HALud: therefore, for data saftey, I see a real linux software raid as the superior solution. really06:58
thoreauputicMyKq3: well, I think you need the gateway entry06:59
MyKq3thoreauputic,  ween i come to think about it i think u r right06:59
kebaci thought that all raid arrays work with all raid controllers06:59
sky_HALudsiretart: ok. suppose I do that, is there a way to run also Windows on that array?06:59
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bretzelPlease Who has KDE-3.3 and all related stuff actually installed on his debian ???06:59
siretartsky_HALud: I think windows also has some sort of "logical disk manager", but I dont know how it is called. I read about "virtual drives"06:59
thoreauputicMyKq3: without a gateway the box can't find its way onto the net from behind the router afaik06:59
MyKq3thoreauputic,  i think that the internet stoped around the time i conf the gateway07:00
siretartsky_HALud: this would also go without drivers from via, but I dont know windows enough to answer you that.07:00
thoreauputicMyKq3: heh - we'd be in trouble if " the internet stopped" !07:00
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thoreauputicbut I know what you mean07:00
sky_HALudsiretart: got it. it would probably work if the linux software raid would be compiled on windows so that I could feed it with a driver disk at install07:01
usualwill hoary gstreamer be able to play dvd's?07:01
sky_HALudbut this raises some performance inssues07:01
sky_HALudI'll look into it07:01
MyKq3thoreauputic,  okay how can i add the gateway ?07:02
bretzelPlease Who has KDE-3.3 and all related stuff actually installed on his debian ???07:02
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thoreauputicMyKq3: well the direct way would be to edit the file07:02
MyKq3thoreauputic,  i thought it was the "network" in /etc/network/interfaces07:02
Riddellbretzel: most of KDE 3.3 is in hoary07:02
MyKq3okay what should i add07:03
thoreauputicthat defines the network, but not the gateway07:03
kebacwhat is this "hoary" everybody is talking about07:03
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Sacredthe unstable ubuntu distribution~07:03
thoreauputicMyKq3: the IP of your router I'd say07:03
siretartsky_HALud: linux software raid ( called md in the linux world ) is a part of the linux kernel. I never heard about a project making it accessible in windows07:03
bretzelAha! So is it available through Synaptic ??? ( I mean a repo )07:04
BenLSacred: ta, that helped :-)07:04
thoreauputicand your network setting is probably wrong too, as I said07:04
MyKq3thoreauputic,  no i mean how do i enter the gateway to the network conf07:04
v0m1tntpdate trys to sync before pppoe link while booting... how can I fix that?07:04
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thoreauputicMyKq3: ? edit /etc/network/interfaces and add the gateway line07:04
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siretartsky_HALud: perhaps you can setup your via controller to not use for the whole disk but only for some partitions and use the leftover one within linux?07:05
MyKq3u mean like this ... look at floods07:05
sky_HALudsiretart: hmm, I think I could do that07:05
HwolfDoes ubuntu support using sata-raid finally?07:05
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sky_HALudhowever, for me the best solution would be to have a single array shared across both Linux and Windows07:06
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thoreauputicMyKq3: that looks better to me - but please remember my networking knowledge is *very* limited07:06
MyKq3thanks k man07:06
MyKq3thoreauputic,  at list its an ideal07:06
thoreauputicMyKq3: I set mine up by reading howtos months ago  *grin*07:06
siretartsky_HALud: I dont think that a single shared array is feasible07:07
MyKq3okay i m off to try it07:07
thoreauputicOK good luck :)07:07
sky_HALudsiretart: yeah, it seems so. given that data security is not an too big issue on my workstation, maybe a 64 bit VIA driver would solve my problem07:09
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Sacrednp BenL :)07:09
siretartsky_HALud: the best solution would be via releasing the source code to their drivers and the linux kernel team incorporating them. then ubuntu could support your hardware well07:10
siretartsky_HALud: up to now the only feasible solution doing IDE hardware raid are 3ware controllers07:11
sky_HALudsiretart: indeed, that would be the best. however, somehow I'd doubt that this will happen. but I'll buzz them anyway07:11
Riddellbretzel: yes, it is available, using hoary07:11
sky_HALudsiretart: ok, I thought I have hardware raid (blush)07:12
siretartsky_HALud: I doubt that too :( - but only if they get requests they would see a need to improve the situation07:12
siretartsky_HALud: I would call that "hardware assissted software raid". Have you seen how big that BLOB also for windows is?07:12
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bretzelRiddell: OK but what URI to write in sources.list - Or other kind of setup to do  such as ... wait :-) going to ubuntu site ...07:13
v0m1tntpdate trys to sync before pppoe link can come up while booting... how can I fix that?07:14
da_bon_bonmay i ask a question about knoppix here ?07:14
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sky_HALudsiretart: for the 64 bit version of Windows XP the BLOB seems to be 75k. but how relevant would that be?07:15
siretartsky_HALud: I think that really a lot of code being computed on your host cpu for a "hardware" raid07:16
sky_HALudsiretart: got it. on the other hand, performance is much better than having a single hdd07:17
sky_HALudso at least it seems a relatively good software solution07:18
sky_HALudbtw. now that I looked more closely at the VIA Linux driver they seem to have the BLOB compiled for 64 bit (there's a driver/VIA_RAID_Linux_V100\driver\viaprvraidm64.o file)07:18
da_bon_bonhey, can anyone hear me ?07:18
astansys1sure can but I'm out of my league! newbie listenning in07:19
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: you haven't really asked anything yet :)07:19
siretartda_bon_bon: yes, we can read you, but dont ask to ask, just ask. but for knoppix related questions you might prefer #knoppix07:20
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da_bon_bonsiretart, thoreauputic: sorry, i though  i was disconnected, so.07:21
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jonohi all07:21
thoreauputicda_bon_bon: no, you exist ;)07:21
jonoanyone got an ipod working with ubuntu?07:21
da_bon_bonthoreauputic: ok..07:21
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thoreauputicMyKq3: any luck?07:23
MyKq3hello when i try to configure my gateway i get this error massage07:23
MyKq3** (network-admin:7040): CRITICAL **: gst_xml_element_find_first: assertion `parent != NULL' failed07:23
MyKq3** (network-admin:7040): CRITICAL **: gst_xml_element_destroy: assertion `node != NULL' failed07:23
MyKq3thoreauputic,  no no luck at all07:23
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thoreauputicwell, I'm not the one to help then - my NAT and simple network work fine, but beyond that I have no expertise to offer, sorry07:24
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MyKq3thoreauputic,  thanks man for all the help u gave me07:25
MyKq3i think iwill hit the bad right now07:25
sky_HALudsiretart: I think that the 64 bit module is for Intel's older 64 bit instruction set (they have install instructions for suse on x86_64 at the end of driverdisk.txt)07:25
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thoreauputicMyKq3: it's probably something simple we've missed - I'm sure you'll get it07:25
