[12:00] it doesn't boot? [12:00] Doomhammer: installation. (scroll up) [12:00] Doomhammer: boots fine [12:00] ah [12:00] i get to choose language setting and keymap [12:00] JDAcura: after you did you just logout and then hit ctrl-alt-backspace [12:00] then it barfs [12:00] so it boots off the CD but it won't copy files === RuffianSoldier is now known as RuffianSoldier[A [12:00] Doomhammer: pretty much [12:00] Ensiferum: try executing a shell and saying: [12:01] modprobe ide-cd; modprobe ide-generic [12:01] did you do an MD5SUM on the CD to make sure it wasn't corrupt or anything [12:01] JDAcura: to change the config use: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 [12:01] ogra: i did what it said: i add in the repositories http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/ and http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ and i found this : blackdown-j2sdk1.4debian [12:01] Doomhammer: installed fine on my sandbox pc [12:01] this is ok [12:01] Doomhammer: off the same cd [12:01] hmm [12:01] i download this one [12:01] and you're sure the hard drive isn't bad, of course... [12:01] Ensiferum: I've seen that (missing modules) be the issue on at least one computer [12:01] my defualtcolor is 16 [12:01] i think that you do need to modprobe the IDE modules [12:01] lamont: ok, trying [12:01] and all my modes have "1024x768" "800x600" [12:01] ari_: with synaptic ? [12:01] but it is stuck in 640x480 [12:01] yes [12:02] JDAcura what kind of card is it? === davmor2 [~davmor2@82-37-24-90.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:02] Doomhammer: Ensiferum: depends on the ide controller chip, afaik [12:02] onboard intel [12:02] in a Dell? [12:02] it is a dell optiplex 270 [12:02] ah [12:02] small form computer [12:02] JDAcura: warty ? [12:02] it runs higher then 1024x768 in windows [12:02] yes [12:02] yes [12:02] hmm... maybe yer kernel doesn't have good onboard intel support? [12:02] warty [12:02] it is using i810 [12:03] ari_: open a terminal and run: java --version [12:03] do you have an extra video card laying around you could try? [12:03] same problem in mandrake too lol [12:03] hmm... [12:03] nope [12:03] JDAcura: could you solve it there ? [12:03] "That's why I hate Intel." -- Doomhammer [12:03] i810 is the most used onboard vid chicp [12:03] lamont: still the same [12:03] now why does it just hang when i try to patch mah kernel sources? [12:03] but i dunno why it dont work correctly [12:04] JDAcura: btw, did it work with any livecd you tried ? [12:04] livecd? [12:04] JDAcura: you could copy the config from there [12:04] like Knoppix, Gnoppix, ... [12:04] http://www.knoppix.org/ [12:04] Ensiferum: interesting. in an annoying sort of way. [12:04] Knoppix is an EXTREMELY popular LiveCD distribution [12:04] i can try and boot knoppix i got it for mmy lappy [12:04] would be good to get the hardwar specs for it. === jazzka [~jazzka@138.Red-80-59-206.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] lamont: anyone else succesfully installed on a SATA chipset mobo? [12:04] any solution to watch .mov movies in ubuntu? [12:05] Ensiferum: I expect so [12:05] JDAcura: boot up Knoppix and copy /etc/X11/XF86Config to a floppy or someting [12:05] JDAcura: yep, try it, if it works copy the XFree86Config-4 file..... [12:05] k brb [12:05] then replace /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file here on yer Ubuntu install === user4 [~user4@] has joined #ubuntu === kezz [~kezz@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] jazzka: vlc is quite good for .mov [12:05] ogra: yes, but there is 2 kind, one that is blackdown-j2sdk1.4debian and blackdown-j2 one i have to download with synaptic?re1.4debian, wich [12:06] blackdown-j2sdk1.4debian and blackdown-j2re1.4debian [12:06] ari_: sdk is with all development tools, jre holds only the stuff to runn java apps [12:06] ok [12:06] thanks =) [12:07] ari_: so as a normal user use the letter [12:07] :) [12:07] ogra, needs any special plugin? [12:07] jazzka: afaik no.... === qrc [~jhanson@pcp08395038pcs.cnclrk01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === no0tic [~no0tic@host97-140.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === Ensiferum gives up. call me when you have a distro that aint broken. [12:11] knoppix loaded but in 640 x 480 === prox2far [~1030F67BB@x1-6-00-03-2f-20-07-74.k133.webspeed.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Phazeman [phazeman@DSL212-235-113-158.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] JDAcura: hmm, thats bad..... [12:13] where can I set gnome not to show windows contents while moving or resizing? === Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] no0tic: in the configuration editor....(apps->system tools) [12:15] no0tic: /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources [12:15] well that was a fun upgrade, no synaptic now [12:15] wonder what else is missing [12:15] Rene_S: you just upgraded from warty ? [12:15] Yeah, looks like I am gonna reinstall [12:16] :) [12:16] Gotta love Linux Roulette [12:16] Rene_S, no synaptic? [12:16] Rene_S: have you installed the metapackages before upgrading if you uninstalled them .... for example ubuntu-desktop [12:17] I just did a dist upgrade 700+ files === calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:17] and /usr/sbin/synaptic is gone? === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] /usr/sbin/synaptic: No such file or directory [12:18] Rene_S: the metapackages care that you get everything needed by the new system installed..... [12:18] ok, and I would memorize what names ? [12:18] Rene_S: so if you installed totem-xine before ubuntu-desktop would be gone.... [12:19] Rene_S, you could of course use apt-get, at least to get synaptic back [12:19] ok, just to let you know. when SATA is disabled the cd-rom is found [12:19] apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [12:19] Reading Package Lists... Done [12:19] Building Dependency Tree... Done [12:19] Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have [12:19] requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable [12:19] just too bad that i cant actually install anywhere now.. [12:19] distribution that some required packages have not yet been created [12:19] or been moved out of Incoming. [12:19] Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that [12:19] the package is simply not installable and a bug report against [12:19] that package should be filed. [12:19] The following information may help to resolve the situation: [12:19] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [12:19] ubuntu-desktop: Depends: synaptic but it is not going to be installed [12:19] E: Broken packages [12:19] Rene_S: please dont flood in here [12:19] lamont: if you're using a USB scanner, everything works like magic. Also for SCSI, if the permissions are correct (if they aren't, it's a bug) [12:19] sorry about the paste long error [12:20] lamont: sane probes for available scanners, and if you only have one, it uses that as the default === kipod [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] ogra, ok thats quite enough, this is a bloody support channel, if i cant post the error in here then fuck it, I am onto something that is worth installing that works on its basic level. [12:21] Rene_S: we have #flood for flooding... === gman4e [~gman@] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] ogra: tnx [12:23] :) === dat [~dat@pcp06953876pcs.nrockv01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] hello do i have a easy way to run a comand at bootup/login to kde ( exapt then to create a symbolic link to ~/.kde/Autorun/ ) [12:24] ogra: something happened, because i chose the one i have to install, and also ran a without that said installing java package, when I try to mark for installation blackdown-j2sdk1.4debian, appers a window telling me that i shold mark the additional changes that will be required, and in a list appers blackdown-j2sdk1.4 and blackdown-j2sdk1.4debian when i try to mark it appears la leggend "it can be marked all the packages for its installation [12:24] or updating" [12:24] so now what i have to do [12:24] i just cant figure out why it wont go higher then 640x480! [12:24] I would like to remove RAID devices and LVM from bootstrap and I renamed them into /etc/rc2.d, but thy continue starting before entering into runlvel 2; how can I do? [12:24] s/thy/they [12:26] ogra: :( [12:26] ari_: did you enable multiverse as described in the wikipage ? === lotusgeek51 [~stale@pool-141-158-243-218.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === ZzeCoOl [~zzecool@thes730a-2249.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === smo [~soneil@smo.active.supporter.pdpc] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] is there any way to enable my archive manager to unrar ... *.rar files? [12:29] or what program i have to use instead [12:29] ogra: you mean eneble it in the repositori? [12:29] ZzeCoOl: install unurar, then it works [12:29] ogra: if you mean that, yes [12:29] thanx [12:29] unrar even [12:30] omg ogra ....you know everything for everything [12:30] :P [12:30] ari_: doesnt look like...all the java packages need the package: java-package from multiverse.... so this error says you got no multiverse enabled.... [12:31] ZzeCoOl: i just know where to look for it..... ;) [12:31] unrar ok but i cant find this package using synaptic.... [12:31] :> === se5a [~se5a@219-89-98-172.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] ZzeCoOl: ah, sorry.... unrar-nonfree from multiverse..... [12:32] ahhmm [12:32] so where i can find this one? [12:32] ogra: the multiverse is http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ the one that i shoul enebla in the repositori, is it? [12:33] i did [12:33] ZzeCoOl: enable multiverse .... reload the package list and install it :) === Pugio [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] where do I find apt-source addresses? [12:33] ari_: seems there is an error, check it.... [12:34] i have allready enable all repositories [12:34] it doesnt seems that there is a package unrar or something [12:34] ZzeCoOl: is multiverse among them (its not there by default) [12:34] let me check source file === Balthazar [~Shaman@d207-81-4-53.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] nd tell you [12:35] yup === Angelus [~guess@modemcable055.111-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Tritoch|L [~tritoch@ka45c.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] ...or you can give me right now deb.... url [12:35] se5a: could you define apt-source addresses ? === Pugio [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] ZzeCoOl: find the line that contains universe.....add the word multiverse behind it (space separated) [12:36] ogra: if it wasn't eneble tha blackdown-j2sdk1.4 shouldn't apper in the list of programs, and now when i try to chose it to be market appers a widow saying "the following packages has no resolubles denpendencies"... and "blackdown-j2sdk1.4debian: [12:36] Depende: java-common but it is not installable [12:36] Depende: blackdown-j2sdk1.4 but it is not installable" === confrey [~dario@ip-176-119.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] ogra: the package manager does not seem to be connecting to anything. I can put addresses into the etc/apt/sources.list correct? [12:38] hi everybody [12:38] hi confrey [12:38] ohhhh it work well thank you ogra [12:38] :> [12:38] huh? how do I become root on the terminal in ubuntu? [12:38] simple 'su' does not work :/ [12:38] ari_: you seem to have broken something while you added the repository.....java-common is in the normal main archive as far as i know [12:38] anybody from austria? [12:39] neofeed, sudo -s [12:39] se5a: it should be ubuntu packages...: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BreakMyUbuntu [12:39] anybody from france? [12:39] ogra: it seems that i have a problem with synaptic or apt-get ...when trying to do anything it says :files list file for package `xpdf-common' is missing final newli [12:39] confrey: versuch mal #ubuntu-de === kwizatz [~kwizatz@line-zh-103-212.adsl.econophone.ch] has joined #ubuntu === julius_trop [~julius_tr@adsl-65-71-168-44.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] ogra : I need to speak with french or austrian; I need some infromation about cars... [12:40] do you know anything about this problem? [12:40] ogra:so i did something wronk === amber [~amber@dhcp26150202.columbus.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] kezz, and how do i get ubuntu to accep the ntp stuff? [12:41] ogra:synaptic is no gonna work more [12:41] .....hohoho a lot of mess with ogra...... everyone ask him for something [12:41] :> [12:41] neofeed, sorry i don't understand [12:41] hey guys, I'm sort of a Linux midlevel noob... I have a small problem with hostnames resolving really slowly.. any help === Balthazar [~Shaman@d207-81-4-53.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:42] amber: are your ISP dns servers? === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1rr.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [12:42] amber: are your using ISP dns servers? === Cloudchaser [~Cloudchas@69-172-81-152.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] I"m using my linksys router with DHCP... I didn't specify them... it works in Windows... [12:43] ogra:now it ask me for java common [12:43] omg whjat am i writing [12:43] Should I hard code the ISP's ones.. [12:43] if so why does it matter [12:43] one sec [12:43] do you have broadband or what? [12:43] ya broadband [12:44] so your modem its connected with your linksys ...and then with your pc? [12:44] another strange thing.. I have to run the gnome network thing from a sudo cli.. if I use the shortcut under apps, when it asks for the password it says it's always wrong [12:44] your network look like this??? ISP ---> Modem ---->linksys ----->pc? [12:44] modem-linksys-pc's and linux boxes [12:45] ya [12:45] it [12:45] ok [12:45] it's only Ubunut that's seems to be slow doing DNS... [12:45] Suse is fine === DonL [~don@d207-81-88-109.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === shawn_ [~shawn@c-67-169-254-135.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] you must find yours isp dns servers maybe from his web page.... [12:45] orga: thanks, that seems to be what I am after ;) [12:45] ogra: how i fix this, "you seem to have broken something while you added the repository.....java-common is in the normal main archive" the thing that you tell me [12:45] I can easily get them by logging into the linksys [12:46] but why do I have to on this one Ubuntu box [12:46] ok then === se5a [~se5a@219-89-98-172.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has left #ubuntu [] [12:46] does anyone have any experience with daniel's thinkpad suspend-to-ram packages? [12:46] you are saying linksys....is it a WRT54G or something? [12:46] a wireless one? [12:46] ya, wrt54g [12:46] eheheheh [12:46] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6188.html === user4 [~user4@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:46] i have the same [12:46] may be my problem too [12:46] but the GS model [12:47] ok [12:47] log into linksys type the dns servers in a text so you can remember them and then [12:47] somebody who can help me i was trying to installjd3 [12:47] install jd2.1.4 from the synaptic [12:47] in the computer ----> sustem configuration....----?network [12:48] in the computer ----> sustem configuration ----->networking [12:48] i followed the instructions in wiki, but something happened [12:48] all 3 of my dns server are allready there [12:49] then it is an isp problem and nothing more [12:49] :( === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Client] === Mongoose [~mongoose@user-2injqma.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] to say the thruth i think firefox it is a little bit slower in ubuntu than linux to me too [12:49] :> [12:49] I don't think so.. as I said 6 other computers don't have this problem, 3 Mac osX boxes, 2 windows XP and a suse box [12:49] than windows [12:49] :> [12:49] orgi u there? [12:50] ogra* === xhypno [~d8dbf93d@lvs01.ahp.ftl.affinity.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] amber: there no way to help uuu by the way what is the maximum throuput that you get with your WRT54g? [12:51] i only have 1.8 mb/sec [12:51] :P [12:51] ok. changing over to enchanced mode hangs the installer. [12:51] what is the sig level [12:51] crap crap crap.. [12:51] ??? [12:51] only my friends Powerbook is 54g... and I haven't really tested it === bonno [~bono@Toronto-HSE-ppp3699191.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] ok not problem [12:52] c ya atround [12:52] hello [12:52] around* [12:52] my WG511 and WRT both avg around 40mbs when at the best sig level [12:52] does anyone know how to get java working with mozilla or firefox [12:52] I'm looking into this ubuntu firefox slow dns thing.. looks like there might be a fix === doko [doko@dsl-082-082-190-115.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] sorry bonno.. I'm a nub [12:52] we are talking about tranfaring rate [12:52] yeah disable IPv6 [12:52] can you synaptic java [12:53] xhypno, how [12:53] i have 1.8 mb/sec [12:53] I know === HaRDaWaY [~ubuntu@19.Red-83-33-150.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3699&highlight=iPv6 [12:53] disable ip v6???? in wrt54gs? [12:53] to disable ipv6 [12:53] use apt get to remove IPv6 support, and this will force your system to use IPv4 [12:53] no on the OS [12:53] yup [12:53] java seems tricky to install in firefox. I followed the faq to the letter with no success. I would like a tip on it also. [12:53] but why? [12:53] bonno, install the java binary package (http://java.sun.com) and symlink /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ to the java dir [12:53] IPv6 for firefox prob [12:53] aaaa [12:53] ok then [12:54] :P [12:54] julius_trop, not tricky at all === gremid [~gremid@pD9E730C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] or in about:config [12:54] Heh. I'm just trying to install a video driver. [12:54] network.dns.disableIPv6 [12:54] I think I turned off IPv6 support in the browser itself [12:54] i am pretty new qwith this what did you just say :) [12:54] no, remove the IPv6 package === ari_ [~ari@dup-148-221-147-19.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] do you know a quicker command to remove it.. the one listed was kind of a pain [12:54] it doesn't work right if you just disable it [12:55] i have symlinks in the mozilla-firefox plugin directory in the regular mozilla directory even messed around with the enviroment path nothing is working. [12:55] you sayid you can apt remove it [12:55] how do I get ubuntu to stop checking ( since Idont have one) for ext3 on startup ?;-) [12:55] hi [12:55] somebody who can help me [12:55] plese === ArCHoNKoG [~archon@ool-182d58fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === AndyR [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] yeah, apt-get --remove package-name [12:55] i need help with a installation of jdk [12:55] bonno... for a start go java.sun.com and download java 1.5 runtime env. Then read the installation guide [12:55] ok.. what's the ipv6 pakcage name? [12:55] JDah thanks i have done that] [12:56] use dkpg -l | less to find the name [12:56] ari_: what's the problem? === Angelus [~guess@modemcable055.111-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:56] I go into the browser and type about:config, then go down to the command that empowers IPv6 and mark it false. At least I think that's what I did [12:56] JDah you are a huge help [12:56] hey everyone [12:56] but thanks [12:56] How do I install a Nvidia video driver? Or is there an equivilant? [12:56] i need help here. i've just installed ubuntu for my first time and i don't remember what root password i gave it or it was just a typo and i can't get to root. I know it can sound as a stupid try of a kid to get some root but i;m not. you can ask in #mandrake if you don't believe. Can someone please help me with that ? [12:56] no0tic:i try to install it from the [12:56] hi Angelus === gen [~lek@] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] no0tic:the synaptic [12:57] Phazeman, ubuntu doesn't set a root password [12:57] Phazeman, use sudo === occy [~october@ip24-252-197-99.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] yup [12:57] treed: so i dont need root at all ??? [12:57] i may need some help in here maybe..probably x-server i guess [12:57] Phazeman, you just need sudo [12:57] sudo passwd root [12:57] or you can do that [12:57] treed: hmmm.... ok i will try sec [12:57] Phazeman, you use your normal account password [12:57] no0tic:i foollowed the instructions in wiki [12:57] and su it [12:57] sudo -s for root shell [12:58] or sudo su === jan__ [~jan@p3E9EBE7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] hi! [12:58] or what kezz said [12:58] those work too [12:58] which I didn't know about [12:58] any reason 1.0 firefox and thunderbird aren't in ubuntu? [12:58] I have firefox 1.0 [12:58] kezz: no go and treed no go [12:58] ari_: ok, so what's the problem? [12:58] when will hoary become stable? [12:58] april [12:58] april i believe [12:58] Phazeman, it doesn't ask you for your password? [12:58] bonno, sudo ln -s /usr/local/jre1.5.0_01/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ (assuming you installed java the same place as me). That was in the installation guide I read... you must've read a different one [12:58] occy, 'cos they were not released when Warty went stable [12:58] sudo works like "sudo command" [12:58] it should then ask you for your password [12:58] then run command as root === Mongoose [~mongoose@user-2injqma.dialup.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Did] [12:58] Ribs: true, but if you apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, shouldn't they be in there? [12:59] someone can help a poor guy who just have a black screen at startup ?...please PV me [12:59] unless you've recently sudo'd, then it'll skip the password bit [12:59] treed: i've tried sudo passwd root and it was trying to ask me for the root passwd [12:59] JDah thankyou [12:59] no0tic:but when i was in synaptic, i mark the package... [12:59] occy, no, because they were not avalible when warty went stable. [12:59] sec i will try again [12:59] can I or should I install the beta 2 of hoary? [12:59] Phazeman, it should have been asking you for your password [12:59] Phazeman, do sudo -s and use your normal account pass [12:59] Ribs: heh [12:59] occy, Warty will only have security updates now [12:59] if it asks for root password while setting it, it's just blank [12:59] when i try to do anything with synaptic or apt-get i have this problem "(Reading database ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/unrar-nonfree_3.3.6-2_i386.deb (--unpack): [12:59] Ribs: ahhh [12:59] files list file for package `xpdf-common' is missing final newline [12:59] " [12:59] occy, or prehaps a update when a big-ass big is fixed. [12:59] at least, I think it is [12:59] It is [01:00] hmm [01:00] occy, Hoary is what you want if you want bleeding edge. But it's not stable yet... it *will* break stuff and eat your children. [01:00] treed, kezz THANKS much [01:00] np === ogra [~ogra@p508EBC96.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] Hey what about me! [01:00] Ribs: heh, been there done that today, I don't think I want to nuke my warty again anytime soon. [01:00] LOL [01:00] occy, You have the backports project if you want firefox 1.0 on warty [01:00] I haven't bothered to set a root password [01:00] I just do as ubuntuans do and sudo [01:00] there is no need [01:00] occy, see here: http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ [01:00] lol [01:00] I like sudo now that I'm used to it [01:01] ari_: come on :) === AndyR [~andrew@rogers666.plus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:01] occy, thunderbird is dead easy to put on and there's a discussion on one of the lists about standardising on it [01:01] i would like to like Ubuntu :O( [01:01] best of all it logs everything, so you can back track what you messed up === julius_trop [~julius_tr@adsl-65-71-168-44.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:01] why standardize on thunderbird? [01:01] kezz: yeah, I know... [01:01] it's only mail [01:01] Absolutely the nicest distro I've come across in about 4 years of Linuxing [01:01] DonL, agreed [01:01] treed, why standardise on evolution [01:02] kezz: because it actually looks like gnome [01:02] and is much more capable [01:02] treed, its bloatware imho [01:02] firefox, even with the special themes, still looks and behaves like firefox [01:02] it bugs me [01:02] I have been using Lin since 1994-95 and I like the install of Ubuntu the best, and the Deb base makes it even better [01:02] DonL, and quite unasual with a distro that appeals to both veterans and beginners [01:02] Angelus, whats the prob? [01:02] it doesn't follow gnome hig at all [01:02] kezz: It's also part of gnome now [01:03] JDahl, I agree [01:03] Kezz..at boot..i only have a black screen [01:03] treed, yeah thats what somebody was saying i believe [01:03] gnome is standardizing around eds [01:03] Angelus, can you use ctrl+alt+f2 to get a console login? [01:03] how did you config GRUB [01:03] so it would be very backwards to standardize on something else [01:03] ??? [01:03] let me check [01:04] have to reboot [01:04] hmm angelus [01:05] was in recovery mode to check ;O) [01:05] if it works you mite want to install bitchx so you can irc whilst work on it [01:05] ah its a different box then it's ok === L|nu}{ [~linux@ti112210a080-1218.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] makes things easyer hehe === lotusgeek51 [~stale@pool-141-158-243-218.phil.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:06] yup [01:07] okok..ctrl+alt+F2 doesnt work [01:07] i just cant see a thing [01:07] it realy looks like x-server related [01:08] console isn't affected by x [01:08] crtl alt bksp to kill the server [01:08] maybe not :O( === gremid [~gremid@pD9E730C3.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [01:08] done [01:09] do you see the system booting ? [01:09] i see it flash something but it comes back [01:09] ie tux in top left during startup and then the screen goes blank? [01:09] to black [01:09] that's strange === mirak [~mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-13-160.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] indeed [01:10] try bootstrapping gentoo drunk, and it is common [01:10] LOL [01:10] lol [01:10] ahaha [01:10] weird...was running SUSE and MEPIS and RH before...now only MEPIS works...and i want Ubuntu :O( [01:10] 'I got drunk and when I woke up.. I'd installed gentoo' [01:10] so do you see it starting the hotplug system? [01:11] HrdwrBoB, you must have slept for 3 weeks [01:11] hotplug ? [01:11] ok....forgot to say..i am newby [01:11] so you don't see a penguin at any point before it goes blank? [01:11] LOL [01:11] nope === Ensiferum [~enska@svaisane-dsl.oulu.fi] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] Angelus, does recovery mode start X? I can't remember... you can reboot to runlvl 1 (just add "1" to the grub boot command) - that's a safe bet for fixing a broken system [01:12] but..i would need to see something first LOL [01:12] ill reboot in recovery ;O) [01:13] Angelus, what model is the gfx card? [01:13] prebuilt on a Prolian ML330 === khadyoung [~khadyoung@pcp03303753pcs.ypwest01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:14] That's a laptop, no? [01:14] no..a server [01:14] Ahh [01:14] can anybody help me with apollon and giFT? [01:14] ok..i have root and ready [01:15] Sounds a bit like the problem I had with Nvidia and xorg [01:15] in recovery mode [01:15] Oh. good, Angelus [01:15] it looks like a prob i had before indeed myself..related to vid card or screen [01:15] How do I copy a CD? [01:16] the command would be "start x" right ? [01:16] To try it, yes, Angelus [01:16] i will at least see if THIS is the prob ;O) [01:17] startx [01:17] start x doesnt work [01:17] bad command [01:17] khadyoung, I don't use a burner, so I can't help I'm sorry. However, a friend just gave me a dvd player that I can't get working [01:17] there isn't a space [01:17] startx is command not found [01:17] Yes. That's right, kezz. Sorry I forgot [01:17] can anyone help me with a X problem? [01:18] Angelus: /etc/init.d/gdm start [01:18] Angelus: this wuold probably start display manager [01:18] JDAcura: If you describe it, there might be someone who can help you. [01:18] DonL, You mean a DVD-ROM drive? [01:18] Yes, khadyoung [01:19] DonL, Hardware problem or software? [01:19] and there it is..the probleme is there..black screen again [01:19] ok [01:19] Well, I don't really know. The bios sees it and identifies, it, but if I go into the hardware manager, it's not there [01:20] Angelus: cat /var/log/XFree86.0.log | grep EE [01:20] DonL, So it's not just DVD video discs but any disc you put in the drive won't be seen in Ubuntu? [01:20] so you isolate into X log the error lines [01:20] k [01:20] well i got this DELL 17 in LCD. it works fine in linux on my other system because i just tried it on my old linux box. So i am rullin gout the possibility of the monitor. i got a fresh install of ubuntu and X only runs in 640x480. i fired up my old box and copied the XF86Config and the diff with the new box i am running is the vid card the old was a pci card the new is an onboard intel ( it is a dell optiplex 270) [01:20] rebooting so i can see something ;O) [01:21] Angelus, it could be something in ur grub settings [01:21] Yes, khadyoung, nothing is recognized. I can't even get a response by typing eject dvd === mgotts is now known as mgotts^sleep [01:21] so i have been changing my xf86config-4 and it still wont go past 640 even if i changed it === mgotts^sleep is now known as mgotts [01:21] DonL, stupid question perhaps but are all your drives jumpered correctly? Slave/master, etc. [01:21] JDAcura, what revision is the bios? === pancho123123 [~pancho@] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] on what ? [01:22] JDAcura, I have the same machine at work... and getting X working took a few tricks [01:22] Yes, khadyoung, I checked that when I installed the drive, and the BIOS sees everything correctly [01:22] I'll try again... Anyone know how to copy a CD? [01:22] the bios on the actual machine ? === archon [~archon@ool-182d58fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] JDAcura, yes [01:22] i can check let me reboot [01:23] on not on that machine, i have to KVM to it brb [01:23] khadyoung, someone told me that KDE's kb3 I think it's called is the easiest burning software. [01:23] khadyoung: Computer->Home->Go->CD Creation (or something similar, I have the italian version..) [01:23] JDAcura, while you reboot, go to the BIOS and see how much onboard memory is allocated to the gfx card... try setting it to 8MB [01:24] DonL: I've used k3b for years and it's damned simple and powerful [01:24] oh well...been 2 days now [01:24] no0tic, I would use that but it doesn't copy CDs. At least I couldn't find anything like that [01:24] ill switch back to mep [01:24] little tired hehe [01:24] DonL, I really didn't want to install k3b... [01:24] Ahh. Maybe it was you who told me, no0tic [01:26] so...Ubuntu is realy nice ? [01:26] Jdahl: i set it to 8 mb bios A02 [01:26] IMHO [01:26] Isn't there a command that will just copy one CD to another? [01:26] Command line is not my forte, unfortunately [01:27] khadyoung: data or music? [01:27] jdahl: it booted and it looks promising. lol wait a sec. [01:27] Managu, audio CD === georgia_ is now known as georgia === jdodson [~jdodson@63-230-173-38.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] Maybe the jdodster knows how to copy an audio CD... [01:28] khadyoung: ooh, that's a toughie. I've never done it personally, but if you want to do that on the command line, you should investigate cdparanoia and cdrecord [01:28] copy an audio cd? [01:28] Managu, thanks for the tip [01:28] khadyoung: I doubt there's a simple way to do it from the command line, though. [01:28] jdodson, aye [01:28] JDAcura, I had A03 on my machine, but that version had a bug, when you changed the amount of onboard memory the changes weren't actually effective - I had to downgrade the BIOS to rev. A01, but then it worked perfectly... The bug was described on a dell forum somewhere [01:29] i would use k3b. [01:29] jdodson, dammit... That's not the answer I wanted to hear [01:29] jdodson, I guess I have to give in and get some KDE fungus growing in my system [01:29] after i changed the mem to 8 it works! [01:29] khadyoung: i know, i just havent found something really good that is #1 gnome based, #2 in universe. [01:29] JDAcura, great [01:30] khadyoung: plus i could only get it working in root mode, UGH. [01:30] jdodson, How has linux gone this long without simple CD recording? [01:30] well, there's xcdroast [01:30] If you just take that one kde program, you probably won't need a whole bunch of libraries, will you? [01:31] khadyoung: gnu/linux has had simple cd recording forever via the commandline:) and more advanced functionality via k3b. [01:31] perhaps you mean, how has gnome ...... === batlogg [batlogg@batlogg.user] has left #ubuntu [] [01:31] donl: you dont need that many at all, i think i needed like 3. [01:31] jdodson, Well how does one copy an audio CD from the command line, then? .. :) [01:31] I'm a recent convert to Gnome, and I too am attempting to keep it clean [01:32] no0tic:blackdown-j2sdk1.4 debian, but when i try to mark i doesn't want it [01:32] khadyoung, man cdrecord [01:32] http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/CD-Writing-HOWTO.html [01:32] it looks like it has all the info you need. === FireEgl [Proteus779@adsl-220-213-10.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu [01:33] JDAcura, the conspiracy sucker in me suspects that M$ is paying Dell to make their Optiplex series Linux incompatible... Optiplex 280 is even worse === ObsidianX [~ryan@adsl-67-122-228-116.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] no0tic:some one else helpe me but i didn't have results yet, sorry to answear late [01:33] hey if i can't get ubuntu to install from the install CD can i install debian and then upgrade to ubuntu from there? [01:33] obsitianx: Yes. [01:34] jdodson, It just seems weird to me that other people seem OK with an OS that doesn't copy CDs or burn audio CDs. [01:34] ooh. Flame bait! [01:34] jdodson: and all i have to do is change the get list/ [01:34] khadyoung: the os does copy cds. [01:34] jdahl: oh ok thats pretty weak [01:34] jdodson, Not from GUI, though does it? [01:34] khadyoung: it has for sometime, ubuntu natively just does not make it really easy to do "everything". then again neither does xp. [01:35] khadyoung: when you mean OS, do you mean ubuntu? [01:35] jdodson: the current state of linux, nothing is made to be easy [01:35] you have to know what you're doing [01:35] jdodson, Yes, I meant Ubuntu. Sorry for any confusion [01:35] ObsidianX, mandrake is pretty n00b proof [01:35] khadyoung: well ok, native in ubuntu you can create data cds via nautlius. [01:35] kezz: i dunno, i broke mandrake pretty quickly when i was new to linux [01:36] you can copy cds too, and right click on an iso to create a cd. [01:36] kezz, Mandrake is also RPM based... BLech.. [01:36] ObsidianX, which version 10.1 cos that would be impressive [01:36] khadyoung, it's because, well face it, who uses cds nowadays ;) but yeah, it's a shame and hopefully remedied in hoary [01:36] RPM = teh fuxed up [01:36] khadyoung, i didn't say it was nice [01:36] kezz: 9.2 i believe === Mongoose [~mongoose@user-33qt5gc.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] gnome does not support audio cd creation natively, this is an area where gnome lags behind. [01:36] mjr, Was that a joke?.. ? [01:36] no cooker version === wasabi [~wasabi@] has joined #ubuntu [01:36] is 10.1 improved? :P [01:37] ObsidianX, so you used the unstable version? [01:37] kde, however, supports CD creation a lot better. [01:37] kezz: no cooker version [01:37] it was stable [01:37] and 10 was in cooker [01:37] khadyoung, partly; I rarely use CDs, and audio CDs almost never, and when I do, it's for ripping [01:37] jdodson: K3B.. *drool* [01:37] khadyoung: we just don't have great software for doing it yet. that's the only reason why. [01:38] so i would agree ubuntu does not support all cd creation in an easy way out of the box. [01:38] jdub: good software is coming, it just takes time to write/test/get put in debian. [01:38] khadyoung: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AudioCDCreation (at the bottom) [01:38] i just got a small mp3 player for christmas, i dont need audio cds :D [01:38] HA! [01:38] jdodson: i'm actively tracking the upstream projects. [01:39] jdub: oh really, what is coming? [01:39] jdub: are they adding anything into the main branch? [01:39] 'they'? [01:39] jdub: ubuntu maintainers === MacSlow [~mirco@p508EBC8D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] some one who can help me to instal sjdk [01:39] jdub: sorry i didnt qualify that. [01:39] we haven't added anything yet, but there's a bunch of projects i'm tracking for consideration [01:40] jdodson, http://www.linuxlinks.com/Software/CD_Writing/GNOME/index.shtml [01:40] Is it just an odd coincidence that some 4 active chatters have nics starting "jd"? [01:40] JDah Thanks It works great [01:40] jdub: for instance? [01:40] optimystic, gnome-baker, coaster, a few others [01:40] some one who can help me to instal sjdk .) [01:40] managu: ha. it is weird. [01:40] some one who can help me to instal sjdk: [01:40] jdub: oh ok, thats great. [01:40] ari_, sun's jdk? [01:41] jdub: are you a ubuntu maintainer? [01:41] Is there an cdburner like k3b or will k3b work with ubuntu? [01:41] ok so to upgrade debian to ubuntu all i need to do is change the Sources.list file to point to ubuntu's mirrors? [01:41] kezz: i want to try the one to ubunto [01:42] jdub: HA! i just saw your sig, sorry... i do know who you are. [01:42] bonno: it will with the proper libraries installed [01:42] Greetings everybody! [01:42] jdub: i mean your irc info. [01:42] ok thanks === tvon|x31 [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] bonno: you can install k3b from universe. [01:42] ari_, i believe you create a .deb from the .bin using make-jpkg [01:42] kezz:but i doesnt want to be download for the synamptic [01:42] thanks JDAHL! === JDAcura [~aa@c-67-182-64-190.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:42] can anybody field my question? [01:43] kezz:i followed the instruction to downloaded it from multiuniverse [01:43] there are two there === liberion [~liberion@] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] ObsidianX: That sounds awfully optimistic to me. I doubt it'll work. === xhypno [~d8dbf93d@lvs01.ahp.ftl.affinity.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] hey guys what packages do i need to compile stuff with debian?? [01:43] Managu: why wouldn't it? [01:43] kezz:the suns one and the blockdown-j2sdk1.4ubunto [01:44] ahh [01:44] liberion: build-essential [01:44] ari_, http://wiki.arslinux.com/Ubuntu#Java_1.5 [01:44] obsidianx: a lot of base ubuntu packages use the same version as debian unstable packages, but are packaged differently [01:44] crimsun, just apt-get install build-essential?? [01:44] liberion: other packages require additional [01:44] Managu: thats what i was afraid of :\ [01:44] liberion: sudo apt-get install .., yes [01:44] alright i'll just follow this wiki page... [01:45] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallFromOtherDistroHowto [01:45] crimsun, thanx [01:45] obsidianx: sounds good [01:45] Managu: all changed packages have different versions [01:45] Managu: thanks for saving me a few hours :P [01:45] kezz:also it is in synaptic multiuniverse [01:45] Can someone give a a hint why "apt-get install nvidia-glx" doesn't work and tells me: ... [01:45] Package nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package. [01:45] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [01:45] is only available from another source [01:45] ari_, you can also use the add repositories listed under method0 @ http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java [01:45] sorry for the pasting [01:46] crimsun, that did the trick thanx alot [01:46] How can I get a different source for those modules? [01:46] someone know where I can find expocity or something alike? [01:47] kezz: from multiuniverse i got also the one sun-j2sdk1.5 [01:47] jdub: *shrug* I was just guessing. Perhaps you know the answer to ObsidianX's question? [01:47] ari_, look im only trying to help [01:48] ari_, dpkg -i it then [01:48] ObsidianX: we strongly discourage cross-grades because there's no guarantee they'll work. [01:48] jdub, Is there a CD burning solution in Warty that you suggest? [01:48] jdub: well i have nothing to lose, im installing fresh so you know, [01:49] khadyoung: for simple data requirements, nautilus-cd-burner [01:49] obsidianx: yeah, and if you want personal testimonials i can attest that cross-pollination of package repos. bring loads of headaches. [01:49] im in *blegh* windows right now === smooth-operator [~joemamma@CPE00062572343e-CM000a73a92c43.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] well is there any way to install outside of the ubuntu installation cd? [01:50] because i have other live cds i downloaded for gentoo [01:50] Such as? [01:50] hi, anyone know the command to delete directories? [01:50] Ubuntu has netinstall. [01:50] Just gotta make it youself. [01:50] jdub, I can't figure out how to copy a data CD (or audio for that matter) in nautilus. As for audio CD creation, any tips you can give? [01:50] kezz:thank, i have a doubt about the one that you told me , because in the page said "43.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) ha entrado en #ubuntu [01:50] well is there any way to install outside of the ubuntu installation cd? [01:50] because i have" [01:50] wait.. make it as in compile? o_O [01:50] ObsidianX: fwiw, it does work (woody/sarge/sid->warty/hoary), but you'll probably need to ask questions in another forum. I'm one of a few who happily runs a hybrid debian/ubuntu config, but I don't ask questions in here. [01:50] ari_: thats out of context... [01:50] Not really compile as much as assemble. [01:51] khadyoung: install k3b, or start testing one of the gnome cd burning applications [01:51] mkdir /tmp/d-i; cd /tmp/d-i; apt-get source debian-installer === regeya [~shane@sdn-ap-017ilchicP0488.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] smooth-operator, I believe rm -rf would work, or rmdir [01:51] Maybe somebody's got it posted. [01:51] jdub, Thanks! [01:51] ObsidianX: you can't use the cd for some reason? [01:51] thanks jdahl! [01:51] excuse me it said "t will complain of unresolved dependancies so apt-get install sun-j2sdk1.5debian , make sure you have multiverse in your sources.list. " === yorkomo [~eatshitan@c68.190.161.195.eau.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] jdub: it doesnt work [01:52] brb [01:52] jdub: it doesnt find anything past partition1 in the /dev/ file system === xhypno [~d8dbf93d@lvs01.ahp.ftl.affinity.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:52] ObsidianX: you are right sorry, bad copy paste [01:52] so i can't install to the desired hda3 [01:52] question... how do I install j2re for firefox? [01:52] ari_: no worries [01:52] ari_, now do the sudo apt-get install sun..... [01:53] to fix the dependencies [01:53] kezz thanks : [01:53] anybody have any idea why my synaptic windows has gone blank, i can see the categories but no packages are listed top right even tho the status bar indicates that there should be [01:53] yorkomo, j2re = java 2 runtime env? Hasnt j1.5re just come out? [01:54] ok... well I am trying to access yahoo games and I tried installing the plugin [01:54] however, I am having trouble getting in to play some online games [01:54] it says the plugins aren't installed [01:54] I tried manually installing and I also tried installing it as a firefox plugin [01:55] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallFromKnoppixHowto <-- is this better suited for a livecd installation other than ubuntu's install cd? [01:55] yorkomo, I dont know about that... But I think j1.5re is the most recent java VM - binaries and installation guides can be found at java.sun.com [01:56] JDahl, it works great [01:57] hmm... this "knoppix install" way is very appealing, its more controlling of the installation process.... [01:57] i'll try it [01:57] ...but I hate this Java install every time you change distros === Qubis [~Qubis@] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] jdahl: the version numbers on java are wicked. Anything after 1.2 (iirc) is called java 2 [01:58] JDahl: no, it's Java 2 but the version is 1.4 thanks for setting me straight === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] but I still need to try to install it [01:58] DonL, yeah... but now that you found Ubuntu you wont ever have to change distro again! [01:59] That's exactly what I'm thinking, JDahl === archon is now known as ArChoNKoG [01:59] and being Debian based, it should be ultimately upgradeable, right? === gnuyen [~gnuyen@68-232-251-10.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] I've ordered a few disks to give to friends. Hope they come soon [02:05] where apt logs changes? === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] where does apt log changes? please [02:07] :) [02:07] my debian sid is about 8 months old [02:07] if i try to go to ubuntu via apt [02:07] will i have to downgrade any packages? [02:08] doubtful [02:09] Is debian sid not working out for you, gnuyen? [02:09] I like the quick updates to gnome [02:09] that ubuntu does [02:11] Could you save your important stuff, then just do a fresh Ubuntu install? [02:11] gnuyen, I havent tried installing Ubuntu on top of Debian, but I bet that in the end reinstalling Ubuntu will be easier [02:11] JDahl, snap [02:11] anyone know how to get k3b installed === spikeb [~spikeb@c68.117.110.98.hay.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] bonno: add universe to your sources.list and apt-get install k3b [02:11] isn't that qt based bonno? [02:12] is there a package? [02:12] jdub how would i do that [02:12] It should go and get the right packages for you [02:13] bonno: uncomment the universe lines at the end of /etc/apt/sources.list [02:13] I did the whole KDE thing the other night and immediately too it off [02:13] ok thanks [02:14] hmmm [02:14] now here is a dumb question how do i umcomment those lines its read only [02:14] sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list [02:15] you just need priveledges === skobrosl [~skobrosl@] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] hello anyone here use mono? [02:16] Then if you run synaptic, hit reload, and it should find it [02:16] i plan on trying it soon skobrosl === user4 [~user4@] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] kezz: i can not find any on apt-get === tvon|x31 [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === user4 [~user4@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:18] hmm Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com warty/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_warty_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) [02:19] skobrosl, it might be in universe === neil [~neil@modem-1822.snake.