
plovsanybody awake?12:06
plovssaw your mails, replied as well12:07
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plovsmorning all06:46
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudAfrican greetings all07:52
plovsfroud: do you know how to connect to svn through proxy with passord?08:29
froudplovs, I have some idea, but it depends on the proxy, firewall etc.08:30
plovssquid, 80 blocked at firewall level08:34
plovsneed to go out through proxy08:34
plovsfroud: what kind of an outline did you have in mind?08:40
froudplovs, you mean for admin08:40
froudI am hacking a rough outline for admin guide and will commit soon. This will give us a starting point so we can all collaborate08:42
froudDoes Ubuntu Server support POSIX ACLs08:49
froudI kno wthat std's POSIX 1003.1e and 1003.2c were withdrawn but some distros still support them08:51
plovsgrep POSIX_ACL=y /boot/config-`uname -r` will say yes08:54
plovsi asked it on devel08:54
froudOK thanks08:54
plovsfor ext2/3/jfs and xfs08:54
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
plovshi enrico09:09
plovsenrico: heard anything from corey? i hope he did at least something after all the noise09:17
enricoplovs: the last conversation we had is in the channel: he said he won't be able to work on it, I asked to at least commit or send me his last work, so that it won't be lost09:29
enricoI'm waiting for a reply to that, but maybe it'll come tomorrow09:29
enricoI'm finally home with a couple of hours of time09:30
enricotons of things to do.  Gotta get things moving09:30
enricoIs there any breakthrough in the last 2 days of IRC about the Quick Guide and the About Ubuntu document?  Else I can get those moving before doing the IRC report09:31
enricofroud: around?09:34
=== enrico waves smiling at the whole channel
enricofroud: hi!09:35
froudhow r u09:35
enricofroud: I've been talking with mako about the screenshots, and I'm about to tidy up my IRC log with him and put it up on the wiki.  After I do it (say, in 10 minutes) would you like to have a look?09:35
enricofroud: I'm great!  Sunny day here, just had a pearl milk tea :)09:35
froudI stated a section on this in my wiki pages, got as far as TBD :-)09:36
froud30 deg in Johannesburg today09:36
froudsame as yesterday09:36
froudto darn hot09:36
enrico(Pearl milk tea: http://www.gio.gov.tw/taiwan-website/av/ophoto/photo/b_img/b1_43.jpg  and  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boba_milk_tea)09:37
enrico(although here it's not called "boba" in any way, but the local name sounds more like "zen zoo")09:38
plovsenrico: looking forward to your write-up and the quickguide is completely stalled here, so it would be nice to get that into gear09:39
enricoplovs: in the meantime, can you locate a version of the About Ubuntu page in hoary and commit it in a new directory in the repository?09:41
plovsenrico: i don't have hoary yet09:48
enricofroud: I added a "Including screenshots" section in https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/QuickGuide09:48
enricofroud: please take a look and tell me what you think.  I feel strange about that "python script" part, but the rest seems senseful to me09:49
enricoplovs: ok.  I'll hammer the devel channel a bit more09:49
froudenrico, 09:52
froudmay I suggest that people do not need so many screen shots, especially when they are using an online help system09:52
froudI would limit screenshots to only when required09:53
froudfor example09:53
froudto show the state of a screen while interating with it09:53
enricofroud: if I understood correctly, this is mainly targeted as a pocket book, with one or two pages per major application.  It would make sense, in this optics, to have at least one screenshot per featured application09:54
froudso it will be in print09:54
froudnot electronic09:55
plovswill we continue using the basic layout of the quickguide as we have it now?09:56
plovseg, follow the menu layout09:56
plovsor will we make it task based etc what do you guys think?09:56
enricoI understand the idea is making it application-based, like a guided tour of the distro09:58
enricoIn this case, follow the meny layout makes  sense09:58
froudenrico, so limit each section to a capture of the main screen10:01
froudenrico, there are some more things to add about screen capts10:03
frouduse a common theme across all10:03
froudsomething that uses a color palette that is B/W printer freindly 10:04
enricoI'd say that using the default theme makes lots of sense10:04
enricoI also hope that the default theme can be B/W friendly10:04
froudcapture at 72 dpi10:05
enricoAnd limiting each section to a capture of the main screen, yes, I think so, although in some cases there may be some big relevant part10:05
enricofroud: 72, how come not 100?10:05
froud72 is good for online raters10:06
froudnever resize screen capts10:06
frouddecide to use GIF or PNG10:07
froudfor print10:07
froudwe need tif at higher resolution10:07
enricoHow do we get a higher resolution TIF easily?10:08
froudwe need common and constant convention of terms when referecing gui components10:09
froudenrico, no its a seperate capture10:09
froudwe can use profiling10:10
froudbut yelp does not like it10:10
froudor does not know what to do with it10:11
enricoI don't know what is profiling10:11
enricoBut then, I'm not a professional writer, and it makes sense that I don't knwo it :)10:11
froudso I suggest we transform our profiled documents to another Docbook XML file that way everyting is resolved and only information for that book is loaded so yelp will be quick10:11
froudenrico, thats ok10:12
froudlet s say you want to have a book in print and html formats10:12
froudyou can mark tags with the condition attribute10:13
