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hornbeck | it will go down tomorrow | 02:13 |
hornbeck | sorry, no time to take down the server tonight | 02:13 |
hornbeck | I will post to the list about the time. | 02:13 |
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plovs | good morning! | 07:35 |
froud | African greetings | 07:44 |
plovs | froud: morning | 07:44 |
froud | plovs, morning | 07:48 |
plovs | froud: you are working ont the userguide? | 07:50 |
froud | was yes why? | 07:50 |
froud | dont tell me theres another copy in another repos somewhere :-) | 07:50 |
plovs | nono, all's ok, what part, i would like to start on software, just so i don't step on your toes | 07:51 |
froud | I am in the about section | 07:52 |
plovs | ok | 07:52 |
froud | just fixing a few markup problems with faq for you | 07:52 |
plovs | thanks | 07:53 |
froud | did you see validate.sh | 07:54 |
froud | just for you plovs | 07:54 |
froud | ;-) | 07:54 |
froud | I cant seem to get rid of that annoying IDREF ERROR | 07:55 |
froud | faqguide/faq2.xml:15: element link: validity error : IDREF attribute linkend references an unknown ID "sect-general" | 07:55 |
froud | Guess I should ask on docbook-aps | 07:56 |
froud | apps | 07:56 |
plovs | yeah, I saw it, *very* nice, over time we'll have a nice frame-work for apps. Scripts, makefiles, libraries of common names, very nice | 07:58 |
plovs | the only thing we still need is making life easier for translators, but I have no idea how that would work | 07:59 |
froud | plovs, they use po files.... Translators are hooked on po files | 08:00 |
plovs | :-) yeah, that I know, but these docs need to be translated in the xml files i suppose or in copies of them, I don't know how gnome or yelp chooses what language to display. | 08:02 |
froud | the translators create new xml files that contain the language of choice | 08:04 |
plovs | what about all the menu entries we made yesterday, is it possible in docbook to have one file with different languages? nvu.xml with both zulu and english and spanish? | 08:06 |
froud | yes adding @ lang="zu" | 08:07 |
froud | but yelp does not know how to handle this | 08:07 |
froud | but we will have a new dir for each lang | 08:08 |
plovs | ok, well we can figure this out later, but it would be nice to get stuff translated, and then a package made | 08:10 |
plovs | yelp has quite a lot of docs already, is it possible to somehow make al thos docs work together? | 09:00 |
Kinnison | Morning all | 09:57 |
plovs | morning Kinnison | 10:05 |
froud | plovs, I just posted a patch to validate.sh that fixes the problem with the IDREF errors we get when validating the faq. However, we still have one link to an id that indeed does not exist in the faq. "sect-disabled-history" do you know where this was suppoed to link to? | 10:48 |
froud | it seems add --noent to the command does the trick of expanding all the external entities | 10:50 |
plovs | froud: let me see ... | 10:52 |
plovs | froud: that should be sect-disable-history , not diabled | 10:54 |
plovs | froud: that should be sect-disable-history , not disabled | 10:54 |
froud | ok do you want to patch it ooor shall I | 10:56 |
plovs | well, if you know where the typo is, then maybe you | 10:56 |
plovs | i would have to search or it | 10:57 |
=== froud updates https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject | ||
froud | plovs, are you using oxygen? | 10:57 |
froud | :-) | 10:57 |
froud | you can search across files | 10:57 |
froud | but I will do it | 10:57 |
plovs | i'm using ssh atm, so no graphical apps | 10:58 |
froud | ok its done i will do svn commit | 10:59 |
froud | that means everything in faq is now valid | 10:59 |
froud | the validate.sh now includes --noent | 11:00 |
plovs | cool | 11:00 |
plovs | i added a folder called figure to the userguide for pics etc | 11:00 |
froud | plovs, I may change these links to xref's | 11:01 |
froud | no we want figures in one place | 11:01 |
froud | in images/ | 11:01 |
froud | all my custom layer looks in there for images | 11:02 |