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] kezz, I think it is. It shows up in my synaptic [02:19] .. and I've got universe [02:20] in that case skobrosl uncomment the universe repositorty in /etc/apt/sources.list [02:20] repository* === DonL thinks "I love this distro" [02:21] skobrols, try apt-cache search [02:23] ah thanks got it [02:23] now if i log out and log back in should it be in the applictaion tree [02:23] now apt-get update, bonno [02:23] ok === regeya [~shane@sdn-ap-017ilchicP0161.dialsprint.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] ok done [02:25] so after the apt-get it should be installed i assume [02:26] yeah. Try it again === nuOpus [~nuopus@ip68-104-153-28.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] ok its installed === huttan [~huttan@ua-83-227-195-133.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] Yay === cored [cored@AC9328F7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] hi guys [02:27] lol [02:27] does Ubuntu [02:27] just need to find it now [02:27] comes with all the patch from ximian, for Gnme? [02:27] by default [02:27] no [02:28] only the ones that made it into the mainstream gnome [02:28] hey have any of you guys noticed that when you log into gnome and log out that lots of processes still remain taking up ram? I had 5 people log in and it ate up ram [02:28] ok let me try thia === xhypno [~d8dbf954@lvs01.ahp.ftl.affinity.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] brb [02:28] spikeb oh i see [02:28] thanks === chapter3 [~kev@] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] anyone having problems installing ATI drivers? [02:29] is there a benchmarking utility for linux. like a linux equivalent of sisoft sandra? [02:30] are you using warty or hoary? === no0tic [~no0tic@host97-140.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === xhypno [~d8dbf954@lvs01.ahp.ftl.affinity.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] because the ati fglrx driver does not work on xorg 6.8 === AndyFitz [~andy@220-245-97-227-qld-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === mjg59 [mjg59@cavan.codon.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] anyone have problems installing and configing ATI drivers? [02:32] xhypno: If you are using hoary or the xorg 6.8 backport you will not get it to work === cored [cored@AC9328F7.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] === bono [~bono@Toronto-HSE-ppp3699191.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] You're back with one n [02:34] hmmm any idea where k3b would have been installed [02:34] yeah [02:34] anyone have probs with xorg and cpu usage? [02:34] anyone have problems installing and configing ATI drivers? [02:34] srry repeat [02:34] xhypno: very, very many people [02:34] sorry, xhypno, I have Nvidia [02:34] xhypno: again ... repeat ... are you using xorg with hoary or xfree with warty? [02:35] xhypno: because it DOES matter [02:35] xfree with warty [02:35] are you using the fglrx that comes in the repositories? === x66221 [~x66221@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] Yeah I installed it, but it says no device found [02:35] which ATI? [02:36] ATI 340m Rad 9000 chipset in a Compaq 1516us [02:37] well it is EASY to get it working on anything except radeon 9000! LOL [02:37] wrote a post here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221&page=2&pp=10 [02:37] very easy to install fglrx from the rpms you get from the ati web site [02:38] try those ... maybe you will have some luck [02:38] Would he use alien, nuOpus? [02:38] xhypno, I also have a rad 9000m chipset and got fglrx drivers working under Warty (using straightforward ubuntu wiki), but I found them to be only marginally faster than the xfree drivers [02:38] ok now how do we install a printer === Mongoose [~mongoose@user-33qt5gc.dialup.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Did] [02:39] problems I have had with the ATI 9000 is the bus address. If you switch to the right display you CAN get it to work without 3d accell. If you switch to OTHER one you get 3d access with no display! ARGH! [02:39] ya [02:39] then you have to cd to the modules dir and build it [02:39] bono: type k3b in a console window [02:41] basically just download the RPM from the ati website and INSTALL it with alien [02:41] then cd /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod [02:41] shen you just run make.sh by typing sh make.sh [02:41] then cd /lib/modules/fglrx [02:41] nuOpus, you dont need to do any such things... it's perfectly supported from the "restricted" repositories [02:41] JDahl: If you like the outdated stuff [02:41] the one that is in restricted has major clipping problems a long with other performance issues that were later fixed [02:41] so .... if you want the latest driver from ATI in Warty ... you kind of have to do that === user4 [~user4@] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] oh ... finally sh modules_install.sh [02:42] then just run fglrxconfig to set it up [02:43] VERY good example with performance and clipping issues with the ati fglrx old ones in repo is to run Americas Army ... see how much slower the old one performs vs the new one === Stuttergart [~Stutterga@mail.nathanvalentine.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] I am at work at the moment, as soon as finish this backup I am gonna try it === gaetano__ [~gaetano@host250-52.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] Just go http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221&page=2&pp=10 [02:44] I wrote that post on the ubuntu forums to explain it [02:44] damm now it doesnt recognize that the cd recorder records [02:45] thanks nuOpus [02:45] there is a simple way to remove the packages installed from hoary on a warty distro? [02:45] bono: run it in root mode. [02:45] i've used apt-get and pinning [02:45] to install from hoary [02:45] now i wanna remove this packages... [02:46] which packages? [02:46] mozilla-thunderbird [02:46] cant it be run as a normal user?? [02:46] just apt-get --purge remove mozilla-thunderbird [02:46] bono: i havent gotten it to. [02:46] nuOpus: and the deps? [02:47] oof [02:47] don't forget the "will delete your user data" caveat with --purge [02:47] neuro_: oh yes, but how to remove the deps too? [02:47] ok thanks === bkuebler [~bkuebler@] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] well [02:48] just type apt-cache depends mozilla-thunderbird [02:48] if i want to run it from an icon how would i run it from there as root [02:48] but you do not want to remove all of the dependencies [02:48] because its dependencies may be used by other programs. For example .. dont remove xlibs [02:49] right, only the one upgraded from hoary [02:49] BUT. Here is a tip. apt-get install debfoster [02:49] What's that?? [02:49] what is debfoster??? [02:49] never heard of it [02:49] when you run it for first time it asks you what packages you want to "keep" and groups a lot of the dependencies together .. you say yes or no [02:50] and at the end it cleans house on all of the apps you said no to [02:50] next time you run debfoster it will ONLY ask you for the NEW packaages you installed [02:50] ah ok, maybe this will clean my warty from the hoary pkgs [02:50] so I run debfoster after I install [02:50] Wow. Sounds like a really good tool [02:50] then when I go to install lots of programs I run debfoster again at intervals and tell it to keep some of the new ones [02:51] nuOpus: ok thanks, i try with debfoster [02:51] that way if you dont like ANY of the new packages you just debfoster and say NO to everything [02:51] really quick ... keeps it clean === eph [~e@host81-134-136-25.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] gaetano__: install apt-rdepends [02:51] cool, I will have to try it [02:51] it'll generate a dependancy list for a package [02:52] ya [02:52] I love debfoster [02:52] does anybody know what Ubuntu uses by defualt for the Envy24HT audio chip? [02:52] neuro_: ok, thanks. lets try with apt-rdepends [02:52] I've just installed debfoster. I'll run it later [02:52] be prepared for a huge list [02:52] LOL [02:52] apt-rdepends? another I have never used. [02:53] ya thats why I do it directly AFTER the install [02:53] and I keep my finger on the y all the way down === lugorX [~ben@roc-66-66-209-96.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] ok thanks for the help i will be back later [02:54] this ubuntu is best linux distro [02:54] errrr best debian based distro === The_Nalf [fabrice@AToulouse-251-1-29-203.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] im still in love with gentoo though [02:54] That's what I'm thinking, nuOpus [02:54] but Ubuntu rocks for debian [02:54] And .... and .. Gentoo doesnt have anything like debfoster! LOL [02:54] I could never get around the three day gentoo installs though [02:55] I can do a stage3 in 30 min [02:55] How about a stage 1? [02:55] and just write a script to get all of the packages you need and do it overnight [02:55] you have to know what you need a head of time though [02:55] stage 1 depends on the speed of the computer [02:56] if on a k6 you will be there for 3 days ... ya === neil [~neil@modem-1822.snake.dialup.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === lugorX [~ben@roc-66-66-209-96.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] although I was thinking of repacing my gentoo install on the other computer with ubuntu since hoary is doing good for me right now [02:57] installed with the hoary test cd and it is doing great! [02:58] That's good. And you're using Warty on this one? [02:58] Oh. Sorry. Just re-read [02:58] no. hoary [02:58] lol [02:58] Well, thanks for all the help. Must go wash some dishes now! === DonL [~don@d207-81-88-109.bchsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:59] lol. have fun DonL! === nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === kleedrac [~kleedrac@hsdbsk69-11-109-51.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu === kleedrac [~kleedrac@hsdbsk69-11-109-51.sasknet.sk.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Guardiann [~Guardiann@Toronto-HSE-ppp3699191.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === natea [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] hey guys [03:08] anyone know how to set up a printer with cups [03:09] i get to local host asks me to login when i use root and my password it doesnt work [03:09] um [03:09] it's disabled in ubuntu [03:09] so how do i gain access [03:09] go to the Computer menu and choose System Configuration -> Printing [03:09] i have :) [03:09] as a Joe Schmo user I think it's annoying that the cups interface is disabled [03:10] erm I mean the Web interface, oh well [03:10] regeya: most joe schmoes wouldn't really think to go to Firefox and type http://localhost:631 [03:10] dunno, it works fine. [03:10] they would if they read the instructions for cups [03:10] okay, so joe schmo wouldn't think of it, so the rest of us don't get it unless we wish to enable it. [03:10] yeah, okay, uh-huh. [03:11] most people don't think to enable the parking brakes in their cars. [03:11] that doesn't make them a bad idea. === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [03:12] to be fair, the cups web interface, and parking brakes, are slightly different issues. [03:12] Guardiann: what type of printer? === Pugio [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] laserjet 6p [03:12] while we're at it, let's remove any sort of way to add a printer from the command line ;-) [03:13] weird. I print to that printer from cups, though admittedly at work on an OS X box. [03:14] irc://irc.gimp.org [03:14] erm sorry [03:14] wrong channel:) === bkuebler is trying to print to a lexmark optra L. === tbemus [~Tony@adsl-69-212-209-159.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === linuxbitt [~linuxbitt@S010600e029964fa6.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] I have an install question [03:16] When I boot from the install cd it ask a phew language and country questions then trys to mount the cd rom, [03:16] so there is no way to print? [03:16] heh, Guardiann, I'm dealing with printer issues myself right now, but for totally different reasons. :-D [03:16] you've tried to add a new printer, right? [03:16] :) [03:16] yep [03:17] if i could get into localhost it would probably work === Linux_Coasty [~chris@ool-182def38.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] it seems to hang and not mount the cd rom [03:17] I mean, honest to goodness, I don't have that printer right here in front of me, so I can't exactly connect it, go to the Add Printer dialog, and step through it to see what's wrong. [03:18] Guardiann: if you could give some indications of what's going wrong when you try to add the printer through the GNOME interface... === gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-73-55-198.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] any error messages, anything; and as much detail if you please === linuxbitt [~linuxbitt@S010600e029964fa6.ca.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:19] absolutely nothing === regeya goes back to wondering why his Epson Stylus Photo R800 is laying down a thick layer of gloss enhancer on each print [03:19] hi tbemus! [03:19] well... [03:20] oh well [03:20] back to slackware I gues [03:20] hello [03:20] erm... [03:20] gah. [03:20] I have an install question [03:20] that's nice; please don't version me [03:20] When I boot from the install cd it ask a phew language and country questions then trys to mount the cd rom, [03:20] sorry === Pugio [~chatzilla@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:21] I am somewhat new to irc. I was just checking out some of the features [03:21] heh [03:21] I'm just testy right now. Ignore me. :-) === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu === thomas_ [~thomas@lns-vlq-44-poi-82-252-133-113.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] thick layer. of gloss enhancer. on all glossy prints. printed 4 sheets and down to 50% of gloss enhancer. have found that none of my regular sources of cartridges have these. === Rancoras [~Rancoras@ppp-70-243-217-203.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] getting very preterbed. thought installing epkowa driver would be the wise choice. apparently not. [03:23] I'm still a little concerned that someone who couldn't figure out how to set up a printer on their Ubuntu install wsa going to go "back to slack" [03:24] some people give up easier than others [03:26] just in case some of you are wondering ... the linux-source-2.6.10 works GREAT === MobyTurbo [~yid@66-3-84-106-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] they dont have images for 2.6.10 yet though === regeya wonders how hard it'd be to get the gimp-print-5.0.0-beta2 drivers working [03:27] hevent tried yet regeya [03:27] nuOpus: for hoary, yes. [03:28] 2.6.10-1-686-smp #1 SMP Mon Jan 3 18:00:20 UTC 2005 [03:28] crimsun: mind just got done compiling [03:28] mine [03:28] gotta reboot to try it. Mine is BARE [03:29] wish me luck! lol [03:29] sudo reboot [03:29] oops [03:29] nuOpus: there are 2.6.10 images [03:29] I'm using one at the moment === nuOpus [~nuopus@ip68-104-153-28.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] okay that is wierd [03:33] crimsun: Did you get this problem ... my loadup is completely blank till it gets to the end when it sets the font [03:34] just a black screen with flashing hd light .... but it is still loading and comes up when terminal font is loaded [03:34] hmmm [03:34] maybe framebuffer [03:34] nuOpus: no. Do you use vesafb or rivafb? If so, that would explain it, because I blacklist both. === no0tic [~no0tic@host97-140.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] the radeon === ant_o [~anto@] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] I think I may just use VESA === occular [~rook@modemcable057.244-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] nuOpus: what radeon? === gwildor [~gwildor@adsl-68-73-55-198.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] or not at all since there is no real fb splash anyway [03:36] nuOpus: sorry, I arrived now [03:36] well its the kernel ati radeon frame buffer that is give me issue [03:36] ill just disable framebuffer and recompile ... and just use usplash when its in hoary [03:37] Hey, can someone point me -where- I can get my good ol' usual root account with that thing? [03:37] occular: Just open a terminal and type sudo passwd [03:37] occular: burt it's a bad idea. [03:37] then type in your current password. It will ask you for the new root one [03:37] sudo -s is just as good. [03:37] occular: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/root [03:37] just make sure to lock it again when you are done with whatever [03:37] nevyn: It does not work for all cases [03:37] nuOpus: tnx for the explanations, but I can't help you, sorry :) [03:38] no0tic: like what? [03:38] I can get the console to work; what I'd want to do is get the root account straight, so that i can log in with it. [03:38] nevyn: You cannot install a driverloaer driver without unlocking root [03:38] occular .. ya ... you just assign a password by typing sudo passwd [03:38] umm you should be able to with sudo -s [03:38] HrdwrBoB: ? [03:38] nevyn: No you cannot. [03:38] occular: you need not do that, it's a Much Better Idea to login with your user [03:38] nevyn: Its a web interface you must use [03:39] nevyn: Things like that MUST log in as root [03:39] HrdwrBoB, I'm sure you mean well, but I -do- need to do that. [03:39] you can 'unlock root by simply setting the passwd [03:39] you must run the web browser as root or log into the web interface as root? [03:39] sudo passwd root === ions [~chris@d141-50-73.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] nevyn: There is NO way to get the driverloader web interface to sudo [03:39] that will not work either [03:40] it does not read current account information [03:40] I've done that already; it just won't work to log in, however. I thought someone had locked the possibility. [03:40] it ASKS for the root account and password === maximaus [~max@user-37kacvs.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] any idea how to have the FAH console deal start automatically? [03:40] after a restart or whatever [03:40] Like it or hate it there are some instances where sudo does not cut the mustard [03:40] nuOpus: sudo DOES cut the mustard [03:40] that's an example of broken software [03:41] it doesn't invalidate the method === occular goes to try again. [03:41] None of the web apps the require root work with sudo [03:42] I tried rc-update foldingathome default but that did not work [03:42] driverloader, swat, webmin .... although I dont use webmin or swat and jsut edit the config files ... some people like webmin. And there is no way to set up a driver easilly using driverloader [03:42] other than unlocking root and then locking it after you are done === occular [~rook@modemcable057.244-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] As expected; won't log in as root. [03:43] and its not that the program is buggy ... it is a daemon that runs in the background .. the process is ALREADY running when it asks for root. sudo is only good for running NEW processes ... does NOTHING for logging in through an existing process. [03:43] There's user friendly, then there's restrictively user friendly. === skreet [~Skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] Hey whenever I install Ubuntu using my DVD burner i get unable to fint kernel from APT sources, but if I use a 52x it's okay. This is with an older CD does anyone know if this issues has been resolved? [03:44] occular: Well the purpose of sudo was never to log in to an EXISTING process like a server or web app. So it will never work in those instances [03:45] nuOpus: a process can still integreate with the sudo mechanism [03:45] eg: gksudo [03:45] what's an example of logging into an existing process? [03:45] nu0pus - Well, when you bloody -need- your root account, that's when you remove ubuntu and use something that'll let you. Blasted thing. [03:45] Okay show me an example of sudo working to log into an already running daemon [03:45] nuOpus: the idea of a deamon is that it STARTS as root [03:46] sudo passwd [03:46] su [03:46] right into root [03:46] HrdwrBob: Well ... show me an example though ... of sudo working to log into an already running daemon [03:46] you will not find one [03:46] nuOpus: what the hell are you talking about [03:46] daemons already start as root [03:46] in general [03:47] that's the whole point [03:47] nuOpus: sudo DOES cut the mustard [03:47] HrdwrBoB that's an example of broken software [03:47] they can then offer internal privelege management [03:47] it is? === Hmmmm [~Hmmmm@] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] so .... it is broken software that does not let me log in as sudo when it asks for root? [03:48] then show me an example of software that handles internal privelege management using sudo [03:48] ....Hey, can you at least shut down gnome on that thing? [03:48] asking for the root password in anything except a system login is broken [03:48] nuOpus: network-admin === meltbanana314 [~meltbanan@ip68-228-44-118.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] it is NOT a process that is already running [03:48] sudo is used to START a NEW process AS another UID [03:48] occular: maybe you want sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop [03:49] in any case if you're talking about webmin [03:49] you're on crack [03:49] webmin has it's own independant user database [03:49] no webmin is a security hole [03:49] ok [03:49] I mean things like driverloader [03:49] Nice don't-touch-anything distro. I might install that for my parents. Now, on to more serious stuff. -shrugs- [03:49] it is expecting a rood auth [03:49] yes, because it's a hack [03:49] I was simply saying that for lots of instances you must enable root [03:49] no [03:50] for a VERY FEW *SPECIFIC* instances [03:50] you must enable root [03:50] then I would love to see you get driverloader working without it [03:50] why [03:50] ok [03:50] just use ndiswrapper [03:50] whats up occular? [03:50] no [03:50] driverloader is a very specific example [03:50] ndiswrapper had problems that work in driverloader [03:50] the first thing i did was "sudo passwd root" :-D === thelight [~art@p56-rasbkkSP3.C.csloxinfo.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] thats the way to go [03:51] bkuebler: displaying your ignorance doesn't make it better. [03:51] anyone know if warty will support my via onboard graphics card? [03:51] fc3 dont do it too well === ions [~chris@d141-50-73.home.cgocable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:51] Hmmmm: chipset? [03:51] nevyn, don't confuse ignorance with laziness. [03:51] :) [03:51] LOL [03:51] I know exactly what I what I did. [03:51] that is not ignorance. [03:51] via km400 === keyshawn2 [~keyshawn2@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] besides ..... you never use root through IRC because there are exploits that let people get your password or get the encrypted one so it is broken later [03:52] wtf has IRC got to do with this [03:52] well ... people everyone here uses ubuntu .... I KNOW everyone is in sudoers .... so it is just as dangerous [03:52] er [03:52] nuOpus: it doesn't help you if you don't have the password [03:52] nuOpus, is on a antisudo crusade i think [03:53] change the sudoers config to allow only local sudo's [03:53] bind it by ip [03:53] nevyn, its a via km400 chipset === Kennyjb402 [~Kennyjb40@] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] I will sudo -l root when I am done setting the box up. [03:53] I use sudo [03:53] I was simply answering someones question about enabling the root account [03:54] all I said was that there are instances where you HAVE to enable it [03:54] you said there are many [03:54] but I typically unlock the account ... use the app then lock it again [03:54] so far we've got to one [03:54] webin and swat [03:54] even though I dont use them .... other people do [03:54] I use sudo all the time, it is the best way to access the system as root and log exactly what is done [03:54] webmin [03:54] nuOpus: it doesn't make sudo a bad idea [03:55] which you seem to think it is [03:55] sudo is a much better way to manage the system [03:55] I never said it was a bad idea [03:55] it makes a hell of a lot more sense to people for one [03:55] most people have enough trouble remembering ONE password [03:55] I mierly said that sudo does not cut the mustard in some cases [03:56] well ... for new users I would not show them how to edit the text file. I would show them swat or webmin-samba [03:56] and for those cases you have to enable it [03:57] ummm.. doesn't ubuntu ship with tools for configureing samba ? [03:57] yes [03:57] like gui things. [03:57] yes it does [03:57] and webmin does not need root enables [03:57] enabled [03:57] I wouldn't suggest editing a txt file to most exp people I know, unfortunately, most people overlook the little things [03:57] swat and driverloader are both broken [03:58] swat is well known to be broken [03:58] driverloader is a hack [03:58] it's a special case [03:58] anyone have xorg spike cpu usage constant? [03:58] it's not 'everyday' [03:58] then if a new user wants to set up samba you would walk them though a text file? [03:58] in unstable? [03:58] for more than a few people [03:58] stuNNed: what do you mena [03:58] Actually, I am looking at driverloader and am failing to see where sudo would fail. [03:58] crimsun: you will see [03:58] try to set it up === bvc [~bvc@cs6710169-75.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] not like ndiswrapper that lets you specify the inf from console [03:59] nuOpus: I'm reading http://www.linuxant.com/driverloader/wlan/install.php === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] HrdwrBoB, top reveals xorg pid around 40% cpu usage constant with nonfree nvidia drivers and laptop, maybe acpi or something related? [03:59] HrdwrBoB, or buggy synaptic driver? haven't had much time to look into it of late, but will [03:59] probably the nvidia driver being broken [03:59] that is just to get it installed [04:00] but to actually specify the windows driver inf you must use the web interface === bvc [~bvc@cs6710169-75.houston.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:00] "dldrconfig" command can also be used to change certain configuration options or recompile (generic packages only) the kernel modules after installation or kernel upgrades. Run "dldrconfig --help" for usage information. [04:00] If you wish to disable the web configurator for security reasons, you can do so with "dldrconfig --webconf=off". To re-enable it, use "dldrconfig --webconf=". [04:00] sorry apste [04:00] ya but not specify the inf [04:00] nuOpus: so using `gksudo mozilla-firefox' will fail? [04:00] but it doesn't look like you HAVE to use the web based interface [04:00] no it will not [04:00] you have to === bvc [~bvc@cs6710169-75.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] nuOpus: ok then, driverloader is a retarded piece of garbage [04:01] look on there ... it says nothig in syntax or with switch that lets you specify location of the .inf file or its files [04:01] it works much better than ndiswrapper [04:01] setite, you there? [04:02] nuOpus: am I correct in presuming that once `gksudo mozilla-firefox' is executed, the configuration will progress successfully? [04:02] I don't need a browser for ndiswrapper [04:02] that's horrific. [04:02] what's horrific? [04:02] so ... you guys are of oppinion to NEVER EVER enable root ... and for apps that REQUIRE root .. that it is crap and never use it? [04:02] having to run a browser of any description let alone MOZILLA as root is broken [04:02] yes ... but ndiswrapper has problems that driverloader does not [04:03] nu0pus, how much better? [04:03] nevyn: I agree, and I'm attempting to see where sudo will fail for driverloader [04:03] I am of oppinion that you never use root unless you need to in cases like driverloader, webmin, swat or others ... and if you are done .. just lock it [04:03] nuOpus: requiring a web interface for a network driver is like requiring a plane to start your car [04:03] HrdwrBoB, yes [04:03] ummm o [04:03] no [04:03] since you dont need the network interface to install it [04:03] like using the Start Button to shutdown your winders..hehe [04:03] it is on the local interface [04:03] nomasteryoda: no inf is like not installed [04:03] but you still need the browser [04:04] it's still a web interface [04:04] HrdwrBoB, ok [04:04] nuOpus: nope. but that there are so many local and remote security issues associated with running a desktop as root that it's best avoided [04:04] that has nothing to do with wireless drivers [04:04] i use ndiswrapper here [04:04] on suse [04:04] bcm network card [04:04] there are good technical reasons for ubuntu to not set a root password by default. [04:04] ya but it has issues with giving false signal strength or not at all === Mirno [~mirspcm@] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] or it will give 100% signal strength no matter what [04:05] renaming root would also have been a good move and I don't know why they didn't do that. [04:05] nomasteryoda: yeah I use ndiswrapper too [04:05] I know ... I said that you only enable it for specific reasons and you lock it after you are done [04:05] HrdwrBoB, it's not pretty, but it works [04:05] precisely [04:05] driverloader does work a lot better than ndiswrapper though [04:05] and I can use a USB card for kismet or similar [04:06] Like ... on the BCM on my laptop I can actually configure the driver specific options like bursting and turning on powersave mode [04:06] nuOpus: I'm sure it does [04:06] but can't do that with ndiswrapper [04:06] it doesn't make it not retarded though === Kennyjb402 [~Kennyjb40@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:07] and you can't exactly say that ALL programs that REQUIRE root are retarded [04:07] just be careful about it [04:07] nuOpus, so we need to make a module that will do both [04:07] all programs that require the root password are retarded [04:07] that is ignorance === bvc [~bvc@cs6710169-75.houston.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:07] so we must all be of your oppinion [04:07] and if not ... it is retarted === Hmmmm [~Hmmmm@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:08] nuOpus, just very, very, very, very ...unsafe [04:08] programs that NOT ONLY require the root password, but also require a web interface for configuration are double retarded [04:08] i can take my ndiswrapper card for lan looking... and use my usb card for airsnort... and grab your wep... then get your root ... then i'm in === Fryboy [~fryboy@c211-28-102-226.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] so we must all follow your guidelines for software development or be retarted [04:09] if i were good at hacking... =) [04:09] HrdwrBoB, CUPS requires that in its original configuration. (Though Ubuntu disables that.) [04:09] MobyTurbo: it doesn't require it [04:09] MobyTurbo: it offers it [04:09] MobyTurbo: there should be a special useraccount for printer administration [04:09] MobyTurbo: apparently driverloader is ONLY configurable from the web interface [04:10] nomasteryoda: If you can get the root password you can get a user password [04:10] that can also be provided as authentication to the web interface [04:10] HrdwrBoB, what is driverloader? [04:10] nomasteryoda: if I can get your user password I can still do root things because of sudo [04:10] sooo ... has nothing to do with getting a password [04:10] ehh, well, sudo only works for users in the wheel group [04:11] poing is ... most root attempts in your computer has NOTHING to do with the root account [04:11] errr root account password [04:11] MobyTurbo: commercial ndiswrapper [04:11] nu0pus yes.. but not on suse you can't [04:11] hehe [04:11] lol === BugBear90 [~ali@CPE-144-132-229-179.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] Managu, it doesn't have to be configured that way [04:12] HrdwrBoB, ndiswrapper, isn't that something to do with running win-hardware using its windows dlls? [04:12] MobyTurbo, yes [04:12] MobyTurbo: Lets you use wireless cards that are not supported in LInux [04:12] windows inf files ... [04:13] MobyTurbo: sort of, essentially it's a windows network driver wrapper, mostly for wireless cards with no linux drivers [04:13] MobyTurbo: Lets you use the Windows drivers for it [04:13] it's not for win-hardware [04:13] win-nic's [04:13] like bcmwl5a which i have in this new d505 [04:13] dell [04:13] using it now [04:13] broadcom is a software nic [04:13] POS [04:13] wireless works great [04:13] yep. [04:13] some of the hardware supported by it is good hardware [04:13] some is crap [04:13] but I have it on my laptop [04:13] same for the soruce drivers [04:13] but it works great in driverloader [04:14] I can understand though why broadcom does not release source for their drivers [04:14] nuopus, true about 100%.. on the wlan it always stays that way [04:14] yea [04:14] too tight with their code [04:14] or IP [04:14] nomasteryoda: Yes ... ndiswrapper does not properly do signal strength or configure ANY driver specifi options [04:14] I'm looking for a text viewing program that will let me highlight certain lines matching a pattern in colors... trying to sort through a 2 year old IRC log... ;) [04:15] nuOpus, so i am using a kde tool do that [04:15] and it works fine [04:15] nomasteryoda: Example is with the bcm ... with driverloader I can actually turn bursing on ... and toggle the powersaving features [04:15] pretty cool [04:15] there are LOTS of options for the bcm that let you tweak performance and power saving features [04:15] sure [04:16] i'll wait on a new driver for it... [04:16] but cant configure that in ndiswrapper. The DOWNSIDE is though ... you have to pay for driverloader ... and they are REALLY anal about it [04:16] or a new laptop.. === John_ [~trillian@d198-166-244-189.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] nuOpus, yes === bratsche [~bratsche@dsl093-053-083.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] another reason to stay away [04:16] anyone know how to get a pc to standby mode? i'm assuming it's through acpi? [04:16] ya ... but there are lots of advantages still === John_ [~trillian@d198-166-244-189.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:17] anyone know if ubuntu will ever put swsup2 in the default kernel image? [04:17] because it works better for most hardware than the default suspend [04:18] how can i suspend at all??!?!? [04:18] if using apm you can type sudo apm --suspend [04:18] nuOpus, the ndiswrapper does not indicate i'm using encryption, but i know i am.. === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] i want apm working on this laptop [04:19] i have no apm support in my kernel... hoping i can do it with acpi?? [04:19] ya. driverloader works perfectly ... ndiswrapper is still good software though. a friend uses it cuz he does not want to pay the $15 [04:20] I use swsusp2. Downside is you must recompile your kernel to get it to work. [04:21] Unless you want me to get you debs for the 2.6.10 kernel with swsusp2 in there already [04:21] ack ... doesnt work for 2.6.10 [04:21] good thing I didnt go to 2.6.10 on laptop yet [04:22] -+anyone know if there is a way to limit the speed an application uses? === Guardiann [~Guardiann@Toronto-HSE-ppp3699191.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] sensebend, man nice, renice [04:23] err I should have been more specific [04:23] sensebend: squid can do it [04:24] working sucks [04:24] I meant on the network [04:24] I know === mars [~mars@] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] hello --On playing sound a 'couldn't open audio' alert box with a checklist appears. Any ideas as to whats next? [04:24] There is QoS support in the linux kernel ... and that is what you can use ... but im not sure of a userland utility that makes use of it [04:24] is there a QoS in linux kernel? [04:24] magicfilter [04:25] kebac: yes [04:25] I just got done compiling 2.6.10 on desktop and saw it [04:25] it has been in BSD for years :P [04:25] kebac: yes yes yes [04:25] kebac: yes yes yes and there is NO ALTQ in linux yet [04:25] if this was FreeBSD I would have suggested altq for him [04:26] but linux .... dunno [04:26] wondershaper [04:26] http://lartc.org/wondershaper/ [04:26] THATS IT!!! [04:26] nuOpus: altq is also in other BSDs [04:26] kebac: never used other BSDs ... just FreeBSD so not sure === tuxedodebi23 [~thq@adsl-62-167-140-69.adslplus.ch] has left #ubuntu [] [04:27] nuOpus, I'm positive it's in openbsd because PF supports it. [04:27] freebsd and openbsd just do their job better, because they use Packet Filter, and altq and PF uses the same configuration file [04:27] BSDi sucks [04:27] SCO too [04:27] MobyTurbo: Ya.... not saying it wasnt ... just have never used it in those platforms [04:27] SCO sux [04:27] YUP === nic0t1ne [~delicous@] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] but BSD does not [04:28] kebac, FreeBSD (and NetBSD) *can* use PF, but fbsd uses IPF2 by default === enanos [~enanos@161-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] FreeBSD (only one I have experience with) is really good [04:28] I didn't say BSD, I said BSDi [04:28] freebsd uses pf by default... [04:28] xhypno, BSDI is out of business. === enanos [~enanos@161-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [04:28] I would say solaris is really good too ... if it was not so SLOW [04:28] hey what is the best way to install X on Ubuntu without Ximian Email client - and open office - some of the applications are junk for me - I just want X configured automatically [04:29] netbsd is the only BSD left that uses ipf [04:29] it will move to PF too [04:29] kebac, PF has been already ported to nbsd, it's just not the default. [04:29] MobyTurbo: i know [04:29] netbsd is not [04:29] I use BSDi 40 hours a week and it still uses ipf === BugBear89 [~ali@CPE-144-132-229-179.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] xhypno, BSDi is not f/n/obsd. [04:30] no they are based off of BSDi [04:30] xhypno, also the company that made BSDI is disolved [04:31] xhypno, they are based on 386BSD which is based on 44lite. [04:31] 'localhost:631' and then 'Do Administration Tasks' ( for cups setup ) throws a password prompt. What might be the password? [04:31] that is actually wrong, they were bought over by SCO === poningru [~Yoko@n128-227-27-169.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] xhypno, what drugs are you on? [04:31] xhypno, SCO sells SysV === poningru [~Yoko@n128-227-27-169.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] No, I work for the largest Web hosting company in the US and BSDi is now owned by SCO, they also dist SysV [04:32] xhypno, got a web site to prove that? [04:32] 30% of our servers run BSDi [04:32] search through SCO's site [04:33] hey guys got a laptop question [04:33] or through a newspapers site, it was in the news like crazy [04:33] poningru: I hope it's about Ubuntu, and not BSD like the prevailing conversation at the moment :-) [04:33] it happened about 18 months ago [04:33] [04:33] Wind River - Wind River to Acquire BSDi Software Assets, Extending Development P ... [04:33] well my ubuntu wont display atall on my laptop [04:34] I have an ATI card [04:34] which ATI? [04:34] let me look it up hold on [04:34] good night [04:34] I have been a long time ATI fan owning all of the ATI cards since the first rage .... .but I will now FINALLY go nvidia seeing ATI's poor linux support [04:34] its ATI 320 [04:34] yeah so true [04:34] ack ... movile [04:34] mobile chip right? [04:34] And who owns Wind River [04:34] yeah [04:35] never been able to get that one to work [04:35] we have tried on 6 different laptops with that mobile chip [04:35] see the thing is the live cd works [04:35] my 340m sucks in linux, only with no dri setup [04:35] we can get it working without 3d accell === mode/#ubuntu [+o daniels] by ChanServ === ..[topic/#ubuntu:daniels] : Ubuntu support channel | FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Mailing lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Forum: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ | Warty Guide: http://ubuntuguide.org || ATI vs nVidia flamewars are offtpoic. === skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] but it works === mode/#ubuntu [-o daniels] by daniels [04:35] hey I will take that [04:35] crap. === mode/#ubuntu [+o daniels] by ChanServ [04:35] Whats the easiest way to get ATI drivers in ubuntu so I can get started on trying out cedega ? === ..[topic/#ubuntu:daniels] : Ubuntu support channel | FAQ: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/ | Wiki: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/ | Mailing lists: http://lists.ubuntu.com/ | Forum: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ | Warty Guide: http://ubuntuguide.org || ATI vs nVidia flamewars are offtopic. === mode/#ubuntu [-o daniels] by daniels [04:36] what ati card? [04:36] someone mentioned a way to use the ATI rpm, but I haven't tried it yet [04:36] nuOpus: 9800 Non-Pro [04:36] xhypno, I just searched the SCO website and BSDI has only one entry, which has nothing to do with selling it. [04:36] daniels, why the negativity in the topic? why not something like: unofficial http://ubuntuguide.org/ [04:36] well whats the boot command code to do that? [04:36] you need fglrx for that. There is one in repos ... but it is ancient version and will not work very well with cedega [04:37] xhypno, I also searched google, and all it mentioned was the old AT&T lawsuit [04:37] stuNNed: why which negativity? [04:37] the clipping problems will annoy you [04:37] daniels, the flamewars offtopicness [04:37] nuOpus: the fglrx version in hoary is the latest version available; the one in warty was the latest at the time. [04:37] skreet: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [04:37] the latest one is what fixed clipping issues [04:37] stuNNed: because it comes up once or twice every day, and i'm sick of it. it is offtopic in #ubuntu. [04:37] nuOpus: Am I SOL for gaming? [04:37] and that is 3.14.6 [04:37] ubuntu does not have that [04:37] daniels, ah ok, didn't know, sorry about that, thanks [04:38] even in hoary [04:38] nuOpus: I just installed ubuntu because I heard that WineX evolved again and I wanted to see if I can game on it yet.. :D [04:38] see I dont need ubuntu for gaming [04:38] just for school work [04:38] skreet ... from what I have seen from the fglrx drivers... they all work like CRAP unless you get 3.14.6 which makes it look OK [04:38] I dont need it for gaming either, but I prefer linux over windows, I like the control. [04:38] nuOpus: Not really what I wanted to hear but thanks. [04:38] nuOpus: wrong. [04:38] nuOpus: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.9/fglrx-driver_4.3.0-3.14.6-0ubuntu10_i386.deb [04:38] but you will get craoh wow its there now [04:39] okay get the one in repos [04:39] can someone tell me how to disable 3d accelleration [04:39] poningru: disable? [04:39] thanks for pointing that out daniels [04:39] nuOpus: it's been there for ... uh ... about four weeks, IIRC. [04:39] 22:35:33) nuOpus: we can get it working without 3d accell [04:39] poningru, comment out dri and glx in /etc/X11/XFree86-4 [04:39] Wihtout 3d accell? [04:39] skreet: it works [04:39] nuOpus: I'll try it out. what are the deps for that .deb? [04:39] total noob here please explain [04:40] skreet: the repos I guess now have latest version [04:40] linux-restricted-modules-2.6.9 (2.6.9-1) hoary; urgency=low [04:40] [...] [04:40] oh [04:40] * Add fglrx 3.14.6 (still only for XFree86 4.3.0/X.Org 6.7.0). [04:40] + Add fglrx-kernel-source, for people building their own kernels. [04:40] [...] [04:40] all repos? I just have what come with the install? [04:40] skreet: Bue here is a tip .. LOTS of games will crash on you skreet [04:40] -- Daniel Stone Fri, 3 Dec 2004 10:58:53 +0000 [04:40] unless you get kernel 16k stacks patch [04:40] i'd be nice if ati came out with an xorg 6.8.x driver [04:40] nuOpus: Okay how do I get that? :D [04:40] lemme find patch [04:40] nuOpus: Appreciate it. [04:41] You running an ATI card yourself? [04:41] OR ... just get nvidia which does not have any issues [04:41] yes I am === Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] poningru, another possibility is sudu dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 [04:41] nuOpus: Heh, i hear nVidia is boss in the linux world. But my 9800 NP was 75$ 3 years ago which kicked ass. [04:41] I am jelous of a friend who has NVIDIA and can play games that I cannot just cuz I have an ATI [04:41] s/sudu/sudo === wolfsong [~wolfsong@c-24-0-105-107.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] I may end up going back to windows until I get my hands on a 6800 [04:41] Gaming is my top priority and it's the only reason I dont use linux exclusivly [04:42] cedega is supposed to be *very* nice, have you used it? === mindphasr [~mind@000-474-287.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] Yes [04:42] That is what I am talking about [04:42] cedega is nice. [04:42] see the thing is I cant get past boot, after which the screen is turned off [04:42] friend plays lots of games .... on the ATI lots of games just crash unless I get the 16k stack patch [04:42] due to the incompatibility [04:42] How reliable are they after that? [04:42] nuOpus: Would you call yourself a "gamer"? [04:42] then I can play some other games that wouldnt play .... just cuz I have an ATI [04:42] yes [04:42] the web based cups config throws a password prompt. What should i do? [04:42] Sweet, seems liek you're the guy I wanna be talkin' to. :D [04:43] mars: Either use a different tool to configure it besides the web interface or enable root TEMPORARILY [04:43] ATI is so nice in windows, how are ATI's linux drivers? [04:43] ati's drivers in windows are crap too [04:43] and so are the linux oens [04:43] ones [04:43] mars: what's wrong with the cups setup dialogs [04:43] nuOpus: It's been 6 months since i've touched linux, remind me how to install a .deb apt something -i something... uhh :D? [04:43] skreet: non-existant catalyst for linux ... they have a hacked firegl which is fglrx .... and have said they will have the ACTUAL catalyst drivers by end of year. .. 