
=== kbrooks [~kyle@kbrooks.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sivanghey kbrooks !12:44
sivangnightly greetins :)12:44
kbrookswhat's up?12:44
sivangcool, how may I help you my freind?12:45
kbrooksare all questions welcome? :)12:45
sivang_all_ of them, given they comply with the CoC12:45
sivangand somewhat related to documentation &&|| ubuntu12:45
kbrookseven general questions on ubuntu?12:45
sivanghowever, be adviced that if a proper answer won't be available, you might be offered to write a howto/doc about it :)12:46
kbrooksok...lets see...i would like to do something for the team... does the team need any help?12:46
sivangyes, very much, curretnly, there are few goals for hoary - 12:47
sivangall of this require some content contribution :)12:48
sivangalso, we are testing if our new pages for contribution instrcution are any good, so feel free to go through:12:48
sivangon comment on ubuntu-doc@lists.ubuntu.com about how good it helped you start contributing,12:49
sivangsort of a survey in a sense :)12:49
sivang(you have to subscribe first in http://lists.ubuntu.com)12:49
sivangkbrooks: are you ok there buddy?12:55
kbrooksnot really, TBH12:56
sivangTBH = to be honest?12:56
sivangwell, basically, docs are in the xml docbook format, if you want to contribute but don't want to invest time into reading and learning about it,12:57
sivangjust go add your doc to the wiki,12:57
sivangthen send an email onto the list and there's someone who'd put it there, state your real name so you would get the proper credits.12:57
kbrooksand yes TBH = to be honest12:59
kbrooksi am trying to upgrade to hoary and a error appeared12:59
sivangoh, I thought you were interested in doc doing...:)01:00
kbrooksbut i "fixed" it -- apt-get -f install01:00
kbrooksi am.01:01
sivangah ok, lemme try and upgrade myself01:02
kbrooksbut i want to upgrade to hoary01:02
sivangwell, there's a warty-->hoary upgrade doc01:02
sivangon the wiki01:02
kbrookssivang, i am upgrading to hoary01:02
kbrooksdebian is to sid as ubuntu is to hoary01:03
sivangI knwo :)01:03
sivangok, then what's the problem?01:03
kbrooksgimp was the problem01:04
kbrooksnow i'm fixing it...brb01:04
sivangok, when you're done, just toss your expereicne onto the wiki, and drop a note on the mailing lis t:)01:05
kbrooksmay i type it in here for you to look at?01:06
sivangit would be better there, but you could also just send a text file to the list01:08
sivangthat would be best , because it could get lost on irc..01:08
sivangit's pretty easy opening an account on the wiki01:08
kbrooksOK. I'll type it here (quick) and put it on the wiki.....01:09
sivangsure cool01:10
sivangwould also get you access to chagne stuff and fix things you see fit01:10
kbrooksSo...here goes:01:11
kbrooksI wanted to upgrade to hoary, so I  did "sed -e 's/warty/hoary/g' < /etc/apt/sources.list > /etc/apt/sources.list.new", then I copied over sources.list to sources.list.old and sources.list.new to sources.list. (I nearly asked #ubuntu about the command to update your sources, but i quickly remembered it) Then I did apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade.01:14
kbrooksUnfortunaely, for me, dpkg exited and the error message told me exactly what happened.01:15
kbrooksI reported it in #ubuntu and a solution came up in the form of cding into /var/cache/apt/archives and doing ``dpkg -i --force-overwrite gimp****.deb''. I did so, but then another error message appeared.01:17
kbrooksLuckily, help came in the form of reading the error message.01:18
kbrooksi did as directed and successfully got it all fixed.01:18
=== kbrooks [~kyle@kbrooks.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
sivanghi enrico !03:23
enricohi sivang !03:26
enricoit's been a while our timezones didnt03:27
sivangyes, I tried going back to GMT03:32
sivangbut didn't work..03:32
sivangenrico: what's up? a lot of traffic per day by froud on the mailing list, I can barely keep up :)03:33
sivangany interesting news bedies the new html doc online?03:33
enricosivang: the discussion these days is on the release notes work that trickie is taking care of, and in publishing the HTMLs online03:35
sivangwhat are bedies?03:39
enricoYou asked "any interesting news bedies the new html doc online?"03:39
enricoso I was curious to ask you what are "bedies" :)03:39
sivangbesides :)03:55
enricoThe other good news is that Chua is a hero (see the last IRC report)04:18
enricoAnd that the DocteamWork wiki page links to lots of useful and nice practical informations04:18
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== jdub [~jdub@home.waugh.id.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jdubhey dudes07:22
=== shaunm [~shaunm@12-221-67-60.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jdubyo shaunm 07:23
jdubenrico: ping07:23
jdubso shaunm 07:24
jdubenrico is probably only gone for a moment07:24
=== enrico is back
shaunmhowdy jdub07:24
shaunmand the rest of the team07:24
jdubwe were wondering what the status of brandable docs in gnome is07:24
enricowow!  Hello shaunm!07:25
jduband how we can help07:25
enricopeople have been talking about working with svn vendor drops to ubuntu-brand the gnome docs, but I remember someone talked about possible better solutions07:25
shaunmso what all do you want to do?07:26
shaunmend of the day, things like the user guide are just going to have to be customized by vendors07:26
shaunmor replaced wholesale07:26
jdubshaunm: first priority is not forking the documentation ;)07:27
jdubbringing relevant vendor branches to the docs seems far more sustainable07:27
enricoI imagine change some bit here and there to account for visible changes made by the ubuntu devels (if any); if there are chapters that try to be distribution-independent, making them ubuntu-specific, things like that07:27