froud | across all the documents | 11:02 |
plovs | ok, if you change it then i'll use your method after it | 11:03 |
froud | Ok I will move the files into images/ | 11:03 |
plovs | can you chage the link as well in userguide/software/chap-updates? | 11:04 |
froud | images can be reused across docs | 11:04 |
froud | yes will do | 11:04 |
plovs | thanks | 11:05 |
plovs | then i'll svn up it | 11:05 |
froud | Take a look at https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject for explanation of directory structure | 11:05 |
plovs | nice write-up | 11:08 |
plovs | is it possible to refer from the userguide to the faqguide or visa-versa? | 11:10 |
plovs | what path would i use? | 11:10 |
froud | Yes, but I need to setup an olinks database | 11:11 |
froud | the problem with that is that Yelp does not know what to do with it | 11:11 |
froud | like allot of things ATM | 11:11 |
froud | plovs, ok your images have moved and chap-updates is fixed | 11:15 |
plovs | ok i svn up | 11:15 |
froud | plovs, did you do the screen capts | 11:16 |
plovs | no they are from the synaptic documentation | 11:16 |
plovs | i want hoary screenshots, but i don't have hoary yet | 11:17 |
plovs | brb | 11:17 |
froud | what does brb mean? | 11:17 |
froud | excuse my ignorance | 11:17 |
froud | OK, we need to make a note of the theme and color etc in which we will all do screen capts | 11:18 |
froud | otherwise we will an inconsistant look throughout the documents | 11:18 |
plovs | be right back | 11:21 |
plovs | i suppose we need just stock colors and theme | 11:21 |
froud | yes, something everyone has | 11:23 |
froud | yet looks good | 11:23 |
froud | remember we need to keep it across all Versions | 11:24 |
plovs | lookig good and the stock theme are mutually exclusive imho | 11:24 |
froud | so it must remain for Hoary and GrumpyGroundhog | 11:24 |
plovs | my picturepath is broken??? it is missing /trunk/ | 11:29 |
froud | problem is it is more complex than just the theme. In order to get good screen capts some basic rules need to be followed | 11:29 |
froud | HuH | 11:29 |
froud | figures is now removed | 11:30 |
froud | However, it is a good rule of thumb to keep screen capts to a minimum | 11:32 |
froud | only use them when strictly necessary | 11:32 |
froud | plovs, I expect most people will use The GIMP right? | 11:34 |
froud | ok gotta go out, be back later | 11:35 |
froud | plovs, while I am away can you check what's with &gnome-app-install; seems you forgot to create the entity | 11:38 |
plovs | froud: ok | 11:56 |
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froud | back | 12:21 |
abelli | ciao | 12:26 |
froud | plovs, what's with &gnome-app-install; in user guide | 12:32 |
plovs | i just need to sync, but before i sync i want to make sure it works, i still can't see my images | 12:32 |
plovs | i moved my whole tree to old and checked out the svn repo, now the images no longer work | 12:33 |
froud | ok let me see | 12:34 |
froud | Hmm ok I see. My fault I will fix it | 12:34 |
plovs | froud: did you ever work with scrollkeeper? | 12:35 |
froud | No | 12:36 |
froud | but that's to register the docs, no? | 12:36 |
plovs | yes, i was wondering if with scrollkeeper you can link docs together | 12:37 |
froud | yes you can as I know | 12:38 |
froud | plovs, do svn up | 12:38 |
froud | images are fixed | 12:38 |
plovs | ok, added missing menu-entry | 12:39 |
froud | ok thanks | 12:39 |
=== ChrisH has just been accepted as Debian Developer ;) | ||
=== froud congrats to ChrisH . Well done :-) | ||
ChrisH | Thanks. :) | 12:55 |
ChrisH | What a day-saver.... | 12:55 |
froud | why | 12:55 |
ChrisH | I've been waiting for it for 1.5 years. That's really great. | 12:56 |
froud | He heh, very cool. I am always happy when good things happen to good people | 12:56 |
=== ChrisH is flattered | ||
froud | Well you deserve it | 12:57 |
froud | does that mean you will have more time for ubuntu-docs (teasing) | 12:57 |
ChrisH | It means that I need to have to install Sid on another partition as my packages don't really work in a chroot. :) | 01:00 |