2004! [04:44] have not seen it yet [04:44] dpkg -i .deb [04:44] Thats the one! [04:44] :D [04:44] eh === spikeb shrugs [04:44] computer->system configuration->printers [04:44] put in your password [04:45] so whats the command in boot that I have to type inorder to disable the 3d accell? [04:45] spikeb: see /topic. [04:45] HrdwrBoB: 'Do Administration Tasks' throws a password when i browse to localhost:631 [04:45] Okay fglrx driver went in rather easily.. how do I enable/get it working? [04:45] nuOpus: Were you able to locate that kernel patch you mentioned to stop crashing? [04:45] looking for howto for you [04:45] nuOpus: Thanks. [04:45] nuOpus: what is " enable root TEMPORARILY " ? [04:45] daniels, i'm not promoting nvidia, so the topic is a bit silly to me. [04:45] nuOpus: I have an MX4000 128MB card I could be using, but It's such an underperformer compared tot he 9800np [04:46] just use the tool that hrdwrbob daid to use [04:46] computer->system configuration->printers [04:46] allright thanks for the help guys [04:46] skreet: You will like it much better than trying to get cedega working with the ati [04:47] whoa holy farking shiz, I just installed turboprint and, like, all the features of the windows driver seem to be there. I'll see if it works. odd that the real epson drivers aren't complete; I shoudln't have to buy a separate commercial license for full printer support :( [04:47] skreet: because to patch your kernel for 16k stacks you will have to re-compile your kernel [04:47] nuOpus: I bet but I'm a stickler for performance. [04:47] nuOpus: I built my kernel when I had gentoo, a year and a half ago. :P [04:47] OK. 'cups setup dialogs' = 'computer->system configuration->printers' ? [04:47] I think I'll reboot and put the MX4000 in [04:47] lol I still use Gentoo [04:47] gentoo rawks [04:47] How do I remove this fgl driver I just installed? [04:47] Gentoo is fun, if you have the time. [04:47] ya [04:47] I had it on my server [04:48] then the mobo stopped liking the hard drive [04:48] started calling it all kinds of fun sizes. [04:48] skreet, ew [04:48] 40 GB, 20 GB, 1 GB, 300 MB, 600 GB [04:48] skreet, apt-get --purge remove package [04:48] randomly on each boot [04:49] okay im going to boot and install the mx4000, wish me luck :D [04:49] http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php/Distributions [04:49] skreet: There is a link to the 16k stack patch on the ndiswrapper site === ctd [~ctd@ctd.user] has joined #ubuntu === sensebend [~sensebend@CPE0050f2c2257d-CM014480023927.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] my friend had a HDD which showed up as a 4 TB disk [04:52] still worked, though === Dittohead [nallworth@ip140.83.dhcp-acs2.pdx.iinet.com] has joined #ubuntu === mistic_ [tehLair@8.66-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === kunstler [~haruto@202sdl30m54.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu === dudeX [~ben@roc-66-66-209-96.rochester.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Dittohead [nallworth@ip140.83.dhcp-acs2.pdx.iinet.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:54] hi guys.... I would like to install the quicktime's "qualcomm purevoice codec", how do I install the codec in ubuntu? === paperclip [~paperclip@ip68-11-45-74.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === msh_ [~msh@thumper.neighborlyhost.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] not familiar with that one, kunstler. === skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu === luc1f3r [~Ryan@adsl-69-109-17-192.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] k [04:57] im gonna upgrade to hoary [04:57] Okay nVidia card installed :D [04:57] LOL [04:57] all i have to do is replace the four repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list right? [04:57] hey guys [04:57] I wish it was that easy for me [04:57] msh_: I'm presuming you know precisely what sort of hot water you're jumping into [04:57] can someone answer a quick question for me? [04:57] Anyone have the link to the howto for binary gfx drivers? [04:57] I shoulda saved it. [04:57] ya [04:57] skreet: /wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [04:57] this si a test box [04:57] BinaryDriverHowto on the wiki [04:58] then go for it [04:58] crimsun: Thanks. [04:58] bob2: Thanks. [04:58] Anyone help me with a question about dual boot? [04:58] anyone here knwo any distros that ship with the new xorg? [04:58] msh_, 6.8.x? [04:58] luc1f3r: it's best to just ask questions [04:58] quite a few do, but that shouldn't be your sole impetus for moving to hoary [04:58] ya [04:58] nah [04:59] bob2, okay [04:59] its not [04:59] its on a test box [04:59] i just wanted to chekc it out [04:59] but [04:59] msh_, hang on a second and i'll have a nice little list for you [04:59] I have two hard drives and I want a dual boot with Windows and Linux. What is the best way to do that?? [04:59] k [04:59] luc1f3r: install linux on the second disk, let it install grub on the first one [04:59] bob2, install linux on one drive, and windows on the other drive? [05:00] Anyone here familiar with Cedega and the easiest way to get it to work on Ubuntu? [05:00] skreet [05:00] easy [05:00] buy it [05:00] LOL [05:00] and istall the debian package [05:00] heh, wow. [05:00] But this is linux, nothing is ever that easy :D [05:00] jk [05:00] i could give you mine [05:00] skreet: they sell Debian packages, which should work [05:00] msh_: no [05:00] but [05:01] msh_, fedora, gentoo, SUSE, RHEL beta, arch, to name a few [05:01] transgaming tracks tehir packages now [05:01] this is not a warez channel [05:01] I am not a big fan of cedega, I could never get it to work [05:01] hey.... anybody knows how to install the Qclp codec in ubuntu?? [05:01] i love cedega, got a couple games working [05:01] bob2: do i want to install linux on one drive, and windows on the other? is that what to do? [05:01] spikeb: Is it nuts to get a game to work? [05:01] skreet, not with point2play and if the game is listed as working well [05:01] ya === Poprocks [~logan@CPE7ed9415afb2c-CM0012253dec94.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] hey all [05:02] i use point2play [05:02] msh_, is that enough info for you? [05:02] Hey [05:02] ya thanks [05:02] Is Point2Play more money? [05:02] msh_, okie dokie [05:02] skreet, no i think it comes with it [05:02] msh_: also, try to keep whole sentences on one line....enter isn't punctuation, you know ;) [05:02] I wish there was a trial of some sort :P [05:02] luc1f3r: I don't know, is it? [05:02] skreet, there is of cedega, but not p2p heh [05:02] anyone know how to get OpenOffice.org to use freetype dynamically rather than using its own? Its fonts don't blend in with the system's at all and it looks really weird [05:02] luc1f3r: if you just want to have both on one computer, it's probably the easiest way [05:02] nope, you can always search the net for an old copy of WineX when it was free [05:03] xhypno: Yes but it was a PIA to do *anything* [05:03] bob2: what about putting both on the same drive? [05:03] yup [05:03] luc1f3r: you can do that too [05:03] bob2: there is no prefered waY? [05:03] luc1f3r: it depends what you want to do, you haven't given enough info for someone to recommend one or the other [05:03] yeah point to play is nice when it works [05:04] bob2: okay, what i want to do , is use the files on both drives w/ linux and windows. Mostly I want windows to run a few programs and games that I don't feel like getting to wokr on linux. [05:05] luc1f3r: and the drive sizes are? [05:05] bob2: 80gigs and 160gigs. I'd prefer programs and OS's to be on the 80 gig drive, and most important files on the 160 gig === maximaus [~max@user-37kac05.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] luc1f3r: ok... === mindphasr [~mind@000-494-256.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] luc1f3r: just partition the drives during install then === enanos [~enanos@161-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] bob2: can i share files w/ windows if my hard drive is partitioned for linux? [05:06] luc1f3r: yes [05:06] luc1f3r: sort of [05:07] luc1f3r: you can't share /home between them, but you can make a fat32 partition that they can move files to and from [05:07] bob2: if i have files on a fat32 partition, can linux use them? [05:08] yes === sensebend [~sensebend@CPE0050f2c2257d-CM014480023927.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] and it can read but not write to ntfs [05:08] bob2: so how much fat32 or ntfs would you recomend me to partition on an 80 gig drive? [05:09] bob2: just to be safe so I don't run out of space for programs on windows [05:09] I don't know what you want to do [05:09] if you want to move some text files, 1GB is enormous [05:09] if you're sharing your warez, 1TB might not be enough [05:09] I don't know how much space windows wants these days...10GB? [05:09] using the exp modules in the latest unstable kernel from kernel.org, you can setup linux to write to NTFS, I am using it on my slack system and can't wait for a deb release [05:10] captive-ntfs? [05:10] bob2: say i partition 30gigs, and I put all kinds ofprograms and crap. If I run out, I can't use the linux file system, so am I screwed? [05:10] bob2: XP takes about 2.5 GB for the OS [05:10] bob2: leaving space for SP2, patches and basic programs [05:10] luc1f3r: 30GB is an enormous amount of space for 'programs'. [05:10] only you know how much space you need === lynrob [~rob@63-225-111-26.dnvr.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] Is there a way to make dpkg get the deps for a .deb? [05:11] I doubt it huh? [05:12] no, that's what apt is for [05:12] bob2: can windows share files from a linux file system? [05:12] fyou can get it, I sug Adv ser 2000 or 2003 std. More stable then XP and better on a lower mem system. [05:12] bob2: Explain to the noob. :D [05:12] How do I restart my USB printing services? [05:12] luc1f3r: it can read ext2 with an additional program [05:13] skreet: explain what? if you need to resolve dependencies, you use apt. [05:13] luc1f3r: no [05:13] bob2: Heh, okay. [05:13] skreet: if the package isn't in an apt repository, complain to whoever made the package [05:13] ext2 can be read by windows with ext2shell, but only enough to copy the data back to a windows fs === haruto [~haruto@202sdl30m54.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] yes [05:13] bur[n] er: if I put mp3's on my linux file system, can windows read those? === enanos [~enanos@161-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [05:13] luc1f3r: again, only to copy the data back to the windows filesystem [05:13] you can't play them from the linux filesystem [05:14] hey, how can I make apt-get to download automatically the dependencies when I try to download and install something? [05:14] best bet == use fat32 for data so both windows and linux can read/write it [05:14] haruto: it does by default [05:14] bur[n] er, nope it does not [05:14] it does [05:14] bur[n] er, wanna see the error>? [05:14] sure [05:14] haruto: in #flood, not here [05:15] it could be a broken package [05:15] or in a pm to me [05:15] no === asdf_46 [~asdf_46@1Cust32.tnt1.den4.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] I know hehe [05:15] bur[n] er, will a whole drive w/ fat32 be usefull for linux? === thully [~thully@] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] hey bur[n] er, can you tell me how do I install the quicktime codecs? [05:16] i need help with restarting my usb printing [05:16] lynrob: 'restarting'? why? [05:16] luc1f3r: yes, but not for /home [05:16] bur[n] er, I cant play the .mov files with the "Qualcomm purevoice codec" [05:16] luc1f3r: for /media or whatever, it's fine === graham [~graham@client-82-14-80-38.mant.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:16] bob2, what does that mean for /home? [05:16] luc1f3r: do you know what /home is? [05:17] whenever i try printing it say printing stopped [05:17] bob2, i don't think so, maybe i just don't understand the usage [05:17] Where does point2play install to? I cant seem to find the executable [05:18] lynrob: go to http://localhost:631/ in your web broweser [05:18] skreet: #cedega, I assume [05:18] Good point. [05:18] luc1f3r: it's for all your user files. it has to be a proper linux filesystem, not fat32. you can move files from thst to a fat32 filesystem if you want. === MagicFab [~chatzilla@modemcable247.103-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] bob2 go there and do what [05:19] lynrob: see if it's started? [05:19] I'm having problems installing firefox 1.0 wili walkthrough not working for me. Can I use the package installer? how? [05:20] bob2, so then , can i use fat32 for non user files such as media and music and stuff I'd use as a /home user, and then have my /home files separately? [05:21] luc1f3r: u can use a fat32 for your files... then just make a ln -s from your /home [05:21] okay [05:21] thanks guys [05:21] i'll try that [05:22] luc1f3r: you'd use /home as normal and store stuff you want to share in /windows or whatever, which you could link from ~/media/ === Quest-Master [~qmaster@c-24-99-26-36.atl.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] hello can anyone talk me through firefox 1.00 install in realtime. I'm a completely new to Linux [05:23] graham [05:23] sure === John___ [~john@d198-166-244-189.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === sparkx [~doc@c-24-19-190-35.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === keropok [~keropok@] has joined #ubuntu === kos_ [~kos@c-24-126-93-100.we.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] graham: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox :) [05:25] it's already installed though [05:25] please don't encourage people to move to hoary for trivial things [05:26] How stable is Hoary? [05:26] firefox isn't in warty? [05:26] there's a backport of firefox, if you're determined. [05:26] not stable enough that you'd want people who've never used linux before to upgrade [05:26] ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net [05:26] So I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop (900 mb partition). It ran out of room. I checked Aptitude and I couldn't find even so much as KDE or Gnome. Any ideas as to what took up so much room? I previously installed Debian with Gnome in under 600 MB. [05:26] bur[n] er: read what graham said, 'firefox 1.0'. [05:27] you might want to stick with the current version, though. [05:27] I'm not entirely happy with 1.0; don't know about anyone else. [05:27] John___: the install notes say you need 1.8GB [05:27] i thought 1.0 was in warty === BROKEN_LADDER [1000@adsl-68-123-123-183.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] bur[n] er: no === skobrosl [~skobrosl@pcp09125889pcs.arlngt01.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] damn warty's old already ;) [05:27] it wasn't out when warty released [05:27] anyone here using mono? [05:27] wow..big crowd. my friend just told me about ubuntu and i thought i'd check out its community. [05:27] skobrosl: yes. [05:27] skobrosl, I am [05:27] skobrosl: it's best to just ask your question [05:27] bob2: it also says 350 mb for custom install. [05:27] do you know where i can get binary files [05:27] i'm in slackware now and looking to change to fedora or something else with considerable package support soon. [05:28] does ubuntu support debian packages? [05:28] John___: you did a custom install and selected nothing extra? [05:28] BROKEN_LADDER: ubuntu uses recompiled and modified debian packages [05:28] BROKEN_LADDER: for the most part, yes [05:28] BROKEN_LADDER: do not try to use packages from ftp.debian.org on it [05:28] and this is in the FAQ [05:28] bob2: however, I've not had any browser crashes. I've had a couple of odd problems that may or may not be due to bugs. [05:28] anyone using Zend opt? [05:29] anyone here know where to get the best mono updated debs? [05:29] bob2: it didn't give me any options when installing. Was this supposed to be a boot parameter? [05:29] xhypno: it's best to just ask your question instead of asking ifsomeone knows about it, then asking an actual question [05:29] John___: yes, it is mentioned in the very first screen after boot === gardener [~gardener@SP1-] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] bob2: I see. Perhaps I'll give the install another try ;-) Thanks! === x66221 [~x66221@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] bob2: I didn't ask if anyone knows about it, I ask if anyone is running it. [05:30] skobrosl, It says here in the mono section http://freax.be/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu%204.10 [05:31] xhypno: you're taking a survey? why? [05:31] is ubuntu a bit more bleeding edge than debian? [05:31] BROKEN_LADDER: no [05:31] hey, i have this error when i try to use ssh to my friend's box. >> sh_askpass: exec(/usr/libexec/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory / Host key verification failed. [05:31] thanks [05:31] BROKEN_LADDER, but its stable is probably going to be updated on a slightly more frequent basis than Debian's [05:32] then what's the point bob2? [05:32] ahhh [05:32] BROKEN_LADDER: www.ubuntulinux.org [05:32] i'm reading it right now [05:32] BROKEN_LADDER: your system is broken, try #slackware [05:32] why not just upgrade debian more frequently. :) [05:32] bob2: I am not taking a survey, I am trying to find some using Zend opt to talk to them about the stability of it under ubuntu [05:32] people that run stable mission-critical systems don't _want_ frequent updates [05:33] Poprocks: depends on the package though... an updated firefox would be more mission-critical than an older, more vulnerable one [05:33] BROKEN_LADDER: /usr/libexec doesn't exist by default on Debian and Ubuntu systems [05:33] bur[n] er: i'd prefer a slightly older one with patches for security problems, which is what we have [05:34] crimsun: he/she's on slackware [05:34] bur[n] er: given new firefoxes have a propensity to crash when asked to do things like open a new window with javascript (this was 1.0pr1) [05:34] bur[n] er, yeah but if it's an update that affects security then that's another matter [05:34] bob2: ah, thanks. [05:34] Another completely unrelated question: When I tried installing ubuntu on an ext3 partition, it installed, but gave me problems when booting. Strange errors about not finding a bootable partition. When I tried an ext2 partition, it worked fine. This happened to me when installing Debian previously as well. Any ideas as to the problem? [05:35] Hello, on my ubuntu box i cannot connect to machines via hostnames only IPs. Is there any way to make it so i can just connect through the hostname? [05:35] so here's a question to the ubuntu folks... is there apm support in the ubuntu kernel? can i do "apm -s" ?? or is there some acpi way to do it that i dont' know about? [05:35] BugBear89: is networking configured properly? [05:35] yes [05:35] bur[n] er: if you load the apm module [05:35] BugBear89: connect how? ie, ping it? [05:35] ssh [05:36] bur[n] er: if you use acpi, edit the scripts in /etc/acpi/ to decide what happens when you do stuff (and they will show you how to inititiate sleep manually) === roger_ [~roger@frco-va-10-pc-251.cablenet-va.com] has joined #ubuntu === Fryboy [~fryboy@c211-28-102-226.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Waitress:] === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu [05:38] bob2: doesn't really show me how to initiate manually as i only have a powerbtn.sh script that does a shutdown -h now [05:38] My cdrom drive is stuck... won't eject [05:38] do you have acpid installed? [05:39] drspin: is it mounted? [05:39] drspin: are the drives unmounted? [05:39] bob2: i do [05:39] $ ls /etc/acpi [05:39] events hibernate.sh lid.sh power.sh prepare.sh resume.sh sleep.sh [05:39] hrm... odd [05:41] how can I see what processes are using it? [05:41] drspin: lsof | grep cdrom === sensebend [~sensebend@CPE0050f2c2257d-CM014480023927.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === bob2 [rob@bob2.user] has left #ubuntu [] [05:42] gmplayer hung :/ [05:42] bob2: thanks! [05:43] What is that applet(im assuming it is) that notifies you of updates available thats in hoary? === John___ [~john@d198-166-244-189.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:46] Later all, I am out til later, I have 4 more servers to backup and I can get out of here === altux [~alex@] has joined #ubuntu === x66221 [~x66221@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === milkmutt [~milkmutt@] has joined #ubuntu === anto__o [~anto@] has joined #ubuntu === skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has left #ubuntu [] === sparkx [~doc@c-24-19-190-35.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === x66221 [~rob@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #Ubuntu [] === Fazer [~Fazer@CPE000f6636e9a8-CM014090202737.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === ml267 [~ml267@evrtwa1-ar7-4-63-177-190.evrtwa1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === altair [~angela@S0106000795bd85bd.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] does a default ubuntu install include sshd? [06:09] It looks like postfix is the default MTA installed with warty. But it doesn't look like the system is setup by default to accept any mail? [06:09] altair: i don't think so if i recall properly [06:09] altair: you can always use synaptic to select and install it [06:09] is there a straightforward way to convert a debian package into an ubuntu package? [06:10] ml267: hehe... if I were local, this wouldn't be a problem :) [06:10] BROKEN_LADDER: they're the same.. basically [06:10] altair: you mean you don't have superuser privileges? [06:11] altair: no. [06:11] ml267: no, i'm several hundred kilometers away from the machine [06:12] 'night [06:12] oh well, back to telephone administration :) [06:13] altair: get someone local to install it, i guess [06:13] if I want to receive mail on my ubuntu box, how do I configure the default MTA (postfix) to accept mail? === alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] ml267: mostly with vi... [06:14] in /etc/postfix/master.cf, remove the ::1:smtp line, and remove the'' from the line above it. [06:14] is ubuntu more for serious server uses than desktop use? [06:14] no [06:14] then dpkg-reconfigure postfix and answer the questions [06:14] mostly the other way around for now === IsIdIs [~Hercullis@dpc6714240191.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] I never knew it was so easy to switch between the autohinter and the bytecode interpreter in Debian! [06:15] BROKEN_LADDER: targeting the desktop, it does have a server install that is stripped down for you to add the services that you want on your server. [06:15] lamont: will i need to add postfix to my inetd.conf or something? [06:15] but the install is designed to give the desktop user the best install experience [06:15] ml267: no. it just needs to be uncrippled [06:16] just reanswering the questions in dpkg-reconfigure -pmedium postfix doesn't change master.cf (known bug) [06:16] lamont: thanks [06:17] lamont: very interesting. thank you. [06:17] i'm wondering what things i should take into consideration before deciding on fedora or ubuntu. [06:17] i was all for fedora, but my friend told me tonight about ubuntu. [06:17] I'm all for ubuntu, but then, I'm a bit biased. [06:18] although I was kinda biased even before canonical hired me. [06:18] :) [06:19] BROKEN_LADDER: part of it is the redhat vs debian origin, then you have to look at release model, etc, etc. === enanos [~enanos@161-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu === skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu === Poprocks [~logan@CPE7ed9415afb2c-CM0012253dec94.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] When I use the "nvidia" driver I get the error "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module" [06:19] Anyone know how to solve this? [06:20] lamont: is there a doc on setting up mail server? [06:21] skreet: where is the nvidia driver from? === enanos [~enanos@161-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [06:21] ml267: www.postfix.org has some good docs on postfix. [06:21] apt-get install nvidia-glx I think is the command I used. [06:21] and the package doesn't really deviate significantly from those docs. (although it is chrooted by default) === CerBerO_ [~CerBerO@CM128-inde0-47-138.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu === x66221 [~x66221@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] skreet: did you install the restricted modules for your kernel [06:23] ? [06:23] I dont think so. [06:23] How do I do that? [06:23] are you in X? [06:23] Yes [06:23] I'm running 686-smp kernel, if it makes a difference (HT p4) [06:23] fire up synaptic, ( it's the easiest ) [06:23] nope [06:24] I have synaptic open [06:25] do a search for " linux restricted [06:25] skreet: I think that it's edit search [06:25] how many discs is the ubunu install? [06:25] skreet: oops linux-restricted [06:25] and where is the best place to get the isos. === mbb [mike@d2-129.rb.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] Theres a whole bunch. [06:26] woah, the default charmap with ubuntu is not utf-8?! [06:26] wtf [06:27] BROKEN_LADDER: nominally 1 disc, and www.ubuntulinux.org for the mirror links [06:27] i'm getting ht eone for my kernel [06:27] but what's the latest iso? [06:27] warty for stable, hoary for testing [06:27] skreet: cool [06:27] okay i think i got it now === ArCHoNKoG [~archon@ool-182d58fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] skreet: fire it up? [06:28] skreet: I mean, fire it up! [06:29] gonna try [06:29] ok === Wadi [~trillian@200-55-105-72.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] hola [06:30] hi [06:30] alguien [06:30] any one [06:30] I have problems installing Ubuntu [06:31] describe probs [06:31] could anyone help me? [06:31] once i have installed Ubuntu, when it should charge Gnome, the monitor stays black [06:32] (sorry for my english) [06:32] but your virtual console works? [06:32] yes, when i enter in the recovery mode [06:32] what's your video card and monitor? [06:32] hoary or warty [06:33] my video car is TNT2 Riva 32Mb, and the monitor is a philips 17es [06:33] warty, i think [06:33] (i really dont know the diference) [06:33] then it would be warty [06:34] the ubuntu installer should make it easy for me to not fry my /home partition right? [06:34] it considered stable [06:34] BROKEN_LADDER: yeah, just don't choose "eat my entire disk", which is the first option :) parition manually [06:34] when monitor stays black, you can probably use ctrl-alt-F1 to get to your virtual console [06:35] yok, i try, and then? [06:35] Wadi: have other linux distributions worked for you in the past? [06:35] lol [06:35] Wadi: what installation method are you using? [06:35] "eat my entire disc" eh? [06:35] BROKEN_LADDER: remember hda is disk one // hda1 is disk one part one /// hdb2 is disk 2 part 2 [06:35] i tryed to install Mandrake 10.1, but i had hdlist description prolbem and i didnt know how to solve it [06:36] for stupids like me [06:36] should i be using an antivirus when using a linux machine? [06:36] I installed red hat 7.1 once [06:36] and it worked fine [06:36] lol [06:37] virus? [06:37] just don't run stupid things as root. [06:37] okay..i didn't know (new to linux) i'm not worried about my end, and i dont run as root, but i do quite a bit of email exchanging with windows users...i dont want to catch anything from them [06:37] "stupid things"? [06:37] the only reason you would run anti-virus software on a linux machine is if you were routing windows machines from it [06:37] method55: I don't know anyone that has ever got one on linux [06:37] method55: are you being funny on purpose? [06:37] I do. [06:37] didn't know...thank you [06:38] it was called the first worm. [06:38] no im just a noob [06:38] heh..k [06:38] method55: all good [06:38] dataw0lf: you mean the '88 worm? [06:38] Indeed I do. [06:38] which preceded Linux's existence? [06:38] linux is all new to me ;) liked it so far on this computer so i am going to be putting it on my laptop [06:38] you want to bet that a POSIX compliant virus would run on linux? [06:38] because that's what that worm was. === BugBear89 [~ali@CPE-144-132-229-179.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] And there are linux viruses. [06:39] would be interesting as you'd have to port the older vulnerable versions of sendmail [06:39] but they don't propagate nor have the same affect as Windows viruses. [06:39] are you saying worm != virus? [06:40] Wadi: if you have a live-cd for ubuntu, you can see if that one brings up gnome ok [06:40] how can i run gnome when im in a console mode? [06:40] neuro_: no, I'm saying there are existing viruses that run on the Linux platform. [06:40] Wadi: I'm not sure.. maybe "startx" [06:40] yes, im downloading it [06:40] for second time [06:41] dataw0lf: if you're happy with the definition of "virus" to include worms, then they certainly do propogate [06:41] neuro_: But, as I said earlier, it's not worth installing anti-virus software unless you are routing to Windows machines. [06:41] Mandrake move didnt work too [06:41] cf santy [06:41] method55: you can install aegis from apt-get : http://jodrell.net/projects/aegis looks pretty cool [06:41] depends what you mean by "anti-virus" [06:41] mod_security is pretty good at defending against worm incursion [06:41] Wadi: after you log in to your console, you can use "ps x" to see if your xserver is running [06:41] not sure how to install yet either haha...the only 'installing' i have done is with the synaptic manager thing [06:41] anti-virus software: a app that recognizes various types of viruses based on footprints, file usage, etc. [06:42] I can give you the Wiki link if you'd like. [06:42] i'd say that covers mod_security, snort, guardian, et al [06:42] ? [06:42] Wadi: if it's not running, you can try to "startx" [06:42] and if it is? [06:42] neuro_: Not exactly. [06:42] Wadi: and if it fails, you can take a look at the errors in the log that it leaves in your directly === BlackHussar [~BlackHuss@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] also, setting up a dual boot linux/windows isn't too hard is it? (i'm fairly proficient in using windows, but not linux) [06:43] just part the drive? [06:43] neuro_: IDS != anti-virus [06:43] neuro_: clamav == anti-virus [06:43] ok ml267, thanks, i'll try all your tips [06:44] wadi: if X is running, then maybe your problem is with your display manager [06:44] where can i download an Ubuntu manual? [06:44] snort can capture virus signatures at ingress/egress points though === xed [~bleh@CPE0012171a9d37-CM001225705838.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] (what's that?) [06:44] (the x server...?) [06:45] Wadi: it's the graphics system [06:45] i'm just saying the traditional notion of anti-virus software as found in the windows paradigm need not necessarily apply to more ... useful operating systems :) [06:45] neuro_: you mean less popular OSes. [06:45] ok, i'll make an effort [06:45] Wadi: look on the ubuntulinux site for the manual.. [06:45] because that's one of the main reasons you aren't going to see nearly as many viruses. [06:45] hell, you could probably define SELinux as anti-virus [06:45] well, natch [06:45] Wadi: i'm pretty new to ubuntu too [06:46] if virus's arent a big concern then i wont bother with it [06:46] im fairly careful at what i do on my machines [06:46] but that's like saying concordes were the safest planes in the world because they only crashed once [06:46] but since they only numbered in the double-digits [06:46] ... [06:46] ok, however you help me a lot, thanks [06:46] im trying to emigrate to linux [06:46] neuro_: um, I don't get your point. Are you agreeing with me? [06:46] sort of :) [06:47] I see. [06:47] could you tell me too wath means warty,wiki...? [06:48] !google wiki [06:48] Results for wiki on Google: [06:48] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki [06:48] http://wiki.org/wiki.cgi?WelcomeVisitors [06:48] http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=FrontPage [06:48] -- [06:48] !google warty [06:48] i'm trying to say that it's all very well saying "oh, traditional anti-virus software you're used to on windows platforms isn't really relevant on linux", but there are other virus ingress methods to consider and as such require different detection methods and software [06:48] Results for warty on Google: [06:48] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/WartyWarthog [06:48] http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=9098 [06:48] http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=8964 [06:48] -- [06:48] neuro_: I never said 'traditional anti-virus software' isn't relevant on Linux, that's the point I was arguing against. === neuro_ picks his nose and hides in the corner [06:49] setting up a dual boot linux/windows isn't too hard is it? (i'm fairly proficient in using windows, but not linux) [06:50] Um. [06:50] No. [06:50] which should i install first [06:50] windows or linux [06:50] Windows [06:50] windows [06:50] definitely windows, windows yeah [06:50] If you install Linux first, Windows will get all bitchy and wipe it off the MBR. === mindphasr [~mind@000-485-665.area4.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:50] i'm an excellent driver [06:51] neuro_: what'd you hit? :-) [06:51] definitely, definitely windows [06:51] well, im going to bed, thank's all [06:51] I must say the noob ratio in Ubuntu kinda turns me off. [06:51] Are there any tools that exist to _attempt_ data recovery from a disk that was repartitioned? [06:51] my l33t dustin-hoffman-as-rainman impression really doesn't work on irc :( === bleh_ [~bleh@CPE00e01806942a-CM013309901151.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] Where do the transfered files in gaim, go to? [06:52] dataw0lf: there's always a high "noob" ratio when new distros appear [06:52] especially one as friendly as ubuntu === mindphasr is now known as empe === bleh_ is now known as xed [06:52] neuro_: not really, didn't happen with Gentoo. === empe is now known as mindphasr [06:52] Where do the transfered files in gaim, go to.. anyone know? [06:52] neuro_: Nor sorceror. [06:52] gentoo has one helluva learning curve tho [06:53] and sorceror wasn't exactly as well publicised as ubuntu has been [06:53] $HOME/.gaim/something [06:53] neuro_: I'm just saying it's turning me off, christ. [06:53] I don't need a dissertation on it. [06:53] chill, winston [06:53] I just drank a case of Mt Dew. [06:53] Chilling isn't in the near future for me. [06:54] hardly my fault then, is it? :) [06:54] No, but I like to be snappy. [06:54] lol @ dataw0lf === Gaaruto_ [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-11-90.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] dataw0lf, not th..wait-- [06:54] a case of mt dew hahaha [06:54] no need to snap at those with lesser knowledge, however [06:54] You want to see snapping at people with lesser knowledge? [06:55] www.dataw0lf.org [06:55] meow [06:55] haha [06:55] dataw0lf, Not there. =( [06:55] I used to have a webstite that showed me bagging people in supprot email [06:55] I moved webserver and cbf fixing it :/ [06:56] xed: what's not there? [06:56] Oh waaai--..nevermind I remembered something. [06:56] Stupid of me.. [06:56] xed's dead, baby, xed's dead [06:56] Yes. [06:56] You're stupid. === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu [06:57] I'm dead? [06:57] go away and watch pulp fiction until you get it :) [06:58] being the noob i am, im going to ask another noobish question: i want to backup some files on my windows box (on the laptop), couldnt i just transfer the files to this desktop machine? and if so how do i do that in linux? [06:58] someone let me know if my favicon.ico is working for them? [06:58] it very much is [06:58] Danke. [06:58] ff 1.0 / win32 [06:58] bite [06:58] yes ff1.0 ubuntu [06:58] s/t/tt/g [06:58] method55: use sftp [06:58] or scp [06:59] dataw0lf: haha these guys are hardc0re [06:59] method55, follow the ubuntuguide.org/#samba [06:59] I watched pulp fiction.. a while back. =( [06:59] HrdwrBoB: the stupidity of the 'poser' knows no bounds. [06:59] xed: yah, me too [07:00] christ, i feel like an old fart [07:00] saw that in the cinema when it came out [07:00] how old are you? [07:00] thirty [07:00] *creak* [07:00] What you doing on the internet? looking for 13 year old chicks? [07:00] yeah [07:00] /join #teensex === neuro_ larts dataw0lf [07:01] !lart neuro_ [07:01] stupid bot. can't even lart. [07:01] hah [07:01] neuro_: don't worry we can hang out in #milfs [07:01] woo [07:02] fuck a milf and their stretch marks. [07:02] eww, dude [07:02] 18-19 year old college girls, that's where it's at. [07:02] this is a family publication^Wchannel [07:02] As is all of Freenode, that's why it's the gayest network. [07:03] hmmm [07:03] if you didn't know that... === dataw0lf hits neuro_ with his clue-by-four. [07:03] oh freenode sucks for sure [07:04] just calling things "gay" when they suck is a bit childish, noh? [07:04] gay is a great word [07:04] Sure is. [07:04] I'm 22 years old, whaddya expect, gramps? [07:04] and we've found our level :) [07:04] gramps? [07:04] hmmm [07:04] You heard me you old bastard. [07:04] i could of course be a 13-year old girl, and you'd be none the wiser [07:05] Can you smell the troll yet? [07:05] are you trying to troll? [07:05] I can smell 13 year old girls from a mile away. [07:05] it's the reason why I went to prison. [07:05] Naw, not really. [07:05] didn't think so [07:05] If I was trying to troll, believe you me, I'd troll. [07:05] you weren't doing a good job of it anyway === alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:06] Obviously not, since I wasn't trying to. === qrc [~jhanson@] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] glad that's settled then [07:06] Dec 19 22:39:57 it takes time, when I started in the cracking scene, it took me a solid 2 months to learn it all [07:07] Yeah, there's quite a few good quotes in there. === Linuxnoob [linuxnoob@1Cust674.an2.chi30.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] How do I go about installing flash in linux? [07:07] The plugin tha tis. [07:07] that is* [07:08] xed got to ubuntuguide.org and read thare [07:09] hi all - I asked this question yesterday but am hoping someone here can answer (never know if someone is new here or wasn't here) [07:09] I can't get on the internet [07:09] my modem isn't working with ubuntu [07:10] its a conexant-Ambit softk56 modem in my laptop === bleh_ [~bleh@CPE0012171a9d37-CM001225705838.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] Linuxnoob, thats a winmodem right good for that [07:11] ok why is mono such a pain to install?? [07:12] I don't know if its a winmodem [07:12] it's a conexant [07:12] ambit [07:12] that's all I know [07:12] I haven't had any problems installing Mono. [07:12] But, I suggest installing jdong's backported version. [07:13] dataw0lf, whare would i get that one === skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net [07:13] follow the instructions. [07:13] ok [07:13] Is there any way to allow two programs to access the sound device at once? [07:13] several. [07:14] i have windows installed now, should i install ubuntu or should i partitian the drive with a partitian program first? [07:14] or perhaps, have no limit to the amount of sound enabled programs. [07:14] Zlitrox doesnt know anything.. he is in sweden so he doesnt know any of this american linux [07:14] hahaha [07:14] american linux is different to swedish linux [07:14] or finish linux [07:14] hehe [07:14] nevyn: You said several but you didnt bother to mention any.. [07:14] South African Linux [07:15] skreet: good drivers support multiopen [07:15] anyone? [07:15] skreet: there's arts and esd [07:15] and asd [07:15] Yes but do any program support them. [07:15] skreet: ubuntu is configured to use esd by default [07:15] method - don't know :) had it partitioned before but now do a dual boot with xp and ubuntu [07:15] jdub: Mine seems to be set up for ALSA [07:15] w/ OSS [07:16] skreet: we use the alsa drivers with the oss emulation layer, and esd on top. [07:16] Cedega wont use sound when Teamspeak is running [07:16] esd is horrible. but it works === IsIdIs [~Hercullis@dpc6714240191.direcpc.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:16] teamspeak uses /dev/dsp oss. [07:16] skreet: use esddsp for teamspeak === trialsdb [~rocktoy@adsl-66-122-73-47.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] and if i open my games in cedega I dont get sound. [07:16] ? [07:16] esddsp? [07:16] as the device? [07:16] thx dataw0lf whats what i needed [07:16] zenrox: no problem. [07:17] skreet: no as a wrapper to run it in. [07:17] oh [07:17] okay [07:17] it'll increase latency [07:17] so esddsp teamspeak [07:17] i allready had it thare just reenabled it [07:17] esddsp cedega [07:17] it'll increase latency? :\ hm === amar_ [~amar@] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] Why dont these program suspport esd? [07:17] skreet: esd is crap. === deadshell [~deadshell@ool-44c44e58.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] So what would you recommend, I install arts? [07:18] jack. [07:18] jack is the answer. [07:18] haha [07:18] Well, I hate to bring up mr gates but windows seems to handle sound alot better.. [07:18] seriously. jack is low latency and multiopen [07:18] jack? [07:18] I thought you were being sarcastic. [07:18] does anyone have a clue about my modem? I posted in ubuntuforums.org but nobody is suggesting anything - if I can't get my modem working I'll need to get rid of ubuntu [07:18] but doesn't provide what artsd provides [07:18] Linuxnoob: what kind of modem is it? [07:18] hey everyone, i just install ubuntu 4.10, when I login after setup finishes the screen just goes black with the ubuntu logo, but gnome etc load...anyone have any ideas? [07:18] i wish alsa got better with more than one program acessing the driver [07:19] arts provides a full on synthysis environment [07:19] gnome doesn't load i mean [07:19] Know of any HOWTOs to uninstall esd and install arts? [07:19] skreet - it's a conexant-ambit softk56 [07:19] you can say to arts play a sine wave at this frequency and not worry about it anymore. [07:19] in my laptop [07:19] Linuxnoob: it's a winmodem, and is software based, you'll never get it working outside of windows. === Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-23-170.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] crap === thelight [~art@p95-rasbkkSP6.C.csloxinfo.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] Basically :D [07:20] crrraaaap [07:20] skreet: never say never. [07:20] I suppose [07:20] guess I need to buy a mac [07:20] Linuxnoob, thare is stuff for winmodems but no solid way to install them [07:20] there are evil binary only drivers you might be able to make go with some effort. [07:20] sick of windows crap [07:20] windows is so...easy. [07:20] ;) [07:20] like several days for a newbie [07:20] skreet: it's not really. [07:20] Linuxnoob, and its a pain just google for winmodems + linux [07:20] skreet: it's just everyone's used to it. [07:21] Well in windows I open my game, and my teamspeak, and they work. :D [07:21] nervn -been fighting it for a week [07:21] I dont have to configure *anything* [07:21] because window shas one sound system, itself. [07:21] ya know? [07:21] yep [07:21] too many options dont *always* make things better. [07:21] well, that's not really true [07:21] Anyway, how would I go about setting up arts [07:21] windows has three sound systems or apis [07:21] skreet: I know. and windows has some nice stuff. but in serious computer use windows and *nix are quite similar really [07:21] skreet: you're better off using esd [07:21] often windows is more painful. [07:22] jdub: I cant get my two programs to share sound, and nevyn said there would be latency if i used a wrapper [07:22] jdub: none of those api's prevent audio comming from another api. [07:22] skreet: I said it would increase latency [07:22] but you'll basically have to live with it. [07:22] I dont want to live with it :D [07:22] can anyone give me the name of a server into which i can try to ssh, just to see whether ssh works? [07:22] i don't need to log in or anything :) [07:22] skreet: you havn't even tested it yet. [07:23] skreet: you'll be using a wrapper. the latency issue is minor. [07:23] Good point, I'm just taking some guy on IRCs word for it. [07:23] question: do i need to partitian my drive before i setup the dual boot or will it do it when i install ubuntu? [07:23] okay what was the name of the wrapper again? [07:23] esddsp [07:23] method55: partition it. === BillyAnachronism [~root@adsl-48-83.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] hey.. I have a few questions about the ubuntu live cd that came with warty [07:23] method55: i recommend installing windows first, into a small partition [07:24] I would like to save my setup.. is there any way I can save it to my usb-drive? === thelight [~art@p95-rasbkkSP6.C.csloxinfo.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] This isnt listed in synaptic eh? *searches the net* [07:24] skreet: I deal with pro-audio people [07:24] skreet: it should be installed already [07:24] well i all ready have windows installed. i was just going to partition it using partition magic or something [07:24] so no one knows what to do if ubuntu desktop doesn't load after install finishes? [07:24] BROKEN_LADDER: shell.sourceforge.net seems to be running ssh [07:24] okay how do i use it, it's not a binary? [07:25] method55: yeah, just make your windows partition smaller and go [07:25] roger [07:25] skreet: it might be in esound-clients [07:25] trialsdb, whats the errors? [07:25] does anyone know how to save configuration for the ubuntu live cd? [07:25] BROKEN_LADDER: mind you, I'm not affiliated with that machien at all [07:25] jdub: i'm not sure how to active this esd wrapper.. [07:26] skreet: you just put esddsp before the name of your application [07:26] esddsp teamspeak [07:26] BillyAnachronism: i don't see any errors, the graphical login shows up, I login, and then the screen goes black with the mouse, and a couple of seconds later the ubuntu logo appears, but that's it....it just sits there... [07:26] Thats what I figured [07:26] But it says commant not found, and there are no files by that name..anywhere :D [07:26] trialsdb, can you press ctrl-alt-delete? [07:26] did you install esound-clients? [07:27] skreet: try installing esound-clients (as mentioned above) [07:27] BillyAnachronism: there isn't a way in the current liveCD (that is, that'll be there the next time you boot..) [07:27] Not in the universe? [07:27] BillyAnachronism: yes [07:27] trialsdb, did X crash and are you at the command prompt? [07:27] BillyAnachronism: it's not frozen, i can switch to tty0 etc... [07:27] lamont, ok thanks [07:28] lamont, is there any manual way I can do it? === luc1f3r [~rradjabi@adsl-69-109-17-192.