enricomaybe adding a chapter about Ubuntu07:27
shaunmbut you get things like changes to the panel menu07:27
shaunmand those things are so pervasive07:28
shaunmand it would require a lot of conditional rendering07:28
jdubwhat do you think about entitising menu locations and so on07:28
jdubor providing macro-like entities built from gnome-menus?07:28
shaunmplus maintaining documentation of non-stock stuff in the community docs07:28
jdubthere are quite a few instances where that would work07:29
jdubpulling info directly from .desktop files, gnome-menus, etc.07:29
shaunmwhich could be a real pain if we had multiple distros doing it, each on their own release cycles and such07:29
jdubshaunm: let's concentrate on gnome's release cycle, and external branches :)07:29
enricoIt could already be of help to know what branding facilities are already in place for us to use07:29
jduband centralised changes to the docs that will have positive ripple effects :)07:29
shaunmthe user guide is really the hardest case07:30
shaunmjust about every app doc says something like " To run Five or More, select Five or More from the Games submenu of the Main Menu"07:31
shaunmand, you know, if the menu is customized, all those docs are wrong07:31
shaunmthat one's a bad example, because docs ought just to use <menuchoice>07:32
enricoI sent a mail to Sean Wheller asking him to join us; I hope he's around07:32
jdubshaunm: could we pull that information from gnome-menus? :)07:32
enricoshaunm: ah, ok.  I was about to say: we already entitysed menus and we have those things autogenerated for other things07:32
shaunmjdub: potentially, but then you're locking the documents into yelp07:32
shaunmwhat happens when you just run gnome-doc-utils on the file to build html for the web?07:32
jdubshaunm: could do it at build time; that complicates things though07:33
shaunmkde uses a docbook customization, and it annoys me07:33
shaunmit complicated things considerably, yes07:33
shaunmhow I wish docbook profiling weren't so messed up07:34
jdubhrm, on phone for a bit, sorry :|07:35
enricoshaunm: so, the best option so far is using vendor drops to change the bits that need changing?07:36
shaunmat the moment, yes07:36
shaunmI'm afraid we just don't have the infastructure in place for anything very sophisticated07:36
enricoIs there something less sophisticated that can be done, besides tweaking entities?07:37
enrico(I'm trying to ask meaningful questions hoping that someone more knowledgeable than me will join us soon)07:37
shaunmwell, so07:39
shaunmcan we see some specific problems?07:39
shaunmthe real problem with documentation is that everything is free-flowing prose07:39
shaunmand so if you just do these little replacements here and there, you often end up with very awkward prose07:40
enricoI see the problem.  Well, I heard of branding efforts being going on and I was wondering, but after this conversation I think we could just go on with vendor drops and then send you some patches sometimes if we improve something you could use07:41
shaunmsee, I don't really work on any of the distros' stuff07:43
shaunmand so I don't see the problems as much07:43
shaunmto get all this stuff right, we need to get representatives from the big gnome distros07:44
shaunmand lock them all in a room with me07:44
enricojdub: can you take care of that? :)07:44
shaunmand preferably some kde folks as well07:45
enricoshaunm: so, noone has been branding the User's Manual so far?07:45
shaunmbecause a lot of this should happen in a cross-desktop way07:45
shaunmenrico: no, you guys are the first distro to give a damn07:45
enricoAh, ok, cool.  Then we can pioneer the effort and see what happens07:46
shaunmI've been smacking RH for years now07:46
shaunmand I still can't get them to put all their docs in scrollkeeper07:46
enricoLuckily, we have dh_scrollkeeper that does a good part of the job :)07:47
shaunmoh, what's that?07:47
shaunmsome day, I'll get around to putting together The One True Help System07:47
shaunmand I'll beat everybody until they switch their systems over to it07:47
shaunmand the world will rejoice07:47
enricoA Debianization tool that automatically looks for a OMF file with a standard name and takes care to make it so that the .deb package installs it correctly07:48
enricoYou need at least Two True Help Systems, so that everyone can use something that someone else doesn't use.  The trick is making them compatible :)07:48
shaunmmaybe I'll make another one under a pseodonym07:49
shaunmhave flame wars with myself07:49
shaunmfinally get the integration work right between the two07:49
enricoYou can make a secret deal with a KDE person07:50
enricoOk, froud is evidently not around to ask some more specific questions; I'll post this conversation to the list in tomorrow's IRC report, then we can give a try to packaging the Gnome User's Manual as well07:52
shaunmoh, froud's asked me *lots* of questions already07:53
shaunmmost of which I haven't had satisfactory answers to07:53
enricoAh, ok, you're already in touch with him already07:53
shaunmhe comes into #docs on gimpnet from time to time07:54
shaunmso anyway07:55
shaunmgetting *really* good vendorified docs involves changing screenshots as well07:55
=== enrico is going out
shaunmwimp :P07:56
enricoWe tried to address the screenshots as well07:56
enricoFroud did quite a good job on that07:56
=== enrico needs to go
shaunmoh very good07:56
enricomy girlfriend is pulling me by my hair07:56
shaunmgo go go07:56
enricoI have very long hair, which makes her work easier :)07:57
enricoshaunm: thanks a lot!  I'll post things in tomorrow's IRC report.  See you!07:57
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-141-101.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudAfrican Greetings08:25
shaunmand here's froud 08:35
froudhey dude08:36
