[12:06] anybody awake? [12:06] yes [12:07] saw your mails, replied as well [12:07] thanks === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc [06:46] morning all === plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [07:52] African greetings all [08:29] froud: do you know how to connect to svn through proxy with passord? [08:30] plovs, I have some idea, but it depends on the proxy, firewall etc. [08:34] squid, 80 blocked at firewall level [08:34] need to go out through proxy [08:40] froud: what kind of an outline did you have in mind? [08:40] plovs, you mean for admin [08:41] yes [08:42] I am hacking a rough outline for admin guide and will commit soon. This will give us a starting point so we can all collaborate [08:43] ok [08:49] Does Ubuntu Server support POSIX ACLs [08:51] I kno wthat std's POSIX 1003.1e and 1003.2c were withdrawn but some distros still support them [08:54] grep POSIX_ACL=y /boot/config-`uname -r` will say yes [08:54] i asked it on devel [08:54] OK thanks [08:54] for ext2/3/jfs and xfs === enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc [09:09] hi enrico [09:17] enrico: heard anything from corey? i hope he did at least something after all the noise [09:29] plovs: the last conversation we had is in the channel: he said he won't be able to work on it, I asked to at least commit or send me his last work, so that it won't be lost [09:29] I'm waiting for a reply to that, but maybe it'll come tomorrow [09:30] I'm finally home with a couple of hours of time [09:30] tons of things to do. Gotta get things moving [09:31] Is there any breakthrough in the last 2 days of IRC about the Quick Guide and the About Ubuntu document? Else I can get those moving before doing the IRC report [09:34] froud: around? [09:34] yep === enrico waves smiling at the whole channel [09:35] froud: hi! [09:35] how r u [09:35] froud: I've been talking with mako about the screenshots, and I'm about to tidy up my IRC log with him and put it up on the wiki. After I do it (say, in 10 minutes) would you like to have a look? [09:35] sure [09:35] froud: I'm great! Sunny day here, just had a pearl milk tea :) [09:36] I stated a section on this in my wiki pages, got as far as TBD :-) [09:36] 30 deg in Johannesburg today [09:36] same as yesterday [09:36] to darn hot [09:37] (Pearl milk tea: http://www.gio.gov.tw/taiwan-website/av/ophoto/photo/b_img/b1_43.jpg and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boba_milk_tea) [09:38] (although here it's not called "boba" in any way, but the local name sounds more like "zen zoo") [09:39] enrico: looking forward to your write-up and the quickguide is completely stalled here, so it would be nice to get that into gear [09:41] plovs: in the meantime, can you locate a version of the About Ubuntu page in hoary and commit it in a new directory in the repository? [09:48] enrico: i don't have hoary yet [09:48] froud: I added a "Including screenshots" section in https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/QuickGuide [09:49] froud: please take a look and tell me what you think. I feel strange about that "python script" part, but the rest seems senseful to me [09:49] plovs: ok. I'll hammer the devel channel a bit more [09:52] enrico, [09:52] may I suggest that people do not need so many screen shots, especially when they are using an online help system [09:53] I would limit screenshots to only when required [09:53] for example [09:53] to show the state of a screen while interating with it [09:54] froud: if I understood correctly, this is mainly targeted as a pocket book, with one or two pages per major application. It would make sense, in this optics, to have at least one screenshot per featured application [09:54] so it will be in print [09:55] not electronic [09:56] will we continue using the basic layout of the quickguide as we have it now? [09:56] eg, follow the menu layout [09:56] or will we make it task based etc what do you guys think? [09:58] I understand the idea is making it application-based, like a guided tour of the distro [09:58] In this case, follow the meny layout makes sense [10:01] enrico, so limit each section to a capture of the main screen [10:03] enrico, there are some more things to add about screen capts [10:03] use a common theme across all [10:04] something that uses a color palette that is B/W printer freindly [10:04] I'd say that using the default theme makes lots of sense [10:04] I also hope that the default theme can be B/W friendly [10:05] capture at 72 dpi [10:05] And limiting each section to a capture of the main screen, yes, I think so, although in some cases there may be some big relevant part [10:05] froud: 72, how come not 100? [10:06] 72 is good for online raters [10:06] rasters [10:06] never resize screen capts [10:07] decide to use GIF or PNG [10:07] for print [10:07] we need tif at higher resolution [10:08] PNG [10:08] OK [10:08] How do we get a higher resolution TIF easily? [10:09] we need common and constant convention of terms when referecing gui components [10:09] enrico, no its a seperate capture [10:10] we can use profiling [10:10] but yelp does not like it [10:11] or does