
=== K-Rich [~krich@216-190-165-201.bras01.sho.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Quest-MasterWhat's a good GTK based torrent program?12:01
Quest-MasterAzureus is too slow12:01
aeolisti thought mldonkey was the father and mother of all p2p12:02
mjrwell, bittornado-gui matches, but is gtk1, so is a bit out of place in a gtk2 desktop12:02
Quest-MasterG3Torrent and ABC use wxPython, and wxPython in Warty still uses Gtk1.x12:02
aeolistwhat am i saying?12:02
Quest-MasterI want something like Azureus written in a better language that uses Gtk2.x12:02
Quest-MasterJava is a resource hog12:02
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mjrnoda, hmm, nice12:04
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nodaI haven't tried it myself12:04
nodaIt's mentioned on the Ubuntu wiki12:04
Quest-MasterMaybe I should write my own BT program.12:05
pavkontiI have amd thunderbird 900Mhz. which kernel should I use 386 or 686?12:05
K-Richanyone here have a niash based scanner they've manager to get working in Warty?12:05
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mebaranAnyone know how to setup the w32codecs on AMD6412:06
mebaranWould I need a a 64 bit compiled version or something?12:07
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sladenmebaran: amd64 == different architeture12:08
mebaranbut is there anything I can do to run a couple wmv's12:08
mebaranI got mpg and ogg support12:08
darklingYou can't use the win32 codecs on a 64 bit system.12:08
mjrmebaran, if you really need those, currently you'd basically have to set up a chrooted 32-bit environment where you'd install that12:08
mebarandidint openoffice already set one up12:08
nodamebaran: wmv 8's should run natively. It's just 9's that won't.12:08
mebaranhow does openoffice run then12:09
darklingYou need to set up a chroot environment.12:09
mebaranIt installs the ia-32 libs12:09
darklingOpenOffice fiddles things a bit.12:09
mjropenoffice runs in a more kludgy way ;)12:09
mebarandarkling: just out of curiousity, how did it do it12:09
mebaranit sound sort of cool12:09
mebaranand why doesnt ubuntu just use a chroot12:09
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darklingia-32 libs are a basic set of libs -- just enough to get a 32-bit OO.o running.12:10
mebaranbut they dont put those in a chroot12:10
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mebaranI was attracted to ubuntu, because it looked liek they had solved that whole chroot mess I had on debian12:10
mebaranopenoffice right out of the box and all 64 bits too12:10
mebaranbut I guess they just did a bit of a hack12:10
mebaranwhen Win64 comes out12:11
mebaranwill I be able to use its codecs?12:11
mjrthat's probably up to the wine and media player guys12:11
darklingmebaran: Not at the moment,12:11
darklingbut when someone writes a 64-bit wrapper for the win64 codecs, yes.12:11
mebaranif only the world would use ogg12:11
mebaranand gom12:11
mebaranthey are good formats12:12
mebaranjust a tad supportless12:12
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=== mjr is just ripping Gattaca into a Theora ogg with thoggen as a test
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mebaranwill realplayer work12:13
mebaranor is that in the big box of not going to work yet12:13
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HrdwrBoBthere is a 64 bit realplayer isn't there12:13
zenroxi am shure thare is12:13
darklingI'm not aware of one,12:14
darklingbut then I tend to stay away from RP media.12:14
darklingDoes Helix run in 64 bit?12:14
K-Richanyone have any experiance getting a niash based scanner working?12:15
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mebaranI never liked realplayer much12:15
mebaranwma is much more important12:15
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mebaranas I bruned alot of Cd's in wma lossless12:15
splatta#join #knoppix12:16
mebaranand it seems like a pain to try and convert to Flac12:16
mebaranthought now I know of the greatness of Flac12:16
K-Richmebaran: be happy, i can't get any video to play in totem, think i'm gonna install mplayer this afternoon12:16
scaroohi ppl ! does any of you know if the ipod support in rhythmbox has been removed ? I saw screenies and cvs commits related to it, but nothing happend in RnB when pluging the device. Gtkpod work like a charm.12:16
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nodaIs wma lossless better than flac?12:16
mebaranK-rich: switch to totem zine12:16
mebarannoda: all lossless codecs are basically equal12:17
mebaranI havent noticed any huge space differences12:17
mebaranall avg about 500 kbps12:17
scarooK-Rich, try totem-xine, or install yourself gstreamer-ffmpeg12:17
mjrscaroo, warty's rhythmbox version is from last fall, maybe it's not new enough12:17
K-Richmebaran: how? just apt-get it or?12:17
HrdwrBoBmebaran: except that wmv is non free12:17
ik-G4any one know how can i setup firewall in ubuntu?12:17
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scaroomjr : i m curently using hoary12:17
mebaranHrdwrBoB: yeah, if only I had been so wise before12:18
scaroomjr, RnB is version 0.8.812:18
mebaranI did these CD's before I had any idea that Linux was feasible12:18
mebaranFLAC tends to encode faster on my PC anyway12:19
bj_Does anyone know if you have to specify in xorg.conf for x to use the xdamage and xfixes extensions??12:19
mebaranAlso, any of you know how to setup a Canon Printer12:19
stuNNedhow do i get hotplug to not probe for soundcards and use alsasound init script instead?12:19
mebaranI have a very nice Canan i95012:20
=== noda looks at a comparison. FLAC is way faster.
scaroomebaran, look at http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/ if your printer is supported12:20
mebarannoda: I usually let it run over night anyway12:20
sladenmebaran: you said you used 'wmv lossless', if it's really loseless, you'll have no problem re-encoding them to anything else you want;  eg.  FLAC/OGG12:20
nodaStill -- saves on electricity! :)12:20
mebaranbut I cant open them12:21
mebaranor convert them12:21
sladenmebaran: can you convert them on a windows machine?12:21
scarooso nobody knows about RnB-IPOD integration ?12:21
mebaranno more windows12:21
nodaThat's why one should always use an open format :)12:21
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mebaranI philosphically took a stance that my pocket book was happy with12:21
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mebaranI needed to log on a domain12:22
mebaranbut I sort of had Windows home12:22
mebaranand that was very very annoying12:22
nodaFLAC also has some level of hardware support.12:22
mebaranso I decided to switch to linux12:22
noda(since it's so fast to decompress)12:22
r3v3rbcan someone tell me if there is a graphical tool to set the screen display for colour used ?12:22
sladenscaroo: what's an 'RnB-iPod' ?12:22
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splattaubuntu's install routine - will it co-exist with my mdk 10.1 ?12:22
mebaranMy printer is unsupported by Gimp print12:23
mebaranwhere can I turn12:23
HwolfI so hate kernel-updates. :-S12:23
sladenscaroo: if it's an iPod, you should just be able to plug it in;  it'll mount and appear on your desktop12:23
r3v3rbinstall has set the system to thousands rather than millions12:23
mebaranit is an i95012:23
K-Richmebaran: switching to totem-xine i should remove all the gstreamer stuff right?12:23
K-Rich(ie no need for them except totem-gstreamer)12:23
mebarandoesnt matter12:23
r3v3rbbtw. ubuntu rules over mdk10.112:23
mebaranK-Rich: it will do all that for you12:23
mebaranwhen you install it12:23
scaroosladen, yes that works flawlessly, but, i am speaking of Rhythmbox/Ipod integration12:23
nodaK-Rich: Just apt-get install totem-xine and Apt will handle the rest12:23
mebaranit will remove totem-gstreamer12:23
mebaranthough gsteamer handles most everything too12:24
sladenr3v3rb: how much video RAM do you have;  it's tries to set the highest resolution possible12:24
mebaranset up properly12:24
nodaYou should keep the rest of gstreamer, though. Other apps may use it.12:24
mchasardplease why the last beta stopped the live cd at the xorg  ?12:24
adamZK-Rich: gstreamer handles stuff like rhythmbox too12:24
scarooyes if you instqll gstreamer-ffmpeg, sadly, no debs :(12:24
sladenr3v3rb: you can change it by going  computer->control panel->monitor12:24
splattanot interested in a pissing contest...but i do need to install ubuntu and try it for myself...dual boot with mdk 10.1...will it work ok ?12:24
mchasardwithout startx12:24
r3v3rbsladen i got 32mb on my laptop. msk10.1 & FC3 both run at max res with millions of colours12:24
r3v3rbbut not ubuntu12:24
r3v3rbcould it be a xfree v xorg problem ?12:25
nodasplatta: It should :)12:25
r3v3rbi dont have control panel - monitor ?12:25
scarooreverb, i would say xresprobe, but dunno12:25
sladenr3v3rb: interesting, so this is an auto-detection issue;  What happens when you go to the control panel and change the resolution/refresh/colour-depth?12:25
r3v3rbwhat control panel sladen ?12:25
splattanoda: ok...whats the installer like ?12:26
mebaranvideo ram is mostly textures12:26
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mebaranvideo ram is mostly for textures I thought12:26
nodasplatta: Text-based :(12:26
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sladenr3v3rb: click on the Computer Menu at the top of the screen12:26
mebaranI have run millions of oclors on an 8 mb old Riva TNT12:26
nodasplatta: But still quite easy12:26
r3v3rbi have destop prefs and system conf12:26
mebaransplatta: the install might not be pretty, but it is guranteed to run12:26
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sladenr3v3rb: I don't have an Ubuntu machine in front of me at the moment, can somebody tell r3v3rb the exact name of the display control panel!12:27
splattanot worried about how it looks...as long as it leaves my mdk 10.1 install in one piece :o)12:27
hikaru79I have an external USB hard drive that I want to mount. What is, most likely, it's address?12:27
r3v3rbi'm sure my setup doesnt have a display panel12:27
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mebaranr3v3rb: Desktop > Administration > Screen Resolution12:28
scaroohikaru79, an icon should have appeared on your desktop12:28
mebaranfor Screen Resolution12:28
nodahikaru79: It should happen automatically. I think it'll be /dev/sda12:28
mebaranyou could also go to your xorg.conf and manually set that12:28
r3v3rbmebaran i tried that but it doesnt support colour setting12:28
hikaru79It did that when I used GNOME12:28
hikaru79But I installed Hoary's KDE12:28
ograr3v3rb: its in Computer->System Tools->Display Propertys (i think...german here so it may be named different)12:28
hikaru79And it won't automount anymore12:28
Hwolfnoda, that icon is fucked up, appears right on top of other icons. :-S12:28
mebaranautomount is a gnome thing12:28
mebaranmy automounting never worked on KDE12:29
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scaroohikaru79, go see in /media if there an entry related to your hd12:29
r3v3rbnope i dont have a display properties... wierd12:29
mebaranGnome seems a tad better12:29
nodaHwolf: I've seen that too. Hasn't (yet) annoyed me enough to make me look into it :)12:29
hikaru79hikaru79@ubuntu:/media $ dir12:29
hikaru79cdrom  cdrom0  cdrom1  floppy  floppy0  usbdisk12:29
nodaDown with KDE! :)12:29
elvelindquestion. If I want to start linux with the windows start loader, I should dd if=/?? of=/boot.lnx and then copy over boot.lnx to c: and edit boot.ini. what should the ?? be?12:29
mebaranyou have the symlinks12:29
Hwolfnoda, is that worth filing a bug over, and for wich package?12:29
Riddellmebaran: KDE 3.4 uses HAL same as Gnome12:29
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hikaru79I tried 'mount usbdisk' and 'mount /media/usbdisk' but neither work12:29
mebaranRidell: my experiences from KDE 3.312:30
nodaHwolf: The package would be Nautilus. I'm sure the bug exists already. I'll search for it.12:30
mebaranso I could say for sure12:30
scarootry using pmount12:30
mebarannever worked for my firewire card reader12:30
mebaranmaybe the magic is in hotplug12:30
ograhikaru79: use pmount, not mount for that12:30
r3v3rbdamn, didnt want to have to fool around in the terminal to set my display ! but nm12:31
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hikaru79I love you guys, thanks =)12:31
noda(and notice how old that stuff is -- you can tell by the "@eazel.com" email addresses12:31
scaroopmount is a mounting util for removable device. It lets users(ie non root) mount them12:31
K-Richmebaran: sweet, thanks.. so far so good even with wmv :)12:31
Hwolfnoda, ok.12:31
Jeltehi there... does anyone know if there is a GUI tool in ubuntu to edit the scripts which are started in the several runlevels ?12:32
adamZelvelind: It's /dev/hdxy, where x is the letter for your hard disk (probably a) and y is the partition number of the boot partition. You'll also need blocks=something, I'm not sure what it is12:32
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Jeltei found gnome-system-tools should do it, but i'm not sure where it is (although it seems to be installed on default)12:32
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elvelindadamZ: blocks=512 :) well. I dont have a boot partition. should I use the root?12:33
scarooJelte, gst has been spit in diferent modules (network, users ...) and ubuntu doesnt comes with the RC editor12:33
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adamZelvelind: yeah, I think so12:33
Jeltescaroo, ah, that'll explain it... i'll do a search in synaptic for the rc editor then...12:34
elvelindadamZ: 'couse that dont work. I just get a blank screen.12:34
adamZelvelind: hold on, I'm looking through a forum for something I've got on that12:34
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r3v3rbanyone here actually in front of ubuntu ?12:34
elvelindadamZ: oh. should I install grub on that partiton?12:34
adamZelvelind: http://www.geocities.com/jtarin47/DualBoot.html12:34
scaroor3v3rb, ubuntu here12:34
nodaI've got it on my laptop 2 metres away12:34
Jeltescaroo, any idea which (if any) component the RC editor is in for ubuntu?12:34
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r3v3rbthat can tell me how to change thecolour display of the monitor12:35
K-RichUbuntu here as well12:35
mebaranmebaran: I am in front of ubuntu12:35
mebarantry commenting out all the modes you dont want in your xorg.conf12:35
adamZelvelind: I've never actually done this myself...12:35
scaroor3v3rb, have you tried 'dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg' ?12:35
scarooas root12:35
r3v3rbxorg ?12:35
r3v3rbthought it uses xfree ?12:35
adamZelvelind: but yeah, I think you need a bootloader of some kind installed on the partition.12:35
elvelindadamZ: well. when I think of it it makes sence. thanks.12:36
mebaranr3v3b: are you on Warty or Hoary12:36
__learner__I have chopping sound on lots of application under my system;.12:36
scaroor3v3rb, you are under warty ?12:36
mebaranyou can do the same thing to XF86Config-412:36
r3v3rbwarty didnt think hoary was available12:36
__learner__do you have any idea of what ios happening?12:36
mebaranyou can participate12:36
mebarananyone know what to do if my printer is unsupported by gimpprint12:36
mebaranit makes a happy paper weight12:36
r3v3rbbuy a new printer ?12:37
mebaranbut I have never been a big paper weight person12:37
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r3v3rbwhere can i scrounge hoary from then huys ?12:37
mebarani950 anyone have it?12:37
r3v3rbguys even12:37
adamZmebaran: does your printer manufacturer have drivers on their website? Samsung does.12:37
mebaranif you want to risk it12:37
mebaranI think that Canon has them in japanese12:38
mebaranI remember trying in Debian12:38
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r3v3rbouch that wont help me12:38
r3v3rbjapanese is not a good language for me12:38
mebaranr3v3rb: most of the huge dependency problems have been ironed out12:38
mebaranoh no12:38
mebaranHaory is not in japanese12:38
mebaranthe print drivers for Canon are in Japanese12:39
r3v3rbbut where is it to be found ?12:39
scaroor3v3rb, 'sudo sed "s/warty/hoary/ /etc/apt/sources.lst"12:39
r3v3rbcan i do an apt install ?12:39
r3v3rbof hoary ?12:39
scaroothen apt-get update12:39
scaroothen apt-get dist-upgrade12:39
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r3v3rbubuntu gets better and better12:40
scarooouch i forgot a "12:40
scaroosudo sed "s/warty/hoary/" /etc/apt/sources.lst12:40
r3v3rblmao, no just misplaced it at the end there12:40
brian_can anyone ecplain to me how to install mouse themes?12:41
scaroor3v3rb, i meant sources.list12:41
adamZmebaran: http://www.turboprint.de/english.html says it supports the i950.12:41
adamZlooks like non-free though12:41
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scarooadamZ, the i810 xorg driver should support it12:42
brian_whats that turbo print thing? does it support winprinters?12:42
r3v3rbscaroo - i get grief about uncomenting stuff when sed'ing ? worry about it or just carry on ?12:43
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adamZno idea, I just googled it12:44
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scaroor3v3rb, i think you can go on, but to be sure check the content of the file12:45
mebarananyone know how I could fudge the driver for the Canon i950 I own12:45
r3v3rbr3v3rb@ubuntu:~ $ apt-get update12:45
r3v3rbE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)12:45
scaroosudo :)12:45
mebaranr3v3rb: are you root12:46
scaroomebaran, "$"12:46
r3v3rbi am now !12:46
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r3v3rbsudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:47
r3v3rbReading Package Lists... Done12:47
r3v3rbBuilding Dependency Tree... Done12:47
r3v3rbCalculating Upgrade... Done12:47
r3v3rb0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:47
r3v3rbhmmm. wierd12:47
tvon|deskThere is a repository for debian somewhere that has updated mono packages (somewhat usable in hoary).  I don't recall where I found it before, anyone have it now?12:47
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tvon|deskwell, I'm just saying "somewhat", they should work fine12:48
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scaroor3v3rb, oops i mislead you : sudo sed "s/warty/hoary/" /etc/apt/sources.list > /etc/apt/sources.list12:48
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scarooseems i too tired to be trustful :/ gonna have some sleep, good luck r3v3rb !12:51
imaponyubuntu is pretty fast12:51
scarootvon, alioth ?12:51
r3v3rbno joy. will wait for iso12:51
imaponyFedora was unusable on this box12:51
r3v3rbhave to terminal it methinks12:51
r3v3rbfedora is dogs poo on this lappy too12:51
r3v3rbubuntu is the new king of distro's imho12:52
imaponyI just installed it, but so far I think its great12:52
r3v3rbpicked up my painful wireless pcmcia card during install - no other has done that yet12:53
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imaponyI am going to have to run the installer again though, cause I don't remember selecting a root pass durring the install12:58
MoreLikeAlfiehi. I have a problem getting warty to install on a new homebuilt machine, it's not picking up my cdrom, even tho it boots to the installer!12:58
evilmegamanIs hoary stable at all? and if not, can I get X.org in Warty?12:58
evilmegamanSame here MoreLikeAlfie12:59
adamZimapony: there is no root pass, you use sudo with your user password12:59
evilmegamanI am glad someone else has that problem!12:59
MoreLikeAlfieevilmegaman, any ideas on how to proceed with debugging the issue01:00
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evilmegamanDoes anyone have any reccomendations for me and MoreLikeAlfie? and nope :(01:00
spunoutwhy don't I have a modprobe.conf?? I have a modprobe.d....01:01
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benjanetim getting segmentation fault on XMMS01:05
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evilmegamanIs there a way to do a network install?01:06
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suzananyone got midi working with ubuntu?01:14
neighborleesuzan, sadly I dont  have midi keyboard..I want one badly but01:15
neighborleesuzan, have you treid rosegarden ?...it looks sweet..anyway just cuirous but I doubt I can help :(01:16
suzani don't have a midi-keyboard either, but i want to do hard-disk rekording01:16
suzanyes i've tried rosegarden01:16
suzanbut no midi will work on my computer01:16
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suzani don't know if it's just the sound on board card or whatever01:16
suzancan you hear a simple midi-file?01:17
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brian_hmm im running ubuntu fine with no swap01:25
brian_is it possible to use the ubuntudisk as a partitioning tool?01:26
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randabisit could be semi useful I suppose01:30
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randabishowever, it can't resize partitions01:30
mebaranhow do you restart cups01:30
mebaranwithout a total reboot01:31
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subterrifichas anyone noticed any problems recently with 32bit nvidia-glx on hoary amd64?01:31
subterrifici've got a 32bit glxinfo and it segfaults on launch, the strange thing is that i can run hl2 in cedega fine01:31
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mebaranwhy are using 32 bit nvidia glx on hoary amd6401:32
mebaranthey have a native 64 bit driver in the repositories01:32
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subterrificto run 32bit gl applications...01:33
stuNNedsubterrific, how does hl2 run in cedega btw?01:33
subterrificstuNNed: great for me01:33
BrettMeisterAnyone here in the Okla. or Oklahoma City area?01:33
zerokarmaleftBrettMeister, i live in tulsa01:33
evilmegamanam I able to get X.org on Warty?01:33
mebaranhow does one restart cups01:34
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subterrificevilmegaman: no01:34
stuNNedevilmegaman, probly not unless you compile it yourself, but xfree in warty is heavily patched and nice, nonetheless01:34
BrettMeisterzerokarmaleft: Do you know of anyone or place in the OkC area that has one of the Ubu install disks?01:35
knghtbrdhmm, ubuntu has a non-free section.  How is it handled, in comparison to Debian's non-free?01:35
randabisI think it's virtually the same01:35
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knghtbrdDifference being that Debian supports their non-free, it would seem01:37
knghtbrd(I know that Debian does, from experience)01:37
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knghtbrdindication is that Ubuntu does not01:37
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BrettMeisterAnyone know of a place close to Oklahoma U.S. where I can get a reliable install disk?01:42
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mebaranI got the gimp print driver to work01:42
mebaranbut it prints all the pages the wrong size01:42
mebaranwhat can I do01:42
mebaranthe S600 driver works a tad better01:43
mebaranbut not much01:43
knghtbrdBrettMeister: I bet if you ask, you can probably get a set sent to you  =)01:43
=== knghtbrd doesn't have extras to send at the moment
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BrettMeisterknghtbrd: I could sign up at the Ubu site; but, that takes forever.  I actually burnt my own back in the fall, but it had some kind of flaw in it.01:44
mebaranthe s600 driver does it right01:44
mebaranbut doesnt offer all the paper options01:44
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t31hi, just a quick question, im trying to do: sudo shutdown -h -t7000, what am i doing wrong?01:45
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BrettMeisterWill someone be willing to send a set of install disks to me here in Okla., U.S.?01:46
knghtbrdBrettMeister: are you running an OS that has the md5sum utility?01:46
evilmegamanis hoary stable?01:46
stuNNedevilmegaman, no01:46
evilmegamanOh. Not at all?01:46
stuNNedno, very unstable01:46
Tsjoklatfar from it01:46
evilmegamanOh ok. I guess it's a bit different than Debian eh?01:46
knghtbrdhoary == unstable01:47
BrettMeisterknghtbrd: Yea...but the Fc1 distro that I have has a bunch of beta burning junk on it that doesn't work right now.  Wish I had a reliable disk.01:47
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knghtbrdBrettMeister: md5sum the disc to be sure that it is indeed a usable image01:47
knghtbrdBrettMeister: if so, you might be able to burn the image with something other than FC01:48
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BrettMeisterknghtbrd: I have the original file on my Windows laptop.  Also, I have a knoppix disk that works pretty well.01:48
BrettMeisterknghtbrd: The Windows machine does not have burner hardware.01:49
subterrificwell restarting and reinstalling nvidia-glx fixed glinfo32 crash, but i still can't run enemy territory...01:49
lavigj_quick question for y'all. Does anyone here use .Xdefaults to modify aterms appearance?01:49
t31any idea about the shutdown command?01:50
lavigj_t31: what about it?01:50
knghtbrdare there currently special instructions to upgrade to hoary or is it basically just adjust apt, let it go, and prepare to fix things as they happen?01:50
=== knghtbrd has ridiculous bandwidth here.
knghtbrd(university rocks!)01:50
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t31lavigj: im trying to shutdown the pc after watch a long movie, i think i remember was just, sudo shutdown -h -t7000 for a shutdown in 2 hours more or less01:52
lavigj_t31: I think that's right... I am not sure if you need a space after the -t01:52
dataw0lft31: the 'time' argument is mandatory.01:52
BrettMeisterAnyone in the U.S. willing to send me a reliable install disk for Warty?01:53
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danielsknghtbrd: http://www.ubuntu.com/wiki/HoaryHedgehog01:53
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lavigj_t31: I am also pretty sure it is measured in seconds.... that may be a bit long too01:53
knghtbrddaniels: thanks, I was poking around looking for that.01:53
lavigj_t31: nm, 2 hours is 7200 seconds01:53
gabaugyou could just do `sleep 2h && sudo halt` ... though sudo will ask you for your password unless you change it..01:53
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t31yes but what does it means mandatory, has to be first01:54
evilmegamanWill warty EVER be able to use X.org? or never ever?01:54
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lavigj_t31: I think that how you have it will be fine. I routinely use shutdown -r now to reastart.01:54
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lavigj_anyone in here know how to customize aterm?01:55
anlarHi guys. What are the default username/passwords on the hoary beta livecd? Can't get in. :)01:55
knghtbrddaniels: ahh, that schedule looks excellent, especially if there's the manpower to deliver it on time01:56
danielsknghtbrd: sure01:56
danielsanlar: 'root', no password01:57
t31sudo shutdown -h -t 7000 time?01:57
lavigj_t31: I think that will work01:57
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anlardaniel: Indeed. The documentation I have found says the password(s) should be blank but it doesn't seem so. Doesn't work :)01:57
jdubon time? on time? of *course* it will be on time! :)01:57
t31lavigj it doesnt01:57
danielsanlar: weird01:57
derek_hello folks01:58
danielsevilmegaman: never -- it's been and gone.  hoary, which is due in april, will have it.01:58
lavigj_t31: does it return an error?01:58
evilmegamanOh ok :)01:58
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evilmegamanthanks daniels.01:59
anlardaniels: Indeed. I just downloaded it to check if the jfs/xfs etc modules will be around soon so I can throw away Knoppix as the system diagnostics and repair disc.. :p there seems to be couple "tiny bugs" around though :)01:59
lavigj_t31: also, you might want to run "shutdown -c" to cancel any shutdowns that may be going.01:59
t31lavigj Usage:    shutdown [-akrhHPfnc]  [-t secs]  time [warning message] 01:59
t31 and then time argument is mandatory01:59
derek_I am a newbie with an audio problem. Anyone care to help?01:59
evilmegamanderek_ make sure pcm is up01:59
lavigj_t31: alright, one sec...01:59
derek_don't know what that means, sorry02:00
t31lavigj ok02:00
derek_the installer doesn't find my audio card02:00
evilmegamanOh then it's a different problem derek_ I don't know about that02:00
lavigj_t31: try shutdown -h +120 (for 2 hours from now)02:00
anlardaniels: Incorrect username or password :I02:00
subterrificdoes anyone have enemy territory or quake3 working on amd64?02:01
lavigj_t31: you can do any number of minutes, just +minutes02:01
derek_anybody else?02:01
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derek_well thanks anyway02:02
t31lavigj seems to work, just doesnt returns to the prompt, so maybe is waiting?02:02
lavigj_t31: that's probably right.02:02
lavigj_t31: anyway, gotta go. hope that helps ya02:02
dr_willisSome how vi got 'removed' or somthing. :P had to apt-get install vim to get it back. odd.02:03
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t31lavigj thx a lot, quite useful command when u want to joy a movie and dont care if u fall asleep b4 ends :)02:04
Skwid_anybody on intel chipset ?02:05
anlarI got i865G02:05
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Skwid_anlar: SWEET02:06
Skwid_have the same one :)02:06
Skwid_did you get 3d acceleration working ?02:06
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anlarYes. With a 2.6 kernel and x.org.. No problems whatsoever. Though the chipset is quite slow in reality.02:07
Skwid_anlar: oh !! how ???02:07
Skwid_i'm on Xorg too02:07
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anlarI used the drm/dri cvs sources with the building instructions from their wiki02:08
Skwid_anlar: can i have the url ?02:08
Skwid_what do i need02:09
Skwid_drm or dri ?02:09
anlarBoth. And correct kernel stuff :)02:09
Gwildoranyone here try feather linux?02:10
Skwid_hum ...02:10
Skwid_i'm on hoary02:10
anlarif hoary has agpcart/intel_mch_agp, it'll do fine. but I haven't got in yet :)02:10
Skwid_what do you mean ?02:11
anlarJust some problems. :)02:11
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Skwid_can you help me ? :(02:11
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Skwid_anlar: i don't want to compile Xorg as it's already installed02:12
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GuBAHello... I need install my winmodem HSP56 MR in my Ubuntu ... help me please!!!02:13
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dr_williswinmodems.. Ugh. :O the bane of linux.02:15
svendMy cdrom is not automounting.  It is a scsi, and mounts correctly if I mount it from the command line.02:15
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robertjanyone here have any suggestions on easy ways to turn the power on and off to some paripherals in an automated fashion?02:17
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dr_willisautomated how ? what devices02:17
robertj(ie. supposing you were stuck with a really crappy cable modem that needed rebooting 3 times a week)02:17
robertjdr_willis: i'd like to power cycle my cable modem automatically when linkdead02:18
subterrificrobertj: use somekind of smarthome/x10 thing02:18
dr_willisa little $7 gizmo can turn it on/off several times a day02:18
dr_willisa more pricy one can be programed for a weekly routine02:18
robertjdr_willis: i'd rather it only cycle when down though02:18
dr_willisgot one for my  porch02:18
dr_williswhen whats down?02:18
robertjif I can't ping the isp's boxen then I want to power cycle it02:19
dr_willisya could get fancy with a X10 module or 2 and a serial-remote.02:19
dr_willisbut thats a bit more $$02:19
dr_williswould be cheaper to go buy a new cable modem :P  seen them for uunder $5002:19
roothorickare the x10s worth it?02:19
robertjusb would also be preferred if supported02:19
robertjand also, x10 is not preferred02:20
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knghtbrdIs ubuntu's grub compiled with splashimage support?02:21
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bj_how come nickserve let me in here? i didnt send it a pass02:21
stuNNedknghtbrd, you can add splashimage it's just not there, in menu.lst02:21
knghtbrdhence why I asked about support02:22
knghtbrdthanks  =)02:22
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stuNNedknghtbrd, it's compiled in, yes, i'm sure :)02:23
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mojohi every102:24
mojolong time no see02:24
mojoI miss u guys lots02:24
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ik-G4from surfers paradise? =)02:25
robertjcan anyone think of a managable way to install every deb from your apt cache that was current on a certain day?02:28
knghtbrdahh, the one annoyance of bluetooth rodents.02:28
=== knghtbrd taps a button
=== zerokarmaleft kicks his broadcom 802.11g card
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mojorobertj: do a simple script and put it in cron02:29
=== aurora pees on it
robertjmojo: cron?02:29
robertjmojo: the purpose would be to revert to yoru old pkgs02:30
mojorobertj: oh, reverse heh02:30
zerokarmaleftanybody here have success scanning for SSID with a linksys wmp54g (rev 2, or other)?02:30
zerokarmaleftusing ndiswrapper02:31
mojorobertj: man, u can write a simple script that using 'time' or 'date' command + 'apt-get' command and using any schedule engine such as 'cron' 'acron'02:31
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evilmegamanafter making sure the cd was perfect, ubuntu still doesn't find the cd drive drivers...02:32
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pipelinerobertj: dpkg -i /var/apt/cache/*02:33
robertjpipe: the trick would be only to catch the old stuff02:33
robertjbut if you do it with a simple bash script your going to get your deps mixed up02:34
robertjthe difficult part is you need the mtime of every dep of every file in the dir02:36
=== Skwid_ [Skwid1@stlaurent-1-82-228-247-28.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
knghtbrdzerokarmaleft: you think your silly card is evil, you should see this netgear 802.11g router I have..02:36
knghtbrdit makes an excellent 802.11b router (of the typical home router appliance type)02:37
knghtbrdhowever, 802.11g cards tend to cause it to flake, crash, and you lose wireless access until you power cycle.  Stable firmware == 20 min workable time, Beta == about a week.02:38
knghtbrdyeah yeah Linksys blah blah, wasn't available when I bought this.02:38
zerokarmalefti used to have a WRT54G with open firmware, but i decided to get the cable modem/router combo02:39
zerokarmaleftand its firmware sucks02:39
robertjzerokarma: I've got the 54g with stock, is the open firmware any more reliable?02:39
zerokarmaleftand possibly doesn't broadcast its damn SSID when i tell it too02:39
mojoI've got sick with the firmware of my Alcatel router02:40
zerokarmaleftrobertj, there's some gee-whiz features that come with open firmware02:40
knghtbrdanyone who don't want theirs can send it here  =D02:40
robertjyeah, but is it more reliable?02:40
knghtbrdI know a guy who works on these things and can upgrade the diskonchip to let me put a decent firewall/router distribution on it02:40
zerokarmalefti never had issues with either, so i can't really quantify that02:40
zerokarmaleftit's just as reliable, if that helps02:41
knghtbrdI'm a student though, and I have this technology addiction02:41
knghtbrdso I am both poor and always buying expensive toys, etc02:41
robertjkinghtbrd: in that case, my vote goes for the mac mini02:41
knghtbrdrobertj: why?  I have a G5 tower.02:42
robertjthink living room02:42
=== knghtbrd gets ... no sympathy ;)
knghtbrdI have only ONE room02:42
knghtbrdit's 9' x 11'02:42
zerokarmaleftb/c you have a G5 tower02:42
zerokarmaleftsell it and buy a house02:42
robertjG5s are rip-offs02:43
knghtbrdactually, the G5 is not mine yet, technically.02:43
lavigj_is it possible to use fluxbox with ubuntu without extensive pain and suffering02:43
robertji'm in charge of 70 of em at work02:43
knghtbrdit is technically owned by the state of Oregon02:43
pdI have a G5 Tower02:43
knghtbrdbut it has this nice LCD on it (20" picture frame model)02:43
pdif bullets start flying... ill duck behind it02:43
=== calc doesn't like the bit about having to have apple install ram on the mac mini
calcknghtbrd: hi, haven't seen you in a while :)02:44
robertjcalc: me neither, 256 is just anemic, but its only ~60ish to get the bump02:44
knghtbrdcalc: don't let them install RAM.  Good grief, just don't EVEN ...02:44
lavigj_calc: my guess is that you can figure it out ok.02:44
robertjwell edu, I don't price the normal prices02:44
robertjbtw, I've had good lucking at ordering 9% below Edu Pricing on orders of 10 machiens or more02:44
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robertjcourse we are usually ordering dualies with applecare so that's a lot of margin02:44
knghtbrdcalc: I have been an exclusively Mac user for about two years02:45
calcrobertj: its ~ $400 to get 1gb apple ram though02:45
zerokarmaleft"wlan0     No scan results" = suckage02:45
calcvs ~ $100-150 elsewhere02:45
robertjcalc: I saw that, I was laughing my rear end off02:45
knghtbrdcalc: School.  Requires MS Word, like everywhere else.02:45
calcknghtbrd: ah ok02:45
robertjMac office is worse02:45
robertjRaise your hand if you have 30 gigs of Office 2004 fonts on your server02:45
=== robertj raises hand
knghtbrdI actually like Word v.X and later02:45
calcrobertj: ah i remember you talking about that :)02:46
robertjOffice v.X had issues with network home directoreis02:46
lavigj_calc: I am willing to bet that there is a way into the mac mini... I have not been able to see one but there has to be a way. if mac techs can, others can02:46
robertjit would bail if you tried to run something obscure, like Word and Excel at the same time02:46
calclavigj_: oh they show it open on their site, if you open it voids your warranty though02:46
knghtbrdMac Office 2004 doesn't like the partition schemes used to mount /Users as a seperate drive02:46
knghtbrdcome to think of it, 10.3.5 didn't like it either02:47
lavigj_calc: I tend to end the warranty on pre-built machines rather quickly... I hadn't considered that a reason :)02:47
robertjcalc: IMO Apple has done one thing right in the last year in terms of servicability, and that is making the iMac have a user replacable screen.02:47
lavigj_calc: I so understand why that would be a bad thing though02:47
calcrobertj: aiui most of the imac is user servicable now, so i was surprised they won't let you even install ram on the mini02:47
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knghtbrdcalc: they won't?02:47
knghtbrdI haven't read that anywhere02:48
robertji'd caution you though, I've had 13 service calls on 9 individual G5s this last year out of a lab of 1602:48
Arkainiumwow, i decided to make a backup on a cd.  big mistake, it screwed up all my permissions.  :(  how do you guys usually do backups?02:48
calcknghtbrd: see above about voiding the warranty bit02:48
knghtbrdI've read people saying you probably can't02:48
calcknghtbrd: its on the apple mac mini tech spec page at the bottom in fine print02:48
robertjthat's like over a 50% failure rate02:48
robertjit's going to be great next year with warranty02:48
calcyou can't add bluetooth/wifi/ram without taking it in to apple authoried service02:48
calcer authorized02:48
robertjerr without the warranty02:49
lavigj_calc: I suppose that's a reason to make my own mini-pc..... no OSX but it would also be no ATI either...02:49
robertjcalc: although truthfully I would think bluetooth, wifi would be USB territory02:49
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calclavigj_: also would be roughly 2-5x the size ;)02:49
robertjif it werent' for the fact that I don't know of any good USB drivers for wifi02:49
calcthe mac mini's biggest draw is its size02:49
lavigj_calc: it would be a bit bigger, but with a micro-atx setup, it still wouldn't be too bad02:49
robertjcalc: how are the acoustics, that's what I want to know02:49
zerokarmalefti'd like to see a server closet full of a metric fuckton of mac minis running open mosix02:50
knghtbrdlavigj_: Well, as I figure it, I have two macs, and I am happy with them.  So when I needed another machine that was cheap for development, I put together this $300 ASUS thingy02:50
calclavigj_: micro-atx would be a whole lot bigger, i thought you meant something like a shuttle xpc, which only 3-5x the size02:50
calca micro-atx is probably 10x the size in volume02:50
yccoknghtbrd: whoa, long time no type.02:50
knghtbrdit's not ATX.  It came with floppy and CDROM and AMD board and PSU and a case, $109.02:50
robertjzero: I thought about that, I wouldn't be suprised if we see a rack mount for them02:50
lavigj_knghtbrd: I have nothing against macs.... just I usually can't justify it.02:50
calcrobertj: i don't think the mini even has a fan, not sure though02:50
yccoknghtbrd: it's me, occy (OctobrX)02:50
lavigj_calc: one sec, let me check something02:50
robertjthey make a rack mount for mounting two G5's vertically on a rack02:50
bassinboyfirefox crash >:O02:51
knghtbrdycco: TRAE!02:51
yccoknghtbrd: ;)02:51
robertjso there is always a chance someone will allow mac-mini racking02:51
yccoknghtbrd: I ran a Marathon today!  My first ever!02:51
knghtbrdheh, cool02:51
yccohttp://fitgeek.org/  top post02:51
krismwhat creates /lib/modules/kernel.version/build ? (the build directory in 'kernel version')02:51
yccoknghtbrd: doing good bud?02:51
knghtbrdycco: you still hanging around California?02:51
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yccoknghtbrd: I wish, been back in GA for a while.02:51
yccoknghtbrd: occy.net  if you want to check out my site.02:52
robertjycco: where you at?02:52
yccoknghtbrd: also, check out my band too:   http://theinterference.com/  Listen to "Sooner or Later" and "Don't Come Back"02:52
knghtbrdnot too bad actually, since you last saw me I got myself into a decent university and gave up CS/IT as a profession.02:52
yccorobertj: Macon02:52
robertjahh, I'm @ UGA02:52
yccoknghtbrd: whoa.... a smart person.02:52
lavigj_calc: i suppose it is more than I thought it was. 18.75x7.25x16... I thought I could get a smaller case than that02:52
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yccoI wish I could do something other than computers. :/02:52
knghtbrdToo much fighting over scraps, and the work:pay ratio is low as a result.02:53
=== brian_ [~brian@S01060004e221b529.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
yccorobertj: cool beans.  My wife went there.02:53
brian_anyone here?02:53
calclavigj_: you can get smaller but then you have to use low profile pci cards which are hard to come by02:53
yccobrian_: nope, just us chickens02:53
knghtbrdbig salaries in California, but not bigger than cost of living.  Elsewhere?02:53
robertji'm slackin it majorly02:53
lavigj_calc: true, but they are becomming more common.02:53
brian_can i use my ubuntu cd as a partitioning tool?02:53
lavigj_calc: I dunno, the mini-mac is pretty sweet02:53
yccoanyone here know how to get KDE installed with Ubuntu (My original reason to stop lurking)02:53
robertjwork here is posh when you get in02:53
yccobut it was nice to see an old friend ;)  knghtbrd02:53
calcwhoa 10x was an underestimate on size difference02:53
knghtbrd$8-15/hour in Oregon is typical for tech workers, and they're all deemed overtime exempt.  No way.02:54
yccoknghtbrd: ugh02:54
calcmy friends "small" microatx system is 17x the volume of the mac mini02:54
yccoknghtbrd: yah... I'm doing contract work now:  http://gotnerd.com/02:54
robertjycco: yeah, add universe and multiverse to your repostiories and start apt-getting stuff02:54
Riddellycco: use the universe repository and apt-get install kde-core02:54
yccoknghtbrd: if you ever know anyone that needs website design / devel, let me know ;)02:54
=== sensebend [~sensebend@CPE0050f2c2257d-CM014480023927.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
yccoRiddell: ahh, cool beans. tx02:54
Riddellycco: kde 3.2 in warty, kde 3.3 in hoary02:55
knghtbrdycco: I've also run into setuid..  He's now in New London, CT, looks like a biker with a shaved head, and has a wife and baby girl02:55
brian_apt-get install kde <--------that metapackage contains everything u need02:55
yccoRiddell: yah, on warty02:55
yccobrian_: wow... ok02:55
yccoknghtbrd: sweet02:55
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yccoknghtbrd: today was my first Marathon every.02:56
calceven the shuttle xpc i was looking at getting is ~ 13x larger volume than it02:56
lavigj_Riddell: do you know if it is possible to use fluxbox with ubuntu?02:56
yccoknghtbrd: 26.2 miles!!!02:56
knghtbrdvery nice02:56
=== ycco is one tired mother.