froud<phrase condition="html">Go Home</phrase>10:13
froud<phrase condition="html,pdf">Go Home</phrase>10:13
froud<phrase condition="pdf">Go Home</phrase>10:14
froudthree conditions10:14
frouddepending on the value of condition the output will or wont be output to the result tree10:14
froudThe downside in our senario is that we will need to do preprocessing10:15
froudyelp does not like conditions10:15
froudwell yelp does not like many tings10:15
froudand more10:15
froudbut yelp has many good things10:16
enricoCouldn't yelp just ignore all the things it doesn't like?10:22
enricoOr anyway, we can easily put up an XSL that throws away all things that yelp doesn't know10:23
=== enrico committed aboutubuntu into the repository
froudenrico, why have presentational formats in the repos?10:25
froudthe src should be presentation neutral10:26
froudwe generate presentation formats10:26
enricofroud: that's the current version, that needs to be converted in DocBook :)10:27
enricoI'm still going through other things atm (like updating the wiki status pages QuickGuide and AboutUbuntuPage, then I'll be on the IRC report.  If someone has free time to do a conversion and then throw away the .css files, please go on!10:28
plovsenrico: sorry convert what? aboutubuntu?10:30
enricoplovs: aboutubuntu, yes10:30
plovsi'll do it10:30
plovsor i'll start, mess up the formatting and ask froud to clean up the mess :-)10:31
froudenrico, its better to point to it so we know it has to be done.10:31
=== froud commits outline for admin guide
froudits a rough idea, I am sure with all our brains we will improve it10:32
enricoUpdating the QuickGuide page with a cheat sheet of commands to check it out, make it, test it with yelp and so on10:32
enricoWrite a "firefox build/quickguide/index.html" line in the page10:33
enricogo into a terminal, try it out to see if it's ok10:33
enricofirefox opens the page on top of the Quick Guide editing one10:33
enricoI click back, the form is reset, I lose all changes10:33
=== plovs just upgraded his home-wiki to moin-1.3.1 very, very nice, plovs doesn't curse, actually whistles...
froudenrico, rather than commit presentational formats can we revert to your other method of placing comment in the xml src10:34
enricofroud: you mean, you prefer a docbook file which is 100% comments with the HTML in it?10:36
plovsfroud: nice layout10:36
plovsenrico: how can we put stuff fro docbook source on the ubuntulinux site? i would like to get feedback on faqguide10:37
froudenrico, better to have link to wiki but if you must copy then just to a copy of the page by draging the pppppppointer down the page selecting it and doing ctrl+c and ctrl+v, then comment that10:38
enricoplovs: that has still to be discovered by me.  I can embark on the quest, though10:38
froudplovs, thanks10:38
enricoplovs: that's not a wiki page: that's the page that is shipped in the ubuntu-artwork package10:38
froudplovs, enrico , we can transform to HTML and have link to it10:38
plovsenrico: ubuntu-artwork package???10:39
froudenrico, I did a commit on about ubuntu just a few days ago10:39
plovsfroud: the html leaves something to be desired still though10:39
froudplovs, ChrisH has a bugzilla to enhance it10:40
plovsfroud: ok10:40
enricofroud: [publishing html]  the problem is not converting and linking it, the problem (to me atm) is knowing where to upload it10:40
plovswhy don't we put aboutubuntu.xml in the common folder?10:40
enricoplovs: yes10:40
froudsurely that should be simple to resolve10:40
froudplovs, hold on that one10:41
enricoplovs: I took it from the ubuntu-artwork package sources and I committed it into the wiki10:41
enricofroud: [commit on about ubuntu]  sorry, I think I lost that one.  What did you commit?10:41
plovsenrico: ok, got you10:41
froudsee trunk/userguide/about/chap-ubuntu.xml10:42
enricoplovs: I still don't know how can we give it back into that package, though10:42
froudIts rough10:42
froudbut if you want to copy paste the text there and comment it I will update and smeld it with the last work I did10:43
froudplovs, about having aboutubunt as a common object10:43
enricofroud: it may be that we're talking about two different things.  The "About Ubuntu Page" is described here: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutUbuntuPage  have a look10:44
enricofroud: the text I've committed is what is currently displayed while clicking on "About Ubuntu" in Ubuntu, not a chapter of a book10:44
froudok parts of this will be in the book10:47
froudwe need to integrate it and create a method by which to generate it10:47
froudthis will mean a mark target10:47
froudessentially I envision just assembling pieces from the books to compile it10:48
enricosorry, what is a "mark target" ?10:48
froudmake target10:48
enricooh, yes, ok, I'm with you10:48
froudwe will still need a driver file10:49
enricoit would be really neat to assemble it from other things.  Also, I would avoid having too many ubuntu descriptions around :)10:49
froudyes there are already to many10:49
froudin addition, we need to consider a balance in the description between desktop and server10:49
enricooh, desktop and server could definitely share the same about ubuntu part10:50
ChrisHWow... the mailing list is busier than ubuntu-devel@ :)10:50
froudhello ChrisH 10:50
ChrisHfroud: Morning. :)10:51
plovsChrisH: we know how much you insist on writing all inportant decisions on the mailing-list, so ... especially for you10:51
ChrisHplovs: Yeah, very friendly. :) Someone please give me a secretary that keeps track of the list and sums it up. :)10:52
ChrisHenrico: you should write a mailing list summary... :P10:52
enricoChrisH: gosh! :)10:52
froudplovs, enrico, I will take a look at the about ubuntu thing10:53