ChrisH | But I'll surely get further with the sysadmin part of the user's guide. | 01:01 |
froud | Yes | 01:01 |
froud | actually I have a proposal | 01:01 |
froud | User Guide and Admin Guide two books | 01:01 |
=== froud make proposals just to make ChrisH happy :-) | ||
ChrisH | ARGH! | 01:02 |
ChrisH | froud: Your jokes will one day be killing me. :) | 01:02 |
ChrisH | I think I will just write my documentation in no format and anyone is free to make it whatever document structure we are currently using. | 01:03 |
=== froud cringes at the thought | ||
ChrisH | The only way for me to get some content into the document was switch off the IRC client, ignore the mailing list and just write. There is so much traffic lately in the doc team that I can hardly follow it and at the same time write. | 01:05 |
froud | patience, it takes practice. you think you have your hands full. I am working on several OSS projects and my commercial stuff :-) | 01:06 |
plovs | ChrisH: congrats! | 01:10 |
ChrisH | IMHO things need to settle a little. Too many changes recently. | 01:10 |
ChrisH | plovs: Thanks. :) | 01:10 |
froud | ChrisH, but so much has been done | 01:11 |
plovs | I think we need to finish what we started and then when stuff getsto big cut it in two parts | 01:11 |
froud | plovs, I dont think that is what ChrisH is talking about | 01:12 |
froud | plovs, since I joined UDP I have been making changes and talking to people allot | 01:12 |
froud | plovs, this bothers some people | 01:13 |
froud | I do believe I have done so for the better | 01:13 |
froud | but if people dont like it I will tune out | 01:13 |
plovs | so far I have no complaints, the faqguide changes have only improved it | 01:14 |
froud | Like everyone, I dont have much time, so I plan my spare time to be max productive. This results in me doing allot when I do do something. On this project I did howver find that I had to ask lots of questions so I could discover where things were. Then when I found something I felt could be done in a better way I proposed a change. People were slow to respond, I moaned and then went ahead. | 01:18 |
ChrisH | froud: Hey, no need to feel offended. Just if you do structural changes you make writers screw the work and start from scratch. As long as the documents can be written and the structure around it is moved... okay then. Just when work becomes useless due to constant changes... that's not helpful. | 01:18 |
=== froud offers to fix any problems his changes may have caused | ||
ChrisH | froud: I feel that it's hard to track every single change. Between two checkouts there are usually 10 revision numbers difference. | 01:19 |
froud | ChrisH, but that is normal | 01:19 |
froud | on some projects I get rev diffs in the 100's | 01:20 |
ChrisH | froud: The recent work is much appreciated. I just wished it had been done already so people may write freely. | 01:20 |
ChrisH | I don't mind having the guides split. As long as the focus - and thus the writing style - can be kept. | 01:20 |
froud | ChrisH, the big changes have been made | 01:20 |
plovs | what structural changes have been made? i wrote a whole guide and i have zero complaints | 01:20 |
ChrisH | The "admin guide" thingy just scared me a little. :) | 01:20 |
froud | ChrisH, do you remember people said, "let's finish one thing first." | 01:21 |
froud | I think that itis easier to finish small things | 01:21 |
ChrisH | plovs: The whole document has been rearranged mulitple times. And what is even worse: basic ideas have been questioned and moved around like "do we really need the faqguide?" or "can't we union the user's guide and the quick guide" ... | 01:21 |
ChrisH | froud: I just liked to keep on writing the sysadmin section... assumed the plan hasn't changed that we need it that way. | 01:22 |
froud | ChrisH, change is inevitable at this early stage | 01:22 |
plovs | ChrisH: good that i was away then | 01:22 |