Riddelllavigj_: can't say I've ever seen anyone in here asking how to  install fluxbox :)02:56
knghtbrdsetuid and I do Palm/Linux stuff (well, rather, he does Linux, I do MacOS X)02:57
yccoknghtbrd: make sure you listen to this song...   I want to know what you think:    http://theinterference.com/music/mp3/shadow_sessions1/ti-sooner_or_later.mp302:57
bassinboyare there any ubuntu packages for a newer firefox?02:57
brian_like i asked...can i use my ubuntu cd as a partitioning tool?02:57
yccoknghtbrd: triple your money back if you aren't 100% happy02:57
yccoknghtbrd: ;)02:57
=== dao [~dao@cp691225-a.roose1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
brian_or after in done with my partition will it gostr8 to install..i cant 'member02:57
jdubbassinboy: in the development branch, sure. but warty is stable and supported, so gets security and high-impact bugfixes only.02:57
lavigj_Riddell: hehehe. what can I say, gentoo junkie at heart, but I am pretty pleased with the package management in ubunut, now that I have new repositories. Just looking for some more things to streamline and make it more my own. gnome is not too bad though02:57
yccoknghtbrd: a song from our band.  I'm singing and playing bass02:57
=== knghtbrd is still getting used to waking up his mouse every hour or so
Riddelllavigj_: if you have any suggestions for improvements to the KDE build let me know02:59
bassinboyjdub: would it be ok to add dev sources on warty?02:59
bassinboyjdub: my firefox is crashing :P02:59
lavigj_Riddell: if I install it, I will see what i can suggest. I am not quite newb any more, but I am certainly not a guru either :)02:59
robertjis there a good channel for foreign language/keymap issues?02:59
jdubbassinboy: no, it's not worth mixing repositories. more trouble than its worth.02:59
jdubbassinboy: can you get a core file or something?02:59
knghtbrdycco: I didn't know you could sing..  hehe03:00
yccoknghtbrd: I am the bomb03:00
K-Richanyone here succeed in getting a niash based scanner to function under warty?03:01
brian_hey lavig_j is gentoo hard to install or does it generally just take loing?03:01
yccojdub: heyaz03:01
bassinboyjdub: core file?03:01
jdubbassinboy: it's a big hunk of memory that process can dump out when they crash03:02
=== manoletux [~manoletux@229.Red-213-96-201.pooles.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
jdubbassinboy: do ulimit -c 003:02
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jdubbassinboy: and in the same shell, run firefox03:02
jdubbassinboy: if it crashes, you'll get a core file in that directory03:02
knghtbrdbrian_: I found Gentoo was hard to install only because they needed a set of instructions on a 3x5 index card rather than a whole website designed for windows users  ;)03:02
=== dan [~dan@c-24-56-233-145.chrlmi.cablespeed.com] has joined #ubuntu
yccobrian_: will it make KDM the default the fault session mgr?03:03
manoletuxalguien de aqui tiene un ACER 4002 wlmi, y le ha puesto ya ubuntu??03:03
bassinboyjdub: the 0 dir?03:03
manoletuxsomebody has proved Ubuntu in an ACER 4002 lwmi????03:03
jdubbassinboy: -c 0 means "let processes dump unlimited size core files"03:04
jdubbassinboy: otherwise they don't dump at all03:04
knghtbrdI mean literally.  "partition your drives, mount them, unpack this tarball into them, chroot into it, run these commands, edit these files, compile a kernel, setup grub or lilo"03:04
=== benjamindees [~benjamind@adsl-66-139-40-208.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
manoletuxsomebody has tested Ubuntu in an ACER 4002 lwmi????03:04
bassinboy oh, heh, i get it, thanks jdub03:04
knghtbrdif you can't do those things, you have no business trying to figure out how to work with a distribution that has no installer03:04
bassinboymanoletux: search the ubuntu site03:04
brian_oh well i'll stay away from gentoo i barely got ubuntu installed03:04
=== gabe__ [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
knghtbrdthe only part there that is really all that important is the commands (env-update and the like) becasue they're Gentooisms and the files you need to edit because you probably want a list of those.03:05
=== JConnell [~JConnell@c-24-17-27-30.client.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
knghtbrdycco: You guys have a good sound03:07
yccoknghtbrd: hey bud, thanks very much03:07
yccoI wish jdub would include our songs in the distro. :)03:07
bassinboyis 60hz refresh rate hazardous to my health?03:08
brian_for me it hurts my eyes03:08
=== benkong2 [~Benjamin@cpe-024-163-086-126.nc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
brian_then again a tv goes at 60hz03:09
knghtbrdbassinboy: not on my LCD it isn't (but that's because my LCD doesn't really have a refresh rate)03:09
brian_and tv doesnt hurt my eyes lol03:09
brian_yea thats true03:09
brian_like if you look at an lcd flat screen with ur perripheral vision you wont see any flicker03:10
jdubbassinboy: a crt running at 60Hz will give you headaches or frustrate your eyes03:10
jdubbassinboy: you should run at the highest refresh rate possible for your resolution/monitor03:10
knghtbrdCRT at 100Hz gives me headaches03:10
benkong2anyone use getmail here?03:10
brian_thats why im stuck at 800x600 cuz my 1024 only goes up to 60hz :D03:10
bassinboyheh, i have an old LCD03:11
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siimoanyone run hoary ?03:12
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siimowhy is the text in nautilus icons zooed out as well as well as icons03:12
knghtbrdoh, someone refresh my memory..  How does one tell X to run at a particular DPI given gdm/startx ?03:12
sanzkyhi, i have problems installing gstreamer0.8-mad , apt cant fin the package03:13
knghtbrdthere was some file on Debian systems and I don't remember what it was03:13
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yccoknghtbrd: be good if I don't see you ;)03:15
yccoknghtbrd: very good seeing you again. ;)03:15
Faustussanzky: sudo apt-get update if not it might be in a restricted branch03:15
knghtbrdhah, fat chance of that.03:15
=== BROKEN_LADDER [~PRIVATE@adsl-68-124-45-69.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU
FaustusI installed it fine,03:16
Faustusdidn't think so03:16
BROKEN_LADDERanyone know to install autofs in ubuntu?03:16
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BROKEN_LADDERi don't know where to put autofs and what not?03:16
socommWhatis autofs?03:17
siimoanyone use icon zooming in nautilus??03:17
siimothis is stuffed up in Hoary03:17
=== ViaD [~lars@062016210080.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
siimothe icon text font size becomes smaller to smaller than the specified font size in font preferences03:18
socommsiimo: icons need to be in SVG format.03:18
siimosocomm, what?03:18
knghtbrdahh, found it03:18
siimosocomm, i have no problems with icons03:18
siimoits the icon label text that also reduces size03:19
=== nkm [~nkm@pc-200-74-81-135.macul1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERautofs..you know, the automount daemon?03:19
BROKEN_LADDERso if i cd into /mnt/cdrom, it mounts it.03:19
nkmhi, anybody helps me with cedega installation?03:19
jdubBROKEN_LADDER: you're better off avoiding that and using hal/g-v-m as installed and configured by default03:20
=== robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
robertjwhee, gnoem is much happier with all the dotfiles moved out of the way03:21
=== gabe__ [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERi'm having a keymap problem.  whenever i start, my arrow keys don't work.  if i run xev i see that they are being read as "XF86AudioPrev", the signal to play the previous audio track.  I have mapped mod4-arrowX to those commands, but i'm not holding down mod4.  if i open up keyboard settings and make any changes, and then set it right back to the way it was, everythin works again..until i reboot.03:22
=== gabe__ [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERwhy is it better to use that jdub?03:22
benjamindeesis there a list of packages that are different in Ubuntu vs. Debian Woody?03:23
jdubBROKEN_LADDER: because it works well, is set up for you already, and isn't a terrible hack like autofs. it's the modern way of doing it.03:23
jdubbenjamindees: dude, *everything* is different vs. woody03:23
benjamindeesjdub, eww...03:23
jdubbenjamindees: ubuntu is a branch of sid, warty froze around june last year03:23
benjamindeesjdub, oh, sid even...03:23
jdubwhy "eww"? woody is very long in the tooth, of course things are going to be different03:24
benjamindeesokay, that clears it up... thanks03:24
jdubsee the changelog of packages with ubuntu in their version03:24
=== tolstoy [~tolstoy@c-67-171-195-50.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERi thought autofs was the way that wasn't the terrible hack.03:24
jdubBROKEN_LADDER: for particular use cases, sure. but not for removable storage.03:25
BROKEN_LADDERso i should google "hal"?03:25
jdubhal and g-v-m are set up for you if you install the desktop03:25
BROKEN_LADDERand does the keyboard problem say anything to you?03:25
=== gabe__ [~gabe@216-43-99-149.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
jdubpreferences > removable storage03:25
BROKEN_LADDERwhere are the config files.03:26
nkmanybody helps me with cedega installation plz ?03:26
BROKEN_LADDERi don't like editing things graphically.03:26
jdubuse gconf-editor03:26
robertjbenjamindees: that's kinda like asking what's different between a Model T and a Taurus ;)03:26
jdubor gconftool-2, if you're that masochistic03:26
zenroxjdub,  lol03:26
stuNNedwhat directory are the boot runlevel init scripts in?03:27
randabisnkm #cedega03:27
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benjamindeesrobertj, at the risk of getting klined, I'll reserve my response ;)03:28
nkmrandabis, thnx03:29
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=== knghtbrd is greatly amused that ubuntu defaults to blowing away your HD and assimilating the whole thing
knghtbrdthat's just evil  ;)03:30
=== Elk_Brad [~None@outbound.westinteractive.com] has joined #ubuntu
zenroxknghtbrd,  i liked that feature03:30
Lethorionhi guys03:30
knghtbrdzenrox: haha, I just figured it is a slight installer bug, reported a million times over03:31
BROKEN_LADDERjdub: so this hal thing would work even if i didn't start x or anything?03:31
=== oak [~oak@lsanca2-ar34-4-41-075-123.lsanca2.dsl-verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BROKEN_LADDERknghtbrd: what do you mean?03:31
jdubknghtbrd: it does not default to doing that, it is selected as the default choice between it and manually partition03:31
BROKEN_LADDERi manually partitioned to keep my old home partition.03:32
BROKEN_LADDERfrom slackware.03:32
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BROKEN_LADDERwhy did i ever use slackware?03:32
knghtbrdjdub: I assume future versions will have a "do soemthing intelligent with free space" option?03:32
zenroxdont know BROKEN_LADDER  you tell us we will help your adiction03:32
jdubknghtbrd: if you choose manually partition, it provides that as a menu item03:32
jdubknghtbrd: it will most likely be on the initial menu if sufficient free space is found03:33
jdubin future03:33
knghtbrdjdub: *nod*03:33
knghtbrdI had no choice but to manually partition.  I need to have room for two Linuxes, FreeBSD, and something substantially more evil.  (Palm Simulators require something evil)03:34
Elk_Bradtry that on VMware knghtbrd03:34
knghtbrdElk_Brad: I won't pay extra for the ability to run crap.03:34
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
drspinwhat package do I need to for Sound Juicer to rip to mp3?03:35
knghtbrdMy evil license was evilly given to me by an evil person who had evil extra copies03:35
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knghtbrdactually, I'm glad he did.  Win00 is about the most stable evil of the lot.03:35
zenroxthats the dark side right or do i need to open a window03:36
Elk_Bradi have Ubuntu, Mandrake, RedHat9, and Debian, as well as Dos6.2203:36
Elk_Bradall on WinXp :)03:36
zenroxknghtbrd, have you tried win2k303:36
knghtbrdzenrox: 'ell no!03:36
Lethorionhow come kde apps are so... bloated? the text is alot bigger then gnome apps, anyone know how I might fix this?03:36
knghtbrdI don't even want to try win0003:36
drspinelk: vmware?03:36
Elk_BradVirtual machine03:37
knghtbrdIt's one thing for software to be closed source.  It's another thing for it to be closed source and CRAP.03:37
Elk_Bradwell its been pretty good for me, since itwas free03:37
RiddellLethorion: big text doesn't really have anything to do with feature bloat, font sizes can be changed in kcontrol03:37
Elk_Bradi have a free licences03:37
=== thully [~thully@pm472-24.dialip.mich.net] has joined #ubuntu
jdubknghtbrd: keep it nice and on-topic please03:38
Elk_Bradbut i am curious as to why i can't use my USB drive in Ubuntu...even goin to removable media doesn't help..its something i can't figure out...03:39
Elk_Bradhaven't tried it in Mandrake...but i was hopeing to use it in Ubuntu03:40
knghtbrdanyway, the main OS for this machine is Linux, and Ubuntu wins for the time being.03:40
=== nkm [~nkm@pc-200-74-81-135.macul1.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
knghtbrdIt's like Debian, only ... you can install the stable version on a system with something newer than ATA66  ;)03:40
Elk_Bradanyone have ideas on how to get a USB drive to work?03:41
knghtbrdElk_Brad: do you have usb-storage.ko loaded?03:41
=== Ycros [~Ycros@ppp211-22.lns2.syd3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
knghtbrdElk_Brad: it should load also SCSI and SCSI disk modules03:41
sladenElk_Brad: plug it in, it should just pop up on the deskotp03:41
Elk_Bradthe hard drive VM ware is using is a SCSI HD03:42
robertjis combining diacriticals still kinda iffy or have things settled odwn?03:42
robertjsladen: you don't have to mount it?03:42
sladenrobertj: no.  This is Ubuntu.  Welcome to the 21st Century03:43
=== hyper123 [~hypersmil@adsl-68-123-166-179.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Elk_Bradyou would think that plugging it in and it would pop up is the typical way...but it didn't03:43
Elk_Bradwhere would i find usb-storage.ko?03:43
=== oak [~oak@70-32-241-39.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
sladenElk_Brad: righto, so we have a issue.  what does  sudo tail -f /var/log/messages   as you plug in the device.03:44
robertjsladen: where do they mount to?03:44
sladenrobertj: just type   pmount sda03:44
Elk_Bradwell i'll check that when i go home..no im at good'ol earthlink working hard with DSL line issues :)03:44
Elk_Bradnow* not no03:45
sladenrobertj: it'll automagically mount it on  /media  ...unless something is broken?03:45
robertjI seem to remember manually mounting a drive in an enclosure03:45
=== stuNNed [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Elk_Bradanyone know if Ubuntu supports DVD devices? i keep getting a failed on the startup when it tries to find it03:46
Elk_Bradit reads the drive , but i can't get it to play DVDs03:46
=== randabis has a dvd player running flawlessly
Elk_Bradalso....i forgot the name of the program but the media program to play avi's crashes each time i use it03:47
=== drspin is having a crappy time working with cdparanoia
mjryou need libdvdcss2 for playing most dvds, thank insane laws for it not being in the main distribution03:47
drspinmy music still skips :(03:47
=== hacim [micah@micha.hampshire.edu] has joined #ubuntu
mjrsee the restrictedformats wiki page on getting it03:47
sladenElk_Brad: access the DVDs.  Or play the video onthe CDs?03:48
drspinripping @ 1.7x :( :( could anyone help me speed this up?03:48
Elk_Bradsudo tail -f /var/log/messages <----------------what will that display and what am i looking for?03:48
hacimI am trying to burn a warty .iso, I've got a USB CD-RW hooked up and recognized, cdrecord -scanbus shows the device at 0,0,0 -- but when I try to do cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 warty.iso I get this error:03:48
hacimBlocks total: 359849 Blocks current: 182891 Blocks remaining: -8477503:48
hacimcdrecord: WARNING: Data may not fit on current disk.03:48
Elk_Bradsladen: playing any movie format period03:48
sladenElk_Brad: it should tell you whether it recognised the device as.  Did it recongnise it.  Did it load a module,  What device did it give it03:49
Elk_Bradi see ok sladen03:49
Elk_Bradi'll be sure to keep and eye for it03:49
drspinhacim: get and 800Mb CD ;)03:49
=== robertj [~robertj@66-188-77-153.cpe.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
sladenElk_Brad: So the DVD drive works.  Ubuntu can't ship MPEG2/decss software because of various patents and laws in various countries03:49
sladenElk_Brad: you can install them yourself.  Details on the wiki, but that choice is in your hands03:50
Elk_Bradwell im in the US...so i guess im screwed...we do have strict laws...don't wanna hurt the industry03:50
hacimdrspin: the warty iso is only about 524megs03:50
drspinhacim: it was worth a try... perhaps the driver that recognizes the drive isn't the right one...03:51
hacimit seems to be03:51
randabismaybe you aren't burning it as an iso03:51
hacimrandabis: how do I specify that?03:51
Elk_Bradwhat is the whole point of the 'sudo' command?03:52
randabisI use k3b so I'm not sure how to do it with cdrecord03:52
hacimrandabis: k3b tells you what cdrecord commands it uses03:52
randabishmm let me check for you then03:52
billytwowillyhi, I'm getting an md5sum mismatch for one of the hoary repositories. how can I fix that?03:52
sladenElk_Brad: the sudo allows *you* (that is 'Elk_Brad') to performs certain tasks as other users;  for instance, as root03:53
randabisif it does tell you, I don't see where03:54
Elk_Bradi see..i noticed that there isn't a root login for Ubuntu03:54
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randabisthere is...03:54
sladenElk_Brad: correct.  Type   sudo apt-get install ...   for example03:54
randabisyou have to give root a password03:54
Elk_Bradhow do i give root a password?03:55
jdubElk_Brad: if you really have to, sudo passwd03:56
sladenrandabis: you have made that choice;  but other users may wish to use the shipping default provided by ubuntu, which is to use sudo---eg. Mac OSX does exactly the same03:56
oaksudo passwd root03:56
jdubElk_Brad: but i'd recommend not doing so03:56
hacimhow can I mount a CD on my USB cdrive?03:56
jdubElk_Brad: www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RootSudo03:56
sladenhacim: plug it in03:56
randabissladen I just gave him a password, I don't ever use root03:56
hacimsladen: thats done03:57
sladenrandabis: by doing that, you cause fun when trying to use single-user-mode03:57
jdubrandabis: you may as well disable the password.03:57
jdubbecause there's no point having root enabled03:59
randabisroot's THE man though :p03:59
=== ZzeCoOl [~zzecool@thes730a-1977.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
jdubrandabis: and no one should be using root directly. that's why it's disabled (and should be).03:59
sladenrandabis: it's another way into your system.  If you aren't using it, then probably safest to disable it again back to the default with   sudo passwd -l03:59
mkerbyDethread,were you in here two or three nights ago?04:00
mkerbyI'm asking because I'm not sure if you're the person who helped me.04:00
Elk_Bradi like have root permissions04:00
mkerbyIf so, I just wanted to let you know how it turned out.04:00
Elk_Bradmakes it easier for me to make changes04:00
Elk_Bradand its a snap to mess up ubuntu, and reinstall it in 20 mins04:00
sladenElk_Brad: if you need to change something;   sudo chown foo.bar file04:00
Elk_Bradfoobar :D04:00
randabiswell, I did it just to make you happy :p04:01
jdubElk_Brad: that's what sudo is for.04:01
sladenElk_Brad: it ensures that you only execute the commands you /actually/ need to execute as root, as root04:01
Elk_Bradhaha i see04:01
sladenElk_Brad: not all the ls's and less's etc04:01
Elk_Bradone of these days i'll be as proficient in command line unix as i am in dos04:01
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ZzeCoOlwhen someone upgade to hoary then it open a dilog that saying something about debconf04:03
ZzeCoOlwhat kint of question i may choose there?04:03
jdubchoose high04:04
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calcis ubuntu hoary universe archive known to be broken?04:06
calcnote it is now... ;)04:06
jdubcalc: possibly, there were some katie problems earlier04:07
drspininteresting scenario -- I can't use sudo to run this command :: echo "using_dma 1 0 1 rw" > /proc/ide/hdc/settings04:08
hacimhow do I burn a CD in ubuntu?04:08
gabaughacim: pop in a blank cd04:08
gabaughacim: and drag  your files into the folder that pops up04:08
jdubhacim: if you insert a blank cd, a nautilus window will pop up for it04:08
calcjdub: the md5sum doesn't match04:08
gabaughacim: then go File -> Burn, I believe04:08
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hacimgabaug: well, my CD burner doesn't seem to be recognized04:09
oakto burn an iso just right lcik04:09
gabaugcalc: I'm getting the same error04:09
oakburn to cd04:09
hacimgabaug: I cannot eject it04:09
gabaughacim: right click on the CD icon on your desktop and choose 'Eject'04:09
hacimgabaug: there is no cd icon on the desktop04:10
gabaughacim: but you're saying you have another (non-blank) cd in the drive?04:10
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hacimgabaug: something is in there, I dont know if it is blank or not04:10
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mjrtry typing "eject" in a shell prompt04:11
ZzeCoOljdub, last time i have choosed medium and most of the questions waz diff to aswer for me04:11
ZzeCoOland i have to format my pc after all04:11
gabaughacim: can you go to Places -> Computer and see if there's an icon there?04:11
ZzeCoOlso high gonna be a bigger mess though04:11
hacimgabaug: there is an icon there, but when i click on it, it says cannot mount04:11
hacim"unable to mount selected volume"04:11
gabaughacim: and pressing the physical eject button on your drive doesn't work?04:12
hacimgabaug: it does now that I re-plugged in the drive04:12
gabaughacim: what kind of plugin? usb/firewire/laptop?04:12
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hacimgabaug: usb04:12
gabaughacim: so you've got your old cd out?04:13
hacimgabaug: yes04:13
drspincould someonoe help me solve a CD drive problem???04:13
gabaugdrspin: ask your question04:13
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gabaughacim: any luck putting in a new blank?04:14
drspingabaug: I enable DMA with hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc :: doesn't work :: I enable dma with echo "using_dma 1 0 1 rw" > /proc/ide/hdc/settings :: also doesn't work04:14
drspinI am so lst04:14
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setitehey guys04:14
hacimgabaug: I think I put a blank in04:14
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setiteyay back to linux after a day of windows04:14
hacimgabaug: I can't really tell for sure if it is blank or not :)04:14
setiteive had trouble finding linux software to communicate with my cellphone04:15
setiteim hoping this bitpim works04:15
mojo_is ur cellie bluetooth?04:15
setitei wish it was04:15
maximausI've heard "kandy" works with cellies rather well, it's a KDE program.04:15
gabaugdrspin: what kind of drive is it?04:15
setitenever heard of it04:16
setiteill look it up04:16
mojo_ah well... my bro just got a new ericson... seems pretty neat.04:16
setiteso far ive found bitpim04:16
maximausyes, never used it, yeah give it a google.04:16
drspingabaug: Samsung04:16
hacimgabaug: when I put a cd in, it doesn't pop up04:16
mojo_my old one had irda04:16
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setitelg vx700004:16
gabaugdrspin: how does it connect to your computer? usb?04:17
setitei usually get the free or 30 dollar cellphone04:17
setitebut for some reason i got a 300 dollar cellphone this time04:17
setitei felt like a damn fool until i figured out how to hook it to the PC04:17
setitenow i feel a little less stupid04:17
drspingabaug: uh... IDE04:17
setiteis kandy gonna screw my phone up?04:18
setitei mean my PC04:18
setitebecause that kde cd burning program did04:18
setitei forget its name04:18
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=== Gwill is now known as Gwil
maximausreally? I'm a gnome guy, but k3b works great on my box04:18
drspinJan 14 18:56:41 localhost kernel: ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx04:19
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maximausfollow the how to on the ubuntu site to get it working wonderfully.04:19
drspinI SHOULD be in DMA on ALL of the drives in this system04:19
setitek3b messed me up04:19
setitei couldnt get into linux04:20
maximausWhat did it do?04:20
setitebecause of the ICEauthority i think04:20
maximausI certainly don't doub04:20
maximaust it04:20
setitei would log in and it would say that session lasted less than 8 seconds04:20
drspinsetite: you just had to remove that little .ICEauthority file that was causing the problem...04:20
setitebla bla bla could be due to low space04:20
setitewell i did04:20
setitebut im scared to run k3b now04:20
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floowhat is ICEauthority anyways?04:21
setiteits pure evil04:21
setitethats what it is04:21
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maximausOhmer, I remember having to toss that file as well, K3b worked fine after that.04:21
=== linuxn00b [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
IgnoranceIsBlisswell im still scared of it04:22
IgnoranceIsBlissshit bitpim wont run04:22
maximausI only use k3b for audio cds anyhoo.04:22
IgnoranceIsBlissImportError: No module named apsw04:22
IgnoranceIsBlisswhats that04:22
drspinI will go back to windows if I can't get my cd drives working properly04:23
randabisis that a threat?!?!04:23
linuxn00bHi, is it possible to use a remote computer in my house to be able to stream music to my laptop or anyother computer?04:23
flooi was using eroaster.. it's not as good as k3b, but it's gnome.04:23
pdis there an irc application that i can keep running in the background, and use xchat to connect to it, and it "saves" my connection?04:23
maximausdamn, randabis that's what I was gonna say LOL04:23
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drspinrandabis: LOL04:23
mebaranIs there anyway to make cups enlarge the output?04:23
maximausfloo, I had eroaster working great under Mandrake a year ago, but not with Ubuntu04:24
randabisuse saucers04:24
IgnoranceIsBlisslinuxnoob yes04:24
drspinI'm just frustrated because I MUCH prefer linux... things have never worked the way they should though and it's to a breaking point that I can't deal with it anymore...04:24
linuxn00bIgnoranceIsBliss, how can I do it???04:24
IgnoranceIsBlissi did it to my xbox via SMB over the network04:24
mebaranMy cups setting seems to print the paper much too small.04:24
floomaximaus: what's wrong with it?04:24
mebaranLike only half size.04:24
randabisheh, my linux just works, can't relate04:24
linuxn00bis there any tutorials I can follow??04:24
maximausLOL, just didn't work with Ubuntu out of the box, didn't explore it.04:24
mebaranI am using an S800 driver on my S900.04:25
mebaranmaximous: what didnt work04:25
IgnoranceIsBlisssure... google samba file sharing04:25
IgnoranceIsBlissaka SMB file sharing04:25
maximausNever mind, I forget LOL04:25
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randabisi think it's in the ubuntu wiki too04:25
maximausK3b works the odd time I burn an audio cd anyhow.04:25
IgnoranceIsBlissANYONE KNOW SOME cellphone software?04:25
floolinuxn00b: try www.ubuntuguide.org  there's a section on samba file sharing04:25
IgnoranceIsBlissor can someone help me with bitpim04:26
knghtbrdsuitable for xpm.gz'ing04:26
linuxn00bfloo, alrigt :)04:26
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knghtbrdit's not very good, but it's the best I can do without some better source material04:26
drspinhow can I configure grub?04:27
drspinI need to add idebus=133 to my param04:27
linuxn00banyuse gnump3d before??04:27
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drspinit's using 33 right now :( :(04:28
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tritiumdrspin, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst04:29
tritiumlook for the line with "kopt"04:29
zerokarmaleftfinally got ndiswrapper working with my linksys POS, woohoo04:31
Elk_BradSMB file sharing is the BOMB!!! got Ubuntu (VMware style) and WinXP to communicate as well as with a laptop !!!04:32
randabisyeah it works okay, can be a pain to setup sometimes04:32
zerokarmaleftwow, a whole afternoon wasted trying to configure this thing and all because linksys decides that 0 = on and 1 = off for one of its settings...how ass-backwards is that04:33
FloidSMB file sharing sucks, wait for NFSv4. :)04:33
randabisyeah nfs rocks04:33
FloidEr, or whatever the new hotness is.04:33
IgnoranceIsBlisssmb rocks04:33
FloidWhatever the next NFS is, it'll... um, not suck like NFS does now.04:33
IgnoranceIsBlissits a godsend imo since it works on linux, windows, and my xbox04:33
randabisI just wish I could find a good FREE nfs client/server for windows04:33
FloidSMB works everywhere 'in spite of' the insanity of the protocol, so..04:34
mebaranHow do I stop and start cups04:34
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Floid...but NFS never made endianness guarantees or any of that, among other things, I think.04:34
IgnoranceIsBlisswtf is nfs!04:34
zenroxi use only smb for my 2 ubuntu boxes and 1 win box04:34
=== ZzeCoOl[zleeping is now known as ZzeCoOl|zleeping
zenroxnetwork file system04:34
pdnetwork file system04:34
FloidNetwork File System? :)04:34
pdits ip based secuirty too04:35
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IgnoranceIsBlissand thats a network sharing protocol?04:35
magpieevening all...04:35
IgnoranceIsBlissis it universal like samba?04:35
zenroxas well better read write privilages too04:35
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zenroxIgnoranceIsBliss, unix and linux use it the win ver is not free04:36
IgnoranceIsBlissnope as in nope its not universale04:36
magpiei have a dopey question...04:36
IgnoranceIsBlissthats no good then04:36
zenroxshure magnon04:36
zenroxIgnoranceIsBliss,  yep04:36
zenroxno good04:36
IgnoranceIsBlisswell SMB is free and works fine so....04:36
magpiei wasn't given the option of installing...looks like i have only live cd...is that possible?04:36
zenroxstick with what works04:36
randabisI think it's slower than nfs04:37
zenroxand dont break it04:37
drspinidebus=133 or ide_bus=13304:37
IgnoranceIsBlisssmb has been fast enough for me04:37
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randabiswell I'm partly mad because I think my samba's broken :p04:37
FloidWell, here's the thing.04:37
tritiumIgnoranceIsBliss, NFS is much older than SMB04:37
IgnoranceIsBlissi mean when using a slave pc for downloading and then transferring sure... faster would be nice... but because of the uniform speed i fear its more encumbered by hardware capabilities then the effiency of the protocol04:37
FloidNFS has problems currently because it's too minimalist.04:37
IgnoranceIsBlisstoo minimalist?04:38
FloidSMB, on the other hand, is defined solely as the sum of every weird thing MS and IBM did with Lan Manager and the equivalents over the history of the PC.04:38
IgnoranceIsBlissi assumed SMB was minimilast as hell04:38
jdubNFSv4 is substantially better, though04:38
FloidSo SMB is 'more standardized' because you assume things like i386 byte order and so on, but it's a friggin' mess.04:38
IgnoranceIsBlisswe shall see....04:38
pdwebdav is a bit better04:38
IgnoranceIsBlissok how do i work bitpim04:39
FloidYeah, webdav is currently the closest thing to a 'standard standard,' but I find it ridiculous to run a httpd to get a network filesystem.04:39
ZzeCoOl|zleepingsmb speed sucks that the only thing i know04:39
zenroxya mee too04:39
zenroxi agree Floid04:39
FloidIn the NFSv4 era, I figure people will start exposing filesystems to the Internet again, in lieu of FTP or other weird crap, it should be... securable.04:40
FloidAnd useful. :P04:40
zenroxvery use full04:40
randabisyep, my samba is definitely broken04:40
randabisthe daemon will not start04:40
IgnoranceIsBlissdoes anyone successfully communicate with their cellular phone through linux through serial or USB04:40
ZzeCoOl|zleepingrandabis  maybe it is allready start it04:41
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randabistestparm fails04:41
ZzeCoOl|zleepingim going to sllep i can t stay .....any more my eyes are closing04:41
ZzeCoOl|zleepingsee ya guys04:41
IgnoranceIsBlissplease someone help... or i will have to boot into windows for cellphone stuff04:41
randabisidle threats lol04:42
ZzeCoOl|zleepingwindows is your solution04:42
ZzeCoOl|zleepingi a linux lover...04:42
randabisI don't have windows :p04:42
randabisjust other nodes in the network use windows04:42
Quest-MasterMy Windows doesn't work anymore either04:42
Elk_Bradmy windows works....with linux installed on it :) 2 version in fact!! soon it'll be 5 !04:43
randabismaybe hoary broke samba04:43
ZzeCoOl|zleepingElk_Brad  ?04:43
IgnoranceIsBlissno im being honest... i want to use linux but i need to know why it wont run04:43
ZzeCoOl|zleeping5 distros?04:43
Elk_Bradi am running Windows, with linux running on VMware at the same time04:44
Elk_Bradits fun!04:44
IgnoranceIsBlissTraceback (most recent call last):04:44
IgnoranceIsBliss  File "/opt/cx_Freeze-3.0.1/initscripts/ConsoleSetLibPath.py", line 30, in ?04:44
IgnoranceIsBliss  File "bp.py", line 75, in ?04:44
IgnoranceIsBliss  File "gui.py", line 35, in ?04:44
Quest-MasterToo bad VMWare costs so much04:44
Elk_Bradnot for me :)04:44
Elk_Bradit was free04:44
IgnoranceIsBlissok now thats done......04:44
IgnoranceIsBliss  File "phonebook.py", line 100, in ?04:44
IgnoranceIsBliss  File "phonebookentryeditor.py", line 15, in ?04:44
IgnoranceIsBliss  File "database.py", line 18, in ?04:44
IgnoranceIsBlissImportError: No module named apsw04:44
Elk_Bradi can give a link to a FTP site for it04:44
IgnoranceIsBlissnow what is this apsw module04:44
ZzeCoOl|zleepingElk_Brad  not in her04:44
ZzeCoOl|zleepingpm him04:44
=== skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
ZzeCoOl|zleepingnot in here even*04:45
IgnoranceIsBlisselk_brad pm me04:45
skreetAnyone have any idea how to make dvd playback not suck?04:45
ZzeCoOl|zleepingQuest-Master  btw there so many nice p2p programs04:45
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benjamindeesskreet, use vidix in mplayer04:46
Quest-MasterP2P isn't very dependable04:46
IgnoranceIsBlisswhat is that module04:46
Quest-Masterskreet: Download Ogle04:46
=== ZzeCoOl|zleeping Turning off his switch (my switch not the network device)
skreetI cant install mplayer, synaptic gets very angry.04:46
IgnoranceIsBlissor how can i figure out what it is04:46
IgnoranceIsBlisswth is ogle04:46
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
skreetSo Totem isnt good enough?04:46
Quest-Masterskreet: For DVDs, Ogle is best04:46
benjamindeesskreet, what are your system specs?04:46
IgnoranceIsBlisstotem wont play my dvds04:46
IgnoranceIsBlissonly xine-ui will04:46
IgnoranceIsBlissbut its quality leaves much to be desired04:46
skreetTotem will play dvds using dvd:// open location.04:47
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IgnoranceIsBlissis ogle on the repo?04:47
skreetwil ogle improve PLAYBACK though?04:47
IgnoranceIsBlissanyone know how i can figure otu what that module is04:47
skreetI get a little bit of skipping and it slows my system to a crawl04:47
skreetEven IRC is lagigng lol04:47
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IgnoranceIsBlissisnt that a DMA issue04:47
skreetIt seems like it, but i'm not familiar with how to resolve that in linux04:48
IgnoranceIsBlissi dont have that problem... the quality is just not good... on dvds i know have better quality04:48
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IgnoranceIsBlissi forgot how04:48
skreetAccessing the drive goes really slow.04:48
IgnoranceIsBlissits simple... but i dont remember how04:48
IgnoranceIsBlisssomeone told me the command04:48
IgnoranceIsBlissgoogle ought to find it04:48
IgnoranceIsBlissthe forums... search them04:48
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IgnoranceIsBlissfound the aspw.. thanks guys04:50
drspinadding that line to menu.lst didn't - AT ALL04:50
randabisyep samba is broken04:50
IgnoranceIsBlisscan linux use .zip04:50
Quest-MasterOf course04:50
tritiumdrspin, did you do "sudo grub-update" after you edited it04:50
Quest-MasterJust right click and extract here04:50
zenroxand rar04:50
randabiseven a removal and reinstall didn't fix it04:51
Quest-MasterAnd tar, deb, and so on04:51
tritiumdrspin, i mean, "update-grub"04:51
drspintritium: that would've been good to know before three reboots and changes :/04:51
drspintritium: thanks!04:51
tritiumdrspin, yeah.  check out the grub documentation.04:51
drspintritium: thanks - rebooting now :/04:52
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IgnoranceIsBlissah damnit... its source04:52
IgnoranceIsBlissmake install?04:52
Quest-Mastersudo make install04:52
IgnoranceIsBlissahhh the / is what i forgot04:53
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IgnoranceIsBlissnone are working04:53
IgnoranceIsBliss./configure errors... as well as make and make install04:53
randabisprobably dependency issues04:54
randabisdo you have build-essential installed?04:54
bobthethiefStupid question, how do I move the gnome menu bar off the right hand side and back to the top?04:54
IgnoranceIsBlissits platform independent python i think04:54
IgnoranceIsBlissi dont think so lemme check04:54
randabisyou can't compile anything without build-essential04:54
IgnoranceIsBlissyea i do04:55
IgnoranceIsBlissdo i need python files?04:55
skreetanyone know what to do about my situation(pasted in #flood)04:56
IgnoranceIsBlissanyone know?04:56
IgnoranceIsBlissAPSW - Another Python SQLite Wrapper04:57
IgnoranceIsBlissthats what im trying to build04:57
IgnoranceIsBlissi think i figured it out04:57
skreet32-bit IO is definatly useful, but I need dma on..04:57
skreet setting using_dma to 1 (on)04:57
skreet HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted04:57
skreet using_dma    =  0 (off)04:57
IgnoranceIsBlissDMA is not supported i would think04:57
skreetnot supported by my NEC-3500AG?04:58
skreetYEa it's probably too old.. ?04:58
skreetDMA has been around since long before ANY of my hardware.04:58
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BuffaloSoldierhi ppl05:01
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IgnoranceIsBlissok im about to go back to windows05:02
IgnoranceIsBlissim getting trouble every step of the way on this...05:02
skreetI have both.05:02
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skreetWindows has no problem setting DMA.05:02
skreetAnyone have any advice?05:02
skreet setting using_dma to 1 (on)05:02
skreet HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted05:02
skreet using_dma    =  0 (off)05:02
BuffaloSoldierany ubuntu user(s) from Malaysia?05:03
=== Gibberx [~ryan@pcp02516774pcs.cambrg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
knghtbrdskreet: are you doing that as root?05:03
skreetYes, sudo'd05:04
knghtbrdwell, so much for my brilliant idea.  ;)05:04
skreetappreciate it nonetheless.05:04
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=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
drspinwoohoo :) we're rocking now :) :)05:05
drspin14x ;)05:06
drspin8x while encoding...05:06
=== Cube-ness [~james@170-215-49-81.dsl2.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
drspinafter some crafty hdparm[ing] 05:06
drspinoops sorry 9x...05:06
skreetyou might be my hero05:06
skreetI was just hating hdparm05:06
IgnoranceIsBlissok i give up05:07
skreetAny idea why I wouldent be able to enable DMA?05:07
IgnoranceIsBlissback to windows for this05:07
Quest-MasterIgnoranceIsBliss: Don't give up05:07
drspinhow can I make my hdparm settings stay??05:07
drspinskreet: As I just solved :)05:07
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drspinskreet: open /boot/grub/menu.lst and read a bit -- you need to tell the kernel "idebus=66"05:08
skreetcan i tell it idebus=100?05:09
tritiumdrspin, that's not the right thing for everyone05:09
drspinskreet: I tried... and i tried idebus=13305:09
drspinskreet: it didn't work05:09
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drspinskreet: tritium is right... you may have a driver issue...05:10
drspinskreet: actually it might... brb05:10
drspinlemme finish this encode05:10
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skreetdrspin: I hope not. Intel Chipset, Intel Proc?05:10
skreetI should probably upgrade to a 686-smp kernel, i'm still using stock :(05:11
skreetI'm going to reboot and see if that helps, thanks drspin05:12
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zenroxwhare is the modules.conf file05:17
zerokarmaleftzenrox, /etc/modules.conf05:17
zenroxi tried that05:17
=== skreet [~skreet@h000d613e3f60.ne.client2.attbi.com] has joined #ubuntu
skreetdrspin: didnt take still cant -d105:19
skreetsomething about mod-ide not found while booting so I thin I've got more problems :(05:19
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=== setite [~setite@ip68-108-159-134.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
setiteok someone help me05:23
setiteok the cellphone is plugged in05:23
setitewell first where does windows store help files05:23
benkong2anybody know what "*** loading the extensions datasource" would mean after issuing the nvu command?05:23
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setiteok how do i mount a hotplug device and view it05:25
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setitewake up everyoen05:30
stuNNedwakey wakey pooky!05:31
setitehey stunned do you know how to browse the USB device05:31
setiteits mounted... but not showing up oin the desktop05:31
tritiumThis is strange.  Wny isn't Epson Stylus C80 in foomatic-filters-ppds ?05:31
setiteusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)05:31
stuNNedsetite, what does el dmesg say about when you plug it in?05:32
setitea bunch of shit... ummm05:32
stuNNedtis not shit, young lad05:33
knghtbrdtritium: 88, isn't that a brand new model of printer?05:33
=== linux-rulz [~linux-rul@S0106000c6ec62859.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
setitestunned you see the PM05:33
=== wasabi_ [~wasabi@c-24-1-67-127.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
wasabi_EVerytime my X starts I get a popup message saying "Error activating XKB configuration"05:34
stuNNedsetite, yep, ttyACM0 ? not sure really05:34
knghtbrdtritium: the successor of the C86?05:34
stuNNedsetite, how about messages logfile or syslog logfile?05:34
tritiumknghtbrd, no, I've had it for about 3 years05:34
setitehow do i do that05:34
setiteok i plugged it into a diff porrt05:35
setitesame thing basically05:35
setiteusb 3-1: new full speed USB device using address 405:35
setitedrivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c: Ignoring extra header05:35
setitecdc_acm 3-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device05:35
setitei still need to mount it dont i05:35
tritium/usr/share/doc/foomatic-filters-ppds says that foomatic-filters-ppds has all PPDs which can be generated by foomatic05:36
stuNNedsetite, check /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages you can `tail -f /var/log/syslog` and the like, in a terminal05:36
tritiumI don't think that's true...05:36
setiteok ummmmm05:36
=== Znark [~iburrell@c-24-21-84-195.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumknghtbrd, looks like cupsys-driver-gimpprint may be what I need05:37
setiteJan 15 20:34:11 localhost kernel: usb 3-1: new full speed USB device using address 405:37
setiteJan 15 20:34:11 localhost kernel: drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.c: Ignoring extra header05:37
setiteJan 15 20:34:11 localhost kernel: cdc_acm 3-1:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device05:37
setiteJan 15 20:34:13 localhost usb.agent[5056] :      cdc-acm: already loaded05:37
setiteJan 15 20:34:14 localhost udev[5131] : creating device node '/dev/ttyACM0'05:37
setiteJan 15 20:36:50 localhost gconfd (root-5178): starting (version 2.8.1), pid 5178 user 'root'05:37
setiteJan 15 20:36:50 localhost gconfd (root-5178): Resolved address "xml:readonly:/etc/gconf05:37
setitedo /dev/ttyacmo?05:38
hikaru79I can't seem to eject a CD-ROM drive, it insists it's busy even though it's not. I'm using KDE05:38
hikaru79hikaru79@ubuntu:/media/cdrom1 $ sudo pumount /dev/hdc05:38
hikaru79umount: /media/cdrom1: device is busy05:38
hikaru79umount: /media/cdrom1: device is busy05:38
setitehikaru... same thing with me...05:38
stuNNedSe7h, it's pointing to /dev/ttyACM005:38
hikaru79Any ideas?05:38
stuNNedeh sorry Se7h05:38
setitei just rightclick the cd on the desktop and it ejects05:38
stuNNedsetite, meant for you05:38
hikaru79setite, I'm on KDE not GNOME05:39
=== adoyretsamon [~tux@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cube-nessok.. two outstanding issues.. kernel panics since 2.6.9... and no matter what i do, i cannot see the ide hd (can see ide cdrom, boots from sata)05:39
hikaru79"Eject" in the device screen also says it's busy05:39
setiteok... well i have that problem in gnome... sorry05:39
hikaru79Any other ideas?05:39
=== Prower [~Prower@wiley-285-3106.roadrunner.nf.net] has joined #ubuntu
setitestunned i need to mount it right05:39
setitehow do i do that05:39
stuNNedsetite, doubt you'd mount a tty...05:39
setitewhats a tty05:40
stuNNedwhat is the usb device? what type of hardware?05:40
setitemaybe the forums can help me05:40
setiteits a cellphone05:41
=== Simira [rpGirl@m146i.studby.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu
setitei read that i could mount it like a regular device though05:41
stuNNeda cellphone? argh, no clue, sorry.05:41
linux-rulzsetite: explain what happened to me. u tried to mount a cell phone like a harddrive? what were u trying to do?05:41
setitewell i want to connect the cellphone to my pc so i can upload mp3 ringtones to it05:42
setitebitpim supposedly can do this but installing it proved more trouble than its worth05:42
=== crabbi [~crabbi@pD9E3A513.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
setitewhile running the windows versions help file i read that i can mount the cellphone like a regular usb device05:43
setitebut i dont know how05:43
=== StolenShoeBox [~StolenSho@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
setitealso the windows version didnt see all my ringtones05:43
setiteso that is also why im trying to mount it this way05:43
setiteso i can see if i can replace the current ringtone...05:43
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Elk_Bradi feel great...sharing programs :)05:44
=== StolenShoeBox [~StolenSho@CPE-69-76-103-192.wi.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
benkong2anybody know what "*** loading the extensions datasource" would mean after issuing the nvu command?05:44
=== holy_cow [~yada@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
setiteit seems that bitpim doesnt have full support of my phone... and doesnt browse the folder that has my mp3 ringtones05:44
setiteelk_brad where is that vmware thing05:44
setitelinux-ruilz any ideas05:45
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linux-rulzhold on just looking05:47
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cthulfuegoHow smart is it to change from debian sid to ubuntu by simply forcing an update on all packages of an installed & running system?05:48
linux-rulzso u plugged in the phone to the usb port and then typed in mount /dev/sda?05:48
Simiracthulfuego: my common sense tells me it should work fine. I don't know much anout debian systems though05:49
cthulfuegoSimira: Well, it's unpacking now...05:50
setiteno i didnt try to mount it because i dont know how05:50
setiteshould i try05:50
cthulfuegoSimira: Justw anted to check that I'm not going to end up with a horrible mess <heh>05:50
=== drspin [~cole@ip68-2-119-141.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
setitei was tryign to figure out how05:50
setiteso what do i do05:50
cthulfuegoI should not it's the unofficial amd64 sid, not just sid.05:50
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drspincould someone tell me where I can find information on what the "acoustic" option is for /dev/hda05:51
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linuxn00bHi has anyone ever used gnump3d?05:53
linux-rulzu *could* try to mount the phone....dont know if it is a good idea tho05:54
squareyesafternoon all, would there be any printer wizards here?05:54
linux-rulz(sorry, trying to do too many things at once, not trying to ignore u)05:54
=== randabis shoots lightening from his printer wand
randabisjust a joke05:54
Elk_Bradsetite and Quest-Master you need to download it fast...im changing the password in 30 mins05:55
linux-rulzsquareeyes: what do you mean05:55
squareyeshehehe have setup an old epson LQ 500, but will only print lefthand 2 thirds of the page in extremely poor quality , any ideas?05:55
squareyesused driver in cups05:55
linux-rulzsquareyes: ubuntu? warty?05:55
aetheramy system uses way to much memory05:56
squareyesseems to be only using 5 of the 24 pins05:56
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aetherasquareyes: try using lpd first not cups05:57
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aetherado a ls > lpt105:57
squareyesbeen there, get 500 pages of machine code when I turn the printer on05:58
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Elk_Bradi don't like it when i give people stuff and they ignore me when they get what the want05:58
Elk_Brad...i'll be cutting that download off soon guys...05:58
aetheraElk_Brad: ?05:58
Elk_Bradi gave Quest-Master and setite, a link to getting VMware for free05:58
Elk_Bradand now they are ignoring me05:59
Guardiannthats how it goes Elk_Brad05:59
squareyesbeing ignorant is not easy05:59
Elk_Bradso i'll be cutting it off soon05:59
Elk_Bradgood thing the server doesn't take uploads :D05:59
squareyesneeds quite a bit of work to do it properly Elk_Brad05:59
aetheraElk_Brad: :P06:00
Elk_Braddoes anyone else want it?06:01
Elk_Bradwhile im offering it?06:01
Guardiannno thanks06:01
aetheranah its cool06:01
Elk_BradVMware for either Linux or Windows06:01
=== aethera uses linux only
Guardiannhow is it free06:01
=== Snipes420 [~Miranda@d199-126-59-177.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux-rulzElk_Brad: how r u giving it away for free?06:02
Elk_Brad:) have a keygen that gives you 2000 years of licence06:02
Guardiannthats what i asked06:02
Guardiannah so its warez06:02
drspinElk_Brad: bad idea...06:02
Elk_Bradand the program is on a ftp site06:02
squareyeswon't live that long :-)06:02
Elk_Bradyes it does06:02
drspinElk_Brad: it'll die soon06:02
Elk_Bradi've had it for 2 years06:02
Elk_Bradno problems06:03
squareyesfigure I have maybe 25 years :-)06:03
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linux-rulznah, im fine without warez on my computer06:03
Guardiannyep same here06:03
Elk_Bradwhat ever ya'll say06:03
drspinI use ALL open source products... except some codecs...06:03
drspinI mean software ;)06:03
drspinof course06:03
Elk_Bradwell to me its open :)06:03
Elk_Bradcause i can use it06:03
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=== MrNaughty [MrNaughty@d199-126-25-30.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux-rulzlol, he said open source06:04
squareyesthe source is open hehehe06:04
drspinElk_Brad: this isn't an open WaRez Channel -- and bragging about WaRez on IRC isn't a smart thing in an anti-WaRez channel ;)06:04
drspinElk_Brad: some people are offended enough to report you...06:04
linux-rulzi dont have a single illegal piece of software on my computer, and i think ill stick that way.06:04
=== __learner__ [~chatzilla@200-181-090-056.pvoce205.dial.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
__learner__can I install nvidia's site drivers?06:05
__learner__Doom 3 demo is running pretty bad here.06:05
linux-rulz__learner__: yes u can, make sure u have the kernel headers and gcc installed before you try06:05
__learner__how, may I know it?06:06
__learner__How can I know it?06:06
linux-rulzwhat do you mean how can you know it?06:06
__learner__How can I know if I have kernel headers and gcc installed. I know I have gcc, but don't know how to look for kernell headers.06:07
linux-rulzu running the 386 or 686 kernel headers?06:07
linux-rulz*kernel i mean06:08
__learner__don know, how can I discover it?06:08
linux-rulzissue the command06:08
linux-rulzuname -r06:08
linux-rulzand cut and paste the results into here06:08
linux-rulzok, give me a minute06:09
chrismurfdpkg -L linux-kernel-headers06:09
chrismurfdoes that spew out crap?06:09
__learner__lots of files.06:09
chrismurfyou're good to go.06:09
linux-rulzjust type in this:06:10
linux-rulzsudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6-386 gcc06:10
linux-rulzthat will make sure they are installed06:10
__learner__tx a lot06:10
=== malegria [~malegria@ca-eglrck-cuda2-c10a-156.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
__learner__it is downloading lot's of things now.06:11
setitedoes ubuntu have a ftp client06:11
malegriao.k. YES, I have a problem. Has anyone been able to compile alsa-drivers without errors?06:11
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__learner__error downloading http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 06:12
Guardiannanyone know how hoary is coming along06:12
__learner__do you think it will work?06:12
__learner__I don't want to broke my system again.06:12
linux-rulzok, then change ur XF86CONFIG file so that it says to load the nvidia driver instead of nv and then kill X, it won't load cause there is no nvidia driver, then install it from the command line, add the word nvidia to /etc/modules, and then reboot06:12
linux-rulzit should work, i am running them right now just fine06:12
linux-rulzsetite: sudo apt-get install gftp06:13
setiteand how do i mount the phone06:13
setiteor any device for that matter06:13
__learner__gftp rulez!06:13
=== Arkainium [~mark@pool-70-23-83-39.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux-rulzu could try to do this:06:13
malegria#mount device mountpoint06:14
__learner__But you should also try firefox fireFTP extension. Very good too.!06:14
linux-rulzsudo mount /dev/sda1 /path/to/mount/point06:14
