=== hidro [~Emanuel@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [06:58] African greetings [06:59] froud: greetings [06:59] morning sivang [07:00] froud: morning [07:00] froud: I like it when you sau african greetings, sounds so, so... warm and assuring. [07:00] :) [07:00] warm place, warm people :-) [07:01] froud: true, although you've said the brits make it a bit cold :) [07:02] he he cold place [07:02] di dyou read th elist mail today [07:05] froud: nah...I'm finishing this huge page to g-s-t and then going to catch up on it....I'm gonna have some tons of mail to go over.. [07:05] ok [10:36] good morning all [10:40] Hi, Alex... [10:40] Happy Monday all around :) === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [12:03] plovs, ping === froud [~sean@ndn-165-135-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [01:21] ChrisH: yo ChrisH [01:21] sivang: re yo [01:26] hi guys, how are the docs today? [01:27] sivang: what are you doing with g-s-t? [01:29] plovs, what's with gconf. you have an entity ref, but no entity or xml instance [01:30] did you do your last commit on these [01:31] froud: let me check [01:32] plovs: uploading a screenshot for you :) [01:33] sivang: cool [01:34] hmm cannot connect to server? [01:34] plovs, you mean svn [01:34] froud: yes [01:34] it has come up and down since last night [01:34] is it a problem on my end? [01:35] I understand hornbeck is having some trouble [01:35] loads of rain in London [01:36] froud: he is in the states, but still [01:36] ok, sorry, then perhaps I am confused [01:36] we had lots of water as well, parts of the city next to the river flooded [01:36] but my internet is up, nonetheless! [01:36] which city [01:36] riga, latvia [01:37] he he last time I was in Prague I just left in time [01:37] the whole city flooded and cut of roads to where I was living [01:37] :-) my wife couldn't fly on saturday, was stuck one more night in danmark [01:37] just managed to get out and to the airport in time [01:37] Hmm not a bad place to be stuck [01:38] well, considering i was *not* in danmark i dissagree :-) [01:38] froud: you should have stayed in sa, you have the best wheather on the planet i am told [01:40] yes, but when I left 15 years ago sa had many political problems [01:40] now its much better [01:40] froud: agreed, things have improved [01:41] plovs, so you like the rfc for the doc team web site? [01:42] froud: well, i can't do anything at the moment with svn, but the changes cannot be big anyway [01:42] no they are not [01:42] froud: yes, it needs some shaping up, and this looks good [01:42] what did you mean create it under SeanWheller? [01:44] whell, you have a homepage on the wiki i suppose, just create it as a subpage there, then when you are satisfied move it up [01:44] Hmm I dont have a home page, should I? === froud asks that you excuse his ignorance about wiji [01:45] froud: not necessarily, it's a matter of choice, it just help to keep things organized, you can put it under my page if you want === plovs loves wikis [01:47] froud: http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/Screenshot2.png [01:47] Ok send a uri [01:47] oops [01:47] plovs: http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/Screenshot2.png [01:50] sivang: looks cool, is this an update or a rewrite of the current user-config stuff? [01:52] plovs, send me a url to your wiki home page === sid77 [~sid77@] has joined #ubuntu-doc [01:53] hi [01:54] ello [01:56] froud: https://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AlexanderPoslavsky [02:00] plovs: update, the profiles didn't have any ability to allow you to add default privilege groups to the users templates, I am now trying to finish the backend stuff and we're all done. [02:01] plovs: and now also when you create a user, it inherits those default priv groups from the selected profile. [02:02] sivang: sounds really cool, profiles make stuff more powerfull [02:03] plovs: yes, this even makes sense more, as the g-s-t backends now also support batch execution, which means you can create different specs of systems, and just knock yourself out and create N copies of a system profile stored in the xml backend, roughly speaking that enables you to take N machines, and and progrematically set them up as you like in a coheren way. [02:04] but my patch is rather small I think :) [02:07] does anybody remember how I add a custom entry to the "Applications [02:07] menu? [02:14] sivang, appname.dsktop ? [02:14] appname.desktop [02:14] froud: there is a gui way to do it can't recall how to invoke the menu editor.. [02:15] from the kicker, right-click ? [02:15] kicker?!?!? [02:15] are you using KDE?! [02:15] sivang: panel [02:15] :p [02:15] sure [02:15] we're a GNOME distro here :) [02:15] ! === ChrisH is on KDE, too :) [02:15] ChrisH: right click? [02:15] kde rocks [02:15] sivang: Put away your MAC mouse and get a real one. ;) [02:16] ChrisH: eheheh, I have a real one... [02:16] froud: Don't tell that in the Ubuntu public or you'll get stoned. ;) [02:16] sivang: Perhaps we should ship an Ubuntu-brand mouse with the mouse buttons labeled "left" and "right" :) [02:17] sivang, beshvil gha, "yamin" ve "smal" [02:18] ChrisH, KDE ROCKS DUDE, now stone away :-) === froud starts a falme war [02:19] Jehova! [02:19] hehe [02:20] ChrisH, of course you need the hardware to