jonoI nearly had a win with Ubuntu - bought my dad a hard disk, but he wanted to see the live cd - I booted his system, everything worked apart from the printer - a parallel port epson stylus 660 - I set up the printer in the gnome printer tool and it just did'nt work - is this a known problem07:26
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thoreauputicjono: might be an idea to visit http://linuxprinting.org/ and check the support for the printer07:29
thoreauputicjono:  maybe this one? http://linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Epson-Stylus_Color_66007:31
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jonothoreauputic: thing is, this should really work out of the box, I am going to investigate further to see what the problem is07:33
thoreauputichmm - agreed07:33
jonoI am a professional open source advocate at openadvantage.org and if I cant get a basic printer driver working out of the box, it nails the distro for many people07:34
thoreauputicbug report time :(07:35
spikebopen advantage should put out thier own distro :)07:36
thoreauputicfor some reason firefox refuses to display that page, although galeon is fine! weird...07:36
jonoits good that ubuntu hackers are responsive to bug reports07:36
spikebyes. that's a proper usage of the term07:37
=== spikeb high-fives jonmasters
thoreauputicgen: as opposed to "crackes"07:37
spikeber jono07:37
jonoI am basically standardising on ubuntu in many projects at openadvantAGE07:37
jonoI spend all day working with people to move them to open source07:38
jonoits a fun job07:38
thoreauputicgen: the term has been hijacked by the press and misunderstood :(07:38
genyes i know07:38
spikebjono, it sounds like fun07:38
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Shimonnhi, i'm the one whose network doesn't work with ubuntu07:39
jonospikeb, yeah its cool :)07:39
spikebdid it just start working?07:39
jonolater all07:39
Shimonnjust a question : who to swich between channels in irssi (a text irc client) ?07:40
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kebacShimonn: alt+#07:40
genor control n, for next07:40
Shimonnok, thanks07:40
spikebShimonn, alt-# or esc-#07:40
thoreauputicShimonn: either alt-,number> or ctrl-n and ctrl -p07:40
Shimonnok, ok07:40
Shimonni just installed ubuntu07:41
thoreauputicheh as always several different ways07:41
Shimonni can't use my ethernet card07:41
Shimonni see i can send data but not receive anything07:41
genwhich card07:41
Shimonnlspci say it is a 'Linksys' and i use the 'tulip' module with it07:42
spikeblike most of my cards07:43
Shimonni used this card with knoppix and windows without problems07:43
genso which card is it07:43
genmodel #07:44
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JConnellDoes anyone know how to change the output device in helix player/real player? I have my regular soundcard /dev/dsp, and my usb headset /dev/dsp107:44
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JConnellIn xmms or mplayer its easy07:44
kebacis it possible to change default output device?07:45
JConnellI can't find an option like that :/07:45
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newguyif i remove xine will that also take away totem-xine?  Because i just want totem-xine and not xine, because xine is crashing.07:46
Lbasewell; ubuntu install just failed . .  bummer07:46
spikebnewguy, if you take away xine-ui, it's fine.07:47
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Shimonn'Linksys NC100 [...]  (rev11)'07:47
newguyok so totem-xine will not be touch...07:47
Lbaseno root user? hmmmm07:48
Lbaseone module bombed, but it started up ....07:49
thoreauputicLbase: use sudo for root privileges07:49
Shimonngen: my ethernet card is a Linksys NC10007:49
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Lbaseyeah OK07:49
thoreauputicLbase: if you really must have a root shell, you can do sudo -s07:50
usualdo the daily cd images of haory have the installer? or are they just packages?07:50
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usualwill hoary gstreamer support playing dvd's?07:53
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isaaczwill apt look at the warty cd i have mounted before trying the internet?07:53
Lbaseand now comes the X config ...07:53
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sensebendusual, see http://www.ubuntuguide.org07:55
JConnellIs the next gnome going to be 2.10 or 3.0?07:56
usualsensebend, isn't that for warty07:56
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sensebendif I could get hoary to dist upgrade without failing I could tell you :)07:57
sensebenduntil then I'm sticking with warty07:57
usualwhat happens07:57
sensebendit fails because of a libfamc (something like that library)07:57
usualremove it07:57
Shimonnmy netwok card does not receive anything07:57
usualinstall gamin07:57
usualgamin replaces fam07:58
sensebendcool, because fam breaks a lot of dependencies07:58
sensebendI'll have to try that07:58
newguyhow to add more extra repositories besides the ubuntu guide html..any links with more source lists?07:59
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thoreauputicnewguy: try a search on ubuntulinux,org for  restricted formats, and maybe mplayer08:01
sensebendusual, well I'm trying a dist upgrade again08:01
sensebendlet's hope this works08:01
genaha good luck08:01
jovianquestion got a new keyboard that has a bunch of happy extra buttons for multimedia08:01
jovianhow can I assign them in ubuntu08:02
genjovian, they're most likely software driven in windows08:02
genso not seeing that working so well08:02
usualsensebend, do what i said08:02
jovianah okay08:02
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sensebendI did usual08:02
sensebendI removed fam08:02
sensebendand it's libraries08:02
sensebendand installed gamin08:02
sensebendI am dist-upgrading as we speak08:03
gengamin is a evil monitor, arg ahoy08:03
Shimonnmy ubuntu sends an arp request to know the MAC for an IP, but it doesn't receive the answer08:03
sensebendlet's hope this works08:04
Lbaseuh, you're sure you're using a good cable yes?08:04
Shimonnmy ethernet cards/cables works fine08:05
gsuvegryan: ping08:05
newguyCan I use both Ubuntu and Debian packages together?08:05
Shimonnit works without problem when running windows instead of ubuntu08:05
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sensebendnewguy, yes for the most part08:05
sensebendjust be careful not to break anything08:06
Cranebut you learn if you break things08:06
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sensebendI remember when I used to reinstall every single day :D08:07
sensebendthose were the days08:07
Cranehe I just got through reinstalling08:07
Cranehe he08:07
newguyi will08:08
Shimonncan anyone help me ?08:08
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Cranedepends on what you need08:08
Shimonni said it three times08:08
Shimonni just installed ubuntu08:08
Cranesorry I just logged in08:08
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Shimonnand ther network doesn't work08:08
hahuI want to install the Opera Browser. What do i have to do for that?08:09
Shimonnwhen pinging any IP, i get a "destination host unreachable"08:09
spikebgo to www.opera.com08:09
usualsensebend, any lucl08:09
spikebget the static version08:09
Shimonnin fact i seen i can send data, but not receive, including arp traffic08:10
sensebendmaybe, got 20 more minutes of downloading08:10
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hahuspikeb, And i can't do it with apt-get or something else?08:10
jovianwell got it kinda the keyboard shortcut thing registered the extra keys08:11
Lbasewho is assigning ip address to eth0 Shimonn ?08:11
laura_I have the problems whit ubuntu when I burn cdrom08:11
hahuspikeb, I can choose debian Unstable, Sarge, Woody and Potato08:11
Shimonni set the ip manually during the install08:11
laura_could you help me?08:12
spikebhahu, choose static other/deb08:12
hahuspikeb, ah, you mean static deb08:12
hahuspikeb, ok, thank you!08:12
spikebhahu, :)08:12
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newguyis there a way to save the apt-get update and upgrade files to a folder for future keeps instead of always going to Internet.?08:14
spikebnewguy, apt automatically does that08:14
spikebnewguy, it only goes to the internet if newer files are there.08:14
LbaseShimonn:  does route show something?08:15
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newguybut if somebody doesn't have internet access and just burn it to a disc .08:15
Shimonna route for the local network with mask, and a default route using the gateway
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Lbasethat sounds correct ... how about lsmod? does it look like the correct module is being loaded for your network card?08:17
Cervantes_oww, there is so much stuff out there on winmodems...08:17
Shimonnthe tulip module is loaded08:17
Shimonneth0 diapears with other modules i trieds08:17
Shimonntulip i also used by knoppix for this card, without problems08:18
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Hikaru79Hey, Cervantes_ :)08:19
Cervantes_haha hi hikaru :)08:19
Lbasewell I guess I'm not much help then, cause nothing else comes to mind08:19
Cervantes_I got the master hard drive visable :)08:19
Hikaru79I posted on the forum, but check this out: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DialupModemHowto/view?searchterm=dial-up08:19
Hikaru79Yup, I read ^_^08:19
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Cervantes_I've read that wiki08:19
Cervantes_but it doesn't help for getting my winmodem working under linux08:20
Cervantes_(at least, I think it's a winmodem)08:20
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naimhile, what file do i edit to change the default behaivior of ctrl-alt-delete  ??08:20
Agrajag/etc/inittab I think08:20
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newguywhat is aptitude?08:22
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Hikaru79newguy, it's a front-end for apt08:22
Hikaru79Which is a package management tool that Debian-based distros use08:22
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Hikaru79newguy, if you're new, I reccomend Synaptic over aptitude.08:23
newguyis Synaptic in ubuntu?08:23
=== hypa7ia <3's synaptic
hypa7iahappy new year ubuntuers!08:24
genhappy new year to you also08:24
newguyi typed Synaptic in root no program found.08:24
thoreauputichypa7ia: happy new year !08:25
hypa7iadid you do a default, or a custom install newguy?08:25
hypa7iathanks thoreauputic :-))08:25
thoreauputichypa7ia: happiness is not case sensitive ;)08:25
kezzanybody know where i can find ndiswrapper packages for ppc, the howto says install it with synaptic but i can't find it in the list and apt can't find it either from the commandline08:25
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deception_ukhi all08:26
mjg59kezz: ndiswrapper isn't available for ppc, I'm afraid08:26
usualI might reinstall ubuntu with a hoary cd image08:26
mjg59kezz: Windows drivers need x86 to run08:26
usualthen I would have never been warty08:26
spikebwhat ppc needs is a ndiswrapper like thing that uses OSX drivers08:27
newguywhat i do in synaptic?  Can i link to .DEB packages in folder for future downloading?08:27
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kezzmjg: heh thanks i should have realised that08:27
kezzlinux-wlan it is then :S08:27
Cervantes_Hikaru79, I'm dieing!!08:27
hypa7ianewguy: when you install packaged with apt-get (regardless of what frontend you use) they're saved in /var/cache/apt/archives/08:28
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remi`does someone know where to find daily hoary iso builds?08:29
ik5pvxarchive.ubuntu.com/cdimage/daily or something similar08:30
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remi`ik5pvx, thanks a lot :)08:30
newguywhy doesn't the console apt-get doesn't get all the files but in synaptic i see more packages?08:31
Shimonnis there an ubuntu forum where i can post my problem ?08:32
deception_ukShimonn : http://www.ubuntuforums.org08:33
Shimonnok, thx08:33
hypa7ianewguy: you should get the same ones, exactly, in both.  synaptic is just a gui for apt08:33
diarrhoeit takes a lot of time to resolve any hosts with my ubuntu wlan, altough i already created an /etc/resolv.conf. Any idea?08:34
thoreauputicnewguy:  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/SynapticHowto/view?searchterm=synaptic%20how08:35
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hypa7iaspammy mc spam spam?08:43
genspammy mc spammerson08:43
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=== Cervantes_ slaps ubuntulog around a bit with a large trout
=== Cervantes_ slaps Hikaru79 around a bit with a large trout
Cervantes_much better08:50
kebacwhy here is no ops?08:50
kebacis it a feature of freenode08:51
newguyoh oh synaptic can't install mplayer none of them?  what do i do?08:51
spikebthere are ops08:51
alindemanChannel staff can request ops from ChanServ08:51
alindemanWhen needed08:51
spikebthey're not opped at the moment08:51
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hypa7ianewguy: add the right repositories :-)08:51
newguyu give me repositorie list at site?08:52
hypa7ianewguy: i think it's in the guide08:52
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Q-FUNKkebac: moi08:55
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newguycan't add them to synaptic try text editor08:58
kebacQ-FUNK: hello!08:58
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kebacQ-FUNK: long time no see08:58
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hahuCan i let ubuntu execute some root commands after booting?09:02
hahu(without entering a password)09:02
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newguyi don't see some programs i installed from synaptic in ubuntu?09:03
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hypa7ianewguy: if they are in Universe, you may need to add them to the menu manually09:04
hypa7iabut it says that in the guide :-)09:04
scizzohahu: more /etc/rcS.d/README09:07
scizzohahu: more /etc/init.d/README09:07
hahuscizzo, thx, i'll read it09:08
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BenLarg! so how do I install xmltv?09:12
siretarthahu: more easily: install a cron entry with time "@reboot"09:12
hahusiretart, in /etc/crontab?09:12
siretarthahu: e.g. "echo @reboot /path/to/root/script | sudo tee -a /etc/crontab"09:12
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hahusiretart, Thanks!!09:13
hahui will try that09:13
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swimanyone using kde on ubuntu?09:15
calamariswim: I installed the kde libraries and it didn't work so well09:15
calamaria few kde apps work.. kinda09:16
swimhmm, bummer, the only thing keeping me from ubuntu...09:16
siretartswim: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Kubuntu09:16
swimthx :)09:16
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siretartswim: short: no, use gnome or debian ATM.09:17
drspinwhy can't i install libgnomeui/09:17
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BenLxmltv, anyone?09:17
kezzBenL get the source if its not in the repository09:17
swimok thanks miguellinux09:17
kezzits in the debian unstable tree but im not sure if  there's an ubuntu package09:17
swimor sorry thanks siretart09:17
BenLwell, allegedly it is in the repository09:17
kezzlibxmltv-perl, xmltv, xmltv-gui and  xmltv-util are the debian names09:18
