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pasc | 'lo | 10:17 |
pasc | what do I have to do to get an account on malone to file bugs on baz? | 10:18 |
SteveA | do you have an account on the ubuntu.com website ? | 10:19 |
SteveA | the account details are the same -- that is, you log in with the same email address and password. | 10:21 |
pasc | ah great | 10:24 |
pasc | thanks | 10:24 |
SteveA | who are you, and what are you doing with baz? | 10:25 |
SteveA | and "hi!" | 10:25 |
pasc | hi | 10:25 |
Kinnison | pasc was at the ubuntu conference in mataro | 10:25 |
Kinnison | he was lifeless' debian AM IIRC | 10:25 |
=== Kinnison ruffles pasc | ||
pasc | heh | 10:26 |
pasc | hi daniel | 10:26 |
pasc | SteveA: I believe we had a discussion on the relative merits of uk powerplugs and their ability to be used as hunting implements or construction material | 10:26 |
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Kinnison | their primary purpose is to destroy knees and feet | 10:29 |
SteveA | odd then that safety was the motivation for the design. | 10:30 |
SteveA | hurrah for tunnel vision. | 10:30 |
pasc | is it possible to attach a file to a bug report? | 11:02 |
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ddaa | SteveA: pasc is a baz fanboy | 11:55 |
ddaa | he also happens to be a froggy, like me | 11:55 |
ddaa | except, in addition, he's autralian | 11:56 |
ddaa | yeah... yeah... I guess the brits are going to say it's much for just one man ;-P | 11:56 |
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pasc | ddaa: =-) | 12:04 |
=== pasc ended up posting a url on the bug, cause he couldn't attach a patch | ||
ddaa | ;-) | 12:05 |
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ddaa | yeah... malone is said to be "still rough" | 12:05 |
ddaa | i did not actually try it yet | 12:05 |
pasc | heh | 12:05 |
pasc | well the baz website said to use that | 12:05 |
ddaa | they did attempt to migrate to malone | 12:06 |
kiko_zzz | "they"? | 12:06 |
ddaa | from yesterday's meeting, it looks like they might stay on bugzilla for a little while | 12:06 |
ddaa | kiko_zzz: the baz devels | 12:06 |
kiko | ddaa, do you have a log of that meeting to forward to brad, mark and I so we can ensure the feature goals are reached? | 12:07 |
ddaa | gne? | 12:07 |
ddaa | it was on #canonical-meeting | 12:07 |
ddaa | so it's ubuntu-logged | 12:08 |
kiko | no chance you could snip the relevant bits for us? :) | 12:08 |
ddaa | but nothing specific about malone was said that I could remember | 12:08 |
pasc | from my point of view, it was non-trivial to report a bug to baz | 12:08 |
pasc | (using malone) | 12:08 |
pasc | if only because i couldn't figure out how to login ;-) | 12:08 |
ddaa | it was just lifeless sketching the baz1.2 roadmap | 12:08 |
ddaa | pasc: I suggest you file a bug on that one ;-) | 12:09 |
kiko | pasc, was the main issue the user account issue, or also something to do with the bug filing workflow? | 12:10 |
pasc | kiko: the user account issue | 12:10 |
ddaa | kiko: he just said something about malone being "in the too hard basket for now" | 12:10 |
pasc | kiko: it's a pretty major problem at the moment though. I mean the baz website says: "We are moving to a new bugtracking system that integrates the Bazaar bugs and fixes with information about what Ubuntu releases have the fix in it. Please file new bugs in Malone." | 12:11 |
kiko | indeed | 12:12 |
lifeless | kiko: bradb: to enlarge on ddaa's comment: I'm considering stopping using Malone in the interim, its too hard to manipulate the volume of bugs we need to - its slower in terms of UI and # of steps, and also slower in performance, than bugzilla. | 12:26 |
kiko | lifeless, we have a week of design in Canada next week to get malone "working" | 12:27 |
lifeless | kiko: bradb: we are migrating too malone, but you cannot just switch one off and one one, the guys have been filing bugs on Malone, and its looking like there are a number of things that we cannot even represent in malone at the moment. | 12:27 |
lifeless | for example, enhancements | 12:27 |
kiko | lifeless, could I ask you to email brad, mark and I a top-10 list of malone issues that we could work on at short notice? | 12:27 |
lifeless | aka feature requests. | 12:27 |
pasc | btw, no one answered my question before. Is it possible to attach something? | 12:28 |
kiko | I know it's extra work for you but it avoids the paper mountain here going out of control | 12:28 |
kiko | pasc, not at the moment, no. | 12:28 |
lifeless | kiko: I'll round up a list of 10 at tomorrows team meeting. | 12:28 |
kiko | thanks, lifeless, I really appreciate it | 12:28 |
pasc | also, will there be a mail interface? | 12:28 |
kiko | yes, there will. | 12:28 |
pasc | cool | 12:28 |
kiko | malone is really in infancy, and its workmodel is decidedly unusual, but it's got a lot of potential | 12:29 |
lifeless | pasc: there a bunch of dds who want this usable. | 12:29 |
lifeless | ;) | 12:29 |
kiko | that's seriously understating it | 12:30 |
pasc | lifeless: ;-) | 12:31 |
pasc | is there a specific reason why stuff is being show to which people don't have access? | 12:33 |
lifeless | yeah, there were to many links to futz around. | 12:34 |
lifeless | it will all be active soon anyway. | 12:34 |
bradb | lifeless: Enhancements are a really important thing. To my understanding, sabdfl doesn't want to use Malone for feature requests. He wants /another/ app to deal with those. | 12:56 |
lifeless | bradb: thats fine, it can be bugzilla for now. But dealing with two TODO lists will make life really hard. | 12:57 |
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lifeless | I don't care how many backend apps do stuff, I want *one* todo list for the release. | 12:58 |
bradb | yep, I agree 110% | 12:58 |
bradb | I haven't gotten sabdfl to agree with me on that yet though. :) | 12:58 |
lifeless | bradb: a straw poll at pants palais got 5-1 results on 'enhancements are bugs with a flag' | 12:59 |
bradb | they are indeed. | 12:59 |
=== pasc ponders walking down to pants to make it 6-1 | ||
pasc | ;-) | 01:00 |
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kiko-afk | sabdfl? | 02:38 |
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kiko-afk | daf? | 07:11 |
daf | kiko. | 07:11 |
kiko-afk | daf, dude, can I fit in a phone call with you? | 07:12 |
daf | hmm, let me just check something | 07:14 |
kiko-afk | sure | 07:14 |
daf | I think we're just about to have dinner here | 07:15 |
kiko-afk | I need a good 30 minutes | 07:15 |
kiko-afk | so maybe postpone by an hour? | 07:15 |
daf | sounds good | 07:16 |
kiko-afk | okay | 07:16 |
kiko-afk | you ping me, okay? | 07:16 |
daf | sure | 07:16 |
kiko-afk | thanks, I'm overburdened | 07:16 |
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=== Topic for #launchpad: Welcome to the lunch-pad. This is the place for discussion with launchpad users and developers. | ||
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Jan 6 16:00:03 2005 | ||
=== #launchpad [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | ||
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