
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico [~enrico@218-164-135-74.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
enricohello everyone!04:06
sivangenrico: hi04:08
sivangenrico: I've almost synced my bio watch with yours 04:09
enricosivang: that doesn't sound healthy for you :)04:18
sivangenrico: true :) it's not.04:20
enricogotta go out05:14
enricosee you all later!05:14
plovsmorning all06:48
froudAfrican greetings07:18
=== plovs_ [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudtwo X's plovs ! ? I dont think I could bare it :-)07:32
=== [froud] [~sean@ndn-165-135-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== [froud] is now known as froud
sivanggreetings everbody07:58
froudboker tov07:59
froudboker metsuyan07:59
sivangfroud: could have been better, I have been fighting with some segfault my code is doing on g-s-t since last night, no sleep at all :)08:00
frouddid you read my warning08:00
sivangwarning? (/me shrugs)08:01
froud A word of warning08:01
froud    Participation in open source projects can lead to sleep deprivation. And a lot of fun!08:01
sivangfroud: fun I am having, you won't imagnie how much :)08:02
froudsivang, and learning too08:02
froudI will be out for most of the day08:03
sivangfroud: yep08:03
froudgoing toe Gold Reef City and amusement park08:03
sivangfroud: eh cool, fun fun08:03
froudneed to increase my testosterone level 08:04
froudfigure the rides should do it :-)08:04
sivangfroud: hehe08:04
=== plovs [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froud2   plovs again, are my eyes playing tick son me this morning08:25
=== sivang has managed to complete part 1 of his coding, can go to sleep now.
sivangnight all!08:27
froudlila tov08:30
sivangfroud:   08:30
=== froud is on the the way to the funny farm, where everything is happy all day. B c'ing ya tonight.
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=== abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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enricofroud: around?05:20
=== abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== [froud] [~sean@ndn-165-135-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== [froud] is now known as froud
froudAfrican greetings07:07
=== froud returns from the funny farm
Kinnisonhow funny was it?07:09
froudA scream07:10
froudwent of every major ride I could07:10
froudand went down a mine07:10
froudthey only take visitors to 263 meters07:11
froudbelow surface07:11
froudamazing place a gold mine07:11
sivangKinnison: part I of my g-s-t work is done!07:14
=== sivang dances
=== sivang hugs Kinnison of joy.
sivangoh, hi everybody :)07:14
froudyo gaver ma ata ose07:14
sivangfroud: huh?07:15
froudte se avoda al ha sfarim lo ha g-s-t :-)07:15
sivangfroud: heheh :)07:15
froudjust teasing07:15
sivangfroud: I will, as soon as I finish , which seems rather close :)07:15
froudoh good, we miss you07:15
sivangfroud: you really adjusted to the hebrew slang, didn't you?07:16
=== sivang apologisez for his abscent and promises to make up for everybody.
froudma ani mi netanya, ma ata rotze07:16
sivangfroud: ahahahahahahah07:16
sivangfroud: ars ma?07:16
sivangfroud: mamash lamadeta at ha safa hazak...07:16
froudhey gibi ani lo ha gaver shel gha07:17
froudeser shanim07:17
froudma ata rotze07:17
sivangfroud: stam, ha olam mazhik az zohakim :)07:17
sivangfroud: did you know or saw "hgashash ha hiver" ?07:17
froudyes I have07:18
sivangfroud: you're kidding me! How did it look for you coming from a british educated country? :)07:18
sivangfroud: it's like monty python for the israeli average :)07:18
froudmate I am British, South African, Israeli07:18
sivangfroud: you're one of the interesting mates I have met around tsf/canonical/ub yet :)07:19
froud10 years in IL living in Netanya, not Rananana07:19
sivangfroud: I wonder if this spoiled a bit of your british education :)07:19
froudNo enriched it07:19
sivangfroud: that's cool :)07:19
froudIt took me 3 years to get over the culture shock07:20
froudthe remaining seven were easy07:20
sivangfroud: you poor thing. Yeah, I've heared people describe the same xpereicens.07:20
sivangfroud: nobody relaxes in .il, stress stress, news alld ay long  :)07:21
froudfortunately, unlike most olhim, my upnim was different07:21
froudI started living in Kiriat Nordau07:21
sivangdon't understand07:21
froudwhile most olim went to ulpan07:22
froudI learnt from people in the neighbourhood07:22
froudSo I now I have both low an dhigh ivrit07:22
froudmost of the people I lived with were misrahim, russian, romanian, etc07:23
sivangamazing. you encompass in your self some 3 very different cultures :)07:23
froudThats why I am so confused all the time :-)07:23
froudI speak 5 language07:24
sivangfroud: well, if I can help out , just say :)07:24
froudEnglish (sfat em), Afrikaan, Zulu, German, Ivrit)07:24
froudand Fanagalo07:25
frouda local mix of all 11 official south african languages07:25
froudmostly made from zulu'07:25
sivangI want to learn germen and zulu07:26
sivangand fanagalo07:26
sivang(from you)07:26
sivangfrom others,07:26