linux-rulzi dont like the fireftp extension, gftp is much more nicely laid out06:14
setitewhich is what06:14
setiteor soemthgin like that06:14
=== Snipes420 [~Miranda@d199-126-59-177.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux-rulzwhereever u want it mounted06:14
setiteor the /dev/ttyACM006:14
setiteoh ok06:14
linux-rulzfor instance /mnt/cellphone06:15
setiteand how do i determine the sda06:15
linux-rulzjust make sure the directory exists before u do that06:15
setiteok i must specify filesystem type06:15
linux-rulztry guessing, it could also be sdb if u already have something marked sda06:15
setiteits usbfs i think06:15
setiteand do i have to set UID and PID or whatever those are06:16
setitei tried sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/cell06:16
linux-rulzyeah, someone else will have to help with the command, i always do it automatically with gnome (dont think it works for cell phones) or with fstab06:16
linux-rulzwhat did it do?06:16
drspinhow can I make GNOME NOT open CD Player when I put in an audio CD06:16
setitemount: you must specify the filesystem type06:16
linux-rulztry adding it to ur fstab file06:16
setiteok how do i do that06:16
setitewell thats for permanent automounting right06:17
linux-rulzok, add the following line to ur fstab (give me a couple of minutes and ill post it):06:17
setitei just want to moutn it temporarily06:17
malegriaman, there's nothing like a CLEAN compile06:17
stuNNedtry -t vfat06:17
linux-rulzyep, i know, but u can put it in there to NOT mount automatically on system boot06:17
linux-rulzah yes, that is the command06:18
stuNNedsetite, mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/cell06:18
linux-rulzu could also try -t usbfs06:18
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setitesetite@ubuntu:~ $ sudo mount -t usbfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/cell06:18
setitemount: mount point /mnt/cell does not exist06:18
stuNNedmkdir /mnt/cell06:19
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setiteoh yea06:19
=== Snipes420 [~Miranda@d199-126-59-177.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
setiteok now i guess that it was already mounted in another folder i viewed earlier06:19
setiteit appears that this is not gonna work as id hoped06:20
setiteits showing folders06:20
linux-rulzjust type in mount and it will tell u what all is mounted06:20
linux-rulzpost it all here or in pastebin06:20
setite/dev/hda2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)06:20
setiteproc on /proc type proc (rw)06:20
setitesysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)06:20
setitedevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)06:20
setitetmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)06:20
setite/dev/hda1 on /mnt/winxp type ntfs (rw,uid=1000,gid=1000)06:20
setiteusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)06:20
setite/dev/sda1 on /mnt/cell type usbfs (rw)06:20
setiteit was already mounted in /proc/bus/usb06:20
setiteand it has 4 folders 001 002 003 and 00406:21
linux-rulzno, dont touch that!06:21
linux-rulzthat is something completely different06:21
linux-rulzgo into /mnt/cell06:21
linux-rulzwhat is there?06:21
stuNNedif you cd /mnt/cell then ls what do you get?06:21
setitesame exact tyhin is in there06:21
linux-rulzthats strange....06:21
setitesetite@ubuntu:~ $ cd /mnt/cell06:21
setitesetite@ubuntu:/mnt/cell $ ls06:21
setite001  002  003  004  devices06:21
setitesetite@ubuntu:/mnt/cell $06:21
setitewant me to pm you the contents of devices06:22
linux-rulzusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw) this is something completely different06:22
setiteor post it on that pastebin site or whatever that is06:22
=== IvyCQHome [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
setiteshould i mount it as vfat?06:22
linux-rulzdoes anyone know what kind of a filesystem a cell phone would normally have?06:23
setiteok i found the bitpim help file06:25
setiteBitPim can access USB devices directly. This is done using libusb which accesses the usb filesystem. You need to ensure the filesystem (usbdevfs) is mounted, usually below /proc/bus/usb.06:25
setiteBy default Linux configures USB devices so that they are owned by root. You should be running BitPim as yourself, not root. Most recent Linux distributions use hotplug, and these instructions show you how to configure it.06:25
setitedit /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap06:25
setiteAdd a line to the bottom.06:25
setiteusbcell 0x0003 VID PID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 006:25
setiteYou need to replace VID and PID with the relevant vendor and product ids.06:25
setiteNote For more recent versions of hotplug, it is considered better form to create the file /etc/hotplug/usb/usbcell.usermap.06:25
setiteok there is no usermap06:26
setitebut there is a handmap06:26
setitewhich appears to be the same i think06:26
setiteis it?06:27
setitedidnt read that last part06:27
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=== linuxn00b [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
setiteanyone still there?06:28
linuxn00bHi, when I click on a link in (gnump3d) and select "play all" it says at the bottom "no preferred application found"06:29
setiteok it tells me to create  /etc/hotplug/usb/usbcell06:29
setiteso thats the mkdir right06:29
aetheratouch works fine06:30
aetheraits not a dir06:30
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setiteaethera.... what did all this do06:32
setiteits telling me to create some script06:33
setiteunder Reference - USB - Linux USB Setup06:33
aetherasetite: usb works fine06:34
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setitewell fuck im abotu to give up.. this sucks...06:34
setitemaybe wine can install the windows version of bitpim06:34
mkerbyI was here a few nights ago with a soundcard problem.06:34
mkerbyNamely, no sound.06:34
mkerbyI found out my soundcard looked fine.06:34
=== choo [choo@adsl-68-91-129-33.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
aetherathats not a soundcard problem06:35
chooI have a serial mouse that didn't get detected06:35
aetherais the modules loaded for the soundcard06:35
mkerbyI reinstalled Ubuntu, and everything was fine.06:35
drspinbest way to burn an audio CD?06:35
choobut I'm new to Linux and am so lost just installed Ubuntu06:35
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mkerbyBut this time, like last time, I installed KDE.  And the sound went again.06:35
mkerbyWhat can I do?06:35
aetheradrspin: k3b06:35
drspinaethera: ew -- I have the WAvs06:36
chooHow can I setup a serial mouse?06:36
=== drspin doesn't like k3b (or Qt is what I don't like maybe )
aetheramkerby: looks like the driver is broke06:37
mkerbyaethera, how can I fix that?06:37
setitehow do i unmount06:37
aetheramkerby: what sound card is it06:37
aetherasetite: umount /dir06:37
mkerbyaethera, it's a Soundblaster Audigy Platinum.06:38
aetheraok have you looked if the kernel is loading the module for it?06:38
setitethats not working06:38
setiteoh whoops06:38
mkerbyaethera, I'm a real newbie. How do I find that out?06:39
thully_Hi - I want to use Ubuntu, but I like KDE.  Is there anything I should know about KDE in Ubuntu.  I tried it once, but all my fonts had a goofy multicolored look to them - how do I fix this06:39
thully_(BTW i'm on a laptop)06:39
aetherasnd                    50660  14 snd_intel8x0m,snd_intel8x0,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq_device06:39
aetherathats mine06:39
setiteits saying device is busy06:39
aetherasetite: cd /06:39
mkerbyaethera, do I run this in a terminal or what?06:39
aetherathan umount /dir/dir2 or where ever it is mounted06:39
aetheramkerby: do lsmod in a terminal06:40
aetheraand see if the snd module is loaded06:40
setitestill same06:40
aetherado you have a window open showing the contents of the usb?06:40
=== elocal [~elocal@dhcp-206-53-67-76.myeastern.com] has joined #ubuntu
elocalanybody alive?06:40
mkerbyaethera, there are several snd items listed.06:41
setiteok i had a /mnt opened though06:41
aetheraok is the mixer volume up06:41
setiteseemed to have been the problem06:41
elocalI just wanted to know why my harddrive spin again when I shut down my machine on Ubuntu06:41
cthulfuegoA live change from Deb to ubuntu works fine, you can add that one to the FAQ.06:41
aetherasetite: *slap*06:41
elocalit does not happen on Gentoo...06:41
cthulfuegoelocal: it probably flushes data to disk, so it needs to spin up.06:42
elocalit spins down, and before shutting down spins up again06:42
mkerbyaethera, I don't know if you're talking to me or not, but the mixer volume is up.06:42
aetheramkerby: it was for youi06:42
aetherahmmm thats weirf06:43
chooserial port mouse how do you get one of these working?06:43
aetherainstall mp3blaster and try and play something06:43
aetheramight be gnomes sound that is stuffed06:43
mkerbyOkay. I'll be back in a little while. My daughter wants me.06:44
drspinwhy doesn't my EQ work in XMMS?06:44
aetheraI am sick :(06:44
aetheradrspin: doesnt work means nothing06:44
aetheraput it on06:44
=== holy_cow [~yada@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
setitedamnit i cant get wine to run it06:45
chooserial port mouse how do you get these working?06:45
setiteit installed ok but wont run06:45
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setitewhere does wine install to i forger06:45
drspinaethera: OK -- I turn it on and move all the sliders to the bottom and nothing changes...06:46
drspinI move them all the way to the top and nothing changes...06:46
=== randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== david__ [~david@dsl-80-42-181-198.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #ubuntu
david__good morning06:47
JoePenguindavid__: hi06:48
david__can anyone help please, I've still got the problem where my raid drives can't be seen and I haven't got a clue how to load drivers06:49
aetheradavid__: man insmod06:50
JoePenguindavid__: can't be seen? huh... do you know if your kernel has RAID support built in? Are you using the stock kernel or a custom?06:50
=== linuxn00b [~Mojo@d205-250-56-39.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxn00bHey, when I ssh into my other ubuntu box it just keeps aksing me for a password and I keep puting in the right one :S06:52
david__I'm afraid I really don't know, I was given this and the live cd yesterday and was so impressed I loaded it onto a spare hd. On the live cd no problems, the drives could be seen and accessed, but not on the installation06:52
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: Are you trying to log in as root, or a normal user?06:52
linuxn00bBTW I can use scp...so ssh should work then right?06:52
linuxn00bI just type in ssh <ip addy>06:53
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: Do you have physical access to the box you are trying to get into?>06:53
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: check /var/log/auth.log on that box for error messages06:53
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: maybe it will tell you incorrect pw, or maybe that the user was denied for other reasons06:53
JoePenguindavid__: So, Ubuntu is currently installed on a non-RAID drive?06:54
linuxn00bI can see a check pass; user unknow and other things06:54
linuxn00bbut why does scp work and ssh doesnt?06:54
david__yes standard drive in a caddy06:55
david__oh and on ide06:55
linuxn00bwhen hte box i'm trying to access was hoary it worke but now that I reinstalled (warty) it doesnt :s06:55
=== evilmegaman [~root@c-67-181-32-142.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
david__I have downloaded some linux drivers, but not specific to this06:56
=== stuNNed [~stuNNed@adsl-068-209-149-165.sip.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
drspinhow can I turn off autoplay (?) for Audio CD's on Gnome?06:56
=== qrc [~chatzilla@pcp08395038pcs.cnclrk01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
evilmegamanWhy does ubuntu tell me it can't find drivers for my cd rom drive?06:57
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: i don't know. i would have expected both to work. try to ssh again, but this time use the -v option to get extra messages.06:57
linuxboydrspin: Computer -> Desktop Prefs -> Remavable Storage06:57
linuxn00bit works, I tired <username>@<IP> :)06:57
linuxn00bbut why I have to do this now is really weird06:58
=== Stew2 [~admin@67-42-152-164.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
aetheraLinux [kernel]  || CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.40GHz at 2401.137MHz [4751.36 bogomips]  || Disk: 30.92 used of 34.99Gb || Mem: used 0.0/0.0 Swap: used 0.0/0.0 || Up: 1 Load: 2.48,06:58
=== MobyTurbo [~chai@64-48-59-29-ny-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoePenguindavid__: how is your raid set up?06:58
linuxn00banyone here use gnump3d???06:58
=== dc0e [~dc0e@pcp0010755515pcs.howard01.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stew2I've had a problem with my machine locking up. When I tried to run ./configure then make, the computer locked up during the make process. Do i ./configure then re-run make?06:58
Guardiannaethera not bad :)06:58
david__pci card its a silcon pci 10680 ulta ata 13306:58
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: oh? were you at a root shell?06:59
drspinlinuxboy: THANKS :)06:59
linuxn00bwhat do you mean?/ currently loged in as root??06:59
aetheraStew2: run "make clean && ./configure && make && make install"06:59
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: yes, from the box where you were ssh'ing from06:59
evilmegamanwhy doesn't ubuntu work during the instalation? it says it doesn't recognize my cd rom drive06:59
linuxn00bI was a user07:00
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: you would have had a '#' prompt. hmm07:00
linuxn00bit's strange but atleast it works :D07:00
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: well, if you don't use user@host syntax, it assumes that the username is the one you are currently logged in as07:00
linuxn00bhow can I start and stop a daemon?07:00
david__JoePenguin:  This seems to be a great thing if only I could see my other drives, at the moment this is becoming all consuming in particular as I'm a baby with linux07:00
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: obviously if the user on host A doesn't exist on host B, then authentication will fail07:00
linuxn00bJoePenguin, well now that I think abot it before reinstall both my boxes had a user name of xquizit07:01
evilmegaman... What's up with this does anyone see my typing?07:01
JoePenguinevilmegaman: why wouldn't we?07:01
pipelineevilmegaman: no07:02
=== drspin is now known as drspin_away
evilmegamanbecause Noone answers :P07:02
david__yes no problems07:02
JoePenguindavid__: do a /sbin/lsmod and see if the "md" module and any raid modules are loaded07:02
aetheraevilmegaman: maybe we just dont know the answer07:02
evilmegamanThanks. Now I know that someone knows I am here. I have been asking questions here and #debian and noone says anything :(07:03
david__Joepenguin: sorry to be a pain, but this is all new, do I use the run box?07:03
JoePenguinevilmegaman: you are installing from a cd and the installer doesn't recognize your cd drive?07:03
MobyTurboevilmegaman, maybe they don't answer because you're loged in as root. ;-)07:03
stuNNedis there a backport of more recent alsa for warty?07:03
evilmegamanwhy would that matter?07:03
JoePenguinevilmegaman: how far does it get?07:03
JoePenguinevilmegaman: it wouldn't matter07:04
evilmegamanTo enabling IDE devices or whatever07:04
JoePenguinevilmegaman: moby was just trying to be witty07:04
evilmegamanoh ok joepenguin07:04
Stew2evilmegaman: had the same problem. Don't log in as root and run xchat. you won't get no respect.07:04
JoePenguinStew2: how about if you log in as ~root@somewhere.aol.com?  :-)07:04
=== holy_cow [~yada@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
evilmegaman:-P oh well. I was busy in root07:05
JoePenguinactaully that wouldn't be possible07:05
aetherastuNNed: deb http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ubuntu warty-backports main universe07:05
Stew2joepenguin: Okay. Don't log in as root. Especially not root@...aol.com.07:05
stuNNedaethera, recent alsa is there?07:05
evilmegamanlmao. Stew2, I hope that day never comes07:05
aetheraI guess so07:05
JoePenguindavid__: no, under one of your menus there should be "Root terminal" or something like that07:06
JoePenguindavid__: i don't have my GUI up right now so i can't check where exactly it is... i think under system tools07:06
aetheraJoePenguin: what you lookig for mate07:06
JoePenguinaethera: i'm trying to help him do a lsmod07:07
JoePenguinaethera: he needs to know how to open a root terminal first07:07
=== randabis [~randabis@cs6710177-213.houston.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
aetherayeah under system tools07:07
evilmegamanOh so I guess noone knows the answer :( thanks guys. at least I know you know I am here ;)07:07
=== blu1 [~blue11223@adsl-68-94-29-145.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
linuxn00bJoePenguin, is there a way to type in a hostname instead of an IP so I can just <username>@<hostname>07:08
blu1ok, where the f do you keep your filesystems in ubuntu07:08
david__JoePenguin: hi agian it appears to see it hand on I'll seeif I can cut and paste07:08
blu1i checkout /mnt....nothing07:08
blu1i checked out/dev07:08
blu1all i found was entries to all my partitions that had no extensions...07:09
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: yes, there are two ways. One is to type in the fully qualified domain name, as would be accessible from the internet. The other is to add the ip along with the desired hostname to the /etc/hosts file on the client machine07:09
=== BockBilbo [~BockBilbo@] has joined #ubuntu
blu1i checked out the system configuration and it didnt even recognize any of its own / partition volumes07:09
JoePenguinblu1: I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for..... everything should be under '/'07:09
david__Module                  Size  Used by07:09
david__radeon                115236  207:09
david__proc_intf               3968  007:09
david__freq_table              4356  007:09
david__cpufreq_userspace       5336  007:09
david__cpufreq_powersave       2048  007:09
david__button                  6936  007:09
david__ac                      5132  007:09
david__battery                 9740  007:10
david__ipv6                  230020  807:10
david__sk98lin               167960  107:10
david__ohci1394               32004  007:10
david__ieee1394              100536  1 ohci139407:10
david__emu10k1_gp              3840  007:10
linuxn00bok i'll add it to /etc/hosts but how?/ is it IP then hostname or hostname then IP07:10
JoePenguinthat's a bit excessive07:10
david__snd_emu10k1            80776  307:10
blu1joepenguin: im looking for a fat partition named chared07:10
david__snd_rawmidi            23232  1 snd_emu10k107:10
david__snd_pcm_oss            48168  007:10
david__snd_mixer_oss          16640  3 snd_pcm_oss07:10
david__snd_pcm                85540  2 snd_emu10k1,snd_pcm_oss07:10
david__snd_timer              23172  1 snd_pcm07:10
david__snd_seq_device          7944  2 snd_emu10k1,snd_rawmidi07:10
david__snd_ac97_codec         59268  1 snd_emu10k107:10
JoePenguinblu1: is it mounted currently? do you know?07:10
david__snd_page_alloc         11144  2 snd_emu10k1,snd_pcm07:10
david__snd_util_mem            4608  1 snd_emu10k107:10
david__snd_hwdep               9120  1 snd_emu10k107:10
david__snd                    50660  12 snd_emu10k1,snd_rawmidi,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer,snd_seq_device,snd_ac97_codec,snd_util_mem,snd_hwdep07:10
david__soundcore               9824  3 snd07:10
david__hw_random               5652  007:10
david__ehci_hcd               27780  007:10
david__uhci_hcd               29328  007:10
setitewine sucks07:10
david__usbcore               104292  4 ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd07:10
david__shpchp                 87276  007:10
blu1joepenguin: it doesnt mount itself?07:10
david__pciehp                 83948  007:10
david__pci_hotplug            30640  2 shpchp,pciehp07:10
blu1on boot?07:11
david__intel_agp              20512  007:11
david__intel_mch_agp          10000  107:11
david__agpgart                31784  3 intel_agp,intel_mch_agp07:11
JoePenguindavid__: that is... what's the word... excessive07:11
blu1david: stop07:11
david__analog                 10784  007:11
david__gameport                4736  2 emu10k1_gp,analog07:11
david__floppy                 54996  007:11
david__pcspkr                  3816  007:11
david__rtc                    12216  007:11
setitedavid... hehe you shame my name07:11
david__md                     44744  007:11
linuxn00bdavid__, nexttime you post a big error message post it on #flood please :D07:11
david__dm_mod                 51068  107:11
JoePenguindavid__: bad netizen! bad bad07:11
david__capability              4872  007:11
setiteblu he cant stop07:11
david__commoncap               7168  1 capability07:11
david__parport_pc             32064  107:11
david__lp                     10436  007:11
david__parport                37320  2 parport_pc,lp07:11
david__ide_cd                 38276  007:11
setitewhats done is done07:11
david__tsdev                   7168  007:11
JoePenguinyou can always stop07:11
david__cdrom                  35872  1 ide_cd07:11
david__Oooops sorry to take up all the room, please accept my apologies07:11
david__sorry, but at least all the information is there ;)07:11
setiteive never found a way to stop flooding once you press enter07:11
blu1can anyone help me find my fat32 partition...07:11
JoePenguinsetite: not even parting the channel?07:12
linuxn00bnp :) I did the same thing once haha but I got kicked haha07:12
JoePenguinblu1: don't worry we'll find it07:12
setitewell that may work... but thats no fun07:12
setiteanyone use wine successfully07:12
stuNNedaethera, thanks but no go :)07:12
linuxn00bJoePenguin, do I add it IP then hostname or hostname then IP in the /etc/hosts07:12
david__last night and now I'm hung over (a joke- had a friend over and we got slightly carried away)07:13
JoePenguinlinuxn00b: man hosts07:13
JoePenguindavid__: hmm... ok md is loaded. i wonder if there should be a raid* module listed there, like raid0, raid5, etc.07:13
JoePenguindavid__: as an experiment, you could boot your live cd and see what modules are loaded and compare07:13
david__Joepenguin: ok, I have beaten myself severely and I'm sending myself to bed early tonight07:14
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JoePenguindavid__: you might need to load a module manually.  "insmod raid0" or whatever. When I asked how your raid was set up, i was hoping to hear what raid level you were using, which drives, etc.07:14
JoePenguindavid__: also, what's on them and do you know where you want to mount them?07:14
david__Oh yes, lots and lots of music07:15
david__I want to mount one in the media player and the otherone has backups and documents on07:15
BockBilboanyone here uses wmaker?07:16
=== OddAbe19 [~OddAbe19@pcp02542642pcs.lncstr01.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dc0eBockBilbo: i have used it, but don't currently07:16
BockBilbomm oks..07:17
BockBilbodont know why, but cannot read properly in xchat using wmaker07:17
dc0eBockBilbo: i don't think i had that problem07:17
dc0eBockBilbo: what's wrong?07:17
BockBilboive fixed it07:17
=== Guardiann listen Ill Be There (The Jackson Fiv - Michael Jackson - The Best Of - [00:02] - [39/47] - Pop - - 128 kbits
BockBilbowell the question i had is07:18
Guardiannoops sorry07:18
BockBilbohow are the system notification docks called....07:18
BockBilbothe ones that work like gdesklers07:18
dc0eBockBilbo: how are they called by what?07:19
BockBilbo... i mean.. which is the generic name for those docks...07:20
BockBilbohold on and ill show you what i want07:20
dc0eBockBilbo: oh, i forget what wmaker calls them, but i'll bet you'll find the answer on wmaker.org07:21
JoePenguindavid__: it might help to run  "dmesg | less" in a terminal and read the messages looking for anything RAID related07:21
dc0eBockBilbo: most of the packages that install them begin with 'wm' like 'wmweather', etc.07:21
BockBilbo i didnt know that site07:21
JoePenguindavid__: raid devices are usually set up as /dev/md0, /dev/md1, etc. so, if one of those devices already exists, then it's just a matter of mounting it somewhere.07:21
JoePenguindavid__: I believe that the kernel is supposed to detect them at boot time.07:21
david__JoePenguin: thanks, I tried insmod raid0 and it said 'no such file or directory'07:22
JoePenguindavid__: on my Debian system at home there are a bunch of "md: " messages, including "md: Autodetecting RAID arrays", among other useful messages07:23
=== evilmegaman [~Fio3w@c-67-181-32-142.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoePenguindavid__: try using modprobe instead of insmod.07:23
david__JoePenguin: I thought that the raid should have loaded at boot as it does on the live cd, but it appears not on the installation07:24
BockBilbowell... im going to bed07:24
david__JoePenguin: do you know what extensions I should use with modprobe?07:26
JoePenguindavid__: you don't need any07:27
JoePenguindavid__: actually, i'm not sure what you mean by "extensions"07:27
aetheradavid__: the correct term is modules07:27
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david__JoePenguin: well what comes up is a dos typr usage07:28
ankitHi! I cant get sound to work in KDE but it works fine in GNOME07:28
JoePenguindavid__: oh, i see what you mean07:28
david__could I have a corrupt installation?07:28
JoePenguindavid__: do you know for a fact that's it is a RAID 0?07:28
aetheratakes 5minutes to setup samba server07:29
=== twstd3bc [~twstd3bc@node-423a4afa.sna.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoePenguindavid__: i very much doubt it07:29
david__no, I'm very literate in Windows (for my sins), but this is only my second short session on ubuntu07:29
JoePenguindavid__: when i said to try using modprobe instead of insmod, i meant by doing "modprobe raid0"07:30
aetheradavid__: format c: /q/y07:30
aetherainstall ubuntu!07:30
JoePenguinhe DID install ubuntu07:30
=== holy_cow [~yada@S0106000fb51e6051.vf.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
aetheraI know d00d07:30
aetherabut remove windows07:30
twstd3bcis there a seperate ubuntu channel for PPC?07:31
david__ubuntu is on a drive all of its own07:31
aetheradavid__: :>07:32
JoePenguintwstd3bc: i doubt it, it should function the same as unbuntu x8607:32
knghtbrdAnyone know of anything for pictbridge cameras?07:33
=== BlackHussar [~BlackHuss@dsl081-081-225.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoePenguinknghtbrd: no07:34
=== knghtbrd is asking for a non-irc person. (what sane person does not irc?)
JoePenguinknghtbrd: that makes no sense07:34
aetheraanyone here ever use a groupware project like ms exhange but a linux version07:35
gabaugaethera: evolution?07:35
=== wastrel [~wastrel@dsl254-127-242.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
knghtbrdJoePenguin: it's something digital cameras have that if your software has (windoze software has it), you can do different things, etc.  *shrug*  I don't even know what it is07:35
JoePenguinaethera: i remember hearing about something called OpenExchange07:35
=== grepper [~robert@HSE-Kitchener-ppp194734.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
david__JoePenguin: I tried various options like raid0 raid1 etc no luck07:35
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=== JoePenguin goes to brush his teeth.
=== knghtbrd triest to get him to join channel so he can ask himself since he has SOME clue
=== knghtbrd is not a big camera person
cthulfuegoDoes ubuntu keep a known-bugs database around, like Debian?07:38
david__aethera: have you got any idea why ubuntu can't see my drives on the raid card?07:38
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=== Silensius [~si@15.192-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
aetheramodule for the raid card anint loaded or built into the kernel07:39
cthulfuegoaethera: What raid card?07:39
knghtbrddavid__: that's not quite enough information for a proper diagnosis07:39
cthulfuegodavid__: What raid card?07:39
cthulfuegoaethera: sorry :-)07:39
knghtbrddavid__: could be any number of things..07:39
david__but it don't seem to be loading, when I open computer only the floppy cd's are seen07:40
slamhoundHas anyone had any experience using libusb to talk to a digital camera using pictbridge (PCT) protocols07:40
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: Is it a real raid card or a bad software chip thing that you really shouldn't be using in raid mode?07:40
=== cthulfuego needs tab completion lessions today.
=== brian [~brian@S01060004e221b529.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
cthulfuegostuff it.07:41
knghtbrddon't ask me, I'm too cheap to go out and buy RAID stuff07:41
=== cthulfuego eats everyone and burps.
brianany idea how much disk space i need for compiling a kernel?07:41
cthulfuegobrian: Around 200Mb07:41
=== knghtbrd operates on the divine backup solution =p
cthulfuegobrian: That does NOT include compiler and dev tools, just source and objects.07:41
knghtbrdeg, pray nothing happens to my data..07:42
=== brian uninstalls openoffice
=== carthik [~carthik@] has joined #ubuntu
briani have kpkgs and fake root and build essentials etc installed07:42
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twstd3bcare the kernel.org kernels good for PPC?  i need 2.6.10 for a USB issue.07:42
briani was compiling just it stoped and i found 0 bytes left in drive07:42
=== slick [opera@host-66-81-170-199.rev.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
cthulfuegobrian: whoops :-)07:42
carthikI want to buy a wireless LAN card 802.11b/g for my desktop at home. Which ones work for sure with Ubuntu, with packages in Warty?07:43
evilmegamananyone here now know about the cd drive not being detected?07:43
cthulfuegocarthik: www.prism54.org07:43
twstd3bcor does Ubuntu package 2.6.10 somewhere for PPC?07:43
JoePenguinknghtbrd: you don't need to buy a raid card... you can do raid in software :)07:43
=== slick [opera@host-66-81-170-199.rev.o1.com] has left #ubuntu []
=== cthulfuego does raid in software. Much more reliable then some silicon image or primsie chip.
carthikcthulfuego, thanks, I would have loved to know which card was up and running from the beginning for folks, in general - one that also works well07:44
knghtbrdJoePenguin: you need spare drives for that07:44
brianoh and besides complilers take about 1mb07:44
cthulfuegocarthik: Basically, any card with a _real_ prism54 chip should work. Keep in mind that some listed cards may have multiple versions... and some versions may use a different chip.07:44
JoePenguinknghtbrd: why?07:45
JoePenguincarthik: I have a Macsense AeroCard Plus which works fine on Warty07:45
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: I've used Enterasys and Avaya 802.11b pcmcia cards for heaps of laptop installs.07:45
knghtbrdthe R stands for redundant07:45
knghtbrdkeep in mind my Ubuntu box has one drive07:45
JoePenguinknghtbrd: oh... i guess i'm just using AID on my desktop07:45
carthikcthulfuego, thanks again. I have gone through two cards already. The first one worked, but sucked when it came to reception. The second- a linksys, requires ndiswrapper (or so I beleive). in any case, it doesn't work... It's good that my roommate knows a wholesaler...07:45
knghtbrdthat I paid $45 for07:46
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: Actually, you can partition a drive into 2 and raid aprtition one and partition 2 into a single array ;-)07:46
carthikJoePenguin, thanks a lot07:46
knghtbrdcthulfuego: um, why?  ;)07:46
=== bj_ [~bj@ool-4352a84b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
brianomg OOo is huge! there thats all i need for compiling07:46
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: Just to test raid support in the installer on a single-disk crusty laptop07:46
JoePenguinknghtbrd: i thought about building a RAID with USB keychains, but that would have been silly.07:46
evilmegamanhow am I supposed to use mailing lists? do I just subscribe to them and use daily digest or something then read it in my email?07:47
cthulfuegoWell, that and the crusty laptop has bad sectors07:47
cthulfuegoraiding hda1 and hda3 seems to make it work07:47
JoePenguinevilmegaman: correct. you can even reply if you feel like it07:47
evilmegaman:) cool. is there a way I can read it like a forum to?07:48
=== paulproteus [~paulprote@NONE-THREE-ELEVEN.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
cthulfuegoevilmegaman: Yep, use webmail to read the messages in your inbox.07:48
carthikevilmegaman, yeah, you can browse the list archives07:48
evilmegaman:) Cool07:49
JoePenguindavid__: do you have a local linux guru you can ask for help?07:50
carthikcthulfuego, JoePenguin : MotherLode : http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards WOW! :)07:50
carthikI feel too dumb for words, right now.07:51
=== cthulfuego has only been running ubuntu for an hour and has never used the website <heh>
brianis there a program out there to convert music files? can audacity do that?07:53
cthulfuegofrom what to what?07:53
JoePenguinfrom matter to antimatter07:54
JoePenguin:] 07:54
=== TongMaster [~TongMaste@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu
JoePenguinwow, wtf. i'm doing a dist-upgrade and i just saw a package called "bicyclerepair" scroll by07:56
=== brian looks up bicycle repair
brianA framework and refactoring tool for Python. IDE Plugins are included for07:56
brianPymacs, IDLE and Vim. Using Bicycle Repair Man you can rename classes, methods07:56
brianand variables, and all users of them are found and adjusted appropriately.07:56
brian Homepage: http://bicyclerepair.sourceforge.net/07:56
brianwhy da hell did i do that?!07:56
Agrajaglook, it's BICYCLE REPAIR MAN!07:57
briandat was a waste of 10seconds07:57
=== david__ [~david@dsl-80-42-181-198.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #ubuntu
JoePenguini don't see how you come up with that kind of name07:57
AgrajagJoePenguin: it's a monty python reference07:57
aetherabrian: :P07:57
JoePenguinoh ok07:57
Agrajagas is "python"07:57
carthikUrbana-Champagne ... :)07:57
aetherapython is the best07:57
brianok how long on average does it take to compile a kernel07:58
david__hi I think I made a cock up07:58
JoePenguinyay, my hoary upgrade completed.07:59
wastrelhoary eh07:59
JoePenguinbrian: it depends on the cpu07:59
JoePenguinbrian: 10-30 minutes maybe07:59
brianhow bout say a 666mhz07:59
aetherabrian: 35 minutes07:59
wastrel.5 hr to 1 hr07:59
aetheraand its 667 actually08:00
Agrajagwith a processor exactly that fast, you can harness the power of satan08:00
Agrajagjust sell your soul for a new kernel08:00
Agrajagit'll be done instantly08:00
bob2brian: why do you want to build a new kernel?08:00
brianwacom drivers08:00
bob2they don't come with ubuntu?08:00
briandoesnt work08:01
briantheres a wiki page on getting it to work08:01
cthulfuegowacom-kernel-source - Source for the wacom binary modules08:01
brianhoary imguessing it works08:01
=== cthulfuego slaps bob2
cthulfuegobob2: My wife has been insisting she and I go to Linux.conf.au in Cranberra08:01
bob2cthulfuego: women are always right08:02
cthulfuegobob2: But you don't like beer!08:02
bob2brian: you don't need to build the kernel, just the modules08:02
brianholy crap how?!08:02
bob2cthulfuego: we have australia's greatest stout!08:02
bob2brian: install wacom-kernel-source and linux-headers-$(uname -r)08:03
Tsjoklatyou know it bob2 :P women are ALWAYS right08:03
bob2and hopefully it has instructions08:03
=== thully [~thully@pm476-18.dialip.mich.net] has joined #ubuntu
brianwacom-kernel source is only in hoary i looked it up08:05
bob2then get it from hoary08:05
=== pd [~pd@h8.232.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
mojoTsjoklat: lol, not all women are ALWAYS right in Linux except you08:07
Tsjoklatthat is right mojo :P08:08
Tsjoklatthanks for the compliment mojo hahaha.. I think08:08
mojoanyway know how to make GunBound game run under Cedega08:09
Tsjoklathow are you doing mojo? got all your 'issues' (regarding ubu) sorted out?08:09
bob2#cedega might08:09
Tsjoklatyou are still on the Cedega drama huh mojo08:09
mojok then08:09
pipelineoh man, Cedega pisses me off.  What a shit product.08:10
cthulfuegoYou think?08:10
bob2cthulfuego: early bird discounts save you big bucks!08:11
=== ealden [~ealden@ipdial-189-113.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2there are plenty of places to drink lattes here, to.08:11
bob2not all on the Yarra, but still.08:11
mojosound familiar...08:11
mojooh my gosh@08:11
mojoit's Melbourne in Australia08:11
cthulfuegoAbout 1500m that way <---08:12
pipelinecthulfuego: Have you USED cedega?08:12
mojoI was there last week for the deaf olympic08:13
cthulfuegobob2: yeah, still need to finish our argument about it ;-)08:13
cthulfuegopipeline: Yep.08:13
pipelineIt's like a year off of the main WINE tree08:13
pipelineand more shit breaks in every release08:13
bob2cthulfuego: hah08:13
cthulfuegopipeline: I use it on my laptop to run SimCity408:13
=== Grev [~dbasinge@dsl093-224-097.slc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
pipelinecthulfuego: I refuse to even install 4.2 because several games stop working.  And winex-cvs doesn't even run things anymore; I swear they're leaving the public tree in a broken state deliberately.08:13
=== cthulfuego did see many a badly-tracksuited person jumping out of the way of dinging trams last week ;-)
=== Mario_Zaizar [~MarioZaiz@dup-200-64-163-86.prodigy.net.mx] has joined #ubuntu
cthulfuegopipeline: You're probably just using it with crap games.08:14
mojopipeline: it's a know issue, if u run Cedega 4.2 on Hoary08:15
pipelinemojo: I don't run ubuntu at all.  I'm just here to get a "feel" for the community.08:15
mojopipeline: due to some diff in lib, Hoary won't coop well with Cedega08:15
mojopipeline: really? I did work with me on Warty, but not on Hoary08:16
mojopipeline: u should try Ubuntu b/c it runs faster than FC3 hence boots up the performance of the game08:16
pipelinecthulfuego: Suffice to say, things that work in 3.x break in 4.1.  And things that work in 4.1 break in 4.2.  The reason for this breakage is that Transgaming burned their bridges and treated the community like shit.  As their tree ages and bugs accrete, it's only going to get worse.08:16
pipelinemojo: Uh, what?08:17
cthulfuegomojo: pipeline runs Debian.08:17
pipelineMore importantly, what good does boot time do you?08:18
pipelineI reboot roughly once a month08:18
mojooh ic, Debian heh? nice, same bro08:18
=== Mario_Zaizar [~MarioZaiz@dup-200-64-163-86.prodigy.net.mx] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
pipelineThat's kind of a lousy sales pitch.08:18
pipeline"Our car smells like lilac during an accident!"08:18
wastreldebian eh08:18
cthulfuegoDebian is your daddy08:19
mojogosh, it's so boring now in Aus08:21
mojomy PC can't handle WoW, how sad!08:21
wastreli tried to buy a copy of wow the other day08:22
=== deadshell [~deadsy@ool-44c44e58.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelsold out everywhere08:22
=== cthulfuego notes Xorg transparency seems to work Ok (and not slow) on his box
GrevWoW, the only reason I still have a windows partition:)08:22
mojowastrel: sob, I did buy 1 but unable to play it on my PC08:22
cthulfuegomojo: Send it to me, I'm sure it'll run here08:22
mojocthufuego: lol, sure it will, lol08:23
wastrelgrev ditto08:23
=== Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mojoI better play Gunbound, next week there will be a small competition in BoxHill08:24
=== Vlad [~chatzilla@c-24-18-46-195.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
brianwill gunbound run on winex?08:25
briani always wondered that08:25
Vladhi all08:25
=== Kaloz [~kaloz@arrakis.dune.hu] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelwhat's gunbound?08:26
mojovery fun game08:26
=== cthulfuego is SO not going anywhere near the scary suburb of boxhill
Vladi'm not using ubuntu *yet*, jsut wondered what you would say makes it better than other distros?08:26
brianand apt08:26
cthulfuegoVlad: The use of the .deb package format and debian package tools.08:26
VladI'm using BSD at the moment and also fedora08:26
mojocthulfuego: scary? I dun think so, compared to Footscray, BoxHill is still heaven08:26
wastrelwoo that website crashed firefox08:27
briandebain compatibility08:27
cthulfuegomojo: Nah, you gotta look past the drugfucked morons ;-)08:27
Vladi read it's based on debian.  is it easier to use than debian?08:27
GrevVlad: I think it is the best design linux desktop so far08:27
wastrelVlad: it was the easiest linux install i've ever done.  v. polished gnome desktop, well integrated system08:27
mojoVlad: yes, far easier08:27
cthulfuegoVlad: it's certainly easier to install.08:27
mojoVlad: Ubuntu is an evolution in Linux desktop, try it and u like it08:28
briani just came off mandrake and i find it easier08:28
cthulfuegoVlad: No easier to sue, as it's pretty much identical. Notable exception being the nvidia drivers (which aren't in debian due to licensing issues)08:28
Vladeasier than mandrake, lol must be easy08:28
GrevVlad: oh yeah, other than the partitioning, would be very easy for a newbie to use08:28
cthulfuegoVlad: A simple install sets you up with a pretty themed Gnome desktop system.08:29
Vladi'm not really a n00b, but i'll be installing it for the mother-in-law, so it needs to be fairly 'windows like'08:29
cthulfuegoReal debian sets you up with a basic command line and a note on how to install what you want.08:29
mojoVlad: the design is so good, you won't find trash or unused packages in the main CD, only pure GNOME and other good stuff, no such mix stuffs like FC08:29
cthulfuegoVlad: If you want it to be windows-like, I'd recommend KDE.08:29
Vladi'm totally *nix but it's not easy converting the family08:29
brianand the desktop is all clean when u load it first time :)08:30
mojoVlad: if u like the neat GNOME, u'll like Ubuntu08:30
briannono! gnome is easier than kde dont overwealm them with features08:30
Vladis there only gnome and kde as default?  I liked xfce for the simplicity08:30
cthulfuegobrian: it's easier, but looks different.08:30
mojoVlad: GNOME is default, no others WM08:30
Vladoh ok08:30
cthulfuegobrian: Which is by far a larger hurdle for users.08:30
GrevVlad: also dectect all my devices I plugged in the computer, digital camera and mp3 player08:30
mojoVlad: but to get XFCE or KDE, piece of cake in Ubuntu, few clicks and u can switch to XFCE08:31
brianwhat attracted me to linux was that it loked different08:31
cthulfuegobrian: I doubt Vlad's mother in law will feel the same way ;-)08:31
briangood point08:31
wastrelwell windows used to be butt ugly08:31
wastrelxp isn't so bad anymore08:31
cthulfuegowastrel: it still is.08:31
Vladyea, see i found that with mandrake that it detects everything. I want to get past the whole push-button user distro though, but obviously want to keep it basic enough for the family08:31
wastrelnot as bad as 95/98/nt08:32
=== brad [~brad@222-152-102-86.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
cthulfuegoFisher Price OS08:32
briani liked luna :(08:32
mojohonestly to say08:32
mojothe best for family users distro08:32
=== cthulfuego thinks luna is a hideous travesty of Aqua
bradhi guys08:32
Vladyea I always give credit where it's due. windows may be money grabbin !@#$ but they do make a user friendly desktop08:32
mojois Novell Linux08:32
cthulfuegomade by a colour blind designer <heh>08:32
mojoUbuntu Linux is still hard for noob08:32
pipelineUser friendly desktop?08:32
=== Mongoose [~mongoose@user-2injors.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
pipelineAre you fucking kidding me?08:32
Vladclick and go08:33
brianwindows install was harder08:33
wastrelubu autodetected my stuff.08:33
pipelineBull, bull, bull08:33
bradsorry to interrupt, but what applet should I used to suspend my laptop using Ubuntu?08:33
brianit was text too08:33
wastrelubu would be hard for a newb to install or admin. but not to use IMHO08:33
cthulfuegoVlad: Do you *know* how many phonecalls I get from people who just *can't* operate windows?08:33
mojoWindows is easiest 2nd to BeOS\08:33
=== Mongoose [~mongoose@user-2injors.dialup.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu ["Did]
bradI can suspend with the /etc/acpi/actions/suspend.sh script08:33
Vladno i'm not.. the amount of times i had an rpm screw up in fedora, never had a failed install in windows08:33
pipelineVlad: I have to sit with the MSKB open and at least two CD's of patches to get Windows to work.  And a phone.  So that I may call my Windows administrator friends in order to bail my ass out.08:33
cthulfuegoVlad: That's a matter of Fedora being low quality, not Windows being good.08:33
wastrelbrad: make a launcher for that script maybe?08:33
mojocthufuego: mate, are u working in IT field rite now?08:34
cthulfuegomojo: yep08:34
=== Genesee [~Genesee@69-200-227-4.nyc.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bradwastrel: Thought about that, but needs to run as root - I could perhaps setuid each part of that script08:34
pipelineVlad: It's easy for you to say Windows is easy because you're thoroughly familiar with it.  I say FreeBSD is easy, because that's what I'm most familiar with. Can't fault that they make a darn good end-user desktop.  Gee golly, tcsh sure is easy.  And so on.  *rolleyes*08:34
mojocthufuego: mate can u introduce me into the field? I just want to know more OZ ppl in the field so I can get out of my jobless state08:34
bradyeah, that's what I thought08:34
Vladi still disagree to an extent.  i never said windows is good, just more poitn and click stuff08:35
Vladeasier for the mother-in-law08:35
pipelineNo, you said it was easier.08:35
pipelineI contest that it may be better, but it is certainly not easier.08:35
wastrelVlad: ubu's default desktop should be sufficiently point n click for a user.08:35
Vladwhere did i say that?08:35
cthulfuegoVlad: 's why my mother in law runs MacOS X. Pretty. Simple. Unix.08:35
=== Ycros [~Ycros@ppp211-22.lns2.syd3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
mojocthufuego: I dun mind using MacOS X, it's UNIX in the core08:36
Vladwell i would get mac but it's more expensive.  that's why i want an easier nix distro for her, so it runs on lesser hardware08:36
cthulfuegomojo: How do you mean? All I have is a small business08:36
cthulfuegoVlad: *nod*08:36
cthulfuegoVlad: XFCE4 on Ubuntu should be fine.08:36
Vladpipeline, I didn't say it was easier at all08:36
=== HostingGeek [~HostingGe@] has joined #ubuntu
pipelineVlad: It's always important to remember that what you think is easy may not be.  There's lots of people out there who can't handle spyware and can't dig through the MSKB.  And don't immediately assume your mother-in-law is an idiot, either.08:36
bradthanks for the help wastrel, I gotta shoot08:37
Vladthanks, i'd got her used to xfce, and i always limit the icons to only what she needs ;)08:37
mojocthufuego: If ur biz is not far from my place, can u accept me as ur apprentice? I just want to learn more in the field, I dun care about salary08:37
pipelineVlad: You said it was user-friendly.  I consider fixed-size fonts and endemic mal-ware problems user hostility.08:37
Vladi never said she was an idiot.. i live with her ;)08:37
Vladahhh, see i consider plugging in her usb camera that isn't recognised in nix to be user friendly08:38
wastreli tell you what ubuntu's the first linux distro i'd consider setting up for my mom08:38
Vladi had to hack about with the drivers to get it working on my bsd box which i don't mind08:38
Vladyea i think i got convinced when someone said it was easier than mandrake, lol08:39
wastrelyeah too bad the camera manufacurer only provided 'doze drivers :/08:39
brianme lol08:39
Vladlol i totally agree but it's what we face08:39
Vladand until that sort of crap gets sorted out, nix will still be a niche market08:39
pipelineEh, I never had those kinds of problems.08:39
mojoVlad: if some decent corp like Adobe port their programs to Linux, I reckon there will be a big evolution in desktop market08:39
pipelineMy mother bought a camera at christmas, plugged it in, and it showed up on the desktop.08:39
Vladluckily people like you will help do that08:39
Vladthat's nice her cam worked, mine didn't08:40
pipelinemojo: I doubt it.  Adobe photoshop costs 750$ on windows.  A windows license costs 0$ for a business.  Training is expensive.08:40
pipelinemojo: It's unlikely that Linux will ever make it on the corporate desktop.08:40
=== mikael_ [~mikael@c-1e7472d5.01-167-70697410.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Vladthere's actually decent alternatives to premiere out there, photoshop i'd almost say gimp but the interface needs a little tweaking08:41
Vladmainly 'coz people are used to pshop08:41
wastreland the name is a fucking dealbreaker08:41
=== ealden [~ealden@ipdial-189-113.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelpardon my language08:41
mojocthufuego: I'm very experienced with Win, Linux, Spam Removal, Install/troubleshooting hardware, and I'm pursuing Telecommunication degree rite now, can u consider accept me to work for u in this summer holiday?08:41
wastrelbut no business is going to deploy a product named "gimp"08:41
wastrelno large business anyway08:41
Vladlol you could always sell it that 'can be used by gimps'08:41
brianyea you dont want "made with gimp" on the bottom of ur images :/ sounds...08:41
mojowastrel: correct, I still hate GIMP, compared to Adobe PS, GIMP is a like s***08:42
=== ealden [~ealden@ipdial-189-113.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelwell i've never used adobe ps.  i rather like the gimp, despite the name08:42
wastrelnot that i do much image stuff :] 08:43
brian"pimp" photo image manipulator project sounds better08:43
Vladcan i go back to cams.  I also have a veo webcam that works with the ibmcam driver but lacks scaling.. any ideas?08:43
Vladif i reduce the cam iimage size, it just crops the output08:43
cthulfuegoThe main problem with Gimp is total lack of Pantone support08:43
Vladi thought they had a pantone plugin08:43
cthulfuegothey do?08:43
Vladi saw a thread relating to it08:43
Vladcoiuld be wrong..hope not though, lol08:44
Vladprobably seeing as it's a TM'd name08:44
cthulfuegowell, I've already paid for PS <heh>08:44
=== ealden [~ealden@ipdial-189-113.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vladi had a couple more questions about ubuntu if that's ok08:45
cthulfuegoknock yerself out08:45
=== Vince-0 [~Linux_roo@nps-ip-nas-1-p133.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
=== ealden [~ealden@ipdial-189-113.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu
Vladi take it then it'll be just like running debian?  or do they have a different type of file install/upgrade process?08:45
wastrelno it's apt08:46
Vladi'm familiar with debian too, so it would be handy08:46
cthulfuegoNo, just use apt-get, dselect, apatitude or synaptic.08:46
Vladah ok, done that route so that's ok08:46
wastrelso apt-get, synaptic, aptitude, dpkg, dselect08:46
cthulfuegoaptitude even08:46
cthulfuegoThe only difference is the url's in sources.list08:46
Vladuse synaptic with fedora.. so much better08:46
Vladok cool08:46
=== r_orrego [~r_orrego@] has joined #ubuntu
=== ealden [~ealden@ipdial-189-113.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== cthulfuego did a change from Debian unstable to Ubuntu Unstable (whatever) by changing sources.list and reinstalling packages a couple of hours ago.
brianwww.ubuntuguide.org everything essential for ubuntu08:47
Vladand how about running cedega, i've not looked if it's supported but presume the debian offering is ok?08:48
Vladthe only thing i got back to windows for is games these days08:48
briandpkg install cedega like deb08:49
stuNNeddoes apt-cache policy only work on installed packages?08:49
Vladalthough i work for nintendo so ibecoming a console freak08:49
cthulfuegoVlad: Dunno, amd64 here, no cedega for me08:49
wastrelstuNNed: no it should work on anything08:49
Vladgreat, so no excuse to run wondows now08:49
stuNNedwastrel, thanks mate08:49
Vladit won't do the 64 dance :( damn08:50
Vladi won't be upgrading for a bit then (hardware)08:50
brianis this the official ubuntu channel?08:51
wastrelcalendar and to-do list application?08:51
wastrelwhat's your favorite (besides evo)08:51
Vladgoing back to someone mentioning a nvidia issue, is it better to stick with my ati h/w if i'm using ubuntu?08:51
pipelineATI drivers are pure shit.08:52
Vladhmmm i think evo is the only one i used!08:52
pipelinenVidia drivers are a pain in the ass, but they work most of the time.08:52
Vladhaha ati drivers have always been shite08:52
=== BrettMeister [~brett@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
Vladeven when they went to catalyst08:52
pipelineUh, I think you mistake the meaning of "pure shit" in this context.08:52
=== Phobos [~phobos@ip216-239-84-208.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vladi had a 64mb VIVO when it first came out... took 12 months before it was really *useful*08:52
BrettMeisterAnyone here be willing to send a reliable install disk to me?08:52
briannvidia works perfectly here, just when i remove load dri and glcore it crashes so i left those08:52
pipelineVlad: We're talking roughly 10% of the performance you'll get in windows.  On a good day.  With geometry problems.08:52
=== twstd3bc [~twstd3bc@node-423a4afa.sna.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== aethera [~jeanre@196-47-6-31.access.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelpipeline: is that why tuxracer is so weird on my system08:53
Vladouch, 10%? i'll forfeit the new cards for a bit then08:53
pipelinewastrel: Very possibly.08:53
pipelinenvidia's linux drivers are crap08:53
pipelineATi's are just unusable.08:53
=== mantas [~mantas@] has joined #ubuntu
twstd3bcwhere can i download PPC kernels?  the kernel.org kernels don't allow you to select the right subarchitecture.08:54
Vladtuxracer varies per card.  ati 7200 smooth, 9200, i get out of sunch frames08:54
=== BrettMeister [~brett@dialup-] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
wastreli'm happy enough that pymol works well08:54
Vladsunch = synch08:54
alka_trashpipeline: my nvidia card works great08:54
=== cthulfuego has a 5700FX, which works absolutely fine.