ChrisH | froud: you proposed to have the same contents in the user's guide and the quick guide. However I assumed they try to achieve different goals. It's not important whether the graphics are changed. But it's very important to know your audience and what is supposed to go into the documentation. | 01:23 |
ChrisH | plovs: Indeed. :) | 01:23 |
ChrisH | froud: If the goals is the same just that the chapters move to another document and there is a consensus - no problem. | 01:23 |
plovs | the quickguide is giving lots of headaches, i must say | 01:23 |
ChrisH | froud: But when I'll be forced to rewrite the same chapter just because we introduce new ideas every week then after the third time you will probably not see many contributions from me. | 01:24 |
froud | ChrisH, the goals are the same. Belive me I do know the diff between QU and UG | 01:24 |
froud | ChrisH, in what parts did this problem happen to yo | 01:24 |
ChrisH | froud: In everything that was discussed during the last two months. After the whole situation was cleared there was another posting saying "instead of doing what we currently do shouldn't we rather..." and everyone dropped their pens. | 01:25 |
froud | ChrisH, when I arrived the files were empty | 01:25 |
froud | the framework was a mess | 01:25 |
froud | and nobody was committing | 01:26 |
froud | I proposed and announced changes | 01:26 |
ChrisH | froud: Still hardly anyone is committing IMHO. | 01:26 |
froud | people did not object | 01:26 |
ChrisH | froud: Although that isn't meant to be your problem. :) | 01:26 |
froud | My thinking is work small commit often | 01:27 |
ChrisH | froud: The changes were needed. And as you know we two had the same objections... wiki sucks... we need a meta-format for multiple output formats... | 01:27 |
ChrisH | froud: Just that your experience with docbook is far above from what I know. | 01:27 |
froud | Docbook meta can be arrnaged :-) | 01:27 |
froud | ChrisH, I offerred to help | 01:27 |
froud | and did so with plovs | 01:27 |
froud | questions, problems, come to me | 01:28 |
ChrisH | I don't mean to speak for others... but I often felt like "please... no basic change again... just let me finish one paragraph already before I'm forced to throw it away" | 01:28 |
ChrisH | And by ignoring recent talks here I at least did some work. :) | 01:28 |
froud | Why throw it away | 01:28 |
plovs | ChrisH: just do your stuff, i noticed that works best | 01:29 |
=== froud thinks there is something wrong in the work process | ||
froud | ChrisH, just hack the source | 01:29 |
froud | let me and svn take care of the rest | 01:29 |
ChrisH | Hmmm. | 01:29 |
froud | The changes (major) are long done | 01:30 |
plovs | i feel like a ten year old, but what major changes have been made? | 01:30 |
froud | Anyway I would not split UG unless all agreed. So far nobody has | 01:30 |
ChrisH | I'd like to learn more about the quirks of DocBook, too. But all the time I spend discussing here is less time I can spend writing. | 01:31 |
plovs | ChrisH: you are doing the admin part right? | 01:31 |
froud | plovs, I made framework a directory changes | 01:31 |
plovs | froud: trunk / tags /branches , that's a minor change | 01:32 |
froud | ChrisH, sometimes you have to do both at the same time. Write, write and write, you will learn docbook on the way, with help from me | 01:32 |
froud | plovs, IMHO yes | 01:32 |
froud | but not to everyone | 01:32 |
froud | have to think of the others | 01:32 |
ChrisH | plovs: Yes, I have started with that. | 01:32 |
plovs | you noticed there is documentation on gpm in yelp already | 01:33 |
plovs | i was wondering how to use existing documentation, copy and change it or link to it | 01:33 |
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plovs | i can't get local links to work | 01:35 |
plovs | and copying ... i don't know, what do you guys think | 01:35 |
froud | plovs, I am not sure you are speaking about? | 01:36 |
froud | I dont understand | 01:36 |
plovs | froud: for example, in the userguide is a part on playing music, now we already have documentation on rhytmbox, which is quite ok, how to reuse that documentation. | 01:37 |