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] BillyAnachronism: x isn't crashed or frozen, i can still move the mouse around, etc... [07:28] trialsdb, I presume you are using gnome? === phyberoptix [~fybrglas@nc-67-77-249-217.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #Ubuntu [07:28] ssh shell.sourceforge.net [07:28] ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/libexec/ssh-askpass): No such file or directory [07:28] Host key verification failed. [07:28] what is the problem with ssh [07:29] bur[n] er, Are you there? [07:29] BillyAnachronism: mount a USB pen drive, save whatever you need to there. then copy it back after booting and mounting it the next time. === xed [~bleh@CPE00e01806942a-CM013309901151.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] fwiw, the hoary liveCD is much better positioned to automatically do this... [07:29] although dunno if it'll actually be done in the hoary timeframe [07:30] BillyAnachronism: yes, I didn't change any of the defaults during the install... [07:30] bur[n] er, I installed linux and windows on one drive, and my Windows partition is fat32, so how do I find the files on my fat32 partition using linux? === elmaya [~elmaya@] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] Well I got esddsp now whenever they talk I hear odd light static. [07:35] is teamspeak a wine thing? [07:35] No [07:35] Native linux. [07:35] packaged? [07:35] yes. [07:35] as a binary you mean? yes. [07:36] package name? [07:36] as a deb [07:36] Nope. It's on www.goteamspeak.com and it's a tgz [07:36] but it's binary. [07:36] install .sh [07:36] source? [07:36] licence? [07:37] I want it set to /dev/dsp ? [07:37] I dont know what licence, and it's not open source === toffy [~bjorn@252.80-203-104.nextgentel.com] has joined #Ubuntu [07:37] ah [07:37] lamont, do you know what files describe the setup of a gnome-session? [07:37] BillyAnachronism: no clue.. ~/.gnome*? === lamont sleeps [07:37] luc1f3r, how's your partition laid out [07:38] Poprocks, i have 15 gigs fat32, and 65gigs ext 3 [07:38] wierd [07:38] luc1f3r, do you have just one drive? [07:38] I changed it to dsp1, myh other sound card and esddsp didnt effect it at all. [07:38] I dont understand [07:38] Poprocks, right now, i'm using one drive [07:38] luc1f3r, mount | grep ext3 === pdaoust [~paul@S010600400559f412.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] Poprocks: what does that mean? (just curious) [07:39] Poprocks, type "mount | grep ext3"? [07:39] heyuhhhhhhh... off-hand, does anybody know what package includes the program 'esddsp', the OSS wrapper for ESD? [07:40] I got it from google, it's part of esound-clients [07:40] well the mount command shows what's mounted where, and the grep ext3 searches for the line containing ext3 (I want to know where his ext3 is mounted) [07:40] hey guys - I want a debian driver for ubuntu correct? [07:40] and im in the middle of being mad at it. [07:40] luc1f3r, yeah type that in a terminal [07:40] Linuxnoob: yes. [07:40] :) [07:40] k [07:40] luc1f3r, paste what you got [07:40] Why does the /dev/dsp not work and /dev/dsp1 does?! [07:40] http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/install.php <- is this right (see section B) === P3L|C4N0 [~sopmac@] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] actually Method B [07:41] skreet: gosh, I didn't realise you were talking to me. Thanks for the tip! [07:41] Poprocks, root@slack2005:/home/rradjabi # mount | grep ext3 [07:41] /dev/hda2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro) === Keemy [~chatzilla@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] luc1f3r, sudo mkdir /dos === Little_Bear [~little_be@] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] Linuxnoob: Looks correct, hope it works out for ya. [07:41] hope so too [07:41] here goes nothing lol [07:41] skreet: /dev/dsp1 is a hardware mixed soundcard. [07:42] nevyn: /dev/dsp in my onboard, /dev/dsp1 is my turtle beach santa cruz [07:42] i need advice on what modem to buy.. need a 56k modem for linux, as cheap as possible [07:42] luc1f3r: mount the fat32 partition in linux somewhere [07:42] that's about it [07:42] nevyn: Should I just tell my onboard to go screw and switch between headphones and speakers manually? [07:42] Keemy: get any external serial modem. [07:42] Poprocks, let me try something, someone else is helping, sorry [07:42] which one? [07:43] i did say "any" :) [07:43] anyone know of a good usb handset/headset that works in linux? [07:43] some are winmodems [07:43] luc1f3r, you don't have to be sorry ;-) [07:43] no serial ones [07:43] external serial modems are not winmodems [07:43] some are now [07:43] skreet: oh. [07:44] Keemy: usb modems yes, serial modems, no. [07:44] skreet: some soundcards provide multiple DSP device nodes and hardware mix them [07:44] that would be fun [07:44] skreet: this software is EVIL. [07:44] right about now. [07:44] haha === nevyn reads teamspeak stuff. [07:44] Why do you say that? [07:45] Been using it forever. [07:45] teamspeak? [07:45] Yea [07:45] i have 3 winmodems and none of them work in linux... think i'll go back to windows.. f*8k linux [07:45] Nice attitude, you and Windows deserve each other. [07:45] Keemy: I feel that way too sometimes bud. [07:45] Get a real IC while you're at it. [07:45] Keemy: the answers we've given you will help. [07:45] Poprocks, thanks, i just got this all working [07:46] Keemy: I thought you said you were going to use them to decorate your christmas tree 2005? [07:46] It's that "Hey if this can be done in Windows, why cant somoene program it for linux?" [07:46] feeling. [07:46] Huh. [07:46] I've never had that feeling. [07:46] Then you have patients. [07:46] skreet: the licencing is NASTY. the support is non-existant. [07:46] umm. [07:46] Not all of us are so blessed. [07:46] Nevyn: It's free software. [07:46] I dont really care about support. [07:47] dataw0lf, most likely because you would be the one solving it .. by programming it for linux [07:47] s/free/costless [07:47] I've just been using Linux since 98 or so, all I need is vi, gcc, etc. [07:47] xed: How'd you know I was a programmer? [07:47] I'm a stalker dataw0lf. [07:47] dudes, let's not get into a discussion about the finer points of OS envy. [07:47] anyone gimp savvy and know how to re-attach a tab you've detached?? === holycow [~yada@S0106002078ccd651.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] xed: Know me from the ubuntu forums or something? [07:47] ...haha, no.. [07:48] I just made a joke man, =| === dataw0lf shrugs. [07:48] why did linuxant bogart the rights to oem modem driver codes [07:48] nm, i got it === pdaoust [~paul@S010600400559f412.ok.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:48] Nature calls. [07:49] all this work and development to build a fabulous OS, and the friggin modem won't work? [07:50] Because what you're using a software sound card with an RJ-11 sound port, and ti's all done in software, which hasnt been written for Linux. [07:50] :D [07:50] Modem == gay. [07:50] Keemy, you're going to make me sick if you call it a modem again [07:50] gay == bad? [07:50] :P [07:50] In this sense. [07:50] modem == not very cool [07:50] modem != gay [07:50] Modem == fucking stupid as shit. [07:50] :) [07:51] now now they have uses. [07:51] asteriks [07:51] Keemy: where vendors do not provide specs, developers have to do an enormous amount more work to reverse engineer, etc. sometimes, it's not possible. [07:51] Like I want to set up a asterisk server. [07:51] jdub: usually we can talk to softmodems as dsp's I though [07:51] dataw0lf: leave out the inappropriate language, please. [07:51] This is going to be a stupid question and someone is probably going to refer me to the ubuntu guide or something... [07:51] how about a class action lawsuit against modem manufacturers who don't support their product or even write drivers for tham [07:51] but we lacked the free V.90 implementation [07:52] Keemy, because they're not doing anything illegal [07:52] freenode strikes again! [07:52] the best thing you can do is to stop purchasing software modems [07:52] censorship sucks. [07:52] xed goto ubuntuguide.org [07:52] Keemy: You'd be suing everyone if you sued people who wont write linux drivers. [07:52] lol === bwb [~nate@ip68-5-253-106.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] I didn't even ask the question yet.. =( [07:52] xed lol [07:52] Man this is such a hard decision. [07:52] I love linux, but I love gaming. [07:52] dataw0lf: it's not censorship, and it's nothing to do with freenode. this is an ubuntu channel, and we have a code of conduct. [07:52] And uh.. I cant have the best on both. [07:52] skreet: dual boot. [07:52] my point is , they could easily write them, but don't so people buy new [07:53] skreet: lots of gamers dual boot. [07:53] xed: Yes, but I dont like shutting down. [07:53] skreet: get another box? [07:53] hi.. any tips for improving hd performance? I get like 15MB/s unbuffered read... could perhaps having two drives on the same ide cable hurt performance a bit, or is it mostly based on RPM's of the drive? [07:53] skreet: I have the same issue, so I've given up gaming. [07:53] play free games? [07:53] jdub: well, actually, it is still censorship. [07:53] xed: likewise. [07:53] Keemy: 'easily'? writing drivers for a (currently) niche operating system doesn't have a huge return on investment. [07:53] Also, for some reason when I have a linux desktop with firefox, gaim and mplayer, and i have a windows desktop with WoW, CS:S, Half Life 2, gaim, firefox and Media Player Classic... I really dont feel like waiting 7 minutes to go online. [07:53] All the software I use on linux is available for windows and I keep on my windows desktops as well [07:54] So I *never* go back. [07:54] :P [07:54] dataw0lf: whatever you want to call it, it would be appreciated if you behave appropriately. [07:54] ok I'm hitting the sack, later all [07:54] skreet: why go linux at all then? [07:54] jdub: I can call it censorship though. [07:54] I like the console. [07:54] :D [07:54] .. [07:54] i came to linux because i didn't want to spend money to buy XP... if i have to buy a modem it defeats the purpose.. it's a matter of principle [07:54] skreet: colinux ;) [07:54] jdub: Unless that's censored too. [07:54] Powerful. [07:55] dataw0lf: get over it, or leave. [07:55] Keemy, so what its the price you pay for using linux [07:55] skreet: lacking power elsewhere? =P [07:55] jdub: then I can just call it c***orship [07:55] and the modems are cheap enuf [07:55] jdub: Ok, I'll agree with your c***orship [07:55] Cost of hardware modem < Cost of Retail O/S [07:56] skreet: you assume people actually follow licence agreements for software [07:56] Keemy: generally, the matter of principle associated with FOSS is not that of 'cheapness'. :) [07:56] nevyn: I know they dont. [07:56] it is for me [07:56] now now.. frugalness is a component to most peoples inital introduction to FOSS === zenwhen [zenwhen@h-67-102-63-103.phlapafg.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] skreet: two desktops, one windows, one linux + kvm = much happiness [07:57] people don't come to the free as in speech realisation untill later. [07:57] skreet: colinux. [07:57] bwb: I'm acutally building a "server" but I think I'll put a GUI on it as well and only use this machine for gaming. [07:57] :D [07:57] everyone lauds USR for their hardware modems, but here i sit with 2 of their winmodems that they refuse to write code for [07:57] (cf. perkypants.org) [07:57] Got the motherboard in and it was broken. [07:57] skreet: yah [07:57] skreet: I was going the same route [07:57] usr have been helpful in the past in opening up drivers [07:58] skreet: was using a celeron 766mhz/66mhz (blah).. and then someone gave me a p4 1.5ghz.... [07:58] the wierd thing is. [07:58] hrm he disappeared [07:58] we (smoothwall types) managed to get em to gpl drivers for some of their usb adsl stuff [07:58] all these softmodem vendors have softwre modem implementations.. and they all SUCK [07:58] Keemy: keep in mind that it may not be their code to release. [07:58] might be worth poking them again about their softmodems if it's enough of an issue [07:58] jdub: good point [07:58] a GPL'd software modem would actually make things better for everyone. [07:58] I 'ate skreet. [07:59] they put their name on it anyway though, didn't they? [07:59] when i partition my HD for a windows/linux dualboot, my first partition is formatted NTFS, should i leave my other partition unallocated then install ubuntu or should i format it something? [07:59] Keemy: if they've licensed the code/drivers from a component vendor, sure. [07:59] Keemy: yeah, but it's like Dell using broadcom chipsets [08:00] Dell can't gpl the broadcom stuff without broadcom's sayso [08:00] method55, leave it unformated [08:00] jdub: thanks [08:00] er wrong nick autocomplete === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] thanks jdahl [08:01] i have it setup 32gigs NTFS/ 28gigs unallocated [08:01] does that sound okay? [08:01] i figured i would use more space in windows since i use it more === johane__ [~johan@h92n1c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] method55, then that's probably fine... although 28 gigs for linux (if you dont plan on using it much) sounds like a lot [08:02] will it automatically set up a linux swap partition? [08:02] i can format the unallocated to be a linux swap [08:02] that's an awful lot of gnu software [08:02] that is an option in partition magic [08:02] i've got mandrake on a 4 gig partition [08:03] can i swap files to and from the partitions? === d3vic3 [~d3vic3@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] say i am working on a document in linux, can i open that same document in windows (say a .txt file for example) [08:03] from NTFS but not to [08:03] ? === kroach1271 [~redklingo@209-193-46-174-cdsl-rb1.sol.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu === x66221 [~x66221@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] method55: might be worth creating a fat32 partition for doing that [08:04] well i all ready have windows installed on this computer and it would be a good 14gigs to back up all my vital stuff [08:04] method55: then it's writable and readable by both systems === passdoubt [~XeCuteOr@cpe-69-135-52-214.cinci.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] linux will safely read ntfs, but not safely write it [08:05] what about the other way around? [08:05] you can get filesystem plugins for xp that'll read/write ext3 [08:05] method55, just split the 28 gigs for linux into two partions, and make one of those fat32 [08:05] windows won't recognize linux partitions [08:05] Sure it will. [08:05] wait...say i make a 4 gig partition for swapping files and make it fat32...would that work? [08:06] not by default, but you can get fs plugins for some filesystems === qman420 [~ryan@122-81-74-65.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] ohh ok [08:06] Is there any way to make programs show up on the menu .. like gaim does? [08:06] method55, yes... that's what I meant [08:06] method55: yes (that was the background of my original suggestion) [08:06] or music player.. [08:06] i will do that [08:06] I want xchat to be there.. =/ [08:06] thanks :) [08:06] xed: right click and add the program? [08:06] xed: xchat should be there already [08:06] you mean the application launcher? [08:06] jdub: on the menu.. above? [08:07] in the applications menu, yes [08:07] i bet your modem won't work in linux === kroach1271 [~redklingo@209-193-46-174-cdsl-rb1.sol.acsalaska.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:07] jdub: you still work on garnome at all? [08:07] no, paul has taken it over 100% :) [08:07] sweet man [08:07] any body have any ideas why why my kernel detect my ISA sbAwe64 [08:08] free up some time no? [08:08] heheh [08:08] jdub: No no [08:08] devel branch of ubuntu satisfies my devel branch of gnome requirements now ;-) [08:08] Thats not what I'm asking [08:08] is there an ISA detection program? [08:08] when I minimize it or close it, I want it to show up on the top right... [08:08] you can get the drivers for it on the synaptic updater [08:09] xed: the top right of...? [08:09] the isa thing [08:09] i have the same card...have it detected but dont know how to enter the settings in [08:09] of the screen.. [08:09] You know where the date is? [08:09] oh [08:09] by default... [08:09] i been looking thrhrough alsa stuff [08:09] the thing Gaim uses xed [08:09] you want to create a launcher? [08:10] well not really a .. -- err..I don't know if its called [08:10] jdub: once I saw you were involved in ubuntu it made sense, natural evolution of things I guess-kick ass man [08:10] but its not much help i have the modules [08:10] qman420: :) [08:10] cool. my parakeet learned her 3rd german swear word today [08:11] i get this error on startup alsact1: load_state:1134 no sound cards found [08:12] jdub: I want xchat to show up on the top right.. like Gaim does.. when you close it. [08:12] Its there, but its no in the tray at the bottom... [08:13] Do you understand what I'm asking? [08:13] xed: ah, okay, that's a notification icon. i don't know if xchat does that. [08:13] can I get it to? [08:13] i don't know if xchat does that. [08:13] but.. can I get it to? [08:13] i still don't know. [08:14] oh.. boo =( === siddharth [~siddharth@] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] does anyone else know/ [08:14] ?* === Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === etorix [~etorix@usr1280-har.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] How do I add an application to the gnome panel. the context menu no longer has add to launcher on it [08:17] hey method did you say you have ISA snd card? === bleh_ [~bleh@CPE0012171a9d37-CM001225705838.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === aPoX [apox@neutron.csh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] hola === qman420 is now known as amber === amber is now known as amber_s [08:21] hola como estas? [08:21] no habla espanol???? [08:21] english shanel [08:22] que? [08:22] I think #ubuntu-es for spanish channel amber_s [08:22] s/shanel/channel/ [08:22] yo tengo un gato en los pantolones [08:23] aye chincholas!!!!! [08:23] tu menzos [08:24] adios amigas hasta luega [08:24] late [08:26] How do I add an application to the gnome applications menu? The menu system no longer seems to allow it. === xed [~bleh@CPE0012171a9d37-CM001225705838.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] Is there xmms available for ubuntu? [08:28] yes [08:28] just install it [08:28] ...? [08:28] how? [08:29] I'm going to be directed to a manual or something, aren't I? [08:29] Yeah, either that or told not to flood in here === ObsidianX [~chatzilla@adsl-67-122-228-116.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] I'm.. lagging, aren't I? [08:30] xed, sudo apt-get install xmms [08:30] hey guys, im trying to install ubuntu through the MEPIS live cd [08:30] JDahl, thank you [08:30] using the Knoppix howto on the wiki [08:30] and when i try to bootstrap i get nothing but errors and it doesnt work === Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-23-170.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] xed, apt-cache search to look up everything related to in the apt database [08:31] this is what i get most of the time: /var/lib/dpkg/info/reportbug.postrm: line 1: /dev/null: Permission denied [08:31] that and some perl errors [08:31] can someone post a working ssh_config file? [08:32] BROKEN_LADDER: What is the matter with yours? [08:32] Thank you again JDahl [08:33] BROKEN_LADDER: Do you need a server config or a client config? [08:33] xed, I although you credit for having a sense of humour about it, you might as well the bite the bullet and learn at least apt-get and aptitude (if you want more out of Ubuntu) [08:33] s/I/and/ [08:33] + a few other missing words (it's late here) [08:33] JDahl, can you help? you seem to know your stuff :P [08:34] JDahl, still learning it. [08:34] Completely new to linux, so I'm taking notes.. [08:34] ObsidianX, I am no expert, and if I knew I would've answered [08:35] alright, thanks anyway [08:35] is there any documentation you could perhaps refer me to? [08:35] Where exactly does xmms go when I install it? [08:36] xed: type this: dpkg -L xmms [08:36] xed, dpkg -S xmms [08:36] that will tell you where it all goes ;) [08:36] I'm confused [08:36] xed: but most usefully, you'll get an icon in your applications menu [08:36] L is probably for location [08:36] but what's S for? [08:36] xed: dpkg --help [08:36] L is for list (all files) [08:37] it's not working [08:37] S is for search (find out which package owns which files) [08:37] my bad... [08:38] BROKEN_LADDER: What error messages if any are you getting? [08:38] xed: but don't think that command line argument letters necessarily have anything to do with their functions [08:38] jdub: I have learned that recently the hard way... [08:38] brb [08:39] wait wait-- do I have to logout and log back in for xmms to show up in the Applications menu?" [08:39] -" === etorix [~etorix@usr1280-har.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["(*BOOM!*)(*.net] [08:39] Who's bright idea was it to make gnome so that you cant add applications to the menu's ? === kleedrac [~kleedrac@hsdbsk69-11-109-51.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] ... [08:39] I thought you could. -_- [08:40] Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive). === Faustus [~Mestaphel@d142-59-231-163.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] it tries all three of those and neither works. [08:40] this is insane. i'm just trying to get ssh working, and i've NEVER had a problem with it in my life. [08:40] BROKEN_LADDER: The server you are connecting to doesn't accept password authentication, and you don't have an allowed key. === mikebolton [a@90-207-237-24.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] Do you have administration access to the server? [08:40] i've tried this with various servers. [08:40] it makes no difference. [08:40] sure. [08:41] how does one straighten a slanted X. It's slanted since I instlled, and is so from the text start on wards === kleedrac [~kleedrac@hsdbsk69-11-109-51.sasknet.sk.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:42] BROKEN_LADDER: In /etc/ssh/sshd_config check for this line. PasswordAuthentication. What is it set to? === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] so anybody else ever try installing outside the ubuntu installer? [08:42] yes [08:43] it's set to yes [08:43] because the ubuntu installer doesn't seem to work on my machine [08:43] What account are you trying to connect with? [08:44] BROKEN_LADDER: Do you have an ssh key for the account you are trying to connect with? [08:44] it doesn't matter which account i try it with on which machine [08:45] no. [08:45] it should just add it. [08:45] like it always did before [08:45] BROKEN_LADDER: Unfortunately I have to go now, but perhaps someone else here can help you. [08:45] even just now it added it. [08:45] thanks. [08:48] any mac harware users in? I just installed and X is slightly slanted. There is no utility to adjust that I know of, just Mhz and res rate utility. So how does one adjust this? === TeringTuby3 [~maarten@220-64-dsl.ipact.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [08:50] off-topic, but did anyone see the ./ MS banner add? Talk about fuel for a flamewar! and how did they determine that Windows has "276% better peak performance"? === herman_ [~herman@213-132-207-191.adsl.nlhosting.nl] has joined #ubuntu === herman_ is now known as spacey`stage [08:50] at least it's funny that they spend money on a Windows banner add on ./ [08:51] /. === xdingi [xdingi@pD9ECDC23.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] hi [08:52] JDahl, i've seen that add [08:52] ad* [08:52] and i find it hilariously false === luc1f3r [~rradjabi@adsl-69-109-17-192.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] I forgot u pc guys have knobs tthe front or back to adjust [08:53] Can someone help me install a printer? [08:53] of well, we need a ppc irc [08:53] knobs? dewd, you're living in the past :P [08:53] is it usb? [08:53] Faustus, yes [08:53] plug it in [08:54] i did [08:54] How do I add an application to the gnome applications menu? The menu system no longer seems to allow it. [08:54] okay everything is partitioned.... 32gig NTFS, 6gig FAT32 and the rest is unpartitioned...going to install ubuntu now [08:54] computer/system/printing [08:54] any notes before i do/? [08:54] luclf3r: select new printer [08:55] Faustus, it doesn't detect a printer [08:55] damnit i really wish i could get into ubuntu o_O === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1rr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === bassinboy wonders if anyone here is good with gpart or has used it [08:56] luclf3r: I find that turning it on before going to the utility helps, or I've even had to reboot with the printer on. [08:56] bash: /dev/null: Permission denied [08:56] okay, i'll try those [08:56] why do i keep on getting this O_O [08:56] thanks [08:57] try to powering it off and on again, then disconnect the usb plug, count to 5 then replug. Then got see if it sees it. [08:57] crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2005-01-03 23:03 null === MobyTurbo [~yid@64-48-59-16-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] the permissions look correct enough to me [08:58] and yet it isn't accessible [08:58] ObsidianX: k then how does one do slight adjustments to X? [08:59] Faustus, a few things are sure to give a knee-jerking reaction: MS vs Linux, Vim vs Emacs, speed of Gentoo vs that of Debian (and more recently sudo vs su, I learned)... [09:00] ? [09:00] I know what sudo is [09:00] your earlier comments about knops in the front and back.. not important === xdingi [xdingi@pD9ECDC23.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [09:01] man u r cryptic, even so your comment doesn't add anything either [09:02] but I think there is a way I know now that I think of it. [09:03] I like the cloud of mystery... rather than embarrasing myself further I will let it slide [09:04] are there any ununtu-like gnome themes out ? [09:04] but pls, not in kaky brown :) [09:04] Faustus: have you tried xvidtune(1x)? === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] liste man I know enough to fuck around with XF86Config-4 file with res and Mhz to get X up. I'm just wondering about a slight little mis alighment. Man are we in bsd irc or something? === onno [~onno@d54C2957B.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] thanks crimsun, I'lll look into it === kleedrac [~kleedrac@hsdbsk69-11-109-51.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] like the name, reminds me of Crimson King [09:06] Where can I find the latest ubuntu beta? [09:06] or was it King Crimson? [09:06] whats the best way to get packages on ubuntu (like portage) [09:07] bassinboy: apt-get from the cli ... or synaptic from the System menu === luc1f3r [~rradjabi@adsl-69-109-17-192.dsl.snlo01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] bassinboy, aptitude from cli is my favorite [09:08] aptitude? [09:08] Faustus: yes, it's sometimes taken to be from that band, though my choice is from the Dream Theater song "A Change of Seasons" [09:09] you've heard of that band wow. I never met another anglophone that has [09:09] JDahl: how do i add more sources? [09:10] but you might simply know the band because people bring ti up [09:10] ok, how big a deal is it if i update a debian system to ubuntu? [09:10] im planning on reinstalling everything once i get into the debian system [09:10] but like how much has to be changed [09:10] bassinboy, edit /etc/apt/sources.list... I believe you can do it synaptic also [09:10] because installing it the 'right way' it pissing me off === Rene_S [~rskrodzki@CPE000ae62705a3-CM014490004397.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] Faustus: I spent a fair amount of time listening to Larks, Lizard, Red, and Three. I'm a huge prog rock fan. [09:11] s/it/is === lizdeika [~lizdeika@mail.northway.lt] has joined #ubuntu [09:11] JDahl: thanks, how can i install the nvidia driver? [09:11] I look into it. I never heard of prog rock [09:11] Ok this is ridiculus now, I just installed gxine and now its not on any of the menu's. Never seen this before with Gnome anyplace else [09:11] what is shpchp.ko? [09:12] i get an error on it whenever i boot [09:12] everything seems to work fine tho [09:12] Rene_S: it doesn't show up in the GNOME menu for me, either (running Hoary), but it does in the Debian menu [09:13] Applications>Debian>Apps>Viewers>Xine video player [09:13] do i install the nvidia graphics driver like the one off their site? [09:13] Well thats a buzkiller for me, hunting and pecking for my apps isnt of any interest to me [09:13] bassinboy: there're included in Warty [09:13] bassinboy: just follow /wiki/BinaryDriverHowto [09:14] crimsun: where's that? [09:14] on new kernel install, mp3-play messup up with msg "could not handle mp3 files" ? whats going wrong [09:14] oh, the the ubuntu site ;) [09:15] other sounds okay [09:15] crimsun, thanks for that but the Debian menu's are no solution, when it used to work previously plus the Debian menu's arent installed by default so If I were new that would annoy me [09:15] esher: mp3s played on a previous kernel? [09:15] crimsun, yo [09:15] Rene_S: have you logged out and back in? I'm unsure whether Gxine uses the new xdg menu layout. [09:16] Package nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package. [09:16] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [09:16] is only available from another source [09:16] Oh yeah, logged in out ran update-menus asked the spirits of Ubuntu for help and finally thinking this isnt any fun anymore === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has joined #ubuntu === gilgamesh [~gilgamesh@adsl-68-123-141-231.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] I only happen to have the Debian menu's because I got frustrated at the Gnome ones, ordinarily I dont === housetier [~housetier@dsl-084-056-139-119.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] Ohmer, libmikmod2 misses, now works [09:19] ok [09:20] crimsun: not working :( [09:20] gnome menu is just so hard to customize. [09:20] it's a nightmare [09:20] bassinboy: I presume 'main restricted' is uncommented and not just the Warty cd-rom? :) [09:22] crimsun: i'm confroosed. heh, i have restricted modules installed === xed [~bleh@CPE0012171a9d37-CM001225705838.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === ctr [~ctr@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === maps73 [~maps73@] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] Are there any available presets for xmms in ubuntu? === techn9ne [~asdsafs@S0106000f66ddc57e.va.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === mark0 [marko@treason.nexuslabs.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] good morning, please how cold i installa my wireless pcmcia card on ubuntu? === Rene_S is away: Go ahead tell me I cant use an away message I dare ya. [09:24] Rene_S, you can't use an away message. [09:24] i plug in my pcmcia slot and i see the dmesg report. [09:24] which make of wireless card? [09:24] wireless + linux is not that great [09:24] bassinboy: in System>System Settings>Synaptic Package Manager, in Settings>Repositories, is the "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/warty/ warty main restricted" line checked? [09:24] depends on the chip in the wireless actually [09:24] techn9ne, hy, sony orinoco [09:25] dmesg [09:25] sorry [09:25] xed: what sort of presets? eq? [09:26] xed: (and no, I don't know of any that are distributed with ubuntu) [09:26] crimsun: no entry for that, just the CD rom and other sources at the same site, no /warty/ though [09:27] what is shpchp.ko? [09:27] i get an error on it whenever i boot [09:27] everything seems to work fine tho [09:27] description: Standard Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver [09:27] method55, add it to /etc/hotplug/blacklist [09:27] crimsun: i checked one of them, and nvidia-glx is now in synaptic :) THANKS!! [09:27] bassinboy: np === zerok [~zerok@zerok.support.phpbb] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] hi :-) [09:28] crimsun, yes, equalizer presets [09:28] is it anything important? [09:28] method55: you can also blacklist pciehp.ko if you don't have PCI Express [09:28] method55: for you, no [09:28] i think that was one of the other errors too [09:28] okay [09:28] thank you guys [09:28] crimsun: what is main restricted? and universe? [09:28] method55, PCI hotplugging, you probably don't need it [09:29] bassinboy: please see the definitions of those repos on the wiki :) [09:29] Is there any utilities for ubuntu which ..makes less use of the resources when my laptop is on battery power? [09:29] crimsun: thanks [09:29] hm.... wasn't diveIntoPython previously accessible through yelp? [09:30] i have a windowsxp/ubuntu dualboot setup right now and an empty 6gig fat 32...if i change the size of that partition (its in front of the linux partition) will i have any issues booting? [09:30] method55: nope === hyper123 [~hypersmil@adsl-207-213-26-217.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] okay [09:31] i want to make it bigger so i can put my music files into that one so i can play them from both os's [09:31] i think i can do that anyway [09:31] method55, sounds like a good idea [09:31] crimsun: when i searched, this is what came up, heh http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/package-list/talkback/1100005126/view?searchterm=main%20%20restricted [09:31] sorry, found it. :S [09:31] one good thing about having an mp3 player is you dont have to backup all your music before formatting your computer ;) [09:31] saved me a good hour or so [09:32] actually i could have backed up most of my files on there too...didnt even think of that [09:32] is mozilla-tunderbird 1.0 somewhere for ubuntu? [09:32] must have a relatively large memory card, method55. [09:33] its a HD based player [09:33] method55...? [09:33] harddrive based? [09:33] onno: no, nor has it been packaged for Debian yet. [09:33] 0.9 then? [09:33] ie doesnt use a memory card/stick/media for storage...uses a hard drive [09:34] I see... [09:34] onno, its probably in hoary [09:34] A physical.. hard drive?! [09:34] onno: warty contains 0.8-2ubuntu2 [09:34] What sort of mp3 player is it? [09:34] method55, give me make and model. [09:34] Can I download it the in warty from the hoary repository? [09:34] onno: hoary contains 0.9-6ubuntu1 [09:34] DellDJ Gen 2 [09:34] ipods are HD based as well [09:34] Where can I find the url for hoary? [09:35] oh, I think i know what you mean.. === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] onno, if you need to ask, you shouldn't [09:35] I dislike Dell. *hiss* [09:35] Only for mozilla-thunderbird? [09:35] it was cheap ;) [09:36] method55, I'd hope so. Its Dell. === bassinboy wonders if anyone here is good with gpart or has used it [09:36] i have yet another question....when i boot into windows my monitors display is centered as i like it...but when i boot into ubuntu everythign is to the right (and partially off the screen) is there any way to have them aligned === adsb-work [~adsb-work@avco79.avcosystems.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Cube-ness [~james@170-215-49-81.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] hmm.. i just dropped an ide drive into my computer and it doesnt show up in /dev.. but the computer sees it, and I can boot the OS installed on it from grub.. whats going on? [09:41] Cube-ness: is it hooked to a controller that doesn't have a driver loaded for it? [09:41] no [09:41] its a slave to a cdrom that the computer see's [09:42] used to have 2 cdroms.. just swapped the slave cdrom with an hd === milkmutt [~milkmutt@] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] hmm i think that should work but you might try seeing what happens if you swap the hd/cdrom around [09:42] perhaps linux doesn't like it being slave for some reason, not really sure [09:43] yeah.. was thinking that too.. [09:43] you are running ubuntu with udev, right? [09:43] yes [09:43] ok [09:43] if you swap it make sure the cdrom still works too, etc ;) === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1rr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] how can i get a grub theme and ubuntu boot splash? [09:47] bassinboy: there is no "ubuntu boot splash" [yet] , and you can use google for grub themes. === xed [~bleh@CPE00e01806942a-CM013309901151.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] quick question [09:48] how do I go about extract .rar files in ubuntu? [09:49] unrar x foo.rar [09:49] crimsun: thanks [09:49] unrar should be in the universe-repository [09:49] xed: What you have to do is to go into Synaptec and enable the multiverse repository, and then update the repository data. Then search for unrar-nonfree [09:50] I don't know exactly what you have to do to accomplish this in Synaptec, as I don't use it. [09:50] TheMuso, alright, I'll look into it [09:50] xed: if the rars were created with winrar 3.x, you'll need to use 'rar' from the 'multiverse' repo [09:50] xed: the syntax is `rar e foo.rar' [09:50] http://www.rarlabs.com/rar/rarlinux-3.4.1.tar.gz <- works fine :) [09:51] i have a dual boot windows/ubuntu setup on my laptop...with an empty fat32 partition...how do i get it so ubuntu sees the parition? [09:51] i'm going to try what esher just linked me to.. [09:51] method55: add it into /etc/fstab [09:51] untar, cp unrar + rar to /usr/local/bin and chmod ... done ;> [09:52] that made no sense to me. [09:52] untar? [09:52] cp? [09:53] crimsun: is there a wiki on this, im not sure what to add here [09:53] tar xvzf rarlinux.foo.tar.gz [09:53] xed: just enable the 'multiverse' repo in Synaptic>Settings>Repositories, then install 'rar' [09:53] method55, www.ubuntuguide.org [09:53] cd rarfoo [09:53] crimsun, how do I 'enable it? [09:53] xed: check the box. [09:53] what box? [09:54] oh wait-- [09:55] Synaptic SettingsRepositories.. [09:56] I'm there, but I don't see this 'multiverse' thing you're talkinga bout [09:56] xed: you should see a bunch of lines in the box [09:57] there's a checkbox at the leftmost of each line [09:57] crimsun: do i have to reboot before it will take affect? [09:57] one of those lines will end in 'multiverse' if you scroll all the way over to the right [09:57] method55: If you want GNOME to see the changes, you will need to log out and in again. [09:57] So there is now way I can have easy way thunderbird 0.9 or 1.0 === Xophe_ [~mas01cr@] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] crimsun, none of them end in 'multiverse' [09:58] xed: I just realised you actually have to add it yourself. [09:58] the multiverse? [09:58] hmm it isnt showing up when i view the computer [09:59] crimsun: How do I write a shell script that uses a sudo line [09:59] xed: Yes. What I suggest is to use sudo to open /etc/apt/sources.list in an editor. Find the line that starts with deb and ends with universe. Add the word multiverse to that and remove the # sign from the beginning of the line if it is there. [09:59] method55: What did you add to /etc/fstab? [09:59] kleedrac: write the shell script and execute it with sudo [09:59] ahhh ... good plan :) [10:00] Thanks again crimsun === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1rr.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:00] when i do a 'sudo fdisk -l' it shows the partition i want as /dev/hda5 so in fstab i put /dev/hda5 / fat32 defaults 0 0 [10:00] TheMuso, '# deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe' <-- thats the line, yes? [10:00] method55: not a good idea [10:01] what should i put then? === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] xed: # deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty multiverse [10:01] xed: Yes. Remove the # and the space at the beginning of the line, and add the word multiverse to the end. === Xophe_ is now known as Xof [10:01] method55: first, create a mountpoint [10:01] method55: for instance, /mnt/windows [10:02] do I leave 'universe' in there? [10:02] xed: Yes. [10:02] so it should be 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe multiverse' === sulkd [~henry@194-144-124-151.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] xed: Yes. [10:02] Done. [10:02] xed: Once you have done that, go to a terminal and type sudo apt-get update [10:02] method55: then you can use /dev/hda5 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,umask=000,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 2 [10:03] xed: And then sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree [10:03] crimsun...i dont see an entry on the guide on how to make mount points...how do i do this [10:03] method55: open a terminal, sudo mkdir [10:03] done that [10:03] method55: err, sudo mkdir -p /mnt/windows === batlogg [batlogg@batlogg.user] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] TheMuso, after installing unrar-nonfree, what then? [10:04] xed: Did you install the package? [10:04] Yes, yes I did. [10:04] and then add that otherline you mentioned to fstab? [10:05] TheMuso, I did install the package. [10:05] xed: I suggest you type man unrar to read about the command, but I think the command is essentially 'unrar e filename.rar' without the ' === cartman [~cartman@cartman.developer.konversation] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] any idea why my root password works in su but not in sudo? [10:06] cartman, sudo = userpass [10:06] cartman: When you use sudo, you use your own account password, not the root password. [10:06] hmm [10:06] Sweeeet [10:07] TheMuso:, zenrox haha thanks :) [10:07] method55: then you can use /dev/hda5 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,umask=000,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 2 [10:07] lol [10:07] add that to /etc/fstab ? [10:07] method55, yess [10:07] okay === cartman [~cartman@cartman.developer.konversation] has left #ubuntu ["Nich] [10:08] and i dont have to reboot....just log out right? [10:08] nope [10:08] just do a sudo mount -a [10:08] and it will mount it [10:09] method55, no need to logout [10:09] has anyone been able to install on ubuntu on a SATA machine? [10:09] method55, just do a sudo mount -a [10:09] But it is better to log out and in if you want to be able to go into the computer window in GNOME and double click on it. [10:09] TheMuso, not true [10:09] As GNOME reads /etc/fstab every log-in [10:09] zenrox: i did that, but will it show in Computer > Disks [10:09] ? [10:09] Thanks a lot for the help, crimsun and TheMuso [10:09] i tried logging out and back in [10:09] doesnt show it [10:09] Time for some sleepage [10:09] zenrox: I have had to do that. [10:09] method55, it will be in /mnt/windows [10:10] so /mnt/windows is that partition? [10:10] yes [10:10] is there a way i can manually add that to the computer window [10:10] ? [10:10] in gnome under Computer > Disks [10:10] method55, you can make a link to /mnt/windows [10:11] sorry for all these minor questions im just new to linux...its completly different to my knowledge of windows :) [10:11] method55, at lest your willing to learn === TeringTuby3 [~maarten@] has joined #ubuntu === anir [~anir@] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] method55, hmm do this ln -s /mnt/windows /whare/ever/the/disks/dir/is/at [10:12] i suppose no [10:13] so i just have to find where that disk dir is [10:13] okay [10:13] zenrox: There is no disks dir. The disks info is read from /etc/fstab. [10:13] i will try rebooting then...since logging in and out didnt work [10:13] guys i have a problem [10:13] method55, when its mounted in /mnt/windows it ant going to show up that partion as a disk linux wont do that === Josip [~dzogi@] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] ill just make a shortcut to it or something in my home dir [10:14] so i have easier access [10:14] method55, so you have to make a ln to some dir you controle so you can have heaser acces to it [10:14] what is ln? [10:14] ln = link [10:14] ah [10:14] okay [10:14] link [10:14] for further help [10:15] ln --help :) [10:15] i have installed FC3 but when i start it shows only blank screen === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] anir, this is an Ubuntu channel , not Fedora's one [10:15] anir: you'll get better responses in #fedora [10:15] josip i know.. [10:15] wow my partitions were never resized...they are resizing now [10:15] hopefully this wont screw up what i just did [10:15] when you start FC, do you get the terminal ? [10:16] crimson when i logged into #fedora i says i have to register??? [10:16] method55, that's a brave move === Dengar [dengar@cc109748-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] i was told it wouldnt hurt anything [10:16] anir, /msg nickserv help [10:16] da_bon_bon, hey u there?? [10:16] anir: ya [10:16] josip: wht is nickserv? [10:16] its only resizing my linux partition and my blank fat32 partition so if all else fails i delete both and remake them and reinstall linux...hopefully it wont hurt my windows partition [10:17] just type that ;-) [10:17] da_bon_bon: you are on yahoo?? i need your help [10:17] method55, take my advice, be very careful and don't forget to backup [10:17] anir: wait, signin in :) [10:17] anir, http://freenode.net/ [10:17] anir: on. [10:18] okay === umarmung [~Tanzbaer@pD9E68E0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] damn santa got me a nokia communicator which is NOT fun to get working with linux [10:19] santa has a wicked sense of humor [10:19] lol ;-) [10:20] heh. so far i can at least mount the filesystem with p3nfs === aya [~aya@national-2-82-66-184-192.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] i think that you're killing your nokia communicator [10:20] what would you get with installing linux ? === mantas [~mantas@] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] Josip: i don't want linux on it, i just want to get my linux box and the phone to communicate === wezzer [~antti@a80-186-4-253.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] ohhh ;-(( [10:21] soory, misundestood [10:21] misunderstood * [10:21] would be cool though :) [10:22] my friend was doing some crazy stuff with his cell ;-) [10:22] let me guess, it works perfectly with win xp ;-( [10:22] naturally! they provide a cdrom full of connectivity stuff for windows [10:23] we can just hope for better future, nothing more [10:23] if you contact their support dept. you'll get answer like "Sorry, we support only Windows" [10:23] its a marketshare game [10:24] time will fix that [10:24] someone should fix linux first [10:24] actually, nokia is a big open source fan, but only when it comes to the big networking stuff [10:24] unless windows becomes free and stops sucking [10:25] no it won't . === aya [~aya@national-2-82-66-184-192.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === mvo [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] topyli, you try wine? [10:26] techn9ne: yes. the pc-suite install barfs when it's trying to install the MS D-COM stuff [10:26] even downloaded the crossover office tryout [10:26] cedega ? [10:26] no cedega yet [10:27] thats why i dont dleete the windows partition [10:27] buy it then ;-) [10:27] sometimes thats the easiest route [10:27] p3nfs kinda works but is not very stable. gnokii doesnt. gammu supports a few functions === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-40-80.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Ycros [~Ycros@c211-30-14-115.thorn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === topyli needs a smoke [10:29] quit cigarettes, they're bad for your health ;-)) [10:31] just this one. I CAN QUIT ANY TIME [10:31] believe it if you want :) === oferw [oferw@TLV62-0-90-174.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === Lego_Bitch [~email@] has joined #ubuntu === tribun [~tribun@p508ADDFE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === tribun [~tribun@p508ADDFE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [10:33] what's the most straightforward way to get ppp/gprs/phone/bluetooth working on hoary? [10:34] install wmvare and windows on it [10:35] lol [10:35] SteveA: which phone? see if gammu supports it [10:36] bluetooth is not a big problem i guess === Buzzz [~anders@hd5e25192.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu === Buzzz [~anders@hd5e25192.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] [10:36] topyli: it is a sonyericsson t630 [10:37] oh, that's what i have [10:37] should just work with the bluez tools [10:37] but takes a bit of configuration [10:37] i was considering hacking up some /etc/network/interfaces plugins for it [10:38] but don't wait on that ;) [10:38] grrr. people with just-working-phones === Frossi [~Frossi@ZYYKMMMLXXI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu === keropok [~keropok@] has joined #ubuntu === aya [~aya@national-2-82-66-184-192.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Buzzz [~anders@hd5e25192.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu === Ensiferum [~enska@svaisane-dsl.oulu.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === jdub doesn't even use gprs access [10:39] jdub: I found this intriguing howto that uses three scripts from knoppix. however, two of the scripts are empty. http://wildbill.nulldevice.net/archives/000104.html [10:39] gprs is for emergency [10:39] d3vic3: this is an emergency. I want to read email over breakfast at skonis ir kvapas. === Buzzz [~anders@hd5e25192.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu === Buzzz [~anders@hd5e25192.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] [10:41] hmm. there's a symbian tool to convert the nokia organizer files to sane formats. then i could get the files through p3nfs to my box and import them to evolution [10:42] SteveA: ask keybuk, hes got gprs sussed [10:43] well i resized all the partitions and everything seems to be still working [10:43] Good to hear. [10:43] method55: Out of curiosity, what did you use to resize them? [10:44] Partition Magic 8 (a windows app) [10:44] Ah ok. [10:44] hmm [10:44] PM 8 works === Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD95E6059.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] im not positive *Everything* works but i booted into both windows and linux and both booted fine and i resized all 3 partitions on this drive === nakee [~nakee@barak013-104-61.dialin.huji.ac.il] has joined #ubuntu === jono [~jono@] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] hi all [10:45] actually all 4 [10:45] openoffice seems to not use the gnome theme in hoary - anyone else get this? [10:46] jono, it's quite dark here, but the icons look like gnome here === Nominus [~hanzo@2001:c20:ffff:2b:0:0:0:1541] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] zerok, it looks really grey [10:47] and the fonts look different [10:47] yes [10:47] install openoffice.org-gtk-gnome === zerok gives openoffice a flashlight [10:48] what is a .REN file? [10:48] also, I heard about the new swanky graphical boot that was planned for hoary - is it in hoary yet? === MobyTurbo [~chai@64-48-59-11-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] i made a directory on the fat32 partition in ubuntu and then checked in windows to see if i coudl see it, and its there but so are two .REN files === isam [~isam@] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] is anyone here related to the website of Ubuntulinux.org ? [10:50] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/screenshots/ [10:50] there are Arabic screenshots in there .. 0% of it is Arabic :) [10:50] ;-)) [10:50] it seems that because of using improper fonts .. Arabic letters are not connected or shaped .. [10:50] seb128, thanks :-) (although my idea with installing the gnomevfs extension wasn't all that great *g* ) [10:51] anyone know anything about the graphical boot in hoary? [10:51] so, what is there is not actually Arabic .. but Arabic letters that are not connected .. so there is no one Arabic word in any screenshot [10:53] isam: maybe you should mail that to like the webmaster or something === da_bon_bon [~rohandhru@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD952757C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] Or even post a message to Ubuntu users or devel. === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] it'd be great if you could provide a link to better ubuntu screenshots with legible Arabic words, then. :) [10:58] true === mgotts [~mgotts@pD9FFB0E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === highvoltage [~jonathan@dumbledore.hbd.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] seems no one knows anything about hoary graphical boot [10:59] or even a better font to be used for arab letters [10:59] jono: try searching forums === BillyAnachronism [~warty@adsl-48-83.swiftdsl.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] hey [11:02] mistic_, crimsun , how could I reach the person responsible for screenshots ? [11:02] and idea [11:03] s/and/any [11:03] :) [11:04] http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=207&slide=18 [11:04] isn't this arabic ? [11:05] nfi [11:05] looks broken === alaa [~alaa@] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] Josip, it is Arabic letters that are not connected and not forming words [11:05] isam: maybe you could try one of the following: info@ubuntulinux.org or (think this might be better) webmaster@ubuntulinux.org [11:05] oh ;-) hoax :D [11:05] isam: good I was about to report the same thing [11:05] Hi, How can I chance the splash screen? [11:06] isam: or you could drop it in bugzilla :) [11:06] Josip, if a font from ttf-kacst, ttf-arabeyes (from sid) where used it will appear fine [11:06] Frossi, run gnome-login-manager [11:06] alaa, :) [11:06] Sorry- what splash screen? :) [11:07] isam: I almost laughed when I saw the screenshots on osdir === Buzzz [~anders@hd5e25192.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] alaa, I am not a fan of asdir screenshot fests :) but I couldn't help it when I saw a link in lxer.com [11:08] hmm.. how do I get sound from other gnome programs ( such as gaim ) than totem? === dobby__ [~dobby@fhbb242-213.fhbb.ch] has joined #ubuntu === stuNNed_ [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === sipstar [~sipstar@h133n1fls35o828.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] Buzzz: configure them to use esd [11:10] hey.. I'm having problems with the live cd.. === SteveA- [~steve@] has joined #ubuntu === carlos_ [~carlos@69.Red-80-33-181.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] for some reason with the default X session it will just stop opening programs [11:11] like.. === adnans [~adnans@noterik2.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] i click on stuff and the cd won't load them [11:11] but I can start another x sesssion on another terminal and its fine [11:11] crimsun, ok. but esd won't start since it uses /dev/dsp [11:11] jdub: got it working. these here bits are traveling over bluetooth/gprs [11:11] Buzzz: hmm? [11:12] Buzzz: do sounds work correctly in warty? [11:12] crimsun, no.. only in xmms and totem.. if I set them to use alsa.. [11:13] Buzzz: what sound chipset do you use? [11:13] crimsun, emu101k === alaa [~alaa@] has left #ubuntu ["I] [11:13] you shouldn't have any problems playing multiple sounds with a emu10k1-based chipset [11:14] crimsun, oki.. but I have :) [11:14] Buzzz: /j #alsa === onno [~onno@d54C2957B.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] I'm new to Ubuntu I come from Mandrake... [11:15] welcome :) [11:15] crimsun, ok.. but with alsa it works per application basis.. not with "gnome" [11:15] I got a problem: I need to develop websites... Ubuntu let me install apache and php, mysql but when I try to run a php website on the localhost [11:16] yeah. [11:16] Buzzz: what about when you tell everything to use esd by default? [11:16] you get a "save as" dialog from firefox :) [11:16] Then firefox only offers to download phtml === johane [~johan@h92n1c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] highvoltage, yes [11:16] what should I do??? === Xof [~mas01cr@] has joined #ubuntu === s-toned [~S-Toned@] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] I solved it, but forgot how... let me just check my configs [11:17] crimsun, esd wont start since there is no /dev/dsp [11:17] hello is it possible to mount a samba share with ubuntu?? [11:17] yet I think I installed the correct packedes [11:17] Buzzz: lsmod|grep snd_pcm_oss [11:17] crimsun, but /dev/dsp exists === mistic_ is now known as mistic [11:17] dobby__: Yes. === murtaza [~murtaza@] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] onno: which apache package have you installed? [11:18] hello everyone [11:18] Buzzz: also, what does `cat /proc/asound/cards' tell you your sound card is? [11:18] apache2, apache-php, php-mysql [11:18] etc... [11:18] lsmod looks fine.. [11:18] all the correct packets. in a2enmod php4 is stated so the apache php packet is there [11:19] Tomcat_: Do i have to install something special like samba smbfs load cifs or smbfs as modules? [11:19] By the way, UBUNTU is fast wow never seen GNU/Linux that fast! [11:19] onno: I think you need to install apache-mpm-prefork and not apache-mpm-threadpool. Can you verify that? [11:19] anyone here tried printing from a ubuntu box on a remote smb-shared printer? [11:19] a sec [11:19] crimsun, card 0 is usb audio and 1 is my live card.. [11:19] What USB audio is it? [11:19] That there is the problem. === kag1 [~keving@220.199-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] I got apache-mpm-prefork installed [11:20] it is my webcam.. (not working in linux) [11:20] Buzzz: so switch the order [11:20] onno: one way to test whether your PHP setup works is to use a test page like shown in: http://dan.drydog.com/apache2php.html === kag1 [~keving@220.199-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [11:20] crimsun, ok. how? by disconnection my cam? [11:20] Buzzz: echo "snd-emu10k1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules && echo "snd-usb-audio" | sudo tee -a /etc/modules [11:21] it's been three days i am trying this and I fail understand why i am unable to print [11:21] can anyone tell me how to get the cd operating correctly? [11:21] onno: Also, in case it still does not work, the required config file changes in apache are shown there. Verify if you have done these. [11:21] Do i have to install something special I installed samba smbfs load cifs or smbfs as modules? === ogra [~ogra@s217-115-139-139.colo.hosteurope.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] murtaza: have you followed the guides on the wiki, tldp.org, and google search returns? [11:21] crimsun: I wouldn't even add usb-audio to the /etc/modules file. I would only add snd-emu10k1 [11:22] siddharth, I'm not sure what youre saying... === ogra_ [~ogra@p508EBC96.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] shown where? [11:22] onno: can you see the following web page: http://dan.drydog.com/apache2php.html ? [11:22] Because there is no point having the usb module loaded if there are no USB devices ocnnected, even though there is at this moment. === s-toned [~S-Toned@] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:22] s/ocnnected/connected/ [11:22] onno: refer to points 11 and 15 in that link. === pybe [~pybe@] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] ok a sec [11:24] onno: only thing, this page is a little outdated and talks about the httpd.conf file. In case the test does not work, I can tell which files to modify. [11:24] crimsun, i've tried goole and found out that another person, having the same problem didn't get any answer on a mailing-list [11:24] siddharth, onno: thats wrong, you use the config files in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ in ubuntu... [11:24] crimsun, i am trying to use the GUI apps to do it here === sap [~setup@] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] onno, ogra: I know.... was coming to that. The config file mentioned is incorrect. If the test does not work, I'll tell which files to modify. === abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] crimsun, gnome-cups-manager that is [11:25] I can't follow? === mvo [~egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] ogra the php4 in mods-enabled is there [11:26] siddharth, the apache.conf is diffrent as that website === carambol [~Carambol@j243120.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] it's quite weird that it needs a driver for a remote smb-shared printer [11:26] onno: first create a small file called test.php Then in that copy the text given in point 15 of that link. [11:26] onno: siddharth is on the right way....just follow him further (i am too fast ;) ) === Buzzz [~anders@hd5e25192.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] onno: try to access the file test.php from the browser after that and see what happens. [11:27] crimsun, now the sounds works. thanks!!. but shouldn't it be possible to tell gnome to use card x instead of card 0? [11:28] onno: can you see the PHP test page if you access test.php or do you still see a "download file" box? [11:28] Buzzz: not presently === mantas [~mantas@] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] Hmmm, the file structure is changed... localhost is normaly in /var/www/html where is it now? [11:29] I already created a virtualhost for me [11:29] i cant install jre [11:29] crimsun, ok.. not by changing any config files manually either? [11:30] onno: /var/www/apache2-default [11:30] when give in the command cd jre-1_5_0_01_linux-i586.bin [11:30] i get message is no directory [11:30] ok php works [11:30] sorry that it took a while [11:30] Buzzz: possibly in /etc/esound/esd.conf [11:30] PHP works but my virutalhost not... [11:31] What should I do to make it also work... Its very diffrent compared with mandrake [11:31] onno: hmmm, I think someone else will need to step in for that. [11:31] I made a virtualhost conf in sites-enables [11:31] ogra: can you help with virtual host config? [11:32] my conf file is correct but something prob. must be done. you have two file dirs. sites-availble, sites-enabled [11:32] first one enters in availble? [11:33] can someone explain why new python2.4 package (in hoary) doesn't have tempfile module? [11:34] mantas: it appears it does [11:34] ogra in debian you got a2ensite for apache [11:34] in ubuntu this is there not yet... [11:34] mantas: at least here, `import tempfile' works fine. [11:34] ubuntu is blazingly fast!.... :) [11:34] crimsun, 20 minutes ago updated [11:34] and it doesn't [11:34] mantas: python2.4-minimal: /usr/lib/python2.4/tempfile.py [11:36] crimsun, thanks === Lego_Bitch [~email@] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] mantas: note: it's a good idea to use apt-listchanges [11:37] onno: i havent set up vhosting in apache2 yet, but i think its done in the sites-available/-enabled files.... === jolg [~jolg@h150n2fls32o868.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] mantas: 2.4-2ubuntu1's changelog for 'python2.4' has a note about README.Debian [11:38] mantas: so see /usr/share/doc/python2.4-minimal/README.Debian === Moof [moof@] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] hey [11:38] how stable is hoary? [11:38] Moof: if you have to ask, it's not stable enough. === SteveA- [~steve@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:40] onno: do you get any error in the apache error log? [11:41] havn't looked yet [11:41] a sec [11:41] crimsun, thanks [11:41] np [11:41] no not yet [11:42] crimsun, are you ubuntu developer? [11:42] mantas: no [11:42] crimsun: basically, I'm lookign to run a samba file server, and since I'm in a country other than america, I'd really rather nto have to fight warty over unicode filenames === xukun [~xukun@bh0027.uvt.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] mantas: but he is on his way ;) [11:42] ok [11:43] there are some problems in hoary, because default python compiler is 2.4 [11:43] ogra: the virtualhosts you are trying to create are IP addresses? [11:43] Moof: upgrading to hoary destruct my system [11:43] siddharth: normally not.... [11:44] Moof: just switch warty to utf8 [11:44] ihad to make a new fresh install [11:44] problems with xserver [11:44] no I don't get an repported error [11:44] I can download the phtml file of the virt host [11:44] carambol: thats why hoary is called unstable.....and evereybody warns you before upgrading here... [11:44] moin ogra :) === nakee [~nakee@barak013-104-61.dialin.huji.ac.il] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [11:44] crimsun: hi.... :) [11:45] onno: ah. forgot that :) [11:45] crimsun: i saw you go for the alsa stuff :) [11:45] and now i have problems install java and RealPl [11:45] jdub: how? [11:45] Moof: dpkg-reconfigure locales [11:45] hmmm [11:45] the first tthere was no probl with installing them,ogra [11:45] ogra: I might be jumping into hot water ;) [11:45] the irst time [11:45] onno: you tried test.php with the virtual host giving the problem? [11:45] actually, warty's installer is breaking and not detecting my cdrom drive [11:46] onno: could be a problem of the php script itself. [11:46] yes siddharth there it wants to download the file... [11:46] no not a php problem but apache config problem === Moof tries the live cd [11:46] crimsun: water i would like to jump in too ;), but more because i'm interested in all the softmodem and isdn things..... [11:46] ogra: ah :) === trey_ [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] must be something diffrent... phpinfo() works [11:47] phpmyadmin not [11:48] hi [11:48] siddharth, I'll check it first out === ldng [~ldng@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-136-103.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === oferw [oferw@TLV62-0-90-174.bb.netvision.net.il] has left #ubuntu [] === DagaZ [~urwhatuea@klover193.bitnet.nu] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] how do I work out what driver my DVD drive is using? === trey3 [~trey@ip68-230-75-109.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Quazion [~quazion@bsm-c-5628.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] siddharth, I think you right! === cprov [~cprov@] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] I think me folish man [11:56] onno: what happened? === MobyTurbo [~chai@64-48-59-24-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] hmmm [11:57] the live cd is using ide-cdrom to run my DVD drives, btu the installer can't seem to detect them === scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu === |QuaD- [~QuaD@beac872-0b01-dhcp182.bu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] still don't know, some how ubuntu is not happy with phpmyadmin [12:00] I'm looking for it... why [12:00] siddharth, do you know how to add something to the menu... I installed quanta but it isn't in any menu? === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] update-menus [12:02] carambol: umm... thats not there by default :/ [12:02] onno: not sure what you mean. Add something to the gnome-panel menu? [12:02] siddharth: yes... thats what he means... [12:02] also that, it is a bit awkward if you want to add an app to the panel [12:03] onno: hoary? menu editing is impossible right now enless you want to play with .desktop files :/ [12:03] onno: I had heard some time ago that menu editing was a work in progress. Not sure if Gnome 2.8 has full support. [12:04] trey3, thxs I don't got the time right now, I'll wait until april as hoary won't work on my laptop... [12:04] is anyone using VLC ? [12:04] siddharth: GNOME 2.8 its easy to edit menu... 2.9 has removed this option however... [12:04] i've intalled with apt-get, but where shall i place the plugins so vlc can load them ? [12:04] onno: for adding something to the panel just drag n drop from the menu should work......editing menu entrys on warty is done in the applications:// location in nautilus [12:05] I can't install warty [12:05] onno: to open this location, just type ctrl-L in a nautilus window..... [12:05] Moof, why ? [12:05] how i make an icon of thunderbird om the panel [12:05] ? [12:05] the installer won't detect the CD-ROM, despite havign booted off it [12:05] ogra: someone told you this yesturday, but let me reiterate... applications:/// doesn't exist in hoary. [12:06] trey3: onno obviusly just said he uses warty === ubuntu [~ubuntu@200216126024.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] trey3: and that someone was me btw.... [12:06] ok thxs [12:07] bah... my bad... [12:07] :) [12:07] hoary is going to be supurb??? [12:07] I stoped reading @ "dont' have the time" :/ [12:07] when hoary shall realese ? [12:07] onno sure ;) [12:07] Josip: when its done... [12:07] Josip: march for preview, april for final. [12:08] trey3: no -> ON TIME. [12:08] can't waitt :)0 === no0tic [~no0tic@host97-140.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule === bwb [~nate@ip68-5-253-106.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] jdub: bah... plus when there are no RC bugs I would hope :P [12:08] ehlooooooooooooo [12:08] jdub: which is what I meant by "When its done" :) [12:08] drunk [12:09] kbkh [12:09] h3h [12:09] trey3: it will be "...in timme" not "...when its done" ... this is _not_ debian ;) [12:09] -m [12:09] hmmm [12:09] anyone willing to help me debug this problem? [12:09] yes [12:09] 1 [12:10] ogra: bah... debian takes too long.. but there is nothing wrong with making sure the software isn't buggy :/ [12:10] buggy software doesn't look good to users... [12:10] trey3: i didnt talk about bugs ;) [12:10] ogra: I did... "when its done" = "when there are no RC bugs left"... [12:10] trey3: and i trust jdub, he has proven it often enough with gnome that its possible to release in time without bugs [12:11] Well anyway I think also its a great community... [12:11] ogra: GNOME 2.8 was released with ~360 bugs... [12:11] trey3: ...and it obviously worked for warty already :P [12:11] trey3: the release schedule is structured such that major bugs at release are unlikely [12:11] trey3: which of these were RC ? === maverickit [~ciccio@host220-11.pool82106.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === maverickit [~ciccio@host220-11.pool82106.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu [] [12:12] trey3: gnome 2.8 was released with possibly thousands of bugs - some found, some not. few of them were very serious. [12:12] jdub: :) just commenting... [12:13] anywone here any good at debugging installer problems? [12:13] jdub: GNOME has always been pretty good at being usable even throughout developer editions :) [12:13] Moof: if you would just go on and describe the problem a bit more detailled, we could decide if we can help you ;) [12:14] ogra: I did a while back. here we go again [12:14] The installer cannot detect either of my DVD drives, and thus the installation CD, despite havign booted off it [12:14] it appears ide-generic isn't modprobing properly [12:14] Moof: SATA system ? [12:14] jdub: ps... while you're around... how come changing to "roll up" as default action for double clicking title bar requires logging out to take effect? [12:15] ogra: I think so, yes [12:15] jdub: the titlebar already has a maximize button, so I always change that... kinda annoying that I must log out :( [12:15] Moof: hmm, ive see this before...but got no solution from the top of my head.... [12:15] trey3: it shouldn't. [12:15] jdub: I know it shouldn't... but since warty its been like that :( [12:16] trey3: you dont need to log out after the change....(at least not on any of my machines) [12:16] ogra: I've had to through about 10 installs... [12:17] trey3: i didnt.....(got 3 hoarys (1 ppc) at home and 3 wartys on my laptops) [12:17] ogra: thats strange :/ === tokemaster [~asf@] has joined #ubuntu === ingful [~knoppix@A6b56.a.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] trey3: on none of these i have to relogin for this change.... [12:18] hi there =) [12:18] ogra: must just be this box then? :/ [12:18] ingful: hey [12:18] i've still installed Ubuntu 4.10 but i have some litte problems =( [12:19] hi trey3 :) [12:19] is there a posibility to auto-mount my partitions (windows-partitions) [12:20] ingful: yes... man fstab [12:20] oh .. okay .. thanx ... [12:20] ingful: (only making you read cuz its complicated to explain) [12:21] i hate this thing with sudo ... why is there no real Root anymore ? [12:21] Moof: doesnt look too well...:https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1750 and https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1440 [12:21] ingful: you can enable root if you really want to, but using sudo is so much tidier. [12:21] Moof: the second one looks suspicious.... [12:21] thanx jdub === goedson [~goedson@200216126024.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] ingful: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RootSudo ;) === MobyTurbo [~chai@64-48-59-24-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] ingful: also note that all prefs etc use gksudo... so they would need to be changed also... === wasabi [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] how can i mount my partitions ? i hate to write "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt" and i cant copy files by using the filebrowser that pops up === luisin [~luisin@] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] ingful: NTFS is read only... [12:23] they are fat32 [12:24] =) [12:24] -t vfat :) [12:24] sorry ... [12:24] had forgotten that to post [12:24] ingful: add a line to fstab.....to be able to mount it as a user, add the mount option "users" to the /dev/hdb1 line in this file [12:24] to write in my posting here ... whatever [12:24] ah .. okay === luisin [~luisin@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [12:24] thanx ogra [12:25] ingful: read in the manpage trey3 gave you how to do it ;) [12:25] and how can i make the search-command searching recursive ? [12:25] kinda sucks that mountpoints don't show up in the "Computer" place in Nautilus [12:25] that sucks really sulkd [12:26] sulkd: hmm, for me they do (if i'm allowed to mount them) [12:26] hm... [12:26] ogra: oh? did you have to tinker? [12:26] sulkd: what means if the fstab line contaiins the "user" or "users" option [12:27] does gnome-ppp exist for ubuntu or do i have to use wvdial to go online with dialup ? [12:27] ogra: looks interesting, yes === Moof tries that [12:27] ingful: see for yourself... apt-cache show gnome-pp [12:27] ogra: from fstab.5: ``user'' (allow a user to mount) [12:27] ingful: see for yourself... apt-cache show gnome-ppp [12:28] ogra, by default mounts are a root privilege [12:28] if it's removeable media [12:28] use 'pmount [12:28] 'pmount' [12:28] sulkd: yep... [12:28] trey3: i'm not online with ubuntu ... still using kanotix [12:28] ingful: apt-cache is useful... especially the search and show options :) [12:28] ingful: oh... ok... well, yes... its there :) [12:29] hm.. [12:29] sulkd: but if you add a line for a windows partition you have to do it by hand anyway, so adding the user option is easy while doing it.... [12:29] trey3: thanx === ctr [~chris@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] ingful: you will need to enable universe to install it though... [12:29] ogra: I already have one.. but I'm thinking I might have the mountpoint in the wrong location or something, having it at /mnt/windows [12:31] universe ? :D our universe or is that kinda software i dont heard before === trey3 ponders inviting himself to gmail so he can play with 'gmailfs' 8) [12:31] ogra: the workaround works [12:31] ingful: universe is a section of the ubuntu repository containing free software that isn't supported [12:31] sulkd: if /mnt/windows exists this should be ok ... [12:31] Moof: yay [12:31] ok [12:32] erhm ....... why cant the search-command of gnome search recursive ? [12:32] ingful: it can [12:32] or i there an option [12:32] ? [12:32] Look in folder "Filesystem" not "Home" [12:33] i looked i "/" [12:33] i = in [12:33] It should have searched recursively :/ [12:33] I guess I just found a change in 2.9 though 8) === tranceConscious [user@] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] ogra: it does.. and it's mounted.. but I don't see it under the Computer place as a volume.. === tranceConscious [user@] has left #ubuntu [] === izmaelis [~izmaelis@82-135-185-107.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] hi there [12:34] when going through installing Gentoo by Gentoo Handbook I did genkernel --clean --mrproper --install all, after I boot to new kernel I can't see my system booting (although it does boot). Text message that appear during bootup are "smashed" and penguin logo is "smashed" in upper left corner too. [12:34] ingful: if you use / as search option the search is done with locate (which is totally independent from the filesys) === izmaelis [~izmaelis@82-135-185-107.ip.takas.lt] has left #ubuntu [] === Lego_Bitch [~email@adsl-b5-228-30.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] ingful: if you use any other path to search, the search is done with find....which uses the filesystem and does the search recursive [12:35] where do i find the fstab-config-file if my search fails ?! =) [12:35] ingful: /etc/fstab [12:35] oh [12:35] ok .. thanx [12:35] sulkd: does it have the users option ? [12:36] ogra: yep the "user" one [12:36] thanx flies to trey3 and ogra and all others that helped me ...... i'm trying what i learned now [12:36] might be a hoary thing [12:36] izmaelis: wrong channel, try #gentoo ;) [12:37] sulkd: hmm, so it should show up there...show the line from fstab for the drive...is it ntfs or vfat ? [12:37] ntfs [12:37] bye [12:38] ingful: later [12:38] /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows ntfs defaults,auto,user,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 [12:38] sulkd: then it also needs the ro option and a umask [12:38] sulkd: and you should remove the defaults there [12:38] ro is default for ntfs [12:38] sulkd: i know... [12:39] well.. options are applied left to right so the defaults should just initialize and the others override [12:39] sulkd: first remove the defaults.....add a umask option....and add ro [12:39] I don't need a umask option.. umask is the mode mask for file creation.. ntfs is readonly === scoon [~scoon@dsl092-234-243.phl1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] sulkd: tell you what... if you want help, do what he says... if it doesn't work, come back and bitch... [12:40] Arguing with people trying to help is annoying [12:40] trey3, heh? [12:40] trey3, calm down kiddo, noone's arguing about anything [12:41] sulkd: the umask option also applies if you copy files _from_ the partition..... [12:41] ogra: well it might but I still don't see how that inhibits hal from recognizing my mountpoint [12:42] sulkd: probably because ahl has nothing to do with it ;) [12:42] hal even === bz [~bizkit@218-168-170-1.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu === annablume [ANNA@sigma.p1.a23.dialpool.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] ogra, oh :P [12:46] ogra, it does keep an eye out for fstab with dnotify though [12:46] sulkd: depends.....at least with fam/gamin (depends if you run warty/hoary) === siddharth [~siddharth@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] ogra: lshal reveals it does keeps tabs on mountpoints for block devices... so if hal was created as a common denominator for KDE/Gnome device access, it beats me why it wouldn't be used for the Computer place aswell === bz [~bizkit@218-168-170-1.dynamic.hinet.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:48] sulkd: i didnt write nautilus......but i know it works if i switch off hal.....i think it will be hal based in the future though === OZ8AAZ [~OZ8AAZ@port323.ds1-brh.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === ArCHoNKoG [~archon@ool-182d58fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] seems so.. my nautilus atleast doesn't seem to be linked to libdbus-1 === mlh [~mlh@c211-30-62-11.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === bwb [~nate@ip68-5-253-106.oc.oc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] === beyond [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === fistroman [~mario@75.Red-80-36-154.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === jjones [~jmjones@adsl-223-79-46.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === stub [~stub@dsl-] has joined #ubuntu === Lnx|Lapp [~Thomas@] has joined #ubuntu === Ran [~sbassi@] has joined #ubuntu === beyond [~beyond@200-206-134-238.async.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === mario [~mario@] has joined #ubuntu === Mirno [~mirspcm@] has joined #ubuntu === ingful [~knoppix@A6b4c.a.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] me again ^_^ === Lego_Bitch [~email@adsl-b5-228-30.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] trey3: ? [01:08] still there ? [01:08] is there any cdrecording app as defualt in ubuntu or do i just use apt? [01:08] the line for hdb1 loosk now like this: [01:09] "/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 vfat rw,user,auto 0 1" [01:09] pybe: for simple data stuff, you can use nautilus [01:09] how do I start in single user mode? [01:09] but it does this stupid things [01:09] jdub: can you use naut for iso? [01:09] x_x [01:10] pybe: to burn an iso to a cd? sure, right click on the iso. [01:10] jdub: k will try tks [01:10] anyone can help me ? [01:10] btw, just installed ubuntu this morning. V tidy, i like it very much [01:11] whats laptop support like for things like suspend? [01:11] the line for hdb1 (fat32, read & write)"/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 vfat rw,user,auto 0 1" [01:11] is that correct ? [01:11] pybe: will be better in the next release :) [01:11] jdub: whats the rel sched for ubuntu? [01:12] ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule [01:12] why is nobody listening to me ? [01:12] tks [01:12] :'-( [01:13] ingful: i used to use on fedora /dev/blah /nmt/blah vfat user,auto,umask=002,gid=mount 0 0 [01:13] ingful: then add the user to group mount and all was hunkydory [01:13] thanx === ldng_ [~ldng@lns-vlq-39f-81-56-136-103.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === beezly [~beezly@2001:630:63:16:20e:2eff:fe27:ea88] has joined #ubuntu === kent [~kent@c83-249-61-200.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] Does anyone know if Ubuntu Warty will include the kernel sources for 2.6.9, or will they be included when Hoary gets released? [01:16] (got a problem with, and don't feel like downgrading to 2.6.7) [01:16] fistroman: they'll be in hoary. warty only gets security and serious bug fixes. [01:16] Is it a known bug that xorg in Hoary does not play well with nvidias drivers thats inside restricted? My mouse does not work with that driver. [01:16] jdub: im using 4.1 (came on a magazine) is this warty? what version is hoary? [01:17] jdub, Ok, thank you... Hoary is due to be released about march, isn't it? [01:17] pybe: 4.10 is warty, hoary is the development branch at the moment, version 5.04 [01:17] fistroman: preview in march, final in april [01:17] jdub: will it be a cd upgd or will apt do it as well? [01:18] either or both :-) [01:18] nice === TeringTuby3 [~maarten@] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] jdub, thanks again, sorry for the inconvenience [01:20] glad to find another friendly nix community [01:20] fc was getting a bit too unstable [01:20] how can i print postscript directly to my printer via tcp/ip? someone showed me in KDE however i can't find that option in ubuntu/gnome add printer dialog [01:21] just sending it raw in postscript i think === neofeed [~neo@p5485BA51.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === barlas [~barlas@barlas.user] has joined #ubuntu === ^kayser^ [~kayser@cm56018.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu === palmer9 [~shinto@user-12hdq38.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === tranceConscious [user@] has joined #ubuntu === tranceConscious [user@] has left #ubuntu [] === Lnx|Lapp [~Thomas@] has joined #ubuntu === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu === Gaaruto is now known as G2 === G2 is now known as Gaaruto2 === Qo-noS [~Maddog@bb220-255-115-5.singnet.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] how do i activate so that ppl can fxp to me in ubuntu with regular ftpd ? === mgotts [~mgotts@pD9FFB0E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === sleon|lap [~sleon@pD901820C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === sleon|lap [~sleon@pD901820C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === trask [~trask@] has joined #ubuntu === L|nu}{_ [~linux@ti112210a080-2347.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === Quazion [~quazion@bsm-c-5628.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === xevil [mageerc@host-216-77-194-222.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === xevil [mageerc@host-216-77-194-222.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === Johji [~Johji@ppp-62-245-208-248.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu === opi [~emil@] has joined #ubuntu === SteveA [~steve@adsl-213-190-44-43.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu === mantas [~mantas@] has joined #ubuntu === zerok [~zerok@zerok.support.phpbb] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] re ;-) === Cred__ [teemumat@hylsy.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Lnx|Lapp [~Thomas@] has joined #ubuntu === Gaaruto2 is now known as Gaaruto [01:58] question, last night i setup a dualboot windows/ubuntu (with the help of a bunch of friendly people of this chan). i moved around the partitions and now i get an error while booting saying i need ot change 'fsck' manually [01:59] if i hit Ctrl+D out of console ubuntu boots as normal [01:59] anyone know how to get rid of this error [01:59] method55: do as it saus :) === L|nu}{^ [~linux@ti112210a080-1367.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] run fsck /dev/ [02:00] s/harddrive/partition/ [02:00] s/saus/says/ === Johji [~Johji@ppp-62-245-208-248.mnet-online.de] has left #ubuntu [] === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] ? when i do 'sudo fsck /dev/hda5' it spurts out: unfinished long file name 'msica301.tmp; 1. del LFN, 2. Leave as is. 3 fix numbering === TeringTuby3 [~maarten@] has left #ubuntu [] === palmer9 [~shinto@user-12hdq38.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] === labbe [~labbe@062016184184.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] Good morning [02:04] many people here... [02:04] s/harddrive/partition/ [02:05] s/saus/says/ ? [02:06] method55: if it's not a critical file, I would try to fix numbering === opi [~emil@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:07] method55: it's regexp for switch harddrive=>partition, it's just me typing wrong === palmer9 [~shinto@user-12hdq38.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === cprov [~cprov@] has left #ubuntu [] === abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu === d3vic3 hits method55 with a 55lb unix manual === rcaskey [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu === palmer9 [~shinto@user-12hdq38.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] === no0tic [~no0tic@host97-140.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === pepsi is now known as pepsi_hw [02:19] well, Ubuntu has been pretty good to me recently. Last night my parents got in their web server, a $350 machine from Dell. My 16 year old sister installed Ubuntu, got ssh open, configured the static ip, and all was well. [02:19] had to talk her through adding it to /etc/network/interfaces though because the video must be b0rk [02:20] rcaskey: amazing. === bend [~bend@] has joined #ubuntu === bend [~bend@] has left #ubuntu [] === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] === ben_d [~ben_d@] has joined #ubuntu === bwb [~nate@ip68-5-253-106.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === no0tic [~no0tic@host97-140.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === kezz [~blah@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu === pavkonti [~pavkonti@] has joined #ubuntu === thomas_ [~thomas@lns-vlq-44-poi-82-252-133-113.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === ZzeCoOl [~zzecool@thes730a-1488.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === Lnx|Lapp [~Thomas@] has joined #ubuntu === natea [~natea@h000f66a887c6.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] is there anyone that can help me with the ATi installation...i allready read the wiki one week ago install it the way wiki says works fine ...but today i just upgade my driver over synaptic noe i dont have 3d accel === krischan [~krischan@p3E9E579C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] when i type fglrxinfo this is my output : display: :0.0 screen: 0 [02:54] OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org [02:54] OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect [02:54] OpenGL version string: 1.3 Mesa 4.0.4 [02:54] what is going wrong? === stvn hmz at evolution in hoary [02:55] Anyone know where to get beta nvidia drivers? [02:58] jmhodges, apt-get install nvidia-glx [02:58] that will install glx and the nvidia drivers [02:58] ArCHoNKoG: -beta- === peglags [~peglags@pD9FF779F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:59] jmob, you want the beta drivers ? [02:59] jmob, from nvidias homepage then? [02:59] Yes! [02:59] kent: I can't find them! === ctr [~chris@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] kent: maybe they don't exist for Linux [03:00] jmob, why you want the beta drivers ? [03:00] ArCHoNKoG: because the currect nvidia drivers do not support all the features of my card. [03:01] ArCHoNKoG: I cannot play Doom3 for exmaple [03:01] what card you got [03:01] 6800 [03:01] i have the same thing [03:02] i can play cs and doom3 [03:02] fine [03:02] ArCHoNKoG: really, maybe I'm mistaken [03:02] cs doom? [03:02] cedega? [03:02] ArCHoNKoG: last time I tried Doom3 wouldn't launch [03:02] on cedega ? [03:02] ArCHoNKoG: But I was using Debian Sid 64 last time, now I'm using ubuntu [03:03] perhaps things will be different [03:03] am useing ubuntu hoary and it works fine [03:03] it may not work with xorg it worked for me on xfree [03:03] don't know why [03:04] still trying to find out why [03:04] afk === BeTa_ [~beta@beta.loc.e-glop.net] has joined #ubuntu === Nominus [~hanzo@2001:c20:ffff:2b:0:0:0:1541] has joined #ubuntu === seb128_ [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-45-42.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === egli [~egli@gate.wyona.com] has joined #ubuntu === HetIsLarsje [~HetIsLars@a82-92-34-17.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === IcE-bOy [~javi@82.red-213-37-33.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu === IcE-bOy [~javi@82.red-213-37-33.user.auna.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === bkuebler [~bkuebler@pcp01376417pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === IcE-bOy [~javi@82.red-213-37-33.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] hi === wood1 [~bill@] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] in what gnome package can i find the "terminal server" that comes by default with ubuntu ? [03:10] Hi to all [03:10] How are all of you ? [03:11] hi [03:11] :> [03:11] IcE-bOy: apt-cache search gnome terminal [03:14] whats the story on the libavcodec in hoary? [03:14] is it available? === Keyb [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] Amaranth, are you in there ? [03:16] this one little fucking liblame0 shit in hoary is so damn frustrating [03:16] and the package manager seems to be dead [03:16] libmp3lame0 more specifically [03:17] Why do so many people use hoary when warty seems to have so much more stability? [03:17] IcE-bOy, you mean vino, the desktop sharing utility? === Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] mjr, yes [03:18] vino is the name ? === sangee [~sangeetha@] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] How do I play MP3s and videos over the Network ? [03:18] thanks [03:19] wood1, either with gxine or mplayerplug-in, the latter in marillat's repos === sangee [~sangeetha@] has left #ubuntu [] === sangee [~sangeetha@] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] how come ffmpeg gives me a weird error? [03:22] Unable for find a suitable output format for 'dvd' === sangee [~sangeetha@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:23] because ffmpeg is still in early development/unstable? [03:26] dud: go back to warty === leonel [~leonel@] has joined #ubuntu === jetsaredim [~jared@cpe-66-189-76-218.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] stuNNed, how do I add the marillat repos in my sources.list === pe7er [~losof@pD95EBE1C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === jetsaredim [~jared@cpe-66-189-76-218.