run it :-0 [02:20] froud: I admit that my Pentium IV 2.4 GHz is a little slow. :) [02:20] froud: In fact... since I switched my machine back to KDE and use Ubuntu just for helping my parents-in-law and documentation writing/screenshot taking I'm way more productive. [02:21] ChrisH, ata biy, kde forever Ra Ra Ra [02:21] froud: Intelligent window placement (not open the first windows somewhere in the middle), khotkeys, konqeror, k3b, ... [02:22] ChrisH, k3b now there's some magic [02:22] Kdiff3 [02:23] froud: graphical diff? [02:23] yep 3way [02:24] ChrisH: from you it sounds like KDE is so much better ...:) [02:24] froud: I'm still the "vim -d" kind... [02:24] "power through your conflicts" [02:24] sivang: Nah... :) === sivang uses k3b under GNOME [02:25] sivang: I have used fvwm2, fluxbox, gnome, kde, ... I just feel that - although it's very bloated - KDE is easier to configure. [02:25] sivang: Gnome annoys me with it's "gconfd" which is no better than regedit.exe in Windows. [02:25] and faster :-) [02:25] froud: No idea if it's a configuration problem, but yeah... KDE runs faster here. [02:26] I was even convinced of the "spatial view" in Gnome for a few weeks until I trashed it. :) [02:26] and good old klipper is a time save when writing docs [02:26] knotes is better :) [02:27] kget is another one for those hard to get downloads [02:27] And I can control XMMS from every window through khotkeys :) [02:27] froud: Let's leave Ubuntu. [02:27] Yes, lets :-) === ChrisH is curious how Enrico's daily report will look like [02:27] :-) [02:27] mutany on the ubuntu docs highway [02:29] froud: you hope nobody on tsf reads this logs... [02:29] sivang, dont realy care its free [02:30] froud: kidding :) [02:31] good news is that oneday the desktops will converge [02:34] ChrisH, have you tried running any KDE stuff on Ubuntu [02:34] I want to try it on my test box here, but afraid it wont work as I expect [02:35] froud: nope... [02:36] Hmmm, I must try in oneday when I have some spare time to give in case it breaks the system [02:36] froud: But the postings on the ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-users mailing lists regarding KDE sounded very hostile [02:37] yes, was looking at those the first few days I had Ubuntu installed on that box [02:38] decided I was not in the mood for problems [02:38] well, not that many [02:38] ;;well, the level of conversation has gone down i see, man, leave for five minutes and kde already rulez [02:39] plovs: So you are still on Gnome? ;) [02:40] gnome or screen [02:41] my productivity with kde dropped, i was mucking around with kde all the time instead of working [02:41] I still believe that Gnome is more "zen" for end-users. I'm trying to help build a distribution for end-users who don't want to worry. But I'd rather stay on Debian/Sid (which I must keep anyway to build packages). === ChrisH loves mucking [02:41] i love the fact that it is possible, kde, gnome whatever you want i think that is great [02:42] And it's obvious that Mark doesn't want to handle two desktop environments already. [02:42] some of my friends are eagerly waiting for kubuntu though [02:42] KDE is probably less usable for newbies. In Gnome you just can't screw that much. That's why my mother-in-law has Sarge/KDE and father-in-law has Ubuntu/Gnome. He tends to click around more. :) [02:44] they both have plusses and minuses [02:46] plovs: You know my parents-in-law? ;) [02:47] ChrisH: i think parents-in-law do not come in many different flavours [02:47] (unlike window-managers) [02:48] my wife prefers gnome though [02:48] plovs: My father-in-law has a history of needing less than an hour to screw Windows XP so badly that not even Bill Gates could fix it. [02:48] but on hoary many things are a bit broken again :-( [02:49] plovs, he sounds like a good tester [02:49] ChrisH: well, fixing xp is really hard, i prefer reinstalling from a ghost image [02:50] it would be nice to see how easy it is to lock down kde, locking down gnome is not so simple [02:52] plovs: it is? I never tried that in KDE. [02:52] there is some tool for it, don't remember what it's called [02:52] one day i would like to set up nis+nfs+kde/gnome for workstations at work [02:53] and then locked down in case your father-in-law drops by [02:56] froud: i updated my svn-repo, i am in sync, so everything that is not there does not exist [02:57] plovs, ok so you have ref to &gconf; [02:58] you need to add an entity to global.ent [02:58] and create the XML-instance [03:03] froud: ah, ok, now i remember, i didn't know what it was called when i wrote that, sorry, i'll do it straight away [03:08] ChrisH: my dad does the same :) [03:29] froud: where is my reference to &gconf;? i seem to have lost it [03:32] plovs, faqguide/faq/TipsTricks.xml 123:19 and 148:19 [03:57] froud: fixed [03:57] plovs, thanks dude === jiyuu0|home [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === [froud] [~sean@ndn-165-135-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === maskie [~maskie@196-30-110-17.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc === jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc === [froud] is now known as froud === du2br [nobody@du2br.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc === du2br_ [nobody@du2br.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc