
=== Kinnison [~dsilvers@haddenham.pepperfish.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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froudsivang, what you on about. you lost me05:34
sivangfroud: morning.. finishing the user profile management of g-s-t.05:39
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sivangfroud: that is, the default privilege groups part of the profile managemnt.05:41
froudnow what about scrollkeeper05:42
froudwhy you awake at 06H3005:42
froudIntersting quote for the morning05:47
froud"When we are no longer children, we are already dead."05:47
froud- Constantin Brancusi05:47
=== froud sits down to coffee, toast, cheeze and email
=== sivang wants some also :)
froudme serves up coffee for sivang http://www.starbucks.com/default.asp?cookie%5Ftest=105:52
froudsivang, what's in scrollkeeper the docs05:53
froudsivang, I gotta leave for Sun City soon05:55
sivangfroud: sorry, I have to finish this before, maybe tommorow ? :)06:06
froudok bye06:08
ChrisHUh... kids are so great... 4 hours sleep at the weekend. :(07:11
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skyriderCan anybody load main page of our wiki (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/) ?01:16
skyriderOops, it works again01:17
=== finexp [~di2@eburgfw1.beelinegprs.net] has left #Ubuntu-doc []
skyriderGuys, what is the reason to have two different versions of Hoary release shedule in the wiki?01:32
skyriderIs it just mistake?01:33
skyrider  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryReleaseSchedule AND http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HoaryHedgehogReleaseSchedule01:33
skyrideranybody alive?01:37
_d4vidyomon da01:55
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=== froud return from a hot Sun City (36deg)
=== [froud] [~sean@ndn-165-135-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== [froud] is now known as froud
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Kinnisonciao abelli 07:29
abellidid you guys guys check this part of the guide http://ubuntuguide.org/#repositories ?07:30
abelliKinnison: Yo07:30
=== froud closes bug https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5079 "Write Ubuntu Documentation License" See https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject "Our Documentation License"
=== froud closes bug https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5145 "Who is the copyright holder for docteam documentation?" See "Write Ubuntu Documentation License" See https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject "Our Documentation License"
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudenrico, helo07:49
enricofroud: so cool the license issue has been sorted out!!07:50
froudyes and licenses are in SVN07:50
froudand docs use them07:50
froudand LICENSE file is update07:50
enricoI have a question about the User's Guide: mdz asks me "In what ways will it be different from the existing User's Guide?"07:50
enricoand now I ask myself: what existing user's guide?07:51
froudyou mean admin vs users07:51
froudyes I heard the same about quick guide07:51
frouddunno mate07:51
froudb 4 my time07:51
froudI expected you had a reason have the user guide07:52
froudnow I learn there is another copy as with the install guide07:52
=== froud is full gas in neutral
enricowell, wait07:53
enricothere is no other copy of the quick guide, what exists, is in svn07:53
enricoso, that can go full-gear07:53
froudnow what about User Guide?07:53
enricoI'm trying to understand it.  I have no idea what mdz means with that, so I was investigating07:54
enricoThe User's Guide was mainly managed by John, so I don't know much about it07:54
froudcan mdz giv eyou a URI07:54
enricoI'll ask for one.07:54
froudp.s. updates screen capt part hope it is as you wanted07:55
enricofroud: I haven't had a look yet07:56
enricoit's been a saturday out, here07:56
froudyes Saturday here too07:56
froudjust got back from Sun City07:56
=== froud creates bug https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5345 "Create Owner/Maintainer list" further to http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2005-January/000908.html Assigns froud
froudWell thats all for me folk for today. See you later.08:04
enricofroud: I suspect that mdz is mentioning an Ubuntu port of the Debian User's Guide and we have little to worry, though08:04
=== froud is off to bobo land where he can get some shut-eye
froudenrico, good08:04
froudenrico, the document "AboutTheUbuntuCoreDocumentationProject"08:05
froudits comming along nicely. It is getting long. I will take some time tomorrow08:05
froudto work a structure for the Documentation Web Site08:06
=== froud knows he promised yesterday
froudbut I though the license stuff of higher priority08:06
enricoDon't worry.  Wiki philosophy would be to split it into atomic pieces of information and then put each one of them in one page08:06
enricoSure: the license was indeed higher priority and I'm so happy it's been already settlen08:07
abellifroud: are you working on a documentation website?08:07
froudabelli, no its a document to document the documentation project. It will eventually become part of a structure under wiki for the documentation side of the project08:08
froudI still need to device the structure, ideas welcome :;;-)08:08
enricofroud: ideas?  I have lots :)08:08
abelliahh because ubuntu italia, ha a "documentation&&translation project"08:08
enricofroud: another idea would be to split that into a series of tutorials (like the screenshots one), that can directly be followed by people08:09
abelliand theyre working on the dbase infrastructure08:09
froudSend [proposal]  to the list and lets discuss it08:09
froudthat it will be self documenting08:09
froudI already lik ethe idea about Documentation and Internationalization Project08:10
froudi18n and l10n08:10
froudI think you know lots about translations08:11
froudabelli, perhaps you can document the po file process of translation08:11
froudI use KBabel under KDE08:11
froudwhat do you use under GNOME?08:11
abelliwhos talking to who?08:13
=== froud talks to abelli and enrico
froudabelli, you know lots about translations (i18n and l10n)08:13
=== abelli is not very good in data mining/auditing sorry...
abellifroud: sincerely not, but i do my best08:14
frouddo you know how to use po files08:14
froudso you understand the process08:14
froudcan you document it08:14
froudpo for dummies08:15
froudlike me08:15
abellibut you can use rosetta..08:15
froudI use Kbabel08:15
abelliand explain gettext..08:15
abelliwell someone really better than has already done it yet08:15
froudcan Rosetta take an XML file and do po files etc08:15
frouddoes Rosetta use translation memories08:16
abelliwell lets ask to daf08:17
froudWhere can I find info on Rosetta08:17
enricofroud: Dafydd Harries <daf@muse.19inch.net>08:17
=== enrico goes to bed
froud19" :-)08:18
frouddaf wishes08:18
froudok Im off08:18
sivangenrico: you've just spammed the hell of of his email :)08:18
abellisivang: ahh..08:19
enricoDid I?08:19
abellienrico: yes.08:19
sivangdo you remember irclog.workaround.org ?08:19
enricoDo we have spam-collection bots in the channel?  Is the log archived publicly in a bot-accessible way?08:19
enricoAnd anyway, daf writes to Debian lists, so...  :)08:19
abellienrico dont cheat.. it's normal..08:19
sivangenrico: eheheh08:20
sivangenrico: so that's no biggy08:20
sivangdebian lists are way spammend :)08:20
=== enrico ronfs
enricogotta go.  Byw!08:20
sivangenrico: bye!08:20
abellienrico: buona notte08:20
abelli..a little late08:20
abellifroud: are you still with us08:21
abellifroud: good night :)08:22
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