froudjust reading th elogs08:37
froudnow finsihed08:37
froudMOst problems can be managed if the build is static08:37
froudi.e. X/HTML08:37
shaunmwith sufficient build magic, yes08:37
froudsee Yelp will now support08:38
froudyes, I would like to reduce the preprocessing08:38
froudproblems such as ghelp:foo08:38
shaunmyeah, ghelp sucks08:38
froudthese are a problem08:38
froudxrefs for internal08:39
froudolinks for ext08:39
froudyelp does not support olinks08:39
froudand as I said to you the formatting of xrefs is wacked08:39
shaunmhow would you prefer them formatted?08:40
froudsame font as current block08:40
shaunmyelp doesn't change the font for xrefs08:40
froudI get a different or larger font size08:40
froudbut then I am not on the last version08:41
froudperhaps tis fixed08:41
shaunmwhat version?08:41
shaunmthat's odd08:41
shaunmI've never known that to happen08:41
froudwell it may be fixed in new versions08:42
shaunmyelp 2.6 doesn't do any font-mangling, iirc, so it might be a gtkhtml2 thing08:42
froudsure the depend thing is a nightmare08:42
froudspeaking of dependancies08:42
froudyou heard the vendor drops idea08:43
froudwhat do you think08:43
froudessentially we would build user guide as a patchy on your vendor drop08:44
froudPerhaps we would have to use XPointer extensively08:44
shaunmI worry about having dozens of vendor drops08:45
froudyes it is problematic08:45
froudbut essentially we would want to drop in the gnome and later when we have kde, that too08:46
froudthing is we would need to drop the whole GNOME app and doc source. Is that right?08:47
=== falco [~Jail@a81-84-137-51.netcabo.pt] has joined #Ubuntu-doc
froudyour docs are kept with each app under C/08:47
froudso they are not in one place, like docs, is that right?08:48
froudlots of SGML stuff too I see08:49
shaunmnone of the user docs are in sgml08:50
froudjust an sgml extension then?08:50
shaunmbut yes, generally each app contains its own documentation08:50
shaunmwhere do you see sgml?08:50
froudphone call08:50
shaunmah, I'm not responsible for gimp08:50
shaunmthey don't even use the gnome help system08:50
plovsmorning guys08:52
shaunmso does anything actually support olink?08:52
froudI am back08:58
froudshaunm, straight docbook transfroms using nwalsh xsl08:58
=== falco [~Jail@a81-84-137-51.netcabo.pt] has joined #Ubuntu-doc
froudThe main concern at ubuntu is to produce a source that is portable across pointential future desktops08:59
froudat present we have two upstreams, debian and gnome09:00
froudin future we may have kde and perhaps other desktops09:00
froudThe most compatible target format is X/HTML09:01
froudSo we need to do things in the db src that will work with the nwalsh transfroms09:01
shaunmfroud: and what does it do with them?09:02
froudessentially it resolved references between documents09:02
froudexternal refs09:02
froudyou need to maintain an olinks database09:02
froudso preprocessing is required09:02
froudbut at least you can say, "See Chapter X of the Other Guide09:03
froudI think that olinks is not such a high requirement for now09:04
froudbut eventually will need09:04
froudxrefs for internal references09:04
froudI dont like link09:05
froudulink for URI09:05
shaunmlink has its advantages09:05
froudbut olinks is complicated for users and apps like yelp09:05
shaunmolinks are very complicated, yes09:05
froudnot when you may want to do xsl:fo later09:06
shaunmand their behavior is application-defined09:06
froudhence I would hold off on olink09:06
shaunmand I've already deviated from norm on a number of other application-defined things09:06
shaunmlike xrefstyle09:06
froudyes I see this09:06
=== plovs_work [~plovs@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudpoint is people here like yelp09:07
froudcause they dont have to transform09:07
froudbut yelp has its limits09:07
froudconformance to yelp in our source can cause locking to yelp09:07
froudsomething we wantto avoid09:08
shaunmof course09:08
froudso I am thinking the best is xml > X/HTML09:08
froudthe meta stuff from scrollkeep can come later09:08
froudkde also has its problems09:09
froudand processing from .desktop files is not going to be a stable solution09:09
froudin fact I have not seen a standard for .desktop09:10
shaunmit's on freedesktop.org09:10
shaunmit's a bit under-specified, imo, but the glib and kde implementations pretty much agree09:10
froudI think you are right, we need intervention from freedesktop09:10
shaunmif we ever make a shared help system, it will likely use .desktop files09:11
froudsounds good, must look for this standard09:11
shaunmbecause it's what kde wants, and it's a compromise I'm willing to make09:11
froudanother problem with yelp is that it is hard to custom09:12
shaunmhonestly, I don't think docbook is perfectly suited for application docs in its current form09:12
froudwho has the time to create a new xml app09:12
froudnot me09:12
froudI think it works09:12
shaunmit basically works, yeah09:13
shaunmthe semantics are a bit off09:13
shaunmI wouldn't dream of doing a gnome-only customization though09:13
froudagreed :-)09:13
shaunmI'd like to see an official docbook derivative more suited to this sort of thing09:13
shaunmthat kde and gnome and hopefully others would embrace09:13
shaunmwhat sort of customizations do you want to do to yelp?09:14
froudit wont be that easy09:14
froudwell it would be nice to be able to customize the look and feel of the content09:14
shaunmdo you want to cusotmize the look of the rendered documents?09:14
shaunmor the topics listings?09:14
froudand include jscripts for special stuff09:14
shaunmwell, any distro can tweak yelp's db2html.xsl09:15
froudyes, we can but I was thinking more simple09:15
froudhave a file that yelp can load09:15
froudthe file defines the customs09:15
froudlike a docbook custom layer09:15
shaunmbut what would the file contain?09:16
froudmuch what a db cust layer does today09:16
froudthings like are captions before or after images09:16
shaunmoh, so just parameter setting?09:16
froudand template customs too09:17
froudsupport for index on////off09:17
shaunmwell, at that level you just have to write xslt anyway09:17
shaunmwhy would you want to turn indexes off?09:17
froudyes but just the custom layer not the source cxsl09:17
shaunm(ignoring the fact that they don't work right now)09:17
froudsome people do want it09:18
froudsometimes the doc is not indexed09:18
shaunmwell, right, but that's easily detected09:18
froudin custlayer can also specify css09:19
froudand javascript09:19
froudfor example on task09:19
froudto have topic with intro09:19
froudand gather associated tasks via javascript09:19
froudpick list09:19
froudexpand and collapse09:19
froudan dthis gem09:20
froudto be able to add notes to docs under yelp09:20
frouduser custom09:20
shaunmok, hold on a minute09:20
shaunmmost of these are features, features I've thought about before, and damn cool features09:20
frouduser writes note, is saved local and displays when the topic is loaded09:20
shaunmwhy don't you just implement and send upstream?09:20
froudI am a writer not a coder :-(09:21
shaunmand wow, somebody besides me thought of notes09:21
shaunmwell, yeah, but who's going to do all these customizations for ubuntu?09:21
froudI do the docbook09:21
froudand xsl09:21
shaunmbecause that person should just start hacking yelp09:21
froudif you dont mind giving me guidedance09:22
froudI see notes on two levels09:22
frouduser and admin09:22
frouduser on localhost09:22
froudadmin on server09:22
shaunmwould be nice for admins to be able to push notes to users09:22
froudyes, exactly09:23
froudand for admins to collect notes09:23
froudand push to GNOME or whoever09:23
frouduser / admin feedback09:23
froudhelp pages are too static09:24
froudthey need to live09:24
froudexpand/collapse of lists etc09:25
froudcan help09:25
froudand notes09:25
froudno more one col top to bottom09:25
froudclick next to proceed09:25
froudwe need links in body text and in sidebars09:26
froudI have a javascript to do this. I wrote it for a customer09:26
froudThe each topic collects related tasks09:27
froudthe list is expand and collapse09:27
shaunmI've talked about submitting notes and such up to bugzilla through yelp09:27
froudI have notes too, but did not impliment is09:27
shaunmwhich would be nice09:27
froudThe customer has a custom browser that captures the notes09:28
shaunmdefinitely if there were some sort of note thing, it would be good to be able to send up the notes09:28
shaunmI absolutely want expanding/collapsing sections09:28
froudyes, we dont do that, but on groups of task we collect them under a heading that can be expanded09:29
shaunmbut it's the same bit of javascript09:29
froudfor example the task of formatting has many tasks09:29
froudthe notes is something else09:29
froudproblem is I can't release it GPL09:29
shaunmthey'd be most useful if they could be anchored to a particular place in the page09:29
froudit belongs to the customer now09:30
froudwe're working on that :-)09:30
froudessentially our aim is to allow the user to optimize the help screen real-estate to their requirement09:30
froudthat inlcudes inside topics09:30
froudI would like to see the same for OSS help, starting with Ubuntu09:31
froudthere are many challenges at Ubuntu09:31
froudbut we are we are willing09:31
froudthe good thing is we are at the start09:32
froudwe can mold and shape things09:32
froudon most projects you cant09:32
froudthe legacy does not permit it09:32
=== froud points to GNOME and KDE :-)
froudso how do you think we can get traction on this09:33
shaunma big problem I've faced with designing a new help system is that it must maintain backwards compatibility to both scrollkeeper and kde's help system09:33
froudI mean all the points discussed09:33
froud1. vendor drops 2. improvement on yelp09:34
shaunmoh hold on09:34
shaunmI just bit my tongue really hard09:34
plovs_workshaunm, where do you want to put the notes? some wiki-like backend?09:35
plovs_worki meant, froud off-course09:36
shaunmman, that really hurts09:36
froudno wiki09:36
froudwiki is messy09:36
plovs_workfroud, personal notes, or uploadable, and uploadable to where?09:37
=== plovs_work likes wiki
froudin client server?09:37
froudon the server with help loaded from server09:37
froudthat is in Remote X09:37
shaunmI wouldn't want to require net connectivity to use notes09:37
froudon local host under .notes09:38
froudor something09:38
shaunmif I'm on my laptop on an airplane, I should be able to write a little note to myself09:38
shaunmI should be able to write notes that are just *mine*09:38
froudused something like iFolder for sync09:38
shaunmI don't think notes should be pushed to others without an explicit action09:38
froudyes, that is like iFolder09:38
plovs_workand maybe uploadable to bugzilla so good notes don't get lost09:38
shaunmyes, totally09:39
froudyes eventual integration09:39
froudwhat about a web service09:39
froudpass notes as xml09:39
froudto web service09:39
shaunmwell, bugzilla talking is likely to come in 2.1209:39
froudbut web services can be added to bgz09:40
shaunmthey hopefully will be09:40
plovs_workshaunm, can/will yelp be able to show html?09:40
shaunmit's been talked about a lot09:40
shaunmplovs_work: it can09:41
froudof course the xml-instance trasmitted must be in a valid format for bgz09:41
froudplovs, it will09:41
shaunmalways has been able to09:41
shaunmexcept for about the last two weeks, because I accidentally broke it09:41
plovs_workshaunm, so we could write our docs in xml, convert it to html and then show it with yelp?09:41
shaunmbut it's fixed now09:41