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kezzif that helps09:18
BenLat least according to my limited understanding: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xmltv/09:18
kezzhave you added all the repositories09:19
kezzin synaptic there were 2 unticked for me09:19
BenLyes, I added those09:19
kezzwhat does apt-get install xmltv return09:19
newguywhat is hoary ?  Next iso for ubuntu?09:19
netmonkdoes anyone now why when I paly dvd the picture stops and starts all the time and how can i fix that?09:19
swimjust out of curiosity why is would someone use ubuntu instead of debian? (not trying to start a fight, just a legit question)09:20
scizzonewguy: its development....it will become the next stable release09:20
kezzswim: ubuntu uses upto date packages09:21
kezzthey are only unstable in debian09:21
swimkezz, ah ok, but debian users can use those too right?09:21
BenLroot@mythical:~ # apt-get install xmltv09:21
BenLReading Package Lists... Done09:21
BenLBuilding Dependency Tree... Done09:21
BenLE: Couldn't find package xmltv09:21
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kezzswim: yes but they are part of the unstable tree09:22
kezzdebian's stable packages are pretty old09:22
kezzbut they live up to their name i guess09:22
hahusiretart, your idea didn't seem to work :-/09:22
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swimkezz, just wondering, would it be nmuch different than using debian testing, and backporting unstable packages?09:22
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siretarthahu: oh, then try adding it to "sudo -H crontab -e", that works for me. But I only do that as user09:23
calamariswim: one reason I use Ubuntu over Debian is that Debian users have a stuck-up attitude, rather than one of wanting to help09:23
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=== hypa7ia pssh'es calamari
hypa7iakidding :-)09:24
scizzoswim: a good question for you is...have you tried ubuntu?09:24
scizzoswim: because everyone has their own reasons for using it09:24
swimscizzo, yes, but the lack of kde keeps me away unfortunatly09:24
calamariI tried to find out many times how to make it boot up without asking for a password.. no one would tell me, they kept asking "why?", and saying stuff about how my reasons were dumb, etc.09:24
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hypa7iayeah, that's lam09:24
scizzoswim: that is actually one of the reasons I am using it.....because I do not like KDE09:25
sensebendI just dist upgraded to hoary09:25
calamariI think the truth of it is that they didn't actually know.. but whatever :)09:25
sensebendand it looks nice09:25
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hypa7ialame, rather.  i mean, it's one thing to say, "okay, this is why not to do that, but here's how if you need to"09:25
sensebendwith the exception of my screen resolution, according to the gnome tool for changing it cannot go higher than 640x48009:25
hypa7iacalamari: quite possible :-)09:25
sensebendwhere is the configuration file now on X.org09:25
sensebendas opposed to where it used to be on XF8609:26
kebacsensebend: /etc/X11/xorg.conf i guess09:26
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calamarialso Ubuntu "just works" :)09:26
BenLhow do you upgrade to hoary?09:26
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[oZaR] BenL: change the repositories09:26
[oZaR] in the sources.list09:26
scizzoBenL: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryHedgehog09:26
scizzoBenL: you will get a lot of information there09:26
hypa7iaremember the utf8 thing!  i hosed 2 installs because of it09:27
[oZaR] just change 'warty' andput 'hoary' instead09:27
[oZaR] then apt-get update09:27
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[oZaR] and finally09:27
[oZaR] apt-get dist-upgrade09:27
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sensebendhmm maybe this is the problem09:28
sensebendI'm still running on XFree8609:29
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sensebendyet I have X.org common installed but not the server09:29
naimhile, if i have universal and restricted in my sources.list file, and a package is found in both, which one is installed ??09:29
sensebendanyone else experience this weirdness?09:29
naimhile, if i have universal and restricted in my sources.list file, and a package is found in both, which one is installed ??09:30
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naimsorry .. this is wierd ... odnt know where the 'le' is coming from09:30
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hypa7ianaim: whichever one you pick.  they should conflict, and not allow you to install both09:33
sky_HALudsiretart: Thanks very much for your help. I'm going out now. Bye.09:34
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stuNNed_hmm, firefox won't start, complains already running, but lsof says no open files | grep -i firefox09:34
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ArCHoNKoGhas anyone got got americas army working on upgrade from warty to hoary09:35
naimhypa7ia, what do you mean whichever i pick?? if i do:: apt-get install mozilla-firefox .. i think that is in both, but which one is selected ?09:35
rushibhaihiya all. happy new year. need prism pci module for athlon 64..09:36
exltstuNNed - sounds like you have a lock file to remove - look in .mozilla/firefox/XXXXXX.default/09:36
hypa7iafirefox isn't in restricted09:36
stuNNed_exlt, looking, thanks09:36
stuNNed_exlt, roger that, that was it! :D09:37
naimhypa7ia, just suppose for now09:37
stuNNed_what's the easiest way to run fsck on fs in ubuntu?09:37
hypa7ianaim: no idea, really.   i've never run into non-uniquely-named packages, to be honest.  can you give me an example?09:38
exltStuNNed_ - fsck in ro mount from a rescue environment, such as the live CD09:39
stuNNed_exlt, rescue mode grub entry won't work?09:39
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exltmight - depends on what partition you want to fsck09:40
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jhoxroxThis is nuts, I have cups and postfix running and configured like they were on red hat and gentoo and I can't see port 631 or port 25 on my local subnet "at all". I can't even ping this machine, but it is broadcasting the printers and sends mail and I can see this cannel on IRC. What's blocking me? there is no iptables running yet and the filters are set to universally accept.  ARGH Matey it's bloody annoying. Has anyone else seen this?!09:40
=== benjanet [~benja@CM-lcon4-169-52.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
exltif /, then I would suggest bootable CD or floppy09:40
newguyi am at usr/games i double click quake2 nothing happen09:41
benjanethow do i install chinese input on ubuntu ?09:41
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hypa7iahappy new year RuffianSoldier!09:41
hypa7ianaim, gimme a sec, asking around about the unique package names thingy, i'm curious now :-)09:42
RuffianSoldieryou too hypa7ia09:43
=== hypa7ia grins
exltjhoxrox - could be two things that I can think of - what kind of gateway is your subnet running through (firewall) or misconfigured networking09:43
kezzif i install fluxbox would it automatically be added to gdm?09:43
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newguyi chmod 700 quake2 now red icon apper in folder now no working oh oh09:43
exltgood ?, kezz - my favored wm :)09:44
exlttrying it now, kezz09:45
jhoxroxexlt: no firewall at all. I should not need a gateway, the machines are adjacent and connected to the same switch. netstat -r looks like normal.09:45
newguyi need person for gaming advice from synaptic downloads...09:45