plovs | same with gpm, how does gnome work etc | 01:38 |
froud | where is the doc on rythmbox | 01:38 |
plovs | start yelp -> applications -> Multimedia Applications -> Rhythmbox Manual | 01:38 |
froud | I understand | 01:39 |
froud | you want to use docs from other vendors | 01:39 |
froud | is that right? | 01:39 |
plovs | sure, it is all gpl-ed | 01:39 |
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plovs | that's the whole idea of open source, re-use what is good, improve etc | 01:40 |
froud | in help you can link with the command yelp:appname | 01:40 |
froud | The problem is that this does not validate by default | 01:41 |
plovs | froud: in docbook? | 01:41 |
froud | or do I still not understand | 01:41 |
froud | yes in docbook | 01:42 |
froud | The Rythmbox docs are installed by GNOME | 01:43 |
froud | Skrollkeeper organizes the docs | 01:43 |
plovs | like this? <link linkend="yelp:app">Cool app</link> | 01:44 |
froud | when you want to link from say the User Guide to Rythmbox docs you can therefore use yelp:rythmbox | 01:44 |
froud | yes | 01:44 |
froud | it shoudl work | 01:44 |
plovs | let me try, this would be cool | 01:44 |
froud | I can look iiit up in the GNOME documents and get back to you | 01:44 |
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froud | I have not worried about it as It was not required | 01:45 |
=== froud point people to read http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp/handbook/gdp-handbook/ar01s02.html#scrollkeeper | ||
=== froud point people to read http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gdp/handbook/gdp-handbook/ar01s08.html | ||
froud | plovs, <ulink type=help url=ghelp:foo>text</ulink> | 01:49 |
froud | plovs, and this will validate | 01:49 |
froud | hope that helps | 01:49 |
=== abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
plovs | froud: yes! that works | 01:51 |
froud | good | 01:51 |
plovs | i just added a link to synaptic documentation | 01:51 |
froud | as you said xmllint and froud , good tools :-) | 01:51 |
plovs | which means we can interlink all our docs, quickguide, userguide, faqguide and other docs | 01:52 |
plovs | utterly neat, thanks froud | 01:52 |
froud | yes | 01:52 |
froud | I see indexterms will also work | 01:53 |
froud | but note, this only work for GNOME | 01:53 |
froud | we will have to engineer something for KDE when it comes | 01:53 |
plovs | somebody with kde should try and make a bugzilla entr | 01:54 |
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froud | what do you mean? | 01:55 |
plovs | we should make a package of our docs, put it in scrollkeeper etc and then it will not work on kde and we have a bug | 01:56 |
froud | no we compile our packaaages to work with both pdesktops | 01:56 |
froud | its not a bug | 01:57 |
froud | its incompatability between desktops | 01:57 |
plovs | from a users viewpoint: package no work => package broken => bug (the rest is semantics), off course you are technically correct | 01:58 |
froud | fo rnow we only have gnome to contend with. I will engineer a solution for KDE | 01:59 |
plovs | froud: http://live.gnome.org/Yelp nice features for 2.10 (hoary) | 01:59 |
plovs | froud: good, do you know how to add docs to scrollkeeper? | 02:00 |
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froud | Give me some time I will hack it. I already understand OMF files | 02:01 |
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froud | ChrisH, you see talking is good, so long as it is on the subject :-) | 02:09 |
plovs | froud: can you do svn up and test userguide -> software -> synaptic link? | 02:10 |
ChrisH | I don't doubt that. | 02:10 |
ChrisH | I wonder why my point was so confusing that even after the 10th time it's misunderstandable... I don't think talking is bad. | 02:11 |
=== froud creates https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5216 "create solution for doc integration with scrollkeeper" | ||