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] question [03:29] "ATI vs nVidia flamewars are offtopic." lol :) [03:29] wood1, um there is info on wiki about it and you need to apt-key add marillat's key or something, unless you use synaptic, then you can just ignore the gpg error. [03:29] i'm not familiar with debian, but where do i set the dhcpcd options for an interface [03:30] jetsaredim, dhclient interface should just do it, like dhclient eth0 or dhclient ath0 [03:30] jetsaredim, in the desktop choose System->System Settings -> network. [03:31] well - that just sets an interface to get a dhcp address [03:31] jetsaredim, then what mr kent says :) [03:31] but i want to set dhcpcd options such that it doesn't overwrite resolv.conf === Vaportrail [~bernd@port-212-202-42-35.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] jetsaredim: man interfaces [03:32] jetsaredim: /etc/network/interfaces [03:33] ahhh - thanks [03:33] man interfaces seems to be correct [03:33] :) === NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-54-64.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] stuNNed, so you have to install apt-key itself ? [03:35] I don't understand ? === telemaco [~telemaco@117.Red-83-35-86.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === stone_ [~stone@] has joined #ubuntu === stone_ is now known as StoneTable === TheSnowMan [~kjetiltro@87.80-202-79.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] jmob - actually i don't find the information in man interfaces [03:37] Will gxine play MP3s over a Windows Network ? [03:38] why not [03:38] just mount the mp3-directory with samba === moyogo [~moyogo@Toronto-HSE-ppp3718050.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu === zooko [~zooko@] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] greetings, people of Ubuntu! [03:40] are there torrents for Warty Warthog ISOs? === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1rr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] er. yes. [03:41] I *could* just use FTP, but that is so 20th century. [03:41] my ubuntu locked up.... how can i find out what's wrong? [03:41] Also last time I d/l'ed warty the BT d/l was much faster than the FTP. [03:42] bassinboy: can you ssh into it from another computer? [03:42] lock-ups are often due to the X server, and the underlying system apart from the X server is still working. [03:42] Where is a .torrent file for Warty? [03:42] I've looked at http://www.ubuntulinux.com/download/ [03:42] zooko: good idea, but i just restarted it [03:42] I've also googled. [03:43] bassinboy: okay, look in your system log files. [03:43] I think the main one to inspect is /var/log/syslog [03:43] zooko: what to look for? [03:44] the most recent stuff in your syslog will be things written during the boot-up. [03:44] look immediately before that reboot. [03:44] typically there will either be nothing unusual, or else noticeable warnings about things going wrong. [03:44] You might also look in the X server log. That's, um, I forget. [03:44] /var/log/X-something? [03:44] or very intresting error messages [03:45] zooko: theres nothing before the last boot up [03:45] lockups are almost certainly due to one of the following: (a) X server locked up, (b) hardware problem e.g. power brownout, defective motherboard, lightning strike, (c) user is confused e.g. everything was working except that your mouse came unplugged or something. [03:46] like the one I ot on every boot with debian, "usb-audio: No idea what's going on... Contact usb-devel@lists.sourceforge.net" :D [03:46] bassinboy: okay, this doesn't really tell us anything. The problem could still be one of the three I mentioned. === animal_ [~animal_@] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] what gxine plugin do i need to read an encrypted dvd? [03:47] zooko: right, but the first entry in system log is from a few minutes ago [03:48] how come this prelinger mpeg2 movie is viewable in xine, but not mplayer? [03:48] bassinboy: oh, so the log got rotated just now? Look for /var/log/syslog.0 or some such file. [03:49] Oh well, I guess I'll initiate download of warty via FTP now. === x66221_ [~chatzilla@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] i just noticed X loaded dri, i thought dri wasn't suppose to be loaded with nvidia? [03:49] Oh! Doh! The .torrent files are in the FTP dir. Cool. [03:49] bassinboy: I don't know about that. You could try disabling DRI. === lamont_r [~lamont@mesaradio41.customer.frii.net] has joined #ubuntu === jul-le [~julle@MKCMVIII.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:50] Can one install warty using the Live CD? [03:50] bassinboy: disable dri and glcore [03:50] bassinboy: they'll actually slow some things -way- down [03:50] bassinboy: it's in the nvidia driver documentation [03:51] jmob: yeah, thats what i thought... but never had to edit my XF config for anything else so i figured dri wasn't in there === x66221_ [~x66221@CPE-69-76-142-213.kc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] (WW) The directory "/usr/lib/X11/fonts/CID" does not exist. [03:55] looking at the old X log, the last thing is Could not init font path element unix/:7100, removing from list! [03:55] that's not the problem === mgotts [~mgotts@p54854E53.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] (II) Loading /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libspeedo.a [03:56] Skipping "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/fonts/libspeedo.a:spencode.o": No symbols found [03:56] could anyone help with this please http://pastebin.ca/3728 === BenL [~ben@dsl-217-155-92-105.zen.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [03:57] (WW) Warning, couldn't open module GLcore [03:57] heh [03:58] brb X restart === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1rr.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:00] Does the Ubuntu Update Manager check for updates in the background or do i have to start it everytime i want to check for updates? if it would load like the Redhat up2date-thing it would be cool :) (using Hoary) [04:01] ciao, does anyone knows where the default gnome-icon's size is stored? === prox2far [Prox2far@fw.iot.dk] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] i mean.. what if id want to have smaller icons by default? === TheIconoclast [~goose@207-250-93-99.gen.twtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@] has joined #ubuntu === izmaelis [~izmaelis@82-135-185-107.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu === AvalanChe [~feonar@] has joined #ubuntu === bassinboy [~jared@user-0cet1rr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === help_please [~tabish@] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] kent, you mean apt-get/synaptic? [04:04] hi [04:04] is may sound weird... but it seems that glxgears runs better on gnome than xfce4 [04:04] how do i play mp3 on Unbuntu ? [04:04] you have to run that manually, or as a crontab [04:04] help_please: open xmms === beyond is now known as beyond-bbc [04:04] where is xmms ? [04:05] help_please: look in synaptic [04:05] help_please: this is a FAQ. Look for restricted formats in the ubuntu wiki [04:05] help_please, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-09-16.3469703387/view?searchterm=mp3 [04:05] anyone use xorg? [04:05] ok let me see this link [04:06] dont suppose anyone have a good idea about http://pastebin.ca/3729 ? === _mage_ [~mage@d503-ps9-mel.alphalink.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === dud is now known as the--dud === thisfred [~thisfred@a80-127-80-154.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] I have a question, I have never touched any Linux stuff at all. Is Ubuntu good to start with? [04:09] yeah you should be fine [04:10] I don't get it [04:10] as long as you have a free partition to use [04:10] how can I run mp3 on my Ubuntu [04:10] what is repository [04:10] the rest is pretty straightforward [04:10] what things will I have to install ? [04:10] help_please, rhythmbox is installed by default [04:10] ok thanks... Is there anything special/hard I have to do before installing? [04:10] partitioning etc.. [04:10] AvalanChe, you should prepare yourself for reading manuals :-) [04:10] from where can I load rhythembox ? [04:10] AvalanChe, you'll need to take some space off windows and reserve it for linux [04:11] partitionmagic will handle that [04:11] help_please, applications -> sound & video -> music player [04:11] hehe [04:11] okei [04:11] but it says Error opening mp3 [04:12] says "no plugin installed to open mp3 [04:12] ah are the libs installed? [04:13] try opening an ogg [04:13] help_please: see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/RestrictedFormats for detailed instructions [04:13] ok let me check === loco72 [loco72@200-122-19-222.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] Hola [04:15] necesito ayuda, alguien habla espaol? [04:15] loco72, #ubuntu-es [04:15] thanks [04:16] ok thanks for the help people === help_please [~tabish@] has left #ubuntu [] === mon [~mon@co149259-a.almel1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ctr [~ctr@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === trey3 wonders why wiki/RestrictedFormats recommends -lame and not -mad for mp3's? [04:20] hi i'm trying to do a chroot with sudo, however this is not allowed? [04:20] whats the diff? === ninehrcoma [~ninehrcom@bukake.caro.net] has joined #ubuntu === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] /msg NickServ IDENTIFY joker23 [04:21] hasn't mad some problems with id3v2 tags? [04:21] er === ctr notes that ninehrcoma probably didn't want to do that [04:21] ninehrcoma, should we say "thank you"? ;-) [04:22] lol [04:22] *goes to change it* [04:22] lol [04:22] heh === ninehrcoma [~ninehrcom@bukake.caro.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] zerok: I haven't seen any :/ [04:23] that was fun [04:23] zerok: then I mainly listen to pls playlists... maybe the probs are with something else? === ninehrcoma [~ninehrcom@bukake.caro.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] trey3, i don't know any details but i think there are some bugs or not supported stuff in/about the id3 handling in mad === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ninehrcoma [~ninehrcom@bukake.caro.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] hello ppl [04:25] need help with connexant accessruner [04:25] there is a how to??? === thx1138 [~bdusauso@141-186.240.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu === ninehrcoma [~ninehrcom@bukake.caro.net] has joined #ubuntu === ninehrcoma [~ninehrcom@bukake.caro.net] has joined #ubuntu === kagou [~kagou@] has joined #ubuntu === cprov [~cprov@] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] is it "safe" to pull mono from universe? === quazion_ [~quazion@bsm-c-5628.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ninehrcoma [~ninehrcom@bukake.caro.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === nkm [~nkm@pc-30-229-247.las-condes1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu === kagou [~kagou@] has joined #ubuntu === hezekiah [~hcarty@] has joined #ubuntu === prox2far [Prox2far@fw.iot.dk] has joined #ubuntu === thomas_ [~thomas@lns-vlq-44-poi-82-252-133-113.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === mantas [~mantas@] has joined #ubuntu === thomas_ [~thomas@lns-vlq-44-poi-82-252-133-113.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === thomas_ [~thomas@lns-vlq-44-poi-82-252-133-113.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] hi i'm trying to do a chroot with sudo, however this is not allowed? [04:42] Buzzz: i did it, nothing broke so far :) [04:42] make a su and then a chroot :P [04:43] mon, ok.. but wouldnt that mess up all dependencies? [04:43] nkm: that's what i figured: chroot: /bin/bash: Permission denied === melter|work [~Melter@dyn224.iacc-tm4.ndsu.NoDak.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] Buzzz: you mean ubuntu's? wouldn't see why === AvalanChe [~feonar@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:44] mon, ok. but isnt there a risk of getting both ubuntu and debian packages of the same lib? [04:45] mon, like libc6-sarge and libcubuntu. === copulatin [~no@pcp03284147pcs.aubrnh01.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] i'm new to this but can someone tell me what the username and password is for the live cd [04:48] i can't find it anywhere [04:48] Buzzz: did you upgrade from debian ? [04:48] mon, no did a fresh install from cd [04:48] no i got the ubuntu live cd in the mail and i just want to try it but it's prompting me for a password === mataro_2005 [~warty@] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] and you never added debian's repositories ? === tolle [~tolle@h81172194136.kund.kommunicera.umea.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] i have woody repositories, and i have not problems with that [04:50] mon, no.. i havent done that yet.. dont want to ruin my install.. === prox2far [Prox2far@fw.iot.dk] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] hello everybody [04:50] and the ubuntu too [04:50] are there any install aplication in the gnoppix warty? === KreacH [~biezt@g81073.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === illek [~mike@ip68-13-238-168.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] Buzzz: if you haven't i don't see a problem, when you do, i don't know what'll happen. if you stick to ubuntu's (even universe) things should be all right. they have been tested [04:52] m2005: gnoppix is a live version you can't install anything with it instead download a decent ubuntu image and run ubuntu like a real os [04:52] mon, ok.. well mono and wine would be nice.. so I may give it a try.. [04:53] Buzzz: sure do :) [04:53] prox2far, thanks, which image do you recomend? [04:53] mataro_2005: you want to install programs using the livecd? [04:53] m2005: what cpu do you have [04:53] i have a pentium IV on a sony vaio laptop [04:54] mon: no, I wan to install the distribution to the hd [04:54] mataro_2005: you want to use the install cd then :) [04:54] mataro_2005: not the one that boots in the graphical environment [04:54] i just want to try the live cd but can't find the default username or password for it anywhere [04:55] (if i get you right) [04:55] copulatin: what do you mean password? [04:55] m2005: use the standard 386 install cd from http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ === KreacH luvs pr0n [04:55] ok, a lot of thanks [04:56] KreacH: you'll want to install pornviewer then [04:56] when i launch the live cd [04:56] compulatin:live versions don't have username or password if promted write whatever you want [04:56] it prompts me for a username and password [04:56] copulatin: then it doesn't need a password? [04:56] i've tried [04:56] no password [04:56] in textmode? === mataro_2005 [~warty@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:56] yeah it boots in text mode [04:56] prompts me for the user name and password [04:57] no error message ? [04:57] i thought having one on a livecd was a little odd [04:57] rejects whatever passwords i try [04:57] before you get to that === Moof has mounted a fileserver over smbfs and copied files over to this machine. The filenames were in UCS-2 on the original server, but on my machine they appear to be in some silly encoding that I can't work out. How do I work out what encoding the filenames were written in? [04:57] why would the cd boot to textmode [04:57] i don't see any error messages [04:57] i have no idea why it does i thought maybe i was missing something [04:58] copulatin: weird videocard perhaps? [04:58] and you sure you got the right cd? [04:58] sadly mono got broken dependencies :( [04:58] yeah it's the right cd === thomas_ is now known as samoth [04:58] says live right on it === samoth is now known as samoth80 [04:59] Buzzz: hm don't ask me how but it just installed fine here. what dependencies? [04:59] oh well i have like 4 other copies [04:59] i guess i'll try one of those [04:59] copulatin: that you ordered, right? [04:59] mon: yeah that i ordered...i got 5 in the mail [04:59] perhaps you could md5sum the cd, but i doubt thats the problem [04:59] mon, mono-jit (=1.0.4-1) [05:00] mon: is there any known problems with vmware and the livecd? === tvon|x31 is now known as tvon [05:01] Buzzz: hmm installed fine here too, can i see your sources.list? (in private would be best) [05:02] copulatin: you dont use the livecd with vmware, you reboot your pc with that cd in drive. doesn't touch your hardware [05:02] ehr, harddrive [05:02] mon: i know i was just testing it in vmware, i've never had a problem with other livecds running in it [05:02] but why would you run a livecd in vmware? [05:02] just to see if it works? [05:02] mon: yep [05:03] aaaaha.... :) [05:03] mon: that and i'm at work so i need windows up [05:03] copulatin: shouldn't you be working then? [05:03] use the livecd, or install ubuntu at home :) [05:03] mon: i am working i'm trying to find a good livecd to use internally to run an ica client thorugh it === jetsaredim [~jared@cpe-66-189-76-218.ma.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:04] how can i find my ip on my LAN for this computer (for windows its ipconfig) [05:04] deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary main restricted universe [05:04] deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted [05:04] deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hoary-security main restricted [05:04] deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main [05:04] ifconfig [05:04] mon: we have crappy computers here that need to connect to citrix so we are trying to find a good distro to use [05:04] method55: if you have a dhcpserver running, use ifconfig [05:05] router count? === thomas_ [~thomas@lns-vlq-44-poi-82-252-133-113.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] copulatin: well i guess it should run from within vmware, why not just try it. but if it's for work i'd still reboot, its slow enough already [05:05] method55: probably [05:05] try ifconfig === thomas_ is now known as samoth80 [05:06] sorry for flooding.. was meant to be sent as message.. [05:06] mon: it runs fine on a normal pc just not in vmware wierd....this is the first livecd i've seen fail [05:06] how would i go about sharing a folder so i can access it from another network location? [05:07] copulatin: any error msgs? [05:07] mon: nope on a pc it booted fine [05:07] method55: install kernel-nfs-server [05:07] mon: into the gui, in vmware it boots to a username prompt [05:07] i install an apach server for sharing folders:P [05:07] apache2 [05:07] oh yeah i forgot [05:07] why not just use scp/ssh? [05:07] im a noob ;) [05:08] good idea [05:08] i'm a noob to that's my problem [05:08] method55, type "man scp" [05:08] ok, how o I load a console font that supports iso-latin-15 properly? [05:08] apt-get install apache2 :P [05:08] method55: try http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NFSServerHOWTOUbuntu/ [05:08] bkuebler: sudo? [05:08] no [05:08] copulatin: don't know, sorry [05:08] gotta go [05:08] it is just an information page. === gotcha [~gotcha@168-48-50.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] method55: sodu = root in ubuntu [05:09] method55: sorry meant sudo [05:09] mon: no problem thanks for the help === surrounder [~surrounde@195-240-186-249-mx.xdsl.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] hey all, have a question about the nvidia kernel: when I reboot the PC it doesnt get initialized so GDM doesn't start, when I insert it myself it works though...any ideas? === Lego_Bitch [~email@adsl-b5-228-30.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] the X cannot start?? === unperson [~nickc@177-200.mam.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu === MrSpock [alaintanne@] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] surrounder: inserted it into /etc/modules? [05:12] Greetings from Rio de Janeiro and Happy New Year to everybody [05:12] :) [05:12] surrounder: echo "nvidia" >> /etc/modules === Einzelganger [~Einzelgan@cust.92.248.adsl.cistron.nl] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] aah okay, not used to debian :D === wasabi_ [~jhaltom2@] has joined #ubuntu === MrSpock [alaintanne@] has left #ubuntu [] === ogra_ is now known as ogra [05:13] How can I enable mp3 encoding in Sound Juicer? I downloaded lame, but the option is still grayed out. I tried to get gstreamer0.8-lame (as it says on the wiki) but I can't find the package. [05:13] you must to add the line nvidia en /etc/modules/ and then edit the X config changing the "nv" to "nvidia" [05:13] reboot, and if you see the nvidia logo, the install is ok [05:13] And I have "deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ testing main" in my sources.list. [05:14] unperson: try adding the universe repo, then getting ``gstreamer-plugins'' [05:14] surrounder: you don't need to reboot [05:14] surrounder: well, you need to reboot to test it, but it's not required... === jdodson [~jdodson@63-230-173-38.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] jmob, I take it that just installs the kitchen sink. === dkg [~dkg@sola.dps.uibk.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] hi! [05:16] unperson: it installs a bunch of plug-ins [05:16] jmob, That'll just take up HD space, though, right, not add extra stuff in mem (unless it's being used). [05:16] how to install vkeybd in ubuntu? [05:16] it seems not to be in universe or restricted. [05:16] unperson: probably, afaik it won't take up more mem [05:17] jmob, Well, I guess there's always apt-get remove. :-) [05:17] can I add debian-testing sources? [05:17] unperson: which would be great if it worked on meta packages [05:17] dkg, this help ? http://packages.debian.org/stable/sound/vkeybd [05:17] :P [05:18] jmob, Ah crap. Oh well. [05:18] dkg: add debian sources, but use apt pinning [05:18] nkm: I know this page. [05:18] thanks jmob, works now \o/ [05:18] jmob: ok. [05:18] so? [05:18] install it [05:18] jmob: I forgot how to pin them. [05:18] dkg: google! [05:18] jmob: I'll head for the documentation. [05:19] is there a way to remove ipv6 support on the fly? [05:19] dkg: http://cat.ece.unm.edu:8080/~jmob/apt_preferences [05:19] dkg: that's mine, it'll be different for you of course [05:19] surrounder: you might be able to disable it with /sys [05:19] Buzzz: Personally I would not recommend trying hoary from synaptic or any apt-get tools. === krischan [~krischan@p5090B3E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === njan [~james@] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] jmob: like just remove /sys/module/ipv6 ? [05:21] surrounder: no! === kezz [~blah@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:21] :d === beyond-bbc is now known as beyond [05:22] jmob: how should I do it? [05:22] surrounder: I'm not sure, I'm looking at google === cmf [~lou@adsl-83-100-158-238.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] jmob: thanks, trying the same but that ipv6 makes the whole resolving slow like hell...very annoying === kezz [~blah@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] in ubuntu its just about:config -> network.dns.disableIPv6 -> true [05:23] arghl, in firefox [05:23] not ubuntu [05:23] bretzel, oki? why not? === ikaro [~ikaro@ikaro.fluxbox.org] has joined #ubuntu === yaakov_ [~yaakov@bzq-80-31-227.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] is tehre anymore info abut the kubuntu stuff aside form the wiki, and are the kde deb's in the main ubuntu repo's? [05:25] Hi [05:27] I need some help please concerning the QT library === mameluke [~bo@84-72-13-56.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] echo 0 > /sys/module/ipv6 [05:27] maybe. [05:28] jmob, Looks like the correct package doesn't exist in the repositories (of ubuntu or marillat), but I found a HOWTO on ubuntuforums. [05:28] unperson: care to share? [05:29] surrounder: try adding "alias ipv6 off" is /etc/modutils/aliases [05:29] if someone can help me please [05:29] http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=957&highlight=lame === nkm [~nkm@pc-30-229-247.las-condes1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === the--dud [~dud@] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] jmob, Right now I'm removing all those packages again, but when I'm done I'll try the howto. [05:30] surrounder: then run ``update-modules.modutils'' [05:30] surrounder: and reboot === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu === Mongoose [~mongoose@user-33qt3u3.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] I tried to install the qt library for on my system for to rebuild my kernel with xconfig but i get a message === ninehrcoma [~ninehrcom@bukake.caro.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] ARGH! FFS I#U=(=)#"!OUIRO#(= B#O#O=PU#"P [05:31] this fucking fucked up fuck fuckinging damn it! [05:32] ffmpeg is ruining my week here === Mongoose [~mongoose@user-33qt3u3.dialup.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Did] [05:32] chill down [05:32] mind your language please [05:32] im getting sig faults no matter what sort of video i try to transcode === Gerrath [~Gerrath@cad5.lifecor.com] has joined #ubuntu === Vaportrail [~bernd@port-212-202-42-35.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] please i need some help for rebuild my kernel === Marianitu [maec@161.Red-213-97-48.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] its hard to mind my language when ive been beating my head against this stuff for something like 6h straight now === dkg [~dkg@sola.dps.uibk.ac.at] has left #ubuntu [] [05:33] the--dud, roll your own dude. [05:33] yaakov_: why not use gconfig (the gtk based one) === merhojt__ [~jimmy@h67n2fls35o989.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] i dont try this i try now thanks === wood1 [~bill@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:35] is it possible to set the 4th and 5th mousebutton to move back and forward in nautilus, like Alt+leftarrow and Alt+rightarrow === John____ [~john@d198-166-244-189.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] gconfig is not present on my system [05:35] yaakov_: what exactly are you trying to do? === jinty [~jinty@] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] I try to rebuild my kernel [05:36] yaakov_: using make xconfig? [05:36] jmob: hmm...still ipv6.. :( [05:37] surrounder: is "alias ipv6 off" in /etc/modules.conf? [05:37] surrounder: did you reboot? [05:38] I tried but i get a message HOSTLD script/kconfig/qconf /usr/bin/ld cannot find -lqt [05:38] etc... [05:38] yaakov_: and 'make gconfig' didn't work? === postbox [~paul@ACB9E7BD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] hi everybody. === hezekiah [~hcarty@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:40] can anyone help me out with getting warty to work with my ati radeon x600 card?(laptop). i can only get X up if i use the "vesa" driver, but not with "fglrx", "radeon" or "ati". [05:40] i get a message unable to find the gtk+ innstallation but the library is present on my system [05:40] jmob: I put it in /etc/modutils/aliases [05:40] yaakov_: what guide are you using to recompile your kernel (if any)? [05:41] surrounder: and you ran update-modules.modutils? and checked to make sure it showed up in /etc/modules.conf? === Ensiferum [~enska@svaisane-dsl.oulu.fi] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] jmob: yup, it's there and I rebooted.. [05:41] any of those blokes around who i chatted with last night, about a problem with the installer. (didnt detect cd-rom) [05:42] surrounder: damn [05:42] ah well..too bad [05:42] surrounder: http://lists.debian.org/debian-ipv6/2004/12/threads.html#00019 [05:42] thanks for the help though :) [05:42] "How to cleanly disable IPv6 on Debian Sarge?" [05:42] i am into the directory /usr/src/linux-headers- and i tried make xconfig and make gconfig [05:43] yaakov_: header aren't the kernel source [05:43] is it ok for SATA disks to show up as SCSI disks? [05:43] http://leviatan.kicks-ass.org/screen2.png <- nice weather-applet =) [05:43] yaakov_: if you've never done it before or forget how to do it, i strongly recommend to get a debian centered kernel compile guide === seb128 [~seb128@ANancy-151-1-45-42.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] yaakov_: apt-get install linux-tree- [05:44] Ensi, yes === izmaelis [~izmaelis@82-135-185-107.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu === animal_ [~animal_@] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] thank where to get the kernel please [05:45] any ideas folks? [05:45] yaakov_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/KernelCompileHowto [05:45] thanks you [05:45] postbox: xorg or xfree? [05:45] xfree, it's a new warty install === orospakr [~orospakr@ip-] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] postbox: you could try to get the new ati drivers fromm the site, x600 support was only added 30september [05:46] ah right. from the ati site? [05:47] jmob: ah, it looks like actually if you have lame you can build gstreamer0.8-lame from packages in the repositories. Of course you have to get some deps first. [05:47] unperson: ah, cool [05:47] postbox: not sure if it will solve it, but it's a good bet: http://www.ati.com/support/drivers/linux/radeon-linux.html?type=linux&prodType=graphic&prod=productsLINUXdriver&submit.x=13&submit.y=12&submit=GO%21 [05:47] eh, sorry, I mean if you have liblame-dev [05:47] ew, evil url [05:48] stvn, i'll give it a go. if i get no joy with this, can i get xorg from hoary without having to upgrade anything else? i.e gnome [05:49] postbox: xorg support from ati is even worse [05:49] postbox: no hardware 3D accel on xorg for anything above radeon 9200 [05:49] i'm not too bothered about 3d support. i just need usable resolution atm [05:50] i wish i'd bought a laptop with an nvidia though. === maka_de [~martin@p5091A362.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] postbox: those seem hard to find === parallax_ [~1033CEED9@] has joined #ubuntu === Ensiferum [~enska@svaisane-dsl.oulu.fi] has joined #ubuntu === L|nu}{ [~linux@ti112210a080-3142.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === th1a [~hoffman@pool-70-20-1-84.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === LiamH [healy@mfg-98.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu === ctr [~ctr@twoflower.hiddenmemory.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === cmg [~cmg@153-10.tfn.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] does anyone know how to make it so only the window border is displayed as you drag/move a window? [05:57] hmm.. anyone? [05:57] cmg: not me sorry [05:57] i know there is an option somewhere.. but i have no clue where === Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-23-170.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] cmg: i'm shifting to ubuntu then i think i can find it === prox2far [Prox2far@fw.iot.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [05:58] what about transparency? === mako_ [mako@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Ensiferum [~enska@svaisane-dsl.oulu.fi] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] cool prox.. id be pyshced to find out how [05:59] my video card and machine are really slow.. so when i move windows, it gets jumpy === PyUser [debian@ppp148-67.lns1.mel2.internode.on.net] has joined #Ubuntu === L|nu}{_ [~linux@ti112210a080-2133.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] does anyone know how to make it so only the window border is displayed as you drag/move a window? === prox2far [~prox2far@fw.iot.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] hey prox [06:04] cmg, every window manager does this, except metacity :( === benjami [~benjamin@p508BFDBE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] cmg: have you figured it out??? [06:04] no [06:04] qbeek.. is metacity what umbuntu uses? [06:05] nah prox.. still trying === mAIJK [~maijk@h33n8c1o1052.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] yes, it is the official wm of gnome. [06:05] hmm.. how do i switch WM's in gnome? [06:05] to solve your problem, test openbox. [06:06] with the command openbox --replace [06:06] ok.. ill try [06:06] apparantly i dont have openbox installed [06:06] is openbox a WM or a full desktop? [06:07] cmg: i can't find it either === Skwid_ [Skwid1@stlaurent-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] i still want to use Gnome.. just have my windows not render as i drag them === slicslak [~slicslak@S01060050bf73737f.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] cmf, it is a light weight wm [06:07] s/cmf/cmg/ :) [06:08] cmg, you can do that with metacity [06:08] how grepper? [06:08] yes how [06:08] it has other repercusions, but anyway, its in gconf , sec I'll look for the key [06:10] thanks grepper [06:10] desktop->apps->metacity->general->reduced resources === Nominus [~hanzo@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:1175] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] how do i start gconf? [06:12] grepper, on gnome 2.9.3, it doesn't work [06:13] cmg, in the menu Applications->System Tools-> Gconf [06:13] Any one know off hand how to tell auto-do-crap on CDs to piss off? [06:13] (in gnome) [06:13] gotta run.. thanks for the help! [06:14] qbeek, I wouldn't know about that. Is the key still there ? === RuffianSoldier[A is now known as RuffianSoldier [06:16] grepper, the key ? [06:17] yes in gconf it is [06:17] who wants a virus ? [06:18] dunno then [06:18] possibly another key was added ? === karlos [~karlos@user-335.l1.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] KreechH - I DO I DO === vivekvc [~vivek@] has joined #ubuntu === john [~john@d198-166-244-189.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] what's a good site to learn perl of ? [06:24] www.learnperlandwatchporn.com [06:24] its got more than a perl toutorial [06:25] I am getting errors relating to DMA and accessing hda. Would this be a cpu issue, hard drive issue, other? === IvyCQWork [~Sir@200-171-144-228.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] Da Man Attacks? [06:26] DMA? === Mojo_Jojo [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] Hi, the resolution on my monitor is not what it should be 1280x800 and it's at 1024x768 [06:27] john: are you trying to acces a windows drive??? [06:27] yes DMA [06:27] prox2far: no, I am not. It's a complete linux system. [06:28] Mojo_jojo: use computer-> system conf. -> screen res. to change your resolution [06:28] Mojo_Jojo - what monitor do you have? === titcheo [~rezo@d213-103-200-205.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] john: weird, should be a HD problem if it has worked before === postbox [~paul@ACB9E7BD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] prox2far: I had this problem when installing Debian as well. It says it "times out" or something. It tries it twice, then moves along. === Airod [~airod@f07v-5-6.d1.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu === kezz [~blah@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] prox2far, it only shows 1024x768 and 800x600 [06:29] RuffianSoldier, I don't know it's a laptop [06:29] urgh. still no luck getting xfree to work. :( [06:29] john: are you running correct ext === Airod [~airod@f07v-5-6.d1.club-internet.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [06:30] prox2far: I am running ext2 [06:30] i've installed the latest driver from Ati, but when i start X, i just get a black screen(though i can hear the gdm drum sound play) [06:30] Mojo_Jojo: did you specify higher res. when installing ubuntu [06:30] anybody heard of that problem? [06:30] jmob, Ok, it worked. I can now rip to mp3. [06:30] Mojo-Jojo - does it fill the whole screen? if it does - you dont need more than 1024x768 === HcE_ [~hc@66.80-202-212.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] prox2far, I don't think so. I was running fine untill I followed a how-to on the forums 1hr ago [06:31] RuffianSoldier, it fills the screen, but everything is kinda fuzzy lookin [06:31] john: sorry can't help you there [06:31] In case anyone is interested, if you want to get gstreamer-lame using only the ubuntu and marillat repositories, check out this page: http://www.columbia.edu/~jr2075/gstreamer-lame-how-to.html [06:31] thanks anyway [06:31] Mojo_jojo - you prolly dont have the correct drivers [06:32] mojo_jojo: how-to helping with what === john [~john@d198-166-244-189.abhsia.telus.net] has left #ubuntu [] === setite [~setite@ip68-108-159-134.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] woo! [06:32] i love linux === samoth80 [~thomas@lns-vlq-44-poi-82-252-133-113.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] setite - i hate it [06:32] setite: why??? [06:32] prox2far, this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3567 [06:32] i can run azureus all damn day and it doesnt disconnect!!! [06:32] setite: me 2 === Guardiann [~Guardiann@HSE-MTL-ppp66592.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] with windows i could download for no more than 20 minutes before it flooded my connection and i got dropped [06:33] RuffianSoldier, i'm sure I have the right ones it was working fine till this morning [06:33] and had to reset my modem === HcE_ is now known as HcE [06:33] only thing i need to learn now is how to compile [06:33] Mojo_Jojo - aaaaaaah - you never said anything about it just happenning out of no where === th1a [~hoffman@pool-70-20-1-84.prov.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:34] i have source for ffmpeg... and i dont know what to do with it === kipod [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] setite, tar xvzf package.tar.gz [06:34] mojo_jojo: read everything on the page you send it contains the solution [06:34] cd package [06:34] ./configure [06:34] setite - simpl;y easy [06:34] make [06:34] make install [06:34] usually works [06:35] prox2far, ok [06:35] make [06:35] make install [06:35] ok [06:35] unperson: I just would've used grip anyway ;) [06:35] well sudo make install [06:35] yea [06:35] anyone know how to get into localhost [06:35] get into localhost? [06:35] Makefile:5: config.mak: No such file or directory [06:35] make: *** No rule to make target `config.mak'. Stop. [06:36] yep to set up a printer [06:36] how can i check whats mt soundcared named at /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf [06:36] setite did you run ./configure first [06:36] mojo_jojo: look at the post by mattyh you below the middle og the page [06:36] .configure? no [06:36] ./configure [06:36] without the . ? [06:36] no with the . [06:36] how can i check whats mt soundcared named at /etc/modules.conf sorry my bad **** [06:36] sudo ./configure? [06:37] no just normal user === martink [~martin@pD9EB3B72.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-10-181-189.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] Sound juicer leaves a bit to be desired. I remember there's a KDE app that's much more full featured. [06:38] hey i saw this alot [06:38] mpegvideo.c:5192: warning: enumeration value `CODEC_ID_SOL_DPCM' not handled in switch [06:38] is that bad? [06:38] nah warnings are to be expected [06:38] ok [06:39] sloppy coding/unfinished sections [06:39] postbox: you have a laptop, right? [06:39] stvn, i do, yeah [06:39] postbox: i had a problem that it showed a black screen when there was an external monitor attached [06:39] I have a question: Installed (php) Gallery and then all went ok for configs and runs well. But creating users failed because email couldn't be sent -- so I suspect my configs missing the pop server location - I dunno where to setup this detail [06:39] stvn, right. i dont have that, and i selected no to tv out === enanos [~enanos@161-43-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] bretzel ask the developer [06:40] no- not the pop server but the smpt server excuse... [06:40] shit [06:40] i messed up [06:40] stvn, i'm gonna try selecting yes to using internal agp. maybe that'll do something [06:40] postbox: have a look at the xserver log, see if it gives a clue [06:40] i keep using CTRL+C on accident [06:40] and now when i retry i get this === Tybstar [~tgerla@rdu-nat.specifix.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] ah yes, very possible [06:40] bretzel: set an smtp server in the config that you can relay via [06:41] dsputil.c:3615: warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type === Tybstar [~tgerla@rdu-nat.specifix.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:41] ok nvm [06:41] its continuin [06:41] I like gnome ok in general, but I will say that I miss a lot of the KDE apps. === batlogg [batlogg@batlogg.user] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] kezz: you know in second thought, I think I can navigate the php source code and locate the failure... [06:41] it stayed there for like 3 minutes [06:41] postbox: i'll be off for the next hour, but will read backlog === zenrox [~zenrox@wbar7.sea1-4-10-181-189.sea1.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] stvn, ok cool. thanks for the help [06:41] pybe: which config ?? [06:42] bretzel: the gallery [06:42] bretzel: or what ever it is that sends the email [06:42] I didn't the smpt input field in the config ... but I can redo the conf and read carefully tho :-0 === reuben [~reu@joycydarling.free-online.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] How do i change my screen resolutions? [06:43] hi [06:43] what kernel does warty warthog use? [06:43] bretzel: whats the app? [06:43] 2.6.11? [06:43] haha [06:43] i dunno [06:43] it will be released on the release of a kernel right [06:43] It seems like my the alphabets are too small [06:43] whoops... i mean on a gnome release right [06:43] The php Gallery - Which is faboulus! ... [06:44] RuffianSoldier: === benjami [~benjamin@p508BF5BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] bretzel: url? [06:44] reuben: [06:44] hoi [06:44] will the final release us that kernel [06:44] unperson: you can alwas install KDE [06:44] damn this make thing takes forever doesnt it [06:44] hehe i was hoping it would be all fast [06:44] does cpu speed affect this process? [06:45] pybe: My installation's URL ? ( http:douslus.tuxweb.homelinux.net/gallery ) -- not sure if not work so try https instead [06:45] pybe - wtf are you on about? [06:45] bretzel: no of where you got it [06:45] ruffian thank you [06:46] pybe: :-) :-) on the universe repo :-) [06:46] ,,,,,,...... [06:46] im confused :-\ [06:46] i havent seen someone say that in forever [06:46] RuffianSoldier: soz got the e & u wrongway around ment reuben - damn tab completion [06:46] wtf are you on about or what are you on about [06:46] ................................... [06:46] im confused :-/ [06:46] haha i know it sounds crazy but no one i know uses that phrase [06:46] Riddell, It's true, and I've considered it. But I do like the fact that some effort was made by Ubuntu to make sure the desktop works very smoothly. [06:47] they say "what are you talking about" instead of "what are you on about" [06:47] sorry the little things amuse me [06:47] Riddell, I just wish they'd chosen KDE. However, I don't think they should do both. I think they should pick one and do it well, as they have done. [06:47] Hopefully the gnome apps will catch up. I also know the grass is always greener on the other side. [06:48] hey [06:48] when i do sudo make install [06:48] I like Gnome it's not as pretty as KDE but works better in my opinion [06:48] where does it go [06:49] Gnome almost seems lighter, but I'm not sure there's any truth to that. [06:49] "make: *** [ffmpeg_g] Error 1 [06:49] " [06:51] did it not work? === qbeek [~qbeek@sete.idealx.com] has joined #ubuntu === exlt [~exlt@aesop.pbandjelly.org] has joined #ubuntu === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu === spikeb [~spikeb@c68.117.110.98.hay.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === mz2 [~mz@81-1-78-169.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] pybe: I read the gallery's util.php and it call php::mail(...) function... So I must see if php.ini has a setup entry for smtp ... === izmaelis [~izmaelis@82-135-185-107.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu === telemaco [~telemaco@117.Red-83-35-86.pooles.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:57] is there some graphical tool in ubuntu for switching services on and off on certain run levels [06:58] after installing ubuntu on my lappy I checked for glxgears and the FPS was about 3000, now I switched to 686 kernel and glxgears shows me just 350 FPS. Why is that? === Cturtle [~Noone@a213-84-50-38.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu [06:59] hey xmms froze [06:59] how do i close it [06:59] killall -9 xmms [07:00] nothing happened [07:00] do i have to use sudo [07:00] ive just installed hoary from array2, and even if i set the italian keyboard layout [07:00] Ok someone can tell me how I can setup external smtp server for system wide ??? such sendmail can use it to send emails on the extern smtp server ... [07:00] it still works with the us one [07:00] setite, try sudo [07:01] already did [07:01] no go [07:01] its just sitting there... not blinking... not moving === imcsk8_ [~imcsk8@] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] any other way === naim [~nad@] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] is there a beginners guide to ubuntu or debian === debian2399 [~usr@adsl-62-167-90-243.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] setite, http://ubuntuguide.org === fuldl [~fuldl@p5482767F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === voda [~voda@195-240-186-249-mx.xdsl.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] Is the builtin wlan chipset in ibooks supported in the linux kernel? === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@77.Red-83-41-246.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] tolle: no (at least not for newer ones) === KreacH [~biezt@g81073.upc-g.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-23-170.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === surrounder [~surrounde@195-240-186-249-mx.xdsl.tiscali.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === ArCHoNKoG [~archon@ool-182d58fd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] That blows, I'm looking for a laptop to buy but basicly all of them has some downsides. Or are extremly expencive [07:10] ok someone help me close xmms [07:10] it wont close! [07:11] tolle: whats wrong with osX [07:11] setite: killall xmms [07:11] tolle go look for a laptop that comes with some linux distro pre installed [07:11] setite, uset system montior [07:11] yea thats what i need... where is that [07:11] found it [07:11] lol [07:11] tsw: I've used it some, and it just doesnt feel right. [07:12] tolle: :) [07:12] this is what i wanted... not some command [07:12] setite: commands are powerfull :) === NanoTek [~NanoTek@APuteaux-151-1-64-51.w82-120.