=== froud is not sure everyone on the channel want to hear about this
froudhe he :-)07:26
sivangfroud: true, we should have stick to private07:26
sivangfrom enrico italian,07:27
sivangoops I am not in private07:27
ChrisHmsg sivang Enrico stinks!07:27
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-110-249.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudmaskie, Howzit07:31
maskiefroud: great and u07:32
froudhanging dude07:32
froudjust spent the day at Gold Reef City07:32
maskieworking or having fun07:33
maskiethats great 07:33
froudyou every been down the gold mine there?07:33
maskienot there but have been down others ..07:34
maskiebeen down the deepest in the world ... westerb deep level07:34
froudcool 18deg07:35
froudthought it was going to be hotter than hell07:35
maskieam sure it was hotter in the one I went down but then it was over 5km07:36
froudcould get my stomach right after the alaconda07:37
maskiehe he  .. yes we have one of those here in cpt also .... 07:37
froudwhew, had to sit with head between me legs for 307:38
maskienot a good idea to ride that stuff with a full stomach07:43
sivangmaskie: where you at ubuntu conf?07:44
maskiesivang: no ... wish i could07:45
sivangmaskie: oh well, enxt time :) You an ubuntu devel?07:46
maskiesivang: hopefully it will be held in our part of the world :) .. no not a ubuntu devel 07:47
froudYes on top of Table Mountain :-)07:48
froudthat would be vcool07:48
maskiefroud: now you talking ...07:48
sivangmaskie: I think it's in .au next time07:48
froudan then down to Knysna07:48
froudor is it up07:48
maskiesivang: at least it is in the correct hemisphere ....07:49
sivangmaskie: heheheh :)07:49
maskiefroud: or maybe just have it at fancourt ...07:49
froudOh I say old chat jolly posh what what07:49
froudI wine estate would be good then we could get plastered07:50
maskiethat will also do ...07:50
maskiebeach ... mountain and wine .... 07:50
froudSouth Africa is the only country I know that has a tourism industry that promotes drunken driving07:51
froudThe wine estate hop07:51
froudwake early and try visit every estate in the region07:52
maskieeasier to get a bus with a driver ....07:52
froudwell there would be enough of us for a bus07:52
froudI bags the back seat :-)07:52
froudHmm people still not validating before commits08:03
maskiethats bad ... 08:03
froudplovs did you checkin you last edit to global.ent?08:06
froudOk all docs now valid except FAQ. plovs please commit your last edit to global.ent or define an entity for gconf. I see you reference it but it is not defined. You do have an xml instance for it in /common/menus/ So eithe ryou did not commit or you forgot to add it to global.ent08:12
froudChrisH, nice commits today. Thanks08:20
froudplovs, you also been a role :-)08:22
=== abelli [~abelli@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
ChrisHfroud: :)08:27
ChrisHfroud: I'm committing more on sunday hopefully08:28
froudExcellent, got your rythm back I c08:28
ChrisHfroud: Yes... it may just be that I miss a few things that are being discussed here. My schedule is too tight to spend much time on IRC currently.08:34
ChrisHfroud: Gotta help my brother-in-law moving to their new house tomorrow... :(08:34
froudno worries mate, we know you will do what you can when you can08:34
froudmoooving is a bummer08:34
froudcant stand it so I always hire in people08:34
ChrisHpeople like me... ;)08:34
=== froud is lazy that way
froudI will keep you in mind next time I move08:34
ChrisHfroud: Yeah, right.08:34
froudHey you get a free holiday in the best country on earth08:34
froudgood old RSA08:34
Kinnisonciao abelli 08:34
froudoh hola means bye ?08:34
KinnisonI thought hola meant hello08:34
ChrisHfroud: A bit too hot for me perhaps...08:34
ChrisHhola means hello usually... (at least in Catalan)08:34
froudso what does ciao mean08:36
abelliKinnison: sorry mate08:36
froudChrisH, you may get a tan :-)08:36
ChrisHfroud: I may get charcoaled!08:36
ChrisHfroud: Temperatures above 25C scare me.08:36
froudToday was a cool 3008:36
froudChrisH, we have swimming pool in front garden if that helps08:36
ChrisHOh, why didn't you say so. When will you be moving again?08:36
froudIn about 2 years08:36
ChrisHGet back to me. :)08:37
abellifroud: excuse my ignorance, where are you from?08:37
froudabelli,  co.za08:37
froudSouth Africa08:37
abelliive seen a documentary about south africa on telly yesterday,08:39
abelliwonderful places.08:39
froudabelli, I have travelled th eworld for 15 years and no place like home08:39
froud"I am an African"08:40
abellii think everybody feel that way..08:40
abellii mean.. it doesnt feel "african", 08:40
abellijust likes his places.08:41
froudsure, something in the water I think :-)08:41
=== froud commits patch to make adminguide open in yelp.
froudGood night. Will be out at Sun City all day tomorrow http://www.suninternational.com/resorts/suncity/ See you all in the evening.09:17
sivangfroud: it's not in scrollkeepr?09:40
sivangfroud: it's now in scrollkeeper?09:41
sivangfroud: I mean, did you make ot register agasint it?09:41
abellibuona notte09:42

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