ArCHoNKoGnewguy, what you need09:46
exltjhoxrox - 'route -n' output09:46
exlteveryone needs a gateway  ;)09:46
newguyi get doom,quake2,xmane but they do not execute from usr/games folder i also chmod +700 to quake2 now have red X icon.  what i do?09:46
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jhoxroxexlt: route -n yields U     0      0        0 eth109:47
sensebendcan someone look at my xorg.conf and tell me what's wrong with it09:47
jhoxrox192.168.128.0   U     0      0        0 eth009:47
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sensebendit will only start in 640x48009:47
jhoxrox0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth109:47
exltjhoxrox - yep, no gateway typically means no way out09:48
exltyep there is your gateway - sorry09:48
sensebenddespite having the lines to start in 1024x76809:48
newguyAnd Doom not listed in usr/games?09:48
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sensebendSubSection "Display"09:48
sensebendModes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"09:48
ArCHoNKoGnewguy, on warty or hoary ?09:48
sensebendyet it only starts in 640x480 :S09:49
jhoxroxexlt: I can ping out to any network and get a response too09:49
sensebenddefault colour depth is at 2409:49
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exltjhoxrox - that means "any route to - go out eth1 through" - which is non-routable09:49
GuestUMhow do i install Kde on ubuntu? :(09:49
GuestUMi try apt-cache search kde..09:49
exltyep, you can ping yahoo.com, but not route to a non-routable addresss09:49
GuestUMbut doesnt find kde-desktop or something like that09:49
GuestUManyone? :(09:50
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exltGuestUM - you will need to add universe and/or multiverse09:52
naimhypa7ia, its just a thing that came to my mind .. i once couldn09:52
exltand grow up...09:52
naimhypa7ia, its just a thing that came to my mind .. i once couldnt find xfce in restricted09:53
hypa7iaxfce isn't restricted, naim09:53
naimso i added universe .. and though of this09:53
hypa7ianaim: you get what restricted is tho right?  like, non-free or other licensing issues09:53
hypa7ialooks like packages don't need unique names, and you're given a choice09:53
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stuNNed_exlt, / really, seeing that that is ubuntu default09:58
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Somnot sure if i gapped out or now, but i just installed ubuntu and i do not believe that iw as prompted for a root password...now i can't su as i don't know what it is10:00
Somis there a default root password, or i did i just miss something during the install?10:00
exltstuNNed_ - I just booted into the rescue mode, and it is single-user with init=/bin/sh - / is mount rw, so fsck can be dangerous - better to fsck from bootable CD or a floppy like tomsrtbt10:00
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user_i love you aokaze10:01
stuNNed_exlt, thanks!  okay, guess can use livecd but that seems overkill to run fsck, loading gui and all10:01
hypa7iaSom: read the guide.  no root by default.   use sudo10:01
exltkezz - fluxbox is added to gdm sessions after install  :)10:01
kezzcool thanks10:02
exltkezz - yep, works beautifully - thanks for the question, since that was one of the things on my to-do list  :)10:03
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spikebis there a way to safely resize HFS+ partitions?10:05
kezzi believe there is some software to do it10:05
kezzbut it costs $$$10:06
kezzi haven't looked for some recently tho10:06
Somthanks hypa, i'm all good now10:07
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isladeloboslike ubuntu10:08
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stuNNed_welp, looks like my modem woes are fixed let's hope :D10:09
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stuNNed_with 2.6.9..10:09
exltdvdrip/transcode install works well from precompiled binaries at ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/, however a couple of libs needed to be hand installed/upgraded to complete the dependencies for transcode - libavifile, libjasper, libpng12, and libquicktime110:09
usualsensebend, did it work10:10
usualI just did a fresh hoary install from a daily cd image, works perfect10:10
sensebendyeah it did10:11
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sensebendhad some X.org weirdness10:11
usualsensebend, good :)10:11
usualsensebend, do you have a burner and a blank cd?10:11
sensebendw6bi, in #atu helped me out10:11
sensebendseems some values were left out of the file, when it was generated10:11
sensebendHorizSync and VertRefresh10:11
jhoxroxexlt: I have disabled the second interface and now remain with the one I am using to chat on IRC. Postfix is running on port 25. I can't telnet to port 25. I don't think it is the routing, but thanks for the help. I'll figure this out if it kills me.10:11
=== Phossil [~123@adsl-68-79-62-64.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
PhossilI'm a Debian user that is thinking about Ubuntu and I have two quick questions that I didn't immediatly see on the ubuntu webiste10:12
Phossildoes Ubuntu use XFree86 or X.org?10:12
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PhossilIs Ubuntu compatable with Debian's apt-get?10:13
Phossilthats it10:13
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sensebendPhossil, Warty uses XFree8610:13
sensebendHoary (development release) uses X.org10:13
ArCHoNKoGxorg works get in hoary10:14
Phossilknow anything about apt-get?10:14
ArCHoNKoGyes Phossil10:14
jancUbuntu uses apt-get, but it has its own repositories10:14
ArCHoNKoGyou can use debain also10:14
Phossildebian's repositories?10:14
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ArCHoNKoGPhossil, yes10:14
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Phossilgreat - I'll give it a try10:15
jancyou can, but it _can_ break things10:15
Phossilthanks for the info10:15
Phossilbut as long as it works with debs and dpkg I'm happy10:15
PhossilI can probably fix what it breaks if something stopps working10:15
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Phossilwhere can I get the hoary release? I don't see it on any of the mirrors10:17
sensebendPhossil, there are daily cd image releases10:17
sensebendand you can upgrade from Warty10:17
sensebendif you have Warty already10:18
isaaczwhat is the default root passwd?10:18
sensebendisaacz, there is none10:18
sensebendthere is no root account10:18
sensebendby default10:18
sensebendeverything is accomplished through sudo10:18
sensebendif you want a root shell type sudo -s10:19
isaaczthen how exactly do i do anything that requires it?10:19
sensebendand you will br prompted for your user account password10:19
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isaaczok that is cool =)10:19
sensebendor for a single command use sudo (command you want as root)10:20
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sensebendit lowers the risk of leaving a root terminal open or having a root account on the system10:20
sensebendit also means you need to be more careful with your user account passwords10:20
sensebendand be careful who is in the sudoers file10:20
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sensebendPhossil, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/10:23
sensebendfor the current development cd images10:23
sensebendbe warned, things might not work as planned :)10:23
muldyi'm using hoary, my glx module wont load in xorg :|10:23
sensebendhave you checked /var/log/ ?10:24
muldyit says it doesn't exist10:24
muldy(EE) Failed to load module "glx" (module does not exist, 0)10:24
muldybue he's there10:25
muldyin modules/extension/libglx.so10:25