shaunmyou won't get the fancy sidebar or some other niceties, but they'll display09:42
plovs_workshaunm, can I make a sidebar with css or tables?09:42
shaunmyou can put whatever you want into your html, within reason09:43
shaunmthe sidebar in yelp, though, is seperate from the page09:43
shaunmthere's really no way to get one of those for html files09:43
plovs_work:-) within reason sounds nice ...09:43
shaunmat the moment09:43
shaunm"within reason": frames are known not to work, and I make no guarantees about javascript09:44
shaunmit's a help program, not a web browser09:44
froudshaunm, xml > nwalsh htmlhelp > yelp09:44
froudJirka would love that :-)09:45
shaunmbig fan of htmlhelp?09:46
froudshaunm, the problem is that yelp is young09:46
froudbut not enough coders to work on it09:46
shaunmwell, it's really quite old09:46
shaunmI mean, except for the fact that the current yelp has almost nothing to do with the old yelp09:47
froudwe writers may have all the dreams, but we need coders09:47
shaunmand I'm pretty much the only regular yelp developer09:47
froudold yelp is dead09:47
froudthe way forward is with the new yelp09:47
shaunmYelp is dead!  Long live Yelp!09:47
plovs_workshaunm, i like the one in hoary, it is a lot nicer then the one in warty, better graphics, stuff lines up etc09:47
shaunmwhich one is in hoary?09:47
plovs_worki use warty here09:48
froudmay be 1009:48
shaunmyeah, I'm mostly pleased with the new formatting09:48
plovs_workjust a sec09:48
shaunmusing gecko has helped a lot09:48
shaunmI envy ubuntu09:49
froudgecko - a small lizard that loses it tail when it gets a fright09:49
froudso join us :-)09:49
shaunmyou guys have such an active and eager docs community09:49
shaunmthe gnome docs community kind of died, for various reasons09:49
froudreally that's why the docs are empty09:49
shaunmand I've been trying to pull it back together09:49
plovs_workshaunm, and it's not close to as active as we would like09:49
froudpoint is its new and we can do what we like09:50
plovs_workshaunm, but if you join us, we need to work on gnome docs as well :-)09:50
shaunmthe fedora docs community seemed to explode with interest at first09:50
froudshaunm, documentation is a go-to-market strategy09:50
plovs_workthe plus of ubuntu is that the docs-team is part of the developers group, more or less, we went to mataro as well for example09:50
froudmake a business case for writers and it will work09:50
shaunmbut then it turned out to be a bunch of geeks writing stuff like "Bastardizing your fedora system to behave like gentoo for your uber-leet pr0n server"09:51
plovs_workshaunm, we're a little older then that :-)09:51
=== plovs_work just *knows* his wife would kill him if he wrote something like that
shaunmas well she should09:52
=== froud thinks we need documentation bounties. Canonical R U LISTENING!!!
shaunmximian/novell set up a couple09:52
shaunmin their "gnome" bounties09:52
shaunmgod did that ever piss me off09:52
froudyes, :-)09:52
froudI work on SuSE09:53
shaunmthey were all evolution-related, and hardly my top priority for the gnome docs team09:53
froudmostly with Novell South Africa09:53
shaunmbut they were presented as if they were what the community wanted09:53
shaunmI mean, if Novell wants to put up money for stuff like that, that's cool.  I'm all for it.  But don't make it sound like it's coming from me.09:53
froudno that was not right09:54
frouddid you speak to them09:54
froudthey are a good bunch to work wit09:54
froudif not speak to Nat09:54
=== froud point to http://www.nat.org
plovs_workfroud, there *are* documentation bounties09:55
froudplovs_work, where?09:55
plovs_work50/50 up front and i'll tell ya!09:56
plovs_workok, ok, let me find it...09:56
froudon ubuntu?09:56
froudshare :-)09:56
froudthey are not here http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/bounties09:57
=== froud waits... the suspense is killing
froudshaunm, so you with us?09:58
froudgreat good to have you onboard09:58
froudnow we need to get you a commiter access09:58
froudanyting else you need?/09:58
=== froud cringes as he just made a total mess of a vendor drop
plovs_workhmm, no there was one more page09:59
froudplovs_work, I looked high and low on ubuntu, there are none10:00
plovs_workthere used to be though10:00
shaunmfroud: I did raise my objections, as did others.  Nat said it would be addressed, and it wasn't.10:01
froudplovs_work, Nah! not in my time10:01
froudshaunm, that figures10:01
shaunmwell, so far, I've gotten on bad terms with Red Hat's documentation team, Novell's documentation team, and Sun's documentation team.10:01
shaunm*especially* Sun's documentation team10:02
froudyes, I felt the sun one :-)10:02
froudall three have their problems10:03
froudI manage to work well with them,      but dont stick it out to far10:03
froudI may lose a limb:-)10:04
froudOK, I am back to work. I would like to see how we get traction on this discussion and how we get confirmation from shaunm to join us.:-)10:04
shaunmI can't commit to any distro, really.  I have my hands full with gnome.10:04
froudeven if it achieves GNOME goals?10:05
shaunmare you guys going to work on gnome docs?10:07
froudif we have GNOME vendor drop, which I am testing10:07
froudwe will push back to GNOME10:07
froudand some of us may, join GNOME DOCssssss10:07
shaunmright now, I'm both the yelp maintainer and the chief tech writer for gnome10:08
shaunmwhich is more than I can handle10:08
froudif we see that the app has no docs and will be in ubuntu10:08
froudshaunm, I am chief technical writer on comercial projects and a number of OSS ones. It's all to much sigh, sob, sob.10:09
=== froud puts his head on shaunm s' shoulder
froudOK, well let's stay in contact10:09
froudyou on the ubuntu docs list?10:09
plovs_workfroud, why don't you make a write-up of what we miss in yelp, what would make our life easier?10:10