plovsenrico: and a summery-summery10:53
froudUmm is anyone doing bugzilla's for all this10:54
plovsfroud: we try to resolve it before it reaches that stage10:54
froudplovs,  there is so much to do that we all can forget10:57
froudput it in the bugz and then it cant be forgotten10:57
=== froud creates https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5243 "create make target for the about ubuntu page"
froudI will move the content from aboutubuntu and find a way that we can auto generate this page10:58
enricofroud: that is cool!10:59
froudthe css files wil move to libs/10:59
enricofroud: I'd like to make a TakingScreenshots page for the docteam.  You mentioned you started something similar in your wiki page: do you have a link?11:00
froudthe png will mov to images/11:00
enricoI could integrate that and what you told me before11:00
froudgot as far as TBD11:01
enricoAh, ok.  I was looking for a SeanWheller page but I couldn't find it11:01
enricoOk, found.  That'll be easy to integrate :)11:02
froudI have not created a bugz for this. Should I11:02
enricoI can do it11:02
enricofroud: do you prefer me to add the part about screenshots in the big AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject or in a separate TakingScreenshots page?  I'd prefer the second one, so that it's easy to link to that specific piece of knowledge from many parts of the wiki11:03
froudenrico, I was trying to consolidate this information for now. Once we have a stable outlook then we can split11:06
froudmy logic was to work in one place11:06
froudAlthough I do have the Interchange Protocol in a sperate page as it was to big11:07
froudmy rule of tumb was small peices in /AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject11:07
froudI must go back to paid work c ya later11:15
enricofroud: ok, so I'll put everything in that page for now11:19
enricofroud: added to bugzilla: Bug 524411:26
enricoAboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject starts being quite long already11:27
froud:-( yes I know11:27
froudbut we need to better arrnage the documentation area on wiki before we split it11:28
enricoTalk with the gardener :)11:31
=== enrico puts on the gardener hat
enricoHow can I help you reorganizing the documentation area?11:31
enricofroud: about the screenshots, you say for print we need TIFF at higher resolutions.  Which resolution you mean?  Can the 300DPI as the standard for color printing?  And how do we capture screenshots at that resolution?11:33
froudenrico, point 1 will post a proposal to th elist :-)11:42
enricofroud: proposal, about what?11:44
enricofroud: Added the screenshots part to the AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject11:44
froud"How can I help you reorganizing the documentation area"11:44
froudI will submit an outline and structure for the framework11:45
enricoOh, ok.  Sure, do it.11:45
enricofroud: you can have a look at AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject's part about screenshots now if you want11:45
froudOk I will need to make explanation about higher resolutions and TIFF11:46
froudI must go back to paid work.11:46
enricoAnd how to take screenshots at resolutions different than the one currently used by X11:46
enricosure.  That's in bugzilla, I'll add a note 11:47
enricocan I assign it to you?11:47
enricoplovs: still around?  Would you like to make a page similar to the QuickGuide page but about the FAQGuide, and possibly also an entry on the FAQ Guide in the DocumentationTeamFAQ?11:52
froudyes assign it to me11:55
froudI suggest we have links to from these Doc Spec pages to the HTML versions11:55
plovsenrico: let me see ...12:02
plovshttps://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FAQGuide [done] 12:13
plovshttps://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocumentationTeamFAQ [done] 12:16
froudplovs, I love the Status part12:27
froudplovs in chap-installremove.xml you added a warning12:29
froud        <para> I do not have hoary yet so I can not really write a description of the new package12:29
froud            installer, this is just a draft. </para>12:29
froud    </warning>12:29
froudmay I suggest it is better to put these types of things into comments like this, so we can find them easily12:30
froud<!-- FIX ME:  I do not have hoary yet so I can not really write a description of the new package installer, this is just a draft. -->12:30
froudoh and add your name12:31
froud<!-- FIX ME:  Alexander: I do not have hoary yet so I can not really write a description of the new package installer, this is just a draft. -->12:32
froudThat way you can find all <!-- FIX ME: or Just <!-- FIX ME: Alexander:12:33
froudIf we put these things in xml they are boun dto be missed and inlcuded in the distribution12:33
=== froud hopes people agree
plovsfroud: agree, will do next time12:36
plovsi make many mistakes, but most of them only once :-)12:36
plovsfroud: i'll put the status also  in bugzilla12:36
froudOk I have done it for you.12:37
froudplovs, mistakes are good, the fater you make them the faster you learn12:38
plovsfroud: :-)12:38
plovshow do i add components to documentation in bugzilla?12:39
froudyou have an account12:39
froudjust add a new bug to the documentation category12:39
froudassign yourself12:39
froudor who ever12:39
plovson the right of the page it says package, at the moment only general, we should have our four guides there12:40
froudUmm erico was working on that12:40
froudenrico, 12:40
froudat present we dont have a component list12:41
froudjust flat tree12:41
froudright back to work12:41
plovsfroud: thanks, we can fix it later when we have more bugs12:43