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muldyhmm all files in modules and extensions are .a, yetr glx is .so10:27
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sensebendmuldy, post a message to either the forum or the mailing list10:28
muldythis forum sugests symlink:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=915410:29
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muldygoing to try to symlink10:30
carajeancan someone help me fstab is not seeing my second hard drive10:31
isaaczis there a way to get a usb mouse detected without rebooting?10:31
isaaczor even without exiting out of X10:31
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muldyyay it worked :)10:32
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JoePenguincarajean: explain10:32
muldyit's a .o .a mismatch10:32
muldylinked -sf libglx.so libglx.a and it worked :)10:32
kebachey... has anyone of you tried quake2 in linux?10:32
carajeani go to fstab i see my primary hard dirve but not the second on at all10:32
kebacdo i need to have original CD?10:33
carajeanthen i cant even create a folder in this hdd it says permission denied10:33
carajeanit is mounted to10:33
kezzhave you tried adding the drive to fstab yourself?10:34
kezzand mounting it rw10:34
JoePenguincarajean: Where exactly are you trying to create a new folder?10:34
carajeansee im a newb and thats not in my qualifications yet10:34
carajeani mounted the hard drive and gave it a name then when i go in it i cant make a folder10:35
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carajeanim tryin to make my second hard drive my music and game hard drive and i wanted to put a music folder in there10:36
JoePenguincarajean: How did you mount it?10:37
JoePenguincarajean: and what kind of filesystem is on it? A windows filesystem or linux?10:37
carajeani just bought it and formatted it with linux10:37
carajeanum im usin mandrake for this i have ubuntu on a second partition10:38
JoePenguinso, you are in mandrake right now?10:38
ishI'm setting up a headless system, is the best way to prevent gdm from starting to remove it from /etc/rc2.d?10:38
carajeanso i used mandrake control center to mount it and yes im in mnadrake 10.1 righ tnow10:38
JoePenguinish: Rather than remove the symlink from rc2.d, I prefer to rename it so that the filename starts with a K instead of S.10:39
=== bluefoxicy thought he saw Joe Peschie
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JoePenguinbluefoxicy: Maybe that's who I really am :-)10:40
JoePenguincarajean: You probably just need to change permission on the directory where the new drive is mounted.10:41
carajeanhow to do that?10:41
JoePenguincarajean: fstab doesn't "see" anything. It's a static configuration file that you have to edit yourself, unless you have a nice GUI tool that does it for you (like Mandrake probably does).l10:41
JoePenguincarajean: Do you know the device name of the new drive? /dev/hdb or something?10:42
carajeanyeah that the name10:42
carajeanmount point is  /home/carajean/drive210:42
JoePenguincarajean: Ok. Did you create a single linux partition to use up the whole drive? It would be /dev/hdb110:43
carajeanwell actally it says the device name is hdb110:43
carajeanyeah its a single partition10:43
JoePenguincarajean: /dev/hdb is the drive, and /dev/hdb1 is the first primary partition on that drive10:43
JoePenguincarajean: You can check the permissions on the mount point by doing this command:  ls -l /home/carajean/drive210:44
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JoePenguinthat's wrong10:44
JoePenguincarajean: You can check the permissions on the mount point by doing this command:  ls -ld /home/carajean/drive210:44
newguyi download KDE education but its not listed in session?10:44
JoePenguincarajean: Are you the only user who logs into that computer?10:44
carajeandrwxr-xr-x  13 root root 4096 Dec 29 17:37 /home/carajean/drive2/10:44
carajeanyes i am the only one10:44
JoePenguincarajean: Have you learned about Unix permissions at all?10:45
carajeannope i been workin with linux for maybe 2 weeks10:45
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carajeanand i never heard of unix till i started workin with*nux10:46
JoePenguincarajean: Ok. "root" is the name of the superuser account. I hope that you remember root's password.10:46
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carajeanyeah i knwo about the root thing i just want to be able to write and erase files freely in both my drives10:47
newguyi need help with some game programs won't run in ubuntu from apt-get downaloads...10:47
carajeanwhat games10:48
JoePenguincarajean: Ok. The quickest solution is to change ownership of the mount point to your user. Right now that directory is owned by root, and only root has write permission. That's why you have been getting "permission denied" messages.10:48
newguydoom quake 2 and xmane10:48
newguyi find in usr/games but no execute10:48
JoePenguincarajean: Get to a root shell and run this command:  chown carajean /home/carajean/drive210:48
JoePenguincarajean: Once you've done that, you will be able to write to that directory.10:48
carajeanok it went to next cmd line is that good?10:49
JoePenguincarajean: In order for a partition to be automatically mounted when your system boots, it needs to be listed in /etc/fstab10:49
JoePenguincarajean: yes10:49
JoePenguincarajean: In the Linux world, usually "no news is good news" when you run a command.10:49
spikebshouldn't project utopia handle this crap?10:50
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newguyso any advice ????10:50
carajeani will write that cmd down cause i dont think i can make it mount automatically in fstab10:50
carajeanoh new guy are u usin cedega or point 2 play?10:50
drspinhow can i make k3b see my cd drive... it used to in suse so i know it's compatible and i can burn from nautilus10:50
newguyno files from source list downloaded from Internet binary files games don't run10:51
JoePenguincarajean: Do you know which filesystem type /dev/hdb1 is formatted with? ext2? ext3? reiserfs?10:51
malditothis seems to be a free for all, so I will just jump in.  Anyone here got any experience setting up sound?10:51
spikebit is a free for all :)10:51
carajeanjournalized somethin ext310:52
drspinmaldito: what is your problem?10:52
malditosimple.  I have no /dev/dsp10:52
JoePenguincarajean: It sould work if you add a line like this to your fstab:  /dev/hdb1 /home/carajean/drive2 ext3 defaults 0 010:52
drspinmaldito: do you have a TV card/10:52
newguyis there a #games section?10:52
malditoI have tried MAKEDEV audio, but that only made a /dev/dspW10:52
carajeanhmm newguy not with linux10:52
malditoI do have an svideo out, but no tvcard10:53
drspindoes sound work in gnome?10:53
carajeanim a HUGE gamer and when i switched to linux i was disappointed but i was tired of being raped by windows10:53
spikebyou can run a bunch of games with cedega10:53
newguyok then how do i setup KDE in ubuntu?10:53
spikebbut i would dual boot10:53
JoePenguinmaldito: What kind of sound card do you have?10:53
malditoone sec.10:54
drspinmaldito: does sound work at all?10:54
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carajeanyup i sucessfully play world of warcraft and steam with cedega10:54
JoePenguinmaldito: please reply in the channel.10:54
malditoI play CoH with cedega.10:55
spikebcool carajean10:55
malditolove it.10:55
spikebso WoW works with cedega now?10:55
malditoI am in the middle of switching from Fedora to Ubuntu.10:55
carajeanyeah i love cedega i play other games to but just wanted to mention the newest ones10:55
spikebi might just have to get cedega10:55
malditotrying it out on my laptop first though.  I don't want to ruin my game box.10:55
