
=== TD is now known as TD[gone]
=== lifeless [~robertc@dsl-] has joined #launchpad
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=== Signon time : Wed Dec 22 09:35:00 2004
=== Signoff time : Mon Jan 3 14:10:57 2005
=== Total uptime : 12d 4h 35m 57s
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #launchpad
=== Topic for #launchpad: Welcome to the lunch-pad.
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Dec 30 19:08:35 2004
dilysMerge to rocketfuel@canonical.com/launchpad--devel--0: Added a draft of the legal link, small updates to my script to upload po/pot files and more plural forms additions into our database (patch-1144, carlos.perello@canonical.com)02:23
=== BradB [~bradb@modemcable017.14-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
=== TD[gone] is now known as TD
=== kiko [~kiko@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #launchpad
BradBhappy new year dude04:26
kikototally, may 2005 be rad04:27
BradBkiko: Just curious: why was baby gina born?04:28
BradBi.e. Why do we want a thing that only brings in SP's?04:28
BradBMaybe to ease the early stages of production usage...?04:28
kikoI claim amnesia.04:29
BradBheh heh04:29
kikolet me look at it.04:29
=== BradB is catching up on all the commits...even the ones I didn't have time to read whilst in Spain. It's amazing how many commits are like "...patch-N: Make foo work, patch-N+1: make foo *really* work this time"
kikonow follow up with "it's all about pagetests" and we believe it's you04:31
kikohas anyone seen the sabdfl?04:32
BradBit's all about dem page tests04:32
kikoso silence, golden.04:44
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=== elmo [~james@] has joined #launchpad
=== jordi [~jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@haddenham.pepperfish.net] has joined #launchpad
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=== jordi [~jordi@115.Red-213-96-69.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad
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=== BradB [~bradb@modemcable017.14-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad
=== lamont wonders how to tell what routines a python script is spending it's time in...
BradBlamont: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-profile.html09:02
lamontBradB: tansk09:02
BradBno prob09:03
lamontBradB: heh - runs slower with profiling. :-)09:11

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