enricoEh.  To add components you should send a mail to jdub asking for it.  I did various days ago, requesting a component for the installation manual maintained by Colin, but I got no answer12:48
enricoI can ping again12:48
enricofroud: reassinged the screenshot bug to you.  I'm setting the priority to P1, as screenshots are probably the major thing in the Quick Guide (that is, every section probably starts with an example screenshot of the application and moves from there, so not knowing how to make screenshot is quite a blocker there12:51
enricoIf we can come up with a list of components that we would need, I can send a big batch in a single mail12:51
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froudenrico, components include each document User Guide, FAQ Guide, Quick Guide, Installation Guide, Admin Guide12:55
froudtechnically we dont have an installation guide in the repos12:55
froudbut I think Kamion? need it12:56
enricoYes, because we can't maintain it as it's now maintained in debian plus patches maintained by Kamion, and we really don't want to mess with that, but we do want to send patches and bugs to Kamion12:56
froudupstream is larger and faster12:57
enricoSending a(nother) mail to jdub12:57
=== froud is technically away
froudenrico, I have remove dthe folder aboutubuntu/ the content is temp in userguide/about/chap-ubuntu.xml will fix it soon and close bug https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=524301:04
enricofroud: cool!  In the meantime, I got jdub on ICQ01:05
enricoSent him new list of packages for bugzilla and request for wishes for the about page, and asked him to read my mail :)01:06
enricoplovs: cool the FAQGuide descriptions!01:12
enricoplovs: I mean, the FAQGuide descriptions are cool! :)01:12
enricogoing out01:13
sivanghi all02:21
sivangmsg silbs Hi Jan :-)02:22
ChrisHmsg sivang hi... ;)02:23
ChrisHsivang: Who is silbs? ;)02:23
Kinnisonsilbs is Jane Silber. Canonical's uberfantastic organiser amongst her many talents02:24
sivangKinnison: hehe :-) Hi Kinnison !02:24
ChrisHJust teasing Sivan. :)02:24
Kinnison 02:28
sivangKinnison:    02:28
=== ChrisH 's irssi has just exploded
KinnisonChrisH: Sorry; should I refrain from hebrew on-channel?02:31
ChrisHKinnison: No problem. :) I'm not fast enough to follow froud... so two lines of what I couldn't even understand are very relaxing. ;)02:31
KinnisonChrisH: hehe02:32
ChrisHI merely wonder how you type that...02:32
KinnisonHebrew keyboard layout ;-)02:33
plovshi all02:33
ChrisHThere are probably more hebrew characters than latin ones.02:33
ChrisHplovs: Hi! :)02:33
plovsChrisH: there are actually less hebrew characters then 26, 22 if i remember correct (correct sivang?)02:34
ChrisHAs long as you don't ask me to write hebrew documentation...02:35
plovswell now that you mention it...02:35
plovshow hard is it to create a debian package?02:36
plovsit would be nice to package faqguide02:37
ChrisHplovs: It's an art and takes a moment to do it right. :) But it's not magical.02:39
ChrisHplovs: I could as a Debian Developer to do that. ;)02:39
ChrisHplovs: Seriously... I can create the debian/ structure if you want.02:40
plovsChrisH: if you could, then i can maintain it, just the initial start, i looked at the debian new maintainer doc and it is too much reading for now02:40
plovsi want to learn it one day but not today02:41
ChrisHplovs: And it's outdated and incomplete, too. :(02:41
ChrisHplovs: Is there a Makefile already? I don't see one.02:41
plovsChrisH: would be nice to have a small doc about it, maybe you can copy your bash_history about what you did and i can do a write-up?02:42
ChrisHplovs: For this special case?02:42
plovsChrisH: for a basic debian package02:42
ChrisHplovs: Sounds like rewriting the NM guide.02:42
ChrisHplovs: In fact I have that on my to do list already to write a more complete tutorial on doing single and multiple binary packages because information about that is distributed throughout the web.02:43
plovsthat guide is long and thorough, i would like something like the faq: 1,2,302:43
plovsChrisH: would be great02:43
ChrisHplovs: What schedule do you think of? My guide will surely not be done before the end of January.02:44
ChrisHplovs: :)02:44
ChrisHplovs: Perhaps I start with a template and we maintain it together until the tutorial is done, okay?02:44
plovsbut seriously, it would be great, but for now, if you could package it and send me the history, for me that would be enough02:45
ChrisHplovs: sure02:45
plovsChrisH: that would be great02:45
plovsthat meaning: Perhaps I start with a template and we maintain it together until the tutorial is done, okay?02:45
ChrisHOne thing that would help... we should split the Makefile. I need an own Makefile in the traunk/faqguide/Makefile location. We should consider that.02:46
sivangplovs: in need of packaging? 02:47
sivangwhat is your due date? :)02:47
ChrisHAlthough... I could use the main Makefile and make it a multiple source package. Okay, that'll do it.02:48
ChrisHplovs: Where shall the files be after installation? scrollkeeper? /usr/share/doc/faqguide/html?02:49
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sivangChrisH: try to register them against the desktop secion in scrollkeeper. :)03:16
ChrisHsivang: Did you figure out what is there to do to "register" it?03:17
sivangChrisH: sort of,03:17
sivangyou create an OMF file describing your file,03:17
sivangand run dh_scrollkeepr in your rules file,03:17
sivangthen it tries to register it.03:17
ChrisHI assume the package would need to put the XML files somewhere, install an OMF file and run the scrollkeeper reindexing?03:18
sivangChrisH: you need to copy the xml file to the xml files "repo" of scrollkeepr, which is nothing more then a directiry structure in /var/share or /usr/share/scrollkeeper something.03:19