Vladwhat nvidia model is it?08:54
pipelineVlad: With the 7200 and 9200, you can use open source drivers, which, while slow, are far, far, far better than the ATi binary drivers.08:54
Vladi grabbed aa 9200 ati as it was on sale for $4008:54
Vlad128meg.. nice cheap for the 2nd computer08:55
pipelinealka_trash: hahah, whatever. The nvidia drivers are unstable garbage and everyone knows it perfectly well.08:55
alka_trashmine is a 4200 TI with 128m08:55
cthulfuegoANd yes, the ATI 9600+ drivers are crap, which is why I went nvidia.08:55
alka_trashpipeline: what card do you suggest to use then08:55
wastreli have 9600 mobility in my lappy - tuxracer is freaky bad08:55
Vladok pipeline, so if ati and nvidia ar eno good, wuggestions?08:55
pipelineMy suggestion is that you give up and pick up a vendor supported OS.  Buy Sun or something.08:55
Vladcrap i cant type, it's chilly08:55
pipelineYou're damned if you do and fucked if you don't.08:55
wastrelis this also why i get screen corruption sometimes waking up from suspend?08:55
brianwell i think he was exxagerating the nvidia case08:56
=== cthulfuego has a Radeom U1 in his laptop, which does 3D via Xorg these days.
wastrelor coming back to X from console08:56
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alka_trashI think the pipeline is on DRUGS08:56
Vladyou get that weird startup issue with xorg where is doesn't clear the screen garbage from the previous exit?08:56
wastrelVlad: i'm in xfree08:57
brianoh ubuntu is a xfree distro08:57
alka_trashwhat's next AMD is unstable and Intel is crap?08:57
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Vladwell i kna agree with pipe but only in a win vs nix issue.  you either go with the 'supported' os or you suffer the issues08:57
aetheramount /dev/hde1 /mnt/raid1 -o rw,user08:57
aetheraseems correct?08:57
wastrelbrian: warty is xfree hoary xorg08:57
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brianoh i thought ubuntu was commited to xfree08:58
briannvm then08:58
Vladany of you guys do nix for a living then?08:58
alka_trashI set up for a kiosk at work :)08:59
aetheraVlad: I do08:59
alka_trashIt was my only way of sneaking it in08:59
Vladi did a search on dice.com for jobs on the west coast (US) last week, more returns on nix positions than win...i'm feeling happy ;)09:00
brianumm who was it i was asking bout the wacom before? i got kernel headers and wacom source ? where do i lok for instructions for compiling or how do i?09:00
alka_trashit's funny the users don't even know it's not windows09:00
aetherabrian: google :P09:00
Vladyea i worked for a streaming video company before nintendo...got them to put in a nix server to use alongside the win servers and they loved it09:00
alka_trashI even went as far as using a windows Internet Explorer icon09:01
Vladnow that's what i ant to do..streaming vid for the home in nix09:01
Vladsorry, bad typing tonight09:01
aetheraI wrote a server in php09:01
aetherafor music streaming09:01
Vladflaming cold here09:01
Vladi gave up writing shit and stck with darwin09:02
Vladi'm not about to reinvent the wheel, just run it more open source ;)09:02
aetheraits was 10 lines of code09:02
Vladlol, sweet09:02
Vladthe only coding i did was a front end for the tv stations and selection of streaming movies/audio09:03
alka_trashnice, did u start a project page on freshmeat09:03
aetherabrb goto reboot09:03
aetheraurg nop09:03
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Vladbrb meself, gotta empty the floodgates09:03
aetheraalka_trash: no it was for another company09:03
notdenizenfabbione, are you around ?09:03
aetheraits was copyright09:03
briani have a 386 kernel do i get 386 or 686 headers?09:03
wastrel386 yo09:04
aetheraI was almost sarcastic09:04
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alka_trashso when is xorg going to start using nvidia,ati to speed up things?09:04
cthulfuegoVlad: vlc09:04
gabaugbrian: if you have a 686 machine, you can upgrade to the 686 kernel, though09:04
cthulfuegoalka_trash: it is.09:04
froustso when is ati going to start using linux to speed up things?09:04
=== froust waits patiently.
alka_trashthat's that then  :)09:04
cthulfuegoalka_trash: I'm using Xorg on my nvidia card with drop shadows and transparency.09:05
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Vladyea using vlc but they don't have loop functions for single item stream09:05
alka_trashdo you have to enable that in xorg.conf09:05
notdenizenlinux-patch-ubuntu-2.6.10_2.6.10-8_all.deb   <- are these the patches required to make 2.6.10 play nice with wine ?09:05
Vladfor vls anyway09:05
cthulfuegoVlad: it's GPL, add it and submit a patch ;-)09:05
Vladhaha yea i should09:05
cthulfuegoalka_trash: yes.09:05
=== MacPlusG3 [~stewart@c211-28-166-127.eburwd2.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
alka_trashcthulfuego:  what do I have need to add?09:06
cthulfuegoalka_trash: But ubuntu (as opposed to debian) has precompiled nvidia kernel modules.09:06
Vladit would'nt be that hard really but honestly, they are fantastic coders and i think if it could be done within their current code, it would have09:06
cthulfuegoalka_trash: http://incubator.vislab.usyd.edu.au/roller/page/Steve/2004090909:06
alka_trashcthulfuego: awesome thanks09:06
cthulfuegoalka_trash: After you install xserver-xorg, just make the changes that page lists.09:07
Vladso all u guys from the US in here?09:07
cthulfuegoVlad: No!09:07
wastreli'm in US09:07
alka_trashcthulfuego: I can't use hoary's xorg? :(09:07
brianahh found 686 image09:07
cthulfuegoVlad: take that back or I'll spal you!09:07
Vladlmfao, hold on there!09:07
cthulfuegoalka_trash: Yes, you sure can (as long as you're on hoary)09:07
Vladi'm in seattle but only by 4 years09:07
Vladfrom the UK09:08
alka_trashgreat, finished with that ( I'm in hoary )09:08
cthulfuegoOnly 4 years to make you retarded and assume everyone else is a yank? ;-)09:08
cthulfuegoalka_trash: Then just add in the Extensions block on xorg.conf09:08
notdenizenis anyone running 2.6.10 and wine succesfully ?09:08
gabaugCanonical is UK based, no?09:08
Vladhaha, nope but i have enough trouble with my family in the UK...it's a long story but this time of night, i assume only yanks online09:08
alka_trashcthulfuego: okay  :)09:08
froustgabaug: yup09:09
froust<--- canadian09:09
cthulfuegoVlad: it's only 7pm in Australia09:09
froustI was born in Australia09:09
Vladi'm actually looking forward to coming home... seems like more nix jobs in europe these days09:09
cthulfuegoand europe will be waking up and going online09:09
Vladack sorry, i don't even think of oz :09:09
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TTilusVlad: US?  no, been once though09:09
Vladi kinda like it here when i talk to the right people09:10
=== cthulfuego needs to go and feed his adopted cats
Vladit's certainly not like the tv that's for sure, lol09:10
Vladbut hen the uk from here is still living the 1920's09:10
Vladtv is an awful influence the world over09:10
cthulfuegoVlad: Depends on where you go. When i was in LA, there really were cops pullings cars over and waving guns around.09:10
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cthulfuegoVlad: And in Buffalo some people DO have cabinets full of guns in their houses, and proudly say they could kill someone at 150m.09:11
wastreli've never been to LA or Seattle09:11
Vladok but that still doesn't mean anything.  i could go to a couple of places in london and see guns floating around09:11
wastrelor buffalo09:11
david__aethera, I'm back09:11
=== cthulfuego doesn't even want to START explaing how wrong that is
Vladthat's becasue buffaolo is in the deep south... those inbreds are fucking loons09:12
Vladpardon me french09:12
cthulfuegoVlad: South? it's on the canadian border.09:12
wastrelVlad: buffalo new york?09:12
=== alka_trash [~homer@c-67-166-91-212.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vladno, buffalo texas09:12
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Vladhaha, yea sorry there are a ton of places with the same name here09:12
alka_trashcthulfuego: thanks, so what did I just do?09:12
=== cthulfuego did a round the worlsd trip and visted friends in NY and PA. Coming from AU you kinda need to go through LAX, so we stopped there for 3 days too.
mikael_I i can't install synaptic cause it says that libapt-pkg can't be installed because it chooses apt instead? But i can't uninstall apt just to get synaptic to work can i ?09:13
alka_trashcthulfuego: I added that section to xorg and restarted Xorg09:13
cthulfuegoalka_trash: You just installed xorg and enabled the drop shadow extension.09:13
cthulfuegoalka_trash: Run 'xcompmgr -c'09:13
VladI did a road trip through LA, vegas and san fran... don't see the fuss really09:13
Vladfew shootings here in seattle but mostly gangs09:13
Vladliek i say, you know where not to go09:13
cthulfuegoThat said, there was a car chase and shooting in melbourne the day before yesterday <heh>09:14
TTilusmikael_: what is "it" which says?09:14
mikael_TTilus, would you mind explaining what you just said ?09:14
Vladwe're moving to san fran in september for a couple of years while the wife is at university. then hopefully back home to europe09:14
cthulfuegoVlad: I can say I have never visited and will never voluntarily visit whilst alive, Planet Texas.09:14
Vladlol, yes texas is a strange planet indeed09:14
Vladhighest rate of the death penalty09:15
TTilusmikael_: what was the thing that said to you libapt-pkg can't be installed because it chooses apt instead"?09:15
Vladanyway, we won't get into politics09:15
mikael_TTilus, well ... apt when i tried installing libapt-pkg09:15
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Vladso where u from then?09:15
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wastreli went to a wedding in austin... pretty nice town.09:16
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=== cthulfuego is dutch, met his wife wife via the net in '92 at uni, moved to australia in '97 and got married there 6 months later.
Vladmost of the us major cities are quite nice but if you're not 'normal' don't stay long09:16
TTilusmikael_: are you trying to say that apt and synaptic conflict?09:16
Vladthat's cool, i hear oz is a great place to live09:16
cthulfuegoThat it is.09:17
mikael_TTilus, well no .. it choices the "apt" package over "libapt-pkg" and therefore i can't install synaptic09:17
TTilusmikael_: I _do_ have both running...09:17
Vladit was my first choice to go from the UK but it's really difficult to get there now... you guys think we are staying for life!09:17
cthulfuegomelbourne weather can be crap (45C and windy or cold & wet) but it's a beautiful city wioth LOTS of good cheap food everywhere :-)09:17
froustAnyone know the status of the ATI drivers?09:17
mikael_Because libapt-pkg is a depency to synaptic ..09:17
Vlad45C?  i hope you mean F09:17
cthulfuegoVlad: No, C.09:18
Vladthat's hot09:18
cthulfuegoVlad: We get ot northern winds coming from the desert a few times a year. and it gets up to 45C max on days like that.09:18
Vladit's 20c here right now09:18
wastrelit's -2 c here09:18
cthulfuegofeel slike about the same here atm09:18
bj_im drunk09:18
Vladi'm looking forward to living in Cali, it's 60F there right now09:19
Vladfed up of rain09:19
wastrelheh vlad that's about normal for sf/bay area09:19
Vlad33 year old and between living in south UK and Seattle, not had a month without rain09:19
TTilusmikael_: I seem to have libapt-pkg-dev -doc and -perl, no libapt-pkg09:19
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Vladyea wastrel i know, that's one of the reason i'm moving!@09:19
cthulfuegoVlad: You'd have LOVED melbourne last year. Record drought :-)09:19
mikael_TTilus, hmm strange09:20
wastrelyou will see less rain tho they've had a ton lately09:20
Vladsweet, but i hear the aussie not too hot on having the brits stay too long ;)09:20
=== hilloki [~hilloki@adsl-69-107-139-181.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vladi used to have a few oz friends back in the UK, great guys and know how to party09:21
hillokii have some problems can someone please help me09:21
Vladafter the clubs it was 'so where can we dust our knucles', lol09:21
Vladsorry hilloki, what's up?09:21
Vladcthulfuego is your best bet in here09:22
TTilusmikael_: warty or hoary?  what do you have in your sources.list?09:22
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hillokiwell im running xorg right now , when i reboot it fails to load the nvidia module and i have to reinstall "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-2-686" to get xorg to work again09:22
hillokiand im running hoary09:23
Vladanything in the logs?09:25
Vladto indicate what's failing09:25
hillokiwell when it outputs info on the screen after xorg crashes it says faild to load nvidia module09:26
hillokiwhen i say reinstall i mean "sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-restricted-modules-2.6.10-2-686"09:27
TTilusmikael_: my apt package replaces libapt-pkg-doc and -dev09:30
hillokiim looking in the xorg log and it also says "Failed to load module GLcore"09:31
TTilusmikael_: and running warty here09:31
TTilushilloki: before or after failing nvidia?09:32
TTilus(just to get the causality...)09:32
TTilus(...or possibility of...)09:32
hillokiafter i installed linux-restricted-modules and reboot xorg crashes09:33
aetherawhy do I always help the sillist people09:34
aetheratrying to teach my gf how to use linux09:35
hillokinvidia fails after glcore09:35
TTilusaethera: more like s/linux/computer ?09:35
Vladiaethera, she can't be as bad as my mother-in-law09:36
TTilusVlad: gf = she ?!  (am i missing something...)09:37
aetheranah she does know how to use a pc09:37
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aetherashe wants to compile Gaim from source!!!!!09:37
aetherastupid slacware bitches09:37
Vladhaha, at leastshe's on the right lines09:38
Vladbetter thsan a package guru09:38
Vlad"i'm a nix expert see.....pkg_add blahblah"09:38
TTilusVlad: oops... now I got what I was missing09:38
Vladlol, guess you did TTilus09:39
TTilus(grandfather or girlfriend...  what's the difference...)09:39
Vladdepends if he's any good09:39
aetheraok goto do some work for a change09:40
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hillokidid you guys forget about me? :(09:40
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aetherahahah developing a online video shop09:41
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Vladhey let m know how the vid shop goes.. i'd love to see the code09:41
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aetheraVlad: :>09:41
Vladunless it's (C)09:41
aetheragonna be doing css styles today09:41
aetheraVlad: gonna be in php09:41
froustmmm php09:42
Vladnice, i've done a bit 'o that09:42
froustI gotta learn that someday09:42
froustanyone know where i can d/l firefox icons/09:42
Vladvoted the best laguage in 2004 dunno why though09:42
david__aethera:when you get the time could you contact me either by email or through xchat - thanks09:42
Vladfrom the f/f site09:42
froustjust the icons?09:42
Vladfrom the f/f site09:42
=== twstd3bc [~twstd3bc@node-423a4afa.sna.onnet.us.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vlador right click-->save as09:43
TTilusVlad: a better question would be _who_ voted...09:43
Vladlol yea right09:43
twstd3bcis anyone using a powerpc 2.6.10 kernel?09:43
Vladnope :(09:43
TTilus(Vlad is anyone...)09:44
Vladnope, i'm EVERYONE, lol09:44
Vladjust speaking for myself09:44
TTilustwstd3bc: twisted python?09:44
Vladusing a 486 here and 2x1ghz athlons09:44
twstd3bctwisted cubic09:45
TTilustoo bad09:45
twstd3bci just installed ubuntu on a 300MHz Imac-- it's totally amazing09:46
hillokianyone know of any good apt repositories?09:46
aetheradavid__: yip09:47
twstd3bcbut i have a wireless usb adapter that needs kernel 2.6.1009:47
Vlad3000 imac?  sweet09:47
aetheraguys can you help david__ out while I am busy quick09:47
aetherahe is trying to mount a hdd so that a user can read the data09:47
froustanyone know how i can make icons for my usb drive and cdrom show up on my desktop when they're mounted?09:48
Vladwhat you got so far?09:48
david__Vlad: hi, but I think that you might regret this :)09:48
aetherais there anygood css design tools for linux09:48
Vladhow you mounting them froust?09:48
froustthey automount usually09:48
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Vladdunno about design tools, know of some plugins for firefox though09:48
froustbut i want to make the icons show up on desktop09:49
aetheraVlad: I will comment as I see stuff posted09:49
aetherafroust: put them in /etc/fstab09:49
aetheraI think bluefish is the best in my case09:49
david__Vlad: I have a silcon pci 0680 raid card with 1x 160gig hdd and 80 gig hdd can't read either09:49
Vladbluefish is cool if you like to hand-code09:49
aetheradavid__: it reads as root09:50
aetherajust not as your user09:50
aetherawe have been trough this before09:50
Vladdavid, sorry don't know much about raid :(09:50
froustcdrom is in fstab09:50
david__ok, I'm dumb, but hey you can't have evrything, I need a good book09:50
stuNNedtwstd3bc, there is 2.6.10 in hoary afaik, you can try and backport it to warty09:51
twstd3bcstuNNed:  where do i get it?  do i have to do something special in synaptic/09:51
stuNNedtwstd3bc, not really sure, there is backports project for warty http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/ you can put in a request for kernel 2.6.10, i'll second it since from what i hear 2.6.10 is best 2.6 yet09:52
Vladi know it's probably a daft question but does everyone in here use ubuntu, or you running other systems too?09:52
=== melazyboy [~melazyboy@tx-65-41-67-185.dyn.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
jkkai am using 2.6.1009:52
stuNNedVlad, other systems as well here09:52
jkkafrom hoary09:53
stuNNedjkka, how so?09:53
jkkain warty :)09:53
stuNNedjkka, lol09:53
Vladok thx, just wanted to make sure09:53
david__I have just started (yesterday) using ubuntu on this drive, but normally I use win 2k09:53
jkkai wanted to try it out, if it would fix my problem09:53
stuNNedVlad, ubuntu, gentoo, and seldom used winxp on laptop that is dual boot with warty09:53
Vladi'm not running uubuntu yet (mostly BSD here) but am using 3 other linux distro's on the other pc's09:54
david__I was shown this yesterday and was so impressed put it on my spare hdd, but I am having problems09:54
stuNNedjkka, so you just downloaded it and installed the .deb manually?09:54
Vladi was using gentoo but to be honest, although i love compiling, i hate the time it takes to get a gentoo system on the go09:54
=== stuNNed learned alot with gentoo
jkkanope, i used the hoary repository for just that09:55
jkkaonly the kernel and kernel modules09:55
stuNNedjkka, ah ok then09:55
stuNNedjkka,  so temporarily used hoary then disabled that repo?09:55
Vladh i agree, i learned a TON with gentoo, it's just my spare tiem is limited and i really don't want to spend it compiling09:55
Vladh = oh09:55
twstd3bcstuNNed: thx, i will investigate09:55
Vladeven a stage 3 takes a while09:56
froustgentoo looks interesting, but the whole compiling thing scares me09:56
jkkastuNNed: yes09:56
Vladactually froust, it's a great way to learn09:56
Vladjsut take forever09:56
Vladi usually compile from sources for my BSD systems09:56
froustwhat's the advantage of compiling from source?09:57
Vladyou get to choose what goes on09:57
calcfroust: it uses your spare time you don't know what to do with09:57
Vladprocessor, included options etc.09:57
Vlade.g: in freebsd, if i use the port of php, it doesn't include the mysql stuff with it09:58
melazyboyI have this friend who has a computer of mine on his network, but torrents are eating all of his upload this is pitifull its so bad its rendering ssh useless09:58
Vladcompiling the port, i can include it09:58
david__can anyone suggest where I can get some information on linux and how to get to grips with it, hopefully written for idiots09:58
Vladsorry, i meant the package 1st time09:58
Vladlinux for dummies09:59
Vladi suggest using mandrake or fedora if you're a complete n00b09:59
MobyTurbodavid__, "Running Linux" from O'Reilly09:59
melazyboydavid__: What type of know-how are you looking to get, are you into non-gui elements of linux? or do you want to know how a window manager like gnome or kde differs from explorer?09:59
Vladonly becaus ei've not tried this distro yet ;)10:00
calcubuntu is much easier to use imho than rpm based ones10:00
knghtbrdVlad: I wouldn't10:00
Vladi've only had bad crap happen with rpms10:00
melazyboyI would suggest never trying a .rpm distro because you will ammount to anything except an agrivated newb if you do =/10:00
Vladbut i usually put that down to just me10:00
stuNNedjkka, thanks for the info, going to try that on the laptop, as anything ubuntu kernel 2.6.8 or less my modem is borked10:01
MobyTurboVlad, Ubuntu is newbie-friendly. May I suggest to stop reccomending other distros than Ubuntu at least until you have tried it.10:01
knghtbrdVlad: Fedora has too many things that only work on Fedora, and then not always.10:01
Vladi don't agree with the rpm bit.  if you want a basic system that 'looks' like windows.. feora or mandrake is perfect10:01
froustVlad: I've used mandrake and fedora10:01
froustand ubuntu is by far easier10:01
VladMoby, that's why i put 'not tried this distro'10:02
Vladsame to froust10:02
melazyboythere is nothing 'perfect' about mandrake10:02
Vladdid i say perfect?10:02
MobyTurboVlad, then you aren't qualified to comment, at least on the #ubuntu channel.10:02
melazyboyVlad: yes, you did10:02
knghtbrdUbuntu isn't too bad10:02
knghtbrdit has the basic assumption all Linux dists have: you can figure out how to partition a drive10:03
Vladdude, he asked for a comment and i gave it.  i also put in i hadn't tried this distro, so others could comment10:03
knghtbrdbeyond that, it is pretty much automatic10:03
Vladsaee that's a point, not many desktop users know how to partition properly10:03
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knghtbrdthere are rough edges, but a user doesn't see them10:03
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micahfdoes anyone know why my keyboard won't work when I run the install disk for ubuntu?10:04
micahfI'm on a mac10:04
Vladand i didn't mean perfect system10:04
froustvlad: i commented :)10:04
Vladi said if they were looking for a windows alternative, madrake and fedora were perfiect10:04
micahfit boots right in to linux, but then when the blue install screen comes up, I can't move anything10:04
Vladmicahf, you using a usb k/b?10:05
micahfit works fine with gentoo and debian disks10:05
=== knghtbrd upgraded to hoary this afternoon, looks like network stuff isn't working quite right, haven't sorted that out yet
micahfbut I don't want them10:05
micahfgentoo has to compile everything from scratch10:06
david__sorry folks was looking on the net, just loaded ubuntu and have general problems, like I don't know what the hell I'm doing this is so different from windows10:06
micahfscratch = source10:06
micahfand debian needs like 9 cds10:06
Vladi had the same issue with fedora until i changed the kernel version... maybye the ubuntu gurus can answer how to change kernel versions10:06
micahffor the live cd?10:06
MobyTurbodavid__, what in specific do you need help with?10:06
melazyboyVlad: but there not mandrake is a horrable distro that brings nothing to the table, it holds no advantages anymore almost what so ever, granted it has a few utilities that work decent with kde, but they don't rival that of say SUSE with SAX2, and fedora is a devel distro thats cracked up with hype and isn't even all that user friendly10:07
Vladi'm using a hp usb k/b and it didnt' like earlier kernel versions10:07
david__I would like to use this at work so really need to get my head around it10:07
calcmicahf: file a bug about the issue and it might be able to be corrected for the next install update10:07
hillokiis anyone using xcompmgr ?10:07
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MobyTurbodavid__, what sort of information do you need us to give you?10:08
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zAo^morning all10:08
Vlad"Vlad: but there not mandrake is a horrable distro that brings nothing to the table"  sorry but that's just crap.  mandrake is the best bet for people coming dtraight from windows.  it's build off redhat and autodetects stuff that most other ditros can't10:08
MobyTurboVlad, my USB keyboard works fine with all Ubuntu kernel versions.10:08
Vladanf again i emphasise that i've not used ubuntu yet10:09
VladMoby, is it a hp k/b10:09
micahfyea mobyturbo, but mine doesn't10:09
MobyTurboVlad, yes.10:09
froustvlad: you should10:09
Vladthewn you'r eone up on me because mine won't work yet10:09
micahfmy apple usb k/b10:09
MobyTurbomicahf, I understand that - unfortunately I don't know much about the ppc platform.10:09
Vladsorry about the typing :(10:09
Vladmicahf, which kernel version you trying?10:10
MobyTurboVlad, Ubuntu uses 2.6 kernels, which support USB keyboards quite well. (This support has been in kernel versions since 2.4)10:10
david__mobyturbo: anything that help me to get to grips with all the mount and stuff10:11
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mojo_hellooooo peeeeeple... I got a <hope> simple </hope> question...  How do I make Nautilus open to the same window by default, as opposed to always opening new windows as items are selected.  Peace/Thx10:12
MobyTurbodavid__, what are you trying to do with mount?10:12
melazyboydavid__: Mount isn't that difficult, google for fstab, and mount, and you will know what you need to know10:12
VladMoby, there is an issue with hp multimedia k/b, i know this firsthand using one :(10:13
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cthulfuegohilloki: I am.10:13
MobyTurbodavid__, when you google, you might want to use the special google Linux page http://www.google.com/linux10:13
melazyboydavid__: fstab can be thought of like a bookmark for mount, in the sense that you add it once and can then access it with the mount point, in addition it will mount automagically unless given noauto option10:13
MobyTurboVlad, I have a Hewlett Packard computer with a USB keyboard that includes multimedia buttons.10:14
david__right, I can't see two of my hdd's which are on a raid card, I could see them when I used the live cd, but when I installed I haven't been able to see them in computer, one drive has loads of music on which I want to see if I can get music player to recognise10:14
knghtbrdah, problem identified (or at least localised)10:14
Vladis it the internet k/b10:14
MobyTurboVlad, it does say "internet" at the top10:14
knghtbrdI still have a 2.6.8 kernel from last night's warty install,10:15
Vladno, not the internet name,m it has to be the 'model'10:15
MobyTurboVlad, and has several buttons for bringing up IE10:15
Vladit's programmable and that causes an issue with some kernels10:15
MobyTurboVlad, if it's a problem with old kernels then this isn't a problem with Ubuntu since Ubuntu uses a very recent kernel.10:15
Vladi didn't say old kernels10:16
Vladmine works with 2.410:16
Vladnothing else10:16
MobyTurboVlad, incidentally, mine is programmable, hp sent me a patch that changed it from launching lycos to launching netscape.com10:16
Vlad2.6 it won't even recognise10:16
Vladi use a usb to ps/210:16
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Vladyou only get 2 options moby?10:17
MobyTurboVlad, well, the only way you'll find out if Ubuntu works on your system is if you try it. Your warning people not to use ubuntu on #ubuntu is getting to be quite annoying.10:17
VladMoby back off, i'm NOT telling them NOT to use it10:17
david__melazyboy: hi when I did manage to mount the drives with aetheras help when I tried to open the drive it said that I didn't have the right permissions or wasn't the owner10:17
Vladi'm comparing kernel issues10:17
MobyTurboVlad, you are warning them of problems that you don't know if they exist or not.10:18
Vladwhich is distro independant10:18
froustcan't we all just get along?10:18
stuNNedVlad, MobyTurbo: sheesh :P10:18
Vladno, the hp k/b issue is documented on the hp site10:18
MobyTurboVlad, for which kernel?10:18
melazyboydavid__: Was it a fat32 drive?10:18
MobyTurbouname -r10:18
Vladyes we can get along!10:18
david__no ntfs10:18
melazyboydavid__: you can't write to ntfs in linux10:19
VladMoby, he said he had problems, i told him i had a similar situation.... not dissing this ditro at all, can't you see that10:19
david__oh bloody hell10:19
melazyboydavid__: You can only read, and modify a file (if it doesn't entail changing its size -- ie a 10byte file must stay exactly 10bytes)10:19
david__no one told me that until now10:19
Vladi'll be trying this distro tomorrow and i'll tell you if i have the same issue10:19
paulproteusdavid__: NTFS read works; NTFS write does not.10:20
MobyTurboVlad, OK. In the meantime, please stop giving people advice to use other distros.10:20
Vladi WASN'T10:20
froustdifferent strokes for different folks10:20
melazyboydavid__: You should know the ONLY partition type that can be read by both windows and linux is the vfat, or fat32 -- other versions of fat will also work but are depreciated.10:20
Vladi was teling them what worked with the k/b from what i used so far10:20
david__ok I shall have to take this drive out go back to windows and try to do something about this10:21
VladNTFS is unpredictable... go to ther site ;)  if i say more, i'll get beaten on by Movy10:21
MobyTurboVlad, no, this NTFS problem exists on all distros, and you've been accurate.10:22
Vladlol thanks10:22
Vladit's a case that MS won't open the code10:22
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Vlada shame reallly10:22
david__what a surprise :(10:22
stuNNedntfs is very complex fs, hard to reverse engineer afaik10:22
cthulfuegoSo is spaghetti.10:23
Vladexactly but why reverse engineer. you should co-operate with the community then you'll ge more backing10:23
mkerbyI've got a problem with my sound and KDE.10:23
david__I know I'm tring to work out how to save all the data so that I can convert the drive back to fat3210:23
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MobyTurboVlad, I don't think Microsoft will be co-operating with the Linux community anytime soon. :)10:23
Vladspaghetti is just too complex to code, i suggest you visit another planet10:23
mkerbyI've got a Soundblaster Audigy Platinum soundcard.10:24
melazyboystuNNed: Thats is correct, above and beyond just being a complex file system, it has a complex database that keeps tracks of the files, and the calls to it are equally complex -- i was reading a paper about it and it was pretty far over my head, i don't think linux will ever have native support for writing to ntfs10:24
Vladtrue Moby but considering theirt roots lie in nix coding, i think they'll come around at some point10:24
mkerbyEverytime I try to install KDE the sound goes out.It possibly breaks the driver.10:24
knghtbrdbah, I need a better kernel mirror10:24
mkerbyIs there anything I can do?10:24
knghtbrd638k/s, depressing10:24
Vladhwo do you mean'sound goes out'10:24
melazyboymkerby are you using OSS or ALSA?10:25
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=== knghtbrd gets, once again, no sympathy ;)
Vladlol boy knows what i was going to ask10:25
mkerbyI use alsa.10:25
mkerbyWhen I install KDE I have no sound after that.10:25
MobyTurboVlad, Linux is Microsoft's competition, and in what way, barring the XENIX product they sold to SCO twenty years ago, is Microsoft a Unix shop?10:25
knghtbrdum, does Ubuntu use any typical patches to its kernels I should know about?10:25
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: Just the debian ones I think.10:26
Vladi never said that, i just said that they started that way and at some point they'll nbedd to come full circle....or they'll die out10:26
melazyboymkerby: try 'dd count=5 bs=1024 if/dev/urandom | aplay' to test alsa10:26
knghtbrdcthulfuego: well crap, I couldn't even get Debian to patch its kernel to work with ATA100 back in the day.  That's why I stopped USING Debian.  ;)10:26
Vladand nix isn't competition at the moment, except on the server front10:27
melazyboymkerby: try 'dd count=5 bs=1024 if=/dev/urandom | aplay' to test alsa10:27
knghtbrd(Does woody's kernel support ATA100 after 3 years?)10:27
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: What controller?10:27
MobyTurboVlad, Microsoft can't become a commercial Unix shop. All of the i386 Unix shops have literally gone out of business except for SCO, which is basically a litigation company now.10:27
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: Woody's 2.4 kernels have for YEARS10:27
knghtbrdcthulfuego: any, 2.4.18 lacked the support10:27
stuNNedmelazyboy, any clue if two soundcards can use the same /dev/dsp?10:27
melazyboymkerby: try 'dd count=5 bs=1024 if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/dsp" to test OSS, you might also want to check your sound mixer with alsamixer10:27
knghtbrdcthulfuego: they wouldn't apply the 2.4.19-pre1 patch for the woody boot CDs10:27
froustsudo really bothered me at first, but it's actually kinda nice now10:27
MobyTurbowell, there's also Solaris x86...10:27
melazyboystuNNed: To my knowledge, no.10:27
VladMoby you'r emissing the point... i don't suggest they do but unless they embrace a more open source community, they'll die out10:28
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cthulfuegoknghtbrd: No, they don't upgrade kernels in woody. Ever.10:28
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: They backport features.10:28
lukaszhi everyone10:28
knghtbrdcthulfuego: I protested this a month before woody's release.  Woody shipped without the IDE patch.10:28
melazyboystuNNed: i only say that because how would you be able to target a sound card if you did such a thing?10:28
VladSCO can kiss my ass, they won't score any points in the courts10:28
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cthulfuegoknghtbrd: Well, these days you just install a newer keenel on woody, eh?10:28
lukaszcan some one help me10:28
stuNNedmelazyboy, ok then so if two soundcards installed then have to tell program to use either dsp or dsp1?10:29
lukaszcan somee one hel plz?10:29
knghtbrdcthulfuego: chicken/egg10:29
melazyboystuNNed: not to say that you could have /dev/dspX point to /dev/dsp to have two sound cards play the same thing, but i doubt thats the effect your going for10:29
MobyTurbolukasz, just ask10:29
knghtbrdcthulfuego: how do you install a new kernel if the install CD doesn't see your HD?10:29
Vladlukasz, someone will i fyou state your issue10:29
mojo_got my answer on nautilus config... gconf!10:29
mikael_I'm trying to install synaptic but that isnt possible cause it doesnt want to install  libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.3 because it choices apt instead. But therefore synpatic can'10:29
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mikael_can't be installed10:29
cthulfuegoknghtbrd: It's not impossible to compile a new kernel on a box with "only" UDMA6610:29
lukaszwhere can i make my own website for freee10:29
Vladrun your own web server10:29
knghtbrdcthulfuego: unless you haven't got one handy10:29
lukaszwhere can i make my own website10:30
Vladyou want a howto?10:30
pipelineThis will not end well.10:30
stuNNedmelazyboy, basically use one sound card for certain apps and another for other apps, one using optical out, one using analog out10:30
Vladi'll dig up some links for you10:30
hillokicthulfuego: how did you get xcompmgr? did you compile?10:30
melazyboystuNNed: That would agree with what i would assume, either the program or the sound daimon10:30
Vladwhat do you have st up now?10:30
knghtbrdcthulfuego: I happened to, though, and since woody's installer sucked anyway, I upgraded my potato installer to use 2.4.19-pre1 and to unpack a woody system instead of potato10:30
lukasznothing i want to make my own website10:31
linuxboywhen I apt-get upgrade from the security tree... It leaves the packages for the kernel behind, why is that?10:31
lukaszbut free10:31
mkerbymelazyboy, I tried those. It didn't recognize if/dev/urandom10:31
stuNNedmelazyboy, so could have, say, all /dev/dsp* point to /dev/dsp?10:31
knghtbrdmy potato installer was basically an automated version of Gentoo's install instructions  ;)10:31
stuNNedmelazyboy, symlink?10:31
melazyboystuNNed: You might want to ask an esound, or artsd guru about that, it would apply to very few people10:31
stuNNedmelazyboy, ok thanks!10:31
lukaszVlad: did you find any10:32
MobyTurbolinuxboy, include linux-386 (or linux-686, -k7, etc.)10:32
melazyboystuNNed: You could but then i would assume both cards would play the same sound at the same time, or your computer could explode knocking out every major city -- never tried it =/10:32
melazyboymkerby: its if=/dev/urandom10:32
MobyTurbolinuxboy, rather, apt-get that.10:32
Vladlukasz, you got paache running yet?10:32
lukaszwhat patch?10:33
Vladpaache = apache10:33
lukaszwhats apache10:33
Vladwhat OS you running?10:33
MobyTurbolukasz, apache is the most popular webserver, and it runs on Linux10:33
melazyboylukasz: most stable, secure and fastest web server ever10:33
stuNNedmelazyboy, asking in #alsa :)10:33
lukaszhow can i make a website on that server10:33
mkerbyI ran alsamixer. All looks fine.10:34
mkerbymelazyboy, I tried that too with a similar result.10:34
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mkerbyIt just doesn't like /dev/urandom at all.10:35
linuxboyMobyTurbo: will the kernel install fine? Is there a reason why it didnt include it?10:35
lukaszhow do i make website on apache10:35
melazyboymkerby: So your not getting any sound at all. and you tried both of those commands i gave you, and when you use alsaconf to check mixer settings they are all turned up to 80%10:35
melazyboymkerby: you should have /dev/urandom, all distros should have it enabled10:36
melazyboylukasz: thats question is to broad, its like saying 'how does a computer work'10:36
MobyTurbolinuxboy, apt by default does not install kernel upgrades. apt-getting linux-### is a kludge, it has a dependency on the kernel and pulls it down.10:36
Vladactually apache isn't the most secure, but it's the most widely used ;)10:37
mkerbymelazyboy, yes.10:38
mkerbyWhen I try to look for /dev/urandom I get command not found.10:39
mkerbyI'm a real newbie, BTW10:39
linuxboyIf I want a new FireFox for my warty, where should I get it from? Hoary?10:39
stuNNedlinuxboy, backports: http://ubuntu-bp.sourceforge.net/10:40
melazyboymkerby type this 'type /etc/init.d/urandom'10:41
linuxboystuNNed: whats a backport?10:41
melazyboylinuxboy: Yes hoary.10:41
MobyTurbolinuxboy, an adaptation of a package for a later version to an earlier one.10:42
re-mindIs it necessary to burn a cd with ubuntu to install it? cant i install it from the harddrive?10:42
melazyboylinuxboy: edit /etc/apt/sources.list change warty to hoary in the non-source listing, issue an apt-get update, and then apt-get install mozilla-firefox, change your listing back to warty, and issue another apt-get update10:42
MobyTurbolinuxboy, it's not a good idea to mix hoary and warty, and hoary is buggy and not for novice-use.10:42
stuNNedmelazyboy, can i do the same for 2.6.10 kernel in hoary?10:42
melazyboyre-mind: are you running linux?10:42
re-mindmelazyboy, nope.. win10:43
melazyboystuNNed: yes, you can10:43
stuNNedmelazyboy, then what is the purpose of backports then? that seems much easier.10:43
MobyTurbomelazyboy, with pinning you don't need to do that, but in general such mixing isn't safe, even with pinning.10:43
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tuppagdm couldn't start once I just did a dist-upgrade on hoary10:44
mkerbymelazyboy, I got "/etc/init.d/urandom is /etc/init.d/urandom10:44
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melazyboyre-mind: Then its impossible to my knowledge, you would need to restart to write over you mdb, windows nt/2k/xp won't allow you to do that10:44
tuppagconfd complained something about scim, I did a apt-get --purge remove .*scim.*, then start gdm again, no problems10:44
MobyTurbostuNNed, the purpose of backports is to provide a safe route to install hoary packages in warty.10:44
Vladwow,never been kicked from an irc before10:44
re-mindmelazyboy, okay. thx10:45
stuNNedMobyTurbo, thought so.10:45
linuxboyMobyTurbo: whats a backport? how does it work?10:45
bob2I do hope the backport people have some sort of plan for people who migrate to hoary10:46
MobyTurbolinuxboy, the backports are later versions of software, compiled with the older version's libraries and dependencies.10:46
MobyTurbobob2, yeah, that's the drawback of backports.10:46
melazyboymkerby: Excellent type '/etc/init.d/urandom start'10:46
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linuxboyMobyTurbo: so, a firefox backport is a new version of FF for ubuntu?10:46
melazyboyor just '/etc/init.d/urandom'10:47
MobyTurbolinuxboy, a firefox backport from hoary is a new version of ff for warty Ubuntu.10:47
linuxboyMobyTurbo: oic10:47
stuNNedbob2, right now it seems the list of software is pretty short, at least what i've installed here from backports, could probably follow the downgrade guide on the wiki to get back to official warty, no?10:47
melazyboyVlad: What makes you say apache isn't the most secure?10:48
bob2stuNNed: yeah10:48
bob2stuNNed: but it's being recommended to random newbies who won't be able to manage that by themselves10:48
stuNNedbob2, ah ok, i'll shut up then :)10:49
melazyboyVlad: Im not able to think of any other web server that has lived up to the tests of apache -- which generally speaking has issued no critical bugs for version 1.3 in the like the past 5years, and 2.0 hasn't issued one in the past 2yearish10:49
MobyTurbobob2, they won't be able to manage hoary by themselves either.10:49
mkerbymelazyboy, it says it's initializing the random number generator, whatever that means.10:49
Vladthere's been a lot of recorded hacks to apache.  i believe iirc that zeus is the most *secure* but as i din;t use it fulltime i can' tcommant on that10:49
melazyboymkerby: It means its starting, what should have already been started. =/10:49
bob2MobyTurbo: sure, but whn hoary becomes stable and they all start upgrading...10:49
spacey_kiVlad, lot of hacks are because of server side scripting i think, like php mess10:50
Vladi use apache2 and have been hacked a couple of times10:50
melazyboyVlad: I can't think of any 'hacks' to apache only the insecure modules that run ontop of it10:50
Vladthat's true, but there are ways to prevent that type of hacking10:50
mkerbymelazyboy, I'm sorry to be an idiot, but what does this thing do?10:50
spacey_kiits not that hard to crack a site with flaky php scripts and no additional security measures10:50
MobyTurbobob2, backports are certainly safer than mixing hoary and warty packages as has been suggested as the alternative.10:50
Vladoh i agree but still, apache is the backend, so it should be able to intercept the attacks at the very least10:51
spacey_kiVlad, maybe you should lookinto mod_security10:51
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melazyboymkerby: There is a little chip on your computer there generates random numbers based on its core temperature and time (afaik) that enables linux to read it so we can spew it out to your sound card and test for static10:51
bob2MobyTurbo: yeah, true10:51
spacey_kithat will help a little10:51
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Vladalready running it ;)10:51
Vladyes it does help but i'v estill been hacked10:51
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spacey_kiVlad, then run grsec with strict ACL's for apache10:52
melazyboymkerby: In doing so we bypass the sound daemon and the decoding processes and can obtain a true test with as few unknowns as possible10:52
spacey_kithat way the apache user doesn't have any unneeded rights10:52
Vladonly time i knew it was when my web page had changes too10:52
mkerbymelazyboy, that's good.10:52
mkerbyWhat should I do now?10:52
Vladi'll look into the strict ACL's.. thanks for the tip10:52
melazyboymkerby: type head /dev/urandom, if it screws up your terminal after spewing abunch of crap type 'reset', and come back here and tell me it works10:53
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spacey_kiVlad, www.grsecurity.net is easy, also www.rsbac.org exists, and you have some posix acl extensions,10:53
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Vladthanks spacey, that's a great help10:53
spacey_kiVlad, i would recommend grsec, it also includes other security patches, and is quite easy10:54
Vladis it only for apache?10:54
spacey_kiits not for apache10:54
spacey_kiits for the system/kernel10:54
mkerbymelazyboy, I guess it worked because I certainly did get a lot of crap :)10:54
spacey_kibut that will help apache security a lot:)10:54
melazyboymkerby now try those two lines i sent you before =D10:54
Vladi usually like to try out differnent servers, so that'll help10:54
Vladi loe apache but as it's so popular, it's becoming a big target10:55
Vladloe = love10:55
melazyboyVlad: ... so?10:55
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spacey_kiVlad, because its popular people keep an better eye on its security.10:56
Vladnot true, i see windows as having the biggest security flaws but it's popular10:56
melazyboyso your making the statment that apache is becomming a big target because its popular, seems like a silly statement10:56
Vladsilly? not really. people hack what is the most widely used10:57
spacey_kiVlad, windows is closed, so not much anyone can do besides MS10:57
Vladyou disagree with that?10:57
melazyboyVlad: So why don't they just hack the iptables and fuck over the whole linux server community?10:57
spacey_kiunpopular projects might not have a lot of known exploits however its probably easier for an experienced person te find exploits in it.10:57
Vladthis is true but for a hacker it's always gets more limelight to get soem of the big fish10:58
spacey_kiVlad, if you configured grsec correctly even apache exploits wont matter much, so dont worry ;)10:58
Vladok i won;t then  :)10:58
MobyTurboif popularity was the only metric for security, then apache would be less secure than the less popular webserver MS IIS. It isn't.10:58
Vladactually Moby it's on a par10:58
mkerbymelazyboy, both times I got "5+0 records in 5+0 records out..."10:59
Vlada hacker can gain acess in the same time to IIS10:59
melazyboymkerby: Any sound?10:59
mkerbymelazyboy, yes. Brief static.10:59
melazyboymkerby: Excelent, see your sound works!10:59
Vladlike spacey said, it's how you as an admin, cover your tracks11:00
melazyboymkerby: Try turning up the volume..11:00
mkerbymelazyboy, I'm glad. I just hope it works if I install KDE...11:00
Vladi dodn't know about grsec, so hopefully that'll cover me a little better11:00
mkerbymelazyboy, volume is up.11:00
=== lupus_ [~lupus@dD5E03FB3.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
melazyboyVlad: your opinions suck, nothing is less secure because it is more popular there is no corelation between popularity and security; your arguement is moot.11:02
=== Snipes420 [~Miranda@d199-126-59-177.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vlader not really11:02
=== wezzer [~antti@a80-186-32-207.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
MobyTurboVlad, there are significant architectural faults in Windows that will always mean that it's less secure with any Unix.11:02
VladMS owns over 95% of the desktop market, logistically, it WILL be mor einsecure11:03
bob2no, that doesn't follow at all11:03
nevynMobyTurbo: I'd disagree. linux in a number of ways has more attack vectors than windows.11:04
melazyboyVlad: Apache is for all intensive purposes with no modules is as close to 'inhackable' as can be achieved. its open source, 50,000 people have their eyes on it, and no one is seeing anything, no records of active bugs, no critical improvements in design can be made11:04
VladMoby I agree, but this was an apache and IIS issue, apache has less issues than windows but that DOESN'T make it less insecure11:04
bob2they have, say, 20 times time the revenue of the entire linux indsutry, they should be able to spend far more on security11:04
TerminXit's insecure because "security through obscurity" doesn't work, it being popular only affects how fast issues are found, not how secure it is as a whole11:04
bob2yes, exactly11:04
TerminXand in the OSS world, more popularity = more issues found = more patches = more secure11:05
=== TerminX doesn't understand why this conversation is even taking place
Vladok i gove you this metaphor then11:05
TerminXit revolves around such obvious points11:05
Vladwhy ar ethere more bad women drivers int eh the world11:05
bob2Vlad: do you have statistics to show that?11:05
MobyTurboTerminX, the reason why this conversation is taking place is because Vlad is a troll.11:05
bob2or is this "argument by analogy with bad stereotypes"?11:05
melazyboyVlad: omfg what a stupid claim MS owns over 95% of the market so their products will be more insecure, what does MS market share have to do with their programming style, using your same rediciolus arguement, linux has less people looking at it because less people use it and the hackers are distracted with windows, therefore one can only conclude that the mass of the bugs in linux are yet to be discovered11:05
Vladbob2, look at apahe's webiste.  i don't say they'r e not he most secure. but they have EQUAL amount of security patches by their own admission11:06
bob2Vlad: ok11:06
TerminXVlad: I wasn't aware that stupidity (resulting in bad driving) was at all gender specific.  You seem to be pulling it off just fine, by your logic does that make you female?11:06
Vlad? you're missing the point11:07
Vladmore women dont mean women are bad drivers11:07
bob2Vlad: please go away11:07
=== thepoch [~thepoch@cable-202-8-229-54.d-one.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vladit means that statistically there are more bad women driver11:07
bob2Vlad: go away11:07
=== b_e_n_z [~b_e_n_z@vp160244.kln.uac1.hknet.com] has joined #ubuntu
TerminXindeed, go away11:08
melazyboyVlad: go away11:08
bob2this is a) off-topic and b) stupid11:08
Vladwhy go away?  if you can't compete against an argument that's fine11:08
bob2no, your argument is moronic11:08
Vladi never started the argument11:08
bob2which is why I'd like you to leave11:08
bob2then yo're welcome to drop it and stay11:08
TerminXI thought idiocy was more of a disability than an argument, personally11:08
=== TerminX shrugs
=== Tomcat_ [Tomcat@pD95E685D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vladwhat argument?  this was all about apache being 'the most secure system'11:09
Vladwhich it's not11:09
bob2cool, thanks11:09
melazyboyyour opinions are a) rediciolus b) falacies of equivocation, because more = more, does not mean windows has more users and therefor more bugs are found.11:09
bob2melazyboy: thanks for dropping it, too11:09
Vlader bugs?11:09
mkerbyVlad, I've got to leave soon and I'm curious. What *is* the most secure system?11:10
Vladi sai dthat STATISTICALLY, because the market share is greater, of course there will be mor eissues11:10
bob2thanks for dropping it gyus11:10
Vladso far the best system i found was openBSD11:10
mkerbyThanks, Vlad.11:11
Vladbut i am open to argument on that11:11
TerminXbob2: consider it dropped from my end11:11
bob2thank you, I appreciate it11:11
melazyboybob2: And mine 23:09 Ignoring ALL from vlad11:11
Vladlol thanks11:11
bob2try #advocacy or #fanboygirling or something11:12
Vlad*yawn* dude if you'r ereally not into someone else conversation that's fine11:12
melazyboyor #stupidopinions11:12
Vladuh huh11:13
=== Frossi [~Frossi@ZYYKMMMLXXI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mkerbyI've got to go. Thanks for all the help. Goodnight11:13
melazyboyyou guys hear about the #python11:13
melazyboythat amuses me11:13
melazyboyas my friend tells me, they had a problem with over population of irc rooms, so they imployed a sophesticated system of admin bots, to kick users from #python to #python2, and so of coarse #python became the place for all of the 'cool kids' to hang out who had seniority and what not and #python2 became a newb channel, well as time went by of coarse #python became full of bots, and now #python2 suffered the same problems as #python, 11:15
melazyboythat amuses me.11:16
=== androxxl_ [~androxxl@BSN-77-231-104.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2managing large IRC channels is hard11:16
melazyboyI bet the bots are written in perl11:16
bob2#ubuntu'll eventually hit a wall, too11:16
=== Zertox [~Zertox@21-118.a2f.dsl.net4all.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zertoxhey all11:17
Vladhi zertox11:17
melazyboybob2, yea but it seems silly to draw an random line on the number of users, i mean using idle time as a kick factor would make alot more sense if that was their problem, or just banning people from #python-legit to #python-kids, where the ban stick was pulled out for non-python discussion in #python-legit11:18
Zertoxdownloading ubuntu to try it for the first time :)11:18
bob2melazyboy: idle time as a kick factor is silly, since htere's no cost to having silent people in a room11:18
Vladme too, will be installing tomorrow11:18
=== Tsjoklate [~Tsjoklat@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
Zertoxill be installing it in 15 mins or so.  i messed up my gentoo and i realy dont fel like waiting another 24 hours for everything to be compiled11:19
=== derJunior [~derJunior@pD952F323.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vladlol i was saying the same earlier.... i left gentoo becasue i never saw the point in long compilers11:19
melazyboybob2 their complaint was the roomlisting being too large, im guessing it might have interfered with tabbed completion, you would need to type 3 letters =/11:19
bob2melazyboy: they need better IRC clients then11:20
bob2irssi takes into account both people who have talked and people you've talked to when tab-completing11:20
melazyboybob2: Im a big fan of irssi myself using it now11:20
Zertoxi hope the amd64 version is a bit up to date Or i'll have alot of work (might be good) to help maintain it :)11:21
bob2it's as up to date as the other two ports11:21
Zertoxgood :)11:22
melazyboybob2: seems silly though, i mean i would think it would be easier to compile a list of off topic keywords, and ban on them instead maybe post to a fourm and have people vote on wheither or not to ban11:22
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Zertox10 minutes remaining :)11:22
=== spiral [~spiral@lafilaire-4-82-224-249-43.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
bob2melazyboy: autobanning is terrible, too11:22
=== warty [~warty@dsl-80-42-181-198.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #ubuntu
bob2and letting people vote on banning requires people to be sane human beings on IRC11:23
melazyboyseems like a much lesser evil than segmenting rooms11:23
melazyboybob2: a little misanthropic are we?11:23
bob2melazyboy: no, I just think IRC brings out the absolute worst in people11:24
Vladzertox, let me know how the v64 goes.  a couple people bitching about it earlier, so i'm not upgrading the h/w until i know it's worthwhile11:24
wartymelazyby: David here,  I have just rebooted the machine with the live cd and guess what I can access my raid drives, why can't I do this on the installed version11:24
bob2maybe you're missing a module on the installed one?11:24
melazyboywarty: what type of raid, software or hardware?11:25
wartysilicon pci 0680 raid card ultra ata 13311:25
bob2so it's software-in-a-kernel-module raid11:26
wartyyeh maybe, but11:27
melazyboywarty: Don't knwo whats happening, it could be a myriad of things11:27
wartywhy can the drives be easily read through the live cd and not the installation?11:27
bob2probably because it's missing a module11:27
bob2compare the module lists11:27