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] yes but why if i can do it another way [07:12] tsw is right commands are more powerfull thay are genuly unpinning for the gui commands [07:13] setite: I find it quicker to use [07:13] if, and only if, you know the commands by heary [07:13] heart* [07:13] man pages are your friend [07:13] ok i cant find xmms on it [07:13] not at this moment [07:13] setite, it you usign the commands more often you'll rember them [07:13] i need music and xmms froze [07:13] at this moment i need fast [07:14] setite: open new terminal and type "sudo killall xmms" [07:14] and it refuses to close [07:14] can someone play wma files in any media players in hoary ? === no0tic [~no0tic@host97-140.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] ArCHoNKoG, xmms [07:14] ArCHoNKoG, get a xmms pluging for wma files === Ensiferum [~enska@tuomi.oulu.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] still not working [07:15] ????? ?? ??? ????? [07:15] oh lol === maka_de [~martin@p5091A362.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Hinfortschlendernd"] [07:15] anyone bumped into a situation where the installer leaves x-server uninstalled? [07:16] zenrox, is it in spm ? === animal_ [~animal_@] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] ArCHoNKoG, use snyaptic [07:16] its on the repos [07:16] hi all, can someone maybe point me on a document concerning USB-Harddrives and ubuntu? can't get it to work... [07:16] what the apps name for it [07:16] ArCHoNKoG, just use xmms [07:16] it will list any thang with xmms === PotajiTo [PotaJep0w3@31.Red-80-35-118.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] including its plugins [07:17] Hi, I upgraded to ubuntu from debian sid [07:17] and now dpkg gives an error [07:17] wenas [07:17] dpkg: ../../main/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed. [07:17] is there any way to install ubuntu from floppy? [07:17] zenrox, what is the name of the plugin for it [07:17] gnuyen, go get the ubuntu iso and start over [07:18] ArCHoNKoG, it have wma listed [07:18] in the tital === jul-le [~julle@MKCMVIII.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] I think i'm just gonna remove that package [07:18] that it crashed on [07:18] pybe: install debian from a floppy and then upgrade to ubuntu... [07:18] its flight simulator or something [07:18] pybe: should work. No idea if there is a better way to do it. [07:18] tolle: k tks === RuffianSoldier [~RuffianSo@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] damn it's still doing it === setite [~setite@ip68-108-159-134.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === bluefoxicy [~bluefox@pcp485126pcs.whtmrs01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === RuffianSoldier [~RuffianSo@dhcp024-209-106-036.woh.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] hi all, can someone maybe point me on a document concerning USB-Harddrives and ubuntu? can't get it to work... === marioch [~marioch@] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] any ideas on dependtry <= 4? [07:19] zenrox, don't see it [07:20] voda: what doesnt work? [07:20] in apt-cache search [07:20] shoot [07:20] i killed x and now xmms wont open [07:20] tolle: it can't be mounted... [07:20] ArCHoNKoG, hmm dont serch in the apt-cache [07:20] i think somethign seriously went wront with it [07:20] zenrox, so what you telling me to do [07:20] voda: and it has a partition on it i guess, what filesystem? [07:20] tolle: ntfs... [07:21] ArCHoNKoG, do you have the universe enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list === gotcha [~gotcha@162-225-90.dial.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] voda: oh, you will only be able to read from it. === rcaskey [~rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] voda: modprobe ntfs [07:21] voda: then try to mount it. === Ribs [~freenode@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] yes === johane_ [~johan@h92n1c1o255.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] ArCHoNKoG, now use the serch in snyaptic [07:22] and search for just xmms === izmaelis [~izmaelis@82-135-185-107.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] Does anyone have the "Intel Pro/Wireless Mini LAN Card 802.11b" WORKING? [07:24] in terminal I can run alsamixer and I can edit volumes, but I can't edit volumes in gnome Applications -> Multimedia -> Volume Control === JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2p-64.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] I receiv "sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found" [07:25] why wont xmms run [07:25] has this ever happened to any of you? [07:25] yyes [07:25] it has [07:25] setite, its casue its still running and the onyl way to fix it is to reboot [07:25] reboot whole pc [07:25] or just x [07:25] whole pc [07:25] i used CTRL+ALT+BKSP [07:26] ok [07:26] if apt shows that one package is not successfully installed [07:26] how can one find out what package that is [07:26] so i can remove it === tux_ [~tux@] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] gnuyen, start snyaptic and look in broken packages === maskie [~maskie@196-30-110-70.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] in terminal I can run alsamixer and I can edit volumes, but I can't edit volumes in gnome Applications -> Multimedia -> Volume Control [07:29] I receive "sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found" [07:29] ogra: ping [07:29] ding === bretzel [~bretzel@modemcable128.237-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [07:29] dong ? [07:30] but I hear gnome system notifications and xmms is playeing [07:30] ogra: right [07:30] ive installed hoary from an array2 cd [07:30] wow === mdz [~mdz@69-167-148-207.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] but in the sources.list there's an entry, commented, with only http:// === wezzer [~antti@a80-186-36-138.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Olivier_54 [~olivier@dyn-83-154-119-76.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] ... hoary-security universe [07:32] what is that? [07:32] abelli: for unstable distros there are no security updates..... === marioch [~marioch@] has left #ubuntu ["Client] [07:32] yay! usb-harddrive is loaded, only that's left is permissions; how can I browse the USB-HD as normal user without sudo? [07:32] yeah but its strange because there are 2 entries: === mz2 [~mz@81-1-78-169.homechoice.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] i mean 4.. sorry [07:33] 2 types.. [07:33] 1st type: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main restrocted [07:33] 2nd type: # http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security universe [07:33] abelli, thats cuse you have installed hoary [07:33] not werty [07:34] warty [07:34] zenrox: yeah i know that :) [07:34] abelli: looks like someone hopes there could be security updates for universe, heh... [07:34] i mean what about the 2nd type? [07:34] ogra: yeah.. [07:35] ogra: ??? [07:35] abelli: the MOTU group shall do it if it is finally in place.... [07:36] motu? an african footbal team? [07:36] yay! usb-harddrive is loaded, only that's left is permissions; how can I browse the USB-HD as normal user without sudo? [07:36] i have found a boot floppy that will boot an iso from the hard disk, i have used it to install fedora on my laptop that has no cdrom. it looks for a [07:36] kernel in /isolinux/vmlinuz and a corresponding initial ramdisk in [07:36] /isolinux/initrd.img === bkuebler_ [~bkuebler@pcp01376417pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] whats the equivalent for ubuntu [07:37] abelli: masters of the universe [07:37] ahhh.. [07:37] :) === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] so.. i can add deb and deb-src and un-comment? [07:38] cat /etc/apt/sources.list [07:38] sorry, my bad [07:38] abelli: nope === kezz [~blah@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Gman [~Glynn@amfea-proxy-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] abelli: its no security repo in place yet === FireEgl [Proteus834@adsl-220-213-10.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #Ubuntu [07:39] ogra: got it [07:39] thank s [07:39] in terminal I can run alsamixer and I can edit volumes, but I can't edit volumes in gnome Applications -> Multimedia -> Volume Control. I receive "sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found". I receive "sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found". [07:40] should I just add the user to some group or something? [07:40] and if yes...which one? [07:42] izmaelis: http://ubuntuguide.org/#sorrynomixer === anto [~anto@] has joined #ubuntu === Cturtle [~Noone@a213-84-50-38.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #Ubuntu [07:44] seb128:ding [07:44] ? [07:44] the italian keyboard layout under hoary array2 [07:45] doesnt work === erik [~user@216-220-227-70.midmaine.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] ive set it using the gnome panel, switching from the uk's one, [07:46] but it still not italian :) === Genius [~barlas@barlas.user] has joined #ubuntu === cyrus-tc [~cyrus-tc@pD9E315AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === lamont [~lamont@mix.mmjgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] how much space does your ubuntu take up??? === agenteo [~agenteo@] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] everybody: how much space does your ubuntu take up??? [07:52] prox2far, 1.2 gigs + what ever you install lator [07:53] abelli: it used to work ? [07:53] prox2far, that is with gui (gnome) xserver [07:54] zenrox: funny mine takes 1.8 with all updates [07:54] zenrox: 1.8 GB [07:54] seb128: well in warty it does, also in a hoary upgraded from warty [07:54] prox2far, i am looking at mine atm [07:54] but not on this array2 hoary [07:54] is ubuntu supposed to have a boot splash screen? Mine does not. [07:54] prox2far, 3 gigs with all the dev stuff(i almost have it all) [07:54] erik: you may ad one [07:54] prox2far, mine is closer to 3.5G, which surprises me... I just have basic Ubuntu + software dev tools [07:54] prox2far: so no? [07:55] erik: not by default [07:55] ok, cool [07:55] You'll only ever see your box boot up once every release anyway :) [07:56] zenrox: OK thought there was something wrong when my space usage was 2.2 GB incl. some music [07:56] Ribs: not on my laptop :p [07:56] prox2far, my /home dir is a seprate partion [07:57] prox2far, thats ubuntu alone [07:57] zenrox: OK i run every part of ubuntu from one partition i allready have 4 partitions didn't want one more [07:59] anyone here know about hardware raid? [07:59] prox2far, i only have 3 swap 256mbs, /home 15gigs ext3 , / 20 gigs risor [07:59] I have a DAC960 120G drive that I'm trying to mount. === nictuku [~nictuku@nictuku.user] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] I see it in dmesg. [08:00] what should I put startup scripts instead of rc.local? [08:00] occy the std mount command should work [08:00] yeah... not allowing me to for some reason. [08:01] occy whats it called in /dev [08:01] I can paste in #flood [08:01] occy ok [08:01] zenrox: :) [08:01] i mean, *where [08:02] occy try mount -t fs /dev/rd/c0d0 /mnt/dir [08:02] root@dismantle:~ # mount -t fs /dev/rd/c0d1 /mnt [08:02] mount: fs type fs not supported by kernel === DagaZ [~urwhatuea@klover193.bitnet.nu] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] fs= the type of fs it is [08:03] oh [08:03] *blush* [08:03] in terminal I can run alsamixer and I can edit volumes, but I can't edit volumes in gnome Applications -> Multimedia -> Volume Control. I receive "sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found". I receive "sorry, no mixer elements and/or devices found". [08:03] fs= file system === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] zenrox: didn't recall hearing of type fs [08:03] hehe [08:03] lol [08:03] I think it's ext2 but can't remember === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] you mean ext3 [08:03] ext2 is old [08:03] this is an old box ;) [08:03] err [08:04] s/box/hard drive array/ [08:04] ext3 isn't exactly new [08:04] back when 120G was like... OMG, it's 120G!#$%@#% [08:04] zenrox: I have to run XP on the side because of some problems between a server and linux making it impossible for me to print from ubuntu [08:04] reifers >etx [08:04] err [08:04] ext === darkling [~hugo@81-5-136-19.dsl.eclipse.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] and I had an 18 gig drive on my desktop box and everyone else was like... whoa... heh. [08:05] zenrox: that worked. [08:05] prox2far, why you should be able to print to and printer on a network [08:05] I used ext2 [08:05] so now you have, what? [08:05] 18 TB? [08:05] occy n/p [08:05] what would be a nice trick [08:05] Ribs: heh, naw, only 120G on the desktop. This old raid array has some old backup stuff on it I need to look at / get off. [08:05] zenrox: stupid admin won't give me the info i need === mcdonaldswes [~mcdonalds@] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] prox2far, like what [08:06] prox2far, all you need to know is whare its located, type of printer === nictuku [~nictuku@nictuku.user] has left #ubuntu [] === xed [~bleh@CPE00e01806942a-CM013309901151.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] zenrox, doesn't work despite i know those things i have to be authorised by a account manager [08:07] Where would I go about finding information on power saving options in ubuntu? [08:07] prox2far, go over his head [08:08] zenrox, and the account manager doesn't seem to respond to users using Linux [08:08] prox2far, hahahaha we dont support linux ahhahahahha [08:08] zenrox: tx again bud. :) [08:08] prox2far, tell them to go back to school [08:08] lol === occy hopes I can get my laptop working today. [08:08] occy n/p [08:09] nomasteryoda is going to let me swap cd drives or even HD so I can install on his laptop of the same make/model [08:09] zenrox, one of my buddys using gentoo is working on it right now without any luck, the auth. program just doesn't allow us to send an ID === occy wants ubuntu on his lappie! [08:10] prox2far, hehehe [08:10] prox2far, might have to write a program to do that [08:10] zenrox, it's rather sad otherwise i would have been 100% linux user [08:10] true [08:11] I'd like to install ssh-krb5 (from universe), however it conflicts with ssh-client, which would deinstall ubuntu-base... is this a big deal, or should it still be ok? [08:11] mcdonaldswes, hoary or warty === Stuttergart [~Stutterga@nathanvalentine.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] zenrox warty [08:11] sounds a bit dodgy [08:11] mcdonaldswes, dont do it [08:11] zenrox: but it would be okay to do it in hoary? [08:12] hmm, for some perculiar reason, on my laptop, external USB mouse works but PS/2 not...any thoughts? [08:12] odo, try connecting the PS/2 mouse before booting [08:12] mcdonaldswes, ubuntu-desktop gets removed all the time but nothen is broke [08:12] with warty somethign gets broke [08:13] odo, did you configure X in an unusual way? === mgedmin [~mg@office.pov.lt] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] prox2far: I did connect it before boot, no difference [08:13] JDahl: well, define unusual [08:13] odo, OK [08:13] zenrox: hmm, ok... besides installing hoary, do you have any suggestions? like maybe somehow installing ssh-krb5 into a different directory? [08:13] is there a way to list all installed packages that come from 'universe' (as opposed to, e.g., 'main')? [08:13] odo, other than dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86, I guess [08:14] odo, couldnt it be an X configuration issue? [08:14] mcdonaldswes, you need to investigate what the conflict is [08:14] mcdonaldswes, no sugstions just try it and find out but rember how to fix it if something is broke === bkuebler_ [~bkuebler@pcp01376417pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] kezz: ssh-krb5 is ssh patched with kerberos support, thus it conflicts with ssh-client and ssh-server because it provides its own binaries === xed [~bleh@CPE00e01806942a-CM013309901151.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] JDahl: I _never_ use dpkg-reconfigure...I edit X's conf with nano, usually much faster [08:15] problem is that ssh has been split into ssh-client/server, whereas ssh-krb5 hasn't [08:15] but...this seems to be an issue to figure out what device that external PS/2 is [08:15] How would I go about getting help with power saving features ubuntu on my laptop? [08:15] ssh-krb5 should also be split up, with ssh-krb5-client providing ssh-client... which would solve my problem === Vaportrail [~bernd@port-212-202-42-35.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu === remi [~remi@] has joined #ubuntu === DagaZ [~urwhatuea@klover193.bitnet.nu] has joined #ubuntu === Zotnix [~martin@ool-4357333d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:18] Can anyone help me with that? [08:19] xed: try searching ACPI in the ubuntu web site [08:19] I wish ubuntu knew to pass pci=noacpi for my laptop :( [08:19] prox2far, what is that? [08:19] i have to manually edit menu.lst every time linux-686 gets upgraded [08:19] xed: ACPI??? or the ubuntu site??? [08:20] ...ACPI <-- [08:20] .-. [08:20] xed: power managing [08:21] Thats what it stands for? [08:21] !google define:ACPI [08:21] Results for define:ACPI on Google: [08:21] -- [08:21] oh.. boo =( === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] xed: no it's something weird as always [08:21] prox2far, hmm..it supports suspend and resume [08:22] but I'm also looking for... something that'll.. make less use of the resources in the laptop when it goes onto battery power. === smok [~richard@clyne.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] xed: ACPI = Advanced Configuration and Power Interface, can't help you with resource controlling (i don't care for that since iv'e always got a power cord nearby ) === srbaker_ [~srbaker@blk-222-13-66.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@77.Red-83-41-246.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] xed: + worked out of the box for mee === ikaro_ [~ikaro@ikaro.fluxbox.org] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] prox2far, so do I. But.. it being a laptop, I'd like to be able to use... the laptop without having to constantly plug in the ac power cord === ikaro_ is now known as ikaro === Ljer [~sales@d325.dialup.telecom.by] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] xed, i'm using ubuntu with a laptop and i can see my batt. time varies depending on how i'm using the system === martin_ [~martin@ool-4357333d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu === cardador [~jose@] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] xed: but i don't know how to control the ACPI features i ubuntu because they work great by default ( by my opinion ) === srbaker__ [~srbaker@blk-222-13-66.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] ehh.. [08:27] Does your screen dim automatically if you unplug your ac power? [08:27] Because mine doesn't =( [08:28] xed: no i'm not too lasy to push 2 buttons [08:28] http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/acpi.tar.gz/ <-- thats it right? [08:28] prox2far, thats not all.. [08:28] a 2.8GHz processor running at 100% all the time takes up battery fast.. so I want it to run at a lower speed... [08:29] xed, did you try to just right click on the panel and add the battery monitoring applet? [08:29] Battery Charge Monitor? [08:29] Yeah, thats already there... [08:29] that's not what you're after? [08:30] xed: ACPI should be installed by default ( in warty ) and if your CPU is an Mobile cpu it should adjust automaticly [08:30] JDahl, no, I just want something that'll make less use of the overall resources (ie lowers the processor speed usage when on battery power) [08:32] why does it work to "#include " but "#include " doesnt work [08:33] http://himi.org/wmacpi/ <-- I just got that link from a friend ..he got it from google.. ..I'm curious, would that work on ubuntu? [08:35] xed, I just tried unplugging my AC power like prox2far suggested, and it automatically saves power... it probably works for you also. But, yes, there is an Ubuntu package for wmacpi [08:35] xed, but wmacpi is only a monitor :( doesn't change anything === Gwildor|Work [~PBI@adsl-68-249-245-156.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] booo [08:36] How do I check if it's saving power? [08:36] I mean, I can't really tell. [08:36] It shows me the percentage its charged up to.. but it doesn't show me time remaining. === benjami [~benjamin@p508BF5BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] is udev the default in ubuntu? [08:37] Hello === mak_ [~chatzilla@adsl-68-79-143-209.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] hi [08:37] hi [08:37] hi === foe [~Vilaud@bonnefoy-2-81-56-86-65.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] I'm trying to watch DVD but Totem complains it cannot play the file.. === Peo [~Peo@host84-59.pool80180.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] Get VLC [08:38] I think it'll work. [08:38] did you follow the wikki...or ubuntu guide? [08:38] I have a question. is there some other source that I need to add to get updated versions of firefox, gaim, thunderbird? [08:38] mak_: yes, there is [08:38] umm....maybe hoary? [08:38] wezzer, help me out [08:38] full instructions are in the forum [08:38] hmm.. ok [08:39] or the wikki [08:39] mak_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3627 [08:39] there [08:39] How about Evolution... can I set it up so it works with my hotmail account? [08:39] Anyone? === srbaker [~srbaker@blk-222-13-66.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] any idea how to get usb ethernet adapter working during a install........for net install [08:40] xed, i dont think you can use hotmail externally [08:40] wezzer, thanks [08:40] Oh man =( [08:40] How about gmail? [08:40] xed: gmail works with evolution [08:40] xed, micro$oft charges money if you want to use hotmail externally [08:40] umm...idk never tried it......its needs a pop3 server === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] prox2far, well I'm not surprised...=| [08:40] lol [08:41] mak_: you are welcome :( [08:41] *:) [08:41] Peo, how would I go about setting up Evolution so it worked with gmail...? [08:41] argh, I always put the _wrong_ face :D === TopDog [~gaute@7.80-202-165.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === lizdeika_ [~lizdeika@] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] Peo, still there? === srbaker_ [~srbaker@blk-222-13-66.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] umm, there should be info like that on gmail's site......its not too difficult, especially on first-run...it gives a wizard [08:42] Gwildor|Work, I've installed lidvds if that's what you meant. [08:42] xed: it's really simple [08:42] xed: yep [08:42] What I have tried is to open some of the files on the DVD [08:42] it's explained in the Gmail settings [08:42] pop.gmail.com is the pop-server [08:42] Cred__, yeah, i think so, i havent dont that stuff in so long...... [08:43] xed: you activate pop3 in settings on gmail then connect to pop.gmail.com using ur @gmail username and pass with ssl on port 995 [08:43] smtp.gmail.com would be the other one then..... === bkuebler__ [~bkuebler@pcp01376417pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] or whatever it is [08:43] And installing mplayer is impossible.. [08:44] Cred__: check that you have compiler [08:44] Cred__, how so? [08:44] guys, there's any channel dedicated to ubuntu PPC? [08:44] it doesn't exist in default ubuntu installation [08:44] i dont think so peo [08:44] mplayer-k7: [08:44] Depends: mplayer-k6 but it is not going to be installed [08:44] When it says here "Security Use Secure Connection (SSL)", do I select 'Never', 'Always', or 'Whenever possible' ? [08:44] And so on.. [08:44] peo: we could set one up [08:44] It simply doesn't allow me to install any of the mplayers on my list [08:45] xed: whenever possible is a safe choice [08:45] Cred__, follow the mplayer instruction on ubuntuguide.org [08:45] recieving mail host is what? [08:45] smtp.gmail.com [08:45] or whatever the pre-fix is [08:45] thats for Recieving mail!? [08:45] Gwildor|Work, only mplayer help from there I find is related to Firefox plugin [08:46] Cred__, try using aptitude and install mplayer-nogui [08:46] do i need any special packages to be able to include in ubuntu? g++ wont work [08:46] Cred__, wait [08:46] xed,'pop.gmail.com [08:46] aptitude? [08:47] Cred__, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallingMplayerFromHoaryInWarty/view?searchterm=mplayer [08:47] minus the ', right? [08:47] fuldl, use apt-cache search string\.h to figure something like that out [08:47] xed: yea [08:47] pop.gmail.com [08:47] is the right one [08:47] sending mail host is? [08:47] smtp.gmail.com ? [08:48] umm, I'm not sure about that [08:48] its on the gmail site...... [08:48] =( [08:48] I myself have my ISP's smtp-address [08:48] Gwildor|Work, will that work? As far as I can tell, that's the same thing I'm trying now. Except the Hoary has newer version.. [08:48] xed: but try that smtp.gmail.com [08:48] haha, its right here [08:48] http://gmail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=13287 [08:48] Cred__, honeslty idk, i dont like mplayer........but i recal there being a large problem with warty's mplayer...so you have to use hoarys [08:49] if it won't work, change it to your ISP's one === srbaker_ [~srbaker@blk-222-13-66.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] fuldl, dpkg -S string\.h will tell what packages provides it if it's already installed (but you're looking in the wrong place) [08:49] Gwildor|Work, right. === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] wtf wtf wtf [08:51] this timezone shit [08:51] I hate it >.< [08:51] lol [08:51] xed i do too [08:51] start using UTC and you're done [08:51] I don't know what bloody timezone I'm in. [08:51] or swatch internet time [08:51] What's UTC? [08:52] universal time clock === martin_ [~martin@ool-4357333d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:52] xed, where do you live? [08:53] xed, http://www.page-1.com/time/ [08:53] look there xed [08:54] I have a question. -_- [08:54] How come its not importing my email from gmail? [08:54] if its already read...it wont [08:54] only new mail === pe7er [~losof@pD95EBE1C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === trask [~trask@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:54] give me your e-mail,,,,ill send you one === vpalle [~vpalle@park222.koll.au.dk] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] Please don't send me like a virus or anything that'll destroy my computer.. I'm pretty new to linux and am still learning. [08:56] you shouldn't say things like that on the irc, to some it might sound like an invitation =) === fajmoh_ [fajmoh@h144n2fls31o1009.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] why don't you send yourself one [08:56] im trying to install mplayer, but im getting a lot conflicts.. [08:56] no virus.....im on windows box.......it would eat me up too [08:56] pe7er, I know. But....meh. =| [08:57] Gwildor|Work, sent it? [08:57] jsut did === Ensiferum [~enska@tuomi.oulu.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] wait a few secs === calamari [~calamari@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === robit [~robit@a213-84-9-94.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] This is uncool =( [08:58] ok. one last shot. anyone know why after the installation i dont have a functional graphical environment? Is there some flag i need to set, or something i need to in while installing expert mode? [08:58] it's a hint that you need to get in touch with your console side [08:58] xed, did you get it? [08:59] i have been in touch with that way too much even. [08:59] Ensiferum, do you get a console login? === Kokuma [~moocow@a80-186-204-161.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] kezz: yes === Kokuma [~moocow@a80-186-204-161.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:59] Ensiferum, then have you tried configuring X? [08:59] Error while Fetching Mail. Could not connect to POP server pop.gmail.com (port pop3): Connection timed out. [08:59] does startx work? [08:59] damnit [08:59] how do I go about changing the port? [08:59] kezz: startx, not found [08:59] xed, it may be pop3.gmail.com === cartman [~cartman@cartman.developer.konversation] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] let me check my settings [08:59] xed are you using enctyption? [09:00] nope...just pop [09:00] Ensiferum, sudo updatedb && locate startx [09:00] err.. enctyption or encryption? [09:00] kezz: done that [09:00] xed, gmail requires you to use ssl authentication [09:00] so x isnt installed? [09:00] It hasn't even asked me for my password once, anywhere.. [09:01] kezz: according to package manager it is. [09:01] Wait wait-- there it goes [09:01] Its doing something now. [09:01] xed, cos your connecting to port 110 where as the server is listening on 995 === cartman [~cartman@cartman.developer.konversation] has left #ubuntu ["Nich] [09:01] Clock is laughing in my face. === spity [~spity@w240.dkm.cz] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] Ensiferum, XF86Config? [09:02] is there any unstable or testing sorcelist for the ubuntu? [09:02] is there any way to play counter strike: source on linux? [09:03] on ubuntu specifically =| === bkuebler__ [~bkuebler@pcp01376417pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] xed, no not source but old cs works fine with Wine [09:03] =( [09:03] xed: Do you know how to play CS 1.6? [09:03] is there any unstable or testing sourcelist for the ubuntu? === bkuebler__ is now known as bkuebler [09:03] kezz: config file? [09:03] parallax_, I don't like playing 1.6 =( [09:04] Source > 1.6 === fdhgfhgf [sdfsdfs@tkp-ip-nas-1-p180.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] I know, but o dont have source [09:04] Seems evolution is stuck on the 27th email.. =/ [09:04] I don't have 1.6 =/ [09:05] I want .. Source! [09:05] I might have to add a windows partition.. =| [09:05] Ensiferum, it should be an executable that generates the config for you [09:05] xed, yes do that it's way easier than going through wine [09:05] I have a question [09:05] most likely =\ [09:06] I'll do it sometime this week or next. [09:06] kezz: ah, ok. and i need to sudo before it, i presume? [09:06] Going without CS:S is hurting me ... [09:06] a friend of mine is trying to connect to the internet via pppoe on eth0 with the livecd [09:06] what do I tell him to do? === fdhgfhgf [sdfsdfs@tkp-ip-nas-1-p180.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has left #ubuntu [] [09:06] sensebend: to run pppoeconf === jerem [~chatzilla@lns-vlq-17f-81-56-171-105.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] Ensiferum, yes probably as it creates stuff in /etc/ i believe [09:07] kezz: ok. running it now. i get a blank gray screen with a cursor. thats all [09:07] heh never good === cyrus-tc_ [~cyrus-tc@p5081FA0A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] tried reinstall X? [09:08] Ensiferum: how big is the partition you are installing to, btw? === _Ribs_ [~freenode@riblet.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] thanks ogra [09:08] calamari: 6.5gig [09:08] using the whole drive? [09:08] having never had a pppoe connection I couldn't tell him [09:09] calamari: nope, just 1.2gig [09:09] we may have another convert in a minute once he gets online :) [09:09] i had to some mighty tricks to get the installer to run in the first place [09:09] heh :) [09:09] laptop_suspend=NO_FUN [09:09] a BIG thanks to ogra. ogra really helps out arround here [09:10] :) [09:11] I was trying to configure suspend on a thinkpad R32... [09:11] but then ACPI punched me in the stomache and took my lunch money. [09:12] # su someuser -c 'some command' prints "su: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info.\n(Ignored)" and then executes the command as user someuser -- what does that error message mean? [09:12] bkuebler, heh at least you were able to reboot, it seems [09:13] kezz: how would i go about reinstalling gnome/x? === bkuebler_ [~bkuebler@pcp01376417pcs.selrsv01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] who's Mark..? [09:13] bkuebler, I've also never had anything but trouble with hibernation on my laptop... some thing's are just not meant to be [09:13] *sigh* [09:13] Gwildor|Work, you're mark, right? [09:13] I have gotten closer. [09:14] and actually, it suspends great! [09:14] it just doesn't come out so well. [09:14] :-/ [09:14] How do I tell of ACPI is installed and working? [09:14] well are you sure there isn't a startx binary Ensiferum [09:14] type acpi [09:14] bkuebler_: i didnt try them, but these may be worth a look: http://debian.isg.ee.ethz.ch/public/ [09:14] xed, yeah [09:14] kezz: locate turns up nothing [09:14] How do I tell of ACPI is installed and working? === dreamer is now known as durandal [09:15] hmm [09:15] who is responsible for python packages in ubuntu? [09:15] ogra.. thanks [09:15] I will take a look. [09:15] xed, your laptop fan doesn't run constantly [09:15] Ensiferum: it would be /usr/X11R6/bin/startx [09:15] xed, how do you know? [09:15] prox2far, most of the time it does =( [09:15] kezz: i installed ubuntu my old box. in that case i was able to just do the basic (un-expert) installation. it worked fine. === durandal is now known as dreamer === spity [~spity@w240.dkm.cz] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] xed, if you do nothing fora while it will stop ( if ACPI works ) [09:16] calamari: its not there, mkay? [09:16] Is VLC available for Ubuntu? [09:16] Ensiferum, so why did you do the "expert" one this time? === carambol [~Carambol@j243120.upc-j.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] w00000t it is available. [09:18] is there a /var/log/XFree86.0.log Ensiferum [09:18] kezz: cause the goddamn installer fucks up with SATA drives. first it would not find mounted cd-rom. and then it would lock up upon loading ata_piix and sd_mod, so i had to open a console and modprobe piix and then exlude ata_piix from the module listings in the installer [09:18] took me two days to figure this crap out [09:18] and now that it installed [09:19] Ensiferum, what machine do you have? [09:19] its still borked === gilgamesh_ [~gilgamesh@adsl-68-123-141-231.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] I had the same problem as Ensiferum on a Dell PowerEdge 750 [09:19] JDahl: p4, abit ic-7 (875P, Intel), 2 * SATA drives, 2 * IDE cd-rom drives [09:19] Ensiferum, have you tried a hoary snapshot? [09:19] except that I solved it by installing from a netboot CD and living without a working CD-ROM drive === MobyTurbo [~chai@64-48-59-89-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] Dell? your story sounds all too familiar [09:20] I sent an email about it to the mailing list [09:20] i think the problem has something to do with a particular sata chipset [09:20] probably somehow related to scsi/sata conflicts or something === davmor2 [~davmor2@82-37-24-90.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] Ensiferum, booting with acpi=off saved me [09:21] hello peeps [09:21] JDahl: yeah, tried that too [09:21] JDahl: still locked up === netmonk [~~@nat-18.c0msys.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] kezz: no [09:21] i'm about to toss this distro out the window [09:21] Ensiferum, is ubuntu-desktop installed? [09:22] Ensiferum, it is more recent so its hardware support should contain the new stuff [09:22] why hoary uses python 2.4 as default interpreter, but lots of python packages depend on python2.3? [09:22] God damnit [09:22] I [09:22] 'm going to stupid question now.. [09:22] kezz: are we talking about a snapshot off the cvs source tree or something? === maps73 [~maps73@] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] How do I view all the emails in Evolution [09:22] mgedmin: how can i check that? [09:22] I clicked on an email... [09:22] Ensiferum, apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop [09:22] mgedmin: ta [09:22] shows a * next to the installed version, no * -- not installed [09:22] and now it keeps showing me emails, rather than all the emails I have. =( [09:23] Ensiferum, hoary is the next release of ubuntu due in april === spity [~spity@w240.dkm.cz] has joined #ubuntu === mroth [~mroth@mroth.user] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] it contains a lot of new stuff [09:23] mgedmin: installed: (none) [09:23] that's even simpler === jsc__ [~jsc@h-67-101-232-206.lsanca54.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] I have finally persuaded my mate that linux is better on the web than window he has downloaded live versions of suse and ubuntu but has the same problem in both he can't access his wireless network [09:23] xed, how do you know who iam? [09:24] davmor2: good luck with linux and wifis [09:24] davmor2, what chipset is the wireless card? [09:24] ndiswrapper is usually ok [09:24] mgedmin: so, should i try to apt-get install that? [09:24] Ensiferum, apt-get install mdetect xresprobe laptop-detect [09:24] then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop [09:24] bbl [09:24] then run /etc/init.d/gdm start [09:25] the card registers but his encryption key locks him out is there a way to input the encryption key === zeedo [~notroot@www.bsrf.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu === mgedmin had to look into /usr/lib/base-config/menu/pkgsel to find the three packages that do hardware detection for X [09:26] Gwildor|Work, you're.. kidding, right? === Zotnix [~martin@ool-4357333d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu [09:27] are there any devs responsible for python around? I think there is problem with Debians doctools. I mentioned it earlier, but I thought now that 2.4 is out someone should fix it (or at least I should find out what I am doing wrong) [09:27] and thus also a problem with Ubuntu's Python doctools... [09:27] How do I go back to viewing all the emails I have in Evolution? [09:27] who wants to code in pyhton if he can have perl? === AcidPils runs ;) [09:28] AcidPils, smart people [09:28] xed: go back from where ? [09:28] I cant believe I took the bait, oh well... [09:28] I like python, I just wish I could use curly braces [09:28] well from one email, zeedo [09:28] yngh [09:28] I clicked on an email, and now I can only preview one email at a time. [09:28] I want to see them all in a list.. [09:28] apt-get is asking for the cdrom [09:28] how do I go back to that? [09:28] which doesnt work (again) [09:28] JDahl: ok, maybe ;) but for me perl does everything i want [09:29] Ensiferum, you might've done a minimal installation and don't have the package? [09:29] zeedo, still there? [09:29] AcidPils, you dont want much, do you? [09:29] xed: didnt select a minimal install, in fact i was never presented an option for selecting what kind of install i want [09:29] Ensiferum, if you have a fast network connection, you can remove the cd-rom entry from /etc/apt/sources.list, run apt-get update and rerun apt-get install [09:29] Ensiferum, same thing. =/ === ixion83 [Alex@lns-vlq-11-nic-82-251-193-254.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === ixion83 [Alex@lns-vlq-11-nic-82-251-193-254.adsl.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:30] How do I go back to viewing all the emails I have in Evolution? [09:30] I clicked on an email, and now I can only preview one email at a time. [09:30] i wnat much i code in C :) and the small things i do in perl [09:30] if i want... :| === fajmoh [fajmoh@h144n2fls31o1009.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] i never remeber to put "sudo" in the beginning :] [09:31] mgedmin: ok, running apt-get update now [09:32] i must say, this has been _the_ most painful linux installation ever [09:32] abcdefghijklnopqrstuvwxyz [09:32] slackware 9 required some trickery as well in order to install on a SATA drive... [09:32] ._. I didn't have that much trouble... once I got help atleast =P [09:32] Ensiferum, now imagine that you are 1000 km from the actual server and are trying to explain to FreeBSD people on site how to perform the installation [09:32] SATA is not cool [09:33] How do I go back to viewing all the emails I have in Evolution? [09:33] I clicked on an email, and now I can only preview one email at a time. [09:33] or rather bleeding edge not fully supported hardware is not cool === kstrat [~kstrat@c-67-173-228-220.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] linux seems to be few years behind ;) [09:33] hardware support wise that is [09:34] =/ [09:34] I have a relatively new laptop and it seems to support most of my hardware. =/ [09:34] on an unrelated note, my server borked too. (funny how on some days nothing works...) === Br|ce [~brice@daknet.org] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] hi folks [09:35] I just noticed something I don't understand === mantas [~mantas@] has joined #ubuntu [09:35] mgedmin: ok, it's now isntalling the ubuntu-desktop package [09:35] while I've got a /etc/rcS.d/S07hdparm symlink to /etc/init.d/hdparm [09:35] is VNC viewing tool available for ubuntu? [09:35] xed, yes [09:36] and that running /etc/init.d/hdparm start works just well [09:36] the script doesn't seem to be launched at boot time [09:36] xed, try apt-cache search vnc [09:36] any idea ? [09:36] I did mgedmin [09:36] I found the server.. but no.. viewing tool =..or have I not looked hard enough.. [09:36] vncviewer is in by default [09:36] where? [09:37] xed: xvncviewer ? === prox2far [~prox2far@fw.iot.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:37] yeah, I think I see xvncviewer [09:37] just type it in a terminal [09:37] Should I get xvncviewer? [09:37] xed: I think so [09:38] aww [09:38] unable to connect === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] mgedmin: w00t === Agrajag [~Agrajag@66-215-172-98.sb-eres.charterpipeline.net] has joined #ubuntu === invictus [~invictus@so817.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu === IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === neighborlee is now known as neighbor_l_e_e === neighbor_l_e_e is now known as neighborlee === lordan [~lordan@] has joined #ubuntu === Peo is away: zzz === Peo is now known as Peo-[hawaii] === MaRcIo- [~marcio@host62-191.pool80181.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] hi [09:52] is ubuntu only 1 iso? [09:52] yes [09:52] tnx [09:52] np === maps73 [~maps73@] has joined #ubuntu === Cyberjames [~james@nitrogen.lazyeyez.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] ?? [09:53] yes or no? [09:53] i think np == no problem [09:53] ah nothin [09:53] yea [09:53] does it install a gui? [09:53] yes [09:53] gnome 2.8 [09:54] kde flux xfce and all the goodies are available [09:54] is it easy to configure? [09:54] quite === x4m [~max@58-107.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] cool === TopDog [~gaute@7.80-202-165.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] easiest i have seen [09:57] Hy [09:57] hy [09:58] Hy Gwildor, I'm maps from italy. and you?? [09:59] im from USA === georgia [~georgia@82-40-85-175.cable.ubr01.cast.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] mgedmin: thanks a lot for all the help [09:59] names gwildor........lol [09:59] np [09:59] bond...james bond === nomasteryoda [~nomastery@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] I had nearly the same situation today (^Ced base-config while it was downloading ubuntu-desktop and was left with a shell prompt and no GUI) [10:00] ubuntu-it [10:00] mgedmin, aptitude doesnt require X ;) [10:01] sweeeet [10:01] vnc is working =) [10:02] heh peeps ...how do I change my nicks password ? === spity [~spity@w240.dkm.cz] has joined #ubuntu [10:03] /nickserv set password mynepwasword [10:04] ...err... === TUXIE [~parper@host213-122-59-228.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] Hello [10:05] Hi. === lamont_r [~lamont@phantom.acmeps.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] how could i save my nick name? [10:06] not save but register?? [10:06] maps73, you may want to read through the faqs at http://freenode.net.. [10:07] Register? [10:07] zeedo, yup I found it..thx though I appreciate it [10:07] xed hi .. trying out linux but not Ubuntu yet ..convince me! ;-> [10:07] Tuxie: It gives meaning to my life.. has it to YOUR's? [10:07] zeedo, didn't realize till I looked further than set had 'options' of its own [10:07] TUXIE, why not convince yourself? [10:07] Feel the freedom that IS Ubuntu, TUXIE. === HaRDaWaY [~ubuntu@101.Red-83-38-16.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] hi [10:08] Tried it off a covermount .. it is a single CD distro ..yes? [10:08] Yes [10:08] in a way, yes === th1a [~hoffman@pool-70-20-1-84.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] There's a live version (which is one cd) and an installation cd, which is one cd === Poprocks [~logan@CPE7ed9415afb2c-CM0012253dec94.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] TUXIE: for what it is worth, I have been using linux for about 9 years, I am a systems engineer for a co. with 10,000+ servers, have tried most distros, and like the simplicity of install, and the fact that my non-techie wife likes it :) === Br|ce [~brice@daknet.org] has left #ubuntu ["off"] [10:09] What exlt said. === lwillis [~lwillis@lwillis.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu === kezz [~blah@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] because I would use Sid but they're too stubborn about X [10:10] Mmmm then why does it keep askung for the 2nd cd during the install.. could never get round that one! ..doing SuZe 9.1 on a DVD installed faultlessly .. but then again that's the German's for u ;-> [10:10] Poprocks: that is why I moved my laptop to ubuntu, too [10:10] exlt, heh [10:11] I know Debian wants to move to some modular server based on what freedesktop's doing... but I mean, really, XFree86 4.3 is really out of date by now [10:11] Vorsprug Durch Teknik! .. man okay .. who is Ubuntu..? === sensebend [~sensebend@CPE0050f2c2257d-CM014480023927.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] sensebend, hello fellow Rogers customer === apes [~apes@h0030bd6fd20b.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] Hello Poprocks. [10:12] in gentoo, many more apps are in portage - why not the same with ubuntu/debian package trees? [10:12] Gimmie a practical reason for going over to Ubuntu! ..peepil.. get me away from SuZe! [10:12] hey Poprocks! [10:13] TUXIE, apt-get [10:13] apt-get definitely apt-get [10:13] TUXIE, why do you ask that? [10:13] the default human theme and ubuntu-calendar [10:13] lol [10:13] I mean if you want to get away from Suse do so [10:13] If you don't stay with it [10:14] lol@sensebend [10:14] My reason for switching is that Ubuntu just works - it has all the apps I use as it's defaults [10:14] we have a good community built arround Ubuntu [10:14] I'm not entirely sure what the greatness of the calendar is.. the default human theme is alright too [10:14] sensebend.. debian? what's wrong with rpm? :-> [10:14] And it defaults to A4 paper :-) [10:14] apt is better at handling dependencies [10:14] smok, heh, that's _not_ a good thing ;-) === kipod [~shmoolik@] has joined #ubuntu === pepsi [~pepsi@p222.n-sfpop03.stsn.