sivangshame I didn't take notes from when I managed to install the handbook on my private test of yelp...[hides] 03:19
ChrisHsivang: Are you actively working on the debian/ stuff?03:20
sivangChrisH: why? Not touched it in a while..03:20
ChrisHsivang: Because that's what plovs asked for. And before screwing your work I though I'd better ask. :)03:20
sivangChrisH: postinst you should have a call to scrollkeepr_update or somethig like that,03:21
sivangChrisH: please copy the current fiels and move some other place before chanign, so I will know where I Started :)03:21
ChrisHsivang: yes, sir03:25
froudsivang, Kinnison, shalom gevre03:38
froudsivang, you got the scrollkeep stuff sorted?03:39
froudI have a bugzilla against my name for this, can I assign it to you?03:39
froudsivang, if you want a working example of how scrollkeeper works there is one in the GNOME CVS03:41
sivangfroud,ChrisH there is also a very good one when doing apt-get source doc-base03:42
froudok, so you have it covered. Can I assign the bugz to you03:43
froudChrisH, if you want to split the make then please do so, but see the scrollkeeper stuff for ideas03:43
froudsivang, I understand you will make a seperate OMF for each doc03:44
froudand so a seperate series ID03:44
sivangfroud: you need to from what I understood.03:45
=== sivang is off to something urget be back later.
froudor do you propose a single OMF03:45
froudno you can do a single OMF03:45
froudjust add multiple resources03:45
froudbut if ChrisH needs to have seperate makefiles then its makes sense to do seperate OMFs03:46
ChrisHfroud: It's merely a matter of whether every trunk subdirectory (aka "project") is going to become a .deb package or not03:49
ChrisHfroud: If everything is packaged then we can keep the Makefile where it is.03:49
ChrisHfroud: After all scrollkeeper/yelp will probably only need the XML files anyway.03:50
froudChrisH, yes. I was not about to get information about the packaging intentions. I assume they will all be packaged in the dist and therefore did not see a need to have multiple make files and OMFs.03:55
froudIs this correct03:55
sivangfroud: from what I've seen in GNOME usually there are seperate OMFs03:55
sivangChrisH: true03:56
froudsivang, yes each application has its own OMF03:56
sivangChrisH: it only cares about the xml files to be where it expects it when you run "scrollkeeper_update"03:56
froudHowever a the specification does provide for a single OMF03:56
sivangfroud: let's have seperate ones.03:56
froudaccroding to the DTD resource can be one or more03:57
sivangfroud: yes, but I Want us to have seperate ones as GNOME does.03:57
froudwe are creating a series03:57
sivangfroud: would be more easy to take only parts of them and use in seperate places.03:57
froudI am not so sure about that03:58
sivangfroud: trust me.03:58
froudhey you go for it03:58
sivangfroud: We want to follow GNOME guidelines also03:58
sivangtreat each resepctful doc, as an app :)03:58
froudThe guidelines are not set by GNOME03:58
sivangsuppose a derivative wants to use only 1 work from us, they have a sperate omf they can already use,03:59
froudthey are set by the scrollkeeper project at SF03:59
sivangbetter, the intelligent package manager or launchpad infrast. would be able to automatically create speerate packages.03:59
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froudOK do speak to plov he is implimenting ghelp:app-name calls inthe docs03:59
froudwhich means if downstream creates a package and does not inlcude the other packages, the links are broken04:01
froudChrisH, if sivand does seperate OMFs will you break the makefile and also create a main make in root04:02
froudsivang, BTW if follow GNOME are you thinking we need the english version of docs in C/04:03
ChrisHfroud: I think I won't even need the Makefiles.04:03
ChrisHfroud: After all we just need the XML for scrollkeeper, right?04:03
froudI am concerned about making things to GNOME specific and when KDE comes we will be in a corner04:04
froudChrisH, no we will need them04:04
froudThe make files will need to autocreate certain files04:04
ChrisHfroud: But probably not for a debian package. Or do you think there should be precompiled HTML files somewhere like in /usr/share/doc/faqguide?04:04
froudChrisH, both methods have ='s and -'s04:05
froudYelp is nice,  but limited04:05
ChrisHI wouldn't mind having both formats in the package.04:05
froudStatic means we need to process04:05
froudProblem is when we reach KDE04:06
froudKDE does not use scrollkeeper or yelp04:06
froudI would like, if possible, to avoid to much lockin to KDE04:06
ChrisHfroud: do you know which files scrollkeeper would need?04:06
froudChrisH, I suggest reading http://scrollkeeper.sourceforge.net/documentation/writing_scrollkeeper_omf_files/index.html04:07
ChrisHfroud: oki doki04:08
froudThe do a checkout of :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome/gnome-docu04:08
ChrisHfroud: so the OMFs are the control files for scrollkeeper... I see.04:09
froudthe problem I have is what category to use04:09
ChrisHfroud: do we have them already?04:09
froudthere is no category for ubuntu04:09
froudwe have never had one04:09
ChrisHis there no "private" section? :)04:10
froudsee file:/usr/share/scrollkeeper/Templates/C/04:11
froudthere is the controlled list04:11
ChrisHHow has it been done before? After all we have a "help" function already.04:12
froudas I see it we should be in General|GeneralLinux|GeneralLinuxDistributionsUbuntu04:12
frouddunno I asked on devel, but did not get much joy04:13
froudperhaps you know where to ask04:13
froudsivang, what about you04:13
froudoh he's away04:14