wartywell thats a bit dumb, anyone got any ideas?11:28
melazyboywarty: I would assume that you would need to load the module for that card however i don't know what it is or if its working if it is loaded11:28
bob2warty: try asking on the list11:28
melazyboywarty: I would suggesting doing what bob2 suggested, cat /etc/modules on both11:28
wartyok so how do I compare the live vs the installation11:28
bob2melazyboy: no11:28
bob2run 'lsmod' on both11:28
wartyhave you agreed then?11:29
melazyboybob2 has the better idea =/11:29
melazyboyim working on this horrid perl script my head is going to explode sorry =/11:29
wartyok I shall go and play and if its ok I shall get back to you11:29
cthulfuegoThat's probably the siimage driver.11:30
cthulfuegoI suggest you use that in IDE mode with kernel 'md' raid on top.11:31
=== DaNewB [~DaNewB@modemcable075.26-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
wartycthulfuego: thanks for the help, but I'm very new to linux and this is all a bit confusing at the moment I always need direct instructions11:34
cthulfuegowarty: if you have 2 drives, simply select 'RAID Setup 'in the installer (partitioning stage)11:34
bob2note that this will make you lose all data on thos disks11:35
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=== Chimp [~chatzilla@c-24-18-46-195.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chimpsup biatches11:36
=== si_ [~si@33.194-201-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Chimpwoz down wit da U in the C then?11:37
wartycan't afford to loose any data there's my whole album collection on one drive11:37
Chimpyo warty, you bangin the strums on the 46's yeah?11:37
bob2Chimp: please?11:37
Chimpi got most of 'em man, no where u at11:38
=== Snipes420 [~Miranda@d199-126-59-177.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Chimpyo the bob, sup nigga11:38
Chimpyou want me 33ing ya no the babby man?11:38
cthulfuegoChimp: I think the language used here is english.11:38
Chimpi'm down wiht it dog11:38
=== pmfp [~pmfp@c-9a84e253.021-2015-7570701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
neofeedis there an easy font-install tool for ubuntu?11:40
cthulfuegoneofeed: apt-get install?11:40
neofeedwould be best if it would check if fonts are broken beforehand11:40
cthulfuegoneofeed: You can just dump fonts in the TrueType directory11:40
neofeedcthulfuego, dun tell me apt got my font-colelctions.11:40
pmfpjust so you guys know, apt-get dist-upgrade still caughs on apt-get dist-upgrade from Warthog to Hoary, when hitting the python stuff - dependancy conflicts. apt-get -f install solves it, but I guess normal users won't want or know to run that in the middle of the upgrade11:41
cthulfuegoneofeed: No,it has basic fonts. But you can simply add your own.11:41
neofeedcthulfuego, yep I know .. but I have two problems: a) those are around 6000 fonts. yes a six with thee o's. b) some of them are borken, c) most of them do not have their correct font-name - that sucks.11:41
cthulfuegoneofeed: Pick the ones you'll actually use, copy them across.11:42
pmfpAnd many fonts can't use italics or bold, or sometimes not at the same time :(11:42
ChimpI'm down with that, got me 77 on the fly for a pretty 11. diggin it?11:42
neofeedcthulfuego, yep. But would be nice if I could get a list of my fonts. and simply drag and drop them into the 'currently available fonts' section and back11:43
cthulfuegoneofeed: Yah, I don't think there are font managers for X as of yet.11:43
cthulfuegoAs more people will start using Linux for DTP, probably someone will write something.11:44
Chimpcthulfuego dawg, hittin the z's on this tag man 'http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~luc/xsoftware.html'11:45
Chimpgettin all the x fonts you dige, vendi?11:45
Chimpy'allright know it11:45
TerminXChimp: hey Vlad, remember when everyone got tired of you being an asshat half an hour ago?  I bet everyone is getting tired of it again11:46
Chimpsuppin mad dog?11:47
=== souki [~souki@menilmontant-7-82-226-68-125.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu []
DaNewBIs there a HOW-TO about Wine installation/setup on Ubuntu website/wiki? Cant find any..11:48
bob2ah, the same IP as Vlad, I'm a little slow today11:48
bob2just install 'wine' and 'winesetuptk' and run the latter11:51
DaNewBbob2, thanks!11:51
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DaNewBbob2, weird.. how come when I select both 'wine then 'winesetuptk' in Synaptic, it deselects 'wine11:54
bob2I don't know11:54
bob2are you using just ubuntu?11:54
DaNewBbob2, sure11:54
ChimpOR....wine on ubuntu official install : http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb11:54
Chimpgettin jiggy wid it11:54
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melazyboyanyone in here good with law?12:09
wartyonly employment law (UK)12:09
Chimp2 years junior barrister if that's any help12:10
melazyboyhrm what im needing advice on, im just curious if my employeer had grounds for terminating me12:10
ChimpUS law12:10
wartychimp: u surprise me after all that weird rap talk12:10
Chimpwhat were the reasons12:10
bob2melazyboy: talk to a lawyer12:10
darksatanicPossibly more important is what legal system? :)12:10
bob2warty: Chimp is trolling again12:10
=== Durakus [~chatzilla@c-24-2-94-9.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Durakushow much space does ubuntu take?12:11
bob21.8GB by default12:11
Durakusthank you12:11
Chimplegal system is mostly similar in europe to Uk and AUS12:11
Chimpwhat grounds for dismissal?12:11
wartymelazyboy: if its uk law there is such a thing as constructrive dismissal12:11
Durakuswhat would be a good size partition for it?12:11
Durakusto give it room to work12:12
bob2that's reasonable12:12
Durakuswould you say its over doing it?12:12
linux_mafiaDurakus, depends what youre doing12:13
melazyboyI was put into a newly created posisition for the purpose of finding solutions to the problems and finding new faster methods of getting the job done, after i had identified the problem i made a perl script to solve it and every step of the way my manager and my superviser was informed of my progress, they ended up terminating me for downloading the perl engine -- a needed tool for the task of solving the problem at hand12:13
DurakusI wanna dual boot my computer12:13
Durakusgot a partition for windows12:13
Durakuswanna make a second for ubuntu12:13
Durakusi wanna eventually completly converte12:13
Chimpno grounds for termination on download the engine at all12:13
Chimpcite the license12:14
linux_mafiaDurakus, for a single user setup, to explore ubuntu as a desktop distro, id say 10GB is plenty12:14
DaNewBDurakus, 10 gigs including swap and all?12:14
wartyyou may have a problem if you didn't specifically ask permission to d/l in particular if it is written in their policies and procedures12:14
Durakusno just to play with it once i actually switch over i got a 30 gig partition12:14
melazyboyIt seemed rather random and fishy but their reasoning was because i downloaded the perl engine without approval from the IT dept i was in the wrong and after having an employee review wherein i was called 'the model employee' i was terminated. my program increased productivity ~600% for the task and did so while solving the problem they where having12:14
Durakusty for the information guys12:14
Chimpwarty, that's only applicable if it's (C) software12:14
Chimpperl isn't12:15
=== Br|ce_ [~brice@daknet.org] has joined #ubuntu
Chimp,el;azy, did iyou get written confirmation of dismissal?12:15
Chimpmelazy even :/12:15
=== Br|ce_ is now known as Br|ce
wartyyes but company regulations are different for each company, if they specifically state no d/l then you don't have a leg to stand on12:15
darksatanicmelazyboy: If it's against the company's IT policy to download software, then they may have a point.12:15
bob2melazyboy: talk to a lawyer12:15
darksatanicmelazyboy: However, it could be argued that the dismissal was excessive.12:16
darksatanicTalk to a lawyer.12:16
bob2melazyboy: getting legal advice on IRC is about #1 on the list of stupid things to do12:16
darksatanicI can probably think of more stupid things, but not many. :)12:16
melazyboyno, they they gave me an exit interview verbally told me i was being released for violating computer policy and then escorted me out after having me sign papers saying if i had anything that belonged to the company i would give it back12:16
=== titus_ [~titus@ppp-99.net-701.magic.fr] has joined #ubuntu
wartyyou could also claim that what you did was correct if you fixed the problem, therefore terminating your employment is illegal and damn right immoral12:16
wartygot to go12:16
Chimpthen i concur if it was company policy not to download, then you don't have a case12:17
melazyboyjoin the ranks of the ignored. Ignoring ALL from bob2.12:17
bob2um, whatever12:17
HappyFoolbob2: what, getting medical advice is #2 ? ;)12:18
DaNewBtitus_, hello :)12:18
HappyFoolanabolic steroids am good12:18
Chimpmelazy, you need to be able to PROVE that downloading 3rd party is not prohibited in your company then you'd have a case12:18
HappyFoolis normal to have to add snd-pcm-oss to /etc/modules ? i've got a missing /dev/dsp, and sound ain't working. not helluva sure how i screwed this up12:19
=== boomer [~max@dsl-084-056-139-182.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
melazyboyChimp texas is a 'work at will' state, even if i could prove that would it be a case if i coulden't link it to some type of segragation12:19
Chimplol ah dear old texas12:19
aetheramy is from a much worse place12:20
Chimpmelazy, it's not a segregation case.  if they don't have a software d/l policy, you can sue them to kingdom come12:20
Chimpif they DO, then it's just a learning experience on your part12:21
bob2sorry, I mispoke.  #1 is legal advice from a bsd troll.12:21
Chimpi guess i would be the bsd troll ;)12:21
bob2_d4vid: go away12:22
DaNewB_d4vid, what's that?12:22
=== FireEgl [Ariel@Ariel.Atlantica.US] has joined #Ubuntu
bob2it's stupid warez12:22
DaNewBoh >:(12:22
Chimplinks to a software that's now open source ;)12:23
Chimptry http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/12:23
Chimpbetter to get it from the OEM12:23
DaNewBanyways, im loyal to Linux :)12:24
=== Ivy6Quaff [~Sir@c906300c.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Chimpgood for you.  I'm loyal to all nix12:24
Chimp[refer freebsd at the moment though12:24
pipelineall nix? hahah12:24
Chimptrying out this dostro tonight12:24
Chimpoooo the pipe spoke!12:25
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Chimpso melazy, didi your company have a 'no d/l' policy?12:26
pipelineoh wow12:27
pipelineI want a solaris 10 box now.12:27
=== pavkonti [~pavkonti@] has joined #ubuntu
Chimpit's quite nice but only if you have the hardwar efor it12:27
Chimpi jus tdipped into fedora chat, they're bitching like some of you guys12:27
pipelineI mean, I want a solaris 10 box.  Like the cardboard one it comes in.12:27
Chimplol yeah, pshopped quite nice12:28
pipelineThe box design is markedly different from previous releases.12:28
jkkai just got 10 ubuntu cd "boxes"12:28
klaymjkka: good for you12:28
jkkanot for me12:29
klaymfor whom then12:29
Chimpucuntu have boxes???12:29
jkkagood for 10 lucky ppl whos going to get ubuntu installed12:29
Chimpoops ubuntu12:29
pipelineUbuntu will send you a CD for free.12:29
Chimpcoffee coaster?12:29
pipelineI've seen a photo of it coming in a nice box.12:29
bob2if you order more than N, you get a display box12:30
pmfpso here's a question: who pays for Ubuntu's fat ass connection which is never slow?12:30
Chimpsorry but to remain viable you need to get some sort of recumerbence12:30
jkkait include both live-cd and installer cd12:30
bob2X is like 2012:30
bob2pmfp: Canonical12:30
bob2Chimp: that's not a word12:30
pmfpbob2: aha12:30
Chimpyes it is , i just thought of it12:30
bob2that's nice12:31
MobyTurboChimp, Mark Shuttleworth is worth hundreds of millions of dollars from his sale of Thwate to Verisign. He owns Canonical12:31
knghtbrdhmm, there are a few minor niggles I have with Ubuntu, but even a couple of years removed from Linux (and longer from Debian), I had no trouble fixing them12:31
bob2knghtbrd: e.g.?12:31
knghtbrdexample, gdm at runlevel 2..  I moved it to 3 and changed inittab to match12:31
bob2knghtbrd: er12:32
bob2knghtbrd: aren't you a DD?12:32
Chimpi'm missing the point moby?12:32
knghtbrdbob2: was.12:32
knghtbrdI left Debian a few years ago12:32
Chimpi know who both parties are and the guy but the point?12:32
MobyTurboChimp, your point was that no way ubuntu could afford to do what it does without someone paying for it. Mark Shuttleworth is paying for it.12:32
pmfp"When I found the power and economic efficiency of Windows to be overpowering"12:32
Chimpah ok... thenm SOMEONE  *IS* paying for it12:32
bob2knghtbrd: 2-5 are identical in Debian (and ubuntu)...if you don't want gdm to run, rm it from /etc/rc2.d12:32
bob2Chimp: er, of course, they're not magically appearing out of nowhere12:33
knghtbrdbob2: yes12:33
knghtbrdbob2: it was quickly fixable, but this change would have been good to make by default12:34
aetherahaha I finised the css for the online video store12:34
DaNewBSynek, good morning12:34
=== gusto_ [~gusto@dsl59-177.firstmile.no] has joined #ubuntu
knghtbrdit's not Debian's way, but Debian isn't always right  ;)12:34
Chimplol yeah but that was the point somone was inclining that you get something for nothing12:34
bob2knghtbrd: but why did you change from 2 to 3?12:34
Chimpwhcih of course you don't12:34
bob2Chimp: you do get something for nothing12:34
bob2Chimp: Canonical will send cds to people who ask for them12:34
Chimpno you don't.  the good nix packs end up costing12:34
knghtbrdbob2: because I want a graphical boot by default, with a text boot when necessary12:34
Chimpin the end12:34
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jdubChimp: shipit.ubuntu.com12:35
Chimpit used to be free but for example look at mandrake12:35
SynekI've tried to mount a ufs with -t ufs -o ufstype=44bsd, but it didn't work12:35
jdubalso, www.ubuntu.com, read the whole front page.12:35
Chimpall free until it decided that to continue it NEEDED backing12:35
SynekThere is a bsd slice on /dev/hda212:35
Chimpand before you bitch at the flamer, i used to pay monthly subs to mandrake12:35
bob2Chimp: please stop talking crap12:35
pipelineChimp: Mandrake was always a retail product for a commercial venture.  Putting up ISO's for download was just a form of advertising.12:36
Chimpbob2, seriously i'm not.  you don't get something for nothing.  you need to get your support cash from somwhere12:36
njs12345how well can I expect Ubuntu to work with my tablet PC?12:36
bob2knghtbrd: right, but why would you change the default runlevel then?12:36
pipelineChimp: Also, it's always sucked.  I had the first U.S. release of a boxed-product Mandrake and RH5.  I bet you can guess which one I used.12:36
jdubChimp: read www.ubuntu.com12:36
bob2Chimp: yes, you are12:36
Chimppipe, the point is, you USED to be able to get it for free12:36
bob2Chimp: read the website please12:36
Chimpok i will12:37
pmfpChimp: the end user gets something for very little, an expectation to install it, though not a demand12:37
pipelineI think a better example would be Progeny12:37
pipelineI expect Canonical to end the same way Progeny did, too.12:37
DaNewBpipeline, and what way is that?12:37
pipelineAnother Redhat support company in a shitbucket town in the middle of nowhere, because office space is cheap.12:37
Chimppmfp with that i don't disagree buy you hit the nail on the head... it's always SOMETHING12:38
bob2pipeline: to be fair, we don't have an office at all atm12:38
pmfpChimp: TANSTAFL ;)12:38
Chimplol surprising i can actually understand that ;)12:39
knghtbrdbob2: because runlevel 1 doesn't start the system and runlevel 2 has no gdm..12:39
bob2knghtbrd: runlevel 2 and 3 are identical in ubuntu and debian, and 2 is the default12:39
Chimpi did read the front page bob2 and i think it's great.  i'm saying that if things are to remain viable, it can't always be free12:39
knghtbrdbob2: changing the runlevel and removing gdm from 2 means I have 3 levels to start at: single-user, text, and graphical12:40
Chimpthere's a ton of free distro's out there but they don't last long.  this one looks good so i hope it does12:40
bob2knghtbrd: ok, I'm just wondering why you changed the default runlevel at all12:40
jdubChimp: that's the commitment we've made. we will not charge for the distribution.12:40
Tsjoklatepipeline.. Canonical is not in my town so they must not be in a shyte town12:40
bob2Chimp: it would be great if you could stop speculating on things you know nothing about12:40
MobyTurboChimp, the person who's backing it is so rich that he paid money to take a ride in the international space station as a tourist. It will take some time for Canonical to be broke, if it ever hpapens.12:40
jdubpmfp, Chimp: perhaps you need to learn about complements.12:40
bob2Chimp: there is a commitment to give it away for ever12:40
knghtbrdbob2: I wanted the text boot option, but it's not the option I usually want, that's all12:40
pmfpjdub: don't bring me in to this :)12:41
bob2knghtbrd: so delete gdm from rc2 :)12:41
ChimpI never knew mark shuttleworth was a SS tourist12:41
MobyTurboChimp, yep12:41
Chimpthey kept that one quiet ;)12:41
knghtbrdbob2: I did, and I changed inittab to start in 3 by default12:41
MobyTurboChimp, actually that's what he's most famous as to non-techies.12:41
bob2knghtbrd: er, 'delete it from rc3'12:41
Chimpthen that's great, really.  the nix community NEEDS that type of backing12:41
MobyTurboChimp, the first African (white South African) in outer space.12:41
jdubpmfp: you seem to think you understand the business model, so i was answering your supposition.12:42
Chimplol moby i don't need converting into racial issues ;)12:42
knghtbrdI could have done that, but that seemed weirder to me12:42
pipelinebob2: Eh, you're not as much a product of dotcom excess, eh?12:42
MobyTurboChimp, I wasn't trying to do that.12:42
Chimpand bob2 i'm honestly not specualting about shit i don't know about.  i'm always worried about the long term backing of 'free' os's12:43
bob2pipeline: work from home = pants optional12:43
jdubpipeline: we're a product of dotcom success, and fiercely post-dotcom.12:43
bob2'nuff said12:43
pmfpjdub: get off your high horse, I wrote two lines about this: TANSTAFL and that you get an expectation to install it if you order a cd, otherwise it wouldn't be offered, not a demand. Now, I have not said that Ubuntu can't remain free12:43
bob2Chimp: you keep making claims which people who know what is going on disagree with12:43
smurfixChimp: It's simply not THAT important to those people actually working on Ubuntu. (Not to me, anyway...) But I think the experience gives him a unique perspective which Ubuntulinux benefits from.12:43
jdubpmfp: going the way of progeny, etc. your words. :)12:43
pmfpjdub: I have not written that12:44
pmfpjdub: check the log12:44
Chimper no actually bob2.  i'm just saying look at the history of things.  money talks12:44
jdubpmfp: that was pipeline, sorry12:44
pmfpjdub: np12:44
Chimpfor nix to become the main player, it needs that kind of kudos in the business place12:44
linuxboyChimp: Ubuntu is backed by Mark Shuttleworth.... hes loaded with cash12:44
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Zertoxis it normal that i have 129 new packages when i upgrade from warty to hoary?12:45
njs12345Zertox: yes12:45
MobyTurboZertox, that low?12:45
Chimp:/ yes fine, now i know that this version ogf nix won't be cash dependant ;)12:45
Tsjoklateconversation is: a) of topic and b) rather unpleasant12:45
njs12345MobyTurbo: I was thinking the same thing :P12:45
Zertoxbeen a long time that i used a non "compile everything from source" distro :)12:45
pipelineI think you're all doomed :|12:46
njs12345Zertox: were you using Gentoo before? me too :)12:46
jdubTsjoklate: unfortunately, it is on topic (which is why i haven't said it yet), but it is pretty pointless.12:46
bob2pipeline: have some faith12:46
Tsjoklatejdub: we'll keep it to b than :)12:46
ChimpI'm still waiting for something my granny can use....whether it be nix or windows i don't really care as log as it works and holds good ethics12:46
ajmitchconsidering the recent popularity it wouldn't take too long to be self-sufficient12:46
jdubpipeline: consider the calibre of people who joined. unlikely that they'd do so if they didn't have some confidence in the strategy. we all remember dotcom failures.12:46
knghtbrdbob2: basically, this change, while less Debianish, seemed more appropriate.  It's not a big deal, not what most people would want, and something that anyone who would want knows how to do.12:47
njs12345Chimp: I reckon my granny could use Ubuntu, as long as I'd set it up12:47
njs12345and my grandparents are pretty non-techie12:47
=== Tsjoklate is now known as Tsjoklat
njs12345unfortunately, my parents don't share my view :P12:47
pmfpis the Ubuntu installer based on the new Debian one?12:47
bob2knghtbrd: sure, was just curious about why you did it that way, but fair enough12:47
bob2pmfp: yes12:47
knghtbrdbob2: bigger issue are the recommended packages that don't exist in Ubuntu..  "recommended" in Debian terms strictly means you really really want it unless you really really know what you're doing.12:47
njs12345pmfp: yes, I think so12:47
bob2pmfp: s/based on/is with minor mods/12:47
knghtbrdI realize in the age of apt, that has changed a bit12:48
=== ajmitch should check if the warty live cd supports lvm nicely
Chimpnjs but that was a point i made earlier.  while i'm no win advocate, unless the nix community makes a plug n play desktop, then it won't really become the mainstream defacto12:48
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knghtbrdbut only because apt lacked a front-end other than dselect to properly enforce recommends.12:48
klaymold people are stupid to the excess of writing their google searches in this kind of form: "what is the weather like in Bristol?"12:48
njs12345Chimp: I think we're going that way.. that's the point of Project Utopia12:48
pmfpIf you'd get a GUI for it, would you want it with C/GTK or Python/GTK, and would it be allowed to use libglade? gtkfb?12:48
njs12345(HAL and D-BUS)12:49
knghtbrdObviously the packages in question work just fine without the missing packages, so they should be rebuilt with recommends removed/changed12:49
Chimpanyway, i got the download, so you should know whether it passes the 'granny test' in about 12 hours ;)12:49
bob2pmfp: using python means you'll never get it on a floppy12:49
Chimpnjs, see this is all new to me.  i've not hit this distro yet12:49
jdubpmfp: we're going to use a fairly viciously modified version of the current gtk frontend12:49
bob2pmfp: there's a few people (mainly colin, iirc) working on using gtkfb12:49
pmfpbob2: I didn't know it was still available on a floppy :) Though even gtkfb on a floppy seems tough12:49
jdubpmfp: when development really kicks in, there'll be more noise about it12:49
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pmfpjdub: roger12:50
jdubbob2: that's not a problem for us12:50
jdubbob2: our installer doesn't fit on a floppy already12:50
njs12345it's nice.. definitely the best distro I've used so far :) it's just so cool to be on your first bootup and just be able to plug usb drives and shit in and have them automounted :P12:50
knghtbrdpeople who don't date to the days before apt and still use dselect (call me a relic) will find it annoying until it's fixed12:50
bob2jdub: I think colin wanted to make hoary be installable from floppies12:50
Chimpbut thats common on a lot of ditro's12:50
bob2jdub: tho I guess that could be text-only12:50
jdubbob2: reasonably likely that we'll be using python to do the graphical installer right anyway12:51
bob2knghtbrd: apt and aptitude can use recommends...12:51
jdubbob2: yeah, there'll always be the fallback12:51
bob2jdub: oh, ok12:51
njs12345the one thing I'd like is perhaps it to have three branches.. warty, hoary, and something in between.. hoary is for devs, warty is for non-techies, and the "something in the middle" is for techies/power users who don't mind things being a little broke12:52
DaNewBnjs12345, backports?12:52
jdubnjs12345: there's a totally unofficial backports project.12:52
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jdubnjs12345: but that kind of thing will never be supportable12:53
Chimpack see i dont' agreewith that.  you need to have a 'foolproof' system for old grannies so the cash comes in12:53
njs12345hmm.. I guess12:53
jdubnjs12345: six month releases, dude. anyone with a short enough attention span to get bored with the stable release should be testing the devel branch./12:53
pmfpwith this short release cycle I don't think that's a good idea, not with backports and a devel branch12:54
Chimpthis is why i don't argue with the windows crowd.. i mean they wouldn't be where they were today without being friendly to the 'idiots' out there12:54
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Chimpadn i'm from a tech b/g  so i'm used to 1 week cycles12:54
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Chimpnix IS getting there but still has a short way to go12:55
Chimpyou can't beat it in the server arket ATM12:55
Chimpmarket :/12:55
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aetheradamn I such a geek01:00
aetheramy cellphone got a sms and I when to my email to look for it01:00
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jonohi all01:11
pipelinejdub: Heh, that's why I compared Ubuntu to Progeny.  Progeny recruited the founders of the Debian project, after all.01:11
jonowhen I run iwconfig the first line gives me eth0      IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"belkin54g" - how do I set the IEEE bit manualy?01:11
jonowhen it renews the lease it seems to loose that part01:11
amiroffGuys, how can I make Evolution _really_ catch the spam? it does not work on freshly installed system here01:11
jdubpipeline: or, rather, was bootstrapped by the founder.01:11
jdubamiroff: unfortunately, it doesn't. it requires spamassassin, which we don't ship.01:12
Tsjoklatamiroff there is a page on the wiki about that01:12
pipelinejdub: Either way.  They had their high calibre lot as well.01:12
jdubpipeline: different era.01:12
jdubpipeline: we're post-dotcom.01:12
pipelineThat alone is not a recipe for success.01:12
amiroffjdub, I see, gonna get it installed then01:12
jdubpipeline: most of us have learned it the hard way.01:12
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=== ajmitch does the painful task of booting the livecd in qemu
jdubpipeline: no, that's not the message i was conveying.01:13
jdubpipeline: i suggested that the people who joined canonical would not have done so unless it were sane.01:13
pipelinejdub: Learned what? What IS Canonical?01:13
jdubajmitch: i tried the ppc cd in pearpc the other day 8)01:13
jdubpipeline: it's a company.01:13
ajmitchjdub: you're braver than I thought01:14
jdubajmitch: thanks, princess. :)01:14
ajmitchnow that I've got all my computer bits in one place I can start playing with hoary01:15
pipelinejdub: That much is clear.  But where was it incorporated? Who owns it? I take it that it's privately held, so clearly I cannot dig around for a business plan.01:15
pipelinejdub: Hmm, actually, I suppose the Isle of Man is small enough that there is no more specific location :P01:15
jdubsee, you do know where it was incorporated :)01:16
stuNNedjdub, why doesn't ubuntu ship spamassassin?01:16
amiroffTsjoklat, ok I hate wikis, so unusable :(01:16
amiroffTsjoklat, have direct link by any chance?01:16
Tsjoklatamiroff it is better then no help no?01:16
DaNewBamiroff, cmon, make an effort01:17
Tsjoklatsee topic amiroff01:17
jdubstuNNed: it's in universe. it is an unattractive package to provide support for. (there were a lot of things we didn't add in warty, largely to avoid the 18 month support damage.)01:17
ajmitchjdub: so when will there be an ubuntu meetup in .au or .nz?01:17
jdubajmitch: the next ubuntu conference will be in sydney or canberra, in april. :-)01:17
knghtbrdbob2: apt can't actually, although aptitude does01:17
jdubajmitch: as it happens. :)01:17
amiroffTsjoklat, sure, better than nothing, but takes really much effort to find somethin01:17
knghtbrdaptitude wasn't around for years01:17
ajmitchjdub: aha, after LCA?01:17
jdubajmitch: yeah01:17
firstknighthi, where can I set which services to load at start up?????01:17
stuNNedjdub, i take it, it doesn't plug into evolution so easily?01:18
ajmitchgreat, I'll see if I can get there. doesn't look likely at the moment tho01:18
jdubstuNNed: evolution only uses spamassassin. i did some preliminary support for bogofilter (which we do support), but some assumptions in evolution got in the way.01:18
jdubajmitch: not going to lca?01:18
amiroffTsjoklat, I only could find ItalianDocumentation-howto-SpamFiltering01:18
ajmitchjdub: uni break starts on anzac day01:19
jdubperfect timing :)01:19
amiroffTsjoklat, found it, never mind.01:20
jonohas anyone else experience a problem in renewing dhcp leases in hoary on a wireless card?01:20
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amiroffGuys, I think http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/HowTo and http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto should be on the same page01:20
DaNewBfirstknight, dont know about services, but you can set startup programs in Computer->Desktop Preferences->Sessions01:21
bob2amiroff: they're different things01:21
bob2jono: sometimes, but I don't know if it's a router or hoary problem01:21
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njsTabletthis tablet is cool..01:21
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knghtbrdbob2: sorry for delays in responses, was being distracted by the video window, etc01:23
wartymelazyboy: are you still there?01:24
whitehawkis it possible, that hoary won't boot off from ext3?01:24
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firstknightDaNewB, I know that... ubuntu boot like a crap01:25
jdubfirstknight: it's greatly improved in hoary01:25
bob2knghtbrd: 'tis fine01:25
jdubfirstknight: there's nothing you can remove from the warty boot process that will speed it up significantly01:25
bob2knghtbrd: I was almost certain apt had an option for recommends/suggests in 0.6, but I can't see it now01:25
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firstknightjdub, seriously????01:27
jonobob2, I suspect it is a hoary problem - I will file a bug and see if anyone else experiences it01:28
jdubfirstknight: well, look at what's loaded - nothing much of substance01:28
jdubfirstknight: a huge chunk of the time is spent in hotplug01:28
jdubfirstknight: that's significantly faster in hoary01:28
jdubbut you can't remove it or fix it nicely in warty01:29
firstknightjdub, networking too......01:29
jdubonly if you're dhcp-ing unnecessarily01:29
MikeyI had a problem yesterday with logging in and I've discussed it here. I guess I know what is the problem now. When installing (on a brand new disk), I have made 3 partitions: two for ubuntu and one fat32 for windows use. but ubuntu set up the fat32 for itself i guess, so I can't log in now.01:29
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MikeyCan anyone please tell me how to change the default root partition for linux?01:29
firstknightjdub, if I boot laptop without internet connection, it will dhcp and keep going01:29
firstknightjdub, without know there is no internet connection01:29
njsTabletMikey: edit the grub line01:31
=== knghtbrd considers..
MikeynjsTablet: can you please tell me how? I am new to linux01:31
njsTabletpress "e" while your cursor in grub is over the kernel you want to boot01:31
knghtbrdhmm, nah.  It's not worth flooding my inbox with the fla^H^H^Hreplies.  ;)01:31
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MikeynjsTablet: but where :(01:32
=== knghtbrd was considering sending a message to debian-devel list on 2005-02-07 ;)
njsTablet when you first turn your PC on01:32
knghtbrd...reposting my 2002-02-07 message to the same list  ;)01:32
njsTablet.. or you could just reinstall :P01:33
MikeynjsTablet: I guess you don't understand what I mean. I am already in the ubuntu login screen01:33
MikeyI log in01:33
jdubfirstknight: yeah, that's annoying. it won't be fixed in hoary, either. but you can always hit ctrl-c.01:33
knghtbrd"Three years from now, when you people are finally talking about releasing sarge," etc  ;)01:33
Mikeyafter login it tells me that the directory isn't created01:33
Mikeyand it logs me off01:33
ajmitchis the warty kernel built with CONFIG_IDE_STROKE? I believe it's needed on my (old) computer to see the whole 40GB hard drive :)01:34
Mikeyin recovery console, when i ls /home, it writes directories from fat32 partition01:34
knghtbrdMikey: why is /home a fat32 partition?01:34
knghtbrdwow, that works even?01:35
MikeyI really don't know01:35
=== knghtbrd suspects it does not work so well.
jdubajmitch: see /boot/config*01:35
Mikeymay be I set up something wrong in istallation01:35
jdubMikey: that really doesn't work well01:35
Mikeycan I change it?01:35
njsTabletknghtbrd: I think it would, but be kinda messed up and _very_ insecure, because fat32 doesn't have permissions01:35
firstknightI have installed enlightenment... but there is no option in gdm....01:35
MikeyI know it doesn't, I can't login because of it01:35
jdubyeah, copy everything off, unmount it, format it with mkfs.ext3, move everything back01:36
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knghtbrdnjsTablet: fetchmail won't work.  Also ssh01:36
Mikeyany way how to change /home partition?01:36
knghtbrdnjsTablet: um, most any program which checks permissions on something for safety reasons would puke.01:36
Mikey(I don't want to format it)01:37
pmfpMickey: create a new one, copy the contents of the old one to it, change appropriately in /etc/fstab01:37
knghtbrdMikey: you need /home to be something writable with proper POSIX permissions.  If you can move that partition elsewhere and use another partition for /home, I can walk you through that01:38
Mikeyoh well i guess I give up :(01:38
knghtbrdMikey: if you can split the partition using parted (not sure how offhand) or partition magic (not sure about that either, but you don't need my help), then there's hope01:38
firstknightjdub, Hi, I can set which services to load up at boot..... use rcconf01:39
Mikeyknghtbrd: sorry, I guess I'm too stupid to understand this01:40
jdubfirstknight: sure, but it won't help a lot :)01:40
knghtbrdMikey: I can try to explain better?01:40
knghtbrdMikey: basically, you can have Linux partitions mounted anywhere, but /home is one you want to be something like ext3.01:41
Mikeyknghtbrd: if you wouldn't mind01:41
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cavediverHi guys.01:41
knghtbrdMikey: there are ways to split a fat32 partiton without losing its contents, but it does mean the partition shrinks01:41
Mikeyknghtbrd: i'm totally new to this, i don't know what all these terms mean01:41
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cavediverI have a few things not working. I need mplayer, i have no flash, java in FF for example.01:42
knghtbrdif you have a partition on your HD that you can sacrifice to make it /home, you don't need to split your fat32 drive01:42
cavedivermarillat repository seems down.01:42
firstknightjdub, at least I can remove cupsys, fetchmail, mdadm services...01:42
knghtbrdjdub: does this channel have a pastebot?01:42
jdubfirstknight: fetchmail doesn't run anything, mdadm runs a tiny binary (and in hoary, doesn't run anything)01:42
jdubfirstknight: these are not big wins :)01:42
jdubknghtbrd: people use pastebin or something01:43
knghtbrdMikey: http://sourcefubar.net:888801:43
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knghtbrdMikey: paste into no channel (the default is #pilot-link on another network) the output of df -h01:43
knghtbrdand give me the URL of where it goes to01:44
MikeyI don't know what you mean01:44
knghtbrdokay, can you get to a terminal at all?01:44
firstknightmy battery support for laptop is broken with default installed ubuntu.... when I unplug, the battery picture appear, then I plug again, the battery still appears.... any idea to fix it?01:45
Mikeythat's the problem, I don't know how to do that as well.  I have vmware workstation but i have no clue how to use it01:45
knghtbrdLinux "dos box"01:45
Mikeyim in windows now01:45
knghtbrdokay, then I need you to describe how you set up your drive when you installed Ubuntu01:46
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Mikeyknghtbrd: I have made 3 partitions. as far as I remember, I didn't set up fat32 as the home01:46
Mikeyso there are two for ubuntu and 1 fat3201:47
Mikeythose two the installation made automatically01:47
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knghtbrdMikey: okay, the two for Ubuntu, how big were they?01:48
Mikeyone i set up to 12 GB (the ext3 I guess)01:49
knghtbrdand the other?01:49
jdubfirstknight: what kind of laptop do you have?01:49
Mikeyand one was set up defaultly to 512 MB I guess01:50
knghtbrdthat should be swap then.01:50
Mikeyswap is 51201:50
Mikeyand the fat32 is 100 GB, that one i use for windows01:51
knghtbrdIt sounds like what you need to do is edit your /etc/fstab on the Ext3 volume and remove the line that mounts your windows partition as /home01:51
knghtbrd12GB isn't a whole lot of work room, but it'll suffice for tinkering01:51
=== knghtbrd has 5 for / and 10 for /home on jeremie
firstknightjdub, compaq presario 250001:52
knghtbrdthat may not make a whole lot of sense to you up front.01:52
linuxboywhat packages do i need to get DRI in Ubuntu?01:53
linuxboywhat packages do i need to get DRI in Ubuntu? (for my voodoo3)01:53
Mikeyknghtbrd: can you describe how to do it please? :)01:53
mjrlinuxboy, nice of you to mention the voodoo3, you'd probably have to install drivers manually from dri.sourceforge.net01:54
firstknightubuntu load internet superserver as default??? I thought ubuntu specialized as desktop.....01:54
knghtbrdlinuxboy: you need X plus libglide (h3 variant, if there are still variants)01:54
danielsknghtbrd: there's libglide2 and libglide301:54
knghtbrddaniels: so they did away with the variants?01:54
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linuxboyknghtbrd: theres no libglide package01:55
mjrlinuxboy, basically voodoo driver development has been rather slow of late, to the tune of " The driver lacks a current maintainer." and " The driver needs significant work."01:55
danielsknghtbrd: hm?01:55
knghtbrdlinuxboy: see daniels' reply01:55
mjrhttp://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/3dfx?action=highlight&value=CategoryHardwareVendor for more info01:55
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linuxboyknghtbrd: what source must i use? at the moment im using universe01:55
knghtbrddaniels: back when I maintained that mess, there were variants denoted by two alphanum characters.  Quite annoying.01:55
MobyTurbofirstknight, the default configuration of inetd doesn't have anything listening.01:55
danielsknghtbrd: oh dear.01:56
knghtbrdlinuxboy: install both libglide2 and libglide3.  I think you need 3 for X.01:56
knghtbrdcan't hurt to install both though01:56
knghtbrddaniels: yeah, it was a nightmare, and the code was worse.  When I got 3dfx to open source it, several people said that they should thank, then shoot me.  It's just awful code.  ;)01:57
Mikeyknghtbrd: please?01:57
knghtbrdMikey: sorry, got distracted01:57
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knghtbrdMikey: if you boot the Ubuntu live CD, it should mount your ext3 drive on your desktop.  It will be the one that doesn't look like your windows drive.  ;)  Edit the file /etc/fstab in it and find the line that talks about /home.  Put a # at the start of that line.01:58
=== Durakus [~chatzilla@c-24-2-94-9.client.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
knghtbrduse whatever editor you can find on the livecd, there's probably one there if you just double-click the file01:59
Durakushow do i go back into the basic set up so i can add a resolution that i want?01:59
mjrawful source was better than what we get from mainstream manufacturers today01:59
linuxboyknghtbrd: apt-cache search doent find them01:59
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cavediverIs it safe to run Hoary ?02:00
darksataniccavediver: On the basis of a day's testing, yes. :)02:00
linuxboyknghtbrd: apt-cache search doent find libglide2 or libglide302:00
njs12345cavediver: depends what you mean by "safe" :P02:00
knghtbrdlinuxboy: apt-get install libglide2 libglide302:00
danielsthey're probably in universe02:00
cavediverIs it like sid?02:00
njs12345if you can deal with things occasionally getting broken then yes02:00
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knghtbrdlinuxboy: they're in main02:00
njs12345if you're new to linux then probably nto02:00
jdubcavediver: ubuntu is a branch of sid. hoary only just froze daily syncs from sid.02:01
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Mikeyknghtbrd: cool thanks, but - will the live cd understand that I have installed linux? :)02:01
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cavediverjdub: Ohh i see.02:01
justdusthello everone02:01
jdubcavediver: however, it does include the gnome devel branch, rather than the gnome stable release.02:01
knghtbrdMikey: it doesn't matter.  It will understand you have formatted drives and mount them.02:01
DurakusI forgot to add 1600x1200 on my resolutions how do i go back to the basic set up so i can add it to the list?02:01
linuxboyknghtbrd: k, thanx02:02
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danielsDurakus: edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4, delete the HorizSync and VertRefresh lines, and add 1600x1200 to the list of modes in the DefaultDepth 24 section02:02
knghtbrdlinuxboy: I'm pretty sure you want libglide3 only02:02
knghtbrdbut my luck you'd actually want libglide2 and my memory (5 years old) is obsolete.02:02
pmfphow do you get the computer to reread /etc/hosts?02:02
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Mikeyknghtbrd: thanks :) im gonna try02:03
knghtbrdpmfp: restart nscd?  ;)02:03
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pmfpknghtbrd: dig/firefox/etc still overrides with the nameserver02:03
knghtbrdpmfp: after you restart nscd?02:04
pmfpknghtbrd: what is nscd?02:04
nirzhow i can install adsl02:05
nirzis there adsl-setup script ?02:05
=== pmfp is on his second laptop, first useful one :))
knghtbrdpmfp: that's a good question, I can't seem to find it on jeremie02:05
pmfpknghtbrd: :)02:05
knghtbrdahwell, nscd was always a PITA.02:07
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knghtbrdalthough, if that's not the problem, I've got nothing.  =/02:07
pmfpanyway, I should bridge the nets02:07
pmfpbetter get to it right away02:07
nirzis there adsl-setup script or any way i can adsl conf ?02:08
firstknighthi, we can upgrade kernel by synaptic right? and that would need no modification right?02:09
=== DaNewB [~DaNewB@modemcable075.26-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
aetheraanyone here play ET?02:17
knghtbrdUbuntu has critical flaw02:18
knghtbrdE: Couldn't find package frozen-bubble02:18
MobyTurboknghtbrd, it's probably in universe02:19
MobyTurboknghtbrd, yep, its in universe02:20
justdustaethera, I do02:20
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knghtbrdokay, explain this universe and whatnot?02:20
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jdubuniverse is the rest of debian, unsupported02:21
jdubmultiverse is debian contrib/non-free and other stuff, unsupported02:21
ajmitchcurses, warty installation failed02:21
ajmitchbad bios or hard drive :)02:21
knghtbrdso universe I want02:21
knghtbrdmultiverse I don't02:21
elisianoI didn't know that something other than universe existed02:22
jdubthere's also restricted02:22
jdubwhich is non-free drivers that we (roughly) support02:22
elisianodo I just have to add 'multiverse' to the deb line?02:23
DaNewBAnyone uses Wine? Any simple tricks to make it run faster?02:23
danielssupport to the extent that we can, which is 'do our best to make sure they work'02:23
Lethorionhi, how do I get device icons on the gnome desktop? :)02:23
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jonohi all02:24
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danielsyo jono02:24
jonowhich package is /etc/network/interfaces in?02:24
jonohi daniels02:24
knghtbrdjdub: so the candidacy of anything for restricted is basically "look, you don't really have a choice if you have this hardware and wanna be able to use it", then?02:24
elisianodpkg -S /etc/network/iinterfaces02:24
jdubknghtbrd: pretty much02:25
elisianojdub, is multiverse working for hoary too?02:25
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jdubknghtbrd: ultimately we want to encourage FOSS drivers, but it's important for people to be able to use their systems. we won't get FOSS drivers until we get critical mass. plus, we make it very clear by putting it all in a separate component.02:26
danielsjono: ifupdown, I believe02:26
jonodpkg: /etc/network/interfaces not found.02:26
jdubelisiano: yep02:26
danielsjono: (it's generated in postinst)02:26
elisianotnx, now I try02:26
knghtbrdyeah, that's fine02:26
=== dur [~dureyes@pool-141-158-245-158.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jonowhenever I restart /etc/init.d/networking it fails in hoary02:26
knghtbrdit's exactly the right thing to do, really02:26
jonothere seems to be major problems with wireless related things in hoary - the network applet does not seem to work02:27
jonoI am just trying to figure out what is wrong02:28
jdubwhat's your wifi driver?02:28
jonojdub, I am using a centrino chip02:28
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jdubah, see that should work nicely02:29
knghtbrdbefore I go play games, I guess I gotta make sound work, maybe?  heh02:29
jonoyeah, worked fine with warty, but the fact that I always get a fail when trying to restart /etc/init.d/networking concerns me02:29
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jononothing, it just says [fail] 02:30
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NetwrkMonkeyis there an option to have gnome-terminal ask which profile to use on startup?02:30
leduci have some problem with ubuntu installation02:30
jdubNetwrkMonkey: nup02:30
leducATAPI CD-ROM not detected in system with SATA02:31
jdubjono: someone on lugradio has no idea what marketing means02:31
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jonojdub, which person?02:31
NetwrkMonkeyi just made a auto ssh login profile heh02:31
jonojdub, what is he saying?02:32
jdubhaving a bit of trouble tracking who's who02:32
jdubbut it seems like matt is right, and everyone else is wrong02:32
danielsmatt's on lugradio?02:32
jdubdifferent matt02:32
jdubmark was on lugradio02:32
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jdubthe post-discussion is a train wreck ;)02:32
jonoa train wreck ?02:33
danielsoh, right02:33
danielsany dumped audio stream?02:33
jduball over the place02:33
jdubdaniels: oh, i think i have a preview02:33
danielsjdub: preview?02:33
jonojdub, as in, we are rambling, or as in we cover lots of different things?02:33
jdubjono: both02:34
jonooh, I see02:34
ZzeCoOl|zleepinghaw can i make a distro update using apt-get .. i cant remember the exect command02:35
jdubZzeCoOl|zleeping: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade02:35
jonojdub, feel free to /msg daniels with the preview urls02:35
ZzeCoOl|zleepingi think it is something like distro02:35
ZzeCoOl|zleepingdist-upgrade or something02:36
lukaszcan some one plz help me02:36
jdubjono: i think you might have to ;)02:36
jdubZzeCoOl|zleeping: just upgrade02:36
jonojdub, ok, you lst them?02:36
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jdubZzeCoOl|zleeping: you only use dist-upgrade in particular circumstances02:36
jdubi closed the window02:36
lukaszcan some one plz help me02:36
jonono probs02:36
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jdublukasz: ask your question02:36
lukaszi want to make my own website but i dont know where (for free)02:37
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DaNewBlukasz, this has nothing to do with Ubuntu02:38
justdust|afkaethera, I'm here now...02:38
lukaszso what02:38
DaNewBlukasz, but you could try www.geocites.com02:38
NetwrkMonkeysigh, nothing like waking up and finding out the weekly backup failed02:39
DaNewBlukasz, sorry typo www.geocities.com02:39
ZzeCoOl|zleepingthe hell with hoary ...every time im trying to update there are so many debs and errors in the install proccess......DAMN02:39
NetwrkMonkeyoh look, my 19 gb backup partition is full ugh...02:39
ZzeCoOl|zleepingim so unlucky02:39
lukaszjdub can you help me02:40
jdublukasz: your question is a bit off-topic here02:40
lukaszjdub sry02:40
elisianoZzeCoOl|zleeping, you have to install some packages by hand with dpkg --force-overwrite -i packet.deb since they try to overwrite files contained in other packages, and then apt-get upgrade again02:40
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ZzeCoOl|zleepingelisiano  you mean like the problem with gimp?02:41
leducno explancation for my problem ?02:41
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jdubelisiano: no, that's the wrong way to go about it02:41
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jdubjust use upgrade, not dist-upgrade02:42
elisianoI don't know, read the error, and if it complains about file overwriting then the answer is yes02:42
justdustaethera, you still there ?02:42
elisianojdub, I know, but it's the way I solved my problems02:42
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ZzeCoOlapt-get stuck and i have to upgrade again using "-f"02:43
ZzeCoOlapt-get suposed that solve the debs problem ...02:43
elisianodo it, there's nothing bad about it02:43
ZzeCoOlwow there it is i have just select Xorg instead of Xfree02:44
ZzeCoOlim sure that after reboot i ll not be able to login02:45
ZzeCoOlthis happen the last time02:45
ZzeCoOland then the F....T word02:45
elisianoF....T? sorry I'm not english, my dictionary is poor :)02:46
ZzeCoOlohhh well Format02:46
elisianoou :)02:46
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blkhi - im having some trouble installing ubuntu on a dell latitiude cp-m233. it seems to stem from problems with DMA, specifically with the cd drive. When I install the base system without attempting to turn of dma for the cd drive (with hdparm -d0), I get "hdc: DMA interrupt recovery" and "hdc: lost interrupt" errors on rebooting. If I attempt to diable DMA, I encounter an error when performing Detect and Mount CD-rom, and then "Deboots02:48
blktrap error - Failed getting release file /cdrom/dists//Release" when I try to install the base system. Sorry for the long post. Im hoping someone may have some useful tips? thanks!02:48
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knghtbrdhmm, mental note: wireless keyboards are a bit flaky for this game  ;)02:49
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scoonanyone here using gcc-3.4.3 w/ hoary03:00
=== Kosai [cjb@islay.ra.phy.cam.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
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KosaiHi, all.  Is it harmful to remove ubuntu-desktop?  Evolution seems to conflict with it.03:02
DaNewBKosai, im a n00bie, but I would say it is..?03:04
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KosaiWould rather hear from someone who knows for sure.  :)  It looks innocuous, from dpkg --contents.03:04
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Mikeyknrghtbrd: im back03:06
knghtbrdany luck?03:06
knghtbrd(I will be going to bed soon)03:06
knghtbrd(provided I don't become totally engrossed in zeroconf)03:06
Mikeyi have discovered something :P03:06
Mikeyi have edited /etc/fstab03:06
Mikeyext3 was set up to /03:07
Mikeyfat32 was set up to /home03:07
Mikeyand the third one wasn't NONE03:07
Mikeyso I put # at the start of the fat32 line as you told me03:08
Mikeyand set ext3 as /home03:08
Mikeyand the third one as /03:08
Mikeybut it still doesnt work03:08
Mikeywhile starting, it gave me this message03:08
bob2Kosai: it's ok to remove03:09
Mikeyunrecogised mount option "sw" or missing value mount: you must specify the filesystem type03:09
bob2it just means you may miss out on useful new packages when you upgrade to warty03:09
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bob2but evolution most certainly does not conflict with it03:09
knghtbrdMikey: no no no03:09
knghtbrdyou want ext3 as /03:09
knghtbrdthe other 512 meg one should be swap03:09
=== sxd [~kevin@213-202-151-189.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mikeyand then what will be "home"?03:10
bob2home can't usefully be fat3203:10
knghtbrdMikey: home will live on the same filesystem as /03:10
sxddoes anyone know why kde looks really rough on ubuntu. i just changed over from mdk which was really smooth looking, especially on the fonts03:10
knghtbrdMikey: it's how you set the system up03:10
=== Dark_element [Darki@d54C2512E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Mikeyso i just set the ext3 to "/" and swap to swap, rite?03:11
knghtbrdthat is correct03:11
MikeyI hope it will work :)03:11
Dark_elementMikey, what are you installing?03:11
Dark_elementI'm at the same thing as you03:11
justdusthow commes I don't get a root password ?03:11
knghtbrdDark_element: he mounted a win32 volume as /home03:11
Dark_elementA friend send me to here03:12
knghtbrdDark_element: he didn't realize that wasn't gonna work  ;)03:12
sladenjustdust: use sudo, eg.   sudo apt-get install foobar03:12
Dark_elementHe said you guys send linux cd's for free?03:12
sladenjustdust: for anything that you would type as root03:12
Mikeyknghtbrd: is there a way how to disable synchronising clock with the webpage? it tooks a lot of time while starting up03:12
Dark_elementis that corrct?03:12
sladenDark_element: shipit.ubuntulinux.org03:12
knghtbrdMikey: um, huh?03:12
Dark_elementthank you03:12
MikeyDark_element: true, I got 10 :)03:12
Mikeyfor friends as well03:12
Dark_elementfree of shipping too?03:13
Mikeyknghtbrd: while loading, there is this line "Synchronising clock with ***.ubuntulinux.com"03:13
justdustsladen, it asks for a password...03:13
knghtbrdMikey: Mikey the other thing you're gonna have to do is create a new home directory.  Someone here can tell you how to do that, I have to get some sleep soon03:13
sladensxd: Ubuntu is concentrating most of its efforts on making the best GNOME desktop possible03:13
Dark_elementI live in belgium :s03:13
sladenjustdust: enter your password then :)03:13
DaNewBDark_element, yet I would suggest burning a CD yourself to get it faster03:13
knghtbrdoh, yes, that's ntp03:13
knghtbrdyou can disable that, but one thing at a time03:14
MikeyDark_element: they send it from Belgium03:14
knghtbrdyou need to be able to login first!03:14
sxdwell i think gnome looks crap on ubuntu compared to fedora anyways03:14
Dark_elementI did, but I utried it on 7 cd's, and they didn't work :p03:14
Mikeyknghtbrd: thanks :)03:14
sladenMikey: ntp.ubuntulinux.org  Network Time Protocol03:14
bob2Dark_element: yes, free shipping as well03:14
Mikeysladen: oh yea03:14
Mikeysladen: but03:14
Mikeysladen: I want to disable it :P03:15
esheri will boot ubuntu from my firewire drive03:15
Mikeyit takes a lot of time, but it doesn't succeed03:15
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sladenMikey: and have your clock wrong.  Okay.  sudo update-rc.d -f ntp remove03:15
=== Arsenal [Arsenal@dyn-213-36-111-252.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
esherany1 can help me how i can fix the initrd image with load correkt modules ?03:15
justdustwatch ubuntu fly off my hd...03:15
knghtbrdsladen: he doesn't have a /home yet03:15
Dark_elementwhat the hell? They send 10 cd's?? all FREE?03:15