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] agreed Poprocks [10:15] My main reason for running Ubuntu is that FreeBSD kernel panics on my laptop.. :( [10:15] I like that it lets you switch between the autohinter and the bytecoder interpreter in libfreetype6 so easily :) [10:15] my main reason is I got tired of stale packages on Debian Sarge [10:15] it is from where I am! and where TUXIE is listed as connecting from [10:15] hello how can i check to which package a file belongs [10:15] lordan ... Coz SuzE is so big I thawt a "Wee" teeny tiny distro would suit me better! ;-> [10:15] What's a good FTP client for ubuntu? [10:16] kipod, dpkg -S [10:16] thanks [10:16] What's a good FTP client for ubuntu? [10:16] OK, I suggest you give Ubuntu a shot === kag1 [~keving@175.154-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] <^kayser^> hello, how can i mount a usb pendrive? === th1a [~hoffman@pool-70-20-1-84.prov.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:16] depends on what you want xed [10:16] that's kinda a loaded question [10:16] Gentoo -> emerge k3b nvu azureus audacity eclipse-sdk gkrellm2 SciTE pearpc mplayer xine amule vmware ... none of these are in ubuntu package trees by default!?!?! [10:16] <^kayser^> after update it doesn't detected [10:16] what do you mean what I want? [10:16] Peeple ..tis good natured.. don't flame me ..idon't got no asbestos skin.. :-> [10:17] I just want to be able to access an ftp, get files... preferably have aresume feature? [10:17] apes, they are in universe and multiverse === kag1 [~keving@175.154-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [10:17] enable the repositories [10:17] sensebend, why arent they enabled in ubuntu by default? [10:17] for the most part they are anyways [10:17] xed, gftp is pretty much accepted as one of the best gui ftp clients [10:17] i resive this error "libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" .... did someont else resived it befor [10:17] and how to do tha, thanks man [10:17] I don't think vmware is in the repos though [10:17] xed, gftp isnt half bad === kezz [~kezz@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] smok I come from SuZE ! :-> [10:18] I really dislike SUSE [10:18] xed, but I dont use ftp often, so something better might have emerged since I used it [10:18] coz it's to bog? [10:18] is gftp available ...for ubuntu? [10:18] sorry big? [10:18] apes, in synaptic [10:18] can i use apt-get to get it? [10:18] xed, most likely [10:18] xed, you got ubuntu installed? [10:18] TUXIE, the best way to know if Ubuntu does it for you is really to try it.. [10:19] aokaze, go to settings, repositories [10:19] Gwildor|Work, yes, yes I do. [10:19] and check all of them [10:19] xed, you're not going to make me type "apt-cache search gftp" and paste the result for you [10:19] then reload [10:19] JDahl, haha, no doing it now [10:19] and get whatever you want [10:19] I'm trying to tell u that but the install is all F##ked up! [10:19] xed, netcraft^H^H^H^H^H^H^H apt-cache confirms it === kezz [~kezz@user-6352.l4.c2.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] TUXIE, what is effed up? [10:19] What is netcraft^H^H^H^H^H^H^H ? [10:20] sensebend, why arent these on by default? is there any harm?? [10:20] xed, try ctrl+h in a terminal and see what it does [10:20] apes, they are not supported [10:20] ctrl+h? [10:20] xed, correct [10:20] and some contain software that isn't included for patent reasons [10:20] You're not messing with my head are you Poprocks? [10:20] xed, not really ;-) [10:20] like restricted formats like mp3 [10:20] Poprocks, really, what does that do, i m on XP at work [10:21] Trying to screw up my terminal or computer or something? [10:21] Gwildor|Work, backspace [10:21] xed, unix humour... you will learn to appriciate it eventually [10:21] sensebend, does gentoo *support* vmware, cuz its in portage? [10:21] Poprocks, thnx [10:21] sensebend: what was that for? [10:21] doesnt make sense to me.. [10:21] 1 cd right.. Bios boots from cd bah blah burned from ISO ... 95% thru the install it asks for the 2nd CD .. only one go figure... ? [10:21] aokaze, apes was asking why universe and multiverse were not enabled by default [10:21] ctrl+h does nothing =/ [10:22] strange, I didn't know vmware was in portage [10:22] dunno how they did that with the license [10:22] it's just backspace... deletes the previous character [10:22] oh yeah, vmware and cedega [10:22] xed, type some text first ;-) === setite [~setite@ip68-108-159-134.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] lol [10:22] cedega is open, afaik, if you compile it yourself [10:22] hey guys [10:22] It.. erases? === setite is now known as MaddMarshall2k [10:22] Backspace equivalent? [10:22] I thought VMWare was closed proprietary software [10:23] sensebend, well you need to drop the binary into /usr/portage/distfiles [10:23] sensebend, cvs doesn't contain a lot of the stuff that the commercial builds do afaik [10:23] Poprocks, its the equivalent of backspace? [10:23] but portage still takes care of config and other things [10:23] ah, I see [10:23] anyone have one of these? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=20319&item=5742244626&rd=1 [10:23] Back to Suze DVD... 3'5 Gigabyte install without a hitch! compare that to Ubuntu's 700 mb ..maybe 1.5 gig install! :-> [10:23] xed, there are two ways to perform a backspace on linux -- ctrl+h is the unix way, not used by linux by default but it still works (iirc anyway) [10:24] sensebend aokaze, go to settings, repositories .... that is what I am talking about.... I didnt ask anything but I got an answer that I dont know what to do with lol [10:24] suse is huge [10:24] whoa lots of updates to hoary today [10:24] and i dont really see much use to the size [10:24] I don't see why you'd use ctrl+h if you have backspace [10:24] i mean it has slightly better driver support [10:24] err aokaze, sorry I meant apes [10:24] hardware support i mean [10:24] Okay what do u get with Ubuntu ..2.6 kernal ..KDE 3.2? [10:24] Unless ofcourse.. it works in .. putty.. in windows [10:24] xed... it predates backspace.. it' [10:24] it'? [10:24] gotta love autocomplete in irc clients :S [10:24] No Gnome 2.8? [10:24] TUXIE, gnome 2.8 .........kernal 2.6 something [10:25] they should do what I meant not what I said [10:25] hehe [10:25] It defaults to Gnome 2.8? ..yes [10:25] it's from a time when ^A,^E,^H made more sense than "delete", "home", "end" [10:25] TUXIE, you get apt-get, better than suse [10:25] TUXIE, yes [10:25] apt-get is so damn useful [10:25] yup yup [10:26] apt-get is god [10:26] well synaptic is god [10:26] apt-cache search is damn useful too [10:26] Cool... this apt-get .. this is better than rpm ..how ..please? [10:26] apt-get is the holy ghost [10:26] ive never used anything but apt....and dont think i ever will [10:26] I have a question [10:26] TUXIE, it resolves and installs dependencies === johnlevin [~johnlevin@dsl-80-42-70-105.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] automagically [10:26] So does rpm! [10:26] BUT BETTER [10:26] xed, you're going to like aptitude when you get around to it.. [10:26] it does it better though [10:26] aptitute? [10:26] man time! [10:27] aptitude is like synaptic....kinda...is it not? [10:27] apt-get and RPM are like apples and oranges [10:27] yes [10:27] sensebend, i only see universe, where i multiverse? [10:27] Agrajag, [10:27] RPM is more like dpkg [10:27] what about apt-rpm??? [10:27] xed, yes, like synaptic, but doesnt require X [10:27] zenwhen: see that's a more fair comparison [10:27] synaptic .. package manager? [10:27] apes.....see where it says "universe" make it say "universe multiverse" [10:27] or apt and yum [10:27] and still after doing an apt-get update i dont have mplayer and xine in the repositories [10:27] in which case apt still wins [10:27] This is not a tech channel for "debating" various "distros" .. sorry people.. forgive me.. ;-> [10:28] rpm's dependency handling isn't as good [10:28] xed, synaptic is gui frontend for apt....so is aptitude [10:28] kezz: not as good as what? [10:28] as .deb's [10:28] apt [10:28] kezz: how so? [10:28] ding ding [10:28] hat does dpkg do differently? [10:28] because an rpm system always corrupts itself [10:28] no it doesn't. [10:28] xed, next time you need to install something try to do it with aptitude.. it's much better than apt-get alone... it's superb for fixing broken depencies and install recommended packages that goes the package you want to install. [10:28] kezz thats FUD === jcspray [~jcspray@82-68-105-97.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] I ran two different ROM distros years ago and neither ever corrupted itself [10:29] er [10:29] you should have a warty multiverse repo apes [10:29] s/ROM/RPM/ [10:29] alrite not always but more often than not in my experience [10:29] anecdotal [10:29] you ask an rpm system to do a complex install and it will be dependency hell [10:29] Gwildor|Work, thanks dude [10:29] kezz, try YUM sometimes [10:29] after adding multiverse mplayer is there ;-) [10:29] sometime* [10:29] yeah [10:30] apes, NP [10:30] Dependency hell is FUD. [10:30] you can't compare rpm to apt fairly [10:30] or atp4rpm. [10:30] see, i still think gentoo has that benefit right form the start that ALL linux software is accessible [10:30] zenwhen, i have tried yum but when i tried it the repositories weren't up to much [10:30] It no longer exists to any extent that it is a problem. [10:30] Apt-get a debian "thing" ...Sorry I don't want to piss u people of f with these continued "inverted" quotes ;-> [10:30] :< [10:30] zenwhen, exactly.. I hate when people still complain about it.. it was a problem in 2000 maybe not not now === johnlevin [~johnlevin@dsl-80-42-70-105.access.uk.tiscali.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:30] sweet [10:30] aptitude is pretty cool [10:31] xed, yeah :) [10:31] apes, a more fair comparison with gentoo would be Debian unstable, where you also have the full repo available. === bkuebler__ [~bkuebler@] has joined #ubuntu === VirtualDarKness [~vrDarKnes@] has joined #ubuntu === bkuebler__ is now known as bkuebler [10:31] it gives a description [10:31] i typed in aptitude [10:31] you can add the debian unstable repo, but it's an incredibly bad idea [10:31] and woot [10:31] MobyTurbo, does ubuntu run stable only? [10:31] Could 314 people be right on their choice off a distro? [10:31] thought ubuntu was testing [10:32] apes, no, there's both warty and hoary. [10:32] xed, it's useful to know something that doesnt require X for the times when yours system is broken [10:32] heh there will be just as many in a #suse [10:32] Ubuntu Warty is staby [10:32] apes, universe/multiverse is a snapshot of unstable [10:32] hoary is the upcoming release [10:32] apt-get can be used in terminal without X right? [10:32] ahh cool... === krem [~krem@lns-vlq-32-orl-82-253-222-45.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] xed yes [10:32] xed, yes [10:32] xed, yes, but cant handle large upgrades the same way aptitude can [10:32] ... [10:33] MobyTurbo, im coming off a year using gentoo straight - no windows - and thinkling about using ubunut as my new dist [10:33] aptitude doesn't need X either. [10:33] apes, a lot of us are former gentoo users [10:33] apes, ubuntu will save you time [10:33] check the pool in the forums [10:33] Still haven't got a fix for Ubuntu's quirky instlall from a single CD :-> [10:33] poll rather [10:33] JDahl, how can't it handle them? [10:33] TUXIE, whats the intall problem? [10:33] apt-get dist-upgrade works fine for me [10:33] Gwildor|Work, it asks for a second CD === tvon [tvon@dsl093-119-225.blt1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] since i hate witing to compile on my amd64 gentoo lappy, which also runs 64but native and has namy issues like no official java browser plugin support and no 64 bit wireless drivers [10:33] kezz, e.g. downgrading and holding packages without aptitude? good luck... [10:33] sensebend, so tell it no....... [10:34] Gwildor|Work It keeps asking for the second CD tho it was a single CD ISO burn instaltion!!!!! [10:34] What can the calendar be used for in ubuntu? [10:34] apes, is there an AMD64 version of Ubuntu? [10:34] JDahl, but surely aptitude is only a gui frontend [10:34] Like.. can I add notes t it or something? [10:34] I'm not having this problem, TUXIE is === spacey`ki [~ki@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu === davmor2 [~davmor2@82-37-24-90.cable.ubr04.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] MobyTurbo, yes [10:34] MobyTurbo, yest there is [10:34] TUXIE, sensebend ive never had that happen...on 4th install [10:34] me neither [10:34] kezz, you are correct [10:34] neat. Of course, I'm still using a 1.7GHz P4. :-) [10:34] it's something strange [10:34] ogra are you about [10:34] MobyTurbo, but amd64 dists all suffer from the lack of compatible software still [10:35] I've never seen any mention of it [10:35] hardware is not supported well [10:35] kezz, I agree it's technically possible to do dpkg and apt-get... I am just saying I wouldnt want to do it [10:35] on the mailing list or forum [10:35] s/to do/to do with/ [10:35] Could it be the distro versin.. sorry I can't remeber the version :-< === georgia [~georgia@82-40-85-175.cable.ubr01.cast.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === MikeAFK is now known as MikeGTN [10:36] TUXIE, well, im pretty sure all of here isntalled from the same version, less it was from debian [10:36] TUXIE, maybe just a bad burn......i doubt it, but you never know [10:36] i need a book [10:36] not man pages but like an ebook [10:36] that will make me less noobish [10:36] tldp.org === illek [~mike@ip68-13-238-168.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [10:36] MaddMarshall2k, that ws to you [10:36] MaddMarshall2k, "Running Linux" from O'Reilly [10:37] anyone know if there are i686 .deb releases of files or athlon-xp optimized binaries? [10:37] It seems I'm already fully updated. =| === nsahoo [~nsahoo@NACHI.HEINZ.cmu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] MaddMarshall2k, http://ubuntuguide.org? [10:37] xed, you got hoary or warty repos? [10:37] ... [10:37] I don't.. know.. [10:37] lol [10:37] check synaptic [10:37] apes, the kernel is available in i686 and AMD flavors [10:37] why is it not recommended that one uses debian repository with ubuntu ? [10:37] Gwildor|Work Bad burn would trash the installation completely .. this sounds like some kind of screwup with the particular distro? ;-< [10:37] MobyTurbo, yes i got the k7 versions installed fine [10:37] xed, and if you dont know, yu prob have warty [10:37] ogra are you about [10:38] nsahoo, because there are differences that can conflict. [10:38] wait a minute, telephone call === SeFoKumA [~zienaga@77.Red-83-41-246.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] TUXIE, what i am saying is, i dont think there has been any changes to the iso, since warty was final...so either we all have the problem.......or it is something to do with YOUR disk [10:39] apt-get install azureus fails :-( [10:39] hmm .. the problem is there are some packages for which ubuntu repository has the old packages .. but, debian has the newer one [10:39] I do have Warty.. [10:39] I just got it 2 days ago. [10:39] apes, why? [10:39] apes, you'll need jre [10:39] couldnt find package azureus [10:39] Anybody get their distros off of magaxine covermounts? .. I don't mean to sound cheap .. but I prefer 2 buy before I try ;-> [10:39] xed, warty or hoary.....warty only has security updates [10:39] and azureus might not be in the repos [10:39] =\ [10:40] I'll just use apt-cache search [10:40] sensebend, is blackdown or sun preferred in ubuntu [10:40] xed, do apt-get update.......try to see if you see the words hoary or warty as all the text flys by [10:40] jhg [10:40] I use sun [10:40] apes azureus isn't in the repos [10:41] apes, azureus is P@P......use amule....its in the repos [10:41] Gwildor|Work .. fair enough... :-< [10:41] P2P [10:41] warty Gwildor|Work. [10:41] xed, ok, you wont see amny updates [10:41] many === e-Jah [~ejah@bob75-1-82-234-73-118.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] yeah, I don't [10:42] :) [10:42] I'll just use apt-cache search to look for whatever I need. =\ [10:42] in synaptic you can search thru all of the available packages...sorted by catagory === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] xed, resist upgrading to hoary for a while, and get to know the tools first [10:42] Staying with the Tuetons.. Worsprung Durch Tekinik.... BMW ... and the work ethic! [10:42] idk about aptitude...i never use it [10:43] Gwildor|Work, yeah thanks man - i used amule all ht eime - good stuff [10:43] JDahl, that is so hard to do......... [10:43] apes, np :) [10:43] JDahl, I am just using this atm. [10:43] I don't really know the difference between Hoary and Warty.... [10:43] hoary is unstable [10:44] So then why use Hoary at all =/ [10:44] ? [10:44] umm, not final......not done [10:44] Gwildor|Work, I think you can do all the same in Aptitude.. search with '/' to enter a regular expr... repeat '/' to jump to next entry etc. [10:44] I suspect it's my speeling or u peepil are all from the US of A ? [10:44] well, it is pretty stable IMO,......its just called unstable...there MAY be bugs === Bilbo-B [~hamcham@80-29-37-109.adsl.nuria.telefonica-data.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] TUXIE, i am [10:44] TUXIE, I'm in Canada.. eh. === e-Jah [~ejah@bob75-1-82-234-73-118.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] hi [10:44] xed .. same thing .. ;-> [10:44] hi [10:45] lol TUXIE you gotta die for that :P [10:45] i am having problems with the framebuffer console [10:45] I'm going to die if I'm in Canada? [10:45] i set vga=mode [10:45] TUXIE, btw it's called 'Vorsprung durch Technik' [10:45] i plan on moving to canada [10:45] neofeed I once upon atime lived in Hamilton Ontario :-> [10:45] in the menu.lst config file of grub, and i got garbage on boot [10:46] davmor2: yup [10:46] davmor2: yup [10:46] using every mode === TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] neofeed I stand corrected :-> [10:46] xed, no... but mostly canadians are upset about being compared to the us. [10:46] btw? [10:46] Gwildor|Work, yeah.. I also cant wait to move back to a country with high taxes, social security and no SUVs [10:46] meh. =/ [10:46] TUXIE, By Tha Waiii [10:47] I'm not upset about being compared with the Canadians. [10:47] OK..thanx ;-> [10:47] JDahl, anything is better than not having a job.....paying millions to go to school just to get a job........ [10:47] geez. I mean.. damnit, Canada tries so hard to be like the US so damn often its sickening. =( === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-051-113.sc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] JDahl, having a 3rd grade sister smarter than the Pres.........and living near a bunch of ignorant morons that voted that bastard back in [10:48] yes, he is pretty dumb, isnt he? [10:48] xed, ha. You simply leak the plan to invade the US. Until you have fixed that. You will never! trust me, never every be like the US [10:48] yeah [10:48] Canada rules :) [10:48] Wow, its liberal Linux circle jerk time. [10:49] now that i finally got x running, i hit ctrl+alt+f2, how to get back to x? ctrl+alt+f7 doesnt work. what's the trick? [10:49] try f1? [10:49] circle jerk........who's in the middle? [10:49] Your mom. :) [10:49] sweet [10:49] hahaha [10:50] I am originally from Europe and it sickens me how the "new Europe" is wagging its tail at US and going against the will of the majority of the people just to the their picture taken with Bush at his ranch [10:50] Anybody live in Hamilton Ontario.. I .. did in 1965..1972 ...I believe it was a large "province" full of "woods" .. something like the "New England "vacation states" of the US of A? ;-> [10:50] is p3nfs supposed to be stable? perhaps my serial cable is b0rken [10:50] soggy biscuit [10:51] JDahl,why?...........ive got horses [10:51] JDahl, hmmm my country does not really do that. Our chancelor finds it more important to get tacken from behind by the nice french guy and be on a picture with the russian president [10:51] neofeed, then you're from "old Europe" [10:52] what's the new europe than? [10:52] Wow this is some good Linux discussion. [10:52] Have I missed something? [10:52] ok heres the big linux test [10:52] can i surf the web and watch a dvd on this POS [10:52] windows cant handle it === _Ribs_ is now known as Ribs [10:52] Survey says: no [10:52] ok what program do i get for it === pitti [~martin@] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] thats nice and full featured [10:53] MaddMarshall2k, POS? [10:53] Point of Sight? === IvyCQuaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] MaddMarshall2k, I don't understand what you're talking about === JayParadise [~james@cpe-024-211-051-113.sc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] piece of s*** [10:53] yeah I know what POS means [10:53] JDahl Yes.. I'm from the "old country" Scotland.. where ther appears to be a large immigrant populace in Canada and the US... my..my we were frisky and adventurous in the 17th century! :-> [10:53] poprocks? whats not to understand [10:53] zenwhen, I know.. I will let it slide... I just get worked up easily... neofeed, "old" and "new" Europe are terms that the Bush administration use for those contries that either against or for US, respectively [10:53] neofeed asked for the definition [10:53] MaddMarshall2k, what's a POS, your computer or ubuntu? [10:53] what dont you get poprocks [10:53] the computer [10:54] JDahl, ahh.. [10:54] and windows if it works better on here [10:54] I've never heard as different parts of Europe refered to as new or old [10:54] MaddMarshall2k, oh.. what are its specs? [10:54] hmm. this must be on topic [10:54] MaddMarshall2k, you want to watch DVD in fullscreen and surf the web? [10:54] 2.6ghx celeron [10:54] can you show an example JDahl? [10:54] 256megs of ram [10:54] MaddMarshall2k, ... and windows can't handle that? [10:54] its an emachine [10:54] JDahl, your blind frothing liberal rage makes Linux chat less fun. [10:54] not web surfing and dvds simultaneously [10:54] the dvds skip to a point that is unbearable [10:54] MaddMarshall2k, well it comes with Firefox for web browsing [10:55] MaddMarshall2k, is dma enabled on your DVD drive? [10:55] sensebend, an example about what? zenwhen, that borders ignorance [10:55] Bush Bush Bush Bush [10:55] and as for the DVDs... well if it's a hardware problem then it won't be any different on Ubuntu [10:55] dma? [10:55] zenwhen, s/B/H [10:55] MaddMarshall2k, I gather you're on Windows now right? [10:55] /g [10:55] Bush Bush Bush? Did you know... Bush? Bush. [10:55] nah i dont think its hardware [10:55] and example of when the Bush admin refers to new and old europe [10:55] no im on ubuntu [10:56] its just that i dont think windows can handle the video rendering along with another active process [10:56] Naebody here from the Uooo Kayyy of Scotkand where the guys wear "skirts? ;-> [10:56] sensebend, they did in all their speeches before Iraq... categorized them into old and new Europe [10:56] MaddMarshall2k, I'll bet it's dma [10:56] Just shut up about him. He was voted in for a second term because our country supports him, and nothing else matters. === Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-23-170.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] hi all [10:56] and that is? [10:56] MaddMarshall2k, so the DVDs skip on Windows.. have you tried on ubuntu? === warty632 [~warty@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] no im about to [10:56] Thats all I have to say about that. [10:56] wth you didnt read half of what i said then [10:56] sensebend, just google "bush old europe" [10:56] yay bush! [10:57] sensebend, so what? I don`t like our head of state. Wich is not Bush. But I'm not going to love him just because he got elected. [10:57] linux.. not politics please [10:57] zenwhen, JDahl, and sensebend, this is NOT the place to be talking about this, this is a support forum, go to linuxtalk or ubuntuforums [10:57] MaddMarshall2k, what DVD player have you tried? [10:57] please [10:57] dvd playing software? [10:57] yep [10:57] hey neighborlee I'm not in this debate [10:57] MaddMarsha U do Linux? [10:58] none... on linux that is... thats why im asking what i should get [10:58] neighborlee, hi [10:58] when the debian installer will be available ? [10:58] OddAbe19, I tried to tell them that. [10:58] this isn't a place for offtopic debate though [10:58] MaddMarshall2k, hmm I think 'Totem','MPlayer','Xine' all do DVD [10:58] do i do linux? [10:58] If they werent going to stop, someone needed to say somehting. [10:58] which one is featured === narkone [narkone@164.Red-80-24-135.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] like actually for dvd [10:58] MaddMarshall2k: For DVD playback? totem is good, but not very full featured. xine has many, many features. [10:58] not totem [10:58] totem-xine is probably easiest to use [10:58] xine then ok [10:58] any spanish? [10:58] You want the xine-ui package [10:58] MaddMarshall2k, you can also get Totem to use xine to play stuff [10:58] *sigh* no cd-rom :| [10:59] but xine-ui is probably what you're looking for [10:59] not looking for easy... looking for full featured... sorta like powerdvd and such [10:59] Yeah I do Suze 9.1 ..that's Linux!!! not smelly Ubuntu that can't install!! :-> === neofeed wonders what's wrong with mplayer with gmplayer? [10:59] i have totem xine [10:59] you'll need libdvdcss to decode most dvds. [10:59] but it looks generic === Simira [~rpGirl@ti200710a080-5534.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] uhm, can someone tell me where i can download ..uhm..the internet ? [10:59] where do i get that [10:59] any spanish person? === GFXstyLER [~GFXstyLER@xdsld245.osnanet.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] i searched for dvd on synaptic but libdvdcss didnt show up [10:59] MaddMarshall2k, I guess there are mplayer packages inte Synaptic thingy === Keybuk [scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] narkone: i think there's #ubuntu-es [11:00] MaddMarshall2k: Ubuntu can't distribute libdvdcss [11:00] MaddMarshall2k, you'll have to add an external repository since ubuntu isn't allowed to distribute it [11:00] nomasteryoda: hey bud, you there? [11:00] hi [11:00] MaddMarshall2k: There's a file in /usr/share/doc/libdvdread that tells you how to get it === TUXIE [~parper@host213-122-59-228.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has left #ubuntu [] [11:00] nomasteryoda: I'll try and call you. [11:00] hi [11:00] how can i install the ati fglrx drivers without trashing my x server ? (please, no link to the ubuntu howTo, i already tried that) [11:02] GFXstyLER, it wont work on Hoary [11:02] ummmm ill just see if i can google it [11:02] i use warty :) === YokoZar [~scott@d160-104-la-rue-2.ucdavis.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] When I hit the left and right mouse buttons simultaneously, it simulates a middle click. How do I disable this behavior? [11:02] i cant use blender without ati 3D acceleration, it lags like hell [11:03] GFXstyLER, so what about installing your GraphicCards driver? [11:03] you won't get ati 3d acceleration until they release it [11:04] GFXstyLER, in case you got nVidia you got good driver in case you got ATI you got medium quality driver [11:04] or until they make the drivers free software [11:04] ohh ati :/ [11:04] YokoZar, tried editing your XFree or xorg config file? [11:04] I ready 'any' [11:04] i got 3d acelleration to work on suse once [11:04] VirtualDarKness: Not yet, I was hoping it was doable from a control panel somewhere. The Mouse panel is lacking, though. [11:04] YokoZar, Option "Emulate3Buttons" "false" [11:05] VirtualDarKness: Thanks [11:05] YokoZar, afair should be that one but not 100% sure.. let me know [11:05] and i read others had succsess, but i just did a clean ubuntu installation and configured it to my needs and that took me a day, and i dont want to start all over again just because x server is trashed [11:05] anyone know how to get eclipse-sdk 3.x going in ubuntu? === golpira [~golpira@pcp01484546pcs.frncht01.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === stuNNed [stunned@] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] since web searches yield nothing, i dub p3nfs OK and my cables faulty :( [11:09] hi === kent [~kent@c83-249-61-200.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] apes, there is a HOWTO @ ubuntu.com [11:13] apes, in the java section === zxy____ [~ralph@host81-154-205-243.range81-154.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Gaaruto [~Gaaruto@ASte-Genev-Bois-153-1-23-170.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:15] damnit im getting no sound in xine === incorrect [~golgotha@cpc2-glfd2-6-0-cust244.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] hello === JDahl [~qwerty@ca-stmnca-cuda4-gen2p-64.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] incorrect, hi [11:16] hello there === kent [~kent@] has joined #ubuntu === Pugio [~Snak@] has joined #ubuntu === warty [~warty@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] uhh...i have a quick q - i'm trying to exit the live cd and i tried to log off, and it just logged me back in === norwyn [~norwyn@h208n7c1o1049.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] warty, can you just power off? [11:18] is there a searchable package db? [11:19] incorrect, apt-cache search [11:19] incorrect, synaptic and I think aptitude can search, or you can use "apt-cache search" on the command line. [11:19] damnit im getting no sound in xine.. someon help [11:19] i don't have it installed === slicslak [~slicslak@S01060050bf73737f.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] dahl, from the button on my comp ? [11:19] right [11:19] the box ? === sid77 [~sid77@ppp-51-139.30-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu === xed [~bleh@CPE00e01806942a-CM013309901151.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:20] MaddMarshall2k, nothing you play from xine has sound? [11:20] incorrect, you certainly have it installed. Look at the computer / system configuration menu for synaptic [11:20] the dvd has no sound [11:20] i have gnetoo on my laptop with a couple of usermode debian installs [11:20] hi [11:20] warty, umm.. yes. If you're playing with live CD, what's the harm of shutting of power? [11:20] incorrect, I had gentoo on my box but for an 850Mhz system gentoo is not standable [11:21] k jdahl, i wasnt sure [11:21] neofeed, i have it on a k6-2 400 its fine [11:21] but its a server and i don't update often [11:21] [wait...is the cd going to eject, it wont let me manually, on my cd-drive] [11:21] does ubuntu have debs of java? === adamand [~adamand@dsl-173-226.oeke.tiscali.no] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] warty, no because it's mounted. You will not be able to eject a cd that is supposed to be read === adamand [~adamand@dsl-173-226.oeke.tiscali.no] has left #ubuntu [] [11:22] ubuntu a desktop only distro? [11:22] k [11:22] incorrect - add universe to your sources.list and you will find java debs [11:22] thank you for the help, dealing with the noobs === bwb [~nate@ip68-5-253-106.oc.oc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [11:22] and me :) [11:23] exlt, 1.4 ? [11:23] incorrect: nup, definitely not desktop-only :) [11:23] exlt, you lean mean confusing machine :P [11:23] traditionally im a debian person [11:23] add universe ; apt-get update ; apt-cache search java === xevil [mageerc@host-216-77-194-14.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] however i just want an easy life with java [11:24] exlt, those are tools to make java debs out of java binaries from non-apt sources. [11:24] incorrect - I;m on a Slack box at the moment ;) [11:24] i have 50 servers to deploy and im not longer happy with debian, [11:24] ahh - ok - true, licensing issues will come into play... [11:25] personally if the company has to pay anything [11:25] we don't care, cause its what we develop in [11:25] java-package will build a debian package straight from the horse's mouth [11:25] incorrect, so you are not happy with debian but instead look for a debian derivate that has been speicalized for the desktop? [11:25] i just want an easy life [11:25] neofeed, i asked if ubuntu was a desktop distro, i was told no [11:25] yes and no [11:26] incorrect: if i had 50 servers i would accept nothing else but debian :) [11:26] Slack === sensebend [~sensebend@CPE0050f2c2257d-CM014480023927.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] topyli, even if they were all tomcat 5 and java 1.4 servers [11:26] tomcat i don't know. maintenance i do =) [11:26] i love debian, i've used it for years and years [11:26] incorrect, ubuntu is a distribution like every other. if you want you can make it run as server. If you want a desktop machine you can make it be a desktop machine. [11:27] personally, I like using my own installs of SDK and tomcat under /usr/local [11:27] neofeed, just like debian [11:27] neofeed, i read it uses more upto date sources [11:27] incorrect: get sun blades. java is bound to work ;) [11:27] incorrect, wow.. so what about makeing debian use unstable? [11:27] incorrect correct [11:28] topyli, lol [11:28] there you go - solaris is a mercedes :) [11:28] hehe [11:28] neofeed, isn't there some more control with ubuntu? === will [~will@1-1-7-19a.ars.sth.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu === neofeed has only had trouble with mercedeses... bad bad stuff. [11:28] hey peeps..are there any 'slice' apps for linux..ie: like image ready for PS or fireworks ???? [11:28] py-slice in gimp isn't working for me so :((.... [11:28] neighborlee, what's a 'slice' app? [11:29] I mean it doesn't work period..has anyone else tried it?? [11:29] does it slice bread? [11:29] neofeed, well it takes a image and slices it up into table format .. [11:29] which makes it nice for page layout [11:29] man slice -> No manual entry for slice [11:29] neighborlee, page layout with tables for images? [11:29] py-slice [11:29] its strange there doesn't seem to be a server focused distro [11:29] its a plugin for gimip [11:29] gimp [11:30] neighborlee, you must be shitting me! [11:30] nope i'm not [11:30] ahh [11:30] neighborlee, that sounds too specialized to be prepackaged... maybe freshmeat? [11:30] neighborlee, who on earth does serious webdesign with tables? ... yea i know there are a lot. [11:30] neofeed, well some designs flat can not be done with just CSS === topyli [~juha@dsl-hkigw3pa5.dial.inet.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [11:31] if you say so. I'm not going to argue about what can be done with css and not. therefor we have #web [11:31] neofeed, unless I'm not using css right...shrug..i'm a bit rusty so... [11:31] neofeed, the problem with CSS is called IE ;) [11:31] hi how do i run a .pl file? [11:31] VirtualDarKness, yea. But that's not a problem with no fix ;) [11:31] incorrect: there are server-based distros out there, such as SLES, RHEL, Trustix - depends on what you are comfortable with [11:32] VirtualDarKness, and there is this IE7 javascript thingy that makes IE understand some css [11:32] neofeed, I just need to set my javascript code for mouseovers is all i'm really after but for that I must slice up this large image..can that be done with css ? [11:32] neofeed, what is the IE7 thing? [11:32] how can you run .pl files? anyone know? [11:32] VirtualDarKness, dunno search /. [11:32] RHEL funny, thats snot even a distro [11:33] incorrect: Debian... ;) [11:33] VirtualDarKness, they had it there sometime back [11:33] neighborlee, mouseovers? you man an ImageMap? [11:33] the quality is raunch [11:33] will, perl xxx.pl [11:33] exlt, yeah debian, just so old, sarge will be out of date before it comes out [11:34] incorrect: then follow sid [11:34] JDahl:thanks! [11:34] neofeed, no ..I thought about using imagemap but not sure thats the way I want to go [11:34] whahats SELS? [11:34] exlt, you can't use that for productions [11:34] incorrect: or, as our IT folks do, use backports [11:34] neighborlee, so you want to split up an image into 100 of pieces. buy that adding lots of server load and stuff? [11:34] neofeed, is that the standard way of doing things ? [11:34] neofeed, ha not 100's..maybe 20 or so....anyway so I can do this with css ??? [11:34] neighborlee, if you have 1 image . You open ONE stream. and get ONE header sent. if you slice it into 100 images you get 99 more open streams and 99 more headers [11:35] neighborlee, slicing - no, position, yes. [11:35] neighborlee, but for those questions I'd rather you to go to #web [11:35] neofeed, well..its slightly more complicated than that [11:35] exlt, i simply need a dsitro that provides good tomcat and java support, just packages would do, no stupid X no extra junk, [11:35] incorrect: Debian is about stability (read: good for servers), not bleeding edge [11:35] neofeed, sounds good [11:35] neofeed, thx [11:35] where is the best place to install vmware and its libraries? [11:35] exlt, yeah, i guess i should just trust in debian ;) [11:36] incorrect, so what about looking for some java, tomcat deb's? and use debian? [11:36] incorrect: this is precisely why I install tomcat and SDK on my own in, and not rely on someone else building it form me [11:36] incorrect, doesn't sound too hard to me. [11:36] neofeed, there aren't any tomcat 5 debs that are worth using === srbaker [~srbaker@blk-222-13-66.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] incorrect, so. install on all server debian. create a java/tomcat install somewhere in /usr/local [11:37] and simply copy it over to the other server using what ever you prefere most. [11:37] jakarta.apache.org, incorrect - untar it, set up a few things, and let 'er rip... [11:37] neofeed, i got 50 servers [11:37] you could even st up some rsync repo === krix [~krics@TriOptimum-DSL.externet.hu] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] hey [11:37] incorrect, all the same server ? [11:37] how do i enable dma [11:37] no 50 servers [11:38] 8 racks full [11:38] incorrect: no distribution really has great java support atm [11:38] incorrect, yea all the same kind of server? === MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] jdub, gentoo would be sweet if it made packages, but it doesn't as such [11:38] neofeed, sort of [11:38] incorrect, or do you have different hardware, different nics etc? [11:38] ewwww [11:38] neofeed, variants [11:38] neofeed, I stumped all 150 users so far LOL [11:38] neofeed, i could mirror them, but [11:38] neofeed, so I guesss ill be using a imagemap possibly LOL [11:39] i could just write a bash script to do it [11:39] gentoo is simply too much time to admin, imo, and very limited gains in performance === BlackHussar [~chatzilla@] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] it wouldn't be hard to scipt the install, [11:39] exlt, I agree '100%' [11:39] exlt, gains, if ever. [11:39] urg [11:39] i just wanted it as part of the distro [11:39] exlt, I know...I've tried it and 'no thanks' [11:40] i want the moon on a stick [11:40] lol [11:40] incorrect, you will hardly get something like that. But maybe someone in #debian did that already and has the scripts? [11:40] does anyone know where i can get the moon on a stick? [11:40] exlt, I figure if I want to compile EVERYTHING ill just find job as a computer programmer..but in my real life I could care lesss ;-)) [11:40] neofeed, oh it wouldn't take me long to write the script === BlackHussar [~chatzilla@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:40] its just i hoped someone would have sorted it by now [11:40] incorrect, ask in the next superstore for a stick and a cheese, there you go. [11:40] incorrect: any distro would be sweet if it made packages, thus my comment. [11:41] Anyone want to tackle an abstract hypothetical? [11:41] ummm [11:41] One only tengentially having to do with linux? [11:41] such as... [11:41] incorrect: you could set up your servers from default debian install - create and distribute your own sdk/tomcat packages that would allow you to distribute them among your servers - this way let apt maintain the os, and all you need to do is maintain your app server software [11:41] gilgames.... [11:42] exlt, yeah i could package tomcat5 and java 1.4, i guess it would help others [11:42] im lazy [11:42] gilgamesh_ .... [11:42] Sorry, yes. [11:42] Here we go === mroth [~mroth@mroth.user] has joined #ubuntu === srbaker_ [~srbaker@blk-222-13-66.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] If you were the IT manager for a startup law firm with twenty or so personnel, keeping in mind the needs for office apps, secure email, etc. how would you set up the office network? [11:43] hmmmm [11:44] I'd have to think about that some [11:44] answer: very carefully [11:44] A friend of mine and I were contemplating forming our own firm when we get out of law school, and being a former CS guy, the IT end of the hypo sprung to mind. [11:45] incorrect: http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2004/09/msg00060.html [11:46] Yeah i know those debs ;) [11:46] I mean, long-term data storage and secure email are crucial, since client data is like blood. Of course, to implement the traditional Windows client-server solution is expensive and problematic, so the big question was, "could linux do the job on both the server and client ends?" [11:47] exlt, just wanted as part of the distro === adam_ [~adam@207-255-118-254-dhcp.unt.pa.atlanticbb.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] Several questions arise, such as whether or not OO.o meets a law office's needs as well as MS Office, and whether a thin-client model would work, etc... === spacey`ki [~ki@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] like i said, i want the moon on a stick [11:48] incorrect eq gilgamesh_ [11:48] incorrect, yeah, but if you read the headache that it is to create his debs, it is clear why a simple tar xzvf from the official jakarta archive is so nice - and it "just works" [11:49] exlt, i suppose [11:49] can someone help me get java installed and working on my mozilla firefox on ubuntu [11:49] gentoo manages it ;) === OZ8AAZ [~OZ8AAZ@port323.ds1-brh.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] gilgamesh_: It can easily be made to work === incorrect bursts into flames [11:50] ogra r u about [11:50] care to enlighten? [11:50] gilgamesh_: the main thing apparently is templates [11:50] Dammit, why did January's calendar have to be a guy? [11:50] incorrect, gentoo also has no qualms about throwing software into their repositories without a "higher level" of regard for licensing [11:50] Templates, flexible bullets&numbering, and the right fonts. Seems simple enough [11:50] yeah [11:51] if you start with OO.o [11:51] adam_: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/Java [11:51] you have 0 compatibility options [11:51] exlt, thats fine by me ;) [11:51] hehe [11:51] 0 compatibility options? [11:51] HrdwrBoB, 0 comp. options with MS* products? :) [11:51] if that, well yes. :) Not 0 but 10% comp. :) [11:51] krix: yes === zul [~chuck@CPE0006258ec6c2-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] at last summer i tried to migrate a company from windows to linux [11:51] incorrect, how many machines did you say? 50? see you in a couple of weeks after your initial provisioning.... [11:51] Why would I need compatibility with MS Office, if the whole office were linux? [11:52] based on 18 windows clients. But the hard part was MSword and OOo [11:52] For inter-office memos I can export to pdf [11:52] gilgamesh_, to email doc files to windows users, perhaps? [11:52] the company reciving some very important documents from other companies in msword .doc [11:52] btw OOo got crash when tried to open it :) [11:52] gilgamesh_: I long to also inhabit your wonderful fantasy world in which people don't send you .doc files. [11:52] OOo is not a perfect stable system at this moment if you need to view, edit ms* docs [11:52] If I need to send memoranda to clients, they don't need editing capability, so pdf would suffice, yes? [11:52] gilgamesh_: precisely [11:53] gilgamesh_: my main point is, the primary reason for not changing is the investment in current tech [11:53] so if you start from 0 with free tools [11:53] you're ahead === exlt loves pdf for pretty printing, too [11:53] gilgamesh_, or try to do that you buy a crossoveroffice [11:53] and some msoffice products. [11:53] i used to host 30 servers on debian and that took a week to deploy, but i had rewritten all the configs [11:53] then running frm crossover office the msword products for problem documents. [11:53] Yeah, crossover is one option... albeit not an optimal one [11:54] not an optimal but a working option [11:54] incorrect, 30 server ? one week? you are definitivly overpayed :P [11:54] incorrect, you need to look into pxe and fai [11:54] that is what I do for a living... [11:54] gilgamesh_, that is the safest way i think. [11:54] my data center techs can provision 100+ servers in each DC in one shift [11:55] now go to install ubuntu! :) [11:55] bye [11:55] jcspray - incoming .docs would be a minimal problem in a law office (I would think), because most of the paperwork is internally generated. Clients don't generally do paperwork, and opposing counsel gives you hardcopy. [11:55] neofeed, i don' think thats bad for a cluster [11:55] Maybe I'm wrong though [11:56] didn't have a single problem until someone melted the comms room by under specing the air conn [11:56] haha [11:56] oopsy [11:56] been there done that === Potn [~potnhbug@ip129-167.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] restored hundred of gb data [11:56] incorrect, with a crappy old athlon white-box, you could have those boxen up in a day, and that includes setting up pxe and fai from scratch [11:57] and tested? [11:57] incorrect, depends on what you are testing [11:58] incorrect, testing shmesting - its a cluster - you should be able to take nodes up and down at will [11:58] im testing the replication, active fail over, load balancing, back up, disaster recovery, [11:58] yeah, true, I suppose [11:58] i got like 500gb of data [11:59] and exactly what is the point in setting up pxe for a one off install [11:59] its not a one-off - you are doing 30... === rexiboy [~rexiboy@203-206-25-144.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] well i wouldn't be doing it again [11:59] hello [11:59] and have the ability to do it all over agian for additional nodes, etc