not know what to do with it [10:11] I don't know what is profiling [10:11] But then, I'm not a professional writer, and it makes sense that I don't knwo it :) [10:11] so I suggest we transform our profiled documents to another Docbook XML file that way everyting is resolved and only information for that book is loaded so yelp will be quick [10:12] enrico, thats ok [10:12] example [10:12] let s say you want to have a book in print and html formats [10:13] you can mark tags with the condition attribute [10:13] Go Home [10:13] Go Home [10:14] Go Home [10:14] three conditions [10:14] depending on the value of condition the output will or wont be output to the result tree [10:15] The downside in our senario is that we will need to do preprocessing [10:15] yelp does not like conditions [10:15] well yelp does not like many tings [10:15] index [10:15] glossary [10:15] bilio [10:15] and more [10:16] but yelp has many good things [10:22] Couldn't yelp just ignore all the things it doesn't like? [10:23] Or anyway, we can easily put up an XSL that throws away all things that yelp doesn't know === enrico committed aboutubuntu into the repository [10:25] enrico, why have presentational formats in the repos? [10:26] the src should be presentation neutral [10:26] we generate presentation formats [10:27] froud: that's the current version, that needs to be converted in DocBook :) [10:28] I'm still going through other things atm (like updating the wiki status pages QuickGuide and AboutUbuntuPage, then I'll be on the IRC report. If someone has free time to do a conversion and then throw away the .css files, please go on! [10:30] enrico: sorry convert what? aboutubuntu? [10:30] plovs: aboutubuntu, yes [10:30] i'll do it [10:31] or i'll start, mess up the formatting and ask froud to clean up the mess :-) [10:31] enrico, its better to point to it so we know it has to be done. === froud commits outline for admin guide [10:32] its a rough idea, I am sure with all our brains we will improve it === enrico CURSES FIREFOX AND TE WIKI TOGETHER [10:32] Scenario: [10:32] Updating the QuickGuide page with a cheat sheet of commands to check it out, make it, test it with yelp and so on [10:33] Write a "firefox build/quickguide/index.html" line in the page [10:33] go into a terminal, try it out to see if it's ok [10:33] firefox opens the page on top of the Quick Guide editing one [10:33] I click back, the form is reset, I lose all changes [10:33] BAH! === plovs just upgraded his home-wiki to moin-1.3.1 very, very nice, plovs doesn't curse, actually whistles... [10:34] enrico, rather than commit presentational formats can we revert to your other method of placing comment in the xml src [10:36] froud: you mean, you prefer a docbook file which is 100% comments with the HTML in it? [10:36] froud: nice layout [10:37] enrico: how can we put stuff fro docbook source on the ubuntulinux site? i would like to get feedback on faqguide [10:38] enrico, better to have link to wiki but if you must copy then just to a copy of the page by draging the pppppppointer down the page selecting it and doing ctrl+c and ctrl+v, then comment that [10:38] plovs: that has still to be discovered by me. I can embark on the quest, though [10:38] plovs, thanks [10:38] plovs: that's not a wiki page: that's the page that is shipped in the ubuntu-artwork package [10:38] plovs, enrico , we can transform to HTML and have link to it [10:39] enrico: ubuntu-artwork package??? [10:39] enrico, I did a commit on about ubuntu just a few days ago [10:39] froud: the html leaves something to be desired still though [10:40] plovs, ChrisH has a bugzilla to enhance it [10:40] froud: ok [10:40] froud: [publishing html] the problem is not converting and linking it, the problem (to me atm) is knowing where to upload it [10:40] why don't we put aboutubuntu.xml in the common folder? [10:40] plovs: yes [10:40] surely that should be simple to resolve [10:41] plovs, hold on that one [10:41] plovs: I took it from the ubuntu-artwork package sources and I committed it into the wiki [10:41] froud: [commit on about ubuntu] sorry, I think I lost that one. What did you commit? [10:41] enrico: ok, got you [10:42] see trunk/userguide/about/chap-ubuntu.xml [10:42] plovs: I still don't know how can we give it back into that package, though [10:42] Its rough [10:43] but if you want to copy paste the text there and comment it I will update and smeld it with the last work I did [10:43] plovs, about having aboutubunt as a common object [10:44] froud: it may be that we're talking about two different things. The "About Ubuntu Page" is described here: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutUbuntuPage have a look [10:44] froud: the text I've committed is what is currently displayed while clicking on "About Ubuntu" in Ubuntu, not a chapter of a book [10:47] ok parts of this will be in the book [10:47] we need to integrate it and create a method by which to generate it [10:47] this will mean a mark target [10:48] essentially I envision just assembling pieces from the books to compile it [10:48] sorry, what is a "mark target" ? [10:48] make target [10:48] oh, yes, ok, I'm