sladenjustdust: how do you mean03:15
sladenknghtbrd: who doesn't?03:15
Dark_elementI'm gonna get all my friends to use Linux03:16
knghtbrdDark_element: you're supposed to give them out03:16
knghtbrdsladen: Mikey03:16
Dark_elementI am :)03:16
Dark_element 15:16:08  <Dark_element> I'm gonna get all my friends to use Linux03:16
knghtbrdsladen: he had a win32 volume as /home03:16
knghtbrdhe has to rebuild it first03:16
sladenMikey: ahhhh.  The installer really needs to tell people that is a bad idea03:16
sladenMikey: reboot.  select '(recovery mode)' from the menu.  you'll get a prompt03:16
sladenMikey: edit  /etc/fstab  and comment out the line about /home03:17
knghtbrdthat means logging in without a ~, sudoing so that you can create it, populating it with /etc/skel, logging out, logging back in to make sure it worked, and then hoping for the best03:17
sladenMikey: do   adduser   and create yourself a new user03:17
bob2Dark_element: you can order some extra for you to give away, too03:17
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knghtbrdsladen: he did that already03:17
Dark_element10 will be enough, i think03:17
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Dark_elementWhat will be on the cd's?03:18
sladenMikey/knghtbrd: I can try and help if one of you actually tell me what the problem is  :-)03:18
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Mikeysladen: :) yeah03:18
sladenDark_element: packets containing 1 LiveCd and 1 install CD03:18
knghtbrdsladen: he made win32 partition /home.  He's now fixed that, but now he has an empty /home03:18
Mikeysladen: i am already in a half way to set up the partitions correctly03:18
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Dark_elementWhat linux system will be on it?03:18
sladenDark_element: Ubuntu (!)03:18
Dark_elementlogic :)03:19
Arsenalubuntu lol03:19
jhiverhi guys! Is there a known bug with CD burning in ubuntu? I tried to slap a blank cd in, drop some files in the cd/burn windowy thing but I get an error message before it starts...03:19
knghtbrdUbuntu is like Debian, only it's not 3 years out of date  ;)03:19
sladenjhiver: I don't think there is a known bug.  What error message do you get03:19
jhiverhang on a sec...03:19
da_bon_bonwhats the best frontend to mplayer ?03:20
Mikeysladen,knghtbrd: thanks guys, i think im gonna try it now03:20
re-mindda_bon_bon, console ;)03:20
da_bon_bonre-mind: gui.03:20
bob2jhiver: cd-rw?03:20
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jhivernope, cdr03:21
DaNewBda_bon_bon, I think mplayer has it's own built-in GUI front-end (gmplayer)03:21
re-mindda_bon_bon, afaik most frontends are quite buggy..03:21
nonliquethi all03:21
da_bon_bonDaNewB: when i used apt-get install mplayer, i didnt get any gmplayer03:22
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jhiverk I get this:03:22
Mikeysladen: one more thing i forgot03:22
DaNewBda_bon_bon, you tried running gmplayer?03:23
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re-mindda_bon_bon, http://www.mplayerhq.hu/homepage/design4/projects.html <- learn to google03:23
da_bon_bonDaNewB: yes03:23
da_bon_bonre-mind: ok.03:23
Mikeysladen: after setting up the partitions correctly, I need to make a new home directory, ask knghtbrd said03:24
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Mikeysladen: i dont know how to do that03:24
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sladenMikey:   adduser03:24
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Mikeysladen: but03:24
Skwid_how come Xine plays my mp3 correctly03:24
Skwid_and I have no sound on XMMS03:25
jhiverany ideas what might be going on with my cd recording thingy? I've installed ubuntu and it seems that it's the only thing not working (was working fine with k3b / mandrake)03:25
sladenMikey:   deluser mikey && adduser mikey03:25
da_bon_bonre-mind: it still doesnt have gmplayer!03:25
Skwid_can anyone help me ? :(-03:25
DaNewBSkwid_, check XMMS preferences03:25
sladenSkwid_: is one of them using ESD and the other not?03:25
DaNewBSkwid_, check which output plugin is selected03:25
re-mindda_bon_bon, well have you tried those on the page?03:25
Skwid_DaNewB: on xmms ?03:26
=== Sleipner [~bamfsemai@1Cust99.tnt15.stk3.swe.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaNewBSkwid_, ya03:26
Skwid_I have eSound 1.2.1003:26
da_bon_bonre-mind: no,03:27
DaNewBSkwid_, I have OSS (and it works for me)03:27
Skwid_DaNewB: how do I know which one xine uses ?03:27
re-mindda_bon_bon, i cant find any frontend called gmplayer. try the ones on the page :)03:28
da_bon_bonok. thanks03:28
Skwid_OSS completely freezes my XMMS :/03:28
Skwid_anyone know a good player ?03:29
scoonSkwid_, player for what ?03:29
Skwid_media player03:29
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DaNewBSkwid_, gstreamer or Beep Media Player03:29
scoonSkwid_, all in one or....03:30
scoonSkwid_, i use xine for dvd's, mplayer for mpegs and beep for music03:30
scoonSkwid_, so there are many good "media" players.03:30
da_bon_bonSkwid_: beep-media-player03:30
Skwid_i'll try that03:31
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=== aethera lix xine and xmms
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Quest-MasterWhat is the location of the directory of C header files for the kernel?03:42
Quest-MasterOr do I need to apt-get for them?03:42
knghtbrdthe answer is yes, depending03:42
knghtbrdif you want the kernel headers libc was built against, you use the ones in /usr/include03:43
Quest-MasterI thought they might be in /usr/src/linux, but that doesn't exist03:43
knghtbrdif you want the ones your kernel actually uses (for cdrom structures or something), you need to tell the code you're building to look at your kernel source or install the appropriate linux-headers package for your kernel image03:43
Quest-MasterOk, might the header files be in /usr/include/linux?03:44
Quest-MasterOr do I still need to find them in apt? :\03:47
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bob2Quest-Master: what are you trying to do?03:53
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bung_any of you find tuxracer's borken with your ati card?03:54
bung_or any card03:54
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zenwhenIt used to work for me with a 9800 Pro03:56
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zenwhenBefore I switched to Nvidia.03:56
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mjrtuxracer works fine with 9250 with dri drivers03:56
bung_I'm using the fglrx ones...03:56
bob2that could be your problem then03:57
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zenwhentrue, it could... but with newer cards the DRI drivers really aren;t a comparable solution for 3d performance03:57
bung_it used to work fine for me in (omg) gentoo03:58
bob2er, ok03:58
zenwhenPLus the fglrx drivers are certainly capable of running tuxracer as I have done so before.03:58
mjrzenwhen, they aren't a solution, period. Damn ati.03:58
pdi got a 9800 pro and cant get tuxracer to work with it03:58
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zenwhenI won't go so far as to say they are a preferable solution, but they certainly should be used if possible.03:58
pdgraphics are all glitched etc03:59
bung_yeah, it's weird03:59
bung_dunno who to blame03:59
zenwhenWell it does work in Fedora Core 2, with a 9800 Pro and fglrx. That is all I can say on the topic. I am by no means an ATi/Linux expert.03:59
zenwhenATi is supposed ot be releasing new drivers based on their windows catalyts soon.04:00
bob2er, I think you mean "used when neccessary"04:00
zenwhenPerhaps your solution will come then.04:00
bob2using binary drivers for no reason is a terrible idea04:00
darksatanicThe rumour mill has it that they're coming out tomorrow.04:00
zenwhenIf you have any need at all for 3d performance, you should use them. I am not philosophically against any piece of software.04:01
bob2that's nice04:01
bob2but from a practical perspective they are annoying04:01
scoonbinary == windows drivers ?04:01
bung_zenwhen, not even spyware? </troll>04:01
zenwhenThey are when you have issues with them, or if you have need for dual head support.04:01
bob2scoon: no, just binary linux ones04:01
zenwhenbung_, no I love spyware.04:01
zenwhenspyware helps show users why their OS sucks04:02
scoonbob2, what is bad about binary linux drivers04:02
bob2they can be bad because no one but ati can debug them or fix them04:02
scoonbob2, ah.  that is ati.04:03
bob2and because using them encourages companies to think it's ok to justr release binary drivers04:03
zenwhenNvidia's binary drivers are fine for me because Nvidia is so quick to respond to bug reports.04:03
bob2scoon: it's the same with any binary driver04:03
scoonbob2, well that is one problem with linux users and open sourcers in general.04:03
bob2scoon: er? how?04:03
scoonbob2, they can be pretty pushy about having the source.04:03
mjr_and_ because they only support the linux versions and architectures that the manufacturer is willing to support04:03
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bung_zenwhen, how do you know your ATI drivers don't contain spyware?04:03
bob2scoon: um04:03
zenwhenbob2, don;t you think the point is moot at this point. Both companies have made it very clear that open source drivers are never going to happen.04:03
bob2scoon: I don't think that's the issue at all04:03
bob2zenwhen: no they have not04:03
scoonbob2, seems to be a bit.04:04
zenwhenWhere are the drivers then bob2?04:04
bob2nvidia has been clear about claiming over and over that they "can't"04:04
bob2zenwhen: lordy, troll harder04:04
zenwhenCan you point me to the tar?04:04
sladenzenwhen: I don't think either company has said that04:04
genghisanybody read the topic about this?04:04
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zenwhenIf it were going to happen, it would have.04:04
bob2zenwhen: is that what I said?  I was disagreeing with your unsupported claim "Both companies have made it very clear that open source drivers are never going to happen"04:04
zenwhenThis isnt Nvidia vs ATi04:04
bung_genghis, this ain't a 'vs' argument :)04:04
bob2zenwhen: I think you're arguing from a position of ignorance04:05
=== mjr wouldn't care so much about the companies only providing binary drivers if they at least provided specs, as ati did until the 9200 series
genghisbung_:  the intention is pretty clear04:05
sladenzenwhen: it'll happen when it becomes so commerically (financially) advantagous, they don't have a choice04:05
zenwhenbob2: I think you are incapable of discussion without af hominem attacks.04:05
bob2zenwhen: and Ithink you're the lamest troll I've spoken to tonight04:05
brk3does anyone know how to get midi files to play in ubuntu? ive tried installing timidity but it says no configuration available or something like that04:05
zenwhenWhy am I a troll?04:05
jcsIt's at times like this that I'm embarassed to use IRC.04:05
zenwhenBecase I don't agree with you?04:06
bob2zenwhen: it's not an ad hominem attack to claim someone doesn't know what they're talking about04:06
brk3does anyone know how to get midi files to play in ubuntu? ive tried installing timidity but it says no configuration available or something like that04:06
sladenzenwhen: the reason they started supporting Linux in the first place was because the hollyworld studios started using Linux for all their digitial effects studios04:06
zenwhenYou guys are fucking incensed04:06
bob2zenwhen: you have spoken to ati and/or nvidia employess who have told you personally that Free drivers will never happen?04:06
zenwhenI didnt want some big flamewar.04:06
sladenzenwhen: that language is not appropriate here.  Please read the code-of-conduct04:06
zenwhenI'm not arguing with two people.04:06
bob2if not, please don't make claims like that04:06
DaNewBanswer brk3 instead!04:07
zenwhenbob2: I simply stated an opinion.04:07
sladenzenwhen: now, whilst we're here, can we help you install ubuntu?04:07
bob2zenwhen: ok then04:07
zenwhensladen, I have been running ubuntu since it was released and I doubt you have much info to offer me that I do not already have a firm grasp of.04:08
sladenbrk3: not sure actually.  Does timidity depend on an sample collection?04:08
=== genghis wonders if anyone else is having firefox segfault all over the palce under hoary - it's been getting worse for days (though the flash thing got fixed)
=== keyshawn [~keyshawn@69-173-194-127.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
scoongenghis, no segfault here.  try and strace it and see if anything else shows up04:08
brk3sladen: im not really sure, just on mandrake, installing timidity was all i had to do to get it working. so when thats not working now, im sure what to do04:09
genghisscoon:  most of them are info-less04:09
DaNewBIs it a known bug that Firefox 0.9.3 (Warty) cant display distrowatch.com properly?04:09
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scoongenghis, hmmm that sux.  that would be the first thing i'd do04:09
sladenbrk3: what's the error message you get?04:09
keyshawndanewb, i'm not sure, but it probably doesn't matter as 0.9.3 is not the latest release.04:09
jcsDaNewB: looks okay to me.04:09
bung_DaNewB: perhaps, but whose bug would it be? :)04:10
scoongenghis, i run hoary as well and when stuff like that breaks, i rely on their CLI counter parts.04:10
scoongenghis, ie: lynx04:10
keyshawn[btw, i need to upgrade to 1.0.0, though i can't find any repositories that has it] 04:10
DaNewBjcs, the numbers (rankings) show properly?04:10
sladengenghis: Hoary is the development version, it's going to break, but you can help get it fixed by filing a bug report on  http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/04:10
FreduardoDaNewB, I just got 1.0 from the Hoary reps04:10
genghishave done so.04:10
bob2keyshawn: 'need to'?04:11
scoongenghis, why not get the installer and install it in your home dir and see if that version segs04:11
scoongenghis, if it does nont, you would then have a usable ff until yours gets fixed04:11
genghisyeah, that gets rid of the new ones (eg metafilter)04:11
brk3sladen: well, the reason im trying to get them working is that i just installed doom and it works great :) except the music. it gives this: open /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory04:12
genghisbut it still drops dead with no information at wonkette.com04:12
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bung_hence strace?04:12
brk3sladen: and when i try to play a midi file i get this: /etc/timidity.cfg: No such file or directory04:12
brk3timidity: Can't read any configuration file.04:12
brk3Please check /etc/timidity.cfg04:12
sladenbrk3:  dpkg -L timidity | grep cfg04:13
jcsDaNewB: yes they do.  This is with epiphany (still gecko), also it's built against CVS mozilla.04:13
brk3sladen: /usr/share/man/man5/timidity.cfg.5.gz04:13
keyshawnbob2 - http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/01/07/158218&tid=154&tid=128&tid=17204:13
sladenbrk3: only that?04:13
sladenbrk3:  dpkg -L timidity | grep etc04:13
DaNewBjcs, nvm, ill upgrade Firefox as im sure it's already fixed04:13
brk3sladen: ya04:13
scoongenghis, what do you mean by drops ?04:14
keyshawnthere's some bugs in it. i'd prefer to use the newest one.04:14
brk3sladen: /etc04:14
=== NewLinuxUser [~NewLinuxU@host-84-9-87-235.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
bung_might cfg files not be greated by the installer, and not be contained in the package?04:14
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bung_or is that not the way it works?04:14
jcsDaNewB: actually, now I notice that they only display properly if the browser window has a great enough width.04:14
keyshawn[there still are bugs in 1.0, though the vulnerabilities mentioned in the article aren't there] 04:14
bob2keyshawn: they will be fixed in 0.9.3 in warty04:14
NewLinuxUserHi all - new to linux and got some questions04:15
sladenbrk3: ls -l /etc/timidity.cfg /etc/timidity/04:15
DaNewBbrk3, did u check http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo04:15
brk3sladen: those files dont exist04:15
DaNewBjcs, exactly!04:15
brk3lsls: /etc/timidity.cfg: No such file or directory04:15
brk3lsls: /etc/timidity/: No such file or directory04:15
brk3DaNewB: no actually, i will now04:16
DaNewBjcs, seems like a bug?04:16
brk3DaNewB: thanks04:16
genghisscoon: i mean the browser just disappears with no errors, and trying launching it from the CLI results in the message "Segmentation fault", on its own, with no other info04:16
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DaNewBbrk3, np04:16
bung_genghis, strace should help04:16
sladenbrk3: okay, as a kludge, try   sudo ln -s /etc/default/timidity /etc/timidity.cfg04:16
scoongenghis, ah.  that is odd. and since you said strace is worthless then something is not cool04:16
Li\SouHi, anyone in here know how to get red of the black line beneath every Psi desklet in gdesklets?04:16
keyshawnhi newlinuxuser.04:17
sladenscoon: who said strace is worthless04:17
sladenNewLinuxUser: just ask them!04:17
DaNewBNewLinuxUser, just ask them04:17
brk3sladen: /etc/timidity.cfg: line 14: syntax error04:17
brk3timidity: Can't read any configuration file.04:17
brk3Please check /etc/timidity.cfg04:17
DaNewBsladen, hehe04:17
sladenDaNewB: :)04:17
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|D|Li\Sou did u try the options/settings of the desklets04:17
scoonsladen, i already asked genghis if strace was tried and genghis said that it was no help04:17
Li\Souyeah, no go04:17
genghisscoon:  strace output was04:17
genghis--- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---04:17
Li\Souit wasnt there |D|04:18
bung_strace -f04:18
jcsDaNewB: I don't know, let the distrowatch webmasters decide.04:18
sladengenghis: strace will have saved the output in a file in the current directory04:18
brk3sladen: ok, that doesnt work, but im reading the guide now so gimmie a few mins and il see if it helps04:18
=== keyshawn just realizes the 'weather report' on the toolbar....loves it
Li\Soudo you know where gdesklets has their #channel, maybe i can ask them04:18
zenwhensladen, pm04:18
keyshawnli\sou, it should say on their website04:19
genghissladen:  so I have a trace file.  and?04:19
Li\Souok, ill see again, but i couldnt find it the last time i was there..04:19
|D|Li\Sou :     We have an IRC channel #gdesklets on GIMPnet (irc.gnome.org) where you can meet other fans and developers. See you there.04:20
Li\Souill do a search on google, see what i can get up with:)04:20
keyshawn We have an IRC channel #gdesklets on GIMPnet (irc.gnome.org04:20
Li\Southnax |D| i'll do that:)04:20
keyshawngood li\sou04:20
keyshawngood luck*04:20
=== keyshawn is procrastinating doing laundry
brk3sladen: i think i see the problem. ubuntu doesnt provide a config file in its package. i just made one there and now i need to get a soundfont.(whatever that is :))04:22
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sladenbrk3: okay so two bugs.  one is no default config, the other is a missing dependancy on soundfont.  Can you file a Ubuntu on Bugzilla.ubuntu.com once you've figured about a solution04:23
brk3sladen: ok, thanks for the help04:23
genghissladen:  actually strace saves nothing.04:24
genghis[not that I'm clear what the purpose of the file I don't have is] 04:24
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brk3sladen: oh ffs. the soundfonts package is over 20mb. theres no way i can download that on dialup. there must be another way, frankly ubuntu should have this sorted itself04:27
bob2midi is not a very common requirement anymore04:28
brk3bob2: is it not..?04:28
bob2I've never seen someone ask about it in here before04:29
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mjrit really isn't04:29
zenwhenmidi kind of died after modems hit 56k04:29
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bob2not that it shouldn't Just Work, but it's not something that would have been well-tested before warty came out04:29
brk3bob2: dunno,i still think it should work04:29
bob2I'm not saying it shouldn't04:30
bob2just that no one might have noticed that it didn't04:30
mjrit should work, but it's questionable to include 20MB of stuff on the single install cd for a use that really most don't need04:30
netmonkcan anyone please point me to a website with info of the current state fo Hoary?04:30
mjrand it's not like one can't download it on dialup, just need a bit of patience04:30
sladennetmonk: mailing list archives maybe the best place.  Are you looking for anything specific04:31
brk3bob2: i think they should take it into account for the next realease. even in small games-some of them use midi now they wont work either04:31
brk3oh well04:31
brk3thanks for the help all04:31
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sladenbrk3: the sound fonts are the actual sounds---MIDI is just what notes to play04:31
bob2most sound fonts seem to have questionable license, too04:31
netmonksladen, I'm with on warty and was wondering if it's gonna work stable with me, so I wanted to check out what is still in "unstable" status04:33
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sladennetmonk: it's unstable.  Yeah, we're all using. But it's unstable.  Your menus will do funny things.04:34
netmonksladen, thanks a lot. I'll have to wait than ;)04:35
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FallenHitokiriis there an easy way to install atidrivers on an Ubuntu-box?04:36
hikaru79What's the command line to burn an .iso image?04:36
DaNewBFallenHitokiri, see ubuntulinux.org04:37
|D|FallenHitokiri: check the wiki04:37
FallenHitokiriOo? ... hm... did I miss an entry?... thx04:37
thenukeFallenHitokiri: yes, very simple. check forums or wiki. in the forums check FAQ -section and some of the sticky threads has it04:37
DaNewBFallenHitokiri, search for "binary driver" (or somthing)04:38
FallenHitokirihm... I think I should check the wikis more often... I just tried the deb on a site about my nx700004:39
|D|FallenHitokiri: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto04:39
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FallenHitokirithanks :)04:40
FallenHitokiriis dual-head working with this driver?04:40
ub_willisTrying to get my ATI9700Pro working under ubuntu. insalled the ati packages with synaptic. Now i have to do a manual edit on the X config file? it dident seem to  set up the flgrx as the driver.04:41
ub_willisgoogling for the exact details now..04:41
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bob2ub_willis: wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto04:41
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DaNewBub_willis, see http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/BinaryDriverHowto04:41
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DaNewBFallenHitokiri, never tried, but it's supposed to I think04:42
ub_willisDaNewB,  ok sw that link at the wiki. but it was being refered to by the nvidia  stuff :P04:42
DaNewBFallenHitokiri, there is a graphical config utility04:42
|D|FallenHitokiri: i tried it once and it worked with my ati960004:42
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FallenHitokirihm... that sounds great... hope to get my 2048pixels :>04:43
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nirzi'v installed ubuntu but how i can set my Adsl ?04:45
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Wulf_try `pppoeconf'04:46
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|D|FallenHitokiri: i used fireglcontrol to set it up04:46
|D| FallenHitokiri: the package is fglrx-control04:46
FallenHitokiri|D|: i'm installing the package atm.04:47
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FallenHitokiriso... i reboot. cu in 2 min.04:47
ub_williswell here goes.. :P wish me luck. ive had very bad luck with both ati and nvidia on this machine in the past.04:47
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rdwtuxn00b question.. whats the best way to install jre/java on unbuntu? i thought it used to be included in the package feeds.. but can't see it now04:49
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Quest-Masterrdwtux: http://www.ubuntuguide.org/ ;)04:50
rdwtuxQuest: exactly what I was looking for - thanks04:50
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ub_williswell A+ for Ubuntu  - ati drivers are working.. :P i do belive this is the FIRST time ive actually had them working on this machine04:51
=== FallenHitokiri [~Pharao@p508BA504.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== beyond [~beyond@200-158-184-99.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
FallenHitokirithe drivers are working but now I got an virtual screen that is larger than my lcd. how can I tell my xserver to set the resolutions to 1680x105004:53
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DaNewBFallenHitokiri, Comuter->System Config->Screen Resolution (if it works)04:53
Jolezi remember there was an option for that in fglrxconfig ?04:54
FallenHitokirixserver doesn't support xrandr04:54
|D| FallenHitokiri: if it doesnt edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-104:54
FallenHitokiri|D|: the problem is that the config seems to be okay04:54
FallenHitokirithere are no other resolutions than 1680x105004:55
DaNewBFallenHitokiri, did you restart the xerver04:56
FallenHitokiriDaNewB: yes 2 times04:56
|D|ctrl + alt + - ??04:56
FallenHitokiriyes. ctrl alt backspace. and the other time i rebootet04:56
DaNewBFallenHitokiri, you want the virtual screen? otherwise diable it04:57
FallenHitokiriDaNewB: how can I disable it?04:57
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DaNewBFallenHitokiri, edit the config file manually or use fglrxconfig04:57
FallenHitokirithats my config04:58
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DaNewBFallenHitokiri, are you sure it can support that resolution?05:01
ZzeCoOlhey guys i need a repository with the latest w32 codecs ...plx05:01
=== RU63 [~RU63@i-83-67-28-146.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
FallenHitokiriDaNewB: yes. it is a hp / compaq notebook05:01
|D|try ctrl+alt+-05:01
mjrZzeCoOl, wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormat , see marillat05:02
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RU63HEllo, i am here first time... I need some help with a small problem05:02
mjrehh, Formats05:02
RU63I did an upgrade05:02
FallenHitokiri|D|: doesn't work05:02
DaNewBFallenHitokiri, Warty/Hoary?05:02
RU63I did an upgrade and when i restart I have no menu or time...05:02
RU63and when i minimize windows i lose them05:03
FallenHitokirione moment please. I tried fglrxconfig... have to restart05:03
|D|are u sure its 1680x105005:03
|D|isnt it 1400x105005:03
DaNewB|D|, he's gone05:04
|D|yeah i noticed :p05:04
RU63can anyone help with my problem?05:04
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DaNewBRU63, an upgrade to Hoary?05:05
RU63i don't have hoary on my repo list05:05
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RU63all my programs work fine05:05
|D|RU63: what did u upgrade05:05
RU63apt-get upgrade05:06
|D|FallenHitokiri: did it work?05:06
RU63and it went05:06
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FallenHitokirihm... i tried using fglrxconfig but my xfreeconfig wasn't modified.05:06
FallenHitokiribut it works... please don't ask me why...05:06
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DaNewBFallenHitokiri, cool05:07
|D|fglrxconfig works in mysterious ways05:07
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|D|bow down to its power05:07
FallenHitokirinow there is only one thing: do I only have to set: clone mode with the ati-tool to use an second monitor?05:07
FallenHitokirihm... 320 frames with gears :>05:07
|D|only 320?05:08
FallenHitokirisounds much better than 110 *G+05:08
FallenHitokiri|D|: radeon9200mobile05:08
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DaNewBfor each monitor?05:08
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|D|RU63: u dont remember what it upgraded?05:09
FallenHitokiriDaNewB: no only for my lcd05:09
FallenHitokirihm... i hope dualscreen will work now... be right back05:09
RU63no.. i went away while it was upgrading... took about 8 min05:09
RU63yes i think i remember05:10
DaNewBBTW, question to everyone: is there anything like a switch that would allow me to have 2 PCs but only 1 monitor?05:10
jon_kKVM switch05:10
bob2DaNewB: it's called a "KVM"05:10
jon_kwill also let you only have 1 keyboard and mouse05:10
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RU63i dunno how to say it.. but it had the i686 < not sure on nubers in it05:10
DaNewBbob2, cool05:10
bob2but on unix you can just run everything over the network anyway05:10
|D|kernel package05:10
DaNewBjon_k, even cooler!05:11
jon_kDaNewB, yeah, I have one and love it05:11
DaNewBbob2, but if I have 1 Windows and 1 Linux box?05:11
jon_kit will work05:11
bob2DaNewB: then you might want a KVM05:11
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jon_kDaNewB, i have 1 windows xp and 1 linux box05:11
DaNewBjon_k, are they cheap(kvm)?05:11
jon_kDaNewB, connected to my KVM, and i can easily switch05:11
Dr_Willisor just use vnc on the linux box, and see its 'screen' in a window under windows xp.05:12
jon_kDaNewB, I got mine for about 27-30 i think05:12
jon_kDaNewB, under $100 for sure05:12
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FallenHitokirii found the problem05:12
Dr_Willisive heard of a lot of issues with mice and so forth with some KVM box's however.05:12
DaNewBjon_k, how does it work exactly?05:12
FallenHitokiriif i run a clone screen the resolution is set to 204805:12
jon_kDaNewB, they usually cost around 20-4005:13
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jon_kDaNewB, well the old ones had an actual turn dial05:13
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FallenHitokirimy laptop supports 1680x1050 and my other screen 1024x76805:13
FallenHitokiriis there a way that both get the resolution they can handle?05:13
jon_kDaNewB, the new ones usually have a combo you press on the keyboard (USUALLY SCROLL LOCK + SCROLL LOCK + DOWN)05:13
jon_kwill switch between pcs05:13
|D|FallenHitokiri: i think u have to set up multiple screens in the XF86Config-4 file05:13
|D|but im not sure05:14
|D|google it05:14
FallenHitokiri|D|: hm.. okay... thanks05:14
DaNewBjon_k, thnks for the info! i'm going to get one for sure!05:14
RU63If i did put Hoary on .... how do i get back to warty?05:14
jon_kDaNewB, you'll get addicted, be forewarned!05:15
FallenHitokiriso... next try...05:15
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DaNewBjon_k, BTW, what does KVM stand for(Keyboard Video Monitor?)?05:15
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bob2er, s/monitor/mouse/05:16
DaNewBbob2, right! silly me...05:17
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DaNewBthat was too obvious..:>05:17
t325hello I'm facing a really strange situation: a radeon card which was used at too high refresh rates (shouldn't it damage the monitor, not the card, normally?) has a corrupted output in windoze(like the too much and long overclocked cards' output..), tested 98 and xp, on two different pcs(and monitors), but perfect output in ubuntu (tested images and openGL screensavers, now compiling mplayer 4 video test).. linux miracle?..05:17
DaNewBt325, on Linux, it's not a miracle when things work, lol05:18
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DaNewBt325, but seriously, i dont know :|05:19
nirzis there an Adsl-setup script to conf my adsl ?05:20
linux_mafianirz, conf in what way?05:21
bob2nirz: sudo pppoeconf05:21
bob2in a terminal05:21
linux_mafianirz, is it pppoe?05:21
=== linux_mafia is so glad we use pppoa here
DaNewBlinux_mafia, what's the difference?05:22
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DaNewBlinux_mafia, pppoa faster than pppoe?05:22
linux_mafiaDaNewB, different methods of encapsulation among other things, i'm not entirely sure why some countries use one over the other, but pppoa seems to require less setting up, well no config or software on the client anyway05:25
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DaNewBlinux_mafia, so you dont need to dial-up?05:27
linux_mafiaDaNewB, no, i have dsl05:27
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DaNewBlinux_mafia, i know. i mean, with dsl you still have to connect to the ISP05:28
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whitehawkone question: is it possible, that ubuntu hoary won't boot from ext3?05:30
aetherawhitehawk: I doubt it05:30
aetherait should work just fine05:30
NetwrkMonkeyhrm so far i'm liking ubuntu05:31
NetwrkMonkeyanyone know if there's an xsane plugin for gimp?05:31
DaNewBNetwrkMonkey, well there is xsane, but as a plugin for Gimp?05:32
whitehawkI get filesystem type unknown05:32
aetherawhitehawk: the kernel does not have ext3 compiled in05:32
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whitehawkaethera but then it can't load the initrd also?05:33
whitehawkisn't it?05:33
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NetwrkMonkeythat's it05:34
DaNewBNetwrkMonkey, okdoki05:35
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NetwrkMonkeyln -s /usr/bin/xsane .gimp-2.0/plug-ins/05:36
New2UHi all - have lots of questions, first installed ubuntu today. Set up two partitions, within the set up, 15gb and 2gb, but after login i cant see the other partition05:36
New2Uany help.....05:36
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New2Uall i get is the FD, CD and file system05:37
DaNewBNew2U, did you mount it?05:37
New2Unew to this, plse explain, first time with linux05:38
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DaNewBNew2U, in a terminal, type "mount"05:38
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DaNewBNew2U, basically, in Linux, all drives and partitions must be mounted before you can access05:39
t325video output corrupted, at least with xfmedia (mplayer still compiling); maybe in mplayer, with the -vo option I'll be able to get things working..  New2U in the terminal-> gedit /etc/fstab -> copy it here (I think ubuntu adds only the system partition to fstab, as you probably didn't setup the mount point for the other one)05:39
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New2Uthis is what i get when i type mount but still no drive: /dev/hda2 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)05:40
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New2Uproc on /proc type proc (rw)05:40
New2Usysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)05:40
New2Udevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)05:40
New2Utmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)05:40
New2Uusbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)05:40
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DaNewBNew2U, /dev/hda2 mean "hard drive a 2nd partition"05:41
DaNewBNew2U, so the 1st partition doesnt seem to be mounted05:41
aetheracan someone goto consultrix.co.za05:41
DaNewBNew2U, u'll have to mount it05:41
aetheraand tell me if the see a plone logo on the left top05:41
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t325you have kept windows on another partiton? (if so it should be hda1, then your second linux part. should be hda3)05:42
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New2Ujust linux on the hard disk05:42
DaNewBaethera, i see it05:42
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aetherathanks mate05:43
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benjanetany tip to get Nvidia working on Hoary ? i only get a black screen, and segmentation faults05:44
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DaNewBNew2U, open file manager05:44
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New2Ufor t325: # /etc/fstab: static file system information.05:44
New2U# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>05:44
New2Uproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       005:44
New2U/dev/hda2       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       105:44
New2U/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       005:44
New2U/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       005:44
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New2U/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       005:44
aetheracan i ask a stupid ignorant question05:44
DaNewBNew2U, create an empty folder in /mnt/myfolder05:45
aetherawhy do people not read manuals?05:45
DaNewBNew2U, then type in a terminal "mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/myfolder"05:45
|D|aethera: they like a challenge05:45
aethera|D|: but still ask stupid questions05:45
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|D|aethera. its the i can do it on my own atitude, manuals i dont nedd no stinking manuals05:46
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DaNewBsalimi, well hello, friend05:46
aetheraya no05:46
salimiare there any differences between debian sarge and ubuntu concerning hardware support?05:46
dead|shellaethera, reading is for wimps i'll wipe out my entire system by mistake b4 i read a 4 line howto page :P05:47
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aetheradead|shell: yeah05:47
TreadingSoftlyHello ... I'm having a significant problem running HTML editors on my Warty system. Both Screem and Quanta have a tendency to crash (Screem rather worse actually...). Has anyone had similar problems? Does anyone have any idea how I should debug this?05:47
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|D|dead|shell: lets try this new rm thingy05:47
dead|shelli think some ppl just don't like to read and just want someone to give them the answer05:48
aetherarm -rf > /dev/satan ?05:48
dead|shellrm -R / *05:48
|D|i forgot sudo05:48
aetheraya no05:49
aetheraI enable root acocunt here :)05:49
DaNewBNew2U, ?05:49
dead|shelloh yeah and i like ppl who always run as root...to save time you know05:49
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HostingGeekthat was quick05:50
salimiare there any differences between debian sarge and ubuntu concerning hardware support?05:50
HostingGeekcrimsun: thanks for unbanning me05:50
crimsunHostingGeek: I don't control the bans.05:50
DaNewBdead|shell, is that really worse than running Windows?05:50
Alessiowhat appz do you use for translate?05:50
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t325no corrupted output with mplayer -vo x11!!05:50
crimsunHostingGeek: are you using -1ubuntu10?05:50
AlessioBabytrans? stardict?05:50
HostingGeekcrimsun: then05:50
dead|shellDaNewB, i don't think anything is that bad05:51
HostingGeekcrimsun: yes05:51
crimsunsalimi: generally speaking, Ubuntu has more transparent ("it just works") support05:51
|D|DaNewB: nothing is worse then running windows05:51
Alessiois there anything in ubuntu-repository05:51
crimsunsalimi: hardware support, from the end user's perspective, tends to be a combination of kernel and hotplug support05:52
salimicrimsun: so there are only "free" driver?05:52
=== HostingGeek wished mac worked on 686
salimicrimsun, not like mepis?05:52
crimsunsalimi: the non-free nvidia and ati graphics drivers are included by default05:52
ograAlessio: both are in universe05:52
HostingGeekcrimsun: is there problem with -1005:53
salimicrimsun, and what about java+flash+wma05:53
crimsunHostingGeek: not that I know of, let me check.05:53
crimsunsalimi: java, flash, and wma support are not included by default. Please check /wiki/RestrictedFormats05:53
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crimsunsalimi: that page gives step-by-step for obtaining the libraries and applications needed for java, flash, and wma support05:54
HostingGeekcrimsun: any idea what might be wrong its not xorg.conf and this 54hz is giving me a head ach05:54
salimicrimsun: i see.. and all pkgs r compiled with i368 flag right?05:54
Alessioogra, i'm on warty05:54
ograAlessio: ah, sorry....so i'm not sure, but i guess at least stardict should be there05:55
crimsunsalimi: yes, but there's a bit of linker trickery/optimisation05:55
crimsunHostingGeek: would you please paste onto pastebin.com your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log?05:56
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crimsunHostingGeek: also, your `lspci -v' line for only the graphics device will be useful05:56
HostingGeek0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 82865G/PE/P DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 02)05:56
HostingGeekSubsystem: Asustek Computer, Inc.: Unknown device 80a505:56
HostingGeekFlags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 005:56
HostingGeekMemory at fe800000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=4M] 05:56
HostingGeekCapabilities: <available only to root>05:56
salimicrimsun: i see... thx 4 ur help..05:57
HostingGeek0000:00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corp. 82865G Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) (prog-if 00 [VGA] )05:57
salimicu all05:57
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Hosting-Geek_very sorry05:57
=== Hosting-Geek_ will undertsnad if you ban him again
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HostingGeekhow much did i flood?05:58
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crimsunHostingGeek: please look for and paste only the graphics device line from `lspci -v' onto pastebin.com05:58
robhuCould someone please help me? I updated to hoary - and I also installed some things from another repository (merilat?) - I'm new to Ubuntu but know enough to get by on Linux in general... During the upgrade I b0rked something in X and now the bars at the top and the bottom in X don't load (e.g. where the task bar is, the menu for selecting applications, and the clock). Can someone please help me find out what I've done, what is wrong, or ho06:00
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crimsunRobHu: when did you dist-upgrade to Hoary?06:01
RobHuit was broken from then06:01
crimsunwhen yesterday?06:01
RobHuNot sure...06:01
RobHubut I ran aptitude today06:01
crimsunearly morning? late evening?06:01
RobHuand did another dist-upgrade06:01
RobHuI really can't remember :0|06:01
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arturazjust after installing warty grub spews out error 16: inconsistent fs while booting06:02
HostingGeekcrimsun: this is the command http://pastebin.com/22955706:02
|D|doesnt aptitude logs the operations?06:02
arturazhowever i wiped out all disc and it should be ok06:02
RobHuAh there is an aptitude log...06:02
RobHulet me look at it06:02
arturazalso i tried mounting it from knoppix and it worked06:02
HostingGeekcrimsun: the 1mb log file http://pastebin.com/22955906:03
RobHuok lots of stuff got installed at 01:34 GMT Jan 13th06:03
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crimsunRobHu: ok. There is a gnomevfs race condition that affects the panels, and it has not been resolved yet. For now, please see https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4794 and look at comment #606:03
RobHuthankyou :)06:03
crimsunHostingGeek: ok, will take a look in a few.06:03
HostingGeekcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/229561 is config file06:04
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algehi, anyone here using a palm pda06:09
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HostingGeekcrimsun: quick i can't read slashdot at this pixel range06:09
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ZzeCoOli have update to hoary but i steel get Xfree when i type X -version06:09
TreadingSoftlyhi, does anyone here run quanta or screem on Ubuntu?06:09
ZzeCoOlit  mustnt have Xorg instead?06:09
crimsunZzeCoOl: you need to make sure xserver-xorg is installed.06:09
crimsunHostingGeek: sec, I'm looking.06:10
ZzeCoOlit isnt06:10
HostingGeekTreadingSoftly: i run screem here06:10
|D|HostingGee: ctrl+alt+f2 and use lynx/links06:10
jdubZzeCoOl: install ubuntu-desktop06:11
TreadingSoftlyHi HostingGeek, does it crash ever? Are you running Warty?06:11
MikeyHi everyone, is root - admistration password set up to something by default? Or where to learn what I have to use..06:11
TreadingSoftly(On my system, it seems to crash instantly)06:11
HostingGeekTreadingSoftly: stick out06:11
TreadingSoftly(Quanta lasts a little longer...)06:11
Ex-Cyberroughly how much disk space does a "reasonable default" Ubuntu install take up?06:12
HostingGeeki thought you where talk about what i am talking about in #dns06:12
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HostingGeekTreadingSoftly: on hoary no crashes06:12
algeroot is disabled, use sudo06:13
algew/ your normal user password06:13
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Mikeyalge: I was gonna set up network adapter, and it asked me for an administration password06:13
TreadingSoftlyHostingGeek: what sort of specs machine (I'm Pentium III, 300-odd MB memory...) are you running?06:13
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lmurielhi to all06:14
HostingGeekMikey: sudo passwd root06:14
jdubEx-Cyber: default desktop install is < 2GB06:14
HostingGeekTreadingSoftly: p4 prescot06:14
Mikeyin a console_06:14
jdubMikey: it's asking for your password06:14
jdubMikey: don't do that06:14
TreadingSoftlyokay, thanks HostingGeek ... at least it's working for someone :)06:15
Mikeyjdub: but if i typed my password, it didnt work06:15
jdubMikey: tell me what you're launching06:15
HostingGeekTreadingSoftly: apt-get --purge remove screem06:15
HostingGeekthen reinstall06:15
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TreadingSoftlyok... I'll give that a go... thanks06:15
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Mikeyjdub: I was in Gnome, and I wanted to set up network06:15
algesudo some_command06:15
Mikeyjdub: it asked me for a administration password06:15
jdubMikey: you clicked the Networking item in system configuration?06:16
algewill run the command with root privilege06:16
Mikeyjdub: I think yes, that06:16
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Ex-Cyberjdub: thanks06:16
robhuI tried the things listed in the bug report - but it still doesn't work :0(06:16
jdubMikey: it should say "please enter your password to run network-admin"06:16
robhuShould I just wait until the developers fix it? How long is that likely to take?06:16
HostingGeekjdub: why not syslink gksu to gksudo06:16
jdubHostingGeek: because there are many valid reasons to use gksu06:17
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lmurielanyone knows where can i get more ubuntu themes?06:17
HostingGeekrobhu: we have no idea what your talking about06:17
=== Guardiann [~Guardiann@HSE-MTL-ppp66592.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Mikeyjdub: no, it wanted administration06:17
jdublmuriel: gnome-look.org, art.gnome.org, etc.06:17
robhuHostingGeek: Previously crimsun was helping me so I hoped he would reply :)06:17
Guardiannhello people06:17
jdubMikey: tell me what the dialogue says :)06:18
robhuHostingGeek: Basically gnome-panel is b0rked on my system - I just upgraded to Hoary06:18
Mikeyjdub: how could I know? I'm in windows now :p06:18
HostingGeekrobhu: killall gnome-panel06:18
lmurielsorry im newbye in gnome06:18
DaNewBGuardiann, hello bro06:18
robhu"no process killed"06:18
jdubMikey: right, when you reboot, it's highly likely that you'll get the above message.06:18
Guardiannanyone know what i can do to get my sound working again, it worked great in warty but doesnt in hoary06:18
HostingGeekrobhu: start gnome-failsafe06:19
jdubMikey: if not, type "gksudo network-admin" in a terminal or the run application dialogue.06:19
HostingGeekrobhu: instead of gnome06:19
crimsunHostingGeek: are you using an LG?06:19
HostingGeeksorry yes06:19
jdubrobertj: explain what you mean by b0rked06:19
HostingGeekLG F700P crimsun06:20
Mikeyjdub: I feel like I quit :P06:20
crimsunHostingGeek: and you're attempting to use 1600x1200 @75 Hz?06:20
HostingGeekjdub: wrong person06:20
HostingGeekand i was before06:20
jdubHostingGeek: thus bah.06:20
HostingGeeki was using @76Hz before i formatted06:20
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Mikeyjdub: I just want internet working there06:21
Mikeyjdub: and sound and everything06:21
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HostingGeekjdub: your a sheep 0_o06:21
robhuOK that didn't help - in gnome-failsafe it does the same thing, and killall gnome-panel just says "no such process" again :(06:21
Mikeyand I don't know how06:21
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jdubMikey: shouldn't be too hard, only way to get started is to dive right in.06:21
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marcin_antI have a problem with emacs on ubuntu06:22
crimsunHostingGeek: just for confirmation, you wish to use 1600x1200@75, correct?06:22
jdubrobhu: no, that won't help you.06:22
robhuok then what will :)06:22
marcin_antI would like to edit files owned by root like on other distros06:22
jdubrobhu: explain what you mean by 'b0rked'? what actually happens?06:22
robhuIf I need to wait for a few days I can :)06:22
robhuBasically gnome-panel etc don't load06:22
HostingGeekmarcin_ant: son log in as root06:23
marcin_antand run dired or find file with tramp06:23
Ex-Cyberdoes warty have accelerated OpenGL on R200 (fglrx notwithstanding)?06:23
crimsunHostingGeek: you must have been overdriving your monitor, which reports its max clock is 200 MHz06:23
robhuSo I just see the background and an icon for the dvd I have in the dvd drive - if I right click I can open a terminal and then load stuff from there06:23
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HostingGeekcrimsun: which means06:23
crimsunHostingGeek: my suggestion is to try 1600x1200 @72 Hz06:23
marcin_antfor example - C-x d ret /root@hostname:/dir/subdir/06:23
mjrEx-Cyber, yes06:23
Ex-Cybermjr: okay, thanks06:23
jdubrobhu: log out, jump to a console, delete ~/.gnome2/session06:24
crimsunHostingGeek: and to do that, you'll need to insert a modeline definition into /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:24
marcin_antHostingGeek: this means that I need to open two instances of emacs06:24
jdubrobhu: then kill off all your processes and log in again06:24
jdubmarcin_ant: what's getting in the way of it working?06:24
HostingGeekcrimsun: ok06:24
crimsunHostingGeek: place the following into Section "Monitor": Modeline "1600x1200_72.00"  196.00  1600 1712 1888 2176  1200 1201 1204 1251 -HSync +Vsync06:24
marcin_antjdub: sorry but I don't understand you06:25
robhuI tried: sudo pkill -u $USER   and logged in again but that made no difference06:25
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jdubmarcin_ant: how is it not working?06:25
HostingGeekcrimsun: offical my moni supports 85hz at this rez06:25
crimsunHostingGeek: and in Section "Screen", you need to prepend "1600x1200_72.00" before "1600x1200" "1280x1024"06:25
HostingGeekcrimsun: i am lost06:25
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HostingGeekcan you edit the current file and pastebin me it06:25
jdubrobhu: stay logged in, jump to a console - is there a gnome-panel process running?06:25
crimsunHostingGeek: not according to the manual. It only supports 1600x1200 @75 Hz.06:25
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Mikeyjdub: thanks for help, I know nothing more know, I guess you're too busy06:26
MikeyI give up06:26
HostingGeekcrimsun: my box that my moi came in says this06:26
robhujdub: Nope06:26
jdubMikey: um...?06:26
jdubMikey: have you actually tried again?06:26
marcin_antjdub: tramp: Opening connection for root@e-dev using ssh...06:26
marcin_anttramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell06:26
marcin_anttramp: Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell06:26
marcin_anttramp: Permission denied by remote host.06:26
marcin_anttramp-process-actions: Login failed06:26
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jdubmarcin_ant: it's trying to log in as the root user via ssh06:27
Mikeyjdub: I haven't06:27
robhujdub: If I do a locate for gnome-panel it doesnt find anything but schemas etc... should there not be an actual gnome-panel binary somewhere?06:27
Mikeyjdub: I don't know what to do06:27
marcin_antjdub: and there is no root06:27
jdubMikey: i provided you some help above06:27
jdubmarcin_ant: that's right, root is disabled by default.06:27
aetheragnome network:// stuff out06:27
aetheraworks now than doesnt work again06:27
jdubmarcin_ant: you can either re-enable it, or configure tramp to work differently06:28
marcin_antjdub: so - what can I do to use emacs in my favourite way?06:28
jdubsee above06:28
crimsunHostingGeek: I have found no confirmation that it supports 1600x1200 @75+, and mathematically it does not compute, since your max clock for your monitor is 203 MHz, but a 75 Hz refresh rate requires 205.99 MHz, and anything higher than 75 Hz would require an even higher clock.06:28
marcin_antjdub: I can run emacs with: sudo emacs06:28
jdubrobhu: which gnome-panel06:28
marcin_antjdub: but it is just uncomfortable06:28
crimsunHostingGeek: open your /etc/X11/xorg.conf with an editor using sudo06:28
HostingGeekcrimsun: ok so i got a bogus box06:28
marcin_antjdub: can you give me hint how to enable root account?06:29
jdubmarcin_ant: again, you can either re-enable root, or configure tramp to log in differently06:29
crimsunHostingGeek: scroll down to Section "Monitor" and add the mode definition I gave you06:29
marcin_antjdub: or link to some docs06:29
robhuerr - I dont know what you are asking me - is there more than one? I tried ps aux | grep panel and ps aux | grep gnome, then locate gnome-panel06:29
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jdubmarcin_ant: if you have to do it that way, sudo passwd root06:29
crimsunHostingGeek: `sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' is fine06:29
jdubmarcin_ant: www.ubuntu.com/wiki/RootSudo06:29
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jdubrobhu: type "which gnome-panel"06:29
aetheracan you restart nautilus with out restarting gnome?06:29
Hydrushey guys06:29
robhuok ! (dumb me!)06:29
=== HostingGeek note he is not stupid
jdubaethera: killall nautilus06:29
robhujdub: it didnt print anything06:30
jdubrobhu: that's a problem06:30
jdubrobhu: install ubuntu-desktop06:30
robhutoo few arguments06:30
admin_i am trying to use ubuntu as a gateway but don't see any initscript for iptables - any ideas?06:30
marcin_antjdub: thanks06:30
jdubrobhu: um, dude, come on... sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:31
crimsunHostingGeek: after you add the mode definition in Section "Monitor", add the mode itself to the beginning of the Modes lists in Section "Screen"06:31
robhuok I thought I should be doing that but so far when I try to understand what you've said I do something wrong or misunderstand so I've been assuming that you're sending me actual commands (like when you said 'which gnome-panel' and I thought that was a question :0)06:32
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robhuok it is installing stuff now06:32
robhuHow could I have deleted it? Doh!06:32
murfHi! has ubuntu correction of uselib in kernel 2.6.10? Please point me to web or so, thanks06:32
Mikeyjdub: you gave me help which really wont help me, sorry06:32
jdubMikey: sure it will06:33
robhuThanks for the help jdub it really is appreciated :0)06:33
jdubMikey: unless you try, you won't know06:33
HostingGeekcrimsun: can't i get rid of 1600x120006:33
MikeyI dont understand what I have to do, that's it06:33
jdubMikey: like i said before, click "Networking" in the system configuration menu06:33
cmrrhythmbox is telling me there's no plugin for mp3. i have gstreamer-plugins, gstreamer-misc and gstreamer-mad installed;06:33
jdubMikey: it will ask for your password06:33
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jdubMikey: if, for some reason, it does not say "enter your password to run network-admin", run this command in a terminal: gksudo network-admin06:34
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murfor is there still 2.6.7 kernel ?06:35
=== jdub goes to bed.