ChrisHCan't we provide our own scrollkeeper stuff if we don't provide OMFs? After all there has been a way before.04:14
froudNo 04:14
froudI think people just called yelp filename.xml04:15
froudto work well integration to scrollkeeper is good04:15
froudfor example, plovs wants to link between FAQ and User Guide04:15
froudto do this he needs to use ghelp:userguide from faq04:16
froudanyway I will leave it with you guys if you and sivang want it. But then I want to reassign the bugz against my name04:17
froudno point all of us doing it04:17
froudChrisH, what is a good way to decribe the properties of the default ubuntu theme?04:19
froudfor example in KDE we use04:19
froudWindow decoration: Keramik (but take screenshots without window decoration if possible)04:19
froud      Widget style: Plastik04:19
froud      Colors: KDE Default04:19
froud      Background: Flat color - Color must be white04:19
froudDo you know of a way to do this for GNOME04:19
Kinnison"Use the Ubuntu default theme"04:20
Kinnisondescribes 100% of the look04:20
KinnisonIf you edit the theme; it gets a new name04:20
froudKinnison, ok where can I find a description of the properties04:20
KinnisonIn the theme dialog04:20
froudright that is why I want to specifu its properties04:20
froudyes, I am looking for a short way to decribe it like above04:21
froudSo people can rest to the default and verify their settings04:25
froudKinnison, see the taking screeshots section in https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject04:27
Kinnisonfroud: The theme which calls itself the ubuntu default theme *is* the right grouping04:28
Kinnisonif you change from the defaults; it creates a new theme04:28
froudthis is why I want people to have exact settings so they can adjust04:28
froudthe idea is that everyone will use the same look/feel and specs for taking screen capts04:29
froudThis adds consitancy and enhances the look and feel04:29
KinnisonI'm still failing to understand why "Ubuntu Default Theme" is less than 100% of what you need to say to people in order to enforce that look/feel?04:29
froudwhat is the person changed from default? How do they get back04:30
froudI also still have to test Ubuntu Default for B/W print outputs04:31
ChrisHfroud: looks like the /usr/share/yelp/toc.xml is invoked when running "yelp" without arguments... so that's probably why they don't need OMF files04:31
froudI think it will be ok 04:31
froudThey just called yelp /usr/share/yelp/toc.xml04:32
froudIf we want to use scrollkeeper then we need to register04:32
froudI dont mind wich way04:32
froudits just that sivang and plovs wante dto do it04:33
Kinnisonfroud: by going to the theme dialog and chosing the default theme again04:33
froudKinnison, yes, now what if that theme was modified and overwritten04:33
froudLik eI did :-)04:33
froudActually I know what the Ubuntu default looked like04:34
Kinnisonfroud: You fucked with the theme directly? On disk?04:34
froudbut not how it was specified04:34
froud:-) sucker for toys04:34
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froudwhat can I say04:34
froudI play with lot sof things on the disk04:35
froudjust to see how they work04:35
froudand to explain stuff04:35
KinnisonSo you went and messed with the ubuntu-artwork provided files04:35
froudI am sur eyou have dne this no04:35
KinnisonSo say "The theme called 'Ubuntu Default Theme' as provided in the ubuntu-artwork package"04:36
froudOK, that's a great idea04:36
Kinnisonfroud: I don't mess with them because then I lose my tweaks if I upgrade the package04:36
froudI have two boxes04:36
froudone I can trash the other I am gentle with :-)04:37
plovsthe adminguide crashes my yelp04:47
froudIts not yelp ready04:48
froudno id attributes04:48
froudwas going to insert them once we have a stable outline04:48
plovsah, ok04:48
froudtransform to html with oxygen04:48
plovsno problem04:48
froudBTW hows it going with Oxygen04:48
plovsi do most of my work through ssh, so only in the evening i sometimes use it, it is nice but big, i can't find my way around yet04:49
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froudenrico, 05:19
froudI have done some investigation into the screencaptures. I think that if we use 120ppi we can use a single PNG image for dual purpose05:21
enricoyou mean dpi, isn't it?05:23
enricoHow come 120?  Sounds large for an HTML page, and not much for printing (I know default dpi for colour pictures in magazines is 300)05:24
ChrisHI probably missed it... are we going the graphical way again? Didn't the translators complain that they didn't want to take screenshots for every version and every language?05:25
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-135-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
enricoChrisH: have a look at QuickGuide, I added the result of a conversation with mako about translated screenshots05:28
plovsfroud: svn up look at creating boot disks in adminguide what do you think as basic layout? how to make stuff bold and headerlike?05:29
froudjust recovering from driving my box into a wall05:30
enricoplovs: hello.  In the WikiWishlist page, you said that "attachments/pictures somewhat works, just a pain to use".  However, I found no way to make them work.  How do you show a picture in a Moin page in Zwiki?05:32
froudplovs, nice I particularly like <ulink type="help" url="ghelp:mkboot">man-page</ulink>05:34
plovsenrico: that was a note from the ReST days05:34
enricoplovs: so, in Moin it just doesn't work?05:35
plovsenrico: how shall i say it positively? maybe in the future it will05:35
plovsfroud: something like that should work in the latest yelp05:35
ChrisHenrico: should I find any screenshots in the quickguide already?05:36
froudplovs, did you test it05:36
