
=== kiko-afk is now known as kiko_movies
=== TD[film] is now known as TD
elmobradb: heh, that's a kernel problem12:21
=== TD is now known as TD[gone]
[sdfsdfs(sdfsdfs@tkp-ip-nas-1-p110.telkom-ipnet.co.za)] hi12:35
=== stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #launchpad
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dilysNew Malone bug #187: "Fatal errors triggered by taxi", submitted by Stuart Bishop11:07
lifelessmorning 11:10
lifelessstub: its a pub holiday today right ?11:10
stuberm... dunno. 11:11
stublifeless: yes. http://www.info.vic.gov.au/resources/publichols.htm11:12
stubBack to GTA3 then :-)11:12
stub(although that is victoria)11:13
stubbugger me - monday before the melbourne cup isn't an official public holiday. Just an unofficial one ;)11:14
lifelessyay. :)11:15

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