froudplovs, I can10:10
plovs_workshaunm, fell free to drop by as often as you want, you'll notice we're the nicest doc-team in town :-)10:10
froudperhaps documentthe grand vision we have set before ourselves today :-)10:10
plovs_workfroud, :-)10:11
froudplovs_work, but would it help. I mean we need traction.10:11
froudI am trying to test evndor drops10:11
froudvendor drops10:11
froudwell trying to do it in a way that makes it easy for us10:12
=== froud wishes GNOME used SVN
froudMy poor hardisk is loaded 10:12
froudshaunm, I need a way to checkout just the docs10:13
frouddoing checkout of apps + docs is toooooooo much10:13
shaunmbah svn10:13
froudcareful I am having an affair with SVN at the moment. She is very nice to me10:14
=== shaunm fanboys arch
plovs_workshaunm, ok, now you've done it, now you've gotten on bad terms with Red Hat's documentation team, Novell's documentation team, and Sun's documentation team *and* the Ubuntu doc-team10:14
shaunmwell, so there's no single command you can do to get all the docs10:14
froudOK lets have a baz war10:14
shaunmbut the location of each doc is given on http://live.gnome.org/DocumentationProject/DocTable2.1010:14
shaunmplovs_work: yeah, I'm good at that10:15
shaunm*most* of the application docs are <module>/help10:15
shaunmbut not all10:15
shaunmif I had my way, all user documentation would always use <module>/help/<docname>10:15
=== froud thinks he needs to script this
shaunmoh, I have something for you then10:16
shaunmif I still have it10:16
=== froud looks on panting, pant, pant
froudplovs_work, do svn up and take a peek at the XSL I hacked to create the DocOwner/Maintainer Status Reports10:19
shaunmhmm, the listing is out of date10:19
froudplovs_work, test it on adminguide/adminguide.xml10:20
froudshaunm, that's why I am starting to automate the ubuntu one10:20
froudplovs, we need to run it on each doc10:20
froudnext step is to create the make file to do so10:21
froudthen enrico and mako can cron it and upload to some place that we can link to from Wiki [http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocteamStatus] 10:22
shaunmwell, anyway10:22
shaunmgrab doaproll.rdf and cvsup10:22
shaunmthe listing isn't perfectly up to date, but it's most of everything10:22
froudcool that will help10:23
shaunmoh, actually10:23
froudyou just saved me hours10:23
shaunmthat checks out everything10:23
shaunmat any rate, doaproll.rdf is machine-readable, so you should be able to do whatever you want with it10:23
shaunmand you'll have to install xml starlet to run that script10:23
shaunmwhich you should install anyway.  it's a godsend10:24
froudsend xml starlet url so I can learn more10:24
=== enrico_ [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudgot it10:25
shaunmit's the grep, sed, and awk of xml10:25
froudhoooo ha, the docteam r gonna luv this10:25
froudthat's a gem10:25
froudenrico, I see another wiki page comming10:26
shaunmI'm listed on the developers page, but I've never submitted a single line of code. :/10:26
froudsomebody loves you afterall :-)10:26
enricofroud: hey!10:26
enricofroud, shaum: have you been talking since I got out?10:26
froudenrico, do svn up and take a look in housekeep at the xsl10:26
=== enrico fears
shaunmwell, so I had been developing a similar tool and using it for my own stuff10:26
shaunmand I'd meant to package it up for others to use10:27
froudand so where is it10:27
froudgive it to us!10:27
shaunmthen this posted to the libxml2 list announcing xml starlet, and he was already much farther along than I was10:27
enricofroud: COOL!  The autostatus thing!10:27
froudenrico, the basic xsl yes10:28
shaunmso I threw my code away and wholly endorsed his10:28
froudnow need script to make the files uplaod ready10:28
shaunmoh, actually, looks like Mikhail has removed me from the developer list10:28
froudshaunm, fair enough10:28
froudenrico, you can test it on adminguide10:29
enricocool cool cool10:29
froudit makes a docbook article type10:29
froudyou can read it in yelp10:29
froudand can be transformed using nwalsh stylesheets to HTML10:30
enricodid you make a make target for it?10:30
froudthat's next10:30
frouddo you think it should be in the main makefile10:30
froudor have its own10:30
enricoI'd say main makefile.  Like a make status that creates a status article in build/ involving status from all documents10:32
=== froud has not done any large commits of late. Been closing the production on a new book just finished writing
froudenrico, ok, now you just need to get the authors to insert authorblurbs on items10:33
froudthen we need a script to remove them prior to version release10:33
plovs_workfroud, how does it work?10:33
enricofroud: me and you do it.  If plovs does it as well, then it's 100% of the committers at the moment :)10:34
enricoplovs_work: this is an easy and cool one: 10:34
=== enrico looks for a url
froudplovs_work,  xsltproc userguide/test.xml userguide/usersguide.xml10:35
froudthen transform that to html10:35
enricoplovs_work: http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/DocteamWork  (see "Marking what you do")10:35
froudplovs_work,  xsltproc userguide/test.html userguide/test.xml10:35
enricoplovs_work: you do that, and Sean's autocoolthing will generate a cool status page10:35
enricoplovs_work: minimum effort, maximum win10:36
froudenrico, its rough and basic but does the job. We can always improve10:36
enricofroud: I like it because it's simple and quite convenient to use10:37
froudyikes I must get back to work, production deadlines today. Gotta go to the printer and arts guy etc.10:37
enricofroud: wow!  Good work!10:37
froudshaunm, that's will be in touch. r u on the mailing list10:38
enricoplovs_work: did you see how it works?10:38
plovs_workjust trying, work is hectic today10:39