enricoChrisH: not afaik, as we still haven't formalised how the screenshots would exactly fit there05:37
plovsfroud: no, adminguide crashes yelp05:37
ChrisHenrico: what exactly did you mean I should look at?05:37
froudenrico, I am closing a doc on screencaptures05:37
enricofroud: talking about that, where did the 120dpi number come from?  And how do I run an application at 120dpi to take a screenshot of it?05:37
froudenrico, 120ppi05:38
froudnot dpi05:38
enricooh... what's the difference between a dot and a point?05:38
plovsthose italians...05:38
enricoChrisH: wiki.ubuntu.com/QuickGuide, go down the page, there are some words on screenshots05:38
froudok, long story05:38
enricofroud: uhm... you can skip it if you want] 05:39
enricofroud: but in change for skipping it, you should disclose how to take a screenshot of an application at 120ppi :)05:39
froudbut if we use 120 ppi we can have a single image for both print and html05:39
froudyes,        trying to do this with GIMP05:39
froudis everyone OK using GIMP?05:40
ChrisHenrico: okay... 05:40
plovscorey had some really nice stuff with svg as well, btw05:40
plovsbut gimp is fine with me05:40
froudyes svg is an option, but Yelp screams blue murder with SG05:41
plovsyelp does support svg05:41
froudso many pro's and con's wish there was just a standard for it05:41
plovsmaybe we should settle for fast and simple for now05:42
froudfast and simple now, not so good in long run :-)05:42
plovsok, let's rephrase that to lean and mean05:42
froudtake the time now you dont want to redo 100's of screen capts later05:42
froudenrico, 05:43
froudPNG capture for multi-output captures a screen at an 8-bit optimized indexed color depth and 120 ppi, which is well suited for printing to a 600-dpi laser printer and for color display to the screen.05:43
plovswont thos pics become really big?05:43
enricoHow big would those images be?05:43
froudI am documenting the method for GIMP05:43
froudas small as possible05:43
froudthey are larger05:44
froudbut we gain by having dual use05:44
enricoYes, but knowing a bit of the order of magnitude would help05:44
froud6 of this, half a dozen of the other05:44
froudnot much bigger05:44
froudif varies according to the screen size being captured05:45
enricoOrder of magnitude 6 means 100000bytes per images?05:45
froudso what do you want05:45
froudtwo images05:45
froud1 low res05:45
froudand 1 high05:46
froudthis takes you well paste this point :-)05:46
plovsare we talking 15kb vs 18kb or 15kb vs 1.2mb ?05:46
froudI am trying to find the best comprise from all sides05:46
froudPNG at 120 ppi05:47
froudis much bigger05:47
enricofroud: have you taken a screenshot at 120ppi?  If yes, could you please tell the dimensions in pixels of the application, and the file size?05:48
froudOk you will see. Hold da horses05:49
=== enrico holds da horses
=== enrico 's horses cooled down and started grazing peacefully
=== froud struggles with GIMP
enricoBTW, I read in the logs that yesterday you wondered how to register things with scrollkeeper.  It's actually done automatically by Debian tools in the Debian packaging, so we don't have to worry about that.  Sivan is taking care of the Debian packaging, promised some nice things recently, but hasn't moved yet06:04
sivangenrico: I will be swamped until the 10th so ChrisH is going to fill in in the meanwhile.06:07
sivangenrico: GNOME FF06:08
sivangenrico: feature freeze..06:08
enricosivang: ok, cool!06:09
makoenrico: ciao06:12
enricomako: ciao!06:12
sivangmako: hey mako06:12
enricomako: we're making advances with screenshots06:12
makoenrico: *great*06:13
makosivang, everyone: hey there06:13
enricomako: we're now discussing ppis, file formats and specific docbook inclusion technicques06:13
makoenrico: so quick question about the wiki06:13
enricomako: printed version, screen version and so on06:13
enricomako: please ask06:13
sivangmako: do you know how to idents makred code blocks in emacs? :)06:14
sivangmako: if you could tell me the shipment or box number of my cd box set, that would be good, as I will try tracking them down using your courier or my mail service.06:14
makosivang: hold up bud :)06:14
makoenrico: so, all these links to files were broken in the wiki transition.. some are still broken06:14
sivangmako: no prob :) sorry for bombarding.06:15
makoenrico: files that wre uploaded06:15
makoenrico: i need some of those files now and might as well link them up to the wiki while i'm at it06:15
makoenrico: there is one example http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/UbuntuArtwork06:15
enricomako: eh, good question.  I recently added to WikiWishlist a request for how to link images with Moin format06:16
makoenrico: even i can just *get* the files.. non-linked.. it would be good06:16
enricomako: we can't figure out how to do that with the Zwiki moin implementation.06:16
makoenrico: that's *very* annoying06:17
enricomako: if you want to retrieve those, you can try making a page in ReST linking htem06:17
makoenrico: but ok06:17
enricomako: very annoying06:17
makoenrico: so.. are those attachments loaded into the zwiki?06:17
makoenrico: or should they be?06:17
makoenrico: my bigger problem.. is that i don't even know how to find those old files06:18
makothey were in the old wiki. but i can't get to the old wiki anymore!06:18
makoi found it06:20
enricoI think they should be: pages in ReST, for example reference and show attached images correctly06:20
makoget ready... 06:20
enricoNice certificate mismatch!06:20
mako18:20 < Kamion> mako: I found it by way of a bug06:20
=== mako buries his head into his hands
enricomako: that's however wiki.ubuntu.com/FrontPage, or www.ubuntu.com/wiki/FrontPage06:22
=== sivang omgs. thay witness the old wiki!!!