spikebbeen itchin to play world of warcraft10:55
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carajeanplay i already got my 2 freinds hooked they passed my level in a week plus the played for like 3 days straight10:57
spikebmy two gamer friends refuse to pay for WoW monthly10:58
spikebso they wont get it10:58
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MyKq3how much does it coust per a mounth10:58
malditoI thought the same of CoH until I played it.10:58
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MyKq3spikeb, ^ lookup10:58
carajeanthey did to before i let them try new chars on my account10:58
malditonow I pay that plus my cedega membership and I don't worry about it.10:58
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spikebMyKq3, fifteen or so10:58
spikebmaldito, heh one of my friends played the beta, still wont pay for it10:59
zenroxi like to play ffxi on a ps210:59
MyKq3hum ....they don't come chip10:59
zenroxcause nix dont have an installer for nix10:59
zenroxcause nix dont have an installer for  ffxi win ver10:59
zenroxand i pay 20 bucks for ffxi10:59
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bluefoxicywhat real solutions exist in ubuntu for RSS feeds?11:01
bluefoxicyI find that I enjoy Liferea, which integrates well with Gnome11:01
AndyRlo ppl11:01
bluefoxicyhow does Ubunut currently handle RSS feeds though?  I can find nothing.11:01
subterrificbluefoxicy: firefox?11:01
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MyKq3bluefoxicy,  u can use thounderbird too11:02
bluefoxicysubterrific: I've heard there's some kind of live bookmark . . thing. . .in firefox, but it's not painfully obvious how to use it11:02
bluefoxicyMyKq3:  thunderbird is in universe, not warty main  :)11:02
=== carajean [~carajean@pcp0010646466pcs.flshng01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sacreddid you fix your networking problem MyKq3 ?11:03
newbiecan anyone help with a newbie fix video problems?  Or should I go else where11:03
carajeansmb4k is given me probs11:03
subterrificbluefoxicy: well i've never used it, but i see the RSS button appear on the status bar in firefox all the time11:03
hypa7iabluefoxicy, subterrific: firefox live bookmarks: go to a properly cofigured site, click the little orange icon in the bottom right.11:03
carajeanwhat the prob newbie11:03
drspinbluefoxicy: Firefox -> bookmarks -> manage bookmarks -> File -> new live bookmark...11:03
hypa7iasubterrific: beat me to it :-)11:04
bluefoxicyhypa7ia, subterrific:  also I don't enjoy cheap hacks to turn browsers into news readers  :/  I feel such things don't reflect the best quality the open source community can offer11:04
drspinbluefoxicy: that's how you manually set one up ;011:04
hypa7iameh, i find it useful.  cheap hacks are good for that, sometimes :-)11:05
=== bluefoxicy tests on his blog, and finds it to be indeed skeletal
hypa7iabluefoxicy: why not just install liferea?11:05
hypa7iadefine skeletal11:05
bluefoxicyhypa7ia:  It's in universe, i'm interested in what will go into main11:05
hypa7iaah, fair enough11:06
esherhi fellaz11:06
bluefoxicythere's a lot of news readers.  I personally like Liferea, but the actual RSS readers I've seen (i.e. not thunderbird, firefox, etc hacks) all seem to bring a nice set of features11:06
esherany1 can tell me why http://www.is-vn.bg/hamster/terminus-font-4.11.tar.gz dont work in xchat and xconsole windows after standard install ?11:06
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carajeansomeone please help newbie change his resolution back i have to go cook right now11:07
bluefoxicyhypa7ia: in Liferea, Feed Reader, and Akregator I believe you can configure periodic checks and minimize the client to a system tray icon (gnome notification area, kde systray, etc).  There's also caching, displaying of small bits of the article embedded in the feed (instead of the whole feed), etc11:07
esheror better, are there an font-installer gui for gnome ?11:07
bluefoxicyLiferea (Gnome/GTK) and Feed Reader (windows) both pop up small windows on new articles briefly and fairly unintrusively; I don't remember about Akregator (KDE/Qt)11:08
hypa7iabluefoxicy: way overkill for my needs, but certainly sound like good feature sets all around.  if you want to get it into main, you'll prolly want to figure out which one is most GNOMEish, and promote it11:08
bluefoxicyI've spent about 30 seconds looking at the Firefox implementation :)11:08
bluefoxicyhypa7ia:  Liferea definitely.  Akregator is a KDE app, and Feed Reader is a Windows app :)11:09
setitewho know what fedora uses to get packages?11:09
=== hypa7ia looks at list again
hypa7iainteresting that :-)11:09
bluefoxicyhypa7ia:  there's tons of RSS readers thouhg.11:09
bluefoxicyso there may be a beter one.11:09
hypa7iahar har, sorry :-)11:09
setiteok... i knew that... hehe... but that is the equivalent of apt-get?11:09
MyKq3Sacred,  no not yet11:09
bluefoxicyhypa7ia:  i can get a screenie of Liferea11:10
hypa7iasetite: yum is the attempt at apt-ness11:10
setiteyea i know11:10
=== TenPlus1 [TenPlus1@82-40-16-9.cable.ubr03.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
TenPlus1hi folks...11:10
setiteim just trying to remember what the inferior package thing was for them11:10
hypa7iabluefoxicy: maybe post to the hoary list about it11:10
TenPlus1can someone help me plz with a screen resolution problem ???11:10
MyKq3Sacred,  i can't find the problem ... =\ i think it might b a hoary bug ....11:10
hypa7iasetite: up2date?11:10
kezzsetite: rpm?11:10
bluefoxicyhypa7ia:  to . . . the hoary list?  :)11:10
TenPlus1Ubuntu boots right into Gnome with a res I cannot see, how do I change it ??11:11
hypa7iabluefoxicy: email list11:11
setiterpm is like .deb11:11
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hypa7iato try andget the package included, ble11:11
setiteredhat packet manager or something11:11
Sacredesher: did you put them in the right directory ? try update-font-dir if your font is in a new directory.11:11
kezzsetite: i know11:11
hypa7iapackage MANGLER!11:11
bluefoxicyhypa7ia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liferea  and  http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e2/Screenshot-liferea-0.6.0.png11:11
MyKq3TenPlus1,  do u have a lcd screen ?11:11
SacredMyKq3: what was the output of the things I asked to you do earlier ?11:12
bluefoxicyhypa7ia:  I"ll look for the hoary list.11:12
=== maldito [~maldito@CBL167.pool001.CH001-alhambra.dhcp.hs.earthlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
drspincould somone help me get my Virtual Terminals back (ctrl+alt+Fx terminals)???11:12
setitehypa7ia - up2date is the very definition of shit11:12
hypa7iaso i hear11:12
setiteit crashed on me every single time i tried to use it11:12
TenPlus1MyKq3: nope, 19"crt... but I told ubuntu that 1024x768 was the highest res and it's set it up with 1600x800 instead and I can't read anything and dunno how to change it11:12
crimsundrspin: are you using the restricted Nvidia drivers version 1.0-6629?11:12
setiteoout of 10 times11:12
hypa7iai used FC2 for a month before i found ubuntu11:12
drspincrimsun: uhhh??? what???11:12
hypa7iait was like, love at second attempt :-)11:12
spikebim still not settled on my distro11:12
setitesee the only what i think it works is if you turn it on and walk away11:12
MyKq3check flood cenal Sacred11:13
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setiteif you touch x-chat or gaim or anything it freezes for ever11:13
esherSacred: how does update-font-dir works11:13
crimsundrspin: are you using the Nvidia driver ("nvidia") for X Windows?11:13
setiteand synaptic is a gui for apt-get?11:13
drspincrimsun: yes11:13