froudplovs_work,  dont forget you need to pass the stylesheet in the transform process10:40
plovs_workinstalling xsltproc again (clean hoary install)10:41
froudplovs_work, then cd housekeep10:42
froudxsltproc -o test.xml writeOwnerStatus.xsl ../adminguide/adminguide.xml10:42
froudthen do yelp test.xml10:43
=== plovs_work needs a faster computer
froudon the mainboard or between the keyboard and the seat?10:45
plovs_workbetween the keyboard and the seat is outdated, no more upgrades available10:45
froudok, so this needs to be run on each doc in the projects list10:46
plovs_workrunning quickguide10:46
froudI will out to base.dir build/status10:46
froudso plovs_work you just add authorblurbs to what you will be doing10:47
froudI'll take care of the make for this10:47
froudenrico, will take care of cronjob and upload10:47
enricoI will10:47
froudNext lady for a shave ?10:48
enricoWe can decide that everything in build/ will end up in http://people.ubuntulinux.org/~mako/docteam/ and whatever the alias is going to be10:48
froudok, goo10:49
froudso you want to use make dist and give tar.gz10:49
froudto mako10:49
froudmake dist outs to ubuntu-docs/10:50
froudI suggest we run make all10:50
froudand make status10:50
froudboth out to build/10:51
makoenrico, froud: hey there10:51
froudmako, speak of the devel10:51
makodevel too :)10:51
froudmako, svn up10:52
froudcheck xsl in housekeep10:52
froudcreates owner/status list10:52
froudas db xml article10:52
=== mako was *just* about to go to sleep :)
makoi'll check it out first thing tomorrow10:52
makoi took today off10:52
froudno time for sleep now dude10:52
enricomako: and read my mail :)10:52
froudwe're on a role10:52
makoenrico: i'm downloading mail right now10:53
froudOk and while you are at it we need coffee. Black two sugars fro me. thanks10:53
enricosimple proposal: if xltproc and all the rest are installed on people, you can cron the build and upload10:53
enricoto avoid us feeding you binary code, you make a snapshot of a makefile, and you copy it back after a svn update10:53
enricothis is it.  That'd be very simple for everyone10:54
makoenrico: are you guys distributing the xslt though?10:54
makothat's the problem10:54
enricoYou mean the docbook xslt?10:54
makoi've actually filed patches that fix security bugs in the debian *default* xslt db stylesheets10:54
mako(the slide stylesheets granted, but still)10:54
makothey were automatically downloadin, including and processing xslt from the web10:55
enricoWe distribute at least the xslt to create the stats10:55
makoxslt is a full language10:55
makoit's not just a matter of the makefile10:55
enricoI see.  Too bad.10:55
makoi mean, i'm happy to do it10:55
makobut i think we should ask elmo/'thom first10:56
makothey've been very very conservative in the past10:56
makothey've said no to me in the past a few times.. so i'm a little skepitical10:56
makothey talk about setting up some uml or chroot syste.. which would be perfect10:56
makobut it's not around....10:56
enricowell, we can always cron the download and extract of a tarball I generate10:57
makoyes, absolutely10:57
makoi was thinking about maybe building on a machine of my own even10:57
enricomako: about Elmo, it's 2 days I chase him for the svn migration thing10:57
makoor even better(!)10:57
enricohe told me he'd get back to me on tuesday, eh10:57
makono wait.. hmm10:57
=== enrico always has to chase people
makohe sends me messages like "mako!" and then doesn't reply for a day too10:58
=== froud waits for coffee
makosimple admin things are very easy to fix10:58
makousually super quick turnaround10:58
makobut "set up this new thing or make this decision about a new piece of software" are always kind of lower on the list it seems10:58
makoand i understand why this is, but it's quite annoying sometimes10:59
frouddudes, just move svn. forget the baz etc10:59
froudmako give me ssh access10:59
frouddone by tonight :-)10:59
=== froud will send the bill :-)
makofroud: nobody without a contract gets ssh access *period* inside the protected network10:59
=== froud puts on his miners hard hat
=== froud looks down the tunnel and switches on the head lamp
makoenrico: i'm gonna read your email and then go to sleep :)11:01
enricomako: ok.  Good night!11:01
froudme off 2. serious thi stime. read it in logs or better on the list11:01
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-141-101.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu-doc ["Leaving"]
=== plovs_work feeding-time
makoplovs_work: hey there! :)11:06
makoplovs_work: well. i'm off too but we can talk again soon11:06
plovs_workok :-)11:07
=== enrico upgrades his warty image to hoary
enricojust change sources.list and go?11:13
plovs_workenrico, dist-upgrade and lots of patience11:58
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-108-153.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== jiyuu0 [~jiyuu0@] has joined #ubuntu-doc
jiyuu0enrico, some girls registering http://www.livejournal.com/users/jiyuu0/22951.html01:21
jiyuu0today's recruitment... 35/80 girls01:22
enricojiyuu0: still quite a high average03:04
enricojiyuu0: it is to be seen how to go from that high average to have women hackers03:10
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== enrico [~enrico@enrico.developer.debian] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== froud [~sean@ndn-165-141-101.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
froudAfrican greetings06:38
froudtester wanted06:39
froudanyone up 06:39
Kinnisonwhat for?06:44
froudmake status06:45
frouddo svn up06:45
froudin trunk runmake status06:45
froudsee if it builds the status pages in build/status06:45
Kinnisonsvn url?06:45
froudthe docs url06:46
Kinnisonwhich is?06:46
=== Kinnison does svn co
Kinnisonwhat do i need to install to test?06:47