HostingGeekcrimsun: can't i get rid of 1600x1200???06:35
crimsunnight jdub06:35
=== HostingGeek follows jdub soon
HostingGeekits 4:35am06:35
crimsunHostingGeek: sure, you can replace that 1600x1200 one with the generated one06:35
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crimsunmurf: sec.06:35
HostingGeekcrimsun: and restart x06:36
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crimsunmurf: yes, it is fixed in Warty06:37
=== HostingGeek /etc/init.d/xorg restart
HostingGeekcrimsun: i think you mean hoary06:38
crimsunmurf: please see http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2005-January/000059.html06:38
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crimsunmurf: for Hoary's 2.6.10, please see the changelog for linux-source-2.6.10 (2.6.10-6)06:39
marcin_antyet another question - is there available something like package with apache tomcat?06:39
murfcrimsun: thank you very much, Hoaray hasn't come out yet, right?06:39
crimsunmurf: correct, not until April.06:39
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linux_mafiaany ideas why pan dosen't show up in the applications menu in hoary?06:40
linux_mafiait used to06:40
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HostingGeekcrimsun: made no diffrence06:40
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HostingGeekcrimsun: accully the fonts look uglier now06:41
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crimsunHostingGeek: what mode is it using?06:42
DaNewBIn Synaptic, whic is better? Normal or Smart Upgrade?06:42
HostingGeekcrimsun: its on 800x600 @ 53hz still06:42
crimsunDaNewB: for Hoary, generally Smart. for Warty, Normal will suffice.06:43
HostingGeekand the 53hz is giving me a head ack06:43
crimsunHostingGeek: please paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log onto pastebin.com06:43
HostingGeekDaNewB: smart == dist-upgrade06:43
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DaNewBcrimsun, HostingGeek, understood06:44
HostingGeekcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/22957306:44
randabisanybody on hoary noticed how much faster every other browser is than firefox?06:45
randabismeaning galeon, mozilla, epiphany, etc06:45
HostingGeekdisable ipv606:45
randabisbeen there, done that06:45
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Mikeyjdub: i will try, but...06:46
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maximausrandabis, firefox is plenty fast, but does have memory leaks, feel free to join the channels #mozilla or #firefox and investigate.06:46
HostingGeekrandabis: well 1.1 is WAY faster06:46
HostingGeekmaximaus: on irc.mozilla.org06:47
maximausthanks, HostingGeek06:47
RaskalGood morning...how do I enable applets in the Ubuntu GNOME desktop? I am  new to Linux (I've only tried 3 other distros) and like Ubuntu best by far...06:47
maximausRaskal, there are applets for the panel, right click and investigate :)06:48
maximausright click on the panel to get a menu06:48
crimsunHostingGeek: please paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, too. There seems to be a missing mode definition according to your /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log06:48
maximausRaskal : select "add to panel..."06:48
crimsunHostingGeek: you need to ensure you placed the modeline definition in the correct place.06:48
RaskalI am doing so...06:48
Raskalahhh...I see...LOL06:49
HostingGeekcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/22957406:49
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Raskalmaximaus: thank you!06:51
maximausno problem. LOL now wasn't that simple :P06:51
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Raskalvery....like I said, I am still a n00b...but learning!  Hey, do you know where I can get gmplayer?06:52
tritiummjg59, ping06:52
maximausRaskal: through synaptic, though you need to configure the repostories first--check the wiki on ubuntulinux.org06:53
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maximausRaskal: I'd actually recommend installing totem-xine instead through synaptic, as installing mplayer seems to be troublesome with Ubuntu.06:53
HostingGeekcrimsun: so you see the problem?06:53
Raskalright...I have my repositories set up as recommended in the "Unofficial Ubuntu Guide for 4.10"...06:54
RaskalI have mplayer working fine...just no gui...but I will see how totem-xine works...06:54
DaNewBRaskal, pretty well if u ask me06:54
maximausOh you got mplayer working? then gmplayer should be easy06:54
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maximausRaskal, did you install mplayer through synaptic?06:55
RaskalThe bitter irony of it is...I cannot find gmplayer anywhere...yes, I did...but you need to install a lib to get it to work properly if you have xmms installed...06:55
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GaastonHello, I'm looking for someone who tried to install warty over a raid1 software device.06:56
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tritiumCool - I have suspend to RAM working on my Dell C840 (Hoary)!06:57
looksausI experience this strange problem with Hoary here:06:57
tritiumexcept for some issues with wireless lan card06:57
looksaus(upgraded from Debian Sarge)06:57
looksausgnome system sounds are working, but all other things06:58
looksaus(rhythmbox, totem, ...) say something about another program using the alsa device already06:58
looksauscould it be that my gnome sounds are directly accessing the alsa stuff06:59
looksauswithout using esd?06:59
looksausif so, does anyone know a way to solve that?06:59
crimsunlooksaus: hoary is set to use esd06:59
looksauscrimsun, I upgraded from Debian Sarge...06:59
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looksauscouldn't that be the problem?07:00
Dr_Willisupdated from Debian to Ubuntu?07:00
Dr_Willishmm... thats interesting...07:00
HostingGeekcrimsun: so any update is there a problem in my config?07:00
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Dr_Willisand in some ways scary. :P07:00
RaskalWill removing totem from my system cause any conflicts? I prefer to use mplayer and xmms for multimedia...07:00
looksausDr_Willis, apt-get removed almost everything, then changed my sources.list07:00
looksausand apt-get dist-upgraded07:01
looksausdoesn't look too bad so far07:01
DaNewBRaskal, Synaptic will tell you what it removes07:01
looksausbut of course, you wouldn't want to do that on production hardware...07:01
crimsunlooksaus: don't paste the output. Look at what `grep esd /etc/gconf/schemas/gstreamer-0.8.schemas' returns.07:01
looksausheck, you wouldn't even want to run hoary on that07:01
RaskalRight...so it shouldn't goof with anything, right DaNewB?07:01
crimsunHostingGeek: sec.07:02
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DaNewBRaskal, totem, dont think so07:02
RaskalDaNewB...what is the diff between "removal" and "complete removal"?07:02
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DaNewBRaskal, complete will remove files like preference files or something07:03
mebaranAnyone know who to contact to recompile the libwxgtk2.4 against gtk 2.6; the libwxgtk in the repos is quite ugly being it is based on gtk1.2.07:03
looksauscrimsun, thx, seems like that nailed down the problem07:04
mebaranoh and anyone up for a CUPS problem?07:04
crimsunmebaran: in warty/universe?07:04
mebaranin hoary07:04
mebaranI think it is main restricted07:04
mebaranas xmms depends on it07:04
mebaranlet me check07:04
crimsunmebaran: no, hoary/universe.07:05
crimsunmebaran: instead, you should use 'libwxgtk2.5.3' if you want gtk207:05
DaNewBRaskal, precisely "Complete Romoval" will remove configuration files and user created data07:05
mebaranthat is where it lies07:05
mebaranoh thanks07:05
aetherawhats the wmv codec I have to install07:06
aetherato wathc wmv files07:06
crimsunHostingGeek: still looking.07:06
HostingGeekcrimsun: maybe x isn't reread the config file07:06
DaNewBaethera, i think you can get all w32codecs at once07:06
crimsunHostingGeek: did you restart gdm?07:07
mebaranah I see the problem  now07:07
mebaranAll the apps I was running were built against an old version of wxgtk07:07
aetheraroot@epox:/etc/init.d # apt-get install w32codecs07:07
mebaranbut they all lie in universe so I guess I would have to contact the Debian folks?07:07
HostingGeekcrimsun: i can't remeber07:07
HostingGeeki think i rebooted07:08
crimsunmebaran: come again? You're using hoary with the universe repo enabled, no?07:08
aetheraReading Package Lists... Done07:08
aetheraBuilding Dependency Tree... Done07:08
aetheraenabl: Couldn't find package w32codecs07:08
mebaranaethera: do you have the multiverse enabled07:09
crimsunaethera: have you added the marillat repo?07:09
aetheraDaNewB: any other ideas?07:09
HostingGeekcrimsun: will /etc/init.d/gdm reload be enough07:09
DaNewBaethera, i think it's in the marillat repos07:09
mebaranCould anyone tell me why gip-pirnt prints all my pages about 5 sizes too small07:09
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aetherahow do I do that07:10
randabislol j/k07:10
aetherarandabis: ..|..07:10
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crimsunHostingGeek: 'restart'07:10
aetheraI am not going to read the manaul07:11
DaNewBaethera, grrrr07:11
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HostingGeekcrimsun: ok once i finish this d/l07:11
looksausaethera, this is just basic things07:11
crimsunaethera: then please read the online resources that are linked from the Ubuntu wiki.07:11
HostingGeeki should of done it from the console07:11
gioelebare CD covers available for d/l?07:11
DaNewBaethera, it's all in the wiki07:11
gioelebI'd like to print them out07:11
looksausyou can't expect anyone to explain you these real simple steps07:11
looksausthe web pages will be clearer anyway07:12
HostingGeekgioeleb: if they are they would be in wiki/art07:12
evilmegamanI know I have probably asked way to often but, I am having a problem installing ubuntu. When It is probing devices, It gets07:13
evilmegamanto scanning for cd rom drives, but then it tells me it cannot load the driver07:13
evilmegamanfor it. what should I do?07:13
DaNewBaethera, https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/howto/helpcenterhowto.2004-10-20.3414506543/07:13
tritiumAnybody using acpi-support for suspend-to-disk?07:13
DaNewBaethera, do that07:13
aetherafixed it 2minutes ago mate07:13
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DaNewBaethera, huh? well great07:14
pwI'm getting an MD5 mismatch on http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hoary/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz07:15
pwis there a mirror that carries hoary?07:15
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kentpw, well, it seems to me, that a mirror of a file that gives you md5 mismatch wont help, since its a mirror of that file? :)07:17
HostingGeekpw: lots of them07:17
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HostingGeekkent: but a mirror that makes its own Package.gz file will now07:17
pwkent: Well, switching to mirrorservice.org fixed it :)07:18
HostingGeekpw: i think thats is the offical one07:18
crimsunis anyone running Warty attempting to install mplayer?07:19
pwcrimsun: I had mplayer installed from marillat's repository under warty.07:19
crimsunpw: before he updated his builds, I presume.07:19
kentHostingGeek, but do mirrors make up their own Package.gz then?  I dont know, so im probably wrong, but i thought mirror was a complete mirror of the selected files. Otherwise, they would be their own repository..?07:19
pwcrimsun: This was a little while ago, yes.07:20
HostingGeekkent: not all07:20
HostingGeekcrimsun: doing it now07:20
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crimsunI have backported mplayer 1.0-pre6a to Warty if anyone running Warty needs to install it now. You will still need marillat's line for w32codecs, etc., but the mplayer binaries have been built.07:22
=== looksaus [~looksaus@83-134-131-233.Leuven.GoPlus.FastDSL.tiscali.be] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunThat will resolve the inability to install mplayer.07:22
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HostingGeekcrimsun: =(07:23
HostingGeekcrimsun: i don't think xorg is read the new config07:24
crimsunHostingGeek: it looks like it is, since there's an error in your log file regarding the mode not existing07:24
HostingGeekFailed to run /usr/bin/update-manager as user root:07:25
HostingGeek Child terminated with 245 status07:25
HostingGeekthats from exiting update-manager07:25
HostingGeekcrimsun: howto make it reread the config07:26
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jatoshi all07:27
HostingGeekjatos: now you expect 307 to say hi back right?07:28
jatosI was expecting someone to say hi back at least07:28
crimsunwell hi'07:28
jatosanyone know any good ways of customising ubuntu here?07:29
DaNewBjatos, change the theme?07:29
crimsunHostingGeek: please go back to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and in Section "Monitor", make sure the Modeline definition is one one line.07:29
crimsunHostingGeek: is on one, rather07:29
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HostingGeekcrimsun: it is07:30
jatosI mean't more in the like of channging the bootup sequence - should have said tweaking07:31
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gioelebis there a way to tell apt (synaptic) to download two packages at a time?07:32
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DaNewBgioeleb, select them both(synatic)?07:32
Mikeyjdub: I succeeded running the networking07:33
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Mikeyjdub: but i guess i cant set it up07:33
gioelebDaNewB: it will dl them one after another. I'd like to download them at the same time (my mirror is a bit slow)07:33
HostingGeekgioeleb: use more than one rep07:33
gioelebok, I'll try later07:34
HostingGeekgioeleb: for each rep your allowed 107:34
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gioelebnow, let's go to grub. is there a grub frontend in ubuntu?07:34
looksaushm, something strange is going on with cups07:35
HostingGeekno need07:35
gioelebI want to add a windows 98 partition that the installer didn't see07:35
HostingGeekgioeleb: ubutnu doesn't show the grub menu unless you request it07:35
gioeleband I would like to avoid editing menu.lst by hand07:35
looksausfrom /var/log/cups/error_log: I [16/Jan/2005:19:31:00 +0100]  Listening to 7f000001:63107:35
looksausof course, this fails07:35
gioelebHostingGeek: and I also would like to see the boot loader :)07:36
looksausfor some reason, it uses the hex representation of
HostingGeekgioeleb: usplash will be in hoary07:36
looksausthen, of course, it complains about07:36
looksausE [16/Jan/2005:17:50:11 +0100]  StartListening: Unable to bind socket for address 7f000001:631 - Kan gevraagde adres niet toewijzen.07:36
gioelebI'm updating to hoary right now, so I think I'll see it in a while07:37
HostingGeekcrimsun: xorgconfig time?07:37
looksaus[...] 7f000001:631 - Can't assign requested adress07:37
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looksausmonkey89, thx, your comment on setting gstreamer to use esd helped07:38
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monkey89looksaus: np :)07:38
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looksausanyone with this same strange cups problem on hoary?07:39
kotauwhats the command to start the install of ut2004?  I have a file called linux-installer.sh, but i cannot run it from gui or term, maybe I am typing in the wrong commend?07:39
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jonohi all07:39
monkey89kotau: sh linux-installer.sh ?07:39
monkey89or ./linux-installer.sh if its executable07:40
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kotauaha, thanks monkey.  I know how to run a script now :X07:41
monkey89anyways, back to getting cedega to stop stinking07:42
looksaushm, my printer is a postscript jetdirect thing07:42
looksausyou can cat stuff to <printer's ip>:910007:42
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looksausand have it printed07:42
looksausor telnet into the printer on that port07:42
looksausI wonder if there is an easy other way than cups to get it working?07:43
looksaus(just for the fun)07:43
looksausor an easy way to get it running with cups?07:43
looksausgnome-volume-manager doesn't want to start...07:43
pmfphow can you get the Ubuntu .config for their prepackaged kernels?07:44
looksausediting /etc/cups/printers.conf doesn't seem to work07:44
crimsunpmfp: /boot/config-$(uname -r)07:45
TraceyTuxI'm having a 2nd hard disk put in my computer soon - I'll be using it for Ubuntu. I was wondering if it'd be OK for the new HDD to be slave to my original HDD, which will be Windows-only, and Grub to be in the MBR?07:45
crimsunTraceyTux: yes.07:46
HostingGeekcrimsun: xorgconfig time??07:46
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crimsunHostingGeek: we need to figure out why your modeline is being ignored.07:46
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aetheraTraceyTux: that is fine just install windows first07:46
LinuxNIT-anoyone know about using QTparted?07:46
aetheraLinuxNIT-: I have used it once or twice07:47
HostingGeekLinuxNIT-: qt yuck use gtk07:47
LinuxNIT-just gtk or is ther more to the name of the program?07:47
TraceyTuxaethera: Windows is already on it, in fact I'm typing this in it!07:47
LinuxNIT-i used gparted once but i cant get it in ubuntu07:47
aetheraTraceyTux: than no need to worry :)07:47
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monkey89gparted is the gtk version of qtparted, me thinks07:48
aetheramonkey89: correct07:49
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randabiscouldn't find package: gparted07:49
HostingGeekmonkey89: wrong qtparted is the qt version of gparted07:49
TraceyTuxOK, the next question, the 2nd HDD will be 100% Ubuntu - which installation mode should I use, Default or Expert?07:49
gioelebmmmm updating to hoary while running X is not a good idea07:50
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wezzerreally? :p07:50
aetheradefault is for best exprience07:50
pmfpSomebody mentioned modelines ignored: if you've just upgraded to hoary it may not have actually switched to xorg even if it asked for it07:50
JDahlgioeleb, why not? that's should be fine07:50
randabisgioeleb why? I've done 2 hoary installs no problems with X running07:50
kubui have a question about mplayer, it doesn't work on my AMD proc07:50
pmfp(and you chose it)07:50
stuNNedcrimsun, there are a few issues with gmplayer of that mplayer, /query ?07:50
LinuxNIT-any way i am trying to resizea windows partition and it wants me to unmount ALL partitions. can linux still run if i click yes?07:50
evilmegamanCan I install ubuntu from the live CD?07:50
DaNewBevilmegaman, no07:51
gioelebrandabis: my gnome panel (and all the applets) has crashed07:51
monkey89HostingGeek: seeing as how the qtparted changelog goes back to 2003 and the first release of gparted was 2004...07:51
gioeleband it can't start back07:51
pmfpyou'll need to manually point apt-get to xorg-server... you can see if it actually switched by the name of the log file in /var/log07:51
randabisI assume gparted isn't in the repositories07:51
LinuxNIT-no its not i tried to apt-get gparted07:52
crimsunstuNNed: have you run across any?07:52
stuNNedcrimsun, yes, a few with gmplayer07:52
DaNewBevilmegaman, the install CD is for that purpose07:52
stuNNedcrimsun, two, actually07:52
crimsunstuNNed: spill.07:52
monkey89randabis: there's an ubuntu-specific package on the dl site for 0.0.607:52
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jazzkaI can mount a partition, but the normal user, cant write on it07:53
evilmegamanDanewb. Is there any way other than the install cd? it doesn't work. It can't find drivers for my cd rom drive or something07:53
jazzkaif I mount it with -o umask=000 I get an error07:53
jazzkaany help?07:53
gioelebis universe rep compatible with hoary? I hope so07:53
kubui have compiled mplayer using the howto on the forums, but i keep getting the same error, an Illegal Instruction after reading the config file07:54
aetherajazzka: is it a ntfs partition?07:54
spiralhmmm... on #ati they tell me that the new driver should be released tomorrow... do you know whether there will soon be a package for it in hoary ?07:54
crimsungioeleb: both warty and hoary have universe repos, but it is not supported by ubuntu.07:54
randabis0.0.6 is old though :p07:54
jazzkaaethera, it's an ext3 partition07:54
DaNewBevilmegaman, i believe there is a netboot method http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/NetbootInstallHowto07:54
kubuthe forum says it's a known error, but are there any fixes yet?07:54
crimsunspiral: very soon, yes.07:54
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evilmegamanok :)07:54
stuNNedcrimsun, (1) when gmplayer starts the rotary (hourglass) hangs for a few seconds like it's waiting for something to initialize and (2) nevermind, and issue in my mplayer.conf :) and (3) might set the default xo=xv so that when 'f' key for fullscreen, image isn't centered in middle of screen but does take up full screen?  the first is the only real issue though.  let me run gmplayer in terminal07:55
spiralcrimsun: nice :-)07:55
DaNewBevilmegaman, i think you could install from knoppix too but dont ask me07:55
stuNNedcrimsun, ok when i start gmplayer in terminal there is no hang07:55
stuNNedcrimsun, i don't use gmplayer really but...07:55
HostingGeekcrimsun: any idea when we can find out why its not working?07:55
stuNNedcrimsun, only when i start it from menu07:55
ZzeCoOli have install thunderbird under hoary and i cant find how to start the application any clue???07:55
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ZzeCoOlthere is nothing hidden in my home dir07:56
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crimsunstuNNed: I will take a look at the menu entry07:56
ScooterHi all! I am trying to kill some tasks to make game run faster... is smproxy important? (I dont want to break anything)07:56
randabisprobably have to add it to your panels manually07:56
crimsunstuNNed: don't understand (2) or (3)07:56
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crimsunstuNNed: x11 is a safer default, because xv is broken on some chipsets07:57
stuNNedcrimsun, nevermind on (2) and (3) x11 is safer? nevermind on that one as well :)07:57
crimsunstuNNed: thanks for notifying.07:57
philuk86can anyone help me setup postfix to listen on all network cards, ive set inet_interfaces = all but still no joy07:57
crimsunstuNNed: xv is optimised for the drivers that support it properly07:57
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stuNNedcrimsun, only probs can find then is when launched from menu entry07:58
Guardiannhello anyone know what i can do to get my sound gto work with hoary it worked great in warty but after upgradinbg no sound :(07:58
stuNNedcrimsun, think it's safe to use hoary 2.6.10 kernel in warty?07:58
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crimsunstuNNed: your call, though I advise you to stick with Warty's if you use the binary-only Nvidia or ATI driver.08:01
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stuNNedcrimsun, got it, thanks08:02
stamp_I have a question08:02
ZzeCoOlomg where thunderbird is installed by default if you do it under apt-get?08:02
ZzeCoOli cant find the path to the appl folder ....or the icon08:03
stamp_is it posibole too install ubuntu from live-cd ?08:03
mjg59ZzeCoOl: Should appear under Applications/Internet08:03
mjg59The binary is in /usr/bin08:03
ZzeCoOlmjg59 yes but it isnt08:03
ZzeCoOli have hoary maybe this help08:03
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mjg59If it's broken in Hoary, then file a bug report08:04
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monkey89don't you have to log out and in of gnome to get the menus to regeneratre08:04
ZzeCoOli dont want to report a bug right now i just want to find where it is installed08:04
crimsunmonkey89: generally, no.08:04
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GuardiannZzeCoOl does your sound work?08:05
ZzeCoOlyes a little bit strange08:05
Guardiannhmmm mine doesnt08:05
ZzeCoOlif i open the mixer ...it crashes08:05
ZzeCoOlthere is an alsa problem though08:06
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monkey89ZzeCoOl: Look in synaptic and under the properties window of the app, look at installed files08:06
ZzeCoOlok thanx08:06
Guardianneverything else on hoary i have been able to get to work08:06
ZzeCoOlGuardiann search it at google08:06
fuflouhm.. hi .. im having some strange problem.. i'm lithuanian and i chose lithuanian as my language.. BUT, strangely synaptic shows up half enligh, half russian, and there are some other progs with display as russian/english08:06
ZzeCoOlu may find something08:06
HostingGeekcrimsun: so will i be stuck at 800x600 :( should i just downgrade to xfree08:06
GuardiannI have08:06
cutterjohnhello, I have a quick question:  I'm running warty with mono 1.0.1-1 from universe installed, plus gtksharp of same vintage.  I grabbed the source tarball for monodevelop today, configured and did a sudo checkinstall make install (as recomended elsewhere)08:06
fufloif they would be all in english, i wont be here.. but why are they in russian??08:07
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cutterjohnThe compile and install goes ok, but running the monodevelop script either gets an ussported signal error or a missing libgtksharp-win3208:07
cutterjohn(oh, er BTW this is the powerpc based arch)08:07
fufloany help? :)08:08
cutterjohn(and er libgtk-win32-2.0-0.dll)08:08
crimsunHostingGeek: I don't think so08:08
cutterjohn(the other error is: Unhandled Exception: System.ExecutionEngineException: SIGILL)08:09
HostingGeekcrimsun: so any idea howto fix it08:09
ZzeCoOlwhat package i have to install so i can have fonts like arial ??? (windows fonts)08:09
cutterjohnhas anyone else got monodevelop running under a similar configuration?08:10
ZzeCoOli love some of the windows fonts08:10
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looksausis tomboy installable in hoary right now?08:10
looksauswhich repositories do I need?08:10
Scooter<ZzeCoOl> you can just copy windows fonts over from your windows partition, usualy in C:|windows\fonts08:10
gioeleboh my, this hoary update is taking forever.... is "Setting up foobar" the last action done by apt?08:10
disposable_shi've installed xmms but when i want to load some mp3s the fonts are so small i can't even read it. anyone know how to solve this?08:11
cutterjohngioleb: how much stuff actually needs to be updated to go warty to hoary?08:11
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ZzeCoOlthere is also a package but i cant remember the name08:11
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crimsunHostingGeek: it's bizarre that your Modeline is being ignored, however08:11
crimsunHostingGeek: does using xserver-xfree86 work?08:11
looksausdisposable_sh, using rhyhthmbox is not an option?08:11
gioelebcutterjohn: many many packages 170 or so08:11
cutterjohngioleb: big ones? (Im on dialup but am considering it if its not too big...)08:12
disposable_shlooksaus: :) no, thanx08:12
looksausdisposable_sh, I'm sorry I can't really help you on that one08:12
gioelebcutterjohn: few are really big, many are about 1MB08:12
cutterjohngioleb: or barring that any idea of what the minimal upgrade/update might be?08:12
HostingGeekcrimsun: its not installed08:13
looksaus(so happy to finally have gotten rid of gtk 1.2)08:13
crimsunHostingGeek: install it (it should remove xserver-xorg)08:13
cutterjohnanyone on the Monodevelop failure?08:13
HostingGeekcrimsun: its in hoary08:14
gioelebcutterjohn, I think you should start updating the base system (30/45 MB) then X and then the rest08:14
HostingGeekisn't it a dummy package08:14
t325Is there a way to have a "forget sudo authorisation" button in gnome's notification zone, like in rh or mdk? or at least to change timeout value?08:14
crimsunt325: sudo -k08:14
cutterjohngioleb: thanks, I'll have to dig more in the mailing list, but that would sound right...08:14
crimsunt325: changing the timeout value is an option, too; see the man page.08:14
HostingGeekcrimsun: isn't it a dummy package08:15
disposable_shdoes ubuntu automatically update menus? i've installed k3b, xmms and they don't show up08:15
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crimsunHostingGeek: hmm, yes.08:16
crimsunHostingGeek: sorry, it's different on my system, which is pinned to sid08:16
HostingGeekcrimsun: seems not08:17
HostingGeeki am downloading 30mb08:17
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crimsunheh, hopefully you're not doing any wacky pinning.08:17
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DaNewBdisposable_sh, usually, it should08:18
HostingGeekcrimsun: not yet08:18
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cutterjohnon another hoary/x.org are there any known problems with ATI Rage mobilities and X.org? (or older ibooks/powerbooks & X.org?)08:19
DaNewBdisposable_sh, but try log-out login again or restart x08:19
disposable_shDaNewB: it did, tnx08:19
HostingGeekcrimsun: hmm it depends on xorg-common08:19
parazoid_Does anyone knows what this is: '/var/spool/exim/msglog'? It?s taking up 8.1GB08:19
HostingGeekcrimsun: and apt was downloading something08:19
crimsunHostingGeek: xfree86-common?08:19
HostingGeekcrimsun: yes08:20
HostingGeeki installed xserver-xfree08:20
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crimsunHostingGeek: check the /etc/X11/X symlink08:20
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crimsunls -l /etc/X11/X08:21
HostingGeekgoes to xfree08:21
HostingGeekme restart08:21
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fuflois there a way to run only synaptic with LC_ALL set to english?08:22
gioelebin synaptic, what is the difference between "mark for removal" and "mark for *complete* removal"?08:22
schleyfoxHello, has anyone in here had any luck with micro advantage quikidrive usb flash HDs?08:22
crimsungioeleb: the "complete" remove conffiles, too.08:23
DaNewBgioeleb, complete removal removes config files and user created data08:23
schleyfoxThe box says it works in Linux but it does not appear to work.08:23
crimsunfuflo: "English" or C?08:23
crimsunfuflo: I recommend C if you need something vital.08:23
evilmegamanwill using knoppix to install ubuntu get me the same results as using the CD? or will it be different? Is there any other distro I can use to install ubuntu?08:24
crimsunevilmegaman: there are instructions on the wiki for using knoppix to bootstrap a ubuntu install.08:25
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DaNewBevilmegaman, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/InstallFromKnoppixHowto08:25
evilmegamanYeah. Just wondering if it gets me the same results.. so does it?08:26
xBrianxI've read conficting assertions, so I was hoping someone could clear it up for me: do Debian repositories "play well" with Ubuntu?08:26
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HostingGeekxfree works08:26
HostingGeekfont super small08:26
crimsunHostingGeek: please file a bug for xserver-xorg, then.08:26
xav_evilmegaman: installing with the cd is ok08:26
cutterjohnmonodevelop: I see in the forums that Im not the first with this problem with monodevelop... anyone ever get it resolved as there are no real followups in the forums?08:26
crimsunevilmegaman: the end result is similar08:27
crimsunevilmegaman: not identical.08:27
mjrxBrianx, unsupported, stuff might install, but  you really don't want to keep both in sources.list08:27
evilmegamanI wish I could install with the installation cd08:27
HostingGeekcrimsun: what do i say08:27
HostingGeekand its 6:30am08:27
xBrianxhmmmm...alright.  Thank you mjr08:27
DaNewBxBrianx, use universe, multiverse and backports repos instaed08:28
xBrianxI've been using Fedora up till about 5 minutes ago (Warty is finishing it's install).  I've used Ubuntu at work.  No complaints, just a little aged/limited packages.  Was hoping to use the Debian repositories to remedy that.08:28
looksauswhich w32codecs and related packages do I need in hoary? Sid or sarge?08:29
looksaus(I mean from Marillat)08:29
stuNNedif hoary then sid?08:30
crimsunHostingGeek: describe your problem, how it can be reproduced, any troubleshooting you've done, attach your conffiles and log files, etc.08:30
fuflocrimsun, well yes.. C.. how? :)08:30
crimsunfuflo: export LANG=C; export LC_ALL=C08:30
fufloi need only synaptic in C08:31
cutterjohnthanks for the hoary info, now off to remove and re-configure monodevelop, or breakdown and use a package from an alternate repo...08:31
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looksausanyone running tomboy on hoary?08:34
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looksausif so, how?08:35
GLoetmetI've got 40 or 50 workstations.. is there any way to install linux on them automatically?08:35
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GLoetmetand not being on every ws08:35
GLoetmetI mean.. install ubuntu on one workstation, and the same configuration applies to all the ws08:35
JDahlGLoetmet, you would have to compile your own customized .debs for configuration I think (at least I know sysadms that do it that way)08:36
aetheraanyone here use win4lin on08:36
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DaNewBGLoetmet, ask a guru for this, but maybe netboot install can help?08:37
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crimsunGLoetmet: FAI08:38
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HostingGeekcrimsun: i'll file to bug when i get up08:39
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GLoetmetcrimsun : FAI ?08:39
looksausF??? Automated installer08:40
DaNewBGLoetmet, Fully Automatic Installation08:40
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Baderdid anyone know what noapic stands for ?08:41
eyequeuei have troubles with sound08:41
DaNewBGLoetmet, http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/08:41
eyequeueBader: it's disabling the power management, i believe08:41
thenukeBader: google it08:41
GLoetmetso can FAI work with Ubuntu ?08:41
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Baderthenuke: I did it, I just wanted to understand.08:41
eyequeuewhat drivers do i need for a SoundMAX integrated "card" to work with ubuntu?08:41
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GLoetmetor does it install a "fai distribution"08:41
Durakusis there anyone that knows about having windows and ubuntu on at the same time that can help me?08:42
Li\Souhey everybody08:42
Badereyequeue: disabling acpi ?08:42
Li\Soui need a little help with backing up my linux08:42
eyequeueBader: er, acpi or apic? i read you as no acpi, but you said no apic, sorry08:42
thullydoes anybody know of a hoary snapshot (preferably from the last week) which works well for install?08:42
ermoGLoetmet, <quote>FAI uses the Debian distribution and a collection of shell- and Perl-scripts for the installation process</quote>08:42
Badereyequeue: noapic, it's related to some acpi stuff I think08:43
ermoGLoetmet, you may be aware that ubuntu is debian-based08:43
crimsunBader: 'noapic' disable the apic.08:43
Li\Soui want to take a snapshot of my disk and entire distro. anyone know of a good program for that? could this snapshot be loaded in from a network connection if i have to go back to that snapshot?08:43
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GLoetmetermo : yes.. ubuntu is debian-based, but debian doesn't recognize anything by default08:43
Baderthully: why didn't you simply dist-upgrade after install ?08:43
Badercrimsun: clever :)08:43
DurakusI put ubuntu on a seperate hardrive to try it out. and the dual boot window when i start up doesn't show up so i can select what i want to use. also i tried to change the boot prioritiy in the bios so that the harddrive with windows on it would boot up first and it wouldn't08:43
crimsunBader: it is orthogonal to the various '*acpi*' parameters.08:44
crimsunBader: new systems have an i/o apic and a local cpu apic.08:44
thullybecause it would be quicker to download an ISO - i have access to windows machines where I could download the ISO, while I would have to use slower wi-fi for dist-upgrade.08:44
eyequeueDurakus: personally i would adjust those via grub (/boot/grub/*)08:44
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crimsunBader: there is a 'nolapic' parameter, too.08:44
Durakushow do i do that08:44
thullyAlso, I want everything from Hoary's preconfig to be how it was intended08:44
Durakuscan you talk me through it?08:44
Badercrimsun: ok, so it won't degrade my acpi support ?08:44
eyequeueDurakus: the text editor of your choice?  vim, nano, whatever08:45
Durakustext editor?08:45
crimsunBader: no. Sometimes the parameter is necessary because various motherboard manufacturers release shoddy hardware.08:45
Durakusyou mean terminal?08:45
Baderand another question, how repair an ubuntu installation, by e.g.: a stupid user do a rm -rf /etc/X11 (it's me), how can I restore all /etc/X11 configuration ?08:46
eyequeueDurakus: no, i mean the application you use (perhaps *in* a terminal) to edit text files08:46
Baderdpkg-reconfigure all ?08:46
Durakusoh not sure it just pops up when i put in the comand in terminal08:46
Durakusgot it08:46
Durakustext editor08:46
captain_ronwhat are you going to use? I use gedit08:47
eyequeueBader: it's not a matter of reconfiguring, you've eliminated files, they are gone now.  apt-get --reinstall install package1 package2 packageN  may be what you want08:47
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eyequeueBader: basically anything that put any file or symlink under /etc/X11 during installation08:48
Durakusk i got it open what do i do now?08:48
ermoGLoetmet, as far as I can tell, fai is available in ubuntu '08:48
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ermoGLoetmet, I haven't tried it, but it seems that it's just a framework employing a debianized package-tree. And as such, I would expect it to work with ubuntu?08:49
mamhi the ubuntu way of dealing with .../ip-up.d/firestarter is just as debian ?08:49
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eyequeuecan anyone advise me what drivers i need for a SoundMAX integrated "card" support in ubuntu please?08:50
brian_how much of a performance increase can i expect with switching from a 386 imaage to a 686?08:51
aetheranot a soundmax again :(08:51
randabisnegligible performance increase at best08:51
looksauseyequeue, doesn't it work?08:51
aetherathose soundcards suck on windows aswell08:51
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brian_ok anyways i want the latest kernel so how would i go about installing it with synaptic08:51
looksauseyequeue, are you running ubuntu already?08:51
eyequeuelooksaus: i have no sound automatically, if you mean that08:52
brian_install the newer one then uninstalll old one?08:52
crimsunbrian_: install linux-68608:52
crimsunbrian_: then reboot08:52
eyequeueaethera: this is the "card" onboard the laptop, don't have much choice, eh08:52
eyequeuelooksaus: yes, i've been on ubuntu a few weeks, just now getting around to dealing with the annoyanc of being soundless (was in hospital)08:53
randabiswill linux-686 do restricted modules too?08:53
brian_oh i need that package with restricted modules? i thought just the images08:53
looksauseyequeue, you may want to look at Computer(?->I'm using another language) -> Administration -> Device Manager08:53
looksausand see if anything in there looks like a sound card08:53
crimsunrandabis: yes.08:53
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looksausyou might also want to double check your sound isn't muted08:54
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brian_do i need that restricted modules package?08:54
crimsunbrian_: no, you don't _need_ it unless you need binary-only modules provided by linux-restricted-modules-foo08:54
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micahfguys, I'm moving to mandrake08:54
eyequeuelooksaus: Computer > System Administration > Device Manager :)  that has always scared me, quite full of technical things, i was hoping to just modprobe, heheheh08:54
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brian_so basically extra drivers?08:54
randabismicahf blasphemy!08:54
crimsunmicahf: that's great, have a good time.08:54
ernesto_Hello all, is there a way to reset the root password?08:55
micahfsorry, but I just can't install08:55
randabishave fun in dependency hell :p08:55
crimsunernesto_: sudo -s08:55
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mamok in fact it's write in /etc/ppp/ip-up.local08:55
micahfbut it doesn't work!?!08:55
crimsunernesto_: then: passwd08:55
micahfwait, mandrake has a package manager too right?08:55
micahfI mean, why wouldn't it08:55
brian_no its got something that claims to be one08:55
crimsunmicahf: rpm. You'll want to use urpmi, probably.08:55
micahfrpm uses files huh08:56
micahf.rpm files08:56
micahfthats wack08:56
brian_i had lotsa problem installing stuff in mandrake but i found plf and norlug repos useful08:56
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micahfwell I can always just find a new package manager08:56
eyequeuelooksaus: there's something in there that talks about audio, but nothing configurable, just a bunch of low-level strings08:56
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randabisthere's a synaptic for rpm I believe08:57
crimsuneyequeue: what's the issue with sound?08:57
micahfwell if someone can tell me why ubuntu install disc freezes...08:57
micahfit starts but I can't use the keyboard on the blue screen08:58
micahfI should test to see if it is actually frozen, or just the keyboard doesn't work08:58
brian_oo wut would happen if i install this hoary kernel image (2.6.9)?08:58
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icerogueHi all08:58
randabisthere's a hoary linux image 2.6.10...08:59
ernesto_crimson: why am I supposed to override root and impersonate it with sudo -s, I mean it's cool it worked for me this time because I forgot the root password, but are all linux'es like these?, or is it ubuntu that has it's security settings lightened up?08:59
crimsunthe restricted modules aren't synced for 2.6.1008:59
randabisI don't know about mixing warty and hoary though08:59
eyequeuecrimsun: "silence" here :)08:59
crimsuneyequeue: does /proc/asound/cards list your card? (don't paste)09:00
eyequeuecrimsun: i have an on-board SoundMAX on this laptop, and don't know what to modprobe09:00
micahfare there update discs for hoary --> warty?09:00
brian_i dont have 2 6 10 well i only added universe hoary ne ways09:00
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micahfbecause maybe I can get the 'hoary' install disc to work09:00
icerogueHey what mail server would you recomend?09:00
ernesto_crimsum: why am I supposed to override root and impersonate it with sudo -s, I mean it's cool it worked for me this time because I forgot the root password, but are all linux'es like these?, or is it ubuntu that has it's security settings lightened up?09:00
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ernesto_(sorry I mispelled your nickname :d)09:00
crimsunmicahf: that would be a downgrade.09:01
crimsunmarcin_ant: Hoary is, when released, 6 months newer than Warty.09:01
crimsunwhat the09:01
mindphasrernesto_: The security is not lightened up..the root account is disabled for security reasons. Your username is in the root group so you dont have to ever be logged in as root.09:01
Baderis there an automatic way of configuration for widescreen (15"4 pouce) laptop screens ?09:01
Baderbecause I don't have any modelines specs about them in any manual...09:02
crimsuneyequeue: "soundmax?" is it pci or isa?09:02
ernesto_mindphasr: but that means that anyone that logs in my computer can be root and do whatever they want, right?09:02
eyequeuecrimsun: i'm unsure :/  if 82801DB-ICH4 is a sound card, then yes (it does list a modem, oddly)09:02
mindphasrernesto_: No, it means if they log into your user they can09:02
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crimsuneyequeue: then you need to use snd-intel8x009:03
ernesto_mindphasr: and then type sudo -s and become root09:03
crimsuneyequeue: NOT snd-intel8x0m09:03
brian_no they need to know ur password for ur user first09:03
eyequeuecrimsun: this is the onboard sound "card" integrated in a laptop09:03
micahfI see09:03
micahfhoary is the new one09:03
micahfwhats the old one09:03
crimsuneyequeue: dell laptop?09:03
micahfbefore warty09:03
ernesto_mindphasr: I understand, thanks!09:03
micahfand why do they have such names?09:03
eyequeuecrimsun: gateway09:03
mindphasrernesto_: They need to know your password.  The whole point of it is so there is no root account vulnerable09:03
crimsuneyequeue: try `sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0'09:03
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brian_warty was the first09:03
crimsuneyequeue: actually, check if it's already loaded.09:04
ernesto_the root account will be vulnerable only if they know my username/password09:04
micahfso it started out on version 4.1?09:04
crimsuneyequeue: lsmod |grep ^snd_intel8x009:04
crimsunmicahf: 4.1009:04
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crimsunmicahf: year.month09:04
micahfI see09:04
looksausdamn, crimsun, you type fast, was going to say exactly the same about lsmod|grep...09:04
micahfI am not used to that format09:04
micahfbeing in the US09:05
micahfso I thought it was a version number09:05
xav_what do I need to have the gnome cpufreq applet working?09:05
crimsun(it is a version number)09:05
micahfok yea its a version number, but not standard 1.009:05
xav_it tells me that cpu frequency scaling is unsupported09:05
micahfyou know what I mean09:06
eyequeuecrimsun: both 8x0 and 8x0m ... a lot of snd loaded, lsmod | grep snd | wc -l  gives 1009:06
xav_my machine may be misconfigured or I don't have hw support for cpu freq scaling09:06
randabischeck your volume?09:06
eyequeuerandabis: heh, done :)09:06
Baderafter my first boot on my new laptop, the mouse don't work and XFree86 don't work correctly, if I disable my mouse then even my keyboard don't work...09:06
looksauseyequeue, so do you get sound now?09:07
eyequeuelooksaus: no, i've made no changes, just done examination steps so far09:07
BaderI think it could be fixed, but it worry me a lot.09:07
randabiseyequeue has you checked which device the mixer is using?09:08
eyequeuei'm somewhat shocked that i alreadys had the drivers loaded though09:08
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crimsuneyequeue: two things to try. 1) sudo modprobe -r snd-intel8x0m snd-intel8x0 && sudo insmod snd-intel8x009:08
xav_no cpufreq interface found. I don't understand09:08
eyequeuerandabis: i'm no sound guy, i don't really know what a mixer is09:08
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randabiseyequeue in the volume control thingy09:08
randabisFile --> Change device09:09
randabisif there are more than one, try them all09:09
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micahfdoes anyone know of any open source downloaders that support multiple connections?09:10
micahfbecause I could really use one to download these isos09:10
Durakushow do i log in as root so i can make a readonly file editable?09:10
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JDahlmicahf, like bittorrent?09:11
eyequeuecrimsun: to the first: FATAL: Module snd_intel8x0m is in use.09:11
brian_go into root terminal and type nautilus09:11
micahfyea but thats too many connections09:11
micahfI'm talking about multiple server connections09:11
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micahfmy modem gets burnt out on BT09:11
crimsuneyequeue: what model gateway?09:11
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micahfdo you think d4x will compile on a mac?09:12
micahflooks like it won't09:13
brian_thought ubuntu09:13
micahfno I'm trying to download ubuntu09:13
micahfon a mac09:13
brian_i just noticed that09:13
micahfspeed downloader costs money09:13
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eyequeuecrimsun: 4530GZ09:14
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eyequeuecrimsun: new late summer (norhter hemisphere) apparently09:14
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kotauhow to install an .rpm file (ATI catalyst drivers)09:14
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brian_omg so hard to find a downloader for mac in google, id just go download.com09:15
crimsunkotau: they're already included in 'linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)'09:15
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spiralcrimsun: so, when ati will release their new driver...09:16
brian_what does $(uname -r) mean?09:16
t325micahf: on mac use curl, it's like wget, textmode utiliy for dling (you use it in a text terminal)09:16
spiralbrian_: you kernel revision09:16
Durakusk i need some help i'm in /boot/grub/menu.lst and I wanna make it so i have a choice to boot up windows or ubuntu. how do i do it?09:16
brian_oo ic lotsa people used that on me im like ???09:16
spiralcrimsun: this will be included in an update for restricted-modules ?09:16
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spiralcrimsun: and all I'll have to do is patch my xorg.conf ?09:16
crimsunspiral: aren't you already using an ati card with fglrx?09:17
spiralcrimsun: hmmm... as this doesn't work with xorg 6.8.1, no... I'm on hoary...09:17
spiralso fglrx isn't enabled in my xorg.conf09:17
crimsuneyequeue: try rebooting with "acpi_isa_irq=7" on the kernel command line09:17
Durakuscan someone please help me I'm totally lost09:18
crimsunah, you're using hoary.09:18
crimsunspiral: yes. that's it.09:18
spiralcrimsun: nice ! I hope they will release their drivers so :-p I wanna play tuxracer :-p09:18
eyequeuecrimsun: i'll be back in a couple minutes with that then :)  thanks for the time you've invested so far09:18
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Durakusk i need some help i'm in /boot/grub/menu.lst and I wanna make it so i have a choice to boot up windows or ubuntu. how do i do edit the menu.lst to do that?09:19
neighborleeDurakus, Illl PM you as doing so in here would be flooding09:19
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sanzkyhi, how can i install kernel sources using apt ?09:20
kotauSo... if the drivers are inc. in restricted-modules, and I just upgraded to hoary, then the latest ATI drivers are installed?09:20
jatoswhere would be the best palce for help on webadmin?09:21
crimsunsanzky: make sure the source repo for main is uncommented.09:22
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crimsunsanzky: in other words, just install 'linux-source-' if you're using Warty09:22
sanzkythanks crimsun09:23
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Ex-Cyberwell, that was probably the least painful Linux install I've ever done :)09:24
randabisit doesn't extract the source though, you'll have to go into /usr/src and extract it09:24
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aetheraEx-Cyber: have you installed mandrake or fedora yet?09:26
Ex-Cyberaethera: I installed Mandrake back when it was 8.x I think09:27
aetherawell than you cant say it was the least painfull intall09:27
invictusdoes ubuntu have any command to add or remove programs from the bootup?09:27
aetheracaus eI find gentoo install easy aswell09:27
Ex-Cyberaethera: I said it's the least painful I've done09:27
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eyequeuecrimsun: still silence09:28
randabisI wish I could get ecasound to install09:28
crimsunrandabis: why can't you?09:28
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crimsuneyequeue: lsmod|grep ^snd_intel8x0m09:28
randabiskeep getting an error about python >2.4 needed...I have both 2.4 and 2.309:28
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Ex-Cyberanyway, the problem I have now is that X is eating my CPU for lunch even though accel and DRI are supposedly enabled and I see no errors in XFree86.log.009:28
spiralhmmm... is somebody pro with centrino there ?09:29
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spiralI'dd like to understand why mine doesn't wanna speedstep09:29
aetheraEx-Cyber: what cpu is it09:29
Ex-Cyberaethera: Athlon XP 1800+09:30
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aetherawhat apps do you have open09:30
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crimsunrandabis: are you using hoary?09:30
kentIs there any one here using Hoary that also have gotten debian-specific gdm-themes installed? I just saw it now.09:30
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gioelebok, now I run a full hoary ubuntu. how do I install kde?09:30
crimsunrandabis: sec.09:30
eyequeuecrimsun: snd_intel8x0m          18212  209:31
les_I have 3 linux boxes: 1 fc2, 1 fc3 and ubuntu.  I can ssh from ubuntu to other linux boxes but not the other way.  Any hints?09:31
Ex-Cyberaethera: perhaps I should be more clear; the CPU usage is what I would expect from a non-accelerated display (vesa, et. al.), it's not pegged at 100% or anything09:31
brian_will the new kernel image list itself in grub?09:31
crimsuneyequeue: looks like you need to blacklist it. `echo snd-intel8x0m|sudo tee -a /etc/hotplug/blacklist'09:32
re-mind_Hello :) could anybody tell me if it is possible to use 32-bit programs in the 64-bit version of ubuntu?09:32
crimsuneyequeue: then reboot, and things should work.09:32
xiximkoppis there any progress on usplash?09:32
crimsunrandabis: it's a simple version conflict; one of the devs needs to trigger an update for it. I've asked.09:32
t325Does any1 have an answer to invictus' question (does ubuntu have any command to add or remove programs from the bootup?) Is there any gnome utlity equivalent to ksysv?09:32
Ex-Cyberbut doing anything at all loads it quite a bit... with just a terminal window watching top output and moving the mouse around (not even over anything that highlights, just the root window) I can get X over 10%... and very conservative window-dragging pushes it over 50%09:32
randabiscrimsun thanks, much appreciated :)09:33
|D|les_: u dont have the openssh server installed by default in ubuntu09:33
les_i installed the server/client09:33