plovs | froud: as it looks from here ChrisH is a little tired of people coming in doing stuff making noise and disappearing again, we had a bunch of those, the problem was noise and disappearing not talking and doing | 02:13 |
froud | welcome to OSS | 02:14 |
plovs | :-) | 02:14 |
ChrisH | froud: No excuse. | 02:14 |
ChrisH | plovs: That's one part. The other part is changing the fundamentals so often that writers can't even finish one page before it has become either obsolete or severely changed. | 02:14 |
ChrisH | froud: Just because "in OSS" is appears to be done like that I don't think this is valid to do it the same way here. | 02:15 |
froud | ChrisH, OSS is based on "Gift Culture" that is just the way it goes. | 02:15 |
froud | ChrisH, you mean come and go | 02:15 |
plovs | come and go is ok, the part in the middle leaves something to be desired sometimes | 02:16 |
ChrisH | froud: Ah, okay. Yes, that's OSS sprit allright. | 02:16 |
ChrisH | froud: 90% of the "yeah, I'm on" people are indeed talkers. | 02:16 |
ChrisH | froud: That's why I wanted to at least contribute /some/ content to not be one of them. :) | 02:16 |
plovs | but we finally are seeing more comits, so lets keep this up | 02:16 |
froud | plovs, agreed | 02:16 |
ChrisH | As long as people's work isn't for /dev/null I'll agree to everything. :) | 02:16 |
plovs | ChrisH: /dev/dsp ? | 02:17 |
ChrisH | plovs: Nope. My sound card isn't working still... | 02:17 |
plovs | isa-card? | 02:17 |
plovs | some of my friends had that problem | 02:18 |
plovs | froud: does the link work? | 02:18 |
=== johnlevin [~johnlevin@dsl-80-42-65-132.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
froud | dunno mate talking | 02:18 |
plovs | ChrisH: do you write about package management as well? | 02:18 |
ChrisH | plovs: Sound Blaster. But that's the Debian machine. :) | 02:19 |
ChrisH | plovs: Yes, about synaptic. | 02:19 |
plovs | did you write it already? | 02:19 |
ChrisH | plovs: No, Sir. | 02:19 |
ChrisH | plovs: the menus have been rearranged in Hoary so I'm not quite sure which part is on my list | 02:19 |
plovs | because i am ... uh .. not to upset you but ... uh ... | 02:19 |
plovs | also writing about package management | 02:20 |
plovs | so we should sync, and i can do something else if needed | 02:20 |
plovs | what i did is in trunk/userguide/software/chap-*.xml | 02:21 |
plovs | (not much yet) | 02:21 |
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
plovs | ChrisH: look at what i did and i'll move to "common tasks" ok? | 02:28 |
hornbeck | anyone around? | 02:28 |
plovs | hornbeck: hi! | 02:28 |
hornbeck | in the userguide if you click next it errors | 02:28 |
plovs | hornbeck: next what? | 02:29 |
ChrisH | plovs: which part exactly? | 02:30 |
plovs | trunk/userguide/software/chap-*.xml | 02:30 |
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
hornbeck | plovs: at the bottom of every page there is a Prev and Next button, if you click Next it errors saying that page is not there | 02:31 |
plovs | hornbeck: not an warty it ain't and don't | 02:32 |
hornbeck | I don't have warty :-) | 02:32 |
froud | hornbeck, under static html? | 02:32 |
plovs | waaah, mama thay are teasing me... | 02:32 |
hornbeck | froud: in yelp | 02:33 |
=== plovs dislikes vpn and routing and mail and everything | ||
plovs | btw do you guys also get this error: I/O error : Attempt to load network entity http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd? | 02:34 |
froud | hornbeck, it works for me | 02:34 |
hornbeck | hmmm | 02:35 |
plovs | froud: you have hoary? | 02:35 |
froud | plovs, you must have docbook 4.3 | 02:35 |
plovs | froud: i have | 02:35 |
=== froud is on SuSE :-) | ||
froud | hornbeck, do make clean | 02:35 |
froud | then make ug | 02:35 |
hornbeck | I have never done make | 02:35 |
froud | cd trunk/ | 02:36 |
froud | make ug | 02:36 |
hornbeck | I am yelp userguide.xml | 02:36 |
froud | the output is in trunk/build | 02:36 |
froud | plovs, once you have docbook 4.3 check that your catalogs are right /etc/xml/ | 02:36 |
froud | hornbeck, di dyou svn up | 02:37 |
hornbeck | I do about every hour | 02:37 |
froud | he he | 02:37 |