Kinnisonwell, I apparently have xsltproc already so that's a start06:48
Kinnisonit is sitting resolving stuff over and over06:48
Kinnisonand connecting to
froudyou dont have everything installed06:49
froudand catalog is not working06:49
=== Kinnison installs xt-catalog
frouddo you have the other parts installed06:50
Kinnisonthat is right isn't it?06:51
KinnisonI have xsltproc06:51
Kinnisonwhat else do I need?06:51
Kinnisonthat page wasn't very helpful06:51
froudyou need the dtd and xsl from docbook06:51
KinnisonI have docbook-xsl installed06:51
KinnisonThat still doesn't say exactly what packages I have to install06:52
Kinnisonfor a doc team; this is very poorly documented06:52
froudFor the hasty say it all, but you need the DTD and XSL06:52
=== Kinnison will say exactly once more... *WHAT PACKAGES SHOULD I INSTALL*
froudxsltproc should look for your catalof default in etc/xml/06:53
froudKinnison, xsltproc, docbook dtd and xsl06:53
froudyou most likely have GNU Make right?06:53
KinnisonE: Couldn't find package dtd06:54
froudI will say ONCE MORE install the Docbook DTD06:54
=== Kinnison gives up
Kinnisonif you can't tell me the package name then what am I supposed to do? guess?06:54
froudKinnison, r u working on docs?06:54
=== Kinnison merely offered to try and help you out
=== Kinnison is not a documentation person
froudOk will I dont know what they cal the package for Docbook on Ubuntu06:55
=== Kinnison spanks the docteam for not having this info written down anywhere obvious
froudwell its basic to doc people06:56
froudbut perhaps we should doc the install in wiki06:56
frouduse pin06:57
froudpin docbook06:57
Kinnison-bash: pin: command not found06:57
Kinnisonhttp://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/dbnotnx.mod appears to be one of the things I'm lacking06:57
froudHmmm, what a pitty now theres a gem tool06:57
froudthen there is something wrong with the docbook DTD isstall on your machine06:58
froudif no local docbook is found then it will default to the network06:58
froudif your connection is slow it may result in problems06:59
Kinnisonwell considering I've never done anything for it so far I assume I'm simply missing some package or something06:59
froudsearch for it in aptitude06:59
=== Kinnison fetches the contents file to look in that
froudHeh heh, nothing beats good old YaST07:01
Kinnisonwell apparently I have dbnotnx.mod version 4.3 installed07:02
Kinnisonbut it's not working07:02
Kinnisondo I need some kind of catalogue tool?07:02
froudthere should be a catalog in etc/xml/07:03
froudyour xsltproc should default to that07:03
Kinnisonit finds /usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/dtd/4.3/catalog.xml07:04
froudif its not wacked in the distro, it should Just Work07:04
Kinnisonand then it tries to stat() random http urls07:04
froudthat will do07:04
Kinnisonwhich is really freaky07:04
froudHmm the catalog should be using rewriteURI07:05
froudsomething is really wrong. you on Hoary?07:05
froudHmm we know it to work on warty07:06
KinnisonI must simply be missing some critical package I can't work out07:06
froudhold to get you the package07:07
froudshould be able to get want you need there07:09
KinnisonI have all the files on disk07:09
froudso what does it say is missing07:09
Kinnisonit doesn't say anything is missing07:10
Kinnisonit just goes to the 'net instead of reading off disc07:10
Kinnisoncan I tell xsltproc not to do that?07:10
froudok set -nonet07:10
KinnisonI'll try that and see what it says07:10
KinnisonI/O error : Attempt to load network entity http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd07:11
Kinnisonquickguide/quickguide.xml:8: warning: failed to load external entity "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd"07:11
Kinnison] >07:11
Kinnison  ^07:11
froudaftr -nonet07:12
Kinnisonwithout --nonet it works (slowly as it goes to the net)07:12
froudok let it run the problem is your catlogs are not working07:12
froudlet me find that piece you can export to the env07:13
=== Kinnison lets it run
Kinnisonit doesn't honour http_proxy which doesn't help07:13
froudexport XML_CATALOG_FILES to your env with the value /usr/share/xml/docbook/schema/dtd/4.3/catalog.xml07:14
Kinnisonseems faster07:15
froudSomething is strange on Ubuntu's setup of libxml207:15
Kinnisonokay; that runs to completion07:15
Kinnisonwith no errors07:16
Kinnison(make status)07:16
froudok cd build/status07:16
froudyou should have xml and html files07:16
Kinnisondsilvers@petitemort:~/dev-svn/ubuntu-doc/trunk/build/status$ ls07:16
Kinnisonfaq-report.html  qg-report.html  rn-report.html  ug-report.html07:16
Kinnisonfaq-report.xml   qg-report.xml   rn-report.xml   ug-report.xml07:16
Kinnisonthat's the lot07:16
froudok so it works07:16
Kinnisonso something is wrong with the catalog on my system but that's not the docteam's problem07:17
=== Kinnison hopes that was helpful to you
froudits the basis for doing automated status reporting on the doc projects07:17
froudvery thanks for your patience :-)07:17
Kinnisonno probs07:17
=== maskie [~maskie@196-30-109-38.uudial.uunet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== warthylog [~warthylog@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-doc
=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Doc Team - general discussion - backlog at http://irclog.workaround.org | This channel tries to follow the tradition of the #gnome-love channel on irc.gimp.net, all new comers and questions are welcomed, as long as you follow the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntulinux.org/community/conduct first.
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by sivang at Sat Jan 1 20:48:30 2005
=== kbrooks [~kyle@kbrooks.user] has joined #ubuntu-doc

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