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Ex-CyberI can't use type-ahead find in Firefox because it drops letters09:33
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eyequeuecrimsun: okay, it's at the end of that list now09:33
Riddellgioeleb: use the universe repository and apt-get install kde-core, kde 3.2 in warty, 3.3.2 in hoary09:33
randabisbrian_ when you install a new kernel image, update-grub is usually triggered so your grub will be updated09:33
eyequeuecrimsun: reboot *without* that *irq=7 parameter?09:34
|D|les_: i think u need to install openssh-server09:34
eyequeuecrimsun: what's so problematic about that driver btw?09:34
les_it is installed09:34
crimsuneyequeue: yes, try without.09:34
crimsuneyequeue: if it still doesn't work, readd it.09:34
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Ex-Cyberso basically XFree86 claims acceleration is enabled, but acts like it's not09:34
eyequeuecrimsun: brb then09:34
crimsuneyequeue: readd the acpi parameter, that is.09:34
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brian_ok i have the new kernel image installed do i reboot and switcth to that kernel in grub?09:36
crimsunbrian_: yes.09:36
gioelebthanks Riddel09:37
les_my firewall rule is to accept all connections for lan09:37
|D|les_: did u check http://ubuntuguide.org/#sshserver09:38
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Ex-Cyberso what could cause XFree86 to slow down to unaccelerated levels aside from acceleration being disabled?09:38
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marcin_antwhat is an rpm -qpl equivalent in debian?09:39
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marcin_antI would like to list files in dpkg09:39
Ex-Cyberinterestingly enough my glxgears rate is completely normal09:40
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Ex-Cyberwhile dragging a terminal window eats half my CPU09:40
les_i did use the ubuntuguide but no joy connecting from either fc2 or fc3 to ubuntu09:41
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|D|les_: can other services pass through the firewall09:41
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|D|les_:can u telnet/ftp/etc to the ubuntu box from the others?09:42
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eyequeuecrimsun: still silent09:43
eyequeuecrimsun: it did successfully prevent that from module from loading09:44
eyequeueis "m" perhaps the centrino side of things?09:45
les_negative; only ping and this after stopping firewall09:45
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|D|les_ : then it probably is the firewall blocking things09:46
|D|try it with the firewall down09:46
les_thanks, ill check09:47
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crimsuneyequeue: no, it's the modem module09:47
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gioelebis there a way to use kdm instead of gdm?09:48
MortenLhi! i just installed ubuntu, and during the installation i chose norwegian as the system language. now several programs are in sweedish and danish, the languages are pretty similar to norwegian, but i'd rather want the programs to be in english if a norwegian translation is'nt available. is there a way to fix this?09:48
crimsuneyequeue: and this is without acpi_isa_irq=7, correct?09:48
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ironwolfgloeleb: apt-get install kde09:48
eyequeuecrimsun: both without and now with09:48
crimsuneyequeue: does `aplay foo.wav' work correctly?09:49
Riddellgioeleb: apt-get install kdm09:49
|D|MortenL : sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales09:49
ironwolfin latest hoary, where did volume control go?  and will it come back?09:49
crimsunthe applet or the application?09:50
t325i asked before how to have a button for ending sudo privileges; someone told me sudo -k; the problem is that it only works when done from the cmd line, the launcher I've made for doing it doesn't work, even with the option launch in a terminal; any clue?09:50
eyequeuecrimsun: no error messages, but no sound either09:50
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crimsuneyequeue: please paste the output of `amixer' onto pastebin.com09:51
eyequeueis that a channel here?09:51
crimsuneyequeue: no, it's a paste web site09:51
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eyequeuecrimsun: done, though it added php comments surrounding it, ignore those09:55
ironwolfanyone seeing volume control issues in latest hoary?09:56
crimsuneyequeue: your PCM channel is muted.09:56
Ex-CyberI'm running Warty on an Athlon XP 1800+/512MB/Radeon 8500 system and 2D in X is extremely slow (3D is not) despite acceleration being enabled and no errors in the log... any idea how to go about diagnosing this?09:56
eyequeuenot that i know what a pcm channel is, but how do i unmute it?09:56
pipelinePCM is regular digital audio.09:57
eyequeuei've been using Computer > Desktop Preferences > Sound09:57
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Xanticsevening people09:58
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Xanticsis there someone that can help me setup the real nvidia driver, instead of the nv driver, for gnome09:58
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Xanticsi tried using the binary driver howto, but i've ran into a few obstacles09:58
drspinXantics: What were the obstacles?09:59
Xanticsinstalling the named packages to begin with :/09:59
Xanticsthe site says: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:00
Xanticsbut it doesn't find that package anywhere10:00
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XanticsPackage nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:00
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Stew2Xantics: Yeah. I got the nvidia drivers installed. They rock.10:01
ironwolffound and fixed problem.  Thanks.10:01
Stew2There's a how-to... lemme see.10:01
Stew2Xantics: it was really easy by using the website.10:02
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LinuxNIT-how do you start SMB support?10:02
drspincould anyone help me make the EQ functions of XMMS work?10:03
Quest-MasterHas anyone gotten VMWare on Ubuntu to work?10:03
XanticsStew2: it says the same there as on the official site, and the packages they name can't be found by my apt-get :( that's my problem10:03
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drspinXantics: did you add the multiverse repository?10:05
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kakashiu using UBUNTU???10:06
Xanticsi don't think so? how do i do that?10:06
kakashii think so10:06
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carambolhow i  close port (echo request) in forestarter10:07
Xanticsdrspin: how do i add that?10:07
carambolport 8 (icmp)10:07
drspinXantics: hang on10:07
Xanticsok :)10:07
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hummmhi. is there a package i need to install in order to have man pages for development stuff10:09
JDahlhummm, manpages-dev10:10
eyequeuei managed to figure out how to unmute pcm, and i've booted with and without acpi_isa_irq=7, but still silence10:10
drspinXantics: go HERE :: http://ubuntuguide.org/#installnvidiadriver :: READ ALL OF THE STEPS10:10
carambolXantix: http://www.ubuntuguide.org10:10
hummmJDahl: thanks10:10
Ex-CyberI'm running Warty on an Athlon XP 1800+/512MB/Radeon 8500 system and 2D in X is extremely slow (3D is not) despite acceleration being enabled and no errors in the log... any idea how to go about diagnosing this?10:10
drspinXantics: including the one that describes how to add extra repositories...10:10
crimsuneyequeue: so as far as you know, things play, but you can't hear them, correct?10:10
Xanticsdrspin: ok cool, i'm going to read it right now10:11
eyequeuecrimsun: that's probably an accurate assessment, since i get no error messages from aplay10:11
eyequeueand before you ask, no i'm not deaf, heh10:11
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brian_hey i have wacom sources and kernel headers in what do i do now?!10:12
crimsuneyequeue: are you attempting to listen through line-out (headphones/speakers) or a coax?10:12
bluefoxicyyou know what, it looks like /tmp file races can actually be protected against proactively10:12
eyequeuecrimsun: no, the builtin speakers on the front of the laptop10:12
bluefoxicyand it shouldn't break existing software o_o10:12
eyequeuebluefoxicy: what's the trick?10:13
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drspinthe MAD plugin for XMMS doesn't support the XMMS EQ :(10:14
drspinor at least not on my box10:14
bluefoxicyeyequeue:  A process can't run (I don't think) with two effective UIDs at the same time (i.e. run as 2 users at once) and create files owned by different users, unless it's root owned and is retaining caps through user switches and doing it deliberately, right?10:14
crimsundrspin: should work fine for the mpg123 plugin as long as they're mp3s10:15
bluefoxicyeyequeue:  I just noticed in grsecurity that you can set Linking Restrictions to deny the following of symlinks in world-writable +t directories if the symlink is owned by another user, unless the symlink is owned by the same user who owns the directory10:15
drspincrimsun: it does now10:15
drspincrimsun: been trying for two days to make it work10:15
bluefoxicyeyequeue:  looks like spender had a trick to do it all along ;)10:15
eyequeuebluefoxicy: perhaps multiple users in a group that owns it?  unsure, just thinking aloud10:15
drspincrimsun: and no one had an aswer10:15
crimsundrspin: to get eq for vorbis & flacs, you probably want b-m-p10:15
bluefoxicyeyequeue:  no :)10:15
drspincrimsun: thanks10:16
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bluefoxicybluefox@icebox ~ $ id10:16
bluefoxicyuid=1000(bluefox) gid=100(users) groups=10(wheel),11(floppy),18(audio),19(cdrom),35(games),80(cdrw),100(users),245(slocate),250(portage),1000(wine),1001(kernelhackers)10:16
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randabiskde don't look so bad10:16
bluefoxicyeyequeue:  if a process create a directory, then a link, they'll both be owned by the same user.  :)10:16
Riddellrandabis: we like to think so :)10:17
brian_hey i have wacom sources and kernel headers in what do i do now? :/10:17
eyequeuedoes a process have the same concept of group ownership that a file has?10:17
michelp|ubuhello, i have a beginner question, I have a .deb file that I downloaded, when I try to install it with dpkg -i it says it requires other packages, do I have to intall all of those by hand or is there a way to get apt-get to satisfy the dependencies in the file?  the package is hardware-monitor_1.2-1.1ubuntu1_amd64.deb10:17
brian_./configuire  make  make install?10:17
spiralanyone here on ubuntu hoary with a centrino correctly speedsted who could show me his /proc/cpuinfo ?10:18
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michelp|ubuBTW, ubuntu on the amd64 3400+: 50,000 pystones.  sweet ;)10:18
eyequeuemichelp|ubu: now that it is installed but unconfigured, perhaps 'apt-get install -f' will fix dependencies?10:18
spiralspeedsteped sorry10:18
bluefoxicyeyequeue:  processes and files have user/group10:18
bluefoxicyeyequeue:  they're separate concepts10:18
brian_right click properties*10:18
TreadingSoftlyhi HostingGeek (and others). In an attempt to get Screem working I tried apt-get -purge screem and apt-get -install screem. But Screem still crashes shortly after startup. But I did notice an odd message concerning Scribus when apt was installing screem:Setting up screem (0.10.2-1ubuntu2) ...10:19
TreadingSoftlyFile '/usr/share/applications/scribus.desktop' contains invalid MIME type 'scd,scd.gz,sla,sla.gz' that contains invalid characters10:19
bluefoxicyeyequeue:  a group isn't literally a group of users; it's an entity that users just happen to be associated with.10:19
eyequeuebluefoxicy: an important distinction, thanks10:19
TreadingSoftlyNow I do have Scribus installed. Could there be some connection between this and Screem crashing?10:19
brian_ok ill dumb my question down, how do i install a module from source?10:19
kentTreadingSoftly, does it crash all the time, or just some times?  for me it crash 'some times', but i think thats becaus screem is buggy..10:20
eyequeuebrian_: something to do with module-assistant ?10:21
brian_oh ill try that tool10:21
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TreadingSoftlyHi Kent... it crashes as soon as it starts every time. Quanta also crashes sometimes, but less frequently.10:21
TreadingSoftlyKent are you running Warty or Hoary?10:22
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TreadingSoftly(More specifically it seems to crash soon as I try and close the Tip of the Day.10:22
eyequeuewhat exactly is the naming convention for releases? Alliterative Critters? :)10:23
brian_module assistant doesnt list my wacom10:23
brian_synaptic installed the wacom source in /usr/src10:24
micahfis there only one version of the ubuntu install cd?10:24
micahfthat is stable?10:24
micahfbecause I would like to try another if there is one10:25
TreadingSoftlythe rest of the system, incidently, like OpenOffice and Gimp seem stable enough ,,, so i'm not sure why i'm having trouble with HTML editors10:25
micahfotherwise I will have to search long and hard for another linux that comes on one CD10:25
Xanticsdrspin: you rock, tnx :)10:25
eyequeuemicahf: one install, one livecd, iirc10:25
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micahfdo you know of any other linux that comes on one cd?10:25
micahfbut I don't think it works on mac10:26
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micahfand it doesn't install does it10:26
eyequeuemicahf: knoppix is popular, and has variants even10:26
Xanticsok, i'm out, gotta restart X10:26
eyequeuemicahf: kanotix?10:26
Ex-CyberI'm running Warty on an Athlon XP 1800+/512MB/Radeon 8500 system and 2D in X is extremely slow (3D is not) despite acceleration being enabled and no errors in the log... any idea how to go about diagnosing this?10:26
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TreadingSoftlyyou can install Knoppix (I haven't ...)10:27
TreadingSoftlymight have to get the right CD though10:27
micahfmaybe I'll try the gentoo live cd10:28
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crimsuneyequeue: year.month, like I mentioned above.10:28
eyequeuecrimsun: misdirect?10:29
crimsunno, just misunderstanding.10:29
crimsunthought you were referring to the version instead of the codename.10:29
eyequeuei do grok '410' btw10:29
eyequeueer, 4.1010:30
Stew2What do I need to do to install opengl-devel on Ubuntu warty?10:32
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aetheraanyone here user rar?10:33
aetherawhats the apt for it10:33
aetheraI need unrar command10:33
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bugaaethera: it's in universe, jusr apt-get install unrar10:33
crimsunStew2: do you have xlibmesa-gl-dev, xlibmesa-glu-dev, and xlibosmesa-dev installed?10:33
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GammaRayI'm having trouble detecting my burner w/ cdrecord --scanbus dev=ATAPI I have to add dev:ATAPI:/dev/hdc for it to work *but* most programs like k3b do not do that. Is there anyway to get it detected w/ the first command?10:35
aetheraaptroot@epox:/home/jeanre/Torrents # apt-get install unrar10:35
aetheraReading Package Lists... Done10:35
aetheraBuilding Dependency Tree... Done10:35
aetheraPackage unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:35
aetheraThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:35
aetherais only available from another source10:35
aetheraenabl: Package unrar has no installation candidate10:35
crimsunGammaRay: use -dev=/dev/hdc10:36
eyequeueaethera: try 'rar'10:36
crimsunGammaRay: that's the preferred method for ATAPI burners in 2.610:36
eyequeueaethera: do you have universe in /etc/apt/sources.list ?10:37
GammaRaycrimsun: that works and I've done that but how do I get k3b to do that? or gnomebaker?10:37
crimsunGammaRay: configure it in the preferences.10:37
aetheradeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe10:37
aetheradeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty universe10:37
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bugaGammaRay: if you make a symlink /dev/hdc -> /dev/cdrom, k3b will find it10:39
eyequeueaethera: correction, multiverse rather than universe10:39
aetheraeyequeue: can you paste your deb entries for multiverse?10:39
GammaRaybuga: I do, and it seems to find it as a reader but not a writer10:40
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eyequeueaethera: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty multiverse10:41
gangalinois there a synaptic entry for a general system upgrade for warty?10:41
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gangalinoI'm concerned about this specifically- https://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/usn/usn-10-1/view?searchterm=XML10:42
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gangalinoUbuntu Security Notice USN-10-1 October 28, 200410:42
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crimsungangalino: yes, it's the security entry and is enabled by default.10:43
crimsungangalino: all you need to have done is to update & upgrade.10:43
eyequeuegangalino: does your /etc/apt/sources.list contain this line? deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu warty-security main10:43
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gangalinoit didn't, but it does now. thx. now how do I apply the upgrades? search for 'security'?10:45
crimsun< crimsun> gangalino: all you need to have done is to update & upgrade.10:46
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eyequeuein synaptic, click the first three icons, or 'sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'10:46
aetheragangalino: apt-get upgrade10:46
TheGorfGreetings, would anyone have a moment to aide me in getting a SanDisk compact flash card reader working?  When it is attached, the system starts up and hangs on "Starting hotplug subsystem".  I am a bit lost at where to start on this.10:48
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Ex-CyberI'm running Warty on an Athlon XP 1800+/KT333/512MB/Radeon 8500 system and 2D in X is extremely slow (3D is not) despite acceleration being enabled and no errors in the log... any idea how to go about diagnosing this?10:49
eyequeueTheGorf: does it work if you hotplug it later, after boot completes?10:50
TheGorfNot that I can tell no10:50
TheGorfIt should show up as a scsi device correct?10:51
eyequeueTheGorf: i dont have any useful ideas for you, sorry10:51
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jatoswhere would I find the sheel script that starts the gui?10:51
TheGorfhmmm alrighty then... I shall battle forth alone.  ;-)10:52
eyequeuejatos: /etc/init.d/gdm10:52
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jatoscan I safely edit so that default I end up in the console NOT gnome10:52
eyequeuejatos: i would just remove the symlink to that in /etc/rc2.d/10:53
pyphreakI gotta question...10:53
HrdwrBoBjatos: do what eyequeue said :)10:53
HrdwrBoBsudo chmod -x /etc/rc2.d/S99gdm10:53
HrdwrBoBwill do it10:53
bugaGammaRay: this should be a permission problem.  can you try 'gksudo k3b' or similar?10:53
pyphreakwhat are thw minimum system requirements for ubuntu?10:54
jatoser wait10:54
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jatos32mb 1.8gb hd space10:54
jatosnoyjimh jrtr sbout proccessor speed...10:54
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HrdwrBoBpyphreak: realistically you would want to use at least a p3 class10:54
pyphreakoh, ok10:54
jatostheres suppose to be a custom install to knock it down to 350mb but I can't fidn it10:55
HrdwrBoByou can use a P210:55
pyphreakI got an old machine that does nothing right now, so I was thinking10:55
HrdwrBoBbut for real world use, I would recommednd 512 (256 would be ok though) ram and a p3 class or above processor10:55
eyequeuepyphreak: how old?10:55
pyphreakabout putting ubuntu on there10:56
pyphreaktoo old, P1 ;)10:56
eyequeuepyphreak: the gui might overwhelm it10:56
gangalinoHrdwrBob: that's an impressive handle.10:56
HrdwrBoBgangalino: thankyou :)10:56
pyphreakwell, just wanted to make sure...10:56
HrdwrBoBpyphreak: P1 class is suitable mostly for binning :)10:56
eyequeuepyphreak: i've got a p100 runing debian, but without x1110:57
jatoswhats the official way of removing a symlink?10:57
HrdwrBoBjatos: with rm10:57
eyequeuejatos: rm symlinkname :)10:57
TheGorfWithout X, my server runs quite nicely on my P2 400 hosting DNS, WEB, mail, and SMB10:57
gangalinoyou sure you can fill those boots? I have some questions about a USB Microtek Backpack dvdrw10:57
jatosso could you give me an example of a share command to remove the symlink to the gui startup?10:57
HrdwrBoBheh, well technically my nick derived from a hardware store mascot, but I'll give it a shot10:58
eyequeuejatos: rm /etc/rc2.d/S99gdn10:58
pyphreakwell, tnx guys!10:58
HrdwrBoBjatos: with sudo10:58
jatosk thanks10:58
eyequeuejatos: slap a sudo in front of that of course10:58
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HrdwrBoBsudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S99gdm10:58
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jatoslet me just try that...10:58
GammaRaybuga: you're right, it does work as root.10:59
bugawhat's the output of 'ls -l /dev/hdc' ?10:59
GammaRaybrwxrwxrwx    1 root     cdrom     22,   0 2005-01-16 12:20 /dev/hdc10:59
jatosI presume to start the gui I type startx if not how do I start it?10:59
lavigj_just out of curiosity, how many people in here also run debian?11:00
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HrdwrBoBlavigj: I run debian on my home box because I am too lazy to reinstall11:00
wastreli have a debian system11:00
bugame too11:00
jatosI tryed it and I ran into too many problems I decided it was easy to just put on ubunti11:00
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eyequeuejatos: per-user, yes, startx ... if you want gdm, then 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm' would work11:00
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lavigjHrdwrBoB: hehehe11:00
alka_trashhey all11:00
HrdwrBoBactually I have 30 ish debian systems at work11:00
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HrdwrBoBI think11:01
eyequeuejatos: per-user, yes, startx ... if you want gdm, then 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start' would work (i left out start, lol)11:01
TheGorfHrdwrBoB: we were going to run Debian at work as well, but it had a terrible time with Dell raid controller drivers at the time.11:01
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alka_trashdoes anyone know if I can clock a 333mhz AMD sempron to 266?11:01
lavigjHrdwrBoB: how's debian? I am liking ubuntu, but I would also like more flexibility in window managers and things like that. not that gnome breaks my heart... I am also interested in sarge and sid and how they compare to the unstable versions of ubuntu11:01
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GammaRayalka_trash: check your figures (-; or your brand..11:02
HrdwrBoBlavigj: on every system I have built or installed in the last 6 months, I have installed ubuntu11:02
bugaGammaRay: permission of /dev/cdrom seems to be good. I did have similar problem with 2.6.8 kernel11:02
alka_trashGammaRay: figures?11:02
wastreldebian is jolly good.  i haven't tried the sarge installer but it's supposed to be much better.11:02
lavigjalka_trash: if you mean run the 333 fsb sempron at 266 - probably. I would research it first though if it is crucial11:02
GammaRayalka_trash: no such cpu as a 333MHZ sempron11:02
bugaGammaRay: with 2.6.10 cd writing as user works again11:03
randabisbus speed...11:03
lavigjHrdwrBoB: ah, ok.11:03
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lavigjHrdwrBoB: ubuntu is pretty nice...11:03
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HrdwrBoByou can still play around with ubuntu11:03
GammaRaybuga: I'm using the default kernel.. is .10 out?11:03
wastrelyeah i'm thinking of replacing gentoo with ubuntu on my desktop system11:03
HrdwrBoBGammaRay: yes11:03
lavigjwastrel: I am using instead of gentoo on my laptop since this thing is not a compiling power house.11:04
aetherahahaha gaim segment faulted11:04
lavigjHrdwrBoB: what do you mean play around?11:04
HrdwrBoBlavigj: I've done a lot of playing around in years past, I'm mostly over that and (for the majority of the time) I like things to Just Work11:04
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HrdwrBoBinstalling different wms11:04
GammaRaymy only "hesidency" in upgrading is I'll have to figure out grub now..11:04
lavigjHrdwrBoB: ah, ok.11:04
HrdwrBoBtrying different apps/ways of doing thigns11:04
bugaGammaRay: I don't know prepackaged kernels of ubuntu, I'm a noncomformist :)11:05
HrdwrBoBGammaRay: no you won't11:05
lavigjHrdwrBoB: other than the default window manager, are there many differences between debian and ubuntu?11:05
wastrelgrub is a snap and ubu sets it all up for you anyway11:05
eyequeueGammaRay: did you have 2.6.8 on grub already?11:05
HrdwrBoBGammaRay: the package auto configures grub11:05
wastrelheh i was resistant to moving to grub from lilo too :] 11:05
GammaRayeyequeue: sure11:05
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alka_trashGammaRay: sorry, My computer supports 2600+ athlon XP cpus at 266mhz fsb, ( this chip is out of production ) Sempron replaced XP,  the main difference is that semprom runs at 333 fsb.  I'm wondering if I can just buy a Semporn and clock the fsb to 266.  What do you think   ( has anyone done this )?11:05
HrdwrBoBlavigj: debian lacks the 'polish'11:05
eyequeueGammaRay: if so, run "update-grub" after you install the new key just a safety measure)rnel package (and that's probabl11:05
eyequeuewtf? :)11:06
wastreldoes debian have a default WM?11:06
HrdwrBoBalka_trash: the sempron memory controller is on the chip.11:06
lavigjHrdwrBoB: polish is not a bad thing.11:06
HrdwrBoBlavigj: exactly11:06
=== lavigj likes the idea of polish...
eyequeueGammaRay: if so, run "update-grub" after you install the new kernel package (and that's probably just a safety measure)11:06
HrdwrBoBeyequeue: it already dose11:06
randabisHrdwrBoB, only on the 3100+11:06
HrdwrBoBGammaRay: simply apt-get or synaptic the package11:06
alka_trashHrdwrBoB: so it's not going to work?11:06
eyequeueHrdwrBoB: yeah, i thoughts so11:06
HrdwrBoBand look at the output11:06
randabisthe socket 754 sempron11:06
spiralis there a way to use gnome-volume-manager with konqueror on kde with hoary ?11:06
lavigjHrdwrBoB: thanks for the input... it is nice to just get an answer instead of "google it" or11:06
lavigjHrdwrBoB: "search the forums"11:07
GammaRayeyequeue: are we talking about a package in updates or the dev version?11:07
HrdwrBoBlavigj: I feel that's the spirit of ubuntu11:07
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HrdwrBoBwhich is why I'm still here and don't so that so much :)11:07
Riddellspiral: no, it's hard coded to use nautilus for some reason11:07
eyequeueGammaRay: you can manually d/l the .10 pacakge, and then dpkg -i  it11:07
bassinboypluged my camara in.... usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using address 2 ........... how can i mount it11:07
Riddellspiral: KDE 3.4 has HAL support, for KDE 3.3 you have to use system:/11:07
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lavigjHrdwrBoB: :) I just have been trying to find a good 686 based package system.11:08
spiralRiddell: no 3.4 is coming in hoary for now I suppose ?11:08
randabisI like my gnome better :p11:08
eyequeueGammaRay: i *think* warty will stay at .8 for its lifespan11:08
GammaRayeyequeue: will that install along side of .8?11:08
Riddellspiral: not yet I'm afraid11:08
lavigjHrdwrBoB: on the other hand, ubuntu has been doing very well11:08
HrdwrBoBeyequeue: stable does not change.11:08
HrdwrBoBlavigj: 'optimised' packages for 686 are for the most part, a wank11:08
eyequeueGammaRay: yes, the .10 is the default here, both versions, and then the two .8 lines, in grub11:08
spiralRiddell: hmmm... under kde, I get gnome-volume-manager working... but this uses nautilus :-/11:08
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HrdwrBoBthe difference in performance is not statistically significant11:09
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lavigjHrdwrBoB: hehehe, I suppose this is true. and I could just compile the few that might give me a boost like ffmpeg or mplayer. I must say, having no gui availble for mplayer with the default packages seems quite stupid11:09
jatos2thanks for that info - it worked11:09
Riddellspiral: yes, it only works with nautilus11:09
eyequeueGammaRay: i'm not positive if that's because grub reads version numbers or if it just figures later-installed-is-preferred11:09
mindphasrHow do you get a directory with 'ftp'?11:09
HrdwrBoBlavigj: mplayer comes with the extensions already11:09
eyequeuemindphasr: it's been years .... -m ?11:10
pisukelinux image i686-4 is rebooting instead of shutting down. i386 was fine. I saw in the forums some people have the same problem. Is there a bug open?11:10
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spiralRiddell: ok, thanks for the info :-p11:10
eyequeuemindphasr: mget ?11:10
lavigjHrdwrBoB: eh? everything I have found shows that mplayer doesn't have a gui with it unless you compile it yourself.11:10
HrdwrBoBpisuke: search at bugzilla.ubuntu.com11:10
jatos2now for my next trick is possible to modify my startup so that the system loads a network login?11:10
HrdwrBoBlavigj: I meant the accelerations, in any case, I despise mplayers gui :)11:10
cavediverWhat's the correct address to marillat repository so I can fetch mplayer for Ubuntu? I use A64 release.11:10
jatos2I have a ubuntu server11:11
HrdwrBoBcavediver: mplayer for ubuntu is actually in universe :)11:11
cthulfuegocavediver: There is no mplayer for amd6411:11
HrdwrBoBcavediver: add universe and multiverse11:11
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cthulfuegocavediver: Not at marrilat anyway11:11
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cavediverI'm gonna cry :(11:11
lavigjHrdwrBoB: ah, ok. it just seems silly not to have it since you access the gui through gmplayer11:11
randabishmm...wonder why doom3 won't work...11:11
Ex-CyberI know a couple of people who were put off by the whole "ubuntu" concept (one of them actually used the word "disturbing" o_O)... I don't know if it's a knee-jerk reaction against "hippy-like" thought or what, but it's kind of unfortunate11:11
HrdwrBoBrandabis: goes glxgears work11:11
crimsuncavediver: donate an amd64 machine to me, and I'll happily build one.11:11
crimsuncavediver: ;-)11:12
randabis6259 fps over 5 seconds11:12
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HrdwrBoBEx-Cyber: have they actually used it?11:12
cavedivercrimsun: hehe :) I build my last week. Quite an Upswing compared to my Athlon 700 :=11:12
bassinboyhmm, my camera's compact flash isn't showing up11:12
crimsunstuNNed: did starting gmplayer from the menu work in a previous mplayer build?11:12
HauntedUnixWhen I was trying to get MP3 working in rythmnbox, there was a package I could apt-get install that covered a range of codecs, anyone caer to remidn me what it is?11:12
eyequeueEx-Cyber: they would prefer AntisocialLinux ?11:12
GammaRayeyequeue: ubuntu.org ios acting strange... would you have a ftp url laying around?11:12
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: nope11:12
jatos2oh why can't I get login as root?11:12
HrdwrBoBEx-Cyber: have they considered the alternative concepts?11:12
bassinboydmesg usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using address 211:12
cavediverjatos2: root is disbled by default11:12
eyequeueGammaRay: sorry, no, i've only used that http one11:13
Ex-Cybereyequeue: that's what I'm wondering11:13
crimsunHauntedUnix: gstreamer0.8-plugins?11:13
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cavediverjatos2: try sudo passwd and set a password for root.11:13
jatos2how do I enable it?11:13
randabisbasically I open doom3, the screen goes black, and I end up having to CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE11:13
crimsunHauntedUnix: or are you referring to w32codecs?11:13
HrdwrBoBjatos2: you don't need to login as root11:13
HauntedUnixcrimsun: not sure - I'll try both, thanks11:13
lavigjI need to figure out Xforwarding so I can play doom3 on my laptop. It would be great to use the beefiness of my desktop to play doom3 on my desktop11:13
cavediverI like poking around as root. However, sudo is a better solution in my opinion.11:14
cthulfuegoAnd there is no mplayer in ubuntu amd64 either.11:14
pisukeHrdwrBoB, found it https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=354911:14
GammaRayeyequeue: http would do11:14
wastreli need to figure out acpi so my laptop will suspend11:14
crimsunlavigj: how do you plan to plan to handle the indirect glx issues?11:14
pisukesame it's happening here11:14
cavediverWhy is that. I want mplayer.. Well. I'll fetch Video LAN insted then.11:14
lavigjcrimsun: heh, sounds like I found my first issue :)11:14
randabisopengl doesn't work in zsnes either...but it does work in supertux11:14
eyequeueGammaRay: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu11:14
crimsunlavigj: solve that problem, and you'll make a pile of money.11:15
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lavigjcrimsun: but that just wouldn't be in the opensource spirit ;)11:15
HrdwrBoBlavigj: in simple terms 'can't be done'11:15
jatos2you know when you login into ubuntu11:15
eyequeuewastrel: figure it out, then share the info, same here :)11:15
jatos2is that handled as shell script11:15
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lavigjHrdwrBoB: yeah, when he went that far over my head I kinda gatered as much11:15
crimsunlavigj: as long as you make your changes freely available to the public, sure it is. ;)11:15
HrdwrBoBjatos2: what do you want to do11:15
cavediverI'm quite new to Ubuntu. Is no software updated between releases? Just security upgrades ?11:15
jatos2btw: in case you hadn't noticed I am fairly new linux11:16
crimsuncavediver: correct. 'stable' means "stable"11:16
jdubcavediver: otherwise it wouldn't be a stable, supportable release :)11:16
jatos2I want to change the way it logs in11:16
HrdwrBoBcavediver: once it's released, only major bug fixes/security updates are made11:16
Ex-Cyberlavigj: making money isn't really against the open-source spirit as long as you make the money for doing something and not just for having done something in the past...11:16
eyequeuecavediver: in the "stable" (meaning unchanging) release, correct.  updates happen daily in the development branch, known as hoary11:16
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albertoalguien q hable castellano?11:16
cavedivercrimsun: ok. I'm thinking this is good.11:17
leduci have some troubles with the sata detection11:17
eyequeuelo siento, pero no :)11:17
wastrelalberto: #ubuntu-es ?11:17
GammaRayeyequeue: I'm having trouble finding the hoary packages11:17
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jacohi all11:17
jacoa question about webcam11:17
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Quest-MasterHi ogra11:17
lavigjah well, thanks for the input guys.11:17
eyequeueGammaRay: they're in pool, next to the warty packages11:17
jacocan i use gam to see the cam of my msn friends?11:17
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admin_can someone tell me the debian equivalent of /etc/rc.local?11:17
jatos2anyway how is login login handled...11:17
leducnobody had install ubuntu with sata hd ??11:18
admin_i want to run a firewall script at boot time11:18
eyequeueGammaRay: if you realy want to run a hoary system, change "warty" to "hoary" in sources.list11:18
cavediveradmin_: /etc/rc.d11:18
HrdwrBoBjaco: I don't beleive so, you can however use gnomemeeting11:18
eyequeueGammaRay: just be aware of the risks11:18
jacognomemeeting is msn compatible?11:18
Ex-CyberI'm running Warty on an Athlon XP 1800+/KT333/512MB/Radeon 8500 system and 2D in X is extremely slow (3D is not) despite acceleration being enabled and no errors in the log... any idea how to go about diagnosing this?11:18
eyequeueadmin_: man update-rc.d (that's the explanation)11:18
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admin_eyequeue, tx!11:18
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HrdwrBoBeyequeue: go over the /var/log/XFree86.0.log file11:19
alka_trashanyone running an AMD 64?11:19
HrdwrBoBeyequeue: or paste it into pastebin.com and I'll have a look for you11:19
cthulfuegoalka_trash: Yes.11:19
michelp|ubualka_trash, i am11:19
alka_trashhow are they?11:19
cavediveralka_trash: yes I do.11:19
eyequeueHrdwrBoB: um, ME? :)11:19
cavediveralka_trash: they are fine ! :)11:19
cthulfuegoalka_trash: Fast. very fast.11:19
michelp|ubualka_trash, 50,000 pystones ;)11:19
michelp|ubu(python benchmark)11:19
HrdwrBoBEx-Cyber: I mean that for tyou11:20
cavediverGot my new 3000+ winchester last week.11:20
HrdwrBoBeyequeue: Ex-Cyber even11:20
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cavediverWorks flawledd with Ubuntu AMD64 release11:20
GammaRayeyequeue: here for example: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-kernel-di-i386-2.6/11:20
alka_trashhmmm, upgrade 1800XP to 2600+ or go all out and get  a AMD64, I can't decide.11:20
GammaRayeyequeue: I don't see .1011:20
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: okay, just a sec... I didn't see anything wrong but it could be something fairly subtle11:20
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cthulfuegoalka_trash: Get a 64.11:21
HrdwrBoBalka_trash: 2600 is a cheap stopgap11:21
michelp|ubualka_trash, to compare my Celleron 2.4Ghz laptop gets 32K pystons, my 2.2Ghz 3400+ gets 50K11:21
randabis*sigh* I want my doom 3 :(11:21
eyequeueGammaRay: let me dig for you11:21
HrdwrBoBalka_trash: but it's not a longer term solution11:21
leducnobody can help me ?11:21
cthulfuegoHow does one pystone?11:21
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HrdwrBoBleduc: what is your SATA problem11:21
michelp|ubupython /usr/lib/python2.3/test/pystone.py11:21
HrdwrBoBI have installed ubuntu on an SATA drive11:22
cthulfuegoThis machine benchmarks at 46296.3 pystones/second11:22
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cthulfuego1.8GHz 2800+11:22
Quest-MasterPystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 311:22
Quest-MasterThis machine benchmarks at 16666.7 pystones/second11:22
Quest-MasterMine's not that great11:22
_Stefan_python /usr/lib/python2.3/test/pystone.py11:23
eyequeueGammaRay: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.10/linux-image-2.6.10-2-686_2.6.10-8_i386.deb11:23
michelp|ubuQuest-Master, if you have software scaling turned on your might have to run the benchmark a b uch of times to spool up your processor11:23
_Stefan_Pystone(1.1) time for 50000 passes = 1.3511:23
_Stefan_This machine benchmarks at 37037 pystones/second11:23
HrdwrBoBThis machine benchmarks at 34965 pystones/second11:23
cthulfuegoMy Athlox XP 2500+ 37037 pystones/second11:23
cavediverI funny bug I'm experiencing in FF is that in some cases i try to write in a search word in google and FF crashes. If I insted adding a space in front on the word, it's not. Anyone had this strange thing ?11:23
cavediverHow do I run that benchmark ?11:23
HrdwrBoBthat's not a very good benchmark11:23
_Stefan_mine is an athlon xp 2600+11:23
jbaileyG4 1ghz 19011.4 pystones/second =)11:23
eyequeueGammaRay: .debs are filed under sounce-pacakge name, which takes some getting used to11:23
leducno detection sata by  ubuntu installation11:23
michelp|ubupython /usr/lib/python2.3/test/pystone.py11:23
HrdwrBoBdual opteron 242 gets 4965 pystones/second11:23
Quest-Mastermichelp|ubu: How do you do that?11:23
cthulfuego_Stefan_: Same cpu speed as mine, higher fsb.11:24
HrdwrBoBleduc: it's not detected at all?11:24
HrdwrBoBleduc: what motherboard/card are you using11:24
cavediverI got this: 39370.111:24
GammaRayeyequeue: the folder name made me think they were source packages11:24
leducintel 915P11:24
eyequeueGammaRay: yeah11:24
cavediverDoes it measure cpu capacity only ?11:24
_Stefan_cthulfuego: mine is a barton, same fsb as yours11:24
michelp|ubuQuest-Master, add a cpu frequency apple to your panel and see if your proc speed changes dynamically11:24
GammaRayeyequeue: hmm what's a .udeb?11:25
cavediverBtw, why aint this cool and quiet stuff working in ubuntu ?11:25
leducnormaly, the sata_via run, but ...11:25
michelp|ubucavediver, yes, it's mostly a CPU/memory benchmark11:25
eyequeueGammaRay: "micro"deb, used by the installer, you won't want those11:25
leducthe sata_via module11:25
cthulfuegoTry this one: "openssl speed rsa1024"11:25
cavediverAnyone with a 3000+/3200+ that can compare?11:25
eyequeueGammaRay: basically they don't need to follow the standard rules that a deb must, so ignore them :)11:26
mz2would anybody know if there's a way of changing the Applications and Computer menu names? or rather, taking out the text and putting icons in their place11:26
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cavediveryes: This machine benchmarks at 40000 pystones/second11:27
eyequeuemz2: step one might be ... Applications > Run  and then "applications:///"11:27
eyequeuemz2: i can't do the rest though, but that's a start for you11:27
TopDogTo quit X, I type init ?11:27
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: http://www.pastebin.com/22969611:27
eyequeueTopDog: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, seems to be what you want11:28
eyequeueTopDog: there's no non-x runlevels in ubuntu (maybe 1 and 6, of course)11:28
TopDogeyequeue: Thanks, are installing Ubuntu in VMware, and need to kill X to install VMware tools.11:28
mz2eyequeue, what i meant with the menu names was actually changing those "Applications" and "Computer" strings, not editing what's in the menu11:29
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eyequeuemz2: hmm, probably at some low-level gnome configuration that i don't know about11:29
myster0nEh .... can someone help me with a ubuntu installation issue?11:30
sobralenseAnyone knows? -> Always I boot my computer , have to "ifconfig lo" by hand, is there a way to get it automatically? like it had to , before I update to hoary was automatic =] 11:30
eyequeuemyster0n: if you ask it, someone probably can :)11:30
myster0ndue to an extra ide controller, my boot drive is not the first disk, but the fifth disk, but the ubuntu installer insists on installing grub on the first disk, and when I reboot after that ... nothing. Can this be configured during boot?11:30
eyequeuesobralense: /etc/network/interfaces11:30
eyequeuesobralense: be sure there's an "auto lo" line11:31
sobralenseeyequeue, already did it, but it fail when /etc/init.d/network restart  =(11:31
eyequeuesobralense: i'm not on hoary, so i'm not familiar with the issue, sorry11:31
sobralenseiface lo inet loopback11:31
sobralenseauto lo11:31
HrdwrBoBEx-Cyber: looks 100%11:31
sobralensethey're there =(11:32
HrdwrBoBEx-Cyber: what is your load average11:32
sobralenseeyequeue, ok, thanks anyway11:32
HrdwrBoB(run 'uptime'11:32
eyequeuesobralense: maaaaybe it needs the auto lo line first?  weird if so, but possible11:32
ultrakornecan someone give me some tips on why a module listed in /etc/hotplug/blacklist is loaded by hotplug11:32
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: yeah, it's kinda surreal to be getting the best GL performance I've ever seen out of free drivers and bogged-down 2D with the same config :P11:32
cthulfuegoultrakorne: it may be required by another module, it may be loaded explicitly by another utility11:33
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sobralenseeyequeue, whats the other way to configure a network by some script? (just to make those commands clear)11:33
HrdwrBoBEx-Cyber: very strange, that log indicates that everything is 100%11:33
GammaRaydoh.. forgot I'm gonna have to renew my nvidia-kernel package..11:33
eyequeuesobralense: i'm not sure, sorry11:33
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sobralenseeyequeue, not the "network-admin" by gnome =]  already tried..11:33
sobralenseok =] 11:33
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: 1.38, 1.32, 1.3711:34
HrdwrBoBEx-Cyber: that's very high11:34
HrdwrBoBare you doing stuff?11:34
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HrdwrBoBrun 'top'11:34
HrdwrBoBand have a look at what is using all your CPU11:34
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: eh, forgot I had Sound Juicer running11:34
HrdwrBoBah ok11:35
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ultrakornecthulfuego, the dependency is not listed in lsmod, the module is battery, do you know what could be?11:35
myster0nlittle help? due to an extra ide controller, my boot drive is not the first disk, but the fifth disk, but the ubuntu installer insists on installing grub on the first disk, and when I reboot after that ... nothing. Can this be configured during boot?11:36
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: anyway I've played around with top and I'm getting exactly the sort of CPU usage I'd expect out of unaccelerated X11:36
punkrockguy318i'm getting errors when I try to install w32codecs:  Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.11:36
punkrockguy318This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or11:36
punkrockguy318is only available from another source11:36
punkrockguy318E: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate11:36
spiralpunkrockguy318: have you got marillat source ?11:36
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eyequeuemyster0n: is there anything in /boot/grub that configures that?  i'm just guessing blindly11:37
spiralmyster0n: grub-install options maybe ?11:37
punkrockguy318spiral, no?  where can I get it?11:37
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: i.e. CPU cranks up to about 50% just dragging around a terminal window pretty conservatively11:37
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HrdwrBoBmyster0n: yes11:37
whahdfCan someone help me?  I screewed up my GUI for linux11:37
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spiralpunkrockguy318: add deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ unstable main to your /etc/apt/sources.list11:37
spiralpunkrockguy318: then apt-get update11:37
eyequeuewhahdf: what did you do to it?11:38
spiralthen apt-get w32codecs11:38
whahdfI'm not sure what you call tha, but I cannot use my interfase11:38
arctickis there any way i can mount an image (.bin, .cue) without burning it in linux?11:38
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spiralpunkrockguy318: apt-get install w32codecs sorry11:38
HrdwrBoBEx-Cyber: how's your ram?11:38
HrdwrBoB(free -m)11:38
whahdfeyequeue, I installed some Xfree something or other (don't remember exactly) and it screwed things up11:38
spiralarctick: .iso is possible normally... don't know about .bin & .cue, but this shall maybe...11:38
myster0nthis is all in the ncurses ubuntu install - after installing every package it asks to install grub in the MBR, but it's in the wrong place.11:38
GammaRay*very* cool --> lftp archive.ubuntu.com:/ubuntu/pool> find | grep nvidia11:38
punkrockguy318spiral, thanks11:38
HrdwrBoBarctick: you can use bchucnk to make it an iso to mount it11:38
punkrockguy318spiral, what is this malrat repo?11:39
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arctickcool thanks, i just use 'mount' to mount an iso?11:39
cavediverHow do i check auto-neg settings and change it on my netcards ?11:39
spiralpunkrockguy318: a reposite containing codecs and things like this11:39
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: physical ram is about full according to top, but I'm not swapping11:39
spiralarctick: yeah, maybe -loop or smth like that11:39
punkrockguy318spiral, why is w32codecs even in universe?11:39
eyequeuearctick: man mount, there's some "loop" options for local mounting11:39
HrdwrBoBarctick: sudo modprobe loop;sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt/point11:40
whahdfeyequeue: did you get my msg?11:40
eyequeuewhahdf: no11:40
eyequeuewhahdf: retry?11:40
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whahdfeyequeue: not message, you asked what I did to it, I said11:40
HrdwrBoBmyster0n: you can use grub-install /dev/hdd (or whatever)11:40
whahdfeyequeue, I installed some Xfree something or other (don't remember exactly) and it screwed things up11:40
stuNNed_what repo is 2.6.10 from hoary in?11:41
eyequeuewhahdf: ah yes, i don't know what to advice you, hoping someone else will know11:41
HrdwrBoBstuNNed_: the standard one11:41
crimsunstuNNed_: 'main'11:41
arctickgreat, now where do i get bchucnk?11:41
whahdfeyequeue, okay11:41
eyequeuestuNNed most likely "hoary"11:41
spiralpunkrockguy318: don't know... maybe a part of it is working...11:41
crimsunarctick: hoary/universe11:41
arcticknvrmind, i found it, bchunk :)11:41
major_payneI just got a new printer, what is the best resource to read to learn how to set it up?11:41
major_payneit's a usb printer11:41
Ex-CyberHrdwrBoB: any other ideas?11:42
stuNNed_thanks guys, let's see if alan cox's brilliant madness works out ok :D11:42
stuNNed_eh, not madness but just plain brilliance i guess :)11:42
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crimsunmajor_payne: plug it in. :)11:44
stuNNed_what's the difference between a 386 kernel and 686 kernel in ubuntu?  any stability issues?11:44
eyequeue386 is default since it should work for more people11:44
stuNNed_yeah, i'll stick with that, thanks eyequeue11:44
eyequeue686 allows the use of additional instruction set that 386 does not11:44
major_paynecrimsun: I did, should I restart so it detects it or is it all good?11:44
crimsunstuNNed_: different (optimised) routines, and the generated code is more efficient for that arch11:45
crimsunmajor_payne: does it show up as a printer?11:45
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major_paynecrimsun: I'm not shure where to look11:45
stuNNed_crimsun, ok but going from 386 to 686 increases instability in any way?11:45
eyequeuecrimsun: any other ideas what to try here for my sound mystery?11:46
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eyequeuestuNNed_: presuming your cpu is not deective (and at least a p2) then 686 should be stable and faster11:47
zerokarmaleftsup jackmacokc11:47
sobralenseeyequeue, I fixed =), that's (I think) because I used the network-admin (by Gnome) to config. my wireless card, I was tired always do it by hand11:47
jackmacokcsup ho11:47
jackmacokcwhat was that about asserting my n00bness11:47
eyequeueah :)11:47
sobralenseeyequeue, the "lo" problem was "auto lo" should be up.. and the "eth0" and "wlan0" prob. was because they should have "static" if are statics address and not dhcp =] 11:48
crimsuneyequeue: do you have any messages in `dmesg' pertaining to sound?11:48
Ex-Cyberis fglrx still unstable?11:48
eyequeuecrimsun: great idea, i'll check11:48
sobralenseeyequeue, should be like this: iface eth0 inet static  =] 11:48
stuNNed_eyequeue, ok i'll install both and try out 68611:48
jackmacokci'm having a problem getting my sound setup, i have 2 sound cards - its picking up one, but not the other - but neither work. any ideas?11:48
crimsunjackmacokc: which two cards?11:49
jackmacokcthe first is the onboard dell (intel) and the second is a hercules digifire 7.111:49
jackmacokci believe its picking up the onboard11:50
crimsunright, so you'll use snd-intel8x0 and snd-cs46xx11:50
crimsunjackmacokc: which cards does /proc/asound/cards list? (don't paste here)11:50
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bugajackmacokc: try disabling onboard audio in bios setup utility11:50
eyequeuecrimsun: none that i see11:51
eyequeuesobralense: nod11:51
crimsuneyequeue: using alsamixer, mute all the ice958 selections11:51
TreadingSoftlyAnybody have any idea how to debug an instantly crashing Screem and an unstable Quanta, when OpenOffice and GIMP seem pretty stable, on a Warty system. (Already tried simply purging and reinstalling Screem. NB I got this message from apt when I reinstalled Screem: "File '/usr/share/applications/scribus.desktop' contains invalid MIME type 'scd,scd.gz,sla,sla.gz' that contains invalid characters" - could it be connected with the problem?)11:52
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eyequeuecrimsun: two iec95, both muted now ... silence, but do i need to restart or anything?11:53
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jackmacokcso you think i should disable the onboard and try for the pci hercules instead?11:53
crimsunjackmacokc: your hercules is in fact detected based on the output you sent me.11:54
jackmacokcreally? hmmm11:54
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crimsunjackmacokc: have you tried playing any sounds?11:56
jacoi'm switching to hoary11:56
jackmacokcsweet! I changed gstreamer to use ALSA and switched my speakers back to that sound card and viola!11:56
jacowhat will hap?11:56
jacowhat will happen11:56
crimsunjackmacokc: excellent.11:56
jackmacokcit was using ESD, but ALSA seemed to fix it11:56
jackmacokcmany thanks crimsun11:56
crimsunjackmacokc: np.11:56
jacoanyone with hoary here?11:56
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crimsunjaco: yes. Be aware that Hoary is still in flux, so a few things won't work stably.11:57
jacocrimsun, but the most works?11:57
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crimsunjaco: mostly.11:58
eyequeuejaco: which packages will break tomorrow, we can't guess today :)11:58
jaco:) ok i'm happy :)11:58
Kosh42Hello... Noob here to ask a Q...11:58
jacoif my wi-fi works all is ok11:58
Kosh42Is there an easy way to install ATI's driver of Warty 64?11:59
jacoi depend from the net, i can't survive without :)11:59
Kosh42Doesn't like the rpm11:59
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crimsunKosh42: it's not available yet.11:59
Kosh42Net = life...11:59
jacoKosh42, i've an Acer aspire 1500 64 bit11:59
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jacobut i prefer use warthy 3211:59
jacoit work better than 64 bit11:59
crimsunKosh42: wait a couple days. It's supposed to be released tomorrow, and it should be in Hoary soon.12:00

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