froud | what version of yelp is this | 02:37 |
hornbeck | let me check | 02:37 |
froud | hornbeck, also try svn up -r HEAD | 02:38 |
hornbeck | yelp 2.9.2 | 02:38 |
hornbeck | I gotta run, I will post my findings | 02:39 |
froud | plovs, also note that xsltproc looks for XML_CATALOG_FILES in the env | 02:39 |
froud | if you wnat you can export it to your catalog, something like XML_CATALOG_FILES=/usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/dtd/4.3/catalog.xml | 02:40 |
froud | hornbeck, ok | 02:40 |
plovs | froud: yes, exporting it helped | 03:05 |
plovs | froud: it also makes yelp slow as mud | 03:09 |
froud | plovs, dont know why. but one is for sure your catalog system is confused | 03:25 |
=== froud creates https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5218 "research build compatability for kde" | ||
froud | hornbeck, the problem with prev, next links seems to be a bug in Yelp 2.9.3 | 03:32 |
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
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froud | plovs, do you we want a single seriesid for scrollkeeper? | 05:42 |
froud | or do we want one for each book? | 05:42 |
froud | in addition, do we want a single OMF with all resources or an OMF per book | 05:43 |
=== [froud] [~sean@ndn-165-135-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
=== [froud] is now known as froud | ||
froud | under what category do we install our docs | 06:26 |
sivang | froud: ask seb128 | 06:29 |
sivang | froud: he is the one who does all the pckaging | 06:29 |
=== abelli [~enrico@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
abelli | ciao | 06:43 |
=== froud thinks attitude sucks in #ubuntu-devel | ||
froud | sivang, as you saw. not much help there. At present my OMF does not have the category suggested | 06:51 |
froud | I do have this | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinux"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>Linux</title> | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributions"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>Distributions</title> | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributionsCaldera"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>Caldera</title> | 06:51 |
froud | </sect> | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributionsDebian"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>Debian</title> | 06:51 |
froud | </sect> | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributionsMandrake"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>Mandrake</title> | 06:51 |
froud | </sect> | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributionsRed Flag"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>Red Flag</title> | 06:51 |
froud | </sect> | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributionsRed Hat"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>Red Hat</title> | 06:51 |
froud | </sect> | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributionsSlackware"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>Slackware</title> | 06:51 |
froud | </sect> | 06:51 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributionsSuSE"> | 06:51 |
froud | <title>SuSE</title> | 06:51 |
froud | </sect> | 06:52 |
froud | <sect categorycode="GeneralLinuxDistributionsOther"> | 06:52 |
froud | <title>Other</title> | 06:52 |
froud | </sect> | 06:52 |
froud | </sect> | 06:52 |
froud | sivang, my debs boxes also dont have this category | 06:52 |
froud | can you check your /usr/share/scrollkeeper/Templates/C/scrollkeeper_cl.xml to see ifyou have listings for ubuntu. Thanks | 06:52 |
plovs | ok, just walked back in, froud what did you ask me abourt scrollkeeper? | 07:08 |
plovs | ok, got to go again | 07:10 |
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sivang | froud: were you talking abou registering docs into scrollkeeper? | 07:41 |
=== abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu-doc | ||
froud | sivang, you there | 08:23 |
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