with you [10:49] we will still need a driver file [10:49] it would be really neat to assemble it from other things. Also, I would avoid having too many ubuntu descriptions around :) [10:49] yes there are already to many [10:49] in addition, we need to consider a balance in the description between desktop and server [10:50] oh, desktop and server could definitely share the same about ubuntu part [10:50] Wow... the mailing list is busier than ubuntu-devel@ :) [10:50] hello ChrisH [10:51] froud: Morning. :) [10:51] ChrisH: we know how much you insist on writing all inportant decisions on the mailing-list, so ... especially for you [10:52] plovs: Yeah, very friendly. :) Someone please give me a secretary that keeps track of the list and sums it up. :) [10:52] enrico: you should write a mailing list summary... :P [10:52] ChrisH: gosh! :) [10:53] plovs, enrico, I will take a look at the about ubuntu thing [10:53] enrico: and a summery-summery [10:54] Umm is anyone doing bugzilla's for all this [10:54] froud: we try to resolve it before it reaches that stage [10:57] plovs, there is so much to do that we all can forget [10:57] put it in the bugz and then it cant be forgotten === froud creates https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5243 "create make target for the about ubuntu page" [10:58] I will move the content from aboutubuntu and find a way that we can auto generate this page [10:59] froud: that is cool! [10:59] the css files wil move to libs/ [11:00] froud: I'd like to make a TakingScreenshots page for the docteam. You mentioned you started something similar in your wiki page: do you have a link? [11:00] the png will mov to images/ [11:00] I could integrate that and what you told me before [11:00] https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject [11:01] got as far as TBD [11:01] Ah, ok. I was looking for a SeanWheller page but I couldn't find it [11:02] Ok, found. That'll be easy to integrate :) [11:02] I have not created a bugz for this. Should I [11:02] I can do it [11:02] ok [11:03] froud: do you prefer me to add the part about screenshots in the big AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject or in a separate TakingScreenshots page? I'd prefer the second one, so that it's easy to link to that specific piece of knowledge from many parts of the wiki [11:06] enrico, I was trying to consolidate this information for now. Once we have a stable outlook then we can split [11:06] my logic was to work in one place [11:07] Although I do have the Interchange Protocol in a sperate page as it was to big [11:07] my rule of tumb was small peices in /AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject [11:15] I must go back to paid work c ya later [11:19] froud: ok, so I'll put everything in that page for now [11:26] froud: added to bugzilla: Bug 5244 [11:27] AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject starts being quite long already [11:27] :-( yes I know [11:28] but we need to better arrnage the documentation area on wiki before we split it [11:31] Talk with the gardener :) === enrico puts on the gardener hat [11:31] How can I help you reorganizing the documentation area? [11:33] froud: about the screenshots, you say for print we need TIFF at higher resolutions. Which resolution you mean? Can the 300DPI as the standard for color printing? And how do we capture screenshots at that resolution? [11:42] enrico, point 1 will post a proposal to th elist :-) [11:44] froud: proposal, about what? [11:44] froud: Added the screenshots part to the AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject [11:44] "How can I help you reorganizing the documentation area" [11:45] I will submit an outline and structure for the framework [11:45] Oh, ok. Sure, do it. [11:45] froud: you can have a look at AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject's part about screenshots now if you want [11:46] Ok I will need to make explanation about higher resolutions and TIFF [11:46] I must go back to paid work. [11:46] And how to take screenshots at resolutions different than the one currently used by X [11:47] sure. That's in bugzilla, I'll add a note [11:47] can I assign it to you? [11:52] plovs: still around? Would you like to make a page similar to the QuickGuide page but about the FAQGuide, and possibly also an entry on the FAQ Guide in the DocumentationTeamFAQ? [11:55] yes assign it to me [11:55] I suggest we have links to from these Doc Spec pages to the HTML versions [12:02] enrico: let me see ... [12:04] lunch [12:13] https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/FAQGuide [done] [12:16] https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocumentationTeamFAQ [done] [12:27] plovs, I love the Status part [12:29] plovs in chap-installremove.xml you added a warning [12:29] [12:29] I do not have hoary yet so I can not really write a description of the new package [12:29] installer, this is just a draft. [12:29] [12:30] may I suggest it is better to put these types of things into comments like this, so we can find them easily [12:30] [12:31] oh and add your name [12:32] [12:33] That way you can find all