crimsundrspin: which version?11:13
drspinnot sure...11:13
TenPlus1MyKq3: how can I cancel Gnome and boot into the prompt to change res ?11:13
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crimsundrspin: /proc/driver/nvidia/version11:13
bluefoxicyhypa7ia: http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/  Could you recommend where to take this discussion?11:14
JoePenguinTenPlus1: you should be get to a login prompt by pressing CTRL-ALT-F1 or F2/F3, etc.11:14
hypa7iabluefoxicy: what's your level of expertise?11:14
TenPlus1will try, thx11:14
MyKq3TenPlus1,  hum.... i think u should remark that ress. option on your Xfree file11:14
drspincrimsun: 1.0-611111:14
esherSacred: or, where are default fontdir to but in ? it seems, make @ make install from terminus-source does all correctly11:14
exltTenPlus1 - ctl-alt-backspace will restart X11:15
hypa7iai'd say ubuntu-users or hoary-changes11:15
crimsundrspin: then you're out of luck for now.11:15
drspincrimsun: how can I update it?11:15
JoePenguinTenPlus1: You can get back to your graphical environment afterwards by hitting ALT-F7 or ALT-F8, depending on the distro.11:15
hypa7iasorry, that last message was for bluefoxicy11:15
crimsundrspin: the console restoration bug has been fixed in the "nv" driver but not for any of the "nvidia" drivers.11:15
setiteis synaptic a gui for apt-get?11:15
crimsundrspin: if you want to use the "nvidia" driver, you'll have to wait for the next driver revision11:15
setiteyes to me?11:15
kezzsetite yes11:15
crimsunsetite: it's a gui for apt and dpkg, yes.11:15
bluefoxicyhypa7ia: ubuntu-users as opposed to ubuntu-devel?11:15
drspincrimsun: what's the difference in the drivers??11:16
exltTenPlus1 - /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 is what you will edit - remove the modes that are too high11:16
setitethanks... with so much going on i never know who an unaddressed answer is for11:16
MyKq3Sacred, any ideals11:16
crimsundrspin: "nv" does not support hardware opengl acceleration11:16
crimsundrspin: and I'm referring to "nv" in Hoary's X.Org11:16
setiteone last question.. does fedora have a synaptic equivalent?11:16
hypa7iabluefoxicy: no, devel is more right i think :-)11:16
drspincrimsun: I'm in warty :)11:16
bluefoxicyhypa7ia:  ok :)11:16
hypa7iabluefoxicy: missed it in my check :-))11:16
MyKq3TenPlus1, gemme a sec i will give ya the right answer11:16
crimsundrspin: then you're stuck period.11:16
usualI just did a fresh install from a hoary cd image, no warty ever here :)11:17
crimsundrspin: the "nv" driver may perform marginally better with respect to console restoration.11:17
drspincrimsun: I'd rather be able to play quake3 than access my virtual terminals ;)11:18
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crimsundrspin: then the choice is clear11:18
TenPlus1boots into login screen, I cannot see what I'm typing cause res is off...11:18
drspincrimsun: yes, thanks! :)11:18
TenPlus1and F1/F2 doesnt work11:18
MyKq3TenPlus1,  ctrl+alt+del11:18
drspinTenPlus -> hit [Ctrl]  + [Alt]  + [-] 11:19
crimsunTenPlus1: ctrl+alt+F1 switches you to a console11:19
drspinTenPlus1: that will change the X resolution on the fly for you - although it won't resize the desktop...11:19
TenPlus1nope, doesnt...11:19
MyKq3crimsun,  good ideal11:19
TenPlus1still in login11:19
MyKq3give it a long press ( ctrl + alt+ del11:19
crimsunTenPlus1: are you referring to gdm's login screen?11:20
TenPlus1once I get into X I'm literally working blind...  ctrl+alt+del brings up nothing11:20
MyKq3the screen will blink few times11:20
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drspinTenPlus: do you have a live CD you can boot from?11:20
TenPlus1no, just the intall cd11:21
drspindoes the install CD have a recovery feature that will get you to a console?11:21
TenPlus1can I do anything during boot to make it goto prompt instead of graphical login11:21
MyKq3hum DSL can b very handy11:21
TenPlus1oh yeh, it should... 2 ticks11:21
MyKq3try to dl it its only 50 m11:21
TenPlus1k, am in recovery mode... :) how can I change screen res here ?11:22
MyKq3TenPlus1,  try this http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/11:22
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TenPlus1k, I got a prompt... what do I type to change card/res ?11:23
MyKq3try to modify your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file ( just remove your 1600*1200 option on the screen modul )11:23
MyKq3don't erase it just remark it11:24
drspinTenPlus1: mkdir /mnt/file11:24
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TenPlus1em, how do i edit... what command ?11:24
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MyKq3okay sudo apt-get install mc11:25
drspinTenPlus1: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/XF86Config-411:25
MyKq3then do sudo mc11:25
TenPlus1ok, file doesnt exist...11:25
TenPlus1I just done a fresh install11:25
mantasneed some help11:26
MyKq3i can install mano by sudo apt-get nano11:26
mantastried this: sudo apt-get install nicotine11:26
MyKq3i can install mano by sudo apt-get install  nano ***11:26
mantasand got nicotine: Depends: python (< 2.4) but 2.4-0ubuntu4 is to be installed11:26
drspinTenPlus1: It's because you have to mnt your filesystem first11:26
mantasbut i also have python2.311:26
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ycconomasteryoda hey, you around?11:29
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ycconomasteryoda Didn't you say you have a Dell Inspiron 7500?11:29
ycconomasteryoda I was wondering if I could borrow your CD drive for a bit, or... maybe, let me take out my hard drive, and stick it in your laptop and install ubuntu and then we can switch hd's back. :)11:30
ycconomasteryoda I think my cdrom drive is dead.11:30
yccomsg'ed you the number to call if you are open to the idea.11:31
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=== Marianitu [maec@161.Red-213-97-48.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #Ubuntu []
TenPlus1Does anyone know how to change Ubuntu's screen resolution without booting into X11:38
=== larlid1 [~lars@h210n3fls309o1043.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
tswTenPlus1: edit the XF86config file11:40
TenPlus1tried, but for some reason /etc/x11 doesnt exist11:40
larlid1Can't i use "modconf" to activate scsi-emulation?11:41
tswTenPlus1: its /etc/X11 (capital X)11:41
larlid1My cd-rw drive uses ATAPI...11:42
TenPlus1oh, it's case specific11:42
tswTenPlus1: everything is case specific (not counting microsoft :)11:44
TenPlus1true... I totally forgot about that... shiiiit!11:44
TenPlus1it's working now... thx for the help :)) <-- happy Ubuntu user11:46
=== zenrox too
=== tsw also
zenroxit just infected anther box of mine11:46
zenrox1 more to go11:47
tswexept for the newest kernel image which didnt work with ibm pcmcia11:47
spikebi dont think im content with ubuntu because im nto content with any of the DEs11:47
zenroxspikeb,  ubuntu just works most hardware is supported11:48
zenroxbut hay thats the prrice you pay11:48
zenroxlinux rocks11:48
zenroxspikeb,  have you tried using prelink11:49
zenroxmight make the de's faster11:49
spikebperformance isnt an issue11:49
zenroxjust dont do what you want11:49
spikebim not sure WHAT it is, but i do spend my spare time thinking about how to design a better DE/GUI heh11:50
spikebso thats my thing i guess11:50
zenroxlol with pleanty of eyecandy11:50
spikebbah eyecandy is overrated - there's lots of it already :)11:51
spikebi wonder if a new rhythmbox is going to be out in time for hoary11:51
zenroxmaby may this year is the nxt releace for hoary11:51
zenroxso it depends when rythembox will release there nxt ver11:53

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