enricomako: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FrontPage is also ok06:22
enricomako: ah, ok, you get it from the old wiki06:22
makoi need the old wiki06:23
makobecause not all of the attachments were uploaded06:23
enricomako: oh, cool06:24
makoso i'm going to fix up the artwork page.. which , evidently, will mean changing the format06:24
=== mako add zwiki to his shitlist.. AGAIN
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enricoso it seems.  Do we have someone that is around to improve zwiki in some reliable way?06:24
enricofroud: hello again!06:24
makoenrico: yeah.. we're looking to hire someone to do that i think06:24
sivangmako: already did it , dozen of times :-/06:24
enricofroud: I had a look at the "Taking Screen Captures" section and I'm quite puzzled06:24
enricoehm... gotta repeat that later06:25
enricomako: oh, that'd be nice.  Wanna know another problem with zwiki?06:25
=== sivang thinks we should make a problem list of zwiki
makosivang: dude, it's so done :)06:26
makosivang: there's been one since we've had zwiki.. 06:27
makosivang: if we'd known better, we would have had one BEFORE we had zwiki06:27
enricoEvery page is no-cache-no-cache.  So, if you're editing a page and for some reason firefox shows another page (either "firefox xx.html" is run by something else or you click on a link by mistake, or you hit backspace when the focus is not on the edit area), then you hit "back" or "forward" and your form is fucking completely reset06:27
enricosivang: try WikiWishlist06:27
makoenrico: right.. i remember that one06:27
=== enrico adds that one to WikiWishlist
enricomako: happened again when trying one of the commands I was inputing: it was "firefox foo/bar/baz.html"06:28
enricoIt just showed up instead of the page I was editing, not in a new tab06:28
enrico(annoying problem of firefox, I guess)06:28
enricogosh, froud seems to be gone06:31
makoenrico: i've been having weird mozilla problems lately06:33
makoenrico: really annoying ones06:33
sivangmako: yeah :)06:33
makohard to pin down and produce.. but it keeps thinking urls, even links, are local paths06:33
enricomako: there's another issue to be solved sooner or later: we're writing DocBook, and we can package things in a .deb file.  However, DocBook makes HTML, and it's cool to put our docs online and link them from the wiki pages and so on.  But where can we put those static HTML pages online?06:38
enricoNone of us can upload things in any part of ubuntu web space06:38
sivangenrico: I think plone allows that06:39
enricosivang: it's not one page.  It's a huge pile of html pages and images06:39
sivangenrico: eh true06:39
sivangissues of dynamically controlled CMSs...06:40
enricoso, the issue is still open06:40
enricomako: I anticipate this here because I have no clue on how to work that out.  Having some names to ask to would get me started on the quest06:41
=== enrico is about to go to bed
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-135-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudshikes Sax2 kill me in a bad way07:02
froudwhat happend to enrico?07:14
froudplovs, you want lean and mean, how about command line graphics capture07:17
plovsfroud: checking it out07:21
plovsfroud: enrico went to bed07:23
froudoh no07:23
plovsjet lag07:23
froudI was fiddling with SaX2 and it blew me out bad07:24
froudcould not recover in time07:24
plovsaj, that's bad07:24
froudDo you have image magic insalled07:24
plovsi could07:24
frouddo it07:24
froudthen run07:24
froudimport -depth 8 -dither test.png07:24
froudThis file will not be that small. but read on07:25
froudopen the png in GIMP and select Image > Flatten07:25
froudThen save and recheck the file size07:25
froudif you want to capture the frame then do import -frame -depth 8 -dither test.png07:27
plovsok, that's ok07:28
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-111-130.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudmy capts still look a bit fuzzy caus eof my SaX settings07:29
froudIs that simple enough you think07:29
froudquick and does the job07:29
froudDo you have a laser printer near by07:30
froudprint it I think it looks ok07:30
froudwhich means we can have single files for dual purposes07:30
froudI am adding it all to wiki now07:31
plovsyes, looks ok on 600dpi07:31
plovsgot to bring back dvd's be right back07:31
froudis it fuzzy for you, on my HP 600 it look good clear07:32
plovsfroud: looks ok on hp 6l as well07:32
froudok good07:32
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=== froud adds Taking Screen Captures to https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject. Effectively resolving bug #5244
=== froud bids the silent crowd adieu for the night

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